The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, September 21, 1847, Image 1
, „ • . . . ' . . • - . - _ ' ' 1.0- • --- - -- "`'-', 7'•-• "--, -...z , -- - ‘i t ' { - ' -. ' . • ',..1k4,7 'r:'''. - i-. ".' '''' ._ ' - - '', •-• t , • --- ,_ ~..,4,- .5•1*- -______=-.-1,7,„.7..----.7.----_,07---:------. ,----7 . - . :,-----7 . - .1 72 : -77 . ,- ;" , ,...-7._ .--7: , ...- ...,-..,--,,,;---:-: -, If--= '... 1,. -1.. -- - ., 1",,t-,' •,- -'• ~,,'' - ''.- -: * - :-2' •',- ''', -- n - -.-” ' ' ''''' --=,..',.- .----','. ' ••=:-, -' ' 1 ',. -- - -"-'' .- 1 4 ; ., .. +..-,- "-- , t. -1. ,L ,Clit;*".'it7.-Iff..:f.:-.;,i.V;_.qt,s .7 ,7 1 2 _,- ' -': i ) .*.::4 , : r-; -..'•- f ' : 4 ' - '',,-' ', - v`- - : , -',:'' .'" -- -;:, , 4- .! - ' - ':i..."..4,:,::. ', ' "', :. :I• - ' ' ' . . - ---- . E .'' '-_' ' , 2- -:?..,,,.. -- -. '. . '-', , - . ' 1 , :- • ' '''-', ': '''' ~ ".,,'''ii:.;-,".'';'.'4",4-''.:'.1;'...1".:/'''' '''..,''':,' ---'' : - . . - 7 1 ' ;.;: '''' 1 • . 7' , - . - ~- " , , '" ' '- ' .- ,- .- 4 N. . ,',....,..,- . - --'' : '... 1-ll'''' W.:!;:ii','":--,',--:..'",c•-•'-,-:,- ,-, ',,-. ,_ -- • ,_ _. ,_ - ,- , • . -' _ ' -. . .. ... ... ~ ~--- , . 1,,,A. - ..- - ... . - - - - ~ - • , - , . - - .. 14 ' 1 j -0-. 4 ",tr.l . ; ' ,":' :, 'S ''. ' ''-':-; '. 1 •.vr0.,"/.11 ..4 - 4 , : 4,,, ,t.. -' _ v... ~- . , . .41MtlfteelalEVm.... ~. li Piaci sedist • r, BUSI - • se,r4 • A LICIANOS•11•00111.1101110 Cbsuilamen 'ad- CIL • For...ding Marehasiait Wain mid tesTratina, .I. :Pattakffk. ..,-..-- _Ar. v . =I, telbnis a...,„ . . 0 ....--iVirif - " Laid :...,..,...,4. •tv.!,LIACF . fook attemy b rmaompe___,:j ... ,all :•,,,, tr a it ra n i' za, i rbeh =LM. , &mists tem! of Lthery and lk. Osit,okeng, •., emit, ra. • 'mkt _ :ill.; A. w.Ami . rs CB x co., swaiiiiiii e. i..w.0.0.1Dmvp.. WoOd tad OM 10: — .. - . nAGIALSGT ail sagrru, lonoewe' 0011004:115 - : lad Yu Weal .1.1, Fl.betgk. —• • * r;: v „ • .. slain. Diiastivr dr..,co; wiNg#ate te. ea, mut ?Macy ditiene - fh.4l22llflutel •, , loran 'lb aad *h. Noni i 01. Ali • • " :JOS _' :~ t (1, OPLtal4lll3O /404311U.1N 4anonai atlanar — ;o& ye a 3144_ , Tint Latera M.A1.44- neaM_ Was:Colannia. john - P..IZ ;- • COLIII*4II4 1441414 Ll 41430,Mana154 1 4 3 P4 4 • - • awing.► A., IL sal : . 44‘1444 in Omen Trinainins 104/1. esspuon, maaafacalian ea Clan in. Wane" 43 • . . "elm C4IIX.S. IL I. nesinslia C=a .l. 4t e r m , N. paimatonna . • azal.Vonwannag mant a, 1)&lers la Trabna • Plastangli Manahan M. flizth`lanan, MessalWiad • : aid Liaanti, Pan . • Pa. .. TiLaYar r G 04 F 106 * t 6"9l" 'l=7 * / ilt 41.46: - Jima Dun*. • I: naMarMwd4 DdWPi 111111111MILIN, _Mamas LW. Colros. es , tioltilid,ll, bombes all god 46 oft EI*ALT. T _ ' dealer* hi analo g % I' 'w of LAI INE=VgI Ka n Ihe , 41,147 , - ' MO l l , - . • • ealnlMlN . ft 011124=hlt, - XIXIOM4II.I{IIII. 4 .- dl Vdvadoio, ood 'flosaor‘di rtOddoordie Pididoondi saxhorns* No VI Wood and Wren r • AWARD 41 -AA - orywat taw, 10.11-lalllo4lllllllllt sid•ietroinameest t liaiisiliiper 111414 F/rethC' AP= C- - . 3ll V 2 Pagi 10 . 10 ,*= , • lOcadft. ' _ - _.... l2 l.s l = 7 Assioyone • • mpt=dllo% 144=0r & 0:4 4 , • • i • locsnagaw s . ""' 117 : 4 ; 11111 " .. - - .. *M i lksktie. 11 Vasa. mon ' • • _ -"~.- ~~ :.,,,, '. ~..,7 „ . G X0111111a111J10111. 3 /111‘470 fQr s r ' . ' '‘', ,, , ,,, PladisnO-...'i ...'!: ;''..",.' ~,, 51 e .....a VlCk'ai..' ' . Irauslossil • ',. ir -4 :',;' .. flXo4.llc4llll9lAii/ORes, . "1g 41 . 0 "..,....,... • , y ,:. •i" 3 , S.,T and licaliis is Sows 114011,411119.1 . . 1 . • , ‘... s. ‘ t :cries. Peas sod Plastron.. 1 ~,, :,,,,,,,, 1 -, ' "6. 14 ~.. . ast !. 4 4- . 1,-7 . Inane; =St 1 4 l 'i =rittiblolo. , '" ti=" 112 1 14 '1" * ".2.4P ; :• 71 # 7 . 71 4 Ulm' • *•• & uteurnano7_ olllo 2 - . ..,!, glis KTeniemok.tlimee.ritabltilhosainraeuvta Piriabargl. 47164- I T . ttL•V Vl64i amiter n bannua Se B i l stW „ - raPit 1.4 Airleyrt No. W.rk • rnabirsit. •. • 1.1,• • • • • 74'; Nt a;.• • • ' • 0910.1:414156 — ‘ , „Inz • -.IIILIMI- .40*-MYEAI47II:, W°r-ar=ll4sl"talMr"4"l"ll'l.l'4."*;l44t ME3!N 7 IgGt;3 1? - V I P Mar Ti,,,'Iss al =1=7/iirPodliNT latac N. 7, Bakelnelro fatioly Ash= sod .T, ~... ~~,~.,~~ '• lOU* te - Die thvV4; Pplvticlsl4 V . 1 Jl(6l4l l W4Vvi /MUM aPrilta4MlCighl ; j t si ffA vuu f , 4 3, 4 trbOcsVisallteaullosi• Tver,Elkier,llteol-Pottlea : godson,' - ray, X*. liferi st, - 1514•410 • 19E;4itg_EEli;;;;2 ' int Toluk WvALLATur;_iumareases .4111- al,Pkistehogetems or* Mk WM dno sum!! l palofArsi a bVm. caustics . . % , • 14:4:1 • • • ; • • -• ~'+' r~ 4•l* . aai blenuarr- 'Ai nvag a a istormititWoa— .l4 F riK44 ri , anfwGia • j tr 4 7- 44C7" -r+-~-~...~ emerionir Wel : „ r.. earsor, -4: o rmo kik runnwilwitaiOet,.. • -puma airsawynsedia pose __ • -• ,4011411•14.11116.3.00111MairrIMONOCIE .{,A,. t n s .ii o III=, , FX “ , ta‘4 a x 1 . r k s r b u r st l,,.aftAit J - .Riallg ! i l i=ill*•• , c Milkilglaitilnilli enilllK '.. ..- '.,, 4 4, " MI =ULM.: .. -I , , ,-. V. ,e,-LIPWIII 861141316 '4l==llM _i f ' , dm oivea.4 l , lol 4 stmomuwas„ r3,.Ay.'-' 4 eb .,, =_ Il _ --- -c.iit.... _ ~ .• , - 5 . . , , k lklrkerol l ll=os .. . 2. 11 ' Alkika . kki..l4 ) „ • ... - ...c• 4ii a lastorar & 43 ., ....,„„...7=2, . ~...,ri, =to& . A m r ....- - T7 -,. m i. , art h. ~ - 0.0 4 . ...:11M1N=LV11. 114 - 1= •-" .Ihlllll4llllll6year %IF - . 7 7 7 :7 -.--7911g1ir...7 : at. Priams sad Zak. mat 2 • ~r •slilisolf fooliiri -- NICILIMPAIRars ii!sa lr i vi O 4 ...,„,* 4.1.... '' ma door frau eorelte .........-- •", ~:,, f .. ••,*: .... • : ' "ilte.4ol"Bl=4. . ,„ „. , . 4 4ws x ~,. r. a waiiessiNi Drx; f,.. - :!;?.i ,,, M l l 3lllPilln yL i lWilf f st. '.'31: 1-.6 ' . f. - A.1171 4, rali ' r. ''' .l . (tt, -,.., cifMAIO ',;j: - ;Vriliali t - i 'lial 4 7=1= kilt;f4 2 ;,,, pazaTic % & a impic i pp, pftome f •4 1,114 , 1 1111,1‘.1114aPninglialit alkenibuuN . •-t• •••,.• •••,t!ftit • I .._,. . 4 .• • .s• • ~..; •,1 - • - - • .......Dkcktuts•Or. Liescsa:Zr4 ...aft . ....4 '-- , Z • 4 ' -• W 1 =4;7:1V WI Til; . • : . ".. ' . 01.111•64 • "'. - -." ...' OM . ' . ',' ••• ~ b', Mgt • *A! trd::: , CLer ra L7l4 , ~..; A ' .sndv 'W11060.11 • •41.1kr• is . —:— '' • • . liaenumetms,l.lbeli r st: opp2,an• :,, \' ' •,.'il ...:. ' ' '", ' '," '- `. 4 " 14 • : ~„,., 14,= - „1 MlLD r llilmisid. 'i41 , 1,..1.01.= „4:'`Li.' ..-:,,, i'. '-'.4 , l , o,or""'M....mmcbana;‘ ... . , .. , _....c ~,„, .. c ow Yr 1 , 4- liti W o, '.• , - - .. 1 1/1 ...'' 'V. . ,44 *- 4 ,-.X. 01111111bIlie• II& :::7'....!: ' ' " .k 4:r.; 4.--.1 , r , kfr.iirox..A.A. *kV ':'l ,4 "--- - .11,1e,5.04 -1- 0,.:-: , ..-r. fii".4. , = ,, WF . ,,A1v-, i.....M :- : -.-.:-.„ . i•;I.. 1 --0 -'44wVo..t ; i - : , :: '', ? , - t '-'l`,••:';' ,- : 1 ;:1 4 ' -•.,.: 3 1m0:,4 4 1, iz.,,, , , 4 ':::: . ,•.. 5.- - .• e.. 4 1 , ,-;-?.. :::.., • _ ; ,....:-.... , ,-..... , "„ z„.„., --- •:: -,,, 4 4 . . ~ . 1 , tIE~ of the MaiiftWOOMlCOllit Itear Dino %Ma ii;;q -7 0 - H*o4,Ft is- Wan lIV • ... Vtrz ~..~~r-.~-.-~, T:~.Rt~~,,:.e BUSINESS CARDS. R iP s=tfotrat . Y 1 . 114 & d anda fi lfid roorrivr, PAO" FirWifith at4Le r • .1.2 AA ;Ala& for Amami' Als. ;fa MD -00 AAAAAr SfertArma. r i r:torprormi fkakfr ifloar Ora tir beef 'Elba lArtter,larret te.glary _ now* 0 14NICI11611:1AAR Wholeall fine er nakr,'s4:`ll • B o.•': .••• 111.411' hag, EIAVILLICTI. 41111.)11Mla oPeirelge sed,Wiem4Kery Om* ' I/9 Wpottipei, '''Tobtnt • BM4rt .01-111e2r-h lly satraiget• ni eer sedgfoilaqe rtamord• mg NM Ctiaatuipo ZI 'Mod straett § la IleaedlPAWltlte L% 4LN I ,alrtv . V - • now- S.WIINe u iWP k OM Yerel r, toWlinlilarretarra pad W•Tai;ralvo duet, pert realond so dims allwlealtaboax(o34"") No 23, maw of Front nand %mem LIM, 'salt SAIIMILL 144=7111114 , aiyl,l3‘was .kmtacerehaaltllaldarlai Salt, haaatealal Phu brlikamsfactarell &Melo% Canal Barna, Etaa. Ap st. I 4 ". • - S*lo 1311HAny Dealer ie now Ass,r 4 eflrrelea,astAirtgatitoraltuplamexts,No 131 wsteien4 Pmob3ll3l. 1•143 FT I 0 • -•• ..y.j - • ter *134 '6611* , . C9lnti, 'arid Vanety• Oftra•er • fussArawalis.rona Ven4 ll6lll rinosrei i ma. g 6m ustabpros . . , cow 9 4 ..z.LiberYsiseet; ', - - . • 4 - Am,Dealasis hedge% ham a Cillawasi Wirieql• glop", ratutriZt tin 1742', Dan "Ira , • " gM~i y' an.»ltts~Mry,. 15 = Mdrilaail-Vhdet -W liniMnn: • Oda.* i• tan and , ', o 4l=l 6 o 2 l ,,Widradecireatad Cada I ilnr• inutiolkinotemsfikihnibt, IF . V.o o 4..Morlitaitosse ful t i ll10 0 ^ ; 40111111nawR111==1,10' ,':lk.e.oarner Libeenal(plt pacc4i . . . IV• - 4 - ..7 _ Ile lan • Willtd*Pr %V • timilhint alo ft C . IL KM 16.36cistralOrptiaihro , - no . 4 cildmenftlibi ... t • 15;:F941 Alr , n• Wheiew;i7mr:. Iz i eL= 6 , No. Tr4iiji nre 5". laittra-a .Goarisommarow. Atuanyetsi Law • to Excbc, Clacutree4fltlieseimimoveal Oira." 41/414SAnivIkaater W rj I fr elk • DM Silidg Pio If Market inrall;rdlawA. • .Zl6l4lilrit. _Wart; it m. Umfbin4 . ehdY. fens ftnl Milffia aio.* mog, slim PM* somatthiperrecrelPlffi - mut artinerable term, • ~• wisdom, Neat Wp ß r wedg r , X X ..jr”-,411•Xt1 !per, !!' Mx° O tt! WN4..r.,nt ;UM , SWltAnkr7 i popsy „ Latt.e.g I ila=sa be litall,iteurser 11 . 414,d, `:, •04.4 -6.!wW°.°4l4wgii • l' IV/W. VAAL. , silitoK, . 4..5t 4.41, 1 . • , • Pik- Caleirmeim,_ Or use go Iml.. 1 kgmlediewrat , . t i n oad i r 4 R.P. 4 4 4l r ark T., , . . thfreen..a Atl, VVVilre: l s._ i ret.i= 4 .Vle-AViet: tae whet ..!...ii,u s e.pkt le pripi puodtv.„ d" A ,- AW-14...e01-1.a.,P01., AV effAVE•47 ' ' ' = "" I " • i4,V . : : Abit. V l4m• Lomat. ILt"'"lt. t ArcTi.F.,_Yea.ct l ievll 4 lk JY ~-,3 -1 111 ifOt=ll , wian, -16:114. • tor.dots. YL aic '•,..-ur.afrm:-1-11-‘*l-44:74.4=4% I. VII Wlthaam.' 1 ra.Asl4an ! , YUTdiva 1 # 41 , 181 —. .Wr lLEi bim 5 , sad Piashoper Mar aniOnklunw iiit lisoil , asFal I.4oiiiiionummat . lrMdtp.Otlras!r; W WCt4 . Yrghn awfOAIO/• - I 1. to .rto4ftl ' t a ...RAM Si bolienb,46,Metbiemeampe by. .1",. , , , 'win We eteitelbisbe bled a , rmiba: eippoinmseilbebeek tad fridieb wbieb r be bib selt es etpl i crbes.besel . IliaiiC jp .. OpbX y.o ri S babelae. irrairja: '°". re= '''l 4 . 4 . oai(fri . siOtt ilifi. . • . , 1 liir W. . 4 ; ii ' $10111;pakeli - - Z it 4 0.4 k • ' ' rsigst Afwilibay lowVirtglei or tag • ios 914 4".711:114171:41; ern so • u Motu VW .. , . . -, '• . .ftilimorikopwrial i rmas44 adislitiM lob a vffloft _r gr, , id ~artaell npsll.l"lisW sae - Irrilas wilek*lilt4amengildiLry /at .win '. (1111 swum l ATTOANkYaT I LAWi ke Prw. viliVitrAvuttA , a°s 4 / , ' dicinikirtkosom alp laaaa,Faysaa aait Pa. d aus avers :awn CI i ~..,.......,40itakoutai kNUFACITIMUL'at 71* ,Illitaborh„ hitt 1 Wicettiallititlic, 04 INIUMOS •••; N• 1 •Wo~ Mst it OW 1. •9 1 . 0 44•11. - ,Owlat•iitim er W *re Werdouti, • . dealosouult olionr be • , 060E4 maw. Ml* 11 ..t91.14A1r•if: . , • is* •••••••!•,, et Opwrial • • 1••••:::. it -W IWywr sad till peek, . ly, w• orn lova: ....... > i-- -..,..:.: • 2; , ...4.4. ~ • ' - - 7 .•• Vatt gir tite m. esa imnousesy ni ' T==fibraysia of SWIM • IND 04471:XpINIUS, XISBORgi ifs mu, antaP ' L=4O,J KIIu 'll4•littiL i m ir y., oo .2 l 3 lll Apt ' iti bi g trela.f . - - 4/40,01Vrpret= r .i .441 ~7.1•A51". •PP PI; • a;,dirops. JP1161111318. 1111ALSTERS AND: 1 101: IMAM-19' -. ,it11T51113.111 , 111111411f . 'MEMEL -- nkirr Ilaskits Alloy IkiNte Ibet of Fluty„ ••• ..,-11SUOVVION-Plu Ikkawka. . • W. Borthritti: _ Ct'&1111$ tr. ti ear, te wi tn=l oF it low , P ' eet* sod an. poil J.Jnae 4+ • 4 ; staysorApo. , • n. ii4ll. a fta lei CM" .i;edeld. lkif/NUFAC- - rURFAIS Iliumerlad, _lVlacoadasi .441...04;,P!.k.f, 11 11.4Filan, No 11..W00d stemi.Ptiwn . now "Odesest gl.lai.menefa„ Ana& - " ll4 ,=#Lf thotallin 41 = 0 . 01 . • , • • ,• ' ` ACOII virlays4, aim tetwo Fir *Kona %AKA, , . • v•-0 Wiglnn " PlitBl3lili"gb: SEPTEMBER FORWARDING & COMMISSION. COMMISShI.."4I4IO,AI,—•IIVALLiNIOII=IOU, • lON 4- MORW MLSCU L ANIII, lirFAvi•tiAxlmivgaßNA s N FIIFINIMIELOLI MANI /FS ' WASEHOUAElltt.essial Ilmeel=i l .2tr i t 141 sale 61 =1 . 1trasr r sieela". Sayler Cee Ceakdaearagsses leo. fr. games As. Maw Via{ WI Vest - flalk*Slo4la, *ads. +einem i f eITI=I Moai..Canrborr- Fa Smapers,Mosiata lear.) - aaoatiasaA Coal Falba - • Isles, Lag ClzaimeAtike. NeAti. Reof. Ism, Olsge -- -.llLkasfactares meld at' the aormeal 4 aad • r tier • 4 1 J Rmaido C • r zep Dassapowneir 44" CO. ELAVV 0 • co an is" watt No. 015.0 W p ir i bre Val $9.111 Wean 74 -; llitEG te !rhim the rteed eat deals* jikatti4ite D Pittsburg% than they Wats* nee amieguessur rtlhAl,"vgiab=l*...= ratZ..=3".l. . taiga mud , erestaro arrpgirtalle Nelkrorlog deface does of robes*" wiriela•erill be sold lipos und. l . l . unit. ant cty . raga% :where, aral- Cl' goods ordered ter the* wa.4,int , tad equal fs reatattiper, Items; tt-Ciart, 1 . • —• Yaraf . • Pone Eieog Reedlseaf T. Co* ',germ; aarttPlarids, , beam ALM—Bri*elth eelettiand Areas* lb* OitealJ with e burr auotruerstairbdter gettdrir Meek, and qvatibes of anode:* IN eta MAW Miami( .ad la rum ursia.i.i4 vuemervux Er, meet arid plata, in aisle sted - halt buzett iz t v nied . aod tin, together with arm mktg. er arthddl lou to dm trades ' s°l I T9ISOLITTIOYU-71ACopannuorki,AMAtbe' litlimAlA ' f l aylorAiii: j'''''"r "4 13"n a i. =I, mum: tie Am al A kw, Is Ws day &mini liyAmaadisansui.7. ' am a the Inn will be aeutod by adage.ll Not. ffpll3 • - l,-., ,AAI 4A1.41J ,_A Y • 1 s lOWA ikTAYLOIII. • In renting hem tke Wine grin peitWkstre rteerrogengugiloguAierert gearre/4 NY littajperger sae Warw. .10 Orr worminbrialok. oda& Oar ocousum.Afikap.fer..ap r.:,==ra l/ a..r.,.- iiii . .l4.Y. tor:ukter *est/arm, - atiltoets, ~ .:Vl. . Awm,.• 1 Oonewes at • biltudintay MP ...... 1 Coma& oks irtrilelanbalkOth=" TUT tewatalir ere! upw *arrow w .d.F., •ft ry *ls :• • . , , ii. , OtnitTATLOll , • • . , 1. , •.- ~,L ,••1•••• ?SOS 0 Ob/0112,8 • • • . 0 : 11 'z • W.l44inti. • : :40 - - , W, 07WIteeit.: .•: - Av.rtigy i t tizpp. ,_-' .„,.„.. ~t immio, -:•::. ~. .. i —: . I).4IIBCITLAIk *Wire; 'II *gmikagial it saWari.4l. : 6 ! 4,1 • 1 . ! , UM. ant 0 ra 14.1.- —...-- -al/ft. Tliol • • Lianie4.riaw Odom. 'l. Titaii 74, apei ' yi4 l :ls'..k,!.*l t beio Annol&tt nat•P....9p, ',,., .-..., .. Memo« lima- riiimerssio • , 11 , .• am' ZOO% Mfaatet .464- Jot= Plariabiss, La, •,...:,• •••.•,.... .• , , -.led& _,,, ' • ' '''ALlittre iOnrindrr. :PtOP44 I O I CATTODIIPE'4. : 1 ,093,117 11 k. - _..r: 'itaittiabiti:: !. - . • ,s , Pla==Zl l l 4 4.l.lll•Obt j ia= 0 pyrecluiag I. Cepsaimpirnotres 01.11104. gighl.: : NNW'', 1 11 / 41 / 1 11a1M11.01011.19161!..7. WO4P, awl D a it.M . P.11Pi1041101.10101.1V44t .... „ .. _ In ..14,,,Z...b0adv.6=z: Ni strt.t= =7.. -aiir...4.17,111 -- iir - i , ..... ... milm.. , " '...itirsi in.*•....,.. . ...._....,. -,- .1 , ,11 , ! , , i ' ~..: . ~ ~ } • . Mmes. Hean& i. a r, i 4 , 41 .., ~ ~ •l , - I,,,akl uat a a!"* . i" ~ -... asidafts.3l4llll4lWlNlV 7•-• ___.__2__ '% Bill-o.4_4i_ . 46 10 •4 McOUTEFAWORI Mvu_2Nslll 9 .1 2 -i MlBBlo2'6,litv ~-..,",. .. • _ -:_ , .*. I.L.riThat.-4- - ..--. • . '.. . 1?a ,ffi, oblisiedis 1,7 1 11,1#.14, 1"" :-, t . 1 rliv iit: ,:•.,'- : 4 :, • • rtillakAlwjettgle4ii." ~ .. -'„ ii. t 4 . Armes. SW - - • .11,7L1n17,: ,:, .. i , ... nwitirraestuecamtimn ••:, , ' . , , - lira alllDlVAraii.m. il K : • , ~ aillibinralia *WWII '• '- • ...........,,,_.=,_- '._ . at Alden' idinfloronrall'........w. • - 41sokaa• • • .-- 0 , ' 411$filsfiF01440invmautiliNWMAXii „; stb sens4.l_,Coratintn. ' • 110na..., JlXa abovictios had soh ONCaflf wiet:eretiewmyllpbtsir . i 4m Ardlt I*=vd'a Ws wal. W n riEln pa =•?: Abater:tom It er tome Oink. Orden Ind nun li na.n. )rniannOlielly lendtat.', • ' ','ollllolllil . CiM i ttyl 9, tOge R/C a liffr e f o li = „ 1.4 assi Lt h Iltgarbee-=,_ "..T-Cour. Lainterta... , Wink. ja)l o o.NrktiN -• , • - _ .104111 cur 3114611 M). sore; I F -t-111.1%-tailralrik P= lll- isiet b* Disi l = l" litiZA4 ri Vit ;geilc •-• Lail' a I iii,j=g t ile• litioniNtialfts Wei ttli • **air,. ClemadsliliAllF VlLll*lol.lVl , Vbeiltiot.atiosthoweesi. ItsAlLl ll 4nii, lll. l::;ailit. .9.. flibt .„*... Thaad ZdVlll4 l34"" airmer s 41741FitiirU iftatsk,V2 4 ''' ' ' ad,a,44i . ill of P= " 1 1 : 41&" ".14"-‘ 1% AUCTIONEERS 7i 0 4 611,11148106141ttit isKANT3., CINCINNATI 4101 , . VUIS 2 two inad s ZmlliaL 4 I tti=t i ditigattet . 411 " le t meet fieneosill be drollest*, - y 041philleioNatitemANY N4x Wukt x•WATO.I4 , = Egr. +01.1.081,.94ang •-• 114.111.111101111114_ .iiiriue,prtediVoilii /kw 44 ) liFt*Ions. Adirsaiss mad•oll'onsimgarns tiL li Adlidaelerf re*, 4iteMit oribilviddisimeg au • im;prile_ .041.11111115L14 COMMISUCItaSCEIta r ri ti . or•Asi,,newarAism-c3 . _ • PlA,Prar l iil4ll4 Jo. fop AO Healy D. .forois,wiii.; itassagyal Moat Ofoet of—joingotadi imosootooblbes tad mot. isoiti* roof oodeeflun - • 1/..IrePATISS.44i ' 4l* *" 3lVa* T""r l iiiil • • t r e,Kag e 'PM' rwarf r iei l witneskiikataties , daedosilogranlarrOn ti KM* r' ,44 ,*7 11 _ 1 =,:7,r •'' •;j 111e7 cw • - Jon' Amy Cr t 4 fP: 04 1;' , r•;.'c'frliiWil* and F " ~?. ( . 1 %1 4 : 95ifict 2 wllAt ahrtsiimi • 4 11.110116AN . C/LXICINiIAOo. , .i , ; COMMIBBION ERPHANTP,i: 10 44 11 , 4 It 01114 QTCUi AliTlAtestirdlb lode ruessigamASO Jul ly CA NEatettaiiiir.aion. Aationnisczu • O Pl. a* • imnPas. ANDMILUN AND PRODUCE OMPLIMINININIC MSWOZILIMI, . 8017111CMIHARVZS, nitt.ADELpniA. Ap i r t=o.ate:iirs OurszAall iskEtait anmcb.sorgdows"idrhar ZSGELLANE' ou`g.,` _ . • . Wi.INOODWI4.I4, !OM:MIK ithoirrrOis wail; 1FM1; 4::•• wllalll- lIIIRD sumer; l;2- 1: • • (L., 4 ""M .IE M I44( ' 41111116 t! liqtef, aid pnyate,Dorci, • lidOiWroiistantron hand million& fo odr. • • ••,..Vispfaalsosefilwodrlealercooiortina. idie • dzz loontiaii...rgeTideNrert fi drunwavtaf.-)..4.410..Arr. 'h°•f4cif , --XleofOowid. Piashoml.4llakTlN foos hrolopoff Pluf • Oi, C h u m n. ; frit paral ! i' ,1 41 = 4. 1 oft C 3"• • • toZoµcomnr, ; o6u ti a O rca aa uti ai .. - Sonutdo lop Work'Stoef#, •wodrOtosofq• - • • lefohopay, Maple, Cherry and 'Polar - Debtempi of all' deseripa law &aortae:lt of Comm: AMOK, igolmoozoOo Foomallf; • 1 7" r ts Ait . o AR „ aos_immlw/trws.. Coodhile'st - Wed& and Itar'pAtbelb..,, vile . middmireedim AM or Wombed!, on star leVaPinnotary, he tits a m nia Any.triends }EI the etry. end .nemetny, ad .eened as. = e.abOrir phom.:' mama -my mph,. ned - ildole.wddmomonne silk rein gri IsL VlM ' otel=ork= s iginrati'L l ' !Asa- Ead. 40 ,1 %. .4 tnY be lk E i e gZ W ii 41 : mon..wev; Wire parelsbme dandled... Ihe 4vom follemies ztl eomisesard irmitiz ef my eseek. 3..= ! emsetse L • Leadimillbelt - Seidl* Dolt Medd. defreelMinemFmnere Phommemis Mahogany Wade and mum, end all dam !aides ad:named Mnfoihn Wed bushes. , dictator • ' ; 141 1 1 140LPAT111111T P LISTNIAID: f .,rtrz,, : z . r. vaL t tz, Amu o klusbecpb Ideamblei law. Jority of,the palatial malan of Ow M 411ds Ireiy.' lir mid themaier; 4 :eeaditsideretikespoblvai ENlbe `Mime lkdabutbasmiotroubms, sal . ,gpe Onzeia's Bedstead duusrekteaerobnply it &weak beterthe bieg,-ebevert, Ma saw, anseantliodsteadn.leaL Abe ditlerwing testboesdar W,, id lbtdarbbeml derefl atb iraineirnealrty I'a inaheembovda tiy Una we, krinshinglittlio eutunfaetaxe bed , souk wilkONonWa 4 . ol4ni'Fasiebbspl, stud a:Wide* 4h4WNI C eIW e .4stera - .• -. -L.?! 14 :Yvan& Co _ Robyn IFit= Lowry t Soft • ,=tA.4 .tbia • " 1/04di II Wall ,'lhAWalu~o6 :.r - • • dims Billeek Is %Ills 'Da and se I -do atiove fledlieiet" `edy , Sß EIitThIFZEILY 1.1,12Z2 , • I .1L anal lirr - i -- 11LCL.----.. 1P 11.10 141.---..ittollootingottonnai • iriteni, taoy 11l rit (V III? Z I I u n C* ra b 1 4 rat a `,X:::: 7, ATI OiSialliainoactosiolotiv . = , =WI at sho Il mad amen Ttot to oinks SAalotteta-tmalir 1117. sod wilt woks WACO rot Eamon -Mot,Oein.t 000, OottallaitlY WI I* nt. all littlie RAE Um tiodiAl4ibiltraninotonoilancoto pa '..S=ltilli iMi.llr.A. l hlnailitia the liner sant h tetunifrio, ..olotlielica lialao to plait atalr,inatocoismaam Moot It OLT Ujoa 10 =ara InTie=dl.l. 'n lLc=ll: : ens totoolianao on obeli maim . For a tolliiattaptioir ',al - wait, aolittOolt imolai toot in otrooootta , %loot align a liallasont boaoin,neat ina Winanna ot ottoot,.loint in gall be Way to explain trite altaladoliwiskitim alpha : may totiL We are at ptomaine aollionse4 Agoni.. All tenets -tow editions • -., BEltielletall.LEN /k . ' l- ' - '-- '—" • 01211131133W1L-o .- - " - -.11131. isa4ibt is-s »_ mnagyeLy upbastaapro.a 4.uing pot , Enee yeoti,by .h. Warr iroor - iteszoricula i i, " IZi,• " %t re s tli lboMtrif C. it °Mai.* of NivigoOosc , Thaoiookool co orbit lb themlombillty ondomwskarlkytoi.,l•Roteetod by es rodeotod o.* 6.ldikiloot,lotore ,ho ok w*, wit. , SJOILMWOO—Ibo fog* oL,llo.Aloili ',W it iqbakbal , , km, thomiktlf • . ' • - • IsAtlf, 4ad .lil , Wo . ocukutif,,. • • -- . 11%, - . ..piiiii.l.74ovutooitna i r.... A st . mronsi rae. Descosr,et Bastsa..ltat wedged *set * apt= Swimming homes, whit.* *ess see eliersur ..rataNoma, New liart,ke.ssif silercvri +TOWS. Atirrasekred • iNtsasa i dttitd r *41.6e '• 'er `S w Gmr s es k aiy et nsmgsm . . . . • , ....". , .7**yeraseded esd mt liWen get Nato? . , C . • , 1/Clo Moat • • . - • • 110 eland Preeillesnon airy be nee:funnel the mp In l obtahnot et the thoppe ma47lanorese ga.a 7 of 8COIFI; Fuel !meet, . - Wood end Nation no • INatopersalk Cutleoz ia Mileei, te, I AND I.g.ALEN In flonz god DO . 116111:1 811 .0" P44.ige.l"Ort=Vl7.4. I,,,ra qm pply,e( Reid and aa the aid woad ofWilber *Weedwell;No ft Wand eueetorialch be eW 44pire eiregilbe simetmeenahlaa I. *alga ha ovarian, tencielogrfreekennelleadiroet hese thelinenfaeteme Fotope , Neonti;' *Nei will• mint* had* eespeunerhh any eine* I . l llt,mtlYai~lly wee.. ull end ennie l es eie Mak bonne perehialote elamellona moo naentd Wr zip Onicidatraideed.'be i n . ii fredlanonri d itner; ealeilahniee mad ; Mag.. ' ' 7 ;4. th. , style • ..,,,...931117ni lenciumW di CO. ..indAinlininnothe roliebooso, No. Column id Now,. Lllifest.T•egarby Wt. rf.B *bete olc*OPenese IT rested N tax thugs Will bat felthra reendeal on M: • 71 1 1 / 2 ",idae4.1,-0111ei " rorreor - tn . • . , -; !Wirth TRIM. - sneh9l , - - -.- ~ v ameauul awasmenr,an., . .raf the lea hit e( atlite & [milady. Lemke'. AJOhmeNaastietwerjaad &War In Cbaks, Combo, wok iradety Comb, kap. eatetaatir ea baud,' &a Ititettaawslattatthwtere deawietiee el aiftrilabattaat kmCram Leerkhar Wawa; 1,14A40.114 kitawat :gals awl ornamental porua4 (reset" - $ et Cleats, Tray& sad . Walters, II wee of • CkatehTltreadVand leseeetall wort:seat a Testy & wiebtata, at k mall senate se eau, hdlawr;aae *Mete tappbed watt Peelp'n Mani, Cat rtwi ay rkt&&&&lllo,l.7.l4, hernia at-New Vett mew , • . t • No OIL eorweal and WI we. • , 1111=1431,1411az Nati" !. 4....rmimkth. Is= • ' I:= . .l„l:le:=eelftt: aidiak wr+rm.e. Us mu et the Itlthistertidle Iforte,wide ea =ads are Mak of Maumee Card. .o.4o..beasqually end litat arks: t,llenea by et amp le the Ma meats. Way . 