The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, September 07, 1847, Image 2

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JOHN C EMMY. D•mdatt . Ckany. '
.7110 MAS DUNCAN, •
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Tea Dio[OClATte STATz Csmoset Coax!?.
visa hem brand their annual address, and we pro
pias Milady to examin' such poitions of it as de
made attend= hop the Press; •
We not that in a paper emanating from a
empectable State Committee, that the lowest slang ,
Plows of 'alai, patty, vocabulary should be re.
used to, to convince the judgment, or rather to ,
unite the -
pnaoos of the people. We ere a
egiehme of the redaction, and appeal not, alone
to the Whig petty, but to the intelligent Denim.
,toey of the Male, to the feinxis, dignity and
. truth et the Mowing atetiments:
• *We ammo aid - the election at this time of
General Irvin, at any other man, of the parry to
which be baking; would be pregnant with EX
TREME. DANGER to the interest tithe Btate.
• We solemnly declare it,as the profound movie.
tion of our mind., that three years of Federal mle
Pesmayletnia, would tarnish the eharader of
the Commemwealth, bankrupt her truantry, and
death all maral honesty trim the administration
al bee scat important businen.
• In a teenier number we told you that the Fed.
era comity - had . beam rightly termed...THE IN.
CAPABLE&" ;The universal failure of that
patty cominet 'ate businen, either of the State
et Ratko, with any degree of propriety, can be
douitsbly accounted for only, by supposing, that
' the fendemental arca of their polities- 1 creed, Ten
. *atm incompetent for high poblic employment.
The Democracy' balm. that the government war
mode foi all the people; that its blessing and its
bordem should be equally distributed ; that no
robbery of the many, can be atoned for by enrich.
lag ihe.few;that dames in bovines cannot be fa
' lamed under our Censtitation, any male than sects
• billaliFse , beams all that is bestowed upon one.
hying its just then, in so much plundered from
Abend." • • -
It is bud tantrum within= whom micas run
__away with their jadgments, and a still mom ,EIB.
-- 1 - ,tit UAW respond to Men capable of giving at.
trance to so foul a gawks es this. When have
thieWhigpertyriesennr each sweeping &amnia
_,. „Ikea :Whet, him their opponents shown thew
• esimemmilry bioscopy a positicto to make them?
Who was it wfio propind to tarnish the than.
, ter. of .'the Conmvoramelth by. recommending a
Inakeged, practical repudiation, in a puha reoom.
smidetoo it a FartponStOra of the time of pay.
ths noishieluess of the Stasi Who is it in
Sines pat who — hare made Bankrupt the Meta
Trinett4, and ,Wwhir w hitsigiiyina what idmio•
ignitions her the flute been dragged down by 7 that
- • iodattednees mid management which has tested
fib en incubus upon kit .Will the State Gam
mattes respond to this? Dare they lift the Curtain
of the pat and feral to us the Mysteries of In.
connected with the Inlet' ation and elem.
ties action of this old Conmocorealad • ,
tellies' that if the Whiplad had the
control at our State Oohs far yesrs put, that •
ebb( of ware arm 'lrk mil7iensol dollms would
now has stood Upon the Boats against mi.—that
- • Abe peoPia`ygiu after year. and Administration
alley Administration - , would have been ground
down by that.. omega's taxation cow upon
and destined to be increased, no doubt, by
lit Nat West tax to aid in procuring Maim tern.
-' tory to be in time the abode of %my!
The' Bmapabks.' And who says this? Geo.
- tram belonging to a Stale blamed with a soil
i. with iichee,--favored of Hessen and of
where upon the fern of the land 'there le
platy, and beneath the surface of the
-mirth suns us Iron end Coal, richer than the gold
• and diver of the country, end who with all Mit,
. ' end Dade *WI and outlets to the Ocean upon the
et" bead, and to the West upon the other, have
timmeedme been iacapabk of an economical or
• mopechatle management. of the finances of the
, ans. Let the intelligent peopie of the State and
". •
of the world judge who are 1.114 capable of Gov.
momeett, the .Whip, of so called "Demons.
Rye 'Put Maorachmette, a Whig State, side by
with as , and Compare the Government of the
*wolf .you will! Put Torment there, or Conan.
lieu; or Rhode bland, or Delaware, OT Ohio, or
erg fitais in the : Union when Whig policy has
bum amid out and coneummeted. Wherever
Iva see the true Whig damp, you see an honest
Mired far public filitt4—a manly moped for State
abfignhocre end for Conitutinual rights. Look at
a Democratic Bute, and, compare it
With thole we hare named,—end how, stands the
emit , of the ems and of the tee, abroad, at home,
and everywhere.
' - We see told, too:that see 7 Demonacy believe
that the Govenanent wee Made for all the people' ,
• "linear. We whet men believe so long as their
gieseik• belles their faith: The country has wit..
. doe ewe* to discern the Memos between a
agerapaimaeme end his Condom. Belief, with.
• Mit pmeldeedm - takot.witket perforsonce, preach.
pet rid no repeetusee, are the teat remits of as
eget ebiesat sad opea deingopes, limiest men
we tired of snob piny
, sppeab, pot forth upon the
nee of en election, sod put out or put down the
MilMett ea eleetica le over. •
The anthers of lids address kaoadril iota.
. Via kliOW.—that the Demperaty, whatever
. . their; retard belief, never practice what they
peso; when thus they coy oat for ~t he Poopk,"
wens Psenms; oTHE PEOPLE , "
We have given but one err.tract front this Dem.
'wide Addima, but would gladly giro the whole
It it tienicad And room. . A more low, vulgar.
' a►adva doc u ment, one more destitute of fact end
'essummt, or MN* to the Whig paty,
• •
awd'sn try luta/Int polio al the State; never
WMandli from soy body of men, no matter how
men tbott capacity, boa peer then Formations,
en fIOW 11911¢ obi phitel their malice. The Whigs
"irdPenselvara will enswerthe Chanadttee at tb9
'DAM Bar...ttaltartet, Stab Ode, a proper
plgindlor the Whig ebatecta, and a jam whistle
*:Olf eve eauslijove bitto4listo•lorgalt and fah.
Ts. GA sad Waxy. tegabethat may man should
Wend in tie restat - of the election.
flies; reeff.!•-kccatteoi ills boar, eater.
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BY =Anus mitigno t co;
• Tits Dressrsiier" Duvr oAzrre2 se published
'hi Meekly, sod Weeklieralle Deily Ls Sem.
Deana pis gnaw die Tri4Voildyle Irleir.Doftee per
mum this Weekly Is TineDollarsperaimeoe mid!,
Nettie to 414vertlooro.
aeontomottl,to emirs 0511400, Amid be
h Lary &eolith:let ia the Wiener. Aheoucat
tiu oalV Hear mimeo, wseld be prod=
. -IA v n!,
orrr — colVdoiiet:
OZeilanzum entity), -
GEOVIE Dian; of Alifthostraf.
LEWIS C. J. NOBLV,of ladifAATP. •
'•° a .. TICLUMW. •
• Mit, of Putsbals6.
I. w. L.
WILLIAM CAVITN,"or Tentalle,Tpi
WIIi.WY Y HMl79r~Nu~
JOHN P MlTHERlladelplda City.
• AUIt CHAIM •• -
' T coma*, -
THOMAS PieOltATH, Philadelphia County.
ROBERT II BARD. Franklin. •
• O
ANDREW DI .I - • 1,
Sam NAN eriet, Washuorin.
• - •
'JOBEF ILICUMID IR 11 1 117013, 1 A V W "ll' -
esagorella d.. -
• • - ••• D
BALL,ErIe. • •
- .3 B SALISBURY, Sarsaehabas.
• • — ROBERT T POTTEllnaigoecery,,
' rat COMMeitla
Item, liver News, Import., Money. Market. , see
lift Page.
pa/rife, X lat..ll.laakeous News,
autmes or ram surmag COV&T•
To viz ZiliOri;Phe riitsbiagh Goseffe.
I read; eons" Aim day' i ago , ln artickr in the
141 01111Anarteandntended to place tb.Jadpt of the
Supreme Cmatt in's Tay nolitiomble light before
the public.. lit is. to my mind, a fl tt libel, nom
deemed by a single ray Of wit, or emu plessantry.
Satire and humor, dal:ending to the %reduction
of indiaidnel chameter,May isa endurable enough,
when dressed in eloquent sod maned laminate,
and are replete with chemical fillistraticiet le/t a
mete didactic statement, -reflecting upon and ex.
posiag the reputatiod of coal of eminence, de-
serves no milder name than vnlgarity.
This article charges the ledges of the Supreme
Court with talking an the bench, and interruptions
of the counsel addressing the Court, and the-ani
ter, with the caution end perwiveranee oda mule,
has counted all the in l stances of such piactice out
of the late volume of the Pennsylvania Repeits.
I think this article does injustice to the Judges
of the Supreme Coml. . Every one Conversant
with proceedings in a Court of Error, knows
that ocCasional irmaris from the Court arealnacet
essential. An intimation from the Court is often :
'well +cited by Courisel. A point is often urged
which the Court has lately decided, and the deci
sion is unknown to thoCounsal. Often the Court
is with the Counsel on some point he is pressing,
and the Court may day, as Chief Imtice Treby
onceSsid,oSaunders, twity do you labor so. lam
sure the Court le will Often a lawyer is
so eiecreively tedio involved or confused, that
it is necessary for the nest acute mind to wonder,
and inquire what he is driving after. Often there
is some mistake, or lomiesittp of the copy of the
record given to the Judges, and the? most inquire
Of it, or the Camel wish some point spoken to,
dr.c. Ckr... I might multiply such occasions of ne.
ceWiery interruption tu any length.
Any one who looks into the reports of the En
glish cases, and ri lour own State Courts, will
tee, probably, -as many iDquiliCs made by the
Judges as in 4th 141; and how many Wet are
uscl, who knows!! Mn, again, such writers
. , .
as the contributor to the North American, omit to
state that the remarki attributed to Judges, real
never hate been made as they ore stated; and
how very foolish sash interruptions may appear
without the contalt and whole occasion al the
speaking: Often the State Reporter has to desire
some young member of the bar to report for bias
as he maybe sick, or !absent, or engaged, and thus
the Judge; may . be trade spareable for all the
nonsense which the *ant of legal acumen, or fe.
made skill, In the !hands 'of Inexperience, may
subject theiuito. -I she be very loath to attrib.
Ma to Judges of learning and sense, all that bred.
died on them in the Pennalvaniaßeporta. :The!
have sins etiough M linear far, without being re-
epcenibie for those ofthe Reporter. • limy aural
reporter for Me Bar, Mid, toward. the Judges, the
teeing's whicittingethir article in the Noith Amer.
icon, I should dried! theiffect on the reputation
of the Supremo Beach' of Pennsylvania. This
writer, for instance; cites an expression of the
Chief Justice Gilson, not only harmless and unex;•
actionable, but conformable to his usual farce
ofexpression.! Queens a remark of Judge Gib.
son, in the coact the Commonwealth, ri• Honda.
in a trial - focrmarder, that no•one but a hatcher
by trade amid go about it with circumspection and
Mudisess, Ice.,and the contributor to the N. Amer.
icon perverts •it to mean a. reflection on the very 1
Mahal and hor.orable calling of the victuallers,
when, it is very manifest, Cat his home was albs
ding. not to butchers!of Cattle, but to the botcher.
of men; such as the itssassins of Syria, the Thugs
of India, of such des ttayen of the human race u I
Robeepiere, Branton:, Mare. or the Savior Burke, ,
who pat men to death for the sake of their dine !
for dissection. The insinuation made • t the '
Chief Justice, the Eras, palpable wawa to of his'
Mewing, deserves almost any conew e at our
humps is capelde of. Th e writer am ha ve a
poor opinion of the I good settee of th victual-
lees of Ph il adelphia, !if he enemies en unjust
allaiione could create any [collate in th ir' minds
• The Judges of the, , Supreme Court terve no
such Titania" as this article costs apou_then.l
They .an men. whol have staid the Commit.'
wealth with fidelitei—two of them for a 1 0 4 I
series of yeas. .
- -The Bench of 'the Supreme
Corot has ever hied able t, bear :the
with any similar Ilea ..f any of our deter
. The Chief Justi r obn Bannister Gibson, has
been on th e dap ! Court Belch of-Pennsyl
vania since isle, mid bas uniformly eastained
the reputation of le i thiagend ability a the very
highest order. He inseam of whose great abil
ities the State may bd justly proud: His legal.
opinions ace not only characterised by the most
prgfouud thought, legal precision. and legicti de-
duction; bat are written in the east elegant end
finished Wile of cdrapwation. Noman hue 00,0
scctuate knowledge of Me Eioglieh linguagest •
dialer:tient:4 he hlssssss rict superior: and his opinion.
exhibit specimens of the fi nest, and mon original.
and. mow slogan t composition in the English
langur. His sager pought. and beauty of
expression, are not ex by the moat accom.
peeked Judges of England or America.
Thls is a high ealOgia to. but I do not think
there is any lawyer of Penneylvinia who would
hesitate to accede to t.
Judge Rogers is Oman of acknowledged abili
ties, confresedly the best Nisi prise Judge who j
ever bald a Court inPeensylunia, and a laborious
and leaned lawyer of winty yeerseaperiemee on
the Beath.
Judge Coulter is ad tted on all hands to be en
Able, learned and laborlime Judge, and ineloquent
writer. His judicial style Is of a mperior order.
' Pew men have venire sagacious, acute mind,' '
than leap Burneida.l Few men am endowed
with a move strong, practical ruidestanding, which ,
has been trained and Instructed by a long and ay.'
duaus experience, at the Bar and on the Beach.
Judge Bell , is younger than 'any of his built-
esti, es e lawyer or a lodge, but his reputation 1
es a men of abilities and lemming, have' been
folly sustained.
The public generelly; are not aware of the ice. •
meow labor which thee men have to endure, and
upset salmiee warmly adequate to their rapport—
deride, infect, is.. than what is receivable by the
r, to whom their e indebted far the or
ti are
the North American. •
Tan /EOM or IWA.I4—AS as Incident of the
Cost of war, it is stated that the Iluisiana regi•
meat, which is 'alationed at Tampieo, under the
command of Vol. De Raney, left their home■ a
few months ego, one thousand strong; and of this
number not more theri iwo hundred appeared on
parade on the 16th of August Hundreds have
died, end hundreds are now languishing in the
/ 10 9 1111 .
This is something twin WIN thin the war ha■
proved on other regiments, bat-with all it has been
terribly severe upon life'and tuailtit—far more 13
than win make upfor tkui glory won and the torn
' tory which may be acquired. We would not be
re4tirible for the ravage r s es such a war fin all
the gold buried in the - mined of Booth America,
nor for all the territory from the Hueco to the
Cot. FELPIONT wu flrit pat under wrest at In
dependence by order of (fen. Kearney. The St.
Louis Reveille hu seen I California papers,' and
says the Star of the sth Joie, contains a long at..
tide in reference to the diffteultieW between Gen.
Kerney and Col. FreMont. Whil e it admits
that the course of the lattW had rendered him very
unpopular in California, it teens to the conclusion
that peculiar eircumstancu attendant wero of a.
kind which rendeied his loarse unavoidable.
Col. Fremonem offence was IMobedience of or.
din, and an alliance spinet Ur superior officer
an d with Conzhitockton. 'The particulars ofthis
conflict of. opinion wa gave in a leiter from'
Washington three or foor months since. We
deeply repot that Col.lFremont has tarnished
hie hard and well earned 'reputation by hisofficial
calacondact in Califomij.
We ;observe that Coi Fremont has been in.
vital to a publicffinner 16 a number of the cla
ms of 81, Linda. By,te ktter of invitation and
the anima?, received . It oink= that dol. Fre.
snout Intents toodeftmd Jae come* In California,
and that he has friends tb bards him.
Ihreates anueconi—, It le Witted i letter
ham Washington, by a entraspontleni of the Dals
gum flan that Col; Tlicanu Bans= is Wra
paling 14 &mat of TWO lie II&
Senile, with talleetiswt on ttili mod anoint
*awn= of that petial;—liet gore "It will be
*sort ocpnatianl W Istea,Bronglootes stip
Oat, men Of : th e astign!pf Gnome
row . an ittaaluabliscatee ititody to the fawn
ltletotwalp It hind tit:* pabbAng ifesi
0040001121nd 41111101;104 bap to bizy
je ,4o •• •
~ : ..4 4 „,; thkltinitiwni r
Cot. to a letter from Vera Cruz
Secretary of War, gives the- folloaringameontri of
of the Pass given to Paredes:
lo eonsequence of the tardiness of the boarding
officer, (Capt. Clark,) he landed at between 6 & 7
A. M., incorrnifo. frffin a to a r.o gra 1.,05t;
rently prepared for the occasion. In his trauma
through the gate 'of the mate, he was reefer:dz.
ed by an inspector; who took no maim of him.
Therefore, I immediately ordered the discharge
of both him and Capt. Clark—the former for
having Jost sight of the main object, =twit'.
standing lay cam is but a few yards from the
I mole. * *** • • • • • • •
.The General having arrived at the house of
a Mr. Jose G. &MOTS, a native merchant, he
presented- a letter of introdomion from Paris, and
requested that horses might , to directly furnished
for hiniself end servant—a request immediately
complied with; end bat ten minutes after his bail
ing i r in s sed through one of the gates of the city
on his way to the Interior, without myself or ray
officers being able to avoid it, limn the circum
stance, 'of his arrival and presence here being
ticknUnt, and the letters from the United States
Corlett at Havana, giving notice of his having left,
not bang delivered to me until after the General's
dep,rnare, owing to their being in pauses:non of a
lady passenger on board.
COI. Wilson pots the wrong on Col. Campbell,
Col.lCatopeell upon a want of means, and a want
of means upon Col. Polk, or some other Colonel.
Thei / Whole thing is of a piece with the bungling
conduct of the Administration in the persecution
of tee war. Santa Anna received a Pau to put' '
&win Paredes, and. Paredes runs the gauntlet
thrlugh a port and city under our control, in order
• to put down Santa Anna.
As a piece perfectly consbnent with Mr. Camp' .
bells conduct, we may mention that a reward of
only 1,100 was offered to catch the down bird, and
thii after he was fax away. One is almost tempted
to rnink that the Administration is seeking a new
part. in Mexico with whom to cam on its in..
trigues. --
The President hu shown himself incompetent
to prosecute the war, and incapacitated to make
Pere. The ship of State moat be Umatilla to
new bands before it can ride oat the storm.
Tolke ;
Editors of the Pittsburgh Gazette.
A few days since a friend directed my attention
to ,a communication in the “Post," containing the
charge of open and crowed Infidelity @grand one
of 'the candidates for Assembly, and intimated that
I nru the candidate alluded to. I replied that it
could not apply to me, because if no intended It
wia false and slanderous. Since 4.hen, 1 hare re.
seared several letters from persons oukeown to
use. making inquiries relative to the matter, and I
also learn that there is another communication in
Me Poet "of the nine sort," u Abe one above
Rationed. 1 therefore in view of the position I
oyeopy before the people, feel called upon to die.
abuse the public mind in relation to the charge:—
(rI now 'ay once for all, that that the char g e
i d ' meant for me) is fa/se, viterly false: that I
never 'crewed myself an inidet and that I:ato
I t4e, and never roan an infidel The term Infidel mean a Disbeliever in Divine
Revelation and Christianity in both of which 1
o most firmly believe.
1 trust this will be sufficient on my pert. I
!rill add, however, that it was through the pursue-
non (amongst others) of my friend Dr. James
Caromem. who has long known me, that lemma.
tad to let my name be used as a candidate for
nomination. think that all who know the Doc•
tor will agree with, when I say, that if we
bare a Chian= amongst us, be le one. And he
'it Warr who penned the notice, and sent it to the
Printing office, announcing me as a candidate for
Uomination. I (if lam the person meant) chal
lenge the writer or writers of the slanderous com
munication in the Post., to give mean opportunity
of pooling him or them to the proof of the Charge,
Miklos Township, Sept. 4, 1817.,
The Pat baying been guilty of injuring the
reputation of a Whig candidate for the flassably.
-we trust it is ready to make the proper retraction'
In the name of Mr. Soktely and his friends we
ark to be informed if be was the gentle•
man meant, and if so who it *mho lathe rcepottet.
b:a -informant Mad ready to eubstantiate the
charge. Secret inundos and anonymitts charges
are unbecoming the taneass, and not at all necer
carp to Mena:ass or defeat of any man here—
goal name, is a priceless treasure and be who
would seek to destroy it ny"nofmnided changes of
Infidelity, &genes the mostpublie dicaustetunce
and legal punishment
Warlike stares barn been strictly problitcd
Brim an entrance to Tripoli by the Regency of
Foot hundred stare* were burrsdat Archangel,
is Russia, July 28.
The mart of Albania. It Maisel's% has been
thu scene of a revolt. Tho Ottoman Government
had militated a 'blocksde of the whole coast of the
.OLO BULLION " AN L. L. D.--The Uniresaity
Of M itaouri have confetred the honorary degree
of L. L. D. en the Ilan. Thorne. H. 'Benton.
The liberty, party paper in Bangor, Me.. goes
fo Hon. John P. Hale for 'Preeldeot, and Balloon
P. Chant . , of Ohio. far Visa President.
lo the Vera Cm Sun of the 6th ultimo, Bork.
ton ice ii advertised at six and a quarter mots a
pound. •
It has teen determined to egelude wine, and
liquors from the Baum public dinners at Cambridge
Na Ciectriamos.—Ths Issues of all
the morning papers in New York city amount to
75,000 sheets doily,
LAI , Lou my Lard," snit) a
gentleman to • late impeded and rather whined.
cal judge, "what is the distinction between Law
and Equity Courier “YerryJittle, in the end,"
replied isle lordship, " they only differ as far as floe
is concerned. At common law you ere done for
at onm; in equity you are not im easily disparal
of. Th. formed. a bullet, which is Instantiate.
misty and most eharitaldy effective ; the latter la
an angler's book, which plays with Its victim won
it kilo it. The one is prussic, acid, and the other
Cita Rue TO Nanette—Robert _Tyler, Ent, eon
of the Ex-President. is spoken of u likely to sus.
coal Major Polk at the court of Naples.
Mr. Tucuman. the M. C. elect tom Rhoda
IslsOd, &wading fn the Tribune, will vote as the
Stele Cotes, shou',ll the election Of President go to
the House: but, for Speaker and Clerk ho will be
against the W big..
ODD TADTS.....—A London paper swan StiVelii•O•
Merit fur a wife, lo which the ulvertner. describ
ing 7hicusell u 24 yesno.old,of excellent eSocation
good family polished manners, &c. eolirits
respect's,. from middle evil ladies only, being, he
says, convinced that strap happiness is seldom to
be found with the .yotmg sad giddy." We ma
t= to gum that if the advertisement luoitold the
whole tenth it would have hinted at swell doom
ed" as well assmiddle aged",lsdica. Bliddlooaged
in England maim from 35 to 50.
MAST Fox.—The tale of this young girl ex
cite' great interest in New York. The following
were the proceedings before Judge Edmonds yes.
Mary Fox wu examined by Mr. Whiting,
who testified that she was 15 years of age bun
May. Had known Ilare for 6 years. Was mar
ried to him by hiinsolf on the 20th of May In Mar
ray street. Ho saki I take this, girl before God
to be my wedded wife until death shall us part."
She (Mary) then laid the same changing the sex.
Nothing more was said after this by hiM. Noth•
tog was staid to her about a marriage before the
ceremony took place. There we. an arrangement
between Hate and herself to meet on that day.
No person was present at this marriage: •
There had been no coneemsllon about merrier,
before that day. They met in Church street and
walked to Murray street where they wont into a
house and he proposal s formal marriage. They
then stood up said the words. Their was troths
tog said about a ;skit- After clanging her clothes
they went to the boat and to Albany and area his
sister; thence they went to 'Buffalo where all three
staid until the Tat of July, Hare and Mary lining
as anon and wife. The •nose examination was
proceeding when we left. '
WAD alin IRS MUMS 1 . ..411 Team from Via.
Crone, Gazelle, that Mesirs. S.& J. Culbertsoo,
of Penneybanlo. were the ■ucceeaful ;bidders for
lioniabing materials for and conetnteting the lock
and dm at the Grand Rapids, in the Wabash Tic.
er. They got the contract for sso,B29—the com.
piny to furnish the iron memory.
The work will be commenced immediately, and
it to expected that it will be completed by the lint
A,..Washiogtou litter to the Baltimore Pettiot
.267al gamma from prOty good authority,
gut 'W.l . :ottani makes iso souticat sit open a
epetely peeee; 7 and that; to, the table* le is not .
Plot to be o'er anitioaile'.bdag . petw?t Amt.
The and or the mar , mobilo him'. : rapt;, Ipt.ifs
6 11*.e 1 1 , 1 b e r a PrIA44":
CITY str.vni
.LISCLIS 1 . .70 o=2lll =Pa Champs, vim
caamitte3 to jail yemaday for Stealing mons,
from bands employed at tha Garrison. ,
Dlowsze.—Copt Armstrong, a resident of
*ail dement+ on Thamlay last, at
Lxk No. lt, on the Monongahals„river.
Ace anzsz.--A draymut was injured on Liberty
&rem, on Friday last by being run over;whil•
endeavoring to control his refractory horse. On
the same day • small bay who resides near Web
star , and Omit streets was run over by a drayi
we are glad Many he is not materially injured_
The, Springfield (Idaisselmsetts) Republi - cari
stye that a Company,. with bsrge Capital, ham
purchased land in that place for the purpose of
eructing estsnsieo shops for the manufacture of
Locomatiros and Rail road cars. This it is sap.
prised will add one thousand to the population at
the place. It is lime for Pittsburgh to commence
the manufacture of Rad road iron and Rail Road
care here. •
Wares's flistu.—A Concert will be given by
this band this awning at tha Atheneum. 'We . can
promise a musical treat well Worth the trifle of
admission to those + will atteod. This Band
is also &Starring of specie cniouragement from
ono citizens of Pittsburgh being one of our own
relative sources of amusement.
' Eareas Sagoorr.--The prize cup was awarded
to Mr. Holman, one of the performers, for ;Ire brat
Melody. The house was very full, and there wa e
some contuslca in arriving at the determination. of
the audiencc—each competit4r having his friends
to applaud and opponents to hies. Then were
several pieces of moot song during the evening.
Mts. RATIIIIIIN, the young girl wbo..jumped
from the Monongahela bridge on Sunday last, we
me informed, was much bolter on Monday arm
ing, end Ls now In a fair way of recovering.—
Kindnew co the-part of relatives has done mach
to relieve her mind and restore her to reason.
SOPIICML Cotorr. 7 -The Bopterne Court com
menced its erosion in Pinvburgh on Monday.--
Prevent, Chief Judie* Gibwin,Judge Burnifides,
and Judge Coulter.
On calling over the argtinient list dads. Gibson
annomeed that there were 93 canoes to be adja•
The case of Dann. who has for a long time
leen - incarcerated =ler sentence for a cspitat of.
fence. wu made ■ quilt' order for argument on
Monday next. Mr. Alden, counsel of the prison
er, will argue bin exceptions to the opiniens of
the Court below:
TrubratMyere—Black for Plaintiff in Erro r
and Burge end Wilbfat Defendant in Error. The
point to be determined is whether secondary eel g
deuce can be admitted to prose the execution or
sealed instrument when the enbscribing witness
is within the juriediction of the Court. The farts
appear to be u follows:
An article of agnsement was off wed in the
Court below, and the subscribing er'dness proved
to be somewhere in the county o. C teflon or Ter
nairgo. and the party offering the sealed instru
ment, after having given evidence of worth (.r
the witness, offered to prove that the . opposite party
had admitted the eiecution of the deed. This ev
idence was rejected by , this Court below and aw
signed for error. The low beating en the qua-
lion was ably handler by the learned ado:rages.
The Coon his not yet given an opinion.
CommonweallAw Hoffeq, et' cd—Hamiltda for
Plaintiff in Error, and Woods for Defendant.—
This woe en action on a vecowileance given torte.
cure payment of purparts to the legal repro.
sensitive. of en Inusetate. The husband of one
I of the heiri brought the action as the Administra
tor of hie deceased wife, to recover the full amount
of her pupate.' of the estate. It woo objected to
the opinion of the Cant below, that the husband
should have le toxin the action in bit own right
is tenant by courtesy, and not in Ihe rrpreecola
tire capacay of Administrator. The Court have
mewed their opinion for the preenat.
Adjourned till 2 P.
arriciu!oos ricituorr—: r.
The Coate ctici, and after calling over the rut
sod Ikteling Ito clam reedy fix argument, ad.
jou/treed to meet at 10 o'clock thii looming.
sew nooses
J. L. Read. roeuilt sheet. llis recalstial a large
aseurtnient of new books. anon' which vas no
the History of the Girondist.. by La:adice
It embrace.* hiraory of the Revolutions end by
one of the most brilliant writers of Frazee.
Mhe Pardoo's Lola:111%U and f,th parte, bee
alma ban received with a continuation of the 6110
a agreeing,.
Fresh Gleurinp, or a New Sheaf from the Ohl
Fields of Oriental Europe; a favorite book by J.
K. blanch
Also No. 3 of Trains Translation of loseplaus.
lutston dr. Stockton bias hid upon nut' table
a little 12 mo. eirtitled Party Spirit and Popery.
and a
Styptement to Essays on the Progress of Na
ions, by Ezra 1.7., Samna. No. I.
D1L1311.-••01 , 1 1 11CIAL. -- Tbs official returns efl
the late Congreeinonal election in lailisza,
seat wane rood gratifying reintlis. The vote in
the wend disitti l ela mu as faUawa:—
! Whig. i.ocofoco!
Twat., 67,723 67,216
Whig majoriti, SU7
The total vote lie 10,993 greater than lint of the
Congmelonal election of 1845.
Lammed Locofoco now, 3,061
Whig' do 8,943
Ur. POW. (Loci.) =quit, in 1844, 3,314
Loco Congteu in 1845, 6,384
Whig Cangressln 1847.. . 507
The Whig Con l grams= is fad in Klitvis taluni
through diminish among the Whigs. The divis
ion i. uctibed is the queition of,libuating DOM
roaming bun toi citizenship, &e.
The Governor of Michigan low ordere9 • ape•
dal election tobh held on the fintTund ay of Nov
for a mamba of Coogreve, in Ace of How. Ede
ward Brune; deceued,
I BOOTS 6200.
- ‘ll 0. 60 FOURTH ITH.EOI,
THE sehmtlber respectfully lukants the pubtio That
be ha commenced the manufacture of (Holleman%
Faith/amble Iloom, of good material and IV trat6lMPhip
which he will warrant superior Wang 800, weer made
in Pittsburgh tot the pner. These hand some Hoots
will be made to measure, and warrant them is tePt. -
sented, al the Wag low price at FIVE 11OLLAR6
CASH. ilientleuten are miaowed to call wad examine
them. WILLIAAI vaNcErl• RougICM:l,
splt Puccemot lo %V 11 HASKI6II.I
No Oars! Ao Pajr .
Dr Jackson's Eiehrocation• is the only se odielne that
will cutethis PO verycommon and unnelidesonse
disease. l inot only iitutuedtetri y allays peen and nide.
essU n,nepanllnleediag, obduee abet inn de table kiln
ins, but edectuatly ruse., in It very short I tire persons
whim lives bard been tendered ensemble far pars.—
Its application pnistinees no pain, bat radio r on agreea
ble and pleasant seneatipu. If persons rtnlicted will
call wed bear of the grad% number of cases that bare
been eared, they will be astonished. At entleman of
this ells., who bcd been under the knife of the sonscon
for moor floes times without being eared, haa by
logll bottles of the Embrocation, I,rnn etedicullY cure.
It sell* beyond ptecrdent Suturdity Coutes.
Ar For i no rittehentlt at ri,KIN. !TEA
Founb sitcom, near wood, 'and aloes at the
Dam Moro of I P. Schwartz, Federal
. at Ancsrbeny el
" .144k.e•
0(). Salter', Otwarswg Panacea.—Manttat
Tantroara—Wo.bes leave to call public *Montilla 14
the tabooing, (Atm Dr. Wm. DOan, of Wltharntaolle
Clermont Co., and one of the yen. Solt willititiOllClA Its
the county to which Le rtaideo; and late &halm lraho
State Yogis!attire. It Is cheering thus to stte the lea d
ingniien of the profession, bursting the Londe of petit..
COprejudice; and Miring MOrlyte due:
.811: I have In my practise been uslassonte of you.
Ginieng Panacia, and, so.tar, Min well pleased la L ,
areas In Cautsr;:l and Bronehlal Complaints. Pleas,
send me half ma bottle*—put Mena as low as Tau .
.ein; as t capers it It CONIDone IA render. Rolland sa
a 4 It 68 MINI:WM, t 0 keep II oomiontly in
hood. Itemwetially, apt? W 14.1.1007, W. O.
Ws Invite the attention of imrreadera to the es-,
tr./ordinary cure. or Sonoilla perfor m ed 1.'1), nakne,
Indian Yeamtbk rilAlebh which they will and record-.
cc! in Maker column or tmelara piper. 'they are
without doubt the molt wunderlal on record, and have
no been pronounced by. many of our 'molt tenbectribla
physteians; 'the ulllicted and other. intercom man ,
quesied to 'lnktheta at their Macre! place. *bode,
and loam from their own Itpx the wonderful erec t or
thorned/clue. 'rho Grin one named hours
lonic Moths,
who may be vein between.the hours of 9
and 11% M. at the allcoof Unmoral& Walton, N 037
Market it. llhttada. 941.
Teu °A2 nn irr ir"li ttoir, j ro l tiTa a o l e a rmyr lllsl6l 9/ ° 01 "1 ° 0 *14 f. C1412 !
017•Wg ." ',.... PleMro 4 ii) OXIMIIIe ID , 4.Per. , _.
low eapeditiente manner, all lands of pa Kfafff. g .
... o h ee hose PoiterChintaboat Bins, Hills t?f ,
Lotter Shoat Circular', Handbill., Card., to . to .. .
BOOX. 1 Aar!) raxrairr rifirrum
• , .
t;) 511 7 extent:n*omnd ht the beet =emir, ankatl
Itlndeof rrinttlig dens Ont aCC...OI*O at }" 06010
lirotitairretegat 'll•tfirevartaltemar";J L 0 ,
aW thoi" ... " 2:t h ,, l6k uoVAV:4 l ;;, t h , el =lt Irth. .. — , ----11Dmin, bleak. Mit plaid -POlO4,
-" TfA u* sa lli n s al m van . out r 614 a to - oe wi r dM odeoot i t Y o .34 ,,, 41 1 1 ,hdt 'F L" t i ht-to.toestlet,yethoer .Yiusilosseu•
alone. - --I. --. ...„ - -..., - ,....... ---- .,. -- 1,, - . --i i i il 174,. r yid tent manaraeterlee -a MR Vel . ~ . ...k s7 l . l ,,Fin :
intim,ity !xi:napalm.' otatoto-0,--, --
..-- _ ~. • t otothe Woo* of W.ibiv
... ..!_-.. • '.. -„...f.._ 1.._._•,:•,-,,,,,,,„,...,
Fnanift PlPef Nam u ! , °‘ "l ! 4- ~,.......T.-.... • -.-•-,.
~. .f.N, , ::4...^....4'i.:4,7'.•::,i.:14:,..-.,;,Z.fy....,'41
i .. , .:,,,,....4.1.4.,,,,,,,,,,,.,,?,,. ,f ,t , .4,..;:...17. 1,4 5 , ..-4i-'4, '',/r4.7.i."Z1VA.:
4,...,t,''.....Th'44<,..A'''n,V'l'G.,4:Aka.,.r''W 4N'A'V Z ,, . ' ' 4 .i ' ':'U... ' l gAat.*rru qAI4A-,.,,e, • '
' • .. a - • a'74.,.Z.,1144,,,Q,Akfi,,,1,,*,,,,,,0*-;:;?4?- ~, - . v t , f. - , ,, , :g0-0 , ... : ,.,...,..,,. t- -. ,
~ .
earrespandeikee' of IPMalretrita_CiiiurAtte.
Ibp'trial Entrance to the kerieun Capital
—Conflict with The Cueriffer-Rtnithred loss
of a great bodsief Angricana.
By an arrival of the schooner Mhaissippi at New
Drleans, we hue Intelligence to rho list of Aug•
from Vera Gm in a late extra from the New Or•
leans Picayune• We give the news uit wind
at Richmond this morning, and with the remark
that there is nothing . improbable in the rumor of
General Bcott's entrance to Mexico, though we
entirely discredit the lot, of 800, or any inconeid•
able body of Americans.
Concepondeitte at the P/ttsbargil Gantt.
The correepoudent of the Picayune writes that
news hid reached Vera Cm by a gentleman from
Ayotta. who came by the way of Orasaba, that
the advance guard of Gen. Scott's army reached
Ayotta, 20 milts from the capitol, on the 19th, up
to which time not a gun had been fired.
The reinforcements for Major Lilly, under Capt
Wells, consisting of Capt. Wells' and Pelts coat.
ponies of Infantry and Major Childs' Lancers, re•
turned to Vera Cruz on the 17th, after having ad'
vented as far as dui National bridge, where an
°sprees overtook Lally. • -
tiebeequent information melted at Vera Cruz,
states that Lilly had advanced in safety beyond
. The commaud under Capt. Wells were coin.
pelted to fight their way to the Nati o nal Bridge.
They attempted to pass it bat found all the height.
occupied by Gueirillos, who at once opened a
heavy fire kitting moat of the maim and horses.
The party under this :pressure wo■ forced tore.
tire. Al! the wagons were abandoned excepting
one containing the officers' baggage and the keep•
sacks of the men.
The Americans kat 5' or G killed; and had two
or. three men wounded. Several have subsequent
ly died of fatigue and exhaustion.
The twelve dragoons, accompanied by Surgeon
Cooper, previourly despatched by Capt. Wells, to
reconnoitre thy . Bridge and make report, have not
since been !mud from.. Tha wkole paity
i ,sup
posed to have fallen into the heads of the ,Mezi
L.Uy is base had a sharp skirmish
with the Guerillas at Caro Gordo. and he expect-
ed mother appgament at La Pent
Height's tenets soy that no doubt mist. of the
safety of tho train; and no nem hoe bees neeeilred
at 'Vera Cm: that Lally was desiroue to have re
'pion:en:lents lent to his relief.
It is geomally supposed that this coropay fe
in with the wagon than at the Nacional Bridle
but some are of opinion that it waa cut off by the
It ores rumored at Vero Cruz that Gen. Scott
had met the enemi and was repulsed, alum a
sharp engagement. The American la., accord
ing to this rumor, is reported at 800 killed, and the
Malian lona is raid to be unimportant.
not correspondent of the Pisayune 'aye that no
plants can be plaod in the truth of the rumor,
arid he has the fullodiconfidence is the report that
Gar. Scott reached Ayattaarithout Idea.
The Vera Cruz papers, as well ito both the Pie.
synno correepondents, believe that tho City , of
Mexico was taken poisenion of by Gen. Scott mo
the Orb alt., but there is no pcuilire information
to that effect
a'lls Jalapa Bulletin contains advices from Pa.
ebla to the lath. It metal that the lost Division
of the Anurican Army, numbering 4000 men,
left that city on its march towards the Capitol on
that day.
Goneepondutee of lb. P4llaturgh Gazelle.
CISCI101•31; Eept. IS, 8 I', INtr .
There was a disgraceful array actlned at 'dog,
`cry in this city, this afternoon, at which several
persons were seriously injured Another evidence
of the deleiertocts erects of TWil
Exclusive ;Correspond:Rex. critic Passburgh Clexche
Sept. 6, 7 r. ■.
non—Western Fleur E 5.50 per bbf. &nada%
Cornmeal is selling at $3.28 per bbL•
Wheat—Prime Whits 114, 1151126 e per bu,
ricconliug to quality.
