, • sintsi ni ry a ` e' v, *) : Oath PI swum ." enri-i Tolv - I.a.msosi. eleA Ammo seal, to 'escerslaitima. " ..aaarnalti by. Ink relbab -- Ur = LaitKira ell . , %,, ).,. ,c> i6,iiii4l.l lusty ; & . ;,.. - 1, , 0R 1 A W:•2ll4 lll . l rosuifx, q,lWllMlt kr iVinl a ti rki"- tr* 'l 4.;;;. n sedf . t. -IWegg 6 "" r.cni r r 6 "l:=viizi•Diarr"Lant o ,,,y ca 7 „,- ilV;taf-';?: (..!Cli C. svaii E. I.Tormt. i 7( i.m...r.. ~,- • : ~ , -, nnutnman urn% ..,/ rat a. .. Tn . b. rih. I. * -, 24,T=•,, . 4: ' - ' `'.' - . 1%11V 11 1.L1C . ' I•ifIC 2 Vr FA' t.,.. , &1 . 7, ,...,-,-. PM 20101.0/1111110113110- . ~,„:„......,...,. ficr_or . • , Ir enunno. 2'4 . --, •‘ .i...''-' ' itkiiiirnt=tk a r= area.,, T. • W i :'" } lti 3- :: - wulanin Wirintstonunerr. d ~ 4 ,,,,,..irraine arirrau. commirgs. ea•-' 4 1.- - ....., Ts. ••-•:= rsr MMUS lanaingt WI •• '7. it...0'.. 1101 NCr znkru. Cony. ~..„, ...41 . , , tr•_r_ J A INIAC. N AN, :: - -?iZ tis i la twists' vort i, c . .. vre, 81 WATTN,Craobertacd. , .y .T : minm. rt 61115t./,, v a11... .... lt_ZyMir P WICTHENIU.4I I 9.4444.reqr • ..)p,,, , V , 4441r...1. rft.. i CHAN t '. f''s ~......, ...I.> -• i•roanrr T coming, • ~.-•;,,,,, -• TRONA!! IttO NAM, Piclanfeipilik Cimit ;4 7 " - _ , • 0111 AM Ltrrars, sell. .; 1 .i ' ,1 '. =III T A MlLT ' lit i ti h. ', Wasklapoo . "44';', errr'r , rr , ANDREW J 0W44 Nesoners., .•1. '44111441. 0 •111 , .. NAME** Dionsy,_aixocor• 3=4; , ;rar A tlei l tti v l l A v l=.l.4 1 o 1 1114ILL i Tio . ti lc. zul A 'man, row • I rilr.y.' 0 , .. k. ., ,_ 7 , , ,, miwT i g , r a ltri ., ~ rr. , ''...:')10 4 .g'-..,...rtia . :,1taia t i . .5..., )...aft s ,.., ]).,:... Li. ....A.....,•: * 4- 4 ,,,i 41i.A •Itopm., 1...< 7 liarkr. Amy Ns 004:*..,,,,,.. 01 ,,,,,,rr,t. Plei rl — _ . .. ' . "..tr7-- -. 'lliairchge ler Illsealsaricaut lowa. • ; 7, '..stg . -4 ' A,. ., 118A1L: 111.0191149, Or PITTSIIrIIOII. 'A-14, Will ON cbtaiNcolibe l'iltrelog al. of Ax el,. !",-.' . a1www414 . 161 peers In th e city of Pitutaryb, v-, ;,:%.. .. 4 tt‘fillitialpAilib aNdlB4, has ths Di:claw -47 k ,-4,.?,;slikisy. kw' at vv.A.. ' 1 ' . •• -:-- • 41 )(''''''XiitiiiiiViiii. thee ilenentents toads fr-,r' ,, ,. ,nenr ,eto . . ' ,i n' ; if,', GetS l - 1 L' ,4 "211131b11 1 ,11 1 0 1 1 a tilake, nra so critaion by ~:, ... 8614110„,juica of the real rains of properly,— t,.. r' l' l "triipt e lliii is Linn Il the Ammon from . ono to t " "lliCiliared pat ma. beim lusetol till*. Tb. t - ; aye koala pabbittad, ther•fx., to thaw this roil. k r— S -. 011*Zakta,but 10 fihiblt 11.6 SACIVILB to 1.194 I 11 . 1 ,;., 10 . 14114 WI two yearn For this porpows 816 4,rt 'J - e ''''"*'--, ”t 4 birpiel Land / Mb, .016 a.n.tatoa .i.r.. # l -4 , , , f5 ,- ' • portlon d tar sa acrd; cccoacta lac the eery km - .ii .$ ... , 11111.11111001 wet down ice the district Ely an wad ' Ilasarably oft.al Teel, paned far ths raid of . wattarars by an, crtrpirrty La ibs Li wait inland by lba oaufierralcon, area exempted Craw tha pay ment of Stabs and County tax for aprtiod of fan y.is Miassemonsat or valuation sill be made 0116.11 portion of thr city, (Inapt for propetty DOI rmarted by testate.) =al 1849. •This ward ixciprEmn,n larie potion 01 the moat valuable tealeata• in inn city oarporation 'Aropecty in the four new grants of tbs city '" • 69 bat two Inn. anal La Buscanittaix,Allectieop Mancharawr, Lawrenorrille. Bficra. ott, swellirli i able a kry• proportron of the •riahik .mad butane ,'• ' of timdt,...eub......a. cot =laded is the %tilt There 14 Weed, nothoz bat t h e Rescity in tlea Are 04.1 wards, In the Cartes emotional, End Faun cosy mealy be maid to hays inerersd '' fat IX Weidiimpr ratio than in the Vint. ntirmi to. fill Ark iertmling end tallag oak, tons: .7 . 1 614111141g0iNe,&,-, era rapidly oocutracusig r f f: •, , , 111.111110dradledpi La Constquirctly awn war pr, ' be iiiiieteiceding increase 6 the valeof prop ,d;'/ , , 401 E , ,. I , "f_ . , c ... MlB lama: in ,lea Taloa of Real Estate for ..,..031,, ' diiiiailliro yenta, WiLau alacin faon the refid l 9 '''., - vninelhq lraausne of Phut-cosh—mg from kke. F.,...- or money expended nine Ila prope rt y itself, is ~, -... , separartia of hooey Pr pen amt. We niai are :"• dw anntion that no oily in do VOICE will az • hibit from tabular natanciada, so arrat an 'drain _ cepan capital Lawassd in this kind of property ha the um* tenth or 10 . 1 ‘ Wa an oat gam 10 bOllllllOl, and withoul 0 can asSiy art. that Pittsbilin 6 incrastog La wealtti and popolition mon rapidly than any city in tbs West, am ye:rapt, one or two, sod as rapidly nu thou T 0.,. years ago, occuiy the 6.9.611 of ths mat wrshby cod banana portico of oar crty was but • hasp of roan Bbe ban prima, la by magic, nun abed and dunes, and Nmw la the flan tide of proepwaty. l'inwitb ' ' • . 16111r1/1i oar encrins inn crippled Lac . 411111101 . by Liar rug calamity, the Talus of Real Ennis • - , law been altialy no lb. inaewect ' ' ' VALVE. DT I.IAL TrIAT. 1848 1847 J.. Want" -Rad Estate Regi Estate Intro= , . In., 111,674:710 .1,011/059 It 91,549 .., , 94 914,098 ; ,14114211 . 3 441/3 /a. 1P03. 2 /4 „LAOS&• 450,709 ; 46 1,910,850 ',woe 4111,610 - Sib 48:4,81:1 761.370 6.5,248 •,•• •-• • 4. - • i • ~'~ lEEE 14'41 • 1.? ~~~~`~ • 4 p-4,:i150t,...._:,•,5f., to..Nr„-ti?!.;•,FA... ~.,:4.1.414.4.4c4.4.•i-.. L4i:smtiar4; ," ( ..4..,e, 1 .)..... v ..„, r.5.!,r,eii•t,.,:i. 4 .i....!::::ii, 0i.,ii11.:,..1,,,,,,i,•„!...!..7.• co. ri i k. 3.:5 ta .":1• 4' . 4 .}; '.• i:Ai. ~.. ". • - it A. • livik'' ...., 4. '' . '..t.vicl• ):-, ' v 7 ' / * * * 4 '. if:•*.F...N • !i l o4,tlir .' et ;'t% i :k liL 'ell - C , ; :i_l. :; :f N'4...Rf::: ▪ 4i; 7 ▪ • ' ,6:•k ,14., . 1 04 - ** 6 4.lmt,::' .k• it,' 501 jue . 46 1 4 : 7;,,. t k. It% 1 4.::?:,.i.4: tt-:....-:1;z:: " 1 11 ,Artfr.A . 4 4 . : , } 4. 4 t ..'l ir. ‘ . *U:6 :, : ...)...r' - 1:40 - 4'15', 4 %. x:4 .1' ' .¥a2.'. e • .IFil fF~ .C~, Pr , ` , • -- ' 4 l. • • I •;.\ • • , . : - '•• ::* ',..k:;/s:!,'!txt...:i ih:P . r*lf:' . - $: , :::f , ;:i1F : ' • Gina:trims Envrtax..-0a Lb.llm mhotay , of lir pros* moth so siren= au bald by It* " i f • • -Clniss balm for priocipsl sod utionst 'Criai l'lstiosai Gond! and criuur. Tho ra. • • , - tans nesind secs d lam bale . dcrobt d ibir ilidice of Jaen' Ses., u riacical Ghia, co 4 2 'Onliory Lewis .4 aituot. Ra. fceily•l boy keelson OSA at WA Nefica. -5 " — Towias•--4 De p wiow, date age': wigs 0010411troul'ut, to/ 6sakisi awes Dime .....v., - didmresmi air rearentior isse is the - • • - • ' 0014 no waft, Si 61111141 M tbpw t~ We% dig ug... 004,th " .. ..;;;;?•!,..41'.'Zisilossaiitt. acciiiintil o° ' • . ' p ro :01r2"1"sal— • E=EI ' -Zi7;4s' ~~ - i': fL, i~ MM3 • •At 4" " PITTSB :71111DAY MOM ~1...., ,-i : • e. e •-• •• • • 1 . 4 141 , 1/./ 2 3,40 116A 50 ,9 34 11/36,131 • • ' tar ttre :parpoes,of Utertstag IXlCrella Sa , ,•• 16.0 What 0/ P ro t? fa . lla Kara Xanle, atter@ lattne ttlikri.nLe sad isgrevaseets are nyirity ••• eitundiett, ti gin ate ertesinta In Gar the tut sad Plant yeti, Thal folly warrant fee ransite ` swipe, that pmpwry lit,the new rude and adjoin • -Us fa increment in a ors& Weer ruin Sri In tile adieu& al be city. The incrrase Urioasoci far oas you is 'upwards of IrStrir 1646 - 1647 Irani , Sad Palate . Bail Eagle learase .11296.22.•4 114011,741 4112,517 - •nu areetal, tiz th and ninth went. cum Lisa the aggro itl'an 4israi the arneettexott of lOC Mitt alai ,liars IMEMICII in toernaltipe. vs See no deptlcate tooraniste star am tiles. _tiro d dee extant year. Tlio (al:babe table will ibex this present eareaneat in air turd. • 1467 ' 1847' r 11147 • • Writ IL Adak Po. P•operty ' :4:s22iipathm 71.4 4161,605 /26,737 7 11 1 4/ 66 47h 183.160 . 1.531 • 111.11011 ' 97.725 1,050 • 10.916 . .Tatsl; $433,450 $2l l / 1 11 '1766,6111 - • TIM Utar* UM, &awe die Amami% of Caw ty and State Tex fix the .rail muds of the dAy :prom to Sul current year: ISre4e Cand y . . dlfte ' $3,083 05 $3,030 11 4.55 15 626 77 Id sAsts 64 , USW 34 412 i 3,432 32 6,133 07 1,911 89 2,617 /9 • sth 673.45 741. 64 ' Trig 407 62 652 SS 656 66 ~fah 214 56 167 MI Tad. , 'MAX 34 018,072 ea TIM nu* cu hardly maxi lha sod of labor - i s the agar= 4 a Abort ankh! gar, mail err =Nut him that LL oaretpied ow COILI2 Dearly row aim to unity at so simple • matt fit= au. IMMO of agar ad faspn la the ofßar of as* , •tha lir. iongaiy (whimsy& Narita b.. 6.,7 WiaWn_by aTM Tkk awoke. kw firkkislay vkri ta tilt , * I:4; tc11.4): W • pin . ; kat* nog • , V Gotta* Ara* million rid knjva ao tails of what be trample. j the rerl'inf frei far the last Wily drys, that slaWet to bfrob, b ln Wehot bad 'egmart,of wir I peace, - Owe& t i gua l aid Lair by laud osillo . Okototooxixt. cos ~,,c ot or g as, anottatur &mica and rill emit the bettl• of Cerro lo deal Of-nathinf,..hia .beett , ,d* t tad Manic. W. know ibid. dandef be made Publins lue he ti' fed env that the lamb wdl • lab .sir the blood stud bores nallet paters at Wealthigum, who withlad to rat ths.country into a: foolish and Garbed wit.; btu not the skill to get to oat. The Wilit l3l dtce MG= rho JO dtrc math aide peat, sod ix want of most rederale informs dam wopahiala the Wowing from tha Army sad Iron Macke: Le rma he.. lacci rewind to thin city by I lava arrivals from Vert Can. Among them' leen inesthstarg letter; (whkh we ham mesa,) from Pa• thin af the lath July. Gnu Boon bed mama • deg of trace no tie subjeet of prinamir. It went forward oq the 10th. and with it Lint B. Becomes, of the navy, who had Iw eri nom. done area ' Gm. Bcott's fie psalms of effecting an socheurfe (w Roger. of the wavy, nod If naeonaly, tic ommothi retaliation hecue the mrzieui. should trim Mikis a vP7.""' Tbe dig, twermar, was stopped by the Mesh= Intheritien • couple of tali beyond the Rio'Frio, clod some thb ry des =lee from the city of Meta. They lateral t h e flag any iticedaron Into the city, and the elsepeches were anouthly not on by that Maim= themallit. A reply had been rectivoi from the Maximo g overcoat:at, agreeing to exchansue 4Lp. ttlrtne, ebb the other prima. ma bat the triad nitric. hid not IS NOG unkd, bat probally would be In • FM In mangoenc. of thin reply, Litht k' bsi deemed It mon prudent to withold Cam. Perry% preemptory bitter. This lamer from Puebla, farther Maths that Mt. Trot, who bad been erideatotlof fie • mouth pia viontly to open • neratition with the Menitme government, had ahemicand all hope of saccelm~ at lout for the pram:L. Mr. Bor.baban's h,td oachai Banta Anat. through the mortals, 4am of Mr. frankbsed, and, as au have Seen repeatedly stated to the mem was refined by penis Atom to the .oaingress-4 aeleiol2 of this body being called for that purport. After ausoy delay, and moth 'Tweet anwdlingnou to Met, the. Cmigreaa ateamhkd with a quorom et 74 nurethert no the 1 sth of :bar. It immediately tack tho subject into thatitheation, amt,' as we hare teen It nand, adopted • report and retsl6/1 time to the folicreiso effect, lit that it bekimp4 . to the exacidive, under theft camtltutioo, b. se. 'colts all sininars and other public ermta, and SO nobs trestles of . pace, aiheegu, cite.;thal the. rgodi. of Cooties. were Bodied ths anima. big ordluppowing of than treaties wheat alder and thud, canserently, Until a treaty shoeld he I vaunted to it la form, It could taken* comaritu. tonal Laical on the sobject. 'Aoceediogly the Gowen returned Mr. Boehansa's Wier to tent. MUM: tral adjournth on the mos day it had met Tina WA. Eata theta hal bun no anotiog teat of the member% having run of . It gamut lactate that, apart the motpt of thio moot and eiMen rocdoleas„ Banta Anna mooed a preelams. Ike, Mating that Congresa, cc the 20th of 'Apeif Ina, had patted a deem declaring that any Mali. eon inairdemity. who amid Gahm to gay prop. 'thine the perm from the mom, should be deur el • traitor and trestal usexthetry; sod the' mail tide diem wee repealtd, tie Duda ens nal, and I he could do nothicz adding, at the 5112.1 them Mr. uthaaan'a Jetta+ was courthias, it: wee due to the thusetsr of this Maxima nation to rine it at tartpoloist reagaim and cathadime , non, The. says the letter. the matter stome,s— , twither Beath Amos nor the Curets daring to tali the erspowithaty of treating with ea, arid' luring to cut no of theorise but to mach to ' tDi ,capital, sulatto tad occupy It -It is barely paiWide, when Banta Anna to spin bitten , sad his troops dewed, that he may to oar: thrown by • remiltitioa. sod that the trio.. putt may woke pus with ail The tretias4l.l I think. it sena 6XlatiLlieli the dosed efra oicury of theth raw, quids, 'al reject the Awl . brthch for the pnesmit, mod °impel. Da to pain. cats the wia With ■ grouter and • more nteeplag The kW: Mates that Cut Baith watholy wait lax [be shell of GM Pinar. who rr scream) In &oat tin days. to lama forward. Mtny nem I apse:tiro • remit bents no lbw plais of Mexico. la Banta Atha he laid to hue UN° troop. veld bin fortified the sty and its aporiarthe. I BilLlll th• dam of this loam. to @porno, fare .o irenuotimi Wick, it. the If. - , O. Fiala.'" that Banta Anita hid Malt amethar appeal to Confers. to rewind its decree of A cad luL and pointing • out the comuloenses of a • rrri,nl . botat the that oe tattoo Ind Rea taken by th. Cowes. W• ham men, &a, other buns. but they see from Viet Casa Oa. 11 dated m the Er* MAID. fan, and oda. that the British emirate bed sp• rived the day Wort from the city of klesteoiabd that the writer had the period of months MO* lettres matiud from tie city; that It *amid app,s , If the mem party wen aufmecothif . ...although war had two breathed out in torrent, by the row anonent pear," bat that an this Iftth—the day as which the net left—it ..aid to &lap its tecte • and thprened itaell in farm of an immediate meat mg of Capron to bur what were the EMMA of the Utitsd 84.thar mad if Congress should rep. prom Ulna, to south the matter. It farther slaw Out old Yagoda had reached the dry with maw I 0,000 Moor and loathe trill:Wry, and that th ese, In coojtuxtiao with Lb. temps already alder Musa Amy, world mum to 20,000 U mar; thiß some persona expectul they would march oat sod Offer Gem emit; bowie: and if they Valle.' a .i‘100; am they might Devi: to for pease. Bat Go writer shakes hi• had at tint, and espretwe• it.. hls opinion that thry would mat locum another' hank with our boom. FIG stairs that ths limo hin passed whim they might have attempted to &troy Gen Bcont'e envy. On,. the Oil. margin Clearral had oily 9,000 aim with Ada at Pubis, and had the Nakano punned ow. age tad folded= encnagh they night hue wee Ural In large faros, and attacked hit:cabin the op. parianhy hat pasesdfor making the aundt, and the writer dooteswinatin they will ova attempt the erpeeicannt We hers own • later. letter from Vert Can— als an the 7th Alarm The writer Moo Writ. to coon hope of pro.— &waled of which, ae he Oaths, the Bridal minister taroks of In td• Ithar to the Braila censul at Vino Croat .. Ail ewe acme afters of &Gm:Goo in Mexico had expreand to their Meth= Limit ill Vera Cruz the maw *than. This War also stated that Co. Winn bedlam( reaneed • low from Owl. Bola, the ifmkran goverul of Orizaba trying that h. will adorer Li.e. Whipple, recently tarn by the goarillta, for a lb Lothar colonel, who k am in Van Chu, nod will alai &OUR etber Antarlar , Flamm late the barrio; but the Colonel I. rather crape:foes of ethieltaluag the mopoath of the exchange. Two ord maim Islet with .ago and other &glebe harp °Make sad thou, had jut arrived at Vera Com, which kr the first opening that a trade ebb the %WM has eras:ironed. ,The writer file comEdani that, ta they her. now • body of 200 cavalry la the tern, they cowed OD effentive, and dare lb. guerillas back from the and War, and aa mion as Co. El Dem should Will with bls amps of ervs/ry,L du , they' word Inn no ifdlicatty La cpwing tb• rand at kart to /sive. Tha idea of unch tat mil was caked'• td to lagta nary body, and captdally the for. ergo trombant., with the baps that &Wit lat potations maid lacruer, and specie cons dawn te the city. - •It was std that there was shout ix ufDim.lo money and Maim walling the tbe opadmi of the rod. The writm comforts the lalefrigeone of 1,100 stoop leaving on the 6th Wilk enjoin ifs mate army under the euenasnd of Call %Lao. (cd North Carolina.) Nebo had is. deed there. day of two pruixt; trot ha woo oar bit tojein them, oonaegoenat of an attar at this fun. • W. bus oat yet riffitient data to calealaia the 'Athol of mot or war; bat as Maki le futons the hat dilatory peaky sad her locomeant coomeks, and as Cam her charseter wit should ruppom that she ivy withal negotiation with the idle hope of piecing time, so In canglot doubt that our mate. ry opennirmai will m 4 for walocisly suspended until the tatifisation a( a Witty af.puot. Ws Femme ono propositions, if they should be sufathod, sae drawn to duty and dialoctly a. not to admit of mob - Itratikit ar 'delay: We dare 'to venture. another. asiusakce....th at the thinteduntion • is pribuirg fie- ehber fallow, and dot' additional reputtant =math; La a wart vigorous pros. setts at tic. war, if lila ortesnity miloakl be Imposed rpm ore. Raz 'LIM - Hassthev- - By . sefeesnas to the td. inetitiog ,!.hogutrigbit tub that the prewit Lain'.( &Wel"' reined his ustablidnfritteegfre.ol. lll encommodthe the pular.. Um tbsitijOidiffaf tics met kind, mi ta:fat cad acrainaitailleitlahllorde to, be kaand bit 71111adrilffuldrxr w il t dad bb Pthetemy, td mks pilfer janikaadk • Aar , • :c , . - . ' • 'l,l `lt r. tiuurAL.Asupsovicis 1 /ElVlltaiCaiz minium o Pres.*. &lime day, aboca„ poblishad aiS T cla On Sac aba nincral wealth of Sal *sauna was hen of oar 81•1+, in which ma kaal occexiao to es. fir to the wag real =cat cinur conanwiwrealth in thaw artarJca. and of ita capsbirity to wapply neigh boning Stant ttomaith proper mess of comma. nicato Sipco that time we kern that the mock ot the Delewet r, Lehigh, Schuylkill, aoJ Samos- Isaina Iteit Road hia,all ham taken, anal that the pincipany is now, organizing fa reactive opera. . Whoa the ahoy* road is eampleted:ohe oosland hots Bola of &stein Penneylnnis will fume a dlrect connection by Hall Road through Now Jer. wry to New York by. bepiralists of keoaryhrania, New Jersey, New YOrk and Barton, u w,U u s pcution of the Work. holden of the Hudson and Damao Nail Hood, an envied to thin enterprise, and give sontranee of the spas dy completion of the work.. Coomectiog links aro now fanned from oar Eletem min Mg dinriets, through Easton, littai Now 1.,:e7 to the vicinity of New thnnewiell, end from thane to the Hodson rim. oppodt• York. - The Eastrat Whig aye that , by thie tone the cod id boa mower, of the Lehigh ;end Little Schuylkill iregiot. will reach the waters of the Nei, York Bay by ea abort a line of transports. tion u Dow mistier tan he made to the Ode wa ters of the Delaware. By this Ralf flood, New Jersey, the Eubero portion of New York, Massechusettsand Concae t4m maid, Mipplied with cool from Penasylve de at a leu'peles than they are now ming far ftieL:,. By the. New York, Elroy. sal North rich of the Sumpoetranturlmpronomenta, the Mid& Pinion of the State of New York receiver retest and iron. Through the Erie Extension and C 1 9 .2.1 Cot Canal., Western Now York, Can. ads, Northern sad Watson Ohio, Michigan, Wis. condo, the Northern portion of Illinois, and all the 'Odin bordoeing on the great chain of lakes, 41 how ' , applied. sari •by the waters of the Me. imippi Valley, Socithem States are sloe indebted Pencurylcutia for ttiedr, tains:el wealth. • RAIL ROAD MOVEMENTS. The citizens of Wellsville held a meeting on I air Olth, and appointed deleptes to 'the canton C013•00i1011. field on the 26th instanc The Weilesille claim was urged with grest:ability, and in a manner which showed a deep and sliding ill.. treilit in the subject,. The WdbriUe Patriot asp that hands are now at work on axle sectiaco of the recent lotting of the Finals - nigh and Cleve. land Rosd via Wheeling. A wading wu held at K ssssss 1:1{01 on the I4Ut far the purpose of 'selecting a mote for the Cyril:nil Rail Reed, vie Crooked Creek. The from eft Wry was tendered to the Company free from charge, Poetic when deatc„e should be dooeto buildings. A Committee was appointed to confer with the RAW Rood Directors. • • • Me. Case's anarnest to Delaware was me of thrill eame =thalamic character width has attend• eel hiS common., every where. • Sums dine or fear thimand persons met hito at New Castle up on hie totem from Cope Mel. An Immoe number cif pereone left tni, Capelneompaoy with Mr. Clay. The U. 8. Gauw remarks of the ler anthem of Mr. C. from his Philedelptda friends. • A. the Ohio draw nigh the wharf at New Clete, the Phibutelphlena„ through their Committee, who had attended Mr. Clay to the Island. took lan of him. Their fanned] was pronounced by Mr. McMichael; end urns respoeikd to by this deter. 'seethed patriot in terms of eloplecen end pollee. width rennet be devcribed. lee p mactione was deployed on every coociemenee; and many a tear felt Mom eye be retafsrin ennead to the melting Mood. Mr. Clay will won be io the bosom ef his own family end Nam the Neil of his own vale Ken. trAy:, Pleasant to him. most there he, the mom- Manees of the post. . Wba ftigoaq sod, to their shame be it spoken. stech lido, pu• wank mebrolseit, thuideream Ikea. Bat ail this malue sod calumny bee tern mars than Wooed fa by the love at it.usend., yea minims we may soy who hare been ever reedy and espr to servo ocrer *hose very name awoken, an enthosioatio, scat es noodle( Klieg man tan inspire. What Officialtumore compared with thiwannilt of a poPallis and outbid affection, tostowed,like the good gilla from* higher than human power, and • free offering, to one who bee naught to retain bat the Mertens of • grateful bear , . AU the gold *fuel universe is not imperious as there anbought honors. : • This bream, fragrant with the perforce of per. annul Bowen, bears no such charm so the breath of Pdpular hoot which spontaneously does 'hom e.. lo the Mold this hank Thine is • magic in Mr. Cloy. name, and one feels an inch Wk.: in his Prewern. His men good natura, and darling honeny of purport,' la redacted in cony one anima him. Thos. who hays seen him, the ant tor entry archer, and with the ayes of MOM Of two of meads. flood like rst stony hanks upon him, each ready to peck or claw him, It they could brat catch • word, or look, cv an ti" that timid toll to his disadvantage, will not serval that ha has Mande, or stick friends. A Pon and pinta] ambition may slant. demagogues above sock a than. bat living is hs does, anthrone ad io the leans of his intelligent countryman, ha fin retched • position loftier, for, than the hlifban text can bonier. "I Androther be rigid fluzn be Pecnitcril." This is Henry Clay,st hans,abrend. in Public amain, In plainsong', when, and with army body. Mr. Cur was remind et Bahia:tem on Tom. daf Wahl, et 1t e &dock, with • welcome worthy of the Patriot end &stemma be is. Amkist fire works anst every dmoricislsation of &deem, be leoded end proceeded w Demom's, where, at midnight, be was celled oat rod bad•the crowd good Be left on Wednesdsy for Ashland, •la Win. dater. steers Hems. Ms: Ram livccasmoas.--Chades L. Dsket sod Jacob Henrici have been appointed induces of the exist, at Economy, Ps, since the death istMt. Rapp, the patriarch at the society. So ere tied lo the Philadelphia Balkan. • A Lusa 8 —The Rae. Dr. Hawke Joint Wary, as Pastes of Ctuid Wendt, New Orleans. and Fortner Is l as Lostidana Unicedity; andoind to $lO,OOO pet shown. Magna }Las, who sloped with Ulan Pox, bat born disclaugad from prlam, as no criminal scam can lie against him Ltsaitet.,--Thistacc hoodred dollar, have beep aribicnial by the citizens of Boston fru the relief of the =totem of the iltfated barque flues. It immoral oow Families!, on sourced that Om. Stoma of llieshwiptl, has ap pointed Ci' Jet:Conon Davit a minim of the Uri. Wel Mate% made vacact;by the death of Gee. Lana Soditt. . Tat lorowntraa o• Tan Ice Tomtit—Theo writs in from Batavia, soya the Paris Pteao, that the aammarce m JCS, but recently*comaisoced la Mihail:l4g chaste of Italia sod the Indian Arabi. polo" has already become to the United Mama, who pit:n.4l4 carry rt on, one of their mom It• cretin vile!. oreipart. To ii.. OA= Ws of itils new equatorial cam. memo and Its Importance we nand only mention Wm boon ha Hoodoo, whirl. In a single year has ant to loess 101 vowel, with cars«. of to. which time yirlded etghtein millions of notice. Ma I. almost is mach as timrodoct of the who's wine hamlet at Bordesoz. . -- - -- -7- ' Tax F cam fdnuats. Lltocc.—la gm" Was al Alfred the Om; the Wiliam isiostrd faro Eo•• min a madam ortnoh proreatied du Ant radlmonta of I Ankbaj clock. It was hmagbt out la a pm* mat to Charlemagne from Abiash. king of Pu. i.•. by two mocks of Jertmlam la tha year BOO.' Among abet prawn tg, or Egiattar, was a bolo lags of lama, wootlmfally coasuncled by mane miP obtalcal abbe., la which the mono of the twelve boors ap el.perb.sp oalobeatura, wire u away . We brazes nataollitemoit the okra ci each boar,: Iva* demo on a set of halls anderacmb, and mandad tha inal of the bac,. Timm were A..: Matra dram of boron:o4 who. 'Adam tha MOM bows ware omtpistad, tumid out of fwvfmteiiii: • dtrarm riga WI elm mood Ppm, tad ritoados mob% abat tha vicadows after Mesa Iriebte templabamad ihet igiobarl wis to eywgrkrimissi Ipilatli biro amailead; and dot he vas se abbot; =tam& mad larjdaaardpit ti. I , 4isii raL4Vr- 4. `,", - .••.=‘;1',, , , --L. ' . . i : :: ' , - .' - '.. ' 1 ; ..; ,' .'' ' .o , ?...,T): : l ‘ 'i' ' ' . - ; i ;',!;;': z : L' , :,.?..iA ; : 7 W 2 :-' ~..,•:.` '-';'-- .--Tte Boa= iew • ;., • + 2 7 • • • ~. • . , 4:1", ' NZms. y......izatiri........smaiierp t . . . P wed to thationt.a of ear ebbs, brae r i csisTeeliethellisera 2 ;er Ptitraneitta tpuiettr enberalsed he t tlye!' a geg Nth i , y m i,k i bip, i • Itellanir Sevier to !as tutihniera.. -,. i l N i ‘igntkm casailizio..a th ., i b , n; ii .4...., 1.. c..... T .4.„, a tlie rttutiarifi c .it. 4,... ^ ••' 7 , protpro , of - a to woit beki eoetpirtedt . : .1 --- Nicest:rata, Alt. 20, 10, i. - 0. - . 11 it. beet, . paukt that the bi ., ttgebeto TOO .rettharri. mil ie in but briogsno -later Maigetion Company, by rem !sting and Maim. news IS ! tee th e net et .war. . log the price of coal, Lei redored the aggregate T24 , assils "i l'i l w . o 4etitiffolulidow Feni• Mat of that one article consumed in tbejeitX oil . "' .the . 24 bathe ending on the morning. erthe Etta:nub alone, at kat $240,000 per / anima: 1 iiith ..l ° "lit Charity &repaid. op to tipr eeenin Two locks and dims will rimy the impr:M oveeg of the same day. 20. . bp it , was Novo., end opm„uot otof to ?mi. , . The New Orleans Deßauf the 'Stir aye there barer. bat to the Southern outlet, one of the) trees ' l i n ' or uss4S S s. stsithig, but abet it is tickled coal regime in the Western country... ," nib's oar the femme, and may now be .aid to Her „nee." be: coal glee to p ittebox o t ih' i !qua abs epidemics of 1837 and at. It is ex.: she preiemin Stilling over the martuuding ecnutuy end Is am enoe cojoysin M int of muurfeet oar all other towns in the Western ea MOW is Lafayette than in Orleans: The beat it cave ' . 0 , do better than to jet?... our rieerr io r 'Areas, but somewhat medalled by sea breams.' The Picaynne stye the raver has driven sumgra : which our cal fields era rendered seursvibleg'...; - • t The annual reports of the litonongabela Nisi- s ad best". men ffem the MY , and dollars! ption Company show the immense and grating tici. 7 Ttivu wpm. * business and profits of that imprommint. Tbrui ' oormee.;;;;;;;: rtrh ii.„ . ,,,„ Mu be no doubt diet camel inverted in the im. ' PHILADELPHIA MARKET. pommel of the Youghiogheny, will be ovally . - PeteeelLeete. Aug. 21 %7 w. w. • productive. Sees of Western Rolm bare been made to day at g 5,75 a ss,ta ' - ' '" The bodki sill coctinoe open at rho hor.m.of B. Itotier, tlll September 3d, and mibouiptile# waived till that time. Wont.—Mr. McKee, a heavy wool deslei Af Salem New York tecently sold Three. hundred thousand pounds of craned and pare Saxon wools to a company. in Lowell , Mamachttseita. The same Company base parebated from cdhorrisi• dividuals orer a milkon and a bolt of pOundkor . very soprrior wools. This is good evideteilt the entire mauler= reposed ID present prieni. • The company alluded to base lately doubled the sine and capacity of their factory, end now mandrartors six thcoMod pound' per day. Al. lowing 23 pounds to the yard, this will glee 'taro thoustriaifour h undred yards ofetoth'ss the daily yield of their (saw. The immense consumption of Wool by this • and similar cstablithiments,apeaks wolomes tolbe capitalists of Western Pennaylesnis. The Wool of Allegheny, Darer, Mercer, Washington, Fey. eon and the adjoining :gates of Ohio, rirginii; Tina s, sod =cis, which seek a market in Pint inargh, if manufactured hem, would riot only glee aniu RUM sod confidence to the pent:inane" of a home nurrket for this great staple, but =alai* • great saying in the price of Woolen goods td Wee.. tam =some.. It would also give eurploriiii to roany.laborerri, and be a mum° of larger patifil to the =uranium. Braces ar Ltu as inso.-Iro ono eon ced the arras of • bone thief, below Bearer, by • maple of oar perm effinra, oa Moody Ise. We hare since been infecund that inhumation was sacked our PoUre hy Magnetic Telegraph, of the Unsay lo Obi°, together with a description crate (414. The elbern went oa ir•ard the first Beaver biiik acid a few mile below Dearer, met Loci banded • steamer, on which tho ethnical, together with tbsproperty, were (mad. ...l in man is now iu oar JaU, awaiting • rcquieitioa from'lbis Governer of Obi a. Wismar°, Morchsad. we we gratified to Um, has received between sit and seam hundred dollars towards the Meth* of the Washington Monument, and has SOON of the weahhirat portion of tho city to visit. Thii is a good beginning, and we hope will lad to a coed end. Tomo 8 .—A (Amid itiGmas Its we IMO in MOT la mating that workmen were C21:1% played to pays Third Street between Wood arid Smithfield. This may b,—w• saw prnioaiya: gaged on *Elise% and we took it rot pitted they were plaid them by the city . authorities Si Ms parposo tototioaed. If property hohliMfai: ploysd woiluom to (mot of 8118 Luiliiiiip t we rort orey say they did well—bat *Lath"( Vita: . miadonen walla 'do beaer to paid the atreeeid• hided to at wee. We ate happy to 111311011000aist Mr. Karat. DT's Gasonittir baying united. hi will in *Anil time MUDS hie inhibition. A largo and fuhianable aorierce stand.] it the Olio° on Tuesday owning. acd we were, in cancan with rung or air friend' the were no the act/wino, airy that Mr.. K. could . not lature Wedr.calsy an 4 The:edgy cravings, si be ad:l ull, intended. we bops to state more dadaitaly iu to.morrou'a popea, tbo limo and place of bia out nbibittati. Tat Canetae Lacavat...—Dr. Cotten gives tho low of big interesting Lectures! this evening. and slog ealubine tits Conn Deota. Those who Ease tot availed taemadvel of the opponunity to view this magnificent wort of art, ahookl iota prove this opportunity. • Eta aaaaa Court. —On bee downward kip Brownoiße to ibis city, the steamboat. Caro u 1 ran against • suss, tilled sad aank abase tbe boiler deck, on Wednesday nista. Tbe arra:lent atoned near Mominaabela city. We beery of no sodding Ruandesa inapt to Qta boat. PII7IIIICIOI Gas Weast.—The Bockhead• an in the Company will remember that a wain/ will be held tills afternoon, between two and four o'clock, at the office of the works, for the election of ale inutees. A panetual attendance is reii gtueted. New Dcfctuaos,—CoL Reline= is erecting • clew thick of dwellings, fronting on Latock sweat. sod Immediately la tbel reu of hie other !vie row. dock bulNmse ate mocb needed, sod we are glad towe them going op. We understand be has alai cootriciad to ban another. block et the kid of OA ad Allegheny bridge, on the spot where Mcßriu'e lumber rad new W. Tidy silo will be so advantage to the placw—Aftecielea. 'BALT11101LI• AID .0110 RAILROAD,—The At:Denten ray. it is believed no advance can de made by the company most from Combo:land withal:ten extension of time by Out Lrgildatora of Marylaral—the time bailed for the completion of the road in the chant, vented briog ezpirikl.-4 TUN le thought ertfrmirot M impend emotion, cunt' after the Cbarter Election of October. Tee citizen. of Seidman:loW then bare an oppiortu: oily LI dictate open the dmporition of the oily fl stake of ,000,00.0. . . . . Boseratten—A Lawny or Wtsoon.—aortot blontboloo's book on Demporte bap lately been repobilthed. We ore Indebted to the good mete of the editor of the Baotou pat for to awed from it. which he him lately erred before the rea ders of that miter, whkh amoot fail to awaken trollop Mot all ought to eheridt. The emotd we refer to biota althorn ermseratione, in which Boonton* not oofrmioently Indulged, well colas , toted to open the window to hie Mut, and to which, we may roll well eweised, be spoke with the obt mom loostity t—hjartng/feki Republican. • *Whit recollsetioos (said be) • crowd upon my memory, when mythoughts are no htliel occupied here (Si. Helena) . with political topic* sod local tregstman lam carrlisd busk wmy first imMen:, shims of the life of man. /t new to me always, in these moderate of calm, that I should hare Area the happiest man in the titoeki mil:. 12 ,000 • francs a yaw, tiring as the father of a family, with my wife and eon, at ow old house at Ajar-, cio. You reettimber Its basonfol William. Happy. boons motive soil has Molts charms. *femo or embellishes It with all Its powers, oven to the odor of the groand.'wbielo one can so reline to• the senses es to be able, with the oyes shot, to tell ; the note first trodden by the foot of childhood.. Comepleas your hand OpCIP bosom !—Sets how It beats I (Aad Uurt it did twat with great tapiditi.) It to lIY. the sound 011411 (added b.,)'—Tbare. noo• bete (Si. Helsos)-1 am no bagel seen*: tamed bohemia Thisound of a bell never anthem toy. ear, without esnyleig . trek thoughts to the utialloCa amp youth.' This Angelus bell led - um but to pleattent 'merits, whoa in the midst of sarnost thought, nod hardeatid with the weight of an imperial crown, l heard its Ant sonad andirt the shady woods of ISt. Mud; acid often base I boon *opposed to bo netWilvatiftbe plan of a cam. patio, or digeging an Imperial law, when my thoughts wens wholly Involved in dwelling upon tba Ant Imprettaimos at toy yoatti!' .... • Edi t . B 44. l .mosoti l . 72l n riat ij a " l rr i i r , Lp l peakro mtritLet. r— Tb i L an tail l f. W .au.“ " m bc,o l6 L lth iP i l tnl i ck ß h . .. :. F. Psdil!‘' •• •• tom. . p r . .. n ins result are Pluidp:;: 1141 "ra" ... ih• pin ti 01 ilidit"Nrbili.iga esni o e t Mi . Faker. Undi the ' .P l:** • pide Pllditai..st di*, dre.ttfip • - gy si i,e ilk Os wittici. --...tt...,..,. "A ~.: 2 ~,..• :. i , : , ....•F-, - - --.›:-.-^-,'• : • " fi* 7 11 Y'' '4 NI REVTEE.EGILITIE 0,75 a $5,871. Pekes see again on aide.. Aim and with a dispmition to eell rather tbon Palmy. . Corn Meal was lead . for 83,25 Rya Flaw, $2,50. Wbest—Eartie. Red is bold at $1,24 a $1,27 Greso—iltima Yellow inferior new Broil:man. 76 a 78a . aad dull of rale. ..Widekey continues town at 28 anis per gal. The Cotton market is gelid. . Mott/donee:id Croceties do not vary in prim— ate demand being needy. . and price, as before quoted. Exc[wire Corrospondence of tho'taboret Queue BALTIMORE MARKET. • Baltimore, Ant. 26,7 r. x. • Flour—Howard street brood is held at $5,75 per bbl, at obi& rates no hayed are to be found. dales of City Mills brand, atss.B7 per bid. Mawr ket dell, with 'a felling off In demand. Wheat—Moderate sales of Prime -White at 1202125 c, and of an eaten quality et 135 e per bit. Prime Red is in densaad at 110.115 per bar. - Com—Limited sales of Prime White at 68,70 data per ba. . Pmdeions—Dull, and prices undulated. • Whidey—Moderate sales at 274 e per Fat. Grocarim—The market is well suppl ied, and Niece unchanged. Exelotore • Correcooodence or tho Pttokt.otet Gaut, .NEW YORK MARKET. . Aug. 26.4,.w. FlourGetlf2Zo Waal selling at .95,75 c per 1104—Sales of Western at 95,5025,62 i per bbl. -Moderato sales .eontinarT st presious prices. . Grain—The receipts of emr are light: prime With.. of • mixed quality is add nominally at '7la73e per la—The Wheat market is winewbat ectlie, without however any obsess in pricee..,- 11090 hashed@ of Ryo were sold at 91.: per tea; market active. Puilsions, ere unchanged in prints, through winnewhat increased ruder:nand. . No change in the other stiletto luridly quoted the market. Leads by the Cambria state that oration. to her, sailing, 'Western canal flour sold in Eng; land at 2So per bhl.• Bactesive Correitpnedenee of Ole Pitt.borgo Gax<l.l6 CINCINNATI MARKET. Aug 20,10 P. 61. Flour—Market dull, and no sales wroth report lag. The Grain Market is without droop. Mew PorkMorlante sales at SI6 per Tbs article I. held generally at 914,121 per IN. Lard—Bales of 800 !Mast 9e, &add 15 8 0 keel to arrive, at 9jteper fib!. &duet No 2at Bic pet 15. Bacon-828s of Wedern Shoal:hers at Ng 64c per lb. Wesieur ,Ades ore *Wag at 93c per l 4 • - Killed flogs—Salm 10,000 head at prices nag. bow $3.50 to $4,85 per tOOlDe nett, &IMO. able iinOnt.ben. ...Miwee—lffalee in • regular way et 7c pet lb. Coffee-918 of 300 bags prime Domingo at tiffne per lb. • Geneories—Ths Marker is wlthowl change. • .. , _Wbk*ay—Slakaata mkt at 17e per gelL . . ' The , V l fnadera .14.11 „ in ID, but !iriags A Novsber is Seutrtants..— ftte londitin Spectator, in iLberibing 'a piece cis:dear, .which Ass been exhibited in that city, the wort of Rd fettle blotiti—epadm of the wonderful etenation of the dedipt as follows: Tte testy of a .riled Vestal tending the eau. lading lime, is' a rurality in sculpture--a foot of ar. The Agli:e la the sine of life, ills clothed In rori, sad a Mt throw ewer the heed envelopes the face, shut:Mem, and part of the mean this veil is traneparext Not merely do you disesin the Co.. end Gems whom May actually swell oat aed touch the veil. but you Aunk you can me • dire igh the wail underneath; the full and Jelindely iniebed fraturei of a most beautiful face; you can detect the tetra:dine eirwea 1.1 the preGle, end the serail. log forms of the Itps, with a .pace between that aolUy but airily roond Aesb and the covering gat:•. Tau are deceived. Working in the treuislitreney of the marble, with cunning chill the oculptor has to arranged the thinness and Midwest of his matedal,tbat the refracted light suggest. the forms beneath, which are Dot carved: The ailed has chiselled the oat. ward lona of the veil. and in doings. humiliated the veiled face In the light and shade glancing through the marble. Ile cal!, it 'ono seberso," and it is or; but it is much more—itir a eery beau. trial 6gure. • N.1.111111t Piumiq. in bee jai:dash' of travel In Palestine, gives this dont ip. non of the woman of the city of linsnth. There bid been a wedding on the aftennan of hit anl ad; and In the livening, the bad. with • icmills of clothes on 'hei heed, was escorted by • neap of edh with mac, round Um town. to the house of bee ' husband; where they remelted dapping their hands, and milk the aid of a fee drums, tas king s greet moan until • 6te hour. , Ttts .Syrian Greek women en, beyond cam.: raison, thilactiust in the world; we saw many of those of Nssinoh, who came down with their pitchers to the fountain 'Naha for water, in wham were visibly oofud, . dl that painters may ondeei. ar to pis,nro—ell . that pos. dream. Their ratans combine the perfect proporlion of the Oath model, whh the '#trutar and correction of the daughters of Israel; their figure., the units) nary and ealapttaumese at form, which the Goad statues posaas. lTbo cordon* of those we saw tb6 evening, war well suind to their wearers. Their long heir, 'which wu plaited fell onto their slnoulders, end war in many instances anima usd with great numbers of gold sequins, end 'wine peals; in others, darns of hellltent hues replaced he "pearl and gold," but .11 woes Ma fall, loose trowels, drawn Sen.'s mho .nde. (wl ich, not onfreqtrently, was encircled with silver bracelets.) the poulcoet reached only to the alas, and the nada vent open at di. Incest. It I. neithet lad; dice, tonic ix jecliet,'but something between each. WILAT tt COCTIL--in Met Ist, from the {owe close, the marriage fee to the pleat I. not kw than $2l. Tn Par nosu of the Telegraph lim hot beau dog fotty,milee from Clnelatiall *eat. Tha boa will be completed to Louisville Jo thirty dep. . . Our Pcas.—They now mako pens w.bidt no Ink will corrode, of flint gins& IGIAZICTTE JOB PI lEITINO OPFIO4 Tomo ororry,coirma of nor °prior . ipar CrJ.Ping are now, prepared to exec.. la isehisferh colt expeditious manner ' eh kinds of Jo s Plums; seeh •s Jame Nsten,Vtelenhont Utile, Bats of 44110 Letter Sheol Circular*, Ilendbills, Cons, & e., he. • IJOC mt. 2.1.31,1115 T ruirnott to ca l extent exereted In the best Whim.... aid ad kinets of retrains Itone.seith Itheartteleind at the lowest .. • • . , 137•Vre moue eli6ihatteflierseeaets to the e.a , intoolinery ewes ordeielftht putsemedby W. naive, basic .tlr feateate, attach they Will ind 'sand. #4O I ,tt aseeMe eellteeiof why's pipet. • They ate pet. the moot woutletial ea resent, and Imre eh, lieett prosoattetd by many a our nom tetetteleble ployetehinc .The 'Mimed eolith... Inlirealtd, or, yobtikd to.•l.lYilres at their intend place, otabade, tend ken. hoot theifLorn lips the wooderful elect. of theseedlelno. The Stu oue named to Air lbasellmok., who esey Neo ly,Lemewal the Ibnar. Hp A. ht. gad d L. PL.! the othceof NowantlL Welton, No 77. • 137 A lISCIIIST, : WHICH .13 A FFI.F2I tat jX• OE:Oltly OF TliE sum rlElllnal elonalO la 6•11lIeW Asdemp'il Champs itedinotal iNqs...'Ra mu, a/WINN menu ddlala valubla isu Urcunalai hue Ilbadde• (l= duhdb. ploplef, blesebes, primly' eastag y SaN latona Ikeprorm.. tr yawed., as Teuesiar 1 / 4 1(10).11N.t. lualadbeed catmint, la •LI Pull Os Onion Itlompllo adetallyse pmienlele, Mat the st/enellifeornblenuon entail tletl44: map bet. Lae al HUI putouts. tido 'that( bow reyakiva ap prounen Otarbri' lb. p. 5.1111 RW wa , 4,l,llnrm editate Pulp Ifelref ho. tea. all a y xe reseenpro, M end• h d ailer/2g As . ( kin ova,' *all and fair, paw, am net ud hcslay. bold fat Oa. 'peg cats, laud ashen In cent" by bila /adman is lA , Pilubujh,J & U RADWAYO Gsanlaao F. . • • • • al:130y • irrloportent to .m.— Tb. edni, •themeats which appear is ilia Dalt, Wartilm alaapp•arlo 'trt-Week 4, Lbws receives 111 bat 161•1 tae aucalaakm of- au, without a.) eddilloal -Amp. 311,61. t an adriptava tocultadserainsiwitheitt say arm expen_on. Adverelesmon.. aro igily 4etke couatry pa pa optic raironaile tem.. •• • • • •... • • :rirrintinan , noAno Or 'lmam • • conanTre /O.IIL Alltil4llT. • JIL NAT. - Nta aiia it. • " ht No Oizsit'-X4 Petit I . 4lcaiii.lhaill E. Jaehemues'Eathnowitus la *A NO siiiikehtet apt vet& cite thia 1.0•07 comma " sad isvalfeeaccett .L.eatah Liao oa*intocutottely Oar! pa head lett,. mimic...MP. ail hieedissualhatsssthatut - talatabla net .tligram,=...-4 ual.Y.y=t tbge , "emus I F. Ploamaa mho.= bat rube? Oa kactea. Ws and p; %%%%% t ...um.. 1 vent tut: sail sail tad Ga. of the gra." of eases that have bees etved, slay *lit be astcroir ' : A teat tescao of the toy, who lad bees ander the Visik of the 'same,* Lae moue Wes Woes aritheirt brit* sated. bAs by a" itsg I hotline( the Eatbseeatioa, beta eradicallr coml. It sett. beyond prreeskats—Vh.l. fil l y t>mmer. 02- de Foe us ightsbums,huala ~. A:WC-TEL ,ff10W,72 Foistlitimitt,.aesf "meet,. she at Ute thraglatorept It Pliolnrettq ireen*Art.aukibmr cl • • . • • We Salter'. °lnseam - Fusee mums beg leam to call public aslion to the 6sbeerlng, Coma Dr. Wm. Dna, or Wldem*llle Clermont Co., and one or the very 6,11 entail/044,bl the muds us which ha resides, iadlato SamMarialle Sum Legislature. 11a elaterinadifq ages **kiln ; ineamo of the praeamem, hams* Itrll.Wil . lokltif ...al pr.:indite, sod !Ohm merit no deer • .. • ,„ • "tile: I hare to of prseUere tee masina araitioeriet °Mame Panama and, so Ear. am well pleased blllo eemula Catarthal lad llrmettlal Complaints. Phasiii: lead me half a dome Wiles—as% them as low as yie eery as 1 expect if 11 continues to reader as paint sit Mutton as it has heremfors. to Deep It conmetly on .p 1.7 tY n. Do.& n. • MARRIES) ' • • • • • Thondai,ths•sath rosebilloo Or. Deno. MA RTIIII.-DARIL 42115.1na5U,• 84a,AH ANN dAvitqer of AFAciicaldaell,Eag: ' , • .• • . E=M=3 • Tint flobicriberi.mpeeifolli tokons Cairn Men clans and wirers, that Wry keop on hand's loop aunnment of are mini ramrod of as.lreq *soda Ia their nook win be fined 7 - . • • •• f ': • . . Cans Yam.. . 'Teo PoN; .• • • cream Pay. Seg., ' • Pite/ter., " • Bear Maps Cattare. Table Stadas,. Tee Spoons.• Lard Lamps, 4, 61 1 ""'"6 111.,3e.' . Ale. handmade Coannalt:on aeteseetfets. we will manual ear fteek equal to any is the Iret, and Dealcr e fired to their advents,. ethic partbade, Mealtime. • • . HALL a. BOARD3TAN,-..,-; Na. IN Newh nt Men . er:w3air • . Philadelphia.. I N TUN COURT OF COMMIN PLEAS ALLE-• John Antony, Admimett, . . • • .T 1 Va. No 62 Ilercht. Reb'nLention'eEsentatom • • demote, de. nod mile, Achott . 2l.lllle:: of hit Mellen, David Ritehle,EV2o. pointed Auditor le thot cage to distal. .:11011F-7 t ' l 7 ° " 6 Y "a ' , Pon the r. 6. • From the Record •• • lIIRAhI lIUI.TZ, • Prothonotary The Auditor above mown moil keg all persons intereued in the above ease at big °Ste on Grant rt.. ia the city or Pi noba.gh. oa Frid.y. the 11th day of September, 047, at 2 &elect. r. of raid day. .v.aer DAVID RITCIIIIA Auditor TIER LION HOTEL.. • • THE eut.eetiber Lew a of this old en 4 well known wand on C1111,•111..0al the Old Allegheny Itti,lho, nnneeetfelly reforms the public. that he' bee Peered no pain. OF expense in refinleg and Meer. ad It ter the eceischocaulen of traveUr.r• .ad manner. nik - boat Inn are earefel end anent Ire, hnd !es her well soppUW with the eleeireet 104.111. - .. . • • • .• Berdeet tea Do aseetentodsted 4 . .14 weerearrai• rumble ten... • artehanT ' • .ChnigliEr i==l A 1100DAturamast aad igeseraillegreaselest 'de reltb s tri r i nk:l l 7lr NT • • . -...1101114 litalAtt.tot.W NOVE4I4Ii 'dome et ~„„ ;to ll* LCepterh e. isimice; easi sr e whims! esposieser, eff seleei • • r.• • • • . eillitMeCouillarr= •L_Orpsam• .1 - 1. tte epelliesueisale tad Pailmeer ► t t AIMS 1 . 404, thefeeet et tatomem gbe isle at - • • • • -MOM" ANMI. MAO —PressieilLsistietleitt animall.7 Plhanle. dew rlptine errsmerkab eases la the Niumm4l6.4l emihm; Jour% tomato .• . ; itIOR3OB.. Wt q f I I 1 4614 11 ere; OM% 1: 71 R t h d a ; 14411040 es de seek be tale as • . • ri Ng AMICK'S DAUtiIITIM by.W liinisos J. • won% (vial wines sun; hi alb at MOUES - • IM? PALM OTEP. is,' the Posh At indeleovfp. 1r Mum if fib h tad. . • ihnplag wort. illeslol. i nk .Ear -• ....WI • . 11411WEW TIOMBILT. 4•111 M-Th• parti bear e Gra 11 tea mambent fermis ; u --. i)4U=. •^B s I3o—y/warlirliS!a!#i •7; • d • aotame qua: I MAMMA.* story or immuee ' , a.m. ars , dem a 9 muasrs, prarnirror sale by, 1171:11W1.9,:!1,k , .OP.PPcar ,W . L10.11 . 0 716 . ad.and E1:7.71ft All ar te alt • . • M a riarit e ttgatitti l lSrigir ir Pkorr. tirta*.f L . elm:M.44db' pm reed: Cer de by 447 a moo um a, coA , N inW uicaleTlZZZlPA= . o : 1 10tV Prima ./ resesinisielly 'VIC. Odd qiiiikf% 6. 4.041 laWa . • ....0... • fiIiACES.XIT ." MI LUZ Ppturts—A erattnimeek, .MOl FAH Rms. tlaslir..aml wan eirliot Oalease tre Mew Ohs .tr .rnlmskist *41,141.10, oats euecsytin~aisnn . e". ',I lace r 'hi jj er .4:4Y4 MIURIVT&WIitn• (NAILUIILItair—.3 es. les mew eph Faeti stem lost erecliredi fared. ! y • . • • • art • .1• • MItACILVIT A L.PACOAS—A tees{ if Int piked , A eadiam W Itia.C.c.7.amiAlpitr . i. H 7 • . . • MA WHIM' TriaRDAS' alkomootte okook ri* .telt k. datilkli PLOW. /toy to a. 11. 4 1., 6min.! 4W10r0.. Al pipet has bees popped tkm . aeo to I . olWitalteritesdir. mitt ifOrrel Ili*. ;rub • ri Lftke 4 istkr rib be ad. W I. v.a tine thb b• dl UVI "Ilittreablimislibrulri” • 'lle • W .1111111116VGR, :4 it. .LILOUR-60 lusi•sriml %dour 47. lbaqh•sibesp.a., Is Nora ud Leak, 4. •• •• , wit W Ile RIIAMIAIDI Fllolll4k Waste Avg rimed 'APO.' Ddithnnli lomaijoni nedifottesk by . . MEW& " -est attllde sad. loretwi flaUf/WM:1111W-40. auks. bat Amp mowed sea kw gala ka. . • • • • .* • VAUNICTIO:Ra. OM car *a SagiAl QUPOAIIII sop.tlais The RVLOilost •riteddin t." .• •• .11:PAW-- & traimidEicau.:4 e. e. Nat goomet fe, care It A FAK:mmillgto, la Ums U Obabcasn. in Weby_ . • • •• • ' ". •• ; ~C4IIIION At MEMOIR' • •ay • • • OJa bebmiltaveall Jk. Moen - 0111-10,0011 ha flea Mies ibr oak by . .:S% ' . CARSON itillaii/ONT ralßElliz—too Lin prime W Weediest; for sale br a” •• ' • •• •• CARSON R. ARDwide 1 Mew Lied Ow We fre • • • • • • • • %mamma monvirmT • :tiewst ispenee. Pi Lead. eestein mew. • toted, eeedi *week W ••JOIN D liti/ROAN • MI weed M.. 8 4 t1" ) . `l4-71sw. Whisit ""; 11:110110441 forafJYNOfCAN 51?i;Zgii;1;7;M 13sux.seekezegudi not ree.t tbr as , r, J D nuNTILLRAMIIKINLI—ItbottIe• Olt teektai T: an : • It E OF:LLEIRS . riiirrigirS•BHTlOrree .147 .77. ..._ • -Lc a . 1 ••• •• • /1011.31sCATilitiV I • .trinsifilfallidttavim JIM teehl;:kg WO by - . • tbeTyl*i QI7I4IIIATE or.nparunt ' oF lune. eihttd; Ibt ..1. M!IEF3Mi=Eg 11A..ilSa-4313.13n teehL:for b . °ll ll. ° ' ' WA' • • • • 'WM neyren PT:Z=9l,llM. ll = 4 ;y 2 r k df r . • Aware, • B" l 4 ll 4 3 . 6l lNeglelliq Nook Ifir *Co . 11110,1 C 01111.1piror I . t.i • • • • • • • rtS • • 'immix Rusv co rton.x naoons -is are.k by, FilliplA r l IMO ilt.C . 9 ruvrroir Tam ar-ovao esaal Inca, eamt amia and eallsa.)ame/be.aakt •saaaralumme loam &mewl,' • '."••• • . • • Itlitiq iiitv aCo • c r ovroir-os awai t . Glass A. 31 la Ha* in Wean. .t • ' OIIIIiOC974IIIeri $ twin lola* My by T NS TIIIEIVO‘AIN,TICAXP. OS' •, • , CAMSOWIIe NeIINPINT IMUITSX O 4 O bbitriWaoriale WC , • 'IUD tOr 4116.161.10.1 0.,.nf ' MlALTlll.loArabitee'd: for osE:at =II 4.1 in' UI :cr.- .JODAIr.411••• • - gol lo a s , ' ckirSnoi/0"06 'sat tbr east lbesoOrtem weTir nft;TAtukw,-assiwp.x.it:- • •r: - r,•swM • meiiiridlefit IC • ll#l4lllllB. • DICK u e r 4 Lvalziolomed sa s.WW V-... 1 14 evalld. a _,tkii vra-117 newasiled stair .1 1W =kfilic . l;lPkstilii r s t .. " = " Bs4llMobsS7 InAtoovit i orially calt*, Imir m ar! • .. ;^-::-.•••••• • Nif,51 . 11k1 , 24f , ,4:07,,r5e • • - • •. slll4r trAra..," 4 l: "41", g •, • .* }r'! xclin ~J , ~~eTLint*~►~et(Ai+l~~ Parade Saio of ;Woe,* BLikrio; Id; stdr.6Tt' fa J .. ..Wolff:Oh/mop Ankhion..' ON Tneoday; /Lassa: 31,1,1110 eeket In the fore. a, M. !WA 4...,nn.reil tut 4.1% at Tab? Aix ties on. the rontheyll:Usold:ent%Lets .ed Owl iso *mem Imsadfslty. mauled far ptinso darettn. fnnt , ... 1 . 1 . Maureen Hoare aid &moods of the Allefilers, LananT. creediag foam the bropalood r , bet AllenbenY no land adjmnirg Um- gusset 'ef Lownarca/110, near tie United nose, Aponai At de woo tioq readrY maehowry antra:oda tonne lee arab the rape elation buiaon. h the mall' nealeahle and handenet prop. thy offered al anot.on Sr oaveral yarn . Tem. or se.:ontienntt in nab at the tine of cale; the remainder In one, telb nod Urea lean; with Inter est, to be precred by bond and tornisite in the Pre.l. A_plan of the lola eon ba *ea at tio arantbosar of Gee Cochran sad ReKENPIAVI Auction Roost. • —• • .. • A.:Min.:Y . in Fag kiellask of P y l uit at 7 :• JA111:3 IieCANA, /met Hy , Jobs D. Davt.4Aweilinmer EEG= ' ON Nood.Y morales the 30M ion .110 o'cklek, at Me Commereialtrahas Boom, sense, of Wootrand F.OB-sts. z Wilatos widen encasire emortematof buy end map At I CeCloek, P.M; • holdAlerWe swarm= of new memo! hoed lamer (Rattan. aomoF 1•1110, taa3mmay hale am 3 .. 4 .• Pelf mahweasty and tables. w. feather I , eds, lasurammomork end. wash stai4s.loolling glamee, MAW cleekS, _ cowman aatre,3 meets lamp impala tarparme. me. Also, aqua:opt .flambee a, amaem- Mm, Owe, stall/Ware, iliallete, Miran, match", shovels, bud bagepplaz paper, No 3 mackerel, Lee, Ae. .Al7lo , Cleek, y.ll. . • A iplatity_4l.ady, male elothiag. Wrags., WM, MOMolltkeanAsta. Un. collar, ausield tosuafteatv. darts.; rz Ires, Vitiety roOds, Erotti sugunk . ely, ie. Ctlalope Sate of Boot. • Obeelirday evestiaithe ZEl th 11.3 lOek. at lie ainisafetatPaloo Rgom, corner of brood and fob w , "alba meld. • lovitolleetion oreaable /Aloof Raor ego Hook., embruoistir standard 'optics, in votiooo de partofenu of Idanuart, Family Bibkoi, aplomb./ loan. • Alo, bialik boOks, tiup .13 cap writing pap.D . .pl.J • 'JOHN D DAVID, .A..ol . igf . • Holies and iota to Lthinincerille .t MielelL': • ON Tout niorniagthe 31. t Jot at on the peewee. WJII be add; Tot *abrade led ironed eitoatrd oear rho Minim Arsenattaismg ■ front of 6t feet on tba rut side of bailer street and ettenthog back to ax . 211•3110 feet; wide, ea *ileitis erected a lair, thirds star, hem beddiii.• . eicepied as a erne by J Gressoisill*dwaor.... AN., coo other lot of coos& adiothing lbw Yoe% haiing a front ol 46 feat, and tandem Met 100 feet In said alley, on which 1. *reeled a gTdoeya brick dwelling beim with baanstset;ll pisqt.ot cent water in leant aad • dahlia In the rese..lllle indispotable. ;Mantis um!, •• ;. . -7•150,•_t• AIUSEIENTS. • • • ATRIGNMXIBI /110111142, 111AL1it,.., ; : ..• .. , .. .. iro i a cam I. NOVIIITT AND.ATTIACIIIII6 • . .... Last Appearance of Ike lealledoniffitla • 41n Saturday.Ereniag: Auitul ...t5,..;*:... 1,. 11E athiniab litg perionhaochtt of tithoot natlreiittlie Gteil Desert use been .c.4,a with do MUM hAftlatise by crowded stO fashithiable aNtletteho.. •• • fourtallooos,Tonro de . F.ll, Lao 1141p020.0, PM:, aids. Hatostrit, he, Ike . • • ••i - . ••, . . M;MiliMiM=n7;l fligßE ?WHITS MOAB liklllll TOOMIIn ANDIthAVIIILAGLi SALOON. ADYIETANttE2S . THE OPeratle Waive will appear is ineni. r aaaged frwa th e best aoirces,laeleil lag tenamio eigs, n at the aid' of th. andieneei. -- WELCH'S SATIONAIL. CIERCES , FROM THE OtXbIPIAN AMPHITHEATRE, , Plilladelp tua: • • qui LS •plondid terminus heepsay eomposell ntire. J. HA. PAR PERPORVIEJLI. exhibit ettiler Heir tphreeld Wale. Preff Perllion, tomato-Reedy fanithed brt ocasbeo.tee roe epitom of 3ute pc nee; Pinetettik, on the 10H,110,,t2H, 141 h, LH sad letb, 'of Peptombef nett• • ' • • ladepentost of Wltlis' eekbrated Eva Beef, He meows,. wet be seletad ...heir ordeal, by Mr Wel. Web. &Hes Seed, playing Waft= the Hest parable . In the eveatas the pavilboo Irdi be ilhosla Med by tho . tooaurlea' U.., teemed by WV Oman; Esq., of th e unsel males Navy Deoanmesn, &Worm IL lois antlyely med.% pal ag a woman light; ee Gam ail 141114‘011114111.140.,10 LOOS of all Giber zoom" and. caging • Loin oFairetylgas !mall am than the statoday tteatitaalragibiii aliopolLy want . . fimad .11,70 *WM., Irbel Ida Odd Womb admired agog or lb. !lonian Irony, the•Tiraat If • Renee ef...ifion,ooo. the besaufgt epuoda team Spia wad Us Wiwi...cog .airiews.44ften - Arowed. dre gloat Harm Vilma Eolamtam, whew admiral& permeations.. a stork bona obarakaad.4alldidali. Who bebold berautifysag pnboa moaloolitoseoribis ait bar Ma poollloo Ms ate aaceeoefo9yhold maids • ban or neat man... - A camas—Am Ma- yriinksi toroCag Den; wkami• . maamerlirpt la& PURE aastamed be no rade.= sal Yeeority; pl.re. btm Tar boyood• Ihb.taeb imOitearal MrameorNie.lciasolle "'nue of Cog Maim. . • - TA. Mies. Fernity.rstioae anion of Went is wolloot ri dm. ermid- Char. ake. the • OA bid daatatcato tad ahcantio or meamfdad armataauc amp.. Puditithßiteyspreoeolsemylid a/ foreign ootthat can mynas by ooreby,aaddiellat ltimm tdm . Liemmaida,” 4 parCarm artaaliatemis padarmod.bakes the Peamomst ltd feaisms of dm 11Inliat States, and by all foment tieeloatd teat per(LoL "Man of.trmetfer andram IlLo world tooe • .lecato T XMD'..rbo las annihrt lba s eare art oe and aueupz tee en ft difilzh feu backuraidt, lbsa Sue/ nde hit ISne elieeie arta ad 9,3 be 4 bone% knobbly 11 Pa n t of Ara banana wheal be will bear nbara lob aanta at Ingtuator 'prod. 'Kraig, Gemara,dor Mislay Wiest epees Wean IngueditdeateMbiaalk intradoeing.Lea Won diaWa' oil Ma r a old. Pa'aions. be. &a. Its mill CIO baba , forwaed btoo woodeifal doip, wibto• arroritiaot tba Arena. • . • Jtr IlarAnt. agates% SenUa niter , and ricat ' great japleaentative of lib Had Mut of. Pont • tb• Owe Par, lobo ride. great do mane scene, and a thud thew, are alluded MUNOZ TO OUR II 10E3, tar.,Abfire nu Caney, in obtab by ibe aid at merit mutants, "Hit reprebent Oa Mee Pao-iamb praying firths country. GEN ZACIC TAT LO R. at Moo- Way; Ilium E 4117, a yank.) volunteer s au. Jena the eeeszenda rot Merv', emends' tho bayou . or Fautorro. boring the memorable reatin,- , tieurbal TiTk.t neur snriendera Mits•Desieva. or the 'Cirque Glydipique,` , lrirl }MM. deer. the Anti. Mincing elue,•Hesitat , whom, begs. site! Castes far &amass enplanes( the kind ewer vet .htiedlithetne the patine. Also the condo rateloe,lli. salt end Je ttet,erill,by their emir. dinner Names, leap. leryand fistuaterteepe, lirair a their inetiouttee be. kit drol . • ais•Parreitil end guardian. emu erdh'eonlidcreibunti their kuniikk es ende r the watchful care of the preen. 'chef, ende, approstekbe a shade or waVanty east Ind •kr eret among the choice rrpresernations of the Amt. • Mu adman sad evaniejt perfotasanuse uetualuh. .ELECTRO .111AGNETL511, NATURAL. mum . PIM AND THE COURT OP DRAM • : • 1 - 01.onroat &mim b. es due will giro • genes i=e• r. %jib • Vint ir of PnlJ.a It Nastwal I:rpwomenui - • . •,• /14./hirol mut • •• • • ..ATIOI.O HALL. . . • . Xpooio;:i•Ro•if.o•Y Xitoo.C. 4.44. d tint. Rf4f... am ♦ maa:t or 1.1:1/net 6.0 IirtIMIWITO . • , Evert lcvsalzip • • - 'lie Illopotieblegraph will be wooed in Ow with_ 91101•01(WW,W4.11egiotwa.and mutiny,. will .14 . 7=Ronosillisaall as 11.0 w R lye •rtiole teOa th•lsluwiplwawane•lf Ptiiteitopkii 7 cal experhams will be Wows sod eaplkolow. r putinklar et., see ~ 1, dm elate or made Lpetare, dm treat aqd taagadi cent Fabian at .• •. • , . - TUECIDURT OP DEATH, • • aslelbhael explaraet '• • • • Adadwaaareba whale, iteetste. • Clitdree baltirieri Itaerepaparaert bl *eh palters. ' at 3 • • ••• NE GOODS, ?OA IPALL ?HAIM OP' 1.41. - BLAC•MVELL: %VHfPfRUORBt CAKHART. 77 ir - atinn ate Worry, awl II Lawny Saus.A. • A AR medals( by • every arrivali addlyoas la (*t largesmattatettal Dry Opal Thy taw made arrangements Wafer to oactlf7'attitillatiaa4 di an calamine lard dasinrals meek' of parlda far LUZ Trade. plynteamen and packets reirividal raven and 110Y0 py/nortlie Zesqvii ENO eisftes. Tbalr ataetteo , lo 01 T l / 4 4 001116 4 6104aWi1l effiallaket '712:111 . 007 1 47 1Y . Lt i t e a ra ' arag . et: a=Mtal ' eryilisk Cladar—Waot and Pieta NM nay Cakes, or Cl a n s., pnaln ins aea•aper l / 4 4 finite. . Preach as. COGIONO 404 an d '• • • Toodl`d Clubs, unman and Am • . . • • Mute., or Oa best manafacares. • • " 'American ClorMar all deseripaaas and colas. • .Paner Cushman% Fannon.' French, and mamma,. orsaper,b style sad Eattotaa. • .' Amer, Nem, Flookinas, and onlectbauip woolens. Tweeds, brans. acid rms. sad raker face - melee. • - Sekund sad PUPS Mocha slavery daserlpuna. • - Vesuers—lnney silk vent, arealkp Oalveas, Valet: vas. Fancy Nom sad lilt., ream law to 10t. ' Whits, Mark, brown and Wee., raft", olkmdo6. . • Salk Saran., Plank aad Caner. colon W. Mad . . twill Mama' Sargesof •nd colon: • •.:k . 11.1.1/1.1; raibel, lad ALMOtiI4.2I. 1 1 1111.1•401111 t. • Datina, Conk, Bindings Threads, A. : • And varlonsoMer os and 4eutahla lIA adapted 1. Oitte•lrt!M• -- . W TORS, jalklhem; • PIWTS ONLY. ' 44' VEOPift" STI, NEW .Y,ORK. LEE & :. BREWSTER 4440.4 a wareonew.LW /esti/44.4i Um gat. • w i rot .po ylnie 'On Chiang In wenie•Teade oral PRINTIb CALICAOY ISSCLOAPIF.I.V. al •• I.. pnees—and e zn:Litlog, as all season. ..• at T e HE o WO RLD . la ney or now. opening Seveal knodeaP etagei, eosposing every am aiylo of Foreign and Manske /*mei.", mar of wawa aro not to bo footed Oka- . mu k ...ul winch knee pea been partbased, ..4 oto *Min solo kr Cask sad Noncredit ai - . re • • . • : mom . • pot pa. tol.or dux Immo of Lod filoy;"so pistol fluakipms.orloob comood daily, kir die isiblionnon onyers. IMINT VW A VLICIIOVIft, • . •• ••• • !:.Seln.Fork../..... S irgglogr. ..‘ . quexpisiffmasi. dr,*, . nirl"4"4 04i& Wahl( at al:dared poets: •• ilionaoll ovas. elestototion at teak.", howl aput., illantatalsos aid panto Otoutiratto call/lad =aim kw molt w we ., booate prrekaias. taloolotentt.'4o 'they wag Illad la to Oki stotastatat INtoo *What so poolateo, stet ra cell soon and ism .barrain. als off to abeam rknis 'lt • 100 uet. ; • nil !. • "r4 -I'f!' - : ASt CINCINNATI AND ILlag DAILY PACKET LINE: /lIMS Los Of alk.tia cgs i• 1.11 , • eaves.' We Wpm, fotiebed sehAhtmooes. sae NW pawn .1 hausoe Os. • 'en off the West. bre.) 50050......„.. ape cm kin AN therm ran iron... hth Neu Ferethe fee pes W.Crw• W•Weettest far Ivo 3 es.: ..—kaa. earned .Mil len 11111 lee.* 'Nun te their pinion The lOUs sew 6euMpoi et' Hotel meet the On pre , ith_ne men*. *sr tb. tam a fres& antl the ean7 th Petheeden ee the ' tea. ell Woe the pieuer wo.l elan M pog • • • ---- • INOSDAY PACENT. . 7/e MIGNON ON NNW; 00- Banth.thinaree bstsherm Monday MIA in es 10 etheellrOph.o., every Moedayetratetta at 10 Y. hi.. I . • TVEllliAlt PAC/UM • • Ta..iitorsima, NO. 14 Capt. 'et /cave Pinalwit even Taebday e m end •I 10 etlocit %bean every lamdav evetarp P. xi.. • IIIiNDIEVIDAT PACKS?. Re NEW ENULAND.I.4 0. A, Capt. et. Des 5...11; leave Pthabwall every Vietneodar : saroog et I • stank; WArsAng etny Wedowee) . eve Opp allO P . . • • u _ TEIVJULOAT PAOKZT. !no WLECONMS. Cep- J. Cruet, Win ken. bent every nanday memos al &time; . • evrty Thursday eve day as ID P. M. • . • • • 211111141.7 rAcrisaii. T. CLIPPED. no. ly Capt. CosibmiU leave PIN hurrah every Friday meatus 4 10.a9uheth; Wheal* every Friday amble as IS P.M.; ' . ' • . . . SATIIIIIIDAT racrium: .71u ILMICIGEM, C:apt. /6164.4 slalom Pitts bairt sway tlearday meals, /Ai IOt . FMeI~: WRY every N•uuday *Teeing at /0 P. , • • . . . . . • 1101FDAY PAORAILT. - The IRAN) MOW TON. Oaph •4. 0. Mims, 411 leave l'imaarg% emery aaaday merman ai la Mark Wheel's' warty Duda), maw 040 V. /111: • V//1111-10 ebb; No I gilled J: O.Jbutalabstsnl obwlesbibuy Wby • s."'. ••• IJUJAM RIM -1110 Yo . 01.110E5111i.411186 IWO MOM Wik, a.ra article tot)t; ter tulafit_ ~•• • all • • ' %MX; IlieoArtiM.F244 eI_ROONDIUPICILS fur at* sloolenala and naiad •al • b WICK Ikea NOLEas CrinilirJE-43bwt JantspitmitiiWka W iilt IIIeCUTOWBON, ISt hpeny at (901111112.45 Iwo prise Kline* in Ens by: %. 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D MORGAN srTJ u TFapENTsx . r 7 .4"iti. l . 3 , d b tr io T i lr m F9a;;Pni;NMI7N HiLl&Wie. hjsprai fortali by VIF a, • IJI7II, NI wad at 1 1.-01# SIl itiallMsZ o=4l MIAMIXJIS-1 ark Mt taill by... •• . • •• • R EIDELLEReI CLOCILS- . 411esaasila M and aday,raeal, 1:0 aa./ • .0 64 mod at ~L'.*~t?T~~ T w ammo-4o bug Eolith! AVlLhllag d wt. . " r1 7IAIZI% IMMO QIIIVrIP-441Da Gar/sits Ausch Biebtia net . 4.5..•ar ed. ILIDD&COAA & woad st• ITRACTILOGIWrostiaaaAmeo E .GLAZIEJCV DLUdOPI4I-101,1VoraVo. UiiiUMTM= M;;Z;;; BILOOIIIIIV—MI dos 1017: Cora Ware as u 4: • eal• by • , , MaCANDIASS FLUTltztltr . :Bneg . lOW E..!ltg, Many at B&W HMILBAUGH,IiIIeica DACOW4VOIbs cheat Mao'btu soe'd; bpi oat. by al>t• • ".. JCBIOWsiU.yq, virus. la ..& by XKPEt.FR m oar MAP. 471 lba) erns lax .nrea tar was by E eIIaLLEIS • &AA • 7 7 /426. •/12•4/2 -- T169.)626 /U. reed, le sae by- -02.04IdeOBEW b. Co lawny r OLD samr.a cons—the Welt pone will on gleam either In cash or nada by W W _ l i dattgalf.l . l•••-, bblsJutrelf. Web . B AISEXTS-4 daa market IWO* ALM' • •• "VALISHVItINNT SCOTCH 1.144-21dsa [plat.) Inseam Glaspw Ale brisk as the maspeore of ' • all .•. . • .. . JACOB WEAVER DUOININ /TOOT-I: flocamate• iteerws.dumt atilm wise rem of • • BACIOII-1110 , n . = 4. begat and dry, jan recelre44 ode : . ale _NIANCIS/11CLUSIL/ t lllAar_ty _ rilhialelii"/17iierfees itaTatd, wt • • b 7 . • . 8 " U k gr ". 11t . 11. 4,4 "aaiiirit=" . . viszuktianw.s...giy 'cur Eat= Funny /Awn=o h t i on=iVnes4=llnading On= nat NaJillfillGH t", "tr..] 71 " rPl2' •SillMll4l lita mm !bis Om day !I • • islicii;zpillnmnl MEALrIe• "e a bis tradriattglib c r, .1 • I . hivea Tar .MACKIMALII:6O4I. /14 :2 404 ...t.t."4 . =MA • Teem lew libpMTp Running-4s Ito So I Beitlikent borier ___' seb " . ="ZrnAw .1"oruAllOO, Pilo . Jame. tor 'due try . Jim( . • • W WALLACE. "e irt "." sde.l !/ pail), WM' k CO (7 1141 - 2 3 bagels bs• woe> r vos COZOOIOIBI4 CO WAYF- s Ws H ROME YI:LLOW-4 ales fts 1 Ipm..) tw ee 'l.l calved. fur .ais JOS &MAO h [MITER ~1 11ENITE valum.uorr—an lb. jut rce'd. tor nab I..by I I 19 • • • ,BILL UN NESTE% lirlilltia-30164.4mlanm i t her t s W it i . .1 - - eat naldstelahet KA ilEbto-114 mei. plum Ilaissacky Imbue, Mt bale by pr KIM Mina &CUM AI M I ADIV AtACK-11 tasks lin nefalvea tad WIZ: LI jrn ' ' BRAUN a aural lab& DICKga ea* Jrn ' IfiaTAI • (IFIsaMU ~41Ka paa ppem, oil NM ADams. lo C. VIM b MILLka alaCarllUS. • *MINIM 911.—Ithb1a 'haste. a 4 b. ksk. 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers