's ~~~l.w y.,, ~;~' wk,.~,.. . THE MUM GAZETTE, ... . bflAad ~',.i, . i TriMeekly, and Weekly.—The liallr P Fey. 1 alltailliair VM i r ril-W°*ll' FIT ° Ilau P.' am.. ~,, ,Toe Dollars pFr =alum striesty _ . • -,.. • lhek. • ....., .1...„2 .0 . ~„,...re.-r z ari.o ,. .ft.... Dr PIT.PaMC4IPSr world be Psed.c -~^~,; . :,: ;.. , • _ _rellelara artrztars. It is add that one of the last letter written by litycaelikroaT, - to his Land in Washiagtonorno an aimed =lodation riot to eland= the Wilmot Prorim.snintrt to submit to the encroachments of the Slays :Poorer. 'this eppeal, it Is also sold. wu accompanied ; b 7 a wish that his came might not be mentioned in connection with the Peed. dam, and with a pledge to lend his hearty co. erwttka =lite election of suitable man for the elite. '}lafd. , npon the heels of this letter . - and the =Hen death of ,the distinguished En Senator and.Goyemott comes the:party appeal of ..... Amor Buchanan to ilia Democracy of Pennsyl =nisi coupling' the interference of Mantel poll. lice with our State ethic, and worm than tha, ' the propcnitlon to. abandon the ground of Silas . .Wright end others in deGuice of a great principle , , 4 - Public Melt/. - Will the Erma= of this State prove the= -Sahli= the (Wright) rigid or in' the =one lila Jam BuChanin, the ambitious, timecenr- A PI' Fdle*""°lpug, offro-itwing, Masa-woo -1 - i••treg Secretary of Stale, be heeded in has appeal, . . sic shall ffilai Waight,spealdng, as it were. from .-.. the grave, be twata in his! Let Pennsylvanians 1 suwerer, for to timit ~ appeal is made, and by one ~.,:. heidtm a high poillion of power in the Councils .. et the Natoli. t - ' ' ' OW witehaes eide• Pennsylculitt 12 heetd, her weight , tell with *remade= force. We are madly, numerically a greet Mate , the second payin ' in the ceFete se of the United Mates, ''... -.- ea 'oi yielding ate lalitence atleast equal . too t Often the weight is with ws Of --, *mp g gainaldng Piesideasecdcwwthig to -- :',44 l ‘tof g good ; a bad laSra—of deciding alike 011. ' the of men melt= fate of masons. Owe- . ' vying thaposhian, shell Pennsylen= listen for el ---. :-..'• moment secret and seductive foe,-;-present. 1 clothed in the majesty of power, and ._,with words, such as the evil oar 0f 0:a ',lllllllc tempt fmm virtnet What hie Paucyl.. :- —ads rdn by yielifilig to the tempter! We 1 pl : wan=e . BeChirllnibould be ready =has. lot ==l.Girte another his inheritance Gii a - 1111.ef pottage in the slaps Of Lam and or of rat;TrteWeee he &robed l 7 hie tnicklitul Polio,. ' IsPogistaol4Blll- quostioth ao mach so that be dire trust his fortunes to the Sere upon a . .. .., leveroierd .strahndion to the vacancy um - .the .. ... ', Beach ;Atha Supreme Court of tie Vatted Bates, ,----.='' rood, thirefore, ilia weprintene, drat =advertises :: . t,. .-ltim,m =Slaps Mitietbues take a clearance,rrfor .. ,„- ... Cal and a makes.' We read of ore - hiephis. '''. :. triptak — s who ad iaaff, body and slow, to the dad!, in Cateklaration of a little worldly .coley. . , .. ' _, _ want; rind a deeper, insight into the surgeries of - ' - the hidden World than is =tally allotted to min: . ' liad: Bat beholds. gimlet; ur rather a worse than •.' • . • lifeOthitolita= is here: The s tast pletureithe ideal - • , only u drawn away by ther:evil curioaltrof the ~ times and the lota of supe r hum an power. ll* • ' anegged,cocce withttimtothat deep depth whence Irejoiroeyed foreknowledg e of myrtety profound. I - • . .. -Bat life.BaAanen, with his own moral and pays. 1 deal Mader, would batter away ttierola State, '- aremrry and all.. lie would make Pennsylvania ; . tributary to tint BlasfEtietiiaid Slue Power.— '----- •:11. wadi de heiindpi to build op a Ireland ... . , matimj.to our awn lialißrat and to encourege i '.ignet . 0=44 of evil to the pawn:nerd itself `4slrwept it le, abet men In * free Stets eitimld et,, , yesti if there were ee visa= of mina, ... . - .!'o intrhedin !liebje radr-lltat Bleary end [reels -irtiesties: al thdreelecs natural enemies. Blase - ' ,', '.'••• Neldail 'xi forever damper:ln lilac, and memo's 1- - - t D bitia ibd. of the free States into competition ,'... *tilt= open their ampludations; Helm the '23o=nicre - e`of -fres trade,hostifity to Protection, -, '• ilia ifiresigo war- vicei whatever appreciates ~.; firolabot at hod= - Were it not fa the innate tem immaidt epee the hitilatirm of Slavery it , -7,isicibentiicald be no power in the *limes to o,#• with thit latar whirls is clothed in home. ,glan: ale* - :and which:is lad, year - In and '.r y ear ,cis;iptt ihiate and hey of a plenty. , ltlati. - Thea seethe algae of labot at the Barth. 5., - - -ai=d rainy =spelled not -only :to Capita with .-.....-,7-,,aethirlert. men hie thole who now bold power at * Cipilel;iiraid voice iie kOhif mercies of -,-',-•-: * 0 A644ia.biirllol4 an *Pei igthirr ne • ~" Ider'illthree .of Free Trade to overwhelm and .dowmkthe Well, ista taxi o f the retesuese. we ,heeleettieFilqlock at ibli subject, not ei f patty .-../ .yes tionsbertsioneef!ofttleal Economy,in which . , litsiniolvit tbiiiboitiet rightsand interests of -- meekOiL :Erin* the of Leher,ite Te. . .:. :Imo end 'tope ht the free States, at the Sint& - , -sod bi5i.:04.41 gee if the is not awe . -- ese* It= hiG - '''!.. '. ' .: ~. '. • ; la Is Wet alone for adding to the ‘. ~.., ~..... ' ... niter seue pi Slam by enlarging the area of ' ; Glileci babel* la enabling the .Bouth to en. ' Aimee the 81a= powee at a sactilice of the litter - - Wete ef the North. lie is for new eomptiadeee `wad Mai ramormheir where - none iie neceed.4 'lid wiwiiiwwited.. • .• • -: .aiNirpablido we warn oar frieldiandnil men , - ha* , bill atIBBII;Ofibe effectrof this 1113 W, policy. 'W. t data if Mr. SWlristaa wocia have had the to Wirt out hieblack 501+ had Mr. Wright awl* think tt better him ZlOllll toilette ~"!'''' t'l'' - been tisys.io have raised such a atiadad. - ...6 is.starts wean iwiirjaaa ase in genr e ! con. c . - .' ::--!..7 . -• 14 "l i t" limills '0" .a * l ''' itt6 'l,--P:"Z-- ,--,;.;.. --., -- ..,==it:r...Yeatpetoto* . fienend'who ha =look a. *_ , ,: ,3 .'",;', ~ 1 ,. :,. - -1: ift4i,e - liilbili tOli:+ 4 ;Pltaa i: ' 'Toni -wil e and ..;;,'''.'"'-Hr......-10**rilidlr bi!/c# l mar, i - thwi htli v F"; end _-..,4"',. ..,..4.4141 - iYiinsidf in. tri, water _ an, . 3 / 4 .. IVifg,-c.:' , -,:. ...z.i...,"v . :4s*.iviiiiiiii:*;ik.g. _ 1 . , -i!1:411' 6titt,:tV"4..,i'r.'l),Ogipip4..hfikadliiiOnd uritaw!P'7, yetbe :is,tit4°M..,4'44; . ..;•,.;4011 'aii r4,,,_,, ' - `, -, ••• ,. ,—'4..P;F:-*•„ :- ' , "`'' 7 ' 1?- '' ' - .:.:5:,,i. • ~..;!• F P . OW -•,;.: 4s- :1 MEE , !.; r 4: ": 4 tA: 10 SX.. • t....11 , 11'".2,' 'ZtC) ..,14;211141Nil' . 1 . 1it 4 trA0 1 4. 1.. : : • :4 '171 1 .21..t,;,;2 2; rt,_+:. '.:•`;* : :- 2 4 -44;e- L. Ct, o.li. '" . • ~..,9 ~,,k•••1:i 1 `' , *- 4 ' ,, ,‘ iii;i:lie 11E;i: "', Al- -4 ***?l ,-, .: % pil., 3.,- , :tl 1 .4.,.. V -. 4, - ,,Iii:; ; ;;.1;. : ,- )1 4 4-.." 4 4 tir l :;s•'.';'4:4 l l . *, ~.i., . .t:14 : .. i lt fi..it l f•ti.l.' l i•114.'1,1•:: 3-"pr,-.1:-.-.1- •••: .. 4 •:. ft. 1.5:;• ,- ;:,., 4,. 4 •:,4- 7 :, - 4.; ...IC.!V t .- 1% - `. '.. I , E'...1,:•,),..1- s :..t.rjr,'sit" 444): 1 .., I l' ' . •."`•• 11. `•;•,-- - - -*-,.. t.:,...:...,;..4.; .: ,=',.. 1••4:1',4-_.._ •,. : •':. • ' sr? :'N . ...; ' ,...• ., 1 ... '.:. :::• "'.,,, 1 ::1 : ::;. -. • , • ...:...' .- : .:: 4/ 1124 0 179 BROO 1,43‘ PlT.TBEttift9ii , THORREA I( MORNING, SEPT. Ir. 1847 , • ' TOR CiOVERNOZ, - . • &ARMS :Mat asse4.-COMMISISIONER.. O,s;A P W.. PA-270.i! D.15111$ arAlletbenYCa: LEWRBO. 1 P081.,r,0 Ind/map. CHRISTIAN SHIVELY. W /Wu Tp.. . NARSHALL"SWARTZWELDER, Pgisbrsh. itZMNY LARGE,otnillinTß ~t~ Tnow iL cies TP WILLIAM i &tVTN W : IL , ihrwik, czNTRAJ C 0.... • :ineal/IR E FRANKLIN; LimaSeir OS , JOHN C RUNEEL,DAAPM O OmMi• THOMAS DUNCANi , - • MIMBARIBLY .. York. AII WATTS:Cunbetlend. —DANIEL - NI BM i•LIPS,Y Adams. ..• • JOHN P.WITITIERILA. Philadelphia City. JOSEPH R CHANDLER, . ", • . ROBERT T CONRAD, 00/IAB MGRATll,PbllnolelphillC4MY ROBERT JR BARD. nnaklin: • .TIKKILLS M TACILENNANiWnIhinO. 0 ANDREW TOOLE, liesnereet. - IiARSAILDENSY, Allegheny. RICHARD IRW_ ,12t Yenango. . '• JOSEPH 11 - XURNII, , Wastmoreland. •.'0 J BALL•Etie. . • - BlAXWELLiNonlnaptem; " A B SALISBURY thmenehanna • '.%II,IIANAN liH i Wyonneg: I • ,• SAMUEL A PURY ANCE,Boiler.: • HENRYS ETANS,Cheser. • . RosturrT tur, blontgoatsi. ' • 'Forum e Commeretal litelleeenee,Doeftesue Leer ifews,lmpeets, Mims, bleeket, &e., boo par, /kiln:elk Page For attialaskeinularews. 4 Walave in our 'Let piper , en ankle letting forth What Mintifwitarias bed : done for. LOwell,. =demi wielder !notating atatirtioll *het city, forth* micas Of showing the . IwtrOt ed.& ptoper encoatoptaVW t oeutwentimanithiturtjf): antra inducing, if posiiblii, eipitaliN to - embark in the riannfectore of Woolen Goode in Ihis city. We have hero semi facility, and are we to reap any Odrentap boos such. Prodocticma.. Wool• coot!re power,lah r, cagdtale peniteloirs,. Wooly ant bere,ind all thaw in, he controof the but market in the world, and with a people disposed to embark in any enbrOto Wading to advance If labor and capital Combined inmanufachning in a idea) sortion of the conetry, where'il the raw materiel mast be obtained from a dikm.n; can rear a city and give all the. applitstOol wealth and comfort to its inhabitants. witheutany ettmordinary channels otccauxuretimtionstrilh the world at huge, in the short - period of twenty Or , thittyyears f —what 'ought it not to do fora city I thin, located as it is in the eery Ml* of a hags territmy,garawesingogricaltaral, mil* and . commercial Winntagel unentpamed by any other in the country! . . It has been urged that Pittabtugh is largely err gaged in kon maniffeettothat her capital and eitilur Is to 'fiftieths' what Bireningbam is to Manhunt, Merkel iron starker. This is only tine in part. We are glad to bear testimony to the Maestri and prosperity ofour citizen,, in nnt• king available many of the resources atria our. round us. At the same time, we would be glad to hen it said that Pitt burgh mant!factures its . owe Wookni, and ror the neighboring coun try. /presume Citizens are employed,— profitably we trustr:prixteipally in the mamba. tore of iron, bit let Other factorin be count: rod, inducements held out to lateens, and how rapidly would the population, wealth end business of our city Mame! Wberevei there Is a dentand for labor, there it will flow, and, generally speaking. u rapidly as required. On the score of labor be ing already employed, there need be no appreben. skins of difficulty. The supply will be co-eaten. sive atith the demand. Tire experience of alleges warrants us in this assertion. Let manufacture of Woolens be nommen• cod, buildings erected, laborers employed, Weal purchased, and our city will soon preterit a ffiffer , entespect to the R ublic. Its population be] inciessed,its markets extencled, its boundaries en. haired, its capital Increased, its commerce promo ted, and all that can interest the highest energies dour.nature greatly stimulated. It is not for us to repose in the Defile lap of indigence, till shorn of nor strength, because , lure has filled our hills with mineral. and eta. rounded vs with easy advantage of agricultural Inducts. The state of Tanis dello' Banta Fe as • part of iti territory. The Roo. David Kaufman, in his capacity es repreeentative of that State, says the Governor of Texas sent on • formal protest 'and reenoutrance agaimt Gen Kearney's civil gee. arnment at Santa Fe, and the representative from thatstate would have presented it hot for Ih/zealot menage of. Mr. Polk denying that Gen. K's. set had been approved byltio GovernMent. and Prem. ,m,l2l Leerer bag to coned any atone of exercised by that officer. • The statement made by Mr. Kant- I min to 'correct 'whiner . in the National Intelligusea. 1 Rees If undhor ' of the Tema iniquity. ea rm First in the nosh • t of a Civil Government 1 I apart the agt--? 6 ''f ele'iti" an 4 military power [ alone, and , in the claim of Texas to the ! ftenta- Fe ionagy, as s! pia of ilisE4tet Of Tuna 1 I Every body knows that Santa Fe was an integral I pat of the Government of blerico, - awing and 1 paying due allegiance to tbeltexican authorities, until theae authorities went vett4ertd powerless by in insulin alloy of theVOW . Biases. Tessa now chime Santa Fe, and beyond, and seeks to hold within her embrace the whole land lying east and south of Melia Grande. Became the Gas. , enormentiet tip amanstrona claim to the country between the Nestor and- OW Elo Gress* Texas lupe a little ahead of the Govannowat and myelin this wisher/ before antaimerlon Udittelllowmament is bound tdprotecf her in t:e Sum: Now it is notorionsly true that Toxins were ulna at Santi Fe, aunt aiMisorimapf war, re as visitors to the province of n Government of which Mexico was , -the acknowledged - bend. Texas Mune more right to Banta Fe thinii New elotttli" Wales or the city of Dublin, or any other piece is remote. Nor hu the Government of the United States any claim to Santa Fe, or any pottion of New blectial, except such wimay Mute out of the War, and this is a cis= rather of power then of justice. - ' Poze.--The Louisville Journal of Pomo:term' seys,.thst the peat 'crop, 1131 r looked to with more than ordinal interest, is the hog clop if we may 'doll U. 'With the shins:home -of tons and pc. tettars, hogswe belies% will be es fine usthey ever In reference to this subiect, we rind the follow hog liothe Cincinnati Price quire:it *Friends who have trended the cautry.repte sent the corn u looking =usually good; end the number of ease as pest beyond comparison,--a fine chance for &tuning hop during the approach. fog serum A gentlemen . from fa:rum, well ac quainted with the county and the Pmk trade, ex. pressed to us the opinion that the number of hop %hemmers season will exceed Butt of the put by forty per cent . The number of hop in Ohioan' he larger than that of lastminter,, but the differ. once mil fall short of 40 per cent. In view of theie facts, we Wok we irtay safely rely upon abundant supplies of Pork and Bacon in the worsens caukets next spring; and that at rates comparatively cheap. - The Cinchuudl Pork muchal=guyhaett been too fait in puthasing Pork now al 84 and $4,25, to be delivered inlitrresibei. I The Vice Preiittsoiof the mgt.! Buda I. to Tkit Pittshatstinpon ea electionetiing ionic—and to make aspeec . h Oita peopler-4inother evidence that the Government, at Washington dahlias to intotfere wick the polities of the Mate. After Mr. Mite shall have cancladal bH speech to the People of Pittatengb in Ism of theTaritfof 1840, and 'the NuhTressiny Law, Perhaps we shall erre the inttillote in Mr. DALLAS'S specrlnts in FAVOR OF THE UNITED STATES BATIK AND THE TARIFF OF 1842!!'..We shall meet how skilfully this high 'functionary can Cat his own won* sad in the mean ewe we nazi only hope that atgood divides' may welt on op. petite.' - Soule nocusupxotn—A young= named John Peppor, of Pattanouth, Kew 'if ampehtte, has hit upon a plaiiby which, ailth a fettling MA maxim Irma power may be applied to the eon. ;ace sticking bone. 'ibis die der has Mat the Means of Enema much Jinni and money, without befog sueoileftd. , Tweleo`patt of Maingete • erre as,'. work on the common hind Mom, but on this they make 23 paha, and ea Many dramas pei day, With much mote nee. In'plopoetion to tb weak ma:infec tor:a, there is s laving In event* of OM Sd pee day. . Er-POl:Untirriot. exeiutotEx•Pteeideot Weibel' espy to Ex•Pteeidest Htettte4in but Bettodey'e - Ramat Easitherl The object of =Omni 'Mpg, to be to dew 'ithich of, the 0 6 ;Ez 44 fie-Wilbutilboued tite'nost saccesday ea the elotalltke Tau; limstott cinema *wine, t h e ithagoigor;bi eitc"Feaulkr the TytwedtoWstntudit to balloted In !mod to th . o ntgiathr:l* In tom aided by -04bikii.hiipkiliga the Peolti!,:iiid - the *hole IFFT!!`0114 fraw ink llo 4eog• 4:Wbeet 1 *:01 - - 4,44#00"1'4 • :FROM CALIFORNIA. • Scirmarres -or mu - Estiessirrs.—By oar lend tigress we has fan cL CaliniO4, ppm! to the 9111 of Shy last. The secants contend iltheer prpms relative M' the sufferings of the. emigrants are mod .sppalling.; The innwhalf of id those detained by the same snow storms in the Cabfondagortantains died of sterraded ! The irimMing porton waldineritably luta penthea. twit for the tingly mans eatended by even Amer ion Californians, who heard of their distress and braved the inclemency of the weather, with pro. 'hionson their Inas, to ertend relief. On the 19th of Tamely this, gallant band •crowed the tof the Califon:llU and reachdd Portion . the part y Einignusie about inn down of that y..„ Ten of their number had died, from dans. tion and several were expected todiebefote me. •g fierard, ea they were too low ,to neuscitite• The iiithle'party ,had bean living on' b^i" hides for four weeks.; Op the morning oftheVth "the • partY of relief !visited iksiner's camp,' and found them wititOne bide left for rovidons.-- They hod determined when that wu corinumi to dig up the dead dirties of the who Acid ilia of /starvation and use fkent for food! They - had great difficulty in preventing thenifrom eating too weekend eshaneting their scanty store. They were so menu= for food that they stole the buck shin Mewls from their snow shore and devoured • 'Attu leaving with the pirty all the food they could spare, the little band commenced retracing its atepr, accompanied by 26 of tie emigrants, carrying four of the children' on • their backs,— They seconded in arriving in safety et the settle: menu. Caps Krim of tho fort hid sent out a cull party with.provisions for the relief of the remain. tog. offerers, • who succeeded in getting ell bat throe asfoly across the mountains. One of the three died of excessive eating. The wagons bekinging to the emigrant' were all buried in the snow. The California Stir says the fall :story of the sefferitiga of the emigrants will never be written, non= the ego try offteind,the despair and phrerrey the crushed hopee,yhe desire for relief, the tortu ring thoughts of being shut out from ell succor, and surrounded bilmpenetrablo sawfdrille, ever, be portrayed in the English language. They make a aim of honors too dreadful for human en. durance. . The cannibal, Helabtag, it is supposed, killed Mrs. Donner, in rider to gratify his Whetted appe• kite for beaten food, and he elated to the party who him cried of air horrid meat, that he preferred it ta i ccttk heel A small pastyviduntee went. attacked in de night, artheh!earop at St. Johns, by hostile Indians, supposed to be of the "horse thief tribe." A Yankee bs established a ferry saris the Bay of Francisco. He charges $l,OO for the Erni• age of 'a home—the tame for a horse and rider, .and 50 cents fora footman. Gen. Kaarney l ; by decree, twice:mined all the I right, title, interest and claim _of the United Sides and the T enitory of California, to the beachand w!`l7° Its "the Eat front of the town of Frincistro. to the eorporgi'mitheritiee of that tom. Tt' , l lota Were to be sold at auction On the 24th June, hat. (Where did Gem.Keemsy get the power teleell these lands.) The California Editors say that lin:swill be the 4 New York" of the Pacific Country. That the position of the lawn is =twilled for commerce: That Ships co i n at all times enter the Harbor, , which is of strident &Maui= • to 'contain in safety the naviee of the world. It ls surrounded by the krills bl las sictaisa; to and San 7o4nin Rivers; and numeronstuiviga • ittrewsw, potful into hey; mad all the pm dome and Ineuriee of the country, W 1 well as the gold, silver, quiek•silier, topper and Iron mineral which aboandr that aountry, will be contented. ed at San Fracifisco for shipment and atenefacttue. A young! Phihdelphiso who bas just eta:road from Calif 4 after baring journeyed eboFt 4000 mike; states that the Indians had grown so bold Os to ehoil inhabitants at their very dociesi =. The yea4man .fimia town a Lite. in the California object in travelling. was gen. oral reconciliation. Darhtg his tour he visited most of the ranebosofthe middle district, and found the inhabitants kind and hospitablehut defficient in the comforts of ciirilized life. He stayed three days with e Don, w in was the proprietor of 60.000 or 80,000 serse ll pf land. and several tbourand head of cattle; He was kindly received, buteomplaism that the fair . Was very gebnative. 'Fos example, I dinner. he eras rested on a rough hitin log in front of the Musch—a small stool placed before I him—one plate, (the only one on the premises') an Iran spear, a bawl of water, some ribs of mutton cut firm a sheep hanging mss end yet tdeedMir—ocene old theme and so me tortilla, cow etituted the antitrust and the reps*. The floor of the rinch lines clay, the walls adobe;tile roof. and no ash or glass io be seen. He stoles that their connection with the. United Slates will much improve 'the Californians, but doubts muclj Whether they wilieme enjoy that dace far co te state of existence which has heretofore citio;cterized them. ' Yews stems. Hasa/ 9LAT his returned to White 804 ph_i;madi Improved in health. . Ttio sumer fin members of the Terns Leg idatare Omit place on the first Mondry in No. wember. Tie .most important business , that Will devotee upon the new body. is the election of s U. B. toaster. It seems to be wellnettled that Geri:Hourtin is to be restated. /Luaus Comestrriox.—Thie body: adjourned last week, hiring signal the Constitution which they had. pr!pored for the consblinnion, wzd final rifificatlr or rejection of thedseople. .7 Mr. lidan is not dead. The Providence Trans. cript says that ho will probably leaner. The =NOLL of dealhe in. Yltiledelphia, lut week wero 135,-79 of whom were children. ' QO2lll or SPATIG--kt La Grartja atm devotes herself to music, painting, the thane, and the chow; She is a Tay, tolerable performer her self—that is rot a. Queco—sings and., playa, and has morally whits of the fast celebrity to same. pony her. She espedally devoledio.the chase, an which she Unship- her stowed courtie r w She rides fiery steeds in the Moe turbos inanner, and tundko the affair.' a style to maks • beckwoods maNtare. Thlt other day she took down with her own hood two fat bucks besidese rut amount of smaller game.. The royal husbonditsea, meanwhile, continues as before douedly.to decline dwelling under the acme roof with her,or even having an interview with her.- Ho still asides. in the hunting lodge ot the Paolo; not far from Madrid. When the QUM* of 'Spain quit Madrid for Li Omni*, she . announced her . Intention to Nunn to the palace the day after ahe _quit it. The minister', thinking this sanely decent, sad 'feu. big that the palace would be made (as indeed was latended,) a focus of intrivoe againet the arraign, Intemvied rind requested the Priam - to reru/deb his 'meadow; but all entreaty moving Inntlen the gates of - the palace were shut against, bins and hie suite by royal mder.divorce A cotinents to be talked of butaothing definite hu been done towards it. The French ambaseadorat Ramo uses the utmost influence spinet It. BA it is probable with the pectillar character of the present pontiff that if hetet@ the joshes of the Measure - he will grant it itiepitis of diphinweY. ' , OMITIc PLANIC-RoAD, PILCUICT. — A COM. piny Gl hat been (wilted nt .Ution, and the dolt sub mribed, to construct a Oak road - from that city to Watertoiro, or floCkett's Haber. ht Jefferson county. This toad, when canatmated. pass, through araa'of the-haaatair and'utost'sialuable lumber Adria. in the Stati; and open taPidLIO cup Windt. of cirmoniakattoit through a teedon of the)dtati hu heretofore bean ibuott ett% titult pamad by Mal . naglacted..=.4thony . . . , . Aitor.l coi pouts or, CONXISSIOSSILI —Th Anoccollionsiog hietitolioacototetruxd Ath Soptasokor, In Bos:Po. .Tlio tomtit of othoioo• orb seal oat the put you WI. 41, and the on assts 71 126 b" ! • ...:_._ -• I'M cart - Azar". Scrams Consr...-Wednesday.--The Cons. ' :bard the of, Wm. H. Tglor, on habeas cos. ins, and rintandedhim'-to prison-for fortintr: bearing .4 Proof..!.ldeldalson fin UAW, Vista for Prosecution.' - lassoesgoes Annairsrawron's pa Cotr, gued by Thomas Wilrouns Esq., for Plointlif in Error; end Arlo" far: Deferident in On Noncom of'A. W. Loomis Esq., John lititoa Esq., seas "admitted to practice r ati attonsery of dui Bowe= Cann. Daermattuar Poeizarss:—We palled into Porter's Dagnenian Gallery yestuday, for the papule of examining some of the numerous ape• thorns of the art them 1i01b0..1, and were shown weral recently taken by Mr. Samuel Hoge; an artist of greet skill, which rivalled the beat steel engraving,. Opp wu Miss B. of AUeglumy eity, parka picture, another of two eltildrew, moil beautiful in the ligbts ina shades whith give ton eiduality to portraits. .. Mr. How, we understand, has introduced some Improvement in the art which greatly facilitates the operation of taking and perfecting daguerrien portratis. Werrsaa Untrzurra.--This 'instituticm of learning opened for the Winter Session, on Men• day tut. We are informed that those who biro charge of the instruction of students, me perfectly capable,.and the pane can, with the fullest con& dens,,, =unit children to their tuition. We shall rejoice in the prosperity,ot thisUnisersity. Tau Paisarriastas Synths of Pittsburgh commences its annual rvission on Wedneedsy, the 15th.inst. at the Ist Presbyterian church in. Allegheny city. 'The opening SUMOII by Mr. Monists; the Moderator of last your will preach in the evening of that day. Tao Tx:rm.—Great preparations are making to celebrate the 10th of September. Fancy drew ballri. the Circus, Conceits, and other plaza of amusement will be open for the reception of visit. ore. Fits.A fire occurred in one albs huge ware. home■ on the Canal, on Wednesday, but was ex. tinguished .befoteny material injury was swain al, and berme the fire appiratua erri•ed• Sonnan Derts.—A man named William Royl, while et his breakfast, on Tocadatmeming, at the eltight of way Home in the Futh weld, fall from Os table and died in a few minnten— The Inqueit held by the Coroner tetumed a feta diet in secordinee with the feet', - I Manes: Wasoss.--The city councils have authorized. the Mayor to penult wagons to stand in any Place along the side of Filth street so, that the burenem of the Street be uninterrupted. Accruarr.— At the fine in the Fifth ward on, Tuesday. afternoon, a boy named James Reidy was severely cut on the hentbs the felling'of a fenee;on which he with cshess had climbed to we the Ere. His wounds were dressed by a surgeon in the neighborhood. Laaceirs.—s& negro man by the name of Gat. mem wee emoted on Wednesday, and taken be• font the Marx, charged with taking a rag and man; Weaning to William Jones, from the Amnion Home. In default of bail, he was 'mined to snorer the ehatge,_at the next Court of Divrarry cow xsy.—The Rev. Mr. Ma& is lecturing in New York, in favor of awacarbM, not of Texan—for that deed is done, and earths. col in by them who Mild not help iy—but of the whale of Merico to the United Stales! Mr. Ira& may be a very goodminista, but he is a very poor politician. We arise hint to mamba the good atria of Appelks to a aide of the ante Ne &tar ulera,crepidarn. A. flowers of fancy ere not matters ci feet, so ate, lath a ma end title attached toherrints . shoald leap the truth before seating' to tacit" what hum, to ahem. Hear, now. what an &Acid& of nonsense and bombe tin cartained in the following extracts: ' ' Gad now upon tie *pig gales that fan the brow of the Sierra Madre, flats the henna of the United States.' Oh it was grand to ask* the earns of the day! The wales of empire Mee and race as they struggle spent ddricalteir,npewell. ing foire the em, deep and tampons, and coon meeting smoothly with en anthem, not unlike the choral musir. of *hooters. 1. The speaker looked higher than etrth. The Providence of God - was above all. There Mrs old and hoe, anisayetrinatosted for, Who hied *mud the commit of Mexico byte beaded legions of Qatar lied the dun aid seams and wondering showers of ceptarke.wrothed Pada ant It was yet to be acenpd! The gather had she learned from study of the past, thet wars of I moven were often followed by the spread of science, religion Sod the arta As to the htexianr war. itwu not hie province to speak. Hs would not toesuree to coy 'whether it roc.j jail or anklet. But no a Mitistefor Pear. he 1 had the nght to express his unbiased °laden In regard to the great design of Providence, no lag as be did not rail wart the power* tbat beet And as f.r es he could readthoie designs, they. were .that Mexico was a 'horned nation, unless .he took abater raider oar Reale, ath;became en integral put of the United Rau!tProlonned applause.) It was arnacessarY for him to ague that this eopld be done. If we could saner one mantis; yes might annex a gnat many Aram!! .11e did not speak u a polUkian, but as a denial - phi. lanthropild He fully accorded with the eloritent .aliment. of Mr. Calhoun, dud there ass earls. Udall connection between Mexico end the Unit% ed Stites. [prat applause.] He spoke hie mu free and honest thoughts, as they swelled up' from his heart of hearts. Ile had, he thanked Cod, op party to serve. Ile wee not eobjece to any pasty ,hdluence. relations to Coma and State Dare a particularly bland anal andeover the free tares of the speaker, and he Ends r! dudficsat Beaters with his right arm] ware thou ota private ancen, a free, warmhearted, entlat i slie r ea* tan Irishmam—lApplausa) • The 'paha Wing reiterated his Islei of the annexation of all Mexico, .and the earneker of oar Instimtkaa over he People, with - surf variery- 1 eiabellisboant,finally dosed hi oration -to the 1 apparent gnat delight ler his auditory, eur fa as their clapping and dampinicouldbe taken so eiv• Mr. Malys mesons ate u three ohm 'or 1 wheat to as many bushels of chat LOA'S really "cony grand" to see a Wainer of the Gomel =dug hi. Bible into wadding, hie. prayea bati? powder, his exhortations to mast/era into glow. 'Mg dee:taus of battle and mtmler, and his emu of prase into the blast of the bugle and the thundering of cannon. I. it the doge! of r!Peace euth, and goodwill among men.". that Mr. Maffit premium, ar en older creed, of an eye for en eye, ared it booth for a tooth., .11 Mr. Msffit's Await of hearts" can echo any. alai doctrine if Ode, the seem he has a new heart, or a Cliktleid heat, the beater. We Weise Mr. M. to study' something more of the Savior and his Apostles, or doe to leave the Charch,. - ai thelthruels has left him, and jump at once into dayelitlcal mew-- Mr. Calhoun is known a. the nucleus .of the "Manifest Peollor .Party io America, and Mr; - Ma rd shows himself event disciple of the faith; `Corias sett lIILTRIC . cntiailro beautiful eyed:nem of Copper and Silver Ore may ba poen at the ace of litoiokilosol,Hotoio& Co., 4th meet; frettithe ouir Mine. The one wViths lbe, wed the ether ,one of euttleuhf pore copper which weighed weighedbctween Omura tutie_ thee:mut an y, Tide itierwries mm wee taiga, se it ' isq be Sew; from the surface of 00 sad hi not the largest erehuan sent from Or 4 mo,e we see end team of the inineradeepdeity of the uPPiv /4eZpoi.a news =Wiwi M: are at Its riches , • The Cliffhfinitipihy here shipped der' hug the present sewn, three haidled sod till to of , ore .of the wage - of Arra #7,060. kIW o -Easton irwriet: All tltis hairdWeu. pushed ward shire the otieniel itivissuiti on •>, of June, and woo ham Item wet to ..• ealocd at axes than fifty per met. • From itta first of lowa to tba 2M apLAttittatt the actual products of !ha tabu new 411rtotuartf, pore; copper, slat an ctiatott to du Coco. pug of pot mots thin 0000 • arab:. vsloosf. {hag wpm in 05g,D00 or, • itett Or oiXt. at/ DNA tlO ountstoi. - Alierni At/ rownruie Lam s emyturr, eauani.ai aort alma • IV* lkerebata ." _ _ . • BY.RCN POVILTII lITSIETt NAGNETICrIEUGRAPH. JAOOTS . . CORNER,j)I , FOSS OFFICE •I I TUB subsenber remeethgly Worm As pt be; hex:commenced Ilse'..aufseater of Gem riehlosable Beets, of gowl material sad watts whisk be, will,warrout member* any Boot ems in Orme. These handsome . will be tea e to measure, sod moment thew 111 emllsdr qt the very low puce - L of FIVE DOLI cam.. - Gentlemen are requested to till end em them. WILLIAM ViIsCENT ROBERTBOI fetid Blteeessor B EBB, E=2:l (AltltpYW onto of Rlttsbor dente irf the Msbursta Giseue: TATER FROM "MEXICO. ' • *Kt enose; Sepi. 8; 10 r. x. ' =lt from New Orient on the fleet of iforOteober hie Win - ireeieed. , The. New Orleene,pipsia;heii been receieed prase 31st eft. . , . . . . . They iontaiti•the &fails of . the Expiditicsi of, GAO. Wells, sud - staie that he ono rehsfseeedbi Maj. Lally's comatand. • A - ship his arrived . st• New 'Orisons, litiogit4 dates from Ten Croat' to the 21st oft . MS). LaWs train had 'wired at Jalippe with the 12 Dvagoons wh6wers aupposeilto have bow out off at the National ' ..."Essumatedreposte in reference to Maj. Lally, state that his loss was about 300 men, Padre Junta was the leader of the attack made upon Capt. Wells, whose lc= is reported at 40 in Oka and wounded. The "fellow fewer at New Orleans for the two day's ending on the morning of the 30th and 31 of August, were ens hundred and four, Charity . Hospital 28, Lafayette 2L Exclaive CMi cadence of the Paubauth Gazetto CINCINNATI MARKET. CIACI2TATI, Sept. 8. 9, P. M. Flonr commar.ds fn oar marker. 114.12i‘41,181, at which prices sales hays been made of 1600 bbd. The market is-steady at these prices. Corn—Ssies have been made to-day at 33c. Oats hoe brought 200. Sugar—Neer °demi has sold for 7a711.c New Orktanl Manses at 34035. Lard-,We quote sales at 91001 per lb. - Hams—We quote sales it:l3c. Sugar cured, 103-e per lb. . Ilatfon—Salefor Western Shoulders at 43 per pound, The Western mall is in, and halm no news.— It has heen raining here all day. There *Se four feet of water fall. to-day. • SEW_ Menekriorriedge the "receipt of thi - Amsnican Journal of Make and Art. for Bepteniber,lB47, wbkh may be bid of the Agent, W: W. Wilson. To top of science, this emit is insilahHe, no good, seicratifie, or miniellaneons iihnity, eau do without it: Hunt's 'Magazine for Bentember.hu alai been received, and with it the rOlden Time" foe Aug., n work •for which our citizens and the West should feel a load attachment, and which la wca thy a liberal support. • The Hail doe at 8 o'clock last might, from the East, had ooturi•ed at'l2. The following lines were written some )earn since bf the late - Col. HARD at; killed at the battle of Unens Vista, while in Viathington City, nod en closed in a letter to his wife. They are replete with the most ' , rodent eloquence: Bag me not, when 1 em dead, Autidat the city's glare— Where thooghtlese, careless mortals tread, hod ealth ad miaery are wed- Ohl bury m e not there. • Barry me not, when I'M no more, High one mountain bare— Where nought fiat eagles o'er it mar— Ana atenut and tempests round it roam Oh! bray we not there. Bury roe Dot, when Bou rest, ' Where austral pennons loin:— Eel empty show red griper. oreet Cso serer moth re icy brent; • Then bury me not there. • Buy me not, Then !eta!! Weep, • Ikeemeen'e rocky lair; Where vied, and wane Omit vigils keep, And anemone; the restless deep— Oh! bury me not them. dart' me oat, •beet amlucce, „. la banadlesa prairies, mtiere " - Thistinaled d - W Marten slam • Unmarked except by a cold gram stone-•• bury me sot them. ' • - glary ere, when I shall die. -• woods and Cowen Mt. -INtseins a'sr mJ gssvottiis erinJa snag sigh, The blies m'y nag, and Isivids ass nigh, bort me then those. . . P4TIBURGH WEEKLY GAZETTE. September 9-coarrarre II rairt. Mr.lluehansm zed Sihrerr-Dianiage Conine& -./odes - of the Supreme- Coart-Mr. Sisiretp= Mr. Clay-41ecittualeal N and Indiana Eleelion-,Drmornlic &Ma Central CulloolthanCol..Fremont-Mud, Poi- Gem. isiong--Fruits of the mar-Senator 'Dude &nate of Sono Mannfaeturs-Tbe Queen!' rd Tear to Seetlami-Loco 'Pacoima-Lake nd Minissippi Telegraph Range. including the Obio Vallei-Chariry, Hospital-Obi* tpip, Boildbon -Han. 811 u Wright-Nearport kart Ban-Get. Irvin In ; Congress, dm-Sketch of the life of Cen. James Infe-Speech of Mr. Webster-No mom Territory-The Union Timer-Nerve from California. Vera Cm; Yucatan: dm-toughie. Oro Improsentron-leoponant Prcialon, of Rap toirriatties•Buetuinan-lroo, Hemp and coa--03ecka--New Xativa rovi6-416=ra, Latest TO nphle ewe, Foreign and Causerie. Comuser , 4d-.k* earefelly - ramplied Rothe pi the !Ogden' lot the pad week-The Price la Cie local city markets-The Cattle Marker-The prices of American Produce is various parts of the Union -Anoint of Fier,- Wheat, Corn &e., received slams the opening of the ding-Canal badness sad momenta of produce:-Market to London. Cry rhePresioas Exteacto from the leading James on the imeratthg topic. °I For 2 - at the disk, tiollb or in "WW l ' Prima 6 cents single copy. • " Subeetiinionecno dc6ma a year In -Wanes. • . Opp No. Cure 1 So Pail Nisei Nies Di Jackson's embrocation Is die only istedieine that Will care this es : sat? comes -ant; unablcsolue disease. lints alp beetMololy Wage gam gad latia- IMlUkth ogees all bleedingoatdeesthatlnteletable b =liVe l erht:helslige o r:d e": Vlelt persons 101111k:sake prances no pain, bey rather sh apses. We wild pleasant seassessie • 11•Paialles'aldm anti esiteind s ear a( the great ember et easter slew have bean eared, they rid, be astoalshee.,lt genthantnrst this an who bate ender the knilb el the Macon for Me se tleee nines wigs.% being eased, has by as. Isgelestlesof the kiatbreeetion, been eradieally anted. It setts bersed pnseedeett!—(Phil. - babsrda)Vaaner. -gap For *de In Plustnugh at the PULIN• TEA Sitrair.,7S Pasnh meet, enclosed,' and also at dis Dreg Store of !! Detonate, Vhderal st stnelheng ei. 4:p. diners ouisait.Posimoteal. rp t pqmr—vr. brig - leave to call paltlis.attemisi. to *foltovriag, tram Dr. Wei. Lk*, of Within* lie Cieriarod Co., and one of the very list practitioners to tiecvautry m 101.4 4 -14 resider, and late &ruder lo she Stile Lagidabira, it abetting thee to use the lead ? leg osenof thostrofessesoiblusting the *oda of F reer.. 'restal preJedloe, tad giviovitent ai deo 6 ffir: I hare m nit puttee been aringioate of your Giereng Parlacca,' and; so fir, unwell p leswed iri Iu ce*sin catuthe and Illetecktal *Wei* maxi Ada* bairn dozen bottlev-,fon theta as low as T os can; as I expect 11; cougnoesto reader as general sat tafastioo as it has heretofore, to keep 11cm:unaptly on hand. apt? Wtic Lk117, - lit. D. -11rYlla Invite the ettentton otont readeit to the ex- traordinary curette( !Scrofula perfermed by Dr. C.ah&, hats Trimble Panoceafweett they will find Teter& d la another column of to-daY'n Petal. They are Mont doubt the most wonderful 00 recOrdi and tve Nohow pronounced by, tinny or on( XV.V. phytdciana. - The. &acted andOthel Interested, are re! needed to visit them at titer aneeral places at abode, and Wen trout their. own lino the wondered erects of the addiedne. The &done named ti Nt lease Stocky, edit they be aeandady, between the hods or A; ht. and er. AL date ordecoljdeelnitd Wahon, Nor! *US DAILY INAV/0111.111. Niue.. I TB ribliawcialbocur ef , Wesiderm, every they. at 1 y week p.:w...notetay sleeved—aid saved to satmeneer. n ths 0.. at the N. Yard. hi thew. wentoa Ale enthbie. and In Baltbsore, the sole eveo. hea, at t* cents., week, payable to the &de Aleut for she whir, 0. I:.(Allehrest, Eso ,or his order. Ins also .om t" andtslt nr,a rt of the p. l7=lrN . per s. Orerdsenteuts of te les n ot iss Waned ow Um *er.7 dent., rim tlth. thr7 , 7 cents, three llama for 111 k ka 111 Aunt weeks for MI 71. ens mouth pH ;mow. 117, three moths 1111110.1ensooths La, we yearede—payebte always In edvenee. , , 11,a roe. Wino is what lis name Ind.estre. It Mmthe teadmaste of the Whig Pant or th e thaw on rye j enatelida . of pablle_pottey. It ednx.w. the. elation yo lb. Prmalleay of Zama. T.noit, wiser, en. VW. dim WWI N.hIMILI Clianti ti C4l. il VISI to the Woman, nu. the meant. awl inn f tbeelsintarra deemed to be led ve no lo the Into• ow of drcountry, ad a.m. withoot fear or favor the ton... of thepany la pawl. Its eel ms are open se Wry one la the eassub Ive the dtheaseme of potale.o at say other qoastloan • be sehdr b. slll=er. 1r . ... In the Nwthroal :E l ton., aml ether ate ' fal t artar I:l,nee, ta iten. el; 1 iv . ..= 41 :arko g re l lmtt SI. • Cl' : i fl7.7.s,_l.:l "r' or . ., t Lec lading Iletnews,/..• • A week' list et me Pm ' res int ... Ili 0 ., fatea:Cabee erlllllk4the Os pata,ened— at! iiviiir, Ov of a... 3 mm .....wire , is the I.lsawd diewa, ..op It tloo of lb. Dal. laadowl Whig. 11,4 i11.d,M4b..4,4 fobthr r a ttel . rge, ---* owdrel - psyth ..W be ;Win lOW* ----......- ~.._,- '.-11......-'.....-L./ ESE= Tex Umansitte.—The evacuee menaced , , wm ip s d the Meer Tem et the Iliueaiaty plaeeaa TlausteY ev.hhti the Oat lost, 3o Or the math, Ae ounce Intl be &fleeted b) Fretiktie, windiesa fot the degree ef A. 8., at thene'ettll be anaddrees by the Rev Mt deLal ezeieteeiwiD ocetueehe at 71 o'clock. Guymon Lsercen.l , A••Lectern wail be named Ude evening, In the iteittiodisiVropisiszu Chuck; TIM iktklecktoth'•on the minium poi& uon of the Chasualr &ielety of Itrothetti UT. The topics Inveleed nut of gement Intetest tot hien& nt chrintials Union and flearicilenee, The etc , re spectfelly•lnvited to amid. • nekencs to contemns at post 7 o'clock. • •• • , Ire • - At Loultvilla, on the 24 Inua.otatli . in ar GA brain. us MARY RANT, agedri ye ah, Meagher of Mr M and Sarah Gram, late of y any. ••••• • alt.; Mn JANE C MOM:IBA cNt.c of McClure, of Min.sorash.lp, Atlegbeny . • mold daughler or Jam. A Yout=mo, of . .rt. • th Mt, at Freeport, Mn LU UT - ANN Me of Rev Darld D McKee. " - eib etc. el his resideeet io 8.i . n . 7 c only. M Ecorr, aged MI loom , Warr' Bala of Meal Matistals M BE • • derslgned EiecMors of the lest will and tea- . j. tame • t of Daniel Bunter, labs of lower St Clair TP, in Allegheny county, PA, deceased, olfer..for sale the following saleable property in t h e city o4Pittsbaro, sic two adjoinnut low, inmate on the east side of Ud at and Cherry alley, each flotillas 20 ket on tad st.ad extending back /30 feet towards ad st. . Also, one lot situate a Grant at between and and gth au, of Slik fret front on Brant at. and extending back %fee; (adiohnoll the property of Win Arhus.) N.B. For terms end owl , . viers emalre of Mr MO. sesßonsland, Allegheny city; or Mr Hobert rdcEurdli Altoo Merchant, Wend Pinstnirgh,or to the salmon.' hero !insane. the old Weslaington Itoad,about 4 miles from Pittsburgh. Titles indisupulable. JANE BUNTER. Eseentrix, Errwer St Clair UcEN IO Towns ßT hsp. J T Executor, Baldwin Township TVST received at M A MlNER'S—Waamplon and J his Gam's, or Legenikof the Revolution; by Oro Lippord. Legend. of Mexico, by 0.n.0.' Cbambees Miscellany, No I. Union Migmatite for September. Talkies Way Capone& ani Gold and Silver Coia Etautioer, Cu September. A Simple Story; by Mrs Inabald.. Tba Mak/dia.!. 'Amebic; by Nada M Canis. The Doom of the Tory's Guard; by same. . Mandela., a the beautiful Mexican Maid; by Ned Buntline. The Conant King; bjtERV Areal. gallant. Toro, or the peel _of • Seam whore and 'Do Nautilus, or the American Privateer. e. Corm Do Lau, or the Brigend; by 0 P E Junes, Esq. Allostami Ashore; by Fautimore Cooper. Aod all of hie worm on and. Formic at MA MINERS, &ulthield4l.3tl door from Second. Pd • lI&YDXA dC COALS. D MINERAL. COMMIS VW"' PR S O I D O U N NRCNA NT S.. De t AD, Dmlth's bnet; QFF6Lakaar services so Merchants sad Fanners Wuxi man of Floor,lhatoand Produce generally, in deltnlinnore Mattelend Eionitheionniensive moan tanevamoon pinelaas and, shippers, an sslibreray rat adisfsmoryasitca *Corinsponanis ...Din ) / a apt ndfised of_tbo sate cif - dre idnikeis, he. Rata yo,-MassiL Win. Wilson Rena, lase Rey & Ron;112 1 61011 h. Sandal, ReyWds & Rena. Vtakinsmo , Ander, 01114kanU & Eanlisln Donnelly, Draper &Jona; Um Yea. • Etalmnoro, - ina 111847. Amelia — T PASCAL IRON WORKS, • - PHILADELPHIA: • Welded' Wrinsght Irma Masa; • 111 . T4BLE fin. Lemotaattra.Ma ri ne, aisd other mem to Lorne Modem,frcm4 to ?Medias diameter.: Also Pipe. tor Gas, Steam, and other mum.; extra mond Tala for flydraslie Proms, Hollow lila= 63r Pampa of Memo tagines, ManeMetared m'. sale by ' • MORIIIB,_T_ AM= &MORRIS, Warehouse coma TWA sad Watt mat _. • - DOB RENT. A CZ Walla and aztvealsoi brIA dvnA- Ag boo cowed ng wren roans, mused on Itand.o.--Tent low. Apply to Apiatf • frOB/100(4101zzinaielasoli* Wes b Lap, r j 10 boxed Aydrsl.oloPi -10 doSmoot' lb =Wooed Os (tuella') 10 do :Ale & me. glo span plog; 10 do Sloodetdo Ds do; sdo /owe 1 • lo baler ' 1g kr =Vega'," • s b.. on food, arm •11118 br ; • • frb • Jt. It. FLOYD. 10 Übe_mAL. - .- DI . . May tre— - 3 camel 8 Abdul% „ -' • :blab No I bladder, ... . 30 barrels eDyped Lagerixal; ZO Paiaie; .., • er de do Nene York Caraweed; do. la nk.{; 1919 ' Overdo by -. Jilt FLOYD VIVS-9 VOW Okelled Abooodo, , . 2 ova do_ do; t bbls IMS , situ do; 1 1 bail, Badesol do; do E Walnuts; . ea Pea Nun' V do Comae Noir, farart i la r _ ILLl4.ll:_d • • C I LIN C ILDra T No l . Dater's No I Mead's No I Do Cocoa • Oak's No I ,Do do Putt Norfolk Not 'Do • Brom.; for oalely D W SWAYS. Illhoood FRUIT—Si bit sad Id bi. it itsuine; aml bs Mutts Octant.; 1 - 4 lain Glon; cfsra4 Emma In:Mama .F'11: r.ri : I `= lll4 " 4li `nnta Ams bid*: MN ' i• to; • • • a10.14 Vdt - .-. • - • -.- • . fr. a nail) 9. 100 ble poe • W G ...jus fee 1 7. RESU • • ear wiWficld t water.[ StrroIIAIL sale V6o . laids N Quad Cobs &Fir Jot reed; 019 -* - • cAlt•OWl e gere4lo l l7, 4 3th rt TRU SAND-700 %slut ses'at_fse tale 1 - 13 A FAHISEeTtICI. 4! cO . • cork[ and wood sts CPAL VAIINIIIII-3 1 % dans New York and Nona* quiet drying Vandah warted; firmla by LACKING-OEl6u Mason's chaletEliahlt •di ' for sale by.. JOHN D a . ~.; :u ~g~{n ~rt: r ~, ~ UN ALOE:II=4 jitse. ' inceteedi saleM . spA • .IDMORUAti D=lo-1 groandLoss ihrral i ViAby: .51%671661 "'ltr aadi t1"" .td i 1 ApaJef—Sibb . kif;en ,. /ipple..Jest i ZA l VAale ~~n 4~ 4-•fITJ: f•SI~GTI ^ 7*lRi7 -r ADDICR-010d 1 4 0 .t LIVID 011L—Ideirzleilbriiikettj • C u r K p:' rts:4l:;reNtltirr, -11AL1L-4w"*4 llseF " A a l47l=K tOD bbls Jial tied and for into ' V • .Pl 9 13 A PAHNICSTOCK CO TOMB BRICIE-1 cue arm fibs JJ •LS b RHIN D NOWA N .A.IIIIOW PIIINTS—We bovo`preerred larp ar ...I.Vooruoemof betatifol,blib tolerod,orllleb Fumy Prism of a great ',arrow of pores ant quantities, for • 13/IACKLIaTi WRIT e at • To Urea iniusdeTS. L'PR Me l lined ey logo:3ast :,,==t;Ofor • jyt7d3rawisr M COOPEIL:6B woad st iiiruiBT,CCOMS slaw loading, sorapmmia 1 rou actor mentor lambs brands and wises Rich mandTabaccoi tarsals by • " II • • BAAAILEY k SMITH etJALIIITER'SThIENT — se groupie! reel• .J.b for sale wholesale and retail by_' • • " 813.LUR13 OAXPORD76. 11:164 Comassioa bletellarm Liberty et.,oppotlinecathSeid,Thalets in,Floar PTIR,EIMPENTINIC- 3 0 nem,. r ptd saki by R SELLERS ta wood et - _ ta61m8,150 box best Bomb Halmos; for role by . mo.l BAGIALEY a worm, 181 110 wood or wAr irAllD9,ll ydrorideFloor 011arobiorew style OVUM port ono, pa received from lberThlbiporillo tatoory and foe sale or oar ware menu, 5 Wood sr. • • rile I a. 11 PHILLIPS ziOn YARDS wide Mao, Co% with bank; ',Mewed from PLIIIPK M Sittogiri for fiAla :at wr spa J t H PHILL[PS . .onn YARDS Coaster OE Cloth - 54 . .Ait/upstiests, received from- we fur sale at ostmussiegs,ls impoS -. • •TAS -- • n PHILLIPS aI*ILAII ion{' for vile by • • s T. 7. l 4 B . hfghltalf H t l i sivf.4.lt ppy bts various grpd slileutio; A RTIBTI9 IIATERIALtt-Vilule Coral tad Mao ~kkvat . Ilya Pplipy y49t DMOUve tiaiween Wood am TL}oanroecaaA= 410130HBVI,Vrinud br.mha' Ll AiliBl l4 4 voS . == l ;Xgm - An ianoine of German fanny end:lnfant ieneined iron dle Importer, gold and Aker -watches, kw table And pocket nudely, amine Inv:ruses% ready vide Lele ‘,..4 a large nolkedon valsablelkoks, ape • Mick Mora sad Lot atAoettint . • ' • ON Siaordof anemias the tith ;DMu 4 h'elork co the premised, will be 4414; that Atlublertat At Ennto4 sqlsalo al the north east earner or Thad tad Fury Mi l:pill= a front of 29 feed ea Third it sad - aroma* ohm on Ferry. sr, 85 limed whmb .laerecood.o two ssormrryy Bock Owellahr House which is remed present Tale bids!psitable. MMus, eroodhird dark, midge payable m one Dr two Ploaloridt, Fro. ld wd- TH.Firbtw:= , pea Daring*. mesa many allehunatand =pommel= ENTIRE NEW nape, • - - - The Pit Lan been tsolmyed--Proseettiast Bates-art vattA• *Vont:4 newt, rooted ted deeentutd—tuter ear. you. and every thing Imo with • view to add 'to the moire of the puma. of We two our Earahrouorsay. I mod Company has been Selected.- • MR D. MARBLE Is encased bra &tonight,' Mtd oxn . toured rind will make hi. ant appurenee on Satarday. Mr BAKER, Mr ONO, Me LM, Mr GRACE, Mt. sm.rderqua MAILSOILLE MALIGNS. the eetebrated - Danseure, hove been cogged, together with the oh t favoritee, end will form a CooMAlvrivit toG IA the eortolly. , Particulars Inlntero saventsements. AND rOSITIVNLY TZA - LAAT or sarantriel, amrn'ormtlCAT ANDRE:WWI/Ltd/LE ICI C HALO:CC LDitrssies TINANTT•WITNCINTIL ' 'This 'ea no* Evening this Week.. 4 °MUM NIX* AL EllnarenoniNr. : UMUNO-vrettell the PRIZE BONG o f .. , Ski Old Ims cis'," sill be O togetiterwith seek other et the Soap submitted tar tbe path of the &Warr b.. txwith the mon impalas apporal t allat sh hare a copy/Taal , an th e or weeds mast& of kW µnosh , be Mud make Exec debar • lee, Dams, Trios, tideartotea sad - Ablated:es, wait ' , ktplan Latrastansasilthi We. •• • • rata- MIRO= FROM THE OLYMPIAN AMPIRMIEVIMIA t'rironrall WRVOTHlSl"renY'rent4dlintin' their splendid Wow Font -Amass. enthesdithl l 4 fornialed for the comfortable etteWlon of Onthenona, 131= co the Ulth,llth,l2kl6l.llthh =CMS, next. • • , • - ' • lof ndeponno of Willis' celebrated Dreg Flettif,the wiU be dated en their enthral, by Mr thee* Snag Boa, playing with fon the emaqpryykr In the nouns the earthen InnbeinmieWdbYlhn 1 ?lOW .1/ 1 . 4 CML Waned by 11 V Caste. En .ter Ithlin anew Per/ DreetteleetMenieVell. - it Mee catirety sew minted, smiths anyone, Usitt Heti Ono ail concoran thin*, toe Oak of . all other menthes sad eacti es a lieu - ac*n .. _:ly len Wilmot than the wessies Om, Conatitthingthileampiny t.iil46Rand .116417 Cad rannfor, win will tide he moth admired mew of the genies Maim the T qf a Sorrow er Ems Am the beanfeteptsolen the Info and itr that wisp, en Acton Los. I - the• great N 213.11 Fennel lifomatmg, wire. ollimienda pereetrations, es a athele boonekana end &ban atl who behold her,thatilyuo I alate opinion inthollso toll th e Ingla minas she Ina as nowerfally led amidst& hen el lint (Nowitan Roc the •mirthintrirodias Dane whom inlinite tJeery, end FUN, entelned by no nadenen .au t rojeri plane I far bened the noel. Haysal Nielote na s, the Inane( Ring thenMr& The Litll3 Par*. whew amnia of teem is rowboat ¶llel to the wand. C 1... Ahem the MO inabed artist in his arrangement aid encodes al enters and ug==Frothrickßierra pronto erratz, igazsertniriae bY nonitYi Rion (theinlacitalite,l will per bleeder' a single boreal perforated Lao* the President and thenatcas of the Oohed therm end by all present declared the most perfect ninth of wonder &ad grao tin world ere, kOP.V. Maar T Ftsp9s, las 1W sesakeillthe we snot ri dothand enemies. the 1111011: =USA km beenindo, re a nth* bores • • • ••• Jr Ito Sint will nile him Use Hanle actsent,Tand Cone; fanning.pyramid of flew= whom he Intl best above the hareem at &saw Gamma, ihe.nightyl t :ra 41111 M i. lha eeltl tide nil incredible rectomantio serrner. introdneing • Les boomed■ dialainthel hotlenits ValidonmikaAs. Ha ley emonira.Zatellatwo ' 11,81,04 # 443 / 4 4 " 4 " • Aft w florerd,.ol6 evusigit Bernie inler;SlM treat glen nprocentattre of rho Red nen of the Form& ' .• Mr On neurone rides a greet dramatic aeon t d a Or Mary act ntitledHONOß TO OUR HE ROHN ori.thlfir no • Onnorp in which by the aid of coons elMlieMet.be Will represent the elder Panlarth Prensdrerho erammUy.OES &WI TAYISOLths.Mao• to inane Inn, a The robtateer t dents Ana, the coonnander of Mexico, emelt/din wittithe &same or Fassean boring the ocancebiereionth—"Geocral T•ar pent crrendea.. -.. • .• . Moth Donor, of the •Clrstte Moslem: nit inns, ;no. the Sothian•Dancing thash•Mothr,•pritose bearm, , did <tante far royinta aannes of the /did VMS vet bon& before the pante. Aim the erne pones etho ead Imbetot ith Wheat:one diner e n s n lops an countertops, threatheir inatlectin l** dol. Peron and . geardons Noy with enidestee king their faunae, as ander the croak! eare of tha poen: star, nothing aproaching ..hid, of maidenly cart led - - Itc way morn the choice troccenalloon niche MOM. - The 110111X0A and attains mann:notes enurelLoti rind. . • . . ottossz PRINTS ONLY: __4 CEDAR. 5T.i. 4 NEW, YORK. gyyliWed areaemaao.,,, korob, Ws pv poke of topprying Una Om Ja Tla& arid, .CALICOH3 - EXCLUSIVELY, at P 0Zma1 . : J 74.7:4V • ,11 •4 'ear - ,1=441: g " V:11 ce nM ;my of which an not to be lama al.. rio t*easeuo Z, bald. ern. Jan twat inuckmd, ear ogad for Cada and don credi g y ONE TO FIVE CENTS per iamb below. Oka Inky.. Of Awn , and May, asiieb imigged,Cadorm, rionk are..aareeted dairy, for, the ' • 40!e1g1mal..B.slIvaie lartallah* • WilitSZDAs,odird== .41=1 shell' . s ( raPlotwi-geilnaith="4.st "ale =ars s. Ogler* br ttaliljr .11volwitholexWat al ltraME P‘m• l i tY .1141; ri r n g Va l a-4 tt r " 1 : 11 "" , '•' 0 "! • ~ !if:rT!l: litgr2ltittOm4VE: 455.oreasadr.dyd,lerr. PITMITIGIL ' ......,: • ..- 1141112E1nm:se Alwattaciiiltyies Roes.' Newl'oet, ~, . FL, ,P 20114,114 * - ; , f.. i s: L e swilll / 2 . r " It W . l at f NM - : prildlEar: Ida '' dl , ' j : ,de node% reek . ' ''' 'I do Haw . ....Ai, ie. -- 4 ,- , w i edd i, do Ti.. Otioate, ; , do Tesoeisee, do idaniadth- • tdo ENNSYLVASIA, OHIO, ladlans,4tamiln sod Ptug CIO Orden. it& petilioad N11!01.1M - s HON Emtu:igMaha it XcHeaGEim New ye*, Piladel.2o xa.o.ore, brut .Ins - .s le snit t 7 • OALERATUS AND GLUE PAC:TONY FON, DALE; 10—Ttie Adailnistimersof me late Jamas ear for We tbemoabliebmefit *we Mb i Vraid i l / 4 formerly mimed on by h in Ms life nine, ems Sales. me mid Glue Funny. The weeks win complete cake fat earn Innen the blather, width Ilsinfes,fte,and truly lbr onameneing Many tlme; A i,llberel credo will to glee; andnllsoinieelats made knows by ealbWarr either of the enderkseed; - JAMES MAMMY Joas tarcuista.: ' NEW SADDLERY EARDWARESTORS. N.:134 Weed seetiA,Pidtbarg . ! Hiega - o — tv:rep"l=-Vekato in= noanoing viseasaaters sal neater* den I as wept& to lamb* theat with All goods in soy Om Int oil mom/ Darena'still recollect:bet ileallnersehubtalrin Mali Hardware. and Zama, •Thloso? obtain therebg an d um enables son se de ensapetten. CAS see. and Joke der soarestwes. , ' • • • Illanofacuinp of liars, Bogies and W. Eals; nUß'esairSe q being now WWI otteredein t . ww axe 'LP preperednecneenut online In our line. reamPtir. Dann lasi simmer we heettadopted a new Wats of tette Window Cite" (Woman •ppro.ed .o need in mita tw , whlch.we tans eta setteticr esti; Glue Dettened On due Pim id P*0.4 , 1 , 41.'04 and trot. With • TNT Sae Woe raintereand ekes an. Wally, WM reQll.ted call mud examine (or Wen•'. 011 1 7/Ll/3 *AD I•IIIPPIS. 2 • . f7O bs p Pepper, 81/ bags prune glum Wei Coffee; Mir land: , raetu.lj Ibr silo . spiB trAGIALEY num, IS & SIG woods' saunas. • • • • 100 Aq • .• Ca!PP!!l4Ptie ude b • mazy eiIIOIWILI—A ped 'lnsamstualt of new. Ryles. %..11 domino and kaysn Git=tam sad vi 140IIIILINS TPLAINE2tne Wm* ft tipszlifil sew aroviclrtall isul44pLignifibot /Mena% *Alan b/ , 11 :ri-r; ,v. • b miNenn ,.. .bus•verni rigekagsliemklWl, l : 8, 7 .k!.. amoimaaviodesa. tetir'Mh 7, f}. 2nttil3n weitS ~•••• ivy's. alarms nonz, LEE &.B 11015111ull a wit, • &a _ . imanasurs 113/2e1,11r, , ~r;~=`_ r~,~l„ ~ • • Fflmo FOR Unit • .11110 R 1 , 77 ,410 K INIG, • . - 7. 14 •. • carsier . tray s i = i i1 1 g=,..7,4 I h t r udt. Mai sad eltrallstKnellair, :peg iinsx• Alm moskutia. Vir.l4 l 2l P ort e "ra l a=k , . 4 4 6l.. :tt • lamb assoller=424l , l i ecesegeently P L' Otte - • .• Ls lit bale Loaf Sera% ma".s..."` ' • '.;SM ,eneatead and -pm:4VA eatter!i Bet. • ' Seamen doable raised m.s as 4 4.77 1° " *1 . tr ' c r ud .. , # NacraiEHr k:sunir lovised lo loolcal wecoroo O g 1.7 of Om wed figured:black wed (lacy LlTell_pdl,o, W received at dry goods !noted 1. - ' ' GLASII—CIa dud mi.realvii*AOSilhe sun. oda V cionr,li.l3o.o. ETUI,II:I2. BUN, Re- Re ; sTt - Caleb) ROBERTSON t RITSPKRT [lt4 l or t iem . lo7tis . 7 OftV.l4 a EX Flan F bmad, trosloter tra eoMl • - • OROX ideuREW GOLD PLNII—Jumf recalvid I Imp Winans! .>upp ofPtemiam Diamond rotated Maid Denman A LAMM and welt selected itoeltedWesplies,Je4- =="AisirminiVellOillfg Dwerxirrps tee. • col Mum& uric ' in exe r ltu -• • _ .OLD Pialln.Alagn and asrelscr stack G Premium Feinted Teraina' nPaand andibr nin et iedieed prleerat lcutee kw ad clues WA .1n din _ _ BitlarrT i- t=rVagffiragt! r . Mg" 8.1. e Pnatsjust received. for by . • - . BHACELErrk WHITE VVAINTIRD4O lamer.= ...130Vest maker.. Nolte bit the ten Aced apply. . •AMMER& MAYER sa4 Patio; More, 7•At0d .. :1 i l it !tAnaeog "*"' ne:biadittAa mar - ' Can y ISAL4-11 . ' DI ERE& a) Prag,te—ra bap elide &Come; IbtiTl4lonei; "Lk. ea&Madder saw an rrtr by email Or sate ' IDICKEY i & 00 eel kW.- bbls NHL? pat rae•S by eat boat • S on de by • ' • • - ea wAtimeo,cau • tmsry an AritiTOPEliter bdast sa t hit rktar; by an dasedeas Odds& Malted HP day; es oak by • JOHNSTON &STOCCION spa . Hooksellars. sot taarkst &Sad eta • THE AMERICAN aoateminaniribranw. .i..but.mestTed:u.d u mal t AIR of Inicreime. Mattel'. CIO slut see It.. Finnistr i , mabomitters trees VE AMERICAN PARMER,williu fatOM la ma - E Fl ladied iambic:basin Pitubareffeetba ma: allt, (mina pooma at Mt mom of 8 N WICLEILMIAM aMaad end 6th sut • a 7 pea amuse= et h.& tolottil . Linpoysjcunopenedit i r umAtz, tN!I - Vallusurauca—s eases new wile Fue7 wets Issesseeieed; for We LPACOAS— , A large mottoindi of low.plieedo 11 medium Me, glossy. reslAlpueaLoktrajna Mr, AILDWAIM—jitst mewed; ritplr Yolk slup and Adam.. =mix& Any l)l 4 Hamm% Visat.llsote ChaituVtmtOt NAINCLIPEt ; tars toolfolit, esso stat pit saws, nailer ob to Grt g l i trl n C li sa6=t ; u l = "' "•' ant Aio, ,1741,- in! .V/BUIII/ Df¢lll.l4 we the 4gicoo,ds kamoef: IXlldigliN 0 Sad P 4 6 4,r; 1- 811. Mt *age' • 407 big l l. 4 . l p yif 1.04 Ax ttner, °b ..* ek"in gi G • -JOkIN SIIBIDIIENS-11:0bzig Gans= • - i. ItOlup trade 9oa4 Soda Eatpeire,sietiiastry canal atol ode by _ • JOHN OMSK TPFLCCO•43iku ft Plu g MI Until= it° &WM . - .11%11=1)%11115121614Z0 a/ in` in:CMVED—linble Oedemata Nan, *isle Doan% az; in magi r)11115/01.1FJ01111,4,03 Iter lan no % 10 sale br . =Au& & RYA ert' - ~.eer et Glair &lawn SAMPTIA ' TS OP .111014.1/IN jut re-- teAIITMLID-10,11411b• Tilt er •rbirA WO " • c.tiltbriel,pncie mcbstr II by_pai4 by , • • 8 W FILUGII;33 woo-1a , . IQ . GILASS .PAPJILIL—Far arperior common Swift payer 160 maul 'ousted No& of &rod b lown Lard mew and dealers rwrally, for IJEISSIC WOOS/. Briblubb*bstr y Allmdarsz L etwaly UGC, WFLOOR—OD bbib flesh pods/ Rye • Floirraut ludtng froobßabboalCalbb Cibbbiklr sale by - at Ok 1124.11111/001, 33 wood at motta—sobbisikal timid lndroiratid ems F bank% bands, in Moro awl !be isle by . - &St - ifc , MILILitHAUGIa ,31- "mad.' ARM: 1.114 E-10 alas ben k!serin!N B AVAII &01:1,eattrilkmed • t 1 ~ -M ‘ ‘ '''''.. xi - - ,-• Giiiii•iiio2i. . ..: .... .Iw,tr m-ob ••'' hi " . 4= l 'e'ar br :EILIC*SIF-r“,11 W z R itso'd 'this tisk Or sale kisiEEEsiZsii UgiEOE4;;EZ?Egi ................,......... tatMAY LAMM Lestra aed orase,lwo, ihres,sad-foallglas F IXIf. SWATS eceststli , es szli= ..•110,, 11.1•IltreANLITititilE s " BlL—Zolteg, BemOrk .• Wed • rwir fict• Wade by: - YUEN% RILEY ir. CO = 8 V .µPiimmaetylepr..soeSsiebew -(10/"111 YADX-20,0001 6 ie eaddeouottriV4 f." .k.. '`" rAirrraymtrdeffir g iii, , ERlyito ...Kt • .7 , 5 • ~- PIM% PRET - a - CO G WASll—es ts brbraWeliailbyetl2!ig: k h I 06 klitetilgo. 01 aiEiEiEe!ffl _ MT"' eIL-"Vir=r4,2t, C l " ll l A T —l utttXrjrnieffl i e 4 tab • WI wood si pit tot au ..te - UN 11.11613 Tia r-tittC-IMbil WPOT—€I3O lbs Ruh doing an; woo' reedi, Busakt by Jia&un & strrEa. , , •= eota elairlif 'bet ty aft ~..-- rlackk-kas Lefu4sasittn MAL ILI tired, reed; tor kby Yowcp *imam DJI-4 eakkneti, far • by- • - • • ."' MOIGAN rrAti A l t -- 11a51Pi rrfPwVals. 'Cc •1 else. .I.at nwA,Lni l / 4 " r oc , A 11 — '!!A rA ini =rwood as: IMILTHICRIXOIbstereGeaIa C.. 4 1.7 0 ,•"" Cie. glom 13731740ea5, krtZ4; black, %tile Rad sole cokreljest nseerfed frogs dm ilisionexi sale by • . F,IgsfATON? 10 7 7 "I , ' AIte.CWtO Weald Ge ,of paw pie autd lotafiave pii4:ol Jan T0r. 30 - 0 0 0, 04 4 *et -10 41noyabawbc,antisbickoith..!elvr* WPOW 'lobo** Nthe49 , lo**".g r-••• ''' • .../Llr—ll eats lien= Ctxr . wer Magma Omsk 'ea •4o all; Or by -• - •-• JCIIII, - wry', irtIOLMO—A sum Calmed. noirpm o 4 • ODD IVO , • - W114135-110_ t l i nuseete j , lu= t tr. ! k `rsuasamo ewastint a . AISOi ta - N W T, .=~~, 5521 Gann
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers