The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, September 02, 1847, Image 4

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    ' -~',r.
~. . ,
1, - 7 ' The Ikrard of Managers of the Wash
,; ~'::',. •-• ington National Monument Simiety, haw-
T --, --" ,- 3 , - - ' , 'Mg determined :to . , retinae its collections,
-::"..-: :.- ' ," •
which had' for some time been suspend
'"-ed,:bas appointed the Hon. Elisha Whit
,. - , - ;,„%,:-,•,,' - : t i ese y, of Ohio, the General AgOntilf the
:„.,:-,,:::-,Society' • whese office 'wily bet kftfd: in
.:31 - -4 • '..Washington.. ToliiaCheilbeen delega
. .
thetd e - power of appointing sub-agents,
Lebo will' receive 'a coMmission • on the
• , :- ,, ',-"33funds 4 -they may inflect as a compensa
'tion 'for their services. •It -may be
-per-to elate, far tho' ieformation of the
,:public;lhat the delay in commencing the
-'-'-" 'Monument has been occasioned by the
want of a proper site, whiche Board.
had-hoped would:long sine have been
''''-'• , , slanted by Copses. Tholigh the ex
: L . peels:ions of Ai. Blattag r efit have not
3 '
been realized as to the amount or contti
-- - - butions ' Made by these; who have been
nailed, upon to idd in so noble a work, it
has not been Suffered totie idle. ' Thb
- Bitattl, : . with commendable discretion;
authorized the whole amount collected
- ' - by the agents Of the 'Society, about
--, ' ' $2 1 3,000, to be invested in the safest
- • stocks in the country, and placed in trust
- in - the names of theta- respectable cid-
ZOOS of Washington ' El
Samuel . Smith;
° : • Nathan Towson, an d Thonielt ,Mninoe,
-- 3 - orthe survivors or survivor orthem, so
*-- 'is' to be free from risk, and subject,with
the accruing interest at any moment to
.. ,
~ the accomplishment of the contemplated
•, - ob i ject. . •
t To keep the public 'fully ids - need of
: the ciindition of the funds of the Society,
~. • the Treasurer has been; required to pub
- Rah, and has published, an annual re
- 3- .port, showing the amount invested and
- on deposits in some safe bank. It will
' ' thus be seen that the utmost care hie
been taken of the funds collected i for
, . they hate now more than doubled the
, . sum originally contributed, and will be
• - -applied-in good faith to the patriotic ob
ject for which tho Society was organized.
' . That 'object was to erect a monument at
. ,
: • - e seat Of Government, which should,
by its colossal magnitude and imposing
grandeur, exhibit - to the remotest ages
. , the gratitude of a` nation of freemen to
. . , the man whose exalted good sense and
, , pure virtues' had. so pre-eminently con
tributed, to Their- happiness. With . this
view the Board of Managers have made
every exertion in the power of man to
-1 - "' make, and the hope is still, indulged that
• - the American people, influenced iby an
:ardent feeling of patriotism' and of the
- deeply. cherished memory of the gteat
founder of their liberties,' will not fail to
contribute to the erection of a structure
• 3 '
that shall be commensurate with their
gratitude and veneration, and worthy of
- him in whose honor it is to be reared.
The Board designed at an early:period
to commencethe Monument, but, as no
site could be obtained sufficiently eligible
on any 'other ground than the public
mall ; near the Potomac, and as that
' could only be obtained by a grant from 1
- Congress, which has not yet been made,
that purpose has'been unavoidably post
, potted till the uext session of the Na
, ttonal Losislature; when it is believed no
objection will be made to„,,sdlow: the
Board the use of the gmnad it desires
for so laudable and patriotic an object.
/ A design• for the proposed Monument
has been adopted and. lithographed, and,
_ when executed, will exhibit to, the-world
' the estimation in which the limes and
public 'services of the illustrious Wash
ington ware held by his countrymen.
It is true that the "storied um, the an
imated bust," or the splendid mansoleuin,
cannot-call back the departed spirit, or
"soothe the dull cold ear of death;" but
- it is equallyitrue that:it can and does
manifest the gratitude and veneration of
the living for those who have, passed
1 ' . away, forever from the stage of life; and
' ' left behind them the cherished memory
of their virtues. The posthumoua hoe
, ors bestowed by a grateful nation on its
• - distinguished citizens serve the further
, purpose of stimulating those who survive
, , • them to similar. acts of greatness and of
Virtue, while the respect and admiration'
of:the= countrywhich confers theM upon
its children are more deeply and ardent
, ly,, felt.- _ The character' of Washington
- •is identified with the glory and greatness .
of his country. It belongs to history,
'into which' it has. infused a moral gran
,- deurtind beauty. It presents a verdant
' 'oasis on the dreary waste of the world.
, .on which the mind loves to repose, and
the patriot and .philoSopher delights to
,', 'dwell. Such a being but seldom appears
to illustrate and give splendor to the an;
-,- . nals.of mankind, and the country which
gave him - birth should -take a pride in
. bestowing,peathumous honors on his
, - name. It is not to transmit the name or
fame •of the'illustrious 'Washington to
...., retire ages'that a Monument should be
., , erected to hittmemory.; but to show that
': thS people of this Republic at least are
not, ungrateful, and that they desire to
manifest their' lore of eminent public and
;3 --
priests vinues-by some enduring memo
, •:.' nal-which, like the, pyramids of. Egypt,
,„ - shail fatigue time by its duration.
I inn authoriied by the.Bnard of Man
` ' , :'assts to say that a copy of every journal
- , in the United States vbich publishes the
addiess shall be deposited in the'corner
atone of the Monument. •
- • - Geo. WATTERSTON, •
Say Wash.:Nat. Monument Society.
JANES IC. POLK, ex-officio President.
• Wvt. BRENT, Esq., First Vice Pres't.
.: : • MAYOR OF WASHINGTON, See. Vice Pres.
'''' Gen . A' HENDERSON, Third Vice Pres:
• •
J. B. 11. Sumo, Treasurer.
- -
_ ,
, 4 Maj. Gen. W. Scol Thos. I
- Gen: N. Towson, Peter
Vol. J. J-Abert, W. A.
'Col. J. Kearney, ,P. R.
Gen. Walter - Jones, John
- Tbothas Munrot
I •
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.; Lightning traria!' with a yeloeity twice
• nr.gteat ste that of light, the rate i
: Pl' 24,000,000 Allies a nlinule ,
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1:t • P."
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Washlgten National, moment Society,
- r The following is Ex-Preisident Madi
son's letter accepting the presidency of
the National Monument Society:
MONTPELITR, July' 25, 1835.
n ID:.
Dear : I have received your letter
s • • of the 20th, informing me "that I hare
been unanimously elected President of
tho Washington National Monument So.
' ciety, in the place of its late lamented
: • President Chief Justice Marshall."
1 am very sensible of the distinction
conferred by the relations in which the
Society has placed me; and feeling, like
• my iIIUIDIIOUD predecessor, a deep inter.
ear in the object of the association, 1
cannot withhold, as an evidence of it,
. • the- acceptance of the appointment,
. - though aware that in my actual condition
it cannot be morn than, honorary, and
they under no circumstances, it could
- , supply the loss which the Society has
' sustained.
AMonument, worthy the memory of
Washington, reared, by the moans pro
- posted will commemorate, at the 11/018
• •
tint.' virtue, a patriotism; and a griti.
' truly national, with: which the
friends of liberty, every where, will syrn
/ 'path , and of which our country may
• - always be proud. /MIES MADISON.
Wet. Crotch, Erg., let Vice'Prest
COLLEGEB,IOO4 music, &c.
..BALTIMORE,IstD.; earns ad loathe
bound emted; Rama: tbeee, are the following:
ha locative, te the • mountsieries re you of
Elk Ridge, and overlobking the Palmas:onm Ind
sal-rounding country; is eminently healthful, and
combines to a high oeyee the beautilal aid pictur•
esque in aceady._ Within • few. Mil:Will walk of
the depot of the Giumberisnd Railroad, at Ellicott's
"Mills, two blots travel by railroad hop Wishing.;
ton city and one from Baltimore, it la easy . °lac
den to traveller from ill scrtions of the country.
Omnibuses and from Baltimore afford a convert.
ient tom cation with that city. . .
end. tip' cious, elegant and commoditinsbitild:
logo afford private apaihnents, for pupils for lody
ing add atudy, for rocila4Oo, mum anik - dectore
room., chapel and all other eouvenienceerequired
for the perfect organtration of a collegial° truth.
-M. Ifs nalcuiaa gro unds, laid out Initerdella and
+blubbering amidst lawn and grans, aflord the pa.
pile an opportenity for the cultivation of tower.,
and offer leducemeeta foeutive exercise and re
creation in the. pure, open Mr '
4th. Da largo emablithmedt olProlesnors.Teach
en and other officers, nears :to the pupils an
'amount .of instruction , and can seldom - 1.0 be
met with in any , institution of the Med. At the
present time fourteen Profaning and Teachers an
engaged in their nerraldepartmentm of "instruction
the greater number residing in the family, and de
voting their talents 'exclusively to the benefit if the
Imitate. - ,
The Rem, Mr. Clarke, resident Chaplain, [grad
uate of Yale College.] is Pretence of Weed - Phi.
lo.ophy, mad has Chair of the graduating to
the department of English Composition. Min
&owe, the able and efficient Yieetnne la as
ivied in the care and dlecipline of : school, rider
the direction of the Principal by male
teacher., most of whom in addition to • thorough
education, have had the benefit of Image:parlance
in training the, young. 'Them ladies ore In .coo.
suet intercourse with the pupils, who are teens.
tooled to regard them
,1104 only as futrectors, bat
at traced. and companion. The French Depart
ment is adder' the direction of so accomplished
• Professor Mena. Levin, a graduate of the Dairen.
ty ol France, "licentiate co droll,. who reside. fns
the Institute, and devotes himself,te the improve.
meet of his pupils—affording them every advantage
for acquiring facility in French ciannemation. 'Poe
principal profaner of vocal and instrumental, ma.
dc; P. Stratford Darner; formerly a popitof the
Royal Academy amine in London,loinder the eel ,
ebrated Srg'r Crivellf,) and for some nom a teacher
at Kew P,nlace, is finagled by ladies eminentlyqual.;
ified as manic teachers. Drawing, Painting an we.
tercolou and Oil. tad . Dancing are taightiLPro.
lesson; and the Kadin:at . Sciences ere e 'lied
and illustrated, eaperlmentally,in lectern y Pro.
fuser Aiken. of tbe University of Maryland.
Sth. The Principal of the institute, Mrs: LIN-
COLIii PHELPS has tad loo n diperienee In di
recting a Literati'. Institution. baying passed many
years as Principal sad Vice Principal of the justly
celebrated 'Pity Seminary founded by her sister
Mrs. Emma Willard, and alter the plan of which
the Patapsco tontine, is in many inspects, model
-ed. him: Lincoln' Phelps Is well known to the
public as the anther of Lincoln's Botany, and;a se
ries of storks= Chetaistry,.Natural Philosophy &e;
and of mindry works on the Subject tif Educatioa,
&c., tome otwhich late been nblieblished la En.
rope; and translated into Preach and Italian. , The
bead 01 the family, is the Hon. John Phelps, for.
inerly a distingmthed lawyer and Senator of Ver.
6th. The retirement and seclusion of the hunt,
Otte, and. the strict supervision •of ite officers..
should inspire parents and. gnardists with perfect
confidence in respect to the • safety ofthetr dough.
tersand wards, who am permitted to receive no
visits.except such as are sanctioned by the direction
of parents, or by letters of. introduction from them.
An experiencedhlstron has charge over the clothing,
health and comfort of the pupils.
The entire expense. per annum, for bo.ird and
c doe at io e, vary from two hundred. • dollars,
'to SW) and SOD, according to the studios or ac
complishments pursued. Circumstances may in
duce a departure from stated tenxis..hat in ge beret
a liberalpatronage is required to support the guitar
ing expenddsms of the Principas for all that can
promote the comfort. happiness or improvement of
the pupils.
• Tno Right Rev. Bishop Whittingham, who is of
ficialy "rnitor to the . Patapsco Institute, reports:
"The late examination has unmeant still greater ear
idence.if tooni were. needed, how competent •is
Mrs. Phelps tommtainati instatutioninfenor to noes,
to the country of the tied!' . • • •
1 he following is an extract from the report of the
Emmining Committee in lEttfi„
"The course of study. to th e Institute , as present
ed to um in the esamination,embraces a compreben
aivelield of seholastic acquirement, and accent,
plishment, and the manner te which kis pursued, es .
well as remits which have been attained.stelighly
creditable to the teaeh cm and papils,and give every
assurance to the public .that the great *eternal& of.
educstion arc cherished and secured in the Ituditate,
too degree which is, we believe, unsurpaved in any
odes Female Institution in the country.. Signed
by the Rev. H. T. Harrison, Hon. John P Kennedy
and Hon. Chancellor Johnson.
}:street of the report of the Fsffidning Committee'
in 1847.
Tim course of instruction in itte Institute. embra
cm a wide range, and the xi ale reigned ere convinced
that every department Is tilled by teachers, ensinenid
ly qualified, and =dm to Instruct the 'cholera in
tbe "wenches appertaining to each.
From the highly gilled principal to the moat sub.
ordinate Mather, all seemed animated by an earned
denire,and endowed with the requitite qualifications
to advance the pupils, in all that can Impart wroth
road charm to the female character.
The examination which hae just closed, was so
conducted, am to eatialy to; th.d the mule Of in.
'unction le thommilr, mations, and ample. Teat
what is taught, is perfectly understood, and that
when a young lady has paned through the clamant
the Patapsco Institute, and been Imbued with the
elevated moral principles which we there so led,.
thusly incaleated, she re prepared to adorn any eta.
lion to which it may be her Adore lot to be placed.
In view of the high intellectual and Moral culture
which Mout judgment the pupil. of the Patapsco
Institnte enjoy4se well as the unsurpassed salubrity
of climate, tho Wendy of the scenery and the COll
- of access with which it is favore4we are
persuaded we cannot too etroogly_ commend it to
the public patronage. Signed by Hon Chancellor J
Johnson Add; Dr RA Urquhart, Vieth. Benoit, Es q,
(I'. Shore) bid; Dr C W Jona, St Mary'. Co, :dd.
April eth, 1347.
. Schools and private families may be lerniabed
with qualified teacher. from the normal orTeachere
dtpartment ol the Institute.
The tenons commence on the first SVedncsdaya
of May and November, and continue five months.
Pupils arc received at any period, and can remains'
the Institate during the sprang and tall vacations, of
one month each.
Application., for admission may be. addressed to
the Principal, Ellicott. Mills, Mtf auglOdll
rproe Falhad Muter Amiens often AdultElearentary V.
partrood of thin Innitution oil commence ma Woodsy
Dresang,Augnst 3111 e stew Had, moor Third aid Wood Ms.
This Inetstutienn—Sir the instructios of Vemol hlufic—has
been in operation two mad • half Iran, sod is at protest Ole
prolegneo cooditkm,affordiaga eon and uspreatedoeted op
'r, for GU oho may dame to obtain a kaawkdge of
e, kr every
D mietiog es=
There are three e=s, i vite
Ist. Thee eremite
ad. Rye Adult Flicetwonsy Department.
ad- The Charm c"
-Deportment meets every Saturday afteroore
d ' year and is A the roofed. keeled of children
fr years prardo The otteetkm of Perron end
Guarding re ree idly invited to Mk Apartseart. It is
a well ntalshelt bet, teat ongtetioe of te more mos
pe itate comormitiog the eulttraftee et At tVoice, ken la
childhood. Thotappropriatewend enrols., tend to profane
general health. mad streorbert the fehildres,ar well
to AAA, kw who are bathmr egth the "rt.
TA Doane of loVructicer the Adalt E natatory Depart
ment Mill be thorough; neemerieng each quern, anth o thor
ough mune in At Damon of Wane, thus giving the pupae
au opportunity of frequestly miming Air study of the Set
e:WO and Olt who aria to become LmeWane • ekerable oppoo.
Dusky of dui Mel try seams of the
The Third ed or Chorns Clam; kr do protein
of mm's of a big order, Is quite separate end dinlact from
IA ether Deportment.. le onopeteed of Amateur Slagenand
Elementary ctese—ae they kali hoot spade
that degree of proectoky deemed oensury and complied
with the kllowmg requisition: By apphcattni, personally or
otharorire. to the Beard of Disoctors, to be constouted mem
bee of Mk clam, and by these ekend,eurollnterd duly esti.
Ad thereof All nimbus and couttibutors of the Academy .
hat the whinge of aftording all riven ..bear.:. of th is
ekes 71.unday emang, epeeutore,tf they desire. but
out et 1/edema's until they shall have complied with the Con
gg regulstious. Raspy:takes, who are neither moorhen
eantrkettoes of the Academy, will be admixed ea Moo
day or Thursday nester, nceps fiyapteiai plait from cos
of the Dinetore is writer,.
oiesclualm, the Di n .. beg leave to my th ey have
cagagml Nor. Bingkim se outer ant croloctor, aod Prof.
Whits es Ark" of the Orehestra for the Moms C 1..., and
are oralciag wrangsmaite to watesznalials metal hundred
popA, and oo elket w.B be gated to prawns the quietude
and deomaa of tbeachooteocco, sad eatable We pupil. to or
copy the lime Owed thew both agreeably sad profitably.
• - • MUM
F. for a troth of am lee, payable
is &dm. 5 5 P0
•ratlel, (paomtar gordiarej sea Wroth awe..
W thereby estOk Fiance sad tosily to the
bra& of Wantral departhorath s ar Sara` gr, Ste.,
. say dirtath der 1 year, speedy ra idgeate ..... •3,1:0
Ao Wt. Mal or mai may broths ethatribertare by Ws
polecat of $i 430 per gorier ea *dream
Atothethethe for adsorbs. subs made to thy et the
or las:Safe, *rho are as Aiken. vir.
Directors-1f Lash, lath kleOser, Theme W Wright,
Oro Hodge. Lobos, th Alta, W s f}rterribt
Tretharer—Wes Getty.
5 W ATONE, Prothlrat
Mures New PobllealloaL
THE Poorer Of the Pohl ever the Body, consideted in
:elation to lealti and amnia by Geo Ilene, N. D.
member .f the Royal College ot Plyalciana, London.
The eider the Body in minden to the aund: by the
same anthor—a flask supply. We have retailed over
ItO mph* of this meet adatirehle Wok,
Men, Women and Ilesite,• iwtection of &belches, ce
says, and critical awateite, from his encallected prism
y Leigh Haat. •
Vo Good Gerdes that towed everythiim Into Cold.
Yen ea, the Connor Logi, XlVt by bliss Pardon.
ran O, Pictorial
II the gave, and others Om nmelved and for an
. I tie Book Store of JL READ
, 4th et near market
Gallas. IlesirS.
ItIIOU but woomied the Hoirit that freed Thu;
Oh worm I • Bad;
Ott Tom-haven thy Hulot Daher;
°heart Mat eheetow from Thy Homy
.Geod Bye, er Farewell, Farewell, is a lonely Seoul;
Then roall remember me;
I dreamt I dwelt lo hiatbleUallei •
The Ire Farewell; • -
When ewe are lo the Quiet Skim
Oh ream my Coeur, Gentle Mud;
Oh, knot not the tune when /airfare! I met Thee;
Wandered fiom th. Lam! of my INN;
Foleth Infantry Mush. For eala by •
4211 JOHN 11111F1,LOR,Ed woad el
MNaae Ihramair Plana_.
A SPLENDID saaartment of Itarmard and Main.
•ar, grand actin name, with ..sual. Frarne,aut
Gnirb mad far sal..
dlso. Cow aplendld itlllell9o4 Piano., with Colisseddra
celebrated Rerlian allaChlnal4 &lathed In Itar . Nam wet+
era ogle, Ind yr WainVOLUME'S
WO • • 111 weed street 1 &ay above, 06 •
.1 usr kaarvien-o. ff s.dia Se
Octavo adlood3md num hots, haw
la Isom a Heart Hen, Pula awl to I$ ono used
ot 6n Omeeno, stab fa delis= of tone asd doitohih
I 7 of wawa:alp, mesa beainpsueill. TSUI mold
hdyLlsr esati at JOHN Me.LOXII
. . . . . .
I%s era liamOri for
Orenplaint, Spitunglelotd, Pifheahr
. , mats Side and Diem, Palpitation of the
Ileon.theneorpreop,Bnaken Constitution,.
Sore Threat,
/um*. DehilltY, andal 1
discansof the Thrott.''Breest and
Lona; in moat eilketnaland
AsTo! above '
Autumn mum waresse.--Rood with titan
enneot the woodellel cure, perfonned by Illymber,
Swarm's Compelled Symp or WILD CHIMBY: •
Plintonetruse, Janney3, ULM
Dr. Swayne—Dear Sin In justice to yonneltand
a duty I owe to suffering buisthity, I &aurally,
give my testimony, and declare to the world the
most utonisbing elects, and the great cure your
Compound Spary of Wild Cherry performed es me,
under, the most tudeurable circumstances. .-1 : was
token with a violent Cough, Spitting of Blood, en
vent Pains in the• Side and Breast.,which seemed
to break tape oat enfeeble way nuatitertioe,so that
my physician thought my tare tukyond the pommel'
medicine, and my - triennial gave me up to dimbut
thanks to you and the effects of you:egret throne
ry. I now feel myself a wellman, &Weaned front a
mere skeleton toes fleshy and heakhy a mos b I
have been for yeses, sod shall be pierced to give for
idtonnotlea respecting ay cue, by calliq Inlay
raidenee, Mechanic streot,thindambelow Burge
street/ Northeni Liberties. „locos Purest.
Testimony is now second from aU quarters 0
the ,Globe
The following letters me presented with a new
of more Belly showing the opinions of Physicians in
relation to the Medinfrrine karat. SWAYNE'S
Dr. Sersyne--Dear Sic Having: aced your Coin
pound, Syrup of. Wild Cherry extensively In my
prastite, I was requested by your Agent, Doctor
Crotcher, to express my opinion in writing of its
properties as a remedial agent, I most cheerfully
comply, an 1 feel by so cluing, I will duir.harge a
debt food the community at forge, and Phytimans
in particular. As much as I detest Quack Rani
dies and Patent Bottrunis, was imieced from
a Wore of the most potent expectorants, re1.:013/..
mended in our mate= medico in some cresol
Dammed Lungs, to try your preparation 01 Preen'
Virginia Or Wild Cherry. It is imffleient ton, that
nu so tough palmed with the remit of that and
unmeant trine, that I now prescribe It in prefer
ence to all other Remedies where an expectorantis
intimated. In' the meek dreaded Pneumonia or
Diemen' the Lug., be the alarming form in which
it appears is Kentucky, l legged ilea an invaluble
Remedy le the treatment of that &nue. To all
who know me I have said enough, hat as this may
be seen by persons out of thencinity of Frankton,
I will bray add, that f have been ecgaged In an
active practice of my proteselon of 11l yeamand sin
a Regular Graduate of Trauylnnia,aed this Is the
first Potent Medicine I ever thought iamb Cl to
equine an opinion in writing.
J. H. Effuses, M. D.
/unary 7th, 1847. Franklin County, Ky.
ittEnoeT, Ky.,Jaa'ry 7th, 184 7.
The above certificate Is Dom one of our Phyla.
ciao Wring a few miles from here, be isdoingg very
good preetece, and ie considered a good Physician,
and stands furl be is, as he nays, regotargouluate.
De. W. L. Carman,
( Druggist •
end Apothecary.
Testinwnsals' mill never cease.
From theTamparance Pledge.
Now that Winter is upon as with its attenden
train ,l Pulmenie and Bronchial afleettons.Cimegto
Colds, &c. &c , we would edema those afflicted in
this way to make immediate trial of Dr. Swsyne.'s
Compound Syrup or Wild Cherry. It will never
tall to perfria s permanent cure. The reputation
of this medicine has cased many spoliate. articles
te be put teeth under in name; but the preparation
of Dr. Swayne, besides being the Gat ever dared
to the public, is the only one that can be relied on.
The other mixtures soldier. Wild Cherry Syrup,
Balinese, &c., are all spurious and wonhlen,lintl
containOone 01 the virtues of the original prepare.
also, Dr. Swayee's Composed Syrup of Wild
From the Springfield Ewen.
Of the thousands of purported curative nostrums
now before the public, hut very few are loud to
pones. the healing virtu, for which they are re
commended. Among the latter we ore pleased to
learn none stand a better test than Dr. Sweynies
Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry. The afllated
in this vicinity ore beginning to use it, sad to their
joy they find in its use their hopes baud epee its
recommendations more than realised. The afflicted
need not despair. While there is Me, them Now is
ESince the introduction of my article to the
pthere have a number of unprincipled inn•
victuals got up unmet which they Assert contain
Wild Cherry, some are called.'Bobrions,”•• Bitten,'
mad even Syrup a Wild Cherry,' hot mine is the
original and only genuine prepondion ever sauna.
en team pithltc. which no be proven by the pub.
tic Records of the Commonwealth of Pennylvanta.
The only safeguard against imposition is to see that
my irignature te on each bottle.
DR. li. WAYNE.
Peptred only by Dr. H. S , at his Piaci.
pal Office, corner of RIGHT and RA= Streets,
Philadelphia. All Wild Cherry pennon's being
fictitious and counterfeit without his mummy,
Foe sale in Pittsburgh wholesale and retail by
Whl; THORN, 63 Market etreet,
OGDEN& SNOWDEN, corner _'odd. Weed its.
S. JONES, 198 Liberty meet..
Sold also by J bluebell, Allegheny City; Boyd,
Corns & Co., fierier; Weaver & Headmen, hien
een Norman Calamine, Meadville; .1 H Barton &
Co.. Erie; ill'Kensie & Kasten, Lleveland; Denis
& Stm, Columbur, Miller, itrownseille; Marsh,
Wheeling, V.; E HiOM.IIII, Cincinnati, Ohio; Dr
E Easterly & Co.,t. Louie; •./ 9 blotto & Ca,
Louisville, Ky.; Andrew Oliver & Co, New Or
leans. sine
• 44 HAVE POUND IT."—bendps.
Gotham,* 0., M..b *
. ,
Ileac Sir.—Tbis is tomtit, l &a palate, partlealarly to
than afflicted oath a diem. of the trip, or Coewomptioa
that is the Spring of 1B I was attacked with a omen cold
wrhicli tato bersowaested ape ray leap, ..nun ail the
quietens of an approothiog
,Conearapties. My ewe. wast
tight bad t..., atioatteetwrith eopioas Matt rweatn
.spit a itoonderaide lankly of blood, mind witha
blab 'lark matter. My shoalo loom swim sad dol.
big. Darkly this time 1 war Weeded
. by two of tar won
skillitt ?I ',rictus; they did do best dory eould lie ow, woes
at /melt theygaro up begawaf map recorwry,i domain
Da dui seettiog ennead b. der—tat try how Imo fo•
rwj dismiedi aadbeirorl trimly. I waa ma peroweiedthy
a fricad of mob. tomb. a trial of Dr. DalGtaa'S Nestor.
mat Romig, which my Phyrichou mimed agamtmiag
that thin markets 'torpid do oi geed, owl would will add
zoom to may Wk.*. I fiat them it am my he • Rad tally
brio, !tad that if long die Milo doom, (whirl was rd.
drat to me,) theta wad M rothiog bL So I oat to tha
arida:tad Offlea ad otaed sboulis of this bray Was
Medieira, 'rod emoted nig, toreordiag to tM rase
itoaajarbleb, botead of dab( to miry earerlig,'lroolidaly
pa ;ow relief, at at. troahleroato Coq*
=obi do patios! tightatto is toy chi* Frig too a aew
lit, Otd strength, which ems ambled Ina to b. .bat apia.
ride l owdletsa cogitated It. rod work, whkh it to .clay
coatte'rord r tall I womtide • woad sea. i lare du:ahem
attending to n beteisese, (upwards of 3 yen) and kel
healthy ae li'-I him recoormarAie tr•
hriah, I ham racommenora en. _
pectomatamiedy instill Durango tothoeseiseDarly dialed
and it, has .to, proved rieremefid ea far ss I hare witmesed
heart My wiper iv toting Wu medicine al primal, Dr
Dirrissed Darr end ingdfaction ej Lwaghwkich
hadrellared with for mown time; she has nearly recovered
by* ime of Omit mediae*, and I . crealdent the 0 balk.
that Irate wiLL IDS 10.1hy will entireJy care her. Ime ram
kieiw that Darr are ihotaands of minable y. wasting
away with *hie dreadful Introyer-LCONSUMITION.—
Wen it nal, powible Dr those teaprmare thhi medicine la
iinte;herom it be too our awaymight he prolanged end
W ;fendlies land Mahone again nindered happy. This
medicine will gam anent relivf, mutat the' ante thee amen
the hard met'mental Cough, moms ths Dolmas in the Cho
give strength to the earsetted mil emaciated tease, and hi I
amarses, I eat mesh., will it
!preset me. •
Mootgornery,flandhon County, Ohio.
N: who may not be seqattated with me I wider
to the imderwpied.'citiseu of bloolgoolety, Handltoo cot
ty, 0., they win at my time eabstaninte natation entemenan,
Nommen lhanwarru,
. Derv.). Bap,'
.trot,where this nimble hiediciaa ma idylls be=..
Bold to Piusburgb, by WM. JACKIION, corner of
Wont and Liberty es. • • marled/sir
. • Na. 63 DIAMOND Al.
LEY, a few door. below
Wood sar.t, toward. pia
. I laving been friralattyled•
r• ,• . • • • viewed to de ed..' pan
. fern. and been for sane
, • 464 general prude&
• •' • ' • nor '. ...abees lassuctultai
• • I to the enieneent of those
I ensue and detente coca
\ •.! plaints for winch Ins *poor
aLnitir, and experleose
• patellar', viably him.—
Maven part wan... • 41.0 , 40 the Brody and
Mennen, of thaw tempi s Nana' which Om kr
bulked woes paten. and tfs s eared wore pates. than
.0 ever fall to de lot of a I , 6”slagreetaistee. Ole*
ply qualifies item oat, as erasion ee Remy, pema•
nent,end satisfactory art mall alma% gnat dame
diseases, .4 all diseases arise/ anted/cob
Dr. Drown woad Wenn tbese nffileted with pima
diseases whieb bore become eh mnle by nee or arm
teay, by the are of any of the ocesawn nostrum of the
da ant their cp/aims ean be radically and tine
neatly eared, he ham/even kis eissabh attentive no
are IteILLIWOI of succeeded in hundreds
of last.e VOW estiOS pe 'sone ofiallusation of he seek
of the bladder, and kindred dilleanes winched. result
roe thaw cases where attic... esseigned dim so
hopelese dimair. Ile pameduty tartan each as karts
been Wei and ansoccesshilly treated by ethers to ear.
salt kbn, wbea every satisfaction will berme Omani
their ante meted to a weal, tienailla.asa tatelligent
wanner, pointed eat by lontesperienes, nody and le.
realm., which It Is inqicasibie for those
=eel men. of Inedleata /neta any o= ln
MT Hems or Raptsre—Dt. Brows Moo tent
Penions Meted with Iterate to eall, ka. Paid
partied. atientlen ills disease.
in Ramses; she Piles, Psisy, etc- speedily vend
W MT:eats 'of either, NI Using ift a &ran'
by alas*) their disease to whist pen/ all the gym
aces, us obtain medieless .direedons for sea by
addressing T. BLOWN, M.. D. pa pal and ends
" AL L
OW. e fe to. 63 Wood alley, etyma. the natal/natal/
. Er Ns care. NM • &SS
Taw s , , .
pr RE' ? 4 :tilgt Bo4tos, Aag.lo,
Rellar•-1 with Team bead a. by inall t om
ine• af yaw
, Yaw Oils ate daily betas
lag jean, popular OA • carative, Olfly for ',aerator
plalat, bat far Fent mat Ave, sad adeedatu
'actually. Tba attaitad aa frau at Obi tleta, lbrl
to mum anti wall fall, when Ire arpr a to p be l• raw
" Z;, rom" -....Aa " = "v• atber pink eallerabY
144, , parsons sbeald°assail s :a si=
wed amid sold by • it
Bakt SI DT Cf•Pla,OCll WY* sad D ifComb
. • . .
.•_. . • . .
' .
I,A6aseezdai in 4i. World A •
; one r t Ja Qat %Mei r t o wMl ttl..
st plemetase,mail =Mama tepee,
disc . = yettemamenit*, puts*. eMkaneer de • •
• T - p-Lb....ty.. 1 ..Parkety of this SanaNitilla Drat
all other blidicimi W libßitie Eradiates Dirty it Ineipe
des Mtn Body.- It is om ofehireery bed BP/HBO ANDI
' BLIAINCB. /11.1HOICINESeverlitimore, it toe may poids
the'ldiole rystem ad dnomtlites the persom Corea,
Neto,'Pteis asi ßid Blood • spew. pmared by 120 othet
.hiesisefoc. Mad is thie Bathe mend event of itemoodafel
eacces.. It les performed withen Me_ pad. two yeses, more
thett2;oo.l cams of Smut Caw of Peeve • at. bat ;OM
* of thaw way coneidued inmate blocs Min
.I,MM came of
of Glocinie Rhemiseciaa
- HOOD awn Dypepitat .
400 meteor Oared Debility lad Want or Emmy;
Val ems of differed Female Coesplaints; • .
1400 nem attic Shard
Lime Complaint ;
11,Beteres Dismidor the mey and Dram; •
4 . • 30.1iiises of IGieeiloisicioei„ •
Thoomeds mama Dimas* albs Blood, vizi Clem,
Crydpelse, Belt Rheum, Pimple oa the Fere, Mr., me. To
whee with momamos mate of Sick Headache, Velem the
ado sad Chest, Spinal Atrectim* Ste. , .
This, wean aware, mud appear Incredible, bat we ham
Idlers Owe phydrians sto
a t[ scents bow all pert, or the
-United States, sage:Lin' oleatesoedinari mom It. Vin
Ilushielte Be+. woof the mod respectable dentist. in fit W.
aek, N l' e ltiforin us Misr he en rem to mare than MC m . '
wa ta Maple. dom. These an Mowed. of dam in the
City of
York; mbicb twill refer to with pleasure,
end to tom of eleanclet. It is the best...did. Sit
Pre.9lllll olden= known: It undoubtedly sued the lines
of more thser. • . .
6,1:00 Coltman u!.. Siim•• • ' •
• • • •
aad sasber.of tie Ns. Jewry Levristature,has kindly Mg
In Lb. ecrWleols.' , tells ite owo story,
• Ilartwer..lon. ss; *rt.
♦yew dein I ti taken with the lalloensa, end my whole
qges lett is a dehiWaled dab. .1 was induced to; iry
Townsend% ftweparahowedwhor Making two or am Lot-
Unt, 1 we very reoehretiev. eta etribate it Wisely to the
said !tumoral. eamtinend 'Alas it, sad fita
.11arr i ena viea4
-W. 11.13. R.
This terthlcate enoclostrely prover that Aldo earsiparillik
his pallet control over the most 'obstinate disuse of the
blood. Three pertoostruedja one house is unprecedented.
Dr. Townsmen-0.0 St.. I Ison the Pleasure to inform
you OW three of mychildni hors he eyed of the Sao.
felt by tlle eso of your esirelkot mai... They' w."
abets! very severely with led winesi have osly DMA four'
bottles them away, Dr latch I Del myself under
" 611Pik.. • :I = l . l 7,lV,'lttiWocetter
New York, MOD UM.
'Dr. Tawitamd's Amseporille Is a soverago and epaly .
con for Incipient Coettimption, Drimmest, Lenconion, or
Nhftre r obateted or difficult Menstroeffievlocoutionmee
of Urine, or,rivoluntory diethelge Demo; and De the gre .
ml preetrota of tlie tystient—oo snake whether Ms molt
of Inherent comm or tame, ' produced by inegaterity, Mame
er me:Dealt •
Nothing an be are ' thin Rs ismigortiMg
feels on tlie ammo fesmal torts, all weakoree led LW.
ate, from taking It, mooee beams robust and CA of mesa
under Its ieduenen. It itantedietely counteMetv the nave-
Dais of the female Das, whiCh is the great mute of bar.
It will not be irpected of ny m ems of oo Dikes o
tun, to eohibit actilinlei of curet perbinned, but see on
more the Meted, that Dared, of awes have bete reptesd
to us. Sever. torn whim hem beat witho. child
..., after ming a few bottles of this invaluable medicine,
ha km blest wah badtbz °Spring. "
Dr. Tonettrend: • wife beteg greelly distressed by
teems and getteml- 'al mraing roatinuoily
by pan and mention of hainn down,
of the
womb, and with other difficulties, and of Dorn caws
'Mem your medicine Imo effected grad cutio • esid alio !mir
ing recommemled Dr such mums 1 hem deseribed,l obtain
ed• bottle of your Fatal of liumperiils, and followed
the direction. you prs m to a abort pilled it missed
bee emaphdots and metered her Leath. Bang grateful Al
the beeedts the received, I mkt pressure lathes seknovehtdr
lag it„ end nosnomesorang it th e public. • M. D. Novi.,
Albany, Lusa; 1t144. Co. of Grind mid Lydlot sta.
• ' llosastAt, Sept. wosa, -
Dr Touviamd: To shrew this may arm—Thb le
to certify Doe my wife used me Dale of your Vemparille
pectic. to her coolarment, under the mast. alarming aud
delicate eisoloilvh being troubled with the dropsy, met.
Dig of Me bet, Denbo, efficitoos, and vety omit debitit .
ted ; wide my penman,
.rod tat recomemedstioa of Mow
who had med .t, Ms woe ahead to try it, with httle or..
end tesibm It to my,' lb. medium had the happy and
dein/deflect, got coly fee dm Don of eventortnent, but Net
MI *ration of a week of its ma,dmtity and err
pn ay to en mambos degme, and
badth It OM been than it hod been ix a long tone prt.
' If Oar Nano anal strait .to you or lay tor who
thadas Ow wear of the warrior, Joe aro vainly *drone,
I nabseedve essolf your mot obedient and obliged screed.
S lbJencent.
. . .
This Minot of Sarsaparilla Ms been espreadi prepared
rebranot to female annpinints. t Mash, aim hm
mato=ppomuMisappwcbmgtat critiral prim,d
tam cf tit Mould neglect to bike So.. it is a Certain
preeentin forany u[ IM numerous and bond& Moan to
which •fissales am =kind at this time of liG This [anon'
my be Magid trousers] ems by thistrodicias. Nor
is d nimbi* to time who are appambing matt almid,
:a it is calculated to •abirt More by guickessitg th e blood
and invigorating the spays. • indeed, datu/Mt
labia gar all of the MI We duress to Midi Imam are
It Mum tivi elude sgstmysesirm. paramently The natio
cancrgien--iry roaming Ms Impurities of lbe body—mot
Err stmulatsog the system m produce • onimpsant re-
Imatics, ta n {
is lia ma almost =editions lakes for [chute
Too who bare rine sowidesi dad eyes, bit:lows se De
See, rank Ain, or Gra lea, and sss,
are 0 oat ofspirits ;"
bolds or two aDr Towsored's Sonstarilfa. It will
clown you: Mad, nonora tits freckles vd bktebes, and
ten annatioo. sparking epts, 6n apieit4 sed bosatifal
roto all of whin: an of inuarnos Woe to somas—
risd -
No fluid or mediate bai eon tree Bseorseed which to
early restablits the patio juke or alias Is deoasporisig
Ltd sadiessgthetthv tbot orvois of diratiou, at this rem
IV*, of Bastalwrills.•
Bast Derstrntorr. Moor, May 1 i 1,1643.
Dr Durwood.% Sir-1 hare bees atifteeed smral
lon with dyspeptis Ls - its worst forms, attended with Kozel
our of etiostath,, low of appetite. hettation .ad a
gnat . t e rsk a to all Idiots of ibed,tod in weeks ( what I
amid .at,) 1 Mee boot bitable to Wahl but • naafi portion
stoma. 1 trial the usual mosaic's, hot they bad
be kills or to effect Li moor* dm eolopialot. I was id
doted, about two eatia sinew. to by your terse of Bartok
pals, and I must srpurith Bak confolooot e but ofteuuslug
=so bates. &towed my amities hobnail, and the
windy reatund; an d 1 - would vartuntly recce.
weed the ow of it to those who ban hest aßlicted u• I hate
bro. Yognqiic., W..V7. Vsst Zayre.
Nor dli; IBM • State. ItlasuL •
• A1...1105V BEIRA CLE
weeny, doiebt"r
Hood you no, ___t roonnexe.
doe nowt to med. 'Deis lonely mead+. relent b manat
ees. duel Tornnool's Sanaparidt has cured:
Dr 7kno•untsf—Dear Su. I mu Lean; • btlk au a
year ado. win • wean m.h esd p.h fo 107 aid.. It in
nand o• . turn prodensoced by Oroa h n.
Anna 10.60.0 the von onmensptkar I rained lair inn,
Ulla of lad Enter, Idel slight .weld,ad nekkg my fade
mr dezior aid be weld do oothing.for on. I wan as the
boThal ha hope of being bandlted, batman prooornerd then
seereneble. 1 aro bow snotty dietrand a the loop and
mold hardly breathe IL nee benne eseniatrel, sod earned
to Do; km natant to toy bed, mai was obliged to ban
unarm indoor I cesnutgn yen an
y desceipten tbal
dojesdoe to ny <nu. l o n sun dby ory triton
to be put recovery bad bud • gnat Number of nuosoirri
and ad wand lobe to no patron. I nal of nine mod eau
t=elv h eerf . perfen t r 4 1 a. % your eanli i e n t , : g ott;e h tl :
ilest I Ind hawed to bye,. so, and an• very thankful
did. 1 moot KO that lam entirety walk bed nano far
bb obmlrn7 bodorn, and bor lo ler
17well is • lbw ue•lu. 147roughood pun is tb• 44,
end night •Inate lean 101 l en, min hut vary littk, auel
ht. 6. l lfaillhlg A..sth... Alt it • eloty to yin
you • sestannt of enme,to pentode if you pkaeuy
Dimon 47 Little st &adapt.
Opinion* of Phistelass. --
Dr Taireuhr.4 almoddeily marring orders .from Thy
Mims Co &fermi pads of the Unto
'Phi. is Weedily that we, tte undersigned, Pipit-jaw of
'GR, or Altany, ham in maaerous am prescribed Dr.
'Thwomnre BenapirithOuid Mime it MIA one a Minicet
NMI. prewar of the Sanaparghr P
Pain the matt.
. oi -•
J Mums o,
11 B BMWS,■ o,
Allmy, April I, r E Um-mom, it v.
This is to certifj thatere, the linden/sued, procUcing
Thomeasim Phymerane of We Qty of Annoy hare frequent
ly peer-rand Dr TomemPi Compound Maine of Pam
111%trlic for ,scs Gov it. boon lfulorrs,inel :L um
ia prefirmsce to soy of the admited i re raiedies
A W Hrency.,.:
Athol draillt,lSN. Wa B Bra g,
1 1 r.
Folio See Buildiag, 11 Y; Ba
t,* 4.4 Buts et Boston Dr Dpdt &as. 121 North Bra
pbgedelphia; droomist, Baltimore; and by
the Doted Stab.,
to band th. tmau
Nom genoineondese pat up in dm Wry, mare bottler,
T OW Nhan quart sad siped with the 'realm sigaMere
ofB6ND,tad blotalor 'blown ea the GM.
Thorn the NeerThet Daily Brom of dpril 9,1/47.
Frtty Dam appeved bole Wertz yesterday. It era
the Meer Wag cskor Esp.rn of Dr Comma
The wick dung la got op in goal WM: some of the mon
omial landsrape pi outmode besublelortachorrgerher with
Micron wart, Wield, Sty . Ihe im, made • show
randy equelkd in Broadsrey. We lake this opal/unity to
ay ore believe this extract or the DerimrilLe deserves We
grestpopubuily it Me muted,
Nergrema Debility.
• Dr, Ttanneed:—lhare Mee alined man or In. ter 3
pan, with • annifalsishiar is the nen, (Winne la the
head. Ran of appetite, Isia is the Wady lady ntellty,
basin as eon/Denby A. eattinal Lan int .ld which
an Wiest be be an banana ae a dyer. I hare tikes ether
aids% he amerces Is matins, Mt win Unlearning
.... I nee Worn by snail awls tin mar to try. MS/.
ef year linnpariPse fries which limn rest NIUE Data
erase bins menhir. b 01t.., •11111 I nal Wholl
it it do Mn eardirne t Inv net tens—the pies m ay
doe Is gem, mi I hal quit. a didayeal ma shar*, atom
I llama= yearileneeartlia. I hoe helm War
than earl hat tole ante has taken heal. Gm or
eW molls l wadi rammed It ai a holly Whir
rrW I hal cearhead dad ealieellhoe shad eat
a tin Miser then born - dy sad as =Ay
Dodoes Mutt for lAD. kronen II ani give@ It
nentarl mid benne nor male iambi keeps the bind
is • nail Mate," that ethers L. mateelfbely i 0 that* tla
gen.. Asd LIU.. las urt act la leak stair,lny
Sy Dr Tearaanal'a laaropartlla. •
Tsiaaa • Lints, Alka et.
DrkneYes moot rtford. Dr Tomneser
=lAu mod 114 h., thoestads or children
ag erti6ate
,U alerted from a gnat amber
New Tou, Apta %PH , .
Dr Tarred: Dear dr—Po• ~ otadors mu wen
orithOrs Coaorr almasad Ib,u4 sundeel
peat 4.141ty. Item *Su ifylav I obblind ammo( roar
osectiort medicier, ood fond it d i
ne/! fur ',bleb t
rot Yews ~or-dolly,
For ado y R t BELLERIITh r
vala, tun Wodd .t,
!.two 3,1 sed 4th .t., lido Imo boo appals's.' by Dr
TOWNE:CND oak Ailut for //lo b e/ a , . .014.17 r
No 0a.., X. Pays
Dr. Adam' Pan Ambnpossion N Pea.
Tare diseasei more common or tug
.ll. Hume than the Pilau end yet. neurithiund
laat tent efforts hue bean ;tide to ewe by the me
orgUla, eiectaarier, lielmests. all were ladle
sad of little heaths. Now the gmbroodden b the
ody modiciu aced: A perms abet bu brae safety
tag with the Pilo of the mont'ltied mare from Se.
lee, New J mei , almost on rope. to cures hie
gadded. Scathe erred, mire that this medicine had
effected to his ade.--1111a. bet. Port.
iiirirce We in Pitlebthvb at the ?MEN TEA
STORE,72 Foorth sod eleo et the Dreg Store
H P. Schwartz, Federal id.Alloghory cra,
PUNT • ' • •
• Nis bY ;811U.015
,-*THIAJW 1110.1 13,111:LXIIH V.ACTOSITs
pre ILlGHKOAD;abomilletteramedriamet, PkU
adelphia. this stiblishmenliiiity Mimed
Mat grated At
eirartroffl e asur bouatiful ratteces
for JRONIRAILIfiCiS'In this- Vatted SWAN; Ito
-which the attention el those in wanton's, deecdp
non and especially for Cantteriee s is particOhuir
T he princired pout e
. .. i d d e hedee. RuTiep
lit Laval- Hill, btonumentiand••Mime - delebtatad
Cemeteries in. the city ad cointY of Philadelphia;
which hare beeuso highly extolled by the public
presspress were executed at this. manufactory. -
Wat'es.' Room is connected with the estsb
g,,euentorrhore is. kept Coastalitlytinliind - a * Luge .
euselt of ready-made Iron tinnier, Ominiental Iron .
Settees,lrea Chaim, new style plain andernames
tal Iron Gala, with an extensive amottment of bon
POOl, Pedestaleilrea Arlacce, die:: Alm, in great
valiety,Hroaght and Cam Iron Onsainetimj suitable
for Railings,. and other pelmets— ,
'rho subecriber wood also state that in his Pat
tern ned.Designing Department he has employed
some of the brit talent in the country, whose whole
attention is °cleated tattle btisilleis—fOraling alto.
gether ono Of the mom complete and leystematit.cs.
mblishmen: of the kind in the Unice, .
Ridge Road, above Buttonwood stroeL
rindelphin, Morels It IBl9.d6mar
. PALL /11111.LINE111.1t GOODS.,
• • /1111N , STONS & SONS,' •
waieters Wa Denim in Saki.qh,ltent and , lefiiiinery
45 Snub Seendhi-en, Philadelphia, -
AU:Or =II%
ci Fi c a D T B l7t 41re proport co of
ethic!, so. ol.theirowo lisportnkin, rin
nowt Rid, Spred sod plun. •
• Bonaeteintint of ill colon nad ••
liner Ikanet.ind Cap a rery handsome %wet
land. • ,
Bilk Mahe% •
Bilk Velrete, blink and colred al ill qualitin.
French nen otenezien Artificial Flower. •
Fhwy Law, Cop Star., ien-T-r,hainhp.. •
Bonnet Crowns Tp, Bucikram, Willem, hn.
They will also ware by theinet French fitneinee, (erpen.
led ditly),• my beintinn worteneed of V.. 7 Iranian,
dint% lima the Inanatectunin to Faris.
rhanlel his,♦ , • 188-twin • •
• • J.,JUEL,
•-• No. - 15G North
..Third Street,
• •
HAS on hand, and manufacture. to nidei, AnX,elal
Flowers, Feathers, Tailaton, and Taro Cam, La.
.d,eo.llreu cane, Borders, I..bliareta, tee. •
Andevery desceiptionof Fancy Gooda,irlda he will
aelt at the lowest market prices.
N dyed, cleaned, altered, and 'chided.
. . . .
RIDGITAY & K . 138 1111 E,.
37 North Whams. below Rau-stover, PHILADELPHIA,
rIFFEII for Weal the lowest prtees, all the articles
V. of the Oil Trade. 'Chair Meet is varied end esteur
sive, end they feel eaafideat of eisihtt misread.a to.
those who call; They have now on hand—
Fate Spentt Oil. :
, White Winter and Fall Oils, of different qualities. -
, Polar Oil.
Wiater.prewed Lard Oil. . .
Wooer Llephant and White Oils. - '
Refined, Reeked and Common Whale Oil.
Tanners' Oilr, Seem Oundleq Gam, to. ke.
N. B. rill auoas delivered la ftrst rata order. alGeLtst
So. 1;11 Non% Suand
Mn NU tAcru BEE and lALVOKTER of Shot Gant,
Mats nod Pistols, Powder Plash. Pam Bap, Su
perior Powder, Persuasion Caps, Plot Wads, Ball and
Blank Carsoldes,
Also !Sarre' Resoling Pinola and material f•
Gun Maker's sm. • .
,e a ethwe wade m *rev, and repairs away exceated.
6..rAny Owl which I sell will be brand, if cleaned,
In the presence of theparebaser. ale
-T ms Illortmer all
paimmes many advantage' over a
11 mhers—runong whlehmay be mentioned.
It..lmmarathlemo—Thempidiaty and forced' blow
may be controlled with the neatest ease, while the
hammer is in operation, and the hammer may be La
canny arrested mid suspended at say height.
Its-Universality, or capacity to execute work or WI
Minds, from Mc:argon lo the smallech strider the cam
COtallikellatlrf tad Cheapness.
its Aceemobany upon all a tdes, by the workmen.
All the hurnaere alp made &If-Acting.
The subscribers continue to execute 'tidal, for there
hammers, of all sixes, open erututable terms.
For finther farbeularamigg , TowNE,
Awagnees of the Patent for the United Vtatea,
deete..l . 7 . ecarthwark Foandry,TtilladVae
Manufacture. of
. .
or ALL otocatrnons -
No. 354 South Wont Street,
Bad; of 7 Rilson's Cabinet 'Ware Manuf y
A Movie. left with 8. &Moon, at lb° alike of tha
AlerehanCs Hotel, l'itObtsghh will ha ptaaaP ll 9
attended to. THUS . G. DERRY
aeplo4lv • A. C. NICKERSON
VIA( 014 LL:f :41
HARNESS .1146Y.8,55.1
• PddixotrdpAid, late of the tiro of Okia
90jEggiVj w arm rwitwetfully Worsen Lis s
awl the Milo., Maths has and will keep
coastaad7 co Land and far sale, a handsome 1110.4Wili of
adtiottable Carnage, Valdes of all style. sad description:
ore a to order at the shortest poisiblcuotiee, awl
the aced best wwwwer, of selected material. kiiely_
A SALtiidANWANWD—In abate.le k
t booty io PbdadolPbbb one wbo can in ' lSeenee • largo
'amount of Wreszem trade, and sell from LAM to *WI
WO a year. oral hear of a •Ituadon by addretaing box
No NG, P . hdadelphia You Office, with name and racer_
once. alOiw
.11101MCV /011 PATSMT R.
. • Wailtingion, D. C. .
ZENAII C. ROBBINS. Mechanical Eincimiew and
Arent for procarina Patron, will prepare the cle
mency Drawees and Paper for Appbcants an Pat
ents, and Louisan all other bowmen to the lute of las
proksmon at the Patent °Sloe. Ile can be mandied
on all relating to the Patent Lams mad dee/-
want in the Called State. or Kamm. Pe one at a
distance &siesta pf having liaSIS01•1110416 made at the
Patten Me.. prieD to making application for a patent,
way forward Ipost past enclosing a fee of bee d 011...
• a clear statement bf their ewer when inanatt.
no, will be mean to It. so d na
el the Inforetatroo that
could beobtained he a Tisil of the applicant in person
pmeaptly emostanicated.
All more. on haleness area Do past paid. and contain
o imitable fee. water • arnica er:1310,1 to renamed.
Office on P. street oppeeite ihr Palest °Ace.
lie hao the boom of refernoa.brpenaiwies, to •
lion. Edmond Duke, Comonsoroner of Patent.;
lion. 111. Ellnorona. late do de do;
II Knowles, Nuttiest, Patent Office;
• J edge Craimh, Waste:loos. I) C.
R Ckmr, Manactometts, U S Senate;
lion. W Niles, Ohio. do;
Ilea./ B Cowen, hl C, 33iwatori;
non. with@ INK/. Now Vert;
Hon. Robert Smith. 14 C, Wino..,
lion. DI Drew, U S Senate;
Ito./ II Belie, DI C. tdiamonl;
(Nat. H.SI Same. Woman;
Emma. Brooks. Ext., Pittsbargh. mylS
Theme —OM% 00 the Mt approved P.M.RI plat.
and mow !ark/unable Duren palleme and velem Alm
er made
.deb order of all man. and at all piece.
Crainul alma/mato and ethers aro invited ta call aad
examine dm above far ilararelvea. as all mill be mild
orbabirmle at romrl, and a liberal
made to
whodasalaparahadera. •
lathes, mutt, res am/mowed.
When yea know that yea are promised
A Itataral,lll.llke, snowy white. •
• That yea wdl sell ass emulate chalk,
And took a deathly yellow fright,
the t►etor of laughter and of talk.
' If yea would use a Wm of JUNE'S Ldtywklte, it
vroal6give year skra an alabaster yet natural White,
Lad at the same Ilene clear and implore a. Sold al
JACKRINti. t 1 Liberty at. Prue 12 mita pet MI.
Dr. J. PettiVe.finivertal tanker Remedy.
A FV.nt kettles of Ikea J. retitle .t:ankerrroodp.".
LI. so long linens and /boron/AY tried, has bee/than
• obtained cod Is 9.r sale by WaaJACKSONI.E9 Linen,
Feel. 'lt le the awe. inn, and certain remodr is IP
eases out of 7a, far all ordiatry - or extesonlinary, and
moat Issrarsted clues Or rerun or ehrtrrlie Inifsiry(
SAN, Mooch, calomel sore wesdh. nrrlieJ lentil a cry.
espelar, canker rash. Incipient bronchitis end guider,
putrid sore donut. black tonne, cod NU ea.. Ohrolls•
man Canter, in the Innullr. IA MAI, sod slorsioni. when
applied rittordnriScs wah the directions aresunpny
ng emelt bottle. Ttio article reeelved is km to be
i rnairso Price CO els per bottle. hrttsm ...
FOR all kiwis of eruption. and disinters of the Skin
rock Os l'impteliflnleo Salt RheumPease). teat
Prow. cliepred or c r acke d d Skil/sand for m other
thi sdiscu
see of the Skin, which regains external remedies, s
Beep elands onpa•alled. Stale dispels Froelties, Sows
barb, Morphevr, Tan, and ehnnbes the color of dark,
yellow, or &skated el., to a boo. healthy. palatal.
cleanses. A fresh supply, warranted xensine, and kr
este al the redoes/donee of 37. per cake. hes just been
received. lantern/ for sale lip II A FAIINMYOCIC th
Os • corner tat nul wood and also at the corner of sixth
cod weed au: lens
ale,' it t Z TODD, Nweefielertre Agate, Wood I
at, op Weimar* done below Sal, alien the al4utio9 or
pweekwan of Galleon. rioniiikteg Gouge to our Stook of
WWI lad tabiewebie giet•ls ilwasficlartst Wept . .. 4 I 09r
.9019 erataatel Wen 10060 aid give paella ewasragthail
Maws mottle ail the &Welk. Wywrolownead ea
.tree I on ewe animate No l TeeyßAlr.,jvd Naiad; I
Oa ewe odium goelity,do; with lea whit. eat striped or
every daeriptiew wol quality, with pares to suit paehosevW
uter awe( thou Nati Swivel Joint Baca Om lbw
tie elospewlen just aproot with wipe. Dora eel priers. We
wale soWeit are tails of pertbasen who en in lite habit of
plow owe amain for g e ode, to all ad climate oar
week, se wean eatildeell wothia, fa Y prim we eels.
anted, ap lailealleskip look roars, leit Wows ue maw
trAiltlBl4/11.111W6 . 411BrinolY Comp. FlaW kxt
eamaparilts: •
• . Morellis olio. Plaid En&itmpaTina;
clantamm!s d . o • 4m
TowareodS/ do do;
Coovootly on hood ood for sole by LI A FAIIII/Vlj
TOCKA Co, corner of fast ood wood .0 wood
olnb 1 .
Illitbandl Celcbraltd fluid Magnesia.
nus it a sell4.aft ant elogul aall-orod and ann.; be
lag mint aolutkat elenaleany pan annuls of
Magenta; pawnor ail the antra qualm. ot tha Ilant pro.
pontoonor kleceade alilhoot bang L. to tars moor.
ban ia i6a taarala,or la an WartoW tin mots of At
gnarl On WA. spoohl elan i7dd ifognala noir
goat laßevellibelyalfelsopesehl of 114 u...
Foe eikelilY"A romuroog. k, CO ,earacr nil
Malmo& 1111elemBilkells. • • ell
- r 7 idossevidiriar --
VIER received Rlkeel seep/ of vulcanized ladle
J Rubber os Oms Mole nom of ell elres. Jon Am
satiate br tke Tiro Ceopeole .43am/oboe% or Oa O.ot
pongee& neyeueleencovell to be opeal to leather,
rod id Ott, better Illtykry respect, or Om fade ream.
ca. .12 It PIIIII.IPB swoodn
trrl/ENJk lara7kltS OT twelve erase.
bleporteCilee Reported priarlopi orw esreo sr
/moo Beam Oman Boat &ad Doi. Coos brands ler
onaloolgia Oa re ail, gtllolll.o 132, </UMW* Mal, u the
Wm* arra of JACOB WEAVER
AV, 0;.7.
- TRUILIIIN,IiiOfitors. •
! nto.ittaubliemikizi g übeuii
xeseattuimoof commdiaos la theeltroalattimmei
Momently andergente very extensive utteranemend
iseroveineank: An entire neve vringhas been adde
.eotdairdny= g tddvddd eleePtatltpenntddßs R
..Therjanreepartatenthis also been'esimpletely re:
Organized LAM:led up in , a moat nainoe and boantifel
tnyle. - feet the whole errangentent of the Holm has
been remodeled: with a single eye On the pun of the
toprietoravonarde the unfelt end pleanue of their.
Gnaw, anti 'which they confidently !wen vein chat.;
I Vter " r ar ' :dl =EX ° ar;pt nth.
tagaryerb &entente% affords.
in e,grdee style, while.
,thoway of Wines, .te.,
We i , l,i,,,, o ch t ete mt n the mntin, beg to say that nothing
be left name on WI: part, andiem thtoaer Ikea
. asstatasus, to render this Hotel worthy he continued.
patronage of their fro nds the public genentlly.
Tbeinees for baud .itsee aloe_ beers
reduced to the
olb Log& Ordinary, 75 parlay:
Cientlenten. 50
N. IL—The Itaggap Waggon of the House mill al
ways be &end at the Car and .15teamboat Landings,
ofwilt eonvey tangent 10.4 a ftont the Hotel, free
of eltanta
DISAILL, STRESIT 110IIIIX,..Clatelenatrt
I - OHIO—The salwerlbers hiving nerchwed the en
tire Interest of Col.o r Willmmeon late of nos well
known establishment. beg leave to nem to their friends
and the :pablie generallYrthet they boy. taken elite
commodious Hotel Of it torn of yoan and will exert
their bestenergles io :oaken a desirable home for Tray.
ellen and City Bowden.
The Hotel ts spumous ad admitibly planned for toil-
WM.., light and or, having a number of parlors
ajobair chambers, presenting a:mon& =sew. to
fiT ..The presentyroprielont haring hid the expenence et
yews in thin etty ad elsewhere,gape they will be eble
to ere general satisfaction, bong determined 'IA giro _
ivided attention to the loose No
Thelocatlcalof the Yawl Street House an d eaml
eligible, haring front. an Pea rI,.W Woo a Third Ws,
Ito that it is equally dostrable in view of the ealrent .
Oleo of Widnes. motor retirement for private boarders.
It Is near by the Dunks, -the Poet °See, the Me.lO,llC
11111,0dd Fellows Hall, and butane square distant from
Main street and two sosares from the City NVlthrfolnie
offering the greaten eoaniq
merchants and generally to ell persons visi tors
• JOHN 11011 LB
mebT7 • ' 101 IN A DUMB.
• Weddell Home, Cleveland, O.
SPLENDID HOTEL ma opened en the
Skim( Sane, for the reception of company.
ii The edifice trams one hundred and twenty bye
Boperior-st:, and one hundred and ninety-five ft
BankAn; end conmies twp hundred large airy
chembers and forty private parlors. all of which have
been famished with the most eoodi damn.. 'TIM
drawing moms are spaciOus and surpass in elegance,
anything of the kind rardie United Eames. The dining
mom, gentlemen's parlors, rending rooass,a/Len, end
dressing roomsare all large, airy, and furnished with
. every. Injury and condom that money can recant,.
It 111 Over two years since the cotter MOW of this
mumikeat atmetere was laid by Messrs. P.M. Wed
dell &floe. No expense him been spared ti
theyem to
make hernial if not superior to nay hotel in Union,
and an ornament to the city
CATII2,OIIWiIi te in waiting at at all tIInGS, to convey
passenger. to and how the boats free of charge. •
Cleveland. July Intarn A 8 UARNUId
THIS new and aplendidestabluhment,erecteddnring
the' mist season, is now open for the receptio4pl
transient and permanent boarders. ' -
The demand for increased and superior aecommodst•
liana for the travelling public, svgaested to the proprie
tor the phut of cremate a hotel, which, (or splendor and
convemence,thoold be unrivalled in the Union. And,
while-he, has spared neither pains nor expense in the
attainmet of this desirable object, he leaves the public
to deckle how far be has succeeded.
• This Heath contains 100 apartmems, conveniently
arranged in suites and singlemuma Theron:lune was
all made to order, with particular attention to utility sad
conveMence, as well as style and spleens. All the
modern ilnenninnlii bye been made sabsertrient to the
travellet's ease and aerator; and an experience or 30
yearn has ambled the proprietor to inillOninen many
improvement. which, as yet, are peculiar to this /louse.
Located on the pluicipal nninnt, *ohm three Milanies
walk of the great Smiltem tthd Western railroad de.
pots, and the business ...viewer the mty, this establish
ment commends itself to the Patronage of the business
and pleastiretrarel. . L ADAMS
Bono,. Jane,lBl7. Jelneod3m
COLONS N0i166.•
Charles Street, between market and Lombard
T.. subscriber having taken the above estel,
belortent, offers Lu ecrviees to the citizens Mal
aaiipublc nenerally. It is conveniently shunted as
regards the Steamboats and Railroad Depot—is in the
nudst of the o p ennsive Importing Howe—and in
fact, the location to thew vniong he city, as ma
lty conveniences and comforts an the other prinmpal
The house is nowbeing hued op with new fansiturc,
in good taste and ntyle, and will be open to the public
on the %I day of April, tbl7. The propneter trams that
Lin untstnitung caw to pleas*, will won. , to him a
Kelton of the public patronage, tandem an well us
trullient W DIX,
Ll:e of the firm of .Din Fogg
"I, ISt el tbddm
152 enamor men: POILAIiII.IIII/i.
h avebscribers. under the Om or Ream. esiWast,
1 purchased Mr.Jones' interest in MIA esablish ,
went, and lame by the strictest attention to the wants
and comfoits of their guesta, to merit a continuance of
the liberal pemenage berelefwe received by its former
P We ' l ' ainiii has been thoroughly renovitted,lnd iepair
cd; we therekire feel assured we Can welcome our
friends and the public to accommodations inciter to any
In the city of Piladelphia. N W DEES,
• • • • • -
Demur Nabs and Sixth ate, Olnelniaatrs
PHIS establishment Is now In the beat ender for the
1 reception of the Traveling Public. Ilarlng under
gone a thorough repair,durieg the past winter, and
baring the mnevlexperieneed men In the west, in-the
rations deputy:wets- 1 getter myself Mat ell will be .
pleased who call. The leentteniseentral,ennussodions
and pleasant. Pam St per day.
Cinenutati,glareh.l3,lB47. W E MARE
N. IL—Althnagh ma eattetly a new Broom, it is the
same—n new Whist on the old handle. aped
ff , f' l lWVPA'i- I
Lonlantlle 87.
AT.L.nt?, t°,lll.N re.o4
HOU 9E, ietiniaville, ity.,where he !repeat° meet all
hia old friends, assaring theta end the public, Mat o r
effort shall ho glared w make all comfortable arho favo
[hoe wish their patronage. P 41311413,
BaIIGSL Warowerow, Proprietor.
DA bo'owear , Drina= W.A. Phyticiato
deliOtful Wigan= is situated about half a ea&
west of roc beautiful village of Siortbatoptoe, et en de=
tion of about AM Pet Owe the Cumiectieut River which it
overleap.. The pooch earroundeog tly Easkirometit.
coupe= about fang acros s which ere entirely appropriated
to the pie end &roan of the Patient, Amidst Oa beautiful
groves rod se ferottrecsare numerous fustpathi s com.
=Ply aod efordiag healthful.. picesaut walk. for
oculy four mil= • •
The roped= rod rommodious bei/dinp of the establish.
=a are lace= epee the =Probe., of the hill, and or=
Souk owe of the MA erschealiog tenderspes in the
lourodroely in trout, Is She =Lir of Neetromptoe, w' mite
comer.. atelliesadseuedwellropemblit the &line
of lofty imd wrestuameg elms. erober ms to the east ere
Pm el= mrodowlof Northemptosied drepul in the
verdure of SprieM or the veUuz 7 ted ' ef
Sums= wad A utetul. Midway, foe 2a mirth rod moth,
I. sum the =oath end gluey mime o Connecticut,
Jowly Isitridecits way to room.. thi the Borth, m imme
diate peus=t ts me vilbige+flotroki with its rich cad
beeetifth far= as the ea t flustriahing of HM I .
my, end alt of Amherst with ts Cotlqyers while at the dis
tal., with the eid of • whai. sive an =cos= mid
greatly diversified nage of cosietro. On th e mothwait,
=lot 2k mike dimes= is Roust kleirke, in. its area of
Prokitime greens' ead•lhW bald. is were 'Pe *mot
village of Smith trolley; on the south, we behold et about
miles dbtence, theerometic Mount Tom, red the charming
silk.. of Zeit Hampton, with it. =gut wheel edificcw—
the whole, pummeling mosbirotiou of natural =pry us
, summed; perhaps uncqualied, by any oilier in lb. world.
It woe marked by • reitemo, who , ha sprat rose thirty
years of his life Its venoms parts of Europe, *het he never
beheld • sane se =Ards , broutihil mid corometiag.
Theaceasomodatiou et Hound Hill aro very airy and spa
cious, and in amply entSeictit epwerds of me =wired
!al 1.4k.U. •
111. rovaded with ea elmadumenf the parrot rorieg
.to cod every other regulate fee thetull and perfect
eke of U. repair =I wonderfully successful medium of
=to-ring lost or impaired health:
. Dr. Deroiwoo whu reside. ia the estrotsbescol, is a grotto-.
mum er eagrigell ea.pentees t wee eduealea in Europe, wile.
eeflyed the aduust. of were yew promiae wi the
celebrated Imapiteh of 6dmtburg cad Dobbs,roll bat been
uful Preetioncr is this =roily for limn! Jean-
Pmtsway thenforerepsee rot= coofolcoce to hs Mill and
• . • • •
;Is Je paella,' a 6 wale kw attendance. Amon thaw ea.
pl art wee& well instrictedGerawl pane.
awe of Bawling, melding medical advice ela. Pa
tient. will be sayplied with every article for packitt{4.
• the meteor the article.
.1. DENT opened no the lath of Augurs, under the
.01, el • C filetELZ, .attendifig Physician, and Mr.
ORIFkITHS, manager of the boarding Department; has
been erected<sprees!) for the parlous., and is welt
ealeulated ter aceommodate twenty Ave patients. Its'
situation is healthy and the surrounding country is pic
turesque; the Immediate neighborhood abounds lit pare
soil water springs, from four of which the baths ate at
present supplied. Every facility for the restoration of
health to the invalid is hero offered—Pure air. water of
the finest quality, and a alienated. root situation
The Doctor resides be the establishment. Common.
datum on the sperm is unneeessury, as is also an raw
mention of the diwasts curable by water, as it has he.
corneae generally knowthandfavorably received by the
cesumnuity at large.
Each patient is required to ferules air the' sweating,
and ether prevents., the following ankle.; two large
think woolen blankewohree cernfortubles or a feather coarse Mama sheet, and a tiara ahem that eon
be cut into bandage; also six mane towels.
Very feeble patients ate moored to briingan attend
ant withthem, for whom board ran be obtained lit the
maims—Each Patient to pay tin dollars per week for
mai ' col advice, use of the baths, and intentionco during
the prem.'s, board and lodging.
Payment to be made weekly.
Board for any sosistrot brought by Patients two dol.
lars per week. otidi
TE best aniele known for cleaning and whitening
the Teeth, trengthening the gem, etreetening the
breath, ke. It 'Mould be used every night with a mid
brush, and the teeth and mouth will only retie ire a sligh
washing in the morning. Wet the brash mitt wane
water. or cold will ensurer end rob it • few notes on
the paste, when enough will. adhere for crowns the
teeth. It leaves. delimits taste in the mouth, ono tut
pans a most delightful fragrance te the breath. Intends
unrivalled as a plenum, as...enlace, and
safe dentrifica It is warranted not to mien/ the teeth,
bane preserve them.
By sting it regularly,.. It will 111110Tft the falter end
Present. tw eeelneehtlion — prevent die toothache
strengthen the (11 . Z1114 and prevent all disease s of mem'
Chenusu,phymetans, and th:flergy recommend. a
decidedly superior to ey es. mg w
of the kind in e.—
Ask for Sherman% Compels Orria Tooth Paste, and
olwerve his avatars is same alto each pot. •
Reeonneended . by Dr. Castle, atf I Broadway, one of
oar best Medina, and by =Oat of the old . established
ones in the United thaws, sad even - atenidvely used
by the Nobility of Ihmland and Pm,. • • • •
A large proportion of the disease, t hatolDiot mankind
arise from some deriusgement otitis ammsehorbowels,
which . a timely- sin of Ma Oaths ea Lozenges would
entirely Otniain.'T Paramus of _bikes habits should e
ways ha a boX at' hand, and take a dose whenem
they feel the leuVdirangernent in their health. tOndi.
clone was of dasseeLbsermea !mild prevent thoasands
FortulerOVlC JACKFDNII,earosr If Woad and
_ . .
• 'Gent. Charles Hon*, ml=Ceti
lar trips Ude an lekung rine
haegtint Si o'clock. aoc,and Benveraill e'eloek, r.
eenneeting with Plasbengh and Cleve/and Llsie of Qd
nal Beam dtdly Clevelalat 04 Generri WaVir..l and
Qeveland Line of. Canal rackets end Nage Cavan
dale" toTirentnand Glevelantn Csinal - Paehettmv to
New Castle and :Greenville, Pn.3Erie IL]neruten Line
to Meadville and Erie, NelL Moon,* Go% Lines of
Bike Coanhen few Cleveland and Weemer, leave Ilea
str.,lntly on the ittiral of stendtbanteaver lineh 1-10$11'
•-• •• h .. Applym
• K GARTON it:Cp.; rthab
apiC • CLARKE& 03; Dr .
aligatit-' 1847 -tEgt
..oil TUG tKG BISYLTA If 14 .APlrt .01/10 'CA raLs,
R.N PARER .Ik. Co;Ckveland, G. 1.
R 0 PARRS. Pcopsienirs..:.
.W T NATTER, Pinaborgh,Pa. .• . •
MIRE above Line ta now fails:prepared to trans Port
PScigla and Pasionpis Run Pittsburgh and Cleve
landOciany point on the Palasylvanla & Ohio and Oho
Tbo thailltieitaf said . Line'mo'nta equalied by ant On
said evade, in numbers and napaeny of Boats, cope-
'knee of Captains. and protoptans of Agents,
One Boat leases Pittsburgh and Clevoland daily. rint.•
ulna in connection with the Steamers. • . • .
Michigan and Lake' Roe, between - Pitubargh and
nearer,. and • Line of first chin Steamboats, Propc-i
Bogs and Petteeiters,' sea Lakes Erie; Butim,bli
coPartS donotoied to any:Part of , the Union . with
despatch. , E N :PARKS ft Vavaltntd, Agin
REED, PARRS*, Waver, Acts
W T /MATHER, Pittsburgh, Agt
Con Water and Smithfield meow
iak 1847. glti2ia
AlitKounineßi.Atirn TO BAL-'
.Ttme mllplum= .. • . ..... •!•••Itt
; Time le Phtladelphta
• • (Only 73 !Ailey Staging.] •
!TIRE vplendid &oiliest rannimeweatorresel,Ls*.
la McLane and Swatara, have commeneed•atakumg
doable daily trips. One bWit willleave the Pao/mega, '
bola when , every naming prectsely 'at 8 o'clock.—
paweagera by the morning line will 1181iVe It liihinsore
nextoventeg la dam for the Philadelphia Mail Boat, Or
Rail Read • can. The eveaume Rom will leave the
wharf doily at 6 o'clock, except Sunday.. Passengers
by tole boat will lodge on board, to eomfiorteble state
mats; INLTE Mooresville next morning at 6 o'clock;
cross metal:awls'. today llght; sap sad lotto in Cam
beilaod. Thus avoiding matt travel altogether. • The
•prepamtkma onthis Mote areample.andthe coaatetion,
complete; so that disappointments or delays will be en-'
known upon it.
• Passengers min stop on the route and moms their
vents emus at pleasure, and.have choice of Rail Rottil'
or Steamboat between Baltimore arid Philadelphia.'
Coaches chartared to parties to travel aS they &etre.,
Steele foal Wok ken at the othce ‘ ildolumplltejraleme.
or St Charles Ilotel. MESSMER
iookiT T"R.2"II„ININ.T,'inp
ver daily, at3o'el.k r after too arrival of tko •
morn lug Boa' from Pittsburgh, and antra at ;Darren in .
time rut the Mail Line at !huge. whicklearo
ately thereafter. and msiSe at Cleveland at 3o`okmk,r;
• ThisSoato is the moat ea - minions and comfortable
one to the Lakes. .
COTES &LUTING WELL, Warren, Pinot%
PARKS Cojteever, Agents •
JOIIN A CACCIIEV.coer Water nod Smithfield a . %
Way Opportte the Monongahela Norma Pittsburgh
iii 11847...':".tgraisTE:
paesengtr , rae . ln•
Deaver and Greenville, by winch Ereisht and pas
sengers between the tern poinuonill be earned promptly
and alike lowerd »ten. • • • • -
VICK in ARCllK.R.Greenville, Ants
CRAIG &FRAMPTON, Charksville, do •
MeFARIAAND KING; Dig Bend, do ~
HAYS* PLUMB. Sharpeburgb,
W C MALAN. Amon, ' drd ,
WM. MATHEWS, Poland, . • do;-.
RIME, PARKS k 1.0, Heaver. .
JOHN A CAL/GREY, eornerlYster nnp Smitbgeld StO
anely Opponito the Alonongehels'llouve; Pittsburg!:
X 1847.•
rhiladelptdo, Baltimore, riolr York
and Barton. , •
111111g.encoaragem cat this linelnureceived. since
sts commeneernent,bas induced the proprie•
tors to increase the stock by adding a numberol fir
class home; and instead Ofgiving receipts. hereto
foro as agents,. we will gyre our own receipts for
freight shipped by this line. . • •
The beam are all 'portable, consequently. freight
is taken the wholoLdistance without trinabipment,
thereby prerentingrlamago from prevent trundling
nu the route, and as. rosin boat in owned by She
Captain who tons them; which in a sufficient gear-,
antee that there will ba no delay on the route.
MI Produce or Merchandise consigned to the
undersier.od will be forwarded- FttEE OF COM
MISSION, for advancing and forwarding, and • will
bo shipped without delay a t the loWest rates , of
We rewpectfully. 'elicit a share of public patro
nage: . tVALLINUFORD de Co. •
La=l - 11rau, Pittsburg
Mood Street Phdadel bia.
'b, Feb. IS; IYIII4 Baltimore.
1846 2ID . 1847.,
• VIA tsowrisnus & CUMBERLAND.
,tote E..umravkeu daring the atua
ink W inier,ttr, the too.[ favorable tornts,• by this expe-
Allpropeny eortonnted to is ofillbefontrfrded aitbo
Waren moo and anal &vomit.. . • •
Jlorelaanduta reeetrod 6y duo roots pronrynir. 65e
eluded.; . •J C SIDWELL,.Aet. - pittaborett.
• • . 1V CABS.
Brosenseilla •
00027 . E EGERTON & Co,Conabertand •
1846 AN , 1): : 1841:
rr FIE subscribers will receipsforthe delivery of Pro.
A duce to Ualdwore by the Notrougabela Sluckwoter
subs following pnees—'• ,
Ashes, Ps ems, •Euuer,.Lead, , Lard; Pork, Tallow,
Whiskey. sOsed Glass—fin ets perlOo lbs. • •
Totosce,;, Pieey; Plea Wbeas--M ets par . loo lbs.
• Ashes, (Pot) Apples. Cheese, FluX•Seed, Glass, and
Leather—PM eti per Re ••. .
-Oils, Skins. Seeds, Wool-•-lin Ms per 100 lbs.
-3l wut,Feothers , Fars, Ginseag, apd Sauke•Roa
eta '
All pmperty eonsurned bindles of rhe undersigned
wllll,O forwarded sailboat. Comoussearr,
al +bolo rates. W if CLARE. Brownsville...
rorMIV ••
•. GANNA & WATERMAN, Pinsbargh„
. .
, - -
_ • • . PREIGILTERS and Gatti stigma
Sia s to have File nriek,,, Produce, . ice"
• brought to ilk place fenn eienbenville
and nnermedune landings, e. make
-:. - annagements. - by.ealline on roe,. I
have a Boat muting- reFelarlf between riustranth and
Meabanville. ' . GEO. IL MILTENDERGEM,
..jan4„ ; ..-„ .. • ~.., S . le#4a,al Agent. 56 Water n-.
&viaI producing wandocii—Read atici following
Irmo tee Be,. S. Wakefield, rallOi of Micro'. ut.
• .
" • - , riusburgh,Mareh 8,1E47.
Mr. It. E.Selleno It it from a mum of duty, as well
as with great pleawire, that.' bear testimony to Use vir
tue of yourjawly celebrated Vermin:an _lprocarecl n'
singie kale, and gave it Lothian army aloldren, who had
been ill for awreral week.. The eldest- was roger,
years. old, the . next four.: and the Youagect n l thwee
month*. .111, first pouted fifty-six -worms, the second
that) , seven, and the third aeooriderable number not
distinctly recollected. Sincethen they havelmen doing
well and are now in good health.
'um rcerwelfellV. . .B. Waaa nno.
• •
.From the Rev. S £ Babcock, ottbe Methodist Epleew
.pal Church.
RE. &Item It is with great pleasure Would
inform_ yonof the pied effects produced on my son of
four yearn of age, by you lonly celebraud Vennifage.
After his _ barren ennvuleninh I gave bite th ree doses,
when be passedan alman inereMtable ember, from
which time hie general health has been Wm mied.
8 h. Reenact.
'Orem the Rev Charlie Cook‘of the Methodist Ws
Mr. R. E. Pollen,. I gave y little danghter (between
three and for years old) tbreedmes of year thraldom
according to prescription, with. the Immo. cocoon.—
The number of wow exp elled (do not know ram'
11'. bat It wee large. she in now in poiseemort of good
health. ' I think toes .. digine. msg.!. wraduled In with
great anrceenrednet _ , C Coot.
As 111111 Venn:aline bits none tmett known to fail in
y imlanec, when Worms =malty extsted, patent*
,hovdd give it In preference to another.
Prepared and'soki by IL E. SELLERS, between It
•nd 41n, on Wood street. " -
For Ledo by Dr. Cassel. Fifth Ward. myt
FROM the very liberal encourage
• - • 01e111 die subscriber has received since
he has located himself in Allegheny,
•isilmorgo • -has inditeCA him to take a term, fora
terntoLyears, on the property he now
oeceptes, in Deaver 'meet,' immediately beside the
Presbyterial:lanch. From the tang experience to the
above baseness and a desire maim°. he hones to met ,
It and receive h share of public patronage.
Now on hand and finishing to order, Koekaway Beg.
op. and top Buggies, and every description of
Urnop o made to order, from seventy-five dollars to
eigla hussies. JUIIN SOUTH.
vino Gtease spots, tosins;or Marks floor Clothes,
Woollens, Carpets, Ac.;dc—' and •readeling the spots
where It. is applied Near, bright. stew. and epotlart.
-Sold will; lllcatents a cake. •."
Bot 'and Shoe ' stoler of ny aB4
TAysirogi EMU; 11INIC—Wa comfterld la th e
attention of those disinfousof rewiring their heir or
Improving ito Wanly, io Ras elegant pmparahoa. We.'-
hear It every where hi , hiyrpobou and o .P.oellabt by
anthem who !rove mode Imo of knit peally effiuguaus
in eziamlatiog the wow& of We hair; sad pervading
and emits way atierio of the Ole, Its yittoes ore
ample nod egabelenlly prcoree,'Saa._
tor eale PlitsbargAat We PEON TEA 'STORE,
73 Fetish it, Rear Wood; and alto at the Droll Steno et .
II P Poh.ora,Fedinslai. Allegheny city. • lei
aliclause's 'Worm Ipeef oa.
T ",
eetury thx . „ 2, bj ...!411.fft491},isme,.
wt., Worm .
312 DI CAL
•''XIMCITIDA O Zra OI2 S 4I fEt Nail'
D R: fit,
t i :•111
is/m.oolod ins! wee
ph a Pot otTootb hate attic botle.f thi k , ;
The • ithriditiltd, Pinnacle nal eatthed reth'
'tidy tor toagbr,• thanthaintane;rhooptitg wog*
lightnesii of the dads; elo, Tho
las never Imes fen inatattee argent theyda sot gin pith"!
satiniction. /Wend throand baths ban loth void nritiLk
Tee tat year, vototing ni health emend aimed event r ocs : .
.ofthrothaptioNand troth Wong - MOW the itioetiginthaing
adds andthogia... They do not theilt and th 7 ttlt thethagb,
but realer it ervy,pronaote ispretvinginvi,alligt.hetithltag
irritation, aid remora UN reunite rose niskg
They sneer& Geo a nimbi:mirth sertralitabknepee
torthytT covet asedieirth,, and are indiabtadly superiorth
every thong Winegar thane nomphdata, Hordraln Roo ban
'deeds of mative have both ofkvell at their ironderti,l
tea, troth thou rho bore beim laved froth antimiely
and restored to Perfect health by =lig than. '
Owe nal& ra. la the brad ornido,thth cd - Strth •
tante Poor Mas Platten Iprith Daly retath,)•ahthild
applied over the put and won tilt rente.. It snouted
Wltik 401,01 . 61*r intrathavvierr buntive linen* or =
mild =astir thrill:ion, 0.0 tie need ar wad.. regaiies
k.P.PtitllVlr . bata, proved Moore those I,loo '
CCOns aw lor iofflfflihk; the tatty certain vm. detteopoel
toed.. ere, threaten& Moos diveases orlon from worms •
and omitbo log g cod lotrets soloing, and ma death, vfflth
oat their MT Wog' wept-bed; gown per.ol:l9 'are very viten
'afflicted with them, and heyoc
doctored for 'various ecooptaieds
mriffloot any heath; who . one .I,*
. 11wa, leedeoges mold
Ertiptomt Irorlaislas isa . 'the leads iv Ifflffle, olive
eivo tweedy ar
at the now, road Ing of Ms tee th during,
dor N,ated timesapticotaeobout the lipeoriffl Codted check...
. Weeducat the uose,o gualrow emotion at Urn stooach,ffloth.
et of hot over the oldie WIT; orerttedialls or Ads'
crew, headache, d o .42.4' ,rec t o,. torpix, difflortcer
dr..., sudden sttati &steep, with livid old eartofflop..
'oomeloves troableecoor eottgfi,. frrerithone,' tide*, pettoi
meetsbars, bad. tuts Uto math, didicult breathiog, ,alon e ,
mach or bowels teltdoe, mown, Oroadahneot, e
rim appetite, lexotern, bloated stomach or roolo, g ei
choothog poem raziow parts of tho body,
,a be
of moo
111114 ruin la the duvet, etching of the atom tower& siy-ht,
feecluent desire to pro iotnethio, from the hoorebotadt vote ,
&dorm of dime coni " • .
Sarastrac , B cANspoix Lazs.laEa,
Thry. sire immediate relief in remote ear ekk
:pdpitatioo of the hart, loaner of the spirit; dependency
nalbarannurp to putrid. eon tw at!, boot! or sommer eon'
phut; hiutaugi oppremionxorme ofsiulting of thi‘chrst
'ebedie, ream; cramp of stomach or . bowels, hysterical
offectior; sod ei/ serious' Irma, domino* thrpugh the
day, had oralefulems them ghg cholera... cludj
• era much; diarrhea, - latitude°. a sane of Wipe: : Prr
'sow Memiling or attenda hop pretim,...Bl Sod the Losepl.
penally!. teingood barruirt briorrey of yorkpkkt
.Der tO u.pi tolt t
Max i ?: g ions ,..
:24 living.... Persons rho bins
been VA htgl. limes, ang
Mohdacen their dietted habity MMund them Leon. lull
marable =en o the more. . .
The best stmortheningpbemin theirrld, soda
rcuredp Ewes or wakeless in tha bac.W.m,
limb; yot et; rhsurnalisoe, letroligo, lee. ke.. One million*
year ..1.1 ribirepply thedsmeud. They require•little marta.. -
.mg before ephemeras: Warranted supemor to all °Mamma
for one limner the twat price, ya n king not only the beet, bed
Recharged plums in the 'worth It .Ro4e relief to akr
Immoral makesestouishiag esum. _
In Meer complaint oe4 dysperia, it should be morn mar.
the teem of the line or eternsehourd ierrillidfoni di V a rd
estrarihieg In 'coughs, colds, .swam,
breathing, oppremiou of the ebese .or Mk,* therm
mniisagy moth and Au undy lomat trent. • Perms of
sederitarp Wits, or me obi=o
1 11 melee
decided nipport, ROM ens of ' Phre
ter.' Physicians gamely recommeod them, in prefereoce to.
allogmes,beesum they stick or adherebriber,ardaffordgranh
er relief., I. their operation' they... Mituelent, maw, and
'anodyne... Thep are commal of entirely dillfereut Mandl
eats Ran mg other, end urnom tie eeperimee of mil
liouserho hem mod them" as me ltas the muted tarucermy of
all the celebrated and distowaished . ehrp god phydeaana, to
be the most meth' md hl ably medicated - OMer.
&nerd pence. hare calledat ermorambouse to expects
their morseled thanks, et thealamit tairscoloni corm Mesa
Directions dm um are on the bra Of Melt 'Outer, with a
'Overalls of Dr./Sherman sae: lt b ingemanlyenshould
ohm% ask for flbenson's Poor Abets Magi; and see that
genre the genuine, as there are many vorthlese imitatico.
herded abaci and sold for the erne_ Illscommh Phobos, by
lord wholesale and Mall by W. JACREION al Ms Paten
Meditioe Wanhome, No. IR, Liberty steett, Sir th
flair Cream tamales. ankle Ikw th e Grow th . ,
Seamy and Reiteration of the !lair. ThirCreamorden
'once known. will supersede all other articles of
kind WIN rued: Where the hair is dead, harsh. that as- . •
healthy or turning grey, n Mgr applicatituts will nista
the hair soft and dark andgive It a beautiful lively •
appearance; and will also make it retain' its liveliness
end healthy color meice as lone as all the preparations .
which are geuerully tired.. Every , lady and gender.4l4
who are in the habit of somata osethelr hair,
at °nee percher, a bottle of the ChlnesellairCrourrOal
it is so compared that it will not Injure the hale like the
other preparations, bat will beard:ay it, and etre perfect
satisfaction In every Instauce.
For testimony to tie very Caere,, gualitlea, the
folk...rime letter from R v. Al,. Caldwell, to Messrs
Ilendershott & Stretch, ashrille, 6Friallil Ageau
the Western States:
• • !Alterfrom the Rev..: Caldwell, pastor of the Frei
hytermn Church, Palas
Mesas. Ilendertbett re Stretch—Coallemen, 1- a. ,
Pleaser in adding my testimony in h.. of Mei e
ent preparation called Parrish's Chlame -•
Cream—tor ahout two years ago ray heti sins very!
bristly, and disposed to come out t bat having revue.
bottle of the Cream, nail used it according m the pre.,
'reription, -my hair is now soft. elastic mut firm to the, .•
Idany . baissias and oils were applied owls lees
-vine ray ham In C
worse state than befort.: This Cream ,
however, has met my expectations. • .
-As an article for the Todet,' tette gives It prefer. -
.. ever all others, being delierdely perhnnedi arid rot
&rinsed menneidity. The ladies espreially will End
.theChiaese Cream to he a desiderituire lit their prepa.. •
rations for the valet. ReepectfullY, •
Pulaski, Jab's. 7, 1817. R CALRWIeLL
MrSold wholesale and reran, is Pittsburgh try J.
AL Townsend; N 045 - Market street. ited Joel Rah' •
S INGS.•;--Serolala AND;
As' multiplied forms,
whether in Knee the
elands or Watt, Grnire,T7,hinfSwdlnp. Chronic
Rbeumatinti,Conser;disirmies Of the Skin or Spine,
01 of Pulmonstry Coustunpliere, emanate from one
and the same cause, which Is a poisosom: principle'
more or leo inherent in the human system. There.
fore. Unica this principle can't* destreyed,no
.cal care can be effected, bet if Um principle .o pion
which the disease depends, is removed, a mire
a:lessor necessity fallen, no matteitinder vo hat lona
the disease should rasnilestitcell. This, therefore
is the 113.110 A why JODI/el AtTLOATITtiII 'so eel
eeroally successful in removing so inimy malignant
diseases. It destroys the runs or. principle-from
'.vrineo those 'diseases hare theirorigio,by entering.
into the circulation, and with the bloodis conveyed
to the minutest Shin, reinoilMe every particle of
diseara from the system. Prepared and sold at No,
p South Third Street'.
Sold of the Pekin Tea Store, No. =Fourth ,tree
o AilnitlCAlsl VAPETA,III4II6
'Tor alma{ one , Taa4 prealoas lozaaktog um of Mr.
Pones Fronovoung YOU, I have antlered extremely from
Dyspepsia, and an acid Sono ach:. have made um of
o rare:Kr/My of inedicitio - widmat receiving toszerfal
Week./ About three atooths'entee I commenced nomX
lb. rear's Medicine, which hen entirely relieved me - •
(root acidity at my stomacp. and, restored no to comfor
table health. teeeral of my. frlMadt and acquamtattees -
have made use of the Pills, appdd recelvar. mach knelt
froottlmn. I can with confidence iceomicend them.
. • - JAN '8,1E6417 fladsoo el • .
Sold. wholesale and retail, Ity -II A PA/INESTOCY -
k,CO 3 cotaer of I st end,Wandond Wood and 6th on.
_.. _ • ,
, 'Uf THOSE tneanneasean eq 3sarel,.Looktlone
e k fait yowls, wife, with her bright MIA, rue! Look
at-your own, pitted with amnions and bhttcpei! . Yet
YOU lIIGALP mean . 10 . sloe - lily
gftwuili...C . --- - -,_ whir , wouldentuely free
you from then w akin elear and
healdty. Go 11, E 0 Many
N. U: ,Jac ikFttrnb ' . I te ' ht
the GENUI e of Center.
Mit& ''' •
VII Camel
WI • )
run .open
Darativd eas.
wood being
sue o;+.2Y
walnut iun
aotibers hal
of these vals
delphia, and
r d °lln..*
ofilinintots Ansarjaitni
maw liar co-,.- ----..,;_-- . in t urtoormis ytnir
Cough rupthe best med.. 1 kesa 0. , ame , No
4 w.s.
family uldbe without tkl ',IMOD 'medicate. ,
'_ " - 'DAVID Held TS:Allegheny My
I]lpillis medicinal. pre et wholesale .d small
et the DevirDiore of .•_. JOIIN:D_SOKUAN
_ Wood seet, one doer Onfam •Ifitniemal Alia •
• Price nticcnt. per bottle. i- ' - j -•' fe
TANAEII EXPECTChUMr--Tlie visures of
-.1 Mi. efficacious juni cheap *Akins Or the /clue of
Comptuaytion and other itiednee• esnagl be too 'welt.
-known... Very =Ay Dees hire been sari by . lb—lN.
Por sale m Pius/Muth es ihs PEIDNIDA• STORE
72 roorth , t ,„„„ t ,, : ,.. Woo an nise at tbe Dreg Mora
of ll I' Schwattl.F.d.. l . l . All.etbM9l9; ' id*.
.di ad Onerer BeAfiegr, sh, rmai thi Ant Offlo. .
RATES OF. A V.E#T,llll2i 0.._
One insertion of 15 tines ;" r 1e5e.,...:," .:... 80 .50
Two insertions irittintad Darer • ' 075
Three• . " - ' .. . .... ..... 100
One Wegk " "
. " . ''' .. :::: ...... 160
Two Weeks ' " : : * • •'- - . 260
00 - 12 Monet
Three .
....i.opettioh• •
Er Loner adverttseme!'!" I. oo
One square,6 mamba, without
00 ,
_ .." ~•• 6 00
Each Sdditionaal Khan, fah G mott!II
3000 ,
Meet:mm.6 moths, renejwahle!
, Tat
Lahti additional impure fol I- h me°tha 10 00 .
Two aw.t.n,6 months, ce7hable at pi ,
,r 70 B _OO _ .
Each aMilleaal square, 6 month.,up
waslizar oa PUBIS.
Onetsghare:3 iraterttoh...'-;••• *
each additional ,
athains. cunt.
. 6 1, 6 666!0i rni
• one
010 maths,
* AI "' -
For 20 finis, or len, One .
r it
"Thg:'siontkUia.: 350
1 ;;;;9 square ,
,irtsar hollers the
mpire pet year.
.oeoovi,r• 5 09
lid Penument
(Boiled to all
in the eats-
The pad of
yield. to yirei.
dapts itself ni
eau be worn
tL The gab-
Ile, in Phan
eir office, No.
qt amid be
abbe" Thu
,ried theflynip.
narrl, L 47.
*Was sMuted
6 00