. , ~,,•-•. l *;, ' 7. '"•: . .1 -: .. P I TT.S liU fta M : '-.,...".' f ' . 1 , ~:;...I. I dnisDAT.I4OINING,. AUG; 6, 144 , 1, .„...es-- • +?.. - -11.r. - TeN ?manual DA4LT Clulens imibloa '. ..• .-- ''. -7 . - ',.11)%ar5,.1 - 6.-1714,04 - , sad Vi will .--11.1 Limil la Om %I - - — MIL. wakiper so • u.crci-j Arilittrig7.o ,wra,ml.st ihnica Aohrmiatr ik ,; LIM I NT I VOMPO r , 'tow . ;1 "- YoawOVLluto :••••;. 144 . Vair. linMOL,'.".7 .°ll • -:•-• •-harnest t antat. • : -sfrepar3o p.m:v.18,0 'Ali slimy • wis ysi..E. t}.., • . Peal • • •••• cesssnaN yE.I.V,et tp. • 'Ann weL.D aTp. ER, riag.:4l,• glarram, et fluAtharirl;... . 1-110.041,1 rulTN24.6llATirt!..Cl.lr : 0 1 . 61411AliEnVETi of ifessinltes oc.• Ow 4 °' : 1111 1 441 40gi . D'efia/sii, c1"10,,lo Ft/retina hi sunrry from 13, oval. be tonnasead, end roar. ' 4 oll l liiikhfsfsielntiMilmnee. :A repot . 1,111 be alibqiN, r iiisinitina by the Azitni !sip/ember, in :-.lllo,llosevii sae. W `,'--.iiabasii‘.imiffMaino,4•l"4-400 Er , : 1100. 41114:$11deeowl arta rattle tor. the, eitesit 0• 19 1e.. 1 4•4'••ie4•• ban a lAA.' .".1141=144;47#'•,. woe lettiel' 01011,0181 ' . lrati/lhash. Wonoer,-the iowot 1.8 i,oe en depnnii thient Panburgh. We hairs it,,ithit tram did - ant poupbe while . they miy proys as was Cl as , pSQIe wig be es hidtiter.o"en" Bro~rra. We pie..Vor. t ln ceahy,, • Wealth -, •••hateiCith nonlb bllM;lo674:KiKsOnin...;d • • t'n. belr,ql.*y.***Ordiuclic.. it.. other rusts, end nbstlitie.hint vitakani notions I. Lain r 4• . pricseilforefths'lltdi , 3 • . tie :leading; by gaud. 3 will be law? . Nat Mr Loy l~ libel, m - be severeiz. tOt ' Istiooo llGAtcLute. -; • Cornipc..id . "44:sr 101 . 11141021bi*Lie • .. Gatos. Aos.'*;- 1 147. ,, 'nar attiatioll ill calleJ 'the• • posted wipe Held b Ciata6 on the sear hit...l • minth we tope to 'es a strong reptraiitalion frim year citr, b order t*,) jia,'Lliaratet '4114. Gaon team to ehTfitutetiog and. it. tooremitilrig". The StetiMies of theirs/lien through which the -tiongstabOated rand would 'rut.. 1.111 show a teauit that . will isamo.b i•atitaY: or yonr • Pie-abut:6 kintda -• • , = Mr..lEtelev's Ise* "luta tresioabledli tigawrwd The atoms:mute tif Wm' b4let, : . ui MI slatipsty itic_inott Mal it cash &it:l°lo.'4.e" nay one Raiesitiled w.t.h . t.be topuirapby of thiveoc..: Oiy ham Pittsburg* to Secutheld. end dieter will thnnniti the eista But Mr. Kelly is exist... Mie n,. lance in the esintirn'titne. vsd late manthaa has' be. each Am to give bui'matentSfils . .a uoiprwL,tui 5.• ...- ' r"" I Mini : ' ~:. ~. . . ~ . .. "., - which wbuid utast to few other rum in Ohio. " .1(‘.• Mr. 8., ceolcved on an assentor, diet the man tit s of 80 - 1, Cultinibiso. .11.1 Weyne. -vier. au 211, se to lender a vet road ivradi: '.: milt .ben be MOS ed•ocating the 6..114144 a rued drum Cumtverleu4 ill die - Blida of - Mirvlend I. Whreti,,i F. Viritinla. Is strange In dend.. - . ilia! rid hr. tel • co , .ntrelondoppedsountals• ilia rdf. nulfothapattee P t -, ,n. th e bights, poin!filif : Na. Liam° to hlactss.44 ...auk' acttrecly puvevalie Ju l ••:- 0 reek end , yet I stook! to wt . , fa ;Fannottncy • , inid ban Uumbentend to Witctltog - ice , ;..1111L ^ The bath la Columbiana, Melt Wldlic . . `si...canalise ins' ectnetnely level counting, and fain 410 koottedce.of the coitntry and from ( the ir e ' .Itftsy tit.a.• be td.r...Milcbsti, an .engincyc hf i...?in lOU, I think I bah Attie Th stilbs ibattpta. Geenecoirlein Olitnihtensie ttt Woollitik , •W•lnd =WAY: ..keii Reed Mkt be-amino* sitezert, An' itrratioci. of 60 het haw lb. Weil l to the l il ies polo .of land dividin g thcric."•:... We have s eintil•t't•idy to kft.: ifyily's,“ feign gamma:lid' se they are called in a tartar from lIMI IMIE +..!, 4. , % ,- t.r.f.4:;•::Cc.7. ; ,. ..`i •• 'c1e itAt •z4..,4.105.4,ii5 5. .. : :;,i;:..T.:•_477.: ., . :.tr. 4l4 f :tr tfi • - f, , M . 'W:i.i 4 1 , 4 ,4:itrAery'::: kr.1.;:t.,.?4•,:i';•'!,, i. 4 1ir.: 1 4.i , ' + " 1 " 4. t:-. 1 4'••.s3' ;:.",'''' ' ' • 'itt . f . : l ..4 ' c•••lar.,*;;:i..: • ~ 4 ):: : N :::): ' „,!I' , lrtf , FN l li•-i. • : AO. • ..}....,..4.,„ : 11i 1 : 14.4 % • ?: tt .i .t ,, , OX'Zri•N, Itmil '' ' . s l: * * l 47l l 4 e g i 1 ' i +.4.26 . :I4: 4. .. • • :Vtitt:or .4,4 •• 'C O.i i ":1 1 : 1.1 " :. 44 i•i lt c4 'l / 4 . :0V 1 :‘t• NON 'ts 0, , :)•:4 % •.?..5.4. , , , z,,...t,,,‘ 4:•. ;44 . 13 1:. 4 . ti l tii .v ii • i . '% .:' .* 4 , 4.C.5•ke,'„i 4 4t.: i: ; ;.3 - • is 4 : 4: - .... 1 :;', 41 - :' : lti l t ..:.,...., r ..!...4--k. ,-:.....0. Seal aril Illeeillegt— • = ' , '. Pm:M& to prat - ince con no7i - tvoreirrikin bat of Ltd ;121491.• In Carona sod eliktimilpp"V woad et bos limit - Heave on likpaidifmrifoilig the Hon invaat. sad orghnivd . by; ifidaig:Orie & let= to ma Choir, end dieolions 0:..P.116W 1. - ..ar,ll.i.t.rary:' 011 vide& th. desk, Getaliebur li.44 el tea obits lb • - --_, - Tm'y —...1 rat tof • among to . ~ to take low itemitomtere Ma propcirty of mein I e - : .i i Rat ii4i.a h.... f..... 5 . 10-7 . 0. Mn.-sad in . : ' Ohio, tioncee Cvitoo, and Vivi to &Via ways( -"mei nisecs tetirrfor. din. lo - Minetgorticie or tber I - loclecoons stele of the maim,' ao8" tn. hews. of; del boar et which tee m.tint aiiistzo. It Coo I closespot ...friable to adjoaro to moserkum oven: -I o .Itogi ' maw., Judge 4./.. W. Bidden coored -that I i a the aiming aiti.icroi to mail again fro biceJsx Maks the 26421 hut, at 7 o'clock .. s. Whisk; :lboltivo preirsikdi end the toeetait vijoamied. .',..7 alletdeje Oca‘jr, Ju1y..1661.• 11147, 7p.m. 1 cZLPionaup to esilearocoant, a eery large sod io: paciabler aerofoil of tea Means of Csntoo 'mod ~: Mil aarroandlog comity trimmed in tbe' Coon iLliabscs--4350. Laken °Wed the imetrag.to °nee. ,tFlosi fist bit& sod retinas mama .anated tha °b lls( fer irbip&iiiiirmouni raa'rrici. ' '"—' ' ' '•'•".li. :11 110 Plitams ottireemel by tbe - Him D'A . _,\lllllJobti.liGnit. H. grivicild.'. Lod 113 "4/teilitkiL'eare: and hfr.Prteilloau. sat . tit. r , :: A ; . . Ats. Ode. Hanle }radio Ma tatellug slow ; T e a iktbis,Obio &sto isionoal— papal* tie . : la s preaset by Allo-ii ir.47.lllifer Co: alltiMsna addrfeed to law K:4:. Unula M 1466.1.1 i,i - 10. 1.1a4i0n0., ow Oats Stir :Led : Compsoy. la white Mt. Vow. costeiviiiiiid , Amid Me neat of, a itei il vi tral( - Pritibiti - rgi W. ibistogii v. eternise a) c7.4ts..iima. &Sib.. /`. Way ai;4llte. la Otins. in aortic' late a MIK( Z. r. grooms. imprarecat-le . Hr. Parte mooncalf& 1,-; Fi e, ofee,afp on tee gobOr Of its -letter, Vail tl -- ...de arAllest Pat pram:o.d Iwo to mead- - '''''i ti.....- .. radii lifsicim read • Over Goal tramped P ' 04, of blassition, main ortaioimigraticiva id if Mak& ici alt.& Simi from NM:ergo to Mann' -.. Aid. Ha ((Loved op In. (radial a ta. leiterbt, .!: . door ipproprista move. in 'relation to - the day '...... Ot aor liciama Havoitionnouti on lb. Matt of "--- Str..)rspy -.nib noel eaaeltly, 6=l Etaidlo4 .. l4y" 'alicrios Ma. bikini/3g ' visolotrOallii Villa. wow _Ras.oared., 73a. a general coavrotkui . of Ma ... • ''.. Meets of a Rai Road from. Pittsburgh to lime If'2llcid, ithim I Ifeat.raidly to - dm arescarn boaadary -4-'et Ow Mists, ha hand la th. t.rn of Canto°, Stark isitastp, Osio, at le cicincit . u.. 111. on Tbars . day . tbs Illker Say of Aga{.' INC.' ' = ' [ .'..--". Sj '"-a•relair. TAO um!. ow - 4s residing at ia. zikhot poisas jbageglieptakvad Rail Rood twee, iji:1111/1111711110111141) billa• iiildolll•Ad. Ilfrike dclib. .17110. la Valid sillOoi•ecuics. .. . .......„&41. Smock E 4. Jived too follperiog me: 2#llleuoitieb me immainvosly adopted: . go ; o1#1164 : That a notrocisai. of trim parsons be ~,4111014" yobs Cosy it Mali be to 141.1.1 Into,. liiiiiii ill ilibidad to Vic, statement not de by Alfred ba 4.o l t o irlicsi tii• toast to blf. al dem, and t to _; .. sitoreptess.sitith the Urn& of ais propicod Bail .cagraliPlitait tbi&l&whot plots laGglg liiict iouu; , •. - 20.1.3esiliktwankfuico a°ita .4.1 .. ow l •400.10114ibki....1 man AO AD sijocrood rig ' 0000 co Istovisy rutin tie lash [O = 61141' ' •ia t lifserria, rag , Hob. DA &Vitt 'ie „ - .0510.004 . Gnat, E. love whits.' .. ' sol o! ikiiiii!iggp..*F - .1..-: • ' ' - - ..1' ..i„'i-: ... ilt i ' i ' li ga i irej fix doptiart a presontas ' . - to ilie mane puma& by AsiajOkiestirboost ruction of Idin Hive , • eras kid re abs table .." reg. amid that Ms prosevibior - - ii thio mastlag-be 'load by tea Pikers . as. ; ": Ala pebbled is tie Picot:crab (ismicte ivalral .dm I. les .coemie. .r v, 40 . 0 60 4 . *irk, A ) i.jaiagoa.a in Olga :' - =Oa malbswiltellaierdatod, Mat whim the save. lig wpm** iiiii,&,; ! Boat. gain ea Star. . lip , ltipll4litO ofAigaid, '47, st 7 tido,* r. sc. Lisur.Cbaitmea. •;::;,- 0. P. SWF& ilabraloyi A ":"/:-.-,.....;,' • ' .• . =II . /. 0,1 TXtbra .t rePi.ll to io 4.0 , 7 . . ..rika tvro, ani *Me Art Oa Lake Erie 21lerflpA . ! ioptil toc4bit Do ogianaai fa busiaimat at Cianakizai • 'M thar 20 - 4 i 4 tb,i. ma:mit-414 day e*Ai 'iiii; belied fof ifiging the eeepepted , - Ilk - OM 'Obeketele Thee '_. I,4oeiiikothi ill" ea littioteetelet a lb. fitatoon)Dio tos esla theottomino;iiiiii'Ll. ligiiVAripirciiicii. ~id illwastkfe ii lima 4, 1 i! . . i g hy tiemillennia; L. e.). OAK the wands of M.r. • ..: t t:'- : , ' ~. L ! . ' .- • . ..... - - .G', ~..,%s.l'.--:,• ..t; 71.. P. ,..i7j , k;' ' . ..i.:: : , • -,:-:' i . -i.4k- .A^r-:-.'.. ~., .• .:''..- .• - ~ .4 ., -, ' `4-$:. Bit Ffrii2f .4; . I Fkearthe r- O(Ryr SthAthme i klivirrist • seen a j ca l brawsi, a . .., the F th 'al. ~ . :.., F ktiwcte r ytti cot...flint LW, ' • • . .. .o.l.l.iirmiOtul ii hilluf ' tria piper. comp. /dog th a lambi endhgrenlfgybrOfeirejlernOMMir iPit..7o l i4 at. bitol/ kaingißli • ! oil the osueniogef this 4th,' Grand Codidog rixotiii. Atolthelmed ot.thoulliserchtmorm reg 'moral, to the camp 4 Ormond Toylor. At Camp Taylor all sea ready; , • asifeethe arkli•pread awo ing in front of Gineral risible teat wen the braes old hero audrthe Memberekif tin Oaf mod the taken etthebed to the Lome suuthini at carry. Oa the right of the; limier/ the soldiers Si' klikkor lingit's Light Anil*, wen drawn 'op in hoe. on the hit of (bold Dragoon, and in hoot the , Measichumme regiment— A. soon ...the lain, j bid famed into hn. oe, Ga Umbras m ade hi. ap , I Prearence stut Geo. Taylor end hi• abeam all row. Oen. thohlag then prtiosedeof to addrc.. him in a litho 4114Olitieelli issomr. We ban not opine foe the report of the speech euntained la the Prenun; bat ions Cautval ouraidroi with a fear at We doing perairaptur. ',• .... 'l'' - '• • - ' tree, millions of men wdlluorafheithibilid to day within t4a broad limits of thi thi n modl :63 t* to do unarm to the indiums of the Re to pan der on the excellent beauty of the r'sorrit.o. Aitoil.; to congratulate one onetime on lb. happy ciu - ohliaa of oorroantry, and to loch forward with' incohotne eye • Imo the etibllme future of, do • American Reinblic. They will call to loth/ the: :4111,12.11 of the Wean, lick!, of that fait 'recce fir dependence, which • Cathcated sui'ailiockalrighli. out the leo& of that .mood war of 1 odepeodeme, . .kitrich modiceted nor Othrorral right.' on: th11.,...... 1 4.. sal of the banes who illustrated each; . 10 0111111 , thicket Rh. acid Scathes, sod : YoiktoworthillF :leo Orleans will ins be forgotten, Pilo Attn. Ite , : - . stet de le f'stois. - Monterey, Bona lVista:Vere II thin: and Gore Guide will you mon , . . . ms i 4 tide Annefeithe freely runciahmed...• - all earth' and sky will reach. Midi silowi of to. manitsna at the teroUno of the name of tines soil Taylor; and of - the home men pito, . uoder, their load, tuns home the baoirsr of di. Union in inoiopt. o'er the wilt' plaice 'sad linsugh the 1120tuVaio ',lmes cat Mexico. _ :- . '..• . , We Crl2/4 sad belie., that oar tumbkm in nine whom ' , halt hair NO Leading lu triumPhfrunt Ve ra Conte rue/de...rut:Menet. this day in the. iwital of the Mexican republic, on 'torahs of the gam Iliiircall, ...1 the Airoura.:' . And If Itesice/sh•ft:, thedeiloticise In ;the brim/ ohuloacy of her. .toter ihßolitic j 6,:atid'itill refuse the pr. Rem uf , pran j olisCh 'UM Pnoitl.lll of the Oohed S.4ilio!; . lAi@l . ,l b:jorliktolo oaticittolalo Ilmillyilo 1114410,1114 WU: i Oaf W . out tows be•Lt ready t. ouicluttire , rook la yes, err, ho the uothnoting 'milldam., Of j :rieitsc•• faith ru yoUr pueral•blli. poi 'Wn•lotil, pose C• 0 ,414 end ythr talcum, to neritict tea to • Weida+ triumph .tun thirflorty.taldeliod Lemon ..41 , eye., end to Coolithle, on the pl•lns 'of the Ateihr teat *hub y.nr slgionoinly comes. eed on Uwe St the Biro limas cmicirly. that ttlekl Marie. .on more. general; in the name roil •es the hondr!er burrecorot of. your tellowicitheru":Orlioict • rig lee b.C.. you, I tender ti you their &hats. .We. es cs-et•ino of thin suspicion. tisnieZriaTti.' filth sentiments ithrchhine marker) your. life. of. .deep motet for yen perlooally,aroi the ithscrint implratioto lest yew tutors lupins. and honor hi 'Whillt6ict off* of davit'. or dory you any tend; Ur be carrell.) by the' pro/Jarmo. of en all.wber Tv* aluxiir.B co. I iMiEM =Zlt=2M • . . • 43400ral Taylor, who limoard - wit h plat et. t likifooiitte or G...ewhing..na or!" pofarfolfy andel by the m•afwn of OP giustr, bray bat foclittily ropanded n fol. •.• . • • i - !Geriensf—lo MO . , to you eloquent * and than 1 plimeataty •Itueloce , to the Sonia. of the way : under my command. I can col, briefly srpirent my • thumb. sad thorn of the bravo •men of my tam • meal to wkinen attains:is and piton slam our nitheetee ere doe.- Poe dreg, I con claim an mint beyond that 'of sharing and unmanning dthgerwith thaw. You have trued op oat do-. pined in taint fattlifal colon the rapid progress of OUT country l'isou the anntuencetunt to is pree, got ration of gnomes and prorporily—ormpy * fig tba torn rank fa the nukes of the ortaid. , -- elks oileflog war may *allow tho world that In Veil "aunt entorprion and intsrens me ere fur 2 . l 2disiled..and that the &mar of our ormley. .Writ witalptitictiou of party, is allege Indy to 'T . listedelaAbotaitionsl honor on the tents field.— 1 • /Amid fib cur lot to resume offernocoparatiorm . lris &bilis"; l teal] awn with nay coofidean io . - -62 -124 2 0 try wad INEWOWS of the Comm • 1 ham :hlitjittlltiasulatitutt thow Atli ban' tat Meanly lionis life - this Geld, and ham not bun Ws to par. torten lai actin werrke as yet, will diwinaialt [thciralses iminiatly so thou who hare guts tit. iota 'That tho.usande of . .-tee,. who ban, many il thealwen Innoi,Li • •• n staucoce, bare 1,1 died pursuits sea sea.. , . , o homes, to to - avant the haidahips of so wit* ounpalun, Is a atilbrictit guaranty thane, Atha and honor of oar (snotty lea away • be tbsistsica.g. • :.1. geniis' sating of haat and ceiogistotetions Due wok:place for ante momently - stet uthleb Cot•Wrigtl ul. the litimeatiseta entanteent,_,ex imitation, road the Declaration of Independence The company then pat took of a solemnest latch prosidod by a ticepitahle command.,. who bed o !mule and a pleasant • word for all. and wound ! happy in twin able to make others.,. Ho was &turd in amines otuform, and Imbed a litilo Dion - Jae the brave okl Mtn than he is, sod e r nt. .011 es. lib Amulets, unarnied, roomy {earls:. - .oo.—iii thy bulitthith I havens:ryes sawn Wig; At: 12 o'eknk while. tin campany roe r a.• a d . Slap, a nstonoal aikido was Bred by Bragg s bidi.' dery,..md* before tbo 'Mod of On tau goo- bad f riled sway, 010 booming of cannon from tMlilaci 1 firt esemed to echo badr the solute. . .. `''About 3 o'clock 0r.,. Taylor and Welt with.= `snort ef dragoiana came foto towel, and with Om .Cithing and tie dflara of the Illawathumenerog. alum. plata:aid. tii..Arietes garbro, or Annie hum 1 shmlel sray;telfinp iekibto wow sprawl to OM broad corridor opiiiikii - lite - . tis ffaalea With It. bright gam straw. Ho OWOWICI row bodies :awned with Vivant downs, its m 4 kept walk.. .504 tha guithog manna that owandan tbrongh it. Ti email of lb • bright gum of caturs's Mode •Min were not rota pleasing tudi tail odoe which, ' - irem tom ths maim sulfide prepared for novae. ,dnte CutaiSiptlen. Eery oa ems aurpitet.ll et i tbaptstueson of good mop and the - moiety that' eyes placed open tbo table. all some tei Me tett. ti..os ,ef Cep.. Glues.. a anotbsot reuttog ,hrets f • - i raw prep., coos of ton sou ante • uf omega •" per.+lllo pean W nte WU id au tbaa; ii.iting, emwkl be erenting. He' preformed 'Ms' duly so perfecuom Claret, Madan and•Chice:. 'i spa in abundance wend to puresti to Lb.- re. pait iwil sad In the sentimental tiptoed., of fade' . • . .• Whim the suatanbals bad bests:descuwed MI a lawn tiro. I.4setiloe silo presided et the ittilif ul lb. to le . ..vitt:l Oen. Taylor au" bis right, road, dts-Seeala: touts, whieb were anima with great rathintaerr - - .Ariplontier lama being called fa, Lieurdna - ot Croonfneshield of the. Afeseabeueta Ripment Andra° . .idelhon--13ecnid nisomry.— (Dro.k deriding Sridiom) . Lieutenant Paw, of the Hamactscortta volots yam sane slGseeeel Tuyhr- We hail litc" al the neat Pro• lidos; may Ms call be lie Orthhint as Me military drew. (This sentiment am 'dm& b, Jilts* Hen. Taylor nee to tailord to thlatiotimint, . . Prailmi and OCAULIPLEII-4 brio - Deis bid the sanity to uyi,e in Of loot 4r thert *Moe. tea setweloo *Dial has kid teen allidal to. lot if my Fellow antlaylneel thiak paper to Weems so tom MaJoguiatied tad honorable a poition, I ad. taint, shall do toy brat so Mecham+ the dotied of that riweindtrhi pedalo faittdelly. Hat If soy other earidldme 4p:eh - rail sod aired who may be mare mammon Mao coyertf, I Nod not say 'Mal Aid( - acclaimer, m let etteathally hi doh dr Moho. end Walt rej2loe that thus L. one mom miothy to represent thion is the histat Mike in He then gave as a taut: • The Mare of itauachuseas and tht illy of Basiva—Tbi, place obniaot Ronk , . witrie . )cro. 41.4, ohme sow hove boon so enneptetatirs• part [tithe estithluMmt at and maintanacee of Dee pths. tar indesenden.c and the . c.covointion, sad hove Woolly leaintokeol the moose by I Col. WriaMiagaidtd laido lout is • Ot4t o 4 "P"6". _JI Hrumberd volooliet 10.0111111/I•4*mk, &Maw Pani"loo44sisea is: mici aanata at the day... • A Holt mattirr--Tiu IT= Irrorirkra snd ti.air famines comma onet .16,060,000 tannin of lyrmachanical aural arks: tu rat yroductaot Una eartuart, fa thin of no Inenailt to par farms. and Weald our wtrat g ' ClPrrik, SbC4l2ll. er...bo better of it daft Imnrarort• *move la Eng:Wulff - 114, too; la the =vamp. &it'd bat a dodo 4as.of MOM Ababa Ent ow, Cuuan ElLurZhattron . pm.ldr • pdt /woe notdait tombs 7.. M, mat storm: ailaitatdo taws ars prtaprnana tai . tanasia ILA IQ*: Fort pay for -Thal" ptoductlosta:7 . VE mod not Arrocactrata • het Lka ada b tan Emma* lat' dm, tointlaortnosd at Pittaburel. It in istatri7 palraaaa rani _Orry,,!od amok watery boar of Ai , : ,7.i.1-'''''-`::;f:ft:is-;::-:,.?::::::A•:.":-.:...,.....:...:;..:..., .... _ Z.41....:4:;••••.-7.??.i.-;',4i.;•:::;-„i7ii.'...,:.,.:;:::::::" :::::::.:7'.,.'•; . •-::::::::*.t":erf:r.,F.:;,::::::J.4.1 • . est ,—Theseres of • g),..,. oolits 1: 14 th ug . by the ehoftha 1 -- Iflargetildic - The le ea strertge IA cents I Ogialhar, I. , Woo treble the faearage errifrid, la'd, E a..„ 'crt l'ltiori,t as ra h mt. - i'• - I , Ttorateacz zt e. ~gut r_doia _gimp's—Ls- a I liriiralieiirsigr—Tia pc:great this infant coke 1 ay hen taken • high stand in ay cares of tar . ?terser The governor of the Many staufd in I ' 4 "cud iiii".. 4 lMtliat °smogs igigredies 'dart. ,nil hi thand the iharodatag of sircatephhe from our land; end tr aim lel segierMeny he . attibated air griciaid.pr ' .rf Waren be fiabrall/ •thogild loS• .1111.1ile . ►beltfillie I hosed inprsdictiolfernthingvnerthi.' - The Palynetisar jait tsetrield team the flusst: I sac,Tay for hat deffiddeff the male of =dad] epee& in Metazoans COM. 840d11313 *disc the cone at Wacterrry. Thal them oflceis lied lit 1 nrcescry far the gaiety of their commands eadi the rattan, of the ports t, fetid tbetr sais.sasil straw ithroncat Lae the right ti truer engine plww hibilion in our commatity. It Se thee' Er titre' shod cod Prance to imams Decree& and diddi gollertanict the }urine to permit bar to erneerci pottlic peas In our mutate by tabooing the old .1 £1.0111; now TII ,—Tssa hundred ke l imas arrived to RAU:Bore recently, cad to be the maagOard ors caiacY oferveral thatutand Ho I. random who sr* &boat to nettle in illhesotui. Trul an. sell clod. ars doe tooting people, and gum *handers.* of Moans to any oat - their Intentioa. I They dy from reUgione petiecatlon under the King 1 ' °Lre.ersie . Car t!''-t phildrithropist, who 1 gammaily cootstaular 111164) to easeeia Colpastetara, in • resat note eantskang an addatioosl $1,04b, car.:—"Tice ran:sate Ij. heard from you at the I Trak Annlearsiry, to Boston, ciroffeard th e frer. ' ins I had of the importance of making greet saute foe the spiritual regeretation of the foreign papa- !slim coming moos as by' thoosiends.: Ld eta come. but glee them the: punt Gospel of our 84. eiccr. I take mach phaeton la heading ya the' ' , above cheelt far P. 60, to be applied tf the en p• port of %denoted Gelatin colpartear. Joe's' Joey G cruttiagoithed plailenthroPiet engin the habitof , &yams . can godly. to charitable:, pupate% aver. 020,000. Du. Bet ane—We Isom from the li.cog. ) asp I that Dr. Baird's welt. known cork °Relederliiil AtINTiC.3.", b Ili been translated had, Prinedi.lad I fieratea: end is *boat io be tramleted into thr I genital by en eminent lawyer; Into Danish by Kromer; iota modem Omit by Dr. Hang, hue Annotates by the nalisinaarlear- into Rattan by Goefiertlinl, • descendent of the great hirositan, and Lembroacbint, so efangelkel paint, nephew of the cardiael of. the eats, name r lareoracs as visa' Htstg..--Stra. Idchanflier, the rife alto Rev. If,. Schaufler, case' Cory to the ices In Tatiey,. ill gutting to the N. Y. Evengebst, ear i .• - • °There beat pretreat r great istorest la °lbex° things in Booth Ramis. • Oilr labia from thit quartet contsia the most delightful istalhgence. It. Idsnicao_grork erCa edam the &ratan Ere poor would abut out the Belt of troth from Ide doralatooe. (h* dam rua permit that printing With* Dade.) ththagh perm pa, I shoaLl oot . say the Emperoe,en mach so hie occlariacthe. Bat. Ws, red be aro, the troth mast ..1 well prii•stl- ° . This religious interest litho Ana of Bibles, team Cy dirributed. which race printed_ by the 1 1- sir, Bade BraCildy... • .• 'Ltsce. Poem died ef Greer; after iterapiai eblpeimis is the Somers sod death bus a tal&L He nu one of thi Woes who warmed the:ea.: . lad espial& of cottiosi eat the Creole from lathier the erased' fla Joan ditiloas A eorrespoodent of the N. O. Times *kyr— . 4,le•wg. oete Alter Aire restriuth•• me. in the as!y, posemityk a veraillity of talent that I never seer equalled to any other nous, end apply ing toeth pavane in which ha odild seevable frieud or bill dependent. bated be erae„ev•ey, med. Meath. Hewer breve to resithenv—letenly without fear—in the' WITCO at act, sod the lattio on dross., be eau easy. himself, cod orally it dim element- He nth one of the eery Lot to leave the riding Samosa, and one of the very fine in) nth of the attack. of oar dye people upon tits different port. thong the Mu ie. in mast Hi: mod. • Say poitllril his tshilde end hie r.fiereti. led hb name en/ &oda hire otheerlian - ul r bent hem Way the arcrid, then there of men of common matt. I H. sad &mold Etyma sets kindled spirits— terry erne roods 100 her lo 6fe, end they are now together to death," '• We Ind every when wink eskidas plig. 6 'l Lint. Puata. The N. 0. ricain s ea sap, Puke, WWI seed film rye %ail% iffy ...ad, wounded ILL Tempera, tr. ai the capture of Tobameo; and had two aelocept the &mow ua ihaost celnpriee eusdiutekro by the aim. b.... oat,, bra. and ramerraue, sad Wand by who knew him Illystariozog R the sir of Piovidroca. A aun braves a dimasand dealltettliaod mod battle, end M+Pa them AIL The band of &sty* is laid upon him acd he wither•tik• • tower. iiito oily men Fray to the overruling power dim: teach wto IMIUSIN oar diy• tbd wo way apply; ow hew.. unto wistican." A correepczahnt of Ibir 'N. Y. Haritid sort.that Li.% P. wa• a:mlM fo r few. lb. .reek of the ill•hiiod Boom; oe lib; ocerition of her woief, and ortromt ttia wax do : leg brmry 1.11 the Milan, anal. op= the portii IWong the Mexican cowl. His puticloation is tbe Wooing of tbe Mellow brig .treolii. under thit walla of Ban Jam d• (Ma, ter.. ritr.di red hie wow crieltinited tbrootbotit tba Untoe. Tho tea coital , dross liword and suit of "Worm provided Ire Ws accacnizice 111mi:tett the litersrey or him Nikw citizen; of Ptolutelpl in will, it I..uppowd now fa to hi. widow. A poor ante tll ct • faz tb. bee& wbieb bald it, tbi MUMS which aw ay ed it , and Ws Wart where affections wets centmal upon wife and tole twee. . Terrible, indeed, ere lb. rarity.. or star, and awful ott intitb sod In .liettato, are the tntfoosi... bditiol'of then wbo provolts it. Diseereii;—We hope the National Treastny Of the United &gra, coder .o order of eirsirwir, Uit cannot be dans otheiWiee, will in wade to &mime the [wary venally received from this I. of two Chrintisov,oroen. • molt., of shly years of age, and ade oghter of testy. Throw It In. to dui strioiase if nothing dam be iitoile orbit% It. It I. 0061001111 that the Gamin: at of the (Jolted brute should NI the fociplriat of soy sorb boooty. The blue Stabs osay, if they will, bar tee in /Nave froperiy, but we Omit the trsioski. ' liim we hue mood will in stamped with mach public f t pr o b s ti m , that rio biker of chi. Unhod Etude. Will hasher be tolerated loth. sale a... tooo,Or mu far as bailiff of the Natl../ Tresiir oty. The booth met ear that the No/ith. h... aft orbdoubted fib& to 'epeals, end to /peek al lewd _I with the (owe of • pettbetablp Solltoffity, oprici • fitiesitiosi like this. We 111111 to be the rticiplade of this to:cry, iso diegrsorfoUy.'plared to the errolit of I thoGlOvefounrot, sadists is part rival:wild* for the Imes which gave entboritY fin the act- Virgiui I ' Unice the placed. of sales of uorrcialamd rutur i way oviriors, • part of her vdturaiiim food. 1 0 , the saidiacillooofpuliverills rtoovervd Villa." Stater, ) eisintt htdividtteLs, th• orisons of slanlit far want r of dant peluistall propnij, is mean:test as • =Let t*: of muse- TM. la • sub. en may sot cook tic{, but the : Au is • ' disreputable trebesedoci . In theguilt ol which we are pordripluors. A Pruidius lima a. Calbla“ r j II 4 As may ire bug to riskirri Prerideals irod , Collinear. we roving oar tidal of April lot,. and route.. the following 11111b61 to du ' • FM Premien!, • °island ZICIUUT For Via; Prionideat, r For &rcrelory Ott the Choral WOoL PO( astratary at War, Gram] 43 5 ,b... • Poll IE4:MAT of Nap, QatienlKairne.r. For fireieffry or Twory, Grooril Coaling. For Attorney MaoJ, thaaral Prior. Foe tfpoiker of ilia Norm, Chaser Florae. Calif of Eogirtorr Barrio Gram! Pillow. '..Had of NA•la Boors; dearril eirloraloglar. Priori Coatralairraina, General Efoplirop sad • The for ISM. If due Costanodnon, Command eti mod Liarttentata of the !Cary rip Inn ps eta, iyears Langer, 1.44 .t.in brnlDeir turn, nod.** Boerne:neat be duly tented over to dale, Dean then drys, when Banta are *wed en'preferabia to Ballots, sod the Brij of blood and 1190erne and r prd.ia. , rary caw 004 orrice, mews there cadbe m OEN. #1 . 71 , 41:111i0 Olin ell el fair demon ' We are not pone nay I.p.ruot minims in the above *lra, Dal 1f then ror,"en !bell bars coceriteo intim it wino the dog dip ere over. :.• •• • . • -- - *WieLk444mtsii*l*44.4ow .4...... eratared. Tr* alite! , sweated a ,yoong. hear, who 'eirni` - iiiiiut nfrotr the bar, ra get demo and ma* Ma Stratopekte lathnee troth rthat ferwato Ate ' Garai:44.464sikeilink: ilia &rare beemaa i EWAN& ileiiiiii::hiNiiier Maw, tea Marled I darien,l4.l ri l. ll6 l6illb. l3b* ' /"F. Tee _P ! naigaskitig4j4kkige our', nth, au Dams Oliiiiiil7 . oniiiO4ilif' i*Mi:Coala: with sob and. • AO* dightlf 14esed.• ' Throe. Harter,' of • .W,ltaereag, Wad We wrist &slanted. anal as arm hawker; an old than trad hie aboakter diefnentski : Genera had drab corks sprehrediante*,!6 . l blacker. and 'an old lady had bat head nethealy Odom the home arrived at the brink of the 116er i ' *twe there ire" parepanrienlas wall, sow .A.,=o fart bilk they were Lamed Gem there iere re ewdaleoly. by people who had parsed Illinra, se I) apart the earetega Two Wier, who 101 l ismilned lasido, were eotharshat broiled. ,Ilblitigh not - ensterlelly Injured. ' Had It pot bla foe the perms at the firer, they must • Nile been killed as the harm ware treadling With too arch rapidity to hare welded being pte , . cigarette! over the bank of the river. ' .. . Lima rr.—A lad 'razed hieDnield; 'boot it - .16 plant of ago, was arrested and !Fought Oar; het the Milos, on- Wes:Nada, marring, shamed Wl*' bating Stolen ra 'Ad' from the Allegheny teltinf. • He was commuted 16 Jall, to'nwalt LW MO et the oast Goan of lawarar &anion. .la a a.—A nopeo ta altop onWy lie Wed, 0801 tbe ' etokrad Mallusdist China, owned by halts H. Meeleliand, task 6 , 140 Wetlands', and ani deafly's& Tblifs tLe wound time bunt Ina manned lon la tbia way. The gamer flioHatede,ownei e 7 J F Train; sad etoulanol by Capasln 8 8 Paxson, was and. at Nay Albany Inkb . July. Colo.+ total loss and a portion of mai:binary tad furniture um!. Bola loomed 810,000 at 8.1141114/T W01:1111)1D.41:1 "dray Otttl7ll4 oo Wodaeadai rattans, Is !Nett a Bagoani al ths Army . Ira' devately Wades by soma aohard wo men. Several aritasi aver* wade. • EMUS SAILDON.—ThI, eetobtatud eta le again oyez to en poblve wooly evening. Mr. Andvari ttaa a4titted-lato excellent vorelketv. and wean sled to lowa Megiarge audience on Wevlotsday deeding loaotdil idly tor , Bpi:Vet-WA their ostaket Wei n. Mr. 1416 e piiipem at the Nana Nevi ltspitteautlim.: W, Ivor; et:coital frofti J. I. (Into, 4th Wed, snook of the recest pohliratioa• of the New Eler• per, elite ado' oakum" foal •••1 do of Man .hall's Wool Moth:lgoe, • wort that speaks hi own pi•koa, sod coo' global toosotory to •• falibful tthtory of the coarstry. ALIG, PrescoU'a Common of NI 0. to praise groulJ be to gild rtllnal P• 114 1 sad Joephia, DIM trensia. tioo:- 100 illoKruloas. , Pen Idu Louis zit, sod the Court of Fllo4* 10 lb* 176 cichuy. by Mist Pardo,. Author of She City of Suhaa. etc Be stairs of tb• Bdee. by Ern liampron. Harps'. U. 8. Almanac, bar 888, to whirl added aca Wages tralsabla boot.. we ban neared Ems Illoaaie No. S. of du Jena Drams(th• Gahm Israel.) and N 0.43 of dilate modern Standard Drama. Tn. L., Nth. Bel. dal Sow the blaid'a Tragedy" of lhaatreas and Platt& r, with three erigmal KCINI; •rater by 81undattKnestlea Th. •OLict. Tiro." Car July, L. .ho oat, npt much behind the cud of L. math. Tut wink - dimitre. ouch faro, frac. cat pp*, Lod or !Lori licetves G. Mune Mauro sr ro• Is47.—Lsso Mar; ris b.. 1•11 upon our udass • Balinese Dir,cmp of Piusbrugh awl it. no:fairy. ceoraintog hundifed pscer. No ours Ia roots ampelust to the Usk of cotopilirg sach a work, than' Mi . . H.- A loog nmidsoo• in tie *ay. at:dm:tin btu& ora puzis„ lave gins Mos • tboroagb know ledge of IS• city tad ib locallOns If *wort is wn arrsugsd. nod Isla I. fouoJ Ivry sued to all • banns moo. it 6 Wand, sad Ia drool to the public at ens siollsrricopy. . , '7u■ Coptratacrixx..—The W.ih,itte raLlot ghee tho foaming aa th. names et the contra. ince co the Pittsburgh tad Cleniaiul Bead_ Ths ' work' it it ►Lo mid will comments ha SQ thus 11.1 the Oen paid (or the It man pat maw mann an 1130,000 below theastimotes.: Barrie.. 1 kit—Baldric! k. A rutero,n. I . . 2—Pet•l• and H01m..., 4--Ehruko et [sea, ' 5—.1. bradse!l. 6—Remo Ir. Dail.. • 7—atom, All:4mm 4 Drum, Ilt—Thasuca Mar% • . ' . 11-1111detomb, Frrnin ac Ilfcrotnob. . • ID, 11. It, IS, 14, 15. 16, 17,18,—LsolOSt. , Lett*. ar. Co. le simeoa.-1 he radio am imotiowail agaism a person who M ethic, comfy foicii . borat pollee. of cot city. under the ropecietietton of haying hem aliiiiwtedeil at Hay Wiwi this oprios. by , which he loot • Inge amount cf {.soda and popitoty. He sentaite any cies that may suit kis eaaveainte• for this time biog. We rods"- eiaad ibis is the mood time ha has boomed oar Idly with • tilt, haring rectally boas ompk7ed In ileariving this chimes of Whistling He Ise. tall roboat i good looking, nay complesisowd . coon. Th• police of the city shoed ha on abi toot oat for Pnr•e• m Pos•rar Lune reei•d from Eorope will be based flo , ibe pokre by it. 'Actericaxiliao of wesonno, °ern se ■ell 2. tolmod, at the plece Hof &Pastry. I•et• tors mdf . edfx Pettabrreb fn Bremen or Swab. 4,1 4 4 . 11 . by the mime hoe of german will be paid hem sod the powsze will 6021 cowls, 2 4 for ship sad 10 Wend . Pada/. on town taejell la Euroe . mat, as casti, b. ple.paid ha, t the poll irtuttcs the Watt" ralht, .ad thie whither by the Cahatd or Now Yolk Ilea Gaols C0A1..-n• Mama Wash Linton wn obliged to pot hod. 1410 miles out from Eosin:id, etitoogitencis of koing tiopilliod wish bad end. It wit s epodes tor ithtsinteitr, which in lh• shod space d 24 _thin., tlentioysil two one of Inman ism Tha biriwere the alum that bid beta Co ow noolog the Whole voi•o• than New Toth, tad had ntottlaed fetlock, tmtout,bad hodl dot ty of tailing from 800tbamptoo. IMr. DOI* I bu beim Artati from lkiut P di , dory to Om coarse Then 'ben sow pti but hie warrior* an the would not ban WWII what, had id two no ...rim. Mr: Mudge ' ie now catividosient. rj.The itllevrios REPOltb . bt,ut.e. premed by the Coesefte. perr.eoe ey . YOUNO MEN'S ANTILE, LItIIitARIVAISSDLIATION AND lIIPLIIANICS , IN. BfITUTe..• • - T• amidst., e. mm Ins Wes slammed due pro' postai etas antaltlLlOro Sad Bylaws eider ease► can ad lases•suisa, Sad rewstOaße sabots as SOMPleSed we than neon. Ins Cea.Uaweo sod By. jaws ass imbued ;ore, bls will shortly b. iseellsbesi illradVidet Lem sad geasesrly elessistso 3 • es Wiftlllll4 till. esportpcbsese It Inn soil aid. Si SIM elses ease Oosessise• Cu.el dere lowest In Cu. Ogees. of ilua is•datualsg, wed Imre • lie*, smog of eill esqsaselsiluie arlkah rose Ishii Ws Tbs , Lope, mews 1••• Ired Is Fruit kologlo on Iseshalice dip Uels., sat essablidblar levers appalse sad permits% sq. shoo Isid Gee W. dm I. ems, bus bon tessoroei sppessistsd. ?Ss Pr iss lOW lessality spediel it slow nos Of animal coathbollolulotota, SO la base Masud co OW" the Isms of oleusiry. sod Is lad Is ISsrer• eyelid psis:wogs of sorullosesidassa. L'- , ~, •, ' Ills besedes so IS &tend fesemelt as Initially:. as tkot 9 1 .4. 0 . 4 61111111011 rseArredied es IN dente span... metssessmessougsfediessessiAsesse• Webs /Mil iii. reed ens, and etteelatly of ...rye,' Miefleolob Ti er, riu.tewibetet dew It apply 'ebb peeebes tens, int egre a. we aw fba ekeytof mineral booed entitle ' Octiase of tberMlarlsecle•,orceoeUas 'saw ofv. ftleatlti eat Peetedearusfm,boteowarlawi *fella ereml. oyes op ot with* &alb_ yet lee peat oboreefiktene bemoan Ow East sad tee West: Beddei eib.e , Wr fele wit Leo rapid womb et the tke leworeew baUt Wen. lariels of ' fetuses wee beldam., eel tbs a easeykeet ear WWI • NiWS eliteefeeAly, weak Vo aro tike establiblueeat of es Wilma. bt fag *44 .el 4 fariodoiC epee eleateree, Iteratuble eat OW lleobewo . sad tleefel maL i k m vrftl, OM of mulw.owetovary , .te do iwo ti e we y and rwe e(ey w htbeo,^ onto be be netelms. =tire s le pre feewanl JOyeral yerweonews • J•CoaWetb.B, - •• • - • • P±t-Vinfillfamku. cuttlysit, ley 11111%,t . . !t - 7- - •-• • i...;-Ad g P- Saathatrarataaaaa arriarrktrislitrattrtta Tba' Now BriaarwlNtriami Viebsaiay r Bat has bras mallard.. B4allaaortJ, Virg** Far pats; or Tarahi, Itat• Lido bee a rrahrd• Th. mall ttad barn me:aired at ifietr . Chirt¢a bat bran& Ix? mars (tom atwf,; - , • Tba tricaroar . 0 11rattaat'brta snivel In= Bra- - Ceisevapism of ure rouberge Queue. '' 4 .........;„......„:„:„.;.. t .._01..i,.. dith 2 7. The w "paler Iffpiuldi i . igin , h.:. ' leder itsiraiiii iihdat stater that Gets Crimp. hell (0. Giereial at Ramie) bed mound Jo brawl from Wish4toat did the $3,000,000 aidltorised by Celli rf.. 40N lO Irlla 10 il24pal tit. Briskets Geolerala la toirmiliii inpiet men The names of Arisue • Asiiritlia,Fhlaiiilii, Cl midst, end &ion were Rooted se them 'hotted Imo bought whh Amid= mousy. Buadm, O. 1 de le crurtlos, end Lombardia! am old to bola. corruptible. - •, - Lo Pella nye that an .wary had Ida NM?' for Vera Crux, ...10...3 by the !Boric= ciictudide r sod it is son, that lb. Glowernmeal of the Maid Staten, fireboat to boy • dishonorable pease IWO!, if It wei• %X it would not be the ant Mae corruption fonds hero bean med.. England has epuit tonere that war, end in have all die cations of Europa, sad to be holiest the !Doha thatt• apatethito,ooo we remember at me ilem. But the ghee etixy wedogbt as will term out pure flotkug—Ede. G. Calmar. Goneapeadeace of the Pittehutal, Claz PHILADELPHIA MARKET. Petteruentte,./tog. 4,7 j r. Flear—.Baloi 300 able fresh Weetern st 4 5 . 3 71 4 6 .00 pet bbk tlna. - Coeume4l—.Tne ertide lebetaat 0,35 prr at which price no buyers in focal. Wbeet.....B4ei of pod Prime Red at 118.130; Inferktr ittlo per ba. Cora . -44ea 1000 by Prima Follow What et 70e pee bo—.l* 2000 be Penn fist at The per bu, and 2300 ba Oblo at 70e per by... Wtskey.—lialm an quoted at 380 par Cottoa--11 - esket firm and quiee—prieee seltb ct cbange. Coder—The market la doll, end at &mein irn.marks b Oar—Selm at tise per ba. itzeiatre Cianardzare of Re Patzbergh Gazette • 'NBW, YORK MARKET. • f • Aug. 4. Br. • * Fkow—Denaweie 4 welling at $3,73.5;61}- I 'Megan $5,56.6,5ti. Poo of 7000 Mem ham, been telld at that prim and the walks la Wbeat mash» we at Rama imetatiatta eel we nom ..la 12000 bet to-day. tlorw—PrisnelYelLyw ie oelllo3 et 117.70 not.; 048....11ef1iag al 454 Pa ba• par ba, Ilized et 65c. per at, at which rats we! trim salit, of 30,000 be. Pmatlßks 111i1.1.3 INN at tartan gootatima. Cernmeal eta tu 112,50. Kim Pork —yitweenfiaellior today s 1 sl s t 60413,87 j pat MIL • --- • Kee leaie o .7eweeteenee ar P.o.e. ern BALTIMORE MARKET. Baltureent. T Mock market doll with a dawnst•rd tem Floor-84m 500 basil. ..a anwt at 55,73 pa bbl—o(City Rae at 4515, Ravalpt• light Weepi—Ralea airtime White at 174•137 c far , bo Prima Red at liul 15 prr Cam-Balue of Primo Vetoer at 11•744 per Oats—Sals an gaoled al 50e per be, Rya Flau—Beles ask per bid. Previdoes—Tters Is has laaaley in the rear. Conroe—Orkmor tua adrantrd Tottuse—Tbe taattet b qe;hr dell. Paw' felt Clarinaml loc %V.ASlDitowl, oo Sato rd.y, Estlbteittsbort6 packet. 'rt. Tway, Friss ts pergsftig at New 01. leans, at quo Cbipigy ELarpiftl,l,4lk Y very fall •. . . • f 1.11111111.111-11/4 . LT . T • • ,4•tei:4-4631thirArieiii,iii: A Haile litutat—Nichales . P. VAte—:Letto Balt •.1 cool Attie la Italy, &flag dietaiieloo elthe Canirral et Boior—The (Naos sad Mae Trap— A foil eacoatte of the aid is the Fifth Wed—Pees • Celilheale—The Primers of Ea. rerofaicie—Tarther Deulie of Pre= Proposal,— i mislay eataos Childreo—Wool eal the Tariff, —ak, tett of the Life of .14. Drtie--Ttelie of the Aheittsay • alert eul Pat l:mit Coel—kr food thiseieree:— Probable di ortry of • farmer ' " •'• Report of Cavil Tolle, la We . kis iitl—.Ctdr•fo 1 1 11raisfort.:-14..K.14'• Later. Lunt T el hews, romp sod Dosatie. CoomercA amorally coallood Kane. . lb" MuYes kw as pea oneak-.The prior. .• tee local city soahols-.TISs Call* st-..Tlte poet* of Americas ?nano is aro?. runs or the limos ..01stelta1 el Flew, What. Ccro ice, received deem the op•mog al the Culal—Cassi boaiaor somosia. of proa•e•—•4Brias Loodeak. . thercaa— Cops Kassa. frac tbe fatale, plin.ll/. Os Cm ol ufti:4lll%lo,4s of thefts). . For solo et less, starly or la wrappini:...: Price t coats slaelo copy. • .111,thsaisioes tiro &liars s yrar ad•saallr ••• • - • STATIC - Cin TAAL COMMMUPTUM, THOSIAS K raarlKLlN.LastablaCto, • JOHN C KUNKEL- D...mbm CAAAO. ' • ' THOMAS DUNCA N. JAMS MARTIN, WILLIAM AI AWA C.Aairrzio,d. DANIEL M ismysok AAJJ., JOHN P Cast. JOSEPH It CUANDIXII, . mouicerr r CONKA THOMAS M tATl a %lladel T hia CnotHi. DILLER LITT/HOC Bola. - KOCK= II HARD, Franklin. THOMAS M T ICAPAHAN, WnlvArtem. ANDJUSW J OGIJK, Soooset. HARMAJII DICO.T. Allefloty. KICHADDVona" • Jaw II D M rit KUIIII3, Wortworehmll. . CI BALL,Die. AlWKl.L.Nonlimene: • 1 II PALJADUIWY,I9•KmeasAno. CLIIANAN SVITII tV woos' !ANDEL A PVITIANOK. Moto. HENRYS WANK, Chester. MODER r T ram, Pdosomery.• . . Cri. $.ll r. chaa.,4l liUi•••..--41coic.x.. Tonsnow —We bed Immo . , a , P.bli. .0 ti 10 dm folummad, r, O. Wm) Doan, of Witt. amaeltla Gera Mee-1 Co , aad ado 4M. Ire 0. Lem p rand dew mln Ma Tint, tr. maid, 6 media, and hlo &name In dm hale Ledidanme. It mi aireimd Mao in tee Me lead. dig *en of dm profoaMod, bafodad the boode of omits. moat periadled,aol diflog went U. dos si "Ay: I ban to md itOortsaiagiamet *I ni.ini Paaadea; pomp riliOlidnised li he anemia emantalaidll calbart4. lien! rem's . . hair ..4siiisi -: ' *tali*. se nip ki. can; .1 ettralf is - • risediiiirfirisialfis I least*. a. ii We ' . lipipepteei.imisur aE;i2i=o2 . . arr Wit awns 'bit atilt= or oat inYtiptieey- Owedla.rp [WITS of SeVeht• perforMadklik• Cotterde dms Iyasmte desySrUl fed Wort. .. I l e coott eal=tldoy's paper. Thy ars In dent doubt the most bromierfol oo mord, sodium so bees proomeeed by buoy or ear Maiqcsable pliyeeelene. The attend and others /mere /Mrs. reessiod ad visit these st their orrerel places ehode. WA lean Own M oth eery lips the weeder - fel offense( theiMedic leo. The &m ono oared 1. Mr lease Moan, lielasty be seen Mull. between the Wore er p A. Y. Ca. M. at the Mace a( Armand k Welton. Near GAI STTIII Jo PAINTING 0111,10116 7•110 nun?, coast air. aceD wn -Ws aro mar gramed tok, aroma la atifaufar sad atiadit:oalo mummer, ail kaa. of he rearm& sb as lam Awre, eltoattootailla, Ulla Of Wing, Lauer Shoal Grea/aro, M.:tarn*, Cards, tr., ie. • 1100a_ala ilairtiala • • to any meal aiateled I. ilea beg molar, sad W Nada of Prntlagt aosawlia aectraty sad litliairlaal ...•• . . . $5,00,- - j3OO1 I S. 5,00: NO: NS iPOIIIITO CORNER OP POST OFFICE ALLEY. Tux inbunber rtepeinfidly Laorms pebtie RIX Lela.eolesetwed oneYheinne of OrnAlen.,e ANA NneE , ReIN. Or mod osistial tad eretteasselop ea will wasnut eepeNee teeny Deo( ever Nadi le Pienebegh 4er W Wes. These kande:me Deal will Ike mete lo eneseaNt, and Rennet them ea were .ented, al tee my low wire of JIVE DOLLARS CAME. CeNlesen an reesesied re tell. end exam ne We. . .iqr WD ERSKINE.. - . • WlTl i r g aTta r si Vt i ss i ll A" i t: la Itrisoaes Maw. MshosaK/Spoo. Tlssnwur oasasKas saws atasl. vslasabla Kat Kainnag nos' Use ear =2mbri. phsplas, Irlateboy Tapas./ Pri. lo 7 .l7 4. l % l =sa ".l ttgfat 1 1 1 " Kna vill. Masa hi lawman* sla h. Woe 1 , 2 Ind tin avientlav Kota ACK% argil 'saleable Kap Iva 011 sbelr KKK.; N. sumer bow nimbi.* is K. p 011112.11 ealaplesios !Ka tashrsosaws r.Chian.. Redraw' nolo aawn eD us mons we% rasalanag U. shin seen, " =, N., tisk, plur, mew AK. kn Ildeu ask*, man este* jt4 INIZIA by %An /Khios lb WI. riag r atl l nsallariakb k R 0 'ADP,. Yoe Csonland w, • • A - M 'AFT • mad 3eo1•14or bed toy u• ' Weoemenisel re, • • '. • 1 JO' XIX. • - Mr, tki/Xe:44 ment=sope met dos aeleeteiftleeta ix/taiga :unmoor yeer.loll) eoliiioutel tiler P' 1 hitt eigo ore Jo.* oo d. yowl, tolhajega PreCaucloox• meo*.-‘l•••estr rte oetrolgX: to aimed.. nog alike sow preeseeieer asp . tcs rod tueley tea dies, bee weep fete diatom oseee par Lerve.7ll le hare hem Wind se the pair, oaf, Yoked. Wien they onil 'North* them oUpee they ei• vim tee eopfemi thole so 100 Rave bete Weed Moth• LAM Comipholat .froto ploo4lkeee wino' ash; eeegkeesel mea7 <sinew te than I peX sleek eterty; Moe hoot seri meted Ind *pit's( drat la atoX: 'ooLoatel 3er• holly gatem op le Incectille: 11,10E1141d to recnioterao,./111CIONOOT W .0m let of Math imee• nickel to hog meteor WIWI% tie eldeoed all th ether epopwoo. k. at bat , You Pitts ameba de lietesalertie I eyes -d: titL"A , ....* ISM V. dery ke • et 7 foam KU ladle& of berm mot haw le.. 11111i4 11 Ale, eameleiet Were* X Nay ese vie Yr geed thew They bun isoposeelleistooei every abet 011 XWe lettliketoodien t l le • sket doe 140 Maid." eon at I aimed, mamma dos( I I Kota. kr Lim to ' 45abams I <v. Wartime Ihr merrier to UMW Pr all ID= PIX. Menotti ' J L oam %MN-4 doen• ere ed. Palo 'Won the pollie W Doer Mk pensou orbemitloOLllVlNtaheelol wit tar wed We segos lift titer porptme aol old toy 2 SCILCUI, Re X WANK bonne TWA Xil "IA Pm*. eam ti 1),c...in, rr.r4 v* cilen;higri mutt noun: • 7. • • ‘7OLCA PULED India Bobber or 111etalln Om glii; Us Firs Eosins set Mutat" 11015 E ., • • • /um Imam:tan assomento (the .bons lkos / ofaa M b to II larbsainoather' dimmer , Mkb coma tooth eb chew , / 1 Ile atom Km is mantattorsd by an satnely'smr md improved method. It bubo. setdceurd and Is marrantsd to otand bast Or obom lostleri It LIMBOS be &Smiled by seaman does It srlfes by sold. 7) IEII Ovram bts of put else .. thousands of Mt My be tonmetod. earth,* Oit. • resat Mere lid meb.aary Is In perabos..2.4 Dm Ica a drop. • • -•• . 1 H PHILLIM,II mood it wan : • denim Amats for EMba • CLOTHING—Jim pae 7 i. L•• uumuswd WWI itaLber Clashing, as klkirr: ' 3 I isms Nam, Opus, of • sapersor fnd; dto Claw: le ds Ilsua Capes; . do . Mac . . i .1 4 _•41•• • :Ikine Cosep,asost exaelleat Iluad; 47 :ibi tm s g s•uts joss thy INcle tha t L.. 3114 AULLIPB;6 •/1,04 241K1 Ail bpea /ACTT/A. Bkt Reigiaititt , ilHatraisl,tt Englami l end atlit=rseey,atal eel:ibex like wins kaa oaa•Wo gaieties la We baltdini;gumak Foptae• be verso pupas., wants a elseat sake as aa efteangEngirmer,or tattiest mg Al ackl, Ilef7; be is likewise menpmens is take tiVrt as thsper unemfaiet. if malted. be .referenes as as =ba•ee og and elate ean be riven. 'ger gentleman rep nin og *armee al wig apemen, tmpleaseg to aildnre• a lever M I.T.eanr Ye Cioae, liplial mekei, leg Broedway, New Vert, w►kb will !maw da‘ely weeded ta. . , TCITIATAVNELIipthak2 EOP my diteglosm passage haat aamberlanik to by and. hoa I pet to Umarnatille. I mos Mere told bp Us. Mans, in Bar Keeper of Ma *team Boat Comm; AM 1. tavola gin Posta br Me mar isf Pittsburgh for mu. ab@ tiCkel C1014.11(1.1 krt Vikeithsg. sad I did DOS I:ll.C.rtr NU W. mad Igoe 1.0 Om whey (May I then Mang %at I hag to pey nom before I maWget detra to Wrhog, wash took crony ell me mow I had I mom dm invitees! Public lo be Ramos of Wit Java WIWI &tomb Oto,llsllliiio. El4l:l<d MARY ISEVIRS. CATII•LINE Pemba:lmA ag3 J. .JUEL, • MITIFICIII PLOWISII liniletlllll3, Na 166 Niaik TAini Sind, • ALITZ PIM irflllt[T, . • I • PHILADELPHIA,. jj'Atil so }.ontl, and soaufat tares so wear, Anilelsl Al Fluor% PruNn , Tylason, aft/ I. C.p.:La• &he Drea, Caps, 1 11 onlers,Colmess, ee. ovary &emu Von et 'may Hoodaosklehbo wDI aim ogles lawns osozkelprket. . ti"reethen aTee, Noma, ahem!, and .heel_wsza. Illasimal of Comerile elm Smile Baloss? Find of MRS. SHARP id of • VI CLARA BRUCE—Re rejor . - • • mewl nwR. INHASS. . rrlns c.eatnea Grand Cosserk a &els% st.• / Nora !aloes,' Wean: Perhousseee• p rir; aro. es e Walser la tbe eveook, la leer pow • • C3::= . • THE et FeesolDirseiste entsbiset Tostetlip sill owes at the beese of blot dun IleParlatutee Someday the Mtn ie. et 10 &eke!. A. 31, tor the per, pees et exstaieee eel peruse ober Posy wish a ste. %lon SeToteeme la the Peblio efebeols itt tale 'Awash. The breeches =opted to be smell, arellAteeelhtz,Wef. time, Ifithseu* sad liiregrapky. There bre 0 heath:re erased: aft! liberal Toms erlll be &en-o Met of the Boertl. eig4-erhTe :10111M IIeCLUSAI, 0..'. • CAl*s* SALAI2III • HOIRSZ/I.• con • Spas of Grst nos mesas lame el blseit sass, perfeedy Lazler .l . yeass akt., at't I belgur. is Ile limas., either asstd. es taste- Tars Ike W root asat Is fast suit, sr =I P= tat tear I. Sass.. tasstot lams. ' tat.' sat ••• • • ut.uur r ENULtrIII. . 1 1 . • GS saner sa. a Sri as. 111101111111i11111111ZeTISO—A fury up/grid Veils LT/ sastud Isdis Bobber Meekine Pk II ing, front Yid IS lulus voids. Jut ...iv. sod 6, /14.. OM itsrale to_r_ . • • /it II PHILLIP'S. 5 *•11W It • sidstal by "est se cold. does am os poiloph, • • _ • IY o te Pdsu We 4. .... SA lb. of too atom, 'no radii.' is slussaud WWI is dm bums/ Ja It Plllll.llll • /nod sI • IL W. 11110111.8/11 t CO% MEW man TON WATER.CI.IIIE imn immix • —4lllinedlpenolts •rdl ad 114 • spat at oneol ok mad amse.tire atom limy nee bays Clu imulainne usasmailt utl aad bditmal SWE ElT rsWe i a i n UlT lV:47l ' C ' .fe n d7wlTH Noe Weal let. riles ii* Fringes, Gide" Lbws 1 Hato* !Skin Whaleboat., and oiler geode. bac treeiced ai &STOWS, 43 maker a. 40-1• H . ] I IMO 1 , ICIIIIIMMU-4dos lad. Fab• - • - r yr Ws PH. us Am rosetrod, forty. by.. . i ma •_ • 14 H PHILLIPS, A wood. jr ICEPINH U APPEMUNCE2I; . • Taki OH Hie L 11: ScLL aad Pow, by TS debar: Ilia da7reoei.4 4. fors., at .6 Book sad to harry. ionuebouse. -yr. , . ~ • - PHIMISON lc trnHCITHN 5 limns Co'i Mark, Lard JA Y S DA LZELL. fel imer st ,rllO ltr . lllio-41roos kr rale by • ' 3 ; • L : WICK Or areCANDIMICS - ow wood it WSW eta DlO 001•01 F ,10-7.5 hap on ••••iissoonL fa iaio 111. • 1 ''` I • WIC[ tiIIoCANGLESII /100:1,4 eolri Hon.; 43 • . do o somata ifamsi• • I do Shookloro; 'not . foa•ri . V BF.LLICRS, I I !Awn...El.: OATS ou'd COLIN -1W sett Ow 4 1 . 1 E 1 4 4 , 41 tinATZEtt "'"r;l46". - 11 g amma lLLl , 4l:l banal; La . wee N0..3.14.ekite1; ill landing froacasali. 1. mkt by •• ;• 1 ' • .18s1 , • • -.IA& DALZ EL, el water it bzi prim Waiters Ilevervi , CU.& %J. Tocrivallutd br &kit • ace & a mecarca EON, iota. -40 ions.Euta cold lam. owtol, for WJLVON .4 CO . • DO![_7 alter hes'? twilled -}1 111 Y. Wfl ACIGILIM-I bale 40 areil tßati-31•• MURPHY. W11.90N 't Bv.atiars-3 bakrailolaelk Bartn_ hums% age by a UPIPH if, WILSON a CO LIOZEICV,In.bis nyijllleolear Boner in more kw wiepy. • JAiDALYELL. Clialir7l3l="l"/WartigTP. 1A OLAlllit4-60 bele N. tillelum ler sale by Mb bawl 8 F VON IVONNIIOBB7' I CO Nifebbfq DAIMON. Watt SA 144 , 40 ieei !air ft aid, ..011111 A bold, viiit Oyu Game box. Lapin, of oar - - 6 V VON itottnewszr o Ba b assorted; for We by 77--- ' — FltIkAD, RIZEVIF:OO Pis VIALX SreJ, lciataig nom L' lLla " : 4',D'll llZlalgti b AL 04 n D APrLcs AMP Lis rresivell 4} yriissevn "cache br b ; 4mlrs r . • nit/M VI AWS :WASSILS/Winsed,-,t' ram %A goyim' SW/ blot musters of MrMaratma from Ammuf 2 ‘,) /tin lbl7, by ". a cALowsm, sag 3 . Aso p!s_cllMebt/111topc_. CrODA A 7 fera4~a and T;; . .ka . i - ztr . atittlz d st , i , ta c ki t from Ma 01.121140 ever liughuvldast lauding nod ar tallb k 111 tiIremELISSE. • •'" rei k j ; T NT ra.V:ty N ". jyal atiLura IiIICKET3OI4 • TAXTRAreltua FLOUR=4O bble bioiny Mt conotiosoab and Waldo ; • ' • - miLLER Hiczkrit-o: • boutelrlo looti - at tor solo b Pot Lois by. 31 ! • JIbIIFLOI•D` MACKIL474I:,-11.tfeicei NO -3, hu_. for We by PAW 11(1614.74-40,bblalitti Lealsiabi tbr ub b ,- /7* , - "4I,TWOOD,ICINES dt. CO,' sabb. bairnas ut sorb sad - for _ . 7 sommerelal Ab bilmbetitai batoTba i-"":WIIOARRARpri ETAL4-.100 lass pro 1, baorle7loo de cold .61 • • 4,3 llf aogsa 1.411 raw • • • • • • , g i E3UAalifiimi: ffi g! sekt,,,er,"' X ina•Malimag fainiee, recelryd . . • . IVg l agl9 ° V. bt i rsitr - 3" i. b ttrat4 l6 IN ighe by' •iwu - .+, .. -;,,, ... -J,CIUDWnut.--:•-• IM 4 #C lll3lllll L 4 ` ll X , bbli'large 2 N6 3 'isie.: , liaskittatko l - r in oars: salt fet isle py'3. , .. -. -_J own a. OD; Teals itrollibenri e' li'da=b, - 41.0te Bahian* Mann,* .1.1 " 4, 7../erlr cWie eenstrasi by • St l efolrlib ' " II A illianliksaglrard S z Z l n''''" 1'17;1.'744TV" • ~11, 1 C- C 1.,- 1 11r1Satopi 01 7 4elettkZeLlwAiMt% • same aims. easna ale 00 . 1 / 1 111.1i; ...main One eslaa bre &tr. PM V 6 .164 Catinlams awl .arq.leganabeirripliNd OM WO - WWI ' • . ItllolllllloNa co ~ v gY"Tiii"D.TlitG.`Y~s"'ilGrGr • • A 1 "."-. 40 a*kkib: j ON Fri& allentam, Ute &II UM 112&aka, _ll4O Ceelf•la Ild~fi, WM( of Woad sit Mil •#•, en Übe =Ad whiwt reeeney.l.l OH fausipen, ettobrae , •• • great ankle at alma/vow ''l rlrreaftit U ril ". 7mama'•ll\Vl -it=a, ter r titrialr:fatte Wein, Aa rntgar Cotter% amenity Nlittrt. Coen Henee C.,..117, poppy 91111•ZIO, NMI 111011111414. • • ' • Also, • roam rsomn-wk MAUI latosp•atT bras 1••• tel clacks. bo•Hrbdol fle•Hara. •. •• - 4 aE3- . • JOHN D DAMP, Aim 11 Ponilinterd.Bsild iocWilia!aboll. • ," VV TioadlY inn Lotik at U.ll, or's Notkou E....A !lopes WPM .&• Allegkey &ARO* an Cily A kaithrty. will 1a mold a quator_of nor. kW: flanintra, WMiot POW.* Ice. • Bared Oa line at Ms "Soma!, arpeg 'WO • aro ono 'entll mond eats use Pone; spriag, Gael deli. cantle 'deist Ow., chairs, la 14p., wail ands, bs• ewers feather 1.11. eat- dm / r, a Invisty a l . A qmoltrof door% naelias abut ii pasei &num btd...t doom mmtkineseN *nem Gat Wet, Le. , DSY GOODS. . • On lliaraday bonnie* the SO at lee'alneY r or the Commercial Oaks IRMO corm of Weadaaa sii atrota,mill be @sidles balasee of ea ergemeloo r =l s Wu* oathlot,ohl •*eaeral - u~proocor 7( • amalsary efanse Way eaoda enegqmmeeaaar rm bind arevommbs; mai sad paper, !nod peacham Seim lobs.= m=l. • mattatat of beasebold aad Iticohaa rangy, v ~ tarn ia* an, ants SMOCK banouto; bedew-ads; ; a e blem meek auenho fiddler bear, k c ai, glamom vanulan misokno matur ate ' raves. us ao; I tan and latratam afee spatial, eepfh.. ; paattlir of 10041 K ehoma comfy mada bee data mitt 1.,. Nome aad eellanasedatilagmadoll Warman; tee eolltIY: taP GM lota PIM Waal boob: a groat variety of valaableAalleallaseese budiu. Mar; duns at. . an: atoiefmy. "e Kea toguas Lou at ON Kites:lay shernaii,the 'hp 'day of o'cick, mill be sold at the pteadreli,. • • - . ilee:selvsble baldig- lois,* 01444 iii . the and or thls cite,. the oath eide of Seeped st,„ one the Rolla/ mill; a plee of whim. pay be Sete and any lidenstales that *y bedsollal Op Le; . Terten—thas f. metal payment., 0404 be isa ir Qr7 bo" and morI•PIPL •.• JOHN k.DAVOlbArea.• A DAN IMITEATIOA. Nownstio See "el aft% dui ' MITA • , Pllllerilhqll. ass at f it ." o . oo nwP An; sm.l us. ronaaNk Pone= bisTraZiaitaiWiliiiii . fr p.eZ,l= perimall wok mei won despaldi preeldaa will alga.Vioulaa qmaysillor. sad dam asa - Err ata likeemass - - MUM PRINTS ONLY: CEDAR ST., NEW •TORK: • • • •• LEIS Val 19 1 11$10, dat Pan; pane ar aapplylag the Cal aad inforiaaTaalairedi P lIINTEO CAL10011:6 xxcumvaix,tt•.:•. • • kw pnean—aad rabbitlas. as a/I ammo • sba year. Uka_kagian Ammo d n la • • • • • THE WORLD 2 - • ,TUT** now entail* Scioto Ilendentrieb4e;,' toodeung ..ery n en style a Forego and Doseatie maanies, maay arida at. not to b. band 44. . 4 =Lool f. tieja . .rat been =Wed, and ann . • raw= &Emit:ElS!' "'"•': • ONE TO FIVE_„CENTS . ...; : —::- \ Ftl x i gde wet Asia uo', •' " • ! , Ay' rook. .7.5.0100. $ ; NEW GOODS, roa PALL ralba tus , son: DLA . ccww, wurrmioass ClaillaßTA 77 lritlisse Lawny, inad IF Lary eava, **Moe On , rre.rhaf bY aro', '.nivsl, .6 . l*Siiii •Zs .Far Wye immoral of thy Goals, Thwy.bae, _bade arum...rata wader bee•atry terreblaaablerabra, aa meagre sad aastrabla meek *raged. br FaU • fly roomer. ablparbeterriU b. 'beaked Übe ma 0 1114•24 1 , 71b!..r die EbrUelibid rteallarii ara onlists. . . • - .Tbcr usoruaenier lknaratte'lkidaiwill totkprise ate ry ayie 1.11011 af , lie,imaels of all"er -vritiebvillibeturetedansioodeumutioAabaigiiizr • English Cloth.-Wool sad Mee Wes, and Finer Ettots,of sinless qualities end superior tintd ud!o Muir ing, Id Um beta ownefactat... ittneriesn.Cksgs Wall descriptions and goinna panes , Casainterea newel, and "Anwrican,- erssperior erg]. and paurrs.- - • eavvre, Phsettings, and ether heavy ssoilleas. , Twe e ds, wawa, geld. tur., - and other fine, Pen: , . datinein and Pnlrd Chtths ornieredeseripwav •; Vendor-Gear vehnetontellen velem Wear:. stn, Pansy Satins ted Bilis from km se .. Velvets, Mart i brown,andaiherfatiey shales. . Serra. Bath sad ,fenep kir and l ie: `Wormed Bergen Ofall gnilltlei and more Ellenien.,l9nglishsal gaswieser, Milk., had wan BindlagaTtneads, te.ar..•... • 'And veratesether new endrisarrablegs, vavOted.. to went Wear. , /VEW.TOgir...l,ll4lles;-.' nEltr ti/OEJIMENT l'kr IEI AZLE I 1.7 . PROM the Reg ASA M e Ptin OEN, ti torwtiandu ptrw, War Clammier" ef IkestaelklentedinCln undersigned - having bees enticing dutinrenpur ,Wieurr with a disease ard...6.m.ftb,..taffli.... k pea .doelaggreat pain id Um Weenseh (earner metre haws Witboarinternistion, and after kavlng Wed :mine rewethes with little wreaking" ranshivelsel hk • intake; of Pr Dingoes Cartsaistive esteem. , TEls kassidne. yarding le Ike dlretnions, end toned unrarlahly Oat this sedieine sexed the puns:ae inducer', kistign, utea, and. In Oren II netreutt:taluineareery wteur Sensed. sr. =help quirsed, The wade* win ar , .. newer& Bled whenever bawled. Orkke sypreteli er pain wen pe tveised, arid therms wan thereby peeves, ad He atruituted to are We nedieine every evening,. and sonsinknes to the morning. and to • st.' Ww ,seeekq - health wens. the teetered, Walla sefirer,sing retie* ed ham a large aessaut .f eat Prate OZ.' potence, Wangle, he eon eenlidendr mecesaeng Dr' Diane 's Carmitusiee Balms,' as it spnergesedkine for dismiss orthe "Lauri, end bewsta . .' , :d.ritilplE,:: Sir sale is Pitislargh at the PRIVIES. RE rg Foonb 'awe:, near Wood. and Alsip miss: Dreg thete Of It P !col W4lll7,.pedonal street.. Alletpteni, =11:11 RDECEIVED at II ♦ A blioess—Do•Dote thetod: . aln, by like.tey,••¢Delfealbe Goadder's Wife • Illanived 14, of Oenoral Wisleld Seed, Colima devin-Chief of de Army - di Mesita, eiabrlebrei foil deaeripdoo of the Capon of Vera eke:, to k 4.. • lbo fluidics Of Abe °age; if ' , MIMI • Oboadee; by _ Hanoi ar t thebtelpe.a by Om alaboaof.Lalaa: tar The Stearn Paistaa,bP the amber of !Oita Vojta of i Palen Erma and the Secret ; - Camber Cjebamais - .NO Dtimbey No 10. .Also,Damabil• t evottrel cootiirisiotthe Ora in ausiDetsrforttleanta,ll) amt. ben complete the meet • Fgabtrklemea; a Raman calbob , b Sion , •- - The Untaa"Mualoe' fin Atirezt. eotbelliated sok , tier ioJelyNO—Fuhwat Plate exereteele geott. Felt eale at 111 A MINUS; tbalabekbaaiddaserram Harper. &,..4piaaabijai .eitiollaatlue, JTrieelveat sad Maio by J 1. READ. lib fa - Bonats NOUNOCItM WI" ..g101.."1411".."1‘ • A'seleetionof Icadiat ciao ap . aa 02iaipeteb Lay M d e c id e d the &preen Coon - • • • pprima 17.-to — 1; !!!" f 'kr u -1 .aComperbar of blereamile La*, by tiro btui Vicr. Soli*, greatly caused Ma Mictatiaitt En; ea Edition, byJas.li Holman and wa Claim: I Pau Du, Loa. SWAIM.** Doug or r/1102 lb* rith away, by Mos g l ault i aadrot °tilos ejty gat Soltan, etc, bacatifolly . ela abcd.by nate -cm moo D Lirea - La t i , Perisio.",__M" , Moil* Goyott,bgethet *lama tooccou*. of the payola lately nod ni Naas optainat ef.Yeaet las, Arabia.* of Crobray, by Tau. C Vpaya.! ater ; New Let"ofPliumiao ;1 IcLISEEK bu hurt, " , receire4 tbetAgknyint beW . I .l•Ptanagwluck will be KU Now Asa taw M bulk; in the ean:... Oualeguilsaargans : Chit,. Now - refit of /mu Icinkfiu*--7-7,,...0r osp,..ittiliety low pneed••- ski= roomood Plane. /41 , 4e.br vitantar. eart.;.“.eleauxt by bin as i issoo at anii.eya pme . tits Wass It Is Ca eery -pia* vi. 7 amnia*: •• ' luldes. a umber er siberre an'priet• sad sr; imams tio.amesitum esleinitatimrfestett 83.3n144. at J Woodman!. 1, • I • ---: PROPOSAL* helleezdeed bythe:Wpayilailmaluas ill Ass "...Cif of Allegbeny; seal lleadery, gib iasesatol 4" o'elooko, sib fit enema* aboal 000 Tads or an is' Aal Jae the Water I:llambeaseed lbaadallae ford. Ea. =tot A ri ts , r,For laylag abort . 1111rporebell Of ftellY*11:1; iad tho l gter grizr er i ttor r Orar: Propooals er be sealed and endowed 'Proseassla oaf Water. WertiVilad 101 l withal/. A allamhEaglaose, al Platlestblilfiney Works. Abel. sal lit". tions can be lIEVIRS*IWYja 7'41;0.4 iPreperty Is zairmitlaysir AL," doweriber arm Ibt'siliik Ms *in MANZ TENEMENTS, mr47ll : pereSoiripimemidi itg and oiler analkay ildausimistims. skated in the tillage of H ril..M Vidsbagik. Th• eNne Mied SNOW prIVIUSI WU. farthardBlll6lXlo.iladjuiciiithaat - ala—tomt. ism broahi by goo - • ja. .. , I , unmet , : ._____ ll .____ ; ' '.; - . • r ,is 111111,1Frrrilla Ulla . ~ ~ :. ; . i ; „''. I ; i ' 1 1 . AWL UNE, . d ri a r Ana pa• eira 1.....1414 ca! i Nesters As fireet.' verf SW tell:‘ . .n.lredlwerm. kw Chß VT-ko —isse serried a atike, or e osse 'rattlme team rjle per . The balm win I+ the ha si 1 street porno*. le .:nisr, br titt 7 gar sottledirkt sod settle( pureness es es, ter. ,Le sit isuserek.. reef sum ! ,, s 1.,., 4, Je4 , essess... 4 1 . . 1 :: . . . ._, . ~ • .--- _ , . ' ' • 111I0XDAT t IPACICILT. ' 1.1 .4 1160 XONO.MUCLA,Cspa. two 4 ,..._11=raiat.1.10 woni; tN rs l. K .t., , ..- PiJEaSDA.TPAUIt.I.r. ••* n snintima J. • . *. ,aarr ,Nosaff .st..r Y , . . • • WISDRICIDAY PAClagle::" • ",- NEW orsoLANs. L. eft.) , Piednialay. ainias :es ii . e`il3..k; imitiVellasohy at !or P. tluntarkurmnireatiiir:" ni`insaaragegifte&A 0.4,4"11W:""' r ala rr . ••• • WEISEMY.PACIEIVEY NA S. EspitlnevortEll... Ras sopmessey MM.,' ambit 10 Maack; W ivir tri i iiii i nelagsiliP.Ml:,;4 . .... • . b ; ni rats a* 'var eseaday. in *Odeon WeftEall• , . lIE/LDurtszvrtAV PAcimr • •-• . • • verinsi net Tysry Binds, manna • %%wag dnery iimier swine ill et El MIK I . 4,11222A C 411 : 2 22111111.4.2iNurr,i, mum arra. J..elsi. aolv.-..ftiminui., a be VW Or_ _aS UN assaasne% Om by .111 at. 2 TOM s" .../.."___...Nes I . ..LTA, ..` pIUNIIMICUIfateI Arai tri book to *la ararlwin m 11214.1116 ann pu; IZlve...hva •44• RPH9I;II tansy Wei Ulu, an aduktaaikre,liasitasa. Akidaddaadidr !Wks D4be kale al Ye milkman et JAMB WWI Vak VS modal kl cat haat eiiritsaar Damitaxaina kJ II tetanal le bid re Wel aad Woes Wakeman • 'Moak gapekdd iutiekk, ikr vale y Naar mall du Oa. ediddrOadadeldtaL farm/ (mak , • naUIIITL• 801/P arUI weed twt at Br aioa r t.a: • U Uttalf,_th ft; arm day al II 0"< loth The knit. ot Tartta_lhatp ant patuulany iftwitea. as. llamer ataLL.,. L 2 X - 01, Oat AWN ,l~fil!'a~recmedWie ye ,M11.11111.11,1t • •. ._" NA. week 1)14 - NSW et alhaal •SI etaila _ . erir ne saw ft ralAi......_ l4 4 l 44hireratia..._ • - 45()Zullt?.* gat rim for "at.. be . • .• !.. • . e--isa mix a rusty. , *. bob by mcxy-V CO7 - .err tom, ...IVMX"--23)11.-.4,4 by it 3 . 40. , 8,7 1/0 d. 1007 II I 717; 10 de 11418 Par k II:4 '41°1.- areetritisur fn. ,, • 4 idr Ni . • mad • • Iniaa Matt* 'la az. rtigkosysaism, Ibl ib nor=e ‘POUtenet in; l'ionoo. , - I•Deelat u ra at =visit= re &fend brach '44 4 .4 1114 watt war riicom—okors ' LP te iNt ,1114,1•JoibT . pezkiform. dmls minim/ at sourcitifiucxervoto fta "f4P!ig ii , g e8 :447. et . a 1 ": 71 .7 1 ": 4 ' w 'Ludo/iv W..,,,CRlMbaithatmw Zad • te•7l---. .o,lleut week j a11 ".." s* Vs si n r " • Mit - "Ma Nu. by •nrhalld.s. beak% .• • . 21N 111 P h iwifiraiteer , 100 /• . • • k• . Nan azdelt ‘ T•11:-/ye• 1 " . LB ill.Tra.ll.).Pi . aY—S• sea Iszelkilii sale low. by • P 03141111111. 0010bauttime_ b7":"."P' ?MK a.l L • Wals fru! peoWl s: 1.8 WAITMLAR • A • TS IL011)14,10 to:!!lii2libe. AODtc~'°°°u" ~+rw brwmwi..aaMl~ asa~r~~~ VIZZEGIAII-is 101. alihn• • .. Ky.• h r by Jr 4 „irAntamor' .I T =! li9 J h tosa.d.lama rcesivea . /ULM' 111C0111604'. Diddit4B. l •■.1 3, 5'.u.102, sale & yrjr!!n!".!dlb7 • - Haitirlltl" ybm Ea! steak Its": SlZlgfi.Ll4l;!i_ei em:.l.o.ut.eka,ts:tvpmeu, 4...L.113MLLA,,,N6.,!..A, • iitr, . BE7NBDL -iOYrw..J recefie! rile .. NION tB~7TEq. REF/NED Clisopb.i.-11 biloprovertived, for rate try 16 /606—.7310as Cka;eoil, 1i. , ..4W6i!e by fIoPLAR w i»a mfgßokad - PL LAI°IOII. Eia;MzE ifiFll7lC p Wick; on Zediremiat,. sad• for sale • by the greaspai -the "maim, wleate of jAOO4,OI{AVEIL _ - C bar, ;.4/11 , boNsai .. a 4.0 _q_kgls,"itikj_tot_ts:r_ co N NNllloll9Tirco - 1111,—.21 br =. . La VON sominuesr & co mrtessfteseoti6j i _tee , hiumi Corsal. by, 0121 / ,Zobmie BRAWN h. 11 ("WHOM GiUnt*ki ucV.tmrl e' V~J IJfB- = 71 H71Ui ittliTsr Arer: val"-iutla,titzriiff&tr m. forsate WIIMN . 1410 Nam ilukadel - br Ht.:n u t:l ehtina • " 11410tOnZ13-411 -o .x4r JrZ9.7. '!wViti mi7g,e.otc!.,.k-tbrimuzbee;._ ( i..me`n 110en . ; ... N.d.t or" iala by - 410 - • .i.1,11c Co Li heritsi QtfortC . 111{5.. Ter italgr _Lunn ilmlLlVulry. .13. 1 mte WANm_ _ sad acqualpiiid'aridt dm Drill", dEm'atthie ogles: Iys7-at RAW Will!sygY•4lXlblgs raw Nash_ br JACOB wAy' Vim 76 :0 1 , lIT7 " ' w . Inisectrreriae +. • N u be a l b bat egill " kePir - .WON tio twoO, I aI mute s . 4sa?ffi!iig for•salt;,' • BRAUN a iBITPi wiles& fnmta Sal lealgTiASSalit id* bl 4. &4WD.' figIaU T C ; 4SSIIIkMESLAWIt .atbri Wok kester 711%..1'.,117111/IUIWHY Iyirritpitaitifotiokwhiatimittier y .5.142a,x-u'"i INrINEIKOO' MOW*, - .11 1 / 4 “ sar Vlugs Ibire• ef.....14614ket Willi _1 11101.0( U.* w EAVEM. 121/016bis 8.11., Jul realied 1!1= 6 11er Mil Orals ly X U TON 1 • - of de J'CrP,L ' L,P a 44T v' e ir, pa;u:wm;w! urAp Vgam)(lo64atikalell'etyielbi le.gt asyyPE 7 4,10 .Vp""r o ikailiari •-• 0r,1 . 0469 . 011 rev 11.41 , • - • • header 1 1:13:4-11114b Itikasei o 4 i. w• *. Ter; 1•W, 1111131•1111ry • • ' • ""1"4"! . . MEE "(DiVBS. fit*zi0;,.:.,, : .,•;,..:,
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