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' *'-',". -*- 7 .'..z... -,, .. ,- ; -; ....i.i 7 : 7 :-"f:',. 5 .-.::* , ',&.!F";. - '.;: - .Y* 2 -*4 - 4%- : .' 4, •. .• . : .. • . . • . . • 4 ". -t...1. - .- ~-. ,ik'.•,. . _ , • • .-, - , . • - - - r ' . •• r .-: ..,-...-."--',.--.:•-...-:-...%::',-,--...---,.,,. 4 ..-:•......,,,. r..3 , ; - - • - , . . . _ h .._ ... _ . . .. .. .. I ... .._..:... .. _ ,. ..,....., , ,..,....„..„4.,.....„....,...... ,. .., 4 , : ...•, , .... ... . _ _ ~.. .. . _. . .., .., , . •• . ... .., .. ' .... . . ... ....... ~...... .. . ... _:,.. • ~._, ...._. ..._... ~ ............ . ..., _. •• . .. . , . . ... ... : ,:,..: ... _ • . . .. . .. . .......,,,...•.. . • . . ~ , ~ •.. :,. .._.• . . t • • .. _. .. , . ...... ... , ......• . • , . . ... ~ ... . . . . . ....... .• __......._.. .. .. .... . .. .... ' PRICE SgATEN DOLLARS. A, aar.X.AlNtligg 001W0111, GM111312.0.1 and' Ap,...wfugg Wm : lm; 64 Water suid Ftantast ---r ur*OD JONZE Alr, Coomissioa_ aaj i LL ag mmbi rt tb: a4 11 n 4 Front •Ma and mom*" * "rd,,,itrim, Wholesale Aatatl BRAVE' & Libmy MO MD PAIINEITOCIC it CO4 Wlstlesale k, . Drassiats. caraer.Wooa and Otli sta. AGA2.IL'T & PIIITBr WLeieaele Drown, IS METH. lIACIALICT 5 4 130..W1 01 ../ 45 ears nod Prodooe dealers, No: Mil Moira oroot. bo• ireen •th and Notth tint! ' el A. IisABIULTT _CIO.. • Forwardi . Bt , C:' oat.mtno LoomEN - aborw 71 rittaw,a- Li. See an ChAeoce Larva lioutklieid., -1 ' Coteau*. F. Jetudvs. CIOLICISAN.II!AILISAN & Manifiellitool orCarriago Sp cad Alla, ...AL. and' epriac bteel, and drake in Trimmings _Hot grow doi• of.Pliodonassotoetory_on 'St. Clair. ow Wasohodootr Wood at . • • posite St.Citarim • Wdet NN . (t= s t7lL 2..annerr . .40.L.Wholssala r drodus, Ahintainnan and .Earorarding Merchants, err ht Trona. and Pittsburgh akanntstares. Sixth xuseichstrtusx:Wood and Unarm Plushy . ra. actin el- YZIAGLIGR. Imponer,wd wbolcsais Ann =ter V. dealer in 'MOGI Mid Sli taple ntitty 01111d111 ef dash Dom* 116 Allultei'Ar new ÜberttcrWa• Bantus surem. //]]unite, w Amowate- it -Law. ,Officea Catii . larml4, bemeetii,* saf: 441. DIIICAMIELTON,!Nig. esisi alda'or ThallaigiillMMM4 401 1 60.1'11. asr.stiewr. onts, Mahn in proinee riusbengh tare; coronr,i4 1 -oiirl • aqa.41.1.. vi Na= & MUNN/WM Pitt StM_ 14bpr & Wholesale, Grocer!, ummoulmosta Forwarding Mcrefundsoitsor Dealers ialhalse• sad Poe nogh Marintscutresi tis 37 Wad' laposbenrcen Seroud and TtindAn.• kir AURA Lk aleKßlGlUT4Auerneya al Law. NI WE., lemol,-.1 a law Akan taster Grain cleat XI Fourth to ltokettell'a oia Homo, • • • VOICIWARD SVITAILTSWILLDER, Men -41. 6•11 F, hale'veoseved Wu . office ido the month ~Wuof Foutll areet,Ereiiwees Cheny Alialraaa Gm= ':~~=~r, .~~~: =.. .. . , • . _ •: a Fnend.Ai... ithey,.._ _,._ _ AM:. 'mu. 11 SSD, ,IX 1161 .46 C 0.., Wiudesala Grocers, Arid C0mm...1014 Iderehaitt; and .agemsfer.oll6doon :An D ton Yams, ios 67 NV wet sad IteYtent Meets , Nu. IWITIVrOM3WSP:itP ~~~~" F-MEns diminuciis ' erehao t inud dealer I ae b tioae rlp.l7l:lsenist,ne.re .. 11. p-41....; Pita. . 111,1"24!"... ir.A.TOSl,Dcaier to , Manci mt.' ample T:lsomings, /Witt MIA GUS KOl/.11,111.' wATsix.ts rktpr ‘l3mottaz a mums 004 iviamai eers and Commission Ratchets.. 10:1Wiion street MEE , "•,47 ()Yd. 11201111.Y1ffhilesalo Grow ONION:. " Mi1.. 00 No'<hoot, and Dealer lo•I'coaloo-Aast Pitiobth Nandoctoroc No 19 Wood ofyillabotol. G 0.,W taisiltti.' • - H. Smarm B.lllTit & &swing; lididizsia . Vl' and desists in Hops, rinstnunicand , Point Brim cries,Penn iuid Piit macs& , • WA. M OM= COMMAS C ommsim .m` For.. ! .wnglizot,Nsow 4 .4Pskas b • mayl7 ,; .~ r ~~ r . ; , ~k . ~: K ~~'!:. .9C? ;~sh;. ~,,, ~~ Was. B. ilays. • . . lira elcao.,4l=l=srei=ifilllo4 ft: eYi s .; i.,17:'1 th I. • so, t. li i tt= l roe ___ CVNn ild "ft." %c ri ta " l it h rdr4 Paper indOetond raper. - Wanhosoff 2 ..Woad • amt. Pittabarrh. •KWA. ,* 7 1 , 11: metetal Iltow,oess 't.!Le FAF2I4. 131111II0T, WHITE it RED LEAD Wes l actaret. ram ir..oUpgerclgal.vontere ( Lb : en, and Mann as, Pittsburg* - • zlLla* nieur. • zdairrszexili; J.ikuur Dioxicx t Can-Wboksen Gramm Comanalan Matuato and &okra id Pubic", Nda, U Wunr and 107 Front =eau- Prunalab., . . nun ' kIgEE;OE3 TOSAPII XllO2, ationesisi Lari,Vetsbeigib all P., Yu moused the enmity et kW prefeedes No7,Bekewe l lh theltdtecb finhlAthett.o. cepted densei We abeam, by_ BI g. * 34 . Chetah., bier. • • - • 4191kArtfF 7011 D D. DORGAN. Wittoltiali Drimedrt, a uk dealer' be Dye Studs, Penns, Oils; VA:ill - Sims, As '• No al Wood sues; one door South (Kt/ itur.d Atki: JTAMES 1101 r. & o,..(soevemors U. Motor:Gap Onsadiers.36 Water 11. oou , • 101151 ft. XMLL9I2, Mama and Haat Anal d kin Mat and Malaga launandsieCilaa. 1 Papa, Maw, Entel Pam lattlLA remain' ft. bi. 7 . Eh:timer, vocally, %Noa.M Wood E i ?Ws ~. (171.0 WWI orlaka Ia t•_._ . ._,...' JsollooXlll.lWrila 00,,arbakaar of a gina. No:91 Woad a. Pinabortgla., '•::tt ' , Sel'S .: .. 1 t .. .. 4 4i. "- .= ',‘ 0 . ..:' .fir.l 4•••.! , Ne.ii. Si , .!.1,:.;.'i1t ,, ,1.? ,, :.•'. -.; ' ,W4;:; ,, , , st,t • 'i1,'4,!•.:,-1:.1,4:4:.; to ‘.. :* , ,-'1. ,• • ;: l.tft. fi. k . ' '1 ` ! • 14.* ‘,.. ~.1 f .:4 ,:. ..it.;. " %% *-1 , :ti,::•41t<41,3 jOIXPII JORDAX t SON, Comaixske and gafh=tlerMTr& a"Vada - TOLUI:L. GALLATIN, Atiories Liw;01160 4th., a, ,bettekGralit andleck 4lds,- PittWo+ok,PL Vllll also stir , f ropgptylo barite,' inlet zoons la g commies " . set f 34, JED D. rminii.:AUCTWIIEBA, minx*. Mil StWaad week Picit42l3/.. oct24, fOlllll C e •BlDWlMl4Aiesee3lnetleieheraw r J Cotr and' Oteesniseien htereheee:Watetinzeitti tod toot above the hloacegehela Vrititteaquebersit. MAIN film; ike• at unthefeeteietrVpietes. iciktarirrox s- wroosToiti watts: Prinwrs msd Niswr insautAmi , L=K Via'44ltattlr T WOAD , . Hook Steve, th, Visz learket . ; chmind_ eltmlogieal,llisseeal, &Wel; illseelk onecmi And. Piethotlnt Hood vus4 eade,.o,.• ' W. aconsurrsas & co 4. mains ea& J .ens. ire Broke.; emany of:Wood Merelunt's Hotel B.ltino,) riming% pa... razes eaCLI. [0'131,611.1=1, Wbokale Grabesokda is Prot oam6etiea, Tus Plus, ssi • st.. '441."4 Joh. MO:' J. nor! &Co.) Wholestal M. FLO septife J. Omens. Ka tat mo;allatham, mid datetia Prodoe e end *l . ~ ..tketann. Nol4 W•ler Is/u• T ak.o•.--Itameacsar: Jaelees of Uoites, NOW Oat Itett sad Nails of the best oputtity, - . Orbits lett et tine Inirebease WWI 01,111mM et sr L Wittersten, maser's!. VII nevi e L. le WATICIIMIAN, Whotessle Crosier, Yo.. Laritsduis end - Cosbatieskke !dadaist, Maier it PittsboOls 011attfattatta and Pliable; Idea: St Wtalli V -111, ANN, WhAtials FOIMU/Ind COOMNIOSI Merchants,' saii•des'ers Is MamaibeulTes,_lus, fi• Waver ondearootot. • , .1.., , ,-,17: , — Healy Liu sben. ` • Jan Wpm. _ unnurtm k aninevoic Wbolentle roar* - pormudift sad Cioutatattut Murchison, Maim a Products ad Pittsburgb ratutalistares, NosIS sat tillWued sti Pittsburgh. • • . MO, -- M. OWN.. altiarD l T 'MA OWN. 1,1100007itil)13 *erelude, He 19C Alex. rilisiek. Wm. 111-41.14.1131 COM6II/4012. tri-elguelissa, Wiles xedYrentate, VUll it : lIIMIUCTSONi IYI can and COMMitgoll bklatlMlA, N•171111korty. . _ • 1/6001110 6110.-hrholdaSe and semi 01 sod csp Isansibelatergh sad . &dial la Platt Flfts. cams etWooll had Fifth ' .• • - t . ihakn m: -64e11.1.0/01,'Wkalesele.Gre een, r1.1111:0 LA FenaadiallP49Nualk slat ilaglimMlles ilren7 url ill weal seem; ivsumo= & sox, rie. MLike, soe.:l y.: cod door from mow Foor% ib:yams P ml.ms Pt "I==:4e.Ernge' c r I modormoilMerfootraiMOlfrat luvarpiroft vniticeilel ) 3t DV - Goods Deska, No. 11401,ormot, ,Troorlooo, DinirnEXTXll & co, wh.k.t. - onm*s . CONalliOiligadTOMONliackstillalo4l ___---------i --- yrJE.Wreadnee Doi WPM JPIPSVir!.• RICHARD T., LICZOW.TrOdprIria e herbfehre ead 4 Dosoestge emlalaY Atatd: waa D' adirlis - risuilni4ot docni, no ••• weed ousel. R: WO& wtalessi• Ploc 0 " , coott, blesehut., sew PrO•te PitsabellganufaenurA.W. l , l / "444".", RioRARE, inaivtaisedgi llosoeco, alremake Togo sod Fla& b. * ' hangar art Outran, 2' "11.44"4."°" "11°. _ Rallllll,T DALLSILLL Cloy YentkattiChii .M. ,c6 =1;111",=: ram , 4 •:Ara7ez.:ll. , sostast; ,) IL-R i Zzo i ' o2 , :imintexle n t d ireifzrit MuAnWh..O.4.WPI.N: I, S44KOTWK 4 fAIL ,.. AAW (' ~ ~ ~,~yv..u T luASaY.aeru'~n<-: 1 ~ , a '~::: §,~s:'i~: i:M .BUSINESS . CARDS: WOODP, &idolater, Idemsagaite AR orden pnaiftally ills& , Addiesir by BUSINESS .CARDS. 1.3 HAVVIELISII,' Attamay at •Lavr, tiraist at, Baketrall'a autly opposite the New Cyan Novae. • • - a ladt 'no OMIERT BILOOWIie. Males* Moser, itself/ 1.1. ins it dealer in Produce rittslionsb Nano &ewes, and all kinds's? Foreign aitaDociisiva Wines and Liortiors,Nii It Lohcrii street, Pittsburgh.. . IDD" N. B. .91f bawl very law stock orsoperior MOrieigshels:Witiskey, width will bo sold low for ranr.2l.ly L. O. _ J. L. Slut. owinstocus 1111 ZE D, P.n.:Cog Corn. Inlnetonliesertaate, for tlw Allegheny River Trade, denies* Li Gromiee.Prodone,Pinaborgh bleaufanteres • 'Me highest prices, in .iash; pald at all limn for Counrry Kap. .Corner . of teen and Irwin eta jar= o,4.l"Li.ettl 41 1 .PP.A.t0 Brahhßold, Dealers /a Flour &Ads, also, Bauer, Lard, au • Vitl7 ROW" A. 471171531 . 1101:1ATAi Wholesale Oreeer, Deolette: I'so4,lcFe_ataLl' h lskarati f ylaauftetarca; 141 then . 4t .Iyl2 Thid. ft White. --• • ----- EI=M 6iiIEETTETT a WIIITZ, Whole los to Fare4a - tadrtiathestin Dry Graid N 0 ,99 Wood aulet ... .irMlbargta , 'Weal - Maximus, ded• Ur toPim and Priaiona genevally and Pararald• ;4 tad Comiaisainaldcrehantai Tia y 3 Wood meat, A3111:111M• re ; Attamaj it Law. CaSea 0 la BastPa Noel Fourth meat. 'glues" Wood sad ..• . • aaaadawly., trlit.TirObrifOliNnourr a CO, Wholesale o.6raennr Wonrardiag and Comic - mai= laterthants, Dealer. it TondantiManataatova and Wester:lPa. data, haaa'renvied tiibinene*.anuthosaa. NO, earner ern: Minx sod Cnadasti Labe. n :33 oar: sum; F0r.....ti.s Dealardn Salt. Pradadebad Pau largdounataenusd azindesiCaaal Basil:, saw 7tti • .1• lIVIVIVIKIAUSHANi pc.sier in Seeds, Flow 4 Pr e lfritesOdid NErfea s lturallmplerdentsMa, W• • • area Yitubargh.. . • - • "t 11.111$111t BICIT.-1516inisle.Proceli a -1 Commitilion in.P.ro4uci:— 'No 33 Weed idielu Plusbargh: . ' Ott num. ICENNFJ)Y . , LestlarGitais . Mssofscat . 'J.rer sod Dealar Clocks,' lbsibs,t sad .11Sristy . •• •• :maim at.Wcod sted•Posnlstects .110 . ,;/; P i toga imeafutit i,- 6 , N ci.4 i• , , 4 22 1 1 . 0 42; "lk;destersl4ls6.lcLumber,thoeedei , Pinaborgt Mattrel,.p . s . 441 publi !Alen) , gooey • • • Wm bletiatehems . Ruben likibueltems 3110,0TCHEOS. Wholesale Ous• A Certi.A.4o,M DOOsea,lma. bl r ails,Glms turd Pittsburgh Dita•lSCUlle., generally,lsl.lLA hem -euset; w.tay - b vzta . m y ttoz..L"Latnr, chants, No. lop . 1.11;t7 sticq t foppasite Slarstrecit] i.oziF a Inez. bATID. assaxocans IVA'S Oseseolees I.& V JD Wick& Wholesale GtOeefl: Ferssardhar and . (iitawasioa Slerehasts;• Scalers la hoe, Nails, IaSS,. Colleen Yltd4'lol,lllllblrrel hltsalhetares genesally, conseretWood sat-Wasor • Plusbersb. .oehlS. wIL =RPM' th elasties to . call - . ezzollsta Ws-stock of Fleria — Worked 'Cona, is. U- • ' • - lathl3 WililevalaGtikrr,oraratiirtf and ' . Wad "Daalbt in ?lodate Ana Pittsburgh hlsnataeuma, corner of Water and Want . B.l=l:94ZlN Ingralad . illarj..trommetkaberty sad St. Clog nreatiArni: tsp.: urn. IMLlGNNOlooliniader • hes removed to the 'VT 'yeoreter of Wood AM Third it, [Wee VAL.:Key; la.. b. M Pi:oo,l= 4 1p do evvey . .deleriirtleek ofßolmg It)" • AA , 4 Mill aemm wad mall (=M- T V . MramtaliMmem, • .914 Libeny emu Om W -Ns lIMMILLTIULII4 %Vbolimale Gm; timbal*. • sos lo ➢ Pod ps4l7 . 11.1?8,10120Dis - Attorney at Lasir t has *Cl.rZa ..jdoer SOILLEZ=.II4‘a'P' yir4 3. ,D 7v 0,..4., n t "Airkrt sttee "''Y t, Pnrb d '""4" ILLICANIII DILWOBT9i (dim. the tiwg Diwriet,) 311131Inala Grams, are wow located at r 1 3.3 13 Wood o, *melba)afar amala • large anal sealot 13voteaWa and 1.16.0"13//nalliclareli, at low • ' • and aa (*amble lama ma 13 WILSON, polar. miVockei Jewelry, r e; "a47'r77—"!tarpacrd., he. 3vo u Uu• IV 'IL, Xl:lllPlllr,;wigeraliaad maul deales Vl iFisiligamd Ilosatie Dry Gat!dtiaarbeuteor. gm vireos, win gt.r . e " 3 ,, ° '- 7 , atrdicine;Deltungrb get.% peeeen mom e , • • " John P Sitavr.. A Sl7 ll ==l/3.D is Co, Coma Market and Por n' wudiVittrOuFth. Pe O nA k aar 7°°dilir 19E1114 mums. zurroa, .Ao thea e V • riusbeseli, Ps, iottimbettoier b e takeac kocoebeiboeireloodproo: etllteeite Lebo" Coolroct% . 1 1, 90.idemp Wetly kebto midair (solar sea or not,) to be used or sew.Wea to she Iltaer et Office on. TWA sbeet.abseeStoweeld. lell-tt • I . .TIV 04.41ZOILIAIIAUGUr • Attontey .at La 4 ' ,F,•:Piqh Wee; lle*.;:Ststhkitelli... - Colketittit, igert= i y, •• •• ~ , i 4 •• •. t•• . . with p• . etttality:- .ITmIOW Omem.le, , Wm. CrodMa. 'Et .41.11Mestoek rit Cev Jam hew^ , 0ndr, 11 .4.7 it CO, Jai:rt.-Mt tight, F. 4% "..tameVd .40.017, Eq; , _ ELI- . Willful, Lulmer, i!tFOTIFYINCI - DISTILLER, DIWZI. 11111111111 i DOIESTIC•WINEB k Ligudes, it; and 33 D ray. Mrsautain, FA iamond . , , . • wainrucxc mtaTuf & 0.4 - D gr a =t;lirarejL a irt4ruf" l cw " ; —may _ _ ir WHILMA. - -. • ' •• •• ' • • WILLIAIIIII. ArroprEvs ANu cOUNNELLOAN AT 'LAW. Opililke Nark slob al rogrilliAbo.4 : febrOalrlyr ' • •. • Other Ellackhorti. , e Jams. -" DLACKBLIRA At co," - IVIIOLESALE Grocers land Dealers Deal • VlllotetAiad rittOValinirschued: les,h' 4t, aq had all inset s fall and genend - a e rtmenl of foods in ' lheli Km" , sr" Chnt i „ r. . . TOW( Orogen and Apotbe d tarp, flo 43 Marko st, Wrrow doo li rs above Thud ot. select ,- Pitembargbierill karts conmantly tmand a well ad azoonotent of the best and frndtextblediablworbleb. he will oak oath. wow neuwaalna seam - Pillololowr beManiall Wended sop aad plied artless that' nap Myopia - as gesalne..• • 11:TragoloinoolProaaitawao will ter arearowly end neatly prepared . (mm tbe bat nalertabs, at any boor of Abe fbr noTe, a large nook of (teak and good Perfir • . '• .Tgr WILSOXi W art Maker A:Jeweller, owner ath and Market no.A largo and woll wiewed:wook of bralabes,,Jewelt*. Ailrer..ware and, brilitorpOotats. Always ea band and of regular ens. tem pnms, Gold Patent. Lever. toll Jewelled watch.. kwf as *A advar do wataboo, no law a. In a. Gamine Cooper, Maw, _Jahn s= and other approved wake et watehoo wag bo bad .n a mall advance and Irrrina watch cook done in lb. very ben wanner: BWEITZE.R., ATTORN EYAT LAW, cm n ` • 31 ! toteq woo P.ooooy .Green tCouCtioculleetons.mWss hutuss,Pageretud ,tp-Blueterici, EMU a co • Church is Corot/ten Pittsburgh. ; .4011111.D1715LAP, -11/IANI7FAMRKR of Tin, Copper, and Sneed bus LT/1 Mann and, dexter In Benaonia. And Japanned Ware, Noll Market tweet The Luton:l6er fovea• fay mina Ina stieption of th e Western - 111ereheuut, (*Lowry dealenr, add ahem to Ida None sock of man -.tenured Tin and:Coppsrr wave, with a Nunn anon. meat of /keno Pa:robbing Ilardonno. - / eve ad h o Dab'!e geperally, ato Inel mar, . . + Ri cliaawas 11. HATS; aatetr et Lew ; Plwio ~i I" l tol:pt u.. t Webs Lemell'OntlbetiDepoebteautZer etietumung. wb.......weeer toed la We meet KENTUCKY, UNESAMA, TENNESSER, MISSOURI cod OSSee,Betke'sDatlikei.Ultet. ; • LICDOCX k CO. rr CANAL: frriteer, NEW ORLEANS. ogryis ( of J B ,aossat's Exiassive them Sugar . 11 admen, ii.h.s7s es load, • loge mock bxd r , .r fl orred. embed, Clarified &pa Board &quo; to Thgees ami B. .:&OD, O.lPm Uo.si Moloso. r;lees Ilboal and • hlr,a4lowilare mad.. all silo OGenthon;ND , • ' 01110. 1&:1111131T11 & Co' mitutTEUS3AND 110 P DEALEU pilltllllll - IND PRINT BIIBWERINS..• • ind Pitt& Pi, sal Oat & Pitt SI, 14 -. a. 4W. s iciaritructirr IV iiiivtotilese ow BA A RCH', WAILRANtED eagal, Doi sa made Iv mug viutof ems*, and Oath's Prices andon good itcmaeng.. • a nisoot • ,aanzt. • 11.11MLSOli ZO - 00, ANUFACITRE or mer sod In-Spades, Hort,llay. RS Hoo ed sod Marion Foam, lhowea Iko., &o. Hro.lomoo. Na H Wood wool, Vittsbergb, Awn Omni 1. bß.l[u ti 4 PD ite liete M luats .- Foq I te4u- 1301 C DAMIAN-11mm wining uiitista Woo tioissibalit now an oppeexalry ctf doing ms hoe the ,Im4g - 01ket; 0 410: 1 7 111,114t V erdireiedia th i.eit y ., the rind. Stene, corner of WWI and *6 - .:_4 41 1 • •-• N WICERRISFIAW -• er.111.4 1 ,1ir"-IvmVrk Anyar st Wilms pea SIAM \ PITTSBURGH, WEDNES DAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 15. 1847. FORWARDING & COMMISSION. A:AL Wallingford: •• 4no. F: Starr. WALLINGFORD t Co.. ' COMAMSION A. FORWARDING NERcli/LNTS, • 11F.AVY 11A.ROW.A RE AND • PITTAHVILCIFI BYANDITACTUIIIiIIv AATARE/lOUSEB.2ccond sneer. near Mood, an I Canal Basin. Liberty steet, hese on hnad and for sale 160,000 lba assorted eseck Naylor & Gros Cast.Elhesr, Clines and Gennan 'but Jones & Was Am: Moser pprinrand Fork 200 dos avels, kparlo. and Forks; Carrier, !springs end Axles; - &nobs, onouso kole;) Ipatioltand coax on) Sledges, 80oike Idoulds,Crenirbloci Furnace RlMerMiuniltla Irma Mattocks, Clay and Coal PiekA lases, and other Pft e lLorgh Manufactures . sold tie aesi prices. . . lublB .0 • LNUTCRIOACI nal&lank. comscze • - nAankilowzo. o. co. T 0 BA G Ora COIRIESIONAMICHINT Ne. rid South Wharn , and No 117 Windt Water at PH PHIAe' W to inform the !trade and dealers genenrily of B Pitubargh, that they hoed made such arrangements with the Varela maaufactarent and the Growers of the W., Wool ladies., and other plate.. will insure Mi me and constwu' pimply of the following ammo , Mime of Tobacco which will be sold noon as acme. niodadrig and as any other Mese la tins oily or else. where, and, all .goodt ordered tmea them will be war rentedequal to replasenzationt— limner Bt. Donunge; C 0.1.1 I Yans; • Porto Lem Perea, SeedLeal To Gahm Igumq• ~ sad Florida, . bow.; ALPO llntnelN celebrated Aromatic Stag Coven dish, with a lame assortment of other popular brand. and ualities of pounds, ha Slit! 16. andZhiLsonl4 Ja de g Se and 10s Plug; Lodi& Twist; Virginia Twist, ike, sweet and plain, in whole stud half beam, w ood and tin,' together with every variety of article belong. lag to ihe trade. • ' lelo-dly J D Lnnnu, C W .1111011110,, Late otrinshorgb, Fa Loo of Nashville, Tenn. idliaLlEla di ANDERSON. Dealers inC“lo o; ; .Formarding nod Ccensolsmon Merchants, No. • Front street, above Broadway, Ctnelanati, 01110. 'DlllllllllO—. ' At Allen &Co, na Wm B ) . & 1 Pittslnugh. • isighnna - Reny & Shepheal, Mania a. Ide&linter, Nashville, Tana !• lantana, & &mislead. • W F Lane & Co.; Looieville, Ky. Springer & James Johnston & Co. Hewett, Heron t Co., ess Orleana Moreno, & Morris, New Vora- Duvall Kiielder & Co...lDllnnote. Salida Hartley & Co., Philadelphia. Daniel Deabon, Damn. hag J. U. W. Ledllloo. • . W. C. :Wilson. • J.G.W.•LEFTWICH & C 0.,. • RECEIVING, FORWARDING, And Blerelseats, • PL &MUSEUM, La.' • PRT/CUL/8 admire paid us 000sigrueents of Sugar Mills, Regimes, or Ow ankles for °Weasel; Analtapas. REFER TO—Messrs. Sheffield k Lightlow, Mr. The mas Limerick - Naar Weans., • ; Means. Loran:lk Ileitersoa, Mr. Z. M.Sherle7; Loa- Mee.% EaU & Speer. Mr, Woe O'Leary, Rebel WighereeeAnastrang& Nieholrea; Pins : harp- Maus. Rey., Toddle Caneaunelt. Mean.. Dyne. & Craighead, Messrs. Edwards & Weijeell, Ikon. - Zenon :Labatt., Hoe. :Soho Deuce; Plaquemine. Lea • eel fi-ly • ALNIUTT k TI COMMISSION PRODUCE MERIMANTB, • . ; 114Mature: T i ll F ;lttooret=r2sgfins., l4b ett= l.' in ptmeoctittng the Cseadnidotem Produce" humus. exel o tw f : steely, avoiding all trawsactions on. their 01•11 winnow; and being prepared with - the meet ample "facilities An doing hasten. bed:loam 'a lender their serviced to the mewhanui of riushargh t moiling dash ats eso.er itt the nitro! Baltimore. IL: stiV ALNITTT,• - • OW 40:4D TIFFANY; ]r. i Megan Uinapern. Soft/F.130, . • . , do Atwood. 1... & c , ..*- - pidifiargh. do - Wm: Bell t F?at. . , ' I . 11r, John Grier,', I' -• , , Baltimore ' Merchants generally. ~ • • • came. HELLAS - Jr. FLOUR PAOTORB AND PRODUCE COM , MISSION: MERCHANTS. y IDI:RAL cash raranees outdo O. roeolpt of eso. %Li stroolents. - Th. 6 Wm./so oar oddness will be ransrbtee-fimrilat Oalo•e la idraneo Cola, by apply sat toms frioodo, • •• • - • . Messrs. Wallio4ford &Taylor. POtstrargh.' Utast-altos. Mal 1. 01. Andteport..Ohlo .Philodelphla,iltyll,lol3. • • tosy274f•• N. B. AU produce nossigtool orils iosurser 'rico Ih° v " . """ of WOOttifood & Taylor, Pittsburgh, or to our store In rtaltuielphto. . C. IL s Co.. FRESH IMPORTATIONS OF HARDWARE. LOGAN & IMPORTERS OE AND IVIIOLESALE DEALERS RE UARDWAitIi, PIITLKELY, Wood Streak A RE note le the . eitante of wetting large . MARIO.. .to th eir ettentive soak of 41ardosse , OtesT, Ser.lefy, Re:, valid h besot been pareh. ea the eno , t advantageous' was In EniOand, and t.. 0 from the Mtealketerent an eountryi elables theta I, of• far oods on tenet seTpused by eillfd and opened by few Panchuers are tespeetially Invited to call. 1 , se VI °NOHOW COCHRAN, p3MISSIoN & f:ORIVARCLAG MERCHANT No. 55 woop 3 ,Prrnannow, 4"IOAITINUES to transact a general Ctimtnissient Ilastsese,ememally le the Wane and rale of Americas hfanstactaves and Produce, and is Waiving and forwarding Goads tonalgeed to hie care. AWAgcnt for the ManulaCturers.tin will be constantly - supplied With the principal ankles of - Pits burgh lihnofactore at the lowest wholesale Orden as& consktittioats 4211:espeeqillly solicited. rn W A LTEIL CO.; sides all anati :COMMISSION ME RCHANTS, , AND DEA L :COMMISSION PRODKI.W.NEBALLY, No. te imak itorwi:st ; bes.. • lfnh4 DaltheOre Rim ye -D sprig ..- q , Ceibtyr,- Cm.., Fag Pokier., Landemet & Bon, Meer& Inmehnity, Kin Ind& Yaseyi W & 9: Wyman, Stinted& &num 1194 ZDWARD /1• KUKLI/11:1,. Once mos To 000DIt1lt & Forwardinc, Coonnistion dreTr&o . la, ire?i Caren Bran. Mein -.t, 1 door &TA t Planter* , Bank; Illemphls Rrry. ro—N.l !Vico & Co t King,Vennoek it Co. ..IL F Conway. L E Tomlinson:. • . CONWAT fi CO., DORTEqIOUTIf Ohio, Consuriuion`and Forwarding Merchants, and Produce Dealers—aim &stand to Oa Mebane, gala and Paiponsat of Pig Iron. Cord, Jones &Co • • Mown :Dailey &Co '- Lorenz, &teeing &Co -• Henry Graf, Lindsey kCo 13 Leech & Co Lyon:Short, te . Marge &Thaw . saarlddlY daana ' • - • . - JOIIN • (Late of the Ono of Malcolm Leech t Dot Whadeaslis .Gt•COT, Ossiamlatein moor !; X archast., DI6ALZIL In all kinds , of Comte, Produce Cop. pas Tut, Tut :Plates, 'Myers , Teets, Zute:Lead, Hasia - Sheet. hoc nod Nails, White Lead, Dye ikadis..Conee ; Yams, Salt, •ke, and Dittsbanch , lbsinditetamegeneially, comer of Ltbetty wad Irann streets,Plusbaugh; , - • : • Lip-liberal advances. m Cask or Goods, made on on e sig.:tents of Pradiee,fte.. lard • AUCTIONEERS. AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS: ALexopEß tuvY tir: BROS. CINCINNATI & .ST: LOUIS OFFER to'sell et either establishreenl, all kleds or klerclatodise at the lowest retie of Lbtaselsaione 41111 are alwaysprepared to make advances. The OM of references given, If reOalred. Leos. addressed . to either house wilt be promptly attended to. • • JriOdly • : • ;. COMMISSION MERCHANT Nu. Ao W , A'kfr.:lt OPYO,4ITE • liff.M . SluE. W e r o ,, E . Pned . p , fult,l3 Advanceo,rostdoott colpignmems. satiacfewry r et; ann. to limo sakcirsint mall. - 0ep17,174 140111 PION & 04111P/11041., COMMISSION MFACHANTS. Mad Mosalkolaults of Lisamod 011, No. SO Colombia OStreel, CIN LN N , OHIO. • ajTasa ran sou rwraito43) • • .WALLlNOlealltlek - co - .cinakussior; a POBWARDINO Wood: ' EIkLES/3 la Pillsburgh:Manifseukm and D 1100m.y-will keep constantly on heed a sleek esslAtte eparls and sale.,,lwusesiseyibee sad welt• les, fire proof sales, anvils, 'lees ,blecksoilabs , bellows, sledges. i.e., '! • mehtlr D. W. TATUTIT,T.• W. T. Mtn. &ATIIEIII7II. & PATCH, 00.1111186 . 1011 MERCI.AIIII, rr tt b ginemittionlu ittendon to the soiling of. PM. due and to onitreler parchnenk • • • paints m 0,4.7 coon Moron & ..PlOlougb, Pit Kull II - Tolin-ittlAttiongb:! J WlCeehnn C Culbertson. • ' aona provia.oodn - et. co • tenansisition and Forwarding 'dferclando. • • NW, 43 41. SOUTFU BT. • • - .: ;many* 'BoWt.Minl4 wMARP.M.M.Iirere• . • • • TllOll. - a; CAIVION, ap - COMMISSION MEROHANTB, Nos;I sad 9 Light 1iA.L21111071.1 9 . 117Ceeh invancts be lido on consignment to _h bone - lc .. 111" C's & Sixth et. _ FLOUR FACTORS-1i AND CHUM AND-PHOCIVCII ,__Commlsstoen Merchants, 71 'SOUTH "WHARVES, PHILADELPHIA: As F itrAtm gr writers foLorarn sll i t r tbsdn , _snit West BTanch.'anr Tell, 1110 a. •LA • No • Ivry 0 L ESA LB GROCER AND COMMISSION, If-MEACILADT, No 09 %Valor meet LOUI13• 11°. - Beide _.17. - 3sr.w . roer JONES 001MMISI1ON STEAMBOAT iiwaoasas - MONONGIAIIat.A ifousE. ; . - Pittaingraltirs. WALISAIII,TAAAAITOILUM, , N.. TS. Imati ated, war Wad tir Ail qualithisof Ora* sad re Shot To ..p ikueriaj hia4 WA Pc.ndC., sissommoa q s pat sand 1. VP • Orktew, • ''' MISCELLANEOUS. JAXES.W. WOODWELL, rrrrsatraoa nriunroics Plaa ILoarg. - NU 115 THIRD EMMET, , • - 2EA LARUEmadsPlerldid moment of Furniture, „1-74?-2.- suitable foe 810=113031N Hotels, and pnvaleDwel ro • istabtly on hand . and made to Order. • The present stock on hand comsat be excelled by opy Inantlfactory In the wastern country: Peeows er;alung to pareham would do well be aisles mu a call, us 1 um &Warmed my once:ash/di plena Part of the stock ernisiatita -10 Sofas with Plnsk and Hair-cloth corer; 2 doz Mahogany Nurse Chung 14 pair Divl9l; 12 dos due mahogany Chang lY mahogany Work diands; 3 dos mahogany Raking Chain; 15 marble top Dressing Itureaug 8 pair 0U0615 , 1A Smartie top Work Elmodg' 18 ebenT Work Stands; klabogany,blaple, Cherry and Poplar Dedneads of all darcripuons; and a large ammunent of Common 'Furniture and Chairsono numerous to mention. • • mufti' • . . NEW HARDWARE HOUSE. JOSEPH WOODWELL, Censer of Wood and Sd ata piturbirgb, AAA VING vriddmon from the old brto of Walker Woodwell, on the lot of January . , take pleasure In announcing to my friends m the elly sad country, that I have opened my new more at the above oared plane. Having purchased my reds for and made arrangements with mama...neva • in country and In Europe to be constantly supplied, L'am. fully prepared to furnish Hardware of all . kinds. nil as good•tenns and as low as any bore East or Went.— . erthan. and others are respectfully leaned to .1 and examine my stock, before purchasing elsewhere. The,following comprises a pan of my stock. • Steamboat and Saddlery Hardware. Guu Flies. Naylor's Steel, Cutlery, Edge Tools, Anvils, Vi ces, Locks. Latches, Stelae', Borth., ntn, Hinges, Screws, Union Factory Pl.ea,Saws hlahogamr boards alid veneers, and all other articles connected with the .Hardware bovine.. • meddle : UAZSAICS PATTLIIT-11ZDSTACAD. • -- NOTWITILSFANDING an /monad oppose= to this 'even: ; tion of a Pittsburgh Mechanic. ma- Jerky of Me city ad make of MIS —2.. "4 laud Allegheny city, sad the r ir . uniner mrsemoniershave Mown themselves above the vulgar prejudice against heats inonstions, and they 'give Gamma's Bedstead the preference, simply because it donna it, being thestrongest, sad mast eratieniast Bedstead Lo use. The folkiwing testinmoial speaks for ItselP— We, the sabscribert. practical cabinet makers of the cities of Pitabargh and Allegheny, Pa., do hereby cer tify that we have bought the right to manefsetare bed steads with liamastes Patent Fasteniuga, and consider the same superior tenor futessings with which we are espaninted. James Lemon ' M'Grew T 13 Young & Co Robert R Ilardey James II Barr a John Liggett, Jr. Jas. Lowry & Roo Lowrie &. whin Riddle h Drutur 'Mail! Farley mega 11 Wa llace n David Laker Ramsey & ArClellaad lints Wallace David Moses Bullock ' Lake] , For Rights to make sod sell the above Bedsteads EBBNRZER F 13.AZZAM, Patentee tiPtisliff — PiticasTirsucK mukozillift e abatibe having obtained a patent. Mar Id 1616,1. Press Prick Machine, and having race then them stay tamed its ability,naaow greyered tomb sights and contract to deliver resettlees to any port of the U wed Pates. The machine is designed to make Mich from etude clay, and will make '30,000 good moot firm brick per day, serlcieuily hard woeeb. op a Oa kiln; thus avoiding the expense nod labor ape, pain t the eley_,drying .d handling the back after being melded. It is emple,etroug.Wit I able in getout taint repair, and is manacled that it eon be taken to Wee. and pal tageWar With great forility,thes render mg n ;enable. We are row budding machines, and ! can ta rateh them art short mire. Fora full description vre eakt refer tea machine new in seccessfol opera tion c d be ll creek home, near the West end of Eighth 1 areal, whose , . shall be happy to explain everything comeeted (pith it to all who may call. We have at present modithonsed Agent. All teatime. address will be P reat taNgeg d o!4, mommtc , N A co:, '• • : • og3o.l33tATl;' nuzaysn. E T X N GS SI I V III:by Y tIar p rincipal r 'd so d"i alo th Usiti tot the arcuate country, and anapest thr,mteriott of Peensylmuis, will ho ready for delivery ti b the °melee 'ot Phangation. The material m which% rdanthility 'and supetiotity dependi,lsmactal by experienced won nen, Neaght hoot rilerTleedi Ahem e imevel7 wa toot made—)be, fasible maturr with which it is imbed 'ded, eareallisspanued. 'They will be thermattly burned and .repactly pressed by notebinery, and mi nute Mention given bv /Items. Harley Co, the pro prawn, in ell respecisto maintain their ecknowlaged nperktrity. Orders by mail or otherwise, will be piambllt lama ail, on applieame to J !NevHAW AIACLAI mesll ongton Iron Worts I%)' 11CW POllll2ll STIMICICT LI _CONFECTIONARY AND FRUIT STURo, wdf open on Monday, Apro Sib, Mar doors Crow Wood at, anillasit door to Alava'', Pekin Tea More. A s oleadid areortment of Franey Cakr, Con kerionary. Frio; Comb oaths toarderevery day; among 'which Me the CollowIng: Maeamenr, Poland Cabot ' Lemon Diacair; Pastry; teeny, ike Peep... Nuts; Jelly Cake; Alownd do; ' Molamee P. Cake; • Ginger Nuts; Wafer Jamb lee; Sponge Domain Federal Cake; A. P's; Mogan do; Otters kr lee Creams, Jelly, Brides' Cake, , Tr Cordirmionary, executed in a manne nue manned in quality and beauty by any other establish• moat to this coy. Fresh Dread, Tirist, Rusk, de manufactured solely Duro Whits Wheat Flank and free Mint all drogs,crery morning. ap3 ANDREWS -nog T 0 X RIODZ 011 P TIMATINO HOU, I J3SEP—Mr. O. Deller,of Doman, has amoiged nod prOyMeda plan Garheming homes, which has been sae, oessfelly yard in Dogma. New York. do, and wherever applied. has rom.ved the decided preference over Paorre, Femmes, de. Its lola mimics mo— ist. Great regularity or Temperature. - • Pod. Frcedem from Smoke. M. lfa mpiessant Drynen aneaded to, and not liable to get oat ot order. • Orb. Cheat Entrablllty. ' A Model and Specification may be seek and the RP. pandas obtained at the. Copper and Tinware inetery of • WM. La First street, bet. Wood and Market sts 11 ware, Cutlery, Beddlery, fee. . JOHN WASLELIII4 r i tirtree r 2 A ty p e e i ld EAL se u l l i ralrrrer, rh d , e D frenrs add the public generally. that he is ROW receiving his Ppringsapply of Hardware, at he old stand of Walker kNon Wood strevorhickhe will dispose of an the he harm" Ileartll be cot:illegally receiviorfteshmapplicadireet from the Munfaennors •Earope and this country, - width will enable him to compete with any enablmh went, either East onWest. Western Merchants are Invited in call and examine his pooh before arch. sma elaewkw re most . Copartner.bhp. ■UT: the undersigned. have entered Into 'Copartner. TY ship for Me plummet of .transialing &Traduce, Came:Winn and Forwarding boa/ new, under the style of, • 080111, 110021.5 W 'lr. CO., and lava taken the sea wham., Na 6 Commercial Row, Liberty tweet, formerly accepted by Mr. AtTW rusey— where all Laraine. entrusted to our charge will be promptlyand faithfully attended to. •. MOllBlB °RUM. &Innerly of Philadelphia • TIIO3.I , IIIIeOREW " entithfield Ohio ,• FINDLEY II MeGB.E'W" Pittsburgh, March 1612. atehl3 , TllOlllll6l 106116116 DY, .11£ the late gnu of Odle pie & Kennedy, Unbar' SaGlara Manafactarer and dealer -m Illoe Ss, Comb., and Variety (roods, keep. eon. Wally en hood, of ha Gym manafaemre, emary-Yeriptkor of (141, Mahogany and Common Looling,Glmeem 1, S. 3.4, and 6 drawer Talent Malls and ornamental porbut frames. All kinds of Crook% Trays, and Walters, in setts or deserts; Combs:Monads, and a general assortment of Fancy Moods, wholesale, at a Mean Mamma on cost • Pedlars and others sapplled with, Phe/PN Chan.: Cite eine. Pants, and 10 by 14 frame. at New York priers. inylOtt •- L . No Ikt. ear wood and 4th Re t i s t 2Vir l e hlr i tz ti ll Sabi!. bast opened the large stable • • . --s— -on First st., running thr0ugh 0 4 . 0 65..... iaaitoSecond.t,be/host tVood and stmithaeld streets, the rcar • f tbo Monongaheln H 0064, with an entire new rock of llama and earn ogee ef th hest quality and latest styles Hone. kept at livery I n the best manner. haft"' Shoe ■`nay In r DrassilmS. Saloom - BACRSON & FOUNTAIN. nowssel repaints , / sod litted:r . th . tr i tlharit,lat t s Drowing and 11 ''1 7 "d %.13 at aocs ldoot i' ,smiliMreotisfort s ' ardVir d ma w s Thsysts r" proparml to wait so aR Mai may call without delay Thankful foo past rooms. soll.sit • coolinsancs of she mos, at cos Saloom, corms of IsistrostarolheDiamood, (Mk of Almond. 4. Dors Dry Ponds Hard) oil DAVOS, DAVOS, JOEL. MOILER, Drogaml sold Apothecary, N, W, comer of Wood sod Points, lmba* will keep consuantly on hood, Drags, Olin, Dye.stulfa. N.ll—Phialcins'sprescriptkns carefully emotion& od Alm the best amorists, at any boor of the day or .pight. Also an assortment of Perfamory; Poe Tooth, Ilslr, anti ClOth Brushes, &a. &a , which he may I lOW Form& r may I EAGLE COTTO WORKS. P)TTBDU GU. MANUPACCLIFIR C ITON YARN,. Candles Wick, ilattlisß, Twine, Coverlet YARN, OARI . ET CHAIN WARPS, &o &c., KINO, PENNOCK & Co (Saccessois of shuttles & Avory,) Asa aisano — ...111111912!NICIL . 12 1 s am s COMBILIIISIONSIL . 4 OIO DRLDS AT CINCINNATI—I am a fired by she Cowmen af Penn.ylvania to take aelbunaledgennu of all In unmet. of writing, alroelerits and &Natio. o Ptr.tl6 In Ohio, to be teed or corded In Penn., Ina tin. °Mei, 4 door. Ears of the Mwrort. Office, CM airmail, Olno.' . . EDWARD P CRANCII. . ingoAklawf yllP Attorney rtt Law RAGS WANTED. 000 LW COUNTRY uiXED RAGS wanted, 100,, pat& Allays on bend, every description or Writing and Wrappint Parier.and Chloride Lime. REYNOLDS & MIRE mehl ' Comer Penn and iniin eta. Mubarak • mg . - :+i - N NO U ._anthly Kew, and Mar to suitntne fot planting In Oemetry'r . can ha famished on apptleaßdri at the 4end atore, wn'""'"V" rlVft 041 AM - Nil olllolandhb s a teen A tt i t:l=to:ll • .r r ltrtll - d B ;fVe7l ., ern Lever Watches, sellable • r Ladles and derstiente —or the latest and handsomcs patterns and DIA° be, daanufactore,-warramcd and lot seine; very low el tea IMO W W wiLsoN I • TO. '.'' --- . ------ • -- 7?.• 11...111AT0A . • . . , EAGER In Trannainp anal Vailett 11a:, 2. , Tina, D -nail, Ivortand Horn combs, Woollen Yarns and I,Yonsicas,&Atons, Noodles, pppins, Tapas, Umiak/to.. No ICI •Maakot ea between ptnmood and 41.1, Miens Piturbarydi. • • •• - • . Malty, • rariouosizez.constant • t reducedinieef &Übe' Wood street. oohter of N WICKKRSILAN • plnulp, CAGES and Fanny • on hind, and firt 41e• e• sbnrgh Seed Store, No 13 MP atm& 1.7 • .. . i mate Jotattoa'a exoeil t Patera lea Cream Po., ' 1r5 ii..."'. M. ,' .1 71 17 - :7117........."....8,.... tart -711;171IdNaP-D1111":14"aA.Pr.":- ! . 10,, .. SOU iaatkil It . 1 . , . ...._ LITERARY. PITTSBURGH FEMUR INSTITUTE. T./fig Institution, ender the ClllO Rev. J. 14 Gomm. arm'Lsor. in which all the solid and or 'mammal branches of a /unshed edwatlon aro taught is now open for the reception of pupils at Na. WI. Irvirlas Row. Liberty Street. ' between ad and 4th streets. The Second Session will commence on Nouday the 304' of August, and it is import.' that any who may design entering should be present as far . practicable by that time. They have secured the services of rrofcwor RIIO. BOCK as teacher of Neale on the 'Piano and Guitarr who in me well known to need reeommendntion. A corn potent French mocker will be employed Prof. HINGII/11 will hove rlitrge of the Deportment of Vomit Mum . . . , . Ptot.SUMINSEI wiU 11211.H:end= of the Artistic Department, and wilier,: tempo, in drawing, sketch ing, and painting, bent in oil and water colors. Prof. . S i, a competent teacher, and las recommendations from the first men In Europe and the United States He has Woo bean a teacher m the Init. Institutions of the • usttry. For tents apply to ths Prlnci MOS. LAMB'S BOARDING' SCHOOL. INA IX Arch Sired, rthere Minn. rah, South ad', Phlladelplala. • T i lirgL 'i ertf. " . ' ,V. ln o h. V%;ll l, 7 • FTla b c ' at c inT d w n l e tk: iwtrectionin the Franch.linlian and Latin Languages. The .emcee of the 1111014 eminent Professors are per manently secured, and every facility given pupils for Repairing the different Languages, together atilt other accomplishments. Tim year is divided earn two terms of Sae months each, commencing on theist of September, and ending oa0.30Mo( Jane. The charge an the Scholastic Year Of ten mouths, to SAO, pay_able half Teeny in advance; without ennui, except which are at ProfeamrPi Those commencing any time within the term, will be charged accordingly. ICS is thought tlestrable by parents en guardians of pupils from a distance, they can TCO4III during the thininict vacation, when all dap =ennui will be paid .llß/LIIIMPLIL ll¢sh Elliott, Esq. Dr R M Pancrson, Drs McClellan, Ilon•Georgn W Wand. Philadotphia—F n Neiman, Esq, St Loam, Don Jan Hello, Wm Thompson, St Louis, Mo. Thoa linkman Eat, Florence, Ala—Wwh Jack. son Pp, N O,Caleb C Noreen Km, Nashville, Tenn -11011 RlChaid X Call, Talinhuse. 11064111—De Thaw Leginc.Quirlerton—J NW'. Esq. N C—Thomas C Nesbit Esti, Savaaah, Geo—Rev Dr Sawlemses. New York. alb dm ALLEGHENY CITY. Tll.o.4at'F';',.".:ll7l,°,'„''fodeV,l%°:pciuone-orNi.p% at tho. Varner of Sandusky and Strawberry sts. ThoSeeond &mina will eminence im IVanday,Sept Itth. Moto deafening mecum' aedl find it to their ittlettet to do to as near the ocendet of the aemilon as paa , lble; :Wash pupils will be teemed at any ume domed the I.[Oatolt The sender, of competent Teechem will be neared for clame, that may with to receive instruction* in Lleavemp,Pntiding and Music. - Fur particulate mlaiive to Orem'''se of instiaction, terms, be.. cetwah cite ale r or apply to the 'ammeter. d lkitheny. Juiy i 3, lei: • If • VALUABLE BOOKS-..published by A & U P James, Walnut street, between Fourth and Falb, Clncianouth Guisot's Gibbon—Tim !notary of :he dentin° nod fill of rho Roman Cropiie By Edward Gibbon, Esq. A new Edition, ',Hied and coriotted throneh• ont,preceded, by a profane, and accompanied by notes critical and historical, relating pnncipally to Oho propagation 'of Christianity: by hl. F. Gninot, Minolta-of Public Instruction tor the kingdom or Franc.: The prolate, notes rind Corrections, trans lated foam the French. espressly lee this edition. With a - notice el the Lite and character of Gibbon, and Watson's Reply to Gibbon. lo 2 vols. imp. Geo, 1013 page. Naoer'e Peninsula War—Complete. 1 eel. imp. Bee. WO pages. Haliami Middle Ages, Chamber's. Rebellion in Scotland, Robertson's Virginia and New England, .Russell's French and English War in America, and itamsay'rrAmerican Rerol itioa I•vot Ho. Liteary el American History—Containingßeim. tines from the best authors on American History, Biography, Travels, Commeme, Statistic., Indians, Heyolutiottary Battles, &c. Ate. &e. Also, Anec dotes:Poetry and Miscellarreous article. Matra red with more than huo engraving. I Col, Imp Oro CM pages. • . Universal Pictorial Lihrary—Conminingyaluable papers on minus subject., comprising Platcral History,Natural Sciences, Agneultrire, Rural Econ. I eon yOliovaphY. Fine Arts, the Orientali,•Travels, Geography, Botany,. Mlseedbecous reading, &e. &e. I vol imp Ilvo 6-10 pp; Nil sheep. The Family Medical Litriary—A Treatise on the Prevention and Cure or Disease., by regimen and simple medicines. New edition, revised and enlar ged with the addition of a Vegetable Alateria Med. ma, pointing out the virtues, preparations and dotes of our most valuable native medical plants, and an outlier:: of Anatomy and Physiology. Illustrated with one hundred Engravisgs, eta of which are colored. By J G Norwood, M page. too. American Flower. Gordon Compaurou—Adapted to the United Ste* by Edw'ard tigers, Landscapo and Oruarechtal Gardener. It too, third edition, revised, enlarged and illustrated.. Palmer's Oregon, Rocky blowout:is, &c. Bee. Family Testament, octavo, with and without Polyglot notes, and Psalms to metre. Race and Filigree's Debate. Burn's Works Lady of the Lake. Lulls Itookh. More's Private Devo tion. Juvenile Beaks. Cheap editions of yarino• works in - parriphlet form. •• - nachV Valuable Mandard Works. B „ IXANDEIt ENCYCLOPEDIA —A Detionary of M ence,bwratismatolort,compricing the hiesay,destniption aml scientific peiticiples ofevery bninchof human knowkdge, with the detiratken and defieitwo or ell the treaty In general sr, edited by tV T rand, Illostratol by cu. mere. enareriogs on miod: M0r0.% Ninth American Atlas, cendaleing lacentifally coh eyed maps of Nocth Amer ice,Gensent Ewe, Canada West, Num bleolia, New Bromwich, Nni theca Thus, New Mn- Florida, Texas, California, Alcamo, Celan! iteacrica, Yucatan, Frflg India Idands smi all the Smite and Tem.. site in the Unica. Nears Puritans—The history of the Puritans from the rthrsoadon in 13,7, to the revolutca of Mei, comprising an roe not of their principles, be, An, by Denkl Neal, hi A, revised byJohn 9 Metes, M D, wnh nioo ydriraits on shell ba two colnews The mw of dm Dolly in relation to the Mind, by George Moore, M D, member of Ike sop] eallege of rhyslcians, le. Jravenlto• Works. Wealth and Worth oi which makes OW man, a very pip der Juvenile work. Palls of the Pa, being greeting omvations of slfipervreke, A. -" • - nosmil's Spenker—The Jotesule Speaker, comprising lemming nom and escreixs io simlamotien an • sr:re sat. of poems far practice. by Praxis T Bondi, instructor in locution at Monica. Tits ahem semis meeived and An sale by J 0 FIN STON 6 STOCKTON all Dooksollers,cur market and 3rd sts • The Family Alreakeel Library. AA THATIIKon the rieverame pad Core at Disease" by regimen and simple Medicines. New edition, revised and enlarged, with the ed,Ption of a' regratUr akt , ll. Atediess. pointing out the Tiller.; prepannions nod tamed of oar =et vat etahle, native, medmel Pianist and no appendix, illustrated with 100 engravings, G ot which me chinned. Dy J. B. Norwood 111. D. The object of the entire work is to give the history, ebarnotetistie symptoms. Pttntiat'• ...°l°°°°° of •Il eenunon diseases. in as correct, simple and intelli• tilde terms no possible, Foiled to the eopleinea of all who wild. in any event, to undertake the treatment of atiscam,ia the Winne: Won of which human life may be of stake. • The treatment panned by the generality et prostion err, Endemic renal Di' . macs to the etoutlined Week, has beau detailed with much minuteness mut:great care. Mentally Molten! Library, it is believed, has given more general emisfaction than net hook of the kind relent.. fly its simple. and diteetions,its lister remedies and their proper doses. any one of *Wi tter), intelligence, will be enabled nn Met realty eraser illOoM without the meet/raj of eating In a ph melee. Wit have beet, informed be head of (mini leo, who hove in their Imams that, could they not procure Width!! 'dopy or the work, ten times We cost could not purchnee it—having flemientlY saved mom than that, in one yea r, ay its Use. • 'Menials wanted to sell this work—a liberal commis sion allowed. & JAIII CS, Publisher., jell Walnut s bet. 4th end Sltt, Cincinnati. • New Lot of Elegant Plano.' LLLBEIR ha. jot received the following new R. Mauro, which will be eoldlewer than can be, 'aught in the east. ' One elegem cab:moat, 6 octave; made by Nunn. lc Clerk, New York, of great-power and lowermost or tone--extremely low priced. One elegant rosewood Plan, made by Chiekerlng, Moon, and selected by him as the best instrument of the class's, bin raw, y—prke very mielerate. IlesidesLa number of °thereof all priers AnJ styling, foremit iMllmst extensive selection ever Bernd here, NO 63.3rd-.t at / W en Plow nook. G. OR role at , MeDONALD & BEESON'S, 60 Merkel I. Enreet. History of the Olrondistkor PerrOnet Mereoirrof the Patriot. of the French Revolution; by A - De Lemartine Freett Gleaning., or anew Sheaf from the old Field. of Corsunuttal Europe; liy J hlorvell-2 pram Story of the Rattle of Wnterloo; to Roe E R Eleigs II A-2 parta::• Tale* of the Peorap the Permantryvedited by Daerc-2 vols. Tel. in Prose; by hl Hewitt.. .21 - • • ---- 11114T113.CUEST11.11FEI ICE T. KOHN 11 MELLOR No id, Wood meet has Num. ceired a new mask oftba following Watery Hand lettmmentr, vim ' KswTobag, with svalves in F, with E dot crook, a now and very powerful bow Inmmment. Trombeeellossn F D Oaf and Eget, made by Uraves snd Co. Troulhone. in In flog with 3 valves, by 0 riVC. &Ca; Tmrapels in 0 bat, do do do do do do; Kent Ltagles, Kendall petrel n, Ek 11 fiat do do, Opltiolide. an IL/ dm, with tuning Cide, of the best qual ity; COTPCIt. la ease., Paris mode, nod vdry sopetior. Trombones witb toning elide and kay, new pattern. andmach improved, — Konemi,Fmneh horn. With 4 or 0 crook.. Clarlsett. to E end E flat Flute.; ViolinKG ohm.; Fifes; Flageolet.; Accordions: Violineellos, Double BaglegiSuings, Ikeda, Monte Fa irer; Musk, for sem Instrument.s-s.s /Y3l , • onion w York Plano.. JOHN IL MELLOR, No gl Weed at, Iliolhas +teemed end offers fqr sale OMI Splendid l on' l'iano Forte. 1111 ..t hick octaves, Iron frame end new scale. malle t by Chickering, of Boston. • One elegan Rosewood rialto Farm, with W 1... and iron frame. Made by Metering. One elegant Alshogeny Plano Forte—made by Gale b. Co, New York. . • Me above will be sole= mannfuterer's prices. Also. for role as above, a kocond hand Pluto Fone, with 5 acumen jell? ti LI. .1 A & IJ I' /antes, Cincinnati. • THE HISTORY OF. BEXICO : hCr Civil Waft end Colonial and Revolatlorinry Annals, from the . pered of the Spanish Compton. IMO, to the presentStne,lSlry incltuldig an ACCOulit of the War with the Coiled Snots, or. Ceases and Military Achteventents. By Philip Young, M. D With two Copperplate Map, and seven Reverter of Please( Battle Grounds, Ao. One vane octavo, of five hundred and sixty-roar Fore's. loll_ • • • IVITSW SCHOOL BOOKS-vßep to Mitthelits Cicogra; , PO , . . Sillstaan's Chnallory, • • Finning and . .libenta French and EagliShlbetionary. 511 bIaDONALP & DEVON MANUFACTORIES. • DUQUESN•E &PILING, & IRON WORKS OLFAIAN, HAILAUN, & having completed their New works, are now prepared to nasnstfac. nue every description of Coach sod Fannie Winks True taxies, Amenean Mister, spring and plough Steel, and ellen:ea of small square and round Iron, which theynder Or *ale on liberal terms, et their Wirshours N 0.13 Wood atreet; where they Also keep on . baud • eemplete and handsome assortment of Coach trim. minas, Carriage hardware, malleable casting., Nei. and iron, C. C.& Co, have made arrangement. Shovels, News Day & Croon, numafneterers of Shovels, Spade.' Forks, Dc., and will keep ermatantly on hand even article made by them. Dealers ore respeetfliky mgi eked to ea U,aa prices and.telms will be made liberal. I,l34lTvis PITT MACHINE{ WORKS AND FOUNDRY, Prnaseitta F.A. JOTIN WSIOOT & co., A RE propared to build Cotton and Woollen Mackie e 7 of every description, such as—Carding Ma chines, Etpioning Frames. Swders, Dray'itir Frames, Radon limas, Warperir,illers,ScsmioiaiDrenieg Frames, Loamy, Card Orioders, dm, %Ploughs Hon Shafting turned all goes of Cost Iron, Follies and Humors, of the latest patter" slide and hand Lathes, and touts of alds. Castings of every desenptian furnished on short no tice. Patterns made to order for Mill Gearing, Iron Ke. Steam Piro for dewier Factories, Cast Iron Window Sash, and Piney Grump generally.— Orders! eft at the Warehouse of J. Pointer &Co, Lib eny moot, will have Prompt attention. Hamm To Blackstock, Bell & Co., 1 K Moorhead & Co., 0 13 WIIIIICY, John Irwin K Sons; Pittsburgh. , 0 C K J.H Wamer; Steubenville. - Jade JRRE CARTWILIGUT, Thl PORTER and Manufacturer of Battery, Si:recut 1. and Dental Instminents, Saddlers and Timer.' hwnd tools, Taylors' Patent nears, Re. We. Also manufac tures Trusses, Supporters, As., In great variety. .1. C. Manufacturer and Importer of Pen. Pecker and Table Cutlery; Rawsrsjicissors.PilesiSaws, Tools, ter4 has removed to V 8 Mr 00D STREET, Pittsbargh, neeentl door be. love Diamond Alley, Pen dahere Pocket rereived • large assortment of - a Rallyes. Rale... & .IN:irks, Alto Rodgers' and Whonenholms' FINE CUTLERY. , Ellions.Ralgerv:Wade W. Butcher'. Razors, Scissors, Razor Strops, he. iramareus and Wire Twist DUNS, RIFLE..., AND PISTOLS, Allen's Colt's and Blunt'a Revolversj Powder nooks jte Shot Its. 43419. flags, Walker's fr. Coes Extra Per es., n Caps, Bowie. Dirk and Damian Knives. T :acacia as C.olllpers, Dividers, Flyers, 'NipPera, Ilan Vic!. Squares, Rules, Braces, Bins, Spoke Shim s, Simko and Dies Wire and Iron Ganges, Math; await a' Instourient., Re. in very real win.lT Jobbing and repairlew neatly and punetaslly dour. apZi • co-rewriczusuir — fibrital. EEW. STEPHENS of Wheelirg. Sooenker• . her of Juniata mid J. A. Stockton of PO:abolish, Rare toil day eiritenid. into co-partnership a Oder ray le onil Gan of Stephens, Shoenherger & Co, at the Anchor Iron Worls, Wheeling Vo., for tho purpose of roonufactoring iron and nuts of every description.' E. W. BTER n EN ,FSOINBROA J. A C T O SATOIA ANCHOR IRON WORKS, Wading,. Va. l'iltmernentre all kinds of boiler, sheet, bar iron .d nails, A B weal elliptic eyrle. sod .les • Beteg eine• netted with Shoentiorget's Old Juniata Works, we can offer on antele of Juniata Iron (branded Sluwebes i eel equal to any made in the eo.try. All oferdsthwnl be .41 at tke rioanarghp ir.., Wheel:m..of th e Works corner of Monroe . riee d Water streets. mylL ALLIDUIIENY VENITIAN BLIND FACWILV. - ' • 4011111 A. BROWN 111 TAKES the method to inform his friend. Tow public at large that his Fatter/ 's.in full operanen, on thaEast side of the Diamond, Alleglmay, where • eon' seam supply of Blinds, of various colon andqualities, areconstuntly tepton hand, also at N 0.5 Wood at, Finsbanth,m .I.lc 11. Phillipe oil cloth wateroont. • ' eon,. Saunters made to order in rho best style. Blinds repeated at the tbortell notice. N. B. Hie Blinds will be put up,- without any addi tional esepasc on that they ran he reesseen to a co meet In casco/ Arcot tor washing, and anthem So aid of a crew dr e , ocldlygerlansty - . -- .lTianiVlßlNTlrcil Wss - lround. er, has rebuilt and commenced business at -94... - hisold stand, where he Will be pleased to , are his old mummers and friends. - .. 9 ". Church, Steamboat. and Bells of esMry ....(.....„. ' slue, from 10 lo 10,MO r Ends, east fn. 5..z,....„ -. .. penman of the roost ap Ted models, and warranted to be of the (materials Mineral Water Pumps, Counters', Malting, as . A.e. ether with cloy veilety of khais Castings, tf requir ed named and finished inn the neatest manner. , Ill'A. F. is the sole pmpnemr of Bas tesn nenas arms, ao nutty celebrated for reduc tion of Ale Con In machinery. The Boxes 'and Clenapo anion can be had of him at all times jant-ly W. W. WALLACH.. PITTS:BUM:Ii sTIT.AhI blisktlit.b: WORKS, i Nos. NS sm.!. 2to Laney urea, war As Cana, A VA I' SOn bassi and mode roomer, a large Tack, rl. y a Marble Mamas, Pier,Ccatto Tat4s.abd Itme u Tops, Tomb thanes, hionumenta. to ;al/which, beta made of the choicest marble, and stranuffictered prin 'pally tar machinery, will be sold law for cash. N• B. Persons *whine to parches. Mantels, are in ed that it is hetsceMrth unnecessary foe them to go at, as IC. famish them with an intele m all resp cm as good, and lfrelghtonsatance, to, cOnMdsw ed.) as cheap as they can parcham them foe in the East. Call and see. ieba COPPER, SHEET 11440 N. AND WI WARE bIANUYACTORY, Market curet, Pittsburgh, Paula: - MITE memorial's 'having madegreat improvements the censtmetion of lair COOKING. STOM relpatfully hate persons balding Steamboats to call and eau:doe before pit rehnung, awe can apply them with Deck Stoves, Verges, and everyman Ina' of Copper, /head Sheet Iron work occusary in famish ing Steamboat. ' We alto lona to order on the shortest notice Sal Tubes nod Chamber; Copper work far Steam Engines ad every variety of tart in oar line.. lets SIIERIFP & 51115 K • BENNETT & BROTHER, -.. khFEENSWAIW. MANUFACTURERS, . • trzal.iihstko, [near Plltsbargharas litiehouse, No. 137, Wood street, Piltiburgh. W ILL constamly keep en hand a Food , won t, mem et Ware, of our own roonorseroce, and superior quality. Wholesale and entmuy Mer chants are respectfully invited to call and en amine for themselves, as we are determined to sell ebeaper than hal ever before been offered to the pult. le. i 117 . Orders sent by mail, accompanied by ;Immesh or env referenee, seat be onunothr aitendM to, fell Great Western Batt hinge Manufactory, CINCINNATI, Os •it GARDNII: t Co., would Inform the 'rode that 21. they are manulacturing the best Ball Hinge crescendo in the United States. A. this is our princi ple business, we intend to send oat no complete an ar ticle as can poseddy Ire made. -Those mimed in the harderue tilde, we thmk,find it r mst ere to see nor Hum Alloers promp ytlat to Weir b mole etc COTTON and WOOLLEA,IIIACIIINERN 'VILE snliseribers uro unw enlarging shim establish / rent, end ate prepared to mate all kinds of Cotton and Woollen hlnehinesy,on the moat reasonable terms. Orden addressed to uswill mew. with ptoropt attention WIGIITMAN LIALZEI,Is . . Loewe k street, Allegheny City N 11.-11. Wightrann, who has n patent Co. a very Imporuutt improvement on the Card, and who Lan been engaged (or the last afteen in home of Mc most extensive and meeessfal Cotton Factories of the will give his personal attention to putting hp, to the an. isfaction at those concerned, all machines made alibis astablisloheht. JanTn/ly JOHN SIIICIIIPP 4/a Go., Nos.= and 91Frorit stai• llasss Founts.. and On Fz.v. tau; Bars Of all .11111 oast from.the Isles paptomi. pat terns and warranted, equal to any. Moo, Brass Castings, flushed if ordered, Gas hm rings put ap proorpily sada, reasonable tams. aoslldly Wna P Young. C &mien: F Planken. YOUNG, CI .IELNISZEI & PLOBIKETT, FLINT GLASS.MANPACTUREKS, WAREIIOOI3P. Nos. 63 Wm. and 104 First street, Pittsburgh. The Glass manufactured by U 4 Is warranted equal to any in dsconntry. All orders will receive prompt attention and filled on rows:table terms. /14erelimils and others retelling the city are in vited toeallberore purehnoingelsewbere. febl4 LIPPINCOTT IRON WORKS. IRON arid Nails, Shovel, ace. for pale at our new I W ni•aAarehouse, No/A-Water sweet, neu Waal, ran sorunant at the old atand, McMaster% Row, Liberty street. Racing made year additional° the Rolling NI% all order. can be filled promptly. nor2o GRAFF, LINDSAY & BIRMINCEIRM TACK FACTOR,. CAMPBELL & tiaras, • mrsorrerousts or FonsinNo NAILS, BOOK HEAD DEARS, Iron and Copper Tacks. • • IRON AND COPPEtt SHOE NAILS, ' . . • Pattern Makers' Points, of sissy description Waco No. St. Charl“llotel, Thltd Area. 441 Pittsburgh . PITTSDURGII STEEL WORRS AND SPRINti AND AXLE FACTORY. MAC 301TZ. JOHN P. 50390. . JONES h CLICTIGIO, KANUFACCU RFIAR of Spring and Minter 6t“l, IVI. Plonh tient, St.] P1..1h Wincs; Conth an d Fltle P , I.F. Hammered Imn Axle.. and dealer. is al amble Caadrutalurd o=h Ttinsurinp generally earner or Roos and Frontatraers,Nuabansh,Pa. • P. MOLVAITII. ham F. - Lancue. FLINT: GLASS ESTABLIBUXIIIIIT.- 11111.11.SANI , is LEMAN manufacture and keep eon. ivg . 11101 4 . on hood Cal, Moulded and Plain Fillet 0 Imamate, to all its varieties, at their Warehoose coo. nee of Market and Wetter streets, Pittedearith. Our Works continuo 10 fall operation, mut WO aro coostauly adding to oar Stock, *Ma enables as to 11l onion with promptness. Purchasers tiro respectfully solicited to cull and examine prices and terms.' myy CC PeI.ARTNED.ISIIIP—The andenictsed hap Uu assoclated together ander the name andetyle of [lnca k, Maley, for the purpose of uneaten:og n general cny Goode end Ory buelnens; with io Infetla their' lend. and the peblie generally, that they wilt keep o hand et awes good nesonntentof goods to them II , well be indfll wholesale or retell on as goad term. as t hey eau he yucchaned elsewhere. . . WM HAYS • • • Jaltri D iYI9 ADO liberty siOpll,ol4o 7111- - 1108 'IIIE J'S? roceirod o (Tech aupply of vulcanised India ; .Rubber or atm Mamie Uwe of all also e. last Roc' iniele for tbe:Pire Compoolooliteambetuo.or Hydrant purpose. !norms vorrerved to be equal talealbor, and in factomita every renn•cli or du , ' foods rout.- ed.' • J II PHILP PS. tilifood st 17AVANA. &O—Tea orlarelon brands 11 lropOrterfialo unposed principal orait variety .f Jidda Sang, Nliata Doat and Da la Crirs ,brands orbolosalo or mall, at ODUtO rot outman noru dist Wine me of JACOB WEAVER bat . Woo malt and anal • MEDICAL - RAISING BLOOD • And Oonsamption,Pain In the Bide and Night Swats, Astl' une Whooping Cough. Palpitation of the Heart, LlverComplaint, Hwitteldua,and all diseases of the throm,langs and liver=hy Sher ' mates .4.ll.Heliati Raising Blood and Cotunstoption. Ur B. MIL.NE, Dallderoin Brooklyn, was attacked /I.L with nosing blood, followed by a cough, pain i the nide, esid all the utual rimptorna of consumption, He employed two of the ben physician.: Mel dal no good, and told hem be COULD NOT LIVE. Hayes li" Wa r tit i VmV glO c o u ' res klec Itteltrel;llt b y c esi c . Hayes, WM Feltowst., and got a bottle; it operated ike a chasm, of the bkeding and conk: Defoe he had taken one tattle he WU able to be etit blo w rk. It had SAVED 1118 LIFE. Eis dangler, residing slot.! Myrtle Avenue, cam anvill. It. . Alia Ann hinslon, of Willfamsburgh, living in T loth near South Fotuttrat. says-That oho had been boa t in g with attacking math, and pain in the chest, Sara ton time, which at last became so bad that sea was ba noblige to give up her school for more than a year. She n conunencontaking the All.llealing Balsam; which ott alleviated her symptom& She is now foot reeore pm and has resumed bee Inherit/. occupalam as &Mac eh 14 YEARS. Mr. Jahn O'Neal, 10th seem and 21 et +'n It I V ilit h e,lineWit.)llllPVVlAL , ' dP:"n: XII I'm mg Daimon, which drove the pain from his side, allayt the eaullit, mid brought the e i upan the rosined; red before be hod taboo thre totate,was entirely core/ Piernisy and Consumption. Mrs. Baggas, - a ladupwat:ds oflo, resnlin,g 83 8/te ar, las for 5 ear• bee n'abject to attacks ot Pleurisy, Ratting of Blood, memo Cough, Shortness of Drehth. Pain in her Ilead and ,below perih of her body. Her friends believed her PAST REIX.WERY. The All- Ileanng Dale= relieved her at once of all her sham leg symptoms. and she to ow able Wetland lobe" stlek- Asthma and.W7tooping Cough. . Mrs. Lucretia Wells;o3 Cheialle.st; L 8 Mal ID Del”eepst, Wm It Youngs, 7 . 0 Wahhit.ll, know the vol. of this great remedy. Ask for Sherreants All.llest ling Balsam, and sect at his written signature is on each bottle... Prise 03 cents and SI per bottle. Dr. Sherman's Whoa awl Cough Lozenge. sold as above. Principal Office Itle Nassanat, N. Y. Sold whalesak asul email b. Wm. lotion, at his Patent &Whine Wartheme and 0 end Shoe Store, No SD b. Liter I •threl, head of Wood steed, PAhalehet. PIK. gl i 1; 1 =1 , rFITOMPSINVii — tin PIMINITSITHIJP - . IP e TAR AND WOOD NAPIITtI A.-The Peril ml (dde) Advertise r says r—l•Thrs remedy has been •re stiecemhd than any . medteinc We have ewer known or its antennas cares m Coutumption, Spitting Blood, p in the Side mad Dream, Ihineldns, Asthma, Obstinate Coughs . , Hoarseness; BMW Throat, ralpitation of the intrif?drarOF l lng % ' lig i sl.reper. " =ll . ll7:l7 ht . ; ample testimony to its power and efficacy in Ibis elms a :sensor / Aiming the testimonials Male value of the above Mid 'eine, arc several from disUmmiebed physicians of Phil adelphia: Bead the following. from Dr. Young, Um emt¢e¢t oculist. ! t • PFLOJEL7WIA,Jaa. 19,17, • Having timed my practice, as well sts in toy own ' buddy, qbempwmls Compound Syrap of Tar and Wood Nankai:l, , I knee •no huitattort in saying that it laths best preparation of the kind in aseikor persons suffering from Consumption, Coughs, Cold', sled all adetiierla of the Thaw, Dreut,.tre ,so mordent. at du lesion of Melva. Wx. Yerno. tr. a, ICI ttmee st • We basemen widen a few days the periron the allowing certifientelt He remains well, being per fectly cared of his discele: • Fratuundirits, January 1,1:.17.' From II sense of gratitude, and a &Wit that the Me ted may hare resource to a truly invaleabie medicine, I would state thas. the benefit I hire experienced from the oar of That:apron's Lemapontal Strap of Tar and Woad Naphtha. - For seven( seats I hear b.... 1111 0. tedwitk a distressing rackingeough,aecompanied with great oppression and deficultyof.brcathing, veith ayes. . satinet of ileums at the chest. •Becoming greatly alarmed, a Ineud who had been math benefisted by this medicine, recomitteMled me to try 141 did so, and in • eery short time ere alarmiug symptom 'dsappeared; my expectoration hessme free, all opptession loft me, my coagh ceased, and Ina few days I seas able to go am and guend to my bottoms a well Man. Any farther informant= will be cheerfully given]] the Maimed, hY calling at my residence,No.lo3, rt. Front AIchIANABIY. This invaluable =Deloe is picparpl cuttriby ANG NET & DICKSON, at NE uproar or Pat and Smirch so, Philadelphia. Sold' is Pittsburgh bp L WILCOX, Jr. Price Skonts or SI per bottle. -CAUTION—IN-are of the runny coanterfons that are new afloat. .The onscrupulou. are 'ever ready to deceive the unwary. • , ,KEEgm ry Win MOST AISTILIUNDIAti MiskUu 1 gflT—A Blessing: A Miracle A Wenderll —To cute Eruptions and Dia fiantenienla of the rain. Piaui...Freckles, &wham, ftlt Rheum, Scurry, Sots Four years ego last August; the capital of France wet astomphed in consequence of a discovery made by as Italian Chemist. Many doubted—it seemed ahnog an Impossibility that anything made.hP the hands of matt, could have such singular rimers as that claimed by Antonia Yesprini for hia invention. Many classed h nd hip invention • humbug, hind. al a s! many foolish im persons without trying do thesoma =wail at lenrh, liner testing it in the hospitals, the Medical go einty of Paris (the best chemists lathe worbilldeliverd the following report to diguoaVeaptinit • • ' "We have now minutely and carefully examined the singular invention of Vespriai. We have unalyied its component parbs—we have used it In several eases,.d we h esitate not munoltace it Ma bad. Chemical . k l 4 a s . jt y gt . ted b w lt s i c t and a trujy wen r. derfuLre i sit:- skin. Ita inventor coLiderThe trim pkiiapthrOPis e l of seed. mankind. (Signed) . IXOPOLD DUPREY' • President" Foam the innotor himself to the present Proprietor. Palm, Nov. 4, let° In consideration of the intro of GUM, I have divul ged th Mr. T. Jones, residing Male city of New York. N. A.; the whole process of manafactaring, together with a statement of the ingredients composing my Ital ian Chemical Snip. tie Is to man facture it for sale in the United States only, and ta havothe privilege of no. ming ii.Jones'ltalimt•ChemicalSony." Witness: Henry J. lioldsworth. (Signed) • AIVTONIA. Ga-Sold by W JACKSON, at his Patent Medicine Warehause, o ttn Liberty meet, head of Wood, at th e sign of the Boot. • . IN Tim only place In Pittsburgh where the GENUINE can be obtained. All other; are Counterfeit.. • AA GREAT CURE, perrotmid tithe origins/undo:lly true mains liverllll, th spurt! and sokt R 2: SEL • • • - Moms , Sac-role, Westmorelea Co., Pi., / July 19111,1547.. 1 / Bfr. R E. Sillersr—A sum ordioy myau mut the attain.' itAimmtne toadd my humid* testimony m Gene or, yhurjustly celebrated Liver ?db. I hate demoted doing SY for y cars, ' adhering to Duey Crockett's 1.1i04 °be sure you are rsght, Wen go ahosul.” Mod of the loony preparation. o!enipi s ka nod quacks, hunted to the skies, here sunk into oblivion once your Liver Pi Is haee been °Sired to th. pubic and, Jodrell, I believe they mill iunreiva them all,n as they arc just uhat Um= le b.. .1 have bein afflicted ant. Liver Complaint Coma my . yin6h; have suffered much; employed niany eminent phynesaus, to wheal I paid much mom,: hart.. kin mach btu* been , otd and, phyaklied almost to death; • miaowed 50r6. r rues and Eomlly givm. into, alik. In 1.20-71 was hoduord try your Liner Yillsond SOON GOT WELL. One box of which is nom salaeiculto Imp.= czar' of plain the aide. and all the other ryiapkiens, net least IS months. - Your Pilo 'are also the berteatlartie lever F* , being mild, not griping or giving much riallum at the etch, but give mambo!. relief I hart kept them in my tore ro. 6 or 7 year.; cold hundred...l' boats, and hare Ftr, hard a dub e complaint uttmed by ant one mho his sed them. They bar. =pomaded alma every Other pill' n this neighborhood, and Jr. a abort boa will banish them a 5. :1 earnestly recommend Sinn to all persons needin g physic, whetber for Liver Complaint or Billiouse/Fectiont, I ettu. aide, them Ear superior to Calomel ItinePill, Resin et- Am/ • • L 31. Mows CACTION—As there are other Tills brine the publk oardstuLiverPilluversmu grim rant theNENVINEeIioGId ask it and taka mother than time propartd . aml sold by IR SELLERS. No 57 Weindel. Imisteint drintd and Fourth „ •. . . - nee& Botaby,Dr.q....i., mak N ht , D M CClUmiAlloleny We have been hammed by Alta Rose or a core per formed unbar hypes Joyner. Alleerativa, which prove. its mpersoritf over every other remedy of the hind. She has been afflicted for the last sixteen years with NEOROBES or winTIII3WFI.I.INI3Bi nUended with uleerations nod enfoliadou of various bones,-4. -tingfirhielt time many pieces have hero &debarked from the bone el the 'entitle., front both iser arma. wrists and hands, and from both legs, mid from the left fox oral bone; and from the right knee: betides paint& ulcers mother parts of her person, which hove bolded the Mill era numbemof the most eminent physicians of an tits —liOnnly mem of the time her willeongs have bees exeraianng and deplorable. Abont three months , slime she-was - Induced as try Dr. /oysters Alterative which has had an astonishingly happy effect aponher, ' by removing al: pain and swellings, and calming th e ulcers to-heal, while aisle same limo her general health boo become completely _restored, sa that the now weighs this mere Man she did before she commenced the use, Forthis truly valciabic prepanom..- {..'o p t Eve. Post. . For farther inairmatren, inquire of Airs. Rota, No. Ito- Fribert st, Philedelphia For sale In Pittsburgh, at the I'EXIN TEA STORE, 72 Form* sr. near Wood. - ,lie You, whom e m oul mid rr . • You, whom te s t n I t darkhnd • You,whose hair ti harsh stud wimp, nuttp,dirty red or fiery— You, whemmle offensive breath Iluplearant is as putriddeath— r • You could have—boy, man or girl— • Teeth as white as snow or pearl, Breath a ermy tweet, and eartiele Pere and whit and mmottt and h r eauufal, And r ehairoft, e dark as *lse, Sp reading what Is said below. . READERS,my of you can have am:above by (mind this m nothing but truth,) using a as beuleofJonea's Co ral (lair Restorative--a es ben of Jonee4 Amber Tooth Paste—end es cake of the genuine' Jonas Italian. Chemical Soap. The articles cost but little, and you Tre assured that the '‘allowing are their real qualities: he meth paste give. the breadh • swept odor, white teeth, and•vretenes the teeth, he; The hair nag all how to he the. Most exquisiteAlug ever made (order. clog, heaultryjeg, and causing the growth or hair, and the mop, (get thagenulue Jones's Soup, mind) wilf cure all. emptions, freckles a.,"iind make dark yellow white, clear and fair. ' All thaseihinge are mold (only) at W JACKSON'S Boot and Shoe More !Lad Pitlant Medicate Warehouse EO'Llberty at. • mj7 JHAUL TONIC— AII Mos &tido • J Indo. untutsilatispli pronounce pt to be 'Mat Armless to—the best ailkle, ',Shoot my exception, in me; Fertile restoration and preserration °robe btu. hair. We know of opumerme iustespact where hair bus been restored Upbeat!. which bum been bald Ali years; acid we thick not (mood ds Ib% reartsilloor than meconmentfo all our traders' vain' at Dotheir bairito make and bet this Tank isonedialaly —• d For ads in littsburAlCaOille Pmkin Tea Store, Bo 74 FoottbstresooneWorid • • • • taarAthooT • ••• • Who) Draw 'Warehouse Iterneive& B. A: VAIMENTOCIL & Worlaroo " ; ' Ver. '"""l arttne rtt i 7w " lfi h I ttey . Tg: rammed. their Wholesale bstaineso, who they. will always have on band en' extensive awortmen: or iv theartleles in their line, to which - they . invite the atten tion of the public. • . _The Oran Intsineis bo n .eoniuteed at Pe eta ran Warner or Otiose ,•- arra Tnertnn zoolusu*.mon ;birm-tor y 41.1ng Light, Nod or-dray Hair a • Garb.' Brown at tack color, orttlout ddyyeclnß Of Irdarthet the abb.. !old with tblldttettloas. %Peke 60 tons, mit: iil=d by ilintlkalsincat tdaPatein 1... Libstry bead of Wood. at lie niVa ar the fit • : laa CIikatiAPAIIILLATO Dr..T• 013...puitim, which ati. Dowar_,.runuft .10 ether ftnd's, Thistol4, or Bun's. awl siva the qsamtitylbr then •, Wahl' R rie St Wood sireetoo 41019.%04-0000,1 VOL. XV:----NO. 33. INS.URANCE! JOHN OINMET.'JIL.; sewer sr rrrevaossu too ens . DELAWARE MUTUAL . s.retr Insurance Oopassy orPhlladerts, FIRE RISKS open buildi ns ngs nod encrehsidise . of every description , ,and MARINE RISKS upon dolls oreargoes of vessels, taken opon the most favorable terms. Er Office in the Wimhouse of W. 13, Holmes & Bro., No. 37 Water. near Alaiketr street, Pith. be - The niecess of this . COmpany aineer dua liniment° , the Agency in this thy; witlitheen4Lois and Manta, with which every claim upon them for lose- hai been adjusted, hilly warrant the aguntin the confidence and pumusgo of his &ends and the community at large to the Delawarelose. ranee Ccenpany, while it has the told itioual advantages. as an 'institution among too moat , flourishing in Philatria-1111 havuig en ample paid In capital, which by the operntionofitscharterniconatantlyancreming as yielding to each person insured his duo chant of th• plaints of the company without involving him IA any responsibility whatevcreand therefore as postmeng the Matuel rinciple divined or every obnoxious &m p ore, an in its mast uttraelive form:. .110,4 .• FIRE AND RAREYE INSURANCE.• r rim Insurance Company or North Aineriei; 1 through as.daly authorised Agent, tho robserl- • 4. ber, offers to Ariake permanent and limited inattr. , ands onpioperty, in this city and its vicinity, and . on nhipmdcts by the Goal nod Rrvirn. • • • ' • DIRECTORS. ' John C: Smith Pixel., &tame! Brooke, ' • Alex. Hoary, . Charles Taylor, •• • ;Sam!. W. Jonas, Semi. bmith, Edward Smith, Ambrare • John A. Bronx, • Jacob M. Thomas, John White, John R. Ara, Thee: P. Cope, Richard Wood, ' . Wm. Welch, Artbur G. Cofba. See . This ix the olden Insuranco Company hi aho United States, hiring beta enamored in 1794. .Ita charter is perpetual, and bout its high staading long esperianco ample manna, and av o iding - al l oak s of an : extra' hozanioun character,!it may be' conapred as offering ample sccority to the public: aIOSES ATWOOD, ' At - Counting Room of Atwood; Jones & Water and Frootstreeta,-Pittaborgh. aptil•ti INDEMNITY Ag 4st Lon by Fite—The FRANKLIN run ' ranee Company of Philadelphia, VET ILL make I nautanoa, permanent and limited, ' . oa ansy de:unpins! of property, in PITPS. BURGH and the SURROUNDING . COUNTRY, au Bearable terms. This company bus a perpetual . • • C ,2O AF N rr TIII L ot:NT ' FUND, .84oNxi) paid 1n..... B® CCO • O ffi ce tomer of Third end Market et." ap W—tf, WhILRICA MARTIN, Agent. MMIZMM AliasHenn Fire L.intrinee' Compisy . • • Crum.= Toargrarag. Carrru. INgto,COO rani mr.• .. Offx . in Pkiladdphia , No. 72 IT , rsinut 45treds 7 .• - Who DILVIDSO, Pasnmuct .I"zatzr, Secy. • . ,1118 old and arell.establlsbed Company magnum* to insure Buildings, Merchandise, Parmtuns and prop. 7 orty Dora an extra hazardous character, against foal or damage by fire. ' • • •• Atplmationa for insurances in Pittsburgh sad no, g borhood, sinl ). received, and risks taken dither. perpetually or 531.11m144 periods, on favorable Lerma by. • GD2., Wean/0 Agent No tat nvoo4'oc. : N. YORK ADVERTISUMS RUST PROOP IRON FOR 1100F1AU, IVIDIDOW, SHUTTERS, U. lIE subscribers beg to all the attention anti throe 1 interested in roofing,to their GALVANIZED TIN PLATIN,-and to the =my advantages which they posses* over all costalle and other substances hitherto • need fox this puretw,posscsaing as they do, the strength. and lightness of won ronthoutbs liability us rust, having DOW beeti tested cavern* yenta, boat In duo country end. is Europe. They are also less *ablest to esprin•Wa • and eontroctiou from sadden changes or the atmosphere - than commou Tin Plow, Iron, Zinc, Ae , sr any other metal now used for roofing,' and consequently term' a • mach better and tight. roof, =lifting Ms less frequent repair, whilst We first cost is but a trifle more.. .. •• The subscribers would ',deo eall the anenuan of if dealers and worker, in metals, to the away other pre.' • 1100 w to which Iron thus protected, eau ho:appl(eA—_- Isgeneraltermeit ts applicable to allude]es of lean • which it It dealmble to protect from We action of, the ' tramosphere.• And they would especially call tho ' testi= of those interested in TELLGRA.PHIC LINK , 47 to their Galvanised Wire, which is now almost entire ly. used in 'Europe, and which answers.every.. purpose:. as a conductor of electricity, costing only about one, . half as much as copper, and possessing equal dotal:Qv' • Having lately. erected works in dos city for the poso of galvanizing nAls, spikes, bolts, wire, ite., they will bauble to fun. ny article which may he des]. • red. A . a pply oft , eS •Ja. harope,V , . constantly on hand,from Id to Wire avec. , GEO, 11. hIOREW OOD& Co ' Nos. 14 end IS Denser st, BMW YORK' The Parent Right for . this reticle hm been secured Antler United limes us era as Great Britain, and other Europeno and ill legs! measures will be u kase, prevent Any - infringement by iseparteue t arotb• erwrift 1 or.dr.ty NEW GOODS, FOR PALL TRADE OF .11147: • BLA9KWELL, AvuirrtAlcum& CARHART. :7 lirddern co; iiheny, and 16 Libaty drrnhlYno Sorb, littrhTvem;rl% arrangement. = oder to comm.: me - ho d s and dealogo, orrerui= and d=iroldo cook =goods for the _Pall Ity steamers and pat :cu will he received the most approved nod ousel s.yies or the EVish and Condom- ' ( Their avaartroent of Domenic Goods wilt compriso• — ; every style worthy of ihe nonce of the Trade. all of artich.vr.ll he *frond on as gdost tens aa eon be obtain..., Enielieti'Clailie—Wool . it'd Piece D%ex..a.nd Fancy Colors. of earl., counties iteci'eupeiriiir avail. Frenen Canna, coalman and fin, " Tr.* ClOdle, comm. im;l fiqe. Doeskins, of the best manniactare!". American Cloths of nil deseriptioss and colors, • ks n oey Cnarimerest; English; French, and Acormentl, of superior style and patterns Beavers, Pilots, }lashings, and other henvy Tweeds„litown, gold tntx.and other fmnesisatyles.-. hstinerts and Fulikl Cloths of every aeseripuon. Vestings—tiny silk velvet, woollen velvet., Wins cias;Fnucy &Italian, gni from Law to fine. Velvets, black, brown, s 1,40 d other fancy shades. 13,111 , M w e i r s . Ll'ack and fancy t4lO, forge and, inn . Worsted 13Crges °toll qualities and colon,. • ' • Mesh., Engtish fi ndi ng. rne Moan,. tallied and phasa. Buttons, Cords, Bndi T ian,: *, he. Me. And anti°. other:tow. and destrable awls adapted., to mese* wear. • NEW YORK, Waft. • Wholesale Erne; Warehouse.' IN 'MN CITY Oie NEW TOILK • h. ' , ANN KSTOCK & Co., N0:49, Joked; • La Nee, York, over for rule o tame and gesere. , .•.: assertizent..of Dre g s and Medico:es, Dye Stutlr • Paints 'arid ON of every description, which *they ~ are prepated and determined to sell !mei • • • • Country, Merchants and Druggist. urerequestea• to call slut examine their articles, • Orders executed with faithfulness and despatch. B.A.ltitunagock's Vennilogo constantly on band. , B. A. Pabuestock, . B. L. I , l,llneatock, Pittsborgh. I.i.huestock, A. 11, Hull, Now York, II r 5 • PAPA. WAREHOUSE.- No.ustauaso /SLAP, MEW iliftU . A W. FIELD .aderra for. solo 'Um :lowest - nianufaetarem' prices, a very extensive awark,, tarot of PAPER, eomprtems • ever] Possible - varietr, • adapted to Om wants of eoneamers msR aoottons ofltto-. • eaultry• • Paper of all'kinds Mallet to order it short, lac mac of PRINTING PA PERI. a mrioilaralaaf4valariatiigiiii-s or orerx description', Imparted 'sad kept eoestmetlY 'on" Leo:, Felungs, Wore, Clothi-Foordriniet Vkire Bledelaing Powder Inert Illtr • ..! 4 ‘..l l Nri.Cl:! , —, dc, Plows, Dale !tope, 61.2. hope, , Bargim &0., &0., porehased,lor orbieh the highest pace 111 Cath w U tie paid: New York. Jcirinkl.:: .74 oin IXTILITMORE & WOLFr having moored float W corner of Liberty and tit glmr in Na Sp ' Wood suety three dons abovaet Make Hotel, world. . respectfullyask th e attention of buyers lo th eir steik of IIARDIVA C UTLEllYand SADDLERY, :3 per ships Seranak, Itlonungaltela and Kumla, direct ~ .-j from the manufacturers of Eniland and Gemmel , : • Also, supplies el &merles!. Hardware, from the eipal rattaufuentren o(. the &mere States,. , t.. rhea . Mock being entirely near and purclUised opoit . the best terms they feel great eonldenre,in• being able ": setae:m(oly to meet.,eompetition from any quary.e.r. whether sin or wctl.- • Tee Hardware bedew will ho eonkinned at Me old • mood. . JOHN DUNLAP,' " " • ' NO 17 Mato suet?, ia now roteirices oroiog_ mock or lloov,Fnroishing conoloting In ',wins &Hanoi . • • • " • P boa Japnonenl Wan, Englnd. and Atictlcan: , , • 4 boa Brannlna do do*, , do, nukx KNOW, Tiannl Sesoepons; • a. Oval You; fea.e 7a) a and Walters; .• • I do F.notnelled Ware; • 1 do Pressod Won , • - cook • 1600 Ha onoriod JlplnionTinued.bdOich' . Iwo tLin Amato, Wirt; 60 h.Tin JOHN DUNI:AP:I7 Mullet al' •-", , TIIE {peening good Yegars and Tobseto:itteretvit', (stir Informed, that the tab t ie riber baslitstreceiVeti• .s extensive =torment of the most epproved brattdo;. Yietmis, ' Plantstion,' - .Pramipe, WenuX Besets, Ftigmres; Eugesets, Comm.. Atm, feveboxes of .V. , lnhteett Bleak ielebia• tad ebeveate tobacco, VAUD 014-1110 eulkriberi claravaciiintenea Lithe mannfactarc orLatd OW macaw, orepated to ascent. aU °ultra for that .ruck. Math. tin to of beraqualti), sad 1•41bc• sold at thr,loatta =tie; Itata.a.;..R: Thatittattuoa of Maga*. arid() rovaatfatly ..- ,requested: - ' • J JORDAN tr. soN. 15.1.that.y . at; •. ttly27lf • • Oppa.yta ar,dot Southfield ‘j.:, - Os .. .DAVID • HITN . r: resBtri, ' sng made:suds ntrsairosents L business. thns.he,cnst !Imre kansorbsalsi laaa• 6 lUito to the dunei of ins - piofetsinittlnssf ." :;e seen in his oGrce,csnet m'4Bs,sins t -Defth u ,SisessBs: ' ,. Ixstwects Blaskat and,Enrry ne t al sns7Bo. B- 8 81,8 X day. , rnm 8 nos till 4 , s • ~..-7185r.„ : , . . - Q7Y/CAP/FTTELISS • F0.111:,..511.,1.1m. 071 btqler, 'Algae, Alle-Orriy •CM by the, aelarst Pauenis for.f4ovt• on'haall CAUCI -- . gia/car 14111Graiing nod illogreillipiniitaigl 'DAVIS'S M.TAA FAA] FLOI7II-F+ rfrllr==atrtZlEno'VM 4111 IN 1,4374 R. nu., Counicr tOLPFilkn , s, reetind 11111477171.1tic,7',7 7 R. 1.10 WOO( IratilVOMl 0100 d lt . spa • • - • • .—.- •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers