i~ ~ ~i. , Y'- ~~ 3 ~, y, - L MEE EMII Ao«, • - Sr '• ..F. 4 1"•:4 .; tvti • , 7:71 , 3 ........ 4 N: 4 ;SCN • 1 ,1!:•• • vvot , tkt "1). - .1 4 sl, 3 ond 4,43fm.a1r4 E 2.1g9 ,Y, CIL do . • . 1314qtabbi. . ' : ....inleistr " in b i . OD - tocrosoca t ,.. ito Do - ramp pp_o bookend Jut . '•" reed, lorsik by • pgO4*WRZW Co • Vriiiirs—ss p.ll losfo,_Dc2totle r,vr a s i i zi , a • mt. TUN saiire otle try fr? . r ,etA nnt RJ.C .O UNN G O , 1111114197 . 2y . b0c0N0 77 .1 sope ors. al Ala Mutant on71 " 41co F. .7i a 7 47' . 7 17141 • RRODPI3&•ALOORNI 14111N/N.7171( bOto No 31ao Alit 7 ' • 41E.O.ZELTON,coopide &Mood . ?hlaciErND PEiptitaibtiii7kWaide•A ;Nona and comontly **bowl kw oale ,17 . 7 ;04 RHODES k ALWRN • • . MI Meet ~.:AKA.081C83114.-100 Nil 3 - rot We tir -.100woo!. aims Iwo trwi l • - 0 - iniminnt ; '!ngirar 141 "1: ...... - •••• • • •• '~-,•_ •._ .I' l . 7 • - igl e ; " 114 p C:=2o • I W t ' YoteeTr imiesesived alms mivii andinlr " riewßbillete leestags from aft* I r " Sus Taft, at tenlist of Fourth lapis/keg ••• • -• TIINTLII sovr.: - '• • • Nu will be serial 19' es Beak% bee '.L U elleak.eibiL;every dry lIIL &ccock. . The lownserrenle ibeepare pa :elderly IneLed.es • I fleue,reself lest •• • akunothe •.. . . • TaIAPAIR 3wd 41-1 i 74 and 8111111.edines and I 41 doe 4 Idnnd ma Table thdPar.filio,ona ease 8 d bleamaddnen Dana*, veFt!..aaatind article, just emendand brut b 7 -1, . • ' . BRACILEIT& WITT. • .r.".• I . 1 14 1 Tm Pdte in enek_pahl tor ell the ditieren 'mks of elcuYl , ailmaiWool,b7 , IIUIPLY LEK. ad went warebesse, cot Liberty II awl Ceorn elbl troars A3D not:issios— • ),) Babb& 0 Hairyi bids Blolsnes Hem 4* fnls br LEWIS HUTCHISON & CO Spas • . waterle 93 (ont to WPM AND.NAILZ— CO lona bet Awned: • 350 . S . 44 us storeer silt 7 AN , 8 AT • il3' • at water & 62(ront .-251 bees litle Cabe; • - labia Yhdder; • • • 20 tun Pepper Teething; kr sale by - - .TAMES DA LZ *I wale, re • .4 LS 419' Black Teariteg; par me rliT. l .°°"l • 5 S •P rhZ!.,l4lltectiyierligrapii; Cl l OO dodo ' 440 .73 d 4 rs dtr il l de rcceind "kr sai.bY • r Jourev rEssry • • •• .earlibeityk. imam. 4.7..T141d. Ws No i feab jou reeehood and for onto by l .TOitIIAN h. 80N,181ibelty st T 110011*-73 MIL awned =labels for solo • • • - MEND, MEV &CO bhls Union'Oil Jon tentlipLlNelt 124 8 4 37 .$l. by .Pl3lO 93 • • on,Jant Tee sad a O AILLIUTHNO'f, rimmed at Msi=a;;V l. Tr l 7M9 a yf ELT: — kb's S dent Jut metre-4 and to • J JORDAN 180N' le libaßY 10 ok. ror Ails S F VON RONNWOIRST &CO rAlitLe 1 wide Pkor OD Cloth with bonier, tr Neared Acton; ibr We al ear winimomib Wood • • o• 12 • • .t 11 PHILLIPS MEN3IEMS!M p d o 'sp. .Wiigtea Initaa Varoble ..• finirkI3IELLERS can= grAlte l l ri. bbh =pais r ankle for ATpg` l '' - 'i bbi T"APP''"%7G'iuT;l'di° O lh—m bblio — unirellMZlti!V kibbls OallstraEsed__ _au reed; • • lbr Pale by ••• •• V M.J.ER.I3 OlLD .. 4 l ,o2. lMllxt?shot i r c itAi 4;plaebiy *TS and BRAN ta sum kw uj zby. .... Ma Is mmesl•• I. mu:• I bOldi ' B ipso) forU3. — • Oemilsiehaat,labotr o Mair. -450 UV rime Lc; old Gay% Jim, nio'd_pe_r :WILLIAM k DILMORTid V weed st sokkr tale by _Apll7 • 0214000-420 Iw Bs, Tzsecll.lk, itolgamv 117 .J. 'thwatalt.lesse Hut; .• " Wr - vsior oak Wooda, y__ _ _ 01. M0an=3.121,4 L SWA 1 mond sou tnw TIMIIIAWIM 1311:11111 (or Kedlcal trumesPort, Ka. sad Ethepy.. PkTiCilm. may re ly Atimulihe reetraC their mama Efiliginflie flairrkirt=4llo bur ' ao al bus __9llB JtQ • • f2O do f 0 and Imperial; ••: 10-eAdy bn ILO P sod Imp% jam metre.% spa% • .for add by • - Jk R FLOYD Mpg_ bbls 140 Na • . Id do do: 1. , ned; fin sale by • •• MILLER &RICKETSON axle ' • • r 170 liberty of • • e ore Dovrreeemaie &ll: apply. of Economy Blankets, - Esuinetis Ceilimeres,whlela.we offer arr.sale , tt enure. • • • SUE& & PENNUCE noleldeor 103 market et ' Hamm= mrantradvgaideoese4.kite, blown and plaid ranaesa, - A &BM% maaa. Leaf Man readied and tar valet& S IIIIDAFEIS—.4 bal. Meese; ib e gt l Eit lelarrOg tram tool boa :thaPirei ibt ma Di • JAa D .21 Nayarit MONIPTINISD BIIGARIII—__- _-- • • -, . bbls Loa emMd and pasrdesed; . 233 It 'alp Lost ilbs sibs bv ' 0TM:130.40T, • 1/ , - -, Atents be Si LH Losla Rims Reiltne Wl l . ll l —Ttni . aiZa in common .',7l:o.lll utu hMi Wool, try .UEC). COCHRAN . SS wool Ai ' 300 HOD ANBNT.I/ , a B (1011.1PORTIO-3,50 dos Cosfortiiod Boas, wool ' l - 0 ' , LB r as s C Assotartar, A CCORIMOXII- . -4 sue direettrom the maamia.. totpritawstyie —lb: lode by . ACES AN D ZDGIIIOII—A2g; omits LJessopmed by • C UTHNOT OL! p. r w il2 alcsla s t rs.m4o.rostl.f., NUT Gl.l4,l:!6lDsjut.r.ee'diafirleby Dby ELD..IO bbls Eng. Yencilcut SalmES ELLEIRS4 reed__ • for sale .11. . septlo H ost Erg-2 0 Ims to Yoe egalbjast rel far tale by I. 'a. i. Q.V.T. -.. .. . . .. .Jolt+ DYORUAN TURPENTINE-1 bbilbr ale by • • :AMIN DIIIOIWAN wr L- .7.1141,gmem.a. . vdr pLifirnokir:4=AN, rad& wOod VILZTIA2-0( every eeka . ,plac,••• gurriari • DJ wary lug!, rank pan weal. 7 urrE . . SHACILLEIT W .m 0.797177 Prr rlrrlrrwei byttb a..•Dr bol Imbibed and bobble by SllICD;4100 lbaCnadkand clog Canarigted Idiot We sad mall, by I [WU& CO •OH VAII3IIII-4.11 reed; tea .&o b gtlß J LIDO & CO "•I D... Fll4- 6 4011hdls line& trackertike„ and kw T 54,3? ' Y "Ain V 3117,1414,0• '!Tb I,IOO3D—K Brawl/M=l/A K 'lb. 0 ..1 1` eta We toe .aria by paying for mia advents. -100 bbls bes• Arse 0 bY canal; for ale by oav 00117 emu poen JarttteVW'N. e • eer k water ate • NXILII 014-16 Ws In wrG for 0010 knrby %.14'121,°*d MAL • •—4 est • and;' kr sale by s — rittrAv akrk.m. m ORTII Itlt growl Om near et*, kr sale as the Ataatta and kiplatr Factoryo27 SA at. • 'LIS, RIIODEIM ALOORN vox noreapaiesT h., co .-33fratt mbs, 6 kr.). by . cu a m i us.47 s i zofoxielte : r . rl d co for ' ' ;mug sccAt Co !I - 7 - • " emmorralai row 1 Itt 1 ::/gIVACIArar. •reeneserchal row liba • =ggil AAP Laza!, te- 14.1 - "Ja trays ea Usti sad Are Ws at Ns NC Llbeare Ewa, Adler • . W .W. r *me 7, ,mo.'s-~~=~.:'..~`=;~°~i tNalug)ffloix " - .." - /01feir lthaniy - Peper: •_ . ~ Nona: le foipolkohlog ill the (It, Pl of aid& ••'• per inior Day ai lteX.lo 6 called • TIE.oY NEWa? ldly. ininessing — buthens Ithspulanoo, and 0( ruladelpluat the annaction existing heathen Was ptincipla and the prosperity of the eity, lades present sedan of the Whig pany of Pennsyl vania mad of the Union, Ytve nedneed the iabeenbers teipetheee the estabhthmea of the abocepsper . The NEWS will edmente Whig pritthiples as origi nally expanded by oar threfathers of the Ontstitations, end adopte2 and advottaled by the accredited organs_ and champloa if the Whig ease at the portent day. 72se. s e re:Litre tangl e ft;ei r, a . z rat forth i ree n a mc w; publicans eiglazenlneue,=4lessWhlgren ,haneiZlLtia.t Ilrxr i it . ol as ii LV is ti , .. nablith the paper !than ths - : Of ld math, they metal place It whine the teach at 'lib i ts cheaperss. As a new coinnierecd and, aul paper, the X EWllfshall be second to none trill menace:ten The Ma staple revanses ate seared' , t reaming the Wag; lean and men' ammo Anal, al, &lama e ju =trl ‘ nd ' elititte or offensive to ' a d tast:Orill be admitted into tau paper: - ~• - - 1 -- • Tons.—Tln /NEWS all be delivered to absenhers it six cents per week, p.yahr. I. tart er terry sow- Osy. Mail subseribers if at_e_annim. • ' •" • WfANIS, P - awn ,e, to • Philadelphia, Anon 441047. , - l eptidit IiVEMT/IDILN DNIVERSITT. A iiicaool.; oPtD64IWINEI AND PAINTING will XAneoltetunt in the Ueiversith on the, Int et October nett, under the earn of Mr. flominskl, the Prat:tow of Drawing and Engineering.. • • Prof.thamhoki Is prepared inform classes at that time for pmetiee in Drawing of Machinery, Ateintetnntl Demos, Sketching from Neter°, and the various methods Of Lundscaperratuting. I • Thorough unametion will be given In the Laws of Penman. e, and their variant vacation, the - egeet of light and shade, and the principles' of tart, theoreticsl and procticsl , ' The pupils be Ought'. to erneute.Draininge and Panning* in 'Lead penis', to Crayons, both Week and colored, and In India Ink; alon,ln waist and oil colon. lenruction In thin Deportnumt ia not homed to the moderns of the Unmersity, but id open to all. Eopeci ally sue young men who would devote themselves to the Mechanical Arts, to the emu:traction of Alachua,. Mend Engioeming:mvited to avail themsehres of this oPPdtute plishll7 osegare an Anlndispensable in an ac comed prepatenon be their permits • ' Yet Anther parucularn ingot= at the Ifsircesity,or of Mr. 13anunski at hits White% on Lberth n. A few young Ladies can teem. inetrocuon in Draw. tnngg and Painting at Me. Bantinekth MOM at Mn. whin , . or at them dwelli• ; • dew . Tug? RECEIVED AT N A hllNElLLNinsnon`o el Bridge onhe Modem hfidam by the a rof Ame. lia Wyndbont,,Th a two Old Mores Talealre. &a. .Tbn Cantos of Mariam or Ike Triumph er Woman, tranolatod from lhaFreneh Of Frederick soohe. Posamsel, or doi Borger of the -Mounting by the ammo: errs le; by Albert lihnitb—onsh Wawa- Oglo ," Violin : • • Camp sad Omuta Deck, a llitary ache various bat. ibw o urea Does the brooking con of the French Herototion to the battle of Waterloo. The Henna. of Thopleo, or Wiktflre, dio Wanderer, a W. of the Mexican Walt by Ilarry Halyard. Mantua for October. , Also, at kw poblondans On hand. - Fangiot Id • MINIERIB, aid ,or 311 door IMttel .O.IITROLIC INSTITUTE LECTURES. MSS wed Leetere Cosentittee,o(ihe Catholic larritese,tike pleasure la menoneciekto the public, that anzegosents are beteg completed kr banes noe l:lee etceteras epui Cherry and Scientific sabjects, delivered belbee lastitate deriej ibe coming "exam The oPOPiod Leetare win Lodi:livered by Jok 11.-Cucav el" sok, of Philadelkikla,tte blenday Erma, peke, the CIA irot il ui th e MD or 'patinae, St Paul's School baj aM " iltirri k elecin 25 aims , Picket. ta worm tori ' Larlica wok Gentreinen, ISO onto. Ildwts pied procured at the Book Siam of W B ydk.k.p. et.,of either of lite cow miner, er et the dam DIICETAAFFF, ertEaL. Pee NAY Committee P C 0 8 FL'ITERMAD, ) az willies. 7 7 7: 47 , 7441',241.107a1Van-h.f wto; 1 1 Harris &Eon ..e, et' 'o b jruce ~ f Pare.ls4CS ' d di: ' :. :rforlblee Edo Q I aa ini l i • . ... PP&Co • ; 't do *.' rear 2 Hoot &Cb "'do 3 I color. riebr, , .... Dead Crepe - mode do 2 and fealty: G GorGlad7 • " do = Quoloo.ata *Wh whi IhrY &WW2, /Allow, } ea., Calabria and Cert. , Several of, done wines moire ; bestbr medical pur poses; many oftheet loom (trap the District of the elm, Oaciu, entirely freed by me anal Ilaidity et sweetness Jar reeebriagis store and &stale by the orivnalpaek. me, arid oleo ou drambt at the wirer afore of theEAVER sob scriber. I , JAB W . , 16 COT mar CO ket & hunt um • PIMIMASSIIIIIIP. ID a rumw s ORTLI respenfolly =comma to the .M.s. col.. of Pinebruett, that ha mem b %Ad' Sailding,,Foorth.l, are now open for the , reception of Ladles sad Gentlemen wt. Inch to empire 5 bematifol handomritimr. Mr. A. from long experience in teach. lug has co heriteion.in gnaranmMog to all who berme lus&apils fete mph% of Clibtogrupky. fillpablio it = 6 Will a t Waned to VC pc it w • Mentleman lento any hoer between ind 12 1 o'clock. Mrernme,end between 3 and Salle B moon. • A clue will Wu Writs et candle iigbueg. Ladies will vents at I o'clock. adontoon. • . • 14.1.20 re • j Om sale by • IEI liberty NEW SADDLERY HARDWARE mar. 31. T. 'LECZOLI, J 1.13 Wx/ arm, IMmai g a H AYING mPlsoislad =alma. fusn the ban we Loth demesne and sorely / late plasmas in an. nommingin'entesamets sad daahno thiu lam .mt to famish them with all goods In my Las on mil bents • • .• - dlery, Hardware and .Cimage Trimenegs, I °Wank thereby adeauteens that enableme to defy competion. Call, see. and lodge kayosreelvea spr7 QALERATUB AND GLOB FACTORY FOR SAM Adndolintstors of the James IdeLanghlin, oder Ibr sale the establishment dose ut Ninth Ward, formerly canted an by hose, in ha life time, as a Raters ms ano Ohm Fano:my. The works are in complete order fin urry indultam basinessorith firtormke,and ready for commencing at ear use. A Metal credo will be riven. Rod all particulars made keen. by melte" on *ad( the undendgued. . JANES RLAIELI, • JOHN BUTCHELL, mar _ •Adnalutratere '111.111..DE31.9, ttPFATERIS, and - AEL those . 1 who intend ha 'Willi—The imbunbers, at a heavy expense, have “eceeded in making brick tQatachine ry, they are able mien to the calsensoirinsbouzi ananschr maeh strperkir In every respect, as to data. Witty. tenacity, bond of loons", beaarhentoothatesa NITe refer to Woe who have need and are sun 011ing . ' 'Allegheny-3 k A Piller/elf, /as Hsiang, John. _pm, A Hendenoo. Col ersig• . plushorsh— Was id Edon, John Lassklin, and sassy others too numerous Is Station. fUL11771,01 TO THE PUBLIC—The sabiscri- AJ bo, by wriuen contract with the Paul ra , has the anemias right to eel' their Teas la Pitt T sbu Co rgh and Allegheny cities. liey pen. uncteptieg to sell their,Teas, except procured tkough me, Is planking a deception and a fraud upon th e pabbc—and their sone means are not to be felted on. A JAYNE& 72 Fourth antes HOIIICII WORM I V,IOOO feet Vulcanise Italia gabber Ikea from lio I/ Mama diameter; role. did smock. Just reed and for sale at No. 5 Wologlat. N. H. It bee been stated by one of our worthy cid. Ism that India Rubber Illose could not be mended. We my they can, and see will do it. spero. . JR II PHILLIPS., Tzes—suo bf chats sad 150 catty bun treat 'iron, comprising it fine amonatent of Yours Hymn, Ry on akin Hmn, timmeander and Imperml. Also, off,,Teu, jam ree'd; sale low by apels - WICK ideCANDLEEN FMBNOR BROAD CLOTHS—B. R. MUR PUY has Willy nte4 an sasonmeni of various gall Wes adore pod. Cot gentlemen's Drew Coat; Oasis, - at,inar for qadity... I pp= - . 1311q.111D CLIMIIhA *only of Drown Thy and Good Ilonse of vlaif W ktURPIIY owner ;la. and UL N \TOT/OZ•7lbeillers twig *treed o the a .1.1 ritrb.o ma !Immingham E:n t ri 1... V. j , iabras line [mum' Wane . ~ . ) walks Imandi•ulayment, Put time h.thZ rot , them Wrong men be settlement as or before the near °etcher neat D. PORDE h. Go. , 11;naloghont, ies Mir ' - . _ NOTICE.—Sho rammer sonool extuoi.lloll .r th e poptls of the Conottolturg Female Seminary will tart plow at Thonday the 30th inst.' ?he ratim ate zospe cth atdlyo'c vited to .trend. The exercises wilta4o- memeo lock. • • ' .A 0 sAlreas may be expected a the elm of the ej asaisation. *rail! !mad Y 5 V 113 %MT RAvittettast Itomusts t Lirrhee gtei sinni . IL L -P eew, All 7ll l lle i t i ee t te, rich dezkittbett, now. ere, • 1 . 1 . d 4 the , mixes; for tele el bet prices. ~. •• • • • • =CI RAILLMY WANTED.—Firei Rate Harlot . * II Le Le 'taken dorf ter therein= u the Fon Pin Meer. erf Stephen wan, near the Toll Gere, Penne neon*. ea 4d, at. Road, for which the Mahan pnee be paid in seek. mode dreekertfT ' • M KEOGH. rt .`• • pea • •• vo handrom pattern, suitable for azoll kris , writ, jos; teed az drr goods boon of " - - W QMURPHY. CVOoP MAHN eery Melvin •• • Mures la &Ares hams Ws day assommed themselves mean. a, ende r *. style and Arm of/num Benne k. GA for Ws yarpose of making taut tryvasehhooty, and above the Arsenal , ea the Allegheny ring, • cagey •• PEZBIEDDIUCX—TteuItriog • • • of JP Maid lEcillaccitata Ikaad nada trick . • . . . tilt null Prom& Met ai fp, ailir $lll . . th! rfrieC i gitaeskt e r, 9i 0.. • &can Brick Wait(' 1 if 111.115%,•:-A mph , or maven F l it i V=l lll 4 atm !patch-work omens, 11 adapted to Qadui aad Comforts, atdp goods booms of - spa', • . , • • • WMURPHY, - 14" • 7r, • N Ti , r - Tit . A fall soloply of those Judy celebrated MORA Shelliinti 01111=4 on had ead'far ak at maniac teterareed by , , tiIIACKLETT WHIM ' . 99 wood 111ILBJEND DAR 11170/1113-15 bbbi• T noes evaded and palretired Not antela tm hand sot receiving: On safe artadande or retail lode Wate New of JACOB WEAVER • aina • ld cot market & front ata: HAnDWAliii—Jost received; Weue. New Yea elup,lki v ltl isee Mzes. ol 4seewebele .s e m anaskd a.p ge, toresaill, awe sat awl psi saws. Md. keiteale Cilirralir/Allen? imovalls—ha vend from the East airpply orPkwithaor.very aaperotqutll at tba Seed !pok earner or Weed and op 115) • 8N WICKERSHAM gfVl lattlMe yd. widen:et Oil Ctodmeeer style alltlef pular= psi setehred Ifts the Philliynale (se la for West oar Vl= ream 5 Weed .t. • JeIIPHILJJIVI LILANNIGLS—Rod. Brawn ind . bassrd Pliaaelc Alt additional wanly reeeircd Rom iYa matiafito• Imam. Alo. a few pbeta km priced Clatillelp; iala j GEXI COCHRAN I XS root at 7; . - . W2..mintenir Dow open a fan sualrn. , it abaft deadrable_prds, warraloted clabrinka .o; aLe. Mk Wit* &Oahu** 'de, and a lame anon; meal of wbue and adored deraszle &kJ 11 . 11 Tirdsli-4 1 1 lIIIIIPPRPIantes attrauesia( aystre ladies*. Ihls wigwam:at of land Plaid Shawls, Idealism a tinr vary impanel, iddifiddwP auvrozsacoo, u 1 k• Wm* m ' tom.'. `t>"r% "t"- "...n- =EMS= ABM ' . !Sun, I Sun I Moon f Moons SEPTEMBER .f =M . I Sag I Zia!! I AMP P 4 PIMA) .1, ..2 r 9 2r5 1. Pullin. 9 5 25 Saturdays .50 553 Get/ % Sunday 1 5 51 561 7 24 157' . Monday 51,1 550 8 9 t 7 Tuesday . 553 . 548 a; 57 . . M Wpineaday 554546 9 48 .. lievementi.of the Ocean'Steamer. Steamers. Captains. Lesio Amer. Leave Same, Britmans, Me) - Hanson, Oet • Sept 4 Hit...i.L(Br) Syne, • On IS Sept IS Pails4elphiadFrlßessea ' Oct 1 ' Sept 13 • Uslca4 (Prl ILaben, • Sept Missoani • Mann, Oct 31 '3 Septa° Cambria, llk NAM.. • Nee I Oct 4 , New Vora. (Sr) 'Fumed, fi tept 15 On 13 Wath'am, (Am) Hceriu, pt 23 Oct 13 COeissia, (Sr) Hon, pi 10 0,111 PiTTBRUROD.BOARD OP TRADE. . coaatirm !3EPITIEBER /AL Dkilltl.L. W. W. WALLACR. W. J. TOTTEN Eastern Mail via Phil, Werde j ahl2; o. o,...Ci:e A ittzti and Lon due 8 P Southern Mail via Baltimore and Washington, doe 8 P. M., closes b A. M. North Welton Ina Cleveland, dae 10 A. M., elm, LTie and Western Diem Ymk, doe 8 P. M., closes 8A". hl. • OVFICE PITTINURGIR Monday itiorning,Septemberli. - Saltine.. on the wiled, on Saturday, 'was brisk beyond any previous day of the season. The wharf was literally crowded with Diy Goods and inheres. tide. rat ehipteent: and a number of beats were engaged in taking in fell load. ' The river lan eveaiag was five led io cheese tad rising. Flour—The market iestill without aniniation o and the article goes Weedily at the anal rates. We quote timber sale. al '5O Ude hi lots Iron store at $4,07124'90 t bbl;arlib an oceaairwal sale of choice brands at $ 5, 'Ualral retail prices $5 - A5. Grain—The market Lignite areadj and pricenfirmi We note Wiles only ins regular way at the, follow tog ratec—Wheat 90e; Rye 40.e450; 40043; Corn 37e40; Oita "MV. 5c p be. Very little is coming in at Ramat, and 'applies aro exceedingly Cornmaal—Sapply limited, •nd imlim J bait 45 050 c 4 4 ba. . _., ' Baeon—We quote farther mica in limited lota at rner 'qtiotationa. • lißtiemm—Silee in iota, of .150 Intact 6.104 cent. Lard—Regalar sales at 409 e. Mawr is us fair demand. with nles at Rib 10 and as in quality. CINCINNATI PACIIITI-111111 splendid lima of 'teasers bus again rammed their repast tops treat to CiacianatL The splendid steamer - Pe - nuslrankt cap- any laurel this day et 10 o'clock, • u, for Ciacianati, in placeUf the Monongahela. 'The hoe light draught steamier Habra, Poe; mar ter, will num her replay trip to %%Waling and .ilitermediate porta, this day at 4 o'clock, Pi M. . "3"lq amount received for tolls on elk the.N Work §tifetwoda t donna the iecood week in Seipterobee ...$93,911 139 .? 31,9675 S . IN Increase 541,9412+ The aggregate amonnienceived for tolli Dwane nninencement of navigation to the 1411 of Sept, lacing :a (137 da .. 1.2.414,513 73 During lame penn o n ) uv '47 (152 day5)..1671226 71 'amains743,x7 a: , =MI= "11% amnia scold - for tails at Balralo,4lnebes. ter, and Otmego, timing the Id ask io Septeatbar, in the yeirs - 1815, '46 sad '47, Is as Moors: 1845 1046 . 1847 buffalo 811,185 31 871814 93 819,9811 81 Itoebester.... 7,90890 7,149 10 5,384 85 Oswego 3,51544 4,04805 6,896 85 Totals . r.. 2,1236115 53 ,0:2 08 5 2,210 51' ' The receipts -troop the Madison and Indianapolis Raihrod for tho month of Magnet were-81,503 29 Same time last year 3,116 00 ' Races. la ---- The followieg are the exports by canal at Beale on Sept 'X; Flour, bbls Post, Ashes, Wheat, be Better, its Bacon, Tolls rIICEI or nava rd. Tgo eon TZAR. Te commercial year endingbit the let Met, has • been one-of more etc *ent and intemet In the boar trade, than has otinned bra very ion( time past The Buebrations have been very rest, and we hare, therefore, taken some pains to compile the folimaing table. in the hope that it willpower cob.- hie for Mtnre reference to many of oar readers,— fAlevandria 1846 N York Gen.. Eogliab •e.6lart t. Floor. quoutions. Sept 4,Britannia $438 Ws hood " 18 Cambria 600 28." Oct I Weaern 550 •_ 28. • " 3 Hibernia .550 -27.6 d "Y 2 Caledonia G:5 Nov 7 Britannia 625 Gd • • 16 Western • 575 32s Gd " "17 Acadia 5 2 25 -31. Dee b Caledonia 6IV free ip Vambria 556 32. • 1817 Jan 25 Hibernia.: 71X1 38s Feb 10 S Sands • 7 7.5 42. " ".0 Cambria 700 -40 s hhh..73 Hibernia 725 t) Cambria 7 75. 38s .51q 6 Caledonia 775 - "17 Britannia 8 2542 s " Jane 3 Hibernia 9 NI " 1G Cambria 800 43s " holy Cikdonia 650 "16 Britannia 625 • 34e Aug 2 Minim. a. 550 35s "19 ilinibrir 5G - ..71. 61 " MA•fiCiTS 3E&R &CO • above Aoenal J thiidarr •5 75 Sept ealedoliia SG9 tl Britannia The Midst'tlos of the prices el Wheat and Indio ...Cote In ihe,English market, dating the past iris month*, map hoseen et a glance at the minezed ts. blo, canted Irom o late English paper: • Wheat, IO(Ii20 COT; pet qt. , per qt.. 69 86 G 6 72 73 87 G 6 72 76 .B'J G 6 72 • • 74 87 56 60 70 134 60 55 ' 5 70 34 _ 50 id H ; 71 133 50 52 n 90 LO 52 90 CO 82 .95 60 55 , 51 187 •66 72 100 113 56 72 • 94'107" 66 72 , 86 99 50 G 6 93 106 50 66 87 IW 43 66 87 93 40 '63 • 79 96 - 40 50 71 82 40 46 • 75, C 6 40 46 ' 75 C 6 40 45 70 81 40 46 . Anglin 2 •• 60 71 .• 30 34 9 • 60 41 XI 31 _ 16 . 62 M.". W 36 21 . Vt 69 . 55 35 /donday March 1 TIIIIIII DAT. D. LEEC:III dr. Co',.. PACKET,: Phdadelpliin and , . BROWNSVILLP. PACKETS at 8 A. N. and 6 BEAVER PACKETS nt 9 and 10 A r and 3 ex MONONOAHELA CITY PACKETS, 3 r. w. DISPATCH, Nelson, Brown/rine. CAMBRIA, St Logi". HIBERTGA, St. Louis; HUDSON, Wheeling. PEr ZNNSYLVANIA,tin. ROSCiIE, St Lpats. VERNON St Lot PORT OF PITTSBURGH: 5 FELT 0 INCliti 'RAT!.II.-Rl/0 • ARRIVED.. • , Costal Rnanziesi. - "Bnitemaille. Leeds McLane. Bennett. Brimiorrille. Dcapatcti, Helm, Moo. City; • Skippet, Deaner. . Camden, Hendrickson, Reviver.: Beata? ! h oop., Bearer. Lake kme, Hemphill. Beaier. • Sunbeam., Cochran. Cur. - . rhodreha. Pee, Cin. • "" • llmpire, Young; Cie.'• ' . Island Packet, Wbeelitip.. •1 • . • Mal Stephen, (sear) almyard. • . • - - Cosimiiltothaaai Brownsville.. Loch , MeLine, Benieu, - Mestere,. Woodwael, Brownville. Dispatch,fiehens, Brownsrills: f' BeareilHoops Beaver_ Like Die. Cacisees, liesdnellems, Beeier, • Monies, Callum, Cie— • - : cootheweiseieukeii: Omega, , St Lae& • Genget,liuder,ll Logic,' BLia,Lts;lllm4l2lllemp . L., for sale by IIIcCANDLESS'' P?"! 1,4 ” 41 1 ri COMIIERCLIL RECORD. ARTURO!! OP HAIM . elphia, die, 3 A. M r , closes Cheese, Ito 5 Wool, It Lard, 23,155 9taveek :40.000 : 21,774Lam Haig 91M . Seeds, 16 2719 $4) . 110 091 No of charmed 00 STEAMBOATS. ' , • MIIR TILE SAULT WM 1141.8.1.11 C. The steamboat DETROIT, Copt- 11. • melt. will tomato. stooling be n Deno:Mid the • Suds Ste 'll on Jane atd, nuking weekly iki tn , p oit te ry t i ns T... the d. sc y 4l 2 ad o.4. , et k, th p ! a. The Detroit it one yens old, has IsPewerthl.lmn putt tore en ' ne and It wellOdapted to the Stott bode For }Wight es I. ..s;tat i tmlg i r E ra orm F V I,AWBI3N Ei3MIEMI o at The new and Run running Mr ROSCOE, Jivettsmacter,erilllenvetuaborethie morning et 10 o'clock. Frir freight or Pce.ke enOlv on ho d.l tUa er LOUIS- • The fiust mooning sloti fIIBERNIA, ' • Fatah. tauter, will leaves, shove de color at 4 o'clock. For 'freight o opra7 FOR Sr LOUIS. ' • The elegant and fast runtnog nonf at.ma CAMBRIA, Foroxlh Of • ,ter,nrillleave *Lore this Owning nt 10 o'clock. For freight or puragniN2l7 on board. .027 • FOR ST LOUIS The fine nor - arr vpxsolq: • • Parkinsop, mostor. will Rive ss oho this rrionung at 10 Welock. For Rol ein or passage apply on bard. 0914?1.. The new and Gee - steamer • HUDSON. Poe, matter, has resumed her rep utor, , wins and will leave fiusborgli es,alirove every Thursday and Mom day at 3o , sek,PJat. - F or - fre ight or name. apply on board,or to • ti WILK:IN:44h lip= Agrnt • FOR CINCINNATI. atia.. l'' n'-' ;'E% ;o•Y r d a tra, _' G ray, matte will leave as noose th' morning sit In o'clock. For freight • rump ninny on lamed. spar EMEIIII2I tia P° fitra.va...., gii.e.h.,...r.,„„11.carn mbar to unmoor •11ter.rillinrn 10 o'clock. For frclab or pump apply on board. OW FOR CINCINNATI—REGULAR PACKET. jelLThe new light draaght stair • CASHIER, • Ic(laniet. moss, will 'tears as ahoy Is onmsang allO o'clock. Tor freigh or pussso apply oo boxrd:' FOR CINPI ZeNATI—,REGULAR PACERT. [ The aceeland light d nasal Guar .. LOYAL LIANNL, - I f l 'inek. master, hove for above and intermediate portaoaTlanalahlhe itel non at }0 o'clock. a. n. For=hLoe passage, havjo i lkos v cenowezereds.. Monongahela House illEf3Ul.Jal Louwviccerector:r T4....6 heir drauebt vied feat run , eing et.emaer EDILLICA, . Crozier, sourer, will roe me • replier motet between Pittelbergh and Lool► vlle, daring the season, She leaves Toescloy, Sept. Mot 10 olrWek. , If For Ike:gtitor passage orlly on hwd. wall FOK STLOUIti—BEGULAR PACKET. Tbe erman c lArtazas . hal Atkinson, matter, arid lore as above rsday at 10 deloet, For frehrbt or passage amply oa bawd. 1 urn Iteraluliativer wild cftairri. Packet. AffitThe new ae=rot . stsamboat Skits*, master, bails expressly kw Wm trade, will ran en a septa Packet ro Bearer and Glaserrw—leaving P/11. bores daily at 3 o'clock, r-stsaad =stin'. (ilk ..119 , ., (mamba Sandy and BLIMICaust,) on hionday, wed. =War. and Friday. For freight or passage to lk.wer. New Laster, or the Inns IV t and Nook of New Lisbon, apply on board at lo 4 RA W HARDAUGII.3O wood street BiaIa:SPORT, ELIZABETH 'AND NQNON6A. lIELA CITY PACKET. The new arromer DE,SPATCII, • Bohm!. waster, willym "shove; ka iota . . .641111 h every Monday, WEI! acaday and Friday, et o'clock, A. M. mad Bloomy halt City nary Taasday,Tbariday and Saturday. at E. olcbck, A. AL For freight or passage ipplyori Wood. irm • • . Pack llligu. --- Plititsbrpt sad Saaestille. • et I • I . n atzl i sh a ir lianst4, l4l Atut i"d Zwili =skewer ' iLly tripe to the above pen detine the kw en.— for freight or to art, I) VILKIN t. j: Alta, EXPRESS LINES, '&4, ==7= 1 . .. :4EXPRICSN'PAST PAVNLET LINE , . • Igigßat FM IRMO ' PRILAD [RodusiodyELPRIA AND lIALTIRIOILE. fer Passawyes.l 1 rPRE Canal adel Railroad being bow la escellent J. order, the Packets of this Line will leans with pa*• sense's no follow., every eight at If o'clock: : . Packet Indium.. Berk oe,lDondanDep I V. do leistisianaf Thompson, Toeada), Boot eo. do Keaucky,Traby,Wedoesdas. Septae• ' , . ~,' do Ohio. Cm . Thursday, De 1E: '— '. iro lic .— Ziri 'aiva, tord y, fin T. do Keotackyi Troby, rianday, 04 7. do Oto.Cnufg, Monday. Oct 4. do Indiana, Hawkey, aesday, Oct L. do Louisiana, Thottifooo. ‘VedocadaYi . Oct ': do Kentucky, Tiroby,Tkarsdar, Oct 7 - do Ohio, Cy, Friday, Oct 8 I do Indiana, Berky, !Wonky, Oet 9. do Loa:Woos, Thompaon, Punday, Oct 10. If you Beare cheap travelling and 1}3114:131/1blel lett.• toodatioos, PeCIMI your tickets at the Pack et! Other, Monongahela Ibex, Water street, or of 'lT_.._. D LEECH .k. CO. Can • I Basin .. Uki GREENE illa CON Vie 1: EASTERN 4 WESTERN EIPREIS ERCHANTS and othersounding good. East; are IVA tabenied Maidu lion inhere,..l now matting Imtweem Pittsburgh and the Haw, connecting at Bitlie more with Adam. and Gunpuurs Espress daily, Mr. all the prinetrud Easterneitinc. Package of all site. weeired.and Samsnaded dotty tolliwwwe psfineams en I coin IdeLatte tand Consul, dad thence by our Er presswurgoo. which are onderlock, toCambertand and thence by mail wain to 13altimoro. For tanheuparticalat. enquire at Si Charles Illotel buildings, Wood meet. Sylesty 11 It VICKF.RY, Agent • ,ECLIPBE .TWO DAY LINE. ETWFAZI BROWNSVILLE AND CLIMBER LP LAND, in now riming daily - each wing... trying 7.0 W egGeods end l•rodnee between above point. Merthabdise Dom the Dist is delivered is Vast:nigh at the night of We third day Boas Cninbertandrwtaking Din the .4474 en - Pedigo.% route foi getting Get Goods Bow the Eastern Cale.. The Apra in Bellmore will give a receipt as to time J mac - Merrell , Agents are I C B/DWELL, Pio:Worth • • G IV CASS, Browneclin MeKAII7 & MAGUIRE. Cooi'd U ROBINSON, Pio 3 Light et, ^^c.• Prat: at, Baltimore i sir: ~~~i~►~►►~~t~li~.~ frlID Ilabseriber, lam of the fin. of I I Williams fr. A Co. harms thirilay manned the sock of fur Dll Fralido, in the wholesale and retail family grocery and produce business, No. 40, corner of Market and Liheny streets, would respeetfolly solicit the patronage of hta fnenda and fanner customers of the establishment, as. string Mem that he will always be mapped with the hen anicks the matem markets can famish, and at fait prices. ' fly an especial . arrangement with A. Jaynes, EIT, Agent for t e New yoot Yekm Tea Company, he will ho coastanly surmised with a general assortment of the °Nooses Teas, altiew York retail prices, for the,ac- MWIOSOdatIOS of those of his customers who prefer end Tau THUS MILLER ihtuthorgit, Fleputoilbe. (D) In retiring nl= the Grocery. and ['rodeos business, the ondersorned meld cordially recommend his soeces• sor,Thos Miller, to los friends and former patrons. speSt D II PRALICII TIISSOLOTION—Tbe partnership hitherto exist .L• inn muter tho style and firm of Wightman & Dal. telt is this day dissolved hp mutual coneent,dohn Hel sel' baring dirpowd ofhisentire inteßeSl to H Mahn= The basinessofthis later= mltl besettled by It WWight. man, who Is andsorized to nee the name of the Into firm II WIGHTMAN for that purpose. II I let) DALZELL spand3w THE Sahseriber Is now' prepared to monaketere all kind. of Conon and - Woolen machinery at the shiniest notice- Orders leantB Wightouto% Woe &timer net Liberty and 111140 T street, will meet with tm london. NITIGIMIAN • Meech et bcaween Federal and Sandusky cis splAndly ' Allegheny City • rOl/01110011ENY NAVIGATION COMPANY— _ An election foe a Poeslilent, four Alamigers,nTrea. , surer *ad a Secretary of the Youghiogheny Nee:gallon Corersany will be held at the boute.r hfipses Rohm, on the Youghiogheny river, on Thursday the 11 h day of October, beim= the hoar, of 10 o'clock, A. M. mad 4 ddlock, P. M. . The Stockholders are hereby notified ea lateral in pep, 4044 a/ young by proxy is not permitted by the charter:" ALEXANDER MUMMER; . JAhIES DELL, NY.a.P.PII MARBLE, JOSEPH GUPPY, AlO5l ROBINS, ADAM COON, JAMES MAY, JOHN DDAYIs, COlll2liOlllllGOl. ON. RAND OIPPROVIDRD AT saorrr NOTIC E FOR CUSTOMERS-200 cuts propk and yellow 0 doable, Carpet Chen; 12 hands/we Walking Canes; 6 dozen Bed Cords, Plough Linestind Laciturs.Ctutik and and Fishing Lines, and Twine; 200 dosenr).4, 840, 142, 1013 and 10-14 Wbukor Rash awn Ohm, to 'et when warned; S good Mantle Cloak. and a Looking Glass a rood nasofluent of Inkstandc Lead and Slue Pencils; p.nrbith quills nod patent Pawn red, bloc, and lilac* Ink; Wafers; Seeing 'Wart.wridng, leuer,hild wrap• pin, Paper and Paper Ilsingings. For pd. low for cash of ouitublo country produce for Onnegnoes, by ISAAC 114R11113, Agant nod Commit. aim Merchant; Pith at' . spallkiltdtewT FALL DRY GOODS. CS lIAc LETPk WHITE. IN 'Woad.= doors above Olnanrond Alhry,Plnsbauth, would invite the attention oceity and country buyers to their eery large and fresh meek of STAPLE AND P.A DAY GtAtDl3, ankh they have recently parch - aied at low rues !roar dif Ea. tern idsenfactsters. . • Ooe melds now fall and eon:elec, remanent many rue and desinthle goods which ate ditheall to Mat e d.. otheretall of which will be sold at a anysotall adeance,, and as g low asthey eon be parebthed of the EastersEastersJobbe. , TtlfiNk.llB—At the Atheiteenh—The propmeiers of Al.tr, the Atheism= Refreshment - apartment will set • Outlet - table putsch:ally at l o'clock,?. , each day; etwuttesteitte Wedrumulay, the 23th last/ The tab le , will be supplied With thit best that the whet &Reds. Baleen we* ass usepeetAdly tented call. &Mt - FMK, TllO N& CO Mttle÷.W, 4TA - wr' r . bruin Nape see choicest breads; jets nVeiri!4 and kste Oy the original pedalo or oftrisisc. • • Also, 49 dot Msdeicas sod eiterrielOr, solo by tee doter sisite Walcott JACOB INTAV..MI !its:more, Miff cif 0 4.1449-41)9M0t • ;VW . • • . . . . . ........ -;- ' - ' ---- ' . . ,, T , C.: 4 : 2 .:f. -- .... - ; - • -..-,--,,,,, .. , ... - i5.7.117.1; , h , Ti - -.. -, :,..r= =-- -- ,, ,-;,.' , ...,..• - -- - ...f•;;;41—r _ , ~~~e limADoptignalUrigiiDlA 'A TLANTIC AND MISSISSIPPI TEL. EGRAPlL—Connecting Lines lot uniung ' the principal Tovinsin Ohio with the main Tele. mph Linen—The Lines of the"Aftantic, Lake and Aliasusippi Telegraph," which the nutweriber end his associates are .now extending along the shores of Lake Erie and Michigan, as well as on We No. tional Road, (and of wtuch,aboat a thounand miles are' already erected between We neabord Line and !Impure, Cleveland. Cincinnati, Detrialt,Chica.• go and Gouissille collie tout* to St. Lenin) will, with all reasonable despatch, be annexed so as to accommodate all the prmcipal. towns in Ohio, Miele igen; Indiana, Illinois', Wing:main, Ac.—thus eaten. ding throughout those and other States, the silvan. taps of a satisfactory connexion with the Main Tel ruraphLinim between the Eastern Western Slates. • (These objects will ho promoted thro'ont the,Lower Mississippi Valley by the ' . /klidrissippi Valley and Mexican GultTelegraph," which is now being hold under the maperlotence of Menem. Gholson, Rrileynod Shaffner, between Louisville, Nashville and New Oilexow) • The Legislators of Ohio, on the memorial of the undersigned, boring granted right of way ler the constiuction of Telegraphs 'on any plait in which the people have confidence enough to enlist their en. impose or nioney',—and the .ntulesaigned being re. solved to tumult, the best modes of Telegraphing that hare been or may hereafter be devised by American Ingenuity, bail weaved the right to not four different American Inventions, (including Mot. se's Patent, and also Hoitse's Patent Letter Printing 'Nderapb)—securing each inyenter liberal rmnu• neration as mewed] by 'contract where his invention isemployetito the cud that no delay or difficulity need ever occur Irom relying exclusively on any one mode of Telegraphing upon the lines constructed thiough my ag ency. ' While I wi have no personal controversy with any of the peddiantof -Patent • Rights who are en deavoring to leambeg the community with assertion. Wit one Patent, and only one, can be used lot Tel. egraphing in the United States. It seem, proper that the brand of fraud and zmposture• should he stamped upon oil and, rash .amped upon ell such rash issirtfiins. There is mom than one Patent; and as Hotore's“Letter Prin. ling Telegraph," !mildew being patented in the. Uni ted States la also patented in Great Britain, [the on ly Amenean. Telegraph thus honored.] it will re- quire more than mere assertion or, threat to prevent its tieing used along with other Telegraphs upon out lines, whenever the public interest requires it, itliout ,, permiasion"frOm- tiny other Patentee or bus agents nr conUollem-.emeeially as Pmlesnor Henry, the highest tiring authority in Electric Selo once, declares that House's Telegraph is not an in• hingement on Memo's Patent, enrol anything which Profener Morse has a right to claim—the friend. of Col blame. Virginia Telegraph, which 1 bare also the right tonne, being equally sanguine respecting its value ps well u originality, and! equally rend.' rod to tuba mmuinpolining pretension., from what. :ter quarter they .7 , 1 proceed. Mr grimier ey may , The resalt of the attempts in the United States Court at Philadelphia, to prevent me from using /done!. Patent on the lines covered by my contract Indiades the fate that will befall any and all at tempts to blackmail ma and mall', that contract, though whatever might be the fate of that contract, it could not impede the wmking ol the lines of Tel egraph constructed by ma or my associates, tom. much in I hold the right to em fear different Amer. ican Telegraphs, either of which, or all of which, can be and libell be rued wheneier required by the public interests end the welfare of the Telegraph system gets ally . Any commameation:mispectiog the extension or the Telegraph, will be promptly attended to, it ad dressed to the nbecriber, either at Albany, Phila. delplua,Pittabrugh or Cinclu!il:_ lIENRY OItIELI.Y Cinimati, Sept. 11,1847. NOTICE . -TELF.GRAPHIC At thorough familiarity with oil the Juts of the ease in cootrovemy, and bill investigation of the le gal priociples beanog on the important question render it proper to my that. an seseciaten of 'Mr. O'Rielly Isom the commencement of thelTelegraph. to entetprise through Indtvidual resonptes in the United Sotto we also "appeal to the public," end fo the tribunals of the country, to protect us in our jolt rights; and we hereby warn all persona, comp.,. nice antramocialiona, that they, will not be permit ted to construct and-put in operation lines or Mor els's Eleetro-Magatie Telegraph over any portion of the territory maimed by Mr. O'Rielly, until we cease to hate laws to enforce the awry:nee or con. Unto HENRY R. SF.LUEN. ALVAH STRONG, • • ELISHA DI ELY, JONATHAN CHILD, SAMUEL L. SELDEN, GEORGE DAWSON. Suie of New 14t4.Aug., 1C47. orpe.4St A— 'MASTIC, LAKE, AND JIMISISSLPPI TELEGRAPH—finer. I, under the management 011ie Allude and Oleo Shignede Telegraph Co—Phil adelphia at Pittsburgh. ' Tamps dr Caagona—Tert words, ezehariva or date, rignataw, and eddrem On each additional 'word. if td or between Intermediate oihrei 2 teals; of an through meriaager, 3 rents will be eldiriett. Pbil'a. 90 0) 91 20 30 40 e'r 20 90 20 93 30 9) X 9O Ilnesbig. 9) Si 20 30 20 20 20 Carfare. 93 20 91 • :0 -.1.49 - DP 9) Qom*. 20 •20 Jo 20 20 IX , • 91 Bedford. 9) 40 20 Pius's. • Sem. 2. ender bite Manage ZO ment of Me Pal isburn la arid Lewisville Magnetic:nit/map?: Ca Tanana rateTnitam—Teri ward.. exelnire of due, • sionnine, and adder.. On cad, additional word, if lo or between Iniendedme offices, 2 err.: or on 9..022 manager, 3 teats will Ire charged. Pote27.4ogan .2firTarill.4l,44Arglian_2o,, de Zanearate - do Dine:man 3D do Calumbair 30 do Inorreneelag do Dayton 10 - Jo. Nadiron 30 do Cinch:mit 40 ao ' Low male 9) do Inwrertee'bg 40 Columbor to Dayton 20 du Madison 60 do Cincinnati ir do /animal, 91 do Ma dison Manville to Wheeling Zi do' Madison • 9 do Zenedrille 10 do Loturrille 31 U • do Cdlombur Dayton to eiminanu do Dayl . oll AI do Indirrenterag do • Ones:man 40 ilo laadiron do Lawirneelig 40 do lemitoille 20 do Medijon 40 Pin. to Invirenecti'd do Loidwille 49 do Mailman 21 Wheeling to :.ono, i Ile ter do - Loob.vil w do C 01111131,113 Ler lawrrneetig to laabrit 20 do Aydin In do law wale 20 do Cincinnati 3U gladden in Louirvale :0 • do Lassnroccit'a 30 do Madras], 10 do Louisville 10 IBRANCH LINE". Lancaster to Colombia, ILO ennui tor 10'scords, and 0 Lanenner in York, 15 cents for ID ward., and pm rat.. nr.borgh to Cleveland,33 cent. for I 0 words, and 2 menu for essay additional wend. Comminientimu must be prepnid; written in a plain. legible band, bead ng num the Nee ratt only the err in 1011, but we canna= and residence or Pm signer. Peery mmenabk cartoon( comptaint will be ingaired into, and remedied if pram/raj:de. The pchlie are re. qiustrdlo nuke known gach,cither to the ounagera, at 'their rerpretureogices, or to the General Saperintend on at Philadelphia and Cincinnati, that mills may be remedied,andake Imes made mutable mediums for the pablic semi= The public may rely upon the integrity with which all the operation. of the lino will beam:doe ted, and the sacredness of all etunrattat cations mauled to them for The artielesof Asteelaumt require the °Sees to he ehoant on Sabbath. IlLtin ()Gee boars from Sunrise to •• Telegraph fr om. Pittsburgh to Olean 'Point. Tundersigned having obtainedlieso the owners .L of the Parent for Po femur lorse's tleetrei flag. nerie Telegraph, the right to con tract a li ne from Puts burgh re repopylsania to OkanPoint inthe atom of N. York byany more which may be selected, do hereby ! L eger to band sajd Hoe of Telegraph without wire. oral • In all respects Wt. best line now ia use In the United Stoles, inelading Registers, Bartanci t and fixtures of ad kinds rehdy for rise, and includinethe Patent Right - am mo. POloiainig, for ono hundred ,dollars per mile, payable In kit/WM.ID as the work/progreases, under rho direction of Me path. firmishinfthe funds therefor. !_ The above line warn bath will connect with a line Dom Rochester at Ole. Point, now building, and nine with aline from New York City to Dunkirk, along the .hoe of the New York and Erie Rail Road; which will be both catty nem Spring, thus giving the, people of Pittsbargh and intermediate places a cheap line ofcoos. 619010111011 with the State of New York told Can.., Caramealcation• addressed M either of dm at Ithaca, lii:Y.,or at Detroit, finch-,will be attended to. OURNPXL sprdhltivrdwltsP J I SPEED, Jr ROUND MLI. 'WATER CUBIC • EIIITAB. LI SIMICAT — NORTHAMPION,BIua. • • ACCIMI3I4 R ausaimi. • Serum. Wuremeami, reeperidar. Dm r.OWARD E. Dreourtme, Hailed PhyMeien. drfightfull establiehmoll is eitemtml Dem half a mi le I wed alb* beaulidd vilDge of Northamptoo, el en den tine of abode ^JO ket Mere the Connoctient Riser_ which it *snitcher. The grovel: atertnualing the Eidaldisdreset, tiprise shoat kety acme, which an entinly enencia led the me end phason of the Palkeds. hmtte beautiful Framed mettle.: freest tremane immerom footpaths, eme pktely eluded: and Battling holthful and pleatientwallm kr awl? Sou mike. e The mpasgoes endstoMmodious building. of the eateblish meat ete lodated upen the castern brow of the hill, end over look cue of the mod mehantieg.lindecepee in the world.— leursedialefgin froul, Is the village of Northunnoto, with its neetersus and kmdmette dwelbags, amidst the dame of lofty and ormitempug elms. nether au to the cut ate the with teradair s a fimk . ualptou ad Hadley _drama intim Mut radon of llpring.or the warix p teaf habiliment. of &mom and Autumn. Midway, kr north andWouth, is sem th e magoth and glary 'efface o th e Comeretient. dowly its lo the oesaml On the oortb, ret haute dial. nom is the Milne, of tratfteld with its rich - end beentdel firmq an the tam le the tiourisidemeillege of Had leyond aho of of with its Conner, while the die. Mem, with the aid of a gime, may be men an en and greatly diecnilled range of Mndry. On the southma le, at about uk miles distance, is Monet Holyoke, in im drew of renudiveng green . ? and a little !nook ia seen the &team mllitEe db Haller on the moth, we behold at about to dialance_ the wrestle Blount Tom, and the charming village of Enst Iteraptom with im selcol cditicem— wbohi pressating a COMbhl4oo of attend Sensry tpd; perbaye unequalled, by my ether in the world. It was remrked . by a gentlemen, who has spur mem thirty J ears of kis life= mesons. parts of Eine*, that he t eem beheld a scene ire paten beautiful aid enchanthee. The ennetemogegous Id Round Hal en very aullamt taxa, try most'n'amply sullkimg for upwards of OM handlnd and fgly patimia. It ss Melded with an elamdanee of the puteet spent Wa ter and men ales requiaits ke the Wheal per teen of thin popular and wonderfally easeemful had.. of matectin hat or impaired healin.- Dr. Demist= who maidta in the estabhdenent,b a gentle man of =knell elyeriencs, was educeted in Europe, when le Mined the adranta of Kemal pan prudes in the misbrand heentals of Zdenburg and MUM and h horn a 'sarecraful Premixes in OM visinitrkeTenremi.. Yas .. dimension. Delicate may therefore repose mare confidence in Its shiDad ;,A r taide penhion is made kir allendeate. "Amen thom cm plo ere seetral well keit-tend German nurses. erms of Smelling, Ing utediral advice elk Pe- Simla will be lowliest Mee wvery article for paint+ o..*' the met of amenities. ffofltoldlffon. Illaa4Auguat 5th,1847. ~wai F"Bolivar Brick... PERIENCED Judaea, on • trial n( coe, strice pronoopeo We arm! Rimed for dwabillty to the coma...hop of all club kr laws gum:teed la mou onth. ow, Orden foe mload.i cron, Bolivar Bricks will b. caromed 01120 pee aired, wllkaal mimeo. • atock of the &a pow r.d.idg airl Wade at tho warchoare, . W ar fl 4 l l '"C"H:lbuiB .. by j • I re A nai W nit NA ort e ko l t lVaENorta • Cheap Gold Waleltem • • J US T rammed a headsonte lot orLettlet , Gold Patent Lever Watebetea low o f ang d aianh.With flee geld cum and ommated to keep good time. At*. large somamemit, of higher prieedbees,totegnalleOett e d totality • . . AlsoT 1 1=rold Witches of easomm. tratleMts as "Ow" CIPM.N.4;tA—,WF,FaIed, OM •*. • • • . 1 .51 Yr_ 44 10 21.1 r. • • TO CONTRACTORS, TO CONTRACTOOII , Eeriereds Olt% James Rim vk'deutasela • " Big bland, Raiford Coosa, Pm, . •• 1716 August 1617. DROPOSALS will be. received at Lynchburg, Va..m. I tit the WM &member next. for all the workon their Canal then uneontraeled for, (mu Lynehbong upwards .James (fiver to Big bland, a distance al about 0 Swim. The wpticcompriocsuboateight totkal (Ike imszt - dawn. of two•of which have he laid), a few small e elven% the abutments of Moen naniatut fawn bodges, and eight unfinished sections (from half a mile to etude lmm) of oulrvio, embankment, Owing jumh, also two Dalai trarossJames 777 fe et w,est of Big island: one at Me Ceigies• Dais, abont 777 feet long and t 7 foot high - and th e oilier iust below the tomb of North Rip er, about 475 feet long and 17 feet With- Etpeeifieatkots, plans, Ac of the raid work will be exhibited at the En gnaw% Oirice at De Island on end after the lath ofSep• tember next, nod all needful uninvoadon Will be ,givol at any tine by the Assistant Engineers on the line of works aforenud. IVALTERGWYDAN •142tawid Chtef Engineer • V oposal s • ILI,II, liCeiceg Pr al the °Zee of the Pushers b We ter Works ono! the Ira of OcuWer next, for erect nk Par,ince and Pampa for the Allellheny city Water. Works. rot fornishing•7sooo lbs enninpi the runes; and Bond: 11 do *Oa be Pe readmits; do 55 PP feet of2o inch iron pipe; do 0 do 550 " 12 " • " • • do Iwo Yd inch slop valves, do two 12 " " • do too 20 coek Pa n: Proposals to slate the MA for lliate and Pomps, ern:motet/ft—to state the amount per lb for caninss,Sereer bolts, pipes, and stop naives—and to the amount for the twonl inch stopcocks. Poe particulars enquire of ROBEAT ktOORE, Sop't of the Punbarch Water Works , aratd BOOKS, MUSIC, &c. HANDLER'S GRAMMAR—A' Grammar of the V English Longuage, adopted to the Schools of Amer a; by Joseph if Chandler, editor of the United Mates Gazette, I eel. 12tho. pp. DM, 1011, edition. Chandler's tit remota, L. being introduced into a great many public and pi NEM relarols throughout the Limon. WARD SCHOOLS OP NEW TORE. The undersigned Commissioners and InspeeMrs of Common Schools of Me 17th Worth taxing with mach earn and delibennion, examined Chandler's- Grammar of the English La visage, uro• of opinion that ror mien. tile arrangement, happy Montanan, and judicious ap• Mention of , the, principles of Grumman to Latranatre, is unequal •dby any work of the kind utanc "We have therefore, adopted it to tic usal in the Ward Schools under our eta rte. WILLIAM A WALTERS,/,_ . . JAILKS COOK, CHARLES D KID, Inspector. The undersigned having examined Chandler's Eng . fish Grammar with evicts , to micermin its adaptation to i to:die purpose of teaching, take great pleasure in rec ommending the tame us a work of superior merit. 'rho prominent features which Seem to recommend We book strongly la Me undamped, are, Gorham aro tem of commencing the study with the businesir of in duetive parunm the Introduction of the different pats of,rorech progressively; with a correct reference to de. Sw ion. oons, t , ogether with the unifonn a imp !icily of expla. nat It is the only text-book on this anNeet now in use in Want Schad No 19, containink over twelve hundred . 1 'f7f P Clll - blri, [lnn. !dale Depanm% Ward School No 11). J D Damin, Awl. do do do ' • W Petit, • do do do Harslet N Pnn. Female do Werthe cmdersigned Miring examined Chandler's Grminihar, do not hesitate to say that In no adapticw as a tam-book for schools. it surprosesall *Mentor the kid that has Caron ander oar notice. We are s. welt Neared with it that we have adopted it in oar adman. Dwight Brown, Principal of Brooklyn thigh School; Salmon Phelps, Prin. Classical & Engstiah do; John Van Nees, do English and gounnereial Seiko* htifs Helen AI Phelps, Pnn..Young Ladlea'fferninani MnL Townsend, de Select School; - Walter Chriehohne, All, Boctored the Brooklyn Gram mar School; . Rev henry Clarke, Prin. Claestenl High Sam* V Thompson. Prim Makin Ilsiban Institute. itmeklyn, Si: Y., September 11,1647. Cbondlees 0(110IDUI FM Waited snd Anode by Thom .. Comporthweite & Co.= 'Market se, PMlndeipis, and JOI [Perron & lITOCKTON,eorner of Illeutet am Third enc. Pllmbornb. speildeadner WINSTON & STOCKTON banjo= recessed fotIC the following new worke, Napoleon, Ida Array and Ida Generals; by m /Uteri- Ileeekre Lettere from /tab the Alpe, eeel the Rhine. The Wtgerina and the Cabin; by tho unbar o( 'Ye. Matte, !cc. Views or &reps N. with Knapsack apd Staff. Item dom Shots and tioathesn them; by Tasistro-2 vols. The Slate:ma. Manuel, entraining the Pinsidents` ?dewlaps, with ortiespobhe docamonts, a Itiosn'hYhT of each Preavlent, and a history of then Adsoististration& de, in b cola—eempilad from °facial atoms, by Edwin Williams Cromwell,. binoncal Novel; by 11* Herten. A Simple Story; by hits 4mM:old • Draper's Seismal Philosophy, for too are of Schools stnleelle.sicemainina the mostrecontdneescries and (sew comp . /let-Isom the best authorities Ilatkley's Geometry for 5ch001...0G.4r.. Mow ha Young architects. ..Icahn. to facilitate their practical operations; by Geo Weaterick, with ad dinnaal Noru by d J Dowel. ALSO—A fresh supply of the folk, wmg valooLle works: • DDownioreaConsge Residences; • Dow...es Lat.< 4 Peitir Gardening, aoJ Rasa! Arai. • Prescott'. Conquest of Pero-9 Ws, cloth: Washington anti his General. by•J T Wadley. Napoleon and Ins Marshall. hr J T Heaney. The S.red hloontairtN by I 1/Icagley. thou of the Paige of Waterloo: by Mktg, revised by the Doke of Wellington. lotagungtok, Wit and limner; by Leigh Dont. Tappet's Prorcitlal Phskisophy. Topper's Probhbilines. - . .. .. . . An Author's RUA by NI E ?pop,. Shahspearo. with kitty illustraium.. spl2l TSl.Viiig, rittriT.ggeffiy the Duke of Wellng ton—lll 2 pang. Tales or the rector and Peasantry; by Lady Daum. Cromwell; a II istruseal Novel; by II IV Herbert licadvo in's Lives of the Neetornanters. i , Amen Jo Review for *Timber. Spark' Lire and Writings of Geo Wirshingthivi to be consider in 10 vols,G already out. • Flesh 'leanings in th e Old Yields cf Continental Flu. ropo—a very intesting work. Larnorrlnel• ilisi re ory of the Girendists. Mow; by II Melvin-slb edition. • . Men, Women and Books, a colketion Rom his prose writings; by Leigh Hunt. A Simple S•mv; by Slis I neltbald, Irving Age, No 1:5, The Parrieole, or Youth', Career in Ciime, by author 01 .I''' ''''''''''—fr"b an C. £1 CAGDWELL For 001 1 by 00110 Third..l.,oppositethe Post Other --- 51011 g !PAS' BtkiEiAtIiNTNTS-E'S:—.--- WRMIINGS 01 , WASIIINGTON: by .1 Sparta. Tire simple Story, a new novel, by 51th Inehbalth The (Win Clem • play In 5 AGM. In Story of the Battle of Ware tkw, by Rev OR Gleig, 51. A. IfackleVa (Isometry. for Schools owl Colleges. Draper's Natural Sholosophy, four hundred diner Ilona. Ilowitio Natural Ilicoryollustrated. llowitdo Tales in Verve, Juvenile. Ikons XIV and the Court of France; by hfiu Patdoe . part 3. The:Nursery Rhyme Book; beings collectionoftpon game!, rhymes and tingles—with illustrations. Ltving Age, No. 17.1. Taylor's ghtunterfeit Detector. Ladies' National Maga:me tor October. Goiley's Lady's Book Diatom's klagazine Ardent Praughlon; by Copt Marryatt. Sow received and Deltaic at hlDltztED,6sFounb st. between Market and Wood. s ea II MEW BOOKS—Margaret (iraharm by G F P R B O OKS-Margaret .Ardent Troughton; by Cant Marryatt. Xarilfa, or the Triumph of. Liberty. Christopher Tadpole; by Albert Smite. Commander el Malta—dlostratml. Countess of Morino; by I , Son7lo, Esrp Camp and Quarter Deek—an Internabrig work. - - The Heroine of Tampico. Incidents and Sufferings in tlib Mexican War. Flowers Personified, part G. Magazines for October.' New Attune, he. For sale by WM S CALDWEDL iosite the Post Mee .11A0AZIBIES FOB. OCTOBER. TOOT received at M. A. MlNEll , 3—orai t aiw s Alva. sinsOr Octebrr. Embellishracnt.—lleroincTbeElperts sue, Paris Peahen:a. Plata. (kaki's Lady's Ltiok fur October. A Double IPasltia Chambers's Cycloraella, No. 12—arbich bebelailea rk. Chambers'. Al Gallon No 2. The lint Valet Step; or The Tenor Tb. Danger of Ravmsteno, By Neat. M Curti, • A complete Guide, bin Practical sod Sdeutille, ftr the biattagemeat of Die Am% aud competed of Amerind Avi culture. Hy ft ft Allem The Dell. of Witte, The Virtu°. Wife.. A minative of rant by Mae Dm ma floimmod. Womaa awl her Dionms, by E II Dixon, hi D. 'Fran Mete Coin Miamian, Sept 711,date [nab exppli, The Pkilful linuameifee Dook,or - emaillete guide to Do mestic Cookery, by Alm L O Abel For xalir at ALA MINERS, Smi thfi eldA.3d doorfram splls, nie LIT manar WORLD. A EIAZEETE for nal:born, Randers, aid Publisher; tai nted by CB' Hakim. • Each number of this term welly embalm 24 . qinsio ma, in handsome kola, coovenient (or bindin g . t ads+. fed principally I. Critionl Review. donor Pubinailione,inith intenntiv aid entataining cahoots. Notices of the move moos orlfistoricaland Literary Sonietien y within general cot reepolnience oti wakes nebnia to Edoinhoo, art ant Liter.. taro, awl judicious selections from Fore* Janina% of admit enter it new le Science and Lettere, together with a nnelt/y List of bow Hooke published in the moot,' and abroad, pre paned iu tbe fulled mune, Pries V per aroma • • Publinned ortokly by Chiooon & Co., ES Plasiotosti New YOrk. Elulabriptioas received by Wm 8 Cll/1M A kw mammary arantml Fw tba city and country km the +bore. • Apply to WAI BCALDIVELI ptlldlf Now Books. FUR Role ett McDONALD & DEMON'S, S 9 Market Street. • ilhttory of the Giron,'DO, or Perham'hletoo'is ; of the f y tz is ts . of the !much RCTOIIIIi011; by A Do L..tiutim • • nosh Gleanings, or n new Sheaf from the old Yields of Coramental Europe.; by 1 Nenelh2perm Story of the Beale of Winerico; by Rev E R Wei& ig-2 parts. Wesel' the Peerage and the Peasantry; edbid by . Lady Daero-2 robs Tales in P 10.; by bniewiii. a 23 Moats lIIIICAriI BOOKL—hlnegarei pent., n ne noyel by Cr l' fl damn; Pelee 6 cents. Lui ff w a, or Oho Triumph of Liberty, Christopher Tadpole, „by Albert Smith. Commander of Nl.brilloaterded. Countescof MOTIMI. by is' taille, Fan, . . I 1,,,,,d a o f Areeleai,by lleol3. Wpm% fneslanory I. b ili 'V''''" r " t ..: , r . I'''. . 411714 M. ,r..J'Ailw..za ' oeitil turd st, oppoalte peat off.. . PIAIfOSI P 2112012 127 HENRY KLELIF.R, DealerG eastern Piano Fence, at J NV WaerlarelYs,No. N 3 Third Street. •,The Pte.. may bee:attuned at alt boon; and the subscri ber *Ube there from U In 12. A. 31., and front 4 to 3, P.M., saeltday. • Plittyg, October :4, VI I Ws, the videntrgned, -would the citizen. of Pittsbargli and eternity that we ha e appointed Mr. H. Elder sole agent roe Western Pe nayleania, for tha stale a( nor Piano Fortes, from wheal. they envy be 44,- taine4 moor own Mow York] peters. NUNNS MARL New Yerk.Sen.l,l24ll-oeftltf and a half unaar [l Ittadi of of to u t' 6 nd qua l ity l,if so de al "Nome% • Metallic Masse Plane : • A SPLENDID amortmentof Rod and Mahar. 1 - 1,. my, grand action ,Pinems, with metallic Fremont finished and for mte. Also, two *Outdid Koseamod Pianoe,asidiDoleananss celebrated .Ilea ausehment, lambed in the mem modi ea. Mlle,. tad (6r 1111i41 Pt • IF, BLUME% 4 01 4 11431 c. _IPM!; 0,44 SW,O RATS, CAPS' AND BO Noir sail Iftahhinalthatat. and O paten, tlNDF2lthabfoimemahelaHoeseAmish. Real Meet. . . • The satteeriber hassecedyesabliabl i i) , ed himself in the above' busmen an 'hit OM, end has now opened for the inspection of the Poblici A large and easefully seleculd s od of Hats had Cape, of every dereriptens, color and tempo, which tie will on alike very lowest cub prices. Having made arrangements with the famed House of Seebe it Coster, of New York, be will thwart have en bond a Rill supply of their celebrated Beaver, Silk, and Nutria Hats. Also, Russia, Cassuneres,Cony,Oner and Ashland Hats, bother. Eastern and Home :manufacture; which be will at all times takeplessare in 'abowing.- Ile lee. assured that all tutes will be atified with hi selection, andat the some note his prices will suit th mon econoodeal. He is determined iathese respee not Co he beaten. Do not, therefele, forget the Alone gahela Home liat more, Smithfield at. _' 0 W IifeCALLAH FASMON. FOR AUTUMN. 2 1847. M , CR KING itArrtit2. Corner of Wood and Fifth Simla,: - HAVE received their Autumn aryla &flaw, to wlreh .1.1. they respectfully invite the attention of their custo mer, and eiutenv. generally. • frog PALL itestnonr. 400 RE has received from New: York, the Fall style ofNats which he will ialroduee this 01, tisaaniart Aug Mob. All Ilona, in Inuit of. neat and superior bat areaki dal well to east No 75, Wood Street, 3d door above M. Pall Fashion, ItalL SMITE& COSTAR'S StyleGentlemenh. Hata will be introduced 'at I VILB on Thursday Anon 27th. Gentlemen wishing a cheap, fash onable Hu of Pittsburgh manafaetere ahead of fashionable lima imported nd advertised by some of the trade, please call at XF.TWIL & Co's aurAllf 152, head of Woad at ABURARR FASHION FOR lIATBit • JUST receivnl flow New York, the Soon met Style for Hata, vonneting of Mote Beaver, Pentland White French Cousinterelloto, with Venni:lion. Thou in mot of a twantifol.lWlnliat we rewoetfully Invited to .11. . 8 MORE • 73 wood in. 3doorallbOTt I th 4 WILLIAM DOUGLAS has jam received • Gash aapply of Riegrild and.Bucaa theta Silk Mandato+, new - • ' Extra has French Moinkio Data, at very low prices. Jell No 78 areal street AWILLIAM DOUGLAS, CONTINU6B.n manafactore, owl keepirt commonly oa hand, every variety of Ilms and Caps of the lama style, end prices very low at. ' 78 Wood etreet.Eastside eta EXCHANGE BROKEILS, lIIIIISKY, neaan & BANKEHS, EXCHANGE BROKERS; AND DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMENFIC EXCHANGE, CERTIFICATES OF DE- POSTE, BANE NOTE ,AND 88E81E; Fara 8, nearly oppoaite t h e Bank or PitubouTh. CURRENT MONEY received on &pane-84h Cheek, fin:anle, and collations:made on newly al the principal masa tho Boiled Stales. M;==22= Advanbei made oe eortaisssmssa orPrceluee,sbipped • East. on Liberal terms. eo e , 5 • N. nolancs A sox, . Banker. and Dialers In Enamors, Coin and Dank Ninon. So. 55, 11/LEX= ITIXELT,IFITIIBUIRGH. Selling Rues. BabaFe. Baia. Rata. Now York, pr. Loodomod, e din ItiladeVisa, do [manße, . Ido Baltimore, ido &Lads, •. do Boyng Bates. BA K NOTAE_ i Born Boas. Ono, !din Relief Bcop.Orden, i din Imam, • II do Now., Ido Kemek7, I to 1 NV5 1 X 1 11.., • Lt s , Virginia, a Wheeling, I do' New Orlem, . Ado Tanewee, do Maryland, .do erall/ TOZEPII H.71 . 11=, lab of t P. he Soso/ Wm. A. a/ MI & Co.J mad WM. C. CURRY, date of Erie, Ps.) h." ..""d toot C.P./tsese/dP, Seder the nom or HILL & CURRY, An the Of eort7ing on the lihtski.6rd Rselotets bounces ni On Its bombes, at No GS *ad Stress; three doors below Foot*, west side—where they solicit the custom of their friends and the public istocrelly. _JOSEPH HILL meld/ C CURRY JOILPH 11, RILL. WIC C. CORM HILL EKK, BANKERS & FSCHANGE &OU B TL ROKERS, DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC TIME! SIGHT BILLS OF EXCHANGE, CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSITS, BANK NOTES AND COIN. • No OA Weed Itrect, thud don below Foal* west wan DAR rands and COnelloy rccoiTod MI Deposita, and colkettans made on all the principal Cities in the United &awn Seal Exchange on Baltimore, Philndelobia, 'New Tork,Botton and Clncinnati constantly for sale. • Ohm, Indiana. Kentucky, Vinenia and Pcnnsylaania Bank Notes, bought and mold on fronnable term. • Exchange on England, jrnland, Getman) and Franco towered. Ite, &a. amble WILLIAM A. HILL 4 CO.', BA NIE MRS, SCEOIIA3OR BROKERS, FOREIGN ANVDOMESTIC . EXCIIANGF CERTIFICATES OF nErasrrE t RANK NIF.S, A ND SPECIL. Wcod PI w dam Abs. , ei. FarnA, Fa i n ail ALIAD CsAX2II. =WARD laAux KRANZ HAHN. A_NKERFI AND EXC HAN GE BROAIDIS, tal7. clues ..rtre"AhleitgliVral lud,Wood mixes, dimelly orposita SI: Chides al lima - mrSdly NENNSV Lv • ••• • onio, 'nu,* . Nentey, - rivAd zrz.gtrzirgw _NU • Paelmige Broker. 53 Motet, XellAlittE oo New fort, Ytiibdelphia cad Hilt more, in see, lo loom to nth. by NIIOLMFS & SON C.u.o...ancitinati, Louisville, St Loom and all other accessible points in Om United Sutter, made on accommodating tonna. HILL k CURRY and Wood st. next door tin Eagle Saloon mummer of the Ottld Indiana,. and Kentucky Hanks wanted at very low rates of discount. HILL& CURRY PO • Wood at, vest door toßesto ttaloon v;ehansi on New York, Pbllodeltdi, and Haiti more commonly kr sole by HILL &CURRY opO Wood at, next door to &qt. Sakeo HOUSES, LOTS, FARMS, ece. ExeeatairN. tale or Real Estate. T ilE undersigned Remoter. of the law will and Ins "meat of Daniel Ilentarilate of lower St Clair Tr", in Allegheny viontyja., deceasnlolfer for sale the following valuable property In the el y of Pittsburgh, vie: two adjoining lets, mune on the. pat side of 2wl et. and Chen,' •liel. tech kenning ItO feet on 2ad nand extending back at feet towards nrd st. Also, one lot mutate on Grant st between 3rd and etb sts, of 241 feet front =Brant lib and attending back Mica, (adjoining the property of Wm Arthur.) N. B. For terms and wheelers enolaire of Mr Mo. sea Berelend,.llagber t y city: . or Mr Robert McCurdy, non Northern, W ood sr Palsbergbier to the subset:- bent list" g near t Washington Read, about 4 miler from Pittsburgh. Title! indium :liable. • NE JA Museum, Lower St PaiH UNTEr Tow R nslup .1T bleliN lour rptathr• Etemnor Beldam Township Parana,fo — r - Bales A FINR. choice farm of about 930 ares, With • good tavemmandotable,excellent springs andnolt boom and a Food hmo home. 00 acres cleaned—i t lies on n public.rood, tool on the river. 12 mils Goat Ntsborgh. Also, Or sale—a small tract of 30 acres, ly.ag UP. per Ste/air township, Omit:odes froMPittsburgh about toff improved,e farm of and au old building or two on It. . Also,• choic about SOO 1101.85,13 miles from Pituburgh,. on the Yinanuing• road, winch pm., through it. It has a good story cad a half dwelling home, wait a kitchen and cellar, and about 73 moms cleared. . Alaa era of 31 aeres.on the Warren ind Etaluborgh wed. It has a - ametfortable log honer...black. amity slwo,• good spring, and aroma orchard on All of the above property be sold low and on a, near werentoodating lth term For the pine and particulars please Ei rehnt. eall ISAAC lla WRil. lood. .4,llgern and kwaptlaad commilawn Me ounce, by Fridaick Valuable Coal ?rope aid Ball IVOR MALTA : SAID Property Is situated en the hidoonpicla River. Immediately above Lock No 2, emulating of Rail Road, Pit Care,ll. R Waßgon• and every eonvealcace for mullam Coal, all in perfect enter. Them arc eleven i m , em apoa the premises ingood tenantable order, and now mime remoflll23oper ammo. Said Road opera into an ineximstlble vciti of Coal, which can be ob. bleed upon very remonable terms. • . Any one arlahlog to commence Memel huhu. will and too a 00 , n , onKnurnity u foaoßills of the whole 7;:lilaSillgritilllo2lslclr COAL PROPERTY WOE 'Aux. JN the Monongahela meet, I. miles by lad from the eity, about: miles above Leek Po 3, nicht aide,con taining WO acres. This totperly Is beautifullyenteted for the Coal banal, has a rothead near PP feet long, and deep water at the Imam. There is another want Mundial this Mace, SO (Der above the lower,of superisi quality. 2ete we have it opeo, gentlemen who wish to eremite !mileage ;it!) Th erronis Joins the coal pr yo dies r Jobs . will be mld posed of im otm on the premises, ■ morn rlistanee ab his eery, and ove Ittrotra Addl. r JAB V 7 WOODB.q.LL,or EIAMUEI.e PAISLEY, spN Ind st banes wad & market lisOß ELleelgTs 17IE Room o n Market st. between did sad 4th, paged occuied bylloi Dognerreorspe amt. listoneat of Messrs. Monad & Cb—on erealknt mind for business. Poniession given immediately, Alio—The Atilenorsei 11.11, Markel at. entrance by. Phiki Hall stairway. This roan is wsli (=asked sad- Is very mutable kr Boeietios. Rent low. Abo—Absaileammfflee over thoVonOthe. ED CIAZZAM . sds Mos. =Met es Mweesdrd Nth Valuable Real istalie ter dale. %IRE undersigned being ateutto remove his Tannery al th e eft.H.T. Oral. foe sale SIX BUILDINti LOTS on Second urea, between Ferry meet end Re doubt Alley. Each lot will be twenty feet front on td Meet. aralerOtg (Celia dcrelli. The lots will be wig a F . A ; JOB D ap p ] T to Whir COUNTRY O LSSIDENOM ' RAVING removed to the city, for y on e nl notent'l Lill rent be htensl:4Eti. 4"..4nitpateeti thebha therom6l,„:.=Pnborgh. Judi:tam( • JAMES • CROW 011 RENT —A am !mak &Wilt% !mis.:mill. log six nom, kin, and daidntd yant ry IT= p ng k o fthOlW nTO LET,—A large, eowaonllion, aad Sa• igal, three aotl nek awe Ant, on Penn sE, half way between (Jarman allay Fa; Foam.= even intawdiAlAly. •Farearaculataawgaira at the aka - W-W WALLAW.. halt! • ' 144 libeny , • • ISMILDING LOT ' • TN MANCITFFTEIt FOR wax— lbeauilid Beading Lot in Kanehenter,sear therm-pi 23 feet hunt by On feet.devrnte ad on uncommon treeneeptionable. . l All36 l""m elAskiir, Real Ewe Agent Ivinewr iPOß met Warelosse,Ne.lll Woes lantana RoOfis Ewan et. lameduaepostenios pees—lpliost the promises. r 11 14 4 WARR Z i DRY YAWN GOOD& PALL ANRIFIIifIFIL DREpoops. WEICILEIgALE AND RETAIL. A A MASON .4 CO., MariXf, Bgloggn.n yyx t grul Faust% SOW; H AVE recently neelaertimards of ISO eases sad packages gr mh,cuserlina staple DrTGaodsef rho most:faahlonnblertylm 0* gammen and Ete padre generally aro rayeetfally utylted to call and exam,* We have,on hands kigAr variety of rich Dran!Doods, • . .. _ . .. Stich pnmed Cashmeres and De Laines;" Changeable Mohair Plaids; Oregon and Caldonda do; .• ' 'Plaad black and mode card De mains; - !. ' Freud, Zdennos—essortad eekme . , ...._.. MreeeaLlistren end BoMbiztrim; 1 - French and Entlaban Gingham .Calicoes. nod new Wes: Coeds mashy; . Leh mach Deem and/Kamilla Saks; . Rich card Dram &Dula tram vatime, : , suaDrac—New Par* designs of lone . and Spar* c.h.m.., Shawls, Medium and " low inlet& Tartish end Cashmere, herre_y and nth hreeteh rpnd, biaek.g4 mode cord Mullet 'Worm/ and B,lk t'rms, and me. - - „ I.I9USEKEFT/NG COODS -- WhaneT•Bald ma: Paoli Blankets, very heavy; Marseilles gado; Farm- • . um Chintzes; Drolly; Flove Lineal'ab/o ars; Blair Lowe; Linen Sheeting; Pillow caw Llnaan Napkintc Bassinets/ Table , Thaper, Whtte Lawns, an enter:wive assortment; also, kdornens, lissaaski, Ate. COTTON GOOM—Brown and bleached from all Ohm , hoovers brands, from fto 3 yard* stride. Also, Raglan Shining. and long Cloths; , cotton and wooden flannels, M every color, hand and quality; MOO, fancy. arteloa,' llosiery and Gloves, Ae. • TAILORS' TRIMMINGS—SiIk Berger:, Wowed do Stlesiats colt./ Casabnce, Buttons or everdecenption, Bindings, Threads, Sewing Bak, Twist, C ry anvass, pad dm te. &._ WOOLF.VCOODS—EngIish, French, and Ainaticin - Clotho ; IVool.dyed black and Caney Bassi:news; Sans, Cashmere and Velvet Veering.. a very large stock o f Baaslocus; heavy Cloths; Beavers; Nenwytc,Lan- Oegvlrrg a Boum be New York we mill be constantly reception the:newest' and, roost fasluonable mica of _ preed!, and at the lowest prices. hlerckartts luxe nil parts of the country, are invited, to crawl ne ore stock, tVholeaale Booms up awn. spill3dkw - • ' , - • ' NSW AYLUANGEMENT. .STAR CLOTHING STORE,. Ne. 70 Mod rt., Parma, Pa: , • AIsiCKER & MAYER *mild spes-uhlly ansusunee to the eitizeny of Pittsbenth and ueleury thu they have procured the sinker el John Garvey,—recently of Broadway, New York--usjaremttn ofLheir estab:udt- Emmy . Thiit gentleman having been attenovely engaged - in the mottoes badness, eselerively, in the stove city Itar the lest ten yeast, is well known by that faaltionahls • connienity and Is universally acknowledged to be a clatterer great acquirematua. • • • We will be monthly supplied with Parisian fashions, which will give on the advantage of ellen* oar rano. mem the latest and newest styles... Gentlemen who an deslrotta Of adorning their persos can, by calling at the Original Star, be isvntsmr . 3date4l.' y All articles nom thiseatablislanent will be w arns. ed in every panicolnr,is so tremble or expense will be warning on oar part bn afford general aatiaftietion. • We !hare jest teemed splendid stock of French and English Blask,firown; Mae, Green, Ohre aralChs, ret Cloths. . . Black Blee;Dnown and Green Bearer Cloths. English Pilot Cloth. Fled Cason:ores and Cloths for 'Barka and Beliorlll Preach tax Skint,plainand fanerCssomeres. Al to;a large lot of Americam.ciotim sod Casilrarrea' Frenith caper eat Velvets for coning. Black and fancy Hades. - do • do Silks.; • do .do • Cuhmere, and ail /uncles pertaining to our business. . • We have so advantage that fear hems in' she West have, being connected with hoar, both in New York and Boston who will keep na r ranlarly =polled wine Ot e latest &mtge. styles of a • ALSO—Win be kept constantly to hand i general anent:tent of reedy made Clothing... ' Together wills Shins, Drowersonadei Shire,Boaams„ agars Scarfs, Cravats, m~ade s a , de de. • ANMM - KA, MAYER Sian' Clothing Stere,7o mod st N. 11.1 All orders will be promptly attended to. - san7 • I VARIETY GOODS . ; - FOR SALE BY TUE CASE OR PACKAGE. HE. TODD have Just modeled ducal :hoar the sßlannfooturets ••• nesse. fine, 8 Ann, sold 8 8 funs Ivory Carobs, tools ding all des Swipes suss. eases Northi best Silvered IfooYs end Eyes, inclu ding all the number.. • -• 2 cants Carpet Begs, minifsetneed Dons the finest quality riVdton, Vazony and •Deutsels Cespettng. .'.,Another ease of those patent nand joiat 2fospend. ents,loo opened and for.sale at Manotheumets onc& to ohne' eons4nment, by H & E TODD, ktionsfsentsese Agents,'2o Wood a, op nuts, 2 doors below tad st. An eatesnittatton of the goods and prices Is resvet fully solieltod. • • oPU2 C't TOSS` GOODS—Plain Black /Upsets Lannts; i. Figered black Alpacca Lasts.: French tont:led Venues= Cl,ths; - • I:4k foams Castoneres; • • ! English blerinoest_ • Frene-h Cashmere DPFaesset‘ • • ' ' gnet, new style Duey do; Mary. sad nch Pans Mousseline TPLain4 • i Fine plaids and fane7 do '"do. • w Azt . 4go , o . el d, Torteucit . t of sbose goods ope7tlng and. spat 811ACKLITT & WHlTE;PPeroodat • MEDICAL. 11AVIff.FOUND 1775h—rairtka. opmvi CAN BRdtgELII4IRDR; ci irr l; Cindinpati, 0„ klatch Rd; 1647., Rom is to certify..-to the public; policalarly G thaw afflicted wadi et koala of the Lamp, or Coememptios • souls upon my . leap, stuawim 4.." symptom, of an appicaching Consumptioa. ••1171 oath VIM tight and troklesocie,aVended with cop:CO.4,M ewelaW'l spitvp daffy a conticksabk - ty, ?entity of blood, maid wilkj. hick dark rotten My aituatich bwcie marine and alimaa. die During thia Lime I was, Winded by two of our most eltdfulPhysicialw; key did the kid key cold Woe, when idaffth t h ey up Whop..of my me dud more couhl be docellial toy hinp were Ea tally discoed, and beyond I Mai their peesodei by a friend of mho to make a triad or Dr. Ilte navies Arporta- • • rand Ranedy, which myPlayakialOperaisted %aunt, opal that this Medicine would do oo good, and would still add more to my offering. I told theca it mai toy Lot and oily hum and th at if fmnst die or the" diseuSe, (which was aria . • dal to GO there would be nothing lost, So I tent to Oh. Cincinnati Office and ohtsioed 5 bottles of this truly Valos ; lak Medicine, and Csallartmid Ming letardiug to the diree limas, limas, which, MO.! of addinoo my aulkeingaiouncliatily ^=y; gate me relief, at mace arreskie th e troublooine Coug • eating the pain mad tighineas in iiry Cheek &hits me a new life mad sin:nib, which Dow enabled me to be about again. This medicine nunhood its good wash, which it so nobly cmosomed, said I was made a Sound OM. hoe boot attending to my business, (upwards of 33ratO and feel as healthy as I wish, I hoe recommended Dr. Dogma% Es- , peetarant Remedy in many induces to thcosimilarly abed . and it has aloo pored succoaskul so Gras I Mee witnessed Moffatt My siator is tok.g ; h o, .Wionu proem, tar a Damns( •Liser and an ffractios rigs Lvov, which shs had suffered with for sato tier ; oh< has nearly sorted by the are of ibis medickw, and lima confident th. 6 bottloi Gal I take with to. to-day will othely Orr bee. I ana son:y . to boor that there ara !Domande of valuable poems waiting away with this dreadful desloyer 2 -CONSUMPTION.,. , Were it Gay (imitate kr thosem poor* this modicise in time, before a be las late, moy lisesmiOt be phloem! =0 their Emilio Ind radios *gain rendered 63147, - This medieice will gin realasa relief, sadist the wistedune anew • the hod end punk I Cough, ramose the raghloo la the Chas girt evangel to ke enfeebled and mooted ThWeiaind mot cases, l anoteetain, wallnionada4riftelitore. Modavenery,lfamillea (kith, Ohio. •N. Da—Those whomay not be acqualnlid with toe treks' I, do the toadasogned, cithans of Mookyomery,Msaidtua coo. ty, o,they any tone antemmate thoboraastoacats,, Canada. llaoy ay ttq Canstl. . DR. purtcAirs WESTERN OFMCD, MOS= street, where this remade Medicine cm always he 'Bold in Pitunnanti, by Wit. JACKSONi cotter tai Wood anti Liborts sta. • eah 10 (VIII7I t 7f'se y private pmentioner) ass• ply qualifies him to ollsr sawn:tees of speedy perms ' nest:and satisfactory rare 'mall allileteal with dalmat diseases, • and an dames :trimly theoefroso • Dr, Brown world inform dose alllieted with prism. • dame. which have becomechronitibytimois swore • . ted by the me of any of the coasts. winnow of the : day, that their complaints etc be tadieelly and thor ought) eszed,he harms given his easeful adennon m i d ` the trealment of sachem., and succeeded rat handsets of losteeeesioomitta Palmas of indentation *the meet of the bladder, and kindred de. witodchonen meek rom those cases where others have co:wined them to „ hopeless despair. Ile pmealarly invites awl es have been Nog and imsoceessfelly treated. by *diem to coo .„ snit him, when every satisfacuon will be given tbearand - their cases nested:la kosrefol, thofrookno4 Intelligent manner, pointed on by lens expenenes, seedy sod vesugstion, which it a imposatble for those conag9 ire - I meal practioe of modicum to geve any 0110 eILIS QT &sew, Hemis-or Itopturr-Dr: Drown oho in s . ; • • persons nlDintod with Home 'to call, 9 he 114. pa, ponied., enennon this .asea. . . Skin Dweascs; also Piles,palsy, etc Mratento of either . sea at - a distsnes bY sunny 10 , 9 e An th e rylapi to un obtain medicines with to o e - eddressulgT BROWN, 31.. D, posappa wo 000 k, • sorto a fee. • - - °lace No. di Thasoond alloyi opposite .NO CURE NO PAY R. CULLEN'S IN D 1 AN . VEGETABLE D REMEDl6,Warranted to ; eirre, or the 'non. ey retnreed. This medicine is piepated from an la. elan Eteceipt,ebtalnial from eite'or diem in the Far West, at great expense. ; !nate. who hare deen familiar with the Indiana, know that they can and do cote Venereal without the knowledge of Mot" airy, &lam, or anything of the kind: The of !lined ham now . an-opportenity of„being erre d whim 'the use of; Sahara. This - niedrcine is M t a ilit to the taste, 'names no smell on the . • Prepared by ROWAND da. WALTON, sod sold airboleeale and retail,lky J. T Nomad, 76 Market street, Ptalad'a. • For oak. in Pittabargh by R E Sellers. R . life!. !amt. and bv Wro.Tfineo.h4 Mutat st.. acfideT R _ EAD AND REFLECII—DooI be int mtherry.b• klbw the dletatill of innethog Dow awry thoossode there are; erbo Gar the pabrysom of Iwo dal torsi aro oeilliogkerethaie deafOneleSerki,ind Yee A is OD ...VS /Yin , ' thin tree! NolllMMUßappt amp at . - their friends and •teinientneee Ithenilenn waren,' eared by the ICSCI of Yospa'r ACPOStie • 1. and leo.* •. _ .and tortideathe of ondoobsed'aidlide be &dr ersmthed the mono( Dr Dithyoo; diTkirt Plillatelpllrs,whera.thed sale': Yet •-'• , bemoan time is a AurrpomobilATlAldn'Aleithrerthel mons I dal/ bn.g.:' mil. ' • rabietlionthethea — Pbef. 'tia• • ' ' 4 lErrnrlllllll4the •'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers