- , " - • ,7 :~ ~;. BIJSINESS•VARDS. A lara.AJlitiCit 001LIP0114' . LL ANAlrlalik!tirt llll 4 6 4 ll !MtatilpliNOWNlli PktotonAlL • • iz • •00111- ighoonA, mom e.poirolommi. sm . A F .1 , n , d44 laeratail" Yaw rammed war. wilfort meow Viaabm.. • • 4stat•‘ a ' 11 Vrbahoala and Maud inanatelljberty and BC Oat. men; §MiEaaMG:N ,I§Aamtrcallialruorykrat Proms, 18 and ID Wood sum, - ~*~ ~~^ :01;41-v*.it ~~~, ,?: %.! , 1111111141.11110:16001111/14 kdoiiirolitATlO; ig....WlLloteortalitvirforoldloOLl. ;!• 4 iNF olotoeitfooloWo. ;: , .: 1 4 1 .121411111A1r0 mammas a ar, Z.= O. anill AVIA_ .:4141.0dittlers CoaelTri.nunp .re 7 7 3: • ••' r • r DOW:4311$11101111MA WlNOgooisSortatioii4 al• bei."4 1 1.1410 liotobarskalmdbores, a : oaewk.h.d. WOWS Deareq.kk 0 .. d Si 000 milLeirees s Salirees Wood .., <1 *. , 1.0 f1v..0•- .0 •• • s «d 4 .100rSlatOUSi kw*pl wilpiessi. Ana mei • her3=7 4 =r,4l,X, Ab .„ 6 "`•lll. i ••• lY • • • • ` . 7 . 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V 0•11.• •:, girfikaumt=mweitommara, ' ..• airmidft=givlseciaissolgriareeM • ^ :14 ;11j "!".•-0: 4 : . .. • 1. 113L4* , .4,4P , 14; FX=7l 4ZC;XM ovescw imam .a.•;44trebud *wont • tlikx. spa Cinal Suu7. 4614: +7,.T.!%“. • . • A°P° ! sj*Va " C '~.L1~ ; S''Y . 9 'linear: " • 'irairialtaX soaas 1110140A1 a CO, IVlrtark AX-aors sad 02,91.99eallwelmwer,"10191.9dsoroci ;M11;:.. : ;•,''.z", • .4i''j..:.:.::..:::.:;•. , .;:. ic; 4:sz.7.:Nti4 241111131 1lerefikast. 14 .1aDder4 -rwe 'rnxu r 7: a li, sad . Ilanalitterst, ItlWeed ''' iti z ;. - V,T;):!i'.. ' ii:*,: ;. •, e ': 2 1' , .ii:. 4. : • ttl•tt'•!ilit ',t-,:75..tit • ! , Prewa". • • p tigebeirSeitii. dleahis tkirrals~rsik toteroli. • • ui s iasp mre a r 7 ' 14141 : :•fincoacmc - COCIINCILNis sad Ow • antamll4llruelmg. NNW"! 1 1 4 11 ,12 1 . 1 .Paub.0. HAIM • If AlliElr lcp)ry Oat ow dr..g,t4le=mor iraIOWNIZ',II4III.4I ••• ZjiLL • DROWN% livseeeeni• to Mkt lholnrej lapensts andoassahowen • sAd argiskiVet ilidsbove, tis, Need • • • illESS'Efuiecuiwax. - • u"sisereldioyineat wi caul ; riasbarid. . *'-' -, .--seg' •-ti,....1 r,v., : °•:,:tion I.- t 4:41 ; • :4?....;10., . , •14 1 e 4 trli • • , ,,..r. 1: . -§ , l e 1 - I .< , vivi* •;. iE . :. I. Y....:4Y: •' - k . k?* 1. .; , . s. 4i. m t .- ~ ..,7....145:•:' I:t'oeii:gC::: ii . 4. ~ .4 itop..ie 4 4 ;44 ~• xr.g.,4?..p.....• I 41F9' 114 1 1 ' t;.. *. 4 t.f. 1:1>'; ; : . .iV: . t • . : ; itit ,4 C V : Ki .. , it,' • • •:. ,;.: ~ &74". , .; 'oq , - Alit ti • 1 .,: ,1 4, 7 e::... r: . oiii - 41: • ~..., ~..);, 1:1S:01.V ,Atti] . awr. N...:.-c,,;.: .„ fo . . ~..'%i. ..... .., . . .s. - 1: , • • •.‘4...‘7 __- ~ 1 ~ , - __ l - • • ISAN Resat. seasurrstezErara, TIMs IpiCICZY. Oteeer, Comptioamillerebiuma hodase, 'Nes . M Ww.er ied Un'Prootruama,Pmbaik. , - • 1.0•1 Tot'lra astox• Attnfti.al'unr. :Pmbbb , ll l 4 Pm; bat mimed Me medal otlis ybolamnot m ••• bibefleol. ItsbeellYirDabdkogi,Urium woo., cob-• o .2,',:imptbd_doriby .Imbue by T. J .11 istam and J. ,Oknnia. • -':1011IN D. MOSOAIIr, • • -0 dealer n. Dye duffs, Pnau,Dile,ll es. Aelig.Weetetteshea• dew BogikelDiamol. ALMELIICSIUL,JILACCea.WieseIImiIIi U. 11.•10441p nag.. Woe, OL .7417 o . r m • .. .1 . Psper.giaiscllal Pau. •• _ Area* !Acct " Si Co r a !: Satilletl7 geeerally. NnaggWnlelet. Z. • R M . " • f*takeli-kalesia—; g a r ; 1011111ryr JORDANA Csisialie sal fannudia=ams, No 14 11=17 a. ist=i• J .14 OASZATiIias taw. Wes betwies Onat ,el 4 Emit Ws. PirobnO,Ya LYWM4t.uMp.optyaNdors mho oristilkor I: • .; NOW I. jOir ,120 Jr ItoLit%UalrNlaa, alamitlab .1: 11 1= 10 Assu i rriessif Os« oth = a t , miaow •Acp , iraftaiafke..ravrmfikawnoj itci , k • . , 'I4.. I gUAW. lk!sk' awl; *Seism Sk Cluaral- al - likaga4 " Sokol s7oo :Nr i oihad 7ist lid , llB. " : Merriam's Uoic= eiLtulmer" • Tout, azuzn, Whokaa. ,frilege•Pm , data; Ptitalmsyla awetsitig..7l.. Libatt,±l4,/ r2.9.ltr w = , . •411eszesale.1111 Zama elipM ,, b , I ' . .....;,4 .. .....- - .N...".. -- . • ir-..,..--- tinetrent Vlloweartpisud Nall..elftlbs ' . .7';.:ol44 l r4 i.sw inet it Deal , . 7::,: poller_allerlia 1...;.,!, . 1 -.w.9 r.ei• . .. , _ T..if 11:IVALTSILICAS Inetesils Mien. T 5 .: •Li% ~Cu amir Omptera.ilarebuit,' Drider - ~...!:: = i g1ki1a ... .!" .. 1' prbt . #! , ..11•2. PM . t fawn .urroarsoira: Iffitotssil• 44 //mews, /arias Set Cinamilllcrellsais, Widaidier• 1 Ilts.bergh Mikailquer,- 94 7 , /HQ ILS 'WMII=I97 Ennt au. !.• :.." 11.01. ...LA.. , rstasinPras.c...ll.l.:4l2:lLSt 61 %1. 1 "rn ""; 21/11111111111.- IMMO ism xtrit • JI2I 1: -- . ? 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Sr. LOPiOili •lii i =nr sat .11. petits sari Damp. Mani. - "... 1 / 4 1.1ut Canter tlaualspotay &Knows, tvi ~:i'~ . t:: A ~~;~. ':~ :' `~. ; .<;.• Tr*: am* • " •ditareteill` Iradaes sal , . 101.. ip".411010 rindlwirt•14460..., • Irina co BMW: irtiiiallV filkiZZr dmoimo. • 14-11.4nas"316'71111"1114111111101101104: ROMA? I:, — mr,Z - 1 • no.. 'MCC , 7t'um7 lriatlßOX t Gig . Cho." „. bra C.ial•Arallerelktua, aad DorJers to -; Ctrilmfte d L,4014g LuKry rost4 its akr.47441M13:. , 4 ~. .....;,.., .. . . • . . .. , t.a*i. , . -,. .. -. . • -.. ....... , L . , ...., r . .- . . . .. ~ ...... ~.. , " ' -• • • . •• . •. • . .. . ~. .... . . •-• • • • . . .. _ ~ . ......_- . - • ~ , , . '-. • • . . - . . • . - ' . . • . - . -..-.,.. .. . . . . . . . .. , . , . . .. . . .. .... ... .... ~...; ._ ~... .. . ... . ... , . . • • -• ' • • •.. . . . . .. . .. . „ ...,.. •-- • . . • • , • . • ' . , , - • - ' • . • - . .-- . . . , . . .. • • „ ... - . .• . ' . . . . .. . 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' -?-)..,•-• '•- .- :-• •- - ' "--., '•• .' ....., L... .. . . - -...twe1.,,r4,urp„,„.00. Olds Ber . ritagembe yee ftweXPerlddi ,--; .„.., ...:,.........._ ..,,,•..,, -.10404 Befthollasl6ll f i ra e ertt ' s ' - itte.rittl i Ltd:tdd I:4 ditndmv. n - .' :4 . ••'' • ---- '. . 1 ; •^ :-• ' '-.- : ; •.• ' --- -- t..„ andLtswee= , Au.-mith, ,. ,-. pones* ert,a, t. awl/kn. add gelid .. . ,' e : ,..... , ~.. ....„.• •'. ... .. , -;.., ~ 4 7 "ign' , / ..z.„...46,nrr_,..46.... di1d; . ~....kriti 11_.,...dd:m........0.1b...irkt0dd.:.4.47.7.....ramir0ri.,..;7:11.,... ~,.......iih ab mil l d b7. ..4oo7 .l / 1 1 1 2 7,t.d .'. 10;: m0vit,- , •• , , i)4 ..,.. ,:: ,;.... ,. :... ....„ ~ ...'. : . ; . ' , .._.; ; ,' , ..: , ..:..7 . .' . . , ,..". ., .• • ... ,, -_ ,. - :...,.....ii..., • ~..,.:.. Ih""mmhasejlrd•Tdaff. ad='. . --ar ' . .. , 2ic.ff.;' , -:: ....•.',: -.- .. - '-.. -.. ',-, .:•' •• • try Vier- meal now . -Km axidkbettergaitZ erna cklikleit Nir-,,. -A., ''.1.0. .• : . -r• -, ,l:.• - -.:-..' ~,.. atimi eiddx . : to, Need. .. - 4 , 0 .7 ,, , .. ,,,, .. :: . . , ; ,:- .....,,I -- --- .. ...:::.:- •tc,;.:odb.rogrd Is ieduilkeigis now r - ...t.r - . .... •.: ' .. .-• . ',-. -. '''hiet_a.itivi nui6==r4 L-0 - 111 1- ', -- ;- - ~`` • , .'. . . , -.. , . --..-- -..7 ' _ ' -.4.1:-iiiviawsobirer.as egusioir.ast - _7...,,,,-;... , , . , L - - ~. .: .... • L 'ltariliZsatucrairklS! -:: -- .--' - 1. ...'-• ' ' ; ~,ww...bofiowswestamstrp,;,i.,.*, F. 4, . -.-; -. ~ ..f . - , ...,• 'L. : lisainnatl.ll7 iMpOW4,',4I-.." .:;' , 4 • V . , ; ' .-;.• V: ... ~..- ' votadisiily dbm• P d ,,,.;,,a.tr' , :••• .• .--`.. • - - „-: ~ '. ~ 1 - --• -4, 1r 4. /Iddril,t : N.: ~ ,- ; ..-.. L. • /I- - , •...,- -:-.1-0-''''' .- . . V- : : •T' : , ' ' ' ',' '-.. :;f iV : : : 4 ::..= -': . - ::: .: - ' ' ' . H•.:: - • •If• • amrrl. sr lair, Groot og combo the Mrs op 1013• IDOMIZEILT MOORE. Wiolook Grocer , literary 11 fox 10/Ifer; drake ro Prodoro, nosborit tiosse., owl all bads of Voreiirs oaf Otootore Wirers 61 :1117.1telltLibcrry won, Pitottorgir. 114 Ork dad ft very large cook of soperior OntrobrroirfOrb will be sold low for no • I :Dr ' itlialralihirriedthe W Coo, 11 , 11Oloos blitrefaxi, bubo Allsibny Winn isillart In Omani., 11. ProdaiiMilmet 10 .111fielasei. !itebkoride of Lisoi. • lbo hit= prieq, le cub: Pia it wi Caw -foe Li Career of r -• • mil Inrfa *ea a a madam Tun. a Mote. QUALCULZTT WEIITL I Vioterale V Amin **Wyk sad Loewe Dry Goods. No N WVidiFillerrhabuirb •- ' • foblfrt va - watalutaata.i. ...ad la ftar as 4 Prodsteltv.rnalf Parrnrd ticald'ainilirslarOlirMar.Vtio 73 Weal seer, tringaIMUMEL ♦aar ar Oeee ilmoser MI Plonk area. binveur 'llll/111NWild. ' ' ' imidk w ly Cor o Miskeii. AWN= CosuiJscisit Mettiath /a P.nolorgb fir:tares aid Wesumano folk reap:modal Umr orw Inksebeta, (di matial Rs" Itcrmr cdP9lat 11l Chummy Last awl • and Pitts hainmagetared MILLI, 0156.1 Buts, sew Mat • - ' • • 111. ISZOICILIUI •!' • Dealer aa rood.. i kJ. ea. Priderteroutil Isup l ma gi =BMW strait Pusaborith• • • Add • 011311.1111127 1111111 11T—WholesiJe 'Orirecur'k: GieldsOon Ecreikali and tleakis fe Prodoce.—, no 33 Weed ttreal. Pitubergh; •PI3 ICENIUDVar GUM Manaitcui Wad Desyr. Cligh, WOOdS•1111.11111411/111111,.,•'lu 71ri+rimd, .• fr. Peronarru a c 4, caaalZa j r=u; &.doLlent in Bah. Laanbor,o nxnrin4 ro4o. q a bennegenires, Canal Bad, Lberty sum. iiT & 8. 11140177011,&011. Whokriaie Om. oon, Dews. la Proem& Lega.Nobt,ills& avd ehubmb Uagatimum& +tee; W * M. M.M..ll6l.7ll.l4.Wiskruils'Onears, 'A:4=rgAulllets.ssilMlaNisadUemiasz, Libotty suson,ippOirllivut arregj awl). Inca. Damra canna= Wr v ilfvtrANDLlWcialr ell. Oveesuors to L apa Cesninnes Marelasin denim In Inn ern, f r=, ••• . • • ur a. 1111/11114111r h.ues th. 1.2.". eel am meek et Fnael Warted CoUsia, aIMYt as IS emu. maim i v Omm lllLENOß.Whelekdipo w gal limillierellaat, and Roam. le Predate Plesingi AlanglimErty, comer a Watat sad . • apt.% wrifmre us ..tior• H t.r d ir, I iem; Leyarmst Liberty sad Mir sums, Pius. W. 116 AZ A M Z I and nal" above C. H. I. 6lme lir la Dimmed le dorm dedesiiiix a( Itsbag aid 154141". • • • sal 1 1.. 0 . n..aesursorrloin N y la Law has mooned has aka vs claa Zolhaaga Bth wan, Next amts. eldessanallabaa • • izr g• OADSULRIP, Dealer to Pory aad asps V . Dry Goods, No DI Market area; Pitutogli. ' ry , ILIVORTII or Mailesalo Omen, ass ado Weaved as 1211 woad v., achedoSer evade alums oda% meat of Cinemas sod bienafaeversra, af low Wieil and id favorable tonna .. • 'raeravl.l ur vv.wursoN Desiar so Watches% Jossitry s • Wow Wyo.' jtimsSoo* to, Psto. Eda. nod mad kola II amigo ohl DosioNdonsr Goolo, ologtooss sor woof Mutes./ Routh .ILL •: • , anal arlCPnlaWall Jr libe rjeUe‘eb esi • V Dente:weer E4p . r Thin% conorst Foals sad stood mem, leep 1111:118.131 siff4/ . sr 'A* b.* szedelneo, psoftoorax, ie. • I=4'.prosenpthOES iutraNip.g.de ., ',es ear be bao xi all Ws, shoosight . . • ll=ltt ont, & j i lt s % UV ;W""Wi r, 6l ",,, 416.1"!!‘"WasdAre, paAuturroz, Amato et Lew I N...bulk P. sosolotherra be use Ile se onneaireerre .4 .4. 4.r Amer, yeti Oterreelk weigair Wader seal el set,) be be sod or al Om Ow* of Olin Oleo 114 • cirALVOUIMMAVIM.. Jammer at Law Ir V :nth area. veer 15m1011•14 • Callecarag, age*. almmad ether Wanda amulet la with paecumary. • Maaellat lanagge. Waa i rigkal JO . • Falamaari &Oh JaiLa arm, 014 LLeablay t Co, W pegy • i. • • i James ll Me Dly, Eaq; Maj. `Tama . jausatar • tMa • . • , • . J. •iII'ALB.. -RECTIFYINa DISTILLER, alp wrnniaLr Plll.ll 1/1111IN3 k BUIRTIC No. - 1 1..berly TT. 1 2 : r e j =f s ow!! cagy, WARRICK MARTIN & swam, DWI, C isdaso, Ara _ llioktr • bmer Mit ad Wood moats, • rarttlidir PI Wile Pr 11. W Wittman., = a Maly. . liif Loris. __ ILII. ao ll4l/111• 8.:11 WI M : ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW.. Te•ONes Nerl sidoelToso\as.abemsemiOSALLOT NoThikwlTT 01.. v 01aciamr..b. Jona.' 0. 01..,10111070.0 7 M, wooLiaLLE Owen and Denim in Ms, bat ►V Mons, tad Plasbogl 10aaegetuvl anidees.lans Go 4111.04 111 all unto &Liana mural 4111 •0 1 Itnteln2lif. enadals Anti, lien , Pinar Knini, mai Clinnir /147. , W1111111113)311 TIR BIWA WOllll4 rat TZt SALO/ . =Litz nuky, EICHUrIi mans, rum & ems E. F. /114 OWERCI . ER 'cif • • bf•rft mien r aw Wasebeene ibrmerly ebeeplod by ILL they & Oa _Water Street. soar /Avail, IDA WILLes hued • OW NNW, at all ems et Seder ben W. flab W Farbarl boa, *Ade hem kb Mew .bblorill be met eA tomo•es wiring &Men sad alias, en intsbel • eel sallabbibilibilistb. , Order* Alb .1111 1 1:3611/111171,1II, Draseat .1 Arad , 1,...411.11arte One dean above Tbmi *. 21140441.0 ban OR bawl a we Woe*. amentaistatibs box Malmo btaaidd. l A, wile! lr will nava do rat 7.101011011 WINO. P 1 niallan analog mien will be prearial, imeadad tet, aad as# 7 . - IJZPhW oral anUries clay Ila m er ay rely ape as vast. _ i'6" rala .r beat 'MU" raal /2To i r • - A l. •*e. • /•10.1 1 7CkaiblO sat poi • W. Imam!, sysmaiigrapvi Inniael7, • corner ai tad assola won sod aryl! selockod met of eassiem, Jewelry, Sioss , worp rod Mika" Goof.- Maori as sad sal la wools, ea► san peonIPIR Um& y Goid Puma Lsiebes, IM; Gal /monad Inushaa slant as 1P as kne Oessiseoasper. hiblehhlisissaadmia smarm "' keit "Woo air IMAM sits sono ammo ma w.seb wed Malta 44vis7 Imas ssoort.• J. B. BWEITZEII, 'ATTORNEY AT LAW, mu. u st.opp•oat. se. court.. mow, - - Prrmount:au; • Waked pkonnly tk.lteetio....Weak ' Atkk.F.7•4lll ma limes Oman,- imp - muk.k.d g , Bei ao. Chuck. k Groans . lkimbikkk. JOHS DIIIILAP. I SA ranteruarz of Tie. Cpper, *ad Blom If. me Wan, aad dealer la !lemmata and Jammed Wan, tie 17 Masao sweat no oat:atria., is.Poct• fatty nee' tbi ationtke of Ow Wootens Ifoloaasio, eocaoo Macro, sad fk a:lamb eia tams mat of mak •=leia maase, • aaaw onoonad limbo :se /I antorato.largo - WlDOkalk b.y - do,hablufeaenf7,anlatl tod no one. • ; • am, . _, . smarm= st. sass. • - A'7ll:llplEY AT LAW; I' ziam.a.r tal. so pm( ...k,atorato of Lv ..... = - "DepeWlroker adier,rnifts itromod•ke lbf Imam gyjrrucap, /11011 ANIA, TEMPIECIMIL /411131:!VIU sad mem oes.i ." • . • _ raenovz & co.. nuts GANAL STIM L NEW ORL&IN?. .A OEPITIVAriI • braiiiwasstimairei lama flya atra= areer. ?lam bad aaniale. • Abr. Ewe lama Kat= I. MOW liberal aielsliekt bileamea melba. al/ sal es it. at OMR Web.; • - 1' call • • Ot ---- 111BEWEILL L AtUTEIV AND HOP DLILEsa fll7slollol. LID PIOT 111111E1111. DIONNVDstian Alley .ad Pcut bei of Ptu k ambrl. 350 ' *• 9 lllljoatigit. lIIVVAC?UiBLL,LI;I. .itCl Ip:salmi) wiliol 'd HMr •. "yin • '1,1,440,31" .r.121111e1,_ 'BM , Wogs rerkao...."- 4117 " t " a "" 1 ".4 SNOW* ingbasts nat 441. 1 " 14 43, 0 • illaaktle IMMO.. • . 0 - poop ":7471.17.--:.;:*.g.i'' • • ...:i.; BUSINESS CARDS. &;;;I,A FRESH 1131PQFIATIONS OF HARDWARS, LORAN IBIINEDIL_: LIM/RTERS OP AND WHOLEPALtrimagfaii , • HI ILLIRDWABJC, CUTLZIFLT...ft,' IfiVlNeed stmts. • • A RHOMlStieeemo of mowing lone siditollie LI lit Oat' siock . or Dardormro,. IS4 AIM Ile IWO 111111.1.1314j0=1 tumid YaOem,Auld lino bon arittionstactorero in Aieeatet,.o le* Ilea to or. be 111861 •111efanampoloned by moo sad ocrao.liod kw. Pm/lasers nropeatalty lseUed lo T.«la .1. & FORIVAREING SktilatCHANT, No. S 6 Wove Seams. Perrinvaon, CONTINUES to mutest 11 general Commission flostaed especially lo pordime and do M Americas Alanalactirei and hodats sad la mectirleg sad formediag (Aids comapied to him can. As Aral Air the almatastarers al, will be tamping, applied arllo the pinatml,diedes of tdiuntlicutre as ge..lomar attolaeal• pricad Qedeni W emidgmmens am temmidly . sailictud. a. a. coarwav ca., Doranattrro,utk., Ossudssiss sod Forsnudiss 1 IdereSsms,szed Asdses Dealers—aim assod Übe PanWe, ILO* sad [wpm= of Pig hos . TO, J4lresd, /sass sUIS., Brows, Balls, & CO Loran. etrtlitil Wary Graf •• Ong Unthey & Co . D Leach & Os .. Lpss.6lmllt C. • (Uri. & Taw . . &suites dims . dime JONA 1/.. PiMAY. I Late of the 4.w Itakois Lout Obi : _ lirkaistais cluviat, ComuslaJaa arseuF D lCALTaitta all LOW et ftell Profm, T. Mica. Tim= • Ma .ftlfti too, Imo amt .N 011.14. Nble:Mell. Dle hark Cite. Yaw. e.. 1, tc, aod aiumfieurea cenaralty, toner of Labety b e r re 4 11 4. 11 ? 41.11. olGeads.l ' Pisdpar.& . . • "AUCTIONEERS '.s. - • AND()OMISSION: MEliutliArm ALEXANDER LEVY *. BROM CINCINNATI. ST. L O UIS OFFEW. is mil at culla eatabliaassaal, krads or Marcarardlaa at Ors knortn rams at Coaraiseasaa and are araraispesparad as make ad nates. Iwo el 1114141=11.1 VAIM, lerired. Lao.,, addressed e cilia,. Haus grill kos Irmsedy atseadad q ' Wad y Jill X: 11;CIA-11D.I, cOMMVION O MAANYT NO. ,1110 W a r 87. Otqw• CeisarlaiDE • • • I V • .amili S ro ALT I rod lo peeL• , umr W Gue, Mas Wan,D s• ed r a i." . 1 rth Adve Wao r ensigmmn euldsernTreF woe. to thong mamma/ lry J4l/30 wamErsou ♦ o.alreirliz., — COMMISSION MFACHANTS /11.04 Xsauniketanrrs air Mame. - to.Cotwsbier and. • ' OHIO. !tan IFCS . P. ap or. 77: 001 DU _ _: • Iratsixaroau a Co n ' : --'7 ASION , & POI if/JIM/1u 111alAR7II, . - : Soaps& Iltirsidi ow IRV ZALEIII - Ls Plaabarigir Maattieuno ad Hi m Dlisnhnue.......ul keep coasuguly as *ad a .bet a anuillaaitulam,hamrs,seythes sad sock. Le arnls,yiets,blsolutisie bctloys, -seltiO WALTUJIWS. W. 7. SAWS. El4inSWl a PATCH • CONIIIIIOII LO 18.1.10. _ • Wilt en Fartaalaz incittieei arlllng of Pre. tote, and m olden knpodatsair. llama is-41geri, mows it.pik, rhubarb, Pa. • earl I • • leValik.cuautm 0.. lat arlortzovan a. CO. Coomusios mug Parwardeng Merciard, r , NOM: liqi* SOUTH BT. huiVIT• BOWIOIOII WHARF. Illalthamr. COMMISSION. ME TS, . 1113HAPT lq.flolf I.lo*ffit.. • • , maimmOßa. [D-Cash advances will be olds en emu limper so Ire abeva eddetes. by ' • - • • here y • • CAN Aldeltrilo HT, Sinn et. litlil/.711 • MOUS FACTORS; ARDOR/LIN A ND PRIIDUCR • tea. Xs releases. It SOUTH , WHAEVEs„ PHILADELPHIA. . A RR POW pftplM4 10 receive and ferreatd e7l kind. lefty eranesOce co any ludic/on tceroalera, Nord, sod West Bookie end Wows(' r Omer.: Ire( • • ' • Se . - - Q VllO LEDA LK OROCEIl !T Atil) COMMUISION, V kIEXCHAIVT,NoSID Wats, omit. lIT;LOULIS o_ZM J. • 'II 0 •DTEAUBDAT AlniNT AND 3I co .o mma:ore . 1101111011AXT. .10000010•HEL• DOUSE. b. Pa. a A. PA lIWISSTOCK & Co'.. WHITE I , • LEAD WOLLICIL—Tbe eadeMped hate useeteue their our mute, located oil the tusk el Om mu shove the Aqudrot, la Allies,' ollY, appatio. Fratehorth,Cof the maaalactar. of au. mar opts L y of elite lead, both dry and glued Is nUIUm, rod lead .od Mileage. Haring availed theme.i.n of all Ile recent Isereventeu. la Its Illeelgeotere, nod erected the bedding. oa a eery weeds, wale, sad with capacity to, mule lead la lulu genitals', they will be able toreepply osiers to abet say num. • - • ' • ATT.& r INDIC SALL/11-=calsb Pawnlaltia, AlWanly •Ity Oil WIN has megrim Patinas lot Bumsehher fa vneil puismil mane a--=lwait % ug - 1M 1 "... • • 7i ArY ow. am , Wag • reisile.oll.llll6Bll awl! Teas pog g4,111111111•Ort Meet orr • • .11 A0r00.1.4..,.. • • • • • • Dir.D.WITSO 'Dn.!. h., limes 80 4 AMMO cool boolook.. thm ho Oao &fro .OoLa um+ is 44... of l•loroffosiot e MIT id. oiltoosomer of 4di in' Kt eols. Whrotas Sol lust Sad Art fylso.a wa, 41,0 :froo Is UP v. e I • a uku l S - Zialtesp m/.0 =se 1 1 .4141410111, s kg: OW MAO. *ha y to' ": a wad ono* • LONDON MWMII.4N INsoessisio ••• -ITlfw .•;,,',:*--',:;-....:::.:,...7.-',:- '7_:,.'"7--•::1 . -0 - --,,:!:"...-:.- fi - , :s*:.-- .! -'''..-ii TORWARDING & COMMON; • .•__IWALLINCIPOUD•& 00., • • wd&did=riOal & !FOR w&KLIMU _MERCHANTS, 'WM* 4 .1 IiEAVv IteMUWA KB AND irristesau 11141.110VACTURE11; WAILEiIOI.IBOI Oropod &mu, scar Woad, In • • Cum., Bas. Li tabeny won, have on band axed for Nddbr nate zeo.ooo uotnotiadoeloric & Col Cso. nose, Blinn mad Genoa •-doe4 /out &(tomes Am. Blown WFort GER** .taledistilords, Ppodo. am* Forp ; . • • - sptpp nod Azlos; Amy, bolo (smut sad comonaj l!atimiliotre MostONCiowloarr, Folmar litedren.thaidita hoc) • Italtselia,Chly sad Coal rick& • Arm, dark., Pickloa, LYQales, Ate. &. , 4 iDEllazumbr Fus•Proad &aka. hoe, Nails, Olue odor riSubula Mosabetadas sold sit Jae long clumujio ,ll., :naaraintowsit.s•co. : C 1I I A 0 C 11/ !- 0 . 190e* Vrie.4a l ;za Nd 117 meth Wear si DEO tei lab= um credo bed oketkrs femora/1y oi Pinelenk, Cady him Node melt arresettoetes en& leo V.TP*. emodectareee god tie alms of UM Wed, iVemiladiee, and abet plus. se will bleary birde end coed= iapoty of Ile blioeried de senp• Uses of Tobacco erbleb will be oad New es Gems. eeedsestg wets as any other low la des dry or rho. erbero, and all geode misled lbw them eriU be wan Milli aqui so repnemenurbeit•— Hams; bb Demme. QOM. I YEN • hono rieedLeaf _C=b4leneb's el=l ) =Jo asi b rCere dbbowith b Lowe won.= *tit, ?bolder brezeb mad n. - eoliths woods, to P. 1* I* and St. Lamp; Me 6 and Ilk Mar, lad , re..Terble Vibldde Tvieb ke, moat Bed plebs, Is *bole end leaf Web', wood and go, todedter leek every Tarim of aniele beim& lee be the ebbe I.llHily • --- j D ~ -mo o. V W AILPICIMPI, Low Plastwo,Pa. li.i.e. et Naaimille, Tem j j vutaa 4 . 4 III DESSON ir Detz t Z grl Fra&tetreetoaba....a fltra.bdwayCukcinanu, Ma. LI 'Alba &Co, 1 lc Smith, j • Plostmilk. , : Wu. &Qty.& Aard. Maria & ale&lialer 1 NaaAvale Tow .. , . If coma & minima& W P tam. & Co * Loadoe.MlN NY.. Sprlaito & Wit I agoa,kim miad„ 0 . James !Wu:oft & Oa. . • Iblaren., Herta & Co; Odom. •': Itmv,Altarh2t.. • • .....ny,,,,h740,4"9,44,14, J. U. W. Lamxia. . W. C. Wilma. .1. G. W. I...EFTWICH Co. 16CEIVIDO, FOIWASIVING. , aaa Comm Wham ISseetuaaM, • ipLAmozuarm DARTICULARIuau. mid so eacaluumua ar sod aust DepahambUs, a. E4ammoUka Wake Car Opeimma • • REPI:110.-Amm.Daelleld 114. 71. aim LamuirMlirar baiom. Lemma iMmm, Mr. X. M. Diaffia7; lam• I %Vern. DWI .1 Pillar,' Won.• ,01...sary mami& Diebalam anatimp ioban Illatr.llmm.Todol k Ck; Omesesmil. s kr id idkri n ate w "../Le Wts.. a ba. 'rob, Dam: Placomm. La • eviDly • PLO: ACTORS AND PRODUCE COM. MISSION MERCHANTS. LTV. aaolll.44gutk. salsa la vases Csa, by aPP•ta • • - 411= Mea . Wt anima aTailor,Piarbeagia • . Masan 75ee.13c1i ilaaaraoa s W. • lidladelpala, ANT 0.1543 =yet(' • R. B. All ma.* e:wawa se as Is tasaral atom la dr laminas* 'of WalLagfard 'll loc. itobaigh or u ass staie in Padadelphia. • C. D. A saat a ca; ape Aulogy &aka. ' JOS:ft. 4, enme.r. : %-:;:: :•::141130311/ANEOUFe'I - l's" .. • - ' l ThlalPillimkikirtma wills to.rrs, . . ..-A LARGE.aed 4411611 : 7111111011.161 .r Emhart, sidaide:for diroabords, "d 104 .4 .34 PnsldeDwtl- 1 M non., fonslaeop do hard add oudo le ink,. • • : The prevent Welton hadd ultra he tdtrited 3). 44 7 21E otasofectotiso the groat rea Cowry. N... 4 rs . rdsts4 Os pastas. would do well h. 014 tsus • rall.a• I net Mono reed el toesdos la— . prates odiall Neese. Pan of Ad inork . • Ad Sofas with Plonk dad Halr-cloil conk • • lidos mono,' N 4 r 4 e 'Adds: . - • • 14 pals Dimas: . II dos foe indloiroay CU." ss .aboiday Won t Wands; • 3 dos atalogaoy Sorkin Poi's; . 13 marble top thshnlog 8.m..5 . . pair °unmans; , , )2sosstle • ... .roke Waft &Alas lechery.? Wort lAandq llglaveag, bhpha Orem aael roplei;ltellaucada or all deeeripuons and a large autorupeN ninon .arßrFarnham aad Oruss, too laratLoa. •HO I E.. .• JCIIIEPH.WOODIWULL:- • Comer of Weed and Al eta Plitgleargh, H ` , 7*.V . t,', l "rt '4,114 &um Paolusiol to my hie:s l ot ao oily Nal cassawn Am I kayo coated say taw stons at the aims awned pram' Having Strelialed my raids for cash. .ad *Mit *magmata with mt. Witmer* I. this .out Lid la Lupo .1, be comma dy sappyed, Pi Ratty pawed to Nava I latdorare of Undo. Rood term acid ste lam as any boa. 4ri or Was.— Mac haus, . ad Men an reventall* lathed , m cal Pi Wanda my Stook, beim porch= alonriono. Mid dondodold emplane pastor NT dlematoostpd *eddies, liantsram. Chot ?nem** y am, Nayloeo Stool, Cutlery; rage Tooa, Vi• eas, Locks. Latches, 13 4 , , 01ge0, /ley &rem, tralon Factory oo• Muds' asel omen, mg all eithininletec comectodwal tha Haid•Van Molds,. • . • . doetilif OAMLIIIIII PATIIIIIPP asansreao. • • I too. NOTWITHIJTANDING O ftWilmWmoodatiledoWed deo of • Pinsherof ondkaoke.