The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, September 16, 1847, Image 4

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.oeXitarainiss..4Be'.Cheerfal;. boys!!.
Bs A young man with a couri:' ,
nuance . habitually elongated, Widow de
:: - pitted' 'every feature, whose tones of
roicelesii . ah sad prospects within, dark
melancholy seated on the throne of hope;
:sea an one, while we pity him, we ex
,: clsimi' how. unwise! how 'wrong ! A
creature forried for enjoyment, in a world
'!./. teeming with:joy and gladness; notwitli
- ... standing the sorrows it-contains • gifted
With - -talents . . for. usefulness; capable of
exerting an influence for, &id oo those
itosnd; and thus ' producing harvests- of
boy; not - only for others, but also for hint-,
self ;.in intelligent creature thnicircuni
stance& why so earn:MlA t so dejected!.
To '.1),t0 sorrowful at times, on fitting
oecasions is right ;' our sins against God
and our fellows demand repentance ; we
should also sympathize with the afflicted.
But to "go mourning all our der' Is not
only unwise but sinful ; habitual depree:
sion of spirits not only , unfits the mind
foi the necessary exertion in overcoming
'difficulties, and the difficulties that hare
originally caused this depresaion, but is
likewise destructive of health, end, if
long continued, of even life itself; it
therefore; as unwise as it. is sinful.. It
is "'Will, not only because it leads the
•• unhappy-victim who indulges in it to '
'piss the blessings bestowed upon him
',by his. God, but, in proportion to the in-.
fiance he may exert on his associates,
so far is it sinful in Wronging diem of
their:cheerfulness, and consequently of
their hea lth and life, and in leading them,
to despise their mercies. For so great:
AM is wise to seek a cure; is your
sadness caused by crosses and Waist! ,
dark :prospects and glciom "hope againSi
: • 'hope." }'Though I walk through the val
ley of the shadow of depth, I will found,
• evil." Are you burdened with cereal
do cruel anxieties crush you "be care-,
ful fir nothing, but by prayer and stin i
- , pliCationa let. `your ---requests .bo made
known to . God."
, Cheerfulness - promotes health ! of body'
, ind 'tranquility of mind, and thus
sees to ' increased cheerfulness. Be
- cheerful, then ; seek out objects of pity
and relieve' their wants, or at least, if
. this is out of-Your power, speak - kindly;
. 'to them, encourage them ,to hope for
"better time aTcoming." By the exer
. - cise of kindness to, others, your ono
. woes will soon be forgotten. Instead of
an expression of gloom; you will soon
experience the happiness-of a- bright
countenance, radiant with smiles of
thankfulneu and joy. --Atom.
drand, a gentleman well knowu in Paris
for his unremitting exertion?, for the last
seven years, to perfect a system of rail
road travelling by means of compressed
sir,- seems ' at length, in a fair way to
succeed. He has laid dowO a way one
hundred yards long, upon which a car.
/lege, built for the purpose, is impelled,
upon his new , principle,
with an ease
and. smoothness heretofore not attained
on the - ordinary raihoads. There is no
locomotive necessary to moreqt. muse
-mach as this is accomplished through a
tube laid its the centre of the road, with
a pipe by tte , side, which keeps up the
motive power. Thie system,lhe inven
tor undenakes to show, is vastly prefer
able, in all respects, to that of the atmo L
spheric. It combines all of its advanta
ges, while ii is subject to none of its im.
perfections. It unites entire safety with
the capacity to run from fifteen to fifty
EfileEper hour. The cost of keeping it
in motion is stated to be less than one
half of that of engine propelled carriages:
CHRAP PAINT.—An Ontario ' fanner
gives the following receipt for cheap
_paint. He esys he has tried it on brick;•
and prefers it to oil paint, and 'says it,
will last. longer on rough siding of . wood
than oil paint will on plain siding of
boards. Take l bushel of unslacked
lime, and slack it erith cold water; anon
alacked, add 50 pounds of Spannsh
ring, seventeen pounds of salt, and thir
teen pounds of sugar. Strain the mix-
Aare through a wire sieve, and it will be
fit far use after reducing it with cold wa
ter. In' order to give it a good color,
three coats are necessary on brick, and
two on wood. It may be put on irith's
brush similar to whitewash. Each coat
most have sufficient time to dry before
the next is applied.
For painting inside walls, take as be
fore one bushel of nnalacied lime, three
pounds of sugar, five pounds of salt, and
prepare as above. ...
is related of a certain New England di
vine, who flourished not many. years ago,
and whose matrimonial relations are sup
posed not to have been of the moat
agreeable kind, that one Sabbath morn
- ing, while:reading to his eongregatitin
the parable of the supper in ;Ake zir , in
'which occurs this passage : ,
' 4l 4nd another said, I hare bought fire
foie of azepotnd I go to prove them; I
pray thee liavei<me excused : and nod;
er said, I hare married a wife, and there;
fare cannot come."
He suddenly paused at the end of this
verse, drew off hie spectacles, and look
ing naiad on his hearers, said, with em
*lair, "The fact is, my - brethren, one ,
woman can draw a man farther from the
kingdom of, heaven than five yoke of as
" - "
The Missionary Herald says :
"The Protestants of Haabeys, '(a
mountain village in Syria, where they
had seared much from the intolerance
of the Armenian ecilesiastics,) some
time *ince sent one of their number, to
• Constantinople, with an interpreter, to
lay their trials and grievances before the
Sublime Pone. After presenting a
statement of their case the agent was
informed, in due time, that the business
had been attended to, and that the Pasha
of ibat district had been instructed' to
protect the Protestant' portion of the
community. No paper was given to
him,: but the Hop.. Mr. Wellesley, the
English Ambeeirdor at Constantinople,
has a copy of the , doc.ument,'whicb has
been sent to Syria; and be says that it
is very sitisfactory."
German Reformed Church in the United
States,according to the Christian Wit.
nes% a only 230 ministers, 74 officia
ting exclusively . in the German language,
66 exclusively ut the English, and 93 in
both German and English, for 800 orga•
nixed congregations. Ministers there
fore, who can officiate in.both of these
languages, are greatly needed to supply
this demand for , pastors; besides the ur
gent calk for missionary labor by tfie
immigrant German population; There
are about 8000 persons in communion
with the clnch. • •
temptation that at
Brat is but a little cloud as big as a man's
;Lai; may quickly overspread the whole
- logien. Our engaging an sin le the ma
, 'llott Of a stone down hill, "it strengthens
In& by going," ;cid the longer it runs,
the mor!rviolent. Bewasti the small.
nsibegmnings of temptition. No wise
will neglect or slight'thb smallest
vale of fire,, , 'lMpecially if -he • see it
napes baziels• of gunpowder. - You ell ,
IMPO# l44 b 9lo Y°. ll t take- heed
sparks.Ftivet q • •
. _
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.. R.S.A P. •R•IL I A
Jaw extraordinary Xdicine in the Weld -
TYR eattle•l b pato, la /Use ho :mom twealheap:
sr, pleastowo, sad warowdod aspitior to may sold. ' earn
di without notitisre pusses, Maros et
Tho settM Waste mayerieetty of this Sovarmilla owe
all Woo iledielea whiltt it ineliettles Diwwm it beim.
Mat the Body. It is NS d rat, moy bed DIMINO AND
MILDICINES me Immo ~ it mot oaly poxes
tho what
. rates ad tenalitbes the tenon, but it Greets.
Mr, Ra teed Rid Blood;
M u
$t by no other.
Median. • And ta this boob. good secretor is woodelfal
oatmeal. It boo perforated vast the mot two ram more
dm ZoND now of Sum Caw of Dialmat • at less 5010
'of theme were iloweidend ioeunale. Mon *Li • •
;OM emoor of Chromic !Dammed= • .
StAou rage of . •
evo moo of j Otmert 'l =ility sad Waal of Swim
.7Nel tam of di/feral Fas4•Coosplaiats; • -
40 cam of ilerofida • •
gym own of Mewed the sad Drove',
Vali GIMP of Coatateptiou,
Tbotmewbef mom of Disease claw Blood, Metes;
&ri f e*, Saltitheos,Displeetat Fad, ke,Hte.
with tmeentaa ewes of Sick kfeedaehti rola so the.
ode awl apiaal „ 1 .
Thy, we ars swam, mast smear itteredibio, but we hate
front Orleans oadour arts frowau pate of the
(WWI Detteheaforming• vs of oltnioViibllf It.•Vaa
Buskirk Ewe. one onto, atatt temptetable Semite, la Not ,
ark, N. Lila:arms as that he eta tofu to mon than LW cm ,
eat to New-ce alma:, Then ato
refer of semis the
eNw York, "'bleb we will refer to wits pleasvos,
sod to mm of thanteler. It is lbw bat laitdkibo fin the
Preiadies of
et sate than diseatekooaa. It audoobtedly oaredelw fen
• 6,000 Cmstuivar 6uwtt •
AA ii remand We emus of dismay mad Feinted mw ro
. . .
Carr. O. W. toloCtisd, or elm iterate &mite Nero,
• sadt member of the New dowdy Legislature, has kindly soot
ddlooing certified. It tolls its own dory: • •
iLidtwoo, Jas. $5,1817; • fl
At you since /Pins token willo the lemma, eadmp whoa
sp.. Ica in a dailies.' Mao low Wooed to try Dr..
Towsweed's SersopurWoomi edit taking two or Urea bot
tles, I woo mry moth &ieredi .t attribute it entirely tot..
sold Sardopentle; .11tem mad.. tat. it, and fold that
L meroz o l t erf i =l bsiirsortut orfBfs,..l would
I O. Wateldad,kto D. S. N. .
This coedit.. mewhoisely . proms teat Mit teu.parilla
Ms perfect Medal ores thi mod ob./We' dim. of the
bk... Vino rm. oared la or hoes. orposedleuteL
Tweed clause.. _
Dr. orsam—Drorr His: I ban du phisoni to Worm
Ng flat throe of Foy .aildnot Iwo be:wand of the Bor.
by Aim too of your coolloot =Deism.. Tog wen
root meroly eilh 44 l
aoly tolva kto.
•botUto4 iook thoso, &my, Ike , oluoti Del ape Voodoo
. 4,20,14504 m: Terooroiraftally,
__ • Iwo W. Ciurr,rato mr.
• Nor York, Womb •.1. Net
. Dr. Tottamadtti SartaratiDa it a toren* mid *tidy
.trd itt 6 idttot ettateeNeteM: Dancitlamt, I<atarrhac, or
Whim, obaratted act/Meth Mtestructiao, Inteminstecte
a( Drier, teat tolattary diathargs forDr. the 'far
tral to of ilia metma—eio matter weather Da ne wt
of twit or emetic, em
- - - .
Nolduag can bamoe•ampristog flun brek e I
fubmithe human frame- DEW* Mt wawa end he.
lade, Man taking it, al once Wont ethos& and full aroma
ender belteseee. It iminediataly coontenactie CCM
bumesool,the inssbe few% winch se the pat oar of b..
tettea -
It erllenot be wanted of ye, m mem Of so &ete • ea
ten, to exhibit arnifernis domes perforned, Mitre can
wore the terra, tbat tiondreda of an han Wm repotted
to sr. . Simerideriwria• hambree mit/gout MUM ,
ray er weer
barks oir tbio inriduabler medieine,
Imre tera Mit nth WWII pipers.' •
p ro wl wy Add. Mies rocielly dieter:wed by
wants esd &laity, mid minw continually
by , patrol • amine of Yaws atm% lan of the'
wink rid ride caw dilsollke, end kering looms me,
whom you medicine Le dated per mum ; and ale be:r
ink numweemled be ad crew Mare dimniketd,l obtain
are WWI of you Extract of Abansperilla, Mown
tb.the dinetkWyme pre len In' • *bort period It wound
Corphilate and termed Le been, Ding it
the Omar neeired.,l rake *ware is thee acknowledg-
Wat,red rommaireeding it Or public. M. D.i &Mow,
1ni.17.1b14. Coe of Grand mit
. •
• Vossacicut, DepL fig; ISO.
Dr Timis& Tom all whom this say esseres—Tkis is
to testify that say ssili wed ans batik yoar
Is bar essidiesssent, sad. the isiet alansiss ..d
troubled vith the yisysy, nriii
tr at !las oars. afeeticea, sad my mach &bails-
Ind! it,l'7lrri*g4 We eGYmOaad
try it, with . bist r o
kith ; aid•estrieli it to e medicine bad Ose hasps ' s:
desired eSectoot a* is the hoarser soodeemerd, but alter
the s= of or ersisS of gm, the !i t opry soma s i e K r;
'scalds is sow relVi47. ! l . = =tins pre.
I . !nt.ribprpelf ymw mod : lasisennek'
This Eater of &nevala he bora
a Warr to kr Jo reeplointa, Ito ko=r oUVio,
no to =pre We is appeal:keg Our critical perd,
DO. ty'i neglect to tar it, es A• a
Fontein fe Ho f ea wwwitere non drat. to
which keens on subject at this 111114 of lifo. Tbis period.
awry le dd.yod far tenni yen by ring Ilia medicine 'Nor
It It Ire enable to those who .to oppnectitg rineshood.
as ilia arabited to aunt nature by grinning the blood
and invigorate; the note. Indeed, tie wrier is intr.
aril - Tor all of Lbw dinar Aram to which war to an
It brace ale whole neria.rosion periawaili The re
nd wergin—by emery U. impede. of thr bolt—ar
so At Aruba* tbo masa ao to prodded oubseepter
Wei: r ani* I. Lir ma of phost amlisires lons for kook
- - - -
TIM who ban ptletweepleowou, lareyes,lll:otetra oo 110
feet; monk Ada, or freckles. ..d .n its ;" eon
a batik or two of De To watead'e Sam ' la. le will
doom you. bleed, masa the freeklaw awl
girt you animation. varklict •. ewe spirits. owl beautiful
ausupbdtaweeall at while aree u wwweato val. to aroma:
•. • •
No ISM or median. tilo ear . Seeu doe:rested which al
warty resembles the pale juice or saes in deeourtmeirm
Aselsod etasgthenag owner:if digestim, .o ale rem;
ration of Sanatarna.
Smut Thrsarnmwr. Missy, May 70,181/
Dr Tinewarser. Si r-1 here bear eAkted for antral
lean with ilysteprie iota worst form, attended with sour
saw of Pooobth, toss of wpetitc. ettlavat boarlburn, sod
grad means to at kinds of Soon sod tor wawa (slow I
could eat,) I ban - bees tumble to mule bate man pram
at my stormele. I tied the local meedies, bet they bad
bat lads ot,io effect Jo mioriag the eceopluat. I wee a
doted, about two minted: me. to try your Extratof Strum
peril* and - I mat my with Mile easAdeare, but alter may
seed am bottles I toast ray eppetist moored. eal
:entirely sawed; sod I " swedd termry,reamo
isesd the re alit toe th 'droll., ban ennead et I have
Men. ' Yours, 4.., W. W. V.of Zogrrr.
Nor 92, MM. Stars Word.
Bead Ilre Waving, read dosbt if eon can, and eetwaser•
ben wernot ler wired. This is awl,' taco( tee several liandeari
cam that Towatesardhomproie lirw mewl t
. Toweatasi—lbar. Sr: I was taken, • Lillie row •
ger %.o, with • area op* teed pain it elde. /I be
amed on NC Kr) =lO. r 0.010134 by phy-
sic/Ims to bare the q astsan ol. krtiotr relied large quan
tities of bed rater, bad sielt sweaty wed Within: very ho
my doctor aid he mild do nothing ear sere. I want osto the
ho d
bops •4 being Weidner', bat wae prunoweed tbre•
as inepre. I was sow pretty 'diwend at At kap and
could hardly %Falba I wart berme enskiatadosid eaptaled
dia kr my bed, wed was obliged to have
embus .• Indeed I cannot give yon any .dewription that
weld do
me to my ewe. I wss awned by m; friends
Mb. peat moray bed tried • sweet otteaber of remedies,
aid art ward lo ha to an repose. 1 read of maw mow ex-
Inaselially earn performed by rice Madw end to tell
yo• the blob, I marrireetad theta wart tome mba; In
hail was indnewl to try it, I did se; and awa etry k
I did. I canned my that 1 tee eintkely well, ten be go Sr
laureled la to he about my bonne t% sad barratry be entire
well in • kw •nruks, weigh and pun be the eke,
and nirld . rreresta bare left at, wad rim ten eery littk, and
.wreng arej =cal fett it • duty to
}oda elateremt of nil cee, Judith Ir yott pleaw4
rwrirbßnowx, 47 Lank broaltlys.
Ozdaless or Pliyi!telass.
Dr Toimiteadl sdessaailveradog elders from phy
meter is Illahreet garb at tin USX.,
Tide is tomtit, that an, the astetsigsal, Physithets of
Me City of /Pay, hoe ,La aseeraes 01••• peseribat
Teamsters. alte•lieletel Imitate it taboos. of the met
Wolk prepusliose of the Oenalletitie ia the market.
.•YC Pewee, It D,
Witsca,si a,
a 118a.teas,• a,
ahem Alle9 1, 1845. • PLPamwn,s a.
Tito le le entity art we,the tai practising
Tboalwatee Ybricomeof the at, aest.....r can vmt.
ly preeorktei Or Tewrwerih.Cootpostal Lakeet of
end kw itt lateerattal wn patties woad neowasead it to
the Wlie kw , tmdelwaowit_etbsee %mve d/ao
now, ittpnifermee to owlet the •
W ilresat ww•tteet ~lke sow In
to• p, •
i r tjprill,llllll. Ws 11 Ilyurriar, T
ogee, 115 Yahoo et, SewE.lY if Y; Red.
dtioW . ClStakt et Estee; Dr Urn &VOW 1# Nodal See•
wept Pkawfdpkke •
rrr Ikea,
_Beltotoi sod by .
•reel d efitirthe r
Nan guaulsi, Wen reap the tip rpm look;
whirl estate owl sad Aped with the mita, =we
et a P T0W216k.., and hlsowne blown to th e
l'svo the Amite.* Daily &pew of AprllV,l;47,
A pnitly_Cheat appeared WM watt rstertey, kern
the aerate:keg calorAerraptaille fsz!le of Dr7raertut.
T.t a i i==tiC, A y,,, ;Alai t4.ltl '"' w
tie mot wort, hagoid,stisawitg; ha lime, wad* e rti:w
Reef equiSed drawliray. We Oka ihis opportunity I.
to trebrliert Um extract et kw Sarnprilla irretit the
!Fittest poptalwrity ft lute snaked.
'Nerve= Debility.
Azar Yoast,Muchsl7,l3o
Towaseut,.l hm bma ahead acre or l ear 3
ruse, web . sheitioloiakiagie tberhest, Odium m. hese, toss of appetite, pea is the leeks eel emend debility,
broqht sta act doubt by lb. cialitted boat and cold to eitkit
las subject to in etylmosoa ao .dyer. I tan taw other"
militias:., lap mow. to Entice, bet vith °room
s:es. - I me iodated by fr - what I worm Dapper to Iris belle
of yoor omerhich I boaelpeat Mist. I hare
skies takca wand Nose bottled, art I ea ooloottathily oey
it is lb. lest stedicias I itsn aver takew—tho pea ta
?rii=joor ."U /ItospriUs. "4"..l =crw . n=i i iTt ' s
dna ever I had. MI
hes takes it with than. 3-
cis' matte 1 *cad reeteasoestil it as a hail, .I.4lkit.
mentoy; moll Gel toarebeed that if *a we Duo trealdeot
6e half the &tam there is, sad costatqatcatly oat et may
Dodoes bilho be arhitrit restores *wit., it aloe kat to
the stomeadiood bouts thew regloort it keeps tgo idood•
la a lealthy - lead that Doo toast so Mull to attack the
mina. lead to lime who sot alealthystals I 'lay
try Dr Tortoeod's tiasalparkb. • •
.Tstottaa Darns, /Ua tt
• •
Osakeiln the North. •
• Below Is on awn* ofmailer child steed Dr Towtoesd , o
18=Oa hos wed the 111ao of &ham* of childrov
lowiag anti:pada lo *Wed from a grcat mob.,
r wired this week .
Nay 702.14 Apra 4, ISO.
ill, Tomas& Deer airo—On• of ay children wao Tcr,
ikk - with eY Gm* in Ow moeth nod **, mended with
'coat &Wily. It o= mar drip"; 1 ohlained moo of your
*els( wal ewrQ &mai, kw which 1 to.
Too. mpeclfully•
toy e weowl*, Deobranoo . ,4 , _
for Mil b 7 ito SZLDroulot, N 057 Wood ot„
*we= al 'and Ilk Ms,.
hao boon amnia* •by Pt
TOWNSEND eas far •• • eck jogghtwig
_ _
Dr. J. Pettill'linerielit - NT&
JACKSON St Ithitry Went. • • • ' ,
It bu eared thcanatel of eak , rem gram - latad and
4 ."lth ll 7the tr( meat, Of the Inamaggennund and
W m
intnala ethane aux* Irma of 93 awe' llthdLath
where evathethet known remind,' and
falledeltheeasa. • It thrall known thiu a ran rare
edy bt ithe Is akimbo, in noltevlng el ethanol.
anee, Wean, and Inithanuton; Ibinni i 4 l t
. eal i teadOdO ,
brainy the: Pelee Weenie per be eta and*.
rectiona,'nenideaada gratanthath, • *Abated g.
Net ante Depot:for *be -United;
W a Ita Jean oth Nerwlfork. —, • Irtl B' =d
bft• e3sOO
•..vfN dazed' We Great Bawlwiled nr the Werth
thealesd and the
.Apt# bllook Awn
10 7. 007 7. •
, DM, 111117.111Y111P6
• • 0./111StEMOlif br • •
DIS - IMPOptioll, tide, Ashen. Ramekins, Lirm
compaint. Spitting Blood, Difficulty or Breathing,
_X.sin in the aide and Breast of the
. ; sad nit .
dieraaes of the Threat. Bream arm
• , the new annual and
theedycareeverknown for
any of then domes;
• • is DIU:MAYNE:3
• Aserrnsa Lonna wmass..—Read with satow
sheen the Wonderful cure performed by Doctor
Swayine's" Compound Synth of WILD CHERRY:
• rBILIDLLPfiIk, January 23;1847. '
Dr.-Swaynec—Dear Sir: In justiee toyoureelf and
a duty I owe to, iufferint humanity, I - cheerfully
gine my testimony, and declare to the World the
malt satonithing, effects, and the great nue your
• Cog ponnelSyrup of Wild Cherry performed on me,
ender the most unfavorable circumstance". - I win
taken with a ardent .Cough, Spitting of Blood, se
yeti Pains - in the Side and Breast, which seemed
to break down cud enfeeble my connetation,so that
my Olney:lan Damen my case boyoad the power of
medicine, end my - friends all gave me tip to die; but
thinks to you and the effects of your great discote
ry, I now feel myself a well man, and rrisedfrom •
mere skeleton to as fleshy and healthy a man ae I
have been foryears - and shell be plened to give any
information respe cting cry mute, by calling at my.
residence, Meehonic strese,third door belowriaorge
wen, Northern Liberties. /Aces Palma.
Tallowy is moo ranked from all Quarters o
. 1 i • • the Globe.
The following letter are presented with a view
of more folly allowing the opinions of Physicians in
relation to the Medical value of Dr. SWAYNE'S
Dr. Swayne—D ear Haying and your Com
pound Syrup of Wild Cherry extenrively in my
practice, I was requested by your Agent, Doctor express my opinion in writing of its
properties an a remedial agent, I most cheerfully
comply, as I feel - by so. doing, I will discharge a
debt I owe the community et large, and Plink.=
in particular: As much es I dant Roan Remo.
die. and Patent Nostrums, I ten induced Darn
a failure of the most potent expectorants, recom
mended•ln our matena. medico in some eases of
Dinned Loop, to try your preparation of ?mans
Virginia or Wild Cherry. It is 'efficient tony that
I was armed pleased with the remit of that and
senequent trials, dal now prescribe it in prefer
once to 'Mather Remedies where an expectorant is
indicated. In the much .dreaded Pneumonia or
Disease of the Loop, in the alarming form klatch
it appears in. Kentucky, I regard it es no invaluable
Remedy In the treatment el that dans". Toil
who know me I have mid enough, bet as this say
he seen by ninon out of the vicinity of ffrankfort,
I will bneffy add, that I have been engaged in an
active practice al my profeseioa of LL year",and am
a Regular Graduate of Treenyhania, and this is the
first Patent Medicine I ever thought amain of to
expresi an opinion in writing.
J. H. &laws, M. D. •
January 7th, Ern. Franklin Ccanty, Ky.
• FILUIZIORT, Ky., /nay 7th, UM.
The above certificatin Pam one of our Phyri
cians living a few miles from here, he redoing g very
good prseuee, and is considered a good Physician,
and stand. fair; be is, u he says, a regalargraduate.
- DR. IV:L.
Druggist and Apothecary.
Testimonial weer cease.
From the Teihpenuce Pledge.
Now that Winter a upon to with its 'attendan
train of Pulmonie and Bronchial athehons,Coughs
Cade, &e.'ate we would advise those afflicted in
this way to make immediate trial of Dr. Strayne's
'Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry. It sell never
fort to pedlym a permanent cure. The reputation
of this medicine bee men many spurns" articles
to be put forth under lea name; bet the preparation
of Dr. Swaps., besides being the first ever offered
to Ute public, is tie only one that can be relied on.
The other mintaree sold for Wild Cherry Syrup,
Balsalas,&e. ' are all oration and wooden., and
contain noneof the virtues of the original prepare.
elan, Dr. Serape's Compound Syrup of Wild
From the Springfield &prim.
Ofthe thousands of purported coati.e nostrums
now before the public, but very few are lona to
poetess the healing virtues for which the are re
commended. Among the latter we are p leased to
leant ooze eland a better test than Dr. Swayoe's
Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry. The *Mated
la (hp aeinity arc beginning to use it, and to their
joy they find to its ase their hopes band upon Its
recommendation. more than radon. The afflicted
need not despair. While there in file, there now,
• 03Sian the introduction of my article to the
public, there have a number of unprincipled indi
vidual. got op nostrums which they assert contain
Wild Cherry, noon arecalled••Balsams,”olloters,'
and eves Syrup of Wild Cherry, but mono is the
original and only genuine preparation ever lotted.
ceo to the public. which can be proven by the parr.
lie Record. of the Commonwealth of Petentylventa
Tkq only safegaard against imposition ts ne see that
my signature a on esch,buttle.
:e i DR. H. SWAPPER.
11 epee...treaty by Dr. H. S at his Princi
pal Office, career of EIGHT and , Nati Streets,
Phil delpbu. , All Wild Cherry preparations being
fictitious and counterfeit Without his enigma:um
For sale in Pettriargh witch:sale and wale) ,
%VAL THORN, 63 Market erect,
OGDEN & SNOWDEN, earner Ped & Wood outs.
S. JONES, NO Liberty street.
Sold also by J Mitchell, Allegheny City; Boyd,
Carus & Co., Flatter; Weaver & Heedenion, Men.
err. Norman Calendar, Meadville; J H Batton &
Co., Erie ferKeture & Kaskell, Clevelatid; Deal.
D. Son, Column'', Miller, Brorme ri lle; Marsh,
Wheriag, Va.; E B /11061111 . . Cincithati, Ohio; Dr
E Easterly & Co. St. Loki.; J Morrie & Co,
Loarmille, Kra Andrew Oliver & Co., few Or
etTl - 1763firETTMES
1 5 r77. - iltirN.;,vre,fge t „ * . be tia th , e ; l l
osl Atfeetions, Contractions of the Muscles Sore
Throat and Quinsy. lunch, Old Ulcers, kaineln the
Bach and Chest, Ague in the Breast sod Face.
ToothAehe, Sprams, Smirks, Salt Rheum, Burns,
Croup, Frosted Vett. and all Nervous Diseases.
, The TRIUMPHANT SUCCESS which has at.
seeded the aplicatioa of this mon WONDERFUL
EDICINN Io curing the most weer, cams of the
different Itmeares above named and the HIGH
ENCOMIUMS that have been bestowed epos it,
wherever it has been iotrodoced, sires me the right
to call on the. AFTLIC fED to resort at once to
ErThe faculty unite In recommendingthe cele
ated Extensa] Remedy. Hent's Liniment.
The following letter from the highly eminent
Physicians who bare bees attached to the Monet
Pl.sant State Prison for many year.; is the hat
endenco of the salon of this celebrated LirinfeaL
Stirs Srso;Decenitier 556 , 1845.
My Dear received your note of yeatenlay,
olden my opinion in relation to Hunt'. Lantraest,
as prepared by Mr Georyo E Stanton. Iffionring
its composition, and having , frequently used It. 1
can recommend it to you as • safe Eateraal Reme
dy, ainl in my opinion, the best Liniment new is
- 4- u° renlliani,..
Col Pierre Van Cortlandt, Croton Matter.
. 1 folly cotter la the above opinion.
Sir—la reply to your letter, I would ay that
have used your Entreat Remedy, called Hail's
Liniment, la nay practice sinus you made me at
quainted with its composition. and unhesitatingly
say that I believe it to be the best External Reme
dy now in am for the complaints for which yea re
commend it, our
Ys reepectlal, •
Geo E Stanton. Esq.
irrAmong the sorosof worthless articles and
hembugs that are poured forth at the present day
upon the country, it a really refreshing to fad
mantillas of real practicel utility, sr:measles am
ple, speedy and effectual in its operation, and at
the same. time free from those ittlfioo/ effec4
which generally attend powerfill remedies. Heat'.
Liniment, prepared by Gee. E Stanton, 01 Sing
Sing, though it has bees bat a short time before
the pablic,bat already obtaieed the confidence, not
only of
a rm moat wealthy and influential eitisens,
bat oni most eminent physician.. All acknowl.
edge Rio be a eotereign balm for many of the ills
that Gelb is hair to, soothing the aching limb, and
by genuine stimulating iellance, banishing die
cue from the .ystem.
Mr. :Stanton-441r—Seeing year advertisement
of Hunt'. Linimeat, 1 - was induced to try Its diem.
cm my nog, who had been crippled with. lame
back from an infant; and it is with 'salukis I bear
untimoey to its wonderful healing properties. My
child, who is now See Jeers al age. is now in a fur
way of recovery, • Yuan, &c.,
POST 0771C1i, TOWNES" PillitaltlCO.
•I certify that 1 am personal r scqualuttd with
the shove named child. and think the Silber would
be sale la saying that hi. son I. almost well.
Nov 5, 1845. Deputy Post Master.
V. S. LI would also state that I have been fur s
iromberafycers subject to fragment attacks of th e
Rheumatism, which Jemmy instance. prevented
my attending to my bailees.. Two or three appli-
cations of the Latiment invariably remove all al.
feetkinsarthe kind. lo cases of bruises, uprolee
end sores, too suzerain to mention, it has in this
vicinity: proved a certain remedy. Its value` can
only be estimated by those who have given it a fur
• ..
.. This Liniment is sold at 25 and 80 cents per b u t.
'de, by all the Principal Druggists and fderehants
throughout the country.
Whokaale'Agents in New York.
HOADLEY, PHELPS & Co, 142 Water
RUSHTON & Co, 110 iiroodway.
A II & D SANDS, cornet Fulton and William.
ASPINWALL, 1.% William street.
Order., addrened to me at Mimi Slug, N Y, win
be itteadod to. GEORGE E STANTON,
For axle in Pittsburgh by L WILCOX, Jr, and J
KIDD & Co. A I legnony City,JOHN SARGENT
Birminghani,JOHA SMITH..: ; 3449
The OFlgluall, Ugly errnit, and
. .
PREPARED by R E Feller.:
Qoarrith Aug.lo, 1817.
Nr R E Bellers-1 whit you to send no by tuall,ona
down of your Liver Pills. Your pillu are daily becom
ing more popular a. • sanier", not only, for brat tom.
plain:, bur fur Fever and Ague, and Daum affeationa
generally. The demand' la so great at Ibu ime,: that
we main wan atoll fall, when we expect to be 'nine
0111. Yong reapectfully. A 8 PROCTOR.
Cauffraw—An there ate other pill., called 'Liver
be enrMl
ti z mpagAn=
70- 804 by . 14 Clout, 54 ward,. and D 11 Ca p
r r r nl
: ammo's ors o.raw
lot* ear* that, by taking one vial of Doctor
.174eLeire'a Worm Speeibe, a child or amain Slum%
pegged .apirrairda of 70 worm and by' th e two of uld
aodieloo a obild of my ow. polue• /l.forge worm.._
It to tralytho mon. sarprbung wOnnwthelleine 1 weer
twist hal. Iwo more
wN hi{ ..•
. .
- OlunrTmrm\ir
Forsabi by I ADD & Oh No DP Wood Woo. rdto
be ;' , NOW
. .•
• Mot Vei\ • , 2 i
mtplu t acmes the arms may not be explained,
Shane the-.(.as ate duly aocertaincd,
Let vot d.pritudiee, or pride.,
Induce mankind Mar the meow aeidek
Mena. whitth.the a sole, ate by Heinen designid
To alleviate the lust !name kind!.
nliJSOlrpm remarkable thelluton,whlch bee salved end
approbstern of the medical pram= of
Great Baltath,Comprtoce In entirely nem eppileation
Galvanises, at a restedml agent, by:means of which the
=c Ma
lima pow; of Galeastlia asscee ' ardreat anyT,rrh:
chicaned :Mel are inesparable hem th m several mode
Mile. now in it. The Wm, and intervals,
in which Galvanism as toned by the hates, has
been prootaunced, alter a fair and impartial trial, to be
dethfolip thlioteas, and it sou to remedy tics radical des
feet thrallu new application was prthecied, which, af
ter musethlon mil end Fecseverance, lie.
to Its present state of pinfeetion. The Odeefas Rasp
answer all the iputhotha of the most expensive Ma
chutes, and in many other respects are messiah and
muds in aemersinfithe desued erect.
The iSirshranis • need in corusertion witlithefilfaf-
Fbritt, are eo dandy remonnended WI diem
dm raid arta/rem se whielted or antlf OM d r
du sated. sr tied seamy and these complaint. ere
among the mint peinful and universal to whith we are
tubject. They anise, without exceptive, feem one Mo.
plc caus.--e denuthethent of the fitheme. System--
and it within these cue* that other insmadieni baring
re often (salmi. a new aavist 'ma greatly needed, which
It is confidently believed, Leber= festal In the proper
and Judieioas applications( Galvanism.
The Galvanic 6 nege. ham bees seed sad& ensure suc
cess le all cams of ltimlafy, IMMO chronic, ap-
Iyin the head, fete or 11.=W a tir k =
Indifersiess Perailloe, W OM EtAlPsiljr_rfai Comte.
Palpitation $ she Haws, /p ark 20722ists,
Sminal Complathla kradmie, lifienftia limas. It.
wen DyUsy mem Dissitum ef tly,cs Chan.•!..l
Nothest istmlYithemalEs.
rm. sad an NE YOU !MRS. In rotund
confirmed Dyspepsie, which Is simply a nervous de
rangsmentof the digestimseeps; they ham boon found
m emafuL lbws sibasolinsm edlems upon
the system onths masa abe behaved, and as a
certain prrrentive for Os pomading complabsta they
are equally reeemmenisdi 7b Lao arts of different
pier., being made of an apes, sea of smooth ore.
mental pauctins, and eas be Owsilby Memo deliene
female without the abeam isecentssleereei to fact,
the sensation it rather agreeable than etherwites
The Galvanic Belts, Bracelets, Bands,
Garters, Necklaces, he. •
Dame cases of a etre severe elanteter,mad of Wog
standing, the power es applied by the Galvin= /DM
is not enfikient to arrest they retreat of disease and
altbnately raters health:l The Improved modilicauon
inlthe Gartartic Bela, .3racelets,
/sc., entirely m.m.
dies th is oldeetims any degree of power that renel
red can readily be obtained, and ao complaint which
the m) armies spat of o.lrtuilent can =feet will foil
to be permanently relieved, These ankles are adap
ted to the wain, arma wrists, bilks, aneles.,*mty part
of the body, with porker eonvenienea The Galvanic
Necklace. are coed with realer benefit Is rues of
&melting or affections of the &mat genandly; also is
rues of Nerves, Dithfinthe; and with *lamest nallmn
emcees a. a preemie. Ibr Apoplexy, Epileptic Fite,
and 'WORT consplainte
Clirbtle's Magnetic Flald
• Is used to connection wok the Galvanic Slap atujall
their modifications: This composition has been pro
nounced by the French Chemw to be one of the most
exusendinary dmirtmeries of =dem sidenea
. Rube
hayed to peseta the remertablep ewer ofroilistrth
%ma avittillied • gateasele edam by this Mats 012.1221.$
a concentration of the infthene, at the' seat of &mare,
thee gating tspial:aed penthisent tither. +No other
cosepomtion in cheuriar is know= produce the time
efect, or to impart. Medlar plopeny to the nervous
snlorm,by method an marmot loth application. The
egnetie Fluid remain nothing. capable of the ellght
ajar ts applies:too - is eareab ,ie and it is as
Images. in its action as it m betielleial in to remits.'
Fell explanations and &echoes accompany it The
combined inmates. are in every way perfectly ham.
lests they am sold •t prices within the reach 01 all and
the dtheoverer only requester Alit trial a. • test of
their itemising efficacy and permanent benefit.
Cbriotle'a .Gairsale Strengthening Plas
These articles form anitither trainable applicatlon of
the mysterious Maumee of Galvanlem. They ate au
important adimet to the gcnothe (Meanie limp and
their medifiestions, acting upon the atop fit theiPls , ten
having the advanntge °lmam local application. They
am confidently recommended a* a seeable addltiou la
the speedy ears of Rheumatism, acute or chronic; in all
nervous couthialnis, nod as appeals° matey tu eases
Sf Pairs and Malmo it. du Chtli w fistly Piga Mate
ide, fa Asthmatic dpkeses, and in Waltman tor
netsry , Praminsary OtflUY. la Spinal Chimp=
Wertefetts am of the MOM &oiled elancter, and they
bare Often hems used with complete emcee. They are
also of the greaten advantage in Pains and Weakness
of the Breast, gad are hid!) recommended far many of
theme complaints us which female* are especially liable.
As an elfectsal tames let saningthentog the system
when debilitated eve disease another emetic macer
ate aid In Coesunatiessal Weak..., as • Preventive
for Cold., and all La affections of the Chem, general/7'.
the Galvanic Strengthening Fleeter will be band of
great and permanent advantage. Its a kw wordy
embraces all thirrumes of the bem_lonle prepaiiin,
with the important addition of,.the sesame its e,
which M nei th er impaired nor *rhea:mil, while
non manner. These articles will he bead eithely
free front those objections which ma 1 miasmal team
of complaint with the onljnary pluton inestmacamm;
. .
os The great celebrity and wawa( these Miele*
has cowed them to be canderfeited by map=
penona. To provide against laipantlion, Dr.
ha. be. tee authartred eaten lassett eh of the MON,.
OlUto Inebect endue:at respeetabie character, AMNIA.
rangy trecived, :roardellf tie oarrannfinarrvalita
and meccas of the above articles, • It te believed that
in the 'city of Neer York alone, guards of 72011 T
1110USAND PERSONS:daring a, period of re.. than
a yeas, bays been entirely relieved of Die mon palatal
chrome disardele. erne of , whielt have compietely baf
fled ee fared efforts of medical an. • Indeed early of
the first physician. of this city, etio disapprove of the
Galvanic and blapetle NseiSISIM . roaroaatly. recom
mend this eppli.eation their practice, and
ji v e theta,
of Ihvvo tee, petiodicod waive it a fr.
at, the lawmen has received sumo trams favor wort
the wow 'owl] f l at smog the American Fat ally: Dr
Climatic Is at all Mope ready and SIM happy to siva
y facility to physicist., and ail interented, for e
tog the troth of kte mentions and the efficacy of his'
OeOSS. ir weary la Pittabargh, eon:teeth and Market el
AI 1.,13!
ERSONS afflicted aritli &niers, Kists Evil
Cancer, Erpipelas, Old Sores, Clem; Tetra ,
Merearial Diseases, or any caber complaint. aria*
from (=mantic. of the blood, are reviewed to read
this following testimonials. m proof or the woader
fal properties of this above named mediciaa.
- - •
. W the muleiligoed, Jowled visited Mr. Ilium
Stooks, Jr. at tkih Mks of Mean flowind sad
Wilton, 376 Merkel 'Army, Philadelphia, musks
his me the *mat remarkable ode we have eves wo
mender Mard of.
• Hu disease Ida SCROFULA, and Mast
bad heel it twelve year,' conflict with the de
HisPalata,tbe entire amarof hia mouth, Niue, Up
per Lip, and lower Lid el the Right Eye bare been
estroyed, and
Face nearly eaten op, and port of the
Jaw n o carried away. And yet we ,ren give so
description of hI. ate.
Mr. B. Worms as that In January lan. the whale
loterior of his month, as well u met of his face
woo a SUM of deep and *Mill liken! •
On the 14th of./ dear, last, he commenced takion
CEA, which checked the disease io lewda,ys, ua
rom that time the inn has progressed without in
New dash beenppliod the place of lb* deep al
eery, and though badly dlafigosad, his lace is sound
cad his general health is restored..
We are unwed that in the treatment Of Mr.
Brooks' cue, no MerserialkOintotents, ote•Vatie
applications have been rasedr—in rack tNil YANA.
CEA ALONE, has wrought this weaderfiti cheep
David Smith, Becks comity, Pa.
Cherie. L. Rewind, Meediille Crawliml eon..
J W Jones, M D Sonar Second street, Elute
Jacob Lee, Perobertoo,N J.
E W Carr, 440 N Foarth, above Poplar st;l9. L.
S M't 'enough, Lancaster, Pa.
It M Maddock, t 6 North Eleventh at. Plink
C W Appleton, M D 46 South ek do
.Timothy Marion co. Minmari.
Daniel Vestal, Chesnut Hill, Philadelphia co. Pa.
John Hanied,l9o High street, Phila.
William Ifieeling, 31 0, Cluadea
William Hale, 37A High street, P hila.
J H Potter, Maseracturer Cl Mineral Teeth. 10 9 S
Ninth street, Phil..
I. A Wollenwither, Ed. Phila. Democrat 177 N 3d
street, do 1
George W Meet. Brunt Maker, 317 Market St.
Ears Carr, 159 Ckwnt drain,. Phila.
A I) Gillette, Pieter ell Eleventh Baptist Church,
John Bell, Ens Mot, Pkiladelphia, (North Amer
can office.)
Aaron Sande, 164 Cathatine Street, Phila.
Daniel MeGinlep,Esmier's Alley, do
Andrew Sweeten, Camden, N J.
B H Evans, Werdndle.
Richard R. Yeaag, (tildes, 409 Market sL Phila
John W Ashamed, GO South Sloth street, do
T S Waper.Lintographer, 11l L'hesnat streak do
B J 6aull, 113 Elevenh street, do
Peter Shen Smith, Editor Native Eagle, do
Joel Bodine, Glass manullmarer, bVilllamatown
William Steely, Parmiogton, Van Baran co. lows
L B Coles, MD, Boston, Mass. -
Karel Canfield Phielolorn, Philadelphia.
Thomas P S Ro by . 31 D, Hanbiborgh Ps ,
Peter Wright. SSW Market street, Philk
James W Newlln, 103 - Filbert at. do
John Good, 174 Space st. do
William Une, Pawn St, PaiPeM, E. Clkentharine
St. Phila.
T 4 Sanding, Publiana of Pledge and Eitandazd,
F P Sella," Editor Oloe Wand, Doylestown;
• Whole'shind Retul by Rotunda Walton, Pito
prietora, 376 Market St. Philadelphia, It E. Sella*,
67 Wood at. Pittsburgh, Pa.; Wm. Tbn 11,67 Mar
ket st. do.; K If Perkins, Marietta, Ohio; !union' &
Sharp, Mem Ille, K Y; Jabal W Dinah°. et, Ein;
Ohio; bidell & Reems,Madkon las C Dolde, Loom
title, K Y; Ductal ek & Et. Lodi, AI%
P H McGraw Notches, Mir Hozdowsa & Jobe
don Yiekeborib, do; Charles Jeakina, New Odeon
REMEDY—Warranted to core, or the moo.
ey returned. This medicine Is prepared from so In.
Man Recant, obtained Rom elm of them la the Yu
at great espense..7bole who here been
wiih the lodises, know that they can end
do cure Vasa/eel whitetail,* knowledge of Ner.
eary, Balsam, a: anything of the bled.' The at.
'MW have now anJsmoriunity be! m cared
without ribs use of Balsam. This medicine is
=mat to the tamps, and lenses no smell on , the
pimpled by Rowan) 4 wAvron, Mid Sold
wholesale andretail, by J. T_Rowand, Market stmet,Plgisd'a.
Far sale in Pittainmgh bY R Salient,: 87 wood
west, and by Wia.Tiori,g Matt it, !either
P 4 7 , . ..
• ;
NtsAID NasiodEototro.fler doors retsw riid, Soul& sidfl
ThiktILTERS and .W
.LWatch Blames and materials Jewelry of all derenp•
bons, qualities and styies, comprieng all the articles
connected with the trade.
Clocks, Dixon ..k. Noes &mini., Mennen Silver and
Sliver plated wares Sheffield and Birmingham Plated
Wig aniCeit!lodgeni t SonSt and Wostenholne• cut
mom, acnoton., erase°. desk Knives, an.. tenet'
handled table, callery of the GTrol. p 3,41,... J an a ems
mon ',middies A large nutmeat of gold pee., peri
focal spectacles, papier - mache and japanned ultra,
various shapes and qualities, at reduced rates, gold
watch cares and silver Ware or all descriptions man
declared welder._ r •
- Moms a" CO. Irrnig kends ientOeird Imo the
and emantodieue warehouse formerly occupied
by : Ashlutist A. Bona and more recently br
Adtherst & Peomostoo , beg lease to inform n te.b
Dealers, Southern and Western Merchants and others
dot they demon harms at all times an •srwrtment el
Goods of their own Importation which they are detet
mined to sell at the lowest rater,
(17.r alfa Tel°011. 1 :- Zed 1 11, 1 : 0 1M 7.1
times will be MI& glarnatied emu% all comp Winn.
• ,- •• • J JOEL,
• • No. 156 North - Third, Strait,
/Limit .
wsw rratrt,
fIAU on bend, and manufactures to order, Atkificial
Flowers, Feathers, Tolima, and Face Cos, La-
Mee/ham Cop., Borden-Colima', de:
Andesery deseriptionof Fancy Goods,whioh he will
all at the lowest market prices.
' N B.—Feathers dyed, cleaned, altered,and shaded.
North Rlarea, befew llaromws, PHILADELPHIA,
chtIFER. for elle al the lowest pnees,Alll the articles
Of the 011 Trade. Thai [pt. ISIS varied and
sPie, and they feel confident of !Healy satisfaction
those who call. They have now on hand—
Pete Sperm Oil.
White Winter and Fall Oils, of difercat qualities.
Solar Oil. • •
Winter.presied Lard Oil.:
Vita= Elephant and Whale Oili.
Refined, Hacked and CommenWhale
Tanners' Mei Sperm Candles; Guano, fce. - Ao.
Allgoodi delivered in Snit rate °Nei, 'alCittal
X. 134 Korth Second Strait Philadelphia,
Rides and Picol4, Powder Flasks. Sher Bags, Su
perior Powder, Percualen Copy Sim Wads, 801 l and
Blank CaroidgeWee de. ..
• Also—Six I/arrol Revolving Pinola and manorial& for
Gun Maker's usel
made a i cede., and impairs neatly executed.
• 13:rany Gun Wbleh I sell will be proved, if dewed,
In Ike presence of the purcbucv al6
- - • - •
STEAM 114112dEn. - - -
xrillS Hammer, possesses many admatmes over all
others—among which may be menuoned,
its Manageableness—The Ispldhity And force of blow
may: be controlled with the greatest ease, while the
hammer is In seances; and the hammer may be in
stant:it arrested, soul suspended at any height:
or capacity to execute work of ell
kinds, (ma Utialargest Ix the smallest, ender the same
• .
Its CmplicitT. compactness and Cheapnese.
It. Am... Many upon all etdes, by the workmen.
All the hammers are made Self-Acting.
The subsetlbers =unarm to execute orders for thew
barmen, of all. lue, upon reaweable terms.
For further parttculars i ntg
Assigiuma of the Patten forthc United h ates,
dect 84y Vouthwarlk Foundry, IshllatFas._
. No. MIA Swath Frost Street, •
Back of 7 A. Witean'e Cabinet Ware Atanuf.y
LL order !eft with S. S. ?Sawa at the °lke of dm A
Merchant's Dotal, ?Auburn will be preaTVY
minded to. TUGS . G. DERRY
sepla.dle A. C. NICKERSON
. _
W7L1.1411i OGLE , COACH .2111 D
OW/LiffINEX9 slL.d.e.,' WO Choose ot.,
Plgodelpeis, We of the ftros of Ogis d-
Wohoo. reepstfoli Informs his frunds
hod the public, ILI no has oad will hero
coosiostly oo hood mei Ssr ode, • handsome morimeat of
oidsiossbla Corrimics._ Vasa/a doll etyks and drecriptires
.made to or al the shortest passible War, mad resented to
Or gory best sassootiof storied roalerial. 6b714
Wanking/ea C.
ZENAS' C. ROILUINtS, blechsoical Eiteutecr and
/41 Agentpromtrimt Patents, will premise the :sr
eismary Drawinfis sad Paper* Ine Applienute Mr Pan
env, and transact all other benne. In the line of his
remelt= at the Patent 0115 e, Ile can be consulted
on all question. relating to the Patent Laws , and dent.
moos mths United Ikates.or lamp.. Pe eons at
distance dean°. of having examlonnons made at the
Patent Ottlee, prior to making application fora ;talent,
Any rward (poet pa, enMosiag fetrof fire donate,
htelear statement of their este, wheel ;meaniee linen-
Lion will be Oren to it. and all the Infoineabou that
could be obtalneel bra with of the applieant iu pemen)
ptemptly communicated.
All !cures on Liminess 1.41 at pent paid. ant contain
a wettable fee. where a Millen optaton 'immured.
(Mee on F. Ent. , opposite thePPatent
He ham the boron *teeming. br . peso:amine, m
Hon. Edesued Stake, COMmianteMel of Patents:
Han. It Ie Mt...milt. late to do Jo; •
It [a/Mk., Illlaehimsh Patent Office;
/slip Crane* Wanatagba. D
Hem E Chnste;hlanschasens, U S Senate;
Hon. %V Allan, io.
Hon./ El Bawd+ O
tt, h bt C., Stine. en
• Hon. Willie Hall. Nese Yeelti
Heim Behest Bonk.
Ilan. B Breese. U N Senate;
Hew J II [silky MC, blissmini;
Copt. II JD Stints, bf MN:IMb
Emotes Moots. Fatet. Pittsbarnb. my le
71114 ATIENZI/F..1721.
WE platen:ling drynletiseant of thi Ina sod es rarstabl
Ls owns, at held of Wes:dor* no apes sad
mg, to tans up to, initers, let Creams, do Itt,Cake,
Ifnuts,Cvol Dnr.ksetsd all Ma m.o. remit:. ...sof the
Th. proprietors Most respectfully Mena - due cmpeetabls
cinema to mil sot ine the Athena... 2 (x. Ontsanelves, vs they
datirred Mu Mall Its different dspartmeats cam.
surpassed, nail metstaly is the west &saw mom in tho
" U. Items ite . seinits, loth Latin' sail Gmtlemertes,
® n scre , mamma, mal cond. by my the
mutiny; and Il e See.' Deakin chilli[. a muiparinso
Sorianiessowsuress,sied heath with Ohms of say-similar
wallilieltawnlM barman semen.
The Fest Solos, wide Its ancient. Carte, and rink
Eaton.", is a plans of the won wines; cameo,
Hawn an Wed tip at ahich Gmakencs, muse, tau bale
gent lad O o i n nt l m c n at a f pa at ba l s a ll d
a g w en s tl er m lb e . n. / r a m .
m Tn er .
males TING esintnatea.- 'lit Ladies' Paelersoseivalm for La
din--eaten at the Tine taboo.,. .
_es city
beiore—mado onthe moat approved Kamera plant/
and mom hishionahla barer, paurrna and colon. Alan
or made Mader of all aims. and at all price.
, Cbuntry Merchant, and o th er. are invited to call and
examine the than for themselves, a. at will he sold
waoMmlo or salad, and a libaral deduction muds to
wholemie parehmem
aoldly : , m:PsTERVP.LT -
. , num the very Sheol encousue
6211111 sent the sobscriber has reenthed linen
iv bas located himself la Allegheny,
kas induced lam to- lobe a lease, fora
, term of years.' on the propeny be now
7 In lkirear moot, Immediately beside the
• Pooh. From the long CipOrienci In the
above busman and a desire. please, he hopes to mer
it and receive • share of public patomage.
Nowa. hood end finishing to order, Rockaway Reg
=and lop lianas, and every description of
made to order. floes sovenrydthe dollars to
eight loom Isep.l4l)
11a. Pittit l iTilfiriirCankei Remedy.
A FEW lode ofThint. J. Pettit's "Canker remeoly."
LI so long tam erand thoroughly vied. leas been tun
alaWned nodes for Seale by Wm,/ ACKSON, in Li beny
meet. tls the .ate .sale, and cannon remedy In to
eawrovoi °IRO, for all ordinary or exasonlinery, and
moat SUTlMated Carr. Or ferrAt or chronic nursing.
Pore Mouth. calomel ore mouth, swelled tonna hyry
mpelaa, conker mash, n
t incipient bmnehiii. and quin m sy,
auld wee throat, bleak , tongaa, and all eases of com
on canker, Iho Mandl, lAregal„ arid rtnnUich,.l•firn
applied he accordenewe with the dawn°a areuropany
log each bottle. The entails received is known to the
genuine. Price dO ca. per bottle. i llr.thtm
• T. - J.:awl alba* Chemical Snap.
FOR ell kinds of eruptions and discoses of the Skin;
~..h w. Yimplys,MatAbes,S. It Rheum Scurvy. Ilene
Spots, chopped or cracked Skin, and for all other dieter
an of the Shin, which requim enamel renumber, this
Soap modeller...ll,d. It •iso dispels Freckles, San
born, Alookew, Tan, and changes the color of dark.
yellow, Or diapered akin, to a fine. healthy, youihneh
Matthew A fresh supply, warranted genuine, mutter
sale at the reduced price et 37e per cake. In. just been '
received, reoffered feir oath by II A FA lINES [LOCK k
Q,. corner Ist and wand and alto set dm earner or sixth
and wooden.. 420
ERNTWAI ESIWI) IlliTna N CriiioTsl3
. iJVanse:.
fit salt,' Il a E TODD, mouhme en Lembo, No rn wend
It., Up gairl,llro door, below god, solicit the utteation or
purehasen or Rothmans Famishing Rools to no Soak of
new sad fashkemble goods, manufwearadarprealy face our
own mks, worsened well exude mad girt ?egret satafoliar
and we would eall Oa !Menlo of purchasers sod oar etwo:
own lo am ow ofroperfio No I Troy libirtht rectiwed:
one easintedienoqualliy,dh. with both whit. and striped of
crerydesenpUon and gusilly,with prima to oil purchasers;
another ma of thew rti.l 3 whet Joint Mood Own El.-
lie Sooesalen just opened with variousearte and priers. We
would solicit the collo of parchwern who an t, lie habit of
going.. tea mourdsho the gods, to oil and oath s our
meek, m we me ronildaa mem:, so fir as paces am nue
!mod, nu lop. these to look further, but insure ailllnotb
er call., all
. ,
- . .
IEVILY IN reliefsne remanent
1.1 Cure of HERNI/Lor RUPTURE. glutted to all.
The **trior claims., this Tina consist is the rem.
Imratlvo esoo with which it may be were. The • • of
wood baton neatly balanced on opting., yields to re*
sore on any part of if, and therewith!) adapt, its If to
any movement made by the wearer. It can he • m
without intermission, until a core to erected. ,Xhe rob,
oetibero hare made arraugemems for the tinware tore
of them old aabloTrusses, in a superior otyle, in P ila
dolphin, and have them now for sale at their other No.
77, Nmithfield st. near Nixtb, Pittsburgh.
.101 ' N. W. KAUFFMAN.
A A-13tatiol'• Comp lu d :at
Merchant's Coittp. Fluid Est Samapuilla;
Carpenter's .do do; •
- Contstack's 'do do; •
' Townsead'o do do; '
Constantly on hand and foe sale by A PANNE! ,
TOCE h. CO, COMet of first and wood and wood and
Wan , s a rated Plaid. Mama.
f1p0164 mild.afeami eleimt.a.dd
1 .t.. _whet Wed= of cheatioolly pore earboosto of
c tdorirerea .sm e z tha t atotheal = eotaot e l f th cz, •
worth ' Oe• 4:ll4seconfol ord.. FleAl Mogmeoi. iotenir
• For i torMg_ rrattfrirn i tr= let rod
Wool oad Med 611. es, all.
• • FOUST/1181 HOTEL,- -7-
POO& L TllokSTo3,.Prolirictorr. • •
TAIS Tang and widely known as being
Olle of Mc meat corm/wino. in sheeny of lie!
has recently Order - gone gory eXtre, ive alierltien. and
improvenensg. sinire new 'wine hag peen added,
containingnaratmei and airy sleeping apartment., and
anerWye Laming rooms.
- - m a roost unique and beautiful
.' st rrnu y Th ie. ei'L' ll d r ''' n ' c 'd t ' lli d6e' e C' sa l' h : o r ! "" ar h eart as h ol e:e l :o n ( ti r e ' l P fo e t7se ir l ' h e a:
been rensadefed, with single eye on the pan of the
proprietors:sower:le tb comfort and pleasure of their
Gumm i and which the confidently amen will chats
lenge compahson with any lintel In the Union.
'I heir table will always be supplied•vnit every sub,
atential and luxury which the rnit rliet affords. saved up
in a superior style, While in the way of Wines,lec.,
they will not be
In conclusion the proprietors beg to say, that nothing
wilt be left undone on their pun. nnd on the pastor thew
nerionalar, la render this Hotel worthy the continued
pomoogo of their AlpildS and the public generally. •
The peers for board have also been redueed to the
° 1 !°72,,VV;d7;," •itv , r' da 'i
„ne•Yi l6O e,, y
Oentlemens ,
N. a—The Baggage Waggon of the !learn will al
ways be found at the Cot and Steamboat Windings,
which will convey bagyage to and from the Hotel, free
of charge mya4tf
01110—The subscriber. having purehmed the en
tire interest of bl.O P Wilhemsoni late of Ibie well
known esmblishment.beg leave to state to their friends
and the public generally., that they have taken this
commoiliou• Hotel for 0 terni•of 'teem and will ear=
their best energies to make It a desirable home for Tro
ellen sad City Boarders
The lintel to spacious and admirably planned for con
venience, light and air, having•• number of parlors
adjoining chambers, presenting tannoal attract:out to
fames. . .
The P.m , . PrOntirtetnt having had the egyenenceaf
yews in thin city and elsewhere, hope Ibex will be able
to give general satilfaction, bung determined to gise
undivided /mention io the house alone;
The location of the Penn Street House ...tricot-Wool
eligible. having fronts on Pearl, Walnut and Third alSi
no tint it is equally desirable in vied of the convents
Itof business men or retirement forTrivate bonnier.:
It ls near by the Hanks; Ile Poet Olnee, lite blel.oolo
Hell,Odd-Fel:owe 11.11. and ludo,. square distant from
Main Street and two squeses from the City Wharf, thus
inkling the grcatnit inducements, especially to country
merchants and generally to all persons Matting Cinent
mel27 . JOHN I, DUBLE
Weddell Clouse„ Oleveland,
.2.T11 S SPLENDID h arm, eras opmwd on the
20th Of -rune, for the reception of company.
The edifice fronts one hundred and
<mon Superior-el., a iy-
nd one hundred and ninefire ft
on Bank.sty and contains over two hundred brae airy
chambers and forty roomy, .parlora nil of which bare
been furninhed with the I.ollt
ostly furniture. The
drawing rooms ore spnciousrand torpors in elegance,
myttdrig or the kind in the United Omits. The dining
room, gentlemen's parlors, rending 10005, office, and'
dressing morns are all iarge, airy, and fornisbed with
Ipzury and entrOOrt than Miley can procare.
t is over two years alone the corner stone of this
magnificent structure was laid by Messrs P. M. Wed
dell & Son. No expense has been spared by theta to
make it equal if not superior to any hotel in the Union,
and on ornament to the city
Can loges will be is waiting at at all times, ID convey
passengers to and from the boats Redd charge.
Cleveland. July Radm R BARNUM
Charles Street, between Market and Lombard
Streets, Dtatimare
2 Tits subscnber 'having taken the above estab
lishment, offers hit services to the citizens and
able generally. Itts conveniently situated as
regards the theemboats and Railroad Depot—is In the
midspof the more emensive Importing Douses—and in
fact, the location offers to those visiting the oily, as ma
ny conveniences and comforts as the otherprinemal
. The house ta noa being fitted op with new furniture,
in good taste and ogle, and will be open to the public
on the 2d day of April, 122; The proprietor trona that
his illitetniltalq caw-. to please, will-aecora to him a
portion of the pablic patrunagy, retident no well an
Imminent. • Itr
into of dui Gump( Dix &Fogg
flalomoro. Arn 71, 107. mylOjdot
2 ALLEM ti ANY HOUSE: AM Market at. Phila.
delphig—Thr. arhseriber Pato of the Wa•hingiod
flarriehurgh. Pa I takes this method or to.
forme; bl , l old fru ado nod the penile generally, that he
has taken the above named It or, I. Ile Howe is airy
and comfortable. and has been elle:tamely altered and
improved. and the propr.elor hopes by a atrier attention
to Gualness, and a proper rare tor the comfort of his
gorms,to merit and receive a shore of public patronage
The House is snowed very coarement for the Travel
ling PM/l . boo only two deers above the ISIIIITIfinirg
and Pittsburgh Depot, and war. two 1111. tell walk of
the Haltnnorc and Heading Depot,: SPACLINta at
tacked to the premise!, Terms. PI pot day I
F. P tI HMI rat, Proprietor
Allegheny House. Phil'. August do, 11,17-aptddln
Irb2 CHM V., eraorr. Priteennallta.
TlV.;:e'pbrr;ill l l7.7:l'lll7.;:nhe'Vfiin'reetsV's':ls'eastNti.h:
mem. and lope by Mc strictest attention to the wants
and correorte of their guest.. to merit a continenura at
the patronage leretoGire received by its former
The boom baslicen thoroughly renovated. and repair
ed; we therefore feel twined me can welcome oar
fnend• and Me palm. to ateoramodatiom equal to any
In Mc city of Pitilanclphia. N W.11111IX:F.O3.
_iyMnf J wrz,T.
Corner Main - and Sixth as, Cincinnati.
, 1 , 111,!. establishment Is now In the best order for the
.L reception of the Traveling Publ.. glaring under.
Atone a Wl:winch repair, daring the part winter. and
haring Pie wort expertencel men in the West. to the
flattens departaterds. I dal., myself that all ll be
pleawd who call. The lorai.ou central,commodious
and pleasant Fare SI per day.
Cowinnati, IrlatehTl. 1-17. W E MARE
N. ll—Altheerh dot el:telly a new Sworn, it is the
sawte—o new Whim on the old handle_ apatt
ARN Tll R 0 CKM 0 ItT 0 N mesa to sectionally ,
friends that' hn ia audit' lerare of the 6 ALT
110 U KT-whore he hope. to meet all
hin old friend, ar.oring ahem and t h e ptiblle. that no
rider! .halt he voted to make all comfortable who tutor
5.1.1 Witt their oaireriaao
MAIM ISNT—NtlaTfihktPf ON, Meth
ace:musts If saur.a..
SaYcat. t: throe usu. Preprartar.
Da. Rowan* E. Orthamm Resident Playsieith.
Tfße &belt MI establishment is sitested ab u sit half a mile
1•00 of the teautifot village of Northamploo, at th elrea
tith of abaci :PO feet abase the C<Crieti(l3l, which it
animas The groomls communing Oh. Establishment,
noopet,c about forty th ree, seliseh arc entirely appropriaud
to the me gad pleasure of she Patients. Amidst. beanttful
grows end pristhisc forattremare nonterothfnetpaths, cum•
pletely shaded, sad affording healthful and pleasant walker.
early loth maks.
The eipseethes and eacomodione buildisr of the
cunt are located upon the easteru brow of the bitheud neer
look the of the ant enchthting thalamiw in the world
Insmedia.cly is froth, so the of Alarthasnyoon, with its
amen.. and Landis:the dwellings, muldst the dthue ether
of lofty and arrhthging elms. Further oo to the mot are
the rch malawsof Northanthmothd Hadley, doled he the
velvet verdure of Spring ith 'variegated habiliments of
Sumner and Auto:nu. Midway. far miles,ninth end thalt,
On Pam the smoothma gluey surface of the t7onneetscut,
sheerly aribidag xthy to the ocean On the north, m
Cate ;magnet is the village of Hatleld with its rich end
betaubfu, farm; on the that is the Ithrishing spite of Had
lry,sal ipso of Asthent with its Csdlegee; whale 12 th e die.
tenth, with the aid of • glass, may he wen an thteruire and
greeds discreifted range of country. On the iamb-cast, at
about 'l4 miles illaance.i. Mount ilolytdee, to its dress of
sever-hong g hee 'r thd a .ittle beyond,u wan th e plethent
village of Satin nth icy; on the south, we behold at about 4
ml' distance the majestic Mount Tam and the charming
village of Cant llampton, with its e.eptA school. edifices:—
the wheat, perianth.); • combination of natural lathery tres
surpaswd. perhaps. manual od, by thy other in the world.
Itens rethwited by a gentleman,shim has spat some thirty
ythrs of hie to in senates parts of Europe, that he our
Imbeds mime so perfectly beaotsful and enchautiug
The memomodstions at tinned Rill are "p aury and
piths, nth are amply sulfwieu i t for upwards of we kthdred
thd Illy patients.
it is prtoidrif with an Omni/anew of the purest Spain me
ter end eery other requisite fur the fulled perfect applica
tae of this popular and
derfolly succeasful oxedtto of
resto-ring , kn. oi impaired health.
Dr Dministim who raidn in the estahl aim:obis • gentle•
thin of ealatged experiethe, wis educates! in Europe. when
he .binged the ads - snaps or aerial years patsies. in the
celebrated barite's of Cede burg and Dvbiio, thd has been
• thererefid Fthetiothr its this vicinity for several yews—
Patients may thank,. repsse tante couGdence in ha skW and
kV! plOVilio9 made br alleadaare AMAX% thaw • ra
p'wyr are reeeral well iustritetell Garman nave s.
Tema a Opriliar,. includiaa awdkal advice $lO.
I Ir rayplied with every ankle Go parkiug,4.e al.
thecwet at the article.
1 1 1..wthansytea Mau, August sth 1,47. al7-3m
VHF, CROW ts ATER Vital.; C;; AG
-1 ID ENT opened on the tilth of hugest, ender the
cafe at C EtaCia, attending Physteiou, and Mr
GRIFFITIIS.manapr of the linneding Department; has
been erected expressly for the purpose. and. iusrell
calculated to actootroodatt twenty five paccittst Ito
aithatlon to healthy and the surrounding country - m pie.
tustrque. the Immediate neighborhood emends to pure
soft wateuspriegs, hum four of which the baths are at
prevent supplied I•lvcry tartan Mr the restontt of
healdt to the mvelid hene offered—pore air, mo tor
ter of
the attest assaty, .d sheltered , cool situation
The Doctor ;etudes In toe establishment. Comment
dation on the system uoneeessary, as is lam an ents
mention orate diastases curable by water, as it haw be
mane an genetslly known, end favorably received by the
marananny al taw.
Each patient Is required to Annan for the sw - enting,
and other procemes the thllowine articles: two large
bed.i wool. Menke.. three COrtitoilableo or n Mettler
dne coarse cotton sheet, and a linen sheet that can
Ite cut Into bendege, also Ow CINIr•e
Very fertile Newels ate required to mg no attend.
am wlth.thent. tor whom Weld Cute lot obattned IA the
establiahrut to
Titalm—Beett Patient to pav .is dollars per week. for
Medical adatee, Liao of the ball., and attendance during
the mycelia, hoard and lodging. •
Payment to he made weekly. .
Board for any aWatint bronahPhyiPatlenta two dol.
tan ta per week aaddlm
Fourth, between Wood'and ilfaikthst..appositt
Maj. Larimer's Eschangc Office.
HE undersigned in pared to SlCCOUlmodnie sob.
scrTibera, and the pu blic generally, with &delicious
bath. Ills new establisbnient will be open to-day. pro
aided with every thing necessary to tender bathing a
SALT and SULPHUR BATHS preparedirrequired.
The shorn entablinliment in filled up in at entire new
plan, being ventillated from he roof and the sblisertlicr
is confident that the improvemants combined eontributin
to render this establishment the moot coinfonntat One
now in the eity. lythlfirn VASIION
TURF Received at the i 94 Liberty street, It large lon
al of Queeossrare, Tenn, Pickles, he,
whach the 01/11.
'or Intends telling at reduced price.. Its would Invite
the auenunn of dealer, hotel keepers, steamboat men,
. and prints families, to call and examine his stock of
wares, baton perchuing elsewhere As they will
find it to their advantage, those astable,/ to purchase,
'should cell soon nod secure a bargain., as the propne
tor ts about closing op his mock - sgts3 •
rIS II ESubseriber keeps constantly,. rtodosaonreent,
and manufactures to order, table. tea, and desert
spoons, crown: gravy and mustard spOonssoup
rot sonar tongs, hatter nod fish totem, threaded and
plain forks; at the lowest pnees W W WILISON
/lXt3 menet musket and 4th street. .
INGth RlNGS—last reed 6 dos bus of Patent Val.
natured India .Rubber • Ring , The" , ,}4fi. or
hands are for plaelharflan4 papers andpmeemmeven'
description—ln an Instant ass ran be placed round a
packet of papers holding theta firm at the same lima,
alkrwlngof addition or redaction without any Irma or
cozonnetarsa. . J& II PHILLIPS
' el 4 • SellincAnts, G weal at
CPENOIO3:I3 —Just marina. pee
Packet Ohlp.flanneek, 4 cooke•Opeocoes" Coat
Ousel nes, ecettptteing yell LcneraL aatmtatcnt• •
The attention of Alachatiste old commuters seeelolly
' left
nelors-200 bu prime old Om reed; for oak by
.pld N& R MeCRTCHEON, ISY liberty or
: inEAVA.R• ' -
The ne sO,aod u Ztudi . istounet . '
CaPtXhiiieothatitst. eenusten
-7 'lregular top 'thi s day, leavin Pats!
',arab at el o'eltiek. a st., 244 Weaker at a rieloes, r. N., ,, ,
americana!! anti Footman and PETEELEE 94EE09 Cali
nal Boats daily to Cleveland, O. Bomar, Woos.. sod
Cleveland Line of Csaal Packets aod Ptsta Coaehea
doily to Warren and Cievelano; Carol Pacaet Linea so .
Nei. Castle Mid' Grcskvilla, P.c.; Elk Est.....m Lion
to Meadville and Erie. , Neil/ Moore A Coy Lions of
Stage Coach. tor Cleveland OA WO:rocs:kayo Bea
ver daily on the antral of steanalpal. Beam Imo
Pittsburgh. Apply to .
--. .'' GIM u IIARTONCIo, Pittsburgh .
ii / ..
stole ' CLARKE& Coi a
ver .
- -U 3108LYAi
,1 1847 -'t6risaiiZ
. ON THE P1C414 To.;N1.11 . AND ... j.lO CANALS,
E N PARKS A 4,Clesalatairel • ; ' .
It G PARKS, Beaver, PA - Proprietors.. '•
W T MATHER, Pittsburgh, Pa. .. •. ' •
T ,
BE shove Una la now folly prepaml to transport
Freight and Passengers from Pittsburgh and Cleve
land, to any point en lb. Palmy/mita t Ohhasad Ohm
- • . .„
The facilities of .sald,Lino are eotequalled by, env on
said ennala,. to numbers • nod: et,iectlyof um., lupe
rienee of Captain. and prosnputeis Of Aetna, to:.
One Boat leaves Plltsbergh and Cleveland daily, me
ninx, in connection with th e &meet*.
. .
.Michigan . and .Lane hernwen Eitobardh
Dersver...d a Liao of Brat class Steamboat., Propel.
tern Brso and tchoonera, on Lakes Erie. Damn. tat=
croon and Ontario • :
Property forwarded to any pint the.,Ustion :With
despatch. . E N EARNS& Co. Cievelmad, Ann
REED. PA RIM & Co. Bearer Ants
W T AlATHER.Pittibarglk , Agi ,
nell • Cor Water and Smith - field 'meets
suzinz,a• A ßßAN — Griai.E#T - 4 6
• •• ,11 10NONGIAIIICirk 'ZiODTE.! . •
Tine to Benterore....... ........ - boom •
Time to Philadelplua..4.o .::... 40 ; :
[Only 73 Mlles Staging.), '• • •
TFIE splendid and fanntraningoseasorroConthl,lett.
i. swath., bare commenced =slang
doohie de trips: Orie boat will [earn the Mononga
hela wha rfevery morningpromsely. at detach.—
Paosengero by the norms( line willarriveln Baltimore
nest evening iodate for Ika Philadelphm Nail Boat, or
Bail flood rem: Tha gentung. will leave the
wharf daily at 6 o'clock, agooptSondaya;. •
by this boat will lodge ea beard, to emodumbie suste
rooms; leave Brownsville neat .mormag at 4 o'clock;
cross me mountains inday Bahl; sop and - lodge in Cum
berland. Tbos avoiding mgM travel altogether. The
preparmions on this roam am ample, and the minaret:ion
complete-, n that dmappeortunems or delays will be an•
known noon it. • . • , •
Passengers can stop on the roam: nto man, their
seats opalpleamtre, and have cloite of nail Bead
or Steamboat between Baltimore and Philadelptda.._
• Coaches thartmed to porno to travel go they dense. Secure your tickets at the office, Monongahela Ham,
or at Charles 1 1111314181 EN '
• reale
1847. . E
ACKET Boats Swallow inul.Telegriph laic Rea
X vex daily, at 3 o'clock at.. alter the of th.
morning Bear from Pitmbergh, and arrive m Warmai
time fur the Nail Lane of Stages, which leave trometti
wely thereafter. and arrive at Cleveland at artielock,r
This route Is tbe moat expeditious arid eoitfortable
one to the Lakes:
COITZ h LEFFING WELL. Warren, rropes'
REED, PARKS h Co , Berger, Agents _. • -
JOHN A CAUGHEI", comer Water and Smithfield sta.
apsly Opposite the Monoturnbela Rouse. Piitsburitt •
legkidi 1847. - .rte.
2forSreift and traentraeki
Deer and 'Greenvine., l T'a."ty g arreh rrelghi and pas.'
senders between We trAspoiothwillbeetuntrdPAhAPKY:
mid at the Imam rates.
WICK & AItCII ER. CreetsviEe, Agts.
CRAIG & FRAlRETON,Clarkavilie„dch
AIeFARLAND & KING, Dig Bend, do;
II Avs&P LU hi 13. Sharp trh , 'JAI
W C hIALAN. Shama - day
MATIIEWN, Polaasi, dpi r
REED PARKS Co, Deaver. " do; .
/MIN A CAUGIjEY, eomerWater amdStaithfield au,
a May Opperite the Monongattela Doase,-Eittabargh.
aid= 1847.'
Philadelphia, Baltimore, Maw York
1 , , and Boated. . .
THE eueouragement this line has IVCCiiell shine
its commencement, has induced the proprie
tori to tome.e theateck by sliding a number of Or
class boats; and instead of givirrg receipts of beret* ,
fore as agents, we will give oar owe receipts lot
freight shipped by this line. •
— l'he boats are all portable, consequently freight
is takce.tbe whole distance without traitshipment,
thereby preventing damage from frequent handling
•on the mate, and as each boat is owned by the
Captain who ninstbem, which is • sufficient guar
antee that there will be no delay on the tante.
All Modem or Merchandise consignisl to The
undenigted will be forwarded FREE OF COM
AIISS/ON, for advancing Ned Ibrwarding, and will
be abipped without delsy-it the' lowest antes of
trelptiL • • -
We respectfully solicit a Ware ofengine patro
Canal Basin, Pittsb urgh.
Resod Street, Philadelphia: •
F FAILLE:It, Agent f r
Bowley'l Wharf, Raltimess.,
Pittsburgh, Feb. 18,1847,
1846. • A ND • 847
I.ME undersigned are now prepared to forward pro.
duce,&e.,totheEastamiarketsdering the ens.
ing Winter, ou the most favorable terms, by Mt. esp.,
Mucus mote.
All property consigned to us will by Rowsuiled at Oka
lowest rates and with despatch. ;
zandse reee G dali ni hi t e i mute4lvlLZZrlt rASu.
E C& tr o,Currar27 EGERTONCaserland .-
TILE subscriber/ will receipt (Oran detieety of Pro.
duce Lo naldesore by the Alosaagabellaßiackwatei
al the following Oleos.— ;
Ashes, Anton, Bauer, L. Lard, Pork( Tuk...
Whiskey, ',sod Gllnsw—.En.ctsperloo;ba.
• Waite:, litesp, Pax end' jVJieot 4 ci. per 161 lha.
Athes,(Pert) Apples: Clicese,plai-Swed, tilo 66 l,Fid
Leather-160 ets perloo 166 - ' - • •
Oils, Skins. Wool-116nipier tai tbk
- Ekesarax.Feathers, Pons, Gipson:, and linake , Rooi
—l2O etsper 100 lbs. •I
All property eonsapsed to en.har - Of the - undersigned
will be forwarded without deter, free of (.13,6osalssio
. .
et above ra[c' r - fi-ea'atifre
- HANNA & •
ki p ro doefoir aroadits.—Rood u M b. e? Sowing
from Moro Rev. WatcHold, Putmcif 4 1 E" .
Cimmta •
sib ' Mati% 1917.,
Mr. R. E. &Sem It Is - frogs sensObf ditty, as well
as With great pleasere, that !bear testimetty to the vie.;
toe of year lastly' celebrated Ventilfage."l procured
sines Leah md gave Stoll:tem army chddren, wherhad
been' for 'several wrath. The eldest was seven
Fetus old, the Emir fear.
- tied the . yottegest eighteen
mondrt. The firM rimmed fifty.sig.wonns, Ike snood..
folly seven, and the dart a considerable nMeber not
distinctly recollected.; Store thee they have Ikea deign.
well, and are now in good health.. '
Yours respeednily, . S. Wins:rasa.
• .
From the Bev. S Elltabcock,Of the Methodist Spite.
pal Mame. .'
Mr. R E Seller= It Is with groat' ple,antrei I would
Inform you of the good effects pralueed on toy see of
four Teets of age,
coby. yaw justly celebrated Vennifture — .
Alter his having nvulsions, I gore hint there doses,
when he pawed an almost leerednable. number, from
which time hi. genres health has been improved: •
• az flAboott.
Fran the Rev Charles Cooke, of ‘belltethodiet Epj..
copal Church: '
Pittsbergh.' December 14.1843.
Mr. R. E. Seiler,: I gave sty little doubter I botareem:
three and for years olal three doses of your Tin:nave,
etecinling to prescriptiod. with the happiest success.—
The number of worm espelled I do not Imo* ptecise=
IV , hat it aish large.. She is now in posseeskin of good
health. I think the medielee may be confided In with
great unreservednesa •
As ibl. Verrulnure ha. newer been known MRS in
any instance, when worni. menially existed, panints
should give it hi preference id all where • ,
trepured and sold by. IL E. SELLERS, between ld
and 4ni, on Wood bubo. • .
- For sale by Or. el 11.41; RAIL Ward. i aryl
TOOTH Psllllll4.
.♦ r magma plerrinnen. ' •
, lIE hen article 'mows/ for elemlngand whitening
the. road, siongthetunt the gown sweetening the
breath. fee. It should beetled every tught,with end!
'brush, tool the teeth and math willonly require ace,
washing in:the mornim, Wet the .limsh With warts
water or cold. answer,. and rob it a few times on
the paste, when enough wog adhere fez &caning the
teeth. It leaves& delietons taste to the mouth, ansi un
ions a most delightful fragrance to Me breads. Its:ands
unrivalled as pleasant, elbeacious, convenient, and
Aare deptrifive. 111. warranted net to inJuselhe tenth,
bulb preeetoelhem. ' • " • .•
Ely-u.hyr it regalarly, it will nohow the utter and
prevent - acenntalanon—,present the toothache
strengthen the gams, and present all diseases of Mem
Wiemene physicians, and the clergy noontmend
decidedly snowier to every things( the kind /risme—
nsi, the ehennen's Compound Oros Tooth Pasta, end
observe Ids signature la ausched to each sot..
. Recommended by Dr, Castle, .313/
y one of
our beat Dentists, and by Mosta( the Old, established
ones in the United Buttes, and Wen Stens/Tells used
by the Nobility of Vas/land and Pm e. ~
A.lnsge proportion of the discus. t /petal/net mankind
iriim from wane derangement of tin •tootach or bOwela.
which -a timely ann of theaults tie Lozenges would
entirely obviate. Pennant nt bikes , hodrits abonid a/-
ways hare • box at band, and takes dose 'Omuta
they feel the limn derangement anther health: &Indi.
eines ma of these Lounges would prenatt Unwinds
_ .
Ferule.: WU. JACCOOMS, eennarotViroad and
WtF vat.
Pt:mesas, May 17.1947.
I°L'gi a rl, 4 4l73:
between four wad Rye yam old, and during Use day she
f surd 193 largo "roma, avernVng• more w.a a coot
kteeny he effects ea nhia ehltd.i then trim a teams
hill to her younger sister, whowasapWtrs7,we4aad
she patted 37 worms of equal airo. • --
Waiekatakeyylkiletleid wawa
• , .
ern repsot end tall and pia by,
and A amino/roar co,
earer t wendwand and lab elk 714 .
riNtICAACHIC lalLAllrmtektrizroir
Woolla w Ca ittlesad3 lll lllkVtril
whweltf~hUibid di=Martreets ill (=keg,
MrSold JAI I 36ONOIi Liberty meet, mu
ood, %Oa amt aed 51*. stre, 4 4 0
. •
til t "
Thifo IMEIIMAN Ism fgeormgdo ony bi make mane...
JJ plasma; no that iliadget Mae It eel ere b.
awe. teetMl hiefareiniteis amen men teeter •
gen, argot oflroothbota tbg beet nfoni , flaoter,
sannuares cotton Lotmcdo.
Tame tomato thmaindennet bon and *andantino
edy tor omen, eabb,Mmomapnego, *Wel eboih,,
no, tighmemat the Imp er abecem4o mgyekinr.
hammer IMoono ommonersinere they diolhingne weee
Nkliifidi01,114”.11,1110011111d b eim ban' Wei gold lonia'
divan yew, mann* go heath prams la anent story gm,a
of ommonpuommd Mem faboringr NOM distract
Oolds nadeocito. They do not gad dry op thoonaene
bag. nada. itoneyamenotegoiteaLey Wilms oe
irritatio mid remote. the prtnisigto Mr gunny noteg.
They ore Coda Mom &combination afa Mgot raluntle tome ,
torase,or coach meinMee mot am andeobbigilympenr;
meg thiog n - ma Mr abaft comphian. ifaidnegle upon Imo
&oda cf.:Milano* Inn ham offered of their wooderbal
neo, trona Mom odgo hen lamented Qom aciaalingrly
and mowed tapering hodth'hy min/
Wbere Wore &oath pubis iblamaior dhow of Sher
men PoorNW. Amon (prim Maly 121g:eats) almond .
applied mar the wee nod wont' tis talon*: If attendgel
ithanninagon, a ihr canner az bona. M0emp0,....
no7doMb,nrik Moak be made mamma ropiest
Thom nom Mom. ban boa proved II mom, Mao 1,400
, 000= an he laiiiiinnn aim naly eartateworm denrom
andlellbeertrASlßVltTPL hhaLgyillt“
'lll3lll ete . l.l.llogqg said name , =deem death, with :
oat then gonibang empinnhicrom. pen= are very ones •
an tinted geith the:emu:el are loc=oed ien amino oomph:am
manna =Matilda; when coo don of these Lampe would
speedily.. Mu.
Syngpmaig linemmePtiai is the *son yr limb., Mien
one breath, pianist allbo aeon, grinding of tialcoll duns
noop,andatiimenayalmonalteu the lipeorith embed Mogan
blocaugattho nom agmonogt mum:Coat thmeommth,
es of beat OTC" thnigerbee olthe body, alight chins in note
.eciap,hendache, .droigMago, ..imegyo,. torpor, Abound
drams, name mania{ is gnat bi ght and mambo
trooblamme Meerinhmgc, Mint, pattid
Joke, fin, bad lama ih the moron, Miasma lormolooy. Moo M
the otognion or towels Waive, mom oyeamightem,
ekes moptitolosaim, bloMod. mama or
of anyilip.
sloiMileypslan gariovo peg of Cie body,' a mem of ea .
Minimum intim thong, ktehin ofihn mom unman Melt, a
frequent desire tormonnething from the betas, sod, raw
. ,
. -
Tb.l lire isasdiata relief s Demo or aiek hoodiam, ,
slakes:a diem boat, loses of W saris,' deepostroei
tedesto or patrid sore throat, bow or snow cos
phis, Masi epptsitioo or • soma Saks of dm else
rioter, .[—., estop of the Soma oi kora, hymnist
silertimme sod of stress Roes, &miss ittnesh the
• del, +ad . of theater tioadihi decks or Sol,
entateries, disarms, disbuds or ass* Of Wipe. • hr . '
peas twang or etteediag lop pub% saleed St LAM •
psecallf . mealats,,,,..„, tie boosts/ apes& sad • ,
'ales tries, I , ot - onion the Mesa the sesta mil 2
ig n er.4 . lm 4 : . ponds ho here =to " b ' l74e, ea 4
ilteadoooddmir dueirelediabito, oat dad lieu
e., ad
Theist mrsitiatiorpiederes dm vorMitedsors
Satedp bet pis, or salears is the beci„, aide,
lisle, stab, risaadies, lasko,les.. AM." , Ooe maim a .
rear sill aotsappipthedestest: , " - Thop roqueria Ltd. weirs- :
is before implicates' - Wassesi taproot toillotbersoad
for las sorts ebr load price, meths assay So best, bat
ditiettsapesapbSeria the world. It Slants robe( is adm , L
111 t it drooklis worn ern , :
:11 .... :=11.M . lir= or st=ied it will arerd i od.
- robot. la scabs, colds, amiss, d ee .
breathier, opprosioa of the chat or etearmit, ti ne s
sediebly ash aid areoly !smite tie eattese Posse or
medeatis7 habits, or teal. Shea to pedants, Si stein .
,derided =bola ow of Seat teidLoseishoilog Pie
t" oelten„ . ' r %sotes they sick wadies beeergr ""'" ust
ni orcieE, -la titter estates? asetilitadst, toakoad - -.
sods& Risen as a oath* dillitott Spode .
boom other, mg flona So swims, of mall
lime Sto bari Wed es Sell as tie -Seta is/son od
: a il.tadadai.d • dm... , Pleas., I.
tht whea
I be tho sod sea esel sedicautd - Oeits.. ' •
&rend pesos bas MG. ituelosee to ss
theirs:octal thank% at the abase sissies 'sea U me
Larectioal er.w are-el tie beek aro'eti Ffim4oria, ..
6.i.a. at Dr.ffherama our. It b Issanospoo Andel
ass nob be lehanrai Pow Illesh Per lead es that.
lea p 1 slow . B" triddl ' km tblong:=o P
1 1 • ' =Vat read hp . W.l '
Medicine Washoes,. Na. 141 , , l /114 . 4 G b e . of St '
.1310.P00T. .. - ''''' ' - ' ,- , .,30 1 -411.
DiezoND AL
• LE
on Va kw dome behaw
Ulm* bees l'
nested to die =l i ra
• Cession, acid Weida? some
. time in te anal prudes.,
- ..40 now melon hie attention
, • . the treatment of Don
s private - amit i e c teate root
plaints For • Ms tipper
unitise •in merman
o f sandoonsdrooledto o atedy and
treatment of those cempl t sui t Owing, which tn. an
has had more practice arid Las eared norapnwate than
can tote fall to she lot of it PrilnarProaPiiniaD no .
ply qualifies him to al chub emcee of epenly,penna
neat-And eatiefaenry I n to ildi'allieed Ina stain
diseases, - and diseases ari.slgtherafrees. .
Dr. Drown wove info= those.adlicted with private
&senses which have beeemechronin by time oreepreva
wit by tha use of any of the common mann= of the
o d Zareart, r haTaT i nti th elsra n ktf eVe c iii a l i tu a o: d 6 7e .
the treatments( such essee,and Sinaant In handrede
nc. in ening persons of Ind...nation of he meek
oldieol bladder; and kindred disowns which often Mall
niartbose cues whine others have coesignad then so
bopelese dapaiir.' Ito panieslulf tante* inch as km
becalms' cad azusecruflali, nested , by Mace to cow.
salt Ms, when e.ery atisfrettonwillbakimen then and
their crates ussredut a eleradd;tborwigiand
manneroointed on ity lona ezpertatesq Mut) and Inl
seathisoon, Which it is intponlide for 'llatekendar . ih
prudes qc medicine co money one o
Henna oritaptrue—Dr. /Down - sin • inn
persons afflicted with Henna to call, ma he has paid
partleulir auention aid diseace
e.paln Decode.; also Tiles, Daisy, ete.:qadottly clod
•Manante of either :aca linnly at dinettes
by nating their aware 111 wring, prim all the mop)
tonw., can obtain medicines whit amnions for use, by
addressing T. BROW N.M.IS' post
r siap `and eackl,.
=lli. IS Ihnasond alle*;.4iisaglaiLthe wani:v
!Er Kr. ra ply} - ' • deli ,'
Hair Crean; It 113111,011,4 getiel , ? 4 , ? t h e op=
: " to u'd will aup= li all • Other Sedate:of the
kind now treed, Who:caw hale is dead, hapdt.thln, ao•
heahlty or taming groy 4 a few..applientiens will He
Ilte hair Ira sued t, and glee It a bautifal livey
appearacee; andlrin also nide iteetsitt . T rr liveliness
:and besithy color mice as bingo. all the , parations
which ant `evenly used. Every lady gentleman
_whit an inAhe habit of namg oils on their hair, steroid
a: once parebaao a bank of the Cldnest Hair Crests, as
it is so- caromed that it will not Ware the liltlike the
- other preparations, bat will beard-13 , 14mnd Fres perfect
- slurfsetion In every Instanre.
Pottestitoony to to eery Vald. veld/Des, see the
!bib:mist letter front 'ltevl well, to Messrs
Ileadershou . ,ds Streteh,'ldaabville,Vinand Agents or
the Western States:
Leder from the Rev. Ir.:Caldwell,pastorof thaPrei
bytenan Church. P 1.0 k.— . •
Meams.Hendembott Streteh—Neallemen
pleasarc Li adding my testimony in favor of the ss ea
lent papa:L caul .D...Patrials's, Chinese
Cittaa,lol abeam two years aim ou It wares eery,*
briuly; end disposed' to mane eon - bat having proem*
a bong
pf the Cream, and need hneeordia4 us the pro
sorimum, pow.% alone and firm to the
head. - Manrimlsame and oils-were wiled C . ten.
vino. et }akin a' worse sure Men bets... This Crew
asermy expechttions:
La an =tele limtba Toilet, my wife' Ora It alarm ,
enee Grew oU others, beingdelientelfperfnMed, and tot
dtsposed to raneidity,The Indies cialty mill bud
the lltineereant to be a desideramet Mar prepip
ratio. for the Mkt: — - I!evectfully:lke.
- Paistaki,hey.l,lB47. : • M'CatOWELL
ArrEekt wholeinJe end renal. In Pitinbatik by John
' eon Townsend, No 43 Market street.and Joel Mohler,
, ner of Wood and Fin sts. • • . jnIMI
r: L° ? .n SIl-tomla iR i. tip) ro ans,
whether bitted of King's EMI, ealaigemints o the
glands or hones, Goitre, White Sweifings, (immix
Jahentrimism,tianser, diseases erthe Skin or Spine,
or of POIOMMOry Coestimplice, amanita from one
sad the sum muse, which Et a poisoned. priseipie
more dr less inherent in tire enman'spitMe. Therm
fors. unless this primiple eau bs destroyed, no 'MI.
mime run be effected,' bet ir thiepriikiple upon
which the . ..linen depends,, Ie reicrided. • cub
mutat nneessitylbliow;Womattairedee whationn
the disease should mandmiltsult:,:', 'lbis, therefore
ia the reason wt. laugh's AL.TXMATITZ il SO iar.i
versallrsatxmfat in removing so may msligasat
diseases.: It destmys -the virus or principle from
milieu those diarrheas hive theironipe r by eaterisg
into the circulation. and with the Pined is conveyed
to the uunittesiEweireracning evert;patiele of
disease from the irystem. :Prepared widaold at No.
8 Soldti Thiid Street, Philadelphia. •
&Milt the-Pekin Tea Store,No.7SForth strew
p,.#i. 1 1.A.11 14 1 21 . 4 7 0 41r,"*TA8LA1
'Tor aims= one year, pISMOOL. urroaktnir are Of Mr.
Re1101,14.111f MEI, I baeo tairereddacrentely Bola
:DMialiele,oad au acid uireack , I beep Wad* use of
agreed 'vinery eir Medicine erilboat rebeiving =aerial
beat& About tree - aim= CPROMMed ming
Mr. Sears Medielee, which bat salireblrolieeod dm
ham acidity = Ulf lUMICP, .4 =sierra ite to motion.
tablehetilti. ' mteor =7 B ici o i sa bd =4 .• !bimmi , *
have mado use oc d i tagf.,,,jg c h . ...
wi ld "INS A LEE, 317 Hudson et
Roki.eribidesale and retail, by B A PAHNESTOCIC
• 00,=rtrou of Bur W•ool,4lldWaliilpii Ikll eta.
PllBLiatiED ItalLY,llll.l( t k„lprowLT
*mai 6....16.703.6; 3 d Rei
,One insertion of 1611nes. Of so to
Tee Insertions withootaltarationa, 0 76
'Three /I • •••• ...... 100
One Week 4 f 1 60
Two tYeelue • ".... 10
Three 'a • i '" 3CO
Oft Month, - 1 . •.1 400
Three " " • 7 . 10
Er Longer advirthementa En wrote poret lo6 .
One square 6 pietas, without alteratiO ~.. 10 CO
6ack arldition4l4tareibeis 6 OD
One square.lo Moistlei,outorwable at pleasure. II CO
Itaellarklitleraisqesrefor 11.ixonths.: * * Cio
Two agleam, 6 months, reNeuble at pkwyre, .11)
Each addi aciaare,6 enentlesiB 00
on _nrat-trzins.! Fs !DLITT can
Chn nevi. 3 * *** 60
each additional
Fire liner or less; one year. ." 6CO .
0 , one yuy,4aililk.weelq, 10 DO
I aLt_alo. 10 1 111 1""'Il tVt , 8008
Por - Z/ 11:4, or losYoBo IsteralloW r i...,....So 60
.... 0 78
• ' 44.... 1 00
~?!"." 1 7 1 10410061101 3 ill
" • " - .Tirellhe'K r. AtZe,••..lO 00
Mtn ideerOseniellll WWI entrvnikrthe Straknis
end dheceenlor3s wood Oita given where the
1x4611 4.1. 86181100 11' 4180,01 4 . 804t118t0 per year
-` • • weitiOSl , 42ll: !' •
Flea Ilneeor law Ow yea , 56. in
.4{l 0080111 . . 141
1146 !!!!!!!! !:
V 2 . 4 .a.
-_e r,