The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, August 09, 1847, Image 2

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gat iiiiisdiSiiliatiaAhectirm th•
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",? 1611 4 0 44441 1 .
- A.tlyahlre
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4." -.""Per -0411•1•1 03 '
4 21: dt i ry)iid
• Ilk** am thew
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liii.***6ol •
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; ..r m targiti
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, 11 1 1 :1 1 , _144
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. „ _ : kurrestrly due' this
: jAillit '' s " , se4 issairaird
* r an,.
iiiiiswigi'li........libio Mt
Vm lank .
..Alm,tbe Whks Hans st
Wssilerrissr, • : Ids Paso at Kinder •
*oh, We. Wgrarity, stici tuel bolo far Fisk yam
lII' 8 • 01 . riit a. Trissarsy, rating& sip, iirst {{l
the rispos4liiielir lifiselsi bilis mut taira
Empiiri , o4ol,i adialiasathlab la , m.. Lae
maw* a didaluvar,) andlim MIMI aikadaial:
a his 12 , 430 .61pesti, fia4l6lllE‘isSy Ilswt.
rot, .lass aid lit: p.4,00.v . 44... N ....1
..i•= l -ct.m...****TAFtroitoeitit.-
o...h...alhieiriesaiighile bit
ii*Vii. l4 .434Volii fra
WNW* 4 ' 4 ' ti * Ml ** tis r e V 44-Int :
V . 11.444hat of this are, .3a amigooikipiest to,
111041104. Jaw taa.,ad atiaa, as 1.041 ii•
.Ils . ' ictiW• bilt Lir kfis. ' I tilis4V
. rniiisame.ths highsot pairet4 Si kis ' .
`7 . hieh sumo ici ..,id, ‘ abi;iiatederikiii
-. amt. - . 4,400 - 4( ibi.
krioNiiisige•c•ibil ifaiii;iifisiiiinSiaiq
" oriali gft s Woi l :- 10 1, : 0 1 161 .,4 116
tie e ss q l. " l.lo l la i *". l6 4 l W""
. 9, 1 r0 , 11 1 . a 11 7
asate:orilaalsii ;:liiii Aram 1 V!!
JaropaaiairsuriipiltiolipK.iii*thi pa
fsikhisi of ilik,W:yek4,l4ltkakaa, =rt.
amarsiiria,ffekoaridlo.4 4.: rue.
itiiiii . 1.4,a•m, Of lb: last
' lllloollk aii hrtiiik .-- lii.kkois
t 1,1.7..i. - 1 . IN,. W+lnair,asiabaid.
bir5,(4 1 ,661
Aresol o cif sok lbw illtimwa.
4 210 1‘ 4 4.54 ilid*WONgiclai:ldr.
OW** . 1 044,. : ilbW' 4• l 4Atip
gisaskiiiiiW :t i ail vhi diillol6l
'4lltiiiik.6l" . '• %lamas tha'aaloaliea
yilie . , toirtfie . : Rama lephilthGd **
air kir alii. " 'ibe, 4grar lin out it hi,
:; , I'AIiVOISECUNno GiSsiiiis, is - italsent
Nib imps s sad Wsittirry,
Pius see ma. Smog pia?' of baspetimin. ;M r.
tkirkS vests r3llO !grog. is titian( fa Ivor..
- •
WO gtha
. .
_ .fteriesk wig*lfiropiiiik i. .:-..
ii MIL Win VimeijoinliA NO* to oojoy;
.ad lit'lg is hasillt ii . itoi Wit it Mei eta
1 0 trek bas lo6 SbOminit.lM!Hemvekossiii
411411 " 01 0 0 W , Wilarifid4ri'
NUS *WIWI •Or balliib le. •IA• ra
I qtanta4 L. waftietkrerpot:trOvb.lsw,
daideitilebisedi_PllKildilialeirtkedlid flOi
el i d ilee_: 9 4 - Follaid4 o 2 4 llo 4 it'afte he'
jilieg elOrn "4 1 ,9„0. 0 .1 61
liiMbire*:/r 6111 drel
Ail ioat.lcolt illtsiralOYlK t.
jelyok,ftilot eras: iitliiiiiio
atelop,Olfaiii* . oollooliiiooso
Ow oalositoOof 4 1 90.; 1 4. _ ..e.thir•itolif
ism* pelessa rspersimm”e
ix:add Add, 1....
Lank lane~isi:Nti,Weleeibsrf. loot %di
are oblEto Ake'. limo
lilllpbstairliii.'"; as** *o_loo
idotodos ado . ost wind . lige b. Ida didilit
ilillisiimida diir. Came, "ilikr i iiPA*Nk
iiis toomos." , .
- I ill }or. 4o compesbed r isrlier 4 p.
ape PI rad& did We. Wooltdel ices dwiy• •
Imbibe{ dui dial Pull. Wt= hi 0 4 1501 hil
liar wees WNW id:27 aged. Klass bads Thad any
rod pplilifetessrptssis of dr wet ol goners.
restos freed dr szbeeneded redredirdiliSsida:
bedevils dessys ter liss ' , morbid dieniisme:
7/10a, db dibs_iresisei ildieljet.dditliedied
Id pod low ANN sfantri ilinailindl9llllll44
rife. 1* /NW am *ll•mitighosiatire kr
*Ng &Ay*, wIN2 140 ipsiEsimiseli 6i: Wt.
Ihrolosstio Nsw Enema reepsodeedis 'led.
r d.dr eda m " pretty rah fits Odd 440etain in
=.bolotoody la eisiee is thrry wet or pea
t ;jlliss rfle kr : s seseliiier ;• If Padded, a
iliddideiliedi sad a . a, .:.:r.. ii. v., a 4.-
• a , - s• . .
. •
.ain War a
1181414 °1.:4
A- 7. • 114:4***,--
aboatliallatif • thibosoia
" • •
. ~
~.salawle .
it 4 -.. . V :1 4 1 # 4 . 4,
. or*, 3 11 er..10 1 1 7 Nififj,
..„ , .^, ,„-:....-. . 4.4 ,- ro,f-e:P' •
lirue lir Ifiellmimiseeii.
Oh mi ft( iiiiiiillik .Ig4 di/ Jae
Ira solacava, Ifatitsimii Sp liagivii
la tat& aa
, ol,llm!iitfaill a
at .fa
sad the knee wad mmerMil lora L apepik.....
Mr. 13.otela obt elmmaie iiiif at Xt.. 1 1 Votd/op
...1 M r.. 6.07 nos UN liiii.e. .., kr. Wiwi. vidi
the pawor ward m b cr Primidier bl ttm Ems.
ca. mode Wes Chalaiiii, A pr cairim,,, ar li.,
macp-...a.amman rr rberaingthe
P ug. PI usta. Amok vitro Arairriar,isd
amt mi . -40W lanr• Ma.. lielbil *Wm
army Ur *my ill .614.0% , lom,:af lib, freitthig
sad em aa6ajas; l th, a. ,tIIPO Amy riga. 214 ii. sorige,,l s. Ake =wok -., .
- Mr. irealliery NW tane le ii. pmr.l7sXl, i n
Wewe et Wow Away4tes Bo ma his
Indy alommism 4 tisi a.. rim* of, lie moths
i•. 3 M every amok op brans M OPiebei
of Mies;: tra.u.s. M 0011 U4Sio•icom
1801160 1 / 9 1C old Yr Mem comMrl dm Adionsit
oI 4 LI. II4 yStAL.7I.te.= ar Chmysila
Mai a sainiaiLlwathool 6Lm
tee& ' 101140611141,thismiria "Mi" , Air
frksaaiditaleimar ticiftedst
Old iri iitimig.4ll..oor *bag Calk
it Ibilail4H% Mii:111.11001;* swita•_ Ihni
1006 . 111 $ 1 ,siiliiiilirimileiliDIM6d• Wag;
ski Ellichilloalki&lllAill . kpatill it
liiiil ieilialpidiroll.diClhiet—j4. • Ills!
~....vai va LiNritifilit
ilime.eaWiliiir V iir WiLe,
_..litimi.,thr. bit
.„.. r .fi b
-7 .
I..' l lfst o r ombil *4
L.,-t"Thliiiielftecusisaitmh the
fob=l,te barque Mks, loom a...
- with 1. a onto of deariambi and
,4166 . virulent tte a
from the
Aithil it heineylinala to the ,distweited to the
Mr& and Mamas or &Wand 11 Ja a contri.
mai* Mao ' : 8.44.i.:, and lbois of eon-
VII docent. gime cantered's* at Law rah of
f draah , r wed tthhest ally particular notatitadm en
the part
the easiontiee. They went masa/his
to to fare itb dr They
dm ea= iudto
As the destitute in , orbs hint ow cif Eau ,
aKiv e. 11 • 0. I. 0.7 beamed the there the We. '
etwity-wr*lebsdbbse a ocb rows.
Ye am% Up ed' contnbia dam heti Indieldnalt, ,
of taws. *emir nynierdwdy, aid I
Airy to p er
{aced at the diepwal of they
. Platiaawsosterwy e . and •rpecaled sl their di•
Tuition by Sr, Robert *Kuhn with the atMes of
Mows X* eta Nantes: Indian team
meal le said to be of the beet dit,e,tt itwitpor. I
Mshin in thitoaltet Wean. reified to kant that
We wawa restiuteet to await wail sualletied by
Nil Ranier that the Cloyertunint reedned their
Mk r ead 11:km0 than it a ply dihcieney of the
emu 4 eocorey we, ettnelty Chi cu der.
Mani al c a the Ms i . a" et the .kewsratte)
nob botianeet rehawat Rd& sod Stissta
iaiiik.i.,.. r .d...--
- leitit oiit,tta. WYnteit-L-A" eitilice wbeili'
it tram, owl itteinwiytod upon parlay Reim.:
ref_ pl., LII now bunt yththted at hint. tail. :
B,.ll.iatie, to ,Etaloca. it wu punted by Ite.!
br:listeLYedr. Runt, sad 1.,..n.d dx. ,
Ateablw,inwitd Retaihe CaTin• Whetir Then
sehiehle raw et Albs iron spatula with bimetal)
t... 'hely44lyerityliteeiway hose the ogler
•Y AM hike whs. they
. ,
6 11 .2 i fireaud--.44
... . .
' 91 .thi=4 . 11111I ' Pri i ' b 4 tifir ." .
. . MO& aticiald ihilssilllso , is . ,shir
r Aseit
_. :liich psoilila,dmi stih‘luiluresseisis
iliqopeihisms,ssatil sot ts oh& taAlliaipihsaii.
.W . _ lisidiss s wiThiiskt Wien to aultrecnit
monk enewiteth hi sisaial wissiht his* #is'
siiiiimar of r got 0 wircimmolliKk Ma stiAi ,
siSellsuft Mils indwriert.sesssisokim, (has
•••••• . . ii....i.,t , r. ,- riP..,
Aiikylikiipliaws:o4r..:••• , ... ilh hoof sr st; isst Ish irh leisissi kits
i i ,' • -- -
~ Aiisiiimili7744.: busditbaselsz triff,riftbet=
Vali* kens, Ail '1
. _.' *aplomb l'‘' aiN
"7 '
~ ..
ileelP o ol o l o.9iatille Orillaillielltinki j! . IA , i , , i . ,
~ • ,
Slat EL . thfiletiliWkiikifthimassil ; Iltinr , tatima 4 4e:,pwiferehma l iniebo nc ar e ail ' staresessail, ii k omk , -• . -.;, - . ;, _ .
,km sy. 4 l l ,,yaefsi:iimpii . kk.ia• ai r
Alaiik. 7 - `14 611 ' . / 1 492.: n'7 'ld , ''' 4 o l 4
low "UM linisismeephim - lir last ioilkii*ar
tom.' .• ! .-,y; :
--," ,....... .._,._, , :t tor.O.Wiri , lgOlalopikki-• - .lli-asitir
71i: ''Wlnillaal. liW it lir : . . 4.111111 t 4 Ar, :
* l iiiigrO44, . ... 4 4 618i, .=
1 0 1 .1 1 AL: -I. '
. •
4: - tit: - ._-.-- 4):4
1 $ : - • 0
• . ilingetffleldoCl aSt
^ .. il
• -.-: C.olooisaft(l. Al oor Alci
nay ss• mai sexadotsalwilll the hisumy sal qt.. '''
. eAr dit;isi.a.,
the toar which I kayo I !rmified :ay, of
. •
.-. • • • . ... •
VP - btalo:, iWu Ina* *OISISICI ghee la- atrvir4 - taw air ...lonanne .r ide
*girl 1 T 2 O. +4 1 040 1 111, t 4 . 0 411i • 2 r. Irr!rnedalf Wm adginuirisWilis how
*yaw. "thn- mama lily . waged - Clad Awl ,„
bftrt• a Arireir9llkihg I n Moorwfilot.lSll epiils tiltittetitly eeti,qiy a mlol*. net t _
_illicit .saa
X .l"
liii if At - gigitpaidisierfunilicisai ay asidiall; - elm 111Illat tabor litha Itshiwarilag,lastelog, A
genicansg.: •11wheitsrilislon ears. far tosallksei• Ow' the this papaws shand . be. thiciar SA the
dia thatigisl3:4it wind.' .Is Er4a.motay slip than at tho bask, and .flit cantata Wirth *our
de dies tads wee ee wide of oar attuany.- canasta of an limb ff, i wt. ;X, iibrati ait at.o
13 1 014 Elsio
.liaprgirsists anew/ la - gm It Is 'r aid - be 'Alio eripta Manner. la paroat Its be
triarril on In eideir pxtloos . ut.lbra biota with Cfainff too tomb brats& EMI% - rden,
tassrasod eigos.- - Again, in ear any midst, then - non la also s saillind °fawn:4n moat bar.
an 2,000,00 D of Nog: to bondsgs.' Whits. etriad Wealoshkh a nit to gornally kaolin alt
den we hue gnat cum to km thankful frx oar drunii be. A areal. pins of cazonarthln irin
blla i Ngwa as • Nation qrs bars maw also ti plats, or .haul Iran, being Miaited to a Istlio."or by
arsub"ossir hadeinslnds. ' Bat en ban elnprono. other maws pa. as s Want raw, manna inrl
a. tbari f ak i . r nag yst mem ant af F.gyKand nudity tit DLO Ur,* coning tob I/ eatirecrpend
Ethiopia again theta forth has hands." It Le eat stisl VAAL leitharit strewing se redosjee the t.ta
lfarithcbr the NA lea yaws that light heidartied pot. 'Minya roaab toys/anat. the effect of this
upon Oka, and e rhattla arras of this prophecy: bow,'end its totting, - iper:ly fainothottd to.
*gag fuldllai orsqlabir pinalri,l: To I rto nun electricity. 41 answers a e a s enionalsot Papaw,
'am bat throw points on the eattlecent of Africa, however. when the shape sod loam ofankies ass
;When damn= misted. at Klan Lame, tbs. requital to be eland arldnat stinting thalr islis.
Illsis Of /lOW Eva sal para of Egypt.. Ent pm* -h frandibew a nalrionsid issithal for tut Irg
sea lbws - eivirtretton eanlei sat its lateea teeth to Wee. elnoe, het ir ohjeelloneltkioe maxi n t
toyed diffiterine bonder .. In last com e yeah with* newly an mikes bring lel! Wheel that
01111011anioltheoirstfisatian extety mat ont Can.. May PLOW banality Wed. Urunteetattid lief
vilheiseeeittiorechase tom the melees the Apt. rrisias Of "laystenooS 'Oa:a; Kos, lbetabard'
WWI , 01. w PEW Lelherta. In its follaw. thin • liar of woo of almost any. rise nay' beta:
beg `pe rtr,llll3ll,thos tint ably of sealgisats . was shinny Ifiaderid while hot, bj the di m ple . 4pl ice.
sit out -it ' tarried with them a band of male hoc of mm roll Kamm A knowliAn of
mem a Make. - a Barger. e lieritmcer, sad others, this het will be barthl white 1.0f041 . Fearer iron
.Mao naiad to the manna. cal ltaos of Afrini sod walk lato be serreridbof tab - 10w wonsetlanis the !
bid dawn aslr tint in that texts to limn cue. is ma eciartteeterl sea attested dui ea it
: a m a t utkik or &.u,: e The ashy who were at Abel se orating bolus be bre% to appip 'Halali
,fist earasa off by, the dariumaintideent to the any be Instantly perforated throodb q.k. Of
edarira, was s nose of eliseolusgmant. Bel Pk , " a bated imab, lb. ffPliuu!°° grudci
*UV anti 'l' tetarledra of th e nature or tit. do. plecis'of bilittilleti. , .
.Tialaptentirdeodn' ja r
a ~,
aims; h e . ~t,,,,a the el liana, as heshby to although tetra= ilperiallittehlratticp,
theenitricita Si toy part of t ottruxottry. The .7•••SeretufUla kith/4# . s
~ :l.:. - '. ' ',... j .
%Seery - of tbetninny of Unlit Ins been bad,
- .• • ..
sad yet, mach wrlthla rhat tine( period ha ro -PRONUMEXteOui .
-he , •;' , .„ •
'dada. • -11 , lebet .la.,y sets MOIXO It taA Its Our IldriOrWarir edlheilld.ftoatTalliP I ns
and . 4 , Al4i .
. „,. sealers: When the 1tte016,401 , .
...001 - 411;basks I's+ peue.' ”; ..--
ItemaijjK,Kii, 'la ntso. leaded*. Ahi.,th... ''4l 4lleAttirtsunits Arlie ' OW,
dm ina• T. l / 2 "sa, .r. 4 the ` 6 " e° " m " i '" ' 1 : $40 seamabre OW .X 64 L s tria'..iny liete
oil Ira Inirorir. At Caps Mount, Epp* Moan- -• • •••• . i ••• • . r•-• - . i . ~,.
do, aid Oaf. Palma". then were elm (etc. bodel!liffidoo it ,0°,1 !"1,,e1 11 M 10 , 1
nee; few which i DPW henna leitip we n an- least, - '-': : ; •-.,-....• .-.. ' .., _ . s
e ased} - '‘ , .
eirthol ma/ , b 7 1 4, b.P. 1 .• t" 11 41 - 7 - ,Tso ?Ma iiiitlesita Illifil of Vill m, l
Itot-throwelit is. lowinteentelay .of the Coireti f . .
eye elepe, who Weed del tie-G. NV.
.s( - Liter*: it' hie been dawn en, Goohjill ...CO, .., - .. - " tf.
'lloood 0.41114'0 that Doi* from Caps *NM
~....roill" arr•rtton irr or;'hrr 11;4 04 1 11 4
taii.,e _ ~ 4a.,..... of
,31.10 ream s 404
.eldki..l.o4nanstintry step m hr. F.#4l, - .E 0
.6. .ineatifiliffia:Tii I'Ver " 1 " jpode Oise* . pmaiii •
,80.: tea MIX toss that elm W 1 nib. •, • - .....;•
ilit. wet of the ai m thadA , •**Tkle ehooi: " 11 ..1.!.. "mormenr ~.
• ' - Witidiciaat to pia kw Itilienoprohe. fa iiers o llo l 4 *goban:oi" . 0
skrearialiii. and Cord cias. ,. ..Thessiiti' the pliee„fijic e/ 4(te*: iii m i i ,: •
Whence . * this - eieiltzeri and chrielart airentw' ii iik'llie' l 44, e hai , *lei- -"'' " eie
;Ai. .4 lillt etwilm b.', 4«e •r one be loth: ' • • -' .• **
lou r
...alarm 4111.::. .1 bits ciraissd . and Artie ; . • ''' -• " , •,. r -
Insand• two ..i.i....„ ...., .t. m a a..rri*,
~14°,' of vcr " F!'" 4 . i
a hweesiee Tornihrition, .10 that DOW massy 0f.... Ts is 0in04.--(1119120d011 Pray • '
de. en' cctiletooskettlo ' a chotob, lad ,Pr Autos Llnciu- forTstriensglirlA.,li • •
ikv i, hi.iir ow Ague. .4 ow wino& . . .ii m i um f iz, t b .
0.644,k. i i e d i il ls ; .1
: ' ' Walt th is have hew obilliehekt • --- x. • e
"iitteieVatia Estd - sibi Actuate iltlty..)*‘Tesi .ftliii.&', l 'r4c ol o- . ...'::':,,P 91 :: t
stet dm:mimed. Millifio"W Welk .•i',......' .......• .. .• .. :. ' I lik. ‘ •-• , ..e. sa _... 7 . ''
..3.l4 . vamj:•Aja y ' •ires enemal. Iif4TICWSIpOI4
42,,..6,, A , it. M ee .4 in New Yed..lbefore J.Jp likdwade- .
linmettient the Otioey hese: - 4 Ibriesmellabeth.,. : l:A . ►s me 4441pitclic
Ai P 3 In Its *OWsloop, aftheliAllj 14g0t.. to verionni, the tieht of /Mg, bsizii
Prederete - I Wei ipienteel denettoinedwis •As . ~.
h'ehltrth melee behind set dehipakCjiiio per I ' 4 b ~ 1° , 1,! 1s 6 4 0. 14 oa fare . . ~.
liveriaebetiktit:nieetildi grail. ti1e1L:7"...." . . th e eue her* deal &keit a .
... .e ship g .
Agee" . s e e eas m law by oar off," 101 ii rooten.hirl, fa a toal b•tati*.
minus oe'dite eente(Alies. the thesonteece of b.... 6n a , '
1 4, 44..t0s imoitiudialk toting 64 " I . l "u' " ''''''
mmm"cma mac
Boa gene. Ot . t eie:See. were haw is v. 'Ai , 1, -.. .D 1 .old htr. . 4 •irralto lc EriaTi' ?
colony,Shont Illd hosing died Wee Nettle' it. spa the pew. 'ln, Koland, nit .
Two tioai.4'44~4tree of tba toultbeo rola; iie IPill oftlue; nal by Jerry orllee
heap FeeheieveLiwel quiet citizeos of ths:C.4 c . w . o . ......... h..... w i
n ,... ,1 4,4
oefoatotswearshersterebombea. Est the kit:. . ""--"-"'"
abicatuoili es; fathead eteralj to bar own Amlf • li.Q , ate hi , . 06 a Plw.a far e'll
bondeis:. It eatesdelerer fax istatheraiisior 'r-att par, retterithplgoding the as mole
dikatabir of SOO • ogles trace the sow I . ..acid le tem ywhi l e.s i ji ge , ,- • •
einehi by-one Of the bricatarts Wtthia the last •'- •-•••
few *in a les& has beau 'coaarecrseed hetes.
rlo and the fo Warta tribes..:Thin th- •
.ltakeimitzwees ea fort fonedneing the sex of pesos
kb the raids of Airier. wad alas dem dual take
deer ewe sad wood %bw& dvil win mil lan
d* ow tow od - kagloftetwOcinq.etsrq Inde
4111slideillsbridec la say erste* re r. rove alio.
~31kije4ihit et Melia isle evens '3OO alike
:Aso dm esere. Irma Ceps Mimi to Cep" iii-
Ire. how= to .0 milie-freAssed , At the
.eafica, , ,tork.:l6, (I.l*l tate B .llo, nazi A . ...
• Pima " ligir) It. krewistraw nate son tally.
'n-i•;•••.111ekari!ioi minted meat le Its proms K ar a ,
ma; !Flail aimial me prams bit a swinai
Nene jederowett cad ibilikr. Yet tai. wiz ..... i
aim to riteotiti te In?, The execonee, Jedical
esalestiadri'ildpia - taii , te , " bit •"- -
' " -
-..-...-Eripk -- : -
.......ue, marm.d.u s or it. or
atairtnat bona
kaali• Wag: , Wahl ta. I. ft has daa) ,
dad . biloyentueia, aad has raw taken tu place
7=astken *fob. Nadu 13slore tho ckao
ot rut • Goa 'tali:a. "Or awl to
'llkapiktoutadoutoe foo ditalitapahlitaf iAbsdA,---
litlersi. IQU:we 4'11,6 Vini. &pub& shall it.
WOO. ror a the Corhout of Mit= Orbit
:4 11 1 1 **10t mita kirzurn.. ENI to *Pi Fri, ailpsi
lapjulipidtr Wars irj it• put though ot !at had
) 1 11 1 11dr11;tbutaad agahatt rya il has procnout t l
pliilllhl4*6.. With Jib i favor of other &Au
.# 2 o l ldoidiornd empocialiy that of mu, it caw
lisktufapd_joraolad ditty* oa Our 150 ;
... AirbOuthilAi ia , Atial. h 4•'• 11,4. 6 .1
.11 . 11 01611101114.1Tig, ah early, upon a utuidnabli
, ,W•plkoset-- tkia 1t..., ban CU ids.
4.74Fiamok. aqi Mat sil'ill adetilL All this
Jimialfaelood Woo* flu tasouutatalhi of
Ili AilmolditOadituuti oa Sod,.
„—...e... ....„., i.a.-.-
.1-•‘• ,• ” • ~........•:
• Iwo • • ' " amt.ratd c • ..
Jr mi.l4 Ow edge ..each bcancil,
dadet,ler the super of hatetnetha.thepen. end
vordegthe med-Adeach, sflet/teideh(l4lll
bifitediefigkerit‘ wed setti4
• • -
;iv Aii, ~ iie : Rirus
anti --The:Thii Ur; :V4AUJia •
, . .
the ?Wade fipm with sI, 1
tom: a~MI •onooorezmat wade by Of.
tbtfalalty of ibe <bugs atoh:o
•11, aroma dial
4 11 *..90 1
em l at
Tb. aorliarkikticuaii"-108:4401.1.
lb. had.. ehitelwie wr i ' . ,.:tri*. and
Eiaw aut kuifACtoi • 146 '''''
- mad muter*,
or • lumen of Wei - moral lei receive* Japer
for alparcluthe of lead& (ma the elude, (4ztepe
coal 1301.) of which there an about-2001400
SCAM hmmehiy,isiaccd, and of M. Mud 50/07."
AM . mimic coansurkei an.
Wien ModtakiiiPscuris, and Zmits.tilli:Otia,
Nazi Ina lb wto ecaNO.
eiNuti scd 01:14.164,:aw MilbOOd MO;
iral . and UN, pow Far vg.t beiki.4ol-
Ieel? cAFAL......VVII loam that aft batl 4 lo,;-
eat of the abet in the Sault *ha Mule BE4 Ci:
ml /salami tahei, , Tha Cunt :ill le 441 a je:itt:
ht Watth; and :Go rod .w. ; ud . ,:altei t. 4,o4 l ,j. s :
sill .Seal air Ittliatchapard eaaliththo r thi .
Lao 13upsnot sad lb* othalakes. -.i . • ': . ! .t i
' Mr. litsby. 7 --''—."'------
I•4l4:citliiimptil ih,
oh a .at la Ude ettyottid si it.; Biet4lroj lin
tal acClVedataday. after an ittnim alt.., emit.
tin body arta eatbidated, aid, In awe of ha
Mends, Jolt on the p.i.4 feta Vittabtargb yetterday.
—Cia Cant. ~. •,, ',, e
'Aaaarr.—A adept Aaa !PK wisp! fo!
loafe r aiathn wl,-,!ft.t44oloo*Ais'',ceaft'',
on di:today bathing. at saasidiet plll!fipiiis
the Watt:Liu; bat htled, ind how 'itaraits a bear :
fyi, difcm the MITT. '-'.' • '' ' '
... . . .
EEEEE not moan tt;AC, twimay
Pounds la appei,.
ntspiiiiiiiat• b 143.c10 i. n omen 16 way back
to.LeOtas!..4iii.Hatra. '
tigtm.n. who h.d 1+;)
moth %oar; !urea pizawf mai; ta the `B.. r ap
M' ..d ; au 'giant Ise, sad Namely. lejan,d
Mown 1u1u.... • r
W *• 4rr,tr rfr. Larlr—Vi'a earopila tla
Lllatria, frooli iritenjetinw attic/•,
aknkly rAnrad-14, la the lut lumber of the Bt.
Loolo 24 Urgient itratcnlTLfit. Louis
• , •
Daring tho LMt oi a mortaltufilir IA Si.
.Pdaia him beau at foifota•-••••.
": sm.~-
'6O mai atron.rda •• ' •'" , , - .A -,-,‘ 41
Aw l tact .—W alto klo44 : ollilinsi eiotro•
1 7. 6.oscaskold by tba Londe, Vainly' 'Clam -
Belo al, ttr• Whig noctid.t. blloovift
TWA Thal let of Aabalat, la oV4pc to /limp
' .a: V. Banta EaclF, am Loeo•Fom "mine.
1 .
.... ',..W/ar-411.11R,A5fosu W. B.:agr.. ar 1,,, ‘
'll6batay, I. Ihe Loay-Pota a-Iv:Wei 6aa D a i s (. ka
StcoV*4 .•' • ' ' .."- ~„1,"::
0 „..• Cam. rybanti.:4);i: COOnsairaidali
an die iaaam Vas Rapala/7 sayateivaini
handrail clihs‘ prima:tato itta s:itti, been
1:444341a Csaiatidadaidat is It koaoejilifiaaaj
., wa manc iron osaiia, iiiihan / eileill.
the; on th. Stub ak, thekillibie viol 41,1 of lb.
*Mom •isd mei irtdeto,_
. ail k . 2,l4 4 tlbinlisl or
lie iii. Tbli ”watiot;lmico kit . ban Wog
Oktf tad is hair la nitionett&a,:i • ago a( do JO 04
'ospificietn mita of lb. pawn awn. ' It his'
ale .r.ore than a; iodnancni thaw (lo
booty— ',
- ' ll . l e. y - 7...1 .. 1 .
A ihoit' tim• 4 ; 2 ... ' isjiMiciii?loaik 'et Cerii
foltlf Isk, a taw forhomd isl be tuid itr
j: i ior
frac ,Clo,to Xi I : - . . - : M .
r....., , ,--71.. Btu; ma;immait • iisithW
amni.e,ba.7.lllixo-4 1 4- • then:
outha . n.r mi , wpm a ti4sAircomik4askr*ii
I to]ali aeffinbor th• rorlcfsfielifkg th• NO*:
6 61616616-- - •• - .
lie N :
TW 1
e s- ..t
' taiel - dr - ei
ailtftd wijiitile cinei iiik
• . , . . tu tig ,„ 7, .1 egoroapi, ' , writ
4.01441-1 / 1 0 4.. °11 1 0 . 111
st - ch 1;t.e..,;,,. tft•Z'' :::ttPii,,-.'.t.'„
't • : ...-- --0M 4.1 4 ; •". .. . 24,5!)
or Ultra/Co'
oda or
11,10 bZar1ig.4444441.7-
- •11 e ms dome, sod It* atiblen_
. 1 1 1 Arai ilkota.:•zia assrul
NE"' - "Y9 2 S
Fkar—Raleral.44ool6‘ Xig• 7,6 a..
st $ 5 , 1 < 7 11. 8 .00 per
at Weiler -01:Prioto Rad at 1 2.%:*1at.'
• tlatriltuitsflost, alai
it ettalltt par - '
atissr.lataln atitatou
.4thoile AUtii,fisodent.
sales at pattioaa prima
.31... Poti--salsa Want= No. lat 111 5 .-
.73a15,8Ti. • .
P.lO. Pak—:;8•1•• to day of 600 bbL W. .. 0
•It bag been talnitig all day, as b:usinim is gulls
'., t:
of, gi .bilp.Fpb. , o, mti Rlu.L.I
at 110e,',..• , : f•::,,,
L .r.,:44 W.
et AMU°, :Middling 8 8 6 3 .50. 0 .4
Pine 117,1 n• Ink M 3,50.13.41 114,50. is •
R4d. 414 W^WPfti PLSOari, FL* Yesm,
EatraNtsjapay If:WSJ. •••
1 44 *
Wixd—Elemend pod sud supply. ' t o
of 7000 lbt atlflaTer far tub 'rot* .. , . ~
tuna Twirl' bket. • '
floitlo.* Atazies.,74.4'
sala'piCl laniri fr0m.11735.6, 60' 10 Q
cb.cC .goal t. f 4,500,76 oat,. .• f•
• ';'•''•
j's;" -- •• : Awn= / 1 : 0 _ . ~.l. i ,'-'
) 116 . 45 1*Eni: ~ M Tilik. t if i C a "
411 444111fieisby .-
... . 4i r sis l l9l oolo o
:MAO,* ' .. "A bWomitsi hr
, , •
,;:Wiiia . A'adllout aiki,setents iris li• odor
.7 • '• • ' • -
(*if., - 9*.
.4 : ! ' '''''7.. ORMUI,Ir, initittporG -,
- 7)uhid. - •
LI I a ro tM nr,t,
Is elected Loib• *aid Mali*
sfAryboitirl!s)y_of 6.. Epndtgd. 7
I , •
11**Skiliiirili 1 W44 4 . '014 :t , ` ,45 ' this :
Itsitarritsiski do Whigs, ..ret•i:tdet
notaPpailided, b*-.TbiaMit Babb la ais
bOPe• •
• Fisrib•District.
. S
VlV.bil) .. y• - •l•et4
. !4 •
• LW: Ds.
414 • .
! ! 1 ' .1.1514 4 10 4 0,, 6 u#0 114 -t°..od Woww
•- •-` • •
• • •
District by • ins,
14•1(000 . :limbiaiies* r.s3#o , 4*e., Dana 4 114
'4... • • '! • . •
. .
tr*-4014.1.400 6 f5'ilic?!itugal"nit..-:. •
F , 14*44.. til l aimotmeiz+4
..• - :; --; .Z.7.Z0. 2 0.0 1 50.1*•).P47'
4.1.;*40 , -"* PIO* tir44076;../*• , •
I atektief?*. 11 1 a*, 11 *Dis0.4 ue
, *itt.
proiciect his •- •;, ,
• - •
• ruse',rasa Vi'Als. imerlio,syq Whkg
aut. of ifontixky, n crt4in. • !.
Them Amp tha i Um shorn Ccorreriacul Dia
14:icts • gala of VVEit crielaNert thr
. '
The Lonistfile !soros] ! en the' ;stuns !mu
Odds Jidda. {Usk welt, and it addlo-sYi's fed
.its new dud the Aandaidzation Nl ne diaspe
Wetadgtatasandtdant arpectatinn of Lassa Lta.
casco Conetema to from 1.66 State. We beim
Our tn. Whitt if Xenindt7 betedodstildit.4s l l'
and mislead et:Mani a Whig atajasity.iia the'oext .
Howe of Rspresantadtata"',,
Tu. •fts. hue
w , d-4241.4:6164
rb, witko4epnvoe afFn thaterk
...unwa , i.irirbs*, 4 ,74l.4.l. I I ,
sat iota'
1:7 c . ' oo 4 l : , ;:; , !`;', itv:;77'r''',
•: • ;
r-W4.l o":o l . hk a nua wfroce *4'
IL r) •ikkil . ..ibaiiii*Ackti
.1 ' adl " l4° . a d . "OleWI ) . 4 l l6ll'ft
11,4041,4,41i5ti1rk1)," iAlii".
ttFLoi,r;c97•l : 1,- -.'
cwrivehh.... 0 iberetteft:' i . 44".
I A an Octane& foaehlsl.. injerer,"
".4 61 $ It' 4 0 9 , 011fe 'F'h,l4l6 ibiltlOALll4.
iIAOOO gretbrof buil &wort& t • blibm - , :.
01A; 0 0..7 .. ka r igia luin than thill:'•--' ' Ph
u.V.Ciiiiiiiabasker. ow grummet itetert, • -
•ii '''''' . cptiminAri %Alum r. •.,
344 ?11
, . ,
••trienereSsissof Wesel 'lie per ih, ef rte./.
mdie g aiilviksink
w.,asree ieersootid ie.* . ale p.r 110.
.` o l=firra ine per re. .
t. . 4 layfty•t 15545 a par Ix:, .boa:
itvailoli,kplia• at Isa par og.
A4lB-848,0f IV i*o,she et Tit pet kb.
• -
; ,ibit te467 Is falrieg",4o9tp: - . ~• •• -Irt-441.
Thrilielment num of
Uthl.tly;p: IMKIIVIMEPtiadapey.
I i ti l l'lllllll4li EA 1j P,AI X T,TS. ;
I. p. Aped 7.Laiiamis
Iriil aii o iioikt • l . .. , . ,- "7tr TloVostara kali Raktl
Pl'll4 t4l i hOr
..t. Pare-W1 m:
oe i 448--opttimii.:Aceiiiroters.,C
Efileo4 iod t 4 ,toicrtri..-P. Offita Eatheish4oja
AMIN! Lily-Lir ham Magus Falb
! . , ~*tul .T,',0067,-,DMIAPi. MbertY-1144A
....orriipie.k.,..,...c oak* 4/144 tufts True*.
'Y - /""tP•cta AttatigAiliVtom Akia. 80,74-- 1
Nagai mkt Childriggi4Voqtah4 the Tuff 1
ii44...swab at 66 Elf* al Jotua Deeie.-Trerle of
, t:e Ap s ".. l Rost .1;a Pabbei g t 7:
A. T . :T wk. : : ::. 7
keta iirpori.4:Okariiiiijii:ob
riftifighiiigiC(lo.o4°. 4
A1#14410044 1, -At i lrs /44110 ; * " . "
i:: 111 salt 411111511101•114411::...
s Ail lot ii "Mi mi" ~..i.....w . :7-0 .
i.e., etas mete 1•421. Cattle Moicii...ll.
'of -isiarkii rinds. h. mitre pub at sit ohs
SW. Ai optiliir al tha cah-tlmatllegigkud
themeeente or 1. redre.-hterietra
cup rieere.-...*rrt or 4 ' galsji,
n. "' lb "" 4 i pi ! "4l b I be "I"nf
"ti Uke
, Pcd it tha dad, vice, or ii, II rippori
Tqf-,...4: 4416 , azn• - 4 , i
I.!';"..tilm '''
"` 'Mail* ittater!
• •sr: -•• .
~ iDermo,Ozihk• • - sr wl.
- wiritiffyihia pm*
u rieir.wkiamaii,..
.- .
__ . ** Owe/Inks" . Qr
mal ..... - -.. 6" ,. ' b .Migi de bftigir
-- ir..g..1., ii., Brent l• dale: '
• • ./lllllrftet:4lll444liiiii --
Cl aai Famagea,••••l, ea du a ls will 1
a Quango! W lararebial Complalmaj
kW • dame boffin-1w *ea ••
tali A1f5....0......P.M4F.t... •
s is au asciallne, us keep ft . -
i t
' liniant•AT. l * .pri , !.:Fv3i. •
'T ut ' t
It _
.la, Yul.
dilvjet i n i riP ' W— edret l ot
.11.1.inn77,2,4.4066.4407- .
ta :ui t wham *apish, blase .ri'
y sea arm% •
reshersof Snaps Heck has .
part. of the Maas or taxman ' asi
Saida. somas hew •
Sea all their imam". p s o , 0,
driasrases u.
•ar 4 mar. "' . 4 1 ' '''
s end reatesees 1.. I V
Cale, pare, sise.e.say,••
A h l
sato, owl oak 'it li g
...*S..: j (e..rm•s • --ii• A.s The Wear.
Mrisli=imar is Mita Lorain Owens
Waseca -W , &as 'gavials( doles
abs appoarreahsios o , Inilost any sidhlosal
AI ..r . lass moor wirertiserayritista
tarse as srsaa WAer .
.ertitassehip are alt . o yawned
l ea
, alteatbs; w idi Lir. Wia‘ . eris Moir
'..brostiolsi=preol ow ri m.
I. las ,w a
i very Sao sham
SosZisaml is kts vista, .look are din. era
Well ah preserve down sad Ira east bear tai.
Info!) is Ousei Wisa op*: K. hostels' the
Oa tiOday attericoo.JAMEA HOPXINS, scions
" l i in d u:µl4 4+4444 W.(a.cnal . as 4 e'.
Sac) tbl4
tew hospiral of as But er.44
t le New Yetis;ealti,lLintdT..BUNK Eft, seed 73
deers: He err We eidemeathar el the Pelas,tbe first
ceesetthaa lial eeet paned amend pale. Jodetb, sad,
established tbui fiat of draggy .
. .
X vacs% srvyinAuFrr,rxesaAraiihar
alinaziet 2 aidaing a did. if Ice
EN N AGENIENT 4,ll•thcl sews, of ile_ooly
17. A (led vac aIim.IXIME .4 Slim man&
US la CB, Aso the II • Opoteng. -
Re eaguelleot el Mni% INEAW, lobes. 'smalls
Slant has nai. red Wit Biwttse wkatm how.
=et P"rd r erd
7al in. • . 80
"Vie eioolidifeet oneobeo lo .
14 wr ,
J. • sive stoat of Fent* ni IMe sod Lfite*Fenhs....
etkw deoeylptun aad vOO. .1 *y esti net WI.,
a .mod oall.raos; • Theribllcroing .ad melds;
111** mooned by Glean an moor oikretfir eels—
Make old Blackasislhdelra;
• CNd inoekbeno.
ad ix•ift • '
INboveloofoor 766.: (inn me /pulite/ )
• •
•One , theLoboey a.., zglithiMape.o..
lolperted.o.d *felon poin - etAn .Ibif
2eti r ef IND I tarof= " ni ,• •
Oros bot inensopoiot onetildinemmit
1, 1••• seesef,ead *Amor; ,
Prim aid aneenuoiloNeany..:-..... . •
Quito oidSorne Irr7
DairOordoe`o W4a404 reit ... aszikiXaaa„
the Oesons ren—foe Laval
Oblal3o,iitoons Pon- fa etnt••• ,,4
it , telle , nal • i n c = Hn u ,;.,' L .`
iffloes.totbo •
berella Nooks, o. •
a = easko vancie;trese Laksa ,,
porgirs , In. seermies.l Wll/lArtiner tk NI ntu.
oesYytbuf own to cues oraM !faro
Oak or by,the idfalt boole. rake.
..' • 400.11 WEAVER
• ` Linpbelna4 (*Ube ,
.DAW,dolly lama s Ito Ladies of:Plut
UM boes on4=iy. do hal WM rams
Vet* ea Thepertoet tkoel,Oeu As hot 011M.Ar
O. parpor of teacb.lng • ee4 7.1 41rDirektfUlaig
anoleni be t own It. boa •oo
aoaaneoesood bot stip teonobloso toile Umrket
aal idCid• LOP•••• •Pen lb. 00 allO el a .Cause
I .lipi tt =lovrevei. tin be taqg
pro. Ad* etyle arsenic 0.11 tati oirderf boozes&
—.ealf oat ['eau Itin.llola, La aosseedos;
ml oleo bTencle., &wig Inset h. Ow of nob*/
/Mkt& rimm, aMigisr,etembr sad nmentoo
Morn WI !Warm M.- Termdemi 1111 the M.
rinuas W maim fir isMem. . • •
N. Et
tohave VaiRIVI 1.1,111 W On Palm . U.,
• ••
• 1 ••• ‘•
-•••• •
`Calla snests• assonssmaLf isat
oplA, fix:6ton as Kama sand. care a, 6/
tag &+.d dr, flak & +lad au.
• • - bao/al naiad
IM de/tam tic
ovuovravat of drama appro r
• • vl alma; wa
lan. bum
ropera7 r4loro r
• Comma . r. •
.111,p olltaataro Ella* 'a estaba'
SDI 4,4 News MOIL
• 4 4. h , -,
NcinCElhrtaa lips tiat l o a n lllM ".1,.•daa:4..1a. a thrloyagt et linaaaaa,l4.• ••e• groat
a dr . Ge boa ttl., Tom Waned " tad male oTa 1
Ateftla edam gray a • nom will rams! a.= 4 .!• .1'
ak Or mamma en ..e aeve i l i llairy of
" sna, or to Chro. B Aram can a. ma Ir • •
- • laud.• - - JOHN C NOLO( r,•• amain la raw
nom Ar s. _ - p T,... —,...„
ad it rd. fik=,......t.
.... ....;....:eamien
,r 44,
Tl.jse,prowid.h • a a "ldtia WY PR 4 7 •
, ,
• ••aw or pa lades,d• sada • aradata or ad
leak • or aka. area al'Usia 'tad &a argamadd.
awl at A•oaa bY . nn
____._.____......Ckm)•lan.) -- . ••
. • may cow iiiiii.:i.d....a
Ned NISI Has•olas her tisk h“.
1#1. 1 444.1 Was. sad Vaal
• . Mr arms= Ilhis rim's, •4 pan
old, iami. the riteakes Kai dataaifteris saw
ae all Jain ti la
aa. rr a am m b a ya p
21CAila a as rasaaa•ii*,.....4
aviary, Imo
..t. I,
..rim Hama r• Baal , Tdgame.
Wade•••• 1 10 ane• bread, ada'w w . ee y 0. 4
ars sal Ida Ida ardr. • • CA • • ,
.d . '
SVIIIDaIiW ' • " -
ehm- L bum "
i pptriza,o4,
tidilsie salt, iby
' "whid. ow. at
CUM ershium s a dw,
41 " 4 r=l,lllltal =TO iik
"IV • • 0 , ..0.141AT "ite
•21111, 1Mbibe c .7,- .
.11/08/1141,. -
• u4:41...ti
C)1.040101=1, 1 ,1* a c is 16Ai,:u.:ii••• • , 74
'• -' '''' 0••• • ' ''', 00 ' otOW - - • , •
~• '.- 11. a. --Atme,,,,,m ,•-• > i *,- • 7 ••
i - IL il : ' , •410', Now 0.0 roe% Itor will.
I.oos • •.. ~ • ;„. AN a a alerrascei,
h " - h itbsizreertiA
s i:tt
e.Vra is ciait muitsix.
.• 0r mt.4.11 •
o A W ,
.., an Pun:
' .OritO
row thisd *we/ NW tot "
S aa
• •
.11e; Was
lialsew aha wlsill lama*
'-, 1111be51&...., .
--' a 11Untiff - ' lO ra a+d .1
..................... .......__,! _,
.4 ,7 ..f.72 ,
~• 4!!!•ai, ! RdsMftstliar;op
- ZTT'• u
P' afikbr; -
• •••r,r2ig
Wes, Est as4 V
slinsg, Ise shins,
, Twian , 'low, war
City of Allegbety, te ll
Wed Fenltem ba t
et It F•nitet, mhos
=sue ue Ton
log Vence, <Ulm
stew zal mese, femberbetti
urger &amen. isublste.•
• quotity dente,
dimmers, Wing duos =adept
41717 - • •tli• - l at 4
OM , b
or no la ap
k • •Ja• /AA
3A remoimpr
004. wormi
. rot 6.1
Jaokrin 0 Lit.
Y,l! Covens& es,
4 N11. -- 21157 itZr m r 7rltia;
AVEPti — M ' . . • ' '
mi. 11,,,,,y,,,i,,d, fee Asuendatti •
Canal.a.l liallroed Wing now in ese
T.. 4., the Packet. &( this Lira dill [use with .
...On se Wilson, every eight el 0 &sleet : • ,
Pastes endues, &shay, Illoodey. A Wool It -
- do • loolitads,Thoonpda Toooday, 01. '
-do keirmety,Trobi, Wedotodey, 4 AL d
Os Ohio, emr, Thanday, • , ~,, • ~,, L. . 7 •
.k. . laduas. Donkey, Friday. . ....8. . •• -
dotediedne, Thompson, Steterdoy, ddl. , .
inatacky Traby, Sondes, do 8. "
do Of Ceti OLotolay, do 8 „ . •-,
do lodiona, tkev,Toest_ttey: do Ilk
Inalisons,Theddmo, wedoesdaY,6.lll, , •
• do
do Weassehr,Tro h .l,....llorroday, dolt. • : : 1 •
- do loduu,Betk;r7tiatooday do 1,4„ - • ! .
' do Leoidasa,Tbodpoos, SondOndola, ' •. -
U Too denim sloop traveling and sesibetelle demo.'
Nodulous, wain yoer tietela sl limr.lractek Ullic:i„
ja...,.1, Wise, Weutr .11TeL •• .• ....:
• • D 1,1:Cil & CO: , . - t o - '
. . . .. . ,• „
.. .
... . . ,
• . •
azgans . • .., COS '
- -
untrite . WESTERIT Blrtl3tlS
0 ga5 ="ir5tr3,0";:,..,z ,04 ,,„
bef*am Pi a d Mit maw bby aiTittr.
mato with Adam arid Cmpaby's Erpm• ayb h i
WI di* ebb*. ratkaces amt
waived •04 *MAO daily* tbrovrwril to per gam ,
are Ledvkfelande bad Contaloied Ocoee by ibiat
preminagrop *bleb us liablbrelr,w iy..k.•1..•••••
/ooh by atal p lu: b 4o Itaidebey, •
Fo am* r • cop** . *; Si Owlet k
• 4.0 ill6lCEAS"f'gie
•Nr irsir
Nerau , sill t iLlNltper
:valm .47
aildr. I 444 ; "44 7 • 4 :ITC IM Pt 4
.. pir4ared le toimrsal '44oa w a•
.WM in a nkles tairoadlej 41414[.414 .
44 . maw,. and 4, 4411.7 '41414..:
40 la C1ae14a4.4. sad 414411 puli
ng. *lli au Plas:mml.lfisurasted io oar 1
1444( 4 , 14tt dellve. be in 1
..... ...
,-; • 1. la.:. .4 0 VICI44=IIY 444141. '''. 1
. -. . •4. 111 chalks kotel luale.lags woad 11l -
.. ~' ' ' 9A .1 ONES
:Jy23-14ai 4 k - - : - .lll4makretal rtnir. anCIILUJI , i
, 116 .14110 DAY /1.LX15.. •
a .:1. 4 "Vit 1 . 1 1 AND .CUIXSEg_
r. • • end Porane beeline stone. pwiel
llinekradie • • clerEnt is Wog .
Ws On NOW ex • inns ki venue .
Goo Oa Exam ; -
Tlke Arai son srilicnis onalpt N Remo.
Th.ralf Akio • xvitnetiz.rina44 . ''•
rag. ' c "" Mr4 '
'rawly 0 won *pi. Csym., Sentelepo,fakai
Poway C.. 11 .01 30 .01 nrk.
The pr•primn -.• inao noPeimaii
<ibis lo ill adl to* •• thn..
a. 11.10.61i0. Y.O • • forni I...pnomilt: moot 1..
.• no* p 1.... man 0.
1 . 6.
d l4. •
soop•Bo ' lad mak* W... 0*
Sin,MP***; : • .illoSfiempr* tarlesio*,.
thatll walk say Mai* •
":41146=V "
" o*WminN
lamieto•4oy. T h y".
Dw i******o • - ipilioisi;nintok
N.. 0. Parte ir.ll,l* ohoftaiged.:‘
, 1212a•U• OA= _ • Alladalaa 702 , ;
t agano. lb! Axiom •. '
41 1 / a rkansalhalagssula rag _
k The nod amiss dat Algot gm igloo Galli
IlaamerTaawar Norio( a TranlarjamolO, _
al dr =WIG an.l Mahe.. Roar, • ••••v ,
The Coati:ma-a lba da.y.o CIW.WaliC:b• MOM:
6t2 , 44l,orliidAyi6i ettillet 2; b 10
Dings..., Ile Nie.21.2, ..tbar . W •
gruis, y Alcianekr Dams
ter...,. .We GALDWECI;..
4.oierAir. :aims .or
liit4cicynjw .warrr? loaaa Cd:IWART.
• Trintrakift4.4ftirr.a..o zi6.4 aft.; xi. lard.
I g ailedirtatbr addialeas ruse
r ajar** mon.rear Dry (*dr Iy raft nada
arrlieco. o l o 10 etel to 000 atry'briclutat• mad doaleoo.
.R ...... sassaftfto sad 64mb/a mock oftsfais be Jo Fall
By iiieaarn sad patieci be ix... Ned the' mar
r Greet rad novrl cylesof Esitift sod C 0040 .:
. .
e101..0 sf Domosfto Goods *a <aml pere
.647 T snolly rhs aroma 0 fite Trrdo. ait ft
*Wel laislorrd fto ft: toed ten. as iso Os crofts.
RS Cada—Wool *ad Piers Diva .ad Fasey
Ws., of nem, gosattes .ad ..perk* litaft. •
Csetibll •nd
linthi Coda eromfts asd dim
• . " Afoftlft; .1 de bee. as naraetaten• • • •
arsitlesa Oa:J.O all deft Omit.. and oolors.
FUMY CUllitie res, English, Froarb; • sad Aria neaa. •
of serener sty /0 cod yourroa.
/ 10 0‘ 00 , 1 1 1 /041 , 11•111ft; sad alert hoary woolkaa.
Toreftft,beiftrs, Rat aft;aai oiler furry styka . •.
aftiartaisid'Pidrd (Iwo erewn'a•a•sipo...
;yaddlapr-Dofty alt velvet. most/00 velvet.. V....
"fl. l efts. Fifter Vatiar and Lift lona low to Aar. '
Velftra, Wart, brammad atter finer_ stad ea.
• ;:
14 . ftl7es,•aet wad After , oftrr, Was:ad 11fts •
aW a•rhias, tral'4 . hin nd maw
s., ':ii
OiiAo.4ll. tlldooooSiadiass ni •
vutoasaaa. r sod Iftaftlasal S&L I
ma's mat., • •
, •
CECIMI .BT. . Ngw Y 0
lad ree Inver, o z .-
--/i4reririVnitx% necumelverei7,
.74"4. 51 •
I , 1.16- IVITENTS )isualto
•,„c4,1„, pa: •
' nve.
0 - m 7 "FiEfoollisgp---
— r - * sz - ' • ,' "` Mee
, ...41, .ra • 711....1. nti)ti•
. ...:•:„...._ , „ : „.. ! ..„,.....,•,..... 1 ... ; ., 4 ,,.
„Lk: 1•••-•-:-." - -, ..!.,-.-- ra
i. , ...0,4,,..-.41.11 •
, . .•.? . • - Atria es '
El lifileafteiiali Irtioass
iu. luit!ar gab as
• NM
1 .,_ - • N .
. • N.
. . .
110 4 41 1 41:
PW ,
=llAlsz,ib, 24 ,,
Mnstrr wl Tor the rwr
. 1 44111:1 !suesobe lAin 'estaz i .: 1 H. .. 44-71 °Z-. . irig, — tim
,' •-.:-
tl oo
titoti AMY- 1 .-M l ', r AlLlaticrw;
• -, , 1 65 624, I:.;:.ricri%so, au..,
. 7 . ' tett
, dad d" .
. .. a i ~! '
• If.' 1
- • • ...
i i -
t" - '
-^t iamb 001:1:j
' l'‘.l:ll2‘4l4'4l4 ! )he*"4".' J ' Wg4l :l4 i
D. Devils, 41
Oahu Orat* WI Ali
as moth* amenEoll4l *spill eat
• el 1110 , Clici,1". IC • •
dusky% samoi *kW* ImAilaimpny
ban.; Win ocat 11.400 . 11106, C•atl SA fp.-
... iodated% tables, writ iclUdittliptbloft.
..eitspeal venetian vralderir b
ml •imbl, mania tam pa,..eaatme sum,
ki19;71.140.• •
-v st *Mk* lO = Nlad peks;
41114719V M AZ.
4111411111113•Makil leelcon
!bell Isolorl•ibbibicL al dr
Id Altribeny Itirtdr t iLibb
L f .4.1 • qualm*,
ale, b.c. .bared No Um
!b bet sae .It baba
brlng beat solfi; elem .
. vino! laud% be
." 1.• Irarbib of
Aisne n. pa mei
Isrc 1.1.1
, •se
pntaa,at the .
mod iti& etc
01,12 AN "
A." ter art a r," tu ' u si
• VA
.2=o ; 4.4: 7 10.110
—marci4 cmiti
_....,..,....„,...,,,,. 1
Ea. « v.aed Dui
liedthe largest, *
Lela MIMI 0.1.~
Swept aves
ram beempsna
Lies, gietitssfit
s.r7 lo deal •
greed 4trese
dam el • •
err Le •
r pwrriee• • minim lbr
to entry of pameatetigol
f`rr""ecr a"!
• . 1
wt. racritml
'14,.C1t. Seas, *ICJ
*run./ if o'tistoi
gtoM. r.
- PACS/110r.
44 1. 7. 4
7. ?avatar:: r t
TiP p.rektoup
Pr *. •
01.1 - • ,' •
bomb every
oral bloods;
11171 •
icave INLIOduI
b'clotk; wloe.
em 7
Irrgb enety Pe •
,1777 . Pciday
rah FvesT -
;Ler, etarsrdol
Ole and • •
Q0::11111TZ15 HI
63 &me fres**
, k7erreof raft .
"epol u 41.7 1716.
tyl=nl. l l 4
L'LLZ 111LED—I4als
mime. Do .• . Neo4•
°Da'ana . =ifi.4.b.L!it
_., N _..,-
~ _...~,.._
Hwn't - t 4 ,'
m; m
-~~ ~---
• yeliarerra. — • 10 "
1 1 kAACX:f__Iitatai
S •'' .o
"!*• 611 , 1 1 • B
S tow b
MAWR?. NO Mb hei
a. , sed
B cox i
• ner3:4 - . •
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7 - " r ~
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. u
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jr ,r ro"*. get
!O K:ll Etleih.
gals b 7,
c urALA
— ar4 r.
Dative° •
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mulaius i a.,ii •
1 .1.*q
A t