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'::i:ti;i:••• , ;4:A 4,- • ~• - , ,,, i . k . 1:J21, , ir'. • - , 1 , ... 1 :: : , : ,. 15.;:yA1.et;:4 ,1 :: ,:, Vi." l 11.,..„:.,,,iy„..... . : ::is 4:: ' '''' l - : - ' l :`o 4 ' . 4. 1 ,• * ,',.s' llf 3 •:1' 1 ,?:: . 1,,,...- ',.. a,-,14,,* :11, , ;1-1c41P - :'',7' . ‘;',i - 1 ~,. „ - n - -1t . )44. iti ic • • .; • .1'; - ' r, _t:=; :-'[:...... . ... , ' ..; 4. ; '.., ' ,;, I '. • : PINING - HYMN. FOlit• AGOOp BOY. nijeat to lay 824; quiet bed, Azid feet nomad that a day loag :•-• • I ban not bloomingly dope armig. now swat; to hear my mother ow, _ "Yon hays been my good to-day r How sweet to sett my lathe='s joy; Whittle inen - say, "My dear . good boy :" , How met it is toy thoughts to lend ::.To many a deny belayed Aland ; And thin k if they my heart could nee, - How:lvry happy they would be.-- How. sweet to think that He who loves Made ill the shining worlds abirre; •M 7 pure and happy heart can see, kihr loves a little boy hire me. PRESERVING OF FRUITS AND PEGS. - ' . TABLES.. AgT deal has bee n . written,' as well ais , said on the. subject •of preserving fruits, v getables, etc. , freak for winter and spring use; and many articles of the kind . are purchased as luxuries, at 'a high price, which I have ascertained . a very little amount of labor and expense will . enable any housekeeper to provide cheap ly, and at little trouble, for himself; Last winter, an acquaintance of mine, who is a judge as well as . a provider: of good things, sent me a 'can of - tomatoes,. one out of a lot ha had put up for his own use. The most acute palate could de tect no difference fronithe taste the arti .cle bore:in the season of its freshness. He told me that he had eaten peaches cut up and thus prepared to be eaten as fresh peaches, in milk or cream, : which • tasted as.well as in August or Septem , her; For the benefit of my readers I have obtained his recipe. It is the season now. for putting.up these things, and those who desire to .profit by these hints will act accordingly. _TOMATOES. pr Scald the fruit, taking the . skins oft; put the tomatoes in a preser►wg kettle ; when they are brOught to a boil, put theM into a cenobiter and solder them up 'while boiling hot. oasaN CORN. ' Ctit' the corn fnim ears in die •same milky mate _as used for the table, and stew as for table ; pot in canisters u in the cue of the tomatoes. ' .FOR' PRESERVING FRUIT OR VEGETABLES WITHOUT: COOHIMO -- • . Prepare -the` vegetable as for nie—say peas, beans, sliced peaches, ite.;. fill the satiniiters as full as Feasible ; solder the -tops while cold Lawn set the canisters in:a Shallow bat large tin or iron vessel with water, whih must be - placed on a 'stove and the water brought to the boil ing point, and kept at it during the pro cess. When the steam inside swells the cannisters, puncture a small hole with an awl or gimlet—the steam will then escaper Drop a lump of soldsritm the :opening, securing it perfectly tight Any kind• of fruit or vegetables can be thus put up, and keep . a long time per featly fresh; but in all cases the cannis tars must be pettedly right, and kept in a cool place' . , Two things must never be lost sight of in-these operations. The cannisters are to be closed perfectly air-tight and whent he lid of the cannister is punc tured to permit the steam to escape; the solder is to bitilropped instantly on the aperture before air from without can pen etrate. Also, carp must be taken, by • shakiog - or pounding the eannister on some hard substance, to settle the con . , tents, it being of great importance that the cannister, it thertime of soldering, should ho as es full as possible.- 'The philosophy of these procesties,is to expel the air from the emitters ' and ...to exclude it after being expelled. That this is accomplished is evident by the - . readiness of-the cannisters to collapse upon slight pressure externally . These are cheap luxuries. A dozen -such cannisters can be bought •at R ..Moorhead's, on Columbia st.-, Cincinnati, for a dollar. Mr. M. not only furnishes the. covers, but will Send a hand to any _reanonable , diitance, who will solder them to the cannistens.—Cist ' Art EXAMPLE WORTHY OP iNITATION. —The article which follows -we cull from the .. New Weans Protestant." We commend it to the special attention of our ministerial brethren, as presentin . an example: well worthy of - their imita tion. The Monday sermo, i l izoken of strike us as something ex , and ao one knows the amount of good they may be the means of 'affecting. We should be glad to furnish our brethren the oppor tunity of preaching frequently in this way.- Weekly Mug. "It is the constant practice of one of the best and moat laborious ministers of . .• the present to write a 'abort ' - arti le for some religious periodical, ev . .ory Monday. This he does with' little z l e ..„, . -fan' aor trouble, the labors of the Sab- - li suggesting some thought, or bring ..,4, hie light some fact worthy of recoil!. t- " 0 the course of a long life many vol - . might thus be written, and mneh be done which would be otherwise • - •. - -lost.l < Is it not a practice which should 7 .- - .• bectime universal? We - heartily teem :lr- :pandit to oar brethren in the ministry. : ..., .Yott preach on the Sabbath perhips - to -.. . some hundreds, you may preach on Mode - • ' day :to thousands. Your sermons are . . ~: . preached in a small , neighborhood, and a - - - - ferepetitaps will remember them for a . .•,, , little while, the paratraph of ten or tweet -jig lines may travel to the ends of the earth, and' do good till the end of time. • .-" We wish • there were more Monday :.' 'r euherL " ' . Umox.—The General As ., sedation of Onhodcrx Congregationaliais in Maine, appointed last year a commit • , -too to Ti ll the ecclesiastical bodies of the Methodist, Baptist, and ; Free Will Baptist churches, in that place, for the purpose of proposing some more fritter , nal terms of Intercourse among them.- - At the late meeting of, the . Association dlie committee reported as follows: -Yorir Committee, haring consulted the Committee - of the Methodist Episcopal Conference, and influential Individuals ,--, of this Baptist and Free Will Baptists, and 'they having expressed a disposition ~to' favor the proposed correspondence, itherefont ' Resolved, That this Conference ap point delegates to'represent them in Jhe general meetings of the Baptists, Meth <Aids, and Free Will Baptists; and re spectfully request them to appoint dela gates to us for the same purpose. The report wan adopted.- We are gra tified at this step . towarda Christian har mony, and hope n will - proceed further. on s erabl. Zi " Cassit.—This article, so grate. fill to -MO sick, is prepared in the follow ing manner: Take a 'dessert spoonful of good sago, and boil it in purit water ill it is reduced i t to a jelly. Add a cup. of.sweet cream, and. boil again. Beat up a frerik4egg:'rely light, and Four the sago on while hot. Bwertten land .spice, with, sugar _and nutmeg,' to your taste. - - • These an) roventy tholistod koroolo of :cori Li a bushel. - • • . vigefut priltirr In ippJ7trpalErrt ro -;47,14tt1itriNV1":7;(041744.j . • , - • - . To — ins Inca, AsoTucTso. GREAT 01.1100,VERY. • "2ie snal — fikaiWia; Candkd,Colda, MOM& 8r0cii....4.1"T ( Cca r4Vn, Opium:Bawl, Eldhash/ flaad, Pala us the lade and Mom Palpinnien Ilearl,lnlasszkgawlenkaa Cam:imam. i s Sara Tluoatadenalo and all . - diseases odes Musa: lima and • Lapp; the MK dermal and. leDLuWO ColllPoOiallt mu? os. WILD . wiromaitomi ofira - i a ta a , shout the wonderful can yerfoneed by Dome Simptab Cosepeand Spep or WILD CH lelitßiv Till‘ahs. l4l l l !: Jewry 23,1847.. Dr. Serapes—Dear Sir. Testiest toyasoselftad a dell I owe to our beesesity,l deafen' give my teulimopy, rad to tb6. world the meet astraddle; elleetsomd the pried careyear CCCompeusd Syr" of Wild Cbarryperformed onto., du smut nallmordltrevereposuureel. I was takes with a:violent 'Coop, Spittleg Blood,Se. rue Pains is. he Side sad. Breast, which dented to brisk dews aid Wattle my eenstitetkik.etbal my phydelan thought My cue larroad the power of medicine, and my fries& all pre tee up to die; hat Wake to you sad the erects el 'year great disarm ry. I now Smt myselt a'. well mu, ami nand mom skald= to es deshy and , healthy a . lan ste I have been for years, and Malt be pleased to give any iallemeatiWn. respor.tineily cue, by Whig at my. residesee,ldeelnale atrest,third door below George street, Norther" Ldrattko. JAMB Tedmiony. ie moor reommdfivot "11 , par:ere° brliiiirieg !etiologist pteiiented.7.,,,.. of more thUy showing the apneas of Ph iam in palatial tome Medical mote of S A WIVE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY. Dr. hwayne-.Dear Sir: Having reed year Com. priest .Spup of Wild Chen; extensively ta practice, I was represtrid by your Agent.' Domes Crutches, to memo Mr optima m or nting of its properties es a remedial mat, I ebeerfelly comply, es feel by so doing, I will didharge a debt I owe the counaseitfirlarge,ind Thylican. is perticider. As surd as detest (duckk Berne. diem and Pent Rostrums; I was isdnced from a Were of th e most poten t expeetenseN Mee.- weeded is mix Amen" media in mama owes of . Dirreamd Limp, to try your preparation of trues. Virginia or Wild Cherry. It re flacks* le say dud I was so mad please with' the result of that and submpent Wigs, that I now prescribe it in prefer epee to all ether Bemedia where as expectorant is Indicated. Is the mach; &andel "PoeimooMl' or Diann albs Leap, la the dards; lons In which it "wears Is Zentody, t reglad it as aa invaluable' Remedy fa the treatment el that ebsense., To all who buret me Ihaio saiddamp, be se this may be dee_ by perloll. ell et the vicinity of Freakier% I :lead, that ,I lave bean eepged in ea tetra of MyriliMiOnef Pl:y.lmnd s.M a Ore:lnto Transylvania, and die is the firstt Medicine I ever thought eamigtt of to J.B.Eudora, M. Jung 7th, 1847. • Freeklin Conaty,l(y. Fasimiroir, Jaa'ry The dove certideate is Pout one of our Phyd. chins living a &w miles fkom bele, be hdohigg Tory good pitte, sad Is considered a good PhyeMtea, Lad - studs fain be is, as be pp, a mph:graduate. Du. W. L. Caurcana Doegrist mid Apothbeiry. Zird.mmualrloal MAW sort , . F romthe Tereminheit Plaice. Now that Wieter u epos vs with its alludes teas of Paimasie aid Broultial affectioss,Lembi Cold; &e. &e . we would advise thane eiThetea in • this way to' make immediate - trial of Dr. Swayeeh, Compound Syrup el Wild Cherry. - It wdl fail to perform a permanent cue. The reputations of this medicine has calmed may umtiou atteles to-be pat truth older Its name; bat the preptratioe of Dr. Swum, besides being the tint ever offered to the public, in the only one that am he relied ea. The other mixture, mild tor Wild Chen, Sim, Halmos, eke., are all spark= and tireem, and comas none al the armee of the original " boo Dr. Barsyne'a Composed Syrup c i d= Vrom the Spdield Equal. 4 Of the thews& el:po - Tinted curative Unarms now before the ,poblia, bet very few are loud to emended healing trines for which they. are 're- Among the latter we are pleased to learn nue stud a better test than Dr. Sway:lab Compound Syrup at Wild .Cherry. The afflicted in this vicinity are betimaingto nee it, and to their joy they.lll4 ra hi we their hopes based epee its recoeuseedations more thee realised. The atlictai need not despair. While them ii We, then now is &Ts. • A CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. Enlace the latrodactioa of my mall", to the ;oldie, Mere have a umber of unprincipled had/. vidaids got op Imitates which they amen contain Wild Cherry , some me called "Batstros; ..Bitters,' ud even Syrup of Wild Cherry, bet MOO n the original meanly gelmine preparation ever nand*. cat to the public. which can he peeves by the h. lie Ream& of the Commourealtb of Petuayina pn m. The only stfegurd wind impaitica to to as that Mr agitation non each bottle,' • • • DR. U. MAYNE. hepared only by Dr. H. Swones, at Ms , Ptinci ! pal Office, comer of EMIR? and, Race Street., Philadelphm. , ARMIN Cherry preparatimi being Witless mad counterfeit *them his eiguinre, Ys sale in fittehauw&wholuale aid retail by WM. THORN, NI !Market street_ OGDEN & SNOWDEN, Sonar Zed & WOOd ite• . 8. JONES, 180 Liberty Sold 'also' try 3 Sittetindt n etbelY Clt7; Br. Canis & Ca; Bitlea„Wear, & Headersoe, "eat Norman Calendar; hte.,,ialhJ fl BMWs it 'Co ; ; Erie; Ild'ffeede & Ckorslasid; Denim & Colembeso Mewasalle; Moo, Wheeling, Va-; E Ii Hinioan,ciseineaU,'ollito Dr E leasterly &Pi.; St.' Loads; J S Moms & Co., Louisville, Ey; Mellow Oliver' & Co., Si,. Or. lease _ : errs . •TIITOI7 NIXTZMIX4II. RU Di, HUNTI.LINtIVIENT,' . • IS sow wurmally wksowledvid to be the IN FALLIBLE REMEDY for Mammies; Spi sal Atfectiow„Ceetractiosa of tbe Muscles, Sere Throwk awl asd Qatasy, laseee,Old Clem, Pam in the BacCbast„ Agee la the . Boma asd Face, Tooth/. dor, sire, Braises, Salt nem, Baas; Creep, FreabW Feet. and ill Hermes Domes The TRIUMPHANT-SUCCESS which bust. tended t4syplmtlemieftbis most WONDERFUL MEDICINE - I;win the most some eases of the diluent Dames above samed,—esd the 'HIGH ENCOMIUMS that hue bees bestowed epee It, wherever at has bees latawdsced, poet seethe tight to call ea the A VFLIC THA T CAN remit at ones to the omautrimirm THAT CAN BE RELIED ate trThe I=l4 Nita is meommesdingthe cafe. d Eztessal Remedy, Idant's talkiest. . Tee following Mum fro m the 'highly eminent Physicians whoidea been attached to the Moved Maw Suite Prison for mug is de had endue* of the ease of this eelebated Liniment. Boa Sum, Demmer 25,184,5. My Dear Sir—l remind year Note of yesterday Wily my "talon is reins to . Hail's Liniment , ae repine by Mr Cadge l Stumm. Kaowini ita composition, and having trequatly seat It. cal iseemmead it to yes as a oafs Memel Rem dy. and is my opinion, the best Liniment cow is me. ycey trey asd reepectfally you; A X AN. Col noon Via Cortina. Croton Maser. 1 fattp . MICII/ is Gigabyte optadoe.„ ' W. . Tonerows,Jan. 14, Str—ls reply to New 1 orld say' that I have *Wpm Emma Rem ed y, allot Mani Liniment, leey practice dam you made me ac quieted with ita compositke, sad enbesitstligiy my that I believe it to be the best Esteem! !tame. dy now is ens toe the complaints far which you emessend it. Tonte g rectbd au ll ia„ - • CPA/soot-tie *mad wel t d i st m o , srue h A abg x... - .,„„74, P rirZtil. new= fil mowietidor alp Nicol Ndity, somdbineire d pie, speedy sad Nitta "gager; avid at the Noe time lee - from Injurious elects which pnerally attend poll remedies, Heat's Leimeat, prepared' by Geo. X Steal.ae,et Meg' Sing, though ft has been beta oboe time Woe I the public, hen siready °Noised the eindkience, net oaly of use nest wealthy sad talleential tam* bat our most melseat physkiasa.' All acksewl edge it • to be *sovereign balm for many of the ills that flesh is lieu to, Nodded the 'Wad link lied by its trinine sibudittiag iallseace,besithiNg die cans Dom the system. • Mr. .'Stastom—Stso—Steing year stntruiesw et HeePa Lamest, 1 ins isdaNd to mph' efiecte matey sus, who led-.bas *tippled, with a lame' back llos as its tallest; sad Nis with petite& I bear isesty teat to wondedll heating properties. My who is now yr.ars el age. le sow ki • Gir way of recovery, - Poen, DZAIMON C ruccgasori. Port Orrice, Towscu, PetnamCo. 1 anti* that I as poem* acquainted with the above gamed Child. abd "IMO tie lather Mould be We la saying that Miss Is ahead Will. • - Now 5, MM. .laty Peet Master. S. 1. would Wastes tftt Nme bees for a amber oryearsesNect Witham:et attacks of the Sheontatime,, which to muy Mentes prennited my Rendez tom, Warm Two or three appli cations of a. Munson bruit* meow all al faction of thrilled. ' cum o f 'braises, Nadas mid eartai too to inention, it bar lithis vicinity Nand a certain. rentodv. - Its nine' eaa omit be estimated by Mose who have Mien it s furl This Levant is sold at Si and 50 casts per bot tlei by all the Principal Driggies and Merchants' , Wheleimit ..dgelatiiht New Yob. HOADLICY; PHELPS, & C 0,141 Water RUSHTON & Co;110 . A Kt( Lt SANDS, comer ralteaudWillitto. 'ASPINWALL, 86 Wllliasistreet. Orders addressed to me NAM' Simla Y; Gnu be attended to. GEORGE. EZTANTON, ForsalsM Plitstrangli by L. WILCOX, ,Jr mad KIDD & Ca. - Allegany City, JOHN piticoprr T. oh.d. t ham;Jolis sairni. • • • • . , rats Two - - TI staid, r -1 rem lb. cprausiThassmi. Ils/lars-1 wlsb yes. b send 1 by mallow 4ssen eves Llyeallls. - ."Vasiali are 41/ly besost. lag mem, paynclar as • esysllse, eigy llssy stlsr. plslet, bat lot Ferrer sad Apo, bad Wow, admit= gawiblly. The &nod Ls so gival al Ms lleed, go ims cub* wsti mil Pill wiles ws siptetvi b 4 la 4044 eity. . vases nopestady. ' • AL S Cissiim—Asibers. sm ober . Pills; pilaw sle4ll baeaMbllgittAig pea%pre "'l ta ll Des - 11141 wradha Owrss dlpollN. r MIDI Is 1, sandy dprklar see vtal ofr -1 •Ne 1424.4 Wens state:am* algal palest womb et. sperms, sad by 4101144 4, 04 aslisiss eitlld stay mum sesisd 14 Wm Immo- , It lady 11l aim aniaaft,aaansgalw a o a yai ana. - 1 ma amain, Isom Tow • A7llbh► h 3 014 ilkie MRaMateW.Pma •;t MIMIC . . I•Mgrd••••dmirm.... DarTOWIII9I2IIVB A.R . S'AP ARIL LA : :: Tl#o* , o , 7Ftwoyiebruinei4l4-w er ia.. !. T1 Wend to rasp a gent teethe: tt sne twit lel eLeop,. plorator, ..d canned ovular map ca. n cone d. ...W.C1.1.,611. guff sfitlNC-Mi 1311E1UDICIIIN Thi - g..o.o 4 4 a rdzir ki r ...Lim, It is on of tioi very bow SWUNG X ,stagodp.a oggeWlNE.Sone icon , it of wtp polio ho obis oyclem oecottlocc dr pence, boa it Crocco .../Ifis, • Pwro mid itid Elowii apace, pcword by 03 other llfshohou :Art 1 a this /allot trawl loorotoCito wooderfol amts. It hat prifeemed wide lb. pow two were, Nom eisc ..INOlcaci ef Sews Cane a( room ; at teat 5,00 e onion Wei* corioicred_iincishia. •Ainet than 3,00 own of tookqocucco.: • ACM ono of . . or Gen E =bkily end Want of Energy; Ude/ ass Or iiiirrent7esedeConidelsui me. of Dimas at the and . Dram , • , ,000 ems of Comitaptine, tnael Monis& el tests etTheceie of 114 Mood, via ouim Set Pineidee on dm Flee. he., rap_ To-, .mow* moo of ilia floodn'aw, K. is dm maenad Qapa Alictioso, te., ' Tbb, in met mew incredible, bed wo km kite., slum piThatese end aelc Wes inn ell i.e. td- I. United Ststesotforming no of esusordintee rem K. Vas Haslesic' ..of Me went mph -table dieuide in ff ow J..,isfon co dial le eon rake In wee than Lin Ca w_ amanita e is the Cc . % of fi f tlforti 'hick in will reCx io w e b clean., oaf lo nen of OWeat.,. it is lb. bat acilleio. b. dn. Pcoredioit dais... kin... It undeeibtedhy saved the lives of wan them 7• ; • ! CdeCtatana owe Poor Coosa., es it reseed the CALM of them, and legend then el ' I Ihttavri ' BrArna (imam. Carr. O. 11141cel.FA.!, or sat Umrsa firwres Ifs bu kindly. bilowriot catiatsta. 11l its own WIRT, Itargrar, Jan. 75,1.17: kynkr Ina Wren widl. the lallaectoond whal. qtattik kit la inalitalad add. iodated ta Ind aia• inking two or Wee bot tty Dr. math ' aneitrota it adintly 10th. = l ll.l=. - `11.... end/am. Wing it, aad dad ilum inpron "IT day. I Wien it wed may life, nod .oath Int be without d sada . O. W. McLua, In. U. S. N. • This ecrtilkete wastes my prom that Mit liassaparilla has wart make/ am lb. awe °Waal* Craw of the bkod, Thai mum used .. art kr, aliprectdsatri. I 'Timm Csucaum. Tinsitaaans —Der Sir: 7 bate the Timmy ta Warm r i tztafzi, children ba h. : rem rart:i 04 1 1.;.,5e55. agitated my lamely rill bar km; hats crly ititsaTr ' r; bottkal It sock than away, kr whit& !Ad mart pier iksitalitigatkati • War W. Cum, lob Waren M.' • •Irss. Trek him* i s MIL • • • - Dr. Towast;a4l% Sawmill& Is a an d "way taro for iaelpiesa Coassaataa, Borreaaao, Whit", obaasstal or ditbadt Mosinottioa, lacoatisraos Mut, or basiaatary Cramp Mate, aril Oa the am end roaration of the systaa-ao wawa abotbar the noon or {Mazola name tams, proclaim' by atom KCmgm history martial Oaa taripts *r ata ta the Imam frau.. Paola, Inaba. aad boa toslo, 4.. Not arm Lwow rigout uki elms*, osier- its btdoestra. II issasodisbay coma:torts Oss rm lemma of iambs ems, width is Ow pest ear or but It will leof be everted of so, rn wan of wo delicate • m are. to athildt outdates a bot ran manta Wirt* that handfed+ dimes ban bean repotted to. Sawa awn rebel. Andlien an bees add wol,'Wher aka • for hales of thie inattal• hass boos bleefwatk beaky ageing, • Dr: Thelma: y Info bag ready disband by •weamew awl gamma debility, .ad affirm' randasall by ain aidulna, awake or barn dont,' Ming of the y • ulna, ea • odier.dillkoltien . ad haring known two =Adkins tia• awful gnat Z ram • sad alsohea M ricenuwooda for aria after I are dweribed,l obtaa• s War e‘riar Eafract of Deriairghi, ad followed Dada= rip (tt• AMC la . a ant pena it reamed her powpatate alai wawa kw health. Defog grafting foe • die beandlb she reoeired,l fait plows i LLs.ekao.ledl. be it, awl ncommendatat the gala X . Baas, Moab .ing.17,124L .Cor. and aitaaant, &qt. El. 1841 A Timm& To al/ whom this tsay mar es —Thia that siy tail mei ono bath of Tom atimparalla pe s , g nu to by minim; ander, ilta : molt alanalos oath du drop y, nr.a.td: irtLa* ott7 = 4'4 dead en is 7 halo awl nem it to tab madiaiste ale trapp7oad &dad tiTtet i aot only hi At Mona coofotement, bet dar tlto ak=a of ono lank of ki.oat, d d ivp, ea,. Irma, tad ha health haw Cr Yo Tad Ims be a bog that prat • If duo orill be of soy wrist to yoo or oxy ow lobo 400bto tl. =moa(tb nooticiso, yaw art ootiroly Isahmenlmerful;ratroostobediestMlabligelvrrant. MISJAmAmt. TO MOTHERS AND MAIMED LADIES. Thai Mean of atoopartlla hw ben swirly minted Ishreace I. Mash somplaists. No koala bract haa row. toe. ransom sY isasionkohlor that chiral pariad, " 211. tern ei s k.dioald need to the 1t,.. it u. semi. Iron:min for .. .r Ihr marrow sad aorta& dimness to _Mara hotaiss sr. sobjest at Ibis Liar of Ilk. Tbls period may b. st ood for senssl In by loin th is tortikihr. Nor - Wahl* tillboseearbo an mond.* wOitia_ ,bood as it is calealased I o Lois( Wm. 4 , quit/snow the Hood tad itnagonliag the rimless. ladeed Odd medium is itorsk male tar all of tha &Anse dowers to which anon an , th j" L It tram SIC 'shah frame, resiosn peralsoesOy Ito mt. ray saargin—by ream, the [apatite Of W body—aot so lir ottastiletle the spans as to proctors. selossisent rs lastitios, which is tie owe of asost noslionn Oka for koala Instate Ana dim. GIRLS BUD TRIS. Ton oliolrie p3lll don eps, IRO", co GC lice,soogk ski, or footles, sad ore ls tot at sosts;” book or too of Dr Tagroanors Sanaparitht It grill Gnaw par Wood, moo" or freckles ata Modes, .o C ri cl ...u simattos. "Olin sp., bee "frt . is, d beautiful .kick ore of isesesoe,nlos to maw: Owl Mick • - DYSPEPSIA. A. Rai or' senthrime Ms ever has answered With as ready remade the pais pia or alas in decamping I nest tadof gateman Lb. apse of dipoles., me this perm ratios Sae Denman:sr. AThwylllsy IN lOC. Dr 'Almonds, • Mir—l tow bath' asead foe anew, yews with dyspeprii Mae wont name, sweated with soar, a sem of Mommeh, kw of • *name keenness, wit ' prad eversion to .H liodid6od,ad fir wake prha I weld est.) thaw both suable to Maio bat. mil patios on say stomach. I tried the ascot remediev but they had bat lan or .o aka b setworiem the acespbsth Ima to ithiced,thowl two maths .mays to try ow Lana ann..' peralteosel l Salm" with lade tathdaew, kw.lle other =I wo bathes, I foam& ay implies named, sod the stirs,,and reamed; 1 wadi eassemly reeow Messithoese ofit lo than who Iwo lore Miami es I tam • - Yaw, W. W. Y ates Zeissr. . . .. . Mod din fitiosior, end Mole if yee am, that etemeep.' Ma mot be yawl Thin meet Dm anent hundred] ere Met Temismi's • Ina owed: ; —Dr ilmoseenei—Deer Mr. 1 ems Wan, a hale m•, r. a r itlk • wen ii=eed pie se .3 , wide. Ito-! me Kr) I Ins preed by ph', lame to ben the it ememember t . i .l mnd kip qicin l Mies ef bed mitre, bed en& v md ig wry fat. my darbarnid le mad do for. I tam ialailbi leimMel leimpo at bait Wine premeneed Devi b Anie, er, mennkite. Ivs evingnstly inroad. eV the hinp end: Meal berily Maar 11 noes bream eentiend,ad termed. be elie; nu einimelle my bed, sad maims .. O&M 1 mot pm TOO lr ea d.tription e. t. . , meld tejentive lb ley ere. Imo sopped by my triads' kide padnaoln.ry ;I bed tried a put metier of vonediebt .pd WI mord to bele serape.. I rent ef . gee met eno inerthary earn performed ley year maim% mil le tell ' ye. the tretti r l semiemed there ens tome lieg le Mew ilut I win Mused le ley it, I did en, sad am very Demitai: IMt 1 moot my Oat lon raithely Ira, bet am se Dv monned me le be Mod my beeinea, sod by to be esti.. ly vein M " few meek, .My esairti eel Pb iit the Mk, enil Ripe men hen bill me, and ■ pile bet very Belk, and me Del phase m anal Ansirik. I kit ft a ility so Or yrkm a *wawa e l=yam, to pktkli.k I( yos pleue4 rano' Bunn, V Wit A erooldra. Oyintscas at Physicians. Dr Irrashondabionnisay retening ariloo ins phy giciumix Uinta pans of an Unto. This b to codify nat we, tin sodknianse; ?hyaenas of 111. City./ Ana. , Iwo 6 amernis ern praernost Dr. towassars iarnieriD6)end beliersi lobo ow of th• moo 66+W pepwationa of am Sunman h. Ur Jaunt. BP Putain, a 0, 'Mum, at rt, - Eirsoos, • i Minty, April 1, th4s. IL ilLuuanotta, . • ?lib Ls . lo oititY Oarno, the andentine6 preening Vlamsann nynthaa at ths City ifillany. ban frequent presaibal Tormesta's Conpood Land of in. israN stal Gan in bon valiant', orcald ratoosnald it to On patio 6r soca fal, =Woes; maid entre alaaans. Lb 166, in prefinvnes la say of tin othortnal nardin tarn la low,. A W irsorLL,T _ IBIMP Apra 2484 L B ST•lrfos 'r r. :At= &I'LL It': .c 4 Pask 4 bia; 5 5 limn droah gill 1 i ; sad hy Z isel .. ”sis a roDy Ohnrionottt the WWI Ifen ono pat op b tbn hrp man . holiks, Minh wenn • fpOrt awl airel snit in wham .isms of P Townsmut =Mom. Biaorkall the' Oh. PA: a n.:t<:i?~hi+r..=yr~e~u q iHr. 'A Om Ins prit . tidog cpearalillW r.- 1. 7 ."11' '1 tluoadieg akar 21.mperilla Crproom of Dr Tornag. i Tbd Mx& Dosyrb got Ai is rood two: sow of the or.- maga thyparilboastorldeb,lcrilla *hi the tengl= p krold, glidualn ill Ad tire als, mak s show n0r..17.40111.11b. Droidway. NV* lake Mb -opiesily• to 4 In Wier* thi intact of Or Bnaparilli&mw dm nprt grad to:pawky ilk. midis& , .11terireas WblUty. - New you,ituelig7,l6l7 • Dr. Tiered :11 bete bees 'dieted two or het be 3 yews welt seresdlidtbddity tho chest, giddiness in the b.* lon et *spittle; pin in ths bate, endgame debility, boogie ea Ito Stab by tee oedema heat and cold i 0 ebbe lot wijoil la in ay Inflow. INP • dm. - ban eke. oder trebsines, too noweeste lo moieties, bet with lite. ammo ens, I watindeced by wheel see is domes totrys belie of yea esetepeat, tree 'thief. 1 groat relit I Iwo den tate mend noes bottles sad 1 ensenbeeitallesty it is dr best .Callietet I km am Wei—the pun is my abet is gowt, mall I bel "tits • Diktat me altorethoe sines I hove elm yetoreemperale • I haw sow • Wei twee deem, ire My millet hem it with Übe NOW .of,- eitt! .Ilineo/d recomend it at • badly seetteite , lAd convinced that ilea teed there troo/d aot teTetirthe ibises gen hi, andtto=t a lestly not to many' Dettorb lag yrkne it nobs. et alto OSO M bl.amch led lungeb tiser mobs. los er 1 Imps the blood Ihealthy: este, so thsteimeoseb not solikely beech UM oyes. AN to Otter orito an sot fa abeskleyststed of toy Dr Soestesdb Despoille Twous Farm, 7Y Atka • . • Calker ea the Manta. ._ ides lea oeleat onolbveldld erred. Dr TV.Meat . V4 Banneerille leo and lhe lino of aanomds of children.— The &lavas artiforle Y . solocad tram • seal number _ New T. ol 4 Arg 11 1 1247 . Dr Temere.e: emerim—ure of my &Wee los len, alexia the Crow as at. iamb awl amt. andel with e.erliatrod *deity. Dean ley drior; 1 olairbred Nor of roar wrilidas,radll heard It dinetly, frr irlricb I ow moo pro 1 romleflrl,, • . Yam ropetbalr, Ir.ll/1.113/illnigirt Nota Wool sr, Wins .0,11 .4.46 MN wimp bar ban appraise by Dr 'DOWNWIND rob Agra! for A1k111.1.54 117.4; American Bye Pr gaieerokst .any ammo by nefenuu opplleattee, I raw Dr sale by Wee ,lACICSONEOLibeny stmt. bae mill domande °remelt; nom gradated end ID•Vind l 7 o .elbrnwoOr th. a.oM bgtmvered V: e lta evert tr 7 , 2 brat ao4 Odin waft jiliwallcmowri that .ivo rely/nag eye 'saered/at iss rebrneir all Mama' orma,daarViad te... 'nee Dirt , !per box. leer *ad di -4HenT=Deaggrlltrlntee- dwl idrielomiwelrYork. 1M lineal . 'NOWPL 111 - IZ•VZ, amid Ws Greg Bloottpeyilled ef Ute ege,,brer I.4g ir es. SW,W. (vat Ibr =MMIM • • w - :,.`7 ,1 , Pikom! . At' I<t • . . . . . A posinvE 4e*PERMANRNT CURE FOR • • Athistrit• Tiex - • AND ALL NERVOUS COM.PIAINTS. 94n. chant thetttifram may net be eXphunod, Rime SIM. liars= rad/ ascertained, Lamm IL..Sioth POW/en or pride, Indere Punkin' lONA the twain - Mean which. duo' maple, are by Heaven &ragged To alleviate Or Wed llama krain DR. CEIRIPRIES fitAlifANIC RINGS AND MAG NETIC FLUID. fIGUIS manarkable !ISM which has remised th e • A imintianlapposbraiset of Ike medical profesmon of Great Binain,ampriem-ta entirely, nen animation of Gainnims, as a reinerall agent, byname of which the ' ont inasyCialvanieGrannes,Eleetric and Magnetic Ma. chine., am, anirelydlspensed with, and rat, nays*. Gent power of Galranan k iplied wtthoul any of the obraetion which are insega le Intsvh m a z wend mod e , now in inc. The awy. h and I Iniernall, In which Galwaran is s rattled by the whams, has beea powwowed, after a fair and impanel trial, M by draradip hignimmand it sou to remedy thw rodent do. feet that this new application was prMeeted, which, af ter unceasing toll and pasevetane_ Us been ',taught HS its present .ate of insfechan. The flaboade Mop_ answer all nhe purpose, of the 'mom expensive amt.' dunes, and In many other respects are more arph Ind aorans in aceoari t i%m , the droned effect. The fiakode Mel in connection with th e Mae oak Fluid, ate co dit reconancaded In nil Oar ,--dera which minims an - anyhdial osrandray Mare IS. newest or riatt,spirah .1114 ahese complaints are among the most pal e and universal is which we are sultdect They man without encodes, Dom one tit . 03 cote—a derangement of tee Norms and It wata In these .cases that other 'mantdies E PraZ eel often failed. • new agent was greatly reded,whieh It Is confidently believed, las been feed In the propc and radiciou”pplicanon of Gainsaid. The Galemale R;nge More bout rand with errant int wee in all earn of HMNA T ISII, nom no chronic, gy . lllt h o c the head, farm el IiMI N ALIT i Zt= Araidatiraytma j =s, r' Vy, .114 a Crampt his Ifits*sdnoday, armee, ceepreFee,• N Nouns No mor, Dimituar gals len end GA Neutral DAN* Diffieleory /GPM& I n PydX. en, and oil NERVOthe //DERR. eases 11 . confirmed Dysipepeis, which la simply a Per/0.6 do. rangement °Rho digestirannyaantloyhave beret band manly weemsfal. Thera areas upon the mama mast be warameng ha M e nthe ared, and as a mum preventive fiat In• preceding emplaints they are equally recommendled. IWMap aro of different prices, being made at IS gram MAO 'anew orran Waal patterns, h and en be pm by Or mon delicate female Indent% te aliglnem • the aramuion alhe_f agreeable wildawi laranninience. se, fut. The Galvanic Bens; Omelets,- Band"; ~e,i~.a ~e~~y ew. In come cases Havre severe charactuomil °flank seceding t he power applied by the Demme Rings is not saNcieet to arrest the moral clams* and ultimately restore health. The mooned modification Intthe (Minnie Belts, &mats, a., entirely rein. di. ai.e. any degree of pewee is that rogai. red can ready be etnaleed, and all complaint which the anstercia, mem of Halvah. can erect will fail to be permanently relieved, ?lime articles an &dap. anted to the aim, arms, wrists, hmba, socks, or any pan of the body, with perfect convenience. The Galvanic Neeklmes are used withgteater benefit in ems of ßronchia or as era throat generally; also In cams of Norma Deafness; and with almoet uniform emcees U. preventive Ror Apoplexy, Epileptie Fita, and similar complaints. • Cluisileaßingsetic Fluid • Is need in connection with the Oalvale Rings maya their modifications. This csammition hoe been pro. nounced by the Preach Cheese. to be one of the mom. exuaordinary discoveries of modem seance, •It Is be lieved lemmas Me onnarkablep ower of rmaing sil nave melded •gsausic sass by AM means casing • concentration of the inane., at the' seat of diatom, thes giving rapid:and permanent taint No other compoelta In cliemisa is knownto produce tie same effecton to impart* eimiltr impenx it. the nerve. matees,by nansofan outward local app l ication. The meek Plaid contains nothing etpahle of die, stighp alary; ha application Is agreeba, and II ts oa harmless et in man as tl ts benegcial in es mega. Rill catenation, end directions secompany t The combined inseams.. tat every wayperfcctiyharm.