The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, August 09, 1847, Image 4

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0.,. 1 ,,, , ,
. fri4t .
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..,..4 * . • --,-. 4.44 — r -- . -- i -, .. b...b( ,- 4,,,);
-.0000115dix#.44.1. _ e .
-..ii . r.,,„....i.„. one dirksvadflk
r a t e
4.,, ,, Atabitantri, Tr
" and.bealik--of motet,
4 " "- inept 1 Men 164 aaa of ampreme
^IIIbageTCKIWO LOll l O traltlllll4 Ortalool ,
pubs beat or a n , world. ,
MN „Pritrisira, Raw; "liipli km&
,pd. artu t .lia lomat•gut+ and.../eshtir
White beard:is - a [new sasPectablePaf
irtgat':Wkillg . „P.lbUTl. taget,. it
i f riiplg,:ilO4 bar De! , )W" ii i
A illiiie -11120 ..,49 the itylaj--,
_Ave Byresr-speaks ,, of bun swm!
''L once saw hies utiog an alairnit
--''''' carriage, with Vie thictOter,'-',ne:srandj•
,;,..ilangitter, Miss Germale. wiik, it is said;
N.,. -as be Ina no male beim wW,iii he Pa
-- , triaretteste. , 13bw appearaldd earaigh rsr
her office, , Veylin , In
14 1, 44.1.0 4 / a° Y w :l
Yid 144 .V 6,1 b e M 1
,OLNAM 44. . 7 ,._k__ ,tilCt:4 Wil a
• . 4 5 P6li 4 :a l:
tel' - d the serfs of the 511 u
' N4 r-Iddrlll4' tn toteremin Toottif gest
• ••••••••....,• 4 an da cn t tab tc Giumiin
:,:.1 4 'dalltie.e . - • arrift Cr, 'rEaiiMart
...:: ;411 1 101 ,40C L " n 4 i t.. h there fa
: A ....., talrgt, - g ., „
,4- , there 11 CO bustlif----alt sal,
a,..‘,....... 42f tz, a ane " o, ll , o 4,s a *th,_ like
, ... "WI "."" -' - • Oki
' P the prealuir-reguist
...... • rons
ilwriacf•ty, the visitor here reeela
'''.... _ withnosweer domestic , seentai---mry go
through tti". istigth gad , . brviadth' of the
' '' 'Tillage without "fairing Into the_briso
... co of
----';;--;i3ritat‘tamile::tti:PA'f0f*.WilliN- 'heir.
•• - lime. IDnwoe's -expiessioati. W.
''''oa the nsasiefil laughlet And Prati l 4. •
. : i i , - -
childhood' - nor the , bloWieg of Poe Pt.
';4 4 ""
-- la, norahellatatiag of lia rlrureat,
"7 ' /lithe wide ;trees 11 OD ifyieg of kites.
. .'
. ' ahomter of - marble' ; no inookliag of
. . i l.- 2 : -. . Bc :isoresuial - •• pule' ,* inat trait-yatd .a l
wlt arif
.Jf ,' n ie tynianettet am mirrocdestad, .
, ,
buds brood eatoredy, ..borra- 0 , t heir m
f ....t.
fill those boreal with love '
,„‘. .ao• —, - - no g - s o then
f t.
•'*:;'.. ' , '. ' ',ink • or. because ' tAsy arm a •,_. ,
1.. , .' ' j . - IPt .* L b a i n 00 Metalling etre l lfor.thatame
' 4'' A 4 ,44;ik - ' el
- tii••sso visricsii44l . 4 at the
.. ..4•:. ...4 4, e - , autiog . 4 tee
~. , m a w ,
from a berahlo 40714.1",,ramh,°1‘.11 plunge
,:. g l i, i c ~' • , -- law the cistern, and there Irep ,
.. , 4 , • '. " ''' .' 1 . ' '. ' Can.:rained tO -utter , words' or:mtirtp
,1 ''• .- •,• '• , ,' proc ,i___,„ o mama" to place he/sail - to
_'. - ..- , • ." material) , of,aedtudes, IsPag oil the
;:t - "' . . • ':'.:,. :.:.'' -* .•
engel. - Ind 11)44." th e rod. ' A i
' ';:..': :'
'' : r. % - 1 There are no dances mei Arai tar
t i mpo_„„
,:•...; •. :• , , .• ‘, ' , z„.. v.
.. , ,
. ; .. r . 4 , 01111 a and mn id enit , f ur the, vkliase-.
ill' : . ' ...'.... '?:
t "' green , and no- hippy yWawg hTulfllT oo l,4
14. ~.. r. l,• , . ;. ", screed sleGlinirg- il-t. late " le " I t
*i .....":. has Mooning Kionne as placidly tatt .. . l
•,',. i...., , ...,. , , :•,',?..;•• '4. G ag at his !ado ..--het then no 1711:::
1.V 4 4 : +1 . .. 4 1 1 1' 4 ;:" .. %. - ,
-3.i.';-A t i••: :1 '':'•if1;t :: um or. Quill), ;Bikes , or, mo re
• lie still' of , ' fdaatellet•
4.1k,: 4 ,4•;:ir. 1 4•ki'.••:11% i.' siii s ted ode
r. the chili night; -no
lit• 4 .. : •• •• • ''', "41 - - • ir at the brutal,-
•. • ••. , ‘„,...,,v,:„.; h:!..cii:r. .. , ,,,.1..t. - 4 4m t ers without. BP° rii - 'with in,
T.: ` •
st• t.:A , e :. - • ,
isouxatf _ mad
~ 4 4‘...4etrii i eu • ~.4. • , .19 0, " 141 'w"" 4 t ea l- caudissi
•4' . . 1 „,..'• - •• • '•••••,,te' • ve••:••• ...4" Do poor faliew Is remorse y
t7l .. - .1.!*14'. ' 1 - • - >. d y e. n ir eoce s. Admit.
..;`,70'.:, , •.,t,l.- • ::'4 ,1 42 ,- .:, 1 . 0 Galatea/00D
.~~ L ~
7 ,, , C. : ' Pit4 , ,,...01 "!.;;;•.i.. - v.,,,•.J'•
~ 41 ..iy,,,... ~ ".41,1, . •
_.,. :A, / t*,,'4r . k . .: • , centariea sgoonklave,lism, tali a'si
xc...: 1 1':•...,: , t,;„ - F•:' ` - - the highest ainbiatity. that Ilhare is 'kr
t • aWelnriff*i!:' j)i / . new thing under the rm."- it was 'op.,.
't ~.g.i . .g.,,;!;;1t.04, 4 ,- if.
~ i . paged, at the damiif 'their diteo7e7, xi*
t ?I.l:::et.s.l;i4ii• '.::-.i . . . .. ~. Phinaognifily . aad Phizincitespy Jramayme ,
N't!"..;! 4 4.041 , :i • i...... ... •.. =picas to this .great .rule.. -Stsalhalia•
e.•• • ••likraiiiih . ::' • '' : ',...,'.--..., , nilatigaaaaa of a traveller atatatelbe.
rti° l .;• ..•.„,1" ) ".4 . ,!..„ .! ,-:
~.:;-:'' .':!Ptitiaryfvanla - Gamma, - have divealia:
• 4::!"41 3 1: -. i ,'-'.. : '''- ' th ese ' modern /Kitimat of.iill•ala."011.16
. 4 %.
• • A•eti...*.T.O.:::; ; t:. :: ..''... • ' .- n rigienflty. ,•, -. • ~..,..., ~,,, ....,
.: . i
y„ z. l -44 4 i„V.T;l1,1 1 :,:i* i i`.3•• .)1 :1LAtA ;....... , i At die 400 i or aiii i . al .iitileciii guis;' ,
tt l 4F, l o;rgtOrid.f. : WgZ :' • .-:-..- --.Y7 town y *its county, he obatted aso
! 1 ( \ ..i.:',... 4. : -4 VII : ' - : * *„__„ , '•'•:. 7 - ';'';'... 'tie* whit:ll.lm catcrayilipiiid, - ,as •fot.
.7!:• : Tq0:: 1..04. 11 . , - ---10ig : ..1.:,:.: . 4. :: _ : - ..... ,- 1.!- .. - •-.:'. -
i XtiVir..Z.4, ~....illt ',...- : L . :'..::- •9R LINGO 1. JIBE A 17.1 . 41:14371/.7
. 414:::: 2 ,10,% - i iiii - •;''' ' ' ..,- . - , ~,........,ilOltie is the easel F inonusetstioaakOtat
; ...:::1t! . .4i,Li;4;::11:;•;
~.. . -.. -....ie11i0. n d "sdPg 0 1 1- cle'fP. 2l l 3 leftaa::' ,
:V ' :•:3441;0414jft. .I' . • ' '•-711 . 111111 -lb* spißq mr; of -cacrse o tis attesadinF
.4' . ...i.ii.1i:4 9 !% ; * lt,i
Ite.t *iN tr 4 '
.-• ,
..%11 1 5,1:4,41
tikiki.- ',; •
M.v.e l . ;..• i i
1 ., •41•141.14
, I.i 4 4 ...,: .. 41 ..
.• ~,,.. :.
t •
ktit:..:l , •..
itit...;..,,1ikiiti......„ .. .-,:....i11i 11.1 approved rule of libel ral:Rotii"-.
- :::i.F4,*,Ou 'ha Boom Shoe- ttintpiiiti, is it is'
i.t...;.,r..ei11ia1, abets Ain Fula vaarblemaieetailea
1' .:".otatted'aith tll4 . .maalter,of taitra la TA .
' • : 'Phis- T etanals , lbr Dourningenzan ; I this:
.-, -011 amt that put of the nanntl hsuag.pna,
- • i .,... 4 ,'''.,....g . ba11.. cad T. IV the Tjv ea ilil, D s ':. t : ::' ,
~........-...0.u0it a 6evr bciini *earl.'
-...;1.....6' 0 .D 0 : 1 , 3 - jpol.*:•76rll teio
.0 •
? 4 17.;:eaogritplicr for, To Ziese blunt:lt,
• .c . 1 1 1" %k Y;; ' .1%1, le'
..,. A re _iiam ; off li:.iii4ltir;thiietkn;
Aargi.,:v; •i . ::,'
.1. is a, ' '
aiaa*.licratif, with lite 'ilsactiiiiimi,
' 1 14:_15 :,..qt.,... ie..
-.,-.• I" poseberestazo. Tb mew.. To.
;;7.-,1,1 , • .. : 1 .: .Bsiosarl, ' cornytecl kry itwale .116 ate
_ „____ ~
tI4.A. •
4 N'' ..! , .'.4.:
N. •) *ii, i
, , „ aim
tit 34 1 .4 4.
N es
t: '.— ijk ) lk: : i
.14 . 4. 'it:Z: i !t•
•:, i4.?" % 1::t7 1
?.:4• - , ~..
, ....,.3:•;k:;;;;I:Z
.: ~• :::44Ni? , , , ..11... 4,...
1 * . te..3pi,,-.41
' 45 . 4:ki., ,li S
1, :,11;i4) . N*P40 /
•4 1 .r. 1. ‘
1 4 .
‘ s it".r ;.' •
-if, s •
. •
F : •a
ii[4. -
! . .r:L . -T.: .
i .i t . :'..... :: ::: ::. :" .. ...?.'5? . . .
• = not'Se :nifli*iticr-.Seireetrrow." ;BIM
:6[44 't
But the moot striking illustration of
sobisevia a- ammo argst,in the same
neighborhood, remain , thaw -
- ‘'W4DEDX introit°. ramoar.
END/MD.IO ./1110ND IftlitMAN I
Thin brings. home to the utforosatiop
of the whole coitattiy's j,We, the rouOliing
troths: • •
"Pay to-day`al;Cl treat to-isonort.
Eatesirdiament foe wan r aa3 bone.
. BY Iliamiv./..- 1 40 , ...4 .1 9"" t • "
Masy*,l4oloifeeSriiiiiiied io
horse, is eiffmr.soi Ibis cabalistic I
esserif 'Alice; most of *dog the or
Cost to no mpg*. flidOonograpily
. roma - - • or'
—iaa wit& is amount ,-
g'iiitiegifikimaptayed;i "why belled,
lime Moat, by the liooa or
„ km,o-besokapw.
• I,
P stui
'dud h baths typirs - PitoOlit;.Poosylia.
atiesea vtabbaaser;iiiiarlaa with ar as
todisidail diapbay f it usiaui itaa m ac.
plassibibt"; sad prove We, inter Thym
e, 'arability alibis or that ',reposed object—
' Is ebb lie= Lillie; Min of sound common
oeu )- 7 tria- earn, witk,bca
ru .
in.ll. ylearniai.aad lasps
r r ble , gnat taianddc, ipeicato
sad • oat alto in-
_ .'.~ ^♦
~s7= 4 _~r~i'. a'
, AWBOW: WatISW. tall.der; adimaddace..
balo v SZtr a ..,add
Law da meet elfoomal ask
• • namity aintoombrartre
%Nat i aamitez . no,,, 7'1341; •
cow% iero acritt/F or . ifitt. teddetrat:::.
dreg , Mite %Om*
3 ,m magata • yrai:H
Itinera.sta. JaMaary23, lea
D. gmayair...amr ho is *Sea kl
a dirty I Amu ea. mdWag beramaty,
sire tattlammy, al Machos tra li world .
mem emioabileg elleeta, Mal tee yen wan . True
Caereo•kd 'grip VVDd ( . 1 .7 Ferlammolatamei
mart tralloorabla ci matiated:a, Ma
Woe. Val.. A 53it Ai Comb, Spitting of Blior1,1m:.
rare Mall la_ Sake: aed-timeot, orhich mimed'
to Moat alma gad matmobla of comattatoe, u ULM
=l*.bilitleoegb),s7 ram boyomt the p.m, o r
era aaplariamMall pre ma up
'times earaeame Ib eillet• or friar rest
ty,looo ..ell well ama,
Mara ikolatoir le.eelleMy
_cad health, A: AAAA I
hoe Lees Du Sews, end. suill W geiwil lesiva say
.iefiallegamiTh raimeattel rjA um, by call at as
tl Gamy Mel dam helmet
:111MMAMmlablee LAntrlbea. • • /area Parma:
liattiesiglisaato raeptetifroat ail qt.drice. t,
j raisms with riWw
amps* rat aboileitba" ea of Irlatalmame le
Talatkie la tee Medical' nest-Dr: SWAVNL'
• Dr: hirefer.Dur Sir Wenn' red you' cos.
peed lire! of Wild' Many astortaleell to ley
pridiee, I Arm nerwesed bysue isseurt, ItecSwt
Vreteber, le comma My *awe' m Mies et its
propertier. is a. l easl aOll,l Mont obeerbally
i m0,„..; rm N, • dolag, I will Outlaw , a'
AMA s coistamally large,mal blyalcume
tt masse sari detect Quick Flame.
ate . amaL PArta-MAATICIMA,‘,I .kadmeed Gem
`a WWI, of the east power aspectomsta, rearm
lir' RAW If diA - 164101 AWN COMO4
LliammatkiLmage, a p
ry ar , mayerAmtaoLryearm
YinlMR or Walt IlberTy" It Is mallkiamtallayllaat
ea M. rote Ohara mite Ow/ matt of dud •
itesseseur bieb'that t sow wnsfed:
ewe wen htewe dslwedfeiu bore n especonat is
e ' ` d .
rirCituf Iles ma ala 40
mai, or dm [Amp, is °Malaria:a/ lama la
aliersetile,Platejltyr,(MiMl as as lavaloabla
Male to
Mews. To all
mtici beeer,,Me Sol mid eticaishibu Ws asy
be men hspereees eit of the titsts of Vuitton,
41.4 test test I eau bees ureseir ai
active al my profession al Et ymnemal me•
abalaof paarylnaia, aad
Iles la the
ter oyar, tlOmstit merge al ao
'l rft •
Jinius7ll4 , llllll: - Canty, .1(7.
RT. 13,07
14 7th.
• •.Tbe *Mom eerfibue. is Slew ow rt. our Oust.
rites lutes eke, raderetaw drags sorry
rox plow* aid is• eamakieree s good flysimm,
awl OMNI. fair., he is, a be recalfigrakiaate.
Thrtiginiets lass amts era*. '
:„ Eat m te
p i a ra.p....l .
Iler/ Aka Wisd om, at
trelataf rabetaie eed blrominial aboolnam, eaglet
Velda,llr.elta Ira maaklmitom theme aka I* hi
Ai tray Immediata of.Lor.larayml
Ciestesed. Syne of Wild (Army. It mill rarer
tall to *Orem a pereemeet care. 7b. mpetatim
of Miametillbee b.. AMAMI 11.1ArAANAin=
IA W . pat ford trader U. Is; bet tee
at flo;;$ wo)m, barlthaa Win the ant net Awed
nr.(tut ma LeYdW em.
&Mamas Obe-i are'Llak,..POrkee. teal 237 A
coatabileteale dr pINIPParIi
t ct”, -1 3 r 1 !I '. • / .9 nP11 1 " .1 S,'" el rld .
• rtespaiiitiiiid,p6W•;l •
—iultskumna..ll Perrailal °and soars
sew Wow the piebe, • Itet• very .rew dire Wand to
poem Or Medan thew bar Maack.l
ems 6 , `
raIMEMMere. Alma! th e blur me eSs omme to
Mealf. mama stud . Motor tar tbax Dr=
ma lit _,
• -C~_yrap'of 'Wilk ebony, 7Se.
•1^11.4"01. WSee' 11, sad Web*
)eyVirwi ea its wet WWI: bores bowl sW i s
"l OW
•:a cAernOlflollll •
, tadiateabtetiolatddegpolldlie tad
va, Qt. - tan L. iM l5 '
ri sp •INUSMII commie
, Rowe aiDeddaiiwiliteolldserti
awl ares al WM Clighilikladae fie Am
sod oils reseine pieWlelsimsso settees ,
eiltri the WI ehiclri a -blipeswwlhs,the at.
lie Bawls
Ile may maftopeol wawa impeakfma Maar. that
• Vu.mnsi was hy,Dr.'W.eleritits,, se kW Plied.
pal Odes, caromM
°illie:, li t itted, , deateta,
nitadthdt. Anialar Preto
katt.. reastirlitis wishesd= " sesenk:= '
' • Foto.mblie rem l =oo l l l . l . 4o tad nail ty . q .
IVId. Waged, Ed
go MN & snow/ism, eg=iiiValdste.;
H. RISES, 1/30 Liberty IteeiL_. •
Said Wm by .1 IdWiell,Allegiress Citr; Boyd,
Cares It C.o.,,lktlen iffesti**iladitios,fifir•
on. liformaa Mil/r . .11:1 Denis 'St
ISClembair. • Darla
artataß, Varte, ititstaticinetatad,Vt.; Dr .
• b.: fastorty L1k.4.14 81;t1leirt 8 IltomM • Sr. (1.
bake qv. Mediate gle!eir:lt. N.. Or
4 134 .0 1 i ~--, - , - - .. .
lai azicyr AL) : L
o.rt.T isiroT u lt 2M .
or LEM 411 , .....4 by th r oa.. ...-
Dr.)....., of Losion. T.........
kw 0. Masi PM. Mi. , ................"-
; m..... 13.1......... • ... . _..
11. ........7 ....... tot Oit mior.... ix tee
aiNk If 1.... ....... MM... ter hirrits•
Alma he ....dig is • mune. Um 11RWO7 Toe-
MILL CAW IMO eati 1.. id • It. empomMaky - -
otorli. melt 11.1. li TU. *on say a( ily._ k.
. p tram
ise..l•• ...b. &Taboo_ ity by the
ijeau= h" Daiwa Us ouva. sal
„.... a . , Ts lac CAMS. It is
, .. gwatk aol .0114.127. 'Wed INdkAIK a
'Ai...11 Oa .1 , ... 1 .111...7. •
Ny I. .Op 17.....1 Inset Arai N.
NS d& I.lobrai 1,1*,1.1=
....m.... Itembricin of tbe
NM it(l==On. Itieittim MI MI 4 61 :MILS
Adel, fie 00.4 . Wm". Oki Illat
Mom. layiallas Lai nerkmake se ea 1111MrSli1(
=1,.... lirachlw. IWO. Arm . '
'ibbl Ortuallialay:
Cog* M I DI . mit. _'
: cfria iao =WM; wllllmpfx
romplers, r•A.j.‘ 'fad
".......siikaa., ad ..Na.ty 1r41..
=ow. tor IWO.. . ./0
DATIII It. pd. , leillOOMO
". Owe.. pii arc .. •, . , . I
• T. ...iITOTT Ili . SillOb i
W.i. al Swab NINO ::,.. t .
For 1.16 by. N'illiMiPPrOaCk*l.M...!
woad whi Om Or,* ', • -,..•,. •.. 4;r:l 1 ale -
II ErDtCli• ..11,10l ;!1,11(61CA.1:13117014 '
... . .
• •S. 011 DIA MOND ii.L.
. ' LEY, • kw Moor *WO
W.. 1.2 ..1. , 4r rb. all
,:. nay . * been rnoluiyoll.
, „,.• OWN lo tho mobrof Iwo
. , • biro, sad bows br air
..lbso Pisroo o , •
....'t' ''la.. co.• ki.Jballo.
, II w• tresimEM V Oro
4 . peon. obi. blotiob Jfrf.
' for wit,et la.
... , • =,obil • lorperif=
, . • . oo•oltr ly irsaidy. bib,—
limo , flab I.
• ; aor ills owl, .oad
l inomo of Orb Nobly 100, (Wm vidob tiro be
bu Owl woo prootir oaf Jo cwool moroodbabsOlOrt
coo a l . = lo do 4 of o.•:> W•• v'
pty biota *flu as anm.. M . MmmeElmtan•
mi• al •••••6••••7 4me in voU olbood 100 l taboo
111•Nr cad •11 brooks. ortoso Jere/rob -
:. Or. Dim Amid Wins ow alias with ?loaf.
bow sahib Wm boor amok by Liao O. ors no
All It as oltaajt of Jo I. 0114.9. mann= rf do;
ili. ...01. r; -.1.A.4. t....b.n1 ...4elior,
'to lo .1/....1•J i1.P.,11011 10
. - -
"., klitatel,
. ,7 , - •-„.-,:-, t
. l e.
n 145, '..A . ,.... .48K.. ,„ 1,,z.;12• , ,i,f'‘. • . SilS4' -,,,' „lomat
,-I M ,A $ llS tr?.- 44 „;;Q;.4 . :t 7 11,3 '1,,,..:,!4:;',44V:5...5ri g.- : 45 ' 7 4. - *.fr'
c-„'‘,7', 'jo},, l ' ts .. ,- 1?" -- . , Tevr1:; , :-. h 3t-., 0 ;:' 7 •:;•-•
.- -' '4 ° %' ,1 11;;V:7•:.. ,- 0-.,„.:..,.'''''>: ...
~f?,~',~ - -.,- , --L 4 t.Z.: 14, - :4_, A „ :ii-ry - - -e , ,..._, ti,, , r -
y,1;.1,.,.,,_.....-......,- 4,—,Z:Z-2-i...:`-:-410,firt-'.:•=.2'.i.. ' ' f- -. , l. 7 fA's t4 r . ' 7 . ? ;41- -
---11-'-§4ft*i.0744en?....r`!".;1.94-Nriq;"V.7' - : '...-4' :..- .cl; , ..`tr" -
a. NOAD, laws Noasawast • eke
adeephia, As tlab 000lials000l
hfla rittallooviroa y of Ola•• 11114.
iNfiN AILIMIS is ibelfialfil•
tea - a r tewiiik#: 64ll o 4 l l.4 2- 011 ,
primeval pin 0640Nini:=
at Lora Mt; W11111111M11111.4.1104,111e ,
famoolomidlalfwar, sy• A l a ilesallaty sl PhatotalPhia.
•kicit km boars° eamtiod br flao • mills'
pool, !son 0 zscas4
A.lup RiwnWevai4..Reaget4 grab ow weal.
lioloraloelor•-.10 toot orassassly ita.14.1 US.
Mock sr ronilyoosaka how Railing., Onoassatal hola
SATs, I fo• Clolor, - oow lie ptaraiii sad
tirfrog (thti.. aa sa ...ostornialliee
Pow; Plifeisaii, 1 ioaL *bin; /Lel Al*, Jailor! .
'Wrotglitrri Cat I foa?!lazollio*Outia
Ils/aZ of)sia Poploom
• Tim *bold also saaua Kt
tan sad Paolgaaog Do paruseat ha Ina so:plops!
smr of alas Nol Wool la tbs cosatry, grams • lade
atieatio•is arroged to the uslases,tonnin alto.
gotberose oftk. moat templets syslooatie es."
WalialaaisaV,of do ;of a. tlasiloioo...
RO . BERT WOOD, Preriaudr.
! uth U. an ac.oo
P :rier a t? Y
au, to costeolled Irak vaolao aolo, Whdo Oa'
Wooer ,i 4 °POMP!, aad aao kaoasol oof balo
4aantly laareettd,aliffsaapeaidoi toe s
Oforanalilf,' of tamely{ to east No moat of all
osaiku, aidaHlo same
lad lfilopilelif,Coto*inesa wad Mem:meas.
ileac sutra?, upon WI ad., bribe oedema.
"Atl tba Wooers aro oaf° flelf-Actierg. • •
ssiocrlbera .1111.110 t2lOlll, 1436110 C (ken
basioara, of allsisoffoalOP. o "*" ' •
; ,.Per knave panaeloars meek* of • :ma •
Amtigoeca of Ur root fix do Uoitei tuary:
• lklc!o•if_ •
Naanallatarers of
eicuea&RUNK :
No. 3041 flonalla reool stoma,
Beek*/ T. A.. IhilipeoCabenct Waiiihratafy
Alk-Lboolon, l.ovoi,k d SAllsoo, foils oNao of Ir
112. - 1111ssebolifo Piosloarsk. or prrP .7
. N 1106111111: s • -Wm& a• DUNN
twaisivir_:,mizA_ COACH Ai I'
ig. Mr Irk win k
em0.... 1 . 3 .00n4
. 14
KED I CM; ;:_` ;'
OIgISTI ft (1 a tus
. 7318111sctie Syrop, s . ter.
'forth 4. et unmet me Saohm,
aVstrate 'll T i .
tba ‘ = 'agtr of Yni S P 'r=larealtl7;
=a"' thxzles-la.wiNger. - . 1 .:
prams. see comnatrated thaw oay.foler OM
' saToroa to the pistils: ASTHMATIC ELMS,
Ingot mllected penasellet gets al ttist Wagon
81.smo, Whoa of moat this it laars-stsodiag,
,tfollC. it 8 1 4•Ido 1. 101 5N1, OM is *at mina inaded
i3 ,,,,, d if - - , . .. . 8 0t.,..../ r.sls h; f
• Dr. Hoeg. LINIMENT, fer'sHassior tor weak
aat alum, dad a complete ashalltge fbebllests:i
Dr Rose i TONIC 111 IXTOREi ant • Wallets
inws finagle sad fil sad Woad to more of a
W Hmis balk a Itit-
t=4l fathoms of 1. •
, , , .. . •-• ' b
.- to, SamgWitscohirkiii , iir.RmiruGE, '
, where ammo, la mod ia iL effinifelf is lay otter
Naitiati PciVrie 4 .. .i . "-' ,•-• • • , ••• -•••
.. Dr. Hosea l . t 4C a an
4 1 00ciiPi# 4 2 11 #. behott, „. a. l
•pmelooda,&c 'Too la eAeinodom sot be
.. _c t ol the men* a! 'Ha ...,thim inli esti. al
sad gl team* net' male won...
Wjentch of tad dlesshooL!, In' ,L, .• f < ••••••• ,
el Eh Mae '. ,TE.SIALIS / ILIE low UMW*
esemally for lham mead eample eSswit*.ft; I
mamas malteleL. .1 lha ." - tr. 1 " • •
/••• th. Reath TOMIIPAIAMAEWE . ei Lt..i:' 1
?Zamora'MON game die rano so happily •
tits IsoMINNIng I ralmasM mosildese. ao
- .11 - 06411.0.pi1e, tIyEIL be S tole...bib pill,, sortect.
Vaimitleamo dmasmim, mad thandloylontutatln am. 1
ao.. -A yang' Lady th pare of so, lawn
, salhasasd 11, or lor moms Com, her sheagib pro..
Mend and mppellto roc was sampling", ranged
Ai sis owls hy the rag the AEI< -dispopte an- ,
ellataad thameof Us Uses, -
VIM PlL.ASTKlLtotorstesosil el the Maliondo
s hr lintaies sgEMIC Pi•ILSTST,tbe cm oncer•
ids:rimedfo4, ll %ssoss of D. of coomoloo.
ellotherla 'dolts. So tort en • opoctiiC
is 11, ha sine ' deem that the moot ob.
stisatioemea, 1111107101110014h0t "bin, Mn
years sf elhaset osmaseltallos etweeme as dhow,
ete4l, ifoo la arm MIN/ alletag= willosam"
ob." all aof
to to doom
roomiky- for viola& Woolf, , fooloill to affehrupsa of
Maid airflow faliabootabooribi madam .para Ulla
-•11/alloodeo8YEUIPieChoiefaudEbood ..... .......amilalla
.-fniumbamoo sill .gaaloogi was hOmvi
IltyCloints oforomoubil Malmo- 70.7116 .- 1 .- 1 - i
- Me
Oa Osamu 7= ma themorl pew it most
!ma lo *lemma LS arrcotag a, toms
low meet of allthom who .cod ti.. •
Whinsmsy Wanda( am of law los, my
rod of all; awl, 'Woo .12 oat, .1. appreelauf be
dna allow thew Leers ems ilsoeorho lone Sons
some in Jr mos. tango. nal &Sig no Woos
laity lowest be gm., Loi we ars Wang to rem tie
moon. 1160 meth. or aim easpoemb. We km. a
panacea 11.15crorathla as roams formaso cocoa o. d
W 011 5 04.• Mg ha boatel proms Me mandated
mom J caw of Caaol, Ott ones In Um Ws of he
lasgerrerwe of DeiItWILIV 11•10 completely rased he •
tow roma. lio wets lio4 bee-h' taw* !of ors by
Waft. cat snloor4. nod miesorillac front! farrow*
taghoofn roi notontkotoadtai ibo &law of Deffilts•
Sew snd ...mon of ad me Si VII prow. ire
Cm, Lmagta a 6..igigm . sii, Mat irm
o n
- Inbefed tho use of Mow Imam warpomew
Woo, Ser It le as 'Waal laaillalonof l 0
AP Ila is cei m ama on fl matione afei Wet.
h. MASKS, /t Co., 14 Wood Novel
• ."M‘• • • “lildlT
. -..•:., t.Vlllllll . olYrill PAITSte • - •
malt "me Ittlisla talent ke u rewsktird rtteelll
iwltilelka. It ==e g 4 erierMabt valid! 1
ill= w wwl the eemb wei mew itlonly require •40
it IS. emi W et t h e
bomb ertib wane
. 11Ir toil will wed reb It st Seer tease e•
t1••r•••r •• trelb ww* a wilt • .db.. in ...ease( le et •l feeii:exm In, in li. 0•4•,•4410-
isle& Cei Weatwow le Om brpub...ll sup&
awrivalled as a plutecet. ~ ..w. mos, eetemment, and
Ole ilesuillee. St ,a wermaterf net la owe Ilte lamb.;
. .
brole areleareathem, -,
_ L • ; ~...
rty semi 0 regatarly; . it Oa tatter sae
!newest lut •ClPlal•lanna—rameaol IS. .loalkaille
atreo•• lilt (••••••• • 1•••••1•1•11 direr. Kura'
greats, pipuso44 Pad UN Clair Itivoniatai it '•
•• - ; t ree... awry What of Mad la me.—
Aft 6:r .r. S t aCempeettel Orrts,Teetb Famw.'wed
:eater We slt sistaltrltatWiellta eSel(pot.t. -•- .. •
4 Py 114 klaedo r VI Jtmedway, .
_" sae ef
pal belll 'Dm**, awl by'etal" a ibe MI witablielted
sirs le Ike Caw 11ftit•, watt eves 'iniailwely - west
Al'ilellobOtry Si PAO Put WWI Pre. t'e ' .
__• • •
1 . . •51.1111WITordattof Lk diseasea 'Plain 1444144
from as Weave: at eras a Wave% et lerwele,
twit • (Wel, rte Si Me. etetbr • we' Learme• 4.4414
'stmt fibV444. Tenon K. bilks. 11011.1 4.10 al
-1•1111 •• •Yr et bead, And 404 4 dome Wiesemer
lbey . feet tie; lwatl fleno lb Writ INV& AMA .
clam of 'et ibeew trtiewtes ' vroet.l porton theematti
1 "- V• 14414.4 .W114..1ACt1901441, 07.4 444,
Worn q• • -
•Guissit'aroviimur oarrisENT...•
. • Noir Yoshafee ISMS •
Waimea: For meteor olibtoomuhe Nam • sore
arm was a& WINO 0C on of to yfoek veltieh bra.
eery paratak I ioneetteed oporylad Ur seal morales
for woe. art eseeeereefallr, the sae maimed to get
drpu, Ihe We of.Yeepola of ey hat
maeoly bed ate stleice of phorietha, 6wPed . •ll the
sane ad palm oarsmen. t toile, hear of, had atm.,
of am lad the area le aflame the pale or arreet the ,
phapeee of. the . eas; aere ton• MAAS* Mammals'
'areaut doe • area sal prepclaol pot, sod It had eaoleel
Leto • rareas keer ne. Mr. Opera , Waked
at ale asp. alined an to tr a y
jar Oelantot4l WOW
at the Wes, het nod hit ;treat al leliedoe, I walla:led
10 11111=20,101,010d,r0l ahatehaea, i
It:renewed IN rem. adoerd Pb ,
=aptanee, had easareerd heallajohdare, which
t.ew de= " riLett slaccrel ' y brbeirtliiioitaill
ailiver ate, thaveitly, appllar - •
' • Ileoborfollr lam. • ' P PARSON!
Rabble b R SELEMIP, I? Wear .t.'
' Be Care tPay %Palest !'last
Val/Lfolneebleiebrestaisa tbe•nly otfloitte that
1.0 OS erne -dee utteblesse
twee, It aped, hstra sr ',altar. eats and Infs.
Sagan, sap all bawd ad, weeds tantiatalorabletiel
h..b. pad, to • very Son date Prwald.
aisle Ilse bare Pearesdend mandbledst pod be nabs en einter.
l as 4..l *sled plenest eesaatoe. U pewee ediletee reltl
call mad lewd( It. peat setaborei ears dust Imo
been eared, they did be dadatdoe. A psleleaso
this eV, dies had bees ender the knife et the Patted
Al teroectlueetlaera seldom . bees pod,bas W .
left ballot of lie Fee b tee tioa. twee *WI Pend
It tells Prod yreeelket:l—LPhil..reassdayoeatot:
lap Pp *ad na, Pataboeb al lb. PEKIN lrFA'
PPM qre F. rt sift{ war dud. and els at lbe
Dna boasts( II P Aelitana, Federal II Allegheny ei.
tr. . .:enghtiker
• , • , 'llo■llll-1111111 , 110 A LDS ;
ET`fru,, trt.
• , alma. nerseeleatet red.. thin, and es.
aestiently is areersased to all est. to leave ao ems os
peva la Carle.. - •
• . Sea andraitailky WA/4 JACKSON. al Ilia
;brined Bios INtore nod PaUlt aledieiet Watches..
Labeny arca; head of Wool, Pit:taboret.; Price 1511
'caste asd at per beak. ' •
the Itseiseiva 'siva 41, Wet..
Peelog !meta ; tor le sztastiteOta whet le void by 1111 d
asematell Avow •
Tempakt meta/any sop .le ellreatioss.
teeth tan ilatiel and adds.. of thirPtetprietor asd Pris
k_ tuVi.. carelopedlr.wrippcs bonlo •
A rebt?dea " ' • •"" """n"u"
wir. yoikiiiidast yaw are romise - 4 • . '
• pdx•rel,llo.4ole, snowy walla, : . ..
'As yam tea rail sr ammienu3k,e. i : . • .
wan limb tad '._'._ • • . '
'Lae- a An nJOTIWO Lilly-Moe: lt '
Ms AA alalmen yet Wm/ wine, •
131161.4140 u ir at
/11//fral , :tyare illtt toW ":
• Iva •.'f , f .4,4 f• ...r.i . i.
.t.f .. ' are' L .
0,40 - 17 p...
.... •. • lad eir , y., : 11:a auk.,
....... 4 . aajay,ma
..,. 111/1110dallehe
At oirWrillaarilte • • 11140 m ., ex S,
l ejla sa iii& aAvimit • - •-: , " , ."! ,•;, 1 ;;IS k i.. i .
'ldamerlialle...i. • I " ll r k inr s ,
iigiWIPAIR - tlteli ;l / bath ::. . '•••.' ..
1... ,1,-4;4, , ,,*•• tlfseaCeßL ..:.:_, .... . .: ,
r'..•; - : 'eartOunar .... • ''' • ' CP
.. . ..
-Iligek,ll4E()us. -
nut rwEtublflJLt*l':
eYit4.d with Setssfuls,..Niajo
...r .- .4ll,UnThe'TreS7l:sysipetaz,Otd Sark 4.11 Teta!'
Desessee,try . labor evalptalOsrutitiarg
011:11114intise'or the Um* ar•yempegged ta tr..
thsvlallorain testhitordsl, to prod or theiVroader
14. 'ibis assienisted, haste; rseilleitllltt Isaac
&oohs. Jr. at thh MU* of Amara Band eat
Walther, 775 Martel ststet L araradas
baits.= thanerenzarlikiffd, 120.1briwillia4.4101„ .
lbw dare. 0r5iti1.714.4.44100bie e r ase
bare berm i ; eallieleriOiqbe ria. •
orrosed • ' '
Ks Paala Cid!!! ifilinak Mak
Up, lower Ltd ellititlOol4 Eye Webb*,
tdo ?ace amity billas Weed put it :
JIM carried way. :Md.'s, we eaa gra es.
• Yr. 114 Warms,. that to leaner, - bat, Uns Odds
leterior of.trie worth, as well-...0w
. 011111 *ll .
'irae k MAs or eeepeed palate' Weer,' .
Oa the 14th ofimtuary 13/1 be corrofeimbanddwo . '
CULLE.I4 ir.GtooLt rLse.
Via, which chatted the disease in a raw days, ors:
eon that time Ow cure hue progresoed without is
••` New fleshhas zspplledthe plate of the deep al.
wed MOO b.hfly diatlgo red, bis lace Is mural;
Ziad Mute . •
Wean assured that. fa the antweelof Mr.
Itheeke' nee', so fdereurials.Oiatmeets, or Caustre
appLeotinas bzve been asedr-de fret, the PAN A-
Ce.A - ALONE. Irts wrought the wanderfel Orange
. • health, Becks county, Pa. •
• 'Chorus* L. Kowand,4leadville, Crawford eol'a-
J W Jeoea,M D Shear Seeotzt street, Vieth
Jacob Leo, ?ember N.l. •
W.Cara, 440 N *hove Poplar at, N. 1..
S hil:ankingh, Lancaster, Pa. . • •
M Maddock, SS Noah Klamath at. Phila.
C W Appletoo, N 1.) 46 Smith M. do • •
Ilmotbi Caldwell, Marion co. Miasmal. .•
Daniel Yoakel,Chao.t Hill, Philadelphia cn. Va.
'Jona Ilarned,.2Boo
- ------- - -
SLeslies. FAD, Camden, N.J.
William Hale, 378 litsh street, Phila. •
J It Potter. Mannfeetorer of Absent Teeth. lOU
fflath street, Phila.
L A Wolleoweber, EA. Phila. Marie:rat '317.N .7J
suest, do
George. I (Monti, !Irish Maker, 317 Market St.
50,. eon. 09 Cimino street; Phila.
A I) GilleUe, Pastor of Elereeth 'lmpost t:Oureb,
Jobe Bell,•Ene Street, Plitladetphts,Arlerth Auer
Aaron Sand!,l64 Catharine Street, Phila. •
Daniel bletitaley,Sesalerh Alley,-
Andrew Sweat., Cstmlen, N • • •
flit Eistto, Wait Philo..
ltieht.rd R. Young, 4i1dev, 1 409 1/11rLet7ILIPLiD
Jabal W Aahrosad.4lU SostO Sixth eueet,/hi
S Wirer. Lithareplusr; 116 Chet ant elnevic do
8J Knell, 173 Eleventh street, :. • • v.' •
Peter Shen Sutilh. Hilda, Native Eagle, • • 1 .. . do
Joel•Bodine," inanufat twee. Ivinivouves
Steeli.rarmious; V., Her en : naLgitivra •
L 8 t J.s, ftt D, Bowie, Mum • . • .
Phisirlogot, Pladadelphia ' ,
Iliesseir 9 ft D, Ilsymborgit. Por i
.rllllllMltti Marie% street. Phits,
Jewell/ i11n,103 Filbert sL do
Jehtleitidanifiginrce et r. do • i
Willits Utter, Pieter St. Pnelifil. E. Cb. Catharine
J4eCbamLcn, ?teat Id Ittekp. • Lltstels, Monad
Ifs Semler), Publisher cf PledgMind,Stvidanf,
.se.tters, Editbr - °Hie B Doilestumm
:Wholesale and Retail byhtesraid Wnhoe, Pro
Nieto/1,376 Mattel K E Sullen, •
6 - 7 Wind 34. Pittsburgh, Pei Ws. 'il. ',M Mar- I
et. &my E IS Pectins blnneUa,Ohice, Seaton di
Sharp, K John W Da.sher
OWN Sidell 9- Reeves, Madison I a; t.: Noble. Loa u ..
villa, T,• Deverooeh 6t Pollan, St. Losis,
.E.ll McGinn , Watch.; !diem Hautierrav 6, Jobe
'atom. liseluinagb, dot Charlesleeltins, Nei tlrtesa
-LI It Isere prtsseltde a the L
rannustessaleflet • punt
le Man write, soluelt we Sod of:dikes panonal on,
abildiati, to be of utility so ilts relate. *lee at Lb:
'larifel weitteitte• we have seri ka eel bushy foe sour
pare. TWriuttware PirECTOIIANT, the CAB
iIIif.LTIVIL end vraunvuor, orloel we boost to
he geed 61 dim eariglaints they polies Is noo. . tVe
ea Labe Mune Am pax sowaert. otos rs
ogyusir.l6. tempts Was. Root fusing, lo Went.
Now Stub drast, loartf IK abatises:ass *met
of Yeljes.geate WWI straoloot stoiest Dow
Awe, e Dyierinry. Mn. P. bad fteimdett
p,,,,ye 0 W t .-hot b we„witb timalisstrte Of er.
Jayne.° and All sale. Of kr WO, mom fee wok
await, was weeriarOl in riikeLielf • opiaody
Tie Est...wain we ban two we used ammo Oar
intimate Meade wall <Ueal tame.; nod we loot doll •
we shall do a good an to Dentin* fesptalally thews fly-
eawd Nattily cues( bate weenie laweedloaa mintleal
skittles OltrYo J.. to beeps hub! bo. W Kiperts-:
riot sod Oussinativr. kapeersat is Wowed by •
to be the best recipe for Velowsaly .
ee Complaissylbst *set yet lout slaw
Tbo ti .ustot Is, Dv. / syn. is sot • oumb i ltat
maker, teionstile, and able wedteal prZepteerr tiles ,
telt Ills nortlielors are sled by tto teat pbrwoes,•
t F-4.1.4,11 tie Pilled. mama:4 Mario'
Par sate la Platabemb_at tie ?MAIN TVA- VlDltyit,
n F. n k Mug". W.1.1r %VOA nag •140 la do Wag Sara
of 11 P Webeektu. Parrs! ft. idesdkvr
• • '...11 . 11.131011110a PRlnClrfiro, •- •;•''
ZCIAMI C.. DOW Akehaeles l d'asttiiee r atri
Arai be proesnes sum% WU poems the e
el uore .Thearsisse mod Paper. Par A prieeary See /Wel
CCM troa.otall wher 14eliol 41...
3 .1k0w. MS UM Pastas Hfee. He ceissia. eelosard
ea ail Damien. eh it`` 1 die Pant Laws isairaett•
maa la dr Ushed tluwe ae. romp., Pa - was at A
faiaMeo &oboes bevies enedradoee made Ed slie
PaSeatakapriae medal ferdtaaeadse a
may Arena boa paid. eacias aRe d Aire
• oloe. .P.lntectsto( %Sari:me' veleta lasesediele sliest
Ilea be Alyea se ft. solidi Icionialies Mitt
octeM be Abased by a wish of De applieaut is petals.'
promptly otomeadeoad. •
All keels aq Imam e.nceM pan paid. sad eeetetn
• ealtible Co. gram • wipes ep. eau n rmielred.
Las... E. '
Ile hes 110 WOW Of f146/7415, Lf pertte... to '
Iloa.Dise l. ousAllarte,Pearaedoeser Paton., •
, . 11 Elme to do
bleebtelei. rayon do;
Dae; •
/edge Creseb,Wasidegiou. D
Reet. Meiseeheoetia,V S.Fesietr;
AV All. do;
4 • H05.,1 60.1.4111 D, • t
; • ISea. ‘V Ala 11.11. Neer •
- 7 Hoe. Debars ?mita, hi C. • . •
• • Wm I theeee, a Neese; •
Mad rider, II C,Niseostil • •
Capt. )1 Sims. idoolari:
i Ensue. Moak( Keq.. uabasph. mei
aid Octant Ageat.
WPia LL, Hien. frieopli awl
V V Ito that Joao teamed Hin 0 *sinew of
Await- foe llfyin sod wino" tool olio:A.1n ado CIF, and
window:4e a lone volume of Hs IMO owl watotwo
Ullidelleing;leuivx luta Maio( of lowiewinoreolm4 04.
or haildloirg le tolleeiliog &Amnia' romoigod otl.-
reisimoonwo awl dammed% midi.' aurodi loc engage io
ohms ily. Ho will slow oo Wooi4.
eloa of loom, owalracia, ate.. awl will fornisli mantle
tolotiow tO lie poring woohlie. owl at.
olioowbilsilet of Aiwa.; &hi. Po "Mob bla rawnii.e
mq.slistabee minanly tos.• IMwaf bo foond
•b 4 raoldoseo, No I4l' Alsca rinet. said a 11o'efock
la IM .resist sod at., I delook la Um cooling, ow!
mellow Men al WI sect. No 10 Clambers aim., tool
tow ROOT now. /I KVI - • . • . : ; • •
■aItSIIHIGHS-Hoo C A TolHowitio.• Has lobo II
Hoeg, How /oho owWw Hollow,. -Al.
Somas "Firbele Itoisoin„ Aid. Wm • V lkwly.: Dowd
goo, %Via .1 Ircnaa. Eng: • wyliPol•
• ••••--
i • '
Tr.c 'mammal Mm rarioly avarrarg n red la tau
aaal sea fiaklenarla ZA= l an=4l6
Dr. IagION - BLUM ad.
armada Warder of• all slim and at all paws. .
Coastry klerehanta mad ditto IWO Meted 10 1100 sad
01•0000 file above far %acme:Tea,
_rg all .111 La veld
windmill at 'awl, and a literal &docile* made: ia,
agar ' WFlSTTivin:r'
tbe dila bowmen*, hem tonsil, bow eatte or,
and anbeellby the silinappeere p
chalk: Modes, it In imionesenaleing eimprquaer,
lby, IC lend. We bere prepared ■beernifelimprubli
ertiek,_rebieb ere cell lONVIPA SPANISH LILV
W Nl= flit perke dy inciocern,tng periled et *l t
&Wen., coteriUtei and it imparts' le Ike elan nm.
heably,slaborter, clear, Jiving white, nt the sued
WOO aellag aa a comae bc ee die ellinileekloiCit
and moo*.
Dr. Junta A/MafavO/a. l`rnetiest Mania! of Mama•
ebeirbe says: !'After auslyalep Rower Spanish lan,
Whit., I Gnd Ilpeeeessra the mat Leatittlel Wawa
rel., et the etner time innocent Irbil. I ever eve.. I
Caltailia tan COMCJenVOlaiff ft COaaaaald Ite.ere
Was. in calcine beentilybig..
• _.
I"Price Sienna • box
Sett by IV/CP*OOON, at lite Beet and,Sbee
Sione,lllLibtetpsurei. Ma of Med.'s& the sign of
'the Sin Beelll. • -
• SIX Llega i k.l . RES 1: n the
4 1: 1 11.8 vo
. I ,i T L IIC . L . I . I PT 9
s= Pit t e t ases " O ' f ' tbe aes re rt . Oa the Lara
lallongiigty,siod we& ol reaming wile and fe;
ISM, health. symmetry and fiesety; espoorion causes
;Salem of those Mamas that reduce Commatior.
e lle., OR abodes I ifer,sa Athactioas of the Skis Spier,
;Sumach, Bowels, Lidaels, Liver, &rehab', Files,
Vtavel, tad Female Complainta. Its role., casy,
ad and pare, Irmo a gahle to perfect health
ad foes life. .93 Esgraviap,324 pages. 50 cet
Pasta& 94 cts. By, SANUEL'`SHEL DON
. ITCH, A. N., al. U., at 70111BOAIMVAY, NEW
-., . .
. .
Aoy proof rothattlog Idly woo, hoo, oral reoot•o
Ropt biololl; to Bay rul.. ; Ty e Ode npplied.
.141•79;1111141160 •
1 , ' - '..NO QUIIIVNO PAI • ~-.
KIN RDY—Wunsted to cure, or the me w
y returned. This medicies is prcpsred from se le.
Ms* Receipt, obtained from tame oil them is the Yu
West at great *socials , 'nose who hare bee*
familiar site the iodises, tams that they csii eed
do*oni Veseissi sithostihe • kernstedisw ot Men.
eery, Balcusi,or anything of the lied. llie 411.
lietid title . BOW , ,to opooMoiity of bisiey reset
shims' ids use of Balton; This medicine in
• meat to the taste, led Jesse* i no mann on the
• - - •
Prepaved by nOWA NU& WALTON, ad gold
obelento nod mud, by J. T Rolnisod, 378 Market
rigret, l'biburst. • • •
I v or sae 18 YtEsbertb by It E Bellan, 87 triad
Thara,lsl Martel wt. • acBdlrT
-"MIN lamina l!ie, Salts.
Nuollivionlyitbabsilimsbji• , ineay alms lry
•81.15118,0are0 imllleitioA I. Dry-for, LIU .81 Wt.
r ti " :oll.Wkic.OL
WOW 110111111110111 if Wok; ISM; aed
brit OONNNAION4BB7,O" llw sot qr. Ed NIA al.
Wows Oar& esNti pita *TlM Aresiody yam stoo 4 d mg, mud
marYNAbrat ab B 87•4 4, .8017 ,1 88
. 110.1 hilMsirmerisia It 1..141 / }eft. Wl .11.1 MY=
mety ax W ey. 7.<711 , --.8.84 70477.1-. 1 1.rp0r5,4
moms, al erisomil talhawis., bead bum:, chit ,
b Its:, TOM Wm. pa Puit&ess +ll'
ell= tsar, F+
Ay= 11111.kir `.-
. l
. • -
.esulaminar . skulm. satau4ol4,l. 1
-.......-, ...r: A...W....v*0W
.=• ~ .....- 0 , ,• -•-• • .
MUM. • IrrallialkOlie, i 1
•diamosime ofameabwilleadOlosam:
illawebool wawa=
1. 11 •1•••••• 1 • omprroralaw id. F .
use•Ar••ale' rotee,i arbi eevesemeemon
• silly,. irreales eelefonle tratoldep. , •
..41.Per kat Beek era elwegekee Wpm.. ewe emei net:
"WAY KIT/ 71011041/11 ween-lete anew*, tom,
.• .lhe.4 tke Pock./ veal lean tke Imegos•••
as theiled
is axao met Yew" rm. 1.1 Ow
Canal, cm, is Ira el e /Abe- - ... .:-.:- , • ,
&4 " :• , == '', ! ,l-. !.1D312,M1 n i
L ''' I .
-- -
• . • zo..Liczciriocirs: - ; . •
of esTailosumitirraispoiTiTauii LIKE.
rug L •ioc of-11. ammu et:t dials 411 1 7
Use M. ram tad canetwooll
rtie►are is rod ordcr. "noir MIMMUIPIPS toliprepa•
d farwAnl lAsieeisallitrali niettbsolOs and
'YAKoot m'Ab . 7=i.d 0 .0.472;1 1 4:; 7 „. 10 ,,...
Wane Wise .
Bills Wise mummified mid mllimirscuma mdi fly
TM !mine. or AU Ilijm emiliected — cm smelly
Sablimbikeepieftprinciples.•A ter...,•Ar Apeib -
I/ Finemmumm.
- Cuss! amia; Paul+. nit
NW 114 Nog* Harald sweet, Bahl:sore
W B WILSON, Age ei,
No WiletwlNA.l . O. r.k
• -
rpOlf.the traMpopattoki ofFaegla between Pivabargit
- l mai the At.tvata Etter &mama tramblomeatth an
thth m'ar..rtal tha °pompom nak of delay, &mom
breakage amtpeoanatoo of goods.
a Ciao':
• - . Nolte Marker street rbiladelriam
• On Nos pal Waytto am, Plttabiller
MiONNOSLACe, Montt meet, Dahmon. l
.W aI T TAPSCOTr, 761toma N. Y. L S-rt."."i
....•.Eumarsgte by inert-mod Latina" &b raePrielath
atakoaddea Web* mock a4 3 4..V.. 4 9a1h0ir • -
meta. eanagl wlutcr,aro OM moaned to •r
-matd hate oenb regretlarityaad diagoack taturocaard
byour other hae..-Their a s doormat*. comm.
_Se papabla sapano!lty of tb. (*table Neal. N) am;
sad thereat topatuy aml aspartame , ' a the ewe
*matt an sack mel of at boo. are pecallarly eithetta.
ird w enable. %immortal= lat Gal taut oellageomaa
and mamma ma abet. mammare—o ooWemly air 41174
the oast as a getraaly fee IL Nears they( .itt4tretjelly
mita% a coauttaame of that parateaapyratak tool mt.
gralefelly ackmarldge. . •
' All tocuretema&Comet mill b
Taago Ca e mate
and (procure.Sormatom charge* pale Iced Dina a
lather trumpeted fro of my datgo,for. Caatorameo.
adrannog ot ammo. Harley as mamma tarectly
ladismUy la steamboats, the /amen of the ocothimaers
Amu race.snly be thelr, mileary comet tasatoptor
arca. .od %boy ploeCe thelmotecate fitteraed , a l gmala
maligned to them promptly and ea tho advarna:
gems toms u. dap *mut ra • ,
Nara t, ISO
•-.laosswrogivr PORT AILS
- ." BOAT LIN E' •
Ara 1847,
AHD .Tve ,A D. ?WM& PITTS.
• , .UrWearmi Ilemo
Goods cosemoce Morass', =A491 . 44 ta i
om <War, el, the Imreu carrsol macs. bias I( L.B . R.
essmued, Lod all meemeisme orange], ,Mrseka 10,
hes Wm my
MArcrs,e. sooty 10 C A /MA LTY &CI •
.BTO&ACILC. ••••••••••
Ilsrinet MR . l il y lad PP=
cm am orcoomdlAreellio &bas *VA *
.hippotag• larroboomuo3ll9*.b.*.r.. 4 *N. ml*M
•UT ruts, • tor,' r_Ulle N mLTa mo •
1121012111): 4 ...1114=
E X E C ILTI V I4 LY .11 4#7 l a s I'd' of
Wow ruTrtbutb bur
sti nmemovilme plum ' • . • :
Om Dom Ina le., the on mimeo oic A Oic /Moor
& , peoMmot, mccy lc corm Moeda) d,sed
Mippect can shrmileepmel m Mmoo *Tr .CWT
mecd MAW dear • cid sa Mir mom
Tee LIM som famed for lb. Mora.' scmcomodeem
(rtes.t bactoose. ood PoWeceece , eePecKollY
• eoliths libeled More of potremge.'
JOHN riacwollP' 4W -".1111IN MILLRR
DAN% It BARNES " ItOatat
' • JOIIX MILLE& Ilellidaysbath '
a II CANAN, Jultaskswa
• " ' C Alf° &NULTY &TM Pilmbomb ' •
• • •• arrbaracu. • '
3J Jtattit . ak hiutryter,l4intioardlynky
.1413 ' •
tX1111.1it: :"
t.lll rue bet a [ composed of lieslodomm Lao licte
'ltd blIcA moon , r• between Pso
k.,& smerr;ossl. trel4Mpemengcr Gust llomm
beaivea aramitod 1.64 au] «Mores 111 Wl*
; , 10 lkoarallM edemMIMMOM roam llc rs • sol ' remel•
Ls lea omII St pawed spas the tabu' "No.
resuruift a cam fruOtart toupusers
03 pauses Us Nom,
Moths rpm tottluy far tummy* et** ...3pos.
=prtil evel=r . tcl i aos=m=
.1".""'"81 % igtrr,
G ass C.
SamweNl,4. Agra
• • . .
a...toaddieldeed Wets. at.opposii• Me Hunts[
Weevlcr,Cfeeter t Ce, New Vont
U. Mots, Baal*
N Pots At Co, Clweited
JA. A Antaitooilk,loo. Druoit
IdoClirre t Willekasejliderutio
Unmet At Pork,. after.
Wee reran, rovremown; renei '
Cleo goetoletm,, Itvenobortly teem
Jahn Sic dttbar llocuaolte, de • "
VietAntef:Ureenoille, ". do
Craig St Ftwoydee. Clorkwllle. do
II eye rlood , ,dborpeboogli o Pa.
C fluent, de •
It . W Gm' sat. New Casq6 do 'jos.
.WICIGN.PITTSI3I.IIWH A r.D '1.1E•EA51.14.104
enaa Atetoar vitustusltViiirr. •
rilllEtimoviamalsod of sots lag used by Ills bog
.11..E.C•4Ililast Luso, I. mw . well loot., tlau
.8 el I ptlems n voaksultry. are ma to•rbsd•• the
lone, ilkai•IIMM.1••••••nar emit lis•dttne I* used.
• .7Sla Boats Ire of hitio dre•gin awl putt dim yips
iafroout loser. dupl. '• ' • '
The equity et sot Wasebuneses °tables it so moire
My cons.usuomouk ouul• loos. lieteiviou,ostiog, and
advances frog of chums. • ,
Lleios (ally •prdpssed so make sake of Poodueo, sou
twoectrolly ool4cls tousisiossms of nuns Elm
Homo. Lori, Bailor, lAste ^Moo!, Foodless, sod otbui
Oracles Ow fate; oft which liberal odwaaues will be
muds and other laud foe lasseo 'forded. pledgaig koes•
aehosilmit any Irsuesa 61, MI Molt tos
'promptly - esteemed oud upon so fair mug as tor say
oar, More..' /140 111cIPAIMEN& Co - •
Goal Basus, Mutual Is
'1,191W DAVIS t Co .-
• - 219 141 Market st,.llllada
eat uo6ea him ondßrigetoete
• !
ii k a linlimplipore( - ouUnt
• •
Mt • /ASP sum,
.17, to p~epntirreroatrtikNl.nrl u.
wi=l• Moony 10. • Ilauf . b.ig
64 . 111 . 0 Wye Saioneae,
Oot, • •rol Chao kw all ports on Loh
oppor LAW, as olio to 04 jpodors, to •by Pc!ash.:
!=f "t7 TAIXCir.r.
ij • -
It. I.latt ;
It - Pliarr ivicitums aaa
rovaravUaa COM=//111.1a . ..
Pit AM* Sod Pllllll4llOO/0 LJAa (so (aim
. .1. ably kw. a tb• pabllahrillPoVaramelaa tbs
..artlaat *pommy at cattal savagatani tatnfealva prop
anyat Pitul.ool ad Waver, suai tftelivea Ue now at
:5 vita as tab Obio caul, sad alma& Wei Ent
Allehlpn, wit!, Ilre mason Joayatch sal urea..
sosbla tat.,
The pmpriatots of Lbw Has. Wien ate biatiotaa of
ibini fanner esaumacts trAt:oalclente, I:soaring dot.
thanCanna tits ato !Kowa to none. . .
fie. Ver.
.7 11101111.0 NO ICr C nem&
"ifir. POSLIC.
' TZ‘edi p t il . " ...l., o4lo l 3Z i regritract n ot
il oord711goote e :rolltilellook
*amber 4,1 , Beau 'On !MY Wpm* of Pods
thosogh Inflows air Id olits dope, with eretiollifraad .
Cul eacoorapd by Ito 11torol4y of loot ygiftp.olooo-!
tomolls move ea tame afroopowati 04,0 w;
• wo would Omuta,* essimieifblly aolloit•S 0110inil%'
VICO of oar Wooer potroal ood rvfor allow? 1111,pip
lo..thooe havodoooboi.nuo for: • • "
iiiiillEllB47. MOM
• • BOATAI•A WS' LI Wiii •
ALL Know or. 'wampum,' To APO Alton
rattamarb, BALMsental Nav sou. LSD Docir . lC
• • SAM) W lOMMA & Co," '
Cinder Matt street mut Carat Bare. Mental*. '
A I. Orttlid ITT
Tait Market stretcyldl
_Adae l
7 " .
itenitruccus.----• .• •
1r ItlaCelfut" . A Nam,. 111415 ....... tici5 q.
PIIILAOMWHA-Alearth rawnes stol e
Ale rattail k Co, limax & Baby, ram Wilailtdi'
Too. J Vis Moot, /Masi
PIMA , TRK—ChodiritC
Oo o,Thr s. hay & C
o s:
CINCINNATI—Adam & Qsagli, 1W • W
amdisadat tam Now York &Ad Bodes.-'
Swam Cb, Mila&dpida, MUM.
Ammar Mannsdafrer of ommlaisra
la v
ic Qum} beints tr. Jlis
be am in." terrotTall•Ode 41 -
A "IWAW• I .TMOSowsli PPM.
111.1ateitidtelse 4.11111. Le. •
rittt t
•• • be lot slew :
. - 1 ;:;;;1;;JA s 1412011 -'
•• • • ~ 311 .61-ir " 1 , 41
4.1..5t •
Et 69
s: . i.11MMIMT101111M .
p arrs — a -Amu .. us . ••• I
1*61444t •
- •
‘. tdOims diacdtay.'Sdame P. '
tlidd(d6ci 0132 i &NMI Id II r
resassiladmil ?lumbers!, dot ddlededdat Um of (:dd
ppU.a ma Baca aaaay Id andadcd.
• rytt: " fa C gfe"l:l:tr=tt.....,..
New Cdnid cod I. , trecoville. P.; ltdb&d. lira
data . dm . eldirdisc SAe
ul addt Wood:r. had. 13...
der; dad dta ftrital draidaint !direr ; Ada .
b .. •APP'I IS X IlAinoN&O., Pdxl4 , •
. v.... , • •
••! •1 8 7 . • ;,I5 1 ; rail I
oil via CANALS • •
E fAllEttCo,Cleeclaad.o.l.• , •
a 0 PAl.L.k_kleame, • Proyiteare
W IL/L,.Pa
i sahr,,ro.. red .
rol i thrt j a:tm fnyfil;lfthmrl7& l t .
Mad, to infoolatoo reneeyleyumilt. Ulna and Ohm
The Menke of mid Llso am IMlramalled by my on
said Canal& In nwhee. wad eirseaty ot. Beam cop,
Timm of Captains. aad prootymew of-Ageane, he.
thre %eh loam PM•baria. and Cleeviand daily. win,
'1 to
And between Pittst . a rte and
Ocavisrjane Übe of &rivet... faowalwat., Empel
tencHnie and Pelmoms, on Lithos Erie, Nam, AI
1. 04.71 . herwrhWed to 1111 'h
balm with
deapeteh N EMUS Co, Clralmd, Aim. •
11412:1), PARKS E. Co, Beaver, ham
IY T MATHER. Pllubeugh,
Cor - Name rhahhirld ureets •
swain= mr.aviessile,ilmsd
:AM 147
• moioiraiusid:iioirrz, . •
1YA10111 . 7. AND PINUIDELPIIIA. • .
~.'"herellellaktesese•••;•• •• .. • . bettra.
' • TiMeie hlledelpins .........
ellOydy &mit%) .
rrlig splendid and fan running weamenConeal, Lae-
A. is IdeLsee and termera,bele earmeneed elating
imam* daily tripe. Oad boat will leave - tbe blantetp•
bele enbArf.e'verylmnded pretturlynl 'er`eleeL—
Pamepretn by Ow rmateg Lae 11/311agn. lel/Orme.
nallevettlag tlme for rbiladelph Ilfailfloat, sr
Bait Read • he nvemag Dam will leave the
harldally ate dash, eantaeedaya. Penenaer
y t i bte ba be
d will lodge onboard; In cernfortable nate
man; leave ilbeersaville • MM. 1320t12 1 / 2 11 5A . 1041.14
emes tan tenantable indellebt; sap mein:Wye itt Cane
boland. Tbas m ihl Intel attogeer:
preparations on ibis term am meek, sad llad conneetkue
empheteesteaundwienyermelrmeoe &Jayne/ill be 11A
ttpep 14.
r•Mbenip9l iseie and mama their
w E ale tgatdat Omen, end have elence of Rail Bold
theembeat between Baltimore and' rhilade/pbill.
°Wks ~Wed la pence te Irawit n t el
Drente year meter at Ow elneaddrusengehela Boum
IT Chmdwellet•L',;. • •
TO OI:DYiL~ED + LNe'•IIP~EEi ) f.
liiirmiX.A B4 lA2 l o llll '
Ttlatrull int so HOURS.'
P•CiLM' Boast IStralhstr wA Teleimplt it !lei ,
Iterflajr.wt itit lock • in, after Inn un Val or the.
ntotel of Dow rem Matsbuitt, and •••1•e at Warm In
time fix dm MAU 14.8.0 Sup.. 'WO Wm malmadi•
truly WettaMr. utd arrive at Clevelarl aqn&frat t r.
Tilt facet. the artat elpedttloas ;al .voincertitble
otto totte , Lakis.
• CUM& tarrwmawriawihleik;e. ' ,
• • READ, A
nt BtAtitt•thlrt. , ' •
JOHN • CALTIIIEYnororr Water Smatield
npaiy Opposite the Mattangsbeht 1 k , ntn Plttkurf• •
rivrilionion , Atm anzgavmap
dpIIIS I.ioa coolusitos of height and gageNreipsa.
eti, hill rakteplarly danud the /moon lodide.
Hearer dnd Greemmik, W. 14 yrk , elt freilibt •Ad bed
eesgsrsbetweed Ila terspoidul,lrdllowthd prwegy
05.1 Ad the Icos; rms. " • • •
• • WICK dc ARCllER__AldddreineiAits
.C.11A16 FlLAillithrltdville,. 14K_
Me FA BLAND it KIN°, 84 Bead; • dig
lIA k PLUlAB.Ntorp.bergli d.
. ' • d."
W C AlAtd, Rama, Aor.
•• WM. %a ATIIPW,d, .•
• PAKIIS t Oklienred. •• do;
,TOTIN A CALIWIKY, owner Wailer
KA? ' • • iw
• TAIIILIC - DUAT - 1.11131:
1114 11 1 11 .- 1847 -NAME
r ..
AL......o7iikacHatto gw rea . 7 "'nom
• PAllsiAripkw, Mgt Iseeree, New Torts,.
THEciomarivaizat Uzi Bee hi
ts srecriwd Wacti
W piestotrocaigiest,his lodised the prwie
write lecrease the week braddirig • comber el era
elwebottin sod inswad of hweigtilse t. e
fore et wets, we will give-wir reteipts
frolglarshotwed trythie
The boots are ell portagil,eoeserqwestly terigtit
t. Lake. the !h01ett.,..4.0 withoet.treirbiptoest,
th.tcb/ re , e.lieg go from [mincot hoodliag
on the tome, sad.. esti hat is Atirsod by ttie
Costal* who row Jew, which le A ielßelest tans
autte that there will he so ilaggyew tits WM ie.
' All Prodeee coosped to t,tie
eodervi,„^sod be Barwarded E'REI , ..OI , C A M.
MISSION, Or &drawing sod. forerantiog,and call
be chipped without delay at the bowed rater of
i v. L eevee -. solirit ' phut, of valiiie
: - Canal Baste, Eiltsborglit. :
CRAIO, BELLAS & Co, Ar t •
- Broad Serest, Vhiladelphis.l
Y MILLER, Agent: , gt
Bottlers Wharf;
Feb. 18.1841,
TO 11113 ZL&T IT 105031111141.10 TB,
EE tobtraqpsod on moo propated so forward pro
deet,tc.,ioo laa Eamon Markets doriag the now
log, Winter, ott,the mom torarsbie term.. by this erpe-
Comte mom •-•
• All property eortmioed to tomillbekrwortled allbc
log/clinic. and with dimpalett.
Illetrhaallso rtee ova I.y. Ittn mite p h
romptly foi
trantoL J C kit .Po
0 W CASS. Brownsville. sbursb..
otrell ' E DIRILTON k Co.CmoterloMd:
- „
THE esbieriloire nil receipt ronbe &Hwy it Fla
does io Raltlarortiby the hiotempalwea eleehrrarer
at the totlowierrtees.
Arhea, flateu, rtater, Leal. Lard,' Pork. T.J.b
Whietey.Ckeese, • r.. 1 0 Wm.-WI Mb pee VP !be.
• Totaceo.lttnp, Ktre sod Wheat-1N curter 106 The..
414., trot) App/es. Meese. flax-Peed, Wass, sad
Lhether-100 eta per 100 10s • • -
Otis, /Wee. Seed., Wool-110 caper 100 the. •
*evens. Feathers, Fars, Marrs& rod ..90ake-Coot
-Allen per Kolb.
Alt propeerp eorotoed .4a/e. 'of the esoleivigtted
tral Le fuenutled ors oet • otor, free of OtereiPtion,
et shrove Mee. 1V II CJ.AR.Hermaireale_ •
11ANPI WATERIIA ritilheeth•
• • - ' • • • nuiatriims OA 1166 , 11 MIAMI . ► — :
maker tom Eire Prick: rtalom 'Afhi.
Li roman to this Mace Rent trmetomMitrh
tame tale rmedms lamMarce ad isalif
• , Amazement* breeltatoa_nas. MA •1
bare * [Gat memo% ',II a a/4mm. n i lkeml,
Beeabenvie. . OEO. 8.• MILTENDMIIG
Ant ' Smatbdat dim. MI Water ' '
Tie; vurrit. • •
r a N=EL .I ft . MMValls: lic t :4lt
(loathe Rs, Maltelle kit P . tiarec
. .1.4111)4111. hie
Sly ILE &Ilene Ix free • lei. of deer, unwell
widOrneat pletrars, i_b_ou teadomayao tee viz.
Meet yen, telebreand Temitteget. I p Mtn rod a
hrs irme, and gave tt to three Only etteldern, who lead
be. .111 for ea veal weals The olden wag rein
'ewe ob.l,_dac • next nem. end she 3tentron effete.
ormarms. Te-r iest parsed iny•ea worms, um rearm '
tone eon., and the tend a onotertereek, member not
&mottle rreolleeted. Slew a...they lave nom debit
well, toad are now In toed beanie. . •
Year leareetedlt, _ .4 WrWIN.A.
• .
Free the Rev. 8 E Babcock, ot thelttetholiot tputo
hle. E Nellann Ii liltl irest plaxians. I woebl
lapin pool as rod @deem ache
den eV Cl
Am veer of age, ey yoterj aster celebrated Venni for.
Alter erm kering nevalatont, I eave tie are damn%
win. ha plumed an We
Iseredetable awake; fines
alike Mae Ida creme breeds Ina Ore atererred.,
• ' ' • • ••• SE therm..
• Peorm - the Rea' Eherloi Mole the hietbschas
• • • ring4,ll., r0.,..t.r 11, ;
111rY:R.R Salle= Ikavee)ltakdaeWerlbetween,
aoreinndg w p y r e stcai e t ld) n three 41 11 be . W at o rm V m i o m or g — e,
Tbe neoner of worms <0084140 an Irene proive•
ly, bet It Ina tame. le err In pqmssoimaifsced
I Wet teediclaa say liemhlidaill la with
real enteatreeenra. • 7 . - "II Comiga. •
As Ws Yrrotitkore kos sebbe.tteen biotite to
ahr instonto o. *ins worm s woolly eimod, moot
otold roe blot peeforea U. to Il l ottr.
?'FS tale b M. Castel:lmill Woi. •
E( flit yea. Menu anamenp,
04 , 7 ,1ba anibaedbet has lesislyydatnee
Alie lonontd blauelf la Allegheny,
lea• Salsas. aim so take • , blue, fora
WM.( yeas, Win panpeny Ye now
oneies, la Bearer • week laniallaseJy Yeti/YAW
Peesbyanta•Chereli. Fnna doing arperlene••• Ue
atna bantams and • dentela *au, intiapen3.4.ll.
is and melte • gala of imtblb
Nem on bind anti lAnnsft Usett laek i Dag:
M4lns t : snd linen* lad *wag down ytiem of
emili in seder, OM elivatiy•live doltanvia
aiebtbutra JOHN AGUTia.
thruotanit, reisisktie Marks ha
weolkm, Ciespett, a ,as • nsisibinsie dm wpm
nlt applied en, tz,br NM sad opeeleta. .
- Fbld vita dleectioan o Owe a take„
b V AIM. JACIP9ON,fOLIbeny meet. bead_
of ad, lbia t anal ?sbne sm.% alp( * Vilr.
-Tr COIIIC—Wo comilsea• — ate
• attention of atoms ritoto of minoring their hair se
boalowing Ita beatify totals Octant ;actuante. • W a
bear a every arkK a apot.a as; mai bI
aUllooo who har o of It, a. sr. may diem loos
talaoslalaka of tba hair, and pireettain
sad = may of tapipt. ItaAls:totta fay
' 7or ago la PI as Opi PitiltiPt Tail !WO le
Ts Tar% WoWsbil IWO flip Rivt.lPSinf
11 1" it. Minimally. Mit • • • kol.
- VVVil •i.o , ~...
tU) 11=lagglisses„.3
it. 74'innu;a4bi t tke we 414
,t . my i iiii p lo wita..l4.l.4„4
lisTiTrlNgY4 riLwpireite -;
.., .
.. - .::;
~; ,__ ks„,,
' —:•.- "`Z., , -- - ''':. " • ~.
11 1,
--..'' - , • ':
' -'-..-...,..-;•':.'. t '
, •
frillS k ' s ial
vs d p i
. --.
.., ..' •••. • ....-...,....-.;',, '.... . . , ,:•- . 1,-.
. • ..
1 1 1 11 1. 4 TIAN" ~„ ,
Y 1 • ,
:l• . • • • 7...11 1 .
•• , .
,L.---••••-•••------------ .- .5!
:ME& Piutmmourrp pou
AID ALL brEat . ollll COMPLaffirk. - • - •
sWea 00.0 Moat assataf at M.a+laaml. 4 .
Bias tlacir4om us duty asesrtalaed. : . . '
. fat bot &Maims, gra adios. of grids,
Andram atankiad too t the mend tads:
Maw Klein Masa sob, we brtkomrnia &wired
Ms Last f asa Ina" -
.DiL 01111111glifWV. raroc Eyes Auto mao,'
• •••• ~. . ;:., ~.../..Eg.p 'Look •
Tte,e4 l "`" =Writ brip'r=tl
riA addba.M.PdbM ut ettnritJy WM andica . tiollad
iGslualatia u a mamba aent, by means of wise b del
uncurl Granata 10•Vaa es.Bleettie od Illagulie XV:
chinos, ,
. pia .,W are eassrelyt Lagesiod 1•01, and
or olUalumi • embed wave say Sr OS
obieetea soblelt arobtall graWat frowi r rFral soak
bow ia use. The Wm( leas* and i MOV•bilk
la gestalt lillvants la I ppUed Ls tlm ultimo. be
been prommated, alter IL fair sod imparnal trial,la be'
driArtlybilleinds,and il num nerdy ibis radi:ad*
font Mas Mulcahy antimatter., was panWestadi wltieb.llP
ler =Remain ml and paseveriaba bin ben brown
to its prowat mate of pufnelkw. no ambwate Piallif s ,_
waver all - Me porpowa ef the .I•Oarafiffww.. o _,..i..
Amu, arid ta nu n = Twain Fa neirearip a!!
enrol., in an
Tbs Usbagaid " niz . lasdig eenamistlallitlitearair
. . .„..
mak Flail are u ti=sasSed ia ......:
Awe wiiek raid:
as or Mss w
SU urn., as Mad sutras, and their conpLarla Ma
WM( the meet palatal am! ulrersal to Irina', Oa
.ablest. They arse, sailboat
the from as aim'
iliscazwerb eomneetunt of dm
aadiwatt in Mete eases that 'odic, •rcesodies . barlag
altaaiga.billed. a newmatins greatly Deeded, whirls
It bedgaitleal/y bellowed, liaa been fauld late coypu
a of Oaluaisac.
W .W ll =llll% e trtbare beers nod sank WIN . soh.
611 in anew. of unman:macaw en throttle, ap.
it.=the bead, jai or limbs, eibri. 'Fradontar.
8..4464,,(1.61;*. lin • r sr s•Elkkadr4
&a:o= I:a
i.. r... 4.4 r. Irvan.r.. ris , r".IP.
refranee era lln .. .trpiry, s orrow of Masa
lagauf Ciondatiats, Jammu Teo
man, Diesistas of thor, A =ling gateSidts.
•lilsowarnabairth - DVlciesee Prow sad ifbPdasd Xs -
Egg. mut ralf.:SEAtgolldi tbillliDEltd. Ala ear. of
1t==. 1 : . ..t
Li vetn . el=igi t. a . ..a b. err i. dei
wrung owerufat.;.lll exuaardioary otliam spa •
'.lba dyateso mast be witammed to be believed, sad u •
'derma prerenua6 et Me
preceding 'complaints diey
Si. equity recommended. TM limp ars of dlfetut
pion bear mile .Isl aU alms. .4 of. warms mots
Mutat patterns, re wet be wont bf Ile mot &bear
batik oridican dos atmasen . laboamaium- . !a facs.
tbal *entail. It 'tabuamorroble Au mbervelse. I
Tee. Gaivanic:wits,:miateteu, aug!*
, Vattern" Neekfaelll4 age: .
.• la mien eases of. remaelom elmmelo4and of lana
:olaading. ils power im applied byte Gammas Lop
Is not sufficient to mug Me 'program of dtwass ad
'Shaman) , resins isalM. .Tbir• tooprond woubollesue•
bitlin bapranie Wilts.. anceleta le-, eadyely ,
dlis Ibis oblecisi any demos lbows, Mat is
Mews .readily - boobtaMed, sodas esmegilalas *S.
alts on GO ro a ,agent.of Galtaanal•Ana *KM oral bil
so be permanently teller:We Israel. am Play
bed to the warm, anon wri , swim or say part
ef Ma body, will perfaet sWasas. 'Tim Oat um
Neck Wes an toed villa greater beneit in uses of
. 11tioneldda or acetic/Is etas ilinsalgewltally; also la
Owes of Netnews Ilaaftsetac sad Saab Woos unbolt
no a prove:M.lTc br Apoplexy, r 4 ,i19ii , 7 nil,
use olsenr eestplents. : - - _- • • - • - ,
.. t Cbriatfell.liagliedlC 111114 .-, .,, „
lAwed to conosetiod ands a 0 Ostrione ILese,eleen
limit modlEtcloas: • Tbis emetatimni Ms lona gem
eamrt ueerdd wordy. gr e u iwe s n a s
c se ran nne tlin on'
WA bis
.llsred to posers tan reasartabbsg omit ofroadinewg dli
lansmiliaaairion dolphinaria/Ohm try ilnoisaansemming
a euesetration eff dm Mamba, at the, neat of die.,:du giving vapidjaitt perwasent tle ' tt . cabal
rempersitioa In ebefienr la Am:MM. pagan use
acci, or to taunts Anna:, propenyla Jr snout
autem,by Melina bfart unload Veal applwadon. Tlm
.waste Floi;lestoutlnolubiag empeditsaf dm NO.:
.841 .r4qtli t . ogg beat= M agrubta, and that as
hanMsof Pt I anise is din besellelal La eta tavola.
Podranplasatban.and itiveinkma amorusay it Te.
emabilted iwpdatsosis ate opt every way perfectly bum.
bee mid al gnu* witaln the reasberall aad
dm disouever • only' miaow a Ads- Dial ... a eat of.
Omit nirvanas album) tasd_germniMat bmodilb. , - •
Chelaile's (nimbly ylftt agbitelligig fits.
i • .
The ankles busianotber 'sloth's aggr t s . ' a of
the mystorlasts allay** oi. Oaks amiss., am ma
/mem& adralwf to lye renal. Claim a gad
Mew wialibintinasi Wing nowt* malt gam* ton
Isavisto the ad mama* Of inoleft local application. 'no/
ate eartidedily tertrougtended as • wambla Wotan la
Ilivaptefly model Wassataiims, auto or abrade; mall
glgoomgcmaplainia, sad am • bum.usee
Vf ?obi mad Indus its sio Ow. •I=bs Ow
- Bikirk labwar grairS•as,•ed is Wenner
sr.* dr Padmaswg,fitegou /a Spinal fins
Mats auto are of toe most dee ;Jed ebaraeterond by .
lave odes beta rued with enamieto wean. Tkoy aro
oho of tbe reatrialadvutage in Palm aid ITeakaoss
sails. Bream, and me biabiy Iseanseoded fat mar ad
be.. complaints to wlneb remake an tapemlly liablit.
Arens a - renal lemma -11 K inoraannenian on. einem
aben debilitated IrUla dist.. pr Gantt room aa a no,
tam aid In Consuiclonal.Weabrowa, as _a Praosnlite
'for colds, see n le affeefinna of Act awl, geee,n,,
Me lialvaaio Illicagtheamt Mawr Wilt be bud at
great and pro:moral •Itramage.••lo a feW word, 4 4
embrace. all the vino. of tire but Maio greparamms,
sank the important addition of tbegabraaw labaratur
widen b. unbar Impaired noregbautakarlale Me se.
tun matiams. TbemartialossoW bat bud
fres fors tboodobionleas w Web nee annum *Men
'44: corplann midi tboonfl u nclumn la edam oaf
• .ta-Mef peanidebert ad weenie( dine &nein
en caned nes m bo eamstetfaiWd by onprlaelpled
mem To provide against Ismailmla; De.
' buom ambonsed agent irael ea of ttillralwl.
7)f . tbi lli liti V lmat end taisrtrnspec 'Ts tr ‘ri bie ebanster itl. •72l :
aunty received. regarding Me einnaardiary maim
aid muss di Me above aticles It la behaved Mat
I. the . any of Ned' Tett alone, upwards of MONT
- TVIOUOAND PE.B.UONS, daring peraidof lam Mao
- aim lane boeiretandy Maned of the foto paints/
tzrdimialose. Moo of whisk lume manibrody bag
ait IMMO salad en, Woad many el
tbe mdse ysietans of Ws eltyogio Aiwa/won of Mot
Aldriale and alatnedo ataolonta, =malady fanom•
Mid WI appllcation In ilea prunes, aad whir Moen-'
swim dame . heart too preirdlebd to give it • tel.
el. ohs 'Woad.. ban received anialortma Odor she
gba mmalmelUgeavoasemetalie gamin= Pushy. DI..
Christi. Is ste all UM* ready a/Wow to rtea
ovary boiling to pbysietars, god all l.srwd, be tea
l.' dm Mai of kis am:mum and Um olleacy al his
. %WM ill rid.biii.....y*rldt and Mosta st
. .
J. S sowasivemally scheowledged to be the IN
YALLIBLE • REMEDY for Übe-amain., Sll.l
sal Affection; Contraction. of the Muscles, Bore
Throth and Quinsy'. Issiosi 3 Old Ulcer; Film in the
Back and Chest„Agan le the Breast sad lace,
Tooth Ache r bfulttis, Ryden, Salt Wien.; Bur.;
Croup, Pouted Feet and all Nervous Downes.
teeded the ordinal' ea of this mood WONDERED,.
MEDICINE is curling the moat severe eases of the
Mien:4 Moires above named,—rod the HIGH
ENCOMIUMS that env- been bestowed open it,
wherever it has been intwatheed, gives me the right
An call ea the • AVELIC rt:6 to remit et core to
Ernie lanaliy. onith is taco...needing the tele,
ated biternal Remedy; Hunt's [Jaime,-
The followieg teller from the highly emiaort
Physician...he have beta attacked to the Moset,
Pleamet State trnms for Jokey lean, is th e hea l
of the value of this celebrated Lieimoort
• Sion - 5111 a, Decemoer . r
My pear iir- ,
=Slag my opiaron is re Slice o tial'a 4 '
as prepared - by Mr GtOrii! E staatom. ...leg
its monpositirm and banig Iterparmitly4 rt. 1
'eau reinnothiendiCto you Lea safe Sow newer
dy, mid is my ofithioa,Alie but Lisiese 8" is
OK :' ...Very very sod tothectfKolry y!rrsAN: '
.... ... y! AN. '
CO rieml Van Codlasdt, Crates Maar ,-
I fully.mocer in the oboes ram; . . '
iriativome, , ii fr. 1844 -
Sir—la reply to your lat er , I Say thist I
bane coed you biters., Remedy, lirrd Re".
Liniment, is my practice sleep yourawbe me ac
onaimed with ite comprieitios, besitelliegiy
7 ,
say. hat I believelt to - be the beat Ira Remy
dy cow in mei fpr the moat:Jana. bid. Pm re
commend it. ~ ...Tears respect, $ - - -
M. 0 .
(leo E Stanton, Leo. ''
IrrAmioag the wheel wori, articles alai
!mother that sae peered forth runt day
epon - thic.ceentry, it is really , e.kill to Ilra
somettueg of oral poetical mile prwre__TNll.a. -
pre, speedy and aortal le IWe. _
__r"... "rd. "
the mem time free Dose' thiewrYm.".__ „..rret.
wbich geomilly attend poweig nr,„."....- ....."
Liniment. prepared by Gera/. 5u"....- a Sin i
Sing, thongbig 1,0 been box. Omit time berm
the publie, be. already 0 tbe eisafidemo, Out
. only M .... Amy , tellneetial eititem,
but oar most - emiseet • jr...,., All *chimer,-
edro it lobo a sariereige rm rd: sip) of the Ill'
that flub le heir to, smitNt I" .thieg limb, mid
by Os geneiee atimelebyr ol l'iltrOrbrthihrag d's
ease from the spunk. . ,
blr, .-Bulae—s,eing year. advertisement
a m a .. 1 j a . a,: vis letlecoa U. try IU efiee....
. , . 4c who t„,reaa erip'pled with • lame
D . 14., . 2 l a tat „lci nth with gratitude t bear
Whimsey to ice` P111.11.4"1 Properties. My
'.ebilldotho Is cow r , "‘" bil 'it e r I. 00" to Ir.,
l 14 1" . 6 ` e.%
otreearcr • '
• way • ' iltethlON I.:•tiItA.F.RSON.
.. . • Fr., i tic,____ ., t •Tortimai, Pout= Co.
.. -I gutty Aber' . ..../ ,lic , d "I
the 5 b.,,,, a loid. mai hetet the tether wee
/ ....., i . avidereem kodemeet well.
.-- , • ''''' . - ,lJAtilli DifilttAN,
N o i,s ; I.perety Poetidaeter.
v. S. 1 A ithaehuut the I have bees fo
.m„„,,,.• Inidgmet Dr Irerrithat attache ol
vrldekielmeof isthmian proms
11/ '"' ". t Mamma 'Po thme
..y . - bor a
ley •
......,.. Lluneal ileariaaty. ramose
-all y ".. kiwi. :IN eIotWAI &view. api
Zi-g-07,a7 amain- 2. ..... Ur rilledieo,' it Ma la amain- roaritr;•valte
Nideiti ..,t.,:t ey themulte Mee &telt '
..... s i meat ie sokleitleedieelei
I the Principal Dregg,dg.go,g
.., • :Mahn& dre:ttaiselleto: Ye
CI: ADLIW, PH lips & Cai In
&. H'PON & Ce,-110 &Rehm.,
*.• •et D SANDS. !woes Tetteej
i e s
ASPIIIWALL 86 Willhen it
&dm addressed to .me at lie
ietthe&4 1,. GEORGE •E.
• 1.
Frociiteu l y o rstr
watc•) )
• t), .
. 44:ir M •r" .
~ t hvir •
Al - '
re I
otter \
i= i r
I I b M. k . . . . I
mud& ,
oig bobs qt..
far ms Arta.
6." 1 , r1s t
oedemas , "
*mild at
ter. !bp;
.n = '
&ride 10.-
OrdOw studiso
de. owl ad
Yaw. • l=meg soda
D ; M 111GICI111
=no =asirik.
way, sof i• wool& Mr .." '. 1.
, ore, Nal b0n , = . 11 . 11 0.4. op , :
swoluna.. 0f......44 -• ~ .. .
Th.,. la no:, do. I *c& tibi.olll
to* • osrlain cars mid nn Trf g an idle_ •
1 6 Etat
d ams ammpt:4: 4 == .
d r
1 Efrvr Yorfih 11/4, UM. • r i... • \ ,
1* : 4'1 11001 ~,.,r ,
_., .
..............,.., _,..
...... :.;
• ),
. kg: lial.—Desillim—ill, 01 l dot :' •
=""ratAWIL=roPL. '.,
.gm 1 Iwo buo sh limphom ho: •• ! '
=bdor al ' •t WNW 6 m•n •
.111didlp 6•16. oosio, 10.1 4 . 00 .7..? - • ''- '
• Ey* as • on:INA•Oo , •.;... - , 1
• .'
'• ' I . r . fiCion.iel!.. . _
u......., lop SIM•iooll• allows • 1
...b....0..4.* us Irldl ligrobou lir
!0.• hook 1 km land Ingninbio Op. ':
elle„l.tooii, ort=, "trep•Ma6tl 4(111
.=•//oftri — m7ohlOol mow •
• ' -'
' • yo• - ol i. :%•il T b . L , 01 hiaa•- . i , i
del Molida. rt. ao
.4. .6., he . - ., .:,
Aim a swill,. . • •,'•
! 101135eStrokla is il iod (OM*, ;" •
• whotkos Whit or loot• o .1.• • .4.
to& in Amu. Ire. Canosie ' •••'., •••
a. ,thshoor a tla or-Spine.
1 ..,d U . .•• cum, wing . pliniplik ;•
IMN Nu. ho Wiens tla Thom. • •,:...•,i.
i l e: r l Ca n' t ' : . "' I7 "di'
•• : ••• ..::::. •
1 ... L a 0...“,, Wino , . 111, WM ...'''''‘ii . 3 •
:11he disoo oleo. Id maxi • ther•fero ..:. '••,. ‘. .
:ig UN vain In J•yir X ile t• nil ir .:. •
Di i• r ...
r kirmk
It &sun. y.t• from -. • ••
oil:F .latia, • I klr .
dimming ....A.5
... . •
• •
~ •-
t.• 'went 10.., ;:onicJ• of •' • '•
dimposa tb• mkt sl N.. • :r
Tbini &mit
SO Ile Irshii .. rib •thro '•••
--mi. i me. 1,31. '- 1
*7mila/a - - L
airantalble. '.
irl4 nonLgil •
Winn aili 1
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..1, 6..4, ~,
mind Ina
Illlnns a 1 '
•• , ,A1 kh .es. 1
S '1"IRMI011.1
g..lllenorauog Ras,
proloaa s aad ea odd
oonttr molt•
Oft •hoot ,
LlEloors Medi:ton, ;
se m i s e i llosny • j
mole me of the' I
dila I ma wale
• 3
Potd. wiceesals sal •
00, earner of la obi
ic . 1
v 0r5 h. .......,
"4 ' terier lis.
sir r llme.lll
gilt re.. 17,604 la 1.14.44
:i. e/ bubssur" :Snare /
. • a RUMEX - .
Ors has aaal
• slaw lad Mary M
Araal Wawa 9. arap, .
past Sal IlaraaWl
ago la Oa Inman /4
• • mil • two Aka&
• viaaraPaa
' • 7nowg., la a aq.rr .
law Ors war fa al. a
war MO,
Tris coven •raErp-Pi
Jelka num !...w 11/.
Tho werrOf
sow LION J
Zifreaw• wrcr .
Etif aAzelt: e
4 rt
......5,., age.** t. !
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t . : ....:::. : STI Z ..i
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1. : ii N I
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mallow boa 1..
M lkulorl
nor an rryv!l
ow loseg
•jado or
Awe Mr
. I .AVAinied
atom al ad
64 T. gitudisr
M ail bare
101• Mar toCI
Tpr 94.6 q
viout A.