• -4%7, .) •1' ' K = 2 4,;, MISCELLANY I,- I . I. 1 :1 r • I '%r: - : rA,.....,,,.1 ;~;~: ~r "*.*: sowttvetlrlf, 4's:111:0- • v 1 7.: 4,, t -144::, ,• I ;rk.: • •:•. , 1 7: © ;v 4 i:4,;i: 4 1, , •41., 4 1 , ;•••'' ••• :: . 4 1 -.: AT Wornen aro formed for at' ' WI)" . Their •gratitude id. nnirn - tachatent• 'l" ''s an increasing ...- : • . bi re t peschao. Their .a delight to - the man who has min or " fc'qu . at tained , and Icnoyra bow to deceive .... ." Ce nidia i e ry keenness ' of sensibilt... .. : - : ,_,: i tk L ,- - ivid - c - hif t we ll cultivated would itrore of vour liighestenjoYaL ,e O 4: ..the'. Mr") - en- aid' worgoo°°°' iiiifk row ' to blit!ern ' - ' fail to attend . to . it, !Ir ~` 1 '~ l' •^~4~__ beam's( sketch wilt be yeeog idud, b y t h e halals, as frein,ttie pea Of N. P. Willis, now one of the editors of the Reese ions .4.an etogiret weettly ',heat published loyNor•- ,• willis;liew York. • nem the Home Therilfealiel of...the Ttaughtet.of. Jitios Freshly the cool hreath, of the coming es& thrOught.he lattice, and the dying girl_ Felt.otpo,ll . l2ei forehead. , •Stie had labs Sine° thehot noontide in a breathless 14zace— t4ri.hin. pale fingers Mwedwithin the hand Of the bein-bioten Iceler, and her bt!..eil s • Ike the dead ra - arkkino white and ;.• The shadow of a eel lay on herilipit, ' And, is it stirred with the .hwakening bind; +' • The dark lidi li from her languid eies, And her,slight ger. moyed, and iiealdir She turned u her pillow/ He was [heti— The salmi !erred, tireless watcher, and she look 'd Into his rice until her sight, grew dim With the fast-lkilin tearer : nod,:erith Of tremulaus'weskuess murmuring his namei.-' She gently drew his hand upon her lips: • And . kirred it o she wept. The old , Upon his knees, and in the drapery Of the rich curtains horird , up his fare; • • And wheri the twilight fell ! heriliert fordo Stineriwith hie prayer . , hot the ishint hand beheld Bed presiire—aidbe could not hear, In the 'fiend, utter eitence, ttdi a breath !(gate' • ~Came. through her pair 4-rt . , 0d her tailrace To hie nide toot:xi:le putse—ind at her mouth I H* held thierighteet curt that ISet herineelt • • Liqf w . lo.mockilg beauty, and bil!lfze! Ach‘wilh its ilesahlritillneu. • • ' • , .... 4 '*. .. :!...lbilieettight- , - - ".• ' And, genii, o'er the pea of Gaidee, ".. Danced thc brecze-ridden ripples to the ahore, Tipped With the silver timid* of the moon. The breaking waves played low upon the beach . ':Trieir constant musk, but'thi airrlinWitle ' - _ Was still bo starlight, and the Saviour', !Mae, 1 , In its ricl cadence* niMaithii. Mead ? ~' goal:aid b e aome'loat-bom harmony in the air. Waked b the power of wisdom. ' , Oa i mck, ' With the:broad moonlight falling , on bis brim!, • - He etood had taught the people.. Attie feet .. Layhis ii all scrip, and pilgrim's scallop - shall, ; . And s 'or they had waited by the sea , Till he c' a 'o'er from Gadareue, and prayed l i r • Falls wrint teaching. as he enure to land. . . - . His hair was parted meeklion hill brow, And the long curls from off' his shoulders fell, -, ' As he leaned forward earnestly,,xid WI • The same cairn cridence,passiordT and deep:— And la his looks the same wild majesty— L Arid in his mien the sadness mixed with power— ' . Filled thein with litre and wonder. - Soddenly,-', 'As on his words entrancediy . they hung, The crowd dividid, and among them stood . Isairs . tust Rutsa. With hisflowlig robe Gathered M haste about his loin; be came, And fixed his eyes on Juns. Closer drew The twelie disciples' to their 3tader's aide; And silently the people shrunk away, And left the haughty Ruler in the midst Alone. A moment longer on the lice Of the meek Nazarene he kept. his gaze. , And, as tte 'twelve looked on hid', by th e light . Of the clear moon they saw a glistening tear • Steal to his silver beard;and, drawing nigh • , Onto thd I,,viour's feet, he took the hem . • .. Of his come mantle, and with trembling hands i'nersed &upon his lips, and murmured lore, ."Masier!! my dauglier !" • • • •• • • • d e ' • The same ailfiry Ihrht, That shoe° upon the loos rock by there., Slept on the Ruler', lofty capital," • Ai at the dim he stood, and welcomed in Jeans and his disciples. 'All was still- - . . The echoing vestibule gave back the slide or their loose modals, and-the arrow, beam Of mootilighl, slanting to the marble floor, Lay like a spell cif - aileice iu the - roMis, • Ar Janina led them ont With hushing step He toad the wilding stair; but em be touched ' • The latchet, from within a whisper came, it -Trouble the Master notfor shuts ci f e'asl !" And his _faint hand fell nerveless at his side, . And khisteps faltered; and his-broken voice Choked lit its utterance but it gentle band Wee laid upon his arm, and in his ear The Saviour. voice mirk thrilln gly and low "She is not diart—but •kipeti" ' . They passed in. The spice-lamps in the alabaster tuns Burned dimly, and the white and fragran t Curled isdolently on the chamber walls. The silken curtains clambered in their folds— Not even h lased atirriog In thic And as the Saviour stood beside the bed, — And prayed inaudibly, the Ruler beard The quickening - division of his breath As be grew - airiest - inwardly: TkienShame A gradual brightness, o'er his calm, sod face; And, drawing nearer to the bed, he moved . silken curtains silently apart, And looked r tipon the maiden. Like a form . ( - • _ Of matchless sculpture in her sleep she las— The linen vesture folded on hit. breast,' .And over it her white transparent hedais, The blood-still-rosy in their lapwing nails. A line Of peail mn'throngh her parted lips, And in her neatrile,spirittdly.thin, • The breathing enree"trea mockingly like life; And round beneath the faintly tinted akin Ran the light branehn of tge azure seine ; And on her cheek the jet leeb °Tetley, Maiching the sircheirpencilled en her brow. • Her hair had been unbound, and falling loose Upon her pillow,bid her enroll round eats In curls of gin/laq blackness, and about Tier polished neck, .cares touching it, they hung Like airy rhadotre floating autheyelept. 'Twee heavenly beatflifitl. • The Saviour raised Her hand from off her bosom, and spread out The ntoury fiogen in his palm, and nod, "Mdiden! Arite! 7—and - endlienlji a flash Shot o'er her forehead, and along her lips And through her cheek the mines color ran; And the'tuill outline of her graceful twin Stirred-in the linen vesture; and .be duped The Sash:mem hand, and fixing her dark eyes Fall on his beaming countenanee--aaosz. NEVER TATTLE=nor' repeat in any society any scandal - or Personal !natter yoii—heir of another. Give your own opinion of people, ilyou please, on , suit able occasions, bat never repeat that of others., all your actions he strictly honest add just; do nothing unworthy of a Christian. "Give no occasion to the 'adversary to speak reproachfully," 1 Tim. v, 14. "In all things. showing.thyself a pattern of good works," Titus It, 7. "Whether therefore ye eat or drink, or Whatsoever ye do, do all to t 11 glory. of God," 1 Cor: a, 31. Thus ,walk (circumspectly and) in wis dom, inward (or — before) them - that are without the church, that is, the peoplo of the, world. COI. iv, 5. CHlXNEY3.—lnstoad of plastering the inside of chimneys in the usual way, take mortar made with onopeck of salt to each bushel of lime, adding ' as much sand and loam as will render it fit to work.•and . Then lay on a thick coat. If the chimney has no offset for the soot to lodgo on;it will continue perfectly clean, arid free from all danger of taking fire. A.trial oPihrea years warrants this U. . . section: • . -:--,.. ~ --...-"::-:..iiiiijitit,.:.::.1.1.:7..:7•1'.7;T'; DR. TOWRRERDIS ' • _ S A RS ATARILL A Alma ciiaordiamy Raid= Nish. WeirkL , ' oar. 'tiptop on littert n linnebiq. plasottor,ond warrselat inferior to mon Gait 'SHUN (Ltil: dUllgi MEDIUM • Yhi gnat booty NJ otipaiority of nbio Baringuiln 6 , 1 , 7 bleditan is, whiln it Odors Dann gloodgor. ateekts Doty it is or of Lbr rep bon SPRING AND gummza mamma wftly g.tai an *bolo nano d nionortbor gonon. trot it Coonto •Itriiin sad Rick Bind, spawn renown by inn other ?de11... 'And in this Nu Ibir sonot of its wondrifol woo. Air pedalo.wit!. a n two yaws, own roomrow of &nen Com of,_akoo nt lout Wee otttionnwen mutton iontrabl, Wont than 3,000 ino. of Chronicilionainta of Ilyspep.; bbb or of Ganond Dobil 3 7 Wtld ama; 7,000 mof different CalllSltinte; 1,300 awes 0f 9,u00 m of Cal= Wotan of Dna. of lbo and Dram . • Tintonnoto no of Dneue of the Bletd r iist Uleen, inplooon do Foot, a..., a... To. r moo of bin Hiwilaotio, - Pan in the wilond 61. 0 0iPini Mroctioos, to, kr. • • Tbb,roani ow.; notot frotenl.l o, hat on ban ku r .tron pbpicions onto. nuns front nit porn of lb. 11.1,1 Matto, adorning in of. cam' It Ysis noun, ono oft. et. us in !In, • ... r S. Winn os ch. be aus ado lo ikon LSO en ing in that ph. aka: non an thowniZof eons an gay of t. n Yak. ...th orill rob:, to with .1 to me of obara It le the bait nodiebto for lb. Parma. dein. han. It ...tally arid tho lieu • • - • • 6030 Cartinnunte. Parr Sue.: A. it moral the tam of dinar, and newel th in Si tha 11 " ,'.'" Derma /lurid , Can.!). W. litcCtant;Or nes Varna, Bum Nan', mad Mak, of do New Yawn Lq;idarore, hat kindly net an the Wowing entities. It tette its out poet. .• . 95,1547. Yon dire I Ina lake. vide the Woman, India, idiots gain bit ia a alehilituad dn. I nag .bdond to tn Dr. Toinnees Saravaralb,.eadieller tail?! tan . te . thatte . boo ths; I aro very meth Wanal, ounbend ntarety ua the said Senapenda. I have coaland Odder st, end and that I'' prom nary day. I bdine it naiad say Ilk nad would laortaa without ad na nay eirelindat. ' lan 11. B. N. licimaae This retltißeela neheloshely p that this !Waimea has petted aetttal one th. mum - ehetiekte disdee of the Twee perks.eusett in atse heme Is Itopeardege4. 'Taw Ctst . • Dr. Tortinnizi—lkitt bir; haw, 114 *wore to harm you that three of my &Ilan low boo ea.& of the *I. fob by lb. me of . yowi nowittat. :mewl.. They was diktat ray orriroly with hod won; only takes bar banks; It wok thee my, it which I teal myollfwattei diwp oblipthow Towtoowpotrally, ; • lass W. Cam:l4lo3 %WU 1. 'Yew York, Mu* lOW GILf. itcolcurg. • . Dr. Tatrisead's lianaparilla le a anemia red speedy mire far foripitat Cammaptima, Bureatmem Immartirmor Widoc, abstracted or di indt blesetrastimb Iscomisamee fUa., or istalascery Limitary. tlberaod, sad far. Me ge. pramndiaa at IL. symem—mo matter ROCONT the molt of Whereatmaddcats nom or roomy prodaesd by frragederity, or. Nothing male mem mpabiag than its ktigan kat: ow the hum Amt. soil manner mai km kale. hue inking It, atom became echaat W fan ad em ander ita tansoe. .11 imasdistelycoontmets lb. .., r .. imam of Ma kmale Gum which m lb gtotam of tar . It sill mot be: emeeted of as a* man of so &limb • Mu tam•to mhibit tertifmtee alma perfbmed, hat no.. man theadlinad, that henikede of am hare been repotted bas Savera men Mere AMin hue km without child ren, alter asiag • Gm boat n of this • inaloahle medicine, haat tam Ohm wnth heolthp oetpriag, • Dr. Ihmetaesdr My rink Min graely dimmed ItryL yrukame sod general dalifty, and Rau* contionally by leak s menatim of imkg dom, king of the. ...My met min aim MAMA% aad hang blom cues Mece Tom 10.1116 MI ha: MeMail yen ecru mot atm hem ing imeommaied mach anima demilied,l °hulk Ma honk at pm Ertneet of - a and Paned Ma 'brame pm pre ma la a non . penod roamed lb.h emphom and reamed bar heahli. bang graisfid dx e Mak die necked,' Me pkatare thaa acklandalg jag it‘ anileatonmenalag it ih• M was, amn, /Addl e MAL .of of Grand •ad Lydia: sta. • tiourcent, Sryt. 49, 1615. Dr . To ail whom thie way mores—Thie • to efttify that cry vat mit ow haat of you Sareparias macro to bar confroccit, wider the Not %brain rd dame rizamateree, hefty troubled with the dropy, seet he; of am .ket berme aircraft; asikeerry sod; op ; 00th ray yertaaaos, cod the nrommarlatioo of item who had wed a,' At tree vtdored to try it. with little or so faith; sod carte it to cay, are militias Led the limy end &anti eirer;iire only ut oLe hour of riodacreent, bet aro the eg=a oroo• meek of h. reet. thericripT rd • mom ztreartarg ate, cad ko ttit aoft rter e Mm ler • lon um pre. If Ints nal be et any urns, to pen es say one PG dentin the meet of die onlionne, yir an manly *Wane to IL sateergie myself ,yaer wet end obliged terrain. 8 Bdummies. ' ' t TO MOTHER/ AND MLONJED LADIES. • -anis Fairest of dnnepsrdle hut been irapreedy reptied in raiment to fonds ceespiniats. (mak Vibe boa rea son to =ppm the is approve/mg tied aitial prid, The elms qf shoal egtleet hi Wu al, rit • ante* preventive fee mty of Ibr narrate NW emit& dimeevn which knens ave enigma en this tine of tile: This pitin d . my be &Ilya* br Dermal yews by lisp adman:ion Mt ' n It ire ennoble to three who are appromning to it is adadsted to enlist Wore by qtneteeng,:= Sind ineipratim the spleen Jadendolinatedicitie is fatal. eable kr all of die delicate berm to which wawa ere walgjeeL • • .. • ,It boom the whole erten. mines permasseeol,l b. WWl raceriev-17 meatus th e keywritke of the bods—wa. goo fee wassmalatia• the queen.. to produce • NWT: mg/ re baticaoebieh atft of staq agofitiaes Was for kerogle GIRLS BRAD LTRIIL erhobne pde aapkmesi dell eta, bleleta att the reedi skin, er freaky ea are , •_aal of alree,... e heels or ea et Dr ToamemPs Smaperi It all than par blood, roma lb. bedded as bath e% eat gat . alegatia, mparklbed ere,,, fee dpirits, ad breaftd core all of which ere mama raw la *mar: tied ham DIME! No Ovid or medicine his ever ooso ersoincravl *kith so emir resmbkv the pale joke o masa iv derompoiag food sad streocUteriovis arsons of Silgado% ao this rye, Bum Dustrrstoor. Albm,Bloy 10, 1515 Tomosiesd. Non borndine[ fir sevcra yeas Nth dispoptis is Ito wont foam. attended skit most ono of trotrooly kis of appitistortresso bertbore, nod 'oat minus to all .kisttr alas*, sad Sit moth Mai 1 cod* estj I turo boa oast& to struts but • ma lonian mmy iustret,.. trial (b. weal nosslist,, bat they LW sot lOU* or to greet Is naming comptrat. I was is awed, about two mooth. truce. to try Ulna of WEI. istilltroad' I mai try oritb Intro , tot ifter using =so bales (tool try motile setroted, sad dm Windy scosseed; 1 yodel earnestly rooms meta tho ose Of Ills thaw trio has tom ofiliotrd so boos bee.' W. W. VAS Zosst, Not 2% Ise. SttrastatsogL 4,5108 T A OHBA CLE. Bad the iellewiag, end dodo( If you thee consuar tins cutpot be need. Thiaisonty au of the encral husked noses Out TouteesditSensperilk has cured: Trevosessi—Der Sloe I one It • little over • y.r ego, with • men trot end yak ay Ade. It Es crowed oe me very fist, I sun proso.c. by phy sic... hen the quick caisumptiew, r rebut kip qua 'titles of had weary bad night emus, slid oink.' very in 'thy duckeweid be Could do weldag hthe_ I went ma the bol *hoped beisgbasellu.,kutwth pratiounceil tbs. makl rue now rally &Um. .W at ibe Imp . d .eld baldly loathe ; soon Were cestieted, sadder.. he din sna con/lord is my bed, sad me obliged to have Wledben Weed I moot ge. yon, nay dm/ iptiOn that Walla doputics to thy ow. 1 n sappreed by toy ferrule I. pud ; I had tried • red maw of nemediss, sod ail secadd toll to *Propose, 'I ned of ww. seeet .- tutordidery cores performed by you medicine. mad to tell 1 ." 44 8 ...PI" wo thew heather in Clic k nedl wee induced to tryit , I did Icy sad sea my thaakful I did. 'll' am. my Cut I nth entwely wellibut oat eo ler reeseadel so bb elect leyes, sad hope to h• mart ly ba kw week,. sly cough wad rue is the side, end nlght sire] base left nu, =dn. but .17 link, sad the fat rising my usual rtragth. I isle it . day to give you n .lo of thy ase, to publish if you pkaseg • , Pnwtlllosew, 47 Leak et, Brooklyn. 1 • Opialskth• of Pk yelelathie Dr Tosepsbosd is abuse doily uccoteg *Nees &mpby udns'in diffenst pokof the Colo. Thisis beatify th at we, the anderthred, Physickew of the city of Akan, bare La tranerwee awn of Dr. To...cod's Sanspuills,'sed Wk. it totem. of theta. ratable prepitestnce of tie Bensywnik is the auk. . f SP P 014.001 /Was.,n, 11.111hocros,. A . JJbany, April I, 1843. P EEthannsone,. ' This as to artily lbwt wei the I unkreireci. meth., ThosusiniaaPbricumeof the aty. of Alkliy. ban OMICIII. Is, Fugal. De Townsend's C0..p0.0d Lured of Ber... pedh• end Iran It kw.s qualities, world eudwassend kb the public to saistruitht, eandislask eal other° m.o. dis arm, is pnekristee to req.( the adrutimsdressedles pow I. tusk A W Itrosat,w le, • Abu, April 2,1944. We B Sassy. •r. Peiontalonce, LW Yolks et, Iten Budeliw, X ' Y; Med- Co Stele at Bolas; De ,d' Fact mfsi Phihdelphie; 88 Huta, dr one; and by /Ns United Stake, =els w fti re g = NON genuireondese polyp be the lugskith% which Contain - a emus sod .t.. 4 with the written wreath. of 8 p TowsogirD, sod blows as th e Ohm Frau theft tow Poet Duly Express of April 9,1E47. A pretty thin appeared sa tM wee. reterky, It wee the edeutiiing cab, oe ekesepuilla Pares 48Dr Townenstl. The Oak dun k get *pis good _take wee of the Urea. saki Isedaape peadeparethantlfolostich, to with the serail work, In gold, &kaki Is Ow eon, and. a drew newly opened in lkindally. We Wu, this op port unity en In Wino this *and of Ur Bersaporale deacree the very greet perkritj ithinteepdped. • • Werweeltis Debility. Now Poste, klatch 27,18(7 D,. Townseed:—l here iste alit. nuns or km Fr 3 pare, With s Anatollaking In the cheek giddineos in the d, keen( meat, On /a the lisle, sedges.. debility. brenhe on nodes. by th• Fadeout hest and .14 to wigich I the subject to lo bm...• es* drr. I bows bike. other =Akin., lOC MOOR. WfMtiltiol . S, but little aeon*. and Imo inland 17 , 4.1 ono Anthem:et to try • Wig of your IlatorriPs, from *hied load gnat relief. I have sisal lobes orn.lesont bilks east 1 CM esibesiindagly alp b the beet 'maks 1 ben seer takes—the pun le thy death 'unload I *didle a difemot no stews bower ki altogether dons bare tel. your Ilempanlle:. I hen rk. than nw I had. bly weft has W. it with dum km& rid results I ',odd uscothesend It as • &sill leek.. posuuny, sod I kJ termed that ifs need 441 would.. b• bail the dame there is, cadcossurently not. eo amy Doctor , / lAN kw While Itneeloree appetite, It oleo go. to , the etonatis honk Shur make - taw it keep the bleed en • Why nate, to 1/wX &on le not eohlsely to at the eyelets Aod to ell tbow who ore mot In ehrebby Ask, I try try Dr ToOnnuells Penersille. TscausParrrw,.7ollks =121:=1 Delorrdr amosatafisothareluld awed. Dr Tansora Paraapastlls Yep aped do lives at thamoda at children.— The fon.* certilkata M adarted frau a peat umbra,. -• • - WarYozz, April 4,18.17. Dr 141.robrod:_gboor oir—Ook Ow Wire woo col dot with tbo Cm= in the and, at Wool, atiroded groat 44,14. It bra dylog; la:abed sou of year mann* ordisadl Drank it dfrocily, kr wilkh I cu. mar* you 1100 l Tay [Td. Yours roorettaly, • - - 14.guirri Foloiq SiDosbrcom st Far sok by 11. Z rk $7 Wo .„ botveat M oak tch oborbo bac Gla.oppciaicel by .Dr ToWNSEND_soIo for Alleghey co. joild.wlyr II• Cure Ile Pays . • Dr—resiermlnis Jr;sormars N. 7.¢L• ?MERE are few discuss more commas or ups. blooms than tha Prim, and yet, notwithstaid• isgereu efforts hue bees mule to cute by the me of Is; electuliee, Ultimate, & c . all were futile as o f tittle hewn. Now the Yaaewon is the olds medicine seed. A perms who hu been radial In; with the.Ptlet of the Wl/1 1i kind sae from Sa• lees, NOW Jassy, almost en parpeu to scprer his reload' fortbe messily Care that this medicine bad effected la his cur.—Phils. list. Lou.t ttba F.HEN Sgf re, 2I I" err th 1 11 =ati l a the iDrug TEA e h 11'1. Sebwsitg, INtiard st, Aillegt:eFxpt., err& TPLearnIFIC-40 bble bin lie* 1 4 Ole : . ARAlnt&szrrat . . - • ~..,,.•,......kd;=el,,4A4et=.•••v ,:',::,-,:;•-:.• .",i..,:',:.!',',..',-7:,-.-,., THILADA.-"'MM LiLi 111111CMIL ItAIIIIII4I,,PACTOILT WOGS 60/111,ibove Betio:mood Screet. .11.1Vseletpl*.- At aria eetabitsbasentinaybefonad Itergistasnrtiltnety orPlans and beastaol Patten. for SRON'RAILINGS in Ine . iltaited States, tet irttie/Itke attention of tlioteln stantotany descr:p Aion,and eepecially for Cemeteries, to game' Warty . The principal parts:4 sll tbe handsome Railings at Level HJI,, Atonement and other seletustscl. 'melbeteriee in the city - and County of Philadelphia, 'which Imre beenso highly extelled by the publi c were needed at OM mainfactory. - A large•Warekßisoria is commuted with thisUstab lishromat, where is kept eonstandy.on lisaid.a large meek ofreadygesde4rou Railings;Ornumental Iron Settees,lnan Chairs, new style Fibrin Mad omarnen- MI Hon thtly, with an estensive amormeent of Roo Piwts, 'Pedestals, Iron Arbors, arc: Alm, in great - variety, fought and Cast Iron Ontements,suitable for Railings, and other purpomes. • ,The subscriber would also state that in his Pit 'ten and Desiguieg Deportment he has employed some of the beet talent in the coantry whose whole attention is aevoted to the basisess—forming alto. gather one orate moat eocriPlete eystematie es. tablis 17 hmen of the kind in the hale.. • ... . - r ROBERT. WOOD, Proprietor. • Ridge Road, abase Buttonwood street. PhWWelphin r Alarch 12. 1847 dGroo• FALL diILLINERY GOODS. JOHN STONE* AOHNi. -- wpon... .oil Dimler. in Sub, Miaow and Waxer) , Good., Ai. 45 SonA Snaindaa, Philadelphia, A IRE emr_opriong.Lar the Viol Trade • nay rich mod nonat of MlLtalf EBY GOODS, a large proportioo of which are of their own lianortanon, Gs. .. • • Barnet Sill% figura ia plain. BoonctSalleis of all eolon sal qua/ales. • Fog Donna anilCap Balbach a eery hand.. morn. mesa. &IA sak Velvety black and colored. of ill qualillia. Imaginal admarican Artificial Floater. • ; Fanny Lam, CaElltaf, Laro Trinuaina. • Bonne Crowns, Tip,, Sockratia, Wilb.n , A. They nal alio roccoll limbed French Samsun (cap daily, • mary_lica • .anorreinit of Fanny Fraaacro; dim , fromnanahsturcrs in Paris. naiad, • • . • A 1847-tanlin J. JUEL, • ARTIFICIAL•FLOWER MANUFACTURER, • • : No. 16 Nara - Third Sired, • • . ABOVE REIF slitter, • ; PHILADELPHIA, UALI on band, and manufactures to order, nnificial IA Flowers, Feathers, Tarlatan, and Face Caps, La. licit , Dram Cap., lordert-Coharets,ka. Asuloyery damnotion of Fancy Goods, which In will sell tithe lowmrt market prices. N tt—Fentbsts dyad, cleaned, altered, iud abaded. augClau NEW 017. STORE. _ & 37 fforth Marro bdole Raiwirrori, Font'sr, Trreidtei.th'ge*lTs"tOgisc"vigUhanifenlkrt! Wye, and they feel confident otsiving.satlsfastion td thorns who call. They hare now on tend— • rote Sperm Oil. • Whit, Wltaisrand Fall Oils, of different qualities. . Solar Oil. . Winter.pressed Lord Oil" Winter elephant and What., Oils. Refund. Racked end Common W hale Oil. Tanners' Oils; Opens, Candles; Goan*, nie. de. N. B. All FINS delivered in Inn rate ardor: Offdtst • UNS. EDWARD K. TRYDN, /Pe. 13 Nana Sweatt Sued Philadelphia. MANUFACTURER and IMPORTER in Pliot liens, /Unifies and Patois, Powder Fluka. Bag., ft• perlor Powder, Pere:lesion Cape, *Om Wads, Ball and Blank Cateridmits,de Re. ••• rrel Revolving Pinch. and materials for - Otte Maker...use. •,,aGurie made to Orde and repairs neatly executed In tirAnyEan which telt will be proved, if dented, presenee of de perehaser aIG PATJONTIPIR/iCT•ACTIODI . STEAM 13 s'd`ilfilit. I'lltiLllammerniZidexs ta mly tty adttile over all Its hlanageablenese—Therpiditity and (sited Clow hammer controlled with the greatest ea.*, the hammer is in operation, and the kliAllitb t may be ia• nanny arrested, and appended at any height.. It s . UtityensaitY. Macity to eaccatemork sam e kinds, from the largest. to the Mealiest, cede: the sam harraner. he Aso plicity, Compacting and Qiimpuese. Its Accessibility upon all sides, by the workmen. All the hammers are mule Pelf-Acting. The euractibers matinee to a:teme orders for these . 11 . 4 ....P.1. 2 reasonable terms. Fer Amber parbeelansanosim of . hInalCK &TOWNE, Assts..s of the Patent file nited Pules, declE-ly Powhwark ert oundr' Ph 1.1.4%. DERRY '& NICZERSoii, Manufacturers ob .• . . AWNINGS, SICIUNG BOTTOIII, WAGON et/VERS . /IND GRAIN RAGS OP ALL DILICIIIPTION3 No. 384 South Great Stn et, Back of 7 .4..l4iLan's Calind Wort Niasafy - PULLAIIIMPULA; ',Larders left •with 8. S. Moon, et the Oka el: the 11. Merchant's Hotel, Pittsburgh., will be reallalY attended to. . ' 118.19. U. DERRY •. . , . A. C. NICKESLION . „ . . WILIJAM OGLE. COACH eLVD of 0I OileW RAR.M.5.5 31.1.117:-R, e Md.( et , fai laddetis. late a l b. Ilea e rerpeettaily Ratan= his, film& mad pablk, that la has ad .11 keep made' on bad ad Fee Madame - aoleetaseal of Carmeem. Vehicles 40 style. tad deeeriptians made !carder at the skartot pawl& pad, mad deeded l Id very bee maner,..fatketad deariaL febfaly 'A hte In C r l it ' alll4ll7a, a n eraTan li a - a: la ' rg 'r t Pans Wenern trde, and sell from 1110,000 tO MO. Oetha day, easy Rear a! a Filltnll6ll by ad.:nada' box No 716, tuladclybia fort Ofltea dab. nand and .eer al &le MISCELLANEOUS AOILNCIV. PORI' PATMMT/11. Waskir4lort, D. C. ZENAS C. ROBBINA Mechanical Engineer and nem ibt pritcanag Patent., will prepare the ne emery Draennas , and Papers tea Applietons ear Pat ents, and transact all other banana in the line of his prom. at the 'Patent 011 re. Ile cm b• moaned u all anemones Ire/SUna toe Patent Laws and dee-. • ant in the Melte Staten or.Enespn. Pe mu at a d mance de•irous 64' having elantiaanons ovule at the Patent Office, prier to milting eppleration fora peen!, may Inward Hooodeautnitcang • fee of fire d01t..., a clear stateenete Of their cue, when imam:hate amen. 0..611 ho in lc and all WI information that -amid be obtained by a Tien of the applicant in pereloj promptly conannedeatod. All letters ea hltaitresa wan to post paid. and contain a MUM* (ea: wtiete a.wrltten op.ioa to reputed. Office on P. street, opposite the Patent Ogee. Helm. the WWI of referring, by pernoslethie Hen. Mound Berke, Coanniasioner of Patents; Hon. lIL laborordi. late do do do; II 8007/8011, Mae hinim, Patent Mee; Judge Crumb, Washington. 1.) Hon. R Choate, hlanehn.etta, 1./ 8 fiellatei Can. 10 Allen, Ole. do; ! Hon. J B Bowfin, MC, Missouri; , Hoe. Willi. Hall. New York; Ilan. Robert Smith. MC, iditnote; Ho. .B Orme, U A Senate; Hon./ II Eel*, lit C, Homan; - Capt. M Bloom hlissearn EMU. Omaha. Esq.. Pitobanth. befoie—nutdi en th — n moat PprordaPer . n plans— and C HEAP ole Ranem pattern, aid eMort Alto THE ROLL, or sosroN BLIND, on band or made to order of all is and at all price.. Country Illeteh.ta and other. ire loaned m be and examine the Aare Mr themeelvm. us all will be told wholesaln or retail, and a liberal dance. made to whole:wile porelumen. . aphili. EIC=MEI lultOLLlOded, When yea know that yon are promised A naturaLlife-hke, meaty, white, That von will mill use common chalk, And look • deathly yellow fright, The theme of laughter and of talk. If rte woold is alas of .10Nk."S LIIIY-whtte, it would give your akto an alabaster yet morel white, awl at the same time clear and improve in Sold at lAcKsos.s, Hi Litany it. Price 23 cams per hog. Dr. L Peltll OnfrenalCanker Remedy. FEW boolm of Dom. J. Pettit'. .Canker remedy.. Ll 110 long known and thoroughly tried. bu been just obtained and is for sale by Wm./ ACKSON.E. Libeny street. It is tho:sure, safe, and cerium remedy in Ip caw oat ofOA, for all ordinary or extraordinary, and most aggravated cases of recent or Chronic nursing enknoel sore month. swelled tonsil %cry. modes, maker dash, Incipient bronchitis and quinsy, pmld lore throat, black tongue, and all eases 'of cont. soon canker, in the mouth; throat, and stomach. when applied in accordance e wish the directions accompany og each bottle. The article received is known to be enunte. Paced° eta per bottle. //Mu CR VOR all kinds of ereptsma and diseases of We Sltin; L' such as Ponples,Blatches,SattEheans Scurry. Heat dools.chartned or mocked Skin. and for all other disea ses of the Skin, which requite external remedies, this Poop etnoda miPe'alled. It also dispels Freckles. Sim. born, If/mites., Ton, and changes the color of dark, yellow en diSfiqatad 516;W a fine. healthy, youthful. clot:du..Arrest, Bondy, warranted keelson., sod for gale et the iedoced primer 371 per cake. hes just been received. le ofewl for sole by If A FAH NES f °CZ & Co, corner Ist and wood and aim et the corner of sixth and woods.. trttr GENTLESIENT TURNLSHINO GOODS, tat *bolo. & E TODD, oanufastiersliyouto No it wial a.; up a:Maria' Ma Mow Did, &Mir the attentar of yardmen of Geolloom Tunable% Goods to our Stook of sow aad foshimable goods, oraufatund calmly for our aro sales, arnuad all mado aad gin prefect rawfaelloo; ..d .a add all He Mahon of archway ...a our cute 'awn idai am am:oda No I Troy abirts ; just masa; are cm sodium quality,do; pith both while aid raped of an " eirTer i"'i lrthtsl gt i ti e lkv -t ,ti=t ravra , say,:a7a, Jae amil with ;Mous artarid prim. Wir 'mild solicit la eaM of anima who on to dos habit of going car tha emirate. for goods, to WI ad magi our Wok, wo otabant authio& or fa prim are et:w eaved, CM isiduar Him to look further, but iasm a tooth or adl.all • *S . ' Merchant% Comp. Fluid F.xi-Sarsaparilla; Carpenter% •do . dta ontstse% do ' do ; . Townsend's ' do Conrantly on hand and for mate by 114% TOCX Cc Co., coroer elm; and wood and wood and sixth Ina. Iluthandl Celebrated Plaid llagneslC A 7 BristoP4 Wmp. Ft Mid is stand edema elegant =timid and aperient; be ing a perfect plaice of eberalsally pare mime. of hii rt ,,ig pu.o.a a/1 she natal Tatiana of the hoot pre. wallas of Magnesia. without Wag Babb to ken mesa- I t,,,,,eismon act kajaricaily epos* 0 . 044.011.)j lama . Oise tablaseel of the Mid Maga. laeqqr, , . 10 .. gor "* •=3AllNE k r " Tal lj a, comer let end. Wood eel Woad and eth sta. - 0011 Eg g received a freak Nipple of lraieseteed .:Ribber or Gera Davie Mee of all thee. Jost the ankle kw the Eire Conspaoleatrtearetoats, or Hydrant pa:poem. They as e ',renewed to, be equal_ w leather, and ia fact. better la every respect, lathe foods relate. ed. ale . J H PHILLIPS wood at le[lid o E lt 21:1—Ten a:twelve brands portethalso aspersed prhselppi et eU variety a( law ISaag, Emus Bost mid, De la CMS 'brands. far wholesale peseta, atS we to fay entailers war, si the We sten ' JACOB WEWVEIit • . • If COr matketead fleet Ile MEI= ==N=E HOTEL" 11 . 001111 . A.Lig 1110trIfilbr - LIGHT- STREE T.'.BALTIM ORE; THOUToll,,Trorirletort. • T." 1 17;1 1 V . na""l '4 4 4Mt lY el k " * lY:Vittl. hastwentiy undergo= very extensive al:en/bons end ea improvements: -An genre new. ring has been Added, containing n tunimas and airy alesiting apartments, and extensive beta/egress. The Ladieledepattment has also been eermletely re. Organized wad fitted op in-a- most'unig. and beautiful dny le. .in fact /herbal° arrarigetde et of Me Hoer has bean remodeled, with a single eye en the part of the On/primate towards the comfort end pleesure el th eir Goers, ad winch they confidently assert will chat • anion rub any Hotel intim Limon. kn irafr mite will always' be apPlibil with every sub amnia! an haw, which the en RAH erords, served up 0 egp g rig e es*, while in .the way of W iner, dec., they wins/at be roared. In conelosion the p ropneters beg to say, that nothing. will be left mks/eon their pail, and on Me of their asststants to render this note/win/lr eedlinued Pstteßede ' ef their Mends and the,' public generally. Ilepnees for board have aleo been redueed to the allowing meat—. Lemest Ordir .. • --- •• • 1111 -- . 75 Ideodemons'', , 130 per " ay. d N. B.—The Baggage Waggon of the Ilnare mill al ...eye be round at the Car and Steamboat Landing', which atilt convey' harppe to and bora the 'Hotel, free of charge. reyOltt D EAILL STREET 110OSE, Chaultanatls OHIO—The subscribers baring purchased me en lire interest of C 01.41 P Wilhatoson, late of this well known establisbmenhbeg leave io stare to their friends and die public generally; that they have: taken tills comioas Hotel fora term of years and will exert ii iit energies to realm it a destrable home for Tray eller+ and City Boarders. • The Hotel is spacious and udnianbly planned far con. venience, light and air,' having_la nun Mice( parlors adjoining chamben, presenting uuusual attest - nom to families.. The present proprietors Bering had the experience of years in this city and elsewhere,hope they . will be able to give general satisfaction, being dete unmet' to give undivided attention to the house atone. • Tbloontionof the Pearl Erect Ileum as uncohnnon'Y eligible, baiting fronts on Peed. Walnut and Third MI, so that It Is equally desirable in ,view Mc conveni- Ince of business mac retirement for priqate boarder,. t, Is near by the lianks, the Post Officrolie Masonic 11111, Odd Fellows Hall, and but one square distant Imm Main strut and two squares crone the City Wilder, thus offering the It-realest inducements, • r spec ially to country merchants and generally to all pc sons visiting einem. JOHN A DUBLE • Weddell House, Cleii - elansd, O. Tll S !SPLENDID HOTEL, was opentd on the 20th of June, for the receptiOn of company.. The edifice fronts one butidred and twenty-Eve colon Superior-at, and age hundbeJ and ultsery-five ft on Bank-.N and contains over net bundled lawairy chamber. and (any private pnrldra all of which have been furninhed wok the most goeily Carnotite. The drawing rOMIL an sp acious and elapses in elegance, anything of the kind in the United bistro. The thnina room, gentlemen's parkin, readma town; unite, and dIT..Pg moms We all Wee. airy, and turninhal with every luxury and Comfort %bat money can ptocure. • Is' attar two years since rho comer mons of thin masolfieent structure was laid by Nero* P. Al. Wed dell & Son. No expedite haa been roared by Mom to make it equal If ROI supersonic. any bowl in Me Union, and ao orntureut to the my ; Caning,. will be in waning at at all nmeatn convey pasnennarslantad beige the boats tide of rtnirre. ADAMS 1F1L61.1 I.IOSTOSis. • TH ts new and splendidutablishment,ereeteddurinu tbe past semen, cow open for the roceptidnof transient and permanent belittle.. The demand for inciewed and •uperior accommoda tions forthe :raven. cattle, sugaesuut to the propnes tor the plan of erten a It hotel, whlch; far eplaintoter he nc econvenieMould be untivalled in the Iluto n . ad, while spared neither pains nor expellee in the •attionmeet of this desirable °luso: he leaves the public to decide hoar (aim has succeeded. This Conn contains lar.apartmerts. ranee/n.O/ arranged in mites and single rooms Thatonstere was all made to order, with pansenlar attention to utility sad eonvertience, as well as style and splendor. All this modern inventions haat been made subservient In the tomellera ease end confon. and an experience of al years hisenabled the proptietof to trineduce many improl2l3l.llll ninth; as yes, am peculiar m this Souse. • Located on the prtnelpal street., within three minutes walk of the great Southern and, Western re fl ood .de.. pos t and the besinew men. of the city, this este ti • meat commends Inca to the patrons„ of the Intones*', and pivot:tenant!. L ADA3IS _l3arrosi. Jima, ISt/. ' • teltieodan tCOLOSIBTA. I IIOII/Sk, Charles Street; between ilarket and Lombard Baltimore.' a Tog sahaertber hav4ng taken the above milt. linemen, Mni li an sereucam the Berens and paella generally. hie contentantty sainted as miants the Steamboat. and Railroad Depot—is in ihe mido of the more ettent.ve Import Bouvet—and in feat. Me location Tars to those VIS.1:111' the city, ai am; ray movenlences and comforts as the other prinmpal Hotels. - The betne lane. being fitted op with new furnittar,, in good tame and rtyle, and wit/ he open to the po,lie on the Ad day of Aprtl, proprietor trams that his anratnittorg agora th please, sull reels, to hitn a -portion of the pahlte patronage, [et airot rr wtli as transtent. • W W Dl[. I..tte of the firm of Da .4 Foch liallttnom ArnlSt, Inyt•talto • JONES , HOTEL: N 0.154 caws.. nun, Pentane:tut, 11 ei b ulZ "' Vr d' ./ th' etriegr l o " :7, 4 ;talT: mem, and h the ruietert att.:toe to the orania and cantinas at their rums. merit (cmittmlnee of the liberal patronage hertniiiore nerved by Its hituser prrietor. • , The house hat been thoroneitly renotratril. sad repair tre therefore feet steered are eayt oreleotne. our (don& one air ittouir m aerocurattrations aguut to any to the city of littladelphen. S W 114 ttkrEti, J _ . GALT 'HOUSE, night And SIAM at., Citselnsane,. , pillSestatortslnent Is now in the best order toe the lreeeption of the Traveling Pantie. Haring under. pee a thomegli repatr,datiMg the petit mintier, and Paving the most eaperieneed men 'm tke west, in the nations depanments. I damming-self Mat all will be pleated who call. The Ft . ..anon iscentrat,eomenedmit and pleasant. Faro St per dig}. Cinetnaati, givers 13,1-47. W nmAsll N. IL—ALtheican nee the handw Unmet, it same—a new tirade on the old N. t fhe 'II . I.ILROCK3IOIITOWS tiALT 111.11.!SE, • Leialalti Its, KT. A .RIA TU ROCIOI 0 RTC. acquant Lie A friendittbat be Is again Immo of the ti ALT HO U 1314,lnaireilie,14.,wkere be hopes maxim all hie old friends, assanng.Ment and the pubtie.tkalse eifort slug b.:spared to make all gourionarste atii favor Wm with their patronage , l oolldly 'WATER CURE 11-4ESES.; ROUND LULL wvriert craw .x*TAp- LIIIIIMICAT—NORTILIMPTON,*an:; flationtti WarritamiLihoprialsti' Do. Extrwann Y Dotemasost Resident DhyrboOn. _ Tlllx. &Isaiah) tgabllAll.o. is domed atom half a code wed of the beautiful triltigr of Northomptrae, al ea elevae tiof aboot. DO Dal Mee. the Coonerticat Hit, which it ore:Hooks. . The grounds met cooling the Feml!disturent. tt7r % b e:7 ' p d. r= t d i groom and prheitir• Derst trees are n ana emic. foot max, moo. geletely Honied, and affording beahhfel and ptement wall. /41/ orarly four oaks. 7114 app ioas and commodiouo buildings of the total:4.A- I inent are lowed open the eastern brow of the hill, andover heat oat of the room atekonting tondoeopeTio the world ~.. hasnedienely in Dant, is do 'Urge edlticiettosoptua, with its mown. and handsome dieleings, ataidst the dome Gallop of lolly and overhanging chi. Farther tet to toe cox ore 'Um rich inndowsof Lichohlosploo sad Hadley, dewed tie the 'Host mama of !prin. of the mrisoted InOithiNlak hf Sumner •ad Itotoma. Midway. foe mate, worth and south, is con the smooth awl :gluey towhee of the Commotion, ohne, mini/ski/easy to Use uman On He north, ni Mom diets beautiful o f on th• inn n floariAing llogr tif llod- Itty r and alem of Amherst with its Coltegor, while ut Hee des. l two, with do aid of it alms, may be scut in the 11..4 greatly dioniDed range of country. a. the moth. of shod 2h otitis distance, is Mount Belch*, ito demo of hemr-litog mem' ind a little beyond. ts he the pleasant oltigre of death liadlsyl co the moth, behedd at Mom 4 meat dietaries, the majestic blond Tem, and:the thermion. Milne of East lianaptne, with iti Cepa schad alder/4 th. what, presenting a conhinstios of nanual acettety un orpaseedt tompoltod, by any other in the world. It was mooted . by a gotkossn, wt. Las sprat some thirty year, of hia an canoes put. of Europe, that he In tar beheld ammo so perfectly beautiful toad enchanting The accomonadatione at Rood RID am very Hoy and op. How, mad an amply maximal. for termed. of eat hundred and flay patients. It m molded rich an abundance of lb* puntol vein wa ter mad every other requisite for the flatland perfect applic• lino of Ilds Forth, andnderfully suatatful medium of resto-ring lop of feopairul health. Dr. Monition who maid.. in die Mold slowed, u: pad. man of xalarged experience, was educated in} rope, when h• ranted the advant a ge. of severe/ pars pnotice n. the mlobrated beepitals ofEdenburgand Dablto, and ha. bent a soccessful Predictor in this vicinity in 'enrol ye•rs Tolima. may llierefure repo.e entire confulme is hi shallaud Woman. Ample provicioa i* made kr miracle.* A. n . g o at *, Voyed ere several wvil ituttratted Genaaa Ter= of Boerdlop iocluding atetlical advice Slat P lieut. will be sttyplittl with every trade eir packing, ¢c. theccrt of the amides. e==o=E33E r !ME DROWNS. VILLE WATER cum; kIENT opened on the 10th of August, tinder It. cafe of C DelEieZ, attendtng Physician, and Mr. GRlFFTTllll,martsgertni the !warding Department; hes been erected esprsssly for the purpose, and is well Calculated to accommodate tweet- five patients. Ito eitoatkm is healthy and the s urroun d s ng countrY is Pic t...gee; the immediate neighbortrod nbounds in pore soft water erring., front four of which the bares are at present supplied. Everylacllity for the restoration of health to the invalid Is here offered—platy art. seater of the Horst quality, and a sheltered. cool situation The Dueler reside. in the ortatilishment. rtmlnmen• datum on the snit., Is non«) irt.ary. as is oleo an ems, mention of the diseases curable by water,. it has lio• mune.n generally known, and favorably received by the commortrty at large. - E.ch patient Is respired to fumion for the sweating, and other mecum, the following article.: two large thick woolen blantats,ihree comlortabies ore feather bed,one mar. cotton sheet, and a linen sheet that can be net Into bandages, also sin cotton Very feeble patients are reform/ to (.ring an attend ant with them, for whom board call be tiblioned in the ertablirtimtnia Tana-Pesch-Patent to pay sii4 s b n , pet w e ek f o e inethealadriee, use or the baths, Eta during tharuneess,loard end Swims. - _ • Payment to be mode we ekry. • lee any u.isuut b.aaht by rn!icpl..tme deb lase per week. atadlro _ SUE/SMAN'S TOOTH PASTS. - . . • utmost ocirmanca frillE best article inane fur cleaning and whitening A the Teeth, strengthening the pout, sweetening the breath, /cc. It thearilbe used every night with a sad break, said the teeth and mouth wlllonly require tt Mien washing -its the inotntag. Wet the brush with Warm water, or wild will answer, and rub it a fen times on the pane, when enough will adhere for e.caitmg the. teeth. It leaves& delicious tame in the mouth, wallet partia meet delightful frigranee to the breath. lotoods unrivalled as apleasant, elficseitiaa convenient, and safe dentrifice. warranted not at Wore the teeth, Mato pnwervethem. .117 'sing it regularlY. it will remove the tartar and prevent Ite accionalatiom--prarent the toothache wriiingthwi the gums, and prevent all ditcouts Of teem Chemists, physicians, and the clergy recommend it a decitiMdly superior to everything oy th e kind in ase,— : Ask for Etherninuis Compound Owls Tooth Paste, and observe hie Signeture is attached to each pot. Recommended by , Dr. Castle, 2EI Oreadonty,one of oar beat Dentists. and by wont or the Did establishml ones in the United Btatewand even itmtlyely toad by the Nobility of England and kluge proportion of the'diseaw.t let erlic t mankind *risotto= some derimgement of tht a tomach or howela which a timely ow of the Calla lie Lozenges would entirely obviate. Fireetut er bilks habits should al wzys have a box at band, and lake a dose whenever they feel the least derangement In their health. A rudi glens ate of theta Lozenges would prevent thousands of wow. . .. . For salsa: WM. JACKPOTS, corner of Mal and Mena ato • deal gitt U s a ral k VAdn .t j =t , ; 17,1, P x 'P ~ti. (Franca), flup ' eidnAliyd.Cam, a.m./Ea. &,.''..+ 0.4 re easeed and for gala bp ea • • , ff 8 SRLLFRI4 EE3aiffilEEMSl TRANSPORTATION pmuumvthuidikiii" EXPB PLTI• - errrssusan LTD PaiLTD . A. ASP BAOIMORE. ErrlatnrlJ Jar Paraog ':a; -- II e pz t blic . a m re , :speetfa c. lly . b=tn ,a r lam Loll and w' conattne thfilaghael r gie . team. Two peoprteuas ban now placed amosmor Mem of Paenewoma Sail „„,d car, on the roam, with extra weeveatam t emom. whlehanll Dye greatereomfort to tratteleml • A Pac ket Ira will alwelft be in lop e ammo rem- cling, public are rammed tocall and eawiwoo mem,. Pm""4 / " IITMEMET.O .h aIaM.; One of the Name will leave .the Imataweeppoode the United Emma lloteld epee., ppiy. ”, c o the Gaul. vacua:phi at 9 o'clock. TIME 31 DAYS. . I FOr Information apply at ,the face t __ _ _niiinon‘sela H ee .; tamer inrecd.dr to • D LEECH la OP meht3 car Penn Meet who Leine 1.0 . - EN - 1170 -- M . ATION Gee 1847 , D. LEICCH.A. coy: OLD ESTABLISHED - TRANSPORTATION LINE,' BETWEEN PITTSBURGH.: • PRILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE AND NEW YORK. TIDE mock of this line comma of a doable daily 1 Line of Pasta and Care. [owned by the Ina,[ whirh me in good-order. The subscnbere aye prepa red to forward a large comity of I l derchandWa wad Produce with certainty 'Lod dispatch; • Produce pr .11erehaodise comp.! to any or me an del...aired.. forwarded free of any charge for aresuaba- Mon or storagi. Dille Lath ug tramautted and all instrecuani promptly utended • The business of this Lies is conducted on singly Sabbsilokeeping principles. Address, or apply lo D LEECH k Co. Proprietors. • . Canal Ilasi Pittsburg h HARRIS & LEECH, Pro n, prietors, . No 13 :eath Third street, Philadelphia JOS. 'fAYLOR &DONS, Agents, No 114 Noith Howard street, Dahimora W It WILSON, Agent, No 7 West strata:Yes York PITTSOIIRGII PORTABLE B:LINE. .1847. VOR the tramper mien afFreight between Pittsburgh V And the Atlantic Cities; avoiding tranthipments on the way, and the consequent risk of delay, damage, breakage and ecparauen of goods. [SOLI & CASH No 274 Market street. Philadelphia PA.AFFE & CPCONNOR Cor Penn and Wityneers,Pittsburygh O'CONNOR & Ca, Nonh street, Baltimore I, W fr.] TAPSCUIT,MBoath et, N.Y. _ $ "g * ""' Enconrsged by increased basineort the Proprietors. have added to their stock and extended dimly arrange ments during the whiter, and are now prepared to for ward (reign with regularity and dispatebsonsatpassed by any other line. their long concrenve ea carriers, the palpable superiority of lho Portable Boat System, and the great capacity and convenience of the ware houses at each end of the line, tee peculiarly outdate tad to enable the ptoprietors to fdlfil their engagements end accommodate Niel, customers—confident' yoffering Le poor no a guaranty for the fathre obey, respectfully solicit a continuance of.lbet patronage winch they now gratefully acknosrledge. All gitsignments reale & O'Connor will. be real Lading fo arded Steamboat charges nerd sod Bills of Lading .trultstaitted tree of any charge for Connoisston, ads:dieing or storage.. Having no interest directly or milinsetly In steamboats, the Intents, Of the C 100.11400111 m oo t a nd be their primary Onlcia In slipping west. and they 'pledge themselves us forward all grads cansigned to them promptly and on the man advent.. roan terns 411 the owners. March 1,164? mare MU= INDEPDTT PORTABLE BOAT LINE. 1847: Maidi • WE 'l'itL EANSPORTATION OF PRODUCE AND AIRICCHANDISE TO AND FROM PITTI3- DURUM PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE. 17 . 1Vnhoat Transhipment...al • Goods ea:maned to enema rat be forwarded anth• out delay, at the Mateo current same. Rifts of Ladmg transmateg, and all Insumedioas promptly attracted to, (tee from any extra charge kr storage or somoussion Addrear t - or apply to 1. A MeANELTY ACo Cana' basin, Pittsbamh mmgmi Having • very Luse and toottoodtols Wardle • too are prepared to teeeivelin addittoo to hello I • aloprtavol a huge atoo•at of Produce, le.. ott Storago too , rues. itaaroL IttsiNULTY kCo "ORTEI & COS L 1 Z. • Eta= 1 347. Mani rJ „hk,:r.r.r,lit . .°% ig ,PoirAosiY town, liolkdaysLargo, Water-Street, Pe ' rerahargh and tour medial* °on Dom - will trade the ;warehouse of C A &renain & Co., INUrtiorgh, every day, [except Vandays,) and thipperae. airway. [ - upend on ihanng their goods for warded wilboot dr log •nd ai d fires. no. Line woo formed for ial oreoauriodation of the real busolesa, arid the proprretors mace-dolly aoheir a iitpt ral .hate or parronage. JOHN PICKWORTIT JOHN )TELLER DAN'S, DOT , .. _ItORERT WOODS • Mlle== - . JOHN aetb R iI CANAN, Johnstown I Agents. C A ItIcAN CLOY A Ca, Pittsburgh aTCKtaeta- J J :McDevitt, John Parka, Robert ire, Pawburch., 'I MOO __!°. 1847.. 7) - &Alija .1111111 ti., lidnobring ecunpotted Of SteallsboatalakaNeie 1 and hitchigno y nunung daily buturoon pytyyb o y t h and (Ware., and welght awl eassen g er Canal Data, euoynng between Reurerand Ewe, andeonneettng with. C 11 (tad's Line of Ouramboat Propellers and Venue — Ls on the Lek cooed! be prrpared apou the earliest open- Jog f riavlsaoan (0 elffY Freieht and Passertgeroto potille on the River, Canal and Lakes. yigy ! ng .Ireff far tiny for ettits•Wrotglo and pas sengers 1.112, pretteptytaws and dwp tue ntopp anal a=eon respeenully admit from (keit frtes end he pubbe generally dune pattonage. Clll REED, Eon, Propitetor REERA, PARKS & Attu JOHN A CAI:GBP:If, Pittsb'gh do Cae.!bnithbeid and (batereu. opposite the !tonnages. . galtela Mare. %V heeler, Crocker & Co, New York • Liao Deets, E N Pork. & Co, Cleveland . Jar A Armstrong& Co. Detroit ' McClure& Williams, 3111waultio, • Crhoot were Wrong* Wm Power., Powentegm Penna Geo AI arbelaryte, Reangliarge, Penna. Jahn Ate gather, Ifirotamern, do Wick k. Acker, Greenville, Jo Craig A. Frampton, Clarksville, do Day.& Pieta tr. tribatipohrogh, Pa. %V C !Ratan, ' do , . R Cennirellam. New. Costle,Jo morn_ RELIANCE PORTABLE BOAT:11NR. 184 7. Pi. I tInr , iSPORTINOhIMN,,qMtP iI .,- ' %VEEN pirrsuumni AND THE EASTERN, CITILE, VIIIHOUT TIR611 1 •111111411/111T. L gatrigeVfge th to geription Id nsurceewary. Goode aro not tooehedon the tont e, Moo all UmagtOpulent °resat* handling is saved. • Tim Roam am of Inger drought and perform their nips in from sis Co worn clay. The capacity of our Warebowee enabFea as to store any conslgnments map To ga Rsvairingortorinig, and advance. men of charges. Deng (ally prepared to mate sales of Produce, we. rmpecitirily cormigtiromta of western Floor, throe Lard, Lluttes,Cbccw. Wool, Feathers, and ether articles ler sale, art , whieh liberal advance. will be mode and other tonal famlitmg afforded, pledging oar roles, liar any hornet. meowed w. gar Wrap UM as nmpily CieCtlttli and upon fair tens. so by any the, reuse. JNOL IacFADDEN t Co Coma Dole Piusbargh /AS AI DAVIS IL Co 319 anaL3l Markeut, naiads • COIOKETT FORWARDING if COMMISSION MBICHAMT, Bast Bearer- Point and Bridgewater, • plaza couirry, Proprietor and Agent of Muncie liemrd-e LAKE. ERIE AND ATICUICIAN, 1)1111.T. aeTwsas. rtrresuseruD' 11111AVIII, AVILL be rucpared on eirlicat openingof elltralnav .liention to receive meetly . at his wharf boat or warenotiam ror ail Mena E rie klitensMa i Craft Cut, and Oalo Canals; do all pore on Lake Erie and °peer bakes.asalsototorward d e d roduce, fee tby Penn's. Intmzn i t l ynts. APS?' I' 7 ' JAB lECEVY , ; Beaver PITTSBURGH & ULEVPLANIELINg. 1846:. II: Clarke. If. troops. 7'. I ehraand a Os. 1 1 . CSLARKE•& CC., ! lOorwiirdbig t. Coinnalaslos BEAVER. Eft. T IIE Agents and Proprietor.. of this Line (ro ably knewn to the pablithwill be prep red on the earliest ably of canal navigation to receive prop arty at ['mailman and Beaver, and deliver Ma same at any andle ean n :Lia , d p agi h on Lu sad z s t f .. r e enable rates: The reeprietora of do. line .olielt the bovines. of their fanner customers with conddence, knowing thai their faeilides are remand to none. iiyPilito or address PlUA°4l' Caliiii - fi - 411. 1 4; .". 1 . - T RICHMOND & Cr Cevvaa& TO TIM PUBLIC. rime Boatmen's POlLlarle Boat Company . ing die. 1. salved, the Company rain went Into melee of Ces• paneembm w under the name of the “Boatmen% Liner and like ise agreed to refit the Stook art as,to have a number of floats far the parpom of camels goods Moorish in from six to mght dare, with censlety—and fie! encouraged by the Ifiteral by Of last yearls pram. age, m make more eileatlee arrangements for the en moor year. .:We would therefore riepeetfitlly solicit al minima. once of oar Mrtnerpatrooli,and refer all new cancellers to those we have done Wiliness for. 6 ifitilEalB47.lllbilla , BOATBAZIP LINE. For the transportooon of I ALL RIODI OF itriCHANVIML, TO Alt mhom Pull-AI: ruts, Demme*, New Von ton Roston. WIGUTAIAN & Co, Comer Liberty SIMISAMUEL and Canal Basin. Pittsburgh. A I. GERBART &Co, No 26S Market street, Philadelphia. ELDER, ()ELSTON & Cat AVM., REFERENCES. Baltimore, Md. PITTSBURGH—Jas. Maltby. Geo. Moron k Co. W McCully dt Ce, 11 A Sampson Co, Allen/ Co, PIIII.ADELPHIA—Morris Patterson k Co, Reynolds McFarland /r. Co. Fleming I. Easny.pster. Wright & Pon. J Bispham, Joseph Gram. I NEW YOlt IC—Goodhue & Co, Theo. Perry &Co. tLIOSTON—Reed, Hurd I Co. CINCINNATI—Adams & Cresgb, W W Reuben CO gi PLEASANT, VA-p A Madder. NASH ViLLE—P Fleming.. Nora—Aß merchandise from New York and Boehm, consigned to A L Gewhort &Co, Philadelphia, will be promptly forwarded /ma of cortuntsaion. ' . '-, • . LICECEI `OO7 ' "I , - Paokauto Express tee Planaallall.lla• IMMINIIIE Canal belogralow open, the abora Eames whirl has bean • eo. a ea SOY We conveyance or valaikble pae ' of merchandise, apeele , bank notes; , Jewelry, &a T pm? = need rananni on Tburulay, Mama I& An Itleontazat will be dispateliedAlly Mill aloe of the eanaling seam . . / , • • AilelY to, Sinl ' • . D LSECIIit Ca - soi Peon it sad Coal , lokon=2 = TRANSPORTATION LINE& :113:91;tiaus. stoarnazo' PACKET vv .- .•,: i i=ji:Tba Co. ono %rid Cooler Cent. Charles Iktoev, commences her • regular tope thin de o, leavnig Pots burgh eiri okdoek.al.,..lßeaoti ennneetinger. Putehorgh and Cleveland Liree or Cad nal Boats daily to Clevel.d, O Beaver, 'Merlyn mad Cleveland Line or Caw! Puke!, and Stager .Conencs daily to Warren and Canal Paeset Lines to No. Castle and Greenville. Pa.; Erie-Extension Liu to Meadville .and Erie. Neil:Moore A, Co's Lines of Stage Coaches for Cleveland and %yowler. k nee B en . err daily on the arrival of steatoboat Ben. Boot Pattebnigh, App ly 1 3 , " • ,G ftkltio:4 & Co, Piitsborgh nn in , CLARKE & Co, Beaver .. • UNION LINE, kmait OR TOR PLIIIIIII.TANIA . ORD ORIO CON•Lii, DETWEEV PITTSBURGH AND CLEVELAND. F. N PARKS it Co, Cleveland, 0. RPARK& Beaver, Pa. Proprietors.. W T BATHER, Pinsbnigh, Pa. , • ell above Liz. 0, now fully prepared in transport 1 Freight .d Paesengers front Pittsbarmh and Cleve. land,. any point. the Pe.sylvanta k Ohio and Gino Congo. The &Milting of said Lioc are not equalled by any on said Canals, in numbers nod capaetty of Baum tient.° of Captains. and promptness of Agent., One Boat Imre. Pittsburgh and Cleveland daily. run ning in connection with the Strainers. hfichigan and Late Erie, britermn Pittsburgh and !leaven and • Lino of first Clout Steamboat., Brigs and Schooner., on Lakes Erie,'Muton, ehi and C aw "t a i i?ded to anY part of the . Union with despatch EN PA RES - & Cleteland, Acts REED PARRS & co, Beaver. AO. W T MATHER. Pittsburgh, Agt nptl Con Water and Smithfield !streets BUMMED. ABILANCIEDLENTS• w hat 18.47.... I2ONONOATIELA ROUTE,. BROWNSVILLE AND CUhIBERLAND TO BAL TIMORE AND PIIILADBLPLIIA. • Time to Balutoore••• • ..... ••• •28 hours. Time to Philadelphia " [Only PI Miles Staging.] • rp HE splendid and fast muting neamors-Consul, Lou /. Is McLane and Kerman, have commenced making doable daily trips. One boat will leave the Mononga hela when every morning preemely at 8 o'clock.— Passengers by the morning line will arrive In Beltintore next evening ip_tinse for the Philadelphia Mail Boat, or Rail Road can The evening Iloat will leave the wharf daily at 6 o'clock, except Sundays. Passengers by hhie boat will lodge on Mined, in comfortable state rowan leave Brownsville next morning at 6 o'clock; emss me mountains in day light; sup and lodge in Coop betland. Thus avoiding night travel altogether. The preparations on this mute are ample, and the connection complete; so that thuppointutents or delays will be an. known upon it. • Patlengent can stop on the MUM and resume their seam again at pleasure, and have choice of Rail Road or Steamboat Bement Baltimore and Philadelphia. Coaches chartered to panics to Meet as they desint. Seem, your tickets at the other, Monongabels house, or St Charles Hotel. .1 hl RSEIMEN febl6 TO CLEVICLAND vW W. 3.1133361. 11 1847. alitif=a THROUGWIN R 4 HOURS. i. ACKET Boma Swallow end Telegraph leave Ben vet daily, at 3 o'clock r to., after the arrival of the morning neat from Pittstm rich. and [Mil, at Warren In time fur the Mail loon-al Singe's, which leave immedh awry thereafter, and arrive at Cleveland sa 3 o'c lock, r. S ' This mate is the most expedSloas and comfortable one to the Lakes. . OUPTES LEFFINGWELL. Warren, Prttpr's ' REED, PARKS S. Co, Beaver, A gents 3011 N A CA 'GREY, corner Water and Smithfield sts, apaly Opposite the Monongahela Haase Pi itsborgh - PITTIMV/IGH ARD GREEEVILLN. 1847. PACKET AND FREIGHT LINE. THIS Lino consisting of (mien and passenger Peek• cm, will ron regularly donug the mason between Beaver and Greenville, Pa_ by which freight and pug senders between the two points, will be earned promptly and at the lowest rams. WICK & A imp ER. Greenville, Adis CRAIG &FRAMPTON, Clark ovine, do; Men WANG & KING, Rig Bend, do; llAlbk ?LORIS, Sharpsbargh, do, C MALAN. Sharon, - do WAL MATHEWS, Potosi. do RF.F.D, PARRS& Co, Beaver. . do JOHN A CA EGRET, eoraor Wider and RattabLeld au, oddly ' Opposite the Atormagalasia Home, Pittsburgh -~~- ---= ID/TIZZAII PORTABLIA,IIO/12T mum 1847. AMget. • tOO TUX TRAMORTSVSON OT ALL KINDS OF: MERCHANDISE 70 AND FROM Halciaorin New York wad Boston. THee.c...gem.et lb , s line has received Mace its GOttlffientaeleill, hie induced the proprie tors to ieerease the stock by adding a number of Sr. • class boats; and instead ofgivieg receipts as hereto- fore es meet*, we will give our owe.• receipts for fiffight shipped by this line; The boats are all portable, consevently (might is taker, the whole themes. without transhipment; thereby preventing damage from 11.040c:it handling on the route, and as each boat is owned by the Captain who runs them, which le sa sufficient guar setae that there will bano delay on the route. Produce or Merchandise consigned to the undersigned will be forwarded FREE OF COM MISSION, for entrancing and forwarding, and Dill be shipped without delay at the lowest ate. of Ir We rerpectfully solicit s share or puitlie nage. WALLINGFORD es Co., Canal Berm, Pittsburgh. CRAIG, RELLAS & Co.. Agt. Broad Street, Philadelphia. F MILLER; Arial Boorley's Wharf; Baltimore. Pitiaborgh, Feb. 18,1847, 1846 AND 1.847 LEM TO TRH BAST BY MOROROIRILI ROUTE, VIA BROWNSVILLE & CUMBERLAND. TIM andemignedwre - new prepared to forward pm. dare Ad..to Eutem Markets daring De amu let Wittier. on th e moat favorable teratsi by tips elpe &twos Mina.' looses Allt rases an d nime with d toowanospaedmb. teas will be . finwarded at the aberebandwo received by Ma route promptly for J C [DOWELL, Aet..Dittsbursb. O W CASK, Brownsville. novl7 EGERTON A Co,Camberland 1846 AND.. 1847 TO THE EAST By BALTIMORE AND • OHIO RAILROAD. rriRE subscribers an!! receipt -foram delivery pf Pro. dace to Baltimore by the Monongahela Pleeisrater ai the following prietna— . Ashes, Bacon, Butter, Lead. Lan!, Pork. Tallow, Whiskey. 1, and Glass—bn els riff pe Tobnen,ffertp, Flax and Wheat-0.1 Cl. per 100 lb.. AO's., (Pon Apples. Cheese, Flax-Feed, Glass, and Leather—PM at. per 100 lb. Oil., Skies, Hada Wool—llo ets per 100 lb.. Besswax,Feathert, Foss, Ginseng, and Saate•Root —llO els perlo3 lb.. . I l be property ecoasipted cube, of the andessigned Ansearded without delay,7lTeh of Commisa tan, at above rates. W H CLARK: Brownsville. eospdtf WATGIUSLiN, Pittsbutah. . . . FREIGHTERS and micro Wiehing satto bare Fite Brick. Produce, he. brought to Ono place from Sleuhenville and intermethate landing", can rnakb alrangemento by calling an me. as I bays •Iloat canning reFalarlybervieen Pittsburgh and Steubenville. 460. IL MILTENBERGER, goal Steamboat Agent,ld Water et _ - - THE TRUTH. BY MEN OF TRUTH. CONCERNING SELLERS' VERMIFUGE—A elle vim producing eroodere—Read We from the Rev. S. Wakefield, Pastor of Mem et id. E. Checchi - Pittsburgh; March 8,1917. Mr. R. E. Gellert h is from • mist of duty, as well as with treat plenum, that !ben testimony to the vie( toe of your lastly celebrated Yennifuge. I procured • sines bents, and gave it us three or toy children, who had been ill for several weeka. The eldest was seven Year. old, Me next four, and thWyoungest eighteen months. . Tim Inn passed filly•six worms, the around Nn y linen, and Ike third a ensiderable number not distinctly recollected. lilinesthoo they knee been dome well and are now in good health. L . • „. 0 Yenta ISCSpCetibily, • & Wnertan. • Fro - en the Rev. B E BabOoelr, alto Methodist tlyircei: pal Chime. Mr. R E. Sellers: ;It is With greet plenure I would inkinn you of the good effects produced off ; my an of four years of mre, by your Justly celebrated Vermi fun: Atter his having convulsion, I gave him three doses, when he passed an almost inereditable number, from which time his general health has been bur rowed. , S thecoen. Fiats the Rev Charles Cooke, of the .hlethadlat Eris copal Church: Sinsbontk, December, Id, . Mr. R. E. Sellers: o ld) 'me y little daughter (between threw sod for years three dose. of your therm fug., aeoarding to prescription, with the happiest uccess— The number of worms expelled Ida not know pietist.. ly. but it was liege. She is now in possession of grad health. I think the medicine may be confided in with great unreserved:lmm C Coos. As this Vermiloge ha. never been known to foil to any Instance, when worms actually emsted o patents should give nut preremsee to all others Prepared and *old by R. E. SELLERS, between 3d and dta, on Wood street. • For sale by Dr. Cawel, Fifth Ward. enyl COACH MAKING. - • FROM the very liberal once . ment the subscriber hes recetved since 1 he hu located himself In Allegheny, 7,v„..5g0 . has Induced him to take a leue, for a term of years, on :be propeny he now oemtpies, in Beaver street, Immediately beside the Presbyterian March. From the long experience to the above bunion and a desire to please, be hopes to mer it and receive a alimro of public patronage. New on band and finishing to order, Rockaway Bog. Wr rea Pe d i e D i? % I l i 'lc' ud o Mi c fl i o P I g 1.0.1411,1 J liN SOUTH. s affThAtilo EllAMlThrin stutters., spot., Maine, or Marks Rom Clothes, Woollsm,Cialpen, an, to y and rendering the spots where it is applied clear, bright, new, and apogees. Sold with fell direetions. Price Shi cum a cake, 'Sold by WM: JACRVN, BD Liberty stroet, head of Wend, at his Bent and Shoe store, alga of the Big JAYS ifdil lIA'IR.II-11R9-4Ve commend to the &nankin of those desirous eirMtoring their hair or ' Improving its beauty, to ibis elegem pupal anon. We bear It every where highly' coked of, and especially by anther. who have made an of it, as greatly efficaciour to stimelnting thnorowthof the bale, and prevendng and cuing many selections of the akin. Its virtues are Imply end euflickallyproied—N. Y. Sen. }or sale In Pinabiugh at ahe 'PERIN teA STORE. .73 Poszlhuh near Wcoh end also audio Drug Pm, at li.P Netweints. Federal at. Allegheny city: - lea D. Bic nets Worm Specellsr. --- MIDIS la to certify that, by taking one trial of Doctor J„ Mebane's Worm Specifie, • child of Junes Shaves passed apwarie Of. 70 aroma, and by the ase of said medicine • clitld of my mei, pasted 14 large aroma,— te truly the moat suasively worm medicine I eyes corn.' 1 UlO3l have two more vela ...• OILAIORE 'Wilkins Towashia bvit. r sabbyJ KIDD I 00, No 00 Woad =et flits • -4-ktt: = :- . 11.E DIG AL MM=ll! i rz i k. : „IT, 1 7*, '..:_..•-' ‘tp A POSITIVE & PEUMAIVANTroiI RILIEVELATA3.II AND ALL NERVOUS COMPLAI. "Whiz Whough the em Aso may no beexplaninfl, Sanyo Mei.Twat* duly ascertained, Let not d adice, ' - Inthme mankind to t the means aside y ' I , AI emits which, np le, arelLy Ilomen dehigit'd To itlleviate Melt:at (human Rind: , 1 ' OIL CILUISTIL'S GAL YANIC RINGS ARID NAG= NEE FLUID. TOTS rammkatile tsCr mien, which has received the' noi.emal aPPIA 4 MA at of the Medical profession of Great llestain,Compeinew in entirely, nevi application of Gelverulle, at e resnedia agent, by Me•ns of which the °Mono' Li:Jeanie Ballet es,Alecine and Alaßnetia ltn chines,,tc., are entirely t ispenscd with, and the myste rious power of Gal.= . applied without nay of the admix ywhich w ittsej arable from)he general trade now to Ise, The *Ming • loses, and ireegnor intervAte, which Galwartmin is t pptied by the Alachtnes, has been pninnuneed, abet at tam and impartial trial, to be decidalip blistrions, and it tens to remedy Gus radical de fect that this new application was projected, which, at. ter ueetealeg tail nod pe , severapee, bat been brought to its' present state of pet Mainz. The. Gohweite Rings a.m. , it the. Pet Tome of the most 'expensive blew chinns,,and In many this respects are Inoreirefe and actem in accomplishing the desired effect. The rieleaniaings need in connection with jhc gag- IMEMIZZAII dart Wank erirefrarn an enfeebled or c o m p l y statso./ eke amens or cite/ rya*, anethese complaints a re' among the Most mantel and Linkmen! to which we are subject. They anse,wilboat exeenticaufrem 'one sim ple canse—a derangement of the Nervous System,- and it was in these ewes that other 'remedies! having m oft. failed. • new azient nu greatly iteeded j ch aid confidently believed, has Won foandin the proper nd Indiana, applicaboa of Galraniaza j i The Galvanic Rings have beau and with entire anew plea in all he traltoll4llng, acne ea ehronie,af.- plying to the head, face or limbs; 01/14. ne-Doktrtur,' lhotheehe, Bronchial, ;wrist, Nevem tor Bak C en e ep ,HateAt Indigestion, Paralysis, Patty, Epilepsy, Fah !s rejAkeift qf H... key, ROM. ef Joints, Spusal Complaieb. Luestesm Neseralgia. Nervous Tre awn, Dinsineu Ms fireastr in in du CAest and Safe,' Gomel/J.ogal, Afteioneseo Nereous and.P.l viral Re-' ergy. and oft NERVOUS ISORDERS. cares of confirmed Dyspepsia, which Is simply • nervous de rangement of the digestive owing, they have been found equally emcee - fatal. Their extiaordiwry erects oleo the system must be wawa:red to be believed, and as s certain preventive fir et amending complaints they are equailyrecommendsd. The P-ihn am of different pace!, tieing made of cli awns, patterns...l can be worn by the non delicate female without the slightest inemnerde.nea In fact, the sensation it rather agreer.ble than otheoarize • The Galvanic Bella, Bracelets, Bends, - Garters, Necklaces, tke..."' la some eares of a core severe charactezowd of long standing; the power as applied by the (fallow° Rings is not entficient to arrest the 'progress of ,Idiseme and nltimatay reatOre health. The Improved Modification i Male Gatvanie Delta. .3racelets, as.. entirely rem,. di. thu object any dep. of power abut is :van e red can readily be obtained, and ao complaint which the nnstero a. agent of thavanarm eta effect willful to he pemenently relieved, These anal{,, areadap. led to the waist, artru, wrists, limb., ancleaTn any pan of the body, with perfect convenience. -The Galvanic Necklaces are used with Istvan', beneMl MCP. of Bronchitis or affection. of tha throat generally; also in eares'of Nerrlini DeafocrAt anti wilt, almost uniform soccer* as a preventive for Apoplexy, Epileptic 111., and similar complaints. r Christie's Magnetic Flaw • • Is used to connection watt the Galvanic Hinge andall their modifications. I his composition hatt Been pose • nouneed by the French Chemtsts to be any of the wont extraordinary discoveries of modem science. his be lieved to possess the vemarkablep ewer of mederinf th news swain , . ogakonie oaten by this mean. rename a toneentrationtof theildluene, at the' neat of diseacc. thus {ivied rapid and . .mmnent atlierj Na other composition in ettesnistr to knowntoprodueethc same effect, Or to impart e similar preperly to the neer°. orstme,by meansof an outward local ayrobention. The rennin kluld enemies nothing capable ortle- est Num W. application-is e, agreable, rind it Ls is hamilesa la its action . a is beneficial inns remits, Fall eapla.aations and directions *womanly it The combined i wenn°. are in every way perfectlyhweic lon they are sold at pi. e whm a the reach m all and the 'discoverer ' only requests a fair trial; as Rumor their navasing efficacy and pernmaent benefit. - ChrhUe's Galvanic Strengthening Etas ; ter& These articles Mena another valuable application of the mysterious influence of Galvanism. They are an important adjunct to the - gennine Galvanic Rings and their modifications, acid. upon the sante p !mein te, but having the advantage of morelocal application. They are confidently recommended an a valuable adds. to the speedy cart of Ithetanntism, acme or chronic; in all nerwas complaints, and as a positive retturay an cane* of Pain end Weakens fa the Chat or Beak,;robseu as Ride, in latestesiedifontions, and in Weakness re Oppeoo ries ea, Rohm:mars Organs In. Spinal Complaints their of are of the stout decided character, and they have often been.. with complete:sweet il.They are also of the greatest advantage In Pains end' Weakness of Me Brow , , and an hiebly reecirammuled ,for many of those efinglatilla to which females are espeMany liable. As an age tall means for strengthening :the aalcall when debilitated with disease. mrt. mann. acne. min aid in Coraututional 'Weakness. na IPmveative for Colds. and 111 In affections of the Chen. generally: the Galeanic Stringthening Plaster will be .found of great and permanent adventine. In a few words; it embrace/ all the virtues of the best untie preparraion, with the important addition of the raceme te Uwe; which is nether impaired nor exhausted, while the sta tism tonne.. These articles will he found entirely free Bora those objection. which- are a constant sauce of compliant with thoordinaryfflancrs in want:non sac ; CAUTION. (27 T peat celebrity and me.. of these article. hes craved them to be counterfelted`by sinprmeipl. perm.. To provide against impaction, Dr. Cain= btu bit one authorized agent In ettett Cl 7 of the Union. -The only neva at . W ILSON. ' ' CERTIFICATES& TE.STIMONIALS, Of tho highest and non reveetattle character; are con stantly, received. At extraordinary valor and aneeetrie the ii.ve articles. la is believed that in the city of New 'Verb alone, upwards of EIGHT THOUSAND PERSONS, daring a period of lets than at year. have been entirely relieved of the moat painful I chronic disorders, some of.which have completely Lao Cell all farmer calms of medical net. Indeed many of the first p ley a elanS of this sit) „ who dimpprove of the Galvanic and Magnetic Machines, constaady neural mend tis implication In her precut., wd with thee:. cepiott or dose who aro ice prejudiced to give it a tri al, the 'invention ha received uneaten. facer with the most Intelligent among the American Faculty. Dr. anis. is at all times ready and most happy to give event fertility to physieians, and all interested, for ail. ing the teeth of his .sertions and the efficacy of his .Izueneyin . Pittaborgb,comer 4tls and 311FIret st STA'NTOWS EXTIC REBIEDV, CAL!..CD HUNT'S LINIMENT , ,S now universally acknowledged to be the IN FALLIBLE REMEDY for Rheumatism, Spi. nal Affection., Contractions of the Muscles,. Sore Throat and Quinsy, Issues, Old Ulcers, Patna to the Back and Chest, Ague in - the Breast and Face., Tooth Ache, Sprains, Bnlises. Salt Rheum, Burns, Croup, Frosted Feet and all Nervous Diseases. The 'TRIUMPHANT SUCCESS which has at. tended the spolication of this most WONDERFUL MEDICINE In curing the most sever; cises or the dtBerent Deem es above named,—and the HIGH ENCOMIUMS that have been bestowed upon it,. wherever it has been introduced, glees me the right to call on the AFFLIC FED to resort at. once to the ONLY REMEDY I'HAT CAN BE RELIED ON. f - - he laca!ty unite in recommending the cele ated E.sternal Remedy, Uunt's Liniment. The following letter front the highly eminert Physicians who have been attached to the Meant Pleasant State Prison for many yearn, is the best evidence of the value or this celebrated Liniment. Stan stsa, December :d, IBIS. - , . My Dear Sir—l received your note of yesterday, asking my opinion in relation to Hunt's Liniment, ss prepared by Sir Geome . E Stanton. .Knowing its composition, and having trequently used it, I can recommend it to you u. a sue External Reme dy, and in my opinion, the beat Liniment now in use. Very truly and respectfully yours, A K HOFFMAN. Col Pierre Van Cortlandt, Croton Manor. • I fully concur in the above opinion. W BELCHER. YoniTown, Jan. 14, 184.7. Sir—ln reply to your letter, I would say that I hare used your ,External Remedy, called Hunt's Liniment, In my practice since you made me ae quainted with its composition,. and neheeitntiogl,f any that I believe it to be the best Esters:it Rip dy now in usd for the complaints'', which yon,.. Ye commend it. Yours respectful,y, BEM D MILLER, M. D. `Geo E Stanton.Esq.' rrAmong the mass of Worthless article. and I humbugs that are poured forth at the present day ups the cosntry, it is really refreshing to End something or real prattle:ll utility, something eim ple, speedy and effectual in its operation, and et the stoic time tree .from those injurious edema which generally attend powerful. remedies. Hunt's Liniment, prepared by Geo: E Stanton, of Bing Sing, though it has been but a sheet time before the public, by already obtained the confidence, nor only of our most wealthy end influential citizen., but oar most mines! physician.. .All acknowl. edge it to boa sovereign balm for many of the ills that flesh is heir to, euuthing . the aching limb, and by its genuine stimulating influence, banithi n 7, die ease from the system. Mr. St?othu—Sir—S. eine eau. your advertisement Hunt's Liniment, I was induced to try its edema, on my son, who had been crippled with a lame ,back from an infant; nod it is with gratitudo I boar testimony toils wonderful healing propertica. Ply child, who is now five years of age. is now. M ¢ Than , way of recovery', • Yoursolso, . LIP:PINION C NIIKERSON. POST OPFler,Tairsr HS, l'utnins Co I certify that I am 'penonalls acquaintad pith the above named child: and think the father would be sale in saying that his eon is almost well. . ... . . JAS W DYKMAN, Novs, 1015. - Deputy Post Master. P. S. I would ohm state that I here been fur a number orients subject to frequent attacks of the Rheumatism, which In many instances presented my attending to my business. 'Fan or three, email 'cations or the Liniment insatiably remove all at. furious of the kind. In cues at braises sprains Redeems, too numerous to mention, it has in this vicinity prayed a certain seethed,. Its voice can 'only be estimated by these who bare giren'it a fair trial. This Liniment is sold at Y. 5 and 50 centaPer hot. tie, by all the Principal Druggists and Merchants.. throughout tbe;country, , , I . ! Pilieksok Arius in New York. i HOADLEY, PHELPS& Co; lid Water . „ 1 pIIUSHTON & Co, 110 oroadway. .. i A If & 13 SANDS. corner Killen and William • ASPIN ALL, fIG William street. • Orders adds aced to me at Sing Slag, N - } , mu, be attended to . GEORGE E STANTOJS, For sole in Pittsburgh ! by L. W I L C O P X m , P J n r!l ' o r d J KIDD sr, Co. / Allegheny Clty,J II NSAII(JE:NT .-I Yll , -_ Hirminghamoo/11% SMITH. • ! I. febl9 - • PTirliaso , Miiiii;l477 •LZT.2"Z'c i,7 . l l:Z7o l ::: , r:y l l7titil:t g iari, 4 :..F.ill; between tour and fine years old, and 4.6” g ..I,:. h y o s b e , ossed los large worms, asciaging Min [tan 11;foot in full .einh,,griiny.eilknocur sister. we th r. i .Lam s . til .ru it . , k l . th : e s. ;: w 7 l , o : ::aw : , ... , , , „,,,,, ,:: . , *be passe d V 7 worms of equal:is:li : !! , i • • !, • • lIENRY'CIMIOI4I, ' .PrePartst'sid sold ! 4. 111. It A FAHNESTOCE& CO, earner 'stud Woad, , wesSd 1410 at. . .i Pa . .. . . . . :;f..f;:r . : — . ,- ;:.•'-_I T ' i s. , ;';Air..-61:14i . -',!:' , 7 . --:::,: -- 1::L. --,►7:—, 71". • ,-, . - -.. .: " - t'El.ll. - SIIIIHNItiff ea , '. MINHOATDD 'RHODES. - AND -POOR MAN , S li i, , , ! OL SHERMAN - MO disetneted a way to make nielinitl pk.asant,. that eliddreta MU take it rowdy ow try to mom See OM hiofmaiwrils is i around cam lens, 4. *Poi of Tooth Caste on go torkof east, p 1,,,,.., i I Me:Dillof . Mum' :, '' I --: ~,, • • - '-l. ', I'-- -.-.: Si MAN'S COD= Unft , ,NOES. , 1 T 1 , ,,.. , ~,,,,,,,- , ..5,,,,„ net ...a. iglactoal tea i O ma r Ligh of the halve or OILS, etc, eft. The pavan, has aesdr ma n Miami +them they didnot Igoe pesou, miebotiew. Sescral ta.....i . iia.th.* bees eadd wtOth , the last year, renoritg to health Iterstiew ha almost mg ad, . 1 'oteconstegusimond the. laboring under the mg demo. ' Colds and coos.. They do not Owen Kid dry op Moon, but ft.. it eary,promote gpectueutioey allay th e lidelteg irritation, end remove We }Toenails or elating gene. They an made from. ombittatidu of a eunat 'amble ea meant,. sough medicines, end Ms .undonbiedly buyertoe des.San!. mei. those t, lintsdrede upon hu des. of clernftwdes hate caned d of their woodiertid el -, - tom, from Wasse who ham bosomed film an mtsuselygrav end moiled to rtrfeet. health by Map, than. ', Where Omen mo th pin in thi Imam or side, one of She _ otanb Poor hilaM Maw+ (pi...1412h many) thould applied wee the part, and no. oh Moved. If monde mildcoMiremesa, a few odor. he ladative loongety. lin mild Wheelie ..aki.., showld pe wed es ottriaida tketies ,•' ' ' • ' LSHER.V.A:PS 1 V 0 1411 . 1.0ZEia.3 ; Time worm Images hue been praised ha samiethat; lAD Mho. to ho Intithblet dm oily certain 1/.111 dt4lojl ~ soden. evertheclosered. ',Many aliwasenerhes from boons .: and ocmainn loud and int...offering, aM - oett distil with - out their ever beteg...peeled; posse peno ns are eggall . - • affiesal with them, and are demoted M mi.. eom 'ate wit holt way benent; :when ow drys of the. Lump. on • .• speedily curt them/. 1 Stom'!"ymp trogne.--Paho tht jotela err hat 'aka' . kirmi at* th,packing at the ma, isuling of the trattud Map, and attiumajaktose about" the lipa,with Ousted k 4 bkodingat the nowyagnawing Mention arthe dote stoe . , , es afloat am the lora. orthe k.i.dy, slighi chills r shirt - ming., . headache, droweimm, Et,,,, tor Posy d .. ~..., muff. outing...MK itarfright and ' ' amoimes • trouble.. eongb; mtheese. thi 'p011.,1- • her, fits, bad haste fu the month Mittleak. bgetiltleg, nin . thi , stosemeh soh owelsjfatigor,Amea Isorttialtaava s wan' edam ppette, teems, hkated ItemoL or haute, plunge; -- thootingyoun en cam. part ofdlo holy, a sense of wow ,thingrNlSll: in the throat, ttchnsg oft... tenrardanipt, a frequent desire to poos something fn. the Lonely and, cm, pima diathargo °folk. and uthemy • . -- , . SHERMAN'S CddIPHOICI.OZENGES. They give iasatedha• rvher in orrrow or sick hiadaehb, pnlpitatino of the heart, lam. of the vie., nopumeney , , nettammatag or putrid, son th roat, bond 41. mono eon plain 4 Raintuog, oppression or a ems of Meagan of the ehm , • eVolie, • sfouns, cramp of the Ilona& or. bowels, bywericlel, affeetioos, and mil nem. dime., drominese abreogh the dig, and wake fuloo. through the Medi cholera chat!) ern mostue, diarrlnea, hassitudiCor a sale of Snip, , dam traveling ur anendidearge polies, will Pad the loon es reaLyeemogyand unpartmg do buoyancy of youggused after ditupenum, Owywailmatore the tone of the gone pal • malty, and re -Mori oil W. 219 pki1.1 , 310P2C101.2 MAC, from too Gee Swing: Persons win .. been too tughlie .,. rm an 4 abandoned their diwipaled hub++, Wal Smi ihm. I ; 'n treble compeoere of the neer. ' • . Slika th lLLY'S POOR NAIL'S PLASTER.' , The but elmagthening planer tithe world, +oda torteggn „remedy . far panu, or, soaking in the lock, km, side, neck, , lierthe,yointo, rhematinst, lumbago., dee. ake. One malli. a par well wataupply thedsmand. They *Loire a littimearsa- : Log before applwanon. Warranted ogettor to all othera,end for ono gloater the tunal prim, el:thing manly the best, but theeheapon *atm in the world. It affords relief 4 ~ter • .....;sad in 113N1lilkitg 'cum • • It. limr complaint and thapepsie, it eboold be worn over (hareem of the hirer or simathouad ibwill edema goat and artoeddalog relief. ,111 coughs, cold., Lanza, ditlieutty 01 . breathing, oppreation of die cheat or munch, they will ion mediate, mud and greatly , latineff the - patient' I"wwww . et : v ino : 7 hab ite,=unc . limdto atte;M st=reee rk r: ter. Phi...generally imomond than, ma preform. tot all others hens they stick oradhcrebetter,m6aford great- , er relief. in their °wagon, they are etianolow, tone, and . ' modynm They an. empowed of calmly different waned • ents UM any other, and ffirn from the eaperinnee id tail litatatehet have used them, as well to the untied testimany of all the kelebrated and disunguithed"d, w. and physicians, to be the moo useful wad highly medical. entar, . Sererel eo. Moe oiled at the warehonee to express • theirmase end than., at the elenosttairandons cum the. Direchiona fa ass are on (hi, bask of emb 'plaster, with • Moinille of Dr. Shown. • name. It la impomont you ehould allip ask for Sionson's Poor Mot', Plaster and se th at, ' p u get the macaw,. there .rem any worthies.. smitthons, hawked about end .old for the tree Shuman , . Pluton, by unprinciptled dodoes. Sold Mamie and Moll by W.JACESON et Lie Paten Medkine Warden., I\n, ,S 9, Liberty greet, etlf the VIIPORTANT TO THE LADBEkS—CIi Bin; .1.11.1ir Cream, matchless article for the Beauty and Restoration of the Hair. This (Wain, when once known.. will sspersede all other ankles or the kind now wed. Where the hair is dead, berth, thin, un healthy or turning grey,B few applications wilt make the ham soli nod dark nod • give it • beaingel lively appcamcce;• and wilt also make it retain to liveliness wd healthy color twice IS long ßS 11111 the preparations hich ire generally need. Every lady and gentleman who are in the habit of using oils on their hair, should arenas purchase a borne n( the Chinese flair Cream, as it is to composed that it win not Minix the hole like the' other preparationatan will beautify it, and give perfect sainfactionln every iustume. - Fat testimony tow very superior qualities,. tee the feilowinn letter Nom Bev. Mr. Caldwell to Mesas Hendershot' tr. •tretch, 'Nashville, General Agents ['r em Western States : • -•. - , . Lauer from the Rev. R. Caldwell,p3nor of tbe Pia hymnal, Church.-Palmkl. Messrs. Hendentlion & Streich--Dentleineni 1 to ;Camara iriadding my testimony In favor of Roar gee lent preparation called Dr: Parrish's Chinese 'di Cream—ler +bootee. years ago my hair waster - Di Lundy, and disposed ic come out: hat having procure, a bottle of the Cream, and mil Is according to the'pm. seription, my hair is now soft, elasue and firm to the head. Many balsams and oils were applied each lea ving nry San r in wane risM Men befote. ,This Cream • "however, has met my expectations. •,. Assn article for the Toiler, my wife given it prefer• more over all others, bolegdelicately regained, and not. &spored to rancidity. The ladies especially will find ' the Chinese Cream to be a desideratum in their prep.- rations for the todei. Respectfully, ice.' • Pulaski, J0iCy.7,1847. It cALicrwri.a. 117 -Sold wholesale mad iersa, in Pine:wait by John 31. rownsend, No 43 ?darker ruectoind loci Mahler. corner of Wand and Fir& ala. - gilt( i w ycltsllbliLeAND . S.CROrIILOUSIAOWELLe INGS.—SerolnD In all its multiplied forms, whether in that:of King's Evil, enlargement:Se the gland. or bones; Goitre, White Senliega , enronic Rheumatism, Causer, diseases of the Stun or Spine, or of Prthsoneary . Commotion, emanate from one and the same =esti which is a poisonous principle more or lesa inherent in the thin principle can bed t hirmat . system, Theree ss fore. unleroyed, no tad.. C.ll cure cart be effected, but if tb .ptinelple upon which the disease:depends - , 'renarred, a curers must or necessity/OHM, nOillautalUMMit what torn the disease Should manifest itself. • This; therefore the reason wh y ) ALTEEIIII7. SO uni fersally.successi in removing ao many malignant' disease. 'lt destroys the vire. or principle from which tbTasei dice - ems bare their origrn,by entering into the circulation, and with the blood ii conveyed to the minutest fibre, tomoviog evety particle of disease from the system. Prepared and sold at No. C South Third Street. Philadelphia. .' ' Sold at the Pekin Tea Store, fi0,12 Fourth stree Tythibonth. mch3l. .tat la Inc 9 . AISIVILIk. VEGETABLE RENOVATING PILLS. .• 'For abourene year, previoue to ranking' use of Mr. Seat's Renovating Pills, I hive enTcred extremely from Dyspepsia, and au acid Stomach I have made 11.1. G agrees variety of medicine without section% 'material beneht 'Shout three months linen I commenced swims My Seari Medicine; which hue entirely relieved mu from acidity assay simmer', and fettered ate In cemfore Wile health. Several of say (yeas and acquatounteen have made one or the Pills, sod received much benefit Dun II cob I can with confidence recommend them. JA A LE 317 st Sal wholesale and reta N il, I: by Ii A. E, FAIINESTOCK ecumr of let and Wood, md Wood andah sta. /elf YOU PUSILLANIDIOI7I3 SCOUNDREL i ° rTo ' tu m tg%Te:Ui * th ' t ' s ' on. yenta! at your own, pined with eropeons and btotehea Vet you Aloe too wean to give bily . cente foe oath of the great billion Chemical tkiap.hettich would entwety Ike yon diem, aad make gOile yellow thin clear and. /smithy. Goat once to Jackson's Store, et/ Liberty' at. Pilllburxh; and get a cake. N 'Jackson's lathe only pl ace in orbe the GEN VINE is to be obtained. Bewareritiabargli of Connterer leitat.- t be Big Ito. muds xn the eoormay. • Patent Illoc.k Sprlag Trnissi NVENTED—For the reliefand Permanent' 11 Cure of DERMA or RUPTURE. Ignited to all aims ) , . • The thpeilar °lnfirm of ihia Truss enrwiat in the eon. unrative thew with,wbichit may be worn. • Tbe pad of wood being neatly balanced on Opting. yield. to pre. sure an any: pan of it, and thowneghlradepw keel( to any movement mile by the wearer. It enn he worn without intone im; ion. until. Cart , la °reeled. The tub set have made armament:sign the manufacture of them valuable in a superior sty . le, in Phil& delphin, and have them now the isle at their office, 77, gmithaeld st.elear bizth, rinsbargh. ; ' • GEO: WATT. jr,th • - ; - W. KAUFF7iTAN. 11 SORGAITS COUGIU SYRUP—Iit stgeold be IX.I published and made known'irthe poblic.n flile was the expressional an old men who tried tea SyruP. .• ••• •• rehraily 1e47. maTIMILT-1 MS may certify Ma IlMitipullimed with a trtniblemate rough some time; .bona.b.uk , or Alorgan'sConghSy.p, and are happy to sayolter nggh ray cough is entirely oared.. 1 pmemince your .Cou Syru the best medicine I have <emitted: Igo family s h ou ld be without Mir Tali:able medic., DAVID IIduRODEETS, Allegheny City Int. This medicine Is prepared wholemde .d at tee Dregnore of • JOHN D hIUIIDAIi tall Wood cleat. one door below Diimiond Al ley Pries XS team per bottle. - • (etre JhYAEts EXPECTORANT—The 'innee of thls efficacious am cheap Medicine for the core of Consumption and other diseeres cutlet be too well known:. Very many liverl hive been saved by Y. biorninp Poi sale to Pittsburgh-at the PEKLY TPA. STORE, 72 Foanh atone; near Wood, and also at the' Dnrir Prom of II P Schwa - 1m Federal abAlleibenY City. jelP PITTSBURGH_ GAZETTE, pu WASHED Amy, TRI-wEim4Y &WEr.x.ur B.aahap, Use., now du POss RATES OP ADVERTISING. One insertion or 15-11nes et lea • So 50 Two inaertions without 0 75 Three" " 1 OD 013 C Week • " " •... 50 Two Weeks • " " . . 250 Three 3 0.) One hlouth, " • • • • • 400 Two " - . 1 ... 6•00 Three •• .... 750 re Loiter adattisements In Came proportion. One equare,6 months, without alteration,'... 10 00 Each additional irate for months, 590 " .. • Id .. 10 00 One sqtrare,6 menthe, renewable.at pleasnre, .15 00 " " 12 " .0.100 - Ea . chadditinnal square for): manta 10 60 Two aquarea,6 months rewable at pleasare, 30 1:4) Each additional square, months, -8 00 . wssnwr on -r ar.syciiscn to sari: ! . One square, 3 insertions, each additional insertion,...:.:.37 saisrirses enlarge. • • Five lines or less, one year. - • ' - 600 "- • gg six mouth.' 500 • one year, daily do weekly, 40 00 gg six months 4 . " ; BOO ADVENTIIZEENTiI IN ANIELT ra ri ty. • . For 80 lines, or less, One insertion, •. $0 80 gg • o • gr. . - .Two, "; 0 6 • gg " • ' Three, 'g 100 •gg gg ;•• " - Three months, •' '3 60 • ". •. " . Sin.- . " 600 Twelve ' • ID OU All inivertignutients to be Charged . by Oki, sqOare. cud et discounter .2,5 per eent.to be given Where the amount or advertising:eiteeds 50 dellusperyear.' • • - 1171INCIe- CANDI. ••••••. - rife!ies or less, ilte year, ....... . . 00 40402, ' • ••000 • 'Z'o- :s • - - :
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers