~~ ~ y. bt : 1- PLANSIELS-2rne. I brown Illinnels„ supenor • - 1 -"• qa•hrirlort ree'd; far saIebyGDDCGCHRAN,A RY 4 for the naaafxrtarar. • • • • al3 CtLAZINELIS—Drown, birch, and plaid Domemtle Flantteli—ess, scarlet, yellow mad while from els !. • s!.m mumfamotis!—Attal_l_s_spptymmtm bust m Dry ! !! F.or 1 d RPi , . sptl ,_ ( 4 1 ' • .P 11E_;t 9 1,It_o' the Ann Presbyterian antra is af. tiO r AlitiClfsrl«;7l=l:! °"q"—" P VON kegs . asiontifin gum' onale tiy J D WILJIAMS •••.iw \k‘' 13IMMI rponACoo-40'bmi Tobieeo, coatis* of Ss; Ei - - J. Ix*, 1.75, and pcand IttAp;'•s kegs • twist Tobacco • • tor ale by • A1e0114.,11U13/IFIELD &ROB • *2O • •'k ; 19113eny • MEE M=TE INEffill '"...."?i'.;::?:,:i1- ; ::;-4;it'..: : ',".' :::;::71...:'''''-i'-....•:•:.:!:".. •:,.:;'*•Vt t t 4:17. 77 i ot • • •(•‘4 ': • i L - ; 5 .: '4,1 .4 1 **.; :••••41•:: - ' l '4 • , • ; ti • ' ').`l Y1 4,17 -4' 4 ' tk. .104. ;4. 4 : 4 ' ' IF; T 4,1 V , • 4111'6;0 CLOVES— jvi 100 lb. Jut tlxetired; Laresilit- N Mtool . ll , 737 . 1tFJ1.7!cartoysiost .R nprid; ( orrab b 7 -.lrtm4L-Sp ktallts Y TI; 43 • - Imperial; for 'sale by . - • AIWILL,BUSHYIII,D dIZOE 11(1,.1F7 !1,111 7 1 ' 01.4 , "an— ashmu st CLVICIIyIIIIP—WR MURPHY ban open alumna 4 ,ll l4l•soprtracei cholas plum of ilf!up or Laneolon and wain make. • . . , . 7i7 t ' DOW • as*—doo boDo • " SO boxes MN 200 do 10Ell ' do ANDO - 140 do 10114 DI do :10 • :0 do 7x d for side by • vit BONNIIURSTk C 0,33 front st SOICZnMt. REB.-10.1 oaks New York ran nocelveck &cult by • r - • • - WILSON fr. CO (WkWkll-100 bloc cF—• • - HJOJCP-2:0 bales avpaiar Ma. day, mad ju more, Po ode by _ lIUTCHISON &CO . • ... annum., karma q, Imps. cats 4 43ap for Limner asa-ratrY law far We by • P aRGLERS.I7 lawn, .1 • 1 ;';' , :;: - '''..:•!, , :hii: , -,?. f: ,-- ;!: - '" , -; - : . '•;:•;i:t. • , 1141,11.-700 pc. Gapers:lr balssossed bums tor bows sad amities WI reed per guar Pairma•2o &sae all' oyJ JORD_AN &SON, HI tgbem bbls Lard — lMlnsbuth ataairmi. •, for 217 - ula 1 , 2 y• HARHAOCHI SAW—H - 72W. Nol amro - Thersky L 60177. 7 —. ioßDArth. DON MuLduancei—tau bbl/V. MoiHg% 20 do 12. H. do: mmm kls sate . by • ENGLISH t.BEMHETT ;IM 7/LOVIL.-216b1x, • upeeor tnide ie slonn R• Or Web L 8 WATEIKAII Gesh ^ L zacuir sTlitT-4" tonmAKeir: co , • t,.. shaker ...11.67 • mi i!ia .111 . tor 'WWI &bwiesii VAILCHIE rciu. YALE—YOl . ...t_iong t l4l ft wide. s. bold,*ki. %he b azimrk co VA cintilritt m. 51 - . 718,403 fine Lem o th, dose! oraftrobemt=ath Bti4VZ.:”Tria;bl;=brced4 for ' ALERATV ' casks .'.S. . 0 bY -1371 •• - 7 1 /Sgf i it; . A s if i ca °' .4 . .. , 1 1 114 ... , . 17 commercial mgr. Mm ..... , .uff:1 4 14 , 11/1 .1. bi bnA l ,7llans,foltannek &re i . : jibed - .. :-. - . 7 conaserelal Am. bbeny fti •- -.-,... - ID -.• Seorebinrin lee'd and &reale by _,.' &Di - . - It OVIIMINVHAU 144 libel! , in . , Plalf- - 14Viiiiia 4 4;i:ft : Lab...is .77 . bowls and groebrs, al dut AI and nylon Foe. '• -:' iftly V Palk rt. - mrylll .• ' RHODES tALCOItN . ... AVIRCIAVALDLEA.-40 tiff bbl, No DiarEe t. • • . , , ;:: .4r, blZAZELTOtt,eaninkTelaxond - ..:' MED PEPPEIR, L in . bbli: km, ow Loin*, fkCloi C ' ' a'"" 7 Itl 1071 d Ert 6 t b k :ja N ' '• 11#14 , : ' ';',' .. . No IT PLO nimbi • o.lnucuir.g.- taaw A Nahm i tor sale by. nlti • imas—ssium. orruma; to- at. i9i hind sod for solo . 4 No 144 11borty moot ,1 00 tuolOd. I -7, • - • -41,447 I OVa ~„-. • " UT JIMILPUTr V •:Mtet auee/a=vrevetd= Yu e 2B 'sap* ad, Goad", 804 Iwnit r f ' aal3 Le" • ar m. 1411..ka difanta , Va.. e 3!" iMURP - 11Y d Liz • : • &dyed ware Um% autadkuttl' --• -I SVELEMPADIat; VORIS, ke.—The oaderstoed boo beater:whited Aorta (or the tele of the share' artirkaatm by Jobe Purees &Co. All onion a demote to Na for)aeh vela will receife pump 11110115011 at the lowest moottfiseterer'e once • .17 , • ~" - OEO COCHILAN.eO • • TIIIITLZ SOUP. tt ./r TUtr "SO UP 404. l iK-een dZ7 e el 17e:cloak. Tie Wen, 6f Tonle 'ajar" caul invited. ea A.mreerself dim po Cll2l=l be earpaesed.734l TATER FILTERS, for.purifying WEee for dnnk- Ing And &scab . : u reneerag h as clear and. : • luivet Olsp, lug water. ,T se, hey are Ix very eaisusive use .• • In the E•stern eitie.. Eurasia by, CEO COCIIRAN, 41/ wood sa DEFER-17057 bundles S.C. &raw Paper; 1 ' Ital amities Aid. Straw Paper, ....n0 reams ruled letter and eap paper; • dOO tea and rag wrapping; ! ' If ream; Ana white dame piper; Nat Tee and far see lasei+y ' . REYNOLDS 6 51161! jylt , ear pem and main ata . • ..,_-- OILS -71 goills s niesehedH • 6 bbleranne lAN Lard; • 7 bids N C Tar; for rale by ' ale • 0 BLACKBURN k. CO water a Xi A lIDOMINaI. OUPPOR.TERS-Dr aim% Wry . - gaud's, Snowden's and ethers for male at the Drag anneal" - '.l XIDD e CO. s car ath & sited sts JINDURCII REVIEW—The July nambei-oitlii reliable work for sale et 11, fiLASS-60 buosforted,OzO iolOzli, for oalo by 43 spaJ D WILLIAMS ligd OUR bbls fresh gmand flaw lV . Ind RE rac'd;Eß aale Ur G tor nniikdald and wiser FIE URICKB-LA Ftlperlor ankleof Copkty on hapd; for We by " • sns3 . J W CHADWICK ACAS—twat Patent Yawn caninnotly on handi for sale by RHODES trALCORN 27 6111 et OLDER bbls store; Gar sale by V - • BELLER-SO? libeny at • ArnsTh COLORS-45 dos of 'ground colors . compressible tubes_ various stmdlN for solely J HIOD &CO, cor ' ellsk. greed its •lu P l f r t 6 r ei tega2 F' lob VrltfN sr.4l 1.52 !then, _ _ _ pip llETem10: tons Allestlesty htletsl, Oro Bit r'.7! winmectmwm rsaswr.llMU lb, prna7 for sale by •: OAT6-4DO for salts I,=V r‘IA r If • TINA: 47 . - i.n II O),C7T7ITTFTri44 4131PH011-1 bid refined for We by ati • .1 D MORGAN ' D,ll3e.ks Engthh Vabedim Red, pan to arrive 'Gar unle by JRCHOONMAKER &CU BOTTZZI.—.4OO IW keE faVuli: by All 885--ito bb l, Moim-se4 b a3l • IlidArkYtt warrnt& ...xi Z-10 tiorc. (rob jost reeeivr.* for sad alll BACIALKY &MI J :4; +5,..,117NiT1FM71141rr305,72,01A ,IXAMR—Coenteast snd eared constantly- • Al hand; be sale wholterde • • , lendl.a7 all • OIDAN & SON T WILING dlAASlZS—Virbelessle ina rehnibr u. a. 13- C ARBUTHNOT I,ILX FIIII4OE-14.4, th'3, end 4 inch. far sale ly .13 . C ARKUTHNOT QTEEL READS-10N blanche. ibr taloi by • C ARBUTHNOT eiraOrS PAOWEBS-1 ct Atx rcd; i A E SEI4.ERA (ILOCID3-36babes 30 boar and B day, ree'4 Pot sae a 9 by . C ARBUTHNOT, Hood ft 0134.1 . r NOS—A bugs assortment or ne pawns a these desirable geed. Jast opened: 6 • • sale b . FtI EATON. •M A F ERIg S7I. Irgis i" d No ,pqrbw. 2, • • - 10 ki 63 2; tar Pale by . • - 0 BLACICOURNa.OO MA KUM1,440 DI. est, Go sale by OR 5..12 id, DIcOIIEW k. liberty rt BisiIJEBETS-45 pear • Demesn e Blankets jast received=ranent; (Genie b ' •' • a:0 - • . G const Y.O COCHRAN VO y wood at UIOC FLOlM—flash ground hum new ctoi, fo 11..ak at dm Mostar,Land Spun Faxwry, 21 kk n. ate • lt/iODEB 4F. LCO Li CIIILESE-4.0 nxe.vailrliaria dt • ear mithEekt t water • VIESERIG-10D 14s W a (Reese; • errant do; tor sale by • • • W GREER ,140LA88Y8-114 bkts N O Motassts; o . • kl do; ;WWI MR- 4 est (1 33 Ibs) prima J =V; AnADDE mala by ESELI an MIS .pit • 57 woad I~INN .2.4. J....ea ; forme by RES,,rOI4 ♦(18 GligETr--I.l' lbspaninnsequaliryje.t reejJ E SE6LEES 8R1M 1370 /* - 7W4lbriert ree'd; bi . R ESE:L=IIBf UA 126, fpIi AMMUh for sakay "Mi1.14.9".1111V; FLOWERS PERSONIFIEDA: near seprilrer .benatifed mewls, from No t jam received at MORl36 . 3Litervy-berier-LiPoitall rt. • we isailsoeis ow= cheese, (some weighing ll MO/ mg fio 2 / I .lC,litt bull/ ft bar talc 4 - • ' 8? VON BONNI 101113? &CO /11811 - 198,011—iebble fur whi by - • - • welt. 8F VON BONNUORST CO bb' Oil byy '.BURBIUDGE, wILSOxtoo water si jut ree'd; tor RAC. ft Et SELLERS ALLSiICII,-Camasaan awl Claus la arrallrelagarffiggal . ~~ • Blew Poway roper. ' • Panama foe Pa Lin the. Vity-of:Philadal; W 8,4 tour Daily Paper; la be called DAILY NEWS. , • • •- rIIRE rapidly - Inciaming business topulation, and uphal or Philadelphia; the cortneetion ex isting between Whig principle! and the pmsperity of duchy. and the presetu position of the Whig pony of Pennsyl vania and of the Union, have's:slued the ..b.entrets to mope., the utaldishment of the above . paper .• • • The NEWS will ado:mato WhisprinaTina ne origi nally expounded by our Mrefulters of the uonstitatioes i 'sod edoptisMand adrouted by the accredited organs cad champions of the Whig cause at the present day. Thou proprietors refrain Mora Whoa forth to a proepee• toe the peculiar propriety and Orating neecattly et the I Pohlieetioe of khold, energetic, and Menem Whig Peo ny Paper.in dill city. • They we obvious. - This is an us or cheap Inelaturei god - will° the poblishers aim to <stabiles the paper npou the dads of solid menu they would plaeisit within the reach of all t!! itschearrnew. As a news, commercial and business papist, the P ENS shall ha seeded to none of its eardeinporarlu• The mow emple resume...re secarrcl bir receiving the latew and most accurate lout, foreign and 'Maurine 1111 2ng1;ideliCate eir offeruive to a refined taste will be Unlined into this paper. Tugs.—The NEWS will be delivered to sebeenhers at nix cents per leech. payable to conic, every Satur day. Mall aulismitiers S 4 per amnia EVANS, PAXSON & CO Philadelphia, Augastg7,lNlZ splldtr TIPS ATIlleilf•EIIIIE, rpuE p'aesnrk, department. tithe duce exterere I:06- J. Poland t„ Isllerty et head of woad, are now opco and rad, to IMO up la rends is Creed, Sereetlames Cake, Fmk, Cool Dank,, and all the weds rafieshmenta of the The either beet m proprietors most remedially inane the mapecuble andiee the.. dumdum themsres,as they an Mallen, that mall it. , ateat &perms/um 3t moot be 7, 3 t riamel„ and cm Minty t the roe pleases nwet no the The Dare eletreals, both Lefseetend Gentle:Ma's, are denualled for ear, mewls, and coodet by my to ths and the the Parlors well challenge a comparbon for ' Ofbtls.,llßll beauty, with the.. of my Mother emoblesiment ba fume snywhed. The vest Stem% wide It. socket, chaste, end earth roma, is, Is splice of the mew ot• Wag eurioury . Rooms an fitted op at which anathema, aka., ma hoer Leach, Illmsternad Reineunows al all hero ofthe lay. The great Selma comma io both these aad gentkowa dtemere lathe Toro cordate. Tile Lelia" Parlorandosise for La. Mes—entreare at thoillt“ cocoon . N. IL Pathaanoralle famished at the shaded duce. .8.303 PECK, THOMPSON It Co Isegeortatit7ierthi I..adlor IA R 2. DOSS nompetintly nithruts the Ladles of Pitts , &Si. both and desnity. that she has taken merns at Verner's Temperance. Hotel, near the Post Othce, for the purpo d. se of ten, a new syatem of Drew, eating by a meth.manta! rate, entirely her own. It has no comeetton and bet • ebght resemblance to limit:T.6dt efairs heretofore 161P01 , 03 upon the. public of a similar nature. The most perfect satisfaction given, of entee otnpense relented. , /al person. however miipeneaced, can be doge In ono sal. not %elf an hour; to fit 1.11 the moat perfect and desirable style. and the experlmeed in mach fin- j prove their min of innogoing inellitating then. business • —call and mat It Mrs D has, also, I. erainectio., see. I erob other breaches, among which oa that of dam, Artificial Flowers, coloring, &causing and renovating 1 1 flumes and Feathers, etc. Term. Itheral to the eg• trame. Please call and !WOMB the fonrselves. N. B. Lades coo have linings fitted on petted. ent for PS cent, CITIZENS , • Poi rOhidiceen Wood and Alarket-et.,apposit' e Maj. Leerinzer's Exchange Office. i r r IE L . 41 " ts, dc" tr; I. J? aff? "4 41117- e" r i a bath " . ' intact estabashment wan be ' o;sen to-d d ay, per vided with every thing necemary to render bathing ' 9ALT and SULPHUR BATHS prepared ar onleired• The above establishment is fitted ap in an enure new plan, being 'conflated from she ntof and the sabscribet as confident that the improvements combined meantime to render this aatablidiment the mast ontoronable am powin the city. Jratha lf trnSIION A T el ' r ' Wand Alirings7b C :; d en titl . n "* L h r ' barge mock of Werolene, seek a. Broadcloths. French. Amorie. and Rein* Twilled black French Cloth, of insperier miry' black Cassimerem - • Parley do do; Blank French Doeskin do; Genuine Weak its wananted anshrinksble Domestic Flannels, plata colors and barred, ac.. 117 11 7holcsale stades, will find a chotce stock of ahnost everything to the Ihy Galas way, in the whole salts rooms up mar.- • spa • • MBE Sa W/HIC STSTORE. liseriber would direct ausation to his mw of J. Foreign Wines and Liquors, embracing all deserip tong and 'qualities of dry and sweet Wine together With a large r assortment In - Waal and Glassy of White . 004 Red Wfaea 'ChamPatnea-Bordeaua.Maraeillea, and German Wines from tie Rhine arid Attache, Hoek. soarklieg and will: and some SW varieties of French and Italian rangy Cordials.' My suention Lein exclusively desoted to this hilliness, purchasers wtlf be supptied with genataa ankles. wholesale or retail.ind at mode rase palms. JACOB WEAVER, Wine /horn sot 9 eor market and front Ns COACH MAKING. FROM the very nen/ eneentage Lent the sabseriber ha, received since arL.,." ha huh:eared dihnself In Allegheny, has Waned hunt* take a lease, fora , term of years. on the property he now lo Heaver meet, nonacintiely beside the Churl. Front the long expenenee to the above bonnet. end • desire tsi please, he hopes to :cler k sad receive a share of trnblle outcome. Now on hand and finishing*, order, Rockaway Dag en., and top Haexten and Gem dereoption of wade to order. from sureary.five dollar. to elidsthanaret lasp.l-dd) JOHN SOME. • 4111dENSWARIC Ate ple/Pliecessed at No lei Liberty street,aline lot oflacecoaware,Teae, Pickle+, ke, which The wyrs.- •er iatesths telling at Warted Week He would 10Vite the sundae of dealers, hotel keepers, neamboat men: and private famtlies. to call and ezatetne his week of wares, beam perchaNek elsewhere As then sill rod nto their advantage, those wishing to purchase, should call sows soil seethe a barkain, as the propne twe ts about chrsinghp his swek ag26 : W ANTED M SOON—um (or several good book. keepers, saleS7 ra h w ool %cache's, coachmen. mechauka, labore for a 11111111ber of Isma of all Wanted—Env en a farmer and - no sons. ' Wanted money to. kerma, Warno,l— Good coivar, teneeksepen rod seine 01. for all anat. Maces for. a number of colored coachmen, wailers and colored menoromen and to'ys. . • Mate arrnly *WARMS'S Agency and loielfigenee Odke, Pifilist. near: Wood. IN! RIOS FLOUR for *ate at the Steward etsia knet=No nth meet.. : Re little ace:lnto be Et ne oxamoolte or too value of Rice Hoer in Pun"' &aging, arida, a wtrttesome delicacy for the invalid, that we have eenetadel to foretell a hot et tr=re:l i ciwbieh r r k r o. e i es m tero r d z o b= , ,= walllea, nat., spengweake, wired calm blue mange, te.ke, as ROOM &ALCORN DINPV.ILS—At the Athenteam— The proprietor, the,Atbeneetes Refnatitnent armament will set at Dinner table punctually at .I o'clock, v. sc, each may, enetateseine on Wedneoday,the'S:th inst. The table *ill be sappliett with the best that the market affords. • rk......11 men ale rupee ea fainted 10 tan " - FEt'K. THOMPSON k. CO A ITORNEY and Counsellor at Law,C/NGINNATI, .21.0H10. Colloevons in %macro *tun audit, Indiana and In tonineky, money and GlinfallyAnteade4 in., Cantaisatoner br dm State of Pennsilannia; ihr hang Doarnmehaab.oarkdd.n.= l .l.. . tam Tv—lion Vlirtn &U At. Hon, Con., Charth Cambers,lVal Hays, Eon., %%Hoek Davin OS - TATATOHEff, JEWELRY.. Jec—Jaal receiving my V MU sanely et fine Gold and Slyer Watches and Jewelry b 'which I would call de &nestled of parches. ms, es I wined's% tell d per tent &dream outcasts/ eamem prices, and rrillgearsatee every article ae rep mewed. W.W WILSON spit car lth & marketed VslilliOLUT/oA—The colarasersiThe7airda exisung between the subscribers. ander the style of JD Williams &Ca, Is this day dissolved by mount eouseni.. 716 badness will be mmtbrued by JD Wil lams.whe is duly mtboneed to mule the accounts of L b. b d . , p. _ - J D WILLIAM,' THOShIIL.LER. PiUnhand,. Sept t. IRA ..... nALOCKIIIILII2—SOO kw ItJo Cone . ; . . . 1.7: . . ,_ 75 bail Impala:lo2g Tobacem• p .. 60 IV elms Tamp Upon and Imp Tea; 3167 a Y /I, Imp and 0 r Tea; .. • I caroms a P Indlpoi 40 bis Cbaeolaiq , • ' 100 matte Caul., •.. . i 1 Cllk Ombra Bladder; 50 bble mu Leave*, • • •,0 bble anomodkOinaeri , 10 pelt ti last trod and for Tale by . 1 8 -. .., : .11 ROBISON t CO. if* liberty at ONDRIKII-160 bbl. N 0 Maltose „ bbl 811 Molaawin -10 10 nbla Leif do; do Tanner; Oil; • 10 do Rosin; • 4 : 100 'kW .pan Bole Loather: IGO ken row* 100 dawn Cora Bowe.; • cOOO 114 Conon Yang 100 mama wrapping raper. in stare: Or oak, by R RODISON & CO 10 bap 01 , 90, 1.1 5 tlems 3dp tkleroooq, I' do Idaode, • 100 mans Caret: • 10 004 Cider Vamp.; • 100 doz Corn Brooms; ' too kegs assorted 011.00 Nails; • Up 40,0 Reaver,Buckol.. • 05 0007000; 8 taws Leaf Basin 5 0 101411101zza, .14.3011*'"'". j gclll.1 P %% 6 447a & ROE - - - .F °it "!. as,'" C.:l'lWeicrodittiffoorth _ • 'Tsruso nand _ • ;Window nub acd Glass to salt; • .3(atebds, • ,•• Boards, Brasbes; Loalswillo Lima ForiaJa byjdAdellAAßLY, Agent and Coottoisslon itsseltant.Sti it stew Wood. L'CtIOI7OI.ATZ COCOA. Ito— .. No t CboOO/Oto•tta.l* - - • No 1 Votos ?MO, do; ; • " • NotN Ne i pmli do; orto Coaiolt7 Chocolate. °opus I supply a lw a y's on hood; &rude by NAGALEIr & SKIM Alenti for the Blotoolietwor _ aCS-4.1, tibia chip Legareeadl_ lG b y. P ATpl ri e4 I S Win Madder, •• cc:mg e le by ,splt• TIISTR/DritIVILSON eCO bble opperas; .10 do: Wal e. c backs; . • Self:este." Uwe; bbli lye Fleur; Crab Cider, on egotteienutenCtor b 1 11) WILLIAMS duod Pi 0 - , • , 5 bbls panted. N U 7• • 3 do embed; • 5 6 , bulddrided: • 5 do mall Ledt; 1 due Lodreiard D Ibr sate h 7 12.51113 O D S/Intri -- 1 b off,Tesi,,tl D WiL botdold GOY Javd,• 4, 41 1.. do ?dacha; for date by • II) WILLIAIII4.IIO wood at 1100P2A TOOLu.4hvi been e_pe.'renl *et A,/ feeling Lae of evlebnued' WOlte sett = ll ZOlO.lO t 0* WI sep" ply abbe iesetantly im Ti1e....11*1011/1000-4S.bra Ilkattserimiporw ) 7 4F- A V lA Arg amgit ;114"144 21 1 * fA,L 14141 Nett ; • - • son San I not.l & tines I loon &loons dies pininos, SUUMBER. 1 9 — Tb a u - 74 -- - , ---- t• ! 537 a 10iFliday 1 , , 5 3.5 II Saturday l - : : 5 36 1! Sunday 1 : 6 37 13 Monday: ' 536. 74 Tuesday 1539 15 Wedoesdoky I . 5 401 2iewfilooo 670 6947 • . 6 17 7 13 • 6 15 7 96 6 19 8 13 • - 6 12 8 53 6 10 9 , M — nof the Oestua Staanteis. Stearees. a learaine. LCSTO Amer. U, --- ,, --- n,, --- a, BA/ 9 MR., Oit lewia, Sept 1 Oet 1 ~._t/ibent.9 , loo, Ryrie, Dept 19' Ott /0 ...retain. (DO Junior, 011.4 Sept 1 Waq'ton. I Am 2 liewli, Sept/ 15 PkilattelpLia.(krrj . Sept /5 Oct 10 Miseoun,(Frl; . Sept3l- Ate 31 New York iFt/ i ' .: Sept/5 Aug 13 u.i..,(Frl 11 L .Sept 39 Atli 31 -- ' PITTSEIBROR BOARD Op TRADB. COMMITTEE 'TOR SEPTEMBER I.U. DIEM+. W. W. WALLACE. W.?. TOTTEN ARILIVAIj AND DEPARTMRPhiOF MAILS. Eastern Msit;vie Philadelphia, doe. A. M in a& Western Mai , Cincinnati and Louisville, due 8 P M., Mines 5 A. M. Southern Mail vie Baltimore and Washington, due P. BL, closes 5 A-M. North Western Ins Cleveland, due TO A. 111., closes 9 A. M. Elie and Wialtern New York, doe 8 P. ht., closet 8 A. I%Y. ,P4SSENdkR _ARRANGEMENTS FOR 1E47. • .4teaus Boat !i Pocket Idea, leaves daily for Chi. einnaooo A. as. Paasenger Packet via Brownsville to Baltimorean:l Philadelphia, S a:wand r. re. Canal Packetidne to Philadelphia, daily, 9 r. Mail Coach Lite' direct to Philadelphia, 9 a. IN and 124' at. Western and Solithern Mail Coach Line,Zo. at. North Western via Cleveland, doily, 10 A.M.- Eric aid Wntern 'New York, dolly. 9a . 0.• North Eastern to Philadelphia, daily, except Son- 1 days, 4 'a. n. °setae Pirninunow GAZETTE, :Ilitierdty blanking, Scpteber 9.. The market generally Is quiet, without any im. portant change in prices. ' .Floor seems firtner than at our last report, and pricey *lightly in the ascendency. We notice a sale of a* bbls at 51,75. cash, par funds; and of 400 bbls oo Tuesday, not before lapelled, at. 4.871 Sales by the dray load amounting to some 50 bbli were made at 55 ts. bbl. • Rye Floor--Sales of /0 bbl, at 53,25 py bbl Supply in market quite limited. • Grain—Tim market 1. dull and sales implu wag at the usual: Wbut 8.5 to 90e. Rye 40 to 43, Cora 37 to 40. Ots. to llbe P . rosisiiins- t Tiao mark e t steady, withentehange In prices. • We note sales 2 esks sagas crowd barns 10m 4 do, embrading country nod city eared at 9 Os oral 1000 Ito sides at afttlie 1 4 .• Lard.-Salon of 400161. keg lent at ttiej; lb. Cheese—This mirket continues firm, witb farther sales of W It aiG to 61 I. lb. Butter --Sales of 900 kg. flatter at 9.1 to 10e per supply is quite limited. • -- Whiakty—Salcoof bbls raw at 10 to 19c; and 10 Ulla good rye at 30c. Regular sales of common res6fied at 23e; and of old at 30c p gal. TaJlow--Saica of 600 lh• at Sic t 316. Scorching.—We quote further ales of 6 tons at 4 cents. Pot Ash-7 toss wets sold At 4tthi44 cests pc pound. ‘iispowrs Dr nivßa. WHEELING—Per Keelboat 'Rough and Ready —95 bbd. usnacco-19 bdl. leather, Clark & Thaw bbl. door, Orem, McGrew & co-24 kg. but ter, I boa goo barrels. STEUBENVILLE—Per Keelboat Wei Flaglo— bbls floor, Lambert & Shipton--6 crti ware, S Wightman-62 .k. wool, Bidwell-10 bg. bartry.W As potato., lot of sondnea, owners aboard-2 bbl. Pyle, S Gettis—V do do, owner aboard—V3 do Boor, J W Rele—t) toss clay, Robinson & Monis ' —2500 bricks. WELLSBURG—Per Keelboat Lewis Wbasel -75 Ilk. wool, Bingham MI hhdp bacon, Jordan & Sue-6 do F Seller.-10 do tobacco, J Flack-168 bbl. Boor, owner aboard. • BEA VER—Per Keelboat Umpire-310 tot 'paw. der,Jas Pit., -101 bra cheese. Cangbey-33 do do, F Dmen-77 bdl. paper, Wallingford & e 6-11 bbl. wire. S • Stevene-1 c.k Gillet. 152kocrell & co I 14:4 sand, Fahnemock & co-350 bble doer, H Crag. Satan Privet la the City Illarket. Wedriadny Morning, Pcpt APples4Ppek 10 0 1241 tem 4 0 5 3 4 beer. 46 9. 50 7 .14 te• • . .... 23 0 - --Middling 4 0 6 10ie., bllpek•-• - 012) --Girard 50, Wadding Lea, pm 50 6 —Dned•-• 0124•Potk i lenati 5 0 6 8 0504 barteli••.• 903 Parialp.P borsai• • 9 0 1 freepeintlb 16 fOtt' , eptatoft, ax f• p. 40050 D. do Roll•• ;12 0 4 I—ltre ..• •• -- 62.•0 Do pple. qt• • 010 1 bed p • 025 Bear in hod Pp 6 Fo'o .2. P 2.• •pk • 40 0.2 ..-01146 pike fr 4410 012 )Pairkes. pek •• • • 1000 ' Cabtive,P hail.- 3ft 3•—tried, P at- 40 3 Came 46 blurb • • 20 3, IPiekei,P dos 16015 • Ornery 305 6ea, in ball,,Ppek- O at...ker. Gk. 4. pr 9t ea' !Sanaap. ,•-• 0— ...... 00k7 i—bant 50 7 - 0 , 1--...Driod • 6 0 Corneal BRIM, ba 045. Tape. Dre 6 fern 11 013 Gleams, p qt . ..- 1-.-Pried • ..... MIO3I Gam OSO rratkra.live. erch• • 0 - Crabtree. at--- 8 . 1----elaoed • •• Dunks, P pert 22015, 1 1 1.1 bre tam plb .5 ---eltard• • -•- 0- Wallets,♦ pa.• -• 10 Da Rep Pen. .... - . . 2 / 1 0 . 1 FISH- Gee.., e 1.., • ',4l , 47l'retestp barith•-•0 031 Goterberner.42. qt- 0 0 • Adana 25 C line/.(:ray p lb- 7 0 8 .rBoekm , 124025 Snicked 8 010 Ta t 66 60 0150 I HeetimP qt 4 64 Ft.ouß— lkumcowbii.ll...l6 our w6.t.160 et 0) aiad," qt-16 - 020 .. _.. wee Led, 11.• 8 810 Gareitire ••• Com lido: 6 0 6'! Tipp plant 4 0 ki nadaebenico Pqt- 0 -•Toulatos,epek.... s 010 Plaine Pqt .. 10 019 Pellonn, each ••• • 20 043 The 'morning-im pleasant, the market well Supplied inewell 'attended; with-little variation in the prioriainee leat.qootetiOna ' , The Weimer Financier, Caps• H. Kounht, bare for Cincicurati, at 10 o'clock this day. Tho Finineler driwa only 15 inches water, and is go. ing out exclusively with pusangers. Wa kw by . telegraph that the stoma? Car. am, Capt. Hay,, arrived safe at Cincinnati, yestenlay rooming. ' BOATS LICAVIBG Till DAY. D. LEECH & Co'.. PACKET, Pbiluie'Oda and Ballimore.9 e. w. BROWNSVILLE PACKETS al B y u. and I senvim PACKETS at 9 and IQ u and 3r r . PHOKONGAIIELA CITY PACKETS, 3 r. r. auspow PACKET, d 1 .4 0, ',4 r. U. DISPATCH, Nelme, I3rownoille. • • OPIECTA, ' ' .NEWARK, • PORT .OF PITTSBURGIL .o s I row! 4. Iscgt4l aSTA SD Coatel.Boanaaa.Bunraerille. Louis McLane. Banned. Unrensville. %Vellerille. Hama: Walleville; • Haden. Ebbart;Saafieb. ' Despatch, Hinson. Atom City . . Cal! Cops, nb:des, Unl l l.w. Skipper . , Waver. • Figsaeter. ream an, Ctn. .filawert, Hard. DEPARTED. • Cease. Bowman. Brownville. Louis McLane, Bennett. Brower"'lle Monterey, Woodward, Brownville. Wellsville, Baran., Beaver. Boon Beaver., ' Lake • Erie. Hemphill, Beaver. Diapateh, Nelson'Browrinille. Camden, Ileadrilison, Bearer. Alert. Gregg, Cia.' Skipper,.. Vent, • NEW STAR CLOTHING STORE, No. ' ;o Mary Pitithurgh, Fe. /i N th c .ffil fr innf t rat*Turvle"l":ll7l7ltTe u ; have groaned the cervices of John Oarrey,—recemly of Broadway, New ,York—esforeinut ofthnle estabolc Tido gentleman having teen extensively engaged is the custom barium, exclinively, in the Oboes city lee the ISB/ ten years, berth known by toot fashionable community and Is einveniallyreeknoerledgert to be a cutler of great acquirements. • ' lye. ill be 112001k1S supplied with Pa:reign (whines, whlen will givens the advantage of odering our Celle. MUMS /IPSO ilia Wren styles. Geode... liibp Oro , Modred. of adorning their penmen, can, by calling ail the Original Mar, be ampernothited. All anicies from this emablishmentwill be warrant-. rot in every particular, es no trouble or eapenoe will be wanting on oar put to afford general satisfaction. We save Just received a splendid Meek et French and English black, Brown, Blue, Breen, Olive and Cla ret Cloths. Sleek Moo, Brown and Omen Beaver Cloths. Foolish I.lloth/sib._ Fiedeassimeres and Cloths for Socks and Business COWS. French Doe Skim, plain and gored. Do limey CaseWerea. • Alw.• large Lid of American Cloths and Cassiencren French met eat Yeivete for vesting. Do Sleek and fancy bailee. Do 'do no Pihe., Do do do Cashmere, and all mudea pertaining teeny business. We harem , ndomuagnibinTow ww.s in on Weal have, being oonneetal with Dolmen both in New York and VOS/011.111POSSIll keep as regni..sy capp li e dwith the Meath. repent splinter needs. • ALSO—WiII he kept eonwently on. hand a general_ assartment of ready made Clods:mg. • . . •• Together with a Eltirts,DroWers nailer Bhinallesonsi, Whim, OcerPhertssuktiMmos, ' SospessMns as be. • • APicKER kgar ;-, BOW Maier Sonhs 70 moo g d at - -N.B. All order. will bap/Womb , enemies n . .07 ..ermtiaellaretimmis -on St toms : llsessighlaseisaiatasstlakedasmasiuds WiFif • • . • • NEM CINCINNATI AND PITTSBURG • DAILY PACKET , LINE Mani well known line of aplendid Pesicogee Otes.o s L mar catenated of. the lanteet, Iter` test, Lei finished and famothed, and no.t payer ut boat* on On watereof the West. Every eectunnterhoo and coati lon that money can Fromm, la. been provided for per /engem The Line ha. been in operauouror five yea rti —pave cartied • million of people unto. the leant W ry to their pence. The boats will be at the foot of Wen)d insect the any omelet" to pasting, in the reeeli. tint* of height and We entry of passengers on the rent/. ter le aII eases the passage nyntey mitt be paid in advance. MONDAY PACKET, The MONONIMILELA.CePL Sieee, •orgb every Monday naornirig it 10 oTleei; every Brouday evening at 1010. • TUESDAY VACELET The /1111 FR NIAS D , NO. 2, Capt. J. El . itseelter, will leave Pitiebotgh every Tuesday morning at teeloelt. Wheeling every Torday evenitut m 10 P. WEDDIELIILATPIGE P AC KET. The NEW ENGLAND, Is(). 2, Capt. S. Detre,vrt• leave Pettharah every Wednesday naming at lo o'clock; Wheellog every Wednesday evening at 10 P. D. . ---. _ •-.—. - - THURSDAY PACKET. The WIPCONSIN, Capt. R. J. Grate,rill leive Pitts. bush everyThalvdaymorning at IDeehrehr Marline every Thtrsday earning at Pr PM. ' - TEs CLIPPER, NO. SI, Copt. Crooks,will leave Pitts coptpa; Wltsclino every Fc1711% eF;ridfds'arlVV. N. • • . ... . . SATURDAY PACKET. The MESSENGER, Cage. LiVird, will leave Pine burgh every Suarday morning ar lUo'elock; Wheeling every Stanek). evening ai W P. M. BOND ACET. The ISAAC NEW TO N, Capt K 4. O. Mason, wiU cave Pittsburgh every Stunday moraine at 10 .'doergheehug every Senday evening 2110 P. DI. s , laity SI t:l7 FOR TUI SAULT STE MARIE. _ • The steamboat DETROIT, Capt. 11. CottreDlM!! commence panning be tween Detroit and the Vault pie Marie on J.e grit, making erectly tnps during the mmaituter of the •eaaon, leaving Detr o it every Taevday at o'clock, Y. The Detroit is one year old, has a powerful 100 prey. • engine, and is well adapted to the :welt Bodo For Freight or oe P.. ;1 1 1l/E4CTR I NT d da r tleveland J N F.LBERT. Detroit F IV LAweos° FOR CINCINNATI. j a i 34.31......„ Tho steamer FINANCIER, CS i draught) Koontz. master, will lea mat.. this morning at 10 o'clock for passenacrit exclusively. rp,SI RCFIONCINNATI—REGULAR PACKET. The new and lightdrewht SLIM. slat LOYAL HANNA, J Plea , minter, will Wove for ahoy and inteimedlnte pore re Friday, th Loh Inn *lloo'o.k, a.m. For frcixht or passage, having superior acoocomod lions. apply or J - NEWTON JONES - 217 Monongahela llowe FOR lIT LOUIS—REGULAR PACKET. . The elegant ;111d A r . :Ter , n , IALT:kr{ Alkinno . n, maven, , rll !leave is nKn fanny at 10 o'clock. For freighl. Etr . 21.1. apply on pont& heihAl REGULAR - LOINSVILLEPACKEP Thenew, light draught and fast run :Bog steamer EUREKA, Crozier, sinister. will ran PS a regular Itch. between Pinsbargh and Louis. relic, during the season. She leaves tiamolay, August 21, al 10 o'clock. for freighter passage ato .. ' ly on board. ' a3l • Rhlgnilan Beaver acid Glasgow Pocket.. The new and fast running steamboat CALEB COPE, Sholes, master, built expressly for this trade. will ran an a regular Picket to Beaver and Glasgow—leaving Puts. burgh daily at :o'clock.... a, and evening to Glasgow, lovemli of Sandy and Beaver Canal,l on 111 - anday, Wel nesday. and Friday. For freighter passage to Beaver. New L,sbon, or the towns Weiit and Norther New Ltslion, apply on hoard omen jeS 9ls W HARBAUGII.9I wood sweet --- #ll l / 9 iiigili . iiiiingaiii/liis — rlsoliiii. - ii The new and fine steamer HUDSON, Ebben, master, has resumed her rep clar trip* and will leave... Pittsburgh as above every Thursday and' Blon-• day at 3 o'clock, P. AL For freight or passage apply m ak on board. *eat IiteEEESPORT, ELIZABETH AND ..110NUNGA. HELA CITY PACKET. jaatt, The sew !steamer DESPATCII, Nelson master, will run oa shore; lea jog Pit' s bore, every Monday. Wed nerelays and Friday, nip{ o'clock. A. NI., and Mononsa. bola Cityerery Tuesday.Mt:Way and hatordny. sr 5 o'clock, A. N. For freight or peerage apply on boar d /T 55 Bleirsaliii — l c iitiskiiiktriiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiii7 Packets THE hght drought 'learner . 11E21 NE di Hord. Moster.wili maks. weekly Dips or the above poi i doting the *croon. • For freight or inissate apply on bor rd or an are) D sTII.EINS. Ate„ EXPRESS LINES, ISTe , To Traw•Mor.. AAEXPREAS BEST PAO/lIIST LIAM^ .rlgaglik FOR grega PLIINADILLPI7II AND DALT/MOMS. I.K.reactissly /SF Nuevo, 1 7 11111 R Canal ea Railroad Items now in excellent A order. De Packets of this Lint leave await pas senders au follows, every /light ea -Setae Packet Indiana, Berkey. Slontsy, Acts No. do Lonimiona. Thompson, Toreday, Aefal. do Kentucky. rattly, %Vednesday, Sept 1, do Ohto, Quid. Thursday, Sept 2. do luararta , Belk ev. Friday, seal do Luniattna-Tuinpet.Saturtati, Sept 11, do Kentocky, Trout . Sunday, Sept S. do Ohm. Cralt, Monday, Sept 6 do Indtana. Bev key,Tnolay, Sept J. do Loale-tada, Thompvon. ednesclay: Sept .9 'do! Kentucky, intliy,Thuroday, r..p, v... Oh,o.Craix. Friday Sept IP do i Indiana, Berkey. sontrday, Sept , - do I Lottalona. Thompson. Sunday, Sept It you,Sestre cheap attaching and eatokinahla Oceans atotlatten. tenure your Dans as the Packet Offiee, Alonaelgitiela House, Winer eureet, or of eNt CO,' aanama a cos MP EASTERN & WESTERN EXPRESS 71413ACIIANTS and others .coding pods East, are iNS inkirsard that this line is thefutew now running hetweeU, Pnisburib and die East. eoliAtairg• at Balti more with Adams and Company's express daily, for all the 06=1p...ft:smut tides. Packages oral! sires received and forwarded daily to Brownsville per a:cam era Lnola Ale Lane and Consul, and mane byour Ea preassieszons which are anderloek t to Caralmitand and thence by mail train to Baltimore. For ruiiher panieulars enquire at 8t Charles /Tote. buildinge, Wood street. Ito VIaKERV, dent LOLIPIE uTVIFO DAY , LIMEet . BETWEEN MEOW NSVILLIS AND CUMBER LAND, Is non. ronninftdally eanh orny, tarrying 7.1%10 of Good. ton Frontlet, between &Ann point, Alemhezdaso from the Eau is delivered in !Mahwah on MA- Men of the third day Dom ClMlL[olllll—tontinK dim the. most expeditions mote for lettnur oat thuds from the Eastern Chien. The Aron In Banizoorn will ame a receipt as to time and eon. I The only Agenteore ' l C R/DWIU.L. Pittebergh ' G W CASK Orownulo MeRAIG &MAGUIRE. II Cored J R ROBINSON, Nn 3 Licht .1, 'near Posit it, Ralvreoro 116AVICII,, WARILEN & CLEVELAND LINE OP CANAL PACKET! AND STAGES. Ai • 1847, MONA. CANAL PACKETS TELEW APE & SWALLOW SAVE Veneer dolly at .1 o'clock, P. 311.. alter the 'J./ arrival of the utranaboat BEAVER. Diem Pittabragh, and arrive at Warren neat morning le anion for the Saga wltleh reach Cleveland beano • Mattelfen all he Dee:pied thrreghi Beet:nag be nh s an the Packets, end seats fa the Singed on appitennon on board mesenboat Beaver, Dem:tog 'Pittsburgh at 9 O'clock, AL st.,) or to the agents: • I 0 M BARTON AC., Pittsbargh .CLARKS AC, Dearer JESSE BALDWIN, Youngstown sold M B TAYLOR. Warren Drug., Cheaper than =nen Pa lli d l y e p. s=s, d pVl if .d ti,l , i oily, ra ' ro l I :I: r e ' s, i re, " l.ll t= vt. ens door south of Diamond alley, Pitishargb, Is now rgnelsitig a large'end fresh supply of Drop, ite. among which may be found . Me following artMls• which will ha sold low for cash and warranted. Cislehanles arid smal/ Squats is Ids motto. •, I MO' Sp Whiting 130§0 Cores. • • lON venetian Red,Eng 30 nsms Cinnamon taro red Lead, Emteno l, CO lb Nutinsgs IVA gal Pods •••/8 cases Crowe Soap IMO Enema Mew Ado ExcLogerood 411 W chipM Lotwool I cog sep'earb Soda MVO Camarood.grtstmd I bale h India i co n . 3CGO ehlp'd Fustic 11 eases GI Shellac, No I ZOO Oil Vitro! , 3 . do citle'd Magnesia 1070 Aquefortis ldo Matt do 30 galls t opal Varnish MAI Cream rotor 600 do Elpts Turpentine g carboys`selph Ether, 38 do Venice do :I do .8o Nitile do to bb Is white Rain 2CO ito Amir Vermillion 300.0. chrome Yellow 3 cases chrome Green • • .pH JOHN I/ MORGAN, Drugelat LADIEFI Who Use Common Prepared Chalk, an /Ls Mum not aware how ffighttolly tinariorm ts to the skin! how wise., how rough, how Wallow, yellow, nod unhealthy the akin aopeoto anur tiring prepared chalk! Besides, it is inharimmiconimohri a large goon lit/ of lead. We have prepared a lieseliful vegetable •niole, which AT call JONETS'S SPANIttII LILY W HITM It Is pnrlictly Innocent, liteingparified of all dedetettoo, qualities; and it impsns to the skin a natio e el, healthy, alabaster, otter, tiring "dim, at the same actiog as a comet. on the oklo,lnaddng Bean and smooth. Dr. James Aneerson, emetiettl Chemist of hlsma • ehesetts says: "After analysing Jones's Spanish LIII2 Waite,' had it possesses themams heaatiful and nata. rah, at the same time innocent white 1, ever sow.. 1 certainty eon conseiennoosly recommend its gee M all whose shin requires beasnifying.n • Prien 23 cents Stem per Sold by IVIII.JACIistON, at his Boot and Shoe Store.Vo Liberty Inset, head of Wood, at the Man of the Die Boat. READ AND REPLECTI—Don't be so miserly. bet follow the dietatei of common settee; How may thostaluds there are, who the the pahry ruin of two dol. tars, an willing Is wraith deaf for ycarslond yet It is no more etrauge than true! Notwithetrulding mons of their friends and acquaintances have beett yerfeetly eared by the ase of r , eart's Acevedo Oil, and letters . an d eernbeatcs of undoubted surthority may be daily examined at the entreat Dr //Jayne, Nob gouth Third Philadelphia, whew the indistinct le far sale; yet because thererte • b ire posetbility of lII' thileret theY CVllllffilli not only to annoy their friends, bete co raise rattle themselves —PUG But. .27For stale at the FEELY THA STORJ 72 Fault Streit. Trh.:,:oroinl"..laokili,..-":,14:111:,,...""Yrit:rm,,,4m ar4:l4h,e'halkli . - ',..---",hout.kw Le:bill:"liExL":l4:"4.":::rotry:°;P•uliaoke,'"Tgegoa-*".4( i'"l'"""'l''' ."3"'"4 "'I a Pagiu4s 8 IP rl "" ca " natbe.ng now l = the -'`And l'would 41k a -t-- I ' 74 .7 " IL ''''' - 1,- I. a"nb inerum t rumen:, , ...• ~....,,-, Th. them °lutTo. 0 josES-1:41J1-w.i .. , ~.." 1 4 ~,T=' Aulooiignn. " 4 $ IM° " linma Y4 ' '" lre.ll4' o - z...a.qzm.:. ; ..-, .< . lizailiont,i ,, - .... 04. ww .x..... • 6l mctit,t.--- ,„ • boa ! "'' APfill , - emcsoFfitg 4- resogoienm"- ft", l' lt im p -OW : - —... ~ •-'T, • • -...,.,,,-_, ,'.— i? ) , - 1 7 , ~.. -, ,":,.444:--";t•--c.--- _amok TRANSPORTATION LINE I &WkWR • 1847• PENNSYLVANIA:O4I3AL k SAILIWAD EXPRESS FAST PACKET • PITTSECiIdII m Pi l / 1 .11.1A. AID DILTIDIDEIE. - t. , ,Mtelusitairfar Pattaratwa• , TllS4vibUg are 'Yeaperifely lnformee that thts Line will commence rartningon or about the tem stunt, end conlinne throughout the season. 'lnc manners ' have noarplated a aupenor clam, of Paeiew atan nail road Ewa on the mate, with extra tweaosetawatonei which will give greater coadott m travetato - • . A Paean Eau will always be in pun, tux lain my.' eliag public are requested to roll anal c 1•3•11,0 mean, prevtoau m engatang pottage eltiewbete the willPU DOLtainak• °neer the Packet. leave, the lanotag,tomacte the United 'Plates Dotal., corner Tenn bust', asat the Canal. Farr) , night at Oyelock , TIME II DAIlt. For Infonnation apply at the odtce, narnaraganeha Ilea, Water auvet,or to . D LEECH &Co roan ear Penn street KM an FICA 1.1 • 17131N:2' LE 1 2 .8 C 4 1 7 1 . 00 , 14 - OLD £27•ABLISIIED TRANSPORTATION LINE, • BETWEEN par:mutton, PIIILADRI.PIIIA, BALTIMOREAND NEW YORK. 1 ne. inock of this line vinsists' of is doable daily Line of ,BOste and Can, (owned by thentael , mbi whieh net inkood order. The aubsonbers are prom red to !Loosed a large' quantity of Merehandatt, usa Produce -with certainty and dispatch: Produce-Or klerehatidiso consigned to any ar sae Cin dersigned. is forwarded free of any sharge for commis.' n mo or mores, Bike Lading tranamincd and all insfructionspronsptly mended to. The business of this Line is conducted an Melly SabliMh.killeping principles. Addreta, or apply • • II LEECH & CU. Proprietor.. Canal Buie, Pittsburgh BARRIS & LESCll,Propneters, No 13 both Theo street. Philadelphia JOS. TA YLOR & SONS. Agents, No 114 North flow. n 1 street s Baltimore W /I WILSON, Agent, No 7 Welt mom, New York . PITTSBI7II.OII POR.TAIEILM B. LINE. labial 1847. Eitspgt 14 '.?. 11 t‘ , zitint.,°`. F ,'.111 1 :7 - '2,..P"rbniff m k di„ way, and Me consequent risk of delay. damage, breakage and mparanon of good,. ours • , IDI.'E & CASH No 279 Market street. Philadelphia TAAFFE&OCONNOR O'CONNOR &Cts,Plrr'tb'altdrell,'aar,i.n.,,,vutbA.o,„ W& J T TAPSaa_rrk o , 7.3 South st,.N. s -4. '- Id...sad by . increinied hasineas the Proprietors Lava added In ihms mock and extended their arrang ee . meats during the winter; and are now prepared to kir. ward freigat with regularity and dimiatch unsurpassed by any other liar. Their long experience Ca earners, able u ,hndphegre at s c peronty ofhe Poreble Boat System, apacit and convenience of the ware honee. at each end of the line. are pecalially mkt.. , tad to enable the proprietors tOMIGI their engagements and nem:m/iodate their eustomers—confidendyolferom • the past as a n ua nce foe the future they respectfully solicit a continuance Of tam patronage which they now grakfutly acknowleMse. All torougnamats to Tann & O'Connor will he reed and forwarded Steamboat charges paid said tills of -Lading transtained free of any charge for Coraraimion, advancifig or mange. Ilaviimano interest directly or indirectly to AltatTlyontf, the in ertel of the cOnstemnn must nemorarily be their primary onmet ru 'sipping west. and they pledge themselves to forward all sends consigned to them promptly and on the most adv.ta• polls Icrias to the owner.. Mare?! 1. 1E47 INDEPENDENT PORTABLE BOAT, LINE. . 18 47. &Mud YOB s ific:tiSPORTATION OF PRODUCE AND MERCHANDISE TO AND FROM Prrrs -BURGH, PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE frrWithout Traathipment4al Good. consumed !moor care w ig bl 2 forwarded with out delay,at the lowest current rate*. Bills of Lading transmitted, and all sastruLli.4 promptly attended to, free front any extra charge for Womge or commtaston. Addrers, or apply to MeANULTY a. Co Canal Bute, Pittsburgh STORAGP.... ;laving very large and commodrous womkouite, we ave prepared to receive lin addition to beight (or altionentl• large amount 0/IProduce, ste... on Storage at low razes. (mow) ;C_lt MeANULTY &Co CO'S LINE. laii=' 1847 . initia22ll r, XCLUSIVELV for the tranapenumn of WAY _Le FREIGHT between Pinsborgb,Blainnrille, John. sown, 801 l idaysturgh, Water Street, l'eteMbargh and all "%immediate places. One Boat will too, the warehouse of C A hlcAnehy & Co., Pittsburgh, every Ow, regeept Sundays,' and shippers can alWays eepend un having their goods for warded erithout delay and at (air rates. Thla Lbw was formed or theapeclal accommodation of the way tiannew, and the prommora rerpectfully ollett LIMBO share of patronage, J011:11 PICKWORTIr "" 1011N MILLER DAN'L II BARNES • itout•Arr WOODS WILLIAM ruurr. JOHN MILLER, llollidayaburgh 11 CA-N.Ali Johnstown Agrata. C A MeAR & Co. Piusburgh nerinesets. I 1 McDevitt, John Parker, Robert Nome, Elagaley Pownitrith. rest 6 Llfifi ER IS ASO LI. S. is 47. • &Mad TIT ? old Braver,ene freight and p as senger Canal Boa., mown between Deaverand Erie and connecting with I C Iteed!* Line of Sierunboat Propellers and Vessels ae the Laos, Will ho prvpared unto the earliest open ing of "Sonoma:l to cony Frngnt and P 211.1421,1 all Points On th e Canal And Lebec li ne n, every 1:1r11:ty for wins:eying freight and paru renters witnproroiteess and' riente, lb. proprietor and acenta iespeetwOy solicit hen Weil friends and he polite generally tlisrr pettorige. C 31 REED, Erie. Proprietor REED:', PARK: , & Co, (leaver, AM. JO/1N A CAtr(BIEY. Pinsh'et b, Cur.Ernolibrld and Water air, oppotte Munungi gueseln Bowe. To Wheeler, Cmcker & Aspen Co, - New Tort Den Davis, Buffalo - E N Part. & Co, Clceland Lt. A A &nano. & Co, Detroit McClure & Wilbruns. Itidwatik to Briatol & Porter. Chicago - We, Pamela. Powersioarn, Peona • Coo 9factrelmyre, Evansburgb, :Nona John tole hither, Bantams u, do 1% ick & Acker, Ureenvitte, do • Craig & Frampton, Clarksville, do : Bay. & Plumb, "barpsbufgh, Pa. - DI C Phil., Charon, do _ :Ft ly Conning... Ne , seCamie, do marl RELIANCE ;PORTABLE BOAT LINE. MEN 18.47: Itoo • act ASPORTING MtitolitßlM TWEEN YIITSRLIRGH AND 'ME EASTERN , • MM., WIT ROUT TttaisstriptaltT. rrllf. improved method of carrying used by this long J. EMabliebed Line, in now. well known that de scription 1. tioneccosau. Goad. are not touched on the mine, thus all transhipment °renal handling Ms... The Boats art of light draught and perform their trips in from six to seven dna. The capacity of oar Willehoures enables. to glom any consignment. made toes. Recetviog,storing, and Advance. free of charge.. /king folly mowed to make sale. of Produce, we respectfully indica conaignoiente of western Flour, :Bacon, lard, Butter, Chet., Woul,Fembere, and other utile.. for sale, on which liberal advances will be made and other usual facilities afforded, pledging our selves that any Losineu entrusted to mdthall die as promptly cretin.' and upon .5 fair terms as brainy other Goose. JNO AIePADDEN A Co Canal Bonin, Piontotrth /AS Al DAV/8 A Co 249 and 251 Market st, Philada '. -- . -----1 . - 4. - 21ICICElt_i FORWMIDIIII7 k " CO IS NERCEIBTP • . Bast Bearer Point and Bridgewater, aaaaaa cimsTr, RA., . ' Proprietor and Agent of steamers . LaWliag .. IlMit . . LAKE ERIE AND 1110 OAII, Dada. 1:1111rttt f . PIT - Y.OOIOU In SILLYZIII, Wll4 Lopiepared on earl imt open rpreanal now .iptlon to receive pmperty al It letter( bettor In warehouse', for all pointa on Erie ' Extetooon, Croon Cut, and Oilin Canal& for all ports oar Lake Erie and opper Laker, as elm to forward patters, Ite.bi P.m's. Ira mu. Apply to or tares, - fet,2l-dtf JAB iIiCICSII - Deaver I &PITT6BURGCLEVPLAND I.:DIPA. ' _. _ EMEEIII s alt 1846. agial IL clarke.c LA I : i t oo K .p xE 4 .4 o h l e o hmoad Co. PO/WMdin' C0Mm1.2104 iierchaata, lIP,A VI IL PA. Agenta and Yroorietcali of Elie Liao (oe favor - ably known to the pabliclovin be ;impend.. the :tidiest operung or canal navigation to receive prop sny at Pittsburgh and Beaver, and deliver the same at any point on tho Ohio Canals, and abood Lakes Kele seeMalin.; With the greatest despatch and &treas onable ride,: The proprietor, of this line solicit the basins. of (bear former eusiomen wilt confidence, knowing that their faellifin are second to none. Apply to or address , G 151 BARTON, Agt, Piushargh. CLARKE a Co, Beaver. lanes T RICISIOND tr. Cr f vsefrind. TO %%OK PUBLIC, /pin Cowmen% Poitatilo nom iihnnpany being dim 1. mired. the Company again!, wont Ono articles of Co- Partnership ander the mime of the "Iloaimenh. Linter and likewise agreed no real the Mock no as (otiose a. • muckier of Mats far the parpom of carrying 'goods Mum main ma n freer nix In eight da)s. with censinty—and fuel encouraged by the It bentllty of WI year'. pitman• age, maker none extensive arrangement., for the em Milne year. tYn would therefore respectful!) , solicit a enntina. anee of Our limner riallOn• and refer aline* ellsaiMell la lb.. we have done ha I cOO% for. ak:EZti 847.1.435igai • BOATAIANS, LINT, Forte umiiportalion of .. air. &MD, Or Istrietrannisig, TO AND gnarl • Panormeonta,Esmeock. N ass Von; no, Dotson. •BAAIUEL .W IC IiT3I.N Co, Corner Libeny atter,' and Canal Basin. Pit:sham& .. • A ar L'GERHART.& Co, ' N 0345 Mket street, Philaiklphia. ELDER, U ELETON & Co. Agent; REFERENCES. . • PITM DURUN—Jas.NeCaNy, Goa. MOM. it Co. W bfeCullY & re, D A !Sampson & AI -Allen & Co, PillhADELPIIIA—Morria Patictson & Co, Reynolds 'McFarland & Pleraine Jelluzliy, Peter Wright & Eon. .1 Hamblen, Joseph Grate. • NEW YORE—Goodkne & Co, Theo. Perry. & Co. • Ink sT MN—Recd. Hard P. Co. CINCINNATI—.Adams A Creath, W W'Eem'bo," PLEASANT,V,A—p A Nash' r. • NAfutFleeslll4.. Nora—All merchandise Cram New 'Fork end florin s consigned mA Li Emhart Co. Philadelphia; will be promptly lbrwarded /rear recurrilmion.. 4405 So w and Waiblonsithslo pat mad Cap st. (*UNDER theakartegottehafieute,SatithAni• field meet. • • -_ • The subeeriber his reciudyestatilidt- 111 1 . 91 0 . ed himself in the Move besinese in this City, and hos mw opened 41r the inspecnon of the Public. A Imo mad carefully eelected assn ent of Mu and, Cepa, of every deseription, color and rtm shape,whish be will sell ibe very lowest eh Prieto • , Having made anangements with the famed rlooie of Deebe & Coster. of New Vert. he .6U elways have on , hand a full supply of their celebrated Deaver; lilt, and Noma. Ham. Aim., Russia; CassunereitscounDueswel I Ashlandlam, of Eastern and Hoots meaufeeturc; which be will at all times take pleamnein He Weis assured Met ail tastes will be unified wah his ' seleetion, and at the same MO his prices will snit the He determined In these WI to be Immo.. Do not, theretom, kuget the Monon gahela House Hat etere,.fiellibleld et- Jethitaprt • W fiteCALLAAT .. PALL FAIIMIOM. 00HE has reeelved front iVeer York, the Fell street thus which he will introdnea this day. El:ardor, wouldM. •A II throe In No of Wood . sad sopener bat owellto call at No 75, Street, 3d don 4111. • ttglatf ;XM - • Fall itß t~TAR'B , . Sr lM yloGentlementeFlats will be inuodoced• at ICEEVILeS on Tinue_day Angela CM., Gentlemen inching echelon, rwshr• tenable Hat ofrittsberatt mennfaetere aheadof fashionable Hats imported nd advertised by mimeo( the trade. pleastieal I at YEEVIL &Co's atteelltt 151 bend of Wood At JUST reteived from New .York; the W Stun leer Style for HRIB, eoniiitust of hite Seaver. Pearl and White French Cauirocre Hats, with Scotilawrs. Thew in want of a beautiful. lien flat are respectfully invited to call. • • S MOOSE • EWA; 73 wood .1, :doors above 4th 4 „...191LIJAII DO:WM.IOS has just reechred a ah.PPil of e Vagrald and Belem Vans Elk "71 • reach Moteskul Rat very low • jell No w ood Jaren AWILLIAM DOUGLAS, CONTINUES to manufacture, and keep'!" • constantly on !and, every ant , ety of Hata and Cops of the latest style, and pukes very low at 714 Wand street. Fs st yids BOOK4XBK &c. Valuable Publications. CRED PHILOSOPHY of the Seam; inutrating o prrfaatiou of Gad to the phenomena of abo yOOO, Hoary Conan. 4 V. . .. • vander on leaiah, Commenterg on the earlier later prophecies of Isaiah; by J A Aknander. of eion, Ohio, Seminary Wielyfictes, or England In the 15th century. ht in the Dwelling, or a harmony of the Love Oev. arranged fir every day in the year (or family mad, ilore+ Sermons. (roes the last London edition, o h is lazed the life of the Author. hoots by the 800 /antes Laurin, late pastor of the rh church at the Ilairee. detis Villace Sermons, nese edition; revised and eted by the Anther. • . shove, together with • large stock of Rebel:dm 'SlimeHance. Work. jam received b BLuorr ENGLISH, X market at • SW Bono for the Plea. TV ' V0111ii41,„"`..'%.n..; Spell Is Broken; Fmk! of Monterey; • Will you come to my Mottotoin Ilene, S er IlAd the Fly; 'I Wind and the Beam lov'd the Rose; 11/ stood bearde the Window• Vs e La Compoetnen , ..holo and Choms; Th Messenaer Bird; . S% 'e Wandered in Dreams; en Night eonieseererthe Plot • ' • w • ere aie stow the !lopes Cherished; • host wounded the Spirit tint loved Thee. For wilt by (rail p H MELLOR Al wood W Cheap Popular Literature. L IVES or the (*Meted:sneers; or in scream of . the most eminentpersons In successive ages, whebave claimed foir themselves, coo whom it his been imputed by th e exercise or magi .' power; by Wm Goodwin, author or Caleb Williams. etc. LOW! the Fourteenth, and the Court of Prance in the 17th Century, by Miss Peedoe, besedfullyenabellis/sed by numerous engravings, contrails, die i to six puss. -Parts third and fourth just received. Tales of the Peerage and Peasantry; edited by Lady Deere—inn vol. • Spank Slimy of the Battle of Waterton; by the Re:od 43 R Glety revised by the Duke of Wellington—coo:plots In History of the Girondists, or Personal blemiles of the Patina of the French Revolution from mpublisked sources; by A De Larnanine; trunlased by IST Ride. F y o Ash i azsrative of adventures in the South Seass fa above works last received and for sale by sal JOHNSTON at STOCKTON. Market kid na - Ne w Books. • Tusr RECEIVED—A !mat simply of Cromwell, a al Vindication; by J U Merle 10.4ablans. Napoleon and his Marshalls; by J T Headley. pledNapoleon. hi Army and hi. Gtmerala,thelranciam. Military career; by an American. Sacred Menaniams; by J T • . L. riom Italy; by J T Headley. • The Works of lam Rey 'loom Hurray blechnep. Minicar of St Pease. March. Dundee. ilaldane on Romano; from the s;h kalabspek Edition. Fof Ciao at the ilooksteiretr •pt 7 .npou r so. GA market at Outing manac. egtROU host won,locd the tt Alpuit to Loved Them Oh *ere I a Bird; - Oh Tooeh artin thy light Goner, Oh Cll.l .Ikaanw . from Thy Aran; Good Bye.. a rhremel/ Farewell, is a lonely Doves% Then you II remember otei I dream I dwelt in Mat ble Hall% The Lam vein Fin. • When Stare the quiet Skies; Oh Share my Cottage. Geode Mud; Oh, burger nor the i nto vixen delightful, I met Thee; Jr. Wondoted•ter front We Laud of my Binh; Cahill Infantry Mmeh. For sale by egi JOHN If MELLOR.% wood at SCARCE 60(71:! FOR SALE-4 lame vol. Journals of the Rome of Representatives of Pa. from CrOU f lare vole Journal of the Senate or Pa. from EVO to ' ' - . The A Pioneer In vols. The heolog mer:ean icat Sketch Book to Y Vat. • ' snips Jaaaisant, and a small varies T of other waree books to Ilirrat's New Pittilargh and Allegheny City Di rectory, •nd a few school book. Wrotng and Letter Paper; red, blue and black Ink; wafers and wad. For sale loot by ISAAC HARRIS, Agent and Coca Newham, Path at. near Wood. apt' ' BORE NEW BOOKS A7' MORSE'S, B A lsaac Poo rtirPenrwybrattle Reporta. Withon's %Nark on Angling; by G Calton. The Ladles' National Magazine for Sept LibeDo Anga /wr imal iest:oral Chemistry. Iloltick.a Outlines of Anatomy and Physiology. • Reatnee, the Gensenith's Daughter. • Stow of the Battle of Waterloo; by 0 R Tales of the Peerage and the Peasantry, edited by Lady Darns Graham's Magazine for September. The Arabian Nights, part S. Tarter's Counterfeit Detector, With a AeCtinale of • . The Mandel Cnehet. illustrated. ' • Jack Phrpoard, l Pardoe' wi th 13 fine ensravloas. Parts 3 tad 4.0 s Louis XIV, and the coat f Frazee. Fbr ule at Morse's. 83 Fourth. m • :tow Stook of Platte. J OHN H. 51ELLuit. el Wood at., la now renewing an excellent usonment of Roston sad New York F ir tOr. anlved today and now OP.. for ate. splend.d Rosewood Aaron, nix Octokok. One splendid earned Rosewood' , six octanes. 300 One splendld mahogaorptano, six and • huff oc tave, • 350 One grand Piano,Forte,imule at the factory of Henri Hero. Paris. an d tally equal la the one esed by kiar lkt his Concerts, 6 0 0 One mahogany wend had Pinto, made by Rio. dart, Worcester & Outabain, New York. 22.5 A Amher supply will be received daring thin week. • TORY of the Battle of Waterke; by,Rev. O. R. akif. N. A. History of the Girondam, or personal memoirs of the Patriots of the French Revolution, from anpabliahed sources; by LaMartlne. ad aedilth pans of Leats7.lY.d the COCA ofFrance; by Mir. Pardue.. • • • . Freak Gleam" or a newBbeaf fames old:Velar of colmiinontat Vanoce; hp J K Marvel. Partad,TrairoTroaalmam of lompkine—illmanuk Tbn above with many other now pahheaLarte received and for wacky J.L READ _ opt 9 4th it near market • TIZADLE4 II WORKS. JOIMITON k eTOCKTON have itibi reed a flab I.w supply of the fallowing popular works, by.IT (lead. Napoleon and his hiarahalle, 4 !vie, cloth; Wallington and his Genttalh. V ye* cloth; The eaered hlotuttains,in retinue style. of binding. e • l 9 PIAIIOIS I PIANOS!! • HHENRY.KLEBER,DeaIarin eattern Pin/11:1Forias; J W oodorell , a,Na:3ls ThIM Ntreat. The Plano. may be az unload at a Loan, and them:twat. bar will be them from IL to It, A. M., and from d m 3, P.111..044.4 day. Ilttab's,.Ociabar 92, .413' • . . the undersigned, ,maid intani the eltizeru of Pittsburgh and vieinay dist we have unpainted blr. - N. Weber sole &gentler Western Yannsyleanle, for the' sale et aur.Piano Pones, from win= they tang be ot. mined stow awn (New York( ;meas. Nei N York.Sep.l,lBlB-aePhalfUNN& & CLANS 21,11•111. - rams, Piaui A SPLENDID assorapent of Rosewood and Mahog• Pianos, with miens: Frame,ant rated aplendid Rosewood Piano Coleman's celebEolaut attneloaera, finished i nto nano mod am and for sale ar I , - ULU/JERI jots Da wood street 2 doors above &I IniNERAL LA Weer P e orNllLetttlftem the g;11 . ; Vrtjt; s q rs io and ""i re i rret cc. ?o h :1r ilt - t,t4io o n ". • of the Bowel& COMI of Pennsylvania. ening Mamie.. lion to said lame, and n cepious appendix; by lames Denton. For snit by McDONALDM LIPICe.ON . 507 - SO meshes si blstialllX large sends of the Cincinnati edition of the Family B.lile cheap and mach no. peeler to the Philadelphia cheap Editiori,Jasn receivedi ornate by Metal NAI.D CeIIEPTSON M ici r- orifiri.tlW=aL - pe de low eslaW dos de M.rces, a tea to organioodo y deinido For las card., antes del Congreso de Melia Republica: y contraido per lia insigne. antoridades. A few minim , received; Gir mloby JOHNSTON k STOok7ON, lkiokeellata apt car market Aldine - - ixist—Nixarviert—Onalplerutiriiovd al Octave neme.lirand Pickett Forte rhea the octets. ted factory of Henri hers, Paris, equal to the one and at bin Concert., which for richneuof tooe and dibilii sty of workmanship, cannot be im an imputed. To be mold i•••i tot calk at , JORA II MELLOR'S • tit woodet • uIEMARKein.6 hAft+4QTO In the Itimory of Amen az ea, by .1 Prostil. t. LI—No 4 of eat valuable, wolh Nat received hag for soleat , • 1, 42 _ _ - • DIA.titENT2S .1. ems and by Charles bier lin , ANONAL AIAUNETIS.II, pm. • tication for reliamir hum auffeting; Prude.' tpunsuun; an sale by _ SOLISMON 4; STOCKTON 13HILOSOPH OP MFMMEIMSM—Six Lecterns on the Milne .hr of Meaner's% delivered la the Marlboro , Cionel,Hostein by John Ravel lkolo For sae la JOHNSTON& STOCKTON 1, 01111 : 10111.- PAP/140-7riesonal.2hahefor Aug. .weep #l . 4teeeet7lllllll h t ejtr e lasal is te. int oppoette the Pete Case • - jnifiabelLairgt REVerr AP.The RnMani bit.* !5.. , 2"8/°17 CALIAVELtiIa 4.4=5AZ Ale mast AO' L 4 ainr---.7 *l6oe,tri . • .WILL P 4 b Wa tert k. i i. tv.77: ... and fav66,ra. Allehenpcap Wativ For famish473oool6 cawing. for Games; tindimd. do • .4-JDO lb. Serps.nol.: —do • .330 Pot of 24 inch ireayipe; do 330. 2O do 5.18: ", IV " do two VS Inch stop alli es, der two la ," do two 20 • conk*: . • Proposals up state the watt to hatelnes Pomp*, ematplate—to state the amount per lb Gar catalog...l"w boll. pipes, and stop values-and to Mate oho ILMOilltt the two .20 inch stop cock.. , Poe panicelus esquire of 7308411 T lilOOllE, Sep' , of ate Pitabargh Water Works, aid ---- • S . e'e• Sto Ilhaew de.o: ' EALED Pro lle po.ale will be as., ed at th receive DlSee of foreehety Centetry until the.Dhh daysof,fpt. next, fiadaurall.materittls,and erecting att.eettareet - Gateway and l'orters , Lodges to the Cetnetry. Plans and epeetheadotte Odle work tan be eeerfoi the oilhee. By order or the ;hued. JOHN CDISLE7T. • Wartro • Arad:eel:Ea HUSSEY, HANNA A HAMMERS, EXCHANGE BROKERS, AND:DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC EXCHANGE. CERTIFICATES OF DE POSITA HANK NOTE 3, AND SPECIE; ' Fourth at, nearly opposite the Bmk et Pittsbtwat, CURRENT •NONEF teethed on Ileposne—geht Checks for sale, and collections _nude on nearly-nil the principal poen, in the United Bates. EZ;===l i c izm ozad i w e rth on . co . =gamin . Is of Produce, shipped fiast, en • mid 5 • firm of IV A. .I‘l ° l l 2/7 1:04 sm . dWhl c l uuntßY, e tlateol Eda m :Pa.; have entered into Copartnership, under the name of HILL a.. CURRY, for the.perpOtte of carrying on the Ranking sad Exclumgebustuess in all Its branches, at No II Wood Mee; Mote doors below Foonh, west side—where they solicit the custom of - their friends sad the public deoemlly. ' JOSEPH II HILL =hid WM. C CURRY JOSIPH H, HILL. RH. C. COURT. MILL & RRY, _ DAHANKERS& EXCHANGE U BROKERS, D ' 4T F , sl IN FOREIGN AND DOMMIC TIME 1 SIGHT DILLS OF EXCHANGE, CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSITS, BANR NOTES AND COIN, No 45 Wood creel, thud door biskon Fourth, west +Ha. Pm - 9Ln= " c ."`"..°2l;;T: l c d ial titr.ll, United &nes. - . Bien Exebanne. ou Baltimore, Pltiledelphia, New Sort. BOSIOII and Cowl/man eonmantly for sale.. Obin, Indiana. Kenmeky. Vonillit and Pennsylvania Bank Noma, boasht and *old on favorable terms. Psebang°as Loglasl,lrebuntl, Germany and France .mew. .&e. , - meids WILLIAM A. FULL & CO., BANKERS, EXCHANGE. BRONZE; an nut us u.• FOREIGN AND INOIFATIC ESCHANG_F, CERTIFICATES OF DEPCAOTF., DANK NOT, AND BPKCIE. mehllfs. 64 Wed BDw eft d aters Bat sitfa plstabursabs , Pis Wt.& AILZI 2141111Z1L =WAND I LAN . HAAESE £ itenn, nANAGMS AND kACHANGH BROKERS. daalent 1.1 mForeign and Duaegic Dill. of Exchange, Conill , oaks of Deposne, Bank Not. COIO, COM, of 3,1 and Mama moos, distal) , opposite & Choi. Beta Collectlasta OneintratisLortirritto, 8t Lome end all other treeersdde points rolthe United 'Stater, made on aceortmoodarrog tem. HILL & CURRY .. trod • Wood at fort door to RV° Frame - , P.Wv•thoy Sr the Uhto Indiana, ead 'Men th ol). Banks wonted at very tv• rilles of dtheonnt. Exelkange ola New Yorb, more COnetlinliV in sale by HILL ic CURRY +I nes.. new In Fnele...Annn HOUSE'S, LOTS, Ie.4.R.HS, • DILLEIDOOII . VOR SAlad—nri vatu lC ob4o emote k 9011,0 by tbe V twee of thaddaekht Vietd,altocoedio IVilktra town flop, Allygheoy candy Pc Mt:ldes !now I . l.lthutjth the •+eneoglb.la no , r. and Dbythe Poo ollosolo Readicont•iata6SSAcres and 2!) perches. T 404444 of oho but 4 neer boloora. god We whale may be c.d. dated. • . There leen the Premises a large brick memotent and ether improvement., . sevens sprlngs of encellent water. Shamed on the Monongahela rtaekintor, se well as.° the line of the great P n4iValnAl Rail Road, at she point where the naval and trade nom WO 'Ansi. tie wilffirst reach the mane - oat ruivigation of the ti ea., tem neer.. Sammanded . sy roost branby and it:W.l - Ve warty, by inexhaustible supplies orthe Lest. and cheapest foe!, and baying' on the pram s Condnace of coal and lienemoms. Misplace 4 admirably meted for the site of a great mariefsettinng sebarb. The Pennsylvania goal Roast Is located through n passing teeth of tbe mansion kappa ...a through the battle ground, and is now orafeecontraut. , It it also an the Wet pool of the Monongahela sleek. water and the Brawaswilif packet. and other steams boats constaatly touch at t: o landing On thill estate. It is the ranee the motto...ly or omen% of any properly 'ln our viciaby, and the best mired for moony cents, or Gar the si• . of meehattnea Chops or nreat Yuctories..• As the place in one *lncest reeawn ii /10.11 been vite ited b traeelleis how ale parts of the -Union; its torn nipbronnehstudiod, .04 beast y appreciated attn. necessary hero to Ore a more panicutor descriptiamol it. For terms entroweat itte Idercbama and blanafaF tames pink, Pnwhargh. jp3Ositf Ifraddnokl Via QIPALED Proposals forlbe mucks,* of TraddOelt , s 1.7 Field' will be reee , ved at the I•4 , rehants and Man ofsetarers Beak; tote! Monde) , the tOth mat, whets the hiebest • egret over. ler= will I, necepied: Terms &mole heed, the balance is tee years. erid, imerest, payable seatt-annually. ' tty_otter of ihe Board • spt7dlw - • • 'WE DENN,Y,Cashier• l 1 7 `4,: , .` k Pjet l 4l2:r;;r7k7l.lt .1. sell 16 oars, utree eats, three barges, and:all the implementsoopes,/ce.,beleagiag—wi now booperadoe , If desired ,a set of blultamiti tools, bellows, dn. - east be had. Thera are several booms for the 2..ommode: tleo of d'~mrtteem, do.. I also* er my Stem itar, with the lot orr which it is bath. If the coal works and mill are sold woo; rant them on good tem . ' ' I will sell aloe my Harlem Finn, ether with er with• oat the awl it contain. No description Is neeemary, as any penon disposed to parehase Ent view. All the above metes of property lia down adjoining, and may be oecopled as • whole..l will mil. therekire, either together or separate, as may nit purchasers." • Apply to the subscriber on the premins, above Moo mmaltela coy, WalhalgtOn county. ' aptldtar • - THOS 11 BAIRD , Valuable Coal Propirty nod, Rail Road aba BALE. AID Property is smutted on the Monongahela River , , immediately above Lock No X, consisting of Rail lite, Pit Can, R R Waggons and every convenience for vonning Coal, all In parker order. - There are Ole,. houses upon the premises in good tenantable order, and now mica rentofllr a' geld Road opens lob an Inexhaustible [ veinof Coal , ,which can Co oh. Mined upon very reasenable te rm. Any one wishing to commence the coal businen wig find thus a rare opportunity as four-fifths of this whole purehato will he taken in Coal,. POT paitictibus inquirer,/ the bseri MeCt.thi beron Clayton.. bee, anidears - I su oll rf eI•T COAL PAOPICRWItIO,6. 0111 tT II 7ttn;l b eVill:O=Nr3 t ,TsiWi d sler m e,cpt Mining intiletel progeny Is toenail golly titnala Gar die Coal basinass, ha nding ilroad near a n feu nmg, and deep eater al the la Iltere I. another seam of anion dirs place, CO feet oho/mita lower,of aaper/ai :dis Iro Lave.l; qualm/. yd. gush can judge of its This. property Wont the raal•property of Mr John. Herron of dots city. and will he sold /ova If &load of iossiednusl7.. Eng are on nos premitto, l4on dinner stave • JAS tV WOOMVELL,or apt! . • ZiS Mb e n we . e B W S W 3 market- : • lITHE Hannon Martel st. tagarsecardind 4th, a present oectpkal ti the Lagoetrelmge arabd lirtuasut of Me_ -tars. Moran IsCoan excellent stand for business. ra4aaarkal gren immediately.. Alto—The Athentetna Hull, Market at.. entrance by Philo Hall stairway. This mat is area (undated and is very tenable far Socieder. Rent lose Alto—A hand:oats Mike over the. rock Odic., E D.GAZZAAT telM Mike. market st twouceu lets k 4th Propars7•forlg.te. WILL be void Al A 12111 I , e ,, lneaday, September Ist, at 3 °Week. r..et., on the premise. that rale. able lot of ground kaown as thot'oeng Nay Neale ta t being thirty feet in *Ash by one hatithed and aixly to length, renalna thomgh from .3rd to 4th am, near , the North side of Wood st.. . A credit of Hum Ain am: rarer yearn edit hr Nrey . JA. it MURRAY •' plum yo of Cons en Cite Property, 4I ttllll DIP(0.1.0113 AND nuit.DINGS thereon beandfully - hewed ' front of She Alen•ion Hewn, and nreondsOfthe Allegheny Ilemetry extend- In from the Hunter:old collie _Allegheny Ricer 'wilt , be offered tbr sale ar Pattie Anetion on the prenth•es, an Tnn,,,,,ny . the nig deyor August. 1817, to rector*, AM 'Aube same deco aundry Aleehtnery and tool. connected with the rope making •bo.liters A plan of the tote and terms of sale mill be mote known • UEO COCHRAN ' ' saga " Attorney in (act for the Prot...ton.. Valuable Real Retails foe Sale. 'TIDE onderyigned being oboutuu remove hie - Fannery / to the country, offers for sale 'SIX. BUILDINti LOTS= Second street, between Ferry entret and Re , 4041.A11ey. EaCh tot yrltt he vim) , f e a t on 2d street, and eighty twin depth , The lota will be solo tingly or the whole together: For Into. ands nu the, substriber on the premises, JOHN CALDWELL B2IMIMME= . Alsootto large Room In the 2nd poiy X irdind ant ker n.,41 present oevalwed u SiLitertrt bepal 1111 d .Peliodical oaks by lIIG Wm. 8 OUdwell • • TO L,ET,.—A large,coemodiaosoad, well tip SOO, Arai may Orlck - thrallioff, an Icon at:, ' half way between Gym nailey and Wayaast. ?mauve eves hameitazely.For pamealatarsialre at he9Oeo of_ L • , VITALI.ALR. TN SfAtICIIESTER FOE OALE—I ges t ns.for .I.besetifol Bolide* Lee lahlameleatelibearthe Fem. xl f et beat by 10 fret tleep.-• It will be told kin, - teed an eeeommedettes tenee.:. Tow nneteeptiogetble., t 9 ,19, FAN ka BLAIRLN, Neetl6tat• Algot ;" ."4-I.q• 7-2.9210 W - L TO CMITIOICTOI ingt,ris free, :hind sae Cel • DROPOIIr.A.LS*IIIbe received at Lynchburg.. Va nee filth° WM ftepseinber next, kr antinomy* ea Mem Canal then stemma . ..led for, form Lyne hiring upwards on Junsiiiitieette fslaed. • dtmanee of about 19 mils '!'he'urork emoriresabouteight leas (the loan , dmions or.two of *blob bone Net aid I.a a few small an d abutments of severrreed mid tans beide... and ektit vanished motions (hum belle mile ma elle loam) of vientralleastetitinteet,' toseng also two Dams azure imam N ~ urem of /141sland., Guest the Coaham stoat 777 feet long uno t 7 feet hinh; and Me abet lust beton , thaismuthelf Ni n a - er, about 473 ket lon/ and 13 nxrbge. b ttetifteations, plans, Ate of.the said stork sent be eatibike m she Ea games Mee as IN( Island on andatterthe 15th of &n -umber nets end all needful Infonestien will be peril at Rey time by On. Asilstani.haulaeor. on the bee or works aforesaid. A LTER GWYNN alilZtamtd . • r chief Engineer q, voi MNgtaael ~:, MEDICAL eel ZIAITS Pollibl D., 1 T.'!"lbandea. owswarr.ow CAN DX ctrturzfur VIiUIO DK. -!..• UaunpAp.3 EtrZCZOSAIIT azmicar. - - ' - Cfiioroai o . i Yattl Jdl lW. Dear bin —TIM totortitt,ti tie - paiki.potimUtiktif' Nor a m ield •-•• • a.. .rareMkt:. abieh era broom rood um. ei,7 hog.; AM.* the " 'Pk". '',TE"dl4l 60. 4" tight =I troablegq., at11291.11,46.1.11,01","*_.1 pit .p daily ..c.1641,' t.i.da, bb,d, stied ra. lleb dole gram , My aiteatim Mora <Masa Ira ahem. lieet I WM Maki hp me of rat amt': ADM thpieram the; did Jab.. tbef orad tor loans at 1 . 4 0 1 . mp 10 bops ot my rettramoitarramt me PO toPhe Morraoldi I. Mara.' that tal rap rare tally dimmed, tad terra moray • list Men 1. " 4 •••• ". • u.a:rkt .4).4eani Napa.* ,;;-, mat RO.Ol .biIiC,„MY r•Trarao.P"." .0"'"441 that ad. atedieiram`ol4ll do to ray ad wadi rat NY' .- ••••• td "Ttlidg . • I tole Ott. is *le •• 1 7 hope, tad that if 1 matt die of the draw, (.bleb rat ob. 7, Mot to ra,) Poo raold be , oohing 8. hew. Ciadanra Odic tftay bk iced poodiarto the dirte trap which, Mehra T . 'o@ ! 'm p imorairake pad are relief, at mot amebae the trrablearao Cat ;- radar Me put rad Abram la My Chem- &IMP bat a liG esti Molnar. .hkh w wain. Thb radar= maraud ita grairtek; ,raddlo it, to nobly manned, tottil I too rade atomism- _awe rate ram ...44 (.....atq radio. I rash: I rare nottetrarated Nedra'. Tar portara.tlhatedy hamar hestoratiothootarathilitdireati rad it hal ahem Fond momatal ,o&.. 1 hot trimesral - thereat. 'Sly Omar it pop tratatrachatatporatt. Difeees4 Liao rad no Jffertitta pf 11e Lamp, witWik •A hat aG.nd .11 Gr eam. a.ft a. has; only morand Fp Me ate aLtlia mediehe, .d lam mothrad a. 6 kirks ' that I Ora rah me ioday willeatirclieti. hem" I r ma torty to how 114 them are 1.1100.1 i op - v toabla Imam mali any Witt this a... roftaa. 6 .• time, bekee it b. ramp Isra atiphilte porloned lad awl,' feraMo and obikata oath ham, This Mt , MU ere Mimi relief, mitt the ram ram moo - d..dymohiComh, room th. ilaatanela Chet to . arahled sod esaramed frmar,aad 4"." ' "'""*WiII NVT.I.r . J k 7. F. It.—Theee who may sot be ampratted MP mei rear to the andemmaedm of bbragomery, cora • ty, 0., they mita , dra thro eoletarara lMeha.aahsoeata. Namara Brawarat, Da. 'DUNCAN'S WEWITAN OFFICE, ISO .erne, Idiom shim 'thud& bledinine tan alwaye be ' Sold itl 'filtsbargb, by AC E 8014; emer of AVond and Liberty so. :apt] 44111n0 ' • " • PILES .•• TU. INGIOLDSBVS riles Specific, in WA:realms .1../ eeriaist and radial anc, whilbrnatanad, amts _bleali • n or bliod;alto. Ger embalm of lbw kidneyeand kld der, pone in the twoic aid aide, Waned aivam,mtpf tm., .;. .1 Yawl. bedew =a attar tondaanad 'efts. Malted' with artwipasete ate' kneels or cosimow, Well as the palm la all rich awes th e Specific cab tam with we bat Way,' .o is • arta* mealy. Tbe Specific ie . notri mania, sad isys entiralyeala mealpi wittnea par tick offataboil, colecynce or ••-ietoiilet aka NY pmaj . TLbk to malty tbail know D. bielitSett pry EMI{,; to be a artala - ctmend eat nnewdy. Having M. Its elm, .1, r 1 .. entrIiMIGNOIMO•pI 02 1 713:121:4111% immal aft fumed and wre ma aor the ' what it wide e...U.g in ears me: Y WHITIFLYAD:. . New York, May,,1343.• 384 Bath amt. cheerfully pint teatimajas to the tenth, mild aim Shia, Dr: Ingoldsbyit Pan Specille, I , lnow it from aty own averts.. and olteannoo, - Ita isithbla having emit used with mode In amyl am ofiet.tada Fer York, nub 7 231 siqrhi;;4: 4 . LADLES , cHATIFtCATE3 • • . t • • ' Saatirttaksidei.//313. -- ,Mr. 1141 . a—Deas ban_tbe *um di at your mid..., Dr. Ma, Sp J& hu man rat a ' • fat eata UN trotalFralr, arid r earritre palmy vont 'that b 1 ban bon sarpreed at. it„r it jaw tm.tattatalt leae bth e 4 "" dli 10' Meted falba as ammer, tha tbe7torr• 419=1 tatta etrattactot._ • Yaw with a West Cheneri ~ MeV 13,k/43. • ..Dear MeThat yes rosy hew& adore _rho wry ea ' as well as to sepses ray pea fee. W benefit I haw dented beer the Cer drew wdeabls Owt • vibe, I comply with raw eNewt, soda do' tre ery tad, msey oavor of it, Wring ewe weed of • inset week of• the Pilo dare has* ewe afar Ysun with isle shekel& sod reteD by WM. JAC SOff,st blerat:' am a i n diine .Warelasue,atte Backend Shea Stent,'NEt. . Lihi P.nat, head of Weed, Pittaargh Nee. be newts , g vONIIIBIPTION A Ter I lacks. . afillesed with DlSealtai of She' Liatays. • : • Thls a ceelfy to Corse ideal min . 1 / I ,llwir otte. 11)0101001110( Cons..npdon; tkail'hatic urea lahor;ekfor .e•Vud.k.illl.i.4 • • we rumor ato k nand many nweheirtes. bat Load no retie( litany nnepartaioa of ineelcnor. ,antll I made' nee of DR. DUNCAN'S Ifk.MEDY. I have tic.' menials va nettle etteinetne .;er. several 'years,' and always And . It to Mitre when* area mate,.. of It Al, oocepallon as; ea; Atteuoi. ear, which keepiine ntotosteoeouttary ravolol.eanses . • • my domino; el time.; to nevi:mai eoryurmlag. when- aline° procure this unehe . ' Ina. thethibie tots Yuri-. ? one makina ibis pantie ststetietn,iltaletkeirs affeet.' ed with. Siscasnof the; lunge and copttelorttni:arpoir. may know, Ike ybracs of this "all beafiag, restedVr. and roaybe eared: have recciainearted Datrao's Exycnoring Remedy to many ofmf Diendriesma whoa awe their by,, o See roadie ea - • ScraerschOide,Oet Id. 180' • , The propneior of :the above thediethelanalth the refer, to the endersteed , persons, whi.sees de In . , r r: eomty r ors' whom any, person may enkepoo and be .1 • eoheioned diet there ore anon. Lord in the 'ebony medicine-that • David Celbeveen,rSonletiea Dr; Et Stone, dm Frei: • cis Uoliber, Jankron kr; Alr.,Lariater, de; Pe?. kalben. Salthek no , JerrodDavlsea, Hopewell tp DR. DUNCAN'S WMERN OFFICE,' lack Dyc mere Wool, Cincineval, Ohm. '• _ noth Pit:snivel* by Wbf: JACID3ON; la bertf, - , Consuilaptlve , s.Cansolat.ioya. Dees sickness welih upon your bean? Orra j tallhat Ton louse? , • it will clv:yt 4. 16.1 It ekire awl) , the inlay end Dientse spreads o'er We soul . • • • And whispers throne. the P.M' Ittepad• feat health arayyet be whole.. Bev m rinde . tr . a 4l it ' • wlttitribg wurp y it the momiwidea,„,,. Tbet Warm of Death view T e the And mreandAulednn A grew— , 4 And when it bloomed, t. Ivy 6e. 1 ,:!;1; . -It dP➢~uf 6h endthma6h. 'That Worth - af Death might be d40:4 • • • If Dr. DuneAn's art wean Ufa/ And many lonely dAmsels Awed_ _ he faun of an untimely irrark. - fjcp;•DlL DUNCAN'S %, M.T.B6A(AFFICE,N•IIIO Byeantare Emmy OneinnisA, Ohio; where hia yn?la.ble . . . , aold . lo Pinab ugh, by .Wdd : Jeqsara, earner of Wood and Libanse.a. DR.JATAIIIM OAKIIINATIVIIITIALS.1116: GrRONI tee Rev ADA:BIIINN, wereg twain andpop - .1" ular Chusvmanof De ProtestranklethodUtCherek ' The nadersigned hewn; been all daring *epee. winter with a diem:. utilise sitoineellownellwee Pm; dieing great pain to Iles stomieh Gar tenor t :firs home w. wsthe unermisskin, *ad 'alter , brand Iv .. mks,. ' remedies with little elfeci s wee fireis 'et a bottle . ofDr D Jayee , sCarmienDvi Balsam.. This used to. Cardin to the direedeos. end foend mvsliebli, that this" wedelns caused the Wile abets in Wee ov i dper We.' elms mud le Mien of twinny minetesevery ' awes) , sensation was endrely glacial. . The *twit:Die WS. *l .. ' ledwardsitsed whetrever indications of theof . 4,.. iew-la ',sleeps. perceived; sad the pate *enamel) Omni- ed . He coetinned so use the medicine every evening '.. and sometimes 'mike maraing. ...1 M IL , weeks. health was re &spattered. that: the suirever Telleir-•- cd from a large mot= of oppressive . pain. , rola or. perkune,therefons, he earaeongievuly ve . a Dr .. I).lavne's Leming De Ilelsom, es • itehuary lee • for ritseuies *Me widetneh and ord.'s. A 11/DX Sot isle is Pitteldugh ai the PEKIN EA : , ..S /RE 12. Ponnh ntreeN, "ear Woid, - larel abar at '• • ' Dreg HSeweef P SCtlWAllrz..Felleral newt', '1 !..,.. ..) • 11134,#ATIIIF..11lti•oaryynae.1 JP/PH !At 14*11.411,011 m Scot •ophiea whet arc urz it. be a Wilily to Moahan:, &se's* Dn. Jayne% medicines we beer used n or faradY }Medlar years. For lunettes the EXPFArruttANT, Mos ..tiINATIVE, and VERAUFUGE. which we know to he MA for the ...elands }bey pinks* is ewe.. We • were on Lake °mane .he pest rummer: when Metal of our travelling wanapartionc from Instant in Wsi.dera New York, drauk, tor many days, the Itomnene water of nutmeat wen badli_artaulted withMolett: that- Mee,. and Dysentery; Mr. -D: had pnrsibedidatsolf, proems, to leaving Isme; with ?Ise Clatatiumne of Dr Joyce,' and to all mute of its use maven five ramie sett, n watt yeeeeteral In creel/1g a ere,* eons The Expectorant to. hare known used mewl ear intimate meid. with .qual and s.. stns that we shall do • toed art to implies (especially th se sll• noted no They cannot bare 1i1t...1W mentrolammeilical skni,j m Meow Crew so temp Mt bend Whom Expecte. • rant and Chtmonsbee .The ha sector.. is b.:toyed val . physicians to be the brio realise :tor Venom 7 toomomnee Complaints, that ems ever yet been. W e Pounced The reemn Ili Dr Jaynes bet qact:bet • romstar,llCirAlliC _Red able macidmeeo self: His shoLcute• are wed tt.• b, e • rditorof tie.rhilsett. resifts) s?...erier• For sale la Pittshuoth ef the ri..' TM!, rla MR, 7a F•atib sliest, near Wood, and alto Wei/knee" .f F'OehrltrterFederel...‘,..,taselnds cr er D/d/ill l lll 0 _.”41 I .I I TRUe.' • - Deane . rux; Mich; Apr. 1141043. 11 ENTr,Hallpi.....l hare hwea . .ni;theitabit 13:4111111211' LT Dew's Medea! Phtsirrio osy,practiee farshe lern welch Woe /Sate teminy, corset diocese antaidol with todsamtleach as I , ldommkte of the Eyes aud Hye brit, Pbtomeemeas brumes. Fever Mores to its early or: Istdmammery. Ws. coo. local leastammory Rheumatism:a al ove70(4110 - eliw attended and,: led Mallen pale end fover,,A.: faf waiehit ea • In cum mods prerreleadoessfou, r Os &ram of disease for retch It 'la recommeed*, consider , wane of. the Meet ; efacsmatai romsdies 'of labial have any,koowledge. llayjnq been made se, " Zl?=,lttigel:Peet"is4l:7lll.o.l and 7., d, public as a It:ilex:4od end....eitelle.prepairs asdi uoi , • . • boot. thrilniMi - A.m. Burgeon to the HO iNenient evihtoravilla: • i TeSteueell Hant• YAW. •", ! ei ik,rmorsarox - a meerof • endweeeeed weed mat SW arecii,' pa• - zahmeatii..,ziffe l'oak . HElttaxe few elesulaseetore petted*" or' two" Weems than the Kee, sod, yet; aehtithitee& i. Oat *delta has - been outde to,thLelt theme leei,tfew J..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers