The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, August 13, 1847, Image 4

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    ---- T0:71,111 DICE " Aill El 'AFFLICTED •
r ' -
- ' ' Pie SWAMIS'S -• e s •
o ,.o.,coldssi , maa , *liver
Illeetty or Illgthe
C. V.:l:gibs nae s ted linow li t 'main the '
il ‘ .4 4l 's tit. radrit C res Debate ad all name .,.,
-, ~ ant
apeollearearerlown foe
. ' . 'i iiit ' TWAY lal *' r . le
• Mittman tains w mann-Read with ashes.
Omen the weaderld, cure performed by Doctor
•' Nmyna's Capra Eireap ef WILD CHERRY:
' - PWlClorthasa; Jenny T 8,1847.
••••' -- Dr„ Simple-Dolt Sin in Julia ilaff sad
`a, duty I awe In ; miffering liurmaity, I p cheerfully
enioy tertinionte and deduct ttr Um World Um
~- meat ecumaddag eiects: - ead the limn oars your
e Composed Etymon - Wild Cherrypertbneed on me,
= ander the most enfnorable cirounetaates. 1 woe
' ethem with/ -Hokin Cash, Spiteful; of Biood,so
, irtre'Paint in the Side tad Breast, whin, waned
I. bomk down ad enfeeble my conetitadon,so that
iwz1.1144-0-4ht.r.frAion4 the power nt
-.- lose, ud my mow 01l gam me up to die; bat
_ Mob to you Oa the edam rd you great dame
ry;11 - aew fed myself a• well mem, nod mined fan a
• Yes tm skeleton tote fleshy tad betlthy a mil as I
-beta been for year, tn. Anil be pleased to give my
informatioa respecting fly case, by eating at my
residasee,Mochnue etmci,thod door below gage •
rathen, Nana Libertfee. Jaeon rigUortn
' Teransay is slow rovvecdfrona all fowlers 0
. •The lolls n$ letters are presented With a lieu
-, al more fallythowleg the opinions of Pispielsos in
"• relation to the IVledical y ue of Dr. MA YNE'S
. Dr, Susynd---Dear'Sin Hwelog mod you Com.
. parson . Syrup of Wild Chem eamenely an my
practice, I was requested by youin Agent, Doctor
Cement to 'exprom ing opinion writing ants
proportion rat n remedial agent, I mat cheerfully
• amply, on I feel by no dome", I will diar.berp a
debt I. owe It community at large, and Maass
. 'la particular. ,Ai 'mach' an l detest Week Rae
dies and Pa nt Nostmaus,' I was blasted then
• leilare of the most potent expectoreate, ann.
- c••• mood' In our • matena ante is some essee 01
= - 1.,'• - Diseased Lunge, us try year prepantsoe of Pumas
• Viqrlaia or Wild Cherry. It is sneeleneto say that
• Isms so much plowed with the remilt of Unit and
evanequeet r , that I now prescribe It in prefer.
•-• mice to sae er Ramedies where no 'expectorant is
whetted. n the much, dreaded Pneumonia or
• Meant of Or Lag*, in the alarming teem lasing
it appease in Kentacky, I regard It air an innloable
.‘• Remedy its o treatment ot that disease. •To all
- who know e I hare d beingh, bat a Ode may
,;be man by p non and
Cl the veHaity of Frankfort,
'will linel add, that I bare been surged in an
••••••• active patio, at my profeeson ol It years,and am
• • Regular Graduate of Tra asylvensa, and thle El the
• . ,i,finsPamat tledichte lever thriuglth etiongh of to
exams" en _ _'pelt ,
• '.1:1•1. Eirilson . , M. D. , '
" inairyl h , 1847. - Franklin County, K.
-- 1 VEANTLYOWT Ky Jagery7th 1847
The atone certificate is rem one of en Pbyti
- • CV= ;lAN o few miles from here, beim doing g very
good taunt. and is considered a good Physician,
and wands Girt be ta,an he eayi, a relpilargraluato
• 1 - Do, 'A. L. Ceunrceia,
1 - ' ' . - 'Druggistand Apothen p.
. • •• ' Testimostials wad neva. cease.
, .. , Fran thoTemperaneri Pledge.
Now that Winter to upon . oath in attemian
train of Palawan and lkonehitil election/Xo.:6s
..- EAU, die. #re , are would otiose these sflhetaJ in
~• :!: Shia way to heron Immediate trial of Dr. fiwayee's
Component yam of Wild Cherry. It will never
•1 tail to petit nee permanent cora. The repetation
••• of this modicum haa caned EWA, amnion artseles
to be put dab muter In name; but the preparaumf
• -of Dr. Mirayee, betides bong' the lien ever altered
try the publib, it the only one that can be naiad on.
Tee other 'manna soldier Wild Celery 43 /r 6 P,
Balsongs,dre., Ulf el/ spirdone and EtOrthlcp, and
costain ma el the loaner-Um original prepare.
-Mau,- Ro.—Solyoo's , Composed Syrap ol Wild
From tbe Srinnaefield Entrees.
Of the thousands of purported curare nostrum.
now Worn-the public, but very root are basil to
pains the boiling aims for which they an ic
commended. Aral the latter we:are plead to
learn •••• stand a...bettor test. than Dr. Serape's
Composed Syrup ut Wild. Cheily. The agliettd
in thia vimnity_are beginning to Use it, and to their
• joy they led to ith ne thew hopes , need upon its
recommendations mere than realized. The efilicted
need not despair : Whfie there is lift, thow now to
rErswoo rho introdumson of my article ter the
public, there have a amber of unprincipled indi
viduals got up nostrum. which time newt mall.
Wild enemy, home arc cißcd. , Balams,”:.llaterx;
seduce bray of Wild Cherry, bat unite is - the
original and onty_geoulne limp:autism cyst intent
- pea to the public. which no be proms by the enti
tle Records of the Commonwealth of Peseayleasia
Tbe only safeguard arminat itnpositias Res at that
ray sigoabuste on each bottle.
' Preparedonly by Di. R. SEATO 11, at hie Prins
pal Office, corner of &any and RACE Streets,
rfillfdelpbta: All Wild Cherry preparations being
Iletittoue and cantata without a signature,
For sale in Pattaborgb wholesale and retail by
WM. THORN,b3 Market atheut,
-- OGDEN & SNOWDEN, comer god fr. Wot 4 rte.'
S. JONES, 180 Liberty street.
Sold -Ma by-dillitchell, Allegheny Clip, 11r,
-; ., -ii;:',;,:' ,,- : . ;:..:
',;Y - ;‘-i":* , .4 . '; , _:.z:
... : , : -.,,.!..... r ...:,
..„ .
tftt4if.f.':,t: . 7:4...
:••••. 1
- • •
tc• • ••••• k: •
• •
3:7 •
'.l':-.1!§:•:,,•; . , - I t '..;" ry -'
as. JA; yors cutarataiwirs BALSAM:
FCollin Ile Se* ASA MUNN - , ii hrldi knew* awl mi.
alittPidsirmaii alba Plinhishisalsildliiipiejodn
ii,,, .o.erdpied Lying ben Mead darhhrilitorn
winter with hdivessii °taw sionsti,Meltiscs p 1
&chi{ rept palm Li the itomath for ;mot torisi JOON
.w is o .floiduliiiind. and -.atier hied whorl
VIP El i - aW• Clunkkusilia Seism. - Math* hied ati.
.-,-= No The aa '
o dkee , ll4: l ll . lgl= 6 ,l 4 . l a=ll l !
, htes, 'sal iir Men er imetilpisisetes every . way
- • molt chanty c... 5 . modlithe IMP At
.. Sepfttdd hiiichever lisaiidiiiedi of Phe iiiiphrecii of
• , iiiii WWI Pileeirelo.ao4 WIPIUMae illaibr readi ,
..1 ' Pe Ceitiiiitedie ideribe . .ieeditiskevoi.~hily.
-,- tad vohielthose in Ible siorniap..luid IC' n,-Iblr ~ ...4.-
bath wo.miiiitiVitOitit , that the ROW wth Wiry ,
~. ',7 1 . ,'4 i 6 4 17,7"ry,•..„'"7:,:1e=1 . 1i i ,'"41 Z 1ZW
• t...Armit,—,..lialsaps; as a ril . starf Inalkisis ' •
• --,' - - fritalpetAhalitilopuieli an 4 kairals;'_ - , A.1111115,1 ;.
t o.
li Wee; . 'ihmz Whiiik'holl sIoPAAP..._. _lilin
_..,:;,•:-?, Of If 0 hICIIWARTZ L iederaI Amu . = .
(:,:',,i 44144 1 4 . 4P1TL1TZ1 bale ikoadhisi
: ) ,-. 1 4# 41 4P lir' , OW • Joc ILode Veit joo''''Waktr:
. .... _..
, 'y , ~.&lil~9L:
'eon Dorian Cal&du. ." , •
Ca:. F:rie; Mitennie 4r. Kiiikeil,:t.lerelm4 Delia '
& Son • Cohnutoon • Miller, .13rownwrillo Ildarab,
Va• E.B Nintons,CiseinsathOhiof Dr
E Easter & Co. , Sr. I..rnil&,J & co.;
LoolorDO. gy.; & Co., Now Or•'
terrify to those 'attend ,wdlt this Ara*,
innisitoey sYstpiriens of Canssiwpicet, that I have Weis
laboring for several 'years with '• broacii, soncocitt of
tim . tlinsat 'acdJbestrem . cst: siiioy :medicines; b.a•
found no relict nrikh' tiOu of medicine, wail 1
haute use of DfL - DONCATit'lzxrEctoftiFr.
'ItIS3IEDV. I hshes been Cslisitle "idiom
for . Recoils!, yeses, and always End it to r elieve Sebes
ocot•l olio Gni Of it; oecapaihntmi
• cor..whicb keeps me almostcoasumtlyaoilaßad.eantes
coy diceisi:, it limes, in bicoote verk,alinsing, whets
isrniec prociri take.plia
sore In watimialus public sts tenant, dud others facet
ed *Alb itte`jamgs and expectoftlyi organs
imety. know the mirtmes of thl(‘lsllticiling:ronstedy,"
and may hicsted. I hive ricoonnended Ltr.•Dsicitee
• Fa.pCclorint saeki.di- to may of my friend.,imam or
whims item ulcer lines to the
Soaeana, Obie,Oet. 31, 1643. • JAME '. •
T) p,ropneter lbw!' iiiedieibe aI
Teter iotb undersigned persei, ie•ri de to. Puri
tomtj', on ipbriar inrpc!son *2 . 4 nal 190'aid bi
sae irinitta Pan 4 in 'llortii*e
. soodlca&tiat cation be isreisaed
; David' Cikkrtittoy Somemec Pf• 13 • Didi dfd
els Goliber, Jsetion* Mr. tar;som do; Oen. Pelbery•
saltbelt op; Jerked Devisee, Hopewell qt. • -
more 1111CCI,CiselastalaOhio. ' • •
Gold hauls/iota. by: .Wl4. JiteliktON,lll LibeitT
iiiPORTANT. ITOTIIII • 11X117111-411 * tiore
• Heir Cram; a outtalks. 'snide the the (howls.
'-' Deana and iteraoratteu of OM Half:- litisCrekkerbra
dote known.' will apenedU -- all etas tr ibe
trod now used,; - Wherabe lideakbalraktlek
beidtrayLer aminofewlapphestioos mate
:Hie:halt, soft and dork k , nod ate its detotllal lively.
eppearosee; and Will o mate itietain ter Oversees.
bealilty afar twice an Moots alga peparalons
Width groomsman! wet Every lady tad gendesomi
alto are the habit of tow 011. , d0 thew bair, shoal&
^ ..h.lOsoe pilaw a bottle a the Thlrentsa, ea
• eri.E:oed Lanett wilt nor Wad tie beir_liko the
"__Mber preparotkins, but wilt beandOlt, end gore 'aka
ommktetket lit every Maumee. • -
• Per testimony to its very warier opeeddek me die
- • Iblamrian. letter Imo Rev:- Nr.-.Caldwell, to MM..
11.6=104r:& Dueled, Nuilmille, Heard Agana kr
the Wntfrs Winne .... ,
Letter from the Rev . IL 61141.11, tame 'of the Prei.
- • Nesartafettlenbott Streklifidnisont I tat:
pleurae in *Minna 'Lestimemy la Cann tithe excel
lent prepaolial milled Dr. rankles Chinas Halt-
Cresm7for *boot two Team ago my bar was wry dry,
held?, and dISPO.Cd 0000 oat: bet heeler profaned
bottle of tbeCream..end aced it seeording to_dislp
=slew% soy- bait is sow cob, eland era foot Id do
bad • Many, balsams and oils weft applied reek lea. -
• . vinosity bar un a wassails, than berme: This Cram,
. Lana amide for Ma Todet, yak stitenit
ensmover *limber; being delicately perfumed, sad not
—d pierce
isposed to raseldity. The hulled srpecially.will lad
the Chin.. Cream to bet desiderata e. their
,radon for the soda. • Despretkilly, ke.
peak{ J0n1.7,1817. , • 11. CALISWELrs
IM - Bola wholesale and rytail.'La ?logbook by Jam
147 Townsend, No dd Mattel - area, sad Joel Mohler,
corner of Weed old Fit& sus...
, . .
metglrommk yoor lb mutt
• Ortrts Wilier year Mr.*? . • •
i Domeamt HALM/ An•
And i give roe
. mmt. • •
. •
It gleam array Me misty elead
Dime roes& o'er the rorf,
AAA mbi• MeMI:1 1 1 Me gloomy Atwood.
• ..Y•ar limnitlormy yet be - •
• -
See *view Motif lOwely Nie
Ifni:ton/1S wail 46.4
It scarcely aim the merlin
Before /t fides AVM,
-.= The watiaul Ddl~wY
a a a. Hen;"
And stresyMened as n grear— - -
And adresit bloomed, (a bray Itmna '
It nipped thotodb and thrm4l6 -
. 11,4 t
Dr. Daneaa's a ihr n w %Vomit Ilbaollt ard itlx
1( „ • .
And many lovely damorirmonoy
• 11. fate ono untimely rove.
comet, , orincr.,Noli •
. 7 comM, ett,
a*L Dotebran.ookn wbanrhis disable .
et" ..! tae i rittagre.. by WID. IAC.IIB6rd, pmer
*Kt Ittla
le psi we la Wan IOUs" lit maxim. asp ,
41, plaidour,lsta isvatisk kik* soatd.
Lama Maims tooklas,. pospag, da.ll. di di
GOA? nine, 1111 El 11111DICIIIK .*
TM gaol bmaky saiLsogarktritst se ihh kmaparlik bus:
all Wks Italieba kaiak it Taadickia Mama it laviras.
worry.. It le err of the vary kat SPJUNGI.
BLIMMT.a. MiDICINES akr basalt, it mat ash swig.
Wltskrayakm u. L'sdasso
N. Pr. old Aka Plod, &pawpaw:kW by as auk,
Maliekta--- - Aal in ilk Moth. Waal OMNI of waschardal
man. Ulm pasibirartialtbas Ota_put 'tad Vaal, was
dam MAGI stassrarltstm Cain 'at Dimispi; at blot 3,00 u '
Se thaw law saasidssed kesnala. 'Mara dleli" •
3,K R men of Quail Illmessatia. • ' •
con at (karat Nimbly wad Want of Erma;
71100 toes at dillawa Plaki•Costplakta; .
emo tetb
. LAW arr Di•a ntialtosf
se •
NM Dram
al ears °Skim:ma of ilk kbad, labeni,
Tsrdsalisykaalthas,.lioldtam MM., ke.,Ske
van aka ~saw ern of Aka bisadasaa,' rasa ie the
aid. sod aka, Spank dig.tios, he, •.•
Tkn, vn.w ansaprossas war kika/k:i; bat ore ban
keen auk. phpicisas aad tr:c. all pro - of, the
United Mateo, taksakapa otos cam. IL. Vas'
, Ov uk al eis Oa: Una tha mkt nape:take k New
A, It...),,ktarna r dad Man raid to am thaalkoks.
kr se &at alan:.. 'I ban rat km:Kris of eloas .tba
tnlyd Na . w,l'eirk, alkli VI win miss to trio. wan. ;
to Sasa ofstrarkstr. 11.1 a alt• hat
Vsmadisa of llama. It aalkablodly wad Jr Uses
01111,11110 sus Parr 81411011:
• As k mama tbm. gr. of kadassoog'ts quad Wo Is
, .
Csrr. 0., W. IlleCeasa, or TitsUattde &TAMP N.V.
'sad musks...of Ike Pew dewy Lqyielstars, ha. k lady mod
ss fbdostas serteikWee, It Uncles own stogy.
Aparawn I we tan with tkelaisenssi tad ay whole
kik is • debilltialW Mete. wee induced to try
sod after Misr wo' e• three sat.
Iles, I tese=r kol Wald. iteedtrely bale
seed klarsoperdls. km esauslied labs. i yid Sad Itud
may ay. , Wiese It wed ay pal e d wield
eit . 47ol.est et mammy ssediersdeid
• 7 • EL W. MeListelile IL a N.
• TVs artilied• capetagrely proms S.e thia %solaria&
low paid ecstrol or. the • obotioste dame of the
Pkol, Time pkrioniatrod la or b. m 6 ispredoliate4_
Tooisoptip-win s 1 baps tM *SS to hbata
141,11 that tionto tarritibirs hay boot and of do &O.
bilib by iho air of you , *troika* apolicitto Thy too
orry as* oink WI lons y hos *WY Wok is
banks! It took Os now,- kr wish I f.I rpolf aaslil
leap obbetika. Yews, repokibilyi
u ••• • • bps* W. ciage, Woostst a. •
•_ Or.:Tassakis Panolorills is Y 10,06‘ load goody
ouro Spr Sapient Caomptiotailkoosst Losorrbai or
Naas SWISS or lank blostraolio
of Uriaoi or istabotorpOodorgit Oponocsat kor gra
m! proonsioa at Ilk 'opitirp., , ,loOktirr Posits Ul nas
of Worst st ar'!! praised by hogokaire, Inas
attis esk son oorpoise thS ko of •
krt. Shot loss Coos •Paroaas. alt sokeSapal
toki boa tobiseit, alas booms MPS owl kaloropoorgy
,roskr ho iailoost., • 4 ipasepliody roostoseto some
loos of timp &mak Also mipick o ito gnat Pas of bar
' sal bo.
le &Whit sertilwasea of esess,talostos.
mon 6esaided,Orl haaolrele aroma to Yes seissad
la as. lineralepars sawn Smsdisska. bora altiosli
res. affa Wag S Ora .bottlam of Ala !makable apllabe,
W. boollsa welt lksaky s.6priar.. . • . :
Dr...Tlmasead: Aly *Mt v by
asskiss saint .11.1047.: a* salmi erldi46lllly
by. pia mossiiss• at bald* Jaws . Mbar th.
womb, sol with Ober diliratigi• sail brag hams ewes
aims par solitio• br ellrabal palms.: isolsbobau
isgltresommssislisrock <woman.. daenls4,l‘Blais.
al • Soak of ysestEstnel Sal:4M
'Us dinstissa vegan as - la b Asa, wood B amssi
Jar conatilinsi - Etkorti bar Imolai.: Beiss ground ix
tie kruka nesned,l Sas plows is MOB 1htb...1.11t:
iar and receissalial kt tba ' M.D. Noma, ,
WWI . .41.17. Mi. _Car of Oast sea Lrlswia
- • • - . .
• :, . • • Coaalrat &IL 93 . t it
• ibr Tionatoak To al lamb al way earns— Is
to =airy tat toy wilt mod or bath of your laraptalla
I. agasompt,adleir lb* rat amain tof
&an ebeartroot, boz i. tr . aV a tria tho=okat
o[ toe tawanat, '"""' Ow. " ootoZod l 100
.I.OIZ it, as woo Womb la try A, yak bah or so
ib; ma raw to ar, do molar ba bblyy tool
Mind tata,attysay Op
ti . — easmot, bat ala
ape=a am Ina a ils &off WI ...v
-on way -Yo d,wot, Ina 1K
know ktber as. it ha Ws ix • fag urr PF
• lf :a my tante to yob, or_ tar oiho vlo
&t. ta mar aam wads, yoa adosly mama
1 tolotiao aid( Yost boa abobitstai oar anal.
• To kIOIIdMS Aso. oLussueo Le.ouu -
Ms Mane throsporiho ha blew stersvaly rowed
is reform to kw& esozioido...2l* ismtio Irks too se.
am to omen elteisirpresitiectlott orisolpotiod, 7•1
sons d igils," Amid oozieet lo bit it, es it is • estrus
pree 1.4 soy of do 1.41114,041,1•4 IMOrgil,4l alinfact
kfOlibi , an el Ws time of • Thle period
041. tistayea foorwarsi yore kl "in tlimedietoe N.
Its =7.4.10,
rVeltwhoa ..ow=oor
"rableissql=. 111.14
lt brace We. Omit sista. mews Powwow* itio stetis
tat coossis moos* the impuitits et tho itoly—ioot
so tie Mr atm spinosa to Frahm • &wrest so.
Waif... s uit& idle elm dna/. oesoliebet token Os kook
. OiIDD . RD
TWO... - • _
lori•be Y_n priraerMevr,blaaor u. '.
:". u. nt O t t
Dr Torteag ra 's ''.6. 4= will
• ' ', fischlo Natl., rad
Imistookrkkg ryonerzirbruli 1 ,.
loli at ski* an of u..-werar
Yid or tWortothoi
...rlyndeelatios lolor or nUm to dews - wing
lboWdolobustiming or crT+ll titelkay thlo prow
Una Dwitiower. 1 4, Am •
~ . Dr. 21,4 .114-1 Iwo. Iwo' 12
win vilLlCapploW la , 'wire how Would WM owri
worse gown!, ofWwM/04 edema Wortbon, oda
wool worow. lb a Woo& eirlimod,W4 Ibropooki Mod I
oftlel oily) /Awe lon owl& W but • moil prtioo
roritifor awl - I " " IM S =I " Itiot
WN, Jim We nougho amedi trY ww4twel demo:
wally sod 'I motor, .joid_t ItinimiMWw. Mw rip
=go Wale. 1 Wesd owstito nyder* ud W.
.ritdrnrrd; rot 1 yogi earusity meow
real doi r.DpflY dWo eta LW. lwas Waked 8. I Iwo
, MorlS,lll4l.
Micerlat, sMI desk
,yorama,Ost assiaari•
Us. smart Is watt. .11.1 imesfy as Mae ormaitisaired
ToramamPsOnspaWri kismet:." •
Dr I....whllene 11.,1 imp Mikes. • Ws weir •
=rah* mom e=smd /a ay ids It isp,
b 7
aids.* Ws . 4441471 =4 * cu.!.
tilisselt Sol isaier,/t MOSS natimool ray lat;
matador ail he seal to for sis lira ;misfile
14bsme oriels !slam sawed dere
ismise. I wawa Enstiy at di. imp and
ramM badly Urals it sass Mars midats*mal urea&
or; amiamdasi Way bat, ail vas Lisi is We
assaireS Warr swot sres- yes sta'amariyelas
amid. tsjosime say Rai._ Iwe ism pre by ay irks&
a Is as mewlitkt WMssiasessimer of faselllem,
mash easal lob msysame L nal atsimemeat
fassiime7 yam pallanmod - la ma, sal to WI
yes thy trabi I morels' Wm. Ins ram is them.
.111 M lam Miami tryit I ay". sal ma very ilwaktal
14M. -I Swat erg Ust 1 ma Wavily aell, ist us to far
evessatAl lois leap Is ler
iyseWis ire :sum. My sramb • smal pia :dr eids,
qua! sishi midi bar OA wharf pin ha my Attk,re s e
an OM is* my mak vtessetk. .1 Mt it . limy Is sla
revs iameasest tashr . ta , psidiitit yes plamy
• os.l . err ray alibi
--. Dr Toirisiest hakloM4.ryamelam avian (SON mia •
imam is g. ..t pined Us Dalt. L.
Tbisa weedily Ae:imMasaisseall,
Or Gay st.Maisy, Mos is *ammo ate pas:abed Dr.
Tassiese , . Genspaiiii,:ami Saline if to be ass at Ur ass
nide* memrstiats .1 tie , limestalk intim market
.Alley Ara . II IM. r.YLlaomu.sw '
dur ..MaairsM, pnetiring
Olitat bur*
ly preseribsi Dr Tarsamini taniposal Lend a l li=
I.kismsir.i rao.4ll
anaseisloashissaissil, _ahem mamma.
esea,issietaams is sal , st the Msatala aasoliva sorb
g s lipr4ll. l / 4 1. ; WY itsirmer r.
Mao,. IN Irolla• 04 Am Re&
. 44g/. Ikea st .. 4 .I=l.ltet
a lga ,
Zama tbe l =
Arm/ gewlim.enir as bop l'opion:soeuti,
abiib eastlai • twat mil semi tis levities sprain
ay! P.TOWNSAND, tad gessms blows ea Ur ears
Pas W Mundt Deily gamma d April 9.1i47.
A rirthili slipani is the Wear realeadwf. It Ina
mtleial adios Sarassalit Simpser
a eleilit ua l .p lammirAls===c•
Os smatzseas
Friday,— az? sate s mit
aley miasma We attract st ire Sanimeltia l =tlti
.. . ,
Tointoll:—I lon boot oaidott imago or kr
yam Ida ittooltoltio/tiog the oboe, &Cow% r.
hoolt, Int of oppotiloi poi la do Win, owl pad iy;
• Woo* soilalby astarool Ye 2E7 Wits *a,
Ism oolipoot to in oryisiont ...Ire: I Iwo tidos other
• - Agog vitk
Id MUM.* io swan,ldfittkifor Nor.
am: : OW I nor in lir Iva to liptltottio
of prilomporiiro, buntoldelt I lboodgrod 'the' I Itiro
dore blue armslaeri bottle., sail ormaloollotksfy my.
• Yam bet .solitiso I boot war toboor.dor pea 12 my
dont gas, andllbolq.ll. • dlitment EtoOltogotbor ion
I lontidoon Dorsporinia IY. saw a law stte
dr owl 1nt1..-11, Ink Y.llYsil trid• doors 4.. d.
-cid prat. • I wadi tooomomi 14 at IWO, -modilioi'
WI lid <emir** eat lcutmed *no too* opit
mit lama Orr. is, rd ocompotatly .010- rot
Dodo.* 4114111 m 'Mid miens onordio, it oho I. to
dr. Mora al howls Ur: rordaktoon tarp. Ow Wed
...Iwo*, ',taros WA Como io not ootibobb tar& dui
gels: Amotto oil Woo Ids oes not is abookipiato,lory
NDr • • • Tomo, blink, 701.11.
Baswiseuernitatmolhereldlit immuL Dr Tanimiro
irrk wi r prat
" _dumped . of
•Priw ApeRVINT.
Dr Tynan& Pasnie,—Ono of my
ask Iribli• Ore la de awiS it W
elYl aladlerid
g"111.1414 mid Abr= 374
-.° " 2,lll.ll 7=VeZr7ll=g.
as. szimumukonape. lust w.d.ti
Wass 44414 46 64 lobo Ms kin 60.4i1 by Dr
So6,N6INDsd. Or
lissaisl ••••• '
- „ , „ . 11... Jams. Stall.* 0 .. a
c. 0..,
E kk i,.... 1 ki rywriAmeho• "l"44"l ll4lll.l.• barn: Illeat
Opowd. mosiiir Sh•saill Well War &m
- el Yit - 690. WV. Pr. ,"" Vs =r4rent.
L' i rosinds tara_mnfig..., Ml* an. p
bm, tilerpkr... ._ erC.: ir,4•l•lst.
'yellow, 4f.1,A1.14- , k 4 km i aikk soil tot
e1min....746,* ka , kkk i kkk ka ,
L or•sixtuall• red aid 4 _ , 0 1! ; ,
.. ~,.; , ,-,4 1. -
drt - :
TOUSlMVemillweAna iuml wool sat.roa and'
.: R ~^~s
ingrfisEfiENA's ts-cumous.
• - --67- PActt'Ofiura"
S"• ;, • .-- EV jt EAlO_3 1
IoE ROAD above Buttonwood *nat. v ederoa,,eehisnedinnapbefonad- „ 181ITABbE1111
I t,
C 5
' the EeWtot noect Mo aod hoolMPhlano
IniEftsopts' pith Scrofula
roe RAILINGS ' in the United States: tri"' cancer, Ermialcs, Old Sure. Ulcers,.Tetter
'which the Mltto'iohol 'these le Want er 07, Disenses or any other com Platen missal
o•roo4 1 1T., tot- Cii.eterice,.ojP. ,66,l . 4 7 .Sum impuntine or. ibe blood, &Se
.montsted fo d de r raa
. •
••" _.l inetollowieg testimonials, ut - prool of the won
Tho rise p 11 .4 la the Malan fat properties of 'the above maned
at 'bur el Hill,Monument, end other! celebrated •t• '.READr. • RP.AD!! - "RKADr.!.
ratonteries is the eitf and county of . Philadelphia, 'Oita the 'tindeteigned; barisig. : eitited
which have bee. highly extolled by the:public Brooke. Jr. at thh office. o(-Itlisars.Roiread end
pmt,, were entiented at thot meaufaetory. - Afatton:'376 blanket street, philadelphik ceasing
WoMoßhOol is connected with thllUttb - !nesse the , mrst remarkablease 'robust:tem wit ,
!intent, where' ankept contently on hand a large. *anted or beats of. • • , t. • • ,
meet ofreedyntadertron Railligs,Ontanootal Iron His .discase was SCROFULA; end•territiln most
tietletw, lion Chains; new style plain aid °manic* , have teem hi 1 twelve :yeere_nonfliet With the de
tae lion Oaten, with an ostensive aesortmentof Ironr e treeerr , .
Poo;.Pedootilo:'! yid &bore, &e: great
, r.iot.Y..VhroughtCast tr.olltoMlm,latormtitohle per Lip, and lower Lid ol the Right Eye hors been
_for itailine, altd moor , - destroyed, Malls= nearly Weis up, and put orals.
' I7 M Oeolleeihealrnold also MMe that is hi. Pat Jaw Bone carried away. And yet we can sire es
tern and Design.: .Depunnent be his. employed deeception of his cane. •-
wool' or' he hoot Woo , is thoattottulr who...hole Mr. B:internist's that' In . .tenukiy lest, tha whole
attention iticievoled to the bindoess—fortning altos interior of his mouth, ss ats. most of his face'
gether one of the most complete end systematic en was ' man of deep and painful ulcers! • : •
labliahmen 2of till:111nd In the Cram! •
, Onthe I4tb ofJanuary last, he Commenced lathy.
End, above Bounowtool wool. CEA, which checked the dinneJ. a few days, an.
wat root that time the cure has progressed without in
• STEAM HAMMEIL • New flesh has anpptied the place of the deep el-
Tllts2 Doettol' a fsti==Y odaTaeo.7 v oil cars, and though badly disfigured, hlitace is sound,
and his general health is restored.
M " w it e i" l " i4.° _ d We are armed that in the treatment •of Mr..
rney be. controlled will the greatest eue, who< the
hammer isle operation, and the hammer may be in- Beton' cue, no hleteurials,Ointments, or Caustic.
mainly amend, and conceded at any height. appheations have been 1244t1,-40 DeLt the-PANT-
Ala. Ussiyersality,!or capacity to gat-cite work of all CEA ALONE, hoe wrought Ude wonderer!l change
kinds, (torn the tergestio the smallest, tieder'fitestmet David Smith, Backe county, "
hammer. .1 • Charles L. Reward, Meadville, Crawford cola.. '
Iti Simplicity, CoMpacusera andCbcenness. .
Its Acemaility Mum MI sides, bi the workmen .. W 3 . 0 . 1. M South Second Ph&
Andes hemmers arc made Self-Acting. 'Jacob Lce, Pemberton, N J.
The subscribers Mane to elector. orders for these E W Carr, 448 N Fourth, above Poplars(, N. 1..
hammers, of ell lens, upon nuoitabletcrna...... M'Cullnugh, Lauctoter, Pa. .• • •
For %Mtn Portmolotortonim of - • Aladdock, at North P.:frit:nth .
- . • • amtracK &row NE; - ' cIV Appleton, el D 46 South at.' chi
Antenna of the Plantar the United Stews. .;rimothe i.
Plated , .
Daniel. 'extbel,.(lloginut 1 - 1111,'Phit.delphia co. liar.
I . .LIERRY, & NICKERSON, Jona Harned,39o High street', Plots.
Manufacturers of William Steeling; MI Camden, N. J. • •
• . LWNIIIGLI !BAWLING - ;110T10111,%. . • .. mr
Mita Hale; SIR litgh street,l'hila.
crer of Mineral Teeth, 11Y-1 S
or ALL DEscitirviests Ninth street, Phila..
No. 354 Eolith Venn. Street, L A Wollertweber, Ed. l'hila. Democrat .1.77. N 3d
r„ otreat do , • •
•Thia Pf 4 ; " 1,20 " 7, Cethine"V ‘ " Manu ' 4 I otz Brush Mali '317 Itl ket nt
'. - enizanir.LPaut: I * ,; - •
A: LL order s left with &S. Moon, et theogice of the . ~; t'cutot!u..ct, ,„, ,
ai e ,th en o r tr e to, ?imbue, will b e promptly A cue, Pastor to r.icirento peptic!. t.ouren,
„snorted to., • THOS. O. DERRY _
settle -01y " 'l'? ' -'-'-rt ' ,4'A;C. t -NICRFTtSON • Jan Bell, Eno Street, Philadelphia, (North Amer
can office.) .
Aaron Sands, 164 Catitstioc.Stmet, Phila.
Daniel Itleilioley;Keasier. Alley, dr'a
:Andrew hwea ton,. Ceram], N J.
11 III:van, West l'hila.
"Richard It. Young,•Glider, 41G Market at.;
John W Ashrocad,GO • South Sixth anti, dr
T S Wagon, Lithogteptier,ll6 Chesnut *trent, di.
B J Kenai], IV F.leventh street, dr
Peter Sken Sunlit, Editor Native Eagle,
Joel Bodine', Wane mantsfactorer, - ;Wittiateetn, a
William Steely. i'srmingtrin, % an.Buren C 4. 1043
L B Gules„.M D, WWI.
Bowel Canfield, ?histologist. Philadelphia. .
'Maas PS Roby M Hairiatatigh, Fa. r.
Teter Weght,ts9Maiket street, ?ham.
Jame W New lin, 103 Fithert st. do
John Good, 171 SFr*W'Ot-' " '
William Uno, Pastor St. Al. t. Paul', S. Ch. Cabs ri co
John Chamber - 1i raster let 'lode?. Chuck' Broad
T L Sawing, Publisher of Pledge ad Staillardi
. • .
P P Salem. Editor Olive :It •••ch, Dnyleelowei
• Wholesale end Retail by Rowan %Vann*, Pro
. pdetore,376 Market St, Philadelphia- II E Seller.,
61. Wood st. Pittaboigh, Pa.; Wset. 'Ph Mar
ket et do.; E.ll Perkin, Marietta, Ohio; t•eatme
Sharp, Maywrille, K Y;JohnlY Duluth°. eir,Cle,
Ohio; Skint & Reeve's, Medium left; Noble, Lows
villa, K,V; Deverouck & Paton, St. 'Louis, Al.,
P McGraw Natchez, bliss; Ilandawav lb. Jolla
stun Vickahu;gb,do; CharlesJenkies, NewOrlean
' , to notice uo l i j i.. . " ll 7l 7l . l-1 1 ::h alP :1 6 nir '4 ];t1 *I r ' ; it : L 1 w ii . Th i e: 166 7. b i ll d:ou .-14 0, 1' t , Ff i Tio cii 7 I' s..i * p 6r et, "k. n . P e r :1P' pr . in ;- ,
'Jayne's medicine, we bore used intuit family fa r limey
Pot initorici the P.X.PECTINirtitlf, me. CAR
MINATI VP.,and VbiltblltrUGbf,' whet we know to
Ire good for the complaint. they Nolen to core. We
were an Late throne die past sumer. when •eref4l
toTtrattimo, front otbfrhl. in Weihrta
New Yort,drutili, nor minty day., l Inteshatte realer
of that region, were boat) one to
with einfent
rims, in. it ytinitt-17. ale had provierd htmorif,
pretrial.. lentos b. rae. With -The Comdex...v. of V r
J ain,” and ia at' curv( it um truces tve trailer
inert, I t woo aceeershal etrelog.o Ilona,
Euemorant hose bantam toed areas our.
intim en
ate ineed. eritS equal rereeie; aro,
414.3 1104 end act to Gatlin (normal - thoi.
sated so they ConiaolkaVe Inisteullarie medical
Atli LI odeire great lo keep est heed boat Of. Enna -
Malawi Omar:Wiwi .Tbe Lialreelereat ie
end physician, to e IL< tecipo sot P
p ound ed Coraptaintr, that Ju
a ner vet Doerr roar
pounded 'rat. reverie ir, Dr. Jay it
tie( qoack.tott
o if scientific, end able medical. prarta•434.:, hit*,
self iitt eAdiernAK ore 1.1.ral Or the .....1
IIIL Ishlanclin
Dir. of It.c :sri.or Courier
for sale in Pastierah at the TErt
at Fourth .41est.litar WAId. and also at dm Drug Sore
of It Is Schwan. Federal ii.:Allechen. land/ oar
Witokiketni C. " •
r7E:NAR C. RODIIINS, ate ' cloollsel Engine-I . and
L./ Arcot far procuring Patrol., will mom
n :agate 1.1.24AA5s and l'appy• 10c A ppt,oll4, 4A. PAI.
cols, end irvraset nil in the line of Si.
poi/easier or the Poiret' Cobra: Liefebarretenee'tert
on Si karst:or. relating to the 1.4,161 1.4.4 4n4 drei
nem in the Votterl thews or Von.: mita as.
Mann. deritoutt4 baring eutoinetioro made ail the
Patent Me, prior to molting application fora paient,
fornel (port pent emelt/n to fee of eve donne;
clear statement of their Mtn,AntireAnia4
Ili= wilt be given to it. .na mime inforinstion test
could be obtained bye vigil of the applicant Is personl
promptly IoaLMIAIiCAAL
Ali letters ellbadness .1001 is poet paid. and contain
suitable fee. wi se s written op.nion reqorted.
llitee on 4' WArl.,opp , oiir, the Patent Chace
tieing the honor of reit/nag. by noniona,
lion. PAIroOll.l peele r Conroatritroer of Potent.;
Don if L toistvonh. la, its do flo;
II Komirtes,ldneltinbet, rateill Mier;
lodge Cannel. 'Wel Wow, D •
R orate, thonchonit. U eScitate;:
All[4, Ob. • • '
lion./ 11 MmHg, m• •
Don. W 414,1144 New York;
IM. Rotten Smith, M 6., Wino,
lion. El Drecre, V s scone,
Ilea Jll Relic, r, %lissome;
Cap t. -
II anew, M dse,;:
Potsborigh• • matt,
. . -
W/LL/dAf OGLE, CO4CH .A.vp
ght:11.4RNE55 . .11417.4;i90 Chniit n.
trktluleipkie. We'd the km of- Ogle 4-
. ' 'Wilma. noptetflaty When* las female
mod no potato, that to hae nd well keep
ioistantly oirtiatt and for oh. i harehinn seeortnnt of
sehionUo Corriohnot Vehicles oral sten and description
nide kinder . at Ib. 81=44 Tomill.ottee, sad molted to
then ben otomer.Of minted mateiel. felOst.l
ret,Cinl,6lllostitma, iiiitteasluiption:
awdroinvis...a comovurrtom, I. the HEIN
GAUD! MUSLIM OF LIFE, dbrossred bl=i
SWIM Dr. Ibtaboa, Of Istodsm, Eaßbod. and
Isla De Malted Maas elver the latmedble mparbwid.
sem of tbe lasmitor. • • ' i - , •
The ebrooadtbarf moms of MN 'Atedlohte. by t he
cm of Pidaomby Ottemsm warroota the Morrie..
