, _ . ...., . k . ~,..,,•,,,.......0.„,.....,............,..„, ,„.....„,.,,,.._.„._,,„... . „4 e 4.4.p..44,.4_,?!rri,,,,,,,,4,^ark*.t.:-/-a,,,--,..---,:.- •,,,,,,,,,z.--,=-41Ticr,..---k.,:-„97,..t-T,t,:-T,,,-....,-,-,,,,t,...,,,---,,--„,„---....-t--4-,,,,,,t,,,,r.yr------.7..--1., t. !''' ''.; : *' 7 THR.'P=3li r ffill GAZETTE • ' TT&$ lIFiG ? - THURSDAY 'MORNING, SEPT. 'l6, .... . . . .; . ;..::, , .,::j, - . 1 ,1.';','.....';1'H .-.-:- '''-'l 7 o::,4*..''' ,. . , , i '''.'>'. , • .;:.' .' .4A-1 , ;- - .7.. , . 1 V , 44,ii ; .. , :, -. .......'-'-'-',.. - :4A . 7 ',. ...! ,:t *.: ;.; ;, ,2.464 1. 4.1 44, ••• f4k 4.: 2.: -I**AZ:VI f+lit -7 ' , t • .; UNE Teesewarn.-la Rothenet, N. Y. parer Et' wow that a eenUeman from that city is *bent • L to rep& to Qui:lmi to take dates of the Tel "M tem Tide wa think. twat be a adetake. 4, - • _ ig. K. Zeollywho now hi. chop of that station, i , ~, -: i ii o w al the bad opii . intwe Inds country. -He • '":„ '',;', '' an eilpabitiodent of the %Mutton and Net , , , -,-, ..." y ol k No fix it kenedzne snot - he oetuentation, ' ''2 ' ..,- -` ' ~ ''i k eloweibli pea= WlKltitaimitied MS Wye in i t ' ! : - ,- -'7.-.A 'f.t j '''' '-,-, ~ -- - bait oh npalsoa to tam eflef' n'.. 7 !' ' ''-' , 4:':. 1110141"*WP .nd 1F b e mibm a e d itvi ii Li ob 'cc...oY. U. Lards) ' - 'w , e, - , e **.i. - .4*,•, 4.4 , ,,t. ,., ' : - MRE By MASTRO 13R90F,S 03: rryTws ternanura Dan.r Warm is padated r Noy; TrOVsokly, sad IVakly —The Dairy is Sew. • XadawsPer amen theTri-Weeklyrs Vise Dot Lars per wawa; rite Waekly is Two Dollars per =tom cried/ adissea ! .Xetleo, to . Advertisers. iZt4dvetunementli, In . secure msereon, sinned be u by. Zoe eeleek in the afternoon. Aftenuon Or silo en the part of oar customers, weak be prod= tioeoessnstual benefit. FOR OOVIRNOR, GXN. JANIE! - awn covm.) FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER. 'JOBISPII •W..P ATTU., ertnawin 0:01MIT GEORGE OARS'S, of ilkelexty Cay. LEWIS C. J. NOHLE r ;of Indiana Tp. CHRISTIAN IHUVEL of Will= Ty. MARSHALL SWARTZ ER, l'imbarsh. . HENRY LARGRoIBSSLATp. MEEEZEMI 7110 K AA rimaNs; Tp. 11 CENTRAL COMMITTEE. THOMASE FRANKLIN, Lanewier City. JOHN 0 UNlCEL,Haaphin County. THOMAS DUNCAN • . /AXES MARTIN, mows, C HAMBLY, York. WILLIAM IA WATD3,Cuntberland. DANIEL M SMYSEXtdante. JOHN P WETHERI Philadelphia City. JOSEPH R CHAND RODEAT'T CONRAD, THOMASMeGRATH, Philadelphia County. .DILLER LUTHER, Berke. ROBERT M BARD,_Frankrm. THOMAS M OGLE , KNNAN, Wauhttlgtna ANDREW J Somerset. HAMAR DENNY, Allegheny. • RICHARD IRWI ,N Venango. JOSEPH H [ULM' , Wevaioreland. .1 RAW_ _Erie. H D NIAX.V.W...LL,NorthuoPton.: ' KidEj uI AILBE I Serebann 'IIAXUEL A PUR%AIkE, Lien • HENRY 8 MUNRO:Nester. ROBEEP •;• POTTS, Montgomery. - Fat :Atm Commercial intelligence Domestic Mar ti rmsrlicors, imports, Money Markel, te. eee in Ibliartb Pu? for Misoelluseous Kew& ••• Saipan thit neon the arrival of ..Eurros-, Bacons 4 Co." in Pittaburgh, we should publish en ankle halm paper, making an appeal to MU chines to insult them wherever they appeared— • to treat diem with "silent et:enema," kecenso of • their .thrsien impudennel"-- Post. yen, tans pretty . much what the Post did preceding the spiral of the editor of the Gazette In the city. It endesiored to excite prejudice • egainunit and the Gazette, by ar.enting what, if • ft knew anything of, the matter of fact, it knew to .• , Ithlinteoric that the Gazette "had been sold to 'en adhering Mason, and our readers were kindly end prejudiced' in advance against any • each abirgain and corruption." What does the Pat think of this story of its own, made oat of . Whole elkoth, and heralded to ourlfisadvantagei -Aratnow • word of Mr. Dallas. Ho war' in " Winn as a fertizan, he Immo hero as a putt ' un, he was publicly received as such, paraded the streets se each, and made a speech as such,: in which speech he &smelted what we are carry to say - spin was notoriously Untied . All thin has been dome upon the eve of an im. Portant State election, and es we benne, and the • public know, for party purposes alone. When the Vies President forget/ the respect duo to his word es a man, and to hie official pagan ei an officer, it Is simuldeg too much to expect that men should - pey ii&delket Whim runty bosun he is the rep. nwentative of power. Meibinffice must prove themselves entitled to public temped before they - iiact it fnen their fellow men. It will do in En ' nu for Princes end Potentates to command obei. • sans from their humble subjects, and Ahe wee,. • wed head; the beaded knee, and the prostate form, are there sometimes the exaction of Church and State, bat not so here. The Vice President - was a citizen, u it were, upon yesterday, and wffi be one again to-morrow. There are no he ,reditay hernank—no "Princes of the blood,"— wake , indeed, to exact ohedience here, but a needy exercise of duty, a just Stunts of truth • ind of Public serviee. Had the Vice President *WO Pittsburgh as the Vice President of ail the people. and not as a more party hack, we stundd have taken pkasare In paying him the reepect doe Arebkollifwbetasihe Public Pees has something • •; nee to do than to falsify tut by recording cot . totrobstoi, and to tooopoteta not nhonat., tco whorl honor is doe," but hdpor where theniis no merit, respect tel a pawn whit shows none for himself, none for the people where he is, end none kor the high obligations •of truth, we have but. shad die mirror up to 'Plains," that the public might behold the true reflection in the glue. The Post aye But theme editors of the Gazette, chiming to ben I ' "height puticulir stars" in the rads of the party that arrogates to itself "all the decency, and all the morality" in the land, recommend to the - ens of Pittsburgh, among whom they have but nattily taken up their abode, to insult—basely, wantonly toeult, the second officer in the United Stated If a spirit of this description woe sane: Sowed end ensued generally by the' people in this ealulrfrit is fearful to contemplate the nomite. Family ties would be cut asunder--the axial re. • - Aide= would be destroyed—end the worse feel. inp'of human na would be permitted to run • It makes momehittle forbeannut to tun all this se It statures to be treated, but ere we thesn'to and ell occasion for a personal newspaper dia. . Marion. and not to run away- open new Uses, ,Van sassier that all the Post here aye of the'Ed - ken of the Gazette is entirely untrue in fact. .11, bite reasons we bare given, to maitre the ; 'Vice Pemident in silmce es a Tinier, or to ra buks Unlit the prase foi violating two of the cm . miembe of , --the decelogno is oto joule, bawdy, . 4rentoaly insult the second officer in the United :: ,,, ;14lutas." this we plied guilty to the charge, hit etheriehis. We base recommended no par. wad dbcoasksy, and should bo sorry to ape any glean—cameissuckae ete Dernberala themselves soar guilty of.whenittk more than a year since, is this eery City of Pittaburgh, - they aided in lisinefiek him-in effigy for the very vote he gait /hew; of the Tariff of 1846, now so much lauded by the Pait, though then assailed soil :Daiwa-atm hero became hoarse in uttering their ansibmail spinal the act and, those who wire grallty_el giving it birth., nail we !mini the raeteds* the Exchange Heeling again,. or of the ;Siting at tbs Tdismoied, or open the files of the l*or go to the " Daemon*" I,neistantre , of l'enseylvents, or to the unanizooua vote In , A ,Alliturnietl The Twin* of tgAZ.weala perfect luemetttll then, pi the Truitt* of 184 f Li the per fect immure nowt 'Modern Duabwracy can thug be*iiiiitfery end slimy u on It wire is sari wires oat, And leaver tba . pablac will in doubt, , Whelan. lbs make who took the iratk, L going Omni oar:min back. Vii 4 not =unbind all thews tertatinge end iambs& Noe rtre they to be excused, though acestituid in the ponce of .the second officer of tho railed &atm' - Thit Poerdoee Entente Brooke & Co" too moth boom In asecocialiott their ',DAMN with Mr. Deltas. We feel the distance of the =toot, end appredate the motive which prompts the allusion. 11 hum Re mid, that t , our alma who are proiorbtel' for their ktodnees and lactation to etnagers,-bave extended to them every connoty and tegact, they ccadd reasonably enact or de. Ant." It is We very .axattsy and reepet" which we have teceived,w'nkh have proarpted us to vindicate elf rePubltice of Pittthiltet, for iti, ictelliience tepid for truth, by eipodog rho wools Sad . of a man who, had he any reel respect the people where he is, would hare blushed sto tepid ishibited himself here end chowhere,in .theeboacter hrwhkkhe has appeared. fi,~j;. M, To thi Edihrs ofilaTitisfrurikassaffe. Of a Pauage from Pilledwrgi to CinciWpalL At 3 o'clock on Menday, the 6th Wt.. we (left ,Plttekutigh for Cincinnati, in the light steamer Umpire, Capt. Crooke. Before startieg,. there semnivil to be t Omni distrust in the ability of any yawl to ions down the deer, owing to the low water,' but from the feet that thbi vowel had made the previous trip in eight day., a 4zge number were induced to engage pawage. On leaving Pittsburgh, we had about one hundred puma:rpm It le now Thursday noon, and we are erne twenty miles below Marietta. We have Wet with nothing to interrupt our passage, except where the channel has been blocked by other vessels. At Beaver Shoals, we ■topped 1.5 hours, the channel being blocked by the Dan ube, Financier, and Zanesville Packet. took about 50 penengers froni the Danube,: and about the same number from the Lady: Byron, a few mike above Wheeling. At Marietta le land, we waie .detained one night by thesteam. er Mitre. • - - W° . are now under full sail fa Cincinnati, in high hopes of reaching that city M.-morrow night, or next morning. With two hundred passengers on a mall boat, all desiring the best accommodation", It requires po small share of patience on the part 'of, the officers to give goners' 'satisfaction. Rules 'and regulations that conflict with individual interests, have but little weight. The main difficulty comes upon the Clerk--and I an testify that be is one of the eleverat fellows (hi the Yankee sense of the term,) I ever met with. Although he can not accomModak all, he cut, and does please all. His urbanity and . good humor are the subject of mineral remark. The Uiptain, although a giant In person, is ea gentle as a dove. Tuesday evening a mad accident occurred to one of our paseengers. An Irishman by the name of Patrick Higgins fell in the hold, and fractured his leg.both bones being 'broken just above the ankle joint. Being the only physician on board. I was called spun to set and dress the limb. -I performed the office u well as I could, under the einnunatances. Profisasor T H Perry of the U. S. Navy, who misted In the operation, upon in quiry ascettained that Higgins had formerly been in the U. 8. sulk*. Ho went out with Professor 'Perry, In the U. S. Ship Independence in May 1837 from Boston, and returned in 1840. Although not perhaps legally entitled to Hospital money—Higgins had an extra claim upon oar charity—he was poor and destitute. On arriving at Wheeling the next morning I went with Prof. Perry in search of Hospitril,or Also. Home where Higgins could be taken, and placed wider - the care of a Surgeon. No such institution could we find. The Collector of the city Informed no that Hig-. gins could not be kit there "unless fifteen or twenty dollars were raised for his support." umler these circumstances we returned to the beat, mad the money war contributed at once. The Capt. gave In his passage, and gus 'clerk (the good fel. low) contributed five deThis towards the purse.- No money, was ever given more promptly, or, more heartily than this . twenty, dollars. &We felt the truth of that proverb. "It is more blessed to give than to receive." Friday fpoon 10th inst.—We are now off Gmenupsbum—and shill arrive in Cincinnati to morrow morning if not interrupted by the fog to night. We should have been there ere this had it not teen for the foggy nights, compelling us to lay by. A Milt Laughable SCCIIO occurred liet evening. Between 9 and 10 o'clock, the passengers retired to their bertha and cots. Them happened to be quite as many pamengets as cot., or even pia me to lay upon the cabin floor— conseeptently there was no litde .trite to secure places. Even a quilt of a duet was better than nothing.— The clerk, with all his bland smiles, and .mles acd regulations,' could have but litde indnence. A night's sleep was the .allelmlextint thing.— In , the general conflation, a superstitions Irish man, from the lower deck, thinking a night's lodging in the cabin preferable to that open the deck, succeeded among the crowd, In wearing • cot and quilt. A. soon as obtained, ho meas. wed his length upon the floor, and was soon miming in the most profound slorp. gen tlemen—the last, more modest than shrewd, could obtain nothing but asked, with • standee, or the barber's elude. He chose the latter. Robing the heed-piece of the chair to. Its highest notch, amt wrapping blend( in his winding sheet, he re. dinedcomfort:al:ay in his new podtloti, and drop. ped to sleep.- After all was mill and quiet, the lights turned law. • dim glare stele through the apartment—the oilmen ..cath reigned. At Ibis moment, the. Irishman '...Ling to study himself that all was safe for La night, awoke from kin pretended sleep, and took a wormy: Obsemiarg,_•• the man in the white Amt, he jumped feet,--m ghost a ghost!,' bellowed Pit-Var eyes atoning from his-head. The passengeri started up, and • general roar of laaghtee follow ed, very much to the chagrin of poor Paddy. - Saturday morning, 10 ,o'clock.,We are now within twelve miles of Cincinnti. We have made the trip as quick as could be expected con sidering the foggy night, and the delay/ °cession ed by the blockage of the channel by other boat. Where we have hod ckar milling, the low water has not interrupted ow puma a single lam I can elution heartily tern:emcee the Urapire'to those who desire a safe, pleasant, or .expeditions pasuge. I ewe with another lad incident A poor Ger. man girl by the name of Elise Ulrich k.ll off the guard this montirtg about 3 o'clock and was dentinal. The officers of the boat used every exertion to imam bar, but to no avail. She was a poor orphan, and had coma from Germany. to 'fire with a sister in Climinnati, and was within eight hormi of her happy destination. She bag gone .to bar long home. How inscrutable are the ways of Providence. a ln the mWst of life we are in death." Truly, - G. Q. C. Tae. Sus TIIIIIIOIT Law.--We hare alma. dy and many times pointed out the charaMer of ads law, as recently method by the Secretary a the Tretwury. The man stands thewt—Pablic ne. seedy requires that 9,000,000 should be placed at New Orleans in Specie, and Mr. Walker by the law is 'required m knew of no pepee:trans. actions Mending this men cy from New York to its destination. Thelon, of the law was made most obvious to him in the &charge of this duty, end • he un dertook, therefore, to put it at dellarfce, which , he had no right to do as en officer of the Govern ment. To mesons the appearance of "ding ac cording to law. Mr. Walker, though - all the time violating it, took the two inflame of specie, de posited It with a contractor, end_ allowed hire to keep It thlrty•eight days, on coalition of deliver ing it' at par in New Orleans, at the expire. don of the time. The cantrectoramied the too neflo the lank—deposited it--gotaclusth—and sent it to New Orkendteos it arrived In tight days. He then is allowed thew. for thirty days of two millions of money, which he may loan out in Newmit at 8 per cent, or in New Odeaus et ten, thus declaring in the Ant Me $13,006, and in the List =TO' than 016,000 by the operation, all of which might have been sued to ate Oitv eminent but for the enactment of the Hub Treas. my law. - What the contractor did for the Government, Mr Walker mild bus dew ;beet, but for the Bab Treasury law, and might as wall have dorm, so violated the law . in the manner in which we have pointed out, but them the 813,000 or E 16,000 dot. lam would not have been put in the pockets of 10 - 11313 Glow:mime favorite. What renders all this the more outrage:ea, la the fact that oar troop in Mexico have been makes severeiyfire the wanted funds thus kept beck for weeks when they should have been forwarded for the paid:Mistake. We observe thia no Wee than twelve millions of dol. Lan in specie have arrived at New Orkin' on Government account, sod to say that the manner oft Its being ant there has coat the Government $lOO,OOO would boa low estimate. of the real ex. pease: , , The Whip of CILWICIRD and Velum" hare nominated as a Candidate for tho' Renato. Joseph C. 0. Kennedy, a good cilium, a One friend to the -beg interests of the State, and ono way way competent to discharge the duties reposed in him by his fellow Mama The Whigs of the district shoal,' not despair .of placing their candidate' in the commila of the Slate. In • jest came, with a tree faith, nothing is drepiate. Ken WC( know their inner till they try the energies they pos. saii. It will rejoice all hearts bare and throughout theljtate, 'to know that the Whip . Of Ifermitgo and Crawford have done their whole detV The Dumber of &situ Ist Nei Odom hype,. low feeerolortng the week on the 4th kr. Au; at tho.u., wasfout latathuf sod avers. The thuthir of disitAte;bi the *dm/v.: dorihig the previous week was aree Aumuuf and EIM=O CITY NEWS. . ,Isysiumanto with the execution ,of legai ar. reale in not quite 93 safe 99 many perm' kn eeler. Olfieer Scott,. of Allegheny, went on baud the Steamer Pacific, on Tuesday, to cx. teats a warrant upon a person who was em ployed in the hold of the boat. The date fm , bid his entrance into. that part of the boaki,— said he. was 'in-authority, and no ono shouldlit• trudeierithout . his -- perminion, and even took hold of the officer to eject him front the boat. Mr. Scott made, complaint beim Mayor Adams, who had the mate arrested, and after a hearing, hold . to bail in three Waked dollar, for- obstructing the °Meer in the execution of his duty. • Tart Yr= Paunizaz is advertised to Aimee at • man meeting of the Democracy of Pittsburgb, tirittatardsy, and was advertised to appear On Wednesday, before the 'party of Washingtoo, Pa. We suppose . by this time the farce has been played out of .a visit to his relations." Ctzens.—The last exhibitions wID hike OW this afternoon andevening. This ems. pony have been better patronized hem we believe than any witch preceded it, and its exhibitions we think, have given more ratisfaction. The Psuetwrisami Sectary have their Jun& /essay meeting fhb; evening, at the University chapel. The address will bo by C. McKnight, and 1-11. e subject 01* the debate, "whether the Comilla tiosilegalizes Slavery !" : SCIPILXI COOK; Seer. 14.—Tresent, all the Judges, except Judge Bell, win was absent by reason of indisposition. 'Philip Keller vs John Cunningham—judgment Mammal, case reinstated, and procedondo award ed. • - Mon. Nav: Co. vs Adam Coon, et al—the ar• gamut of thetas, postponed for the meant, on =mot of Judge Dell's indisposition. George Leslie v. Mon. Nav: Ca—argued by Mister for p!ff in error, and Thos. Williams for dft in error. Geo. Beltshoover et al vs Z H Colton—the ar gument of this cause, (after a partial argument by Mr. Dunlop,) postponed until next Monday. John Harrison vs Andrew Solos—argued by Allen for plfl in error; and Woods for die in or. William Brown'. heirs vs John Niekle—orgaed by Wads end Dunlop for plff in error, Mahon for rift in error. thryssrnan 15.—Bresent, all the Judger. . Commonwealth ez relations James Wilson, ha beas corpus—the relator was brought up to obtain his discharge under tho Bread Act, being in prison on i Capunad Reapondendum issued on ajudg. meet obtained against him of $750 for seduction; argued by Alden for relator and McCandless and McClure contra. Curia adocrsari cull, and rela tor remanded until tomorrow morning. Mon. Nay. Co. re Adam Coon et al—Error to the District Court—the argument of • the cause was resumed by Hampton and Loomis for dim in 'error, and by . Mr. Williams in reply. Wm, litcblutcheon vs Margaret Firmaroe—er rot to (ho DistractCowl—Smith and Mahon rot pill in enor, and Mellon for dit in error. SWIM Wilkinion, Tntstee of McCoy, To For. mers and Mechanics Turnpike Road Co—error to the District Court—argued by McCandless and Dunlop for piff in emu, and Craft and Forward for dft in error. Ws routs from the Cumbarbuid Mountaineer that a fool murder war committed by a woman upon the peewit of her husband, mme few days ago. This woman is the same identical Mrs. Frey, who was accused of being accessary to the mar. du of a former husband, (Mr. Frey,) in the upper part of Allegheny county Md., some two or three years airier, and for which Wm. 8. Cris° suffered death upon the gallows. She committed the foul deed while her burnout] au sleeping by pouring hot lead into his ears. This tut tragedy was re formed in Pennsylvania, and near the Maryland line. She Is now confined in jail to await her trial. Moos. VATTXXARi.—This gentleman :mined in Now York, on Tuesday morning from Maine and Musschumitu, where he ham been for winernel weeks engaged in the 'discharge of his resent minion to title country. He has everywhere been received with the govern., cordiality, o good eni dente of which Is the 'fact that on Ws whole jour. .ney he has not been allowed to pay out a dollar 'for expanse.. He brings back with him shoot 13,000 Toiames as gifts for various institutions of France; at this rate ho will reams the Ocean hill banded. Ho brought out books to the sales of $BO,OOO ham France, most of them the gift of the King of the French and the. French Government. The Governor of Isatipana hia &did not to act on the acuttolity4itnutty•the Wer...1404, meet to tli, two companies of moinitial men, air the Secretoq of War, coupka the authority with la waif= that the tow 01114 Mild for amam end famish their own home. Paasem P. Daus, ENT, lately editor of the •Globe,^ Ls aid to have delivered an able Woe. Ma on the character and union, to thaa country of Hon. Silas Wright, Washington city. The sonioty before which this was done pawed a reap. Intim sppoipting a committee to confer with Hon. Thomas 11 Benton, and to ink hint at some cm veniern day to deliver en Ware' as in the duracter and Political Unica of the deceased. QUITI TAIIIL—The Northampton Gazette layer Thai* quite common among pip= young pen, that they cannot fulfil their n•t of good lo mankind without getting into the potpit , has filled the sacred deik with a - great many poor pteachery" Ono tat of tidier bullion wu stoma in a St Lou is watchouse recently. It belongs to Santa Fe traders, and in on its way to Philadelphia, to be columned into legal currency. Cason unowtanos--A gentlemen belonging to the Country, says that learning is of little use to a boy, and be accordingly , loathes his Dm real practical knowledge, as be can get 's living le— nds is; be hoc kept hint timing • grindstone fur about fire year put.—Roth. Conrenenro,--In a very old copy of work, now extant. on necromaney,is the following quaint passage r .Qtication : How to raise a denial 1— Answer vContradkte your 'qtrs." Prince Albert has contributed the sum 01.C2.50, the Queen Amapa has also added £lOO, and the Corporal= of Watford anotherBloo bririuda purchasing the bitth•place of the Bud of Avon. The Boehm Post =dental:lds the Rev. Mg. Bantington of the Booth Comegational dockty. has received. call from the Bev. Dr. Dewey's So. clay, of New York—ealasy 10000 per annum. This is the third colt he has waived 'from that 00ciotY• Isaac /flit &Kdwell at Concord en the occosion of the 'bit of the Ancient and . honorable Anat.:. ry Compazif of Boston, in a new characterc—as the enloghenf Oen. Brooke, tho al' federal gas. enter of Measachtnetta, Col. Rao inform to that all the Mimeo but three who i lataly eaceped Gorr Providence Jail, bee beau'vetakenr—and that wawa wero belie". ved to be'cktee at the beak of the rent.—Eaton journal :4thirday.- Nadi; two nsi/Come hunts of wheat flour hero been received at New Tork since the opening of nesigandii this seamen. Puirmagn.—A butcher of Rouen bas been an. kneed tj three manlike imprisonment for making sewage/ of luirseflesh, Instead of beef. The Indiana Legislature, u appears from the official Cotten., stands as follows: —Senate 26 WhP Intd 28 Leers; House t Whigs and 46 The ,recelpia of speedo' at New Orleans since bit of Sept. 1646 have been 56,680,050 against $1,872071 ramp time year befoul. Baum or Letvuert—The eaten of Leather which ;hare been made hi, Bathe, within • few weeks have been it admixed prime The market is 6m3,lend there is bat a light crock in the hinds of dealers. The tanners in this 'Vicinity, although so much encouraged by the recent adrenal in the prime eif manufactured leather, that they have commenced with renewed energy their Wawa operatiOns, are nevertheless prevented from reap• leg Anil very emendsl benefit from the improved state of the bathes market by the uncommonly high yid of there haying been but a small guar• thy be: night up from the Eastward the present season, by the coasting Yawl; most of this craft be lag aimed in rieighting (amber.—Dances (Mau.) Courier 11 - - . Funites LCD Fasci.—A magna ant fancy ball mitt oil et Newport on the 29th August, at which ibe whole world of fabler) wu prerent.— Wo ought not to have said •qhe whole world," for if priiate reports 'peak the. truth. there was ■ grand Social quarrel s, to the thou the Ball should -be held On ptuty beaded by Mn.—, of New York. was for the 19th olt,=the Wharfed on by Mrs.±, of Boston, for the 29th. The Phila. delpluirw and the boutherner, rallied to the sups port of Mason, sod "the 26the" rattled the day wharallt..Mee ead more than an hundred of the ltllha" decamped "sod weal to the 8 1 6 4 • Az Edits eatoner.—A way large eagle was atagtig' at Redly, Hue, - ea the to inst., ha • bear trap.-The yoweifelbild was taken alive without the indareef • bone. /tie wine distended new des 7,ie.t Mr. Nash had bet a sheep the day -previous' and supposing that new. dog was the u irderiethle trap for II . PillNig, WARD C co It is said this L a me vraethe principal agent in an incomplete , negociition for the sum of about one million - of dollars, m be furnished fat- the completion" of the Chesapeake & Ohio ,Canal. The New York Tribune aye—lt is under. moo! that they hare made large advances open Flour and Grain shipments to houses in England, which have and are to tam out very dilate:roar ly. The London houses which have recently lailal, It is hoped will be able to pay twenty Ail tinge to the pound, in which ease Messrs. Primo, Ward & Co- will twee comparatively little. The New Turk Sun has this paragraph on Inn subject. - Their honor and integrity were proverbi al, and their Bills of Exchange as =trent in Coin ton, Lembo and Paris, as in Wall street. The event Is • public calamity, while the attendant Or• cumstances add to it a degree of national impirt• lance They have not fallen from mismanagement or indiscretion on their part —They are an‘ Amer ican sacrifice to British repudiation! The New Yetk Tribune of Saturday morning aye—lt is 51:114*.ed them= of the parties who have bought bills of them may be emburused, but an fir u we can learn there is no danger of any farther failures. It was reported 'that one of the interior banks had depoeited with this house atom than its capital. We find, on inquiry; that thie Num so. The Bank in question has $lOO,. 000 or half its amount Of capital, on deposit with Prime, Ward & Co. and whist the keg, what. ever it puy result In, ha a surplus of $25,000. We leant that the Albany Banks will continue to receive the notes of the Bank alluded to. The following paragraph describes the emit of an enterprise of which we have heard something before. PLANK R0.L11,40 company with George Ged des, Erg. we lately enjoyed a ride On the Salto' a and Ventral Square plank road. Thin road, In cceistruaing which Mr. Geddes was engineer, was completed dating the past year. Its length is fifteen miles. It is decidedly the most agrees. Me road to aide over, that we ever saw. The canine glide. as smoothly as on the frozen our. face of a lake or river. The plank are hemlocks eight feet long and three inches thick; laid Imme diately on the earth, which is table , perfectly smooth to receive them. They keep'ilier p • • without any futening. .On one side of the roa • there lea good ground track twelve feet wide, made exactly level with the plank, on which car riages tem out, and which In dry weather is a good road. .The cost of this read (including; both the earth and plank trasks,) was $ MOO per mile, and , it is expected the plank will het eight path. A team will carry about double the weight on this road that it will on the common loads, and a horse in a light carriage will readily go Gong at the rate of sixty or seventy miles a day. In section where plank can bo cheaply prOcuted, we have no doubt that these roads will be found profitable.— A now Kroner Carrox.—Ono discovery often leads to another, and science, in seeking to test new experiments, has not unfirquently Wien upon hitherto unknown and exceedingly valuable m ulti It rums that this truth has very recently been fully proved in the proper preparation of gun cotton. We learn from the Medical Journal, that a physician in Georgia, in recently attempting to prepare gun cotton for a receipt sent him by ■ brother physician, was unsuccessful, and found to his astonishment that his cotton would neither ex- plode nor ignite, being anti-inflantable. ' On hues fixating, to find not the cum, he found that ha haul not weed the right acid, murtafic acid we cop• pow. He repeated the process, and the result was the same; so that ho claim to have discovered • method of rendering cotton incombtratible. He soya that this cotton can troprepared with little or no expense, as he has tested the matter sufficiently to know that it can be manufactured into cloth, 'the lint and texture of the cotton being not in the least injured, but upahle of being nude into clothing - with no much ease aa from, the common material. Tug Paranasev.---Several letters appear in the law number of the Native Eagle of Phi Wei,. phis, from gentlemen whine names have been mentioned as candidates Mr the Presidency. The letters are in answer to others from the Nativo American party, asking whethei they would ae ceps the Native Nomination. General !Taylor replies, as usual, that he will in the candidate of no party. Henry Clay declines the nomination, waiving the expienion of any opinion upon the principles of the Native party. Own Stewart. also declines, as unwilling to encounter the high responiibilincs of each an affirm. Ogden Ed wards Id.* declines, though be expresses his approbation of Native principles,- Mr Di ' ntrair an African traveller, presented • pater at a late meeting of the Royal Geograpbr, cal Society. of London;contaleing an account of a recent journey into the interior of Africa 490 mike, where oo European: had ewer berm. fie .was kbdly treated ty . Molting of whir - twinged Irla views: Amoog otter thing.; Ife'Doiroiliremitioiel dandle of Dory establishment. • „Elie bodyguard mutated upwards of 6000 women, armed with inuakots, abort sabres and club& This g r ata Wale) dB• cored by women, and ,the vinous ars Waited prindpally on account of their height and bodily dimerodons, corpulency being absolutely . emential, to that in fact they are all perspire of ozesiderablo weight A terrible an of secidental poisoning is repot.... and IA the late London paper. /a whole save one. (the mother.) aorta snot ore father 'and Are chililorn, of nee ranging from 19 months to 9 you", were in the comae of ar haw boors hurried into eternity by the effects of a quantity of ammio mired In a rhoubarb pudding by a young sister of the mother of the chiklem, who robnecik it for flour. The dreitlfal Zak OCCUrikt in the family ot Thomas Richman, mauling ins cottage at Kemal, New Town. The .IIsion: of Thuralav night, apparently C arious, because Indiana has shalt 30001 400 Whig map:wiry , op the popular vote for Cougnata, under. takes to cipher out • Loco Foca =jinn, in Kea lucky, as a wet of counter balance: But, to do this, it Is obliged to place in the Loco:Poen col umn nom 6307 votes, coat for Cott. Price, • rival Whig candidate for Cowes, in the filth disisid! Bravo for the Union! A MULL Busizzia—A New York paper say. that while. Gen. Tom Thumb was ahliting at Hartford, lut week, he offend $5OO rowed for • child ea short as' himself who could walk. Mr. Foley, a woman of that 'city, thereupon presented her little daughter one year old, end one inch leer thin the General ; yet she could walk elem. The reward was therefore fairly worn but the MID of small dimensions created out of a null hole and said he offered the amount for • chill of such a description, and refuted to pi,' ankss the meta would gire him the infant, This of coarse she would not do. LAI/LA COMTISM 017 MI A CLD.—K little boy ten years of age, in the Manx; of °enemy was lately siesed by en eagle at the 'moment et which he had taken some eaglets from . a nut; ..the bird carried him tot height of apwaids of 600 metros the summit al a rock, where luckily eine shep herds were engaged who horaiidiately.ignoged the faxe boy. He bad sustained no other injury than a vicdont fright, and the. profound Impression of iha eagle's claws: Batman taxed—Alfred TADAJSQO 'lb has boen sojourning at &her In bad L. No one thought it moth 'his while trneolL*o him or to solicit his acquaintance. The Quetritudnina hearing of it, paid their reapeatato hint without delay. No sooner wee this known than Tenni son wrs Inundated with au.h and imitating:lr. The card. ho retained, the imitations he declined. The organ of tho "vote yourself • fans^ party, "Young America," flirts gloats over the failure of Prime, Ward, & Co sPrime, Ward& Co., one of . the ostigast" Arms in New York, have stopped payment, owing to floor speculations! Great lima ahead/ Gland from under, and took to the Lard/" PITTSBURGH WRISHIC GAZIITTE Seremben 16..-COITIVITIO 11Ir James. Buchanan—Coat of the Waz—Dai. ly Pdait—Firemen'a Parade—gpeelment of Rn., Hastinge—tiopreme Court—Joseph W. Patton— , Whig Candidata for Canal Go' madssion• a and Bankrupt Law—RMl Road Movements— Letter from Henry Cliy—Tho Vice President— Troublaa among the Demomacy—Oar , Mex ican &Winter—Our Improaomenta—Rats, dcc —Parsing tEvent.—From California—Woolen MitinfaMerea—Dirinity itaAal;—The Qom of Spain—CopperandttilesiOre—The Ramona Flasacia—ThoHriath Tara— Welcome to thango H. Dallas—Mr. Dallas and Rfosch—Si ardor Marriage ease—ttallot Box Local nominiseermas—There's Trouble in- the Gawp—RAl Road Tratidyng—A Hard Cue, Mr. Bdcbsaan and fliaaary—Maniago 0010111Chl Latest Telegraphic newi, foreign and Domestic. Commercial—A carefully complied }{4 , l4W id the Market. for ; thepold seek—rho prices Is tire local city auutetv—Thethittle Market—The prices or American Produce in nrimm parts or the Union —Amount or }lour, Wheari Coro, &cc., received since the opening ol the canat—card bushier sad moveraeats produce—mow le London; - City Newi—.pelt of thsPress—Copious Extract * , from the leading jonmahrin the Interesting Umies Far nip at the desk, idagly or in timtppena Nee 6 coati single copy. Ratratriptkata two dollars s intik idiom . Mk::_::~t:~ .ems;. ... .....~. ~:..t,e. y` sSt:M;~~.::.J ~`~Mr:.c-~x"'i~i:~l>;iSr~Lt._ BY gAGNETIC,TELEGRAPII IMPORTAN-7FFT-M ADDITIONAL PAILTI-0-TridLtlg.' 1100 lac,lean lined and. Wounded. One hundred and three killed in the Neto York til>loll:lFisjy - ki‘,Eßiiiipseil Dissatieaction with the Anntitia—Banta Anne proved a traitor to hilt Country. .11nrin0.d..;,of -- We . PinilLargti Gazette. Philadelphis,Aug.l6-10 P. M. By 'Oriel express of the; Phil - Ade'lptja Ledger wo hare the New °flame palters to the lith lest The Picayune =Was a: Kato of letters filled with statistics of the battle, end with lists of tho killed end wounded.. The Regiment of New York Yohmteers loot Ib3 of its numbetein killed and wounded. AMong the officers killed was Lieut. Chandler. ii r eatichd:—CoL Bonnet, serenely; Capt ha t:Md. Capt. Dyelunah, slightly; Lint 811 " e'ne it i c*ltift ideni iminiat, slightly. Lient Cooper; of the 7th Regiment, and Lint McCabe. serenely;' Licut Potted, serenely; Lints Griffin and Mwbowsky, slightly. The matted ion was In the attack upon Santa Anna'. line. The brilliant expleita and necadof the morning, had inapued both annum and men with the greatest courage and highed enthusiasm, and they anahad pall mall upon a postilion most exposed, when they were mowed down by ban. dins. Oar own loss is bat Maki abort of 1100, out of 6000 Dien engaged. When the works of the enemy are examined., onenuarally wanders that Gement Scott'. entire force wu not swept away. Pat our troops in the sune.position, and the entire force of the Maxi ern could not defeat them. ' & letter from Mr. KetalaU, dated Tscuboys, l Augur! 25, sus that the' srmistHee afforded ani venal in tits Army. It is regarded ea one of anta Anna's! old tricks to gain time to plaCe son.i new sebemo of trick. ery ineuceestfalnparmion. Mr Ketitlall does not believe that any. hcidora hie Peace will grow out 01 it. and In tile opinion ho is joined by many officer. of the Army. Mr Kendall thinks the whole scheme was plan ned by the Ktitiab Minister, who leads Santa An na in hi. course. It La reported that Generale Puede, and Brut- 1 limeade are both approaching the Capital from different points and with Wong foram eich deal ing death and destruction to the American for, Tha number of deretters and fireignera taken by nut: troops and fightinkagainst us were es, enty•two.. A court =dial was in SCE3IOI3 with Colonel Guiana as President, for the trial of those pre dons rasada; and it was thought full justice would be done them. Roily, an Irialiana who commanded them, o penly makes his brags of what ho has done and cclarea ho expected no mercy. General Scott au r ounded by a grape shot which grazed and slightly injured hie legs. It gam him so little pain at the time that he arid nothing about it. The wound ha dace cau sed him much uneasiness. Among the prisoners ere three members of the Meiloin Congress. They were liberated to par ticipate in the delibetetfons of that body upon the question of pear. !t, Another letter dated et the place above 0010130.4 4, i/i , on the SUM,. ye that positive information ha. b.vn received, at General Valencia arrived at 'Coheres drunk n company with his eidolo-csml- He IN mid to her'e been drunk dating the battle. Prospect. of Peace are brightening, and the Meziran sublime are venturing to return to their home; but quiiri aest-fillen. Many of them fled like orwanle fruit the field or battle below they re naive& a shot. They are gradually becoming • ra tional Peso:, patty, So great was the panic on the . 2Gth, that 013! raL9OO f-Ot 00! ,400 w 0104013 - 0 b eno ,1110103011thi flifoll 'without*. position. Rumors from', , the city have it that Santa Anna ' 1 I. throwing up breastworks end constructing bat teries, and Roux: think they en to be manned by American roldiets, to protect Santa Anna alpine thrum who oppose him in =Mies terns of Peace General Salmi aeknowkithpis that he wee totally . defaihnl. ' 1 Escldsive Cotrespontthuto ofthonest.trglt (Wen, PLEILADELFRIA MARKET. PkltattetiatA, Sept, 15, 7 r. a. Flour—The Min today have been moderate et 15,50.5,62; Weetetzt . ha acid at 55,37. The market is not active. Thereje no change in the Grain market, and prices are generally much deprweed. Provisions hire untkrgoneno change amour lut quotations. Groceries have acid also at preriousquotationa. The Cotton =int continues firm, but cua7 thing eke is dull. •• Exclusite CortainionCenee of the rinatenin Ge.ette BALTIMORE MARKET. Baltimore, Sept. 15, 4 1. x. Flour—The market is quiet, with moderate ohs of Rowan! at brands at 415,25 per bid; City Mills hold at 115,25 per kat Wheat-Moderate saki of prima White 119 e 115 e per btu I - Coro- 7 -Seleri otpritne White at 60r, prime Yellow is in fah demand, with Bake at 63a per Oaken ielliog for 37a410 par ho. Rye is In Railed demand at 70c per ten. hiskey—rt;leireat 2616271 per galL Proviskinii— r Then is kes inquiry in Sur mar ket, and prime are wady nominal. Beef Cattle.-Thos mortal is quiet, with sales at 59,50 per 106 Its gross. • Killed Bop—Sales ant made at $6,50a7,00per 100 Re. Btodra hare incmasod In demand, with in up. ward tendency in pais: Exeluirc NEW YORK Otrinepondetiee or MARKET. me httelmigh Onette , Sept. 15, 0 s. w. Fleurs of tilentiolek from now wheat at 65,60 • .415 1 8 7 e, at w the market. continue Ar Sales of B More if S brands' at 'l 9 ,67.lter r hhit Com—Modinde sales of prime white at 65e Per tin. 0116--Idtalted Wee occur et. 470 a 49e per bushel. Rye--b long at 74c per be. Wheat-- e'market is doll and heavy with no sales to repos.. PrOviSomd—, Them Is Ina inquiry In the mu. ketkiniCbe nansinaL Lard—Thy market is leas firm, with no ale worth tenoning, Tha Fre i Market is quiet and without change. The En:lingo Mattel is suite inactive. GIOCIACII re without change. The market morally is without change. Orinarmil , srenta Tazza!—Tremendoue Haul! —Un thlunisy afternoon, under • warrant, U. B. 'Wanted Rabertsmi, accompanied by Deputy U.B. Marshal et Hulse. and of Flannary, Vance, Jenkins, and Ruffin, proceeded to a boom in Fel. ton street, & with some difficulty and danger, ar. rated three of.ho gang. named Harrison, Wyall cad Hollud. In the house were found dim, moolds, and .0 the appendix of as extrmaive eontisfeiting teneb lithment, also a large amount of .parlour coin Of andenoadnitions and nearly all nations. Mat of the coins Were cut In plaster moulds,,hy a Foam shillas to that of stereotyping ant wore astonishingly Seeurate.—Cin. Cons, • Oanareow am Datrocass.—These two ale bested experunitus of the ultra Abolition faith made their appearance in our city on Satanley evening last. Their meetings, three in number, have been attended by a large concourse of out citizens end people from the surrounding country. Mr. &teems announced his intention of set tling in Cleveland, and wo understand it is la contemplation to remove the Anti-Slavery floglo hete, of which Mr:Douglass will be proprietor and editor. DaaAaa ea AAPAllL—Ciptala James , Wilson; of the Kenton !Flange* was killed in COlinfrUnk, on Batunlay,by,a Lieutenant hi the company, Mr. Phelps, There tau s personal &Darby bee tween the two origination in rtrahy as eandldates for Captain o f Rangers.. Thelpa the drew • bowie knika bit wade no we of it.: The giraffel grew wanner, end Phelps then drew a nearer, and discharged the contents of one binel into the right Input of Wilatiti,—Cin. Cont. $5,00i• ••.' BOOTS. 5,00 .' • • NO. 66 FOURTH STIIET, CORNER OF POST OFFICE ALLEY. .TIIE sabscriber respectfully infarcts the pablio that be bee commenced the manafactare of Gentlemen's Fsslikmable Beets, of good material- sad workmanship which he will warrant superior to env Cam ever made in Pittsburgh far the price. These hatelt!stim Soots will be tnade to 0..41C ' and aratrant'dian as mete sentedott the -very tow peen of FIVE DOLLARS CASH. Cattlemen ate renowned In call and examine the., WILLIAM VINCENT- RODERD. , .U . N. &WI( getecessor m W B ERSKINE . . flplettportstot to Advelitseno—The ndtter ilsentento which appear in the Daily Morning Gasene 4 .0 Illnl"." - W.cklY, that receiroic the ben. efit of the circulation of ell, Without any intditionol charge. This ism adynntoge moor advertiser., without Foy extra eine:tn. Ardrenieemenut ore oleo insetted In the country pope, - upon reusonable term.. Amainalay.—Mto fiittrth anniversary of the Philo. =the. Literary Lihielety anti h celebrated on Ws (Monday) evening, lathe Mopel of the University, at I pan 7 o'clock. The pablie are revectfolly incited to =tend. optla TUE DILLY NATION*. Wind. IS published in the Ciiy of %Yoshi n, cut's . day. at .1. 3 o'clock, r x.—Sonday eierp ed—and served to sulmeriben in the City, at the Novy Yard, in George town, in Alexandria, and in Bahinune, the some even ing, at Of cents a week, payable to the Sole - Agent for the Whir, G. Gillehorst,Fbui ,or his order. Iris also mailed to any port of *allotted Staten for it per an num. or 52 for six Months, payable in advance. Advertisements of ten lines or Rut inserted one time for al/ cenM, two tinsel for 75 cents; damn times for at one week for el 75, two week. for 11.175, one month e 4 two months 57, three. Ineatti. SIN aiz meotho ill, nu year s3s—payable always in advance. The MAW :CM Wnto ts what Its num indicates. It speak. the untie:mum of the Whig party of the Union on every qaestion of public pol,cy. It advocates the election to one Presidency of %/MU' TAYLOR, satdoe, to the decision of a Whig National Convention. It makes war to the knife spun abs. the mea.eraa and sea of the adrainisimtion deemed to be adverse to the inte rests of ft country, and cumuli without fear or favor the corruption. of the party in power. Its edam. are open bream men in the country, for 'the disc:Wotan of political or any other questions. In addition to polittes.• lame space In the Notional Whig Intl be devoted to publications upon Agriculture, Mechanics, and ether useful arts, &boo, at geom.!, Law, Medicine Statistic,, the. Choice opeennens of American and Foreigo litteramri, will taint. given, including Reviews, he. A.weekly-list of At Patents limed by the Potent ChSce will likewise be published— the Whole roma jog a complete family newspaper. • The Weekly National whiff, 'Doe of the largest newspaper. the United States, I. made up from the columns of the Drily National Whig, and is published esety Saturday for the low price of RI per minus, payable in minuet. A double *set of eight pages will be given whenever the press of matter *all 'miry it. The memoir. of Reneral Taylor, written expressly the National Whig, are in movie of putilicouort.— They commenced with the second number, a large namber of copies 0l which heart been printed to supply calls for back umbers. CIIAS W PENTON Proprittor of Natitinal Whig Washington, Jane 7, Inn. Jeledltawam ALLNOIJINNY COUNTY, nes IN the Orptimbi Coon of said county. , In the matter of the Pennon of Merge r. n,( ' ret MeMullen,widow and Administatrth 1 . .\ ~ v of Daniel Alehlullen, late of Wnltins " r.. , Township in mid aunty, doed, (or the zv,„„`„,!.,- vale of Real Estate of said decedent, de , scribul an suld pantos ' And now to wit, Pcplember 4, IN7, the Petition having been rend to open than Pad filed the Court order ad army Inter alio, that nonce of the said application be omen to all persons interested in theutd Estate resident without In, county of Allegheny, by en puhlttton in the Pittsburgh Wanly Gazette for three armament weeks, that they be mad appear before this Coon on the 10th day of tardier nest, to show rouse, If any they hare, why the prayer of the said Pennon's abiaild not be granted ageeeably thereto. WillltllS my han dand the Deal of ad Coon at Pms• burgh, this 13th day of Pep:ember, A.D. 1047.. sptillerniT .lOll .3; YO ONO. Jr, Clerk I li the Conk of Common Pleas of Allegheny county, of Jane Term, A.D. 1540, No. lan. In the miter or the account 0r10n . % • :1 ; 414 c u t t t th fn t ' t eVoWokPtr and h ro i L T o ' h= ". 131 P • son, a Lunatic. And now to wit, September 111 b, * l - dpeoorer DC, the goeonnt of the Constance ' exhibited to open Coen, conform the nme.nisi and order not this confirm ation become absolute on Wn Ibutrth Monday of Dekker, A. D. 181:, unless exception be bled in the wrownwei and it In also ordered toot notice of this order be given w all pardon interested, by publienuon in Ibo Weekly pitubtugh liaxottc,by three tnsettinns in the nine. By the Court. lIDUM DULTZ aptlgespt•P Prothonotary_ IN the Coot of Cornsmin Pleas of Allegheny county , & of Oewuer TOM. 1e47, Vend. En No. J. Percival k thence. to. Robert Metinge, And now, Sept. I Ith, A Ii 1547.0 Mon o of A. 11. the enn „.1..1. . e .. nproomt C. Dattunit, Etni., Auditor t • • ni/I.TZ • Prothonotary AU persons interaerd on be heir billion n( the above bale, ere nutilied that the Audit will attend ethic othee on Grant .1.. Vittaburgh,tnt Fr day, the .h Geuther, at 10 o'entek, A. M. epliUwuil' C DARRAGH. Auditor LAND OFFICE, °groin the covet Mass, dfarinn, Oka. imiletstgned Micro for;mln.undor Drat!. or ern. T ens/ Moron. at Lir Laud Odice,--wiiich he hat kept tor 31 years path Many thourand acres of Laud, to his own nahh—titte malomated, of cowl soil. well Umbered and wate red—and in trams 10 Salt purchaser.. Ma lamas Lando, which are located in the counties of Washinvon,Morgan, Licking, Alton; Hocking, kleigs, and Gallia; ore cam nanny Moms elligible simations, large and small; some with goal buildings, fences, and orchards—others with less and km impnwernentsi down to a katy acre lot, with cabin and five cares Mesta*. Prue* moderate. Terms liberal. S Lances, post paid, will tuctive attention. RAVI.? hiAIIUII WARD YARRNTB UK? BELLEW VIRATIFI:GW--/T 18 POPULAR EVERYWHERE:, • - - Gliaurrnua, VA July Z, 1917. Mr. R. F.Graharn—Dear purelmarder you two lhottles of Veimirage• and made ascot' one bot tle to two of my children. which brought truce one 117 worms, and from the other Ile. I recommend it to the ,Matuounity as one of the best remedies !have ever seen lora.) for the renteral of worms. 'Pours, respecaully, • Joss Tnelaireent, Prepared msd sold by R. E. SELLERS, 17.W00d at., between 3rd and ate. Sold by Dr. Cardial,3th Ward; Grey, Allegheny City, sptl6 .UZIM3=2I:I FLOUR., PRODUCE. AND DENERAL COMMIS- DION MERCHANTS, No. 10; Smith's VI hart; 11.1tIgnors. MI , PER th eir services to Merchants and Farmers the sale of Fleur, Grain and Endue; generally, to the Baltimore Market,and from their ertensrre acciaain. laden among purchasers and chippers, can aafeig won. rent sansfaewn• sal.. Correspondents mid constantly be kept advised of the state of the /darketsi &e. Beret re—Meams. Wm. WINCILI it SRO, Isaac Ru mble& fonelraridson & tioandem. Reynolds & :tenth, Xing & Camy; Baltimore Tingley, Ca...heed & Engreh; Haggerty Draper* Joust N ew Vint. Baltimore,Jan. 2 1, - game._ FLOWERS PERSONIFIED—No sof Una bountiful work, Just received mad for nen by • ' 110118 E FOURRIERISM—PopIIns view. of the doctrine of Charles Foamier, by Parke Goodwin; for solo by 21115 • MORSE Glllll6 - 4114-253b.ts W Know landing; for We by BAGALEY sptls 18.. t Di wood st • 'FILE.2III TEAS SO id ebst. fine Powelang Ten; 130 conies O aupowder Tea, land ing; Wank by BAGAI 4 EY & 0.11.11'1l 403 Allovii - fora Timm& Oil in fine on,len., landug nom .4.1 annali Gar sale by . BAGALEY & Smrrii STEAK BOAT COOKING STOVES doo ah WAt B SCANS, wpild . Ant st between woke& woad_. 8 - ILE.TLAS-01 every color, grade and quality' very huge stock janopened; lor ode by _9116 sitwelitawr & p WAD-600 pp Galena ',cid for pale by ,L 4 YRII4 L 11U7011S011 It. co fIOTTO/F-40 bales in pare; for ludo by - 4.1 • tpall'• - L HUTCHISON kCO jr 3l—"° bal" P 110 dem-rou d; IM for aaleUr .rdls to lIITIISON &-Co .TII6 PARRICIDE—UIo red eo 1a iblackpio, I. tnror—u [pndon nory; for ule bT MUl4.'li W formic; by .08.3 '8 V VON 110888088 T &CO . • -- S A v i p I UT AT"— M k grAt i aTIORBT & CO A 11AXIC0-1a It wu, u l i t v isa r Ltm g l ariTo IVlbe; for sale L. DAZITOUREL, or the Foreeeir of the Mountain; for role by MOFtbE JACK SHEPPARD—A romance by W Ilirripon Abtimmtb,Ery. For dialo by KIORsp rIALLANTOM, or ika Przilf of a Sailor; far sale .pus by • MORSE fW. TA B 9 - " I V =Wi 1 .,74 glll ° & . OA PER !ILL N -2W meld; far sal I - spill, by R E SELLERS DlTCH—leases, Llargundy tort received; for vele Lp ortri H E CELLERI4 11)1%14 , 71 slaudgenulna lluregmly iti,lll.3%lEns MACK/AUSL—IOu 1.1.14 larXe Nb Aft rbbrsmf; • far salp by MILLER & KICK ri'f'SfJN sptlJ an. liberty & Irwin 1,14 YT*6ll-1 ett plue at recoil; tor wen by t/ spol J DM/ROAN li alliS.. —Stlyar cured Duns obr bale by J JORDAN A. SON beptll 111 liberty bl bead of cmithGala AI COP Aia•—ThreCtiget An lajn.l received ki and in ode. by D. A. EAANRATOCK RCo corner 1.1 it wood nu L - India, Jnzi rocciveiCand Ibt pale by U A FAME...ACM: & Co .eptlt ninon' Int &wood at. MADODVIS lads Juat carted and for sale by . • U A FAIINMUCK !Leo aefall corner I el trArrood 0111 vuucATioN—Foanded. the Nature of Mao; by - 5 Spurahhie; her sale at • til MOIZEIRS rime. CASTLE UltriVU—A new uoydli by Idrd M I. Sweater, for said di • dral3 M 012903 jo • fIAMBER9'IIIISCEI.LANV—No2of lhre vallostala waskjan steamed; for sale .1 iipol3 . TdEkucArr itnv romrjrzay.hi.br . . .3nl [Trail te the Root °Mee LOUIL-01/Üblitsfithonomplirl:i Fia - ur, in now ula It 00[1 , 0/WS. Cd 8 ' .c.7 7 .ltVantqlbertuti - 114 Pn° l J DCS'ILLIAU S M3iiiMEUEMIE!! OVIIGIGIE-21X1las prom W It brn recd; tor sal Na APO by OARSON &M KNIGHT • ~-- ~~ tunrrisa—so bbl.lmt ;Ted We vv 11.111 "- it A mei wrothc co_ nvria naicK-1 ease cztia Ow reed; for Wei JJ • opt/4 , by JOIIPI D NORLiA •IlsMus , reeW; lbr age by J. .pa M l mu.,uan 11110KEIVON - Salts BF Job D. pails. AskoAway Large Cottage Roan mulig Bisikiing-Lots, At Alumni:la. • • ON Saturday, the wt day of 0.44.4 at 9 o'clock, P: M., will be sold 04 We preintreal situate between the Washington and Steubenville turnpike Roads, ed. Tempetancevill4 9 ebeap Ilaibling Wooten*. ble tiff Manny and retired re:admen of those the enure of rinstiargit and Allegheny,whTeretn by swam ferries be teethed In Ina Man half an hear. Mn,h that handsome and spacious [tam 'Cottage Haase, of preAeut occupied by Ow Ray 9 C Jennings, adjoining the &nye Lots, WILL . about nee and half sere* of ground on which ere Wert lin choice frail trees, shrubbery, en egeeke well of vrater,wable, Each Lot Will be aCcontible by convetuent AMP; • plan of which may be wen at the'Anction Rooms; end the WUPnr.tY Owen bribe pmpriewe on the preinlaita Tale indispetable. '..Terms—OriSourth cash, the Midge In three equal annual payaserts, with merest, to be wand by bond and - mortgage. • i - uptld JOHN I) DA.bl.9. • Ilarintehe at nuctunt. - ON Thursday afternoon al 3 &chick, m. (pat of the Commercial Sales Rome, corner of Wool sad Falb su r will be sold one rood second hand Banntehe, ait ahk La' ono of two home.. MoomPloto order win ah nhdl• Me on. I JOHN D toA.VIS .aptl6 Autumnal. ON Tbundity - meaning, Um 16th lest, MIO o'clock. at ,die Commercial &AA Boom, corner of3youd and Fillb as ;will be sold—. large annulment of Outey end Maple Thy Olaf . among which ure eloths,eassuneses,sameetta,llmmels, bleached mad oublear_hml muslin% ealmod In meat va• nety, splendid shawls. loom de Isines, umbrellas, bon or uter venous deieriptiouSdka ; • , Ai 2 &Clock, P. • • 'An extensive assortment of new and peened hand bum bold furniture, comprising mahogany bares... so ts, chain. reeking chairs, fancy and uommou Cklani bedsteads, work amour, n day and an hoar Meeks, ear , 'retina, feather beds, bedding, ournrassos,, Mahogany dreamg barrens, to. • • Alm, kitchen fanarara, soaking menu's, stoves, rte.: a quantity of mneeries,queensware,glamarans. hard ware, shoreisonatehes, band bones, wrapping paper. t O,Cbek,P.TC A large colleen= of valuable Books in all the ♦eri ona departments of Literature and neience. gale CARD. EAGLE EILLOON.—AnitsI of ths Malin Amin Irmeig.-. • Jußs mmuirrr, . • MASTkat. AUGUST MERRITT, Who wiil oppg. on 111.1.Frizy resnia6 &ping*" 13. Mi=33!!l 12:123=1 • F.it night of therms Drama written expressly for Mr. Marble walled "A mom Di ran ti= " First appeatanee of Mr. OXL,Dr..4NO. DUNN Peter White—Miss ANNA MALVIN* h a favorite • Thursday, September 16th, 1847, Will be performed the new Drams of ' ssh. name is the lareet.,” Mabee% Babbitt Mr. Manila; /no. Wilson Mr. Oxley., Thomas Wilson... Mr. Oraee. Mary Wilson ...............• • - •Miss Penes, Tarrimthy --Mias Petrie, , Aber Caecomes, by Mist ANNA MAL. VLNA—To be toitowed by the Wee of PETER Wh IT& Peter Whim Mr. Dem. To conclude with the WOOL DEALER. Denteranotny --•Dlr. Capt. Oakley M. Reynolds. Amends•••... • .. • `••• •DlisO Porter. Betty • Anderson. Ire Door s open at 7, and innate will rise at I put?. DEORCIANIZATION of the Celebes/al And original Mod of SABLE SIAIRSIONISTS. molding of bt.m w u et:peva, J 0 .FAREISL, J TICK ENOIL T F BRAOGI3, // M 110OLEY; 8 A WELS mat WU ROART; Who have the honor of saalienc hig to the pudic that they will give arm of their eclat and • • I'OeULAR ENTERT A INMENTS RT AtT 711 K 4711EN.41EUM • On Friday, hatarday, end Monday weenier nest On which aossaion 11,7 will appear la *eclairs new selec tion of boor, bomb, Tram Clemens, Casa the met appro ved Opesaa,. , Figrd mprewly foe the pany. The in tenet gem Lamprey. twolViolkot, two IWO., Guitar, Cone Tansho,and Bone., wpm which the rape.. performer...l unrivalled, and with it understood _that dirWmlly oreollectively, ...regard. style mid esecetioa they hereby rani/mete the weld! . ! Gnat care he. been Weft io the eeleetionof Iheoeme,wa Soap' ice., which will be swim hertofore, ins maancr that must defy competition. The greater portion of the-' - pets, have tem organised nearly ye years, and in hp them have timeliest over the ins -7-T A arty °wand 11 . of Terrilosy. • Their Concerts, in the maw lime, mulishly crowded tO ffocation by the beauty esedl Baloon of the whites tithe, su ri ha have bestowed the higiem eulogiems an the This band ham just armed from the Qom:i.e.:Cy. with Wong MCOosseendatims to the Emmen. of the lean City wded homes mil untmended appheme of Intelligentand discerningr audience. can give - T he Commuty do ts, wrima hot for the tom akare rad will immediate stye for 'Braga, Jitney. sod Now York, Goma which place they will maw* for Europe. They mho take great pleasure i• Mating thee frowthi val uate k aeluisithies imelymade to the they am water. , bled toys. We celebrated lawgenti a he on the BWIBB BELL RINGERS. A • origionally arranged by Moms, Well Mtd Nueßyi d DAWN /f. T• The entertainments will ambito(' three partseo. Isc—A s the' Essaitit. or Northam Negro, with pop ier Wl—Aa t a e BA& Dell Bngen. _ ffsle-as the Plantatine or Sootlanw Darkei r iv. edars,liettyral . iro=eior wed/ USW . prinripl Reale slore•Ota. No gulaponement ea emend of UM melither..; . • For farther pirticulars mytts Ast• WELCH% NATIONAL CIRCUS I FROM TIH OLYMPIAN AMPHITHEATRE. will. e=hWit under Their splendid Werer Proof AMMON., eismsoodioludy furnished for the eorrarrable meeptem °Moo Arnow, -o f the lOds, end:Unb, 'Of September next Independent of WSW celebrated Nisi Riad, tbe enterer yrill be @elated on ibeir errietd s sY Air Wel. Ism o Amex Band, playing we finns the toostpopedur °paw. fri the evening the meal= anll be illarainated fly the twmuirki; Geri Invented by F . 011330.0, S 9 of the United Senn Navy Departraenl.WaaliinVen. It kin entirely new seethed, giving a 'aperitif 'light; free from all nerateras effleria lac fault of all ether attempts, and carting bght eandely lona brilliant than therainuLy tun. Consatitleg this company Win be amid .1/5. Cai vealloltrvrho wio , rile his mach *attired tee of the Raring. Bean the 2lnent afa Serene VAN; and Na battled wankel the Apgar ad Ms bet mac, at, 83. and 4 hones. •_ .• • - Mame Leas Mae* the great 44ami FEE= EqpqrMWS, whom ainiable pasonetiona en a angle loan charm and delight all who behold ber,nortllytner paltc opinion in awarding Other the higkpotalen ens has so imanandly held aaldn a host of nut ears. Cams—Des Boa, the 'airth•prosaling Dan' abase infinite .11:Tr and FUN, misdeed by sr rudeness sad relearn 7, places bat far beyond the rpsch of iseitatier Nr Homes Maslen the Princes( lausadasters., The Akers Inarily, who. union of talent ii wlthoitt • pantile' thq Chas. Riverrtto tonallanhed crust in his asnutaseent and execution or arenas and xylneatie groups. Fratenkhßiens presents entry bad of Ferelan aetthat can surprise by novelty,and Zbeland yrn;eqAtielniatitableM will perform Weasels a single berse,as perbaned before the Preeident sad Senators of the United States, and by all patent declared the most pareeteuitm of speedo dad gran the world car knew. Meru 7.lfreGli, who Wu &maize:l : the rem an of ding, and eyeething die moat dtacalt kat backwards, on a aingle hone. , Mr Was stow [ will ruieblelnstelasskt acts onfti and bones, farm ing a pyramid of five persons, whoa: he will bear above Ws bones at light:deg speed. • . Sipper Gerearsiohe nighty equestrian will tido his Incredible oesrootantle stews, inuodecieg.Les batons do diable:and his Golden Pelelon, kn. kc. lie Will lOW bring forward Ina two vronderfal doge, whose wearier:an equal:in theArsaa; . • • Mr W Hosea, the apanlsk Beanie nder;gnat real lepmentiukre of the Ned/dam of th e Forest. - Kr Chas Mau, who rides a glut drantatie weft, and a Grand blillnuy son entitla, HONOR TO OUR MG, ROES,Lor, ear • Cuatry.in which IT the ald.af correct cossame, he will represent the Chief Pattisreis praying for his eountry,GENZACKTAYLOR, &Mu. term Mum Stirs, a yankee volvutoesollenth Ansa ; the eammenderof eonelnding weak We docroaa FIZIDOIL bearing the tocasorable relletvek.Cienerar Taylor near, surrendersY . Delia.: ,of the'Clnpse . Glyinsdque; will la tra • dace the Arabian Dancing :dare, Waal& whosobaut: PPG dances far sopa* snythlng of the kind ever sys brought before the public...Atha the condo ponies, illce and Jelleim ifl,by them comic diner Nertt.i and coanterleaps, prove their inatiaeune haat fon die/. W.:Parr:ma granankane otaurithelorifilr' 111=1 their Urea mar, swth mg stomaching • abode of valgernyelin ; ice way among the eboicereptr.sentations of the The adamant and evening performances entireAr rind. . Doom , open atlotsoek, Performance to eminence at 7i o'clock. On Illoolloy then will he an anirootas performance. Doom open at * &clock, crommeacing at gi deb*, PRINTS ONLY. _ 44 • CEDAR ST.; NEW YORK. • LEE SL.BREWSTER . rtstablislied a watcAottes tome y i etz , l64lS + for 2 . *I pose of ClL l i e co c g ° Pictuliva l v, w al, : low PRINTED, —aml °einholen, at all mamas. --•-•" of the' yea, the I.Amest Assortment in ns. e WORLD The l are mew opening Several Ilandnat Peekeges, comprising every new style of Foreign end Domerstie production, many of which art not to be fewnd here, and which have Met been parchmen,..o nie on red for gale tor Club andel/oft creditr_al • nucEs nEuucEu -. • • • FROM . . . . . . . . "ONE TO, FIVE 'CENTs .: . per yard helm the prices of April end May, es per primed Metopes, which ere eattened daily, sat the information of buyers. MINT WAlt1L1101:1111C, j . Nen YorJune.lBi7. 1 • whet P. AIIa3WORTIII respemfally anstamon. tp thg E ma'am). of Pivabaisb, UAL hot 200.10 in, Baden' Ito ddieg, Paurth-se,.are now open Gar the recrptloo Ladle. and Genthunen who with n sequin s yeaatifat 'hand-writing. hlr. A. from his long exparbnee in unich• Mg has no flexible. in soaranteaing to all who become km men a complete Mi. of Chinography„ • Every in) le of ornamental hand , end ay bowl who fill politic emulate will be imparted to be pupil.. Centimen can. wine any hoar between h and is o'clock, forenoon, and between l sad h sfierowan. . A elan .will Slim write at mule Win will wnte at I o'clock. alletomm. rpo FAIIJULDIP-4 good Dori Sum Presse•Owell 1. =de; nimble fer. (War ken. Aar We very low. ria bbl. pare bud Oaf; =Rita ot memo DAFT NI ward nen the 4LR Wlpte. - 11.13138—aupb Aceiiip . Korphloe,'Ettl J• nub.* 3. l .o..l.uweboa,Gama.N Hropetaffie, Delladepa, Buthinasinae, Bark, Pad.Wearulk - poop. Jaa matted fink ,a 0 pod; for Pale by " • .PU 3 . • IP 101 IN UMIAK rall:—llibittalmartior Wrath!** Waal , * twat ‘../ at bottle at . JACOB WHAVEN • rpUO_- ' Wan tiratti I IMMOI I I PO& MAUL 184 NVCORD T KING'. • HATems, Corner of Word nnd Fifth & m t., r A ibOida= *we of 11.ta, to WWII u.r. nen e5tm...11....•••• • KEW , tiADDLEALY . HARDWARE tijion . ;.- • LICIItiOIII.4e 4 N 0.121 Wool otnoo,linolhortii, triVINO wirksisissla r amokfmathetrwisseene Li loch domestic sad I take ptic i Lag nommlictimecommerscad • prepec i c to famish deem with air goOdei . t . } l o l , Du . 441 I.lll# thryereWili reesilleetilutt doliseetielosiveljec.i.i. Wert, Morelia mad Calttitidti Witaiti thereby adwourcee that enable Imo ad) orMyetlite. W i wi" wed Nage fat parsehef, . WS. IneCtILLY lanufatinrers it Viili, Bonin and W. Clan,. rio. tlp w ucip z • calla factories bong now in fall opertaiso We are prepared of exerau, orders la airline, ltmestPtli• Darin the last annater we Yawe adapted sinew Dian of !Mumma Window Ulan, (the oast apptoved plan army axed hi easta by we ta cora sanat tar awl ale. Ulan flattened an U.. plan is m perfectly level lad trae:with a very foe loans Palms" mail kakis rett emillt an matitened in call and manna la Mew. 'Cheap Geld Watikies. • JQS? received a handsome blot Lskies , Gold Nana Lever Watebes a /ow as fiery dolkas,..wah fan paid cues. nal Inflamed to keep &Owl than. Alga krge asanuaezadalsker paced ones, unieiklalkel hex. c tofore in beasty end Quin?. Also, Lathe Osid Watches a( koalas= patterns as kw. Ika and 1133,00sarraateiL 10113 W W WILSON ./Sl l37ll 7l 2 b b Xr . t iI'IAIM Z "' 4 4.• btds papersbon doi • 1 bolo Boolesoz - do; • 1 do E Walton:4 II do Pea Noir • " 4.4 b% 6 !/ii/VVlLliold9 S FMMU ST•e i rs a llt e rler . CWI / 4 , 10 bbla Ploar, 1.0041* pet lteel 6001 Iketo Au ale by J/1111011DALYELL, 0 '9l rater •t Fuu - 11:1=7 , - • Zlr.V•ltefelb,,,bf 19 • ID WILLJAMB IRON .11111 D , SID kqrs Arauls, 4o; ' for sole by I - -L. SWATE:III4/1N rptl3 - . . 31 ioniser Clfroat PRISWIa•Mfe kart rserdiraf a Imp a* kortakatt of Mamas!, high coforad, and vita /fancy Mao o[. wan laLriati of p nee. sad (amanitas. for Ode effhplUXrr& wiarks ÜBSOIL PLOUGLIS4aIt. rea',2mid trop *a But CI sad foe We at the Puisbiugh taplestealuld Seed tlacree,cotur of Wood and Oil so. • VVIIITS I. I , ' -lOltallD ..-41. norm, anklefor proonning Pomba, sod2,Otior t rafts: on,drooslal awl tarsals at ilsoWloOSiors of , . . . ~ . . , . JACOB . WEAVER .otio .. : r • , " '.'l6 cot morlion' front us • ooen-oVII Malty st. berweniVfosel ind 711.,0na rtAILIOI sad Umbrella. llus mamma have than 170.1161MMOV,It.;it MTo,7l.oBtAll CO% Gold'ind tloiver paw= oloyer Walchosonlvable , Sof paulookeet owl Wks, ot =woolly low pneos, sad wansated_;al the Wosclu nul Jewelry :Nom of : . • W W WILSON •tl3 •• • • .' eoc4tkklesartet as VIDENTING AND Ilaulmelos4A. excel -1,3 Font moo:seat of 34, 74,14.841, b4 v and 64 low. papal, mains, and glite apeoffsurt sod liongyp, Aoki ufinil 6r We by ,t eascuaTr& wars . SUIKETIZIG6...A nimbi anyply 0(14, 71;H, 5-4 and 4-4, lien and Wary Bums abeeanix ase. bm and nal,. Ina Elrogn tqdrtswatsapariar natal *ln nsaeiring llnta EuLysn Iffmgacumarn 'for de by app , • • 151(ACKLICIRA:WHITE rpOTJAOCOS—SA pep . now landing, Piosprung A fail smarm= of lavorue bnyxts. inul #1.3 Rich mond Tobacco; formals by- , : , HAGALKY k. EMIT!! • _ _ lAMII.II-4 eases 14;74 sad 11144dellions and D good Linen end Ts le Dlepang also; oho ease 0 4 blau, • Linen openedand *erode b • IW 11M111 C3i3NTUA3 01.313.11C3UVPL013U1111—Jia re calved from the Yen a cepply orYlo.gb. eta very otpenacqeality et the Seed *AM ...era Wood ++. l oth vp_ey . S N 1Uar.13314&11 Q MOAB AD IN MOLASSES— Ia. EOM& N 0 &mug Ito ebb Meiselee ht vier% be ea , by & . cpils • ' • ' 43 vrafri , tr. SU !mei us 91 in YARDS,6 yds wide F7edxool hithp ClOtho._aew: d ty y l i t f" tallPLlor pattemo pad maed n finto n dto P at wids . rocod,s Wood Da. ori kl "* . .. • ' •J &A PHILLIPS 400 YARDS iv wide Floor:Oil Clotlivish border, receed hoar Ploilipville Cotton.; for alio at mer 'rumors, SY/ood .6 •• • • J P lILLIPA OATI am4l BRAN ta storei for uhliy ' wo JWCHADWICK fOLD'PIiAII—.IO.4 re.4elied • kw* addluonol lT supply .of Premium Dimond Pouted dad Pensall wpm tad, andat the lowest knees, _=ermhlng Ent We v'" r - need•VPIY. • ' flow CaMightebtiew"4 11P7OOL . r .,, Tlie bi.•Obb bibie ebb bal be pod VV- Ibr eban,ints 'Coo fier bbod 001, Wby • , • :• • _:,ero. ectaiut4N, • DIMMED 21170411118 . • 900 bbls Loarenthed sad painated; • ••• SO bzs lt law Lodi fault by lb HUTCHISON CO _9115 Meats M.& Lends &mar EV EA IrlIZUS—.100) hve Goarkagabers lag frost If I.lsenteos, far. oak br , • • CARSON iiMeINIOUT. 2.55 . •• wen benreen woad 'be rfri - 60&sof T nr . -• kar sale at tie Wise Smear 1111110 RZVlEW—Thel3l44l,ber to: sale at TALAN —9l aim *man City mew WltiM PM Ca xsa4 for sale by CIIIDW ELL. 5111 M--41, new.log Hal Calionownempook andoihem for salety ,'.111.1111110M Arr i vr. F bl .‘/.11 00 11*-411 on • • • eo.er Oil Ckabs, . past variertof Patiersioedahrod Goa naive- Ctinormagailagt••wood PI'AEMZM BEZ WA26r sale by " -.pup _ wici*NecArrou , s3 • Flen-7O abb brio No 3 Mac Luichng _from ear 600 sae kr maker DAISSIAL rpm RORTICULTORIET, UM *w W 4nl Art 1 ud aux! Tam, roptelober isrobto for nl4l fILD NEWEIPAPERs4ivio Inquire It ! be Gl,stte- 9111a.44,14 next claw to „.. . Tawrmuo A 0111644110 iblijusi,. received; 6r sAle by • -.IIMAIJ V* tunes. Apll3 • : ••Cor ch. &liberty N;ZiRiMMEE ja TIMESER I VIVI , 1.121A.Ai aumniezt • • Wia,Cia 10.ann4Optlagi ' lalfiUstt 4 111$116111111 1 Me7 ferule C1C""XL743)1.411#1/?lnAterh h •le by 1711111411—Y0 bf tibia •a &Y omillos at Th IL, .L. Gan Yowler, aubi glib:LT*6a at il,bge; Waal* by 'l7±lACAlia. lELOOT I / 4 -10 Vets freak int received ~Wt' ferule by • BRAUtlei EIMER ' .. _ *~+ nllOllllllll-4 auf PrviriO*riciO; for oak by CIALLOW MAIMSSIA.IO. cad hod reed; for V • mull Asia by • .11, 0 . 81b1A8114,67 weed sr MbAIALSTRAII Oirelifiliew.Wot reed; for ale wbolesele bad rebel by . • • in&ANWillrvfibbfe jut wed, for A 7 epll by JIM SEL.wW .B 7 wood 01. DAMNS-1M bz• best Boma Nahum; &d...j. milL4 ILLUALVY & WM. V: & WWI 44 r •ThAini-4"111, 81.1cdoiticiovi, lows, Yv axle, sod wens ihr OaIInaICITIUMEICILVIIILS.MIO ths Jai by • - . /MAUR k IthiTEX out - • cor k elair & hben, ABA"e/P.A'44*Ssit *el :for sale by /lug GOIAGLIBI-100 Lbe•jimilreeed; for see by lT eptl4 '". BKAUtta, SMITHY ;,Jam ~~ i , iZUWIMMIff MI6MI .lArusTaap sirs D.L seed jastreeeilred; porlAAN.L.Ublilli*, riotijo4o, /Of ..10 by. - .1. , 1.. .' W WAI.L.ALIL C r e : I ,l= f i r w illlleL : - ; ;