• ono . *limy of Ad Cans at laden; of ant . add Allogkeny ell, and 1)1114 illiMet, odoe•oosperebavonhotoothemsclreo above dm 'altar ponadice again.. M. fonmosona and 'bey oiro:Glaoasa's Bointrad b. pretcreeno,•4•l4 We.. it dome U. blood the boa old mos amoodod SIPMCILd in sr, The know al graio for laelt We, do nabocribera pranucal cabinet milkers of dm elan. of riosbuon and Alkanerry, Pe- do a d ,o, n.... . Lay AM IN km bonlll in* pint to unnotanions bed• stood•lifiliGattadVa Pawn nineninda and coandes Os •••••Oposior ro ••• faainau...,,a, .h.l, , n , ~,,. Ileam al'Orawr 13ioaagt.Co Bober! F n !Wiley Jamul 11 Barr tr:nt u a k r ia • 1111.;7gre k aat • Tomas v naga 11r k W 0.... Lima Later . Bawe Ihg Wall/Lee Mora Ballet m.. 1 Labor • • - For Meats to sake and aeli the above Damao ,I PC I a. ESE/U2ER J GAZZAIII. ..sou • -- Faraiite Viffkii 7 l , 7l , "Wiiikvou. "vicuna. 1 11 • eetwecibere befit s ~n ets patent. Na y l9lgb re Presa &leg and guise eine. Wm dun. lefoaff ebrIPT: ere um prepense to WI rights ears use* to deriver melanin la tee pan el. the I) need Ilraw. Re wins* Is dungen! tro wk. Brink from erode .guy, .ad will We 31,01:0 geog moor 6nu Wet per day, salleisatly bard Maas/ 141 la the lila; tben esoldlng the eq.... fled 'WU efelse. panel tie elay,dryieg end burgling Wet Shea being welded It searesple, strong. as bebtess galleres *refrer, Gate emerreeted du it cants takes its pee. ea pai pot together Witt great faeitity,tbas tradm ing It ;numb!. W. adoor buldiag esulnew ang eta trowligew on slew nobte. Feta fall docriptiast we er. au refer as • machine ewe is weirealbl Taw lara c • Milt creek bosom °carat. Wear end GIG= street, weer* we Alen to be baggy ex lai pn every coaseeted with It vs all wke leaven& We hue at . Muer nal unloosed Agent.' ell letters ban Marva will be presrotte attended • • • • - CUIXEIMION, e.iflt.l.EsUft . ce.. ~~..~lii`+~ BOIL, 'MITE...saI ORLY salted sad approved daring w past AU two yea ,by Ow principal taro taassnantr.caln the western waren, and threagboat il.aloterior . of Pennsylvania, swill br, ready fee delivery en de weans ofNavin-an.. Tbe maim! on which Char dm rebtlity and sspenerity depred.,ls selected by experiested.n. ben, Woe& aryl/rad. where the discovery eras Ater atadn—slo foible MAIM with winch Is Ls Wad dal, earafally steamed. They wiu be rharawahly based sal conspactly pressed by rasebinem sod mr ma aunt., anis by Maws. !lathy She peo pneieSs. la all respects of Wish their sekraneriedged ' Merely =ill orotherwue, will be prasaly erects• ted,on applieetina le VIA IJACLAIM .- mlll . Neownesen Inns Works W WOUIRTH AND eIA COMPIEVIIONAZY AND Fit VIT 870111 ZZlatW . epos ea Idowday, Aped eta, bee doou boa Wand a, and sort dawn, • Jaynes Pvkla Tea done. A apleortif asosrmsest ofFase7 Cake, Coatielanary. Fear ante. an ile comer erery dayi ruesnalstueli Macartaar, 'flraetC3.3.. 'lioanVics e q J= 11; • Zarui i d c a ; • r =rb.als% • giver New; IVafer Jamb les; Nene tea; Yeral Wag ms ,S • Boyar _Orders fa In Cre Jelly, Daa.. Calta'ancy s s We .7: agl AA, COrAttAt la =LAM Or. palled I. esallry End besaly b 7 wry oder adabera• sant b, 64 0.4. • Frear Bawd, Twirl, Bask, aanahsenned Ohly Gm Mato Wheat F. and free boa alldnrya every sia Ant:mews of fiou ic=aziti.si=c4, sad pawdowl a plan for keratin Mass; which has bees sac. oessfally ssed la Swiss, New Vert, he tad whoever ended has reet.l.l UP • dvelded prelates. owe Ihsreetawassea, te. ita adoaatsges ane -Ist Gnu nTILLSIITY Ta ha. /Wagon Awl decks. ros:want M. &aailP tmaadddy and as/ bah!e eo get ant of • ( • Ws. On bilabial,. • •41,111ohat aid epee Almada way ha nem and the; ap- MOO abiaiwal lhe Copts Wiliam,' how, of WU. B SCAIFY, FIM PrIMS• . . r bet Woad sad Markel au HMMUS ARTICLES FOR THE TOILET— .IANTWII Soap: eolapodd idea Hoorn klataniesl . I, ftv ,. .*/ of “rpri. in do toddling Lbe oleo sod and lair, ad wall aa *moaning a &lima name ► A m , complosoa. IlmasPa cake/wed Ahmed Riming Crean. artirA arm genarally mod As tad fashiooablo coo. maws, Wiper:oaf ilia Uoilell !ewe. Easel's telfßadery Porodat nenowner ”perfleoeir Imln Sad a/ra lughly eelabnilod Veettable Liquid Hair Dr, a elonamed molt el *amble pen... to aye thaitleatv ISSIZIONIMposif. nod le times rod or gm , hair 'diastase, deastaama, rndayebrovra, abeasiital brain= black color. Tao above articles are for sale wkaleoklerail vu B • IPAIINLIITOCE &CO kla _ car neat ad wad, add wood sad ifiCar . Hardtwee*. Male faildlibeirr, 40111 w nu roma AND DILL= In POPIVIII ami DOOM / Narderarsoasiefil la Yam tns fries& and As pablie g,crersUr, Da be la ever receiving U. Pee - 4..1,1r klarderare,Al Yr aid aread of Welker A Woodier No ED Waal weeks/4kb be will dispose of co die net reasonable Sense. Ho eria ba centionallr receiving fresh noplice direct Om tie klaaefacurervii in Eaton* and ono weals - h. width will enable nisi a eattptle With lay estat.ab• sealsisnliw El4lOl West. • Western blartbanni are invited In call and enaeline hV cock Won peretincint eleember. nat.s , . C•martnersblym Wlthe eadertlerred, kayo aurora low Cepartaar• , for ibe memo el tramechog a rodoce, tireasimear mad Fenrardina Melees% reader do style of . 0 1 / 1 911, IiIIoORIEW t CO., 1 end liam talon lbesramboem No {Commercial Boor, Lamm mem, formerly occupied by lldr.W B Piracy where ell Waimea crannied to our &rage well be pommy eed fahbfielly enema co: i • MOWS BRUM. formerly of Philadelphia .THOS II leteollllW. .. Pnliabeld,Ohlo FINDLEY PI IlleOLRW:. * • o PlOribargb. Mere/1M ISO. meta ~--, -r.: 'TIIOPEASIKEKSIEDIf,, OP do lase dept of. 0111..* &Kennedy, Unless Gleas Itawdoetater and Oaleyus Osaka Clendsa, and Veiny Gantt, keep, 40.1.1411:Jr en band,.er ewe asaasenwnere, every i eripwew On. al stony sad G. .s Jaen/ G:eassit; 1.1 Al, anal dfavrer Tesler' plain Ildionswaselal yen, a 3 Armee • All anode et Mosta -Treya. and W le mina eir &sewn Ilnaks,Tlneads; and • general aaacannealr of Paaey Geode, wheiasale, at n mall menses 44,411141.- Pedlars and ashen .applied end, PbelptailangAlt ries Pens, and to by 14 frame. .t New lip* pt k 'ariht • • Ne 64. ear nand and lab:an • DRUGS DRUGS, • TOEL MOHLE; &Mn odd Aoambetary, N, W. conoor of Wood add Ott ou, P/il,l,ordb, beep 'rounded). on bud, Dom, Peru, OW, !Hyt.blard. . • . • , N. 111 —Phyaicialeo Yrouriptiono eaufidy coonpdand:., ed floor Go ben osnerialo, at any boot of H. day or Ale, ma anorisout of Pnflouroy; One roods Hair. and Cl,* Brothel, de. /ko lon WO eon EAGLE-COTTON WORK'S.. . . PITTSBURGH. DANUVACTURE COTTON TARN, .'• Cluadl.Wlolk. Gavddlil YAM, CARPET CHAIN, WARPS: Ad, n o ,. • PENNOCII i a:: Nil• " (eacconoruof Atbooklaa &A • COXIIISSIOBER OP DARDS '• A T CINCINNATI—I ea *sawing! dyad Guam: !1o( Ponarylvad,d Ulrike ockounainorno of GI lb. anandais of orritiagotlor, qffieforin wool drportgoos of perm,. in ObJeoe be nted or rearnleol In Pasant,. ,Id. Orem; I doors F.an of the 1 1 / a vorN, 0111er, Cis. dud% Oblo. PXIVAIID P CNA NCH syllOdkoly • P4Honoey at ' • RAGS WAI TED. LB.! GUMMY al :ft kAne- /00 d )AftWri 1.1 for which the logber price la oAhnwill be pai. • w A mm ltreze r. 4 . hr r atir .a rt_ Y ci . t t..el i t .. Peem or W. .rbbt: .. . and , iltlrlablLllsl mum ~.. warlt4 Cleetter rell, and Intim ea. • • t . 2PVININO 110111 , 03;'Nroallti Noise Ina Nel s' owns, de Wise!. Orr Weather to ase es Ossoisisd es elpppplieeYea a de seed • tem Ohinerses et he. Muerte, Massistesr. , • • N WICKENS'S Ni ISM raw eel be • OLO AND 51L11.6.11 W.Mlllo6—Seesivild as ‘,..Taddiloise r sly Uitst mocks( 0616 aadPm: ria. eat Lever Wavisis,ssitable WWI. sad OtaiNAN —of t 4 West sag tuadasganit?slime sad of NMI eissaiscuss—sramiated end klf Nl* in Very lost sit eta. • WO. W WILSON,' • V. IL - ICATOII, DXA. 1. 9i . Tre11" 4 1.411, MtVeall t T B rt Needits, ...111141.11104 413 M se ban". -I)..oassa awl Mt Mesa rastep. MD CAGES Lid i s ot wino ly ea bud. god ibs Pio Ile Rood Bur, No 171 AtoSamUgarf CR [IM 11/ AM 173613-4 est reel.* legi I siaatl rent elf Joissme• wreWlam lanrat ha Crust hem atm faltable Ix Motels, Sinatra ROHM Aulpi" Si - Jittalr xevartolisi • '.•• • ENE =EOM • COLLEGES, 4 BOOKSOfITSIC,.k. •._ COLLZUR 01P011$0The a*. oval coarse of Leensethia this luneg. re] ever amen oar& Ant.l&adsy id llovember,Mate close in the lan week of Febrocry. • • T Peek-ann . ef Analontr JOIIN D, Professor of .Chreing and; Pharmacy. RD MUSSEL'. AID Pmfessoe of Borne I.ALLA W SON. Al b, Professor r &battle Mediae, Thant: males and General Padever U tVftIUIIT , hf D, Professor of Oboletrlei Mod Menem at Women and thtiklrett, and Dna of the 301 1b1PIIARRIEDZI, M D, Profess*, Of Ibtedystad Praeurrial Bledicina.• • •-• ;The Foe the admission lo the Leatorta of the Poly, seri is SlStach—mak ion the oggrenatellarb—so baled in adeavea.. The 111 meet:lmmo fee entitles the &edema se the ase of The College Library Mai., Ma oemon. The ticket for aticadrmei at the Menial 1e Si. and the Lasseettng ticket gltl, alike, of width, may be taken et omitted et pleasare: The Dissecting Rooms will ba open early In De*, ante the Arecibo of .1. Professor of A.amotey, am; ..111.7041. Davis, N D. A prop tt . wr canna • will bergron in October. by the Prefoasera, saucer bath in the Colima andHmspnalos hoop w may Irish to attend the 'rimer Weston. &online heat* e 301. • lalsznrek. D 717, 0‘147074.7.6;taii • UNIVERSITY OP MART/LAMM 'Faculty at Physlito , es of 18474. IMIE LECTURE; will eaanunceariONDAY.V.l.h October, aad coollaton until the latiV.Much, cow. ' Malefic Saocry and Medical JaMprodenco—RlCll-. ARD WILMOT MALL Clamor, and Thuntacy—W/LE A AMEN, M LLD. • Sstasre—NATllAN R SMITII. Therapeauce, Natalia Modica sad Illglena—SMOL CHEW, M D. • A t steer and Plyaiolc—JOS•RODY. D Theory sad Poetic.° of Medicine—WM. POWER, M D. Denostatalor of Anatomy—OEl.,. W. MILTENDF.R D-. EI MD. lemniction In Clinical Alaimo and Ctial CCM] dry •t th e Baltimore In h tottery cheerful the hte‘. lel College. The nee Mr practical anatomy oda be opened October le ander the. eerier of le deem. artier. Fa. Ihr the mire mese notalbnable heard any ha obtained In the •Imeny of dm Medea Collette fordeldid IWO per week. , • . ' WILLIAM E 4 AIRILY atlette . . . Deena! the nutty .. . PITTIBURGH )11111LIIAST rlllll9 Incitation, eater the en of Se. A it Ocoee are Lae, le which all Me pole em OP nametua/ bronchiole • fiateed Nevem are large le new corn de the reception of pupils at 511, /retail Raw. Llbwrty Meet. benne 34 and tit suet. The rossumi Semixon wilt ceetaxece on Monday the 30th 'h! A.Rop. nod it le ileporMat QM any who may dairy emering &bee. be i r u nearat ati fare pmeticable by ChM IMO , pool have weed Me eerie, of Pelbeeer Rllo.u wackier of Mem on Me Piano lad Behar who le too well knew termed Merteendea n rl. A COLI , C Weal Fame leader will he employed • • • • Prot BINGHAM will have chevalier lltePeletureei af Vocel Lo m. • • . •• Pre 1111h11N1513 will have Credo. tete Artimit ,Depanmeabed will give leen, le Mambo,. atria, tee, gad pluming. ar e oil wed weer color. P. ro! .9. to a competent teacher. end he recoalmeedabees fee Um Jim ems in Benipe and die Bailed Ike.. Ile halt ale been • teacher on the drat teetatienta ale eeolry. For tel • __MAXUNIS BOARDING 11014001. Mia/IllitfirMiErnotostom flineentb, Noth !We,. • lindiadalphlas • TiE mr timilt•Mied la Wm knatitatloth eribracesall thrl lawbga of , an English La telity=l,.. Metiactiolo lathe Inetach Italia. and tin th The mewing of Ma don eminent Profermirs art pa, mancatly twourolh and every facility riven pupils fm ` amalzing thedUrerent Languages, logeiher• arms other aecomphahmsatth ..The yen as divided'finettwo lents of five mornha early commencing. Me late fiepmraber,;and ending on the adth of Jima. The ahmir• the the Pciaidartic Year of reit months, is Meth ' , hyalite half grail, in advance; without caller, Ultpl Natio end MOU,II‘, wblch rte et Pmfeator's proem. These comammeung any time within the term, will Se chanted emonlither: If it t o thoimikt dmimide by parents or Merkens of pupils from , a Metallic, fief no emsiain during the dumner •acatioth *IWO all doe anentke will he paid. :111 55555 Iloeh Claim EN.ller N M Poneronn, D II MrCleHoo, n 0... warp, W 1.4.. J, I'ki..deirl.—F•ll Mew. ag, at Lev it, Ilan Jos Retro, Wna 'Vennwoon, N Louie: KW. I boo emanate KN, Elewnee, ella-Woel l Joel/. ow Fiy, N o—Colab !! Norval! Esq. Nwbvi Tem— Coo Leann! K CNC, Tol: ohowo,yloroda —Dr lbws. lwa.roaFWerleowoJ V Pellet Lore..N C-LThowoo C NeWli tae, Snow* Geo L-p.. yr t.tioNimara. New Volt. ' . TOUNO LADIACIP-SitaUSASLY. .• •LLEGIIEVY CITY. i • ghtllft lestlnntoo • under the dtreetton of We. V. W. .L METCALF. m epee Co! {hit reception of Papas tulle • Comer et Imailesky sad Strawlierry sta. II b. The &coed &mime mai commence on goetley,liern . . • • •• ThOatelegirldo/10 eater will find st to thrtr interest to do so ae pear the opening of the seanew a pc:mtgs.: tatonoh mail oral Ott lellemegil at may owe dantrie to. 1.0011. The moires of eaorpeteen Teoebent will too seemed fireloYae. IVt mar Vristl to, heti?. Inttntetione in Drawn's, P11424.0ff and Maim For patentors velaaae to the neharta of Instate taw, Wm.. he.. eonotalt circulator apply to the Intaructor. Altrogittay,.fnly 13, Inch . . • : • tf VALTLFAiILE BOOKsib.Pboboba by J A & U P Jame., Walnut •tiliet, between Povnb and P . M, Cincinnati. • • Go Mot'. Gibbon—The history at ate decline and VII tf the Remo Empire By &Omit Gibbon, Esq. A nem EdMoe, revised sod corrected thrwph• est,preceded by ■ preface, and occolopanied by seta Cr itl cal sod historical. relatio; prinmpally to the propaptioe of Cllttstmeityt by M. Gotsot, IliamMer of.reblic Imunaction for the hio:dona of Francs. The preface. notes and corrections, Iran. !ed rroertLe Ynoee ea p real y for Has ed . ur . _ _ .With a sakes. the Lale Led character of Gibbon mid'Weboes Reptile.' Gibbs.. la 2 rota. imp. 2103 peg et. - • treNo.kie. Peninsula Wan—Complete. I vol. imp. 500 lige,. • Middle Agri, Chamber's Rebellion In Sallied, Robertson's Virginia and New k:siglandi Rlimell's French Lad engliati War in America, and Rpm..)'. Americao Revelation. I vial 4to. Lihiary of America° Iliatoty—Crintaiting 20fee t:ono from the bast .mean on American Manny, Bioraphy,Tratelt,Coratrerve, Stalistie.ledians, Revelation-au Battle., ie. &e. &e. Alen Anec dotes; Poetry and Miscellaneous article. Illustra led p with more than SCI 3 engraving.• I rot, imp Bro 640 irges. • " Universal Pictorial Lilwary—Cantalsnag valuable papers on various mibjcels, compri.im Natural History, Natural Sciences, Agricultare,Rllral ecen omy, Biography, Pine Aria, the °rim:mit, Travels, Geogriphy, Botany, Miacellantiona reading, &e. I mil imp Ova MO pp. 11.11 Omen.. • • The Family Medical Library...A Treatise on the Pnereation and Cure of Ditellell. by -regimen and simple medicines. New edition, revised aad solar pd with the addition of a Variable Malaria Menlo tea, paiatiog out the virtues, preparabes. and do.. tif ouraneet mdualale satire medical plot., and in Mallon of Anatomy and Physiology. Bluatrated with one hundred Engravi,n-s, ote of which ore colored- By ./ 0 Norwood, 24 13—.116.1 page. bra American Flower Garden Campanian—Adapted to thw'eldted..itatest by &loud Stymy, Landscape !end Ontrukuil Gerileeer. 12 mo, third edition, revised, maned end illa.trutcd. tain i W* 00 11: 011 . Redly filouta,&c. &c. F lla unily . Testimas. wham:, wills and untbout Polyglot sol•Nuil'hishas metre. Rimbaud Pstippe'sDebaUt; Burn's Work.. Lady °rte. Lake. Lana Raab. More's Private D.,n, tine. Juvenile Sege. Cheap edition. of various verity in pamphlet fen.. • -. • inchZ • Weak .141torarjr --- A TRATI.I.: es the Pm werma,e end Cure es Irlsearei CIL by ergiaen sea pimple Medicines Nate atlitts; rewired and enlarged, enth the ad.Duen ale digetsite Mums !Wren, pending out ilte emelt, pmpantlisse sad damns of careen veleebde, seines, neediest sauna. and an appendix, Illuoinned with 115 eiterselev,ld of which are colored. By J. 6' NlS"rood M. D.' • The ebg:et or 0.. emu. great le Pee She birlleYs eharseientue symptoms, predrreet and 01 •1 1, 10 , 00, 0 , • ad oanowo Maoism. in IS earrixt, scruple andjoterli., sOllO lanne no powlhla, oohed , o the alpael.,es of all who mkt. JR Say s•esit, So •aderel• the 11.101e111, 004 a dowse., la tbe tenntnadoe of which hams life may, •he at wake. • • ' • • The treatment pained by .be 'Tonality ofpreetimik ere. and land emu wsearue, yummier!) la the Dl.. ones Kadesuo so Amnon/a mod West. has hanidetalkedl whit much 111 , SWOCSII OHO . Tbe notify alonrailJbwer,it la belleind,baa gnat mon, smells, ansiaftelloodhao any book of. th e It hal ennui. fly he simple andgateptesona dlsretlenrilie rewedlea Nod Ash pSopet4o , loo.oo, en 440040 ears inelligenee.W.ll lot anaMed Soiree luny eave onawslanotthea•enagbaa'eallintot laphavetala• We here One lasotti r tr bead of faullms, who have ho Imes slat, 4 Sing Inca./ eippreAsesttoms mimes eau onl4l ant portions lo....birunicrepouolyoaved more then fiat, atone year. Aran wanted to nil dila work—a Merei mania. shoo showed. J. A. AU; Y. JAM I en • Wallow R No: Ilk nod Mi. Cloelasuall. • ' • NOSICAt INSTRVIRICISTS. TOIIN II 1 1 /ELlAntgin en, Wood elleet, has lost sr. J coital • now week of doe, galloon.' Military Land n lonuoutir, air • - B.lT.bn. Ira 6 valves in mel.h k: flat nook, • sew tad ern yowerfol ono instrullest. '7o , 4llls , Selkes Is, LI flu, nut Ed to, =fit= by • r ireMliorma fa GI da; with 3 yelps lby rovea *CM Trompria No Gar.. do do do • da de. die; X... /P 10...• *Moll eatic:mi; .1 - /dOX Optileoues m O hi; with maim' lc, o (Om ...141.t.11. Cornett* 11. eases, Ports mods. mad veryes ior. Trombone. midi tempt clidoorW key, new winos erul mach impaired, ' Omeart, Vlach /toms. midi 4 or G crooks. Chaim,. In. 11.011a4 It da • Viollo+4 °altars; Wm; Ilegeoleta;.ArtmoloMM 0.61. Baser Sitiisa., Ikeda, Nowa Po per; *Plc O edg_isourement. • • . . 1.71 • 711oatia PaOlPiiiTit - 14 - Isidois o . • -401LN 11. AIELLOR, ?.o Wood •1, ,fliffalphoa reteteed ludo/Fero , Ovo apleedid Ramon:ad IlaosPollor .loco. ' , Orilk• 41 Dem.., loco Puna ood peer sale : Made eT loriey, of llama. Ono Rcomortad Memo Pcmc; with 6 octaves Pod Pea Musa Wade cy op, orkb • Os* hishogany Plasoroito-made by Gale ykir 117 •PbeldsolniPoilt be sold mt insnehooicei pr 4 4s- 41140:11or No shoo*, • second Led Picea Fen; walla ostoveo.. • : . field_. tre o alraW r illilloo:-.faii tab: idea, by .1 A k O P/ansoo, gpelsry, •TIIE OUROBT. OP. PRIMO: her Civil %mood phial col Re volaGormkAtioala, from ppnedof tN elhollah Garlallkst.l do Omen hme.lfei a 0 otestalo/lhe *lib Me Thslied no-rawnticanruk,rike'witukip.ii 0 .„„„ dad • if filing • Arlutorestersta. 4 : 4 l 4 4Poseclased iodelael Muter OM vas. end al wan., 7), ' Wnik two Oppeeralie htapcood nays it Delo, dor Appsopeopot usosseaos Zoglocaves Pissea of Bade Onsihdp to: Ole vol. Ipy Goode an 0 roeecy baleen, *bib se l y ap. sap oelblisoK iletPoolped *ad el4lritl4S 0 4 11.de.'' ". &knits rod 1e 4 1 , 011.3 Payton!, Mai ISbO o¢bed .:sla EV r 7lr ks•4• •l NE WCN....V 413 /MOol o mat stria 14 ryA•i;* . , . , • rolldPi • r.• • • • • 7 %.1 / 4 - • — MANUF SPYING, SPY AEU& COLKSI•N, 11AILM • their New yenta tore every deserlaion Iron aloe, AineneanlTh. and all oieso of moll op • they Oder for onto on libe , No.43lVtald suceti Irk townie's awl landowne nifty*, Curiae bard C. 11.! Os, bone main Day la Crone, zonate, .Parko,•ke., and will keep *rock wade by thew De eflotS.toulliaoyriecosael - ITJT _MACHINE WORKS AN : • • ' Enrietussn. n svniez ARE prepared to build Cod= end aai Ly sp d i f .j rsiLete . tip . meu r Vi :WoUefar.Heade, Weepers, '/11 , 4 • Frump, Loom., Card GrOxleee, /he &hefting Weed all olden of Can .llauge es. of the Wen smarm, Ade WA tools erallinnds. • ' .Ceatioss erns dedo•nplioa fete; Ilea. Patt made to order foe td Iron&e. Steam Noe rot !mast leen Wln-Soor dub. end fenny Co, Orderel eft et ihe Wanton - ft of etty uroe4vdl halve pom p Wong, RD. en Matinee& 801 l & Warner, Joins /nolo & Bons G C & J II Meteor tasbeewille. • ions DIMMER NW Slansfactam of / and Demal loran:agents; radian ar=ton gi V i l mold. Taylors' Pawl rEttears,.&a. At. Alto Nandi°. mot Trams, eons:errors, k , la great %Ohm J. C. Manateelunar and Importer of Pon. Pocket aid Table Canary; Ilasors,ldetssars.Pdes,Savrs,Tools,Lq bar removed Io #3 t% OUD ifTRRET, riusbornk gong door be km Dia/wind Alley, And has taw) nererved • lam !mailmen% of Pee a. PoCk.t. MiktVBll 8.1.1111., & Parka, Also Rodgers' and Wbostonbolres, vurlt 0111TIOCRY, nliai. , Rorke 'Wade & Sterner , . Rarerr, Seis;rs, Rum Swops. 4-ILmrew old Wire Tepee DUNS., RIFLI•11. AND PISTOLS. - • Al kor's OMNI and Ww. >Needier., limier Plinks :gni litho. Game Dan. Walker's Coen Krim Pe o enonon Gr... Deorie. Ark Nil ihiptiag • Toni. tee h an Callipers; Dirkkn, Ply.* NE. /lend Vier. Spew, o Boles, Drente, Dore, l• Shaves, elOCks and Die. Wire and trot Deno. Nuance lopernotenta; te r in eery met worst, , ctp- 4.14 ing and.. repairing nearAr aniV pnatundly done. • • ' 7 7 -7, digtrAssYttislinuP. E . W.W. STEP TENS of \nadirs. c R Illieenber• ger or Juaiau Lad Le . Siereirten of 3 . Strkires, keen tais nay entered Into esp. rinership ander role nod An. or Stephen.. Ihnenhegrer t C.. at 11. Anchor Iron Wert.Wiiersling Va., for thepupate of manatee tenon iron and tells of everriescnpOna. E. W. Srcrouts, oo F Pmitsota. 1. A. 'homes. 811211E118, 81/OMBERGEB, k CO, ANCHOR IRON WORER, •• t W 6etGrtg, Va. Manufactory ad kin/hoof baler. *Lott. bonbon sad hallo, A R steel eliptie epunSs nd ulna. Rothe cOo orenod 'nth tßonentegice`eOld J.nlals Works, ors eon oder un Ansel.. of Junta tr. tbrandad noon! to any mode to lila mono -T. AU ofort= On Ptde.dto rinea. \ arebaa.aaftk. Worke camera( Moment ono Wow atm". 7 ALLEGHNNT ' VENITIAN BLIND PACOAT-. -- - -4...1113H11 A. BROWN . : . • 11241CF31 thin method tolikina lila (Nei° and the pabile. 51 large that hie PaistiorT of Ma to taloperation, on the East tilde ' of Ma Diamond, alirgheey, where a me) - rant tapply of Blinds, of 'irate octane ! eadintaisttro,are coostantl/keptots hand. also at N 0.3 Wood at, Nubbin*, at Jat 11. Phillips`eil clod: entientsm- • ' mime dheaers made to order la lile best nyk. Eliode repaired at the Menem mate. N. Lt. /11. Blida Will be .pat ap, oillmnat ear idd.l. local cactsse en that they can be renamed is a too. meal ia ease afire or for washing, and winder Mesa& of a elver a, e eeadlyilletatellr • ATIPI3e . II - 11617/. Ara ...., . en has ntballt and Onamonmed Imams at &.sold stand, where ha Irlll.be pleased to see hie old eastanters end Wends.. • Chan, Steamboat. and Dells of every ......._4:' , elm. from Itt toll/ADO monate, east from - - ..:,..., ... ~patterns of As doom append males. and . ne e to be of the best materials. • 'ninon' Water Anse, Cuenters, Rail*, Sr. az. whet. with enny variety efarass Cutlers, ttreattir ed. aimed nod finished in MO wenn mann< r. 117-A. P. is the sole proprietor of Meares Len; Arrarnos is ee justly eciddsted dm Ma retie,. Imo °Mica*n in machinery. The Boles and Om* tar tiro he had nflarri mall tintes._„_ . 4 JIMMY laild.iNeitliLir i Ons . -. --' t.. -- IMITATION CROWN-134 .l 1A •TIAV/Nt/ roceptly made sew 4=sa - a mean .n the nmessactara of Mai adopt.' iselaten immured laatent arbealensa seturt i rLoasommf :eland utforairltanalelimif a. n0w..,„ :lie"1/:sd=ialtZfilliaidstfOrlaft bleat. rown. We WV Mee •ery exieutrelyeti s willi Wrap. raceme ofemanton Wirskim Glass Amber limb - sad Santa °fest rydmetipuea rkaberatteriorany are larded le call and eialet. lk Mesoorires.al oar wart helm. N 0.139 Wood street, Tiushistab, Pa. acme • PI IfIhJRGII Vg ssturMARBLE N. 944 awl KS saws, • ais Came- A AIAVA V* 011 hand nd tussle to enter, • Lugo east. ty or Marble L dlasnels, Pier,Centra Tables, mad Bate. Topa, Tomb &saes, lismaccala 14 ' 4ll wit coade of the domain usartola. and toturafacm prittelpally LT saehlaery,ulll be sald how for cad, N. Lk Persona . tralbtag to , parclase Mewls, aro !domed that h Is bean keth totneeraniy for Ara go Eau, as east famish them rid, an arteckrot all saspeets as good, tual(frelght,tosantaea,U, roaaider ad.) •, Cheap as they cast pochue.3beee for la the Eno. Call and ••• Jai COPPNR, 1118 ET IMO", AND TIN - %AIM IIIiNUYACTORY, • lil Marketouttl, Pin•bargit, Penn= riNlE.loeribers bawler mode_ treat lopionmenui IA die connuneliwa o( their WO4O(O.I9TOTYA . teepee . t.f . oly lime perdu li•ilding &eminent. so tall rte ik le ,t ein e, be av ioze p r e o neb nun Ft, ulna