j. r - i• - •:? :LITTLE CHILDVACHININci HYMN. The awning We& ,Siosno koniloep - Tby loon olinni . Thy Me ono doth :All thmagh the dayi ',tunably yeny, Be thoa myifatzdjuid My miss forgire, - ; .:.And let Rae Gra,' • • BlesaJatna, near thy ids. - • THE The New Haven Coarier relates the following interesting incident, which °c onned a few Yeats since in one of the trilbies in Connecticut: "Nyman lady, confined to the house by protracted in disposition, w as in the habit of feeding. a sr spitrro, width hid l''nest mi a tree near the door, .with crumbs of bread., The little creature had a warm heart-under her homely dress,•aid 'aeon learned to love her patroni became - exceedingly tame, and would hop about the *bible while the family wero at meals. This was, repeated whenever the door , was Open,4ill at +tat her mate was induced to accompany her,' and - both would pick *, *Tithe Scraps which their fair eatertain er, as she laY.upon the sofa, scattered :near her on the Carpet. ...In thelill one of them:flew against the Window, and -;:tried to get in, but the lady was too fee ble to .etpose herself to the air, and so could not admit her hidervisitor to a farewell interview. Next spring :they both came again, as docile aseier.: bi lhoi course of a few . weeks, eS the; l ad. 9 lay upon the sofa, upon a Sunday morn ing, being:Apo-newel( to go to church, the house perfectly " ,still, the - idoor . open, she heard a great twittering and chirping on the slope. Lciehing abOut 'forte cause, she'esped hertame-spar row - entering the apartment, followed by several'of her progeny, and the` partner. of her toils bringingtup the rear: — They all remained with her for half an hoar, perfectly fearless 'igti it hat tag satisfied their appetites with tlio morsell which were strewn for them, and expressed their obligations with 4 . sweet, wild Music; they retired to the shrubbery;":" . . Tan Got.r or rsiterra.--We ape that our i'youthful joys were but this morning; we see them withered' ere'tis :;.night-withered' to be green no more. The grass can be turned in.oneliour to withered . - hay, but hay .can never --return to its former freshness. We look back - on our early joys, and say:they. are "as a dread' whin one awaketh.r • How Ishort was the vision;and whither has it fled!-,. We aro jaw. preparing to live; bet now we have awoke, and found that 'we have .nothing-to do but to prepare to die ; for whit has happened to the joys of life, will shanty happen to life itself. "In the morning_it flourisheth and grow eth up—in `the evening it is cut..down and witheretli" in the grave... We have already passed the greater part of. life's ':comforts: 'EverY hod' carrying us still further from them.. We cannot re turn; bid _an . irresistible current is ,bear ins us .down bate - the gulf of, eternity. There is,no return—there is no atop. It will be but a moment, and we must go to ' — oar long home, and leave the' mournate to go about the streets. ' :.We cannot he younger, but shall•soon be dead ;• and on a dying bid we shall feel the truth of our-text, and the proptietv of its figure more thin ever. All our - life will seem - btu a day, and having .pissed the short day of'lreams and shadows, Are shill disappear.• We shill take an eternal leave of earth, and wing Mir way to the bar of God. The place's Which now know us, will know, us no .more. - Ocr lands and bounce will go into •.lither hands. - Strangers will occupy our sub -stance, and walk over our graves, With out!knowing, that we are ,buried there. Oct names will be. forgotten on earth. The world will go ron la before. The sun will rise and set as usual. Mirth and diversion will be is bright - as over. None will take thought of our pleasures or pain'; while , we shall be either mount jig the regions of life, and soaring high in-salvation, or shrieking to the car of hell, and sinking in the pit that hath no — bottom . .—Dr. - Griffin . .44n ; •::;',.,, , Zr74 - 4;1t.'‘... ' 41 M 1 ,41" 1: t. ' * *9:.; • t • Afiit!Q I,v *ti a. zi t ! , 4 , R414, Vi1.4:`,111 4 7 ..r„; 4,•=l* , 4 '; ' • 4 • - - ,„ MAlariBE' i A.ND THE . SAIBTIATIL—Ltt any man, fomig or;old; despise and tram ple on istorrtage, that great -fluidamen - la! institution which God established to ._secure and perpetuate the existence and nodal parity :of our taco, and through Which to make known himself - and mini- lest'. his goodness Man and let bun seek those -grttificationi without, which revealed will sbOuld tie enjoyed • " only within, ,or let ti m opeoly , aUd presumptuously ;neglect and AelieUratri, the sribboth, that other great and fuiubimental institution', which, :like , . manage , God established - at the. crag _ !•as.a help meet for ' families; and tkmgh.vitibie billowed irillilenCei they iin;4onet accomplish the , end;for which they as; (rod reigns ; in' heaven; ',"who'juOges goon, the exult; such men even here will, be . , r itia*th. his He has shin•. hahad laws fixedrus Mc , of hitt thratie, which no '- Mortal can, annul 'or evidtt . ; b Which those sins continued, will work out destruction.-LSobbath MM. MiZArik .. -'' - - iLDREN.--. mon, eaT B ' th -- isiLIPP •-h Eisr 0 iif one Siril:- iota thrcils (be 5g -a oP * '-- ••-- Alio ' 1 oft.u. iTcon' aro wniPe boor In b •; ' t---1, it,oangFh • „,33)0111b4.cal_Wid °T. ke ep's ' ' " x --avighte! e ajWidn . 8 a as to -..- • ~that esj /A irfred without interferi ng.; 10itg,Irt--ne;'l not;th:l-T1)-11314‘ if i; their ( bod i es — in she .w 144 : *RIM* ' • Oiscik7sranCing ar dit'"lll ~':i.'`-f--...4 , -ok s odm.... put tviasauss - 1.-. ~ ',-... ___ ia m .....7whem",74,714- •-•aha ~,:Atz,..,::-),,..7 ' A 1V.V . 9 06 441/.104.60,r--1, `Fra-li*lr,!_.,l—. ,4.4.__, s::fitl ~%4' - --4.4'sr:i4M..efl,;•"t*.,,ni.hap.A,k_ %-,,,.. ',-,'"-- =---t"- ~,..,:ifin-:` •••-:J.,--4,N4- 4, .: : NUM . O make Mithhi err bmit, Greet Spirit 01'1'11i:tee ; , Maki me like thee, Then shall I be • Preptred to see thy rime. • EIIINEJIi-NOTIONS OP ENGLISH CAR. , *leo two elegant: 'carriages made by- Hatch l eti were. Objects of great ri admiration. -BOt it was a puzzling ques _ lion for the Ghinese to decide which pint was intended for the E'mperor's ..- seat. The neat and rcommedions seats. ":'with their cushions inside, with the.win ,. down and the blinds, and every part within, were elegantly fitted, for the re ception of none but the monarch. But then a questioh arose, who was *to occo oy the elevated .