...t..;t: - :_'..:7..i'. i': 1 ::::'..:.:.: . :.-' :.:t,1.!..:','.'.'T7 — I Saiiiianiging4Mllool/44:1 Audi _ _./I; 4 4..sslisliiiilettell4Webst sad I . selremissu; , ~.tilis4ppea.l.;• 4. .! ...0....,„ ... „ man t 0 0=sica il =a,a u s 4, ....a.,. z . 4 ..«.•4.sVissi Viss_ .... LAtmli siSonly:. 440 i IMAM AS' MiIIINJE4 -Melanie vat lkel g li ""l"t.' " :4 . !‘. 9l" . o.strilr linr""X tesset SitidiNib.i •: 1.1/1451111.X.Y45. oictieu,rneftwuosoppo‘ts • • Y.'lo l, "_%Y.,.±,!..ruiefts. ,/ 4-, - . t; iliiiiit.:Bspaurre p orbsiisu Owl -. e • sis'siAdiNudies image siy:l . Esi. .1111114.1111 c „.....h N. end elk Needle 6.. ' - bra I t.l et. lactlXill LIM 01 . ... C4 I.P *1142* • .Ic.rmaSfiesrlnt UAL • i! • C °lll4Nl air "M ili= "l %* ° ,4,.tesit4l6 ;,, 'steer ~. . - wm.. iti* L ion.. Ow I , Aiosii • mi. • i. w.iadiass. 'lrji:s ic rog ri elotr i a w a . diatAir c t'st ia rr"" : &Wad ilmOssASAasis..Thilmisip of every do. .11ft .li =utli .4. 0;2= L - -. 11 : 171 . jeje g i :: Dii.4100'0101111 , 011•1111.Wle a ril.ti .I.l.llsales is Oisim sad . rlisisglii epee came.' _ - -•__.__- ''' St I; masseris: ; • ( ; •0!I 41 BaLlrialßß imMiNomil ta B, 1 ,4 ‘ l 4 l 4. o lMita „da is A. , • .... - •• . • ..... . - t, - .ti ....N.,E»2y< • 'l7 • • •• • - • • .1. - it • h ' f:' . : • _ =;': tiIiZZE nittai 1 ::.1 - :'`:; -.. ';; ' ...0.•::. ,! . ..4.,::.:.:::,1i:•...... ••••,.:•.•el'oN,e'rAnk. , , :*k:l4l4sii* '•":..*:.:i.';:i:"." ~.Ve z - "•""kri...k:.,..,01.,5k.v.:... n.,....fx...etea1:? 4 1 ~4.4.;110 , 4.!:i., ....„:100:,:,,;.,:,:,., c- .!t , :. , 4.. ,, 4 ,... i ., :-.. • . 4 4 k f ., ' ',, - ... 1 Vi i i:g4;.• `,,1K,: '17,07•Pi - ... • ' tt.4. 4 :': , ,tvt.-. • 1-• • ;1".1;i ; '.. 7 , 4". P... '‘ s • •'!; . ' ..1%..A.;• ; ti , •* . 'Y'l . rt r zi. 42'V-i'r' .. , . -.4 •• fil :1..; N I?: tyr,..t ... itt. ql.l t l.:' • •..;$ .. ,it.N1•nri444% '41,-;ePte:ve.• u, ,,, tif 4 4 i 4: 41: g," i • : 1 1!;1. 4 1t. : : :IZ-irkii..P k „,,....,,,,„„,,i.,11, *fV;iik • ', l . I , lk i ti4,4•:sfl'k 1 a -"l9L.i - i ;.,•,-: , ! ~: *l. zi..Z ..E• %t:?4 t. t -, :f . Isi : .., ..e: 1 1 :ile t X I N O.: ..g iil' : !ki'Szi• . A.- '.. :oE:v . v. SKIM .??..1%!.‘!! 1 - 151161 q. swirso, ea. a/ Ant and Oamakmaina ~OW: a..nr Idnure tberlinaangniada. Snap. IV' rui cm.% . . r'.-&<: "'%4. .;ir... A„. 44. j •-• A.04.!;-ii% . 1 . ,.__'i . !' . . - 2-IT.tiqli*V.4l:. -'Wrii:N:. k! , • , ev,k.Eg>4.44" , ,,. r . F° X 0 1 '.:'. 4 .. ' 7 ' i • 1, !4 . ! , ;.. i. ;{,:-.... ;C: ::::ft r,A; V r ..- , • , ..' .11•::*4`' . ; - . sr ' .:‘,..:.=.-.....-,...„ t4;:;4,s ~."- - : .i . :44. , . - (4- I, : , 'N.c.' ....;,:.- - -.-.1N:i.v......:.t: .~: f &... - -::% , ::...:5... : ,, , ,:.7• ; -:. 'f,ti: , !.' , :..4.,t , : . • - ;.: - ': , .::' it,:4:::::•;•.:‘,Z:':.:,-:.:::::,:*.:, IMMO =MEE 6 . , •• • . .. ~,,_ - 0 , -,ty- , ,, ..„t.v,,be. t k „••asr..-4 - ••-•r-,...--....,s,•-,,--,-. - ._,....--. .--,----..... ..4,-„,.--• ~, . _ -••• -,;-, / , _ .„. ~ 4 , , :-,...., .... t ;ii,,,?J''. .44:4-:" . , ~„,_ -,,,,....:,: 4 ~,,,,, ~,,, f -, t • . , . 4‘,„ ..._ 1 6,,, ~ ..,...w.;4.e i -; t ..,. - A1t: ,.....„ 1,. ~-.. ~.7 , ~_, , , ~, .., ,. .,,,, A.. _, , ,,,.. t .,.., ;:e:44 , , ,, , ,”, ~-_,& 5r, . *,,, ,- .1;16 ,„,. , 1 . r. ,*- - , . t i t - 5., ,:v,... ,,,,,1 1 .,, ,: t „ i r ~4 , ,. i:, ~?, -, ,, ,,.._-.!.-. K .,_ --_,•••,_ ~,,:,., , - -,, - ~,.-,,,- , 1 44 , .:-. , - ; .-.. :'l,g.:,- 1-' ''' n-- --'-'-^-- -"'''''''''' -'"--- ..--. - . 7 • 41).L '-' -c7-Acfa * t'• '•-',., - ---,` 'A: ~•• • +. 4 -..- , -• .._,V- -,-..'" '- J.:>> =2 l ' '5f. 4 ,,.:14. ''&r ' :2 - Z4 - ..,, , t 44 , y ; , ) 4 7, - . /.. -•,' ' - 4, ' 7r,- . , .' , --.,i -_,,,• Izt-'-_,. .- • . ,_ -/-..-, - - -4 , -•- .'. s'- 7- -'.`,-•- , z. "--- „,„,.• 4 , 4 .7 .„, • ,:te . .--- - • xit t „,, N 4••,....,,,,, t ,_ ..., ~,,, ..c. , a• : .,,,, 1 ,—, ~ ~,, ,i,,,,, t ... 4 5,..„. ~ ~, , t , _, t _ 7.4 .,•,,, ; -c, , :.,, ~,„,.,I , ,•-_,:,.:.,, - ...,, i sr„P _./..,,,. .v..,- . ~,,: 7, , ,, , ~.• c r-: •. • ,, -. -,--,, r• , ••• • , •,---. ...,.., .#...,,: , i t 0,.. , 4 1 • '`, " . ' l, ."`r ,-- -•-• t, -,..i" .. ... ! -7 -I'. "" i gt!ct' :."1" t , *'o , .. `-'- ‘.'' '% ' -'l ' ^, .Y' ..- '''' 4 ''' - . - P ...V . : :- - - .; . - 1, ~ -,: ' '7 ti '! - - '' ' '...,'„1.,; - ' - ~ , ~% -- ' -, - - " , r ••• . s.l !.''' • ~,-. - i ,' ...,. , - ,• t, ~. . l vv , ....,, ~.,!„. ;,..„•,,.:.,j.,',, , c , ' • '''ll:: ir:/a/ , 3 , ';.••• 47 ' 4, 4 4, ^ 1 i - 4i/e.--+ - Ja.t05i . 4.../Ar - ..Na.r. ,- .i........ a . ...t...h.”:.....-."-,,, , .“- •-•-• , -',...,--,----' -^.0. " ....-•••• " - -, ~ ,.. .• . "., l'io , .1.. ... : :Al s• .• - t... ' ; "-- . t - n. -. • -.....„.. :......,......L.........p '' - ' `,"`, - ~ . ••••m1••••, • to•'• '.'"•''" --- Vtl" . '7"_ ''' '" . ‘."- ..- ''. .- - - - . - - " 'l.- '•'•`‘:, • ',- - ' ' - `-' • ''-- • • c ~ , , :,4 7 , 4 ‘,.... .' --"" si t 0 , ... .. ..L. .llr , _.., , ~e-*-" . - , - • - , •. ; • 4 11,••:•1•0,,,d,rt 14 n ''' n n ' 4. . . -4 ''' , • iil !•‘ , l Ilk t': /1 6 n • • ..• • IF !‘ 1:i 41 4. 1 il." 13 '''' . 1 .". ' - _ , -- - , , ... ' ' I • '/: . g •••• li.: , .n. , 'ATE 1i 1 !-- 'A, - . , . ` ' 4 1 ' '''' . •-• • " ". 4141:.. I . t . r . • ~ s 'l ~ ~ ; r , - V - . "''''' . , ' ilk.,,t „ , .. ,. e.:.. `•-• • _. ; 1 2.....: , %' r .— ..I,* 93y ._ -PRICE,t'SEVEN ,„ , , ;;;''.',.;T•liiiiiioss , .cAffig'..- itaisib bait, 4.vgaim ik .41.1 moss. . • awes resew, Alisessycle: lair, I 10•414,11,110,4 w e • 4 2880.1 Oat essaT Wiiiihrftir • el sad thanbuyt 4 H o" 'el 45 . 0 0."..t5kA` . . , • L swam Vrer our Map*, Cal, Dram la Priftd. AY' 4 7."1.11 0 5=ac 1,.. 111ANAMMOW. MI Loam tryiNg aseielogo woe dm Ailey satOviair, Jeer w•OI,V awn.; • •=eta lki tt 424L1 ~~:~ Li• AuLtois4 'Dean to Patisr""l'FOPlOSldelP6 waisagal.liesit :idloolloll l spas co, wriesau.o... Kasotamt 476 tr L . mama inerristroraaciew sj swam, ask DonisblivrtaftwiP aid 'Mamma Phisatotare. N. II MINIM • aidealgainaeoh f_ WV s ‘ robtfirevr ,Aerehroll 1 ioisoo.rouvinsSelo . . .11414 f011:021021, oak Pas.' %%2 0/Win biarbosial/WPat mi. ..."firs i Viritiii — ;ftere — 3. 4 " a iss Ka. b _ nl kt um .varbtra=o.' ... v w0w...4.mm la Oar k- pl 'Li WIWI:1W 71..aira2110ash0 Yen.italusbatit FT........5W"1gA•s ..jamentailte# staflineild ..- ei.7:17.7 . 2F.h1 141 ,24:4 * . •"" •.' . " .• lundihnit Lief , , two% wonrs-a luskUuDi 4 . 1, .pougaii Illtilkins,amluNi la, • • ' tilecommers er.1.0. 01 IlmlaaibMgMx•Trt Paper. WarelisiskriC 'fr. ;171 %flint/ipso V. mossier - • iXT.1112,4111 4 01119111f Cs, sad emao. la haa" No. 'l4 Wimeimill Uft Rom mew, rarisigt. 1:006/001114iiiiiam Ts/Jar. Where maa. 4.tasheltaasessego.Pingqp. -• • of 14. 44•012.4..:4G7, ilakevrel=4l, Onua amok ddras WT. J. SONS 4 1i1be444444:. .4- - 4 •4! 4,104141141, on tiro. age ax; imcgm, tot rdealto ta Drawee: roman . Yawata. k • tissics N. sows atarst , t .65111 •9r H. VT , ILOVloleute *ad fame • et In Metre see letwoutute•llded Mika, Pew, glettollmaißta ni =" Susie etey • 1M1• - : 50 " . " irrgor. • • tam a WM. .• • E;;;E191 Afteastwile Mar., •"I'IWILLIAIIII 11111111111, ti ATINAMITS MVO COUPISELLOIS AT LA,W. ik firpollke ?Serf add et rtuLlk scam* ftuilial44o eibtivirY ACCMIN*II3.4 lams - 01111 V OALLATUfr=II= J 4o A, Unsit;sall Snu.bingb4 . a. abilelland 11,111 se • rr she .4m. =softies - . • •-•.. • U TO ,41.- /STOCKTON. J w . . L. ILISADM AMA IMll4 , __. J ..TAVOLOugaiTsox a 4)0; Damien sad Eg. • - •C 7.4144•1te5bn mama Waal aid Tided forma .. !.•01kmasuf.a Bog • floalialkra.: as Jo real nue. • jo!Cli bilEa s Vbsissifteordr.‘ilirlitt W;=l. . rar;a: Ltsak.,' 4 • .1 A • A `A", • .444 4 . sal dotaoremkors • wanatialgl66 14 H aar N. • • • • %bill T,SAIIrkk aL waiffilf .. L *Aim& Mrs Ina awl mow 1014vtie aeLrw Of It DOWN! 6.fikrni a: et , Lb r; wa.I.ALMin 4 • ' "n OVW miima . iitlelihuwfattas a ..l..f",111Pii1 1 111ON 'AV CSC •• • • I.:La Thcceri;ForwjAssol Olom 1 .Ad dis'ent le Ps ibissiglinmeg . s al", %Paw'"l"g 24. sies.44 , •4 - st .::‘Ll•ling as. , . ' l, *!...rr=rithi 4 l B lol: • • :133Wand.t.PKOMoneb— • v•• ••0411/. • - M . Omen "Jr.allear , =IOW 111 *is; Itliftwk - • illiarouge;Wen IhisilsOlistripalW ' 11•40.-• , a" ....A. , •• 14. 4,4 ' lieVaßeatal 111111.1. oft.clProardeu. Mfr,.." -i t' aw sd_ . .. ,16 ; ,L , ir........Zw..a.5.---- , - , -!- , I —A s. 2 1 4 I `..rt i rmo.-h ...i viNlNde *" riajW al" . llll"° -. '" 6 21/.4 Alt.rchaxtuatikir -111..... At " - • • ' /AO h 1 '.l Y. 4 .41 . i k r notaamitziewiai=t J ... ea**, Cow m elfloalkus hk kigki inwrikutrewb 111 ov.,,trv.4k. I k=i k. hank Mao 1114111 ' .l . - "le Moo Rua .^ -1 1dtrir7 - f . 4.114 7 H . , 4 4 611. It - - i' N I V 4. 11/1 1 r- 4 1 74. 1,1104.011A861a1it014114M1117 poinDSZINIIV:b e* • ..tr c ''Z' A e''l 4 !'.•! l ; , .. • .tZa';, ll c.o4'&'&9imtlem- Wiliam/ al, .RaggiLiatp • arta v ai l iti . l s tm ara l lttrg.fmme!llft tft . _ AZlNVllllheletate Chows, , laiisuoifit.sw.sias to Itssfbstim4 rsuiawalssossaiensoabog . MT" • ' • • ,ik.segoosisonalorn, TN& ~° • Oinks, iseigoilk • i 171,64.6. &WI tiudytk . ••• ,411 / 114 ' *ISM , ' - •-aae5.,.w.44.100444 "475 . ,441r , ./ I t l y a = " L 3: • 11iJfilNESS . !",CAliDS.- Amour na .Law,lesin iy ••• leo eisliirr, raft, opprir 111. New lablinall , nooll36.`Wholosale Orr,. Richly. lag Drillor, err n Peron, Moro hotomoomaoll bob of Forge sin Do l e Wino, earLlorn, No II brut: wool, Vier! ar b 14 .1." 1. Oa has& a wry loop ark of ape* Ifliosbm, ern will born be an took I '' ... - • . • otolaily: prom affen. Forwardln sad Cana l% miasma Notaailarfarala Allagaear Kam Trude, lisalasiallimserimalmilme,/,usbolkliane.epro .67.1 1 =P 1 M 0 j aa miti= s trat ia ttne m s 'XIMINackNd , • Thy IrVIINW. ' r. WNW% 1 1111airsiellsaz rano:. WOomrUa .1117 06.114 PI• • areataw, ea.oclll - •• , " ••• 4461111, 0 - ,1111r51,210,0011. War Ilembasta:dri. r . ihollest mindt a l z r ward; . • • : A dorsi* at La Ita'" OW. "asl a w l • 10 1" F. laneL ttettresa neridiarly •rar7v - i!:4 ,---/BOILIIT It Co, Whom.— Q ~p t W Atoo7o4 --- mat Comalaaiaa 111 r tetoop, fa rjubarak Xaaafamf.a gaa Waslant Pro bare triorrolio 'Ow Roo vorrOmos. 31, comer &Mot aaeO Mauer" Lan.. atm7.,.: .• Am vatz..aTunata", - nr.,,pqm cogs,. aim Merelbaal, Deal. la WI, memo 5...1 Phis maxi6eira4 . !cruciss,'Ciaal DILA, war ltb st. . - 'M 0 • Rater I. • • %Ft.. 1.7* 432 . 4 i1re1g70.06;04 Agraeshandimpowtow..• 1311Wisitamet• risobuilk• • • • • • , • • •• OW. • ; I i i = r igkeh.L . Itatitze.o. i. l3;:= be II Wad Wm. • ~ +r ~ _ _ - _ _ _. fri P. • E( fr.ll* . Opasiabiss ...sealers 41104 - tamkot,thecaseics, Pamlem. • • Nike • Mangleaues, Onaal Mao* Lalorytavas. . • " ft • Ur ' & sc. AsCII2CIII.OII, W Use. 4;4 r D a =risVnip. 3ll illiAleas .41 • 1., _...... - .101 1 7. 14,1•1*.nrwrq . W 4 1!. 111111...le!Wle (teams, • • • •ieglet e.u4 hwand W latar • tra l .iUk•er elikkad•M 4l • 6l ° It' ek a1L.1...:; ... , :•.t '.1 , . z •••... , ... 4 ‘1"41. " Ex “-i.‘ 6 4 , ;sirsiPil eAnuft Wret t lb i rjAtt ows ~ a tineemerrwl.'s ON•aiminilli.schars. emilessla Ima, Ontralfsai sub l'enbagb Illaashetues vueralty, unmet Waal art Wan ViasbmlL ant, . the hart: to' tall ...na W.,exastaikk gigt* et Frau la * WelkiA Coitus, Wiens im• Yasuo. • ." Aral: WeallitiMiket:MOTlVAit /Lad Peadwill lhatractsm, corner sr. Mai mai laprilllTYo/11.16 •• VVOLVP, laporens of VV, VVlmiesale Dalers'iss !halm% C0.1.17.ffi1d .• .4•o l ,o l MlLlberlsva 114.-Otear amens, Raw f;=l ui,F loln" . ?fialMing Dialad Jigs iessioU bit!. - sisg.W•Pdaleragla , l o o 6 •WC. IL Erb ~b i b " . .., .. PLI I "rtnOPPIWO!i!I I4 ft . - Ws tii&bagi;ilitior.....; •••• ' 4*l -"s4 WWI& .11KIENZAIIMII.IIVIZCsiaie: ift ,="4 / Ma ior -POWZril.Wfweadliiirr .1.4.91/1; artsar 1110111INS0111. Aiiutrusi at Law. - ken StChri=== 4 l " ' ""l4 .1„ . — r — ri —To Oreein, en. mw . lemeeell lea Ue Korean Min feetals siege ammo um; gramma and Usgmthowy.,ll.le.r. ' . Dria. wow. Anew ry, T-Ci. Ulm Wan, Gee4s, te, Ain:l2 YM 071171Mitinkt . a nt W Dostoir Af esai ear seweelitaad Rank sts. • eff 31171Paiiiti1CrJe log laalernh= V V Vng esuevt- Silva Tlas. *Mir of MO nal nia4 mom, MU sou 4s!sm!suat,supplyait obi boo I=l "Ws ies saar=l=iii • W E AIM it;' 1;; . - tioqbaish OOPINd. W•wa mat, IatILL.I-11010/. 'Aluefe . rft Lev Irtieuirefea, P. .rimier to tate tee ae kamfeagman eat roe . of Away Lisags, ONIII2OIII, .11 , 41 , 11ifisins, tear eratim (sear pea et Neale lee gal crr ano elate of OW. OW ea etaeaeaselaistielL. .)ettof till C. ADQUIIIIIIIAOCUM, Ammer) et GM APT .1/14/1 &mos, war rahLiadd. Opalectrog,ilm. afierasiverebeemasattesiedlowfdpesetultry. • , dads_ • , Ws; Cnons, Esq, Ill• Talime ON Jeee Ilerfor, eried Lbodurf &CS, • - Joint Wei*, - Jeer YeQI 7, 14 q, MS. Irlltut Lampe, _ ,R:EATIFY , I NO -:111111Ti L L E viaLINAZ 111111.31 tuna e:ausnt tau k Liam, Nt.114 yid SS Dissaut fairy, , • • . MAMA 4IF Co., ih;ghly. 'balm* in /rousw_Seek Aft awl Fob, r"" 7 lackban. • plakciicittuur T'a",'"'"7 Unman aid Doak. ilk WO; Mel WahlliThrink.61111001111•Iii1111,04/1414111114671/.. 11 . 111,J011111 wpm, I,9..„r , sogent.eue.be, nve, k nue un MON. „.,..E..F l mmp,a . ER &pmplw. 00,Wearlirecirmaty lir r i7_o4/ abi;iir mai at:au miniver WI mow*/ Ogler Imo aid_ laprhy.ros NO: Fffe.l4.l Ina. ark, ton 1041.6. wllich ..sold su Ye Irma 0 1 0 1, 4 11 ,014. Setae likaders Gal ids.; ate unliod Isar dAinn Ale si!ost,. UldarrMer. F;0 rrM. sowiroulD, amain •ithli,=6o - fioi licatto ar, Wee awl aboya .1•R.11.0.4 4.waway oe lissef • wy 0.11 Wed u. 2= et Am WIN 4411 (ream 111.WWW...40.11 W anti StS Wile sew rs mamba Saw. Pkyelehad Medal Man will be praW. Itlalded as 5a4,111, 7 PI" ."15416....1W7 044 4417 Awe as irowise.-.. nesuloWee WWI wowed? lad 1 . 4 W4 pirlli64l,Arommiwkwai =. Au. 0.001140!.4.00.044 rirt%. ur-W.. WW4oll4_,Wimeb MTh J04440er, momer.46 11•4444 wt. • *1•44.. W/4 wel wims4:44B44ar wirbw aaaleee•wte ,.4 Most gals,alsrsys or 5044: tool= lOW prio4oll4ll Pam Laver; elickie.mfted =km aim Nye the ..sebssou 0404 W Cow, 444..a5,/Woos mai Schernap rasa& asks of wary.. wy 14 WA au. ePlala .1.44,13 sad - ' • ' • wort. wit asoo in Os tor rt mane.. 'S. 11:..BWEITZER. . . %ATTORNEY AT'LAW ' ,I. 34 114..i.gefts ittt • , .. • l'• ' JOHN DUNLAP - Vginilikairruari WTIly On.perf, 11.6 ihtti Jr.i MMus. and desk, la !Miami* Slla /squaw' WNWeek 11 lip too WA* twee no". 105.4111141 toppat- or omom am.* obi s r 1.0 slan.. illiseirel Tu sod C• ? omerwara., 1.14 s Limp row elyil klanmail* Hinting% . ,4-I,..,Pl.TV!!!a.,ll.Pfoalsw,Wltifritini ;.. ii i i i t ffluimamm m. mars, ~.; A 0c ... , 4iites 'ie. Da •0. 1/0. 11 . 1 willow,/ • Ur., Cessrom.l)..erb i gm • lc nescio. ... .....4 la tb• ammo! II , 1WW01.1., TEN HOSES, satesoual ma - 011eeSoriolillhoil • Via. .-' .• ' % ' 'Platt . y . • - ' - ~ ~, it...inbcx i cm ; ,:•iii orAkrErn=hll....l46; ii!" V " P ido... utt . . 41-simot-taLs.“ Forlinid,' Gais4ll sad ammusd iPat.m. la limo mai Ihigagr,elogr him fl att.nio 'ie.*: ebmViStrl- ,- :- ' - - .01 foso. ve:11111:11i1 • Illauw raw al • MTV; gnu -Ho? - nk r i ?MINIM& IED MT JINN _ aim , Dubai A ll .l mkt Pam Lk sad edgelnini:' - br3l sox &MOIL allififiCll.lll3li or ifilICV WAPUNTED wi Ai tf not onerior, co zz7 so4ll 4 , 4 , 21 .. Lucid Olio: am/ widal iffy ll 11.41911, N'it.at t .7l 4l7 AVitlafftlitaaarroa M Rrk4 Mitt '. • ' - Makin* Mai. ~ ~~~~ x .~ ~~ to MWARDING. k.COM=ON. ft; Wa L ltingen‘• • ••==. ,- -. - !harm V/11;141;101 %One - t. FORMINIION -roawAgin xi:acuittn • - iiiHigir.litivwu %IPA m:•Al N • . • rrrszosen-irAnUIPACT ....relcatuuseas • fiL u n,Al • .0.1.1 Lbws won. nevi on U nd andll4 , 1110400 Ibis mooned Suet, one ~• • • • :Pilo? h. Co's Ossaidissr, LSO., and Limon Jonas lt Q• 430. Asa Mour In.as and Volt : we enosalo. Onlok• Savijr.,.* ; Curios., ' , non. and *Woo nava., (mows, Masa If tessr Immo end , 00maor - il Blodsos,rneds• livalas.Ciaonses, •1• • i Varna. Mose ra, &lows= Irma • • t. • L Naas and Coal Pinta • ..• , • • • d.rissa, Si<Wea,lct Ckainal - Ernamanradar rim Proof Sofas. nook Na moo Wad. anal P.:tabus% Idasafaeousa rid at dr • . — C — k — niits•abose , . Ituaids Emit- i Dianimsipmrsawno. T. 0 ILA C.O , W.F'.. .. - ebint-la tio - L.as 411 , 8mtb arir er, iamb Pater si • :li thsl Sh aettai"hia' sad doiBn avisilessetr OORm rm'adir s;! tas Vimati aissafseurescileilha Onswirts s( Os Ws*, Was Ladleicaad oast plasmas wltitosirs of and vaassetssiplity at listlarlsidinenli tics• of Tot... which bd soLI veldt/ 6119111. oxidating ten. as any mist Soup is this thy as. Ow whom sod all twat .resod Ina thew snit be 'ears nuneo equal ie. represesistioir— I • Havana; `Nl.Dowinsi Celaw.• ' " 'Pena Ries . ' Farm`..., iSeedLasf Te 21%_/ad Viands, .• bus* StaasWassiebrated Arsia.saio Stasesiva• dish, with • assonssai of other popular !Ica*, and quliset of ponds, fa es tiv W and T.s~, hies ad las Pim Ladies' Twist; Vgrirtals Twee. synet glad plot., is 'whale sad half tat local MI Obi 411141 m, ird. still...my Tarim , of orate, ' • Limn; . W • LohT .1:1 1 1 . our a tort li° miss ilercto= 'real wee', abo4e &mdday - , Cancaulau, 01,10. . • ' • • Align & . ' " . UN111MA1 1 42441 • • L... saw.r.Zjient. • . Mama & ' Tem. • £ Limo & Sp, low &Aclitimomos. & r ib' . 4 ; Jaw. /aloft& & Co. f_ • Rowan, Ham & Cs; Nwighloint.' Wok' , & Co., Pluladepikpk; Jpy J. u. w. Lama. : . • - • • - J. VV:J . LiEFTW I CH 4. Co., tRISCEIViNI4II , OIVRAIIIHNOI; • ' • • • .LN • einsmaloalam, agorobasta s PlARlVltallitr, Durricuusa . 4o.o. 1 00 4 .0 t 00 .4 0 •0• 01 * rJ .1 Mow Mill.ftsioes, or other anislos OpOlorsaa sad Attuallaa.• • • • ; REF EWHOolloairs.Blolleld t Llsiolsw, Yr. Tot mar LiassOdosAnyerisaas.., • • Wear*. Lana& Besnee, Ur. Z • tattiretisyj Logi Flyers,. mat %; , ..* Crlsart; iseal wjEloorsa. Aramoo,l6lllarbolarar Proaroosolo, / IP "re. Kers.l.3lllliik OIL; Cmsuusitl._ *nom Rots Crsighroai Mims. Emma ti WOrarsd, lloa. Imes Labium; •Ilso. DM* 1114oremer- La•-• • • :• • . • - • ordloll • FLOUR FACTORIf AND PRODUCE . : • IIIIBBION MERCHANT& • T l l *alau oak AtroAtes i.W OA tier;pl .l sousean. Tice sltippLos otoMMINAINUM nue One.bardi "We nktvtiV pubjksrmpolv; lebbnbNbbi. ` ••• •,. - . . Mews. WO 0af...e1l 4717tAr n . , _• • 18•Wrs.Tios.litii &Oa . . • PfaAarlykla, May ROM. • N. R. Au prodwe camigna eiil.ilV aa = 1. de, Innionse et traIba;RMIII,I Nair morel, PlOll4Oll VL FRESH IMPORTATIONS OM "MARDWARR.. ; 1.101114111111181:1 -- ibIRTSIS OP'. AND .remot.mixaciaimasi ~,..ugnagniII'AJILR.CUTWCJILT. AM*, . IMM 11 Weed . • , Tirstioasra. • asegramposikeeene lie ribamesiii« re,Aupen, , , Calm; SodaberNIROMMSI ANN. Waymeelio4oso. UNIMMINF All. le [Wog and Ow from RA.Alanahmossimko Jill. away; Or. M of. Nor 'Took mama Napmeed by bor rid *REARM by few. IParaamermilly . Nll**/ meat • E::a=:= OZOILOIL Cooneuur, • tinirintonik FORIVARCINO iKCIL 'ST. /. Waco Stamm Plorssoisall• • 4ONTINIES to tramat wiresersl Cossaliara C./ Baas's.% syscolly Is 0.0 outlaw sad sal. ar Anent. • Idasstsouras •04, Pnatsca. sad la oweisiss am! forsrvdas Goods earapoll w las oars.. Apkat [pc Ulm MaJostadaintahlt iiMa le deactsialy .wgauctimil weld d eaub m ph klasrActsom u Ur lowed irlioaMini priaa. Orden dad amairasesi t e antrtwasitiall. '' .-- Jrk - rol V. COI VITAT t C 0.;... TIORTISIIO VTII, W., Comoimiont and roloirtiog /km hunk P 1014117• .I.leakro—stoomorodeo rato&aas, tu. aMtembenef Ng InwOmit.t. • WWI& io, • moo& lOon &Co ; Nom, Haag &Co I oroso..Morlabil &Co Noh,Gost • Graf, Liodsc y & Co D LtEgb & Co Pate & 'now onoriDdir NW of do. Ihn of MAN. Lowell k WbellOnals or•••e..C•mahN•or DICALILIii.C.II kis& a On•lnfr reftiscoNat Dis kyle. Coue.• Yams. tict, 4 . . M Plaihemit allassiiheiFtes georrall7, La.roT na ',al., =Aw e' 27....=.4ifaelg foods, ?Wass orb: AUCTIONEERILa! • : AND 'COFISEV I N 411 ALEXANDE E :=ll. pi:. , . CINCINNATI ST; . 1.0218; MIMI to 44.11,•,2 ember Maciturgiwia 10,111.1 $ ousdl maks • TIN• Wm of nfereiss ' tillerl wleresang is eliki Owe will is prowinly suashd id. Nan r, =MMn • VOlSSitatiall o M,FAC HANT ' N u ! . Wk. maz d, a r oar., Cdaatalik Wei ignollb OW. W an, Dmet Pair. "ego: , ,ull2olsify Traduce. 41,41;ewee sehie• grumped me. Flathfulaisry ref aeons ara. aairmian wouL Migrr.M. Ir. IL THOMPSON a CaarralLLl, • ; COMMISSION PAFACHA II Ts • A. 4 Kareetheerresors 81'Wleotred 011.- •tio. 20 Catambie - ci • • , 'S. • uei 01/10.:; . w icre , Pala alaa,l2al 7 -17 TVALILinar01111 , /iii , coalusseom /0111VAILDUSU asimatowsim ..,, , I•AmatesallAreat, afar WesA. ntilatts r llasmfuten. gal P•••Y ken , CeeltadV7 IlieMA demo awbuJa.law.c.c2thimand mai lAA*, aavda viva Alawataisaehattains 1116,Ama... .60.....an5aw5.• • - • • • iiimemnara i PATOU •'''keilkall AMA gg011 . 117.14 : • Wailer tr O. tra t eg . (nem ' to ilse Mikis lid Pro! oo,oeml loonies/be pirobasem. I 110olos, yoaMoralulto. & 0 .4 P., 011 411 1 4 71 4/ - J Orliketsar 000idnettnnow •• JO. arcosaovint.arco. .• • cawadgtiaw.esikareselmw iierAdmith - MN: IV& se , sotrrti HT. - Innlitt•' 'Venoms Wain II F. Mal VI more ; --- 7.1,1110•••• GAM_ ' On ito Car CON.SUPION . ,MEROIihbrrEC ' 41111{ LTIMMY» try. &de HO 1,411* ift,eopelloseotto Jaw tr. 0 X& 07'. ei FLOUR FACT. V ill A r OU COW reot)yert • - 4,...msesidua arevertuusn, , '7l SOUTH 1Y HAR VE4. PHJLAP,ELPHIA; Ng *wimps t, i ra I,* and knvrassl all ldmii Clef ILL•rebu4,seedsanyinnnisdisitlieJenlassiPlenla sad Weld Mandl. It TtOnooterCeeolo. . IA( Tliaiiiii./11,_&_AJUIlin. I. - lint OL 'MALI! 011111Clin ANDOOIIIIOIIIIION, NO muTwor i ps,•?? witisrmms SeAr lei Lysn 000:110and ,, A~liset•n, i. ' • yetrialer• sliViitObrioxias &TEA BMA? 00M6 1011 11/11111 1 111.11.15T, C 0240 2 , 10,41,1/SLA, 1144E0E,. . .7. rattsausirallks • Pil, I)A.. FA Il INSTOICE • LEAS/WORKS ....-TO.sad•iniss,ed Win eat:plated the/ i.ew WAD looted o• Lnis but al the riser about Om - Ass daeli AUeglnsp,eitS, opposite Pittsburgh, for rim caaaalsetsre of a saps. nee qulu, or both dry •nd trood ill 04 11 red Ispul and Li %ants..'tlrn•t airukd thoorelves or ill ,the re< set intro,. mats Is lie iinisanlectsus, and meted ths ,balldi ego oa nay estolsivek sago, sad erlib ..iptelty to woke e I. latire'sualllties they will ebbe to supply ordwia ss•danest on/ *lawn. .. • • mac/ , falinnriPATTNAU l s leofl 1., bidder, rewire Islesse -Jl.letaey ~xr Oil kiln, las W low .Pation• 4 Sam as band intim in wood sr Isom, 16,11 Cleaves sded silather pottery utak • • • • -46. 714 Ass • met lint U7' All qealitlee of Grove sad Meek Teas M le.lnvas, Sett. sad no 14.4.1 en nen n 4 - ♦. 7 tYnies, • f t . . . ,-- „...-- 2 2 , De.D.ILVID EIVIPP.Ditd4I4. , i lug igs4s loft arnossimmts labia fad , . i ... Wawa:4st Is. Aran klvie Jai loimils , bur Le 41Joler of Ads pnoirmse, my MMIAI lOWA Igik...M.S..r 414 a Gad ID , san Amu. • Mw It Oak .d Fern ph.,..y bm ki ~,,, dlr. MO i •• It Aiil 111, K. , . • ..‘ . ~ r , ft. : : IiaIaNITIVIt 041X—JC ft. * ~. An y a MilwllzP pH On askigta,ff.tl.... 6 " . , , 1 . , „ 4 n sona.zriti*.a.o4«.. y . (.."ijW:p DX, poi? -f 1 OW aseis.i 'Tarim FV , -IA z ,,, r; . -....rt.,._..."....!..._.7.,..a.,..z.,4r , 1 - ,lrlik,--• •.' ' '—':''''.- ? - !.. '''''. % ~.;,Z- 4 •',.a -:1i -f ,- ;,'", s - ,;',;, - , 41 - ; :•: ~ , ' ' --k"'L------t'''‘''' - ^lssre. ,-. -• ',;.-..., -4: - ... '`_.11:•;.1..,4-.A3-•=tilkabaUla....r. " PIT TSBUILGE:SATUTMAYF - MORIfM.'t ; S S'l' , 28. 1847:- JOll/1 P. MAT. ........osinvairvildis • • le t etra! 5 ) .41 1 1 19 I " a 1 . anatateat Fttellhat; . " vatitita Rot Ilammtosia' Mouth, aad prima Derek Ha" tototyfosa o h o an ba stllo it 11=tdmuda etasal bo , to patektot tooal4 Mil sures_.., ,deonauml Tr prp.!4 4 lllBl m.. . kPat I( 'l 4 "T9rlis Ihtlk Flub •." - pair it dotal tAteat 411 " - I ' 43= Litly . katt 11,si • 13 g rW." " • • tecouena Ponslto sat Ilse asaateas toseatoa. • • Alt A ' ',,HUI 4011 CPU WOODWZLL. r " GormamillArayit aura IFlMMallerh LlAbfank Innatalmfrona the oat Ot-Waritos 1 ' Sl Wdoloren, oq ibst to of Jamul. lid, obe phooinunt onamool or 'so my Meads la th e shy andf moon, Mt I Moo Omura aby um mon • et Mr above imam ;gam ;Inning parelomd my goods forYob: and Mae anonymous with onaantenten is Ms smatrynad le rarom to be casabsuir a. folly impend to earookManimrs ta* all blade. ea an amd terms ad 1 . 45 ... k0r Ime a a driLlizzetita: ad <l..iivita 4 1 1 0. billt . t . P aluaa . • , "'"Oli folkowlog ma 'Moat aZl=:klonlinua Gan =lt • FlUba Isaylvem Mot; . Zap Taiga Des, Loeb. Latches, thel sB MJMni 1<1•9, Union Earborlr I on 4 velum. and mil es Hardman bovines. , (mazurka ra wililarrataux. -, :CI OT W I VISTA Natal 0 ' • an ianduket ebenetamaaa lAbl Wang Wear • rflarbarab Alaelmalla a we -.. , .. 1,111? a nf unw, Umr Can , ~t7a at. .= . o.l df 4 1 ;1 ~woman, bayetlennaibandpalret Wipee tie yelps preledie• adsladi kr ' .. - somaa' and' they.' lOW Gassan'a fie*Went 40 Prioirnsee, 444 beemiln aciONICI Kbenle INbores** sod *ma weabou Bedstead la an Tim laming terniandilat dpead a tot melt,- --,.... - - I W0.91e eabsaineral Waned suers qf Uw: einaden Ilusbartli and nlaaUdar. Pb., Aa hales ear= cites dm wailed boapa tee n A ld v naltddnesand bed , male will Gazawa's Nadel and coollitioler Übe I,ll=o Cruttim .air Wu acarc.., c .ko, .. ~.e . Janus Limn ' ''AVCnrar' .., T BlYndna &Ca , Robin Fehria J 11, Donley Jules B Bart • 'Una Lima, Jr.. • ' i.e. Limon ilk. Sea Lawns dt. ' wale ItAlte A. i. e.. , Them ,, a. Plat, . tiIRO ii IV al I t D,, A L.a..,,. .. ......• ii.macry Ira ellarld . c : Bark Wathilln - ~ , Mom Ss 'net .r . '.: • Eland Enter 4 m ldr 1110aa ea ante toe eon the alrenllntimalhe vis . ~. , . E6621116111,EpA21.AM, paYinir — r lilla*llllllACK • natant Ti erembeenbenlwenis @bumped •patesi. May 111 Wiriest Unek llipeeme, aa4 lawny mewl.* bated NB SWAY. WV. New reposed is dell Sig. Pausal •• &herr limbibte IN. MY Mn 1.1 limi 1.1 &awn T. basal* la dseltoW to wale add. IMO vello-clal. ea*. bon amen WO pod . WNW Mu Wadi pee dal, wieientle Wale owl. ep in %be All dinnavoldlng dm atipake• sal labbr ape, = ' , l =l 7 ta. .. '" • 4."‘"". ..... Wb b l:: k gelel plot Agana aadlab tau teas Oa =IL es plot*, heatteatiereleer stye east I, l gketArea in% Abx .‘ Neuble. We aea wee Mathes maraJasoda4 sin lanlAa Meer limn mak*: 'Para 40 ideenialan area OA wird in • madam ewer In =central F , non V Wiener banana oat WI VV., nell of meet, briers., Mall le tom .grehe ....7 in "Rim" . a w ilk ii " A U ;T ' If La : - View. I,lYu. law " =l: a getdds .. • r .... -,- . .... • ..,, eILIACIWWWI. MeIAILLEN & % iv .1 iml47 . sFiiiii iinairWitokte. — E=exam, v sm. ..a , m i ty=llame. 11e.....0 JIZA Imo Team ty ter prim NamlA...es Pewows ee..7, AM roe ibees the tai. Of nuihrsoklA ...Ai be mai Is. E.. re •• ibeebm.ll ef blaebtabm. TIN omen. 4.• Irdadl by, '" nria, "" bed r a ' obl "' lsetrid= ar%dl:da = I W:e . 6 COI m0be. , ...e f.hie niattoobb erleeb e l• laboi , 4101./.1 casofiby ..epueoeL Intl be ......,110f ft,,Ai.•••.o,webeiy ...4 ... Yawl, lubd , .% wits ....... Wes by Mews. 411 .ft.. Me re. irrnirea:ln all sualleeut w illiiaLtatiLa Wave 1 I Onwa be wia ea ouronni,'•, will be, • 1 sup . vitae appleieleigiow :'; ..1 ail& Ir . • .:-. 1 Pi WArgerarrr r IWre .12, ' 1 0...)0.0.rdir ...., m? ......y..., sad veil le. be A irony Tot Ilert. - miel,wellenrimeg.4olll7aii" 1 rnt ar .t. v .. r .d..,m•. « 4fej=r". ... . r...dijinr. .1. 3 1.1.10ka1 i . i. W . •' SOY. 4, 4 ' , TOW A .... .-. . . AillMariat ...-11 . Cli.r, Nee; Ws,. Jeabtoe. Po.. lim.; . :, : 1.•,...104. A. re: ; - " salad 1..... „ ' Orton tries. Cream ..Idd/3,lklnee• Clan. Csafeetanaty, An00r...; ezonlea al I moaner dome S=la {Wig gal beeeef be MT 110... blear, A a. Coe. .: laleablbewl.Ted*Viadddad . adadaderdesadl adea2y b...• MO. rb.b/l/ffifg• NS ffe bran draw Brarprixis OOP 111111.11110 . t.il l- PalliMO islis, We soup. all ....I• p ferlebilOg bmilmorbiebanle broom. omobliteemb Miweeko. New.% 0rk,.......1 oboe., Afs.j. ... netted 11 4 01 ..1.0.4 Pledemee. , °TS eltowea:lrmemodelK les *cm*. liter • • i lec Own imeeperett ei Tuellemome , '' ' x • MI. Zr• oyleusat Or 7 . • • FM I 4. aft!" /4 44 04"0! ,1 MAN aid ftotillosiss say 11. Ales,loll .1••• puma MAN_ Ng tor Okir sad Timor, mow, al AAACKLIII .1111111CLF3 roinietlVKLEr NY.PIb Soy: emprod a .t Lyman lusebral .0 .1~1 et bwrig,ml •Velbbcy. SKr abibilay as ay ssit ...I skhr, . my wrenhki .40itimmlieli beer pitsisa. .11.1b*, ibytom Ibmit's iblebbobb Alsobill~lholi, eltisb ey bey 'meal!, Ada by dr irbablimbieem! byypsyJb *Ulan a( Me Ltblud ewes , ....._, . thabyy Prpilllilet IRMO In ranhy s UMir; sal Om Ws %filly ebb.byabid V ..LY. L. D 7 .. II [WM.! isMilt Jo babbie ~—,—.42. VT Oda badeulabagbanowtr, bob b. cba•Wrplyb en lult, viisk i z siratacbs., awl by sibribb,lo .. .... 2 ": „.. j irw, sboy•srtlatse v. An ib. WbOdn a re 0, II A MUM __Jli 4 _l".ffif , .... 2._*.d_±.._. —"Se_bir.... _ • elm CosMy asaillory, *es. 4113 U) DElts Iraq. and Palma ameba sampordiaL/7 Warn asa @tarts Radio Wl* ramStry, Ow ha 1 s saw - natl.% be epriqmppty Ilataarmas, as dr el/ intiml•l •141.1•4 • WoodipiAlisliWad Areas, artist he widdlyplpl alive! be evasassally insists. frnlnippiio6lllll fees Illarstossannar 13, O no* am. /W y 41.44016 alga Ilk MINA! *rag, Vlal a* Wet Metelwaa Its filiali la enll eisslrlmfor. • • • •Iseirbm , sadersigned. awn. sommi MMOE2 ULM* IM.pmwea M amosimmoMrorMhZeibedt fiq sir ; MMUMMW . • W Use mils iMiom. "of M .11,MISM.Mms. Onoer amMIM MIEN tlf becmu comma mMg .74 18 .4 !rill , % g a r s =pi ; rs , • AMU WWI KigalliglVlr. , • AO 121. ILio. ual.*.a, inwgr, 41 , 1 , 10 0 .0 1 .4 'sad Yuktlisiti•Nnybraa opusiaatians .ftr 'LtNitios6. l a• 1 0. 1 0 0, 0 1 .4 salt Cumin 11.4441 olmoog UM* Nein erzumeski(pn Linton AN limber t•lals.•Trayibtall Te CIO& NfiN• l 4 donne; Contr. Tirradi, an a gime 114 . F.M.011 rooky Cool., oriotegaleolti N044 , 14f1ii ,f Au ton , as4awn soppbei,iriNt "kb coutir, Car. filers ?mai, nod !obi is 14rea at Now "ark prime: . : • ovlDO N MP. O use iims or, • .torj, lintil.E.l, Dinfrisi ant (pot two Wi el of Wool AMA Sl\ 11. .. PI S will rodoludy on Wad, I;SSltd,' rdire . i 11: 1 Yosaa 'Km —4 , u.io4a's preterit/Soo ssisiElia." • or Alm, aleil moms iumtlali. WM UM VIM SIL as m Od_ ferddoodlt . • fr, sod Clodriebldsq 66.1•IjA0baililmeinIM we imb. : -••-,. - ;,.: f•--" tj.4 4 .4.Y.L.....,, ',. ..- 6:1. :. EACILF4PIVrtIO4. 1 (0.. : • IiAIifIiPACTUISR COTIAtVAII : - - CliiMilesl4ool•l4flifif WWI *.Chit* , YAM', GLIZ=.CLUSI dt. WACykses., . .. ... ~ A T_CMPANNATI—Iim 11.1m10WOrranal Apr Pen...v.601a to Wig ..hopplalintob PI all 110 ligaspina of: 1rri , P4,14.0 404444 P artittparamo of pimp!' WM* Id be lit. 4 Of neeniKtaltik,y,l,.. Oross, I ••••ts OA of tu'irwooftalgeo,Cp siaapti e tlisa• ••• • • eDWAILP P CpANCII •. ' Anforegy litatl7ll•Al Itlct gran " sw.pr.n, widebAs lustax pin bap/LOB w 11..; Allegm 11015 ,1 0 ma r. a... 60M Writteg Wpspples Paper ad Csa. Wu. • . REYPI ♦PIMA; : . : Cirsei J r IA I Piwo 1fi11,..1/1111110' listetty • Itedowi owl •1040 =r a r.C i tag b .. OP. P an 1p Fitrre jits.,l4 164 .!.1 -ISI _ No 1111, G ri tg ift I*la St W IM tlfnr Oat Lover W luelboa..l,llablo r Wks owl Gentlmml —of don Woo sad isadooodot tad Or Or lico wo.cpoo— rano Lad re 1..% 08,40; . r• il• ZATO • •.. , •-• • ne..MAlLVrriasuseapai L ..'',... „le Thell.l:27_.‘ lhonk combs, Wimiaaltiar lima ' 17, v a is.; N `,,,'..."t ". .n, r 5 ", ,La.Z.Pi. so.:, CAMSo4 .„ ~.....7 . .......i.= a ...L. .... ...s.= w ga- , .......;- mii.. ! )!"...y".... '....1,A ri Ont. • •;, •• . ' ' . - 44- WWI; ' -• ' :-• 1••_, ".- ' - . • - - - A A:4 : s ew maw oo thel Ira Moadaysakekßild tbo lag ',reek or Febr. jp ogn. ....P . . • ier. .ssidiAl...:l4 wripmstiglioao " I " weir , I .4A.Ratiodersi, Ramsey. R DaiOessr, L LAMI2O:I. M aerie. aad a r.( • • '3i is• WRIUSIT4 Foote . ••••2 Wow ea sal st ielA 11 D, rrr0914F0591,17, Prongs orludieln. • • • The Woo Ibr adamsdio to iloo I.tfUIO od the oars esedt—m4l:be ortregitoreg—lo i ck •Id let I. . • inrohtuoo ORR mud* /W Soule= to ills use Codcgo I loorydatiod tka premien. .11. tlekre tioondasto tie Romp Eal SS, Hld,. Dtgoeung il4ei $11),o1 aof vtlidlo. ay bo token or creamed id pinwale. The totosetildi Rooms will be opia early In Oa ober soda tho D.tomos of Om Podia.* d Astobwi and hie atossast.lodo Davie, II 71 11 , _. motion edema mill la siva& Ocotbst. tholtotteot robiloßidr. Whim dm Colim sad Itooptta4 wsso . 1 . 4 SID muddle toudamosioa. , Boarally ORR** idol. %Work! 87 VAttlaerriV ONIVNUAII7 NAMITLANEV - rat".0.9:4L1"-!‘ • • ' pin LECTURE! willalmnsnleaNONDAY,tsA AK. 9ck*lF, Istc4lllon N., Imo. gonanie 89.1.1_14.4 al /ad isdenee-111C11- A RD WIIJIOT NALL. Chesstsui and thaserey—lV M. E 6 AIKEN, MI D, 7, llll•ll.—NXiiiitt a sum,. • -. • . Tte i rr w eiglalgal• Ilygicnt 7 SAWL A. gamy sis 4 Plls6lev_—)Oft. KOBV. 41 D Tbee7 and Prarkx. of Medlelos—Whi., POWER, N i t.cois.labX of * AnagOoal . — . oE L tt. IV mui.76HiEaa- lositiegio 4 Mateo) Walesa. awl Cliatical Sarver) ctoy del •I 100 Baltimore I allows opposite the Med. lltalabtlege.. The rem for pcoosical anatomy will be epee** °either Ist. stades the chase. a she deems. tenor. Fees pee the eosin coarse M. • Ceatfortabie booed soap be otsaloest to the eletolly of I. hlsilleal College Surya so 11113,30 per wet %nisi All B A MEV , pean of the grandly_ rimeoisiffsiffeiNavifflr r " V4' l : " • 'at u . 1:11 Stafi J. M osaaval brawlsa s( arossablinewatia ars asagt Is now arm for ad rev:article p*b • 1.6 111110.bris a Marro Laborer Serrat.. Worsts •V s. dna mew . Mot bdod flower will otlestrato oa II ord.) the nadt of tawny, and le I. nporessaa.aviar *boater dodge ernastave aloald bec. to b o i t , fav i wraessalth by dm Sae. .. LOCI.. Mr o( . llladnova 4.l4l ,Pnl itTl i tt arks I. too k NMI, to atancemaasulaslas. • ma . prom Form. Wulf. rat b. employed v - Plot BlNVlLalfrrill bor. reamed Drparusent Prot EtlYlll9ll will Says &mass of t►e •ruatie Orpartaast. sail wilt sire Wens; it &swim, oteteM. logood possum Iv* is oil mei oiler colors Post. 9 it • Wassouest and Ws osseous wlsSose inse.Os lbw loss Eszope WW Vaasa Wirt Ho W aho ►ere • UI We its 1111,111161391 Of Jo opeauy. , Toe isms Is Lls ' • • , sit . - 1111111. 1.1101/1111-110A.R111110 SCHOOL.. Xw ISIVIrrb Timaturleer More* sebyA s*: Phal•deblibay . '.. id:pas - rrsiwnwra m taaissumeiplouvsidl blgYrr bresibee YYr as , lblibeb• Ibleeeler; gel* eassictimais W nabob. Itallea mad Lebn Leaessgeo. ienStee M Or met worst roaksaere me pry, lionytety neurei.sed every Imam tiete beleb sog .mp bu r.u tellaq ens* keogesre, wrens.w+netkr• TM yeas La divided 1..1e lyre of ire seethe eloiarristiej Ira et ` rporbiber, red elelbrg 300,0 • , fklegus , e Year *flea =ea tbe,lx 810 1 .141 Mk yowl, la oleasco, wilbeet ebbe , . *zees lYlatio eat Iboecoiy.,••loelk ore at Pmfortooeo Wee. ?Wee eeemoselog soy time *olds dye tem, : ye , be donee oeverduorty:. If It tbeeebi &urea& by wesu or partbani of tom a arise...arise... Noy vka tn. desiat Ole . wipsa borooce will be pod. . • oho mum. r• q . lilleNtrows,ll , lllleCNlNl6 RN. Giver. %V Itgae.l. VtilooNopluar—F II 111erew 110‘,1141Lear, h• la*, '1,11..m5, leek. 114. Um huts.. E.,/,‘ FlNeon.. Jed,. • No N o—Coleb n Norval/ Cq. 1110.11Tak, Tear , H.. Lei.. I( 0041%SWpanda —Cc Ilion. C—Tbruo C . AllQ4,lllErri.; 04N-11•% , Niszkinass. Now Cella •TOOSQ LALZIIIIII. •• ALLICONNAT (ITT. ,!paasleina twiff iSositSwile iot Mr. 10. W. a/JI loop the tempt:. of Pima. Corirr 41611iiadlasit7 Iltnnirbervy TY/ImM Spica grai tosoesto on Vlooln,bilp en. 4. int La 1. • Writ ileum, Myst mew two *Dom/ ef AO. anookal u pordhief pprft*ill, Y nrorl.4 u of tar daneg eamaggesihaeimoprl b. "vs rad k al/Ma Mak ally wt..% nralva Wm...mama la 4 0 e7= . .1. 1 .. , Oh*, • • , . t. witiminew labisyrued, wry i5...•10 , ' ainakter all, g=7111Z1 1 , 3 1) ...ea ~ 66 r Jille.,Waliddlllll,llemm. 7..1h ~.4 FINN C 104404•114 • . a .. ...• G.41/4', t/ibb.lFTbe Orton of Se deal,* ail till it Ss 004 star gapes. ily El*sar 411104. 14+ Am* X4344,41444d tad earrcuted thawkilv au, priool43 by a preface, and aievmpaoced loy , watea irony sea 164une..1. iv hitss crsalpilly to • lb. 4104141" a et CloassasS• tv AM E. 'SI Lawitar of Pvtice Imeuvetaaa fie Ss kiart i t I nom Tb. 1,0145, meat sal 4404414,40, Mar *Si Gam Sr rniacla lermuly WOO eisoa. • Dab a ioliesca Silas sakaseaSiatif (41404. sad Waist% Rail/ to 0131104a%'144. .mp. , 1 !"" . ll'isiofeelea. kra.• !It 0.. OW 'get. . I Whaler 141444 Ave, CbmatattrAMPOUNIIW 54.1.404, 84431440.4_V5pna. .d.ll 11111.J1ft .4411% Rasa aid Eakeiab VI'S is Daany'a Asada* Diratulava' 101W1177..1y • .1 Linsey al AsiSeaci 11 04 4 3-- 1 1 4 As =r44* 6.4. fray Or best yadsrs 40 Siarvity ,Tme&s.4:Youlitlehleent: R4441405uy EISLIas,,S.e.. ace. 4.4.• Aim, Mak , 044, lases 44 la 10411ssose atuelev, !Bats M 014 Nora ilets KO aaersiagi. I •141, Slam 64 l il arm ii, seal I'. ..al I. unri-Costtaiss re sabite• eaviocs sls tive, saislialag HAWS =7 vs , 4 akaeil Se.4o44iyAksvaltato,l4a o DO*. way, carsiby. 1140 44, So Chisatita, Tsai* (lavrisky, m.y, 111144.10444 solos, Iv& a', I "lisi 4* HO pp. fall Owl, ,• _ Tb. Featly Mailed Übruy-A Tsetse both PITOOMISOO MI LVesf 0t1500111., bi eigis4o ail slavia. aledles ea. taw ad Os, mused sad solo - rad *4 th• ada,llo aof a Visitable bliterla Medi sel.lldatisreelitarilisac. petps adds day ask rouble mast madaeal plaits, awl abo shied! Amami 1..4 lip lel up, 1140:041• *kb Si 1140144 IL irsfisi 0. a eaDeb 11 1• teased,. Aly 3 0 ti0n504,2.1 0-11C4 pagei Oa., Asides Paws 1.104,4 Cossais4--A4Siii 110 04 trattod •34,4441 by Ward taps, Limbs. ii 4 Orsiisedil. 140444.11 11 9., Ult.' 14 . 0 ”.. eV mai, salary* sad Iflntrited. l'alfaiea Onkos, Rawly Mostalse,lLL-114: v faially. Taaaaasit. 4140, *IS Juid inklasil P l / 4 •1 ykiat Natal, aid Paalo. worts,. , Ras tad k•Sysi 51 Wane 04 n'a Work a Lanky . 000 1010. 141 S. Rook/ Al area I'p rata Dus. Olt /Mall. 1, , 00., L Sap eel, iluia of entiolur Wilda is pupal al his vae 141 • - • •.1. "rills Isaitlriae4l - Eliruia" .11L'04 2 1 .1 :tkIlac Stalls, sod Cot. n.I svivii, se ain dais pla Motile on, • New .4,4, ..... 4 ..4 ib•• 444.: A r a ecor ... ea* asiadvat Ilde=ilCtil l .,.a.tg, ' ciLmi 'P jtaci. 44,1.:4=Okenev;es i i ti= d e Ta r tu., ',lf, 4l e t ianelea linal asti u e .0:0-z1.--k'.....17;,...,..-47,' F .......L...m.--...z.„.:....... 2 . Ik• kjlai terry lu psva . ,,,v,wa vc the <swots. ma, lea Illt. iir Iv 4ta tide oat. It. lie a: t flaollallbirlapattlaotiP of 014,1 a " 4 " 6 " o ,l' 1111 sorsa ky IS issagii 4 4 44 o lo . ! ''' "" arit=rat %tilt: = km & whl. oink iisvacs aca4 K ..,‘, e t ••• 1U filily iledieiLLibtary,illit4ll4ol,lls Ss' sem goatral watsalloa lb. is back 0f,544141 ass*. IIY Its .11mplo anal sews*. 44 Vissr a r 40 ,.., . •teasenotikan a 041.1e~41444:413 , las 4*•••. 4. 7 bvev ran, ars bienablei biretta pas OM: ai11ia540440404 iesial Wastes la a pkwatiltli. No km bass 444411 by 114..4 of p ro o, 144 0 4a4 ,a Solo l ha at. 11.01. 00•141 As Isal ms umber aiipTof 144 int 44, Ise times ilto eo.tcookl not potoamla lOWMV' egli i ""4 . #" * " l4 ' * l !' ''''' If s '. 4 1 r .43 "11 t! e ' I 1t ' al .I.A.P. lAP46blams, Jell_ Siam 0. !WAS mai ith. 011e4a....114:1 TO . O !I lrin h il t ol B ,77 l" . ..atts l ott riin. . 401.4 Semi coat of do 1.00:14. mitt o O o o lloll 100sseau,c4, • 14141Tha. *Me I vvlteslet W, illik 11 gas iiiiii, a ' 1 .... .1 wo ra d 0 .T7ife:r7:... L T ,ll , " .lio'brohio .....,. Ili ti lin, whit 4104, 'by 0 it Cr. Si 0 day., 44. 4, 40 ..010 Ito • 44; SOU If I, ?ttal.ll pattern. lilt 0 Mat Ott dot as 01.10.1114.01i.ltat,m(Chollealitatl• o g o 4 &Kann la e tote4, l / 4 4alti'Oss as, sa virrot4iLnr 111400004.0•1, umiak 044 iv* or, or plasma ' , " =rlV,Zlonto.yr4k 4 ore crook. ' t ' Clit a t Im U. C. and 0 444 • - 1/1.0.15 Daiwa Plfar, Plats hac Aesed,caa, 4 V 0 ,, 131:r 14 Ilautar,Su tam Ilatolm lamsts , Pa• t vt ... 1.......1 iniii i e d.. 4v).l...... I , tori RMNI IL moos. or Woo 4 0, mo Mal wn* sod intot is t 001,914441/1•14403 P 440 Dane, ....91 steciinee L lont Couto 1.1 POW "AitW " '.al l.*W•t iWi t: r DeT "' ths 'ir _"" : .._ 14 •1 4 S 0..7 . w' °us ' s '. -P171;l74)7" P'"* P ..... - ' , ..k 4 7 afQ Al a• lOtOttotonl b. totall al a .a. farianeto poles. ,t • • ta, for .16 az abwre, a ommeta ta..l roma P.M, Ma O asses 4 0 r- T'0,1121.131 ,CO-eis 401404, by , s ai n iAr i l y am o ra,scessu. ~,,,,,, w . 4 44 Drica,s__%=l". Or l' " l ..''' ' , l _ h al ~. ty= 6 .ll,= : , ,t, P .TVii • .41.....4 drp04Numr.....up...4). .4........, ~.. ... n........Mftaf ii .t i. ... 110.1......... i, ,117,11 NO rtarearelivil tocoarr Ivaier dat ma+ NM .10. 4 Irosei.lLD •WMiina *a SLAW • lalatley. be dm p.lprie actaa.mcomir a ream{ 'sawing erll.4W timask* tic. ON `Ds 044 4 0 macs I***o4. stab le kakis da*, • ma 04140 fa 1 140111. 9 psi 21.3.4415.10/1/p, 1 04mal. gal .lb ptitta d pa a.n rlay, Iltat As via top iikitkOWlPCll.447 0 . 11111. , 4 W 1 0 1 "" . ,,r n " r." " " " Los l - ''.e.-- - '' '' . ''''L y, ',..'„ •• •-;a . , ',, - 7 ,;.' ,•,,_ . ... -_, 1 ' - . 61. --.1.j . h 41 - 13 .24.1,.. 2 46 . Q .2'.-.'-. ' ,- - : 1- -e-F=.-L.e6.14-•: , - 2 : 't--. . .. . . - Inwict'anewa mom. woe's -uirrouiratine, 'ambit aramalraaa Laela ear wort% an. Dom veranda la Waal.. Ufa al* earrkairken . at Casa Ebardc'9 , i4l. IPA 1014"40114W-Nagirter,qinwasd.piirgh %eel, lad 111 slam of result !Sire &ad rotted . Iwo; %dila Amy ate Abe sala Da liberal soma at War w wrlww ria.43,lVaad wait ; .arlie••• they also keep aa Dad a enaptaw lad limbo.. arratinew at tb sea .WeuPinif k tt. 4 1 MIL ra. Oa, loam/Babe anuacerma 'lid, Aiwa.. tihtutt art.,:maacuaia.• a ea..., tote., aria meta Vera mama) ea aarraarrar, lq.drala: Dealers are reepeetfally bl Irllo be. aia pitio aad ails VIII as mad," • rtrr MADinLC9 nu ilkB , AND FOVNDEY, _ _:4011111 WELIOBT.AIe A NE presided lob.ld Coosa etl2llVol .. l , llV* trveutriptiee, lath lek R=l f tr i kaWarseis . , B 4= ' ,4 4, o7: : ::= Fame, taxa*, Vert Oriatere: ke • Wteaglet•ltea Shekteraosaa-all Neu ef. Can him PnWm. Led Ilearke.et the teleopaLteteas.lo6 juul heed Uttliva, kadhosteeratl heads - • • , Cam*, of devenptlek ferehaest eehicti ed. -Dee. , tokens , sae* es order Dv Flit) Gearieg, rattimAa, gums Pipe kw heating Flelplica. Cut itea' Wham Peeb,lllo4 Macy Cuonin (*sway,— Ordital•1:1 el the Wentheue of J. Palmer koe-i 'As allf imit,w74l have male aunties- ' • • Bleehitteek; k l Co J K**Ara k. Cu, 0 E waver, lees k /3eew GCtI II Were.: Sentlateville. AMC, .‘ .7011 , 111' CAUTWEIGIIT, , PIPORTER and Manning:am of Gluier,. rest& an Mold Isrussaeou, tkatadlnsiand ?Imam` and akin , flrylona Pavan Anne, /La ie. Alan simian. .1. J. T uu 44ig rial pacerlnA mo,EV4= t and rabaeaaaala"roa. aa,Taas;tr, Ti eriar.Er. rittaharalt, wood door ber • ..low Diasookat Alloy. • And has late: y nv.emed lent I.4oflernt Pos.& Packad. Malys., Knives di Yozka, Ala IL:adorn` sad Waoatenhohna , I , RIND OCTLX.IIT aloud. Rolma:Wodei Bottacrho tosoro, &loom Rama torts,,. Do4oaavot sad W tre Total GUNS, .1L1FL555, AND PISTOLS, •Alleu'oColt`o sad Dlast•olie.trers, Poonler Pula nor Delta. Ciao, Ba" Wilbert It COIN ,K.Urin PCS , Ca" flowie.Vrrt sod Dodds ' • ' To&n sada oo Callipers. DindaN..Ylpsa, Nindrd. Handmtic Illeo• Spans Itoka, Drarea, Mtn, rtpoto Sktrea, Doody and Who and 11011 Cisopa, MAO. loatramota,de..O Sep Craot•atdtT • Opo /abatis nod repairsod zoo* =I poosouratly STV.PHYSII Wkeellio; P. 8 gas of /mist, End J. AJ.d4oottoo Irma/web. kart flea 'day emend Imo to-prior raltip oader style sod .of .114.opbaria, likadateesorr • Co, at, tle Anelor hos IVorta, Whottlag Va Fo, p ap" masorat wrist Iron sot nada of ovary dacriptato. U. W.lanmatas. E P laatomaaol& J. looterrost. , ! /TIM M SRISIIIKISKIL.I 4. CO., • • • ,ANCUOR,III.ON WORKS, • illerCrig Illoastactoro Cada a banks: dem; Ur Ina sort. .aa4ta, AII !marl aprimaa and oaks Zeiss alto. vatted aridt Itiodabigrat's Old .lootaza Walk% am eau afar adtilltOold or Jumada tros taraadod Shosaborreal dmisal is uy dada taSM =awry. Alto/wank .11 to Wok aV. Ifteobargb patens. Wurbooor 11. Warato yetoarof NOM. and Wow sweat. aayll 4 . 9. 1 151 .. //3.14 4 1* VrIII . IAN rINDFACTDRY WN . 7 TAUS duo method *Worn Ms Dim& aad tM ;labile at lona taut hod Yuba 4>" lo Agi A. Foot .40a• or the Daiwa, A Ravi.<, • ben • .4 .• mon o .gyily ol rag, a ay oarless dolma oadtlatatOSare etanawatly Ite7too no or N0.:5 Woad st, Pthaboreb, at I. t• . Plulkin`odolotlaratesoota • salaam 'flo ur. made to ordar the at .rye. Wanda mound to the Amami mare. N. X Itt &oda ardl be per op, soy add., wadi daVono ao last Jay caa be 'removed la a ow. meat sow Olt:got tortaltiql, old without Übe 0e !I' • otrw de • ootidlykolAraly •,, t • . 7 - 7 - ...art.lll:ll.lNUctalit 'Wu" • dot boa rreola sad oadimenced tokocalt MOW woad, viola Id will be !domed to . iso bid old esraoen sad triad s. IMoreb, tatnattoat. mad Balla of ovary Ida?, Dam 15 SO 10,0311 Foods, east fntal tt. wow appmed Wade to. ad' mamma lobo a the brat marmots. Moat." WLIel Poops Common, lialhag, Le: tr. monitor or Id, dotty • mit" Odra.. 011121110, dreparr IoL mama sod Imam& is Ur IMMAIN Mr*. P.. io .d 00.4. 1 Daunt Axe; &memo lirtu, 100 coldratad lbr the to/de an* ordieria la "flat Dodos *ad Cows. *poi sae bta had otION odltims. • loal-Ir ' IMITATION CROWNALA/111'. HAvr o oo. moor ear•yo, toputial Owns mum Intl* magoolortom oftho above , Wish ma a.m. • teem impsvms otoWtm tobrelloos w iallucinnianityrkleor agon.. aim now ihoo•OloolL, opal, a a=orrna.bo any Cylinder War made in the Unlad kan!Anala Woman, thdi nano aerie alin mum . 0 won *Mammon Winnfay.o4.4 " MtnsPan' nal MI Pram <W.,' dewy - quo& Deak-ts ittnettgly amlati to sail nri/ tltrOtortnot, al oot mart MM. Ipf Wu* mum.s. "Ambush. rm. • . • • PTriIOUNOR- Y Magni; WORMS, Rr. 11611_411101 gang 44 moor 4 foul. A LWAYIIoa WA 4144 ronfer,o Lugo worm, /I.ty of 11•24 - Roolotil.' r. Comm Tablokeand' 144 1100., Tomb 114444441. losogougo 41144494•4 pianos/1y bows4orr7,o.gbo 44 14. tot N. IL 1.44.44 - s4l4e . 14412, to .i.44111m0 111 44441,4444 for Op - A LW.go as.X oaa 144 Jon orob onstio ' 4 4 Ong*. otwoomte. 444 they gaa gosegaso Sea frc to tho 1 c 0.11111& SUMP IffE/LAIXIII.IOI • • • ^ r=ll%. * & An: : flint sii•seribers• hung aids rem Is pisvissealt. Is Ye sommorthe - LW r WOLI3O STOMN 'mesa la Sal Varsotos. l iM=si b be eim tsrebutag, as wa flee “pply kisw IPA Net Sums.. Nitre*: sad every aptr tts4 al Osme v. 764WDteet bin smelt steam., Is fan*. nesalp ti bai l( ti mace [4l - Rte. W (Ca ' be Capt.:telt AT AV= Waal Mid ever, vp/10: 4K !nut is ast 114 - IN/ • ftl*" • bEN Tz.411:11A0111ER,:•,. QPZENSWAILL 1114 N UFACll ba la,; • ./Inatuirleaue*oar - Pius I 0, II IdaAt, My. 137; Wax I Wert; 16 Wanl.i..esiaburte4p eat*d ilea fiereii sem et Ware, of ear own oase6owsoomi eeoetleuraeaber, ableolamae amlooreey lbw • eta* Ire reseeetfelly "%Tate We* eafCee• mumaxe looseeiara - ** ue deeefaiatalle yell chew" ties Weyer oiaa bout sand It Uepot. go- ckgerr ibiimbiliteeesepuitsll, diets& or eefeeeloo. eet ;moody sorsa is. ' 0.11111 • eilsra.• ati: 7 go • .._ CEIXCIRMATI t a, AGARVIEW 0t..0101 oniattititt 601 =L .111• Iljerld Rpm q• r ;AV OssaaNk. mkiaral is mad au as neXim sago. agte t • tot bi• mud. ;Thaw emend 1* th• lauthrst. Ift,k; Wit *NNW . N itumn is weer Item 41tonktvpreitpill mutated io. • , • omioNve t. Comlor•l' •Nmlt east N.Y.411 IiVOOLLUX NOUDINUNZINN ,C l 4,3 7thwiben ar. pew 'denim Am: establis snit, and an rtepaved teskt Mai er....UNI AIM WMAION 1:4111.0 MAI It lit•tokrto AMss. 014e11k .. 0A1l to *6lllll newt "nib prows amebae, NINTAIAN At, DA LULL, - • •-,'• ' Laferk na streolllegbeer Chr. • - N EL—IL Mesta. w ;.A whet NI • yen , jAporuoNSeeptresemos 116.1 C•l4, lad "in IniaAtes espied for Me taut ifteln vests In come of the mot . 41Na•to• hthil fteeenAol Pineri.arthoNNA IRA Vitra Ids permasl shainion to ye: NON Nat .. . , 4a Now cohotNN.l, all atel4co safe at ULU . _ . . • Nreihidly. , ~ is - !*t°s o 4,•• • • ‘All,.*: " • -.1..1 ••;, aourrinataunr* . . t ."Ce".NactlaWill.Pisit ow, Ara .. o n - - 8.. E ........e.t.teM --et' - ' '_ A m ... ra Rau •ar 'an .d A.: 7 lye, All e II. Inter aaomlipb4 l . P q i u d lt i L.cl . ATu bi a I L N -0 F - 14.4,41 V Ot air.; Oda It - • las. via uo ogaspdr *sift' ;..--• 7...olabkiem p . -. . 'o4lgally ,• C. ;. w S ' c*wok polar a, PLVIIII3III%, Jell. I NT 0 LASMANUFACTURERS., 7ITAMOUR/3. gm. 53 'Vale! AM 104 Finotteei, 411 nusLetil.: nu, elleal emeareeleted bi eels woneowl pool !cosy.. raebiry.: All areas :erlllnxeive.prown Weal. one 411a1 ea !towable ien.. - Iliamlismatul bikers ry ailing ad oily are w elle4 *ea bertebearre Weaken's. • We • IRON W 101. yllo2(4llNAM,•dhorralo, a 4. f.r at-ar ada A. Waltham, IdfASSI Wean 411.1, feu Wood, ma id/era Park , AIN, LiVirMINT•BIII,I 1114 oki niind, elisswr's a to W, NMrli laths 4. h i w '. avers4/r. 44. !!!!-# 6 : 14 q .141 t!lint na i .; re Oar", LINDSAY 1.01. :,.11111111M11 , 41011 IPACTOIit. • • *alms. . , ...mbvz i ak,liciefrirAD BRAM,. ' , MON AND 901Fifillarikl.8, - Atkin ',liskiie.:Mak...efesely pticß odidi ittlechaties mecTiagikanii, • • ••,, rigeallumb. • rrnavaiton non. woixa AND MUNN. , • AN, AXLP. yACTORY. ANUVAQNIR 8.1 pissi7in cmh Enpda eirel M Spßnanllasnarilaurnales. and dealers as , NW labia Qua! sad Come" Tllanaslors fenannity . , cons no. Piusbanh. P: .s.LrArr CaLAils . r.STAIII4III. L.YANV L 11111416 assuofettm nal korpllW 1.1 cam '9:1111soll. Ca, thadded sad Plik/Phin Ularrna.,ks all Its lasVpies el dk. ..W4MO6O4WW mere Market sad Water strew, Pitubarsl6 t t Waal. mime la' ea vprillievf—vail Intro exams iv LULA( to meaatl. eraan we is la vavottrglit Wit trol vs a .11 and e ma'am rims lid Um. ' ; ...•_ -• 'at) I C And Cansaie ta t thnidtrdamd,ll laid Inmate. , Althea; Ablapiebe Conti. repatattos Iles" Liver caeldebtlatteadiuttoaltialbeessee sr • , the ' • "tea; 1041% ,.. and 114 ti es 6 =ESS”-,.., • , kedia* Biadqm itial Niosimptimmt B elli t"4.el tialreti• <A'te anal. spar 01 .111 4 <mewled at the beg dtlaaiN they tel eel diaidottedeettl MAIM COU 151pEdayg. otaf: . TV ' " bVt .r al "i ttelleedlt r lA.. .I=3o lielsoa.4,l=Lt i th 4 it t l ow i tZ . hta Aad Alps. Gee het* be *AP la to stoat vee. bad SAVED HIS LIFE. et, 'ridle atIS: Mr lllo, ettaa; sea . 4 • *Ann times, or w,iiumnbupll•l44l.•:raatb "Sear Midi Foulkes. sart—Matt Aelad Wee udebled erhaAlappkipg swath ad Vela* thic,dbasyfev i e due, vet felt et Jut became ea bad that sae vrut *en ea air vetoed fee Mew diate's , Psin , eta easewaeed ultimata. AJI-klealalSateeNwitlela eat, albrviated bar empßeas.' ell 4 is abeeDatmeeretting, And bae teemed bet laletiaea eeeSpatioa SI aptaliab 11 YEARS. Mr. Jotat ("NW, IPA Mame aid 13 • !t; rtl►e:•trieh•vi yd path tat dm. Peiattest bea N•r•iu. 04'14 mad imaght the debrll epee the reth:ei lad .befeee beAad tab, dune benkaorsa • ailtety CVO! , • Pkuzuy . 44 conomption. Mn. men., • 1 .4.4..41 a 11, raldint ®Sir 'Elm tor ) ewe bun> sett.lll rock' et P i = Daises ( Ditod, severe , ieli , i,Siottneme e( •Pain 1:1 Head and vaddatpartaMba r fiStatta behaved how PAST .MEDOVESVt . Tee.A.l;• Mailed Datum reaeved ler atones ter an bar dans • leg empieeta sal dm leo amiable le edited leberwark: MA. al..W.:AgoPing..C•4ll.-. %De: Leeieda %IND*, 53 C/Dieueots I IS manta, sa • Delia auf.eD Won H Venom 75 Watalloo; tow A. A. yaw of inia graatntooh Mk Mr serminocan4stea,;s Vrlitr• 011POSVIO is mum\ emote.. • Prire teat. aad SI pet bottle. Dr. Sharma% Wong aad Coagh Imontaa raid AS above. . Prim.pnt ognal Ar. Pt' Selel •itesle awl noadhy, W. Jedonood I& Moon IdedirM . Warrhaoo and Domini Shea liana t WoW Law. . . . . . M Shoe Nm itereT,b;wieTWood teed, Pashook Sim air y V I Algt wow NAOMI/S-11r Farad (M }.m v.:maser says milady boo Imo worm ooseesehd tkoa say wedletas ew Osseo...or Immo ha io mamma come la Owooopoos. In the Vide sad an toot ItscroaldllSM l = Coosas 110•4011 . 0111114 ISOM Moos Poloeuswa et dr Wort, NY Soaping Coosa Comp, Nana. lodisodoto of de SOOrso redwooldittry Isr=r oar Ramsay to oo power sod ;Sego 41, caul . gaosej Je issMosolids Jaw mina ofilo Msmo mod, fem. ots moo.' tom srsOMmobsol obtsisons of Pl 3; solslAnm..iteml Jo. Woman Gem. Dr:l7oisisr, praligralit' H./mina in ory synctice, as . on to ay aim Loioly..Meimom`ii (Imp arils nod Woof NOW., We; no. .I.lm 1 i sMull llosai is I beas peopanuion afJe kusel in as* kst persons tom Omismipskmamilmr 4 = ` abet k a n % th• Timps.:Biessa, te. so at Jo mom at ilio , sonoo •• • . W. oessOo. ,t/S *mom Wo bairoseis ram scow damp. Inman Mlosisels Ss isncorMi isesMlMM7llle inomoin ! lams pm; betty corrisOlsollosains • Amami :AA, Roma aisles( metals, atid a ante lbw Us, IMO. Y. A vats me-saadas mosikeiaa. I 1•130141 stss. allstlas benefit I bare expeitetvi n pos the see of.Tboopenis Composad Syria of. sad Wood Nash*. For several yesis tyre loses sae._ led *ill • Mtn...* reetbsimesboseamssasied.llll gem opmsio• sad Miss It)t Ores=i r dniussili , stdes or tiirtttan st n Oe. , alarmed, Sseed lets lase bees deb Seminal= reeismealka4 me lOW 11,104 SO, Sid b e 411.11 Sow eat y Manias email*, my elm tetsiSis beams tree, omesta m = "i lis, ay most ...Cud is Alm days 1 Wad Ws Is S• set sad mad sey tallam • stelliasi. :slnt= iscresualon - .ill b. Mortis) ly pees abed, by salless at my neslesce, No.llll. VIM , /OS. *cilia/SAM_ _ n it, • This iseshmbh ex.dieiss It preiarei only by *NM NEN k. LICASON,_•4 isms Falb %DM sts, PliJsdelpM Fold Is Putabirgh L Jr. Pekoe IS seals or SI per beats.. 41 I: CAUTION—Iimm st tis sissy esamfelartbllll as seer deist.' The , summates. arerefrealidlylS dseclee dr. seam.. _ • • lgild • illToo/1131114, lits•OU .11611T—ABlfsslatt' , Allitrukr !I . A.Wasicat lb ram Enamor. m 4 Dbfasmaanta of W PCrplre. Freaks; thisinm, Bali Urea; fitirryilibilt Iltrutr,Le,ke. row yews ego lan Acirestoba espisatarle road .1.4111..bta all occreaccate of sd.i,== slsabca %mot, Illaiir Mable4.—ls lisopericibty thaw sapling imbsta7 illisiebf ow mil:hare mb macaw porno. tbobbkimul by AMMO:. Vermin' km ha :creams. blisrallllll bm cod hi. Mama fa MatriF. (cciAlag,a/bi. (Midi verso. vrill:m urn 43 *U. acrojA4 Imatb, *bar smicg at Cs ilkaMomals, Ue ltalmVl9. rwlyelf Vans tsbe bm domains lc sle crarklillabroni Crlloosog trml &gm Ilesarect 30. lum ew.lmeij cad contaty ttr=tV Yr e.prba w• Iscr• = e t g) 0. aglow Musics, aud Daly 1 1 11.340rfal MEM ty . imy acsabemarsatba }lLLrbp . • rasa. &mummy 111. ~kir WI Ma ( syStsbilmscitiea. • . 4.?:T421.,P,14=0 moll olds. T-Joseemosabos. laths sesmaTilli N. A.; she Mrllolll pews sofstapptkft. oda* srlll szosesmiller liipmeisssosiffissy WI Musks, View Rs Is is seassfsetans Ukm sale bi W Usiuml esisss °sly. sod so base ibspmsdeg• sea. Hunt "I sTrart , 4 -AN = ll5"l or r m ; •-• dbaTr...t, su sSisslss4;l " • .•jddL JAY We bib bees isibred by blea. lbw of aayeags. Ibiudata bee ifyibrAdayeasPa ktdasstbagorbat puma l upeueeityuct mu *we baudyuf bind. lamb. Wu staid* lbe be Wedseana pen /11=1:1 4 ES or W 11 111319W,MUN 1/1111 ikirllllllo9 W Vaihrtlilla oP berlas bal l Wldelettatesaay pirocalears Itundarbaued * ut bau at Ma anal us, bena bult Iker aunt, WWI 11/4 hub; latillame bob Ime, ated *ea nne fad *I babbast lbw the alibi' bataa best* pa iabl • Wears an abarlau bb Pa.* w kbae. t'.l" kills et a dateuar be awn mune inbru-lun —danue ism of 4.> us. bat tabus% buy beul azadarbg and dubrabb. , • Absonlbrar subs *ea .M. Was nabbed ea ay breJleybr's /*bum *Cab b. bad an utaNalleab batury Kett Qua bar, t r i t im e s aVlL i a . l . l . ta um ase== eastatal has basses easnleselybdued,o• nebt=naloe, of tta =lli ban** beau ale' Yea. of tins *II unneble.lups libbfau Ps* fan* iabnomea,lansinsati S bbialb e No.lm r 4 lrat i ll U ratati, 4 ' iti . dittr? yf FO nein ‘Va•til. 'ru e** bale akin la dad mad abberie. , • •f• 'ru e ** bale n La* aulyrjare Ilabbbaty aid ea buy—. • . , ••. bap nayeand**— • , , •Yu taeld hare—boy, sae* nook • de.l7.b.u, laddisticla . • , Pars ander* ud iamb aadbasan*, Asti Mb tottnatty, *tans*, , • Main. ;10 Wel be*, -• • • 16,10E18.aay *ton bannatabeeet by le* tide le making bat üblej ulna • 34 beadealantra'a an• lb Hair Auteuil re—a b tote' loweiNidambtee To* Pasta-bsd.da mid et *Ababa* .16••••4 kabala bbeadul rbune., Tor, WI bat laddt badly, are waned bat Up Matsui are then t or, The loont pule barb nt• *alb a twat war,'wbine web. sad preadnu.* leenb be.. TeeleantualY all bourne ba the seat tau*. ;Um Mt 11121411ar AM *lag, beanttblag, sad caeteug Ow burl ban and Ua asap, Sae the tuna* Jobea's Soap; bind) art II ran all meatus, *aka, tar bad sap.beak now whit clettaad fan. All Lau Wage ••44 loady) at W UMW% 8* tad Stu, Sense au Paul •Ined.etni Wardle).* St Lauri • ' _TV ... - 7 - ,-7,74usTsaircirottioPadds. • • ONO ofpnrtppeW attain t dud been, Pills ea* libido of *le urs mama, *id*, bus Jaen I IMOM*. **dab badiebtanf be .11 nab middling amain.; yet WU enerafissoban, rude* tbeennoradtwurevally *sub Su* Enits l 7 kaa baa delbannsa (Mt wife aunt au la *Ube Mt, b • labas y der re puled tem bey bet enell On umo, emu nen all ' a, wen* nee I bowel. InalendUlbl ean4Gf ' It may at be renemlly knows. bat afearnatelemt an /Warm* be taliat mady OA" pagadvet ear 111 common m, bot4mlperal a/t4 argetab tame an da mom' elmUnam xmlUpatlau alma ceased *mods* OA • Falummatno-Aull.W.hos• T 411,16 14 • IK Noma al/we/4%1M Muyalldnua,caa *Mak 10. M ., hml open la Inimasca the man banalkla,ylams, mad rtauumula as Mil, "Tr to km ancaisa . to their nat. Perpamd iiadaidaIITSA*AitiVIZIENCS F.!r *MI Wank lames am MlZVaad w' N. -- -YORIt;AD' '0; .• P .rmo 18 WIRDOWOIIII4II4 pHs dabeciMoo4ic(iled.issmu,h.... InareweallatoolAd, is *Os {ILLY/MUSD 1111 PLATES, and te agar width lasi mew was allure at wed etbat mestapeee Lams . awd pawpaw, pogagealaraa dwyde.A• wei% W liabLarea et doe Intim la Lab, lu/. le m, beams mar twee leallicaveral se. ..boons! assiSri ass] am 311•• la•• ld•• •abbeat. e el anal:tale 0•• babies, glances weld ebasepbee ilan ammo Tini Pm, L. Tam. 44,:e••/ wba, • • • anal now aged Oar mn& ••••••••rady ••• 1 • • wadi teener awl Obi= reef, realslnna law trope be g a .„ whilst abe Ism sow It bigi a trile owe, • . The babeesibeis wad I sloe gait dr Anima.” al al, deibien sad weal:grain assnals, M sas postai, Wei leer ilia prolattat, en tsi @RAWL—. la Irma' wgwgrit Inlaid* Open srikistisa dealsgabg me macaw Ceso aba Isetaabf Sas • sigslogarre.. had 3M/..Pa11.4. maim ot &ego lanuegage Pa fia-,,VlbalalliaLlllllll, . se their Ualnaised Wire, 'Haab la writ , Lama emu.. Ica media Same, and . tiro Lamm, Abu) (sop. as a madam/ ad glseeriony, maim wary Maw *ea aa wael, es mew, sad peglegaiwg twins lawdr ,fte4,4 .wbla Au mirylbr Li* Imat• paws .1 italaanisiat o. k •pdren . Ws, snsa. *my will be sill. ..per anisie irtieb *ay be dew. Pa • • •KPPILI maudiwanned .11eTtie,t gewilaatly , ham II es vpip: CIVI L LtillOwcwOODA -• • • tan 14 twill, Scams, NU id TOXIC Paatot ix areal. las Mee mean. Skew tralls4 IN.. as srs/1 as Onset &Hal; sad alas 11tososso easerrees sod an, feral apeman will be ta- • IMO/ pment ample:kw:mins Wimp:lmm r Nall- , warm Driti-.111/crottmow. It TRW Mir HIP 3$W YOJUR.. BA. rmniesTear, k 48, Jots it. . Maw Toot. ago cot milt a tartrate pima. tad MINUOOIII of Oils 0C Dm'. Ale4kuies • Vie , Suff. Palms tatth 14) ato 'lrvin:4 and deartanitd Medi law., - • Lamt*Afteimale sad .Dneutirts V. nxiergedr to ctil mid ettsiani Hut, articles. Olden statatut trat rtalitalawitad detpeteli. - - B. A. Fallow:tack's ". ..• •H. L.' fabittHek jPrtukagk. , A.ll, H lioH;; IC2- -•• . •PR WAREttOUIV.. ,1 " la. • / 161 SLAV 1 ... Warw t. ' IM Il Vil ,W. WILD dales r' eir • at' du lawns . ‘-' 1 at 6 ".^.7 6 p.. . MT, elthrealte wow earl et PArili, let eTell Wawa* Min t ;44414 While ma Owieumen mall sweeten e eeeinry. Peeler of all Ideas teede .{ D oreere, Awn 1 leh wee h le PLNTINU PAPER is enaeell, kali. - i pewerwetiell Le tdr a lual..i. I , . P/IPZJL engem 4.werlpiews, Xerwe sad Nue; dialaggy ak : I . has-, els $ Telipe, Cleth,.rownieftwr Wires, I • Bleaching Powd e r, Elko Uhnoweetr,Thrlim&A,Ae, Ceevese. Deb Ltes gnußo m tea U,' pareluued, Car whit iAlgloeie price la will le,, I 'Pd. lw --4 -. , Weir '• - • - awe. , Tat. Jetni lea ..:11.NSURA , N;=c , E1.! ,. . , : f, e a h!' ss •is s • • iiViiinridAL - patem CO BD • r lie Bersreace Mutual isneenee CO. of PAW,. C PKOPELVAL. r. • • • osarreole Theme C. to, Lewis R.A.sku r n, W. 11-111orim, - (k. rge N Bat, • U. Y *toed, /aim .1. Validates* WILL note IMUIIIDCO aipio4l, o r d , TT by rue Is Pretesortere abd fteetig oa thless‘Stotre and other Mallagr,` tad or Pina tas, Goode, Mee tad bileepo,oe the met Matuf F^..4/ 0 . toulds•el ICA &Mock an " ad Use otUr prorsitoos oi the genet et od a • bola i.i brprolltame Welty, to Wet deems or Orme% kimeneoe, tomtit-a tha Caatpasy ask the ttleatila litaddisusiaztioat of liar latonsated. k- note effete( Aaan rues .walk Ski Chem, , Mode. tbeaa.al eroticilair spool too, by ebb abbliur 'nabob If saserbscs a. saia..l e b gl o c ..,r • arta ?rep 01 .1 "' wit " 144-r U l "" 1 ; riTSIPS-1, siLittromiast finwary. • . • , . - at .e.en brUis"dVath de aillmeused Compiala to Mug at the commiptit..t Y. • • .gz.e MOW= his DELAWARE MU TUAL si.mAtir of lbiRE RI bai4A• louriaadoo .*arlrelery der,' iptics,'lrAjeffle r .. 4l.9K.v ,:-- opo• bonier wino of nonik f o # O ttrfir - V! it. ' Tr °Steil wiiiii64.-iwiete 4 11"J0114.4%. v i h an... lk iftess... • "iiith;(4l.oamirrjrah'"el:l42l" 4.40.2 n 'cm "elan spear non* - On boo ben mtnalir, fil w.streat 11., seem *ENVY ceaLlemi ad , pur ly osa.of Ids (needs .n !toes no mann bags Wtharanlit-it . pinrs etiastheNittipai. {admen!. 1111. 1111116W1111 bad Ina Sounbarg. ,n fot--ilaiknieslMlß Phial woo nontbroofin tzr . nno:L4 innnag falfektivg earl pea.. issared th•prcrits aUm compuly • itimlit To 4 rpis so I I 017 .I!=emr; tad uN ref we .1 paortisr the fapiare, / most 4 11 4‘1111.0 TOT:. I' FIRE AND . *mums I" r ' ' ' a tt l t'a-a7P'" or Naottiar". ` Myatt/nab ioalitipmaxaert Inittad I ion, u" in popery, la W. ply cid Its 'laxity, aim ..”0044apita by the [:atsal mil ELI Mrs; ' DIII.E.CTQA.g. . - Job. C. anal" /lion, $.00b., Ales. Hoare, - ;Clang. Atli's, gaol. W. icraoli, ,- gm]. e rained Beitb , AtArcuie J.eato M. Manna, . t h i Joha R- flat. .P. Cops, •. . ouo.ooni Wood, Wm. Webb, 'Alllll4'. This United Strom, tnti,t bees therlered la p 7914. eeattee...perpeteel...tadifivoi lb" MI% *Mail& ' I bog 4 9" 4 . 11 K 1 6 'Mao% litatZioallair • bola ity an imam_ 'Newtons character, at aoadjamaa likolaserkilopte'eetoliy to tbe ! _t - • ' MOSE. 3 ATWOO As`yeepek - Mea • op t mood, Joe, Os- Co„ West? awl host discs, httgeosti. ltkr '.‘ I TV:,_.-.. •'.170E,0114._ Af bat UN, 'kno—Tha linAmLuN F4l iLLnraTkli =fi. l etp ; . sad lA* SURROIJIMALi COLlterity ; as hVarablii MALL - . Tk . A Vui! •••3400000COioSIr101eanlofmutdSadMiee ttt ,tp..tr.l. 'I malcf Haarii i ipVilUßANCE.„-7 - 71 Slav Lammas, suumbsouy tbOr ' - `- • ty C I A M AI=4"I",I•F' A MAL - Ilaabgektbus !us, No. TN *shed s, . :0 2 WM. DAVI:MON, P Abut. T itr"=ol Watied - bmipbily : ftiiub4 ,IlauSs=saboussuip4 bY 4= w : f. Gametic in ps.pbm,k Wtm mill as mad has debit surystmiltycelbr isommayensykab paatapkieW by 614'""1".'Ibb ViT—Saarawara-ataial atimeinisa:-; m pax a WOLtl , ay rOOOT et hoes .olhe L *Ors* of flErwj onl &Pier meet{ No' 50 1 4 404 Otroo.omo aro lause at 12kulei Batch instki aeest ilmg_amaimeg IClrtiftes lo Watipostak Z=ysx WWI melt :Mho soanbotoms of BoraJoa utpsete..i.u.t...., gr k pia. M el aontrolgar i • . .n=A.,A
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers