. . uh OKI /41,—..501A my pow ale !ow/ Atm* Y.ll ftwobleflon • •: • • t. `• j,ki 447'SV '• • • • ' . ..5,. , :i5;•..6.,::: , e-f..;• .;'''' '',,-. • -. , 4 14. ,;`C0i . t.1 , ,01iiP,,,.;•:, 14,1.,41._..m.. , , , ,,,, , .... , , , ,,, , v,.. e .,. f,.: L.,,..,,...5 1 ,.. .. t .,... v ...,,,. r, , ..ti.1,...k* t ,, ,, A4 , A . F.i::. re.nr.i::liz,,..v*,.. ivt . ..... , iti . .46 , : : hii.4-. Mr*Wit;.44.:ii:ll.: . -, .:- ,„ , :. , ...,. ,, ,T „„:.,..,...-.:,-,..1;,,,.. .. ..- 0 . : ,...,,..„„..,,: 4......, ~c , t 4.-.1:, ...,T , ..-. , ::- , ,4 4 -,:. * .: •iit . ... , ,..1},i ,,, Pi, , :z...,-x 1 . ,...,- ..‘-',.',1,..1P.::,..;:'-' , ;: . -7.i4::!':4•,--: .."-4.ft - - -... : - .. A Via.i,,,7::':::.i!:.'.',;'. 04:4;" i'l'! 4 :4 , 'sto%l?.' ice, ~x`o%l kNttlti-1 -, 1;i:;:::, ,: ;it-; ifj.-.:;1.14; 7 **, - 7; . '! - li.: 4 ,: „ ., , ,..,-4,.,,i,,, ':i.t.:„..•-•:-. 1 . ~......:„:::„:..„.„..._,..,. • • • 24. ~.-• ;~ ~' . . . . .'::- - ; - ';',...',''...-.. : ::..7 : !..•.:44::11:.•: ,:•::::.':,....-......-'!_:::i -.. . - i't ,.. .:.1 . - =CIE • 43iVos f. • itt ~ ,1012;g4, 6 01 112 . 4 " e F f ! 54. 1 , ,-Otewaa eirlaketro isionemian ' 1 egatitTeaeadigatletalaate la ttlar rem ; errEaSJost wsponad.coamithat duo vb. . frog ni ar. to vim DO ' AVMS, 1 , 4 . ^ kg:dia.:4i fill* it Ppq;„ y5ll bvadaatwnlllllli 'I , / for b010,4/7"*.oy INYlTOarrabcNigiel • ifla . eerpasitastoorka ota VIDAY/~~-t~ calf hick Sibs lls. loakaaftbli . • 14.1tios 'amp i j. 14 - COCO Of biersit lll•NOI; 19Pa: t Ne t 41/1a sato ‘.2. , „..rn üb sw . O Wel, 71111 E 11 ,'1111, moil a bay,. zoo. wort of 0 by vrt114110131.11114111,1 . 5br ond 12 b) lot , ,ot= ty rat e 32i i ii 4 0 , 21 1 N is4grio; rsertmacaNDisseri,/e!t - , • , - , giviretei sib Vir, jot "i bic4cont & wart sail iNialats a' • litriiiTlll"PliPircZliarcailalaralla 1.., gooier-lab:by -JOHN ISCOIT .- ft CO , • • ?tamoorelal Nor.bbako EA X i 'td !add • 1177 a ;001.' ow. by /MIN SCOTT 4 00 WPM, 4t v iAlfidttheasica Cidescr da.t.y. .71.11CHOU2MAIMI* CO .B d 111116611611,-.6 8010 1 1 met Voir; Clei6 . aad , aad . AristitLais . bbso,v!*rtr*.iillsishos 3 103 .0t; Yed CO,lllOlO St PiCentaill,•-11VWeMsin recd. todfrac.stot, try • WiILACIVIUSKi ; sal • Al C *MA= Fnct t * io.snd ime.,rici,TltHUlMS 11" ii AI leil.ifitelS forris L. 444— scnobrowneit oti, ybeas .1.144 1 4 1 t Tst {N, 1 : .4•18 nem 7an J•vUltt . ltxsinta .}...0t son.by.• ',....- v. , • • . -}'' jr7 .1- .- • - ...•.:-.TASOKY IS UIIII, Ulm* n.. . S l lr.TlV7}strO b l i t ' altal ' O l . :' ir• b 10TUTS-441t , in...sots Or en trr. - -__l - i• - , 1..) •yi 1 '... -. a F VOttIYINNIFORNI% CO . .1717MITEFlest-411 - tatstuateatiesetiiianby 'r. F F } 15 .: ,.. • FRIES'S. itweviaccoa maw m A L 1f4 , 1C. - tarrelnssineit Ss isle by . ...,..t ~., . i Xl• /. . .:3 YUJI) &OD.sar usolOittins ''C lig f;ir. i t le. •! l 9 -o . f ri.e V ir 1nk 21:6: 'WIIIIPACFCSOA urn - artenst tar wa.lnni; and annannii tat dadalarin_ay - ' ' 4 ) 101 '. ~.. .. • J tteHOONMAISS kCs 1. *RD Oftr-ts tt* na wean* la boa null -Ls bott*. *ends SY- - ilill.lt. [IM MOO* ‘..... 1 iptAclos -41 dax Wean diaaabienxid alidloll,feed ‘l7 iH)I.-a-idlrxx tam talimrsaloodirdeeliallinddx 'WI • 7', - : Wit AmisCIIIIMISON (IMAMIIII- 4 0 I•xs'pr!lin isd kr sok - , hy ; Jytz ; : MA ReCtITCNIEUN , riv Rum =a *rule bf JY.? II arom a Me= tlortl A it.o.aa'rzt..i.k. ter sale by • 7 , ..-.• , urict & 3/..c&if axis. :t=i;!MTMI INKY MAC Ilpita—alpylai. irkkill iii,e,, :l4 ol. 4 B sale - b ARLINT—I ticks nvelre4; hr idle bf, • 1 •• •.W er, MaCUTCHCOrIi WI liberty kt" (Immo-311 , 40v by It intwod tad br sida 1171"-..&11.. It&LaCITICUEON- GbAl i Pi by 114 on 'ma lad for Weil .101ZINSZL• 44 11tag No.ll 1.14010111.1 . nral be "Le W4+l"2l4j:Fl:=St 1 - =i6EiEEEEffI Flr po_rigr; F-43 oiswar,cv. Rt111:-;114eki!.9e.iii4 Wfir =I. C 1111110 4 77 ,319.15—`11 - 9 6 1ria ii,ity_ V- LKV• Sliari r BLUM kiln= •'' ' • '"••••• ; • 'ter liberty it it glair mu. CLARET WINE—A lorr 'deed bbltrbbrAllibbril.r bedyrd and Afsate by the des or boats... • ' • ratvmsnd adosoruto.e<4 l . Jr , boa: Per Alle,irbatenal• a null br irss ; JAWS WILIVVEILr CLAY II.ND rorlFCHlher—to 1 xi GennieClai; jO3 • • GAIRISON billielltablilT•' OLASS —WA Lugs 1111214, tllytA TY.. Ws I.l4Jane*" •01 Ni GI us is wen Li.s.febt - tylS L TIMMAR 90m8r u e'bribbS 'rut'"? " ar mk, . ; /rip rrv.aav Q.PTa. pliVlllll7l.llE—eo Ise pa% 4r • SILVA& pa ME GIIM COPAL—S, au. lest stet Pr st o gy DAGO' fIPIIII4-ou o med and for pale by WS T.1,1b10,V PUSS, Flite , ,Tfrp at sloil oak - by NrlllllCOAtt,4CObbto good"— "%%%rata G t=z4sammr,7llo , l§,mailidier, GL, kil.4andsedirciaol. isle P i l k y r rir4l P 0 111 J 11111M.L. - used sad won Baias 500U4.010041111 LLAu4 i c am . Act* .. ool),S . MUM tO4 Ci""rTit uP,Alki :i.bt ALA V iqiisireaslitylest mail NW for sale by . .ABLIUI4 &allart.W rrr-7-“, ~'±'~` ririns.• 10 3 - noas-ge - itiluiTetirdr Old u rin 11011 air .113 11 it 11•1/11111.10li . OA TS—allYavpdawerrsda.sil re= -A-17.—iti=taree-dr lry" 009 %. 1 hI3 . , JOHN GEM &vim* Iftapess aroma el be AL Furies ria.tratifkly fir w o & • •. - • . MfailEg=al;4 _ rintlilkilerriallY 4 . Noble isis bud gad lb, TACOS WAllNSWidolaillidol6llBo d sad Vaal sl§;.; !I • . SMID-116 krhWas.'ll4.lllipojami,i, d • 1%" 11!74 : 44. ! V r". 1;11 . 11% . ;•1* by' ~.0 1111ali ICI ifr tyasittaleft We; y,y• - • it II ~twu .rerimilkis sou. imp sal beam, tar& voted SilaantHadille hod Tra n i? , /worms... 4 man= BeCILIIIIITA Wirt lallyr i 54..• • Vit en= QllO DE• nrre WA m 1 csorigus, al the Sims: , 8046 0 e. V.r. , 1.0 YIN arm. • Mi 4 r sad Owns ta (S.llols, bow . 4 ma mom.. eessessill - as= sad be si Mai new,.bbollll Fa west. " • sr. 'MOMS di A- .-... .., TT. 1 ,? .. ~, . • '' rover rya DU:tele? ' '•' ibuoo ', .. in • art lbe Mae 1.1 Me • IMF •• _ 1111; • -11 1P2'1A• I " D umpilix3l,l4 Mel Paine! VW.. -• 'l; OA 15/EVAP i:well4 la peso oftr 1.0 for lairs'.." =MIMI= &CO F w• • ir.k.. — Awilv• 000 iirukfi•••' , .• • - v aut (404:09 la 1141110ilais. 11V-t i l 91091,10 9 dez.Gasai MP** • " 100' 111191. wei•lalat4 soli oo,si woos at 1,11 • 1./ICUU0:1 a. stACE,lBsnaus-Tailire 6 airmit MIX dtw,tlt OW str n iwy rwww. • OW . erv/ir.4f>tbausherrinrasy uricusaariaco Vi Ili a liblike.• tem - 1471117 a dm, bond, te WAY voindiv WEliblisA its sail 000 i !OM! 01} W. • py - 'AA- • , ?_./, • ..„ 41DIPPIMPU-. - ••v01111): !II WIN kir 4 , 4 „A z ip • • •_ . a Arrrk „s&AK‘i4l.;:avgatl‘f.ourAar __a I •-- ".•• • ' Tar. sAvi. „ ;77 , -•:apppeß . TllT. MMORIDRIL lIMMTWI 3 TI 3 . RATES 'OF, pAtioters,.. - tutu. jrynka ^ .CLICMATLOIII I3, s ! tde &&& surfeit dus instindioired the fint Panda! iv e 4 d, bend luvew matinee, four mon th s whteh i• mune raa,..womee • 33 o f dadelyaoreteded by Ow Spring end fiontiner — SR/ I 23.41:11 • "•' ' l " *. l'isenutrykid""erier de e nmti eiwinr r etws .'"' rei the Sci A t TM Dumb ewe yew old, had d powerfiti irst pre , -1 . • area triae_,endwell nddPild Omit Mmd , Fat er hj ecr a l &N & ! Llliil. II Admonitory and Operative Sorry Sto,oo N =awry N.,. L 1/./ww. Id !detain Medina' Ilienpenties I J R Ohm MD,Cbanny end Plowsacy 10,00 W Reach A Swum and Clinical Medicine WA AII Beldrldre D, Obstetrics and dowses of worm aid children 1440 R Iteeholian M D, Physiology,liaines of _ Whllecoe end htedical Janomadertra T Mitn•Wr Id D‘.PellWaity, Theory and • _. Seasske of Mahone • , Manned ...et Zeta R. Mee °library St Crust wan fwi Sli. DC-0301104.11101t Tido,' 11, optional.' SIM paid antic berme the first Mondry In Nevemtber otone cadent. rlll i allpekl b ty the lw rget. ue twa 4 Deltas Me one CO.; the Demonsermant ticket: are of Litury Metricaltsn ticket excepted. The Imitate retwaved ed its charters ISM. The College edi fiee 4 situated nuke center of Conn and Slum sts. The coarse ollastratiton will embrace every think o( indite hums and µlight In duo lesdical Collegs, weU u the Relprowd and Hodinleal School of 11/M -eier , Six SUMS. 'Memel , will to given daily— Mould from 1.7,60 to CLIC per week., tandidatcs for drednenondst addltkin to the preliminary Wm of many, West here attended two fall curses es wow legally in. miswrite , ' Mwheel College. the lest ofahts want be in lies one coarse der feat yawl preetlea, AU letters soliening Maher litwols,sit {daub:Ong mew fm Ow F.al.T. awn to addressed to the tweet , missed rpoststeld.) NoicsoiXolvent Hanks of the dwarf im *tick Wedelns reside, vritl be nails ed 3n pameat or Pm. T. V. MORROW, M D, • - Due of the Faceity, in.vs• Waseu,seece• • :.4/0 OPC,I Great Te-s3,' IS SW 121 /P05413 •, ',.° - ?"" 1 1 . .4. / , 11 rtes . pee1••••—•41.11/.111 4= "... 11 111; i Stle;So ., • , -1.21 /111.:a. Issue., -0: DUN' /slap sessiesed •••.-11411110 = 4. Rs 31 4 . 44.. tr i t tt deo ; 4/110 , 211 Lee 1 Dps den teCe ' SI Ole rb.