EINE 1 I t ':. , ,_.., MEM . ... . .. ... . , 6,14.,,,,,-........,..7 Xlikl *- -•?:;t4' 4i:.:'..".,,::''-'iT,' .:_lei, .P.b. r. "r• 40. • ti 's4A:,,,N•tt-er 4 .11 - '7F • ' , llJ'E';:l; ; •''...:• . : ::.f.‘: ‘tte*-1, , ; - : •<•!:, :.;;:.: : -::'; . ',:...i.4i. ii-;..-,:,- , ::, 1 • 4 , 1*i:!",,,':: •,., : 4 , ;: i. f.!. 4..4:- K . 1 ,, ,, :, .. 7 vi,,, , ',.• 11'10,, , 1.: 4 14Ev i t., , ki i i,:iiiigia : ' -3 1. * k •VIA . ;?-::i.Y.i. • ; 4 .- ri . 4 , 0.,,i1J- i tt;:-. 611,-, 1 ..::•=- K.itS-6:: lki:Wi g s4,,r*l 'Y , 1' , ' ...; - s:• A at s :r;',, ;f.f' t'N.ltlrt .r , ',. A iht N'ALAV,4c lis - '-' V . -Yl . . eri: '-5,1i. l• ''..t,:,..'• , . , ;1 14,- :‘:•;'' , :; , %;:•;;;.).4- ,, .: 1 :1. - , ,tl,- , :.;•;,..4i4K.;::::• , -, ..41:•;.;.: , ::41;:;.%•:- ,74; , -1-....4 4.....:. 4 . :0-1,:t.v.c.:- - ::::.• : :.. ir•z-,viv.; - ;:; 4 ::.,;::1::.. ' • t. , : : :::...ui?* 7 11 , .: 1 , " '' • c ,e, : .;:k1 ; ; - •: 4 ~, 4.;;-:: They do busineas in a strange way in Constantinople; and for convenience, I have baud many persons say, their me ', - shod of disposing - their wares is *Maur pused. - All the business, of the city, and indeed'of the. East, is transacted in their bazaars. These are all covered, and have more the appearance of a row of booths thaz of a street of shops ;'they ' are lighted from above through latticed windows, and the merchants arrange and expose, their various and gaudy articles -in a manner, and with' an effect, that is ;truly astonishing. Each particular clue of merchandise - hss its appropriate ta oar, and hero are displayed the various wares of all parts of the Eastern world, and of many parts of Europe. One row of shops is devoted to the sale of jewel . sy, another to the carriers sad leather workers, the apethecaries, the grocers, the "psper-venders, the dry goods men, the cutlers; all hare their , stalls in the same lines, side by side. This method of a:ringing goods facilitates the setae • deo of articles, by bringing all 'of the Mime class before. the eye at coca.= - These . 'shops' are kept by Turks, Per sians, Jew', and &montane,. who sit within, on . a carpet, seeming: anxious; to sell, bat asking invariably twice as much as 14 . 7 will take for their wares.::Du sin the day the 'bazaars 'arvi *raided,. and people of ail classior, eolori and cOn ditions weeder along,- thens--some to pecertase, some to stare. Their .'- shop. car mills saw closed and deserted by sun - ear r,.they are all guarded, and each en trap*. has as boo door. - They cover an using, epace,sind are bull, -1110106 eine, bat mostly_ of wood, as are alma: ealhat *044 cotatinifixple• _ _ ;;! 4 I. r elms of Ha r a rola ii opened at Poulin, MI- Iby Rani. C. Frey, the convect. !kid4aloy - - - We Shall acam- send =a l' co ;iitealtait the Wear to c oamt ihsrba-: -•• t:: • - :lfw , thelituturgh Claideabirwata. r, Bites. Xemoties or Foreiga cossTANTINons. On the , night of the 19th of December last, our party retired early to rest, on . board the b'rench steamer from Trieste. During the night the rain came dents in ' to:rents, and we were vastly pleased in the morning to find that the .captain had delayed his:entrance into port dey i light -.The sun ;earn° out, sod though the rising fog we caught at first di eiewsof the lofty minarets, then of mosque-domes,and then with ererysta s ever which 'vessel bounded, some 'new and strange feature of this strange place was developed, until at length Con stantinople stood- folly revealed before The approach toConstantinople' is beautiful—some hare thought it the moat beautiful id the world—and I have never seen it equalled: The numerous mosques, with that/ hundreds of tall and , graceful minuted:shooting to the skies=the aoes and harems of the Sultan=the Boa , pitorns stretching to the right, the Gold ; en Horn. to .the left—the high grounds • upon which the city is built, crowned with the. groves of lofty cypresi marking the mating places of the milliooe gone to:never—the many ships -that crowd the queyethe : thousand calques,' manned by . theurbatined followers of the false Prophet; darting in every direction, pre , sent a scene beautiful beyond, descrip . -We; came to anchor near the entrance of the .Goldeit Rom into , the Bosphorus, ott Sabbath. morning. But there were no-Sabbath bails, calling from out those lofty s*es to prayer. The cross `that once t hre w back the sunlight from the dock of St. Sophia's, is, now replaced by the crescent, that insults the heavens with hs elevation, and mime, a sad me . =oriel of the insufficiency of might,, or power, or any other „agency than the spirit of the "Lord of Hosts, to secure the triuuipha of the cross. :Viewing a 'scene like this, one feels the desolation of bean, that leads us al -- most to doubt the reality of former days. Can be that God has permitted the yatigatt. of Mohammed to triumph over the:glories of the Cross! • t f tls this the sovereign mat of Constantine Is that Indeed Sophia's far-famed dome, Where Ent the faith was led in triumph home, Llte wen high bride, with banner and bright And melody andflowers? Round yonder shrine The but: the rivets, yea the lordrof Rome. Bowed they inreverence. and by the truth divine Breathed through the gOldanlips'of Chrysostom. But where that conquering crom;which high in That dome of old summated Angels sweeping The serial coast now hang no more anspendai— With the wild meddle their champ no more are blended— _ . Onward they epeed t by their own BOTTOM driven. And the winds waft Ilane their heavenly weep. , Ink." ' Oar party, at the recommendation of the American Consul,. Dabney S. Cern, Esq.; accepted the terms and invitation of the obliging landlord of the Hotel de %%I/Europe, and at once accompanied him In shore. We were provided with corn. tonal:do quarters in a street, which, though ten-feet wide at the base of the -houses; still is bat six at the, second sta. Iy, where oar quarters were; so .that we could withhut difficulty have leaped across into the windows of our Turkish neighbor opposite. 'she appearance of the .occupant, however, was not soffi • _ ns to -make the pen one en MEM - As the weather was not as fitiorable as we might have wished, we kept quiet, 'and had. time enough to contrast our im ,:pretsions, now that we ; had entered the city,_ with those we experienced when, approaching it. Beautiful as the city re ally is when seen from the water, “'Tts distaste lends enchantment to the rimer so that the moment you touch the shore all illusions of beauty ate at Once die pelled„by the crowds of greasy looking Turks that throng the ; narrow, dirty, crooked,' nameless streets. The women are positively hideous. They go about—the few, I mean, that infest the streets—with their beads and faces enveloped in white muslin, care fully concealing every feature, and-leav ing only a small, narrow opening, to ena ble them to see their way, and peep at you as you pass. Their entire dress is most - Ungainly and awkward—they wear long, 'loose, yellow boots, poked into clumsy yellow slippers, and away they' waddle, much after the fashion of mud- , tirdes. Were all the' ladies of our own ' hared land as hideous as those we saw in Constantinople, some of our bachelor friends would have no cause to lament as deeply as they do, (poor their state cif single blessedness. , ' The complexion of the better class of fannies in Constantinople seems languid '•—their flesh lifeless ; and with one handsome face, 'there seems to. be a ' hundred decidedly ugly. The listless.' s um and. languor 'common to the ladies of the East„hu been attributed to:the enervating effects of the continued use of the warm vapor baths ; and as they sit or lounge on the divans, with their narghille in constant- use, they . do , not compare favorably, to our - American nos tiOns, with ,the tidy housewifes of our Western world. • i..L. TOWNEND'S SARSA:PARILLA:,' Mod ClaTeKr#nari Median in at ,P7orkt, ' Tlio attract !opt pp to-goon mw n: st I/COI 6111141;.1 or, pisnowtsr, sad trarnoted sopnior to wiy7rad. me. `name .„. Magog -ot.i ORBIT SPRIG ANDAUMIER MIURA MO god homily sod tiopetiority of this Ihnoparitis esir AD Wow liolatino whilskit Pauli:Om Disease it folio.. sloths &di. It is on of tbs very bast SPIIING ABM. StaIIILB.MIDICIAES ma bows sot has caused Mena to be counterfc.int by unprinmpled peaces. To provide against durasttion, Dr. Ci.xle Inaba! 00e and:mitred agent in sash eity of We IC. It WILSosi Cfitrf riekiWkT=PTT.llONlALS, Of tie Sootiest end awl respectabie tc i, 41, eon suonly 'encored, regarding the e z traordinnry value ired encomia of the above erticlei. it is bchered that M the city of New York atone, caw.. of EIGt IT THOUSAND PERSONS, during • period of few men a year, hare bean tea rely relieved cf the most painful chionle driairdenu some of which hire completely bur.' dad all former client , . 'medical an Indeed many of the bra phyaimene of this city. who disapprove of the Gen.. AM Magnetic Machin e•, constentiy rtsuin• mend Mg sipaLcat.. - tethe.! prat:tee, peen en of slate "Pm •re ?mud g tee., irt. al. the tnscultscin has acteisett suaimmoue far h the mow Intelligent muerte the American Faculty. Di Chrielle is atoll times ready eel happy to Cite acuity 0P.... and all isitereeted, for gar- , ,a tog the oath of bin assertions anq the itEicacy of dmcorery. Oniy sgeney In Paabargb, corner Idt and Merkel,: _aeplUty IT_ -NEVER FAILS!--- Dr. COLLBN'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PANACEA PEASON S stdicted with Scrolotai Einffs Evrl Cancer, Erysipelas, Old Sores:Ulcers, Tatter Mercurial Dioceses or any other complait,ta arising from lags:Titles of ? the blood, are requested to rend she following tortimeniala, to proof or the wooder properties of the above named medicine. READ! •RLAD:t • We, the andentigned, baying vicited Mr. lode Brooks. Jr. st this 'Gee or Memo. Rowan,' and Walton, 376 , Mahal tames, Philadelphia, consider his case the most remediable one we Lave (mei wit nerved or heard of. ! His disease wets SCROFULA', and terrible' de have been tut twelve met' of Met with the do strojer: entire reef ef hisee th, Nose, Up per Lip, amt lower Lid ot the Nigh 'ln have been destroyed, his Foe* neatly eaten , and part of the . Jaw Bone tarried two yet we can givens detenption of his use. Mr. lit informal us that in January last, the whole interior of his moslb, as well as most of his Dee wawa mass of deep and painful ulcers:. On the IStb elsmeary last, be unionernied Dr. CULLKN'S ./ INDIAN VEDETARL,E VANA. CEA, which checked the dime., in a le* days, rote that time the mare has progressed without is teneistiem. Now flesh has tap lied the place of thy deep ul ten, and though bad ly disfigured, hia fate Is sound' sad hie general health is teetered. We ore assured that in the treatment of Mr Brooke' cue, no Merennals, Ointments, or Caustic application, have been esml,--in facC the PA NA LEA ALONE, has wmught this wonderful change Dated Smith, Backe county. Pat Charles L. Retread, frleadville, Crawford tope.. J Jones, M D South Second skeet, Phila Jacob Lee, Pemberton, N J. E W Carr, 470 N Founh, above Poplar at, N. 1.. S M'Cullough, Lancaster, Pa. It It Maddoek,.ta North Eleventh rt. Phila. C W Appleton, Ikt D 411 South at. do . • Timothy Caldwell, Marion co. Missouri. Daniel Yodel : Chesnut itilt,Phihtlelphia co. Pa. John Hareed,./h0 High street, Phila. WBlinm Steelihg„ AI D, Camden ? N. J. WillitursHale,•, W S High street, Phila. J H Potter,Minufacturer ol Mineral 'teeth, 109 S Ninth slept, Phila. L A Wollaweber, Ed. Phila. Denaucial. 117 N 3d street do George 1 W Monty Brush Maker, 317 Market St. • Earn Cam 159 Chesnut infect, Phila. A D Pastor of Eleventh Baptist Church, Phds. J o h n Bell, Erie Smart_, Philadelphia, (North Amer can Wilke.) Aaron Sande,ll4Catlearinc Street, Phila. Daniel Mctlialay,tioneler's Alley, do • Andrew Sweeten, Camden, N J. R H Evan., WestPhila. Richard R. Young. Udder, 409 Market at. Nide John W Ashmead,6o South Sizth street, d o Wakner,Lithograplier, 116 Climnut *street, do B J 123 Eleventh street, do Peter Shen Smith. Editor Native Eagle, do Joe( swine, tllasa manufacturer, Williarn;town William Steely, Farmington, Van Boren co. lowa L B Coles, id U, Boston,blass. • . Russel Canlleld, Phlsiolog tat, Philadelphia. Thomas P S Roby.M D, Harriabargh,l'a , Peter Wnglat.o.s9 Market atieet,l'hila. James W Newlin, 103 Filbert ht. do John (koodi 174 Spruce st. d o William Unto, ?gator St.PauPs M. E.•Ch.Catharine St. Phila. Jobs Chambers, Patter Ist Indep . ..Church, Broad et, • do p T h L na S . aod era, Poblimher of Pledge and Standard F• P SoUer, Editor Ohre 13 - tneh, Doylestown; 'Wholank and Retail by Roarand sr Walton, Pro prietor, 376 Mania St. Philadelphia! It E Selrani Wood at. Plitabusth, Pa.; Wm. 'Ph° n, tr.! Mae. Let at do 4 E 13 Perkin., Marietta, (bin; sratots, Sharp; Miyaville, K Y; John W Dananiso° er, Ohio; & Reeves, Madison la; es Nobin, Louse dab, B VlDeveroaek Pellotiz; St. Lou is, P H MeGraw, Natchez, Ma,' Hardaway & John lion •Vbeksburgh,ilN eliatleabohina, New (Merin Lis • "nes NU CUBE NO PAN. DR. CULLEN'S 1 N U LAN VEUETABLE REMEDY—Warranted to core, or th e mon. en retuned. This medicine le prepared Imm an I to. than Receipt, obtained Rom one 01 them In the For West, at groat expense. Those who bare been fentiliar with the Indians, know that they can end do enre Venereal. without the knowledge of Meru aim Balsam, or 'anything or the kind. 1110 ar. IlieW have now In opportuaity or being ,cured witkowithe see el, This medicine 'is oleemt to the taste, and karat no smell on the Prepaid iryROWAND &WALTON, and atild wholcelle lied retail, by J. T Renratel, 376 Market street,rhilad's. —For isle iw Patibl . ugh by It E Sellers, '67 Wood streel z awd by IVm.'llitte,s7, Market at. ecbihrT PHIWA. ADVERT'S • DICKSON di. CO., . /Vc. 80 MirkrtScirri.firs dears brim Tiiird,Seuilt side, Philadelphia. DIPORTER.I and Wholesale Dealra .L Watrli Glasses and irliterials./Meiryorßllnescrip '•.tions., neuritic.. and stylna,cOnipricag all the article c°C.lnTaT,dllwisiothn*cnr."'Sgana''s. BntaniAGernann Silver le d :Silver plated ware* Sheffield and Birmingham Plated Caney article., Rodgers Soars rind Woateilhohn's cut. ,a t ora, admen, ...vers. desk Knives, AA ivory hondlcdamhle cutlery of the finestoicilions and conn won qualities , A large isserunent of gold pens, NS- Gacal spectsclu, papier Turbo and Japanned inWer wino. shapes and qualities, at reduced rate., gold attch Ga•cs and adv.' Warn of all deaeciptions uctured loonier. DICRSON te CO. Laving reCentiv removed into the large and commodious atomic:one tarmerly occupied by Meseta Aglitter. bt Son, and more recently by Mthliurst Pennolmon, hevicave In:inform Watch Dealem,Southern and V. , emern ficrehants alfd . otliers dint they gluten having at all =ice an amanment ot. Gonda of their own importation which they arc doter mined to sell at the Inters, mica. V-Every attention will be paid to the packing of Goods sod in the evecullon of indef.", the qualities and pores wtli be foil y guarantied agrunal nil competition. J. JOEL. - • ARTIFICIAL FLOWER MANUFACTURER, • No. no North Third St' red, - ABOVE NEW 112111.:ET, piiiLADELNice, AS nn band, and tearturactares to order, Antrim] LI. Flowers, Pennzoil, Tarlatan, and Face Carr, La- Ceps, Itontore, Coltarots, rte. And every description of Fancy Goods, which he will soli at the lowest market prices. N Li.—Featbeio Ayes!, cleaned, elle rodloand abetted. augdolm NEW OIL STORE. RIDG•WiI & REEXLE,• 37 North Wherces. bikes Rare-was, PHILADELPHIA, IFTER for sale at the /owes prices, all the articles 1J of the Oil Trade. ' Their stoca is varied and even sm., and they feel confident of giving satisfaction to those who call. They have now on hand— :sperm Oil. White 'Winter and Fall Oils, of differ= qualities. Solar Oil, vhotei.hrtisseil Lard Oil. N Timer Enphnnt and Whale Ode. Refined. Racked and Common Whale 011. Tannest' Oils; Sperria Candles; Guano, Ae. N. II All goods delivered in first rate order. alildida EnwAK'TRYDN Nal:II:V.0h Sewed Streit Philadelphia, AgnniuFAcTuultlt and /1111 . 011TER shin Gunn, Rllles and I . ools, Powder Finds. Sbot Mega, Su perior Powder, Pereuvalosi Cape, Shdt Wdda.1.110111.1.1 Malt enrisiilges, de do. Aleo—Six dereel Revolving Pinola and rhatelials for Ciudalaler'• doe. • • . • a • Gusie made to critic z, and repairs nearly executed. J - Any than wlitehl'aell will be proved, demcd, in me picarnre of the littrch.C, - T DI RECT-AVLION STKILIS • an fu r n e nicr oe lLCTlCla ' y ' lre y rnl a nTatl! ' 6""11 Ile hlmtabmaldmtaca— . Thera and hreent" blow may Leeenttolled with the greaten cam, while the banottet In in' operation, non the bummer may Le in cattily enacted, and suspended at any height • In Unmeraality, or rapacity to execute work of all kind; from the 'Luken to the comllest, under the same hammer. In nooplieity.Cotonnetnemt told ebeiptte•s. It. Acct.:Wolin upon all sole, by the workmen. All the hammier. are made tic Acting. The calorenbera continue to execute olden for these Imiumbrc. Of all ni.ll, upauretoonolrlc terra.. • tar lumbar panic ulanytiqui re of bIEIIRICK &TOWNE, A"tgr.ccs, of the Patent tor the V rutrd Chem, houllswara Foundry, reknad.a. DE' :RRY & NICKERSON, Itanotootorors or AWNINGS, BUSING BOTTUNIS, WAGON COVERS AND GRAIN BAGS or ALL it terelrrloee No. 354- South Front Street, Bath of 7 4. nifoon's Cabinet Wive lanufy LI, or.l.trt Tell with S. S. Moon to thee/40o( the 11 hlrchnot`l S:SPlongh: ortll psrteStly atentlril to. • THOS. G. DERRY tteplOsllr ' _A. C. NICKERSON Eg==:l 671.riam Odin, CO-ICII AND tar - IMILVESS ICAKEIt,t)s) etexna 1, Law of the r offgle 4. .4 A tjama, We... relpt.folty informal hit frtm. the lath, tfoo he It. lllµi will of ett.oetly tott 'hand and for oae, hando.te awnrlntent of loth utuattte Vtlttehts tf Jl et,loe awl descortions mule to order at the e4vkLL Fonda. not tee, and trattottol to the or, Loot manor, of erketod cotteriAl feb3l-ly . . _ MISCELLANEOITS7 AGENCi 'FOU. PAT IS.NTtJ. iraskingtan, L. C. r EIV AS C. uonatxs..mecliankal C-oginteci and j Actin lot pineal - inv.Velem!, will prepare the ne aiy Isr.lavn es and Itspew poi/cants for Pat it c n.lttansvict ale o her' s hencts the lino of his innifuts, .mliOn at Me Pawn: (Pike. tic can be CO/3101nd on zii quef Long ;entire m the Pawlit Lavetr.and den!. eons the linated Antes or Cumre...Po t•ana at ben.thec .!L,lnur for Luving cirsinvoanont made at the 1 . 31,e. (Ur, pr" to malt., opplwation G. paten, may forwa ton., .re„ a doe of Awl dollars. nn . Jr ~ nnlftr. / 1! or" tveir eseo. r hen re pnen ,:Vrn :I. nod Z . l the fnnninobon that( rtes . , be.e.'..reineil I.p ',lit ot tun OppLeurn nipel3ol OtbsoP4 00.04110,..00.% Ali It ntill basins. trtylt to post paid. and rpm.. her a Wrirten opinion w require& I Kir, On I., npponne the Paten! Ole, Ito bat the h. - A:trot referring...by permissio n , to lob. Eillinand Corte, CslmireasOlart er Patents; Con 11 lellassonh, late do do dot , 11 linowles. Mach/nix!, Paten; Ottic c ; .Indv Ctrinch, %VashinKton. It R.Clroste.'llawolenasettx, Affr,r, d4r. • linn.J It Howls, ll P,':.;.nun ; lion. Willis 'Pork; Ilon. Cohen M Con Itree!e,C 8 e•tc.stei flea. Jit it. lw, C,Mislethri; l'opt. 11 Mapt. Shresw,ll.wourii Freston lyirS!, Cett- Ctitsburah. to 1$ TE.IIG 1 TLIENACV2II. rrnr p , euariu.l d,partmen3l4 of this Cots.' evlenstrt csiabl I..lissient, Law rly b•ed 44 Wood, ere smyr oren Iwo! .nr Ice keel 1" t, all Um ram., rotrethots.uof thy Th. propririne• most rerteetfu:ly inette the respeetaLl• roun,. t” .11 and see tbr tb roa.uns 1, lima. 1% am, tu they art ilsorml that mall its diditeht departments it cannot be 4nd t./LOT is IL* soul plemaat mart. la 111 a department, both Ladim'amlaratiernea'aotre ar,ualled 4.r tiegat,e, treatdess, and mallet by anym thi wry and thr challenga a comparison inietchness.neatalsa.and beauty, with thom of p.y esmblnarmat to le C.,ind any 7hese. The greati.h earient chute and :anie F0,31:11, • 1.1.• K‘r st Am; nark.), Itrvata are fitted Gp at which Unthaws, alone, can ha. Latch. Dinner and IteErrahmential all Mao of the day. The gat deka, Ls mammal to both Lama and cantina...entrance I the Two rousts. Tim Ladicat l'arkeyraclnaies for La• dita—entranne at the.Tuar.a coat. tana. N. H. Part.. will TH , .•.••••._••••.__. t ..ePored in Orison). toe rpm—made on thn onwl approved tletern and mow farblonalde Eu stern pattering awl talon. Alan Ttlld MCA I' 101.1. or IItISCON BI.IND, an hand a r to order of all riuua. and at all prices. Country Marabou. and caliers nit tootled to call and caw/line the shove for therowlres, an all will he told who:ovule or retail, pod n liberal deduentot made wltaleanla puniutrs. apldlt- A Wf.. r RVF.LT COACH MAKING. EDDY the rely liberal corporal/a •.0x 7 racer the rubscrilier bar receive-Jounce 'nbZ in • he hal located him... Win Allegheny, Sawa...DA ling induced him to refit, a len,c, for a term of yearn. on the property he noir cnldxsOn llettret alreM, immediately beside We Ptaebytenan Cho re h Front the long espy ric nett an Wm Ma, humans. and a devise la please, he hopes to Mel d and receive a shave of publicpatronage. Now On hand and finishing to ardor, Workaway Bug• glib., open and top Buggies, and every descriptlon of Carriages mode to order. from ecrenly-fire dollars to ctglii honneet _3OIIN SOUTH. llr. J. Feint' s IMlTergal Canker Remedy. A 1 , 01%' J.. 1 , 9, of Wet. J. Naar. "rocker rceuerly.r• lon r and 11.oroughly trmd. hav been hitt obtained.red in fin .nie by WILLS ACKtvON, I , Lberly .tenet. It In the rum, rule, and certain remedy in In cases oat of 20, for all ordinary or ealroordidarf. and matt ergearated rases of recent or chronic arming S(.O . Mout.h. calomel ore (0011th strolled toned ...cry, amnia. career reel, incipient Crtmeltilis and otology, putrid nue throat, black longer, and on ruse. ofcom. tnon tanker. In On month, throat, nod stomach. When applied in arconlaticac with the dtreclions accompany, ins each bottle. The cruidly, recei led to' known to be grimier. l!rice SO eta perhottln. Jontea4 Chen.liii soap. — Veit alt kind. rif eraponn, land Ilinenwot of the Fkini P atoll nol t orplexlllotchea,Mall Ith en in f th :tottery Item' %iatschnpr....l or c reit br .1 Skin, and for all other dta• ace oe nein, which requite external ecnirdscr, thin gong rimed. wiper:tiled. It al. dirge!. Freckles, Sun. It urn. filorphear, Tan. and changen not eel, of dark, or ditftgor ed thin, to hoc. healthy, youthfirt, clearness. A fresh •Innp , y,nerl.nnell gcnnine, and far yule or the rran.V.lfiric e 323 per cube...lnv lot been ereeived, i. offered for Pule. by 11 A I'.\ Cu. earner 14 and wood and awn al Mr corner of si ghand w00d... Irtit ENTLESI EN'S _ I I o'c.lll IL 0 TOI/11, manor:a:Wen Ne IVeed ddm two tlc.eg below tht, solicit the or moluspoiv.l....e. of skittle-mem Furnishing lood. toour Stock o of r imr. and fithienable goetli,'lnarufactured erperuly for our V.,111.11 well made and give perfeet odoLartion; cud rte would call IL,. attention of ptirtteaveea and our cram. . roves la one 2.7 a ottrwrilla. Pfit Ttey Ethienidula receiradt one etne medium rthatitf,do, with both white and stet Tad of earry deteriptko ma quatity. with prier. lo purchavrr, oniatbre rale of thew Fatted Swivel Joint Dewed Onse Elsa tic tbalandrmitto ,l 4ltoil, Mrioin nrlraod prima We won't! w.lielt the calls of pareltavera who nee In In habil of geing rove the mdoutaln. for mad, to call and eautime oar oldek,confident nothing, au far la raket.a. con cerned, ran blau , :v.l4cm to ;oak further, but iewart n.anoth. ' • 1 ' -PT. of ElloeCiiprlitly Trains Nrg','.=o, l l l / -- or tarl4 - 61 1 ,7*.°747;g:',11 • . • • sixes ) Tr. °riser., clan. of thin Truss consist in the coln• Oaratise Cara will, which it may he warn. The pad of wood tieing muitly hulanced on springs, yields Wives. sure en any part of It; uttil thoroughly. adopts itself to any movement made by the wearer. It ea. be, worn without inter:obit:ion, mils mire is effected. .Tte sub. senile, have made arrangements kr the raanufactune of these valuable Trusrce, superior style, in Philo dolphin, vial hove them now An .10 n: their °MCC, NO. 77, Smithfield st nen( ninth, Pittsburgh. it'" CEO. D. W. KA vbrAx.: &AA - - T 2 S ' ettiaCtsl. -- rg. initol.s . Camp. Flur4 llst darroperilla. . . . .•- • V Merchant% Comp. Fluid Egt.Sarlopetrillal Carpenter's do Comstock's do _ do ) Townsend's• do..' . . der, Consiontly.ll hoed and for silo by U A FAIINTS , TOOK& Co, corner of fit - m.llnd wood and want nod ' sloth mn. . Jon, thibiilififtilanted - liruitl - Nagnesla. Tiggs..i. 7:2l'o:iicTitiorhem"i'coly!dprrs"PtlV'of Magnum; pawn. ntl int Ineafill4,lll4llOliti Odd Iltns3 pre paratioes of Illeminie without h e n lialiLl to fain COntl4. how in the I/dynast. to bat fnjwianily upimfho maim of Se masa& Ow table spoonful efitie Reid Mechem isemeir n7OOO hi Arengiti to bode teaspoonful iif W i nne... Tor rale by U II FA IliVlisiTOC,.lf 8,.. CU, corner IN and Wiwi NW b y ea, . wi Fotirrein HOT .LIGHT.STREET, BALTIMORE, FOG G li-1110118T01, Proprietorb, 'rims cetablishaent long and widely known as being' one of the most eamtrUldiOtain the city of lialtimier e. has recently undergone very extensive, alterations •nd improvements. An entire new wing has been added, coward ng numerout and dry sleeping apartments, and extensive batbingrooms• The Ladiee department has also been completely re- orranited and fined up in a moat unique and beautiful style. in fact the whole arrangement./ t o o H oof , been remodeled, with tingle eye en the pon of T o o proprietors towards the comfort and pl...i toto o f t o o k thaws, and which they confidently pipet./ mill,he.b. lenge companson wilbany lintel le the Nuion. Their table will always be topplied wall every dub ttatial and luxu ry ...bleb In afford+. served up in a superior aryle, while In the way of Wines, Ite, they will not be surpassed.. In cioncl ailon the propintare beg do n a, that nothing Will be left t o on their part, and tai e tartar their assonants, to render this Motel worthli. thaCentintied pmnanage of their (needs and the public generally. The prices for bowl have elm been redueed to tbe °Bowing rates:— Ladies' Ordinary, SI 75 per dur Cientlemens!* ..... •• —• • . tint N. IL—The Baggage 'Waggon of the Beare aril , v• he found at the Car and 4tesimbatt Land araTa be found ii the Car Lazdlngs, winch aril convoy-baggage to lind from tho llotoi, fro, of:ehargo. toOltr EMAIL!. STREET noose, Chiclsmail, I 0010—The subscribers having-purchased dm en -tin interest of Col. 0 t Wilbanison, late of this well known establishment-beg leave to nine to their friends and the. public generally,• that they neve taken this tarfonodioas•llmel fat a term of years and will exert heir best energies to make it ndesirable home fuerrav ellen end City Boarder... The Hoiel In spacious and admirably planned for con atience, light and wr, having a number of parlor.v edit:thong chambers, presenting uvulae attraction. to families. •- The present plop rielere having had the eapenenea of years ht this city and elaewhe re, hope they will be able to trt L " Z r ett t the it ' On t' s odn'rU. The location of the Pearl Stree I !louse uminconsmonly eligible. having fronts on Pearl, Walnut cod Third KS, so that it is equally desirable in view of the conceal rime of basin... men ar retirement for private boarders. It Is near by the flanks, the Post Mee, the Masonic Ifni hOdd Fellows Hatband bin one min aro distant from Main airem and two squares from the City Wharf, the* ode ' n 5 the greatest inducements, especially to country merchants and generally to nil persons - visiting einem meth JOHN NOBLE A DUPLE IVeddolk !louse, Clevelais — d; Til .8 HPLENDID /10TFL was opened on the sill of Juno, for the reception of company. The edifice drums:one hundred and twenty-Ave retort Superinost., and ohe hundred and ninety-five fr en Ilank.sfi and coma... l ever two hundred large climbers and forty pn vide parlora , all of which, hare been furnished with the. most toady furniture. The drawing rooms are .pacing and semen in elegance, anything of the kid in the tinned Staten The dining room, gentlemen's parlor., reading rocana,dtfice, and dressing room are all large, airy, and furnished with every luxury and earnfondiun money can procure. It is over two years Mute the earner stone of this magnificent etructure was laid by kfmsra P. St Wed dell k. Son. No e t has Leen spared by them to make it equal if'not superior to anYhotel In the Union, and an ornament to the etry CPI Tines will be Wai ng at nt all tones, to convey perimeters to and from the boors free of charge. Cleveland. July I :dam A S BARN UM . • ADAMS HOUiliC s lIOSTOII. TIUS maw mid splendidestahlishrnent,erected during the amp season, is now open for the reception tranitieni and permanent boarders. Thn,. demand for increased and 'superior accommoda tions for the travelling public, soggened In the praline tor the plan of erecting • hotel, whieh, for splendor and convenience. slaield he unrivalled in the Union. And, while he has spared neither pains nor expense In the attainment of Ms desirable object. be irarel the public to decide how far he ilt succeeded. This blouse ear • ISO apartments - __-,...intains 150 apartmente. cOnvertimolr arranged in ounce and .toile moms. The fungturewsw all :node to order. str 4 tls paniculm attention to stably sod convenince, at well as style! and splerelor. All the modern vennons have been mode subservient to the travellm's ease add roraforh and an e.Petw oo . of 311 years has enabled the pro:tumor to Introduce many imptorements which, as yet, are ;wesalist to this Ilouse. Located an the principal Street, within three minor,. walk of lie great !leathern and Western railroad de l...and the business section or roe city, this establish. meet coot:needs melt to the patronage of the business and pie:mu/moan:. L ADAMS linen,. June, l 17. Jel&edaa Charles Street, between Starke& and Lombard Streets. Baltimore. 2 Tux tameriber haring taken the above estab lishment. often his services to tae ci irn. anti generally. It en conveniently animated n• reicanrs . tra * Sicamtmata and Railroad Depot—is In the midst of the more catensrve Importing l linamil—and in Mot, theineanon often to theme visiting the city, ae ma ny conveniences andiconiforts or he other principal The Macro la now hem fitteJ op with new furratur in good mrie end ly!e, and will Le open to the . pplol . on the 2.1 Jaya( ApriI,ISIT. The propriemr mew th h, unremitting cam -, to please, will reeere him tnnstnnc portion of the peblie patronage, resident as well W well X, Amn 2.4 of the firm of Den A. Few( Ifafnmornmylrltnn 41.LE(itedNY 110 POP., net/ hlarket st delphia—The sabectiber (late of the Washinmon Ilan); ITsrtisbargh, Pa ) tater Wu method or tn. (anon; bit old fr,ends sod We pabhe Ferterally, that he has taken the mare named lIOTSL Phe Hltt.O lenity and condintahle sod Las been emonsivalynltered and nproved. and the propraror hopes by astnel attention to basfuess, and a pimp, earn for theca nto. of hos sant, to mere and ...urn .hereof push. on...gr. She Ilm.e •:mated no eonvement for the Travel. bile Pobue. r erne only two door, above tltd Portable., and Puonargh D. 1 101.111,1 Within two samples Walt of We Sultana. cod Resdlng Depots sreuLtsu at tached to Pe premises. Terms. SI per day. EPllUGll2kPraprletor Allegtmar noose, Phil's. nags. de1,11.17-spiNVO • a oams , NO. 15:1 CaZSia GT R.., PI.C.IJIIIII. rINIE Nulacribera. under the Sten of Datnovi ft. West, haveptirehaacd Mr.JoneeinSerest 4 nthla eatahlieh aura, and hope by deo M Ityl O. et / to est onewmoion crinstnu to the ance wants end awafiartanf their me of the titlark: patronage heretofore roamed by Ito former pwe theboo has been thoroaghly cd; we the One feel assured we can welcome our islands an • the paldic to aceonurpdationa equal to any the city •f Philadelplutt. N W BRlfaMt, J*Ntf • IN° tVE-7'. ' GALT HOUSE, sin and Sixth ata , Cincinnati. 9 mIS miat.loliment is now tn the hem order for the Irecen of the (raveling Pattie. Gavin;p under tone a thoreath repair, daunt the past winter, and having the most experienced men in the west, In the rations departments. 1 tatter myself that all wdl be pleased "rho calf, Thn Incessant. cmtral,cornatmlious and pleasant. Pim $1 per day: Cincinnati, Marc./ 13,1N1. . Wti tWARH N. IL—Although Ad elan!p a new 11room, It is the came_—a new Winston Geoid beadle. apfif TILROCIUSOUTO/1111 OALT 11003 E, • Louisville, ICy: A KIST II 101 CNN 0 RT ON Mimi to acquaint his 12 friends that be is again !ewe of the GA LT 110 ITS kl, Louisville, Ky.,where he hopes to meet all his old friends, naming them mid the pahlic.thetno effort shall tie spared to matte all comfortable who favor hint with their patronage. jaaltilly WATER CURE HOUSES. ROUND HILL WATER CURE ESTAB. L lll ll 7 / I ENT—NUILTLIAMPrON, •ocimetama wq NA1140.1. SOIGZI Warrynam,Proprieletr. Os. Erman.° &Proust., Rtaident Physician. jll t. deliilatful establishment shatted alma half a mile sew( of the beattlifbl Tillage of Northampton, at an elem. timeof alma 900 fea Mule dm Comecticut River, whkh h artzkotano. The grounds eurahaading the Establishment. compd.. about bray WS, 'Mick are entirely appropriated to the me aud piewaerwof due Patienta. Amides. bemtiful growand Wt furctitreca are owner., fur paths amt. ',tally Shaded, and affJidlng brollhflil and planar' ab fur molly four min. ,' The imparkmandcommodiaos Labia!, of theestablish ment are loaded vyon the eastern brow of the! ahead oar look out af the N. enchanting lwadocepu the world lamediandy in flout, is the tillage uf Northampton, with its omeraus and handsome dwellings, =Lida the dense Mame of lolly' and overhanging elate b order Go to the east me th e rich am &Otto( Leurthatuptow and Hadley, dreamt in the velvet verdure of Spring or the variegated habilimeots of delirium md Autumn. Alideray,thr miles oath and mob, ie the mouth sad gam saran of the Ca . aineetieul, slowly Mahlon la my to them.. Ito thermal, to imme diate prceiwtt is the villas:. of flaSeld will its irk awl beautifui Rang, cm the east is the it Wiling witage of Had ley, mid also of Amherst with its Colleges; while its the di.- teen, with th e aid of a glass, may lit sem m mitosis. and greatly diversified range of Mowry. Oa the moth-ma. at abut 2g . mile distance, Monet Flo!yoke, in its dress o and a little beyond, I. sera the pleasant sdlnge of Muth ilaplieyi am the tooth, we behold at about i miles distance, the majestic to Tom and the charming village of Eat thsptos, with its elena. school edifices; the whole, pencilling a eamtsbatiou of natural .navy un mrpatad, perhaps unaptated, by my other in the world. II was remarked by a gentleman wbo has meat .one thirty awn of his tile ia venous put: of Munn., that be oeser beheld& wase so perfectly beautiful and enchanting.' amotatuadationa al Round Hill an very kir/ and ape tiny, and an amply aulfteieut fa Upwards of one hundred and LAy patina. It is ism ided with an abundance of the pared vatic wa ter and every otter requisite for the Rilland perfect Sipplien Ito, of dos Fluke and maderildly stscomelul medium of reataring kot or impaired health. . 'llr.Diunistotwho resides is the ntabf aliment, is gentle man Cf enlarged emeriesee,was ednted InEaops, when he enjoyed the tulnentages of panel y es ear. promet to the celebrated linepitals of Unbar, and Iniblinjend boo beta w succe.iful Prectioner in this vicinity for rani yews ridicule may thertfine rep.. entire confideactlu he sligland dime lost. • 6eropTe prerrisioe it mule 5.e. attendance Anon 111000 ein p!e,ed ve err_ ,erei well iwareeted Gera. Berm. Teem. at Glooldieg..inhwheg !Write elO. The tient. will be evyphed with MIT peclihl, 4.e. al the cost of the lick. Northawyt M 6.4 A ugust sth 1E45 •17-3 m ..E . 1 l'irgn e N n r B tra l ieht o. WATER A si C g U tt ß 4 In e i r .A l2 e ewe al C LI La.; attending Physician, find fah DlllrkTriiiii r 'amaze, of the boarding Department; has been cretin eipreatly for the pumas°, and is well eideulated loecommodat, twenty flee panente. Is situatinn is be h. and the surrounding eo.try is pie turesgue• the ihnnedisie neighhorlii.l abounds in pare wit all ey spr nee fro m fora of which the bath. are al Menet suppli d. Eaery futility far the restoration of health to the I 'reify. here airerod+pure air, water of We kneel qua! ty, and a *bettered_ coat situation The Doctor °aides in We establishwetiL Cowmen. &won on the p.m Is toner...awry, u is Wee en onw niennion of did disc.. curable py water,. it has be. corm Regrew Ily knowrhand favorably reneived by the cmnity ht urge. Fee!, pahet t o renewed to filmier, for the sweating, and other p e stns, We following entries: two large thick wools n !whew, three comforinbles or a feather I bed. one co.. cotton oboe,, .4 a linen sheet Wat em I be cut intelint dagea,alussLE {pane towel.. Very feeble tie. ati requirgd to bring . . attend ant with Werth for whom board cm he obtwoed la this establishments . Tanta—El Patient to pity six dollars pee week roe wim. ace of the baths, and attendanee during thermic.% cloud lodgers. - - -._ Pave:eat to4e wade weekly. • Itened the • usisitattwoughl by Panetta Iwo doh. lure pet wriik. - ' aghtlm --- SILVER wAiiiitAxtroAtroux.- • TlLT.".l:f.t..V:::;l2l:,gtl,lgTl= appona, erearn, and otstantepopna, pup ladies, .a canoe tone, hatter and Rah Sam's, threaded and plan: Asks; at the lases pare. W W WILSUN 17• . caner market and 4th Wet L 11INCR. e”- , St RINGS—Jost reed doi kart( Patent Val. canised India Robber Rama - These Maga or band. are roc placing round papas and placohlof carry_ detteriptien—la an lartant atte han he placed round a packet of paper, holding theta tam at the aurae time, llowing of addition or ,rrantation without nay Itatt Or ,tnpaettrent. & If PHILLIPS • 7 Selling Apr, 3,_yroaLaL,. c ceEDSMII FILBStr--Jurt received, per I.3l'neket ship Summa r / eallts“Speneer's" Gust Steel Files, comprising a very ;entre cmorunenr. TheatecrOlos of Maelocisto and consume. senvmll7. ingt is invited. . , Looex . rir!kTfi—tjtt Lc prime *ld tbrumeredt Mrserlet by V' vim: W4RMOCUTP . W.I.S . N . ,I34/Ibctly tt E7M IRTATION TRANRO RRODLAII. MORNING INICENT NOR The noir and si r, /eedid etrAnts4 • Capt. Charles Ilissprt; erat= her golar moo this day, pme borgb at 0 o'clock, s.x.,snd Beaver at a , k, r. cennectinrwith Pittsburgh and Cleveland Lille of Cad nal Boats daily to Cleveland, 0.; Beaver, Warren and Cleveland Line of Canal Packets and Pagel Coutes ,dally to Warren and %mined; Qum/ Pao Set bllea SD .New Castle and Greenville, Pa.; Erie Fitenkian Line to Meadville and Erie. Nell, Werra Co% Ltnes at Singe Coaches rot Cleveland and Watuttsr. Were Bea— ver doily on the arrival of incranboar Barrer Goes Pittsburgh. Apply to • ' • • • G M BARTON &Go, Pittsburgh • sold CLARKE te Co, Beaver • • ONION L II -• ,~ MOO 1847 . ;rime• ON THE PCNIIVELTLXIA ARD OHIO CANAL!, BETWEIZi PITTSBUEOII AND CLEVELAND. E N PARES &Co, Cleveland, O. . - 11.13 PARKE, Deaver, Pa. Proprielnis. tY T DATHER,Piusbargh, Pa. ) rrliE above Line la now fully ompared traiwport Fteighl and Passangera flow Pittsburgh and Cleve land on any paint on the rannsy!rania & Ohio aud Ohio Canals. The facilities of said Line are unequalled by say on said Canals, in numbers and capacity of Boaw, expe7 fiance of Cummins. and protaptness of Agents, Ake. One Boat leaves Piuslutrati and Cleveland daily. nui nincin connection with the Steamers. , Meagan sad Lake Ene, between Pistsbarah and Beurer,. arid a Line of Pont clue Steamboats; Putout nen, Brigs and Seheours, on La ken Erie, risisonOill• chigoe nod Ontario. . • Property forwarded to any pari Cif the Dubin With despatch- E ti PARKS &Co, Cleveland, Asts REED. PARKS &Co BelTer, Aqui • W T MATHER. Pitudiarge; Apt, , ap2l Cor Water and Szalthield autos - ARUANGUAIt2f TB, Mi . 1 847. Siggia mosoisaensLe. nouTie, , . . BROWNSVILLE AND CUMBERLAND TO lIAL, TIMORE AND PIIILADELPFITA- -- , - . • Time to Balmnore . 32 boars. , [Only 73 Stiles.. Stigler.] • • • MBE splendid and fan renningacamersOrmmL Lai -1 is McLane and ewatara, have commenced making double dolly trips: One boat will leave the Alottonga lnela wharf - every morning precisely at S Passengers by the rooming line wlltarrive In %Mame next evening in time Cot She Phil adelplua Mail Boat, or Rail• Roa d can. The nem Boat win leave the wharf dully al 6 o'clock,egeept Sandeye. Passengers by this boat will lodge onboard, In mina:4l2We state moms; leave Brownsville next morning at. en'elockv Muse tue Mountains in day IV sup and lodge in CM -betland. Thus avalding r travel altogether. The preparations on this leatit.ase ample.end th e conneeden complete; to that disapponn=ents or delays wilt be boners upon it. Parsengers can stop on the route and reuse their seats agam at pleasure, and have chance or Rail Road or Steamboat between Baltimore and Philadelphia. Conches chartered to parties to travel u &cadmic., Secure your tickets. at the office,Monangabela Houe, ar St Charles Hotel. SIESIDAIEN fettle TO CLZVJALAND wins 1NA1111231. ~M4` 1847. initial§ THROUGH IN 24 lIOUI/S. • • DACICKT Boats Swallow and Telegraph leave Bea ,. 'tot deaf, at 3 o'clock r. at, after the arrival of the looming DEMI from Pittsburgh, and arrive at lilfarrea In time (or the Mall Lane of Stage% which leave immedi ately thereafter. and arrive at Cleveland at do'ekrek, P. This route is the most expeditions and comfortable one to the Lakes. COTE.S&LEFFINGWEIJ, Warren, elope. REED PARER & Ca, Beaver, Agents JOHN A CAVGIfEIf, corner Water and emidsGeld ate, apdly Opposite the hlonougnhela Muse Pittsbargh PITTSBILIUGII AND GIUMEDVILLNA 1847. 61CIThiZ PACKET AND FTI.EWJIT LINE. pills Line eortsisdng of Detest and passenger Peek• els, will ton regularly &snag the venison between Beaver ant Greenville, En. by which Dentin and pas sengers between the two rondo, will Iteeturted protriptly and at the lowest rats. WICK Ir. ARCH ER, Greenville, Acts 2 CRAW &FRAMPTON, Clarksville, AN ItIcFARLAND & Deng; .dot ' HAYS& PLUMB, Shalltatnagli, _ tbr, W C MALAN. Moron,. den • WAL AIATIIEWrk, Politest, dos REED, PARKS & Co, Beaver. . All' /ORD A CAINDIEY, earner Water and Sinithneld sts, argly Oman. die Mononinthele House, Pittsburgh CITIZENS PORTABLE BOAT.LIBIL lißlagEn 18.47 WOW TOR TM TRAIWORTATION or ALF. R 1 NOS OF MDRCHANDISETO AND FROM Philadelphia, gialtlatorw, Mew Terk d Barstow. T HE encouragernent this line has received eines • ita commencement, has induced the proprie tor. to increase the dock by adding • slumber Cl fit class boats; and ice Wad ofgiving receipts as hereto. fore Oa agent. we will give our OM reteipts•lor freight .loppe d.by this line. , . • The boats are all portable, conaequently freight is taken the whole distance without .transhipment, thereby preventing damage front !rogues% handling on the route, and as each hail is owned by the Captain who ran* them ' which is a rtilficient guar antee that there will be no delay on the route. All Produce or Merchandise consigned to lire anderaigced will be forwarded FR= OF COM MISSION,for adrancing and forwarding, and will be shipped without delay at the lowest ratei:of height. We respectfully solicit a share or nubile patro 7 nage. WALLINGFORD & Co., - Canal 'Beata t Pittabutt CRAIG, HELLAS& Co.. gl. MILLER, Agent ' Reerle7's Wbse, Ba'Matti l'itlaborgh, Feb:12,1847, 1846 . AND . 1847. tiglaggiltia TO THE BAST BY NOBOABAUBLI EOUTBi VIA BROWNSVILLE A CUMBERLAND. ' T. BE e u , ' A d e c . " , bTe d Cetera Ittrarle ' ts= air:J. " B 'd e= in. Winter, on the mon favorable Lena, by Uda axpe diuooa route. • All property consigned to. will be btrwarded el the lowest rates and with despatch. Ilerthandtsa maenad a Ins toots promptly (r• ' J C BIDWELL, Ash', Pinsbargh. C W CASB, Bramante. nov27 - EGERTO:4 ft Co, Cumberland a! Act . . , TO Tau EAST BY BALTIMORE. END OHIO RAILROAD. •• TGIF subscribers wtllreecipt for the delivery of PO- I duce to Haltintore by the hlonoaphela Slackwatei at the following met.— • Asbes, Bacon, Batter, Lead,' Lard, Pork, Tallow Whiskey, s, ond Glass—El 0,, rlEtha., Tobacco., Rasp, Flax and Wheat—W cts per 100 lbs. Ashes, (Poll Apples, Cheese, Flax-Seed, Mutt, and Leather-10G eta perloo lb. Oils, Skins. Seeds, Wool—llo eloper 100 lbs. Beeswax, Feathers, Furs, Ginseng, and - Snake•Rods —l2O eta per 100 lb& All property consumed to either of the undersigned will he forwarded without ilelay, Rea of Colentission, at above rates. WII CLARK,Hrowasville. HANNA A WATEREAN, PitesbarglL nevP o _,ltf THE. fIONVERNING SELLERS: VERkIIFUGE—A gia k) sla vial prtalueing woaderse—Raad the folloveing Ram the Rev. S. Wakefield, Pastor of Lamy et AL E Church: .• . • Pin:Moral, March 111, 1.347.1 . kir. R. E- Sellers: It is from s sense of duty, 14 well as with great pleasure; that I bear testimony to thesis vie of yourjustly oelebratod Versulfage. I procured sixes Ingle, and gave it to three of my children, who bed been ill for ..recd weeks. The eldest was .sevrvt yea,* old, HA neat foar, and the youngistelghtean months.. TA, first pouted filly-six worms, the second fatty. seven, and the Wind a considerable number nit .11.U:telly recollected. Pince then they her been doing well, and are now in good health. _. Your. respectfully, U. WAanna. , ; From the Rev. 13 EBabcock, ofthe Methodist Epizok pal Chrd, Mr. It R. Sellers, It is wills greit pleasure I Would inform yon of the good creeks produced on my win of four yew. of age, by yonrjustly celebrated Ifennifoge. After his having cenveiwont I gave hint three doses when he passed an almost lllC)Cd/t•ble msother;frimi wit;e4 time his goers! health has been improved: + Ilseocai From the Rev Charles Cooke, of the Methodi s st Epts copal Church: Pittsburgh, December 11. CRS. Mr. 11:13. Sellers: I gave ir y tittle daughter (between three and for years old/ Mire 110SES Or ) our Vinsufugs, The user...lotion, with the happiest succults .. The number or worms expelled I do not know. ta eciac. ly, but it was large. She is new in possession of gelid health. I think the medicine. may be confided in With AMU antrseirvedocu.), , Cpeota. . •• • . As tole Vermiform. has never been known to fa Ia nay insiance, when WORIS •tiMaireitele4 parents should give n in preference to all others. I Prepared and sold by. D. E. SELLERS, between D 4 nods* on Wood street: ' • • For sale by Dr. Cassel, Finn Wed.. " , - TOOTUPAIIITE. • niratat PICR•INCL • . agallE best ankle known for cleaning and whitening the Teeth, strengthening the game Bytiomkp g th e brcuth..ke... It should be owl every Wen with a and brash. and the teeth andante* winced) moire ■Minh washing in the morning. Wet the brash wills.warta wlee or, cold wilt answer, and rub it a few times au th e paste, when artottsk will adhere Se any., the teeth. It leavesidelimons taint in the mouth,atte pant a man delightful fnurnmee to the breath. I letanda unnvalled as a plenum,. efficaciout, convenient; and safe dentrifiee. Ills war r anted not to Ware the teeth, balk. preneni A.M. • ' . nting it regularly,. h will remove acting: and prevent Ala v le CuMigatuni -- prowent the toothache stremnhen the n ets, . and prevent all diseases 6111K132 Chesnut., phYstmans, and the clergy recommend It * • decidedkr 'opener to avert' thingof the kind in 11111i' Ash for lffitenstan't Componed Orris lboth Penne, and Caen'," Ids siontme Is attached to eneh pot. _ • , Recomreernkd by. Dr. Castle, WI Broadway, mint our hem Dentists, and try mon of the old estaldialksl ones in the United States, and even zionaiv e ly e y ed by the Nobility of England and Fre 'v., A triage proportional the diem.' hatafillettaankind arise from terms dertungenvera of tht atomaelt or bowels, which a lintel, use of the Calk. ue Lernengerwould entirely obviate. Permute of babita showld al. ways have a her at band, and take a dose whoneker they feel the lean derangement td their health. AN& 6010 use of these Lentesseca would prevent thousand. °leases. Earthly= Ilfht. JAM ON'keetnerof viaal..a LiNity.i. • • • der. Amman/au, May It; tol7. T. AST ..Sasrdar I pre a teaspoon lull of 11. A. Fah. 1J nook 3 ,@ a Vennitnee to Joy Hula girl, ' , ob. la betaken lour and bre year. old, end dariartbo day** passed 103 lame avonnaoteetsong ahem lima a Ann in lenetlf. aeaing it.a tm on Ibis Child; libea gave a wasiocat .falls fiery ounger sister, ado arasappatentlparedrand abe paved =worm. of Niel Lao. . 4 HENRY.CIint , • • , WittChmaker, lamltaliald target Prepared and rota by. FAllNEldwcxibtXt, irger 1.. and wood. and ;wore' and alb tea- rrvifnE,4,4pLuqw ~ ‘ ! ", n 2Llat . P,4410r nimo-1 wositerms esrpers;&e., sad sentlastsi SpoSs Asa where is slav e °ls, 6110 an.. % old spoliesst 5W411;41.641411 direetieng, shies, =teas s eats. ,811,14741,7,1,04 1 '.42 . 4-k4l4t)...V if • • - w=m DIZDICATED LOZENGIVA, AND rim)* hui,„, Dtilllolilllthu Ilin's•lmed a my to Mit dolma •' oder children MI faked roomy sad cry fer dam en ideferrineste *mad.! hea /ma e ms Pot *Moods Prued the led of soh e eaddie ' . _SECILAIANII COUCH LOILISCILS. • • , rdefigemetbe erdest 4 mostard sed ediednel rem • edy decoorM Mb, eneempose, Moomi ato, ea m e *ham of the Mom seemed; rue: . Tlie m proprieto le r lue nerd Mom fats.. oboe they did aot gore pride didestion. !Math Ahmed beadMe Ma sold elide Mid par, modes to beekle prim Se Mod edry sage ofeemommtod tam onder the raiddetromp • odds Mower. They de ad dm op themethi Moder item. pnd. espectoratiosolley the Carol. otion. sent more the pesthothe or eddy dam They,sre ands dm • emanation de seeetniseehrespo tome s ', coegh MUM% MI Id elaik=4,ermat thin la ese for dim codle. .11 ..deba 'ldectligickhlts have bees dared dad maderfidei trio, Gm dicer wita hareems med Ides d antiody gram ad ridded to health by odegthem • • Where therm randembi in the Onset or eide,oet dila% -Ms Tod Ph . ...(W et 14 coda slioold err am the me, aid till dead. .if added :1 4 ec.411 i. sterm , ==.l . ce lore keen., aa 5 11ERMA3PII WORM LOZEITOPS These worm esenamikan bad prod theme than I,IM MI rasa to be isteddlo meths lone entniyies ...1.•••••ra•Komed. Meity_Mmes Me trees mem and smoke loafd hdieneedsp, mod desthorith oist their on Mar asmadd_ ; .y" de ve my dee Waded with teemed aro do de mine ot.rMeirds odder any bade: .m one doe or thereLoorages eroold • firnpioo Fromeg.-lis.. in the joists *Aide. odd on breath e pickiesat the ism oesof.dr of do loth Midi dep,sodatrionepthemeired*digorids Medd dodo, . Moldy at the soraarenriar at ermach., dode er dim der thimerthardebe body, slight chide d did leadathei alsordoed, mem tom, Mudd , doom ersidea dot* he friald sod ecreraim . eamind lealleirime de Smaom, am , 'myths; MI tedeM the moth, Odd& brea th isd, Me is • the. Mock of bordeigeterm med. elosadom ooth: ciemsppetite,, Mime, hided Meath or limbs, griday. ehortiny Mod dram pad ord.. way; • •••• mod thing nig India ordered toOtardal44lt, • fnapaadain.lo3...,....kb„ Ma the towelei so& or , • ' CAMPHOR LOZZITGEL ,• • • Th ey gire indeddle relief ix mom or keadadd • yelpitatice did In., Moen et the epdrile, demodeell ramo, or petted ore Mod, Mal or mem coo ' Pdthie Smudge Voodoo or mooed dailoa of de clop shady mem mop or CM Moth or iteanyeterical ammo= dt••the., dy, , mhea l doesi thromph the ribs Milers or chidj en =rim knit•die be e diseddiligne. Per oratudiar dye yertes, b 4end doe Leena Cqueoui "'Moe •tht.temai ef•Pottla odd' • Idler deader, tliz th. odors the km the systeng toro Meg. -perigee alters" hers t l =s.; aid deeded their ddipeaedhalde, ded.l4 midi. an athe . • POOR. MUM ILMITEIC Tbdoeitssordeleg the world i id: nonedir yam ar hi the hes* el= UUde, ' lander44at. audisea ie sot ikreseaL mores tide wane oe head mule d 'Tenor to oligglornomi thr demote flid prim sedrieg acted, the bat, Id thethedat phew iltheanar slob oldie SOM. 711 ot kC i • Mold der' the limo" omis" l ond it eford um .'" rod la amid, ads, adds, dity al .. = , ,,a , stio d a or tha diztuoirkeldesh. del did al peddlers, bode s sr 'World to theil= odd Rain ikoded owed In de ordase tidy ter. Phydradyeseally reconesed My in pre Mem le, co= bre they stick°, stioreletteresadaresdpri ea.dyne. They ore comEa oddly differeatodi eau Moday o th er, sad dm the aped.. or sail • lionierbo lad rued dem at vord ero orde d ip theedebneol ead dire' dery esd piped% le be th e Ma odd ad high medicated piaster. Scrod perm Me at the resold= Welded' their sorprodad Maks, al AMMO seirandone Me • plods Me ereeted. • Directions Fe rier ered the hock of cob Meler:ollb a Coded of Dr-81mm mud. It le diodes yordhoold always ,ok 6r Plioneole Pod Maris . Piester ser that t atne":ra s.• err ?wt.?, b7J, uw•,• fiehm • nal iirbolowd• Asa MO W. JAM/SONO his Pad . Medicine Wertheim No. eta, Lathy .6.4.str_ri;th .1111•EDICAL MID SURGICAL •OFFPCJI!! • : . LEY, a fine doors ai _beim • • - TI:: Weed Meet; brunerds ,Ilet • , 1 • • ji h „ - nate in - crewel 'resales, * - "N; .. Dew ounftnee his attention ~ . , -..., -to the temente -of those ‘ prima and delicate mast . -..„ ... \ „.,, ' tw in e for which Ws eppot -• .. • twines and experience ' _ ... .., serli , - surcaliarly quality Ide-. Enen years assi , was r devoted to the study ' aid stemma., or aura cowl tat 4 (during jrbieb tima be istehad awe practice and sae cared tem paneidathaa ean ever Call to the lot of aly plicate precUlleneel Im ply 'lmitates Mann oil sr as armee. of speedy, peruse nent,und sallshcarry 1 on to ell eArtered with delimit diseases, and sill dstal os artsmg iherefreen.. .. .- ,- De,.llsiens creel d inform these adlieted wide rebel! duesus which have became chronic bynames armee ted by the use el any arils common norarbast of the day, that their eomplabits can be radically and that. mighty eared, he basteggiven his caudal autesuea- Su the tressosent of stiehcases, sad succeeded is handled a( instances In cesingpersons of no of be seek oldie bladder, zed leaved &ware heltermeallt nen these ewes where whets lune them le hermit= deepest, Ilepartealarty mach. Sums ird4 , 4IIMMICIPit AMA 1.1 4...„ their Gnat treated ta a earelbl,tbarougb,ual nuelligsel vousnat, pierced eat by . . Saw tuleae.a MO mod lel . ye:Nicene., erlekthitis awash% yer- - these eTila ~., -- - , .. • lenna ugall, as he - S. pollp ......_l3lrin DemenesiSsJseallee,24 . ly r eta l Mee* Seild I , 7=lWestte el either iiiiliff4 are Csauree by 'tame their disase uswriting, _ - gister all the trympl tem, east shahs esediedasa with . disesteem for use„ - by add aatt ressing T. BROWN, AL IX post pa:.i and encase - No. SA thatoeudi alley, opposite the Pram* Er- Ile cure. n NMI ORICIPORTANT. TO TIM LADEAM-Chme se A Crea/M a arti Mr the - rowth. Scanty Hair inditemorathan ofmatenkm. the Hair. cle Thla Crane G , when eon known..will owned° all othernrdeles of the bead now need. Where the hair Is dead, hank,thta.m. healthy or turning mei: few applications will tusk e the hair soft •at daz and Jim it • bessilikl Healy appearance; and will make it retain Its liveliness ead healthy to twide as long as all Ma Inermations whisk, are gevendly need. Every lady wad sentkaan: who ere in th e habit of mung oils on Moil . ham, Mould " at came parelosse • bottle of the Chinese Hair Cream, as it law composed that it will not Clime the hair Motto other premumiltakbut will beautify it, and mye perfeet sausfactkor mery innanm. .• • • • . - , . For testimony to itz.very leerier adahtlea, an the following letter Gem Rev. Mr. Caldwell, to Mesas. Illeadersbott Ss Strad, Nashville, GenenOAgents kr! Me Western Suites: R. • • Lever firm the Rev. Caldwell, pastor of the Pies brensti Chase,' Palaski. ?deism. Ilendenhots dt Stretch—Gentlmnent- a. pleasure in adding my testimony in favor of that Lee ant preparation called the. Parrish , . Chinon lb Cream—Wl . about two yearn agora y halt Mal •ell 4 _Wan, mod dimmed wcome oat: btu having pianos, a bottle Of the Cream, and used it according to tho pm, seriputmony hair is now soft, 'dune and drains the bead. Many balsams and oils were applied cult len. horag mV haw inn worse atom than twine. ma Comm wever, has Mal my elpemaMmol. As an article for the Toilet, my wik gives It reefer. lma over alla th eny beleidelicarely pada/OW, ca d dhirping:l to ramidlty. The ladies especially will. mt Sod the Chinese Cream to he a desiderata= la their pupa. rules for the toilet.._ Rosperandly,'Ae.. Palsakl Jaa'y. MU. • CALDWELL old wkolaki and retail, In Pittsburgh hy John nd, No 43 Market ntraotand Joel Mdden, corner of Wood and Ptah ere. • .lalhf CROFULA AND SCROFULOUS SWELL INGS.--Scroltila in all it. multiplied fen*, .whether in that of King'. Evil, enlargement. a the pleads or hones, Goitre, White Swelling.; Commie RheematJam,Canser, discos/ecstasy Skin or Spine, or of Petitionary Coasumptkin, ammo mom sae aid the tame cease, which is a:poisonous principle mete or lees Inherent In the tainianeyatem. Mares fore unless thin principle cite be deetroysd, no radi cal cure can be effected, tat if the principle spun which the disease dependa, i. removed' a eve ' tent of necessity follow, leo matter ender whaler= the dierraesioold area. This; therefore ,• in the moron why JATNIVI ALTa4TITi l he lei venally secevabil in removal to many, realigneet diseases.' It deetzwys tho lona or . pinciple.Rulo wines those disease:hoe their orlaW, l 7= into the circulation; and with the 'blood is to the totraiatet Rini removing era, ;article f disarm from the spook- Prepared aid "pad al2lO. • 0 South Third Street, Philadelphia. .• .1 Sold at the Peltiel . Teo Steve, Ro.IS Fourth Emit SEAR'S &MUSICIAN vsairrAALL' • r . RENOVATING PILL& - _ Fair Oilcans }car; eak= manoking rum of-ito. ncitea Rettohave salami antremelytoom D 7 Voiotia. sedan kid s Stonutela I lainaGadr Gm of a gretz variety of inedialoo 'anklet toncionay henalt , Ahoat tam months yaw I coadnenaed Mt. Sear's. IdesUctne, arida has caterall rediaaad me front aeldny at roy Gooutep, and nviorod tointencoo. • table !mann: Several of my fricainand acgtonnoneen am made ua alba Pins, aad mend mar; benefit. fattattarn; I caw mita maids:tee raMeilatnif Vold. Waif !Pail 1111411trilVW1147.44nenZt 1.7 COs MUM 4Or In and Wood, . Wood and grata, . . • . PITTSBURG I+. GAZETTE, PUBLISHED DAILY, YaLwEEKLY 0..19/013.1.7 ik. Genre Seddhrert 7ltl,em U. P.m Oyu . • injho'sts .08' •0 IroilM/SIBIG• ODe inortiort of 151i.e., or leas, . ... .. 4.1,10 bll Tepees:lions withonaltesetionl:'o7s 0.1 Week y.'.: 1 150 Two- Week s ••••• . 2 60 Mute " " I : 3 430 Oar. Moth, " 4 CO Two " "• • 6CO Three " " ...... cr loner advertisement. le no proportion: the sonr.,6 wurialw, tithed alotedion,...' 10 00 It " ....IS CO Each additional Keno for 6 moon; "" 00 10 00 Co. goner 6 months, remew.bht pleiment; 15 00 Caehaddltionaloperefor 1.200.1. ' • 0 CO. _ month, rehrable at pleasarei,3o Loche...Wool eons., 6 month, • • 800 WIZ:a:11. TU. .1111111 MIL- IX iAILT PAPtil. nib addiOsaiinspnitpo .. . r. t d 0 ,37 cAaDo.k - ' - • Fite Ilea or lego; '1 ! 5 •1 10 O+ ,. L • k 00 - .a •etn.yearidaily& weekly, 10 00 Dix moons " .. 8 00 .kintrtosnts7s LW !MILT "Ana, Sof 211 hiss,',or len, the irertroe, 60 tairr Alt adveitiaeinta I 0 be ;Tie aquae,' ds disto•Dtaf2s peir teat to be IFILDIA Wine the . mei( andvertlatog "media SO fteux7pel yap: fireliitir *Claw 'Yesl 4 (.r46 • ..!'.040.001049144. i4tv:•l 6%1 8.11/11111.11Uant