'4l`.l4lBlsuuberiutagrtill ~ • , -bV r.bb-so* bulumultsaitp,_ BURGH: .' , ,, - ,: ,, _/ =- ,P:7IINDNIZIAA! MORNING, AIIM ;;ti; haw xis Dan quasi* telilakowa sa~d g• Tr?, mom Ma Malaya& 'gnat, ist.sral=. Aunanona . =Mae pin orarFaiado4 would prtxter, • I . ...1.,,;. , ' ; ...; te5F,,, , ../IIA-All ta.Vl.ll, - • ',-;--",•...., .•-•.:,--;•:,.:-'. I .-..!,_• • -.- tar cairn aleAril.)' • • . . ~..• 1 ''..... 'YOU CASAL. UUMMLstIONEAL ...„A4,e;:c . ..-, ,, ,; . , •••• JOIIeaIPALOPIF.•P•ArTOX, x•t..p..,.."...'.••.• • •r. !-.. : - .., 40 aaliaLairsi ailLerp). -, • JO i '3'..ll n .: : '',' !• ::. ‘.... 4751i0E . ira .7....,.. aq. . . ~...f. .. ::. 2 . 2 : q ..." . ~.....-• nit musv. :• . -':. • , ..: i '5. ,_ '• ., : c.. ~....r.' .. .: •.. LEWIS Til l il t ;tl ' , o l ittri‘' ;• • Ilt: - .,4 -,..,.. i ... 11AelzitlALL:ett A wgt.DEAL, , ,,, U I V p .•1-..4..5gt..-t-',....A.,.:—...:-..:A.:...4rarx--i.i., . . ;,..7. , ,.... -.:-.•, ..• ..• lotaessint co ' . : 1 A: ';••• . ‘ " tl311X111 MUMS, el Lewes eS.C4rTio..',. • I : , .—y ..-WIWASI CAVM et Venmliely.p. ' 7 . ,..-1 - .:-.S• ,-,.. , ~,p.A . - ... -I - INDATIS CZIT&AL cchozwitinis. ..„?..,.. , - Tratt0 . r a 1 i, ..gx1.1:.,!...,.....,.a., • . ', ...,,, •-•, ,z , iNOMA3 DUNCAN s ' l"L "'"' . s: "''',..- "-•-• PAMPA NAV_ ,t'IN ' " ..• . ,.YlOOl/15 0 tIAMBLY, Vet". : - 0.. ;. „ ; ,: t ,, .., , 4 . az i t i lettipt e NT.,,,c...... .... .i.,•-_: , .• , • • , 110tIN P werh ..,, • '''.. •"'' ',. :' 'wire Pt C . D•f l l U t tAB ' .ll46s4 .:r ie."' .. ... ' . .. ONRA/ . .‘ * : . hanhaeT CD, --tit TIONVNeOATI Y loriphla trend. .. . L . • . BAH '''' . -,' ROPULIT II D,yoftektla 1 , ,- . P.. , .,.,...,' ); , Tl Art wtra sscw s N J T oo le t •Erf e. = z,.. .Piltplosautt . ' . .1• ,7i:': . ,-.: ,'" H•rattift DENNY, Alleyway. ,c.., : ,4 -, .-- . Louie IRWIN, Yoeuew ...,i-!., . - 1010VPH N ettiltut, leaatuatelaad. 4 4." - - . :- .' ?I 'I IIMP Er Et.L., NotthataPion ; . ....,,i ,' ~. . • It ar N LSlP i tetria.reeleas.. ~,' '''',., ~.4 ' 4- . '''.. ":11•11111 A Pilitlagraltler. — • 7',." . . 0.4 - HENRY I EVAN', Omega. . . oj.^; t' • . NOVlipre. 7 POTTS, kleaumery. ' -.''---' '''. - Rem= Comesual Intollystme, Domesue Nat .. ,!:,,- , , 'toe; M Pear ut News, layout, wooer Panto, az, ,sec ini . ;:ii"..;, ; ," lei yriparett Pose tor X latillawarwa DrWe. : 11 . - .'. A . :, ' ' , -I ,- - VriNN•ats, oruploss, • . .. . , us ran ataxso•n• Par, itc.•' ' .;-‘ ' , , . ! This London Tizasesithe oth hut. thus am. -- , • , i•''' ' clotit• an at tide ce the Malan Wit. ' ' , Tat ()moral &oat has beep eadeessios to .• • : ',',1,',.„.` ~ - ' Sae kited tab each pecilkatory sal Cannon. ~ - - liar ar zartlxu. and that We tenger of Yee ''''• .:". ', -,' -- - Got weld feta be realvel as CO. delete of Plailco, la char intoesh from .11 that "re kayo '-' ~.4''. .. loud by "try of she Unita! • States Bni thee : -: • • is Ilea room hats for tat operstiaa a mob ad ".,3.. Vet, t,,,.. • dears. Tars Is ao rest oe premed a dais). ' t ..t . ', 1 tested party-00 daffeate tripaisilita diern to r . '" - multi • Prepare. Goiarozoece.Tha lysine. an es free is es. achy at caertato, they . abash ,",,,,,.. „ thee robin Es tau era ea cub the Dior A. ;tic.• i .1: - .. - , Liu •p, 'al of the it. Tatter 'NFU tram sky tocrew a Pa'Pli' Of pot Ural pewter. Ti.. war.rocti as et is. sem ' . ." , "ha tally • teaser war.. It !fillet _escitird ,by •r i ii7.....- .. rasa toe chcaed hy',.be Ittiiide t at; ',Toe •!ei,- yir - , as. boa Ile Avant. a ,r. VIAND 10ur...1y ~.r..t ... -o,envogh, thorgh Apr) Cannot Mot UMW. • 1 b . 417 -. Ni,.-- %.--eorp 1..,' iiiil.olownry thottire rot UN ir ' *owe— /!..,-'..:.- Tray wLI Dot Ellit, but al. the Kampf the cot C.,,„ 2 . •., : ti; t. 5 annul tea, nee aake auras. •• And thus, tr,;.a-2,. :, Whet a tent ix ...01...nient .;..none on, b... !,-.,; . -, : lE.:ad Ai ~,..,04....y• a:04.1.e; they will toll be. " -. P.. 7 -'1 It.. 'Orb/seri ales ow iitott of the Nam le ,plop to rrople is .2 ....10,05*." : --' li ii. snits eg sac , iltes to set • Lie de Edlro• 1 . : pt.. Ow 'ay . f us, tad io Una etd C. copy EU ; abs.., net eonerubsg, tv.ivu.ap, in what IV said i d ti e , wit. We behave it to bi en al:pot...der era? • ' • Thank math ease philosophy nod troth in Ws till:nye( front shs Landea Chao:Lids of the Sib July: Itopirstict a paw th he shard, pee", !awe 'shall to all pratobiltty Vbrule in 0/Nu rt. DO ii • : rqwtttiow of the sum wictwits co thi . liiiitattiliii ' Seim and the acme itotapacry and corattlesA 7 - • ' dr part of their oppearoe The M. ~..„ • grain a uronesughly ilica la ae = d; h a the p.r...amtir 5r.:-; : :, ic.a 6, f.Ai, dia Lead at slat my say two Xi f.•'.'... , ,.;• , , a petite reaktaace shell ir their radio( eighth* lk. , '.'s --- , The rare they are hauto, U. rat tray nir. bill; ~,, , t- ' , .... ' ,. Ttiit h." skt.64-.(0 , a440.. ihetuardeseuaL Xi, f",:f. tam promptly , they nu •••,-, th• cossatif.ther •••• • .„-. i ' ' elks sad Inas shvy warm Vacs . Thlearivlaa'r 'i • ~h. ! .: ..-- DIV get La glary -b ay abed aided Thew eh, 4' ...., tott, ilia and .),iny. fins material far Beat gian .t -fit,‘,.7.. •'• ''..' ha, =heave it 'lull ;Assam Wee mere to Crab ri this aced pos e r itellettel as tba lit. And ..i::•: , , --: - .0 h huy go no, ad ieftstitwars• fas as beam eye 4„ . --; --;;," - can nuch. : It. - .dl he she Pitactiguss. Of Alters ' -9, '-- - (wth tat excepear est tht Arab. 411 piny eal . ~,r. _ • , 'i• ~. - over again in the 1.1.1•111 b nakepluar, - rather as ~,:: .7 expend a SEoo.lslotot. ma IM limb kmw ti ••?::.-.1 - ' I.32:ll.Palawrwm, whonwakind is predianceal bi l 0-• tratibi.; whom. IP , - , it'Peta the IJolutd Btatte bur •...,-, ,• .„ oat lag oat tibusd„ Lad of a son makidchar. 1 ;• - ,...1 ... uteri,' and' whale elevation. - thearfore, - be' tit 1 s t,;, rtii'imt-Mt. 1. 4 of England , we bare sadly de- ' ,--:"..,• ' eikenei!, - ea theta; at at he al pranks Apia. .- If .' ,1 " ''' ..",-.• - ' Lord Palniereue would earesater the old fine. I:t v %,,, L :7'". ; -'7•. '' . Lie, the "She who lit. it 01,4 hoe. ehooki Lif,' • , not throw - siumar ha could bet at. the '. ' .(.,• ;' finite' a others tying at ia. 0.0 doi,. - wiliai - ..;, • .;::::: • r n iediel m et mud is the daily colrtioal pin, ', • -..^: '. - , awl tostoxl, et chink, an hews Fee, he act et • L.,.• ; selty-, of - the. Bhs -he barn:wad Maw) Add& .•,_ Li 7 i, .E. !AA Laval pall. set imposed a via* apps her . •,.• ;•;.t ~.... awn comay ewe allogeibee beyciad their kr . s •r .4 . ;",,,. be t ri teic woe* . and wiuch b . aiditota, Code .... 1 `.i.:1.-. joins and penablea, hare been ehhelteto:he.. dive 'a gt.A moat' ';.. ~ '' • Warecni, deplete sod C004[1:00 R 91.011101 al I . ... hoar; es a doves In the atlas and palms lobo '-- • ..7,' •heht ,anal to it; he when gheeht th.h.ete. , . . • $,-; . tee lateti, mob et= bar Prises dingier 44 ''''' ' '•''' - r fit' irreufols tai the billotriar. .. 'MX' :•"4. t :. •• tlas bleary -d he owe coontry. and Inthis Pane: .4.• ..te r '' ,- ed I hß gempl of holy writ, tapir "—O of of Wee , - • % 5 t'.:';' - 'ten tiasith will I eaectean tba, that ir icked ''' • , ,,t,', : f. '..-', eratee." - , , • , ; ..,7; ..r' -,'-, • Vi• bate berms foe male Goa Lost Pal ' ' ''' :7 .. .w0rie 61 Z. ape* which . vrea• Estee crab.. of r ' 1 .,. _ .'" -. - lobate stated by Lent Beer y . !.ably, .0. are I " ' 'oe ,',` gee e tort the U •••• am de rei , lb. ltallfii . Ar. :....; seareseat to tamp& Bpaia to tasks prxretel 1 4 ; 5...'• : ihieirsiilig, or the Mete a her eadijects die be, . tt yit- : , 7, .... : ".I"lodiseeki, ln the Led P. 1., tinier( W,..'.,. •••7, • '.. - - visa W. hit itteight the ta,....6. - cr 4b: it*. ~,... - ~...,.. ~ ,....,,i,....km el tine sad tap:nicety. :-.._ ' - . •: - - ti" .20 •',%; . ~`, 71 ' 2.2.‘ r. said s•-•••I ion qua ewes. al ihe gnat ••••••.'[. , 'ilapostuge of ea {avast to a - upsa Prue ol bet `Pt. , : a - 7 . - 1 --, -: mei way '• rat cu. 'Maar do le . .n ow , of IW than p . t. ...„,"'";‘, ,to re abonwou• atoUset.. 'Tbuy bass teak our ~ ,-,,,:::..... Araved obit at teaser neatens of pram of t.it''''''- 4 l', 'mat lusted aid castrated sarnue—nen veto ?'' . .::.` . . , j 1 : . . borwa Wrest lb. ..urea. o 1 an Werra/eV iii., V - M,,,1-_,:'' ._ the well enashe "...rap. aniodaten. kintassi ila' - , i - , ' • t, :nose.. nada u a start taxa, ea' tetiped,t7 . t , t•itt.4' . , /la hifh rem al wane pivoted task. traCia W,,,. - i_ dill 041.7 lialie Ira.. reig tow mg are. than i.."4"::o.abia. t..,./7 . , . : tbauftg to diXadttos or eat eltal in o . 4 beekir 4 - r!'.. - , ~44.• Willy .herbw. tap' [war, bar) ~I ax '''2,; ; ;..!:: , - pesaaded the seeds ile unaaont of barb La. • ....,-,.-.) : twist ukase banbeen gsaerocre ad good fat. _l', a - - togs operating spot a gram ntuaber 'of tbe per r' : tam lobo are 'dame*" their =my la • these ,' -• ' - lows (Elear,lissz) And sr. that intskatbadly • 7.414, seta to the buena" of the icairnroenta who him , - Aqaba *air astwwwwww and wan Waled thee ' ~. . : / .104(s1= WM. , . .1,, razed that en.' ,ir - ...0. 7.!. 0 et,....)--b,,?..ae air, i, /wig. indttid us alliaiseannar, t:..,,. 24244ft* lokidi , rargbi not.' hailliiiit v - t'.• sot ticimmir. a ktat ante ,parniter atihtJa. t - • ... 4 - ".,..." "00 , Ma *bus laid. fAq tattnieuid ~.: . Cbmitr h l l l O - 1 'r iwi so ....1....k.n : ..., ..owl:se, me slarring their rate to ,be piand.. 4 ,1 - „, 4 sad eat pills* in the hoiSeeiho Law: bass).- if' .amen alkireiag et 011.001. 01 1 0( 4bl. Ildlablinfaloo 4; CO &MOM sarttrow Ear ittemeelves b y thienievelica. . . • Seated tie *us (Code (her e. hesq I ros..att A . ' - ,01 btair i zeiese which la =led is saappiled ' 4 0 '...,<' . • ' OM ha' : ..iii . , L IS Trsory..•=l lb. mum pet ..5."....., - -, ..: a ~b,' . war g ou to tilartithe• Perham.. ''':-< , - • AnatiettleXEl Vies the Eltaiww" crf the ataxy; end 1t . "7;'., ' . ;'' lIIIIMEXTXXis, IA 4111 f.rn of pupa', sad Cad i .- ` - ' . .-. .- *ask! sashes U. meat their atitarminalt -- , - pad: ' .11.:- . .. I' - '-'' • ...h . bk stwort.a they s•ay of the &eat -',.. , : Alliaki"01060. kepi Pan in a gam pf Internal !,i,,.... • ' : terifinXiiiiittich itirp",4 ad ekes.... I if, '....0i1y Wm 4,4 ~,',..,.. ..-.o4oknAllailir no day wale a very iseeillesat -tir; t - -; isildenkait tett( tie Asses kb tb.flortb, Arse 'it., :,..;,"".""ydra4*liet soda an therreeteon which I be. 7 - - -- Filkosia•Teiliei tee periany trim es it la ardatiredly itlj.ilellldimi',Thel &Buenos" a mid, stamen as ''''z ,' .iOtWltattat Valued eisas Esti la Beath ' ' - 0. - fteati,,l o 4Z dis—ttry retis all their 44,1 - ... - ' •. • • • art, trite eci ants erns ' a.. ; , .., A IN"'""'"k: - last; issar.l '. `We". Is ad .. 'lo**osr. -usghtgo, ( meter atrsieg hr - --i-",' , .;:-;;,.... , .: •• ' - . .Thent, •liiiar. - L. lat r' I P. S. -,••' - 'llibtXiikillo 7 .4l 4lloo4ll,4is .. iti,"‘446ollotiii.b/F• ..6a".. •Sfii:.%l- , d obIlL 914' 01PP.1 1 1 4 aiegel II ...''*ll.#o..ol,llmiAtll4l - :"T i tr i l l° 1 I kc.,''2154 F.4. ' 1. ..i<.. , •' '.:I:4T: C - 1 9V .:; 'AA' I lir - 0 0 4 0 1:i$ t " P'1;?i4ti* * IN ''" :7 li, 4 t *1... - ip ' ...'''tliVi 1 ~.. • MINDSBI _ . . -.41 , . ~ ;,.~ . Pk , :••• • c 1: ,- ~1. ~~~ •. •-• .1 4 t4l4.•*,::k.gtt, )11?1.11,..; ' 4 1 .*:;:q:!•1145 4 :";%4 4 ......4' 14 *ttrY,'l'Aii ; l 't! ''. 4 ''' ' ;...t ..,:;•,- • . :-. .: j, . ' • ''. . • Jw-1:4::6-iliri. , !: :1 1 41::"Iii.- :-.Viii•:;!:).44 , 3_ 4 : , ' •• :i:Vit'tdii-tsii;;Z;ge i. i •tq - P• 11 • -e14• 4 14 ,4 .1141. , „ . " 1 `..,5e.1.4" , &'...%1. • :4 '-• •I:Arlt:.zrie4,. ',, : rc-:--1.1•1-.... -, --tt.-...:.:. , .... ~ •[ iA ;ts.• : z:-, -• •$•;. ~ , :ti ~:• :k. 3-. ~ :•-• . --I. — t -w-IT . :•.:.'i—ae,•.;:ikr:.)..4..4 i : • ... ..-r -- ::-, -,1 -'"--t • A' - ;• '' .4 : 44,4 1 ,...v._-,...0 , -- -, • ‘• : , ll , ,!'dre;K:!..l.l7.:Ak't • .i..:0 •II•sA - 011: .4 44:: C:i 1, 133p• mi ltt...t,g 2 3! , : c 1 .:: '. 4:.;:i45:414 4 •4i r .4 4 .. 1% ;3:1% .4 1 4 .1.;.:--wif,“ • kir • .41 '.- t . , ' - •:•104%. I.:# i F ,..; :•,' At;:44l ,; ) 1 ' ::* 7 'N ex- :(04. .........., •-•,.?.',. '' ~:r. a •. ,'~` ;,~ =. N ~. i ,:k . .f.'iftl` , 7t...•: . A.!, - . 