;;-,, Pais& of;loo'Fkdgi lli er Mattes, . ' The following is a - , most. reinaikable and,praisewOrtht instance - of what Or.; severance and industry; tightly directed, are able tolafice: Among: the gradum" sing class....at Abe commencement last week, at, ytrilliima.Ctillege,+waa one • by the name of Condit, from lenity. This' gentLsman' Di 'a''shoemaker is ; married, and has a family of font'. children. Six . years ago, , becoming sensible of the it blessings of an -educati , he commenced learning the 'simple ranches, - such - as „Late taught in oar price ry schools. . One by one, alit 'in:it sat ,o his shoemaker's bench, he mastered , g ammar, arithmetic, geopaphyi- &c.-, with some occasional aasistance'ffotti his fellow workmen. At this time he deter Mined to obtain a col legiate edueition.,'Without means, and' with a large family depending on him for: support, be , commenced, and learned La tin and Greek in the evenings, after his , day's laboi wasover, under the direction of a friend,; tatil after, the lapse of a year and a half, prepared himself, and entered the ; sophomore class of Williams Col 3. • . r • He broitght bench and tools as Well as his books .with him. The stu dents supplied him with work ; the fac-.' ulty assisted him ; and together with the fund fur indigent 'students and some oe- Casitinal aisistanee from other sources, Se was enabled to go through the college Course, and at the same time auppon his family. He graduated last week,. on his birth-day, •aged thiny•two. Ho stood high in his class, and received. a part at commencement, but declined. At the farewell meeting of the class, in consid eration, of liii - perseveratice, - talents, and Christian character, they presented his wife with in elegant sot :of silver spoons, tea and table j. each handsomely engraved with an appropriate inscription. - I .bir. Condit will mow enter the theolo gical seminary at. New York, and will, no doubt, initke a faithful and popular minister. What young man in this country will 'ever, after such an example as this, de spair of obtaining an aticationi—Spring field Republican. A' Courageous Woman. In Prussia, as well as in Holland, captains in the 'merchant service, of small properly, whicb generally consists of a little veasel,lcommanded by them selves, make their ship their home, and live there constantly with their families, who' accompany their head in all his voyages. Qne of the Prussian r captains, M. Hassell- was recently . navigating his galliot Minerva, from Konigsberg . to Ri-, gs. On board, his vessel was his young wife, with three small children, and his crew, composed of a Mate lin& four sail ors. In the Baltic, during 'a violent storm in the nighi, while Maser and his men were pn the ,deck, the galliot was • run into by the English merchant ship Star, Capt. Bobson. The shock' M . the) two vessels was so great that Captain Hesser one of his sailors were thrown agalust Alto prow of the Star, to which they...clung,' and from whence they crawled onboard that ship. The three other sailors fell into the sea and disappeared immediately; se that there remained on the galliot only Mrs. Ilea, see, her three children, and *hp mate the latter, unfortunately, during the see r dent-, -had met with a severe fall, by which he was so seriously wounded.th4 he; was unable to work. In'this state of things, Mrs. [lesser bad the courage to take upon herself the charge of ntivigai ting the ship.' By'turns, captain, mate, the-little nautical knowl ledge she had_ . her former voyages. this intrepid _young woman succeeded, by incessant labor, for eighteen bents, in gaining, with her vessel, the, port of Riga. The native and toreign.pailors at Riga, having learn ed the codrageous conduct of Mrs. Hai % aer, caused a Medal , to ho struck in her honor, and tbo corporation of seamen at Riga ',resented her with 1000 effective rubles, (4000 francs.) Captain (lesser and his saileis, who were - saved on board the Star, were carried by thatires sel to Rostoch, in the Grand Duchy of Mecklenburgh, whence they arrived safe and sound at Riga. 1;:.-.'i.; . 1' - z',:::•._: , ;:.,' . ... 4'i',Hi.. tk04.0*34,4 •• :41 : :u!..):1.:;p" ; .` •••;• 1 •:":!1' - '1 4 tfe'itt;,:#fAi. S•:;: 114' '1,:"4::1!`t,:,* TORPirto SCRiPTITRe TO GOOD' AC COONT.—ti is said that Bishop Diiane, of New Jersey, is strongly Opposed to:iem peranae, and his sithiboard and tables are loaded with gin, brandy, wine, &c. A short time since, Reit:Mr. Perkins, of the order of the "Sons," dined with the Bishop, who, pouring out a glass of wino, desired the reverend gentleman to drink with him, whereupon he replied— 1 u .,::;! . ..;''ibt.v.: , .•:T..; ~.,"..y,i . 4 ~ ,-.2'3 ...,... ti f if , i . ,...AN. .-•:' .;..) , ;.. t.l4:::i:t , 4 . -. ;-•::,:okiie01,1:. . ...... ~.t - _,...?.1.-. '..,. A i.;:ii.,pii•A.. T..... -. ' 1 1 14::i'.. , ' • ;.•. ° :1!,1% - ......„.:; - , :!;?ii:Z1,: f .:!4:31. 1 k . : : :;:• "• , :... 4 1;; ; c4.N.1. 4... 10 4 .g . .... , -,.... ; i ..;:,..,* 41`. Z A:;; ! :•% ~;•,,;',...,:-.:-,-.,"- t v,,,,7: 'V ,:. :, .:2,,11•W_ i - &? . ... 1 a i ' # 4r i t * C,: e filtt,i ' A CI'PC ''' , ''•,,,; - ,, 4 ' , 14 . - ' t-.'f it ',l" '''..,'f•i,; - ..?i, t'''' ' ,:....,'' ' ' ‘....",-- .„. dip ' ” ~•,...„!;':'. • •:., 1:-.) ,- -;: , .4...wzg..1r Take a glass-of brandy, then. Can't do it,-Bishop, "strong think is rag in g By this time the Bishop, becoming somewhat restivo and excited, remarked Mr Perkins, Youlrpasa the decanter to the gawk man next , to yon. No, Bishop, I.can't do that: "wo unto him that ptittetfthe bottle to his neigh bor." What was the peculiar mental condi tion or moral state ef the .Bishop, at this stage of the proceedings, our - informant did not state. DRAINING ' AND DITCHING.—This is -- perhaps the best month in the year, for, each. work. — If sou: hire - any fields to Wet clay which are difficult of plowing acid culture, make a ditch around. it, And run cross or lateral drains (covered) into it at different pointa,and you will change the very texture of the soil, increase its susceptibility to improvement, and add • 33 per cent. to its productive capacity: THRESHILIGI GsAts.--It may be the safest course to get your grain threshed , -and put away in your granary out of the way,of rate. -- drc. Before thus storing it away - however, sprinkle newly slaked lime over your floor, and be sure to atop up all the holes that would admit either rats or mice. :':• - 1 . 1'7 . .. ,- ',. , ; ., - Vl* : - .:17 . : . '7'.;,:t:',..,i , ...4:1.%‘. I..'''.- .i'--.i-...,=j.,..,47j.1.1,-i-:!.. MESE I asked a crowd, "What is . the chief end of man 1" The com eight's man said "To contradict my neighbor, and wran gle (therm? The . ' noisy demagogue said : "To pleile my party, decry others. and hold my. place fewer." 'rho lazy man said " 'fo do :as -I please, and especially to do nothing, and vine !cor er. A wise - child 'said': "To glorify God, and enjoy him Cormier." MOE . To PURIFY.MEAT.-itbas been sue ! easefully proved by experiments, that meat entirely ay -blown has been sufi• cloudy purified to - inek; good broth, and had not a disagreeable ;taete,.by,being preeiouslY pst . t into_a_xesset containing a . certain quantity.of beer: .The liquor will 'become tairdedsaurf. hairs a putrid small., Two liatfo'l"nakfri.- I —Titit, to' talk of yourself wirlarnzi ..Set'ortd ; to talk of othenrwithout uttering alsoder. Thireforvi tillkimot.,of yourself . ot Others =lassie is.tioaccsaarr to °treat' some :Lake Supenorgis:s96.•leet'sbotor tb/i /M 1 pf Aluuls24.:and_.cositains-22,000. ELF'• Can't do it,l3ishop, ..wioe,i‘a mock M Ei l'C Ai l • - DR. TOWNIDEPittt SA R SASA-MILL-Ar, altost extrairrrimary Medicine- 'irs the nit extract Is pet up re quart bodies': st it nWinces sr, picanuarr, and warted entwine toner O. n,cures disown'without ronsiting, pursing, eicklermor inii • tating pid. • . GELEAT SPRIMF /MO SUMMER NEDICINII,'_ TM yew bcanty . snd superiority - of bureapatiiie mar all Medicine i d . it Emile>. Manse it Lanvin 'Mei the Body: It is coo of the eery besi tIIILNa ANA' nEDICINES ever known, 11130( cal, punt.: the whole.systent and a:rend:was the Inman. but 11. Crept. Non, Pwre and Rini Rood , epower ;nursed by Wok. Medicine. And in this Ins the greed sweat id iteneondistal, peons.' It has performed within die pence iinne, more f ine *Andes of nevere,litern of Liner. at lead 51inn of these were. considered ineurbble ' 'More shin 3,0a0 taws of Chronic Rheumatism Mr oars of Dyiplipsia,.. 1W caws of Gonna/ thebilaty had VI, ant of Energy; 7,1.03 cues of different Inuit Cm:widen:a ; 9).00 twosof Scrofula • , cases of the I.istr ' tomptand ; . WO. upcs of Disease of the Kidney and Dropsy; 3,1-01.1 cans of Ciwouthrths, and ThouiththoficawsofDisease of tin Blood, Ulcers; Enwirrdos, Batt Rheum, Pi ~ esp!th on the Face, bthdse; To. collier with' 131111ighl112 coon of Sick lithdache, Path sh the sole thillthat, Spinal Allcelices,,,lsth, dies - This, we ire issue, must snot incredible, but ere here kites mom physicians audoor agents from ell parts of th e Vaned Bonn, unman% us of astrotrdiwary earth. R. Yea Ithekitis, oueof the orwthespodablednigi;i4ta ite Diew. eth, J., informs us that he can thkis to sauce Stqu, Iced be us thin Oath alone. Thoth care thousands of cases in the City of Neer lice*, which "re edit refer to with plesoure ‘ ' soul own of character. It is the- but mediate. On .the . Pithead.< of disease known. It undoubtedly curative tiro of mare than ~ X ,O-Geln.asys sine Pan-Brazox MSs2Mi==l et2=!l= C. 0: W-11cCidars. or alto Union 9rarate NAM ,and member of, the New &reel preislotore, has t.iadly sent us the fir:lowing certificate. It legs its ow. story, " flamer, lan 9.5, IST. Ayear since I wall taken with the Influenza, vend my whole !yawn lett iu a debilitated stale. I was Induced to try Dr. Townscod'sdarsonarilln, aad agar toltitig two or three bot des, I was very much roam& sad attribute it satiety to the dareopani h. • 1 Mee cautioned taking it, and bud gut I itapraee awry day - 11.0im it need etij Ida, and would not be without it under On; eciddehtien. O. MtAtlcLoaw. late U. 9. N. Scaoroha Cials. Tltn crrlifie:as eonclusitely . proves that this Sarsaparilla ha mice. eontrul urer the mow ulestiuste dist!me of the bias!. Three permas cowed SW - the boo. ishuipiechdtmed. Thou. CNI Dr TOW.C..—Dqt Sir s 1 I.Str . thellemrs inf you that three of my children hale boss weird of the Ser • futs by the use of youreuellesst mealkissi. • They ,wer. a116c14.1 very' sewm..l with bad soles; hire on:realm. fa bottles; It took them away, fin gnarl. 1-kel myself muds deer oblightsuo. Visor!, f n 'lna.. ClastSs.o3 Woostor New York, MU& 1. Kit Dr. Townsend's Sisslopuripa is • ootercou sod speedy core for locipina Colllll6lpli=. Barrronr?s, Lrocorrbse, or LVhttci r obstructed or dott Nlcostrasoort, tocootionesee of Urtor or inroluotary cliteboript thereof, and for the gni eralprosiratiao ot-we system-oo miter whether the rook of inherent cause or musts, prodoerd by incrobtrity, Marrs or iceideot• Nothiticaa be mare to ms Um i4 -bairn..., tIL hue ea Um hum. tram. Perusal, all wreknew cad Wm- I volt, !TOM tekir.; it, at cum lissome robtut aril full arturu wider itv haunt, It. immediattly cOillalTSCl) the Delve televiewer the &auk tram, which u the getat clew of bar; insane.. !twill rot be expected of as, to eases of ao dant. a no. lure, b t thibit cereal.. of cores performed, but re cau wore the afflicted, kat kindred+ of ears have been 'Non.] 14 no. Several ease* when amities have bean eritbout after nth* a kw betel of thi . Speakable kedki..; bate bees blest with flealthy *Spring.' Ik. foinnsoul: My wife being greatly distrresed by artakneas and general debility; r ad sing k:r amino:illy laa , O and a wassation . of bo.- ring down,. sallies •orthe womb, uulWith other difficulties, and. hartag boors earn where soie airtime hazels:sled great tuns, sod also hear: kg it tveutneatioled for each eases es 1 Lave deribed4 4 u bottle'of your Estraet or Sanaparilla, and followed the direetiOns you pile roe Ina Awl penal 'ireenture4 bet complaint* and stored her health. .ng gratekl Gr t K reseieed, tate g/urote_iia.thtetnc_baterlsllg iog it, and recorifrog tre parse. AL AlLeusy Aug 17 Mt -C. or grata and Lydia la. Covaumn, Sept.. ISTs. D- r Zinmwend: To all whom .thie may conmen— Thu is to certify that my wife mod ®. lank of yaw Sarsaparilla presium to her confinement, tnolve.the must alarmism and dames. eircunlistances, being tnnabled with the dropsy duel. ling of die Set, mrsous adectioasowat very much debilita ted ; persuasion. and the recommentlatant of Moen who had used It, eh t. was induced to try it, with lads or no 'Etith, and inthei it to say, the medicine end the happy and desired erect, not mil, is thc.hours of coalmen., Installer tlw mphation of out week of its use. the. dropsy 21/4. locr. sous affection rave way to ut utocialieg degree:and her health is now belles thmt it had beat fogss hug time pre . TWO, If tlui still ha of any Kiwiud to you or anyout who' doubts the stigma of the medicine, yes are entirely its What voLocribe mystic your tuott obedint aud oblited S TO NOTIJ .A.ND ALLtiltlED LADIE.S. This Estraet of Sarsaptriat ha. bora toprotaly .prep•red, Itl relerenei to feoiale complaint.. 110 female who. Imo mo wn to niprooo . issho oppioaehim, that er iM mlperiol. " T A . turo of. t y7t ~ should smiled to. tape it, as 01 is • eettain wtorrative 4.r any or lb e otutscrousaa4 noes it& shwas es to bielt retnees ore subject steMtis time of life. Tllperio4 may he delayel for eeleral years byj vain, thiamedicioe tior ie it ko ralustb e w those oho we appnroching ovoombouol, as 9:Ctailtl to assist nature quleke.tong the blo"I and ism—orating. the spit.= Indeed, feumedam. le iotal. uab:e for all at the Attie. dxa,e. to ~boob *maw are suh.ket. Il beams the ohole erstras. tweets of natly t 'cab.- rat ettrsico—by rem. tag the impurities he the boLly—not oo far ttuoulatiag the system as to produce • uttneoustst. re had., which is the ease of most toedieineatakeo for *male welmosseastil &cite Yoo who hare pole ootwielraios*, doll rpm, lAatdow oo the Lase, rough *kin, or Axil., sad are t . out of its , . or bottle or two of Dr TORDlellni , . .SOllB - •_•• —__._.• • varkliuhr cres, ffa e,koirits. auel emapigaiun—al. of .Itlda art 0+ uuaanse • ridiu. DMZ!! No fluid or medicine hos ere, beta dixotered othir.la ouorly 'modal:a the, tootle juice or satin. ho dttucupoeith; food and streavhcodtv the orgaus of digeoliou, as thia,propo, .ration of N.troaparollo. ' • -Burt /Ir.r•scrworr, Albany, Shy 10, /Id*. ' Dr Tow send.. Sir-1 tom Teen afflicted for several wars with dpprpsta in ita worst fogui, att,odni new of etomael., 1.. of appetite extreme lambs o, and a great &replica, sdi kinds off :cal,arul Cot weeks (what I could ea . l 1 hare been unable to retain but a .mall p..tetton on my Iffm.ach 1 tried the natal remedies, but they had but lade or no elff.et is renuninglbe complana. - I 1.1.1 awned, abouttwo mouthasibed to try your Ettract a 811 sa. parilla, and I mutt sa with Lula Cl/144,10. but after wing nearly two bottira. r G..und Any appetite cestoml, and the luartbrrt. entirely retuned. and I would, taratetly recto mend the tr.e of it to tbuee who hire been afflscted. I have be. Yours,;,, W. W. VAX ZAIIIDT. Nos 37, 4t...1405T A JIILLA Read the followig, ad do= if . thatma:m a eomainp. lion canuot be cured I his is ooly one of the maml =mired e a that Townsend's Smpari,la',has cored: Lr g ou ..ih•same Sir. I was =ea • littlw over year ego, with • same cough and pun di my =a._ It la. =am on me very font, indeed. I tem promummal pl,y -./16..i to have Me quick oansomptum I rat= logs quati. titim of bad =ter, had nightmmad, sinking very Lot my Mar raid ha could do nothing for me I went cm, {b. Wispital in hope of Mg Minted, but arm prowootwed Mere as tamable. new KT 111.6112.11t4 111 i 113146, 14111 clpla breathe ; I woo =uMun mciatd tad mated tWilic ;Iva carnal tom) bed, =I sena obliged to hare wiehms. =cid cuanot .7= doesiption that would do juatioa to toy 0r... I was summed by or, fries= Made *pia recto); I Emd tried • gala amber of remedies, d *lf seemed to be to 00 purpose. I =do( me to o es ..diary oda performed by foot Medicine, =I tell -you am troth, I =peeled there was wma Idaho; theca But I was indueed t ha t so. sad .m 0 very thankful I did: ).a s my that I KID nitirell,2l4,but am so far record - ed as to Minot:ay I:quaint:mond Eqpt to he entire, ly well ins kw wab. atsl.pam the Aide, land *blare= ham kft me ad ouse but very /MI-, and am Cut gaining my oat= stren;tla. I !chit a duly to give you • Wawa:tit of my case, to publish it you please. Bluma, 47 Look st, Brooklyn. Opinions of Phislelacia • Dr Townshend is almost gaily reexeing orders hose phy tidal. in ithYerint pa. of the Union. This is Weedily that we, the 'undeniyned, Physicians of the City of Xllssay, Ws in nanserons eases prewribe4 Dr. Townsend's SszsacerilLi,:and belkse it tote one of the most valuable preparations of tit Saneparilla iss die marital. • Pcuna, n, - • J x n, B Dianne,. n, Albany, dprif g 160. P EEciinmai , a n., .dm is to certify that et, the inidenigned, practicing Thomsen. ithysieUns of Der City orAlbany hoe firiersit ly yirricribed Dr TOWT.Litell CO . UIPra ..d E . zlnct bates, peril La, and feria its knows qoahlies woul rttemittrod it.. the public Or mercurial, scrofulous, and.otber's otaneousdif eawi in prielbreare to au, of We ltdrertixd remedies now in use. A W T A Daly April% IHI. Wit D firearms, r r. Prine,pcloifiee, I L Fritton s 1 800. Esibiling . ,ll_Y; lbcd Nude et. &Wm: Dr Lyon 4. Am', b Seg. =la S S Hance, dr 'WU,..4 by dr a aerial- threit We limbed States, Irbr uo tUrrn est sod the sis . . Noue genuine, =less put up is We huge square. bottles, Lib eouthis • quart aiweed with tbeerriilth dap:at:the of S P TOWN , END i sodhissathe likewu on the Was. Prom the New Yurk Daily Express of April p, I-47, th=e " lirg, an.. 4 =1,17A1.7;17,T0j= The wbo ' is Wag is rt...ep LEI good taste: rose of the mat. mewsl laudicaliwpaniusepare beautiful whirl:, together with the wall wterk, us gold, Vl:it:sin. ID the sth, wade • show reedy equalled Broadway. We take this oppoct unity to say we Lelia,* Dm tallest of the Saraapari/la deserres the way great popularity itth• acquired. .211.[TOMS Debility. Naw You,Slareli 27,1847 Dr. Tovniandi-1 have been &Meted more or less for a yrars with detrital...king in th e chea t giddiness in We had, of appetite, }Wilt. Lha liming and general debilaty, bronht ;I:doubt bran continual heat min cold to which lam tab' to in my Miriam ...dyer 1 ham taken other =dickers; =OM.b mentron, hot with link 0ra1...- min was induced by what sari so the piper.. try a battle sr year Sarraparil's, Gm which! Mond great relict 1 have ine. taken mmralmors Mark., and! on nahesitntinly my it 1. We beat 'oar/Wino 1 ham ma Wien—the pain my chest's goat, mad 1 fml9oitl a different man altoge th er Awe 1 ines take° yournataaparilla. !Imre now a better appetits tharamer My wile Imibilen it with then. benefi cial mutt. I wool. warominend •itas • family toe/Inane imiertilly, and 1 feel anerimeal that if so ...them would mit be bait We richness Went is, ud eomegoently _mei so malty Doctorat Cur while it no-norm mmetite, st als o Kim 1. the stomach and Wirth their legal. room it keep. in a imalthj . state, to th at Dann. is not /whitely to Otteklis. rpm= And to all who am not in al -imlthystabe,l say 1.17 Dr Townsend'. tasnaparina. • Tuesus Elarrn, 78 Alka a. • Canker In the !loath Below tem scrected of mother chkd erred Dr Towneradh Sono - lla has wed the line of tbouwadi or children Thehalter/At; cerlilkate .seleeted from • groat slumber received tat. week • Naar Yoaa, Apri14,1847. Toviaitrad: Dear: Dm tar) .irk »DA tbe Cancer iv tits mouth and throat. attruded with greal4.thiliq. llama !war clyim I WI/tined an, or yam tatellest MOdiCitit, sad Heaved at dtrectly, tallish I ens yr.* you heel acti grateful.' Yana maptrartdly, Lumaarre Powt.aa,ll7 Mgr... at. bal ...For .b 7 R DRI.L,ERS Druggist, N 057 -%S ocd Inflate% 3d and 4th sta., - who has bets appninal by Dr ;11.pyNSEND Pak 46mat Aar Altriban . : as . hltryV • 'Dr.-t.'Pellit's - lmeritan Eye. Salve:- ... aTIS Rercedy,thet has wrought m many coma by n external epplicatlon, Is now kr. sato .by , tn_ JACKSON ED Libany .treet. • - : .• It has cited Dasocandi of weak. sore,Kranalated and diseased eyes, of resent, or the P.M aggrairstrd and ob.. Wince chime exam area of 21t yokel ! Vending, and where cveryothet known remedy and pmenption tried 'kap faded of neesse.: I.lawellkaowathat a sure rent , 1 Maddock, 'l3 North Eleventh at: l'hila. C %V Appleton, hl D 411 South at. do Timothy Caldwell, Marion co. Minoan. Daniel Veakel, Chesnut 11111 , Phil..delphia en. Ps. Jonn Harned,39o High street, Philo. llitm Steeling, M D, Camden, N. J. William Hale, :OH High etreet, J H Potter,Manufacturar of Mineral Tooth, 109 S Ninth street. Phila. L It Wollenweber, Ed. Phila. Democrat 277 N 3d street, do G eorge W Mont. Itruah Maker, 317 Market St. Ezra Darr. 159 Chesnut street, Phila. A 11 Gillette, Pwaor of P.levonth Baptiet Church, John Bell. Eno Street, Philadelphia, (North Amer! • can office.) Aaron Sande, Kb Catharine Street, Phil.. Daniel Mali iolon, r.casler's Alley, do Andrew Swear., Camden, N J H Evans, Wt./Phila. _Li chard It. Young, Gilder, 409 Market it. Min John W Ashmend, 60 South Sixth ntreet, du T S Wagner. Lithographer, 116 Chesnut street, do B J finned, 103 Eleventh street, do Peter Shen Smith, Editor Distivo Eagle, do Joel Boding, Glass tonnufacturor, Williamstown ham :gray, Farmington, Van Buren co. lows I. It Colea, hi D, Boston,filase. . . Russel Canfield, Phasiologmt, Philadelphia. Thomas P S Roby MU, lisrrisbur r gh, Ps. Peter Wrtglit,WJ Market street, Phila. James W fieeflio, 103 Filbert at. do • John Good, 174 Spruce at. do William Itne, Pastor SLYanrs M. E.Ch. Catharine St. PIMA. John Chambers, Pastor ht Indep. Church, Broad at, do T L Sanders, l'ablialor of 'lodge and Standard, F P Sellers, Editor Olive B - •neh, Doylestown; Wholesale and Retail by ttowand Walton, Pro. prictem, 376 Market St. Philadelphia. H E Sellers, 7 Wood at. Pittsburgh, Pa.; Wm. Tho n,stt Mar ket st do.; E B Perkins, Marietta, Ohio; Seaton & Sharp, Itlaysville, K Y; John W Danentio,",e,Gin., Ohio; Soleil & Iteeres,Madiaon fair: &obi e,Loina stile, K Y; Deverotick & Pellous. St. Louis, Mo. P II McGraw, Notches, tills.; H odawar & John sum yecksburgh, do; Charles Jenkins, New Oilcan I.• UM=LMMI CULLEN'S INDIAN VEGETABLY. 11 REMEDY—Warranted to cure, or Bailin:on. oy returned. This medicinal. prepared from an In. di. Receipt, obtained from ono of them. the Far Wed, at great taped.. Those who bne bean familiar with the Indian., know that they can and do cure Venereal without the.kaowitidge al Men eery, Bahvam, or anything of the kind. rho af. dieted have now an opportuni .of being cared withon the use of . T his medicine In bleasant to the Mate, and leaves no smell on th e reath. • Prepared by ROWAND & WALTON and sold wboletolo atd fetid, by J. Rowand, 376 Marta , . For sale in Pitteboripb by. E B Sellemi b 7 wood stmt, and by Win, horajte Muket tt, cerAwT ===4Mag PHII ADVERTISEMENTS- p DAMSON i CO., , 7-.. ,, , ~ 2 , 4.80 jiy,k, f gs f aisdlai drom telosrAi' !Offairth silly and. Wh o lesaleDcri - ggyprigTEßs .lent Irt.Watehcs, /Watch Blanes and idfUertals Jerwelry.otaP.desenp• tient, qualities and aryles, cempris'fig all the ankles corrected with the trade. . . , Clocks, Pigott te. Bon's Urntirda,Geretart Britenind Silver pitted wares Sheraeld and Birmingham eland fumy pfileies, Ro4ger• a. Bon's and Westenbolneseat. 1 .,. r ..., els.rv, masers, desk Knives, the, ivory handled übleatiery of the finest, ozedunn and cm. mom ' nullities A large assortment at grad pees , pert g„,.l e p e e es, papier emehe and ;spanned trays, *avian strap*. _and qualities, nefroduced rates. gold watch eves and silver wsre' of all descriptions min i allictured to tiler. DICKSO & CO.. haring ceramic removed into the large nod mmeslions warehouse formerly occupied by Messrs Asbhurst re Sons. and more -recently by Ashhurst Penniman, beg lisyn• teinfoim Wale .Dealers;Bouthern and Western Merchant* and mhos that they design having st all'umes an assonermer or rioods of their own importation which they are deter mined nisei at the lowest rates. . I:l7.Eyery attention veld be paid to the !milting of Goode and in the execution of orders, the...qualities and prices will be fully guarantied against all competition. .31 STEAM 111021 BAILING IPACTORTk IDGE ROAD, above Buttonirood Street, Phil 1,111. adelphia -At thia establishment may be found theist:dad sanely of Maus and beautiful Pattern. for IRON RAILINGS in the United States, to which the attentiOn 01 those in wantornoy descry lion, and eapccially for Cemeteries, is particularly invited. The principal part of all the handsome Railing. at Level Hill, Monument, and other celebrated 'cemeteries in the city and county of Philadelphia, which hare been so highly extolled by •the public press, were executed at this manufactory. A large Ware... Room is connected' with the estab• lishment, where is kept constaatly On timid a large stock of ready-made Iron Railing., Ornamental iron Settees. Iron Chain, new style plain and ornamen tal Iron Gates. with an extensive assortment of Iron Post., Pedestal., Iron Arbors, &c, Also, in grmt variety, Pr sought andeast trOnOrnaments, suitable for Railings, and other purposes. The subscriber would also state that in his Pat_ tern and Designing Depirttnent he has employed some of the best talent in the country, whose whole 'attention is devoted to the busineu—forming alto+ nether one of the most complete dud systematic esk. tablishmen of the kind in the Union. ROBERT WOOD, Proprietor. Ridge Road, above•Butterivrood insect rhibidelphia, Nlarch 1., 1817 FALL MILLINERY GOODIS. JOON STONE & TONS, Importers and Dralcr• in Sala. RiMona and M (finery A'o 4,i .woise, Sccon,l-at, Philadelphln, A RE now opening for the }Ai I 'Fr.& a eery rich mart ,tlal of.MILLINFAV GOODS, a lirge proportion of which are of their own inpartafino, Son.. Sag, figumt .4 plai. [linnet Satins of al MO,/ and qualities. Fancy Donort .d Cap Ribbons, a ctrl handimsme wort mem. Silk Mille,. Silk Vdwgblack.W tolorcl of ell qualities. Freack and Jule. lain A mewls' t. losen . • . Fancy Lerve, Cap Stuff., I arc Trimmings. Bonnet Crow, s,Ttps, Dm-trams, &e. They trill atm reeche L) w. neat French &termer, (copec k& duly very beautilh: aasortemot of Fancy nether., direct from the ramarkturcre in Peri.. rhdadslyhi_a, Atstuta, J. JUEL, ARTIPICLIL PLOWER NIEUPACTURBE, Al, 156 North Third Sired, ABOTZ OWN, 'TWILIT. 