The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, September 20, 1847, Image 2

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WC' EINZTUS Cllooled a Co.
fIO'7 . I4rrITSICII.Oif.DAiLT GALT'S 111' published
Nay, Tri-Weekly, and Weekly.—The Dui!Lis Seven
Dallas per IPPOPIi the Tri-Weekly Ilya Ilars per
sail.; the Weekly is Two Dollars pet damp arialy
• ad was: •
,Sotle• to. Advertisers.
gradrerusexneeds. to secure tosettssn, should be
banded .111 by five o'clock is the afternoon. Attest=
to tkto,oo the pastor our customer!, would be prodne
lies of mutual benefit
~. tor clmactuoto COMM
• • Iroa
:GEORGE NAR:II.E.;.of , Allegheny Car.
• LEWIS C. J. 'Mg LE, of IntlatnaTp.
• MARSRALL 2...V.ANTZWPLINN, Plusbrapts.
.111.:NRY LAILGE.,of Main Tp.
• roa coc.vrt manic.
J. W. BATTER, of Patsborgh.
COI 03•01 G, C0.1.1.1110111aL •
100.011911. , •
WILLIAM CAVEN, o(Versaillet Tp.
. , •
THOMAS k FRANKLIN, Lancaster Cuy.
JOHN C KUNKEL, Dauphin County.
. 'WILLIAM. PI WATTS,Comberland,
JOHN P WEIIIERILL, Philadelphia City.
THOMAS MeGRATH, Philadelphia County.
ROBERT M lIAB4 Franklin.
THOMAS M T WREN:IAN, Washington.
ANDREW) OGLE, Somerset.
JOSEPH II KuttNe, Westmoreland.
H D MAXWELL. Northampton: .
J B SALISBURY. Susquehanna.
ELIIANAN 7oszuDg.l
ROBERT T POTTS., Montgomery.
• For um: Commermal Intellmenee:Doinesue Mar
ket,. River • News, Import., Money 'Market, Ae, nee
:fad page. • . , •
It. fourth Page for PI ie cella:aeons h'errs.
- The long advertised meeting of Seturday, to be
held under the covering of the skies, owing to the
• • mini weather was held in the Court Home,-
- Hon. Charles Sheer presiding. The object of the
• . meeting war announced to be to hear the opinions
. of the Vice President. :
Mr. Shafer thought the Whigs fortunate in the
mho, as it had prevented a Musa meeting of the
• , (We are sorry Ate Loco Focos are such fair
weather politicians.) '/ I
• Mr. S. Went on to call the Whigs a poh tonfin'
Innate sat of. Politician*, when memories he wish
ed to jog by telling them they hod not held power
but !btu years sAd ono week since the orkenitar.
tion of the Goritument, end thetin that thite they
• had done nothing.
..(Veracious Judge, is it theta you Bite out
. jodgmentl • Have not the Whigs been longer in
pawed Do yos claim Wesbington, the Elder
Adams, Madlion, Monroe, of your party, and did
• not each of hue, or alliof them, dospmeth i ic ig?)
The country, Mr. Shale!. Wad, war pres i perone,
and weolte Dcrao:tary, had annexed Florida,
Louisiana,' Texas, and now all Mexico', to the
Union! The. Whigs had opposed all this, and
the War of 7 812.
(Here, now, is another maple of downright
- untruth. The Democrats per se, as John Tyler
would say, had no more to do with the perchaso
of Florida and Louisiana, or the war of 18 i 2, ihan
t h i e men in the Moon. We bought Louisiana
from France, and paid her for it. %ye phchased
Florida from. Spain, and paid, Spain for the ten(.
toiy, and , under the precedent ef purchte, the
Democrats seek now to despoil Me eo of
her soil, vihether rho will i or not.
,• Mr. Skater, we are sorry to add, specks what is
• not true, when ha says the Whigs oppo
war of 1812. There were some of the o d Fed
- _ oral party of New England who did,—a few only,
and who hese . woe, James Buchanan,' Henry
, Hubbard, Reuel Williams, George Baneroft and
°there, well know. There Were some, ti
Isar pot.
; - ' tarn and patent Democrats who opposed th e
. .
of Independence, artd_eorne who, .had they lived
' in the Revolution xvoubl.have been feria, and
who could neve). consider that word a terh cf re..:
preach." Mr. Shafer must have either forgotten
• • . or been ashamed of his party, in makirTg thesi".l
—.. pointed a l l usions to Federalism and the war of
• 1812.) 1 . : -
. "The country never mu more proven:cis and
. . yet the Whiga would turn the Democrats out of
ace. -
• (Certainly,—and for three reasons, unthtidelly
claiming" to be the came of this proepe i city.—
' Doceving the people. and general incompetency
t—.... e.
or unwillingnene, rigout:toy o discharge public
Mr. Studer made somo other :general marks
about the glory of the Mexican war d the
_ Whig opposition—when the Vile Previ a tcnt was
introduced to the meeting and too his ea
• q Mr. Boasx was called upon' and respchtled.
• I The people had gathered on the eve Ilan im
portant Election, ace for the purpose o testing
the imccees of one or the orther of two grbat rival
-• parties, which was not to detensibe I impel
lent Stets interests, bet gr i national questions.
It was to decide principles - cradled in the storm
tr ,
and rocked ixrthe temp est ) the great meumes of
the Democracy. Ito owed Mat the humblest cit.'
icen had a duty " Its
perform, as mighty in it. char.
' • *der u any that belonged to the higher offices in
',: the - Union.
He did het expect democratic candidates to es.
cape from calumny—Jefferson had been slandered
. . -Jackson the great and good, was caloinnitited and
the partner of his bosom did not enspe detraction
• from the 'antagonists of Democracy. I Every
' . ; 'Act .of his life hatibeen - for the interest of hie
country, and slier be had retired to the hermitage,
and had there been gathered to his father'', his op.
.• portents, were the lust to praise and Te r re his
memory. •
- If they had acted so, in reference to l i ackson. ,
. they would do so in reference to Demme •c car.-2
dictates at the present day. .The principle' which
obtained In the days of the elder Adams were the
same now that they were in his day, let it be die
: guised es it might. The , federal party, although
it had changed liana= respeatedly, was the same
i now that it sleety' had been. ..
Derhgthe war with Great Britian, thJ =logo.
mists of Democracy cried out, rtlh the pin Brit
lair," with the tedium the cry was the same, and
now It li WTI4 the poor Mexicans." • The Demo.
• mats had • away* sustained the government in
' time of was. ' But if may' oclionikeru cast upon
the country for the present war—it meet rest urn
• an administration elected by the Whigs.
If the ,acninistration had lei the Mexicans
Beams upon our scholia shed American blood
without revenging it, the Whigs would bare env
athamatlzed the Democrats and he would have
: .Daring tire last Gottemorie Election the Whigs
charged the worthy chief Magistrate of too State
' with havinewalked in a Catholic precaution. and
with trampling upon the 'Ammihn Flagr-Notir,
their hatred to the Catholics had ceased—they
cried out to the people to; the Catholics—het our
• - Government was at war .with a Cetholic nation
—with a Catholic governMent. They lad no
great:buefar the Catholida
He refared to the difficulties at Harriet
- . fall: of '39--Said the Whigs wished
the election as though it hid not been he
.. even attempted to create a ci vil war.
(Mr. Burke but echoed e story of Mr. Shier,
. and could not get through his speech without
speaking of the eau of Acksan, to help - along
his cause, and even the whit of the old hero was
lash:loJ* of to adorn a stu mp speech. The name
of Jarmo, toO, is used w i t h about as hoclt • rev..
Kin or as than= of 'T4tary or the 'fug of
Mr. Timbuctoo would, hare hem, • t.nt.'
though opposed the Haniilionian school of poi
. Bios was no more a modern'Lecofece.pressaiptivo,
• logical anti-American, as the party now is, than
sweated Democracy is the thingltself. Tho gen !
tiscaur, too, deems it a monstrous thing tolindulge
, in feelmge of sympathy or kindness for the unfor
tunate, but no d ou bt deems the Saviour if min
. - kind a great heretic for his command re fl to love
one illblthei...
: -
Mr Dallas (wing called for said I
Ma. MITA" Illlar4 loo lE , anxious to 'Xi
excused, lis had not felt at liberty to withhold a
, • ', ;firwirsmarks. As &public servant fur forty yeare,
.:- - funtrmi with the moutons of the Democracy, he
'•'-' • should speak for usher( time, awl begged:hist
.' - 1, ': • •••Behre pruletstrutg, • -he 'wished to mak
7piiiiwd remarks, '- iie come expiessly
. 07 1 mt partaxml.
that emit;, end it Wu properly' named.- A few
days irince,reurning front bed ob.
accred, when about twelve miles from Pittsburgh,
a dark cloud of smoke—be thought of
coat - of arms which would suit well far this re•
gion—lts columns' shouM be coil - smoke - it s
crest a wreath of coal stroke. and Ps base, beds
of iron ore and cold. It would be expressive - of.
great-industry and art. •
Pittsburgh is mosperhus in manufactures and
improvements, and here, Mr. D. paid quite a cm..
pliment to Pittsburgh industry and prosperity, and
end he sew nothing of therein predicted.
Bui people had gathered to hear public Meal
noes discussed. - As a public servant, he had no
opinions to disguise. If they-did not quire
with the views of othen, he was wary; if they
did, be should be ham.
He bad on another °maim, without prepare.
tion,renuuked upon the great change in the nya
nue laws, The Tariff of '42 differed from that of
'46—the latter abandoned specific duties and went
for revenue-still it was a Tariff. The very
phrase contradicted the idea of free trade. 112
Pennsylvania, of all States, we understood what
was meant by duties. Mr. D. referred to the Es.
cise Duties and • the Whiskey Insturectkno, and
said the opponents of the Encase law weretight.
If from interml taxation and 'excise the govern.
aunt could 'support itself, and-let commerce range
freely; then there would ho freetrade,but so long
a. the Government had to resort to. imposts on
foreign commerce for revenue, there war no free
trade. Thirty odd millions would be raised by
the pliant tariff - from impost duties this year,—
the tariff of '46, was not, therefore, a free trade
12102.211122. .
Our country RIO at war, and Gas. Taylor had
carved out honor with bbiswonl that would live u
long as history lasted. This Taylor had rococo
=mica to the Government to advance to the Rip
Grande. (Not true.) This was done.' It was
thought to bo the immodiati cruse of the war.—
The crossing of the Rio Grand° by Mexicans be•
iron the war, and gave rise to. two battles, which
rivalled the nut brilliant of the Revolution.
Ho begged the people to remember they were
Democrats—they were a pacific people, unprepar
ed for war. It was well to be so. Bat the war
had proed that we were capablethat the Ad-.
ministration was capable—of chastising those who
undeitook to Injure us. In the coarse of sixteen
months (by whose Almanscl) our army had pen
etrated to the capitol of our enemy, and were
about dictating terms - of peace And he wield
say that, taking all thing, into consideration, we
were justified in applauding our arms. We
should rapidly close this war—we have repelled
invasion—we have won laurel,--obtained victory
and honor, and now let us have peace.
Oar Government is ready at a moments warn
ing to negotiate for peace. Our commanding offi
cer acts in the spirit of the Government of the U.
S. Ho hall, at the very gate. of Mexico when he
might enter sword in hand, and tolls them to make
peace, establish. treaties and regard-them hereafter.
He hoped that peace was near at hand, though
not at the sacrifice of American honor.
• 'lltero was a question connected with thin Mem . .
war—he would speak of it with the frankneu due
to Democrats. If in negotiations of pesos we
should obtain large portions of New Mesico,what
was to be done with them. lie knew Yankees
would fill them. But then there vow the Wilmot
Proviso, which he would explain—There was a
great portion of the-people who were in favour
of extinguishing Slivery—they were sincere, and
by their representatives In Coupes., say we will
take this territory as indemnity for the war—prr
sided you'exclude Slavery.
There was another portion who sail—Welt ill
oat fight for 'this territory and let the North have
tho benefit of it, This Is a great difficulty and he
would give his-views on the subject candidly.—
If the question should anise, sad there ebowd ba
a call for the casting vote, he would hold himself
open to hear alithe peat men who edam this mt..
titan argue the question, and then vote as he thet
right at that timo. Bet now he refers the people
to the Constitution of the United States. It re.
cognhes the institution of Slavery.,lt prohibits
the interference of Government : in e domestic
and municipal concerns'of the States. and in this
there should bo enough of State pride to keep us
from interfering with their domestic relations.
At the time of the Missouri Compromise he ex
pressed tho same News.—opposition to contra
miss. Ho would rather see the Constitution alter-.
ed immediately nod at oncedhan that there should
be any compromise of its provisions. He feared
the Wilmot Protisa was about to agitatita the
country—probably in the Benue,—but he hoped
there would eamething occur to avoid difficulty.
He thought it the beat policy to let the question
alone,—then the people in the territories of New
Mexico and Miter places enahl decide whether
Slavery should exist. If they adopted the insti
tution, the sib would be thett own—it would be
their net. Bat he would .assure them, Congress
would never legislate Slavery into any territory.
Mr. D. then referred to thr Chimp" Convention
in reference to the improve . nts of Harbors and
Rivera. Ho would frank! , t ire his opinions.—
(We have a epecimezi of ••4 abase) These im
provements Were claimed order the provisions of
the COostitation which gives Congress the riglit
to resideto Commerce. It is urged that they were
duty boundto improve Rivers and Harbors.—
We must be prepared with light houses, break
waters, &c., for the safety of the commerce of the
Wort. If the Constitution gives us the power te
expend merry in this may, why not appropriate
it to the improvements shaded to! Let us do all
No can Cr discriminate what are national and
what are tot Malone! improvements, and then ex.
tend to the -
West such -improvement" as can be
le very frank, too.)
The U_& Bank, Mr. D. amid, wee an "obsolete
idea." It had been consigned to the tomb of the
Capulem" There were many other 'obsolete"
ideas, but there were some things permanent and
Seed. The Liberty of the Press, of Speech, of
Religion, of our independence, the Union—all
them were final and unchangeable fact. He ur
ged the people, the Democracy, to standby them,
aid we would be the greatest people in the uni
We' ask again and sgain, what estimate does
Mr. Dallas place upon truth," and upon the in
telligence .of his countrymen and State, when he
asserts that GMeral Taylor recommended the ad•
mice from Co6us Cbsisti or the Nunes, to the
Rio Grande. Will Mi. Dellasgiri us any each re
cord of fact,—my inch letter, or will he miserably
distort the tenth for the take of shilling the respon
sibility upon a commanding officer who could not,
end would not hose mowed an inch, but in obe.
dienee to orders from the Executive!
We hLJ supposed that the Vice President
:would . hbve been mote guarded alter tho smtament
and repetition of what*, not tone, in reaped to
the Tara, of 1842 and 1846,—but knowing that
them who beard the untruth told, would never
hear the correction, except from his own lips,
he tuts termed to enlighten the milinfortned:—
itallaels sago political experieme, ofwhieh be
boasters° touch, reminds us of the truth c( the coup•
lot •
' Old plaids'ss chew cis wisdom post,
cod tottsr oak blunders fts tits Wt.',
Mr. Dallas low revised his speech for the Motu,
log Pest, and we shall pry our ntspeets to it to.
. •
The =mat battles affords the proper °Mateo
fir a new list of candidates I'M the Preidency.
Al some compromise is necessary, and the war is
likely to make Statesmen of . Heroics, and a score
or them at that, we propose to remove the scene of
Wife beyond the old boundarfes of the Unionoucti
to dispose of 'all Military aspirants; no follows, not
now including General Tay for, became he seems
determined to be the candidate of no party, and
without a party we presume There will boon Preo
ident. We have a candidate for .the United
States itthe n person . of him, be he, who be may,
who is a true Whig, and who shall give . evldernos
that he is such to a Whig National Convention,
composed of delegates representing In goad faith
the Whigs of 'Ls Union. Fat the rent we are fox
the following ticket, to which we promise all nm.
seeable and proper sopporn
President of New Mexico. General Poles.
President of Upper California General Kelso
President of Lower California, Garr,' 136 h.
President of Taxer, General Houston.
President of Vera. Crics, (with special regard to
ditching.) General Pillow.
'President of Tobnoco, Commodore Perry.
Praidea of Yucatan, Commodore Stockton.
'President of Touruttilipte, General Pierce.
President of the met of the Province., idsjors
diners] Benton, Panama, sad the political Gen.
erste genernity.
IL:LOS/11D WHITT, of Notfalk, Va., who had
been in the habit of indulgh3g no freely in the
use of 'iota:ice/tag liquefy, while in his cups lut
area, bent and abused his motber•, an old
11 0.1.mtlilly bßrld. Her Non, Albert Bale, clerk
of the intoner Curtis Peek, on bearing des man
ner his melba had ben rocated, beams moth
excited, aid went in pursuit crl R bite. He fatted
big , in Ittiger shop, want in, dragged him out
doom and stabbed him meal limes wild a Bowie
kaliThafeas any one clialkin/erfass.. , Whltostaal;
of hi. wounds, - 'raid le no iecomit of me amid
Patentee latstdmats of t he „ Battle.
The two
The by Banta Anna from I
the American. at Angostura, wore recaptured in
taking one of the Mexiambatterles on the. 20th
by the seine company to which they edgiest.
ly belonged. The scene which fol lowed
. beggate
all description. A loser beholding the object of
his first vow, a • hisbaed returning to his bride,
could not exhibit joys more extatiothan our •14-
dims manifested in the presence of these trophies!
They 'almost higged and embraced them, and
rent the air with load human while drawing peals
of eloquence from the object of their devotion.
Our loss is variously estimated. One letter
states that the writer himself saw 1,000 berried.
(A part of these • might have been Mexicans.)—
Another officer writing from camp, under date of
August 28ih, Ind who seems to be well informed,
Oar hut in killed, wounded and mining on the
19th and 20th is 1,066, of whom 13 are offices;
J 22 rank and file ware killed. The Mexican lon
in killed; wounded and mining I. at least 15,000.
We have now granted an armistice, which it is
hoped will lead to peace., Negotiations hare al.