11 etaLsang rrairelmir Waimea I,IIC R ION"it TOUNTAtN. Ibtuada asest,lesi: replAdadltlid trgolk Eltatiag, a...adoWV NA.P. 141 1 r•roirn world Ma= .=,= at tie.,.10 am...east= ta; ss Dienmd'• xprl.Citomaut, mud.; and Apoagfrwit'Nr *$ Veretter or Weed and litY out, risabuse., =Llat*, stute" fa . Isief t IMO, Tana, Oa, :Inet • - • r .arttit ' Or b . : VV M lP"""rillY f irr i t MIL Alrr,, ea uXtese= ruVisti... n t fur. TJnh, I... Ha r m, Mid i e.di vieus . Hewers, &a: , aide. .EA, cCOTTON WOFI,KS. ITTeavison. if"1 " Al f " RING; IENFQC upeccelsslotarbbeldest Arun) coplaussiouran. or DAMP/ T CINCINIVATJ—d am smiarized by tfis 0041 Thin ,Mot Posodytenosa so usassoohossusysoooor . ( + 4I M sinsamts ast vosislitg, also Affidavits and depaitteru of persona (0 Oa% le be asedx meardvd is Pentaylvs• al& Orattra4,l Oats Emt of Marts , s Wen, Ptn , Massa, Claw EDWASD P MIAMI& 4 , ''. 2 l lo . ll km l , • F - •• . !Mussy. uLaw RA WAN'itti: . MIXEII - .11408 „ 100,000 / 0 ", w!.141.11.6 6i6hen pr to aNn■r ea Y' ovary detetritk4of: Wrighir awl Cliforlde Patti' .: ViNINO •Alrmary Arr.. 4 . .4 r . • peer* min _— te Owing In cerzetry% • • eur bokrAbawksur.APCteatien at tfuriced awe , AAoll4‘ , Asne. of Alm WANlVAlancherter. SILVER WATCHE AOl n—Nanwea ATi l tlittot Oho lafganneek of Cold did raver LamaWalokan, naihttdofor tains sad Crcaileenen •wer 1114 wend and handsomen panams and of the lana ....ifnetara—warranned ind..Wnsaia nary . low pd.. hot. ~ W W WILSON • ••• ' sviavros, • nest= KT:ruing, and ViiiciyOrss4r.Toriadis J . l irysll, Ivory and ,Vhorn mama, Ballard. Nisailiss. Piny, Taper. Braids. Be.: Mutat 51 burned .Di and itir rums tr:it2AGES and Muni of 'agog. siseaeanetent leentl amid for ale'nt redseed price; the 8888 1 818 , 488 121 Wood. Meet. macro( • 8 N ,pirICICEII.BHan =ME PASEZERS-71ist ttea. ttesealsolt= mini .00611100 anollers Tom leer Crum nee r ; ~;;= ..~_~. _.._ _.~._ zTE y. PITTSBURGH FEHILIIIRSTITUTt. rturtsyllistitede4 adder Chi rs ro of Re , l. M 1. Coltman can Lsor. in which ail the solid and or nunenual brooches of n flinched OdierOknicrriemOccid ie odor QM 6/ Os. ar”Pl , Neu .Inte PrOolwol raheivr A Mbocl, Street. betweeir 3d abaft meet: The lhomm .4 • flemoon wal commence anatomic) , the 'air of ~d rmet; add It Is Vcromanraatr_fl.7 !Eh* !nry':4onip o#ccong .shorrid ' 427,11,=1 , 70.= 80c. 4 cc cmcchec of Bruin on theryierm and Guam, with Ls warren temente need recommend:On:A centll petent.rochelt Macke wdl deployed: - • Prof. DlNGUAlayral bon ,I!rt SUAII.Nan - Parra dismidoo tha Animal Pscartetent, ondtlaltdren lektrei,lo drimoinm sketch mfl. andpunting,bdoi in Nt oat innit color. .rsof AL or.a tompaept tesibm, end has recenforendmiont Protaltle don men inEiaope Mink. linked States lie hco Woo bees? durdolgor the Inc rikriontroas of the . For 10r....dca to the Principe!. . • • 8111.11.44111108 :1108.011010 'BOllOOl. ..„,(11.1844.18..,nbinv Tkurl, Awl T } ln E gter gL i ge i s ia ,g 4 ll4ti a =tl: innmetion thi Frenenatalina end at:Luncinnten; whh The mince or mem eannent.PoB4.BB, ma pep. min.nly• seennul.and fanitiry 0 , 68 Me. 14 1 . 1 .08. 1 .1 0 . 8 i 1 8PP1 LsVFBOo * l°. a " 4 arannplishmenta - • .• Tie lest is'Avida•ina finolerms of live months nun, common onihe Ist of ?cpin*:, Led endin{T Thietagata.the &Wasik. Teskorien'moulls. a . ....4o;liayabfe War yeasty admee; without eitraa, - tap* Maliaand Usool.S, will& Awe Al,Ptoremes .priect. Thai. eoanaenolog Caw wi th in the tapi, besittpiral aceorltinoly: - -If 11 i.tbowol desuable by parents at paaili horn a Mould.; 'hey' tita lama. ' e.0.m., vacation. vim all.doet atseadaa 161 el, paid.. glikTtio3m,. Dr R N Pamemon,lir (I,Mme VW 'Telamr, Phileheltdea-11 /WTI4 Raq,*114011,11011.1.1A &ROYAL Thompem, Fs Loam, Ka' nes Karelia E. Inemeee,'Lls—Wish!isolt. See &R&M o,l}aati 11 Mann Pao. Nashville, Tenn— , ILois /bawd Y Call,Taliabause.rlosids—Dr Thomas gisse,l4:ll,atlesims—./ Mkt Esq, N C,Thema. Neehu Emb . Bavaeah, Gee—Rev pr !Medina.; Net, IMMO not.a.o , . /11.4.13GHENY CITY. TIIIB - Imiltstkowmulithel Weal= lOW N. 14. JeaI.MCM.F 211 OpP-P fOr Ole 'sceptic% aftit. EOgMMEEi Thane national in. enter will Sad it in their intim. to do II no near th e apeningor iha bersion a boatiblin , dicaigh anvils will be rentureil and aVin . .. -• The eompilcol Tenders Will ha...mated for claws that may vita to JOltOille torthwiloar Dratrtag tainting latil Musk: • . •• • • Fgr.prycalan, telallty tha come of lama:atlas, trine. consalteito alai. or applyto the humidor; , allarbear.Jalyl3,l6a. . • • - tr, , BC e t n===U P Jame , Wal . anti Fifth, CificitiantL thbboe—The hiatory el She &dim and BB it the Remain Empire. - , By' Edward Gibbon, Eq. Anew Edition ' revised and emended Ihroiteh. ent,preceditiLby epefare , and accompanied by name ctitleaped historical:midis, principally to the propeimboa- of Etnietianity, CiaLt, Allebter of Public Indriction for the Usti= et Fiume. The preface, notereildcontetken toted has Um Hear t expreisly for this:endow With Wed:iced the Irletad characterof Watilan't Rept! M Lipkin, de volt ,Imp. 8 1, u Vrziniawa - lttallam'a - Middle ArsEli; Mabee's itebrdlioi fe- Sembind,ltobeiteoVe WqMie arid Kiwi Eeglaid, Ituatire Fresch and Enip Ida War in Amerits,sed Itaara}YAmericaa -Baroletiam 1 col rte. • • l ibto7 ,B -4) 8 Ltimin—Volitatmeg,mlem itimsDom beaCalithitre on - Americus Maury, 31 °11 4 0 8 7:rtWat.eilidt'ame, - Btattatim,ladians, fteroteti Beam dim &e. AW,Ama demesnetryited bliocelleboom lute**. if mat thaaBoo angrarialm. 1 tor, imp No 4 c 4 Pork I.leiam}i fictortid Libraryiataireng4hiahte yff , : l, l 2 mc' M he . radon. iMidemc . compdairis Nunil intralSeictaces,Agnealture, Runt Econ. nary,ogrildrY;Ftno Atte, the Orientals, Medi; fleigraptiyi Bocabry,' filimellanames &e. drr:.l vol lap ihno.64o_pp,ltll sheep.• .The, Featly Ilk;dicaf UMmy—fLTreattm on the Fiorentino and Cure ht Diacases; by regimen aid simple metlitinaL' Dew cafttmis,terigirt red ester ited erttli the additive eda Few:rade Mauna Med. ice, witting pat the rinnim,proparalleue eat deem prom wort rateable satire medical plant., end.„se wattliee Anitnest mid' Physiology. Illeatinted with' one. handrail . Emmitiop.. am of whir-h are colored.. By O'Ner wood , M 1)-864 pipes gin:'. Ameriate Flower Garden Compenwin—Adapted to Of United Stamm by Edward Saypril,Laadacape and OnaimmtalWenbinierl. tan , third edition; revised, • Edemen Oregon, Reeky &o. upi LeblYglet inotes,illd Psalms LIS Metre- - ;Rica and Yinvim'a Debate. Banes Wort.. Lady et the Lake. Lalla Root& hforit's Paiute Darn. , editioa,. of ya.lim, „AC' Juvenile 0.-- *OAS le liamptilet (ma. .Inable Mandl otie Damara CTICIICLOP,EDLS...• DR:Jimmy a sa. s ll eset,lserstaroandast4asprisou W history,dasesipties I tbsi sambas pribeipbs everyttbesh of Immo Itssywhslcs dt'ttithos sal &Astma ths tsusuiessrat as; bliar.l by lb T tleasd., F U Site. !ILA y across shlrmisgs bowl' • • Nurse h North Alnelk..itto. costaistsi !wish Gsby et i wed maps of Nank Asseries;Cessati East, Csabla West, Ness Bombs, New Anon stet. If Others Tasssi,./Fess was fl...Fkika. Taw., I..laois s Mexico, thattsl Amorist,' Yisestui. Wed bulk Islsads . sad all thaStates and 'Fmk. rte -Y - • t—rbto Itimary,or Ilmo'' , Ploitotto fro. itior tortoni:a* itt 1S1; to *not** , of liraioomfoit*oa stooge or timlo procipleo, tof %aid Ploalr ri lo tett* by Jobs 0 amotto,3llo, wstit Mat pato-WU ort t*t; Trto am of Uri Baal to 'stollen to dm Iliad, Ity G. Moen, if Doom* , of At noising*, of IlartrOgo, at, Joireadle Werl4..L. Wrath oott Motto .otoritieb tom* }pp Mork - -renWof Übe 'Mk 114111,411;4614 0117160.11 iltiporworka, - gap4l% argir—Th.. Arces4 /pe,kr•t, ectorAiat , demn.l.l 7 nom %id {MICA. I , l4eelamobas,, will sa4e plmoifs, preetio,67 Fneedir flask% fearnttoris f"Ortti ' .5b6)a=.0,4*- rasey set torlObwry. A MAXI n M Gage Patented ted Owe - Dimon Lk. bi nie* nd ere, .raneen. - neon, rerinel'ind Meea.Mit xt ed.bei of et reeato Mew Ma k.. praise •=M Work Pfli.T.W94. 