The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, September 29, 1847, Image 2

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fro as the ivy to the oak, and lived Do long upon
, public pep, that be seems to think thatdeath; other
thanpoinical,May come without it. putileroce
fii;(wiwiiy believe in witiatioei ha. officer.
r * - but practically we have found that ebb only means
' wrolling mot of one OffaCe into another." Governor
, Shuck, fen thir4yearz, hashed his month at the
- treasury, , tut, and it is tizoo to have done with this
' unto! political pauperism. Far a proforma Dom.
ocrat thus continually, to thing bin:welt into the
public invioe, and fora professedly Democratic
_to support Ina preteuoiooa, only affords
stab:bates of how fibs pretentiolll 019 with such
sin u those whstztow hold office. It should be
• till:personal duty of every Elector to reprove each
and all the more when it presents it.
aelf in - the Persen, one who, like tlk. leech,
"Give' ‘!Giver , and that without audio.
dming the winter. • Thii a • matter that Mould ow farroets who ham a lamina
1T : 5 4 '
czoix Of the Weitem khatae are good, per.
zips Wilier prices than areal present ctrontd,they
3117 flinkthe result dieastrona If we are to judge
:in= eh* accounts published than .the anind of
!hi labe Entopoon steamers, 'there hes not been 10
abittidant a harvest lot nuntjyeus as the last one
in !nova All reliance,' therefore, npon Inciesand
paiaaln breadsties in a !reign trinket, would
assoita he futlls. • •
If the present crop be kept back for higher pd.
cm, or for Other' canny until the rivers end canals
ate ikeed,the - . market is anemercial cigar will
meads a tempting adieu* not Imam of for.
ektiletkand, but 'from home wanaumpUon, but
thiiiiithtkitTemegt to the &Mar. All grain hold.
ere hi thilikWah aid Wet will naturally meek the
advantage Mace of termed prices in the Spring,
mad the consequence will be Met. the minket will
• be %whited, and broaden& become a burden.—
N i ta" ne Mat the4brei.courao wMildbe to take
advantage of the few remehtleg weeks of =riga
!lon, eitil;ship. Off iipition of the =plus crop of
the ;Mime year. This course would prevent great
ihmtuation in the prices, end acme a tameable
vuotepin to the farmer._ .
.:.:':! - .,'1:` , .f.'.
i?'g . z . -;.; ; ;,.
,:-.. -No • xamerao.—The root of Friday lut 'iire'
i :aan se *lady as *wisp could read, that
slim Tititlaw of 1846 ores in °tenni= in the
' .immithe'iif .oMober , and November, lead, and
' quoted titelidote of Wool in them monthe,acifler
• Ihi law wort' Lotiiiperation,7 as it-said, to prone
tie the 'llimitad acing it.',. Iti the Space of •four
- ..4 1 7_, rheidl toi &menu bie_ /dander of time, kit
, Ltedead - ordademing it like e man,: he imam it
ilka in itfalrlitician. 'Wiliam poititedout a
~ .tikleii- r, of qsit Past; to eall.them by no
haralkai word, and though MUM Olken havelieen
: . gadipably*doeaud withal, ' and persooolly hiluti•
-•,Pie toett;rMilm and others, we ham amornonort
~-!'leldimet., .'.lt II 4fi tult, ete know:for a yincul num .
Pty ' ' tidos hbi_litiaonince or. his calumny
• li o l g i be hat been guilty_
an of either drama, but
so metb ung
, io dna tot charicter of onmninti
' , g o o that' Is inokedef whiehaffeeta a man's
lidatkete ME Crigeof mad to hisfellow mem. We"
: ,, sh o p r ik t a g ,rly now M. tho repeated in.
. ginned= ' spinet Mn.: Outten,: Wady ( hu lle d
-. with loaanty, and yet:the Pate! refuteseither to
. ;.:kalliald ix to mob goad what lreaid..
:f•'.lt-i , ;;.A.7:;.:f4,: . :; ,
hipst maid aMlialee dverieen in De.
,0014WIDdei the Aiming MedibitAbismovr.
'44 . 1 6 41*; qrs-eur that a sisailar tea
IFAIMIX"P b 4 1 * •
- •
- V; , lh6Tf"
ERAsrus ;moms a*. w• ,_f
. .
1 3.611 RT X .111 ab
Is per annaegilutTri-Walkly is nye Dollars rier
wasom; the iTeclOy is Two Do4assper aunsio Attica/
. •er Advetnateatenta, to eeenre women, should be
Itlietted .114 Are Weleek In Oa afternoon. Auenuon
taloyentb,o pan of ota customers, would be prattle
(Woof moodbenefit.
• . hoz (MAIM •
GEORGE DARSIE of Allegbry gay.
. LEWIS C. 3-NOBLY., of IndiakaTp.
LIIRISTIRN NiiiELY. of Wilkmo To. •
.HENRY. LARGE, of. Tp.
Woo Corny sorAsonic •
„ • 1. W. BAXTER, of Pnot4rth. ,
• • roicausn o:ariessments.
THOMAS PERKINS, of Lower BL Celt Tin •
WILLIARLCAVEN. of Versailles Tp.
. ,
. .
' ''THOMAS E PRANKLIN. Lancaster Ctiy.
,-- • - JOHN-0- KUNKEL.Dnaph:n County.
.10014A8 C tIAMDLY,YOIk.
WILLIAM M WAITS, Cumberland.
JOttN:P WETHERlLLPhiladelphiiiCity.
- . JOSEPH R CHANDLER,. •• • • •
' 44 THOMAS MeGRATIL PhiladelphistContl.'
ROBERT M BARD . , Fistakfin. • I
THOMAS M T•I4ItENNAN, Washington.
ANDREW ,1 OGLE, Soratrlnt.
HARMAR DENNY, Allegheny.
JOSEPILT4 KUHNS, Westmoreland.
433 DALL,Erie.
JUD MAXWELL, Nonharoptort:
J 3/ SALISBURY, Susquehanna.
nexav 8 EVANS, Chester. 4 •
- *WERT 7, flzrs, Mo.trumr. •
Fins:kraal. Comma . ' read Intellsge
Der, DOllltllle Mar
al Mssal Master, IC., 'sap
- .C.A.Ssarsiniztli Psi
Fs for RlLlactllemous Nevis.
pre Pactiesca "anian..—The whip of Penn•
tease lain their power, if each man does
!nth fa Peeing the election of hymn and Pat,
tonby a majority of 10,000 votes. The only der
'pait Wilma confidence in the mutt, too much
yupetty, , or that indifference lit the end to be
vthirSat a moment hie the present wo Jo
not harm any man can feel. The Whigs mire
. .
Power, their eandklate for Canal Commissioner,
majority of 8,899. Subsequent mots ham
"cositribuiid tp , kicre - this hand?oine triumph on
the peer of; Teoot;. he shameless attempt
of. the fitrneral (Jam:anent to Interfere in the
ttf the; State, it nothing elm, should arouse
the enemies of the Whigs. State pride sold State
. .
, . .
t i
. , panciplidentands that the °Surto ere atMob
. " kustou Rhumb! be rebuked, while a hotne, both in
.. the characterof our own candid& and the mall
daises of our opponents, we har(perety reason to
deism and expect success. Whigs of Peonsyte
-7 , .vaiga; to your hen& are 'committed the destinies
of the State. You can triumph if you : will ao to
,-- do, end to say you would not when you could, is
-_. a libel upm your honest es4earora faithfully to
e e . worm awl State, and to place in the Councili those
, '
_who hare MA; public treaty most at heart.
• pasyszAnzon.The leading Loco Focos in
Pannsileania are terribly alarmed at the, prospect
otdafeat 'which wails theit on every hand. Mpieir
'State Cenical Committee have issued no less than
five addreares within' am manjweelon and they am
=gag arrangentents to issue Secret Circulars all
' the State on the eve of the election.
- We how of a great dell of intrigue going on
Wirenti the Low Focus Of the State, to severe sue
case at the election on the =tit -proximo. We
Lave maned our friends seasonably of the Gov
. gempail interference, and of some of the designed
plans of operation. \ It becomes the Whigs of
- Piwnsylvania not to be found sleeping upon their
.. posta. The dominant party have a desperate game
to play;inal they an phiying it like desperate men
ii they are. Mr. Shank knows that his fortunes
an suspended as by a hair. Hi has clang to
Tzi CUPS 41r1) ioo bianwrs.—The OCILSO
for kipping grain to tho Loot win soon be over.
gat s law week", and the Lakea, canals and river"
. boelosed, and all 'unable means for sending
the glut staples ; ot: do Nest to market cut off
*), nither.rnom than an.a;crage, and certainty a
int d4l MOM than an &ITrap of Com. If on;
'bllklertillkebolding back for the purport of rah'
'and In** hi
wairsoim 41. aboiginge•
_s *`-
rawona,,t. us mown
ToileAu er , otratetett acccrue,
rtl a I st* am* did maim 'dohs. caw ,
caw* Wades& etwiatto seisiatiai was Dot a
'Mlle Ix maw s . ,Tlw knowin g is his h".
"Men - who hue bin superfielelly angled the
history of the United States ere seetinotned to
speak of this du se the uniumuy dour emu.
eipation from bandies, and vague ideas of elude&
guest of all things, celled liberty, are &tidied to
the sexy name of our national Independence. But
the *pie of the; United Metes were non: in a
#ate of bondage_ The Wir of the:evolution was
not a warier literty. Op the eontnuy it , wu
only' etroulain inn io determine whether the
two grest - sutrdisidons nets British nee—one
inhibiting Europe end the other Amelia; end
both equally fore, should continue to. eonoltote
one single empire, or whether they shoal be to
=aimed eepsnuely into two Independent . em.
Pins , " •
No sooner le this published than Frey whipper
mapper editor in the country, who have,"
u Mr. Cashing says, esisiawficiagy efeseirid - our
history,"; Tidied an /stay against the learned
speaker. Yet, al) Verf Tuition was dimmed
between penmen Washington and Nicosia: Ades,
the trcutbleio' nonrepresentative of the Freneh Ifs
Public, as, / male iofiei u.
al who Complained that thou:induct of she United
,States In not declaring wafagalnet Great Britain,
because; her. ship. Impressed American seamen,
was a wrong done to Franca. The same individ.
cal who also made a scriont complaint that moms
Penton printed an almanac, in what, In theater
of foreign mirdatent; Meat Britain and Spain were
placed before the French Republic. Mr.
ing informed him that Ameticaniall arranged their
almanacs as they pleased, and added that another
minter Boston placed the French Minister that.
On New You's Day, 1796, Mr:.Adet presented
the flag of the French Republic to Wastdngtoct,
and made an address, in which he used langusge
importing that in our revolution France had aid.
el the Colonics in - acquiring likely:
Washington seemed indignant at the suggestion
that Americus had not enjoyed liberty before
1775, and made that celebrated reply, replete with
the dignity, of the office and the man, and which
in emphatic abruptness was equalled only in the
renowned exordium of the speedier Cicero against
Cataline. That great sod glorious man could not
restrain himself to make an elaborate refutation of
the charge against the pat:bite of America, but
began his reply in the following lampragm
, Barn. sir, in a land of liberty: haring early
learned its value; having engaged in a perilous
conflict to defend it; having, in ,a word, devoted
the beat years of my life to secure its permanent
establishment in my country," &a.
Here there is • most emphatic contradiction of
Mr. Adet'a derivation, that France had sided the
United States in ssequiring liberty." He was
in • land of librdh" and entered into the
revolution, not to acquire liberty, but to defend it.
It is but err act of sheer justice' to the palliate
of our revolution, t3'COlTeet an error so prevalent
. among the mass of our people. Again and again,.
op shoat to the declaration of Independencw,,-it
was &clued, in petitions to the King, in . the pro.'
needing, of Got:weft 'acir of that. Legislatures,
that • return to the Agent things which existed
before the tegan, was all that wattle
Washington, in a letter to Captain Mackenzie,
in October, 1774, A:premed this opinion, and
pealed it twenty-two years after, in hie reply to
Mcmaieur Atha. John. Penn, when examined as
a witness before Parliament, gin a dialler anti
ment. Jaime Madison,
In a letter written In Jan.
eery, 1828, states his opinion, that at the begin.
fling of the straggle and for 1110611041D0 alter, the
desire of the warmly was a nmstabligamaent of
colonial relations as they alined berms the con
troversy began. The Cokades, no change, no in•
monition. The attempt to tax them was a new
piece of legislation—en attempt to impose taxis
upon a people note represented. The war of the
revolution wu resistance to a new data of things,
not an attempt to throw off the aid colonial rota:.
bons, 1
Now Jaws:—Tha Whip of New Jersey,
ior State Gummi* adopted the following rm.
Intionswhieh embody the Whig sentiment* of
the country.
&inked, That the people of New Jersey are
as much in War of the Whig Tuff of 1842 as
ever, that the temporary foreign &natal for ow
breadstuff' caused by the European famine has
never deceived bS that there is no permanent
market for the produce of oar farmera but the
hone market; and that time will sox demonstrate
again. as it has often done before, the neatwity of
tha. Whig Traijr-poruy. .
Resolved, Tnat all we s s's of the appalls par
in respect to the 'nail .$ this, that they will
always honestly confess it oppoition to lit Nod
never herrafte-r seam as lb ay - did falsely in 1941,
that they ero the Tariff party and the Wbigiftre
3ktentazis.--The INtligs of Michigan In like
manner bane pat forth the following as their Geed.
It is a noble one and inch as ought to be ern
blazoned upon every Whit Standard in the noun.
UP • s
ht. We recognise the principles of political
liberty and clualay let forth in the Declaration of
AMerican Independaice. We elands the doc
trine that' the rightof selflownsunatt is the hap
pinta of the whole people —= and that human lib.
era la too saved a thing to become subject to the
laws of property. whereby man may buy and sell
and teem in the blood end sinews of his fallow
2d. While we awe& the right of each of the
independent States of the Union to legislate with
regard to its own peculiar institetietua end are
willing 10 abide by the coupon:Lim of dui Con;
stitation on the subject of Slavery, we are oppos..
ed to the farther extension of this institutke omr
the territory of the United States; and we will by
oil constitutional means, resist the introits:tics of
Slavery into sny territory now or hereafter to be
acquired by the United States by - conquest, per.
clime or attends,. A free people in their march
of conquest and acquisition besting tits seeds of
Slavery; end planting domestic and social Bar
tiles wherever its flag ii unfurled, would exhibit
a spectacle over which Tyranny might' wall re
, joiee, as famishing unanswerable evidence of the
hypoaisy of Itepablics. -
3d. We Cherish the Crtrutitution of the United
States; and we priclaint our continued oppontion
to, and abhorrence of, the numerous and danger.
one inroads which hare been made upon that •••
coed instrument by a series of =mune which
hare reached iri the annexation of Teiss to the
Unit/diatoms, and involved the country. by the
unconstitutionel ad of its Chief Magistrate, In •
blircily and expensive war.
4th While we believe
the present war with
Mexico to be the Kra of the nneoturitutional
action of the Executive, and dud it might with
canny prudence and itatamauahlp hare been
avoided, we are in favor of placing In the hands of
our Government mat means es are necersuy to
the, corwinaion of a jolt and honoreNapesaw and
we rejoice that it has illustrated the minim!,
Mowers of our country bydeedeof noble daring,
and exhlbltioni of brawny, Who& and skill,
which have crowned the oaken and ma ensu
ed la it with iinpariabable renown:
sth: We are In favor of protecting American
Industry by the imposition of dlecrimbiating do
ting upon the productiosof foreign labor imported
into this ioantly, and the creation of shows mar
ket for the products of dgricultutOY protadisa
and encouraging ihntwitic wmaufactuere—being
mended ihat the Waxed, alike of producer and
coon= ara best • proinoted Iv exchanges that
take place maul the place, of • production and
that foreign jrkete . can never, except la ca of
fainine or eitramdinery 'card% flank& a profit
able outlet for the egrfindtural etaplee of the
galn•gowtog States of the Unke.
klowkcavarra—The Loa Rim are wk.
lag to mode the in:pertain isms put kWh In the
above rembetimui
-tithe arrant ilmcokeo Carreation In Maws.
chalets, (after beusral Cubing and Mr Cub.
.wau, both Japed Whip, had beau nominated for
(iovintor and Lint Govsneor,)3lr Aroma Web
tar of North Brookfield Ja reported to have mb.
witted the following nwolutiom
Resolyed, That the principles _Cif • wend
sad fromisterit democracy demand of the dwa.
wake party a firm and unwavering resistance
to soy further exteusiori of Amery he the tent.
tory hereafter acquired by theynited States. ,
This fterolutlou we hid upon the tibial; the
,waillraowu Mi Milieu ramobbig that it will ha
time. enough to agitate the edict when - adrir
Rena terr a / a y stall hare ban arguired•
-This is ths . Southern isms 'of lho WaYitoro .
4 Doogii fate urn:tanker to do glut dht wok
of their
Nays ibmirrras.—Kr P.M./Mu titbit city,
hat midi a highly taipottvit ifinoviry. It it a
mtlPoollite, adopt, Algid, with whkft
mikes Apia tai jot floodag—a 16111061
Male. beinit state .r mod mars beautilal, mad
fall fifty waist agape, Ha haapado a die.
gayety la the proems
.tW etitorios,V, which for
aloe 'tin teak to panda "ararray ;wig,
of tar, whiff farms pal of ibiisitoo, sad ow
=fail* aradicalod. ar kattlogt
' Vtoin.-4tai - seam 'Wall
aware of the 'unhappy relations - existing I4'thl
dxutti7;ll3ll of the bog amthice4 Biotin&by.•
Fiance nod &glued. Mr., Han* our Charge
d0,,M5/M hu - llneutly Ptalintal elPhtelt: this
blockade rut unjust to neittrale. • We pee an ex
tinct of . the latter of our 'whiner, and of the reply
let Lord Hamden, the / , , , Lathassike- of England. -
Mr.Hanie nye • ' -• '
glen I must be permitted te &doe it as my
opinion, that tie Gosannicra of the• United
ment could list aandion for a amen/. the es
tabfishf any irmenmiente or colonies, as
patios( annmunitscs, in any of theprovinees of
the Plat; by any Envoi:an Government. And,
without pertniumg
,royaelf even to indicate what
line of cmiduct my government would pursue In
each apont/agency, I may safely denim that it
could Dnos. ot kook upon it with approbatke what&
; do, theeefore, in the name of my government,
and for the preservation and sustentalon of great
principle, which It Eltilltina hold laced, mod
respectful]; but solemnly. prdsst against the far
ther pontintranee of the present blockade.'
Lord H., in replying, disavows any nth de
tention on the part of Government.
We are glad to melt this new piece of atilo
phobia put to rest. It will, however break ou
MR at woe public day r.
You say that im9icioris bare been entertained
that either of the two governieents, Ursa Britain
and France °rune of them, may harbor immix].
terror designs inimical to the Independence of the
States In the neighborhood of the River Phu.—
I cannot allow such an accusation, though. I re•
juice tosay.not madeby youroelf, to bepist_iien
the abape of a rumor', Without utterly disclaiming
it on the part of My government, and declaring
unhesitatingly in its name, In the fullest and most
unreserved meaner, that it neither ever had iiihu
the remotest ides, wish or design, against the per.
Litt independence Of both the Argentine Coofede
ration and the Republic of the Uruguay, and then
entire enjoyment of all the privileges, rights, and
Immunities belonging to indepetidant nations.
The U.S. tramped attrauter klusachusetts, ar.
rived at New Yoik ea Saturday monatrig from
Vera Cruz, which place she left on the sth in.
itant. •
The gamer Mc Kim ins BO waiting at Yin
Crux for deopstottes from the city of Mexico, en.
wanting the result of the pets negotiation.
The royal mail steamer Teske arrived at No
vena on the sth inst., from Vera Cnn with $ 11 5,-
500 is specie, with kbout 20 passengers. . ; Her ac
counts from the chi of Mexico, are to the 20th of
Armpit. We havellooked through the eccounis
published in the He aria papers of the actions of
Contreras, &c., but We rind dierein but little, or
rather nothing which is new to us.
The Diana remarks: "We do not think it im
probable that the Coition...bum, will bring their
labors to a mucesatul conclusion, and that for
the ratification of their wink, and to supply. in
• measure; the absence. of Coupon, that an
assocably of notables will be formed in Mexico.
At 16 arm time we foresee, by the general
tenor of the correspondence from Maxim, that
the end of hi - entitling has not yet arrived, and
find tosuradly the-treaty which may be conch •
fled will not terminate them."
?sox Bassoa—A letter reeebied at New Or
4earu dated from Brute; on the 3cl inst, states that
t hers is not a venal at that place adapted to the
transportation of troops to Vera Cr= The
troops are encamped on a burin-damn of ban
log and exposed to alternate dm/rainy and
searelnap whilst awaiting the arrival of transports.
The archer thinks this 'wormy propane the troops
far the graveyards of Vera Cruz.
Ytca Pisan:ire Dsuis having visited the
round of hivuelstions," and =wined the people
from the Ohio to the Delaware, his settled dewn
tem more in his own domicil, preps:a/my to re.
suming hii labors at Washington. We wonder,
what mums be the reflections of the man who
could thus prostitute a high MTh* to the !meat
Pang purposes,—who could fakir; history to
.sersa a part),—rob • distant Commanding Gene
ral of his laurels to screen himself and the Presb
dent from a gross violation of Constitutional right,
decline that to be true of an exiatiog law which
the record showed to be Abe and withal shield
the object of his visit babbled the mut of a .visit
to his relations."
Mr. Dallas, in like manner. could ay in 1544,
that Mr. Polk was the friend of the tariff of 1842,
end all the time knowing bean, or knowing
nothing of the fait of which he maned to be
well informed. -
EoTATz rr tuctinrier.—One of the
late Cincinnati papers states that Real Estate imn.
not be prircluaed within a mile and • ball of the
batman piston of the city, for les than twenty
dolhoz per foot. In close proximity to the bag.
nese portion it ranges from forty to fitly - dolls:spar
foot foam. Tido is certainly a great aeon,* in
the price of Real Estate within the last tines
On inquiry we find that prices num even higte
a than this for property:war the businesiportions
of Pittsburgh. As high u seeenty•five and one
huldmd dollaisper foot with the allowance
hackie= be realized fat new lot; rendered on
by the great fire of 1845.
Tazzesassac News.—The receipts on the
Boston line for three unedhs, ending September
hate exceeded the expenditures to en amount
"pal to 12 per cent. per annum upon the capitaL
Mr. CORA has purchmed the Telegraphic
right.:geray from Troy biliontroal, end - that the
line Mill be in operation within limy days. It runs
rig Bennington, Rutland, yargennes, St. Alberti,
St. Johns, it Candi, end Montreal.
Caul.t.--The Havana Papas contain owe
from Upraise to the nth Jay. The Chilton
Cosmos commenced WI Imam on the Ist June. 'I
The Presidia's 'lneasge alludes to the war be.
tween the United States and 141IIICA NI • subject
of profound revet. A bill had peeled Courses
to construct a railroad from Santiago to Valparai
so, The olatowY was tauigull, end the proceed.
lop of the National Legislature armed nothing
of. special Internet
The Contractors for machint4 of the peat
war steameruuthorteed to be built at Goolcut ;le
vy Yar& have Fecund • lila,* that place 'for
meeting a permanent foundry Cod cturespornimg
works kr that and other object& General Huff
Green, of Washhnitoa city; and (hailing:eight,
Cole Jame Camerae, (brother to the IL 8. Iletta.
tor Cameron ' ) end H. Hatelfsi, Eaq, of Pam'
sylvan* ire the principle in the enterprise. 1
Wes. H. Pax, not lilting diplomacy, prebnved
top Into the army, if he mild pt but a g cod
and theretyr
was most hat ern. He bed milt to
ally rutted, by mir , sek the gown an,
the favo
king him a full Major.
'Comment. John R. Vinton, one of the
'..gallant and whist:gam to the *mice. wee t •
Major, by barrel, when, alter twenty yearn' ,
he All in the trenches of Vera Cruz !
gym by favor r Art
Perna Mszezw.—The A:4ll4in extract, ye
the Albany Evening Journal, is from a letter
corned bY a gentlemen In
this city, firma er Ma th ew, by the lard liCIIII41:
'We ere, thank God, In common with y
conotty,citeered by the prospect of an t
barna, end though poiretty gill broods oar
IEO4 country, thanks to your migniftdent ;re
-of kid and mosey, compete plenty &Mem
the toiling hthorer's cottage. PuraMprlng.ld
permitting, I shell proceed to yogi &done .
public, to ere expression In lemon to the
tub 'that walk toy bonze
TAIL Orancsauz--No. wonder our ofncest: h l . In
Mexico stand so high In Valk *dam
Scott le ow' cis feet four. Gene Worth 4d
- Twimp, Cols. Harney end lifey, end Major La ll y,
are an six La or upward, , and like Prank 11
er Yerellproportlowed. Col DoolPhist steads
fait term and so far es elands is concensed,
poet Capt. Pike, might pase fee his twin brother:
ity , fen emirates, dew yertildloom renteM"
A yam bdy wee hand 'dead In her bid, itt
Howe; own Cam; not long aines—bar death wir
her ocemitead by sleeping ha tight step to proworm '
Bar. Aistio Willey was cowhlded in the striate
of Hellowell, Mains, oa Monday by ?ma nn
Glazier, a citizen of that town, In repayment id
Ten alleged indignity upon a little daughter of He
Cileder by the retread gamleman.
The Owed* odeitoosale Wu stoned to ming
irst ion to L tottpoot. Th. box otSe• woo
gond ix di Bide of tidal and the cliatibutlon
plittittbou tbon Weis koullil rub. No Its,
that al9OO wir mixed In a ivy boom
Itaisiarkwiww was rolawl,
laask," ha the'bp*ood sillagids, of bike.
thre 1100.11t9it of Ibliwatry was kt
Voile Nei air war t - . _
. .
. .
. .
Tie Ant ,nr Itnism—The seasolk of
rhino` hey put. Life, Mail and adiiit7 bar
spin &aimed their ewayi and annit trim
time/mitt& city, • spit of active ante:prig
and Minns wen to precede all cream Mara
'chants era meshing their fall anpplias,—)tertian.
to are hum in packing and ,hipping to the West
their fibricallons—Corensp dealers L ars making
their Fall and Winter purchases—the drity ; ten
are ail koasytfrpirharyes are minted with de
. ..,Bteamboats newly painted and repelled are aF
tinily engage/ in; receisinefteights, and
evidence exhilittid of commercial and
4 One an scare4Tealice that change, A low
days mincer, sad' our wham were desolate,
freights high; Minos contracted, the stunt de.
awned, and diagnose reigned napalm ftravi•
dens hao given as rain,—the waters have swot.
lear-freighte 'have dectinearhusiness has be.
come active, and joy and gladness beams in every
erre COCICILS.—The report of the Committee .
in naation to removing the Turnpike Cate in the
Seventh Ward beyond the city limite; and bur
log the road within the city — in repair, passed the .
Common Council. A similar resolution in role.
Lion to Coal Hill Turnpike, alto pared.
An 'ordinance pealed the Select Council endue,
izing the construction of a new water basin in the
Seventh Ward, to supply that portion of the city
above the level of the present twins.
A special meeting of the Councils war 'fined
for Mooney evening next, to act upon the grade of
Fifth street.
Harriron es Sofeit—.l tuna Snow, when the
Plaintiff in ajudgment Forehand at Shining's!.
the land levied on, tinder en aneennat with
defendant, Io Permit It, redemption, and such
plaintiff subsequently issued an aim execution,
end levied on other property, the applicalicsiof the
defendant should not hue been to open eke jade.
meat and make defence, but to set aside the alias
6. fa and stay proceedings. Upon making proof
of such a can, the Cann should Interfere, and
any the execution on equitable tame, requiring
the plaintiff to sauna!, &e.., according to agree'
meat, and to tender • conveyance before farther
proceeding. Under inch a cue, or lane thereon,'
it is not competent to toy the title to the land._
This may be done, however, in an ejectment by
the purchaarat Sheriff'e sale, aphiatthe defect•
dent, who, in an ordinary use, could not set up ti. ,
tie in himself, but might in thia ou an allegation of
trend, ice., seek the specific execution of a viola
ted agreement. The Manta of fiends in such can,
would not avail the plaintiff, ',theism might to
its effect in an action for the land. If on trial,
the jury should find such an agreement, their ver
dict shotdd be for the defeadint, and no men, at,
though the tihdritifPajodgmant shealed be unpaid.
-The only question le, whether plaintiff is entitled
to further execution, which he would not be, if
the defendant =Sala his allegations.
Doullidt vs rIP Uwe—Cour Joann Chaster.
The cue reported 3d Bari, 446, benison the
same parties (for the same too which plataiff be. -
low brotight a second action, without taking pas.
seri= under the first verdict) reviewed and af
firms& The doctiiin of Equitable Estoppel will
not apply to the silence of a woman while fame.
covert, especially when she wee ignorant of the
title wash to be swopped.
au=Navigation Company vs. Come—
Gismos: The constitutionality
of the ,act of tho 25th of April, 1314, - requiring
the said Company to make amends for land. over•
flowed by their worts, du, was sustained on
the ground that the ouppiementary act of inexpo.
ration by which the Company's privileges, power
and profits were greetlyinereased, ice„ which was
accepted by them, mend to the Legislature the
prising of altering. amending, eke., the original
Charter under which reservation the above act
Was pawed. '
Wilkinson's Aseignee of McCoy vc TlieFar.
mos ¢ Reedanka' Turnpike Road Company—
Juno, Roam: An imolai= debtor, by wham
waiviee this salon was brought *jackal a. a wit-
DAS, becaum
Ist He was directly interested in the. whole
nbjeed matter in controversy, eapecially the our.
line, and the cue of the *raid depended no hie
tatimany—having failed without it: W. That
the release by the creditam was not sago= by all
—end be was offered to swear up a fund to pay
them, and they relieve his imam asquivitican 3d.
That an andgenneett of a cause of saun a in an.
tinipation of a amtroveray respectful it, made by
a leg a l or equitable owner thereof, whether Apr.
ty to the record or not, fora nandaustioa reel or
fictitious, with a view to utta[4 such owner to be
a witness to sustain the action, mill not be cow.
petent. (The above important pointer urre anted
after two arguments by Dunlop, Diddle and Mc.
Candle:a for Fluffs, and Craft and Forward for
Deka:slat sy .
Sturgeonvs Ely—Chief Juniata Glibeni - : A
duies in thme warns. uhly wife can lease
the whole or any part of die said Ads to adorn.
tape for Am =Mt
. .'t'a./th•m, or sell the buildings
sad keep the ground on ground rent," did not
untiarize the wife to convey the eame incut far
money, and partly for a [afar= rant. A died of
family settlement nicognining the wifit's comp •
am* as above stated, will bind the husbands of
the female heirs, who alined it, bin not the Use.
or children of said hubanda
Haley's Administrators ea Haffey, Jr.—Judae
Burnside A recognizance taken In an action of
patina, in the Common Plea.. awditioned to pay
the widow the interest of one third of the valua
tion albs land of an Intestate, was etialsinwe on
the ground &the soquiesenes by the putter, end
Likud could not be reversed eollatetally, said
Court haring jurisdiction of the subject tnalter.s—
d%judgment on the special sordid below, enter.
r the penalty, with lane to plaintiff to 'lake
out execution be the introwt, mediand by the Ba.
prime Court, no that the amount of the printipal
should be levied and collected and paid Drat to the
Orphan's Cow, who shall invest the same, and
direct the interest to be paid over (or the oes - of
the widow, or if she be again covert, Neut. bar
Internee thersith—Posl.
Andrea. Walken ra John Barr. Error to the
District, of Allegheny county. Judge Burtarida de.
limed the opinion oldie Court s aiming - the
Judgment of the Court below.
John H. mattocks, et al, vs Hones Callum dal.
Error to the Court of Common Plan of Crawford
county. Mined by Donitkooo mad Riddle (or'
Brimi s
mot, FrunrUy and' OilbroJlh for •lifts in
Is the tuna of the Perlitiou of th e um. of
Daniel Eels, appeal from the dense of the Or.
phase Cotut of Crawford county. Argued by
Derrickaspp:o sod Riddle for aPPelleate, Mr. Fami-
ly for ellee.
Chairs Hollister ea Pen, 0; Ifollistero49cal
from tits decree of the Court of C 01221100 nese
of Vertengo county. Argued by Howe and pear.
Boa for • • t sad Rid& for
A Cour—Tho Roo. Naiad Vion, of Masi.
ha. born collod. by so unsoiosous rote Oita
=Man" to lob ohne of dm Fifth Prooby ,
twin Church, in Plustoirift.—Allog.
thrraws,--On the swum "Herd I Ma; at
Neer Orleans, dining Ito law trip, the deaths from
Yellow firm wcrethirty•three, including thief:hp.
A bag containing ENO in other was stolen
from the cu of Adams' swan, re board the War
man, from Rowan to New rut, on Tuesday
night. A man, it appears, wu seen to paw on:
the bout with a heavy bundle under his M r which
la "appalled to ham ham the stolaa money. =
September 60-ccorntras ar sm.
Political Deception-Another Pam Rumor-
Muskingum Annual Cadmus -Rail Road
Meeting-The Achttal of Dann -An Article in
reply to the Post-The Official &emit of ths
Eicaticultwal Exhibitkm-hapreas Court-Brief
Chaps" on ! , Old Federalhms-tares BMck-
Feansyleanla Rablioad-The Smola" Prseentas
tree-The Statate-Nuid-Front the Fronhar-
Imam from &Etta Fe - Fire-Drowned-Oar Rem
dation, Whai ha object-The Cropi and the Mar
kato-No Dodglng-Abotract of thi Dead= in
the Capra= Colut-Polltical-Frap eg t. Ahead
~.-Extract of on Agricultural Addreaa-Th e Tan
f-Prices d Wool, fkm....m agn ition-The Fes.
Ural of Fruha and Fkum-.Alleghuly Minty
I-CoL Fmmant--Alfsha on the Wino= Frou
tiarDanks In New York-Show your Thad,
I -, The Untimho of ths Tice, Prandren-Foreign
News -George Dunn Liberated, and the Opinion
of the Court - Sketch albs Ufa of lames Knox
Polk-Foreign Fashions 6:n SOPtelaber...EUMPe•
On Fiallanoteply to the Pod-The •AiVar
Utast TeftmObbs news, Farago and Domestic. .
: co mm agi ar t. metal outfitted - Review of
the MMus for the put Wllak...n• plie..av in
load city isairkete—The Ca' ttlaiduket—The p_re..
of Amadeu ?redoes is wioui puts of th e Ualoo
, —Amoutit •of Flow, Wheat, Corn &0., 'wafted
!Inecthe oPasiall of the C Ol4 -. o loal Woo, and
aremeata-of producii—Market le Loudon. -:
City News—:putt of thePtdoe—Cylou k:itncts
min the &oiling jamas ea th e lotweatiog topics i k e r= at the dui, sib or In. wrapcm.' .
hies 6 cads aingla copy. .
ffenntiffiona DM ddlara a yest 14 iiiirusee.
, -;.•-•tr,...".- ; .
Y = ElGHtcl!EdGiipii.
GIMIPPieRee or 6 . P otOettik Somme -
Priltll7llol, Sept St. 5 r.
The Telegraph lino frice Wish/neon &:mth.
haa again nomad operatioas. • •
No mail bee been noised South of Au'
coda, Oa., but PaMousera, Area from Now Or.
lerom, date that co.mwi from the army bad been
mailed at that place priorito their departure .
Exclaim Cerresteedeeee et tlei Fleabane Gant*.
Paturnamara, Sept, 29, 9 N.
Flour—Waste= brands are held at Ant but
fermi hold off. . •
Com Meal le held at lt3 per bbl with no solar
Grain is morally held at pricesalterre the views
of parchment.
Oats—Sales dt 41e per ha.
Cotton has ditelinedAt In the pound sines my
last talerraphic despatch.
OfoCeliel and pro an without chants in
this market. •
Exclusive Correspeudscus of the F'lttsbargh Ensue
Baltimore, Sept. 28,6 P. n.
Flow—We quote sake this morning of about
bOO low
'Howard sales
brands at 111 . 5,50 per bbL
Bales of 700 bbla pity Mills at $ 5 ,43i bbt
Wheat—Modmata sales of Rims Whitest 124
a 127 tier W. Bales of Prime Red et 116,1190
per Int.
Com—Prime Yellow is selling dila per bn
Oets—fides at 48a49c per be.
Cotton—.-Nothing doing in the erlicle.
Bidets—The racket is without cheep
,ExOssive Corteopondence Mtge Pattabirrgb tiascue
Floar—Gerremee brands a real)ing at 55,811
pribbt axles of Warn= at $5,6241,5,881 pr
bbl—dull Wes., •
Corn—Sales, of Pdme White- nt 05a680 pa
' 6a Prime Yellow la srm at 89e per bn.
Oats—Moderate sales at 5k per bu.
Wheat-821m of Rid, not strictly prime, et 17
19c pearl.
Stocks-,Beke of 17 B.s's at 104.
.Na Carat Nis Pays Palest Piles I
Dr daeksonts Embrocation is the only medicine that
will eon ,this so eery common and troublesome
does,.. It only Immediately allays pun and Leda
motion, mops all bleeding, sobdoesthatintolerable itch
thwtoien'tiVie:' hlv n e ll te= j orre , 7t=e li re a ryla7: "
Its appilcation produces no pain, hot rather In asicen.
ble and elegant sensation. If person afflicted will
call and bear of the great number of eases mat knee
been cored, they will be amonithee. A gentleman of
this Mtn who had been seder the knife of the surgeon
for two or three tines without being eared, has by us
ing? Walesa the Emtuaration. been eradically eared.
It beyond precedentli—lphil. Satarday Coveter.
Satt; , ; sl 4f.A.l,lt t a h r ..l th e, stl x 11:0:711
Drugikete of li P Schwan.. Federal at Allegheny ci
ty. itenew
• 210. 66 FOURTH lITII/LT., 5
THE sabscrtber respectfully inkiram the public that
he has commenced the ammafacture of Gentlemea's
Fashionable Boom, of amid material and morknunathip
which he will warrant superior to any Boot ever made
g.117.h,nt pa
.:L .lle" rran k rtre " TA Ba"'etito
sled, at the very low puce of FIVE the m
emu. Gentlemen are romtemed to call and examine
sptltf Saccatimor to W B ERSKINE
On Tuesday mcnnitue, Sikh lust., SARAH 8., duet,
ter De Thuttuta and Maturate Llnford, agedatx years
and one month. The thnenkl will take place from her
Rather's scaideaca. Redrew' Row, Penn at, an this
1 . 12 .. 4 ..d.i) .Mtn at 10 o'clock. The friends ofthe
. 17 we invited to attend with.t 'nether apnea.
Inable Pasts !be Bale
TN pa:stance of as order of the Orono. Court, t
undetsigned,Eseetroi•nt the lam will and testam • ot
of tleorpo WIEWL• ,l q 1 cm, at. will e.pose to
eale by pablk oaten, A .M• 1 `'A• AA in the eny of
Poubargb, at 10 o'clock, n 1 on na - the Ilth day
of Omober,lo47, all Um carton, m and nem of
land simateette sole from Noblenown, iv North Fayette
township. Allegheny Co.. Pa , bounde l a n d Lit hid-
E Baldwm, by lands of Herron; pys°, 'ait re
of Dr film, and by lands of Teo. Meehan, containing
111 acres and 4 , 4 perches, tame or less.
TUIs land is of EMI tab quality, Lod well adapted to
fund ng penance.
Tense of Pale--Onahalf cash on the delivery of the
deed, and the balance on the lot dayof April, 1E49, wi
interest from she day create, said balance to henecued
by /Wyman bend, with montelee on the premiers.
/XL Datlison% pitman Health;
Paine% bilit•tCl Bedisine;
Horner% Anatomy.
Pereira% Maten• hiddiee; .
Mailer% Elea coin of Phiroology;
Ellloutra'a Praeriee, ,
Wawa% do _
Eberlie% do;
Bier. on Females;
Cooper. Hernia;
Raombothiunni Pardee of Portman.;
Prom en the Stomach;
Condor on Due.. of Children;
Hooper% hi-dieal Dietlonary;
Clymer. Pere.:
United/BM. Dirpontarorp—nere edition.
The atone with* noneralmortmear of Clarareal and
Miicellaneorts Books) au rootlet. and for rale low.
F.U.1011 . & MULISH •
ottlo SS market 01. between BrJ and dill
WANTED 110031—Places fov a monber ofyott
Inew and boys at who:wale and mood cores o
ware/awes. and for school and academy leathers
Conehinen.famongor laboring ofdifferent kinds W .
led, .114 good cook., gram and woman for hose ar •
chamber wort. Plates wanted fora number of col
men tad women boys and girls.
OGWWanted to borrow for different periods and on th.
any bast wearily; several moos of Money. All kin •
of Agencies sanded to promptly for very modara•
charges . M
Phase call at IWILAC HARRIS'S A
and Ime/tlgoneo r, Fllth.n. ~ ut
—M. BRIM ER, comer of Cherry Alley told 4th
stoical door to the Pennsylvania' Rail Road OtSee,
will sell for th e balance of the week only, f ro m 9to S
ottotk, • variety of watch material., also, all kinds of
BMot Pena Inborn as SO per cent below market prise.
Timumaos PUBLICATIONS— Webster%
JL Lkaaatile Eameamy aad Ilamekeepina.
Mamba% No-Maim.
• Liddell MN StOIN Greek sad Eimlish Leak..
'Draper% Natural Eldknophy,
male?. Geometry.
Jam reed sad an mkt by
spale kIeDONALD & BEESON. O market NI
MO DART AAD LAT—Femme who have
faratadwilling houses, wareltomea worraor rooms
to rent,:eme reeord the same In my book for null
charge,aind homes who wleh to rent can examine the
aamo br be accommodated for Iraq moderate charges at
ISAAC HARRIS'S Agency and Intelligence Office.
Fifthet: enertdet
Nr.`" LAW BOOK—A - Treetiee co the law of
• coalraets end rights and babilwee, ex cowman.
by 00 liddieoo, E.q. Jam oubliette* tinsels by
sand* ior Ezaam & EN 0 Lien
sTARIM" POLISH—Drumm con Ls -To a
pint Of boiling Starch addone of the agitate. 11. nark
ed on the cake; then apply an the usual wanner and a
Mindful poludt will be given to the lima. Price IN
era ibr mettle Sou aril g ag weeks. Pot We by
L ELLP.RB,67 weed ll_
E b bb l ls cairn. ft Wilms fr.,Co% brand;
IPS Superfine do do do;
:2 9 Entre Rye do do do;
.tut ree'd for gals by R OARFORD dCO
adds..! . liberty at.oppoalw bead of walthfield
1 - Robinson, utehading • High School and Common
School Algebra and arithmetic. For sale by
aptlP . ' NeDONALD to BERSON
nds dM .
• 10 " B bonnielrinte; fdr eine by
F 8 LERS, 17 I ibeny
17111211NOI—A fresh supply of Ilobbsagand Thresd
.C 4 Edgings, incloding somesery w n a es ti t sq ua le r s inl rely
spa y -
• N E'cort'
C Ladles Sain stWlietlCastua - eres — f;
Dila!, at store of
PiIINTII—A amp.. dark French ptinua lately
reed at dry goo& halm a
.jorS Nit R MURPHY
11 ;. • moll ;1 a • Swam styles ° Jenny
VW ^Prints Well reed at drrgoodo !louse of
optlli , . ' • IPI R MURPHY
lUDOZ STOCK-1Z shaniTituburighan4 AI
Ugheirridge 81..4 i•
, b:6; ),r7,rcy
.0 ,) —ls') hazes
_asactiled sixes, direct from ; • n COns
meat; kr We by Isp 1 291 / 1)1C);A:1' •
C OTTON. --50 say to-patted Coto noted Jibbing coy Upbolsion me; 6r We by
WiAT -17 bbls fat snivel! per Comet; 6r ral e
b i fl . WILLIAM k DlLWthail
17 yotiod
CANDLES -76 bzn a. 4 half hrelNuloot reled
cfneinnatli for side by
QOAP-Inj, Dahlman and Cincinnati &nip &rule
' IWO . nor wood It water 111
LACINZING-4 bbl. Mason% Blacklar,for tale by
nll.-2316611 (Lined), wanutiedlambs by
Ltlag flom anal irtdz m
ruzavoge iri !bs Speraslsl3 4. l4 Leather re
s C HIC-"L-4°"" v""4" iftra ZELL
=WI 011.-04 bbla arida Oil;
tom fin Ws
IUCHIABOH/Set Per eau or bottle fin we al the
.0A Wine &ore, comer Market and Front ons. -
.A.BlYSTill6,llsignialtyper casco, bottle, (ensile
At tie. wine slam
CtrRACOCA. Ist quality pot cue or tattle insole
wit do wins flora
VIRSDIFIXBITVABBER.Itet peaty, per ease or
.n beak tor sato at the trate store. •
T /MD 014-6 Old. besaltuntete4 ut, by. ..
.14 gra I SCHOONALAKER it 00. 41 wood it'
TIIMPIINT/Al6-90 bblm LW ador
opti. bride b 7 .
10/./er OBITILIIII;-Crodr sadnllnat for rat&
- DK= .11f,
• on: sinrrateni;•:"
:coil:Pomo eyecup OF WILD OFISOUIT
A Certain and see cotefor_ cove., cold., Whoa,
liver cainpleint, spittle" blood piles la the Ode].
hseest, necrosis debility, whooping cough .
tonsken • emanation CONSUME..
TIONws *iodises:a of the Imp or
breut Reader are you IltlftrOg
WWI • cold or disease the
lenge, by this remedy,
you will notper-.
baps regret
It will meat allfthossidge symptiiime which
strike each terror to the toed, & prolong Boar dare.
Beware of prepanntons porposting to tOlMid
Wild Cherry, except that beanng the signature orDr
H Swami on the outside wrapper el each bottle,
ne they are quite lite!, destitute at the 'Slide front
which !beg bestow u nun
, • Read what if las done
Would perhaps be lismall simate ranges
. of this &safe l disease in a single year; then add
• the fessfuleatalogoe of thine eat off by hem,
bee of the Loop, Hemorrhage, Asthma, Coughs
• Influenza, Brosehitis,and other diseases of the
Lamp and Liter.
And the list.wonlil present an.lippiling proof of the
latatity of these two alums of diseases. Act it is
Important to know that nearly all of this dread
waste of human life inlet hue been *suited
by a timely use of Dr. SI AIRE'S COMPOUND
That medicine ham now been before the public
anMe eight years, and ti the original preparation
from the Wild Cherry Tree. Its no:relation as a
remedy for Cougba, Colds, Bronchitis, sand Con
'samption of the Lungabased entirely epee ice jo.
trinate merits, own but little to inflated newspaper
puha., Thom who give it a trial, being benehtted
bY it, recommend it to their neighbors, and don
ag t eurely has it gained an enviable repu
tation and ed us way into general cue. One
bottle nesert - la to cure a resent Lcongti' or cold,
bile with strict attention to thedirectione that ne.
company each bottle, its me in pulmonavy diseases
of long bUndini and of the most alarming charac
ter, bas always given relief, and in very many
instances lam elected complete and permanent
Dr. BWAYNE'S Celebrated Compound Syr.
up of Wild Pbeery.
Read the most remarkable' cure of Consumption
ever placed upon record—
Dr Swarne—Dear Sin I feel it • debt of gratitude
doe to you—and a duty to the afflicted generally to
°Penny humble - testimony in favor of your Conn
pound Syrup of Wild Cherry. Some three years
since, I . was violently attacked with cold nod inns.
mutton of the longs, which was accompanied with
a very distressing couch, pain in the breast and had
—a very considerable dinhargrrof offensive mucus
from the lung., especially upon changei of 'weather
however alight. At firet. I felt no alarm non my
condition, but was pretty soon convicted that I was
rapidly going into consumption. I grew daily weak.
er,and at length was scarcely able to walk about or
open above tr whisper such was the exceeding
, weakens of my bugs, During Um time I had tried
various preparation and preacriptions, bat found no
reliefgrowing all the time worse. Just here I was
eddied and punuaded by • dear fined in Miming.
ton to make a Dial of your Syrup of Wild Cherry.
I mint ermine that previously I had been prejudie
ed egaiestpatent medicines, and I am gill !union
those coming out of the hands of empiric., but
uedentanding your claim, to the profession and
practice of medicine, and having implieite faith in
the allying of my friend., I forthwith purchased of
Dr Shaw, ono of your agent., a few bottles and
commenced in use. My disease at this time was
of tweotj or twenty five month.' standing, cense.
Ee't derilliifrndeLwberi4.
leralle7lefmen seated.
But being a public speaker I. frequent& attempted
to preackwith my increasing strength and thereby
ruptured those weasels tout had already began, to
best; in th us way. doebtler, my Core was greatly
retarded. In conneaeoce of acting tiros imprs
dently 1 had to use 11. or 15 bottles before - I was
perfectly restored. I have no question, a much
smaller cumber of bottles .would have made me
need, but for the above indiscretion. The Syrup
Waved the feverish habit, did away the distressing
cough, pat a stop to the discharge of matter from
the lunge, and gave them and the entire systaat good
health. I have deferred offering this certificate till
now, for the purpose of Deieuperfectly mitisfied
with the permanency of the cure, and now that (-
feel perfectly well, I offer it with Fdenore.
Dublin county, N. C.
Avoid all minriour preparations of Wild Cherry.
such as Halmos, bitten, Syrups of Wild Cherry,
Pills purporting to contain Wild Cherry, &e, &e,,
as they are all hclitiour and counterfeit, and contain
none of the virtues of the original and grunion pre
paration as prepared by Dr. Sisayne, and the tint
ever prepared in this coentry. Doctor Swope'.
Compound Syrup of WILD CHERRY is composed
of vegetable ingredients, the Wild Cherry, and oth
er medical substances equly as efficacious, it not
mere an; the whole are so effectually concentrated
as to render it beyond all doubt the most pleasant,
/strengthening, and effectual remedy over discover
ed for the cure of Pulmonary consumption, and at
&sneer of the Lungs and Breast, The very fact,
from its having such a halo of spurious imitator.,
atm& to prove its great curative properties.
Therefore, invalids,. inquire for the onginal preps.
ration, each bottle of which is enveloped in a beau.
aril wrapper, with. likelier. of William Penn en
graved thereon; also bearing the signature of Dr H.
people, the counterfeities of which will be parn•
tatted as forgery.
Prepared only•by Dr. H. SWATNIL,N W corner
of EIOUTB and Race Streets, Philadelphia.
' For sale in Pittsburgh wholesale and retail by
WM. THORN,S3 Markenstrect,
OGDEN & SNOWDEN, corner 2ed & Wood rm.
B. A. FAHNESTOCK & corner of at and
Wood and 6th and Wood streets.
S. JONES DM Lawny street.
JOHN M ITCHELL, Allegheny city.
Aud by all respeersbie Druguudo • and dealer. fa
Medicine, throughout the United States and Cana
da. • sept 79
are becoming an unirersally
Mort, Because they ore prepared by Dr Ai B Lei
dy himself,. regular Druggist, Chemist and Flip,
MA of Philadelphia, who know& the nature, the
quality and character of the Medicine. wed in his
pills and their adaptation. to disease
Second; Ekeauae the pabhe can take them with
greater confidence than most other pills which are
prepared by persons ignorant both of medicine and
Third, Bemuse of their continued ellecte, proper-
.liefnot contained in any other pins; namely. purg
ing Irom - the stomich and bowel. all urihealthy u
atances, and at the same time purifying the blood
and fluids of the body.
Fourth, Because they are the cheapest and beet
medicine known—a single boa coating but 23 cents,
and containing saving to persons no many
dollanolt.times in Doctor's bill., and numerou
medicines bought I. tried on the recommendation
of others.
Whenever jot have occasion to lake any Medi
cine, do not be trintog with your constitution by
trying all kinds of pills or other medicines you ore
published mud recommended by dueled mother but
take at once
Dr. Leidy's Sarsapcoilla Blood PUG
and you will not base occation to take 'anything
elm. They will always be food good in Almon all
forma of disease, 'animation of the utomach, bow.
els, liver and intestines. cramp. of the stomach;
Waterteath inwsid levers, fool breath, bad
lu in the mouth, Sour ereetation. and cidit ol
the m nomad', cottivenem tad indigestrem . Wan t
appetite, billions affections. of the tpleen
and kidneys, disease. of the skin, slily eruptions.
dry and watery pimple, or ',kitchen of the lace and
body, letter, rub,prickle heatand mat rtmero, head.
ache, giddioeu, Imotnem, pain. over the heart, of
the brew, side., along the back and opine, rheum -.
tine and gout, forms of all libido, amall'pos. eario,
had. tcrofola,erytipetas, and 10 short they
are good in ail dimmer, honing their origin in the
stomach, liver, nod iutestioes, and impurity of the
blood. •
flaTorty Pill. Ina 800..
ETTwenty.ifire cents a Box.
Sold Wholesale end Retail by R. A. Fahnestock
& orner of First and Wood, also corner of
C0.,9b 6 :wd Wood streets, tiepin
is oar principle in the management of this paper to
non e anything which we Awl out, from to total lave,
tlgationoo be of utility to the public. some of Doctor
Jayne , s medicines we hare used in our family for many
years. For Instance the EXPECTORANT, the CAR
MINATIVE, and VERMIFCGE•whIch•we know to be
good fee the complaints they profess to care. We were
on lake Oaten, the past summer; when several of our
travelling companions, from having its Western New
York, drank., for puny day., the limestone waterer that
region, were badly attacked with v iolent Mani:es and
Dpsteetary. Mr. R. had provided himself, previous to
leaving home, with 'The Criminalise of lie 'Jayne,.
and in all cases of house. among five gentlemen, It was
atteeewfal !selecting. speedy me.
The Expeciwant we have known used among norm.
theme friends with equal success; and we feel that we
shall do a good act to families [especially those situated
no they cannot have access to immediate medical skill,'
to keep on hand both the Expectorant and Carminative .
The Expectorant is believed by good physicians to be
the best recipe for Petitionary Consumptive Complaints,
that has ever yet been compounded. The mason is, Dr
Jayne Is not &clench, but a rertelar, stleelike, sod able
medical prantloner himself llm medicines are used by
the best phyalconis EZRA HOLDEN
Editor of the Phil. dsturday Courier
For mile in Pittsbunth at th e PEKIN TEA. STORIf,72
Fourth at, near Wood . -
_C ,
TINEGAIA.-24 lib's Csd receivi ng er Vinegar recing from
V seer htejnet; fee sale by JAMES DALZELIs
spna :1 , 1 water st
0 1 1V 6 Ine n r;:tly " :o tO7l:o t* r
.pt 27
G 17,1 d 7 os6 esaa
. or womi at
n ARIL 11103-02 lb. J waned; tor isate by
ir,l4-2 gross prfnz! redi`• gen ninej tt,Etca t ior
- if if
TiW :7r ., aleb, WVI2:
ROOLUCLLE-100 Ilajnst reed: kir 9.1 e by
'p‘27 R E SELLER. 4
AVERLY NOVELS—In cheap !mm -: fm IWO by
.ra7 'MORSE.
FL?plll,7-13 ponliZreceivittifor
- __ — bbi ;
ge - I4 80N, 03 .1
H OPS -4 bales Ist quality tourist; for vale by
teeter /Slit= suer
ri r s -150 bale. Mo.
IA OL AnZ5-50 bbly Nofinials by
sycl4 • JAM ES DAL ZELJ,
_-• _ - •
prime 6F,«V'
_ .
II 60 bis Ira Uunt's
93 kl ku In Honk Ss; meowing from Um ouzel;
*cull bT .. m 023 • JASIed DALZELL 94 maser st
GL ° 17 4 """' `Tiltdrigairrdr
Banaa Hliti _
Lore Cottage Honseand 20 ildifing Lots,
At Auction.
r I N Siturdar, the adder. of Oetnber, id
Iscs, 2 o'clock,
,be sold on the prsm adagio between
iho .Waslarigsmand Steubenville enapike Beads, ad.
ietning Tenceemeaville,l9 cheap Lets,saim
btu for healthy sod mired residences of them
in the elites of Pittsburghand Alleaticeryorl=
by InC•l9 ferries be resched in less than half on boar: .
Also, that handsome and spoeioas frame. Otago
House at Oreeent °coupled by the &a 8.0 'enemy;
adjoining the atom 'Lots:.With Moat erui and half
ogres of mind on which am about - MO tholes - Gait
ebrabbery,sa excellent well of ureter, noble,
Each Lateral he accessible by 011,C6160/ Naomi •
plarf of which may be seen at tt hactioo Room; and
the property shown by the crept ran the premises.
Title indisputable. ' •
Terms—One-fourth cash; the and ait three coital
annual paysemu, nth mem; h mond by bond
tad mortgage.
sPtlO JOHN II AVIS, Anctlentiog
Underwrite: 2 a Salto( Hare.siare,.....
ON Wedncada7 eveelog , Ike Skit ima al o'Wek at
the Commercial Mika Boom, manor of Waal and Fifth
sis, will be sold for accodnt whom it may concern—
large usonment of Hardware, gee table and peek.' .
et Caters, Sm., among which are tneelyards, iron
agaves, Mme knives, gunbleut, bolted, sqoare and night
latches, cupboard locks, farms tali eloekti chest hooka,
brass pnalocks, mortice - locks, b lack Improved knob
brus and alas. serears,qoadruts,hinges,screms
Germin lataPNlnfses and forks,pen and pocket !nava
ruors and eases, scale bearris, plea and rasps, perms.
Si.., caps, paned leads, apeetacies,
Alm, a large Invoice of German Ihney_gooJa,
muds. wafers, &e. JOHN DOA VISI
spaN Attetioneer
On Thursday morales the 30 inst. at 10 o'clock, at the
Commercial Sales Itoom.oomer of Wood and Sth sta.,
will be sold an entenslyollSSOlLMEntof mammals Dry
Goods, Ice. • • •
A !arta amonotein of new and aecoud Iman home•
hold fundture ' among 'phial are mahogany bureau,
chairs, rabies, hair seat inaloguysofs, rocking chairs,
high and low post bedmads, work sad trop stands,
'Denim:lsla Baas, 8 day and 30 hoar mantel cloaks, at
cpeting, feather beds, Mlattitsses, cooking stove,ecal
roves, kitchen ammo% &e. '
A Tawny of qoaeamare, ghtsmare, Unman:, mill
ion, match., coal aad devonah im shovels, bandhozea,
wrapping paper, glottanes,ka.
At, Orkek, P. M. • -
A handsome assortment or fine skins Iva linen bo
som aad canals, ready made clothing in great variety,
gold and irises matches, musical instrumeuts„ fine untie
azui poekti cutlery, an Crteathrel Innortanill aC Oen..
fancy gvmdx, &a. • open
Two Mottling Lou on DO se. Howl M Agleam
ON Thursday the Nall um at 8 &data, P. M. Who
Commercial Bales How* earner of Wool sad alb Ina,
roll be mold Lou No 1411 awl 184 in Ben's plea, my
eligibly slowed fat beamess, haring each a (mot of *4
feet ea Fennel Taros /1•1121•0 'war tie blacksmith Mato
of Mr Gilmore and azwetlit4 back 84 (Ott tO AM alley
12 feet wide. Title atelleputable; Tenor at wile.
Benefit of MR. WEMYBS.
Lan Oppoiranee of MISS C. WEMYSS-
Wednesday, SepteAber2tith,lB47„
mill. presented 1.1 time the 'Tragedy of
Vander— ••Alr. Weary.. l fladry Ale Oxley.
OtlISTeVe MiseWemyea.
After 'Ouch Pas De Idasztoe, i . bYldisi ANNA MAL,
VINA—To conclude with the face of- •
Me. Brown Alr•Wermyea. j Julta•—• - • ...... Mr.
hirs•Breent••• • ...... •. •• ••
To.morrow, fins nigh tof the Gram! Belled.
C7Doces open at 7 and entrain will rim past 7.
Vocal Concert of Mai Lame Ablantowtcs:
l i tl A see AMS
c j V 3 eroc ° Bl CZ e k rite• t Attebergal ib t
nboht the Srd - of October previou to her d_pertaro too
die Western and Southern Cities endthe West Dollea
Madame a. will weir on the oecssiort - oeleedons from
MUSIC, as well as from the most pathetic Standard of
whale cliche:lmm multmlssiic umlaute at her Con
certs in the Eastern aj well es Western clue.
Tickets 50 team
--•- .
'For further ;wheelers:se future advertisements,
V epena Oil: Vankyke Brows;
Lard do; • Indian Rod, .
Pine do; Dutch
Tanuets tril; Eine doPink;, .
Whale do; Antwerp Blue; '
Olive do; pure;
Do do, 20; Glue;
Logsrood, chipped;
Oil Vitriol; -
ood dDo ground;
!Juristic Acid; Cumwo,
Aqua Fortis ' Tommie do;
Oxalic Acid; Lac,Dse do;
Chrome Greco; Mai Vitriol;
Do Yellow; timing
Do Rod; 'tulip, Bpitatrh;
Faris Green; Alamos;
Brunswick Green; Verdigres, .4- ke.i
:Jag iced and for sale cheap for cash by
rpt2B N W corner, Wood & rith eta
TIE proprietor ofthm long cetahlished house, respect.
°Zen hia sormecs to the elegem of Pittsburgh,
and en!! exert Weisel( to render co:atonable 101 wino
mar raver hue wan them company.
Thls pout which has long bete • Oeo rite one with
the Prormion De .lera of Pittsburgh ; will, the coming
mann, mace{ a larger field sot their operations then
hcrotoforeofrom the competition of tie Had Road de
Indianapolis, 30 miles farther into the hoz miring reg.,
spneMlno O D FITZHUGH. Flo rimer
Main Ilisadval Dollars !toward'
• r
mu 'IRE uns'ersigued is ainhorised, by the InsameeOF
I fuss
irr and
HindiviUNDßEDduCs in DOLLRELS tersotck
f pay the Reward
o or information
which will detect and convict the'l;OerSoll or penloln
guilty of soling fire to buildings In tha 'Round Churls'
or Bayard's/tow, upon the 7th and 117th day. of Rept,
api27dlw • el niartet at,
An election for a President. Roar ?dowagers, st
sorer aado Secretary of the laughing/telly Nantration
Ompany MI be held at the hat. ofAloses Hoban, on
the Youghiogheny met. on Thunday de 14th day of
uotoMr, between the hours of 10 o'clock, A.M. and 4
o'clock, P M.
Toe /Stockholders arc hereby mtified to attend Japer.
son, as mune by proxy Is mt permlued by the chaser.
JOHN DOA , . -
THE Subscriber is mile Kora in this city for the sale
of C. F. Martin'. celebrated Spanish Guitars, and
has now received a supply., which will be mid at man
ufacturers inlets. The highest commendations have
been [miaowed on these instnunents, by all the eminent
Guiyarista in the United Sulu.
Madame Knoop of ibminetarl, Mr Cowper of N Teri .
and all tub. performers of celehtny, an Martin's GM.
The prices axe frau US 19 1160;neeerdinc to qatlity
and workmanship. J AIWA'S(
81 wood et
Pale MEL LOILN F. 10100.
JONES tt quicto,
ILTANUFACIURERS of Spring and Blinn le.
IV/ Plongh wet, Steel Ploogb Wing; Coini and
EliptieSprings.lienunefed lmn Azlen, gaddenied. in
MW Outings, Fire Engine Lamps, and Conch
Trinnoings generally comer of Rose and Front streets,
Potent:nil. Fn- e• 117
T CST Ikfe morrangt Botd rateat Lever Watch, etude
la by M Tobias & ,Liverpool,No EMU; .The fiader
will receive the above reward by leaving It at the Jew•
etry store or W W Wllaoa , earner of Market aad Ith
Mor as Johneon & Stoektaa!s BoOksiore, earner of
Market mad 3rd lea • •
IMPORTED CIOARS-7dp)o Imported Cigar,
consisting of Just° nano and steamboat Principle,
all colors; Washington, Imperial and Eagle Regalia.,
all colors; Ten different varieties of Ilarmanas, all col-
ors. These are genuine and very superior; for sale at
a small advance at the Wine Store.
cor market & Bons ate
W. REABIIINGTON, Land Sorweyor:lr ill mimed
LI am Serveying, laying out, and dividing lande,Xna-
Mug valuation et Real batiste, ae.
Wane, Perm .t. above ilmtd, next don to the (Mee of
the Recording Regulator, Pittsburgh. .pendisn
VELVIETI9-81ne. brown, purple, otsgszice blue,
end other fancy colorer! Comm Velvets. A supply
of these very wares goods recently reed,. and °Cored
low by the piece or.yard, by
r0t2.5 W• R MURPHY
• CAREN TINE-10 bblo Turpomine
• .
WA - jun reo'd; farialo by 1 mdY Copal
CoFltiracoso bap Rio Coffee jciiit reed: for sale
• • IV OEM
rpt29 by _ ear unittleld w R ater en
bzo •
• 30 keks6tenst in .44 and tarsal., 4.
SALEKATLlS.lB.c v livtgegdaf i te by
ipt2S. ear wood & water sts
Q1,11.114ET OIL-1 eskJest rec'd: for sale by
la spa, 3OHN D MORGAN. Ott woad a
VARNISH -4 tads tkipal Wraith Obi sale by
spr,l9 - JOHN D DORGAN
TO.Hp..t.EDITLNE-111bbts tj0:111Vy/40R6AN
ictoofticx 800 T-2 bale. for 'sale by
ort29 I D MORGAN.
GNIIELL AO-2 circa for sale' by '
tp12.9 • .1 1110 ROAN
OA X 17PP-1 bbl Game. Bunch Saar for .ale
1-7 • WS JD?dORG.
I` OII ACCO-00 Imejun nedi silo
.pea ' w 6REuia
/ IFLEEsE-100 Ina ibityar'd; 6r J o b y
.Pniff W Gnu
TONE PIPES-123 bz. for Nap by
spus WICK &Mee/MUMPS
Capnn MCI& iteaibitiWS:'
IGESE-140 p <%V Rion reahL*or We
September devoted f.Parari.lkairv;M:
- thoshe the PostaSee •
0 1141.1 C —211)0 lbs Wbite %aft;
44:00 Sp. Wham', EDP 4114 Zr firr
wood tdU t &Mita -
••Wg gi*ec 11 . 1 4gtErdP 4 Silt Enid camr...'
• kr, bal by ' JACOII
_Tat • Eavita
ljAUlPEllliLoors Willow ilmoptio nimble Err
I.lpacklog origaiwowssei for solortry .
work Isiut zee* kr sale DT ,
rompuiturrnut.witmm.. 4:6 ., o . 4
...• nary of hays ijkll • ••-
. 40 * . tr, • fce tilt by --
• -
By -John D. Davis, Ametleaumur
At! O'Clock, P.ll.
E C n = 131
.C. & POItTE2
D sji4uaa •
VV nut male by R
Med-LLISTERR 01 11tRIRITIT— , 10 eon Jaal-alell,
ter *W
sale augh, mad mall by.
O PTSD I . ViIftarTI,III:4:4O
__OPtie 61 • It E EIE LLIaSI 6 IWted a
11l AMN 5, 480.b.u . beat Sanaa Ralausiy for sale
A rei t -- BARR - LEY 2111211, Rea RI woad ft
b. I XVILUV-ioi> ma
G N 'Air""'"" th savralr"mbr
SPTIL 211 8 1 PZIPTINE—ID bbli pa rec.; it.
k. 3 .0114 '7 . - mie by . BRAUN a wise
Kal : l34"l7l47ll*4"l"" sitA i" erst Earr .ak li .
k USTAXILD SIEILD-1 e.b amen:kr bale alba
JNA. meed Pat received, fiat/Alloy_ •
. .
porAte r t.L. I Ea, ...I rrewv.1,1,12,,'
CRIUM-0 ism !ive ~,,1 47Gimaa.
F 141 g'""",„'"If:"""`44 , m0 ''
ROSM4Y-120 bXP."*'"!!'" TP6.cttAism
a .Ti ■ • as s - 9 —Booesmatia Dab
II Soo pia, booln, la paakolos of 7 aoa, or Massy ;
Br solo as Ow Woo Moos of
000WCIE *L!—Tqmit's Glavow_ ow"
1,7 hat ude al the Wine Eionirithe sob.
Panbor., ispd3 ' ' - JACOB WEAVER
O u r.g ° '''"uina''" %VAR
' eared Brat= i ce,
• •
Tali:all 'known lino o
m.poea.i r 'sLinnilid Passzher ahem!
Ci**l sad hind and most power* b ....T.
....atilt' ww.
Eserrwernin vog
tort that matey eau proem, hat been provided forlion
wagers. • The LID. flu been tangent/igen* fin
—have tarried a inhlicei 'PnViii nniet iba leo*
Well iheipersons. The bows -will be union:et of
Woad street be day preview *starting, th.
don orlorigna and the eatryKpanmfae 0 .11 , 7
tnr , /is all eases the passage mans, =Kb* fn
• • •
The szosormuums, apt. . . .i ntern 'Puts.
b.alb nag Monday morning at Illteekoalti Wlteellag
am? Malay craning at 10.1.,
• ,
• Tae HthVaNtat VW: w il l
leave Piesbegth every Tender , morning at 10 Weleet;
Wheeling every Teevelav encamp at 10 P. AL
The NEW ENGLAND, N 0.51. Capt. S. Deassearl.
leave Plyiebatilt every .Wedneeday morales at la
ealeek.eaalt enemy Wedneaday: evening at 10 P.
Re WISCONSIN. Cam. R. J. Grassorill laavu Plus.
Mwsrh averrakarsday mandau at Ho's kaki Whemalind
usury Thursday evening :at 10 P. M. -
The CLIPPER, NO. P e Ceps Creek:mill leave Pita
bent' everyev ening R
aver,. Friday ide,.
al 10 p. mania; at 10 &Wadi Wiuttnag
. • •
The IdESSE.VGER, Capt. /4iford; reve Pitta
beve l every Satuday somas at teddock; Wlteani
overy_Bateetay evening' at
,10 P. -
SUNDAY 1410111M10. •
The isAeo nievrros, NI. A. a Arm., will
leave Pinabargh eyery Sunday mein} oge at 10 'clock
Wheeling every anew ennuis at 10 p.m.
Ma M. . • •
d Fan.
beg and Boys? . cloth, and Glued Caps a sv
eyfiaicriptioni Moro Boas, Wormed; boon. and
lamas% Ito sale on favorable umna by .
• w.R Li PAI4II
NAPOLEON—BbArmy and Ida Gesaralt titer an ,
exampled military meal with a dela or the
Preach tentlation; by an American —Walaratad with
moments engravings; for ale by— MOUE
• airoanhareat
• ElE p tai".,_ LIAICPN;
5 t e ..711;:e1i , ..' Ratak and Eogfl alt Diction.
. .
OFSIZZ-810 @eh prime Rio Ciao Jam landing;
DAl.l=ll-50 Rau Bench sad &mks Zllll4O Car
l% runs ree'd . pas wad; for Sals by ,
spall DILWORTH, 38 wood st
C u`
/as bow landloc (by sale by
nELLIIIIISLRI I M.II-4 bbla newsron ree , d;.for
aale by • TUOHY& Boar
Vt rnTil rril7s/ Trnrl
SE-0/ big WII reeilifin sale by
D• pationms-go ba on louid; for Pleb,.
.• .was TAISBSY & BEST
V/7IEGAB-20 blrbt
• pa re Cuter
- it eraser street
pOWDZIL-1: Itelf e% Itile: ; • • •
sabring and in we low by •
T . = ANDER OF MALTA byfir m ear,
' • 65 Fourth street
Wa.derer,4 tale of do hbszioaasm for de by
tie scenes and plumb; br We by .
isy dl3
EBIPTY CASEJI—LtS :wimps of assioas kinds
fat sale at tka Wins Monet.WEAVER
minitS . six market & front sui
GINSENG kyf sAle try
F l7 o4, oci. , Miu. ,4l : 4 •yte)o4l7Tirila
MADDER—taIk for sale by
ryIARTARIC ACID-300 Ns Nat Ned• Or nla
1 spat by • astaciazas
DbBBLti. OHS= lIION=IO bandies Just roe'd bad
II for sale by JOHN F I'ERHY
50421 - • .ebr laxity k lor:Los
FLOUR—VS be], erne gloandjan ViiiierraiebY
cot smithield and water ets
LZIATILICR-4 dos Hamm Rind Upper Lesdier
Gn• .14 by FRIEND. RIMY & CO
V Imam
B4CON-19 bbd prime Roma:
Id do Elooldere now noeiebts
Veet ler sale by P SELLERS, 171iberty et
VrARON , I BLACILING:—Theo bias tut re.
esivpi RS for saintly
• II A FA .
ILIQO lame No :pat mewed
tor solo by . MILLEECk. RICKETSON
spa.) . cot !Amy & innn sts
DOTASEI-Icsk pm? e at Mai! ;Ir m r eGAN
- -
wr.mrnryt•••, , Firm'rvrtviJ
DATER PILL BOXES—Mpefsjazt reed: tbr mak
Rug'" by R E BELL=
jut rceemeTii i krt salecy
A «pt|o
and geolthmlt.niuutYrElVlßD9
~nral Y[N7'I'TS.7 ~9TT'~~
tom' .. _
RICE P 4.0014-2 eves imply ) tynt by
131117111C1-1 ease Borth:alai, lir Jars, far ask b
_ y
spaell - • p
CIT:2I-6 bla 44?)a for We t l witu
VW.. LEMON-4 cues in nfil by
vox 7!O Wl[ bIAND
FANCY 80AP-151 Imo named for sale
XIVTBIZGIII-4 bbl fresh for uMe by
bbl Gariya.% blf4a... f or by
spy • - . 5 D WILLIAMS
TAR IDIIIDLES-15 bit - iontole b
rfRERSP.--.M bxe prime W R for sale by
AN ACKERY h 3 bbI.NoI;I9II. Br We by
von krr sale by WICK & bIeCANDLEIIB
f.APLE ■II6AII-1 MN for We by
.131_.Pate meek weer:J:lmm
Q. TAR CANDLISB-50 Ws for We by
soft . WICK fr. MeCANDLESS
giIBET IRON—up baur
25 bdis No 24,Juniau;
50 "Janina; Awn!. by
r_ls PERRY
KICK TIN-2D Pip on band and far vale by
• • JOHN
Ez LOWWOOD-3/3 Ws) ree4l; rat sale by
E ___eLLERs
Elbe Mu reed:. for We. by
Bri t k E setzEws
E irt nmasfor
12 1 IIAAS-111bbla, a Mlme article of=l br
tale by • WICK a. MeCIINU=
/DART/MI(7 .ACID—IcO theiest received;
,Bela by • 1111AUN &
et e4tr &liberty eta
CHOCDLAT —~----.
sow B—RSbn No l: v~'mF forweby
we ny
entl t otcast, shcat,Ger
MU, sprinctiluda saltA It Steel la Nom for saki
(IMPRIMIS—MO bags BM M Mom • 43, =ls by
.11,114 L S WATER AN
TCALS—OO PI dos an 4 eiddlto of Y. 11..bapeziai,,
Mut Poirder,ind Block Teas of Oa re; . Spr We by
G forsake by BRAUN 4 BYJTER
on ree'd; for
,S 7 wood st