The South Carolina :Regiment, previoas to the
action contained about 330 -men. Of elm 137
were killed and wounded. Col. Butler, who corn.
mended, behaved in the most gallant manner. In
advatiting upon the hacienda attacked by General
Shields, at the bead of his regiment, his horse
wu shot dead. fie then advanced on foot anal
he received a severe wound in the kg, whieh eau
sod him to 411. In a fainting condition howls
carried to the rear, but soon rallying, ho ■gain ad
vanced to the head of his regiment, when a mus
ket ball struck himon the head and In died almost
Limn Joust—Thin gallant officer, who acted
as stid-de eamp of Gen Cadwallader, died of the
wound+ received in the engagements of the 19th
and 2011 t Aaguat.
General Beat ts mid to hare acted with great
magnanimity towards the flying enemy, and
gare especial orders to deal as lightly u-possible
with the Notional Guard,' corps composed of the
most respectable citizens of MCIOCD, and ho pro..
baby thought it a pity to injure so handsome and
ass harmkss a body of men. ,* •
Daring the day and night of the 21st, the streets
of the city are represented a. presenting the most
pitiable scenes that the imagination could picture:
crowded with wagon loads of the wounded and
dying, and iaonnding with the erica of women
and children.
Tbsi correspondents at the New Orleans paper
estimates the forces engaged on both sides much
larger than former accounts, and wo are inclined
to believe 64 stateurent.tho most reliable, because
ho hos bad fall leisure and,opportuoity to astir-
Min the fade. Our forces be put, down thus:
Brought by Scott to Puebla 7500 men.
Volunteers *Maul with Pillow 2000 do
do do Cadwallader 2000 do
do do Pierce 2000 do
Total numberirrivell 14000
Sick, de:garters, &.a.. 1500 .
Garrison len in Puebla
Force uhiCh mulched upon Mexico 11500
The Meiielne ha estimates at upwards of
000 men, who were .0 worked upon by their
carters and the faleehoods oi•ttre pines, that they.
(aught with desperation, to prevent their city from
felling into air band..
rk steamer is to be kept in readiness at Vera
Cruz to receive Gen Seott's °Geis] details or the
Batiks, dee., and Canvey them to our,evernment.
She may be expected won.
The Washington Union of Friday night con
tains nearly two columns and a half of the killed
and wodnded of the battles of the s lSth and 19th
of Aughst. Thy names of 1017 of our brave
offiecia and eoldiers, killed and wounded on the
bloody fields of Mexico, are given. And these,
we fear, do not includo all that fell.
The First Divirion, commanded by General
Worth, suffered moat wverely-:-the aggregate be
ing 336. The second, commanded by General
Twiggs,leomes next. Then the thirckunder Gen.
Pilloiv and Geo. Frame, and the fourth, under
Gen. - Qui:mcm. A largo number of dragoana
were also killed.
Gen.-Cads*leder supported the attack cd
rteilly, and was in turn supported by Gen.tihields
in the battle ct' the 19th.
We have not space today to publish a hat of
the Wad and wounded, but one readers can ex.
amine it by calling at the office.
""Asioso the wounded in the late battles before
the capitol, we notice the name of Licut, Farrell',
of Mb city. He belonged to the sth Infantry, bat
was attached to Smithe, Light Batallion. He is
quoted in the official despatches, as having been
teerwirely wounded. -
The Datt , e Ground
We take the following extract, relating to the
topography of the field of the late sanguinary
struggle between our troops and the Mexicans, in
the nolghborhood of the Capital, from a letter of
Mt. Kendall, dated 211 Aug.
oft may be well to state that the city of Mex
ico Um about nine miles nearly . north of San
Augustine, that San Antonio is about three miles
in the name direction, while the point occupied
by. Gen. Valencia, near Commas, for he had
command at that place, Is at least thine miles
in -a straight line, and in ■ direction nearly
west. It was tan miles the my many of our
troops had to March.
Lot me endeavor, in wards, to give the read
er en idea, of the .position and works of the en
emy. As you come along the road leading from
San. Augustine to the capitol, and immediately
this side the Punta del Ronne, the Mexicans
had thrown up a strong and exceedingly -well
built battery, commanding the road completely.
On the right, as you faced the city, stretching
for long ,liotance, wet a continuous ditch,
hind the bank of which an immense number of
Mexican infantry were posted. On the loft band
of the We &pont, or work at the bridge, three
hundred yard* distant, wail the church of Chu-
Mbusco, or San Pablo, strongly fottKed with
works for infantry, and also having a well con.
stracted battery, containing a number of guns
of heavy calibre.
The work wee a little advanced from the tete
de pond and nearly in.a lino between it end the
Cohoynart. Further on, on the other sido'
of the work at the bridge, and about three hem
deed yards from the road, wee a large building.
well adapted for the protection of infantry, and la
which the enemy bed also posted an ininiensobo
dy...The ground in the vicinity of all thew points
wes completely covered with covn,end other fields,
cot tip In every direction by wide and deep ditch.
ea presenting obstacles innumerable to the advance
of oar troops. No reconnoissance of the poeition
of the enemy had been made, and consequently
its strength could only be ascertained by bard
blows and knocks.
The divisions of Gens.Twiggs and Worth were
at once engaged, the former with the church and
stropg hold of Churubusco, and the latter with
the batteries at the - bridge, and in the meantime,
Gen. Shield's brigade the New York. and Booth
Carolina volunteers—together with the 9th. 12th,
and ,19th regiments of Infantry under Gee. Pierce,
were harrying onward from Goboynan to attack
the hacienda. Moen, they too were engaged, and
DOW the battle became general. The enemy had
over twenty pieces of cannon ' all io admirable po
sition, and period with more than ordinary skill,
while but few of our gone could be brought to
be z ar. The battery of Capt Frank Taylor. it is
true, opened a well directed dm open Churubn.
co, but so reposed was its situation that It Siam.
cd most terribly, both in officers and men.
're . describe the fierce conflict, even now that
two days have elapsed. - or to give an account of
the part taken by the different regiments were ho.
possible. Trom the opening of the strife, up to tie
time the Mexicans were entitely routed end in full
flight for the city, was one continuous WU of can.
non and musketry, accompanied by the loud shouts
-of the viitore as some new vantage ground was
asined,and high above the din rose a dertee column
of smoke, at times completely shrouding the cam.
Naxr r.Satimirr.-4 Writa in the Cleveland
Herald, who has examined to some extant the
feelings 4rtdch pervade different undone of the
Whig piity in reference to their choice of a can.
dictate Inv the neat Presidency', hie come to the
conclusion that. the Hon. Jam McLetin, of Ohio,
Will be nominated.
81;scro como.l-Tha Frau& mauler Miawori
will cm' not &both 50,000 or 100,000, to film
pleiriohe 'yew York pocket ship for Ham
his iloo C arorklerablo amount l¢ allyer—the rate
of.icbaop`on.Trana,, sod thofaillkituawer
okool bioae tiorsoltbrig and including rhlptoOto of
w .; ~, ~ _
~_k. a. a.u...
If the railer would like to istow, eldest the LO.
edam Put, end pee said and thought of this
tairkgine Ye* , MIN they may learn is in the follow•
ing.' from We- Philadelphia Spirit of the Time&
[Oho papers issued on the 29th and 30th of July,
1846, just after the repeal of the Tuff of 1842,
we find &number.of choice articles, from which
we make the follosiing extract s
Pawn OF THE TAIIII inn 14 ice SZIATI
,—Treason'to Penneyloania !—The infamy has
been constimmated, and by the vote of George
Millie DeWia, of PeOLIF,15111111! The Old Key:
atone has-been blasted by the ingrate hand of a
treacherous son. Like that of him who fired the
Epheotan dome, the fame of Geo. M. Dallas shall
be immortal—immortal to evaestkin, humor
tal to infamy. The Commonwealth thathad given
him birth, life, favor, wealth, station and pOwer,.
called upon him to Welch forth his arm and save
her, he has unswayed the call as the assassin 141-
ponds to the mercy cry of the hotplate., Alas ! poor
here iv the whole matter in a nutshell. It is
Worthy of a name and we christen it--Political
insanity and political •illiany. Tba honors belong
to both parties, and maybe worn by the active
agent., Dallas and Jernigan. We can character•
ize the act of the former with no milder term then
political and moral aberration—that of the latter
bee no name more apt than conspiracy, ignoble,
damnable sacceufel conspiracy, ageing the coun
Mr. Dallas, being the "Pico President of the
whole United States," u hie friends wore the
public, finding the Stator exactly balanced, politi
cally end numerically cast his vote is taut the
unanimous calm of his own Stun—Pennsylva
nia—the State that above all the rest was to be
most Orate,' by the act. Had we the charity of
the angels, we could not bet condemn Mr. Dallas
for such • wanton voluntary desertion of the State
of his nativity.
WHIM 81141 WEUNIT sani.—The following
is from the New York Evening Past. It comes
as a voice from the grave, to rebuke . each ' , dough
faces" as Jame. Buchanan and George M. Dallas.
The 114 r. King referred to was a member of Con.
gross from New York, who introduced an Anti-
Slavery proposition to the House:
"If the question had been propounded to me, at
any period of my life—'Shell the arms of he
Union be employed too:a/quer, or the money of
the Union be used to purchase torritory r now con
stitutionally free,for the purpose of planting Sla
very upon it!'—l should bane answered No!—
And this answer to this question is the Wilmot
Proviso, es I understood it. lam surprised that
any one should supposo me capable of entertain
ing any other opinion, or giving any other answer,
as to inch a proposition."
.1 em eurpris.Nl at the Globe articles, as with
the exception of such remark. as I have just re
pealed, as to'Mr. King's being the mover of the
proviso, lean have said nothing from which any
man could infer any disapprobation on my part of
Mr. King. course. And I trust these remarks
cannot properly he denominated a dinpprobation
of his act, coach leas his proposition."
Locasoco Tnorssis.— We have heretofore el.
laded to the difficiikies at the late Lecofoco can•
•cation in Lancaster: between the friends and
opponents of Hon.. James Bochum. Mr. C.
Brenner, who was nominated by that convention
for the office of county Tfelifftffer, declines being
a candidata, an the grounds, that he can have nosh•
ing to do with a ticket formed by a Convention
which cast odium and contempt upon James 811-
chnan. .
'Mr. B. has still some friends in LanCaster, but
Mere is also a strong hatred evinced toward, him,
by a portion of the Party and for good reasons:3 .
This faction is headed by Col. Frazier and Jcitige
Champue's, and they banCexhibited evidence of
their generalship in ,Meeting the nomination, at a
regular county Convention, of an anti-Buchener
ticket, with the exception of Mr. Brenner, whose
place is now filled with a friend of Col. Prazieee.
Oo Thursday lut the Fourth Annivernay of
the P 011,04 1 . 1 .11.0, Sentry was celebrated in
the chapel of the University. Tau Society, which
we understand is our. of the most respectable in
point of numbers, ability and priVilegesha this city;
or the west, maintained its claims to this character,
notwithstanding an unfortunate *dull= of a
member to deliver the oration. The anniversary
latices and the debate folly realized the expects.
Sans of the very large audience in attendance.—
Tlios members of the Society diatinguished by their
badge. Marched in two said two roadea yery fine
appearance. White's Band played on the ocean
'tibia, fully anweining their reputation .
The Concerts of Allegheny city, we are in.
formed, have appreptisted fonds to purchase a reel
for the Uccle Sena Fire company, and also to sler
fray the eipenso ef removing the William Penn to
a lot presented to that Company by Col. Robinson.
Aa EJloool3llolT.—Senial moons cgmmene•
od lighting In the pit of the theatre or' Saturday
averting, and were Mime into tko street by the of
lien who have charge of the papa in that build
ing: They thou repaired to the Court Howe,
and had a 'egoist engagement of rome ball an
hour's duration. Two of the belligerents wete
.cry seriously beaten. There were officers there,
we are informed, but rio attests made.
StitlMYR COITIIT, Seer 18, 1847,—.Present
all the Judges.
On motion of Mr. Shafer, the Court awihried
mandamus in the alternative on the petitioh of
Joseph Watt, spinet the Commhsloners of AI•
legbeny county, to ascertain whether Joseph Watt
is not entitled to the- appoinnient of Collector of
the 4th ward of the city of Pittsburgh, the sold Jo.
mph . Watt having been returned by the lase.
sor as e 'proper person for said. cppointrnent
Writ returnable on the second Monday of Oeto•
her nut.
Commonwealth En relations J P Bakewell's
heirs vs Hiram Hultn. Error to the Cowl of Com
mon Pleas—Argued by Mr. Craft Plff in er ,
ror--Shalu for Oft in error.
= =!
ANTIMATIID DULL.-4I rumored that
D Prentice, Esq. editor of the Louisville Jour
nal, has gone North fug the purposo of bringing
a Connecticut editor to an secount for something
ho his said. We are inclined to believe that this
rumor is untrue, u Mr. Prentice his not had the
oar of his hands for 'tumoral year.. .
Anacticrra.—Rou. the private and confidential
Seawall of Louie XIV. had married his dangh•
les to M Portall, President ..of the French Polio.
meat. The husband wu constantly complaining
of the temper and ,disposition of his daughter.—
‘You are right, said Rose, she is an impertinent
jade, and if I hear more complaints of her I will
disinherit her." The husband felt no desire to
make any more complaints of his wig.
Ocean or Aotionvcras.--The Ring of
Prussia Ow lately crested an Order destined's.
elusively to egriculturs,—that is toesy, to milieu
tore and F4llOllB who distinguish themielves in
this department of induetty. The decoration beam
on ono aide the effigy of the King of Prussia, on
the other motto, "For agricultural merit;" our.
rounded with a curtest of wheat, with vine and
olive !Mom. This is a kind of Order that no one
will object to sae greatly Increasing its numbers.
The Governor of Kentucky ham made the fob=
lowing appointments for one of the regiments of
Volunteer. now enlisting in that State :
Manlius V Thompson of Georgtown, Col.
Thorpe L Crittenden of Frankfort. Liaut Col.
John G Breckinridge of Lexington; Major.
-Arrsanancs or TUI Paraao Roe.--Ertract
or a letter dated Oihavra,Eleptomber am softy
to hive to inform yon that the potato diaeaso or
rot has made it. appearance in almostovery field,
and this yealthrestens the otter destruction of the
crop. Wheat will be our an avenue, sod Out.
and Pail farabovo It, In this township." Toronto
An Ohio editor says that he knew ShakesFeuer
when ho heed to Pennsylvania, and that his name
was wit libakopearo, bat Wm. Bpeare—tbat he
afterwards mined ' into' the Moto of Michigan,
caught the fever and ague, and was ever sitoi
wards nick boned Shake Spear:
The N. Y.lielogiton ttepubilcen, underwbore
editorial head Gen4Tiylor's came. stands Si It.
candidate for IP:evident, ewe—
Pm Gen. rayler weber° ever entertained the
highest regard—not only as a *Adler, but amend'
prudence, lease and honesty; and we saw high ee•
Aden of hie 'real grechieu, when he aniwered to
certain impertinent enquiries. that big 'boll"
- was not •PreVident making,' but leading the ar• .
mice of his denary. Whether he has beep sedu
ced from the honorable resolation Implied in this
language, or !whether forgery and mirreprtaarta•
lion have taken Settled with his name, the future`
only andeteemine. Of (meting we are certain,
if Gem Tayler , reface to ran for the Presidency
u • Whig. le - eannol rapport .laks.. We hoe
too high a regard for the Whig pettlr are !°P
well satisfied; witirits general mews- sod pried•
pler;to mumfehle them mortify because semiarid.
however bravely and nobly, has done his 'Out) on
the field of beta&
I ~
Cornspondosee'. Plttstnirah Gaso4l,
..Corrapooddee of theriltabergh O.U.
The Sonthent mail G in, with no tater nein
ham the seat of war.."
Ctisrlestou ppm only taxies! this marnisii.
The interments at New Orleittw 'on the 10th,
were Se, balder! 13 at Lafayette, and 7 at the
• smolt BBAZOB•
DZWIII 07 sato: IOirOG.
Correspondence of the Pittsburgh oszette.
Washington, dept. 18, Pi P. hi,
A note from the Editor of the Pici:yone to the
Telegraph Agent at Richmond stater, that on Etat.
tuday last, the steamer arrived at New Orleans
from . Brazos with news That Brig. Gen. Hopping
died at Mier on the first inst. Ms brigade is bra-.
ken up.
Gen. Lana'• brigade will probably embark on
the Bth inst., for Vera Cruz.
Gen. Cushihg' had concentrated hie brigade et a
camp near Palo Alto.
Exclusive Corecspondence Or the nustrusgh Csoeoc.
PernsesLeers, Sept, IS, 4 v. v.
Floor—Moderato sales OCCIU at $5,50a5,6n per
bbl, at which - rate■ there are sellers but no buy.
Grain—The market is fully supplied , and Wheat
his met a decline. Corn continues without
change, Rye is selling at 70c per bu.
In Provisions prices have slightly declined. , '
Coffee-13ales of Rio Cara at 7itintlc, an d
of Legume at 710 tic per lb.
Wool is in active demand, with stiles of Com
mon washed at 25a27c.
Tobacco—The receipts are large, with a tai
Beef Cattle-430es have bun made at ;IA
per 100 lbs - gross.
Lord—The market is well supplied, and prices
tending downwanl.
Stediii--.There is mcro activity in ilia. make ,
with an upwind tendency.
Excloeive Correzpoodenee or the Poiaborgta Gaze
Sept. 113, 4 r. x.
Flout—bales of Western at $5,751.5,87i per
Cornmeal—Sales of 'Cornmeal at $2,87 per
Wheat—Sales of prime Rea at 114 e pet La;
Prime White is selling at 119a120e per bu, •
Whiskey—Moderaw ralu at 26c per gal.
Provisions bareslightly
Cotton—Thera is lees Gasify ip the Cotton
Lard—Nothing doing in the market—dealert
swelling the receipt of risme tenet*,
The markets generally are without change.
ExeTome Correspondence of the Pittsburel Gescua
CINCIDNAtI, &M. 18, 6, P. M.
Flour The receipts eontinua light—the mar.
kot to unsettled, and no calm. •
Cora-1111101 of 2000 bu at 30c per Mt.
Wheat—Moderate entreat 75c per Inc
Planted is selling at 75e per bu.
Mess Porkelalee of 300 bbls for the Army at
$13,50 per bbl. Country supplies balder $l3 per
Bacon—Sales of City cured Hams at 81e par
Provisions are without change.
Pot and Pearl Asbea—Pots are held at 610—
Pearls ate sold at lie per lb.
ar raz'ftaaraa valor
The London Times of August 26, say=
Yeaterday many parties entertained s strong
expeenitlon that ■ reduction would be made in
the intern of discount - by We Dank, but ad, did not
take plus. It wae undentood that advances we
to ho mode upon bills and securities at five per
The loans connected with the &Hove of M
Lyon find Finney. corn merchants of Live I,
It is mid will chiefly fall in New Orleans and in
"Draft of Prime, *ord& Co., of New I
were refused by houses here, until the arrival of
the next steamer."
Jamie Morrie, Eogr„ is recommended •to sup y
the vacancy of the Governor of the Dank of E gs
land, occasional by the retirement of 35' k 11 b.
boron, Erqr.
The Standard of that nvening, says:
The accounts from Mart lane this morning are
of a meat urifavoroblo description. Another hinge
of nespeetibitity is iSe ism nt b. has been obliged
to suspend payment. The liaHlities an stated tti
be sksit 150.001 h, The effect of their failure , in
connection with the extreme immure for money,
bag been to reduce the ilium in Mark lane from
5s to f 0, under but Monday's quotations.
None of the recent faiiuree in the Corn trade.
has mused so much excinictint, an that of the
Governor of the Bank of England.
A conevondent of one of the IC. Y 1 papers
si have jut left the counting room of
. a large
som dealer. I was there informed that the times
"are swirl" Floor may be qUoted at from 21a.
to 25a, and acme very superior will bring Vie.
The very beat Dantxle Wheat, that ten days ago
brought 60.; is now held at 50s. On Thur.
day. 1500 barrels of prime Baltimore were offer
ed for .Cl5OO, with charges that brought it mahout
21a. 6d. It was refused at that price. 1 eater;
day it was purchaked at 240. exclusive of the
charge. on it, and retailed out to the baker.."
Roxs.--Theleteal aceurtnts from Rome are of
a warlike cast. The Papal troops were actually
on the march to the frontier, and a high feeling of
enthualasm pervades all maks of the people.
• Casa.—A Colombo Times, extra of July 15,
(Ceylen)coutaine a very alarming rumor in regard
to the relations of EUgland and'Chiea, and tine
which derives considerable probability from the
recent rash conduct of. Bit John Davies, the Gov.
moor of Hong Kong. The report is, that the
attack on the Bogue forts had TOCI•ed a desperate
spirit' of liOstllity against all foreigners, but espe
cially the English, and ha led toe general rising
or the people of Canton against them. The coo.-
scds had been compelled to leave Canton, and the
Europeans were preparing to follow there. •
The suspuirion of Puns. WAOD, & CO, wil
oanuilon mach disappointment u well u Ica.—
Many who purchased and remitted their bills. by
the presto= steamer, fearing that they will be pro-
tested, are seeding for Ward nevi bills, to mat any
deficiency there may be: This has caused an ad
ditional demand for Mlle, and the remittance will
be larger on that account.—N: Y. Esp.
The Nieves Cataraet,.a Lao Foe° piper, hav
ing ogotes its length" for Polk sod Texas, now
makes the following *die:dour
1844 we annexed Tens, with territory
enough to make five Slave States as large es New
York, at • wet of a war, awl no one knows bow
many millions of dollars ."."
Hoop' Naws.—The Whigs have curled the
Territory of Maude, Ind elected their mem
ber, by a majority of four or foto hundred. Jam
H. Tweedy la the Whig Member elect. This
well and nobly done.
Mssirs.--Returne from Maine Indtato the deg
lion of three Ldeo Feat Members of Coogreis and
clip Whig. Lot.* Fogg Governor elected, end
Leglslintie sloe.
The tame NAOS corn° in last nighrsoaking wed,
from which wo idea the min. ban, been heavy all
"maid at. On Friday night thorn, wu a heavy
rain on the Mountains..
Adrenisenicota omitted to-doy will be iniorted
07 -No Cling I No Piny! Flirt Piles
Dr Jackron's Embrocation is the only medicine that
Wilt cure this so very common and troublesome
disease. It not only. Immediately allays path and i nil.
mation, stops all blecding,sulodunduttintelemble nett
jag, but eflectually cures, in a verr show limo P....
Whose /hiss bale been rendered miserable for years.—
Its application predates no pain, ba l rather en agreea
ble 6114 i 1110.1.11 t sensation, if peoou afflicted will
tall end hear .1 the great number of oases that have
been eared, they refit be astonished: Actinic.. of
Ibis elly. who bad been ander the kelfe•of the lumeon
for twoor three limes without being cured, has by
hottlesof the Embrocation, bone ersdically cured.
It sells beyond precedenta--(Phd Saturdayf Loaner."
W.. For aale m 'limbo:nal in the PL"'i TEA
N111RE,72 Fourth Attect, [ICU wood, and also alike
Drug Store of II P Bollworm, Federal in Allegheny el-.
ty. alfdtsw
Op- Salters Clissieng Passaces.—ldgelcsb
Tarmtorr—We beg leave to call piddle attention w
the tole:eyeing, from Dr. Wm. Doan, of Widismavdle
Clermont Co., 'and cum Of the very first practitioners in
the county m which he resides, sad Imo Senator in the
Swto Legislature. It la cheering thus to see the lea&
log men of, the professton burning the handset mks!:
coital yrcisdice, and &lb( mesit nidie ; • "
"Sir I have in say prnence been tieing senses& Your
Ginseng Panacea,
.404, 00 wen pleased In its
erect. in Catarrhal and 13venchIal ComplalntL Piece
sendine half a angels tionlee—paS theta as kiss a. ran
elni as I expect if it eoaoaaenoerederio Omni sit
isfaction as It has heseusfoie, to keep It constantly on
hand. Respectfully, opl7 !Xs'. Doax, 11.114-:
• •
$5,011,- SOOTS '
CORNER OF P OST OFFICE ALLEY. By John D. Dayli. .11 — sessraomr
THE subscriber respectfully informs the public Shat
h" tommeaeed We Laire Cottage House and 20 Building Lots,
`Fashionable Root.; of goal material and workmanship At Attetlon.
which be will warrant superiors° any Soot ever made 1 £amrdav, the day o r October, at 2 o'clock. P , ••
in Tmeharah for the !puce_ These handsome Dom
31 , will Ix sold on he pre:ones. situate between
.101 be made to measure, marrallt them es rep
the Wurloneron and Sm.°. it. turnpike Roads. ad
sented,,m the very low price of FIVE DOLLARS Bedmul Lemodura-
CASH.. Gentlemen are requested to cell and examina Tem
,fi m d dm a t 9 ebdp
es of 00. engaged
them•. l 'WILLIAM VINCENT ROSERTSJN, omb ' and Allegheny, when n.rt
_ t° _ W E . R:-'°llE — are ' ant - "Wrries - be — reste -- - hod bt less thaw bait an ham
Also, that handsome and spacious frame Cottage
Hon.. at present tiecupted by the Rev 8 C demingv
adiourtng the abase Lots, with about one and a half,
acres o f ground on which are abort 100 choice halt
shrubbery,. excellent well of water, stable, tee-'
Ea. Lot Will be acemsible by convenient streets a
plan of which may ht seen at the Amon Rooms:and
the property shown by the proprietor on the prensliev
True Indisputable. . . •
Terms—One-fount. cash, the ie.]. in three eqoal
annual payment., with Interest, to be secured by Lund
and mortgage.
• Ini"lnapertarnt to Adyestairres.—The never
tlsemente which appear in the Daily Morning Ge.enc
nlm appear in an T.-Weekly, thug receiving the ben•
at of the cre.. l . l °. Si nit, witbout Any additional
charge. This ?lan anventage to our advertisers, without
any catnr alpertae. Advenisenxota are also inserted
hi the co . m tsy paper upon reuonable tern*
ttli YOUNG Man' alsacalman'LLaaase am Mr
mvaaliararrria now qmp m mbteriben from this
J a Boildlogs,opotitt Philo Hall,
r➢ ROBERT FlNZlEY,Secretary•
On Sander marring,die . l9th inst., NA MCISSA A.
consort of Charles IL Pan , son, and daughter at hart
Mantel tidgere, of Cadiz, Ohio. The funeral mill take
plata from the tat Charles Hotel ( en this (Monday' afar-
amount o'clock. The friend.' o the no ti cee respect-
invited to snend aci th oot farther
Telegraph from Pi(Monk to Oleos Point.
THE undersigned having obtained from the owners
of the Patent for Prefeaue Morse. Electra Mag
netic Telegraph, the right to constraete line from Pitts
burgh in to Olean Point in the state of N.
York by.? route which they he selected, do hereby
offer to band said line ofTelegraph with one wire, egos)
in all mime ts to the best lino now in use In the United
States, including Registers, Bettener,and kathres email
kind. ready for use, andincluding the Patent Right
thereto pertaining, for ono hundred dollars per mile,
payable In instalments as the work progresses, under
the direction of the parties furnisbinetbe funds therefor.
The above line wnen built wills:nue. with a line
front RoChester at Olean Point, no building, and also
with n line from New Pork City Deal:irk, along the
line of the New York and Erie Rail Road; which will
be built early next Spring, duo giving the people of
Pittsburgh and intermediate places a cheap line of eon
tounicanon with the State of New York and Canada,,
Cothroanications addressed to either of us at Ithaca,
N. Y.,or at Detroit, Midi., will be attended t
N o.
sphlod2witwitsP I I SPEED, Jr
DMIS OL VT lON—Tb e peg inershipt hitherto .riob
ingmlder the style aunt firm of Wighterain te Pul
sed is thli day thsrolved by mutual content. John Dab
havong disposed of hisentire Interest 101 l Wighlman
The [ulness of the lam firm will be settled by 11W.ighb
1311111, Who is sa th erised loose the name or the late firm
Tor that propos. 1 1 / 1 011TMAN
•ththrd3or J DALZELL
THE-Subscriber is now prepared to manefitetare all
kinds of Canon and Woolen maehinery at the shortest
notice. Orders left at ft Wighuaten's Engine Stop, cor
net Liberty and Water Street, will meet with prompt at
[Amen st between Federal and nandorkysts
spngallY Allegheny City
TDE Sobatriber, late of the firm of 1 D Mimeos
Co, having this day purchased the stock of Ur D H
Fralieb, in the wholesale and retail family grocery end
produce tolnirla• 9, Nada, corner of Atarketand Li be Ay
streets, would respectfally solicit the patronage of his
friend, and former customers of the establishment,
buring them that he wtlt always be supplied with the
est erticics the cutous markets can furnish, and at fair
Dy an especial arrangement with A Jaynes, E'er ,
Agent for thaliew York • Pekin TeaCorapany ,he will
be constmety supplied with • general aasonment of the
Gunmen) , is Teas, fat New York retail prices, for the sc. -
cornmodatioa of those of his customer who prefer said
Pittsburgh, September. ID) DJ
In retiring tram the Grocery and j.rodoce business,
the undermined would cordially recommend bis succes
son, Thor Miller, to his friends and former patron.,
s PZ olt:O I °IPTII•P Post,
D PR " ALI h CH g
Woo, and rend one raper motor..
Millers and Matrobiamta Look Hero I
Tee Bubeeriber wishes to Nell • valuable Fanning
J. Mill and Paw MIII, Rose Township, Carroll Co..
Onto, one mile Bomb of Magnolia and Lk Bandy Creek,
whiz two run of BUM and calculated for custom work
or for Merchant. (One-half mile from the Bandy and
Beaver Canal, the water used is rut out of the Canal
dam, and gives aim feet head; with a surgetencr of
water daring the year. The dam is kept op b the
Canal Company, leaving the owner without any expense
few water. The Flooring Mill,Bass Mill, 13 acres of
Land, with a dwelling HT and Stabling will be mold.
Price, DOA one half in d and the balance in pay.
. . - • -
LETTERS Testamentary baring been granted to the
auderrigued, opera the Estate of John Martin. late
of Baldwin township. Allegheny county. Pa_ deeesthd
notice is hereby given to all persons baying eiaime or
demands against said Estate to present them, duty au
theutteatedi for sentetneni; and all persona indebted to
said Estate s are requestod to make payment without
delay. JOHN A MARLIN. Executor
ETTERtt of Administration ham been granted t
14M) ntadersianaM on the Estate of David Btfght. de
erased. late of Wilkins towusnip All pumas having
claims against said decedent' am notified an present
them for settlement, sod those who are indebted to the
ottlMnde requested o make payment without delay.
113:N RV 13 ii - rinspz i Admen
Luc of PsWaslh, P. Late "or NeahviDo., Tenn.
Na. Front surd, acre Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio..
rcoroc ro Morahan!. wittetaqi, in Pittsbarah. 51.20
ILE NOTICE—That I have applied In thtt
Judges of the Court of Common lieu of the Ceuta
ty of Allegheny for tae benefit of 1110 Ihmleent Imam of
min Commonwealth and that the' h”e appointed the
(met Monday of October out for the heaven of me
'ant/My 'dreams. ALFRED COREY.
reprSl .
fErNonli Anewlean and Guano copy Melee a week
M daily for three week.
VOR SALEa—A ember of len acre lots om Cialall<lol
Creek, within 4/ miles of MI ens, minable (rota as
•asliiy nod 'pennon, far snack/ and foresee.. Al, •
Omega nouns and 21.1 amen of laual, wok mir able onp
LOUSM Apply to WM GATES. or
.sollmr2rtisT .14MYS /11. A IZKI.V
OTIMP 000D6—Plam Math &lowed Lastres;
Figured black Alpiseea Lamer:
Real do mohair do;
Preach twilled Peron:atm Cloths;
Black India. Cashmeres;
Do English Merinos...;
Sum French Ousbatere D'Fcoraei,
Fine English do;
Rich new style fancy del
Heavy and nib Paris Mousseline D'Laine;
Finn plaids aiW fancy do do.
A very good assortment of above goods opening and
for sale /owlet the trade, by
spnail SII&CIiLETT & WHITE, bilswood st
PURE WINES An Medical purpoma—Vart, •a
&Rm. Malan) , and Sherry. Pnyviclans may rely
upon ihe parity etagere wince. Received and for rale
be ttlll2o • It g SFI.LEftS.
laualoo—i case Manilla, I. ceroon Caracens. just.
rreeired; krok by lIE SELLERS
.l; for ado by C ARBUTHNOT,
.ept2o t 4 woad at
COMFORTEI-350 dos Comforts and Boas, woo
len, for olio by C ARISUTIINOT..
SWIPE IR DERS—i2O dos Gum, just rued und
sale by C AcUUTHNoT,
spr2) 81 'mad in
GLOVSII-220 dot fleecy and buck, lined Berlin
and C.loam; for .ale by
A CCOUXICOJNEI-Icme direct from the Lanasc
turf—new etyle—for sale by
T ACES AND EDGINGS—A lae arsenelent
la toga jam opened C ARKBITTSNOT
OLIVE 011.—Stosisjust received, for sale by
4.X 1 R F, SRL LENS, 47 word of
, TUT GALLS-100 lbs Jan reed; fa*
spt2o R 6 BELLER,;
BIRO -10 bbl. PaR• Venetian Red Jnet teen for aaln
/1. by 6040 . R EBELLEREI
.O.I4:IIMISPENTIINIC:- - Itbiafor lute by .
spent • 'JO IN D MORGAN
P. WHITING-2 9 bble foilaln by
• -
I for able by ---
bpt2o _ • JOHN D MORGAN'
00 LUIZ —2 bbl yellow Ochre for ale by
R3IC ID-11 esks Failiab Venetian Red fa, *ate by
VARA bbl Palest Mack Varnish: a boson
(al article •for Varnakbn Iron; gado by
• ria2o • -
7aninlsn-4 bbls tansin muds Copal Va.lab for
apclo sale by J D NORDAN, 93 wood at
inrrObmaids copy.
BOAT COOKING OT - 171 7 11 itArtir
wtu B MUFT I
rket it wood
Q.I4ISTIAII—Of O•CrY color, pike, and qualm a
S 6
Cory large stock just opened; tor Cale by
rlB ' • cllineKGET"r k. WHITE
T EAD—M pigs Galena Lead ler ante by
floTwois —IEO bales In store; for sale by
l7Ellii-130 Wes Ala devr-rovad; . On sale by
YinlE PARRICIDE—Mend red covers and black plc
.L taro o London story; for sale by . ItIOME •
•ptld [is Foatth et
eItiCISOC--60 la. tV R fbr %We by
. i7IS4.I4IRALTICIhiD was for by
IIiGLAD'S-15GO hxs assirted sizes for sale by
D Argil PILL 130X.E.8,400 par rut reed; for sale
by_ • RE SE4,LELts
Derta—teases Ikrrgandiceit recci...rdi for
_s r ige
, 19110 • R :iELLERS -
'RI: 1 1 - e , 1 stand ignouteritun . un . dy fr E s.t i bi sns
bbb largo tioljust renrival;
ILL for .1114, by MILLER tr. RICKETrAIN
splla coo Many dintn .lo
I) 0 TA . IIU —I cal! ins !; !Mil; wr i o i lllgy aGAN
f litit "4 ll 4— .W4lar elute ' ' Hem;
i fe o r it e p aitT N y fr.
libeny n head of slattbao
(11,1 X CO.PAL.—nnxesse. AngolaJlplil r eeelled
In sale, by IL A. FAANaII OCK e
-ler /at it Wood' ay
haul, jut rocoicerrand for rola by • '
EIJI= lot 410000 d so;
YO-Threebbi Jul re-
Adopt -LKUM:
teiredAnd for sate by
,-comer to/Elwood lt-
Ineetuisna —nouonsns:rumump
wackiest:l:v.l,mi; Or sale at • •-/
WAD. • risiebT
/ V
ite the pin aide.
l ittt . sauca.h . t . ,i!!!!.....ty . r:r
- • - Di+
Vir ANTIII3},A bOr N W 14 pan otigr.--11
. Au, OM ago,
afirtitai':'4ltii - -'!. 1 '.',1 - : 1
JOHN D DAYIS, Auctioneer
Building Lou in Lawrenceville, at Auction.
riN Saturday tatetnoon the 2sth not. at 3 o'clock will
V be sold on the premise*, two valuable takolgtound
situate in the Borough of Idwrrencewlle. haying each
[`tont of 23 feet on Buller it., and extending back Oa
teat to Irwin. alley, whoelt feet Wide. Bale poet
Term*One•half cwh, balance In one 'vet, with in
terest, to be *crned by bond and mortgage. Tale In
dutputable. perEit ItIeCARTNE,Y
rptl7 JUIIN D 1:120 1 / 6 , Auctk
ON Monday morning, the 20th hut at 10 o'clock. at
the Commcrcnd Soles Room, corner of Waal. and Fifth
Mill ho sold sanhoot reutve LO clOoe
Ito extensive ILLSOrtolont of fanny and stapio Dry
Goods, Loots, 'boos, =Wolin% fall hamlets, tte.
At ii.O'Clock,T , El4
One splendid light eastern made lingey,"l well toned
plane form, I hair Wit mahogany sofa,? oil paintingai
sett mahogany chain, I pr parlor impact mu mien,
did do, with glues Mops, dressing said conirucni hareaaa, tables, together wen a' small variety of
household and kitchen Mealtime, 8' day and AO hoer
clock., stor es, ree
' Also, groceries, gneeitsware, glassware, hardware,
tinware, wrapping paper, he
At ONlllerik,P. • '
A large collection of valnable new books, embracing
standard work. in theology, medieine. poetry,kikoary.
and geacnil I.:demur= of every minty ot size mid
bindinAlaraily bibles, blank books. lingered and min
writing paper, gold and steel pens, wafeir, A e. ' aptl7
Finn night of die ongogonientol .
M. OXLEY, Hr. DUNN and Ulm ANNA 24A.L.:
JONA 1411 also appear.
Monday, September 20a, 1847,
Nell Le prestoted Knowles beautiful Play of the
•Mr. WTl37rt.
. • •
M. Walter. •hlr. Oxley.l Fathom
Julia• • • • •1111. Weroysi Helot, •
• After which NAsst, , hjr Mi.. ANNA
IMALVINATo conclude with
nl2lOll Jack Sir. Dunn.
Granby. :dr. Baker. I Lacy—. • , ••JSlsa retne.
IC/Non. open at 7, and curtain will rile rd i put 7.
', .`•- /
,) \ r .11 :-1?., • 1
' te , " ... 1.-.
• ..•
4 ,
DEORGANIZATION of tie -Celebrated and original
LA band of
• SABLE EmusostzSms. •
rumbaing of Mews.
W GmumEri. J B FARREL, '
11. M nooLET,A W14.1i
• P and WM ROARK,
Who have the honor of announciog• to the public that lacy
wiLl give Meer of their .elect end
- • • •
On Friday, Saturday, and Monday eveitinp next
On which occasion they will appear inho critirenne eelee.
bon of Soap. Duels, Trios Chorines, from the zooid appro.
red er s arranged espreeily
. for the Company.
The nistramenual pan meepenee two Maher, nro Barybas,
Guitir, Congo Thalia, and Zoom, open which the =pea=
pea-Omen stand unrivalled. and with it understood. that Is_
diridually oreollectinly, as regards style and magi= Owl
hereby challenge' the tore/d:!
Great eme has been taken in the selenium of them:enema
Song,. a e., which will be emcee hcrtaire, to a mama that
man defy =Spa hos.
The gem= portion of this entetpaay ham been orgauseel •
nearly = years, and m thal time ham teaselled arm the ill.
'e''''arly Thousand Niles of Tanitaq-
Their ecromels, au the man time, - invariably crowded to
suEocitioo by the heitity mid) fashion of the various cities,
who ham hestoorad Unlash. eukciauns on the talent
TO. Wad bare jolt arrived from the gam City, wi th a
Won re to the listronsge of tin lervt.
itamemded home. .eel unbemidnl typist. of intelligent and
damming audience...a
TM Company will pais= bat for theta:mesh= specified,
and will immediately f . erast Or Baal°, hlitattes aad Hew
York, from which plate they will embark ft.
They also take great pleasure in stating that f ro m the val.
molesemiisitione lately made to the Send they are how ena•
bled to can the celebsand Leachable berlesimi ea the
As origami:oli waned by Mom VI Al; wad Hooky, at.
Duffnlo, N. Y. • •
The riatertainnientr veil' ounist of three teati
W.—As ON Eigailitt et Neethern Nesro, with papolor
rarulho, 4. c
2 , l—As the Sable Bell Worm
-3d—.lLt the Mutation or Southern tiorksedre.
117 . C.onlief &dese:too:it ants, hod to prevent comfits=
at the anon, Tickets wilt be lea& the age al the prisripal
ut7tt of .14. Vier.
F.stablithed tiwarebonsf. in the year IEIa, for the par!
pose oINTEf supDplyCAing
LICOES the City and
EXCLUSIVELY, interior Trade wiih
law prteea—and exhibiting, ut all uensons
of die env, th e Largest Assortment in
They are now opening Several. Hundred Pitekagea,
eompriung every new style of Forth,.and Domestic
production, many of which are not to be found el.e.
ltere.andwilueh have rust be. purchased, and ath
offered for w ale kw Cask nod short etedit,
pc! yard below the price. a April and Play, as pier
pruned Catalogues, which . ails corrected daily, for the,
atformatten of buyers
runty whazzuorsEa .. .
Nee Seri. Aose,lsl7. .t. . ' ' Ist/list( .
FOR. RESIT. . • • .
.THE 3Sum Driek Vtarebonie, N 0.54 Mutt
street and N 0.1135 rviatst. Immediate posae!rion
1061—apply o the premises.
cora se.—iso b•g.
s ' lbah.L 'Lr ) ;"'pfrO mote
50 • • r rale by •
,‘ ..,
A FLOYD, 122.11beny
rA-40 la eluna Y Hymn; -• . •
z. Gunpowder and Imperial;
SD catty Ors Y H. G P andloa"lost recerred;
spdB far sale by. . 110 R FLOYD •
meczualizz—loo bbla
4 fit do • do; pat 'tied; fin
tan by MILLE/Lk
spila . • 170 liberty al
ECOSOMYGOODS—We are reemiring ear .
fell supply of Economy Blankets, Satunetts dud
Cassimerea, which we offer for sale at teaunfeetuters
sptilldisr - SHEA & PENNIMAC
. .Itbmertntn
nOIRLESTIO PLANIIIIILLS—bb piects 4.4whitc,
I , brown and ptild.Flannels,Artbur a &Ws pan.-
(sop= Just received and fornale by
SUHDRIEII-42bx• Cher.; .1 •
3 e.ks do;
• blAaEig• landint Ram keel bo a .
pmoirri tamale .
apllB i ".21sralern
01r1V0P-6 doe De Sivirizecri Syrup Mad Citerry . 3
Opal received end formic by
SIiNLIO-'Ea)lbai /midland ale= Canary Seed .401.
sada and retail, by .1 JUDD *CO
a.. .118 ear lib and wood am
COMM VALUNISII—IgisOreedi for sato by
KIDD is co
ID , Claroniclo copy.
B i ?,lif —l)c° /41ek tot tale nnzEta,
crel landing and Ibr
qv/DAL-7J hf ebets Y.II Tei; u .t teed; dd. Pale by .
1 01113. • MILLER & RICKETSON.
bag Raga, landwf from anm .
Mat and for' • JA , Es DA 4 ELL
- sptl7 •
re .
nntiNtleve ma Kar t marked r 1 a. .MRI anter
save a' Palei roe this &Ivan..
MGM. • Vet>
rIORPt.I2-250 bags Ria; ' • •
0 14 a wet Java: roe+J per ea•
27 atiotra_
nal; far Nato by
e rn A nZ ir— ir hx l . ls/ iy
t,. . R". 61
15 bts posratlsi , N • - •
t vi ...h,,mobr see at 27 Weed et, : ' _
pLoun.-a bbly (rub b . round Flour Jest
1: reek for tale by L WATb:RMAN
. spa,' " DI water & (tont atr.
RQM r P•n?GiLF3V it Co., PrE,dum,
in and Cum m . imeo Mere trams, No. c koncorermal
R....Lit/env Amer, l'irushureb..Pa. " ate:
Fl5ll-100 bb l. , Ater:nice No:Mackerel receiving
by nana/iLfor sate by
ypgy, - k• Co
A PPLES -329 LW! peen just rciitr:utle
.p 11.7 car oroilbGeld & wenn . sis
TAN mom au -4a hbq A stote ibfialer Tow by
. . .
11),J1130: I—l ask Ml a landing fro= ;ow RaMin,l.l.
XII nd; laraale az . - .
." Jelde:l DALRRLL • --
eta .. •- . . . • : 14 - matey sonar
alitriglidilk-7.caas redd, km aole_ .'
.pcl7 ..- . , WHAJAMS &DILWORTH."
OTTO U 01 1 8.4 Pore. losr seat/
• spll7 • • for solo griMLERIB
C "sr."-'l°la*lv i r Varattraat i;
TUE, Sll -
- Whf Om finirowebtam Tear: "
, • • 1150caniesGanpiry!kiTeir, trmilar t tac
0114-40 bblaTuitiliti , Oil to Ana
Y':Y~ .. ~..
•,., MICOR A D
HLea - •
. Corner of Mod 'and -
VEreeeired their Amman of Ilan, u) lel
boy carne the luau:. cCuau ,uste•
•nd citizen , retient l l9- • .
~„ . A . 4.°3 ir ,7 l ,4 "l. mor.l l24 hom ' et ' l3 but
R. T.-Lexcn,Ji„
hlr. both domain and tattier I take ptcp,,, e
O6llCiag ID Mangier. sod Dull pretta
to forniOlt them alt . goods In my hot on stal imiy er
term• the
Iteremfors. . •
Ruyerforili moollectilmtdcarthe'eXamiiorrln Sad'
*ad Canlie Tritammgo,
thereby admmuntco Mu cubic ma ID doty
OM, Imo, nod toddy for Toone... opt,
WM. HOOILLY & c&" .• -
Manufacturers of Vials, Bonin& and W. Mau,
ODE faculties beteg elm in fall trperitioll, we are
. prepered to execute 0111018 ill our lite. promptly.
Doee: the bat SUIROIIef we have stdoptala nc plata of
Ilexteauqt Wtudow Olen. (the Ott •proved plan' Of
used in the east,) by which we tura out • Impeller /Mi
'fastened on ttusplsaispestectly level eat!'
true. With • .very flue basalt Fainters mull dieltrs gest.
etally, requested to call and extualpe for theca,
selves: • • • sp
-23 hi las Cabsnaigh ss;
0: do' do • Comoro So; • • .
•do ' CloopmodN do; • '•
:5 do itranch`r.t.
ktas Is;
/ 5 boxes /int% Os; ,
V.l do ve 1.5.;
15 'do Baltimore Plot' '
• . SO do Dowson's • .
On mai:arum nod for solo to city dealers.
A GORDUN;lttrtiont it
QVHDttIES-30 bags Pepper;
tTeTfi`." g e: . • ,
23 k, wig Mosta:II; in store ortrl tor
-m by_ .l a. X FLU\ D
ESSUSTLaIs 0114—
Oil Almada (ttacl: Oil Rot.emary
Leams • haver .
• Amber, Reetifkid Ungonam
' do Comma • litutspalat
Nava '
Jost reatived wad las rale by_ •
2)117 /I lc SELLERS. a wood at
N u rl l 7La l6ola v b 4 led aI:VS,
2 • • :
paper shell deg .
bole a...
. 'l, do F. Widasvq ' •
• 5' do Pea Myr • ,
V do Cream Notig for sak I:z r ,
.14;tiis flarleyi
• -
la Ude Flen . sr, neeilred per keel km Gkirs
SeoU; foe wiz by JablE4 DALZELL
xpl.lo VA ...ter
No 1 landittewneli
ji. 31 .10 1 brnleb,
. .
T BOX &ND X A 11.1.• • • '
• I. Ea umblam, sinned;
. 3.10 ktp Bai's, 44 In um kr ule by i
• . Lti W./17E11MAX • ::
. .
•ptl3 • 31 mintier it' 6t front 110 i
ATICW PRINTS . — We bays moved larp aa• ;
JA sonsocatof btantsfal.lugh mimed, aad :sea Piney
Prints of a vast variety - as prow and quaassika,
.127 1.1.1 st
ÜBSOIL. PIAMULLS—J est messed trout tLe East
0 and for sale at the Pttubarab Implement and Seed
store, comer of Wood and 6th au.
eptle S N WICiER2IIA3I
Wtarn Yak:A:UW.6 BR NLI-A solemn
article for provenin r ooo hno - ood ahn ,
on: diluted and for sate u Om Wino Sion of
npllo • ' .16 ear =ado• it front los
MT. TOBIAS & Colo Gold aml bil,er patent
.lever Watches, aoltable for gentlemen and Wtes,
mtanally low poets, and Intruded, at the Watch
and Jewelry *me of W W WILSON
• .115 . cerltht market ate
S tem .Z III % or A. 14, to
— nd 6 4 10
priced, viediaar,and dna Skeeli and Narungs. froth t
arrival; for anis by . at:lama:Tr WIIITE 4
eptl6 PP woad at P,
- - -
SHICICTI3GII4—A regular awls' & 4.7.8, 44,
64 and 64, light and heavy Emma Eneettner, also,
fine and extra fine Sewn Wrung, of. evertor makes;
jest receiving bun Eastern Mattufaetaretat ler sale by
eptlS . • . elua.csuaT WHITE
1 OBAPCOII.‘4IE4 pegs now lining, cappn.lss a
tall of aLvorita brands awl suss Ride.
o3and Tobacco; lataiik , by: -
p 4 . ' IIaCIALRY b 8311TII
11,IAPERS-5 easn CIA 7.4 and 84 Medium and
JJ good Linea and Table Invent, al., 0110 case 8 4
bleaebal Linen Damask, a very bundle! aniele, just
opened and amnia by •
.spate - - 811ACTL$TT 8. WHITE
NI hada N_o *star,
140.bbla 'Molasses Insane; for sale by
LEWIS 'WTI:11150N 4.4.121
. spa.% 45 water t 9. front sts
300 YAIIDB,6 yd., wide Floor Oil Clotits,fiew style
of puerile !au received fro or the Fbiltipsedlo
factory and or sale at our ware ocont,s Wood at.
40 II YARDSaide Floor Oil Cloth with torderi
V =calved loom for We at
eec waseroomi 6 Wood so: '
OATS mad , 11.11.A.111 sa merei for sale by ti • .13 J W CUADWICK
oLol:llZ;4o4bbis.llllononirahnla num In Pore; for
Witty R 0/11CFORD U). ?y,
0113 ' - •Com IllarchantAbertut_
p lor aray •
on i trun- --54- F‘.a*. l- VD°ln.L.Ltme
C AUK .• • . •d . •
"[ATIIITINGI-50 bbl. Just ree'd and f r bale by
bpu:r • It A FA FINWTOCK lc CO
BLIBICIE-1 ewe extra Lae reed. far Bale
TA11 4 211.8., 011.—Va a ct k ree l at x for sale by
bekti 'aupeiio r 011,0 Oil fia. br oe not
Oor bore at ACOB wEiLyews
GOLD PANI4--Jast. mend largo addiuonst
vapply of Preadam Diamond rointed Meld Yeas all
warramed, and at thn lomat -
W ABITIOD—M JoenzepoesTaskrts; ~
50 rail:ital.:oh ZOOM% .
60 Vert malrerc Ilave but the Led
need apply.,• maYse
epd • '. •
Iltar Clcaing Szore,7 wood et
\NM:Pk:W.476er h
o.t? pti6e i% . e. d aitt wlll u ba b p l.
W . oo r d, i by . f3;O. eqktra:l
• , •A X 1 b 64 Loaf critahed Ind g:murdered;
1U Ln 1/11asal Loal; be sale by.
. .
WS • • Jutentiof Et Lbsts = itelsory
MATHIAS-3CW ImOcese liriphantlaltd-
UN! from 8 /3 Sisatriah formate
DELVAILIA. ALL -110 doe or this eelohnued ex,
to antral tbr We at the Wise Ewe or
hPII3. ' ' ; •
TILE HOMMTVRIIIITiaod Joasval of fluralri
and Bunt Taste. • eepyambeqr sog,a krr Web,'
fILD NEWSPAPERS—Sewn' Ituoired far see -
L .. gr ..... Gaze= Ofliee
.. Ord . s!...nan . dfte to 3
_ aptta I
riIARTA.II.IO AC:111-4uo fin jut received: •
I..eala . BliAuff &MIMI
Cll .
. 0 042.1“M1i-@i w*iilVerairDlq
tywresty—e Ice es,* goa4mr.d. ler yam by
sptl4 '6t W. tta88.4.1.1W1137...1“
Onpl4 l . tlE--139 "P
'llO W cbm sad cabGes of Y:l5 Porerisl,.
.rIISOICII. It 001.-10.4Lefresh
-a. 4 - far WA er .rOJULLIN is =TX*
1111111 4 A*B—f !sok, , L oli,%lll2lise
!d; lot ode by
rrfre °U.e MONA Met
DAWINI 7 I6O biu Mock Shaium 6i ~ilo
SUlgtt . 1,_:U41,/1111roadst
W i figall=o• 411100:11109M.Ifidig
SZVOLX/TZ 3 41 1 / 4119,31, ••• 111 0 , 0* jos mee
n'tti 4bt b 7 ' MUM* &
• • • aillelais /Atom ses
SAIMET/DA- 43 0 ' * jime - nvOt. ior
opt_q 'BRAUN
G.VA GUIACV464OOI4O nek t tar male bi - 4
QP/11. Tuarannupwitaiativ i r mat okoix;t
..u4 .-ftabi by, ~ ,!:1111141Vbt
.014 114 *x"edi
squzu.s-144 i=t nm=v4ifiti.t&ni
ROBS PPL — kbbiOnteeteaN leak) tl
.pub 1; 1;'
Calamo r . --4 bkitargolo"? 6 l-otal• bi Po
vu4 - ear isildilditatkini
HOJURY-4110 bubo%raiviivse kiiusb-
i'Vra •ti
r .1 , 0r seism
imacorouvass,siourn t em e . • •
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