1411LAD6L3•111A, • - HAU on ham!, and manufactures to order. linif,elal Flowers, Featlmre, Tar!Moo, and Faeo Caps, La• dies' Dress Cam . , Border...4l%ll*mm, he. Attlee.). demrlption or Fancy Liewds, which he will sell ai the lowest market price,. N H.—Feathers died, cleaned, altered, and shaded. =3==M RIDGIVII & REEILE, 37 rNerrh Mem., Winn. 14terurirt, VOThR for sale ar the wren Forces, all armlet of the Ott Trade Their noes ia vaned and even. seve,sonl they feel confident of arvina satisfaction to dame nto eat. They have now on hood— rote epertil 03. White Waiter and Foil Oily, of diluent qualities. lialar Oil 1 Winterpterred Lard Oil WISIZer elephant tad Whaio Refined. Raefied.and t ottoman /V hale Oil. • •• Sp.Tos Cam] Gattkno dr .4.e. N. defiven.ll to first rate °mk. al<ro GUNS. EDWARD K TRVON N. 13.1 Nora tinrond cool Philadelphia, ANLIF Act - URFA{ nod 131r0FITEK of canal Gan., 1V1.11.11,6 and Powder Stun U.K.. Si. rmr6r Po•drl, Pefeubsiop Cap., t 4.1 Wad., WU end I.l4auk_eattridge, &e Also—Six ll.uvel Revolving Pim!a and otaignabior Gun Malice. a•e. ...Ilona made Maude, and repairs neatly executed 11.rAny C. 141 arh.eh I tell will he proved. if dettred, i . rill . Ertenee of the purchaser silt NABNLYTII'SPATFINTDII77OO-T•AUTIUSI . - - ISTE-1,11 ' • PHIS hammer muty ad vantages oven all Otbn , n— , stnona wh , ch may be snent.oned, Its Mattagamilenrw.—Thr raintlatty snd toice of blow may be contmlled. tnn Sr , ate..1..'0 the Onnstort is ia operanon, and bantror r may be in .t.tut:y a ren.t.nr. and survenard at any br.ala. I.llnnensality, or earatnty eareun- mock of all [anis, ifOM iltclurge,t w tbe as.t.Uor tan aame Isartnncr - lu Sempl:elty, Campaetnere and CLeopneas. Aereseshility upon h• the workmen. All the hammers are made f.Selt.Arung. The subscriber. emtunue to execute ordere for thew hamme ot all axes, upon reawmable term.. For farth rs, er Manlcalarsononire of MIKARICK&TOWNE, Asslernoes of the Taunt fordo. Vented Soltelk drelSeiy routuwark Foundry, Phtladlote . . DEItItY NIUKEILSO?i, aretfneeurers of • AWNINGS, SACKING BOTTOMS, WAGON COVERS AND GRAIN RAGS DI ALL omscatrnons No. 354 Soc!th Ifroot Street. Back of 7 .4. Wilson's Cabinet Wail Manofy PITIL A.DIMPITTA-• A 1.1..0rd , ts leis v.:a:, Moan, at Luc al,:ea. of the A P.uskagh, wnl t , o ttend,' to. rilOtt 111.1(RV ncplO-dtx A. C NG:KNOWN ISMIOM WILLIAM OGLE, COACH AND ; ITMLVES.4 AL-WER, Chrsmit rt rhaado(plia, taw of the Brio of Ock shspi.a.„: liiratwas. iw . spr.full) inform his r. • aid the public, that k. his .1,,d will harp coo.otly on hand =4 Lr sals.• hiudiasos a...mime. of sullinsuble Carriog.. Vehselet pf style* gni descra tams made In cinder si the shortest p d hoticc, siL ute r to th• vrry. brit suatif r. of 'slated inaterint ,fIXI3-1 MISCELLANEOUS , , • ' ACIIKNOT FOCL K b ATENTIS. IS'ashington, I). C. 7ENAs C. ROBBINtri a blechanfeal Engineer and LI Agent for Orocuring Patente, will prepare die ne 'coseearit Urawince and Pepe. for Applicants for rel ents, and trammel all pd., .zuslort• •in the line of As profession at lire Potent Mee. Ile eon he eorwolted n all question. relaung to toe Patent Lawn and deer. mon. in the Untied 'Stews or Europe Pe eons at a donance dotted* of having egammatinne made at the Patent Office. prior to rollmop application far a petrel, mo p formurd [pow pan). enclosing n fee of five dAllarr. a clear etatement of their caw, when inneedtate attest. non will he given to it. and all the intormation duo couW he ohlamd bye visit of the applicant in portent ptolopliy Cominonicaled. Al t t letters o n nu/Lamm Mug 0 . post paid. and cornett a ahle foe. wherna written opinion is reqeired. Office on F. etrceu opposite the Peter. Offlce. Ile hue the honor of referring, try onetime., to Ilan. Edmund Burke, Cortuatesioner of Patents; Ilan. II I. I•3lsworth, late do do do; II Knowlee. Machinist, Patent OZoi; Judge Crunch, WoMegton. C; Ilan. it Choate, blammehtmetts, U Senate; Uwe W Allem Ohne do; Ilon•J C, bltssouri; lion. Willie IllL New Yok; ' lion. Rotten Smith, in C. silicate, Ilea. 8 Preece, U 88m:tete: lion. J 11 ROM, M C, Missouri; Capt. 1111 Btrreire•Jdr:!,Tiji, be(me—mWe on the meot approved (astern planr and melt &china able Cameo. patterns riot colors Also THE CHEAP ROLL, or aosrum 111.1N13, on hand or made reorder of all .In and at ail prices Country Alerebants and others are invited to call and examine the above foe themselves, es ail will be sold wholesale or retail, and a liberal dedaenoo made to wholesale purchasers. notate A ivERTfiRVF.L.T Dr. J. rellit's Universal Canker neuierr. FEW bottler aDoct. J. Pettit's "Canker remedy ui long known and thoroughly Wed.-has been Just obtained •nd for .ale by Win.JACKSoON,tO Liberty Street it is the mare. mare, and certain remedy in In cues oat of ?A for all ordinary or extraordinary, and moss aggravated of recent or chronic ituroing sore Mouth, calomel more mouth, swelled tonsil 'err sipelas, canker rash, incipient bronchia. and nuirwy, putrid eore throats black tollgate, and all rlllll. ofcom ker, in the mouth, throat, and stomach. when applied in accordimece with the di reetions aretiumemy ing each bottle. The antele received is known to he genuine Price 40 CLS per bottle. T. Janes. Italian Chemical soap. — H all kinds of erupttons and diereses of e Skin; (T OR each as Ponples,l/lotches,Salt Rheum Scurvy. Heal Spots, chopped or crocked Skin, and for all other diem, ses of the Skin, which require external remedies, this Soap stands unpainlird. It ohm dispels Freckle., Sun , tern, blorphew, Tan, and changes the color of dark; yellow, or disfigured skin, to a fine, healthy, Tunable', cleanses.. A (rub supply, warmnicil genuine, and far solo at the reduced ;trice of :In per coke. Ins just been received, is offered for said by II A FAIINESfiOCK 'A Co, corner 1.1 and wood and ono at the corner of sixth and wood rte. 'OllO lIENTLENIEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, (at whole tif E TODD. tuanufactoters Agents , No GI Wood a., up stair; two doom below that, Noliew the attention of powthasers of °maims= Furuithiug floods to our Stock of new and fashiouable goods, manufactured expressly gar uur own sake. warm.' well made and eire perfect satistution.• and we .vrould call the attention of porchasera and our custo mers to one cam of superfine No I Troy Shies, Jost received; oue nue medium quality, do. with both white ud striped of cry description and unity with prism to wit purchaser.; another caw of those Patent Switel Joint Dram! Gum Elto.. Resume...len just opened with various 1011.1101 d p ri ces. We Would solicit lb. calls of pardoners who are' in the habit of pin; over the mountains for goods, to call and maim our tock, as we are confidentnoßsjap.. netted, can ludo. than to look Rather, but wareus assoth. tar call. SARSAPARILLA-1364t0n, Comp Fluid Est Sarsaparilla. marpe nrchant's ter's d Comp. o Fluid Ext. Sarsaparilla; C • • do; Comstock's do do; Towniend's do do. Cottranily on hand and for sale by D A FAIINFAL TOME k. Co., comer of iirst 'data wood and wood and sixth sts Iva limb:ad . * Celebrated. Fluid Agenda. • . od nr ' nn7e of Afrigner nrw.n%frown all t w h=cia , l . :gutatt oLtl io e m lsl‘fra m amen- acro in the bovrelsior rout toJnrirMiy upon Ban =ls of On otomarb 01. intle rpoonful of the Fltnof Magnesia imply_ Oant in Arrngth to hints tralpocmfol ot &Innen.. For ode BA FA ILNESTOCK A CO, coma nnd ;Foot and Moil and ekes, •- • • • ' • • • - • - - ifOTEI,S. YOVSTSI 13GMT ',STREET, 'BALTIMORE, iiiTHURSTOI, Proprietoii. TIIIS estabiishi cot king and widely known as being' 1 one of tun most comumutocs in the city of Baltintote, bait recently undergone very extensive altemtions end •improvements. An entire new wing 11as been - lidded, containing numerous and airy steeples apartments, and extension baleingrocaut. The Ladles , department has also been completely te• organized and Wed up in • most unique and beautiful , style. , le fact Ike whole airangement of the lloooe has been. mmodeled; with • single bye on the part of the proprietors towards the comfon and plesatte of their Guests, and which they Confidently assert will dial• Their sultan! and hinny which tbe market atkirda served op in • superior style, while to the way of Wilms, ac-, they wilt not be surpassed. [nem:relation tote proprieSare beg to say, that nothing will be left undone on their parr, and en the nano( their 1.4012111, to render this Hotel worthy the condoned patronage of their fnettds and Ste public generally. Tbo prices forkaard have also been twisted to the altowi rates:- SI 'Myer day: ' Gentlemon be N. B. The Baggitge 'Waggon of the Howe w 111.1.• ways be found at the Car and SteamboatLeoulings, which will convey baggage to and from the HMG, free of charge. myattf DEMIL STELEMT HOUSE, Ctsetianatl, 0111Cie-The subscribers having. parch el Me en tire interest of Col. 0 P Williamson, late of this well known testablishment.beg leave to state tether friends land the Patine generally, that they have taken this. tommodions Hotel rot a term of years end will exert heir beet energies to make it a deeirable home for Tmv ellers and City Donnie... The Hotel is spaeionefand admirably planned for con venience light and air, having a number of parlors •dloininichmediers, presenting unusual altraCtlo/01 TO la . rho present pow Helen basing bad the experience of are in this city and elsewhere, hope they . will be able to give general satiefaction, being determined to giv e .thv:ded attention tO the house atone. The location orrhe Pearl threat Houma IS inteotainoorg eligible, having fronts on Pearl, Walnut and Third War so that it is egnelly desirable in view of the conceal mice of business men or retirement forprivate boarders. It Is near by the banks, the Post Office, the .Ilmortro 11,11.0dd Fellows HalL and butonesguarodretant from Main street and two µlumen from the City 14 had. thus offering the greatest inducements, especially to country merchants and generally to all perm. viarting Clncin nati. JOHN NOBLE ain JOHN A DU/JLE Unman,WWeddell Cleveland, U. BPLEN DID HOTEL. was opened on the With of Jane, for the reception of company. The edifice (runts one hundred and ywentv..five get onßaperiorwL, and one hundred and ninety-five ft on Dank-et; and cantatas over two hundred Inrge isiry chambers nod forty private parlors all of which have been furnished with the most eerily furniture. The drawing roams nig, spacious and surpass in elegance. anything of the knad in the United States. The e, ang nmm i gentlemin's parlors, reeding room.. offic and dreaming roma are all targo. airy, and famished with ery luxury and comfort that motley min procure. Its over two years since the corner stone of this magnificent Straelltre was laid by Memo. P. N. 44,d. della Son. No egpeure hes Leen spared by them m make Al equal rf rat superior to any hotel In the Union, and an ornament to the city . _ Carriages vrill,be in waiting at at all 11111... convey narraters ;pang from the boats free of charge. Clowelnnol Prly 1 . :,(13rn A t+ BARNUM ADAMS HOUSE, HUSTON . . ' 'HIS nit wand splendid alai behment erected damns 14te put teases, Is now open the the receptiokpf transient amt permanent Leaden. The demand fur the reared and superior accommoda tions for the travelling puALu, sugocabed to tie peopeie tor Me plan of gamma a hotel, which. for splendor and conventenee, should he unrivalled in We Union. And while he Its 'pared neither pains nor expense in the attainment of this deatrable obleet. ho icaves the to decide Low fur he La succeeded. This House amain. 150 apartmenta r conveniently miaowed In suites awl single rooms. Thefunoturc was made 'to order with panteular attention Monday sad conveiheuce. to well as style and splendor. All the modern lovennotas have been made aubwrvicat to the traveller's can and comfort. and an experience of 30 yeah has enabled the proprietor to introduce many /111ptO,C1111.11111 which, as yet, are peculiar to this Ilona. Located on the principal street. within three minutes walk of Me met Southern and Vattern railroad deh pas and the hushiess section of the coy. thisestablish went cantatas itself In the patronage of the 150.11.52 and pleasure travel. L ADAMS Boma Ante 1147. JelSealle COLUMBIA ISILIWiIt, Charles Street, between Market and Lombard Meseta. Baltimore. Tazsuh.enbcr lannoc mann the above cstab lisltmrot- °trawl.. tern Ice. to tbr Mtiscus and poalm nencrolly. It HI etmoomenlTY 00 0nMO ao frottle the gleomtmate nod Natirond Despot—ss in the matelot the mote ettensive importing Ilo•ee—.nd In foci, she locanon offer• to Mom 'Hsiang Mo city, a. am . ny convpmenres and comforts a. am other principal Hotel. . - The boos, ts non Ewing fitted up with new forrtunh, +4 good tame and style. and wtll he open to the peldie on theUday of - Ap01,1617 The proprietor trams that hmenretuttungedor , • to Nene, will secure to him a portmo of the public palming, resident as swell as trao•teaL W W DIX, • 40c of the &Imo( Dix Fong nolootorr. 0+ ,12 , 1E47 InylStOm Al..t.htity: NY _ea Market sr Imbeeriber (late Of the Washington lintel. I lent aborgh. Pa 1 lake. thm method at 1m Gaut; h» oldirlends and dm public yew rally.that he haa taken the rilioV natnefl 11171.1 . 1. The floa.e l• Wry and coinfoeMlllo and has ttecst extetrovaly altered and Improved. and the propr.mot hopes by ainnet utteatton bealnert and a proper care for the comfort of his ear eta. to rarer and meet,: a share of public patrwmge 'I ho Homo ...mated very colleen:cot for the Travel. low Pohl...ltems only two doom above the Itarrieturg aro] Pnwhargh Depot. amt wnhm two ornate% Walk of the lielornore and Reading Depot. DEALILIPiti to- Mehed to rho pt.:awes Terms. It par day E P Proprietor Allegheny Noose, PION. August te,lSt7wpted3ot JONES , HOTEL, go. 164 turnout limo. Pathaimumm. ryniti Subsenbers, under the firm of Ramona & Wrn, T have purchased 31r-lottes' tutereatto this esanblivh• talcnt. and her miten - ionin woo. And eoniking of them gut,. A. to merit a conlinitance UM' liberal patronage nermaihre recetved WI its former prom:mar. • The home hattheen thoroughly renovate&and repair. , rd; ercibcreforr (eel assured we can welcome our Mends and Mr public to necommodations cline io any in the city of Pudadelphus. N W W Pte, jr=ti . • ._ J XlO WEbs-T. :GALT 110IISE Corner Main - and lllsth Si., Cincinnati. I. ',ow In the ler_ili.recr,Ut the recepi.on of 'tlia'Erareling !Urine under gene a thorongh repalr,durnig the past winter. end haying the roost•esperienead ate, in the west, ia the plsous deparonents. 1 deur, myself all wall be eased mil( call. The location interim!, cont.:dices and pleas=. Eve el per day. . Caleinnal ;Attach la, N 7. W E hIA RII 5. 13.—Although not catch • new Broom, It is the nnte—a new Whist on the old handle. TiIItOCKSIOUTON'S rGALT tIOUSIC, Landaulllei Ky. ItIS TIIIROCK MORTON negs to aeon's= his XI. friends Thal he' is again !came of the GA LT HO V SE, Louisville, Ky.orrhere he hopes to meet all hi. old (tirade, 'assuring them and the public, that no effort *ball be spared to make oli eourfisruthle who favor tom with their patronage , Jan! idly WATER CURE HOUSES. ROUND IDLE, 'WATER CURE ESTAB. I.ISII.IIIfiNT—N(I9.THAMI'CON, M CC IV 411111. D. Sitar. W sm. mu. Propeintess. Dr. Eneeaut E. unseen. Resident Physician. Till , delightful astahlishment as situated Mutat half a male 1 west of the beautiful village of Northampton, at an e tam of about eta fret More the Connecticut after, which it overlooks. 'lli—grounds sunomiltag the Establishment, compri-e about forty acres, which an entirely appropriated to the use Ma pleasure of the Yatienti. Amidst beautiful roars and primitive forest trees are numerous Cost path., em pletey shaded, and affording healthful .d plemant walks for nearly four miles. . . The Cliplcions and commodious buildiugs of Om establish. my are located upon tla eastern brow of the hill , and met look one of the most eticbmtiog mbcap.' in the world lsomedimely in front, Se the villsce of Northamptou, with as numeral. end handsome dwelling, amidst the dense Mingo f luny ma overhanging elms. mther on to the eut are the riel moilowsof .nisrthemptostand Hadley decimate the velvet mediae of Spnog or the rar . 2: i ed With:nerds of almoner and autumn. Midway, for north and south, Is sem th e smooth and gluey surface 0 the Connecticut, slowly inidng its way to the omen On them:Hon imme diate proems is the village of Hatfield with ite rich md beeet.th Mom on the east is the flourishing s Wage of Had ley, and also of Amherst with its Co ll ege.; while m the dis tance, with the MI of a glass. moy be um m esternive and greedy diversified range of county. Oss the south-amt, at thous II miles distiusee, is hlnuot Holuke, iu dress of e ser.loing green: , and • little beyond re seen the pleasant village ar.Mouslladayi on the south, we behold at about 4 , Mee &stoma, the mutate Mount Tons, nerd the charming village of East Hampton, with as e agora school edifices, ahe whole, pre. talog • minstanatioo of ware scenery un antpeamd. pertapt unclisal cd, by any other iu the world. It was remarked by • gentlemen, who 100 spout soma thirty years of his if in seros. !arta of Europe, that' be never belied • scene to perfectly beautithl end enchanting The wromancelahous ar Round 11111 are very airy and spa ious, and are amply sufficient the upwards of one hundred ifitly Wan. It Is provided with an abundance of the purest opting era.' ter and every other requisite for the folio perket lion of this papule" saul wonderfully succem . ful medians of ' onto-Angled on impaired health. • De Donnishon who resides in the estala idanent, is • gentle man a eulaiged experience, evu educated in Eurolm Max 'he enjoyed the suliantageo of oneral yean pram'. hi the celebrated hospitele of lilmbergmtd md bas been • succendhl Practioiser in this vicinity fot several y cars— Patient. may there repose enbreconfulame iv hmkllland diseretiort. • . Ampii provision ,i• made for attest:Lae, Among lime exit Voyed are severa I well inetroctedGerl.ll aortas. Taw of Eloardieg, ineludiNg medical advice 410. Ca tleuts rah be tlsyrdied with every article for packing, 4, • the cost of the vtiars. Northamytoo, Mau, hug. sth 147. ' ul7-In IsIlE itstowNSVILLE WATER CURE EdTAII MF\T opened on the loth of August, under the GGof C attending Physiciaa; and Mr. lUFEITILY.manoger of the Imarding Department; bay been erected exprra4y for the purpose, and is well calculated to accommodate twenty five .patiA. Its situation is healthy and the ourraunding country is pic turesque. the immediate neighborhood abounds In pure soft water opting., from four of which the baths are at preeentsopplied Every facility tor the restoration of health tio the insalid a bete offered—pure Air, water of finert quality, and a sheltered. cool Halation • The Doctor retitle. in the .tablishinent. Commen dation on the system it inniecessary,. A al. an nom 'nitration of the diseases curable by water, as it has be. come so generally knovon, and favorably received by the community at large. Each patient is regaired m remise for the sweating, and other preeem., the following articles: two large thick WOW, a blankets, Mice cortilociable. ors feather bed. one coarse cotton sheer, and a linen sheet that ran be mulatto bandages, also Ma coarse towels. Very feeble patients ote required to i•rinit an attend. ant with them, for whom Lentil end be obtained in the establiMment. Teasts—Eaelt Peuent topay six dollars per week for medical edriceolso of the bees, arid attendance dating . the proms°, board end Indents. raiment to be wade weekly. Mani for say esslstrlft . brotight by Patients two dol • lan per week 12.5111 m SILVER WARE EANUJOACTORT. 4 11Eflubscriber !cep. cormantly 2 asoodamortmot; and manufsritares to order, table. tea, nerd desert spoons, cream. gravy and mustard spoons. soup Wiles. and augur longs, boiler and Ash knives, threaded and plain forks; at the lowest prises W W WILSON 'VW' coiner market and ith 'Meek Igardß 3 l::. Lando att for piecing mond papers and pareelsofertrt itesenptiott—in an instant one can be placed round a peeket of papers holding them firm at. the same time, .towel or reduction without aspic.. or compactness. . J H old Q FLLER"--Jats resetsed._per 10 Packet Ship,Saranack, 4 casks mSpancer's" Cast Steel Files,comprminst a very general assortment The atientiiin of Muhtnists and consumers saponify. Is Invited. L.CMANt ICHNNE:DY rAIefF—YOMMi prime old Onta ree'd; for it • spa Wt K McCUTCHEON,I4 libCraY it TRANSPORTATION LINES ItEUVLAB. , MORNING .PACESTITOR BIC A VZIEL. • • r The siew rure=did soterwee CrtaLeberlee llooPes aratrnees• her regular mp• this day, leavorg.'pora burgh at 9 &clack, a Beaver at* o'clock, e esonectieg arra Prusbuiatt and Clevelaad Ulla of rod 1 Howie daily to aevelaud. 04 Beaver. Warren sod t onsClerel Lime of Canal Packets sad &age Corxtea daily oWan and academe Canal Packet Immo to New Castle and . Grew:tante. Pa.,- Erie,Eutormion Lief m Meadville and Erie. Nell. Moore Co's Lax:sof Strore Coaches for Cleveland sad Wooster. lease Ikarr vrer doily sox the arrival of steamboat Bearer frost Pittsburgh Apply to m itiwros co, riuthant, enl4 CLAREPAO Co. Beaver • USION LINE. initilM 1847 - .twr&Z ON THE PLPINCILVANIA - AND OHIO CANAL!, BINWEEN PITTSBURGH AND CLEVELAND. E N PARKS fr. Co, Cleveland, O. R 6 PARKS, BUtiver, Pa. . Propri etors.' W T MATHER., Pittsburgh, Pa. THE. above Lim is now fatly prepared to transport Freight and Passengers from PitutharaltandCieve land, to any point on the Penusylvanta & Ohio nod OittO Canals. The facilities of said Line are not efinalled by .y on said Canals, in intimbers and capacity of Roam, tape.' niece, of Captains and promptnessof Agent., ... one Boat leaves Pittsburgh and Cleveland daily. rum, :Una in connection with the Steamer.. . Michigan and Lake Erie, between Pittsburgh and Deaver, and a Line of first el.. Steamboats, Propel let.. Brigs and Schooners, on Lakes - Erie, Harr; /di cing. and Ontario Property forwarded to any part of the Union with despatch. E N PARES & Co, Cleveland, Asia REED PARRS & Co, Seaver, Ars W T .MATHER, Pittsburgh, Aft , Cor Water and,Smlthileld wean SUNDIEII. AILB.AINGIMENTB. iffit i 18 47. 110.11ONGAMILLA ROUTE, BROWNSVILLE AND CUMBERLAND TO BAL— TIMORE AND PHILADELPHIA. Time to Baltimore ..... ..... boom Time to Philadelphia 40 " - [Only Itllttiles Staging.) TIIR splendid and tuns...lnc simmers Coneal, Lea i s McLane and Swatara, have commenced making double daily trips. One boat will leave the !dowers. halts whad every morning precisely . ett 8 o'clock.— Passengers by the morning line will arrive In Baltimore n eat evening in time tor the Philadelphia Stall Boat, or Rail Road ears. Tke meow Boat will leave the wharf daily at 6 detect, except Sanders. Passengers by this boat will lodge en board, in comfortable state morns; leave Brownsville nest morning at 6 o'clock; Croe3 toe mountains in day light; sup and lodge 'nth.. betiand. Thus avoiding night travel altogether. The prepurationa on this mate see ample, and the connection template; so that disappointments or delays will be no. boos. upon it. P.sengers can stop on the 001110 000 sesame 'their seam 'sigma at pleasure, and have choice of Rail Road or Steamboat between Baltimore and Philadelphia. Coaches chartered IC parties 10MVO as they desire. Semite roar tickets at the office, MoneVelaßouse, or 81 Charles Hotel. J ' RISEN rebid TO CLEVELAND vW WARES/11. l a r ia 1847. E THROUGH IN 94 HOURS. P ncicrr Bruns Swallow and Telegraph leave Dea . daily, et 3 o'clock r after the arrival of the rtiorulog Roar from Pittsburgh. and arrive at Warren lo time for the Mail Lane or Stages, which leave immedi ately thereafter. and arrive at Cleveland at 3delock, r. This route is the most expeditienur and comfortable one so the Laker, COTES fr. LEERING WELL, Prapet REED PA - REH k. Co, Braver, A gems • JOHN A CAUGHET, comer Waver and Smithfield Ina apply Opposite the Monongahela Haase Plusbargh 1144.4 , 41.10:1Twf),44 , 1'ati11:1 lima 1847. 6r tain t PACKFIT AND FREIGIST LINE. . I , I , S v M ti r e .. ., isZo f freight g an d junta ge b :rwe Beaver and Greenville, by which frektht and pits wagers between the faro points, will he earned tromp& and at Ike lowest eaten WICKS ARCHER Greenville, Alta CRAIG & FRAMPTON, CI ilie, do; hIeFA RLAND lc KING, Big Bend; do; HAYS /r. PLUMB. Sherwin:mew ' do; W C SIALAN, Sharon, do; WM. SIATHEIVS, Patera - I; • do; REKD, PARKS de Crs Beaver. do; JOHN A en UGHBV, corner Wetter and Smithfield se. aptly °ems. the Mersengabeth Howe, Pinata:lth CITIZEIBI PORTABLE BOAT UNE. 1847. ANIMISt, ton 11-10 TRAIIIMORTATIOA OF AL_ . KINDS OF MERCHANDISE TO AND FROM Philadelphia, Baltiaaers, Now Yeek and Bartow. THE etheatragement this line has received since its•commenniment, has induced the propne, tors to incream the stnek by adding a number of fir elan boats; and instead ofgiving receipts so hereto. fore as agents, we will glee our own receipts for freight shippe d by this Its.. The boats are all mumble, cernereetly freight is taken the whole distance . without transhipment, thereby preventing damage from .frequent handling on the route, sod as each boats owned by the Captain who runs them ' which is a relfteiett guar anteckhat there will bet so delay on the route. All PriAnce or Merchandise consigned to the undenigeed will be forwarded FREE. OF COM fit ISSION, for advancing sad forwarding, and will be shipped without delay at the lowest rates of freight. We respectfully solicit a abate of public patro nage. tVALLIfiGP - ORD dire. • • Canal Basin, Pittitnirgh. • CRAIG, BELLAS & Co.. ARL • Broad Street, Philadelphia. 'F MILLER, Agent . Bowley's Wharf, Baltimore.- - Piusbeigh, Feb. 18,1837, , , 1841$ AND . .1847 TO THE EAST BY MONONGAHELA ROUTE, VIA BROWNSVILLE A CUMBERLAND. Tm undersigned are now pmpated to forward pro dace, he.. to the Eastern Martell during the ,ell6O- d~c Wader, on the most favorable terms; by this expe ious route. All property consigned to ...swill be forwardednt the lowest rates Ind with despatell. Merchandise received by thin route promptly for wattled. J O BIDWELL. AO. riusbargh. • „ G W CASS, Brownsville. • n 0.17 E EGERTON lc Co,Ctunberland 1846 , AND' , 1847. ISt Minim To THE EAST BY BALTIHORE.ATD OHIO RAILROAD. ' 11.11 E subscribers well Teenier for the delivery of Pro duce to Baltimore by the bloriongabela Slackwater at the knowing prices.— Ashes, Paean,. Butter, Lead, Lard, Pork , Tanga, Whiskey. e, aed Glass—Eateta per 810 lbs. Tobace.,ll wee, Flax and Wheat-04 is per 000 lbs. Ashes,..trot) Apples. Cheese, Flax. Seed, GMss, Lestber-103 ms per BM lbs • Oils, Akins. Seeds, Wool-110 ets per lee lbs.- - Beeswax, Feathers, P.M Ginseng, and PAnke.Rom .-140 cis per 1001bs. All property consigned Us either of the undersigned will be forwarded without delay, 'free or Commissuan, at above rates. Wll CLARK.Bpernssille. HANNA A. WATERMAN, Pittsburgh. nee:sdt( CONCERNING SISLLERP VERMIFIJOE. , —A sin- Ott vial producing- wonders.—Read the following from We Rev. S. Wakefield, Pastor of Llbetty we M. E.. Church: Pitishernit. Meath 84E47. Mr. R. &Seller= It is from • sense of duty, as well Its with great pleasure, that ! bear med.:amyl° the vit. Inc of your justly celebrated Vertnifoge I eyeballed a sing/cloak and gave It to three of my cluldrtn, Who had been ill tar oriveral weeks. The eldest was seven neon old, the next four. and the youngest eighteen months. Thn first passed fifty-aka worms, the second forty seven, and the third a coosidentble amber not distinctly recollected. Since then they have been dome well, endue now in good bealth. Yours respectfully. ' . 8. Was:wean. From the Rev. S.E Babcock, of the MetbAlistEpitio pal Clnch. • . Mr. K K. Sellers: It is with great pleasure I would informinf you of the good effects produced on my son of yenta Of op byce yourjustly celebrated Vennifuge: Alter his having ntrulstona, - 1 gave him three dose*, when he passed an almost ineteditable number, from which time his general health hos been improved. 8 E Dalcong: Front the Kerr Charles Coots, of the Methodist Epis copal Church, Pitoborgh, December 14. Kitt Mr. R. E. Sellers: I Kase ny title daughter lbetwern three and. or years old) three doves of lour Vitunfuge, according to prescription, with the happiestsuccess— The number of worms expelled I do not know ptecise.. - • ly, hut it was forge. bite is new in possession of:good heath. I think the medicine may be confided-in with ATM ortreservedness. C Coosa. As Mir Vern,lnge has never been known t fail in any .inmance, when worms actually extsted, parents sbould give n m preference so all others and Prepared Wanoodd mold bet. y H. E. SELLERS, between 3d 4tn, on stre For sale by Dr. Cassel, Pia Ward: myY 011EallUILX'S TOOTH PASTS,* 111.11721 rplIE best article known Reclean/wand whitening / the Teeth, strengthening the gums, sweetening the breath, k,. It should be used every night with • stiA 'brush, owl the teeth and mouth willeety require a sligit stashing •iu the morning. Wet the brush with warm water, or cold will answer, and rub it's few times on the paste, when enough will adhere for e.eatung the teeth. It !careen delictom taste in ten mouth, arm on pans • most delightful fragrance to the breath..llstands urivalled as • pleasant, efacaciotm, convergent, and safe dentrifi tte preserve them. ce. It is warranted not to Injure the teeth, bu BY cai.g it telalwiY it will remove the taro and prevent Ile aceumulation--prevent the toothache strengthen the gnats, and prevent all diseases of them awnings, phymerans, and the clergy recommend . It decidedly superior to every thing a the kind in use.— Ask for Sherumn's Compound Orris 'Meth Paste, and observe his stguature is attached to each pot. Recommended by Dr. Castle, M Broadway, egg of our bent Dentists, and by most of the Old established ones in the United States, and even atensively used by the Nobility of England and Fry•e. A largo pmpartion of the disease bat •Oliet mankind arise from wino derangement of thi tomuch or bowels. which a timely me of the Cada tie Lozenges Would entirely ebviate. Persons of hilicd• habits should al. way bairn a box at band, and take a dem whenever MST the /east derangemen tin their health. Ajndl Clovis use of those Lozenges would prevent tlegulands of eases. For•ales: WM. JACKSON'S, comeice Woodard Libelty ' deett j • • Praetorian, hlay re,f4y7 -7 , • AST Saturdayl Rase a teaspoon tall of 11 A. Faii lanCemek C's Venni/use siy lode girl, who is between four and Gee years old t and duritiF !Ikeda] she los lam worms, asersitmlf mom mi••• as* hi Womb. Baciag its effects ea this child. I abed gave a reaspe g full to her younger ester, mho gran Apparently wall, *ad she parsed 37 manes of equat siae • • HENRY CIARCirgl -• Watchmaker, &aid:field street Prepared sad mid by B A PAIINEBTOCK s; CO, earn,. ist vnd ymnal. and wood noti T IIe MAGIC EMASIVIA SOAP. - Poi mpe yiarCrem kpal, Sisiosor Mark. from Clothes,j weonens. Carpets, ie., Jra4 end .readerine .11 where n is applied clear; hoed, n o ,". l .. pc 4:fsela .Sold with Nil directions. Price ICI ems a take: Crood 'a , ld riairait i nd elE rhoo Nl' *Lib" ' 4rm ' fr:id mom, win or Om 114 el= TB. 81128BIAN d o iliseirread a lay to ariba.iirle i \ -LP . plea.... O. Makin's. .11 meet Idy ~,,,,,y lot Lowe. *ea. histatinsite is grow ea . hen Of la.. ! • gee, el!. 'Wrath fmta on the leek of Ilasua an d i s , • imaileal of Dieetioes. :. ", ' ' ' ' 1 -.. ;• :- .: :.' • „ ..rb,.. ? - r......0, 11111.1Lit tb. 'S 1 0,, r ,..,,J1;0 =01 .T.ENG .F ,,.,..•. 1 , E.N Wrly keen., owsiemppew, • leogh., to. f se, tightens of lingi or chat, me, Me. be peopriene. • • lessees known en. whs. Lay! did be perfect ,amisfeetiom P.inal themostel brae Ike twen.ld wit. Ps' •.• ,the Mayer, removing to ball pcoon. to Maw* mwrY.Mge/ ;of soonamptke,and Wow • oda the owaftlistremni lel. and mem They... e k atkl dry .4. Ilieeenh4 'bates; il Fur, promote espectonmioolallaythe tiehting a Ini.d moose the prosie.e pr catkin au. .. The m e mask tram a embiati. of a 100. reptah1.....1./.; m *an, ore. "....s„ aml areundEbtedly;spprron to, ..'.7 th i'Wk... k . thaarephwatir ear.. upon how. dnas•ofeertMcate. hail.. olltred ot elf WOlnk !lid ill, tem, Pm thou whole. bummed frottle tetkielimssal mad reamed to penfeetbeakk by 1.114. th ' •: .. - • i' • What awe ss moat pain U 3 the ...or able, are ann.: •• Poor Mares Plaster. (prig only 1 eaar,) 'sould LP', epplimaulsd our la put t ed wont till retre.. If attreleA • Ith eativenew, aPm ethane or ' se ketrbger, mild elks.. medieine,•ahoold be mad amnion map... !. SliEtkl/LEPS iffunzq NO. .• • ' ; 1.4 16, Them won.. .woke.* ben prot in teethe 1,400 .. . 00U ere. to be infilittal the ody arta. woes testioveg mazes. ever desarerwl-.. Many ...earn. note w orm ' s and ocewi® leg mad Wiese endering, ind ere dee., with r : Mtheir ever tang ennead; grown pawns at eery ea. eted with ides, and.. doctored ke , mineemplane: witless soy bowfin what one dole of these Leer s walk .pesedlty can them Symptoms rf Irorms.—Paina is the Isiah or limbs erns airs beak, pia.; et the seee,grindni of the teeth during aleepond astir.. a piles. about the ti with...bed cheek; ' tnerdegat the emote...lg erasatiot the itemiab,lll.l, ' as of beat weer th. surfer et the botlyen chills or shill wings ' berebehe,. drowsinew, ' ert spar, dinurbtd ' dreams, aside. masker La Jeep, with * ht aorl screamirii. • 110131133313133 • trooldesomo tough, frariMees, thirst, pallµl boor lib, bad Wl s in the mouth, alle t breathig, ..m ie the moon& Ur bowel., b01d,,, 'Aiposiehnest . voral Mona appetite, lean., Mowed st - limb,, limp...”. shooneic . paips m Tanen parts of the bsdy, a sm. of some thing meg co the thr.t,..l.g of the ea tn.... Moiety a frequent dense to peso menathisq; from the bowels, e.l, ame time. diarkarge ot dime and motor. • • • .BHER.II Aft'S CA:11f11011 LOZENGES. They give inentediate relief in terme= or Ark headed. palpitate= of the =we, torn= of the wird., dregemdeasy mdbaronatory or putrid eon' throat, bowel or monster nom plaint, faintmg, oppression of • note of ebbing of the chest • dailies, edam, cramp of the shad. or bowels, bystreierl effretioos, and all =none discuses, divireirmaz through the day, nod wakeful.. diroogh tegbi; elmtera u se elm% ere moth., dierrhana, neat., or • same oflitagne. fee wets berelhog or attwefing WO parties, will timl the Immo ge. really reviving, and noportmg the buoy.. ot path; used after etinipation, they wilerestare th e tooe of thei syween grog exalt), and rsam. all the uttpleamat symptoms Mutts tram too fres Inked. bow. who bon be= too h sit tov., wag abendoned their dinife t te . babils; will geld theselasess. *nbl. 11111M1f r 1 8 POOll. BUN'S FLA 911:11. rbb beweemestbettiog plaster to the =old, erd •• sometime 'rented gar pis,. weakom in the bark, side, reel', theumothse, lumina} fee. WW. Om =llion year wdlooteupply - Tb. rewit." link mom bek.applieekom. Wernoted evertor to all other., and for ene qoarter the etwal priceomilting not only the best, bat the cheapest plume in We *mid. • It ntbards Mkt in 010.0 homy, end nrakes asionieleits cares: • • - • In Dm mettbint no d . dywepia, dumald b o worn over th=gmf tell th aid i 1 vLt .fiord mat l eent . breethiskoppeaseism of the elteet or etonnels, they will• meshed,' wale sod greatly baulk the wain. Fano. Makstary =bite, or thaw obliged to eland nuch,•will meek. decided rapport from ond of them truly dreettseniis flee • ter. Phys.,. generay mcomomad them, ' o prefer.. to alluthembetame they dick cradle. better,udelford oat. . relief. la theiroperation, dna. stimakot, taam,and msedine. Tbey are wowed of entirely different ingredi et= frame any o th er, .W, lament from the exp.... at =I limn who hove med them" .. well. i th e waded testimony of all the =LIM= and Mr. dery and phpicians, to be thew= were/ wed hey medicated &arm.' Benne pawns bare at the warehouse to repress their earpremosod thank', al threatostedromakm eons n S theDkare cam licas gar ne .. e 'are on the beck of each plaster, with • fie simaiie of Drathermate•name. It a important yew elsould newsy. mit On IThenemek Poor Iden's Pleder ail see that yoo get the gentdoe, es Were an many worthies. Linsilaboos ha bed about end wild ire the true ithermantx finders, by frobewholesak and retail by IV:JACKSON at Lie Polo Medicine Werebrees.k Ho. Liberty street, MEDICAL ND ' SURGICAL fJEIICE ... _ . . .. • . ~,;:. -... No- 0,5 . DIAMOND. 'AL -1 ... .. 4, - . L . E:1 ,,,,a '• a fear doors below '• . i 1 4 . :- . 111,,p - DR. BROWN,.. 5.,. ~:,-. -.,;: .. • !laving been regularly ed.' -.4. ,v., - .,..,,, f . r heated to the-medical pro '',=-, ~:, ....,:,::, (mama, and been for some • 1 7. - -!;Z! .. .".„..ak , triz in general practice, s •i • •;::" - ' ,77 ! a thire7e'antra"e64 at •-.‘' . ' • 5O". '•• private and delicate cam \\ 'St/ 0,) plaints - cos which Ilia oppor - „ a... amities and experience petwillerly quality him.—. Meant. yeare amanita. . devoted to the aindy and treatment of those comp'. sop, (daring which time he has had more practice and Las cored more patients than can over fall ID the lot of-a y private practitioner) am ply qualifies , bistro alum creams of speedy, permit. neat and masfamoty - tart all affiletal wall adieus disci . .., and all diseases ;along therefrom. - Dr. Brawn would those afflicted With privets diseasesWbki hare become chronic bylaw, ore/x - rays and by the am of any of the common nostrums of the day, that their complans• can be radically. end than . astatily eared, be haanggiven his await' attention to the twatimmt of such easett, and soceeeded at hundreds .ainstances in curiaepersonae( influential. a Mince!, of the bladder, and kindled disemea winch - once resat; ram those MOOS where others have consigned them to hopelemi despair. ffe penitently saving =eh as have Menke; and miticeessfully treated by others Dr eOn salt him, when every unisfacuonwill he &maws. and thaw cases Bean:dm a careful,thonlaghead tatelligent .mannerooloted oat by long experience study an bat • vestigatum, which it la impewsitdo' for th ose engaged in practise of medicine to ave any ono clam o . 'll7 - Efemta Or Rapture—Br. brews also :MR' persons afflicted with Henna to call, as he pax:Paid particular anentioa this locum • - - . • Skin Macaws; alsolliles, Palo . ..etc.-speed* cured C ril.. r r-Pall i nTiti. althei eez livi - u.ai a - distance by_ataung ob t a in diseine ut orriting,gitung all thesympl ham, can oba medicines with directness Mr ale, hi, addressing T. BROWN,. N. IX poet pil and a:10,- watt a fee. • • --- ' - . - . em..iere.6s Themend • aka. °Plumb. the Waamir iEr NO Core. n ray, ' dela . „ _ _ .. IMPORTANT TO THE LADIES—Qm:se Hair Cream, a =lulu. article for the.Growth r Remy and Restoration of the [lair. This Cream, when once Mum. will. sunned° I. other swieles of the Hod now med. Where the hair is dud, hunt.thin, healthy of tnroinggrey, a (ow applications will none the hair soft mit dark ;and give it a bettatilial Inely . .oppeararee; and wilt also make it Stain us Hyena./ and healthy color ranee as long as all the. preparations which are generally. used. • Every lady' and gentleman_ who are in the habit of nalturells on the hair, should at once, purchase a- honk of the Chloe.° Hair Cream,. it is so compared that it wilt row - injure the hair like the, otherwreparations. bat wilt beautify It, and gr.° planet "unction in every iiirtance. ''FotßAimony to its very superior qualities. ...the Weenie letter. from Rev. Zilr. Caldwell. to blasts - !Itineration t Stretch, Nashville , General Agents fir the Western STates Letter from the Rev. ItCaldwell,Pastor of the Prat I. hymn,. Church; Pulaski. • Messrs- Hendershot% .4. Stretch—Gentlemen: ." pleasure adding my • testimony in farm of the, tout preparation called' Chimer. Cream--for about two years ago my haw wall or brinly, and dAsposed to et:meant but having.pt a books of the Cream, and usad it according to tb scrimion, ray Ilia, is now waft. elastic and fine head. Hany . balsidni and oils were applied ear vlsofory m a worse state Mart berate. This C however:lM. mettny arpectations. As an article far lite Toilet, my wife divert it prefer , awe over *Holbert., being delicately mimed, rad not disposed tonsaeldity.. , The ladies esprcialty wilt find the Chinese Cream to be a desideratum m their preps reliant Rink Respectfully, as. Pulaski. Huey.; .1307. • .Et CALDWELL kC lbwmfend , No id Markel etreet, nod Joel b iLit s r corner of Wood and Fifth am , • • Mtdif --- - 6,2CROVULA AND SCROFULOUS - SWELL.. , • 5.3 INGS.;-Scrotula .all it.. multiplied tonne, whether in that of Ring's Evil, enlargements.. , the glands or bones, Goitre, White Smelling.. Caro= Rbeerriatism,Cauer; disease. of the Slun or Spine, or or Pulmonary Consumption, emanate from olio and the same canoe, which in a poisonono principle more origs inherent in the bosun ',stem. There. tom usloso this principle on. be destroyed, no radi cal cure CM be effected, bat if the Firinciple.opon which R.1 . -disease depends, is removed. a cure mutof neeensity follow, no molter under u hatter,. th.dinase should manifest itself. Tete . , therefore _ is the rea.on Irby JAlBled ALY.ZRATI,X is so toil venally suceeseful in removing io many malignant' diseases. 'lt destroy. the - Vim. or minciple-Item whieo theee dise.se. hue their origin, by,entering into the circulation, are with the blood i. conveyed to the inuintest fibre, remowing e,ery p.eticle of diteue from the system. Prepared are sold at No. C Sooth Third Street. Philadelphia. • - • Sold at the Pekin Tea Store;Ro. It Fourth armor • toburgt," • -' - rcreb3l. Al&'tl Am sc it omsNictigTanLa • RENOVATING PILLS. Tor &boat:me year, preview: to waking use of Ntr. Elcaes Rernavaung Pills,l have angered extremely from DM tan* and no acid Stomach' I have mode ase of • greatvariety. of medicine 'Wilmer receiving material benefit Shout three months since I commenced rising Mr Sear's Medicine, width has entitely relieved rale from !acidity. etniy.sto;neep. and Irvri.m+ Me to coulter. table health. Several of my friends sad acquainutneen have mode use of die Pills, and received much benefit from tl em. I can with confidence recommend them. JANE A LEI; 317 Redcoat at %Id. wholesale and retail, by 11 - A VANN k....NTOGE A I CO, corner et Isi and Wood, and Wood and Gil sts. • YOU PUSILLANIMOUS SCOVNDUEL monument equal. yours? Look at your fair yeah, wife, with her bnghtsanny focal. Loot Yeai owe, pitted with emotions and blotches! Yet Yo . g .. .fifty tents for a cahoot the great 'teflon Chemical Yaw, which would entirely free yen hem them, and make year yellow skin clear and healthy. Go hhhh jat Wa'N Store, Ell Liberty at: Pittsburg b, and get a coke. - N "Jaelmonli MM. onlypteee terittsburgh where the GF.NUINE to be cbtamed. Beware or counters Idle. - • Cu - OBSERVE the Big BOnstaudi to the doorway. Polon Block Ilprlag Traug.s • - lIT EWLY INVENTED—Porte relief and l'enauent II Core of.DERNIA or RUPTURE. (Suited to &I The superior elihnsof Ihm Tress consistin-the tom- Iterative r asa with whkk it may he mom. 'the pad u( mood being neatly balanced on spriogs, yields to pres sure on any part or lt, told thoroughly adspts Itself to any movement made. by the wearer. It cantle want without Intermission, Sant st,ogre is erected. nasal,. *masers have made arraulSoments fit , of dime valuable Trusses, in a superior style, fondle - delphia. and have them now (Or sale at their other, Nu. 77, Bmtildreld at. near RUM, trAL Tr. • je3o . • . D D.W. KAUFFMAN. • 01111/IAA'S COUGH 8711.1:1?— • It.elatuld Lo pubbahed and made knew: to .. tb o e C yn e blin." ... Tins was th e eapreasionytfle r gm c .l , i c hru ti4ln , c , . Mr. bt ow pon'—rbta may cenify tha istllicied with • troalesomo conk some ho•alll • bottle 'of Morgants ••1 kimy to .? y, once e Sour tdte . m fatly ene l t a ma t be e ~ e without valuable medicine., er DAVID bicIiIOBEWITS, Aneowny mrurc:44%-gaig 800d csocOmedirt below Diamond Lucy. Pecs 35 cents Pei' boule. - -taNdl3ll 83:PJCOTOILANT—Tha vlitaes of_. Jai alllcagtoasauttebeirar medicine for moo of ow a aaa Oen andsolier:dlasases: eaossit•ta.t.o WWI Vok ssoloYllvoslafa beeksateA Y ' l"" t ni i. g a tfib4.kuilliii TEA r•th arra; sear Wood, sad also at thathig &aro t . e t Lir Nom:, red.hisokneocioktr ! . -