NrEIZASED ' traatnent
be bond . tae
la th V e .°lsl. 0; 1 7
"di p t
easeOtt seek . la mils from say of the Memos
samediso of the de and Wee base Ebro op by Me
rC i l= *. l 4 l PS•-_ lir= Desalt am med. eel Um MONT DE SPER ATE OF CAMEL the
- lb Mimic atolmbi bat it stossisal &ebb medbloo. of
Woes ibad mesiltabod ellesey.
limy dimity to tbs not.s SUMS *Read be milled
siti &labia's Ibusimbo &h am of LIN. sica oily in
em haws Om eoampoiln tambeeks or the altssate.
OM so bar mad is a marimba mains laall isms of
°wow.: ispb. of Mood. Pala to the RI& sad.
Choi, brlooo sod Somme of the Laisp,_lllmabbla
f EttaatiMe. Use& Firer. NlOl 11 .0 0 .
. sad O.seeet y, Abbas. lathmais,
- Col/Lama Croup.
0 la Ismboiliir. at & Ilf M per bouleortthfkflana
:lbes Or Me .onsint of ga - •
: - Pomeilma mt 01 0 ,4 a maw Of Easllsh adDoer
alla frirefiam, sad .Wilor erlbasoi abowlog tle 0
_.=„ ow& of this Great : 6 Remedy. m 7 b ,
- DAVID P. - 111AD Ms Mimi So Oa gold
1010111 1 0 tort Weak Daisa. •
J • T. W. DEC= 0 101111. Omen! WIOOO. dismas.
~ Rte. IA Borth Demi ems. PlDadsloila.• '
l'Or Itale' by 8.. A. FARPtialtoca & Co. cotiser of
staid ond front arum -• ' ' • • tio 6
toe door*
Wood str,.., us•rmnio the
DH: snows,
.....;','4 _ .:1,...'-- Itiviny been alert ed.
. . -.... ,—,, . 6 - tiled Mao tnereal Y pte- -
• -: ' • ' citte/Onllo to , . for some
‘ ~, • At, thee in general Anent
' .1 14! ' now cease. hi”ttention
--..., x to the uestrecal of dim
, prefab aud delicate COW
\\ 6/
, .... plaints( writ eh h mas t
. lon.o ondof preienee
-ooea li.' peneliatly Quaid hon.—
SJeven yearn use sassy avant.' to me toady aid
tresuneatef these
tar, m ore
which woe he
W\deem practice and Las earesl more poems than
can aver fall or Ike let of a y private prewtbennti am
ply 0/ratlike Ithtittr order es elmwea of aPiMIY , Pere..
senraind satisthetery rate
.1n all edictal troll lalicay
diseases, Pada dMensecarhung aerations.
Dr. Drawl, would intone thaw &Mimed with risers
dtscaressehinh have Irecomechrortie by tune ar ave..
fed by therm of any of the eats.. WNW.. Of the
&WPM their ortraptaints ran be radically and ther
asithip eared,le having glean Sas careful onennen to ,
the trolliOleOlat,and .e.ooded . ImAtteo.ll I
of instances in eating pemons ef mdronman nf he neck
'of the bladder, and kendted duteanewhteh are n*all
rom those Cafell where ethers have cOtifage.l them to
he Coneur, Ile pastiestarly invitee sere as have
beenleas and Mneeessi a l!t i lly united by ether. . eeeti
Itt.hi:l.,lrjr.gletlet=etilt t. gh gL i ce4....tzi an d .
'annther,polemd eat by long erperienee,stody anfle I
veliienvort,which it la italworthth for O waa O l g a g nd ,
C arel waive el ordicine to Ave avy Ono elone o
Irr Demi Or goptare—lle. !Down also mot
Perron armies! with Henna to call, al he has paid
particular anemia this disease.
Shin Macaws; also Piths, Palmate_ speedily cured
toms, <se fl.Pn7 i n ' ef either see living at thel.rsce
anby their Mara. en writiny.girmc all thr eye,' I
es a obtain medleinea with titrerts (nowt. I y
riantione' T. BROWN, al II po.l p si end eat., Demand alley, onetime the vl'averiv
LID' Ne ea!,, a mat
___,___ Oath
- .1
1111116.1145 7 6 TOOTII PASTS
• tames anemones. '
lIE bast nrtiele known for cleaning and whitening
.1 the Teeth, toengthening the earns, mermen* the
breath, to. It should be used every night with - a mid
trash, andrhebmth and mouth will ooty weenies dish
trashing 'in Ike L ooming. . Wet the brouthesith wo rm
. enuer.. or cold :will answer, and rob its fetoinoca en
the paste, when enough will adhere for caroms the
Meth. - It lanes.. Whammy taste in the nmosh,ann ire
parts • wirtdetightfalfragrantie tithe breath. lt rtuuli
wrivalled ati • pleasant, affleacious. conveniern. and.
ink dentrillee. his warranted not in injure the teeth:
belle preservethem.
DY. lOW** regelarly, It will remove the Insult and
Inceent iwenewlattow—provene toothache
strengthenthe gam, and prevent all diseases, of mem
nemata pbytwome, and tie tiers, recommend it a
decidedly enperior to every thing al Use hind i suae.
Ash berinerMan's Composed Orris lamb Paste, et.d
*Worm his neuters! Is attached to each pot.
Recommended by Dr. Cued* ant I.lroadwey, ono el
ow best Deanna and by most ,
of the old entblished
„CMOS to the Uplied &Moo, and even. intensively, toed
NobtlaY Of TALI. 4 and Frei . • .
• IA large weportion of the dimwit het Whietntank Ind
'wise from some derangement of On stomach. ho wet •
Which.* ths;lti - Iteri of the Cede . ne Legenws would
eetirelf one te.
a t of bilicushetita sbield at.
ways have s ea bow at hand, And taker • dose whenever
they feel the lst derangement to their heal& id path
tile Of IOU!, Lozenges wind& preventehowand.
UFolleeorroiref.WoMl and
RIIt ne • . drrial
Al „ (lays& . Pay Piles! Fthlas t -
!Dtlit e ettl a tltro7ir ' t a t. S. thi n e 21 " rnt d i ttic ' eo th
on ' r '
&seam. It only Intlonely allays pain and lane.
alotlitat;staPa bleeding,.atthdacathatintoterable Itch
rar i engil:Ve lY be7e7:tinle ' r;d " .7l=altr a y?ele ' re " . "
Its application pthd•cat no pain, but rather agreea
ble and pleasant mammalian.. 'lf parents afflicted mill
WI and. lassFf the great natal... of ems that have
eared; t han ha attordahen. , A alantathan nf
thlr city, witothad been ander the knife of thersatithen
fin moor thin tithes without, being cured, has by •
logit battles the FrabroeStion. boon eradically eared
It antis hoped piteetdent!!--{l'hil. tlatardaytheaner.
Op. Poe sale to
,Pillairanth at the. PERIN
STO/1F.,711. Fourth street. near wood, and Otto at the
Dna Starner 41 Poehwan., Federal at Allegiony ni
t-ft; r "wadk.
- -
tea, rat aconlsbed,
know that yens are promised
lift-bre; snowy white,'
•1111 suTallow M e common chalk,
ed, , -•
of langtucr and of talk, "
d too.a boa or JDNE'S Lilly•salutr, tt
• skon an alabaster yet. natural while,
, • time clear and Insofar*
Parity at. Pnroll4s cents perbox.
Thai look you
II you wee,
works give g •
sag at the
Dr. J. I' is Ilainnal Canker Item:2l
PEW bottles orDnet J. Pettit% "flanker y.
A. so loos ItOogro sod thorroghly. triad. has neon lost
kind and Is for age !if Wm./A(71001CW Lincny
weer.' It IN tit. spla. sa and 'croon remedy •In 19
kw:sant step, for all ordi nary
ary Or ezmonlinary, and
• 011 ed aegrseirfed eases of recent" ot chronic naming .
Pore Month, commit lore month," swelled tonsil a wry..
-stitch', canker rash, incipient bronchitis surd oisinsTl
putrid atire=ack routs., and ail ease* of nom{
son canker, the moth: that, and rtontnein when'
appllod in is veils tla directions arcarnpany.
lag asairlial , Tka article received. Is . two kl be
'ainolars:. P l9l etivver bottle. *Min
LIM 111 ilin BUIL' Drlol-fpf
1 fteplr , tairt . l.l9l:l 4 = 1,14, 1 . 114 , " a rth D t a i r i l
- 1 1 riser6; rent!. ordt
seaV. ?I, .1 ACTXlfeat Ms Parais Medici.;
iagnWs lo : lo rie /21. • . - !11 ' h 9,9 ! YAW, the
• , _
sadakitap mallalsakit.' the era et•
:lad ober Virtues maim la ata ? ....aa!
alaa7 &el "?: •14
taatilkil MAI N - Tee .
Woad, the
aaialto at tie Drag Sat. „
toorvt. v
. . .
- ,
. , “--,..?.'-.5,..4,..,..?•.....-
~...,,,,,,.....--,,,,.......,...,...v.,;-...._, rte______,...,,,.....,........,...'„,......,..,-..-.......,....,,,,.....,,,,, ......---,.. , ---...,:,... 1 , 15..5 7 .0 , .M• f1c i 1i.b&r..ri..V.1...1,,...,.•,... '
-'-"--,--•`-'•'•'••,-------:•'-',--s--,...-•-•,•-=•••••-',••%•• ,-.. ,, ,i , .... , -:..ak 4:..5.L..... , --
---- • ---
Attorney; Want!lor and General ,ligent.
I\ 7 . rht l .
Agoni (oft uying aud Kling real estate. tole m city, and
ar:II devote a laege portion of till time and attention to
the leasing. loll,a and kitting uf housek,seires.and
er l'aildineSja et:flea:lg and disbarstag renohaad nth
/ relation antilemaihis, and in attesahng In Agency ha
nines, generally. Ile will also 'nears In 'ha negotia.
•tidn of /oat., mwtricts, etc— and seillilintiAh .ttbentte
information so tolation mtge . ragina qua Miss god re
epolisibillties of tenants. to lot Which hie oguntive
aminatatante et:gleam! hnalifiestrha Ileinae he found
at his resideoce. No 141 Alton sireettuntil liltigefock
in the moraine and after o'clock in the <ironing, and
Oil utter hoot. at his °Moe. No 11l Ctiamlicrs Mreolstlnd
den, freatationttliffW 11/11E.
FEFFRANCF.Fon F A Tallmadge, llonJohn
DY011.1104 John Mel:rout Ilan I /ed., Ilnitfotau Alt
dorman tt:Freit• lhoysors, AM. %Vol V Frady, Davie
ilrahstr. lVm Jtisitue, Ere. stiyl3dam* •
. .
1111 F: greatestand beet variety ever offered fetid.. ray
.1 treane—meade on do mon approved Itameraetatte
and nem rawhionalde thmient enthmht mtdenktre Ala
131-1? eIIEMP ROM. or Itt.rsruN BLIND, cm hend
or sande teen/ern( all nitre end M an perm:
Country Plerehmtle and Miters ere Invited to call And
•examine the above for •theaelver, as ell will be laid
.wheleaste nr maul, and a liberal dedsetion made to
I All/11CS Who Use Osinnreparnl Cloak, trii
LI often not swans bow.fnghtfully inJariclarrt ,to to
the skin! bow coarse, how raagb, hose ration, telltale,.
and onboalthry the skin appears after using prepared
chalk! It , utde. J it i.injonota;coniainingalloge nowt
thy of lead, NV.. hare prepared. o Licantifilf vegetable
article, which we call JONES'S OrAffilstll 1.11.1*
wiltrE! It it perfectly inocent, being purified of all
deleteignasgoothies; and It itrip+lnt. in the skin et net.
raft heahkri alaliarter, cleat, tiring white, faille/time
55100 retie & at ft cotowlie on the tkin, making It toll
and smooth.
Dr. imam. Anders.. I'mmical Chemist Or Mao,.
chasmic says:•"Atter analysing JelleleeNponish
White r I find it possestirs tAe nn..l brautiful and nista
red, at the same time innormit white I aver mos. • I
rrAinif can colmkntiou.lY meonnuend iis use tool
whores kin requirts beautifying."-
ID"Priee Orrin+ a tag
INursoid by WM. JACKSON, at his Boa and Shoe
I.9.ertisiguel, hand of Wood, at the sign of
the Hit Ban. rii
1..7 taupe. Presention and Cuiriof Consumption
Asthma, and Monson of ihe Heart. Oa the Laws
of Longevity, and made 'of proserring male sod fe
male health. arnmetry'and beauty; espoaing CRUM
sad ease of dhow diseases that prodaee Canaan'''.
Son, or shorten fill,,as Affection s of the Skin, Spine,
Stomach, Bowels, Kidney*, Liver, Sonata, Piles,
Gravel, and Female Complaints,. Its :ruler, easy,
practical and pare, mom a guide to perfect ireaJth
and TB Engraving. 324 pages. 60 eta.
Pottage 9,1 By SAM UEL• SIIELDON
PITCH, A. '4,61. 0., at7o7 BRUADQYA Y NEW
Any person remitting filly cents, free, stil reeeire
one copy, by Mail. to any part. The trade supplied.
Ytb 10, 1841-dtirn ' • .
BElllEDY—Warrootad to me, or tho ann.
than Receipt, obtained from one a them In the Far
'West, at great expense. Thong who have Scan
familiar with, the Indinno, know that they min and
do cam Venereal without the knowledge of Mar
miry, Balsam, or 'meting or tho land. The dr
dieted bare _now se, emporia ally or being cured
whiten, Alter aim al Balsam. This medicine is
leant to the taste, and knees no • smell on-the
• Prepared by ROWAN!) 6.WALTON; and. sold .
"wholesale and entail, bg./. T. Retread, 376 Market
.; For Wain Pattberghtny It E. Seiler., 1.7.• wood
etreetoutit by Wm Thern.n.Maiket wt. tteridwT
Peltil'a - American .. _
nn NM Remedy, gait bas wrested no many muss ht
nniaren.pplteatk,n, Is now for ate by WT.
ikcoori C-o f;tlbtty.nrut• -
basearattlimmeado °twilit; Pero, griettlated And.
dimmed cyew drecsayerrhe tneUaggravaied and oh,
sinew alma& caeca motor SD notaistainding,
nethareetteryosismkatiemmenadr endPantaxdPlialtt
had ailed ofactesai tl Inwell flown don • saeertin
edy Ibt tho eye is elleseboo IO - rehering all utensil
forelialover, ant intentatiatt liettut. mmidlteade-chti,
Veins, Ike: Price IX encasing biz. Pamplitetk th
wid ,
recitals. conillestal; te.;- ringiltontly • thettibitod hf
the amen. .17eneral Dep., foe lb. United Sates,
WimioMefig .as lobe at New ,York. 1961 tineod
. „ .. .. .._ ,
abillll lB47
4acrrar*,o4sT:Piest•r: •
pirrstiontin - To' PUILARA: ars • RA. *oix.
, ... • • - - Samy in /......64;.• .:,, , . i
TliE public are respectildly Lemuel taw taw Low
will owrataeooe mama on or abOat the Aka twation,
up ,
and tore Ihroughooktla rano. lle. paapianow
low. Plat. ) • Manor as of-Paeiaalase Mad
road GU. Up 'Mile,. with amt. weconowNW.U4 !
whip will site ((Waft Conant 110 trairtiato. - ..
A raeltel Boat will always be is pan, am *trav
eling, public arareqoaated so ea/lotad alumna uraat.
. 412t g glirrPr NnsirL,,. •
caw of fire ['seam will. leave - the leoeneg,pippehate
1 tho United Slues Halal,' earner raw mow wad •the
I Canal: every alt at 0 o'o
l e D . • • •. !
For tadmaidlOW apply at the DA
tlpeaa:Water street ,ore o• • I) :LEECH &CO
.. wehl3 cur Peet/ SUM Sao aMIEI/
.71E1 , itlrinirflalneoßTATllOX.CO• .
. , .. .
Tn E .a . r 4 f4. f 4 hss foible daily
which arc ingood order. add 7ito Mineln wned Ing WA preps
red to forward o largo porratitjof 111erchandue and
.Prodeco with certninty pad disputes . ;
Prodace or 31erdidddisd coodigoed Say Of nn
dicelnd.ll fin . ..MI.ICA (meet
for commis
d or sowag.
RillaLadi rig transmitied rued all ;osmotic:4as proaroly
auended ; •
The basinoss; of this Woe conducted on; slnctly
nabhath.keeping prnwiple. Addrenu suply
1.P.P.C11 Co. Proprielnon;
Canal Bad* Pinsharich
HARRIS & LEECH, Penprichoo, ;
No 13 Soath Third tune.; Philadelphia
Na 114 North Howard Al, Baltimore;
W WILSON, Aral, ; •
No 7 West nom, New York
1847.'T - .`.1111111111
"4' 't7,llT.'t r 6172, "
the way, and the consequent nak of delay, damage,
breakage and aeparatton of goods.
BOVIrtIDUN tr. CAglk
No Vd Market mem. Philadelphia
Cor Penn and I . Vayhe Ms, Pithrbiargh
-tt rtl=3ll4 ' onti; e H t7 I N. V. AP"'
Encouraged by . CON
ineroared business ,he Proprietors
Lase added to then meek and extunded theitarennp.
Mew. doringthe minter, and ire
now 'prepared to for
atd freig a snilereirolanty end dispatch ansurpeured
by any miter line.' Their long experience as
the palpable suaerrothy
a t the Portable Boat Symemi
.d the great capacity nd coavenienee of the ware..
houses al ear h and of the hae, are peculiarlitcalcoll
ted to nimble Meerut:winter. to fulfil their engagements
and accomoiodste eartanient—Manbdernlyolfering
the pest as pUtiltl' Off the Adam they reepecifelly
wli acontiniance of to
patroller which they now
achnorrimige. , • .
All consigrunenni 'rude A O'Connor will be ractit
and arrarardeta Steamboat charges paid Mille ot
. transimined Oise of soy charge for Commiestoor
advanneg or starer.. Oaring no Interest directly or
indirectly no meimboats, the rottresCof the cranium.
necenarily e 'their 'primary earn Itt whipping
west. and they pb4te themselves to foteraid 'all goOda
mrosigned to them promptly and an the Meat advents. •
grous MOM IO Sterrortienl. '
March I.ISO rgarh
FUK . maroirrATioN 9Prgobvcis -
trrWoliart , Traosldrom-0.X3
Goodoemoviod *oaf tore boi Rowsidoo
Ma dlay, at the %oo carted:MlL Dills of Luling
tramonitid, d - all uotroodoo. promptly, inelolid o
free AIM anj rim tkarge tot 1140114 a Or oodasioodoo
Ad4fors ors fp to A McANULTY k. Co
Coral Booln,Pouborglo
. _
Haring a very large sad commode:n Wareham..
are are preparedm ferried lin whet'om b height:to
itepaseatLa tarp am ) of ta-aaßaorage a
bw rated. StaMtyl.TY Ir. Co
77 - iievicifiiiiiiii:Ecps Lux. •
lIIMM/ :1.8 4 7' ;
XCLUSIYYLY far the transpedirtiort:of WAY
,G FAY:UIIa between rittaborgli, Olalnrilk, Athan
town, llellidaysldirgh; Waser Street, reterabiugh and
altruietteridiern places
Opc Seat will leave the warelata. C A AleAtialty
nidnuili, every day, triceps Sadism) and
hipperts. att.. reread ea . tworsictlreir good, bd.
ibalited leidwat delay.and at fair lute.
That Lisa wad hunted foe the arrr , lal
of the way basiserw i sod the propricuwa reapeithilly
rot laic a liberal share of amens..
. .
/MIN eicicwogirioint miLLua.
Et II CANAN. Johnrinern . 1 Area
, ' :1 ,Mt.1. , i1:1.1'. a Ca. l'itidaugh
fiNrxitaXit. Ls.
.1 - PleMedi. John Pease, Robert knote, Itagaky
Nunn, Pinnbaret _
~ lus 1... e being eampoteed idtialaboarianke
Ilaud Michigan. mutate dady between Pittabsagb
and Metter, sad (might and ria.taftrf Canal
ricurcialecrw. liesver arid Noe I.44conoc.insf ant
Kandat Linear P:esstnost.Propenarista Veine.
Laiasordl tn. prepand upon the tarhestopto•
ingot Plantganon to carry
,Frentid and Inumeagets
WI wilful.* the Ittner, Ctrastand Welt
• Ilavingevere tanntoy (or etamaying freight sod pat ,
'congers veldt promptness and 41ispailek. Or prwietor
and • agents taspettlang Yfilett iMIZI then frtes and
be poldte amenity tints patronage.
e. al REE, Eno. Pmpnentr
• KEP.:III, PARKA/keep, Rearm Sys
!WIN A CAUGIIKY, Piimbtaltdo
Cl3l . Pnsithaeld and Water Cc appoeile 1110...11.
*Ur ea to •
Wacoler, emotes*, Ce, New Tod
Mao Dams, UMW*
K N Yorks& Co,ClerstanJ
la. A A mi.trood at Co Detroit
McClure AS llgilmaake.
Oriole! A. Porter, Mew
Wm Porrem.Porrentowt., Puma
Gs Maeholpyre.Eransbasdh, Penua
John Mehra... llontmorre, do
• With A. Athol', Greenville, do
Craig & Frampton. Clarkmdlo, do
Hays A. Plumb. aharpohatigh, Pa.
W C Malan, Chum., , do
—.. W 9Pai n
Milflrstl*.C.l method
' no t c rr . :2• l l.l7no d
- hp dd. long
Kralonts unnecessary.' Goal., aro not wombed. the
loman, WWI all transhipment °rostra handling is toots:
TM Boats am of light dnioght nod perform thei r trips
in (multistorey. days.- . • ,
Tan toparity or nor Wotthooms cnotemi as to More
goy . t.o.vgnmes made mist Retell nod
advances fret of chirps.
hoof folly prepared to mak.. Woo of Pio-Jou. yr.
rottleetially AmIM:I - ,coitaignmeing of woolens Floor,
Caton. Lard, Bo I ter, Chime, Wool.realhombood other
irreales (or tult, as which. libersl athraneao will be
ovals a n d mbar naval (millers oforded, plOdding oar.
teiNl. Mot any laisloom• entrained so se 'hall be me
promptly motouvl and spin' as fair term. an lay nay
other Imam. . , JNOMcVADDEN AC*
Baal Basin , Pistobargh
Hs and tat Market et, PleilaAsi
East &ape' Pant 'end Bridgewater. ,
• SSSSSS coarrr, •
'Proprieled ind Avast or twisters
LM ICILIC AID 1111101110411,
SIMMX Ittrrllll7loll MIS ' 1
IATJ!..L be ptopiroti o cortical opoologdetail Ove•
Vota;Tor " tfier.7l,ll
C..t..Zd Dam Can klr all porta ea Lake Erie atur,
upper Lat., iu Woo to ardarodaco, Poonlai .
Improvements. Apply m or addroot ;
106511Hltr lIICKSY, num ;
. s iEtigt o .1846.
It. Clarke.. •H. Hoppa T. damn:lad k
rorwardlar 0011111111111110
a l t i"rtOrvn i fli . f3aVitr - :111te lam
(- AT;
antliest netting of canal, navigation to reeci.prop
nay at in o uidengh and Haver, and deliver the sane, at
and 'point on the Ohio canals, and also on Lakes Elie
and Michigan, wide the greatest despatch and at reap.
oaable rates. • .
The proprietors of dos UnG solicit the business of
then rem= r customers with conlidenco,koomism thm
their &citifies are second lo none.
Apply to or Addrers •
0 AI lIARTON, Ar, Plissbargit.
CLARK& & Co, Beam.
WM: • T lUCIOdOND Cr C. nebula
• • TO T11:10 PUBLIC.
rfr HE Bowmen's Portable OctC Company being
.3. coked, the Company again went Into anieles of Co.
partnership ender the name of the "Ltraturten's Utter
And likowtos agreed to refit. the mock sou to base •
mother of Coats for the pupate of coming geode
through in from Mx to ettg a lays, with eeneistymond
feel ea:parsed by the 11 ny of last yearns potroo r
mm, to make more extensive mmensatermi hp' the ally
ming year.
We Imola therethre reepemfalty eatitinsH.
auto af oor former panda and refer an near common I
-to those we ban dose bacness for. - 5
Foram, vattoportition or?.
• NOLAyMtrIOA, DALUMAAW Nowlioss,'Azoltosmo.
Corner Likily street end Cowl Bum. Pinsbergl6.
• - No NO Nukes street, Ploladelithik.
• • ELDER, GELSTON l Oggeets. .
PITTRIVROII—Jao Ale Cally, (leo. v ilergeo A Co,
W MeCallefr. CO; II A Hempen! ItUAlleel Co.
PIIIIADELPIIIA—MotrIsPaIIeIsoe !Co, Reynolds
Ale Enlisted &Co, FimeiA Badly; Peter Wein
J DlAfhae, Jewpb Opts •
NEWOIIK--Cloodbu &CO, Tkee,. Pour Co, • '
1102.1113N—Iteed. Hold Co. - • • •
CINCINNATt—Adsses A . CmW, W W Pessbor
. _
lA': PLEASANT, VA—P Nitaller.
• •‘•NABIIVILLN—P Fleming, •
• -• Noss—All osesebantUse foto New l'orlrOal Owlish
ersignedOptimistPlsikeisletlejwill be:
—.Dotty IW...weed/me of eiwOslssion. , , kOte
• t •-•- ' L 2.44 1C1110111 4411:10.111 -
• P 4440 1111 P 11414140.4.
vilryilEllual4m4g4W 41.1 1 1 Ph
roma wilial. Yu berm Aar
4tversomiii Vitublis paekspi
snercl4o.le'i speal - task. mak imoratry . , , colt
i4laedtanatng .
41k4 C 44.1011 to: 1
1 411 ‘, 44414.
i hm sad Gesmil
TRoskittlial ales
I.i+•i..rL ;.r i•~y T•'lJC•l.y• 4il.3:l
JEL:Tlondear all 4 andid shamai
Cipt.Chaslea Noel* COMPW-Otli her
wt.., leaving Paw
bargh at 91:Mock, A. ' and Braver al 2 ;d2lock, r N.,-
cBl3ll("ahlf•ndt iantbama sad Bee o f cad
nal Bous dailyao Clervelaad, O.; Bee 'Warren and
Cleveland .Line of Zsol , l . Bl**s seats*" Coaches
daily to
an d and Carnahan anal Reset Unto to.
Yew Castle d GteenvWe, P.; Eric
to Meadville • and. Erie. Moore Co'a Lines of
Stage Coaches' be Gunne d
and Wooster. lsave Ban-
yes daily .on the iniVal steamboaf *neer Loci
Appi, ' •
•• • • • aal 'MARTON are, Pittsburgh
.:14 ; CLARKE a. Co, 'Dearer :
ItigiPt!: lB47 ; L itirgait.
E'N PARRS k Cleeeitisat •
• R PALMS Deaver, . Proprietor s. •
W T MATHER, Pinstroset,
pits above Line is row folly prepared preped to. iranspori
I. Freight and Pamengers from Pitialin rath and Cleve•
land; to any *Month. Pennsylvania &. Gbio and Ohm-
Tbe (anilins rif.sald Line am notensalled by any oa
in.anals, Ii nonabera and cameity of Dosa.expe.
de of Captain*. and plasaptniam of AgenP, Re.
One Boat kneed Ihttaborgh and Cleveland daily.
ninninnonnection pith ibo Sleazes's: • •a:*':
Michigan and Lake Roe, bet vr i alargh
Beavar, and • Line of first edam oTtl
lets, Flrip and Sehoemers, on Lakes .Erie, Haien, 511-
'l' o ' ll ' y d tr=ed to any part of the . Union - Witil
HEEA BID; i.Co., ' Deaver, Acts
.71. MATHER,
.• • • C. Water and t+mithbeld streets
. .
TlllllO to Rahman , ..... honer.
• Time to Philedelphra 40
73 Able , Stagiag.l
'THE splendid andfutranning smartie.
.L Is Mamie and Samara, have counacaced making
double daily trips. Ono boot will Duo the.Monorime.
helm *hut every morning precisely at 8 o'clock.—
[`amanital. by the tacening line will arrive In Baltimore.
next evcrong in time for the Philadelphia Mail Boat, or
Rail Road earn. • The evening Bowman - the
wharf doily at 5 tVelock;exeept enadaTa atenllrm
IT thin boat wiltledge en beard. in CoW hie
1 . 0011215 Due Brownsville next mom at o'clock:,
eau tee mountains in day tight; aup and ad c Coin
buland. :Thu avaidieg night travel al cr. he
preparations un Miamians
. maple. and th lonoreu
coeipleter so that &mope:mutants or . delays 'lbc on
Passe:tams ean map on rho mole- - rad2resame •
seats &gamut {demure, and have Area* ef Rail 'Road
or Stemaboat between Baltimorwaral an •'
Coaches chinned r to parties to travel an they desire'
Petite tone tickets at the Mace, Motiongitheta House,
or St Charles Iletel. MESKIMEN
• TO ozr.vsLAto D. Tits. yEtIatIZIIN. •
18 4 7" .ltigl i a
44 94 - HOURS: ,
ALICE! Roam Swallow _ and Telegruh.teave Bear
1 act daily: at 3 o'clock 1 a', after Mauritian! of the
morale, Boa' freeaPiusbargb.and attar:rat Warren in
time fra the Mall !ate or Stages. wltleh turatedW
ately thereafter.nridnrriu at CheyekaartatlOlock, e.
This route is the l most expeddloos and ranikemble
one to the Lobes.
COTES a LEPTINGIWELL, Warren; Crept.",
HEED PARKS Leo, Beaver, Agent. - •
JOHN A CAUttl erornerWater and Rantbseldsts,
spiny • Opposite the Mom* hats Howe 'Pittsbargh
rierrrimunan AND ounir.syri4.34
"- 1847. t,,,r oird e
• . ,
r lllB tine eossistiog of freight andpasseuger Paek-
S etr,wUl ran regotarly dunirg Clisiaeoure between
Reimer and Greenville; by which freiglu Lod Poo
seogersbenreen the twopoitietivri ß becaeried pnwiptly.
toiloi lawmen nitre.
WICK ARCIIF.R,Gfeen Greenville • -
• ' 'CRAIG & FRAMPTON, C;ar t
1111oPA BLAND It RING, Big Bead,. do;
iIIAYS rLumu, searpo. g b, do;
• :Mr 0 MA 4AN. Plionies, • ' do;
WM. MATHEW:4,I..IImi. do;
REED, - .PARKS Ce,Beterr:
OIIN A CAUGBIEY, comer Water tnd9milhprW ins,
artily . Outpooire the Monoeitabehs House, Pittsburgh
laiiin lB47 . WAN
1101 VIM'
Platladeiptita, lialtlasose. hew look
• HE enetteraseatoottfils lime has wrcersett airs
T to eornmencemeut, boa indiniest, the. ptopne
tors to increase the stack by adding • number of first
class boWstand instead *relying reestiptaas herald.-
rowt as agents; we will give. our own receipts for
freight shipped by this haw.
lice boats am all portable, consequently. fleight
is taken the whole distance witboat transhipment,
thereby preacatlng damage Croat frequent haudling
oar the rosin, and 'a...3*h boat ivoweed by the;
Captain who runs them, which leireettiresetilmr
mace that there . wit! ba no delay oitimiroeta.
All Produce or Merchandise consigned t o the
itMltlt fone ft l Tf: Pcc lrS - oraelag andorradnaodtli
beehipped without idols) at the lowest rates of
We respectfully saheb a airroor nal.111"
stage. - WALLIAW WU)
Canal Haus, VkiAsegh.
CRAitl, BELLASB Ce.,Ast. `
Biwa Street, Philadelphia. -
Bowley's Wharf, Battledore.
Pittsburgh, Feb. 18. 1E47.
184Ati• " D • A 84 -
J.E andenived are now preparatltOontrard Pro
dam ke.,to the Eastern Marketidertei dee 'caw
Ina Winter, on the moat favorable term., by dna care
dunes& Milt.
AU omen} et:lnclined loos will be forwarded at the
krwen rates end with rlespatelt... • •.-
Mallet:dna veneered by thdreate prat:aptly for
wardel. J C BIDWELL,. rittaberyit
G IV CASS. Drottnntrille.
ewer! F.G maw; e. cu,4omir.4
184 C - : --- AND • •
. .
_ - . •• .
TO' TUE EAST BY ski:2l/10mi1 ADD
Tl& subscribers snit 'Maim forth, delivery of Pro
dace toltaltimme by the hlanonisbela Slaeltwater
at the following prteea—
Ashes,' Baron,'Saner, Lewd, Lard, Pork. Tallow,
Whiskey.Cheem;ard Glastp , 47l els p. too
Tutaiceo,llemp, Plat and Wheat-01ms per 100 Ibi. •
Ashes, (Pat) Apples Cheese: Ftax-Seed, Glass, and
Leather—.lo6 cm per 100 lbs, • ,
Oita Skins. Sent s,Wool-110 ets p er IMP
Beenenm,Fembers; Fors, Ginseng., end ,SnakAlloot
—llloeis pet 100 lb..
AIL property eownened toenher of - the' undersigned
will be forwarded without delay, free orestomitssom,
at above rates. W II MA KA. Ilrownsmlle.
. • HANNA WAYESAIAN, Pumbareb.
_ -
. • ,
• - FRP/Gil nuts and others . with ma
to have Fine Brick; Produce, do.,
btoteght to this Ma. front theubenville
and intense/Late landing", can man
ammiementa•by idling on too; am
ham,. Bow tanning msalarlibetween Pittsburgh and
tkedbeaville. OFO. B. ALILTENSAIIMER.
jaw Steamboat/timid. 00 Water s 1
gla vial produing vroodcrk,lteul tilowinif
from the Ray. S. Watcfleld, Pace[ of barfly
Cikerelt; , - •
PiOthargb; March
R. F. Schen: h is hoot a ware of dauy. as well
ilth areal pleasare, that I twat media:My to ass It
tat (-year jastlreelebrated,Vetollbge pueenrett
hulk and pee to three oral hddrew;velto.bad
bee for several week.. The eldest was seven
lea 00 the twat lbar.. aid the . loontesC etaluren
. • •. • got passed 4ity.iis waiter, the second
fort seem, and the third ,a considerable number not
CM recollected.. Vince then they have been doing
well and are now in good health. • • -
yours reveal:llh , S. wairm.b. •
- .
From the Rev. S Ordiceek, of Me Me th odist Eplreo.
pal Church.
Mr.,' E. Octant: It is with great pleasure I would
inform you of the good erects produced on my non of
Cur years of age,_by yeerjestly celebrated Vennifuge.
Atter hi. Pavans comabitons, I gave him three doses,
when he
passed an almost metcdrtable nambee r frons
which time his general heath haa hun improved.,h. Hearn&
From the Rev Charles Cooke, of the Methodist Fold
copal - Charele
Fiusburgh, December 11, ISIS.
Mr. R. R. Seller's: I see y hale daughter (between
three and for yeari old) three doses of sour Firm Aim
according to prescription, with the bePticst armee...."
The number of worm expelled I do not know inecise
ly, but It 1111111 tufo. She le now .in ;mansion of geed
he ilh. I thin the rartservedness. eetheitt e may confided in with
m C Cools. ,7
s this Vermlfer hae tiever bden known to fail In Lammas smelly meted, emote
aid give 1110 plefemtee to all °them
regaled and sold by 9F3...1.MiN between 11
4th, en Wood 'moat. ' '
or sale by Dr-Ceeel;Pi Oh Ward.
nest the subscriber bss seeisisue sew*
be bus located himself lc eilegicsy,
bss isesead kiss us Wise. /sass, - i*b
meetof 'Yew.. .0 1.1. PoPmrha now
• • • • ' he Bouvet owlet, boassibitely :bisilit4s, the
• re • yserburebetels 'Pres tbe bag expetisaus us MS •
shoes beanies* lola desire* phases bet
hopes to user.
It stud rateive slum of publis putrosacci ' • ,
Naves Una awl intshistrisoulat,Xsiskassay Haf er
fee, opei=tip . Vied, suLesery , dins= cif
=l Mgm btaint.- ' * 11141441fr . ,.: - 71B'tic;°+Noorn."`:.
41, 7.5i11. - 010 leallido l,ll o - 40c-For q.....
, •-m4sg Glum awl; siainsorAlliakChia.rcloalask
WoOcaltlp ica., h,:1f,.. , i i i it iiiiill',NlZZt4l,l4
what* lit clear,
_ .roldwiti altdireetiors. - 4,4 041:411/4 . 4 ,4
ow-. OeeelllirlitttAdV(oo Itre; .41..e.13.4111$
n: .
atteailoo of dam deetrima tobtiiirs tYlir tiair or
home's/ ha boaatr, thbOliguijurperaties. •
hoar svery:erhetaaY litaltetaa‘Waapertalle by
all Maio *behave sue of lt, astereatly ofikaeloas
. 01mobtang -tlitrootut Or Ma *ad_ prevelelng
cede adat sang aaeliteba of.the altia:•••lta rfatties are
• 'user , alaa sallehettly pteeed-i4 1 :••••
.lor lirrlasharg% al the PEKIN Trk
12 Pm* At nr Wood lad alas at the Dole Mora of
11" P Salrenuta.rotiantlayblilloattotry sit,:-+
Di. itetaavil i r
illl ra. /rein"- _
lfsloileittiftllid, 'Wagons vial et me
XeW4MlN7iNite Wald el Just Shaw%
'pasta 9wfurerst'W !lonesome by the weer eeid
eleelettie AN efied,Ows ;owed
jvii,trody lie .moutiipPrimalt ?"1"
MA.. etelt9aire twe wont
at e,
41 . amt7l'etrei2te
~ r ` ~y
' 4 { ~wk
4.'1 • yairkketrt
• 714:r 1:Ti•
064 IK\ Ss"'"
4 • •—*..111 ;
. --: .- Run t iitumame . ~. -. .
Afar ALL 1418/WOUIY:CIMI.:_; ,•' '
~• - °wk. ,a,,,,,h Mose mod malty h* be e3cphstered; I
Sulfa 'hefty/km widely aMinaleed, . .":',, •
bet maidelesion, pre udice, or peide,,, -. "S- ,:. ,-,
.. Indise,meekind na • t the ateettlimude'; '''. '.:'
-"- • Menus whieln - thot t ncle,are by Iletienticattned .
""ihi.. T & i I s=railt: 4ANINin"wI6"B u rki4ii MAG' '
, 'an4 1 / 1 M ~,:. t ':
Tilt& remar kali intinuesecerhiebnatreoetrad the
f luni dental •MIIWWIVI. Of the ...gici g mg ... 4 ,d
Great Illtunit,"emaprisies In entirely net appLieat of
, Galeatiredr, es • sonsedialageac by isletus or wilkielotho,
ordinary Galvanie Banta ethlitemricandhletnelie hlto'
eldnesoba s atecatitelYhliPsMimalwith,nadtlesrlayibtf , '•
i... Pr.' , a 9.4.44 C Nfas,dmaiass sty "Pe.
ableetto.l Whielinie Inset r e frau *spacial mode.
now In sae. - Theelnerny leina, - andirciweLdr [dotards,'
in whielt Gellman.. ie I payed- by tihyAlektamrs, has
beennowooneed, tiler a tan and itispantal trial, tol be
eloaisily ntierionsiand it was to remedy tinstadieal de.
fent that Ilia new upaltottien wt. , Prled..whidhf•
ter unceasing wil. ewe pe xsownte as bees Ineetio.
is its present maned perfection, A Gokessie Nein
answer all-the mimosa of the lucid egyposlit' Mel
ehmes, and in many othW respects are , more refs Ind:
assets in aceongsidenthodesured (doer, . •
The Galvanic ' used in COnneelleti
l t d drb the Meg ,
acne Fluid,. are am death seetramtbded tiff di* ,
dm wine arise/ on mjahfed sr Usilsolithy mu) .y
did .namga, or rind synortrand theSe'Matieldimi tre•
among the morn pninful and eniventel io which we re.
suldeet. They mitt, withont exception: faint one sim
ple enese , -k deranftentent of the.Neisnus'Wysient—
end it was in these corrietlietviller 'remedies , laving
sb inlet. faits& • mew agent Woos greatly beededoishlt
it is confidently believed, him been foetid. ih the imp . .T‘
end Widens applieanonolGelfrunisensob.:. cr.', • ...
• The Galvanic Rings have been used with tithes ee,
cess in all mfr. of Kinencrtsa,
or Chronic', 4r -
1 plying to the head, lime or limbs; Goon Tte-Defocw,
Thattralle, Bronekair,recips;Plgroode or 'Eire ii.afe,-
/ndigedims, Paralysis, 'Paley,,Epihmts, Fin, eratop, ,
I:Zip's et 2:, ?herr.. Ailtzy,, Sypui r p,ol,J.l.,
lnosi, DatisialCO riAliiil=r' N. n.
5 77 ,
~ o,,,yagie.,i(iry, I:kiwis., (Negro. 4nd Physfe#
nyy.'itad'aZ - NF.RVOUti IdGI)ERS: - In Cues of
tonfirmed lryspepia, - . whichisitimply anon.* •
mmen% oftbedisonnecim . ll, • iimy have lmen fee d
equallyal suecessiul. )haire d xusonlinary effects u 0
Thomann, Must be'vemishe to larlieliestal; mad a
corona preventive, for' the, preceding. etwardshita th
arc, itt:ally recent:vended. Thaßings are of differ f,
prices, Laing Wade Of 'Misfires...Leda vicoseo •
meamlynitterus, and est,lits ware tltortemidel it c'
(Malt without the abghiest inconvenience., An fa r.:-
the'setizallon It rather serceshiblin othererbse:. • • -
The Onleftille Betas filiMehleflea,liatalp,
' VaFten,..3"acklaces,. &a,. . r
' r tn 'eerie enies oft sere seiereifierteter,sithelo 'lt
mending:the power. , applied tate* tialgenes a
is not sufficient in mrest the progress 'or.strgase,
ultimately restofe health. The napiovedatodillein n
hithaltascanie Iteltl,7.lorreiela, so,. Calmly %sr , f
dies this object on any degre roof-power the L...„
red can 'Uglily he ant/tined, and no tomplant veld h
the to y Mt ro et agent of Gott mums east entreat!
. to be pennauestlyeencred, - ,,Theso • anielcsaree ad
led to the waist; mai?, serlats,lluitiii,..nrien. or luny y n
of the bodyi with instant' convereienee. , llse Gal
13";;L11.V . .ar1Y,,... 10d V,I. It ihr r
oa W gehaiz nor i llr ." :
_fro u l
ewes of Nerrout Deafness; and for l ifli ilatosttts
siteceri as 11, preveatilre forAppple4Y,Epti,lPtic,,P ,
and similar eimploltils • . • •
'-, Vlstistle 9 tllltignevie - PlO4
iltneil-fts mmeectionfrothlbt Aiolieffie GiaSs'Oftd: li
their pletliGentionn. 1 hit cempositnan bet been p
nouneedlif the trieueb
of so' be bop of the
cattuordnury discoveries oi modem seieneec-Ills '
lieved to pews? the remarkublep owes act:mining
swim ssasinriff • gabitrofriedufien by dill moots Elton $
a cement tenon Ofthe -11111DePeint the as of dna*
thus givine tepid and •
a s
itlief. No o
composition in ebrinistr Is knownto produce tbe -
°gem or' to impart s lint. hit P.Partli , . l 4 ato-Pd' *
systan,by means of nu oaterinf local opplMetuits .1 e
ovule Fluid :reintains nothingt lespehloof alia Gig -
m_ inhiryi itt Application - jr. egreable, madit h lm
harralem vita action nsli tibeneficial in tte ressi ,
, roll -explaamione sad '
ItireakmeaccosepaarAs ' fa
continued luventionsare, in caety way perfectly •
'testi - they ale soldat prices whale - the retell of all mid
the. discoverer ' way aleqUagall Mr finer- as veal r
their Burp :
,rt efficacy antiperWspneur henek. .
Cbilefiee Galvanie sttengthealita pi ~.•
~..., geriw :-...,.,....,,.., 5;..•
• Them:articles fotm soothetaeleableiftpedielb— on I
the mysterious inductee 'of Gallediwn, TIRE
Important i "ulnnieeto th e' gerreintilalvanie d
their modirreatteats,,nedelf *PM*. dothweediteilt t
having the ad vasuage of, moreiocid application.•,Th y
Unconfidently rocuritatioded Oat eTabhMeltddftert
the speedy tam ofillsmanSassi steMstorednefehr to II
' e
I . Tgli: ' M ' edVie l gesTri l s I t1'&41 7 / 3 arensl in •
bid., foe Aszlowatiellfatiewe,aiad in Maws*.
. 4( the Rditemen Prions , In Sposal_cprep ai Is
their edicts are of thetiosideildedelswatter,and y
Lave Mimi been end with eopipteneenalialla Timm
also of Or greatest adyantsgo per, and Welting •
of 'Pei:freest:and ire eighlyyncoaMmeided fir md,4 ~
those complaint. to whiclfomelesarecispeetally Ilib ...
na aktdeM.pla. means for, atm:N.ll°oLO; tie, yet
I when debit fetid wnlidlseale arm er Caliente • e 1 - -
[ cans aid in ,rearsmtal WeihnceS, as a Prevent e
ter Colds, end all in affections of. thaGireill, gegen! ,
the Galvanic Estengtheoing Plaster' wilt ha tumid
great End permanent tulvartincor lain filishirirdht it
all the virtues of :bib.. as. c slfeltita
Willi ,
mho betroirainlnfditle lit
giof thegalvemethsen ,
whitnriensidsuitawatinal Wow. enhensM• i the -
non commies. These, articles will. • eati
I iFee frOlitthilllO - olijnihaustielidh lie , ' so e
of contplannernitheast r wisissunliesemant
' ' •
a s Ili ' great eilibtlir atadlecesiokiii&linre s'
has caused than mite' martmnishled hy eseprage_ 100-
zreals. To . =e m Tinst, i iroposeli e vs . atr ‘s enzwits :
. . - gle?inity ogoillau Pilislittrelt, - - , .7.W.: ,, r - iviw t ri r i ~
; t; • IVA IFICAVEtti dr_TE • iTtIIiOXIALS 1
tyf the losthetrind itioto — Criatefetabie eletektirturn • ,
1 malady reeMeed., npardistythe onnwlembeery.sal •I
and iluectsirof the above attic/es. :It is believed t i
in the 'city of • *.i. Yore absent,. itisiarderit MG!
•THOUSANIYMIHSONfirduritsga-periodoiltam th 11.
a year, have been entirely Mitred a dies most p•ip I,
ehmate disordersomistoof which hose erantiletelY b f
lied 01l- farmer efforts of medical art.. - i latimd tinny f
the first physicians of this city, Who ogiaupprovr og,l e
Galvanic and Martine blueltines,•comitamry ire
• mend this epplicapon Mitten , mecum, and with the e -
eephilif of nhoto.Wbonm twilwriodieed to gam a .. i.
el, the in d entio n has,reeenred anspinam•
,ipmw... 1,
the most intelligent twang UM Amencan Faculty.
Christie-hi at all lime% mAdinnd`tural hap ID gi
army 'heftily to phydelests, eta ell iillereated, fen to r
ing 166 Utah of his liWalliattr and the eMeeny of Its
Only agency inradiingh,eernereth sod btarketlet
• . . • cabhao, CA 43,
lls now universally. ackniorlinlired to be t h e
*ALLIBLK-KElDEDY•lbi , Rheltistaficir, Spi
Sal Atraetieco, Con tractions tit the ilrlisdest,.. Sort
Throat and Quinsy, !noes; Old Dlckes,VaxisJlltbe
fleck 'and Cheat, Agee In the Breast and Fade,
Tooth Ache, Sprains, liruierti . Sidiaßbriona,Vonor,
Croup, Flailed Feat and alt !Verson. Diseasea
The TRIUDIYRA.NT SUCCESS ash ieb. has at.
tended the apntleiti on or tilt bloat WONDERFUL
MEDICINE is eyeing the Most seteiveasei oftie
ditlerent 'lima:to above mined,..-seel:tki . HIGH
ENCOMIUMS that Tice been bestowed upon it;
*here ver it hat been ihtmarreed4rtelinei the right
to• tall on the fAITLIC rep , to re•orflit. °ilea io
117:The faculty atilt! in!evenalretitlirieleele-
m - raav
ed.ndOttnenet LinierainE:
• 'rhe failiew.ngleiter •from' the highly 'miner t
Physicians who hare bein Ittacheertn - the Mona
m eth od State prison for many •yesim; is the 'Nit
evidence of the vela of this celebnla (Aniseed.
. Sane. D . ecticiber 26;
-My Dent Sirj-' I received.ynur' with nt yalianliy,
•••asking any,opin , on iii rehtlion tir?lient'ai - Lialateut;
as prepared by Mr:George E Stadion: 'ittiowidg
ate compoeitinn,astd having- Iregienedy died it,ll
ems reenta
nindit to yin al a afarEsternarilemh•
dy, and in my opinion, the bed Linirnenp wow in.
use,- Puy truly mad rompeetfirlb-yeMm, ,,,
• HOFVMAN. , ..
Cot Pierre Van thietlalidt,'Ureta•fthaatj''- •
- I folly:eater lathe ihamPoomiteLl'a "
.„ • . Yeawmams, Jae, 44,,8 845.1
, .replyio 'your letter,. I assedd sag that:l
hare. mod yea ; External , Woody, .ailed. aloe.
Liniment. is tap •Prinbc.n.nlbue Jath mule me an
quainted with compnatioe,nneHiamilatingly
an that I believe it tole the best Eiternal gem*
dy an* in eve for tbaromplaualafrr..whicligou rq
continent! it. Polars respectally,
BENJ. Li IBlLLE t it t raL - 1)..
'Gen : 'a• •
lEPAutong the ma. of woriblear artleles and
henangs tat me Waned teeth Wthe•prearet dna'
arena this ataxy, it NI. Malty; refnuding.
oomething real ' prattled utility, ponnaMini rile
ple, „speedy and elicetual in its operatieni,egg all
the mote Banerlom. from those Winslow meleetn:,
:which generally attend powerful ingtedieb,klanPa
Liniment,Lepared by Clew b Matas, of. Si.
Sing, than h. hsa been buts idsart , timehbefoto
the public,. already obtained the emilidenee,ont
only dour moat wealthy sad inllientiarasens;
but our most 'eminent phyriciann akin , *
edgeit to be a sovereign bales for many of the ilia
that flesh:Ts hely to,.eoothieg thefwelting Inc!., and
by its genuine stimtgating iallnimettqamehing din
IMO front the system.: r
• Mt. • Staatotse , a , S•elindireqr- edardiummat
of liars Liniment, I. wasiienea Way its Alexis
onmy , an, wbo .bial.boew:OripploCtottb. a 'Pude,
bask Bemuse infant; endit is vathmatitede bhue.,
testimony to its emanate' heidinit Mope:tans, bin
child, who le kowfiruyeara ageals mewled fair
way arecovery,.e. •• . r ;
• • Parr.Oence.llwrismr; Pants Co.
I certify 'Abet a Ma gmenottally. acquainted ,Wide
the shove named child. sad-think &malari a / a dd
beats en saying that his it alsetrat Walla ' •
5 , 1545.. • Diedm'Postbliated.;
would alionetie that I almreimen,for' a
emobet (Byars at.sreietsgeent•rittatelteral , tbe
Rheumatism, iirMaiaimany.aintsetees prevented
my-attending-to Oy hosiness. -Varct erne:tree spelt .
eationira the Liaament invariably. remove. it atj:
kilationsof the kind....ldeosa el Intaiseersemint
aodeoreha too-sewerage to: ma:seine r is.bonie this
vielaitr_preved aenatalur named,. Als.sraletaiman
only be estinntod btametwhe have Vas it NSW
nie ,r
A8A01412145' and 50 testa par bot
tle, bliU Abirrtiatiri4Unteitriaibilb.chuiti
grpijyilr=l. 44 7l,v in • .
• , RusErron 040
. A U& 13 SANDS. C o flletrilitoollldiViill.lle
ItStIikiNALL.AWiIIiSMI.M/e4,,i- •
Orders: ratted 14) ultra Sipg.Si*7
b 6 aufaileitto. - .O$XlO(3l:'V$7 l A
For gala Pitialmighty 4WILIIXIX, Jr:lna 5
Kipp& Co.....Allegata7 l 3ll)ol3tid•!4RUFAT.
Birmiosharn,JOUA,SMlTH;, t.: lebl9.
--- . • ... ,2 •41.711Gfinti1t77 ,-
j AST . PuMiay lateaspcou tall af B. A Fah.
J-knotock la L.:Lc rase my . „MT e.OO. Is
betweetVkievad 111 ' • old Ibil de thiAloy ShO
r........,,,,..e."." .t.f..
- re•hqr forelVer Witiliald;ithlik Oh •
4111 , 10. ' eista . ,4•Mpints'Appor, ant
dm .10,01mAiet egial•bAtr. ::,.;...4. A ...,.., .... 1.
-,^: toil - , ..4 , 4•4 ~,,,,,s aNaraitiOrn ...
mak .
ag at 1,-.
w • showami *mei -
:. • P : sold II •FA EATIXICA
Oar= 4t rod iirli, 644 *TO 1414 *Pk '.• . Pi
7 , ;4; 1 - a .136,)
C , S'af,s DAISH A,
,:htEDICMP ..P 3 1WN__.. 0 .4 0 .. AIR , rOOK NAY.
,„...., •,, ,1,11 :.,.. e..I.43•MATA --:
nit; afftithttit liardidormd h'...1; te....1. ,; - .244.
1,1 mother cliiipat inll tate*. vilway war 0..0.
I.ot':.lgjo htiepatio is wood.* aka a t.......
Mlur- ig.dkrs 4 o. 6, tb.k4 , ..A.
Es: •
7iddidiamard Mt Whit t sot dm and erecuidiiiit• •
cougii4 dad
4 2 / 1 , whams *Cabo 1=7=47.711.. upnetur
diddadvar loddit du' wit. tidy. did did grostortftet
thousuad kid Ottd dtdd
, t6itut yew - rotor* to lon pima idtier, dap
ofeadtoptfea;b2l4 Ifibarbe mic42
, ' - edbtlia.irigto.;.ll.ehlosol dad r/ dry
i l _itarpresidtddipitaistidd, dPdyiidtki , idd
Ri idd! rawn do' roitiodrae-datitiaq cad..
,Tioy Idemddsdldo iddddtt.h.Skr , f...
toil•=tisiddidiadiotitard asoloaldelly
id dad diddpbuttta--.lldadriili d a e ktu.
idderldidided idid bees eared it awls l
dits,tkoodtimitbolaredbeisidetil tease. eel iyArgov.
litattlay Wad ' ' -• •
N tie bedsit driii4dioiSiar
laitiVitidk WrrlshpaL
ifia's - (piici
'4001_1310 ile:pirt, add Valk LilA rdlictid. If .itat died
,titk,editiddikd frit tddlorde mit:WM Iddp , dt , .... •
I aiileilbarlic od , dict* *dad be died atoesided
These worth lowsoriabwe loth prong ix mots thati n i,likl
(10Weimatili , 1•6 Walk; the only meth. wino Ares ogres •
wawa. eirrilooprineili *my disown view hop even.
Awg *Plain inderricoisi eyes deeilio. Ali
iiiidtheia i rospeetedi growa pow, vor3 oars
' thisosoied are doaored - venom Piegaviip
without aog • label.' ime dam of deer poevige. !Unlit
. E•rni**o Iretilti..Po. ais is thsjohitsinr orAii
Pee beath,plekbg ea the a or, riesling of the weili dialog
.e/orriowilhetheethe path. abaciLA.6l44,odd. theitod clithka
Lileoliagat lithweee,spaerirg maxi. se th e
L .
M il
Abe whim a lase .414 ht OW. shie
irhats badatio, dreintar, nuts*, knor, dugurbo
draw:mule* Motive bleep, rilia
L frialt serewaing, •
anwiethoes a woelikaiwie owe., kairigesie r thins, Wild .
'tut, ISUi testria dir swath, breathing, 11.1 b
114 thicielA or hea th ; Leine, mom, sesceiehia... WM; •
'data appetite, Immo, hkeded etwtheh ate ga
shooting lobo to mites rkrte oldie bole, a .n., .4110011 e
tine nein hi Ow thioati dehieg oldie sow lowird. algid, •
frames* death to Tip eonsething froth the bowels, sod:
. This7;gllgLiourodiale relief in nervous or Wel Pads].
'TT: Wirt, Worrier of lb. "hits, diopiiiiitheew
a or putrid woo Aistot i bowel or sthowar cow
plaint, Pitateig, oppeasioa or • snot of Wahines tht thatl '
alaak, "woo; wasp or the thimall, or booth: kgsus:eel
PlAdgeorooet all I/Atm dames, &maims thw a ogi, th e -
day, sod vr.lkafithmo Woo& the oleic dielerwer rhol ,
diarrhea. Imitate or ethos of Phew/. Per '
la " aiel l. :Zga or ettaidleg r Mpertiee, !Wiwi eh., Loath
gth reetly vireiriagl he the buoying are:oh' awe -
nweedweipoilor, w Axiom the tore f the apace gni •
moms lbe onlearat egowitewa anvil% thosi '
wo fir, living. Peolow who have bereviedho aop ,• .
alowiewed their dierd habits, will bell theielmthsteed: •
Molest Aresigibealagplewer in the woad. aod wireawiri
• relwedtt 4 piAles or weakorie in ► the ha.
thabs; rbotenathemi !whoa, Pe. Oar •
gear w aothogglithe &weed. - Thep moires little wane- .
angpiWirogglicatsoW Warranted Impostor to all othothoild . •
oaa quart. thethiial plirsoaslieg meanly the bop PA
oralegoat lather lo the rand.: It afar& robe fin o Per
la.l4er siongbilua, it Ahead Worsgoier
'We isi. alba Amine siothothowel iterill Algot %end , •
.1 cove" moldy asthma. di ess
IrsoseliWg f orpreesenseitil• Ana or eimad, they It
CNiat 'lC4Yoille"l
- derided regraea Atha ion alum truly , arinipsoill '
We, •Plegothwo goewelly rewamead thew, is prelim:Wee
Vi la=liver they wichoreAticebet=ditenagiviali ,
~t l=Zeity• athire n. of witirely.diflieret I.
thievarbe Gvs :e.,wasararai4ol
all' thioditheatediad d i Siebird elagg awl olageinions, to
be !lead.. ( tad tonliestedAolre.
.IRwietilweirsithe bane et Ile ',nowhere ha ripens
lb* Powd tharahwoit window etuth thew •
Rithatioeskir thie era ..IL. hook .rant, Olsten with •
sithilenitOr.Sbenow eras. • It ie 'aperients. Amid i
APolgiaidth*Shairala'a Poor thee MAW and awl dal;
.P.M kid lithtlial,th tie... away ag g i gg...,..
law dad wed mid is the paw Illwitheaaye,
bold w►olmi liztW.AliSO . Pl at ' hie Palew
3Vandweet...Ne. •ths. grdhirlib
• • .
1 Pitsweisseife, as Isdthateen.
.3.,/ this= sad radical sereoshoeher withal, esteems
b3440 ,1 d5, fee iseitauss ass kithicand bud-
'.4.44,01.4 44161 leek wed side, luli!eal. -- eirep •
73 . 40.3, 4 sod in 6.6ka
wiWatsuce orthe .threis or eastimoss, as isell es
enes.. , Peke. lier Ilpeeife colt bath inter
,ithespay, add is aketeis ,TM Sire!ifse isms"
=re, uprise= semi t r t r , 44 per
AO/ •
,Thishelethliff 64,13 ;. 7 . 24 . bridAft; Pie SA 6 . •
• lobe athlais metaled oh smelly. awing rya Wor
seshielethe,thosisl asy ha t thethes,lasseteirem •
, &ac d esd sere" ems eflie sdere it code :iatire
the thaT the. Y WH1TE,113.113.
Task Ably, 18 , 13. •• • - 314 sheet' •
isireradly.rer 12 .ir - 4 ' dm e , estise , ,emse as to the *w ith the' th en
loth& sikets et. rs Ns Bldeifie, es I ba th 3 ,
6434,Ar ei!ale.sperthels elernebes,le Ise WAAL;
) ,, 4 44 P1 14 .1. 4, S is, surd ems ideiles, Nth
API think ' ORO. 11111..L1A,.
Yeelt,talthis. • • 364 131446
W me, Mt
yOMmbatamDolagaMOOPMB.-MeMa malt. • per
od mo att.MN at Or) SithitAtt Ditilitt yet ay ',a
that 1 bans bm. myriad at Stir fume mlogisim
• Mainaktal.eaMlM'' lioaraym eaoltlee ttlier th•uni.
Ads. albeloy infailakomi fa atm all Mum Loa nor at
dieml is MU. mom, ta proomM aatiela.mthay
outdo am. , • ,
IMOChader N.Y. , May 14-.1.10. , .
• • • a . ..v.110s Mapom polka& kw
f,a.Ll Joooperma Mno of you "WM Ilm
• 0/41 imply mai yam regmeat,,Oarom do gona any tab. '
atltOmMg Gem mad of o tont otheit ol
the N.. Deo hallos Mer rowdies IMMIUMM
Sold whoMola red wbil y
by.MTALJA it -
mt. Nadielia •Wamboommt &Wool Shot Sim, Nat*
tsionyMati, bed of Waxy fiOatmel. ?ms, 50 mu
U INGS.—Scrolule s all • its -multiplied farms,
whether in that of Kiel'e Evil, ealargementit itt!e
bottf;Goi r, tre, yhito o p t a i g 0 ,(.. r top t
of of. Polommry'Coriansuption, impute froei•enie
end the mere ewe, which */ a pobionoim pnemple
"more or leeeirtherent in llisheinen imam.' There*
fore. oiler thispeincipat can be destroyed, se ndi•
cure can he elected, bat the epee
whickahe ,diteese depeede, - is removed, • cure
mut of iiimenity Ibilow, DO mailer cadet what iOlll
the Jit,n a should it therefore
as the reasMsby.dateds :AILTZEATI•r. it if it Ind
rooming to man, maiignant
diseases. It , deatelgie- the.-vinaa or principle from
mince:thew diseases hei e their erica, by cartel.`
WO the circulation, sad with the blood is conveyed
to• tha - inteetamt.auei removing - everY penile of
&Milo; iron the qualm' Prepared and sold at No.
SouttillielStreet, Philadelphia: • ••• • :
.Sold it the Tee Store, No, T. Foe rib dime
AOtieltaa AA 13 &r11.L13.
ahem - one year,,pm/Ims to making me eller.
; • Seal's ßem:mann Pi Ils,l More suffered remotely from
HSI sperield;and ae acid &Meek. 1 have Me& toe et
ecru. variety ef medicine withant remit.; tosearle I
benefit - Moat three writhe secs I remetemed using
M. Rear'. Medicine; width has entirely relieved me
• Swan Midity at my seesnacrt, aid motored me to eotefitr
table; health.. reeeral or my friends and acquatetanceso
haws made ose or Met rill., and receiretUsmacto head&
from tlem. I um with confidence ri.ollllllllt4ilol,Xl.
.• •• ' , r. • %-• • • r JAHR 41 LES, 317 Modem to
Sold. wholesale and remit, by 11 A FAHNITOCIC,
ik CO °guar or to nod Wood, and Weed..WWl eta.
wolf- risin.LAariloirs 'idotrigicrair.4. 2.
Wrgrz.7.:2l=2l:L L irk..t,!l=
1 'yoettrons, p fled with-emplane and b.e.:ts!` Ye.
rm, -new onus-won lay teen fir • t lake Of Oa
Irbil:meld ready free
t a shist trifeireers=r4i3M l LWV.
:_..~tOIIBBAY~ibs 81t Bolt usu/41014 esiinithr.
. .
. • •
-:',,..• Patine!: libilalla Illt low Twiny • •-•• i
N EWL L ' III=LA -141 1°. 4,=-.11
Tao soperwr claimer et dos Tres* mawin in ibo Toni- 1
Doratims caaa web wide-lit mai be worn: • Tao pad of •
. *road twin/neatly balanced oe wrings, Tb.klo to pre.
ewe Oa attr P.M Of it, IM Ibmpeoltly adopt. Well to
say tworawant made q}tbe wearer. It eta im.;111/011k
travel Intemaimeau wall a care is effected. l'bo. cab-
'minxes bare Made artaagamatmo Ibribe manotareite
I ,
_ef tbno todeabio Tresses, in a ampere,' r, in Pella • •
didelsea. and havelboot now iat sale at* Mice, N.
Ndm:lbjteld m neat#llK l / 1 , rittthlr• - .
'Uso'...-!..,"..''.' - '• r• 10: W. ICAUPIPTIAN. .
001701 f 'Mould Ise
• published sad sada Meow Se tlielablie.• Ilus
•2/1•• of sn out am who vied Ow Pynip.
Prrnarimn Febram I, mfr.
Mr. Plormano--This wry. testify din tbrium anhoed
unableseine comb pace Wee, 1 heesin • borne.
?dom.'', owstsymp, *ei ..16!ppy an, alter
: Belo)* my Ismairely med. I prona.see year
tkonet **bent "medicine / lave 'N•
family d be "ribbon this raise&
• . DAVID '74.1110111 4 2.Ti5. Athena% Oty
0-no. ...ninny Is prep ared witelerale and '!tail
4OW Dinefeco et - - ' JOHN D ISDROAPV"
wood icreet,ene deer bekrw Diamond
~rrao..arirrag arirlporoirliotAriallOrr.
v IglaTISl44l.
• Ow, iosertioo of lb litter, or lea,'by
14.0j0#01oosorithoutolrentos r. • • .• 075
Throe' , 07
ewe Wolk". • •' ,l 50
. -
7.,0 Weeks "
Th 3 00
Oas,slontlt, ""* 4 ar
Three ..•t 730
0 / 11, IVIares.a.MMILIPI, wittiest alteratloi..., 10 00 ,
• " •11.7 " 15 C.O.
Kirk ' . 00,
10 00
v O O9 l l l OO - eraireacirable it pietism*, 45
CO ,
V.iehia , slositatiipsterckUociath. it) co
'72.0 ogeiges, wOrabl• 3000
orgareiCemathe,' - 8 OD •
15 11_11 , *k 3 illledio*-aatee•«; st f 0
additlbind 37.: .
.417.0005 a. CAT:11114
Tar `0 .
da6 7 7l;;;;;ak . Jy,•lo CO
et.' six moths `V 00.
isrearriffiganntvi vir..Arsiralf,34 . 4mw
Xortoliciii*r kr% Ciirrios*" P‘r''N"r'''S'C l
, • - Tura,' co
iisethir;.:..«..4 *lO
• , 4).
ithutuie.s. lattomlehistwbitieoism
0 4,474 striperessi tob=tbiptit io
• it. Of,