` last they are sold replica winos the loathe( ati and the diatom:ref only regents a fair trial as • tester their carp aining ell ally and penitence bromic Christian Galvanic Strengthenlai Pins. Them alas (em .another Saleable appliemien of the mysterious inflame of Oslanisin They are an important adjimet to the genuine 01.1,1113i0 Rings and modificationtsar., acting ma the same ptinciple, but. having the advantage of more local applicano. They, are mender:Sy recommended as • saleable addition In the speedy ma of Iltheanam, acute °ramie; in all nervo. complaints, and as • pointiveremerty la cases of Pain and trains. he the Chi se Bate, Pat ha ins Side,i , e Attismatie in name es* OPP.. , ass if Ms Pahnearg &ems In Heal Campania their effects art of the awe decided ckrusesekend they have often been teed with complete eiteeCal. Tin am also of the greaten advantage in Pains and Weaknou of the Dreamt, and are highly remannendel for mat y of thorncomplaints te which female. arc especially lade, As an effectual ruses Or strengthening the spasm when debilitated with damn *rater cansem m a car . tam aid in Constitutional Wakeess, as n Preventive for Cold., and all in of of the Chest, generally, the Galvanic Strengthening. Plaster will En (land al great and permacoVad image. to a few aide it abr.es all the virnim of the beta tonic amnesties,' with the important addition of the galvare legatees, which is neither impaired nor egassad, while the no. non contemn. These articles will be lona entirely free nom those Mateas which are • consum source of cosi:Mum with the ordinary el COMMA DWI CAUTI N. . Inp•The groat celebrity and seems of them racks' has cased them tobe counerfened . by unpreelpled permit To provide. apia.itaposura Dr. Dame hos bat one maenad agent its eaeh city &Me that. The sahr arena in Panama W. W WILSON. cipmpIenTEnav ' TENTIJIGINULII, Of the togas and moo mottretabk character, aroma meetly reamed , regarding the ciunonhauy false and wee. of the above article his believed thet la the city of New Ire* clone ,amide of ElOliT THOUSAND PERSONSI,dantig a serial."( loathes • , have tan entirely relieved of dm mein <broom diadem. roam of atia have completely ha el gel all former eforts of medical att. Indeed many of the la plumate. of this city,. who 4/wenn of the . Galvanic and Mamma Machines, constantly recap' mend ties ape/anion in their practice, and an it Me es.' alpeepiion of Mose who are too piratical mere it a , the inventioa has received ensnintons favor with the wan intelligent snag the American Pac•lty. Dr. peimill is at all times ready and meet happy is give mei y Prettily to physicians, and al/ intermud, kir tear. leg the oath of his afternoon and the efficacy of hia deanOdle ry. iigelm7 in rinebumb, carper la and Market at • IT:NEVER FAILBI • Dr. CULLEN'S INDIAN TENET/BLS PANACEA MthERSORS addicted with Scrod:la, Meg'. Rail .1 -- Cancer, Erysipelas, Old Sarni, Ulan, Totter blereirial Dieethea, or thy o th er complaints aria., from tthparitin of the blood, are requiestal to read the lollow!ag testimoidala, to proof of the wonder Ail prepense* of the above named eadieioe. REAM READY READ!!! We the aorterligoed, !maim; vthited Mr. hug Broolia. Jr. at fhb efface of Mean. RanraarV and %not, 376 Market. Meet. Philadelphia, cooed= hi. eau the meet remediable one we have ever coif eared or heard of. His Manse wu SCROFULA, and tcnible anal have been hit twelve yam' conflict with 'd• afro r! Iliaralata, the entire roof Gib M math, Noss, Up. per Lip, lad lower Lid of the Right Bye hue been destroyed, his Face owl/ eaten Bp, and put or ti• Jaw Bone =mind away. And yet we us gm se deuription of hi. cue. Mr. B. Worms re that inu last, the whole interior his math, iia wad es ary most of his flea mui a mar of deep and paints] Meant! . Oa the 14th lut he commenced taking Dr. CULLEN'S INUI VEtiCTAHLF. PAHA. uRA, which checked the disease M a lawdays, ate rom that time the care has provaseed wittiest io torminion. 1 New flesh has implied the place of theel deep eenr .siid th ough bull/ didgored , i gored, kda lace s mod, lad ma general health is restomd. We are unwed that in the treatment er-Mr. Smoke' cue no Mereerials,Gintamats, or Caddie applicatlons hare been ined,-40 fact, the PAHA- L'EA ALONE, has wrought this wonderflal change David Smith, Backs county, Pa. Charles L. Nowand, Meadville , Crawford cops.. J W Jones. hi D South Seemed strait, Phila Jacob Lee, Pemberton, N J. E W 4.,%1r, 440 14 Fourth, above Poplar e N. L. , S M'Ciallugh, Lancaster, Pa. - :It Ikl Maddock, TS North Eleventh at. Phila. !t: W Applatos, Id D 46 Sonia it. do l'imetial Caldwell, Marlon co. Missoeri. • Daniel Nuke], Chesnut lllll,Philadelphia co. Pa. :John Harned,39oHlgh street, Phila. Wiliam Steeling. tf D, eludes, N. J. William Hale_, 378 High atom; Phila. J H Potter, Maseruterer 01. Mineral Teeth, 109 9 Ninth street, Phila. • L A Wollenweber, Ed. Phila. Democrat 377 N 3d suet, • -do itiG7W Meaty Itruh Maker, 317 Martial. Prarr, 159 Climawat Weal, Phis. A D Gillette, Pamir el gloventb Baptist Chuck, Phila. John Bell, Ens Ittent, Philadelphia, (North Amer, can office.) Amu Sam* 1611 Cassia, Street, Phila. . . 'Daniel McGinley. lu.tw. Alley, do Andrew Swum% Camden; KJ. R H Emus, Wmillitla. Richard R. Youg, Gilder, 499 Market H. P h ila John W AsliM,6o South Sixth street, do T B WWI , ' thimgraPber, 1 19 - Cheunt strut, do B J Naftali, HEI Eleventh street, do Peter tikes Smith. Editor . Native Eagle, • do J oe l Bodies, Glass masufictruer, ,willianistowe William Steely, Famelagton, Van Huron co. lowa L B,Colee, M D, &etas, Man; Ruseleautield, Phiaiologist, Philadelphia. II". P s Roby, 11l D, fluriabargh, Pa. Peter Wnght,.l69 Market street, Phila. James W Newlin, 1113 Filbert at. . do John Good, 174 Spruce at. do • i William line, Pastor it.Paire M. E. Ch. Catharine , SL Phila. John Chambers, Putor lot lodes. Chareb, Brood at, do T L Sanders, Pabliaber of Pledge and Standard, Phila. P Sellers, Editor Ohre Bneeb, Doylestowm Wholesales:of ftetail flowud ^a. Walton, Pro prietont.S76 Market St. Philadelphia: H E Sellers, 67 Wood st. Pittsburgh, Pa.; Win. Thn a by Mar. kat m.'do.; E B Perties , ldafietta,Oldo;Seatos & Slurp, Maysville, Y; John W Daneabower,Cia., Ohio; & Reeves, Madison la; C Noble, Lama. Mlle, Y; Devesouck &.Petkres, St. Louis, blo. P blearaw, Natebes, Belem Hardaway & Jobs otoo Viekabaigh, do; CharleaJeahlu,Nemoyl e .. orb Lai • • NO CURS NO PAY . TIN. CULLEN'S INDIAN VEGETABLZ jj , REMEDY..-Wartaaled to cure, or the ma. zi n atiorsed=di t fit Vg: p i ; =';6s7l= ars:thltha:a bane &ions Vesereal without 'the kaowledgl 'ol•Aler• ear', .11alaanyor awl* of Os Wad. Meted have mow aa._mertualty at Win .eued widow stile we of SWIM Thb MO4C,We =ant talk. taste,aad loaves ea noel on the • . , • prepared byRoWANDfI WAL . TON. aad sold wholesale asdnitall,by J.l' itervraad, 376 Nadel Fatale iY PitU*o by R 2 Mem 57 wed atirilisid WaMionyl2 IMO et-WNW TMaTil 8/1110./laike dews kg k ikir, &ma ekk TUMMIES and Desledis ivadm, Aw.ch Maws end amprialajemstryadallideserip• gnall with mac ike and st7let,tompriting all the articles led ilta • aqua, Dieu ra Sou's itnrattia,Ckunec Slue and 'Bib= plated ma e. ' .151tedield sad Sting plated k t nej snicks, Redden & &m's and Westultelmitert mien, salmon, maws, desk -Zam, act isim7 handled tatite mkt, of the dun, medals sad toe. .0. peak:. • A laus usonment a( gold PIM Pd kcal Woks, puke ameba and japanned tram ri• vane= shapes and guilties t at redwed mut geld amnia eases and rarer wan of all deseciptiests km! afercared le cede:. DICKSON I CO. kerne rennet. removed Into the aad eommadloas_ wareband_ thnoerly nesPied by Man. Ailamli & nom and mom meanly by /Anna it Pentuntoa, led leave to Inform Wadi Dealer" Southern and Wemeni Merchants end other, thal tie, dean haring at 41 times en awful:eat of 6401. of their owa legenahon viler they ate dew mined losell la the lowettellee. [MEM] anentiMl wlO le pad io lie peeking of Own and the neeiden of orders, the tramline and pnees will be tally guramied anima all cempention. a3l • —.l. i. • • /MIAMI/IL FLOWER•JUEL :11/1111AMTAIIIIL No. IN North Third &me 4 AlllOll Itilf HAR in h PIIILADELPRIA, Rowan, and, andFeathe nanafactares se order, Artificial , And Face . La dies' Dream Cape, Bord rs, ers, neh Tanana men., tn. /Cara • And every dettenptionalFaney Goods, whith he will mil at the lowan market prieca s~. — Feanhels dyed, cleaned, altered, d 'shaded. om - . • NEW on. ' , roma KIDS WAY. / ISBELL . 271-114.1.Fer.lre".""'wet 1 11 : 44' 11be R'.. lowe mm ‘st pnees, Pin it the va. of tie Oil Trade. Their men La and exten sive, and they feel confideat of giving satisfaction et thole who call. They have now ea hand-- INN Rpenn Oil. Nine Winter and Pall Oils, of different nankin. Bola, Oil. Winter-pressed Lard Oil. Mater Elephant and Whate Refined, Racked and CommonWkale W. Tanana' Oill;. Spam Candlem Oanno,./ke. &a. H. D. All,Sooe ddelivered In firm rate onirr. al6dsn NS. , EDWA G RD U K. TRYON, • 14.134 North &mut Serec&Philadellialne Mtpil e l& and CIAIIII4t IMPORTER el dhot t per k& Powder, PeccossionWs, Shos s iVeds, Baii and wank Quirk! &e. 4t,e, Abes—Siz Oen Maker'a nse. Revohring Fires and materials for : %Khans nude to cede., and npain stead/ sZesrit.d. IrrAny Om which I roll will be proved, If deuced, In Ili presence of the narchsser: NAMELY ThEMPATILAIT DLOACT-ACTION • BTEAte HAMMEL rlllllB Hamm ;mosai cs many ideentsges over .1. when --fa %Alchemy be mentlatted, , • its Mansineableness— Then forieef blow weT be ...wettest !With the oresleet eruct, while the hammer is In operation, 11111[ the harremer.may be in , wentlyanesick and !impended at any height. Its Onlvenseity, or capaeity to meat. week of all r uh '' fr am th e lu g" , the ender the same aw. lu SieePEMZ Compeetness and Cheapest.. ' Aeresamlity span made. by the workmen. - All the hammers me NoltActiag. • - The sabiceiben 'connate:it* =MOS crime for these hammer, of all Meng; mumble some. Per farther names legates et • MEICK & le ASSIVICCJI of the Patent for the United TOWNE Oates, • Boithwatt roandiy,PlelladVa. DERRY. em NIAMEESION, Minufeetorers of • AWNINGS,' IiCIING Barron, WAGON COVERS AND ORAIN_DAIMS OP ALL DrACIIIPTIONS No. 304 Sett Prink Back of T A. TI aeon's Cabind Wet Masusfy PICILADSILPIIIAt A LL orders left IMAMS. Mims, Aube °Nee of Me A tderelmat's Hotel, promptly auetukd to. THOR 0. DERRY eeplOdly • A. C. NICKERSON ' CAILIIIMMII. •' ' - ' WiLLELII _OD M, MICR -111 D opite, HARNESS MAW" MO Pomo,. A • h W Plitathijato, lay ei limits of (4 . 1.2 • otan. tostoothdly Worst it . 004 dot patio, Um Ls tott sad 1•411 imp canton to hood sod far talt,• ignitor ono-Annt of Valudot oirall stykt mad dm:visions soh to ordeVrahortoot potildottotiot, sod mooted h. (Loper, boot mom; of othehol material. itlahly ACHINCY IPOIL PATNNITIL . Was Absent, D. C. kENAD c. sow" Mechanical Eateinces and Ageht In paean( Palest; Will prepare the ne cessary Dramatis arid Paper, for Applicants Wr Pat. eats, sad manna all oilier balms* to dm lineal" km predesskin at the Patent Mew' He can be eonsalied On all question.retail:de Mike Patent Laws and decl aim m the United Mtn or tamps. pa sons at a &mance desirous of having examination mode at the - Patent Mee. prior mambo/ oppliesdles bra, patent, bey forwasd !pow paid, each:rag a fee of Avellel Lam I clear 4atersent of their pee, wines immediate one. 606' will be anon so It. and all the information tact ' amid bootsained by • Mita( tae appllent in pence) promptly easontanicated.. All letters ea basis.* ang be pest p•ld, and contain, a Imitable We. where a wmtkos opml•6 Is renamed. (Mee on P. motet, opponte the Paula 06ce. • Delta Ja keen, of redening, by yominsion. Hon. Edmond Berta, Cuensoner of Pater OM Hon. H L Ellintordt, Imo lo do On • . H on. Ifissorles t Ye e at 066.; • • Jeans Coma, D • - Hera. it Chow,U 8 frame; ••. How W Allea,olo4 do; lion./ B tkrartin, AI C, Missearl; ' How Willie Hall, Hew York; Hos. Upham Smith, M C, • Hun 811rosse, bleanaun Hos./ H Bens, If C, Caps. H u Shreve, blianenrit Emma Beemks.Loi,Pituthanth. TIIK opus lerstrosu OW. Am ed•itrireertabi A, lislutent, st Nil of Wand, on bow qu. and ready to gene up bvisitors., I. Cll.lll, lloreobsobis,C.ll., Irgbu, Cool Dnabblboui .11 dm 'snobs nfiboilubealluf lbo • Th. popristers sal • respestridly hails Ile rispidabh either ts eel d Nis Ile Miami* dr dowaran t as tarp an load tbst alai it. Ulm* dsputaints it aura be sutpused, .M set ass rot *mut et** a the city. Th• it:Cts, both Zadiat' Gaitkomes"s, toraptalat as awe, tiattassis ma soak* by sny lb. souit wad lb . halm will chalk* etampasiaa for •eis s iallacie s tiad Iteuty. dhow af up **tar. establidustal to be fetadany alum Th. mat Salesorldi luta*, abide, sad cassia Fasistais, is • pace of dal sad sulking srassay.. 11430 M vs Mad up * abielt , er Loeb, Darnall itettaluani all bon orate day. Tim gnu nb. Wo lormspolo bah biimmil elgnote coLtar. Tbs Wits' Paelorlymelern ke•Ls dies-ealems• thalliri . 92l.Fl9,!. • Id. Parties ista -• ardleretlThrts....eny befece—otsle on the 6100 - KII bAstere and sow fultionshle Eam 41 on pan plTO eras android:a - Aso THE CHEAP ROLL, or BusroN BuND, oe hurl or sada te onion of W skses, and stall price& ; Conan Metchants dad 001U11 are I Mriled s VW sad examine the above an iltereeelves, antral be .old voirdwale or retail, and a liberal dedactios wade to wholeale purchasers. • I middle • • •• WESTERVELT - - COACH. MAKIN FILM the very Mien! G . diAlkweal the eabecriber has received tines he he fended knelt in rillenheny, as Wandh him to take a lease, for a tern of years, on thersperty, he new ;rl=l la 11= .t f=i lite= b"l e:ut e , atone busmen and • desire te plane, he Is l sp i' c ' eto mer it sad reeelve a Aare of tonna wrongs , • pie. on mad and dashing bade., ma skt inT. Bog. glee, pea lad lop Beane, arid every dateriptent of nada* order. from eeveary-ive &elan to *ban limns Isen3difl Joint BOUM Ur. J. fUjVi URITUSSI Cuter AFEW bend. of Deet.l. Pettitte oCatarti reamedy” n long known and thertieghly has bustling obtaiaed, tad le for We by Wm./ ACUSON, fo Wien} street. the'sare, safe, and mune remedy in tr swan oat of SD, he all ordinary or extraordinary, and newt aegravated eases of retest or amnia awning Sore Haan, calomel sore month, mailed tonal ,err. mpg., canker rash, inenint biennitie and oaten, putrid eon 'throat, black tonne, end an ease. of cam. mon canker, in the anallin Lana; and Minch. when applied In desendenere with the directions nenespany log each bottle. The article received I. known to be exLino. Prier 00 eta per WWI,. 1112 ft ' .IG - . l lliirk pOR dl kind. of emotions and Conan of tbe Skirt; ! V such as Phaylee,lfkitebee,Selt HlienallearTHeat l e=so: r i:lrb hd leg sl l. ' P l e sli ramedtek othe d t; 1 Soap standi ItLe els Freaks, es• barn, Moryinser, Ten, and chimes the color ef Oa*, yellow Or dithered akis, to • Mtn, healthy: yl). rat at ..dosed price p_•,?!_oirt3.l.pl'enlrje, c o d kr een received. I. °feted ror c eant by PAHHESIO . I3IC & I I ce. rimer Ist arid *cod and also at no corner of sixth end weed sts. • ton friNYMIENV ntsNisitlNO 00068, (it whet' We t ) H& t TODD, asesetheigenAmets, PO Wood a., up nabs, two door below Slooloonrat the ankatin of rzniorms of Gatiktistas Famish/11g Goods to or Meek of ans and fertifosable goods, manitetend snarl, do our ore odes, sensated well wade ead gin walthetioes tied we would on the iteration of wedoar ceste-L am to see a.sgfw.eW No t Ithire,jest received; Geo ow median entity, do; with both white. sad griped of Zat ""l t l rtir i =V i se t= ratt i • getredersjest nied age swims sorts tied prime We weald solicit the aM of patellae:re who are lathe Wit of rise gig. the 11.11thiln tor gmb, cell sad nanioe sleek, es we are canine bonial,eo Be ot sts, en. • greed, cso hided Hutto leek auther,bal wan en anon. wi toot .k Spring rasa, IUEWLY INVENTED—RNA,. pelkfand Pannuemi J.l Cole of HERNIA arltUrfUltE. (Salted to all alses ) The caper* claims of Tram gambit ia the can. paradve ease with which it may be wain. The pad el wed being neatly balanced on springs, yield. M mec um en any pan of it, and theraterldy adapt. Itself to any movemenumada by the wearer. 11 can be worn without interalcalen, sal a can In cliteteill. The MM. actibem have made artangements kr the inamMictare of dime Valaable Toney la • sated.. mylm In MIA dclphis and bare iins . eow for sale at Moir cdecciPim 74Balittald m. near Midi, Pittabimalt. . • • GKO. WATT /e2D . • W. 1011114111 AN. • • AIIIgMJ ices tba3o.. lloid Es I M I :Cocoio Fla Ext.ei Commack% . do. do; t Townsead'o. do do; ' • Cbosoutilyou Load and fain& by BA PARNPS- Toac a; am, coma of Ant sad wood and Imo! and - I. 17 , 's ebra • agiao. aakia %aim; b o e i Ilbp#A; !aerial. di the soilleal d =s pn• 61 .1.W.Onalota Wlb te en• tls is lie bovrebS:widmi lier,eadsof the stesti. Or tale Ifignesia kelai• _ P o eb: W lTP2 V l. FANVArileiktr iL iatiNi . War sod Mo d . ! in ^`U?,~¢r...~~_.. .. -.,a-:::-~-..:+.,=c,~.~-:cam-.,.:_ 111K9INPFEEIDiailj S 11111 g BROWPISY RNT LL . 1.1 . WATER- CONE al fithELZ, weeding Phystelau. and Mr. Gain/Mi mannered the boarding Departinent; boa been .ree..o4 e/P1...17 fee the, PUTC.., and Is lull calculated to seecurnedite twenty au patients. Its absuian healthy and the surrounding weeny pie. impact the Immediate neighborhood abounds In pus sift water urine, from four of which the baths-am nt mutt supliW. 'Dusty Mediu au the rentoration of health to the Invalid a hue ofered—pure ale, water of the Aeon qoalityi and a sheltered, cool 'hullos The Doran resides In the establishment," Com te. dation en the !system le trousseau", ao le also an ens. meatkut of cootellegoaa h l ly &a u; a n n a d b favorab lyerec as v ed h bas he. coonornary at large. Reel patient le sutured to (Union the the tweeting, and oils uproot's:a, the following ankles: two lam thick wanks blaateuoluee untfortables or • feather bed, one wane cotton shoat, ud a lines sheet that can be est into bandages, also nig emus, towel. ' Vergy feeble patients are tenoned to briFig an attend. ant with theta for whom Loud can ha obtained to the astablishmeata Team—Earl Pelmet to mete doliars per week for medical advice, me of tke barns, and attendance dazing Me process, board end lodyntk. Payment to Pe made weekly. , Scud for any wham kronen try Patleam tee dol. eandi m orrizaiiiii , earns, Foura t beltoetn Wood and Markel -a, opposite Ithy.Larinser's Exakmge Office. • rilOE wdersigned Is prepared to accommodate sat• writers, and the pabile generally, with a delicious bath. Ills new establishment will be open w.day, pro. aided with every thing necessary l tender bathing • l' fla LT and SULPHUR BATHS prepared if reqaired. The above establishment I. Stied op in an enure new Pl., being MaiNUKil'haa. roof. cod the wbseriber is confident Wt the Improvements combined ronuibtna to render the establishment the most comfortable one new la the city. harlot H VASHON aswka TI MT Reamquatic is ed m No ISt Laartystreet, a lama tot sl of Qaterisvrave, Teu, Pickles, &a, which the own damats telling at reamed prises: He avetld Invite the attentionofdealen, hotel keepers, steamboat men, and pavan, families, to call bed enema his meek of wares, before purchasing einewhere. As they will led It to their miasmata, Am wades privatise, aboahl call anon and weans bargain, ria UN Oman. me is Lem elating ap&M woe& .•- many ' Alt , AM IVA • KT,. - rllEtlarbacrltter keepsectastantly,agoodaseoruasta, andatantfactores to cede*, table, tea, and desert spew, creams, grasp and ataetardaposes.seeplslst. andoetar Item Lauer and ask hams threaded and plata forks at the lowest pneca. W W WILSON , /Yrd cornet sallies sad 45 setae. DINGcp, SlNUS—int ree'd 3 dal bill of Patent V&. /A centred India Rubber Row.", Thule Hines or beads are for placing rood payola and parsets of every description—inset Imam 01 10 . C•11 be 'placed rood a packet of papers holdiag tbeas Arai at the satotramo, allowing of additiok or redaction without my loan or amuses:terns: • . , kit PHILLIPS •- al4 •' ; • ' - &Ring Aptsta sesod • IPZBIONJL'S 1 1 / 1 1.101M—Jui retelved,,per SPacket Alp &llama, 4 caskelpeacean q 'Steel Mks; comprising a very ("mai: aosortmeni. at 11 ,e atteatkis al,Mme.taillts and acesamenle_neralli is Invited. Lociput KENN &Dr _rot •• - t• . • • 11. - Wood street • OaTlF—imo b. prime old An nee V; aim]. 1,7 02 Wt IL .11010N,11111Attny q IfOIDIFT/111 LIGHT' STREET, • BALTIMORE yosG k 1111113TeN, hiprieterz. • • L ellll/8 establishment bong and widely brown as beingJ: one Of ateloosteemmonekta Ia the either Ballitoote,. bee recently undergone very calm:sive alterations end iIprOVINIVINA. An entire new wytte has been added, awe rons and airy Beeping apanmemlar *ft , extensive bathagnaten. The LartiroS &Panama* bu alto been anepletely re. 'Mil?and bated up in a most anion° and bowlful ' feat the whole arrang.,.., of t h, s !ban remo d e l e d . with • Cagle eye on the part of the r de VidVdgtihr?j=gilry d lenee with any Hotel Lathet:Wm ir nnert will chat.. " = . l always be supplied snth every sob :exert. winch In thmrket affordb_sereed up in a atyla, while the way of wines, icu, they win not - be amassed. proprldOn begin sar, that noilsng will be left endow on thelrpatt, and on the part of their asmstantam render thin Mel wonliy the continued patronage of their [needs and the pubs, generally. • Thapnees larboard bane alto been reduced baths *lk Mert.Zna;l ' , II 73 Pe t . GendemenS 11,0 per" N..lL—The Baggage Waage:tor the Howe will al ways be awed at the Car and Steamboat Landing., witch will convey baggage toned from the Hetet, free !charge. . • nayintf MITRIBIZT HOUSE, Maclsmail, 01110 , -Re subscribers h”ing purchased die en. dre interest of. Col. G Y WChtuonrt, lam Of lats well known es tabliCurient. beg lure to case to their friends and the Puha. nenetallY, that they hart taken this commodious Hotel for a tena of years and will cun . their best energies to make h a desirable home for Trav eleramid City 901134814 The Hotel is spaeiests and admirably' planned for con venience, light and air, having a umber of patiors adjoinlug chambers, poisenang animal attractions to The present proprietors having bed the expeneneeof years in this city and elsewhere, hope they will be able to trlie general sausfactioni bring determined to goo Redivided Etonian to the boas* alone. . Theloculon of the Pearl &reel floase to aticeimonly' eligible. having (rani. on Pearl, Walnut and Third MS. so that It' is ispislly datable in view of the conveni ence of bottom memo, retirement for mimic boarders. It Is near by the Banks, the rest Office, the Masson liall,Odd FelloWs Hall. and hot OPEMUM dinam from Main street anti tiro enures from the City Wiled, tans arering the greatest inducements, especially to trovntry inerehams and gestorally to al/ pawns clotting_etnem• natl. JOHN •NOBLE mels27 JOHN A DUBLE Weddell House, Cleve Wadi to; • Tlhe SPLENDID HOTEL was opened on the .gash of June, (or the reeeptkm of company. The edifice fronts one hundred and twenty-five won Seperior•st., and one hundred and ninety-five It on IlankArt, and tOntalrlS ...two hundred lancet ally chambers and forty private parlors. all of which have been ()misled with the most cornly fanner; The drawing moss are spacions and saunas in elegant; anything o( the kind in the United Plate. The dotted rrslgtorte'rare'' parlor., reading ohed with olh t, and eybry loamy led comfort that money can proem. It ts over two years since the corner atone of thin othgnificeat structure was laid by Messrs P.M. Wed. dell &Son. No expenre has been spared by them to make it eq.' if not superior to any bowl it. the Union, and an ornament to the city. Haulages will be in waiting at at all umes, to convey Pometufere ba and from the boats free of charge. Cleveland. July laths A BARNUM ntlaainisWtiousw, Chula Street, between Sada and Lombard Streata, Haltlmam, aTaut Baburiber having taken the aboyeestab• lislnent, offers Inv screw. to the citizens and I d szv n e4eiguils i a . tgle muhn Of the mars ostensive lionses—end In fact, the lettuce titers to those visiting the eity,as tea. ny conveniences and contorts a. the ether initialed %Ws. The heave belna fin, the ,_.,4Ke is now being fitted upulth new tunilturre, in geed taste and style, and swill be open to the nubile on the 24 dare( Aptil,l2l7. The proprietor trews that his unrentithog errors to please, will. secure to him a DIX, pomon or the public patronage, residua as irell u transient. W W Lo o/of the fits Die 4, Fut Apn - • loylNft iIALLEGIIANYIIOUBF., VO Market Di, delphla—The subeerlber Bath orate Washington Hotel, Han ',burgh, Pa ) rakes this method of in. forming hie old friends and the public generally, that he has taken the above earned HOTEL The House is airy and efanfortable. and has been eatensivelyabered and impremed. and the propnetor hopes by . , .loci attention to burbles( and .a peeper nano thr the comfort of km tout ; tp merit and receive a Wive of public patronage. The Hodse Is situated Teri convenient fey the Travel hog Public., bung only two deers above ihe Harrisburg and P4usbargh Depot. and wtthin temo mitten.. walk of the Baluntore and Reading Denote STABLING at tached m lb. premien. Tenn. 51_par day. E P HUGH IM3, Proprietor • Alla/hem' Biome. Phil , . A Ingest 19,1%74020m JO:MP HOTEL, pri.ls2 enrendiwritict. PA1L.3111114. rpm Nalocribent, ander the fine of Kamen & WEST, hale parthased Mr.Jones' term trt this establish meat, end hope by the vainest attention to the wants and manna albeit. presto to merits continaanee of the libetal pattonage heretofore received by Its harmer The Gen e hasbeen therm:ably renovated, and repair ed; we therefore feelassered can - .welcome ear friends and the public to aceonnoodatiens egos! tei any in the city of Pfilladelphu. N W 11111111.411., • J7.r!r . JNO WE W. OALT 110V1110, C• 11,1•11. Main and Muth sta., Cincinnati. PHLFtitabliAbouni la noir In ibe ben order for the reception of' the Traveling Public. Having under gone a theniugh repair, daring the past winter, and hying the mot experienera men In the writ, in the nations departosenu, 1 halite nitwit that WI will be plessedwlo tall: The location iteentral,oommodiott• and pkattat. Far, 11 perday. Cinetnnatl, idarehl3,le47. WE MAYA -N. it.—Altiwagh not exactly a new Brown, it in the easne—a sew Whit on the old handle. Impair THIWCILINORTIZAIII OALT 11411/81i, • • " UaSeville, Ky. A RUS Til RO CBllO Ilf ON beg. to acquaint his IL friss& that he Is swain lessee of the GALT fluU 8 H s Loaisrille r Ky., where be levee to meet all his old friends, esprmg them and the public, that no ellen shall be epanal to make ell comfortable wherever his rnLL their punnet. WATER CURE ROUSES. ROUND 'BALL WA*RIX ,CVRE NITA 13 LIS.IIIIIIOIIT-NORTHAMFMN, ....MUM assmos.o. • Buren %V ICTS•111111; Pel•prieut. Da. 'Tsars. E. Unsure., Residua Physiciu. frlllis delightful neablisksoeut is Math. about leaf • to& A west of tot beaceital Nathan's., at on Oen ' tica of about 99 fat above the Coseecticut Root,which it umiak. The roost& wirtoonding the Estaliihencak the impels. Oast forty acres, whieli mike!,. appeurieut4 to ma ea. pkwy:pkwy: of the Paints. Aiwa mare and panties forest Inane numerous few ?althea.. shadeili y laul affording healthful and phases masks earl Mar sudes. • TM tpprap. acid costac4iocs bnildieps of the establish mat ite hal ape the eaten ban of the hill, and onn bole me of the mot trach eate. itsultespee in the hmedkitely in May ie the aline otNeethampue, with it. mama and handsome Mutin, amidst the damsplice of kit, end enerbetogiag dem Father ea to the rot a fi re tot rkh endursof Nortlemptca and Hadky, deemed in the ailed . .. Sue of Spin or the var , ;s4d habi li ments of hamser sod Annan - idithery, for meth mait *oath, is area U m mesh sad .ibiesy wakee the Tocantins, slowly triads. its way to the ocean. Oa the sorthos sawn pesepeet is the liar of Radekl with its rich and bettetthl of the..is l the tharisben. iitleynof Had ley, ad elm of Adam with its Colleges; while st the dis- Imes, with the aid at • glam Nay be sear an extensile sn4 gesatinlieerslied rasp of cooky. Oa the sual-eame, et sbont walcs„distants, I. Mount in its dam of iever•Dweg iteerhyt sod • thile beyotet, wee the phenol of hoetdt litteley3 at the week •r• behold It about 4 mike dietssee, the ninth Meant Tea, sad the Amain ritlage of Past fleauttn e with its &qua school ediftaew— the whole, preserelog • cooliosika of natural watery up summed; pa** tutegotibed, by •sty other the. world. ft ens reworked - by • .11,, n i who Is. spot woe thirty of kh tint is ear p•rt• boom that be sear bele!. • tem so perfeetly beautiful at nehantisp; .Tb. mcoaseadetneut Rand 11111ee very ury a d'pe. tiny pekes. chromed an amply sot kw upwards of um kmated sad It is [ankh. with aa slentdance of the mew ..1. tend every other rawethite for the fahantl perfect applica. tin of ibis weedesfolly sotteessitil meson or roots-rift loot or impend Dr. Demist/to who mid' as* tot eliallahem.o.l;.6o.l, is • roan man of wilarged terrine*, was al:sewed in Env; when M adored the adrentam of metal rears weeds*" la the eelelessed lospitals of Ddeoloow lad Dublin, sod has beim seteouilti Pm:holier is this Tidally fir mend yaws Datiestbessy thank/remote estseasdiditice skill ad • e pee ?milieu is side Ssr Windom Anarer thaw aw are metal .11 Instructed Germs erie. , ens ot ikteelies, iseloding medical drier VII Pe. Vests wet br sayplied I% reg wide for peeking, te. at Ile roil ofilbe aiiiels. • , Iferthereythe. Nur Aural Seg. ISO. Mere TRANSPORTATION ILSGOLAS. MOANING le/mum /OAo . Za, • CIA. Milks Flook calaneaces her alar tape tbla day,. leaa,g Ana barb al 11 It i s.ll4,Zevi Beaver as 1 *awa r e. es, conneetiagath insbarilt and-Cnd Laser Cad anal Boats daily to Ckerelas. 04 Beßearer, Wum a rm ed Cleveland Lino of Canal Packes sad &age Coaches day so Wanes and Clovelses. CaaalPantet Last 141 Near Castle and Itheenville, P.; Erie ..nonnea Ideadvine and Erie. Nell. &kora & Co's Lines or. Sage Coaches itr Cleveland and Wooster. /save Be.. err doily oa the arrival or sattaaboar- Beaver from hugmnsh• APO' 0 - .1014 0 CLARKS & 111 MAIM Co, Bea S ver Pitannah, . • • lON, le - 1511117 -- 18 FICIIIIIRLTAIII..ND .4110 CANALS BETwEEN earrannica AND CLEVELAI4D. KAMM'S & Co, Cleveland;o. • • AO PANDB,lkaver Pa. • Proprietors. T MATHER., Pin:barn, Pe. • - TOE above Line is now rally prnpared a Danipon P right and Pummels from Poutbargb and Cleve. 'Ando) any point on theTennaylvanm Ohio and Ohio Canals. The facilities of raid Lino are sot emealkd by any on aid Canals, in members' and aliment , of Boats, rope. tisane of Captains. and momptireas of Agent% Ac. Ow Dom leaves Pittsburgh and Cleveland dailneutt ning in connection with the elleament. • Michigan and -Lake Erte, between Pittsburgh and Buyer, and a Line of firs, Onset Steamboats, Propel lers, Stip and Schooner% on Lakes Erie, Ihnon, Mi chigan and Ontario Ympenr 'forwarded Jo any part of the Union with doaPaielt E PARKS fa Cleveland, Agts REED PA R 173 k tft, Bearer, Atets W T MATHER, Pittsburgh, Agt *Mt Cor Wanra and Smithfield streets FIUMBIER eB6llarlttifiri lait 18 . 4 7. ilekla MONONCIAIIMLA *OUT*, BROWNSVILLE AND CUMBERLAND TO DAL TIMORK AND PHILADELPIJIA, • • Tame to litalanoore ..... hours. • Timer Philadelphia- -• •• • • - :.40. ". • (Oar Miley flanging.] • • air." l .76'=""'"2::at; doable daily trips. Ope boat will leave the Mononga hela wharf every . 111101ilink preeviely at Passengers by the morulag fine wallarnve In Baintoore next evening NI time Mi Go Philadelphia Mall Boat, or Rill Road van The irmumnig hoot will leave the wharf daily 'at It &cloak; same Bandaya. Passengers -by than boat win lodge an heard; In corelbreaWe sone rooms; leave Brownsville seat montane at 5 o'clock; CIDS• me mot:nude. Inds, Win sup and - kale. Cana hesland. Musa am:riding area travel The preparations on dais TOM are ample,andtho ecomeedon complete; on that dmappomunenis or delays will be yo- known upon it. Passerwecan stew on the Mane and revalue th eir scats again at plentato, and have choice of Rail Road or Steamboat between Baltimore and Philadelphia, Coaebea chartered to parties to travel Ns they dame Becalm your notate at the odierkhloneop4ela Home,. or St Charles Hotel. J GLEN fable • . TO oLarysuaLnip THBOUG IN Ili BOWLS, • . -•- PACKET Boats Swallow. mid Telegraph . twin Bea- Ter daily, at *o'clock' r. ts, after Me arrival of the Boar Seto Pimherith, awl arriveat Wares time (or the MW Lies of Stage., width leave toursedi. ately thereafter. mid arrive al Cleveland at :o'clock, !=== EDI7D3 &LEFEINGWELL, Warm, Ytopeb :. REED, PARKS & Co, Heaver, Apata . • JOHN A CAHOHEYieornes Water and thanifteld *Pei °mesh° Os Monongahela House. Pillabanh PITTIBOIWII AND ONLICNNVILLD . 847 4' rAuxEr A ND FREIGHT LINE. • TEI 9 Ljaa 0 : 4 . 4 4 4 ( 4 . 4. Paek- Ika~ee and "4=l: d 37,.grai=i=7,2 .erobetwoon the nro earned promptly and at the lomat roma WICK & ARCHKR.Greeneine;An • CRAIG &BRAMPTON, Clarkseil o, de; McFARLAND t KING, Big Bend, do; HAYBk PLUMB, Shargeborgh. , do; W C DIALAN, Rhana dO.- WM. AIATHEWS, d% REED, PARER & Co, Beaver. d,r, JOHN A CA UGHEY, corner Willer aid Basnbßeld ma; °Penn, dee Monegnela Hone, Piednugh i&l:Qa:ii1;;I Z=Li mita 1847. filaggi VOW. OUR TILIMPORTAVION OF ALL KINDS OF SEERCHANDIEBTO•AND FROM Ph.D.s%Spain; Malttsmore. New and Masten. lIIHE encouragement tht• line has received Mime J. its commencement has induced the pioprie tors t o increase the stock by . adding number of fir clan boats; and instead ofgrring receipts as hereto fore im agent., we will gave our nwn receipt. for freight shopped by this hne. The boats are all portable, consequent 2 freight is taken the whole distance without Dan ipment, thereby preventing damage from !request handling no the mete, and as each boas is owned by the .Captain who inns them, which is a sufficient imar- Atte that there will bin° delay on the route. All Produce or Merchandise constped to the undersigted will be romanied FEEL OF COM MISSION, for advancing and forwarding, and will It t. vhipped•witheat delay at the lowest rates of We respectfally solicits share of public pairs. sage. WALLINGFORD& Co., Canal Bade, Pittsburgh . CRAIG, 13ELLAS & Co.. AO: Broad Street, Philadelphia., • MILLER, Agent • • • er's Baltintom.o Pittsburgh, Feb. 18,80 wl Wharf, 1846 AND 1847 t I!S - • TO THE. EAST Of 110EONOIEELI KOOTE, vie .BROWNSVILLE & CUMBERLAND. TY.tra d 'a,..rtre l Etirn742:ridg eir _ 4 "rede:: iolt Winter, on the moat farorslde tonn oy thiscape. diboas mote. 1l reopen! comuyeed SO V 2 will be Anlvalda 11a the tom en tales and lit degrade& Eleyebandlse *evened by nos nuns proaddlY for warded. J C BIDWELL Z , Att. Pinahargh. W CAE, E EGERTON& Ce.,Catoberland •a I, tss TO THE maim BY OALTIOORE:AND • OHIO RAILROAD. 1 I HE sateeribers receipt teethe dellveiy of Pro dace to Baltimore by th.fdoisanvebela Blackwiter at the fallowing pees.— Ashes, Bacon, Rader, Lead. Lard, Pork,. Tnllow Whiskey, s, and filasa-874 els perm* lbs. J. . Tobacce l ffaelp, Flax and Wheat-04 ets per Ite lb.. Leather-101 Aebee. (Pot) APldea.eberee, F/ 11124 3 1, 04,01.11, Nat m per laYlba ' • Oils, 80(00. Stade, Wool—HO de per Hi .od • n ftsw.i,Feluber., Feni eo —llO cis per 100Ibs. All property camped to miller of the uaderalgaed will be forwarded arlftue delay, ghee of Coramessesa, at above rues. W H CLARR.Browaseille: taerlaltf . HANNA & WATERMAN, Pitrabedell art tdEri ßMlF wicuTß VEUOK—A k/ fie prodweing modem—Reza the lelloWier (root the Be, 8. Wakefield, Pastore( Liberty wt. ILK Church: Pittsbugh, 8,1E47. Mr. R. E. &Henn It Is taxa a muse ofdy, as well L with great planate, that I bear tawintony the•vir,r ine of celebrated Venaitage. !preen red i Aegis hawk wad gave It to three of ray ebt ( drenwhe bad betIICIU Ow several weeks. The eldest - .VIM years old„tha next fear. and th e youngest eighteen meths. TM Int elly.aix.werser, the seemed forty taTell, and the p tIV a considerable number not' dinned) rreolleeted. . Since then thdy have Leen doing well, and are now In good health. • , Y 041.111 respeethdly, EL.W:acrtatz. From the Rev.At E Babcock, of the/14410RM Epinal pal Chrizek. Mn. R. E. &germ It ill with great etcetera I Woold inform yea of the good effects produced on my see of dm yeses of age, by yearjestly celebrated Vermifege. After bin bosom cowndasons, I Rare him three doses, when ho passed an almost Incrednable anchor, from which time his general berth/rhea been improved. Methodist a Flom rho Rey Charles - Cooke, of the pis. ermal Church: Pittsburgh, Ikeemberl4,ls4A Mr. R. E. Ferrara: I gave try Inge danghter (between three and for yeara old) three deem or your yirmdoge, aceordiert to prestengion, with the happen enemas,— The numberof worms expelled Ido not know ptecise ly, bet it was large. Pb. is now In pomemion of geed health. I think the medicine may be confided in trial great annmerrednesa C Comm. A. thi. venainnee haa . never.bern known to 001 in any j.lllll3Ge, 111*^.11 worm •etnally exuded, parents should giro at In prefer.. to all other. w idt Pre h, on W pared and sold boL IL E. BELLEW - 41, between 34 ood sue For axle by D. Carrel. PM Ward. • my! SHERMIAIIPS TOOTH PASTA* • a artraa.DUrtiowem • T HE bwe Reticle knOwn for eleanhmand aliening breaths Teeth streuthossins th %•••veleektir the ke. thoold be twee o vennight with. a silt brash, and the teeth and smooth will only smite •sligh • washing In the morning. 'Wet the break with mint water. or cold .will answer. and nth h a few times on. the *paste, when enough will adhere for centime the teeth. It teasel a &deices task le the mum beettut pane • most delightful hemence to the breath. Wand. unrivalled as apleasant, Miksch:m, convenient, and selb dentace. It as warranted au to :Mere theme*, beim preserve them • • • Dy emu It regularly. It will reterrre - tio tamer and prevent its eteuatelatko—provent the Motheaten elleugthce the gums, and prevent all diseases of teem Chemista, phylum', end the clergy recommend it a decidedly superior to every dung of the kind in istm.--- thth for Mennen% Compound Orris Tooth Faste, and obsermshis legman: is attached m each'pist. Reetimmended by Dr. Castle, MA Oreadwiry, one of oar best Dynes% and by mom of the. old casbliiked onm in tie United theme and even Utensively used by the Nobility of England and Fre, ea. lame pm enen of thodiaease.t batefiliet Mankind arise from mime derangement ail, •tontaelt or bowels, which a timely etc of the QUM He Lounges would entire!, obviate. Persons of .blikes habit amsktil. ..„ love sit hand, awl me a due sytteuever they kettle" leess derangement in their health. • iatli• Mon ate of these Lounges would mum th g ,,... 6 of eases. Libehr ste Forsake: WM. JAMESON'S, emeriti' Wood and dna rtna. ~,I sio ne .I.ll==.lCalitretria 178:1A,AWitat between lair and yam old, sad dad!! thedsy tdie tO3 largess:smut, more thad • teat to rau liming Its tem. se otethhishlld, then tra re tesSpooa ber yonoVir dr, worms o f witn.o _ l PPl•madY!.aii, and ate pima X/ dival atm • _manly .astiorti :• • , ld waten..kosni_usod aver Pupated and o by. 13 A FAHragszom CO, earanr lon sad stost. Rad :mid and thank . 1%/118C Igikenti e ßA lll9l llllA—tib r te 141'1:hew Vito, *almost muka n... cC.,' - wa.mkne.v..a.e,a.e. , sat l'ciiikiiiiit the nitti. slice it Is itiiint antliii , lietr i Ind Imam.. eadi midi I dirsittleilui: mit* ri mitt • a*. A.7 144 ‘ IT". "MM. egi Übeny meet, Irti oy cork itt Mast sat aim MIA WO fir pm me reverriMMES AniDICATIO'LOZTROZS. AND MkMI-RANI . iliUNtlitiN has deakerred • 1r.., i a 2.1 emit, ea dal &Weed will lake n.at Sqhisjiiesintad “ areas! wee boa or Leas ka, lbid • rot utToodk Zeat block of auk 1 %46. and a. fa* 1121 Dinetiows SKTAMANIS coma iozEsays. • • Lampe amp Moak's., aart wan a kth ,„. • k h for toughy aside, coaawletsiaos ewe tighwees of the hop or ant, ne, ete, once beam AM WM". what Wei, do , . goe pada • emo,cogi. knee Len ma. void volt ia the bst year, to health punka is Mood way o s , eireoesseepacaoad Il.aakhorieg wok the mat iiesitimag colds aildecesiug: They do apt Mat wed dry op tier wash, boa reed. away, pupae aposteratioe, alhy tha belle% o o and mane the math% caw. iTheyen wade Craw • minimax*. of kmost nimble ayes kraut, ae Meth Ahtdieioa, and are endoakedly arrow te crery Maw ia kr those coasplaistsi ese low 'Meer of certif.!. ha,, hem, ttered of 11844 asash l dal sit: has, noun lame who Lane beta ..wed Oresan untimely grays, re:sten:6llo Ecrfectla•M usitt Where there es awl pala a dee brasier diem.. °Other mesie row kW. Muses (price slaty Wlcram) shosthl applied th e sad salsa till Mash". if shess'hi . 'nth sostirearn, • fro vallarh e or lasahre Wens, ouldeatharde se.deico, Amid be aid monmaiux OHSIIMA NW* WORM. LOZENOES Thew wane lomhen prowil eusethse Mk ma to be a , she soy kaiak im mo p thatzvyiug =dime ever dwoncrol.. !bay dimues ira livia worms - and amain keg sad iateasmatering, wad.. death, with oat their kvi ben empieteel; pima mama' ani oars! etilkted with them, wed an doctored her swims complaints without my besieth; idea an don of these Loan. would epecdily ean then. Symptom ef Wawm—Paio, hs IhujoiWa or lichee, ofve sive Needy !Bkke at the bow, griediag of ilea lath eying vezatagtioesallseret.t dolps,wlth goidied i, es of reit over th e ' sarkein7thit -body, Ilight . rbith• Air atenvy headache, drew:Law, vert4o, torpor, distaillad :irt ”""r hte:•kaZsa. V"lttrs7pik'd bar Gle, bal=rhe Woad, dinkult'aldig tar , Mauch or bovrehrktigue, taidiaar aleasoislies' sere Maw apratiW, kowes, bloated doei.le or liothe, (C , liaf ehowiagyeas ea nukes paid of the teal, • am. of wine thing rem% wale thaw, main etthe woo iara& oight, a fevqouet desire to yaw smatiag Goes the bowels, auk owe • fig ! . diechaelos °lithos aisd mem, ; . CA.IIPHOIt LOZE6IO6. • They, give imairelkale relief la knolls sick h.Low s , pelpitetwa ofthe hest, knewee the diapoiskoey tedianasaory or putrid wire throat, towel or saimeter that phded,kilitag, oppreseiea *meow of making a a.. that Medic, Apnea,. camp or doe seleauch mouser,ed hymnal gmestrokoad a =notes iliseases s da Ilie ' end welted:tea demob ' the aerk: <Were or Moly a r m y warbasi &mime, Waived< or • itettlit Per at,. kaiak; or atteadhoy gale Amami well Gad Me Loom, gea telly twain- d ad aopertag the buopewy oryoutlei wag .after dkapetko, wain:store the .."I"tha spine p at rany, moat remote opts epleasaat eyeeptoca wain troae ties thee hvbeg. • Pekoes. who hen boa ita high Inasoki eleadased their diwired habits, will hat thaeLigia ad, . -SIIIVR • Ares mon MAN'S k4eBna. rarit -rew bad anagthiceigg.plater liowidslual y gor peke, k weaken. kit the tho beck, ker., liabe s piate, rimaathess, loasbega. kr.;" One =Woe * year well...apply the thawed. - They reepdrea was riv before eaphogead Warn:Med avatar to all thes,thel fora w gamer omal•price,sothaeg not only the best, kit the deepest plater le the wesid. It eke& mkt ko • irw heeta,cad make aatewithirg ma w. 1 61 . 6ver amphiat wed d It .bald be wont Mear the of dee liver or and it will afford,. great sad mortis, "adds, ark% dikeelly as ,Inathlog, opprewica of the chest or ekteweb, tlie_y will is wediakly wadi and =t6e .k.gt dee petact . Mama at eakehey Wed, or to mod wathosill maim decided aglow . t trait aw of truly iregth.w.g nee kr. !byname gaseinaly nasal thewisPrek..mo, ' allothen s hmeme th ey akhoraellarekitcroadelthed.grath. er rebel be their cpattem Meyer. dm tonse,md Ufa. They ere came of entirely ditrionat lAwedi ads Ni.pl_alheroad evoke. of ail who baßeweel thaw,as wMe mated eatiskey el ill the edebretal eed daw. vad be t physkiwas, the MIS 118e161 awl awdleatoi Own. . fawn/ maw ham et the somehow de apt their nimbi, at Was miracle. magi el oe phone elected. • Dinietions Er aver an am the beck crack' , stile a kie simile ofDwOhereem name. It 6iapwiolye° sh always** far Shanaa's Poor. Mai's Pharr, ased we th at yoo gat the gestaiw, es then ant wry'worthyvim;iatims hawked Moat sod add kr the trod lihnosale parsers, by , eapeleagded7 deka. Meld sikeoloiela sod road by W. JACKSOIiat his rata • Meehan Waribare, Liberty teen., di rof th 810 SOOT.- _ _ _ 'MEDICAL' AND 8 1 1 RGICAL OFFICE • NAV DIAMOND A 1... LEY, a few doom below Weed Motet, towaida the • . .. _ . 1k...- . • ofteisammiN, . . .. -/;/ Ilarimr Leen *gamy ed. • . .. nested lithe medical elm „ femme, and beta for mai* AL , • time,ln general' potence - , '' t 'mile . now confines Inv =cotton 4 \ 414 . , . .... \ le the treatment of Mom er 1 private and delicate at . • ' \ s t plem =hi otho• width his oppot .. , es and experience .- • , ea madiP . peculiarly qealify haa— Elerea year 11.1atdoOls T. devoted to the study and ' treatment of Mose mond t au, (daring whieh time he has kadmerepmetim and as eared more pelmets than ' tan ever fall to the lot of sly Mind.: emotion.l entO ply gantlet. Adam ell I r ea annum or mmetly,penent neatmed votialbeiery MI mall alleged with latieere diseases, and all discuses mimed therefrom., Dr. Brown would unbolt those afflicted with mien. &imam whiela have beambechnenie by demo. unman tad by the use of any of the common Wan= of the day (hat their earaplaint. an be radically and than °nobly eared, he hormggiven ' his careful attenuon to the treatment of melt emea,end iteceeetkd to leedrode of Maumee. in caring permins of intlamation of he nova of the bladder, and kindsrd el:semis whtch often remit , JON those wen where *then have cone/pied them to . hopekendeepair. Ile particularly invites each as have , temaimpand aseseceadidly treated by Own to con' , salt him when every mulataefion willies glace theta and _their emeatreated in a =dal, therevegtand intelligent . ; i' llatre4Vderil tt l iepVaft=ttett a"Y .eng;ff d iffi =practice • of medicine in Erre my onevemaa O . . . . . . . f Er HMOS Or Riptere—Dr. Brown I. , unn . , pusses afeihwel with Henna to call, am ho.hes pi. - powers, attention this distant.. • . • Penn Douses; also Piles, Palsy, etc_ yennfily cued • verylow. . - • C il ' a r2 Paneers.or either ear liv lag. at a Mamma byntanag their dietetic Of VITOLOT giving all the syrepi tome,COO obtain medteioes with direction, for we, by addressing T BROWN, M. D. poet pal and onto " gale°. 65 Thorn nti' alley,nprosite the Waverly Reese. . QT Nth fir... .1 POT, ' '. , aOlt '. .111ArORTAPIT TO THE ITLIES the Tinesa Beaa ' ry ' ndßesiontionot the TN; Cream:When once known, will supenede all other article, or the kind now used. Where the hair ia dead. haritt.thin; an. heahhy or tinning grey, a few applicattheit will make the hair wit sad dark, and - give it a be at lively ppearane; and.will also make it to livelinesi and healthy ceder twice att beg sm all the prroanoiens which graerallymied. Every lady and gandemad wbo are in. the habil of using ails on their has, should' at once purchase o bottle of the Chine,. Ilairetrata, it is so compoved that it will ort injuto the hair like the other preparations; bet will beautify it, and give perfect mumfaction in every instance. POT leatinteny to its.vary Sar7 : 6ol qualities, see the frZ i riars i e k r= b, Re z zal ik e , itst m e m ll l T ir_ hl .o 7 , c ra w the..Westemlikat.: - --•• • - . - .Letter fma the Rev. R. Caldwell, pulpier the Pres . bytertan Church; Pulaski.- ' News. Iladenhott & Stretch—Gentlemen: I a' plemeare in adding my lanimorry in fan* of the, C C lent prepatation called Its. Partish'it Chinese- I. Cream—ibr maw two years ago my hair wart crud. ' brittly, and disposed to come oat_. but having procure.. a bottle of the thane, and used it according to the pre miaow, my hair is now son, desire and Dm to the head. Nay, balsams and oils morn applied. each lea. sing my hair us a mono state then bobs.-This Cream however; has met my expectations. As an erasable? the Toilet, my wire gisia it prefer. earn over another+, being delicately pertained, and !AA dmposed to laseldity. The ladies stormily will find the Chinese (WM1110 . 1:3 a desideratum in their prepa rations for the train &spatially he. 1' • • - Polak_ ,i Jan'''. 7, 1817 . A.CALDWELL _l7 - Sold wholesale and ratan, in Pittsburgh by John rd. Townsend, Ne 43 Market street. and Joel Mohler, wearer Word and Fifth stn. . , ' • :Inlet( CROFULA AND SCROFULOUS - SWELL ! 1.3 MOS.—Scrofula In all its. multiplied forme, , whether in that of King'it Evil, enlargements n the giands or boner, (Jo tie r White Swelling', Cerium lthetunatism,Comer, dueasor of the Skm or Spine, or of Mammy Coaxes Lion, emanate , from one . and the ume cause which is • poisonous principle . mon or lees inhere nt in the human system, Them fora. mires DU principle can hedestroyell,novadi- f , cal use can be effected, but if the 'principle open which the disease depenthi is removed, a Cure mut of necessity follow, no matter under what term Abe disease shealitmanikstitiell. This, therefore is the reason wh JAT/ 11101 !AtTZIKATITIC it lo 'Fully iaeeesaleel in removieg so many - nialipset dimities. It drain:up the' Tiros or prhitiple from whin" three diseuea hare theirorigin,by entering tato the circulation, and with the bleed fa conveyed to the minutest fibre, removing every plaid° of disease from the system. Prepared and mid at No. South Third Street. Philadelphia.:_ ' Sold at the Pekin Tea Store,No.7..Fourth Wen Pittsburgh. Sllll A.8. , 11 AM MAI GAN insazaremos • - RENOVATING FILLS 'For Om:Ione year; plosions m making. ime Of Mr. Relies Rentinu PiUs,l have suffered extremely from Gymemia t end •o acid £4onsteb. I have etuote nee of • greet Tanety of medicine widenit ieceimogmateriel Mr About three months mace / ememeneed mine Mr. tleats Medicine, which has cautery relieved me fetal ectdity at Ulf sumacp, and fettered me to comfor— table health.. Sevend'a my frietelsand atmetiatences lime made toe of the Pills, and reeeived mach benefit from 11 !AL i can With Cordidwito LEE reemementiltent. JANE Ai L 7 FA/INS Bold. Wholesale and mall, by B A FA pi /IN idson INTOCR &CI:1,00MM of let and Wad, and Wood andetli PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, . PUIII.I6IIEO DAILY, nuAvEr.xxx wzmiLy tuOnserre/holabier, a_r ata Pon °JIM • RATES OP ADvISIITISIno. One insertion or 15 lines, or lon._Bo :41 Two insertions without alterations,.. .. ..... 0 75 Three " " I 0 ° One Week " "...... I 50, Two Weeks " „ Three " Onellontb, " 4 00 • ' . OO Time* " " 750 Loopr advertisements In same proportion. Ono square,6 month., without alteration,... 10 OD • 1 2 •.... 1500 Each additionailiquoro for 6 month., .5 00 u. " A 15: • " 10 CO One rquare,6 moontiocrenoiriblri at pleagenr, 15 to " 12 " " •53 00 Each additional equate for 12 months .1000 Two low .u,6 monies, re'wableat Oman", 30 00 Elleh aUltlooat gore, 6 months; - 800 WITALY 01 TRI•111111111 11 DOILY ?Ansa.; One aquare.3 innertions, each additional insertion rve lines orless, one year.- 6 00 sin month" 500 . • . one lola, tail, tr. weekly 10 00 rr ail months, " 800 AST2I7III3IIITS IN Wllll4 -.Pain. F or S 0 line., or le as, One insertion so so Two, ' ..... . 075 .; I " e Th ......:. 100 ir •" • Threci_eloitthi,A ........ 50 . Six : 4 ... 6OD •.A A " 'Twelve • .. (0 07Alladocrthreasenta lobe clianielty ;17a square, "oil a diseeentof.2s portent to be moo where the isiiiovat _or adverosing exceeds 00 dollars per year. r I. • • seminal CANIS: • tiles or liie4 Oes year • 00 • " . 10 10 5 . Imo's, • 000
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers