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Z r -4 • ' 4,4• 1 , 1 1, 1W+4.-...? l l t , ,'N = i 4o.l, ,t,t'ltt• 40, 44.: ~ ..i .- .44,4., .t,,.1.4,4a. *.• f 1 i.. '4 ...'',,:. is ,:..vii• ..,_,4br _l+ ,4 ilj,4t - :,..• .&ri. ~.. 4..iiia," ...;::. i . • -,,,,-},, ' ...lt;:r. 1.:•,•T5..` , -; efl.f. :1-,..`,.. . - j - 4 4?..j.-s44lkZ:`,:4 1 iii.s! .k` . .- ~- 1 1 1i.4 ~, . .4‘ ., ; - )f . .-.11- ,A . 44 ' . 4 • 4 •••• , :.• 1 '2 " 1 ::o ^,;" i. , if, ,z, - -• 1 4 1:u.••• 4 .V ':' . 1 IEI 4 . '4 '.' t mkt .. ‘ ~ ~. ,aiiil \' ' 4 ,044 a. t 44 ,rgtelt i. ;,,4,1Z 'Vt.' ..•!N ''''' l'ii :.:1; 7.1.1 t. E 4, 3,k,44„„,, ..,:, 4. : :,..:1:, :: , : Z "-t i , • ,,,, i71: 'I. t 'ft... 4 (-11Ltr; ti o:-.1: i . 44 „.., 4.1., ' . :41 , 4. N. • .. It- - l'ok .! '. 7. ^,..-;• i ' ll 1.1, *v.-:.* 1 •:1 1 •-:1.)40.. ~.1_,,,;‘-.1•1,- q' : I li tV '- : -- ' l i, ;',L•k;.rial.4.l 4:,;.'t1t,\:.•• * 4041i` L`•q { `v4 `':."l : V• ilks,`l: ' 2* ' 47- 4 ,1 5-r`•.. .' Is. {: .r . • . ~uoull01110131momummoi!iaa .I"o,..""WleqmplissFromm4 WINS 45 , 4060100101 UV. named **dr* I oetttj • •etil I: 4,,C.144"7,,0f,P!... stria"? 2E3!!Ma "1111132110111SiVOniem , mat, l'emberet. • • 1111T1 11 ; 1164.k :7 b.,. 66 1/Nrilloastiadi mad %lair Sit.r-,--p-Zbor Ir. A. *ilia ' eitiWO`tdXolllliCAierii!faiiiiip;i* ate id! gide uste lloididh :••• a.m.& t 1 tle " gt i l lr".2"b ltd 4 odd &Went ga - Evlsonms. weep ew erdd., mud/wow/. do,.,Q.dh Pik st, t,dooltddl 011;1. 4.43llXXlli i rkipy . l oadr, ` -"—'‘'--4:7,:re=klVXNorNmic.44 Pitddrez=ree"47ll.)*ll4lhOd • iaNitga-waolook, macron -..a.desier.lexamv SuipkANHALQBO44 v. wp li.Gib i,... Cotpts las Mata.uftioms (VgraThifiliiiii:= el .5., Q ee. on,tlistafield., betseta }I sad 44 m• Il l NlW.Vitta 11141/..ZIALTOX. Wlllgork alsoost. .:41 ....so thAlhadv.:44 Difr en.:4 fah, Pltttlalr" • —I, . • zoin minim VIII, ALT.- 0811111412.1 V Mamie flirs? oest, de.alenii.Woodace and Paibcrgh =anise, tater,eozoar or Lit a ny. sad Rawl sia.,Pitobelik,tal, Tart 1.1112 M1! Etia e rr ao - 41:=NicrraN ..treffLiti=kj.l +llleaied . and Thud AOU.A.W smaranon , r4someria , gaw . i ..1114, Oka memorcd.sOwrionli smarct,OnlaSem i l 5.13 Facet. iej4k.evelrsOkl Hone. - leer.* I MI,IIIOARD 4,8101MILTSINAIDICIII:Aoc0 Li , w, ogee Wad :mpat* su". ( l,!‘ t. V * F.? "7 AF T,ti'd Hf ..treet;i„:--,f.:- • 1 .0 .4 ;',7011,17t)1. 7ateoamitgion Mere tsouut onto fiir isbon . Conon Vs.rux,Nol V(*iertod taenonsfreats is Co ans.;• FakWhfiailfiketaxainad.iii/. Jr.irsihhhhticat froauste:thh;,,,,,sueeh.„ ,tottsYmit .106•4 - cooiasissiervan , LForiniftt ~f4-Ichms.:Nh.iiMaler a:rumba& ,aOll4 "VILLBICTIS 1511414•Eall. : Grover • TT • MenAtant ad darter in PrOMe 14; 41 .A:44 4 i7Liberts tirar.pneal Wale, r . ,1714.41!I ie.; Alkal& 'Rope; tit; i l~a}►del F*AVON, Dealer in Olore•Oin!idry, a l.afteteMlEN.lgsViissings,,lTAMl,ek 11.tsa ,WATZIAIL/Z L1U17 . 1 1 , I CIAMPI& akunamirs co. wiptisels 01 , : 4 ass and NosO,pion Almthints; 105)1160004 itulnqck ' sot " - at '- 11110111,3(Wbsliiele Pg.gr , ` .11..BitomL L:no oe.,l4erelmed; Dealirjrlld.i • -11 r w;:sairra - s Cde. Streerreo, ‘..7 mad de le 11 - e nape, l'itudneryA tied PeLe.,.tre.Zer ,rizoncla `m" Ajr,maisghterebi! ,, S! l .. mrl7' kaiol F L .. i 0041116.% — lll4iletilkil! r P . M . 1 6 1 4 ft 154.01,11 11 4 4 -00=1 — ir "4"4"." :10.M . g. "" SmiaL -4,4oitirAlsiic net Wall etwes aid saitiesendt .4111, 2, No. Cour -1 ri...opelfmtßove.nex. the- pku1,,.., Tralirrit X ,WHITE,-11j5...,......113X1X . 41.441.9 X. 'my_ (Warn au" raub .• loilatatizegsS. 4ll6. 11111A11 mammy tikiius; Commiaskat Madman sa deaden in Probe% Nos SGle7.Y+ant ". lore yy►Clir likidteseriatrrAttelmto Li _..iiityLlitChtirtitreeu, Pit • pitir Todar4iirstoz,encing,o4.., ntobertb, 1?4,06P,10=10.4 Ute 'make las be V. office. No '7, Itatawells Eimitimpi Grua vuectoro t•ypitirltanAglOvabliesee .‘• 100 0 .w assigmi i+md J0031:14 111130.9)11: :fetter Iliterliagn, OUA N 094 Yorpc4 strAjhoo4 &Or 0/1.11,0f AIWA W7,tsii;;9 oW 4.1 colo..?disteaudldosiooll osoi;goboot ...roOst,dialsOliodlOW,Ctodlh_PeAdate C 0.44, . BOOM teI.4IIIVLSOL: at wood si t :fdorwm. , Trltogi todgikotatom in nods • • .: solowistaitim a: car.adesak e • 'o 04.1,1Ver: Oa WoodAt,Pluebagit..— • s• 'IOIIIIOIA 301111 ;LW i 002111z.Cami aN Stalrtxlieuxituto. Nei IS liibsTl744 le I rAuMbecries ''.." l73:ZCr a i Tin Z °o ` 4 J ° Unniandeal pF • 41test,:b.i.." mmitmAptlir 00 1 1 10 ” • • - - • aocnoxss 11",! - - 'J ound ItrocidWetAVl 7 ASOr above dor bee; Ng% Ageau,_Whelesale,Ora Mwebant. Weak 1 .4. 1.61 A Mi.ilte,Pin 4 We g Abe. iiret*TOTief, ZlLOulialtvzleglerp 1 4, 4 11 AZAD% • -9-atedtenbed. AL SIM. Oh, ItOrt )(WM 'kali Historical, Sekool, and-PLIT, f r iiiie..• .; i -T 1.- .evo.Assara.t. awArk.eo,' .840a14ii Omer enViCid "1111 d 7111111 BMWS - term • lageli tir ilea made Tr map! iilaatatetors 411 w ad PlaWaage bta tbnose of It DaLull. -..ravrsit: torn? itrAil , rittAs f•ZWI LA tiro. War:. • MIT 110:11PTIMMInkiald 0 wrni. 7., Ikalen ft 7.21"1-Vee AttibitOte.Visfr=tlo 111WabliMadirtinniV,, •. ' :sow. Vik • ma . ; .e.agvc i = vionasi rg • • - 11114ra . • • Mbro. • APMllolo.•laCki.ll Iig,ALUMAE•mt 01114firwl_Was ....4 -31007•Wilr04001t. rnmileuli 01.1:r d.9 9! " ! 2*14"79.1414 laeti „—, 111211144.1101110; iffbetna/e . kid pima' gag irals!l la 'say FiriAlloatetWoalloslinAllulL • • .IWi r ralsaiat.'muuNdeoiseers. ~• Proliegrvedebwiii o.warCavyla , APlllireclsauinwrlA.n7 sad ea Wool sum -rezr. ••4 frra.prior 'tip' mai Ihnienal_.. • Wet ' •140. et Dniprft: Sibk awrkrilfe • , • • • dor Gillodealmakiikwir.r. Lik2;';gM gi llsear• wrorooletilthr" 11441 rwhre itk041160401.108,00fr ',mos g, o „,!vs . ~". I. IS .- - • R • .77-•Tr:s. . "inn • • 11110. % Xi • [ * Aa. %Al ilogoewboomm Org. • owt.drarri!, rlll6lllll iregAil*.tl.lr:?"!."ll,.. 4•116 , i , J0r Pi Mid+ :10.1 4 41. )14 ~~OlihsD~9litD~ wM~~ 1 iC`w~n ~ ow~.~ lr~. - •:10 '•. ' ooo s't - - 11evimimoihs. • 041 1 0 6 101111Zer.- 4.4 pm 4 it4.5 1 ,1r , t' o . 6 .!* .1 1 3 . L ' ARS .:: - tvANEss.::ckßtis - ;...: - .: , illi.U.KWlLlSCAisorriej lasi.unmi 0. ANLIeweNP• finaniNN. newly moms We New . Dcinawr zoossi. Wholesale Wow., Reeler. ffmtArr e - La Pronnee, mom', Mat twninvowd made inag et Fenno and bemeaue Wines .P44,,ilVvre. N. It Lankly .et, yap law wank et , , waperini OtirkanwpnelitiMnikarodnen will be win kw in )0 a gaiACllitilagi . . .karPto IletisseN, At woo AuegMk.l 4 ewer TerNr, re Wawneetne.Pewnrw,rilwbwOntwwinewues WI MONO., 4• • • . Ale* A 4 1.0, p ri ces, esela, at. ein Wien NV Coanni Nark Camera( 1 4 nne and Innn Juan B O Bklektent. 7 - ' • • Thu. • ts. emikauattT.'lellt,TlNWlbelesele De.. o_.leniut Foreleetad rika yN °99 Food streetrritubtrilit,-, .; - awe 18.7 . k.Z 1 Vitt r al d W 3111, r eat Posi•,dook 1i!Kr.1%. 1 4 . No, J;Wood street; L• 111111311 . PALIIIMR, *Dorm st taw: 'ollllea to Atoll bellhop No EliToenli stnnst, balms sad Smist&eld. - seadtwty -- 7: Olrarchiszitonwra 11,41Vitolooile Alroeers '4orruftS l P l 4 *modal= Moth.% ia -P.ivAnotti Moaning/es sad Weston Pro.. two km removed to mad)..o . Prolli moron *Meat nand Chancery Lae:- soil; Q*lll/1111V7P. Ilailir Poore sad Gomm .7 aim Meraksosclkolor -la Poly Troiree and rim poZissiotasteriolanrolos,Clual Basinoloorlik rt. A. ei/OSIZI.IIIIIII, ;kali" in peed, rte.. Micoirstiett Pinson . • • • - rrli_Op..:ONNElrtar,Wekbaji Pb.r.r.cur Jr! Crecia. raahr, and Variety r woolrd Fourth wens . T PForsyth. FenTIL. I.,iP.PORRYTH &Co, Geosission Meebants, .dethers is dais, LassbmUreastka..Produs a nd Mase,4raarm.Canall3lllbl, Libany *ism. -w-. akm..rnedirsoneort, W bolesale Oro. eers, Dealers !mine, Iran. Neils,tilaw wad R an , VP.. - 4rfeauth tentu l 7 .. l AUba t i -m. S • • . • . =.N.ltrs win ICs ,D. VIOL-.. %DAVID =MUM tXTiON..ai WCAXDLICAIIs tracesewes. Lnd a It Wiek4.llVaideasle Grocers, Feresarthast Coastwise Iderraboate. dealers la losa4 :Wish Vamp - Nano nal Pidsbungls Idaaaraelares generally, weer of Wand and" Waste as. nasbargia sew pr ILUAISTUPIIIVIawasi Vas IWiesm ana s•ezanassolis sesta From% Worked Gallars, isasa as Ilaas as% teals. . 1311.1=1:WielawilielawedForwarding sd V ....Coesuadoildscabww add Dewla in Priadaw and Pinwale. gip ,, comer of WILIUT sal . • t• ' `• Wholesale Dealets 13 HlLMltatc,' ry, Sad. ICC COMET Many end - et.' Celt meets* P iue- ausem,-Elookbiader Ma removed to Ye , earaer of Wood Rod Thin d via, above C. H. Kern where be O ptammod Ydo everydeseripaos of Reding and Medlar.; men All•1111VIVIIMIPlitlen• Wholesale . IT • am, Reetiffing IMwilYu, sad Wisp d 139.= Atm*, Opp. Se IYnY.W Aka. e aosuss. Acoracy removd so hiaoffica to the Exchangt EWELL ' a: 9i Clair atm; ea/Adam to Aldose= Jahn. - • DtrOceis,. N 0..; =rt.= : ad0i1341.7 mean, are r u ires 3 led • Ns; ; Wood .1, *ltem dow4re rforsale jute • Wiolanto Ma. • • gni4wae4 _ . . . Wil11.1111:1AAPIllroollolosate lua mad 4041 la . aoreiAnAaA Doom:oak Da Goodo,Northeassoor. 71140eload FoortY mi.. -• - . awn . lllClT:airlifallt. Jr law ocpookosertiCi Origami of EAsor TOics, - corset. of has aaA Flack woos, onll fee p a. ammo supply af, the toot sediellos, Pte, Am 17 16d =0 pisterrpoont unroll_empoosikd.— eau bulimia al home * algid. . UMW & Constaslogn sad • viranrekimilidsd:mentai, Wit..111. - DAILLINGITON. elms} at Lam 'hasbansh, Pay ',.emsalseaseer se take tee au. Imris sad See latede, LAMM, amulets, IMpasitioaa, De asp ease Man Mean seal emset.) De sunken sver uS • !tam Dido.. plus on - - - 1:CfA110111110111117014 - Atio..4 'as lorgr . FM swami, &rat 611141014.. Collsaang;ate. eigiaiplairsbutage monied lor grid. peseuFakty. Bias k. Semple, .. 0P1162.6t B A Falukipaock &Co, 'Jobs tlermrs, - Gra, t4.0411 01 P,_ ideCalin.Vab • Lamer. J. IFIRTAIL. RECTIFYING iDISTILLER, [DURA L IR 076747 iinniGirtnuois, No, 114 .114•Vst, sa Dimast ailey, WSUIAGU. PA. .WAURICK , MA IMO k Co.; Deskrs rathrage, first lbw 'm vas, !IT " , !! 4 1,1 7 4T i til iieb% .• .. • • fekaanfra, Wil : • & •11111Nik ATI&LINEYSAINIII COUNSEL/AIM AT AMID= and as Law, CINCINNATI,. Coilendsas!bream us Indira; sail la Nsainelly, promptly 'and eassfalMe and ly snended ILEVISISTO—rka Mass *Pei C I uL win Stiaddscaitridi Jscansisess, Ends /was P. etssis. 'swot it lens: - ilihrrer litrutb.n. tiont. • r PLACICSITAN B. James mad Datlepria • Oils, Boot: W. a°l2l ,qmoh I"Gn ig s Zliatltaetasa • lesArin as liiiierstVlll=in prind =M./ .4 =Weir limr, 'Water meet, meat CharyliA/1 =!=lllU=23 BOILER 111C . IN, SKILLPI.IIWII.:7IXE F. 42 E.=pI4.EI.BFIL. .Ft: threiumm Winkled bmery imeempied Wore/ ltroot. Xereuele will keep on Mud st o poZ! or met sensor neUet In mad HnekVese Bed Inn, made Ben Ins dar.remelien klese win Me add eu ewer emilizt rater: Enos Belida* end akar, ard heeded • tell sal wane Ids Bidet. Orden darntiate % rpliryao;x4.44 --pus 144 Wheless] Napa ia." ll * ro=Jll .TO4llll PL:114011114111. 1 Ve Druggist and Artie ./ eery, No 411 Motet it, time dome err 71..1 Vitistrargb.will skosetly as lets 4.• vreiloelset. td Mid meal of iber beet sad (aga hiedieetee,lehieb Mal oe the seat reuseobte wneet P 11 161414 1. eekleme Weer. 1.,11b0 mak, seeesele4 to, ood ost OW ors Owl 05f1e171 1 4. 14 4 4111. 111141, ;' will be severest!, ee felee . = lied " atelials, at soy host e( 1114 ky or 111 k r r tor sere L , a 14444 ileclref fte4 sad pod Ferree Wel ' '1410111n 410 111. Wattle Meter ,11 Jeweler im,a=l 411 sad Mutes W. A taro sad red et sorties, Jemary, &lee, ewe sad SlibusyGois. Always or bus. sad rasr ess. posokileld hums Lem Jsorsitof smarm, ss=4l4l* Barer ersiebeaou low ea Illet 414opel,kbles,Joisesemed oder weevil mks! toilebee Nay be bad se • mai lotveace reel ;foiulle,Oioter.. Tyr, tuatilkaal 2 P1,-. : 11771 , '..co4 %%elide usiticalltereksv±l, if* .114 , ii1105.• sa 1117.1 - Visa week iler La amy tat saaamet. •1. B. ATTORNEY AT LAW I L I ernes 3' IL, arpreblla fw Chadal WILL ancnal premptly caCoPettioas,la WSJ I,ooo,E.yella SAO Greco Coaat.m., r.. • • Fk kco I . .4.7 march 1. Ca rothorm Youblust. . AT. Mom. • • • . • • .11011J1 eel 161rANUIFACTURES Of 71a. Coppet, omjek.t wa Weir. aoil Orator Is' Ilroasola ao4' Waso, Nol7 Market meet no oatooriber klly calk tho stFlinioo a do WOW, baeloist., Cmglo &aka, os4 Won., is , N. Imp mot of woo. .Tla so/ cowl wan, 'nth at Isms am an.. mo=nsol U.S.. Vont:mine 11.11.21. Mienant Ow pittb• generally, an note aavi' ' • OHAYLiI Y . HAY■ A Trimmer AT LAW, Yulotoup. v f' Ciao!. rieiorot . io: tok • aro proof oaf mom+ kigokocto Deeds, Limon, Cos up., La. Depot:lora, or Wu r wrl ti ft* Mnoonlerl of owl in ilra Danes ISAITLICXY, INDIANA, TENNZSDES, LANGUID rad ACDIII. OAN. Odm, Barto's VoAdleg,th ot. • WAD y NO Ab.NAL sneer, NEW out.T.A.PA AOims for .1 N Annum% Pais?. Ana NAV. 141Iaert. ya m bead, • t sisc II al Pew* . ArA 0114.4, Mul led emA am Baeurd limarauf Nosel• AWN Begat New Uoisme hien liberal sad • (sir alpowspepoimis NW .1.1 W.:W PM, It• LOMAS . mmlE:ft StIMICUI OD' MIT • Er oleo Outcrs *lli Rat Pstii.*.j110,111111(1," 111111F1C71311611 i.vrAIIJANTED awl, If sot seediNfillP ialMs •013:It: :Irak osi Irtich emy lOW MOMS 1" • " T".. 11.141 ' vre;o. X 1,, res t ' 11 Weelsotran, wadi: :;J ,2 41 -1 ".:; 4 .14.P04 YORWARDING4.MISSION h ;FORWMILD SV ar.a6iiiiiti; . . . . i.HEAvv,ibut.uwian AND- F.ITTSINIZIGH 'murvintannues; lITAIIKNOUSAS Nome etrom.e.e*. Weed, 00 Y arm' ow. üb<my M 4 bee. 0110 " 6 " " - a.le 100.000-IlM•a.opsd • • Neytor A. CAA OMADieuiDester emeGormaa woe. Jeee• &Wars Am. Bloom Foring and Fork • dalt Store? Spada end Facto; Curler Owlets mel AINK AMR* tiowerleil sad omeseee) .• Hedlie,„ erne*. •irse° : , Memks,(Asy Ned Held FDlelecr , I AerealeythehDielate.L%CleelelLee 117FelmeelSer Nrs naor.tiata, ea. Hel ens.* Fl and other u:4mm" Heasfeenom tho ciFiaideir IL" T0.8,14,10,.0 . 0 II COINIIII :asit CIA NIL thi.lllllionk Veltanz amc id Prone Wok WOW BP. ' 6 % 3re e ge"'11" 111' V mum rahlteLors awl tie were ell thoTrest, ;Pest lad*, and other blares as will Inner* e lair and ecestant 'apply ol dewily.; *we of Tabun" wide* will be sold opoa ass wont wodislag terse astray rim loan la lin City_ or slow wham and all goods ordered nor then will be wart now; opal. to • • • Havana; • litomadat - Cool • Yen; Pone Meet • Petatea., pleedLeaf To eit . lebrA l ed vheta lL ade Sad C."; 1 4. diel4 with abuse wannest seethe; pointer More ead - qualities of neowneas 01 lie lb and id S sow. &mauls riNG Ladle* , Twisc vißiaia /Al 'wen sad plata, la whole sod half hen and~op, togaiku•wirk every variety . of ahleb e itelosir: ins to the trade. . • . • JAW at Plarbargi l / 2 14. rf Nashville, Ten& XIIIIIRJ‘ ANDEILION, Dealetwittwog Porrionling A:ad Orwohrwri • Nwebartsi Its. • Pram strrei,airwe thoirray.iNarjrnall,Obio. !Bar.l Petdutti. ,Wn. I gar & • :Mania tlinAlirwr Tea& I Yrwwww& Andar& law& Cm, larisrairs NY. Sptirriar fr. Witham; • ."Jumerlrlarwrik. O. . • llama & Or., Nrw Ortega. - 11111snisiNwer Yet& • ' ItAIMIrOkr & Ce"l3Wwwww. Nothl.Nagaby & PidacipNi. I Dude Draw& gram - . : J. G.' W.: bia,rneb. _ vrift v. wain:, RAYNIPAMPit 4)°. II !! I _ And Clamminolisn! Bionilliantst ____IFLAQVACJIMpA? Loc. jARTICULIE nneTanon.P.4l6. enalde.emmo. ld r&Z& L. Hii&rEnPWlP.mist WO.* 0 1&&&&& pae.. RI Yarn . EYef . ld 0.411/01,01471). mas Limerick; N.& Cr Ye on. Limn& Red.:mon, ogr..,ll.Knerkr. Lome &eine. essrs. Hall "it ,SOner;'lll4. 'Wm! COLukry. Zoben Aliman. iincomong kNicholoon; Pirobaugh. 11 , 31cr0 Itom.Toia,k Co; Clowomati. •, • Helm, Upon & Craintend, Henri. rattrin&l 4 Vinteall, H. Zenon ,l,albsayo3, rh4lll D II MIS - FLOUR PACTORS.AND PRODUCE COM M • MISSION MERCHANTS.. uiscßA o;o1; oPriloooslimulOos When will oetipl of vow goonowno - Took doppoisooer rn t' , ..foordisloiloo ha itooce to Cosoi,by!yrply, 4110114 p and sill famisle $44 raenr 0U%5.0. j i g t=f7wVAisigiiylif.Pht.biugi.. : , ' liac....Tho&Bell AO. .I:I6IIHIHASini . • ; : Phi_ Wl_ ikfaiLiAl. ATAI9II. •_.. : . , ... _ ..izr-ir ! j N . D. All prams Glillaglial le IN IS 111011 , 114 b Iti lathe niniribininind.Waningioni A l'sylor . ,_Pii , or ill ow More is PhiluicHAAA t•. 1 .- E. . 1 . t 4 ' FR, ERR IMPORTATIONS OF..HARDWW.t 1- ' ' LOGAN 41KIINED11,.. , I,' DMIRTERS OF AND -WHOLESALE DEA I. 111 HAILDWARII. CllTLlLll.S . ,Slinri ' • 1 - • . Hsi is Wiped Iteries,i,_ , 1 1 , ~“ , - F. TTlORlnionv ... l 4/ A - . Heir.; me 'ire •l ii Af . 1 1 gril=, '"d' 3 2' "' . biek ac neWn kr a l a saddireel i i mini musoileces sen n , , tan Hansibrinnits in dos ennoun.annbbia lima in • het • ends an innsiagnsinil by ono Aid 'equalled b Anr —Eurinnersave reopinnhill'AmbAS 11 . rift. i. balte on nA , MUESto mond a 1 Cuiruksio4 Iktigusg, apitharly la du sad Bald of Azad= klasaficoroo oad, booboo. aid tootioi*Ood tonwelig ,Goads toiolgood to big Om. As Arrot for Os hissolactions.= aos u r . Criai with do priocipol artieloo. Pi bhashetoro at the tweet e° 0 00. 4110 "InTB4llllll , _ ealuxu. i i i. CONw.IIII4II. IDOIIIIIIOCTiI, Oblo, Comainua aid Vsnorardios .11 Mordant., lull Prodou Dulen..alumneisdie Podolia, Ws awl Upson a( Pig hoz.Coal, Lei ; • TO, .6....84,J0eis &O. -... Sim, Baty Laid. &s , Hun.Orif Grall•Lindary Lb .' 11 Lama kCO . . Lpa..lllmb lc auks *Um • • twalealy . dims .. Mira : Moos of Iho Ina or 111010010 Wel Wlulrrap Grostr. Comialoloa fi MOM! stt kind. to 1. p0r.716, Dosooromen , Rosin Moos look lon . and Nets, W Rye, etas, Como Tana. Sok ko, aol •"120kOr"loom117; Omer or lOooi sod Irrol -- 611 - WOCTIEZIMbeI, IIL ; St Geed. SWIM Ca* aipomot. of Podaeoolo.Calk I AUCTIONEERS ANDit hro_COM'ISSION MER 4r. BRO CHANT A auNDER LEVY.S.. CINCINNATI, £ ST. LOUIS! OFIrEt ma Mita Mheye. Mb of MataltsadMai att lawn MN, of Commisires sod our alsrafapar m to Ws athructs. Tin beiC tarmacs& give , oiaat.- LAMS eiikr Mow . tri ImlrMy itiaMmt I'l=7 3111111 I. 11C1111111, COMMISSION MERCHANT, nu. sa er ilin Ww-rgic r . OPYO2I lue M. CHISAVOIDS o, intrunow ((Amy <Hass Ware, Dna TroW Dior inzoadeoury Itedsea. • ' rei 3220110 . 10 - 011.111•1322.14 . COMMISSION ,11AFROHANTS Asa 210suarramsre L1*114144 014 pro. 20 ,Cabasbie &red, 'CINCINNATI, OHIO. erCia.Tan w s nazuma.CD WAILLISCUPCOLD =, a tirPC. l l " ; 4Th . rigaiaasil rindarth . 11amagunee. uotta a O e J.I airefflurin koni'ealitultit alk.,tuta...ll/... 10 ad .vita ,blitetraltiMalom, MVO a — e NESINWPs. w. v. erre& ' "latirMll4 ll e• PATOIS. C 111111111 IN IlElltliNTl, I . .. • ••599.9999.9.. Strost, PT. LOUIS, NO. Wail; puuesias sweratee is Dr WWI( W Pres lses, Awl is osiers Sw . parels i m . p 3.4.6. h.. lzw:* we-NseePliorP• SPlNDessi. • J all , liaelisg, U DOsisenel*. P. , ON 1143041.01091111 i 90. • c. a,iMisO Old' releeViseig iiwwhelbs • • 'l ' HOR.,s3 &9550 u= Br. • ..• Worms. 1N0W1.014111 WHARF. SaIIIWAMP• . 7-9 I 1 COMr ali [8:10 010 '1 130 s g u l H i A NT o• S 4 al9 aliuo ' ua &cm* adman wdl be swam as wwwseant w be Awes address, Sy_ DAS ly CARmil IS ItellfflOlß,Mxil. a. : 1 Lica A N IRlck -- 4 — tfo., MAWR PA. AND GRAIN AND PRODUCP _._l Censintrelses stur.s.aa.., 71 __BOHTIJI WHARVES, PHILADELPHIA. . A "Iry striparai is. wog. sad toreros! .It tied. sld4W . er t= " . seratn i tl j e ""L N eW - S ! & Co'eo WHITE LEAD es& negated Mrs competed their vorte, Matted as the but al Hrer dam ilts fotreedeci, le Alleybeey cite, oppoeite Pateleargb, for aloe stealacoat et nom rietjAltegt, r.bite lead. Nab dry sad rowed le eel{ Ma/ red lead sod Warne. Ilerin evaded tbsemelvoe of ell ate recast beprorceatate • la los mailbetero, end erected the' Nadler as • very setroaiirri male, sad dab cepacite to wake Had to lees gioardtieo, &ay wtll bs able to apply ceders to elate& Meat. - sorb A In 77 • VIM MIALAB--4}.l<b !Ana., }sawn Whir, Allaresesi uty ch• - imam t Irstionnn Nora on nun abbe. In wood on Iron. KlllOrtnai and ollolner posmosisals mak riLYIV 7. • ' Ds . ..DAVID UPI% Deiiloi, • lig mole omit ensopmesto 1W • • on Urn be ess 4hosseei boo Idris' moo to rio dories of lgo_sroPsolos.....M I.►i.i. 1:. W epee, easel of tit sod Prestos. balsam Plut o W Pe rry sto, Au Loy hoar tooklia IsliarrillA.P it tiller.oL A Pals ir.r...ua _ ITl___l m tl . . fielo Imps Pe Pals:, mewls sow, for 720 es IP.; . osol . romp Fasies• of : . f,ao -: - Ik 11 IFHI WTI& I wool swat: - ONDOZ PORTIM-14 ro orparitm,_.. la Brews Meal? sa ;part boakody wasnamil (a sate by PO 11/Mr Cripbtaisees-tiosaar eat IMM,/ bkial.amMillaast,rlVB:44; • u • •♦ N_ 0 L . BA LIS ORME& AND CONMlssiord, L. Ns 59 Wale, guru. 81L LOOM L Simi A OA mad Axihmay. &elm Melo* AT ACIVIT AND 00111MLEROx 111111101141.11 T, OTIOSOAH111.• PittsbuziOn.. -1111 7 114 - 111,_ Me. TA, sir, err Mel • 11:7' or ewe tad We* Veep ZerVp=tretel 1.61 2try 1 A7 set reeler re . • r • • • SBITRQB, MONDAY:: 3tLS~ELLA~iSOUSi' A` • aasuie.:l l V.:Woominela..,,- lenisstraint romatiivis tsmiesesti, • : • NO Id THIRD enrsr, , , A LARODazespletabe Z a zaotweett nmthar.; : - 6401 P Mr AsMuMeiv: Ilotels t aott enamor/Iml-, . Rato;koottioaDatt load zed made teeedes:: • Theltdond meek metaled cameo be.exoeUedAzar. intaalleiert at' the tottrarezeanter, fog, AO rooks= Ihtaid 43.1otHb•Iti•iailo a sant HMO ,1.... me of peseerehatt 5e11.114. Pan Pf it.. atoll Pfyi mid if air-oka.s evirg • 'idsalltabetzeZy Diem Caws; • • • `• • begat va.t.rmuldg, • a dpaZealopay Reekireeth, "• • - Laid& Hp Welt duuide ' • " " Nom_ Weak Rondo • :allolotulA , Ptzt Metal and hales Bedstead; et dem am' te tote theattoeuvadDizatzli, Fondues and adz, too atteepeas to menCtoz,-_:. A ~,t 4K . oexiler at Wiled wad Ad of wa Dlr AVOW withdrawn kw Ike d Am of Wilk., Jeth Woodmen, on the to id Januar', lalff, 1 take 4 . 08240 i 0 i. te lai-E*lll*in ths Sitlax4 man% that I Ines opened my awn able diadem llama Pita! pithlwed : ay: pole fee Ul tcoa and wee Ii with 141111.ACIIIMIS . etwathr dad Entere r -6e be ethralwallk methient r r al Willy prepared 'ninetieth liardwuded .idnis . lNe aii mod tense and as law WI arth lank Balm woat. Metalwans and *than are re-spay:Valli ArwitaC reel wed exashanthy Met; begird pureltheithr The knowing cooping pane( thy. thrialthear and Saddlery ward 1 13 a*T9 1144 1 5, neer aleeler'a Edda c.,e, Leek*. talehea,lhelliwa' &TIM; wr timer., Union Father,' Planee;rilaw• Winona bawds end wereara, and , Alk odic! melee winnowed with Hardin:a Wises. , , noritif ' 'I PATXEMPIIIXIDWINICAIN ;' 1 . , NOT Wit H STA'N DIN aa humor( oppereon to ildsliw& ' ' d Clion Illu ab Cabo wa ken ot ow . Jortiy et the et Ms r- end Allogimmy city. sad thiamin . v • ..va•mmorentaileshownilesselves above.* v.iturci.lie•Wisw at they give Gartaces &mislead the . prekiesee.siumplyi bonsai Is dorm it baimUm any ..11...n0, ~ ..t .1* .....imooneadla ow , TN MM..' 4..........!.. spe e •11 , or Vie, saborribett. Practical cabinet Nikon of Sc/ eine. of Mama* and Alleetetty, Pa., to booby feet modlay that gra bans borsht do n,dit s wits witi Onztalles Patent Panentop,,aid topsider., dm wpario elm fweasth.ise lota antelptol acqtainta Z'l Jame Leans- idattalt T B Yowls &Co Sabot Mama • t a 11.1101 Jaw B. 8 4" tan ' L ic i r ‘ ah l itt.4. l l: l l.te: WNW Vllllly .Ml.ll WiUteve David Later Rump Os MU' tillasut., • Naga Wallace *mod Laken Per Itlaiti ei ate and .ortH 6614 Bedlrsift sPrg i t: • - Salelll262.rtiliZlAK .tZWP Pima - i ii --- d Mr --- et r --- 11.6. Ciiiiiii Ts e eabsedihers Weed obtmeml I memo. May . s 184114 c ra Psam Stria Maetima still leaving since Mee Wavy gtely tested its Miley, me arre prepared to mil tights *ad mama as delves . so any pert of Ilse I) IttedlMmea. The math; signed to bake Stich heat made clay, sad' .. • - 211kteh good -*drier, firm brick peerfay. se Isant so MO op is the Lilo; th.amdthaz the expellee tad label die. slice the elsy,drytay tad headline the Mkt: ewe eaelded. , la maniple, nreadosot ilabiess Reines oes . repair, mod is communed Mut sums be. as preen teethe. pub meet raeilayslon teadm. Lit stg port . - Me ate sow buddies isachiees; sad eenArnoa Mom osairat aordee. - Fora fall deleopu4 el ..n, 'ROM Wm m • maeldoe WM uWoe? 490111. tie.c a Mt erect booms, m %St at the evie od_ . • , :lei sareetoeiete me Mall be happy so eipiale ter emmeesed with Ism ill selm may tall ' N. TONsi,Z mom ow Sathotifad Apnl. 41.11Lstams amempildem.sa mat be Malley attralkil Se i . - - ' eIII,I3EITSON, MehttlitYN't ai., i• - ; cumuli rim, - • - sum vim im - lviiilisiir.if., ;. i - PITMNSIVELY tested sad approved deem the paid 1 11 =,ers,by de mose, p L e rd ieer .„. =, etrzelammterlt a s Peamyteatua, Bell e • nod( &co:Wm.-Foe the opaglei pt. m t .ewsek, Th material so erhielt thettelarabdity am/ seconority &ponds, to selected by experimemt ler Mn. tem* Ron Alerylsod, milers tied iscovery lose lan szsdo,cks Midi scatter.erldierldcit it la isle& del, la merely sepluated. by stall be destmetMr. bane& maturea pmeral by - ameMomy. sad IN tm austatiosittPaa be Merits. llaitey a co, de pny pOMOdh ta allempeem tomatamie deur aelmowledipsd MVIZI : Mait or Sodm appleatim io..7 i' i:ll/ I & l44 AMlett 't.,' ,. _mai , . . ' Remedial. tree Works : - - - -- W soosre STUZMILSIASII I II CoNn=foreAsir AND "FRUIT MOM voiS pee as lasoday:Ainlitl• Doe dews Item WWI sy sod rat dear t•A Jame. Detail Tea Sere, • - • eplesDA r amorwesSof SSW C•SeASSDN 'Frait, Lad=rb• eo•Weinerf day; isweittieb sbe ; .. , ASSeatiess, .Mud CON Lemon MrYTA; de: Uwe Nwo; Want/ Ambleg Spen•Serel• ride& We; A. re: Orders toe lee ensm, Dellse Cur knee Cataweisucr, Se., km, eseeued ni • gamer am, galled Is quails sad beaus by iay Aar establish= rem Ws Fred lbe•S.Rock, l . 6 . wariateeNNS • T. Gam Wks. Wheat Ma, mid free INN ID , D•r t m7' worabs. sp3 AND WS • woos mows or: mamma nou -141: rhisatrottlissios, lot mused and pawned • Out Cortioating baset, whielbas Woo we saillSy sant io aostos, New rot*. So sod .broater. OppbeL Sas recomsa th loafed praforsom over atom, F•1611M. IC; 611•1121 UP. 1110-• I.l.:oltit IMINEria of Teisperatont. Emcees ttoto Sadie, . Std. AO.npMsesst Eully Mold tg4 .nil sot liable to get est al Db. Grow Dwabllity. A Nadel and ftoeibaulat swy bn sem Wit deo of- Farad obtol. at WitOw Oiwpor andtirlawaro nom a II DCAIPS, rust amok • bin. Woad and Warta ow TIAIDXLS AITICLES of THE TOlLET— lUltlypb Saw: asopmed of as Emma Dotaaleal diseovery starpniSing elficsey, roadwialt Da Witt *oil sob fairy as 1.0 =panto( a devote romps lac la tlus lam Also,-11= Atmait DiuMag Omit: wbick is alwo ora:trally and.by tho Noltiosablo anat. washy lapaws of ticUaited . A MW& Dooilatory Ate*. tor maniag twin awl also kW Nobly estabrawit Veriablo Liquid Halt 'Dye, a chola/CAI Mal to enable perms dyo' ' awls Dam towaat.wwwwly. awl to awl* . twl os irmr , W r, willsbots, Wastatbes, atla eyebrows, w a brawital totoWSIT block color.. , abow &WNW as for rale, wholesale sal IWO. by A FAHNICISIDCZ & OD jai eor Dow sad wool, acd wood sad SW us 111ardwars, Catloty, JU f lIPOINV.Ii AND DEALER in romp sad Downs .11. flardwatwomald wwwwfallr *NW!Yn matilw and*. oablib ponarally, ba is new neeiving ' •Prist.aNlif a Hardware, at Ws old smut of Walker o. w o oowall. No . tO Wood urtat,l.lWeb Wwww; of on the mow touonahle rNi. IN will ha osatietaally.rosoillag fresh aw.pllo.alrail hos W bluaheutrers la . Eampasad tin maul, writieb will raAla lan wow..wift wi th any alltibl4t, astatoillbar rigor Wool.. • . WiStetil liorekants Ira laiited to eall ud mowso W mak beim, oanbassat obonirboro , asst ; IXTE. andeisigood, have entered lato Oniartner en ship Rir the patinae 'of tnnatedng a Predate • Otamelealeti and•Pineriudl*lineditioni abbe .1k 1Y of OSUM, & CO., mod herd piked die orattbilegn, Noe cam se re ha tow Litany noun, Sopaerly eniespood bp, Mr. W Parip-- 1 where all huh... eninteted to - cnr change will be pnetapily and atidithilly amended to. MOllll6 DRUM. formerly of Philadelphia • TOM D IIeGIREW, . notithlield,Oldo FINDLEY 11 ItteDM. " • ?Whine: Maxi 113, 1541. 1 • •-• -leek& ---TII.OIAS'AVIIINICDT. JEL.,' • /%V doe We Alm of Litlle.pla dt Neenedy, L 001111( lJClant ltionalsenirer• end dealer in :MAL °nabs, iJoode, teem enermity on hattd,,ot Po, own isenoreetere, evert , description or tiolt; litaloMPor nd-Qmotoros Glaeaew, 14 41,iatif droner 'radon orstionntal pontze trams. • . Ali kinds of Code, Trey*, and AV *time r In eerie or *new Coetbs;Theade, and Ik general anionateet of Fury Goods, orlooketalet at ti odeosee nn•eoit•• Podium end others eityphed wok Poelett Clouts, Cor rierti Prow, end lo ,ith mei el New York one.. invillot • • . No itft ror Woiel ame eth MO: MVO/, DRUGY, TOFJ, NIONLES, Doorpost owl. ApothAnry, N W, coroot of Wood aa4 Afla too, l'otaoreff., Igeff. roosmaLly bond, Drop, Nino, 00., .Droado, • 'N.I3 —lltyrioisf poootripoooft etoofolly tompoooN oft fooni Om. maw ot soy halt a lb. dater; n.Ol. Atm, es avonentoi ilethwiery; 101*. flair. lasi Droohrs, kr. ad, "Ala .'" kr, Yr tali.. EAGLE COTT I OV WORKS. PITTS V Oil. APIUIPACrJ Pt V. COTTON YARN,. Csiwilt•Wlelry .011.11S1. Tyrta r gii i Ceverlit . VAIN, CAltria CIIMN, WAS &a Ate., rEfflioc abe OlkeomoresrialseklaskikvaryJ • CONNIIIIIIOIIKIL.O I /. OI SDI liA T CINCINMATF•Iain t of Pennsylvania intake •IP.r. , M=. 11) In. stn.werin or mrrhing, sire Wawa , Ira lamialaw persona in (110401 , Ire aril sr neemisi I. Pasorlina. ma. Owen, dome FAA ar NelVallaall! Uk. MAAS° P orfOLt.nrly.P' • Atimacy as Law 1.11111.1...7.vg":111814,..)-171,kleaf orylosiontr4pLjael:estAßlvi.ttellaii.. w male r•Po!"4Fk.kVRVINOIDIit sem O s emor fax awl Insist ro. ►loAand . . AXIIIIMMIAIW.quaII.Iar.IIOBn sal Even lateneat ONION Ewa t•e ¢ed Nora 'sold • (101•0 .WAVILES—MewooI '4.• Whir IoT logo omb tahla d t rver moimor asebso.taitabto lbe traits asiOasolooo* --of 010 Ism* and butbooell, patio:MS me of the boo y.toalialWlWW."-Tirarts. l .o lad Innis at nor im poo om ••W W wiLISON • pßanidli,liges:=o4,Vailiolgcrarel 9 a" amass, Noodles, Nos, Took raids. as., No lissitot 6c Wilma Disimidad 401 Weds WOO ass nooses of mists skossomossesol as MO, sal Cos ale IT restos.' pekes, in the Pegs Me Ns WM Wood mem meat ' • /EY , N N WNIMMIAIit ICI CILIUM ntatl6la-.1 re 411. Iva =NW .1 WOW 3.411111 ft Mears him Ls Cram how. la* liable It Mats, Omaha.. and aTt••• pia at: • WWI WALL! vig7 - ' mertstal • B:?£=;M==i 1 ;INIS/$0`;': Ar_OVST' LITERARY NIMMONS. COLIXOTLS Oars Lem* At., rAfbubspfik.. - ; - Theeituusel Coireeolltnerriernbe losfitutioe Will 'o.l= him fas liet lintikaito Nev.sumuitt: and be trod ant i glare" lirsi fdareb.. - The RiWiunsDuth* VmaFeer 3. Wiblesbir; iCEY-04.4miel.Wiunrec or wanels'ined children. ' -r.iliourifErettexessiM Tn.-blitteda Manes sad her. 1 opaaticc GlienCbt - Dr. , Aitelbeti Ind Physiology. !NIA Onkel, id.Dr-tsludieies si.d.Pisloks. ol6 W yrr , ChtsligUy: will be Opened On Moodie in October, ceder the dorm:ties of Postcode aiont, sersistedyt A . , 117: Alihraltimesaing a . lima& Colas( la. well those received adsuodswous dune who have .aor.aded.lbeir firm (Wu In iklllstinksilon,t will be furnished with a ticket to tie Clinical ! n stSeeS!..* l - Use; Numbs/retie Hospital, Pile Wee , ' Fnerbfunsfeidinloei IMSlDrefinis richly en 3 i ssfon-. .1 1 0.1:$ 34 . 'Wants. Parnamom, Rogiume- 1 seauseuipms, JTrtiw, TM 91 tank :Mg& LNN te I BOAR , INO ' I 0/00La . IreAn* tz4tre Tttelett,&Of rUr, horned th thin Ineurilleta warden 1 higher bneurn wt fagllso lirdheaborlrareh; lawmen la dee French, lutliwe Dellagenctege.i waken ad finveell'lllahalla Peacoats are pr partratinle, towered, and every eeaUlo given vigil/ fee' weristrieretke dtlreneht Lamar sieweillter with adwr rilelVerrtLidei auk, eowneenehicen Alike es . W ' r • voiding eu the 11 , 1101 Jule. , inn iksze ibr The aelleasna et irn 7 Weentiihos rdegriliegi l d r LlVL: ', gra n rd.7eiti.= grie.',Thei erassenehypoty time: edible liar term, , will be clonal weeriogly. If it aselnedenestile breartme oe'llshetishe peplitrtrow dimmer shag , Ven rowan , lining Po reamwert mad.* when a doe mantles will he pled, Meghlllant,Eaq,lte II MI Patten.% Itrt gleClellah,' Hoti. Grow Withheld, Philmielpide-F N Morgan,: Feq,intlerels, Nan Jr Relie,WwWlempree, It Loh* Mo. Thee Kalman Ew,Florenee,,Ala-Wasi /wh am Ere, MO-Caleb C Norwell Nei,Ne.krit4,Teen - Hot Richard IC Call,Tellahawo, Florida-IN 1 Masao Loewe, Charierioe-J P Phifw Erg, N C.-Thowae C Nesbit Eq,Sawab, Ogep-Ran. Dr gnedvasee New York. Modes ' Tomo LAMAZE , • t 1 ',ALLEGHENY CWT. THIS lastliation sealer 'hetet:reamer AIL N. METCALF, is sallow ET the eeorptiatt of fhipile c•riter if Staid:* aimilr .rowbetrey sta.. Tba Surest! elision ermassees on Moural,Sept; Thole /marital. to tater Wlll Cliti then Inter:eta , radon as ameba fn wing *NM omitsa as.pmetttle; thottyh papas wilt be revered at aay cue &flag the .Timp service. of ...apnea. Teachers will tio 'reared classes *au =ay •reivit ter raeelve lannsettone fa Efnmvit:Paantisty sad Maria. Forpartlestara titalive se the cow. of imunetioa, leave, &c. commit eirealaror apptyis the Ineosevar. •Ikeetteay. J. 11.3,1647. 10011:VMUSIC,' &C.* ---- ITALUABLE! 110011Lbweablished by J A V & U P James, lifalein attest, between Fourth? and ' 'Fifth; Chieftain& • -• • . '• Usigia's Gat ain—The. rare hisl Le decline and' G of the Romareps , By Edward Gibbon,; 11(.64. , A sew Editiourtrused aid raineetedtbrongb . • out, preceded by a preface, •god pasoupagied. by sows critical and historical, relating principally to pea of etolatianity: by • At. V: Geha, l Sliatoter of Pad a lestractioa Wallis kingdom of Vance. :The uslace,rmates nod correeriou, trust . taled fats the Farah espreulyter this edition; With is talks of the LU. and aureately( Gabes, awl Watson • ftetily to. Gibbon. la: vols. imp'. Eau 103 agog. ' • . Naga. rename& War—Ciasplite. I vol. lap. Italbrife - Wirt Ages, Clamber's Rebellion is &tithed; flizbertooreVistimar *at New Nagtatid, Reaell'a Preach sad English War is Arnefita,mul Itimuy's'Alserical fievolation. I srol 4to. ••. Lana el , Asirrieas Histray—Cleaulalas nebu lae' from the heat Whoa on Anikeooll MOM, Blecaphy, Travek,Crisitaeree, blatistia,lodians, Reteletioavy'Etablee,,ike. anuake... Also:Aned. delta, Poktry and Mietaillapene article& 11111elen tad with,enwe au 500 esgrialka. I a 01, imp Sao • sawed baptist Libral—d,uta.hurs ash:able ppm es wait nakjette,...toreavreat Natnal lingo ,Natersitkieirese,Agncelare,Rinal Cues ouy, Botany y., Arts, lee Chightals, Taves, Botany, 111iskaflaneena ee. i out Imp END Wei r . a s l y.. f .b.e ,l;.; use The Fandlylgerwal A untie harea4aa red CITII Diagasaw, by. mimeo sod ainipleuedicisec NOW Salad, rouged asd rola. . EN! tt.l2 Omithddilioa col a Vegetable Nigeria hleris Mai tbat tirthilltilltaiti=elg;ll le gullies of Ithateety rend. Plialolepr. • innovated DISC 00 UMW Casanova wiz of which are colored.. fly J 'Norwood, M D- 864 pages 100. Ii100:01 Flower Galan Compasom—Adapted to tha:Cshed.Stoiwvlsy ' Eahrswitfaya rs,L e ndoca p e sad Oresaantal thadeser. IV ma, thoid edition, tinkied, - welord kad Ululated: • Paltear'e °aspen; Reeky MargetstaiLice.. family Teauteet. edam% .vattk. sad without Polyglot note Lied Peahen Metre: • Rice and Plegree's Debate. Baia'. Works. , Lady of the Lake.. Lalla Rook& Mono's Private Down don. llamado' Boots. • Lamp Pillow of widow works is pairblet Dm. - • 5019 — 7 — trheosi — rterThirighinayo AA =ATV& en lb. Preveneen and Cum oi Wee.. Bo 0000 rkad aOOO bledielnee. Neve PPP. reeked mod enlarged, a nk Pi *Maim of a Nogg* Users )/sole, panting oaf the virtu. preparations sod eleeee aoss pp 'amble, suave, leeiroel Pin ar, and an appendix. Unleveled' mob to eetrevinp, a of which Pr wood: Up J. U. Nome* lc EL The el4ett of the enure work le to on the kinky, eOOOOlOO 0111000.'100000 amilacni o . l . l of all 00001a1•000. is u poem Poole and instill. ginla Pas as pokible, salted to the tapelike of all erne oragleL en Pe wank se nplertak• tike =sumo at a &kap le dm tarpaper' of latiel Pam 110 may inament. peened by the saneralia ef prank* in, and fuse wort wieeastial; putkelply the VW- i Pep Eadema to the north &ad Wesa,l.ol hem &pail ' wish PIP neeproces end peat care. • lbeFaidly hisairettAboary, V boo ted tear given mate meal wegeneeden dna any book of lb. tied Inept. 117 awls API peep:tepee dirretoo - i—its Into( oneedas Hair pupa noun my oak of win. win be enabled a vat many eaten atelleerehentalie netewity Si canal par.tur. We ken been abroad or heed of faisilate, lap io their tome tbst, amid literals' Mewn raenher over of the work; an times the ten P.M on preheat , fireeeddy tared more than Met, in armpit', by 0 hams KM. wanted te sell this work—e liberal camel. Pm allured. J.. A:a 117.1.. /1111E1, Fshlikena; • )4.3 • • WillS0111.60.401.0111104 010 • 000 4 1 .. . 111111031CAls INIBTRVIPICWSI I . 09N it MULLIJIt Na i i. Wood etreeti_bes Jett ro d eekted a new wok afthe . folleirlag laintary Band latrasents, viz: I Ras Tabora, with a valves In V, with E gat nook, • eels !sad very purafel bass issusasersb fabbaSalksr o , F 11 Fat, and E fiat, wads by Grave. Ttombeeekia B danakh l valves, by,Oravire &Col TrenSGl Oat. do do de do, do do; Kea Kaden parouli e. 11 fit -de ": Ophie Clet, wahines( sipe;ortbe best goal. ill Corneae into., rerle Workload tell eePrier• Trombones with tannin Elate and kelt; Bow patterns Pa mach lesproved, . - '.. • sonceo,Fresall Itornsorsiti 4 or usliacno aad F lot •, • Plates; 'holler, (PPM Wee: Flageolets; Atrordoo; ViolorTll* DoialelhouNSuldi., Fetde, Marie Fe- per; Miele Tot everp_lnuneneet, L fiat tiooiimaro:_, ` NOTFI 4. k p PAR/UMW , ,tby * Fre . eictra Tains* tare of mrGimiolphie; 11 Job s Evtl'P Woniln . n. arkeLP pribirobod orot anoo. y Fmk!, Lord Maliep of Oxford Lai and annuli opisirisindrizaricare of eke Lle None !Jayne, wall sow ace/motet thy pet oast piety end Mime. Clllll.OllllOl . ref!t knit ArTIW. ofCseetkp; by TS) Uplanta , •• • ' • Beek it Ilium of tbe Oink, large eve, Luau.' West edition. 4qlCAl3.9!o.onas marker. .ale floNtrrEriiiirrr,:iruert 30CEPITS,Coaetilatioa, L., not only loudly overtake, hat exeip.tte IV desint withoutinedieldeternnifinarl mesas.-ipentlydis• toatrad in nenee. Orders by NMI, otompaped by the etb6D Witt, postpaid, will - receive immediate at. %elation. , • J L READ • . !disinter market VALWABLF.I3OOI(I3-11 Orme. f0 881 . 0 1 8 .. / lit..* (NW oreatW foie!Joint Brum, of Jo Broome. looldooto rOf Travel ut Yoram. by Wawa's prattlookrgy. <dared olotto For solo by Of lie DOB ALIBL BLt tAl,"18 market 41 PlEsa A l * , l IsIS3tF LENU - Do o d oo or t n yn n to o le o z 010 r J M. a e r to v =oos !shoos,jirote •Frooe, oitamorovit rWadloiatstbdPismo,whinoooon`o ookised fornaol laelet Io LU inn; ye, • ••111 l ishovewodmewleMn Oh HISTORTAIF 11.111X1170—Jau pablidid, by ittltn a te t r i glit Ovir 316.2 1 1C0: ker s Ovil igrats and Cbbettal sat Itnielallasasy tannalt, file *a paned of 9,4,l4,Caaasest, MA to Jo proem tims.l647; wbahmeg be mediate( aup War whittle Vaued Biwa, to cp.sea sad. Idiliwry Aeloemaala a, By radlP ye. D maCopperplale aml myna Ealipa * rlaSsof Maas el Ha* Otaaisda. Nap One vol. ...no °ammo( in lutadtail and .11174 par pages. • PIANOS; PIaNCIIIII • " 1117HIYWKLwv 4 ELlir,r,..warr,ariri:argo; Mao be b• mamma et ell ben-wed the ee4ed. bee .1.11 be Moro from ide le, 144 ane reed 1 ea. r.llL,aseh daY , • rftbl. Ombe , te. 11%0e iiiVaceeloweehl lakes at► llbe citizen et Letoetr"byle.:Thestr bap EretT,C..; Wed mew eweOlegeyeeVeen s a clam ; , Nor York.Ser.ll. 11$11-sellatf. 77. 7 mF anowtratsietnia - .4 Mewed and *Sera Pier— One ay Iced 411 11:4 . max! Piero Pena, an i t e si oetee a. o a rue •24 tw tpY tz.0.6 . anew' r itoomoiTisa. Ana, arida 6 cetera Sakes (rue. ID& by Quatravy r,O.PART/1111111SILLP.-The sideniped My. Ow defeat illabegaey PueblaVoille—aaa by Gala ibirsths , Drys la Utley; 4Ja ale peopeeretareseeraet Parra fillebiondn lima at ireve Prkri , Day Omaha end Omer, Weimer, sash ea bd.* theit 414 " 111 " 41. 1!" . .ft. PRIM b 844 Mango mei the pellet gestorttlyokat aley will keep **84111."... • • riand f . ler .4 _l:l= " = " alisr h I iing - ' ow l tut be psnimeettelatimg. : • • . t .g? MINIM 'NW Th.rum 'n' . fru • . ise maw mon • -1847. .'''.. tT MANUFACTORIES . . %TT , .:;.. L . ..::: - ouEit N'E - - - , selurto, , Lux- Ithu. 4k,gtopi .*ORKS' OttlAtdA.N, lA N A, & Co., bevies compleuel %Le Abele New.emetdb mane rowed matanatke. tote every dcacatOkm of.Coacle and ktlitadialia tree *sive, Asemicen Melee, apeingeed p glee% sada stmo of small velure and. round, boy elldak; Miry later dtilielo on Iliwat lama, at Melt wed : . NaoUltirood meat erhetelbeT elm. ke. okkadde, complete and headman asoonmete at . Caeca mbar/ asfake,'Caniede •kardende, aralleabte crting% -Nails' C. nak, bi, hin isiae• meatigeincem *di kedges. Dark Ddlatst matisfaceneta of idelecla,kkadae Fmk* es, and oral 'keep concur e on on hand even article We by tbdob, .Dealet* . ore ecopeoldd? ior eked to ea ILas vices mad imam will bo made Ilbreab! PITT. MACHINE WORIL/f AND FOUNDRY," SOHN T 00;.' -,Ok BE PViusd Cat= and W.W.11 Yields. Atneers%pni,gsgr.V.=::==; I =, 1= W •0717 =3l .Q D' alitPgs .11kafang - mutat *IC sigma( Cast Insu, Mats sad Hangers, of %ha lazed patents, slida and Nana Lathea, Auld what &naiads • - • ! • - - Castings of escridesenatans famished an slant no. tea.' Tattinia'snade ardor for 'Gaming, Iron sasitatett.% =Paz f r aL t baanni . -Pactories . , ll Cast =Matt 'ache Vio:rebosse Pageir6., any falai Tsai b". u Cvaa t.r: 'lllacisnscii; Belt & Ca., - .1 Arimabend t. 1)&07 E Wanes, Jam Irwin eong Pitubargla; CI ; C J Warner; Bisabeanine,.. Jaen JOHN OAILTINHOMIT. IMPORTER and \Huainan of Catlery. Anginal 11: and Dental Inknettents,rsaddkn and Tinnera' hand loot" Taylors , Pakottbeurs, Ste. to Also =nese. tares Tresoes,elapportera,,ke , In great variety. J. C. Iklankfattarer and Itoponee of Pen, Pocket and Table CnUerk; Rasoen,Setesors. Files,Saws, Tools,ko; ink Vs WO STREET, Pittsbrogh, second door be low Diamond Alfa !, And Is. the y rseerred a huge assortment of Paw 11. •HICIIHMIL K 11.1211, Rahn Yorke, Alto Rodent' and Wicsoanbotree VINE' CIITLEWIte Mous, gedgersZWede k Butcher ' Kators, Isms, Rasor Strops. ie.. Damasees and Wire Twist DUNS, RIVIA.I I / 4 AND FISTULA. I ColeakedDlant,•RevoliremPoollizi FlPks htmlo Belk. Glum Dun; WAlkerk CoVs Int Per. DM.. Boris. Dirk and Baalbek • - Tools. sack so Callipers, WM.., 1 91. , k u riV e " , Howl Viees. Naar., Rat* 1311te1,, Cooke hand Ikea Wire and ItonOoses,Malle ' Dwane& Instramenteake, me ecuY trent mtet7 03 . .Inbking ntek repening wally and paneutally dope. - • • I al ly done. E teaZalisrletrrii= ? d F. er barium d py tressed eceps naarship ander stYlo and Inn Of Stephens: - Sbeenhager k Co,' at the kaelorltan Worksillioaliag Va., kr the revere of .runaractering sad "P. of "`"7.44."44"..- E. W. entwooLE: P Priindremont: J. 11. N • STEPISNII, 1111011NBIIRGRIV k CO4, - • • • ANCHOR IRON WORKS, •' ' '-• -Wheeling,' Pal ' Illaa*Dscore all kinds of, bodes. alrem; bar iron - aid nail., All ideal elipue springs and axles •Belng otos• meted with Malmberg.% Old /mama Works, we can over as ...la a Jamas Iron [branded Strobtem'raarl mast to any made ache Mentry. -All af *loch wtit be alt at the Pittsburgh pricel. Warehouse of the Works contra Monroe and Water streets. rell ALL,VZIIHNY VICYIiTIAN BLIND P1,141f. ;AIM ani Method to Sakai bls friends . d dat pollie al large that his PactorY, .now in fell operatn at,on the East side Me Diamond, Allegheny. where a Mil .•wint .apply K BlinO,, of tattoos totem ' mad paddler/Am orarmatly lepton hand,: • also at Na Wood at, riusbarglon • Irtollipa'oit cloth waseroora • onion Rhintera mote so enter 7/1 the best aryl.. : Illtods, repaired at I b e shanerd woke. N. 11. Making& twill be pat up, withoei any addl.; tzepese so that they can be mowed hr a to, ofucam dire or sor waslOng, and roldsont the aid 111 l so-` e i ectlitlyametetalT , • —A-:.l,ol.7lTlievil arta ba n ns Cr. ha Obeli add commenced bushiest at j. '• ohl stand, here be will be pleased to /di old en{nopers and Glenda. •• • . • - Chock Meambeat, and Bells of every. • mile; from 10,1g0 porada, cast from of roe mow approved models. and • wannustell sto,le of the best matariallt.; Manna Water Pampa, Contest, Nailing, An. he. *r?with every easier, entrails Canines, tf repair anted sad UMW la pie must manner. A. P. it the sole • propnelor K BUM* AMS! Amnon Mom, so OW, eelebraled, the redact has elartellen In machinery. • Thiejinals and Oarges. Mato our be Lad of him Mall - WlllLlll4oOli'll t C.: • IMITATION CROWN 'GLASS. 1141.1,11N0 rectally mad* very Sant tromare. esiam monolactare of the m arti r le,• oat- • adore • Wilmot imp r oved Cagan' I eV/afar tat temitmlere ate now prepared fantiahtol article of WIll• dote Olasa equal, darn enamor, w any Myliadem awe made to the Untied Stated, sad tat Lute Weidman the :Umiak Cr..... • ' We are also vtry endo w engaged in AO Mum (aeon of Colima Win d ow_ Ohio and Druggists , rob and rears of every descripmn. Dealers generally ale owned twain and 014111i110 for themselms.atoar ware hoote,No..l2ll Weed stoet, P. b simidt, Pa. ' PIIIIMMIU3N idAllNr WORK* Non IMO 0.1.10 Lamp mid, Wes she Correa 34 =1 1.,. .nado pu r ,c, onho . rot. r hart obw roriaH .d i Haman TopserembStoses,Moonstrenta:te4allerldel,. beter , itade of the elndoest warble, and oranliateMrW, print.; ly br he Odd low for each. N. .IPereoa. malting to parehme Mantels, oare Informed that It is henecamh anneectontry for thew to go East, as I can famish them with an asuelont all roved.. as good, and(frosght, dometnee,ko, ed.) as cheap au they' eon parole.e them for to the Wt. (Siloo4oo. COPPS* MLR MLNU 111 M PACitNIT 1. 1 41N,' UP TIN 11, TORY,' No Matte% street, Potibingh, Pena. rg I HE nhaeribers haled! mode mat Improvements Lin tbe conmaction of their COOKINU STOVER,. reepeedully inviter rename bedding tkeataboats to call 0100110 beare parehasiog,m are em 'apply thew • whlt *eh Korea, Yoram, and every other. trod of Copper, Tin and Sheet Imo work necersary in famish. V'S also date to order on ihe sho rtert no tice gal amsben-Copper wort ler Stour Enloe. Sam o.ery variety of Inn* to 010 lino. debt' •- • • • ONKRIPP k. Man BENNETT ab'EfROTHER• -" ..- QPICENSWARE, htXtiIIIPACTIMERII. I ffilraallaghlaink Daum Platabsedged Pa. Warthowe, No. 137. • Wood sired. Pittsburg , " i? 19 ILL com to tty keep as ll..rea • good Wort- OW‘t a Ware, or sot own immanent°, and • soiwriorinralay. Wholesale and conntry filer , chains lime respeetfally invited la rail and 'et anion' for themselves, ne Ire are determined to sell cheaper than bas ever benne been offered le the pub ic. fIZI. Weslaco! by wall, accompanied by tie cash or roe eofer.nee. Ind, b. ;Maundy Lndended to. fehtli • • Wtatfil Butt. Bingeiniuractol7l. CINOINNATI,O. tGRDNER . k , Co., entsld 'nitres At trade that • they sreoose Manufactories, the best Batt Hinge !Maid. In lb. Vetted Butes: As this It oar prinel• pl. bosirtem. ironed to send oat m template *ARV ties am tan poschl)' let made. These entened in the Maim e trade, ere. think, Mtl bid It le that soonest to see oar Haiti All orders prearptly attended to. etyi A GARDNER k Co. Irmo( SA air rats • COTTON wad WOOLLON 'LIIE .tlarne fibers! are now mammas th ew estMdisit ent, and ale pispared to make on abaft of Cotton and Woollen telocliscry, on the atom masonsbla terms. Ordera addressed to ma Will Intel with Nernst attention: ' WIONTSIAPida DALZELL !smock street, Allegheny COT N rniglasson t who has a patent fora eery , important improvetoe at on thweawl, awl Who ha been engaged for the last fifteen seam in some'tTlhe most catenate+ and mocessfel Cotton Factories of the wen,' will Mae his personal anetoion to plating up, to the sat isgsetnanor tkose conce rn ed, all machines outdo at' thia establishment. : ; laaNdly .......___ _ Vitatirr " si”c g tal na l ib,s 1 1 5 :,: 1 l' ''' ' ;Mal i rtie Intel i ' l l p:o l ua 'era t r " ail -• . I • x,leraliand vnarstiled eqa..!Lui . itoy. Aka. lb no. C.satenp., finished if ordered; Gas . Fit _-_,--.--, Ow {rut op promptly and on .:..........- .oi4o.4mobie terms.. ~ ' - porlfhlly • w. P C Maw.. F Pi%oleo. yoviro, smassar k PLUNKS:Mt. YLINT.OIASSMANUVACTUREKS, IXTARXIIOUS N0..41 Waser aod .Ne a red ro I. TY Pi Ulau tosoo by siarlitaled eqsal lo any II a. county.. All anima mill renelva prompt attention sal 61184 o. reamonablo ream.. Meralutaut anti ottmets etaitirta t►d city ye la. 'tied tOnall before pare►ui* elart.ena.. fabli — iiiiPllaCtaTT IIIon: WWI U. RON wad. Molls, above* ko. for we at 'aar da- I Womb..., N. II Water areal, bete Wood, m -01131r Y PFORL la., an anonment as Om rad Mod, bleblariera Raw, Llbany atraeL law.= made rear adagio.. to dird Ralharg Mill. all Wen can W Wed pampa I. boy* • ORAFT. unser it Q. 111111INCILII'71C1. FICT011: • IDAISPBSILL t C 1112111 6,. 111,..19/ACTIMS• or FINISIIINO NAHA 1100 X iiF.AOIIIWIS,. Stew • wed Copper Tim**. -. IRON,A.ND COPPER qIIOE NALLB, • Patton /dam' Pointe, of every deseripr Oka No. t P,. Mr-leo I low', Thtd stmt. AND AXLE grxri. FACT:MY. ANDSPEINU mnac .70NMII ICl(r i n t. ANUFACIIIIIERA of pun; and DAMer &del: Plaub Meal Mal& Wimp, Onaeb cal E/IplieDong Iran I lan and dealezp Malleable an 4 Caleb onp atm earner al Ram and strsea,Pilesberbara ILIAT ziutNANv LEDLI mosolSotore sod p oora manor m band CM, limideol on 4 flails nor OWirommo. Is MI warteries, os W arristieris met; and Sanas rad %mot Meseta. im/mies. . Our Wroth restiose rolt oprrulos. and roar ( QM Wl, eat nort. wricli 'mein or us oreasorieli miasa& Preeboooro o r e e . ..0 ON is sellout manias prices mid mum. • ME TFI CAL saisiao amagoi..paon, non ti Jot Side, dad,N.4ew;.i. , Amtnwhwimpi.g Elver Complaint, 8t..6i11% and all of ('the threaklenge antbliver i acA ... by 13See - Raising Blood sta4 onnieoo4*: 11 Mi. IDLNE, Hail& .r fa Drorklyn, aria - aDeeked - JVlVrrith raising blooklaorrest by a eterrebintn) ie the "" X id Ld atil ioli th att r be I:437l COO P Lli r iertn .r "M".1;1 •• Hearing °CDC erowletlid eaten per Mined by inter. i l i try7s, I "4''' ht ' itt * rW___. 1:= 1° "64' i tt ' a r4l :s . a ehatal.agewee. th e bledortA l and Heihne h he bad raltenewvbectle be who to be shoat Maw*. Ir had SAVED 1115 LIFE,- Ills duster, meting attEr Mine Avenalbean anew - MIN Ann Easion,of Wlllianethargh, balk inTenth ness Death Pomba.. ups— lei eke had been troubled with Mucking coe6,,and pain in the di-abbe al? time s w h ich at last becalm n lns eke ni l Wires ay her whaled for bate than a' year.- She n conwarateed uskhwtheAlltleallegfilalawse whteh woo alleviated her sywytostio She Is leow,Wettearcrlalb and hoe mewed her taketioosaenpi,ioaasa teacher, H VElllls.c_ r Idr- John OVVeal,loth ~acid-.and 911 st at; endued with a coaglk_rataletrec phlegw. and yam ht ht. - aide. He maid get-NeRELIEF tin bit tried the Elf Malice DataaroprehiWdrove the pain fmtn hististe. Knifed the cosh* and broaght the Means epott.the, surface; and before hotted taheA three boltlea.M. saute , eFe L a En Maas; a gaitupwabh of Vooesiding Sksi , Ur, has tor years been sobleet to attack. ot -PDozwy : Raising of Mod, severe twegh, Shortnen of Bfe aat Pahl lo her Ilead lad varioaa parte of bet body, -lint reienda • believed her PAST` IitEIErVEMC: The' All. Healing Selma Warred Mr at owe of an her alarm• symptom.al and she les werAbl,soanewkio,hernrerA, Adana mad, Cough.: Ids Lumens Wells, OS Ehr - htlawsiti'L SDe 19 Delenceyeb Was It VintaltaakWalmsteb-know aba the vela* of this great rem ed y. _ . Mk for thermals AlbtleaUng - mankre;ind tee Mat hiarrehten elgiutera h OA each haul. , Pave 23 teas and 51 per bottle. • Dv Sherman'. Worm and- Cough Lounges Rohl as above. ; Prhternal OZtie 100 NIISIIIII44;;N,SY: -.:' • . ItWa../s wd ratan by Wa harm, at hie Want 1111 uncles Wank.. and Boot Wm &We, NOW Llbei ltreetOmada Woe( !teed, pa hots ! 1111=1 "":4" M I I • % R s (Me) Advertiser rasyst—. WOOD This remedy km been pore eaceemral this *ay medicine vis have over 'known for its mow oat camera Cousamption,Apioinglnmdtpin in the thde said Smash Borachitsi,'Ambm ObWoate Copts. liteatvantras; Yore Throat, Polfion;AC. ram • Heap Whooping Cough. Creep, Nrams TremorsAm Individuals dram highest rrapectidainyin Wary ci amt am of ple (alimony or ira poem and ...Ilkley iR ;Id! OW AIDO4I . W.ll4lollatto valise °ldle ahotreratrav Idea, ere petrel distiopithed physicians of Phil adelpida. Bead. *a fallowing lariat dirt Traingobe element • " ; - 2 Pountifirrai: no an Raving used in my Pune& na well onto myr_oern fatally, Ildeistirotrat Compood fdyrup of Tar and Wood Naphtha; I have sto.heratalitan ht. saying that is the ben preparation ante kind La nee frprereOlaillostrerini thini Conlaniptian,Callea,tbidr, and all stealth:it o the Thrush BMW, de , mpßvalent at than torn of therm. Wo. 1 cumi.ll.: lii ISSISOMen al Walove*eswithiv • favulaysthapelftriNnsapvt. the following certificate. Be mama well, being per . *Mir cured of his drama: " • " . , p a ns..setrautOantuoy.3.,l2l7. - From& ranee of evatitude, sod • doubt Millet afflic ted may liavererararre us% inlymvalestde .asediciac, I would BUM trait the benefit I have 'euperiemd from the ore of Thompotee tompedind Syrup of •Tar raid Woad Naphtha. For raverra yearn Limey bees afflic ted with diraressingrackingeostralisemeinrakd peat oppeporat Pit rallealkof bp:dank pith ma ss lion of bean.* et Me chest. Retaining greatlya h rmel, ramie{ • traced abo And helm Melo benefistelbrillis Mechem receptoesukd me to try ILI did an; very erarAtious eve•falanthig propom disappeared; my expectombrai became Inv, all impresses left met eougb ceased, end a'firs dens I was abler to omtand Puente Imy tontnine alirelllign.;: Any ranker information will he cheerfully given , the a®yard, by at ry Midence, MLitt& eh Poen st.' ' • • . • - : ;JOB. AteIIANAMY. 'This invikabkmedieine is prepared only by ANG:. NEY A MCKEON. m NE cocoa of Ihfilf and Slime is, Phtladelphia. Sold la Pittsburgh by I. WI 1..931„ Jr. Prima mate II per borate. CAUTlON—Herrera of the May erainterkits this ate hoer aloes: The anserispraran ere ever ready to , 1 1.1 as swam AIIPNOUNIMIIith lalsill'or O.! Idesningl . A Mimic !ea - Weeder!! —To eats. Amnion& sod Diefignreations tho dltins • irtales.Preetkqes4nm, Ithestaßesniy, Sore , roar yews ago lost Aogavi, the espial of Fitter sinewobed is eostwonelneotlidliecierfoistle by an Chemst. Many doolned—lt seemed almost so imponibility that - anything IWO by the basis of sna..coold itch minds!. downs ss. claimed by anomie Vesprini for his invention.,Msay elnaind him and Battnvention as a ndhen;[iisid•alsd. entry Ladish penm an without uying go Leo now nowd .11 length; adstusting in Ilia dospltels, t he Megioal do. tatty of Paris [tho beta ehanneutioduirdwiddiattlninda do following report to Snot Varna= "We Ines now odwinsly sod : e W hay o s swnedthe Wm* uieldnoof Veepeini. e bar e allned tostpooltittparti—wo have wed ilia several iosesouid we "uo. "t WOO bid/11111besaleal Palau . {vest andalevey, non athe sfin. 1 0 4:Tn:entor we - de Iron of ssfering mankind . • (dived) , DUPREY. , • • :BEAD TBIEU L , j: • From nirniiii.ikinnelf to qp i rremetit PiOincuir. In amnidonition of do vats IMAM, IWs died,. odd to Mrt lotien,tesiding Indio 'cirf or New Tara. yik A., 4 the , whole -meet* Ofnotosfannaringt logener woh a statement of die Ingredients witsporlog toy Ital ian Malawi Pone ononfoetwe it tot sate In tar United testes =Ty:arida" howl do Lowliest oft,. mina f l i t it 11MA I e go areboos T Ed g a oat. way, stro;1 " , head of, tt ' ,Otr i s dne s We only Owe to Poldnogh where the OEN Nla MA °bulged, onwn Costaniett„ - Rd, .1.111 , 61.78-RIORRAIDIE. -• ~ • We has beet, beamed by f4a. Rose.of antic her- Ibtaed puler by Dr. Jspira's proves its super unity over every other remedy of the find.. She has leen adieted 4r the lasi sinews years with Tirk.VlWrdl or WRITE SWELLINCId, ateoded wish eleeraleas end - cal:dialled Of various bones:dd. rheraktek thee may pieces hare beardhleharded Um 1.0.1 1.02.! .ths eterdenkftos both borerthe. arias mod habdiiarid Rim both ley, and fora the left Woad krosoottl from the tight besidee paired th e os:other pats of her woes, erbkh hoes balled the skill td. a amber of like luenemineal pttypeat.of our eitt-dened - then'of The - that her adenegelaire been esereistter andlleploadd About th ree swa th s wince dui 1.2.2 indtseed. to try Warless% Alteratteo.. which his had an astralshiesty happy elfeartpeo bet. t, L pat alfredes7X"Vbre'd nssel "Lure= ho beeotha completely ralOiedoo Oa nor Weigh, Si Ite road then she dot berme she commenced the at of this tray vileabktrepaholi—Pda Eve. Port.. , For father Isbnits, inquire of Mrs. Rose, Nei. ID Fdrbeerl:t%Triat l Z4 the PERSN 72 Four* mom - Wood. • - - Jed Onorhose teeth I. rend a dTelbw— Voniwhoreskinisdarkands Uow. • • Vintothose hair ts herstisitutortrey, Rusty; limy red or AM— • Non„srhoso sae orsitstrobreetit* Unpleasant is as "sada • • Von mad have—toy, no gni— • Tooth sewhiteassnowOr Breath spicy smetiond Onside ' ~• • - . Pare and wtute endinnecith LA benefit!, . ' And heirsoltonlkyythat es shin, • - BT reeding *au is saisi licknor. ' . • , =ADM& say orlon cut batik the shove by (mna this is nothing het tretW wing IthettliefJorten'sCol tat I s. Iterstene—a bei of Jamas Amber Tooth Paiss.r,: ad es este a M. e osins 'Jones's Irshon Chemical Step.' The articles eorit tie little, Ana yon" ere assured that the' follosing. ere their real qualities: Th.. tooth puss gives the brosat s-ssreet odor, white teeth. nfia preserves We teeth. tee. - The hair sante all hoarse *LW atm exquisite Wing ever made tort m. sing. hcswillghtagiwsiiig ihe 11 , P7th.. of bent and the soniqgfent tea l:1110% &tap, mind) still ewe all.ernpuontarel nod make auk. 'arts, white, cleat lad CILIY — AH. tile.. !MAL IW JACKfIONV , BM; sad ,ttheto to mot Anna Ittealeipe Warehouse Oit Liberty /a. way 7. . _ alciobs pill x. T Oria ea petirnee Wu..Biala:thee oath Pith ea the bash °fleet r own mm1.0.. 11 40 4 leaee magma*. ttaadateleadiciatharthe U. 8.. Tbelr earAiliaig aettvity, yet sll4..pereton, W hove reached ibestifavoriot,eApreteUythreaxf e eot mut Comb. free foam slmtlidiellineretem'insteo•oll Produce Pike. 'ported re, they set=alathlthremleeay area the mu; newthlas all kith/ 1e...a tit loath la alet iNf • Itauy sat be geaehltalthiel% 11th:even:belch bapeasel het, Omelet of fibitorvelees sow to mama lee, bath sibeiret sal vegetable. Ninth, the thole obstinate eandlealea allm they . bath edema tverstips. UA Pabanleakh P,11,, tee .eir Dame Wei katththiallabballn....."olb4 n". 11.4 span te . roam; lb mos Immilekl th ew. ami are nady entiathia Hell MU aed sad 14 , 9 A ANNISTON/LOW at Piwlhd wmer aloweeitharl • fell i. TOW ri sex we 0.000. t mil leaus•or PARILLA. Wader .w 4 Hiesolocof dm kr I!. pitTON! Emmet It t.p run tmule•-.1.• .timea elorapee.•plearooter, and e. tied Wipe titir ID Nal Odd: It eater ontoooi mmal • pkteogolekesiom Of Tim preattomaly and ormeeolliiiii.kloti Soioopt Gyre all othervoa. b. l e &oak , it iowqrormer We. lt le nod miroosolally .the• removal atorpenotaseriC come all dbormetrartmoir from wt import SW of 01044 Of, plot. of Wo arr tr Look oat for Itosstirail!Ut matiplpick perOomkovO . eopfed r labetr. aul pat tiptoe-diem e rame ped bottle Sep Oldest It boats boot). written Pl , tat of 15 P jammed. • poe ' L IP Or it EVIELLEILS,TroiIe meta kr Alleemai. Wool cowl. kofloMat X4tri ami feu* mpteisiate . , . U. A. WAUBICITOCIL 00, • •• UAW. erected on eticsgirevrarelmoso en ue conscr . LI at Wove Int flan - tlgeel4m W4Kil they itave Resbatral .Wirlesalo, Mho. 447 1 1 alotAmt Lave oh Lam luurnsve am:amen' • 1 dm armies W. Wiliam IDIUMIUNIVUIIiIa the . o '. toe a dm pablia. • Ito Drag trmasst will 14 autiurnsial O•ins steib ; arras el WM. _ —.- creDie.m. ) , NOTlC94,4,preforianal 4= l . PI bay la 9 beeamade latilletaDra.ttwar .^ 1 190 i calla aad measigia *lO Os rocked starer c I 0f... • Thy mill awed it &i dice of Dr. llraolta,79tia - i,; P a rk's ba Ltd iags, 0..38011 9 Or lock, a. Xi so on wile: *Zee elk. Speer, ?eau sucat. 8..1 0 1 11 1., __ __ .. alL; Pi ! fl 'i , ,:'' . . '. ' .! i ''..! ~ trilar astoniber raosem• la.'will te -1----J asmos* tie 04111. booth la We *LIU ....:,, 11.,..1 J.rP• lert :,...Z.t.' — IA $ l4OOl I .nri1t144.11 1144 % .42 bmaili - 31.• 14.10,14.11•,71=6"/Mtil . ' give. Zirmarpransiirra Mi. 007 mi la ir arell , rt • • r r7 -r, •••NO -- 11 VERTIAIiNTS YORK . AO FOB, 111011116, wimpow faurtmlit. 1I 11E sabsenbere beg to ornate, Masi= igall gaiii , 'rimmed, la maltehics abaft GALVAIIIZED Tux . PLATE& and ro gin many aditantagsa Minh ibi r _ 5 ............ Idiomatic nod Men Mamma Wm. , need fix thin putzne,pmemeg u tbsple,tlte mewl' and beldame( me waken ha Itaklagiortosh *ME now been tested meant 7 ma both Ls due emery and in Erma. They nris Alla Me Meat lo Manger and contraction *WI Metal elms*, or the mosehm than mama' Ma Plates ./seirEEM 8 4 9 or on/ MKT metal nom and for molar and matimeaill tom • each better *Meerut roof reputing far ken IMiseur sante e whaler ila. int i coeS s bet a Ode meta ' - The Member. would aloe gall the mum of at l ir *gent and:wasters in Mule, le Ilho• Mergers pos,•• so whtelr fren thaa pseteeted,. be applieih— ' In ireamtuirsts It in appbealgale enlace of on. which lye dinitrahle to protect fro.' Zeikel of the annospbere.` And My , meld j , call the Ws Imam of thmiattemaitfaT ILEPRIELDTER. 3..... a, to theltfialeitalsesiWire.stehlekie Mesa slam- Ir mode Einscipe, axed winch every ' , Weems no a conductoi ef eleeutcdp, man ahem me - half as mach its eolgurs dad eillmidttne Baring laselp erected - works in dm chi' la tier st s l2tglZo n as m =7" P = b*h.' whie w tr ‘ ll7 . aje l erdests ,- - tad a supply of l'i lesanabteumni In litanspej g gegeeely en hand,ftnall to Mt alum Not. 14 and Itßeaver a, be X EollX. no Patent Right foe dohs male has en seentod br the United States es well mem/ &Midi lindelbar European costume., and sal legal manna wilt bow ken lemma wry lateisteeimet by i lmartatto 1 eregi. Winasosts' Thu/ Wassaterianat ' IS CITY. Or:7CW , VOILING • 'ID A. FAROE:STOCK & 474 John at, .ps 0.. hiew.York. offer lot ssie Jinn sad jithera.: assortment of Drugs aneldedietses; Sleds Paints awl Mk of every, deseriptioa, ishia Ih r t, are prepared sad determined to seillw. - • tannery Merchants and Drsagion, nsiosmid to all and examine their articles. Orders esoestod srith fluthfoiness sod desporeb: - 11.A.Ipaturesteeks Vennilogo eonstan=. ,• . • ' B. L. - Pahnertoek PriAdnirrA: „ • ,r,Ar B. Bs% New York , - • • - • . _ __. PA:W - AREl4lll,lslii iic . iro. - tristrimuraszatroiraw T . iyauil W. FIELD,,Aus be ,paki. - at Ike Wiwei ‘ , blessfathurni. priceA, A:rery..easensiw Arco. arta of PAPER, comptiaut,•Tarpoutble• Militidloidewsimildwnwsern hell seetioro il fT. ImpAry..Kaper o(all lactds made IA wder an abed ..11pilookof PRINTING PAPER feinsmdlyivi. ""rillge=reVitiVOilais et °very description, homed old kept e.onmdy oh , han: - Tios Yahoo, Wit Qosh, Foonshisder posobiog.Powler, Mos Uhrossatioss,TiOno, he., ht.,: • Comm, 8010 Nom Ono Kepis; Daia g he.Bl4, ponshaiod o hst wkiels 95 , 14 1 ..10e. WW pi& s • • -• "N.Ely , Nor ,Yert, Jerpm. y. INSURANCE!' Inthipastlty agalauwimoss er Diumutim 1117 - ', THE anrrimi, plorciiiii COMBINED .; the,aoillionat mammy of Mock . Captal. The Rama Mutual Ingostoux Co., of Mrs.' ,CHASITER PERMTVAL; Gem* W.Torona, John Thomas Ct. look loth. , - Lines JL Ankhons I..Thhomoon,: , (kno Baker, •khorgo Jokn Z. VmmforkeMiii ain irKTILL.I4, insurance orunst Las ot - Ty by riiro, iti%Pirrinivasm and limey, ea Haut., Stain and ,btba Boddaon, , ludo' Yana , tare; Goad., Wasit 'isdAtetise,on "oFt • . - 'The Matisf•Prineiple, - eombieed with- Stock Capitsl,ssd the other ptosisions of the Charteitef.‘..- this Compeer, bold eat sulosaal lidetotoesp, both: er,itotfit and . stfetv to thcie'desitous of 'cam** . tosaranee,tortdee the Company ult"tho atteelloo, - end essminatiols of those tatedested.' A -- . , •:Those effeetieg teaaraiee 'with thie - Colvn) trte,lnsitles,thetesoal proteetiop`agaleartate, by the onlilthy method orihiviancei the additiodat -.dilute:goof l direetpartieittettoe ut the ytoiVi of • the Compaq], teittma any • LTEORGE...W. TOLATID, President'`: 7 . . • • . Thisibietibei,erho is the dully authorised Agest , ;or the aboSe 'aimed Company, ts prepanst teSeake _ surtlineee, at - the .OE4 of the Agesey,. it the - Chides lisielybird sh,shirdosorfnfin , Weadi gtve - ill Oaths infsnesties daises i . - sety!s-aty." ' 72108. J. CAMPBELL a:. V i /1( NM V, .1171.,:"' : 7 7" DELAWARE MUTUAL • "VIRE Itifits lanai buildings aid natrtihilivitur • • S. • of Mary &eruption and mg. RISKR .!•,,,,•••• - a••••• upon hulls °reargue: of ;sands,' taken . apotrthe' remanavorable Lerma. ' • • • • ' Er Once in the Warehouse of W;B:•flahneu & Watt; neat Market street, • .. rr.lle access of thoadmpany once th.smnb.; • •• !Salmons* , the Agromy In this esty; with shopanuour and idcrolity with which every clans aeon than for. • loss has suansaisonstd: folly unmet risa aunt in the enaddenee and.puranaga of fnends and the ccannutnity at large I. the Delaware M.ll3.lase , ranee Company, while st basal, addlricassl advantages as an institution among lug moat &enabler-in Philvd!us--Uslaringan ample pild lummitaloUich ••; by theoperationolitiehuterameoutantlymereaa— mg as ylehrioglnvocla person insured Ida die •hare .o7 the, profits of the company unseat Involving 'lsisa m any Emponsibility whatever; and 'therefore u possessing the•Matal principle — divested of every obeerient'reatme;an 1 ii W most attractive form. Dull • 7 • , dIftE.A.rat.MARIBE suitAmez . VI ile Insurance Company or North Amulet!, , throefisits diity . amtiorised Agent;the =Men- Mr, alms to molter permanent and limited/.1.1, ants on property; id. this city sad its vininity, and on shipment. by the Canal and Itarifra. - • ..3..."7!.7.1t '• • John U.Smith kart; Samuel Brooks; Ale :Mad= Taylor Earal. W. Joe.' , two, r Edward Bmilk, Aninse.While, John A. Brown, , ; • Jacob fiErrorwas, John White ,;2„ . - John R. Na t : • Thos. P. Cops , : • • Rielond Wried,`. Wm. Welsh, • Arthur°. ColfraiSiie. This is Mil, eldest_ptianusee' CrimpaMi in the United State.; having been chartered 1111. :HS charter propeosal, add Boat its hipit...int long napery:use mnple means, and risk. of air eats lunrdoss chametar, , it 7 11 104‘ ermildenid s. °Airing ample enmity Settle- 44. . : • --- • MOSES ATWOO Al Counting Rent - or Atwood, Jorkits Water ea noit weal, ritubsrgh. MOW' • . .1111Z141 N MY - ',....'--,-. ~ Ag instLciabyA ' , he FRANKLIN rue I imat. _.'- ram* 'C Y or Phßmlakrik., . . WlLLlllkkaAinar,emne, permanent andlinared, h h memo on cfpoparty,rtipP/TS . BURGH, and-Rea d SI N VROUNDING LVI.INTRIL on favorrtantermi.i: This company MIX .II perpethit • —._ charter: , .: . " • , • , • •.,-.; :' CAPITAL .' • ''" . /OK= paid It. coprromENT PURR - • $.500PP0,c , .. , * r• Ofßeo comer at Third andMarket - 4v, Pirto4l6 up n—tr .. , WARRICK.RIARTIMA . • L... • INSURANCE. .A.mirtoui lurisauraave • CiaFirmiy • I :W.:PHILADELPHIA. - • : CaimszPrarsrrna.,, , CUTUL SMOCNI MG tr . ; Office in IP.Ukuk4tkia, No. 72, WAN: 'Ebtst, W2l. DAVIDNC.Nc'hYNN. TMS old and orelbeatab 1;1114 Company OOl%ioionjo Boddi tientiondbo,Faroiltro , any moor an osuo baanlon drunter, 0g01 .. 1*,1,w0 &nasally Sze, u tzto= w figroulaiaji=borsh perpetaakif Or iblilitia .... W:peliods, oo2, f .ans averil4airm b7: Ales. a 1, No IN.Wood-N,. ardwatur • *Valk- * 4 ixrtirraciaK a %WWI , Lomb( smaree 1}551: I' V eon., of Liberty a 541 ft clair W.A . Is . • ..)::;. Woalmeetokte• dosta abern/ Stara/4i Met , ....., .i...:-- ' :;rITIIII I A4II , ..TUTIVI=LIZZA .1150,- r i" .' ci' par .kip. Sem ak, 315ealsplall• sad blonde; firit;:t , ., Crum the wasfaetaren of .Iglaillsed ''.' 'A.: •.. :' '..:5 , Al." . 15•2f152-....L•aurlinus nudes% Mos .. . , ,.R . i•• ,".., . I irebb .... beesebbr,if a , ,h ". " .ki.,11 Se beet. meidergsg 1t 5 . 5, gungekr P'''' L. eseestsly.lie Res eeegewies fast Sr/ siw , i • . velmalenemesesst.. .. . . . • lnie Henleesbeelabeewill be eel+l et tbr a,' .t ' •i" • - ~—.. • " •' - '',... MO 17 MORO Will; t. now rixeivoso.bia.4l . -. • i. • e LI .meta(llloo.l4l.lsistdoi Ratelwato, Baum. -.. . ..•;,, elaseladatElblisorss— . . ... - • ..• t.': •- - - 1. , ' r; ftbas Woe. Eagt•sh otol tonottrool :,••• t• ' r' 41tois ' _ •do' do' lio, . • • .. ••• - It owdo.llo.6lbb Tos•dll000eroos;:.. • •-• •: ..., ••• ' 1 Or - 01,17otn• • I wderldfliatli *Olio" . t do Eisuoined %Tam 1 do noosed n so Wol_cao/lOostowam, .; . .... . .... ,•• • - .10 . igtelbsrimonsillni al) plumlftomil Coppi.; 117110clitooto w • BD b•zs Th. - 11111.4:•••• t'• ' . •• AM '77,11.47.01115ti0t0d., wilus.,..ge..; i; • • • ny•Cen= al l ig rZ d A 6•414:= c.u.NeirsamposolaiLas mei akinttirda, P - Vet* NOVI; :•stil, llteirlrarAitani; sod cursnovalimiem /01/2411011LE11;;:•, ' The elellietideera laylag volizotped : • the ezteditehre boll Oat are to* irroomoolto • ' otecoio ail indent belkeit ankh. Theis 011.0 lb• • ' t tlealnliloewntbeedi Nide Ibsen olarketra.e, • • The atieehtee et °motto ealleetcen le re teeetleith • . . requested: I JOIDANISOPII, UP Litter") , ot, •••• ; 1 .7 17 4 4 lALkotemukrtoliti. emir;7' • ' .1 4 etgNieNDtl4.yrt: 'i~irsbeegesteweew :; . x .:<. 11.1 9 =17...,1,1 *lieu what bedliw . ...l, sehe et: ttit kw eethar.g —••••••-• ettYeelbr poi ftloyo um_mets***47 X: Aer•ly4r. sell 2 - ti r + z en. ; 1 / 4 7 `c:_skiN a „, ar "4-4,:r4 S ,Oltin,tl2l"! • • 4 _ , .1 -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers