The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, August 06, 1847, Image 2

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    I'l ,' -A -, -de f rlo,lr-.4.-0.:-.-.-W-:-.r°
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_ .... 4.. Fr.-;.;-, 4.- ---Atellem..'"* .4 > r :i
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__ Wid- We. tail
P. .i,....Y.,> ~- J arp p meces . - -----------------r „- ---- ----------u . ,,, . °a u u ' °° hi u ' l4°l °l. 1464 =PI aral Webb. U T: " a mute
-' - --, •r , -"` --- 1 eitin) , lraiflr ~ • e n ,
Witt • .
Ntad to ,
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.... The
~,,_.._ esirive gar per siemetinamentMs to mar, aod themfoire math mow, : yrth
'' ' • - * 4 '' ' '''"r u 77 'l4, ....7`r u P a lam. "U l f" Illat 4 minute/did, and pub susseass e ,,p, spa. . . abegh
od t au;
-: . '. -.. 1 , L''''• .:
..,, , . teftweirksiagam m of Um yaps pulp will Ms rut" tot'
Iliip.4 l :, ,A,,arlw' atwW .'-'"''' i,;• seireeemmier..kiphirweellirrteek• ilik t." In dt. 1
I -• .- % ;4- ,` „ 4,;_her w - Ww - T --- "ealesueirstbe a7",_n r en4sen u atimittee - S
at the tr i o ;eiloara a blitt a d atta#,71,4!.5,,, % 4
, , ....--, , ,1 -^z.. On a wwl,• woe Neale OW a e s * i* delamethe 41r...
. , -, , .
.... ~,....,owe - ... . and ettiati=l way. -kb weed mho cooona
olo i ffook.
- . ' • I- - -I , '• ', ,I' ' I •i,4• - ' - " l ittiMM . : a A MITI, I .NY'Ii ; 1 breet sad ealtielgealee r MA WISIORIWYNIS • II& 2. 11 ..4M M d'itrlbk ' h i'
lapit 0 POM
i from
••'-' . • , ^ : fto cam ceinnT4 WWI far miles bother. - byr baby: it embomed eliaegs's;/001 _pi's' iley ear, tree of'
IP - '- • , -I' . 4''4':•/ graretSAL.lir3Cnr4l6l:4, I° th " aaig lisililili344 .6lig * s i ne' Fa r lu .k 1614 /twill ;Mom Wilk Iwh till be i
.' - • -• * - --
a''' •,.C' 7 - '• - r - _• af eetwertaims alert) . '. W l4O llO NM* h 4 Isteskutas-ferlerwl eild atf, • lasso nob 4,,_
mole .. _
_i - 4 `.,.;, 1„, , .;".,.' offo if o , oiersitearit,,,,,_,,,,_„, reermosery • it is neerlwilmlw swilling imiumad '"wk, , ~,,,, on;
• Barr
;1.4t,17 ' LEWIS C . 1 - h W it ethell4aTe• " „in P n t ar editn% Pena ha MOW , • Thbi lab , a canilli dining due Huang, in
-• ' ' , 4 ~ - ,:„21, - .........RtAwrizz....T.T.t..... ---id.b—A-d. is °t i" Wallin will he eri extra eltittefor it, and lomat
any -
- ''';'' '' -'`' .. HENItY E. O( meet 2 1'• -' = • d ' s Isumesullut # l4lB. sPilu g us aud " 14 Ober To dilemma nth 'sr, to
t _ ,
~ . ' ~‘,..,v , .., -:,.... .."_. _
__,_. ...._______,, ~ 1 . erisweeihnt soil ie-,-and those wha qi ,t6i w
~_ _
ita p s.
• ' I l' - . I '
-e- - -'el. , - "It ._l4e, or Lerrerel•gleir Ty, Oa .1' ...°lniftitill,"9ll,l3.„
....... 1 r 1 :4 il 104101.1Dtlit Inge a. best of it th can. '''. "
k , -: - " 2 ' .'-',- - .Itf 1 . 3 - sN a trMV -' ' Ty. ' *".
1. .._,,..,,,
,_,,.. 4. '"" ...."''" UHT le ser.hoWerers that at the B r. Lem
• •- L .
' , .-- ''''' ••, . i ‘'• ,I , '- '' ' 'flailj"
- A P ut °( " 1. '" O f ''q ur tumas unuut# at I).ir" are othetyrim. Thle' is 2 tow Emus-, mail
sir - ''. - '-' -' - 431,Ae11e r:MmleteeTwiem tr.. SIM. Va. Mrs. , tin WhoM emer'finsad .- ' ' -'.' ""'t ' ' ' ' chit
: - ....
..' : ‘.-
:I 'l . - .'• -‘ I Z - : r' .':4 -. .".,- 3
~ , : -. 7 4 8121114130 a l itr ukN mat.. ll "o„4 3 „ Laursuur me nm y.", '- . vowel which 111101 7 1". heell 14 kt 001 11 ate' kWh . - ' %.. = - 1 ni eu , 144. 1 0 : 411 1,4 3 , 1h Y b1e _ . * T:: e ib ms ale l itill e f r.... ha:minor Ltervasas.-.thittsso o ' , Dougla ss
~. 2: ...,,,;1:`,•,..,....,. DtlW - dit - ie. 7 , . , WeshboirWatmismadeot elf MA Mitsid Wawa md ; o0 . 1. ,„„ of Q ., bob ii ., of ib ib., Ha _ an • d
Was ALethtion /ecturem of nosOriety.
'. '',. •' s - '• „. ?4'`;: ,2- 'l,„,, l lMi ji 4ff ill sobsrar, ve s t. • • . . that telkatandq het Mr 16b enteesdediaarrea. 'kii i iy -- ,ib;ab„,,,,,.,..,,,,..,,,,, a m k„, l,, + be will he •in thMcilierithin'a - dayor tom. preps
'- ' ' •-• ' ' ~' .'' 5 '1 . ....4%?i. ' Do,
iimult,A,Arn=i-e°4• lag mother mems4 guilty versiesiis, ii "-irellisLiii., ' • - { miens are Begin by - I" AltitAlliew/ Pony rat
..., - .
Th. _ .
~..., . 1 , bible is well huniehed, and in every nrect all ne- ,
-----''.:: :,',"-".".--:;2...hPacwziarri.'ll"e'lltl'" • cabe g mtla•l l t , " it", ;--- . i ; 7.- , ' is qt . :mi .. ._ 6 rende ,,,, d: . rbe eep ,,,.. f ti ,, theo,nmeti out end r., this
.. purm ginatira
. . ,
... :
..., .
,i c,
pauad iphi.:
sou lir. .
, „ c „, 1 .. 74! pit it had t pee thnaih ztym74 !um.", kh. e anih. it ,
°miffing: Ha was held at Temperance Hau on Thursday even.
P in g.
C -' k. " 1. : 7,- ;' , . ' !" : ;',....___ , Wavil 174 ' Mt.. i 0 .. a° ol / 6 4 Xtlatigiska....,..._fitade;WO‘ of their disarm. l ir i u u P tAld°l° _ .. ruhli g rierts . Ithd i :ii th e iael " , •
is i.
. i e ~t, '. 1-.„,..-.... it T W ENNeri, Weslit pew. ' • Ww• , 'l i ke fed g siieenand, MI the locality rise in sitowl• • them every thing a 'the Fidl i s
, Ma. McOmszaern. whom carpenuo shop on
"?...- -,,,
..,,.! ' - 'S tr ai n latffg:Z=i - i ' ?!.. Own eashaPs Prel/9"..7 ol Wenelltailled . 1e ..... ... : bithe worthy of obsevn . lien For soil Wseatnincele. 11 ylie malt wee Jestruyal by dm on %shwa - .
. ~.• .-,,- V , r..r s .-- . a 1etWi1 1 •7 1 7:1 1 ,4,: , , , ,1„ . et , 0 .. i. i . - ..° 1aR=.14.141.....-:.0.--- 0...Y0u Pay $ 1 Per d el - a ll extras included.-- day hut, has called on cis to say that the lose will
:-.. •,... ... , *' - • - " . 7,....‘ . .! „a! 111•11%erti mu e, s ,
r ,............ '',--„ .I• .. not the erodes. ~ ns fidluree were it Myth I eau werwanatid:ble house .ta - • all whin a„i„ be mostly coerced by :f a d . We aro: way
t.„,. i l s i an it aanuuir u-i-,,5i07„7„7'., 1' • traced to the ', W City Poeit•Oth„ aid siniet sod eolitroiteblei quarterly The next 1114 happy 10 eseeeeee lhe fad.
-` • '.• t `--- e. .. ',t , --.l2.wayestN SAM% W i ttenz ik. ' l ' ' die poly - remittin g object wee then to trace the wonhy dome is the Pony. To zenith Wile you MIL T,Aracus. in a laboredemmon pub.
, .` , ' • ' . ..' ~ ••••?•P 7ie.Wiltir 5 lgeeeCheaser.
John Y - , Ire obliged to deemed, on the Amerman side, ta - - ts rd In the Peat of;Tbuteday, intonate* that
t ,.. .
~ . --... '' •
- ikb,h,, Hale , twee one and two hundred fiset. :Flus is *cam- eIN not , full) let
IA `: . 7, 2 c t ,,50, 2 , , , t 1 -
_as ' ' latethgetient;seestie Aar- twe .bi n . d all WaddalliM oy . spa w ia egeol ad yag aj ilir. i liy . , platted by • car on a rill lif the pr of animal magoellion. and undies strother Se c :
, `'•„:, ' i "-.'' '' ru...k. ,-, 4 ii - A t utau ' Um ” , Itat " u, - u rar.• marta ‘ ur '• u ' e a lebich essoftsd .hzd,...k...i, - , moor alde of the r:I era 17,.. ' artalloe, after fur shell hi Pi se tbnher es rd
- - 4 " `.. - I -II i """"' I -Of the offenderto• SAM,: 114.-114anits. Oa' 1 , 1 ,-,-,,.. -•-• •,- 1. . d ie i b•, i, '
•of the can On coal ill. When you u, e
•:'.. ''' \ . .4.64; ',.- See gamt l l .P°M° fur II !". nann nrs• bead thestemememendingthePotommleannilay, . _
put ha m is . haw. 0,45.-biatbbb„ , 191 , wet r ,te• to, Taw mum e e v in nest. es- Train ATIIINJetne.--rt Wai be seen is ready for
.. ,
.._....__„. ,
.„ _
,_ g x id0„41„,,,,, was jigionadad pable of bolding
: mate d 'sit - and p . ersons.-- the reception of the public, and we doubt tat it
11 1 - • -,- ' ' -:::.• f o , I , I,' ;',.- , On lb° m ill lin 4 l lt• r •l u m l• = 1 "•• mil' lime Fatinele RIM* Rielllll9oa Rettllty. lAbile enebs g , yea 44 exposed t the spray, will become a far mite place of mast.
...•••": ,:.. '; , •....,, •Si - V ' . 'i Meade; thatetallierrer ten tholetWalt e re "' Vkr g i rus. aret thuellPtillb s 'lnq 1411 . - idia'aa. opm you like a \ tha t
,`alarm,- ic ar &c„ we o b„,„ ~ a ,,a.
i , ~'• . ,'. ~ '.• • ‘'.. ''.
“i` *- ` 4 snow ibi.inoitot rewind the
-lag l'a l '•°* 'Me ! . fleti - 11 ",,,_. ~....°' " r 114 lisle. " The depends, bowerilr, somewhat a anon' Om di- a, ' ra•
: ' r'• N.) 4,.. : ..p.did hat . 0110‘Callaf of no , doolisti. .„, °SeaC soa••••••• woe heeled I ° - _ -
....„,_ a ,_ . . t .• •
- ',• •• • ' , , I• -ct -:•-, ~___, , ~,..... „. ~,,,,,,,..„,... t ~,,,,, wsmilecat,, . Beller Cain obi.", wir: - Hue , to ~ . .....ow .a. w Rea My let 1 0 .20 . when Can:4We, a story of Willing interest.
•. . '' • •••• ' ""•-•''' '' ''
uut ``. lb. athtni " ---"-- - -."--"-.. • ...-'.
malted the 'BY-letters to the car tbientorning, taiff Meese was blowing directly breathe Falls • -
.• . l '
~ 1 , ) "k:f mines, - end another ham the fact dal reard ea! &eat found tbst the llethe le Tsedan• per alliatene-Es mamas tir; of co s tuae I woe as' wet a s u r ea 1,2- Littrr. Cot. Hoax hes been otdsted from N.
..'. .- •••1 • • '.'" :, , .:,„,,," '. b. Air .. ogy.,,,ad Self ahippea vh,,,& ( „th o Einhedtb tenoned tionelhajourney to Hahlutore .. ....,_.•... .-.- - • . •,
- ' ' . -.
' '''''. 'r..• l' k '4 '
port . „,, . : .-- : „ - 4_ , ..
~,,,,I wh,b, joh• • ' 1 ......,,u d ga ' the p.„,;. wig 411 wAw IneWreereliee Prlorgotten In hu t ass- york to 14 ashington. His offence in we respect.
4 '' ', - ' °l. rlinwints' an " D "" G ., , - „,„. L " Odes at W . - • -.
- _ .' fel Mblituity of the cetera - et. When about the a roweeint a' the oPerati'w• ar the
- By It
led =eel Re pen
°lll'. '`'""'• - M Hale ammmak al his imam ; hal all the mire of the riMr. -thii
bums, cipm, th e etub l'ressury act. The cities:as abhor Orleans
...... , • • , • • • , „t•• 1 --; , '. adraciaere, secomputylag the ‘ Enemitise dem Clothe esainined.butdraling none ef the eakeing Thy in all he grandeur. Ori the rat hand w e ; hear wiling testimony to tils Integrity end ability,
the *Weiss sialpjUsd West hands shoat thelk sod Mn Wm.?. 'moos of '-
4 1 _' . .; -11 _ . _
_ lr e etal-auurrl ibi ,, Lb . b. big ., bt ,„ mik. the American Falb-these are 182 fee high and lad la a letter 0 Met "oak warodY M his plebe.
- ' . •-- '' -„„„,„ frima • rkaffipadv dada' lb* year !P,.. g' . - M. tamped AG " -Of Rte. Ng& Pnee!4ne
. _nn . ,n. water On the other, th e 'He emu"'
~ , _
• -.'
;- 4 , --10444 r, ' ' - , • • i - 0tti.d......“.....1 tbeTegidepetor his Hone Mao Felte....the ss are 154 feet 110. ay at I have had antenna and almost ore,
~ ... •,..:
~,,,..., ::. co&s,,, 10;87-3,800 cep, fallen - On" doom. ; Nem: in ;I'm& of „youn y,„ 0 4 ki i i,.. =mint or ing - wbalming donee to perform all will admit. and
::.,...„ - ..1 . ~,.. ,
~..,,, aift, . o no . b .,
...., ~,,,,k
and di .
...„,,,,, ...,,, 1 .,
~. net two WII mated by a an , ' Plat of knee s s well as myself. I hams pet es
formsd those
: - • > 0- 4.,,,_ • , , ~ • .
soof, „; o 4 bo sf. In • • • - 1,7" i f , 11:7,,f Mie 140,1,12 it lA, /Set Janet Minjured by the duti inetoriantfy and eberifelly, without the
• e- , . `Needy one4enti, of an the (Kim mewled le-
,f_o_____,• ' ' ,-, --"' saaasmy It affords two distinct otreet- s /nand l btest tlx s' f e enses thab tw
•••-...- '''.. -..
W ' ' - : 7. ; titabe United stm., hurts 1845 .....tb. ' ..r. ----..-- •,. •
( 4 - I ',--. b of b io i • i se ' I the. 0 Yew&
t,t....._ , par . y oung . j aiwth .i th c u i... ~,d Is and IA one, en er wkh entomb to angrore the bare ' n ester:if and disbursed emend mullious . ot
~ • . •-, : * , •,i.,,,; ‘,. _, • ' pared alcum the Pa. Canal, or other goods tone c „,,,,. his, l im b. 0. 164 b. , ~,,,,r 4, i s ~ „: out, to7.tettl:ifigThAttlerrhtLfuellshaseobeir gollann scat in all coy umaectiozrzifeateistilum
1 •
~:,::-';.:;'•;;,, '-' ▪ 7"... , 1. , :;?:•: ` l ihrimeed al ' e •lea• Titaa nuuutt °( C °l/ OO rlrui _., r i ., Irs. k r4 , ls4kr° ' - br u t . r„....i1. attar ; :Litt line which they Preeent. , Mirbeanti e I: . ed to befil. e l=lrv e been loneet. "
,•., 1 . : ,. 14:, ;,::• . .,.:1 . , ~ ..f. . .= ~- -at Phdadelitiee la titts w e e , II . I MUIX I 80. eta"' iud i; -. l ira, aao v ii ,. - -- 7. 4 . 6 . 64 ' fel ahem of eaten The mho/ AM] ererr,xxiore All I
ti 2, that.' may have aWI and thorough
~, , 1, x 1a5,.1. 4 . . --.... • ; e t ea Mom= in 1841 over eh. premien, year of
.„.._ doomit fa ifo ,
0b .,: 1 . .• . *au, though bending itmtsfouah e th e ms,aig.ti on o f my official a c t s and Ibis 1 absil
't•- 4 ' • ' ..LAI., Inge) Gar sialices ay pound s •,, - ' --...... .• i ••' -• • ' shape of a horse atom. I would berestiniark • that mot amend!, demand win Droner time..: have
,• : • ,-.' • 'is : `..".• ''• ... Ir• I , ,lelw _ • . The klly tithe yams mart le to he depkwed; lb , boo b , Q . tr bed Hats .1 , ...... ' I
' •' ' ' ' -IL.. - ..4, "s' <-• W. horny kifow, boo to manna for the rem but th e we
_, tt , alo o
Da , wean a tee. mad altnida no resmo to births molt- \
.'-, ;,. . -
.... 14 ,":- 1 * 7. -Llkege mime of 1%11 whichwee dem* from Phil. ... il l : a r iiii r:"....,.... - . b i 10. : 4 ..7 . 2r,throghlb:r. ar nid t he . aut ,pletw i P ot t , Vie pitblished a letter of Cal. Huot's 101netline
• ....•,'"-t ..... , ':.. ' ' '':'; ...11.* ; a f .. w ad , +,,,,,,. 1 kb. d , e r gid e i&iy us taller
-- rbe 4 ~,i •• .-iia-Taiil
toe of 11. „,,,bs, Belk by', bog meat h „,.,, ghee. haring recalrod flan to2gb • Mexicali paper,
' '•••• .• •'• • • ••• '..'=„ t `--, - " ', l - .- im. 8., .pi.,, si- a ,k , &da m . .4 ,___,'
~,,,,.....„.• • — 7_,..._ tb .„.. i "...,,,,. uast. has been nut down aimed
tak e Var: el -hole
or t he.atatan !Odle. 0 o Pot, of
- ,••• - -.; •:.., ":,' `C,...? a -- --" ---"" . ...'•-x-•••••• • -os•tu r mia't•W ----••••• ° """""", flagman sleet ha - reedbiese to take - Muria which coe' . bine* et the of
. '4 ll Redel Ptda..hea hews a hlPPea nem,. .lh• letter endbis ma wu giwaidg,22i tat4i, 61a woke abs! !an , Ala, . wcki ng . A mi b., "' P
' •i'•'2 ,- :-* :: .•1 '' . - z - : ~ - f&t , ;,.4‘ :---' Pie" ra t ihu Wet u ut o ur l utbii° tur ru rr ee!waru having 410,000* wifil invieted•infltricks. 'Emu .
.„,. the Hob " Tummy set.
;: •*. t • -.-. - .•, '..2,. AP'. PittebaribilelMOit WlMXlndedl4 sot woks. end jd.lll ice - ftki - Ailtil l RITell( ea Selleeel 8;/ itORII.
"I 't .....::. ..,'.*• i.. .:' ; '''. lb/ Ftide manasetu N d in this vicinity has near. . • -______,...
,:. „„, If .1 11 11. , ally avow a arssap or tk in otahe Wearnsecaa. • Immiar iltemmTeMulemateed At Miran**
l`: -,-. - wyclo tanstise that we miAlm se a barrel of fw his i seeterniMi made io./Cr.l42tr' is:" Tie
::?••: ••• .. I.' , - ••': .i• .5 . ..t.,'-, ..,• -, b r o il* ar dra m a.. isan a r a M ans j a me =t i e. Nidlall loteffirekestlhai thaigarltim. 4 : •
'. :', .: :.• i ' ..,''''''.. - -' • about This gantlesawa bee edible the stele saM;asr.
. • • •,, ' , ..'..ri•-, ; - .. ,
.4V-u-bluu"nu'lbutlre_____, 4"4 ".____,_„." our - .2 .,,,, vice, ," but We thitiklM hes,saMye, bit
-....k.,,,. Aii - A •,,,:-.:- ,
~,,, , :wars soy elitism huge "mom, reurmo - ,lel -.I- ~/ , ...i.o y a , 004 Il i hi a m i m i c.. l am
L i I 4 4::!; t-': , X, - -,:•,'" ...,- , 'Pell led yew: Nor an we
mmed laith arty M. 4 -0. }La. C. to imeanttiweendoweri
I' ' ' • I - . iI"•• - chamical•process for tantingllry Ooode or'other Road at Whodieg. ~Mielbillenito the Pmehlek . •
.....T.. ie... ~..i• T., 'ltt ~!- . .4 06 , 1 ,, bi l iew - _ • .• of the Compaq are Med with tin mid 11113 w.
if'.llllsl.- e eau 0 , 40 , 1 fo , etimpmemosek et e - of rd. topography elf 64118 rapids,.
''?rt , ::'s , „,. , .'l: - •,'''.• • '
evnensni or our. Miaae, lodise has glue% though Ms Panel,
N•,,..-•,.. 4 g,, , ; 1 .,:,• - • k • - ; „ ~ t
-- -.4 goer,: bream*, in tegani mobs wealth iota wan» ss.
awl psysthelan a' Timm stemiaam, ham meirtMegewer ta.
...- 1 ,-M; .., r., ...:" 'l7 • ,
twee pat lathe, I.4d.sigge...mog.sha irlitissrfulpowtr.T2
, 'Lt.: , •:.: s ' , '•-..1.._ .. •
- otteined by a expOonmees, sad ham wisild hues. and 'Sods many
` 4 l I ' l I - I
dommeots. H the statements I node_ in ham been erected. and to,
A,• ,A . * i.. 7 -4 - , ~ '`
his late letans may leontepowl with Me of in aay quantAy. From th e p
4'bil , V .t... 4 ,. • ..- 1
Anal Oporto nerArto tr Legislator' many pore is the deems to the Cate of the
, 1 it' 4 9711 , -
,: I T'ir l icg' - 2'
since, we'd. UAW* .W •.• m them reports pleas a • good deal resorted
tx. Moo,
't..1 4 1Z.1.:.: ..oi , , ~
JO not. ae it bee lams sdied,... airy , swag. mow imoiwn It a mk.. 4
.. : - )U - i54 1 :41,:i . ".•
him of . fankrood-- oe , lithos. , laierromeiry 1 4 mutual * , lad aught not to be ran rt,
. 1 , ..4.1. ,,, .. ~. •
mote trimeiewome thantenMtds pit .N. "wen ass by feebhomessoa. An seeming rircumstatim ,-
01' N ' i t s ,Isl i 14:1 :1!'W'
The dtataAmernil. we wake, hearainweend Ctmed bets a ghost gal ahem As one oldie,
~.1,,;?.."42,-;: 4
in defame of Mr. .:111M Mum' dete he. riiirewm eemieelleg e tad, through the one, f • . ..._______.....___ r _____
4,,?,ti,'• ! -.•
elan he hashers an Comet Comasmestas tweante, ell of a mildm, upon IA old nog who Pereitorio .•2 a•Siorarres sasses, ---The
'.. ..,-.1:•-r+-- ~ .. ,rw"
~,,,.. , :;. , , , 1,-,, , ,:.--
wiratiaba ina "ribi llisai . vokid Ahmaes tsugatasmadwiL inji") " mire 00
barh'ke ll a kr °'
Pinals. I I d e°""a a Jaill ( ee N. l, ll l Ileeleteir,ta beeleofil:7pren:
L . ..1 . ...... : ....r 0 " ,--
,We ham can on ilimeMMs to judge Mt.MeAry mete as a hulk abasha% but no bum dame
___ • , .
. .11 11 ;-.., : 4,.. ~e. ^
I mere Maid, Athol tb. yam bettor essnissmuve.. WOWS a bed Gish' vo both parties. ; Ho the hog ' ....Non is tn lat In Ud CoMPraeocHal Dietriree
' lli S.. l 4 ll 'i -.
'4 we Nelda* Hay rltiat'ut; wires did hie mAthere ie a Imeticm not rawly maw it i• A Mr. Kit rags me tits renewing Lae :-
Against& pen dm lin* or gm 'slay' livosshv that he mad heel , 001 over i The Alike sf '46 awl lb dilia of '413.•-la
ii: 1 i1.1:14,1,z.- - ,7:,
. --''' litemailik, me sushi shim. der o r the falistand th em kind hid way bole et tram ' '4B tam they the Redwale to At lehusl of Ens
, s-, - It . I . :1:. ;',1 , 1.--
1:•-. 1 ..: - 4:•:. -,: ~
_. a geatlibith bane 4,41101 aadlSYW'hOOKaltiOle BO*. bdOw• -Thn il the "am* "7 arti ce e ltedeehe t --i '43 they trUi Mew gem din way m Ht. Ha.
l' .
~..,II,I, " ,••:i..
..422.- eie,are• - ' a l i bi hedges by eittaies#llM.emthesiti - ee Leh. ltl. Illt wee Mien tetiottel le um met,red ,
- r 4 gate kom Cotwearew, be honammgmed to ems* fir mem • Sam - Tater Mot* aod th e emir Rid/. an A..., t h. ~..0 .1 ., t . t . ~. ow bn. ibs
... I' ' '. “'.
-.. C 4:. , thill ____,.. , "°"l ! ,ek . in ing Rfeft, lid ti ileiteigeek 1/14., triemi.op. liii. - 4 1 , aide.ate moth Thiita big,
7,-; - : ,::. • '
died'....„ vim ham warnmmormas Mama The led saasatagawas• might tar is Weal Cara leads down under Tale Rock, • who " nde" , °n *
Cow per to:* lbs. is 6 Inale pm of dune ready Rale *NNW 00.01 W, THRO,' Ida a. &rune. am era or Int. at . ot. luktu c alla' * * 4 - r emes'• areie term
' sib, COM* do 4 mills nails, ant BalX3 tilde •eleee l°1•5.11,, toot !! 41 0.- " ; I :' v , ..rh,_6... b .... d ...„ 1 „ o , A. s. u min e:7 Chisflde e Mae 47 i t
l. they lath
1 .
__............._...._____, . --- .Z.,,„„., ebthin sod h i,... I questa their awn sounny. 11.4 sue wit Roma.
.1_,,,,„„„ N the other Santa fa.
Tbs loomoo or Pah sblrad fiwa Eul b W .ii.,
lot par Va 11,f FralpgAear.:'"3'64°;74l
Id . lia, then Wan no Coin Molted IslrZit
' Wm. In late thet•!rere A• a
- tat tha Week. If ' 'bower."
,„.-. ' ,eferetpak . h ol *fa, ° C
.... $ 66
L' - - ' •- yb s h...., wont. h, Mk MLA bat of es.
r d' i.4 l;" -'''.. rabic Intel). bob I° ths "146 al*" snail
' ' le—' shwa Wok nothing 'Ware 41. the
. • ' :. ,-.7-0"
i . , ' •ehiPeetett "en of l ath utmid .
fix assimmd...; bet ender it s eetatioeety pro- I
, l a; --.
-.--r----ht &esthete elhastt he. witull
kgg:'''t#' - ';'. • he toe ..r kiettilelttf.irbot we nii,
- L . I.
- budials of Cement i
o ', —.." ' .
11'''L :,.4.
..., to Ni e „ ce4" or etteetthet Whno• ' i
ih'f- -,
• -'-"
keetteunt Attseletwseadtdrer'
:: .-- , "" " d uk - . cur, ce,,ase.whid,
it t " - ' l. . l " l ! ° ' - A.; iii. ' ' ibilsore
K:.l „ ' Watekl4kks"antihm ta w fees sum *44'.'::'-' 1"'-Iamate btatimetitiotted;deti. Tb• g al
tr; 'A
ssvjed spas *" c ont p er tem Mk is Ithelk per
aue, coffee do 4 odrifpa_ettie.,altd Sall ' 3 halh
psi the lowest me. &weed hP°O
4 ^ - a' 'Oh do. maw hood, Thy GOO& Pe/ 8
o)'' ' r l4 Pr and th..... is a urger of In the
,‘ ,.. i " . '-: lOemm. decked • ' 14"' ha 1846, hose that of 1 , 145 , of
k 1 i . 7 ":1 L .11,ate,f011 It:. :80ake of the beevkat temporis e ,
-.. 4V, 1T......the an d b eers ..weal et that.. Car es
...,:- ....r.-: '-'
extend the ehtputett. of Glatiat
i'i,.. 4 ,1 •laeotehairt s
1.1 '':''.‘.'''' be m ask: those of the Tor primiestg.
„.„ .., :, -=. ,,, Ti . ii.," 64„ 0 .,, da n k, aro saikwi wow
..-. ,-T .; Aiwa bete
t . 4 4-• '"' ' 44 " . we "al
th is he at "
the by piiiiing goad
- ? bourtemrsia4 Upon tV64 , - r -
2', ido rida trja fi n than °Me
..... nitec., 2 , 11 4c .iii ee ' i i ., et draws
1 2 " i .-3' hae per.
. WWI kelheet galPoef °r ttmst'd. of
1W• haps the pubis will ewe . * We mit t.,,
, 'liAliteftere t lo the overt or the Cm! 6 cleleieleek. , ,' ' fet the pars no •ssd Jitt,„ Itt cceettett.ta
~. - ' saaa
, impel ki, the &seeth e duce. - ~ asst. of m
'4.- t 1104 "hl! i"urt.
--:: ', g ITmodStoioo. (~
- ' nna )anitiblifed• alikd . so abets,
Vi. , l; •• , Ns7 , . 6 : , in he inimitably
t. :, - - ‘ ' .....„...... "1" katZszn° these ... pat ---'
to the Pair
.-...-------- Caai 444,141.7.11*
4 - --* lt als ia.,.. a...e t treakt '- ' titiateet
1 onSrtwl - * l '''' ...... ttlei-b. olflinsitnrase w Eirtidwrgh not win
(...,,.t.2.-,-; '"....- t h il r ulf fils4the um• we the Staimno.
Ft--.--! - . Theeteoutatteted aim ha.
s 7 ' .. Web ill 11/44"01.
-.: liwid skii Adolf. Polhou,_ ,- dij;i4...
i,,,,:. 44 0 , 1 cd A ddlorkmadwie aew
i 7
,•;-,,,..h.a...,.,..,,h,:d1,-AP31"8.64/ nmidiag she b....
: eebl dais
10::".:_w____-4 of ba yed :ocid. A. eiwoot 14044e4 `...
...rogon! to lboNcotb -I smarj,id aseislAiiiiwamiell
4 ' 4 '
wish a gia's..
_ kik ". Irderwm siemothir 'ft
liogoosta‘it 44,40014d*
..,illaketelesPresed!ohlte,tehleh with- - in. WhelieStelt:
... _
Aar& ma o alike 4iPerbilmol wkor-loid"*111' 11464.746 ,-6-' . iiiii4:ado,
i.. 1 TM l',"Pligb imm of IbB
b 146:. oso di te "L iakm - iselcrii'lkaladivilr:Tkitaii4, r ifg. s ., • ,, ,
c,.y. Aiib e ! N CSE y 1066 , , . 1 0 64.1 06. i tb, . 04 , •
iiids, iiiiiutiOwha fifths V.
*lsli.ll, ' l4,44lif file4' Benehery TAO • maw NW •'Whoii'lltb.
fin .! ltub - scumkpir 6"
Set. 44414st:sr o , ee ititel itopslt
`,)•;fliar " ;t o, l;firith 11.° 17 14 Is*"
hid sad 4 dale d' dip ,
aeth - 'ereih'llidee
'-?.0- with iiiii. glee
a ample, *et alto ":::: •ft ettelfsetiedthiethey tregigOhth
4•%„4leh!gmh 41-r 7-.1... of wa d e dl lewd , t 1 : 18 . Ws Wu
i -t riai.ialkee kdk-alt d °l4 . „:, , ' kl6slo-
as ,ftibi, bi g ,* ki
,'''.:,- • 'Aloe, - - , ,
A.,:,w00 im kel y.iitgb. 'lnd is Ike . - A levee sad bowl* l of 4.6' ~
__,..L.. recede abtansd louts. smosek*
~:-. i n _^- - - 5.,,„,i, !elm a point or o f *,!%"0,,t., l c , ~. vdh-i, ry. - la.
It, !it
f 5 ;,, iiiiiiiiii ter. i$ k
alkerki id' keetleelli AMIN et*PeelthSOULll.9!l_
4iC5fi11i " . 41 .i....„` illa
ittaittetkot ahP.l4`2"l.l4l!kaill",ll 77w 7:7 4 7
4, ,
'"44 ' ,l oa m ," l '!'" '''''' u.-44, kik lorml a tlo46lo77lll.amay
( 1 ,,,:-/-- -,
newt , ..kiatiotwirtimeenamisosto 'nu
liaii "
trim dr
0 1 Z';, , ,' '4, 11,44G0' 4, Ii txteisitot ii*ity W. 14.1 I"
m.,_1. 1 ' Viiiiiiip SlytkilieniSll It
'IT i,1...'", .1" *mid walow ) A.:!gio ir kr on 'id'. - . Th e
444.4 , 81144 4‘
T,,--,- (0,64 -
iiimiwthiolfemo; hh.lese .._,_
_,1F,11-4P', cia .46.14.,b4eek
-'Z,4ooll,th.tai'l"l4.l!A__t__. ' ' '' ithet4yihe *usi "...m7.l7rt awes
lit ditelpe&
~.thitike‘Olb-1- := 44t i
,:. awn. sig(4_!sity got
~ - mow l a „ oa h i.
-t* , - Z , 1161 11 "!* l b
1 '. ' ' unr,1044, • "4"‘43.--"llrel'., ta'pl ,- ±t Vas
1-: .. 10 0 1'14, 14.11611. - - --
..",...-T S . ;ht!..1,,11,„ ,'. ''}" ,' ''
V,-17 ''' lidelliGhlaialli 1.17,4:4•4'-;'. 'Ae1i..1.":.15-! -.4 ' t
0-1!..,- ''''''''''
_iutetiaitt tog: miti`' '''''' -r ,ireelehLPilehett4l6o, Pg',.•
t,..,:.: , ,' - - kis jpiiiNfaN4lll 6., ailtilillat telitPlanfillill44",
' ' II" VP SIP*
mi p ic Htia r Mid. 1
AsoletwidiVl4ll6l4ll4sllll4o 110
, ~.
gataidil in4l o. Pl" 40"iii,r4
. - 2. - it.doksommiori, ,
-,... 404:114 44*** ' im-/
,611040*,1001"4 - tr".4l6..Avii mow 0" , ‘ 1
- ' - J im sio. ' : •siii• leo. us. jo * 08 0 0 s oon )41 k 0 • , .
xi, 4 o
. ',-,...-'..-.
s •
~,,,,,,,,. . ~..- ......, ~-,..:',.; ...',L. ''.• ~ .
.. ' '- . t . -; , ,
~.... ~.......-..,
-- J4 ,, ..,.,,,,, ' ..,• ,‹.2.'.."2,4'-'.*.„44'.*'4',lir-L,t. 4":::;.&-tyk..1.:,;:f.0,4,.-,-,i,`-WT.3.,:,,,--t.t.
;': :.- - -'..tliSV*l''iT'Eltii-11;:ft''''Z '''',;--.`
.L..";,vg-,4k4:''',,,* Ri k '
t,_ - _ - "Utc,H.,AM:7 4 11,1-_;„A-c1,1,-.
i:::•4 • : ; •,:.,.: :%::;!'
-.4µ..-r. • :::, • , •
;:i . ..v.t; s:4:•;• *
• .:1 ,.. P V. 1: _1:;:lt;. 4 : :
:0 - tto": ^1 / 4 1, 1
' ' 1.0 0 .•0i . 4.
feeli t .• .g 4 ..,......
j.::.114:. ;11 1 14
f:;.:',llr,t. 4
1N 4 1 / 4 :l* •
-44 kg: f -r..- i
...-4..-10i,e , a
5'e4.0.., , ....: .! lki
.. .lii - P:V3:. ‘,..:11
1 4.1.1*..,0'.
.1." . - A: 4.§.. +3,'
lit' j iht
_..,.. Lyai k ;
1 ,- Mi**,
teA". ' -
- iti,
:5•;'4 1
•;. l `.
: .' :7 414. 1q
41 1 4Litil!
4 4 %;C
• 4!lt
~:.;F., y :~~~
~. r •;.
. .... ' 7 ~.
New 'denies It=ems 1114 101p011P_Illefi
of giTing. lioalhaNl•44(titaa.hie
ercarei to Ast6.rt04111, 1111 0" 0 1 1 4 1 " . 11. ..,
UM , 1" 4PnvtiN•kPkla!'r"—*A•A
tt,.. Shy theimagMiairliMehrilif
wino; theiellik II) of po**lsi,C.
tom, ridwC regardieg amoral easeleireetif
the mem geared porpom, amor
the penal of yew!. otprerdr atom k.r:
end akmearicad Mims!
je.thaley either*, e paratif r
when err cooridar that the drger's *hole proper.
ry bar art hoe. rani higher tics rtro 114 , three
turadred them-&Nen • -
T. W. Waimea of Born, Cam, itee alo •
Emir a dentin of 4 tip!) lo B.itia Collegr,
TIM P &axis miatety• so the moot •Ifmaer
given la Ni. Yoeta, the Wooing coping 1 .
ie dte Linked Maim sad spirtki. of hi catiogr:
AM It ii. 06 0 .4 to knew thet the Aga*
Mena thOrifild Iliater and rri.a ars ti
moat hiemflredeenetei • ,
eft arerftellereado yenthiter b bit kis to lair
gnome to the itiointion of the Feimakimtmletiaa of r
Iv.w Yak For ymeriel: temoorinied
the Eng in maim emorrithe d and
I no &bd. lad tu Pact* . ookoitibeli.,__.
hod odor thee *nom rernemomighltwer.r•
ore the tenni goreraimen , US' gemimmen.
render the dory it slo at r
maw be parethese to add not the Tr y of emery
and jorake which cieracterme the American
Gorsznetool rerry heceiraim O. &nage of
isitzlatsr's 410 . e . 5.
.;:. .
ii%t`if ,F '. iiilse ',./' s' l l4 \
.. yI, pthooteno ot 3"I"' " Mask? s•
~., sassath, by liri .
tot it awing what II s, ogralun * a oath in:hthing in Burkett
w ftrit'
skme„ thus ow wata* ,. ~.. ..
...,g, osiltroank at ; and- eas take ream» us
eo often descrated, st hardly tee* worth while to nryy,,y ) ., ii,
vv.." . 6.1.,....m....rade.4
1 • Ilig 11418 10 =rove
amorad, and eocuucted nub th e Falls' ' , whwlrt =lf popthehphis reseweary, branch of alacntim!,thrut
not be wholly unitionating. And hrt‘ the 11 °' any other We /* suet seem' '
aratlonatataztalllib•idinatpla"""ars. Nfr . A. is Pah* wester of Vas an *psalm
and thoYaboont the hat $ i. She t ' to loseh,and lie. lacks gine @odds:ma anon
a_das6d4 I"*_ Chum
_ .... ,"1a thi Pa T ir m' The. • o', 4 ibelr' mph] iirprowsient la ponoranshi r
"aatasl,ls•lll"o6,ban " ls 4 l . l i .. _ .
_ wili "' are i ill• Mira* at %tie ,faellent sad iToyler. tak.
thelnissd'itv the ant elion . ' F."' la h o
the twat proved tinge and pie
oboineAMl.ol par dol. but when lb, 01 I" trues of limos dininguialted moo, mu Perfect, and
aid4lt will ;Monte to mach thaw; 114.1 wh en 1 will lean at once recepthad by thole who have semi
................Th i q a l * teen
.... 61._,... "th thi al " 6 ' 441 4 " ' the ongioals. •
.sr++ la ---• italz "; if "'I
therellaz4 Blt/WICIAL &111111117 AOM it John
a camlis dating the make. la fa ro om ' lemesionitmed a athlete week before Idea=
will he an extra ablaut for it, cod
th iwlth II " , Wawa. agahut the ,embe r society thempore.
114.4 terabit., T 0.,,....... , email.. bu ' ted in 1824, for bennits which heclalmal under
: bet "it li—an d . th:"lwha- 1 P- qt ` D ' s. th ' s constitution of the society. After aWS fall
hanstav mot =h . th e "" at il they Lii- ....i. of the cue th e Aldertnea gausiodf•
*PIT la 01 7 , hewn". t h at "zba 8L .'" 1 """" 1 / 4 mentin favor of the Phdotiff, foe the woman
thia l e " ° l lsl7ll ,l a : ri ld != is* °"!,"4"-41" claimed.
netwo - nis lawandaity. The sleeping apart.
Wien, a n l Partialllatrithal—the fanutate is ieW
and goad. kw the beds are of the kind.— '
I/Wisy thing *Deat . nesthem and comfort. The
table is well Attnithed, and in 'nalTort ill De'
asetwy anemia is rendered. Tie seperof the I
honse, MS. Smith, is extremely obli b rg. pro :
ghee up Ids Amato his gum* end is tweet ea- '
Woo in showing them envy thing a 'the Falls
worthy of rithermtien. For sort arteommoda.
noes yoa pay Ii per day--all extras included.—
I can recommend: his bone to: all who dethe
sin* and comforts* quatteil. The next th i ng
worthy crams , is the Fony. To zenith this; you
vu obliged to tiestead, on the Amerithu side, f r .
1i6.4, on. mi t. nu.d.d E.t. 1%6 4 wia-
Oohed by • rar ea a rail way, or by the step,.
immediately *lowa* of the tail way. It ro.
.11/111 . a. one of the mis On' Coal kill. When you
, .
reach, te Naom i you enter a large r ry boat, ea
pable of boiling ortne A* and tent While cloning, yea are s exposed t the spray,
Which bona upon you like a \ thunder atom.—
This depends, however, somewhat u on tie di
rection of the wind-4t 'Rat my Lai to nom when
a stiff*** sea blowing directly . *lathe Palls
towards mg of course I Ins as wet es need le.--
OM ill thiiincrinienien se e'lorgotten In the wi
fe! sublimity of cis cataract. When abmit the
i t em s of the river the souse bur* arm the
beta in all its grandeur. Oa the oar hand aro
the American Falls— th ese are 182 fe ethigh, and
praaaail .. aoe sheet a - wiur. On the other, tho
Hone film Fills;thme are tit feet llgh. By
far tbs *ger amount of water pours nee the,.
The two Falls we separated by a soarow point of
OW WNW, bin the effect ja not et all inj4 i red by th e
saparotioa. It 'Sordoni.° distinct ohr s hound
of doe. either of whkh is enough to =glom the
amino thoughts, The American Falls Ikave beep
styled the beautiful Falls. This is mauls to the
weight line width they prnieot. WA* lowan.
fol show of water. The oche/ PethA ari more
harming. though bending amodehee_ To the
abspo of a horse shoo. I would bersothairk that
the Rao between th e United heatotrUddVpaida
run through the combs ef the Hotee-kthowFalla
Oa reaction Ate Canada aide, you i to the I
summit dew beak by st loon de ar toad,
which has been cut dawn aimed expo . a.
dogma= always ha readiame tot ake
wit' they prefer riding to walking. Another
menu if haw* I. the hew "amid the Lady
of ties Mat. - Three times each day Ibis that 1
ham th e bradkog about a toile and a below,
lad goos opus the they Fails. It rather
hosirtions, yet it is Perhttly mak, ' 8 the 1
f e.g.
theekentomida from sane, or the athth billows
lansoth, have say alfoet upoa her. mats , ,
hoe way.assidat *on end spray. op to *thigh. ,
en point, and then Sumo gracefully round, and
dam* the titan Wino Anothir =airy tronbY
et awn is the Idled. You mach this i l . crooeurg
rather )
a bridge. bass the A/011 1 / 1 1/ *IL WM elf
*VP Pla. 1 1 101 4• 1 01, r O 9 hove ra l / 1 1 ,g a the
bled; and theer, to rm. are more en v. tu n
the Pails Areaiielvea The 11//f Ls re sod
into f/MOl/ kliiratia I* of bog •
todarininver tbieletho imam auntie dash
% serfidpowtr. The bland is coma with lomat
trees. and affair assay, its walks. Bail boosts
hew been orocted, and refreetuse t te at, pr ov ided
in 'ay quasar, Fe* the point of die Idand
ts the demon to the Cave of the Windt .; Ms
place lea good deal reveled tt, thooth y r m .
videos *so happosed. It ii rather a perilous
mutual*, mod ought not to be ventorni upon
by tsobthrnrem. An artnein eiratotaPAhe Da
carnal bow a iitiost that since. As ow of tho
maim wan coodnethus gritty through lie 01,,e,
licame. aor • /midge, woo lit old atlfr *ha
bail mocentoomowly taken pasessiso o:tho pre.
mien They wore both taken by and
were not a hulk steshea bat no berm dame. 1
MIS a bed fright to boa pardea, Ho the tare .
got th em le a loostrcet not early maw it a I
generally thought thin be mast have woe over
the falls , and them *ad his way to* re from
bell*. Thhl it th• olden way ar ". s " o " 46 as i
it. Ha was la th s out , and is Don cotZtod ae
. 7. ,
ge ogee fiak.- Table flock and the task Owe, 00
ads , . are mo th Oiled to l d,
lffose bode down ander Table Reek. who
with to Oran* the shoat ft asks at • How
abotolralkt loam to posedown this flub `ma it
le..0•012•81 to change yarn clothing and bites
gaths... 4 Ithithadie omit Ada paw, notlprobably
for -who: my' lei ; men, but beesoi• Wolitadee
thew hswe raw The only et* metier
wiith 'I win now 'amation, Is the
_n whoch
stampae haw topey. The, lathe enratory,
It you go foto that„ yoo aunt soy atninthe; if
you go woe to the Isked, yogi must pay eiptatth •
sotto We nn Caw. a quearten to go down the
steps ami a* the Pony, IN cents;4 . t i i i ta 0/,
the theembow, 60 m* to u net the ht 2b
Nato, In go Coder Table. Reek. att!s,tart ton"
Solowsweng lady All mit thro prompsT, sod to
bee a big liwthics a lopeaok a shithng.
Now ell thew things soppier to astrimery t I
Ow, wire thepropieell the Fatie thiehad. When
I loidthe keeper of the rmeam. that I lams to
are the Falls and not Ids wood chuck. and bean,
be "awned. Wady eummed. He `costhetat mot.
rand hew any thing'siarmaid Cowan in it..
pertente tthavibeitelfeethat, Ho Sally look me
to be tam; sal I Seth Um 10 be a hatatrhir, and
imohreasperakel am. And aim I bathed at
the thil mon who mode the pothole "anti about
the pang ledy; he 'dew into a Violent passion
sad gam* • doe at UR handol hiarnage. A
moiler set dabs& newt bard than many of the
pi*, about the nil, :Thy twit to 11/0104
11•07.1 dad al maths to obtain yoor swam and
kr it only try a delennlood manner that yea 0141
get along at all. Every thing worth seeing can
beim Wittibotithie espet*hualt will no do
toad_a 1 1 ,1640 /1 M . iiimik*lit l 4l.-../ you
do *Will beSONlto charge trafaattar. do meth
Liege about **Fails. - v - 1` . ^ f
• Irbr lattostriv of pernowl*llint ter Fells at
Ads .tai is quite 111/ B L ATSUB , O II I/1,00 bap'
ilidll/111111dothy. Ills endfrireerwelr watt lial•
deg, bat It •boald not thr**.t . atota matter of
Yes MOW in tiatork lost - faith more
°Mott. • Audible thought.
Athit:y w 4Afbart i tThle ta in ail other scenes of
gattlkw .#at la lit ate' atone. - o • MAIM/A
X...* Alva..
A reutateeeteo'Ontioikii !km, opened at
.. 0 0. 6 14 1 1
(Au& Waaaro, Leg, ;
le Ord Why to Eu
rope a/ yell a Chiba/ivy if Oa Trtamory.
Naiad Ude le nelatiao to the operation of the ton •
aige swekocr...
A l Orrice". Axons aza , --Tto Rid&
wad learna that ace cf dims of
1111141E164144 . V4i4Lhi. Lvabtug. hai r
eNialalloklics7lll airmail 014000 of the rplid
af deb Book. He knead to bee oda of fait etrY?
PIM= On has bdoe load et. bfiacy, to obid
eta* sad mew 4reirette hays bra =a to Ptda.
Awn.* ix• ff nr.— The Cmcinsuel Comm..
igal*ioioned WO aikladi 04 12 . 1 . 6 407 taikt•
fig filo Nialatted.liithaidty dm ecillt• froe t lo
IS flifVirb• pl4*theniser an alresJy
*9oEieitim Is Lb. Hack of Chlago
.kali** :14 - iill bi ap.0.1 lit dia..
0111foriedii ratua on• 10th of nen comb,
mod PAO Mil to rinettred 0p oath dun al ar•
A .... 26iiii4,4, o(5:411 thisidall ii•lNortbeni
Albers an Wilamiseilionis the tweeity d
104 it Cbser nnutp bukta linked: Diu gusatity
leilladWil lOW ,Isi Wewidi W so down .1 a mil
ks aid • rmaclit‘rs. With working ha
. 110,gdd7'. • 1 - -. ' .. .
. la Cl* Iliinciallik.OcemiLicti; to'revi•• Lb.
essiha . wag dliwydrial, prolui.
Ails Sof
_.; .. airlett MO the nu 1., =I
t• Pyiii trunk bthiliaz than
ruiigrir iv iii• Pim vas 774 l''''''42mt Orn**R" ' CtitaMixl c
4,17 ;mum" fa. Oh essaphey a n t A, a*. th ' t ' d k " 1, It 18 . 48 110. 4 4 0 . : ".. 1 - 4374 '
IPPIIIIK.IO - fryi sa secolat *fa public teux, ot.. 13g3 t, ..-, ..;...:,1 ' , .
` 4•1•04.148•11 Iv setac, tat *tug --
was drunk
GA know. id, p,paipi.. 76,
. p ..A.,,, .. .71* earth... of dug-. }a Ni. y Y Yak Wl:week, .
*dam oat by th• iisor• so amylase • .. . 0 45 , --711 he thaa tb• mut pinions.. •
. ~ .
.. . ' Keen it . ?Aim ' . glirrarlet"illelibbiOng"*"/011.1". :
fur 0 —0490 1914119aflilwa (.s lfmAt emtorn., .bersl ; • . 7,055,000
the War Department providittbet Mimeo en. Priso had.
tia . d 6u it,. I. ...,1 1.1 Dzirijii *di g. .set Prom lane of 1848 and 1847 12,2409 W
to earlula Barracks, to be ;m e t of Prom ma ' am ' °° Im''' ; 3° • °° °
PromPromcsalemona soaves.
an olboupf one alb. Regiment..
.14.j0r E. N. Morgan at the 11th Regimen le Total . 1130,810.i00
Os tamable( offers fur Painsyllartl., end tbs.
_.Eartifamrs " m " u "•''. • • '
Dewitt ad Colloatbia. Tbe Adjutant tie oetti 1„....'" ~_...,..,..." • , $1410304 05
atty. that the public. lemma rag ' that the ter --'' 7 - ''''''''''a" 99 J PeorroMa 18 . 3 60.817 61
/ 10 7. (' ~ ' .-'• 1 931 Bps 30
tantin wain, be pada". mai the gmhteet ,i2ot hartitet, ike, litiothil.e'det t, •' - ...i17;175 75
by every ;Aber, autployealg,l4 . 4e.. o . .no Reirobsummin end lateral Or • , •:
at 60 recruits an mil Mod faloig am regiment R. The ""T m ,,,....... mb ' a i i...,, ' •%I 783 93
ibi superintendent will rams for lestAstrions to -- p. --- 1„,...1 ". , Dc.h: ,% — -- i n im an . '";':4" , gi g 62
the kJ:trams Denentle 081.4. when mentstre.
will be taken to emonstsste, nod orgeols• dr
tscbments for t h e 641 of DA IM. Maa 040 1:11<11.
True oftdcen Dent ar 111.0 c. with ter-nate. (hath
thaw 'ant soluuteer,) will not morn I. ibe
United nubs,. bat he rapist:id by mbar 086 ens
io be Wasted by tbs compazjerl of tbsfe roil.
diatzu the young sena lobo allot Proramr!
Dam, nolo you, .Inc. tu On V&. j.. Llaitunti:
ty, non blorsO with . pined, a tamenattn•ill• •
few day. mince the Daft raw Log the LtA oars anJ
pan/noting tb• kn.. When lin moo was nt
tend los no nnuol In • dun, placed al • tattle.—
A ittatul no. lying ur, . bit hp, and on Or table
war an ow: mar. On tin Otis oar thofonnd
• Oa inn of • ottnifiaata, tined
July MI, 1647, Mat Ws death nu ocrannool
nionalf, "DJ war Wooed aboal tither by pistol IX
M. Ptatis is an of her Looms from EaTop*,
*qv dui Mr. efurfor4 On fanned • beat
Km (owtow!. titikb Lennon!, tetaaUf• 1, t•Il
of grain sod noorsol tinefoes•-• Ai florm ahe
wry., Terry tor tiro pleufot:piettu. m ale ,ta.
sel an s conoms Finns of Italian lite, writ
O. AN L' turnelf saw. enrich nods ans .
to MOM/CS a Oarn of th. eampoircy. all Pita
and cantons. Ma.. • elnwsrloi 414 • 0 •01
an harm IW, holing • tosdolin : h wit be me
to piens; !al:nutted sea foU d lib . sad gin th.
protons of woo* tea/ schlwrotoot is an.
Limp Tasevr.-9fileial intelbream
been crashed at the Wipe( ladien . Alrelre,
the Oioa• and Winaebus ladline have 'Weald,
maned std gelded the did6c•Jaee between thew.:
ItiliZ/1 eat of a recent attack upon • petty of die
hint by 'OM or the email'', in *blab *recut)
%mohair.. we. Mlle/. The Simi see tops,
over, tot the bandit ea/ semen of the /mewled,
oft dunned 'dollar. Worth of becalm, aid taut
genital *kin in maaej, which they Lee. en.
theOttetytt be*a hoot the menhirs peyeble
111 ": 1 4
. 61 Plidflenint.
AsssioA4r . ..Vonlil.;—)l mad boo althea .t
1 0 0 'Prol from tee United Stiles of Amok*
(Baftimme) Aix broaibt .lib a poet! Wgo of
•. 4 packages , of vonyo,,—.
pintalinn. •
%lath Brig William 48a:eh, dispatched
by lbr BaltimoreUef Oometithe with piavte.
lowefor the poor in lielatid, grimed at Water/ed
4th the thth July.
DINIOr 01 9 111 00'lltr--W. team from New
Yak that the old - cottdcrorty L to be mind al
the mat toreddit to that Ono( Ltd that Bialkap
0. &viva to otannimpprl $a all** df ht.
The desk defaulters In Va., sews seeded to
the Lpichbergh beak, and I.beh . anew wets
Was B. Awes, tenor, and June. 11.0nisa
bxei kerFar.' Both swwiewer weed so kW se it
wee wapitia htt awe 10 do g the contosaally;
both ' , ritual the tutittelied asclSeeees stall who
ism them '
It appear. from do mootlily otatemoso ol the
Bening ry d tits Tromory that limo wen on der
PLAIN. t 7 the rarilo aoraroment &pallor* on
tko 11kb oh., nobjarl to b &IA 112,19011,47.
1:11 -
- • .41U-Et„..r1.):4214,..t
• '
Tba.Bo#4lllPla tE1yb11t..611441,410 MINIS
from Me Antly,
Thom Loa Mat It glom the it dm; alviocal
Irictly of the Enna of the eity of Brno.
Lk %arm, wen cnedbirty, toraidnias
Lon of pncoerty, sal dap, ofIX;. No parttto.
E..l . l, .C.M.petodenet of the Put.o.lurib
Pttaa 0 1 1 41101 A. Aug.s `r. at.
flaa• of 1000 Ebb Gob Willson a t
0247• pasta Mutat dna.
Caen 1atea1.....8.6. • ant =hat SUS par MI.
yi'bess--.Prisso Bed is sable at 15415127—al
Pomaylrsaia Wheat dun ia eery 4ittla is
bn. Market
of Prime Yellow ie. 70a74e per
Oats.-Bd.l at 64.55 e per tntibel; but few in
Provisions—Beef. Ur, Int 4144 /4,60 ; Noe
1 11 1111,60; Part Mew, 415,5006 ;Prime, $l3,-
7.14. • 4 1 me, 8 4 412 ;Side.. 9a9i; Shoulder',
Grocerite—The market is firm, w Mont change
le pica,.
Whiske7-841.1 sin nude at 284 per gal
- • •
Floor-Bopply in merect ;quit* limited.
Coro—The eery emil4 ,
Tobeeco—Very litW doing In the matket:
Eaelaarre Cornaaaaci f are of ate nurstremiiGasvue
Fluur--Oetinernee fluor is for $5.75.
W•114.1155,50a6,132}. Thera tom been tuoder.
ale solve et previous prime—Lb* supply, bone,
er, is small, and at postal guotenons Ito motet
is firm.
Corn--Tbe raceipt• of non in 'muket are
amilt—mired is selling at 85.70. '•
Wbeal—prima Wbite is gelling at 130 c per bu
—siged et 11 8E11.5(2par to, at vitdcb 12 , 0. we
quote Wes of 10,000 bushels.
Wttirlury quoted today at 288224 per 61,
.41 ••17 firm.
Mesa Port—Warlem Na 1 , anlling a 2,1114111
.14871214.75 per W.
• Barrosi--Hama western dry salted p.r lb..
Lanl—Tbe priors are firm st furnorlootatlone.
Hnlnp—Large roles of Den Rot '1511152135
partan, winch O • alien advance fa . , last giro.
Imsg-8 2 d et at 114a5a4.37 per 100 1 t '
e. '
2 : 11r
Istad•-Belera are made at 4op• • •
Flour—Tbs e spay, for July arm 4 1 4. 11 Ude
--of corn 807,00(1 bueliele—u( Wha20141.000
&or-4U of door by river sine,
of navigation. an 1.750,000 bbre • of wbnt
1,1312,000 tuntrals; or corn 2,035000 ,
Etriuntes are 6rtn, turd quire vastly. :
Plat trotal-Btlrs of new at 1 4 5 ,103cper bu.
tlata--1641es of new .t 43e per be. •
at_ Ole Per
OM i
OXlMpank,Cll et hretie
. re 14-xj:7l ALTTMORE MARKET;
Baltitnare Aut. 6, 5 P
Mar—Howard at suay ba gorged. toulay at
$ 3 .76 ; City WI. 65,73 at arbicb nits 2.000
bbis wee. nikl, Western 6.23. • .
Slibint—Ptune Wblter 128 4031ebu ; 3,000
bushels aorld Lade; at the above quo ln
tations. Al
we, Wei of 103/00 buatirtla prime zed *es made
1034116 pet btu
Corn— 1341* in market at 11a74c bus
' Proftio.--.lla the provision market !awn Isis
ban oe.diargo limes last *deice.. Theausiketo'postally ere wittwal change in
,I* - 11. • •
131.475.503 35
The Glassing is .n Ir...touts a the ititauttat
itannittumos. *tot t., this aunt. tor: tb• salsa
of the Iredi sod tkvrth. nines the ant 4Jalloasy
Yetitc.. . .
Amain! of
Claomr:bowiboy t l io , w
in' Mt
Through f ewart RIIC0 y i
16 Szoo.00u
Other Cannottsers io aloe tines ; 1150,000
&attn..* by hob and Heath 600.000
Teel to meson qty i.
Tb. Untor says that tbe Pl:eodeot &p.m put(
eei.ed th• Was ulerodlai Bpiee into Mink*
Thlo 4.4,7 authatty."
TtHe Oa., Komtuay, %multi m.d. gone.
ray. talted last evening beyond Enw.‘llll,
Pot de Pnadantga Gattraii.•
DIRMAnt 1.1111M1.14, .
Jot not that. iron duatnoLt
Aanking—clonklos tho rao
TM la amok to lb. dad t— • .
Ntayt—and Gaon yoo may hair I
V. that maid, ram to L.
MS/ ;—dreaming of tto trot. •
• Mot ! yoo not that nal W.
With Mt hoary !Mad troy
W•Ory is tb• dolmen*den t—
Weary to dor dulled tote I
• " Yid as, &patios dada . 1
Whollikaoloada of minty! .
Hoe eh. Iva and do yeantiwo ; •
In alma mold walk, that tiati . • • •
ott add, bon tem ohnkoa,t.
ta d no arm the Sonny tido •
Yot tha liar did Add oo Goa • •
IA Pi de dorm MIT do distil
They may ! ooy do band • '
Stainioth Gaya door biller foto—,
To dim d t o ode , quotkaa yin
Look km sot to. laon.a lora!' ;
DllMMinf—dresaik g of U. • &La- .
lot a•tat toaant ! • •;
Ott ! rods kli you ; •
And r otykty poor, palatal—
Frotank, Lo tlt. ddokka otos—
' Tollorty lenottothltilffallt
nort—tkon doable bind to 0w..- On Coloadnio prat:tent dom.
And theta totonas tbta
' 7 Alttado dub anthaipy Aka
..Cood and .Isor tha Mod aro .
dant-- •
IYatGod act tho toot-.tun;Cad dads atotdm okras amrAy—
. Witttllta Mary arida and nay !
.. •
004:411,44e. 6,1144-1•11 Paaattsa..---Momeal:.
?am amas ,3 WM: Meg lea.. rs tall polio aft*" pi:
4.1.040,41,.py,'5v55. w.igutwei.!
tory lito* laraimatitaea'
.041.4 . 8.„„6,6 a ,
Stai• istimatiira. skrariag lama ma' drilaids
lag ma if Msei paha ma, Winans th load. of pastas
soma media, ad alma arm oil dot
• "dirt 'lava co my prance Ommicuria Mom, yosi
Gianni Pattlea, and, an aw, am wall ;Sean la la
eats Siesta/AM asl4 1 1 010e1111111:91014ntil.,lag Nty lg w es sosi
ssi I closilditAiiiftisapiSissillisila giant tat
is Metita . liquilitil Mt Say camas:Ur '
iMpailift s `
[Cr W. aaitt tie 614•1311911' a at Madero to Mid as.
r. " . 7l ll7,== ' :hrl f shay. wlll4d ° 1
ell Is amour sole= orratelsys.paper: sedanTb
dostß tba most wonderful osSaroa, and ars
to beau proimemsed by 'many of out 111011.. p,
abyoriar. The *Woad and edam latettoot oaf*.
;paled to 'Nit doss at tbalr wend plater of abati s
and tsars from taltnwa lip. tb..nodrrfbl oimase
airdisiart.. Tbs &atom, named it Alr has Brakm
wto may tia Staa, daily, toms. die Wars a I/ A. M
ud 4P. M. Mao Mead Ramada Walton, N 037
Voo t Ts . ':::s . oo;
NO. es trim irraicir,
coanza Or PosT . OPPICE .A tsList.
TBS. solitonber respieetrally mamma ao
ha hut mammies* la outs:Misr. of Oralawra
•Pdallmak4 BM., of good 1.11411.1.1 lad workouts kla
*bah he will imam natio* to my Boos amo made
I. Pittlawlya 1N aim Taos* bamboos. and
trill be mut is minumns, sod warm thou total, aa. my kw arks M MIS' DOLLARS
CASH: Coalmen ars reorrasesi so rill ad araii
simai- • • , W B
iscAutir; Wham Ms
UEFlvrtv OP THE ma shillsol ahead= la Ike Maim
Rod ryes Clibwoo abefinmel Seg. .Tba arm/ lacalkal
morns oishla valaabto soap /a roamovlog /kat lha
Cams. two, oasbero, pb plem , blotches, owing
11 . 4
Thse. es -Web Los hoisted ohmic. sad
pansold.. U•iess b stumps to anaallystette props tilos,
dr aeloatiie cosabloapos of ills valuble soap bar,
au all Writ anew, tisisaaran have repahlre la ap-
PWllase asleophalow say he, do poossOse Rea ,
Chinese Mod waled Nal. alaes,ht
42•1111Calket Sad ' , Matins.aila mop
aM Ildt, pant, a e, vert 04 healthy :toll Es Illets per
tale, eakaa UI eon lily_ Ws /sante llLits.
rqub..rik. , .4,9 I DWAVII t 4
71 sdl 1
• 'azqiii.rgium..
s. Autoienumr
ammo*. artlals wow 41.11. Daily Asisalag QUIPS.
Caw app./In tha Trl-Weet ly, lb.. sacalytap she b.a.
Mr et ate ostemlagloa of all, Inchon aaraddlthmt
charm TVs Is la ashlatage woos al ven/sem wldes•A
.1 casts ealessaa ilotrenloomeme an also asserted
In la/ ...sasy papa apes rsosoaahle firma
o c -lic: - .
.741ttti*ntai...Cii,iiiiit'oiAtiNii' cMicki"Liti:,
~.' , .k fo lk ". . io, o tiiiim"oxi4.4o omo iii1m......:.
*id . t i ltditit illi t' lltellarr,.•lll6dS or Jo:4"mi..
Ala asl i kr a ero ste”.Siensibaatalills, Baia pf,Ladi as,'
idlik , we. C tvalatitalsodbMs, Cards. dei*e.. -.
."-•.. r.BOo le:Ara'PalataLl PllETlllre
.m sy event esevi4a . i,.' the 'bent wanner. and all
ktnosa , Prmkinvleat
with warty). snort dielavres
/o.Tatit 3lncsnot *Olio Ehrs.t Proottyierion Coos ro
salaam. heieby lottmedabot the rgisirs of tbi more
of inualtiiimni_ ionpieted;aod dm the regular 'onion
of tti'm flooOonuy wilt! be resumed m neat Sabbath
- ummi!r.i." • ;I: • -
. .
. In this chi, Do Tbiriday, the fiti ioolljby the Rev.
Pia•sart;Col. GEORGE W. . AIcUOGE, I Misr
. M.ARGAREr DICK !arm, Nita el Steub:imiae;
- •
Illow.liosbut Rltaseaels
.BrMshUh 8188• Is
r eiNIIR SECRET PA MON, by the anthihrottiielini
.11. of BOA:spear*, ghat:spear. and his Friendr, etc.
Ration. or the Biers; by the _ author , of Roads Wes;;
Thu Rattails of 'the Weitein Romance,.
Emerson ricortru, author of the Geogue of the
Isabela of Bavaria. by Alexander Denial.
Living Age. No 1 . 151 h ; •••• , •
Ranlnnes Half.l early A Naito, July, ISM
thackiiroodhi Naa:inn 6r Jur, - •
The Ileirock a novel; by Nis, Ellen Piebeilag..
-A Quasar Race In Kentueliy.'and mite, Tales; by W
Pones, Esq, author of she Rig Bauer Arkansasolaut
oilier Tiles, Cl.. •
The Union. Maga:lnc 'Air helth'ilissi,lo....
Cha ponsuhrbravries . flook. par.ll.
Chaushes'a Creiopo4ta of Enaltah lilscratura, No Id.
Tajlor's Counterfeit Detector, No 67. -
The Cold. Farrner,orlemnsk Tsr licher in England
• Domestic Drama in Reefs:
• All Fowler's pubbeattiin. treasing on Phrenology and
hiessueisos kept coninantly on baoll at Munte's Lite-
Depot, WS Founbatt: between Word and Makin'
Harper & Brothers Publications.,
Fitlira4ol.7;llVeTsiTit% ivflir,7l
c, a valuable eeriest:lf Works; among whieh are, Body
ad Mind, Diatom el the Age, new works.) Dendy's
hilosophycif Mystery. 'Wet's Practical Astronomer,
e. Ac.' Also, khdlone Guyon Ind r
, McDonald & Beeson hive madams arrangement with
;w Diapers' to receive ill their new ptibliclutons w
seed, which alley will a ll achieve York prim, WS
I:gpletasiring departmedts of Me kne and ertensitiemad
firthment, Liherly sr heid of Wood, are now open and
iti==risileL7tll,7 Cz•sene,4l•4l.7atfrlska7,,
The mope/elan ma rar= r ;Slly Smile 1 - 1. respectable
e Sattto can and seN d he a Come thernadm...SHl
ered Hat Mall its different departmeats it Om. be
and certainly it 4.h. ....t plemant resort in the
hilleTillT aa nient,, Roth Ledieri l amMiallemen!s, are
a equalled for mee,raziasse r and comfort . hp am ,23 th e
lump and the ies' Peilsen mill challenge • eareparima
mime*, nearnemond Manly, Mile ape of any simihir
liihniest to be Grand M any' edam--
Feat Karma, midi 'Hs =Hem, Maar, mid Mamie
F num,* apiece of the most striking- ensimity .
Soo= am dtted bp at which Gemlnnern i Mom, ran lade
Lamb. Hirai @rand RefredniMitiod all harmed' Wig: The
mat Saban is common to &Ala:des mid genclemadeemenee
at the lrero commis The laidieeParkeemehnige fur La •
d ies— entrants af ihrsmutii eattram . -•- -•-- • r
N. H. Parties will be
at the gartestriolice '
ibldarti - PICK, THOMPSON k CO.
XOSICAL srrs arantirmur , srnitioibisair !
Ada:Wm:cc Ti ;Milani a - dish of Ice
SMACIEW FNT arr a season. oPHS.
AU ;idled mmaliom: Alm SHARPE and ilim CLARA'
from thr Afettaiaditan Cowan, r
CI. 14,1 RNEASOL whom tamalile
talent has readmdd him a favorite Where...el' hnervn.
Chimps Or NOVO ROM unary arraing.• •
haulms glad dal*hted 68
• Obaytarg and Italy Dreuliff Maeda.
101ILACKSONA, FOUNTAIN. Ttosserird Prof e '
repaiwel end Ailed op dais natter. Hair Dn
elaasopowiv Woos in theliodero etyle, awl are I t o
wait oa rrodamo it oaci, , elth ewe, comfort aud politer.; .
They ne prepared to wait ati all Out wry call 'without their
Loin toot • •
Thankful Or pert Etrarr;ot dick • wattineware of the
raw, at taw Sebee,eorner Ulan, streetaed etre Diamond,
(bock or Alesaadtr •Ds VD,' Goods Stare.) .
.. JOHN 4TONE 4 80A8;
I =a .r : No 43 Sound il!lb.t.traih"Plll.4llltllt".7
/VIZ tratllteßllCrAl97:ll477. nll7
loch ere'a theirOwais, "la . . .., • . t
' . Frani
Mar .lScomet and Cap Hipper, a nu Lando me mak
, • blde Pariah Oheit mai 'cobra& Uf all dnaka.
Frnelund dhae,read ArdStiolflonant ...-'
Vary Lam, Cep Sta., IdenTliamiata.. .. . :
.. Bonnet Canna', Tip, Doekrame, Wilknn, tec• ' ..
Th 4,411 abal mean by them.' Preach Steamer, teepee.
led d
bas them • beiblidet mortment of Pmey r {r 'ui'n, raelalhenturs it, his.
1140 .00144. 4 0C , ..1a
fili/CAT BißO Asa TO DE HAD: • The Jar
1.1 nialan in dopey ef Orsini@ Brick Itsrelline Home:end
WI the beildMp Wave belts 44; such as 'nub: atke,
.44, ena , ,balldat and*. buou,MML.q: au" Theprop
arty "taro beet 'Mat atelh.peelvdticaltiproridekalib
lapkp. . Said lat .. . et hag urn. ad mend.
boaal,l tu ono .:de 64',.4.. ant, and ma the baulk Eau
4 a.. Ot te rimr. rids Ist is 44ated le 4..11U:114dr
A .
Weite9e, aml am &needy Greed mad onenpied by
m k. , o k, 'ated: k a tinerla Maim a author
male 4. 7tnat,"4l7.*lrvaltab"..7l:thaelb.""ts:(m74:?""k.*propeet:6"intlratom,:4.
1... 1 1 .."" to0 ". 11 51:1 ft/re/In/Ile, ."m::761,76.
mei st te; breath a Talkies uk, Jeferne county . . 0
A' 44, on, befit.. Le tlpanutepnry.rty
64 :301
1 ..
a i • J keoll IVISRLEP :
ilLartrTT diT/PPAXY,
• BalUimartra
PM F. tbabeerlben, bayou r.1.n17.1.ed atnamelyeatin
1 I Mumma under the atm". am kr the Ptallou a ;
trine-444 the Canunievon Produce beamed,. exels. I
,eett, all tranuettora on tier own areoannl
and Wing prepared mid, th e mom ample tatibtie. fin
,1144 boatman, ben leave to and, them vreicee to the
mere aata of •Cith an Agen c y In
Ina ci aof lialtimare . Gr IV Ahtal
ga.140:01 T.I.PT,
it. MR To-et .. :
, • Lew. lbunpun Sakti f Co..
J • . '
.•, Jo Atwood. our* tPo , ~,,,,,, -
An 11'a. Hell A Sun, i
kir, John Grier. . . . .
ltatimare, Merchant" generally_ __ . adeodbn
••nradrridi SOON—a silent partner at the Fortune
d 0144aettne than Canaterith•cult tapitalo(64 or
'e t .Lthavaand dollar.. on "verb liar per CCM will - be
adattaahatanthe ramlial.- 'Alm, Umlaut Piece* fan ...-
end mieemen, eekoormautra, and labordag tam laid
tars kw work i:3 1.1. , 14 and canary.- Seam., geed
buollenad wat• LIT 'Pt wort anunted.' • Pisanapple 111,
VAAC HARRIS. Am:K.7.W !aril/wee,
........._______,_____,L.......- . ~, 4.3 t_
t mar mime .- •
. 401 11itabillt Poi o, meatu...6. •
WR. &I VAPIIV invite+ An ane n t ion at bayen to
I.l...celleat 4.10(14111•111 M Masaketimh
4 . Joel.
44 gtedtelstans kr...4311.4 lost reed arum na nkin
emir of lti t►d ottrket Na. N ,
111211ICT 1111 % 11, 24121:14% Kai
bW,L'Z .Ith. MY 0.1. %V . it 4671r1TV:
N E corner ¢! .14kand ptHet N• ,
011.1011LIII—Idat• . da. Wee Maoris et all six;
0 drab sal plark. plain and evdnidemt, la De and at
ma iiiir,4l4.lpatari I' W IL.,,.._.!.,!____....ftkpi!Y.' id
1141 W4dll—Catnarirn and vapiansaibiar NO. 4
i .t...7l 4 lc..liiiitatd a Mr did w
______ assaana audiPlart
§ b a Nun! id ibe %
iltrgoodn.hania or. •
ri',l7ol—Anl.l.4 Neii - tri;rmuld t.totd;•• •
•-_ • • • - Ba!dam 11
p or/ion. , • -
• bbl.
flit-WOOD PLAIDS—A falr:fileeeaof Falistyles
ofa 4 oreloedSelteur iu;nrta,ao;h+l opened at
- -
. .
ASLElJClAlk—lkt4ayly Tnapeigiose tornals 4ar .
• ky ; J t I CHUUNMAKtiIia, Cu
1r.1.,r , enure
for say,
bfbbl. 1,4,1 4id
td d •
. " in rao' ft.i ..
br SELLtijls'
. /es e tee., now
12.14144 • 4.
CY tOrl "i'
I It MON AMR Viktitd. op NYrvP by
la Um &tenet ..ingto bop r foe'
.18 KIDD
rt.= ••rid 41.). au
•i KIDD aixo..
G. "?'
!."I"j"l.".iC"J'lh by
no It CO
—tau 114 just fee'sti
brJ 1C106k..00
Ky Polishers ude
..• Whalebones,' es pMmt red& Jon
F AT0 N 1,43 mL0YMM..• , ,,i2 „. • • •: . :143.1m..
'oyTT *V kt rale bi •
• - J & WPHILLIPIS.6 wool at
:1,714E411,1ti. APPEARANCII%,t • TalifOuth.
JO. Ilt,ch and Pont rbyT day moiled
mod kr* b at tall Boa aadit4%tonoty amebae., of
•;1 , :, Ann 0 , 14 -441 , Li; W BitivalliCo'itmaik,l.ard
',LAW male's; ior tale by • • • ••
. water a•
1110 - 70 -4 i to es for tali by
into opyr o s "ikk ,t Ude
4 do rhouldns,• Jon secifired .plit4ll%'
BAT'S W CO/14130 maks Oats; r
jziti_ :.. - JAI4 OA LZELL:
ACIAZIIIIM—egIb Lam N- • ••
lamfing noon mei for sal b K'ackew;
. •
PIO ITNETAL4iiatu blur xma nY l:lb t
. 1 * 1.7 WIL3ON
• Utwooo
BAu olll l l 6—lbalen azeb Impede:meat burin
seetivai Cer *isli' -
0g4.3t iintrii;vviuwi-k
Mati/UPS—iiiassfillochßanappjest ree'd; 63T
bss'whils'eqsai Iliaulyfru'atoroi for
so . JASDAI.2I4I.I.
+. 4 ..nre P
40 Mat N. Or 'tor ail; by . - ...IrUIMI I .Lug AID PiliAll ----- 5 --- ii b i.
IN BONNHORST tc12,31ft:0...t...,
...14 11Ti ft'ivt , d! , ,Y '.717121.4rjaa,6f.
0V1V . ,... Me latibtllf ft vt.4li, . - AistP. 1
.f . ' .. -- ' , . 1- ' '''',-;.- :'.. "..'', :---•.- 'Si Insur .t .•
~. ' :11.111 = 10- farli n g r a. - 00 .- ..'
_BO.lll LBN—loa... int . quality{ 'mint
. itisd
.4.- -
I R API: ! 1'41, I"
" , " 7111 1 =1,1111G & 60 '4 . Ciiseng-13 ht. landmi iromMat t; If eLetta• fin
I Oil :, -.- s7llnpet a, It* tam sis ' •d. by' . . "O f ; 'AS P A UELL
BA itobli,
, -
lil. - . kl.: :1111111Fis•: .
: , _ . i -7: ',:sr-,•: :Bev*
14 11 11 z! , ••i ,
1 . 1711 TUllyt,Aupn.s,
%..e the auction mimeos Netegaaan% eriteer— . =, uelabeupn , a,uotket:is
' 33g9 smairousurszo-corvzsoi.'
potted in twee Posen sad Ake>, pan In 'doable top ..
OttaAbe friet eampletteein DgpnParad
re34l - • ' • R LEIMOICk of) 1
1 I -='
• .. . .
Soono:Pnithe. Weiotte4itozon - auction: . '
On &tin* even thi , thiOrklosiiillottheli.'at the
Coarmerenn Bake Moms; comer of Wood and Fathom
will be sold an extensivo (ono:tether. reined-
Itheoas .Bookrothoug wince Om amedardieat. :' to
...form deponments of litentraeo• lex peolOrkeler nod '
eon ormingpaper, Wank bookeeld 4 sod I pen., 0
elver penenej pow. and theethi lime : 'wort '
ethior 'mho; athordoono, rlOreo,ltho;,o , dry of
fine erolepcnel ':'-', - . •:' -: of
iis Aldo) , ndeethei, the 'Albin st :eolith. it the
Commercial flee Rano; cornered' Wood lad Fthe oe.,
wth be mid wi th out ream, Sir
etherselog • great vadeit 'of nendthemersomesee NW
T,,aggay theithekerook wince am 'jowl &so O Plhtlinhl
thern,On IlleCoodleos'eosotth orat.Coltheitkon'settro!
t'y'res', view from Calms. Joule Ender the Gourd,
them... natordar , Meet Cowl thotheledllthornl4 . 44th
thenY CethenOieopY.B4throot Om Nor ate:lte. - -; 7
. Aln), kneriery of engrarogs, motel thin* compli
ers. revue, clothe, bootetond feranonr; to .• .. :. ,
agS ' • ' .11S,HN 1) DAVDS,'An! . . •
retnitureand Balking UsterialstatAuggni-'l
ettlTueeday beaming; the lndiiitiebiillititleettt
Sateen Mute; near the Ofd Allegireny• Butte" the
City of SIMa betty. will be field gautttrof
hold Enrahere, building matetiale;ao. saved the thee
Ste at Mt Etentet, Fatal. Vs sae well *nod.
sanelee e y cue nano
chain. minting. seat sena. sewn
table 'mwes, tads...omb Mushy
e and even, &ether bed.and letdd i og. a:vector, of
rut aleeederaotemluablen,
• A quantity of doori r reeetion *lade* Hader, meet
Munro; fiddler dun; elannentittra, pillar.; paling for
Kensington. Lots a Motion. ' ••
6,4 Saturday inetnisie, tbe ; 7tlt day of AlaguLat
efeloeli, will be sold on the mettles,
nrer.ealusble building !Ms, situate is - ,the'Bll' l
trawl of Ole ally, ol'UsetiortbSideet. Second et;
neer the - Rollo* .• Mint a,. plan: ot, Nagy '
be. seen and any. IntottnaUcit that 'stay be'deelted
will be gl . ven on alr.MoltaJ. Movie;
who inside* idjoining the ptereines. '"‘;
Toro.—One (earth cub; re s ides tlireeequai
annual payments. beating , interest, to be legatee by
bond and toutpge. JOHN D. DAVIS, A get.
4.13 • AT . CURE, perforstel by rme original oid only tree
21 : germane: Liver Pill, preprmel mud .old by .R : E SEL,
M re[ Fecroig,{Votanuehod C
(7 Pal
. • • . :. :. ,
L btr. it , E;Stiisro—.4, sow ofdtpplelonsed thodakted
eriuT .
_induces ate welding brmarm fin tow ego/a:Putty
eriebrated Liter l'ille.. 1 hoe dee red doing no Ite 'Tar.,
adhering 6 Dirly.Chlt-kitt'll .6•11112, be earn Itto no ngbh
thee go , 6lolt of these:any parolees of tope its
end gooks; hoed to the shoe; have, souk in& oblivion einee
jeuribrir Ails lune been offered to the peek. and,lngeol;,
I teem thrgoill eedeire thou alt,e' an duper. loosehat
pet ,ep emu tbeta to he 1 hare hrin ailleted toth :
e..,.. c.pha c d f, el. say yodis; hare scanted meek 64,0°Ja Lie.
cony ecid
ocatebyecricos to peon I Peid mud 'open: brie
con mach bin* too roadbed old . . *bolts dal;
- salivated .5 or tit - mes, and ' up as isrmenrmr., la
i 96.71 was indicted to try . your EN and6CIONOOT
WELE.'•'tbarmaiof vex* ie mermaid* la imp aerial.
of pejo bilia Would all tbir othei•nieptenen: be tit lead
. tit warms.: EourPilts arothotha benteatenstin I ergots*
being nue!, eel griping,. gisete wok aitiermat rite:stow
*eh, but pre no mati, relief • 1
on biddies in gay ono
ber 6 7 an
at irinednedn of,teries, Ind have IMP'
eamphiiit nested:l4 nay One •weio'has
than. •• yews supenodadarmatergothor pill il. th u s
wish and in a abort doe anli: Wish 'Theo ale' 1
ancedly reconansud thew to .11 peama'-onetlig• ic;
'dormer Co. Line Couplaintire ' - 416ceriOns .. p ip
I.leider thou bale perm_ctecEabs*l ne,64 1 51 , 001: 1 4: Pretle:ee•
17 AMOIT—A. there ti.kuoiinh. hel,2;:tbrAe
c.. •.Lim Pills. personn who mutate GSM lllNEntoill
oat Or arm take mother thee them peepoutiol solEtey It
BELLIIIB, No 57 Wanke. Wren TWA nod Fourth,
Paid by Dr.Casest, Firm' iFiel, Et bi ErmitiVE6444 , :
•hitY• • : •,. •4•-, —, • ess :
A;NUNT INT*lol9loli.'
New , . the time e n d ewe.. the minute,
liere's . theihlowtertiele le ' 4,
• all awl ea. wet yea rill led
Mew tr/thilte nee
Imam Opium..
Pe - dx - r - ntod In* mach greater daspuel a, lastiskt•
grab this Vier tau any other, ems Nee ear dr
work like eaamaaVreaa. . ' •NM XV&
Saw Loh ad Etas:a . Mt Phakais •••• •
XLllllFit hat Jan .N ihq kklityria* nes.
Lie Pita., sth . will be sold IlotorrOsa e. 'bt
bought i* At
One elegant maboatay, octavo, nude kelitant k
Cltek New York, or yen potno:aadoreaubes•
ions — eltremeti.lor priced. I -'
One eleven romaavad:PiattoOkadedo Cilekteiny,
Horton, and teletted by Wet as the haft latteareaf *CI
the cam i,. ItisholorY—prite tery'co4trate.. , • •
Beasley a nicker of other. of all price sad at
kraus% the molt ark.aa teltothat eye...offend hero,
Na *I. ha -a at JW W soducell3: • I • sue
U 7 ILL 4i, Ire eivral Wafer josauatuas Oda'
• ray a( • argheny,aaul laradaroll
0 . 0 r. N. , riereavattaa *boat octet pled.' a( Ira:
aal tar tl• {Y
Al kassiauk.obrake Ea ,
Rine I fousc.„ Alro—Far layuar .abilep
;Aloe Work.' The bias to sway Pal , Tud Aar
•ars ratan, and tat Kira Ira imatli arsaaWark, I. ae - or•led and eadoror4 'Propaalls pr
Wuer WodWilid rlat Mr, a koarr—ltaikar.r.
I . 4.burgh Water . Wetkai where ph* sad spea
rd dtra:
ill l
I koss caa be mein Zyd Ugir
1G I . 2IKU* 1i jiIDDLF.
Chairaita at `Water.csamata.,
.iiti.i 7 ANlZtb - ludia Rubber or Nauliq _ O.m Esui..•
• lie Fite Entine an.. Varian. - . • "
meeirtd as assonmeat o (the abreye (Wm f oral.
inch SO *I ineheelu/i ameltr .whitteggq mutbeheap.;
.1 , than leather. • ••• • • •
. Thei ahosellOsd iliataelared• r*a oosed, new
nod impowed istetbod. It has beta Named to,and la
warranted In % W ait a heat OM above laather , it vane,
be aiteetett by aelds, nor dies. Iran/too by ' cold. - To
mat 'taxer. lr r. `teat wa ke,'*, thotownna of fen
may he etnnetied;earried throadh Ia - nton.ssitere ho
towthinary la operation, wad oat leak a dzop..
• .. . J a HPIIILLIPB,II wood st •
' 'htliajt Altana+ fac Pi Usbu
'.Wasualltthua: ; • •:
A PRACTICAL Siesta Iteilneed , end bfeehlelit,erbi .
.'.23.lent been eatenweely enseisred waft' creation ef,
, sataar Racers and saber owehinere, awl Isla Wilke ,
wise had eatisideralde premiss:trades baildlow of Steam
bleatnes ar ear toss pareastshcresuto
as an ereettag Eneaseer,or to po eaSaat fix sty Mead:
es ry; •be Is likewise comm.:St to WO einow./S
iota:Week .if resilred. nassitteelero *fawn* ae
baraeter and, abiliti'ean be deem Any gentleman
rrwolinng th e senneettofse , lt* nersOpieri Ibe plowed
K. address* letter so KAT:este et Mr a am, Vidal&
stets r, lee Lin.PorykrilVegirlro,rki,witish will bet oe.
diattlvettersled ..• •
agate • ..
• .
No 156, - ..Zfrortk
I . llott Ftw itTlist;
di. , Ore. Cape,. fkrrdonyikdr •
areu . ,, .•
• And evory donoribliosehatigitsekoo*ciito
w y
WI mite loWeli markeiptioes. -• • . •
N H.—Feu/T. dyod,'elosi.44•lltrodiood otoded.
on a...ftioat of I.7aßaOber Clorir q, u follows:
3'daea Navy Una*, of a ooperior
1.4 do Iforse Coven, moot eoeeiionl kandL
• • I do Swimming' Bohr; Iwit`ll e latlele" am it
wanted for Whim • • -• ,
OCI-Amencaaavpj, -- ,_ J & Wood
. .
rilltE Board or SetworDiiieters of Rebhan. Towashiti:
1. win meet at the Wiese br M n. Sarah ideParlead
FelefileY tee 9kal i 54. at 10 o'clock, A. M.. for Ua par.;.
pew of ...olds aay Weems , who may wish a seer
ti on Te.ieher to the Public Lerbools is said To
The breaches:required a• tw ugh 4 anfßeeilag, WO
tine, A rfilmetienad Brograyby. There are 9 teachers'
wonted:4Q IlbedLLvgoa,vttllt liras:. Br order of
• • omutlAan
oR klaLE,a,apaa *tint nue caniste r Norms sr'
black color. porrrc l jmUepeia yearral ,d•
broke to E. k mars,. cilhardoahla at slnle,
mak alea
e mat rldbq karate, and rumor them lea fast rack.
F aader:she .oaato.bokisool lailatra
mely of : v4,l4erry k ElkliL1811.•
••oca—lt. market st, be; 3,1 'lt sra
w l o% ln c lie bdu
inµ b" Na tt *-lAT Zfraw
• ssi Ste hale by
7111hlteritiii; ki4lettstptpt"4V"4 ii
&meths Incisor e1.•. - Irtioes sot shtStesel ""c4bs
tad sell mot stretch.
eel lodla Rabbit radar' ix'
1 mato pipet of. al! W. lava )ast remand
vat lbo of the above.. TYe holtlot.4"-Inumated
mood la do *teat J PH.U.L.It'II
RePanitrfttltuP ia t 4N ndaumtire ui
an alr:a m
. .
REIACIMETC HIP; aro receri.o., • vefibure
.4 " 4 "Id* luutttiticat scue.!c. , ,arl at ,
Filtr i rd
bh'StgaZta intrigm b rat ant it
baiiiii•F.t.sWra, tr - oiCAtiakA — ai a or
EK 'Et Dr. u•T! . s.
Rector of thrt 14 or OttlbergiC-____Zot neekml
. 1 „ by IVI3 JOHNETOh olux-ruN
(WOO, o .mtilvitutrea
by Hengist' ad yo g , tarn , - ., -- z-m Seas.
awl b. 0 . 0 .7.4.jvib1' OIMITON - e . "th ry ki
(Arra bag 4 ob)s Mai ek
*esti 6 i° '
.., .
~ .
sag - 7 .
....,........,...a dd
~, t 4 a.
of tie Meer. 011117 , a 64 COM
611 MOT tili Mane, buboes 6, pi.
01 1 1104 .44 rOld " rpl b rOV ' ll:P . MiliAgritttr.
02':181:14."47161.19,P4itt55a irliii.:Zitrie.p.6"4
4 1 d11
riana bt Welk badge easy a( passeagens sili Me esdp.
m ' is en- amp Ittne pomp moony manta twei.
[- = f• 11011 WArFASUC/Vr e r. ' '':- .
Tna 210WWWIalagLA,CiaN.Wess milt 444 Pt
:a...l4yer. 71=esetera 70 or** mr..,,AZ
' - The' ZUBER7IIa, 1110._111: Capt. .7: Vireskui,, w-. 11
kir. Pinsben... awry Timaddy onandng 41 so sless,
Wilsa envy Tasstar *resins .at.o r. i i , •. -.
' it:rum ENGLAND, IVO. AY ap u :s. tipili, .ial
j..,.. r,A.6.6,.. • "err. weasemisy. assais. as a
Weisel; Macrae mg Wednesday annalat as la r ;
L: 31: vi teuanuuti.akpc R..r. en.,ww lei:
lon7o erelrTlemodaymorninsiulOntbet Wheeling. rills.
!Innntynanday area* arlo P..M. ' •1 ' •
.• Tie amiss, no. st„ Car- ens&sorilnel;; Phu
.bengla'zinny Pr idaring at; WAteling
gyres, Frisavevvviv.vviorAL . - - -..: r... -
- - sa.rtr -------,- ------ , . .
b.;..„,,......„,..EL0AT P .
.. _4O/LICT.i ~ t. .
r7:40 . 1Cay.Gam'... 1 wal ksi,re Pali -
rt° dock; tVilaeliNt
*TM !tardy ' t"igatt .. st: :
~ ..-. ..- -irosrmiliiiiiir.T.
. -714..._i.16ue I.IIMITON, C•PL A. .o..srviv, sv,it
imi:t llis l " . '
Liam& ai useutli "ram i.ivii;‘ -, -..--;,..- • •
en vorm,iveywy.ovvv.. 0n kv..k . .....46. -- ,.: .
...Asa do imassvhsemerlt wire. by Ka it Tujii k —
Samsfasva Mad btu vs
u wow vi v.v.v. ' •
Djirmi4 o -APKII-114
. .a , b 7 14. MI& slew ping.
atil: i i, bl4-nd{ ... l ". P th nr Sib, Zl i zeteivea X
„,,1..)...____.., 7.. , . --- k - ,64...---i---, --„,,,,
ji13,....... i.....= 4 ,. v.. italsturnatsvltvrlkulioel7
rli).______. lb anrket 61 .F11:41,t
CI WICE'r AXD pat Autiatti—iiiitazil
..3 111 bids and Itlillbbt• 1 , 0/ukur abd (Jiro% Aloniala.
Wi4...P.A., inieia; Z. vale by MI or 1 eau I at die_
Wine Aare,* go Mei si. comer trout ,
_. !::
- I.l—Thrri.s souk.. :..
. -
TY. I7 4ZINZ' te,51.7.4 rtt l 2:....ier , bw
1 1 it,tel.TlLV:t447:::::::l4;Zint
nuAl.i:L:7 r;v,
kl a c atZtritZ k E,P, '!'"4ll 4 :::,ra-
- 'L Iw- - 0 iti i -=-=-, a t1'—, 1 ,,,' -'f'°4,- Piz. ‘- i it. ' ::- 44,1 °
o reecived bad ter , i 44 . -127 • ' ' ••• ' •
‘—. .. ..... ..... .., ..- AgILLIza a niermixoN
!,,Jyasu Icton.iduaier--4,2ll;Lithille
' 1 ' 6 . 6 enaai-„-
a a ka t ,
n" , ••=.4 ae we
-Yobbo AK-W e
t •
- _7llll:=7l4lt7DT.
- :warkr °°°! 4 .. bwi,ds - 777- ' 7 1 for
• ..
do cobs W..
Allwealb b &
si &am,. epta.&...d Isera
1.7 brad Irbil haw bit., a 4114KR/Or ankh, awls 13) , .
:1 1 4,t;:t1
.Q.ILLT-172 Ws Zr ..
sale b 1 XV - MILLala a 11 C 1 EEferSoN '
[ late gutv
jt_,____aa feta Se nese eeeelred
..i. Rae An NW ea lee when by :. . ?.
,yelolaeorn;10 bele huh enleadela In ewe. ne a
1.. r .._,.!6,
ieeWA 40..114
No aleekerel,
.....nuta 6 / 1 1 2iga, in owe. and-ler y
DTI'.. (V 7.,„,.._ j___ut......_____,,,.....,
tiid '!all dune
inerest as ex ,
la.. call al. safineay
Lib en y • AI rev,
be *eau gar a rear.
leif,fdd ,Woeit `prv W e•
rOseniedo -44,P50.
re-dotad losurb
;X:orttl r git:
cane . *U. ad
roacaave*: •• a
lb ,Ilte ad
414 nit
eale very kne *eine eoreolgrueent, t
....zit eraiiricalme
fir bah B A PAHZiI by
50 BARRELS Ns 1, -Mammon tlernogilw val.
iambs feud.* I asek Mee
1 1 .3 jaeft ..0 4 / 1 1 iambs
by row
f irLY B
:IL Wake' sad ibr M 1 by isataft INCitiel too
46 . _ ir4lt7
WINDOW 0D•406...3,4 "%On
43. re, W s #llo le n IV" , 6 1/0
• •
ARBISM:tI.4SO-,yebbb NsbitllbtsN
.e.t• ;
HEAZELION.•4Ifide dnmoad
"*'•L 4`tm"inuutZ°P"u'v,
v_._ic..„_.___._,.,_.___._.___. • . - W X XXXISLY .'
.nzki. MURPHY. to lux sereiTed sitirpleee4f
on hzia4mt slits., sad wilts/romp silk, at
La n
____.... _ _ .
......_ W X MURPHY.'
, itzr .o.—a &Ws dues wow . Se m
40, ,,*.0. by,—, . n '' l ' a
i asisCiefti sui.. -"'
J. , Jar,!4,X felrdei, 6.1 Wl' Tr lx, ut eml,i ..4
-- okis
twle. kriade r- 1;4 - " •
11.1CINCIa51 I°l3.
bazubpe ß ••
No i 4, •• •
. ta lc 6T b~M in
TKPLOUR-40 bitbitresb anseedlye gnaribt.e
ists biazily mas, fat axe, las sale
gh.FON. / by • • -..
, • 1.,21117_41.Tr1N
t,s -
- bbu i
~.!..4.27.Drac is sam, !arts/. by
A bl ' 2 ”. —.410. rsesemeli ant'
.'. 11/LtiLL 11/C**l.
• rit itsiltriiiiiiitiiierbleiZ.:l—aisi7iiiiiitid - ' in
Vi rt neW be s tic er. :, . BRAUN & klErrialL
, - -- .z - • , eit libertrAad luelair Wilk
1 3 brads
llRAVry n "u y/1.•
• vii Afri 4 s ,
ifl an 4. l "telit A itur t ali;i trds
":"1 4SObales .;'aehlpy_
OiV x~tk - 160 b4 b 74 ru4oJ T ~'-~
~~..._ ~~~nY~'UN 60N16HUgRTtM
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