Corn—Prima Yellow is selling at 75e ice be.
Rye is selling at 76a79c per be.
Provisions are without change, and the market
rselusire Cortevandence of tke riustnutt,OF:eue
Baltimore.. dept. 6. 6 r. s.
Flour—Sales at 5t.,371•5,431 per bbl. llalee
City Mills brands at $5,43i per btd. The steam
er's news rendered the' merkel wiry .lineetthyl—
Pricas - on the decline, with more sellers then boy-.
Wheat—Prime White is veiling at 14.5a127e,
20.000 bu prime Rod .t GPM per bn.
Rye Flour--Sales at $4,50a4,68 per bbl.
The aupply . of Grain in market quite large.
Corn—Prime White le selling at 630 per la.
"'Provisions, Groceries and other ankles usually
quoted iu our market have not changed in prices.
Btocka--The market Is without change.
Ezeleolve Corresoondenre of dm. Pilubnrib Chiacue
Sept. 0, 10 r. v.
Flour and Umin may be quoted the ems es au
Saturday last.
:The market to sensually depressed and very little
business trammeling. The figures of the market
are unehanged since last ifnotations.
. Provisions—The. War are merely nominsL
Cotton, is inanimate— ';nothing doing in the ar
Freights are dull and 'exchanges high. •
ExclatiTe Correnrondesee of the ThttAburgh Ganue
CUICINNATI, dept. G. 6, P. M.
Flooi—Bales of 500 bbl. at $4,00 per bbl,
Prices an the decline.
Grain—Tbe market Is quiet without change in
Provisions continue without change.
Sugar—Moderate sales N. 0. at 7a73c per lb.
Lugo supplies in first bends.
Wool—Prices are on the advance, with sales
of 20.000 Rs at 215330 per lb.
Corn Meal—Saks of , 500 bbla at 150 pen bbl.
Rye Ploor—Modersta ales at $2.75 par bbl.
Killed Hogs—Balm of 800 bogs at $4 per 100
lbs, deliverable in November.
The Western mail it in, but brings no news.
TE publi.bul in the City of Washington, every day. Cl
.I. 3 o'clock, r. M.—Sunday excepted—and reined
sebwrilmr• In the City, at die Navy Yard, in George
'own, is Alexandria, and in Italtimote, the rime even
ing, at el cents a street, payable to the Pole Agent for
the Whig, G. 1.. Gillehrat , Fo ,or his order. It lards°
Mailed to nay part of the United Rate. for 114 per ma
ustmor Si for am months. payable in Menne.
Advenlaernents of ten lines or less inserted one time
for 311 cents, two times for 73 centakhree times for SI
one weelefor SI 73, two weeks fee id D. one month SI
two months $7, three month, $lO, six months 510, one
year 830—ply Shia amino hi advance.
Tito NASIDIILL Wino iewhat its nom indicates. It
,peat the mtulments'of the Whig party of the Union
on • every qmsuon of publicpolicy. It advocates dm
election to Ike Presidenev of ZSCIIASTTani.o., notice,
to the decision of • Whig Notional Convention. It
makes mar ID the knife upon ALL the measures and nett
of the anti nirtration deemed to be adverse to the Inte
• rests of the cottony, and expose. without fear or favor
the corruptionr of the party in power. Its colon,. are
open to every man ha the country, for the discunton of
political or any other questions.
In addition to patine., a large space in the Netional
Whig wall be devoted to publication. upon Amicalturo,
Mechanics and ether useful arts, Science in Fennel,
Law, MadiCitte. Statlstier Sc. Choice specimens of
American. and Foreign Literature, will also be given,
including Reviews, be. A Weekly, list, of the Patents
Laced by Me Patent Office will likewise he mainlined--
the whole U 111,1114 a complete (emit) . newspaper.
The Weekly
,N atlas** Wittig,
One of dm Largest newspaper. ht the United States, la
made-up Nan the columns of the !idly National Whig,
and Ix published met) , Satordaylor the low price of &I
per annum, payable in advance. A doable sheet of
eight pager will be given whenever the prat of matter
.hail justify '• / ' '
'The memoirs of General .written expo:nit
fns the Nnlional Wile, mein came of poldication..,
'They Commenced' Inns the zeroed member,' a' large
number of meteor( which hays been printed to supply
castor back inunbeas. t '•CIIAS W FENTON
• Preprlinor of .National Whig
latt —telaittawbn
AA77 I 6 Lip AelLPplA; .
"M"lndi Tua reed; forsat. l, 7 '
.It I fl6C'
°h .ll 4 U v ittatril.. - W/USON & 00
S 62CP1U . 3 1=122=1;
3 pietestor Une . n,
it's Rye re a r :r
4., 4
for aaisals W. tin eilebtatta 'Enka Waite war ,
,mated Cooper Tools, a fall sappti Istiguay
" S
709 WOODWE''
Ns. 1 f rodoL , PwNrgl, Pa.
AN • •
EFS & 'SAVER int
citinens of Pinta ; d rat Ti.T. L t r etrity .' V e tg . •
have procured the senices of John Garvey..—reeently
of Broadway. New Y o rk —as foreman of their establish
Tula gentleman having' been extensively engaged in
the custom ba.iness, exclusively, in the above coy for
th e tut wispier?. is well known by that youthionahle
~,,,nemnity and is wilversally acknowledged to he a
caner ofgreat acquirements.
We will be monthly impelled with Parisian Whims,
which will givens the advantage of olfenag our cast.
men the latest and newest Myles. Geademen who are
desirous of adorning their Iwneltm, ens, bY at
Original Styr, be accommodated.
All arueles from dds catabliahmeot will be srarrant
ed in every perticular,aa no troubkatexPense will be
wmuting On our part to afford general swished..
• We have jest received a splendid met of French
and Fnglish Blaek,Hronu, Blue, linen, Olive and Cl•-•
eel Cbths.
Black Blue, Drown and Green linaver Cloths.
English Pibt
Fig.dCassimeres and Cloths for Sacks and Basilicas
French Doe Skins, plain and figured. • .
Do. fumy Casco:ecru. ••
English do do.
Allan large lot of Amnion Chub , and Ca./hams.
Freneh superent Velvet fig ,CIII/110.
lb Bark and fancy Satins.
lb do do Sake. •
lb do 'do Cashmere, and all much.
penniaing to nut business. .
We have au advantage the,. few houses in the Wear
have. being connected with homes both in New York
and COlitoll who will keep a a regularly ll:penal with
the latest European styles of await.
ALSO be kept constantly on hand a general
assortment of reedy made Clothing. •
CoT g Scar fs ith Shiite Drawers under Shirts. Bosoms,
ra,Cnivate ' lsendere, fee k.
Sim Clothing there,7o WOW at
N.B. All orders will be promptly Weeded W. btu
tEr Pon copy. --_—_--
New Books.
TORT RF.CEIVED—A fresh supply of Cromwell, •
Vmdiestion; br U fderle NAttbgre.
Napoleon and but Marshalls; by J T Headley.
Napoleon, los Armrand histOrnerals, their unexam
pled Military career, by an American.
Sacred Mountunst by J T 110. 4 1.7 •
Letters Tram Italy; by 1 T Headier-
The Works of the late Rev Hobert Murray ZdeChune
Mituster of Et Peter's Church. Dendre.
Haldane an Romans; from the sth Edinburgh Edition
For sale at the Bookstore of
apt? ELLIOTT & ENGLISH, 58 market in
- - -
A. Valuable Warm for Sale.
TilEhubeerlber agent (or sale the Farm on which he
now resides, in Wilkie. Township, on the Road to
S no o r n t s h b e ogh f th se e v P e e n
n en ns d y es v an o i m a
R P a n i e o bag e h t ,
W do enneh mile
containing GO leers; of which shoot it comma goon'
Coal, four°, five acres of Timber. the remainder d o in
a good state of ern 'alien. mon of nln clover. There
is on thalami a large thick Cottage Home, together
with other neemaary handing.: aim, an Orchard of
Choice Fran. It is well steamed fora nineteen{ moon,'
rosidenreor a market farm and tiorden. For Terms
eget/ to
snr7dllrerts7 LIOUGAL bIeFARLAND
"N 0133 Woad strew, Piroluiret.
HAVING replenished my stock from the best soarers,
both demesne and foreign duke pleamre att
wench* to enstorams sod dealerathat I eat prepared
to furnish tbsun with all goods to my line on mli better
terms than heretofore
Buyers will recolleettbsi dealing exclusively , in Pad
dler", Hardware end Canna=Tro:amp, I obtain
thereby adranwaes that enables me Is defy etnepenen.
Call. we, and indre for ye..selves. tut_
iiu - silaistrator's Notice
NOTICE Is hereby amen that letter. of Admit:limit.
non upon the Estate of James Armstrong, late of
the Borough of Er.riningham,desemal, were grunted to
the sohmritor on the ath day of EepteOber. IEB.
porsons having Maims or demand. against the !Staid of
mid decedent are requested to make known the same
summit delay to the subscribe r of LIB residence on 3rd
on. Or at his Factory comer of Front and Ferry tireelli
In thc etty_of Pittsburgh.
spOwntl" JAB PATTER.4O9 Jr Adm'r
Administavitoe. Neilee
T UTTMLA of Admintstrstion have been granted to
thasobscrthes on the Estate of Joseph Station
deceased, lama Peebles township. All persons baying
claims against said estate arelhembl not,6ed fdPress'. l
them for settlement, and those srhe ate indebted to the
same are reonested to make Frayment without delay.
spOsokf v . T . IIOS DAVISON, Adm'r
THE subscriber baying taken out later. of Admin.-
tranonon the estate of Benjamin F Harris, late of
the county of Allegheny, deceased, hereby eves notice
to all prrmas laving claims or demands against the
estate of the said decedent to make known the same to
biro withandelay.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to Me said
Commae arc requeste d a call and settle their accounts.
amlninac Offiev,634thet, Pittsburgh
NOTICE.—Lock No l on the Homangthrela Naniga.
nem, immediately above this city will remain closed
aster Wedoesday montane the Sib inst. the the burp".
of getting in the foundation at the new Lack. Tee time
That will be moire& la cumendin,but it will be re
opened at the earliest potable day. •
The temporary cthatne of Lock No lwill not interfere
with LSO
of Comet end pawn/cr. between
Pittsburgh and 8621.1•Vil as bethinks,
qatil 1 X AIOOILHELIL Pees'. Mon. Nev. Co.
OELLED Proposals for the prirebase of 'Braddoek's
i Field'adl ba received at the Merchants and bl•n.-
ofantaters gook, until bloadny the .1130. inst. labels the
bigbest offer over 111.10 W will be aseepipd. Telma
eboldl in hand, the balance in ten pears. souk laterals
papsdile seini-annaally. B W
r order of a Board
apCdlor DPNNP.Cnnliier
FrIBE OKNERAL LAWS of Pennsylvania from th e
I year IPSO." April tt. li / 41,Cluionolet t e l allyarraro
c lv . Fab natca c4 r 4 d r ef e v 4111 1 of
min ra raid lasrsomd cosmos appmdlivi bYelames
Bardop. Far saln by IIdcDONALD &
FA market at
LIASILY DI WAS—A farce sopplyOf chiCineinolui
edition of ibd Family Biala, cbetip—and masa am
patio, to the Philadelphia cheap Eilizion,josi re rived,
*Barite by
p,7 etoONALD tc BREL.ON
AP OF . ME XlCO—Mapa do los Estado* VW.
In. dos de Malmo, Began la arganizada definido par
las narias Wan del Cowes° do dieha Republic.: y
maims& par las ractores aulandades.
fear cop ma ireetsedi for sale by
m Booksellets
tor arSe 3A CU
nest and application for relieving Leman suffering;
by Ceb•Zitil Motley, preen.; susgiusulau for side by
spa .1011:0110N & •srocirroN
10141LOSOPHY OF MESMERISM—Stu Lectures eti
the Philosophy a Mesmerlsm, delivered by the
Marlboro Chapol,Bostou; by John Boyd Dad. For
sea sale by JOHNSTON & STOCK TON
OBITION PAPlilt6—Pietoriel Tiosesior AOy
1.1 73i and 143 i.
• Pouch !Cr August Tili,l4th cud SIM r
s 17 3rd st opposite the Pool Odes
IEMOCRATIC 11.1.:VIEW for &meet.,
The Parreide; by the mate. of Life to Loodi
.le Ly
gnu; AMERICAN FARGILR wilt in furore he sop-
J. plod to sabserii3ersia Pinitiorch for the sum oral ,
Reser postaie at the store of 8 N WICKERSHAM,
rnei of Wood arul Gni Cr. spa_
Justreeeired. ired.and tut naval, fell of Interesting
maim. Call and see it. Famished tosabsenbers free
of postace. .8 N WICKERSHAM
cos wood and 6th ins
.._.... ._ ___ ..
NVANTIED— LO Pan JeerneymeaTatlors;
:0 taloon =kern
• 50 Yew makers. Nana bat the bee.
need apply. AY:CI:ERA MAYER
ratfl Star Cleabing More, 7 wood et
47 bags bags Feather., -,
7 t Ginseng now I and Ino Rant attar Cia
derail.; Co We by. ISAIAH DICKEY aCO
0p,6 a 56 water at
SALT PETREAr —9 bap erode ewmeme; ,
6bbir Da refined • So;
men:ate; • .
1 CA Madder now anivini by can
a dd{ for .010 . _____ A veBl,Y & CO
tsis - 01711.—SS bbls'llarbabigh's
kcel boat Hodson; for sale by
_ W Ii
WAISITXO-111.10 0 lbe Tallow, tor which thell •
est market price in rash Will be paid by
spst St IV HAIM/11RM 31 wood st
VV.:I:AS.IV: 'l: . raolltil circa from 0-5 to 21
op:0 ' ;A SAY & BEST. 3.5 wood ;t
'Di MACIIE a S-13 Ir rime dried article in mere; fa ,
A lTill sale by TABS RY /a BERT
t l , b y s %:V a AI /r i p. tiour.l
HRILIN6-75. biz smoked In storm && sale by
BB di . logtrge inipagak.ilt#
FLl,76a — "bafb7 24 "!IraVAn
C EDAu taus-1e Cedar Logs fo l rv i laL y
of one. two, three, and foarlights for Parlors, IlaLa
Steamboats, &a. de.
GOLD f;_;;i.".z.".d'Ar.ll'll,Netuall
warrant., and at the lowest prices.
A LARGE and seleryd . mock of Wract.,-,„
.Clelry, RAI r Wan and rich Inner ntivrAl. g
tlte belted ptiero. N n "' V. _
DICKLINISMS IZoo i nd . rparkiand . Glaxiers'
117014 . 1riamo:di ZVlrt eacbarge.
GOLD. PENSI—tA large. and eneellent stook of
[readout ['nutted Pone lost openiug and for tale at
reduced Niece—at least as low at em he had in the
eltn• • al W W WILSON
munAoColl l .24pcp• war loading, comprisieg
fall asbattmant of lamau lamas ana.sues Rich
mandTabaeco; far sala LS
11 LIAGat;EY k 9111TH
slf.L for sale wholesale and retell by • -
OAKFOEIS) k Co, Commission Merchants.
R. ',Wetly oppoilte'Pouthßeld, Dealeia in FlO9r imd Needs; also. Dane'. Lard. ke. spltiv
87%. 713carTfirsil0
- 1 11, 1 1": 1— Abalt%Tel1it19='`dbr,
SOOjtgr4 VA:7l"2: th pl:firpif4
factog ima au& alporffue mom s 5I Wood
' - • &If PHILLIPS
Ann-YARDS* wide now Oit Cloth with border,
Wiltrocatied rim Phillipoillo factory, for We at
coat ntrotooni, Wood at.
2011 YARDS Ccaper Oil Cloth t ll4 - inde,dltrarent
vpausta., moved (mat Pbillipsville (eon
for sale at oar Inutronk vned
.QiTs ui :~ BRM is
.: . p : .... ..
44 .0.1
'nslyti. wariest'
tick Yonititer. N.M. •
Jens. D. Davis; Ametlesarr
. . .. . .
Oa Tburaday thommr,the lith inn, Itthe , eleek. et the
Osten:wend :Sates Rama, center of Weed andFirdeon.
win be sohl will ont re.elve to elate
enemove nanonsnent of theer and newts DtrOaedsdke '..
• . -
3 Id ebsU Yung I
a Obis and 3 hf Ohl. Le% -
IS tiblibickary Num;
StS nests Band Boxes. I
Wrapping_ paper, matches, shoyels, Nuedstararg.
glassware... Franklin tame, gas.
An extensive assortments( new and mond bud
bansaboldnnd kitchen Canduire.adomierkfek are tari ,
howl dining tables. mahogany hair tug WS,
uy fancy and common chair% hamatte,h.s._
Tankage chairs, acme. ta king &Wei eurdtigl ..-
At 7 Oaf..4ock, P. NI. ,
An invoice of Germaa fancy goods just received from
the Imponer, gold and silver welshes, fine table and
pocket concryotnisicat iststinotents. ready wade el.
Wing, a large collection of valuable book., de. apt 7
Brick House and Lot at tenettoo. -
O f
Saturday afternoon the 11th intL at 4 1,.10ek on
the premises, will be sold, that valuable tot of mend
situate at the north east comer of Muni and Female,
haying a front oft!!! feet co Third at, and wending
Women Ferry 5t,53 feet• on which- ts erected a two
awry Bock Decibel House which id rented at present
for Ittlftwer utnam.. _ • • •!
Title sndtspatsble. Finns, onothird calk, rendots:
payable mane Or twa yum, Wilk Worcs.:, to he seen.
red by bond and Mortgage - •
_NO ' JOHN D Aaenereer' •
Tnmendocit Popular Demonstratiou.
agnatstatteg TW LATT- 7 / 1 1/ .CW.511: '
. This 'Eiening, Sept. 7. - •
WINO to the large Umber odor were onahlemaain
idatimient to the thriti.Cortent all the pieces will
be repeated, all the the pines übminell at the Prise
Concert on hinder arcelet,lfor the 511ser Cop. when
they will be politively,withdrown *sr
Persons Inning a choice of seats, .hoed were
tickets sad places daring the day. • 'spa
Philladelpkim«, • •
?PHIS splendid equestrian maipany eoreposed entire
ly of SPAR PERFORMERS. twin , extebir bider
their splendid Wain Pm/ Paciltise, ebransodlousty
furnished for the coatkatable reception olanni persons,
ofplusburgh, on the Illth,llth,J3th i 14th,lfals and:gth,
of September next .
Independent of Willis' celebrated Bless tEratd, the
company will be saluted on their we're, tis , Mr Web'
Piee's Suing Sand, playing airs from the tamtpoptiler
°Pr.. •
In die evening the mailbox will be illarniiunedbi the
P.:nun/bib G., wanted by B F. Canon, Esq., of the
United States Navy Departaient,Wasklerpon. It ii an
entirely new method, pribt a .P. 4101 light: free from
~e , „,,,,,e . ggaein,tee Nob of all other sitempisould
emu rig a light scarcely less brilliant Ursa the nosirdey
Constituting this company lei It be bona hrr G
trertair, who will ride bM mach admired am of the
Marian Rama, the Dam tr &wary or 5i..., and
W. beautiful eptrode of the Brum and Air iurt arise on
23. end 4 homes.
'Madam. Lax.. HOMIId, the great ,Nasrell Fnuiz
Equarrinsa, whose admirable peneestkins,en a single
home, chants and delight all who beheld hei's/marloslt•
pubtic opinion fn awarding to her the high patinae the
bus ea socers.fultv held amidst a lion of mei stars.,
C•worn—Dois Rim, the 'mirtb•provodlagwhoa/.
infinite .Izer and FUN, sitstalned by no redeems and
volearity, places him (Sr beyond the reach of ardterisa
Mr How. Niriorm, the Mimeo( Bing Mestere 1
Th. Sim. female, Whose colon of talon la Indent
a parallel in the world. Chas. Mien ilsonsoet finished
artist in his arrangement and execution of seems and
gymnutte groups. Proderirk Rivers presents every
• of Foreign act that can surprise by novelty,and Iturkeri
Ricers ltheinintitable,Turill perform his Wen a Anglo
lime,. performed before the President and Senator.
of the United Slates, and by all present declared •the
molt perfect union of wonder usit graze the world ever
knew., Mor T /feral", Wholes acquired the rare art of 'M.
Mom and executing the most difficult feat backwards,
on • sin& bone.
Mr Wet sw.a will ado his fine classic aere one., 3 and
4 homes, (0171110 g a pyramid of he. per•Oate , whom he
wilt bear shove his bon lightn ing at lighng mmed.
Signior fiermaai, the miglityltalten equestrian Will
ride his incredible L1C.019111/10 solute, mtrodeeing • Les
batons dti diable;and hfis Golden Peletons, te. Be. Be
iii alto king forward his two wonderful dna, whew,
bre without emsal:in the Arena. . . • t
Mr W ifsward, the Spanish Bennie rider and mild
Meat representative of the Bed Man of the Ferret.
Mr Q. Fat., who rides a great dramatic seenei and
a Grand Military act; entitled lIONUR TO OUR HE ,
ItOg.S, or, ad for ear Guarty,ln which - by the aid of
correct tummy, ho' will represent the Chief Prurient.
Meilen fer lus eoutary,GEN ZACK TAYLOP,
Iftemcßrurr t a yankee volunteer, Sense
the comm.:l4er et Merles, coaelnding with the roman
or puzhene, hewing thernemonible resoltrencral
TIBTItif oeser surrenders
Nous Drrimsr.of the 'Cirque Glymplque: will Win
dom. the Arabian Dancing Plare,Welialee!whose tirdiet
rife eine. reoms anything of the kind ever vet
brought beiere the publte. , Also the condo panics, Re
moo and Juliet,wlll,by their comic dinner seenes,leaps
I and coonterieapa, prove their instilcUee bent for deo!.
I S.Paream arid anardsmea may whit eaaffdermehriag
MCI( families, as imder the warskfal me of the propn,
etor,aothmig appriateldag • shade of volganry can find
he way amen the choice eepresenualioas of the AVMS-
The aftemcoa tad evening petfolrmaneee ermae . 4 va
rrilitc Members of WHITE'S 13/174D woad Barbel
l. fhily monoonee to the .LaAliu sea Geo ilegoeg of
p,tobomh that they wall give 'heir Seeond .Coatert: of
Itutounenthl Mogie oh Tuootay Sceleing,'Septentor,
• 1.6004.101111 C.-PORT VISIT.
1.-Grand Rail itorel Karen; -
3.-Sonmarebula (lamb Stee..
4 -New Orleans Mara Ceres.
6.-Quanene, Nark the Forteof Jubilee
on the ucor, Valve Trombone,
Ospluelide and Trembneello
c-Cknaziee watt,
-Duel, ant's° Carmen Hoene.
Strp,(Saas Solo)
}ageratum IS gotaatco.
No. L—GrandOvertute, (Suing Bosun.
2.—Qoanene,, twn Viatins, Tkohnook.;
..x—rispoltea's Imperial March - DoiWien.
Aaron tNltses, with =mt.
deed. and ... • .. Labiuk7.
.1.--Qaarmneomo Violtny Violoneello, •
and ll Clarionet Obligate, galincr.
n.-Italiaa March.-• Cotes.'
7.-Love not QiUCk Step Benham.
—The Cone ,- -lib an
B.=.__mein will &Ittihade with a.
Extract ham the Opera of Leortra;•Fry.
COO.ll to eornateeee at 8 o'clock.
• Viekeu 93 cents, to be had at t h e Mimic and. Book
Stores •
TO/IN If. MELLOR. fl Wood N., to now renewing
an excellent 1/3401101C01 of Ow. end New 'Vora
P 1112 0 ,4 arrived Wedgy and now open for sate.
Two splendidltomwood !Ansa, ate octaves, 11230
One splendi' carted Reweemod, fig omens. . 300
One splendid mahogany Plano, six nada Wt..-
me, • =0
One Kemal Piano Pont, made at the decry of I
Henn Ilers,•Paris. and folly tonal to the one
need by him tali. Cutout • 000
used by hithithia Concerti%
One rnahopny wooed hand Piano, made by Sur-.
dart, Worcener 6lhinbani, New Yoh. 216
A farther 'apply will be received daring Ws weh.
- - - - -
relfollvar -
XPERIENCED Jodges, on a trial of oee and a half
millions, slice 1843, prolamine. dds aniele unser.
passed 6r durabilny in the conarse non of .11 .kinds of
Ptimaces. 'Price 114,73 cash for boa loads of 10 IC
gusranteul nine mouths see. Orders ler aiceond quality
Bolivar Bricks will be executed et IWO per Kir so do ,
sired, without suarantee. A toek of the fast quality hi
now receiriug and for sale al the warehouse, ...Sloan's
Wharf," Conti Basin, by
eptalf - ItensinEton Imo Works
1111110 N . FO6 AUTUIN. A
M).CORD & KING; •-•
• HATTY.R.9,
Corner of Wald and Fp Stirds.:
HAVE received their Autumn Mb of Hats, to which .
..111l thee rtillPtclielly invite the attention of their ceno
-610.2 and entrees, generanv:. ,
—The Adrainbaranars of Ile Late James McLaughlin,
oTer for sale tea establistuaear elute us Nimb Waal,
formerly earned on by bun, in ins life time, as a Salen
Gip. rwary. The Ma/ WV in complete Order
for carry lag oath° baldness, with ilzturas,Aconnd ready
for eneoluenaing sr any tne. A liberal credit wilt be
given, and all panieulare nude known by ealbng
either or the undersigned.. J O
46, Administrators
irj kat reed by
irreeremorrikiiir,—hist receiving ray
T V fall apply of flue lidd and Silver Watches and
Jewelry to which I would call the attention of madm
en., a 1 will sell at only Spar real advance on regular
rim', ad will guarantee every article as rep
vlnt car Itli & mad sup
81J1Iiiiii84-10 bag. Pepper,
5 tierces Bice,
2 do &denier,
I do' Madder;
10 bbla Cider V never;
100 dez Coin Brawn.;
kep assorted sixes Nail.;
LO dal Beaver Backers, •
ed des Tabs;
8 calms Leaf Sap, • • • •
Go bbla Melareer ;
tOD '<aro. Wrappine Papea . ,_for sale by
sza 1111e0ILL.BURI1F1RLD ROR
SALF.--Win ease Carpel Chain;
i SOO assorted use Wooden Howls;
Hodson:ls and Lasing;
Twine in balls;
Window Sash and Glass to mill;
Matebea, • . • .
• Wash Sonnisi
White Louisville Lima' • •
For sale by ISAAC liAllltlS,SltsiSsiWOonitnission
Merchant. Sib as neas.Wood. spit
trete the Paste Pabhebers a let of ter, See Euirra
eirige• hire, a few co orse Lendseeke,TwA Feela
Flown, to, very drelrehle for reheats.
_pt . t.3t JOHN GILLESPIE & CO,ll weed el
DINBURGU ley - am—The Jaly number of this
'soluble rrnrk for mkt at
Pf . E". .II ° A h tIL I Z ,P"'b . „ Yl*ll**
Ch rS * Pkg
Bo,NHOWST CO,. fmtu .I. **4*4** mot(
NAILS—US kegs &aorta in vow, lot ..le
syd ' • D WILLIAM
f.AH6-JOOSs ambned,OxY to 1011 b (by able by
110 Dbl. (mai graad Boor. Jug rued; pa
spa ,mf.mithleld.MwtleraaY
F uu h r OT ° l. K i, 4 ";'""T andeo.
MIA T—Ousa.rateAL out cooriamly au Mud; :
k for obi 67 ANODES k. ALCORN
ACON-10 es]. *id
' ALLlpiti for
ClDZ a ft vtssa
i&ta rinisars
ItTISTIP COLORS-43 olosar s suld• eideril - 14
epaytesable Übe., nb lot ads by
spgr' . JIUDD&CO,eor k wood mits
10,111317113.—C1 a was Cabal
locel 56 " 110 , 1 1 tit
P"'',=ll, 4 9' l ' 4-4 " 1 ".(4!' 4
- • ,:-..l,maileatiNniori:
mo z
J - vALTI/- 400 be 1 1114 6 44., it * lm o*
(4-. 0 2.
r - :: , -' - : - .i. ,, ::: s i: 4
-.4:. -- -, , :r. - .., -.::-:4,!;f4-
ncticat t*tui,
eat OVock, P. X
rY'f T2'4=
bbls In moreipyr We by
F 13641,11 - 17 Ithelty lot
7L7 ,
. ,
. .
Te.l , l2 trz i gr a fteat i thd
finished and stuuunedoaid P"..L_Lzr dr:
Wasps of Ur Weit.:',Xeea..lom" . ...era - oak
On that money can poem qa. beta Atp,
Varus. Ile Una hia been in opera= traria,.
-i—hare canted -a sedUreerat people the
to their proem, bow
6 471 street Oa day previedato starthar, for the rap,.
darter (made and the entry' 0/4alaeudrea an the rep.
ter. In a U - cues the }.Hale moon 04u156 P+ ,l is
adranee. sass . .
. .
. .
...—.— . . .
' • 11103/DAT .lekkelgWr. ... ..
The NONONGAIRELA,Capt. &mg, vrgllene• Ate.
burst. gm,. Monday morning .1 / 0 eeleehl Wheeling
every glaty erealag ellO Y. Id. . - ~. '.: --•
TUZIDAY Es.&0110:Ts -
The ROWANI4, NO. A. Capt. .):,./Oharstier,
I . l v. Plitsb.fh every Taesday morning at/0 dank;
Wheeling even. Tuesday eventes at.le
The NEW ENCILANDNO.I4 C•PL , 5 . 131, .. ,
leave. nusiare ens,. wedasaday swains 10
eeidek; Wile% g even , Wednesday enniat *tie P.
.71WWISCONSIN.Cept. R. I.Oraegrill leave Pito.
bush every Tbanday "caning al lecklack; NVlteeling
every Thanalsy. eves. at IO:P. M..
. _
The OLSPPkII, NO. 9. Feet. preekt,lrill Nave Pitts
beryls every Friday roonatarat to orehreki
every Friday evening ar P.M. • • •
• •
. .
atEssENOER, Capc'Lisiferd l will leave Plus
blygta every Satittley warning az 100 eloctrWlieeling
every Saturday evening et 10 P. H. •
The isseg NEwToN. A. 0. mt.., will
learn Piusbnegh every einulav awning at le Vtoek
Wheeling every Biladay evening in 10
hisy ft 1857. • - •
7Loa f 04111? SUGARS, teL—
141 bids Lo Sagan, Loam= Iteintry:
" 23 w embed and powdered 2.2 am Loa. @of.
• ff coon doable refined Loaf •• do;- _--.. do,
of evertor goaJdr,foi sale by • • • • •
,pta •• : SAGALEY k SAIMf
we invited to lack u the masts:Ka
la of plats sad figured black* ud f..c y Deem Sdk.,
set resolved at the art Anode holm of
eitt9 _ • . W R MURPHY
M doz of Mb Great Blood heap!' the oireacht
retched sod hr by R 3 IS fah /wan for
Aliezheor eouotT. , •
IBOINIA TOBACCO—YS bre lieteete.e ettPenee 6.
V limey Deer Tobacco. ree'd direit iheei the mane
thebtre r; for sale by ROAIREITeOII k IREPPEELT
tre7 _ . • Ate) mond et
171.Agig-0 arid radeiViaa /bd...Aka;
. 7: i band rit z =l:llKiplYr
FLODII—A lot of Extra Fanny Floor, Nan)
brand, (nab wound ree'd• Ibraabrby
mud, atainEtv.
'UMW PRIATIS—We hare iseeivesl i Isms iss
.LN sastmento(beaultst,higheolored,sndiieh Tuley
,Prints 'of n yea traneiy alum. sad quunitles, lot
BLUE PICINTS—A large bowies of trlenicsact,
11,11iver, Yleffelk,ead mbar saylesofdeaiiable
azgo Mao Pnatalust received; for sale by
- ' .27 •. • . • SHACKLFre t 11911 TE.
bagl ir agal ir ailpeoe4 ferU f la h y Cl ' ' f °l4'6l '
NSIIMERZI—.S babes new . sty to Faze, Ilkysi
rcvjusf received; for sale by - •
147 • . - SIIACKIJETTAwarrs,
ALPAVCAS—A latse asoarbacut;lif.'l9w priced,
medium and Ineigtosty.reslAlpietaLusues,l• 4
Dynan; for sale by •
327 - • slinaux7rk.ll7lllTE
MTARDWAItg—Jost el:Welted; Muss New cork
II slop Axes and Adz., toonsebolet Autrils, Fledges,
linsomen. Viess,Ttamitaims, wrought
tots tools, mill, moos oat sad Pit saws, El:ft:Zajac salt
a3O by ••. JOB !WOOD vi ELL.
Gll.lSGlHAllill—Opesed 'mean, altsadanae lot
DC dark sole dams Ginshates, eatable. tbr the am
en Jose, Oregon and Victoria - - nada for Ladle?.
Dramas; *4llllO al ilee'dry goods Wawa,
eta • W It. hrt.:RPliY
OR BALX-12 nice Walking Cane* gaioned..
.Also, • taro assortment of handsaw pictares •nd
plates—for rale cheap. I OAMWt Agn o.:Coas.
scaldet • . • Merchant, 6th se near .ad
GRopEBIES-100 kb& ?t 0 and P Aliagar;
21X , balls N O blohosor • •.
- .
" 811 dm_ -• . . •
400 barmen Rio Coree t • • • s
E 0 kr cimm Imp, 0,1% mullt H Vs; .in more;
spa. ' mak by .
81;!IIDUISS-101)bsa Gallium clay; ••• _
• . ss was Soda Asa,
.1000 bap
canal and 6r sale by _
. • • 2! a I
1 1 0BACCO-18 Dubs PINE, sapa!ior litl*3=l;
" BaName pimp i .
1 12 " . 2 ChoW..2 . i.22T
1.7U0.011 • D 0101ASSE.13— • . •
100 htidspriome N 0 IS•rul •
MC Dbl. N 0 lloluses; • •
100 ' 9 H Manua an hand. for sea*?
• I BUXBRILkiV., wiLsort tco
51711 , 11 OLAIS-IPAPSIO.—Far miperlor to
coouaoa Pawl Paper-160 rem. waned ho 1 of,
lewd leer to Hardware sowf laigilealers genteelly Ibr
b • ale J KIDD IMO
unsay .WOODlS.'lhieicer t Jimmyabela
.LL.Atver.. All ottbrabbboulall . y Illeg, Addzess by
lenu Ibtonglilbe Post 011ee. • abtf
•RITE - FTOUR-20 bbl. (rub graded Rya- M. 4 J ...
lencb.g from Ma bon ..Web.ftref for W. by
Se -7 , - W lIABBALUGH, ZI Mood rt ,
FLOUB-5) bbla froth Volta qadour,and Wu
basab's bawls, is store sad for ado by
ag W HAILBAUGH, MI wood b
- _
RLDELIME-,111 woks best Amerbran, lu
Cmewed and kr we by • • •' •
r*l BA FAHNESTaCKAUS cot 1114,1 ed
,•; , •
-• &CO
IViADDER -4 “k (t lbs)pritne Dulaan J reed;
for mk by R ERELLICRS
• iptt St woott /
C INTION-46 map joss reeVi tar 2 , 4 , A p . 4
CLfor salaby
DAR LS GRREN-434 lbsput prime qatliori•st ret,d
RISIS3ONE-44 Ms Jon iced; for m;l;by
y spit ' - R RELLERSI
IZUe emedla Jan Jon reed;
r sale by R}Ltlß• rrvv
MITKOUS ETHER-2 earboyajma red d, lot Pale by
.1.1 spit ", "X X bk.I.LERS
dins Y
JL 1U do Imperial; for Wu bi - .'
11cGILL.B1J811E1aZ ROE
LIME 51IIRTIS constantly on hand; for sale by
• •30 • . YIIReTI2I al market at
OIL -90 bbla Rank Tanner% Mk for sale by
130132DRR-230 iege Betaly's ittfii itad Rack Pali
..2 dir for ate by /212221); MIRY &CO
a 23 • , 67 wawa. it
QZCIABS-12TsCGO Kentrely oegars bi We 112 W Io
close eamignmeat by .
QOAP-100 bxs Cloobtruti Soap lo moregor ult. low
1.3 to close conzigocoont, by e . W OMER
a9z' eor maidifeld & water ass
COTTON TAILIN , —.IO,OOOIba cation you., candle.
V wick, carpet' chum, and canon yarn; Am sale at
manafactatert lowan prices by
OT TOS —l4l bales las watt by C • -
GLAss—so la. ezlo, W cIY , ILCILaod Lla t 4 Glan
la non; Cot sale law by -
7ponsoco-44, key Nol4 twist 44-4414 low by
.1. Y/1111ND, tc4.4.C0.
ATAILI4 . -1011kcp 0146kaftbtemisi'.6r sale by_
4.1 U 3 • ' °elder/ t bIeKNIGHT
'or... by
aS4 J KIDD Jr. Maw 4ta wootzts
EPSOM& llALTEicoksiatreaNr: lb**.leg
S/ERZIED 011.-00 bbinjusirced; kr bale by
YELLOW-I]u Re yam 200
Lob Ibb 17=00010*d; S 0
alb ibis t. 7. E S 07 wood
lERIGO—RO lbs Rebegat r iadigolabi Tebbe:it for
att min by -BRAUN RICRITh.R.
.T7~XLTIA3 BLs-B +i . I e.ti io.t.* % ro..
Y zi - Mla 6T __. UKAUHKIIH7 R.•
ii Iqooll.lolli 11002 ,4 * 0 Is*
elejun reed; tor satet by lIUAUNt RYMER.
I all :tor axial' a. lawny ms
(NUMMI TAILTIKR—XO Um Jut used; • in sitle
LAKI3T-TgirliTart 1,
L - 11 — AD-1 eiY upettor Itottl Lead, eastern =ulu
lated, *bib by JOBN D IduliCiArt
SAL stUDA—s uks reedv,tor We by -
.25 1-1) MORGAN
tr LI 4; AM/40:441:71 ., 11 , 10thes jolt I.:War
• .1. E
11®a8- Ob. prune{ A Jutieo'J. braW
. V J bf Wb&JJeC ICII
F7R .
nOPLAITLIIbIBL'6 aa4 PlaeJaee, for raiab
- I Iriur :. w w waI4J. & .
q.AICTAXLIC At.. • eases jest socalvea; Silk
J. by BAP eantarrocK !CO.,
M cot tat sod wood it s
- ' •
ETYII.BILUi—OCCO lbe tive Gam Fpalects tama
nt from ISetabevas, nkle by
' • •" • A ib
RENCIt HAIR 6 glll7l3—A trt
514244,10 ms mod mod. colotsJua awes Rom LLa
Hopbrier, for sale by ' F : EQTHS
COLLARS -,A treat. Imo( Frearli . N . 7 . erkel Calm
. Maims t) Le, and a Sot of low plaid lOU Wag at
QllANVlll—Castsmere end Tinian obis styles of
bukey Mends; testable fat the seasole., , go aasenseV
to be Wand esti= dig goods boseeest • - .
(WAILY-11,1 aka lierban Gay nenir tabollog lbwa ea
bbl; for We by z b2ll • -IC BIIMY ALL
ALIPOULII-501bs last rec A h. ditetast i
juD 'qs.bwm
Ikl.lll/114-01X1 beta uanud sisals on Mad; funk by
C°" 1 ,"! - 1,'"AiKiN
roe* for ale by
• • 1 ;MPa 10 . 1 , ,0it ClAk
ry et
FOlSTAlitlau, sow .
4111 e teetts93 %ern& ea; • •
111 4 5 WANTED-400E1Plumismand:lbewkiiik
i & " 16 Iria MA Ur W CUADWICIC
- •WillisSlbainupentlaorf
ustrea't for sale 13y ,
I , WILSON 6. cO