The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, September 18, 1847, Image 2

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- p.TZe. ?MUCUS& DAILY 13ALVITZ pOlished
ereilpinay, , TAAVireklyoinirtVeekly.—Tl i s Dxily is Seven'
Pollan perminsun;erlVeetly is Five Dollars per
Weekly Is Two Dollars per seems silica,
,_•• • be Advertisers. •
' User Advertisements, us
the afte rn oon .
losernon, should be
handed nth) , hee o'clock la the afternoon. Anent.,
this,en Use hart of our eastomersoroald produe
liveof annual benefit
.„ pun...TARLAC, VIN
.1 • • (or main comert)
(07 CMSEALAND warn )
iron nvenroin
GEORGE PARSIE, of Allegheny Qty.
' In. A MOULT.
• •
;LEWIS C. J. NORIA,' of Indian alp. •
'HENRY LARE.E.of Miffin To.
• J. W. BAXTER, of ntilbargb.
11L05LAS PEZIJUNS, of Lower tit. Clair 7p,
THOMAS E FRANKLlN,Lancarier Cuy. .
' JOHN C KUNKEL. Dauphin Countr.,,
M' NV ATE'S, Cumberland.
JOHN P WETHERlLL.Puiladclpain City:
• THOMAS-ADGRATH, Pklhulelphli County.
DILLER 1.11771 ER, Berks.
11013ERT M 11ARD, Franklin.
• ANDREW J OGLE, Sommer.
JOSEPH 11 KUHNS, Weranorcland.
G I DALL.Erie. •
• 11 D MAXWELL. Nonhalapwal
, I 11 SALISBURY, Surannh.nri. •
•. ELIIANAN SMITH, Wyorrank.
11ENRYS EVANS,l.Therlar.
SID3ERT 7' POTTE,MonimmerT. •
• roriArtrr Ccmammal InieUtgenee,Darnestie Mar-
Bears, Import, Disney Dierks; hey see
!Iptfouith P•igelor IlliscelLsaeousNems
All eyes are turned on you, and tbo political
dratirties of the State are in your keeping. In the
manymolllical excitement. which have pervaded
this oH Common Wealth, in every peat crisis of
• our public affairs; the hops of the 'Whip of the
• Wholl State of Peansylvania, and often of the
whole United State's, have centered here, with ',a
depth, of feeling. which has shown the warm e st
entire:rims in your victories, the greatest confl.
' dence in your integrity, and that not reliance up.
on yOur ability, which at once ha. been ea art,
••dance of their respect, and their dependence ewe
you litho day of trouble. The star of the west
has arisen hers; and amidst the darkest atmosphere
*bread, and the heaviest trials at house—it has
shown with *lntro almost undimmed. It is a
position alike honorable and exalted, thus to stand
forth ea a beacon light to the surrounding couns•
very nucleus of strength,—in the sue.
awful enjoyment of principles most dourly per.
• feted, and blessed In the confidenco of so i mataiy
'of our fellowaizens feeling their dependence up•
on our labor. If, thou, Whip of Allegheny, your
. ,positiin be ono of honor, so it is one of high re.
apentslibility. Humiliation to ourselves will be the
' fruits', of- our apathy, and disappointment to out
friends will be but an accumulation to our repot*
As vie are numerically strong, so let the Ballot
Box hive evidence of the fullness of that strength.
It is knot enough, then, that a Whig comity, oven
• . as sting as this is, secures the 'election of her
own County °deers. W e have more to do, and
al our strength, not to spare.
• Wr owe it to our friends to honor then 'with
msjetities they will be proud of—proud of u
. Whigs, urn whom has boon confersal that
. noadiostion which le equivalent to a 'keel's, and
• • which puts to mat all doubts urea the bane of the
• " cont here, be the result' elsewhere wtat it may.
'Allegheny is a part of the gm! State of
• Pennsylvania. Ono rote here—voter vote it may
nuake,or unmake the Chief Magistrate
of your State. It may secare,—or loat,it may des.
,troy,—ptinciplas which vortcherish as essential to
__ publlo liberty. It may plea, in authority the fast
Mende of the Slate, of the Country, of mankind
—oral' along with them measures which, shall
haven foundation as sure and immoveable as the
mountains which =round you.
We offer no selfish appeals ti you to stand
forth in defence:of the tight. Doty dentrinde, in
the language of another, that whatever is right
ahotdd not only be made known, hat made previa
that whatever is wrong short la net only bo
detected but defeated. It is not enough: that men
mean well; it beeomee thein to do well. Let duty
be the incentive to your action, and opportnnitj
. will show a victoryltiutt ehall give joy not only
. to your own hearts and home; but impert"real
gladneis - throughout the State, and alreScr the
• land.
( .. As we bear no barren sceptre so we shall :have
, no barren victory. It is alike our privilege and
our duty to relmke men who have ettMed their
train and exceeded the authority entrusted to
Ü be( hands. You behold the Officers of , the Bra
. lional Government descending from their 'high
• TIMM, neglecting their official dation, visit en to
7otti State and City, men who arc ,traveling
thitans and pilgrim. in pursuit of place and pow.
Look at the Vice President of -the 'United
. .23tates, the second officer In the Goveretr.ent, the
Intntyarof your interest. in the coanedr, of the
Illation, untruthful to his trust. and let venturing
Upon a public viadication RI that ailakjt a an
+Baikal] would consign him to the puniah
+ meat due to to =faithful 'Citizen. We re.
trot to tat Itat of content with this open inter
. tene° the palace of the State, the V inane'-
auu 'Ms been guilty of statements for fact, which
ate No totally unfoundbd in truth, that at beat. char-
Sty may attribute them to ignorance, , while a
sterner justice might lay them at the door of intens
• Banal deception. Mr. Dallas has sold in the face
- the multitude that, the. Revenue of the come ,
try fronds; Tariff of 1916;has yiehied, $26,000 0
000, fokhree quarters of the year. This is note
' shady a mistake of not one, bat_ many millions
• of dollanr—the official returns for all of then Mae
months. saving the loot twa weeks In Aaiun,
showing the receipt of but $1,825,573! Again
It was sold by Mr. Dallas that:the tariff of 1946
would. yield a Rayenue of $36,000,00 tor the
- present year. If this were so," the Revenue for
the Sue months succeeding Actium. 1847, would
be $19,025,624, or en import of Foreign goods at
an map 0(18 per cent.,which wo have seen pub.
Medal the true ealutate, to the amount of MORE
DOLLARS. All this would have to be paid by
one people and at a Gino when ..theshlpmantrof
, oar Breadaufb have amesura ceased. Oar
• businesa, our banks, our capital and our labor
would be at the mercy of the wealthy capitals%
and of the half clod and partly fed laborers of
' Europe.. Is such a state of fact,—a foreign debt
of hundreds of millions,--to be followed hymn
, pension and Bankruptcy at home, so desirable a
.elate of things, 'that; the Vim President of the
United Stales as wisely congratulate as upon the
,raelfl . Is twined to the past,—car as an leant.
'meat of Power, in the receipt of his firs thousand
&Uwe a year, is he indifferent to thl fate of those
whO Offal In his heart can ho smile at the recital
- of his own betrayal of tract, or does be .. ,mppose
that the people are ea forgetful of the put, so to
be Andy to kiss the hand that smite. them. Sloane,
• 'ellafrbe.lll , ol3 the man who can platy Ilao poor
rostrata upon the intelligence and integrity orqo
-people, and so lota a value upon - his min. moral
• obligations,
And of bit, Bachman, what shell we sayl He
, . On, a a courtier at the footatoli of power, and
has biddealtigh for the soffiages of meo, deter.
. mlned that Slavery shall occupy a political elem.:
' thMabove'Freekrat. Ile who in lionVnbas 1847,
before the citizens of Lancaster amid solemnly,
raatllTO Otittio his ntatost 'endeavors" l ittera.*
tfaiiiiittutiefEfficery foray of the I 'reerifaiie
rotifer( by '
attar telge' I,IIEOI be oagress,
aciproniite ten; dinoln6A-4
~~.~ ~`~;
Inaba, pibass;idgitutnihui4Pcillboom
struck dawn, and dumb htths pima of their - too
unary chminpionl ,
Fellow dthums.thie eieetkin`of yams mut have
!Pc'wel.4 hrilawito u 4o6 n
of Slavery and Slave Tenitonr. Your influence and
your 'Vines wear tell - tar evil or far good opotrthe
action of the Government. If Artesian Slavery
and its chain of evil/shall yet darken and oppress
the soil of Mexico, with "Lor without a &Lion of
free and Wave Unitary. upon you will ratio part
the responsibility of alf the enormity of its cals.
twee, .1 cap themrticif Itaimpetnity. It it a
formirianni well mladatred to make honed men
grieve, and patriotism blush to tee the sou of
V'ennuivards, because they are honored by men
accidently in power, hostile to the intresie of their
own State, and the free territory of the Union.—
It Lemma you, therefore, es you ult. the Wet.
city of your own free toil,the respect you owe yout
generous and enlightened ancestry, and the good
name of your own free Commonwealth, to rebuke
men so false to their swordier& so recreant to the
duty they owe to thOSO who have given them birth
and reputation.
The preeent Governor of this State, is bit the
ally of these men,--and of this National Admin.
istnition. In countenancing Lim , you counts.
unto the President at Washington, tbe domestic
war upon your own interests, the foreign war, pro.
yoked by a wilful and unexampled =ignition of
E secuiive power, with no previous consultation of
Congniss,—the manner of its promotion, which
has mot thousands of lives, millions upan millions
of property, and withal, inflicted a fatal blow, not
alone upon your own brave 'Wien' in =dam death
and the ' , living death" of painful almoner—but;
upon the Coruntotirm of the country, which we
ought all to mtcem as the great political Covenant
of the Union, and the Ark of our indivklual
The present incumbent of the Emends" Chair,
acquiesces in ell the wrongs of war, and in all the .
severe inflictions which threaten oar public. pros.
perky. He hu no claims upon the Peoplesinco
for thirty years he has been living upon their
homely, and seeks to die and to be burled from
tun drawn from their pockets , .
We present you, in contrast, the name of roe
whose whole life emlnentiy Illustrates; not alone
the glory of the government under which we
live, bat whose services adore the diameter of
mankind. Honest and capable he has proved
himself, en the servant of inintelligent Constitu
ency of the State,: while his prink life, from
youth to manhood, has bean aged up with deeds
of baurriolonnto his fallow men. Untiring assi
duity, and a wise economy, his prospered the
labor of his hands, bat from hie alemdance,lbe has
Imparted freely, to when the distreasei of the an.
fortunate, and to •promoto every good work aid
purpose, whether of Mention, Temperance, or
the great institutions of Religion, whkh form the,
only lauds of our present good, and the only sure
hope of future bliss.. -
_ Equally proud are we to meant you the name
of.lomph W. Patron,. man, distinguished . for his
honesty, and who has won from curd his most I
distinguished political opponents, the warmest aria
dance of his "indunrY. gobrieti, integrity, and
qualifications for business'
' Associated with your Stabs Candidates, are
men Wetted •by the representative of your
thoke, fee the high offices of the county.—
, Many of these are your neighbors and friends,
and as you value the high character of good
neighborhood end "biding friendahip, see to it, that
your County Is excelled by none in the State foe
these middens of your favor and support..
Come to tho Polk—Perfonnettch man his duty
at the Ballot Illox—Yindicae the honor of your
State and rebuke those who have betryed it once,
and who will do so again if they have the power.
• A Whig Administration in part conducting the
frionoes of the State, have paid without increased
burdens of taxation, the interest upon the State
debt, and laid by a earplug for the February
submit. Mate than thebatboa done. They
hare p.i.mair s aebi of 000.000, bequeathed to it
by its unwise pea:tours, provided 1113 , 3115 than
this amount in surplus Corr: for the future omen
germies of the State. Wm. a Whig Governor,"
Whig Canal Baird," Weds Treasurer, and Whlg
Legislation, we dull go on prospering mod to
Under Whig Government we are suns that the
interest npers the State Debt Will always be paid.
and something as a sinking fond to relieve
the People from that enormoas aggregate of State
obligation, which is at Once the People's misfer.
tune and the folly of thorn Wh3 , hive increased
our tendons without ,any corresponding advan
tage. The charm:ter and credit of Pennsylnada
at home, abroad, and everywhere is safe only
when it is administered by mats who feel that
State delinquency, like personal dishonor, is a
blot upon the fair fame of the Cosonumwealth,(
end a crime in those who ate indifferent to a
prompt performance of every public duty.
By order of the County Committee.
Rose 4 McfCrtotrr,Seey.
81L/Lilkalli HT AND 171111 usarronr..--Thrt
New Yuri EV[71:111 . g Post eittdiettes the good name
of 88ar Wright from the upwsions of thou who
ham pat lEn &Mai u in favor of annexing room
81070 tonitmy to the United &atm Under data
of Canton, ApittlB, 1847, Mr. Wright wrote a
letter, of which: the following Lan extract
•I am opposed in principle to the conquest or
purchase of twritmy, now free, forthe purpose of
Merely upon h; -that I think It an
appropriate time to declare that principle, when an
appropriation in asked to purchase the territory,
and that each a declaration, nude at each a time,
i■ not in oppodtimito the Administration, antes
it be avowed that the Alb:ministration wishes to ea.
quire the territory for the extension of Slavery, in
which case I would think the Administration
wrong and the declaration right."
The N.Y. Post inymblishing the above,
that the declarations of the Gov. Wright are
moat air* and explicit
_upon this, subject, and
attempts to pervert his views to favor • bad
cause demid tease. Densortuis, nil nui &moue
The N. Y. Tribune adds me authorized
to stela that, if MOM is wanted, Gov. Wright's
opinion and penal views with regard to' the
principle embodied in the Wilmot Poplar will be
placed folly Idol* the public, Ina fens that will
defy disardit or cesiL If the poughfacee persist
to denying that Gov. Wright wee firm and unions
in his support of the Proviso, they have only to
demand fruther 'Mame&
MI /ILION OT *MILD Of a ItirLiteMlq
Pennsylvanian earn
If no other good remit, from tbo war, the de
monstration of this single fact, le a sufficient
anapestic for all the blood end Weenie wended
In it. We have saddled tie world that while we
have just conceptions of the right and honor of
oar government, we me at any time prepared to
maintain them. We have taught other nations
that beset of their standing imam, that bete, in
this free republic, the whole neon it Me eland.
ing meY, real and willing to die; if need be, to
amain bur glorious deg.
Bo then it needed thie . damonstrelion to show
the world what we ware, and that, altar two wan
with England, and peace obtained upon the most
honorable terms. The-tint time we heed this
idea broached wu bs a speech from Leine Can,
in the Benito. He wished to Amu Europe how
spunky we ware, and what a terrible whipping we
mold give the world macros! All thiewu ihen,
and is now deemed ample compensation for
bloidshod. A little glory,--a' thiblidt bauble,
a babble broken
_by a lerestb,, h deemed !dory
* month to ampennte for the horrid saistertunn
of war. An ill-bred child, knee somitimee to seem
the thing he is, woe, lad Oaken of WO ,
grow* to union s virtue whin they have it not
Tim belly, too, Winks Is feats of pugilism,bat
for a sone man, or swine , prams, to borrow limy
abroad tor a Nation like this from Ow -train Of
war, shows a peen eignicistion &Me tree ulorj
of the Nation, and 120 litatralOT . thi
trni, CPrraan of Hut - : '
. ,
Ors liranziklaudir thlik dos gm
;Oro to pogtieid torsiscOmistrOA/s
'4 . 0;11 es*?
- -
I sta, Oen,
Taz MAW Ur '4B AND sssinermn.—lt has
beeni reiwitilly urged of late by the Locaoco
rtesend naliersled by their dump orators Matti!.
Presiiii Tariff was =me benefidai to the Faniieg
JetarititiOse that ef / 842 . 4 0 th•lnce:uf imiWff•
stuffs is quoted to instal:l the pc s Eon.
ICSIIIII tto be eiathely Enrollee that the
famine in Europe operated in wintering the price
of Proviiionse sad all the - credit of , this (tem
p:wary inflation in the sable of farming products
is giwo to the tariff of '4B.
; ';Frcwitho abtmdant harvest" in Earope we mad
safely conclude that thla market will no Langer be
a source of profit. Indeed, floor is now selling in
Liverpoolnearly as law as in our eastern cities—
conseepumtly prices dependent upon that market
mast elm decline, and there is great caw of .ap.
prehenzion that they will be 'reduced below , the
average standard of prices which have obtained for
the Wt six you&
folletir are the gantaticins of American
breadataffs taken from the Englishpapere received
by the last steamer:—
U 8 Wheat, per NAM of 61) $1. 60 .
13;8 Flour, per Mara, $5,28 to $6,36.
Indlan Corn, per bushel of 60 168,75 to 78 eta
Itidian Meal, per bam:l.s3, to $3,25.
The crunint price In New York, at present is
Wheat, sl,ooall2e per be.
Flour, $5,5055,62i per bbl.
'Corn, from GO to7oc per be.
Cornmeal, $2,15a2,27 per
Now, it is evident to any person who will take
the pains to aintrut the above price. that than ar•
tides will not pay storage, freightage, wharfage,
conuoisdon, insurance, dec., and ummande profit
to the exporter. The news received by the French
cleanser show. a still further depmssionin the Ea.
rope= markets, audit we may be allowed to judge
from the deranged and oppressive state of the
Money muket, caused by recent failure. of some
of the busiest houses in England—the stringent
measures of the Bank, and above all, from the
abundance of their cope, we may lately conclude
that our exportations of breadstuff. must cease
fad: limo time to como—perhaps until Etioope
shidi be again scourged by a famine.
The average rice of wheat, corn, and Cid.,
fain 1840 1848 Inehstive, was as follows.--
Wheat Corn. OstS.
N6W York $l,OO 56}
Philadelphia 1,00 50 28
New Jersey 1,12 621 33}
Delaware & Maryland 1,00 56} 33/
New Etigland r S tees 1,121 62i 331
There is every Indication at Frontal, that prices
of breadstaffs will fall• below this average under
the tariff of '46, Which gives. nettling like pro.
action, and has been in nowise instrumental in
Minting the ate high prices in the article. Ott.
quieter of the globe has been a ill icted by ono of
than dreadful calamities Which are sometimes
Taal upon nation., and which all hope or ought
13 hope easy not again occur for years acme—
This was the true cause, and not the muff of
'4o ' Ffor the high prime whi ch farmers have te
aired for their products. Stirling millions were
anions fur brad,—they received it from our 'gar'
net, tint their day of trial is now passed—Pad.
dance has • smiled propitiously upon therm, and
crowned the labors of the husbandman with abort.
dant harvests. Thy no longer:need our aid.—
This Is folly shown in the present decline in pricer
The Low Pates seem impiously to china the
Providence of Dad as the work of their own hands.
The country at home is prosperous, and they did
it. Just as much are they responsible for the pain
ful divagations of Provklace which lies per•
vwkd the old world. If they made the ' am to
rise anti the harvest plentiful, in liko manner they
made the blight and the famine, and the terrible
diseases incident' to the famine which, thanks to
a higher pair, this cottony was enabled to re
hire. It is implant far Loco Foccam thus to
claim as their own act, that which resulted
from the Providence of the Almighty.
Stun FINA SC SA 01 Ono.—The State Jocund
gins some important statistics in reference to the
funned affairs of. that State, from which we
gather the follerwingi
Laming the period from 1839 to 1845, while the
Scats we. under a 14.0 Tone Administration. It.
debt was increased 81,836,911 41. The leading
Lao Foco pearl!, and even Senators end Repots.
sentatires in 1843, began I inculcate the doctrine
of repudiation, and attempted to prom= the pal.
sage of laws in the Legislature of that year which
would have malted in the nou.payment of the
Interact opal the public debt. The to mama
nap personalproperty during the none period.
we 16 milli on the dollar.
Since the Whip have come into power, from
the resources of the State, the interest of the pub.
lie debt ha been paid, and the Auditor General
reports thit at the cline of tho fiscal year the re
will be a =phis applicable to the payment of
principal of more than $250,000. A lsrge pro.
portion of the Domestic State Honda will be paid
off in November next, and the letzten on them of
mule will cease. The tax ha. been reduced en
pareocal property from 16 mills to 6 mill., and it
has been equalized on real estate. Su that the far•
neer who her commenced to improve his lend,
child not be compelled to pay at the memo rate 6
Mare wham farme aro wider a high state of cut.
ovation, as was formerly the cue: This Is what
Whig legislation has done for Ohio, and it is doing
the rams for Pennsylvania.
Mesas M. Dacus, is advertised to appear
atithecenbargh, on Monday, which will be Ida
lona public appearance in the West. A cory
respondent asks if it would not be well to Otto s
mill tetras to any individual having one et the
original bonnets paraded, daring the Last Presiden•
did 'keno°, in this city and county, which bore
the inscription of
And the Tariff of 11142,
'that the nme may be daliherabled, and ell pro.
per respect paid to it by om Democratic friends,
=stabled to hear oar. Vice Prendent, to-cloy, in
&fame of Ida nee on sold question.
Tarw■.--This distinguished officer, in
reply to the Raleigh (N.C. R..olatiow, nomina—
ting him for the Pnaddeney, in a letter dated Aug.
2 d, uyer
..Be pleased to convey to the voters at that die
trictocNorth Carolina, my • deep appreciation of
fil i.
honor they ham conferred upon me in.
their . lion. While lain ewer willing to
yield to the popular wilt and same the country In
any n ty to which I may be freely aml womb
mixody lad, I may be permitted to say, that I
hays not awarance to believe that; my abilities
are gulled to the discharge of such respormildo do.
dm sa . upon the office of the chief magistrate.
My best eiforta,however, wM always be else:tied
in the mute of the country, in whatever position h
mai bit ml fortune to be placed."
Cauturinow.—The Cincinnati Signal hating_
Sated that Senator Crittenden had received a tet
te/from Gen. Taylor;, &cluing Me oppodtion to
IS. ezteneion of slavarinto any territory already
free, the Attu, of the IMO city, makes the follow.
log stelements
°Mr. Crittenden he;lng men the foregoing ar.
Wein the Signal, - regoests tar to say, that ho nos.
er before had wen or bend of the publications
mentioned, and that whosoever made or repeated
the etatecoent they contain, It Le entirely erroneous
and entounded. Gen. Taylor never did declare
In a Mar to Mr. Onueaden,..thai be wu opposed
to the, eget:pion of slavery into territory already
Iran" nor did he, in any lona, ever express to him
!my opinion on the subject; so that Mr. tf. know
nothing whatever of Gen. T'.. sentiments In role.
tioa to that matter."
The Portland Argus tells the following, to ssy
he bale a large story: '
s As Rufus Groves was claming a well for Mr.
G. Folsom, in Monmouth, Maine, while stooping
down to fill the bucket. he heard a rumbling noble,
end Whim up perceived • largo stone coming
down open him, which be made out to avoid par.
tially, Mow histarilly.,eome four feet above his
head. he Wing Winn ••nooping position, the ston
ing or the well closed in, sad completely covered
hint. :Mb was at Wet o'ckele in the amnia.
,rte step will about thittlAtnie feet deep, and the
whole ed the atone was to be cheated out Wore he
could be metal' People cams in from the adjs.
amt pains, sad the wort/went ea With" owl mil:
plea bigot ibont halfeleared "tale was beard
iroeltroso. ARce
'hoopla& awaking be wasriathed @boat. one
414fiapeesksod mead 6* liuk kui!.
Asowaeot's Norzczyrekrintai to ouridireni
tidia columns* the mums of the Assam, bit
/*wet; Ailotto* Manchester end Binhizip
kali Win be found. The law nwicthee'that the
reside:ea, top days Ware the .
election and hope no Whig will fail Wwein
bly to patron:Oho dot . reqtdied at . his hands.
•, ganniar'i'Dordide &mita Force andirtedien
Pomp, is higiilyqoken of by those Who have
whitened its operation. it anima ii will in the
capacity of a Fire Conine as in
the ordinary ease
of the well or in (erring water through hose; and
those who haws tried Fire'Engines constructed on
this principle prefer them to Orme in ordinary use.
The Cincinnati GtZe44o disedbes a Fan appara
tus built by Mr -Fannin, with • :cylinder of 44
inches diameter and inch stock, cakulated to be
worked by 20 men, wilkhlorced a stream through
800 feet of hose up • rise of.. 60 fed, 100 feet
from the nook. At Yds distallee, four men =old
throw a three fourths inch stream 75 feet-from
the nomle, and twenty men, an inch stream 100
Pumps made on this pdoelple have been Lipp.
ted and used on several of the Government ships .
of the'fine.
'Muss Riddle and Evans of Mercer county,
have piarihesed the right to make and vend this
patent pomp in the comities of Allegheny, Beater
and Mercer. Wo refer those interested in I.
&maim to their advertisement in another column.
Sorcerer COIIIIT, Starr 17, 1847,— . Present
all the Judge.
Abraham liorbach, Sr. v. Roar, Boggs & Co.
for use. Error to the District Court, Mr. Jule
tiro Rogers delivered the opinion of .the Court.
reversing the judgment of the Court below and
awarding a venire facias de novo.
Samuel Dennison on Jacob Coehring et us.--
The aigument of this cause was continued from
yesterday by Woods caul Todd for Da& in wort
end by Mr Dunlop in reply: \
H Taylor was brooght up on the he•
bare caritas lamed earns days ago, and dischae
Abraham Ham Jr. vs James Harden, et al.—
Argued by Forman for PM' in error, end Woods
and McCandless for Deft in error.
nian calls every body ■ Tory or • Federalist who
is opposed to the war. Whore la Mr. Cahoon to
go thent Ina speech made in the U. S. Senate
on Feb. 14th last, ho .id:
Every Senator knew that ha ens opposed to
the gnu; but no one knew the depth of that oppo.
titian but himself. In ono short hour after the act
of recognition of the war pawed; he had sold to
his friends that a deed had been done from which
the country would scarcely bearer. A curtain
had been dropped between him and the future.
and for the fist time in his in the future wee
shut out front his view.
A WATIIING MIICIINZ has been made far up
lewd on the &magma Rail' Mood, for the put.
pose of eminldbm the mei end toad bed,themby
diminishing the friction oldie are upon the track.
presenting the boxes end journals from being heat,
ed, and keeping sway she dun, preening the
paint and sambh. It requires about two *ban
ana gallons of water far the. Stoniest= road,
(fortyuren aid a half nolest) - - When it is in
operation not a particle of dust appeue inside or
monde of the cam In warm or dry weather the
car windows can be left open without objection.
If this operates u well, as is represented. It &mid
immediately be Mod von all Rail Roads, aced if
an equally succes•ful contrivance could be made
to consume the sparks and ankb loom the loco.
motive, upon a broad gauge tad, there would be
little to desire in the - WST of comfort.
Blasesserra ter last acen.—lly nineties
to the foreign news, received by telegrepb, ft will
be seen that Breadstuff' in •Lincetick i era offered
for the price elfreight and charm the adds dap
ped siring kr Dealing. The Panneyirenlan and
Nashville' Union have claimed the high prime of
the Spring ae the fruits Of the Tariff of 1846,- - .
What do they think of the law prime of the sum
ma! The fact stated of Limerick, in Ireland:
was true of wheat shipped from the interior of
Michigan to New York,lslx weeks ag0,...1d her
beer:Doll in New York and 'in to
pay the Cast of freight and: charges. The Pod has
chimed the glory of the blab pride foi id pet ta•
rift and dovish its amteniparaiim, inuat,efeeserse,
shire the responsibllity of the depreisted. •
Patera or Post quotes the
Vermont Spirit of the Age, to gone, that the ;In
c, of Wool are higher now than tinder the Tariff
of 1812. This Ls another •►ides of the blaroey
Stowe." to prose that the Tariff of 1848 Ls better
than that of 1812. Prices of Wool are quoted by
the Post at an mutts, of from 32 to 42 ems for 1817.
Now the Poet knows, lilt has taken the tutu* to
look Into the fact, that nothing Jibs them prices
can be obtained lure for Wool, end for informs
don, wo mak oar farmers if any owe of them has
obtained such • price since the uteincestde enact.
merit of the existing law.
Foos Bias tco.—Wo hero received the mail
accounted the battle in front of the city of Mox
ico, and from a careful' examination can Amt ale
mention of the Pennsylvania, Regiments. From
the fact that 10,000 trpopa left Puebla, and but
Nix thoomod wore engaged fo the 601, the pre;
rumption is that the Penneylretiline were not In'
the engagement.. They Imo lat some' of the
glory, but hare eared keep which will be Counted
by all rcatonabfe ma, ul • hill vitlinient,
V itenoirs.—There is no election by the P.O.
phi, but tho Whig candidate is ahead of the LocU
Pont nearly three th'ounand votts,—the Anallinen.
cite preventing the popular choice. Complete
returns from all the town. but 16 give for &pre
sentetices—Whig. 96; Locoe 77; Abolition In.
Whig majority 9. • The Whigs can hardly Ittil to
carry one half of the remaining 15 towns—we
hope they have dons stilt letter.
The Senate will 'Probably be Whig by a mull
majority. ,
Naar Oacsains,—The Yellow Fever eanBnned
to pnisail to an &tanning extant et the latest ad.
view, In New Orleans. The deaths reported for
the 48 hours eau on the morning of the 7th
were 133—Charity Hospital 42—Lafayette 48.
TALLOW Fans.-;-Among the recent deethe
from this disease, at New Odom . we notion that
of Manion Ward, brother to darnel Ward, of the
fixate( Prime, Wind do Co, N. York. •
At 3 o'clock on the 3d inetAle wrote, in gocd
hien, to his brother, and Were 3 o'clock co the
Following minalan he was a corpse.
The Doff Act Comma/dal of theltth Instant,
announm the death of Clutha Towneend, coo
of the oldeet end most diatingtthhed cltiaa. of
- that city.
' Tax SAJILI Hasnammere performed last night
to a very respectable house. Their selectionewere
good of their kind, and we bedlam the modicum
gave sufficient evidenee of their approval. This
Sables were always favorites in Pittsburg.
Whip of Allegheny—lncidents of • pimp
from Piusbrugh to Cincinnati—Prima, Wahl dc
Co.—New kind of Cotton--liiinois Convention
—The Armistice—A Mob—The Late Battle—
An artklein answer to the editor of the Port—
The Elections—The Renewed a Child or a Hui
ly—Gen. Taylor—;Bilu Wright and Pres Terri.
tory—The Toad qa and finesdstoiTs—Bread•
toffs in Ireland—Prime of Wool—Fon:4ga News.
—lames Bache:tan—Got of the War—Dai.
ly Parade!--ilpesimens of En.
gilth Hustings—Supreme Court—Joreph. W
Patton=Whig Candidate 43T Can! Commission
er and Bankrupt Law—Rail Road Moramente-•
Lotter from Henry Cloy—The Vice President—
Troubles among thej Demonser—Our Men.
Iran Ilelstimm—Our Impromansob—Rata,
Latest Telegraphic new. foreign sod Domestic.
Commercial—A carefully complicit Review of
the Markets for the past week—The prices is the
laud city markets—ThlieatUe Market—The Nicely
of American Produce in various parts of the Union
—Amount of Molar, Wheat, Cons Asa., received
since the opening of 1he1341634.-02031basluesSand
movements of prodsce—Market its Lowden, •
City Rews-4int of theßress—Coprous Miracle
-from the leadier donuts on the interesting topics
For y at the desirously or in wrappers,
Price 6 mots mingle copy. ,
Buisectiptiotte dollars • year la obam!s.
ckiwissposste!seis: pillObinnia, Gessit
6M ,, iMildenee of the Pinateigh Gazette. '
PiTZESIMati, Sept. 17, 114 A. U.
From tlte N. O. Delta of Sept. 8.
We are Wormed that cia! cat, 4tlie
Patio have later news from Mexico, to the
affect that Anicks or 'Path hxd been by
!4 tang the Mexican COI'
. .
(It may tlirow some little light upon the abuts
despite to Slate, that' lilt; Piet Went to Mexico
with special instructions to make n Peace by 'ask.
ing of Mexico a surrender of the whole tins of
territory East of the Rio Prude, and the Previa
cm of Upper California Mei New- Mexico. If
Mexico did not consent, soy canter proposition
was to be submittal to' our own Government for
reference, but he the meantime there was to be no
sespeusiatt of hoagies. For all this territory an
'equivalent in matey wu offered, and as far u one
can guess at the result, this surrender - of territory
boo been the dui' of the agreement of peace, It
ha been
said that a arbsequent demuid wee sent
to Mexico, claiming Lower California with Upper,
or some of the principal parte and harbors on the
Pacific, but thin Is doubtful.]
The despatches and letters TeClOta b mail
last night;stato that 32,000 Mexicans were en.
gaged In the great fight before the city of Mexico,
and that our own forces numbered not :nom than
7,000. All =Outs represent the battlito hare
been most severe and bloody.
Mr. Trig wzitis to Washington that ho had
two commtmieations with the Mexican kliolsters,
and Waite have a third on the 30th ult. Nang
Anna had Weed a manifesto confessing the on.
fortunate events of the 19th and Roth to
Mexicans. He nye he made immense exertiods,
to equip an army of 20,000 men,' but that [hie
pion of defence Was gestated by • General who
undertook to object to his Indere In afield of bat.
tie, and instead of retreating so hicommanded,
sdnaced and commenced hostilities.
With a fatal presentiment of the consequen
ms, he Immediately placed himself at the head
of a brilliant brigsde of few thousme men and
five pieces of artillery, end proceeded to the sup
port of the General. bat arrived too late. The
enemy had interpmed his force between them, and
night comingoo, and the rain falling In torrents,
ha was compelled to ruin. ffe,however, sent an
order by en sidde.earop to the - rebuke, General
directing him to retire to Gut Angel by the only
road labs& wu then left bine but, Instead of
obeying this elder, the general sent him word that
what he wanted was mare troopm that, he had
beaten the enemy and put hint to flight, and had
granted promotions In consequence of du Tic.
tory. •
• Beata Anna adds that he made a seemed effect
to eapnort his ening General, bat before he could
CUM to the name he was muted. B. touched
upon. the imputance of an annistiee, end says if
it does not math in place the war can be renew.
ed. He chant to be Mill at the head of • lugs
body of troops. • ;
Awes the airman captured from the Mexican
fora under General Valencia, by oar army were
the two mix pendent of Wadnogton'a Nattily
whkh were leas at the bailie Baena Vista.
We ere kir7 to ate a letter in the W•thington
Union, of the weenie' of the 16th, dated at To
ut:aye; August Slut, stolen that Lin t toms era
shot through the wind pipe, and that but alight
hopes of his Wirtoseq , are entattabted. . I
Bereend Weds from Vera Oros and other. parts
of Maned, 'pink of the Mexican Counnisdoners
es all rdozony to peace, which Induce as to sew
press the hope that our teleitraphic despatch of
yeaterdsy, anoouticing that snicks of peace - lad
been signed, may lac true.
Tbefollowing is • Maw written by one of
Mexicans, in reference to the coining: state of af
fain, and is a fair sample of the feelings en
Wind by a tares tattzuber at the Clint& .
eMalediction and atonal hatred to the pe
ad, who base usurped the title of leaders of
nation only to head revointkini they print for
their own aggrandizainent, and to &weak all
classes of society. A treaty of peaco appe to
me inevitable, nodes the m ot elmewful condi
to w; for,
whiten an army or public spiricw Ito
his been deadened by civil dowinsionx and in
face of the treasonable solfisturws shoran by
some of thotbates, what edema
Is it Finable to obtain from penal enemy, ho
I. conscious of his ow t pitvert
I Will not =Akin dintl4l4l4 . this point, lea
cause I feel ray sod bitniewinn with deepen. Poor
country! She hes beniburini in the mini by those
of bee eons Mat dui most distinguished."
'be billowing wee the teller 'dilemma by Gen.
Scott to Elanta Anna tendering an armistice
Headquarters Army V. S. Anscoica,,Z
llaypecan, August 21, 1847: ).
To Ira Excellency Me Perrident and General
in.Chief of Me &Tut& of Alexia),
Sir,—Tim much blood has already been shed in
this unnatural war between the two groat repuim
lice of this continent. It is time that the directs.
cm between them shoal be amicably and honor.
ably settled, and it Is known to your Excellency
that a commiadaiumon tbe past of the United
States. clothed with toll powers to that end, is
with . thie army. rro enable the two republics to
enter on negotiations. I am willing to ago, on
reasonable tenor, sheet armistice.
I shall wait with Impatient:olmM tmmorrow
morning for a direct sumer to this conunimicm
lion, but shall in the meantime Win and DecuPY
such positions mutable of. the' capitol as I may
deenNneceseaty to the shelter and combat of the
I km thither/or to tootain, with high oOnsidor
'goo and nowt, Jour Exniiroq's tont obodi•
eat strict, , Wtiof sin Scan.
To 'this hater • reply was Warned by the Max
kaa Bewetary 'of War.
By the Bailers Illagaetie Telegraph
TIMM =Wuxi mom.
Cetteepandenre of the Pittaborgh Cr=ane.
Now Yeak, Sep, 17 10 a.
The Potato crop hu proudly escaped the 1
in most of the British Islands, and the reviles
the bused are most satiafachwy.
The steamboat Cricket has exploded in
Thames, haling eh persons. The late gimp
to get the steamer Great Britain oft the bar hate
failed, notwithstanding they wens uslitod by
steamers of 000 home power. There win be no
Author Worts made to remove her.
The Doke of 'hullo, Peer of Franco, haiteten
essaminatal, end hie wife, the mother of nine 04".
drew, hod boon imprisoned for committing the of
fence She has since committed suicide by taking
Tho Limerick Chronicle say' a cargo of Indian
Corn has been °Eared in that-maket for Me
amount of freight and charges.
New Wheat is selling there for t 3 pence per
atom of 14 lb' .avoirdupois weight. [There are
4 5-7 stone in a bushel of GO lbs. This. at 13
pence per atone, would make Wheat sell for about'
5s per bushel]
Potatoes 5 pence per stone.
Provident' at all kinds are rapidly declining in
price in Ireland.
Floor 24t2Te per bbl at Literpool on the 29th
of August.
EICI.IIIVM CorresponUsnes attire Pittsburgh Gunge.
Pllll4 l / 7 .LPHIA, &Pt, 17. 7 1,11. a
p l ai d.
The. marten, everywhere are muck depre
with =Ms unusually Ilutlta. Buyer, all to
be holding back since the arrival of the F '
steamer. The general quotations of the matt 4
are entirely unchanged.
By the Western Ragnetie Telegraph.
Eschome rberapondence a( tke INitaimrsil Queue.
Floeu—The marital is ha neer, uniettleadate,
sad we hese no sales to neon. The foreign
news hat had a depressing effect.
Grain-The market is without change.
Whistaw—Moderate salciat:r7o.ner e st.
The market generally Is without change.
XT* TLD—A by 0,14 yo(-. loquire
athl oboe:.. ..-k` aptte
nocromet. lIISTORY OF ENULANIS- No Si or
AL - this viilitablo work ht.. dig bdaid I aadd; and id for
sale by . norm;
- ` - k e ',:.n a ,-. .s.~:ee.._4 a ~_-;yid.
ATOUCE—TheOsatuy ter:
4.lthe Awe non IA the wards, boroughs led -. IC.l*
1 this. .of the eotway, with lists of itaxishies in lulu
0. 9 .0 ti" AtrY pawns whoos:aaases are.
sztuted,or edwaarsie wt r eel d ditt=haao
Ostend spokthe lister taxabka by ealtiog on the 10 7 , ,
amoral sheirdistrietoo or before the
day of oe,
~..Thesasnes of tbo Assessors Is tha Iw. citieS, Bir
mingham and Manchester ane as Gallows:
ptoshorgh, Ist ward, Chalks Crum.
Do Rd do Ws, Whitaker.
Do ad do Taos Fairless. 4
Do Mk do Richard Hope. '
dtk do Jared ID Brush.
Do. 7,h do . Wen M Ambers.
• 'Do = gond g John . •
Allegheng;lst ward, J L Caroomer.
..Do td do David gerat.
3.1 do Wm Sousa.
4th' do jgbenemerlierby.
• Binaitigbam, N P Peanort. •
Manchester, Levi Ilarehgcld.
Published by order Of dm Dual of Co' ram
. io rs.
, Prlikleodlor ' JAB DORM ,Clerk
F „
SUCTION PUMPS,Raiaing water from any depth
and bnegsng it from any diatance,lmoOttog. des con.
mutable at a sunsites notice into a Sire Engine., h m .„
lee the water over the tops of imam •
Also Fire Engines from CVO to 11000 each; reins
tates from RIO to each; Leathern Hose of the most
approved kind alsolomiahed to order.
ti gtVZl e sar . e . t r at , tttfin the :mo p %
pared to ...MAIL ardent for any or all oi Iho agave.
After ita nemesia' use in so many of the 13mdea . for
the last eight years, we have great confidence in offer.
Fethem as the eheapest and best Pampa now in use.
Ferment, Tanneries, Factories, Roiling Mille, iron
Works, Flooring and other Mille, Ships, Sewn Boar;
C 4.1 and, other. Boats, Coal and other Mires, and in
fats, wherever a mama is itnired, these" will be Moen
to be the Pumps, ALMANDER RI D D, ew Castle
sptlawgreT Delewere Cose, Mercer .coanty
NEW 1100KE,Story of the Dania of Waterloo. by
O R Gleig, A h 1; revised by the Duke of Welling
ton—in l o ran*.
Tale, the Peerage and Pension ry; by Lady Doer.
Cromwell; a Historical Novel; by 11 W Herbert.
Goodwin's Lives of the Necromancers. ' ' •
American Review for September.
Spark's Life and Writings of Gen Washington; to be.
completed in 10 eels, C already eat.
Fresh Meanings m the Old Fields of Continenuil
rope—a very incresiing work.
LarnaruMs • History of the (iirendists. •
thano; by 11 Melvin—Mt edition.
Mee, Women and Cooke, a collection from his prose
writlnme by Leigh Hunt..
A Simple 81011; bytdrs
Living Axe, No 173.
The Parricide, or Youth's Career in Crime, by author
of 'Life In Con lon'—fresh supply.
For sale by WM S CALDWELL
opposite the Post Office
rilitEars NAPOLEON —llimory of the Ca noolam
J, and Empire umier Nowaleom by El A Their, late
Moister of Friieo—No 7 just reed; for rale at
optll3 • h10R5E.41 , 34M at
between wood & market
P OEMS—Tom'. Foluoght Ramble . od older Poem.;
He art by Tho
receive mas
for ellcir ori at th oreirthoppings dela the
Jost d; site
*told MORSE'S
events from ths pence of Intk to the peace of IMS;
by the late Hon Wm Sullivan, M.D. Just received and
for mule by t putt 61 MORSE
.TIIE:AMERICAN IN PARIS; by John Sauderson—
J. A neer and blghly bneresertg wok received;
*WS tot valeby bioNsE
/M. baa Cabanagh 5m
•25 do do Congress Gai
) do Chapotan'a sr;
15 do Branch's Stag U;
5 Loses limn% Ea;
' 30 do Ives 50 •
lb do Baltimore Plos;
30 do Allmon 'sing
On consigtunem and 'far lotto to city dealer.. •
01131/111/0-30 bags Pepper;
1.3 • , 10 bags Allsoiso;
, _ 10 bblerile! Coingn i
I. .
, 25 b .ns Eallasiard , a
R inor moir
a and i for
Cs 001/El5-450 bags prime Ea;
%.1 50 bags Lunser . nr • .
50 ~ St Daums* is more; for sale by
spil9 / t It FLOYD, 1102 liberty 0 ,
rpisA—bo bf alma Y /ft..;
M do Geopewder and Imperial;
80 catty ban YIL O P and Imp last reenved;
.a+ , lB for saint J& It FLOYD
4 hr _d e de; Jam reed, g6r
sale by MILLER 2 Bleak:7BoN •
eytlS 170 liberty at
LICONIONY GLOOM—Ws arc now receiving air
JI2J htt tvpply of EconomyHanka% Rattinetts and
ii-Yorimertn, wkich we offer kir WS SI MB ufsethrerS
EL PENlalscli •
inrpllBtrlar !M
11sIss*.S... al
non girtlC PILAB k.Lre—ou p.eass s-s wuns,
I , !newn and plaid Flannels, Anita a. Bees mann.
News last received and far nate by
apiladlne SHEA A PENNOCK
SUNDRIXS-12 b. Cheese;
eska do;
IlbbliEgga Landing tom keel boat
Umpire, for sale by JAS DALZELJ.
amid 1l vemdern
eIfILDP-4 dee Dr Sweeney. Syrup Wild Cherry,
1.7 pet reeeDted and for sale by •
Q EICD-107 lb. Irma and clean Canary Seed wink.
1.3 Ws and mail, by JLIDD tr. CO
6.449 cor 4Lb and wood au
rioAcn VAILSIIIII-4an me% Oa we by
. 1171.111onicbs copy,.
rCIIC.-.21X9f! ramjet kirate by
F RIU-40 bbla largo No 3 tatackarel, laadios and for
' axle by JAS DALZEI.I.
rr&A--10 ttf elms 1 11M: jaitt Ir:eV; Fn sat, by ,
. 1 Pptl9 ' /GUAM&
QllllDltl6ll-4 teas Dauer,
la - 1 blikenraz• •
1 bag Rags, 'mu t ably from sum Mayo
Met and far sale by
POUND—A Wass Unmasked x x x. Tke owner.
am hasdthe same by pansy aar dais ael /crab..
Oteat. rpli
corprx-2.10 Imp mime Ric:
" pld Gav't Java: reoll per <a
mi& for sale by WILLIAIIIR & DILWORTH
TOBACCO—ILD ta% Sr, 'Hansen k Robison's,'
Klranit. , nod Jerre Ilam;
IS hr mo:rds;
Rol for sato at= Wood rt. by
VLOUR—;J bblu frodt ground Faculty Flour, Jun
r 'nett; for salon, 1.14 WATE NRMA
npti) .31 under /1,02 front ,
(111.13.011, noCILLEW da Co., Prod., Forward.
in; and Cornmtorion Merchants, Po. 6 Co.romerand
Roir,liberty sorra Pinsbarnb. Pa. • gI7
VIS/1-100 blita ouw :Rego No 2 Mackerel receiving
T by canal; (or Bale by
BACON —4 ask !Ades lawling nom Naar Rhode
andi made by /AWN DALZKLL
.91'7 24 water sweet
Qcon.onutual csk,rwa: hy
OTICO Rom -a os, wmania me, put reed
spll7 lot sale by It tihL' LENS
bu 1 new landburi foryale by
eptl3 IS tlOl4 at
F ILII 6O kr ehste fwe Povrebong Teal
LSO caul. liaupowder Tea, landour; &rubs by
' spa
f illiti WaannerethiSine aster, laadart
1../ canal; Ibr ode by • 1
*7:We by WMSCAIFE,
beptll wt El between market a Wood
SUJICTIAII-01 every color. evade, aad aaalitYi a
• very large meek Miaowed; ler mate by
pita SHACKLE= k. 'MIME
L mAD—ampl g s Galeria bead far sale by
COWIN-IEO . balu steM i ltra N
trZMP-159 Wes Mo. day•nwed_ t • for .ale b
THE PARRICID . E=rIe: e!as i m a lagpla
sptlb b y
63 Foguilut
rtIFINZIE-450 ht. W It &rude by
SA4rATIu I- I°Nzlear:Ariocrc t co
jjr 611.4.111-1= bz. maned due fm ale by
V V . , • Stl - S P.VONk,Nmokera co
DAPS !ILL DOZES—MI grocsir s nr e =6
R - m .l v ea. s it. ', lrm by d 7 reelly g edi r l z r r&o by
erigl—t stand gellUitie UII,Ip.IdirigEIPIERS
Npummara.-Ko bbl. large No 3 mu received;
.L far tale by' , MILLER & RTBON
iptLl • ear II beny k Leann la.
110TA011-1 ask paw at familia:a ale by
L. gala . JD AIORGAN
Ipl6. --Nagar eared nun Gm sat a by
wall ' 10 liberty ithead afanabaeld
Gllll COPAL.—Theeere. Angola BM rocolved
and solo, by B. A. FAANM T. OCB &Co
septl • • comer Ist & roal me
Intha, Jost roceiyelVond for tale by
septll comer lot & rood inn
MASON'S BLAOKING.—This bbl. just rc
aired and kw 'ale by
...ill . - comer Istanteed
p.DUCATIO3I—Fpanded on the Maumee of Man; by
2.4parWien W I We et
spll3 MORSE'S •
1111:4 CAM;F: O O , II.IL It -41 new !met; idr!
irtIiAtiIILIEMPAIISCELLANI—Nottof this rilaahls
a., wotkjust received; kn sato ea
siitIKICAIV REVIEW Oir o lArnb A c i tr y T
Ett3 st_oppottite the post office
V.l.ol4.—arbitriiifithitiitishota FiOitTis Siete; for
V mashy OAWFWI D & Ott
sptl3 COmltlntehont.tlhotty st
Abtiaitit-tf stiaFinita.
0 dna Fri • • r • aby
qual.l • • • J : 1) WILLIAIIIB
0111141G294—.11 bz. prone reed'
by CARI3O &Ideltrqoll7.
111ALIf-4 lan juot reed osid far_ aal j
_c cir a
,•• FAtN
bbh last rOestlt . g f.r
tptdN A t] (ale
BATH BRICK—I ease ells fiseec'd. IWO
seg . _ by - JOIIN 71)10110AN -
T A : I IIT RIP 41116-140,11111:`
11-10 bskts 4operlor Olin Oil in 'shay tire
‘''..bOttla . 1 'JACOB NVEAMIA
.Pg 3 : • Wide sor•
:,, ;
,d,~ ~'~
~._J •
.6/ aucticTri'.q&s-
' 'l4 John D. Davia. , Asho assopaSt• • .
,Ltage Cottage Howe and 29 If ' • ; Lot!,
' At Aactlea.- - • i ' ,
(I Boarder , the tht d. ° or then!. at irchleeki,..Pt
a...e O
hl; will be .0141 ea the premises:situate between
. Washowson and Steubenatlie Sernmltestoasts,a4.
losable Temperance vine, V 9 cheap Iluileing Lots, seine
ble for bunny and retired ecsideeeetef those tonged
in the ewes of Plusbenth and esty, snuck can
by steam ferries be leeched in less Re half eel hear;
Also, that handsome and spar' s fumes Cottage
Rosarßosne r at pnsectu esteemed by the 8 C...linuangsb.
y [
the above Ints.'wtth about one end a half
acres of pond on; eve ameba. 11/0 choice frail
me; Arebbcry, an excel et wellef want, stableato.
Each Lot will be aces:sad/le by eonvreipai eitemey a
plan of which may be soon at the Asedoresstad
the properly shown by a... proprietor on
~ mousse—
Tule mdispetable. l.
Terror—Ouelhotth .sh, ‘ the resi4ie liittlime costa
*Lineal payments, with neuron, to be setated . by hued
and mortgage ,
. 18, , 301Ih/ Ds/DAVIS, thhetionecr
. .
Building Lots in Lascstnesrgk, at Aeidion.
ON Satona rt
ip a.tnoca thu 25a. t. at aa•pleak tint
be told on the on:mites, two vulaable boor grand
- Mime in the Ikrough of Lawreoetttle: haring,each
st (tool of 23 feet on Boiler sty and estandom bock ISO
feet to Indult alloy, which It SO feet wide. • dale •pOM-
Terms—Dec.6ldr cash, balance in one Pos e :trial. in
terest, to be secured by bond And marts-21i fate hit
disputtbla I•KITH !deal., lOW
aptl7 JOHN D. DAVIS/1./timer
Large Sale of Valuable Books.
Tulip Evening. at 7 reckgg, at the Commercial 'Bales
Monts, corne large ltliond 11(0.4 La sold
at reserve; acollection of choice new booki;get
bnteing mandate 'works in neology, medicine, lomary,
"apnea and travels, ancient and modern elissiestylee
try and the drama, gee nets, and oarless other.gspant .
mans or science and Ideratore. Also, gold and swig
ant, letter And cap writing paper, family bibles In great
rtetT s det get JOHN D DAVIS •
sPLLh Auctioneer
ON Monday morainic, the etch inw atlo o'cleek, et
the Cotemereiel ftklltoom, colter of Wood mud Fifth
sts, v.,U ise told Wltheet reserve to close a consigu-
An -eitentivo acaornient of fancy no& sepia Dry
Gonda, boots, shoe., =brains, rajl bcou?eta, 3c.'
At g SPCktelr, P. 31.'.' • •
000 eplendid light camera Made baggy, 1 will toned
piano Ihne,l how mat mahogany tea, 3 oil paintings,
tsett mahogany eltairs,l pr parlor 'lamps, I sett splen•
did do; with glum 'baps, dressing and mammon bureaus,
4edstends, tables:. together anti • • utalli variety' or
household and kitchen (annum-, 0 day and 10 boar
clock!, stoves,/c. • • •..
gr,..rice, queens-gam, glassware, heaths:mg,
tinware, wrapPinS A lNati p.
A largo collection of nnlann:e new books, embracing,
standard works hi theology, . 043 6 0, S . gwotrY, history.
and general Literature of every 'rawly of size" cal
binding. famdy bibles, sleek books, lettered and 'cap
writing paper, gold and steel pens, wafers, An.• gotta
Admittance ati Cents.
MRS. MERRIIT, and ..
wIII appear oli '• •• • ''' . .
&turday Evening, SeittenisertBa, I
lon choice selection of S:.ongit, Glees, te. to. 5T117.1.
- ==l
Benefit and Wt appearance of Mr. MARBLE. •
Mr.MARDLE inane chantelera—Mr.JNO. DUNN
DRascal Jack—Mica ANNA MALVIN/ k in a (mute
mee.' •
. . . ..
Saturday, Seitegabir 171b;1847.
Will be presented the Drums of
' Hata sad Ory.
Lot Sap Sago • Mr. Marble.
Scamper Mr. Baker. Loo "Min
To be allowed bT
Rascal Jack Mr.Theso.
Waddler Mr. Lluell. !Lacy • • •Mirs ?clue
After winch a Scareit Pas Sect. by, Mtas ANNA.
After which dor.
• • Mr. Marble.
Frank Footers •lir. Baker: I , Mira Porter.
conelade with
Difonr , 7 .
On Monday Nits C. Fd EMI NS will appear.
lEFDoors open at 7, and curtain will me at P pay 7.
Endrudieg m Elmbit CumP./, and by ter de Largos
Earefralisent ever Orguitizeil s counadiesf '
• 200 nem mad .tharses • '
(,}Will be cut/bird In lion of the 'American Hotel,
Pittsburgh on blundayued Tnesdny, the 270. and =lt
of Sepiember. •
flllll2l Company .o.n make their era. preen.. throng%
I. the o,u.erpJstreets all& o'clock in are morning, her
did by the greet sad. •
draws by Ni beatifor mess colored bon. and drive. is
bard by th. ettlebrated Mark Johns.. The eaten., is 1it
..111 corer. with go., thentienor it Need throughout with
the nelson crimson velvet, and of tureeind capacity to twat
/4 people. 3 hi...lde is &norther superior to Um via mod
by IT. Asobuig,•orbay . flat h. beta Italdd
„States. and cod .
the &UM Ned months
TOM TH Uldll COACH, • • 2
ody 37 iambn in height and ha weight abouLloo potash. this
dunieuthe e-arriage hens anovel sight of Meng andsidien
compared witb die pond roar Band Chariot, thia enured
woadedel and - •p. mv being drawn • by two dimintene po
sies only 31 loans hettit, sceseapanted ?edit*. foot
sum, oatritler, &r. Thais Adair. bythe . •
re wtiieh I. fined up • formerea.:nier s pipes stellother
appestat, (at au mama. etprive) fir frestag the mituire.
-eatublishiennt wlrel.3l be Lebted more briliont than old
by the ma by the best of gra gown; f Oki Inernent—:
This =MG might am oaf! be sass al Howe's & Glen United
Shan Circ. Adn wlseheouter a train of3leuriages ego-
midi; pnforeetela enudrobo,
An tbn bee. made for the wane with W. 11.
Kemp, Gent.... doss Guts /*Wei , . Amphitheatre,
Drury Lane, mid other theatres is Loudon, who from his
I=l ',l uttrie ' Merl '1 hm war
Grintalr Ile t " . 1 1121
0p... appear at Wind.. CastG, by opre.l estmusa. of
Queen Victor. tad was granted as 1.1i1:11/ro of royalty, ass
boom to which kle publio,per Eimer. could emr aspire.—
Ilershlajesty end revue Albert wawa's° annum. Ank7's
Hsi!. Amphitheatre an the Grill production' orthe pum
as.. of Harkguis'i F.D., lillatars of Nght,whidi
pe t will begins with allonym. diens
tamper yUrsine% pea.... of the emapotty Ilia &wean
fnmances on • molting. barrel .1' full speed. and
antomplulthig the moil nor. ken with amain velocity—
propeltsn himself 'solely with his Ilet.
/fr. IV. O. Ds& fan principal Equennariand lisulter
of the CMIRUT.I.I6TiIIIC LIM:MU Ora greatest number of
tamer.. (o)ern seernuplialied bratty perfonnei la
the His Vultstg while in Pateluel. flap
tr....tunny, made s acosaticin,
o ver an
that code of the Athletic hiving nctomplished over in
t. g 0 wmenee,
EEFaticpul, the onlyeiraila Teutons of i rr.
Hale, and lb. hero. 29 sonsersetts; Ate which ha Itiold.
a gold medal. The audience will haveitu epporttmny'
of seeing woof tbe mole, millers in the world. IC.
!URI ly resuming the ehataptonship of their ptofewion.
Mr.. IV. B. Corroi s the highly admired and justly eels
cheated female oipfettrian Is attached in this company,
and will appear m an ..alb. net Of Egivedriamnt
which die will Inuode “a p e ir style of kale, cbt.irdy•
her own. • 1
B. W. Cener. the grad me horror rider and vaulter Is
also attached to thin company. c•
IL G. W. &raw, in his Shakspearian changeable
The javenile proigies, Ira.. and grov papili
Nizon,,fonn men the leas: nnerestmg parl of ,roe
Fat afall deurptionorlika performaner, sae Inns and
pamphlets ex the principal hotels. spa&
DEOgGIANIZATION• of die 'Cel e bnited arignethi
EL bend - of
nowisting of Mears • •
111[3ElliErs e A W ELS
and Wilt ROARK,
Who base the honor of manuring lo Ara public that - they
will glee threw of their Met and . .
roettLAa ENTERT A INMENT,9 r •
Ow F. Bearden and • Monday
th •
./.. 111 .rma
Gan of Mgr. Duette, Theea, Gimes Madre mer opmi:
vsel Opreasorsangral amegy Fir On Cas
t y.
Guitar, Congo Taaboong Bum, esm Mies the mum.
performn wand unringlerd, and erM it,nederwong Mt le,
dividwethy or cralleeliegy mamas style Ind execution they --
herebyMßrewe gas world
Cheat we he : wed lota le Ile selection of the numena
Snip. Oka., which iillhe 'mule brawler., in a mem That
mew defy ecanpatiticie. •
The gram yoreiai of Mb 4:0•411111:11. ben o , paised
nearly az year; sold Mitt thwabses quelled me the M.
• Forty. Tdmumd Niles of .rtrritoiy.
Their Cam% Welke man thate, MagerlVLerdad to
suromiene by. th e bean Minn of the • cities,.
who hoe beltiweil the bert Megrims an the tatent.
This tend hare jolt tho Qom City, midi a
INVOIIVIKOOMILIthtiOII - to - the Mrfallige of the 1401:1 city
ex crowded bowel and Mannded ipplam norl
- The Company willow but far Bee twee Mee milled
send gill inernedlergy pint Ibr Allem, and WM
York, Cm which place - they. will embark ix Betrayer
They übo Cdre great ploWire histwing MI from Ilion&
Wale agelyinedn ier the OM they enemy ma
bled tome the eclebrated Whale boOrtqwe on the
orVially..arn4o by flaws. Wells . Mllooky, at
The entreteinearnis will consist of Gm prat._
114-4. the Exquisite or Worthen Negro, with' mealier
puradienh te.
34—As the Sable Ball jthtgill
ad—rdu the Plentation.urgewdm Hadar, he. .. .
• • •
Mark iom;Aa
•No pea nt oa meant of the weather. .
Few fee puticulara s. prominent,
.1 415
H . a 12. , T0D0 Cave rcia received Curet froakke
genus fine, d fine, nod /3 El Gin Ivory CUmLr , iaeln
ding ally altrkets .12111., ;
cases Nanh's best Silveted Italian and Eras, iaQl
ding all the nataben,
g emelt Camel .Lag., itanufaetared fnm. Ow finni
quality WORM, tiazony 1.4 . 131,14.514 Carpeti n g .; Another au* of-ilroto vault panel lam buipend•
erakluet opened um •• "
to dose congignoer
Agents, tel iff.od
ally *Ricked.
abare.heobtlf , "
and Irtnte,lAd hh
binneid .•
lt~atyk, Ineledlew
Iraq • • an 4 yogi vierati
- •
01 IttIIIII. - •
4E.147. - •
::411 1 COati & KING'
, .
Carntr of Wood and Fifth st ru 6;
irAAAVE received iheirAtlara n) to of h art,
y respectfully. lava. , the salami, of it,C
heir rasa.
trinread efiracir.teaer}al ,- , '
.• , m,:j3 Wood oanctinnatLl • • •
LraniNn replaished ay
,isoe (roar this batsman}
JUL ball doacalei .atutPCtilo P , :rere.yl R• -
nooneirkie anaoann. and deititttsyltal am
to Sonia lam lodi all pods layalia on suit eater
• Daepelvilt ret•oileetaideAhrg"exelusivef I } in Ea'
dlory > ,llanivraso Carriage .Trhng.,
Stanza advantagea.ard asa hie me te !eV , oarei
see, =fledge for.3'oareetves. • • o ft,
Manufacturers °f lints, Bottles laidW Alan;
N 0.139 111001) sruEer.
. . .
/VIE Gattorics nourin full °petition, we are
' , Fero:wed to execute olden ie.., lino, prplopdy•
Dann. the.lert nioneter we. tam, Adopted a be. Pl.. or
gutter ltiludowlilusa, (the 110P1 upptoved plot , new
•Ined in the cast.) by hi* b .4111,0 Alm 1141 6. pc r ur . n,
eve.. Wars flattened on vita plea laperticity level and
tree; with a.. very G. lento Paulsen , ard slen!ta gee.
erally, on requested to call-and gamine kw
• l'""" fi e l f riga MIDI
, A • =la,
ND ca " • Wint errt
Jmt "'6"4 ' 64 fl''"l.'nbK
UTS- 4.L .L . 1•41 4 1 . 1.ed Alsir l :2!,
. • Ibblipaper'sl4:ll
. Bord '
, • 1". do. Walmasi' • '
ola Cream Nub; fin4ll.: by
10 bbli Flour, received pier keelboat QM'
scan; fee tabs by JAREN DA LZKLI.
FISUZNo I Salmon; . -
No I and Y MackYroli
N . !9 largo , do; Git yak by • '-
TILOS Alit 1 NAILS—.••
losaihonomoriedi • .
•7JU Itess , noiy, 'll•4'. 10 story i far Yziobj.
rptl3 • 3t water &Viotti yls
AVIVIN PAINTS—WeAIava treelred slarge — si.
sorment besilitlial, hies eelosest,aucifficltypiey
Prima or a weal variety of pnees . and illumines, far
sale law; • • • 811A,CLETT Ai, Mill%
R. MURPHY itas received it Law loner of
111 .above.goedv—shavismg . et co Medium
sod very 'opener Blankets and dheetical isms oho us
three yards, at nonlbeasiprcer of Ramis and Market
SUSSOI L YLOUUSS , ,/ort received' rho Han
and for solo al the l'aiborits Soitdcoical. Egad Seed
Store, camel of Wood oad4da am • . ; ,
bu ultl raosExv _AMA. 4.1:,-:;i7 iii - eaW
V V asticla aw °roaming:l7mb. and - other, k flan
. .
°dollar& awl tarsal° al. the Wide Nuke of
ao l lg .. lator mark. & uont las
T: 'Co , * Gold dm( diliree . ploom
.IY.L.tever Walchos,alitabhi for ge.solenseuattollortep,
gaimutally low'pneen, end winonted, at tho.WoulA
mod Jewelry &am of . W WILSON
.113 • or4th & itaarkei so.
OILICIIIMINO AND Sunitmrtgas—An excel.
4..) lent &mutual of 3-4 7.41, 7.4,40,t6 load 4-4 low
1 6 :4;1212Mbl afie lt i rAttITL I A-IVIMP eth .
tplls' " • •• wood in
013/511hrtNelf—A. regular amorily of 34,7.8, 44,
5-t andh.V, light and heavy/Imm themungss
fine and emin hoe Woven Shirunge of superior makes;
jun receiving from Egatom distmfactorere; for sale by
riposAccon- I pcLs now 'm.o. g, owninsAng
I assortowii toomino band* nnO of Bch.
".I.‘""C° kcaola b 5 i
_544 li - GALinrrintrrn
DIADMILS-5 ericaB4,74 knd S- Medium and.
good Linen and Table /hams, also, one
. easa 8 4
bleacked Linea Damask, a- Smi Imandfal. Sructs, Ass
opened and Orman by ' . • • •
eniond from IkeYsti a rapplrof rancho *fa vary
papcnor quality m lkilSee!l SUIII4. MIMI' 01 , Wood and
Gih nts. (9,131 - 8 MINIOCCIPINIAM.
bbl. Plolaspes 4.tor tale hi *
• IJiM.I3 111.1TUJI/ELIN 1.03.
rptlS o.woler & 94 front xis
49nn YARD3.O yds wide PloorOilehillti.scwslyle•
OVUM' patterns put'leceived nom fbillipmlly
to Mid irn Oak at esurrnsse 100[145 WOW •I.
400 YARD!I Elr:Or Oil Cloth viati border,
received haw Iheiort, for rale at
our 'of rosepotthro Wood rt.
o&7 . lland . BOA .. m store . ;
OLD PE2llB,4ast received a fermi *calumet
apply . ..of Premium Diamond rehab* bold reuse!'
arerialacd, and at the lowest puce& . . -
. • ot4 . •
l .
IV " " n ' tgrdir ' st ' n .r eZ . e "
bt) Veal seeker, • None but the hest
- • .A.NOICEIC illeCtlEft
Slar ClotbingNtore,7 stood st
.• --
WOOL.—Tbe price .in carb mill be paid
for chatrwashed•LOMooll nod 'gunner blood
Wool, by -
*pal . • 4.10 'rood rt
bbIs Loaf crushed and yereleree;
. 20 loss UR lugs Le3l; for sale by
sp3ls. Meats of tV leralablesse Refinery
lbslere Ceti* Feathers lanai. •
1.7 mg from 813 Senbearn, far sale ur
a4S Orli sr betareerroysntk. Itbery_
f. , ATLY:fiI.itA —.firritiosoribirinTe - 4aren Ale r
- b arrive, for sale of the-Wise pate of
IA 11110 la: trlEW—The Ocpt for oils u
IV sptl3 ' - MORSEIC
CLAY—YI eats German Carty now lauding nom ca
nal; kW saki by .-• Jtl BIDWELL
ri utUNIIES— A, nevelot; 11011, common. Timmy..
J. and otberg• for rale by • aptl J KIDD at/
lArarie• .4 -501b.oust reedoldfcte qualitte.clor
mLL ' tale !!), /KIDD tx co
NAII4-01Xkeg.aaboned ism_n L
oand: saln by
COP - kftlr•-.4)0 !leg . . X.;
tal .Jave; Jon ree'd; for isle by
_airtl , ~, DIIIIBILIKI; WlLbler & Oar.
/ Illtetitli-64.0 — ifox tableseverOil dolls, .4
a-rveat 'misty of Percents, received from Phillips- .,,
vale factory; forsah at .Tvrood et. - • , • . .51
sPt 3 . , -J& II PHILLIN
W. ,
.INACREIX:ICV 7 3OO - Idols lat . lls773,laniiiia-; for ig
zwa. .pizi sale by 11A 'AI.IW & bikini;
P . ;
llaitioirks for aria oy . ... ' 1.
.D iptiO ".: , : WICK k. IIieCANnI.MI ~
~~~~~ rt.,aa {~e~ me> f
Fraft—.so • 111 WWI No Übl..koicl
800 /of We by J DALZELJ,
I TO. 411 J Pl.
wood et
rIIIgtORTiCULTURIEIT, and loarmilpfßorarArt
L sad Moat Tana. trzember motet for aalepy •4j
11.111iVeSPAPFXS—Seeepd hundred for
74../ legume at tedGesene UGice t 3rd A. next dour WI
the Net entice. •
l'lMPur° 431"- lti tra t gL f; Yi r
.51 1 a • 491b5PY.?-.
C ti g " ATE-
Y uT lltn - A %VT
QTICIPJ.—A esat wronspeouitcau; skotr,Get
0 ...4.Pri0ir. EIVW. o.lAlt Siciol .are; ornte
sp:l4 by • LK WAThatedeti
f10V1P.134 Lyl Rio is .gory; fee rate by
kl • pU4 'LB WATt:RAIA:4
rl,es .--
EAS:-.60 tool caOdi of :it/ tr., Imperial,
.J. Ilion Powder, and Nook Tess Mom; for sole by
*PII4 •-• • 6. .18 W.OTHIMAN
C 7 I I IORB.IROOT-10 wk. frcith - Bat
.pll4 fer.alo by BRAUN a REITER
SaliAP am. h.. vr
Vll4 . i•Kmed; fat sale by
for sale by
ALCIPACIA.ONZEIA L -10 eaves jun new for
bbil4 • saw by L . : M t15E1.1.V.E*,57-woad at.
IY.L for sale wholesale antrehOl Sy •
opt{ lt,E SELLERS
-SPTS...TWIPKIITIBIie.-= Jan titled, ter
epta ,sake by SEl4Elit.isl woad at
RAISINS-11D Lai heft Bench Raft female by
Li. WA 11/.OA LEV te.EARTII, 19 it - 10 aroad
W(Flm6B-60, 739. exto, 1 1 41.2;10x141,10x1S.
.10:10,12x1(1,112x18, and I.lllClin'ilart; for aNde
• I.H WAIT:101)1N
CIDLITZ mix-rualc—ito Ih jam Ism/
ccd; for coital') • • SHAUN& ItE4TER
golf • car ao. chair & lll•craY r• •
J, l
k in
a :1 4 8
Carinctutloo itun .ited;
_— •
Q . PrTS. TVRIMMTIBIE-110 pram* rot
1,3 optl4 br -, 'UBAUN 10:1122L.
Tritsuscrrie,22 azjust tteeivr44-kx.. l r bT .
IV .04 : lIRAIINAIit.II2:4
r"Cl."d''"-Ba inr
' Aul't.s.R9re,F
Y_'""""'". *"'"..ew W.
.g.warthi MAD-4 1 1 A E..41,,,,,cr0u[i7 W.
PAO/L1144 ( ft Will_
.pg 4
Lreil.p_isaleli •
- -
rp 0610 PINK -11 bbljutit tee' Ted; for mki, b y •
*PII4 • ."R
_F: SICLLEtis • :
Cum ..15E . 7 4 abr! . -4 , 44 i tti t
'- corrTlLlGefdL
ut wa...ier ss
r iiil- 73 GLIB resa&arr. or*We br torAER
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