400 . 1 0 1 .?" nete.Mbia, towe, Me scal /len, ippeplax,,LlMWed with 1 0 1 0 newnee,4 of Mei on Men: 14 . -J.ollleme M. D. - rive the hlw limit 1. io • re Om binary, .17=7::=1•PoWt!.! Ilsrminsciaa war. ' salairtake b. al mka. -. "'" W'",a , *l 'l ol "ma. lit. ,a+T The minaret paraded by the generality of pfaellon emoted found mos neeemen,penzeolarly in the lA. eases Eadaaue lOW pea* eakdilfesi, kalbrea detailed wttb rod edmerneas end mat oar,. . • Ms ramily idedb=rery,A Is beliellill:P u t ttraf. " ll7te aielp a and pimp tYlo :nap direedens , Sita' of rabardies Ind Tem! pnaper deaoe, Barone el mai. atTlTenti ni F e4el 4 *. e ll er b*"b y orea l grj an= We harelhorateGateed by hese et feaulloa, P arbo alma la Miff bows:Viet, tbei bat on another aye of lbe woe& tea nate the ran toeld not purbese la-basins frequady wed 11111taill abas pear, rAgrads wasaed.te gdlatids liberal anana b n .Vtirowed. J. A:& y.r, ;AMES, Pentimbers, - ' Walnut al. bebdtb ended, Cheelsualla • ; • 11:11/ t•i. K saigent Iff.ASHER be. boa tercired foliordnesow A/ Plus; wile& anal be raid loafer toad an be boagbt is the east., 4 ' • • One elegant snabssaiy;ll intsve. made • lar Nuns lb Clark, Idearlferk, et gnat s tepson and mammas of Yees-esirsieely - bym plead. , • One ohstal rosewood Pianeoeide Chietaring. 301100 dbd &darted by blab' as Ilse beat babrenexed of &a elaie la kistbeiaPfaise te.. .oeiadet,amber of otheD a all Pnedf• and .tit &Awns ti ..lin seleilksterer aimed me Ne 83, 111113, w Weedwen'a , • FOR Weal *DONALD * BEEROWIN elf Motet ilistary tie OJ multi* a Rename Piesign oe the Nieman ot the Nevalnioa; by*Ds Laninime „ Fresh Vileennopi, Of • new Sheer fini4e diefild Pella of Continents' Islam; 4_l ; • Iliereof Ilitellune of Wanitleo; by Rawl{ R 1t7 4 V1 4 P ” Kinn ' es to alp at e try,c I y Tele. in PO e; idiknOit. . . '4IVfiICAL lINIMUVICIIPorw. • JOHN II 11/11Wnt No el ~Wood strem, low *ere oohed o relretoct of the following 141111 wry thacl luilydMoirw6t,,.• EvesTbyks,. with 3 valves Isl.', with lff ant crook, a ~..Vod. y ery I.niett rat beet InonnnoaL ~ .. .- ~.Irtnobneellpvln ffallo, and GffaLerade by'Cl raven Trombonu in a Ilan with 3 valet , . bY Greve., &1%.; . Trescis In O.laL .do do do do "do " Ay; .Rentlse, Kendall petlern.Ei 66x4. - do 4 Opliilii es in Off cc willitanlng siide,orrbe bete qaiL I %ri Ile' Id e ,, ei, Perfe mode ; ellid verY sliprrin i . . Tmoibortee vlr , lining vim/nand key; vs* paninto Niationei imempl, . , thoren.Ftenehlicene.'wMl4 ofn erookl. . • ' 1 ' CLirisetw tn •.11, Vend E apt_ ~ . • . . . . I .. P 111164 Thane; Gahm.; Fie.; Inageoleti; Aneordlong I/lancet DeableßasieKElrLiP, "erne, Mem. Pllr'' pen Mole ev_eq_lnstranwaL . 3731 ado -- 11 - iiiir'lt or k Pl/li OM if f i JOHN IL AIELLOIL No bl Wood et, has retroved and offers for mule— , . Ode splendid gosevroodPiano neve, '• •" ." ivi with 111 oaten, Iron franns and new ' scale.. Node by Chieteney, of Gaston. • ••• '' • Odd &Kim Rosewood Pisani Pone, with 6 octaves. mini iroa trues. - Node by efftioitrving. • One elegem. Mahogany Piano Foam—made by Gale &Co, NeW York. ••. .: , - . - . . -.133 above will herald et menehaturerle prleta , • Also, Per vale es above, a second band Pilll%, Pone, veldt 3 persene. . •.. . len/ TlLSTOlllrbirininArtio7:,liiiii - bnibrAii' Li 1.1 JAI , U. P I ames,Cute (=tau. • - •, . • TUE inn:gm OP 3131.1101): bet Civil Watt and Cotonlal and Ilevotntlonery dmalsjrnei the ported of a, .. soenieb Gon oontw. 13,13 toibe-plorent owe, 1b47,., iodates An enemata th e Warebb Ow United Mrder.,'. do CIICS. Rod Military Aehlevemeol. 'By Pkilly Young. 11. M Winii two Copperplate 'Mena, and wren. Entikelerge or Pledger Hanle around& ae• One Vot• Idnoweelyo,wltveltudrod ma eillyzfei&pizsai'. 17ttit SCCIOOI. MPu74f.ty'!• c,,V1 , 4041 sa. -4#4 # 1 1,11510X:., IY~Ai~ FATOR-iEB. • . . • . . .. _ • - smut° , , Ans„-4 mi.' •s.l Run . - vitlitas : - Q u er' DAlial . A : ~._r __' *D. w p . ' W4g rapated ie l = si r*. ~., ' -,174,671•0f waell• sal Ealol* , Jzos Wee, America& Baria.spiewand 1.14be4 . sad all sham dt iraspll Aqate - Jutt rensr4 .Vlsktb Utej °fee lb, ado ,an Itli•lielirk at tkeir fieskie• . 4 3 W 0.4 .. 1 i ',Um th.T laid Ime•okbp PM!. wxpl•clei ReCkninoins sinertelpt kir; - wok IT. Cjni Ri . ; t. " 4, 1".... / !' C**6 B . Nins .:-. G.A.*. chs,us•owle ..mactotly**4 34= D." DT. at VMS " w" at —l7,tirtmot_ vt.u, a ‘ . P effamsdr- da . -..,tide by bow. l Darden am ropeatbila 1,1 4 . ailed el • fmterini tanarsell Ft voitiletitesiilo., • WIT 44 . 43iP1. X.NPILX 4S AZIP.FOU ' PrArrirsau.W. • • A:asp:red it &mild (Ta x ' , ::ild'odliettldtleNitHi chi IlUt e' d= l"lPB 4:to,.tr= °" ragr:c Itsultray peoinii,Dteettej Frimet i90w.,4N Goiderekfrai t ?in* tt Mating timed alLalim ot. Ow kiln; Mi. aid 'Miner ihelatettlfititms, ate Itastleulmiw .-Cullage sieeltdiiitiodsW ix."' o.rinertni made itseder tot Mir °win, 11911 railin; tee' Bus Pipe fll.d Ci lint'Wtodoir . ttati, 01117. demur tinteienp, Ottlettl oft.iitieNetebovioeUdlroptkol,/?!.. erly unit, will hail, prompt autittioi . , , ca. X Itzheia etit'a -Wm.; trrette& long erstk 41 it Wiriest 'jinn •• Joni, osivrwsuairr. , :' , - trierdn. .d.ldandraender of Cade?, 1 31 d ad ° Ormtallaermaienty Beddlereasul Tinders, = leeks, Taylor,' RatedrAiutard, Alit( amattere. we. Trews, dappenere, &c, UI treat varlet?. Or C.Maadfaeteres,add Ireprorreadt.Pee: Peened - ad ?gala Coded Rdrars,detreara,liled, gars, MO" kaareosered . d r I lag STREET,PIusbarA, sewed &arid< y bw vada.FuyLe Lamiawieldor' iitrk. Piraiat Hadvda,.mmadires Paelly!, Also RiAigaralandldrhadealohae. • , .. • I EdEortAltad nVodeliDatehet . eßeroxs, Sel IA RIFLES. AND •" Allea , loooo Real Wei . Sbcd Saks:. Gun Bar,Walkara& YSAAFor..., Alma* (M d; Iklide. - Dat sad Malik:Knives. . Toola.dada owes/Wars. ,Dividers,„lllasty S Rand Vie... SddareA - Rol* Blues, , lARA 41havaa,Same9nkaadThea. Wide wad hoe Gap% . 01-• amnion! laursamets, 6.ldAma4, -• • labbfery wed risortdaadf7W ypetudly , 9 - 4 N V.` ) A • WAMPUM! of WbaUhg E. T. loottabets get of habits antll:A. illatattaof Panama, /Mb WO lay mend 00- a aadar and Ina of Mayhem., Ilaamtbeaper ot. Co, at tao Amiga ltoa Nars, Waltman' Ita, &Ai mpg!. at. saantactariag laatt sad awls of eatty/amaptata.; r ' A.ikaosor. • - • ITIPMENI,IIBIIIIIIIIII4I a, c 0.,. ANCIIOI4.ItON 114011Xlic . • , Vs. Maasatatara Of kindlier bailer; Meal, basin* awl sank AB ataalatipowspratre ud alias. BOAC Om. mewl al* tliostabsocees Ol4Jaatata afar as wattle. or !ultra lam Italadial - equal to try mode lathe emu, All orrriZarrialrbl, Doti altaoriasoarglipsiata. Clitebortooltio Worts corm. of mann. sal Water creme., • '• =AL. • t eIeASOHYINY YEAII2I.&N BLIND FACTOSY., JOHN A. xutcrww. • 'TAUS the wetted to &tele Ma Muds adthe yob& at large that lea Road the on Albs Sag skla 'Yew Diaseeed, Alitteheay, whets a teal , mat held? of =ads, of sleben tole. seembuest,lesetoateatlykoteetaidi - Lao at No. I Wes* ebrautborylol H. woo lemurs Nada to ardet Uri Waitaki.. Mist& Leyetnel at the Axton atidea., • . • ta. tie Mods veal ba ,ppi opt esltleelast7 banal aurae in . that they east be reastree to it oce. twat sa ore Wee or bie er villa& sad ertilleettle ate et a me: ds. e • . • oatatylerteekt - L..PVLaws, Ha e.eil Braes nen+ . • et. has abet end toommeed Wiens at Iteeld,madoebers be .111 Deldeased tea YU ale eeetoekete nee trime ' ..Gbaselq, flfteleben, wee Yells et me, ' laze, hoe 10 Ii 10,00 peat% "Hat boo ree aide men Ipmnredetedeis.eal , gramme:lr be of tee beat saieriate. . Meted Went. have; Counters, Rillleg, At: lee: =eridtereey warmly allteies Czedepiliftsikey'; d swil limbed la throv e? eteen • • .1 ETA. F. is the • este . spenel .BeeemerAterie Ammer lilmresoe ja erlebrele4 - 11evolte =Ole. eme-orkietioa leseeleary...The Beats eoedAtioime phew eat! beluul of hEre melt dank wt i WALLACE,— • ' • - PIT ST.EAtt WOE_ „:1;80.' Not. 211 ..d Larry lb sir fora - Arr Yhtattl'ad'Ant., TON'rexab Ilieolsmarartis; se; al! k, being . of Uto cinitost =MO, and oissoftbdtrbt •prise rpally trmaelibeiy, 'via bit odd ~ N. Fano...Woos-to postkoloi •Moolob4 Informed don it beoceforth onieeesolur ktothola eta M rau, r wt. solo thook.orilao imbed orall ir.domCgmai.osamtx4e.opidx.,,_ 444 ao ebrop to they ,vaa po , thoOe tut. Coltona se, ROI cpirrsi mat MOS, masons: peat tie a ..11askte Phisbarsil, ?OMR T ilt *eve fitrenr an& arm I ia tha_cat Of.otala (AMON nepeeJu . welt TZIII,I anti. l .l4l::.psi wnit Deck. auoveZ Forges. aad prny elk: had a( _Caro T. end !beetle.= meet plarr (mail. • • .. . . . the sire oak* so ex*: ap tbe.sLenert mallet gal Taber 'and Cbauher. Capper west fbr r.iena Naples' wad ewer, rotor elf mart sa au s i r___.,___ • &kb .. • . . • • 111111111UFP & omits • • • 'war; ii•oduara co. - 7 77 T lonfpiner of IN Mika spill. aim • • •Ht ivoo6 ONIEST. Q 1111• boa' was to MI vipendteA'aie inwpmdl•tie•lNlß wain* is s•S• 11 31411111•1141S- Dimes the 1•14 esisimes wi Saws selasted• seirigaa Ihenesiss IVINSser lam. (dm sass swerve" plasmas etesd In Sotsiesta be Wink ers lan sW • sopeOrt <4. Gl.. a Sellaaeli as ter pled' le pesteeily a very Us Uwe Irilleistoisillsohifigslet crally. are resumed, is tgl sad Slississ few deer DENNETT4 . ISROTKERi -,• _,. q*.M.N.SI7ARK mi&Nunannizsa.. illnithilbsa w , Mann P1114•11ar Ms,: PA? . litarArnw, ha 137, Wang Wctt; PitiOnnWL lipWlLLtininastly keens*bittrad rem at.l et Ware. of our own Wan. 634 Mirpgrriek•qsahry. 'Williesali gild WE1.157 kW , • . alinui are req,setfully insiAll le tallne4. ea. ides:in theasesse, as sn, In, determine/ Is 'ikli ?mar *maim nein before beta edered to. tn. "dm Ilb" Orden sent by Aiiil,usantpiusied . by Wend or .if sentlrese. will Isi ?merit/ appidad 10...4016 , , kat Wale:whit iliegolltistetai, . • ccurcuamv, 0. ••• . Achteronal e'e..., weld vastslilk• ittilii ea . they am new anducretor Mt boo Elni ltings ..[mole in dos Ogledthaws. As Ws is lot ptip, tie banns**, We liAsnet lis In* Oilno sengtoin an sr. nes ss cs.• periably N inAla. Twill • enignoil is als• IhntirsAnto irmls,sms Wet...1411ml it in limat labFee4 bO. NIF, limas All eiders prossimly Wended le. ay] • A 04111113111114. G. coefistntlis , mak WI "Joan Surat/p.a., .41:11a0ennI0 and N Prost tin 3w. Femora GM Waft,. Ivory Bata d. W was qua Am IM taus iropnorad par. terns use warranted equal to Y). . &aided If sesrel. ()VT 'NW PP OP Ipumptlz Won P. Yoaksg: • C Ilipen. • P 1 1 1.21.1; ",017100, HINSIMIN PLlWlllirrik — ' .11MINTOLAS8MANUFACTUREnt %VA REIIOVSE Noa U Wort ao4 101 Mill aOYOI, PittabaliS Th• Wass stoxfartarta Sy to la wasrutteal.eloal 41 soy Ira too coontry. All *den '.lll mealy* romp( any,ntion ao4 111•1 tedaaaMa term, Meadw. andmilan •taiusa e ll 7 rar . 1104 cull Ware panrkasiai el/claims. ... 1.0111 larinwecorr 'nos woluts. ON ...a NOON fOrre.k., rue et tier sew Ili Wsrebonue. No, SS Weems sines. SW Wool, 110.• IA Si Is Yroat. . • • • ploo, SA owner= at 011 II.4III4MMOMIMY . m a i m out ibtaigrost k oi Riaissiiitiii; atm bo 6.11td pepwity. • I • :1•1001 ' ' • WI-OT. LLIMSAY k • -'IIIIIIII6I,IIII>TICI If/Cf.ll. • , fmutrorta. tiocellcss, • ILARTI•CrOIIEIi 137 nidIMMO-NAli d p. C rooic x t4..AD Baum, SHOE NAII,I, Patkaciliikime of em 7 iescnirdice. . OlatNi.l.ll4olkulultote, pri laNsicnew nrnesuao* stest. WORCV AND 15/ AND AXLE rA cro ay. . ssaAc ' , Ohl": . Allnell.&-POIGIN • • fANUFACIVREIS ttpgiag lama ON4 Plant. tied, &eel Tieogli Who" Ore* sof Ipvings.ltamaned Imo Asir, sal *elm to, lidalkrable Castrts Rad Coed, T' [Met or Rola .d Flout Street.. riusainikirir ,; P. 1411unnu. Junin E. Lew U. ' !LINT CLASS IMSTAMIIMMICW/1... ' • lksutoariv ema.g...4 ca! AWL nanny on Dad Cot, tJealde4 and Plain Pllal aluminum. In all Im ratimion, al their Wiunlmus Mne lin of plmkat and Water in mem., Piunbmuh. • O. Work. continue In 101 l opnrallon...oll inn =mu 15 oakum mir me* .I , lllnik eutblos na canton nub roomptnenn. Paraumm an rertmetiallf unbelted wean sukuunine Wens mad Wpm. myloely ICI.P.IIII.I4IIZIBIIII7—TbiI posdenlgood VV and 00 0 tod000d =Ho dm dram utfue Heys e. }Way. fet 'b oluoaosetnyt •Donal Dry Dade and Grosety b 001005.416 Os lalhoortletit friends nod rb piO4o rtlooVlOly.*lolhol kt./ on hand al sin NW. a' good muotoovereloolo In ilmr 11..31100 Kohl iirbiolo OW l a<Kpod law os ilxy to be porthuod choir tow, • .'.IXO NA'YS, 4 1 041.11DIMILEIN Irl • _ Okay asitsmeurfth P l iii .M a r k i r g iEg liiiirril2 4 rnrit . ." ' . 4 .• • 1 . 6146 .1 11 .0 1 W._ ' ,a1 4 4 1 1 1 1t 4-bn ' jl. . jwy Wiitlialleicia ' liipmjiO4 .o,lM l.ll Le autlisA4 l l o o.l l ! T 1....- • N VASA. atefillla /11}-11* arttres. Mail - , Tir".,7 i, , —. , W, alga Imancia ri.iri KAH 'num r.of . .bdio lhow , • " 1/164a Amu sad D.l.a Cm 111/01 Mt 00 ... . vii*„,p,, a.m. ow ii,iiiii" - nt" 4 M. ! ' t"" ;4".7"4"Vbir "VI •••, -4- ~.... . =l, , • r 1,,,, , 1. ..,,- It .....', 14,.Z •" ' - Attl:r • •• 3 iVii.... 1. 44 44 0 . ..1. , _,,.;,..:5.', •" ' '"'" ' - -''' "" - ' .. , ,A'' , .... ti. ,s.• • ' we. Ox. / ... ;!• oar. st 110tICI 710811111 — • ItIST rou•••4 • hat sappti•Crukaalsol *7 14156er or Ella.: et s. ON article %be Lbw The Ceseplumers,Nmalrezeoet Hydrae -="l4.Theeplee eyanemwel le be eemg headea, 6 , kiwis ever, ieepect, Mb node Stem. n t. 4 4 14 14 al/he , 3 ~~c:7 : _.;..;rte=~ ~: Atha cummod..7lG;i7iiiigittia:sigi •Aminmh ”thoolthrl ColliteitVes Han, . • ...or CriiirDlul,Dreaalas, Orbsraser et •“" deDualu alms lout HOW Oaarllll net- , it Wl u. ,11/ Bf.maug Builder, Dr IDooklys..vias att4thed ta: z.,,,„easeedmile , =a, ao • MAD.* 1 / 4 DOTI/TA cesi wedge& ivev perinbed by lamp ' sestlialDrielbelvag• Oen to Y. .Mtie mplo emijrt a.rdulsars D =1: lat okra con Wale brialis to agat h' k *the doom *Odn; atty. Willtmtbath, h= Dna FeeMmwriyil-Tkil rims *Films yip a hirthkgsrhOr and Psi. hubi b eb Wr rthrs, "Wallet Wit wood ma bad 1/4was ebb lb goo ap athael for emotes aa . Ilbs ; thea Ownseasolkillor ath Athillqthlisg Waimea' animal/Ir* MolieN • Bba is sow„ reewerirdt and bar romow berommisororatemaxmon a tracbar,4 A.,,Q. 21 1, nth wane it: te. a get RUM All BoDas, wow dors the .. 40 the to tide, Alloyed* caleglt Ord booth the Mora 'Imo& the reflux; and botore,bm had nthrit three balloon* opal/ tere 4 . , . L Pleurivi end Conamph. ern( Us Or Iwo betaethjeol, lo Ewan of riorjZt Babb* of mod; swear' team donne!. of B -PAW bar Bead sairartmis_portsofbot bogy., flew friends believed' bar Pan The elm friends" MOW beim OW. or all bat Woo , isg embus. and Ow iv outdo Attend 100 "wit .t/Shall bid C•owps: b rte Idootio WO* Itellthilleen I. it Boa* It likhooV a y i la fi Y=o3 y. ,ll , :ednotat Iwo, the abe Ath far linmase. I (east 4ll4lolldig Balm* sad sea dna wrthest Ogniaare lao,earl boas: .Tner, Dermal until pm bouts_ •• Dr. eherloses Worm 04 Oaalth Ptheows rola is =2l 6 ll Ce rrall s r a Wtja r iii idaiti Mmahorrommt,lkot.arg • fthenilso. rOWVAtiodil.. IMII MI ADVAOI .1 4 ° Tr= Me) Adowttser la s•- . 7thayesadylas ban mote otheassfalthan say sulk* ors tore erer_torra far dor tworou DOWN Cdonsothal,l247 Palo is tha Ado lad Thouttiliewthilw Qtesthan, Bodo Itharamew Bow Molt Pulp of the fignavlilrarkse Own. Crawl lathwessTronaradko.• leridp/sof Ow blithest now to uds erthltity r.ty war wre stharsorm asrpdatar owl esllolebt la this Wu! doom the twthaatifer tithe vilitaLthr& wed: idiot are overthrow of Vat a o t=a x . Bead the 14gefeang, the pity la■.ll, • Wed 4. o r b as awl ad la wagon, Wady BospoW,lfinthellt and Wood 11 bare oi hunatian la saying Wu it la tba besrmworsitioodds load bramObr Wows offering lon GoemOwirbs, ib pszd Alt amuses of Ttheittßresst- se, a AIN uam. ilte_rau, wag. ambit BD.*. rt wo bewares Mid= • Any writhe Wren wto fan thelldlarrWf n' awrikma uoobts willdraisg pro sou, et Ms.llloseetz • • -- Naga te ItU , K Ta' sed Wood AVOW, Far Toni *boa Mtn ad** a h ariryanied with great opin=roildbas of ath,with sow WWI et Vows at gado BeeMeing grimly alsabentot Wood wlto for berm owl if dd. loirthenne,Poworsoled Oa to tth IZ d ret ed aor in • wry drat thew woralawiag amthom doapprand; 04i 10 hoseso, Be., 0ppm.b.4.4 *romp ••Ablir daT.l able to go ow sad Werth to of badness a web Any Quest • thlerauthes tw r 705 ollbeted, by salUng "T r.ast • Thin toodnabla malaise blymprot n r7 NEV.& DIMON. 818 wow of Be, PlorAlea, 'id& la itothanth.t WP"Xr • mom 111 or bode- • • w o a 7. 1 • ' a a •a f ar " r es l h : rgthILINI-.lllthlOo - - -AMMO 1. . e • oe. Ileart—A ineseng! A Monk .".11 Wonder!! —lie inn Eruption sadDhlwareatemar dank*, raliamiNmeirkokeibuLzhasawost Plus Ma list Mesa, of 1 , ,..14 was esteetsbed at eoneettoesse eta weever, made by est Itshan Cheosee. bleartionteed—itatemed nest ea Sepreibitity dna astyatlnt Ando 11l ask hes& et nee, and , hen web *wan yeeters Wine tinned by•Aneelit .11esprisi in lensatia. Misty dune bin eh& hie ianitutteesseheskagatestf. nee many Ronal perms without 1171.11 As the :MIMI ItpWa t i" t h' s failltotn "P it h e (" 12 1 21= tilitilenfitylept:St trerentsl altr sem man yamai enefelliennitted the niqeler areatlee t , espein.: We bent mama its ag =bs S"..--" sset " ste l la% l o3= )Is siren *swill Ishiollisilr; [ Zaarl a argenener ti ==ritie Ins Waldman, • Abei theatiebbn blisseif nail "nein N Animator. ticiessianabea of it ask' a I bk.. amt. Red is Jean, mid* eity ea Nen y o a. SC A. the whole preens msestrantrin s *NU, with, stealliesaef stssnattatings ensasnins ise Chassien lens 14 is se oreetbetere' at in sale in Ile liaised Pines oho toe la Irma. Yankee st sa, mine ay/we halms Glanseall. anes= Henry J. Itoldantab. • • ' ' - to l AN as VESPCIZeI • by W - JACKSON, et lias baton Medicine nelson,. fel Liberty street, bead ef land, ibe Wad the Rig Boos , L. • . JOS • The only place in Passional nine she OgliallNE beenstsid All others are Ceentitteit. ,A ofmacuas, Yaw withal salmi yam .11 ant mine LintrrAll ani ale by IVE 111 V, •• • . . • Meuse Fiaon,Wataird6l CA, P.., 1 , WI , .2.A/ram s —it ms•o4lwo 'bead th e elided aba. ate 16141 by lamb% babbary aybr anal •d Dm F&Y I bra deinsol la d lbat ayuca. by . yb jarly ra, abarrit•Dryy Cradyyttb mat., "M yorb. pa are mit, pra.t. bas gashed." Man ebb ray atemp . kays awl ayobia, Waal to be abiaa, baby net tibia axes year lia r II r ban lob tallynal b be I babaa.6*.•llll••••ba, Ilas a/Pait are pal what lapaabot bra to bat I bee ban • whit UM'. bob by . _ 4 b um IN* es asfew• pilayea ray maw phyboorlo vim= I yailbtek omen lab tat nett bin. bas rabbi sad timid+ AMMO 4.9* aloud bar • 6b., aft& bbayypft• ey•a Jam alb b 116671 am blatad la by per Lnshbyiabl6ooK GOT WeLla. • Claa Ur af,Mbitialitabollakial• by ma Caly al Bab kb 6* slab aaal all bi, Raba Appopkon be at Mast 3 awl, Tab Plita be alb 6, bad el im *ftit il•Sek•ab aisia• olia,balgely* or tid.inowlk at be Mar Iti,1•1 en ma matt yelytt - I ben tbas tby yam I. I ••• 7 rem ail &sink •• bira• ad bob baby )aria alai% caaphaba wand y. 4 ma ably .. mid abgblia b. =oad= "" tim j tsW try,ratruz 1. I r Imbui• la Alt, babe( Orly, wilabb 14. Lin• er /born 1 cab- I ward.. fkraristopib - • J 1. II masa 1621 . A=L lailliadiellbilly baba lb. poi ie Cas•••µY•3llb promo Mb aIuite•OLNUNZ al4. , 'bar by aaal bdepboadate 611•6640,••• awl lab by H Ab lIILLZIIJ 6•1111Imba ballma pita rd raw 1 ' kik tlVM lo . lol l l o 4 , ll . "all IV! 1 ' " 'Dle WNW. ALTEIPATIVE. -.. • Wilstry boalsityymet Vs Mn be at • eak W. brawl's, Mr b$ Dr. gAyikes Alllriatve k Miley =Ze ha. Wen Ihrtonerr l dria slangs ( . 11 y • 6" veitI.IIEGIOSES eallllTE *IT Nat .... nr 1 =Vero July pleests ' + 2. 4 , - .. - - 6 . lb. Im.iai bow of tAk'griel Ni yrs*, 1 smillo had kW* and lAN ler, benithe le ft ' lArsfal bra* sad *meth* rip/ beeldsi *aril ' Wan as Inaker pans eels yerailk, bats beard OA WA el a ikaolort efAlomme3 Mlyeleimmo of ea 01.-41136 am* AA, Woo I. Mr.*. ha , . I Wes arentslaly Alba depilirOia. , Alan Moe yeentby I oises Ye mesa ley , kk letl.i, Au his an Aiimieit:artar"? A 1333331•0 1t ...4 e rot epos bet, 1 , Ali==le,.. , all e a. mew mew l aaaora ila; Ira Weer eemptir dre nererweiekk Sy la. mikrAANA Os, _ tke ea , a ,1, 1 ,,,,, ,S,A . r.p.4,9,44,1 live. Pa.l. Far, lbAlt*riablusibiOnAlS of,birs. liess . Ala lie rlll2+llA a, Pilladelpila. , tar ek3t la TllkAcylt, Id Ike TEEM TEA STORE, 3 11113mAk many Weed. , - . [ • ,Taa;Mrle Warr Ole lel 711licre- . .Tlll4ll/140 Wei ellt We salk•ir— INs, whys belt er bar guil *My, . . , Iteemdtety red r MT— ~ . . -.., I=l am& betz , V, '. ,Xes meld lareCrtme el 0 4 Marealletheummirpaggi.. - Alma • eas n yerms, ma genie la N r . bed muse lad gesualgur beeiguir. • Are bairrA,MM art eagles, • . Dfed* WALL l• ord Wow, • my et yes mue read... Mom by toted • is rabies Ileura•l reggae kabeet/emee . co al liels Ilmerems-4 b Loa of NefdAs labs" Thor Perm-4M .4e egt g ad sier femme /earl lure creplast !Imp. Tr rue Its meter Meg red Ise sr earned rig Ile Werra eve trig reel germs: Thl Pm Pre Ur Amble g ; rereat Ms; were 'gal. eel Lambe the war, As. 'ha CM goalreLl • • le bear ems stream rim ear trade Mrs. slag, gmnfyin, end moles lbe pm* ea' gamer' 'lllo rap; ter Mg melee Jerre See., *lull wlll nog .01 amerce, Oer; Ile, and ei t e . dettlellem 'Mil te, ler tad felt: All Pre tb re se ER AAC111301 , 2 Boa erl,lgbee led itrid AY • Isar Warrens til Liberty a ; . . • - We . J- .dis M 3 Bin .TVltiG.—Ahr swat MI, :mirk •'• • a 'frial,e4 teitnibieagly Iposesa 141: dr led article, indtiat Wry vial it painsla re, krthio millndiael lial b uio. adm lertmli bat Wa boo it selima slum bolt kr Yi nrerad to lett WlOl hos hoe WA ram led In WI! WS twist 4 • pear boar Uri %oval:masa kr .11.4 redo, vt is .a, Joititheir W,* sobs hag oftl&Triciroplifly.r lk•In Jftil. , - Ps win Itrighlret al Orlteskia 11* 8/Ifoit. F e rq i.. .SW<W •l P • .r.. , I lvi'''' Drr DAL. PAHNllrrtleiroll. ... VFAVRandeolditezinalec vnewhimaida Moor a..a of Won sod Plan .t.:wind. la revved Ylteir Wletowis .bausets, ,Itheno Ww4l9 4 u &was', asisnana , . We .mils feria lbeytaihribt i TtgjettliMMiliiaiitt . e&m,l . ONGt- • • " 'VOL INE;U ....aroaul l lt -,..a.s., DEtAWARE - MUTUA Sa t ,ianresieseopipaipy .erkm;:,' I'puts tuns pies lethruie lad Illettaaiiii 1.• 'of every deapriptkna and MARINE RISKS -... spstrlmUsarsugoes of ;easels, takes spa libt most favorable terms . , . ... . irr MECO is tie .N21%110020 01 W. B. /W.' ... 11, 7-ern.; No. ;1 Water,. seer Malkin stmt, lima .101sele th:Afirmel! ?t i ;r4h . dm ll""i6- ; net Shenebse MIS whJell arm stem . apes sem ... . tees Ass beat eutlweett, hilly manta the artists of_. shim tie etstlSSesee . sad susesstre et kb friable simi • .- ilte.essosiser, at lyre is the' Delaware SIL th hoe— f.- 1 11 1 6•CIPINNIZIN *Mkt n basiboadditional altrasesste. ;, ~,,- f..+, as att.isstitatisie moss tse meet Sowidft is ....., 20--, ':, .Philetts—.atristnegtessmpleeptid Le espihd, Ufa ,:-`: .....,i:v by tbsopsestiosollieebartestsetzsetant ., ,t,...:,» /hi Vedlatto sieb:parecubilli die gm* ,'.'rl .11111 petiftisof.tie someplace without. isvoleiss. Um: II ail/ l'orPoisliileelutiertr..:iisd thanks. r; Soesedesthe Ms Itlfuelple - infested 'of sway ebsbertess Ibitsesoil I leftism= ittntetirefaise., sod . rink ANtp4t t uunk inewiewcz YilliE - liontraboti Compioy o Moth - Ateries, -AL tlirqvgibitodalftatiotiemi Aiwa, the osboori.: bet, Oat' to ,iooke pare oat, anit.iimood,isto uito otility; la this - city biddriti wkiiiiiq, Noir int obipsioato by Unit:Mg iuutifitio. ' 3oho C. Sinieb Yritel.:i'' Stiiiliiiiii'Brooki, rt , Ain...noioy, .-•,- ~ • , jekutoorayloo - , :r4 ,- ..: • i semi. W. foam, . •.. Sued. li:. Smith; ... ~ '4..,Z.•• , '` - tolerted Smith, . itiobroos Widto, . -. ,'",......!....... , ,ct Yoem-A. Ileowei • • :••••-• - ...reembitd...Tboisuoi, . r ...-.,;,!-••,,. ..Toba White, ~. . ,r - JOPO-idi Ned, . ,' ' •-''.• ,„.,., 4 ' Tbolt. P. ope,',.. : a ° :Itictilid Wood; . -•-• .,,.. 1 - :.ViheL' W ... • -' " ~ ' AtthifiG. Coda , sea : f-.=.,•.1.- ,:,,, • This is„ is . oldest.. lo.unae, , Compaoy iii.tlui ~- T`. I =.7.'.:4:7 Usitod 8 ;!tavin,g ,6con chi:hied in - 1794. - Its :i' - '.. , ,',.Cf-,`,;• criiiior a' bud, - and from Ito bilk otoodiaL i _..;..-„,,... ..)., , ample :yoftivir. Oehi arindiag -•• -..?„-.; mks elan tea ha:a:doss ebaytioper, it iiiig ue ecooddered offeriligootplb see drit yto the .;• ' .' . 2.103.884TW00 Al Boom or Atwood, Jones ' s: Co., +root steneti.`Pittoben*L - spliite • - DEM tl ta ; I TV --- . . :Alm by ino—Tbo NLIN Fiattanom e,Compaoy of Ybibutalphia n ' - WILL' Inannineo;Perizialmit guano:Nadi -Ty on dairafipfioninty,la FITTS, BURGH • • Aka .SURKOUN - COMM . .1r oa tavinallo bum. Tlilanonqiantluu a palpation!. c inter. CAYITAL, ....... Paid la , - CONTINGENT FUND ' • CCO - 011oe cornea el Third' cad ' , naive.; sit skr ,-WARRICA APE. INSURANCE •" 42,swilapuw lasurware . 12wwwwwir , 122•2rw; C.- CarWa42lll,l2ll) .1 01; ' O/1/2 1111' P "NO. 72 Rakuritrarg. I ...- Pans= Ka27.2W,. TEM old awl loreSsakbwom bowpww eiwtmws , Thuhlitits=wihiei Num, mitPvik; arty notor an lees Wak iatL n damewill NV Add e oke fimenble imam by YOB' ::ADVERIXEMENTS 1011 / 1 11(4,1171108WIREPTTEA'ke::. ItiEmbseribers beg to cep the annelatt of anthills eresbsd is racing,* tbeItfLAMILNIZED TIN. 'w rs , lo the r winnows which they Osseo ever Woe o' end Wirt sotenancer and di this posess,Yairsingee thejtdo,the month • and ligiourso of iron wnhostias liabithy le riza, haZ kw been restedoeveral very Wa r man mann • ld Emil& 'They us sion hree sehhart w comics • sad conneetlon nos sadden eleingesol the aneceedars than ationans Plass,lntoOtise,ie , any who, eonel aced =dn. and enneopelnly lone melt honer sad rter roo4narditerrlinkle main, whilst the fta..way Is bet a woe menu . The subscribers snialdinaa a ll the atteettos e al dealers and starter. is metals, le Ibeiese7 ed.! ien• poem 'al ft as w ron UN l= artillo esaho Tr be; winch it le desirable to Pnl. h ne the enke. lb. - .s000•Obote. 'And they "coed aspen:any the arc bunion of thoeo Wormed ia ThaihnigliPllll) LINTZ to their Galvaniscd elmon mute y nnl in Itssope, ind sehreh moment every wpm, • as s &edges - electrieny, caaanit, only alien one belt as mach to tanceansy equal &cabal. Mavis, !atilt eing ereeted voitibillis'elly for thelan- -, Sweet ealwant ate:he/40.d% ha•rlier will be mble mnyotiy y ariscle naa which may be dear nety.:-,h stint Intaitelhelthed In Earopej GEO:MX° When - ytne.l4 and 4.lBcaver sh. TOMS. The * latent Right for this. anode lens been utealdl lkor Ileisodlluneo amen isCroot 2lrbale, Wow Ihnenese hoed Oal.kial.leclonure edil be to., Icon Ypreveafßoy nlningencta by =penal° 1. Of OIN. NEW. GOODS , mtrAx..T. iitaraiop Ib4l. pukcityvELL. WHT/TEMORE t. CA ItHART. 77 William an Lain?, 16 Lalerty Ave Ye*. A& g1:m 3 6. 1 .6 6 7 .very sadjuarlsaunt larre a..msruof /h 7 Goo.* Th.ry tans made arnmatearet• tooter go Wilms, snere►anc. azd auletv. autzure 6p:166004 mock pfgpalo for 9.a put b)i34moms ud packets will Is, ITTX-I,Pi UN mow &penned %Mensal myna el Usa L'ort44 .ad Condom .• • • WI endow. • • Their suanisens of Dsweenc Goods MU ram:prim every otyle womby of do melee or lac Tsado, ell of • alMe MUM ogkeed OnY mai lame CC C. b. otaeim ed. Ewid md •. 14.7 Colors, of Iwi.Y gonence and taperer 11141_ Preset' CJoil . e.ewaso and tn. , Tone uotes, comma owl Ina s Docen d t's, ei the ben Kemal.< term AsoenceSt Doene,af JAI demise= am! asiorn ••••• Fury Cosemouse,Eodnen. Frew, ded ans:rscene, •• • of sewer ayes sod perm.. Dooms," end ett,e, Mary malkee tWeen.arT""""l'7ll3.lkdr'#'..V .16"'Pr/rar". Yeenwro—lency. Alt _ 'slew.. Wed ' VIM P 11.1.7 li LY sad Wenfora km Verve, blast boweeould odeerfascy shades. . ..• lent doetes, Mack encrtsoty twit end Lao • L. Woes., Serge-sof an danlinti6d colors. ' • • Skeins, - Laden' sod Amens.; twilled sad pins, • .7i Doses, Owen Seedless s Tlueeds.d.c. ••• And Imam meet new mina deetteble noode adepts& 1.•• le wes4 weer. .••,111111,1rORK, - • 'Wholesale Drag, 711 X CITY Olt • HAOME. Me YA ESTOOL &Vo.; N a N 49, Jobe ot. thaw Volt, atrer lot sale a4up and paws. ' Me of Drop sod Medium's, Dye sta., Pablo end Cale or teat" deeerkoloe, *Use they asehrepved and detenagned to eel; low, Wetclests eat Ike:dints one recumial • ' 4o all tad essaise Ihetr math. ' Oahu esocued L 7 . , with Cealdelphor sae despuels—A A. feheassock's Wenesh: tr =mush os • •I Be lal h eei4 • 1 Witten rib. • L'.• • : . iqw9 -•• • • ;14' • • Purkß WAREKQUSE. • •-.jgo. .sAie TO/LIZe ,\ • 's •W. FIELD ohm' he elle ei We' huhu • etuahe Won! onus. you eataihe upon. • • • One et PAPER. eau:elan revel peeable 'Seam, • e lieleol loam sum at esaanuus • aeciou ado.' • • l•''1 • Z open ,p(W,trY.ande'r under of Wn!. hot Las ea met a PIUNTII4O PA.Plat la Seismal/7'litre • . 7 ', "n i f jiiri ".3 lllratitilEirawaj every haertpasa, lowans/ and kept eonwoody. ern • t Falun" vs .Cleens, ypertbieler • Powdei, Moe Iffinelalpao, Twne, La, Le. • (loet i ttNt r_aopr A to mktili,Mi4,Pat • - A" ' tifr • TV e7inelflVrY) asi ~ 1 emlloiYsiaie7=iku * Weed uteri, time deers above ex Clerks I. 1, troahl berg to Orme/ • r elupe lienteak, - tle setterrwren et Yegliad toe Ilermenv. • intA= ef .6:terui=te. kat Wilms; urm.k. =mud, se Yd Dort Wad rpd Oa bell terms Obey feel greet etZidenee er-ert eeie leeetteleity * >wraltitereNtrom Rey wrier. Lacier eget or weiu. Haub. ththiwt w baize* wilt M etedeard at tie el • ' • NO IT Nada JOH aural,, HONL 4 door rie /EX, elvidg b. spvioi aetif et Ifou•-ftrulablor Ifenivrou, Betasolu 000visood in pan safollun . , elbaslaputocd Ware, Mrbol'aad /merles/4 • 4 bad Boom& -do -. Of ; Smelts Posholl aid . Paaend. . do Oval bow •- I.:uud 1 do Boaaa , led PP,atei Teals and Mate Ido Pr eued Ware: cisk BligiulViuu SO, • . • p. .1800 Om anwted AL Aildiutooed Onopeei mon. ja,,,u a War . 14 germ JOlll4 Dp. P. 17 alukcl al rpm lo m of teli go po o4 tolkINgeo•oto. 'o Seim bibd acee, tuo ome. • x fp, lo room* Lou um TO lono AIR rectivta ci Lemma ..00ttaa•ot of Ow =du appoloot teen btudo., onoo4( gh• obuyoraprotP-0 - Victoria, fiVll2l.OO, l Pronjpe, Viola Ir</.W:Lb . 'Comma .o • A I•o, • fol blo ll1 14414Otofitooll Pon' • cola's.. Ve4 choorioti oolopoop t . .• . AWL MOHL&B. • • •• ' l W oo ofir., Mi. wood". fiJi111:114: ieftbdi Oliff sodo Liao madodwo OW de sow 111 motto ovtits for Uiai,odelo.4lself 011 of AO wll4 ddlr4lllfo oo&lfittkohl.dowitll ,-, A , -,,a :t,r~ , 4.; 1 , • ,v •1: • A -i, •i _ itil',