'•'%(4_, 1 0 6 -k* 75.0er-sk : dAZhiIE, , !PITTSBURGH WEDNEADA-MORNING, AUG:II ii Taatrindid ass Data Gums oarp Daily, 14i-plankly,• and Waeldille pad WWI. per salaam; thaTriireetly is Pita • annum; tie Weakly is Tanri . kdlat pOI "am ' t- k t lifietuargeross, to - ul were sertuisieheeld be h in by See &elect in the aftemen. /Memo tlehetbihe parte( Ger slielpepteiplheeld three( !Weed beptiitt ; • • ' - j All/411,, IMLIT 4 III 1, ; • . aos API' Ir. r T, 0 7! ClixsaltAn*"l 7.N . ' , . :S4:OI*:DARIME. of tei?.7 1 1, LIONS C.S. hOBLE,...of,ladAnaTA OttlitllnAN SriiVELY,_Of WawsTp imusam.r. su - Aarivrawilat, lft:Nay tritaltormukirr• " , . . . . _ . . _ A' c . . •-• =LTrovairs.. coasxwrrase: Incnusvitatautg; /OEN DEUNNIN,... Aral lAArt/.• - ItIONLAE DINIcAO, • • : IPICIPIAS3IAXELV,Poit.. - WILLIAM llAPATTEDombeilaud.' ••• • DANIEL M ESAYSE&Atuuss:• ' • /OHM P WEINIERIM,XOadeIpIia JOSEPH E CUANINO3I, •-• • THOMAS - lieGlATll,pini&moacc*i. ROBEEDX EAR 'Praaktin. • • THOMAS T NAN, Kuhn ANIXEW./ 001,11, Eanena.. - ' HARKAR DENNYvAllegtioy,, RICHARD IRWIN,. Ventego. : . JOSEPH II MINNA, Vi:!onArelna4 J PALESIDNIP, Hpiptablummt. SAMUEL A PURVIA CA K, Bader. HENRY IS RV I AZAChesKr. " BKFT:T.I *gm G rtw Pag—afir TAXI COAL WHOLDIITI:r PlTTlllall,ls l , ' Thu emit article of criMautifiea Mil - 4 ; eipat forme a mach herr ttem i n the commerce, taxa• otadares, ite.., of ri . ll:. bin:City:' Than soon than who ham king. b eecosterned to its line have on7ininfonColdWox w bi let h e r4 liel #:! sa ' know nothing nr l W wAtenti:, .';`: ' ,,; ` t '- i ':::i .. , train ibm,losi nate. of datiea ettlmplati fri' 1114:I end '42,the expOttatiou frota - Pitabbriti w.i atnic.t autrorid. Zeal from Europe viiitnrOiht to New Chlomebrehipeirrtedee,stularklakithe lager owlet hi imileli km Mtge diaii to* be aftmkd il vm . , epai &idea of tiiii efeiaily:Alte ammonia; mai, ISM darhirtlatee.yeati We coal ilemeaded ear films. , 'lid, miner arm mit ,peilwi to gait the,tigit; the iliniiatiegi'aii.a on. pivaacthe hi tail aamkr.-and•theboat tailtdieiiali without ato*.iwtwhe, iiginxitsai'stielietkei seem. ad. to ii.;•!4 fveg .iff•irc4. eic POP"? 7 l I I , Vr .' sine i'atiiictiia with - thalami isaMet. ~, „ ~.., In Ms *fmtaiaf:lii43:thiaie beanie iMitatal a dlffireafearit. Them wee i mathet iMatie for the article of Coil kr - #.kririlik dapotr, our MIA spin became eiheated, amkthiltiahartniu i sad boat builderiMaid mem mare - .reellae.emat Wag tike ati edequatefewmpawm4m feithe - iiioil la Ms reamiaction of bream - Shim that Wee lb. Was h!o'bw*lwooPY . oUltlif:loWmitr.aMfei ei ' - same af iiiiil4 us eitimi;fma *racier* oat tom; - ptun i7, d'O'° d ditoo4 from this Ptifilitliwinto .of waahb: • _Ns the pammwaf ar•riag an emu Malden to ~ nv:74r:42.t.!,..t.,.4., „ : . th is funimod atamm .ith t of h .the otai , : ting tithoir aewell ea et -7.,...1.;:4i71:5. ,_'. sx—a-------Cd'tr-d"tlb4l 2 4- , ortd 7abe "ablihM.eautaitoo.::.:.l:tbigre.7"ki,..,74plulate:exPea"tkii4l7.indf.iu.*".;fikli.6°Wenilligleareal.": -Ill' i i iVi`p, l ;; ( *lo..: ? . wt4e4 1,.. ausa from that dry to ifiepeatlhee , q ..: ..,v.,, ,, , , ... trawl rho* oniFiatt: of th e beam iMinarep , z,41,-1...Z yix.: :' _ lion of.PittebeFgh for the last two imiim, 114W.,!'.t'4.1 . . i i? : - .,., .~, , Buth - ' 1 12 43 Z. 1315: " - 1 , , &Ade safe., ......,7 , :•,:i.,;,. ;;14'..:.7-il.:t.:, ' . - ceportwf:f o , *!-feirrerepitirription. 4 , .. .i.11"V . 'V):4 1 4.. :5-. :: : 11..!.9, , 1i t * C ^!. 7. 4 .•.,*;;..„ - „ z ' -- 41;'''''' 254 . 342 . . 60,00 0 . ''.7. 3 : -":11.4*-%ff,',.io..: ' ' • ~:. 5 .11 ' ,, , Z V . , II . ;, 1 ii,.. „ 17:, -,..,:-.:- Tow. , . 2,460.1 4, - ill, ~,,:: i .....---:Z.: 2 ' l ' l t.A., . .. -, 1 ,I , I%W; . :' : . : :Xill - t . 4:rt;:.:..., , •:. ...:':',..*.:"..:.:.f:•';!!:, EURO .:: ' , "t• i. .' 1 .1 • -•;:4 1: .ti ..%' - I ... il 1...i.f . 1Z ; •. N • ; :"":%. : 4 ; 4. : a ii . :i -. 1 41,A71:411647.1'' : ... : E! , : i . 0 f._.,:: : r,•, -,: ' ll ive. Ile-Wr.**:k . ;- ~. :fs,-.T 4 74. $1••• • •' '"0 •• 1 5:.....4: 1 ,.;• 4 ' ) 1 41W: 4. ` . 3 .1•44 , 1 1 . 4 • :' ' • ••': Y; ; I:..1)1:$?. 4 . . 14,..•,:`,%-rkk...4.: 1. ••• ...'.. .M.. ! '',. • 5e ,, , , 1 . • • '.` ';'•• '` - " t_.N•4 4 lk::::.::. •:•', l 7..rif,5 4 12:44r.::. • .• 4 . '4 l Fii , ltAr . ,..*- , „ •:>.'4.14 4 P,.4i.,1*. ;.:-.44 .;...:•;.; .It. I .z..s n. , :•:,;.0kt,, •Pv.••••-: , 1,i*:••:0:: , :•;,„Fi,s-N14: 1 :.: ~ t:;sl,, , •,:';;tY : lit ':, ril-V5:47.5 : 4.4,g. • -itmo.V. , :• • e'‘f-,Ms*' .6 ,P' .. 0 . - '• -- .1 n :Nll,-* ... mit - t - 41 * ~,-.- i ‘.- , ,":! -:. 4 ";:,....; ' • h -t 0 i : :;•> 4 ; * -*V t:P : ' . ' 7 4 r....1., ., .! : -'• ‘4. ': • 4 !' l l' : t'7..i:t2rj ty *"."kt.'„, • >;:• 4: ••• • 3 • eriu issativeioimeta.. " , j ~..•by • py. - _ • - • dadaiii matraii&fNe,ol---A lim b o th. 444 al. ‘ •,,,,,U t a PISA I CI, Pot• ' brat • - 1g416111 • -1 , ”r" 3 • llD t t • Vetpt.. •1?) , 7 / 7 'r.vi - • • • - 1,1 1,• „ 1- " r „,„vtk - 77tsli:s•t. fllt • '• t Fr•V: ' ' • , r 4 r : „zasita. .. -- • • • 1 r+ ':!--: • _l r 1 : .;‘ :- • , . . , ' A. KiL/1111115 BROULS & Co. raoxis . E?isir.iNs;di.D;4reL(Uf Tv. Avert. V.s;alia - • - . • ; Far LaraiOcuio;eittud Isseloseeq. Dew= 11,2.7 Wier Efer,,lmmr.taoaq_abultsy.te..-eee • -Whoe samara, . ..41,1044111 , 6 - For 1414; ' &wig, • Lorkr. —, MrisfirL clsoimPek 187,000. , • 3.004X3 9 . as 4. • '151%708 4; -' 1548,000: Who.* natonint tratheLs, 7. 71&911 ..: m 1845. . 1646 2.1 Con pmi.oi. Fl 1 7:1 5 SI aliarti g or 1845 . as M. nior, 1,964 • 8,514 '1166 . • " Bakis, 464 " pta .474 Bus. la Lei 1.444.843 1.54247116 Do la toik 1.680.2.4 0 3,236.434 AMPS ... . . 4,6e1,195 7,779.911 - • , = 4 7 . . iii 6 1,944,516 6,22.. 43 & mtaastadr.,o oo . ooo B.OOOAOO • - 2,944,545 'Laos.: . • • .. • zrPc4e 4 • • • .•le4 1648 In Mb, 2,460,34 0 - 1 , 4 r0s • The escrow et tba prat_ rsar's apart sad eeasaiptiat, as harems or ya horn .51aliSia oartais tam autistic., hat we sn wad bylbes, arta haw haa alry .opaottwalty of haswia . Obi facts, stud shoat tweet - 7 7 6a Cut fat the Wowpaha d last 7este4ll4lloll I. - ems cts sant 5,000,400 batdaslsilptill t thus this year,a.ild La fair amiss St aSittpl . SIS; • 000,000 bashat, ea the wads of tbs.- paa—lbe - paw gaud:* btesti, it" AA ea. Tbs otitis await' taxa 4. is See pa boatel arr wbouistus amid mks the tads ha the last half yea worth 6725,000, 14 50 : 000 Pr • maize. • Ia 05i wads thaw vs shoat SSP MOT staptcsysd, salad ai *lOO tab-01W tellipit OA. Lap anon er .1 Coal, roc taccadOlt Dd. article, vs adapsd to New Clliasir and 41/V pease; Eras the ABegb.ay rise. • r'..7:•• We to earelal bead ts WSW:l3Oa' sat salad= b it,L-isartimlartS dam' muscat* essnrly n toadsat W the perils trade Pittstarele ' -• ..! Tics Boob Wisc.—WS ucdowttal ihot tits Oh* hare corwrici do porticos of Cuomo T. Woziwo Lig. thotimith«l cloil Loewe,. to otpkos sad locate. Roil Mood Nom thio thy 17 th. way of Wow, thrwO CI too, iluswiLlow, W cogw; ta - ittsibit-iliat. sates oicet lb. wane a I b 4 wok. Thlt looks MA twins ha tareas, and 11M(. : kw dal the ettltandi of dui extoti a.* crops als with oar woitart Dirt& cod take gisaures 6 Firm a Violin Rail Bowl ototor cow. Met is ooze we thi coy toi4eyo coo borrow poet ltadrak•www..—The &drTrdacri toWbil wswl is Now Tod lily bo diacc4,w4ocrogrEW nowt, b 1 dwainlogb, p 7 "an* two the gewand that a towl,ima Wert/ bya., ;:at wtm ~a4 foe . . at, PO, nO/ 1 ' 4 3' 1 4 0 . 4 . 46 ingeta0.4 16 WW • , id= IgswwWlsoViiiic:Aiiigia* Tagus, or how Tod gad w7iwFilNiitid Okla* aadaicsaba?o§ 6o. isediglW. tiallOtfiad boaablieliost:tis akillrFar 0 11 4 4110 . 041 ,i 0 4'" 3 e 1 0•F eAse llilia A 'Opium:suss ea minr —We **ffit ~a.: - - r . Illeatnienk - tithe &flora !if ilitsbareik'Gritette:' • • • ' " • • - towns I 0111flalthh,basebeen opo a itsthis *IL". 4hint est of in:attributor% whietibook..with othelea to _Many Of fleesms of reemllon their mime in We pentode tmdertsking, Dot only pee • lirefrAta ll e may not be willing. to malca-forilter eonnibation bat Wore wholtain tine bed the' oppostunty be; foss, willoa 4g111,i,e sato this fad that *Apia oaf be promo* to Melt Poems. Who toy &dine astwaiteng . now, en *welders. ftweterill not be . eel stain tot *lntel ► dna eta. irate' ei for thniesteit and pitent_ii all :penults that ova lilted, For one,fettitokt. liki.eo know what we tiont,witllhe oboriej'Atieineteei Ili (amn! Ctit*os. .~tta4aatS, 1847 v 'pot topt . .#Sitsittelly.qutit4ll.l otooltatod to itso,000; "Wet must mai Intern! . 4ti;ete4; end 'City . 451/Ocii : aike it,* It ties yielded so inter-' okirtiniogakkijpittl , tbentisieiptcettee;leil to dity th . onsend dollen teeth's ethole. - Te# olond euheetiptioo and-iiieetning . interest es• invested .01.14,1011aP).: . _ . . We mc!prie Pim .Smete 4! 'nor in'tv4 to the thbmciti, itot u then Ste many - wilt?, noi'mabicitoi thin", and aithrcriptimiawiri bed to dottsi rich; mod tap 'yeari,4q. 4dmimmem.. the atim'it embiditOiti to. rieeitedbee.. sad in this emotion of ths;Brare:"The Ipiimmiliment Modal= Co'idlOimiiJi, appeii to the AssemieM4 Femp4P,so alien act unktmtly ctuiigid . with [Mini netetra4 , !it" at lint that th!Tit.noW'b9w. to thi . 'ohm* lams Frederick M.f "Firps Ormitoutimil: the Ireitesiicia4 _ . Ter bow tuula idiot' pstoriio dtis Assi . iii., ilea:low axis* irir give di swig' s of Iti offlopis: . t lamts K. Polk, iivaido INesiiiia4 .. Wfilizis BriaLElll. First 'Flee Predident; ' .:. - Mjyor of washingum. sic. yip ertsiagne. , . 0•11.- A Headsman. Ttiln.l MI Pliakhmt, i : . 111 a 13mith;Tiv*tei; :' '`' ', -,. ... GeiingiiWatterseiiii, Fieue64. ,804,d,0 f / 16 : 1 7 0 * -- Nti , oqu.w. *Apt. NVoi - ..4.061: A. Awn, Cal..J.Kunairy,43en. Was/ !ma. TlNicus Carboy; Pun Force, W A;Bridles, Esq.; l':ECrepAisll;E4443colisT.tri.. Iff•CEMOliCaufe Mug*. Faq . ' - ', ' "* . .V I,:aihkgiFis'4idaqiiirMoisCsaiat 'Siteieli.' .• , . ' fotlowisfy, Ex 7 fusistent 1411660i+ _ . . - . • Set . sampan lbw Ipssisleney of the Nalkowl ptonc• •. ' blamsruns, /sly SS 1835. : D e w , S i r :7'. 1 issislicefied you: IsniSSU ass With. lotorining ani.iftbstliisse been aumaimissa ly elected President Of. the W salalagtoif Notional Monandit fluielY; in the plans Otitis lots bsawab al Nubian, - Chief Jamie Maratull." soa.vary sensible Of the otopfeiral bilbe Ukases in - ablei'llos. 13Uielibee placed me: And feello, it blue - . toy libsinions ynaleseeint. ' dien banal; ha the .object ot the itaisialloo, eaaoot tibial, se an, stablasaief 4COPII. once of tbs. sinpolowsenk thougb swits•tliat my ialititi.l% it 'ainisof be ak64 . lll6. l licin-: °sari, mar lid, ander ciamisostinems; if could ripplylbis lose sable/sibs Boebtyboo'enetsiowl. A. monument, 'vita AC mementj imorol,Wirsd by tbeampann , yeaposed, will cos. memosanyst the rue lass; I virtu, systrintine; end a, konandi,isnly" nifisiiml; nub whici-lbm frbindant isbestyi j ussy where, will sympathize,!id of w hi c h may 11.41 b itr L JAMBS MAD Wustaat thesscac Est - Ist lies Preeiewit ffnattingloi)faticior ' mat TM! . O l "t rtbeCleceilleath ibpi 454 emu, ineounmu -rxrrgii MuNil.l . , Anain I.lsaido;dodt 13,447: 13i Akita laseiaibes . 4i the depanbient ilia dr . /44 lamb mutat; alaint nioneor past ti deka*, of Lientenant lionti I. Parke,. my 'aid and . ;flag lfr Pater kis biro ebb obi On all lictlat•upsditiotr: mei isosialy;lnnzabolin - die *oak on irerpasi, aid; though ibilliaraild tbdifbelit inaiduL air aecooapanying SENO in - Mir aUsck Tobuca'yOn thin boa . arkatiOn. Is nail WI eobtionint An.diallonSidatkienninabil hie oaln. • TM* ateuthprudad troi . f" - Viz bbiladombablo iourogr f.41.1d OSlSSClldiatifft as =rlath* lanaskia, and for bill masa iOnd ebsraegap, Asia bautanant otthe Bomar,Jrarapedfiam the Amick of dud wad% and joinil to be , sibodOont I =l4ll itasaidlen lo t r Olivia alba CU:in& Tbl6aeio irterys6laioiesraedantoem ds , jam mon than dei. random - VW WO. poa4ed with ill dal 1n3066.- siittdsid Dell ',Kidd me upon the Mud of Salandbiaoition 'blob !ba • hospital of the ntoOtodykas_bani I hone tine baba us -Kant' Snot yeas Ho. "Jou3G , ey of the Nan. - • . . . l}taataa T~*t~. 4iTltri an min . 1 . 3 ." mats of Oliend ihyliteg Who principle. going the rounds istthis litisti; which iti. bat fds to pub . Th. Allaury Fivaisilap Jouroal ono . Thar who' base the boat opportunity of isans• Mi U. Tayies'o seadatonia; sty that bi w op weed Co die Am:is:Won of That, and Is oppoied to tb. Atusozotin.ot idexisict. W. ary nand by goodensin who woe moth VA' at.;Tyylat, (mos of whom to not • Wh(g.) dating the disco*. don albs . Wilmot °visa, that h. openly, frank' ly sod petty. atoned himself opposed to (o)ti: reasion °titbit. Territory... Au d oado a* Wit" Geo. Ter cas•-•-llte Noairaern Hanes One the following extant of n letter written by a Lo • cefoco now in the manly: • .You eta re,vand to boat whither Unita! Taylor le • Wing a • Laceoaat became both ponies claim him HE IBAWNSCJ heard him ay' so, tooth wy othetaiat. Loan (ear Of the way. I armor yea wont& like to know whet I em, I ere • Loa to the boost beliif old Zest nun,.l beef llo•line leta bard' Fab. no miner abo tom arekose blot, for I think be to mon fitter tbe. White Maine thao the aa who no. .Geo. • Wool eas• Mfg —4l ere all the of• fit a. or th a *.tropt fret all.tMA f"' ' coicwmi WIC P. HEPLER Ti. Gown. at Daarci—The gollowize la moos dr saatty Netoproonotary lettan to fB~ =km Painting to he .:UAW In the tity for et Ho too w, Jonnit4ol474. deiallnaw,ltionke Cone...bodeib4ig• Reatirench odebnad ragout ,1133 COUNT OF DEATH," todalibitMabloit page fiiir Hatiihitton. Ha hof bria-bm. asp thnenieW, and lb. Painting ham bad atorprisp. elation. I wawa that I lowa not oat) • eantly Flawed with • this mderodaf viachnetk* Morton wins, bet alio ninth ansand land* ad and krartonctad with We Sciaseibe Lawton if Cahoi, I moot doubt east all parnetant tans will tested to hay' an iweacaly of mein No andoent s IMO I and I= eon it will give yOcs pimaars to do snythlog kt Tow poem to led , wow O. *lid which the Denier heN howler. itmFecthall loan. MILLARD riC6ioat , Dan rs ee Games litarr,—Ta desk"( dill eccatoie man as coati at lat. Garai*OK it Beeman as the Whatnot, al tai edeaital . Op ii setriy •11 pars. N.soiy hall et Chia thee *it meta teeriog ;Fait el the reateemy htto . eitistia, sad to la ad of 66 Ea had an ecati" Vaal tad natal a ha aaeolaan His Whence to of la common had, and netted le It ea, amebetal iet psouliogi tridt: Vial tavareat if i tbsillialiftbrailk lb!kiashoorg smile hi .. _ , .ipiedfCavill44lo.o4 Viiooii: ilarkinkl*Abis itseglosi W. 3111,411 . 11110 - Ibi! itelbilOaitlibini 41;4[4 iiillaiiiia whiAtellibut voil kamart.o, 4 446* *Oa: Intbeart inch atallaterallia 50E, , .01114qfp a ha modem, ice iiimaaat 011111C1thel , las ersettiti wee ' assaa*, '1,411. -ii**•.*• 14406 7 lid I .1"..#1,111121/1*,,,a11althhies alaateoe Ile ilia& hiati ' lpattia ,t ,' -',, . , L , 1• Aladiattsaiii**tereatiog to the cacao &al* .11(400salgri maw Ow • el .. s.frraillisiMiti allilis. .linei.or arairira o' . . . .. —__,... ::-. y -:-.:. - - ••::-...':,:,: ,-Jr .. .4:i f.. ..'-.-,..:- -•:,. : .--. . . :. •--.• 1 ,-.- 1' .-•.' ' •- ."- tzi*i **Wi. Estria,:.Nemitwrie. • ..DereTlie' ..Coinasis. I.' - ~-.- - : . - - . - sham* • totihe'sedrictitat of :tbr.••Aler - • 1 Dept, -i- 61 . tc!.B4lt'ltscajastwpounticksoaa by i: - es the aczeret surplus wines of -800 • ~,,.. 'of dttriatiabeipplikyllintt, thei law ..c11•, ,al. i at L; .. Kinglins • .Britain arid for.. - •thef... -- :witseidnii• nriativir la OM V,: ' - marling A . 3. 1 3 47 . -8 •1 008 40 =told e X 414 ikiLitelfej • d , . not apty Mlle. city cf Piitt.' to• ito ~ AtiiilC4lle . tutttytar, 211#111110 to .V 2, • !,;..z , 4 ay . O . X.,., i ft , it , , ._ ~ ,191, -, Idins wen a •tics th . (Ili: •• .I‘nse 4 .',„ rc - WL-7" . a l•c- Ss .‘ c '- • ."; E 890,297, will boa + . eta • . 1 72 0 0.. 010,...tht5 1 111 11 . •a • aWication. wry, adds . ' ICI , to the .purCh st • aura with - dri slit law vets made N. ill; snowy notes. The farther nom of £3larifis. - '. •41, 0 ,,,4,0‘4„..,;,,te.muff-ii i rittpaitsult ' •- - '". " '' ''• • "'a° 56 r 0 " 61," " 1°°81 4 1 , -"ea v - nil. ii c ciinim, or other' rata , . tiO .abcatierizzast. to the wieneabjecr. • .... --: .. . •- - Use . or Coar..-MA EiniMO ' • - bieseine Ithronrb : 04 . 4 ' 4 " ' 8 ° lB °# °ii • Alt . t B .B ol *. i B ,lls°. 1 Kinn , Valley,M . tde dd. - 4 7..011._. 0 .#1,41 00 t. r4. 1 ?!'..:0 ° . 3 81861-6Q5. 8 : 18 . , # ,0838 0•0 , 1 - rl - . •lii - sIAW3 rep w he. inner -Fin jeet to indletawnts.for aellimr.h/arits y rdauject t with 0r'W#. 11 .4 18 •1 8 0 4484 te , " 88t • 6 ' to 46 - 01 - iii a and imPftiais &aided - bi setik U. 1 inimkt-iadiet.bribig is lati on Sr iali!w3r' I. - • • ,- coni. ste! Nu - ,:tho - 4 1 1.0 ! - 4i. w. send i!;.! ( !r4 , s o ma4a._ o od Proth l l4,-,, 9 •88 01 1,r8 5 $80 8°68 IVO. 41341;-Wit;atiollfWtoto - • .I‘7ct4 46 :iinifello.o 04 filidizii.iiop iiiisi.... if,flic- , 44. la. - whieei. Bo " - sir-zottittic .-01 mud. i,.irc.i.tii:. bi.y., in pineal - Melia -within - low; A. flaitir;'... , Thie tonepicatenechswater. 11,...,_: , . -...- :... ;._ .. :..,•......,, Santora Agana iSnareonnefer year.' in - the ••1r''.....A8 Co'l l B'. 0c., - .A writ ot babsag: .5. 1 1. 06 bag Itii . thelsi:'ixie; ; iiie.kiiiiiiti4„Niii.the;'. Pibij in .508' 0 8 11 C 8 61 84[• 01181 ! Person's, coilitithisA to • ennui to Noes of ownesa - the wit for Elba. 44•7ri the cheers of homicide, at the late • fint in • sw°' en' the. 1 .°18.6 '. ° ''.- - • -.: ' '''.. 41*,5i1i - -•sesid, i.er. iiiai. - Lnnie; u4: - y, ' - ,Liestalanterft•spresepted with* Airey !slier ipiir e , de b . .i ~ "OnTtirefirse.secritury' iiiimbieof the oitizena `r, •. k7ir . . ~-Ctl Pouts. duce as es, Or:-Tiegitaii:Itr.`I.,...oriehich ' (MY. he is.ratiellis. . 54" tim i d to 01 c MaYol. and to Aldermen Steel., Two cruetzireltbent• S'inahis ••• 7,With 6._ 61 ,. he roes °l* dodge their piper F•Cti 4 Ci.cZ a kw,,circuine -desimW fornielled..with dais. andtithe e*. tits totlestiSll o ou will Pf0t. 1 : 1 .1 . . be ocideldfiritinded loilitZ - nriel4 - itha - eating in itel l wby, ,•- . . • - ---..•- . -• t r. ,:liusariptionierianibre name orbs St% end dated ' ,i.•- '' • '• ~ . • . , • '• • • 1 ialbi thweit ,. /. ,, bo i n , ta k eil , hoit , . u T o" rat/117LT are Burn : -r tee persona • 00 ittrithi :Mom takinj,:Earaiwrii, .: . ~_. - . ' :. .Itirraday but, were bonn.l•oser to answer • at. he, ....o,y s ii„.. - ...ip4"ortijnyl'o. , econ re e L Zyi at 41... nett Uoint'of.l4mater Stenicaw, te the - Chugs of barzi by' co iel.; foxalbeopeninilafia: ' lien to insult and bstresi. by Alderman Steel. • , Et", 081 ' 14 08-ABB3o* be 3,759 . 089 -5,0656-8661) inane on thiiiima div -• from others of Mir t o mewl, by , 2,141040 - bushe l ther •anfire '- -, .- • -informed - ' ... ' . . . eariedirtinf. tina . . ..:..,,. ~. ..,, ,„ ....j t • r • ... ~ 48.0 em, wewe:not ; bat for - the WM.- of L N o t. mi ; ii i i . :*. ... t . n ii bti. iii,ini.idii. ad tits the diameter of our community, we trust Were. adasuo; near. p oli jp .r 4. For 106‘,..ig • ;roc! tint few. " lAraere not willing rieyet toad.; land be paid $17,600: ' • • •.- ,- A -)-• •-••- I ' Mit that Pittsburgh in proportion to bee' popithf. - • . non is as deeply intected with rice es some of.the Eastern cities. bliniZersone :might he adduced: ty. strew why she is net, and ought not to . • bn•-... But mimes, peplum - , the war spiriti•• disposith • 'to alarmed the. laws :of the lend, we increasing .. . . . . . among tea , and it Whoever rigid citizens to uphold the - offlerMila - •their endeaiere ' to correct brencturs We hese no coneuettioewith the RosatiCabot Cm flinty not:':` * !:tiofllittt H ot - 1 .. 4 litto church teaches; men "not. m sistiget: %audit 1 their heighbots,-not to wren the limy of liaise*' * tit *mare the data itt*,7 and tbe Poet doite ill thin, 'and wore, than this for the pelt!, mime of be. tioini the Gazette and canting the Catholics...- 1 1 8 4 1 PM fh.*° 4 UP6iiliactLlAW ll , 4l 4CliPi -411 [ mingling Orp0 . 41101,110; rAii 0.0, creeds. and hanging religion to a law woridy.hrid, WittlOUt , I even eleisitinctkui:pidiiiiior your Perri. !**, Ont cited hi; 'regaretti e ottk, ts_that. Written in the Ciettstitethon of the cooitryy We . atefee the fruit, tdeirdioti t Theßighi of Petition, the .1 itee!krit et Oiettitt:end,i`piolathitlon'upci don.: igoass monist making .any kw respecting ant es labliehment 4-Nighns cc preventing_ tk pce; et ?oche thereof, Me happUf .b leDa e d its one end 114 ,triiitileeitiele,-ted a re the !init. of thi.iweend r i so. • I hatittought" Kthenetiwhent yes inenadtted the khor of revising and, amending the naginal co• * Sheldon:- We . iseirterty, men'. is Itston4ith; and regard it site inatteitietwimnibii Oaf itll! his i, ..,... ace,—*itttit kit . Of 'initfeti: of GO or con wmat bees she would • lay cote - i,ailietzlibli 4,;01:id ininhei,, -who *nit .)?9 , 2"bia i t ,0 1 *. 41 0 1 ‘ ; _Pr the oPkilottl; of ,-Who wouldthtweeds int, another men'. .. ,* andtztalt? him r ‘ geOteibie foe every ascent igeti 4 accidenifoenditewei Into ttio . to is chtistianity net eourtighigi indect;elal waif tietk:dielette:reit petf, tui,iiiamillticasigiiii a ..ii a 004 k V4lsitcg.-04*3.1.qi hi. 40- ..rso.#44 thei of the Poet le 'asolittiointof Soaking* liirnioti;ofeanixaiiatiitti...io of ieinghimeill . a • Wiiiiiiiimiat4ttiNick AM, hoiriver;mare tpore.fainia; and Sesigtipt of thsC Otuiatian copiieugy..of daiag 'Wm ~ o tbcra u he AstWess Maw A rarri—TliFildi- Msitet,Glesierato,t( AtiodiY'!aiglelculed 4 eotpait by 'Which he eta 1146000 par OW= for a wir *ewer front Chartestors' to , Haesana; to au* the United. fitatai mil *lila i'sitontb. This two itoottectors aria Mr. Mordecai and Mr. Gotham& two iowebards of the Met stataling:itiChatiestoo, ft. C.;:the log asenedat whew is I 1 pe 11:44 , . 1 4 with the Methane! itod 800ttgraer, ides ho Omission taillai.Xesh,-ZThe *swas ,sWuwer ie holy to - ilici at :MT WiCleatioistut Pct. Ats Codas, 17 wawa of wens of water. ' H •': , . The analereadle far she mail ithe Pacific) sad , Othiswia are nearly coospleta - Mr. Minis, sortiretass of gem- eall:4.oVg; I V obtained the .Pecite. wad of the.'hoie,lffem I so Colombia ihaerjfor. 030000. end OA ima Throat , . of this rein goer to Ponsono,otiji to modal wad deed* *a "postari:fted Margo . to Panasia, for which the aim 0f1T,.. 000 p.r annum is *M , dallier* vlillete%), dad lan* diailne,ooll fde *dalablii *braid Heusi wad Chirgrea; which 11114444 than asioagh for that abort &Seam, and . which dill' doe*** band foaled cow: 2., ". .. •.. . . The Now Venn Comma 1. • Lamont poblidere &welch froco Xt. Vilieetan,lato hear to the Court of Serino, to Yr. Oneretery s chema, metros or .cuTri.... of as Lem vsanar then the anion of the. Jilaiikoreontri nia lima Baas, throtieb the inhume of flora, end let of ihe Atlantic ecidl PariEc Ocesin by the way of Panama. Niches., re Teraonoroprc. At the Aril vim tt wopid moo that the inknel d. riationd that of lb. Amore= lettame. sees nbjsdB widely apart and wh.ty dieraneeted; Eot in tbe rand end tompraberriva view taker) by Air. W torero, they an unwed es puts ority of one alttrio eyelets• se bets Wan unbroken chain . of conussennal totersourer, that ite to coorentrate the lYenforerafre-the Annie. of the z Tietleipeteb riberenwin to the pass 1411 Bent 0 0 0 Beak lir Xletember. 1843,5 ad *need by Mr. Beaman In Jimmy LitorMink—. • . .011 , TR. DILIARAZIL-.410 NeW • York Espresserys Capt. !spat). of the ear. King _Philip. whieb weesel staved at (hi: port, this mono- leaf Wee Trkddad de Cobs. 'spans that on'tba 3d iota,' in Ist 37 48. keg. 74 30, bo boarded the ship Chempealnafrows Philadalphia.totr flahlteore. ths Capts.lo of which Informed bim tbat on L tbe afternoon of della& W.I. ho spoke a tookAtinna. not raeollsetad. and was informed by the Casiushi that a tow boat with' eifht•or ten teen to bee, boarded her took from Mt rattail Ms tiuntionsitet, all their Watches. and am Mies salatebta . teat they moW.End. aodahen tled the'etrw; trod telt ow =my.: A -....al maw ekes aimtfy attn sew& sod liberated thteesse, when they prooteoded . . Rbfii Awn Oato !Luisa C lowan Rah wax, Nos, the Avet °rotas CoaryWay, pawed as tha tact boat to 14it Royal, with* lora Wswias istacetstatriaiop salaam wood thalami &c., tirtioh, with those imlOyad awing the wiatw jaw paw, will make %bah face lii tb. coming mum rumba ralu hilp . pchunas *spiwpal la char antwyelw. In oopowl Fhb sonwir, WU MT. JDO:M. Bfillt4Olf MOIWO, tniota ahoy at Ibex coning .044.4 at fm 414 1 0.. 641.11M4 Nat? maLrlal IlMeletty irStige.gcoollosactibt fitinatow a Chit, lawko. far sbe.Ndttotlad . jtthr taw =taw to pan =WIT - op.—Late av, Arms. . . lit*„Baridsy achapi 10 1 4 4 4= hint Wialw - 4 Iso silos/in; to mkt soy mini :Mimi be: br ad in dm colariomd as Wog 'mita why mst, said,.tmemme Christ', bait was =mead with thaw_r This. ItsaaUfal gbdwatt hu bisitwasalewd hi Janos Ilwatgammy, ZWF— . . Wide* Wk . . Almost wi th beg • aping • ..Ps no sweet tam rove) rerr tabd,' myca ta I U” whsle . • ' , :4. my dar,"id. =Ow ciPle s. ; blower so writ • otwpo slicartsl" . 4•11•1007,6•)asoorta r e plied, orboymogrfirtl3a!ioes head Wit' .. Own' • Tea ail 6401 A. W. rotes/sod]. Err= r.w., Pal, haw become kopristm. aralsoltera: MGraling larlbecoatio panned I/ the paper *II be mat: 'A. w. Too. :tat is w .O sal favorably knows ,h 3 We city. • Ha w.. wet' eat= of as. PAtakra.l nmalL, w• Iseilera has hisimsets ripaidlool to editorial Mt slam, Ais Is a gscanadieto .serf iny isadiad Pi! the tollt Ita has oactartakis, and istUl We aid iiittethor, arIII make tut istarastlas modustfal ideas. Wa stiati I.lls satotsw.-- , ttlar wars as Halms' Gassva,--By avow mat at colaanal, Jas. EdWirde made as *an kinkrnektif remad tba Bagels, the coated! al Cho C*oll4 ' =lO aid haw nal4.--, haw urita labeza• arpossas bee got out Wars Jolts OaVlLlllPtiinkrir Cowl, to kaisi itakrailtaf 1101111111110, Intlach we. eidt Anlia•elasonvvrass loft rigtit4E4Vitikwa`daa- is ta. arm* Y. pa.. . . ' ' - or . . _ of the pens Vacrstaltiev.—A woman_ .. applied to Mayor on Tuesday morning, far pernsisriori to he eorn - Mittedu • vagrant. We nee informed ,by his honor, that. this not the find ipplicatinn of the kind abet hu been ieeently 'made, and lie only remuk.ftinlt' if the city. authorities. in the . plenitude of nub...wisdom and pewee. shonld alviseble . to,con,p4m boo of refuge, mime. . MOre World:m*oe, , iheia ;would be. kore: appricaliorts of dd. :kitia;asslibe 'comity burdened trith'•less expense. :sevirai d.( . lMilgi IMO entered cei'litaniay nigh t In!, in MeKaaapott, and , pillaged .valtisMes al; email marmot. .Dapridations of *hit kind Me becoming mots frequent of;litie thanibery. have tie ~ 1 4•1 4 IdilsteelUtel :recently been visited in this way ' A ate sts,—A Fran engaged to selling type on * the Monongstrehi wharf, oit Tuciday lasiXeMaima inrolred in a simnel with .me of his elmtmnena Which malted•in • three or, font pensma ima a m) i the rivcr to the eminent mil oldie)* time. ;t1;0 orßrete of the law made mote sorestm.—Tbe steamer Trentm, w antAirriaiadjea. el to -day, for cinautild. ledea with array sup - plies, and volunteers. Tara Waist Woaw—Tbe 00i111Dit1•11. erl the. Water wadi; mei lest evening, to sword their decision to the most ressormble bidder,: for Mama., ling about 6000 yard. of material foe the Wirral Chambers sod foundation for the inginti Wm*, as `We:l as for laying 2,000 percher of stone secrk...—• The contract has been given to R. Swan,: & Clo., at a very low rate. They are good men. sag will eatrneenCe the work immediately. We May . 11.44 taltave over works completed in alaird Mats. !eft monthr.-4/4.lenian. • W.I. 111 Telt Efar.—The w aintiet is Nab . . Exti/tydd a n d tau t is active at ;entices. .pneos FromPhdadelplaid w , kern tad ttabk, •tlana : U/XlOO !to 3 4 and 101 l blood Waabiortan do M at elm P dub; 131100 Itor.l-4 lad roll bloo d : 37; 10,000 Mal !M ood it 31 eta both „abort time; 18,000 la Otilne Smonn at 43. sad 10818 la 8.1 blood 371 mods, both !alibi-13,0W lb. 3-4 1.0 ptimo at 314374; 600016 s grind loll blimd 42 ete. - esab.;- 717731 tin vied Cab at .81-iV de 11,000 'Mit.anitod lat. einem** to fall /Mood nt ctn. 90 V49 . '4(01 lb 1 2 'bided al 311 W 4' ass; SOW Ilia 3-4 afad gall . blood at VI et*, oa time) and 35,000 181 is lotp,st ,i**t.d/7 - New York • , quottledd rer goal SUOII fleet*, • a.. 001 babod-Idenia a af a • saline 4. - popedine pl'd, pl'd No. 1, •. 4 , -dilperide pl'd city, .1 '• lb '26 • .VI lb 33 a .34 lb 33 a '3O lb 20. a lb 3) s lb n lb 10 , 1 13 • lb 15 • a a . ' lb 6 s it' lb 10 •- 13 : lb 9 a 12 S. Americas wubed '• Imbed & prd " ramstwed, Afriesn;' Sania, Beestaui, To ht.. —The egirrjrate • mooed welted IDS WO epos Wm New Vwk Casale Irma Oiss eolonossli mess oi usviption so the 71• t ot July, act Weis. ('M 42;0 le 51,793,639 Ed Dusieg •mot psned In '46lloldays) 1,92890 lunitstee ever 45 per cast. Ji561451 D 3 Tie 11111110• al Ih•P1111.411141111115e• of lb@ Co. liontialtoltroad, op to 1M 144Atitiet; ii sub o, putteo ran W.V. at sussed e • ..-1111ilwicipbu.s 4 L W." .Taial• • Aiismal•r.b4 97,117901111117111 MINOS milia ad *1 Jodi 2t. 11117.. 00100 bllllll 1+1,121111 • Mlb met Wee 30 41 1130;0 N 74 t 03,143 maw dm Lull 5 tar - 1144,7 01 NAN 103,134 71 VA, 3 1 3110 10,113: 5 4104831 Mr. Parra, of Inns* was pat Inaba boas of 01.000, by JurfleilCsersotonsr. w ►erp Sir pawn alas Mr. CrenrplWlL Thalami santleinsaripplied for a wril'of kobernierepos, on welch bowl's ts: ken berms /wigs Towersend, eel required In gins • shoals/ bona. rile4B two gentlemen acts an. dansood to boss corns to this dry on Knoell, nista, with a view of a bowilo meeting, and .we noticed lbw furl of stunt smat In out Moodrro per. -They art both members of the IWool. COO. nnstloo, sod lb. /fatuity gum out of wards AN. ►en in'debste, oo the Sasso question. .If thh MU: sksll land that Commotion to adopt salutary provisions spinal duellla►, the ellannsisooes will be productive of Some good.--St. Louis Urernt. Tholorarmoi, vro euipare, bu 1.14 mate. fo 11.1LINI lb. editor of thi filueUe respoesibla for an advertisement etevei - rand 4 him, sod die con' emit. of vibk.b ma& onknown to him until awo dery after it was in plot . : 'lt it mit;tievrivehthi cootom of the fren, oaf very , enormous leieo, .hot time, we shell; perfume, bus [DOI ei e rtenZi• irpeca an for ouvealrei, our blend., and oar toe. . . klieg Pox, the 4:4 low girl was (mod at Wt. waakie with NW !ha was chimed 'wills bur atr Awake. Tbs,4o4 wait to punnit Oa took his lititettot liolialkt Now York, - anding book Bus eimpaefiiiith the Bkorlf. . . PITTSBURG!! WBEIL 1 GAZETTE. August I 1-:•CRIXTUT s ill PART, Waahligtoo Ilfcronarant-Tho m.l.ludo of PI tatnugh-Liaat. Paticar-.The mars Gorr Pd!ss• t in Mt Pao of the MootrazosaareSn• Catica . r:d Waters Onagrairdo-Elkakb of tbo hfo of Logi Woodbury-African COicalvahora-An7 other Wet from Gen. Taylor-Gotta from &DC. .ilk-Youghiogheny Navigation Coonaury -hew --Thor Wastarn Rail Road and Rail Bard Iforr. terna T :fourth of Jul? at Mookrep-ftaligion. fa tedligance.-Licat. Parksr- , k Presielreolloi Cobh taillOmiribtia.:rtonridont-Panos, Caseal-e. Scientific and . P. Mee raohonlavairoli .-Iklfred:NaltrAdroar from Neagsa Pato-. NatiocUl liliallbseam of • Ltharty-Itatiara Corerrivadaal on of LLC Staid Tonna. vi-Preapreta - Aballid- 1 4 4 from Om, Ban. ai ry Saiingbdktno-Wool and Vs Tariff fatal ToraPrio wain; foreqpi and Domeitio. camnanA• carol - 614. complied Navin, ,1 tea Maritteu lay Oapaat Irog-Tbe prim la rho local city awitida•-ThalNWalhlartal.Mlopriass of Azwinerva.c,..tradirtiarfroaa prod . tloo-Uslog 174 thigagAutal Imaelapo!id pritilimAdi /Wait 14 liertsaa,Cagionabtessia Yee. .• og .4villatufgalk4 larks i • 1 1 00 4 4 4#0 1 0 1 0 1 4tr z .• 1111;01:4•101107. • • • -- 1 s 1411141111111, nitertfliVionown rag* , . .. . ... • - ,Wanes finc Uhaaosg. Pastaeoscr—attola Porarorr—Wo In, •IcaTo or. Coll politil Wee .ro Aka GAsorrlig.forai Dr. We. Darn, of Withonarnilo . Chmaroot Coc, sad osa a( Ow 'smarm prooticirsoart fa the 0.4 romlkirl b arida., and Imo I!4aaan lo cio' Dow Lie.l.4talle. hto cheerio* Mu to oet thri test i los sea of 41 {nohow; bonito* .. boadaaf IP.D 4 - .coaalfcmhaliao, sad gloia* me ra ti...:. "flit: I t o rolDlDDlatbortialloglosaefcroce ti Loom •Istioil Dm Moron iioastil 'ln koc ,alforolo llllDaao•l!4•lioDeitiro,..' I i.4.1!i: a iidequideak44l4.4beitaiisme as Y. .eN .i poet If a . ..laws is i 1.11.1181111.61 Nu . irfor.Dea,a* 4 las hohmairor. In 011411 411140rrl a.' bud • Darportdall*.'• — ••'4l4l ' • 111- thilit ' lri: • OritoalhiloXaitiarihDrioir.oarlicol4l. Ar ro .------- o 1. ar., . lob; a IL: MUTE rtallilhl..44 WOK' 13 — .---. 4111110 PP,, .or v blowy. ~ , " ' ' ri:r.r . •4 l ;v:C • • ~.... r 0 i •"'''''- • ....... .. , •1 I . 91 R /1) , PA 4 , p-s nM2= ~~,. BY MABNETIC TBWIBM.I ore** OWI Of - • tROM 1 11 '2l *4l'l - 4*. aniaileNet,;-41eit'atfr , . #122.0..V11028=q0.,4409F-16141g-`:: - to Adam**, 8an .44! 1 1 , I nt r i.F Byteartiiii:it Nevi Drbsoikof tbelitosiaq. been 11 " 1 7`1 14i t' tTiligiii44l4nation DeMil oewa in rebrame to We mavoatitotio of Genersl Suit: Dui. foliar-sod oon6ovolWlßNlalktSPribitak Do the I.7kbb ei ? iusb to OiRICto 10;100 men *NW sivive; be Inkodod fd *rat . . ..• A mA tue , , e eri i. e! the 131 h ef, l ol•Pteetelaa. at Menterey, tfeett had digested the Mexican 'A any in bail' oearlibe Capitol, and was ',ippon , ' to have taken thealtY of Mexico. A few dare later seceunti are Waked for from lifitamiras by. the , : filtemeev Taahlon,-Ithich is hourly * expected to arrive., All doubt WWII then 'plobably be solved, hi reference to the; Mexican, news, and , the movements of Oen Noah • c°!'"P".."" 11 ":,Pftig.fit' PHILAIiELPHIA 'mAßgwr. , • • Puttanaleiti4, Aug.q 13.8 Flour--Saba 500 bbls,Westarn rit1151314800 Wheat-31041mAs .airs of Southern "clad at Corn—Limited salea of NUS Yellow , at ;76e : ' Oate--3alauto day at Haute pain. • Cornmeal—Rates me made at 13,28 per bbL Hie Eloar—Llmlied sales at $3,27i per ba. ,Oottco—fiiiive the artist edam Summer, 400 bales of Upland hare been'Sold at 12c per lb. Aosisions-LTfia market id IllitbOit otimago. to Groceries—The linnet is quiet,usll3o !haw in ihe . IIa.I.7IMORE 11131HERT:, - ' itWisai;eoderesisridesed oP the PiownWah - twieire Baltimore, Au1.1113,4:14 Flour.--)doderate sales of Howard street • at 000 per 04 Hills is held Arm at $425 per thr.beal—Limited sales of l'rinte while at 128 abl.c ,per - ~btales'of 2000 bu Friars Red at Cont—Serw fne. Pe , tro. - Oate—Moderite sales at 48•49 e. per bu. Whiake7-13ales are quoted at per tall. ProsisiatuNt owlet is' dull, and without charge in peke& • Rye—Saba at 69c per bet. • urowl..—tainkAinactini and pekes Wiibout Cotton—Nothina doing iti the market. thodui—Tbsaarket is wit4oot change. Ereiiiire-Corcerreridenre Mame% alve_h! • *PM, .YORK. of Glaismll67soooPtirbb SalM'tif '06575 pot*. .Thidigiiiad to Midi* faliMioirj- - ''' • IPitlisf.:4laltellastes White not Mali prima 4:lPil:St per 6u. - Belie of Prima Rid it iss - a per , bu.. Saks of Prima Whim at 130a1aSe pHha Coln-Balae of White ad, atrictij.mla `ti - ar 68a711e per be.. 'Lizard tale. of Prlata- - yellow at 71572 e per lotr; -- Rceripta In the mazhat litbt Wheat—The aitiele la is damarmi, sod Marts am tam burnt then mat- gaaatitia ma. airiTh4 NOmtia liale—tattalatr Ltaardaa at 417 a Pat btt- ••,• • PotMaiona—Nomisal and without dung/ GracerieNo•-thapp in priteo'fram 0-Wet—The mallet k qati, aid pirim as last tooted toolistati .fitta. ~Prelahts—,Coriitooes without • , Staeka—Mom activity ia . the mattst Id* 19 thi Wesiern igguttle Telegrophi. INDILANA. graiktacte - ar' ctilrormo: - ,..l:listriet, lat, Roliert.Dali offsm. 1.. J. irmari; r. Robinom, L. F. Caliph Smith, Whig. Wick. L. F. Otb; D.broo, ' Them ate font bear from. Toc'Ecirccros Nave ' Win 6, very•aseste, riOes ridditimrud ofi isliags Acta from Kentucky or Iridium. Precluts maws brr Unifirmed. c•in diforst of Rob: art Unte'thren. Th.idefeit °lamb a mart ia a aural triumph, and Wro convatulate.tba Maras of Cluiriimity am! Irma morals on U. Owes has fallen to rim 'Aomori in hli ova Distria. The absence of Owen from Coaster Willie Keefe bee to b. poly to dist Ittely. He was eae of tl. Walla' Wax-etre d all lb. LocoGet° lowonares. He • is talented sad Ingatios, sad Ids , p Wands depended mach oo hies io baled them island the assaults of the Whigs. Owen wss electol to Congress to 1645 tot mei .sili of owns tbso • thousand. sod d in now defeated by a nisi/thy of &boot els hundred. Tb. lootoal pate dont the cnspcity of Due .tau. In llt • Loth the Whigs bins elided their Re. ander sad llle Luo rotes quiz Clot of it,* SOW, COWL • . _ .. -.._ ■OQTf CAW/LINA.. North Carolina made • fair besioniag.- atip from the dace of rho .ohlNanh Mau," EU. "Seth Clty, aim the . fothnorlog reaulta. Stoma District—Gesa. Dania!, Eons row, boa been re-elects,' in this disnlet. Ninth Dish-W.—The einania from thin coma in gilorriogly lot the Whig caw.' The Niue aro not ail in, bat enough in known to wan Oothiar's msjonly thanks at least 14111. Inn Bigg.. Loco row. woo wio. difteo. l tO hut Corium by a culprit, of 147 vota. • • U. EDIURISS Lasts's,. tiottul at Genoa le to M tostotett to maks roam foi 'polltitchum of the 10th Legioo. V.,-ooe Uri. hllePbenette. Ur . A elpa/Pro. -WHICH ISAMAiI UM IN. 1.1 Iry v TOE awl Alb& absnlid I lb. Mao , . Rad.any's Cbtaabadafisaa &sp. TM 030 ezealleel coma. lila baluble sow Lit mania/ boo ilbb NP la% netball. VMS.% W.W.I PaHalAdt .*.i arcaally list 114 .1..... 51.1 44 . 1 i Tat:mar Pnaly.llast, la iadadod eittbakboia all Pars of Oa thin to adavAlEa aodabblatra of Ws • alaalla Aso bGaFF ate art tacit anemia. No wader irm mall" I ap• praraare IN eesWaa»a taby b., Ulu roam la& ray's Üblialta illaditaird Soap arm fa/Isla ramatial all eserra.aech stab naJanag Iba ells ma, Melo& and Mr, rata siren .ad aauul. eabi far Nes oar baba, mail tales Ids teat,!) WM Ydasbaa, ta tP. n 1 f. Pawl:wet ! J RU R ADWAY,I Ovirdand O.IIIIIIeTTS JOB PAILIKTIKO 00,111C116..: yeses MIST. ctlaisia Q tdit Ott is Asa.n. 04ra are tpw proatvl to emu. In •Nawin. mut exprelitlme meaner, all lanole of Jo: Psonvui, elo Wx. Puetert,lSteamleat WI efldwinseg,. ; , r.tter View Wester% Handbills Calle, iterM ritrnshe .k to eeT .tenet ovweletlitiloit aid an k Ind va.fi n o i t. raw r) i mo rm Mfg . ...'• :112t . . [0.1.p.“.....• fa Adrocioriptenk. t. ve demenlleto appear to Ai' Ddb • aim snow oho goof/Arlo tN Th r Weekly, dm. bob eft o( We eursolation of ta..wiLf•tie!Utt. elate. The too. adwaleo 10 Irl.ordere. 5O extroeAporoset. Advordreaden and alga fini !ir tall to 11.....u71140er opal raistaublo ' •• • • "- . „ • DT We Mena the UWlO%O4lOl' out Rearm 4o ths.. traord 'airy rune er d•rrotula perfumed by NOW. Jodie. Irreeselsionneeteorheeh they will led reeled rd In soother *own. ot.lo.dore pent. They an without doubt the moat tfoudorful on *told, and bare 1 ea been prooooseed by hinny of emu' most re opedneblo rhymed.... The ettlietrd a . ..other* Interuted, ere ro. quoird so visit thee, et we i r several places of abode s end bens Insesibeir own. lips the trooderhl elect, of O. media. • The 4elsosiiilme4ll M leue Broods,. oftra ono} be ant dadj, betiesoo boatehf a A. N. *ad 4 P. M. elate edleeot Zoomed A Welton. tee= 1 .0 . I E 4 11 1. 100 4 wo;Viorid Yiseign, Wee, ccionn‘nno in 15.17., Wailed of ilunr I. ihriiiinittn 0 Clowns in lune?... I.(4IJOSE S.S. H.jnieNrgalbeiiodriraltgiftt nicoline of tlienir . • •ouvuot!". lintlkn, Win ioir eusa of .11.'12 *'l"""Tr"t:zaal733l,",e' „ •_ • • JOIINIIITON 16PMCWILT01.1 ,- . - Boolkasares corsair:et .14,1 G LSTLEMEN4I FURNISHING' GOODDdit - E TODD; Imatifstiosiiltion,Pto all Mod' mt., op Oat" two doer s Wei: Dotl, zonal' tbs. Ittostkit. or *down or OssOssossolFtssishlot Coots to Sas Walt of oro fushisislio goods.stisoffficsuredd toprestly fr oss own des; intruded lira sods sod the perfect onitbEsitton; iwe e ...id di 1.6 Idled/on OfAlt . ten• men to ow ems a...6w x. 1 .7 1 ,1 snimj.st igajbal: me sass matzo qtolityip: ,ni tt Itsat okalittod wird a sseir dosliptlcsi sett qms sty; is*cito Snit pontiossts; another coo of shpr Patent 11111 , 11.1000 limed Otos 1/3.7 tkflaspes4ers jos °posed with Tarim* Isistsool prism Ws I =odd solasslOts sans of scrotums mitoses Is Ss h t of tsis; otter Da risaltholonpioe, to tall Sid stock, as wt otoillosCoothisioss fit ss poises Are oat Soma's= itteloSolloottolook &Otter, betisossolgitsta __• . . liazband'i . Cilebrated /kid laguntip.. 7.7 1-,:v.....1-thtfala,tira.t . , ldsco poonadies the usediestqadi AWN pis: patetismo eC pl.peedn, a dbwt'b i wt 'kW to Loin sown doss is ch. knsolsor tosetiep In If apm In coatis( the Hoesch = O.e to orsodolottlii fffYTT H lesigidesis hisqult 7 VlM.by AZF,eK , come .14 sod Wood and Wood sod Wised • ' • ' of I ..IXTANTEL-To obtaio eau i Porelaser or Part- . bar with a mall capital of not In dial:lB3M Fiteteiry andikeato Elaine Itaintos if at partner, a Poetical MM.. roan lambi be peafelmel with eap-, Ithl of MI thaa WM. .Tha bullet Is well tomb. Usbed, bawler been .lm operation do iewiot . tratond I MlLltrret " ne i y=tellteisr Anice i ,lgh en n i r i ntl Wood at WANTED nod PLACES sapplied Integrated aeon-. try tom number of ealesmem took -keeper mad okras, school leachers add*atehotriemen. toaehmen. llosnere and farerers,,and a large tormberof bola of all Wanted , -several coots aid' elmabennaidg Places welded fora number of colored cordrand•romen;, boys and girls. All kind; Of drawee adendal to ommetly for moderate charge/. Plenertall WON: RIStl Arcucy,and Imelltesce 011eridah tear Wood lIIRG PUBLIC BUTICE T- . . . o all persons wishing tote e ya . a . Teachers i t . .. NO Dietneu, tam au emu bon wilt be heIJ a Lebanon North in said TowashiY, on' the hut Thu day of ADVISE, at 10 this, k. A. a: (f the purpose • °a mining any that tun)' anply aernanaen.‘ Forso , who wish to be mama are into hint - By arde of the Bored of Bebop! %rector. ItlifliaTovestiy. JOHN It BEL, Preside-in $ D aqui:elm, Beermt7 4 .' -"- ' *U . " ---sws U :omoirbivan.micut• ; API2I; Trami!lodii 4:6k Cju i n 4 , ed•PPOiei , ÜBSCRIDERSta ths absenteneek,reeidier LI e emcee e theca); anetelptessed to payieleetets Ilmemai Aft of the Company, so Lambent of •per eein thelSth inst. liy order of amp:ears:l. II OMEILLY Cootraeote for tee cone elation of eied Mee .• B . c : l ' d e. oithp ..11:30' 0.0 may be 6r. or ruo paid - ITALUABLEBOOFS—BormAIAnkooiy of Mob* •: !choir. - CahrortWs fotellictsuit.EVolea onlooltretiverigi• lootdoszo of Travokulfoosta..exthotttos. 'AVltsosei thigthatorKoolorod µnom For sate by all • ,- mtooNALts klsogos.in..k,t NZ.MtIOI2/..00010544: to Id Goori t Fleming Lgui itrfi a...strand! Ica WO ;An Dietiortari: • . IikEONALI ) &LIE/61 , 0N tiOncit.ModlTrd, 23e i re raV n lor ia tt at the 14vroa Inlet.* by 1.7 ‘• 111 .AJN , ••; carlib Issagl.st• • (11.11 NILTInitW AWSlCDiioPlodnetseaiith •••.I.eoln—tliq hlbectrteet Ipo pves. *Utter rstl.k art»dabylV WILSON,' .AVI fa Fis ' t x 1/ . 7 473r4L 4e t...7 61 ' . b y *mai au , %V4Cg IdeCil.rDL r,e4 RAIIIB7-99 oat b r i American; 'ORD/. .9.80: , 4.1.1111,er11/1., Rarig FL°l , ll-15 bbl* ground to odre; (Ur .)kru as. BUSHFIELD ulo by ' Naljo 194 Lburrl. ll S .atr -1 7;71;d 63 "— i br • • asA7r.,.l irriNti)R4r co. —1 T♦VAWYPk:6-10l kisa.e by • • a all . vo3uoxrduossraco.7 TOBACCO.-IS caddie. Ripirse Wink to'r file 1. all VIJOI BONNHORS IC CO -• 82100 . JRI, II ,O 41‘ : : . f pi 104.1 lit ' -r , , ••' 8 IP YOTOW, APIIIICHISI T *CO ' - 68.01 T-3 ....its 4164 44;', 7 . -- 17: 7- 7. -- . r- , . 3 ..t..• .I.bahes, Li . - ;iib. l',',ibt'i . ' TAS.IIi b. MAT 3.1' brood *I F 11--214a11`. daa aasF` is L aZotir . ask. 47; I xj701.A.511-303 bis is saes far isle kr -- ' Y P . all ~_.! • TAIIISEY k BEST • --- 8 , 10 Das Ctejslami licsil Cassoi4a by. s. S al . T Y. . JNO F PERRY,Cawitly lk. worts sts /... all Pig "d buli4 " lirr i Pttall ' ' ill ii - 11.0 — Uitl:ii;bbl11Fe;or fo maw: far sale by 1 1.1. all • - ' JNO F PERRY . S IWULDMIII-43 1 i" - I 5Tal)117ZIZI VITANTMD—A ypook boy Apply at th is oUb ia; to e ' dutch,. GODD lorgeridditionti reecteloz____ll WAN- WILYL.ON boxes Vv lb wirer.9ls; • • do - lionanto.,l6 , lolnot FrOnl BONnwojign.lt itar.SZ-143 Gm is —"on:kr:jun reel.and I,J sate by:.• .lAfl DICKEY-L 1.10" ! water &WI (mists Off ICACSE-36ba. wit Cheese asdi for otta 1 )ICREY k . . C lIIIIN4II it. —lO6 b.i. it z ~, , t . l ityt e a d c : jo A rgedz s al° •''. - ... ,; tor wend andwater: us FaniiiiiiiaTmi; naiitirel.iiß [ 1.... 510. 'for sale 11 , 1 8 DALZF.LL.t4 waterer 01.1188;1570- , 151.1ap 5 iillllustar 5,14 and for kJ atOsolo by i lcDloB,74..llo,srater at - _ . .....—.. flialllBs-40 bozos P ' . l•T'' • ; • '3u boxes 7 for tale by 510 , • . ; 1C 11/DWELI. • '-•• , -,•--....-r,-- --4 - blll, si.atei,i..• oil ; for sale .by • • -, • Q.lo' ;-. , --; ' • ' --.188.881:8771.1.'' gAir+ll3l,ATUSas in ion.. for sale by 1t141..Za.t. b. co. iibtny n rbts reed this day. TABSEY 3. BEST 23 wets] st RICIFtED - 11* fat Rie by ---- ( negiryn Ckecw yeeetva . d and tao by . !IA OAI.IQUATIIBIenka ioo'ir forme b y 0 . aio • WIC( MeCANDI.I,IO,, k/ LARICT, Vla 04natro-43.1'en.en common Lin ner Vlnnn rn szonOtl for sale at ;Awl, wK VeßVlAVinetitore. ' . • ;• CO' „ • ” ; 0 11 7. sco T*040411, • - howt.jr for by I lu d airßicKETseN, t7O libt - d o . QQ 19(11Z . •". reed; sale 11 mirlt. a a RICO:MON ova/M. ma va e* N 0 +ISO OWN 0 on hand; kr silo by , JAILLIERAIr atMETeON , ET/C—H' . siaporler `Load= art b•tilts; Inienttned imported, . PC MARTIN-„ ' Llp? "l3 wn : ro far .'• St ILABOAUGII larrii !LOUR ust received . • , I ne'diLfor-nls W 4. it MeOUTCIIVAN 0 4 3 4-1 "• J 401Hiul Ike( for We br - rDiZ7i&lo• dew rottedirk eTo—rei 101:111E1P.4 hlido t.l-0411P- . CO, IIUTPIIjSON &C. 411oratei & 03 flout at M=E 011r , Obb eke I:Ag;;Ri M=EM IOP-111dur ins LefE4 l ft4s .- • bou • ibe - IDD k • oar asd - Xlilunir Aolgues MailibgiotmCdi solbiiiittoiktit u r ' Soetioo -, ......Ti of bowl , I,,,..,Vtift,Twillie-.6. , ...,„,-:::a. - t-ror 411 aped.) - 1 ~„..? ... „,, , ,2 „ .t i i . ii .1 .a , ..,,,- %Art the followiTUom•Glivomi, I matte 'afoot eqZ'onosilsrsi b =liiliVi l liti "1. , of ..lo,Poloblo senalukno.lly.fs. b. Ilik , I."*Ad .. AL lesiblall".."llbbt 4 , , , , , LAck_wyti. ottect :- : , : ~/, .4pillti p ppm, Aoet - ;Oal naiads, mmiss; Matta inst.'st lii4raloek - at dui Comoseretsf Salts isontannlif WWI la td , sta. will be ao 41s.euemyeaMarssestid staple...ad Bases Dry Good, bow, doss. tuabreilas,pisrada,f . . del nstensire assamesi of aim ead lowa tied bousiidd smalls/Ws iFasnarats,ladmitr.r. reeor wsm. ("mamma., stononss,lsle.driadposes., novels. matetss, band balsa vrtsppiss pow, doom ssisdow odssitts sad *saki simnel aISOSs; winds , btlais,sarpedsuks. • Otlirek, P. nia matbu i , ftne;iiitiveAjpiWe' . ..Trill frame eiorravrap of PilfWgi `flatcar' A great variety of ready made elothlarariar sealehri ban I - watches:pocket pitiotsi mat iTuatbeateAttil iratiamaraitersjabey . Pi". OF ZOO Se SinCith eS ASio uAectiai ON Weitneedey the it st ohtbelt; P: -IF at the .Coetuneterel Bates itcotatoteeset awned Auedfdt ne, will be Foldelx marble iteeKtellenth *Weer widok— Moe eeelistritehof ft htetoo FletetehAt to the 'Warder the city. near the Nook Oteetatina .atel ewe!' 'beck P 3 feet. The other Aar Ott hoot on Whits OU otlay.a Ow of tirkiek say he sees et the Aetttkel -. Tonewese OW eseh, us tete .egad emitter 1 6 1 12 hPuVerith lateteetoo be eetreveti by hoed end Nigh; .1 , 1 0 • .- : YOEIR D /OVA Ave • PV:6 TNev:..i.? .1.5 1 • • • rrilEPl********* 6 • Li**, Lib* a I* 0f.1,140,mt.,* sea m 4 readr up to 4211*,'12•V*****%Ciia, .T*3;cs3l Det 'at Itiendim e***tsillt . The ploprielotetwol , per( tali,. nopiiiita• eitiotoo to nil and ato w }tl **/*Se ti** *ll. we *it* thu isall Ito durst d*** It be". orporni, and c4l,t4dy kr the mad plesentl- totOrt ilt•ths! eiria *o.*4- :c066 n fir:C ' *lathe: !Lark.* duller • easpiris' kur ri****Postt,l*_ gri% W * sin*. establiemet to In howl uvriongt... .The great ** owl .42* Foieblei •p* of the =MIKA* earkotry. . I*. ars, sp.at,vkiebfilademook*ei fine Loa; ITha**%***list Vet. Freatfilkata.**teiboth W** *****, utiles . * commi. - .TbiLwifiehrkn***Obo4. • N. Par* ,*I Le Wahl* at Ihrskarteitiollal' • a3...10 - • • 41:04171hitNIMOR 6,012 -• • rri.ls Great end Mennifteest paintlnpwl . ll .eshlh. .r g , Coonneneliston WedneednyEretrut= Palo Con tell feet WO h 7 ellern :at wpm feet of canvas. .There met the liver It li Wink Wideli In its tit4stedeiseaum in the hentionyapa ptopoolpas, " tbo bputy r tutO WHAM muLar its ttare.,wa the elf me 'onelslnf 11l mot& red intressim it rors immepsicil;Vritel,thi 14 , 101 1 . 1 twe given war the Paltinagnetry evening:. Tionettattentdiiird will tam! plume t plower* than nt tle , . Adetowinn'a cents. Beaton Tinian-1n ens, :idea( AUG/4. /CM. caaukst SALOOM. •AI7SICAL .tormacrantrAst ,Airatittaace43-centir.'inehtd,i,a' 1r a dith'of fre ENHAGEMENTIei'I Melee! maiMilViditteitigid .124 galkedmmalisekidm. SHARPE Winn CLA RRUCE, from the Meirepoßras Canmeers.'' a.•namlem, at o 1 Me. RNEAZ:Ze rereaßle talent has rendered him a ferrite. 'Mange homes ramme army eTeiog . Crowded arddeßea •- • medmemee: . ••§, • . Tempaxteult Me LULU'S.' ' ' att DOW reepsethilly Winne daitialhiatf MX burgh andivicinlip, as she las tame semi et Vernees Temperance, Ilotel,ncer the Post OPtint, les the perms, et,. wee/ass...eV sleilinlidlileeehniusiex by a nuttklatatioal tale s 'entirad.ti hes selen• Auras toe caesieinou'ead tints died hissinoblestaim to the iseparket Ingram heretorare impeded upon the public Or • siailar ' The aunt perfect satisfaction diet S or so see oppeetic required...•,‘. t , howenter.ioexpesience ewe be le one oar. bOO4llll - 4A Yew?. to St him 4s' et and desirable style,aed the experienced to net lap Plore their stale grAliblidti habinois Il ant test it Alelites, plea iexesoesesien, Web eral other brenetici, among se ht ls dun 01. salmi Mania! Misers, =Set h% deensing.eludi eneemenell Plumes end Falai* . etc:, Terms natter* the ex Ire= Plow cab 1144 restore l6hr 70211111 .. Stildelles Ceti have tininda tined, On Otters& eel - - • Copia, Vire Fierlankirr OSSTANTLY ea Itnnd nod for-saki by ilia submit e'b , r, only agent in Pilaborgb, by Woo ark, , be tagetred. These Fire Miele-Are nunnafa r atared by F; twit ilittaanhariarariiningireadir, ra: Thor norebee it reeled:and Guy OW - erredby. many Mthe iron illanatanuatera *and near ri tabirgb; arbos pnreltatertrean bi.referred: 7bey lard . trnr 7 famed in be of a superierquality: ' - • Alan on had and tor rale, Yin 1 art Glani,Firti ,7W Fire Clay pet op in partnbte • •nom. =Mee. pees t Malt Q -Ca4pSidkr re.= cle= Itspr irA,4thaVidiiinisitirio M Meade.tatt the Ohne generally, tbat,elle las ye eeitily-fgartkhed lattst,lf.velt• • New, opium.. no ft. •pa:rasceleansingandlints•itkaAtim Marie. litany* aopeßof to any ere. beiore.lotrodened inee Ana ewe. itity, gad it a sentaai if noopeut wiener 1•11110Inilln lelLet:initiry to th c bteld," Pkasn eat I sa d dice. Musa , opPerwdLY td:P.P.6 15, 1 4 44 9 1 .7 7 4 N.PlSlual Clair TfIUeFT 1104.A..11 . 1 -. • ' Saran Pon • , _ ALa Polka Ge do. Bemoan] *tell do; • da Amanda - Amens do; • .Citrawlifille r.dn; ; - "r -.14 f;) loge:nee MIA 1111.eztaesmo. staaasast of uw m+ Toil‘trYa? - t; PM% the Outman manmfaittaawa, for wata MT] 4 • kfIaiNINTOCL*.OO ' Wes'• ,car Ist wri.weitk wiped .to lhaperadllasui.ote.. • • Ittifew a'M ra: n" t r f in catenary* lemlataieittan %emit Viewria, Ptamastmair . PrAape, Vacilltegala, Reta.;,.-Pagarays Eugene's, Comm •"- - • Alw, a few Wm. of 'Stabler% Mask Pas,!a ea/dm tett 'demos tafweew,, - atEL.MOHILEIL wood la 111seving Mad Am* - 814C1103 FOUSTAIN. lb w*/ /14,11itn .- repaiated and IlUnt op their t•lmisg, Hair 141 , tool gha.p.des Woes wadcr..(7 l .o , a 72. , " rah patine= at weiorttli ereimostort wed. imam. Tbde =repar " :6 ,ll =rig i tlarnieg lasi*, at ow Salwareorree ar Mimi Wed iubd*ltßpierilj• tlsack of Almada.* Day's Dry Gawk 194.0` • • HE . PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD OOMPA NY 4ito nuke Um the n.reetats eve now rr d treat with MANUFACTURERS -Ur AA T. OLD IRON. deLertilaCie 1M eetlll4, kev, SWIM POI ereeedineFtleetcrttuumdToos. „ rar latiinsmitso apply 114 the MB No TS„Waittet • etedtei • „ S AIRWRICT.,RepAtei.. PRINT,S,VNLY. i =lMir:tM=3 LEE 'B4.IIIIEWSTERI Emobii.bed 4 V114410.11.. , Th thttIVIRT UAL.* :lib ku.' pope of sapply alw Cily sod IsieriotToodo w PEINTEU• CALICOES Ia.CLIIIIIVELV, at • •. kw pneer—oad embilitlog, OE .111WWY , • A • ...Of dmyeal,Uo,Logest • IWWW34II . . WORLa-r.:, Tilley nit now epenintle..nyned Panknee.,. cospnang, &very osnrsltle FataW :Ad Dominate' prannetno, may - et whist nig' not'lnbt . lband Etzn: arionolind stick. ban jut Won parelmetkamt olfer.l du sale it Cant and aert trait, ar • • • /rativzslesimpap . . ~ . _ .. ONE =TO' FIVE-CENTB' . . , ' , '•: - -: I per yarA below the-prieelibrAptil and '1111.7,4s pa ,printed Cauktmes, yrjuell are Co clod itl!ll7,:ibp infonaut= et PaTlr . ' • - • -,„. - ' . . PRINT WABZUOVIIY, a . I • .: . — New Yee et IBM, .5.?,,, , ~, 1 4,,., NEW GOOD` FALL 4RADIPi ACKWEI4 ,OANHART:' 77 Minot cm ffq , ,,,, , ..;a11{ /Amy. Sins 4 New:York , AA it tivelvisat ti7 -- eaery antral,. lualitioai. ID Una( I .lrenroftaTh eni of Dry Grooas : They lar , ajnota: ancielaania to otfoi to maga lartataaatoad &aka aztoosire awl dnirabl :Trader .. o mark of goods for tka tty medaon.n or i e Odaealff be idelvoa itoi *pp.r and 1 1 . , ! ,- liai - 'noir twattotesaat lasioollierVoaao aral Ws/6* /airy atyta wolity races of Oa Trade, a I of othita oral ba offemd oast pod mesa u Inaba obaiie' aniPletat Diu: and Panay Colonic( valiotto qualities aadatiperibullalsia-,: , • Feenek Ckalta, ailaiftti and , ...•111n11 1 / 4 1 Cloths, eoatsson and b.:. otuke.bauxosotuunis. ' Americus .C.44.150,0f da. ollpoolooim) ooloro; Tom o _gam; 1/Iso, Ms, aka cam hag" loyles.,„";:' 11*nm said.turk. MAMA s.kll d. Ve s siltyts-1e kok,Yisk r SAW kkuakpflat kaki from um IQ LW `Vkiktra, bike ,k brown, akf Wier takey kkules.: . .941k Borrekridlisek hney okkers,,hu:k, kid Ise Wokakkrotallviallikiekkd Slieidss, hi aka Amulets, milled eal And VXIIOIIII erikirw . Blaatq . and - .lekikkykkkkr.l. , ineW num. Ilfodoi."' - abozes Lealonlmpi- I =TOT= ' .d num PerpetllauDi!i . ", - 4 ruku hwt r.it • • 4 ,1 3 . A ATI - " totisitideld e hoot eta - lmuan,atu soma 01.0 - 0 112-402 roe% .nis ituanawato( India linbtott 02:21:0,22 follows: . 2 dased tt.012224,0r 20:0 - 10 klad; . 14:21.4:20•4ti 1.220 llelleiSien :man extents:tad; :5:00:12122 Mac joe: Ike 201•14: thsa letialettforbabilol2::::"7l,l , . e :: Euit.LlPa. &wpm . ii77:6c,-; * - 7 7-, a's:11111,; O! c Konbigi, ....rw..:raxxurcamoxtw ; - 461911asisleilWIANNT . . ... . ' . _ _ , ' , 'Lr..=x-;•;.., . :.-.V0A ..,..,.401 . ~i~ ..„...:," ,;-!. ATI *ND PITTIIIIILICe* -L DAILY PACKET: LINE - ' LIM tea kaoira floe of spleadof pooheogit" &au " : ism., of. Jo Wins, or II" tar • "sided mad - sod art Parer .1 b.... d. viesorset ll* . secommeAtimmottoa • On *al =DO ms ofoons, ku boos pmrided brow i wirers. Tiro .Llto, Los bora 111=ofo O ko pr. years irio ihofige a fioft. i tbo .f boato-atih bo onir= boI mom do do .poz . hf iro ioto a/ W7OOl. de IT= • , poloolfora . tr ea t i" s ar4 ni s tie pomp mooOl foo o fto ' • . " - ' • ' ' . - . • .-: MONDAY lillNOZlGlA6L.Lpipt.timr.williern Mtn. .6441, entry Monday awastatil? eVelork; Wltrlypi e:mrMeeageeewe ' - - PACltr.'r; The lIMERNI4, 1110:14.-papt.,.r. Afinottff,'.. 'tine Pittabirs% every. -Tuesday aanilbg 10 o'eloel; ylirbse every , .Haar e.veniefi at ID P. - .. - - ,:2ltal'aVer ENOLANU, hO.ll, Ow. E. tkomi, wi I lesve . Pcusb.rgli.evry Weduenlay. =awn al :10 erisetilrleersat own?' Weditioday.ovemng u 10' P. •,% qc.) 177 - - - • _- • - The WITAXMISIN:Capt-lt. leiegh away ThatpdaymarhiogV Itleh.leek; Wheeling ereery •Thereday 'treeing ah 10 P. M. • IPRIDAIP PM:MUM. • Pius F2 10, 71. 0 .d.g Al le Wank; Wiarelimg cydizy Frgayemenikivilo P.lb. • t•• • SATURDAY PACKET. - : • •The MEADINUES, C001..1.1400 . 4 will trave.Pnis barerevery•Satarday Illanying al Redact Unicolleg e•cry yllentoy, evening at 10 P. M. , 0/ADA7 PAV%LT The , ISAAC NEW TON, Cap. I. U. AteH, vritt leave Pit:Marsh every Patchy wonting at tu o'clock Wheelies' every eteadtty mein al II P.: ht. . DOCTOR' B. W. MORRIS k 90 , 67! , ' •L.' RW BRIOHION WATEZ.CURF, I.—Alta ted persons wal Sad 'Usk spay ones ogrk. and ameedve theyeankave raterease Ifeakienk ski *bewail lick - ok ha. . Paiute awl Cillaailumam. • 1 rf R. IttUiPHY inatea Um Wigwam or Wm; b hi.ll 'Keenest warnaeat of above vocl.y leap. samaaaare mar ma* Jot tet'd al Oa mutant 11:6 eraf taloa! esaaketaui. as LINUCSH 01/01MID WLOI7B-IPO 1.41. W . Ai t - •t,tk,bsandiktet Ateirret Bak JT~ROB MON h. ItIPPE-Fr .10.114 . _ oculars's litleTOKY OP -BMW..„ ,* lite —,.—.... i, ..,.. 440.• /.3 item Imo dee earliest times to the death of Casco des, 4. V, lb; by Vt. Leonard tibia/ht. F. R. 9. R. iteeturar the high wheal of MieberAh— Jai( steeiitd 144 fe • sale by TIS 301INSTON A isruciitoN . n annalive of adveritnra in tho . roeth btu MUM . of 'Type.' Jasueee. mad km sale ivy - 7 J•l3 JOIII , 4STON trt oak - vox LASSIIOIID-11 Rai Inix Seed, . luaddig • mama panda.= and far Ws b 77• - aud- -• • JAMBS VAGZ ELL td arafoisa. Acog ' 44,44 , • -"" 44. "‘“" .46 67' AID PICAIDULIi-110 .. b Z. :Pi ,witilat t s.le A teater ' +Ad • !I 'ratan ". OD A - 41/S,Allopaki, IN. quality; laudlst And , tof by • , , _4.: IjOiST.4llbse Waite attar Maley z. m 'atererfo* .leate by &me • JA M thief . F VON RON MST 1-IUP.i. -VILAILW6. HAM 8.11114 G-10 feet Al Mold, whit delitcargobeL. • Enquileof r • P VON IiONNIIWIMT cid El AGM-4M UNL inv EZTRA FAMILY 'FLOUR-40 eXUS barons aipsigkeessomil (arab by - , DILLLE/I•II4C4ISTEON• /11M11Y—:Iklansko immure sad kr mak none mod piask by • -Lk k WAY DP tlesacs Nw ailaige fiat 'seta by. .41TWOOD:juNESY CO 1. 1 0&V.1160&14-20 bbls No 9, Loaisia* for sale; .MJ =OS . k•** , EAS &CO S A 4 : eA!k' • JOHN klk ! l " & Ca lk' !" 7 cowmen:ha to.; Ispeny Au , ezooriesiewl. Goods Imams. ==l lb* prhie q Riau' Ott xsies CAIISON Neff IGHT IV= I" 1111 """lett.Wl 1:114 ULLWLEAKEIA.-11 vosemaluilcussi•uasemr, I.l,aNd with raw.MANasupenow BENI& tank by ..;;• 1.310 . ALLEN &01 Ramp pact Was, a alanlandlor • M;MMM;!IMI "edt l CO/IL • - mrs)• ye • , 'Now • • - 1,0, ;ollfitlksb,i,taAae.t-f•sraia au* N IAOICRELZL-110els hmito ir ?"Veftt, ' 0 it Tama niwliben libla WI Baltimore herring: br • .103:elanteerr low to &so inonalbteurai - 0,111516 sssUs4ll4.—sAnumngyilyi_ 0 Ind for raisUnini, audio!, EEW. 50 amulas N. u sail... Narver ma• Fht3o bbls fresh {tuna family lour is serel: far aIsS7ILO WATi3IIII/111r YEPWUI-3/bbbl i peastl rydi Roar, ►tine; Gat hail, me, Insure, Au sale - by . • • LS IVAYEAMATi - • BAc°, N - • m""" — w"4' mLawai sl,l%`j 1.04 eider mega:, pm, ""LA" 16 WATERIIAN 7 5... :1"r"1 .~-. .;,~; , CCUMMILELIaIk bbis No 4,Ziaolt.eral. dna ara, Coma!, &km day, for ink miLtzti & gICKETSON. liore t aud *mud* Ir. , • - • • " .• MILLER MICXETSON: . CWEER SEED- 34 .W1 ohm/ mai. mat rai•• '' • .1111 RID?! (3 1. giugaN MM Lopv,!'ilztar 1,4• 41 r:d!!!!!'i"°-`r , *. i...llbeAolodstclair • CIO% `Lemke, o gbr ~,~ y; Sir satel,. , BSIN Ileoriee—ioo lbs, lout re eived bt see " 1 : 1 1 - 10. BRAUN* R Errs& ' : ED cialmi.—s 66Liiincra!,eiri4 for mate by, tWIJA LlllMilltia, am* nitchmeth fersato tr • tor I " 4 "itif tif , r .rmuonir k CO ; Llllllll.O ebb triad& i -.; BP VON BONNIIDRIIT CO - Mar .---WICIC XeCANPLESS . -. • . Odign brailaby ,• , sgS 04.11 Mit goallisektrl N - • • 13 to Com reser rrb L 7 WASALL.I.4 mre•r • C - # l3 . l3l,s 7 4l lll4os•rimedusad rot tHßolis easii I (pnie.r.litsi*' 4 m 40 d.i.0t eels ,BIILON IMMEGAPlX44lollm4lWireol.entsals MALIN& ISMER 15. 1 f,"1 1 4'w 1 R 1 ,. °%T,IZIR T 11.1101116 V FAXILLION-40 tat reed. fear whit kbts,o ll Word brk • I et del :t nee7fed peril Ate Deg 51 ! "11'41;661 PICS SieCANDLEBS • ^ ' ' A as a iZiddlatt i r 7 41 1 1 47 1 r .! RA If.-I:ol46mrirwlkieteu&rKaiovim • •. _ • _ j • IT ialibr ' AY & AilleCUTRILInir: No IN bbeny ..f iet -. ,- -46'pelf 11., TS de 0AA0.,, , i, ,00dint MINDS Obsehlbe Ade-by JAIIIRADAIMA, AMA inset by oW Gari Ali Td ß ath by 1 MAIM fr-lattrita male G flnt" 0140 1 tfiraTilVtIlltel - 1=11a3;141.1 , it alma !Doan TlibeeeP t tas NO by ,'" ATWOOD, JOWO W .3 • S=P i l i 4 ;IT . 11. ."! WA= MT:Mr; at e are c . ir tiIADCALSO aadiftwaselyarbo sOu, .....slr 1;1' •Abool.sidScrAais odandynnA boob AAA boo, tonere( .W,sai W ikb bete Die- WAlrrend e . " -W r .- n . =l r .:. 40.4 inirko pee* will I. O cob - - - W HAJULtILP_AI, 434.1 FLOVI (as.. A,-DA bbb fresh n.aiuulbe..ta.rmuo~a.Ne n.: nribrost_ ol ll Wbalebobor ObIgOATIADIOIt OP - WOW DATOWO,43 AEON • syli. zing irmassavmss-g dos 1.111 ntostrui, inareceival, : J 14. MAAR& 42 ~ , Amotim ge'am& - 1,:, - , roc, --• '. ' . • i -. NelMmtrot •---, ~, - - ' --401 4./APl•ltillesthlunit-brasla Iff*,- • - -a& W gaiumv j g ' - . - 4 " --- -' sir , 4" _ . lallalgatwebb*y Mawr Ito r "..,c , -- -.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers