Ataveriaw... - W ; Lowe City utisston.L.,B X Milk. 'J(kiii,R Lecke. Tali, G W Malrby. E , J Kinney. ghby—l'Eddy. OChagrin Falla—L Rogers. M Stiarns. • SGregg,-W - F Day, TWipsburgh—A 1141, • Hadarin- 7 - . 1) PrOvair. I - • Charrion=h4 - H-Bettm, Bider, Cuyahoga M Brown. i Asbary Serums:y-0 B Balking,' Prin• 'Wrirresiliierrict—H N Steams, P. E, .-.Warren 44 Betn tracerille—E B Lane. Tagg. • ' W Clock • P D Horton „ 7 , ,:,Meaopotamt a —J C Ayny P liVindsor—S C Freer. '' - •,-Paskrnan—A Reives, A Walker. Burroughs. .• leatown—L Clark. „ Edenburgh--C R Ghapmau, J L Holmes . E'llaivorthA-Norton, W Sampson. j'YoungatoWn , and 'Poland —I- Noma, J T H Cummins, su Kellar, S H ubba rd, -Hartford—J McLean, H ~Afeadville Distriet—B 0 Plimpton, P. E. Grabarn. Conneautville--A L Miller. -D M Stever. Spagertown--J Graham,•M'Hill. Roekville—D H Jack. • . • W<ius6elll--W Pauerson, J M Plant. Geneva—J-Lesley; W Frencb. ' Steadman.! E Aikins. , Guararas-0 Brown, S Heard. _Balern-- 7 A Callender, I Cram. ,'.Morgan—H J D Norton. Greenville "and Clarkaville--B S W M Bear . {4 :Allegheny College —gr w Cla rk, c Professors; M C•Briggs, V- • - Agent. lit - ,- ' , .4.)1 , .1 S . . :, , Erie Dirtrier—J Robinson, P. E. • Erie—T „Stubbs. ' McKean—.l Flow'er. Kinsley, John Prosser, • D Preston S S A eat • :1 1 17ie sley v LI; e--L D Provaer. lu—R Parker. • : 1 7/, Ciatia4y:r D Bhnn _ G Miller. H NVltallen. S Sullivan. B Lloyd. S Forrest. , • W ii tts borg—Alllimebaugh, A Barral. spring.Grunk Mtasion---J W Wilson. ricofield. IVllU*Creek ias io n-W S d' la•ettwwt Dirtriet 7r arias E. J-L taker, H Hildoore. Randolph—l 0 Rich. -001 dapring/dissiori--S,A Handerson. N Henry., C S Jennie. H Trickiste .Forrestrille" and Villunovt--A airless, I. Blackford.. Sheridin—H W Beers.. • . . Fredonic—.l E Chapin. •. • Portland-4 Uncles. . • • Warren--N Norion. • • • Poungsville—D W Vorce,.D King. Keniva—J B Hammond, • C •f " ' ";, , . Franklin Dutra.' t---W Hunter,'--PI E. F. Wilson.; Luce. 1 . • - • Oil - Creek—John Van Horn. Plunsaniville—W Afanks. S Winans, II N Chatubtalain. I Dlinionville—G F Reeser, Vint Wick; ' ShippppeenavtUe-1K Hallyck;J Whipple. • 'EA,— • VVAshinguni:— A Wilder. yz Clarbiaß•rAf ißear Curley tlle-J -' I • Bib:l4m n d : • Redbank l; • Wrigglesworth,-E•Hull. • Eidgway ' • Mercer—fE - • • Edirirds.". J Lynn. • MCMMI ... - :'-1.: , ,'.;,:rt: - .•`.0,,::.• .-t-..i.!..).:-!•:::..7::,:1-- .. T.t. - ; , * l '.':;-•*•‘,:,.::14;6:!•;:-:'-ft4-', ..,.. ' g,. 4., Alt• - tt '4:l-4:-• , ~. 4 411,uireil7V4 :•-•14;. :•,1 ,i • y , •." ,11-I::.frFt tt-'VOY ;.sirco . ..+•4..t.r.i ., • . : „V".. 1 4-: -, t , •111.:',e.,.1*.e',iz ~ -.:442'7. , - f..:.ri1 . ,'• ite: ' . .14. , 0. 4 z•" ? .:Y: , if ...-c' 1 4, ~ .1..,rn..744 l e, '1 .. ....!5.:0::,.. 3--,. , - 41 ,. . ; : ; :q. - if.P ~..i-,,*- ..:14- l. -..--..:,....,...':&!:.'-‘: "AITc 4- „, - 1 „1.,,..i...i..4•ci,-;::4 3 ..,.4 „,.. 4 .,... ); ........: I.e *.: 1 1,,,,:Q1 . 0 5'4 114.14t4W 1 r 4eiii•l‘r,y, it rr, '? ,k, .c•- r ...,,, 6,i, .0," ~:;,• ,-,..,, 14041-t, *,-;41 1 . qif•Al 1 . 2 :11 . . ' ~,,,... rtia ,q 4 -, " 1 1 , -1.144.5cx , ,....1 5 - ,- fi.W-t1 4-x1.:1 4 2 1, ;;;;,..- 1 10 :...).-,. i' k I ' t'i" . •4 litA 2 o l : 3 . ' \ 21 : ' 1 1 • 2. a Zaa s re fr;t*Oii . .' l • 2 l:ie 2: r .2 )...Ct;: . r r ^,,,24.: )-• C;: '" V S4 ' Y„..,' . fan ifitletted with itetmS es cell,' As her Ls paid •• Thsaftec w. the ITeng,gaLyolte,mpeedily mad •—:4l"isidker ajilisousee - 4117014dluirletifa merthl " :2 l .l=l4 fin a.M. riViak..7-t.WV.VII, pan " 5 41::Xtliatteast wick. got tau twigs. AP iiiNW .miryr tba.e dicta sub tie Inn pr e 411111101eaylpiocio of Oponalottot;, deal I bate beta goornual Teen tritb • blosekl, mews of 111 0 1 10 . 14 siilir.p.nwou a 1 rediciae, mil I . DR. DUNCAN'S expIFMTOSANT 1 larro bop at* tido valuate! redieme ....r.orrV•mail jptits, tot always tad U r relieve ode, t.412641•110.01' LL lti oetAmi.6,. a. at ammo*. 9Fr..7l*.M.#lll4loiitioila about *bumpily osopt, osmoses L.E . 7 . l!:,WW*imokt du", to teeetalivery &lamb& lotto I oil oat. rim* tooettloe. I tamale. telt Om ~tare co makln ratto amen, lbw otbet• sifott ir- ea WWI Campo of the loym W ozpotiontat organ boit 'times a dd. WUI beallog nosodr," 4•1•11-ato leans& I have mooomendett 13i. thstateo "••••••••wilate•dy to must of ap , ftiotrhomoe of . . . ^ 4 '.. , i'a."1. 4 1 , - . `'. • ' , ..1:41)....11-tS.7l 4 riz.t . . - s, • ;silo • 44044 404:i. IA E 3 HMI? YKA4jAssnevisi•St Or shore arGelsa ise,44; also JaaslarlOpekteneas, was res.& Is perry areArSeareerat Sirsos "ay sail spa as 4 b• Oa Assmius Innis. hued Is As &berg • 11110Kersaliat esaii4SeaSsinsd : 7 :Airo . abeam, iiimon Dr. B. See, as; Fro, teChnoleilltes 4r, Mr.. Lactser, Aa 00;4 Ssibsst, ; , Di et s•LiraPirVilal"" diry osr,•2 Ware. dell SI • try • WIC JACKSON, Lawny • of Wardrarest. astattlAT - —• . . ' , . aly , ,-, • -- 7 ---- I • ;(` r' . RIR WWI st pApassa ••• slow. et lie Ng* :,..s .....gphimikei., ew , stm., illearty. Um c -, : lima. as orse kat Skis, ase kg all mho* disfs• ..,... of shs 11., Wes slogs sa trams! seeirteamaSs .; lisp stss deism, aria L baJAD Smola Avail., law ',...,5J.m., syss,..., Tas, and /haws du seise a dark „y. , :mdleer, art . 2 ...±........ Miro Vat tballaland "A°7177}741., 4.3.1. F , sale by 13 A • Waif iss sad KY sae sae was °ma r al .emu ." "--41 54 ‘lll/414,' h Ttairiur- fitly. 4=a,a....1 2 .. r. p.r..c..t .=1:: : • , Utile *sr . WA tor * TVAftnt,ElS Lawry : • •••,' di rb. sr-sais sad amen 0.04 h. 1 o ~,..eis...itiam, iw all mks."' or, assmotyym ~. aarrarabld :rem al. Toecal Or !druid nerds, onvellaillaridl, arr. " - Swiss. essta.r i resk Aseiggeet , aid drdark all gaol I edam .;:. litail • r Jwiet, " . • "i4•ol.,Lis .w I ~ ..L.....: ■ • 4 • • • 'BRE , • AKA LlNAXWlrrobrzbe prpokimillareem,...„...„Tusiz; Igraskittst„.4.,-,;,;;Lheig et& swidik, • I ts: z .---- " ,-400 Pl e, m9• 411,231111100 7 41 " , - ". thin Atisi itrer fall is the Mint 3-r pdTata,praimoacy IMF •Per a q ..r kl..W. Olt as. atom at spe•dr, pen*. :o „ 4 4l . oi, Z 4 t= a l= n sm -.; all th arLilerr wuhdelfau, F 'l4 : l = 23l7 l l iP M:"°' ll=4t* i siv,..." Hp. toze rg eo : oz ::: = 4 , l3se ,:z . cor .o.dmil wanatß itr=.d.a ol , l: :. , e t. ,.. , i t 1i=z=. 4 ... 0..... .r.a.r. , e ar, .... *me itu!wlrimetemilk.rsOmy sol4 ' 01l :1,..,; „..,. •.„,-._6 4 . ni"..i..l.4,issitessiselturkav e V. --y .. .5 . r.lre WO= is ear .., 0 ,, . very miusesetam In p tl be give n mtel * them ead p,,.....„, -•-•• • la • cantfialdhomb and tz-t--• ' •____ .P4°tadwklela/fiti•lic Har=in a ' ' '". r! .... w . of Ile. &Thiry ems dais 0 'Mkt' G R EAT • IS O f y . ER*. I Zlkkgrodllonther _ • Gmens, water Liver thniqu i d at , repining Mimi,. Diatiadry ofkkeedther,- -• Pens us the aids and 811184 Ed=loo 6, 11 • ilean,lnfeeamendsJunkesi mime. 1 . -, • ken Thniati ...1111Dds114. XII d6e44110( the Throat Brew and - , Lengsikke noes drama' end inDLSWAYNES compovsp VITNEiI SYRUP OP i wiLsi CJIRBItif Ananias SATING e—aeed.with for the enandedul care - peefonned bypector Swathes Celqiessad-Shop of WILD CHERRY: • ' renciuntrina, Jaen, p, 1840., . Dr. Swayeei,Dear Sir" In juatith to yothaelfand a deity I owe to safernee bassinity, I th eadsemileg mostraj teaklusoif, -. the ekeelum in. the world e .meat astonishing attests, and the !great cure' that Compound Syrup of Wild ebony performed earns,' under the mast unfavoeable eutaiketsseen: IWO ekes with a „violent Coagh, , Splttieg or Blerid:sie , sere Pains in 'the Side 'sad Itreall, which seemed to break down and enfeeble my eonthitutithArthst ! . my physician thought My ease boyend the power of medicine, and my friends all gave toe op to die; bat thankito you and the effect• el your yea discrete - ry, I now feel myself a well man, and named from a mere skeleton to as fleshy and healthy a man es I have been for yema, and thaillse plithied to gleeney information reepecting sty cam, by calling m. toy • resultheeehanie stneektbieditherbilow George street, Northern Libettlec. 'Janes Pollthrar 'Niamey a note reemattifnuat 'al/ 41setryerk The following litters are presented with. thew al more All thesis; the opinion@ Of Physician& In telatios to the Medical Sallee of Dr.'SWA MK'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF-WILD CH BRAY. ' Dr. Swayee—iDear Sin 'Having need your Coen., posed Symp s of. Wild Cherry extensively in my' practice, was reuithoted by yearlAgest, ,Doeter Crotches; to 'eeriness My Opinion' In - writing edits properties as remedial agent, I moth theirfidly comply, as feel by no doing, I will dthehmge a debt I owe the commaaity at large, led rhythm:is ,in particular. As much . I detest! Qat& Reese. dim and Patent Hoetruum, 1 was 'Mated • from a Wore of the mat potent expectorants, 'seem_ mooted in our matena media In ;some essosof Diseased Loop, to try year preparation of .11.11111 th -Virginia or Wild Cherry. It m sethelept testy that I the so memblemed with . the result of th at and uthenquent Islet ., that I sow prescribe it in Feder thee to all other Itemedien where u!ospectoraot ii indented. In the much dreaded, Fneamonia or Mew" of the Lam, in the alanniig lone ldwhich it appears in Kentecky, I regard it 21 , an invaleatde the treatment ofthat who kith, me I bath mud 'snoopbut as this may he seen p bEersons eat of the vicinity of Franklhrt., b y add, th at 1-turvakeen orgasm! in-an ;stale CO 01 lay . i prorOwdon et yeans vied am a Regular Graduate Transylyania, and this' is use first Patent Medicine I ever thneght tnotigh el, to captor au opinion in writing. .• J. H. L0u...,E M. D. janiary lth, 1847. Avails County, Ky, . F aaaaa is gy.,Jareerhh, IW. The above certificate is ithea one of ear Physir ekes living a feremileslthen here, be isduingg spry good prating, and era considered a go* Physician, and stands fair; he is , as he nays. a regulargraduale. DR. W. L.Catecitthe, • • Demist and Apothecary: r From Temperance Pledge. Now that Winter ne upon es with its urethan train of and ihneebialalleettons.Coeyhe Colds, du. Sec ,the would advise Meth *Ahmed in this way to rubs immediate trial of . Dr. Semple'. compeued Syrup et • Wild Cheery. 17 will attar Isil to .perfe Put a permaaent care.. The eeputatiou of this eardiethe has caused Maly spurious arueles to be put thrill ender its name; but the preparation of Dr. Sway"; Widen being the fint ever 0 4eten to the patine., is the only one that cam he relied .7110 other - mineral said ler- Wild Ellie Syne?, Balsams, &c., allthariose and 'sad Cootain none o the moth of the original ties, Dr. Swathe'. Composed Strop ern Cherry. ' i . From the Springfield Expreen„ Of the themakels of imported culathreenothrtho eon before the hablie,, bat. eery Few rues inend tr possess the bean sinner for which they are to commended. 'Among the hitter we ern peened' it learn none stand a better test Utter Dr. Swathe% Composed Syrup of Wild Chewy. TI or affected is this vicinity, are beginning to me it, lend te Oben joy they find in its me thee hope.. based epos . Ito tecommeedadena ZOOM this realized. The dinned need not despair. While there is life, there cowls _ A —,„ - A— .ONTO:THE PUBLIC. • 1114 — Sisee the bunidaillon of ay istiele to' tbs magic, there hath a member et 11/Itid hadi. iridaals got op neetrems which they assert manna Wild Cherry...nee are milled -tElabseni,"cißitteta,' sod even Syne of Wild Vieth, bur thine es the 0141041 and only pereike prtharatiodercr uttrade cert . to the public. widths= be Plinth by the Pub' lie Become 01l the Coethnsewealth feesthiraaini Tthsonly sateen* wenn_ itopasitiesis to sine that my Mgr-alma is on each battle. ' . ' swA irrit.. Prei , ared osly by Dr. Dft. at his Priam. pal Office corner or EZOIIT aad Simi Streets, Philadelphia. All Wild l; bans 1.1.1 fictitious and counteifeit.wlthost his sigestunt i . For safe io P arholossle sod Mail b .1 WM: THORN, as strata, OGDEN & SAO %VOSS; emoar 2iid4. Wood sta.!. S.JONES, 18D Liberty attest.- - Sold also by 12 ditebelljAlletheay Cifyi Stid Cam & C - ,,flo.otter; Wearer Deadened, tr . . cer; Norma Calendar. J 'Herm dr. Co.. Sties lal'Kessio & 'ort... , ;t:leretand; Deals & Sou, Col.mb.. • Millrr, mar/ilk; Musk Meeks& Va.; g IS Hisitiab,a,linitMstl,Ohiaiii De G Sasterty &Cp.; St. Louisa Miere & .Co., Latinithe, Ity4'Andrer Miner ic t:0..„. Dow Or- sertkaubt ndint c***, **,:samo, *C4 blikk*s Inkatial 4114 Weep OW Wert * side, Illatkial *km*, asp Arks baize* 14¢ *1444,4 ift4 asainkm * le*Waigokiram, mo d. n 41111. - 1. all * * lir* an Oba *wpm , set *kb b aft* • Tbr Rpm* .4 44 romptin,*ll44 *My rowdy, *Sak 114 etpdip4ookeywoor 41441,4 *lly km* **l4fgalica* ; Ikfias lamtilythillk*Dis'444% 44 , 4344 opte atts *oh.' am** 4 - 6141 - 4* ly anal sad 4444* 01 , :khe .4.4 m 424, IN *kr .; 1.44,5117g. 4 IV 4 . 4 a Um/Aft of Dr.' 1.-.1114 4.l4"*Ji 4,447 odtpai* , 4 idlkkki ‘19 ! ..r f i 1t• i n 1 ar,122414 . 1. ZI • somp Yeekatibliki. , . phrwit 4 yway **ft, Dr. kreikerslsl4 / 1 / 4 *,14. 4 * : Art etn fa Oa *miry agar,* antkiemal ikullowbos map* it, k 489.414 sip* itf, Aoki bare Iker. 11**, 1* an* 411**, , it* •• Nar t*1..11.0* shine cain, I* on at: rrnr, pronrm arktkok doly th, htio=ar kir.—The '44 - kw** Al* 1.14* the *An * 44* km 14e ay* nhoble•pe I 614,1 *fly Irkk s*** &Lk. 4)", * l. 'l meny a* ark, son or .4* *ft ' tI4 Cll4 Wier 1444 4144 , mu* 4 1444440. • ' toid**4 **II IT WM, I N .atlas i; ftt Wanicem*ll* 4.1 May N. II Llkrey krid,.44114.9,* ritabwils• • Prir Sl4*' lurtraro as taw Hair Ova; sralalalitro aalels dor Ike GYP* army aad esioralaa et Oa Hair. ibis Casa, grata sue Skews gall Spersedi War y .racles of Sail Ic yror aryl. Mane the halt in sts.a.slas huuthrfre is retie atm a kw app Ira make Oa Sir lalr IlaCdttk. mad sls It • bradhl • a=se.g....stral a i L:La ir ie . lmaiet as bream.. ants fro grorrally asd. Every lady as/ e gawks= ebb art is Wu. efromy ea. at dm, PUG abooLl pi ss pashas ■ baste of Ise Chlaroe MU Gnaw. Sietlepowd fiat I I 1•1111101 it** the heir lane -slaw seporadaasp arta beastly 11, sad gm, palest .atiataelleit ••Par, ' • Tat pralemy lona very amule, aaaliats. or. Ur I *Wynn May am Res Mt. Caldwell. la Wyss Ifeaderllee it Fueled. a:LaMar, Gaartal Are Ells IN revara tbe !Maas : Lefty how the ltao. LCYloelr, Parer of 11. Pre*. ir was °aura PalaskL tarns. Illendoloist flosel—Garaksen I Hilo pHs.* la add* sty *sissy la fano pf .teal. trot proparolkm tailed la. Paraa/e• sham hair Crum—am *boil.. years ago aq km, lota .ry 417, • all air. sal Cr to coma or: W Lasing a Doyle ea lie sat, sad alma It eerottli Ka la ta• 'yanks, sy Is raw 04, Hasse lad Los Mr IL Yu baissea sad ea/ arm applied • eel Sea. rem ray lair is a sone sae illms bailors Tali Creams besmear, am my cote/m*lw a le so ankle Sr de Tale; ery loW glow is safer r •••r •Il (MD."ll_4 6,l_yrd•li••••ly porfesaSeadaes 4 11= nae"dsbii ha l :dell% a " : e l:;',4:du maw tea the soars. Raapeetfally, lea. „Palaak4.l4=l7. • • - a 01LtriMa; Gad moll, la Plumasst Joan it i . LE Mmadrl4.4.l Odadrel .nyrk Mid Jao MAW, damn 0 Wad sad !SU am. • . • Owwwwwuw.o.l,. Win parks/it • OtLes alba par Dias. - ' try D. Alsesbb Sakai • Awl li w4l site T.. no: • . elms awry he l m tlobt Draw girmsdrebir the gaol; bed au hialA glamy Wined, • 'T my yet b. wimis• • hoe reader raid Mw* has I:, • • 71s wthethinivai llever h ewe* ugh*. swum aser, • Wen h Wee sew.: Thetaaned Destimme le the hew 1426114. W d USW.— Jul arlait theesee4,4e hntly "NO . 04444 lioatia weep. • nu Wee. et Dnll ealth I b ' t 44 .4! • If Dl. Dlaew.. 4 •mal Man law 4 tame, ague tam taw of maacumen! Iyt y 02.1:41. DIZTXCAP.IS WEary.aull somas, Is • hme,,t, chars), Oho; hike" Ws rateable aaalaJaa • aolll la vir'thes aW !El ' lOa Oliy• I le Pr7l Mart PHs. I Ti 11. !imbibe. Farbakra ran La Oa cal r real e O a u m 1J .111 tato Lbar .. warm lor troabLer • a tram. LI Oa °ail rt7allrjito ath!lalr. Zrut MB b k a rial/rt.II•• AN %7 1 %. . 1 . ' lO . oo Itor have mtrionarlar IrIIII•Tr 1r apaltralri sorrow ao park brr nillkwir ia zta ela a. *roar 1 1110011314 If paver' call .4 bra, a/ Or Mel 241111.1. int es7=l:lo beem ennl, Cliry b• anwinaril. .A. '11( 4. orr, who WI We. vuld•r Oa kriAl Om amid. for tv. er 1654,0 Um. willow Wag h esr.. bre urt bastlemf 1ae1ert...6,. bes. enuticaliy siali, it tile Ihereed inamem_n—irkti. sifti*trv. ~ 0tre..1... rwarßlO = 0 .. rm. TEAL • =z7v.....m t r , =. 4 ., Ah.,..te, NEN 1:4110131.1t0my,.4"4- sitti,"4.3BMPt.- 1142 Selildtad.::.-41kie artabßakmealleatielaSaid palmate's L;lraltif Of Plias and, boinfilelTAtteies for RAILINGS in mo. UMW, Sumo; et erbicithe-atutatioe of these te srestersly tios,eatt eapesially, r.CeeeteAayk The prsneipal part el, Mt the tgaialleateM'Eaßtesi b "" WU 'AgboklballL sad ether celebrated AU,Selartee iterac i el 7 Platedelptda, irhieb hue bees ' ett4ted by; to. pupae seer, were executed at tnn.etailtf I. actory. A hate Wareham:pm is,eoesected *ith the scab. .tutsest; whore to kept easstrath ea hied • large -stock of readymaaft Iron @elitism Ontamedital from Retema. Iron, Chaim vas stile plain est seamen eal hoe Gates. with an emeeelvesedirtmeat of Ime Pala, Podestalk Savo Asboss; . lkcenAlati,'ln vat rasiety,.Stroogat oedema IrenOslOmmta,saitable for Itpar d • tate Dia:bible eat taro and Deuigoi ag Departme nt he has etsployeit saes of: the beat iinna I. tbacoantmerleee whole ettealion Waimoled to Om talaisem—demoin g alto. gatemen ones most complete and ertlematle ea: WAR:Wm IT of the kind in theirobrili. . ' ROBERT WOOD, Proprietor. _•• RUoatt, above Bauseerood sheet. ritnatin March 184746 MM 1111.111.1iII TieePi l l i iiiiiVb11111101FACTIO)11 pins theist . r ponce*. many riflemen over all rahan—smog which may holoratirded, anaseatdearre—Tieraptleltated Careeet blow kammr la Nay controlled sob the ...Me the AA atonaldet. tin bailiff mar be In. patty emoted. and amended an ladia_t• L es Onimmality, oa eameor lo IMMO wer e of 11. body from abet amest smallem; andsr the same . Coisteetnam and Eltestatese • ! It. Accompany epee all eldes t tit, abet ondireett 'All det basieens aro cede SOFACting. The sabeedhere coming. to commend... for thew Iritareete, of all.aaee.y, stem tameable terns. • r For farther pane • of - , as • W.NR. s khli CR MTO apees of Rs Paean Mule Urged Maus: Motels. Manama& Foundry DERRY & IfICKERSON. 2fanWYctneen o! •' - ewel ec r, LIEliNg WM, WAGON COVFIIS AND GRAIN &AGA , or ALL otirßtrtioro ' No. 3114 Swath rout /treat, Bitch of T 4. Dihoies Cabinet Ware Nostify A LLotden left with & Atonou the Wan alba JOI, blessbabes bo Hotel. Pittoboigh, will nothrer attendedTOß. G. seats' , A. C. NICKERSON IigtILIUM= PLltait r e :*IP al ' si Plastfo ~ato of Il I of It f - weak. soopallially barmy We 1 =ltooad.tho Wait, that le his' otill Imp ego tod oad fir sale• ! ad Wow ; Marlow of Volgodeo of MA* sod Ilmoriptiorna look to ordeVrittortoot roolaosotieo, dlmeolest 4 bgf Wry best tosi f a oor,ofoolorioi solorlal. - . , fllia-ly‘'', MEDICAL • - - DEBERVEDLY. ILIELMBHAT D CHRONCI TREWIEL 8/EDICIXEL = CIONSISTI.NU ebb Psophylectie Spy, • ear l/ tam remedy lora Cortsugravz sad Saar*. Mae erections; tiottei SyruL . CglizaSymp.• Colt. eantrated eltract ~of , decidedly eeperior to ell 'other extracts, Vag give* relief when all other, hey failed, twiig through a Des process. mugs .coacuttated then 'any other war cared to the Wale— bane; effected ASTHMATIC ; permenes!etlte al tau atabbota disease, when •Of atore tau IS yell* lamellate, hence it staruliwithmit a rival in that meal dreaded Dr. Ris dileam. ee'e 1.1111114 MT, for all case. of Weak sem ot aoila couplets eabstbite for tablas. Dr. Kwe's TONIC' aa Infallible ears N. wag gad fevers, and indeed is Some of • =helot Myers of all kinds that bark or gel- Dr. Sane'. INCOMPARABLE VERNUFUGE, where known. in mead in preemies to say Wu _Virmirege plepersgeg, • • Dr. Rass'e 'WNW ! ANTI-DISSEPTI ; ,e ! lei ill disease. of the ! Stomach „ and bowel., Cholera Actium, ail • Too high as encomium cannot he = ti n the merit, .this-nuatieine, 4 care of :sad ell disusturthat amen from weak. Mos of mama ea bad daroatioa. -• 1 • Dr. BANes rEatAlli .11,11.1 8, a moat 'oakum. aware thtwegenegal ttompleinte to which fo. Dr.•ROM', .TONIC ALTERATI*k: PILLS-1 . te l lt . twer Bofors altered the-v*6We* b a rmy the pailfuls of - a gralgeola asedielne,as an anDefystgeigi 'LIVER. or Steasehia pill, came* sag those elserneeti, *ad thereby preventing cow. : ' gumption. A young Lady years of ap, bairn; a diseased Ines tarifa= .tlme her stnyth mew Doted sad appetite pie, was completely mend la els weak* by thew or the Asupapts*_alx- NW sad Maw pilis - ya • I • I Dr.ftosesC HßODO - TIitSthIkiLSTILLSOTII. if,Bllll4lPlASTEß.loromaaeaaal, tam ' SPECIFIC 'ST,theesiet cer- I tat* mussy for all eagles of his or ynenteioes, I whotherie Wants or Welts. So canna a Speethe sit los this Ponsidahle- dime* that the ispet .b:.', minute can. sad farm roost lon stadia& lave yiskled at soca, - Dr. lbste's 111E1111/I.TID JCLSTDIE-Mage maggj • years of dthgent mask awswasnd Wee deem, • teed. and Its never fatly phgees ha elkeieney I Wow ail ugh:ash:a Dieters of . nowes ASTIUNCIENT COMPOUND, • cern* awry fat spiumg blood, Insked for discharges of • More whetherflom lamp baseline tuber pals of we Drraseis i sSTlDTkrkhelers aflame! emplanis • -Masan:mesa elfgentasy ewe bows! Dyst,Challmalilorters, sad Oman. 711 gl ki r,mo the Amalie Cashew Wee Neat I . lullWWli,hie War Ads. be tbemeet weasiskj - • la mmegiag it, iyariat wee Inlthear alltbow who wed - • •• ••• - I What may be wad el ase of thaw wmaties May be • ma ...all; their vane will eon be 'ePftweialed to I Mow whoa, thews. • Letters fssm them erste Ilurro bean . die candor Mr swine asbutles that .Kitt the hamar I heady wlethi gisesi, bat Sr are Whyte an be wetto, 4w Po smite of the eastweads. -We - have a twaesesiar Selefebt. Ili its Velem. itnw. to eteklinteet and olksciew Met its baby wa has . er f. m= in Yaela.rar of Debware, was ty ...a la a • kw mon. The maw had ,be.. mite: eat 'oat by , praorLaeet Someone. so MIMS& neon with iserweettt megigalty, yet omerlthanwat i t W debibM of Cowan* dm we naval edge marl pan; tbease of the Paw mlsegie ase emapkten mairred -mew mostlte wf I Cues ittesteetehh e of the oarless rums that hew bilosm.l the .we of thew nanntios as in oar power bet Misses deemed neaxway moment, thew agg Wien Of . thesi will wwwwww them so all. :;;_ • •h. 1101100P131*STA, a. Co., No ex Wood *awl Yarns katTinehergh„ • ! Needle • • BasaXAg's T eam arm lot ` T i n g T elemaiyand whigsable hs eeth, ,roger Me gems, Meat the breech, he. .1s mew bared awry Meat wish a mil Ws* End the teeth aid willastruateinestigh, mil* in the—Wet the boob Grath owner , wens. or eold. seal tub it a kle Imes ma the puce,. when weep will adhere fee seamy tee*. biomass daemo the sank and as.• puma OM delidothl cans ham asthe Mena mope& esuivallod so a Sanest, alleaeloaa,' sooreelesa• had', "Yak doWilya. it is weingswd YIN to Went the Mum prwavothess. • Br iAitove tie tarter end prevent it Seemelefieel.:.prelreat be. teetbeeett • I sumsedgen Magmas, eadpem all disown Wipes physteises, we me n Wary reamigteend it eleeteeek amulet se *rely begotll* kind in . Ask fee Mama% Cuspated Oafs Teeth Pas ant ebeenrchlemparers .noshed to nab pot, te, De r t swwes a rd i ...byDri 7 Cauths, „( 3Bl o lll: j a d el= I mown We Vatted fitstot,'ind eiree awasivem,; meg, by the Nobility of rapstut end Pars , A Imp wiped= WIWI Cemrar' , betdtles mailed Stile freak moo derangement of ale • iongeeker hey* 'O&M a Meter we of the CY* uo beseagra we•M minty obviate. Perim of Wins helm =wars AM a boa haat Sigllelke a dole abeam* they Mel mama sereopeept la health. Mowry of ; thew Loses.,stayPrawn thichitWi P*ML ,I4. WM. JAWIONA CtinUx of Wftd deall Gamut movarranir 01.11MppopTs • dada. • • Raw - Yen. Plea MIMI iida Per Peddle coed add. • sane did daw 11. der d el' id fest, wild was ewe pideat, eedanseed gistyld weal rowan dleadea elai ■adnedidee, de ern esetledi 10 gel deeps. sad speed to id lid ask. pada( vsy w* ad slay lad M I sAI vier of peryw e litaa bet wed all tee add de pais Mrs.." 11. Y:.., of, anwl Ose 41( ate I , od UM areal 1. relied di paw eir am* the' papa* e( the mom lied COVIIMUSI 1116 sad • seam sad pespetaal psi. sad liWeeded dmint hasi a deeds km we. Pr. gamed }hided Odd clip, ad aimed ow to ter >de ISts Mewl' isv a s WM idea. bat dee Ids seed' solk-i Leda I caw le we 11, sae wmy areas dittf diesiadswet:lt aht dessatanaday Waded the tan. added ilia leadwastaa sad ettiadatettiealiet the dee, le Stew Redly well. Ude eaddeleily sad sfsedely bead ad h .fa/reed dm I( umegb.iy applied. • •• • • • Iledettliely • Pedal* NA trkEllla 117 Waal PAI isd AL A. II HAS tesssed w ths hood es i t em 'l audit, Wee aeon above Had eldel e 5.... *Wm he ilpy be ilbeed Gate oteWeli e.w,eatiliv a. • At M le Idawaeot belts splayed by ode ill thaw WM 1•1 ii mats lamedisie semen whibeat nevewity ea elm sand collated be veld Irrupt,. Odds anadioe w WWaved titruei 'All 0111. lan U Ida . 1 .1 11 4 41 wsrposiloa el 'hint dap, will ghosted . at se w ed 611/01111eir 111.— 1W I!Stllleti.47llah• h. Fat F • • I .Idledldledr In la User cavity. • All other or:nu:au la the rues Pteltottion.7 All eases et attlab es to ate Ad owilliewell. toile will bit teetakteddae steadies lo Iles .bon res. • i A (Yew iedsbed I. kW .1.01 14 Coasts, Ir mew{ latediately, will be plated le di headed • I.lol4ldisd Ibr aellatton. astadlaiml7 _____ swam* LID scaims, -:, Virszcrom.t.r and idaedlly cuted_by &b. pa • i f= ..a. 1 )==7 , 441•1X , 14 I=o , AI G e t erseentla lie Id allege. to le e•e ea se at sew us died aid gleam* sad Men bir VAL /MON. el ad ikor mid ern &on aal hems bled aloe W &taloa* le Ma a.eex ati, head of Toad, Palsbargli . Pei. /0 1r heiratee n aein ella addiaded *MI ka We... !T u rin :TT ariatatlaaidie add by 111101 la L . 0gn.14:7 la n.1. 11 7,r add ' .. i.da W . =. is aa.Lated ern Wel.. 04 . h bela,, of aandisekee can la non as tla tibiadan ni lti . WWI Ise how Wu yal tivrealna A matrid. l *-111.4 maw/ "" e ' Thu yo• WU lue anon *AO'. • ' Al* la* 4**l.r Pak* r.rt• TY *ma of la AM Zr yb• VISSid Mess Im ndau 54A1104 Kaild jci dm ma r. NPA tkar r *j att am it e 'Karst "LK. Thu r 1.4* JACIUKRrIi, all-AKA 7 bus IN sons bat. • . • W[.imisi WA. 11614 WI/A/W Allooth at • hada, , _MOW 1.7 wY. JACSMO24 u lisftela urn MW W 4041, tssaarAign. 1 Ws Yen V Ral iMmig. Obnod ik sae by Mil / = -----''';':et. NEVERFAELVI . • gmbi,...,l '' ' ' • g lkitelliliTS 1811411 TEGlffilittritleb, =MEM - _/ 84 ‘ t , •ricit:ftsolvtxriit, d ...ith • se , ..o_rotio;rez' o tail ruarsterraralreactrueaL ,4.4Lrrresie ,a, t...anccr, Er!sii,clas 01,1.:rarci;Ikero, Teller •••• e=?ltatle ran Pielerk t - - ' - - Memorial Doecues, 41 any other complaininariving ; I ane; ' I -_'• _ Bion impwrities of the blood;'are 'requested to read . !PITTREURBH no PHILADA. Ass BALTIMORE ~the 'lolictriog Beitinxiidals, aa pool of thevemidor. - . Enehojeeighs !soots.,. _,, asa propernes ce thee/sine nettled medicine:: .'firiE awhile are . BIT Worm -' '' . ... ... - BEAM . BEAM!. READ!. , " =tie 3"'" Von r I the r mi I'm •.• We, the irzWensigned; having visited Mr. liege' and = throughout tie ' aehioni. Too' wrowne wumu sort •Drooka, Jr. at thh °Mee of Album. Roamed and be_,,ve ,__oo , releeee • outman' el.. or Packet. new lull- Walton, 316 Market nreeL-Philadelplin, medal ditch ~s ' e se ,, ..„04 th e se q.; w ith ;elite th:thwommenons, Lis :time the oast remarkabkiene we bale ever wit. "e"' e . ...nee Amax' , maim to Inninehi. Mated or bait; Gr. i' ;•• , -,-::., • . .4 BIT B.a e ls elthege Sele Pi r o nokow me. Ws theme IRS SCROFULA ter/we:nm 1.51„,,„°,,-WZ"'".......r l ate . a n d .e!reoro Um; hove . wen .p. 3 twelinyeane onallietwith the de • , -- “Relft - ONLY NINE D w OLaint'' ' ' oy.-.. r t -, :. - - t - - , J , J. ,,, - ...,- ' ' j One elks Nana will leave the lanaitohosue erii-pede-0,4„,,,,M,i0.1.01,1.in0itiiya.,,, iy th IT ited Sines Hotelj._ooriler Penn coon. onii the per Lip, and lower Lid of the Right b ye have been 9lee,'"7 eigh ,4l l9 .°T„ k eg I.', --„, ,' - . denim .. .yid, his Faes nearly eaten up, end part or the ''gy;;;. mitt, -";;;;,'"• a 7 o ffi : ',..' . • - - 1 Jaw Beft :carried away. And yetare-ean lyre ea Anna Water atnecaio ' _,-' Li - LEECI '" = " , mita ; .1 ear Tenn nvertiino canal ' BD. IL Inhemth eli Oa la ASIVAIO il lithOW 6 ° ll6 Vi—rk-gMirgiNnfiftlErtALTSOM WO. Irihnicre of him motith4 as welt as tacit of his he* ', • ' . - was a manor deep and paialla ;deers! . • ' On the 14th ofJanuify late, he commenced tikohn .aikain "184 7. 'N 'Lligk Dr. CULLEN'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PANA.. , . ; ESTAIIitiLiEtitcRuAN4SPOCIRTA.TitiN LINT' C ... EA tha , which ,. iiii,lb. eiur od thed u ireate pr in a ter oth. days, , sui i: oLD ' _ BE-rwEEN prrrontmorr. • ' f ? 1,,,,,.. , ee , m i ..„. nhed t h e . n ieav - er i f,'"' d - ; - . ~ PEILADELPiI lA. BALTormat AND NEW TORE. .7,F,...Z., ~,,,z al,i.s..h d, h. 4.„... i..„4,,,,, , ph: stock of tine lino conitataof a titatoro early .Tgez h u m : fa rewired. ''' --- v. T une of Roars ace Cara, (owned by ihiew-ivnaj We am aanurd that in the Imminent .of Mr. Zjett.'"s" in erchandac and Brooke 0611y_e° Stethislel4 OSSlthealevorCanetie Panda., witicenallTali4l:l;j4 appLeations mien bean twedr-tst DeLl. - theithNlA. Rodent or dlrdeitandite consigned to coy ot toe 00. CLA ALONE, has wniogbt this Wohnithil change &relined. th semntled ( mee of coy ebetic foe coacell- And Smith Becks eorzl i v, Pa.. '... . , earn orstorago. 1 .• . chad . L. / L.. 4 , ,ffie ~,..,,,,„ cap.,. BillaLadusguiaarciure nod all instruct:vas prekaptly J WJellee. WA South Seeell iMme l , l Thae ' Vebn ' s,%car. of this Loa ta . bond aeled'on Enctly JaconLee,Pemberton;N J. - I. eabbarb•iterpthg p rinciplen Aetircaa or apply to E W Cam, 440 N Fourth, above POplar,n, N. L. . D LEVEN Cana. PrePrisera- Et hillthillengh,: LeneasierPn. ;„ , ... -, ..' 1 ••- - 4a, , ' I Canal Basin, 'ging:wet 'a 14 Maddoek,29 N o rtlvEleventeiLlisili.. . IiARHIS it LEECH, Propene., C W Appleton, 51 LI iltrSonth at.- Bo . Notation!, Third meet Peoladelpida Timothy Caklwall, Marion ea. Mimed. • • JOS. Tear.on b. liONS,Arretai, No Ile North Howard meet, Baltimore Daniel Tooke', Chesnut HBliphilvdelphiano,Pa. Wtt ILSON, Agent, :. latnellaited; 3 9o H.lghiteend, midi. •r ...los nr. 7 Wen nreet,New York Willi= Steelli4. M D; Camden, ff r , J. l : :'''.. — a 1 ,- William Hale, 378 High alreeLPhlbt."7, -- - - ,"-,, ',.., J M Potter l'ttantitigarer ol - MirmiaTeM l 4 - 109 S Ninth atmet, Phila. L A Wollenweber Ed. Phila. Detnoerat VT N 3d George .Y bleats, Broth Maker, 317 Market St. ' Ezra Carr, 159 Chesnut street, Phila... I A 0 Gillette, Pastor of. Caveat!, Baptiat church, 'John Bell, Eno Shoe ,Philailelphia4North Amer Aaron Sande,l64Callwrine'StrieS; Phila. ."- • Danielldniialey, Renter's Allen ' , Bo -:.". Andrew Sweatt;t:amden, NJ. , ; •R ft Evans; West Phila. • ' ' Kichaidlt. Young Gildei, 409.-Marke t et. Phita John W Ashmeed;69 South 111th street, . du 'l` S. illageeLLithographer, 116 Chesnut street, do B J genial, IW.Eleventh West, • .-I ~.' ; . JO Peter Sten Supt: Editor Native Evil, I ; ,:-i" „ do Joel 'Bodine, Gins. coaruilictarerOli illinggdos a N.J. • • . William Steely, Fanniaiton, Van Sren' C.. Too'. L B L'oles,bl 0 , Boaton,blue. Rommel Cantle ,kl Phinologest,Pbiladel*ii, Roby. bI D, Hanilhergi, I : :tr i r Vngh =blaricet street, /lan James W Navajo; 103 Filbert John Good, I'D Spruce at: ' do Witham tine, Pastor St. b`anyabl"L 1 1:11.140harivo Jobe (Thai:Mire, Pistol. Ist RJO. tTbarbbi Brow T L Sanders, Pablisber of Pledgensid.Stinikard P Sellers, Editor arre II Itilettowni Wbolerale and Serail by Etcreratid W ton, Pro. Meter., 816 Market St. Pbtladelnbis• It E Seller.; la Wood at. Pittsbotb,Pa.i Wm,: Tit •n; Mar kat at. do 4 Obkri llentOtt Sharp, Mayswille,.E. Y ; John W °Mai Withal fr. Reeves, Madison I atilliiatklLLoM. eine, Lk% Deseroadt & Sr. I.ostia Mo..' p Meanie,' Natchez, Lilac & Job:, utoo %ambush, do; CbaileiJe ..,New pries.' I J 4-1 11161046-- Ls •It is•arptineiple intim refthrapaper l TO mike parkin whselt wr. not,rnwrlnneweal 14 - vestwatiow„tobe abaft, to the rnabl}r, sosr.r A. 'larnoW orafieiraws we have axed la IMILI *LOT . For ins:wire the be DAIL , ' %%TIM aint YEASIIVUOE; winek we know r . HI Pod 6 . nto rontelainta tbey.yreleas to care. We; +renew !Ake Oat** lits Pau w Irken several iscrtrarenine companions:front t or ' nrla Women. New Yort.drank. tor maydays the hanistaan water of that region. seta bad ir cranked with swt•int Dnir. tiara, and. Dysentery.. /dr.' ho presto* to leaving IS , wruktoons.e of Ur r. J.yge,.. and ip 411 time• 4 1. US, 6ve *ask, wen, it was saerworni elferne a optedy rare the Eareciorani weber o known swat sawn/ ear iatimats Mond. witWeenal "Seem: aa6. W. ketikat In shall do • geed art .0 Isseutiss tespedleDylkowi t oh l - swim aplintr cantiat have star*. Is Attu advise dug to tarp en band bailee Expeeto ram n o d Catudeative; , Tim Lapnetoyaat is *hayed tqy good rilysieiasta to be tke best mine Qw uatmoptii. Censplaues, that las ever yea Ursa Low* P...6cd Tire wason is, Dr: J Bp. is 1101 • rota. kris air/ply!, lek.lkir. aid• sarwea4,p,ajeeure sr n se:( Ili. =amines are oles Fr the I.,, ,fr r t ceis'ns Pllefbf - 'lie Podia. sammar Pm*. Forvalnia Pattlintal. at the rprlpt pza..wroxs, Fwswk strew, dear Wood, slid &boat diklirtitilere of 11 P Vibram Federal st: it Ilesisray ' • - - - - - • • /AIRB,ACY PO* PATRISS, • Woakimtaa, D. C. La ERAS V,. IVAllR.V•S..hieettaeleat Parities, aual Avon Poseetatit swot.. will Preps°, the ro— etorarr• Dfx41134,111,441 tsp.,. Apotowee. 'Ott la/pt m end tretliort lot 'other ly the 1 4...1 proistairot at Rm. Patent Othre: • Ile cattytoweettect on all Retaliate yotatoor to the rateotVarewasi *et, , soot at the Vallee Dote. or Renton Pa was at a Aliment. &trims of baring exameatione rude at t h e Patent Oiler. lonar Isatakaxplaviee t ter az= wayfortsarl (pea Rol,: a - he of /ma ac kar seattateat of limps.,., whealemestiete anew the will be Owns ea ll.. Sad all the Inforsoutew Rat mad be ebulard, !"7.lfaktinea lotaieess'in,w OM . 00 . i11. ' 1 . 1.4 - 14ie . tike: 11,111211bie • fel. when 'a wooer. 01,:hota rrq wt.!. 00kw au F. urea. optima, the Paulo °Are. lie has the boom or rrihroar, hl oorottaratel, ' Hot.. Farmed! Berke, Carenookoer Pawnee • 11.,. If I..,,t2lservailt, do Allot II Etworiee;llaehlresti-Pateot I dr.itcaLl'4ll"l"." M. lotto, V . _9 1101.19 newllit,UC, Masseraril • • • I Hos. WM, MIL NM Watt, • • • MA: Robert :;,.116i41 XoVo.lll7l74llintri; C. Millnett..llllo.llll6J ". Dry.. Piumba - tiOler: itiandiT ' Comise '•ud lent Apia. L. rnat.x... Won& hie friends OA Wei , p{its Vil r o Mr; %at' bee •rowelseneed the Nettle..l. =4 6' r t i r 1 141"" a g ar g r . 1 41 : 11 4 & ard th e l i n tg r. the leselne. !Mn/ atnai,har of hoesea,slorrs sadllo et bath: la eellettlng and disharsiee retai,asooth. e t dawn and &lauds, and is atatiolut( to Alone) , tl• eines, greearallr. 'lto telltales eager: to the WIWI. 00.1 of loam, commit, ete.,sodvli.famlsh muttotie ,htlbroulioti la re twice m Ilea Faliq.old..n4 n , - aparosbiltties of tellante: Re ter wheat kid eirlenslor anotalotasweenhorotly qualifies hisa Ile wig be hoind I tos ntsideeltallo 11i Alice eireet. IIR o'clock 1 the wonting OA atter 0 **elect la Re Heeler...he at other hears at his Whew, No eh Chatehers street, tad ; door fen[ extea.:OßW FORM' , - ! REFERENCIPS—Ven FA tallmedge. Rea Sohn ' !React, Ilea lobo 'Maros. Ilea 04. 'Whew , Ronne - EAtboss betimes," Aid. W. Wm - V , l l ronty Dnid Graham. Pao Witt: Room. ROIL_ waylll:l4 . , ~?I"trvains.r. l l . ow*, erreralreowl la Mit coy' and sown Asktottable Emma NUM. eadlatlelt - rue cuEar ria.. or aosiVri NANA ett had' or wade warders( all Ram and at al/ priette. - • • ' C 10•117.17 Marcliaata amd ether. are untied to eall and cruel= the abotwo kw themselves, as all will be Sold wholetaie or. road. 410 s 11b,,i1 dedietket Rade to wholeade pa th..,,.: ortiOl7l •willernvein• I AMIGOS Who U.. Oman eseporadebak. al.a Mao me swan low thailroOr isuosiisma la t Ulm silo: bow worn, how roe* boo follow s •Illawf end oos= sass akos apples, allot rub Owlsatol • chalk ea, is ladraissaa,olisloioino large stow tity of :cod. We Yawls pre_pand•la booaUfol • • ankle, wideb sam tall JOXRiPta ISPANJOU 'I LVY WHITE. it is perfectly Lamaism, bele/ panaed of oil delesenoo. 'sands-es owl is Imports so O. Hill a late. nl,bealsly. Watson/11, akar, Is•lsc white, as sl•oosio . zzA . aa rasoche altio, otoaloo - Dr. Jamas Aisaisssoo. riaollee Ctsesoist of Skarn. demos isayst •amter analyoliug isinosoa Pond* Lint Anise I Ihisi.ttilOiladasaa tw elou beam Wel old M. Tal, U. .area Sloe iiiMmusl Milts I •irer HI, • *mainly etas cosiselemtlosuly neeitoome a d its awl sisal sals.•• t! a V ll,o6l 4amdlise." . • , : jicirll WM. Jj% 1010 bsa Bart sad See . ~...1 4 no beny . s !L.* 1. 111 41.111.111 WCKILT CORPAXIOIII /Dix LE.cruggsoati m tINES of THE Ltiftli A 7 Omar, Proaattioa hid Vero if Mtatos, and Manna of lb. Haut; 0a lb. Ls... of foregaroy, and mode a/ proaralag aide and fe male haska,ayatooatfy aadlataatn &spawn ira OM. cad cora of than diatoms that podia* Casson*. Ilea, or abate/hfa,aa Maationa of dm Sala, Spine, Solods. Aidarro, War, herotela, Nee. Gruel, aid Female Complataht: It. mlaa. ray, P , "' 'cal aid per., tors a gm& an perfect health 'sad 044. E .73 agrawhig,24 page, f 0 eta. DON . 1111:11, A. M., al. D., AVM? UROAD.IVA Y L , ft a; W YORE. A ay . perooa ottomidg N 7 cum, free, moll riciiii ice copy, by mil , bb say pad. The tradaupplhad. r0b10,184746as . I; • NO CONN NO PAI .' il'lt CULLEN'S INDIAN vEarrAack .1./. kNlEDY—Wamanted to tare, or th. me 9 rain Died. 'llls mad/etas la wowed NA... la. dle•li4 , 4lfi,ototaisett St" ens ol hem,. Ole 1 , .. Wen. et grail expense. Than - whet ktiv. bee. Ouhittar with the I "Cams, Itnew Obt thy can and ck, c.c. Veausal *Sloes tbe kaoslodsh of bier , cs , &Ica, at *arid.' or tb• Ida Th. e b tb. ere an now eir n=elt.L)r ragrej, fAboiat to the Dote, and leavr• .* smell no die pieta. . _ _- ' E . /grit,' 67 iIOWAND IL WALTON. sad Wel Intolniale, . ad tetad, by J. T. Rosa nd, ZIG Mattel stmt. Philad'a. . • , . , ,Ver sal• Is Patabsigh by lb 6 Setlet., 447 - .mai . *Sat end by Woe T6eec.24 blarbedt et ;seddieT ' li. i. teulti laericsi Aye Ulm ...,- 1 frith , &COY; Oat Ms wteashl N.; %Chi. bil ;ea emu lesileitlon: la new, cc . )7,,.Stii .r cesecelt W•rikk, lot% dcheelleidrisi . thiamine., of tenehl, et Om .0 1 11Patflied end f Lute OW/ole ellift,•••3l Of 90 tinny elactLes: Opt 1..r••••• ••• 7 • 1111111 • 1 • 1 1• 00 dt'Ud90•••OPUIPOISfal kW toiled efseenee.- It Y. w• 11 Joinrst ali a NM oily sog eke eye la .C...teta. La h r. Wm*. ail :p m : =,, .. • ilet=44"per b.... itrireie alt . itecima - me., erleals7l7l ssibettit . tile= tee Jela t raV ' ett 77 1 7• 1 % . 11. ! j Se 1 , ...t•W 'c/ .•• . • • IM;===3- snoiatas ,, _ • pirTentwali PORTABLE ALINE. 18 47. i i - 111411M F O . R 4V 2 TareVlTriy a rgitfurtiratwe:blgettn n h" the way, and the comet:plant risk of delay, damage, breakage and eeparetten of gaols. • ' 1.40/11EM • No CS Market stroca -Philadelphia TAAFFE &O'CONNOR • • Chic Peng and War as, Pittsburgh k&CONNOR Co, Nonh street, tdbanna IV kg T TAPSCOTT, 75 South 11., 'Encouraged by increased hasiness tish Propriatere have added to then. work and extended their arrange. meow daring the winter, and arc now prepared to for mold dolga wuh regularity and diensteh auturpitaard by any other line. Their tong caperlenee at carriers,. the palpable superiority of the Portable Bast System; and the great cenarity and convesticeee of the ward. boner. to each end of the brie, are penaliarly ted ia enable the proprietors M fulGI thetr engem:ants and neesentroklate their easiomers--conGdrailfogentig the swans a entreaty for the when • eonhnoinee et that patron t lor gratefidly acknowledge. . • All eoaagpm,aw to Testa tr. O'Connor *llia reed and forwarded •Strataboat tholes pad and - Bills of Ladingtrannesiond free of any tango foe Coslueseeton, adenneale or nonage tinning no interest threitty or indirectly in weambeats, the interest of the etatelennes Molt ileceMenly be their yyriseety earyee.l43 saipping west. and they pledge theinschree to forenird all goods consigned to them ptaisantly and ad the atom minutia. von& terms to the owner.. .• • ' Manta I. tat: .. . IXDAPIZINLIENT POILTABLI • BOAT LINE. 1841 i dpoi t ig &NO MERCHAND V I N I M I NSPODTA A TION Or PRODUCE. — ISE TO ND FROM PITTS BORON, PHILADELPULL AND BALTIMORE. Q.WittLoot Troodpounc...CD • Good. odoWirsod AnD he forwarded w dth drthY. at th e &MCP rawf.l MID of Ladolg Doosasiood. .4 air amnesia:mummery mauled th, Doc Lao any cairn charge die moron or roam/mom Adow.,..op f dy , a G A ihiGAMILTY & Co. • P•dda NOMA/Mt • • mum • Unie op largo wed: eaoseeditouerireliouee, one ate to twirls lea eddltend to Nieto fel.' Lire erre arnotul of Produce; on, eerage, I.?w jetuoi A AIeAKULTrIe. ireespeitattoo of MAP PME10117" between Pirtsbeldb.Pledreille,dohne veeo, ffopidoyeLeugh, Water percet,;Peterebeqh sod W !met mediese Orme /bit mil Loewe the s• erebouse CA MeAnthy k. rillAptigh,ortty env reeeept Sondem] •nd YOpere coo airway. pekd on harm, do* geode for • eluded, erttioot delay &ody fair nun. • Ilia Lisa eras formed for the speeded accommodation a( tooeray Oueierde, sod the. proprietor. nemocelfully *elicit to. been! ebole 0 1 . :11•11, • /LANES f‘01 . 1 . 4P.1 W(11311:i v9AETAmy4i'i 'JOHN maim. , Itetidaystrarth Rlt CANA N,"014.-Inai 'Agent. J/pplatiLrl iwankriA • Anssaintecs- MeDeviu, Mien Park.. IlabemMume, Mairak v MALL, PiMobv i O. mon MIME AMTIYMICIEUtiIi.. 1b47. VMS hMall'am , Post4M3mpeto mmLue and Ilesear,aas. "sug dlnly lenereva T"Hbalph paeoll'er Canal On , " rapataa Dove. Crercland Cul w1110f.0,41,110111r. Megm's Lama( Sicaaarmai IlhaNtie r • mad Iroemlo. at As Lakes, m pftparni i von the cmliem.opea• int stl . &WOW/a 10 tarry Pra l l u and Pastmrt it elsm poiM. Da atm Miler, and Wet. • 01irry herby 117:117: 1 1 1 2111001µ7 04."1=Ptf11117401441 Vd b poblic r uerally tbur patella r . C M REED. Erie. Trapnell"' etpx.rt4,Co, Beare',Aput JOHN A em:olirr, mti.toak do gshela Howe. AAAAA To WhOTITI. Q.:RV .tuelo Yon. Um Ron, Sedate ON Pests & Coe atteeleed Jan A Amami/A Cb. Dreest ' Ilktano a Minns. Mrlors•lne Unosti rimer. Cbstsge Powers.roloptOooro, Perna Geo blacklatyro, Invaaalsrgh, Prea• John Meanies, Ilaasnlntr do Actor, tireettosl It, do Onng gonepton. Clarhartilo 'lays A Yowl, Abarpaborge., pa. I IV 0 elelsn, telento, de I • 'lll WColoonettole leotoCeeeltt iuly mustaascx irOIIIAWLI/041./I.gisic: APPIRIB;47 • POLTI Pa ri .1.1.11114..1 . 1 . gourirrboutuni AtalPTiVaitAclN TITAN/. IVIIIIOUT 'POO bapro at d atoned of earning mood by this lest .L 11^abloCOOS 1.3014 to eon Ite well trams that de. •ocnpuous sastecoantry. (Ando aro oat moan:oat the ra,. traonuratoot or estra buodlon ta need. The Desna OJT of %tat draught ant perfoin 'holt lora l• bora unto oeven la. Tito tly oat Wa.alKoarcrs,..4k..., ao to slw. y coassporets dotun oV a. itroolvono,iuonf, .04 •=nano( n lly peewee to make Wee ad restate, w. renenfolly molten troongnments o C remora blear, gloom Lard. Bauttr,Lieros. Won, Prothro*, sad ether ror solo, anouch ',Loral ad grant r• will be nun sad OUT mural facilities afforded, pkdong tans. that tau banoeso, salmon le oesiell et aa entmetly Catcalled sad onon U few tonna ss by soy ether boon 100 leen DDEN*.Q. Ca /PAin! Su. Plestnrytt /AS al WS n tCo mob RI In a ed sit Market at, Fiala. FO6WASDIAG k C 0111581014 ISICILIif, Brow Paull met Briciewder, ouirrT, Pa, Propflt Or aid Oral Of attlitoff ;ECinie LAI= LUZ AND 3111:1111041, .agar ear's's sTrreavasu LID LIAM. WILL 1...WM.4 tto eultenntonlagausal in .. =ott to re.eltrotroo.ertrz wharf boner .omt, sad Ona g* Zansin °4 fas all ports on Labe Er sad' .90.1 . Lat.:stela tonrard radon', reseed. Inprorestrels. Apply to or Ranee *Mont JAB nICEPY. Unmet Prrrenuathil tr, cLEVOTANITEINV, jut' s- 1846. aim t. Chute.ll. Naga i T. doe!, R Celt. CLARK CO., • ainuake irorw s patuss a ~ umngasii.„ • litA. lie Amor. Tlitt=iitkii* each earthen gone, of canal es•npsdrwilooee•tosprop 'neat rlturiteme and Braver, and ter tho sun at soy _pOtat ea the Cline costal, satiable Oa Wee Crie wid Maim win tn greaten &spun% and at ftss , treble rum The preptietore MWs Ilse solicit the bunion of non torus an with cooldenee, tonna* that Sten facilities en sowed to mom. ,„ Apply to or Adams I ' ff OftIARTON,44 onteesse. hum T CLARKE A. Co, ver. RtCIIMOND A M Cc • weissi. ÜBBloottsreote Poluthlo Peat Pompey ' Woe den Teldeme.the Conway again meat into optional . Co. t o a mintiri=onitler theut,tazzell.thAgo..aur.,::.burr *amber of Pans for the poem* of carrying :411 . • throne Aom el e to mot daqs , with oertsiory—end feel entmeragrel be the Ithrmilty or,lmt yeseepaum• em, to make more extramve arretommeme for; the en el., Mr. Po mould threofore rerp:etrolly etelieli Mootioo, 100 eor former puma& nrl refer eleliter enthrommrs to theme sm. Mom Mot bit nes tor: • • . BOA AMIS , Paths Intorportmma .• : • ALL KINDS OF OteCHA IMMO To AND glair FOILADALPonA, BALTutoAL Plow Vats, AIM parole SAMUE.L WIWIThIAN Clo, . Career Meaty Cool and Camel Beam. Pitotharel, A I. ORIIIIART &Os; No.7o3limketweet, PlttleArlphit URISTON & AMON • • • REFF4E. Ball"ri. prrreaunoli—Ja. 11K:oily, Moe. Norm & Oa. TV IkloCkelly Co, B A SLepsoet Co, M 'PHILADELPHIA—Monte Potteries &Oa, Illeyao{de Jiontriantl &Co, Mono& t Sataby.• Peter Wept & L. J Binebentaneeph Owe— NEW VORlC—Chrodtme& Cs, Teo. Petry a Fe: BOSTON—Reed, MM &Ca CINCINNATI—AOtto & Creeelti W ' W Benir,co eag. PLAAPANT. VA—P A liarthler! • .• NABHVILLIK—P Phattel. • • Ifore—A II Weloutiao Coo Now Yeti and Brertm • • vn p t e e f eto• a Ar' &ommOa i PO m elpe, ml e Paelesere leiepreale is Plffiedeiseelll4l:". ..vimtuc ereemu tre.lue{s potterer et. leeneeeedeee, %wee. boltsweer, neeler, - **, cow .ossere4 Mugs Tluinaky, mum, . As hew Cam win be tseeeeeleeClelly spin the 011ie ofC3O meal taireereet, . Apple .0 • n o=llll ' odd, • en ham it tad Reel- itaigM6il 7 tf ------------ Ri . s 1 L ,; , ' ardnxiiria ' Ackst' , tt" L . ... . A i The. new awl solitedidiananaq: f:4 •.' Con. clerics Ihsore,..esatinentes in r• S .. !...n M. daY, - /mivireg Pins . bergit al Po'eldel 4.i. ' ' um Beaver at 1 o'clock,e 111,. eitoneetingw:h Parstiersh oat Cleveland Llaof C.d. .1 Boma daily An Cleveland, 04 Beaver.AW mai lied Cleveland Line of Caen' Packets and Sag: Coaches daily to Warren and Cleveland; Canal Nese' Laws to Nevi Ramie and Greenville, Pa.; Eno Extension Line to. Mead wine alai Enn • Nell. Moore & Co's Lines of §togeSoaches• for Cleveland and Wooster: leave Bea.' ;=: 1 1 h 7 W A IN! , afetveli of ateandeme Salver : limn "'I f mit' iit'rcisr: 'l4 u"si -: • bolt - -• • ' iftEgo4,„ , .. 1 1 47 . - ell Tag rit.eSTL.ANIA A.. , n 0810 CANALS,. BRITVEEN. PIT,TSBORGH . AND CLEyELAML RN PARIIfS a En, eleveltMed, 0. 1,- ' , . R 0 PARE& BestriPa. . _ • Proprietors: • W T MATHER, Pi boorhilsa: , TlT4lr.Vite'rZutt,';.• .nPrimzetrin.odr . " land, to say point on the Pennsylvania ' & Ohio and Ohio The facilities of Said Liiie Me rodent:elks! hyen a on imid Canals, in numbers and capacity of Boats. nape. Flea. of o•Pleitis and proramtan of Agents, ad:- ,• tine Boat lessee Pittsburgh and Cleveland daily. ran. iiipielaconneetion with the Portions.. ... . • • Michigan and Lake' Ens, • between Pittsbnigitd Beaven and • Line or Arm sines. Pstamboats, I••• • lens, Brigs andrieleonort, on. Lakes Erie, Hum, aytto e g ad Ontario ' nY forwarded to any pint al the •'Mg" - despatch - " It Pit PARKS a Co, ole a l" • REED. PA RKIlt Beaver, 14 . - • _._ W T MATHER. Pittsburgh, Azt i . Nal - - Cot Water and Smithfield street, .II Mtn= ARII.AdOZMUNTII. sat 1847: 211011101110AHICLA. ItOrr.ll, BRCIWNSMe AND 4!A 1 . 1/ FAL . A. P T 7° BM, TIMORF AND, ' . Time BaltimoreSS Doan Than to Philadelphia 40 T"R' • LOWY show Staging.] splendid andng memwersConsat, Low la MeLaneand iStruare,•have commenced making doable Minh inc.— One boat will leave the Monoora. hale" who* every meninx preefsely at S Paseengen bythe morning hue willarriee In Baldinore next evening in time for the Plilladelptua mail Stayer wharfead oars. The evening Boat will lege. the daily at 4 &doer, exeept Sundays. Passengers by thie boat will lodge on bawl. In . 60 2 1 blutde mate moots; leave Brownsville next morning at 6 o'clock; CM& the moue mins la day lien; tap and Wm, In Ctn. bellaad. Thus avoiding wed travel altogether. The •preparallorm on thiamine are ample, and the coaneedon manioc; ea that thiappointmenu of delays will be en. known noon it. Paseencers can •stop on the reale and rename their aegis again at pleascre, and have choice of Rail Road Or Steamboat between Baltimore and Philadelphia. . Coaches chastened to partles to travel no they desins. Charlesr neketa at the °See. Monengahelallouse, or St Hotel. - • T?SK feblll ' TO. OGICVELARD Tar WAWRAN... , lar 1847. aka= THROUGH IN RR HOURS., . • Tatil'yttee="P n Bra morning Bow ficen Piimbargb, and arrive a Warren a time 10 the /Hall Line of &ages, which leave eiely thereafter. and arrive ei Cleveland mi3o'eleek, P. /E7M •CUTI9 & LEMNG WELL. Warm, Vropett REED, PARES & Co, Braver, &row JOHN CAVGHEY. come 4 Watery:id !loath&A py oPalr Oppoitito lbe tionoosinhola Susi Ilitsbotat riTINDIVIAGHAND 0111,EMXTILLIC; 1847 . - Pet:KEP AX,p FILEIGIIT LINK , 1 1 111 S Liao tortolotintafreMbt ondpossnmer . *am :MOW darang.. eeaem bates *soar and Gremlins, ,by .1114 fit*la aad We. Wpm betoken the tyro RIM:LIMB be earned promptly I.ltl at Ihn kmain rate. - • . CRAtOL /UFA BLAND & AIN , Big 114 Al, • L a* HAYS & PLUMB. SOrpobotih do; .• w O MALAN. norm,. - NM. MATHEWS, NEED, PAII13& oo,Borrer. l JOHN A ea UGHEY cormorWomr modestitbiold •154,7 , a IMMO. Pitabiligh %cm: g ni reamtaus lama • 1847. • • . , - COO THE THEESPOHTETIOI OT, • • ALI. [MEd OF NIERCIIANDISB TO AND FllO.ll. Philadelphia,an ilattlasets.X•wiltannk, Meos. - ' . --- • 17111 E encouragesiest Ws Has Itte teneived suste .I, its commencement, /we twined the proprlss., tan to increase the stock bj adding" isotober of kat ; elm bean old lattast r ofciiing retie - 708es herabo-' fore as spots, we will pie oar ow,.- receipt. let ricight .hippe d by this low. The boat. are all portable. consequently (.tight , I ' in taken the Whole distance without transhipment, I thereby proveuting damage loss Iseqwnst handling on the mete, and as each is mewed, by, Ile Captain Who rens them, whi I. a tradhcrent pit salve that these will be So It, ow do route. All Produce •o e blerebas consio“ to Ai usdersigted will betioserani PRM OF MM. a t e dt ISSION. for advancing acid lihrwardinit i sad will be ablpped• withost"delay at the' lowest rates of lreipa he re;pertnilly anlitiaa sham ofpubliepatru. '' '' 2 e. WALLLNOLURD treCo.,, .v. ' • - Claud Baste, ri tts bnigh. - . CRAIG,- HELLAS ik Co.; Ast , Broad Strew, Yhdridelphin:' - - - FittILLER, Agent, . • • .- - Etcrarley's • Whad; ill014:1011. Pittstiessit, Feb. 18; On . 1846 . • AND 1847 'im m i guia TO THE BIOT , BI L BOMONCIBBLI BOLTS, VIA BROWNAVILLR & CUMBERLAND.. TY.E.T, ,tgroczn-ir="tun'-erth—ertr.: ~„ wththe, on the.., fabbrlLb/b tenil., by this UPI- Allbole mile.. All property eonsigsed ten will be bromded it the lorren rates And with4lesTmeh.. . .- . .. ="*". n Allwaollirmi. 241. 0 w CASS. SnalreumillA. arrt7 IE MERTON a. o , c.mberia.t • 1846 ' Aso • 1847 . , .. ii s t -111011111 • • • rii . ILIZTLIZOIME .Alb OHIO RAILROAD: at. . P dos folknirliet price.— by IFIR imbieribers reeelpi forth, delivery of Pro. ce to addax. the Adetionahela Slaelrpater A. da • . • Aehes, Bacon. UtllloT Lead, Lard, Pod,' Tallow, Whiskey. Meow', •cil 0 7$ els Tabaeae• IlecaP, Plan and Wheat—di ors per 100 Ma. Arlie% IPol) Apples. Clime,Flax-.B•Paililair, Lauber-10S els per 11%) !be Oil*, Skins. Seeds. Wool—lle eye per 10P Etc • _ lleitivraniFeathen i Fatt.Pineein g , and doalte•lteot —l2O eta per Ital lbs. ~ An progeny ea:ligned I enter of tbeinideraiiited will be forwarded seabed% delay, free of COntatnlnarli eboire nice. WII CLARW,Nroinerilie,. • • lIANNA 2 WATERMAN, rityltatuiet. NOTIIO6. ' . , .. ... •a. . PIIMGETERB and e th ers 'within so hive Fire Wick. - Prodmom ee, Omuta tothi• place from theobewrille WA nuerthedmie landlags, Shp. maks bay* - • Dam r• •- amengemeros, by calling .oz bra .las 1 . • anamiremehirly biome. ri and ammeille. GEO. R.; AULTENIBERG Putt , . . . Buisothom Agent. SS Water a " - THE TRUTH. RT /MR Or 'TRUTH... • C7• Cra BfrILLRLIO V9t/111.111,112/tUls. rotas the P=o( Worry st k ir Charcht • , . . . Pittsburgh, duets,l9C't Mr. R.P. &Henn It is from • wan of ditty. as well as with anal pleasure. lat !bear testimony to.the tat too of yoitriastly telebratral .Irernainege.- I proctored • oathil:iseds and assert to three of etuldnut ides had been II for several week*. The eldest was rtes. gears old. the saki 'four. and „ the.)Denlest Oahu= months. The int pawed finywis wows, the second , fatty arrest, and the third •considerable augur not distinctly theolleeted. Since theh they ha tV re beendotal ondl. &adore now Itt good health. Yours respeetddlY. • . • • -- • • , F . OOl the Rey. SR Raltheek. of the dletholist pal Church. sir. R R. stollen: It iewith west pleasant 1 would Inform yea ed. the good edam produced on my. son of ken yen is °torsi by yoarthstly celebrated Vernalloca. Atter his haring eoarolsions, rase. hint three dank when Ito. passed Mi.alMtillt inerednable amber, that which time his general health hoboes; Improved. ••- • d eo med. Froth the stet s,,Charles Cooke, arid* Rethod ßoo lit F4ds pal•C.ltareh ' • • •• Pit Waugh, Deeewberl4;lol3. Mr. IL E. Bittern I gave y daughter (between' yarn mod for pal old) Wire dandior )(oar itttlikro ) utzurtflootoptelicription, whit the happiest, stteeesa.— The another of worms expelled I do' not know pmelee- Y t hut it eta* large. Mtn tine now in poueartios at goed health. . 1 think the nsedieine mg he Paned./ In ' , Nth oral homen'ethwas. .. • • • ___ As Ills Ven t s Woe has error been knows to tall In Say 1.11 , 411112e6, wren MORN sou my sesied.parent• should ere u to operettas/0o all Gaon • Prrparod and sold by L. ISCLLERIS, between 3d red 4th, oo Wood sum.. _ For vile by Dr. Pavel. Pin Wurd. . . seri • 4 , COACH M AMIN G ARCFROM the very Phew onoettour mut Ilia t the subscriber hut roulved Wave •he bested klauelf th RUetherth has todoced blot to War a' hue, for • 'iveapies, of Inn, he our . Fralbrholan. MOO.' Prom *batons oufrieuo r i tat . alma outoote end • dubs to plum, h. hojtu 10 mar. it arid wain a oban ofDahlia pationme. • .Nowon Mad sad Ilaird m.Ner, Roakawstattp open odd top Routeo, lad ovary dreeriptlea of Carmen med. to order t frtu seventy 4vik tlfto melt hound.. • ••• treuelta JOHN .I.amp.. wag Grease alum,' Sulu or Marko from OEM; Wean/no' Popcs, *cote.. 'arid undoing. . open vl vi w th i gi l it i =tia b . 4 o 4 7lllle a ger" l ' . 1 . 01, 4 wss et WM,. larA ~:,.......oe u.. v i swint e ibt:l d = i iiiii 1, Weir l air 4: War la every where lair Wawa mad • n' enellp. • vihrwee who haw or& 1.1. of fj an grai t iv6.. In =lift Werelnk Of ihe hali, la twni.i.„ and enri awe womb et lie . skhr ha 'hues in ev!ply . 114 =terred-_2 rt.' - - .. , For nal, la PI II Uri MIN TEA KORA_ 13 rowth eh new Wear, and who at the Anthem •4' :II P Nebusttt,Pod•ril at. Allptheay Ow- • •. , lee • i ---- ve WI v "--- 3 : 1 7-. l:Wwo;e . lr 47 Id of Juno of and by al WWI of said rar .. Aare9z moan: Imo I eftir Airkt or one • . Milne Tworveli r if ~ Ifr W eoWood wens its •• maul) , Dr 4, yr' mins is ioftnay MeLabeit Whit ••••1-•Yirambrof Atom; medians • and of my own im it is Indy tb• immtmumrist• semi. Imutbamt Minims y4bY KILDINICts b Polulk. " MS 1 -•- •• . 0111004 AO% • ,N• A l'iiiu Vt. *, PERAANI Ii, . ' • HatuppeA inirwArszatvos. _,.......- -- . . viwitt aloe. thimittal sit= r, Sint* their fate sec duly LammdelesiMHPle *dies, oftrriarti ' ' I I " -:. ' . Inditeesesakted to is, mho mem Adopt, i r.t. • • Moms wile& dolt , tWei,. am by Heaven dossed .To itlirmasethe ills, fh om in loosio .t.,, DR. 011111STIrS GAL:TANIO RINGIYAND htjto. mini itemerhuhis nmorlm whielt hes vitestiVed the A =lomat appsehatiebit the medical plateau* et ' Great Brusat,eumpriess I da etOMIT new saletonalset Galvanise Rs a siedmitipeat, hymens etwafel dm onllmuyOknisieflaterz es,Elecoleend ~ W itmede Mn. ehlaesoin., are entimlyt Ofenoted .HA rhaV 'kW r . rises palter of Gahrsal or wired way •um obSecume whisk VIP Owl erlibk ffirOj.l.o.l. now in tam. . The !mat ktees,'end I hilenalla m wilds Gehtuniess is ODOM both*. haw bees Praratoneed, OM It Ws end bottontel utel,le be dseklethrialsetelmand al mime remedy thterathealdev feet Om the aiweeppliet lion was inedeete,erldel, atit tor tutecasing sail sod Pallevergoto, Jr.. bee* bow& cola parent ststs of patibelicio. 'The thaktmeis lisp =ow' dill Ow Parlemis of the-mat expensively& climes, sad inmeCotinimets su•linemecti had in in se ireg the dewed Orem . • • __ ,i • .erases TIM need la mumeedetwidisheatip y reemememded la &lam dam tablel airs pan my Intimated er oniseAlig stab V Ms MAMAS eft riga *ram, and theee - eomplalats are amotig the own paltdal mid universal ea *Malin ale. gulden, They mom Milken exception, km towels. plc maims dersagement of the Norms Dymem— and it wee in these cams that other 'remedies , lining it often failed, a new vent Wee rashly naebniterideg p 1 le conlidently believed, has been foetid la Oa peeper ad Mitcham eaudiestion atOnlvartimar r.' .. .... - ~. The GelverSti ill= been awed with attire satev etas in all toms of mit, seem or elmelde;ap . gy . inx i4 o d i =tsca or , ll=Grar si = Indi eoinh NA**, Pa% IrTagst ..118 4 Cooter: PeOnwiders of Die Mort Apeiakepi4me lif JefieAr dmwal Costp4fati,-41.5•0, Nimes SI. arm Dice., •frieHeasrs be Ml sad EA ntha,,,.. odki.r.w Amos +ad PkpiaanAl. ergy. east ad DERVOLIti BORDERS. I. cases et , coolmed Dyspep which is Haply atomises de. 1 rengement eft*, Agestive organs, theytve been band I. ly suceemad: f Mclver/mord/rimy saes epos matt be witnessed to be beinmed,and n o . a ~ensin aniseeds. hr the. preceding ecosplainta they I am equal?. reememended.'' The Rings ens of Arnow : le s ' 1 t. ' ai:sti7: 4 aL canna ri b n als n . )6 ' 4 O r o asap le as... eue female obeisant its *lighten inconvenierme..ln fact, T the h teetvi e wenn. itrietta.serget Brae irthereti • .• as Garters, Necklaces, - *a ,•',•• • an same casemate sere severe ehargentaand Orland standing. the power at applied by the Gaimudir map is nos eufficient to arrest tke progress or dire., end ultimately restotehealth: The unproved modilleeme isgthe Glatranits NOM, . - 4incelets, foci' endrely niao. dim it univar F a r degree of power tkat Le recti. sled e -r: `Mad, and no complent Wlrich the r0y............,,i....... Galvanion mut erect wHI All to be permanently seliered; , These snicks ata lap , t o ed to the warm, anns, wring, Inaba enoles,or en pal of the body, wish perfect conveolenea The oOonne Necklaces are used MO sower benefit In eases of Bronchitis or. Wreathing Mho Mead gettertal*t 'Milo eases of Nemec Destnem trod with almost 'flifeeie meccas es a preveativefordipsTleap, EPilePt . ic Fiht; and Wall. complaints/ -, ..• __ • . ~. • • - - Clulatteallarpsetkt alatt,, _.--,.k _i lensed In ermaeletion with the Oalvenha Mtge atarAil their modifications. This composition lies Matilda , : noonced by the Rotolo Chemists to be ana of shomOq astreardiaaryducteraismilmodom selmmo, • Jai be lieved to prom the romatkabkp ewes of esnill . game me • gabs.* elites dde mane etnawag a concentration of the inAlteac, mi le' scalar diesarei thus giving rapid:and . .pinnanentbdief. . No other, composition in chemist irri k....nappafteeth e owe effect, or to Omanisimitaratopeny ai she nerves. tritelit,lry manual's/a oat ward load appheeniem. The Roche Field eonteine whim capable Krim alio - est Warr ite -annihilates, te.egroeble;..aud,lt MA harmless in its med., as tt.ts homedelai lateen:gotta, Pall impleastimuf . and dbroctiessaaeompany it •Th e . combined leyeationsera in every way perfeClighalall lam they *re soldllpriees minim the reecho' ell end the - m . only regrow a Aar trial es bendi i!vei!f VgjsZe.i'62ac i=ollates Liu,. These &Maitre hiss wther • abiable: of the skysissioas :Wanes of GaPeardma ' wre air . imminent Whom totragemehee Elalmoie Red Nat their moditteatioes, smog epee the mane pilaelp bat laving the advantage of snore loeal appliembret.: - . try art entffidently reesesineadsd as a vrthoffilo wildnamin the speedy ease of fUtenaratima; gem er Om* Mall nervous complalonytain Ina •_positive team of .Pahe miudyrealems MO. cotes ow tray= ha Igo Sit., ilik tuiausiedithoirws,and in Winkiine sr , lam VIM P•inemry Organ, In Spam/ 'Ma , dim effmo an Mahe most decided character swathe, 1 We often been wed with tomplete enceem' also of the greatest edvennwe in gains god We I ado Dreask.and am highly recommendedtassweay et thswocewpieninitearldell inhaletide MOM-telly Liable: I I As en treetiml, means Dr sumtiEtt dm ;appall'. when debibtated web disease ontammealeemilla err' I tem rid. In Commotion! IVielteeei - 10 a Preventive for Golds. and all in affections of tbe elem. generegy I , the Helmmie Strengthenfog Piaster will be heed ol greet sail permanent Advantage- In • few. wordy it embrace: all the lapse, of the hest tante mmerit. with the important edilnlon of the galonft. u t ai,,,,ii i ; 1 which is oeSher impaired be Dar WO. ,nrititc.the i al- I don contr.. .. These articles will /nand Mill* free from thaw.s M ahe width orn a easmuma ' of eomp/amtiriffi theeid t iWirlasters in Isommognmenmei EII3e. The (Mat celebritpatud wawa thiMi . eilieire Imo emeeci there m be ematerfolted by anvil/elided ',erases. To provide wen imu imp* tion, Dr. Nemo hat batons authorized agent Mescal city of thit Delos. Tles aelTageet taPhtebenth,' SP.,'Ve WILSOTL - . - IleelP/OATibt 4 Ti3PrikoPartane .1 Of the Wien and Meet ntepeetaideeltalmeter, ate eta. stantly reeeived regardmg tite egugorffirsaryinalm, • and wen/Orr lie above art" MeV: .11 hl behemod that in tits MT or New Pork .lose, upwards et SIGHT j THOUSAND PERSONS. daring a Poirot Or :17= I • year, have beta entirely entered iiftbnined ehniede disonlers , some of which have eomple y 141. tied all Ammer efforts of medical an. /mimed manyof the don physiemas of this city. who diseponne of the , ' (Miriade and Magnetic !declines, eenslantij meow, mend this application in their primal , . and widlibeal- Mikmar those arlea M. tan Preimiked to give u a M. el. the Invention hal received ensialsemaw Amer Mak the nbast intelligent among the American Patally..,, Du. nd .Christie Is at t. ? times reedy lied umatt. Mires ;4°Z.Vitilot br=a m s , j e ten eitiaery lb :if iri: =meaty in Pitisbiiigh, eorner Oh etad gasket et 111 . TANTOSPA RIXTERMAX:, Nam LINIMENTi," W aatAdD S mow mly setnowledged to be the IN lALLIBLE REMEDY for lthemeatiete, St& sal Mentions, Contraction. of the MmelestiSore Throat and Sentry. lemes,Okl Ulcers, r oma in the fleet and 'Cbmt, Agee In the Bream and pa ce , Tooth Ache, Sprains, finnan, Salt Rheum, Berea, Croup, Fretted Feet and all N ervous Diateesee., The TRIUMPHANT SUCCESS which has it: tended the application of thin loon WONDERFUL . MEDICINE - Iacono: the meat severe came of tbe ddlerent Oneonta above nantedrooid the 'HIGH ENCOMIUMS that have been bestowed Yen it, wherever it ha been introduced, gym meth/tight to call on the 'AFFLICIT.D termon at once to the ONLY REt tEDY,THAT' CAN RE' RELIED OIL L rnhetaeytt, uaite in recoinmentilegthe calf. and Esteroat Remedy, Hanes Liniment. The followtog latter from th e highly. eminent ,Phyalciana who bore been attached to the Mow ?loam State Piece foe nanny years, to the best cradonee of the rainno(this celebrated. Lialmat. Stara Sign, Dramas Z.,106.5.r.,, *Dear Sit—lrecelved your note Of yestantlay, antes my cinema in relation to , Hant'i Liniment, as prepared by Air George I. Stamm.' Knowing Its companion, end bating Irequeatly med it. I can recommend It to you as a safe Eatenud Real! dy, toy opinion, the beet Lielmeet moo Ist, - Petit/a:yoked reopectfolly yearn; .• I &K EOPYMAN! Col Pierre Van ConJandt. Croton Manor. _ ENS, conceit in the above wawa. Yeerrown, Jamie, ILE& •' • • Slo—le reply to your letter, I wool ea that have need your External Remedy, miw Hones Liniment, in my practice mane you made me at quieted with its eammnitloW; and tiollesitatingly sty that 1 believe kW be the. best Estente Rem. dy sow in one for the comp Erato for wider you re, , commend D. Yoerepayectlally. Bk 21.111) MI LLER ,M D K & . 'Geoaloe:Esq. ' ' ri'Amorag the wawa worthless artlehie end humbugs that are posted forth at thepreent4ap epee the coital:), it is really tellltehihff AO lad aomethlog of nod p rac t ica l utility, something sire{ ple, speedy.and egecteal iirtitatoperatiom.eadnt the mem time five Don those tejelitnoilatleeto which generally atteed powerful remediee. EOM's Liniment, prepared by 'Gee. E Stanton: of. Sing Slug, theugit ha. been bat a sh.trt time benne the public, Ina already °Maimed-the toultchtere,net only of our most wealthy end lelleeetiO mthees, 'but our most eminent physielans. Alt sckaowl.. alga it to be a sotereign balpi f or many of the the , that flesh is heir to, soothing the aides lhatt,Mad by Cruet its genuine stimulating iallemieli,baniebiag die . ease from the ejskm. . Mr. 'Stanton—sir—Sl eing year advertleeteent of Hutt. LlMment, it was induced to try its anti on my am. who bad bees crippled eta e• fame' back ken an infanti nod itie with gratitude I bear untimely to Its wondedldhealiegprmienms. My child, who is now five jean of age, la lOW 1111 hy way of recovery,Youn.c. I E DEMMON grildlCEßsOltlf i, Post Clersc e ,, Toweasit;Otteleo Co t I certify - that I not palatally sapranad with 11the &amounted child.and think the Whin would 4 We to saying that hie an. ieelemetwelL. • JAS!WDYNAME, • Nov 5, 1511.5. . r • Dewey Post Idesmr. - P. S. I would alio Matti that I to been for umber of years seldect to freemen labiate( the Rheumatism, ettehin - tesay • liftman msented my attending to my Wilmer 'l'vre toe three sigh., cations of the invariably remove, aWal rockets or the tied. In castle Ittl - Wenn; imnimi and some; too munereett to meatioe, bils•in thle ?tinnily. proved a mud* imoode.; Its velvet**. :1 1,1 be estimated by those who hare glees it ere, This Ltalout t. midst IS tied W emus per bit tle, by all the Principal Pr aia& Ned hletelotate throagheat the country. p. • Inaleal&.4yeate'in Niso YonE fIOADLEY, PHELPS & Co, in Wain' RUSHTON & Co, 110 umedway. • • A U & D SANDS, comer Felton Lid Wflisoi„. ASPINWA ,LL Winiam street.. I Oldteraddriesed to tee at Sing Mai; .t(y';;;;; - he attended to. GEORGE E arrAIaTION: Per sale is neut./no . tj L-WILLVIdr ud J KIDD & Co. Allereaylltrdwix Ithrtainshate..tol4h ! - Le , 0fkr.r. , .;1iuJe11:',,,1;... • jut benrcen tir o s is . cl lin year444a4 daring Um dity Ow; r_....... , Jun r.r,ilis, Oft Miss foot la -rtriiititiellettiatiilielil4,lll4. Irani taisiii.6i rill to hot yesager slam wir ITU Appateatly livil, and " !.!!'.°l-Fr -- ~- "°!"°4l F' y cl sh ops • Pre p ar e d and .old I•` e AI P T a OCIL•I . 3,emayn li .oi woo{ Lb wood and fitt 00, • je3 . . „ -.-T' IGA~-.;~` =.. ---- .., ... -br~~ .~~.. „MIPICATI:O Wir•ltano l! h 1.131 11 IsreFLA osseen LlJRi B o A deldldt ae tlit i l .N altut_l-ae nli.ela-ft-en,s 1 Eitielld=:jaries=atofaz.-tVie, ~ . . InnallAW'S COUCH I.432Eyeand. TU. U5N.41.0 WO ' O4l 4 ,11Wiloall OW ollbeteen .lidy kemegia, &Air, emionowt... whoopaa nom, ' a- I l e i. Marco( ad hale a Gear in. el. The lo ea ” : annee.nane at e when limy aid bolion 4 pet '''. 'oeigke.... &WWI Gard base ban hen on% "I's' ib. he porew4grig le has ► lenses Ea stoat nen 'et., burroofetaaaptsso.d Gam leberewr the nal e1n,0,,,-e ealyhd 7 1nyelo sot •IN elry op b-,7 t term presoileathy la oate,; ' teltilica„, . pin name the rename oe eamos C.o.s.'. 1.4 7 .114 1111/4 woba.a. *fa swel wanks ten— banal, a nap nadaema ad en teadoelaNdereere.,-,,,' ma day* melee Mae asapkista noninde ken Inu Wwlo ofentidenee bonbon, alined oflbeh uneernl to, toes, flea champed,. ben brand fesee es matoo,/, enn. ad Mond neperbethean.beadegibeG Where tbeseineueirdantthe lama. aka. *Met araThar Wes& Rano m le n a ak n e e d a t O bonfifs 1 8,p, ldaOkOe n W eyl robin ote L n j nfrod4 s ad y• Itatlatie oriarMews... . "dais% Goad is toed a, castes ',Tn. _. Aliantadtle 13 WOll3l Wu:mu ra srsna=c 4 hein beetpnered /a ran G. 4300 Wer m e ate the nay owns was wwwiaw a sh ennenedatesend. .3132 4 4,..ari5ee fine wn. OW WOW& Wog ose iolowt wan. dna inn eat nelernee ben aspand; geese paean an ror; ow. Oland lanithea,sed donned be mien eneptuan indboaser haft ale nue of dale Lonsen:leoule amaranths. . . , Illetnee ht tajobb a bash*. • !tab .'" '''.. endletit kil a it aeredes•beet et the teeth d ~ • ebeattakanillinadsd mama& ne beenee intatia al the amuck dab t . es of heat enee Gs • ado ....rh bed,,, alisl4till , ezalr a . I.dresea adats._„_eentill it* sith ar...,..._ feiste ad seteentg. ........... thine rases kW/4W bib i• Ike seadhi dldlisnath.r, p. s Le W Masan a bre* /dim atm% esessad,... vac eldenlepedb, lawman Upend *mash ab s , selya s p; dead* pahe a eatieed pub Ode body • woo - 4 wow tbregneas Is the Gnat, *Gag ofthe ear tneen. not, • fraieent dean tor lanlendelt tea lb< basely out eat, . • , . zaltiptAups CAI rt la MICUI Lamar-% efthe heas lamer of the lairds dean s ,„ ‘7 , Of pond 6bn Gnat, bevel Or Miaow es. latet,lbatear, eprenda t or • want sinkae( the eas, peva map of the anal se hysterical sad an anew en elleesea, the day, sad mak,,Ads , ,lineeet tle eigh4 elates or. eta, dhabate, ballade or • are of Wipe. Pa or attadhg bite putiesy salad dollar. slangy ea . eattees s , the beaar.of youth; sent an, dajeton, mire the tow Gana... gal aeon name lie aphelion mesa., along pan te Gee By*. Penne triabene bees too bat then, all aredass........_tbsieberd hada, will led theselenspe•df, s iipe m roonrigies 'Liana.. im rrilizt The bat etnartssyludeetaria the inetd• sneadds ra. i.7 ,4 .0....k..... a. a, • .i.f......a, VA%, a.. 1.., • year • ateseady disesed. nada, • nub wan segleten . .bramoledeapen se to an abalone fee ant... the and lane, rine Weedy theL bes, bot the down ruin la dm want. It auste rebel' le a Int , Isn la emplaneizi webs reanns ad, area i 1 , . it should be awe aye .thig=roftbekirer se ad It nil abed inat sad . el=niJedieL.. !a engin bh, rase, Gladly co npnin of tbrelleet wawa* dagx.d.l.l:. lseeth mil l=tent the std lhaibror to tVzji"..i., tett, sifran no el Indy ehee sesany neonand day yeefenanthe enola-la:=,.. day alekstalltenthetteromedaleadrou. a mac; la esar i they see Ababa; keno:ea wetee. na of mainly &Mesa 1, wt. ate awn ay <eh% ad Ada dr I:94kb* of aft bas uhablen red *o.tse the aided Sanaa al an dr adelaved ad be Gs atet.liand mid endi„.. l 4 P l. Pkine, ee ' ‘Groste4s., hen et the raeletan to earns Clair and thd; a Osaka* Intatiar for me Ines the bet orra. vet& 1 koala& all/Mbleraos h h ye Goad than sdefor SbeneneVe Peen Waa's Maar, d ewa ihat yard es then en war nett.. Waken auratowl aimitied - Mit kr Go tree Ihenteab llw.r, 17 NAM. ~ widow. whetted hy W, Jecucere a non Windron, We. WO, Ulan!. anal, dia 4 of th/ - - i , puni FOR • --1 MAT M ItUUND I'D.”--Eharcha. CONSUMPTION CAN it CUD= DT IMMO DA. V DUNC4IZVI iXPLCTORABT IthliD3. , 'Malaalat, 0 1 3 Drah rri; 13 D. , Dar 66:—.1116 a tocatily la Da ala.; 0 ihaaal366lwiti a ik......r the Laapyar Cosaaspias , tlaa kale !prig at 15131 war Nadal with a'ary en a:6l labia arm bran, say ape ay hods eloA,bo al lb* .17.1 " ...1 ... Vilniolfisi Colooptim. , K 7 . 4 .1 6 it lad Otobloons Waled ollb aaara &ill raraa I rpil ay aily a paraaaa# Pandi t of Wood, stud with blob ark rata,. My shania Imams maw aaa atm- • 4 in. -Daft_ 64 6aa 13as weedy by fa r at ..• ..., /114,3 7 6 .6•4" On did lbe batdryad& I. or, warn 1 U)..gth th4P.II , 9 di lepa atm, airway, sakuala aadat babla akanearbl be dean-may hap wars 6, balitireadoal brawl eam*. lam era m tomy Piri parsatdra by num *triad lair la mkt a bid at A. Dautemes.S.2 l .l.- - L Itileii4o4.lo6 ciss.. prinall vsnlysmain W, lii. area. de pod, mad aroalli mill add leam, hey salikela IW . await maw ay Ur sqd reify Aos ad Oa* rt raga Ca at thr imam. Work wa ai d** aiNpumm.dd k. sway kit.. o. 1 k.... 1. th Cam:iamb:Ma rat abeard Abair of tids tnall v 0... ik.k..c..ii., k.‘ ......zeikr....u. .. a. disee , tioN,iieh; ladies of a ory adkriar, isaaaaly pa oar rdkr„ at lite amply 11. boob QV, algal the pia nal 3mah. is ay Cber4 Paha ma awn. 3 6 TM Anna.; ableh maan said as ta ha 'abort rasa. ,:ki....aki.......,.... iu . 5......k, .iiad, st se ay/ 7 rum.* NO Ins milk monad au. Ilan awe beat pabialiay to ay Noir, Maar& at 3 pima .M feel as Yoko as I via.' I him Moilepi.d Dr. Dam% Ea -o.anaa_ 4aues4faaray Wawa Liam shaarlyadieted Abu amp papal masartal a tau flare tharard iDuWats. ' Marra i:ad Law aid at Ara*. Va. Laaps ''hi'l .4 .• araal wilh *a .r ' tar air N. aarly marred lba as alai. anteing, .td 1 an ratiant the a baths I bk..kk .. to:day Irttleatirety ewe ha. Ira awry know ant thosa we Ummarbiar Waal. pima nalay row 1 , 14 We d...asa Iaaroya...CONSUILYTIOX . aal It aalyi6or tiara to . playa* 6,6 skald. JO, p 1.14 MAN a be tap Jar,ihmy Stair/Ptiarakipaia ..i. imago ... wed,. nais rradara happy. Ili. aelidurviio e ft iiiliiii Mid. uiat th e oar 3aa arr. I haired pa66l Cam% nth,rom leasaaht the Cial rOr anon& le Es amiably N. a..i...d er..., ...I i. ot .....,, I ma eistainorai=vet. Fop= . 31 'DJ , --Tlaia libet7=hapabiSal Isla aia I aim dr arkajr, draw of MasisaarmisaAaaana, , 0,6,17 amy time whataaaft &sawn statements., • . 0. =MCA N 111,261130/ 011 1CE.,1.10 ' , raw.. l t wham dal narable Maid. as away. br - waarra &WI. rusaaraa. by yvkl. hkautur., center of as mut Lllvrt, au aril' gam WEAV E AMERICA" _ RENOVATING PILLS . '•Frir abase ' leas merlon go mating sw or mr• es ik....1"4 riu., /hare adraral extreaalY roc. Yaws" a. arid Sloraaelt. / barn made op of freeL ly or wedlebte widow reativsag atszetlal erg" Alma Wee maths rata I eommeneed s r. Stirs Math ..., 'Web Ma mind) Injured .. r le Vall i' 7 Ill' TA (dab sad iZtatanee; nomads ass or tie Mk aadrasahrod Anal benefit ' il ask. I easialli ocolkleaeo reeamead_liess. - ' - JANE A EEI7 llad st d.'irbolailale aid retail, by 11 A FAUNIZTOCI rMEW Of hi aad Wied, sad Wool lead lib no. 1. Ott PIDIPILLAsna 011. SO C i VXDRii. I : • • fiOdE anmlatt/ GM wad roars! Lack at sna : . ada MAW mdaoddi her bright sunny Cm: Loj • „ t irormmmai !Mad addi enptions and bkftles ! Vet Ve ISO Indus la Van' My dent. for • e ale of die Villeins Cheddeal ram wkielt ameba Nor i t • , tip. Onda, asd andraynar yam akin clear and r thy. 110 waned is Jaskaom's *we, BIP labeny at. _IL ac ....... (tad ddlyid . nce to rinabingl6 intern ' ' l in than idasadia ia vs adaamd. &man, of 'fowl.. . • x , • , IIII 11 00 1 414:siiikois ds in the konmay. • -EWEN Patella Meek- pilog Taws ' . /NVENTED—Fo e % rthe whereat! Yeneeeeto Case of HERNIA sr RUPII.IIIE. (embed to ea . • Wachs, eteleisof Jos Tnes moist in the tem mod.e ease with wide h away be wow, The pad of ng nnttybatanndea sprier, yields a. Nes .)dt„ so ea say weer. h. and therpoly adepts itself to moveleent wade by Ihe enterer. It eau he wore tel Isitwistudeaossel ii ewe Se drawl. The tee. have sawie arraageosas t kr the asenefocture es . eaboate Truss% la a asystiso style, In Philo de hi hod beee Om pow be saki at th ole othee, Na 77, eld Doer Nix* P 80. iesbevr. '- - - .- ' D. W. NA UPFDION. L bh OialllllloEdlift S TRlPP L . — 'ktuhl ka rar i rasitaf &soli mut ► tiged tie Syr.; -_ r.l=l:li wey {gni& ea aka ttected 1r I a pm& ~ , U. 1 Louie a ~....44,x, .eZhire=r4.l hilppy io uyonlier I On bat Needleise I lwreiver o:1. 7 % = Ii ZZI b• Wie di Talsable edium, ' '.- nem witgenurs. Alkit.../ CO 1,. Olediefte Is Inpared D alelnekv amd regal/ , :a . ~. D14:1:01( -JOHN Molgully PITTSBURGH i.GAZETTE- , .' ousinto DULY. Tamtßur & wzmu,!.' aiomaiaraa,pa/A....&&heci s ., , . 11.41.1PR15" OP AriviIIITIOIRO. - '• losoftiosolf, I.ollson, or ;1M...h. ... OLO I imoOtois widionOtoratioss,.... .. . 0 7 3 ~ :ro Wooki •- " ‘' ~ .- .. . . ... ... . tap . q 0 Meath, •'. 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