Yom' ~T y x `' ~' v~ t~a.-FY S~ : ~~3% ~ r .rt t ~~~ ~;~ rn ~.r '.-~~`-•- - " . `n.. .'xreh ~rr.-a~~ _ ••c~~z ~.,, .. _ .. _.. ,~.. _. ~ .-,. ~.», ...~_~~.,c,_r, POLITICAL DROIEPTION. The Philadelphia Ninth American, ii doing good • Serme,* e - in developing the duplicity ' of the Sbook-dynasty toward. the late Henry Ifahkaa s berg. In order to girt the more effect toits blown, ..it has called into ruieviar the name-and aid of Beth Baliabory, who, for many yore, has been prom". rant - in the ' democratic ranks, the Marshall of Northern Pennsylvania-Order Van BUMS; the chairmen 'of Democratic Slate "CenualUser, the kliate Librarian repeatedly chosen by his patted associates,-the Secretary: of the celebrated Lewis town Convention, and the Chairman alto Coro. snittee of that Convention. ' , . Mr. S. states, in a letter to the editor of the North American, dated 20th inst., in reply to an - article which appeared in that paper, that he was under deep obligations .to the mrmiTteence and friendship of the late H. A. irsthharberg,'extended bawards him for a period 11, twenty yeara He ..loved him while tiring, end could not be unjust lo - his memory when dad." Articles written for Vhf A.Chsmplon," a paper shined for the impose of &Wing Mutdenberg's nomination, and failing tcAdefait his election; tendering his potitieal u well as ,personal character, should not attach to the present Seeretirj of State 'Mlilla deputy. .. , But honesty and good faith to the public and ^, , respect far the memory of the deceased compelled hint to speak truthfully' on the subject, and he ' . therikire solemnly avers and declaim to the pea ' plc of Pennsylvania, and to the Democracy. that ends ii the fact. That the original manuactipto .". of the Editorials in the "Champion,". written by , - News Miller, Petrikin and others, are 'all in his ' '- powessice, and "that ho Stands reedy to pros and windiCato this, statement . at the bar 'of public opinion or before the legally constituted ttibunale ~,,, . of the 'country." He .was much: surprised and - Pained whin the proofs—. the damning proofs"- ' . were placed in his hands. He had heard .sucb - rumors, bid had apposed the piracmatgratitude, 'trader which he knew Mr. Secretary Miller rot ' ed.tolk blahlanberg forbade it. .„. '. He hid rifled on Hr. Cantina the present ed. ----.,. Isr of the *Argo,' a paper that, ha (Mi. 8.) had the 'aliterial charge of at the time Wham publics , lions appeared, and requested him to publish an •„ • • . article • prepared in defence of • lliese gentlemen. i , klr. Canticle stated that the chance. were true,--: " that he knew the Democratic Chazapkin had - re.' ceived ,artisks from the pens of Means. Miller, Peniken, ..;,,i others, aced upon-hi. personal knowledge of these facts, respectfully declined - :publishing it. . . Immediately aubseprent to this the original -., . nuouscript, from the pens, of the gentlemen ~: ..,. maned were placed in his bands, aid enclosed by "htele the Editor of the North American. :: , ..!;;Xsi snick; altuded - to ire Tpublidad in Abe : I '7' . .'' *OOnli Kmeriesn," and are yorabeisiviof IL - A: ' . : ilulinfroiy,deed...d . hi. warm political. friends. Dua'af Mr. Miller' s elides is headed "Trees • ..- -,' Cry raided," end the following extract a ample , - Gr . the wholc . ' . . .drt another potion of our columns will be - ' - • found a small siateh of W. J. Andrewor aerator. Wm. When we wrote it, we wars not acquainted with the facts that hive since been developed: by . , a committee appointed for the purpose, the report .• . - ref 4hich. wawa' lay before' ur readers. : MI a& - " isaiskiiejg dischisureso,f the manner that' the bad . . :.' ' _ =MI was done by En speaker Wright, will Aston. -, „ish all who • read it: It .is trne we bad meow had- Onylfsithhi Mr. Wright'. consistency. Illow . the ' , Xs4lpeaker will reconcile Idsoedh and sakes, we are'at s foss to perceive.. Sworn. to see the ' -,.... • ::levee faithfully executed, and Sign blank Warrants ' ..that,..could . Ise` fulled opto sny hi sfaunt; 100 at eaafidme ; ' r he guiPicious. in trol l in of;itetwaltur th at t Roid Meirsow—A number of the dr : :-i • i , ' ' of Akron and Corshogo Falls, favorable . 1 ''- to the coneteuction of a Rail Road from Olive. . - I. 2, ' 'lendi to , Pitbdergh; held ',meeting last rid, • '-- '' : -- :dual pained resolutions stating that the public ' ' , '"'s 'iliterest re airs' such a means of ceenizianicatiew, :.and : that 'it s not only feasible, bat the" est ; .. ;.........sectii :freiti:Wellstille is via Akron, Coyahop. _.:l -', '.' ,Palloaita Hudson; and that it world receive 71101111 1 , ' way: freight and -; passengers on thin rade, thin : , any other route propoed. That is another nit. esou why it should be adopted, they - state the ' about cue.half of geld road would be coincideot " with the ,contempiated read from Pittsburgh - to 3(actiGeki, and . the etherLtilf .woriktform a eery ...diesel rode from Cleveland to Columbus. •:' , ' ,„. , . ',.A. Committee was than appointed to confer • - . . - • , with the .411 sens of other tow= along the pro =NM fi~~P,,~;~ }a. •.•,•,-.:..: ,-; ~•:.,..,,.= .vt;!..,-.....,,>i'l • %Id; . 1 . , I :•4 1 • • • .1•••••:1-:i , :1•••0 , • • ..•••• • t••‘• 0 " •-q•- , • :.• •.. :;..44: - `4::+•!;!:• • 4 • •...•;;;.•:• e.1:',1i 1 "..v.,•:- 4 * . ;1; 4 4.'N -Jut Vgip • .• 4 1..,..g ; - 1 TIIF,.irnsBIIRGH 81±thII 'HY Eausrus•Bitixace! - PITTSBURGH: • MONDAY -MORNING, 'DEPT. 27,.1847 mr Tar Pmescaari D.wr Cieurre u paLtlitted r DO I..TrirWeekly, And .Weekly.—The Daily Is Sever" Dena ts permanent; tLe.Tri-Weekly Ave Dollars per : enema; tLe Weekly :a Two Dollars per 111.12110._lyiet,ij Settee to Advertlseras • -1 /Overusemenu', to secure =much , should be handed xi by five o'clueic is the aftemen. *newton tollds.es the nano/our customers, would be pnodue tweet Inman' benefit. • YOB Govranon, • O Sli. 'JAMBS 'ELVIN. ;FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER. -- •:3 . 011/E.P11 W. PATTON, (0/ clOacizalo 'CEORCIEDAREIE,. of Allegheny law: ' BLE,of iodises Tp.' ,-',• CHRISM INY A Eaff i ntmsTp. MARS! ER, Plinburtia. HENRY I,ARGE,of Mtn; Tp. - • .an comtre • • 7. W. BAXTEJ COI ‘ COILIIST C THOM.VJ VERITIES, of Lenrutit.palr,Tp: tot Aroma WILLIAM CANER, of Vanilla Tp. •Pm urt o ce uanniereml Inieltunee,Doccutette Tau ten, Eller ,New., Impont,. Money Markey Re, sec of Ptrizbargh. rostrill Page for allseelLaseass Bows , ecmdition of - oar maim neter .444 of the Cianantets, who daring i raw per. 3iliCal Ilteitomint, whoa true mezt 6 . 01 they hare .`dui/ p 3 voerfatia to Me State, to obliged to plow, , . . ]poi - .td now 44E14 tpis man.nd now lad 000 . p untn t 4Whig. bi li, rind mw itithist a Loco Foto, in order to Mai any tato hie - canton:a We are qtato content to *target Or our neutral ltknd to ahoot at, Onto lat*tbs Gatitte he might the of ennui, of itatw tat ohs . - The COCEII4eO of Internal Improvements, in .the Nair York tegishitum, love reported, among !mho appropriaticew, the following: " Erie Coral Enlargement, $359,904 92 Genesee ;$O,OOO 00 -I;abek, River, 1 00,000 00 ' *at farther requires that the apProlidations am salt mement ,irtaltta„.evsoiled within the 'fatter from the city of ifexico to fi, Y., and imblidad is the Journal of Commerce, says, that alter the battle Mr. ,Camadmioner Trixt r who Is Aiad hi the Adadniatration at Wmhlngton leach the rtegtaisiloacm our pet; announced as hie &aim& Conviction, that tithe army mete nand• foal tipthe try tad 4111 . the capitol, ill hope of a apeedi peace monk) ha - destroyed; titalif cm Its ether hand, fatearence Prot:dad that happy Nam Jaans.—The Whip of New Jersey Irmo nostiamial. William Wright of : Emma coml. alaitheir comiolgio Pr' Minima. The Loco. loom ham oomiaalad . D o ak! ifshioa of Baia= accialy." The ranaMt, from local coma, fame... md to bs dom. . : Maturirmarrs.--The LOOO Facp: State Coo. , petition of 26,"41iisotti, 'mot orWorcestor 4titirid namino Gen. Caleb Ca . dting *1 Cliseinot, sna Henry W antuata tot Lial, - , ort Amenably Mr. Carnival:l two • •Pinriging 0 530 . 00 4 wen. ;32tposigt or ai.Enti itanid, od eao,ooo to the sgskaissi auk. Mass sum are fa NUM, UMW •PPr! . 4 6 "/ 1427 ' 1 1" POlStlandlitnited st N Y on Osil a ssaiy; sisilssissaddy mews dly,doeV i to simiiits• 4101.0.iff54b761-4-101'.5.91-1104*Biles• Tie Pear holies lilieg aspaa. and in gg Offs 7 as sn'stCssiast w the ausas "la in Ilittastj em'atimuken wan ;NADA mai wows twatait4o6 . l k convesN3 ibma at the statattemte of the Gazette. "Wdh Wile; io brie t were thew 6tatementt ' lit. Mateo Psoident proeokol the par with Mexico by the stied occapatiosof Mexico. -up 'she Execathro gin arena TnYlor an sader to advance from the Nueces to the Rio 1/111 the cau of collision. 34. That Tun never palmed tienell of NM Mexico, dr deny Many on the Et* bunch Of the Mici Gritt* while Mexko was not only in posseadon, both Ina civil snA 'Maim capacity, tat in both respect owed end paid allegianne to the Central kfexicanGcrieramint, of 'kith 'heroes /1 Gaeta 1 4 1 25; Metrars,Pandes, and the Central ina Mexican Coignes wire lathe heed: , Now, any it to pervert these fads er * fat. Ideation of hlstery, end If the Pos t= anl asuithemes to had against those Who jest this and all thie : to be true, it mut tat. gr not at this Goias slue, hat at Coined Benton Sam Wright, John C. Calhoun, and the leading men of its own Party. They are the men who wen oar teacher's of this frand,--:the men who pronounced the , l occupation of the_ . territory be• tweed the Name and the BM Grande, "an act of direct aggresina on Mexico, fa all the consa qualms of whith Abe Called Slate. Maid be re. 'pomade." We give, in Mocha= today, another out for the Post to Mini fix the following extracts from Mr. Cilhottee imech in the li. States Senate, on the; Roth of February lase. If we have felled sacaufally to controvert all Its positions, Mr. Gillman has IMlshed the work at oar hand. "Blieseed," or Etitaps unused," Mi . Post will ley, ..ardie mitigate of a friericL" • . Eng !genitor Imo= that rwasippooed to the war; but none knows but myself the depth of WM opposition. With my conceptions ot Its &me ter arid emiegoenees, Wins Impossible for me to Tote for it." . "On the passage of the set record:bog the war, I wid to many of my Siege WI ideal had been done from which the country would not be able to recover for a kag tirife,• if ever, and added, it has dropped a curtain between the pent ana the future, which to main and- for the fait time since I have been In public life, I am unable to see the fours. I also added, that it has closed the Ant velum° Of our political history un der the Constitution, end opened the second, and that no mortal meld tell what wank! be written in it. Them deep impinge= way made upon toy min], because I saw from the circumearsms under which the war was Made, a total departure from that course of Fermi which' bad governed the country from the commencement of our Gomm. meat until that time;' and that, too, under ChtlXol. ,cranes calculated to lead to toortdissesorectenm• pence,. Since thin less thin a year tau abus ed:but in that short' period enough hae. already been developed to make what was.then rid bob But the Senator charges, entertaining ota I did theme imputneons; that ldid not take a stand, aid add the march of Gen. Taylor to the Rio del Ncata niers already stand the aeons on an. other occasion why I did not: end however unmet. life:tory they may be tothiblenater, they are eat. lefactory to myself,end I doubt not they will be the community et lima He also intimated that I ought to have communicated my views to dm Pomaded. I was guilty of no neglect in that res• pict. Idid not fail to @Wein the proper quarter explkitly orbit /thought mould vault front fie order gigot to Goo. Thyloss, but Ifount; eery eV foyer vitas from mine eatertained there." °lt le hue /dioxin claimed the whole of Tenn, built Is equally true that she recognimd the dip ferenceond showed a &politica to act upon ill between the country known as Texas proper and the country between it and thiDel Notts. It is also true that we and Tama recognised'; the tame difference, and that both amid the boundary es unestiled, es the resolution of IMILIZikaI whichmorWs' that the beundiry between Texas and Mexico shall be detenninedby the United Stems, deafly shwa. It in worthy of ram* bi thiecon• flexion, that thlepowidon in the joint resolution is understood to have been inserted in consequence of the ground taken at doe' preceding stun • by the Samba hem lilmsourien the amnion of the treaty, that the Name was the wertenbcendity of Tenert,end that to Wand that boundary to the Rio del - arta would take in , part of Tionsullpas, Coahuila and'Erw Maxim Vital, them ought to.bna bat the comaeof the Executive after ate• notation soda this tembition : way one which army at Ern war ' —to restrict the port. tion.of ont, Ma* to the c .InUy soda, ortupied by' Tented the period of SULICLItiOd All bez. youd,m;far se the Executive was ceutcemed, ought tan been regarded es subject to the praviskutaleftbi reeolotione, whieh adhering the Goverriment to Mile the Microbial.' • • • Why nemitiabi, if the road Norte—is, se, it was afterwards sesamad—the clear .ond questicamble boundszyl And if not, upon what authority, after Ilia attempt Mows negotiationhad faded, could be determine what mu the boundary, viewing it as an open potion I . Wu it not his plain dug; on inch an occorrance . to mutant the question to Congress, which wet Iliad In somfori, and in whom the tight qt nitoblishing the boon& dationd &cluing war was clearly invoked 'fad that coons bean adopted; I minas the same of Ude half .rouWif they not Ws , deti derilytimoetd to tali* any step which would have knolved the two countries in war. Indeed, I find a Ihnor conviction, that. if the Senile bed boort bib free to decide on tbi quenloo, not al third of the body would hive beat found In favor of 'war. AN it was, a brie tosjority kit them. Wass compelled, as they believed, to vole file the Gal rocopumg the ransom of war, in clan Leo raise the implies °Omen and money vecesearf,to region the stony tmdsr Oen. Taylor; on the I tat Pfoite, from the dawn to which It was exposed. Anzacs Corvirturcs.—The Ann minion dew IttatiodworArnmal Conference of tbe Morioka Protweint G i hwth, convened at Yonnetown; Oblo, co are let of Sept A great innate at the defer were absent. On motion of the Pileidimt of the Pittsisugh Cketkeenee„ the Editor Oldie. Western &reorder, the Presbyterien Clergymen of Yonoptown, sbd lentil ethers, were Invited to mate, II honorary The antinlarati rot adopted last peon wen then token op and re.affinnod. A mein. dos oho pined, probllnfing the carnation of arum ea Ekktr or Deilel - 114 in the Church, and forbidding their itinenocy: „It toy era raccoontoo• dad to-berme natontbrad it axe so coovembent, eo that tbap may ararchn civil uwall OWNha deal prtrilegork Ran Rogan, Nichols; end Marshall, was ap pobsta lariat the Pitttbnigh Conference at its east assoion. CenWeidge,Onenwo, CO., 0., wee fired as im nazi Sean Inkling the nut meadOn of the MAW Mogan Annual Contortion', on the 2d day Of September, 1848.: Lases:m-0n &Maw lad two penman by the name of William Ocilardwri and. Dodd Lana wet anaded . for station flab from Mr. Jolly, of Manchedm. They were committed to Jail to =Mar the charge It' the next °mut of tatuuter Benlan. • tlsowerzo.—A young man envied In hindah fog avatar to tho sidtans of ,Alligheny, on Friday Inel,Werd too far Into Allegheny river wig . ' his haw sod cutond wasdrowned, as was also, his hoope, sye did not aseattiochhe name. , 4lovaarroi Sawarui &Rioted a jay elo: pm avian in New York au Wodneaday woo the occasion of the Cunard obooplarof O'Connell. Tholwoesolings was solo= sod iiimilite:siiiirges • in by timings of .ILoWdeowii -- ot tbor country ,* id :join CIA1117L11; the aataran - tad &Wino • afttoa of the old United buena Gazette, haa ani yid in town, and will deliver a leetnre 166 ran., Winn the Catboßa,hwthata. It will be a West to bur him. On Wednesday . 31r Chandler dellini tint annual within baton the 'Waste Maeda nig, powdered at a formktina, ((the mtiedn'of lan Itadd, .ard Patrick. Barad, ((or ktanak) coadetai on tbiikSd lid. at thedwdd of Lavicerda Brotatala, Apil lad, mire an. laded to death by the'Coad of O 7waddl Todd. aair of May= caddy, ad Tad4y LA: . , Micinoax.--Tbe Wbig Mit* Canuttlois met JubactOittbif 150 Wib Y. lb Mauna se =Aldo kr Givanix i 4 Mem L forLionteuuMikwainor CcMcnarb-rlirt,Lato Nolo, ao mp:U. at bei flair. eta Conesdkiii at &Wad, ea Wadi,* led. mod imaidid Gimp lx Gorspoli O. IL alarm for 1401,1 sign, our Mows. twaTiouvrm4l. sii-awnviort. Tir following lit =Files ib• takeird dacticagestaxed at the flat Amami Eshiltftion of thti Ettiteeth Horticultigra BocietY• WORT' OF COXXITTZINI TO ATraltD /MINION& • Report of Me Committee on Fruit.—Among the varieties prielated, theft ,witte several from yaks kfludedi,Jr., end aims, alpha which them MS 00 0010Pelit61; MiP.OO of the same kind be ing promoted by no me elm . - In Other instances the: size and quality of the &nit offered by thfferenteompetitoni were so near ly acid, that the Committee did net feel them salseajnettied In indicating a prebirence. Among the speamene of Pears,' the 13satlene, and fltesetes Genesee - of J Murdoch Jr., were on. puke to any desaiption of Gait of the Pear kind, that apparel, excepting the Becket. Of this varis sty then weneseiend specimens, the two best by Mr. John Hutchinson and Mews. W. & J Ma dre:l4 both of Which wen excellent and too near ly equal In merit mutant of any distinction. Auxiog theApples,the attention of Commit mr, tee Was minuted to the Ribston Pi ' , Engles' Codlin, and &lbw* Russet of W J Manlock. The two first of these were exhibit for the first Um in thieeity and their appea is answera ble tlf their' ;high, roPuintioni Mr.artin's Rhode Island Unmansnk Siuniall 7ore very supfficorond the Catawba Rut la rapes of John - G hfirtin mile the' but. xbih . Mr McKinney'e Green Rambo and Golden ippin irotalbeautifulspee t esens end aniseed m no. Sprohnens of Quinces were presented by Mrs. Collins, of uncommon size and beauty. . She had sreeraltoonipetitors whose specimens were of en. whit kinds. Those of Mr. Townsend and Mr. Moir ewe tincomonly flee end but little inferior to those of Mrs.. Collins. Mr. Towrisend pro. duced some Errol& Pippins, end apples called Townsend Sweet, which were quite superior. '.Mr. Thomley exhibited the Cooper Apple, Golden Greening, Thomley's Seedling, and a taro and beautiful apple of an unknown variety. The Mint specimen was tweed by the Committee. It I? large and beautiful apple, not staciently rips to be tested; bat it been a very high -reputa tion. The fourthepecimen is an 'apple very large sad - of a yellow color, but not mature enough to enable the Committee to 'characterise its dams:— The,Committee, al hough requiieted to give it a name, have thought proper to sista the trial of this apple at the next sm:mei erihibitlon, when • title may he given with some retell= to its quail. ty. ...The ' Committee have tam -more particular in 'Reding to the two specimens last mentioned, from their desire to attract public attention to our Rodruaig Suits. They have no doubt that if prop• ee'resseerches were made, many varieties would be Suicovered throughout Western Pennsylvanla,that would deserve general propagation. Many sped. mane other than those above mentioned were ex hibited, which would have been noticed by the Committee, had it been necearary. Considering that this is the first exhibition of fruits since the revival of the Society, the display was creditable and • oatieladary, not only to the committee, but, m they behove, to all who witeesrod it. The Committee have removal the notice of Mr. Shims' Peachy to the close of their repeat. In sire end beauty they surpassed any that have here. 'afore been exhibited in Pittsburgh. A remarkable variety was exhibited by Mr. 'f 131. fast.. The name. was not given, but it has au exact resemblance to Crawford's Malacatuna.— This specimen alone was equal to the Crawford's Malscatune of Mr. Shims. The cultivation of cholee'pasches is but recent in this neighborhood, From theeximple afforded at this exhibition, the committee .anticipate a rare airplay of this fruit at the next sanivenary. Mr. Shires will then find that he has comeeititore that will put his eminent horticulttusl skill to a teat not hitherto °aperient:. ed; The Committee award tho following premium To Pilordodr Jr., Geo Shims, Wm Huila. 'esel W & 3 Munkr.k far the beet display of Emits, each, ' - $ 6 Tonal Hatehhsame, "owed best &Fish 's s To T. Monday. display of apples, $5 To D MeKennery, " " $4 To A W Townsend, " " $2 To John G Malin, Lest grapes, $5 To W Holmes, bees grapes, $2 To Kan sedy T Friend, for. new Grupo (cur :edfrfoneos,) - $2 To Geo. - Hoffman, Watermelons, . $2 ' WALTER FORWARD, . i SOLOMON DERJAN, THOMAS SAMPLE. 'Arezza-12 Tariff Apples, Ulrig• ' 1 peek Rhode bland PC1161.1111, Tbainu Hatch• Ike: • ' `ll peck Caution Apples, Ale:: Malec. • 3 Unknown Apples, W Ekhbanm. 'n Maidens Moab, Johq Murdoch. 13 Gnat Unkstown, 12 Gates Apple, W .12 Rambo, 13 Pennock, 12 GoUen Gale, 12 Vandenene, GoLlen Pippin, 13 ReJ Vmder •ee; Dud: McKeown. Serest Rambo, 1 peck Ashruxe Apples,•James Esau. Falimiter. Unknown. Whipper. 5 peck Rib. doss pippici; 1 peek rando. Englescsdlln. 1 Pck gates, glad& eneadi, 1 pck Fell Possum, } pelt while bellflower, 1 peck .Boston mac, 1 peck Newton 'pippin, 1 peck &opus spilseoberg, peck peruplkin swearing, W do J Ida:dock. 123. peke Newlin pippin. 123 peke Era apple, in *mks Bpieumbesg, 123!prcks Green pima. 123 peeks Winter rose. 125 pecks Rhode island Greening, 129 pecks mammoth pippin . 123 peke gram nada, 123 - pets golden gates, 124 pcka WinbesPescnum, 123 pas great =known, 123 grkcat, 123 peke stone pippin, 123 pcks Peconek, 123