The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, August 16, 1847, Image 2

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arg l iW.4= 4 s l l=
Xleibuctrof theTrt-Weelai mum b. ,
5a=1 . 1 . 004 I*.Two ZWRIMP.O= I - 0 04 k
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OM* , .listrzetliserF L l ,
.1.41014 . afoleoenitt SIAM
lab,' ate owooklo_AACl/r• wa A U. "'
00111 ENDS, • "•-•
" ,- -.: , W15 - 21.''.71A1111611' 'XXV/ Wir "-`
•• • ,'• vow • ' -
DAWAE,"of AtlegWar Cow. ' •
• '` zarcimel nesukletsewaiTr.-
_ef.Wilbas •-• •
", • WE2Wri , I.A.ROast 111102 : • -
au -
• W UAICTE*. - of WWWIIk•
. -
• irgAlleroliurnlum` Cofian'resz.
THOMAS'S YRANSLIN_ ,LutcassuCiry. .
JOHN. EUNKEL.. .spklA.Cowly.
3 rto ll i s m i r SC'
'WILLIAM 111 WATTS, o:l3slAMotd.
• . raektmarittrasip-ii..6..
1190.1A8 McGRATH, Pilaw-LAI& wool. •
JOSEPH EU ' atroSsalL
i llhati •
' 3:EVANS,CIkencr.. '
Pis van Commcreni Ras,.
River Revs, Ropers,' Room IM,,eveen,
-- Bittiiiir ate . T4tacterori;,.l,..a. tekmemi,
th a r il witobteroie 44: - Jicanie of Lords,' in July,-
gave eo# aticiMet: of t`on 1 disgraceful scenes*
; sidling in th• - fetuf e •U. detain members to Pail
lisped!. W,e ete;.i a specimen of the CIITUP*I
. and thica 4. vacua Oath! the wild m find,
i. , Pekeliel;•': In 4 stith sildbitioeiS ittOrpitude,'w•
U!!',',-' Oa I;:tetniore, even , th nugh our great T al
- Terri Oiconsth, indica: England, is thninsEuth by.
' there:. ~ I bieitiiidj, however, does not beethou•
',.Eingbithrth. rail , at ,sie, loran, chanting her own
. . .......,
. ”. Augeani 'viable:. In quitaiioes of morale and ma*
Wert, fottheind Creeds; wethini that both-Enilind
- t and ornsehreir have our hands full, In reforMing
eve at boom., A. charity begins at home,
,ato @hada all attempts at refannatherriund when
- '"we are thoronjOilyj Ors aineelitei, we` mili;per,
haps, soceeethilly win over-Mber Nadi:onto con
• - • - '
own good example. Lord Brouglianyabli • - .
'Whitt be recollected duo the coiled in lilt,
Ivied ibis line Mr.Canning,thr the rimresentatiec
'4.- - ' of Liverpool, where them welt 84,000 Totes tolis
',... given; involved expenthe meennting tee` opulent.
of 40;0001,; whew be knew that - many voters Well
on that occasion brought from the land's end, and
• mhos Win from the north of Beotland ;whin be
, . _ recollect d: that it in* coneidered Impomible to
L teximaizawimach se to prevent a vary buy si
‘ .'
. i ille 6 4
=re a m p e d . tb e ' ,r,T. 17=1= ..,,,
_ .4.... f.... a Plena were calcialated'th amount
c' :.'alwaye ti 16,0001, for each candidate: Of 30,0001.
•' ..... in all; be felt it ImPorible to my -whir* the le:
.r gal expenses brim. and the illegal ended, they
were am mixed up together: The Reform hill,
however, bad given a teetwhereby to discriminate
' these, beanie them were On oaf-voters under
li, and westing was now Catawba. .He could
sot reflect WI the eztent,dwee, mid manner; in'
.-- tvidelethe tart g nutat ietedcr n of 1841 tarnished
• '..,' thereputatiM I forks/31,y of me people and Ur '
1- ,',': • iththere' aphis catentry,—he aveldnot rrfieet MI
-. '.
'." tint earn 'wpm the nettscuttehrworki, mahout
haunt to furchniratlifries , - They had all mai
-with seetele:eheriee.igpiegbt against mim'of the
lashed rink; end" pi which
',ithargiebe felt boned in justice to Whitt ground.
-' -
lea Bat he bad reielved 'from the other aide of
Channel letters, which it vral natural for his
*Mods to write, peinfultor him to leek "Why
.- - - ars you," aid one, ',oto set up sayable in Eng.
Until Why yoo, like the Plunges, to thank.
.. , God you are not as other men an! 'Why en .
you to bold that thirty are done in Trance which
. . -.' England is incepablelof eroduringl"' Waal on
• -tuition, bad,_ wicked: despicable, loathsome es it
' .. wes, involved the atrestesof receiving a maiden
. . don for remitting a pimento dam. Then came
the Finch of the argnment—uthe moorhens:dr:
^ ..''de a bribe, contaminated ' blmielf and inland the
" '', gaiernirierif with Which be is Connected: Tbei
mw; wino bribed' him. commits : a greed armee
epithet the state ' boa. within Iow.IIIITOW li mits
' ~ . . .
lies the injury they , can public monde— .
• • For look at your xylem - of - bribery et shoelace;
- look at the wholesale systemof baying and soiling
'" --' Med 4.... haa,ay• t Thiritigtimeati against the
..:' emtMlee'werir ad exuberant, that be might apply
to them the ccenthist •
pretidoe; ...You ca
• nnot me
- ,
t ' thipood! mt.. " ~ . - .
• • • -
.. • . ~. • . ,
~ \ eThethisiit wee: .he begged tom to my; that
• - .Asa-entirety agreed with those French [ricks ado
held `that it not Doty tainted the roily ef. the
.1 ,
. ~ Legislature. brit irreparWy tmnfoW•• the purify
1 ' el' frglislym qle and 'character, that the effaces
. •of bei&wy. ,colniPtion should, by wholewde:
.•--lre committed . if he wear welted bow be moposed
, • ' . ter deed. with_ tlinaeftenee; be'werald , answer th at
than , WWI vidiinViemedice*bich length be imp
Yawl. The 'Pie thicket be Weald awed win;
, - '. ea le.ilimil no Linger be pubis lhat.undefitf
.„. . order of the other boom of•Pailament,a man's
. .
.at *add only be diepited within a certain time.
- ' virtu; at any time during the sitting of Perlis
''- mot,. a Leered thithld. bum.% width Ma owed to
tbePlittler: °FI 64 "; ' '
. • , ' , . ..
•' I • • •
::. .
' : : .1..
!.'s • •
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PastionairThe roans of the Tomo)
1./ItYttiotai. made on the 26tliJulg, a:fatalism*
Order fads, of which we beg Mew' to call at.
Motion to• Nor. -• • •
TbittobTtosuoy 'Mein mu to irci lido opera.
ha the fint'day of April, sad st that time all
aetifae were to bnyaid ores to the Tutor, of
• Shp United tiltsiel The yobbo of the Ad an
. ' 'posemptaty and: admit of ao Ohioo. • Yet, in
aim althem. Ilia none to which wa hoe 80.
dad atatne_that my large balsam, teataload In the
baside of,indiddindsforr asonAkit oftw - the ktto
attired t h epi. to tor pkent in LUMP:mu:3W t
-What Wawa what can than be In the natio of
lbw air to ittisify. soh &grant to ttitits* in
tow Omani of the law, Among the row
- VMS holding ,wws• we Gasman & Rim; of the
' , eft* ot,WOnt&b:O. who, it will be , waelleitek
etwatihented so highly by thiGoveniont in the
.. , edfah of Os 816.000. They hold a bab
etwastikatied to; fetti.liwas thonsabd dams,
,emitheilefiss Won that epodes aide of the attest
• ; to thsToway, Perranant- - -lfidunorad -
TOSS arsot the only or wowt evasmies. The
SO& of ildidatetwo, la this (114‘, ba d ot coal,
tipeejfi litdoresilbathtlt.
gorpcepettedesa nientlw latfonb bun itt l Pctiou ;
*wad imp swank. ofGoisettmeed funds TM
torn thin ibis hoe not &dabbed, and
,441401.1,12 d bath mike! though 0'4.4
rico canto or the Tnowy Depitiont,hwe
foiled... Thai play hate, 00, fiwitias;
Thit sob Tmaay In u
ihOold bi.einaided at the seat
:Coadtimatol iialkusa •list act tot ; th. immidt
;-TIONI3IIMI4I . I . O O Oir, Sid for thepinidanitt end
hiseriiiiilliceoF , .rolllo74o baihme. • • • --,
* 4, 40 0 .44 6 ti" tr, *editorial le(L to
,-;finighbatijaiggeosti,aftqr-ithsadigensta ; „
tad faR010.,.• Wilily' the boson, or
to make ss9
- arapags : - ,Ssitt ear maim; te the chrOai
,c:•-.-,?:•4, ;I:: ':'T
AttrietsOxinces. 'jaw
- z
max' • n o m
&W A Y;
.- • '
•,„, rl4 ., zoistr!Llol,omi la.
Is;liqa*". Tne•comminumile!ffrds!
Wbiro - tiola •So hirti'
,sda I'lol4o
comitusidaL W
11, 1 !!!!! - TO ;- •
st, manta max= &
Tasnwriestrage, of loweißr.pair Tp. , ;
l'-'IWILLIAMAAVIftf. of Venial= TS , ,'
._. . . .
T►R;'.~ 144E 81 W Igla* , Allaarua Bawd
. , .
, ,
.- `ln thement plsee. bra artshi that 300/,
400/: foe hued* tinineccesiiteepute, ta, would
be awl :to NI the Teti onnside of the lewforen
pawn bates, nave LOON; ouppeitbst the
:rib°upended by th...sdas.
agents was ends ea:Kluges pool of hasty
ott rod' pbt en'ent to It it coat. Thle had
hot - Pointed laneineel ieri mach coneeteant
&nil= cue; sal who
used to be esti much
'enpied. in these when comet ma, 'nudes' the
..03cootti, to 'Shad: altetiOns3
rejkl• etrY to add, that ell thb hed and
nor'...the Bow Of Loris notwillatenirtni on
. n
, ,
electron foe umber' of .I!selletnent woe jolt at .
siussones OITUZ *wow 'WO/
;suss urrrst fist Tzis.,,k
—Rishosivmssast—lutusks_will . 'Kw
• """-"":"...r•
rani of ay in tha month
:of October.
bins ha what is Kanttaity,and what wu Virginia.
Eliatatbarlosidi id in what was Virginia, and, in
;hails now P - ariiiiirsinlirtirnato trentP
"Inch, Was ttna, Aot guirie:Oli !kinds. In
MI, just Was Goland Join= wu botnalitut
Esther wawa inlCsainial.; 7e. 'old . man wss,
,E d i nsa hlo rush* tinier,spa putidilled -
t '
,proscodhigs di the illoussilour ruin t ,
vim& irszog is 4 thi IS* Constitution.
Liks tits scia,tpo,.bs wu ship unUrnia hs
Priwi, nods uClintitoloy ta was
thi , sg, ir.i!sbe.fragolindi towni"
. , .
the Legislates of hen State., - .. . :;.; :I',,f
s f
. • Camel Jetunte ass Vacated for the Uri '
, ,,
' a iredusta of the University of Lesingtoo
'he entered at the age of. sisteetn , 'At thee, of
eventrous, ha: was admitted to the honors o i the 1
CourtMour-lhei maw studies of the pok,
d ed
of the - present ay not
,beittithei ininizia of dm ,
. . .. .,,
student.: Two years ease hew n elected in iht
Legislature, and, .111 two . yeas mere, , when ' of.'
quite twentrftp years . old, to the "CoMpreav of 1
/he United Staten ' In tap ‘,
he took' his lee in!
Cowan and become a great faverits With '.the '
Adadonneftee an den of gr. Jeffemexe who we then '
, .
at its herd. There war much more of per=
.pass in the Government than non:and muck
lea of party .plop and sectional jading. Monet
the war of 1819 seared moch",of ,the Optic \ Mat
had mai awe, with the struggles between the eld
er Adams aid Jeffeson.:. When; in Anne, '6112i
war was deckled, Col:Joicurndefended it taped
. .
~,,, .
the floor of Conarrss, 1 61 by binitukig his
. well ,
services tight it out as as to speak it Out.—
He was not far. words alone, like many of our
- - • . •-'
boregmesimaid heroes now-ndieys, who are n o t itely
monde clamatory foe war ilbeepelves; be ;kola
in guar dernmciatione of every man net le dem
onetises themselves. .
the month following' . the declaration; d the
war, Cal. Johnsn left for home, endemics fem
... , .
ed a Beginieg of Mounted Kentucky : Iliflaketh.- -
. Prom these, his suodatin, he received the rank of
Colonsi;ond with them be madeed with all speed
to Detroit, where the • American feces were its,
timed under the command of Het.' MThe 'orin
'der of the commander had defeated We Period°
purpose, and be wan therefore; too late upon thi
pound to tender the service he desired:' -, ' , ,
In, the autumn he named bluest in Congress
..eleelinkeig to receive a commission In the Army
of the United Staten which wen teidered by the
Haematite, lemons he dud not wide to resign his
net in Congeal; but at the e ams time - aduntesr.
Mg to rola one thalami mounted voltuateeri from
his own State. Tide offer eras accepted...: The
volunteers were raised aid commissioned by; the
Courtier of gesdosill. end the fuze made • part
Of the galleat army of Gen: Hanisoo. Tbe ebti
' end of the Regiment wet Richard H. Johneon,
and his Weber. Col. JamuJohnson. aliened the
. canteerften of Lieut. CoL in themes teginieut.--
The ranks wets promptly filled, and in Pio operas
of 11313 by s hurried roan* of fifty nalis in one ,
slay; he came to the mild .of fog Melee; then
Tbementorable battle of ibes Themes, emelt
the Inlans and the English-Were the combined •
eneneyi took place on the feth of the following Oa
tuber. - ::In this battle he fought with signal braq
and Mem* receiving as =Was nine has'
his body , seven of which had Oen bins sear
wicambe and the wand which he now bears sheet
his person. ilia hone was shot from under him
any covered with fallen It.. was hem that
' Togunseh was Wild, and the Coftnel demi, end
generally receives, the honor of dal:Mike that
renowned chieftain—Upon rearming partially
from his wounds, he . received a sword trout the
patriotic lease of hie noble Stan • - ' -. '
In the winter of 'I3--d4, he was again is Con
eels, and after the dlereputelde capture and more
• eingracefol burning of the Cspitol, be Wu 'mem
ber of the Committee who investigated the ninsin
of the disaster, His remedy wens beta organ'
hod ogles; and at gm time he was pawing • a
a plan for the invagre of. Canaden - Deers of pep;
negotiated at Ghent; ins received which pat an
end to the war..... _ . '
.: '
Col. Johnson continued in Congress nett 1818
and then "voluntarily retired and took a end in the
Legislature of his Mats At tine close of.this year
he we elected to fill a vacancy in the Senate, and
hem he remained forum years. La 1824 he wee
the uncompromiskeg Mend of Hr. Clay fa the
presidency,' tat pmforring Gnu Jackson to Mr.
Adana, he supported him in 1827, end; sobee.
queenly, under Gen. Imbeds adminntration, be
was again In Couple In 1837 be wee elected
Vici President of the U. S. with Mr. Pan Buren .
Col Johnson ise Ample End angle heated man.
Dank, generous and jog. with a bent in the right
place, and a mind far above the little tricks of
men party politicians.
He spoke sad voted for piing the widow of
Aleurnia Hamilton, for his eminent revolution
ary mniess doting the war. and for which he
bad notes& any charges aging the government.
That groat man had send the nation in its
poverty from the love beliefs his country. Design-
ins to recommend the tending system to Canyon
he strut sa -be above all ample:ion of !mpg.—
While Arabs asked for nothing, and when deed
his friends weaker paying a debt dae Iran the
Government to a brave Ole and hornet maw—
Mary hive been Me °Caddis when COI: John
son his emu faired in like manner kid* an net
ofjostice ton politicalopponentand once I /mina pay en honest claim of Gates and Seaton
which was opposed by nearly- his whole puty.-.
Col. Johnenochas recently - identified himself with
many of the retorthe of the day, among others
with that proposing the abolition of capita pen
ishilotsL- Not beg: since,' he pre si ded' at
oath* for railing volunteers Mistiest Medea, and
in all questions of pace or war he manifests a
deeptntereet lit whet belongs to the wafers of.
the conetry. His friends have mart despaired of
making him -Pregame, and we believe that the
way active, though secret influences of his party
are msnldmed to procure him a nomination.—
Col. Johnsen, though a dome speaker, le not a
luplesing eon
_Thai bad g anal and goad feel.
gin what be aye, but nothing of what limited
=wit His body he feeble, end somewhat bent,
his 'countenance denotes the good temper or a
mind wishing wall to all men; sod disposed to set
agligy,towards all men. -
An basest ass hell, end iethe the dale
That aidaos filthy duds." , - •
'Air Ansonia Lirnsa.--Lt. ristolutr, rif the .
Mum 0114 volantani, was among the killed at
Buns Vista.- Ifs wu s widower, s+d the father
of a, Ws !id two years old. IN rearabm, with
otheis, were (saintly buried it Alton, rod
-laa Wilda smaraled !I:bet llngla•flarents..
allowled the fonotal. The nightbefon tbli battle
Lint. Fletcher wrote the following letter which
patents; Ina grstilying light his pima glin t
'reists Battu Visits, Wertino,l
. - Jannery • 14,, 1841.
Thus Courses Tomorrow we sapid Jo
ban an engspzasat with a' Japan! Mexican
forte, and, on the ere of the beta,. I ban doge.%
it pop! to address you • few. hoes. AP 'you.
we well rusts, the object neareetinY lisiut Is the
wells:* of my link (*LW, atria for s. I bin
been Oka hue provide.; for her. - Ify - wsps,m
the amount of PM; a r e dee me; ss well se the
mutants of my tinnk.ina the boas sad the otUr
article I way own; 1 have la a memontodam is
trunk, left to her, Ud pieced the whole - in the
nhsige of Gap. Biker, lobe firivadad to - you , In
ewe I Auld fill- 11 of which -1 'tulle not yin
will most wilgionsly see 2pp:ordain; to her - anon
mu mess prow by you and wain. -
And now with rupee to tae !Mild : should I •
fall, I lean ha oglntly with you and your wife,.
bat I haw initiate - my beousw, requesting him
to *OW his btetherly protaititot over her; and If .
at _any titan. you' think fd tit nod her to: Win,
he will rind,* bar as his own child; ant pro.
Maher as me& Mould she nonsin with yog i
f wish that ohs Shwa& maim as good di nI 14
Fab: imam Wit, as
will afford:
indove Math her :that (n 4 ••4
*twiny towoson wbst dm soul to the body
—460 Ufa of be lifs. hat ai he ;Pato ill
*might in, • word—in the .trow....tbs
great elm al :sa grest tibial end' those who. swim
in aanvambeh that, parpornieldlone fall to On at
peisorwiat the wadi an3,serrevaplish the *Great
DsMiq! for which they an • assitiL , weskit(
sly a aMosand things mors_aboat bar, and ray
lithe for her, hot gad would b.. soptflutant b.
Will mat to rest subjests "„
lindeath as In rife, our yam. '
.E. r.rivroszn.. •
Emmtlatirs.—Tbs aback in East** *
...'-alit kk ui . in tilFl4ollling
WitileateLibdal4. t end .041341 . 1 h
Lkdiglidg;i6*-424# IPti We; 19 e:
..„*AAIL On-
gisoiiimi •
0. 11664.4111
_:.:r ` ._
„,,,,Alice are g1ap1i....• occasion to e
iieesilit* ani Palmerston Ls ”.
) ..„ Ve filisd hiettisap4sel tei an honest t,
presiiVe Elliivitrider-the moat obn 4.
..,........4.....a.k.g.,... .044,.....0.,14
wort dawning of panishaint. • • • • •
notwithstanding the combined elFettallit (be
thitteCtiltates, France Tid Eogiuid to suppress'
the Slave trade, th - i — trifrer erniGliek; ••" , •
t alincieStialiatmilaiit*. 1 f.'44 1 ;444 4 . , • 6 "
i ndigene mails L? pat down theiirafile; and the
pawl. stootw4a P 7 reooe ,":4o,' Wilott l iourt,
eg oaten on: the eees&-• • notwithaLladialf itinct
,foOty WtoittaiwitaigoiOc were loot 111401!001!
IMO Brisgalthiesta4 2lo , 6o ! tOini frain'Allighi
, trowel whomwere taktalevati:their !Wiwi, iti
thereLidtepaiialea • heila i tini havehisensoli.
oializi sod akilftd ihan aser: The Leto:welt efiici‘
a iluilr.;qiu wit to two roes too totiow
.For nob totiowtio WWl' ti:ti awittiottott•totwi
'thotti,iii. din: ; Vito. en., !it'll:la delleired
aide, lt a: aid Wipe a prodtalig 'tiatfic. 1 inii;
feranceld thii elite's(feit,'lsord•Paleiesettin said:
.i do `not trio tO4otty Vie .144 alive the
• aitellkei • new, landed en the 'Degrees on the ,-
sags meows! to anyt hing. that the tmggf rhlfon
can via:eh:SAW wt. wo l owaototooosigototi OW
stale of iniffairig which the wretched !skies ere
bead to . nadergar ...• ! •s' Agitlae 1 .." I: Ae•
liepe, if ontho crimes the human race nice Soak I
mined Lice nil:tined togethesin one tilactroggre- :
gate, they would sat amount, lc i the heininieleje
of Mist one 'horrible Mt." - But, a whatie iii.
world to diir;seki, his LanlshiP. '-,,, Allow'kesi
' 14 Blues?" ... , ' ' '' : . i
, ,
Cubaoia Brasil ire note the grist iSlaie*asta
of the worn, arid If Spain and. Brezil - de net pin'
with *awe eh/titian 'neiLitiito:pat'in eta] to thii
abeenloable tniffic„they derma the dotatttioul of
the world, and a political separation . fotin - ail
Cluistlin riatione. •' ' , ..., . „: ''
Row le Herat.-On Baharday =ming !kboot
IWO o'clock," the nelgtiboihreid 'En , the I:lc:bray of
Hayti wee &toted by oriel and etronsing. in
•donee house oecnyiid by colored poems. Two
or the city paici:;niunia euxeivi end ,Morikell
coo :end manby the num of Welliney in at
tempting to , queEt the row, iireallatke4 elml
greenly bee*, Ong:W..7lrd of alibitlOCO Nal
othnt wards, thOrateheten mewed ten catered
perioneorrho were fined by the ?deice, tWiriolbut
ind fifty 'atnto;aed erste( nett. TWo of Wes
were eommitied to Jail for' natt4ioniplliuraiwiih
the DelliElei. .
Taa Palma: se Tarairre.—Pielingauy yap
Were taken at the meeting op iituuday Epsom*
substatild nuolsnCi tba'snaiirei of' the
deceased, and of irgard fol. the widow and Ail.
riten left behind: Tbe meting was ; organised,
oomteittees 'sprinted, enteesiptiena i authorized
and 'nada upon the spot, and sub step taken es
we hope wid ainittadoirbtolervklerece of ebabar. 7 ,
t 7 of oar people. • •• . •
Me. Meiiss. il*l`iesalantai_alkali/ea stsbed
in Wart Elizabe th , - fa not only jtheireit,fitisent
tiat aliens hope are eatertalised_ot . .; his no:
corny ,t3ojrnssera inc.inned by7:7a intittleassn
*becalled - on no on Bantidietnstaldngr; direct
The onanleiot vifumaws,thi wife of the
• . pentium 'William" or Wayne:l:Owl, Pa.,,
wit p;irpe - triiia by an Englislunanl ailed Bill,
who saes he wu biotight op to atealMg and rob.'
ling Gino hisitifiney. He bid sensed ire years
of tbe ai be has boon in the eouttley; in the
- Wltlybia Penitentiary, and sap hint - one fa Wayne'
county uttiledis trod& ''
Mrs. Williams nia alerted 4;i3ahaiip,:hca,
half as boni beton hetlawbaltd, andleas duck-
ed in seep* of woodir.balwean her iieablaiele;lnd
the &web, by the above a i med Hill, who, Our
,baying violate - dna person, strangled bar In des%
by gimping nick In hie binds :Mt:o la at.
iest he cooly . mooted that had tin' Idea of
lulling the ley, bat had manly dolma bee iiL
ile in prompt her clies.7 He la nowlodpi litfut
Ileneadale Jail, awaiting bii trial for Rape and
Mulder. .Mrs. , Williams his Mime' living 'al
Beaver in this State. ! ,
Tax amuse JCIEI still continues to attract e.
proportion of the'vishing commtunti of N.
York. We tire tony to kam that complaints were
made against the proprietors by that Chinese ear
men, foe ill lunge, but erich is the firet. They be.
longed toe province remote from t h e city of CID.
too, and were employed for a coasting voyager
After having been a few week; at sea, they nu..
peeled foul play and refused to work, but were
overpowered end compelled to kesicompany with
their convoy to Na York. About ten days after
their inject, au AMMican genUensan, conversant
with their , languiSe; was infonnlid of their en.
valet:Mat, and called upon Met pinprietois of the
lank to pay their regular wages and prias fot
their retain harm Thia wu at first refurel,but
finding that the craft would be Maki: far wagu,
and their ..speculation" interfered With, they com.
plied..-. Arrangements are 'Mow Making to send
tioobe the Chine:se seasen.
At oas time on the rojap, the Chimes *km
hadleUiadiiea to - stereo thoeiselres,u; &std.--
They refired to nweiro wasteatme4 for Woodsy%
tad afterwards only partook of food fo r
were compelled to doe": ' .
a.ave, ',worn cauccarow. , -.ono hundred
- thiamin:l women bare petitioned 4ticea Victoria
for a taw to vanish seduction.
Similar memorials him ociarlatially: been pre•
mud to oar Leah/alarm We f!tink 11 , althinent
by Statute would do much pod, but &proper salt
respect op the pert of WWI in refining So
maims with men koala so roducen4 would .do
more. A Paidahment Weald make the
&eats feel that hewn toroidal, with a mirk of
shame, that nothing bat an !lomat and a/Meldig
atonement far his sins could wipe oat: Society in
this way,hettir thannny other, rosy become the
preserver of Re own morale, endesert ihnalthltd
• •
Tun Nows . mote MLXICO;I putdiattedthis
= Oft* ilmdte for; theilVent does little inors
than undo ratio*. repisia , from the Beat .of
War. Hereafter Itleral not safe; to rtly
on say thing Met* ezettud'utg form 'the
Mexican Bast es4ils .botuler,
by this tlnie;.tetyteei*teeretthteed that Irf . oo
the letter in its 7 riohntsne wertiiittart hr-May
instead of 544, and. related_ Is events.hittog
nothing-to'dotrith the ,adtitnoo bf the Anny born
Puebla to Mira= tams midi! imininlw•pa,
allortioik of it Is *holly tnexplleidge,
corona Pidettof Pe_rxmlianis, kis beimp
polnt.dtolh.,ein the anikboectikmiiil
ilia death of- Gen.'Hamexib4 of tide 44447
CoLttoleu Wasklngioa,liiiirill stion'kew
'dem sesietwer, I .
A Botewor or naaPora.,--Thq Sewing of the
pram day, Worth* reogentexs, ain the greftest
Imre dart la the nada. wren' et &malt/.
That of ThnhjElmila ilect*lad ehota. insomuch
that . their - embolism 'provoked Ourkriptlim
which produce the ram , of, moo° Manta, which
man *ay ,ccemeted Into s'armin oft gold,• which
i wished to offatfio the object of ilhalr
They, however. recolketad that ithmh woo at the
Qonlold a man who they' prefanni. to Fenny
Eisler. - They went to llndtank lying r"ldoet
Holy Father,ii - it dow not &ohne, mu Miami
wa dairlo to eve toThrityllider the crown of
gold which we barn hem ,
' • eGivothe crown' then, if It amtleelloor'' replied
the good. Plot, laughing. el would timely deem
that you en is not beak"
"Why, Holy Father - '
"Only on thle trim : I had ihOugld till now that
crowns was made for the held, uhiktot for the
Notwititelanant this the RoMan a caned their
awn °r ig id to Puny Elsther; ha} the Mite daj
% bey seist to Thor IL. atonna:Towns for
secommw: WHICH BAAPLES:virr-IN.
VITT OP TIM mot stilltsi as rile tbeilmer.
2odenYs &,17.1 11. our at oiliest
'zoom awe Inummimes& et fain qllosur ,
re= y ftsbolu staa je ttPiel. 1.1,01.4 it=
T&Wea ba fists to all.
Ts"ilafatleets ft
&wow saunas oonererawarotolleverlarkemoop kari
leraro reaeranewers„--ele semeaLkolo=l l 4 4
4111" re&nsin Went rao ela new
A csr %allinl • fa "
Weakest *WS 112 /atm .411 ,
I & LOIIADWAIrgt Witnascs4l
_ . .
,7811 J•iiiit. 1 72t il =r i lqet
.Correipoadaioiso4o4 l Boo , 42-P1M, , ,,
llt#stesintKaskst2l 4 :—lt
datN to the 1.41;;
ite.4ria.obietht- so d from Puebla to the eota
of July.
Valencia hWiX6Mliii i st the Capitol wits
font *4ii0 . 10040 a F ads7.. L
Om: Pierce h. 4 inked it Peseta after in
doe with the NittOtiOlßrOto.
uni:Tiiim,l:bilmifiii.siia;Ounetea bran"
action with theliaswithie,pidied. 'Alma eargion
Ocoee a the PanneybrartlaMegiments. has died
Of his enthrals. - 'Name not thaw
of the ,blitio Ligotko In Mexico, : arrived at Tak=e onthe Dist. of jalyi with a,
.eMespee*metuerthe capital, Aired 28th of Ju
ty, mad from Pete the 20th: . ,
liMerrieli e lef, the Picaynne,utstas that the
chances of 'pane:Were untamable.
It slid that on the arrival of I
over: Pima, Scott advanced au 'Mexico, ear. I
tainly as early as the Grit week In Austist,'eadi
it Is more than probehM: that the begirt fight I
;Mae :the. war conimencia, took puce at this
City of Ms ice, ie they Were fatty ,prepered—
with fortilicationx conspieted--en `iumj .
Pcifi,Vieur. , ao e 9l ; FPO" a see P t !Y
ening mu indium they`coaarbrine to bear
to keep the Aiiiiiiiin'artej Out of dm Oaphol.
.Other letter' todie Plaices repaint the
thence of poem as more firorable,thanherstof.r.;
and indicates that the resistance to the admires of
the AMA= army would be merely noineml.
The Mexican 4./aMtiem had refund Barhami
an's tette: the Preddent, and throws the
resprineibility of the war es well ea the co/widen.
don of the letter upon him- '"
Tao Peace party at the Capital is. , drona, and, I
rapidly in - Messing. ,They hoe no faith? their
Cispetals. • . - •
The Amish= lien says the Oaerrilles sneer:
sad Om' Pierce with; 600 ' AMericsak - mho *P .
pivacttod podoitheir Ore until *l* 200 itado
of the klexicum: whin they oPsatir upon theta a
deadly Are; which forced them (the Moxicons)
After this, the Meibtrurrtellied. and ware aF
tacked by the 'Athericsis; flarairy, kinta
.aboat. 100 of their , facces.:, The .positieM of :
Merdearre was one of thi isroUgirit lathe con&
try. but Arni F icato osoecau bap, a*,
the bloody engagement, end suited It Perot, In 1
den- Scott &Matched Smith's brlpde to meet
thin. Pierce at Perms...
Tice N. o.Tlines ealliders the airs fail month , I
oration of the failure of Tride.robaion. and drat
allimepects of peace were dissipated.
Their correepoodent farther OWN them had
been a coerce of etiquette about constitutional
tiahts betwireir rbe lithrecrthelowerem its! Oen.
Sank AMM. each !tharitieirmee th ethic t h e I
I responsibility of =gotta/ogle a peers,
- Of theitairmsdoemymamayjaly by the fol
lowlne:=It war supposed Butte Asma„wai ,
i - roge of Wades ap:differences bursas ttiOetoun,
' tries *sibe tole means of eaccubtritherend ob.
ject of his anditimr--the diorama:rip—they them '
fare &moire Cortgresi by the withdrawal cc such,
amebas of"membats se sball MaM the reaminder
ocrelpodletgef tielkeseeen r mt. • ..
liiVrigarnallt vita 'SEAT DvWAIL
r .. ; •litscatecui Acect 1 4,..'-1* M.
' Baati t Anta itsta'Accc;4Mcu or htici«mea
am., to ecresidat: Ptokni,lYo f ,aist o 2l
agaituallen. Hetet. s Puebla, cc to reject pro.
podttme pt reaps', and cshaly *welt his adnnew
and then set in the dSfWoSint, to elder that •
'bald be free to set at discretion, inrnamantßed
by Coupes&
The Gcrrernment had aigneda dernse suspend.
ing ell public papas except the
_thee dal organ s '
The Dilta stye Congress hed mat end .nam
ed without wiring at any dichion)nixt the pro.
.position of our government IV peace, and that ell
lettere front the capitol agree that Scott ectuld take
the city withtrat di/amity, and that hailmo Mer•
chants were =hats for his arrival.
Lieat Whipple had arrived, awl *Mee that he
haebeen treated well at the Capital, and expects
soon to be exchanged. • • •
Commodore Petry bu Withdrawn hie forces
from Tobago', in cumquat= of sickness pre.
walling among them. He will realm at , soon
the eltly scum is over..
The Annahme San attributes the withdrawal
of Com. Pasty to . the oremtudialag , fame or tha
anatoy and that he lamed an attack. : ,
'Almonte was confidant that Aliens would sr.
&II in Me:Why the middle of July.:
Mr. Trial, had been indimPowod bet was . now
cosondemeat. • ,
A loiter received hose Plights MINN,. (Main
mitten by Mt Bawdall, states that 10 . ho
ititution with e gentleman whe thei city of
Holm two days priAttaa tit the , Oetitleg•
lie iru . informal that much OicketWie round at
the Capital in coaetstww* of ther Inwntlatiett of
the city. •
,ts ant theot G . as tinaststsodiog
between Getottals Scott and Sante itink • thii a
battle should be fought and "thit•thi: letter &bid"
imiosio* last the titaCiiitack: talk* negollaie
foi peace. . ••• • •
1310."Shielaa was still at • Picabla,;, and die pat. !
dower the away under We icntattsid were - in
good" health. '
, ,
Glotnoo, City, Borland, aid 'ouvivireri
so hod prisocors at tbe Copftoliortlit no Om
pees at praaaat of; s'
. 0on: &Ott to Visiiblt4tner
roothed Vara Cruz on do Sad foil it bad born
bolfoorri Wit tido oipisiOwai tit saki oneraus.
Coon. Puss} had issued Of 66'401%
Uoueaa of U» bon pa, corkwur to /poor upon'
acd impost' In ell Malan poit nnw oocupia
by oar nsoal font&
Thi Glooomotoid'of Ifosko . blonds ;MIES
boo next tsi upon the , Ifortbont Of Mulles.
The Wadi of. Vora Cnir f. , bohfroottur. ' bfsl.
Etogib, Quoitur rooster albs! plow, to dead.
carreepoirea a( rstidrozb
_vmaA calm -
• Rmcumws Aug. K .
8 P.
No , popes, rewind Iwo loamy, Swale of
Ctookwoo, NOUtholllol4ll.
Tho . Now Ottoww eicitotio =galas Wile
A• 411., bat Ofiltofofitow tho Are
0 4:. _Th, maws trouti(w. cum and , ibibli4 6,
fotwfrom that formerly toolfwai and fideeidoPy
row• Wombs to Pilot dun 11 woo. •
The Coniipo — otttionew OrIMMIPICip
use awima - much of-tbkr hilMaction from
the zoom who at twit' of the bkriof emit
mlAwerto tutoo Amt. woutopi or i4:4l , i'A
pm•nt the °qua bait tailing WO or boo&
Lade thy 0 414 do!'
soktbo2lBb, say that ants 88111 to wit itoltWolt
and abetoonirwo 'bribe for - mot do
looms. , Tire dorriabort gabbr,
ban - With Earopton' raw, 'snit Ad* .thio
?two . , low, 'given cobalt* ligaidsiithgb ebbs , .
= About 454 iiiribibi to Iwo for Tart ems
an bird the prograirweds, *a ono
Forsitka id% is for Stet 104, al:maw gi
aalw:Ai vet's% ens! tfter ha vaiw, wink
001 4**.P5* of the
441-lbziogal triage, 0,4 ad:
19 lki
Atts. 14;8 U.
7 11:80 11- 7 eloroPligibibil ' n . d t /
day tre* griabgb. is bir woy St GaAs&
1 -41 4"4m e,Au g' *r t -1...'
• "`" ; s it?. 1, /1" •••
:aid to be
ji g ii6ll4 coplixi4.:riU a r eq
- =T• awl?, TOE .
• 34 limb,* v. F.
„ eldh AttiNV, /ore
0-, at6;os-0-.8
WI hos ritual 011e*Igla 'lnk* imori.
ices thi Colo. ilia Fast
WI the - Th g
knifing st* du maims nesatlytiscosi::
2d 7.l.Poytcchl.!!•,prpbabn
,. Saliewnly r.Clasts,
sth TtuNni*fr • .
-6th Adams, •
7th Down`..:." -
eth ,C Ilorobiad
• INDLOA.::, . :*
Mulct; Isl..Efahi Embni,
. " 2 1. Th 0211 1 . 4. ffsigiti, L. F. !..
ad, hip L. Hottasou:' F+
4t11, - Caleb 11 emitb ,Whit'
Wm; W. Wick, L.
010. C. Dunn, Whit.
7tb, R. W. Thoespoil,. W.
Bth John Add%
gth Catboat, ; Lir
oilmen conoz.r/4:- . .;.- -
KUDZU or, easiaasss asisr,ralsA •
District lsd. Dittos 131toptssis es Blasts. slag
z. Nstbsabst Hoyden , Whi`.
• ad Daniel Budrigeri' WAig
• ' 4th Augustin It inorptold.
5. Atrabasi Wash* L.P. •
• 6. 1a596.7.10r4.5.F,
Deo. Maid, L. F. , '
!!•.! . ,
• th Ft El Donnell; Whig • !
• 9. Col. Ostlaw..Whig; ,!
The Manse bop 99 prodding .11sis`: bows nr
aired for 11witinsi, And WWI On re
fa, b 1,669;wbi1d Got Brown's majwity tbs
whole Ilismia Wilms emslas 9 1 1 1 71. 1 .5 4 !,.
issiestissi.ihenasto, msy Wirt tiro u actual&
Riebarioxs. L. r., 6 into* essowl to oft.
oyez Wikoz. Whig, in tile Pala &grist.
District sal. S N *AAA I F
District lst, Was Titosoroo; L
.2d Lahr, L. F.
Fathom complefti,a doi Gasu..
Partkaosasstai Aa/• 14, 4 r.
04 Hoke Is gab. deg' th lib no dame worth
OorreaXml.... of iks rimUm* Ga2/02
Aug. Id. .4 n at.
Flom—LTha isarlat Is Oat sod that.witisass
damand fir apoitalow. Etaleettf.Ekosamo at
115.117116 yet Dbl. Ram of Watato at 115,71%
5,81} pa WL Baltimore it) float bad et
Wtwat--eaaa Of While, Dig attiesafprii••
1230 palm: fialeawit thalluta Sakai 1251 i
- wo:;:tiaidi .or Wlditt,tatidtialy Wi
73,05 e Mb Bala of rim TAO/ at Oiallts
Catmant—Sodatal• 14 $2,6740 0 Pg!.
- • -
Rya—Salo of mut Rya at Teo poi Do.: Rem
of goad at 850 pas
Oat—Raba of sew Oat. at 4tall3opa r
Was aliteo par bit: ••
Whioduey—Limited Rata at 28e; WM. at 3941
, Poh—Litia of Wotan 'm a rigout
way at 1112,24 pat Atti. .
S an Pork—Nodaa• si3ei.itoodalltr Rik!
25 par bbt. • _
Lent—OW(44d mitooa .Pier
kat qootad make 6311. "
Ezebatmea ou Load= VII mauls! Ilfd.
Tudahut—Ttaltutat amouttowea dolt.
gorinsentscautiell there Is tali* of
&don. ononnoinnwe ine Tinwanit
B camas
ALTIMORE itAsicsr.,
Aug. 14, 4 r.
..Ilntraioo of Bowan* g at $6 per teL—
Bale" of City BMA at $5,75 pit Mil
Whew—Modwita salvia( pima 'Bed at 1260
Coni7Limitad Woo at liars btu •-• •
Claw—ltalio at 39a4t0 put btu '
Whiikay—Balsa ate trinisatid st 26in per
Bwf Canio—firowi el 0.7511 193 1 a
100 itis. ' •
Pravisiona—Miatat ihnbtly inf0nn04,7416
=finis aiin; with ! It &MATO
Noahanio in thantiltha in wild*
Wool—Wool, I. to bilk roping, and L indi
with may ails 00 itssolralt6i militt. Wilda
aka d samoo Ow, shwa lob, - 41•pricia ratjbar
Freights. from dei. to rittaiwoh, thie
ilmapanam Bail bid nnd Pinzailvania ;
Dry Goad", Lialhat, Bats: •
stow, ato— $0 poi 100164:
-- :0;66 do . do
Goiania guadlludwase, 0 66' do' 'do
Quienswaro,: , 60 - do-do
COMM!, ,‘ 0 40,. ' , de
e eta itt bbk. 1.26 Pot koolol''
deulogo, • do do
nanny* Oiniilotitssia •if• Obi oinnuitn Oarettel
• • ' . Oinehmath nog. 1 8 , 18 4 7 .
Flont , rfislin at $4,60i4,66}.;
Whiskiy--Modwani saki at Blla pie WI.
Lad--Tbs Endo la bold Jo 'alai at
icassional'ailai at olai. '
-.8aa50..-ado it Item atAalli Pia lb. &Imo
of Was it Ur of &against tteif
AagasfAl4—carroont ram
fkalararaf—Parlfla BlakadaAfalto •Q. Masa
CopPsT Harkm—Diaiti of Osga flapp—rf
Mark", laaPftrfkmor, Ow—Cala Utiosiedon.
ealt.ida-Aiiiisiimiy 4 3 , 6o l .B---Lifti ken
Moicif' I sit Witaktr-AtO to Orefforrfra
. failioalrfi!—Dur 10, of War MI MastialGiamt
—Wridustou 11fooTbe ca,l made et
) 41 iibli**4 1,1 a 3,16 k* - 7 4• p nialicliiihi;
leo--a?cd !albino. dr 1116ilataii;;
illietot-Wastedit tr,Oikur.
• >
alba Mita from cki4,Toomze*,
1114 - 7=',TaW# lclllol4ll ki'..
!;i4tio~ik Omer baiwile:
veilumecbA I "C tlia t i llm,'
the Matsu kr hoc gregbn 011114
•Ci : ll4o...Therhsoi
'criteOlmi Fledge* vino* puh o On tutu*
~,hsciat. 'et Ilorr,..hboat; , pura ha, meatrod
hoe he oirsisroi•dithilth~! hidshcaai
Oritilllte of rodirs—lhdahlek 140400.
- Vity Pioret hihesio ,- thpicms hail*
hiji rai.ha* jamb to he ishishhig Wil#l
oi hit • ' • '•-
•tkoNA the**, 4o o,f i InrirthlTi
OWlti lb&
" bleti l 4W "" * . illsi P 4: :0 211 e 4 *
_ ,
Pp 11 So 1 1P ay 1.11.01
a , i ka l Wass ls 11*Vecaticit 4 digeid7..gistlie 4 inher
vtl/1 ono Ada, ,
dasses.. cssuut=66
hx .i s s i l rer
. m 11 44 b
.41 e t i
vault Os mut suiet .
bell* e•Mige6o,l4o4. ,
I OA &Vim hag aso , ' '
Mt., et Wes 1 10 1 01 , '
" 6 ""4"g_t..... •
h., *VA. lit at -11.0 r • •
'MUM Fseriblipsts, areMBIA . 61111 M,
Unig.alwe r B.llu . " 71 111 'Wkal.
Co Oil i neir. IIT.
' 1
• 4it
• , • • • • _
`N r
. sloseaslare,.adwarpot tbenia.
bui: by .Itew.Xr. Emil. MY. WM.
- - • • In. NOSS t'
::-,iiiimpYrarrouricscesam amour. --
*An xvocas.scont - •
--;i:AtraglidaorrailaintakAimama, -
ty.L IMAlN3orill appear Ibr three
rjVOn, sad
flittltaietliwt ryt.:
Immo* senl4hielliallt cmall•
waxessair miss -emus'
NEW - 44)1`*-'
Plo — AL —1
' llll4 AWL 111,0473 10 11 6
ci.e.6.="twedder4 : I
MOE • sad belag. eaw ia sardine
soder, Ike Name ads Use wM !lasi
=go e ag .la•lq. =Veer 1
, „lei= m4 se, Thbo o n i=tigia,t.
unesety,ltinNenian - . 1 241.
deo' MO, arele,llsuadeio
do Wise's, BoduarMwm_Yokettli ,
do LaiddeeeMwermol a uenTe M I. i n "
do-. UMW, lab/
do , 011ieLCIreff,YV. 1 .1
.41 Waal, MMTo I '
Lateens. Temples: , erg?,
do Kosteelrf VA150N 342 7 ,
ir eveuwee, -1" ' "I" 4"P tl eara Too t"' r deket ee ~ i rit tl e' el`sek i r e dereZ
to Heim, Walat eet,or Of - •
dd , , II LSI= CO,Ceeet Bute
ihousfachirer brporferelnis,-Condr,
Stee-VGoods,*,Wo, 144
Ara Third &sat, abase Race. - •
1141NspEcrruitx swaiiseiliwasnu.
11,,Isindg eitnto wook owes Pod wklek
kas bow tooleniska fat tie swabs Rail Tride—vw.
dialog in part of steel beads of •all sisto,Slcel beg
"..motti=r,al kindo
L. and in= windbgs, cow =loess, open
ood lambs wool, skirts ant Armee" looddinionnton
sod imp owl eludes, canoe and woollon 7wink din'
H. B. Ooouood7f on lona a hU.noenaem P every
oars ty of frosies,oords, tosselsoutn.Pld sad. silver
benielk !P0m0.% t.o. kceney desetiptea of 11,-
. .. _
iii.a.sinquoir: covirr.. •, -
mktlN ilefsallaretho AdadOladaboa
- wawa of /Po WlMaiii Admiallo
moor of Libint 191Acy,'
. desered;to
1.1. Shah Tn;1100. -_.• ,
Alio,. liiiio outfix of dos sa of
-Neal DOW otrobart Eden. de 4-
, ed,Nool;Oooborlfarta3NO, , I
7 11 F A at wow vowlt,Oeiobor li z, ll/It.
:oO'444kar A 11.1001u,lfoq.,1ba o r =otof Day
'144 Noi.'AolLoria diandboffillof of do sale
oft e Neol Einar, Eat aloha lailaaaa doe oo /lama! ,
OtroNfordM ,:- . 1 1,,,.r,t . .1041,FT0U NO, Ti ] -
'''' nodiNifiloareby ohms lo 41 pirsaaommeitod la Obe
- dlonltotion of Oa .ds of the Edon orltabefillooT ,
icons* Oat 11011 attend at m.Y aka: Grun 5 1 =4
iltudial"oo Monday tba Mb ol'flal4ol, IW, at 10
fetoek,o.• .a. of midday. - . • - - •:.• • .
1' ' allialtolt •.•••- • •• . • C DAN1U10,4 404
• • sum vinoti oroas.
• ll1611114•11111LI; 1-
NerolNika Eggeo4tna, PFULADELPIO. I 4
0 11" the = I . • Thekk0e=14...... , 1
Owl k 4:salami oriti.kst .41Mtkoli m tkos lite OM: TM, Isis
R a- " • ".
Ilacked taill OMAN= Wkak - •
Tangs , Oil; Bngi Pandk.4 Oaaao,*.e.Vs.
N.B. All • • blim.M is Ana nt•Wkr. UP._ .
i 4
..rtwthSeemarridismovidi i
MAK=l3i _WI PORTE' t s t w it b •
%to{ Ihrolnin Pa ke rcur e ,Faal.
AlroaVrt.. , " 4 .„, Pinsk lid auiries for
Oce atakrentn: • s "
Owns-a' man io crayon! , Owns anal amen
lay Gan witch lan pond, dean%
• . .
V . AIIIIIII7MTI CODIVIVMII. wiadiessiag by Oa
swim at MAW, of Or 1
f a=VPrO , 14. ! ; 11 7
lbsft Fab* ilep, • • romees of Life la Louden
Moennotwolled. 3,4•11.a• 11 / lammem.
fisber Moo; •081boba '
ynotAgt. l , ll ' ;.
',DoiskandbeiSkr — lholir
. 041 , •• • •: , . 2 •
Mares the st—ateeslusd — irt. Bll4
:Elidreelfeltedine, or irf assess lid PAM
A kw deeply sr' tlee MOM I.Setasi bruits seill
Ilese Drwree tem sre rem insee—rellies
NKW, J Zemke sag late the Labe:leer; by
Joie •
m i n e su o t r i egt o.
. 74 7. eres.
OeSalliess's Lenes es.
-Yetsale u 111 A KlNZlNSiseldelist. 3i *arms
aseetZeresla *Orr
Wis. Sore et sAcos WEAVElAsessei
'sad Freeptef •
qld fele Maur, IBJI
, com Dog wow *gem, : 1.16
Illessberwisk sad rseelkiksalisec sea le VOA'
1•2 I 1" ; "15 61
'de - ire de— : de an
ip 12.1-
de I . do RD Werrielea , - de;
ad do
..ii' A DiehilPebeet dea r.. ;
lc*, ;14 ILI/Mereellieve•Mdi
I 4 Mildree , !de; ,
-• • -a*.: %Jere We.,
le mere awhile adrld . IA.!!
received &emotions* direct bow the MI
vete la Irmeeliberm.Va ore! will Mali Wilre-erly
trade et ZWierm }negate .;
gavoutas-lttarga" 4l ,4V:,., •
P 04.4 :,
!--;:::24 msoblatuallov , "
emboli _JOlNlckeditominill
ftmi es """ Wt1" 1144110 & DENIM?!
37 wood beted/kllid
ikouasusies-4iivbelitr. • •••=• ,,, t
10 62 S. /LAM hi nle
us HENs&-Er
iit tit
WIIY alb bbli ispirlie'roed is - owl 6i 'Alt
'1.14 RATE w ale
- N2=!MI
M—Mikbis pyikk
rrif ig" 64 "
T /wow Tywup—es do. Nib' Datir isi 'bro.
• 44 kW lib 5031100NBUSIElt & CO
101=11 1 1,110 . 1M.1 =IT: y.
neammadell sae einem lbe leart•
.1 ,6" 0 " ,tf 7
. all I
',B43:llo2PPRl#.icila vti'Peut
w unwu.w:Yor
guitts i
1 !* ror we
cum a co
Dialillandr-lail we 11 Reek read: ix ask Y T
11AXII. 1 1
-ill- Ewa& IIDD 00.4 twslw
'Zirsee=ailetor,s X •
-,!;; sunpribml
°G'~.i.~!~'':'?'•~"nr~.=mfr ~~ ,~"o"~'
"katiinissfimilit read ea bask for
4.1.1 TO:it
sooll6-4M "SUM*:
, 7 wWE shimugzOlv
Fitgul do ;l4. l.6o Jimul ii „ituko Eurs . .. rwoui_
-JD :111.1 , 441 -, vit •
b101tk44 1 ,1 11
..atarritst 6
WMP!tw=' ol
r a" AL.V
att , wiwk4l
114 . 461411 A ntorAta
Sale Vedic* of Vi
ifs the Wird of the
sear the Cod Keeeae:,
113ft,*13 Welommtbit afisitsmihit
fatly Weald Wang Letßailloyd ,
fifth of dixtiue wowMeath..
to be Re.
• • Jig opal saaaaL
date "payablif
be,land Noniron Ipt.
. _ ' lOUS ID Ineirta, Met
nets, Sur u Aredrhir -
` Litii be lidded tit die saliva dVo
r sisieribliire
WI s
Room eh Moray lawmen the 16ti
bbb Urba' Nirla -
• MI
aN Madly Insi—de_
13miCanunnkar Was Mee : ewe.: at Ve.oeSetele AU!
etnaprin'lmelleblinflZlOßairA aftletladal 1111. MVO 02d.
7 :77. ±...: 1"1.. or- At f airia''OfeLf2"Pm..J.4—:".
.eyelnee.lerapplet poet; bexes,l burp
Oen, maks, Owe, winager Omens endja l
..kk ode. DsiMi =wink, yowler, and trim.T=l
winker Weds; • greet vezieY oii.'"d . 0 1 "' •
komkele nea knew, gkeekn re;• Metter beils,shattew
setieMenne, looking elessesonantel
50C1541,1% , .. 1 L... • -
• A itattiketa of reikly wade ekekilag lee Wen
will keen kerns and coitus, neer iedr . seeent.inuel
watehes,doeble baneleboigan,peeker
seeerdeee; Iles, Ike clillern boot.. Owes ! sok
~ A fe d fuodaw V. . 34
nay bum ep le Oil." lee Claes, ihreeheeete,Calre,
Yeene.Otei Dnelohh.ti . . 164 mim °E5 b.
The jeoexeieteri eine 'etsufly bites the inxpeeetbi.
;Aim *all mien the am for dheretsekee etey
ere N
Matinee tint feelili dq•eimata it meet
.erpe lee i• drama pbmint,trort ix the
t TYstlSven demo.t., both itiericimtf...o.,'....
uwieuee fel odnowsixesi, oinlirt by eny in the
ad theLdW Futon trill &Asap • emperieen
iseetresoixt tesetioritiqiesm of say sholler .
The- titmice% m.! it. wind. chiete. awl ot.
y ,Le lob. of Memel et•ikisieedtoey . .
Dames or Wei qyal which au be.
Lena, piseetatel lielltehasehiell allow of the pley.The
peal &ken aeons* to bothladiewnet ipoteum , etrese.
eta* Iwo cote/MC' yuurmer.rr,...hi. for lok-
N. R. rotas r.N be fiusi.heilitb mime* notice .
Ti 10111150114. Co.
•. . ,
• ri,. ; ,Tlie Odrart 09 Math. • • :
E T td — a7;:r darliMe4ebingiali=tilin,hh
Cosownonnig err-Wednesday Everuaragaw 11
Tiro PainCni 511 feet lond by 0 , caroms 9
re fora °Connor. There are 93 gamer ike • so
It a work arbleb iii lisconeornian and
.4 • in
.'he nna kann" at its =il= the
1;1011lTo ast ' flur a
nod lapressMqwero,iworwurdYr n i no . ..
propertied as it . 5 studied. !! • .
Dr Colds will (11,0 a brief Desenitire Liam - •
the Palming awry oreolog. The denowl and skini
wilt allbre bream plume than the furna , •
r • - .lllbandion 0 craw. Brawn Tickets 5a err. arbor
. . .
• - -
At Andras ..Eagk:lo CMrns arloon, every: .
ire. snows, ...a ,cuote "4,1).
Me VVarZ , Vi r =rifle= and hi*
A bdtliart misdeal clasp y Op:apply re..
coat.) aid pauioce sew. .
- -TO 420111711•018021.11. -• '
Pingieerfa Offlehlesere Direr* Detwerie el •
Big late.d, - 1.40.1 C0....t' Ai, • •
ROPOBALBwillbe rewired at Lynehbm, v a ter
Wile lath September next, ke WI the eu .
Cue than enamaraeled for, frost Lynebbarg owned. •
ea Jaime Boer le Big lidand. • Dame of 'bow 19
=Hee The work eitaireiwe abseil ilea loch Dew
Aeneas of two ef .been i 0.% to. oagi
eabrarui,the abewirew of erineroad lead Dee bridyne,
wed coke aidlnlshed realties Merkel( a rate to *mile
km) of enearaelen, enthamknient, Wee;
tpot'h k'
Das nnewelaireee Amer tempt 2 1
eases Die Cesium FaUsorlent 77ifiet Dell and 17 Cent
b4lr, tat Aber Da baker the ateatk el Nora Dir-
of shoat f 7
het Dag and 12 Delta O:
pew* De et De said wint will be exhibited at the to
einem% °Meg at Dl y Wield cm and ISA eirlDP•
ember Derry in 4 all Deena inteaaation will be
I goer
atsay new by the Aube= Bagineere en De
bs afoiresed. • WALTEILOW I r
, • .143tannd
111 bubo the Deepen of comma - , -ZZ: Mae
thouerbbithere ide, lobe De towhee we of two DJ
larc are wilBngm toDalnd
Demon =WED 4 . 1 Dr: Netwiresuadeig Wee, DC
Deb' Meads and
Amain,,,,, s . been perfeelly
eared hY trap , * Aeoestjet letters
Dad ,ef eadoehted witherity coy ber Wady
DDIDDDit wee MOM et Dr Dia leo 8 lifiewkeThied
Ebiled"Aura the - ne Is for We 7 1, 1
Drawn Dere es • b ere preetbility !OtteADM DDT we only le atiwwtheit triad; bet te be der .
lettele thearrehew—Phit Seel • • ••-•
117.5 w sae at doreI Nl'FJ
apinit La*
JA . Wait fal arga, ALL=A TUElataaty Roma
as dia kaslalt laud saa,auei Omen *jaw
ploiroeuisioa Irlhunarf :Lbetiarer sbe
harm &ea dasbal elm aal Mem 'winde d Wag ao b.
lair (Hak vim ara boars la as 4 warsTarasadea
MT* do this an. I sal sbolkaa Wei taken
away by Mak adilaarsi . lialitlMLWlllallk-hat
gory ass amanigakraa Uwe Vela lamaadvisai Yu to
Yds actOrill be prosetatelaceardimplaw•• • •
Prime had tbe Eat‘qmperimeed 'ram
and F 01111•28, 1111MAIrtltr *combated with dmrondos a
Me Deify and Weekly Pyre/hand abdlelina4 aumeer of
Bak and /ob. Priming—of temperate and Indestdoos
Ilabps—witbee - s'abaukle; In mane imitable espaaitn.
mllmbera• entler,lbreman. camperbora Jobber, In any.
nspeetable olies Is Oda eity Ler ealartin
amordanee midi the eon/lees be asap be roar to
Roder: • Addmms H• Pi amble ones: • alLlt
- . 0030,1Y4' ; -
. POD: Pal& RADII 01P -1111111. , _.'' --.
fl Iralimit. _ 1?>, , ! ,, b 2,1 4,4 1 # . .F tr.* Sfrad,NagrYorX
ri p ri
it ligmeiTtig tir sear al,,Eullieubse i *thew
Abll:binyitseereeest et Good. They bay. -pada
•yltelmeelemil,ibelheis -aterelameesildeelers,
ea exterirs ebi WI 'p oet of
.rticlll In the Fall
• By =inept kW yisic as "rill be neeiyed ibe simis
!premed end novel limb:sot tbe EAstielr sad apathies
'Neebr .3teberibeldetT'Veibeedi jCiids Till oi„ g ue
...."c„„„..w 7and riblm VII* . eeil VIbAY • I
im e* et • lobflp **digs* eml mpemr finith• --
4 1 , 0ebell Clothcannora AM flew. - • ,
~*. T willY4Nedisoleloelft- a nd goet,-, ;- i •'-, • ,'`
,-, .• • ibeitias..oltba bp% mapefeetzess..• : • - :• ' •• -
Amellean Paths of all deeeriptiese ead'ibbne. , .-
Fuer Cebblertmee t ttsliek Frew*, and - eumerwas, .
* .i man. ears Mims , f,roellaw..
: ~doiciwidisld .sLuand sler.fasay+47Fte
, btitlekesszed.Flolril,Chalteeleyery desesipiew:_:i - -
.:c Naga...imraint tram, audircryblireta, Ifeles!'
:'-,' -clig, Weer Basin eubi allia Um*, lobe;
• Velma, b/aet.brinmant NW fasicy-W406
841[152 , 1* Meek andil4sr,solets,!lglesa4 l l4 ,
, :w..Za c * ,. .. , : i r t.ttvailikosecins. ~,. •
.-„lmesias. naAawm, twillittley)si".: .
nt irnill•o FOOR. .antl d• Te L gt'siti... ! &taped
-.' - - is isues inv..: '- 7' "XEW.YORN4SI2IIs.
' A'PRINTS i ONLY; ,. ..
. • .d-..,
'k 4 4.A l YORK.
.. _
ISE•.&-.IIIEWSTEIC- - -- ,.
..,r - , 6.- • 4sv
- : 1- •:_,..1 1 1:tVAtir , , :.. eadii is • - •
-•. • „, - tl3)'. - ...'" , ::-!*:
=t-le w tiV,-.4ntesariiik4:iei;
i:4100 . ' , .!:.•= 0 ..V.111‘ ,2 4 1a =r 1 .:
s if.•litgelar bead Pluel4decka 1 0 1 ,
: . -T•n` 1 ` , •." onrCantandideneredknit ..,
...ONE TOTIVV..CENTS.:;.... , - -
peevire War CIA Orkin at Ap t and Addy, Al p d
pdand Caul:saes, Munk anAeacroeind dale for non.
BILTSIMICAP2I-114olfog4llabtreiflo4logapo. -
A NM de 1 Web for ludo" vitd molts=
to westorraboOttneForsaii
&111 • - ,71C PtlllLll‘telliniagti r ,looooist
- FANS, CLPEB—Ssit reeNt Lobo kat iiTaue
...mbarevowsi saw anhaminitt 0 CkotiWart,
now, wood ot. ol4 t PHILLIPS
Trinmaisirritsoo yards of ladle 'hither'
w.ebroaff.-.B•ltabLo ardrat lasrdidd dad
tar& PHILLiPb. Sladaddr
1. 1 1-11111-45 a Ibbla p. glop Mar
.10 blebs No 1), • 'do; er---
UP begel lobos scaled Unrivt,
_lli , slurs; tot
salt b • •5N131.1158 Jc MANAIT • •
]]~~.WDiYrlyhd~4uM~~+ for uJa bw 6y y
I}'L.tli~t~:: ;:_: ~SNOW3IItU6tifSR
iflL __ ~
D-Wares-4*. gmn..l l .tetsi; • • -- •
!?- Ni
11, a pthd liaper4lTest
sureiar;Niie br sli , .8.516111.16104
urawrazo—iseema . uK rpaac. apply
•••• filaFoB4l.o:6,BEsprogaer..Cfatigie.
fIIEWSIIII-4ebsaNr.R.Vbaso Nu no% wad in
' l l4. .14 sae by' • macs? aco
li see 0141,07.10 1 0" si r k nulled st,
1 . 04 . 44 orfriLsAuLtlN: suerl irlag . 4l
1. 1 4 *olreerifeminetZ/Viie*,
' Mimeolistreett_
, te
ate '''sata
• •
.1.7= -r sittalosn's
iv * iteL b ao
The SONONOAUELA,Capc.Gteseka,j,.b." P.
Barg VIM Monday at zoos
earl hjooyyCVCC CC 10 M .:
:.,_TheLDIDENNIA, 31,Gapt. -J. S ~ IC /Weedier, SAG
nuanGtE absgS7basday scorning at t 0 o'clock;
fbeeDas every Media (evening al 10 P. M.
IL NEW ENGLAND, NO. 514. Capt. S. Daly m/ l .
lease Plusbarga sem, Wednesday morning. at IVelockyWkeeDneesinSWedneeday1 VelockyWkeeDneesinSWedneeday @Teams* 10
Abe WINX)NSIN. IL .1. Cirsa;awal leave
bona avaaThanalay ' at 10a cloak; Wheeling
sneer Thargday 'ma as 10 P. 11. • •
... •••••• - STUMM PACIES.T. '
ThaCUPP.I:V, Capt. essaia,wll leaMe
harsh' etel7 mi_u at
.. 10 dir . leek; Wheelins
may Friday. a 101..11. •
The b1Ea310113)52, Cap!. Ltafont, wilt leave Pins
Wit cagey Smartt.) , marmot ita•etoeic; Wheeling
emery eveahas;al 10 - P. M... • .
IE.LAC NEWTON, Capt. 4. v. if n. roll
lessee Villa/WO 49 , 017 Zelda) . mandopai le o'clock
Wlttellyi crew Ookday creams et 10 P. N.
Ethekholdero who
?wish Erset a lg e tt n W e:th i lk for the azeoloslated
petite tumid compeay. Iwo teghltxd hp the ortheaace
of hEth h0w,11317,t0 =tom theischnifwates at the thee
M ACE7IEI'I 3t - ifit i s mi TlO N l
lOqr - bbls do 4, - $
OILS -TAO lulls Bleached;
eat exca
• - Vas Mr: 63; sale
al9 0 BLACIiBt7R.N a CO water st
rIISA O CO-18 Imo /oho ardhe
5 do - 0 Rertss; AM received direct
from lancilmsg. Va on eoceignment: for sale by
613.. - DICKEY 6. co, ea melee ,a
Ht i ft " efr "4" 4 7=f m" or e tr "-P"
• P
F at lb, attar mad 41'44 Elect latticed.
R u o3 l- 1, "" 4 "!'" fre4b.'" i'ut repli=r
-FL,.°llg."l,ex::l4673l3 Fi CrigillaNO
for w analhourxr. .
.r? 9311 ! -3 `"'"g"V` d 1 1V.7e
voN"To§Ntioasi& co
. --. 3 do PeanbeN in sore: for sale
TAMMY to. 8E3T,33 wool in
800;111—a0 dolt asi'd slut on baud; fa mit • y
ALERATOEI,IO big Cleveland Nola, sato by.
-ati> . /NO FTEllinGliberty & trona ouk
- 4007 P i g lelut
Taut* Inn Iso.• by
%A /UM reselnd bY ;' •• wiLsoN
C B Z gl i j i r' . :e. big itt rad order.l.K No'Ond Wr
11--1511 ea, liatalhot hem Oaf Lake Erie;
brute by MIiDALZELL.9 I water .
Ol ir-C , g1111;N
11X9 de Alters Oil sew landis4 for sale Ly
- MILLER ft. SUONETSON.I 79 litbezty at
str,ais o
ock bbll N 0
at .
fleomuSiost; utqautbstiteks warranted uqorted,
sli • P C MAR. fl i N
invade !is ,
goria . 24 *ye our,
saYly.9 it..*4I.ARBAUGIi
''‘ exrrenros
reeiliOn sale
• iionusicssoN 18 ilbev
i syti-~6ldi . pcime driedHeeJOr .
AiODArn—leeuks C
b ' .
1314011111Y-;-11:11x1 vim. dew' Dour . an slam for
UOlt:AS111111-01ibbIsIi:Chles= bs ate by •
ATI. wet II PVON BONIIIIOBST ta636polt at
Gut A"zs-l'"l"`""c*PirCatirCo
; •D B ' ' •—1 esk juts reelvedie:r
OP"! ' , /.7•=1....1 , 711 -, C7A 1 1 , .‘ 11.1, 413
41. •
Gb0xe.:71.54 .. i,r taiWirr
.10.; tDI3IiIWELL
w riiiiii
n Prrlrrrrqflrrrigil
S IM/4 19i1ap1 . 1 . 11107-400 bra;
.. ;49 16 , 42a5e I:Vostent Itaserra Mee
lug -
R A CUN NGUAM 14Slibertv 01
IF. X q
. INETAG-1011 tons l'fol.; bald blast,
INA Ibrsala by ' AWES it co
41,1p#:p1352k..:1 ran epaa . .b aaddb aces mw
}X' &
VALT—. 133 bble o'l rall
_pod barrel& and for
pIOi7IION-415M*111Muulog / Pane: reeciput.
:main solo on the lOW, by
e - 1 e cot WI 300 0130:,
"11.".""1"Dbbi"""1"7-'C*.,.. slore end
Mak bY .4* eeeeBIDSVE
sad. • "
be °14111 "7, 1 ., ?Jo 3 meicketel,
••••.; RD* 'on*, mai itn. wile by .
• C0.,7 eau sow at!, st
111 1 = 111 r. bola No ,l Baldaare 4stiog,Tor
77;:0w caw biob=at,bli4 i
el .o 44: xt osveJ
Eor saa by A FAHMES CO
*so ; lt
eor sod sa
N 7.0013 low to;
ClA...liltliriNglieft—atin• oder : ',rat, jun
)0/77"7!? mte.fot
"1:8 *AMMAN
nteloir :I aczli"...
LS Magglllll . e '
Ivenl for sale I
ItTylrl4lll4-. 99HtUN RiIITER.
'REseign a3•1 1 ,6ei outwit ne.fted a ti raur
" sale b
lytimaa _ mem, and rial,4l,Nr AL , t ,I g . ;
- c - orrom—vioales far MRETI k Ca—
&""ks" br aw
IZTAL- 4 $ ens for WeM
kwood enter sot,
11114-7sllst. to , 014 I
U til ii. tlL $91141 11170 VIIVW
No flooro-naet te
j=l=• v ar " 7:Rauzi. Reatim
oraasax-s!purainmitg . .
m l .
r umucAs vimpuutit-. Jotheed tork
11 1N•51 , 27 I
WOUTINO-OoLbleaO louoZr N saff irr i I
119 INI ea os4 la;
FM: VIZ?' otiiitTe
II le
We ' -• pays
marvoßacco-u0mai1ke .47,744 "" .
JLO ti sod ytritoOLTobooorg -Y ,
_ .
' . 0
srsakt T • o =l aicKETsuN,
• Oil, be u 4
vlull///5t,V1241122 . ' , Wilt JONES tort ,
• -
.F 160111111,071 bah
-6""*".bC4 • IN HAIM/MOH
Li -
TOO Tell wielr bi ert sale
flOnOrptitor CD!suutt Lam
4wak -- 7.4a
rir"i tt rapli
5 . 7
p s •
A iii in
4041 lean
Or foot et
*6 neer
O for wle
pm' • ' land E.
dos Indira gabber
ts lost ree l l Au per gt.i. Camil,
_ No." water A'
Ys. 'dew toned to note,
CL water - emet st
ese b
• MI( a CO
itahrily . •