419-• L........, . ~,,.„.. , I....,c,g,,...,WiiilAtTiftr web, (iittVilil4-Vitit—ituMii.laii.'ll ri—.."'"' “4"l* 67 - ' ...lUtirt ii44l.liittiCr. A 'BW'Arg4 —II. V•r5;i..,... ----------en!! ', 410 '.- 409 N *IXITT is-Cur "4:g ism". J.% ore pr.itirki oa►7iititss slyer to rebeived by J SCIICIUNbIAI(6I I *.ak I.).ntusugii--x 'EA. .abonniest st Hair, cots bad y hiving Ittrafi".lo teed add tot sal. by' 1 JJ.S...a b:SELLF:JII' 1 wig supsneeLawabw oebblved.bud aquae l7 by__ f . . . 1 ,JJ. %11!EY._.J. 'lbws - Wasson Jiii biea . ' JIT. and for We - 0 ALACISURN CO sae brawls beiJoberil slum 63 - arayssis 6y/ 4. , • 2-.* 'Jed wad Unman.: 04 nisaat•ata; ..lb - bon] stbt'ebea, tile blauud bad Vci.bi , • 4 " . . . r bbo...r Viftb : biyl4 • 111.1101ribllb , ALCORN AP s ENI • ?,1-I..astent • , • 4 . ls{llS k ir..p Oit;:-111bp to inoirfilo kCo i mai 141, ltAltAlb-Atont -,...-;:::',....-:;-..-..,.....-.:...',- ...1-a...;. , i,-,..:-.77#:,,!1ti., - . ...... . . . . . . . . c" • • •• •: - - wed 6 f - • • • • J•eCiIOOIIIMAKIM Co TT Ago ot,Ol ppFt revel & • • la i 'n lOUS —I be* .ied -Dot comif n/andA sale b) a ; Keno s Irtg, `11.' 64 '41. a.c011:11EON Bo' Ns"- by - • (pYY3eiE-lU l 4sEt Qua gIeIICTCII1 t 1 lUOeV' "E4W4'17°..4 "I&:CttrintrTirtmt, INIMEI .. ,I i.:,..:: - i:='k , . - .;! - .:.;•: . -. :'fti: -,, ii.:.;:';;!;;.1',:i. •;=.:}f,,-• .w.f..4.Fi. *- . ..* , . 1 -, , - , --4-,T , - it -,-. 4:e...,,,!..*:,'-i.t'' l. ' - .-- - ** ~..':''f :' , „,- , ...1,,, , 4 ~ • 'l.!--,, , , 44 : , . - .•:- - - ilt*:::f;t:.*Me c . 1 -t 4.;. t.lsll.4 : :rill , ~.- ..... -:-.1.;,,,..1: #::il . -,..1 •=1;•'.. 1, :ft . .. : 4 -:=Ait . ,f,....'5..... , %!' •!‘l '•=.• 4„:.: t-4:1.: A: . ; , i, ; b . - :-. , ; , ... , .i.15.: , -1- -, , : 1 i . -1 k. ,, , 4 ,... 3. 4 1..,.. ; .. , ~.. , -1 , 1:i. , :.,;..:. : ..,•::,-.., re,: "Ir.s;f4l . l;4:iiri l -•- r -i i. ik l ~; .1:K i. • ; ' :`l, ',.- : 1 ..z. 1eu: i1 ,, , 04,ig,,.;; ,A*.ii‘ , 1:4,..::: 10 1.1. ' . ' 1 4` . .) 44 '?'• '. > t, ' :**.1 .' ,."..t ''';' ti'..i,i : '• , l -: ! : s t .:'. f::,lf -..Af ;;;;•: ) 14! : , -44:.,;0 ....... , ,- 4 4 ..4 b . 1 . ,:,:k: 4 '.:',lf:.^:l tr 1: , ..,1 - ..,•8 ',-. 3, l ! , ‘: ~ .. :i .. t :4 4 . :. .;:::i - ":.. - T l ,:, , A•,..-',. ..,, , I ,,,*:.egjklit, .--,, , ,e 3 f rj • .1; • • •••••••• 4N. I . In!"" d Yegl4lollT;ith !- Ikle.Kr.lollT • pill,o:4libltislia 'lmam She) . • ale • • • 1• 14!11f!"115) for HgraxiiliON •:- /gr. , Ilea Aw el th• Diamond i ! 1 ~. :(• ~' • • 7,`,. •••••'1 • - • • • • Aebilt4notrjr.AllV.l l• s l iv attell • .1120.W.C•C•10eftV.O.pt ccgirsiqiey The rehheritelt fu jaht sesewee.feceiekh Tee Compeers Paha nalter arellthe vs; I 1 73 i Stnne...lAYMlght, y .Vele'Aexee thl• eat se ni Pula. -.us, tag* plum bib 6.16111.6:- • ._ • 11 1 • 6110.60ta Y:11-, lap! end rinnillo.4 TiN bies lane filoallealassli , .••• _.. •• . kegs* twin Mace% for itae in' - - • -• MAIN tillIEIL*62 likely 6i • It-13v 1...m.6.c. Slmr.per; .' • lo - w I.mila MG. .raw preapse r. lyu tram. ,std leper osoko rrr, , vuO ea sd rg oroopir IseemAoeWOJPtiMteib e. ~ . j ln Law by . - AEYNOUes/E. ITIIII3 SO 31 bane. tesored CA!; • ••• , ' xltecio: tiottiroidarsalit *-4 1 !' • VACIALICIr&SIuTH cuilts• -io.ao :mid 'Nat Pristipe!g - ' ••• • ••-yr; .yeeMi'S.4 •ofi t.T" '; N , villa Dow f!t./iiii 7 -3[o!•exes by l 4 Ti AVIV liiik.S ii w uorimunent.. bi t l f.fbl . if,1•107 ts, /lb! .111 awl ia sq. igand; I.y.- BRIDT,3IIWood it VAS AN D10:1 , .;11WAX , - : • Slyr.T. 1:1 . 14 . 15. , !1.71tibeht far salett r i , VOI BONNHO 11C0 c 0 Tv' ---"‘ 11. I r ial hbls last teethed Ibt soli by' VV 11:1. .1124 U. itlfiglf itCO3 37 maser lb 1 ) 1 11 7 : .' ) rmitimnied. *rifle - •, J 0101) t00.4*: molitla ep 43 , 41 -7 ‘6I.IOLAT _•11. , fig sale DEAA,LE,4 e,ls wink Ly ' DST pzsonsr.s...4, vine amas for n al, by LI 00 WICK s R 61"""Rni and for sal - a La G 1 ! ". 7 1° Ws, pcscrrctiksgi • 11,-75 vr., to or It on oa ead u llat i gq . • Wa b d 11. 11 - . I44IVIRTWrei tijaaVSZITH e.O mod fate Vo ript 11 sets reeeivoi aria I et Ws • Ii.CI37II*HI---D31•41 suip.4l6s pigiGolerra oad Cos W. by . I_, L IlirCH MI Gu.o snicLuw—ii coon; jesteeeMipo BWIIF Se. meiberry &a-claire* ieeed ealvld 4io fOlf Ors dos or beak. L 111: 1 1e:: Ise Iken; • Dkoiimsla dos- it C LAY rip PLMILMING.A.-614b_z• Gonms Mn. fflt,ltirt.'fL" , VVi a ttettriit alive I._!_____lnorn er s too 4, 4.ota BMW. be mos by 1119, . !NOP 4tAlt; ASP OIL —as bbli N C 71 0 ., r • •• • • r : • :•- 15 lablerimpee. to; reed sad km . .•.&• 1 ;; - . JNu F ---11 " r " --11 * 7 " 1 " ilm i " 31 -- " -°° Biu'rrnit s4; Tga -61. avir 0004•74 1 we. jut re it t for 111 Thar tittt.l, r .-,4ISOr7ITAILYI • ADM= h CO -Vong-sood iutpatio beditriorsell - 1 0? • . i ..GLIIIIV-12 It ivlit,s4o,7-9,64sadarlothe k . Na• . As" b." ' 1 bIeCUTCHEO I g, • (ittg.: 1 AMC SIDE* aad SHOW/MS.4) takijantve4 ae fig •_a_kar PDXJ4=-"I" 40U OP ASIIIONATiC tIF ANNIONIA-414 tbsied au4 Am.& b) ,11/14Vtli'iMa asisidM sad Ne We by alit ' A 60:— . 1i dos. saplftit,M, num rearned asi flat ,; • -5 - 0-W , IIARRIAIGH, 33I Ned littia's Yellow Cavite illore ' llod sait,bl &IN .111.41 &BAUGH • -ou,sobtio.thl Vr.auttitiON dwealcAN—ist_eseint. _ jump Arr. t utp .T es bea.a. Oe tial ud Ibt 'Wei by` • - . TASNEY&SEer., AmOO.IVISIVIMEM,yIair *trwryconser or Mar ,r,apart ifittliii:Veigond u lp b r; sai 0. 4 , 1 !0 r Vara% AILI 6 ~00111111111M10.411a, MELff lor i ••1. mooed • ,:i. CZWDZFL-501tep et. Riaarti"., ia4; rot Weir, xWolkiwtt,-.11.1.0011 CMllleitial." /1 1 r„av 0 p c .r....,, ,,, au. Sal ? Tr a b l atiOS: o . 4 ii i t e 2, 11110, e 11,1 /MOO.' b b i zt10224 444 . :41) . RSV !OA en. ' DUPS . MA AollaiHS*ltlibli fir boak am- 14. " worst:a lisa sod Se ffellNlAlsyg , pawal. -• • AIM, 11 , WAIAACP.I no SW drinrefiatiltl sulk Oß CO sad 141 Ll_S_ltrraft, InritauF 7 l46 n ask bit IT3 1.1.4; j)11.11".",, AN attn.v • • . . • Li. to IA slare-10 141,0 1 4 W u irjeg If4kSallagavial.btsWeSdrrer. ir — A.WM I6 " 4- t4 l 4 "" N mutai r rtist vim p-itff,K,l4"HuToolocesaco. mmmm AtOMIERGIAL-AECORI). LMI NACH. . ~.....______ --:': 1647 ). i 6110 ISo I JULY, ". :I rism !WU I 1 .5 - iliiiid a r ,17,7 5 0 'ell I 010,, 5 ! 7 ILI I Itatisdaj :- . - ' a t' 7 9 Iniorlay .' . 6 3 7 7 . I 6 Told iyi ,-: .: 6 6 7 :6 II -Wedses44-'- ' 6 , 6. 7 4 S -- - .• glanraassata al aen — a - butamaars. Ikesalemuj,cactaine-ILeave Amer. Leave Fame. Blitlklul* (Br) , 111.111.. Aug', 4 July 4 .11ibarais,184 Ilyiie, , Asic - 40. Jul•le C 4 . 66 . - .4 11 0 JaiUume; . , &pi 14 -Aug 4 Wa•101a0. 0 1 ,, A:a). kleve,u, , ---1- .. Jaly 10 N 11440 IR) .: . , 'New Yet i., ' Vo l ..• _' Aagp t I I S O I : . . Juy 11 0,1001,4(Ft Aug 2 Jaly 31 U 4 OO Pni - , •• i , 64 P , F 1 . Augq 31 PITTPOUROSI BOARD OP TRAPP. TAMNITTKE. FOR AV/UM% w . ' MARSHALL PAlf/D5lOE O ' ARRANGENEN7S FOR tEt7. Siam Bad :Packet Lute, leaven dady lot CM _ • thllll.l, 10 A. • I . Paowripr Picket via Brownsville to Delftware .ml Philadelphia, 8 a. at and 6'a.. rt. Caul Packet . Lisa to Phaldetphid, daily. 9 t.z. Mail Coati Lim direst to Phillidelphie; 9 A. N. Wafture isle Southern Mail Ceeah Line, 6 411. r. Noe* Writer. via Ileveland, daily, 10, r. Drie era Wester* New Yuk, dally, 9 a. r. North Eastern to Philadelphia, y, "inept Sun ' AIIDIVAL AND DEPAITURI?s OF waILS. Carlin Mail via Philadelphia, dal. 3 A. 51, elor. Wean= Melt, Chielswiti awl Louisville, Joe 8 P :southern Mall firißeltiotore and iWashagton, doe M., elan 5 A: M. i North Weston Ina Clevelaii4 dui 10 A. 111., ewes Erie_andd Viresttre. New Vori. due S P. M., ulorer ' '• '., • ' - , Orrice rerrsnuitrin Galatea, I ' Friday Morning,Angmt G. k ••• Tbo rather, y'roarday sae warm and Witty with every appearanea of rain at thaltinid I.of going to • ...-• • • . _ „ •• . .-•,, . • • -, posaipMarhat , '‘iiit and grin*. hint it Int quota toms. , at islets not:niece light, ihoogit,with_aapply is Monneraita egad to boom demand..'„ates yentas.. day oe,lloo Mita atl kl,O, and na4ous °tier ainatiee lota at ileilifit4,6o.liieeirding to quality. • : ' Comest•-Very - tittle la doi ny in the article, and lirt/Ina , fli I ntatioas Sr. •tiinily attained. Regular sass were snide it•40,245c p Nisbet,' • ,'iNbeit•No.dinstaid le =Het. and prices inemin al.' - .Thel article is Laid at 85iiii9i), though ad far as we eui ittarnoeitirout sales at thene•Sigont... . - Itya4ato• of poets at 40c yibk•-trieeipts light nadaiii l steilladliiiited; I'. " I • . omi:•:SHedis 4,600 be at klisliklki p . ho. . ', • ,"Pietni4tilsol X 0 bu at ZilkSn, ir 40- .Proviiltine—Tie ouster is einte doll, with no tti Salsas! y Or. noteinike last quotations. lion,. 8169 e Alis side. , 8881 e; shouldnre -61.61. and !anti I dle' - of iiiigionsi o at Inthige r lab. Lard is wittnieiebaige; item at 8034 e. York—very, little . iStiesik:et; saleint sesle l p Ili. !, ' 1 - Chisaiii7-Vony pale is the mathet; Ise quote soles liniabeiW a, at l iSgetZge eivib. 1 .. Riee'Hio receipts kir soma time, the .apply hi :tinnily itoTtelest tithe demand. 1 Small sales have imese!Stl it beet* te lb. 1 ISityml,The market continue. fiini,: with no ebeerika prines,' , Repast . . sales'sil N 0,-at 7gth ni Y Ihieit brown at nte'lle; of loaf, at I lien 120 plla: 1 • _nag - I - Mobasa—Sales In bens ISt Oat 55ee36c P piton; . . ww:1 1 1‘ ri ll l4 4 Pi•- - 1 . . Colas-Wa hew of at sales hi moment; molar traiastatoss .a last „quoted—Rio Bib% Lnguaym 8 Th 4 thllkitelmiare the prior Int 'Cecil:hi. ,frotiiSt. Louis:tin Vattl?sritti: - '. • . '_ _- .... -- , • • • .. 1• . I Ramp, r. um • • .59 0&10 00 L . Tobaceo,lll l Xl lb* - • 0 300 000 Lead . .do d0....•..4.: ono 690 Haeaa,Lard&e. do' • ' 0 30a 000: Rolm & Deerskins d 0... 0 33a - 9 37i Fogad riviebt. do '• 6 30a 000 e to No Loaiordte to nttataugh: IPoladfreigh&ir—botop '• ' . 'Other &Nib • • ' 1iC1616.3711t: MARKETS ' Sr. Loots M , 23-Floor-Hold we Ire at Kb. The receipt...hick ODOM t to only 601 tads, hate been scarcely selbeieiat to supply the dewed. Grillo-Sala , or whom es lollnwr inferior rallied swim 33114 50 ;esited and fair.lo66lc; good twltsi it 600666 p'. babel. Hemp-A' lot of 1 elm* fair dew rotted wee ! told ea Monday at .142,75, which was subeepiatly mold at 1167; made. lot .1.41.101. 699 d !, Par toe. Lead-dales this week Wes two pp, to dey, 113,44, taken by boatmester for freight. • ToNoteo-For COMM. iratfL'F.DiprAnferie,r.rifjltei iSC7l.seorflaon eiGnallietarlog arid weer lent, ($6 tri $lO 5 ip ! 1110 1; * . COiCOOIATI Plaaltleti !?..1.-Sale. Co noon this dayies reported dike Miseltaitie &clump.- Flostr=He geserally te&sPeeed to take for Aga 44,25, mad .bags ors etitriltore to exceed de,10. 1 'no receipts ow light. n male of bets at Beces-Salo at IS landeaboelders at 6ge pkdi hi doPip at Ba. Lard-Selee VD keen No I in bits, attic. 72 tads do at 1/41e. tkot -A sale of .10 tibtspi, at $1! W ket--ttale. of 66 00. Irma freer at 17p; 31 Oa born distillery at same; 13 die hem neer at 174e;69 at tip; 360 do trona canal at smeet, 80 dolt Fume. , Cteireirosto AIN '-Canal receipt.- , Floor, 41,714 bhl4; pork 110 di; whiskey 110 dot wool 51,440,1 k.; halter 16,.= dal cud 23. do; bacon 103 toil91;481 do; nails 10.916 do; glass 14.737 do; ;oil 13446 honk 'wheat 4filKl do; corn 7,611 do.- -tideigei he wheat gae-igoi do core hatlr 4.7-1,0;0 do 1008 e.„ ; IigHPOSITS 11111' CINCINNATI-4hr Yeekee;HCoatki ze: en. 33 biathers; delft Shneebereer tidb scrap into; CIA Tlunr,3 troslor, 3 birds incina,.lolduts hems. 61 Pis leathers, W Burger-% 'eke wool, Ailittleste 13h:ether triage, J Kidd & co-1 bee J aie&hei Hem tits mdr',F saem-v.) /810 .0,6 Au molareca,lcuk doted, Bar. ender it Wilsee-47 toes pig metal. . . 'HEAVER- Per Lake Erne-4 lip oat., J Chris. y-39 Whetter, Bingham! & lire--49 bus cheeee; Nick &gletatidlese-filbblelloor,Samoron &Ship, ,or-151is ibeese,. l Dickpy-1 bid. Forsythe & co. 143 eekagrere. 1 be timothy seed. 1 be Lucas, W •t HcCategeoe-110 Obis butter. 2 aka dal. 1 be ha. ws,2do erste rap, 9 bp corn, do !rye, do 00,1 & Bold. WKLLSVILIA:-Per , corn. :14 Olds low; W. eiorthin-I4 sky S & W liansught-3 1 iglu dr apples. D Lawson-NO :ibis llor,'J Jades & Soel-400 do do, Henry Graf 16 side all Medi SWlghb-lt bbl' boar, J Met's& 'ee-40rlo de; Mathew-!30 do do. 11 Grell-11 'eke at d,J 11eradep..23 ball sib skey, 61 Clark-4 do deer, .1 10 Isrd,ll. do, Saar. 47 ecks oats, S F Vrie deekeet: It MI. goer, KlHessieton. GINUNNATI+-Per Medinni ' 731 his wool, W . 11arkerio33 titds scrap ire's:. 55 pee do 'Carothers, Hiner ruoi-73 whiskey,J Parker-40 tons pg matal; It Alpe k ge-4.60 water melees,- owner os - _„ PORT 00 -PITTSBURGH. rirtAlismitiiviAisa—arALLura. 7 ARRIVED.., Coil. Bowing*. 11;nrarrille: Lois. 0414.iu me. Oatnea: thowsavilie. Welnille. Sow. Macias kbbett, Soda. - , ?Wan. blipn, Calob Cbro., , ,Sholes;Glasirow• • Swer,lieops, Baia , • Lou Edo. Heisphill;Buie_r. Wed* IltadMoos, Melim!port. . biedbus; Mallard.. ArlaitelecWilibsi., Loali. H• • ; DEP/Urn:it, eatiej Bow=D Brornswille:, Lae /11eLem,,ESamesit. Bomnorille: . abode W.nd. DaWlOl3. Saath. • I 7OHN OVER Caleb Cape; Simla, filaagaw.. Beveri Hoops, Hearer. . Lake EricHemploll.l3eaieu. Camslasatiaboa, MeiLennart: LinArmsi Tins MAY. 'H 4'1;0%. PACIEZ: niluielphis and BROWSSVU.LE I'4CKM3 at a. K. awl 3 sworga PACKETS at 9 and Eta at sad 3 r 11109119KOAHELA CITY PACKETS, 3 P. 01: 1 ASIX1W :PACKET. E1090w.4 P... wat.t.svit‘E.wiiuvine,tra. AMERICAN KASLE, New Odium. 10 w. AtKOlSed.Eimelledl,lo a. la.- Cease*Aliso Dies Actium welglipos icor I.e.iit Orlialsisallbetywr brus? Try Dr:Derwesa's fhaking 1,z4 It will mire ym iML 'Odom away Use okay eked - - ;1[01‘Ww: I,lthashoPer the mil, AidarLOPers thronit the atcAma yea n'egtioald. may pi be erlhole , 'Pee wisteielsth •• •I . th wither* W!ilideC A Y,... Ir benceely C 11 Cps IN, 11.13.46... • ' . . The Worm of Dem/twit la steal, `AM stragibuy4 - Mom ttiolmbeil.= 11 ." .1 . . iue . dearth savea s. ia.int.purwari,s worrelug NolsO ariammoolet,ctubmis,omir..Mt. galas* *AI la Illndingli; Iy , ,WIL liCitattN; comet of ,O.Libeltl' '0114.1' —Mpp IM N 1~ee47 NeJ lud, ~n _ CQ • • , • - • , - -- , f , .,. , .-1, ,, r.. , i , =.;,- , ,,,,:;,-,... , :,. STE:WMOl):it,sl:h..,::-7.:;:i.:: - - - • PCIR'TTISIIAIIIII•T ISTIG ZIAILISM; The steamboat DETKIDT; Capt. U, Cowell: will commas ee notated be— amen Detroit and tbis' Walt Ste Mule ai 4me waking weekly tops 'diaries the remainder of the •euen, leas* Detroit every Tuesday stir o'cloek, P. The Detroit is one leer old, luot a pearetfal bw pre.. ere etteineAnd Is well *doted to the Sault trade. i • 1. " -C eland J Ed' ,HERT, Detroit W LAWSON ' bison 1G • 14 '166 'IM . 3 41 -sea N. 61. 7 Se. 7.161 Maces pham ' FOR FL LOUIS—REGULAR PACKET. 4 ).il a to The replay packet • • A3iERICAN EAGLE, Atkinson, master, will leave. above n. Friday tanning, at 10 o'clock. For treAtioiletage apply r_tiltijis._ ' .•._-_______ REGULAR Pt ITRUUROII . AND CINCINNATI PACKET. . ' . , i The atacark Kohl draught soar aIEDIVIA;. - 'amid 3lillardoaaster, will l eave; as sialt ab ove Ras day at 11l o'clock ' sod legs. , . • • laxly Mmaghtiat Ike /mama. For Crialtt or pawarc apply an beard. all . , • RhaIULAN LOUISVILLE TACKIELT -, The new, light 111.101. d fan ran! , ningineanier EUREKA, atonet, master, will nor as • regal. packet luiter.n Piwthurgh and I.oal. ; n nine, duag the ens.. SI. IC.. Wednesday .14 WM, .!nothing. , I . „ For freighlorpatounn *DPW on n.fni , wifor. ,7 101delpileat Seaver and Giulio. Pack.. ® Si d es, new and foal running sanumboat ' . •. , CALM t.'01 . 1".„ 1 . Shores. muter, Imilioxprenly for las • trade, mill rim aa • regular Fanged to . Mawr and alargow—learing nu. burgh daily at 3 other. T. a ; and running to Ulargow, (mouth of Sandy and Beare r Canard on Monday, W et. - near., and Friday. - • For freightoe pat.. a Waver. New Linima...l. town. Wen and Nordin( New Lielion-oppty on board or to Jed . Sigy„,MAßßAyoll,p ..1 Are. RRUULAR YACRtT. ' • The twwoloahle qualm , passenger roamer SW ATARA. IDraitylitooly IS inehcA) Card. cox, will leave oa blond syl di. Ph meow, at 4 o'clock. 7. w; for. Cincinnati and imermediato pone and will performs her trips mcalarly during the low water acsoon. For Irv& or pawacts apply on hoard. , jci _ REGULAR CINCINNATI & $1 LOUIS PACIIET .. u iri l i t The new end TRLIT splenYUN, did steamer Woodwatd mastermllle tare edial): throughout Sic .111.0 r, ; For . . . . • frL aptor passage apply all board: myll 7 ---- " , " ---- kliii — rtiNg....ltVILLE. The light drattedwad fast moms ' • ' steamboat altPlol3 CHIEF. Moors, matter, wtll ply as a regular • partket helmet. atm plate and Zanes ville- For Weight or pasaue sp i ply On board or ID 0114 . I i 03.1 if KM KNIIP.IIOE.R. AO. 7— 'ltaiStaitasegia,asagraletallait Patotta The now and She steamer - 111.1D110II, • , - FlAtert, mums, has resumed her ret. tau ;rim aad "MI inane 'lambing) Ragmen every. Thuraday and blow' . day at 3 alegmk, M. M. ,' For frei gh t or passage apply i — ItiX7IILAR . en-issultan AND WIIEF44NG The Plearaer .11111EFINIA, Perna el tkait4,araoaTo. l, ..."" ',mane as input packet Croat the tsth:lasr, 'karma Potaborah every Monday. Werineaday eta Enday, at 10 Velma, A. AL, . Wheeling every Tuesday, Thareday art 4 Pater ' day, at 8 o'eloek, A. N. For frataht or passage! a . pply ! JI4 YITTSBURGH AND witt:Kurro PACKET. larait, The opleodkt and fwn running Owe IC. •; W.ADDIOLADID. Capials W II commence ile•Alday of lensing Pittsburgh ever) , Toesday,Tbarolay awl saitirday; In igelock.:A. M.; leaving Wheeling egniT nijrnin!Y.Ww/On.neg non Friday. at o'clock. A M. The New England nein hougin czpresoly the trade. and wol I '<nee terinulg aconngn. mishmr owciage. applebri lwatd. Or ID • retail JOIIN FLAW:. Aggcl_ I[6OULAR PACKET FOR W6LLSY ILLE AiiD AMU DEPAILLII - new and i r [Tet i oar nalit Steven. mau l Tr, leav ' eslPlue• beige every • blender, Weerierdey and Ftiday et Areeloelt; P. AL, leaves Steubenville every rueeney. Tberildey and &toting at 1.1 delete, A. M. For (retell or panage y Ya • - • • ,•• • . IkIeICE&OP9RT., 1'..:1.A13Kk1l AND . BMA CITY. PACKET. ' Timor." rumor . DESPATCH,' Nohow master, will run 4 above. h • Nr.ri. &hotel beery tdonday, Woe molar one Y, n 3491 o'clock. A. J 1 and Moreno a. bola City crock Touristy. Monday Lea kAturda ti b . o'elxt,'A.M. For freight or powage applynn bond. • .11.11414e11y 'Elver T . rnde• ' The Enc toilful Vienekbosi. . .ARROW,,, • ' ,WMenpv.3.nne. , Attin , ....o••••• • ue o- Fun u • itrolur 1.•( irt Ant . . votg the •ea.oun brt•rten P•t•lsutgb sad Prankhn. roe itenght or •••••sc apply on.bunict. _ . . ,• . _ .... - glauslar Pittsburgh sad isaimi ills. Pacitet. ' • • THE Itglitdraant r steanWr ...klalEllard, idaste N r i tili Ake-Weekly tnpa to the above Postdating theft...- FOS (fright Of inmate apply on boo rd or io op 7 1.1 WILKINS, Aro, . Itt:ti LILA. It PA cla:r FOR NA:III%II.LE. Mt,The new wanner • • WYOBlldell. Cs, P m t; Jot. E. Ram win commence Let ain trips to 10c above pon on Monday, the Path instant, loin o'clock, a.m. For( ifht or. hoa r apps aseht7 JBUTLIit & U119,/istii '• • ,T.• TricreEar... • • ..EXPREITAI PAST PACKET LI'M NE" agegMg FURa PNILLAIINLPIIIA ANL) 11•ILTILIULLE. 'TINE ea s iLL and andr utg 'i nfrAF '" In r ant A elder, the rakes of dna I. leave with raa. angers as follows, rya,. night at 0 &dial,: Pasta BorkaY.******r.** *,** do Loolsiaa,TbompatToesday, 3. do • gawk Truhy, Wednewlay, "' I do Ohio. era's, Thursday. • du Indiana, Berkey. Friday. ;'G ..b. Louisiana, Thempsora hatanday, do 7. do Ksnusay.Truby. Senday, do a. do OhicaCtaig,lloodando 9, do Indians, Berkev,Ttleaday, do 10. do losisians.,Tbornpan. Wad ...don do 11. do Kaduna, Tntby. Thunday, do Id. do Ohio. Cos w,Friday, do 13. do, Jarmo, Battey, Saturday do 11. do Loolstans, Tbosopson, Satnlay.dol6: ILyar dertir* cheap trashing and ,condonable sacra mottationd; ware Your ticket. at The Packet ifra, Alaaantralalloar, Water Pursuer of • . , D . LEECII t CO,Canat Basin GREENE & cas kNii Nl@ 6 KIST EN Is-WISTBRN •EIPAIKES. CrIRRC;ANTS and ethers sending nods East. are Lyi informed Iwo dos line in the (wear 11.1 ff at pirtebnrin end the Fut connecting at Behr.' more with Adam bctra s ea ecnepunra Rioter' daily,. (or all the principal Eanorn sracyair,4 .14,1 0 4 , received and forwarded deity - so Etownsville per stea ers Louie McLane nod Consul, and, mer 111 min He. pre. waegtoo which are trade r lock, to Curolrerlendend thence ler rani! train to Saltirtenr. . Fortunker particulars enquire at St Ciliates lintel building.. Wood sneer. , H Hiellutl• • G vicLeav, Mint 11.1 ZW Ii:XPREIIS LIAR: For Ciaeinnaii. POT Lthe traumanationof membeedlsa paitadm, and rateable articles, (money excepted.) The poblio am) Informed that we Ste Prepared w [onward by eteediFr Inca locmelanau,all articles .errand t 0..., 0.n.0.. , e 'ream expeditions manner, and to deliver mom ha. mediateltafter arrival la Cincinnati, aal also all pack age. from Cmeleinti for Pittabatilb,ll - Jettiosted to oar .ges'' ' 7"lt ; Mee. botel ballClMplO n od a _ 10 commere.al raw, Onelooail •!: /20141 . 111 11 ..TWO DAY - • • 101ETWEEnt .DROWNSVILLY AND CUMBER. lUg 7% ;DM ars. ml="ateuel.".l7,4:l7, Alarelgsdisn from Do Essig dells:gd Tatobargti n .o. the night or the Antd cloyig. Comberland—mokloo this IO! Mint ozLeditioos rong for "gulag oatOoods knout* Dagen. • The be in -Baltimore will two a iracelt uto dote anQe The or sTi Agents ere 1 O BI C D A WE , L B L ptsssbiillreC V gS eee ai k MAGUIRE, C iellidr.f II R OBINSON -Ttalenaaned 131eA,FMR..WAIMIIMM OLZVIELALND 1.11.1. OF CANAL rAcgrrs-AND;STAGEB. ' hailat - :. ~ . ,1 847.;.1-.' , ..i iiallidi CANAL PACKETS TELEI , - :Aril A. AWALLOW , I.; nairg O'triaTertiglaitl3llll2eAnWi'iltllenurt and arrive at Warren m el t morning in Haman for ta e Silandarkiell read, Cleveland before nien. • Pal4lloµKr• Will be reeeiredilnnual4steariaa brrika "ontharrigle:=4.l,l4th.ri.= it.77.,r;rt .1. Weide 01S! )or to the stems: •'.,. ~ i ' . . , . .• - - 'CI M WALTON k Co, Plusbargh . • !", ' ' CI,AItIE &Gk./leaver . . - • ' ' • , J}MSF. OALDWlN,Noentalown 1-, apt ; , Al H TAYLOg, Warren . GISOLIX D *TIRE melodeon baring been eppolined egeids foi lep sate of Ilalls °towed Spites, bare - eandently on hod and for ule at !ke ImMel prime soden vecom. modatio* tense, largei,agoortmesa. mudisling la pad *gale ioleyenng, • • - el d @ e iee in 60XeSicaataiellig end papeiq dor do bud 101ejill tuna. i Cayenne l'apPer, in tin ,e bese e t d l l dOs , eo l • sales oblolneuperacie;Eine , ..4,lll a't ,4aeum, pure, In kepi* each; r• : •r d o.d d * o . b st e a L itt n °ll b m i, i rL..- It.uger_ Jo.No In keti IS lee emir._. • • • !Jenard, Anomie= aid and 10117 el an .• .• do in leelteS,3 mid 4 do: erne, , • 'do do ill 4,1 and lb eau., • do 1;m:doe, ilk to and le lb eyine.:,' • ricr: .: : i ilireZt e r6 PePenfl • de- r • do - .140 I. In baler, geed* lb papers. MoCANDLI* 4 , ear mod k *ln . ill . fig f*Wltholein of Winnows* . . ' UMW* eto **west ' 4porit'Mat of I',' ' WA k.lotette *OW ore . _ ... ill . rd ire Wei sltonflos of Ow urines _...__, iagitlato.-lwauis riviki.,,cironsimilsi,.......! gl' argabeiimaeporsicOlg•eiw ik ! ,/ t .-... • . , ''' ay .reker of botril Thosouwo.__ _, _.;:. ... ... ***weal - . - TlPeereOf.l,llliaor :EsistrlaASSA;o4 Y -r.,At.pyr,erysiy,et. , Lewis emenlyt KY - onridowreidY for the teception of omen. ander the direction of atti itael holill.FlKL4 hilt stud for =any era: of Ow Lou- Media Hotel, Mr. Keen and Lady will itttve tnc netiVe management of the entire Welding dsginment; Mr. Hitelumen, of Ms tavern, hl ,,, tC". and *diet •AOMmeatents; Sad Mr. WM of the sponge, bath Imemes, Malden, bums, carriages, he. he: • Mears. U Dit i F N Weedon, Sure Proprletom of lataterille; will ran • regular four horse Poll Coach to the Fprinp every Monday, Wednesday and Friday of the lesion, and furnish MUM. and carriages stall other times to those wishing to visit &adapt. Person* prefenieg Vaneetargb none eoliths well to %Media Ponsmouth packet Feta* to Vanceburg on Toesday, Tharodav or fistardeyi when they will find norms and carriages to forward them to Me Sponge. M T GOULD, Pinprimor •• 9.—For other patinas., see Inheritable bitlinat the hotels, mamboed*, fee., sad if this be oat amornient 'Men take for gritted the following Mots, vie: • • . That Eneulapia is nearer die Ohm river Mau any other wateringpleee—(het it hes Me palest tout delopthil, cold, htopid. epark hog. sulphur wale, —the holsest,eolden, clearest, poem, pleasantest .13d 100.1 ellicavoaselkalrbeine Immo. in the U. States. that it is outmoded by 3120antaill letillerbwttls mem• pleterespe and diverodied. with tai l gating. Mooting. , fox elating, deer teeing. he. le • tailiMhef with pod eating, dunking. 'M.N.& welitleii riding, dancing, shaking off the Adige.; onigroviing ate dyspep sill, talk log. Imagniqr, growing fat. loving to 1...Y..1.4d 10g to go away, prtuditng.. to come maio—to linos friends; neighbors, sitter.. WiV., sweet hews, h e.for, and after all it I. cheaper nay Mg at Facolapie this ai !Val.:lle:V. f. t :o e tee f 'b e r t i l e r erig n o g ltitre Teen thew and 1115M110 1411111. POW.. • FOIDINVATCUOTIGIL, WORT STREET. BAT.TIMORE. 0021111S11-1 0 1 Mob N 0 SLpL;.. • NU bbIL N 0 liohtsoto; • ' Lags dark trees Ili* raSse; • •-• • 10 Lemon. F INALL2L • j 7 • 644 t. Ombra Nou.Lier: • La! La YAM. btu.% K Webs. , G. V; N. and litk lea. 4 . 100 Lad 1114 boles 1(.0 do ideal C sae.; oar*/ panel suoi;rumit if O;OE4 ' sirs i Kt Baku Itsle on Memoriam/stint was, br 15 . CASSON , k lOtEl&i± FOUL k THURETON, froprleten. • one ;e: ISt r i ms long r . d . ml , d , :y . lt iy no . Atzt ,i ttein , g has recently undergone very PlM:ear! alterations anj improvemente. An entire new wing has been added, entail Wog munceome and airy sleeping .y t morns, and extensive bautlngroome. The se Ladies , department has e been completely re. :puld and fitted up In a most onkor and beantiful V.: In feet lie whale •reangcnientot de. linear has been remodeled, with a singl e pen Of the proprietors towards the eeentelt and pleo•goo that. trams; and which they confidently attert will chat. I. :7l:efe ' llgre n roll: i etN y bet in it s i l itr o t Wlit;e6 tab . 'aliatial Ind Wary which Ile m tart aords, armed up in ti senorita style, while In the Way of Irate., he., they will net ha eurpassed. In conclarion the propseloreSog to say, that nothing will be left undone on Molests, and on the parlor their sunsuits, to render Sets Howl worthy the continued patronage of their (send. and the public generally. Therpnem for board have alto been redneed to the "" i2elien s e t d — inary, it 7.5 pre day. thuiletnens , v ISO “ N. 11.—The Baggage Wasson of the house will el ways be found at the Car and Steamboat Lauding., which will convey Itaglogo to and (tore the Hotel tree of charge ea tr - . aren& a iii/GS . Ill) SW, l lawail, Yolllo—The subscribers having prouroesed the en. tinr interest of Col. Wilbunsow late of this well known *stab lislinaent.Seg leave kr Pate to their friends and the ,pablic generally. that they have lakes this Way Hotel litt a term of y rats and will earn their best eaergica to makes a desirable home fer Tray. client and City Boarders. • The lint lig ht paciou and relleirably plumed offor con venience, and air, having a number parlor. edironing rhumba., prapentlng urmial amid-was to The preventproprielom Wavier had the ea egou Years Weedy arid elrosehere, hope they will be able to mire general smisfactiots, being determined to gut c 1101livtded attention to he Louse alone. Tbelocatirm of the Pearl buret House is encotapon eligible, havig freemen Pearl, Walnat and Third aro, to that it is n emptily drawable in view of the torment. rate of busing.* me or esti regent% foe private boamler. s. It la near by the Haas, the Soar 011ee.the kluortte Ilalt,Odd Fellow. Ireland ketone squers,distant from Alain street and two NEW. loom the City AV hart. the. editing the greatest inducements, ropecially to reentry Illerattalttll and generally to all penman VillitlCECittclll. JOHN NOS E I taC ham, JOHN ppoi.l %voodoo fromee. cloosu.o. 0. a7ll SCLSNDID IlarrlL was opened on the rah of Jeer, for the reception of company. The edifies fronts one handled and twenty-Eve colon Seperiorivr, and one handred and rowdy-five it mn Dank-st; and contains over two hundred large airy chambers and forty pnrote parlors. all of w hith have beer tuned.' mitathe word costly Arredute. The rimming rooms are proem. and tarpon la elegenee, anything of the kind In the Valued trades. The dining roma, academ p e , * o rl on, reading loom, Mixe r and dreesing ro om are all iturgeoliry, and famiroal with every luxury and Canaan that money eon pi acorn. It la Orp,tato years time rhe earner prone of this ;impatient arecture war bald by Nemo P. hi. Wed dell la Son. No expenro has been roared by them to to dermal if not roperior to any hotel in the Union, end - . ornament to the toy , • ' Canines will be in welting at el all Ironer, to ronvey paasengers to and from the boats free of ebarge. Cleveland. holy I :Om A S IIARNIJM ADAMS itovsx, uusTon• •1•1115.1, and aplendul btabluhrowat, meted during the paw O,•sono en lpauf open for the receptionpf Debit= end permant trchollere. • Tue newton for int mewed and •uperitar •ccoennoda bane for the travelling public, .urge teit to the proprie tor OW plan of erecting a hotel. which. fnr splendor and mice...awn, Wined be unrivalled in tie Makin And. while he bar awed neither pains nor Canna* la the onainine at of this don rahle objeet. he Wales the public toneolde how far be lies saceeeded. This 'Houle ValatAilig ISO •partrueetv. colter aieitdv merei *niter ant single noun , Theboinurd way oil inter scull erotical.; wieni inn to inky and convenience. ev • evil at .11 le end witcOnr. Alba reage invention. have lieu mode bry lweient n the travel nt ktio ease and comfort. arid an experience of 30 year• hos enabled Ow proptieter Introduce bent 01211.1aVeDfiltIlwhIch, 70t, are peenliar dna House. " busted on tin principal meek obis three walk of die mug Southern end Illrettere ntiftroil de- Vora. and*. basin.. boleti of the eity.thisestablivie went commends itself to the patronage of the baize. ADAMS and pleeenretrartL 11.. B 0•70.. done. IN:. lelleed3w COLUMBIA 110UPIN, Charles Strut, between Nadel and Lombard' Vete. Ballthostres having ale. the alioteesteli lashoicat, oats by +comes In the citiseneand pablic.ottelly. .11 it conveniently towe d regents the Sursabosts aed itsittosil DsOn—ttip the midst of the MOM eeteeenre IntienlAlS lln. trend in Itte ettreee In those elltilittig the estr, ma ny cooventences end eaefotts es tee other ptinelpal Hotels. The ham, 11 no. boil.( Erred up sv , th new lumina, In goo., u.ol .1)1, mod 1.11 to o,o• to do loshhe n dosal day of /WILL let]. The pion,. trusts limo 14t. unmaktutag elfutro. Lo please, will accuse to loin potoon of tlie patine pettonage, seedent es well as ransient. W W D well Lew of the MA of Ilin .y /tira! Dolontore. Apo! t BROW NM UOTICL. - 117r . u .. 0/t i ligcl/ h 1:10 . 0. 1 . 0t a.c t he tate pro oetogie.re of Wert friend. and the pehlie generally, that the I fowl to long and learahly known a. Brownsalndien queek Washington:hat, by an arragentent acetate rho heir., cane Into furl pentagon of the endereigne4, ak sole owner., and that they hereafter conduct dd. atensire and gestwod eatahlithatent. They pledge thereaelyee la, etr y ettion Uphold the high aquanaut and retain large hainee. winch it hoe feta:dote poinersed; elifielntrf hope• by the iabrovemeals In rho buildings and the ellotatiOu of faunae about eo be made, together with a Knot and earned:ling anemia to the easter% afthelr plata to sail and which the anal 1 ant share of caddie pntro• emit which It hat to long twenhaored. T P 13130W.N, 'MARSHALL BROWN. Wapiti eaten. 0 C.. /sly L11F47-17174.11.1 • JOXICIPBOTILL, Ird earner: cream ParLanatrata. l • #IIIIE ifebsetibers, unearth. &at of Banana Wm, base puselia• al r.Josee taints, rte this wriabl isa• meat, and bops by the strictest attenlioa to then rams and coenamts of thew peat. to merit coati mane of We liberal patronage herniate nseeived by ire [Mawr p Astor. The hove kat been thorooshly lentwila , m; l .Pitt• cd; en, therefore feel assured we ran welcome our Mends sod the subtle to acem.kons equal to any m the en rbiladelphm. • N W BIOMES, •• _ /Ma • • • JNO WFAT. GAL? 110USW. I Cerise - flab' sed /lath sic, iClaalanath 'nuts .totwament Is now to the best order for the. /I.4seeptkia of the Traveling Public. Ilsrlog under,. raw • thorough, repair, dam( the past winter, sad having the most experienced men In the west, In the various departments..) batter myself that all will be pleased who call. The {wanton iseenttaloionewslioes' and pleasant. rare St pee day. Citientaati, Mars/ 13,1t47. W li MAKI! - not cutely a nespllroom, it le the mare—a Dew W6ia on the obi 11/LUTWZLIAI 'HOVEL Philadelplilit.! • • A ROVE wit doin MOP , 11Thu.rell knows esubthasect luu• reread? been (t rail enlarged, and riehly arid earti:y Ibritirl.dr' it le situated in the stmt frundoisahle putv(Rleund suet and • in the Immediate vicinity of the pablie places of aniasymeot The propnator, gnitefel for the very litre: rat paltonago honnofore beesowed, will spare ?Kt eons to render ttia home every way agreeable to his KUM and worthy of their eannnoed mood-.mrft ,havrdro :1 ,, s :4 o I . • V` o . Sy.. ' ARIB TB ROCK hi O , IITUN eeseto teetotal his ftierds-thallieleegato •lettels, of the 0 ALT 'ROUSH, kr.whete•lte latest n meet ell hie old frlende,: moo r them and the poblit. Ott to effort shall be spared to nudes all emafortahle oho fever htto with Omit • , e • !• I •nt ! 131AviTAITZIEll CAILIILINATIVEMALSARL ..F Mir e t e Rev All:gigy...li k tzw u px It% o r o=c1 " Its•log beeralltiteldoixor the pato winter with a disease of the n0tnach..1.0.... roe during great pain In ttomsehfor tenor twelve bears withoutintermiwien, end alter hevidgrried vatiotte remedies with littleeffeet, was fennishmtgrehlt a bottle of Dr Distynelti Carminative lialsara.;.TSis he used ar: earning to the direction , . and found Inariably thot this otedietue canoed dm plllll to abate' to theta or four min. uteu, •nd in fifteen or twenty mi n an-fwv• seneati, was entirely quieted.. The •ritmlitifle wailf temmudsalted whenever Indbationa Of the auproaell'of nein trete perceived, ondthe pale woe Thereby elegant. ed ' He coodused to me the me& ine ever/ evening. u sonsetiama m the =mina: and in a few week.. leahh was PO far restored, that the; server irks reliev , oilmen • huge amount of etlmm lee 'P.m no. nwienge, therefore, he ran ennliently reoomma id Or D 7aroes Carmine:lee Balsam. as a solitary menielne for diseases of the sumach end bowels: A Hill NI • ". Alleeltenv . thy. Eon iota in Pittalieigh m the PEION.IPA &TORE 711Foarth lame,neer Wood; add aim 'at the Wag Store °rite SCHWARTZ; federal streM,;AllealanY • • DEL: iOIIM CEIakIIARV • i Clit? BALTIMORE, at the solicitation of nomeroas OF has eoneladed.le Beale himself mama nes* Iv in ale city; •• L - t Ile Merriam: Offer: hie prate:mooed veiv:ees io the pantie, - nod reemwifelly !elicits • date of potroaagi. Sattleattr attention rives to &lessee peculiar to Wo 'men end children. . • Rereaniteie:,Prefemor S am uel! m Hea uel Chew, en t e ntet • : . - • . llr °gro gweet, oppwiis Metehaws Revideaee Wow. • I.4if - LAtIT sad partteirlar Nerd e—Hatne! new Pot. Abend, and .41.ethelf raly belted ready in usher teen aed . the public eher,t6i. mech. All personals Ye wish their card., removal* 4 la their trate, ar asy always la their hawse. sateed. are trivited io tall at senor they will be • sod 1.1 as al. MT latteintal and lesalt , ealded mark will ' be erompleted that week,! Jen • 18 A At , imams 13111.9AX/1 SUGARS 40- . —Ten ortirelie breads impoitett;slie imported prim ippferal 'grimy ef Jamie PIMA !teem fleeted. D.I. Ctrs: Nandi far ireelrealt eennektoseoglit emeemeets wife. it the Wristlet et - ~JACCUIWEAVEIL . , err ansiket freaisis _ fietteagielear.stil ma , it,ww+4. E ll h a irgue owsdi_ k ri: t 2tt ..., , Ain LG . ._ . • L005 , ..0n this sidenea, many le • i a Beitived per moan MisloCiseq .for sciasoiti , „ j,,, v: C.FIiteItaNATLULOO. tell Pall and wimercourse Leman. COM , j rwaseea in at, inttioutton 'on th e heat Monday Lt tto ember:and ronunnr. lout treatth• netneb iettnie dittiety interceded by ma sneing , and Stunner ...rai, widen alattenotlnae. lour mamba. A gratabou. linttnasy mane coameucti on the fast Mutual tv Oe• batter, and rontinoes one month.. —. • Pacultyv b mamas. • . /3 I. Mill, M A:Anatomy and Operative Surgery soon I. E Jones AI D. Mated* Medics. Therapeutics • a Botan J Olivet M nd D. Cheo y usuy and Pharm I acy . IVO Wl:Mach MD. Bergen end Clinical Medicine MOO All Raldridgc M Ohs:tomes and diseases Of women and children lO,ll R Baehr -so M D,Phlsiolorf, I tmlitmen at Ms Mine and Medical Jorisprudenre MP TV Morns, St D,Pallso . oug, Theory and Illamlee of AlediNne MCI ?districts.nos Ticket ga. Cisco( library St rad*. lama fee Stn. DemmetratoNe Ticket 113, optional . 1100 paid ono, before the Gres Monday In November Oct, will be received for tuition in fall of one student. OM NI paid by the Ist of Orb melt will mew. all lbe Octet' for one' full course; the ,IdessaistratOrbt escorldbrury and Matrierdation titter eacerned. The . Institute recessed i • charier in OAS. This College edl. are is situated kith. corner of Court and Plum Ns.— miles urse knew Orligla blithemrac view thing Of known aud might Old Medics/ Colleges, as well as the Aelemeed end Mitenic al Scheid of Medi eine. Sin or scre n lectures will be given daily Board from 12A0 to AVM per wee!. snllass - far graduate/4,M addition to she preliminary termormady, mast hare encoded two full count, m mime legally hi. remanded McNeal'College. the last of this Man be In Malone merle alter fuel years' preelice• All !Niels - soliciting farther inanandomen eontaining Money for the gacelty, man be addressed tolbender • signed Ipostpant•l Notes ofsolvent Bents ofthe thaws In which students reside, will be received' u in osyment of Fees. T. V. M OR ROW;M. Wattle Dena of Ike:Faculty. PILIGNSTLVAMIA.MIiGUICaIImOOPL IGOE. Plant, *tore Massa Sr., Aiaaddsbia. The AmMal Course of Instmelion In Chia destitution will C0611110401:r on the Arm blonds) in Noveraber twit and be eoutinued unfit the miming first of March. The Facility is eunstimned as follows: - William Darrach, and i praitiee of Meditte. 'John Wiltbank, Al . lA—Obstetrics and diseases of women nod children. • Henry N reiterant, M.ll,—Materia Medics aod Thep. • epsodes. R °rant. AI lA—Anatomy and khysioletry. David (filbert, M D,—Principles and practice of Sur gery. Washington Adee, M D.—Medical Chemi stry. The AMOltliCill Room. will be opened on the fast Munday is °ember, under the duretionof Profeeisor Grant. estisteilby A IP Meheyre, M D, Deinanstraior of AMIIIOII, la. All Pupils amending •seettsl Coos espfLecturesi —.*erred ad sunder., as those l who tome (ss theueSseetved ad cumin., attended their OM Cattle! in this Institution,' Intl vs furnished with • ticket vs the Clinical I nstrietlon at the Pennsylvania Hospital; Pine street. Pen—hlstuie station, SS; for earl. Tlc kat; St 3; Ora& nation, 11.1 u. PATTERS*, itegisuar. • "d• I Pia., i7474i. Noal Arch Onset. 301171110/111. INSTRUMMIIITS. 101 IN atELLown. td, Wow orres, ba• jou ze.. el calved • new mock tho foljeroing itary Band lownimentr: viz: 11.4•TaLite, with 5 valves in F, ith E bat etook, • new and very pdrverfwl baa. inattament. romoarel:m in F U bat, and E Am, made by Droves and Co. Trombone. in U am; will: 3 valve., by Mar. kCo; Truism. 0,0 hr, do do do do do do; Kent Wailes, !tendon palletn.Ett II Eat do do, Ophielidr. on 13 bat, with mains eile,ath. Cornett. in ease*, Praia Made. and Trey . ..op...Lir Troostiones wrin. tuning el.deanii ker. new patterns sad mach intprored, • I.l.neett, Irene.; 110t1114 with 4or d crooks. Maisons to R,Cand 14 du Flutes; V inane; Guitars; nee; flageolets; Accordions; Violineello, Donnie ilawanSttiogr, Reetik,'Masio Pa pen kbarie tor r very instrument. _ IY3I • Blew York and Bawto Planes. 0 • TORN ILMELLIJIL.bI Woodiah haa on aud and fur nit at i xastern prince oirn very elegan fr t Ilarawond ! Piano fort. , ..auulacurrellig Ch irke ring of Norton; and pronounced by the brat lodge* tie thenny.ro be majterior to no' inor t have braid Pone tin, mat. Also, at au e xtre me ly la* price to claws nonalign ment— One siplendid Mabovany 61 ottare Piano forte. of Brillion tone, and in carry torrent a eery ant...riot m ato:mem, manufactured by A II little A Ot. New:York.. formerly known av the 'New York manufacturing Conn 1. 1 . 6 r • A ...the folloanna OLD PIA I`VO' at ray tow pine.: One it airman German Piano [mini One 6 'Puma, made by*Biliconk—price One fig 6 do' 61 866.."6. pO. One One 6 . 1 do', nearly new, made in N. York, and with modern farniturc—pnee 111:5 One 6 octane German Piano,tatade by Stein in Vim -112. inroad order. and an eseellentiplano, at 11170, on a fella of 0 menthe,viript gnarl steatray. j yl6 . . - NEW WORKS. 101 ECEIVED at NI A hlinere•--Tle Dukii anti ihe etch by Met (hey, author of the 6=11.41 . 11 etc etc. lUattriori3 Life of Genrtel Condom det.in-Chief of the MIMI in 'Mexico, ettibterior IL full deettipikot of the &elute of Verallit as, le ke lb< Bandit. ur the theye, a weetetn• romance, by . Faction nehoeth 1k of, the by the author of Lahti, to _tattoo, Tie Scent! Fannon, Ity be author of the Youth nf Sitaksprore • 1411enFrtarot nod the Seer. Foitnorr. rt. • Itotn , n '• Fretatro Oh. fro 14 Itotottrr Sps. N4t It' A1..1. Soot. ‘ rutopritiog lb.' fort Ito nutooL , ,, ...- bets camphor' ilto war , Fath ento er Clnt. • Roman Cathol to Slaty Thr Votoo Alogarine tor Aggro, embrdlithod rape ego to July No—Forloon Plato •Eursarly good. For oak Mid A MINIMS, Stnitl6rid-rt.1.1 &rot hot Snood. - .00g4 Ilanair A Appleton's . Now IPolloahlons, JUST received hod hi r male by L READ. 4th cl. hornets Notes on dace. ly WhielOentS. f{m tb We...17 , 4nr0n. A celection of icadiug ,lases uPon CommereiSi Law, drooled by doe Supreme {loon of tbs. U. tl. rot, Az ;by J. P Ileicombe,l Ilo beNVAraCill=retltl'efenil=l"to".:::rd'abstltit.: and. Eon, by /as. P Holcombe and T Past tot, Low XIV sad the Coon of Franci in the Mb 0001011,14 Alias rardoc. strihot of the till' of the Salton, ow, becislifolly embellished by macrolo ea waving.. portraits.... Life cud relic... 0p...30 oncl ex perience of lamb otos 1 1 / 4 I.a Mod-u 11.04,t.....hyr 0h.!..^ ot the p01.4.011.i.10ry 1.40.1.:}60• op HAL Archbishop or .Co stany, by , 1 11... Woo. : corer NEW BOOKS. DUSSELI4 aWeof Ma Days of Chattel dod,by P R LI James, Eq. Rural Camellia , . ennutinum Mews In the Isoneipal Wilk' placed, Gnely enplaned. Mal air co'. etnupleoad the Greenwood series, and No (Mount Aubartl, reed. , Flowers penoulled Not, beriotifully embellwhed. Knight of Caplan by author, of 'llanly Andy' Ae. tllaea:=lnhoube;ll h t . nxr i th . ars,. Eq. C.outtieeof and avit or ir CY/aka lad, by him Gore, an. Moe of Teem and Parranai; ler r alltrila r i i alii Romance of Santo -Anna and hie Priaombm% " ' • . i Dey k Pon, No Merman - edition: lEallern Papera,lll•Rarietiv,like. • F« sale by • W CALDWELL Lamp I postOfftee building. I ui,r; tl IFJames, m Roa of the Castle of Eltrenstein, • /re Ste. Ulanebe Talbot, or:the Maiden's Dana.. Coluodaan Magazine for AMort. by J 14 Ingraham Also—attestor supply of the Col. Magazine, for July, lo secant:nod ale am re sularetiberal This be., ifol monthly Magazine ts published ill N ork.eolunreneing ...Mora, edited by the eelcbrated Mrs CM atlrklaiuL For sale at •• I MA IdINERW 112 i • . wahlifiela iitreet,3lDoor from and 11 1 Tla1Tslitstraim • 10IIN II hi ELVUIL No. at Wood-in. has wade likr rongerneam with Ida. Ilmant flux, (or a supply of his Pia. lons kora kin manufactory or Paris and will 'Mealrr dorms the neat two week. Irony tboie already anleed in New Ted— . i • • • fllgessivand Piano Pone; of Nowi ro od,l4 allltlaLOw moat elegant ezterkie, and of smilax woe to 'Me one exhibited by Ma: Us= eaoiens . sitTT • • • ' • • - • bee‘Alaperb Rosewood Piccolo Piano Fone, • al atm', from the same nomarketatenr. tThe prices and be the same at Pittsburg's... NeW.Vork. plat .; 7 - 70 - 11illitrirlaiTROls PIANOS: TOUN MELLDIS No El:Wood totem kim ravened, al and now °nen Mr erle, a kuperb rove wood six okalf °mac Piano Pone, aelecied from Mr.. Meter ing., sinak.for its taperior tong and belated • workman ship.. For Wrle at Mr Chiekerines *Natal O ne.. I :I II MELLOR • , ' ' 1110 RIC LICAOUR FACTORY. ' • = • Rektms unto. City , e dileglany, gobecriber at the rayon; of µnora of hia cos. 1 tomen who found it toconvetnent to go to hi. Fac, ton, has procured nice* froW Mt W It Murphy, cornet of Fonda sod Marko; areas where 4 good navonwent or hie heavy Wolin& Oboe eel ae, will be kept on hand, and lo his &Amoco, ordersenrlbe filled by hit Jametilld Burchfield, whocan be seen' at hit Morphybo Store.— .The enure_ stock of the late hnn of Hamilton, dtewao k Co, is alien deposited there and will be Kohl on favor - ableeenne, to ewe theb:rittecanf the Company.. II &MILTON STEWART snoractorir of cotton rent. Cb! COM PIIELLSVILLIC D .. Pittshargh and Counellsville e a r, o nd n' • . 'y,lo be' held td Pbilo euto tat o'clock P hi, for the oriticratioe thr rapplment.l salon ofl the. Legislature, and relatteni to the Charter, as efalin the In; of the <oat , 1 CAROTHERS, Pee'Py Lando( Directors, 1111.711011.6.111 STOCK. en that the Traeree•breee post. .1 hooka,! to receive ashrenti• stiletto ' the Palatine, Das rdinsothe of *nit June 10171 ay'of Acifisist art .epaned at the °Mee of Messrs thecily or ritrsburth..belseeen ! loch of said day. Ind to panda. I otNufurrel ordered... Ferny nyllileyrigsties - Ce. • 3 subsetiptioes to tbn earn of the Coi anti beOpeired sidle boa. h ue; d %mese id WShreds%AlexaWdeenrt of , Dav .. se of Rouen llttehataii, Doom y op Augeit, and eisMillue Open e 7 I day of Pepteinher. 'James May, . John p_Nvi., Alexander Flamer, es KeVahins - Pli`iiiiioß o l ll ftkILRO rrIlE Stockholder. or I. Rail Road Coe , P.tt a leeetlngotthe Ovrup Tue.dzy the 34.t a of otipaeateklattnto :epaulette! the lett ailapung such nteiaure May 4 deemed mttt it3u SALL OW WITT IVOLICE it: hereby S it • potted tint ottatany dam for an luntems al w u akti (ha directed ha mail dot 'day the boot Tlonsdayo II Carr ; Matey. Ilaarti &Oh i the bean of la and 4 at mom day to &Lyra' jytkanat ; VettlylateiN ROOKS far !menial. Youghlegbnay Na at O Weaver, l'inahat hl,Katestaart al the Nramart, and &Ina, ad , Pleasant en the :.al d nun day CM Jtnaph ! Markle, James Bell: /verb GairP,' 1V91k. , 01041 14, .dpnw...ac —MI It MURPHY buyer. lathe follawspii goods, Kw'M Rtes Rhin inVites*tumuli° lust received. Dadlioshas Tanga ()backlog% to Woo and Maw do; 0 /dapailo 14<l*, ' lOU LWake., at' rye s on k[oarniti{. doiTwilte.l ot,Casitaele Prints. mod mirk Piaakow •Ipoceoli Whom Botioet 1* ent eoj Idoand mat kat Ste a r ' IRAN V VAC TOBACC O . ilialio *box. •Dllnit's Os T0ha.. ,, e0; i 13 4o . •Rns.oll Robinson's' h do - 10 do -- 'Undoes ins' di dot . • . al dor. .11ves.5•4p.' l. . 13 do • 'BrancleSpooad loop do • 13 do •' • Toncreas ma do , •Cborsiu *3 do . ' 'A Cobs Oaeoppigaineat,f s. IMO Was& • by, ! ' • . 'Acta_ are li i Nia.. 'Lama &arm Heat t 0 9 inAnd forall obardiseia 5 - ...ieb reir=pAy m ensolazoX. , fl i t! " 41 " 41;: " - ;Da c awes olaieolas of task, ' • I atilt, a Ina kaiak fak 1 i Z7,,,,' . 1.!!1at 6 sappit,tanwed aeastg a glo, .e. at the miscall prior of Vita, calla. W Wakes! is tftalved. ofenat far lade pr P A PAHraptpcx a, IA: utast IP aaeirood ma am at that Orate al' siailk ma poelata• Ea. dirlN . ~. • • T. Ames . Ii VOltell lands of web as Plivla. ke ppaij MI 41 I Ei=lll p NOM ~'~~PS~ AN ►-~ wad Cap wurfo , , —a t UNDEU the ligmongalwita qwwei,al4lllll , Tbe vottettlberWo reeentlyistall , h- ' ed hirtwolf in the *aura Ursine. In Oda rity:and tom optiw.t th- ingpretioq of the Poland A large and ealelnllk arlrrsod a...anusa ut MP and' it 'ovary Ilerclipt:on,eolr aad wilt sell loathe aaiy WlNC,resiiB mite}. 11a•...- Nad,arleagenlato will the almed,Hona of . . Herm, suede astande,.-- - r • foebe A 1.52•1 f f. of New : York. he willslaws havel'on bend a fun sopply.of their celebrated Beaver.Oillt,ind Mania Hem. Also; Ramie, Camonere.,Cony.Olter anal Ashland Hats, baked Timm sued Home manefactiro; hieh he will at all times take Simone in Mewing— lie leel edihat all tames will bo nlitwd with ho iseleetion, and si the same owe his oneo will snit kbo , most ecomsenical. He is deternalud is these mapects, not to he beaten. Do not.themhmt:lmiet'lim Isabela Hoeft Hat store, evaidsfield et. iellidtaprt , • G W bleCALtili AHATS; 71118 bong the day the Boring Fukien Of Hue will be introduced; by die won Endo {. Initable establishment. in New York and Philadelphia the endersigned take meat pieesare in being wielded annoonee to their 1111100101141 (Heads and the peblie generally, that werepared to sapply all who may favor as with a ea rth the fashionable for the Mason, convened Beaver., the sad calm . fine kleleakin,Bilt 'MILO/MOT Wholesale or mufti' tdeCOßDi. KING I , • ear wood sued ids 111110VALTT • • - •if B MOORE. Hat. end Cal lidsaifeetarer,4lll ea removed to No TB SVondlareet. three door. abase Youth street. His stack consists of every sanely" of Haas and Ceps. made la the halm style: also,Pertar . Leghorn and Pedal Irravr who:r t. : o Z. L ds et th e {sweat price. . weld - 70 Wool at. third door above Feartit. • • V VasMon. 111 . jiBESSE& COSTAR'S zkyleGanlemelesHada will be Jaundiced al lIMEVII.II an Ilnuaday , Madam V*. liandesea unsling • cheap. fa•• iambi., IhuofiPiusbargh saanufietara Woad of fadibionable Ilan bawled, nd Itd 'mdse.! by mole of the trade. please call at • KEFWIL /. Co• .e./adl IN, bead of Wood at _... —_. ..... XiVail:IRK VAIIIIIOIII VOll MITI !VEIT me'weld (row New Yoh, tbe Alua iii-r Style for I Hats, erivaisunc of. W1v)11.. Drover. !earl and White French Cassia err Huth venB Ventilators.. Those in want of: a W 18.41.1414 liar are reepretfully invited to cell.. _ 8 MOORE • nOri ' -- i 73 aild !iv ndoors stove dila: al .... .... .. . WILLI/ball DOUGLAR has Jut received a itfresh minty of Kin)/old and Hues. Vista ibilk Glascd Caps, new sty tea. .. • ' ' Extra hoe French Moleskin line. at very low tell _ -- __f _ No 78 wood oircist A • WILLIAM. DOUGLAS, lit • CONTINUES lo Wail:tf eme. and keep • eons:l.RO oo,kand, every 'term of Ilsta Azad Cape of the lent sly if , light pewee rely LIM le/WOW : • MISCELLANEOUS , - I Olt/ Dltpemeaty. A DISPF.NSAIdr te' now open um tereatlen of LA. pacestr ea eleuebaeltt et.opposer the Merchants' IWO; sad donde/ID/ liternan's Mee. !leers/Ina d IO• a.. and 4 ail ir,ar , Alllambaste reqiusite. at duettee. and re.ialott l adell n all the works on hillateriMiliedica bee been obtained :end will be dispensed gras. . Penton, 'henna 'the - Dispetnisay for, the porpoite bl Obtaining !Medicine, 10 retreat tamotition.. will bring with :bra an order, Goa segos Stedleal gent:enui or sespeciableQusenststiodtheY ere entail, need, and .demitute of sionryii- .. Dr. Chapman who hos kindly awed • his senior. kir ,the preheat, ea Litspetwary Hi/ Niel., will make n hi. Ws..s to be present 11.1 the boon SIAM. Ifieullati.d give sub wiliest mottle/1w nay steal.. • .111610 in debited that the Hartland Coonell It the Dispense:7ores week kw twee Mlle its Pr :benefiasoutd results. i • . An neenent of amber of easek'fittere or Di. ate ;he., trill be wade oat every Waite by the thspeitshry ',Physic , and published int/teeny Pktrlra• lletableet AIL the Di.pensary abate ta taw lad deseutte. ! Tore experienced rby•he Of oar city baTeliindry ,odered Matte seeeteeil as causal/in* nyitciauCll7.ll/, NTAIL CLOTlatilla STOILIfis NO. TO WOOD STREET, PrITUDUIttiII,PA. ik /MCKIM t. STAVED, wholesale and retail dealer; ,f 1 in Eastern Deadynnade Canting, Weald letip•en fall , take Die method of .mental the attention of until totOrtierl anti the public jmnerally.io the folloWinir into of W eir stank in trade. and vane them also, Oat tl•ed Mill tell al cheap if not cheaper than aatotter ennblisknaitit in We asap Oar tar. Linea of pureliattinn ond ininofacturing goods, are such as to en are all times in keep a NU asioriment of ready oindeclothi. int. ofle.e paces than they con be attained riseWhate The present stock on band manna in pan of the fist lawia drKtiptien of goods: llnlintek cloth dress coat., Donato DSO • 111 Jo do French do IU I.;o x trown and inriabic peep do -19" , unit awns, spleathidty agnate at ate& good rnateann. Inuti pair pant-, of all stylcsisualities and prices. • WM yetis do do do do Itodorto Linen plain and stitched twos. guns; stothr; • rend* /ravntsi Iro.orns; collars; saspeodenn• Jack drawer, and ander sates M entire variety, all itaf orb Leh have been intend? lintriliw, data' wianwd Ole present 3e3,011. !Nic , Cl 3 lt , ‘ an silica 1110 on in present on. te do betr Wan IA gee u3l t , COMPAC FLY finsusged with )b. p aean and ill ItecradAry Appliance.. pot op ill Deal rosewood ra. Aceompau, lug each we lull di see lion* rvtArding Ile use and applieessow Tws n0...111 irah stopson. awes uver o dui farms of man.. tuns send b.. tact. edopted by she Medical Pl.:Preens. gerserallr alma Kan. as being thi swam es.seniessi and elev.. Alee• ia are Every tamely ought tu Ise *in yiiedrash one. I Pyres tta sud HY eget, according In sae arid finish. Sy* SW W WILSON.nor etts &snarlsel all 01'l1ZEHfr'7I'CIIs~ -_ knotlA, Edwin Wood and Market-0, opposite Mej. Larrinar's Exchange Office. andersistised sepremed m deco...soda. sots. wrabers, and see public groesally, ars* a delirious bads. Ilia sweresublisbaseol will be owls to-day s imp esded wstts elm thing neres.ey sa sender healitag a luxury. SALT end R 'impaled required Tbe eseoldwlnacia herd a; as an enure pew plan, being ....tinned from , be goof and th e uub•eriber confident tb. lastssavemen. wanbased espnribusa w render dos establishment the man ebairortuble true Main the /TEO. II y AMON • hIIAtIOLUTIOIII—The youtershlp hendatine ex .LJ balm bettrive rk mabhenbets man' dm Ann at Cunningham kikaater ems disiolvedoa the In iallant. by moan catmint. It A Caottisdhyda will e.t.a., A• hide ai the old 'email. and pile. the Noir*. of the lave Wag • NOWT A CUitiIvIhRIIIAM, SAM 1.11-3.. d tv td.IInrdWILIIMI—Jw4 weever+ wooer Ware et flee eddy Obi VW% were and w.f. plea., By row awl HAMAR lbsthusr. alesliaa gebiolen, seensve, eel *de pbilb. • few &own ef Uwe 40 Ira kirk holism Vrevals reeeiwd Onmom.* 40.1 in vele h olies low it Na.101.001.44awe) by 11 t 100 D. been...for Fasten 1400aLutarets. j114.f AYJI staroecTOlialrr—too •utoes ad& elicaeieas bed ebtbp medicine he de ewe el Cessuissisa bled caber doesfet eaned be ler well know. Ifely Nisby Lives kayo been saved by Y. liflosiono A 044. PM sale ea Pbethasybes the PFKIN TPA STORK yi real& Arm, ear wood, and elm et de Des don of P flebseaba, Federal objiiNibeelpty. jetb ilen eW .L Mes amp. POW Potooddriu C•ftwdeee do •do etwannebbi do Ssi Towsoo As • Caasthasty am MY MAI sal the ale by bA SWINE , yticit Co , comet N Ban ald IWO Wel mai 004 Mt •••• r SlOARPitdinta . tan agello.."UN .arid. ad day a11d~0640440e6. P. 111,1•111 be sold. lie amuse& P ,easalyt baddienelaa in An tame' atiltatpabarsomindalail Manny of Mr. James ' , amen A plane( URA pay be was, and soy Warm. • dot nay bit dished. even applieatina RC. Kalman E.q..lll4mpilierg. of Mr. C. T. Ram'', Yap kat cleat, Yinsbarga. • Term.—Ont sisal cask, residua on 6 meal aanaal ma'am aid, 'merest, se Le to) bend addonnas. WWI: 113, JOHN 0 DA VIS.. A Met !WIC WANT agp. te.—A teepeelabla A mall funny limben 40 miles fro. IN tuba rib Irma aieeeaull6lrla ae Isas mall adder.. Also, earths' goods easan, ebsabassalda amain' 0.1 gide In all amsek.• Also, area.' men Re Ream and has may,. Ram wanted Re **vend pale-keepersoaales. an. searylsoaamem. Le. Please apply at . ISAAC 11 4 SUSS Ammer and laielligence Mee, 6.L anal/ 1. - ------ X — i jnol p ia ki 4=7 .47iTa /Elm geared large auk'. as Fleet r. In Amen Pecoad a wen Weal and Saiddield areas, ie rear of Umoogalsela Ileam sail au mire sear awl al Rome and Cam , ape of Ow ban quality and latest eiylea Mars s opt at livery la do bast summer. lenity Tug oiILIIIIIIIIATILD 1141TPrIAS Poi. 1 SON PAPESJOrsiodiatraelislO or Lea Meopii• tom ate. lold *Waal. asa retell by./ 140ORS.rea etal Agent far tast U Sutras at kit clasp Oak .4 pa per ewatilialuasitt. Ila W lionorestnei. Flan/mom Unarnato roa pan —Tate astesaiglals pariltf a Neely manse it With water. sad lay , t us say part - as new want dies ossantasto. fo. an most asornea allraci. there (MO all pine erllit NM. sad pod.. nosey Instant... &alt. Von 11.1 , P10v • lye • t JOHN H MFJAJOI, it wood* rw a' enstineeos rcui alolai aossalsont ar Parelpt WON and Liquors Miss anaboOttly &yowl so AO WO • nos. parellaarst eatalatstallaes Oast hostler coalitiaa, parted in wood ow Ow. sniela sal Alain liana 6861[1.690, Win as Whims, be sarea.taA • ma • • AOUS-WnalfElt- II • " • • • THE Hell alto aarolar NultyMa spla lying In dm A Alinsbeir litwiroteet of Otatbary aunt, *lll no Fold. A !Anil& apinlipg 'canon 66pt A Minor es to -1 - 1 : IX/ B.MILTENBIEROE I . . . • " 36 *UM UIPAIMOILY. einalantly.avolamorlsolla. 1 and osimarronleroa Offkit. table. tea. all/ dawn A A eon . , rawil • anagani *moon 4.0119 Nat AAA 6.Ar ollte kaloocnkroadal earl plain fornoi al 1 . 14 /pap/ pnee. wlt-tert • ilt. I • !•, .4.otorp anavinal onvon.. • LMAID OlL — j .. oit,eribas• ba2ou comartacra W misalutale al laud Oil err saw weaved ro encore ellankg. far i$ Artie. Their Ogl s. GI Or Wel Inahlhana ar.illa4 will 410, la.rninarkrt raw. 11.• *mom a Omer'. nrce re i • fa.s.cgall I ralea.l4.l I JOIP AN &AWN. 1111-11.. •.• n• br geed .1 • Oppeoad al Solikield .WATERIIHINFIL fin parifylei Wawafi alli % Ty alg ap/I.lmady rraderag Is is .elmr eM swat essialag.arater. Ts} an la vary arasuiarse OA. ettlaa. Far Wall , . • 88"rf OICONAN.aII wool or . 611•21P1161101111111Sorcera;a:"pet • I.7l.aegia Pip Ilasaaaali, aills'llialleehn Wel Fills; ramansias • t Panal .flotabeatioa at Alarlotains sae easimminerially le 'avian!. • • ' ssnia titINED Vet) LINUOII6-11u half, lehak; mai Al 111/ ape. a(biand.a.. wale-, sad ea& erbraelai urea dui el:norm brand. laararted to illto mum. orditematarades ineul Pen*. eei•losig perehaas argre ante!, may raly as "raise a Sages. II ues to bail. at tbe Wain Callused Lhaanr Iv% re MARTIN: ear mitllelet &treat se NEW fIAIN.F.RV 111.81111 W *OR HUOSK 111.10BAIELD T. LLICOII. fIIPORTF.II ami Drake is tleddlitty• Ilard 1 Oultaita Trulosvor., it mg, ree.. • 1.4 • eid mmuisnow •te•#=lll.4n Abe VW 111.41* • • and dealers ...SASS ve/m tulti I.BN*lll2lT.iirilla • 04.1 tO4 lin Iwo, Clay B.WIWy ..4.1 was. Inemums. u .. . walek Mew lexablat, it fa elailljaaadilid al cociame la egret( Cballa'ablosa.• Playablay . • )y IS Wily iffai(MlYMON*l4wwel IrbtaNl t Caaat ilia:UV, • yll • 4110 / MAY uow Errs fillitlOClll~lll=4~ 6 sal <,:u.i"V:=l..,•ttNum =IV /11. JOkINSION &Tic • • JEX4~IfA t E $1 "--4 : .: .1• ,- ,Aitisaxar,m nn ___,...„. . lII4NIUMBAI a ,,SICIWIOA ' IFV•OMMAIP , . AND DEALERS IN . FORtiON' t oii -,.. DONi6YIIO NXCHANGE:tgitTIiIdATPAOrtig -3 , POMTE; BANK NOTEA; AND `SPEC/E; .' • Routh ii, dearly offoiliii 1h DUI t* pift.b.9o. , • CURIIENT.HONEY reeelvedori Dtpoant—Widtd r ehae ks, pi 'said, sod .eollooliosa,loado, on, nearit all the prinelpal patina in the United . .Suoes. ' . '' .• The bib i immi... pia kir Poi - chin fu,a A.:•ine , .. OdW Ad.aftot miAiiis 4,, PPral. (Pr.dg,e,4i iP e ; frost.oolil/crat ternsoackls ' ._. , --- , ,. U6l6Thists & son. • ~- _ _ IBaikkers Awl Dealing.* Zsellusge„Cits • arm-Sauk ,15•441 A i f 1 • ii.l24.itaiscr ITISIT. PITTSIWIL ig. -.-' 1 'Balo Mmes. KAdiona. Buy io 1c . 4.• Near York, ' 1 I pr. lAutioaau; .- ~ ilia. Philadelphia, Au toolaaulle. - . '. • 1 ilo Baltimore, , do El. u.i., :.I do "Nayias Rat•tr. , • BA K NOTES,- --II ring lIRW. Ohio, 1 ~ , . 1 Ilia. Co.*Baip det, 1 dm /odious; , '1 do Beller Nouee, Ido geniaelrn • IJo Pennsylvania Cy. , ,lalo Virginia ' k. 4 rid...Vora do, ido do ' ' Wbeking; Ido " Mery Owleanu. - ldo Tranesooe, i ado ./Maryland, Idd ouldlif , Cirparumeolalp. .11QIIMPU U. Omen, tlat Ana of Wm A. el .#llll Co -mod W c. cu an dialect Erie, Pa.) , Ittre watered -km Cooeurtnership.' under tie Osseo ot CURRY. for. tbe,parpote et earryleA on the linallon and Exchange lntos. in ell he bnawliee, et No 65 Wood tire. Ono boonbektor Foonh.-wett aide—where they solicit the taboo. of their frien.h nod the pabGi greeted,. JOSEPH If HILL 1 otehli• - • ~ . , • AVM. C . _ . JOLLPII. WK. Clll9q. /LULL k Omar • BA NEFJAB EXCIIANCtp. BRODICKS. DEALERS IN FOBEWN ANDFW MIA D.. it i.41011T DOD • . BILL% UP BXCHANDB, Ciatt . IPICATM4 OF DKPOiITE, BANK Noroi AND COIN.. , rlciibWood erect, third door belay Foal 111..recti sitle. I Pr A t r e: 4"4 :TLl C Y ' oi7ViLT ' r i rne 'd ipa '"' ltrienit ll.lnier ' d Donna. • - ; i Sinti Bacltanv or. Baltimore. PleiladelphiC, New York. Memo and Cincinumi,conslalglYr..lll,. .olno. Indiana. Kentsek iniasud Pentwilwenii Dank Notes.borikand told on Inevitable tame. ~ Heebner:a Karoo!, Ireimal,Vtliamif uW •Pranee WILLIAM"A:'HILL dl. CO., . 611141CRS. *XV ABIDIC 1:11014,1L11.11 i—.14.181,40N-ANLI.DUSWAO RICLIANICE, CERTIFICATED .OP DEM-M. DANK NtrrE.., • A ND ; ROI E. No. 64 14•04 - 46346 064 • "as. north, Roc ride, metint --- Pittsbie • • --Maw/. • • • • ,cubmiss: RUM ANForig4,A2lD.cxeuAr(atttlßUKF.6.v, defiler, B to en sod NONMAIS B ills of EscMange, Certif. esLes of Deposits, Book Nines sod Coin. corner or MI sod Wood streetsolirectlyipposiic N. Limo lei Owl, WirODIDCW.I I INATICS. 0 1 . 1 & 1 ; 4 =i4 ' 13rderp uc r i.Z i gas:ilain. f dlteeolit s t of dlotesst, by _ ; N 11 0 1.A irit , &SON &AL , EsclOprefl!ntrr.f.f4o..kel rl . - Con•ctionar at Lou.rille, St bail . Iled all aeraialbla ponvis in Ike United Vanes ade Pn•aPll)", and opca tbe kontat teem. by • HOLMES& tiON, Markman, wan. plots • _ t , -NoSS Market • `yell Warr, enetvaible palms a 44 W.l U swag, wae con aertiamodatina ter HILL OMR V_ Wood at, ell dooilo Eagle Wwhon No Vota.l'allsOalpta. and Italtt ovana tonnantla fur sale •lIILL.k CURRY . 144 a •florwati of • the r ,l . tatt4l,lkt veryl Itutauio. ami.l . Kentucky , og. rotes of dittn..t. 1111.16 CURRY' .si Arai to Es.le-Karon ' is • • Katatisolcy Danis U IL:s.pairellar:::ii• t , tIN - ; No 43 Nlwke.l • YARMS, HOUSES, • , , : • _uanvnocWs.inAti.D. . •. pug saLoc:—Tbe 7 4 1 , 1 sable eblete kottles.by lb.: P • name or Lltaddoet'. Fit d.. ensiled iit Wilkins town. slop, Allegheny comity' tunnies, own P. ' buret ov die itowoogeltela river. one Yin the Pciassy Iv anis Roil. Read; contaislag 373.witea'atel TN perches. • Two thinle of Abe liar; Pirtror boos% =it the abide n.l be eel, i led Thcrel”n . the pietist., a liege bitch toenslon eel • ether iandovratenty end ievend µmug. of ercellent miler. etiolated os the ' Idootaugahela eleeliWater, , well aeon the lime *l tietreat Pt siylvauterßail Road, 'u the pang where the newt sad Wade now the 'At:an te wt.; last reach the stennaboatemeigation ef tbeAV es= .ra,,,raltetwoded lig a Meet healthy and pietism tye ete , aity. by ineelnunlible ettyplire of it th ieu ead cliespeet Carl, and baring in thearetane• otoendante oleos' said listeetone.tt f itlate Is edminalsly &hid kir W e cite Ott pritmanuf whir !tibust... - • • ', ' - The l'earolvesia Raft Road n kicated - thmuith n. pawing want of the .le ; liett Inmost wet tklounh the hash. gniend,asd le sow ndet Cittitilei.: . , ~ . .11 it alio ea the brat lof the klosongibelavl Ink, antler and the Brawassille 'packers and other meson i oate eonstenny loath eta e !aneittg On ntit e-Ifittr. 'll it therelon the inostatiray Triter,. or eny ...erne i.t our vieinin.and tlvi beet ttheitl Or Vino, sr r,, or tot lite .itr• ain't:MOW'. r blip* or Kw .1 ~" trniri. . •". ti• Me plat, is one az:. ;or' Mittrit o ha. het ot i'lt . . tied by travellers from al pane if the Usioni .".. . rephyPiscludodledittod ' belay appteriwed B ase . inceseaty here to glee Cowie Tune star siphon I. I mit. 'For terms etiolate stFthe Penitents 'sad Illansfac.• ice'. Bask, PitteletrabLYVlDdil.,_ r . ..,.,-*.r Paper XVII Yarling*. , • BV Immo of a deed uglier, hum William Latetalin, Chrinopher IS gandida. a., - %Valium APR Lawbdin. and Men wire., to the v hd., • . cud the 3191 day wz. id thgal.er I Kitt, and ,r',.• •• , .. •••• ele.lo. eifEee or tneo can Ay, k acme , 't. • . :,:_ueoe aet a taw dd. I >l.ll .apoer . 31.1 e, ft I puce.. .ke ~.,10 Iho highest bidder, at dot tliten do* f the Girt Haute In Wheel- Incited on the YOU ITII MAYA-W*ll°llST, 1917.5 t Rd...100k. r. w.. be tollowitig devetibed Kos, ty, to wit Lon mode 14 111 sad 20, in the anginal plata the town otSesthW/srelineritia whieh is erected a Seem Peperldilloit n i Ow i•Virgiuld Paper . M.ll," stlitialet Withal' the t Wend he trditaniclue then. ante bektfiestitir in 111 . wise appettaitting. es coneey e• to the endxislgne• by raid deed of trust efonsaid. . Tr. a e.k.. to wit4 , ..gaa in rash, and ilse bola ut tuh . ynall paymentkut tie t.els, ! iv.. en..wep. .i ..... Amy. notspeil, fidly dera - read trot -eight owethe hues the day of tale: etch ,bead PeYntebt beeinte :metes and ib4.i leteel epos each of them to be aid era' utnually. the &yeti sale. 'Me whole thetweeted by a droll of owe epos the: propene Telling at a name I eltall newer...4y the tide vested ... an. though An title io believed so be uratiestosable. • ~Gdad---, ~ ,- ~ - . L • DANIEL LAMB. Trattre rItUrISSTY I lIOUNGIITOWN, ViIM adernineraihre for sale a rpleadid Brink llinUend Howe ammo °Law Mani Llri eeennr Ow NW. Nowa us lee odnewn. W ennead roomy, Oink II ir large, eorriansilow., dallied In es enlkot etyk, ud Um best twines I. Youngman, ilier ter. 4rrelluer ei p.bliC bout; annetnnii• tl to • yard, Wan warn, stabl.og, and 'IL saber eon, roleneen at hut. lamina& la nlitOg eery rapidly, ni altwilnd Inrthanilly a• Übe .Lal.ami ',bridle Twiner Kolbe/ Mill Le now beim lain ore Climpleina, w Uri noel sowtsbilid place Mil , wren. Of Mot 11...a1ba add low to task. or on uric, or eieli.wred J fore openyin Plitebnedb. F ee penkellern known et Ili P. D WICK, roar} Of Word and Water err. Pius womb, orbs unlined all Isfersinnew aellthivnt 74 / 1 BUILDING WM AND nuiLutrins •-* t...aray •Lowd in feat.( the Wastaloa Math and 'wad. OW, Alleirlsareemeur..ar ad hag Menthe Bawer Mod 1011.. Allegbeay ib.ca. 1 .13 b. .tend lar sale al PoWia .1..136• ma the prrealann iaa warth.lay of AagL ISM at la m'elnel. AM. Alit.. NINO Ba s s 31.111.1111161 Wl* roinaulal rith um idipe maw Whirrs A ileum 4.r and tem. .1 We WI be MN* b rw Ay ant:: • • ' • •• allatarria thei (Ai W Davviverlse., • • AWNS DIT tame mar, Wet 4.411tti . • Ann milks pal barseret WI back IndArryt et the carat a 50b..., OW .4m sth. la the IA wenll. Ws prawns . Intl brd very km is • teed tars ut It is ma emasamseled tam 4.44. atigit anvil l'othewas tosediwiy. Aet 1 bar lathomnai th e abalm WM( 111: . ALLSAZGIitiIIY n KIWUN 9 dearasstr psrekaan bat la slits Wry ste referred Or ulandstas to IMP Taperifutod set,.e WpMods. of la g Than,.eases Tess sad lisad mesa, Titulars', • • _v. • . Or faders' lb. board, • . - J.WILIPLETT. deell4kartf . asTeristendsnl. •—•• • VsAstable neat soy . . • ../41.resued be i abeel 10 11111•110 his illOSPOT• 10 Ore .sour, lee.% ter. We SI.Y. LOT 6 on 134noreJ 11141 . 1. heiress Ferry energised R. demob* Alley. Eseh lot tve r eset Rai fiord sold street soi seed" list Is depth. The heti '1.1:1 tes se" Wetly Of OD w7swirenber. Fa VOWS smirk o Os sabeenteer sotto pel . llo . sed. • .*.d011411 3 / 1 1.111 1 W4e10 ' VOIL Aim —••A veer iluTelierr'll i ghii 11.11:11mist. 'I •-A Ile, Isms Room Li Je tad way X 301 sad saw ket sceipted ex a tiiefory Diet 1.14 •ftriphes! foie• by• r. Wm. Cilihnell. • • • Mittf •'• • - • ••11D liAtZill 1 lt7Ttf 174ciict A cticactidisc limeade*? c as , ' coo ill., lultcray.lotorocalJesnoos alley uol Wayne IL Poocoomo gloom insedlocctf. Pkt FMK illtd of tbe office of . f...W.11pr WALLACE. - jrNif - • i ". 1. , • x.l , ll4l4lCborrur ' ' - • bMn Simmer, boos s h Aiiistras warn and Vets Kama as. mud firsas V. tliabla brstica , a am. logiv• ITenstite apviy at Se airsig fre - 0 . Cr/eel/IN AUSIDIIIIOII. . • HAVIPIU tbdored dte atty. tot !CAMP. ' 1111011A1.61411.4.11.415C5.% test the Manta lloate,,Ml tte imeard t1.1•1,111t, igt,lllllen Ibe bias ef Waleeparep4 e almeee 1111tbstipt. ealVilenett • • ..1` .•JAMgti P CltAVIr Mit.•No to.l - • • . TN 11 ANCHFAItit PDS ISALF.O-3 laws Li :al* • Lig is Slauliii•en,sesr nit E r in ;! ret fleet by Ilislertilerp. will by ield arti tti striousio•l•iitigMe•. Toro. useteepriostat,i," /SIAM ttliiir".V.• lit•al Knipe ••••I • -f Irl~llYhfbll t Tunas...ly York. Wilzielosior..NS:S4 Water mon awl no Foo.; 6••••••••iou f ut.-m..1... T iy061;1! . • .ALEXANDLTt CORDON Muff I WV: - 1 . 17,11 - 7iiirioileZl74o. Iri 4 taltritgalgit ito`nT • In s xwariiiicaliairar-wi5....4. belisppliad aie isitilosslikags&or Si Oral mood Mar 410111 doe sl DolOrgo HAW Of JOHN 0 OA MOOR grel.1011•111 ape 6 111. PAIDICAa!uit .r.ir sad males ...wleritoleata s.e t • U sterna ols'afiressssi • 4." gt4L""l"' an JR ass RA u waganierEalrll w luestraft -TR pa antraW.evoodassly as Wool sod sale what. aJar JAVOCI wnavium otos. slam ; , r ' Pest mostessal h.. fro ", . a . . 1 JD S-iorrom 4 0... oar ern op deli imr.Pnrsen.rue Wan* Vliorlin ee►W M wisp Mow ii.• ' lee ''' ''''..... -•• • • • k ..".1A0011 WEAVIti • COriffiri iii. , C1 6 •7P. 1 ..0. 4 5 • 3 I M W PS. I NI AI r a ltirmitisliailf (re:lit : it room i --- : . - - 0 , 11144 hi m 'br wl e inarilY . taus bur vie asmiDa4yemeld4papek. I silt fever, clia.Wiph wool • 41) loadgelftili*F. • • • IL. od rio4a ice. . 'WWI sad tkofir tow, tat • .it at , • HJF i - ,4•!.'.... - ....4 jr. u . 5,..,A:1a.5 ..- APAL'IIk - --.- , ?-,;!.• -..' • •-- -, • --,-- --,:-..--7-7 1 .-, ik • -1... t.,,, ~,:-:. .• --3.ba..:h.diidzkiroe t •..:",, 'TM mind'''. rag. nt eiellottleaMPMA illital4i.*:!:::..' , .. •.4 id, pimianir, wad wormwood eginio, wing , AIL , : .4i0rm,„..1 , ,i diem !Mime nontitingi InOtWAK*lrirdtSql.V.': - . - : ,7 ,.,, , , ,, . , • - vegin - ls .ssuissiftilit L.,..4 ,L . ii. • kary ...A liverkrity , ieei ...;i.iiif ,,44 i .7 ":: -. a ah. 'mod.. 1.,-itotil Er.tiow., c0i.... inter; - ,4::. 1 ... 6 sus do DWI. vdt i. oat unlit my ben SPIUNOIAfai - -!,:i . ., ew 14UMAWILARDICISILI erne known; itAintindl,=: , the .balm *Am and Amenm din pnwow, .100 0' , :'.''. 4 ." - ,v,.., P.m. eta Rigid NAM , sparer pessenot iit twioniee:, ,, .. , . bleMis: r.- • A.! hit* On Ow gssodweinot W. mololll' ,7:;:. A: : nen. It has, ptifonsold itittan dreamt ,171,dynnivinn .gap e . ,Than -IMOD tuned' Semi amnia! Wein; 0ri..."',.' • .of tbi5.4.1.4%.14 iseunak. NM cieeiT, h i s i;7: . , •••, .00 esmeof Omni Debility - MI : 4MA4-pripi;x,-.. - :von ......t IN.ese• of Ow Mey wiii , DrOp.fi , b , i'.-:' , : - :-• And miiiluie ..... Diva. i,i'Lti.l6i.4 via ka, ,-;;;;;••?„. lieripetw,llll,ll,lma., rispbowiwthelhote.,6244l°.—lS'o-,;„:;,?,, g ot. ugh/. mom. me. 4 Siet linderien . .•prw . i!twOile. ,', .".-4, , .., 1 s olkaadlAMllphat .stmt Alke e., bs.• ~- • ~ ,' ••• •:, ..,...-• •!,..,.. ; t:::: • ibu, wean amo, mew einem ienriag.sani . 117 i. nei•e'' - -ee; Veen trowileraials. wad oor gents fron titian. of :ha • •,.....::. Veiled Stan, Maniac o. of estrommuironwAtl/a. ,-,:. eiAw, Eg. , 40tu. , he - '.,":4r ort., N.d.ilbra. wil tbsi he LIS Mk. ta AM. 0111111 /SU 4- .1.:2;, , !*•,,,, of abet pm elow, , Tbue are thomeels,of.mhtiwalte.,,• ~4:: : „, . c,, of ra.o brit,. which we wilt Mired wett.piewm'2..:;.,,,,, wa to moo of Mintier. If k-tioe , barnedlM. fee 'die T.• 1...." ' r,...ti. a disnlat c.......ft ! mui.oo. my .0.4 t). F41.1 . A.: '';'-`,:::•f3 6,1i1e wttainmAl Ni., Asimit ,,, r-,%...' '.. - .',..A4:i., , • A. it niworeaMenew.if iiimie...4,1FT1....40i, bgf , , - :; ~,,, 1 , ... :, •,i UsniAiirismOrnevia. ,,,,=,- •i!1, liorr. a wt. M cet....; op ewe Verrsoltraies NAVY . F.f.,:,:f4, • sod ember of Ow New J.... Legislate, kw bisultrbewl,:'::::4l..'ez,.:'' Ito feKowits elientietw!-.' 4 lati: Z 4 l7 , k i, g : .....r.._.„ a per vim I wit Mew wiarna bstb;MO:widw.ritoie ' 4 4 , ! a :Z.l. k' * .B=ll: 4 ,"iraller i i ta:sittote t itie V ac 4''q lin. ' 1 w . err mock etie...4AM wuribniiminrwitie:-."i J. •,?, L.,ii f' ' s. ' n.p.wli t.l I ha ...Mad Meng At. Mia.i itm . . - zeq4.. i impronnery Any, I t beliess itlmet way , lilt WiAben.lA.Vl Mbe waken it Woderwsi eoeMlaratioa. ~.-,,, f, ,- • -,.,-,?:: , t - . 4; '.' •- '1 ''''' '9. W.,14"-.,".:11':-.Y;,!j4,,, ~7•,..;:f4v,,,t4 • , Alau.v. cau;n. •:.t, •• , P•;:',Utr 'gilt critingoe rodtitiiivelTprooTe'tial rid. ; triCoroiktor,;,:r has pirMet somtfol mot the.moot ' olminte dgema , of Ilm.`. ,lt ' ,5•,,,, blood. Tholevenom cured in ma. „ntadio, is lierteetwold,, ,, •• ~•, Dr. TowiMomo-Dcar Sir. Illmm lb. o,iir ' oMarlo•in i rk. : .'.....'. d's 4 o, scat .lot there of my child.. boor born aged of the '.., lob+ by the pi/EMI' poor- comilmg. onediciroh+lpmfleltolti • tt; articled 'my 'evenly with bad oareo. ham roly lobes • 1011. , L,.. M ,;4.). , it ,. bark.; I. lob Ohba mom', for orlocir 1 Gil : loPiaNinidt!..?".„""uel deep ohnigagoo. :'. Emma, assineeillii - - • •• + , i , •..1...f::r • Tic. • .IsLac %I, t ;ugh 110 Woodorr g o , , : ..„.„,, Nioi . Tod, hl ado 1.18( 7 o ' ,'-. r+ 1.,.:-; Ca I, . ;-.._fi. ' • ' ' lila. AT FEMALE MEDICINE .•.• ' ''' '-',. , -1:-N , ,,, : .Dr Timisondir Narsipargls io .4 meorothlt• INC,NO 4 ,i 4 i' - ''' .,l •'• eon Cm incipient Canaminytom, Barriomm, Cegoomiligiod , +: -.t," ~ 'Mitch obstructed or•iliNcialt • Mehotramion, Woe:Wm.' -;,.::...,,-;+!, of Dill., onionidontaiy dignargn lhoreids •114.fue god _,..!,,, L,S. eng orentragoo Of thio,groo-oo wager whighei the rodl,„ir's;!-Ar or ,loo.or ...or cinsm."piednewd by•irnionol.illime„.; Nothiwg MO he mow suipoulog gum ideithigotoo*'nr.,:„4: Item °sone boost* Mono- formes, al ,we alguno •• ." , lade, foils inking it, Moore bottom minim Id foll ofg+MYY,l!,,,,i'Ll - •• mod. its Intlnener - It immediately YinthlerOlen , the Meg , 7 , '„17,74 < . horooorthoutok too.,.hish rielo• 4 ,l l ..Atikrgif-:-' , 1!;.".-kr - . floor bodipoisini of of: on maw 4modliedlogwor;l.,.2,* tore„to exhibit artifoodes of corm proforma. - leg • Ser....:gifj osiore the idlieted s that houdnidi uf mom inriboeii ropmpod to tou. Neveraleiwn where amities ham neesmitbengcluldr - . - ,7', con, alter min jo frw bottles La( WI jonalonnln oddiriii,i -.;',1 ham bum blest ogth !niggly ottarriug. +, .• •,..: , . , .`, r •,n,,,X..i • r Dr. Thengsd: Ail oiro • kin imnuf lii#•.`"Cd by ~ '•:-.,7 5 . 7 . imaknesi nof gonna debility, _mod mEresqr_colotionall, 0,1, , , by pain'. nod • lientation• or beorWg down s ifitgarof IM , j won,b, mid with Intim ditheollies, mil hump s imincia_moN`Y,,, , : , . , , , . s whe,e your redo' lux tickled peal cuter: liSlidebillk-- ~'..-- : ',..1" Mg it mcommoalsd Ed meta rowel./ hameleinrilied,l aloha , - 7 '14r,•;1 .. ;- rd a bottle of your .l etg of Sonaporigm ad .fulnowid.l . , : ::3!:'o: • the direetious you grow e - In I lime ponied It - Mimed arm her eumplaing aid regared her bealth. ' Bri og 'mond 'llar",s r .",":Z• - • Use lietiells o be receired. I take plesiore fit Mos bebop:sleek:. 414,, o . •I gig 'EOM reconunemliog gobs poblier....:llll.lkAlMMo. . -j, ; •••,l'i c il talloy, Aug.17.1e44. Cur of lipnil nod 1/olni!sto. r .,,, , , , :a4 • "' • 1 -.,..', . • ~. - Coulson's, Poto."ltilli, "•,:. - 4 Dr ToMigingt: To ii:' wh om ihts no, eetwo ro-ligo ie. ers• • •• . , to ratify Ant on, wife used oar bugle Of . , yogi lit minim. to Wu coif:lwo:doh muter the mad. olopeihog. ind+ ..,,•.,„7..r, tel cimuntommet, beistelrimided iimithe'dropq; Moot- ',-..:.1it • ling of Ike k5t.p......r." 6 .W.1d 1.3" .....* 4 4 04 ." ,- • t 7,.F 7 1.1 j with my porgemiou, Ind ehn,rocompeudatom of thems.j .: , ,, ,, who had and WI sht wm Muted fit ory d o MAY httlio.Ormei - :..,,,,, , , faith. out gutting ta set, yhorowiteiose lool"thohoppy odd 1..".5• - tfe, iimiredelincihreit mly in Mr i 1.1.1” of ividoetainif; but Mt.,: !517'..1 tho oophruicso of tae meek of No 11x.: We Amity Mit deir , -,, , ,,, et ems offaeuM pp ve way It an siluototimg dep, , eoead • her ,;_ . -- 4...,,, health il now Inger than tt boil bemi (00 it Log gad ro. ~,,,,,4 . Ir thi. 's.iii ti or iny mimic to yOn, or any - eishil whii,il'.it 'doubts' th e ouccrooof the medieine, yos are esaltelP mgyomS r -, 2A i ,d,,,,. - FA. inlwl( your moot tamllenewilobLt a seitant. ",• ...+::.4 . - • TO RIOTNYIRS • ANII 51 ARRIED I•AbiNg.. " ' ,i,...••-q . ..• Thia.llstroctof doomposilla he.-lwed riplumNprpowt,: amma, to kook complaint.. "NI" trai who haa rod" • :.- /•.+l, .110 i 6 V.lpp.: - 11b , i•llihiii4 flat Ciiii%i pr/4,1 ,t• 214;7 .:t . ;..,,1 ' giro of Iv:, ' Shutild or,tiat. no egg Ohm •I ~ A r VI L jL in ‘ ~.' ~,, a , protrutire no i so, of the no:newt,* ituChori thlr•Jl424. 44.. '.: ~.,.','M watlelvdrisalowars:mbjett at Chi' 'tigi: itClice.4.. Tfoid-protc, • -„,.ri . "..ugie my .delayed for smeral year" by isiuMLiumearine .Nor ', ~•. " - p ril 1 to it Mlogile ..Muni who sire. epposeebi; wationliood i ., 00 ,t iocoloolothd usu. ualutr .1.1•A,..k00,i0p0h01d0.. , ::-.Zi , ' soil imigomais 0. morlo.""lslept.llailiadiettriN'ing-: ""if . „-• me, we stk.! tl., &tom,' d or' .1., whiclicistimion me , ..! , .:54•• • . , It brass thr whole quern:UMW% pesatiamtlf iiirlitimi , ."4: •ml ourgies--ta y rmitnisg. dm Mika.. .no d IM bollg-noy r .: .y / IQ 4ir atimuloting the moms& m t. produm ol snlioniand re- i •,`;',..tr: Imatiiin, whichio Mr caw of awdiritim soketi for *ago: GIRLS READ,TELIi; , I'; -,,,i..,: , ' ... - _;' , ',;;,••,,V 1 ,, ' You who hue pole complentooo. dull eyes, blogbas 4 tio"t 4 a , :f..ol nice, roogh Jig, or freckles; sad tam .• oar iof ioiliiedY! nnr• 2.,•-•• I:7', :dr, i ot Amway ow oogrwi Dr Towssend'e SarmporMo. II hooll• rir+ ,limin your Mood, 000.00 'the fral/es *ad /Ageles s mil • , ',t.-....! the you onimithin. spuirDrg alyn, for opisino. mdliostilfal 1: ;,:.,.'-• 4 . 41.4400. '1 4 ~',`. w , 4 i...'.•Y'1".*!:!..... - :,",:% . or terse, . 4 N am id o ed wiatiet Wme llem Dosoire• Mk* or .., ._l, !b tee pier 'hie! or. Man Is ikompoiag .1.. * ,mt Mt ad stropybiebellu Mporaradillwito. Ha rep ;...L75, • JUN< glaidxspone.aimandlby la. DO i. ` - '7.'`P, 'De Tommeral.: A.-1 Yoe N. raillral be remit ..."'iagoi l onkel, wpm Ail. MOO Cow. elmind Ml f•...ef Oraukrib luaa ..I meita. trame Lamle... led •-- 4's 'f emu& to all kb& of id , 6r .td. (M ..,..- al . );., po evall exp,) I Maw Ms sa.M. to nano bed • NMI perm. •, .my monk. I mot Ws mg .twilit, N. Der bet ' 4 .... 1 L. Is& or so din la mmorm WeamilooL I.r 14. 4. .....,..-... 41.4, 14.. t00 maim mer be try 'oar Land of Aim- . r • . pats, soil I mil my midi Mda mike... lot Mb, ray -'• , tent too balm I foemi .) , l ei miteeed. so& lA* ''"ra2 tantims estady remind. erad moil mamtly eraa• do eve dee rai Moe M. Me Am Wom/ to I buy - ' .-:'''' Ike.. . y., itc , W. W. VA. Now AIDA ALMOST • MIRACLE. . 'AMU. ILiimmeg, arad ilo•bt aW. me. OM moony& • t't tko omit& moral ylas &nob ma WM mond haselmi ~.7 N mos dot Tormase. fiermatole bee mell • - • t.,"1 Dr Dinuomi—Dror Air. I ust Me. • Ebb over • ~........uk a mom ramp oral you b. my Mo . h to& • • . r.... er .....1. m mel tut, asileml Imo primemod by pbv. A &mato to Wm lUB leak nimuspdoe. !meal hige eon • 'or rates of bid mile. AM. al& mops emi makeloymy fprf, „ ' p ti &Mr earl be &WI .1. 1. : for p... 11..4 ~, fr. 1.;.' . ..vier Istoye of big Irmo plemated iken. .trend.l me mew patty Mimed all die by mok . - ....if mroly ems& ; I moo Mom U•1/[041.1.1ellreba to .lon wiled ei. ow .bia. sed me 'eAlligral le low. , ~- .,- ,1.;) maim Meet I moot pot I. tal &empire dm '.. .5 a'l.. ...Id loge. te mix Ima mryeat by my bind* 0 ,93.1 . 4 " '''' - ' — "L'UL . "'"ig '4,11'""`"'""; ..,.:'...- 4 ~,,,,,....„.,„„,..,.....,..„. Zi AL LI r. wr.t.0...-,=, I •I•tr i dl wi l ? lt erty Ih t 'i. " 4. ' 1 lint amid my dot l amertirell moilklbdoom p.r . : ..x . c-wo trammed m abe Poet my esibradoell imp te pomp, ~,', ly mil me fro woks. sly Molgiodipele ibulfld, ooksipbtam Mlde bay* , to. I, Aid's . emy '•& ;. floral demeot et .1.7 ...or, to rrabloi. if k yiblidd. - ;,..2.:: . . Opp /Melee of Inlyebeillilbal, Ira ,il..e - De Tainnbent a Men anly u meentod : pdyro ilwar pp. !. „4 , TS* a to entity mire ed. Ont W dIM m im. ibe el : t.,- I& tny or altaay, WIR 4111 ammo ewe piedblll Ur:.'' ' y„,,,....... 8.....p.rd15,:u4 Maw slIol•4111104k•Otiol s , I .red I...pram. of do limep bile Mild r,.. I o ar AIR. f .-4 Adam, April I, lAD - ?It ILWAIMMI, II So , Tia• m bi i./t.fj Mt m., tie soArroope• .Pietkoloy ,- .C. , r yr0w....10s Timm. it Dry at Alimel lam esoman„ , i'' y yroonbeil De Tounroa's Commell DMA .( Imo. - poidael Am it. loom goober% mew Mamma& net 'ra, "ni A . N. memmel, trannam. tot filbert' WM.& dm T': , .. op, A mien. lo Y) of 0.• el.rrimil mods. roe 2. ~ ,, v ..... • • - A W Rnallo4 ~ IN . •., Ze.,.i . Moog Aped !Mt. Wet a aronar,v r.- , T 1 . 1 . zrz a =vl.4 . l .p alir . :.l .l4.l- t• 141 :24 rka.kiph.; I A Ea. WWIIPC PRIMIIob . owl 4 ,-/.: M. ciri n zr,g , m. • ."'"" ,-- 7 7,7'7 N"”. • ~.. . tio. g......,...r.!1p 11k fir Wie .iAse• - ii.. A .„ - • . ... ulditb mita • wort eel ivied yolk lbe wasaniara. _ of A V TOW MIEND orat Mime Dors MM. Obera '-•••:., , . V.... <I. Tiro YeriDuly E1i...4410 iott4 .. - A emir <l.; oppmral. to do Mere yedmiloy . 1 t or. - ; - 1 y Weelememy I:ON& Seneperalsk.m.apr Teenneri • .. •'? Tar whole tram a lel or ra. poi mei &AM odr ono& ~• ~ Mold Many. roamer en bowLaW.ModbildnAsy grirki;', • 1 thit lONA woe*, a t e, gb•U•l* so Mr O•ep my* • liir I„, : f , no* trialnai la molarry& • ti do WM opprbolly I. oriarb.. an .....{ <h. 1...../..Th< Armit < 1 ...,< Ivry . real pora•nly II tia•anotea, ~ , ~ , ..., • Nervear Debility. -'' . bra Yeisu.Dairk22./eD: ' • "''' Dr. Timparat—larra lava Jed amyl. La A. 2 4 . yr. lad.* drevolful today 10 11l Pin. filet' io Dr ...• b bmt:lime. et orpoloa, me lie dm lefoiei'imi nibenrelebillrb .',..- lompt at win& by Oa canoed MA oni nil W mini:"- ,so Myet to la .) Meow m • lb. e Dew taro nber. . e mralonom, bA amemem k. moues, toi eimbletileraeramn'"z en. Iwe amlooral Sy whet 1.. ea. dm prim to my ob.& .... . , of )aut lanorerjo, hr elea I los& plot hef- I b 0... - ~,i4 ram tela• mental.. noes nol I no Momatmitypy A baLe lont man& I late nor takno—ibil Imi we my ".. Mil io pam, sod I f•IiIell• • olilrenrol ma. th...vnLar ..• 1 •p Mr. I Gate oar . Inrti, .~, • , „.,..,.. Om mr I lo• Ibly Ink kJ t•Les fl. hi At UAW 1.1.. - ji , d ...Me I youLl emomeral A ra• o Moly worm. 1 r ..Or, .1 1 MI mineral Mt dm ned lyre switliset La leaf Pal•AII••,t)./. 1111.1.4 mompoutly ael oi may "" 1.)••••eo bair. it Wkde tI mil.. opelota, et .1, tb s . y tba monk Got linerti Mir reptor tioa; 11 imp ba bend , el .. yap, eu.,.• dui ...a rd... to Mirk ma '''. . .r..... Ad a 01l tloor lobo no set .11 •ka aldir ram, Imy I • hO d ettb• ':( . 4. Cool. l• s • '"1.. , 13.1.• ...mom Pm . ....L., rarionle M, en Ora L O t itm irel d ei .Ti m fmknay Nrrlslfs akelStoa a m r. rK ,Ttgit.a 113 ; 1 1 614 . 160 - • 1 • Der 80 .OW 016,1 •IDeftemb. On y • • i oak do Com mOa gooMbeedlbred, molt/ Mo. ,-; rest Moldy it moo oaf My( 11 obtamod loam ofpar 1 . w ,11..i..4,.....,...1.< et .. ../divitimaif,=l Pea
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