-cosition, with its splen did .himmer-cloth; edged will Bald, and decarated with cestoontt,of loses 1 To determine the 'disputed point; the. old etinuch, whO, hid a particular affection for ; the esniages,-applied -to MG, and 'when told the empeno place was with : in, and that the claimed seat for the MR that Arnie the horses, „with :the! noel elactlatioriof surprise, sa .! he aaked me if renipmcd the ta-414-tee would Suffer any man to sit' above him. and turn hi. back upon him? "That,", Said he, "will never do, "and asked if =the splendid coseh-box could net be sub .' ,; ittituted foithe neat within the carriage, or placed behind itl—Sir fortnlkoraves •; •roWrossmins. , SA R SAP ARILL A *we pawl, to goat Mottles: armor Law AWL. pil=llll.., ..d trortasurt Womor Lo out tot& “otoot without ormstiolaorin.oW.l. 44 .; 44 . Ts hit I liolol :1111EIT SPRING I El Th. mat braly otol otpoitorklbf DOS...OWD. wr * OD at. Kamm to,WCWL marMAW. 41 in. woo lba &dl. It it om of .M mry boot !WIWI° ANS stutters IdEDICINEISW... 11 o ° ,6ol lPmes to. MM. wits, oodotoragthoto Mr pow, but ot OWL. Nor, Pm, metßodoßbood. ormor Wow& 17 melba Matelot. AM is tbit boodot stooMmtdof Ito madorfol mew item performed withas.tfoirog two park owe um 35.41:0p ms of Solaro Com of Mow; to Mot WO, o f d o . , fooo mlsool tomidie. Mott 400 atm of bettyd Chat of Emily; 7,0(0 mos of 401L700 Female CmptuaLm; 1,000 ow of tho Ufa Cou phy t • VOL ...of Dwoll of Ibillory and J.... Aor7=ra of C''' .oosollhoetto of tho Dlfl4 Tif r:1 , 1%U Rim., Paltr i za=str i. . T 00; groott Lltoot,oputal Alfer.t.olo, ar., Thas, ors aro more,Must 'war incre4lle, but wham Mien float pbyticias Wpm swat few OH part. of tbr United low, Likening oa of ermorbroary ma FL. Vim Buskirk, bhp. coo OW moo noprotablo dmitgoto la No ak, N. inform so LIM tho em refer to m0n 0... ISO co on la ani on Wm aka, of art thou:lmM °rpm. la tho Dry of R Yotit, vsbath Tos MU Wm to volt m, and to ma of &mein. It it tho 'bog otedbetos for Um Fulmar. ofdloom Mow It mdoobtedly tared tho . 000 n'a y Yon lboarotgb Jto it roomed Mt no of awry ptetrl dm. fo Mt Smarr mom Corrine flroru Ommt. Corr. 0. W.IIMCLomor MUM, trAmal Avg, mi member of MI Neu Jaw Loginitiore, W.-kW]) onot tbo eerldolo. It tollo ita own ttor7 . . 'Worm., fa. 0.1, ti ♦yrot ow I tom Wm it the loboomo, Wray 7,1M0 WI so • debiltMed nUb. ob Ima Wooed to 07 Dr . I ' ?lory u l tl s.Lnnlr' htt:m. uti ttnbottn:at:ery %Mho Bormomlto!%bom witimol Moog ttpuot find I Lwow , wards 7. I tram it mod ot7 ad world mot to mtboot min my 111/1/kikediXt. Vii• Maw, late U. D.N. Thie eeetifiesie eaccbsdeely pearee.ikst this eireigiarilla has perfect control ,orer shut al -disease of the blvd. Three peewee eliredia one house is saremleated. TRIM. CIELWIIItIi. tsres Toin—Dal Sir I lan the Semis in that three dif cuma of children lure illted et the See. Uri by the ue of Joey escellesitbie, They were 'lied ray evenly with Tod mei [hare 'only taken lent bottles -, .lt wok them sway, fee add& 1 fiiet .espety miler asepobligetiewe Tionorapratal - lino W. Claux,'o6 Wooder GREAT V,F.SIALE IIEDIC!NE. • . , Dr. Taisrend'e Sareeperiths 4 sortiews mai vied, eon r int ipieth cometpum, Berrenses,Ul.ll,l., 01. Whites, obstructed or ddlicult hlensertmthsts Mthanstme of llrine,or involuntary direteregethent4 and ..r the gm end prostration of the ,systos—mt mther •11114111 if the result of inherent nom se mosey ploshmed itregaluity, Nothing em be more numbing than ils insigna C. has m the Mona Craw. Ter - ems, all weskasie sad but ted, twat [thin t, et Mee beeemerobort and hdl of energy ender its inhume, It ha mantemete ths nets Immo of the insole (nine, **hit to the great 611120 of ten • It t o ambit creed of or, m awes of so delirsle m inx; te exhibit. easifsales demo performed, but we ran won the glieted,that hendmd.. of men hare hem ripsaw! to on: ' rend ewer where &allies havelwat without child no, after ming • One Medea of tide inmhaahle but. km blew neat Itatlthy o&pring, Ithrstmesd , hiy wet being greedy &strewed by Ire:arcs =I ;could debility, a . ed • salliwn by pain sad • median of bonen down Math' , of the womb, and with ether &Smith% sal hatitig known awe .when yew mann ha. *Oath greet corm • md Wow it meastmended far nth menu ham deritrand,l o ed bent. of yom• w e. of• Sampseilb, an d Wowed the direetinte ym gsre we I. • sbort penal , it neemed Iter esimphasts and restored Mr Math. Being grateful he the hert: resired, I hike plomore Ss this seintwriedg-, thi its sad menessehttmg thaw paddle: • id. D. 14..5, army, Ang.17,11141. Co. of Orend tont Lydhss , • . VatieczoOltepL ID, VAS. Da: Tian Wawa: To whom, thid may eadeere--Tlais Is to crusty Out my trig. wed me Wnle ar. Ter Seadepeditha prertew td her asillaweeet, wader the moot stands; wad delicestietwwwww, tr . eabled with_ lie; rot the fist, terrada ted ; with say peroespod,r.owd the neweaseadstica thole who had mod at, oh. dna sedated to try 1y - with ulr ao 'ELM; and suf. itb . sair,. the ewarwure had the Isapn wad desired dread:at wily as the hoarser ecaturiend„ bet after the • ratiew et am week of It. 0t46. drain wad w in". to es. d due lied bre ;lath new el.liwn at had been • /cogitate pre , If Ws wit be' of eary amen . yob _or .an ow - wha JAW the macaw addle medicine tn, yoe a. *windy weltwee b I attbwrite sled( par modobedientmad Wiled Peadwa. enang. 8 8 - -TO movie= Atf.D.MILIKEULD LAME& This Danat st ibsnapacall , bas taco measly ;sawed la mks/ion to kw& cospbuass. tsisak who bus sca .lP3 oto wpm shoi ism... Alex that crisiaa Feria, u The are of 2gb,"eboold Neglect ,o Übe it, as it is a csrtsio gcscsatiss tor siiy.st the memos. end bortibia dissasseto salad loaidss are subject at Ms tine of 'Tbis pitied isssy be delayed Sur weird }tam e y using ibis soaking tier is it has valuable to Limo via ac appeachhigmocuaniaod, ia is eatcalsted to are rotor by. qoiciatung tha blood zed Wagons* Ow specs , bass tba seedicsua inn& gable toF all Drib &Vests dames to 1.15 th =sun ate • *Lit times tbo whole mais raters perataally lb. sutu ral 'esersia—by-remotioir the , *tante. of tbe laely—not as Co raredtrat theorem its Wroth. • rattotquent te lt:Woo, aka& is dal are of mat otedlatar takes far female weraroai sad abeam -'Yen who bean pat careptwootOorleice, .043. at the far, roue. Ws, or frek% sal ore ..to ... llV ._ itst t, wit boats or too of Tone:ate • It Ira Our. yoor Wed, mime the , rrekle:7lW — bkogiots, elm youatiroatattocitrklat reol seri% sal besualal compat of orb:at - ors t.t amass* Nos to tutmorg , • •.. -T/YSPEPSIA. No Aid err moditiWnkes ever been dammed wilie.h early resemble. the Ade brae or Wins in decomposing food and werogtheMag the ,oar of DgAirmon .d 4. mesa: • ,•• • .• ' ass Derirnmir. Albsafjdn 10,1116. L . Dr Ilorwsonot: Sir-4 ban lea•Matea for mars) mats with dymmois io it. Ant Smom Ocala wills am ;If manmet,lots of.typetite. alma. bardma, ad • great mania to .11 kMM offeeelond [Jr 'mak. (AM I toad .4) IMO bra unable to retain burii All prelim. ea my AA. I trial' the mad rmte bat they had bot Intl. moo effrot is Awing Om ' I A is • docadolatod two Ine•Oseince.to tR Alma of Sam. patina, and I Anta)) milk 001 r. , but after using I=lttr battles, Asa my mane mimed, sad W mrtinry ronsoreka nod earsaly rat:oa t:Ad to Aare *OA. tan allied as I har W lten.• • Touraote., W.No Z•wor. - Nor S%IAL • Stotalshod. • - ALMOST A. INIZACLT. • A•d LIM Wooing, load dabs If yo• es, th at eopirraspr, Don moot Maud- Thia Dag ma of Om areralbadted oases that TownimaDa • ham melt . • 71reromnA—Dar Su.. 1 was 'Dim, • lAA oar a yqz ageorith straem eash od rim i• Aside. It in treiSed ntillial; IVW brP h y . Aisne to 113.1.6. •••••mptia , • I"=1 'a top quan tities*: lattl Atte issil tight mato, md minklog Lott • my doctor MA boo do nothing A me. • flreat ono the homita I ishope of beim h•mod,bad.waa preemnoad there as nams•Met. I ans II greatly diamom hap AS_ coold badly lamb to di ; maned to my ha, Ad As MOO to 'ham Arbera • Wadi- aramt gre• you .aoy dmaiption that Irould dojawies to my atm... 1 wasanywoml by ory Arab to be plot away ; I lad Ad • grem Adana remedial, msd wanard to no Arm I real nf Am eV tesarDoary mrfamed mor toodwinr. and to telt mea the trotlpl nopeetad there na tam Inonbug Om. Dint lis hallooed lets, Aid sey • aod myth tfill I dld. 1 comsat my, that lot Am* fa, rammed sobs Aims, ad hope abe min. far weeks. Sly .ommia awl pon m the ride, • AA might sweats Ara NA me, AI ohm bat AT little, cod am Ast pints' g say anal strength. I felt it •Ay to giv• =ll,l3 . t i t, ICLILI,TAI•DP.• OpWalla of Phalanx& . Dr Tarnalt. I Omar draiivessriag mean Cram phy mins in &Sweet parts of the aim • - Ti,,. Ea aniily Gair vs, the endessigned, Plrysieins Ile Gaya( allmeentum M mmarows ems premenhod De, Tesmentrs &lien it &Mom of *emit al& pereermsta a do lianaperalm tahrtearket.. •S P [Mao, N, .• J Wumat, X BLI6ON as, 412139 h Apri110645.. forAiiillol.Mi , Mideast Thia is e}stik Prwitin •Theassmasa of Ile *lbw,. Mx fisquesa. 17•ente:0.1 Den:mesa% Cesmotted Zelisct of Dom peals, and from .1. Mom seehtlee, meld mensima is to eha rattle fie i m emaal,serofaboa, end °there menomeatlis• ems, refermesto ley of the Murtha remake me in . . W flaszte„ ArriVjaliti :11Z b.. 4812 aii"Sccrited -41.41,..0 Star . 4Do s otr; Dr mod son. :9 North goo.. e =4, l .= s eV4i , Nose gamine, entemipst op I. 110 bey wino+ hottiee, whist, testis a sort sa rived with the whim mignstem sf a p TOWN 111110,mel lamma teem m the enema. "Pm the Wm Tait Daily`kantm of April 2.. . the A stWtnireen ".ll , thet= Demo of tr'Mtjl',leff...=. The Moie *AMY ara tap am ma tots: apse of the am, mental !mimeses pennimumbeeMlaorimmektmegetber the moil woriOn elaseinl in the am, male seem' nasty equalled in lirowlisi. We take this eity to N 7 'retains this extract of Ow Beemsperitta ea the e•el Peet 05.104, he...OXL • • Noriaami • - Norliou,Sfardl47,lB . l 7 • Dr. Toonsocuk-1 Web.= .Sided more sr kw for a emonomithi s dattafel *skim M tM Mat; ieltianeem la the 1.04, 1m a mpstitai pin MW lialboorri sown/ debut', heisemt on sedoelthe ths maims! beit and cold to WM lea relied to in eybeMme m mire. ghee. tekemeetiree . mediates, kw Inamose smestioa, bet withlittkor mem am • warkeinia Waal lam blithe mu to try Mule of yam asnoperit , a, frossimieh ammegna rdief, Mae sista taken mama NOM letletsi ea I ems menineitstimey me lt is the beet Medicine 1 Mee ma 11.0.-lb plva me my • Mot le pee, mod 1 &a Oita s Clime! ma eltemtba slam I Mae mallsrementas. I lamps*. Mime o etlm then seta 1114. Ate wife km tekenh with Ummeme Mseb dJ mate 1-weala mamma it se foal. twedieint, .mmelly, rel I feel eminent the ifeet meolly Mather. woadeat leijaf tbs Miaow them i&and eam wet in may Dodoes Wig fix wham linen:ex , it appetite. alm ramgi timeeleseela and bowels thew milder lomat keeps CM Mont ma • bielthe 'etabo o that Caw is mot eloblisly to saga the rystai: A.d St , AU thco.d. @repot aboaltbisislO 11.7 &elk e. • „ , . Pasta E a 70 Mks et. •-• • VaikiiihOlto Mouth. • Eololris on mood of Thma elll4 mot& Dr ToomonoN fkompaillo llto of Uloomokis of obnoro.— Thilolleorfog selef.o,o• . o-p.. 0 amber Nor Tan, AVU. I I II Vk ;ion Oct odd. Cow ii amok mot throat, Watt V."Zi l =pro=r Irldeft Aro 4soliot 6"."," 1 . 1 .""7=i , ....4 •1°." v " =.1,H Yorooli IVO 'WI LT " --goWsn.iwo Wool a,. by - Do Wm. Ea-46 aggitoo._ Tow risaiDwo A - .• tr..J.lidUri inittiftlif Eye Ilalte:' imuss.kay,thiukalliflAMl.• nitparti r 1 4 4.:-..ez•Misnliclidifsl: billow. RI ,s.. R Ws. :, _Ms eared thimsads of intik. ma% Wana_naad_lad, guisara amd' req4sfArthe M31141P1e....... 0 . - wassiii timid ereasotred geat laan,standlom, sol ielmntillettabel bars emeff. sad Pariallldaa Wen MA falledEmeeiga. 4tiowell thee Min os ras eat &Metro i• eille.efers tic imbental 'an mama! woo& eg,aa Intowyle." - bum. *Weill& ail. b1at...00 FriwZl mol a? uipaW ailan - i letreetialishntan=ke , r stataitn" arrniwi.l, l i; likabOrt. itt a-: q VIEI ll a uw AT ,; : TOWI II 4. III 4DIUMILOMPAtaiL I4/4 ' soil. ri a g .. 0 Milei Milrt t i -- ..;' , - - 4 .4'5t1,, ,, -AM:! , '''''''S'..l4 '.'-:;-. 34 ... , 'i • -:' TOADD 'AFFLICTED. •_ ISICiS: 1:#73,..ENV.AT111i411 • CtREATOISCOVEFty . ... ,. Oannumilen,CoughojColds,Asthana, oreeelitus,Liver • Ceremony Siditurgillood, Dificalty.of Breathing, ' -,Tous nithe fildeandiitionift Palpitation of the • Itele,kluenstjkoop,BreduroCortitat i o n, names of the Threat. , . ,LPaP: 1 4 5 uuwli effectual sad '• . 'Pit'dylrrX;rdk'°l "r" ' isDR.SWAYNEM-'. • ,o . ourriorro SYRUP OF WILD ' CIIBRRY. Armaten, entitle .11ITSL13,4tlid , With allOO. :a Ammar the wonderful clam performed by Doctor Swayne's *lmpaled Syrop orkvitio CHERRY: . -•• • - Prroatintrintillinnary 25,1847. r. Dr. Swayno.—Dear Bir.. Iti'justice toyourself and .a duty Is owe to suffering' humanity, I cheerfully give my testimooy, and declare •to tbe world the most astonishing efieeats, and the great cure your r Composted Syrup of Wild Cherry performed on me, I under the unfavorable etreentatartees. I was taken with a.violent Cough, Spitting of Blood, se vein Partin ,tbe:Side and Smut, which seemed I. to break down end enfeeble my constitetioerso that trip,phrOtAthought my eue.boyond the power or mediates: and my,friends all gave me up, to die; but thanks to you and the effects of. your great distorti 7 ryj 1 ewer feel myriad' a well man, and relied frozna mire -skeleton tots fleshy and healthy a muses I hacked for years; hod shall be pleased MI ere any information respecting my cue, by, calling at my Midence, Mechanic strest,thitd door belowthirript ntreetagorthere Liberties. Jeeps PAIOTZS. Terfirueny u nolikaeceszedfrom rm rlerti o 'the Gfabe. • The folhurnelgtters are presented with it view more feiltitiewing the opinions of PhyarMans io relation th the Medical value of Dr. SWAYNE'S COMPODND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY: • Dr. Saseyne—Dear Sir: Haynie med . yourForn pou "Syrup of Wild Cherry "extenuvely .an my • • I was requested' hy your Agent, Doctor, er, to exposes my opinion' hi writing of its properties u a remedial agent,' Meet cheerfully comply, as I feel by so doing, I will discharge n debt 1 owe the community at large, and Phromans in particular: As much as I detest Quack Remo. dim and . Patent Neetrums, 1 was laddeed from a failure of the most potent esPectormaM, recom , mended in car nude= medhia lin some cases of Diseascd Lungs, tolry your preparation el Proms Virginia or Wild Chem.. It to euiScient toga, that 1 lam so meets pleaded with - the result of that and su'resecuent trials, that I eats prescribe it is peeler core to all other Remedies where an capectormt is Intimated. In the much dreaded 'Plagennonia Diemen of the Long., in Om alarming form In which it inurement Kentucky, 1 regard It aa an invaluable Remedy in the treatment el that disease. To all who know ma I have said enough, but ne (Mama, he seen by pergolas out of the vicinity of Frankfort, will brall• adiljthet I have been creased in an active practice ellerprefeadon el 12 years,and am is Regular Oradnateef Triesylvania, and this is the first Patent Medicine grans. thought enough ol to express an opinion in writing, • .. • J: H. EILIEOI, M. D. January 7ili, F te nau Franklin connty, Ky. n. n zeov, Ky., Jan'il 7th, 1847. The above certificate is from one of our Physic chins linne 3 few miles from- here, he is doing g very good pneuce, and is' considered a good Physician, and stands fair, he is; ea he %V says, a Cnore regularstgraduato. Da. . 1.. en, Droggiet and Apothecary. Teilimon ids will Iteeel max. From the Temperance Pledge. Now that lYintcr Xt'arran us with its, attendee train of Pulmonleand Bronchial aflections,Coughe Colds, &e. &c . we would advise those affiietM in this' we to make' Immediate trial of Dr. Swayne'a CoMpound Syrup of -Wild Cherry. It will never fail to pelf( no a permanent cure. The reputation of thin mulleins has paused many spriest...articles to be pot forth under its eerie; but the preparation of Dr. Swayer, besideriin tbe lint eTer ollermt to the public, ts the only e tc hhat can be relied on. The other mixture. eoldfor Wild Cherry Syrup, Balsams, &e., are alksparions and worthier, and contain nonc e pith strum of the original prepare. lion, Dr. Sritayne's Compound Syrup 91- Wild Cherry. • . From the Springfield Repro:T. • • Of the thousand. of purported curative nootnens now before the bet very few• are loped to possess the healing virtues for whlcii they are se commended. Among the latter were pleased to learn .none stand a better test than Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup el Wild Cherry. The afflicted in this vicinity are beginning to use .it, and to their joy they.find in its use Weir hopes based upon its recommendations more than realised:The afflicted need not despair. While there is , Jile, there pawls hope. A-CAUTION TO TRE.it' JBLIC. fErSince the introdattion of my article to the public, them ham a latalter'or eaprincipled noir vidnala got up ematrums whichthey assert contain Wild Cherry, some are called .I:kissing? "Bitten,' and oven Syrup of Wild. Cherry, but mine la the onsinsluid only genuine prepamtles ever introdu cea to the public. which can be proven by the pub lic Records of the Cominonwealth of Fcrutsylvasta. The onlymifeguard Nolen imposition, is to see that my signature w on each bottle. DR. 11. SWAYNE. Prepared only by Dr.'H. SwuTen,at hik Prieej. pal Office; corns of Froth 11.0 d RAM Street), Philulelphm. All Wild Cherry reparations being fictious and counterfeit without his signature, Fors ale in Pittsburgh wholesale and retail by WSI. THORN, '53 Market street, OGDEN & SNOWDEN, comet ttoddc Wood ste. I s p ioriEscuo Liberty street.. . Sold also by.) Mitchell, Allegheny City; Boyd, Cum & Co., Butler, Weaver do Henderson, er n ter, Moine Calendar, - Meadville; J H 8011011 & Co.; Ede; . sl'Kensie & Knakell, Cleveland; Denis & Son, Lolinateis l Miller, Brownville; Muth, %laming, Ye-, E ' Hinman, Cincinnati, Ohio. Dr E Easterly & Co., St: Louie; J S Morns & Co., Louisville, Ky.; Andrew Oliver & Co., New Or leans. • arrs HUNT'S.LINIMENT, S now universally acknowledged to be the IN j .FALLIBLE 'REMEDY for libeumathen, Spi net Atfections,Coatractions of the Muscles, Sore Throat and Ciniamy, lue o,Old Ulcers, Patna in the Back mad Chest, Agee la the Breast and Face, Tooth Aerie, Sprain., Bruises, Salt Rheum, Bares, Croup, Frosted Feet. and .11 Nemo Diseases. The TRIUMPHANT SUCCESS which bag at. nded the apnlication of this moot WONDERFUL MEDICINE. insuring the most seven: ease. or the different Diseases above named,--and' the ENCOMIUMS that have been bestowed open it, he erithas bbon introduced, giro me the tight to call on the AFFLICTED to resort at once to the ONLY REMEDY THAT CAN BE RELIED • ON. . ' • ti The lactiltkrite in recommending the ccl.. aced External medy,Thrues Liniment. Thd folloaiener from the highly eminent Physicians wh ore been attached to the Mount ?lemma State Plum for miry years, is the oi evidence of the wo e of this celebrated m enuLi Stsio Stan, December 53, ' My year Sir—l rceeived year note of yesterday, asking my opinion us ielation to- Heets Liniment, as prepared by and havi Mr George E Stanton. Knowine its composition, ng frequently .mad it, I can recommend it to 'you aa amfe &Lerma Reme dy, and m my opinion, the ,best Liniment now in use. ~ Very Ind/ Mad M.PearanTj'n l l A R H Frit AN. • Col Pierre YanCertlindt, Croton Manor: fully concur in the above opinion. W I% BELCIIER. Yonciown;Jan. 14, 1145. Sir—ln reply to your letter, I would say that I hare used &tem! Remedy, called Hoot'. Liniment; in my practice since you made me an