11 1 (11:: ,- ._, 11 1. :-: ,-,- -':;. - -_,: - ..v. i:. - -;!';',',':.: - '1 1.....1'..::-....,....jr.,'.:;;1:.-_-': • 11F, pryrsuIPM—GAZETTE. • PITTSBURGH: - • .51011N1$0,8EP,1"..1, 1847. 11, r 11711 ., ao4 DA GAZlrri ts pubilsets' Nom TriAil sok ly; onittireetrl7.-11. DoilY &se.. ....!:Adilat.papeOpene thelei•Wsp:try etrise !Jailors re; ruenvo.ille , yeekly ilk Two Dollars per somas serials '~'. ; 'y+ .:'..!,..1.. ,'' •:t'.:';',;:-;::'_.,?. ' . .r1;1:1:2c . _.. - !, - ..? .- : 'L;:: .- .1'ir7"7 , ":; - .!?4..Z. ,: 6':,......;,';'.::::-'',..7.-.,:'::::". PITTIIBO9.G11411.a1). CONISELLEVILLE , : Luis Want manifested in the meeting of yes , teiday was general. The StocklMtdessimet. not without oat iming opinions irate the but policy to , bitßailed. nor, yet whit ?ay . uottldnif that the meeting would result In bermonious 4tiom It was known Matihe comae of the. Baltimore and Ohio Roll Road Company had nhaeged public sentiment in regard to the posSibility of a emcee - . Bow with Baltineee, and as consequence of die _salhati of Baltimora, the valued Charter of the. .Riltu.PanY.;74rie of 'the best conferred byosey pub. :i.,./io - botlyr—was materially depreciated. 'Pittsburgh .this been repulsed where:she should hive 'been mat nherished r and badly treated by the man and ComPanyuc!!, epeah now of. Baltimore,—whore polleY biz been of that Wash kind which "seek, to ether, from being. WiJe and prosperous, becattirs'desnitnte vriadosi, energy and charge: tr:r . Pittsborgh look tho Baltimore • and Chin Rail Road,,Couroany to be sineero in ',their wishes far a business attachment withfitts. burgh. , Policy and interest dictated atich an areep . eittion,--but the_ baitefu t MI-anus of one man, idfmb, intriguing and personally inflciential; tuts; proved more patent than n city. and for the'ret: 'eon: that that city has been indifferent to its own 1 p '14'41 ,"; ..,-* , tii..:A , :i. - .!:: i*:; . .."':t:1;•:. , ::7‘ . , , ; , :: tz.,e7V,i'.,:,,,:':'-:T. :' r • ...;.•;-• - 1..{:444144:4:" ire net, however, disposed to attire the Lot the dead luny their dead.Pi tubarzh his natural and exist effinities with the Commet cial kletropehs of the nuate,'in whose welfare we all feel a comiciowir.terest. She ha her assorda . (loos and attachments es, - with tbe West, and both are independent of Baltimore. Go• East; cup, We she is certain to enture the polo anon • ; 'of new elatietitaaf nide awl wealdt., lSbe can beeline, and will beanie, not only the medium of • commas:deaden betWeat the Bart and the. West by Rail Road, but in her pronged rivers, leading • 'iti gi direationafrom the ilounts'ats to tbOOcesn, • ;"in het Mitteralarealdf, thitturra the blackestand ' tithe whitest Paver, end boas of Imo into liars of Gold, oho must become' the focus of untold . , riches, and of a tunioacs which "rout increase an - ail the earth itsalf darays end grows old. ..;•vlitrif ~,, N ,„ -,4:,.•• 1,.. 1 ‘ 1 ,•.,' ..ts; ':i: , :•*;:' F4:0 , :.:' -,4t, , v•.'1' 1 , IktfliNf ,, , l,l ll:)::,tr". 04:•Iilli: , t 1 "• - •:` ,, N.,0f!i 7 e , : 1 .1 • ef I.;i, ~ • :44.4, : 5 .;:- . .1 4.'t• 1 - 4 . 1 f , ?:" ; !1 - :- , az l'• , z - 4• - i - . T111:4 4 !::; • . ;: J "•'...;';'!-•, I:W4 , :tt:i't IV:1-4J t;;;:. • laA; - . .I I. •fk.T.;' '• i 1 : I i?*lf s ':',.T:". ,•• 1 2.i,ii:;,r.i. - 4 ' ' .. ),ii:Z4 -. . ; : ;;; ,, T •i: 1 t) !` • • • • ,:t.VP;•;.... ,1 _ ;•• 041 7 , ; .• ,••.;;',,•,„ 4 1 r l r:+t I ;4‘5-1•4;;;111::f.,1‘., liAtßf:7 l : t .I . 1 : *: 't . s , .;4:Vl ' AiP: tk i ~...,. !11- '• - 1441;'- 12 5,."'••4' , t " :v . ,,i, k,; - s,t•!i 114.1. tt:i4V7.-,;,- , ii: . • '!•'Aii' .s .l'ill•-: 1 / 4 't , ` , • ,' ` - i0"-:•, ,, E , Ni•Ttl. '';••••1 .•-••••.t,5;.-,,,, , A r , •••••1.1 , . - . , 4 , - ,, Ni•l• - ;:,•„ 'L : . • =i;;;;TJ:; - '• - • ; ''"?.1.,-:'-7;f•P:Wpt satiff 4 . ig:Vi-4s 1j.:., ts . ;: •:,....c: ~i,- ; !:;•- ; ,41 4 :4 -‘;:•••`;,,:;-;::- 04>. 7 .• 4; "c... s}\ . 7 5 '. 1- :C. • 'WoritlWY.:4ll l log ttt:eet their wordst ir gentle. &inhaled pith the put hi coongaett6 *pit ttiLlesaitir.illettoo Baltimore, they ought . Witw,oo, but those whd chow to.thitiwitof, io be copilot:to to the iiiit,'couttif also to petratittod to be tw. yito It ' Fs 'otto and Virestaiwolacolfy &bin. ,I;,s „,.!:'144,1410114b, ht !which we had inotted thou The resolution fto had offeid woo t . ":74 4, ;t 44i10d *ol, wil.foltiletwiitatilita trudea • pis, ha PT.N,AS44;to lass VOtti . y( s . or taro , One iieUamantalkedof and bif05 4 4. 1', ittraitiff. . - f %. . . , , . . . - . • , , „ kg); ..ke A - .116 00. to Advertisers: , ' Z a tsksiruicsseiti ttectoo t overtont; should be IL in by Ara eeleek ale , eimmooe.• AttotttiOn lo I,lni.on the patio: cestomen. would be modue ' - 'FOR IoUVE.ESOg.• : .nt woe s is v> - " crivi.omm-rt..) - FOR CANAL COSCOMOONER. jOBOP.II IW". PATTON, - (of cooodaso coluar . - GEOSON. DARN% of Alicybeny Coy. LEWIS NIAILT.,qf Indiana'}. - CHRISTIAN EPTVEI.X. ot W snow. Tp• KAI/WALL LARGE-o AHTEW ELTp. DER, l'usibursh. HLENRY f - 1101 eVENTT I J. W...1 1 44. 11 . 7 Eft. of rittl4ll7lll. -. vas corns comas btu. . ,THONIATI TERRINE., of Lower EL Clalx • .• 11 , 1 l Annan.wuubaz. • • .CAVEN. WI Vern'lles CENTALAILCOELNITTME. .:THOMAS II FRANKLIN, I...caner thq. JOHN ,C KUNKEL., Daffhln County., • • • THOMAS DUNCAN, , . • ;JAMIE IlAilflN, , • • THOMAS 0, HANEVV,Vork., . WWWAM M WATTS,Curnberland.- DANIMAI SMISER.Adam.,.. - • , 'JOHN P WI:TERRILL: rtiladelphleaty. .JOSEPH - R -CHANDLER, ROBERTI' CONRAD, ••• 4, - .THOMAS MnOlLATll,PhiltdelplalCmatty.' 'DILLER LUTHER, Bern. - , • , swum NURAROLFrankItn, , • - THOMAS M T MEENNANi Washmttori. • "AN DREW I OGLE, &menet.. • MAMMAL DENNY, Aliciheuy. ' RICHARD IRWINVemoga ..". KllllNS,WeimoteDind." • • - .,11 D 6IAX VELL, ottliampton„- • • SALJSBURY,. SUEEMAIIII[I2,. % _ ELHANAN mr,„„„„„. a SAMUEL A PURVIANCE, r • HENRY 8 EVANS, Chem, :" 'ROBERTI POlTll,Moutgorceo; . rot tArret Commetetal Intelligence . , Ditnesue :Var. tem, River Vevey laaparts;.lilpney l'tlazkez,lke„ Iwo . ° . • Reported fat the i'etaberer Gazette . , TU StIIt?.TISG . ' Wsn'eallel to Order *ion after three o'clock.. The attendance of cle/ . 1141311 wan icrg large, and. a great number of stranger. Isere -Minoan 'those present. `Many gentian:a-13 ; 7m lament from Ohiorieekini to - aid the Westein-Read, and noisy from Fayette, ;Westmoreland and elasorhere;eqnally =form to : presses the' CorinellsriVi Clutter. . Jerhusfilansta, Esq. moved that General Meer hod preside at the meeting• hiss"l?sl."/ took. the o* , SsPlissilig his rivet dui some more, mrperieneed Siockhrlder hsdnot.been selected; but as he . h.d been Selected be trittild de the best ha could. . Dr. Gamut and Sob Stoner, Esq. were aelvs. ted.o Secretaries, . Mr. flakewill moved tlut the speaking be to : fifteen ntimatee. Mr. Forward thought that :.,Justice could dot be done to the' Oubject in:fifteen battattes, and propme4 *bitty:which. was agreed ..Ifr. Ilobinfoo, as President of 'thirGentrellevillo • . Ilan-Road Company, stated • the objecie of the • meeting, and - submitted the Reporh . Matting of the Supplemental ,Aet was snMed for,. when Mr. Ronne offered the follow - Mg . . Reinferd, By the abniatoldwa id the Coonells- Road Company Ma'am previsions of .• supplement to the act to incorporate the Pitts. '.• burgh end ConneThwille Rood Company - . ,paased April: - thirds eighteen' hundred and forty entrant sante are hereby. transferal by ssid "CoMpany and that the Direction; of laid Company* are healthy. Maniacal to,causea reminnisance to:be made of the .conotrY lying betweln the city el Pittsburgh end the hoe cf the State Obio, and that said Directors commence the lernorentetwo or •a Rail' Road under the -autbority.of mid nappli - seem fennUte city of Pittibergh to the Ohio State ..z.Rei4cerl,..Ponther that any Riocitheldet or StochOldera who may be diseatiaAed with the for. going resolution or any !retie° tinder it shall be nu niacin& bin or their subscription or eutrieriptions to the capital Smile of raid Core. pony,or,any part thereof and that there be refund". ed te Both subscriber or euhsaihers the amount - of interest he instalments he or they mays !laic, poi!, iltditctiag his or their,pro rata duns of the expenws of said company hereteale proiidad.thaaamebolvithdtewnithintizzy, dins after theorlopuou of this revolution. , . Mr. Forward aired the' following se a subitl. t • ' ' ' , • . . , • . Whereat is understoed that certain/Rockhold. • en in the Pifeburgh hail Road .?Wien: in Pittsburgh and Alirghtity, are wilting 'to transfer their Stock`to; the Coolpeny open re lusturainient of se numb of thO five per cent paid as shall remain after S deduction prorate • of sal the coats and expenses with which the funds - Of the ixeeparry are now chargeable:. Bolt Therefore Retedred, Thal this Company , wI l repurchue any.Btocik that may be offsred on above spaded teems, Ind that the President of the Company be authorized to draw his -Vat vitas ipso the Treuw t tr for the .everal amehou which may be due for stock repurchased as afore. 'esid;and to deliver the same to the titockholdcre r the trandeco as moon as thy shall be duly iffs -t , •-• said kilter:Taal this subject as of an Importance altogethes beyond the interest he • lad in the Rail Road. He lefeneif to Pretious , ;Insetittp and paving resolutioos; where this toad *redeemed robe of primary and eardlnsl gaper :Were thasi the anon who aiteratoti those Cweacmsr—olg , i"wmi Preyizm ,nolutic4L. Wh to ptediticriasl6o beettimllo), god wfiose, felliedl We rete told in;/41.1 lut thatßmi.oi. 100 2 tlCC[re eonneetedwiib P,,Us• . . . VVa'd . anted ba itimer , moveift tod more: and she hadfotmed alcopoectioa Wbe new eras barebeegal , Co. MeC. e.urnonted upon ltiO manta of Dal. !juror!, and defended the resolotioturrifrered by Mr. Hanna, fora *astern connection. u an alitrife.: tin!. Nor was it on snandonntent of the Chsiter to take tho BuntentanL h was but perpetuating the Itaie eammeneed . the link 4 yVestem eon• neetion bete, we Mentd foremoitin making • connection.. It anut sal.lthat,Hope deferred ma. keth the heart aick,"-Ind tor one he was ski unto death of argoliatioit Col. MCC. coatondedalso as a qzysti9n imuy ! that ahem could . be no • oto per .There, could be . no. se:Ws also unless the firet tallment was actually paid in. Odier gimtleman had no tight to rote Mr. D. hlahegan, of Fayette, wishe4' to know if the aerreanal Agenti of this ,CoSignny,--by them 'pia:doted. had a right to Iceet%o yomtay, We had paid our-money, and were we to be cheated out of it and turned out of the room. I this was the gtound taken,. be wished to Foots it 'We had paid cur money, and , Tho Chair called trs mar r. No question was bo ore the meeting warranting such Termitic& The gentleman continued. He had ai 'good tight to be heard, he pr reamed, u a Storhholda , nr r 1 Cemirtaae , praerosh The labors of the res. siorrof 1816- was refuted to, and the menhir In which Pirtsburgh appealed to its friends. Men ware sacrificed at your Arbor, and that, too, when we were tauntingli told. that Pittaburgh would cringe to . the Lewes:racy and palaces of Cheatnat garret. . Mr. M. denied the right of the Company to go M Beaver instead of Cininollsville. It was a trio titian of right, :of Constitatianal right. Go it juti rsith„. and go peace, hat king as the best 'Charter ever ectilfened by a Legisiauua,•aad tet tilinake of itlfhat *e eau: • Mr..riakewoll doubted thif right of the meetiog to tun:cider the atop. • . • W.r.Fotartid.' They had a right to receive such st,...ek and to sell it,—to receive it. dodoeting the, cUpenste of five** cent. hi!. F. went on:. The surrender of the. chatter wee a serious Matter. It , weethe binitAlS that might .be aurrendered, but not tho Charter. The distinction was palpable: A mejwitg could not eztinguiah a charier._Vinat more gentleman wish thaw. •th turzenfft thiireto Mr. Plummer of Weitmcueland wni for doing all be could for Pittelmirgb, and baZught gentle men hero not to sacrifice others to thi:undies.— The 'toad was wanted, and the road would, bo Mr. Loomis said that the times and ciicninatan -cca had changed. :11c had' him aell bean M Calor -of the Baltintaracanection but at s dam when we strong had mamma that - Baltimore &nixed a connection with cis: We hut . this athletic° from Ranisburgh, from Baltimore aid the 'Battledore .ana Ohio hail Ra'ad Compiny. We had sect .10 •,.3nunittrns to Baltimore and the end of • was ran acceptance of a connection which uni..ellaltiincro to Wheeling. Ho had an objrcl, liens to voting upon and for the Resolution of Mr. Forward. He Was ready to surreuder the charter, and to put his name upon the .TeurnaL Mr. Storarfof Fayette gioe an account of the meeting of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Company. dleeseired that the people of Bahl moie were for 'the Pittsburgh conrumierr.. The city interests rind authorities were in LOor of this coinection and. as mere the rotate intett:ts : :The Board of Directors were under the 'eon- trol of Mr. Id Llano and, he controlled • the., majority of the dock. In Octater there would be a different state of things Pittsburgh would Mani have 7..000 shires far •Baltimere, 35,000, amnia for rylind and 20,000 only would be left to sus: win Mr: McLane and Wheeling. • Idris it right to sacrifice good friends in Bald.' minuend elsewhere I Were you not playing Mr. Mcloare's honfe by doing this. The Baltimore company now had three your to commence the iced and twelve jeers to complete it. They were I net bound to begin before and-not bound to gar st all,—and they Would not go atoll unless Pitts •drove them there by njecting the charter 'and accepting the supplement. The company in Baltimore were compelled to axept the Wheeling associallon hot week or not at. all, became the power local:meet peered after the Pith of llieptem •be. - They accepted this Charter in order to have something to rely upon,fn case Pittsburgh destroy ed this charter. It ass for Pivahargh to decide whether she waeldikrony the chaster and drive Baltimore to Wheeling. The Weeterri 'connen 'tiers would also be Invited to Wheeling by do- straying this charter. The calorie was suicidaL If the charter was saled,the aitripany could not ore ir'step without additional . legislation and it Mr. McLane attempted to make a Road west of Cumberland an iejimction would be issued against them. Noe did ; 51r; Haiti:cm regard himself as boned by the action In reference to Wheeling„,. He said - O.llat he felt at liberty to go to Pitts bough or to go:Soutla, end he would . do whit" tau beat for the company . This was mid to Go. Trimble and who Wild it in public and it one ma• doubtedly true. Apia there was no *lnstitutional • right to break up this company. We had. creed rights un der this charter; and sub, rights we would never Mn. Dilute agreed that lent than an mud hrotia Vag mold not surrender the charter esthete were vested rights under it. The acceptance tof the trLiplentent did not violate the chatter; Outcome pony had a nett to r.-consider 'hia acceptance and ragree to go to B alti more. The question was asked Whether this did not require additional legislation. Dude asserted that it did not, and added theito gentleman could be more rejoiced than himself to *geoid the read as originally designed, but hie self respe'et and the respect he bad .for Pittsburgh made him pause. There were tub: era -to whom we owed obligations besides Wist more and and Fayette, and others to whom we I. were indebted for. the shatter, under' which we were acting. I The action of the Baltimore co. and Wheeling was between two parties Ours to day was with one only;tud which was the roast binding. Tao g entleman made the I artier of nondffect and the latter all bidding. If Baltimore could abandon 'bar position in regard to Wheeling we could abandon ours in regard to her and no doubt should do it, if it could be done before mei April' We bad been obsequi ma long enough to Bahuarre. It wee time now to desert our independence, ,Again, it might riot be ea easy to acute an in dependent road West from Pittsburgh, by, the Legislators . The Philadelphia Company wets in floor of running a Road: over P turburgh totbe State Line, whereas this ought to be a disuibut tog pAt, and be trusted every Pittsburgber would ' insist upon this . Mie. Caste Bald one advantage to be disliked from acne - piing the, Supplement would be that a gamy could beat once commenced, Lod if In Oc tober Raltimeie agreed to come to Pittsburgh, then DO harm would come. • • Mt. STLWAILT said the acceptance of the Sup. pleaded would be regarded as an abandonment of the Charter, Mr. R taisses. said that gentlemen of Balti- more knew very well the ilattlle.of the Charted and they kneW that it was no ibacidonmect cept the substitute. Able lawyers in Baltimore bad ea conceded. Mr. Lowrie - made an able argument to show there would ho no suireader of the Charter by ac cepting the Supplement... Mr. Formant. complained of a dispoeltien to ennui the Charter, or to put it in great peril They ware anxious to get out of the Oampany.—. Why did they not gel Why accept it if,you do not =MD to go Weed -You can as well atplora -eflthout the supplement as with it. YOU any you otainot divert the wog. of the COWART. Why, then, do you wish to annul the Charier.. It IVY pist a just reflection npon the Leglelefare of Penn. sylywala to say we noold not got a tbartar ter a'', Western Wad. Let Minot complain, at laid itn• !Aitake if. DA halted by aiii 4 eciPtane a of ibe Saipkormat, why accept It. - _ :Apia, in mud tO selkespetel,. that ilpiteenided not the entrandernt. tile Choler. Wei were pan; Asking and oar intitiats h 7 our chtiire I , (wif"" 3 lTa ' , • ':' Ttiie;mmo was - plats *accosts tie rumen. Let thekiJkilbaraw and itow the mew noi; andaatdtin oasiziat, of campp7,a4 that dliltoT the C.barpß, , „.. Da - pagers; salted the object of applling for tha dappletherry; was to parreotarturtafroat COo" thetatothe Company, etat' in ceder to control thie 'Stork.' The Prescient bad cant emthe Soppy.. - . liet for the purpose. lthr..Roat spelt denied this. That might bath been the at ia parr. but the Mail . objet smith have it in our Power to scathe a Western comm. Dr. Cansax said jeweils" alleged by bandied., "of 'person.,: -. lt the 'Rif:adman bad beaid him through, be Whatd have band that he ,had not, "charged himwi t & making this allegation; 6t 'Oth anima shark', Dr. GAZI4II, in his coirchuion of. Ma . argument, WO tha Surrender of the Char. ter would be the grave of the wad. - .Mr. Kaws. of Fayette, complained of the bed treatment Pitaburgh'ltu bestowing Opal those from the interior, and soma feeling we. manifested babe Hell . at the allusion.' Mr. K., however, Went on - end urged the halal:tench of the Muter, eipecially to Pittsburgh.. • From ibis point, the proceedings,temme more confirmed and excited.. It was a lolog time latore order was restored.' Adjournments were called for and earned; by a him corn how and lost upon the call for • division of votes. The Chair wu hound by the Charter to take adivided vote on the amount of Stock, and this was a work of hours. Thine was a warm controvenrr en to brbo had dghtto vote.. Itwas said bythe Stockholders of the interior that they had a right to vote' pon the 'new Stock. They bad their stock, they bad paid their .ineney to the Agent of the Company t and it wu a fraud to prevent them. said, upon the other bawd, that this sub. scriptini nu conditional,—that the Agent tofu, ed to pay the money 'absentia!' into the Treasury, and that it was not a hang:fide subscription. All this gave rise to much teeing and long discus:rim:l. end ceded finally in an adjournment table third 31mulay in November, and without adfonefmey sort on the part of the Welting. Sat.ra, thtto, Atigust 9th, 1847 Canin T. Wprro,Et,l. . Sm.—Having obtained YOur =client to make the•ezamination of that portion of the great. West ern Rail - Road, lying between the month of Big Beaver, Penniglyania and Salem, Ohio, we will aogneat to you that our dean° iii that you should, lar the lament, lake the route through New Brighton. on the Eon aide of Dearer, cnnwing %hie' atm= near the bridge connecting the two Brightens.' Frani this point. you wilt take the shot test • and best route to the dividing ridge bo torten the waters of Big and Little Beaversolunce Derlinstio and Palestine, to Belem, the place of destination. As your time mast ner.essoily be limited to the Slafof this mouth, we cannotetpect that you will do more than to aecortain the prase nubility of the ronm,lea.ing the estimate of cons for a future and mare minute examination of the ground. You will, bower er4leaso notice the ground particularly as you psi. along, so u to b. able to soy noun in your 'cyan whetter the Mato will be foldable or unfaeoranle, so respects cow of grading,. whether theta will be hg any tunnels. woo tt so,tbeir length; whether any deep cutout embodiments,' or any no expenolve eilducto 'toll hero to ho encountered. Bat we especially thane you tolloform us in regard to the grades and redacts of carotins, together with any other information Uemecteid with theoubjeet,whirli you may deem useful orimtertsting. We uustyino wiU be adds to report to us by the morning of the Slat, and meet as in the city of Putebursh or, the same day. - Very respectfully; ittut; 11 JOSEPH .1. BROOKS, ZADOK' STREET, EMMOR WEAVER, Corresp e Ct. Great Western R. ft, Association. Menu Idiom J Baaaxs, Zazoc arturr, Maeda Walion. Genikmeni.Lln .compliance with your letter of iaauucteem. beams date August ilth, I commenced theinuminahon .1' the rail rood route to which ydu otadcd,h Mho eornies of the 12th ; the in. tanning time hoeing been taken up in organ. Mom • moms 4if unistants,procuring the neceoary instounenti dec. I commended at the north met end of Brighton bridge, lonian's the levels from the top of the per. epet wilt. V.:moot of course may test this will be the precise Ciallllloo of the railroad at thi, point. I reel eery conlkient, however, from the appearance of the groond.ou both sides of the Bearer, bst it will net beilonned lower; and for soother res. son; to wit that it will lessen the grade to the summit between this and the Litde Beaver. I am tueluoid te.think ghoul.] be higher—probably tram lira IS pet.. But this cannot be certainly • determined tdi the location is mods below.. From this {mud I examined he route marked our for me in your letter of instruction► to the tuVen olrdatem Onib--psming through sadness to in my grey, old B4intoch Dentures': P►lestioe, Colam Mum, and Franklin Equal's...l4ly surrey has been mete wittiest, much accuracy as my very limiont time, and the cirrwmdances under Isbell Wyss made walk, and though for reasons which I will berealted mention; I regret that my Untied not been longer, yet I am gratified to to able to clay to you, that I have areettained the entire prac ticability of the route. and that too as I thinlywith amy tessatiable expense. I do not of COMM, pretend to spisknpin this gulped from any mai mates, for I have made none, - toe reasansjost men coned. but frier the even, and generally Xinbro. ken !surface:Which the . groond presents, upon much the largest portion of the route, I feel fully warranted in errombig to this conclusion. Attu running the level over the route, and sta. dying the character of tbe country, its Various a.. cents and djaw.nor, I discovered that the best method would be to lay out 'the line iota . Web ' phigM. Thiel accordinglyrlid, Thefirat lies he r mean the Brighton bridge, the Sus of beginning. and Glark's ens:unit, the point where we cross over the highlumis lying between the water. of Big and Livia Bearer. The distance is eight miles and the grade thirty - eight feet to the mile. To obtain this grade it will be necessary to construct 0 tunnel as this place, from one-fourth to orit-third of a mile kvsg:dipandlog on the distance it may be, found . requliite to excavate, at each . end of it and eighty Otte. feet la length: The material through which it must pus is wed reek, of saris vim; solidity :I should think, to stand withal:de:th ing: The weasel Plane descends to the point where we craw tfin-Lnile Beaver..- Its length is two and ono-foe ith'miles, and grads fortyseix feet to the mile. • VIII* redeems be rabicid to forty three feet to a mile, by' increasing' the height of the viaduct gimes the Little Beaver, and extending it a short datum further westward. Ti do can be done with Wiry little iddiuonel expense. The nand plane emends op a little north of Darlington, thence down the valley of Little Beaver, along he right - bank to the valley 'of Dilerceth's ran, up sip winch it continues to the dividing ridge lying between it and the waters running to the 'north end north west, where it terminate in the distance of five miles, with a grade of twenty four feet to , the mile. Oat fourth plane Is level end extends a httler omit of the village of Palestine, and . is four miles long, ;, ' Oar fifth plane extends toe point • short distance south of Columbium, running on what is called Bell creek route; and is eighth and one-fourth miles long—grade nine and ono-third fettle a mile. At this point we canoe on to what is celled the Cherry fork of the Little Beaver, along which we run on favorable ground and upon a ler el,crowing the middle fork neer Franklin square— thence te a smell stream heading to the south put of Datuce five and three-fourth miles.-- This constitutes oar 410th plate. Our seventh end last plane extends uplhe lost mentioned 'stream to delete ditto:tee fire and one fourth miles—grade .26 Let to a mile. , In regard to curves I must remark, that I have mad very little attention to them, accept in cams where our wine was confined and could not be varied'withent great expenditure. In a large me. jeritylof cases, we were in gently sloping valleys, where the eieltat curves could be bad; and I am mniked there are very few Ilan) , curves, where the radius of curvature will necessarily be It.. than two thomend feet. We shall have sic viaducts. The one across Dig Beaver will modes to be about 8(10 feet long, and will probably cost as roach as all the, others put blether. . There will . be no deep cutting of any coven. garnet, except at the ends of the tunnel et Clark's Minima: and a 1111rOW ridge at Bt.:dics' 'firm, .north of Brighton. The letter will be necessary to enable us to make an tiny curve. W• shell have more or lea embankment at all our viaducts, but that at the little Beaver will be mach the Mod cansiderable. , .Its height at the viaduct will be miserly , 30 feet,' and'running off to o point in the distance twenty. rode. And- now, timing given you the facts is farts they have been ascertained, I will t ate the liberty or suggesting to you a few additional idea; some if which you will pereetee have been brought to light'by our work as we went along, and others by ii.pecaon of the map, end • bird'aeye view of the country. In the light of all the Information I ern in travervqdrlof, I feel pretty ttutivehenev , et the taxation of this road then be finally Made, It will be matevially *lured from the onejuat explor, ed, and much improved, in point of guile and die . I think I, am fully borne oat in this opinion by the followinglfacta. In the find place, it any one will curable the wiper iIeIVIT COonty Penosyl vanis. and Odd - ambient' Co, Ohio In Ireheedert, he will see et a glance, that the route which Isms coeitrained to take by . your instructions, le not the m o ugu e ekone; He will see that char 'Mending from the Brighten bridge, to Clark's euromit,whith ir nearly vier of Darlington, the most direct route to Went Is by Wrien's valley, and that branch' of ihis;Little,Bemicemainif into it,whichlteeds near the pine Wmattli, whom wetere run north into -Ifieboning; - and - sondi Into Bull irreaLl . • . this Mate we should second thin branch it diarßeitiattlliir eeocoilothititiittiftimarealk undiair• 'CO; Fiera thence riiahoold pOrl s ki n In a aßibilf intise*B4 and *oar westward twgttrgU 00 , 1101 . '; 0114 •kl °8 4 4 1 144 " • )''.- -• • afil 024 1111.11:.e■INAMi )3euveri - esy i EAU below Hollowly* nailithants by 1 0 toil ea . " 4 1 g NO to the left, round the.tidp , npo*wbich asiena stands, and come into the law. cc cola town, 'Stale point of oar present fermi! . 'You iriU , not be 'apprised at this min— ion when I inform you that estimating the fallof the Little Beaver froth &Cm vallej to our place of craning. a little alsove.Doslincon at silty, feet, the elevation ham Etionivelley, to rhe above oleos Mooed Pine swamp mould ho bet 1:14' Met. The distance isestionted alien mliew4Making the' vade.kffs then ' feet to' the mita But whet cube this route more particularly desirable Is that while it shortens the ohlmatedistenct miens Weskrn Wwwilwles• it overcomes, and, in recta)- most annihilates our grade on the Western side of Clark's summit—the mein and most ietionsthflP calty on the song. ' • iwt tie examine the fact.. The distance from this summit to Brion'. Valley is at least 6 miles. The height of it Is 364 fiat above our base lines after reducins. it 81 feet by the contemplated Mee neL Our mooing' place at the Little Beaver is 20t feet above said line. TIS this edd my 50 feet for the descent of the Little Beaver, which icPcc• lushly less than it is,• and . we have 251 'feet.— This taken .from'3o4 leaves only 53 feet descent fromthe summit down, which would have to bo overcome in the distance of 5 miles—lsm than eleven feet to the mile. ' • It may be asked why alter your line, when you have so unexceptionable • grade as 46 feet to the mile, and that only for 21 mile.. Such a ques- tion would never be asked by any one who bad muchinformation on the subject of Rail Road., and to those who tare not, (and there are many of this description,) I would remark, that the most perfect Rail Road is end which is entirely straight and entirely level, and although grade. of 46 feet to the mile may be • edmiasible in certain casts, still it I. always desirable to avoid them if petal. ble,and get down se near es maybe to the standard ol perfection. I ou ght, before going further, to give the . dais upon 'which I weed that the eleva tion from Enon's Valley to Pioe Swamp is only 94 feet. First, then. as I hare helot° stated. . I estimate the fall of the Little. Beaver from said valley to our crossing below, at GO feat. This would make ear elevation arthe former place, In wit at:Elton'. Valley 56 feet above our here One. At Firestone., near the head of Rut' Creek, a short distance from said misstep, andyrithin 6 feet of the same level, we have 350 feet. Add this fret, and we hive 355 feet above our base lino. :From this take 061 foot, and we have the tlforesaid 94 feet—thus giving ea a grade upon this wction 'of the line of Was than ten feettp the, mile, as btu :been before stetted. I make thew rtmeeke in or. 'der to impress upon your minds the imoitnice of this Northern route, so that it mey not he over looked, in roan you should uKimotoly succeed in your project. And with the same view, I ought, perbala, to add here, that my confidence, in bang able to pursue so uniform and direct a course along the cnunty tine, is net altogether the mufti of guess work, but is based upon levelo which we took in the progress of our survey. .Forin.t ince, we bare the level at Firestone*, at tho head 01 Bull Creek, which gives us very nearly the levy of Pine Beramp. At Columbiana, which is very tle south of oninty line, cur route milts the head waters of Mill Crerk,whicb empties into tbe 51 abo. leg; thus showing we were on the dividing ridge brtwern the lake and the Ohio river. 4gain at %chid Fredericka, 411 bat a sh . irt distance Booth of the line, we hero an. elevation raryto lan lit. tie (tech that at Firestones. Then artain.at ‘Yeah. ingtixtrille, directly on the lies, we. hod a filar Theme facts go to show. not only the pradica. bility of this touts, lit they indicate also that when we ones gluon to the table lands of Ortio,*e . two probably preserve a lesel upon them, perhaps all the way to the Western late of tha Bute/ If ea, why not all. the way to the Missienppi risk! The Limo is not for distant, I am petruerled, 101111 this fact will be esentsine,f, end If s 'owe is found to be practicable, I question not theta Rid [Ladd will *ion be constructed upon it, for who under take to set bounds to . ths enfilies end cetarprise of the American People? The capital is here, end the bone end sinew to constinct the work, sod nay, honest opinion is, that at is only nenetuary that 'the truth should be known in regard to the wealth and resources of the West, to order to briny, NO into trornediate regoinii,to. All whi c h ii ie.pect fully submitted. CHARLES T. W HOT°. Civil Engineer. The POTATO rot is committing its retraces ih the Psi:iris:ea of New Brunswick. opoo the island of Nantucket and over 'serious pits of the eotostry sad world. The ides of cony That the seed has rue out i not avdluipi by the who hae inctati. pled the the subject. The following foot an ewers sU preeioue theatrics. Mr. David Milne sad appeatein the Chau:Wanes Jountsl: The evil could tot iprinx from any , over Tattoo of the plant, air specimens brfoughr dircully from Peru were affceted equally cm ahem.. Mr. Milne. we rosy add,clumatde all the hype. thefic Ultima oftfle potato trtit,—auinaccie,fan2i, aud pectlisttim laths ears IRS arid weather; and tonaidert the eflimi e n. no have always done, an epidemic defuse; which la tact ntt oaf:Naively Unfitted to the potafo,—alihouglx teen this. plant its ranges havo bernsUret noticed awl deplored. .The dowse attacked many other plant...—.o peas y taavy, spit:Laub, and %via elms and oaks" It was perhaps the mine dilutes which. et. the firm appettrar.ca of the potato rot in the United (Mlle', ma observed to etrfet our planfrttrea or butte,. weeds, and to i cameo rveut, unto of our osha. As might but expected by all acquitted with the leading characterittica or epidcroics, Mr Milne cote, Were the mum of the disease to exist in the, at mosphere, being, of course, of the attar° of a 'Diana or malaria. , The proof of this he cocaidma to be the Gm, observed io Great Ilfitriti, that puts. tom sheltered by omens; frame.. or even recede and other highlrowitg photo, ramped the di,. ease. • Another ciramostmea remarked by Me. Winn was, that tire epidemic, in thn three kingdacos, outlined ■ regular course tram the S. W. to the N. E., travelliog at a rate of pregccesion tartlet% carried it from the moth of Ireland to the Orb twee In the apace .of three months: and he seems t • !WA that, in *ism' Owes; its advent atm die tinguithed by ramarkabie f-se. descetbed by anie farmers ea producing a fats odet,luodcr which the plants were observed to be almost immediate. ly blighted. GOLD to RUSIIIA. the failuxtai two get from the Loudon lettet Zaf the N. V. liertrizz.. liy the returns publiehed at. St. retanshurg, the prodoee of gold obtatued from the washings of the rivers, s& c. during the lawyear, was eqoal to $l7, 000,000; and the average of r e law rat years hail baeu $12,000,000 : 'This return, which continoes IA inure® sorry jeer: is eoortapos.;.and ti equal to the whole posture .of Satins . America in WI palosiess times. It doe, not appear thatthe tames are so very rich, al that the. quantity of labor td to be obtained is very great for very small coat- Three days in tho' week the Seri works for hiv lot), three days he tilts the ground for hi. own siippart. Rio lord protects him (root all liking. (except hi. own,) fends him - when pay. hi. medica(attendant for hid), gives him ■ suit of clothes a year, and in MUM takes tram him all the gold he Sods. If a Rossini serf raises more gold than four dollars a year, ha gives a profit to hia mates: The blies Fox abduction cue is wig exciting attention in New York. The Nam York Com• . menial has heard that awaiting !es the young la dy, the . marridge ceremony was performed by Hare, who read Abe ursine in a private roam in Broadway, in the romance of a Witness—so that the question will now lulu whntber or not a man can perform his own marriage ceremony, and than come within the decision of the Supreme Court, that, muting, being. merely a Mil contract, if a man in the presence of a witness declares that he Ulna the pony to wife, it in m a ll intents and pai- Vies a legal marriage. If an, Men of COMBO the Charge of bigamy will be iiartained. _ Kearrao Tgl T .=The Beaten bourne ssys : By the treaty of Washingtoo, which settled the Nottivessaern boundary question; the'Upited Beata stipulated to keep in ths African series 131T4 squadron of nut leaa tlsii 80 guns, for the topples• stew of that traffie. Tnat provision expires during the coming "mouth; being five ye a .. f re e, the date of the treaty. Itu this provision of the treaty . been scrupulously °hasped by theU.S. govern.. hoar Biatoos.--The Bvaton Journal Self : The Boston - and Providence Railroad are bailing an Iron Maar bridge on the branch neck to the Wer• ceder Road across seven mile river. -It is expec ted that a locomotive 'will be run over the Wor• caster Read sa far as Worimodett, on Priday. The we of iron for railroad hunt won become corn• moo, ifilot The - Harlem Reinded hat upon Ito line in iron “Traw Bridge" that is a 'Pecimen of rare ingenuity ind the boat -bridge The eparteemtex" . devotee tow Or Rte mete of its columns mtweintup" the wieners ie the On. 'tiezdeek Ttiet I This week,, Mn. Deere (wife of 'Ms Heti ILllesie) hes to takeit4s The, r°. rirAlktn2s. , for the' 11knitetemeot, if pale of !Bishop 'Oederdtink 110511 i to be, vigorous, judliThit fima.,! ll !.' s e aigns• ' ' . , ! Sszirr. the Treinidistis It 6.4a:i. Omit tO !off:re - premium of $3,000 -fat the Wet attend fee the, step_ that mss: be offend before 'the first iffitne next. If -noise of thew istrannl !shill be fano! ertesby of eo Wei a minim, i 6 ,0 ,the anther of the best will be paid offer an Liberal - will :nis`donbt.'estil forth the bat tkontedn Went in the genii* - - • Daniel Webitsr reservist fifteen' bemired dol. Ara he tbien 44e'eliebsea " this Oyler saglif . . . . MEM BY-MAGATIC'; TtLarit - _ Coreurprandesee rat' , Pittatresirghl • PROM MEXICO. 1 1 Correspondenee or the Musham casette; Aug,3l. 13 The NewCideralCpapers haft not yet lien'se• reivel et tMs place, and we art indebted to Mr, Martin stage agentfor i Sight of the Picayune and Deitiotthe 24th inst. • • Ther are later arrivals from Brazos. Thellet• arta . Flag of the 2Bth says that thefi , ntelli. gen received hu been confirmed by printer bet las from Coale° that the scan - tint patty of 27- Texans commended by CapL•Baglorwere*teck. ed by party of Mexicali and all killed bat three.. The Flag contradicla the statement thit Gan. Scott Lad enteredMexteo. ' The details of in outrage of the most brutal character is said to have been committed by men in the uniform of American soldiers. . • Officers of the Massachusetts regiment writing froa Ceralvo, under date of Bth August, stem that the two loot army trains from Monterey to Ca. margo were attacked and thirty= forty peek mules cut off from each. That another treinleft m the 7th and that positive evidence had been :recnieed that 300 or 400 ifesicaios Were ambushed an the raga. the purpose of cutting them offl i The Flag farther says that the Esprew mail wagon wee attacked on the Monterey Mad about the let of Auffun The escort wu.scattered du ring the fight: and two Suit grit raising I are ap posed to hare born killed. On the next day a merchant train containing 40 moles, was attacked, and the escort dis i persed.= The whole train was captured by CM Mericani. The Flig of the 11th August states Met a train ef 125 wagons left that place yesterdag far Comae go, escorted , by Cat. Butler's duriipany of Dra goon., and from thence to Monterey. • 1 ••• This train was utalocanied to make up the corc Vaunt of transpattittion of store } _ and Munitions sulficiat for the Intended march of Gar. Taylor on San Luis Potosi. Capt. Butler'a Dragoons - mato a magnificent display. The FM; of the 18th says orders Dom General Taylur had been le - aired at Caniargo; directing the train to halt until a larger train can be got ' ready for movement. They are satisfied of his intention to advance immediately oponr Ban Luis - Potosi. . Camipondents therittabargh Rivets Yellow Fevez. line 0 Jan. 24. The deatbe and interments tram Yellow (cant for the . 48 bone ending on the :warning Ur the 23d -84 deaths; Charity liostaital for vhe 48 hours vpdlog on the MOM Ail 27. 'harem! of . deaths over the 'week preceding 127. The disease bad never been more slabeing, and. many area seek ing the Country to escape its. ravages. I Itusinees, too, had generally • suspended. C...a . mtpoodetwe of the Pittsburgh tiszeite PIII.IsADELPHIA MARKET. 10:E=MEIM2 Flonr—tBalse of Western 11. ms at If 5,7514,87 per bbl at ertogt sate thane aro more idlers than toque. , Coto Med--StoderateialesB3.l2.ic per Wthmt-4alci al Primo Relliutubera at 1230 Ewa—Primo yellow is sallog at 75e per. bo. Ows--Ssles of new oats a. 2e and of old at 20e per bu. eotut—Nothing , doieg in the article worth rrportiog.. Mem Pcirk—Salat at 80.75 per IbbL - Psi= Pork—The market Pt inactive, with limit. 'ea .ales at $l3 per madat fs gold and without dune in pris. Whiskey—The =stet is doll, %Tab sales s 28: - pct. gelL Groceries—No change In the pace; =eke quiet. Correepondeneo of Ilse Pittsburgh Goxetto BALTIMORE MARKET.• Ba •Aug. Rt. 4 e. Floor--Ilcorerd !street Brands sell et. $5,50 per City Mille is held at 12,75 perjbbL Wheat—Moierate tales occur at 116a120e per be,. .Prima Red is wiling at 1064110 e per ba. E. - rn—Bales of Mibite, rictstrictlylpdine, at ne per bee. oara—Moderato sale. at 38539 e per bu. Wabiticy—Betas at :Sept galL Pfu•ieians—Ttcre iv en increased do:nand in the ratriel, but no change in prince &oche—The =kat is doll, with' a downward tendency. Farther vales of 600 bbls Mot at . previotto quo:anew. also 6000 be Wheat and 20,000 bri Corn at firmer prices Pork—Western boo saki-today at $1: per bbl. Lard--Sako of Western at 10e. EX.elmire Corremendeeee of the Pitts b urgh Gesette NEw YORK MARKET.' . , Aug. 31;4 xt. x. Flour—The Market is firm, with Moderato sales at previous pricer. Wheat—Sales of 3000 bn &Wheal Red, not strlctly prime, at 130 e per bn. Cora--atio of Western 'Mixed at 'Melta per hu. Prime Yellow is active with min at 76e per bu. osta—Moderato sales at 45c per . -NZ - change in the Ptolli3loll mu et, excepting a slight lacrosse in demand, • ". .lard—The market is inactive, Without change in Wyo.. • tkitton—Nothing doing in the market. the Western Ilaguelk Telegraph. Cincinnati, Ang.i3l, 9 p. m. 'Foe Correspondent of the St Louis Resale spiting Goat the Osage nation says that the- Snags Cacaliachees have come Ogaden. in Counnl. It ha coma to light that the, Spaniard' have paid large mom of money and mules fir the par. pausal destroying the 'American traders and =lc property journeying over the ioad. They offered a large reward for every scalp and oxtail. la gm Spring those tribes maw= their 'old positions 'oci the east lido of the Arkansas. • XLNIA, Ohio, Aug,Bo The moiler mill near this plea wes destroy to•day and one men \by the 'explosion. Exclusive Correry.oorulence or the Pnt•Uargb Galeit IdINUINNAIII MARKET. . ADg. 311E14 r, tr.• Floor—Saba of 1200 WA at $4 per bbl. Wbirkey—Modetata 'ales at 17e per gal. ~, L ard--Salea of 1700 kep at 10ie. per - fb Holding price. Ilc per lb. Procunona and Gr.cories continuo 'Mon chop. On the night of the tt-Xth of Minuet at Knights. town, Indiana, a tremendous hurrictuao paned over the town, upset tho canine tent of Welch "de Co's Circus exhibition and tore it to atomo.;—lrli Levi North „R6l perfoWning his colonic four bum fete at tho time 'tile Worm burst upon the pa•illion- tho horse"- became frightened and threw him upon the nog, dashing his breins on god killing him instatitlY. Tho ring master was run over by horsey, had an arm broken, and was otherwise injured. Several others 'of the cam. pony *aro hurt, and two s women and a child kill. cd. Tho storm' detested the country for ;the space of half- a mile wide, blowing down - homes and destroying life. , Littman; GAS ttectaTiti;—Dri Collate* en. tatsinnund last night canes. up, to- the matt earl pine expectations that knirs spat:and amuse. meet amid ask. The 'Odium wu large, and Of the most respectable -character, .and every thing wint ofrio a proper winner. His Leal:dee new be. topoated this evening.. . . , A Goon' Om) . ylritto. P —A - corespondent of the Knoxville (Tenn.) Regietei, suiting from •eoutilli : WE—A ~Ttitiroday, last, ;/olm Van Boozer, of ibis county, also Ii ono /tundra:Nod pollen ran old, went one and a half idle" to , the place of boidiag tbi election, and 'anal the fall Whig ticket'. Ile bas voted at every big 'dentist election that ha; taans held Inge United Elunee.--:lie *is •.Whlz. lithe itevciiatiaa usit V , lacono,' who was comm i tted itt* Maolcia , further 'bionics-, hu Wen ' hallo. 04 to , answer it the neit Ciurt of: Qaositar Siiiiwis. for an so sioat mid boner' , on Jolcplanis. 'alcelnalsolifist established a new Ilia 41 I wo • of penis:oat =4 piltinrusra has itC:)10 If Wr Liverpool begumOir °ryas - • -541 . .?3ja .e® MIS=EMIN= Seim—There Isere an bead at the. tint en idonday. which said at $3 - ac64 bOtiptlPo lbs. nett. Calees—A, Minn member said at 5245045 each. Sheep. a lieited supply in market, "Mick sold id Hogs-.-Them area a gond *apply st the yard, and males wite rather Now at ;Fs per Kelbs nett.. TTBBURGII WEEKL GAZETTE SeptembeT 2—corrrairt rant :and Rrui *R oa d_m e oi rig o f the Stockholders of the Pittsburgh end Connelly. Ana Ralf it« 4 Company—Th e j Macidonian— Pleunre Trip toCove—Taylor's tetter—Tenible Disanter—alanhuran on the Tennrylvanii lettei from the Priaident - of the Central Railroad Corep t r4—News from ' Mexico—Potato Rot Ro Dale Oiren—Electrivedfron-4 West- I ern Rail Road-Wool Minufrenies—Litter from jonnici=t in Italy Gen. Scott Wad Gen. Banta A Real Rotate of Pittsburgh—Leona .of-Windom--Something from the Army—lnter. nal Improiements--skotch of the life of Ruftw Cboate—l-Connellarilk. Charter— S ob Truantry Fire in Now York and Pliilada—Liberty Ticket Lama TelegroPhic new., Foreign and Domande. Comthercial—A carefully complied Kellen, to the Merkel, for the neat week—The 'price. in the local city markets—Thu eattle Market—The prices of American Produce ia yahoos part. of the Union ~.Antooot of Floor, Wheat, Cora dec.,' received niece tho opening of the Coed—Canal Waltman and movement. of produce—. Market in London. City Nevra—sprit of tbePress—Commie Extract. from the leading journals oc the interesting topics of tho.miy. For isle at the doh, tingly or in orrepporla Price G cents single copy. - Subociiptions two doll= a you in &dunce •Ofl' Salter'; Ginseng; Panaceas—blutacas. Tarsturonv‘-We beg leave to call pablieuttentlen to the . following, finm Dr. Wm. Donn, of With...smile Clermont Co., and one of the very first practitioners in the county m which be resides, Mid late Senator Id the State Legislature. 'it ts cheering than to see the lead ing lama( the profession, bursting the bonds el-profes sional prejudice, and giving morn its due: . vStr: I have In my practice been wing enamor yo. Clowng Paworn, and, so far. am well pleased in i effects in Catarrhal end Bronchial Complainer. Nau sea' me half a down LWOW—put WWI as lour as To 'enn; as t expect if It co:ulnae* to reedy., general sa isfaction if has heretofore. to keep!, constantly hand. Respeetfully, apl7 IVat. Doan. ru. e. GAZETTE JOII PRINTING OFFICE, ?mini STREET, COUNia. OT POST units att., , f f tat aj-W are now prepared to once to in lllltr2CriOr and exprili Limn anner, all king . Joe emienno, mmll an large Nerve, blellllll,ollt BlitS,Bills of Lading, Letter! keel Circulate, Handbills, Car., he-, de: ... ' . NOOK Mtn Tainient.l.T PaIICTINCI to any exteit executed In the bent manner, and al Wade et reading dono.urith accuracy and at the lowa. rata.. frg-An Application Laving been yetienlaymede .Ktuujos by the Oomiolitee Pblto Hal l to allow Me mee gof the Pittsburgh and Connellsville Rail woad Codipiny lobe held Mere, he, although at much Moon venktnee to himself, kindly contented. Ills'exhibitions have thus been interrupted, end will not re-eorrimeitce until further notice. A New Penny Paper i'roPoorio for Pobail:dog in' the City of ,Philade phis, anew Daily Paper, to be celled DeILY NEWS" THE rapidly increasing bonnets population, had carnal ot Pialladeaphin tide ecitilireUou enstlng between Whig principles and the prosperity of the city, and the present poeulou of the Whig pony of "milli sauna and of, die Union, hays reduced tee subscribers to propose the establishment of the shove paper Too NEWS wilt advocate Whig pnneipies as origi nally expounded by Our fore fir hers of the Vonstitanous, and adoote.iyoud advocated by the accredited mans and champions of the Whig cease at the present ea • . The propnetns refrain from setting forth in a prosyec tut the peculiar propriety and pressing neeesony or the pobliconoo of is,bei4,cherginic, and learirsa Whigyeti ay Paper an ibis city. They are oltelouo True to an ogee( °heap literature, and whale th• publishers warn establlara the paper upon the bans of solid mein. they would place at within the reach of all by its cheapness. Ao a news, coinencrelal and basiness paper, the EIVS shall be second to none of its con e:hemnos The must ample soured are secured for aveniving the latest and moot accurate local, Lnieign mid domestic inhlbgerice, - Nouting Indelicate or ode:Was to a refined to to wit ba ademzed too tbi paper. • • Toms.— the Nt WSwill bedeliveredtosubsenbel mem Cents per week, payable to carrier evety Sara day. ' biaU sasiribors OI per 4.13 ma: . EVANS, PAXSON &CO Philadelphia, Aegart V,1617. eptldtr DEAN'S OUEMICIALL PLASTER.. DaiheoYrs.., Mleh., April ill, ISO.' fikINTL EUEN-1 have been in- the habit 01 using kW Dewey UttetWeal Plaster in my prochenfor the hut two year. daring whichtime I have applied it Warmly eases of disease attended with local tntlereadon, mei as ingantation or the Eye. and Eye lima, gbitensonotta bemsca, Fever Sores m the testy or, ingenue:my no ;, gee, local b idammatery Rheum*" .a ni ad ninny of the clue atteaded with intlamatton pc end fever, in ail I of watch it has ill MY 11410.1.• prey successful. And toe the tones of disease for which it is recommended. I consider It one of the most ertitimou Yemenite of which I have smy.littowledge. Fairing been made en ountitesl wan Me component pens and computinion of me Flamer. I have no heettation in recount:Wang it to the public as a highly metal and -ickntige prepasetion I owe. M SWIEWIT. M O Late Surgeon to the U S (nuns. at DCIIIrbOUIT ',lle. To Meters II tlarvit S. Un. .. ... . • Put tale by B A FABNRSTOCK & Co. corner of Ors and wood .d•trood and nal atrects tptl Harlem Coal Works, with the laud, or with the 3 . 110al tend only, as a purchaser may prefer. I will al sell 16 ears, three Cats, three barge.soand all the implcme nu, ropes, ita,betonging—as nolo artoperation If desired. a set of bleat-Muth tools, bellows, Mc. eau be hut. Timm, nre several lemma for Ma accommoda tion of diners, Ae. . also otter to &tam Pfaf, with the lmod which it Is built. U the coal works said mill are sold soon, I will teat them ob good terms. I will callelso my Harlon Form,mther with or with out the Coal contains. A o description is nezeasury, a. trty penou d moored pure.hue will first view'. All the above poxes of property Ile 'down rubeiniu and may be occepied as • whole I will sell. therefore, either MVO.. Of separate,. may suit piirehasers. ytos ‘ t , t i b tt s: b r , i n li g er o c etoa o tli ‘ zr . cmilitra, ahe v c Mon. ong _ mlldgt• " • THOS II BAIRD eArtcg ginOK9 FOP. BALE-4 large ooh Journals 0 of tho Wall, of, floprogentith fee Of ea- floe: I:WU nrprn. rC The American Pioneer in 2vols. The Theological Skew!, Boot 1611 cats. • Mamma's Pulpit Aaristant, and a small •nrfory o other scarce books. Inn Carrier New 'Pittsburgh and Allegheny City Di rac...T, and a few Wien. lama , unef and Letter paper; red, bloc nod black Ink; waren and sand.. • r4r Invr by, ISAAC HARMS, Agent and 'Com klerchani,Pdth st.nent Wood. ' • spit • F °ll SA . 200 as c ro7reil - ssze ' SV:rc i len Bawl,, • cords and Lacing; • Twine' inballs; .• . • Window Saab and Gloss to sal; . • Idalebea, • • . • .. • Warn avatar; - -• Brushed; Louireille Lima. • Parente by IrrAAC CABAL% Age:demi Commierio • tlerchisnt:Sth st near Wood. • spit ..FASHION FO6 ALITUEN,I947. •'• ADIoCO AD &KING, littera, corneiOA: wood aad have roe♦ tied their Ai tama style .of Hata, to which they reopeeirolly levee the attention of ilk* coalmen and attach, centrally. TT 011T=On Saturday:near the hicinongshilh wharf drapean's receipt hoot, with the name of - Greene &Co in it. - Toe ander will coder a favor be fraying it with the sabeerthet. 11.0 VICICREY. M=:=t "LIBIENN ,?.ND EIOSLIZcs. . . . . . • IV MR RYRYteiroter Mlt etaa 'el the eat Is of buyer for above &owls. having nem open & tame *apartment of wipe nor make of both am erce, boaght from tho 'Agent, of the Ithoufacturers,and •eanarquently ean be cold at lowest papible pikes. • MLR—Brown, black, anti plater Dantaute Flannels—also, scarlet, yellnw.ad White Ront en. tarn martu factorial. —a all supply sow an hand at' Dry Goods Plume of W R 51URI'it Y. aptt R MURPIIV ha* open this Morn Inga, large moo:lntent of choice pallets of Man cheater 15liogImme, of fast talon nod superior make. OUGAE, AND NOLABBEE— ►7 DO bbd prime NO &Ivan 600 MIN N 0 Mobkraa; .1110 811 Maluse•oo bawl. far Pale by , II ISDRBRIDOY., WRSON &CO lIDOMINAL N . UPPOKTERS—Dr Chased . , Wit tand'a;Knovedetde and othela for *ale at the Wild • roof I KIDD &CD 11N0R1.E11,23 bias chip Logsvood; 13 b•gs Pepper, • ,10 'Alloplea; 3 egks Madder,. • . . 3 caroms ladim • ' clop tbaring soap Jost rota: tal We by pit • —BURBRIDU wxtff.mr - G:ess-'argr‘ ... -,370 - ,dl "IS do.- • 14530 ' 100 do 10y 4 • "401 !!13 d ; 9014 1' 60 ' F Ng& . 111 ; & 7 1g, rfro " o b : sbtr O - Is Twins's* Oil for We by . IL-'44 . 'VMS° co water st ti '- dOLIZI • LEATIFIEII;-1W *bk. Nor York put ``co " f' ‘ cai-.fi` n l i.iniifttrhir.. WILSON kCO . . VOITFEILEI-3004gs Rio; • .. : . .V• ..Igmot; lootme'd; kirtaki iiy • URBRIDGE, WILSON a-at T CieM7o,ol}-100 bbls etoppedjoit read for itsla "la lOU by . E ANAUDEIII-I , csk 11677 WY) priize • • wit lust rte'd; V/ for sala by , - E YIELL.URS G IINNIItON lus_t,7o(l; WV IP -1"11415"'"4"1; p ARM OAKEN-434 44 pan prune gat BatgmNE -465 'oiut"'''''Initg tits A 4 UJCAM3IO,IVIA, Mm—i.c!4tK.A..goinet.r.eßsa.; ITRO = » l oarboya for.aleby reiligglgVrA%reP NTeq — ni frFIVIIIIIIIS—A new lonCiniioa.lleilipms J. - samba% for wale by - KIDD &CO WATNlM4olbOutruAdjonuttloatidet ke VW Z.Welt moor 411w4v0 - - 11 auction _6 ll* John D. baviii.itiurtlonneeti. French Brandy at Autsco , rr , onday aficitiontithittad lan . . at 4 oteltietOrt tho Cominers;alnates gnarl,. corner Wood and SO will ho Wald without MCIITC 1 - 2 t account ',born it .way rn... conce ' I qoate east OturJ, Ihtiti.t.Co, dirk Birindi. 1 der •do . do pato. dcs • which ate eoheid:red a knod andel& --- spit I . JOHN DAVIP, Annum:leer 10" - Americatf.conp..( : • On Thasdaysion=g,Serambee,MlOoklnek, Cam.rtotrOtal bales Itevm eomer of Vb.! mad Ftfth.o. will be seld an extensive asaortenew uroco . - • At 2 o , Clock, P. M. la and 3 /st t;blo .1114 e; LUIZ= 4iti'"eitnl7.4'iatWi nye. Teat , . IS down coal and DeCoasbite Staines, • ' 6U ne.4- bead boon; . . , . 40 ream, crown ...pawn Paper . . . Glassware. wancnowtre, unworn, tobaten; Elan, tatchen, t rankhn anone4e. A lane quantity anew td second nand haus...old furniture, among which are nogany but:n.4044,1., bedtteada. . funny and coin. ...chairs, anrk and wash suit dr, looktng . Vanua, midi clocks, carpeting kn. - .. At 7 O'Clock„ P. • , • A retail riOck of fancy and staple dry, eOO6I don concry, gold and silver rrolehea, cold on books and stationery, musical motramento, ready made clothing ; boom, halt. German falter Orman. k. • aSt AMUSEMENTS. lINBOONDED:EST/111111/11.313 • TuountitAnT.rtirtmaitrir O►iti yocausrs. . THIRD.ENGAGFALET44.! One Week More. Prize of ;a rpknelid Silver Ctsp foi4helett Melody or Esztraragetnsa. , ANDItEM'S' ICE CREAM SALOON. _ •IMiTTANyE TIVENTY4 , IIPS CltOfa, TIIETHOUPEoI Vonalists.baving BC ab two saga menu at this Temple of Pkmare, closing. baler day enemas last, with otalinilnisned•ropummty an 'erowded Meows—at the argent solicitation of she Man ager have been prevailed inmate minima : • They 1.11 accordingly appear every 'Evening Ibis week, in the most pointer „sangs,pieca, melodies and ext royagencia of the day, diyeraijing the performance Prim ore Silver CUP will he *worded to the author cif tire movie of tech bluthopian Melody or Extreva gaols. to be, Set to music by the troope'! at present e tonged. which . o°ll be decided the best by th e spools. Ocoee voice of the audience at the RI AL CONCERT, no 'Monday /teethe September O. ' 112`Peceons - contending for the Prize, mist send to their p ' een t o the Clanger on or before Friday awn Peptemher 3. in enter to afford time foe the adoption of manic wench face which may hi tiered. ' ran LAIIGIIING CAB Y the argent re tweet of seresnl gentlemen', 14-COL- B Tt):4 wit] give A GRA ND SIMWTION OF THE Nrimr- teentLetzetee At the'.lll.eneure '51.rl It ellll:4berlY A WeilLeads) evelsing,Atyr. 31. Dr. v..aare tae smite ernexitiee le the!. pie. Damn. to 1e45, for the DeueSt at the, re s Fatty Talkies ergot will be Fepeiett, ptlllref lithaic It • , .•. 110 erect of the g. dere.ope reearae:rt ofartte otider . . Rptlik, -..... mg. where °there derteeothorai ficient vonweionveivas is retained In aline cline in the pine. nee of it pionerenone an. Fincen young nien,of the first respeetabi. , ge . goil to inhalii tlive geta. ' ' welVe manta wen ore engaged to eland Upon the rear (which will be erected with a sailing around to plated those under the 111111.:Y.CIS °edit VS (Mt In• jiving thentaelves or where • ' ' •' ' . e 9 be whole 'entertainment will be erLicited with thee mono- ty and dewrnen which shall diwerve thelintren. age eine menthe,. clan, of latina and: gentlemen. Dr' ce • pledgeldmeelf that it mall he entirely (Wrenn:at from hut e mostly given of the Time : • The whole toll conclude with's wriest( :the - Meat bnR Pill I.O 4 OPIIICAL EXPERIMENTS. A brief lectdrie upon the -properties of the gee :will pr cede the Eolith/on. • • . ' r • !bon open at 7. To commence a gazette before 9, Ticket* cowl, Pelcany log ceeta. • . N. 19. Front h one and Dress &Wee will lieTaTvlT. ed tor ladies and thew wboaccenapaly thew. ag 29 . WELVWB NATIONAL .0111,CD;; FFOII THE OL.YitIPIAbI haIftIIITHEATILE, • Philadelphua. 1• TrolP=li 74.17gAa`glififirg; their aylendid Water—Fr.:" Pariffien, commodionely lurnlphed forlic comfortible mceptuta ergo) person', 01 Pitt.burgh, on the 10th, 11th and.l6th, of Suplember next • , , Independent' o f Willis' celebrated Bran Band, ' , dm, company will he sobbed on their unmet, by Mr. tit al !Reel, Sfrinir , B6/444 playintaire from the most portuta , . . In the evening the payithen betllmathated by the. patter spine Gas, prorated by HT C 131044 Esq. of th e Vatted mates Nary Depanment,Washington It loan entirely new method, giving ..apariar light: flea from Sl?sl4.s.ll:l4futie tae bolt of all other attempts, and casitog a fight scarcely leas,brilltant than the samFay _ _ sun. Col:teaming dd • co' repanjwill be rowel .+lrr JaCal ereate4er,otho rtde•t•thoeh admired &elm of the Bussiele Enr0.0 .. , the 70770, fn Soththor!cr Sthes:ted Ws b[ll2ll/111tpthodeiof ths Spits Fiut.his; Wsr aingi on t, g sad 4 bones. Nola= Lows fitiziont the Brent Nay= Phsmn rtieltarinka, whose admirable pertionaliona,.. tingle Mtge, chat. and