• • ••?..P.. dri: • Isseletst Ombra • a OP dodder, Coosue-t••l4.lPli ilreCpeetes. .... ate .. . ; .. . 4SI t • "View . •• SS 01111 Limas:..... • • ;LOOS ea ; stcy•••••473 4 / 1 100 subM 4 O 1 0.4.74 O . 4.74 Ya , et • Sn Seltedei • ..••••111/1111 Brat •. 00170 Wussii'Aeid••••••••••43 lOW Paris, 81e..... touiiii • Dye Weed-4/ 514/1 Pestle 210 1 4,4& „ 1, , ippe1i b t•21 41 Seeleele ' 03 13414 Peresperans.lo • o3 l l 3- AlmentaseUlPl. . ,•• • . 0340014, .... 4 . Iran' • Hu4 . . -MDI4 Carnets; • • •14 013 ram, ........ • -61le Orosede P us . ....... 1,11 rZ 141 Ills IWens.lll4ftsl Sauk. ••• ;•• • •••: .242V 0 • IThss i rteut d e , .• ' 150 Lemee - tit 12, - bstr i t,, n 4 2 4 Ty . :se .. :•44111V1V1 00 ISSI - 1= eisoi c.,•••• -- 12,00 4//, ISMS • bbl.. Wes WI vb. • •••-•.-104 Sepsis.-1 137 ruse? • 4.12•4313 bids' • . "4. 41c,. r PP" AA. .. ..," , b. . .. , ,=;.7.5,.. - ...-.4*-4-1 50in,..•..,:,,,,-....: w ilf.", ... M0., 11,1 * ibialltem+;•* f. , ..... ..!*. Ip•mb- - 4 . b«hres. - -: .9.u.whit. - .....;•srar... COMINISC a osall::.e- r ~,—. 1 01111100 11 0,1 P. A?* • + , t ... skims 5mi....;.4..* . ~..._:, - Itglknr•••• . ..... ,411PIer+ 4 I. Maw . Ai1i.. 7 0. ansYsisuaoP.,- • VI an 01 Shaker UMW :China 04—:.,-:=1 161 : I Ilai me Via- t t 4 1711 i 1 ii :All GO Wilt ps . .. il e. li_ “ 4 0 5 I .Fiem im -... i•fas Cahmis= 1.• ah ne U. M te r QT. Oppol••• .. bi .IPhabeilleas..-4/1 SI Cioeisaul 4s -4014 Vl'llskaaratt :Z 44I'lat ase . Piiii• -102 —O4 Teaksuass•dez • — MM. WSW lb— 111 root —4O *trims. $O.l so LOON . 1 11 14 ........ • — ::: _gy m . .loompios Vilma lb 19 9 090“. . .. •••••'- ` 8 ..o ..... . gm 11i....q •. . T. INArtrialti.nt • . ..... Cava Oris . ^-0 Cous.-Twi.os • le Owes Wick =•• is Irtais Liquivra • • _-9111 , * Samna —0 • .....:-111 as R~of I : h. ' ! " n r. 1inin81" ; 184kCh": 14. " 4 7 "114H... ; :: 5 .:11::,.... 1 1 L - 111 41li Agars 4-4,1101 0 Geemee«. — Ol r_Wsleiesie mmelessleint.—lP des. 121 0.1 woe defies& uses' /UN AIWAAN AA ••• • • 41 * Lanni& tlimealt• WO. rhea MeV A !W t.. "' alispegy Ws••• ••—•'W Oregon se Oakes 11711 —1 • "taw." toetiausa• s mit.teirkwamea.-•- .4-i :P.l l" .rrit si l edWelgt= astlesew —617 Il.d e —4ll— .... .A.WPee Isdleseu MOW West Deese ‘.--WW neridnits ASIAN likesissi MOW 1 h =1:1•• •• . Semi morm.•-•-_ - -, dna WegVelyrjri••lrSPSlSNOtili *Wee 14 017 Aseassida•—• ..... • IoW Anew . —Oa se I, No- o rw kt.Oola--- N 3 N.. No 3- , •••313 6 00 , 7 , 3, 1 ,Nal• , -- ,1 114311 1, 03_ • "1 - 41 - 19301 49 I lud ...... .9911 4. 1191 For. tot. ••••••t: 119.691 - $ ..... 19d1 19 yam R 14.110111••• •••• ..... "AIP .... ... Darr ./cletsf.l9•••" l .15 Moo. Vlodadrldposs,, box—, INT Wand! ! . I 3,601 ITU& Pawn Bll6 do, /11114 O • ISM ...... • 2.61 0 3 , 09 I tam 411upownlor—IP kw Pl7O 443' di* Mee, lbo MAO Do. deo I lb clods"- .7, nye "No da 14111 - 1117 11 paperv•—' Reek powder-- 11141;.6 ,11404 , 0.-", bagel. F3O 401 40 04$ Z IM COMMERCIAL RECORD. M]aiagE2 131,T1iiiiidir 4 - Mi 719 - — 6 - 10 AI Friday - 4 34 717 6118 31 Satortay' • 4 55 716 . 606 1 ssslay ' ' ': '4 56 715 M.S. 25/wig 437 714 659 S'Traday ..- 4 87 713 - 551 4' Weolosaktir - 4 59 712 549 AMID 01/ sU IDs. EMaiffiM au Masa IllsitainTia; elessarts. Captains. Leave Amr.• Leant Emcee. litany nl, aitunalli(llr)ghti Cattrin, . 4, '• - / sly ly IP 4 . Conlnia,ls,) • Jodtins, Hein 4 Am a •Vrapit'ala.lAi) flew it, , Jaly ID Platraeltlakta.lFfl deg 15 July 13 tiisaaan,lCtl• Aug Ul July . .1i New York IVII got 15 Aeg 16 I.laion, ' _ Septa! Aog 71 MMHG= ARRAMEIiCiTS•FOIL IEO. Steam Not racket ,Luie, leaves duly for Cis. ' elasag, 10 o: . • • Packet eh Seamy vine to Baltimore sad Pklladylpbiaa a. at and 6r. o. - Puke! Lbw to Pldlabelpble, daily; 9 'Mall Cos& Lbw dineetlO Ptiledelpeetti 9 0. MI. Weston mod Soothe to Miff Coach ,Llne, A. ft. Nadi woomi tialeketelasd, PeituJ WaayasNew Yatk daily 9a.>.. Not* &Mos to Plillodelphht, daily, except -Sew. ARRIVAG - AND DEPARTURES OF MAILE Essisrli.Dhirgla Philadelphia, dee, 3 A. M,, closei Ism; *eaten itati;Viseiguati aid 4°lollBle, duo 8 P Seim - Wm Alan iria'll A. .4tho N. ixs and Washort.o.BoB IP. 118.,tiows A.-111. Nidtb %dm to Cleveland, deo 10 A. 81., time. &di Wand Welkin - Ylew YOrit, due 6 P. M., elms _ _ masons CMisti cosisssf the lietha j athe wok awe. Wrbsa-1 Tiewe/omq" essreally mill am! stemma * thaSiamos,Sad OsSisses costhmes susiente, with 711001Sossa'srtiop ineel4 though it ass! sot ; 4114 . NIT !«/ ktias:" OasaarAtoss. has bus). has Oral itay, gilts briski Wag isto co . sintlosti, thalsoso,ddl asesso of tba year. Ov mon coati* Is-Ilse s ;i4ostiog Itadtbi Sad caul inuossatstsoa, aros!soma• mat betas cosilltiss Go Noise's. hedges riot • rost,isd Wirt, mast all OW* 41sSosletq Old tie' atss or noisito both by cool sof 'Orr, rtes issiststa . VV. zed= coriaree,le of Olds Tatoeto yarn *raga ear se eat mrehoreee, aati destined fee las Mitre,* marital, Ora, lad lad. I emir he mewed ley tea Cimmerian livered for tan dram oa It, bet ti• Leticia leaser is pretty bedew doer eit - ralt rims. TM ler Kr tm Ur tier Ma pored propo U to ties tai maim, sad tM amine of Warm urine • ter Mew Ile rtn, tat bar 101.1001 M. We Ines lid dm ISM lade artily remittal with Chid aril eta, lear - raaa sr, sad aide samsremas d s etch ~ tars. .141•11erreb of ere. le more &demise time ra, Mara u ii 6, lay ea mete serail Maar Mid lairs. , I • racy sad Ida •TrblllllM **MI mai s so al • mestere is set 11 dam, for die primot. We is. it Mind Mr a realdembla card of or Star .Balk(. Bar Noir," bad Ws rat et• to PbUalieL pra lo a.r stare Trernn:le be rell la rimer er Na Asatli laters sad If so, a kip potties of It ray ha Arad 10 , ar earrescjOmilatinit bus, nod thsr.by hanitims Uri rues/ dtseasetoWebar lum.rwr, then day Dot is the ear. .; • Bat few rerintsew bet Nkeepleeeld priettaiitaa .. A.SHICS-ts UL article the tretwattiest d Me week Mee beat weeterate. " 7,1 e dock on bud to tisktt,.sed alai batted. The reeelpte duly the M k ken baba .to ket tbo rut that oar pm masefactated, Woods* the plineipal nommen or tai moot:, "s is the bout at {Wog la tkelr esp. will fennel for ii. iiadted l. ell4lllllll4.lktb -- We viol' la a meta, way to (Wt. 4 8lIkentutt at 607-Peuae dfik-•Yets sod 1 4 01 / 1 0 4 0 . 4 1e 4 11. r Lb- • ALReeTbe beeses. noeneeee eel to 111., ud part. tide ani adiebobrot alma oar bat repeat-aro WAY it SI id 9 a. aucws.-ddatio t sgriepll ad,aad sales Eros Ingrid pt. Le VC d"- • Irma lot lamb at ik beat at !fi at eUTTER—Thi nukes cotoioote dell. sad the sepply betted. We qaaall Mee et good roll aid 41 ins ettjee at to to rte.: road' pnot lroo LS BEESWAX-AG lettalsjiaitua nark t siderite at Mel 244/Ibe ib, • A • " • • BIETAG,Tbet newel aloe ie the Alleyhool Ipa . . been vote propthoo• to the iron men ollbot rettleto. • sotoe XlOO loatti beim untold- in ballet OrPOS Nil coselles of Cluttas, Yesure sad blotter:. 01 this Se code the ielkoolog Wee, ea Satiarday; Mei • day ant Tia•by —9 tdSalliaillk 150 tom et iro, Ent.. ITO tato 30 e 56;e444. ~ Lot ol 50 seat Wit; at 30, 6 MO. 13•oherao, 50 tees.3l; 6 loate— ime at,. t 3 tar as. 91, cash Merl Ale WO at 31:‘ 6. ma, Psay,l6o tau, 3t, G mac , Sbode itotoollloo Wee 31, 6 two Maths, 130 Wet% 316 wok NW Cntek, 47 tasa,3l6 ma. Holm, Fe 6a so% 6 sea. Cressentass,3l 6"mos." Let al Canal 443 1 , 4 4464:::: lam, (Clasias) IX too, al tid Sell nap. Stock ia, wayarat La ran a...i. le, Pill "" reb:i.-. "itrlt' * ".• °163 4!'" 111815111 •ii tia&t.e6d, te5g........t ft. it. pm.. 6.. _,E 3 ltati:- 648 " ed , ; 141 . 1 ....... NMd " 60 • 620 1 0 can. ,301 611.70 a p 441 '6l i'oiled, NW riot Low don hare cot boos woad to r e ;;,:i 'r1eaii .4 1 , 01 ,„,,,, 7" . • '- • tubs Witimitit ireolt; We vials eta of MI Isle. [raohalbtll la .Mot Lailted, sad i -., '."'" • ''' • ...i,•:.• : ; : [ I, • lILANS—Vary eleiliei-eteadei .t L 1 metal 6ide7Zie r M. 1iii0133119.-11netat tW, sada*, it 37, I Al Led saardirs Co77l32l—Far this smile Ulan la a lair daasud . . ... eat n OMB all/0414. la Pie thaftlig . ;•• '••••••• ASSIV+P 114‘4, 7 4 1 . 10 5, . Mart-014. • 4144c0s 14 SU ' rO. 4 4.1 ,4 4 . !k i a; 1 P 1 Or4r3 : -. 41•4414-.44 - 4":11.1;47-1, lzR 4- , Dew- . -r as ..... 44111 4 rm atm' 41 10•0 t on 0 Aim B &Der 1 nee. IMM1 4 ••• -- & teMa 4 • 41 Nod , -germ • • Due arsills . 1111 4 11 A Cs Irma Mem OM"— NS 14 —• tels, lialtirks ItS - New Ted , ' 110 401 Damaged, lut elsageterT .110 • mrat Hama; Matt , , '•••110 . 11 Drifarmaselr, patios aides • 34.410 1 40 9 •. 1 411 1 0• 11111 0 9 Uppm billibed"..ll3"~ &Tni .` lAN Lass Loulmos - 18,000- 3, rood, /ww.. . . . I Lumalsr—emdle, • ' 1010 fea t., Plae,eleat, Mei 70•1 1 . 01 1 COM6IOII * —OlOO Clear, 11 11 •1011/ ji • 040,101IShe *MT •'• . 1- Fkaregalil 1/1:01•—• PlasSldaglear DM 01400 1 Luba, sawed, 111111-1.10/140 Dive Steak—, 1001ban't. •• -1,40•301 ilo Com.eep Calmi. •• • 6.1110 Kee Sh 1111/1,10 Plellase•—• "P=••• ..... 41 • 43 .• as Naval Maria— bel:•,•,llol•3ol4 PfloO ••.••:• -••• . • • •1 4001 , 00 : 7vAllegbeax•••• —4l/ 11,Carollas• 10111431 TopeadrM 0 -4 * • && Varniak.Cepal !MOW MEI Naga—. ke7,110 lb*, lea - tin t dad team advance . 10111 Z Jalaara : • —.30d3.275 *WM .---.3.7617400; e. 7 1 4 .- •• 4,1711667 . •••,-• —4.10104,73 Va i t , dr 111:••••• ••11: gaika Award, ,-1 7. thatuara—, tia .Pitmaargri .44 OIL- N Unwed ..... -• • det Lard, dry Sri 0111** , • 1 . ..... • ••• LW 110LIS. aparaiMetsebed• •-• —OLDS . a • • dal:flora-lad. •—ildt. Vorrirs.rita- , AIN,OONVIO Prot. I. ' 704110 Lampblak_ „lite =...,W'" . .417. -.• YellowNstXte 33.. • ! N 42.23 • 113 Draiiviitlatees•••lll • se Whit•Leae,dry 11f• 44 • ' 01113.te, tag. •—•1,113 .... 414.11L001. ••••• • ••• 4 , F s Yelknir Oektr,•• • •• 3 Ves Had. • • •• 4 • • P . fiebital—• sea.. exs. No lie=ry 7 .-311irAUX1 ram. • • • 31/013440 'firm toesq. .1b Cfik.F.SE—Tbeillpplr la market i. rather ad, and rice@ bus cestlasbd Rim. Sales of ema at Se. and of pod common at 6.18.61, at which Sg.' miaow, SODIw In diamond lota base bees sold "COPPERAS—SsIes of SS w. at S.loAr,..—Regrahr transaction bus bees with** say chair or pries. Saleationt the river at 5•251; from reigns at ty to Sie p be. CORClAGEf=Ne:ebande in prim. We tools ninon the frdinring rater. Stanilla Cope 'by cod .. ... Do cat • Mate Rope, by c0i1.. :.::.. !M cot Tarred_ rope. by coil ••• facet Ple•kirq yun, fine Do per , eoll• • lbe to lb Hemp lAMMLIWAO doe. ,Do par coil • Wie • eoian Lists: .. biblailla 172/ . 1itaip....84 It' dos . . , DRIED FRUITiot web is tba tints, sad ales doll.. Ws gaols maim Was at Appiss st 48 to 80 essts,..Paiebei,.trost stars st R1,?.3 to IA? VLOUR--The .apply la mutat is limited. and prices remain ins with a alight teadery upward-- The apt by,pfahmida ed the docile* la Breed- Pis „ le the Enthth mutate. km placed the undo epti,:be.a implmeeulad potion in thrt PPS matheti.-Artiltb.nittemeth no *beep le yet peep tible; mart Mee Its tdeeoa appear home market The Dew by the' Washington calmed a slight advance is the PIP herd; me ney,therefore peel that the H lberale's ease sill produce ideas* or keep the Pete at present - taus. .Tbe prices dories the +elk bath raneedfnen 11d,03 W 4,114 sod 4,15, fsent grit heeds, and frme non at 4,37 mud 4,60 p bbl; .backside : we ewes thin of leaS bob dariag the ' , . ii, FII.dITHERS-:•Tha simply le market pie man e at to tim demand. The receipts :by river hems bees luger Pries the puttied theater pie time This limp in the reeetpti„ bilinear, bee not chin eW' the prlors.'as Par am ye ran leers, being pier Intended tor the Eastern 'whet. We Valle limited tales at e, to htle ► lb.. . • YREIGHTS , ..Sse Wile above. FlSH—llis opts% fill ynlpillitl land pnea eaten, as pir hit !potation. wit quoit Was al Ibtackettl Ns at pl.O. SaJesig Swain at 16 is 16,6 e. - 1111arl at 9, sad 10, sad Hat#ll at 6,25 OltA Ilk —Of wheat there lo very little In the roar kV, the &mei is vote lienited, AM held stem at 3341370. aye—Sales cid HO sts to differ. set fora at 40043e,:awet. Core-sflot mere dome —sales 1,.. Vans aro aide at 37 to SOL 'Mors were sales yesterday et =Obi at 40c. OW. at 74 ZSccsecordleg torpr3lll7. New Oats have op pawed le mate at 7.5 c is be. , GROVERIE.I3•4I* champs i. the starker, See' table of prices. 'HEMP—SsmIy le market baited, sad this do =ad light. Salem of 10 tool at POO he tare • HAY—The inarkst low bee. well applied &win Um part week, toed isles 010 roes bast occareed at rice. rugreg too j 7,50 to D,CO r Lon. IRON ar. NAlLS—Market Pe, prlcsm. par last Eireotakmc 11.11 n, Iron. i to 444Ke 3 rlO do from 3 to b by ii la I lark a l de Oh edg 'A rt e, digaot 4341 de. Homo .`.604 Se 6O • Res.! am '.:•oi, I rom 1 t. li Inch 3 . de'. do from II to li ' do do 1. tol loch . ... d.......: do do 3 to do do 3/ to - do do i to; inch sia'ilii. • Bead Iron 31611,Alotriu., pilaw . - de. Sprig/ ; 64 amp/ma: . 1 . 1 -do MI , le, Csr:lo, 11, 16, ID ' 53,73 ip Irg ..'do 0 sod 94 410 do ,•.. de 6 4adld ' ' , . 4.10 do. : do 34 . . 473 do 660 de ' do .3d • , 6/0. do • I.S.AD-1.1 !oiled sate of pig et 410 0. Of 6V' at 44 loge i , .• 114telh•od Ur.. , . • ... LU MI BER—Th a pads ate fall, •id . eafte defiej the wk from &Semi garde. of spoo,coo rod as lb* following rattc , . . ..i..2.... . 19n..' swim v. SI r:os te. - Hum & W.lnl bond.. , t 1E om 40 a d o Poptat eessitlisg, bonds,. 1000 do LEATHIER-.Tlss sultst Lopata brig, ud sig• to also us atsdlt st 11111 mom lq iates: . reteeelo • lb . S t ' le '" tp t ,a Llbpst ' ftt Wee • Os skim . ... . . tea " =EMS !-===MM 11: W•10-1/6......-. l; -,.-- , ~ If alma '. •.- .....,- .1.. : ... - a :ij I 1,_14.4 ; ; .-- 1130 i f bloat ' - - al' i .1. i blo o d,-; .:. .... . . : .... .. : '. ; - • - o fi Lbtal ... al i latabAraaboa.... .... zr,:r ...k.,_,,,..a....J . , c. 'ems • IL Slab : .. , jim „ . • '" Forgg • -40 pg Ei7Vig • Thames • Simig • Pagndry . Pig .—•— • Plimuirie. , ••• • Alm: F.R.414114 . 7 - Planer Paris— .-11;i i iCipit.06 ProvisTh- • E;T;Mgli • • • Dame tou.. ....... 46 AD 0 ...93001ders • d • • lid d, ißdlml thy: edn. ,, 'nit . • ~ easury - 40. - ~10 7 1 1 UK No. I.la low - • 0 i 4. Is kegs •-• ' - I " 1. 10641 x.• ?IV 11 . ' Ihriar " 1 -la Imp. 'll 400 " 1. In 001.,10113, , " • Onion -0 /0 . Cr...tem Pinbratt W.- _ _•-= • , • or.* bbt ' . , 463,00 D.,Ar i m er ..... .:.:.....:.:41/14/011 retatooll-11 bate. , COmoo, Neekansock. ' -• 40 ' r. "I nrl d ... ... i i : . 7 4 5 C K O-7, lb. k -. mi....," ..........yip . 1 .114.43.-* boatel. . ' • 1 Flazzaid ... , ...- , - 03 •44 Mutant ' 3,c0 I 3po . i• • 5p1ee. 7 .4 1 lb. -.- • C 10...... - 21 • 39 Cam% in Ma• • • , ,.11 0180 Giogyar.. • • 00 010 Nuiroess 1. 1,60 6100 • . DePP......... 1010 11 ," A1ephr0.....• ... .. • 13 0 14 tirlsakerourt-r!t. •. 14 ' : girti. • 0 11.30e5....... .... • .- 41 - 84, 4 1. 4 , /4. Cl sor t No. 1 - ;.'....-4 • 14/3" Clneworti •• ,• , ...,741106 114•43-41 lb.. Forty . .. -. . OM a .111rear...•7.,111.1111T . Do slack ... , . ..:', :- a le i Batt German .- • 13, 0 Ewe.... " Hoop L. '-• 16 • 190.190101 ilaearoatara. Dermas stud • -• 0 15011.1. blister . -40 lig 'America:l bliper.• • .--• ' Brim a. : ' ipuen. __ .... Wanly, flarder.dd.dd •dAd , _:- icirtellee. -*DO 102.60 113 , a.l ea 416pf.1.00 ADP } 7 it.,..... 7- - ". ......... iiiioug..... 1,, mi,so - TO 0 .1 "r',.., ai I . ad Divansso ., thite, lb.. : 00 01 e li it '' • 1b..1011 II Dalverire4, P 101.4.• -I . 1.11,•...1pbb1. 100 1 J '• 1. 4 01 . w.. ... Immo* le;. box: •-i.-- Ilkert irk.' .. 14,001314,30 rpb......... .. . ... 11 -481 .14p34.9.--, lb ,33* F irlth sop.. .......... : 310 105 1 : T0b....-• lb-in . et. . a for tub Cm eumsfacia : 1- re47bbaeco.l -- .• Leaf-. ..... . 4 5 tian Diger dtetanul 60.....4.1 * • 6 Ladts`torist 3 • 10 Plai Who. L.. .... •-0 .6 Ping us beim --• 14 311.1.1.....-... .. • • •• • •41 0 ' 3 - Coreadot • • - 110 4 - 111 Lospla b 0.1.•;. -13 ID 14 10. Go " ...-. . - ...... -I -• 14 14 • Deele3loBll..• • ..... ..-0 14 lap... -43 14 a._ ,k Pi t It pop- 7 40 SI .66 • 110 '. '144:4411161r1:4176-" Thar k t 7;. •- .:1 0 ::.. ............. 4717 I x.. —lnoisi Diy - 0;34 . th os, o . • 7le LOWrOir. I Dry Goods... . . ..... I Hwy Proo Lritireilloo sk ..... .. . _ .40 Ilearz4; ed 4 Dry G00d5...4• • ot .fiio - 29 w4foin OW/L & . off Grods(dows) 1 pi I hadylle.d. PP 10 Dry Goods . lhasr •••.• ........ • Ts Maim. IDIY ..... . li g r ioorrears. Dry.... F • • • .... %I; 0r10 . r0t... • gears . Glords • Giros, kr - Dors Fnitlaosikell • To tin.Atm.rsivok Jagtie s trztaxt Batter and Itstio, Rot, lurked u . 10 00 1 Bea rope sod Dogging do Deorsort, . 'do „jet Erodes. Dooms, . do • 1:73 Cow, 75 Owe; • • . do , 00. Rollers, • 930 (Dw and Medicine, do 87 •. Dry goods do 1 00 Dried (rult... • do tO Thar, .• pe11b1.1374• 0 GO Fors sod Paltrier,' peril) lbs. 1. 01 - FoorhorG • da 110 Plotter. • do 1 00 Olssreure, • . 73 '47lw, Window. ... par 11110k43 - 113Issoug, prrlllollro Onsegers, • do. Hardorair, do' - tni do 974 I&s,frs 7.5 e• dry -do'o so loather, r • do 100 • I Lard and Grod Oil, • dat." 014 Caesar - res.tard and Disiorl 'do 1 00 Pork . ••. • prt bbl .-1111127 - /" per 11911101 3 Ropes and Oodsge; . do , • • do , ElloDeet and Masao, do 100 . Nor See dsio, do: otlo do : OS • llrbsero,Leat, • do •1 5 do 4 Dtartaractared, to • IA Wool .• limo Mulkey,' • - per bbl. IL ds .. Lurie& Maikeyps44l ! •.. Sklektrater. (Clots Ho I—Asbos, ' Dolt. P 541. y: Swot, DOW. Lug. I Clow POry Volroe. • I . to. Tana...NW. Gloss. k Wkiskey 49 109110, 90 . 7 .• GlaroNoll-41sop, Plat la balm Ito Como No 3—Deted Fruit, I - Lauber, Oil, Rap, Skito,Seedo. Wool; GIB ' !Claw 4—Dorsorsz, ' flol 9."" ntel ; k1=3 1 . 73 . . Illortso IGkowsleo. • Horielossoosaw cartons( Buss Itmussapit.... - -- _ Ramlowed ••••• ILkZa • • I Fa. ..... ••• • iFtOO, ri..b.40 v.. mailing, Y. Ili i 4. . , 4 10.6. Ova Cineinstau , 0 •,, i ITIP=. lb: -. 7. :•• " " LattisvilteKT•• 1041 t Icko4 bout.•-• --II , . " " Pi 1,0014,110.• • 101 1 1. WlsoorProlko. - ~ B oonville, do ••liat L . P Madima• ••• • .4,0) 0100 '• , " ~ lodcpcsdnee-11412 . L. P Tece ri ffs••• ••1,00 01,511. •', ". " " (Wen ID --Ilan . Lisboa ' '5 0450 I " •' Knob 4, Th. NM Ors 114140 IS • 10 I • ••" " N. Orleans... 4 et Puree 41 0 45 'Prato N. fkleansto PinebuTipt••••l ON 1114milles•-•• -••70 075 • .•, *Loci& " •-••• •-••144 Poll 1,60 /116,10 illargsaby good Flatßoon 1 _Ail Cal.ablia .45 • 70 iu Normleans. prices here slightly advanced withln" the list few drys. Salm of NYE lb, Bicwa as follovirm—Hania . 700 y. ' , Wei Bio G),..0d Shooldpe Gd si Gi— Ilognmeil 71 to 71e V lb. Nloderito "Me of Lard, at Bto ea. Beef fresh. 41 to 61 and 7i: V lb, Pork cum, sales at ilitAie P lb. WI?iDOW GLASS—Market well supplied. eel price. witho u t cisme. We quota Sales of ?X/ bee Sasnyted saes, le dellerent lap at SW, 3)E and , ,S 0 WOOL-The receipts by river bare been gesso,/ : ally Inge derieg the week. nearly all Sr *Lich has passed are to the ear,oittiout chassis; hands is sow : market; there being so demand bete, its Item ! should be.) Der dealere mats ell their sales st the least Tim prices paid br esti boons her range for the various trades, from 78 to 33e. P WHITE LEAD—SaIm during the week of 1000 kegs at 51,60171,65, cask end time, accoyelsg- to YfHISICEY—Market wall supplied. • Sites of . geed Rye at Sc. Old at :A cent.. • COMll2l:lllrecti fi I , gal. HONEY, MOCK!, AND BUSINESS. ' The arrival of the Boston aid /law York steamy len giros us Haropenn newt to the 70tb laly. moppet ol ilia Eanipeaa crops cost/noes to masks . !Snail, a laronble banes% sod both is Ireland and Paglaad there mu ereep indication that the 'Potato crop scald be dmandana Tbe ellen of this chang ed upset of attain, teas to glee a .healthy toss to. the Eaglish market, sett to impart clicerfelnese anon the greet body of the people. It Will be eme kij oar eathatith itropeao markets, that the prices of Breedstalls bindles sod feltee the 1311t'stai ax. dr My. The ausegirtprWlealnif in the two Meath. past, it is' sopposed, will redden the vain of Anertoon props to heeds to the animist , of four millions and a hall of Altus, an esioneons amorist an Money, widths loss of which has fallen soon the balm ed 0 0 86781 r 4 W'E a re pigdto belteve that the specalmori at the East are the pomp"! evenr,and 'sot the Immereof the West. Them an, bowers,, inceptions to thho t tad loom"( Use thrown been sneer compelled to lose theireatire ehlpiteoli tad pay notny to the tanspOstets • Tint Manua cams has beta of :Mod' imimithlOS the Week paiit,Mid partiashdy lathe easoeneenast ,the lett' that the . Genwomest of ?desks bad consented Id DM 'appointment of Pane Comely sifters, cqd crated . those ; woo were `kneel, 'to Paten This good tenwsver,wasta colbrain don .:fhe abtkedent of It is fie* ;sat sod tea East Way ioannsecrothe nine of all Stocks. and partlealulitionreneetsewities. Tnnearytetes one to l% and LI BVs to .the same mailinat, het rid! Will 10 ,71311, with s efowsward tendency, • Weebeepeibilepecycaiiimiesibeadent Dabs Hest,lind pet Ifili:HaAks &nom, Intel, rit - .6 per lu way have Abe ? lb .17 .11 " .10 .11 • CATTLIC. MAHN ET. A T cllT;Allast Thera wen SCX) hired Is the yard at Ofeadey, SI of able!! .on sold et 54#300.13 • ISO lao CJ or 10 bead mold at rass,re t bud. Sasels--Ckaly a smell almberle the earultst which sold al $1,16,1%3 Sad !SS • bred. The Oesdld Mesmer Amerirao Lagie, Clip k imam, hes ousla her appearance et oar wharf, no Ler .firet Wars tap from belay Slim bas sow ••• tend se reviler Packet from Paltrush la Si 1,04 malt .ill Isere,' as per nemenlesentet, o. Thmdsy yell at 10 o'clock, A Yd. eV* oardally ISKillisared Cepa AWN,. to the Ventura/ PWk , pa* •Ul Bad Is Ms One very 61211 to maw seir ildfxs ell itlio may favor blot arlibiltmat • fIaMIRO;' • • OATS IJOAVIaci Tall DAT. p. Luc H h Wo.YACELKT, Phladllpela eat Baltlsore.9 r. N. BROWNSVILLK PACIIF:rS st i. u. •ed 3 BEAVER PACKETN II 9 rad 10 • • rad r • MONONGAHELA CITY PACKETS, r. • . GLASGOW PACKET, Glargort, r. " SYSILLSYILLE. Wdpol4,o •. .. DANUBE, Cm. ' COLORMXL Si Lou,,' • • • PORT.OF,PITTSBUIIGII. • Comel,floeimaa. Brownsville. -• • Leah, hiel.mmi-l4neetl.llmmeriellte. • Welk, Oil. Catlett. Wellsville. . I{ Mem, Ithbert,Seeesb. Diem tee, Nelms. Mee. City. . Cope, Sham, ahem Beeler. Flomps, Hunt- Like GU, Hemphill. Sniver. I'rsiria BIN, Me 1100, CAL CIII. • . ..Santa Fe, hleColle7, W heel leer. limeades, Headriakeoe, Mcßae/mart. • America, Came, • Cuednilla, Pee,Cls. • Americas Emile, Atliesoa, N.. Chisiw te 20 " tb DOA RTIS.D. lookkbiletar. &gamg lEtroll. filoetrel.Woodinr4,- . Bermentll.. Wallnuta. ColtU. Walls villa. abed. basad-UnnoL.Sszialk. CcnitoJes,Cilaaffew. 8/2301, fien“. Lakt gri•,l Beare,. Carlos: linekiclow, Mcgasopte. El!llr2=i= FOR 15T.101318 —MIXIIMAI PACT. . to Th! Atilskt, raster, urll.l leave antics* Itanday swats& St Is cesisolt, slay, .-• -411.10 1 _FoltarLOUls. Garay, .A.0000:10111 . leave a. 80.141%, on.WA1000107:A*04, 011 0 Oklock A ,DI. Felfer.iipuF m ap, spo, .. . .. .. . , . . .. - *. • - The ram: nuralrennater jaitiCeob, marten bill lams e. on Wednesday, Avg 4, at4 at attack abov P . al For (relit% or parorga, apply on • rd IPlThaltlittill A.ND WIIEZUMO PACKET. . lbn fr a rk.T t urbastrar: aracattay. master; arill leave '.l" W traria on Westottdaya arid Sawn rs Ixtha abort aaa *II batnaoriotta ports, patrol .. or Panaltr.aPanf on hhhhi. ~ .". .; Y • ' . . . . .. REGULAR LOIIIS4IIIE TACKEt - .• ' The new, ben dronloand lart ... - mac.alacsitattor • - .. _EUREKA, - Cromer. moot: 01 riau •rt , r he betoreerPittsborta sod • to• anro,annarc ewn.. She trivet Wationity July iff fleribtorparatro sooty col bind. ;: ' Atse: 1 •: . : ... 48013 I INstoorkoatla C.. kwit. : /.7110Z. rot 1110 UM* ell :CO --- iiiititiliiiir liesonfit and Glissrivr Pairkat. Amino new and Cra ionalni _.—' -- ' CALEB Moho, muter, Wilt aaprooqy forinte nods, will ran Bs 'nano racket b . Bearer and Clinagoar—bnod Boo bs:rib daily at 3 o'clock, r. re and unalv is lit r , Bnonta of Bandy and Beriverbaaal,) on Monday, ed. Deeds,. and Friday. - 1 . - ' Fns Be& or p arm, to 188rer.344 jorbonoir it. towns Wen sad Ylop3 of Now laaboompty onboard Moo .M 3 ' . Bs uniaisoott.: 3 'rood *lron . • ..The new, doable ensinitasiwoiese aiGer e pit i 2 4l s:t hit h r i"4 an h lamnt, - se 4 oea.-P. it, an Cincinnati and interwiedlaw potte and wilt mans her art =hotlines% dee letw'ennee season:. 11411. LEAR CINCINNATI kflr LOMA PACKET -aakTim Ao. and or4d Keurr Meidgnad.eiuunerAn kin as . A.lieve reolatly dm/Ikm Ur Ileum To • • ItsVklet puns, apply or bomd. Tba Ilsta 00a...a nai.ar sasasoboas 11!PS00 MILT, ILeare, masseronll ply as • regular s heavens ila• para. sad Zaps. yule. Pa Ise ter maw appl_lssa baud or ts - GEO B MILTEXIIIIEGKR. aat • ritilsistigtei ante feitalsk • ket • The neeuse lose steamer . Ebben, nester, has renamed her Pep else trips and wilt bees Pittsburgh to shove every Timidity sad Men day at gobbet, P. 111. For freight er pussy may • I ere 3 REOCLACkITTSBUIOII AND H." • NO. The Steamer w , • i • Mit's • • ll 1112111“1.1111tAs ',' -- Smeeitithoinseer,will iennenee molar an resales packet about ihe lath laet r lenvtag Pandas% every ilandaY_ 'Wednesiday azil Mnday; at 10 o‘etee. A.M., leaving Wbeeliag gam Tuesday:Marbly Saw , dm . ist II e'eleek,A. M. For fteiglit Of passage apply ens bond. 1 Oath • t • IITTSI3IIIII3EVANYViI9HEIY.LING PACKET.; •' ;• , • • • The witendidend Entrains:lg mar NMI" xxinalto.. . . . . . Captain gi W Ebett. will ecanwape • rang as whom on the lad day of Nara, leasing Pinslaugh every Twedag Tionsilatt l ind Neterday; at ID o'clock, A. H. and leavlat Wilms ' every Monday, 'Wednesday and Friday, at eektelt. N. . i . , The New loneland taw been booed egpressly Cu be wade. and win leave mouldy Of 1111.0 TO. lorl - m or ramp apply en boat* in to I • feble • -,• . / MIN FLACT., . Agent _ .ILEHULAR ram ST = EUBENVIL FOR WISLLSV/LLE AND • • - LE - The new mg NM granht state INELMITIOTONI 0. U. Steven. imam leaves Pitt.. AM lessab every alleesdier . WeAtaessisl - - , sad Fs iday at Sekilsek:.. M., lease. Sesahelense e'en, Teeslep, Tisanday islestsrday a4Bstelsek.A.. P.I. Fat .hetgla se passage aZe t e, hided. - , AttCE,9.- , 9uRT., mt. LAtigtit •.997D Mins•• .4:9• i1E1.9 CI ry rncia:r. The new ewe dter • DZIIRATC9I. Nelson ...ter, Till roe savitleil • Pirs4oll4 eVeasli9ll4.lad hh Y, W Ol 'n."../ . is gill . 9 0 0 0 4. tad Meta 1.49 every Tee Man Thumps,. 9. Nturkat at! &cheek...AL Po "relight iir pillow apply en Wild. . AU.p.a7 Elver Trade: The gee ed fist Preirehoet - AILILOW, • age — Cum. 3216f4 Atkinson; snit eoratrt. are so nth as allegatar Parket de. lug the muse between Pittsburgh sad Ptustkits. Far freight or gawp apply es heard. weed ' . gi;;M;;=aiiiMl Hard, Maer, will leelle wedkl7 MP' bares bove NM. doting Ike eteeen. - Fee tr.ght pOsuo apviroo bar gd gog apl, • • 11 eV/LAIN& M. 41113V/0.-4 FAMELLOBI4I}II,II4:. Altqpi. Mtnet l3 2l ri. r a;,te2lo.lool, 01.10 otkrel rWeht "1.711•Ntabn1e4z.,..• To travellais. oiXPltilll TAIT INMAN! molliTi 1" I Pa11y10.1111.P111.14 AND.MIALTLWOR*. • frllll aw Kw. = oxaelnt stddr i tho foam of Ws I.lod will lead arab pot . as Nun ea followaitivary atl o'elook Paean te4PlitTralMTVAa; 4 l , ; a ; tt. o Mdrikflya.'eowlaka4 rltii ay Catta. lodai dt o i . do lodiana,rtiv,Tond* - lasaao,Thowpw. Wod dld T i• do 11. do. Itostacky, 'baby. Thindoy, do do Mica Qom. Maim do , •wo ladiaaa, Swan. datonlay. do 14. . •- `b Loillawas,Thomposa. aandicy,do if yes dabs clomp train:U*6Bd! eawdbitable tueenr wodailoao, ocean Tiou tidbit. at Pb. Poeta Oleo, Illoaottplala Hos*, Water rudd i er of • dna - - U =CU& (10.Ciutid sim BAggsgt 1110101.1iItitIllti sairberg neolN Odd Lookinii. ISl=Tit dos .U.bf. em .w. toss*, betwboak reebergboad Upo EttaM. coanocilag Dahl man. win Adana and Om purl, Ittpren dap, fat all On prtaelpal Zsasens eldn. Itatebnom or mil mimes rescind sod tamarind Matt, V noannoilimpipetmarsam• no Loafs IlloLame u 1 Comsat, there. 67 'Ow Er pew oroespo. which are • al•rielt,104.1112111116111lId llbese• by wall inn te Daimon; _t• FOfit. parsitralarm maTIO. !ma . 14 0v1pi14490 band.. Wood ntR. s • ' '• nat Lim! lOWrousi. Foe LI ate tromp.et alto. of somboselhobrt*, bbe wohmole • neck.. Mow) obbelowa I 'oldie an inibelaed ,o 1 01,4..4 to f.tr.d y Wm . bean ID Ctnelsan4, al I *met. eamd am oar ram ta t 'non espedltion nuont, snit Mallmot nen In mmediataly Our attival n etationti, .1 alma alpaca. atom Gomm Cdnimmati Aw Plus wag 101( lammed n oat Wet, will be prongaly ditlirett. ben. H U VICKERY Amt. elarto. Intel ballUass rood II • /o=l3 jin•tal • • I. momnonntlat nro:Cise WWI limits et,, wutovon LINZ VW CAINAL YOCZEFS ANA STAOLIL Mai 1847.: dlilliadi ca., PACIKM TP,LSONAPH I SWALL . O le t a s i V ei I o ll ara =ELI rl b o :talk it . ' Lel a t tzt ti rgat r u • i i ,w e : Ist ria ow aWm will Oa remised ill4ll, we be ma. Palen aid maw la le Soon m me • •• • en boom masabast Nowt, lemmas Polowytt ai coeloels, •it Jertetptilai rom &c i t. . • ' • . CLARICE St Co, Omen • 111:1111Z NALDa IN, V •• . relb • M 1 TAYLOR, Warm • lam • th , ..hamv ler Zialksessiou rs Mar labo' , mHERB in Mr &mar laws Mama at • .1 Maws* OM le Wm, bed mt. aatwllla lag MA dal Ism ban oak to do by tb• of stlls, olietavise, Infanta, t. ,e. all era. A ted of mu* pooott. Nor 11l Vabt.ballSs 11 opt, qtedicioe awed. Ase wan Ina bee bon my cab übo rtie. dtb, w it kiall age( ..,. Ivo, NU /alb al sloo4 0 O 2ntio wrist vont* , Fate .p•ii• cve ratiesi• 'festal Is bee ean.,-rhila. Sal. Post. farm sale la Pillabaryb at la PEZZSI T STORKM Fowl at .. awl it a al lot Drug S Li P Setwilatt, Federal at..Allagbenty Cl,. AO ROC/011111111—isilibb If COWS ill Ills N 0 lealmati • '. ' 40 • Mal =top Subareas lio Caw., , ="a4titai • im g rav r n..v ii t_ • 1•11 il sad II lb tojet O. P ea• V•irfeas; . VO tibla N.C. tes . ' ae . Rader in " Vaicb; • . . 1 , to ea bia Soap .! • ' . r 11l so.olo a saw , , . _ . a l l Tarr a y awl meortatai of anemia la else mdllie mass momilallabelllo, V' lel CAISSON & Nestrlalff,ll • JTATM2II Hal T0N1C.:4.00 , to* W. nrO•34 • big,...U.4 rimier. Oph4 it p... 4. as-Uo bod WO* *wl 2. ..- . •!•_, bribe mond* nol inrortpd•• of hogoa bin We bora Or ...mom Inolasen Own 11. Imo radlinl le 1001. wl4ll. halm WI Yr me.; ...I we Millar ammo& = l,ol .l: n tVi roommonol Ir an •or or*" oho •• , mot. • tn•l el W. T•sl inow - lot.. ilhiL , • . , . r ...a. i. liaArsk .t cb. r.ti. Tv• Ill_r(e..11 ?mob ren.4. ow Wm* ' . a•rT n OLD .IPIIIIIIII-A roof /mpg ad moil immoral %Nyack rt. the 11.1 hr.& et QM has, tom •roll sod to raie ma. hpiresi prioel,by , - - - ;On. !Ir. wusori , . BIM ~ A TBz.,Al:i7ft;4l,. 1 1. 1 .k.r- +ZVI if! 14.3C•fi1u..P.1n't,),0 e&reShoweenh St, lblatalpkia. . Tl, Alma' [.lame of Inmeetlon la tills llostliotien will 1:0013110013 Oft the ant Monday November nett end be eassinewl mtllthe ettlking AM Or Mandl, The Fseehy le ea. ti 5d as Aglow": •••.' WWI= Danseh, M D,-Prociples practice of John Wiltheak, M 'Et;—Ohmedief, and diem.ea a mean and children: • • • • , • • licary•O Putnam:lU Mnilea and Tber• a wAllGiui It Ginn. ISt D;—Agway and Pareolny. . Day.dbrittlari, allt,,Princetee and paten, of Bus- AtibinirtOs 1, Atterb N D —Pdadieal &neatly: • The lontaanical Rome be opened on the drat Monday, 14 October, ostler the doyenne' Profra•or "Onnt, anlated by A F Mclntyre, Id 0, .Denstaterwor °r tMlilsiatieOklne ad Caine °Mee tarn; Jae era Orme recerredada a. 4e, as throe torbo ban. attended tber ant Cosiera to 11..e-Inm ItutiM) bc famished tett:a:ken to the. inicallastractiort at ilia • Penaryinuthe Unpile, Pine streeL - • •• r • Pase—Katticalatiorb tt3i tar etch Ticket; ORS; Grad. • •11P3GY S . PArttIISON, Plkilsoolplk jytner bto 91 Arch dont. NOIMIT INT. MAIMS COLLEGE. rptit - irvitVAL WS!Whist Studies at this Iron u -1 not ettenseeques oa thenret et' August. Students alteald, it praelltMle, enter begets that dam. -amid and leinert, including the mire Classic end Pelenttlie atom also Freseh,Lndiung,Washing,Men rtiag Red D. &. beat Mel pet exam: • - Parnarsto pole armi•entanalir in ;Aram.. /lams and pm...lst Sr. ettire'elnuges eaelt HO per' alum, Oro the karate. Gelman and Spanish langs.. gee. each SIX per onsterti. A pnetpeetas of the Cottege, explaining the et:sweet elegies requisite OM graduanon and spicn of distil/lisle, will he meat IP SAT Opplvivirlitt it. 17174attl ..JOHN ItteCAFFlVX,Pretident MUSICAL. STAUMICATS. —-- .THUMB MELLOR No Wood amid; Ms al 'celled a aim Hoek *film following EH Om and loSnuseatr, Hsi : ,;:flnalTalras, with fi nisei la P, E 6u.rook, • 1 1 Mir awl Tery poirerfol bats hutment'. rotatianalloo In P b flat, and'S flat, made by Him , . ad Ca. I - Trombones in II dog with 3 vales., by Grazes &Cm . , Tritta9 itiG dal, do do ,to do' do '• do. Kendall pattern. r, 1. Octal do • do. I ' Oplde es la Ulla, with man site,of the ben quid. b7 l..dortietta too, Pa • snide, oud e ry sopen.lr Trombones =tau:Hole and key, Otto' patterns ' sal aweb Mprwrod,- • Conran, Pretonen H and orns. PH.ith 4 or 8 crooks. Madams E • • Moles: Viollotq Gahm.; Plies; Flom:oleic AteOrdwas; VloUneelloa, Doable basowndtiings, Seeds, II om Pa per, Mode Or every Instrtonent. ; talilrr Irk and Heaton Plamos. al H HALLOS. El wteel.t. hoe on hand and for al sale al eastern priers, one eery ekgaill Itale.lo.l Mae kne.otanufartared by Chit kering of pronounced by the ben radars In the elly.; to be superior to any alignment they bare beard Prlra SSA rants. Also, at act earreq Iy In price to close consign. , meat— 6rill n l e ssl i = l : l. o/ 1 ilf " evr , rlr r i o ' w i pe " Z ' a v :e ''l ry -4 e ' r3pet n or ... l4 'l" t; • einsosoi, nunafactored by A Gale . lc Co. Nary Verb. Wrrocrly known ao the`riew Vert mow Illetoriog Caw. . A eo. a/AA:Comae OLD PIANOI4 vsry low pricer One • oeul e Gerson Liar., Cone; One 6 Pawn, made by I.lnbcock—pnce Medi do - do iknenbanna; orinefln. Ono o " Jo nearly new. made In N. l'nek, and whit tandem fanntanr—one e sl7i . the G othave 6.11.11 VON.. wade by fteln in View. fox. Is good order, and an excellent n ,no. 1.117.1. on • r•. 1.1 of 6 months. w ids real .neordy.. ifnt MAW 11001(8.—Life and seligious °mums, and eatieninea of /Madame On La Menke GOY., tr., %CIO. with with±ame “C• 010 of the personal and na k :i n t re p octry c r o crighaprinray i 4w60 - fters2,l2o Ty• • wr ' hh• Bay IT, rehdlon . to the ' Miad, by Geo. 1d00re..51. D.. Member addle Racal Calkie of Phya cianL he Ac. l• • 'ilea. In anfety beat we may • Conn:wean, prekent h n 'Taal Ur what wean, ara and whens.., . . The Fersedef knowledge order &Caviar.. ill aera ted by anecdotes, lei* portrait.; by Francis Way:aad, D U., Fresloebt of Mere University; 2 vols. The ; awnless received by MIAOW & I.I.ICLLSII. 56 market at bet 3J end 12i .JUST NJ SLISHED.—/Plabigabe (..Noo.w.lb "ate Proseciar, a viadicalioa, by 11 hislile iltAebighe; D Doubt of URI& fim4{;sol+;" Pm‘r NoiS,hOt,'hilf elatlCAe. . „ • . Wit :fizo•ion or Ito ma, 'l. °1 1 " .. "1. 1 rotor ' "" %AP Ibc ion* 100 int:x.l4er mody oo.• tiaav Ohm tli. oat. Aind *pooch.. ft if. Oa we who eight io OPodoy ...ay act inks Ntcootor. he *herald Jour, hm.lCO—DlAsbigne* • A sew C 00.0( UN MM. Vat nooe.odlskrxm... bid muorr &E./pail:llf. Farm .47:mi -11/ =O'., Rowell, a tate of tie feign of Mule. tad; O! IL Jaws*, aottor of theCastlO Mr. stoic, to to. • • • Rhine. Tathoi, of the 1.1.11en4 Band. 031ananan Magasla: fur Kamtby 4 H !simian= . Ales—anearn simply of the Unkto Matgarn,, far Jainla aerenunodsta nom ashaelarers. Thus btamirld menikly Niansine la publiabeJ In N Yark.commekelng as above. ailed kr the celebra ted Mn C M Kirkland.. • , lures 101 IN H. MELLQL MA el Wood et: he IWO sr miasma with lIIs. Mori Hum fora imply of b.lh Rose Faso Nes kis rosifeeirry In Perb sad will reepiTe risme the oral two wear Mee those already arrirpt • - A Bur Pima Ebner of Illeserrood,lll mares with the mat elegant merurr, rind of eirellar me la the sae exhibited by Ms. Baum his =seem in Lir Alro—A mirth IbMwOrtd Piccolo KIM LIM, writs al seas, heel the mot moutirestrers • The prim will be the sure or Equator.... New YOrh. GOND LBACIIIM PAGTOBT, . • Nero= *net, Ctry . rXiiitykory,: . Sabactiber mom of ornately*. eo• tames mb ndltrattrM i lartt lee oe. ' I titZ tt rark n ore a rroral Idalieivy irtiosorkettka,lto, *sill no hot ea bud. ladf. Ot.d.cdt orders WM Hod Oak Jante.4ll T h ee on widtrAn be aaea at lir Morohpa Inore,A The num Wet tithe lido Ina of iiarailuearStowan & Ha is Mao &waited than. sad anti bo a *. oo Calor- Ado Imam, to elm ato bolioto of Ore .ttlealitationnotensunanwh. PITTSBURGH AND 00 ..... RAILROAD 0011PA111% .4 . • rrilE Ilrekholders °Abe PinsborybariL ITlla L Rod Companyotre hepkin to attend a meeting of the pe•ryi to Co on Tomato AO Hat.:9l"AHollat et. k P toe dos coartd e entbo razkoren a taj tra let po - ag hsa yi n e . : in relation to i l I= . lr. as maybe deemed moat oast to the ItilMfftllof ihe corn . . . _ •. JUAItraTtIEXIL JIG Hord Are'dycrf boatd of Daemons, . 7 7 aTifteiVoltWeßieWaiiii - 01, --7-7- lallOOLd far oseivang aentoriphona to the tbp,k of the La Vottginegfany.Nay.DaoinithocacalditGe Wore ,ar eang.PitiabwOmltio hibebeel Mr. A1e.U.4.4 hieiCeeoport. 'at that muo of David Grader, West Noma, and at the hour of Notion ilitokarao, Dowd Pawl on Go Ord day of dont, and motions open fnaa do to day tout the 3rd day of September. •• ro‘ph Markle, James Ball. - • John Whelk . , Jonah Chfy, Alexander p mt e,, Jylßaman' Meet Resbint. . • 11 E4da Ovrt*IPIEWRIR WAR WEOCK. IVSZ E RV ' elie e Ve g, Ftesti,t; VeVya " k illkte r r . dans forest inereue e Meek or the Vitlabargh Woks (as diteetedhv Unliisance at WM Juuse 19171 she lUkdayof AmgenWhet.onwhim day the beaks Inn ise ta-egened at she When at Mann Hussy.Hussy. Hussy. tlenral ACe.lis the eget Pitishargh. between Ate bows 010 end o'clock aid day. end to witthv ve flow datte day wadi othennee indeed Pori otitis -ME lit.w toi Ina-heaths aneatio•Weeyers tl,ldwasjaris, Dark. Anus t, rd Roaming- de; Twilled Tartan Giairlaqc Laden thsabalete Max sleet style as. Woe and Orange der, Geese Fiaal tAaidnie k .Valiviite Nem, Black Alpacas.; Whoa Bottum Rib edit cor Itti and niastei 1101IYAIMUcarairao-I F . ettn.TV7 laspers•Calais impeded Oa septet ad 'army er Jana rims, vitas BM mid Di tx egos Dna& Air wholesale er MO, dr toy ray easterners the Wine idord gr - JACOB WEAVER Wear turkataWd titres int.. Joint a; . . 0F lIALTIMORF, at the felicitation of nanienitie 11frienale ban coneindeti tulacate nintact! peratanao 'lt In this env. Its titielbriVvirere hi* venfeleanal eerfietn On goalie, and respectfully pollen. a ennte oratAivaair-•.. • Parietals, attention given to dinti f feeveane; tp, wee leen and enildven: 111111,21131M-P(*.4IIEIVI.I.NWI • : ii• Aqui kk,44;' . • .M.:*.4.='!"l,7.ll°P°:."B''re.9.oll°V, • 'Mega; h.v .iag andante\ aersagereenta la his coat bodnanhai be Call drywa auk bola I I • • • Ilata u. — Jades of Ili. prafeaaion: * way' it his alrue, earner atth and 'avow? Rm., between Al ai ket and P.m au, at any hoar amino laa day, olom a. a ull • . , i•alel•• 1. 4. S la e lltrattan "1" autdi l lty• Rs =wail .uMi 4a ipn Ram', sfleftru ioii i ivreak.. Alrjratipa**bo %WIT Mob, reamajtjka Laaallres, e a ear Oast. la OW hump, ,i2opead, ass Maned to eal nee, or they will be to• law, as •thili yea pipartua sad Lei WM* Will pd. -• Wei WO west..:llll7; .I.,.rximaAcHA,ams,, -- ACITITAICIIIOII4C . • suns,. ~0 Hest , ' . 1$ Os ~111tumelt 1141,1mee's , Side •,; .111 as, -_ , Loukeselt Si as Niek.pmnd letup tie • • (I. reiaitoilothibt sibs Str. , • ; . - GORDON • EIMEEM - • rf l ( irMI % tI I 6 t at Sp mire. a 17 !ea : IP % obaetilite binverill . essablitte ad Weisel is the above bndnes.l3 this CT, and his sow opened an dad inspectonist Poblie • A large .andeanaalt eeleeletassoninentbillatt and C every ,eolor ad'shape, srbieh be snlf., il stake easy lowest OA prim. • • Navin mai atraliFilellil Levied Honk or, Beebe & Coiner, of Near Voth:be always have no Weed Nil upply et theft ealebratte Noels Flats. Alva, Rosie, 'Wenner. eony.eet Ashland /lea, bothof.thmern uld /lame toaniifaeom ; vddob ka Sill al all nom take pleasure In sh e ag 7 Os lees moved that ad tasteavrlll astileA watt h aeleetioa, and at the same tone blipelees.wili el tl,e rood emavales!.. Ile it deteronned le - tbese res;ect, not to he kw... Do not, Iherearte. (wan - die Monon gahela Iloase bat store, Smithfield st. • • *AIWA - ' n• hit:CALI. AM •AL seAtml IiATSIt . nrierikif,7k • ?MS' being the day the Spring Fashion of _Hussrill be imradneed, by the most , mat& eslaidiehmenta in New York and FtiladelPhN the arldenigond take grew pieuore in hemp enabled le announce to their onmerent friends *ad thepablic ranersite,thai we me preparel supply all who maY • favor es with a eel] with the feshionable 1h for the waren. Comprising Bearers ; Nestriati and rain Incn adelerkla Silk - Hats, either wholesale or retail. . - telcCOltD.t KING marett - • eareor wood mottfrth sin faufwirm., - ; • m i • _B. 3 1 .0 RE, 'Hat sJul Cvp Blanorseunevall unmoved to No V 8 Wood street, thteir doors .boon Porch slyest. His stork consists of every varlety of MU and Cogra..mtujo ilks latest style: also.Psommv. . 1 : 1 41= p i ece ." ‘3'*'7l4.i.. 15. • • • • . 75 ss'ned st, thiold above Frorriti - ' tea 1546 - .4r -AMEBIC& COITIAWS%pIe Beatlemen'm Baal . wilt be itavedaced it KEEVIIIS an llatestay - , Ragan 171 h.. Gandemeu welling a cheap. tasle , locablo liato(Pittsbaq& ceasafaclare .alsecd of fishiensible lime iieporee& atl-adevased by -wee of the Bade. Oct. collar'- - KEEPIL& Co's • aaciltr- • •'• , • I±2, head of Wood eg AIII7IIIIIER FASHION FOR *ZAMA Jlteryeterived frame New Voile. ebo Saul • mar Wale tiff Hum eiriiiiiingaf Mum • Beaver,' read end While Fteneb.(Niaitiurre Hu% Irak •Vealltatere.• Those in went of a beautifl. lithe Ilai nee _ . impartially smiled so tell: . s•S MIRK wool st, anima above th • 4 - .WILLIAM DOUGLAS lam Mo tr telvt'd . • _ firth top Ply of Rio'rgiAd Poet,. Vmm, e Silk n=B • • " i n W ILL IKM -- A Fitts tom Frrtse6 Mo.mkin sr yert 100 • . _ & • ND 13A KE RN EXCIL&SONS 1120/Lig&S. A co .. contently imitand, C.,:eff vireo) , A SD 'SP MCI aid gtps Of Me "Mott style. tott T.Y 04 Ibui Strut au dor rt-Urs Fount. goat • NIW" r' • '• ntehlm • • Pittsburgh Pat Man aI.LIN CiaTttlt. CIIIN/Trial iut ICILA.OtEIt dC ItAILK, • • 811 . 1 . 7 , 71. , ; A n Nll EXCti ANG URUKERS. 0 d borr.mbe Deis or Excitant, . arid. tn. of Pet out... Hulk None sad Colo, cer t ., to , hl • told Wood socett, omit:le& Pretiltuhatel. mtcsuy ILPAIDOIr.D /14eppp,s,. , 1 All 0 , Indiana, Keruneky, - . Pe on : foists. 61.1 • Calmly vole - ay Ordmmpurdommt at met audtva66 a• . 9 0 .M. 1 .Y IIOLNIES Zdt/PC aem. ...1•715.11toy. toker.-36AMMOIll Collectl96/4 on giimmn4 1;Imilh, et. lota and all secrtiablopol.t. in Unitrd .11tHril lIISItO Promptly, and opra Mt hum must, by • 11001Ett.V. HON, Farlanpo Broken : • - •No Abutet n MISCELLANEOUS; • CIE/ Dlipenusrp • . A . • DI7P.NBART . orie open. sit the to notion of /3: l6' i d aPifilrCHlfic ' st e lintel sod (rooting 8 to 10 s.xi. and 4to r. et, larily. • • All medicine requisite tor disease, turd secmine stile:l as all eke warts on Malaria hied ira leee ohm': 0,1 and will be dispensed amis. Persons visiting the Dispensany,forshe parpose 'obtalnleslidediclne, to resent imposition. will taint .with them so ardor Dors sour Medienl ; t en d o n or • Inspectable Gusen stating they nreortimily needy snit destitute of money. Dr. (Unman who has kindly allured scrsicer for Ma present, as pippin:miry Plkssieints. se:II make, it his business to Imprensa at Mc hems snore inentioessi to give such advice as oedema may tequtre. , It is else desired that die Mayer obit Voutiel will via. Is the Dismisses , even a week ascettnin impressers, bentts, and reslts. •' AD secosit of number of easels, astern of Din ve Le., will be made oat every meth by she, Dispensary Physiciai, end published In weeny Papers. 1 he ohms of the Dispensary akrue to for pour and dtelleer. , • 'Two rzperieneed Physicians of oar city WM! kind. y oared their Vertical§ ealerebilbe l'hylet:el3l. h-7411e1. sywn cLurrnlzturirtp.u..m, --- ero WOOD 1 . 1111E4. A 'ffcr1 1 .7: l ad‘,..F.Ll:bc°•lo`lll , 7,'" fullir take this method of solidi log thr. Amino. of ditit eestoosen and the . piddle generally, to the following How of their stork la Maio. Sod statue thus 11:14 that they will tell ss cheap if not cleaner 1111.4 ens Ottlyr rsishltsbnieut la ilke ray. Dor fry.il3lo, of Pemba:erg swd ounufaetering goods. to reside tu et all timer to hoer • tall onoTtaurt of fritiiy toad, &i.e. ese, at less salmi WM th,oraup °laser d lUiwbrie the :Moral on on band rearms In non of fob. 19 , 1114 des, novae of troth: - • 131 block rtoth Otos cows, 9 , 91 a 5 . ... b. 110 do &Poach do 31 TO brown sue Ipristltle corr. do VW ere* reads. splendidly miter & of good mire .111. 1900 psir vsatf, of sll eirles gushers oral pr..... 1411 J .resis t. 94.• ' to do lounltitten plain and Atitehrd Itroutm tattww. wrrh•ti 11.111'4. er.trato; b.:motto; rolbars; Jrautirs. anti under .ohirtt ot, tit:cryvarirry, %Ft tir whit *: harr.hten rerentlpparclawd and adupwil to Inc purr from. Mcrchnot• wad others the Writ lit urauttlf.elothtert. tranrot de belie r lh as in r,is et rt. t.t c atL ONtO.6CTLY iirst.dpf: [rim rhs. Halety nod sli C neccassiTT appihMers-pdt ad Aiiefidipdfifing CSCb are 101 l d cool.. orridihg is a. h.,,, s y s . latent plrof all edict farms of idmaMs 'um tir.l has teed xlopipsi ibe Mcdital Pmfidisioo gruerdity mma - he oosi toimend, 65t...1; Mar. 4 as Iv ...41.1 wt t areorilhig m sim and fnldt 'W ILtW N. eorll64m srket trizszfirrilivenc ---- • vele Wood rind Merkel-it.,,opporile Larimer's Exchange Utz. iseee is prepsted neeetomodans the pnbil , - -nerdry, eruh a delicious ...1 optit to-,lns, pro. • thing •••-• ••• •• tender lintiong .raxa oepereJ tt , e'CreJ lebmeist e. feted y.k.m wr emote hated frog Ike pet 40 the tOtrtezther he I,provemtte,. cemb)ned coaltibule iblelmeet I4e ;con edelpferla4 l / 4 1 out "lylkiSO3 : II VASt/ON 12:102121 DiisoLvT4ol,—Torcpanstersi,,a :erremiere tents 'between the eabseetbets order the firm of Omni.art& anerketoreaMired on Me tat instant by mama eterer(f. fit A 'Oranhsahern will canton, aa Wird at vt t e Srt stand. and act!, the hlrdnetr or the Isle fire . , • 7 . 110:11* A Cr S.II , VEI. Mr.:NES. L'll SHlllTli—Just mewed another I nemee or C Sae reedy made Oldtle.oefzed , And wide Ved., Hr ron and Sunding Callan; Median queened, name., and tride ;delta; a few dozen qf 6.8. 40 leen Wank itelian Cravats, eseeiee4 owning and Coe tale uen.ealTyloor at Ng, venodaz lon Nadal by If E TO)D. AVM! for Eavern blanefieterera. , 11141 Tic/i/d , s AtIP/CGTOBA Ay—The vlnuat of •-r alSeacionsmod cheap medirtoe for IS, amp' ol Commotion sad other dioeavo cannot be too Well kootan. - Very. =ay Into save AoeA Yard by it,—(N: for ask is Pithboadh duCPPEIN TEA STORE, 7i Fronk otrotm tem Wood, add aho at the Drug Store 11 P tic OMmid. Federal otAlloirbetty jellr r/a4A6ll.ll,ll—th4mory Comp. Fhtiii7P:rt Mom nnaappaarr tto Comp. Elrod Ext. Samapordia; Cementer.* do • I do: Commook". . do , 11. Am, . Townsend 4 do S " Convantlyan hind and for oak .6k 4A FAIINE 2 - I °ClkCoy . 1 fin' and good and wood and isa A adl.tr v i,l 4, ! - ; , r,',ll 7 :leik - biu..°:7r.".L'A.: plait of whiernsay be seen, andany ishnum nen Mammy fie dmatey gi . den tn,.Pleat on to It C. NewpmtEn.,Sharsharg, or • Bit.t.l. T. Ittimelt, Mar ket street, Ptitsbara • . Teman—Oar Math eash i 'residue Smut animal payments mithiaterestanee aerated b) bead endows thllti• • , JOHN D DAVIS: Met A*1111.1114, WAMildb, ' matt family Ihring 40 miies froasPitaditirett mama sieesmall aid a paid aurae tun Small eltiLdnixt. 43. m, several loads coolm.ehambamanlik; enema mid' girls In, all work. Also, several men fat Laney tar- Pines wanted 41r arminal boaltAsepers, lS valm. men. murheatetitni ket• liemse apola a.l IS NUMMI AteSpt , lSTS . SSlSLliessls pane, Sib.jrar u E r i V e N E titz N meante. Itu opened di lame stable m im Find M., Itealling *iamb toSecoad Aetsreen Weal and Smithfield Meets, in the mar t f the alonalmakela /lease. with an cadre new • rock of Ikuses sad Carri edes of the best county and 'Mem Homes kept SI Seery is ISe hest Isms Ott. VMS CIIELEILIMAWAD EGYPTIAN POT.. BON eAPIe;H;Or ilia detrimental a - Ties. Slap oi. ova. U.. Wald wheeler:li and mean byllklOngg.acal• e Agent for the Et State., at his cheaply** and pa per estahltalmodol,ll4 lir limo= Oftel. Duman= woo car..—Taterenrelatath pan of a dick, wall wants. It with amen, sot! lar et loony Pon ors nom where Alec atowpfitaci. &n. o.nt =AI t!.....* , 0 er flamers Am Gorr uI plOlll albite TOO., and ptodOcet _nearly lartamascacts dealt. For ule by -JOHN II F.L.I.EIt, 1 weed ot W r rolietaroa chola. apartment- Forcian Wines mid /i ron. ilelarrexcletalvely devoted to . alia ban Boa purchasers can abounded aeon &pee iorqoalltioa, ponod wood or Masi Any 'article MU itietag court salialloodoo, will atalltlanes be clehatr ii red. • • . HULL I{oB. NALiac ' • 'VAC ling et - the etenater Nashn4lo Raw Bing an the A Alleabenr Eleerjeat Maantry street, win be sold; ,A eanrein ups ti litationL to Capt A 14 Mot ei - • . , ti14)11 MILTaNBEHGER. ItiVAO'hult f3ubec Obit keepeeonitantly, rod assonteeny, a. and manufactures ea order:table. • few, a,e; deneet imam, ere., gr.', and not.tardepaient,AWedte.. an 4 aaaaa Wart. Matt, and . Asti ~Icalvi.thteMed aad plain forks; at the leeefivt pneee ZY W WILSON., Wen . - wane, market and th meet. hanwe commenred , QA rovalaruna a( Lat 4 Jiro now oreated ottettt &co fa shut nettle. Melt Oil Prof the OttlittgatO.and evil be road tithe lowest market not 'Ott attention of Drantinsnd nxen , Ls rev< Wally 'retreated. J JOaDAN &tax, 18 !Awl .1, turn' . • oppooto heed of ftultreltl uTATes nuritiiii, (3r porliting WARS &tut , ing and family liart.'.lV.l4q-Yhr 01:01r1111.4 Men. mains water. nor •ro is reqt MAR. - ittrhe kinsreris miles. Vrnoillbr • •." • . • ' Ora CO4IIIIA N:1111333361 at tr ar. .04 - L 1;4 Shipy.orottatt. 4403 (..:pencres7.433 AO Ark romprmitior krerr • 1%,,,,,g,r.,jrai of idic6l.ll.ta SO remora.,ilearrally. ,k4l%rirrAL an/ 1:4 Ea Aft D 13114.. yr y wine...and Our, eir,h...133; Emir oflbt ehnlcest brand. iropo:411 1446, eoaa o• "of diemam grader awl Ili 1u50... Pgrott .wrirb,r4 prrehare a pert aniela may Ml aq Arnim it la quan tities to suit,sl %a Wine C 4,40 ya Xi* errimfißeia &Ott. et NEW' BAIA:601Y 112111c1JIVANS: RICHARD - T. LZS:011, i'MPOtSTVIS anJ )ealei In Saddlers - hardware and 4 Curs - lige Trlnuolngs, Is new seesawing Jarita irdrlt. S/14;004'41...f1y issi4:lll , •;nlth.ak tnAern SlangrtFiriklassikishiss rsspartisiltiir tlist the attenizoSS Lirch it4gi•Vjre i ft3 B ;rign.. —F 1 rs P lalng: 1 Akstibt prodwiGis • brittrut peurly.ll.....d ' a, n..., v i i ee id ....., m•Thls, ankle should:Ns It every . . ' —4.3o F."‘w IT S 472 l44 l ) "l" ,lllitte ßS iek ' 11: ,, 7 7 4- •:.. • 4 : .. , - • . •101S61. No 1,. 'S • baXast as the Ossals Dir salssbl".• '•.- Itlf,l . "IND) Minty . -v,or - w n toa; ifs,. ore ...6. fir ob . " 4kunny =A ati 2116 , 001 OT at a tAllysAut, , HD. • . 144 ', _... _,-• - ' I•4".III.PNIVIPAIssessOti pins. est iiiiitin, Pm r Od • ttroVey NI." - .J A M E; DArsita .4 11 1 = • : . 1-' ," ' =itiosS Mgt a .. • rositz; litenh CIJIC. Chocks ter,. , the prineipel ;mondln the Ce.;Led Soden. hiehl.preatiaaipa.d - ror Foreign and I . l.aetklUt - Advent'. ondeoneonswimeeke PrOdiee, , antora wad Dealers Is Satelteadre,V Sauk Weise, • eli. ' 30. 55, aTletlre, •. Selling Shaer. _ ..keehante. • New yoft, 7 • - Philadelpho,, •k 3-p. dodo Beldam . do St Lords, • do.. Royhte Ra e, w.. 1 , 1 . .k.1F.N0TM. • • lieynig BMW. • Oluo, i di, Co. &Berm Ordors.l Wallet Niftee, -- Is linnue*T, Cdr. 'rennailearda Cy.' do • VireinFa. ' do Nees York di: ad' Wheeling, db New Orleans, 4 do.: Tenotwiee, • 3do Maryland _ _orl3l:l.f Cop. aev.o TOftitikH H L. (late of the [mot WA. a Hill kee.,tl sold Wal C. CU RRY, thaeof EreiPa.) hate eaten. Into Copartnership. nodes, the of 1111.1. 111:1411", for toe purpose earryingantlllta Peaking sod El:change boa ne n at sit Us braiehas, so, No Woo./ street. three doom. below it* West tide—where they solicit the anus:nig dale Ititailialui the public generally . . JO3EPH-11111LL, thestS, . • JULPH s. HILL. • W. C. CCERI6 . • • BELL a CORIIII4 BAIT/LEES s ExcliariGE unowts.D FOREIGN ANI3DOME.StIC TIME & SIGHT DILLS OF EXCHANGE, 'CEA WAXED : OF OEFOS.IFF., BANK NOYES AND COIN., „ N 063 Wood Hord dOC4 Lem , row* woolstde.. PAR Food. and Cortency rceolvid on Deposits Hod p. ot toi mote on the pnocipal Oucs in don ended4e, Noor Pori. D.. nu; Cincinnati eolisinnßy fo;;sle. IMin.lnellanzKrmuky, Vsminia atud 111v . # ;Yolex.butslaanfl Ba l d os f!tyclabJe - • Cliileellolii — ou Cleci3;4l.n. Lo.tio;lite, St L01111 ... ./21i tkll other yeceekbto .1111.4 ita the United Settee, nastele-ran-ageognarsdo hog terms. HILL &CV BHT . mod )Noma et. test deer to , htsste Salome Ezohassge . Nevi - Vitrkerintadeliiins, mut IteltT• mote row - nig:iv for +ale he HILLS Mad.llV epo _ 1 Were` NI. twit door to Eagle Halo. ir t iiiiiierlFi — o I h7oi — m in li e f r : Nenhe hanged et eery tee, esteeof &twang. HILL &CURRY - - - . 1 . spit . Wooti et. nest d.r to Enate :Alms • U lnollsaar. +mg iientaok,T Sark O Now, rTrebze.vi nit, bqq - • • 'N: 11(Vilki 13.1116 • •' Xo 415 . qatetii • HOUSES, LOT, • • MADDOCK% pliccro: 'von. SALE:—Th. v:1111.11., ?thtta. know n W.. nyni, of otroddook'e Utelth ogootedirt Wilsautionni. 1 1;. M , Alleoliewir rajony Co. In mere Gam P. 4 ,1114. lor arico.phela vr, rol9 LT the renuoyl•o4ll. nond; emu. minx:moor, au/:`I i. , i4•Loi, Tern thita . (.11fte i 4 u . , .0 , mtvd May be'ent. ' ' . . .11;, , re O i l ;ire Danis, a Sarah brick month. 504 vibes szionvebtratt, tsioi 14,3 , 41.1 gonna+ of eseePerm • WM.". Philatea on sae h i s i nebbb i etela,lsielsteuto,t as weifa t Pot la, artneir.ltAi reu7innin lta wa 2 tir , ' At 0, ph , 14{ W 1417 /Le tonv,! 00011. hr own top.:Abuns. Ile alit Lam %hal, lbr etentot , sfsto i .lantiost sarthe tt ea.: lern eleeto Ainninolsel by n :host lie.allay mu! amines • ;ye aauctry.fr siseebon stash. wpplinuf lbw L•c - Ar and : cheapest foal, nod baring fire punter. •bandasteq, el' co.; and Lw.aone,l apm , :oi admirairly lbe.ite of 3 ashes snettni.sotoring falsest,.- The envyleaale lbw; RIAIIII s• toratted Ideal& 'rev pa.bl4 south of tissi, triliFF4o:l i.oa*t throcah . the : urod. otiakrejr rrn.i it tow undergo:ll.cl. , • It ulto on the fir, pool of tun hisunsogaheia shah.. nate? .0 the Usneebeville paisttott and oar, meanie 1 esin•lantly touch ht t e !sating on Id. egtute.! ti r•dwrearre tb. rnn.l sari c(s bresK of any .prepeny ,L) lh , t e a m, oe k l a irc uvr , kut :o , lop, or fromdert.. : •• ni 11 re .id Imc of Rt. et lOW sen It bass Iron vic- PcdliellAVetiCT. foam n:o parts alike Union; no Innen. olphy:elech rtudied, .4 its hoary apples hied lit. neaessaary here to site a mere pal - manse oescsiption of it. ter term* enquire at the Illerchauts and Menefee tarer'a garb, Pittabergh jyradd. raper Mill iiii 7 WiTie. --- 7 - 77 e d nod their, wl rev, to The undersigned; 'date M d the lilrt dsy 'o October, 1416, and retarded in the Ukrk , gomffice r'Lin ,sonotg, Vis Oa. in bock unool - old . l einem ID, cale.dit pahhe suction, W the highest her, nuke float docbraf the Court limit in hic.Va.. on the FOUItTEPATII DAY OF.AUCPUST. 501,7,1.3 P. the following deacribed pryer." ty. win LIM numbered tf. , , 'Wand 40: in do original' plat of Mete., of/teeth Wheeling. en which is creat ed. • Steam Paper MU, called the "Virginia Psger together with all the tenemenui and be reditamertn.thills; unto belonging of in any' wise appanniniug, as tearer, . ed to tin uyAsseio nod by told deed of [MO aionsesie.. • • 460eia cw/i ; and the Waste sw. el pa s It Gar, thirty, liany-ally Cody -two - end arttprelglit tr.otha fwan thc.day of sok; each deferred pap:seat beat mg intern end. ibt iinettlil o f each Of w il e J o. be cold sendAdrettally Moe the day of gale. TIM hol in he notat ed ky kdecil of twist nine the ; awe d,projectly, SePind es a Invitee I abed eonvey only . the title. to me. though the title is believed to be acquesuanabkr.: svddid DAliltift LAMB. Minster: PROPERTY IN YOUNGeTOWN, OHIO, VOR SALZ. • : ••• LTllli:adveniser offers kir s;le sidendidlitcet dwelling Howie &innate sin the Nonfii Eul corner. the rubite Square in Youngiumn r hilahOning• mug', Ohio.lt is lane, etionsoodloas, finished in.en eacnt etTia endia the beet location Younittoorp,' other for i.-' , ..tenth g or public bone; atterhodto at is rt Tan,, tt , tc4iisteblin6, and oil other erinvenientit. at hued. • • • .This town liimprovitileyerrrepielly, ti situated Ise , - • meeistelj_en Conia,niedeehen the etrienisranteres,..„' • Vollmer Mill. tee., now tieing Nett ere empieledi be the most floatlshing piece in this section of.Oheo. It will be sold low tur cash. or on time, or eneiunged .14 partleolass' inquire GE ?.. ' finViWg:lll3<7 of -Wood end. %Veen beech:who will Free nil !newsmen, WM/hew ,a OW DING LOTS AND BUILDINGS tbermia. 1. 4 bessuirolly -itnaied • in • front of Om - ..lissrloa House and groundirof the Allegheny ins from the Butler road *dm •Allegberly Riney:jean' be . offered for sale at Public Annum, on the pramises. , _ , on Time's. the Disedayor Augaer otbet, A gr. Atiltk memo time sundry Stseblneryand.sols.::: entineetog mat the togs. snainng 1: madness 'A plea the IpLa s4tl term. Mae will bp awe known by. ss43 Anorney in fret s. the Proonmari:' Per neut. . . A CONVENIENT three entry brick dwenust Reese with n good basement and bsektiddbmd et the corner of Is ebeter and ern sta.' in the dtb ward. Tido property with be sensed very tow m. good sm. 'not It is to conuntetedyldltirofssollles mlgMooef3rr. IL Possession diesosonediaroty.- Apples. die mbar., bet sdjoaning the above . .- lylikt - • U WRAY, • .AIaL=BENT OICKETZRY. P...4lNsdesitoun of purchasing I,t, in this Ceuta ten' aro referred for reformation to the :Superintend nor, on the pound., or to E: Thorn, Dmggist„earner et; Peau lout Hand meal, Pittshargh. • ' • „ By onler oi the Board. " J. ClBEtrri. glow) t.414-wlt. Valuable Steal 11.a.aa Rua. ors PM: Wider/ 4ista bring .booth moose VA Tee ktr e r sa the enentry..offers kw sato SIX LCrtS on lemon./ street, between Ferry tweet and. Ha &eta Alley. Seek lot will be toienty'fretirout °old street and etebly feetindept.b. rob /OW WU/ be raid A nt g b...sho newts tosetber. For wrote mil In tbe. subscriber on lbw prentisee. . JOHN CALD*ELL , • steXttt T li . RE.SIT—n. we& injetted Nom 1. ever bnlo Tbird st. • Also, the lava Naas in the Ind story X Ird'and sari bet sl.,at P./4AI neeured as is Lbeesty:Depot Ind' Perienbeal ttbee by Mr. Wm: 5 Caldwell ' sl4tl" • . • • GAZZAK large t easentonioar; asdaYeU er.4-. isbed, three suuy oriel dwelltag, on limn ea. , ' half way between U1r113071 alley and bVsynes4 Possesuenglven netaidlatedy.• • Ferpanientartemalie. at the °Mee . . W W WALIAM J At( ' lig4 liberty et. :1; • To LEM; .- 1•3 1 -, three awry Cant, an reantaatital 'bef %WWI Nanbliald and Grant ttl,lll. • Mama fp ground SKI, ru taW garalfice, Pawiratiosi tan beat.; irdmr.tiately . . For TEM At apply. at slaaGtbana *Meg, • COONfITY itillikikiiiiii,;7. RAYING remored to the city, (of Off • to ptofeukmal ',mine., !Nil: mot the Maosibli lir/mould us toulota ate coelosore, Banat. on the Wail, of the litonowlelsy ono attle alxrep Pittsbusib.,•. J. 14 3tAlgru , ", • SAM L'S . RAFT. '. -• TN. MANCIIII,73TEItSAt.E--I birli tar silo is' Lgo I.lHanehosteroyeat tb&Femir; t.ll' el (tont hy ten deep.. be seiClenr, • and on .4cenntroottoting to.exeoptionOlo., • Tn7l9_ . -JAilikZ BLAKELY. Real nag, •• • 2 . • awnri Dock' Waretwomo.NO.'.sl Waior wetland No 10.5 Froin.u.'lmsed:*pos.• 'men—imply dd the jiteraiwo.•, r ' . ALEXANDER GOIIIiON pOtYßT:l 7, srTair.i=o - fiirliviiTrer! . *) , wtoiniag ID* ODEON.Iio 'e.g. of; go. - t11;1:111:11.46,1V11.."ON An* it EXTKAPANILV FLO,U)S—LOketilieseao.. of all times Inmpluied soitit yen. tvquaitt;.- cr , . 4:1 ground Eboor Iron the Bodthinn .C 4.4 •-- JOHN I) Vl* vrOW./.. 'kb • . VANUA, P CKAGIttI, • i1f.414.111i: _Turd wooden bound, of wl o Opt.. is Ond , Vigo r ' lor.Mlo by - WEAYRR, 1131: trtgrkir remit r.ikaini Oaaterlkeolosio,(l4i ' itiii - OliitvO' , '.l lOOrobersof alit {Lauf o fade., ~.__. • - ••.,,,,.., • .144,613fr0r. It II Poloser no' Raabe", Hakim:or !: ; Ai .v ~ -' J 11.4111qtenot the,v4a,man: .. , .1 itiiiiiirtii - iliti.T.R.74 - 1(IT1111[1:11T*1A . ''..• ,i.r atioeir, coustani:y oltano and far OsIO Wooh4 knitter retgil at '.I.MXIii W A VI:11'S *too suit jr3l: ~.:, , . • 7 IS oramtketaMl front mu .-, •-• .. : PM s 9 l ut r i a ' a i lltgprOt ' her= l a74 . l r .'. J 716 4 . -..:. .: .qr - . ~--''': ' sAapn IFr4vek ::::'.. {.., Ow E - F i r-fib ib " si"rs.,:grm — ce l c.€,i..n.:,iii ! i,df,7'f r- '2r-%"VV.TP74I.T.A.f --..:: i i ii, i- . - '.: ..: ' j cautticl • " . r'''r """u - ' , . L . iii.i.ecja%!t;rArZe="Zr,:aitl l !.;.' 1 .k.,..c 0 4 r: , ...,....,-, ,, , ,, .--: ::-W ii.fiduargr ',. .-gaultisa4 sod fliesps . ,Typednd t,,,:,, ‘ „ . e.lpi..i wise:v:4lw* , ere aid var.: -",, Ml* Owl tirisl , .4 seli Oirgoi tjo . toilktoarl Wad bol„t4 , pot, tar 4,10 01, jrafAw.': ~;' -.,=4,914041utit;',i',1% '..,V.,;'',_,V0.t.:01,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers