The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, September 27, 1847, Image 2

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    Yom' ~T
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The Philadelphia Ninth American, ii doing
• Serme,* e - in developing the duplicity '
of the
Sbook-dynasty toward. the late Henry Ifahkaa s
berg. In order to girt the more effect toits blown, has called into ruieviar the name-and aid of Beth
Baliabory, who, for many yore, has been prom".
rant - in the ' democratic ranks, the Marshall of
Northern Pennsylvania-Order Van BUMS; the
chairmen 'of Democratic Slate "CenualUser, the
kliate Librarian repeatedly chosen by his patted
associates,-the Secretary: of the celebrated Lewis
town Convention, and the Chairman alto Coro.
snittee of that Convention. ' ,
Mr. S. states, in a letter to the editor of the
North American, dated 20th inst., in reply to an
- article which appeared in that paper, that he was
under deep obligations .to the mrmiTteence and
friendship of the late H. A. irsthharberg,'extended
bawards him for a period 11, twenty yeara He
..loved him while tiring, end could not be unjust
lo - his memory when dad." Articles written for
Vhf A.Chsmplon," a paper shined for the impose
of &Wing Mutdenberg's nomination, and failing
tcAdefait his election; tendering his potitieal u well
as ,personal character, should not attach to the
present Seeretirj of State 'Mlilla deputy.
.. , But honesty and good faith to the public and
^, , respect far the memory of the deceased compelled
hint to speak truthfully' on the subject, and he
' . therikire solemnly avers and declaim to the pea
' plc of Pennsylvania, and to the Democracy. that
ends ii the fact. That the original manuactipto
.". of the Editorials in the "Champion,". written by
, - News Miller, Petrikin and others, are 'all in his
' '- powessice, and "that ho Stands reedy to pros
and windiCato this, statement . at the bar 'of public
opinion or before the legally constituted ttibunale
~,,, . of the 'country." He .was much: surprised and
- Pained whin the proofs—. the damning proofs"-
' . were placed in his hands. He had heard .sucb
- rumors, bid had apposed the piracmatgratitude,
'trader which he knew Mr. Secretary Miller rot
' ed.tolk blahlanberg forbade it.
.„. '.
He hid rifled on Hr. Cantina the present ed.
----.,. Isr of the *Argo,' a paper that, ha (Mi. 8.) had
the 'aliterial charge of at the time Wham publics
, lions appeared, and requested him to publish an
•„ • • . article • prepared in defence of • lliese gentlemen.
i , klr. Canticle stated that the chance. were true,--:
" that he knew the Democratic Chazapkin had - re.'
ceived ,artisks from the pens of Means. Miller,
Peniken, ..;,,i others, aced upon-hi. personal
knowledge of these facts, respectfully declined
- :publishing it.
. .
Immediately aubseprent to this the original
-., . nuouscript, from the pens, of the gentlemen
~: ..,. maned were placed in his bands, aid enclosed by
"htele the Editor of the North American.
:: , ..!;;Xsi snick; altuded - to ire Tpublidad in Abe
: I '7' . .'' *OOnli Kmeriesn," and are yorabeisiviof IL - A:
' . : ilulinfroiy,deed...d . hi. warm political. friends.
Dua'af Mr. Miller' s elides is headed "Trees
• ..- -,'
Cry raided," end the following extract a ample
, - Gr . the wholc . '
. .
.drt another potion of our columns will be
- ' - • found a small siateh of W. J. Andrewor aerator.
Wm. When we wrote it, we wars not acquainted
with the facts that hive since been developed: by
. , a committee appointed for the purpose, the report
.• . - ref 4hich. wawa' lay before' ur readers. : MI a&
- " isaiskiiejg dischisureso,f the manner that' the bad
. . :.' ' _ =MI was done by En speaker Wright, will Aston.
-, „ish all who • read it: It .is trne we bad meow had-
Onylfsithhi Mr. Wright'. consistency. Illow . the
' , Xs4lpeaker will reconcile Idsoedh and sakes,
we are'at s foss to perceive.. Sworn. to see the
' -,.... • ::levee faithfully executed, and Sign blank Warrants
' ..that,..could
. Ise` fulled opto sny hi sfaunt; 100 at
' r
he guiPicious.
in trol l in
of;itetwaltur th at
t Roid Meirsow—A number of the dr
: :-i • i , ' ' of Akron and Corshogo Falls, favorable
. 1 ''- to the coneteuction of a Rail Road from Olive.
. - I. 2, ' 'lendi to , Pitbdergh; held ',meeting last rid,
• '-- ''
: -- :dual pained resolutions stating that the public
' ' , '"'s 'iliterest re airs' such a means of ceenizianicatiew,
:.and : that 'it s not only feasible, bat the" est
; .. ;.........sectii :freiti:Wellstille is via Akron, Coyahop.
_.:l -', '.' ,Palloaita Hudson; and that it world receive 71101111
1 , ' way: freight and -; passengers on thin rade, thin
: , any other route propoed. That is another nit.
esou why it should be adopted, they - state the '
about cue.half of geld road would be coincideot
" with the ,contempiated read from Pittsburgh - to
3(actiGeki, and . the etherLtilf
.woriktform a eery
...diesel rode from Cleveland to Columbus.
•:' , '
,„. , . ',.A. Committee was than appointed to confer
• - . . - • , with the .411 sens of other tow= along the pro
fi~~P,,~;~ }a.
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TIIF,.irnsBIIRGH 81±thII
'HY Eausrus•Bitixace!
mr Tar Pmescaari D.wr Cieurre u paLtlitted
r DO I..TrirWeekly, And .Weekly.—The Daily Is Sever"
Dena ts permanent; tLe.Tri-Weekly Ave Dollars per
: enema; tLe Weekly :a Two Dollars per 111.12110._lyiet,ij
Settee to Advertlseras •
-1 /Overusemenu', to secure =much , should be
handed xi by five o'clueic is the aftemen. *newton the nano/our customers, would be pnodue
tweet Inman' benefit. •
YOB Govranon, •
-- •:3 . 011/E.P11 W. PATTON,
(0/ clOacizalo
'CEORCIEDAREIE,. of Allegheny law:
' BLE,of iodises Tp.'
,-',• CHRISM INY A Eaff i ntmsTp.
MARS! ER, Plinburtia.
HENRY I,ARGE,of Mtn; Tp.
- • .an comtre
• • 7. W. BAXTEJ
THOM.VJ VERITIES, of Lenrutit.palr,Tp:
tot Aroma
WILLIAM CANER, of Vanilla Tp.
•Pm urt o ce uanniereml Inieltunee,Doccutette Tau
ten, Eller ,New., Impont,. Money Markey Re, sec
of Ptrizbargh.
rostrill Page for allseelLaseass Bows
, ecmdition of - oar maim neter
.444 of the Cianantets, who daring i raw per.
3iliCal Ilteitomint, whoa true mezt 6 . 01 they hare
.`dui/ p 3 voerfatia to Me State, to obliged to plow,
, . .
]poi - .td now 44E14 tpis man.nd now
lad 000 . p untn t 4Whig. bi li, rind
mw itithist a Loco Foto, in order to Mai any
tato hie - canton:a We are qtato content to
*target Or our neutral ltknd to ahoot at, Onto
lat*tbs Gatitte he might the of ennui, of itatw
tat ohs
- The COCEII4eO of Internal Improvements, in
.the Nair York tegishitum, love reported, among
!mho appropriaticew, the following:
" Erie Coral Enlargement, $359,904 92
Genesee ;$O,OOO 00
-I;abek, River, 1 00,000 00
' *at farther requires that the apProlidations
am salt mement ,irtaltta„.evsoiled within the
'fatter from the city of ifexico to fi, Y., and
imblidad is the Journal of Commerce, says, that
alter the battle Mr. ,Camadmioner Trixt r who Is
Aiad hi the Adadniatration at Wmhlngton
leach the rtegtaisiloacm our pet; announced as hie
&aim& Conviction, that tithe army mete nand•
foal tipthe try tad 4111 . the capitol, ill hope
of a apeedi peace monk) ha - destroyed; titalif cm
Its ether hand, fatearence Prot:dad that happy
Nam Jaans.—The Whip of New Jersey
Irmo nostiamial. William Wright of : Emma coml.
alaitheir comiolgio Pr' Minima. The Loco.
loom ham oomiaalad . D o ak! ifshioa of Baia=
accialy." The ranaMt, from local coma, fame...
md to bs dom. . :
Maturirmarrs.--The LOOO Facp: State Coo.
, petition of 26,"41iisotti, 'mot orWorcestor
4titirid namino Gen. Caleb Ca . dting
*1 Cliseinot, sna Henry W antuata tot Lial,
- ,
ort Amenably Mr. Carnival:l two
• •Pinriging 0 530 . 00 4 wen.
;32tposigt or ai.Enti itanid, od eao,ooo to the
sgskaissi auk. Mass sum are fa NUM,
UMW •PPr! . 4 6 "/ 1427 ' 1 1"
POlStlandlitnited st N Y on Osil a ssaiy;
sisilssissaddy mews dly,doeV i to simiiits•
Tie Pear holies lilieg aspaa. and in gg
Offs 7 as sn'stCssiast w the ausas "la
in Ilittastj em'atimuken wan ;NADA mai
wows twatait4o6 . l k convesN3 ibma at
the statattemte of the Gazette. "Wdh Wile; io
brie t were thew 6tatementt '
lit. Mateo Psoident proeokol the par with
Mexico by the stied occapatiosof Mexico.
-up 'she Execathro gin arena TnYlor
an sader to advance from the Nueces to the Rio
1/111 the cau of collision.
34. That Tun never palmed tienell of
NM Mexico, dr deny Many on the Et* bunch
Of the Mici Gritt* while Mexko was not only in
posseadon, both Ina civil snA 'Maim capacity, tat
in both respect owed end paid allegianne to the
Central kfexicanGcrieramint, of 'kith 'heroes
/1 Gaeta 1 4 1 25; Metrars,Pandes, and the Central
Mexican Coignes wire lathe heed: ,
Now, any it to pervert these fads er * fat.
Ideation of hlstery, end If the Pos t= anl
asuithemes to had against those Who jest
this and all thie : to be true, it mut tat. gr
not at this Goias slue, hat at Coined Benton
Sam Wright, John C. Calhoun, and the leading
men of its own Party. They are the men who
wen oar teacher's of this frand,--:the men who
pronounced the , l occupation of the_ . territory be•
tweed the Name and the BM Grande, "an act
of direct aggresina on Mexico, fa all the consa
qualms of whith Abe Called Slate. Maid be re.
We give, in Mocha= today, another out for
the Post to Mini fix the following extracts from
Mr. Cilhottee imech in the li. States Senate,
on the; Roth of February lase. If we have felled
sacaufally to controvert all Its positions, Mr.
Gillman has IMlshed the work at oar hand.
"Blieseed," or Etitaps unused," Mi . Post will ley,
..ardie mitigate of a friericL" • .
Eng !genitor Imo= that rwasippooed to the
war; but none knows but myself the depth of WM
opposition. With my conceptions ot Its &me
ter arid emiegoenees, Wins Impossible for me to
Tote for it." .
"On the passage of the set record:bog the war,
I wid to many of my Siege WI ideal had been
done from which the country would not be able
to recover for a kag tirife,• if ever, and added, it
has dropped a curtain between the pent ana
the future, which to main and- for
the fait time since I have been In public life, I am
unable to see the fours. I also added, that it has
closed the Ant velum° Of our political history un
der the Constitution, end opened the second, and
that no mortal meld tell what wank! be written in
it. Them deep impinge= way made upon toy
min], because I saw from the circumearsms under
which the war was Made, a total departure from
that course of Fermi which' bad governed the
country from the commencement of our Gomm.
meat until that time;' and that, too, under ChtlXol.
,cranes calculated to lead to toortdissesorectenm•
pence,. Since thin less thin a year tau abus
ed:but in that short' period enough hae. already
been developed to make what was.then rid bob
But the Senator charges, entertaining ota I did
theme imputneons; that ldid not take a stand, aid
add the march of Gen. Taylor to the Rio del
Ncata niers already stand the aeons on an.
other occasion why I did not: end however unmet.
life:tory they may be tothiblenater, they are eat.
lefactory to myself,end I doubt not they will be
the community et lima He also intimated that
I ought to have communicated my views to dm
Pomaded. I was guilty of no neglect in that res•
pict. Idid not fail to @Wein the proper quarter
explkitly orbit /thought mould vault front fie
order gigot to Goo. Thyloss, but Ifount; eery eV
foyer vitas from mine eatertained there."
°lt le hue /dioxin claimed the whole of Tenn,
built Is equally true that she recognimd the dip
ferenceond showed a &politica to act upon ill
between the country known as Texas proper and
the country between it and thiDel Notts. It is
also true that we and Tama recognised'; the tame
difference, and that both amid the boundary es
unestiled, es the resolution of IMILIZikaI whichmorWs' that the beundiry between Texas and
Mexico shall be detenninedby the United Stems,
deafly shwa. It in worthy of ram* bi thiecon•
flexion, that thlepowidon in the joint resolution
is understood to have been inserted in consequence
of the ground taken at doe' preceding stun • by
the Samba hem lilmsourien the amnion of the
treaty, that the Name was the wertenbcendity
of Tenert,end that to Wand that boundary to the
Rio del - arta would take in , part of Tionsullpas,
Coahuila and'Erw Maxim Vital, them ought
to.bna bat the comaeof the Executive after ate•
notation soda this tembition : way one
which army at Ern war ' —to restrict the port.
tion.of ont, Ma* to the c .InUy soda, ortupied
by' Tented the period of SULICLItiOd All bez.
youd,m;far se the Executive was ceutcemed,
ought tan been regarded es subject to the
praviskutaleftbi reeolotione, whieh adhering the
Goverriment to Mile the Microbial.' • • •
Why nemitiabi, if the road Norte—is, se, it
was afterwards sesamad—the clear .ond
questicamble boundszyl And if not, upon what
authority, after Ilia attempt Mows negotiationhad
faded, could be determine what mu the boundary,
viewing it as an open potion I . Wu it not his
plain dug; on inch an occorrance . to mutant the
question to Congress, which wet Iliad In somfori,
and in whom the tight qt nitoblishing the boon&
dationd &cluing war was clearly invoked
'fad that coons bean adopted; I minas the same
of Ude half .rouWif they not Ws , deti
derilytimoetd to tali* any step which would
have knolved the two countries in war. Indeed,
I find a Ihnor conviction, that. if the Senile bed
boort bib free to decide on tbi quenloo, not al
third of the body would hive beat found In favor
of 'war. AN it was, a brie tosjority kit them.
Wass compelled, as they believed, to vole file the
Gal rocopumg the ransom of war, in clan Leo
raise the implies °Omen and money vecesearf,to
region the stony tmdsr Oen. Taylor; on the I tat
Pfoite, from the dawn to which It was exposed.
Anzacs Corvirturcs.—The
Ann minion dew IttatiodworArnmal Conference
of tbe Morioka Protweint G i hwth, convened at
Yonnetown; Oblo, co are let of Sept A great
innate at the defer were absent.
On motion of the Pileidimt of the Pittsisugh
Cketkeenee„ the Editor Oldie. Western &reorder,
the Presbyterien Clergymen of Yonoptown, sbd
lentil ethers, were Invited to mate, II honorary
The antinlarati rot adopted last peon
then token op and re.affinnod. A mein.
dos oho pined, probllnfing the carnation of
arum ea Ekktr or Deilel - 114 in the Church, and
forbidding their itinenocy: „It toy era raccoontoo•
dad to-berme natontbrad it axe so coovembent,
eo that tbap may ararchn civil uwall OWNha
deal prtrilegork
Ran Rogan, Nichols; end Marshall, was ap
pobsta lariat the Pitttbnigh Conference at its
east assoion.
CenWeidge,Onenwo, CO., 0., wee fired as im
nazi Sean Inkling the nut meadOn of the MAW
Mogan Annual Contortion', on the 2d
day Of September, 1848.:
Lases:m-0n &Maw lad two penman by
the name of William Ocilardwri and. Dodd
Lana wet anaded . for station flab from
Mr. Jolly, of Manchedm. They were committed
to Jail to =Mar the charge It' the next °mut of
tatuuter Benlan. •
tlsowerzo.—A young man envied In hindah
fog avatar to tho sidtans of ,Alligheny, on Friday
Inel,Werd too far Into Allegheny river wig . '
his haw sod cutond wasdrowned, as was also,
his hoope, sye did not aseattiochhe name. ,
4lovaarroi Sawarui &Rioted a jay elo:
pm avian in New York au Wodneaday woo
the occasion of the Cunard obooplarof
O'Connell. Tholwoesolings was solo= sod
iiimilite:siiiirges • in by timings
of .ILoWdeowii -- ot tbor country
,* id
:join CIA1117L11; the aataran - tad &Wino •
afttoa of the old United buena Gazette, haa ani
yid in town, and will deliver a leetnre 166 ran.,
Winn the Catboßa,hwthata. It will be a
West to bur him. On Wednesday
. 31r Chandler
dellini tint annual within baton the 'Waste
Maeda nig, powdered at a formktina, ((the
mtiedn'of lan Itadd, .ard Patrick. Barad, ((or
ktanak) coadetai on tbiikSd lid. at thedwdd
of Lavicerda Brotatala, Apil lad, mire an.
laded to death by the'Coad of O 7waddl Todd.
aair of May= caddy, ad Tad4y LA: .
Micinoax.--Tbe Wbig Mit* Canuttlois met
JubactOittbif 150 Wib Y.
Mauna se =Aldo kr Givanix i 4 Mem L
CcMcnarb-rlirt,Lato Nolo, ao mp:U.
at bei flair. eta Conesdkiii at &Wad, ea
Wadi,* led. mod imaidid Gimp
lx Gorspoli O. IL alarm for 1401,1 sign,
our Mows.
twaTiouvrm4l. sii-awnviort.
Tir following lit =Files ib• takeird
dacticagestaxed at the flat Amami Eshiltftion
of thti Ettiteeth Horticultigra BocietY•
Report of Me Committee on Fruit.—Among
the varieties prielated, theft
,witte several from
yaks kfludedi,Jr., end aims, alpha which them
MS 00 0010Pelit61; MiP.OO of the same kind be
ing promoted by no me elm .
- In Other instances the: size and quality of the
&nit offered by thfferenteompetitoni were so near
ly acid, that the Committee did net feel them
salseajnettied In indicating a prebirence.
Among the speamene of Pears,' the 13satlene,
and fltesetes Genesee - of J Murdoch Jr., were on.
puke to any desaiption of Gait of the Pear kind,
that apparel, excepting the Becket. Of this varis
sty then weneseiend specimens, the two best by
Mr. John Hutchinson and Mews. W. & J Ma
dre:l4 both of Which wen excellent and too near
ly equal In merit mutant of any distinction.
Auxiog theApples,the attention of Commit
tee Was minuted to the Ribston Pi ' , Engles'
Codlin, and &lbw* Russet of W J Manlock.
The two first of these were exhibit for the first
Um in thieeity and their appea is answera
ble tlf their' ;high, roPuintioni Mr.artin's Rhode
Island Unmansnk Siuniall 7ore
very supfficorond the Catawba Rut la rapes
of John - G hfirtin mile the' but. xbih . Mr
McKinney'e Green Rambo and Golden ippin
irotalbeautifulspee t esens end aniseed m no.
Sprohnens of Quinces were presented by Mrs.
Collins, of uncommon size and beauty. . She had
sreeraltoonipetitors whose specimens were of en.
whit kinds. Those of Mr. Townsend and Mr.
Moir ewe tincomonly flee end but little inferior
to those of Mrs.. Collins. Mr. Towrisend pro.
duced some Errol& Pippins, end apples called
Townsend Sweet, which were quite superior.
'.Mr. Thomley exhibited the Cooper Apple,
Golden Greening, Thomley's Seedling, and a
taro and beautiful apple of an unknown variety.
The Mint specimen was tweed by the Committee.
It I? large and beautiful apple, not staciently
rips to be tested; bat it been a very high -reputa
tion. The fourthepecimen is an 'apple very large
sad - of a yellow color, but not mature enough to
enable the Committee to 'characterise its dams:—
The,Committee, al hough requiieted to give it a
name, have thought proper to sista the trial of
this apple at the next sm:mei erihibitlon, when •
title may he given with some retell= to its quail.
ty. ...The ' Committee have tam -more particular
in 'Reding to the two specimens last mentioned,
from their desire to attract public attention to our
Rodruaig Suits. They have no doubt that if prop•
ee'resseerches were made, many varieties would be
Suicovered throughout Western Pennsylvanla,that
would deserve general propagation. Many sped.
mane other than those above mentioned were ex
hibited, which would have been noticed by the
Committee, had it been necearary. Considering
this is the first exhibition of fruits since the
revival of the Society, the display was creditable
and • oatieladary, not only to the committee, but,
m they behove, to all who witeesrod it.
The Committee have removal the notice of Mr.
Shims' Peachy to the close of their repeat. In
sire end beauty they surpassed any that have here.
'afore been exhibited in Pittsburgh.
A remarkable variety was exhibited by Mr. 'f
131. fast.. The name. was not given, but it has au
exact resemblance to Crawford's Malacatuna.—
This specimen alone was equal to the Crawford's
Malscatune of Mr. Shims. The cultivation of
cholee'pasches is but recent in this neighborhood,
From theeximple afforded at this exhibition, the
committee .anticipate a rare airplay of this fruit
at the next sanivenary. Mr. Shires will then find
that he has comeeititore that will put his eminent
horticulttusl skill to a teat not hitherto °aperient:.
The Committee award tho following premium
To Pilordodr Jr., Geo Shims, Wm Huila.
'esel W & 3 Munkr.k far the beet display of
Emits, each, ' - $ 6
Tonal Hatehhsame, "owed best &Fish 's s
To T. Monday. display of apples, $5
To D MeKennery, " " $4
To A W Townsend, " " $2
To John G Malin, Lest grapes, $5
To W Holmes, bees grapes, $2
To Kan sedy T Friend, for. new Grupo (cur
:edfrfoneos,) - $2
To Geo. - Hoffman, Watermelons, . $2
'Arezza-12 Tariff Apples, Ulrig•
' 1 peek Rhode bland PC1161.1111, Tbainu Hatch•
Ike: • '
`ll peck Caution Apples, Ale:: Malec.
• 3 Unknown Apples, W Ekhbanm.
'n Maidens Moab, Johq Murdoch.
13 Gnat Unkstown, 12 Gates Apple, W
.12 Rambo, 13 Pennock, 12 GoUen Gale, 12
Vandenene, GoLlen Pippin, 13 ReJ
•ee; Dud: McKeown.
Serest Rambo, 1 peck Ashruxe Apples,•James
Falimiter. Unknown. Whipper. 5 peck Rib.
doss pippici; 1 peek rando. Englescsdlln. 1 Pck
gates, glad& eneadi, 1 pck Fell Possum, } pelt
while bellflower, 1 peck .Boston mac, 1 peck
Newton 'pippin, 1 peck &opus spilseoberg,
peck peruplkin swearing, W do J Ida:dock.
123. peke Newlin pippin. 123 peke Era apple,
in *mks Bpieumbesg, 123!prcks Green pima.
123 peeks Winter rose. 125 pecks Rhode island
Greening, 129 pecks mammoth pippin . 123 peke
gram nada, 123 - pets golden gates, 124 pcka
WinbesPescnum, 123 pas great =known, 123
grkcat, 123 peke stone pippin, 123 pcks
Peconek, 123 <pike Red Rambo, 123 pecks
leitberanale, 134 pecks bellflower, 125 pecks
smooth Venderrare, 123 tonsil do, 125 orange
pippin, 123 Romattitti, 123 . bummer Penman,
W Martin..
Golden thessing, Cooper apple, yellow bell
Bower Freneb Emmett, Rhode Waal greening
Ftsockpipphollunnley's seedling,.T Thoniley.
Widower, Mts. Collins.
bushel Fein& pippin, bushel gsteinpplo,
bodwi Townsend's sweet, A W. Townsend.
12 gate apple, 12. Rhode blind tenet, 12
swat tunbo, 12 English redstrealt, rum Hulett i•
I pock plandpippin, John flotchinym.
ihuicass-1 down Unknown, 3 peck : do, Mr
pea. uptits malacattine, W Hama.
/ peck beak cling, Gimp Shins.
peck unknown, Thaw 8 llsrL • '
1 peck oakacrenr, peck red clucked =Jac.
toile, 1 peck Ftsybcdd's late free; 1 peck Crawford's
late taahattane,'Prlo . ceslate free striae, =known,
1 pet* Prime's late red =lire, 1 peck .Poars
yellow freedom,: I perk smock free, Geo likku.
peck oats:lwo, Petra
pia butler pear, A Hiller.
peekseckel,Aamas Hatetilwet.
Gesetree,Bartleit, Frederick of War.
lice' kat& Lewis.Napoleoa, socket, .1 aka kfuraock,
4 peck seckel,il pock pound pear, W & J Mar.
;12 Moquis, /1,
Qinscim—A branch, do large, Hrs. Co' Ines
Five, B Fabler.
Do, A:Millar:
Do, Mu. J H Shoonbager.
Do, A W Towneand. .
Gaans—lssbelli, casaba, foalleala nal, black
Hmsbarg, Moicat of Maim Iris, W
. .
Catawba, sweet water. tubas, Alm COWm
2 bunches catswba 2 lb. 10 as, Milbank.
catawksi sweet water, B Fehret.
beautiful Bland Isabel* estawbe, • John' G.
Alexander, George
Meerut, (named by committee) K T Friend.
Ehintreg,"o W Fahnestock.
Imbeds, J Murdock, Jr.
leabeQy W h J Murdock.'
B A Fahnestock.
Intbelliq Thcetu J Campbell.
A large stand Isabella, Mrs, Milling or.
• Aurcoros—Mr.Hardy.
Gasmen Nwei—Mr. Lows,
gide eta tearing Raspberry, English Redwood
elisawbani, Gierge'Breed. • .
. Vsoreirrus-3 crook sweledequash, t Cane.
*IL I cocoa, D Cornelius.
Jamey rweet.potatoop, Carolina do, Jacob M.
Sweet Potato yollow,D McKezneri.
Seat AAA° rod, do yolk*, Wm:Patro..
.4,drsabood cobbsgo, Copt. !Oho :Woods.
! peck ober akin °ekes, pock. Wethorsfiold
do, not= Hata/ban.
t" pock Strambdrg.otilons, W Dann.
:Do do do A Miller.
6 Hood Imou.Thomu Hutchison.
.5 do do : 'noun's J CampLcil.
ibtattal sarsdp blood beat W C
Patagonian Gourd, G W Fahnagocic.
fruk qu a
s Nuatiertleia, while seutuoi,„'Thes.
Ite Turley corn, (20 feet 146) George
Gkre, Thome ateldseet.
IS stocks white celesi, IR stocks white solid
W 0 thitus. ` •'
baothaerakeelery, I Robinaon
*radar' cakes, D MAKemay.
Blood turnip loet, John 6 Martin
I pock purple top totnlp,Thootas Ilatchitiow '
I Do -do. do- do -W C Duna,.
'I pock lags tottittoes 2 bolds rod 'Dula cal.
boil, 4 beads dnimboad,nomas nut c hy.,
4 boob drambood abtopi 3 beads laiDate.i'
0514"0, W C Daon. ,_
5 581544:26W Cbatimshigtt. • •
5 do - do •do - D IdelEoight.
; Ohosaicasarikifer, a wow Yiaary!•ou.
` '"" ••••
bubo do urb English Elea do, S 10;34 do, W
I bandt thnbasb, I do Ensibb
gaff flesh do, 1 do led Tartu, do,l a Martino
bunch yietiois rhubarb, J Robins*.
raukk. flaw with guano, G Lower.
3 =Una sqaash, Mn. Collins.
3 do do W C Dann.
4 bunduta supr puirdp.l4l & P Faulk.
17 alga W C Dann.
I Lim beam, D McKencey:,
pea a
do do do W C Dann.
- ...
. 1 walk do do „Lamm.
. ',.—,-
12 orange, earrota..7 sugar beets, W C Dam. .
1 sow beta, T Campbell.
1 vegetable mamas. W C Thum.
6 mmumbMa..l 131 Martin.
3 panatipa. D MeKenney.
3 bunchwiMuled ittralg, W C Donn. •
3dp Ido do'.l G Martin.
5 citron melons, 6 Spanish water mekos, Geo
2 citron water widow, Mn, Collins.
Flowzma—.so splendid Dahlias; him Ward
2 do, Cecirge Parkin.
I basket do, .1 Waldrop
2 bop* W Hanriel
2 do dahlias, A Millet
A design Of Omni Mis M Murdock
A dish afielegant dowels, Min E C Jones
.. .. .
Do, Mr. Cunningham
Do, G W Fahnestock
Do, lloenberger,
and a greet amber of fine cop Bowers liberalli
supplied the gardens in the neighborhood..
Oleander, amens
3 lemon t ear, 1 mime epecion ma, Mrs W
Robinson, Jr • • •
1 biennia; N McCombs
_ ...
I oleander, I pitaporam, Mrs Robinson
century ,aloe, I taxa Cbrioea, li7r as 7 Mar
Moxiein cotton punt E
I .ago palm, 1 Waterloo pelargorium, 1 aloe
varieesta, Mandela orange, J Wordrop
1 camellia japomea, 8 N Wieltantlarn
1 attend* monis, Joshua Robinson
1 largo plead:ago, 3 do bailiotropes In •am, S,
do verbenas, Ma ldtmenberger '
I &Moneta' Americo; W & J Murdojk
2 Arborvitae Chios's, 1 Similar JarapOT, I
Hedgehog Holly, 1 English Holly, 1 Variegated
Holly, 2 Esse Gerutiams, W and J Murdock.
1 itOIN Mrs Hosurigue, 2 Fumble; Mri !to.
1 Ls nymph Hoar, 1 Gore Elastic 1470 . Pan•
look lotonalcs, Mir Murdock.
Verbatim - of sorts, Geraniums of sons, therm
of sorts, I Wibitration Stratum, I Wax Plamb,
cape isesamin, I Vico. Elastics, I (Meander Mr
A collection from Mel Shoembemsr
A collection from Mrs &Munn.
I Cacti:L.o plambago Copal:Ws, 1 dwarf Or
loge, Lawristirms, Joduit Roblmon.,
Grand. Duke Jessamine, dotrble Foe.
ehit Chanvieri and:a gemend coller.tion of plants.
The Conti** found It impracticable to In
clude every; specimen presented in the collection
of Green House plants, but return their thanks
to thew amateur- and florists who so liberally
contributed their pinta during the Pabibitian.
The Gemini* 00 4egetables, appOtrited by the
Pittsburgh Horticultural Society to &dila who
are entitled to premicinas for the various articles
now exhibiting at Mks Hall, beg lease to submit
the following Repcst; as the result of their emu&
nation; and think the persons named justly enti
tled to s reward. limy of the vegeta*a ere wi
ry fine, both in site and quality, end will mm pare
well with skater productions in any part of the
United States. limpectfally atibmittsd r Sept. 13,
1847. 1.
To Charles Pagh, fa the best Cebbege. 89
I .To W C Dam 431. the best Cauriflowes.. $2
To a I u for the best Celery. $2
To The Hetchinece, for the bat Onlttle, one
Peek- 1 $2
To /whoa Debit:um, for the teat Vegetable
Bit% $2
To Wte Malin, for the heti Double Paddy. $2
To D McKinney, fir the heel Lima Deans. $2
To I) Camelia% foe the beat Crooked neck
To WII Dann, for the beat 19 Cush. $9
" " Panniipa.
Blood Nut. $2
T.;Tho. Hutchison for the best Turnips. $2
To " • " Totnaton. $2
To Jacob AIM, for the best Bane Potatoes. $2
To Wm Pam for woad boa." "El
A tat of Pmk Eye Malt potatoes ware exhibited
remarkable Cm the number on one tine, baring
been manure.' saltb UMW water. Also a few
plant. of Gratual nuts to great pmfactlam
JOHN litritDool4 ga., •
! Wm. tiOnatius o ,
The Committee on Flowers — ippoloted by the
Pittsburgh liostieultuml flociets, beg lean to sub•
mit the Waning report. •
For the beat display of Dahlias,
.0, to las
24 best display of Dahlias, $2, Mr. G Partin
For the teat design of Cot Flower, $2, to Miss
34 boot &riga oitnt Flower. $l. to Mt U W
ahnedock. • .
For the best dbrpily, at Baguets, 82,1 s Mr. J
24 best dblplsy of Dogmas, 01, to. Mt Hearlci.
For the best display of Nulls in Pats, 05, to
Strs.J H Stuinberger.
kd best dirplay of Mutts in pots $3, to Mr
Discretionary Premium.' of Slouch to Mn W.
Robinson jr Mr. Wiekerabam3lut Mum Murdock
and Mr. Joshua Robinson ford no colle!gkee of
pleats. And aho To Mias Jones for a Boautitut
dish of Flown.
$s the ophion of your Committee that the
thanks of the exiety is dm to those pastes who
coctribated dowers in liberally tot the deceratioa
of the room. JOSEPH EUNNINpHA M i
.• J. KNOX. •
The Premiums award. have been genetooaly
returned by theeorepetitore, mod the find appro•
pasted to the exteneion of ■ Hortkuhural Idheuy
recently founded.
By`onler of the Drenthe Gonneittee,
eecrettly.. G. W. FAHNESTOCK.
Dee ws se.—A .young Out by the awe of
George Laird, a resident of Bauer County, one
of the hands employed on ilmemamboat flitemia
Tying at the hfonegatuda wharf fell from the yawl
of the Steamer on Saturday morning, and was
drowned before assist' awe could be draped, His
body was found about an hour end, rt half filer he
fell into the River. He. was engaged in bringing
in the end of the stem line of the .boat when by
some accident be was precipitated from the 'mull
boat into the water.
An %groan was held by coroner Riehithon,
and a verdict renckeed in accordance with the
The mate of this Hibernia wn • niche of the
deceased, and tookhis:rentalna to Beaver On Batter
day evening.
COVIIT, Sit. '25.--Henry Ep(od n
John C Stewart, Error to the District Court.—
Chlef dunk* Gibeon delivered the opinion of the
Paw, effirming eta Judgment of the Coon below.
Jeremiah Sturgeon'. heirs vs John Ely, et el.
Error to the District amt. Chief Antics Mb.
eon delivered the opinion of the coact—lffirreed
the judgement 'of the coUd below.
Monongahela No. Co. r ve AdsmCoois, star
Error to the District mart.,-Chief Jingles Olt-
ton delivered the opinion of the caul, sffuttling
the opinion of the court below.
Ilezekiah Mood:tett, el al, vs Andrew. McClure,
Jr. et aL Ertor to the:District court. Ohlef
dee. Gibson &limed the opinion aithating the
opinion of the court below.
James Wilamon vs F, dc M. Turnidke Road
Epor to the District cant. Mr Jnittice
dogma &limed the *Moo of the court 'Mu&
ing tbo Judgement of the mutt below. - ,
Commonwealth for um vs ThomasHaffeY et
Error to the Markt Coart. Mr Janice Manmade
delivered the opinion of the Corot, affirming the
Judgment of the Court Wirier, end farther order.
tag tho money to be paid into Court to be Invest.
IA for the me of the children. .
Tho Cohn awarded a Writ of Quo Withlotto,
ageing Him. 3 N Burrell; President Jai* of
the lOtieJudietal Dist, a the atineglott of Jodi ,
Cowan. Ent, and ret motion of Thomas Wi4
tiara; Ent, lewd:left third Mooday of Oct*.
[lt will be remembered that Mr. Doman was
nominated by the Gownior ad rejected by the
Senate daring the la maim The truancy in
the 10th Judicial District occurred daring the
mania of the , Mr. Barweblofter the
adjournment of that body; was re.cawdmitad
the three/Mx, and holds and ulnae* his °Moe
from MS IPP o httatat; ttotwnhatan&ng the co-
°anode briar-hot the appointinspowor bad idvaa
ita axial= 'Om gaol !
:13amool .Thatulbod as Jacob, Oomidas at az,
"attar to the Distdot Mum Argoad by Idir
lop for. plaWin OM: aad thotaabor argoaatat
the caws Pc*Pawl WI the•Xlfooday of Oc.
• newt.- , tiptoe . Iwratbd
,Dist*, composid of the woo*, o( Erie;
Crawfool,_Vesteop . tad 91erioo?. b
*obi =Wog. '
. .
Otte last data fun New °deans are le the
sty eP'lte4eled-Pmeeee ef the !suede; of
/R h, at so h
easelime thee MUs e wroulhin a g laGterale-fre"..m rmanjrneeß"lraawYwreable,:tfinilla"da:l;P:b,iwi:dobte:7:duednisn'trr.ou'llebeineeddiac'.boabue7;b6th'otr.°
p„,,,Lha lemedq / 'l' r eel' flo Ted' r n d " c u loq m e i e YU dir ' ing t"Ub his a tra P v i e ' l ' s it A ' in 'th a, W obse t tab
PHILADELPHIA MARKET. std the remarkable fact. That the airmen of those
countries are peculisrly different from all other
Pettungultra, Sept, 24, Be. eh Node, mrespect—tkat they are fi re from the
Flour—Moderate aka of Pennsylvania, fifth pains and dangers which make the period of Preg.
ironed, at $5,370,50 per bbl. Of w e st a n a =cyan object el so much anneibad mitering and
$ 5 . 5 025.62 per bbL risk. Comsat" and the al for Scientific disown.
Rut Fleur is selling at $4 per bbL ty prompted bier to investigate the cense of this re-
Conterietd—lifides at $2,87 bbl. markahle exception to the severe Inds to which the
per roamed female, are generally subjected. and the
What—Moderate sales of Southern at 109 c, result was the discovery o 1 the fact that the women
,and Pennulnnia mixed Wheat at 115 c pa be- of those weenier were m the baba of tame duriag
sheL Pregnancy , tertai¢ plant. v!hieh
Colton—Saks •140 ales al I pe r for
.„, [l :' •l 7l eee v i i er t l
imparting that degree of tone:
Upland end 'N Orleans. Otero; o re
'. emb which e
nables it to perform its
Cciree— ^ B9 le° Domino at Gil , Per (badgrs in all their native simplicity of action and
lb. •
freedom from pain.
It is a angular fact, also, that the Indian women
ExclaimGarraponde e of 100 Pittsburgh Casette of North America are in a remarkable degree free
NEW Y ORK MARKET. from those pains and dangers of pregnancy and child
*p t. 24 , 4 birth to which the white women are tobjected --
Whether they use the same plants as do the women
Fk"U7The demised "Winne. ' lir ' and price s of Asia we
ar ab le ell. Certain it is Mat the fact is
remain u lest queue°. Genesee at $5,87i foe no lets remkab Oak true.
new and $5,75 for old. This Remedy is now estearrely rued throughout
Corn centimes' to look op, with sales of 5000 France with the most marked mecca end many - fn
bu at 55a80e. males who were once single through apprehension.
Wheat for import sells at 125 c, but it is dul
are now by the use of this medicine, performing
and tare are no sales of moment repotted. 01 the cl amant consequent to the elate of ma Image
th e eu ce or ayes and mothers with comfort and
Roth sotto of Ashes have improved—Pots at
15,50 tad Pearls $6',50. IL ta at this time now first presented to the we.
Rorke generally hectored to day. Treasury men of America. by Dr Bordeloque, through his
l l rss uu ed u r ni anced i6; L ; R
hhina taxh i. 3; do Railroad
Galen that independent of its intrinsic media it will
eole agent, Dr A C MORTIMER:awI he (certain.
recommend itself to the moral part of the comma.
nilytes it is folly calculated to do away with that
hand crime of which tome, through fear of pans
of child birth, are guilty, (the production of (acme
tare delivery.)
This medicine is also remarkable for remedying
that hrthertelacorable disease Barrenness, and It.
almost constant accompaniment Tenor Moms In
bet that relaxed and tenon state of the . Womb
which accompanica this disease le never felt alter
thk stiortnt use of thi. medicine.
This medicine is prepared in verb a way as to be
agreeable and pleasant to the taste.
Dr A C MORTIMER No IS 1.2. Lispenanl aL.
New York, has been appointed sole agent for the
United States, by Dr Border/sloe and is the only
person in thin country who in authorized to vend
Ibis learnable medicine, a/ the following letter will
(Translated from the French.)
!'sate June 10th,1847.
Dr A C Monne en.—DearSir—Acconlum to the
agreement entered into between en, I wish by the
letter to give you that written authority to sell
throughout the ',Tinted State,, (my Remedy for re
awing the painsend dangers incident to pregete
and Muhl Oak) which it ie necessary for you F,
have to atisfy the public of it. genumenese end p •
city. ita yno are aware the exposure of the medi
cine to the influence of the yea ad obliged me to
and it to you in air tight vessels. I hove also cent
with it, a epecimeo of the manner in which a is put
up in Pans. in like manner I should with it to ap
pear in the United States. Sir, with areal respect I
remain your., F E BORDELOQUE, 51 D.
p S—l alto send you a copy or o letter received
by me from the Royal Academy of Science, in
(Translated fro t m the Fratch.)
Pans Jan ,17t6.
To M. UORDELOWIL —Str—The GOOOl/11100•
ere of the Academy have appointed the undamped
from:their number, as a committee to report regard
ing the merits of the remedy laid before us by you
(ler relieving the pains and dangera incident to prig
nanny and child birth.) Several eminent Surgeons
having eubmitted to the Academy the result. of
their esperince le the use of your remedy, we has.
ten to lay at before you, behoving It lobe the best
decision regarding it. claim to distinction, and of its
great value, that either you or the public contrition
Imbed. Whenever Influence this body may pos
ters on the member. of the profession will exerted
to further that adoption of this remedy into general
nee, which as ...tide discovery and an to:Muting
remedy, it so richly deserra. Fight Physicians
having eta this medicine, each in fifty eases of de
livery, found it entirely saccade' in promotion' a
remarkable sale end easy delivery, frce from pain
and danger. With the exception of three patients
of Dr Briquet there via a perfect immunity from
any irebsemient weakness or disease; one of them
three & laboring woman who had me t a were
fall a week premien to delivery, was taken mimed*.
ately after that event with a profuse heuteuhage,
which was with difficulty arrested. The other two
malformations of the perm., were in no wise relieved
actin Three I eye exceptions m so great aliumber
of cues a lour hundred; show the undoubted effi
cacy of your remedy, and have determined us to
gire it that recommendation and approval which is
due to it, and the (adherence of mientilm medi
cine (Signed) el BRESCHET, N D.
Com of the Commissioner, of Malt. Academy
of Science .
The public are cautioned against purchasing thin
medicine from my persons except of the sole ammt
Dr A C Mortimer. No Y. 1-2 Lispenard at, Neu
York, where this mamma is pot up in packages
suitable for being sent by mail to any part of me
Price Two dollen a package contemn lull di
persons deemed of obtaining this Great ktratealy
ho reside at a distance, CM do so. by foreerdnif
'we Dollars post paid, to
DR A C hIORTIMER, sole Agent for the lf S.
sept 27 No 56 1 2 Idspenrrd at, New York.
Esclsidro Crnsespondenee; or the Pntrane• 0 " • • •
Beldame, Sept. 24,7 r. s.
Flour—Sales of H. S. brands at $2.37a5,50 per
bbl; of City Mils brands at $5,12325,50 per bbl.
Rye Plour—Modesto sale . . at $4 bbl.
Wheat:434es of 2500 bu at pees ranging
from 100 e to 107 c per bob! good to prime Reds,
and HO to 116 e. for White.
Bacon—Sake of Hams it
.10a1 lc, Shoulder.
al eagle.
Tobacco--Sales of good at Or; of inferior at
3c per lb.
• Correspondence of the Pittsbangt,Garetti.
Sept 25,6 r. •
'Floor—Moderate sales today at $4 OGI •
44 * Mc per bbl. Prices are on•tho decline.—
Flour ls also on the decline Indio Louisville Mar.
Whiskey—Sake &Lillie. pee gall. A slight do.
dinehum last quotation.. I -
Bacon—Sala of:2,000 lb. }idea at 73c a• le
per lb.
Sales of 3,000 Ile shouldize at 63 e per lb.
Groceries are without change.
• Athee—galie of Pearl at 7c per IS; Pots are
held at 5e pa lb.
The western mail is io but brings no news.
ANOTM IPz ca Ro■oa.—La Pettis, the
Spentsirpapsr at New Orleans, published an Ea
tea on the evening of the 15tb; of the following
Tatum, Sept stb, 1847.
haw jut received a letter from Mexico,
which arrived here by apeciii exproes, via Hue.
dulls, and I take advantage of the departure,. al.
mat at this very moment, of • vowel bound to
your port, to norm& you ■ copy of it. It is to
this cfroc4:
Kazuo, Aug 29th, 1947
Esteemed (rime
I have already informed you that Gen Scott
proposed • 'eversion of arms on the 21e, and
that it was followed by an armistice agreed to on
the 22d Mot A negotiation was forthwith open
ed with Mr Trial, and I have just been assured
that up to yesterday it had fropersed very ate
*dozily. Very :shortly a treaty of peace it is
expected, will be koneltulea. The principal a:ti
cs are the firth:ming:
• "The flailed Slakes/tali restore to Mexico the
Cab:forages, together with all the porta, cities and
towns which the American forces occupy of oar
"The United BMWs shall forever retain the
State of :Texas Whose limits shall extend to the
left bank of the Rio Bravo del Norte, comprising
Natant/am by mane of a canal which shall to
cut for that purpose."
We do not credit the above, and the Washing
ton Union disbelieves It also and with an intima
tine that the intelligence is no later than received
by 114 Trist, who gives no such news.
The muse correrAendentof UM La Pabia,u7l
that Gen Valencia after refusing to recognize
Santa Annaand_ threatning lo muchegainet him
surrendered to the Government and was sent
prisoner to Guadakrupe. Bales chines want of
skill in Valencia and cowardice in Torrejsn as
the caum . of defeat at Contreras. Alvarez, it is
said will maks fight against the Americans in
conjunction with Paredes. Doubtful.
Ganotal Path:mon and aids arrived at PCDUCO.
on the 13th inet., and waiting a Renege in the
Water 'WWI.
The deaths at New Orkene on the 15th were
31: The leur was Increasing at Mobile on the
Another assorting of the Directors of the Ches.
&pads end Ohio Genii, it is mid in the Bslam=
?strict, IMO nylult in seeming the money for the
sampled . = of , the renal.
Duitisti;s or Nsw 0 .—A gentleman
writes that be dined - at the St. (Markle with but
Dia other person Weis table.—Neteork Daily.
Are roa New Oarhare.—Thirteen firms nil
halivillusle in New Yost have contributed $lOO
each, one $l5, nine $53, and other lower mos,
amounting in all to $5500, for the relief of the
sick in New Orleans.
farts- to which -we alluded'' yesterday, was
don* by Frances Bartlett, &stock broker who used
the name of his brother, Mt Edwin Bartlett a
merchant in Booth ■tenet, to tha amount of more
than $40,000. Tbe,papes was negotiated rapid•
ly in the stied, and, with the banks, as Mr Edwin
Bartlett ban been In the habit of aiding hie Math
er by endorsements. The forger has disappear.
ad. .
.TWo fame are announced—that of J. J.
Kingston! and Muir. Taybrfir. Co„ bona Etiglblit
agencles,,brought down, it is supposed, by the re.
suit of speculation in grain end flour.
LLTIL—The rummy cam of Mr. illation b
more extensive than wire first supposed. It le
already ascertained to be ores filly thousand dot.
lars,—s large portion of which is forced paper
In Will Wire.
Two additional Manta are announced to-day—
both agendum in breadatuffe, and both young
homer, of NOMAD two m area year.' danding.
MbNo Carry Ao ,Part Pulse Plten t—
Jackson* Embrocation is the only medicine that
will este ;this no bury common• and troublesome
disease, it tat only inrisediately allays pain and ink.
nation, stops all bleedingoiabdoes that intolerable I teh •
ii4, 3 V4l:e t tl . allt .e ce , fe r s e , n ir ve
ed z . stit4 k ii i sn o, c , p , e . nso m ns
Itsapplkatkna problem no pain, bat
a s an agree, •
c all a &intent mints:in. If penoas allbeted end
c and hear of the great number of eases that have
been cared, the, will be astonished. A gentleman of
thin any, w h o had been moat the knife of the tarpon
bir two or thtee times without being eared; bas by to,
tug V bottles of the lk:otbroennon. been eradically eared.
'lt sells beyond preeedent!!—(ll% Fstarday Conner.
Ofy. For ule in Pittsburgh as the PEKIN TEA
groawra Fourth street, neon wood, and also at the
Drag Moro *MI P Echsrana, Federal Allegbeny
,000. BOOTS 5 00
ea roirairn STRICT, 2 *
TRB mdamiber mmeetfully Informs the public that
be has corameneed the manufacture of Gentleaienas
Fultionable Boots,of good mineriel and workmanship
which he wilt wanant superior many Boot elm made
iq Pattsbemh for the pnee. These handsome Boots
will la made to measure, end warrant them as repro.
aenteskat the very low- pnee -of FIVE DOLLARS
CARD. Gentlemen are requested te all and examine
spit( Stammer to W BERSKINE
.On Weihtemis y evening, this 4 4..1 inst. ALFItAIiVEIR
,INGSALIAM, tlr., of Ohio Township, in tho 77th 'year
of his • ,
.111111012510 T DARILICLII-73i condition
Nta tor market &Bout oto
Hp.ztalase or ti s W its ii rarg forlntab l y iuthi*
CuAmmuur MISCELLANY—M:4d this valuable
ara* isjual rec'di for age b 7
(1 ospurrr. LETITR WittrEß—Oortudzung
rseiyot letterson slimitdocA for saw by •
.prfl MORSE
IITINICGAR-911 We Cider Vinegar receiving rem
V searßile6ne4 arida bir JAMS DALZELL
• 'par ... 04 water rt
OROZAM-A f doien m arrivg I:or We at the
Wine ploie, by the boule or dozen. •
Gun MAWS—lease (3,21b5) Jost ree'd; for ialn
°~. ,sr ELLE RS
wood a
tv 02 lb Ota reed; ball=
DILLS-3 mugeunit i re*L t reylkor
RIDLITZ MIXTIIELIC-100Th. lon Teed• for
• solo by • a sguaais
nocruciada—non. Jot ned; An ten by,
• • • E SELLERS.
WAVERLY NOVElB,—''chap form—trairn?7
.E.1 7 P,-431,1)14c e rei b lg , gronni a w m nielvit t atec ,
LILO 0111,-100 bbls ja
X sp, J WPM 4.40 N tolitejty ti
i.~ _41.v~ ~_ + r
..-Br~ ...0 L ~.., r.~ _?~ A'C?M=` ..a'i-='~" t a.,._ ~v.r. .tUf
' , Satire the Shadow ere the Substaac, Fade."
-OUERREUT' Silver Mad. awarded
•t the Fain of the Franklin and American 'wit lends fur
the beet tad won artistica! specie - en. a' Baguette.
tn.' Parfait.
T. recent tenmerement made by Ors saliscribers,
and wh eh i, pecult_tr N theirresahlislierat uiunr,
An Upper Light, has rear iirrd the iiighast monument
den.. Rem the Fre., and alio women tegessioniala
Row the fire, Arid. is the (Seamy aato in great bap.
riunity overt. weal Side Light.
The peculiar advantage of this Etat is that the Na.
lona•expression of the Eye can be obtained now more
perfectly than heretofore. Culver. and Strangers are
respectfully invited; whether dritigius romans or not.
lo vasitiour spseions galleriC4, FlF , b‘bly 04 largest and
moot catch*, VC , to the United Stites. and rI2/131[1, for
llacrorelers the astonishing inspiovements. made by the
nobscrioels in this 11fondennl arc
. . -
T. P.h. D. C. CCII.LIN:_t,
Proprieinvt of dm City Ihrrircian
No. Itu Che.lll( ..Nreet,ldonr, shore Third,outhwde
J. Ohl Humphrey.
bile al the Rev. Woe. Jenneul, fortneoPar um of the
.Presbyterian Chinch at Freehold, in New Jersey, a
which Is contained moons othrr interv,nrils parliridavi
an account of his being [Mae day+ in a Inner, and op.
parently lifeless.
Peace in Believing; by Rev Walter Alerliknay.
The !Arise!' Arritrilia, a narrative or lom of the
Brig Anstnlla by fire, on her voyage from Renh and
Sidney, with on marmot of the aniforinga, religions er.
Rrerres•nd final remise of the passengers edited by
eview:ea R MeNarin, linden.
The chew, ore uniform with the "Chrio!an b ?chino
"""'i ( ktr ' &4 . l r git 1.61
GP [Kt cL between in tuck 4th
(0-Post and Journal copy.
MliE &Ms mt ilier is role Agent in Otts eitV for the sale
.1. of C. F. Martin's celebrnuNl Spanish Guitars, and
has now received n enrols., which will be sold al mare
ufacturee, priers. The highest commendatrons have.
been bestowed on Mere instmmente, by allthe eminent
Gulutrista in the United States. •
Mederne K, oop of Cincinnati, Me Cowper of N York
ml all other performer% of celebrity, ose Martin's Gui-
e mere nee fnam vs to 1560,acconlin& to quality
ad Irortmannhip. I II PI P.LLOR
111 wood et
NE..'ORKS—The wort. of dbarles Fallen,
who perished in the steumtbut Lexington, which
wait burnt on her trip from NeacYork to Boston, in 11g4'15in Sias, with a memoir of the author, written bqtin
Banon'• Anatomy of Melancholy—Dublin Edition.
tharran'a tyceche•—English Edition. For side by
optl7 IdeDONALD/t BEMXON, so market at
li F k . 'leauTo V an L YI J ii i tTP. Franck and Eaarialls Diction.
cry. For a ß oby
N irs c o .p iw rjaf A 6Div nß7 fti.d,tt , 7 ani,to,;
d w rn
Another blot them Wonderful Honks has been rood
by Innri WM 8 CALDWELL
Army mina his Generale their na-
Ntrample-it military career; with a %tett+ of the
- French Revolution; by an Americm—illustrated with
numerous engravings; for sale by MORSE
epaS • Ett Foardi street
September deemed to Nape.. For mle by
opb77 3rd FL nppallio the Pon °Mee
Mill Property tbr Sale
lAVILL Sell at private sale nreshere (being the one
half( of the thin and Saw Mille, situate on Slum
Creek in %Ili!tins Township, Allegheny roomy. Said
Mills aro In goad order—The Grist Maims two run of
Stones, three pair Elevate., two Bolts arid a Smut Ma
chine; nine fleets of Land, Including the water right
belonging in the premises.
Terms Moderate. Enquire of the rubseriber near the
_sitdrarkeT Plum Township
- -
fIaaCIONVI. • 20a:1 coma.
MANUFACEIJKIMS or Spring and Slater Sled.
Plosgh Steel , Eifel Plough Wings, Couch and
Rlintie Sponge. Hammered Iron Axles, and desk. in
Malleable Castings, Fire Engine Lamps, and Coach
Trimmings generally corner of Ross and Front streets,
'Pittsburgh. ro.. .1,127
OBT.this mowing a Gold rate at Levet Watch,maile
.LA by M Tobin*, Co,Lirechool. No - E2-1. The tinder
will -receive the above reward by leaving it nl tho Jew•
elry ADM of IV W Wilson, miter or Market and 4th
ts,orat Johnston & Stocktort's • Bookstore, comer of
Market and 3rd sta. „ NNW
IMPORTED IDIGAIILEI-74.ft Imported Cigars,
J.cormisUnß.of Just° !tans and steamboat Prittemies,
an enters; WesiOngton, In:penal •nd Fnale Regaltss,
all colors; Ten different Verietien of Ilansonem all COI.
OM These an genuine and Rely superior; for sale at
a mall advance Mites Wine Store.
cur market & hunt em
ZW. RENI MINGTON, Land ServaVer. will attend
num Surveying, laying aat. and dividing laud% =-
king valuation et Real Emit, de. . .
• Office, Pena a1.. - above Hand , neat dgor tha,OXiee or
the Reeoidtue Regulator, 15u:1.m1.. "MOO.
Tonacco—wo bA 10,30
2.olk ikrlT"l .s. 0.4 in mte
ud b# Am
ip wood
CBALK' Um While Cher,'
.4050 Sp. Whitioi t fine anddry sad Wr.
oak . JOEL MOHLER •. • .
" ipo,s . N N oar wood h.sthocs
Nol Tu .o rpe t n cap tisli
nithjost itli!di fin fifilfi J 4 4 .4 moilLgit
aacticn Sales-
By Joba A Davis../Ami,lamise
Large. Cott* House - tad 29 = Brir Lay'
n N Sturday, the tl day of October, 2 o'clock, P.
be sold on the premises, reale bets..
the Wasliregron and theubenedle'uniike.R.4 ed .
Joining Teroperancesilleonlebeap abildWg Lationsit.
We for healdiyand reared resukam or those eftaged
in. the clues of Pittsburgh and Alleglmayorbten can
by meant ferries be reached in less than half en boa.
Itho, that bandaare and spacious frame Cottage
House, at preseat occupied I . iinhe Res
,B C Jennings,
&Ordains th e oboe. Lorsorith about one and a half
amerof gerund= which are
about 151 tholes bait
trees, sbrabbery,art excellent well of antler, slableska
Each Lot will be accessible by couvetbent sareets• •
pl. of Ishielrmay be seen at thsaratiOn Rama rand
the property shown by the proprietors. the yorenbaea
Tide indispetable. • . - i•
Terms—Ctetoorth cash, the realties Or tiree equal
annual payments, vidt amass, to be seteared by bond
mod mortgage.
• ..P46
JOIIN D DAVI' Auciioneer
Toro Buddicif Laino th at Rood Et Antic.
014 Thursday the 3/th tan at 8 Ockek, P. 111., at the
Commercial Site= Itoom,Xerner of Wood araf'dth Ea,
will be sold Late NolB2 and IE4 In Seott's plag, very
eliaddy attested for biatilltall, basing each uont of 21
feet on Petusylannta hlacksmeh shop
Of hlr Gilson, and extending back 14 feet to an alley
12 feet Irak. 'Mile indisputable. Tenets at sale. •
*NZ JOHN D 041/1.4, Anet
Drir Good..
ON 1100 day mmular,, do Mb lea, u lO 07e100, at
the eammetal Sole• ROM IMMO of Weed andFitth
suovill be sold , - , ' •
. . .
A /.Ige lIIMULOIOI3IOI . acienaudda Dry Goads; anions
cinch arc Cloika.Canineaes, 881111.11.14 Biallk , to. Ban
b, bleached and sableacbcd toallnia, a great variety
or calicoes, Ste.
At 2 &Cloak, P. IL
auks China and• Queensertirt; embracing a' hand
mum SAlNntment
moreiwaitem, matches, tweak, bandboxes, wrapping
and writing paper. An eatermiso assoinadm of new
and second hand household furniture; among whiehare
mahogany Low seal aushodany hair mat chairs,
Boston locking chairs.
Also, cooking moverd awl stows, conking menials,
At t !Mbar, P. M. '
A taiga colleciion or ralimble new books,Whichmust
be cold %.° 6 ." • i nemailramantrwhietr embraces
nen , s in all t h e mown dEpartmems of eicience and
II oolt of
MR. WEMYSS will appear ns Sir Peter Teti].
Monday, Sepkraber 27M, 1847, -
Will be anted the Comedy of
Sir Sitar Tenle. Mr. Wemysa
Lady Teazle
After which Danee,"Roin O'Motip by Miss ANN
LVINA—To conclude with the Drams of
Rebell MeCaire• • 'Air. Dunn.
!Door open at; and certain stilllrlse at k put 7.
Vocil Concert of Nodose Ablimoortes.
Aftir:g g LA S
v al oeTl V at e i rt 7 . t UsT:rita ** or
about the 3rd of October previous o her depanag ' yey
the Weocre and Southern Coles and the Wes; India
hinder. A. will sury on the occasion, seleadonsi front
MUSIC, as well as from the mat palbetie Standard of
e and n sthtxesrtraite h o I p E p LOUla sad
mim n elicited wet ear lame herCoo
ern+ i the Eastern op well nr Western.cilles.
Ticket. 30 rent?. • ,
motor fattlkeryintliculnoscortilarend
se= •
inowaesp : oo , *
JOHN C. ilOWa 4 , 7 Asent. ,
Embracing ernikid fa A.
Etrablithment rie Organizai r consisaise
400 Kea and. ilorSesl
atomiTattax ap THE 801, CUTS.
he exhibitoi DOM 'cif We American Hotel,
Mitab orgh on !dental and Tansday, the Vat audit/3th
wof *Mem*, ' I
ills Company willwahe theirgraml proensian thmogb
the minaret rivets, at 11 o'clock , ia the eternal& bea
ded by the gnat mai'
dm. by 'At beautiful ermat colored horns, aid *bra in
had by Ma rileteited Mark Jelvaso. The exterior is lit
rally to wthgold,theinterioris timid Urimighoot with
the richest minuet ralreL mid of sufficient tumidly to imal
30 people. Thi vehicle is allomirber superior to Ma me own
by Va Ambn, or any . Oaf has brio AVM in* United
sales. =I cut the proprietary 05000. Next coma the
ttely . 37 hacks in height entl in weight shoat 100 pamo4s thin
duatauticreniage Itami• novel sght of ittelc mil when
comparidwith the ftuadrimu 14.4 Chariot, the metrest b
wotadarbi aml pleumg, *indrawn hy two Gatineau pa
nics oak. 35 beam la heixtiu,acciatopeatoi by rerialius foot
race, ottritlris, rm. Thu is Wawa! toy_bba •
on wheh is alled op • forma% treater, pima and other
eplatettu, (alts enonwoos entreat) Delighting the cite**
estalbstuarat which will be 1,4,44 more brit than ma
sticate.. ma by the ben of gm tlowin Goat 200 thoraces.—
The oriel eight cm ooly be met at Licure's Sr. Co's. Uoited
bates Chem Al* attach Gomm etude of 3U eritrunmeon
hinivx perflarmerhfwasdrobia,
t has teen made for Me lama vfith W. H.
romp, cekbeated clown from
. A.stley'a Atiptibliettra,
Drury Lane, ad °rive Meshes at Lo d en, who (men his
poitiocableimperionty has woo far hieuelf the mixt&
untie: met of the Aferfens Grimaldi. He wee brier called
upas to appear at Whabor Castle, by s.'• I aim wand of
quint Victoria, and was grouted ea of Mnrity,
home to which few mildie perfumers mall env ovine.—
ller Majesty and Prover Albert ware rim einem laJllay's
Rapt Amphitheatre ea the ant production of the loam.
mita of Harlequin% Fralim, ov Natalia of • Ned, which
beatinialmisrainsticat will teem with or
al every retain's mamma:we aria company, j His allow
calling ma/wee ple a revolving *red at AA stwod. awl
perm 'thalami novel feats with ataftin
wn himself giddy with his feel •
W O. ark 3rs rpnnemal romesinan and Nutterof the wow, lmving thrown the potion nowt., of
matomets (E 7) everAmontyllshed by arty perfortier to
the work!. His Stilt VaolOng while ut England. m9at
t3''s company. made • meat sensation, no poilannew on
that side of tho Atlantic having aritompluthed over,lo
or GO mama**
Mr. Z AleForload. the only rival la,vankteg
the hem of 70 tomersone, be which be bolds
a be d medal. The aadionce will have an Oppartainny
of seeing two of the greatest vsatten in the wrield,..-
way con mulct the champioasliip of their rotes on.
Atmß. Canul, the highly admired and *ugly cel
ebrated female eq*strian Is attached to this company,
wd will attars on Minivalleti act of Smunriais , in
hich she will Introduce a new style of feats, emitely
her owl,
E. W. Curet, the giant two horse side, and 'washer is
ttlso attach.' us this company.
M. O. W. Saran; in his Shakspearian changeable
• The juvenile poiligiee, 715Uis and G.W. ;4;44 of
Mr. triton, form not the least interesting part of the
Foratull dricriptianof the performance, tata Ultimnd
pamphlet. at the nipcf pal hurls. sptlS
Ewaltlobed a warebooss to the year DISC for We pod
pow of sopplyingthe t-Ity and-Interior Turtle with
low . pnces—and exhibiting, at all we t ... •
. of theitEnWhei i .ave 4 sAntreusent in • •
." • THE
They are now °peeing 'Several Ilanftlwr;Packges,
comprising every new style of Foreign and Domestic
podeurctaiond many '
have which
taeee n nor ta Ire found el•e
purchased, and are
offered for sale Dr Dashand abort credit, al
p p <z n ?Ard e. bejou .
c.,thezej„. aro of Apri l
ts .r p t c h :
toforootoon of nu( en.
Nor ioar t .runsosit jy2,l,,tf
No. 27 South iirkuroot,
riFFRS for Sale-1000 has Bunch Haines,
VlOO esks Canon., (ZaraOß
Citron, (Leghorn);
LB bales Bordeaux Almonds
25 do Lisbon der
100 bags Sresly do.
50 MAI shelled do;
ICC bales Grenoble Walnut.%
100 do Naples Filbens,
500 bags Ground Nate,
100 bakisBwalod;
Menses Flash 011,(Lueetil,
lull bags Choosy bleed.
50 fruits Arabian Darer,
100 eases Muscat Mae,
Agency far Uuderwood's Plekles,Saueea, &e.
Elmlkltta hart , Baltleoleores
OFFER their scrames b alerehams and Fume.
M. .ale of Flour, Grain and Peale= generally, ,o
the Llaltheore Alatket,and Immthelrealensieeamptait.
{lnce among purchaser. and shippers, ean safely mar
rant mnsfamery sales. Onresloodenta Brill mmanualy
be toot advised of the mate of the Markets, Ea:
Rona ro—blessre. Wm. Wilson &Sons, Lime Rey
nolds &Pon, Devidnoo & Sae:Wm% &Pieta h f&nli.lts
Rims & Carey; Balnment - •
Tineloy, CaMwell & Englialn Phlladelehla.
Haggerty, Draper & Immo New. York..
Baltimore. Jane 21; ttaveto
• - NOTION..
TSbxktwldets of %u Fin Deposit Bank of
J. Pittsburgh, intend tasking application to the next
LegislaUstv for such alteration of their Matter as will
fivo them ilotkialt Privileges, or if dawned expedient,
will ask to be incorporated as a new Bank.
By order of boar Directors.
' : lIORIPSON BELL. es.stiler:
X 71SLYETS—Rloc broom Porr..!et
, 2 47 , 1 0 . b ,!;! !
V and other Caney colored Cm= re'vf 4 J°44
oC thew Very ." • "
k".bY the 1"c" or Y "?' b).
IVANliffraln b e y o
rfollt SUMS
HOPS -4 bethis Istql
UERIP-130 Wes No. dew•rolied; for Raab,'
optl3 L HUTCHISON lr. CO
MOLASSES—:A bla• N 0 fror sale by
bvl spell ' JAMES DALZELL
ai2l-1 oda ;mums Ky. Felubers *WINN.
- Ira.ll,py•
— 'lira. Ira Hunt's bp;
25 bt b. hi Ilatt4a Soi rearming from the can.;
. sale by spM5 FM DALZEIrIa24I water n
lobia Roder•Spos• . . •
do Ito,flet.r• van nrce ming and for . solo
SDAP—%J Ims Cineinn
• •
i to . l P rAtkl4n j tr i*
• 41 waist at
(re h iroand,litiedarriVar brand
car arnitnankrk. 'rater as
tl '! 6l ; 'fi ' i .46 4, 4 d
F !tub yenctiain . ladiararanei•
. _
FtIWIL-173 WI ft
jimt mil; for sale 11
cu 4 EzisiG-fob. cc
DIED—% ado beit
.1!.:rod and for oalo,by
qua ?LATE&
spiel 'for
, 11-51 0bW IX Wit chweroal btands
wtitelvu reed:an ink Of
Bs 11111T011114-2
medolor saleby
ILLa t arta st
01111011114111 AND irnir mu i a
MS anal kittratt_.'lhab of vtftendid
comma Of We lawn; war ury bee
aad Mat prom' al bars as tee
% , g. a µ; Peery accearno..alicat aad cent .
fort dud now eartratbttagl...bcbaPrandr4 hum
wage. The Ilan as been to
tarried a 'Akan of becat t v i riaea Ma lean
Wood o .
boa of freight and the SIM a 7 Powhlatv on dye
tc.c.. In on easel the ,pasragb awn bum be ptaa
Pm e ggoNoNGAL agyA, Capt. Saw, eriUltave Pub.
Thy bleudaymomingitt ID ekbrel; Whet Leg
every Mwday evenug al 10 -
• Timankv PACKET.
The r11.102A11.A., NO. 01. Ctpt.• J. Eierfelerr,
/..v. avery.Toesday morning &tie o'clock;
Wheeling every Teesday evenias at 10 P. M.
. _
The NEW @NOLAND. NO. Si Cayt..S. Dorn, vra.
leave .huabarak every - Wedneedaj morning • sr 10
&clock; WheHiat every AVedeevelay enema at 10 P.
•The WWCONBMI3IOI..L.7, ammwiti Pius
burgh every Thereday looroing sulOe'eteek; Wheelm/
every Tbersday eveeittg at 10 P. AL r
The CLIPPER, NO. $l, Capt. Crookhwill leave Pitts
blush every Friday rooming at 10 °Week; Wheelies
every pridayeveniai at 10P. M. . ' -
'The MMENGER, Pain. Linlint,. will leave Puler
bars* every Samrday wortilirg arloo'eloek; Micah/i r k
ovely Batarelay evenly' at' 10 P. Ir.
The ISAAC NEWTON, Capt. A. G. MMS, will
leave,Pittemgh elteu - Senday, moraine at tc., 'elect
Wheeling every Sunday eventeg at Itt P. M.
• Alay-20,1e17..
' , • eap. ea& V WV,
Affand:Beys. Fal, Clatb, and Gland Cap. or ev
y &variation; Mo r i, Vas% W onira Heals and
Cravats, for sale on favorable tom by. 811 P41.1d ER, 96 mutt at
COPPER -4.' sorb prim Eio Oireo jaala - 4700i;
spea •
D AISIA3—ZiD prima Bona ..4 5 aks Zstits Cur
it rants reedisr mot Of ale by
riIIICESX-100 Now laaidiniyi for ierby
V we. ISAIAtiaiCYEI. co
fiItAXISZARIIOII-4 bbl. - new tr.*
va wile by TASSEY &BI T
.13 wood wren
ATUICRS-4 act. la sine; kr sale by
&prep , . ' TAit.SEY
filliCZBE-86 bxs W R nedi fuisufe by
ispbT. • • " TAMEN' k
bo Di - 01.1141 . :for sale by
Oat - • • - TASSKY .t BEST
W. GLASS-40E4ms asserted sizes in 'stow far
ripaS . = sale bl T.ABSSY &
V I NEGAR -2e bbls pare Cigar Vinegar; kw sale
41 wooer street
POWDER -10 k e d its ikazle's ,Rd
arriving and for sale low by -
nal . nifiinErrrat
TiE COMMANDER OP - MALTA; by Eagene Sae;
6.sFoastb street
awl: HEW:WM OF TAMPICO, or Wildfire, the
Woodmen&Wool the .IMeziesn orruifor sale by
CI AIM VIDQUARTER-DECK, Lib fulsome& b.:
V Ile seam suld ixanulr, fof sole by '
L' PTT CASKS-1W pattogni of various Milo
for sale ulna Wino [Stored'WY.AVEJA
(3_II.PSENO fisala
. d 13,11!r7?plE z iztt c ti . i .
INADDEJI;4 caF 6r We by ••• •
MI spa* • • • I DICKEY& CO
IARTAB4O ACID—Mik M.,Breetl; for sale
USSIA, SHEET imortip bandleiJun ree'd
fur. . - "JOHN YEHHY
11p611 . . elm libeny Will us
FLOVIN.-173bbla kestkgrcendiutne!.lo , Y
" milbGad and witter lu
EATUKI,-6 des Hamm sad Upper Leather
kir subs by FIRMA RIMY & CO.
spat 67 Indere
WCON-1219eds piton 112224
22 do . • Ebonite,* ''novr • reoeivibc
spat for Wally : P 13ELLKRA I,beny es
MBLACKI3IO. 7 IIqd: bbla JafA re
ILL =Veil sad lot We by • , Co4l‘ FAIINESTOCK &C
al comer Isikwood
lOU bias. large No 3Not ree.esred
. cor liberty & ihrut eta
ArAC • ' •
J.VI ft soda by
,perriusu-1 ask p •at Wail; for sale by
•• W. •
A r tar , r ß t
o e
APERTILL BOXMS.-4M pa. 7=.t.
F1t:II-4 eases Bytom — al
• Indus, jostscceiveirand tat yak by •
, 8.8 .FAHNESVOMr a. Co
comet lit t. woad its
DITIAI-1 Nand femme itergandylor sale by
yptlO • • • R ERe
IJ ALICHATVII--V) eskv Clevelihd Wen= for
otti ! sale by WICK h. PoIeCIANDLLIAS
eiILAA BERRIES-3 tibia reed and kir sale by
RWy..OOll-9 care superfine Gar tale by
p iprs apaya-1 ease Hardaway; in Jan, fir .1. by
C.Pti 2
''l lll WILLIAMS
LE.IIIOA-2caies sUe by
J' $ . ll • •
FAN .E g e / SOAP—t 2 las itss,onedlss•Dtathims
UTACILGS—I bl,l freob for iralr by
1. 1 1 spat I II) WILLIAMS
QPIVFP-1 bbl Varteu's,
CANDLEII 7 IS inr axle by
bI dden, for ule br
eI .p EAIW—Z DU prime W fjobstlAby
j 47 l6l;T jebY
, .t. 1.015
1111K89IL-470 bre prime lame W R irmiredi
ryynt for we by WlCri a AiIreANDLESS
Dit t s P A l4 8 VG'94l. 6 tPCM I IeaNDLFRS
TB C* if 1:1 L We by
QIIEET IRON-100 bdliliar 11, Boiledi
0 25 Nth No 24,52122 u; I
•00 4 20,-Juniata; 2:122212.11:
08T—Op Monday evening. &gamed Vann Ire) . .. Tha.,
Ad finder will be rewarded on leaving it atthin office.
. . ;
LOCH Tl2llO Pigs art band tad far rale by
natr ' • . JOHN F PI:BUY
LOGWOOD-3131bajiai reed;for
la • * pal • •• .; - - I E SELLERS ,
.BLI3 emcbux= Btaela
j it o y
. .
Bot p , Lauk:nksigxar
B RANS—ft Ude;• prime article aserull white. for
ule by • WICK*. ideCANLILEMS
MART/181C AC1,11•—•mo r received; car
. 4 0 1 1- • BKAVN&REirric
1 • . : slam liNnY ,
G EIOCOLSTfi-45Ez~ IVo t . tttt~i?lt% br ak b~
61111-41. Imes/. just vaiNeMat bl
10114 . 8 & IV HARILLUBII,B.I wood at
Q.T/MEL.—A cierslamortmeit Ger
JO atm, spring, ' sad A D Steel in nom; GnAsa.
• spill • y • , WATERMAN
CT.:1 116.12) b.P Riess
41%14.41-44 hi dins .n 4 ..4414..firM-n. 1 ..n44
Clan Powder, and Meek Tess la nose; Su sal.s by
11110ZEL ROOT-10 licks trod, ben received
•Ptl 4 break b BRAUN et REITER
CCDpmi acauirsima.--so eaw jest Te ed ; fot
llJJ_ptl4• • RSLII.3 37 wood sr
affe/ILLIStE/Vil OINTATENT—IG gra . Jat reed;
M. for sale wholesa/e awl setell by . _ • ,
ivicrlitaisztriTE-,10 Mg t jitst iced; . sor
spl4 sals by • R EM.LWA.: ;
DAIIECINS-00 bz• teat Snook Wilms; for sale by
Nod BAGAL.ElW!_4lllb,l,talsvocAl
71/4110 10212, Hum 10x15,
v.10.16,11m15, 14318, end LIM mom' ior saki
SZIDIANITZ , mu* vas—no lbs mu ree.
Yee; Or ask by BRAUN & MATE&
an at char & liberty xls
A IMPOPTUP . A.-350 lb* PIM red. s t it g a
Lirrtitrucum-uv , u.t - ree'd; Car sok e,
sptl4 • -.
13)41.1ri t2RP.ITER
SPTS. TURPSCNTISE—WbbIs rvn reo'di for
ai • - Wa y ' BRAUN ARBITER
TfUZUBOTIA-73orbut received; Cdr..le by •
vvit4 . it REITER
piA AUD srafiu,4 taperiiiiiiigewhite
scedjut met ived, for ado by , •
rnrU' • • • BR,AUD,I4.RVITRIL
- tlit2lll,Leiribr.ft,..d PineJotce;torlieWs by
CLIFXII/50 bza lance Fecened,Airz ii E
: 11
W aito
• 01141 ear as a Water 1411
LILOUR-75 MI% fresh enwpa 1 7 ;;;;;;,
r aptl4 b) , - W4iREER
biajusfriaivelt for We by
.1.1 spdll • i • • WOREER
7 Dublin Brome
ara t iSrit '" Vors " ' t of
COTCll — ALZ—Tesaat's Olugow' dje,
jala esera T • ialp W ba
Wnl k a •
he W
JAOW t tatt
T z = l " . " ft " 4 - 7 *!? ,l "ireel' tviat
//''ll.-10yblalLngen' ' Imite`d4 _ lmule b 7T ~ 7
~1. ~ptlf . ~..
~., I VaRE6&
.=Betat wild IllitglatAletik 5°N
' l4 Ittiri nk"4
, • ei •
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