The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, September 27, 1847, Image 1
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' •-• • ..., ~ T ..... „ _.. ... , ... . ... ... . ... . .... . „,..„., ......„.,.,:,„ :„.;,:......,..,..„. iv. :::-. i. i : -, - • ,' , :tf'2. , . -..--: ~ , . .. •••• -, • : . .. .. •••••• , ._ . . . . - : . • • .. . . . , - -I . •••• .... .. t. ... . • t . • • • • - , . . • • . . . ~. S'.:~~~~- b it r 1 4 fl ri • • 112011WAIID m SWJLRTZIAULDS.H., Aunt - ' -1! cep at ism, have removed therr elks to the steel s• • aide of Fourth street, between Cherie AAP sadOnJif atiStf nit - Fres& Gioo. . James Woos. • IL EN/I t Out .5. 00 ., Wholesale °Teen, Fondfamtassiou liforalatus, sal Mustafa Urightort •fkatoo Yams, Nos S 7 Wator and 108 Float atreoui Pius . -.kW ` l3- 1 • 4 • *.-- $ • • , '3 -46. %If;rf;•: '10.1 4 .1 4 44;as.,..:":•.!• • ••• 471 6ItY , • .1 flEO: ,W; • • Et•fc do n Brewers,.Maisters, , ' •.• and &Alen in Hops, Piusbmilt W./tint Skew crics,Penn Ind Pittiareets. • . . 1 V;1.,:i4..1,4,,•;3,:::,11 4...P=3;1'.....-::-41: 1 09',:•=.A:,,:t:',;.'..1.:Vi'.., ,i.i,'...". , i g-ii ; .ti1.:.. ,. .: 73;. ' ,-,., ..1;.1..4.p.;...1 4.•-,.."1':''..?.:1,5:,-,. o, ~,,, .. ' .•-•1:-;.:. 4- , , 7J.:: , : ; i;•,:1if.... -,. . , : , ;7,:;t:-ii'll, .13 liizrf•-4.:,-4'-.. tf. :,i.i-ii-,.i.::•T. *...: k-,P-s•F;',3.:::t;?*:I: -.1...,:_k':::-. , ...,;,?. ._ ~: : 7 ..1!i•-,:1;..-:iit....4, - ::' ,?..t.h.i A R.,.,. .!, AZ' ',4",,..., -:•-- - . :. . 01i.,;•..;'..1.:',. Ce,. 1 . , ~‘4 ...lsi.:s' i : 'lr.-V.I. X.. 1-2.• ~V.A0..,1 ..,-,411#i.t...;:k4Wri..);: •';':: ....I..V::` : t ,-,,,* • ,74.,t1qt..V1;A:t.i.:41 •`-''''' g.: :4r,'lt46'„i4 ~,' N, .*:44 . 1 ',.1. 'l?4.i ri : ::4 i .:. '44%'1T'1,.•;>.:;::4;475* I‘., ill .s:::c--:•,:,:_i.,;7,:.;1;:j,' ..,,:. ,F.::,;.;:•41.:::ii;:i.54.•.: !,,;;P• * ! .': , ';Viti .' . , 1[.:kn;:" ;i` .7 -I':'!',i*:;,'ll..l4:. AO ",....:li :ir - - : . .4i ;. , 0 ~,,. i',4 . 'iiili;;o-1.. -- ?• 4 '' f' ,a: ....-tr...rt-.: ....;.,::;;,k,: r 5, , :;.• ,24. .A i0'%..-4'. V#ll •:,i.i;.:::7;iil;:t,''.- i'lis., •11p.:-.:.;,,',11N,i'izt:•`..,,,,-- • , . =;(,, : >,.•,•-.l:.V''',i.:'- - 4' i s. ' : .:',F'" , :i- . 4. i,•:ee. , tr,',....i...,•,:;.':!::-.-, \,.:':Jj. ,;:,,!.: :},'. ,!;'.:...'-,.;-;•:.•-:: ''' ..- -...::;• .... : V . : • .... ;4.. , ....; ,:.,...!: !, ... 1905 0. muwzriz4 r Ageta.,_Wbcdesak 'ear and Commission gar heat . Waxer atrcei, and door above the Maeoegairsla Beige, Pleabargb. ". Irr Iron, riails,l3lara ! ac. u mansfsetarcts , prices. = TOM? GRIME, InoksiLlo Groeor,dreer la Pro. tete, ?inshore. maionlhounos, Pate, rt. , to ann • • , • , bolesale Grocer, For- Ai, ,•uting, nod Commission •Af =ham, Defier in , ' Piimbistresta.Cactares and Produeo4.Pion =Water unthen. • nousivr a. iiiriirreacvn= n • ~r Fonear4lv, and Commissim }Dachau', Deafen Prodscou ad Pittsurgh= isaasfactotes,lioe gla - • I.lllWmi aL Plushanit. • • - Tar s..zaanwh C Bm.-• lkfieeia.LAsu.slizazia i ••••••: GrIXVII,ans Comumis.ioa latrebanth "Ne 11.4 b. orty, stritu.bongb." , iy ti = " Alex- -, War. Ninock '' •, 11 - .. ALVAN k. Co", Commisakre and Fannin:lm" . , Wag , r wlaironto,t4twemo.od . . & 81110. whotandeCaisd mail Hai '• li a . ••• sad, itandasiaren.: and dealeni to Taney ' r l 4 .• •• - - Fameariteia.tWood and au. •.• • , Jan 1 . - 4.1 - i . ?-- ,-/ ===. PRICE SEVEN DOLLARS. BUSINESS CARD& -. A gagNAXDICS.,GOUDONI , cuominstoe uttld Ponnulliag Mcrelaut, 61 Water sad 103ProA l in , • Pittsburgh. • C"= od V -""limr4,reme4 ir old r m...Mg"onlerasuetsM..3V, - ras9aaccs ' , .u...: • • et. cuk ayl4 701 ;',&/ FAWNESTOCK & CO., Wholesale k .D. lkoresta, tome Wood and nth AS - 171 , natlumra6 sMITIII.WboWaIe Urea* 1F) ludi2o Woad Wed, tabarik, smytt. EIiAALICIT•4CO., Wholesale Ow. eers — llarllodaee dealers, No. 2 7 1 Market sueel. be we.n Fib =4 North •dr Philadelphot. novEl Callm s geANULTY CO4 FaOrtultng and lon Merchants, Gnat Buts, ritrak, ORLANDO LOOMS,S noliwy At Lawiefl . on 4th euth. apl.7lr Ciattuut: John F. /emir" h. W. Maim 101401A21, lIAILMAN & CO, Msailfactarcrs .I...l.o(Cartine Springs lad Axles, A. B. and Spring Neel, and denim in Conch Trintotino of nyhr) der trlption, nanolanuny on Si. Clair at. WareboaseLT Woodsopr_hito 81. Charles Hotel- 4 jan22 MIA caws; - ; cer. aimaanst t(l6lololll 4.1116.307.011 T. (saatamara a.. 1 unmet-a - 4. )) Wl39letala, tirocen,_ . Comauslaaa Inail.Poswalatmg blascikaats;Daalets MUM. MI name, hipaufarbarea; Ma* One; biranca Weed and LibenT, Paula • Pa.. -_ octla CTgAGS.24lmkitor and whole:obi and mail .dealer la Fancy - and &dole Vasiery Ganda, aff a lbe Gilt Comb, LIG Mutat went, mac Liberty, Yaw WIN Pa !alma Denier, , ;. Itarrisme SeerelL nIINLOP szwiram, • Anemia. et Law, 41. 015eu oft Smithfield, between 34 0 44 th llts• "kt131111.11.11.01:LICUISICJAON, Wldddeale Grocer, Finddit We of did Thenteed.'edeaod doet ,fisee4. ed Alley: Paul:gush. CIWALIY GEBILAIL* Wholento Gro• .LA mai deskrata produce sad Putsttigh . nualtrac , miner of Liberty enalland fluabaret, Pa febl7 '' 11111. L ILTIMINI. oacoa t. 13:1111331V Exciatsu &43zaatzvr, este Za141414 • Lo o t a, Co.) Wholaalo Orman, COVIIIIIMMand Fortwatdoog a:chants," and Dealers in Product) and uabonit)Monnfaetares, No 37 Wood shoot bctween &toad sod Tian! Ma. • • • . octl 10/AO W k. atellaflOUTOtesseela at Law, LU 011ee removed a few doom nearer Gram meet, aa Forth. to Dakvarell's Old House. !dladil. • iI6V %P . r •. 0 F.n. Itivor comemm . i's . uiEbr.i.u. .L • Merchant, Ne.oo Waters Rttsb•• • ma .1411 FILII.NCIII c;oocr Merchant and dealer Inw Ma - lar..4e. Na 1 71 : t way svnear Canal Itsala:Faugh,' ,* • N. R. Oak"; nob, Manilla' tom ta. always on. FU. =ATOM, Dealer in. Olom,kkanac7. . Fancy and Maple Trimming., agl, Market wen, 7 ..ew. 11018•114 • *ATZLILAX ZILLIrI; ' ' BlortaAt & 00,AVIdgess& Oro ' ' lT cm And Oxamisslon blowlamp,' 195,Weadjarea.t RO. A. BERRY Wholesale Gwent 'sad Cow -11M". eti?stf 'ib.' asuss n.MriroM no*, GEOBSEI .10017111341.14 Comiconn-And F. warding lierchsaytio.9lW•alareet,P.itubsirgit. Aziayl7-1 50INT71W0fliallIaMekaaker Ilosangellein • Mi. B. 11ay.., • • • John D , Bailey. • HA4t i a #.II4XLEZIADeaIt q r; le Dry CIA . .eleiclue.,To.l2:llibertY st;Pittabergh. j 71641 . . LTLI.46. a.„ StAIASE, Noecesvoro •to lloldsl e. ar. Umwstej Importer. and coomfaelorem or% all. rap6r saGesonl Paper Warr.bonso, No. 87 Wcod • alreat,Piosburgie.l- . - Jen _ . 'FikkWit/ELOCELWAY, Droiggisty N IGam -I_JUL' increlalllo,tystar the canal hum, Pub "PILLAR' Y, DDX7NOT. WEITE & U LEAD . MActorneuire. num &Oa Alercbant,ecalet AMR. eny AAA Mara 4., Pittsburgh. . 1616' 111•1111/1.011ZT. 10111? n101.1(1, TIIMAII DIOILLY•& Co, Wholesale Omen, Onstnisaien' Madman &al dealer* in Plalnee,Woo 14 Wll= sad 107 Front men* Pnuhurgh. i nann . .B.BLACK, 'denims% Tojler, Ezeilime Bail •di*P.ls4,Claii weet, Pitubnugh. . ieuxt •TosEpa Alloracy . at Law, Y)tiabarth, J Pa.,•hoilliennsied the practice of hie proksakra aim Pie 7, liakewelPa noildmm Grua etreet„oe t. espied dartnig his absence by T. 7. Hula* Ji 101171 D,81413/ 1 / 4 2f, prosaist, sad al 'deler m Dye Stars, num, Oil.. Varrushee, No lei Wood street' orie door booth of DiamoOd Allen Plush • 1.. - • 'MIMS MUM, Ji. 02, to icalt 00. Davis] ip Chandlers, Ott water st.. oca 110111111 Windom& ontilistcl deal. 'on er Mono and Musical "Immanent., &boot Books, -•• :Paper, Slatec,Steel Pons, Cla+llYealetoatn., and Stationery geoetally, - No. Et woOd Pfttobargt. • o:Tfita6o bowfin or taken in made. • tepid JORD&N & 'BON, Committal.* and 40 F. • • Merchants, No 18: Litany as, Uardad OLE& L. GALLATIN. Aunriay it Liw, Odes' a 4th at, between Otani And Smithfial, #milt ••stde, l'imburg,P. Will alumnind pttaopoy _ ta bettiness I, the adjoanih. mantic. od&I • lOUS 1:1; D A.17/ISi . AUCTIOTIEA, emu Pitth Jsmelt, Pitubunts oedi TOILIBIIITON. i MITOCIETOAr , lkok.ellers J; ?rioters sad Paper minefeetarere, Ns. 44 Nuke 11...19.1).11 Ikfok ne s =g: lamas eadraelhodut DM Stumm. 40 BUIBICHLTIOA & Co., Bankers and Ea aelange Brokers, comet of Wood and Tbird Burets . Ofinebass's BAG Balldn ags,) Piusbasb, ounhasaa at sle nstud men own Raw ' , WO- • I Eiebiai T a. irmyrio, pas J. Floyd is Lb] Wholesale aP Gloom. No. Wit Ishany wrest. rows TAMES DA %Vintage Gmer,Clociai. el gas Illerasat,zad &Germ Prodaes ipulPitubangti laasaf*etares. xoM Wsier g. Pi ; Janie - - 13tayegnaut lava •&OM • -1* *WI!, D&LISEILL o Coc•tellaattractartaall ' ;Lisa= of WWI, Mee% Bar leae mid Nash of tbe beat qaolity. °clots Idt at tbe vratebesse of It & ,•• Ce, liberty. ax. et L Watertaza, - arater •41.1 receive LIICTOMILION /V Co., • Wholcoth. L . 6. o nera, Forlre Connaionnt Merchant. ; end &Wen le PimMP Matulfeenarea, _inc., No. Muerandel Front ate. • •- • - . aue'M _ K11.v..E8& ILICSZETSON, Wbolaale Gm- DI; taflf aild(wv.issios Merchnts, NolM Laborty - • . SLOAN, Wbileisle Wawa, Malan .P.a..'frodue 82.14 E d Forwmaingfild Commis. • sire NN Wert,' JaUS 3 W" . . 1 Mr'", - 1k1•1101.411E8 SON N 0.116 Market stre ree.• 3:11. and door Gnio .mea,U , rastiln_Desloni in Pon. .eitn and Dinneniin Dino of Endilsifici C.ftries , " Nntiiiti funk Noteisandapecie. • ala i ' Colflatiso nusiti **Ad. r!i11!0; , Z, "WO"' 'Ws Maid Sou. • • - /led? • kOTWIRVI. 0 rty c ltt n irdt C ' e ti anVi, nit.b."lo.l•PP Iniwg • 44? RW 1 o adastar... - A Caberpon, C 0 raai TlourosearrEn & Wldeiala j Grocers A - sad Camaralon and Forwarding Merchaair; ?to Wu/Tweet. . 4,29 _OD ONZATION & EPPEILT, Produce Deal ero Commission merchant., No Na Second 1, ;RICIIAILD • Jrh s.d4l.4 l.‘ , 4l;r n.,t aud . , ; :vare li" Hand " O. ht ft F lVO .'"' f: ill 121 1" lug; oil ap .. desen . pdon aim s, No : :1".• ames.Pitubwra6 • asset.' e.- . • • . tot moil. 1111.1.10 C tr. CO Wiroluale groeus,Conunis: lisaßfacturts, Liberty st. opptrib &al* • Seltat., intlaborgir'Pn. • • , BAUD, whow.k,snamitit &Alai Lsallier, Meimera, ithoiemakon' Toot.arl4 , ll. ItT . rlsittZreilinxis and Omit* Tataeril Oil, No. W WT. . . -....T. 101111101: " - . Wet.. 1., jemmy: Ldit . 11,011111015 ea; Ce..V7llsgemile Uromm, Pm-. -•,-' ...' - ..- em and Caiksiuion Mem!. . ts, and Deafen iti Alkorlfmtati,PM,lBo . e., MMII, NM . . , .. - - • IMMEII BUSINESS CARDS. DOSILIVP pA.g.7.11L14 Wholcsalep'ro -136 to Conualva, and Forwarding leferchuntsAen• Cr, in Produce znd Pittsburgh hinunfacuttes, Libery utreet, Pittsbmgh,Pn. - , fob% L. HA lONS, Attorney .1t la. , ' Or AV .4 , Bokevre Unihlings, newts , opposite th New Court er,Aceto" Donnum. MOORS, Wholesale Grocer, Acetify fog Distiller, &stem Premises Putebarsh: Mans , tu Iseresoncl kinds ottloreignnind Dersesuu Wines aid lancers, No 11 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. • • - 113 , N.D. On band st sexy lame stoek.or superior, 0 linfonnagabela Whiskey, which mill Weak! low for L. 0. Reynolds.. • • • J• L. Slice. RIGYNOLD} t B=S forwardilk and Coat. mizzen Mortmat., for the Allegheny tvcr A Trade, deakm Groceries.Prodace, Piusburgh blanufactazu and - 01.19 Tide of Lime. T. prices, In eaahotaLl at all lima for - Camera Pena aridlrahrt 11111. Wert R., 22 %. Merehanut, eld, haler a Floor Oren and Seedalnr D, atter, fa,d, k 4 nowT M CUNIZINGLIAE, WhoNsale Grocer, Deane . In Prodneo n¢J riztaburgh 1(4 Liberty-a. • • .. 1112. B 0 Shacklets. • Mon: R Virtute. QUACSLETT t WHlTE,Wbolenlo Den -1.3 Fonsign and Domeltin Orr•lLlopde,, No 99 Woad autet Piusbarek - , •fe4t9ll • - StiINTILICABAtfaII, Wool Merchants, deal• .era tet Fleur and Produce generally and Forward tn,c and Com . stission Merchants, !No 33 Wood enact,' 5.1.111171C1A PALILICIL, Atioruty at LAO, Office in Breed's "ildioSs No El Fourth street. between - Wood and 15aith6eld: • • noo3d&wl7 Y. VON • Boll7olollBl' & 1130., Whole. S•Grocent ocenudieg and Commission Merchants, Dealers in Pdtsbargh MUllallalllTS and Western Pro duce, have teamed to their new warehouse, (old stud) No 35, comer ofFrom in and Chancery Lana noe7 QADIIIiii:111. 'CEEB., Forwarding and Commis 13 aim Merchant, Dealer In Salt, Product and Pita btumanufactured uneles,Canal Ussin,aeu 7th st. dal S. NW 'VNIcKEILSHAM, Deale m Seeds, Flow Treetond Agricultural kuplewoow,No 1?] }pond sweet Pattbmltt. cad p& o, B . SZ.Y. £ BEST —Wboldiale Omen & rt; 33 ~,,,X37,.../totieurs, wid dealers In Prodacee— na TEM& EENNECIV,Ir.,Lookutg Glass Alanufacut rez. and Dealer inClocks, Combs, and Vartety. Gorda armor of Wood and Fourth groom P Fame, .- • RJ Forsyth. I.P. FORZYTErk Ce, Cotamierion Merchants, a4liffft ill Salt, Inntbar, GrecericcvPodace yd Plushy& Mannfactarca, Canal Basin, Liberty. meet, • e Wm licauebeos ' Robert ntethlicheoa tErr ;*.. 8. NoCIITIJMJEON, AThoteude Gm. 4•cers, Dealers In Produce, Ion; Nalle,G lass and Pittpburgloldezmfacturee, orely, lALibert y-rtreet; j • 19 TIM & MITCHELTREF-,_ Wine Grocere, and Willi, and Liquor Merl rZ, . Libels). street, [opposite Mend p jell) , ion. D. WICC. DAVID X C.INDIXIIII AIIDLES (at:enamors toll& V D.Wieti, Wholeaale Gmeers, Forwarding and Costmii.ion Manhunt,' dealers in Iron, COTkni "(Arno ant. PntsburglC glannfattntes generally, eetwortif.Weed Ind Water ate, Piusberh. satkint NFHPUT Inaata the ladled to nail and - •V . mama !aslant of Ftnneh Worked Collars, salsa as ble ash mt., • • medt3 ••WCIREF•a• Vi.aloGrocer,Forwarding and • Commassioo unlvant, nnd Denier in Pindece PiNbarE!!lwafiewes, corner of Water and TV. 4 6:WOLViN /are. and I.l7lmilesale Dealers ia 'Hardware, mie n -, Bad. /te,eamqi /..abetlY rad B‘ , Clair eueeta. Vka -1 aric.t Boolnkrelei,. hall removed m the W il etacer et Waal sad Turd its, ah cC. 11. Kap, where he is prepared te de ecery deseri - ptloa Italted and Bindtag. ~lr W„" A C .; .ure and null fornbli coal -" . 1 0 4 1 Lamny p 1:T .b..0. 41. 111:01ILL7, _B§ .•VV.■ Raetitmg Maine* Ma Winr-and tai." Mrchasas, No. tGIII Libeny..7,(opposzte *ads G 0t.,) TA r O. H. ROBINSON§ Anent, at Law, hai Ti • manned his aka lizt &hal Exemgc. Clad& Wee: * nu &rat to Alicumn %lams I . - • WH. 99.0111.1 N-118.1). Geller in Flory sod rhople . Dry Goods, No. 79 Market sucet,Pataburr,lt. n0.13-dly UTILLL&M .. S DIELWOR No.unra ~.sat the burnt .. c ntoru m ,„„';,l "„ti Ti th e y o , danufacurZ; WCI,;;; m Watehleweirr Inn street. 14tht '7.. 6 1 °°d,, N0 rg, . 57 Mar- ----- wholnalc 6.1 retall de‘ler 1h • T - ..Fortig' a and Doaae.nia Dry .. ,,Delds, sante coma.. neraMerketand Foarth SAIL P ite,Tl N prz;ll%.rn,"e% nfire'fC=and Hand streets n ot amp a constant simply. af die Legit medicines, p PLpainian irfaniery. &. pn.ori noes _ Moduinea eon bo had u all Lunn of We night fnblddU' - • A AI Wallingford._ _ lobo F hio.ger. TiILLINFRD tr-Co.),Cosamiman and For. warding . arda &mom; • al , Woat Mee, Pittobarga,F. I, ' fe4lB AL DARLINGTON, 'Attorney as 1•10 , 1 ituburel, Pa, torraisSioner to take the ac knowledgment:old pro, of. Deeds, Leases, Contracts, Depositions, way other writing (ander sal or raj to bo asesP or recorded m :he Elate of Obid Office on Mani streetotterlogsonnfield. . W . F AI A , UGll.lll2Al7olll: ta. Atualg w at , . 1 ,7 7 eica Z 4 O area l alu ' Z.. attended to with pancuanlity. ••• 11;.t WM. Crogitaa. Eng., 13 A Fabeemoe Co,& John Gerron,'Esq, raff, Liadssfy & Co, Jahn WriFM, Esq, James MeCally, Eaq, Maj. Witham Larnaer. RECTIFYING DISTILLERi ANN WNOINNAiII DILL= IN FOREIGS k DOMESTIC WINES k LIQUORS, No. 114 Liberty et, and 53 Diamond - pirrsßugan, PA. 1. 17.11 :WARRICK MAlCruy 8 Ca. ' Bss/uri, Dean i. Emims#, /oak Mu. .d Cois, • Comm of TWrd mad Wood moos, ussibdly • • Pittsburgh, Pa. Willmme. • Wm. hi blupo: - . . Sumner go, Loma Wilaani,l , WILLIAMS SHIN 11, . - ATTORNEYS 'AND COUNSELLORS A;LAW. Leo Norlsldo of Fourth sr, above SmldAeld.4o f66l7dturlyF Mon Blackburn. . Civorge /ones. • • 0. BLACKBIIII.O n. CO., IXTHOLEBALE Grocers aand Deakin in O I H!, Nat VT mores,and Pittebrugh Pllanufacuned .n10,2,1/1114 on band au unto a fall and national usennoorn of roods tetheir Gas, Weser surnt,.near Cherry All 4, Pinabargn. jnnin "FORM XL TOWIIirEND, Draggist ma Aponte , al cary, No 45 /Jaskol at, three doors above Third Xinsbargh, will have constantly on hand a well aelect ed amortm.t of Wes best and freshest Medieides, he willscu oe tha 034,14: reasonable terms. Physteiana sendiea orderi will be promptly anended to, .d am yl!. with articles they may sly a n on as-genuine. D.Phystelans , Prescriptions will be accurately .4 neatly prepared fiord the best materials, at any! hoar of l _ ' Also dwY kr " sam, a4rld. ' a largo knelt of - fresh and good rem. "igt— /.1 INTWILBOS. Watch Maker k Jr . corner 4th and Market sts. ek largo :std well selected stock' of annexe, Jewelry, thlww.waro and Military Goods. Always on hand and at mauler eas tern prices, Gold Pill= Laver, fall Jewelled watches, as low as 5.10 . 811ver do watebes,as law lull& Gamine Cooper, robins, Johnsonand otheeapproved make of watches my be had at a small advance and warranted. [{Trine mull work done in ;be very best 'manner. • J. IL SWEITZEI, ATTORNEY AT LAW; ernes 34,64 opposite It. Charles WUdtafgrrtrer P air' reties7=6*lP::""" . • D. Blocks:DO 801 l &Co Church & Catothers Phu/nits& - ' D. T. Kowa 0e134.q... JOAN DIJNI•AP, MANUPACMICER of Tin,Copper, and f3heet Iran Ware,' and - dealer in Britannia and Japanned Ware, Noll Market Meet. The autnieriber revert:. rally calla the attention of the Western Alerehmte; Contain &den, and abets, to hie Terre stock of man 'teen:red Tin and Copper awe, mill a meat of irepornidllowe Famishinallarderant. WhoWtole bayou and the poblie generally, are let &genii.... , . . aura . • CHARLES Es HATS, - .A.Troemes - AT LAW,- Pittsburgh, P.. 'Coming- Ilsionee to take the proof and aeknourledr.rnehts nl Deedi, Leaser, Contruts, Depositions, or oilier sermon to be retooled or used in' the litotes of KENTUCKY, INDIANA, ,lENNESSEE, haSSUURI and ChSee',.llttrheinculding,th sL . jelEly j LidnuUX te fto47 CANAL STREET, NEW ORLEANS ,A,Gir aao reet z t I . l l :47:CriZlrszglAltrOft.l poudeted t ., ibed. Clarified and Hullo! Murata', i u n „.b. Aba suer Hot= Mobutu.: y :Tikes liberal and a fair allowaue made on all WU. ONO. W. amts.'s:dico, BREWERSMAISTF.RB . AND HOP 1118ALHS PITTSBURGH. MO PORT BREWRRIBs t Cotou Wirers Alley and Penn Elb and fooled' Pitt St, . Pittsburgh. F. : L litanbright. W.-umbrigbL J. D. & W. BONIIIITGWr. 11111IFICT ['BEBE' OF ariedu, TATARRANTED.quid, It iuft sapdrior; to any tondo V' in the United Stows, and which thci iU dispoin of at law Prices and on, goad Term+. ocallyr • • _ Alleave , •r 6.r. • IfiL•Olf . • MAL. POSTLLI. . . H. P. & S. mull:soar a. co- • MANUFACTURE:IEI3 of lllllaincied Storp4 and , g=l";plLV#2,l:4 • ' • DIU 40113 011APSAII, = I Orsirs: ernithSeld greet, opposite Merchants Motel; Residenie. Monongahela Mame. . jell( TACOS WZAVgai Wino Store, coma of Mar let d Pros, n.. in • PIFHOECISIA3III6I3—reniita 'Otto.; tiooo, hove woo.n olVortooilybfflotog aotroca Leal iolkeiloo ofwize tiodlisla ever offered in Woolly., Mae Pitld*Wlh Soya %arc, comer of Wood and OW MOP asr 1rC11345/"*;i FORWARDING & COMISSION. A. M.'Wellingtong. • Jere: F. Anger: WALLINGFORD A CO.. COMMISSION k; MR.WARDINO lit•Liit 'HEAVYFIA'RDWARE AND •' PITTSIIIIIRGH MANUFACTURES; 1171,111.61.1U5ES Second Meet, mar-Woos, and ea T i V e 160,000 111 Lik'n j=7:: 'ilba'd Naylor te a. S he r , Blister and Canaan reel; lone. & Wig's Am. Shaer Spring and Fork ". . dos frhos NNW. wialorks; ' Canter: Springs and Axle.; '• • Anatte, (moose holea Vica r (paint and eorrown,) Sledges, Sledge Moulds, Croofte% Famata Ringer., (Juniata trona ' idauock a, Clay..nd Coal Pick • Aun., Scythes, Sickles, Log Chow., re. !he • IG'Salamander Fire Proof Safes, Lroo, SON thug and other Pitubrugh Manufacture. sold It the looms (ALS CR Danenholm, • IftenaldoSarik. CHARLES R. DAZIENUOWER dr. . • •T - OBAC'CO COMMISSION' MEECIANTS,• No, ea South Wharves, mid N PH o 112 Li: south Water el • FOILADEL BEG to inform the trade and dealers 'generally of Flashed* that they have made ouch aromeements with the Vomma mindfaeurrers end the Grower, of the West, Wdt lodine, and other places as will Insure large and constant supply of the following desenp dad of Tobaccoluidela will be sold von adorn• modeling terms many other house in that cit or el.. where, mad all goods ordered from them vs' be war. 'ranted equal to representralron— . Harem. St. Dommeo; Coon, Yam; Porto Rico; . Pean'a.,l Seed Leaf To Cuba; /munn and Florida, band; ALSO—Branch's celebrated Aromatic SW* OM ll dish, with a large assortment anther seedy brands, and qualides of pounds, as Es 121 16s and .12s Lamm ages Salad les Flag; Ladies' Twisr, Virginia Twist, en, sweet and plain, in whole and half taxes, wood sad Un together with every variety of article bebop , id to the undo. lel6-dly FORWARDING & comaussid imam Ran Bearir Point 'and nridiewrger. Imam Cr, PA, ti= = i r it ietor and Agent of Enamel. LABS ENID AND lIICUIQAN , DAILY IZTAXIS 'irrrrsausunt AND BUT", WILL be prepared on earliest operdnaPf Mel yds , . genen u, receive property ,at his yrkaribont or in'lrerenonse, for annum o, En! Extensree, Qin el , t, and O nt o Canals; (1r all porta. Lake Erie and upper Lakes. as also to lorvrard prodace, /Lc .by Penn'a. Improvements. Applyte or address fek94-dtf !AS DICKEY, Deaver J. U. W. Leassich. W. C. Wilson. J. G. W.•LEFTWICH & CO., RECEIVING, FORWARDING, And Cum aSalon Merchants, PLAQUEMINE, Las fAIVII.CULAR attention mid us consign me an of Sops Mills, Engines, or other snicks for Op elousas and etudispas. RFER TO—Messrs. Sheffield &LightLosr, M. Tho snosisinserick.,- New Minton WM27i=iE NI n. trail kSpeer, M. Wm, O'Letni s Ralson Wighlinan, Anastrong& Nichols.; Patsbnrigh. .hleasta. }Levan; Todd & Co.; Cincinnati. Memo. Hynes' & Craighead, Meson'. &bran. & {Wilton!, Non. 'Zenon Lobar., .ion. John lhancan Plaquemine. La. • .18.17 ALIWTT tr.. TIFFANY, COMMISSION PRODUCE MERCHANTS, F.= Tit - 1E efintoveribeire basing estatillihed themselves in A Dahitnore corder the shove grub for the . 00.70 0 . prpsecating the Canntissien Pralueo banners, ego] sleety, avoubtwalllnstivaelisms on their own aecoanl; stod being prepared with the inert mph, fheilinsa for lonfirbetritieus, beg teave-to lender their seriiees to the wereh ants of Pittsburgh, rtlulting each an Agency a the city of Baturtuire. . ti NW ALNITTT, 03310 ND TIFFANY, le. , Rirsta uns— Mogan .11amiitoo, South & Co., do Atwood, Joe= & ( 5 ., pi,,,,b,,,tek, do W0,,8e1l it. Son, Mr, John Grier. ' Baltimore, Merchants Renerally. , .I,6rodlho ......_—____ ..., =NM=MM FLOUR FACTORS AND PRODUCE COM - ,• MISSION MERCHANTS. T torkAL emit tidy aliens mode no rneeipt of ran. iguntents. Merle 'hipping to our address will be ram ihree-foorths nolan to ode.= in Coon, by apply ing to oar friend., Mensr... itTarto., Pittrborgh. Mown. I'd Co .I.lridgeport r Aio. PhitadelpLia, May 5, let?. • N. ff. All proloce etro..rigord to on it insured when 01 rho ararchorne of WallingforOtTnylor,Pitoborgb or moor more Philadrlploa..• 0. k (k. • "- ' FRESH IMPORTATIONg'OF HARDWARE. LOG'Ill • • •-• • IMPORTERS 00 . AND WiIOL.F.SAI.F. DEALF7t. IJAILDW, dte., - No. I'S Wood Stmt. _ . P TTSIIIIILGU. ARE now in the mane of Irtelritig bargesidelong to their CSIL/I.lVe SRN k' of Hardware Cutlery, thetelery, ice, which baring hem perchlited on the =et retrantaheona arm. In &Vend and direct from the hlentretteturers ibis mantes; esaLles them to of , ler toner:Ml terouteerperxd by 131111 C anti 1.1101 by ker. Perherers sue respectfully Invital tee 28 azonau COCIIBM I:OMISSION k FORWARDING MERCHANT WOOO STREIT, l'inersaunon, tO arNTINUEB to grahm a a general Commission IL./ Berthas, elpecully in the purchase nod mile cL Ameriisn fitanntaitume and Traduce, and in receiving and (rewarding Oohs cooogoed to his •-• . An Agent for the Alaralacturers, he will be rmearaly supplied With the pnneipal articles of Pittiburgh Manufacture at the lowest wholesale prima. Orders and courignments are respectfully sotettod. 121 14LEnarra, j . • C. R. MIDIZION L. Of :PIUS:IMO, F. LAW of Noshwilk, Team • LEHMER & ANDERSON DrALEIDI IN DUTTON. MR* ADDING AND MMIESION .R .1k • —, No. 8 Pens sena, ranee Br...teeny, Cineinnart, Ohnn 'Refer InAlereharne. enerally, 3a Picaberen. eto E!i'. • COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALEILS IN PRODUCE GLIVIMALLY, A. ti south Ilvtranf-si, beim litorrif Itahinters .= Rant »--D eprigg; Egq, Cashia, T E.q /4 J Lactistreas &Bon, Weer & Dougheny, Sling I.alr Easey, W k S Wyman, SligglAir &Dorn.. (lae ZDWARD A. X.SITLING, preccuoit ro 000narAz & xtLop,) . .wvkw, aM Mel= - - - 1 daot Boob orPlantetz' Bank, Dlssephln Ta—M Al Ica Ir.G. Nag, Pei:MCA k Uo. - F Conwity; L E Togilingoa. P. CONWAY 4111 CO., . wn ntdloß purchase, lige andYniginient of Pig Irent.COgil, de. i KILTER TO, • Aissoodi Jones &Co : Blown; Bailey aCO Lorene. Snelling & Co limy Gra .• GMT, Limbos & Co D Leech & CO ,iLyo&nhorb is Po Clatko &Time d, mazinas . aG,m4 • . • ... Maloof the firm of Alsleohn Leech & Co . 11 • Wholesale Grocer, Conssoleloo Os /flour • . ere. TIEALICIL in all ll kinia ofhant., Caoamf Prodoce, Cop. . R f .i. pec ia r ,. , ro , Pl l g n fia; Tionere 7crola, ZLead, and rbdt., Whit e , Lead, P.,102.14;ta, cation Varna, Sall, /to, and Eiusboro Z. ... „.. la r tagr ccitylly, cower of Liberty and koala 04.-Lberararancto,lnefliholGeo/a goad nco coulomb; of Produce, te. - ' ''''..lsn. AUCTIONEERS` . • AID COMMISSION MERCHANTS. ' ALEXANDER LEVY & BROM. • • • CINCINNATI dr. ST: . LOUIS • OPFER to sell at ether establishment, all Made of Merchandise at the lowest rates of Commissions and are always prepared to make sante.: The ben of references given, rf required. Letters addressed to either ilouse snit he promptly attended to, isMdly JOUN 111.•11,ICHIEDIS, . COMMISSION MERCHANT, NU. Nio WATER RP. OPPOSITE CHEAPPIok: BALTIMORE, TATINDOW Oleo Otos Wata, Dna Frail, Bees. TT, war, and Corritry Prolate. Atbrancea madi-en conognmeEt. flatlrfactery ref. create 10 tbroe,ohlreormx by taal I. •• . . • THOMPSON & CAMPBULL, COMMISSION MFRCHANTS And Manutacturers of Linseed OH, No. 20 Columbia Street, CINCINNATI, 01110 . 1 • ojvass Lao 701 laaxezzo..4ll) 11. WALLINGFORD & ,COMMISSION & FORWARDINU MERCHANTS, Second Streets near Wood. TiF.ALERS In Pittsburgh hbrourectures end Iles • DJ Hardware—wilt keep rtorentintly on humd n sae kit earring , ' springs arid nnlcor,hunies,serbes and arch 'lce, fire woof safes, onettr.•ices,hisekstruttis' bellowc Wedge.. kr., An. • tneli23 D. W. M1T11.01.0. W. T. rATCII. MM:CM=MI COIIIIIBI6IOII.MERZHANTE 'No.49iNnter Street, • •I • gr. 1.0 18,100. ••—• Milli give perneolar attentio n to the sel li nf of Pro: &tee , and to orders for patchneg. Naraa en—UeorFe !dorm & ye., Pinebe4; oath Joh n 11.CuPoegi. JAPKeehan C D Cul lort Jolla ii , ouLioatin di co: Commission and Forwarding Madurnis, NOS. 93 it 95 SOUTH ler.' ytn27 . 151 . _ DOWLING'S WHARF: Italtlmere. • T11011..1. CAD.I9ON, da ,O. • • COMMISSIONhtERCHANTB, ;Mos.S Rad 9 LOOK St: Jidwrkssoni. advances vrnloo nada on consignment to alsavo nddrtss, b 1• • Ana . CARSON A . NcKNIO nz Sixth In. arA avanCElr..a. co FLOUR FAOFOR.g, ALM 0 RAIN , AND PRODUCE 'Co:n=l6'lBn Merchant!, • 71' SOUTH-. WHARVES,.PIIILADELPIIIA. 'Atigiferehi=i'rinellnge and forward onithe 101 . st s :No i t .4 wen Untnch.amiXidnwnterCanslo. .. POW • • _ 11. Q. I. LARISI v TATIIOL ESA I. &GROCER AND 00117418610 N, Iv =a2LANA No NN Water ;Meet. BT. LOUIS OW. - - - - Refer to: 1.;•. , FJp . , P;110b111 tee, and Aatboili Beelcy,- STEAMODAT i tatiIiiV T COMKISSION SprioNaJUIEVA - 110U8E, sttplhl(RM t' Ps; PITTSBURGH, MONDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 27. 1847. KINELLAMOU& JAMES W. woonwiai, ?mammal nnurnints was' I .• NO S 5 TniteD swum., ALARGEandapkadid"' anon:tient of ruminate, suitable for Steamboats,' llotels,and {ma'am Dant- li • rotatantly cm hand and mule to Oder. The present stock on hand cannot be excelled by spy manufactory In the uneaten country. ren....n.hipg to Narita,* men law ghrits set call. an 1 dm detemtmed my pones Mull please: Part of the alma consist. to— Sofas with Plash and Ilaimloth tavern 2 dos Mahogany Nurse Chum; 14 pair Divans: . 12 dos fine mahogany Chum; 12 mahogany Work Stands; • 3 dos mahogany Booking Chaim' 16 ample lop Dressing Damns; em par arble to Ottom p Work Stattdc 18 ehmry Work Sander • Mahogany, Maple, Cherry and Poplar Bali nlldmerre , -- - nd a large' FFamrdpetalipacainteEmihni.a nm o m~row of m n , co ti amareciT 12 NEW HARDWARE !SOUSE. r4 iN Iga JOSEPH' CRODWEI.I., Co er of Wood and Ad sta., Plttabwrr H , . withdrarin firm the old dna of Walker k. malwell, on the In of . /smeary; 1E47,1 lalte; pleasure in amseanclus LO my friends in the any nod country, that I have opened my new More at the above named place.' Having peschssed my goods far cash, and made arrangements with manefaenners in this; canary and in Europe to be constantly supphed, I . ant . (ally prepared to antuate Hardware of all kinds, on an' pod terms and no low as any halve East or West.— i Merchants and others are mmectfully invited to ell' and examine ray cork, before parchasing elsewhere. The following comprises antis:tot my mods.. . Steamboat and Saddlez 7 Hardware. Gun Trusualnes.. Files‘N.V l .e. thee, Cu . Edge Tools. Anvils, VI:. ces, Lats. Latches, Stelt es, Scythes, Brut MOM, Screws, Union Factory Planes,gaws,Mahetany iMania and veneers, and all other anieleaconnected swab the Hardware business. • =OW iv.v4 ....-- • - • • - N 0 T W ITS S T AN DING on .ingewsed °Modem to this laved, Sots of APittsbargh Mechanic, a nta... Jortry of the Cabinet makers of tloa andAllegltrusy Oty, and their naraerJ owteustomershavbabowathenwelvoi; above the vulgar proJadiee against houtrinewtalens, and they give Onarosn's Seaweed the prefereace, supply. because it rthows it, being theben, WeagM,.. earl awn cerwesiost Bedstead in tee. The fbilowing •tatt=alal . epeake for itself.— . WA the subscribers. practical cabinet makers of OW, cities of Pittsburgh and Allegheny, PA, do hereby eer. Lily that we have bought the right to asennfeetare bed steads with tilaam's Paton Fastenings, and confider: the same trattorias to ane LastrAburs wait winch we ate: annalated. • , intone Lemon . SPGreat .... T B Young &Co Robert flans= R Bulky Jamesrß Ban . John Liret%l ' a.LcI Son Lawns J. TIM •• M Flt/el Dead Luker Rummy &Welt:linen Hugh Wallace Mesa Bo lluek • David balmy For Right. to make and sell the above Bedstead.. "fjIOIY.KhZER F OAZZA echo _ Patentee PAVAIN -11 e salvseribers having oblauted a palmy May IS ISS6,It re Press Prick Madm, and hammy µnee then thameehly tested its ability, mo an prepared to tell rights KM contract to idcliver machines to any part of the U turd Plates. The machine is designed to make: Brirk from elude 'Clay, and aril! make JOAO good fin. WW I Per dal, ealFaciently hard to stack op in the kiln; than avoiding the expenie and labor of pre-! patine the clay,drying and Moulting the brick aer being welded. Ina ample, tonamoot liahleto getout, nista repair, and bseornerneted that it can be !Bated to pieces awl pat together With VC/1 Grellity,thint rendes tag it tamable. We urn now building marlines. ..4 e.tornmltillest an abort ranke. Fora full &scripted we %Wald refer to a machine now"n artreessfaleperal bony n Mill creek Imam, near the West ender' la hilt street, where we Mall he happy bil explain everything. emoyeeted with nu, all who may mill. e have m prene.ot mdansed Agent. All Inner. tonic addreig rnll be promptly attended to CtIy..TIERSSON, MeMII.LEN k Co., ; . BRICK& - 1 ETENSIVELY twirl and approved duritgthepsst two yeare,by the principal non otenerrialeriegg the "cement 0041110 . , and throughout the tractioc . of Pennwivanto, will lie tr i mly for delivery oo 11:tensional! of Nwigotion. The atomnal on oratiehthetr dembffill and mpertortry depend, It 'Wetted by e.Wrionocg ow. nen, brought Into Mery1...1,1.6m the Aworet'y wait raw made--the fusible muster with which It if Isobar awl, if corrftelly frowntsl. They will be theroegklis barterd and compactly peened by Mathinclyt and me. nom eitenuongieen New.: Malty k. of the pniu , victors, to 01l rerprcts to otaitstrin their eeknirieledgeti Orders er at otherwise. will be promptly exec!? tell i es, application to J 611 AW AIACL/M124 otae) Kensington lom Works it 1%7 E W VOUItTJI ATItIGICT pAturatir, CONFECTIONARY AND FRUIT rsTORE. win Open on hlonday, Apo. Sth, Dior doom foora Moods', and next door to A Jaya." Pekin Tea Pore, • A splendid asnornoentof Fancy Enke, CbarnetnuMT: Font, tte„ iteshontba counter every aar,...g.ritier .e the folloSriont— llararobrodi Portzid Cake; Lorton Badeuind Faatca i IsPeanfe Pepper 1 1 .0; I Jelly , Almond di; • •hfoladue• P. Cake; 6, nye r Nits; Wafer Jam/dies:Sponge Bacon Feder:Make; Ad Phq- • &Tar do-, Orders for lee Croons. JellyErtdr,' Cake, Funny Confectionary, de., dae., enter ed in a-manner ann. quailed in qsaliod and beauty by any other mob Wk- meat in this edgy. Fresh Dread, Twist, Bask, de , utunafactored =deli from WhitaW been Mar, nod free Domanrned =maw. ap3 AND WS : - ONTO SI NODE OF ITZATIIIO 1100.119 .119 G. Derter,of Uoum, . bag arranged and parented a plan forbearing laws, which Wu been me: econfally..ed hr Moms, Nev ,and other...Cy opplted, reoerred Me decided preference Over cbperr, rammer, kg. Im advantage. • rc , — In. Gmat regularity of Temperate.. rad. Freedom from dmoke. 5 enpleuant It th. Easily attended ta, and can liable to get oil Of orde r . Sat. Great Darability. A Model and Speeideation may be seen , and the a pumas obtained at dke Copper .ad Tinware factory of WM. BCAIVE, Fun street, • bet. Wand and Alain% so:, Illardwartt, Chattatty, 11 • • ery, 6c. 3011 N WALIFJLIL, • • IMPORTER AND DEALER roman aad•Dotoeso tie I fordrare, would raped:fall; Worm Ens friends ood . the pobbe gonerally, that be is sow , oca.nrialt Nplotg toting, of Hardware, at the old nand of Market. A Woodsoll, No ED Woad meet, whclba will divan of on tht, moo mos:mail* term. .• ' Ile ;at be continually receiving fresh topplMsdireet from .the blanufactmcra in Europe nod this emir!, which will enable Aim to compete writ any establish• ment. either East or West. • , Weatern ►lerehmw are invited to call and exantiOs boa stock bagans 'lmamate elsewhere • mad: Copastners&ip. WE, the undersigned, have entered Into Copartner. ship •Zr the purpose bftransacting m Freda., Commies.. and Forwarding businesa, ander the ityk,s &RUIZ, NettaEW & CO., • end have taken the vrarehouse, Nog Coormerelal Row, Liberty street, fennerly oecopiodb7 Mr. W B Pauly-- Iv. re all beams. entrusted omit charge be ptoreptlrdfaithfulty at to. MORRIS DRUM. finenerly bf • Tilos B IdeGRK.W ? " • Iludshrteld, Ohle PINDLEY LI MeGREW," Pittsburgh, Mar. 22,1847. melta yKono KENNEDY, . OF the into Ann of Gillespie A Kennedy, toeknig 6/ass Pdatnifaentret and dealer in Ciwka„Combsi and Variety Goods, keep. ceatnainly.onnand,of hu own otanufaculre, every deseription of Oilglifaliagany and Common Looking Glasses; 1,1.3,4, ad 6 drawer , Toilets; plain add ornamental ponrail Nantes. Alt kinds of Ckoks, Trays, and•Pl alias: in. seta or dozens; Combs, Threads, and a general assortment of Fancy Goods, Wholesale, at • mall 'advance on coal.. Pedlara and supplied with Phelp.s Char% Ca rier's Prints, an44o by 14 frames at Now York prices. myNal No 6t; yew wand and Ith Ms. Moasotagabstla Liven, Stable. &RRouth eierrrawrz , - I= opened the large stable on First at, rannthg tinteegh VatZinTill4 to Second at , between Woolf att4 Southfield &memo, in the rent of the Mosongahela Bonne, era an entire new Week of Martha and ClUti• ones of the beat tthaUty and latent Mica. Manes kept at never in the lest Wanner. ITdd l 7 • Shaving pad Male Drvmplas 1611100 U• j. DLACKSON /FOUNTAIN. Tassorial Prefrown, have LP painted and fitted vp their rharing, lUD Drain{ .d flhas re poonsog Saloon in the maidens style, and are prepared ho wait on gratlerawn at orsee, with care, comfort .4 gulatiarn Tlry ant prepared to mil iso 01 that rosy rail without &Sty. Thankful for past Cam e. we solicit • .1<1611113111R of Da mama. at oar &kW. comer of Union Wert and the Diana-Owl, (hack of A lalandlir * Day's Dry Uooda Store.) add_ DRUGS, DRUGS, .. JOM MOHLER, Druggist sod , Apothoenrj; N, Tl, ammer of ViroM and Lth sts , Pittsburgh, will keep • inastuntly on bead, Drugir, Paints, Oils, Inyeencii. &e. N. ft.-Physician's preseriptims en really compound ed from the bell materials, at any hour of the dl, or night. Also m assortment of Pratinutry3 Ono Tooth. Ilnir. and n 6 Brushes, to. &C., which be .11 sell bw „e. E GLE COTTOM WORKS; ' • • PITTSBU 0. • 1 " MANUFACTURE COTTO N.YARN, • . Candle. gels, Butting. Twine, . Cover et YARN, CARPET EIIAIN,'WARF,' &e., Ac. KING, PENNOCK &Co , .. • . (Successors of Mime kl. & Aec i'l,) , Dot . _ - C OIIIMISSIONIeIt. OM DRICDP "- TT . A T CINCINNATI-I um =Mons. by th e Umielhor ..1 - I.of Pirmsyilemil to mks onbromforgromirs af . ull ill leroluents of wrung, sdro ayhderrts end dry/unmet of wig.. in Ohio, to be used or remelted in Penttnilirs• nie. Ounce, n doors Earl of the Mum , . Offierticin , einnati 3 Oloo. EDWARD P CRANCIIF rayOld&wly•F -,,,ric r ~ -.1 AllorneY MIA , - .. .._... _._-_ RAGS WANTEELT 100 ma LDS IX/WRY MIXED HAGS wesded, ,vutr fer which the htshest price M CASH win be pm& every Ilen.crmeen Wsiung "nd PP tappi ng reper and Chlartat i z. min i ; mehl Comer Penn and Irwin sti.*lPlthlntrah YIN-NU 80 5 MOtaly 'Nowa and Ver, mono ' '&d., suitable for planning In Conwnyi's oh, hofbmished on nppllention onho ..xd store, frosnl,lnrsonen of Jas: Warn tt ,l r c enw ilAm l No Wt. cot . wood and Mit Ppi GOLD AND SILVER WATDDES—lteestred datition to my laranauxt of Gold sad' darer Pall ant Lever %Vauban, mailable for Ladims and Gentlemen —of the latest and . handsomest patterns and of the hest alumfactoto—warnetted and in, tale at very lovrandl en. - • - • • ••• W11.40N F. ti. BATOI _ , • DE•thr-rii•mB+s 1B Werue4'l3ntt7ne,Needres,Pins:Tee, "" Brnide Ne 63 Market Sn between Diamond sad 41.1. itiveta ,Plusborgh• ' • • brats 131ILD CAGES 2,781, Fount. 0r.,88011582C5. 0 18.311 ly on band, and for Elle- st.rediced prlcptouty, Paubargb 80. a Bunt, No Wood greet; tomb, et An B 8881 . " N. 7 .8 N wicsummakt TCP. CREAM , FREF.ZEItI3—Jos I atoll)/ 'plummy oiresleot zero, saltatl for Hotel, groom. 'IITEBARY• • .PITTSBUFIGE FEEL& INSTITUTE. • TlfiS :Institution under the we et Rev. J. M Gov:1001MM ;AMT . , in F idel' all the anhd and or namentalp en branches of areceptionista t 1 aed pupilsw edation are mash, is now o the - Wm. SSo for Irwin* now, Liberty at Street. between 34 and atharreen. The Second Peasant will =roue° on Monday the 30th of Amp.; and it Is traportanutlatt um who may _design enteral* should nepresent u far as practicable by that nine. • • • They.have secured the serrices of Professor RHO. BOCK its teacher of Mule on, the Piano. and Guitar, who is too well known to need reeommendatitm. A eon. petent French teacher will be employed. Prof-BINGHAM will hare charge of IN Department of Vocal Name: Prot litibllNSKl will . itdirceslon of the Amick Department, and will Nan la dm ain& sketch ing, and painting, both int aot water colors. Prof. E.l. a. Is a cotapetent• teacher 7 and bat recconmendations Cram the Ant men is and the United Statea•lle has also been *teacher la the fun Insututioni of the Comm - • ~ For terms apply to the Principal. gigs. LAMB% BOARDING SCHOOL. In. LEG drrA Str..M., awl Tkimotta, Saud ride, • . llE g Elan pursued in WePWladelphla. Institutlan.embmus all the T,hl er breathe. of - on English F.ducattort, with lestractioa in the Freneh,ltaliartand Latin Languages. Thu services of the most eminent Professors are per mitiently secured, and every facility given pupils for aequntag the &reran Laagaages, together with other teeempitshmm.a. The year I. divided into awe turas . of five months each, commentleg on the Ist of Scptcader, and ending on the WM of June. The charge for the &bobtail° Year of ten months, tat IMO, payable half yearly ia advance; without e.t.a, Swept Muir and Dancing, which are at Professor's prices. Hose commeneieg my time within the term, will be charged eccortegly. le LL V thought desirable by parents or gaardians of =ham a distance, they can lemma daring the vacatiory when WI due attentiou will be peat azisizscu. no n AD Eille yge u fr ' fahtt, trab,l D Vitflo kik th . EN, St Leeds, Flan Yes Relfe, Wavenompsoa, St Lola, Mo. Than lurk.= Zoo Florence, Ala—Wash lack. ronlEsq, N o—Caleb C Norwell EN, Nulrrille=- IDehard Celt, Tallahaese, Florida—Do Charlestar.4 , F !lira Esq, N C—Themas C Nesbit , Sanneh, Gm—Rev Dr Sudanese, New York. • , a 10412 YOIING LADIES , HiGIIMA.M.7fi ALLEGHENY CITY. THIS Instinnion under the directional Hr. N. W. METCALF, Is open for t h e =option of Pupil. Corner at Ilmaidasky and Strawberry ate. TneHoonanconion will commence on Monday,nopl Mtn. Thee esign nr to cater will Sad it 10 them intense to do sons near the opening of the session as possible . though pspiLs will be, sectored at any usee durlngrhe Setaloll. . Trio services of competent Teacher, w ill be smeared. for classes that my wish to receive instructions in Drawnin,Painting andMuio.. Foe' particulars relative to the mum of Instruction, terms, An.. consuhuircular or apply to the Instructor. Allegheny, July 13,1847. tf - VALUABLE BOOKlls•Published by .1 A & U P Burma; Walnut street, between Fourth and Filth, CbacinmiUs GuisoPs Gibbon—The history of the decline and au of the Roman Empire. By Edward GibboA,. Eng..A new F.ditlos, revised corroctod throne& oat,preeeded by a preface, and accompanied by notes critical and histoncal, relating pnncipall, to the propagation of Cbrbrtianityetry M. F. Gnats, Minister of Public Instruction for the kingdom of France. The preface,notca and conections, tram. lated from the French espnwsly for this minion. With a noticed the tate and character of Gibbon, II vols. imp. Dlamgdl9 f mrmDa`oftls. ril d jrci= Juodidilld Welks. • I • Wsdlth ed ar,w• or Ittde make the ma., red, pap. Ter6, of theta, Wog odepiag marrationo of Wimmob, RueEh 110m2m—The Jawle tookiling iloomatary ro Ciatthe• deolommito, with • • We We of pmers.l4 prostico,s7 FramioT flossol4,instroitor l elorakm at Ppocion. Woe moWo mocimil ad Or Par Jourrerros iswderoN ' , ;,11' • Backectic etc otrotot and 36 sto • cap email - A I'L"Th. aE 00 the Prevents:lm and C=lhseasea ea New anon. revls b e l al=== t i tte ed .=tion of • Yevialtk Masai. Kafka; pointing cot the.shossa ptspatanotm God doses of oar own Tenable, noose, medical planta, and &nap:pendia, illtuftuat ,with 103 eoita itgt,6 of which are colored. fly J. G. lionrOod.ll. D. ' The object of tho enure work is to also the history, characteristic symptomai program and termination of all mamma diseases:in as CorlroCl. Biaapla and aible terms as possible, suited to the capacinea of all who med. m any es eel, to undertake the Malmo:it or a dlatue,/n the tenstinatton of which bonen life may be at stake. -' • The treatment penned by the generality of praetion era, and Iburid most metes. ful, particularly the caeca Enderana tb Om genth and ti(est,has been &twit+, with melt mlnutenen 'Mt great onto, • ••Thrs Family ldedlealaAloary,it be.lieved, has given more general µdefection than any book of „rho kind eMant. By W rumple and perimmants direcuons,—as lino( rereedlea and their proper doses, any ono oVoli• nc nary inmlllgee, will be emalited to snot many flees of qlemM wubouttbe necessity of ealluce ut a phew... We hare beettleformed by head of families, who hays in itheir helmet that, could they not procure another cop, of the work, ten Unica the cost could not purchase it—having frequently mired more than that, In one year, by Ito nee, • Arnie Wanted to self.this worka liberal corami. Mon allowed. J. A.A. U. P. JAKES,Publieltees, leo7l .Walout et, Wt. ltk and Ode, Cincinnati. 11 „ 001C8-11istory of the Crook Ilea. LL olmion and Of th e wars and 'campaigns along frota.the Ideates of the Greek.Pairrite to Ettnaitelpo• ling their cowry from the Tettklelt Yoke—ln two vol• vings. a m—splendid copy wlth amnion. maps and engra . • • Letteis' Illestrativit of the Irian of Wdiiam 111 , from ISM to 1708—with fine roman. us 2 volt Comp/tom to the .tody of tkui Iloly Neriptuces.. - tCarry kleabray,thrilleg romance, 'with 60 cogto int. Tom in the lhalyland, French Sage, and Sketches is Chloe. Jest reed and for sale by I 1 • bIeLIONALD &BEESON • ma= E 0 markeisncel ew :loot of hillert. I • -4011 N H. MELLOR.I.I Wood sr., to now vokinelox w oloollont earn - moot of Boma and Now' York Pianos, arrived today and now open for sale. ' Two *pl. RIKOWOOd r 1600.4 MX oeuvre., , STA One splerultd carved Remitted, sit octaves, ' 3tin One eplendel malmaany Piano, six and a hidfoe-' • Onegranda Plano Pone, mimic! at the factory Of • 330 neon Hers, Parts, and rally equal to the one used by hint at We Concerns mo One mahogany second hand Piano, made by Ster• dam Worcester & Denham, New York. I 2rx A farther supply will be received during this week. • New Celia kiiiigant '11" KLERER ban Just received the following now - 11. Planar, which will be' sold lower than 'con be boeght in the east. •. One eleganfiffahowny,ll Wave, made by Naomi & Clerk, New Ymk . ot great power end so/esteem; of tono—estreniely low priem4 Oao 'etsgant rosewood Piano, mast by Metering, Boma, and selected by him as the best insult:not of the Chemin blsfactory—prlee yerymoderate• • &aides a somber of °Menet an prices and styles, fonntitg the asoatextensive sclerlion over otfeMd here. No RI; 3rd-el. at J.W WoodwelPs. I magi • leatoia as • RawAriorla P ono. or/02011N IL MELLOR, No hi Wood ii, ha.recenrea and tigers for sale— One splendid Rosewood Piano Forte, will, in octaves, iron frame and new wale. Made by Chieterlog, of Boston. Ono eleawn Rosewood Piano Porto, with G octaves I ,and iron (none. Made by Metering. One elegant Mahogany Piano Forte—made by 41•20 & Co, New York.. fhe above will beiom inansithetarees Intik Also.fes sale ',above, is second hand Piano Pant, Ith Omar. . lda JA&UP hones, Chid mil. • 1144- MFRlMTMilMitt—Juat TUE HISTORY OP MEXICO.,Iter Civil Wave and Cbionial and Revolutionary Mood., from 1 1 ' 41%1 3 = at e" eou g rOf W'rr V.P,re - anTZ.: air Camel and Military eiehienrainsmts.• )3y jrany, AL D. With two Copperplate Mop% {:viiviuge of Phut Ba Grande, se. .one joltio, of Aro girdioir and airty.Biar Or-% AP OP ArisiclCo I — " bqrThL — a -- dimWa; , de Melte*, Braun ki otuuniraeo 7 delleide Por lei mitts stem del CoPyraliti de &Jur Repultlient y contra& pot ha mejorea SISIOMaIet , • :71 _A tpncirarg o ezi ic ar Azte r A 4 Till IWk77DUI.TOSIw•' dJonrn.lotinr.lArt 9,44 • '*.a11 ,,. 5 1 4 0 11 4 • rieZedi agliikaart ta Cmuut Tres. JOHNin& gV.I4 funi• OUNIAI2 j4111.,4°!# =ZIMMITM MANUFACTORIES.< .•DUQSJESNE SPRING' IRON:444rtES COLE7IAN, 11.alLht&N, & Co.; having completed . their New worts, are now prepared to tare mart description of Omen mod SiMtio 'primps bon wiles, American Blister, tan* and bath igtee!, and all sues of mail square and round which they offer for sale on liberal term% at their walmns Na 43 Wood streeC whete they.•so hoop on toad a amnia and handsome assortment of . Mart trim. mines, & C a ring hardware, !makable castings,. Nat and Iron, C. IL& Ca, hart madesartoAretwarms With Mesas Day & Crons, mansfuttnerif - oP awielss Amass Ebrics, &e., and will keep rtutOtly on hand ertry article made by them. • Degas we respeetfeltY.sal • cited to sati,n prices and Mons will be made liberal. PITT AtACHINE.WORKS AbiIII.POUNDRY, JOHN vvvizikeit-& QUa ARE prepared to build Couch' and Woollen atachus. erg of every 0 . 1 , pliant alert all — AN Mr chines,planing Draunag Prenute Railway - Heade, elters,l`enllers,epoolort,lllicacing. Fromm,. Lamm, Ca Grindersi te., Wrought Iron Shafting utnted all sizes of. Caegitoa Palll ea And. limps+, of the 'latest patterns, elide antehand Lalluta end mole of all bade. Costing, of every deemed= farobibe d art slant no. Goa Pmerns mode to order tot Mil Gating, Iron railing, &e. Stearn Pip: for heating . Factocies,-Sail Inn Window Sark and fancyCanualrgellevall). -- Chloral oft at thiSWaselooso of J. Palm= Sc Co o al,. erty moot, w:11 have luoiaPt atteollall , •. • Rir • Illackstock, 801 l & 00. ie KlSlcanitead & Ca t .0 E Warner, .lolut bales & Poo; Pittsburgh.. G C & l II Warner, Steubenville. • Allan JOHN CAATWAPHIT,, •• • _ lIDPORTER and glanufactumr of aide*, Dezepe; and Dental Instnunents, Paddlers and Tinnersibiad tools, Taylors , Patent Slams, ge. laAruldact.. tarok Trusses, /bowler. fen.,1.12 great variety. J. C. Nanafacturer and Importer of Pen. Pocket and Table Cutlery; Itazors,Seimbra,Piles,Eams,Tool;Am hamemoved to 83 WOOD STREET„Pirlabmse, tetrad door bo. Mar Diamond Alley, And has lately memved a lam apartment of • Pent Pocket Hager, Peorke, Also Rodgers , and Wluassenh • PINE ODTLLSSBHY Ellione,Redr,W=TheshereilLuer4De Razor Strops. .. and WiniTerlst . - GUNS, BIBLES, AND PISTOLS, . Allen's Coifs and Blanes Revolvers, Powder Mita Shot Balm Gamo Bags, Walker's& Cora Extra Par elusion Caps, Bowie. Disk and Iluntiag Wynn Tools.such la Callipers, Divider; Plyere, Nippers, Bend Vices, Squares, Rata, Braces; Bins, Spoltn Snare; Stocks and Dies, Wire and Don Gages, ontatieal Jaen...eats, &a L in very greatvanety. • OP-jobbing and repairing neatly Mut punctually . done. • CO-PARTNEUEUIP„ • IIOTICE. • E STEPEMOI of Wheeling; E. P. aboenber , . altocowof inebrallh, bare IT." co-pa sweashia• and= lOW and firm of Stephens iiihnenbanenr • 4 Co, . exam Iron Works, Wheeling Va., for thapurpoaa or mannfaefruing Lon and nails of errarydesempoort. E. W. Bran B. P. anomonmosi a J.A..eitkinc4 ATEPHINS, BROBIBERGER Ii CO.l giCHOR IRON WORKS, eling Va. • Whe, Manalketure Id kinds or bode!, , sheet, bar iron and' nails, A BMOI online smogs and tales. Being isoo• nested milk Shoenberner's Old JaalLta Works, wonan offer an nruelts of Joruaus trots @nand Blsonnbornsa/ equal to any made in Um stoutly. All ofmktch snit So sold at the Pittsburgh prieen. Warehouse ollbe Works corner of Monroe and Water streets.' • royll ALLEGILENY VMITIAri BLLND FACTORY.. JOIIN A. BROWN . ' /111I n A a lIES 0. tht p.u s me t ho d . tri tug to e info u jfe w hia Nw ilien to d4 ....".. is BillsPmsoo, on the East ,icke of the Diamond, Al .Leitteny, where I COl3l eats: supply of Made, of vatione color' and onalioes,areeonnanilykepton head, also at N 0.6 Wood st,Pitteborikaat.l.4 11. Phillips' oil elodg grammes. 11. Shatters made to order in rho , belt WO& ' Winds repatrod at Me shortest sextee. N. 11. Wm Blinds will be pat do,. without in m rabid- Meal b_Zeprbe an that they can be I.■KoVed a too. 1 ems to e.t.a of am or be wealth* and rethotitthe old of a crew de e oet(dly/ortamly' 1 vol.' imp. IlebelliOn in :New Wand, Mune', and rol !to. ' rgaining Wee aerican History, Alto, Anon- A. FULTON, Bell and Bross Fout— ter, bus rebuilt and commenced bulimia at his old mod, where he will be pleased to see his old crewmen and friends. • ' March, thcomboat, and Bells of every sire, from ID to 10,01 M pound*, cast flom 1301711 , Orthe loom approved models, and . warranted to be of the best materials. vol,imEi . llvo atainmgvalliable oprising Natural gala, Travels, reading, dr.e. ep. Trentiee en the . . . . • Meters! Water Yampa, Counters, Balling, le. :171;L721LIT.bZIT3,:?,"'Lc"'"'1.''" •.• • • ErA: F. is Me role Proprtmor of DAMP. Aan" Atramox Masi., so jutely celebrated for the cadet , eon offrietient In machinery - . The Boxes aid Grape! • shion melba hod& him atoll Ja m-1 regunen'and .need and mar , Materia Med. `ions and doses slants, and an Illustrated W. I.V. WALLACE., i PITTSBURGH ermou . MARBLE WOl/10, ' 'Nor. 24.11 aC 2I Liberty street, near W. Casa lILWAYS on band .d made to enier, large varie ty of Marble 31=4s, Pier,Cestre Tables, and Dire. Tops, Tomb Stones, Monomears, go.; all'arldek being made of the choicest marble, and mamfactarea principally bv machinery, will be sold low for cash. N. U. Perna" ,wunthlgto parchaie Mantels, are Informed that it is henceforth...mazy for them to go Last, WI can famith them with . =bele in all respects as good, and Meted, umarence, ac ; ed,) m cheap as they can Fathom th em for In the foot. Call and me. • NSA ni of ; , hith aro D-- 864 PaCts Or.. whew,—Adapted Ten, Landscape third edition, 1. t. and without Works. Lady Private Deno. COPPKII:J WARE MANUFACTORYELEMP MON, MID Ti : No , B Market street, Pittsborgb,Pennat AE subseriben • the h — ofibVe. ;Mgr STITIESI eannmetioa inn. persons building R otamboats to eel and examine before purehasinVas ten CIA sapplytheiß with Sm.., forges, and every other kind of Copper, and tibeet Iron work necessary to tarnish ing tileamboat. We also make to order on the shottest notice Sal Telles and C h amber, Copper work for Steam Engines and every variety of work in oar Bite: tiILUIFE tk SHIRE ~ems of %Wm, ducriptioe 'MOM knouklke, tam in general IllaUrated us breatifulli t, I:wok Want, Testa, Nrvr Din een:And Amvie les awl Term. WM..EIoCIDLLY co.; Manufacturers of Vials, Bottles anly. Clan, N. MO WOOD ISTRIMP, OOR factories being now in 011 operation, we are prepared in execute onion an our Lahti promptly. Dann' the last summer wo lave adopted it new cdan of Battening Window Glass, (the tout appmed plan note' used in tho emu) by which wo tarn out • wiperkn att ain Glass Battened on Ms plan is portend y level and Imo, with a very fans lours. Minter and analcri gen mall,. MS maenad to eall.and examine for dux. seism. I=l 113 , 14 campriainr an, Ihakl AU A: portraib Welt .BENNETT & BROTHER', tIFEENSWAILE. itelvuncruzs.v• • nitnilinlhati, Inbar Pittsbur dr& Warehouse, NN 137, Wood sired; WILL constantly keeper, hood Anna a . an at Ware, of our own anutufactara. and superiorqualny. Wh y anal emmtry !der. chants are respectfully moiled to call and én; =Ma for themselves, us we are determined to soil cheaper than lots ever before been ofered lo the pub. t. ry• Orders sent by mail, accompanied by &aci:et city reference, oral be promptly aucaded to. Great Western Butt Maga Illaitafactory,i CINCINNA'iI, Os A GARDNER & Co., Warm the trade that A they are now manufactiatne the hew Bat Make evermade in the Untied States. As this is oar princi• pie bodies., wo Intend to send out aa complete =u ndo as cuu posetbly be mode. Those easy* in the hardware trade, we think, wit! find it to iirt'unerind to we oar Thaw All orders promptly attended i to. wys A GARDNER &Go. cora BthA malt, aii • • • • JOHN lIIIIZEIPP Co, Nu. Kt and 91 Front ata, Buss Formosa and Gas Tao, Baud. .11 Rum east ; from the Wes Improved par. tame and unwanted equal to any. 41m, Bmas Castings, (hushed It ordered, Gu Fit ti.g. Put uP MoutOdY =dog reasonable terms, o novt9dly Wm P Young. :C !damn, P Plantar. 'YOUNG, IHRIIIEN &.PLUNKNITT, FLINT GLASS MANUFACTURERS, ATAREIMUSE N0..11 Water sad ,1011 first street, •Pittsburgh. The Glass maurdierared ;by es Is warranted equal to my t 5 the country. All orders will receive prompt nominal nod filled on reasonable terms. Merchants and others visiting the city are m elted recall before purchasmg elsewlrere. ,relde LIPPINCOTT IRON TRos (o. sale at our new Warebouse,No.llll Water street, itear Wood, ma= dog to Front. Also, assertment the old stand, Melleater's New, Liberty street. Ilaaltet made peat additions to the Rolltag Ellll. orders own be filled promptly. • • • tarrll : • GRAFF, LINDSAY k. Co: TACK FACTORY. OAUPDILLL £ CUEIS, • stiscrractrarm riNisuel Neir, c - 1100k i DEAD IRON AND COPPER NAILR, Pattern Makin' Points, of every deltrilitiOn . (Ake N 0.9 St. Cherie-R.11%c1, Third street, kb. . Pittsburgh. P. blebrarrs. asioss-X Lams. FLINT GLASS ESTAIILINUNIINTs "INUI,VANY & I.EDLIE manufacture and keep con. /11. soutilir on lam! Gut. ldealded and Plain Flint Glassware, in all its at tbelr Watches. cor ner of Market and Water streets, Pittsburgh. , Our "Works confines in fall operation,and we are constantly adding to oar nook, which enable& oil to 11l orders with promptness. Purchasers we reapectfallf solicited to call and examine prices and terms. 'styled!). O.PAILTRIGItRUIP—The enitirniglea Ing tusnellited together ender the Mote and style of Ilaya galley, for dm par moo of trartenctiog it general Dry. Goods and Grocery basbusta, wish to infottel their friends and the piddle genemllyjhat they .will keep on band at all limes • good assonabanief goods In their line, will be sold wholesale or retail ea sa geed terms ea they can he purchased elsewhere. •- )OLIN D'IIAYLEY 171'____ - ___32D liberty slOPDowle*: ' • TES DOLLARS RZWARD. 1 above mom wit PIM to llaY POZPOd RIR 11. to Wm McCully & CO; at the, city. or Pica. burgh. JllO. =BY, ma Wound - appremmo to the snob Cilmblovring business, vela absconded fpm tho employment of said Wm 'deadly &Co,on the 7th day Sept. A. D. 1817. The said spin... Moo la aboult9 yeats of amt. slender frame of body, sod la 1 aomewhat burnt. m the hoe. All persona are fulbldderi to harbor meld : apprentice, or trust him on oar ammo. otraldll• - 1108101 MINH _ JYUSTived bush supply of Tolosa's:a bats Rubr Gaol Elostfohlana of CI alsos. :AM rho srtiele be r the Fire Coarpaples.ftessbassorillythsat outposts. .They spa usuranteil to. be oistao leather, sad is fact, betior turreVfulefil o , the f ot4reig n. el 9 fs II rfl MIPS,* st TrAVABIA lIIICGAIIIIMS—Tca or unlit, bran& 11 bnported; also Imported' priekippi aid] variety of hullo Bang; titelma Bat mad- 1)" la au , brands - Gm wholesale oft nal!, rtawsio my .01.6e3...41/01 Wute cal of AM • : . 1 ! , "_, 1 4 54 P,T91,19: ~ ': .. • •-• •••.- • - , , - , MEDICAL And .ptiiiihiPain Sidatod ri,ot A.thon,wmnag angs.Pawaam Sear, Llier Chaplain'. Ihestellna i and MI Sanas of ' the Ikon, Inv and liyar eared by giber alna'a et • Nual finthing — }k=r. iamei anc li np , viiro tall. - k aide, and ill the samil .110 employed 'wolf the bea l Welimp *f Mim good, and told Pm he CO NOT UVE. HeaUmof 801,026'MS einea Oedema! by Sam. be.PO2l .1 ID a!a&alt it Med In DP. I=l3l senen.,nlpLa bot el It operated like 1, mopped *a and eiat , Beane be had taken me tante ara:le to be pi ha week: Mad SAVW MUM 'Rs duster, ?adding WE Spam, ma anen : 'Ana'Mamum,of Irelem in Tahiti nom South FOrthrecißTMTlal shekel been ambled with a backlog emO, and Vain in the Mama Vta a long tboe, mild, at Ma boommiack bad that the atm allied to give no her athool for pore than a yen.: She then commeneeditkingtbe MMllealiagltalaug widelmon allimiataA her paseloma Sbe /a raw buimmoverini, *MI Ma raid bar laboriom oempuica analeptics, Mr. p 44 Dab imam; it lingered ;HA omits 01 ngh,y1&AM_•• and_ _p 2l aha is his Aldo. Ha mold ars Wilke Die and d the All.flealis Bassin, widairdroes the pain from bis sldo, 611.7.1 the y coop, and,; roseht tke Dram won .tha isafsein and bekss he had taken throe bottle:row entirely ewe& ' Pkwfsy and Conmampfion. , Mna Bodps, slaty swards of 70, rondt,Dl MOT' if, has kir !sixes .41sel_, snooks o • Hakim of aeons lidesidadharlosss of - 11;Z, Fair ki 11 and sarloas_Lartsettsis body. Her Marls belayed bar PABP'IEWYEBY. . The All- Iletherßalsame rebasad, ler az ow al e at aher Warra nty ayaly=sla soy ablro =her wrist. Do 'Mrs. liaray ldield* .st, 1 4kno lkilat • the the sato. of ads grad rhsk kir Shoraiso All-Harling Bafpm, and lee that kis written signiors is ria eat bMb. . Pries di eents sad SI per bode. - • • Dr. Spenoso, Waist iud ONO Lozenges sold as N. Y • N ---Plie = 36" ma ge nt i t q a Juba, st: kis uncio %ram med *Ma Moss, No NI Latrort, bold WooditnigMlirigh. ?net 1.1 p Ik 4 7 I ken e for wawa TAR AND WOOD ALAPHTHA.—fIe rot Me) Advertteer sky* t'tTlree gemedy beet k 4 a, itteeerfel thaa say .aetl haw ant 1, in cam IA the Ede sod Breast, Br malt% A. ll ..ajOba.M. Dot dely_tfeemmeag Bate Thrtato, Palpithilon e th e Edi e t= li ttils i t 4f relpeerb .9' iunge tesusetey to Its politer dad Ofholoy, thie ekes Among the teahoonials tp *melee duo *bent nint h:toe, escsaveral fresethautgoolodl- phreotatuterPhil adelphla. Reed the *Owlet Doo Dr. Irelmg, the Partenzhatm Jam:lB,l9N. Having usol lo ;my prima% as mit as b m 7 own farady, omplem'a CompoeM Snapp( Timed Wood Naphtha.' I lime no besmulen in. Ming UM ben paha:Mono( Me land hose br parsons suffering from Comarshison,Conns,l 4 =nd all *Moos of the Throw,Ern, &a, sa or et M s mon of Ms year. . cons.x. o,lol gyms od We hansom width a few daysike person wbo gam the folkrwing maiden. • Be remains well, being per. lbctly eared of la/scheme • • - Front mem of gratinnehnd • Mat the al red may bare romuseu ,a any amicable medicinc, I meld natathl Mahar& I Mare expoisneed from the h. Thompson's . Ah of Tar and Wood Napkgra. . For se= I nava lam I b- lad tiffs duareseing mien hogicaccornmand peat oppmaioe and dalicalryof broething, with a m on: of tighoest et lb. nom . Becomiag -gmtly named. ahead who bad been mach be:wined by Um methane, an, mor h try It, I did ed, and .h mery Montane Hwy armada( ray expectormlion boosan free, 11=1113i21:1 au' =, mT cough eeeaod ; and in a few days - I was ablow gs on and robed to my bestow= alma pain. - • Arly daffier mimeo= will be cbserfarly Aran sin Ammwr by. calling et myrnudenca,Nolarl, &Front str • JOT NeDIANNINTi This iandeable nediebe is prepared only by ANN MY* DIMON. m NB mom of Mk md_Sporce ElnilMelplaa. gold LoTiannagls !ANIAMT. Jr. Price deanoral pariahs, • . CAUTION-gem= or be. many 'coanterfens that arc now algid- The szompotapou r . 01 , 0 Macho Me unwary.. . ,eindebn ASWOUNDLIIIS DISCO W. INFLT—ieNicesing! A Meade !! A Wander!! -To eweEntpteas sod nu of the Skin, PunpleaFreekles.Sentrans, Salt abeam. ScarmSore tleatils;l44lo. Few yam met Int Au, the capitalof France was amonalted in eonnetwe ger ece of a diseesellande by WI Wan [boom. Many doohted—it seemed ahnost an impossibility that anything made by the bends of man, meld have snob inagalar powers as that chthned by Annetta Yesprini ktrAis lorrention. Many classed ima and Mainvention as a lumbar. food. tiled snotty ttelish persons without trims do the same now,l at toroth, alter hearten in the hospitala De Medics] de. stety of Resit (We boa Mond= ID Abe world] delivered ttre folkrwing mono) &ewer Vesprinit oWe base now minetelj and carefully examineal the aingelar useemienat Yosprini. We base enalysediu emaponentparts—anshave used tt in Ismael cases,and we hesitate not to prom:once it [the Italian Chemical dy &wan a mem blessing, and it troly wonderful i f elr. " eill== . 110 "1 / 4 .'"'"a tiaa ° 1:t of "I f illtr' • LEOPGLI; DUREN' BRAD Tam Pi= the uwenter himself to theprewar. t Premixes. In wow. ' 000 of the aem a l• smix4 kau, , Nos./,1610 red to Mr.% lone; residiter bathe city of' New York. N. A., the whole mama of snumfactosiegOestether with a Stalententel the tognedients esompoomy Ital ian Chemical Soap. Uss lo to =attractant haw note In Ma United thous only, swim base the pnmkge of rut. ming it'tlettest labia ClenllCel foop.. Mimes= lie ny .I.lloldswordt. (Sigma) • Arrrome VESPIUNI i7etnld by W SAMSON, at his Patent Medicine Wwn asahomeal Libeity street, bond of Wired. ea the only plea, A ll tainergh where the G NE eon be obmin. wheys are Cosucternsit. ' A ORSATCIMARerfonsed bye* odemlend =titre in Lhirll4. pityarei moi old by EL E. BE E rForroto • ThWeveMorohod eve:Piel • • all 191h,1517. lefe Ii 8. fklirm—A rem dddyhoy oetdthaa lieted Moms= Mudd my imago vathermyredwor of retireoly . erkbrated LivAermy fele .1 biro derma doirg ro der ran,. alba* to Crockettmosho, .101 ram pa aro roxid. then "oohed... Mara th a o ism* proywrotiems of mapper eywolui vo the rhsvmdmvo mat ish oldinoo mom your Liver nib hire ben offend to ry e piddloood, mired, Others thi7onll veereho them oll," ao they ars just whet irpravad thowe'to M. I hum bees Ahmed with Line foam mr you th ; have marred mark implored roomy emiorLoSphroefial, to wMmipohl_mirk imam him him mock tiolA bora waded oad ard dowries deathi mamma 5 or • time% mot ilmellygerwe am isoorablo.••• In 1535-71 Ins Worn% to try yoarLiterltilo,aod 500 N GOT WILL.' °Marmot which in sow milleiratlo Imp.. clew of pais Is Mr vklm owl di Um. othor ejector: 4w at host 19wothe .Twar oroolmtboboot endow& I liveried; ban slid, oottersiveg or iiwog mock lama at Ur Worm nth, boi pre mama raid . I luns kept them in - my dam Kw II or 7 loom rota • boodndo d.koai red ban tem bawd I ablee paphist tittered by ray ono who lacuna throe Thy soperroded ehrovol miry other pill m thh osighhorhocili rod ea • gait vim. lira Womb. them oIL I eventeLly recoommod dem to all perm. 0..dj0 phyde, whorl. for Liver Cbmphist or Bilbao Alhethate • leo.. rider them6ovoyerior toCoLomel or the Blue IV: Bogert, yemt,tirso . Pellr ' brat i vrAie tatessLiverhlli mime lA.:viral Om GENUINE oak for imet inks mootlwr *White mend rad rold it• SLLLESIS, No 57 frivoiwt. titmice Third and Tourilv If E;EMgai;i2Ml DELI JAYNE'e ALTERATIVE. - • Wo have beau Infonsed by Um Booze aeae p p e e t f thrthed on ber by Des Jaime% Allerat/we t which mess seperioriey some entry ether etheedy of the dad. She has ben dais. For the last sixteen years with Necaoeos or WHITE SWELLINGS, winded with ulcerations wad eatbliation amine bones, do. Sag which tics many skims have beith deride. this ths.irental boasted thweraalist, Asa both bee era., wrist. and bands, sad trtm both kap, and tress 404 I femora boas, and haw tie eighs knee, besides palatal demon size Peru of her pen., satiable. Mined the skill et a umber of the most esteem physic-isnot oar city—dams mat of Swaim bee thßseietss have been esentistmse and deplorable_ Abod three meths moon she was miss* to Ity Dr.Joymsts Almost., which has bad so astesishthily happy efeet ssom be. by temosiog df nia sad'swell*and canes aiuthhse ken to heal, setae 11113 . 4104 . k e !albs most " L 'W t . sisl74 balbta the tamateated the use of this tralysraloads plepanoo.—{Sat Ego, POS. Pew fwd. tdonsatioa, asides atifiallise, No. 1D Filbert st, For Wen= 4 Wed kIESIN'TE/1 E I27 RF-, 72 Foatth st. mese Weed: lye 2 sloe.. teeth 'aisle!! talks,- Vl;;;;thwriZi n'iZrrizraid"Xiew •You; whose halt w hank lad Whey, itroryoloty rod or levy— You„ whose ode offensive breads • • Unpleasant kis porsid death— . Neu could bait—boyouns girt— • Tech aewhtte Oa snorer pearl, - Breath • way sweet, sad en niele • . rare &Myths endow:cab and beano W, - And ball son, silky, dark &taloa, By reading whatts sald•bekiw. • • • READERS, any et you eta have the above by Bohol this nothiagbat thoW oslng ado bottle oflorun's Ce nt Insts Betteratlve,a Pt hot Of iottes's Amber Teeth Paste—end 4s take of the genuine Janes Bohan arettbeodealna Poop. The Co arttelerrat bus lathe, al • an d . you rurredthat the lliolnag anitheir reOssildas: The tooth palm gives the Ikea, s sweet odor, lodate teeth, and preserve. the teeth, te; Th. halt star all know orbe the no orquisitething ever made for drew slag, heunfyiag, and causing the growth of lour and the (get dogmata , Laws% Soap, mind) will '. re all - ensprionv, Vreeiles,• Re, and Image "dart yellow while, clear and fair. Alt "thesettli suvroold(atly) at W JACKSON'S Boot and Moo Sine and Parrot Medico Warehouse PP Liberty sth • • , : my? • Jabs.' Pita r Nwsu Add WHERE In Taw diseases mom CORMOO Of trO•• Hamm than the Pik* gad get, tiotwithttamf bee great Mims base beita Markt° care by the sure ofeils, °lmmures, lielnieete,./ke.; all were Milo and of little bermit.. • Now the Esibmesdoti is the toll medicMe med.. Derma who baleen :sari reg with the .Noll of Helmet hied came from Sa lem; Neir Jersey; aimed cnt purpose to agrees his raided* roadie mod, cure that this medicine bad erected in his case.-11411, BM. Post. it Pittsburgh at the MIEN TEA STORKM.Fourthet., gad Mead the - Drag Store H P.Schwada, Federal et. tilleghohrgit j l = 3ll Miidosiwft Ala 116NrC risimm Ang' frils • wbstitpre l fesS 0-41 a boot orOcls, idwl orepOok., of l lmmo Mk. ide ham' or mollf6lllll wiJelk Um bow balks yoon4 stst ee Ilia owsdar tow this to notoorsi to all mai:seer. misoS rO.Seittisir esir,to " 1 ' 44 ". 17 ".k4=',0u 04 , ledaaXvl. Jeklithior et Zito:a man 11100 1 11 11 11 pain, DINIILpar par a. wary. it t ag Lis*. ,V4lfe., IMI 1k Dar! - 'Vamp or AO% in Or laina4Pla .kin.• 601 Ira= libliehati. , imp'. or ISt ;lb* I►M:74CYfID I..zli}it Palm slledlefes lief II WW I st lYe =ME= VOL. XV:---NO. 1, -- N,q,-11.4.4.pir I .- • aonrcrl XII MOE. JAI, I 110=1. AT FITTIIIIINII 1101 1168 • 1 . DELAWARE MUTUAL! ellaitlf balllirlllo4l6..lMPle.7 " Pligadela • FIRE RISKS a* 1)IlibilMIC.Illd merehanifisti of every description and MARINE RISKY . upon hulls °ranee" or k... 0.; taken! upon the mod Nam t able terns .. , ' 1 i t • IL? Office in the Warehmme of W. B. 1101mee do-Bro., No. 37 Water. - near /dirket street, rim. i . B. The anciais Of tin. Gasp any sinee the Moto athMeAte Ile 41=7 ht this Minuet& the pmespoists amthherainy wait mluelt caw? chum upon them for loss has been ationted, I folly riffllat rho agentin in. siting the confidence and psnonams of his Memos and the eommunity at level to the Liebman pl. 8:Ins. a f ie ranee Compaq, while n the addillonaladrantaaca as .In institution ani g the, swat gl a Phaedra—as Banat IM mplepaid in mOlll4 w by the opmetionoilts nuccirstantlyinermaim as earl pe nissured his dna sham oi the profits of the nom jwithout invidviaf Ida an any reeponalhaityrevery and therefOre as possering4le Motaul linziple ve dimmed of ery obnoxious 'feature, an ila most attractive form. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE.. TBE Insurance Company of North Ameria, through its duly authorised•Agent, the seberai ber,eofiers to- make permanent and. limited Inner. nee on property, in 'this city and its vicinity, and en shipments by the Canal and ftw4nr. • . DIRECTORS. John C: Smith .Pres'L, Sainnel Brooks, Alm Hamm leharles Tiylor, Surd. W. Jones Steil. F. Smith, Edwani Smith, Ambrose White, John A. Brown, Jacob M. Thane, John White,, ,John IC Neff, Thos. P. Cop, . ... ... Richard Wood, Wm. Welsh, Arthur°. CoMe,See. This is the oldest lnseranea' Company in the United States, haring been chartered in 1794. Its charter Is perpetual, and front itd high long tape:ranee, ample means; end avot&ng 1 . rusks of an extra hazardous eharaeter;he e. It mil li be considered u offering unite seetirity to 't , MOSES ATWOO , ' At Counting Room of Atwood, Jones & "Co w Water and Front 'trate, Pitmisugh. aplef • INDEMNITY- • Agdest Lots by Fire—The FRANKLIN File len. ranee' Company . of Philadelphia, W nj' en e inak a sery . puty an Ti r it64 BURGH, and the SlistntaUrsulati tititiNTßY, on favorable tams. This company has a pelpetval shorter. - _ • CC,OiLPoNTein:OI.NA.,..TakINZIFThimUND.O,...mme... S.Blso°4Cl:_afF; apl3 , -tf WARRICK. MARTIN. Agent- INSURANCE; - eaurie . aa Fire 111•11111110111 C0 . 01111J17 09 PHILADELPHIA. • • Como Poontmoi.. Coma. $6011,000 nib Hi. Office in Pkyadelpkia, Na TZ data &rod.. . • • • WM DAVIDSON, Pzoomucx,Fzusy,Sool. • . THIEI4,III and otolbestablished Coriipaiyoontmoos to . 14 v.L. Hrt000teura=.tobtuer,Flomools atol racter, yalaat act OoodamoSe by bre. • =tll be "4 3 d, in . cr "W lk ea ti t and ars ;:rpouutuy orto• Norm] porioda favontble forms by GEO. - .COCHRAN, Ne lemma u. MCELLANEOU&` , •' • " RUST PROOF IRON' • • , • FOR: ROOMV,WINDOW EIIIMEII6 riiHE subscribers bet weat/ the enemies of Wiliam J. interested in roofing:lo [het, OALVANLTED "%ATM and art the many odeantases'lehich they - possess over =Mlle and ober substances hitherto, toted for this putpose,peossessior ns they do,the inrenpth end Deb:newer intownhoat liabilirp to nut, home now beell tested ceveral years, both U 1 Jan assultry and Ettoliss. Ther twe alaal charism ...billet expanslos and contraction mot soddeo charism Mike atenwphere than common Tin Plow, ItoniZine, f 4 , or and other metal now used for roofing. and esosemsently tone mach beuer and tighter root; rettairine f r len [mount repair, whilst the first cost m Inn nude more. The sehuribers would also call the attest= of el dealers and makers in metale,,io the wompotherpar. .ntnawhich. 11012 krtlieeted, pa by to general terms Wm applicable to all muck,. of iron winch it to amicable to proteet.frtaa the action of the atmosphere. And they would espectally,eall the at tendon of Mom jemmied inTELLOSAPHIC to their Galvanized IV which is mist alacton entire ly used in Europe, and winch answer. every • purpose as tt candUClOr ofclecrnetty, Cintlpg oily About one mach as copper, and possesstror.eqialdtuabili ty Ind! that otevaL . . • . Having lately arteted works to the ellybe Me par. pose of galramemg nails, spikes, bola; wire, te.obary will be able lb Walsh any article wind' maybe den red. A' simply of Placesjam declared Eampel easeelanity on ham; from lto 31 wire nage. (.IEO.II.MOREWOOD & Co 'Nos. 14 and 16 Beaver st, , MEW TORS: The Patent Right for this meets bas been neared' ler tie trailed Mates swami! as Greet Erilam,andotber EamPean eosiuret,and all legal arnearrwill k taZ. ken es prevent any Infringement by.,imaw moth, Whew. Drag rivorsinussuse. • IN TU CITY Or NNW. ,YORK. • • , Ep A. VAHNESTOCK & Co.; No. 49, John. Lilo New, York, offer for sale s hula and germs; lbortment tif Drags and Medication, Die Staff Paints and Oils or every 'description, *lda they ant , prepared and detturained to sell low. ,4 Gentry bleirloints and Druggads arc requested to till and marline their sitiefesi Chaim unseated. with faithfulness and ¬ch. A.Fuhrourtinles Venliduiret B. A.' F=t,. • B. L. Fatuiestoek • , A. B. Ha ll , New Y0rk,,,,.. • ••• r 5 . PAPER WAREHOUSE. . No. 9:AusiANck BLIIP, inirsovon.z. • flyaus w. FIELD alma-Pow male, Walla llowan . Driaalartams' Pria m, a vary .extenalva arson. • 'mute PAPER,- eamgmirta every. marble variety,— adapted to dm wants of eanaaaan In all *mama oldie country. Papa of all liginda.mata•m order at short. neglect Of PRINTING PAPER is anselally huge pisolin c i slhigi=orojaMi;um or oven: degeriptioo, tanell and noPl ofonnio, on Sze; wire Cloth, Poordeseer Re; rileselang Powder, Moe Utmost*, TW11..., &Cy Le. • Greleass,Rale Repo g Gisss Rope, Ranier, Lc, Re., purchased, Rs orhisiCite kertrgeg Peoe eg Peet Will be P.M : ; 1123) , - New Tort, ig711814. - - • - Hardware Mare Rasaamot. UntrZHORS#AVOLFF having aurae."' from tha V I' comet of lebeny and St dam tree,, to Yo 80 Wood meeet,three Moni Move deClutrltte Hotel, would =iltc.r i kkiia r . aumf,n2rizsrlit i t t l , r e i . t v per dupe Meenek, Renoninhela end Amin, di:ea hm numnfieurrers or England and !lemony. also, supplies ef American Harderwo, flow thepm- T rof . r toms of Uri Meted: u rea. • • the bed tem% tier , feel rre 7 ii[eaNdeact in being d o int swearfolly. to met wapetition Mar anyTottortor, whether tenor wed. liii4?Mag==M YOU P17111.LL.A111401111 SCOUNDWICL lryllOSEeneaaneat mut equal yours? • Leak at mr VV.. Ale maw wife, auk hex ltritrittaaaay deal look if year awn'. puma tank eroptiotts and bWelea Yea pm up lai n man to give fifty bents Ewa aka of the great Italian Clieotieal Zfoaporkieh would ban e free pal - rote theta, utd. make your lelloyeakin elm and healthy. Bo at once uJuana's. Blare, PiAabetty.m. Pinthasyb, and get a cake. • N B 'actual la the 011)Tplace inntobarghwhera NieasNUlNELstoha planned.% Brom of iNtuater fiat& ••itiaolNlßßlTEtlia'Brala- itaß rimara -fa we. ix the lihntua ma NOG! - known in D ral lll 4= . 4l o i l et u lo Plrart pow! cookingond as .0 Irledesome detiuef . , invalui,that we hare ankehedel to farniatt a list of patrol teeietyrkkitoor camas» ow kayo gratin,' kw making lee now Bread Inlopf, de Johnny eakol4 waffles,knes, 'sponge eakedulkedvakes,lslane usage, agniv • .. RHODES ittALCORN - • . • •• • - JOHN , DUNLAP.' • . . IVO IT Arita street, in now receiving Ids irpiing /I stock of Hoar -Forniabing llardware, - thitannia, conslrting in part as follows: • . .‘ . films Japanned Ware, Engbala and'Antiritan; 4 tan Brannon do - do - do; • , • clinks Englick Tmdcd Seecv_Peevi • 1 do: Oval Pots; - taxa - sea, s and:lV:ahem I do. Enamelled Ware; , . • • I do Pncvsod Warsl cut &iglu Warei IBIOIIa mooted Copper; - aopbrdeartrined Cenci 1/03 lbsJiunata Wire,• SO bxn Tin Platei IPS JO/121 IYUNLLP,IIIIIarket go. • Imparted nagaraiete:- • • T &UP iriErrtn " erh i = n ' bt i lyer ltaalast =ed I intensive assortment or the ta n nin approved brands, amorn than art Me mina. , Victoia, Plantation, ands 'Venn Regidia, Regalia, Pagorra , a, Enron's, Comore• • ', Alm, • fit:bones . Shiltmes Blank r_ra,. 'a celebra ted dims( tobace. - JOEL, MULES a 9 • • • • promtMS. attar; Snood Ma LL}.OD tad EN DE3I BY THE MEDICAL PACIJLTY —Dtaler's Mersey:car Mooned. dipaderst,lor pepsilo'or• laigestioe, Nara. , Debility;' Giddiness, lleedniebe, Acidity of iLe Storoacb,liiketari Costive. 13.11,,Cataxsoor Discos., Goat, Oroselte:. sod highly soloed as • eode, eardiag Porrative. - . Prepared by It Memo; London.. - Jul remised load for sold . I)y •'d li.brop3AN rP II3 •' Ir AND OlL—The isbveriben bag asamelieed IA the mattafgetare of Laid CM, are um prepared to execute el - orders 101 that snide. Their-Oil :sof As ben be !old mass loinestmuketnues. sSeuSsa aussuur and Grocersh respeatfally . itqigested- ' JORDAN &SON. IS Libeny it,. =WV - - Oppostychead of BSttsfieW him II • MiglimmiZCithhei. ran6ement. in icali l i =le time to the dad. of hi die; • or 4th- *=°°' *men diaiket Lad Fn7 ata, a nd boat day. ham 8 a. . tin 6 a. 111; jrySalr r4mlus - Ne.'73; - Fmtl ievaosier Med • QT •Ilqualitles of Preen andlliack Tom door up fn quarter, !talc and one pound parut 1021 R Wean a par pound's IMO • lAM 10TOVZ PA ' slrig PO9 IIAL/C—Caleb 17 Mina:, Pine r,.Alteglis,Ortlay Oil Mill has Op newest Panersur firiloirins on band gaols' wood,* Iron.; MiUGeiuutiquiddlollePOWsollol. b order. . newtss 'EXTRAPA . III7,LIC c if i xethses=apphed i rsi, . 7 ftSelf JOHN D DAVIS. en. Id* b. Wits VARDS smuts os Clo6,444iiiideregt W./ patiensooseeind tom ,esdisissias Amery t kr mde tom warrion, &rot • t- ' , ==MM