~.3.- t S'ii.v,,, i ., ._,t-K.gl‘s..z,v:- .- i ,01f457. 1 -' . t,..,,.; ~ : g'' • ~ , A . GEM. a dead a — , cfnmfi or trembling In thitaea, hen she saw.the wide-epread e vaned her modesty. • What please hi this wide 'Sea /await _What room is left for,or Sure it were better {het die, La this immensity , Eat while her ealf•ahaaing fear, • .f, I 4 towline= confeMed, ' ' A shell receiTed and welcomed her, And premed her La ill breast. Aad norwiahed there thiedrop became kpearl tor royal eyer. Exalted bills lowly aharao, And humbled bat to riser - x , 1 FromtlisSesten Olive Brand:, • Corn Stalk for Fodder. • . Green corn staiks'Aus most of our read en are probably well aware, area most , eicellent and nutritious feed, especially 'rot. cows in milk. • The following . • moms, made by the lion. H. -• • .worth, while acting in the capacity of Commissictner of .Patents, at Washing ton,ls worthy of regard. "Fformit me," says Mr. Flisworth, in his published statement, " to mention an 'experiment - made by myself at Washington, on the bubjoo, of fodder. NotiCing the ' =tuts made in 'the French period/01114 that the stalks of coin (maize) contained • •one-half as much saccharine matter as :earte, and .knowing that my ancestors made their molasses during the rerolu • .'"tipnary 'war from these stalks, I sowed • four and a half bushels of common corn .broadeast, and Imiro l ved in the same.— ' - This labor -was- easily performed by a __single Min with a team (the , plowing in cluded) in a day. Having soaked the corn in saltpetre Water, it took a rapid start,rwerlopped the weeds; and covered - tbe ground with a forest of stalks. When ..fairly-tasselled, I cut the same, which I fed to horses and bogs, both grew and dry. If fed to swine after being cored, it was cut and fermented with chop or bran. Being anxious to ascertain the quantity, I. measured measured , a. few Square fe of the , stoutest. I found I had 5 lbs:Vf. e• ireen'fodder'per square foot. aiThisimay, 'not seem trier ible,, and it isigiory less• than what would grow on th e 'cla lands - of the West; if, however, we con sider there are 43,560 square feet in'an acre, we shall:obtain' 217,800 ilia., equal to 10111 torts of green fodder! _ . •. 7 • 4 , --cut the Brat - crorthe early part of Jnly, and, plowed and - sowed the same land again, and tdohlt second crop two . thirds as large, and even tried a .third on • the sameland,. but it did not reach over ten inches before, the frost setz‘d it.— : Persona who have only a small patch of ground, may try this experiment to ad vantage, and fill their barns with fodder. N-curing stalks, it is recommended to .plarc•the small end on the ground, with Ithti butts upward, to guard against the absorption of moisture front the ground. Whoever will_ try the experiment of 'cutting 'Bowers,. and ',putting some on damp flannel, or into arater, and hanging up others to the sun, will see the advan tage olcfniog fodder in the way I have mentioned. Should any fear the-stalks would not stand upon the email end, a . few rows oould bo left to support the re ;hirainder." • • la this climate, whore the pastures are generally cut short in early autumn, the provision of green, succulent feed, is to matter of great importance to the farm .Aer, and, our opinion, can in no way be • -hatter or more economically secured than by !rowing corn, to be: fed as above. •.. -The River Rhine, In - Germany. An..Americen, nOwin Europe, writes to the Boston Atlas aefollows . • • - "How can I give even a faint idea of . the beauties; of this_ river? Notwitle• • standing all, I . had read and heard of , them, I was 'not prepared for the reality. • • I.havc passed the Hudson dany times, and am constrained to admit our North River, the Rhine of America, is no match for .the Rhine of Germany—setting aside the wonderful. works of art and industry , of ancient and modern times, and the as nociations of 'the latter. Where our Hufison' presents half. a dozen miles of 'scenery like the vicinity of West Point, the Rhine has fifty of such:, The most lofty and precipitous mountains, crested by the mins of the old castles, frown on . ^you on either aide, for a hundred miles' an 'extent; varied with beautiful cities, towns and hamlets; many , beautiful ca ' thedrals, chapels and monasteries, the river making various windings among .the mountains—some rising, abruptly; hearlrperpendiculMly from the river, others, gently receding, the sides of abichrrre,cultiyated foTthe grape. "It is surprising to see the extent of : the ,grape cultivation in France, and es : peclally on the Rhine. ' where the best wine in ,Europe is made. The sunny sides; of all the mountains along the -.Rhine. where a human foot can stand, are covered with vines, each cultivated with the-greatest care, plaited in hills, 'and trained short tc, a stick five feet in height. You will see - miles in extent of, the vineyards; and along the - steep sides Of the hills; terraces of stone masonry, -and steps, which must hive taken years of labor, extend from the•-'water-to the - whtmiti, at regular and close intervals, on which the grapes, that produce the ; , best wine are grown. The tmmenee ex tent of the vineyards in this country may • .bo imagined if one knows the quantity of • Wine drank. It is used as freely as wa • • ter, and in ,a great measure - supercede3 .it. , The common wine, of France! and Germany (being'.the *pure juice of the gripe, as is erery other• . kind, and Tate unlike the poisonous compound sold in the'lleited tates) costs rely little. It . possesses not • more than half the aleohol of. cider, or the pernicious.effects of the latter,. and where the wines from' the pure grape are commonly used, and none of the strong, liquors, you , will-Sad but rarely any intoxication. I saw but five cases daring My stay in. Paris of two mrmths." gather the follow. ing statistics of the. General. Synod of the Associate Reformed. Church in the West, from, the 'Preacher. The . Gene ral Synod is composed , of • a representa tion from thirteen Preibyteries, extendj .hig• front East Pennsylvania, through Ohio, Indiana, Michigae, 'and Illinois. Therse Piesbyteries consist' of 79 ,set s iled ministens, who • hive 'under their :pastoral. care 123 congregations ; be.' aides whichohere are under the care of the General Synod vacancies, chiefly . 'The whole number of .cOmininicanta .. reported to the General Synod in May last, was 13,100. The number ridded ' . d - rite year is not reported, as a the ur • ' :mina es of the General Assembly. 7— ';: 'Tbeso nutibets rather fall below than exceed the truth, as several of the con gregations did, not make any report. , ' ..llonumber of probaiioners, or as we • 'Call them, licentiates', is 25—of ministate without. charge, 21—of students of di-• -,L.- ,, t• - erannait Oda-,itsknowledge e* i +X r ~loogh to need - it • A—. on -tes , e.ee, Ailtto need no`lim e , and ,perfeptlee to need 74,,P0w sigh 70' • E .EICE 'Arm AznacTrit•• • - HaFtEAT DII3O9VERY: Consumption, Cotten., Coldsokahroa. Bronchitis, Liver Couiplaint, Spitung Blood, Ditlealty of Breathing, Fen in the Side and Brener Palpivalon of the lleart,lnenensaactoup,OnakenConseintion, • Sore Throat, Norms Debility, sod all. discerns of the Throat. Breast and Lungs; the met effectual and speedyeare eser brume for anger abort diseases, is D/LSWATISOB. - comPourits sraue OF. WILD CHERRY. Anoesewumia wen ese--ResslL with sae w . shment the wonderful toe- pmfonned by _Domiar Serape's Competed Syrup doff WILD CHERRY: ?Irma petriat, /*ratty TS, 1847. Swirie—' Dear Sin In justice toyminelf end a duty I owe to'. suffering humanity ,I cheerfully' giro pay testimony, and declare to t he world the astonishing effects, and the - great ewe. your Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry perfumed on me, Lode, toe meet nameable wenn:tante.; I was teken with a violent Cough, Spitting of Wool, se vere Prins in the Side and arealeorbich seemed to break down and enfeeble my ecoutitution, so that mzEtiette,i end my an sbita all gobo7erond me o th , ealw . er o,, :af thanks to yea and the effects of your great diacove ry. I now feel myself a Weil man, and raised from a mere skeleton to as deity end healthy a lean u I have been for yearn and shall be pleased to give any inftemation wipe:tins ray case, by calling at my residence, Mechanic shest,third door beloartiftrge street, Northern Libertia hems P A AAA R.' Testimony is now received from all Fiarters o • , •• "' the Globe. This following letters are presented with a view ol more fatly showing the opinions of Physicianein relation to the • Medical rAnent Dr. SWA COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY. Dr. Swayne—Dear Sir. Having. used. your Com. pound Syrup of, Wild Cherry extensively- to my practice, I was requested by you Agent, Doctor ilnitcher, to explesa my opinion in writing of,jts properties as a remedial 'agent, I most cheerfaßy comply, as I feel by so doing, I will diecharge a debt I owe the community at large; and Phyilcians .in particular. As mach u I detest quick Rome. dies and Patent Nostrums, I was induced Born a failure of the most potent expectorants, recom. mended in our matena medics In some cases of Diseased Longa, to try lour preparation ol Prunus Virginia or Wild Cherry. It re anfficrent to say that wax so much pleased with' the result of that and. steneurent trials, that I now prescribe it In prefer. ence to all other Reim:dies where u expectorant is indicated. •In the much dreaded Pneumonia or !Busse of the Lungs, in the alarming lore in which it appears in Kentucky, I regard it u an invaluable Remedy is the treatment ol that Cleanse. To all who know me I have mad enough, had as this may be wonky persona oat of the sturdy of Fnurkforr, I will bneey add, that hale been eegsged in on active practice ol my profession of 12 yeareend am a Regular Graduate of Transylvania, and that is the Met Patent Medicine I ever thought enough of to express an opinion in writing. . J. H. Ettaeon, Al. D. • Jemmy 1th,4847. • FranklilsCounty,Ky: FILAIILYONT, Ky., Jaiery 7th, 1847. The - atiove certificate is ham one of oar Physia clans thing a few miles Prom here; he redoing g very good pruned, and is -considered a girod Phyncian, and stands Ulu be is, u he sup, a regulargradaate. DR. W. L. Caoscu an, • , Druggist' and A'pothecruy. • Talimeniale wi ll never wane. 111 • From the Temperance Pledge. Now 'that Winter sa upon u with its attendan train of Pahnonic and Bronchial aficclaone,Combe Colds; &c. &c „we would advise thole afEliare in tideway to, nuke immediateitrial of ,Dr.Swaynee Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry. It will never bail to petftrm a permanent cue., The salutation of this medicine has caused many emulous articles to be put bath under its mu; bat the preparation of Dr. Swarm; besides being the first beer offered tether public, is the only one that eau be relied on. The other sal:tares sold tor. Wild Cherry Syrup, Balsams, dec., are ail spurious and .wonblesx, and contain none of the muss of the original prepare:. lion Dr. Swayatex Comp:mud Symp.°, Wild From the Springfield &prem.: Of the thotteandr of porparted curative nostnims now before the public, hot very few are bond to possess the healing virtues for which they are re commended. Among the laUer we are pleased to learn none. Stand a better test than Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry. The afflicted in this vicinity are begirming to use it, and to their joy they find ae its we their hopes bared upon its recommendations more than reallied. The afflicted need not despair. While there is luls, there now is A CAUTION. TO THE PUBLIC. ErSiam. the Introdactiou of my article to the public, there have a lumber of unprincipled indi vidurda got up umtrunts which they &then contain Wild Cherry, some uncalled ”Balmuts,"“Eitter.,' and even Syrup of Wild Cherry, but mace to the original and only genuine preparation ever tetrads ced to the pahlic,which am be proven by the pub. lie Records of the Commonwealth of reunaylmmia. The only safeguard against imposition m to Bee that my signature m on each bottle. DR. H. SWAYNE. Prepared only by Dr. EL 3 ' at his Prism.. 'P Office corner or KIO and Rack Streets, i t l aladelp Eton a. All Wild Cherry preparations-being •fientletie and counterfeit vrithoit his stenaturs, For win in Ihttebargb wholesale and zetsilmy • WM. THORN, AI fdatiret street, • - OGDEN & srip WPM, comer atial & Woad sts. S. JONES. ISO Llberq street. ; Sold ciao, by J Allgiteny City; Boyd, Carns & Co., flatlet; Wearer & Henderson, Met con Norman Calendm, Met 'silk; .1 H Barton & Co., Erie; bl'Kensic & Ka. :11, Cleveland; Denis IS 'Son, Colentbasy Miller . Brownsville; blush, Wheeling, Va.; E Id Blume, Cincinnati, Obits, Dr E Easterly & Co., St. Louts; J Morns & Co., Louisville, my.; Andrew Oliver & Co., New Or. ITAILSTOWII WMTAIIIIMAL ILENE.DIr, . ;CALLS° HUNT'S LINIMENT,. Is cow ansverially acknowledged to be the 13 FALLIBLE REMEDY fur Ithenmatisen,,Spi eel Alfections„Coatrictionsof Me, Muscles,. Sore Throat and gummy, lessiss,Old Uleere,Pains in the Back and Chest, Agee Is the Breast and Face, Tooth Ache; Sprains, Elnuses,Salt Rheum, Berns, Croup, Frost Feet. and allffereeee Douses. The TRIUMPHANT SUCCESS which has at. tended the application of this most WONDERFUL MEDICINE in curing the most sevem cases attic, different Ihsesiee above namedi—and the HIGH ENCOMIUMS that have been bestowed upon it, wherever it ha been iatmduced, glum me the tight to call on the i.AFFLICI'ED to resort at once to the ONLY REMEDY THAT CAN BE RELIED ON. Ernie faculty unite in recommending the sale tied Ettemalßemedy, Hunt's Liniment. The folloOng letter from the highly eminent Physicians wfoliave been attached to the Mount Pleasant State Prison for, many years, is tho beat en-dente of the vale° nil= celebrated Liniment. Sono Stine, Demmer %,1115. My Dear Sir-4 tenived year note of yodel:lay, sting my opinion in relation'to Hunt's Liniment, as prepared by Mr George g Stanton. %wain Its composition, and laving frequently Ned it. can recommend it to you as a eafe Eaten= Reme dy, and in my opinion, the best Liniment low in one. Very =lye= ropectfulleyours, • A If HOFFMAN. Col Fierre Van Cortiandt, doss Maser. • fully concur in the above opinion. W Pi BELCHER. Yonorowst, Jan. 14, 111.5. Sir-1n reply to your letter, 1 would say that have teed poor External Remedy, called Hunt's 'Liniment, la my practice since you made nib as , quaintedeith to composition, and unhesitatitigly say that believe it mine the bed External Seine dy now in lase for the coesplaniti for which you re commend it. 'Yoursresentfully .: • • •LIENJ D , VR;I4I. D. :Geo E Stsaton,Rsq. - ; • .; • , o:7Among ths-mosol worthless articles and bumbun Mat axe-poured faith at the day upon the campy, it a malty ng to bad komething of rod practical utility, something aim ple r , speedy and elleitesl in its operation, and at the rime time bee from those injurious' elects which generally attend powerful oemedics.' Hunt's Liniment, prepared by Geo. E Stanton, 01 Sing Slog, though it has been but a nun time before the puhlie,h naiready obtained the confidence, not only of our most wealthy end Influential ensues, bat oar Most etalnent.physicians. All acknowl edge it to be a sovereign balm for many of the ills that flesh is heir to, soothing the aching limb, and by its genuine stimulating =lance, naiad ug din cu e from the synem. ' My. Stanton—Sß-ening year advertisement of Hunt'. Liniment, I was induced to M is Oleos on my son, who bud been crippled with a lame back from en infant end It Is with gratitude 1 Jour' testimony to its winidedul healing properties. • My . child, wbo Is now Ire years of age, is now in a fur I way of recovery, . Yourty&c., DEMMON C -NICKERSON. POST OITICX, TOITINEAL Pal6llol CO. • 1 certify that 1 SID personally notiainttd with the above named child. and think the father would be sale in saying that his son Is almost well. JAS W DYEMAN, "Nov 8 , IBM. Deputy Post Master. . S. 1 would also state that 1 have been for a number of yeara elect to frequen attack' of the Rheumatism; *Mc In many instances prevented my !Randle' to my benne.. Two or three appli cations of the Liniment invariably remove all af fections of the kind. In caste of braises, Oral= audience; too mammon to mentioa, it has in this vicinity proved a certain remedy. It. Value can only be estimated by those wbo baseline it • fair This Liniment la goblet 13 and 60 cents per bot tle, by all the Principal Druggists and Machina throughout the country. ; • Wholesale Agents in New York. • HOADLEV, PHELPS & Co, lit Water • RUSHTON 8c Co, 110 iarototway. - A Id &U.SANDS. corner Fallon and William. ASPINWALL,-86 street. Orders addrened:to me at Sing Sing, fi Y, anti be attended to. • GEORGE E STANTON, Proprietor: . For sale in Pittsburgh by L WHAMS, Jr, led J lIIDDA Co. Allegheny City,JOHN SARGENT fiteningtmni,JOHN 8841 TH. • febll fa• diffiniii, Only Toss, wad Ogwirte Wirer Pills • - ; PREPARED by E Sella= . • Demi Borress,ll, Ang.10,11317. . la 13 Sellers-1 wish yes io mad es by me% one Dena Dilate LiverPilbs yonspllie ess!laqy benne laymen popular le t Donn, net only for beet ear plelet, bee fin Fens. end Ague, end Bibosis elections , eenerally.-Tbe demand. Is ea Deal at des time,. thud ae eaAset area nntlifall wben Ise aspect es be layout ?So m a. taistien i—A• Dere escaper pills, A ca El lled : . L,lver Pllls~persom should 6e er is iel s r i rja=tr . " sold by pf wadi and Deny . , A weeny city. . :ed Dr. WLsaithe Wormaptellie. b nl e 6 =e " .l l re f i V' t e le one ; eiV4 passed Wens* or wens, 0.4 by them Of said medicine child of en, dll l II is Dely Ilie - seess.supsbeap . ..maamectosi.ergr, pm., instkanswe Nom . , ' ilkku • Der sato by J IRD klb, HOPP Wood ''ji.ssl'ftts • . _ MEDICAL DE. TOWNSEND'S', • A .S RS AT A MIL L A . • Most extrao;dinary Heditlize in Use World. ThY,„ trw t. I. pctupm quart botl;e:etu.. wets cha rt pkateaser.sed orstranted superior to my told. '• tures &Mom without matting, mee t . siekaa or d• bilitettag the p • ot. GREAT SUING AND. SIMS& 111EDICIANt The put beauty and mpatiority of tlAt Sarsaparilla MI all other IlledidHoe 4 whitstit Eradiates Disease it t.. ker. atm the Body., It is me of the veep best A 5/3 BUMAIEBMEDICIfiCS ems Isessm , it mat laxly porde the teholytat asd stresaythms the puma,. but if C 0..... Nor, Pure end &A Mood; apaseepotemed by so o th er .41stimbte. Asd to this lin the plod mem of its sonde:Nl Ammo. It bas ptrfoemsd with. the pa, Iwo yean, mart dun d5,C00 mew of Some Cases of Cisme ; lost O,OM of them elms amiderid Mineable. Ittore Was 3,000 ems of Ctuvede abemestista ; %Memo of Dyempsis; 400 ma of Grand Debility and Want of Eixtly; 7,003.ceem of different FmakCatopkiate; 20:0 met of Scrofula; 1,300 wan of tha Liter Coat pkaint 114(10 inuet of f Dilltalt at We ne rood Drum i /diarrhoea:Lief caves tliteiue of the Blood, via: Ulcers Erydpd., po Rheas, Nowlin wa he., he. To gether with numerous we of Seek bleadache, Paw o the Inkwell Chat, Spinal Alkatioes ete., This we an anew, Weal eppnw incredible, bet we bare WWI from plapicianeand our are. front all ports :o( the .I.leited Stew, tufarising MI of extraontiew7 wren Eh Y. biwidek, Ena. ascot dle most respectable drughte New ar, N. J., =Gran es that lie oat refer to opre than Inti m aw w that place aloes. 'nue aila bf wen in the City .of fiew York, which we well refer to - with pleasure, and Ato wee of Wander. It ia the beet medicine for We Peirrentite of dimwit known. - It undoubtedly saved thibree of mare that sou' camnico ntz Parr Simmor Arlt removed Mt =me of dimaseind pteveed them S., the Bummer whoa. Vi',l:===l C.Ol, 0. W. 151 cCao ea, or was Usrrnen Wrenn .Nerr, and rewanber of the New Jerry Legiaketarr, he. kindly sent us the isllowing eutifieste. It tells its own story. • I Hamra', Jan. 25, 147. • year since I was taken wills the Udine.% and lay whole •7= , 11 in • debilitated stew I was induced to try Dr. lad der Inking two or three bot the, I we. '. 00.17 is "'" TMeerd, as ti altrillute it entirely to the said Sinepartlla: I bare maimed taking it, and and ihat I insister! every day. I bane famed my life, and wpald not be wit/meta under any 111116.iderstiao. ' * '4 W.lllcLum,lata U.S. N. This outifsceis couclueively proles that thi. Stroparille hue prefect coulees* over Use mutt usletitute disaue of the blood. Theme pens= cured iv one Louse Ls unprecedented. Tasted Cumulus.. . D. Tomb:ye—Dem Sir 1 hare the pitmen to inform 'you theta of my children hem been cured of the Scro fula by eof your euellent medicine. They won, .:Meted rely seemly with bad sows; Mnmly lakm four badge; It took them awg:6 fee width I . Gal nrelf Wee deep oblipUon. Teets, negeetfully, 1.1110 W. Citm,loll Wocutet New York e ?d I, W. GREAT FE,iIAIS, ItEDICLNIC. R. Tewnseud's tiaeapviW Is • emerega ad speedy cum foe Lueipissit Camemtims Barrenuem, Lmiemebraor Whitey obstructed or diScull hammtruatioo, lacuuthaueues of this., or iumilutitag do eharge tbereo4 and Gyr the pm orsiprestralitat of th e gaga- r at matter mustier dm vault f Inherent mum or camel, predated by 'regularity, Mem or mteideut! •- - - Nothing inn be nuns surprising then its invigoreuag tuna ea rise buena fume. Peewit, at weak.. and bur sas% frunitanfag it, at woe bosun robust sad fulloteaergy under ii. ianuener. It isenordiatel, enuurensets the nerve iniuntseer UN &male Gene t wising ra the great cuue of ban; nunseou - - • It wdl net be everted of us, in cases of to &heath a ea ters, m ohibit yessilicates of cares performed, but we on mare the silica-043st haodreds ores. hoe been repotted to. giro& met when families hare bece withoot roe,' alter Wag • for bowies of this laredusbls inedirtinc, Yes bon blest loth healthy offspring. Dr Ile..eed: bly wife being greatly disteored weaksrs sad gtheral debiliry, and euffoing con Semi,/ by pin sad a sematisa of basin dews, fema le of the web, end with other dithollits, and having linowo oars wlicre your medicine bets attend great cores; add also Oar ing it recommorded kir rob ems ea 1 boo descrWold obtain ed a beak of yoo Extract i of Ilarethaiille,' end followed the directions you gen me In a short plod it removed her emphinte and restored her bath.:&io grateful for the boat* she meioti c I take pkanueth thus acknowledg ing it. and raccenateadthg it the pallet • Al. D. Aleuax, Agway, Aug.17.1b44.• Co of Grand and Lydia. .to. • • CdthecEttie sap. Ms RM. .1. Dr hemonact: To ail 'don th is may oacces—This is to certify tbat my wife mad me bottle of your Sanaparilli previous la by ®garner(, oder the mod Oarating itedicate e . Loot, traubled with We ilopsy, rot kg of thy torsos mot ory much 1.4 .itt, permathen, sod the nicommodatice of thole who badit, the wee iceloced to try it, with Little or tot faith bathes S to say, the roedai. had the happy and desired c&iitt,sot oily is the Looser coolittoont, bat Ober , tho MIDI.. of coo wady of its ma the dropsy end new affection pre., aa estouishing doree, and het health is isms better lb= u had two far a long time pre. Maas. LC do Will be of soy seen to youor any we who doable the marmot' b. =Widow, yoe clot/sty who= to it Intoter,a spelt your we etiedicatandsotirljrraot. TO MOTHERS AND MAIMED LADES. This Extract of Barmparilta has tem wrprowly peepared to reluctant to female complaints. Ito fmnole who has rew 100 to suppose .he is approttehisis that =Dim' period, "TA. maw ay' Sphi'.shoold neglect to take it,.. it u a entain prenatin toy of the omen. and honiblo disown to which females an .object at this time of life. This period may be delayed the emend years by ming this medicine. Nor bit lea valuable to Mows wile an apprsoebio womanhood, as it is mbeniated to aril Imo. by qukkeo the blood mad invigorating tlio system. Indust, ibises/Misuse is in:Ri alto De ail of the anima. Macaws to which untie, an ltr b et. , - races the whale gates, maws perahmendy the :w -ad amirk...lg mamma; :parities of the body—sat so re stmithilin the system as to prods: a sabsetpiatt lustioi, which is the ease arm: latiheMall takm fur female wakmas and dims GIRLS 'READ THIS. You van boa pale axoplreioat, dull eyes, bloat. ai the Gar, roe:Gain, or Grata and ve '• oat of 'paws io mils a bade or two of Dr Toenarsid's h will demo your /kat, roma tba baths aid blarlwa, aut give you aaboation f ryorkliso eyes, Sae spirits. an beautiful —all of which are,al bantam value io armor, tied DYSPEPSIA. , No Saida medicine by ear brat ddiarread which atorly Ennobles tbe pude or saliva at deamp k—.oldes Ilbe vatic jupea or a., Cmal cad strinther ti n thc organ of digest.% ratiessollelt. I Ds.. Darannecrr.Albeity,3l.7lo,lB4.s. Dr Totrouoad. Bic—l to berm ,Elided ix tenni Tara with appal-nix in its wont Atious t attended with lour was of onnaeh, Int of appetite s climate Learcburst, 1.1 Brea mention to all kind. imat t wad fir weeks OW 1 conk! eat,? 11 hate Awn unalk lei retain hut • .mall portion ea my stonseett.. 1 tried the oo remedies, but they had but linl• qoD cruet in noosing On complaint Inas io darsid,deut two moeths mew ht try year Caine aliens. Fantle, and must my withlittle ton&l.in t be after maim =r,,1..v0l bottles 1 foetid toy appetite mimed, and slut entirely removed; and I nada eammetly meow wind the tun alit to them who have been aAlieted as !hare burn. • Ten.i4Tes W. W. VAN Zayre. • Nee SS, ISM. Stelenlikust. ALMOST hIIR.A CLE. . Reid the funeral& and dash if you can, that etwearep. ties stunt be awed. Thais.] cos of the meal hundred aka eat Townsead's has ere: Do TsunisendDes; Si,. I was U. a little arm a year ago, with a seen cough and pain in say Md.. It ta ..Med an IN earl fad, indeed. I was pronatinced by phy. Means lobe< the nate - amatunpllow wend 1.. p qualm. title of bad natter, had night...vets, and Making very boo my doctor wad M. veld do notb .. (sr was I went into the hospital in hew of beingbead but was pranonsed earn sainernble: I was now greatly dimmed at the begs and Beal hardly lavabo ; soots bet:mane seekated t sad netted to die; we undated to 'my bad, and we obliged to butte watchers . betted I met gee you any description that weld do keine to my eme. was nipped:l by my feeds to be pet money: liad tried a great number of ~.dire,. and mead be to romper_ I read or wend most V. L yon en truth; I suspected then was wet hmsbug is Omsk boll aria indeed to try it ,I did ma, and ma very thankful I did. I estop( my that I sae entirely well, but ma ea tar reamed ai lob. shoe my hosiers, and hope to be entire ly 'rah: a dew tweaks. My cough and pain is th. and night micas have tan ma and rale but very little, ma US phdey my peal 1i1141.1.. I fait It a duty to gie you a remnant of my ease, to }addle if you pleaseg Pima Snow., 47 ImUe 4 broaldyn. Opinions of Physicians:, Ih Townhand is eland dailyncirring whirs from phy ' Win= in ditramt pea of the Union. ' This h hastily that se d , she ondersigad, Phi of IM Cape litany; brm m mutinous cam ' , lnscribed Dr. Teninandh , ihmsporihi,,Mnt believe II to be am of ha aned 'Month preykraima of t 6. Sanwa, Otha narksc, HY You. , D, J Wits., ; 11 Butwa,r 0, EELmmmons, n. Albaoy, Aril 1,1645. This h to certify that we, the asedersigned, manakin Th sosse dro physieros of iha City of Milroy. doe frosuest ly entarobed Dr Townsend'. Comp:sued &rose of Stns. pualla,nad eon Its brows godlike, woold red:emend it to the Welk 6i ssenarrialocrafttions, and otiose oho.= dis oweer, in plethora. to of taw sdrostited haroditsnow m llOl4 A%V r, ' Agway Ipatl 9, 1144.'' W. Id Drama. r. Prineipaltd6ot, 196 Walton .t, Boa N ' TI Bad ding* Co . Mar get Boston; Dr Dyou &Soon r. 9 North Pro. oa4 Phdadetlithsh Illiawn=o, Ballinsere; and by rad l ies a"rtler=a lb. Uattol Broca, Nam sehtlina, Wow peednp the hap mow taffies, whinit mop be'confoied in with great unrcurvedners. _ C.Conas: As this Verrnifuge his never been known Nonni in a n y instance, when worms actually existed, parents should give it In pre retrace to all other. Prepared and sold by 'R. E. SELLERS, between 3d and4ul, atneet.._ For. ll . - sale b 7 or. CaawleFiit Ward. • " • billett.H.AN'S TOOTH PASTE.. 7 • remnant Immune. - • erYIE, bent artie known for cleaning and whltudng / the Tee th , strairithenieg the gams, sreettening the breath, he. It should be used every My/CO/in a•stid brush, and the teeth and Mouth *Mealy minima shish ...nailing in the morning. IVef the brush with wean water:or cold will answer, and rub it • few umea on the gime, when enough will. adhere for ccanum the teeth. 'lt leaves • delicious sane in the mouth,ust . parts st mon delightful fragrance to the breath. tinned, unrivalled u • pleaxant, efricadiour, convenient. and safe dentriflue. It is warranted -mite injure the renh, butte preleffelhent, •i• • , ' - By aelPtitnlY, it will remove the tartsu and . Prevent lla uensualanna—prosent the toothache • strengthen the gum, mid prevent all diumea of there Chemists, pity...clans, nod the clergy recommend D a decidedly superior to everything of the kind in Ilse.— Ask for Sherman% Compoand,grria'Noth Pane. and observe hie signature in anachedto ettehDol. 2 • • Remarimended by Dr. Castle, '3Ol Broadorny,'one of oar best Dentists , and by Most Of the old established ones inthe United States, and even itenalvely used by the Nobility of England and Pee' 'ea • A huge proportion of the disease.? int affliet ennakind arise from some derangenieut oldie • Launch or bowels. which • timely_ use of the Cada •ne Lounges wdald entirely obviate.. Panama biliens pbould ways bane a boa at bunt. anittake a dons vehement , . they feel the least de:mamma 1M then health. , kind. 00 , 0•10 of these Loasusea would preeentlhotaatidi of eases. Ferules& WM: JACX130:1111, ennterstinotai and Libettysts . „. . . y nabitz. T. AST Saloplay I give a teaspoon 101 l or 0,-A. Pal. oe.4mk A Co 7. Nenniftnta to nay tiolo ltui , who Ir betweeo isnar aod A,V.Yaarl !Llat- 4 .riair OPc d.y fha Peaito4 wen., avel.A.6 !%,45,-12,9,1af.et &slog ita..etteeti on lila elula,lthetliaTe Alettwok roll In bar p.onniter dater, who "rat appasegy w es4. n d . Pasra37 worms of l xertrte biyintrrri, • irauturuhr: meet, Pttpuel and .old by 19 A Milinaloolz E co; rner irt and .1.5.1: as wood ant Ithlts. • • " ls' . Cll2l/5 MMUS , 5511A1Ira fiO4P,For rem, I:ling Orem* spotra.toior, or Ittorko Imo ,Clotti, womkn,citiont, ac 4 tii n tlet: tchEleilt= NMI wbeie 0, is &prated oleo& to 1 1 41&40,&hd,r & , Vold Wallin ditortkom "" Ce 25 MIMI LI. 4:74 Id by . WAL JACKSONAILIbenr load It 110 MX% awl "we awe!, Oipa of _ .11/ ..7. .. k:.~ v ... snanzi'—' -- .MEDICATED.LOZCKOF MANII B. anzmAir • sag t. atth - e medic. • SJ gleamy., that Madras all take it raultiga s t cry for mot. s. IgikfileyOtlik ..U, yes of Lam =alhll'otrta OfTuoth Pute Mr took of can, _ SHERMAN'S COUCH Lozrzcir-s. • "Tam Lemma al th e safes& smo sore mit Hestia rem t edythe raga, told&eseumodthess,.• is.r. , at salt say tight.. of a...1 . 50gs or east, etc, et m she resosteser has mar kkom mamas". where tag lila OM pis rasa • adatheoth Selma thoooma base Lae./ma Mil %Mist the kes gas, mouths" tolialth pasta i. 1 1 1111.(.41 . ) Yap ormesumptuko, mad Woehbrieoo meltrotheactst dotastaug cold" end cotvtus They do not meat ood dry- up the cough, Mt ranter lt cogipeasste espetontim, mho Oahu; or iFTILItiull sod moon the prams. or eastuttg cams. They ea made boa • rasatdomioa of • most reloads apes truntotor ealgh earanaes; sod see sustoutdallg. suisnsir . to dude "" or g. ti=7l:st:=l. ' rut rt. faZatoes telso hare bee awl etl frats so mama,. gar, eta restored as paha health . ' hy Mad them 'al.. therm.. .ale pain so the breast or side,ora of Sher M 1 Poor Math nukes (price ally EH emus) "thread be *pgdied oar O. Tart, mil Isom tsh retiree& f asoded 00511.0.4, • far eathartie er Lama lotrogss m pathetic eadlaae, aboad be thed orotsion esquires SHERMAN'S .Wolthl LCiZENGEO Them... kern. here mss Gamed So =grams 1,400 fait cues la he Sas/Lb* the may mate soma &sus" teg madame over thsemered. Mute diem. arises Hul aand acvdm storms load sad antroseseakring, end am death, soh outdo er ens baud seopeetedg verso gas.. ha taboted arals Meth, Ida are doesoati Gar various iongts o auts withookuty laza, Me th me do. of th ese Lamps would Symptom Ithress--Psies la the jokes Or k *orets ase broth, peeking athe mee, grad.; of the dors% deep, and at tiemegskossethout H. 11.06113 deotal Noah* bicediogat the otheogangagasoettkos" the arms* AIM of Ma Ithe oaths ot the tody, slight shah or gar eskgs, headoele& dkordorti, maga. torpor, disturbed dam., sulsleo slatted "asleep, with .fright sadaresatag ometima temblesme mug keashosset, Wes; potild bae, Ws, bad Ithle Male lomat, data( kathiegg NA the shmathS/Larele, fattgue, sm.*. •Potaishoset, Loo weak, lemors& Haw stssoth or huts,- savior. eltootiaLpeas" Tarim" pa. of the 104•11, 400140 f Kum thlogermg tithe throat, *hag orthe uthelomati utght, frog dean a phr essethig km a. boor/4 oh& am amea diselargth 01 alloseoullethees. .aaraotiurnit awniott LOZENGES. They . gas thootaiik mieb.n...iick. Modal.* islpitsseco of 4.• heat, Immo of the spirts, deepoodraey adoomaluel !Mad ems thrust, burst oe sdawar conk pleat, latang optameita kr* lama eishiog °PIM rhea Mahe, egmess, erseag at the stoma ac bards, hiskeitti aketstosoma tal moms diem., datineioe d ditiftgb day, 2.1 welted:KS through th e raglM Maths or 604 ern soorbus, kinks& kraals m • KIWI 0,41411411. Per eons Lavabo; or ette.ltaglagegsrtia,orilltiod the Lima_ gem rally rearingeid the boopary agouti.; used after ilissiGtetion, mil Papa the thee of award... gal early, led imam th e ouglemua symptoms *mug Han too Ine Haig. !mom who hate hem too higielleets, sandaled theli;imired=ronll Bud Urn Li•SlCell ad, all ' /AN'S POOR tidANSIPLASTER. - ' G o t Omer fa the woad, ma lanai= remerly Goe isks, or umbra i* the badt, loan, ad& mak, lad& gas., shatmaisto, Weed% Itth la.:, , ,thes outlier yea eau. apply the drama. Theymiuirialittle mom sag before SppLcattoet Warnaledatgasor to sitothess,sed the see Ismer the mai priee,osakag ably theasest, Nat -hour. , eest plaster a the world. It aPortts relief in • Gni ma& mho saistaskog cons. . • lira komphiot era dyspepsia, 41s/welt blistora mm the mio* Of the Ingo r stoma, ead It will thread great Mg set . . kg relict In eteglo, adds, "Masai didoelty ed Imotheath oppeasioo of the Mat or glossa. they waif.. stedithq Kolb and rally hawk the rasa. ado ary thins, or ti.m. 01 , 1 , 11.1 to Med mod, will rayon decided soma Isom me dame tray ahte9thst Phe ter,' `1•133•102.11f generally nsommod pieksmotier taksbra,beausse they *Mk or alliersastaramitarjam. er abet In dirk opera? Mersa" thistiahm" asut 'map. They ars am of marelgdillhas insult enta from my.otber, eld fthesthe evoke.* of sal lime who lase toed em es yolles ths mast asthma, of alPtimehelebratedut thd dird situ;,- tad physkum, lo ths moth la fl ta hi mediated Outer S now masa here at the stsrutaid es. 'their =sad Queasy*" thadmostosinotams Mt. - 11.0. phMe Directions kr the art ea the boob of mat , eta saillaarile.Shersuen mato& It is ha tgoetatstad Heap mk Rhelmen's Poor Math plate& aul bej lo hat trurp ws, by _ _ Sold shokale Yd aka JACILSOItth Jas Pain Mathis. Warehouse, Ntss SG Lithely ettheti oo r or 0, 11 EDIC4 .,_ :::: 15_ . 1 7,1.1 1 , 1 1 1 . G yk 1CA. 6.1 ,6 1.): 1 1.4 - )n0 : „. ° 77 D I,C A.I ' . ' • ..: !T ' : " . "4 E"; -,4 4 1 . ' e ths 1 ... .. .... . .., - "..' Mecum ha regularly est , •'-• . :' . ••••!: -• - . 4 ~! awned to ihOmedicel pro, . ''• - ''., r '; ',,: • • ~,fessam,ead been:for wear ' 4 .. t o t Lem ' tis=ri . I : '',...- •.., .- oha trematint'• of th em :. '. .. — Sr" a " ‘ pnirate 'and delidate con.: ‘ . ~. \ d 4 plaints for which his versa \ . „... dp“. tordileis and asperlente - peidlirly. stalthfy hies.— Eleven' years ossutoom v devoted to the !wady and treatment of those cowl e no, (during which timed he hashadosore poetise and em cued toorepottonts. than :C.66 ever (411 hi the kit Or aly privotaPracutiemer) alll• ply qualifies hisa to ml i r m mantes of speedy, pones, nent,und satisfactory rasa mall allicied with delimit dimmest, and all diseases arisuM therefrom. , . • Dr. grown would inform those alifieted With Frivolo discuses which have become chronic by tie led by the see of enrol' the mmmon nostrums of the day, that their complaints call be radically end their mighty cored, he having given his cored,/ euanuon to the trammel of soeh caws, and memesled to hmdreds of instances in caring prnom ofinfiontation of he met of the bladder, md kindred diseases who'll Mee result mat those casco where others have consigned them to Miele.. deepen, Ile pathealarly Malmo ouch as have Weaken and mouccessfulir treated trr others. to eon salt hint, when everyamiatscuonwillbe given them and their eases treated in nearefal,thosougbandnuelligent mannerosolated Oat by Mon cape-dame WWI end in; vesumtnem, which, it is impossible for tam magoged . in =ndpractlea of mediento to pits any . one ciao , CT Ireintsor Rap tare—Dr. Brom:1,-1We'. tom ' _ persons aillicted With .11ethia AO call . , gilts tam pa, paricalei attention this.discare. , f .t.., ,'• . • BIM Deemer; arks Pile., Palsy; etr... mired I , l.V—Pants of elthe . l. , sex living et i t he sum . :by stung their_ disease 111 siting, giving all tho sump mats, eon obtain medicines with dureetions Mense s by addreassag T .BROWN ; ad. D. pint. po.i. llnd melo g .. - • - • • . sing Bo N 0.13 lbantend alley. oilm!le l ke . i.W. , ..? , . LC" No curl. n. Dm! . • .., ::, ._ „, . drit ) l EPOILTANT TO TILE ALair Cream, a. mmehless article Mr,: the prow* bump and itennwation or the Bair. Tlsiscream ' when ones known. wifl supeneele all .Other antelisof the kind. now used, Wheretbe hair ta dead, himlik.thut, en. healthy nt tifitifiliprWa. few applications will make ihri hair soft. and 11...• and _sire it Imaiitifol lively • appearance; and arill abo.ntako retain:A liveliness. and healihy . color twice as long as Milan prepara ti ons which am.generally med. Every. lady awl. gentleman who are in. the habitof twig oils on their hair, should at once parclue o tangent' the Chime Rai iOrenm, ' • itismi composed that it will net injure the hair like tho other preparations, tint will beeauiy it, andiPrn perfect sansfacikm in everp.inatance... ' Healt U .6st3tretc.,h, embank !l , emma, Aeo for ns Letter Root the Rev. R. Caldwell, palter of the Peer bytenen Chareh..Palmki; . • : . Meams.llendershott d Surfek—Gentlemen: I a . .pleasore in tech ng my testimony in favor of the, zee. le= preparation celled D... rarristh's -Chimera . Cream—for cheat two yam ago aty_hala terytt brittly, and disposed to caste oat; bat having preento. boula of the Gretna, and oral torecording scathe P re • netiptiorti my hair la LOW soh, dune and firm to the, lead. Alany . balsruna and were applied each lea. :visit my has ma moose sum than Wane: ThhiCresta however, has met my expectation/1... As an ankle for the Toilet; my wife givea it. prefer. ence over another.. being delicately perfumed, and not dialoged to raatidny. The ladies especially will Snd fbe Chinese Cream to be a desideratum in-tacit ration. Aar theamkt. •Iteapeetfally. &a- • /Mt • CALIbWELL told wholesale and retail, la Puttbotalihs John • , W..Townrend, Pia IS Market II red ]set Atelier, 1 .. eornereitlyood and Fifth sta.. : , . . , , .. OCROFVLA AND SCROFULOUS ' SWELL .,P.7 INGS:L-Smotyla in ell its tonitiplibli forma. :iiitretherin that of King's Evil, enithgenteMbre die glands or hones, iioitre, White Swillinigg. Chrome Rheumatism, ttatime.r ; diseracei S i lber s;l4 or Spine, oral Pulmonary Consuinption, 'emanate ;Demi ono mid thesauri cause, which Is a.poisouseur principle more or loss inhalant in the hiniussieystem,iTheree fore, voles" this principle cart bedestrwyed, 00 radi ,eal come= be etlected, but if iher:Onciple upon, which' the disease depends; removed, a cure must of security follow.lno maps under what torus the disease shank! manifest itsell.• This, therefore in the . 1i2•011 why Jon&. ALTER/Mit is FO elli .versally.succeinfut IS eemersin so marry: indignant diseasesit destroys thri4i or.principle from Stirlen theee diseases-6'So the rorigin;hy :entering , t a into the circulation, and with 1., S/A blood Is conveyed to :the minutest , fibre,' touroei wry' lortiele of disease from the systits.-Pre red 'lodged! at Pip. C Soetli Third Sliest. PhilsdelPhini. , - 4- ..':SOld-atihe Pekin Ito hese, ptetl2 Yea :eh stree QM AR , IVA'S St CAS •VES.4 !MRCS' :•••' :REZIOVATINO • Px AbOot OnO Tut: proymos liwkiox.f. of Mr. &Re...Symptom* P 114,1 lam sormileMmifety fmm SIoPoRM nod sei4Sicamelit - l'bi'M *ode me of a glem 'amy of oaairleetiiittwot reWrognuomis I benefit... AlomttllMM Abettor otitis I cooksioomed u.inK Ur:tent Aledimoe,!norilek h.. entirely tottemed ma fro acidity ot momoop.iml somosid moo mmfor. tablo heel& &vend or my Ifieof amlidqvalimanceo - have mode no of Om 1.1.1*.mi moolYmi Moot. benefit from tom.:. I - oOp vritti'vonfideneel rteommou4 tke.. • • .• • JANE A LEE, 3i7 Polka m whoTaitalo end feud by if A FASNESTOCK • A CO, corostof In nod , Wood, oral Wood odd 6M no. TTS FtG H . GAZ ETT E, rullf•IBHP DAILY, inu-WiltaaArtaiiyr.EKL t Y A t Ai d.j.. ui.ThAtimp,:34 sr. roar afPosOstes lIATEI OP. ADVDCILTIninbits. One insertion of 15 lilesi Or 1ena.k........311 50. Two itincrtions witlior si lteiotions,4 075 Throe' " " " .1 ...... 1 tel (Inc Week "- .. ... I .0 ,Two Weeks, ' ' • • 50 Three " • .. . ... 3 00 One Month, , 4 00 Two ' '6 00 Three " / .... . ... .. 750 35 , * Longer.innitisetn!ents In nine proP!Tti/ 1 .• One squan46 'moths, witbout iltrritionw•‘ 10 w IS. Uw, w . 15 GO Kashwiditionaitiquars for 6 SCO • °n ° .T 12 D 1 4 6 Postbs,renewablii at plownre, 15 CO - •w • 1•• / 1111 00 'Enitindditionitsquoirok ID mosths..'..4.• 10 00 TwOatroater; 6 months; tremble at plossato, 30 CO . Fauks4Dalobut imusre,6 " 8 00 oa wat.wsins4 . One iquann.3 , r .. 81 50 • A. each additional 37 1051/0.11 CARD!..' Fivalines or less, one dear. z., 6 00 w • w sin months ' Sna e • . .onelessotaily&areekly, 10.00 f ei ”•- sit mou th s 800 :nnriattarinwrit isr worm! ..... . Foe Milani/ or len, 000' insertion $0 60 . ft Thfce wattle, S 60 "-.- 490 trAn sdvoltisomoils,lo,be ro thatiettllllo square, *O4 041iicalttlort5 pot eont to 6tlgi!oo4tiere the .uoositt of,a4tetttolotiViCoodi =KB CIT year. introsgs nra Ilawatliih.Pmzrer $6 03 t! 13 6 11 0 10111 . 1 .tortoolpiiolitoirO 0 09 1"412