1 k• ,v".4tv.i . ' 1 It r r x* .2. 1 ; ;•;-,,, ' "-, -'', t 4:- .. -t:..• ;4-:..i: . . .t.., , 1 .i,-,. -.,-,- , ..•• i5. , .....tt-,,,,,,:.„,..:„.,-..: , : , :t l, -,". - --' , :. . ,-.:-. .',,,..,-..y..;. • , 0: • • $.:! ! t. • r: BEM . _ . . . . 1041 lea.. sticaa Who liefiarteimoie birMa lathe •••• of oniiaz wilt .i. , ca r dilv/. 1 . / diode 'opals waeld net lea _lost %maims who *dillia taeollienc. tee ilkrlsaid.tini (m lilr. Haas 4;•,, Ail 4, Aat66. suriiiv Mho ' r eel* ire aide to my : * kik& ' has - 'lto .mews iolefeetr for notj 111 . ,g, IleteC oh". - i lie ietere4rtemetebeet: -elite,l4lle.4l}. elite, Isar tiluatifykLeie ktiod'Ofeak (t.. 4.— 1 amid ler sua.d we emit )oreleg ran "o' their ideadene frellene, bee wall niessehn s a t Ltom filth' Atetereplist hetlake* sewithi a snare wpm Heir national eirecter (therm] I do not darer boas my noble kind, se to as aus gaw, and 11 it mem tba palmy of Epp- , len6—the wins F•Ley or E4.,ltaime—to ley do•rit • role that she would Worm obbaatiom to( • &Ser i am kind, I Mink we luck! tom a fair out all eight, meordio• to thin laws of nationa, to do ei." -I do oat mom ul any way. Oto viably, os do *lvey frith the mews I ham yam a; dm metal ablei, principles ad named: by toy n. friend hem, hear]. Alilmaet, I ecansted dbe Hams. upon prosioda of Kibbe pollry, eat° logeolo st t !moo b. blejlay'• Goverment the which the proposed Wrote mold. aro ,ipo• +Bra Mesa jet 1 mould feth this cpperawsitir . • iv Pend". Gmeneesento lobo toro , " . - to 'Selfish nitrate tiete the use soy owe :iniers 'We fitooeQeell sue, koger- ~a patient= bur] nary Ms wreak* am f jo Amerce" wpm the ireVects of plio'country (deem (Masa Wes]. ( mould mane tkee Act the Mose miry same mien lie BeitLeik Imam' e mi/1 no( ate oda tranqui4y tic its 4150 eiti/rwas'orre is Beit• Mk seelfam and As kterea sot pied [lood them). And I unsold warn them that II they otiO 1103 Mall proper effete ealequitely to folfil ilea. rams - pus% UM Gamenmant of tbls pitman edoarer . MO msy be in Mlles, may be axspaled by aw mo teene of bilo opinion. - ..12d by the nee of Ar liaessat [isms] to depot! /rim that which bitboito has boon the reibrutted pi =lice of &aloud. sad to Lula. opoo ttoa payment of debts dos to British goatjeci [loud them]. nod we ham flee means of enforcing the right" of British sabjeFts I am not piparod to dispute (beat: boar]. It -ta ims that we ate afraid ot dine atom of all of limo pot **(other [sheen], that we ham whelped from as trios the steps to which my gable hind maid wee ea (haw hear, bew]. Eostand,l true. will always ham gm 50....(( obtainieg jostle* Wits mbjects from any country apart the tam of tho eats (three]. . . Sot this a • Vasa= 0 ovation. Sod not • .111.0ka of power thereete, tel oo fonlea tom. try, who lens d ine moos to Mita!' subject', de: din • Itself by • felee itopressioct either Mit the niiiiibutioo or the nrideh Pullet:Cent Will Arm% cc uremia yatistit acqamseents in the warm's.: that, if called up= to erifwee rim rights of the pie *of Ettboxl • tbe tommeoeta of EolI will not Into ample power and mans at its coostraid to Obtabsjamilm of them. (Load chews from all rids. of the home ] flit..llseno &Frond of this:— And mid smog otter Wags, he leaded the Mew used ty ahead& Vim:coat monk have dolt proper effort oe some of the Suter of the North American Halloo who were indebted t this =m tg.:: H. hod always taken deep learned la the United neat. of Murk& He thoesto he per. ceithd In them a risrog - pmepedry frogs the pot., of.• erre and hooter Genairmosot. hot ho wee •way to camerae in biter 'eve that, teatenthwatel 4 ell the reriuis which they bid to ninety .11 their creditord, OW; had showed titer deism to fell lo ta •weer: The Unreal Scaled had the. Let the high theraety which they mica b. Id; bet be them ed be emancipate of the eoble lord wood reach them, and that ire looj their credit would he re: Lord George Beatick bed keno to wthdreie The people of thin caner, are acorearl to be noted trr therate.. Seery inTallirat Erg ;hem t 00... or one% to know the In thew 11ettel the Genre Glcrrenateoi tea* er.r to wapiti a mete to meet to baiebtadOere: lodged, the Gerateraect Jerre hoe no power Ao earns 'payee:ate doe itself from delaahini Ettataar.:2o4l. we teteratber Vaal the 184 Cowl. ree#Rß to to de oti• t 7 power it had, pasted alwiiaatairtioa the too per tent Lead fund fres likifese. Miteieefie, Waster. and othrraisfadiaj . &aim ha milk to iettraeptyrieata doolba Kedged Treseari: W. komw tow didbotit it V for 1 itoldd and 'Mb. :toms Boitigueso t mueir.betut pernitstity ,at our arum of (Vyreructiatti bat surely to light ettail EWA B:aiermeo ka oar Mat to Ca losprria: thry az cocataaly prockiet to ba Da curl end practical _Oar Maim, to women . awo , ckilq rad t/iiry ara shape& se La the control of Lbsir Miami afftde. Wein, p.oloadaor dime lie bod men is authority to a MIN , of juitico taunt& 29 . ,41. but: the ILitiab fl,iniatrot bits not elera). , power to &lima • Cwtaaaw Cawywattaa. Abbott taw - ran= hr midtown:l th. foiliaring ['Ulf 10 Chula Ills important to Iha Eo.ootire Com win. of the Chicaaw Coons' • tine, indicated by o. Wa Lupo the toortinti oriU be name .= on the 15th of flairAnabar • • - , Borror, July SBt6, INT.• Siar-1 Lea reeeimi a {elle from the Hooor;' s abl• Edward Sido.Presid.ut of the Coavewiam pasty bold at ebkitto,' tarot:di, it no that f ass appotatia libatramao of ther Evocative Commiittro, etistied with prorating lb. obieala for 'viva Vat Coca wtheem was sararobbal, to do 000rinloation of the Clorentrowat of the Voiced &atm fn ac. W3illaate with lb. awes waderetwidiag, and td eaw ~ out the Oren ef tha Goa motion and he comxi‘. cepa, I haws appothtad • =with" of the Conaln. tee, to be bald at the Asia.' kicare,lll4.lf4mitopii Wednesday. Abe 15th t!. of B •Maabei. 00 4 st' 10 o'clock. A. M., at mr6.... Pow ad to ollaod. and ohlia. Year Wahl sal obelaat 'Meg. ABBC77'r LAWRENCE. . _ The tAlconng procittioga ere flod Ii the St Louis papers. migoid by Thomas Ali so At • mum( of the Emotive Commute ar the Chicago Coot*** bud MI the Yectscou Use, in Chicago. Joky lib, 18471 on swum of Mr. Allen. of Sitasooti, Hon John C. tip..., of Nett York, woe called to lb. doer. On motion of bfi. Noble, of filichlgoo, Them* Allen. e(8. Loots, ••• &Ye. Memleil. I'm ebb purpose of mtlabium UN Committee to act with the rano dinette, In, the dothatips of them &rue, It wet prepaid thet the coactry **ld be divided Into cooreoleut &Meta and that 01,1.11 yam** di* cottuanne should he specially *maned to Ibia duty of coneethig and inosnos the inform****Waiesd by tie timoha lam of the coovessiasikllktes Mork*. Item 1 Jimoicett Thai Iti . edmirkt of BMW* and Like Ontirso be urigned to I C. flpeciot r. Toe tils 're of Lake Ens, from lleettimit *Sip. dotty Flay, t 3 1 1.. Welloty. of Cl*, laodj . The ports or blicidgui to Der! A. ?finis sad Jetepli R Wilbame. of Mktmeti The potato atm LA • .bare d Maas and to discia to Js* B. Thome, of Chnage The Lake pone any tenitoty of Wittcamtet, CO , Huhu Lt of Milinekie , . The altkno p.m. impactive, to obtalo tb• Worm** regaind my the roydatko oft* nea motion in their 1 etlie pets nod drettneen ft the yeatimas, to employ each and to many .IF goo. , am may be nootioary- tit lobracceakm to be creemanietted to the chain= by the first day a f Jun*" wit -3 That the prititoym datinatel for Clentiand, 1 Michigan. Ceriago and Milwaskia be warted 1411.1111a1t at ouch tin* and place art shall be .pod Is air them, or appointed try Jodi. Theo* achasteltiore L1:1 Notember meat, to compeer that reeilta;and nidoca them to Conn Thin Threw Alton, of bk. Loa* Juts Halt of Cuscenn it T..1,134tram, of Pint* is h. Janes Nadine, .4 Looletilit. is. Wa. B. Ewing, of 11*, be a enbcomaduce to coiled •JJ the fa* ittpi red bas the resaboterm of lb cormation, mo ft ye Musa the 14 Uelippl mod in tribotartatt, et* report doe caeca to the llitainnen ist • bore to tit preiented to Contras b' the Aro day 11 limo my orrt ThAl Mr. Abbott 'Atrocity, a Boo*. Alai*. do Dome* of Rhode feLnyd, Joh& Agate N.. Reorsobinr, Timm W. Williams of Cittecti. art Amami B. Racal*, of New Tort. Lite** Kirkpatrick. of Nw. J... y. it 0, /ohm* of Panay Monk End Thomas 11. itiow„ s hloeorhie, be a coameatm km Om like *mime la riprotte to the tints and hectors of the Annex. lad ihoi they also *span s sepande foPon is 0".. a Viittentuy wu nem** to role* l b . pro reedipp oft* camatittwe w writimg. rid to Into edi a mr,py *roof to etch all*** [AUL) MOIL ALLEN. Buy. , The Lawica DO, Ptewo:ewhiluems has had its tyre up* Wm Ch-lago deMINIMMN•ed tbe - ,riki mammoth toss I beldh* he lb. . . , following* • rat* ill . Ili ashiglow 'pit hi tat maighberhood of th* Illr41111991! elle ma COIMXTICO 1.1;1%1:111 Ilhiklig* ryil fort, sod with • o,..k r icialt th.,....c....4. _.,_,__ ......g_td % k g ft . % &lived be tkra 81.24elitifOilik A t prow* Cboommitent, iti • I. ' .......n r . " Oflasilligig. At dr ebotellowel ”3 . 0141 1111 by Se. pwtops. ha taw . d 1,0 *I kW, design* Amlll;fitfti Ti. rteproomsemno lii awn who. • Wilk*... he* e. 43 konmemal 4 WW I MI. 1.1111 Ng Cbsemntti tram the coal tab ght .... Of J ' a_ 'Tag ITO 1 4** 3 40 8 . Cosoewboa, soil accebitta the reek KO. Whom*. lot mew else"( ... ,1 6. i tt , x i ,. T .s. Ihl lIIMISPI eirivil- NMI WU* belPg gob' onus[ ~.. do vii .. was abate ion screbehmil*Plakirgli tab Whatirs *t ...ea cr. 7r. • • , dg A ilirsterif as.. aka 2 . 1600 d ) 1 1. 1f144* fMal l ii i" . " l ' iti ' ili- ' •-• none le • mawmamtM WA* ilikiVilteidg.o4lololllo6"..l2lo.ll i nis„.. t*ow.. 1 WYM 1811•61 ....... j e1i ...1, 984 .„ h ..* * liaaallialia • - Cern Wiry Seer /11d1witew, Sava; PitttOtirdialrelollolllllllll#l waillise k h —.'— - —..----•-• i --- • , • "at . • :111/xtr . 'lb , ... O TV't Ivo illtAirrimirwil 1 "7' ,, , '!‘` o,, eot;scitothoP Thiaint- " 10WHIff.i.... ti l l • ' .. C 4itcatt:;:t e ti .... •t'", 4 . ' '5 t , td - t- - , r. tA -4. 4..r.,11,44{. q , v• - l•-: ~, - . . --- , r) 1,1 1 , Y•-•:.:•' - ' - ` •----- l' -- .- 1 =47 - 1:-.7-----..:_ , -_-.. , -,--v-...-• ,„- 4 , ` . - --- : `•4 4 . , f .--' a' • 4 . . - Z. "O- .2 ' - ' : , '...' ... . - ... -'- ,4 .: -..- • • C :r• - ''''' *;s -,-. i.4.:1tA1• -1. ; ' .t, 4•• ••r i.:4 7 " . ' ' _ r••• --. ' r' .." ---1 , - '''':`,:•7 - i . .,...1.,,,,-.4:44.,1,T,,,-.• .1_,.A.;..1...:51., , , ai 11itigit...21.4,,e......, - w . . ,- so, , • • t - : t,o^' , ' 'f . lit. i!iftiii4l.l"-A-1=1.420!!,-..€7 parse. , ' ; : alt i ,irk...., :. W .. .. i and ;Pilik ' •lg s, " % ~ .: ... ,A purism, bat 'des of bit. .• . ' "4 ,11 . *i l rie t••••t lip .fi egilloil sake• of'• ,' ii.. 44 : • • '...a.010. ir.:: - ..sioutoi . 'i • h1 0tZ 46"1 .,..:: 11* .i.... 14P r .1 imig4o ipaitut" 2 '64 ' tato. ts e - s iii.cittsoo4lBX,liiiVnliii mow ludord to - Mr. ,Ireitorinnonaliy 4 how ever mete sad coniiiilliii Mini tluveitt Worm liikedweelembiena,Atilie*ich he pece• comma Lisyncticktim" sad* lima* snare .116gega a;g6i oiscpaant to'i.i.. ma cpwon of F. limPiectieskiiity., We WOW hie Imeinta. too, with the /MGT, the to the I.oe digikab pert of the roola tanwayi CoanSianaa county, the grade dors not exam& flirty nos fat Ili mik,— From Palebutri to lismiltoc throe ham been a army fix a rani, sod all slooi Um prociicaltilay of the ratan wee Semmetrated. A. stag wa d tamely mascamiestim to d r ilea. ilan Tel'intie Pim Mr. Lslif tkat, m rather -• ' '. aoresp...orm.ioces mikeetta, end -ere thanks' ofea lilt 'St if MIS Km s attracts from' Mr. MlkbsWu~ Repan The warm ir volt perfectas' in, i. dincuat sod Made kW' way:nnovg lUDs - lir hith rise 'pm, either ide to the Height of perhaps 600 feel I. meet Waimea them is • earns. boa= of bead staitlete the edge of an same ; sad it is span this Intim that ma lice is lamed. Owns to =vent stuirp bean la the count of ate winces, it. Imoseersamemery to aom it a several pelate ; bat m most of the croubss ere lair, • cheep coo- etemacm Cm viaducts may be and as se to make the wldaiscal expeom of ebony mils. opts stitch they man, Lute Mantbe merge cow per tali. . , Prom New Lietem to the Ohio easel m Mae. adios, Om Engineer dawn bas the rums es f.A.. love: - Iseeleg the men of Kew Liana, we still 000- time co Ma hill ride of the creek ; sod esurading it a trade of 31 few pw mita, ere reach the Ber we dem summit, Manta gem four naked ' from Lisboa. Luna( the Bean dams, mu anew is due westward, over. Lim Lcnt and open umustry, mealy. an make. We lam pew • eerie lame 01111•••• teimikable formatim, and fall itannitite le tats Mei, allay of ilte If abcoMalt . 1 . 3 , "thieb affaile a very fair proern for a cheep lorettom This Tetley is monied mill within me mile al the Clay of thurastosa.dlsteat about 14 miles from I , imi Be h an. PossingGempacsirn,chs k round become. loictrn and hilly, sad so minitants fa ,boat la calm Tb. excavation may. ..hoettnelt be so regulated as in mire the nemenry embank TM nazi dos lam prawn • Tandy of paned: duo 'tutu pan of ,1,/ may b. graded la as up... Intim darn Um away,. At itia ham of Mr. Lootorohnor tar lic• num. ar. .c 4.1 Thais. Road;' and Macao to the town of Canton lia loom 6, faros:kW, dims and - fmocabic Tb. 1. hate dosses Goa New Lisbon to th. owi boom to (:anion L. soraturol, 313trulso and Iwo hair Le idni Canicci tier liai cannnoes wmanrti, moan Mt. •not fork of Z.Z isoialzUlan Crack, tat Ng a Conn anal loot Um Bo* &idea aarmatt. *blab be cirosi3 with .leas cattimi of atom nib' Ott ivaraie. Tao irommi alma dams& kr heti • mile, then rime gently to the ettratoil, near Mr. Rae. &nook poorollog a swim* tbst .10 is will paned. Pmmott this .mimeo, am kg* the' vat ay of Mr ...I.komicin LW"- ohlf4 kili". .by • iali act collar, and a imilki Oki. Earns,., the town to Illirsidymi; v. 'llroa oamplaiad • iiimcrlOrr• mark alitlib'Sila beitit it may boo .oil to prams on Mikiliamfainan: lemma ramarta opni Lis ihiSannit Oilkiraff: . S' j . Down tin Ohio rim,. and op Mai I ImiliWiMiak. • both. Saari. Mu mom nit, • soar of mntistoo• cram Lo th• encase aboontoca Thi -on of thin Mow *II rondo tbe construction an:ann. sod madman, which cacao mom frormotif in this partial lAA rams, caaapartml raly Maya Af,or Irving tba &arra daft element.. di an is inured Dais or uo rock formation ILIUM dr mak* Sr WI misalialm al Ms &Ana, In as Imam, No the grade born •Lizmnal. to eland lb. Limit anil het • pm mile ; winch Fromm. co *bombs to tketriume : poriaticia at a gime Iced by Me suns pots from niiesitranniy of tba roam 'is th,.' other. Thia itiams . arbacii Yam bra alopmai ban, tr, no ire oliessoi ..#11111,13,1n C.O. tiammtai Mat, which lilt adm it'' salaaiiiiiis4 salarali tal" Mamma Live mariaiit .Loo puma a wart. am. bat pascal of alms. au s la orpectof ; cod sot MOM. . !Ar7 ononiistif In go dgiaraitl avid adopted, I aka ham any data Wet 11141arranica coal pat lam, opma the whale iiiiiiar .um be ado to my Erma 111 to 1,0 tboomend'aollara In coachial.,m, I may remuk, Mai Ma Moto I. ow of at ' -n onit!mry practicability. Tim artail. . .. • hitilki • bad! gerkietp dre a m s llggligegi r, to the Okla Cued b law duns son !Whoa iOl . iitibt tailor t from whence it meant ontionte be nonarkably dine. Tiring into wanadaration the Leinenre airwave width mart flow foam ouch i aoos.teim r id the rich sod truth crototti7 aro' ettichltpwww.. we may werrentrd in the WIC that deck here Inirested tenet prove u prodocitite art apes 'soy mita the same Wait to wry pert oi , the tittittel hates. Abler matting the foregoing eller:hi has the rep.' re f err ed t o , a f. to be hoped ion will -ten rilerrerbether N is not dos to youreeil to admit that your statements to Mr. Mdrw r .* armee ous; or If you torten we t rah coonitoottoot, obtainer it would be erty OMB thew Ica set crijoe. Lice to • Urge portion of the people of the .sib pot of the irate, whore Internees we cr may be orejouely awned by yaw opinion. the aserwead, iv jon to adze; 0151.110ra axe ingour life you Yoe nn; mod wratogfaly Witenseddled it bottom of witch yon knew nothing. gatotosot• ccattalrod is the gam report. eel, reface Ur tbe peactienhility of conersetiwer a ifell Rod Inns Prorbooth to blaailLot. sod of Wawa do oreoentrenett your opioke totolgos the lootroomberty of oath • Work ova of btruilloo, Wooe' Wayvai Aridnotl, sod RiddexeL ' TM error into ',tuck you totrotaligio In Weikel this put of the roan' leer vow end pdpetie to those who hang pawed orer the errantry, that are dam 4 rearorly worth Or labor dinkier s word to sat any ore Welt on the eabloci The friar of the tocuirry from Melilla, to a weir mane, Waage Oto, oot to the Mimirrippi rtrrr, moroally trrst—sad th• olottoottoot to Ow =A WE of a reed deny kind, so few, that tt tie:thou age to challatep thr troloo. to fornith • territory th• imam cried, throoth which a railway soy to conetorected wed kept is repair with err !rub ex. pue. No perm of tritelligeote, who Will ..pm . ever ear route, mad Wirers the lapro mow lied f. idity rimy trim exklblud'wlll be &paned le contrurert the recarketon of Mr. Mlutheli, ethet work hat invested wool be is prodoehr no upou any route of the nue length in way part of Ow Nev. item. Wri•lL finCtiCal Wear La ear C o.a q at. usofeeotprelat ul 11.11•11, tarp- Lag vtil 18141 3.111. ofil Wow lleth. Wads proved eadally alcarerfuL Loa year ha LTV& of Ri. and Whoa were la arlyolehug 11.kka, trwl b. LlCltleal Lila Ilia WWII am Cho Ry• Lad ores •Piorw ,o l miassOarAkeisuce. Oda** . 1 - 1:11 dans rut atoll t'iptliles row war up by tug weeitt Ha.. At ri6i6 Nes idvise. of Riv: 4 ll:ll:l4lfiliklaAMlay. 1114 a. to rrlach raw' be omit has Carytiipia•iilit ortrov—lkadaelbramolcr,,loljrAlip- 4 7, Tosorro 4 aas Morn LL Waitiiiir *Aft Cluteacl• raaocacal (bit tbajtheirie Tetagraptc baron Iltaaaral tualPrOlt Tomiao• es to, Er "pa Into Opetiikilibli Oa..Creme,orra to bl.ctlea r ier= the Rohm Pair, la Om lohthee amlb lee Glov *raw ot:lespactrarroam, at the au *Wales. its• MIS MIMI' r• yktimelllbss,hr Zealot tar of that robbery, wroth lOrdk phew, ablis, !us Praviiirat Poi:l44A kerr beeallfal reeldeage3e Hartford. • Tbk.a.yeeald wood Vtil. (Mk* I•dllflg. o o,44l4j.ida , 11 I p.m. 11.4.;4111006314 it h+ o2 retaload by E rad/ Wright t r aroVi and tb.a 40 al* outpaces agelaut JoisiVidta alarm ea dm inroad thtt tlr raftdrie iftp - Affiked • _ . The Pa* Ireneatemmaciiiialglibli m W of Hale - led ditorahred to tatallybait vie, Its vt nave& to cancel liiiitheipielqiuk aft Piurkwel, mow:aw wed Wins*. _ 'Pb. bill to pram% liledartiva had berat warp drawn la dot ((is. of Lon* titer a dealeriaori by arverfl eadarat legralatcny those drawn up, h weal& do rams has dna goad. Yr. McQesea staid la evidarro• before a Cow When d tha }loam d Oematir bit *oath. that ■ the ailing of the Match, yeas, Forglaad Mi paid, far Cattail aloor, to Or Llaired Amon UN, OMAN Oat* or 111,1101,911111".' il• • taco the --- qamlesay Many r M s 2 " So 011ie • Ltilknigiiii* in; . hr i 3 iYret4a.d. • P ta 'ltao46 4 b ! "r y.l tank Or the- lean edemas hi' lo mkt the *reel Vesehehtetas esietahreit' tte lrari.b sr La hem efelleeppiy cal off phellereheideel Thin Ufset tD be knEuidffAP; h Imps ma. 1 beim Yis mangy luirelfitii thi, cal ea the' Yeeithetheez 14erpre quint), sad. abo atrandant and wy of icor, I hare, no hesitation he =yin that Iwo or time yawn afar the completion of the Look lie. *eke an the 70sigidoshawy resit, lifetweviort wit/ take ber stand szeocg the priocipel tau toning cower of the Weak le =snot belocharwise, beau= her locationlar ariewilectoriee del Undo is wry adentageoca She is warrouccied with coal, and it MI be delved mit aloe we half what 6 con to other plates now mon preipspea. Bh. lesuiroundan with wear on two alum sod also feared on col Ida by w eethiri and lmhierleas popion. -", I has now, unmixed la a few waido king Were them pedal= who =co ufactuweby steam power, .one of the adealegeo of Mullet., full =Kay of pelf heal si a moderato pica. f iegin slow say a few words on the ad reneges of weer power mu el abet power to drive macblarry.— fa is neon Minds and way. to keep la repairere . ,afm slew dher *dm:nave which it ha. •If thin eilerprise of Locllog ;the Youghiogheny stencil aliccrwlli will bring under this mod clew Company owes of the bee wee power In thin Bute. widcb they may cam occu py or dhpaie of. Thi...4 iteelf. I he 11.,, would be a compenselkia for erecting the dune without taking Loco comaideratioo the immerse vanity of coal that would pea through their Locke. 'We . fail to &writ= all the advantage OW would saint to the maka of au Western country. albs Lock Mitigation 'of Ito Y.40114110:1 ...comPlited kaki Robbeinen. Puiangere could thew be con. Toyed either to Chanibersburgh or to Cantbeland. The dies= Lemon Rant:worn eel Cumber land It Lb. maw so between Borworell. and Ilunwriand—l bares Nos one mil. di t.reciat— and the Robteceiniiaide much the met Meg— Oa r P"i*Peca d alkOhlele depend entirely I be havir, on oar teriogioViwie face bees the tleiy may i mp leer !be schlagen coo. erected with, i hie Anew Coos.. OITT 1113M11: - : 1 lat asoittuto.a—A ftkiflOstoottiog 'to a man by the num of ffoothiOtt Bwnt ure4 b"." Ohio sad Wawa waiww,' Atlailbacy city, tau .at tta Ere oil , Moodily, 144. .dcursemsd In Ulm to Im watiopLitad baton mach dolma Wu wisialord. ' The hop wati aartoluta. by frame latildinaa Oka ant !hazy, who Ca co oitaioad Mayo: on Saturday, fur barliti mowed dr data of Bad: Wilma.( Ws city, woo bowl& htfixo blot hoof"; Jody Lowtha,oo Ift,nday, sod &flail. tad to bait la Wombat of $llOOO, to mipear id* Dell C0.21110:4 1144141 tit the chow of btaisitait• A cirri:tat of.thi such of Oen. Wani. ‘ fOaii icatizieci: kin' hi dooutore at 800 Anto ine de Baur, in Task' caul h onhod to Nadi. 10, with an aceonai do; Llinio Bane Vnlo, Jo about to boo pobliEod 67 J. W. Boola,mp, who OaatWll reterrnod t thou dty foXo Lb. orgy. • Prrnsami Coat- T.o hundred gal boat. oi 'Wood roe twat eins um moat 4* 4.rika, m i ." inn ammo PM each at Clemiimil, 01140 Naar Oili4a. At SOO the segispl• vole* .said be $1110.3,000. Itior.-84mora1 oi Om Owosso w h o io ennamted tor tha Mddibsolatto 5,1,- Wood. poprloompi, =Ls iafonooakol iiaNniod4, b. tirp4iiki• &Rai winos Jooiopit Woo eel • moo of Hoek, fora eat A boil* oil tag, pima Wpm dm .111116011 ea Theiffy . , - ltlrQwdL of Altreaty bays , logrochiti dee tiogioittos on city pioperty to isqairo lob tie city title talioLion'• Wind. Tit AtinitioYlitMlitoonscaly-ttiitoettlyi 44 , toed= of Qs pm* c oat aloof city to titto pixtion of a Patio Muni nee Werre Cur.... se of Alleibeal be area balm Imre Preerree Er their bey Wa. Thu Fatima,. rung by iti:areobers pruned, ontrotal ealiaty. Tom wretched 'baba of if. & .l eon opal no to Treace harm g been fogod oat soda two austoptg to amamii NOM& In prieng,- The ally' moo w h o viatura Y. Ts., efts hi reirerneot to dug apartmett; wu lON ado, who la • raineker of the Cher.bir of DepaLle• Tha toe given rim 1.0 tha report. EDE the tented plarole were tiro supplied to tilos. A report la matins. ad to Gebigiasore paper. that le ha gra leaving the wort oo Head e, Peening. ha uses beard to calm, •Je rsi. on &mat perehi." Whet a oaastentary upon . vier, and I, tb• sod whet renlagetioci. Flog. lag of csobei:Cof 111.14., mod iaathactiiartsog. to BpahB too, .hat • Odors Of • o tothappy marriage Y 11111111 In thy dell eel of the King tai Qom. We tint the foltawing Ire ■ Madrid let. tel of July lb Tb. royal pair data not w.a each aim cow lot roma moot* inrant.hUs, barmy., appronn. co. were lupt op by the coalinvol realtienco af an father wed dew of tha prince console with the vino, and their applazatia wbb her artteceratt .h. mitt Into peat.— AU Mb, however, wt. broacht ton Clem* • I.w days minor; who to lb. utooltonott of all Madrid. the 'ciente. boo Fnuotirm and hi. dandills; the fadisfilb4w end einarr.in-law of qv inert: lON olaccay owing to moll iha patent and la lam Madrid. q urn la new I.ft arlibiot • itniles or ma of bre limited stoat ha; sad Ithinituit .1•1 only by c.tl w, =thee kieenedi..bei final, Om Welton of hfootploolne_ . . iM taro—bit Mined ream. to 4.911141.11=. tad with her, mad b.ea Womb . * , TG Pope, be art a » la nee, knit it an etp hUl wort to elm tit. this &plod bled W. Gay he I &bead - el the lialiate in hi. effort. to improve tba peopla T. Rom W•txre—Th• Misto• of Brea twld "LAW taMktri oo Tri.dty trletX m...ar ww• tam to sawn • mrsair lroo Iltmcr to Munition. A Calmat. el true,. Witt Forma wows appoint"! to mem selexteje, Mos Xr pry ttts expeom of •as .Mt• Cm ohm of correpaischinc• nn a 1.8 tippet:Mei: A anteml oMe dog Ira twitttif et Ow cxim toe 20th of Ativot,' for tea pop:Mar twettl. lei mob. Ttt• Bomar and Reim peept.m ming Itanstalaesly tosetbet, Ea their afore' to rmercata tbl• trait wort of tmetif,xyrnttex Rota. .itmenr to deer Pirrra ClImv••••11,, The Company heiii l lifiiXOeitniele.ffitiltleoll - 1 """"4 4.20; ; I . at lily 600. co • scioo Ttet• xe emus* . of • taloa of Ittli I.4•l"with lb. Oldo river. ellasACTlll.llo inflClll , --til 'Ow BMW of the metro Lemlbw Leiteietare of 1215 guts td 'Mg= negate= he.o ben . 4 .Wid 'the Wu . ifrith Itexico, wfitisi tit.' aut. boar resettotlem offered for approving of the leiltery, 'meta% of Majoe Oesmakeffoott sad Taylor two .The Anti-fllleary iFtetioct rem:tall to tirei pablie bodies fend totioythe haodato etho s ; potty is pneet hewing dolma 6feputeleeoe sofa fieLett is speak tbesio)ni end etentimeoeit:..; ,Reeoiotioets" eptiof etiotioi luoi adopting geoerailytto dot;ttioesetfiet;Wilit. toot t yror in, kw pond holiii . ( - the Leatslaturs. Is the lioulkollifyieilike mottle wen eahl axed W 10 1110=:11111104. meet, sod to. Osmium. sae" Moak bat want'enali, Pa•a. •41407. .* • •• li i • cmiutheacs vats. * Bain& kill EPCOM PI Wm. u FILM with the ththad smog. The death of Jibe Attiouni Priem teseliikeeett by melees dideojeji et tieneeesiti:eol lima ie. liesly lta. Ii iri Abe sake t eatiTi v4k titetrilemil ~.... e:: notiemat :i.4 B .FBI.III:4VPAith to, :114' - iai4lllhif..thii* al $140,009, a. of tham aaitaga . ses*imi. ale out_ repriva ilia& *CONN Oantlla par.. Awns tha kora .1. of . Coen mw intetieta( the Ilataillas by ats art affbatra. Thai law* itila! Ltd caOinconal to b. atanatatl. Cien. Sahtt nod rad Irish that - Malt of tha hbarailooast Hasa tip:arts% and with . rattant to iota. lb@ artier. Al ea air tLL. um. ti resiocatrame from a Kerlcali officer, Nara atliqi do Waif of the Maxim Gresniarrot,. - roe patellairsti of all that had beets daoi, and &leering that panklassat of tht. roil matti te out with like retalkakel. Roar romprnded lb. ancation tb. mr•P Cum for • tiros, probably Dot babas willing 88 loan Chamills troop to thol •r6iea hid beta catemandad by its grtrrnamert. Correspondence or amp Pluabluirt Otsem. Paul., Avg. 3, g P. M. Tin Boathern mall doe this evening, failed from brg oOd Aegusta, Georgia. • The weather fa most dalightfeOuld pectis eve again ilatths to Gpe Nei and Oble . .•gke“ k! • 130 Psubalh GSM. PHILADELPHIA MARKET. Au:. 3, 5 ►. I. yllarams Flair la waited la the mutat at fa per bbl—Peat] of wales, bat Ls. bayara When—Prim. Mita is Mlles at 130 c par be, at alikb prim there are ostlers but nu tayssa Ccau—Prima Yeiloir is DOW quoted at 75a pea baobab eoroureel 6 quoted In 'nuke et 13,371 per Lb!. bat slacks were woo wadi erribdttem. ' Previsions VS duller than they wets jeerer. def. Fie Name Coiromponetenet or the riusbarKS Gasege taw YORK MARKET. ====M Flan.-Geftwor Fires: I. ;WWI tiid) , fot $6,6055,614 per bbl. Western 4 quoted at Sfie W. • There Ss no dinnsa4 In Os undo far Alp. ping. as dealers an waiting the receipt of prints leen, from Europa What—Tbent I. lints iexpiiry for Wheat, and It 4 -Bing at a decline from Furious quotation. Cuen744l.lad Con Who, at Us. Pilate Val. hns She, pit bus Peetudetui—Las inquiry than: GI lut quota market Is vary bevy and We badness 'tegieeteid. . . t . Rsiesrse; corresearateare tto rotsbanut • Game BALTIMORE MARKET. Rains:rent Aug. 3. S P M. rtnar—Howard at le quoted at $6,874; City 111345,73. Lees Winn" than then was pion. thaires ate awaiting the tioript of doer arum frosa Rumps. Tb. Fafnir') news Ittihad a tandenry to &prim Us* coarltet. Wtout---Prime Rad is idling 0.011 . 3 - Coro—Prime Tallow may be quasi today at 76e per tar. Osta...-A re salting at 53z per latt P'nurietacir—Tht &land roe Brosnan:to Win. owned anmenhat, with =derma salmi at priori% °tut pinta The saris. id In • very getter. difr 4orm the tr. 1, .. 1 dtha Mai* filtresnia. Thrrassues IN TII r Cjaiuyi Oir IliltirAdr Nrstsil, I. bid aldns. Worn MI Palm County ' (kh.) AdTto:al". l &ally, Mama.' that sea* drag to tin otaraystica,Rnirs I. math im unitor -11:11ry in the Hof Min we call t•nallvs" con, than in that of Mr Ayrshire. Ltd Aldavra, a He myn—ft A /am dry. age I inada • Intl r espertraant to tad the quality or the oak of ..... coves A gallon or aarh ewes oak wan Mitt by Mal{ and Om stand* Irmanty-lbar Mara the cram • frnas rah wee ebarsiod by art!, =xi the qoarnity of bona tried bus 3to 111 mama." TaCt. kb OUP ISM winds tha naill risotm tows afradad a pound of boas to evary I qtuirts, it rsquirad awn than 31 roam of ate milk of soma otbers to puke tits% Ickgatiiy. Will nut dna tact ha nai maatitear —A/ileary Ca/Matra, • Tha Rpiamprd ebroeb, Now York of nth* ....tk. Yell was Pastor, arm knit in Sim . . .1f; ea Friday. The Broadway Hoopital with iiet iyetlenta haft• names vamp°. ;Tbo "ling,' bunt her ream elm on ?nay on tba North River, Irbil. Mang with the Roger Wdliam, and going to miles LEI Mar. Five o I this Mods wm scalded and two blown overboard. Etta Ca we e..—lefeetiogs ere held in N. Eget ut urge clam the - rites alter011:4111 the 112108.3 .pewit' enlargement of Mei Erie quest. PITTSBURGI WBEIL 6AZETTE Anima 4—corny,* .1 /MIT. A Hum Martet—Nicittotaa P, Trht—Lettre from • yams Arty in Italy. (hint • daseriptton of the Carnival at Rane—The Chime and Etas Traifs—A Mil acme= of Ma Rfot in the Fifth Ward—Prim Califiertele—The Prisoners of En. eanitation—F whet Deinelhi of Peace Pro{ male-1 Yemeni armee IlAtildemee-Woof end the Tariff —Blmieb of the Life of John E.t.a.—Tracts of the Allegheny Rim and PlimbzUgh land Commeree—Protelie dieecremy of a Immo Lora.--Coamdzed Report of Canal Toth, in this dry—Chicago Cuaveatkia—Cone:poodeme from arKemport —Mr. Kelly . * Leiter. Lunt Telegraphic news. Forego and Domestic. (!cmiserclat—A carethily complied Refer* of the Mattem lot to put teselo-trlts .prime, is the Weal city eartehavallte Cade llesteh—The prime of.AMencse hoodoos Is venom pub of the liaise .iaitmolutt of Vicar, Wham, Dos te.„ received @beetle epeeist Mille outal—Cseal hadotr cad iminraint. of predict—Madill le LAMM . _ Nel..-2poit of th e Ens..pope:en &Inas Dem.libit toad, al jeersale to the iaterestieg omits of the day. :For mi. et the dm; drift or In ermptimrs. Price 6 COMM 41411 Coc7. 1 8 Omni piker two ddhrea y wenn edema- 11:1 , gators eilooe mg Pamainu.:—.llititoot Tontmooart—We bog leave .• eel/ 11.1 lie Mod. so W Colenrlnib from Dr. Wen Doioti; of If ttimoilallo Qsnotoat Co; Ld osa .1 vary lig proelibboors the teto:y to Mich be rzoialoo, M late &Raw Le On 8010 Lostaatoro. 11 to cheering Ll* to too the bad jag moo ot W probromeet, borobeg do boats of prigs*- * onal irlactigft,aami ehbg own uo doe: .64: harm tasty prune. NI K nese Mr of vier NOSY 11114 - i• N. ma wall *cued Is la dram ts.ClollllliNtillil Ihroartlal Orn.iplaluti. Plum atoll re liattiaite be4thet—po tW es low's* roe elm; Y i eltilitlf othidosesoo madam penal MI 1116 , 110111 awls Us bamiativ, m teni a emematty IN land., lajettAlly, aigt Wu. Deaa, m. k • • • • [I7WI Jame tb• et o 4 of ries nada* * doer traortflably cure of Scrolithi porbrami by Dr. Citihms4 br bleb &ill will 11.44 tom* nd 81 1 = 64 011= odor. paper, Try are *Wiwi daub lb. min lrerd.rrrol mart and Win re Om preberrand by •ay ger ber .. Supetabil PbYrutibar. .714 014.1r4 sad burn lam ye re. wiled irk virat Aro at their several Owes *Ude:, sad Ism tract their ow. 4{4 tie breaderfil 4401,0 the soliehm. ?kr Ameba siorr4 os Y. tame Stork; Irbo buy be ken duly. 0.4•404, Ow Watt af d A. M. 544 4.P.. /La* Ile drop( rimmed S. Na V. itriabosnali wrear In lb* MU, filarslai Osseals Trt-Miekiy. tW retsina' Jo Iwo. di of the •Ensendor eriellmt ear mlelldoesl clangs. Thle Is mb abutsp woof rlvertimn, say 011,110Zpablil, Nnai.nu an alai Waned Ow may, papa IMn nyismald• Was. • ,aassirrio son sitimaia °slum, isms min, 1011X111 PiXtr gm" Jun . • aft sism tops r asses* la imparter Yd antailihaa nol MISIS.MY all Vali 0/ /ea num.% "et aa haw ham Settobetsittlla, Bill of Lallatt, Faller Mien Cl/eslaea pada, M., he. ; Are •PANPOST, 011=11111 lit say *mai asettead ie tha hos , sad all tined of Pnatkaltraa !wile latertaa qua/ al loarea . . . . 85,00 g 6. ' ALOOTS.: - 1. 5,00: 41011WARl i t8 relIT OPSIOE I r LLEY. THE mbeenbot ft 11111111141104 Worms tle pehlle Unt b. boo eelamooesd asudielare of Matter rasiewobto litemor pod suoosutt 111 wortwassble orhlob be .111 MIMI! "Min le air E.o IMO, wee Ia Paimbamil W lit taco.. .11kois 1000100100 Dow dll bo owls to moor and parr.ol lbws la rqn stood, so uol rrrP koe.. ribro.Of DOLL AR CAM. Couloones troriebooord unll "tod room as We, . 8 ERPEDI Y. . . • Era ' WHH:BAWL u IN- maw= Of THIS owl *YE IC W ehmodd la Ut• U liftewers aim g • •tisar4 fflarinaille namabl N e my 'is Mlogiat no: us= twas. tow sob." pimples, bipelmr, •Arkmartwillmswiabew«..vmmui, Froff Mmt,' kw Whoa th maim m wpire i I Is saampt .(L orepsnle..,. Spi LI rloOr awn" insanat:• reipalsitne . 1= 1, 0:47Z , V L 'way Ihs; . rniaa Mei Sea arm • r=tri aselimacts, mei Nr, ar=y ami tikid :Le *MI WWI 112/611 ty •••• • 74,11 ille*lol inaoi .1 is rimipp, OR AY,* fonellead -,~ , t,:_ nws;:ovii, /Rai, - thaupowrib,wx.fflr L*Matia listytar HI• Wsent wat tat owe at 10 plakck .71: WOW IIAIIOI , IIIAVIONAI. ii17111161: - path/died la the Chy of Wohlopon. everyday, 41.04100, C. /4-10,10.00100-00 served m tetbenibers la the Cliy. at Air Navy Sant is numb e mu.la Akomeina, sad do Sehlware, the same even. aril man a week, pet. to the Vole Agent for Who.WG. L.olllehrest, Ms ender.- It nano mailed is any pan of the Penes lea Si per an - A Sem,St mwaths,papahle la A ' er:tlacmun of ma lines or low Usenet oatiOns for'Jb team, Mediae, 6171 Meses, Wee Mies Mr A we week kw A9{ two weeks in 11173, eat Mouth al toe 11.01110{1W,Hupe meatMp4 aiiameib, 111, "re yeavahlb,pinebbe always la 'drawn She niumnue. Woo Is what be- name Jadiestea ll speaks the walkouts of the napery of the Thelon ry on eve' castles of pupa y. It edvensos the eleetkou Preside.. yof lerSeutpt, eakiee, to. the demlnea of a• Wing Nadonal pmil makeswer to the We apes ALLA. sweetens d sot of Ow admiaietration deemed to he adverse ID Into- note or the coeuuy,'Atad esessee wi th eetkor or favor the eenapdoes of Me piny is potter. It. eollems Are open lo every man is the ceently, for the. elbeesuon of pentical or ea? tuber enteetiess, • 1./sad/U.. w Ictibet.s hrte Omell /a As Maimed Wh* ern/ be dented vto publication veer Agricultum. Iteftenles, and ether useful ens, Set, nes us {envois blediclae,Stallatie ke, . Choke specimensof Amalean and Foer)g, Liftman, will aka be green, betel/beg Revlon, An A weekly. Int of the Panto issued by the Yount Odes will likewise% yob/imbed the whole Umiak a complete ferally newspaper. , _ Weskly,Dfatleaal whs.. •- 01400 al the !argon newsmen! in the Salon dunes, Is nods up non the eolasents of Hu Mar National Whig. and is published every naterday Jos the low price of ex per muntat,' payable In advotee. A double tbeet of night pages enable given whenemiethe pum of teener shall instlry it. The memoirs of Mineral Top/or. 'written expressly On the Not obal Whip. attain tune or lublieution. , - They rommeneed walk the wend ember. a large lumberer copies of metteh have been pirated to solply calls kir beet numbers. - • CHAS W FENTMT • . • • . ' Peoprielor Nuniortall Whip . Waakiemon. Jana 3,1847. • Jelblltaweat M:=! DECEIVED al A Miner —The Doke ,M the Gm tub OT, by Gls Grey, mulor of, ibis.Gueblerhr Wirt; ete etc. , Illostrated Life of General Ntalledd Seim, Orseman der .in-Cblef of tha Army m Moslem emeraeles ■ fun dasenption of the Capture of Vera Crux, to tr.- 7M Bandits of • western nwoutee, by 'Bum; or the Eudes, by of ..Lahlte, to '- Ito - Fogies Pinion, by. the author oi* 'the Yeatl,‘• thakyeare.' • Ellen Fenton and the Secret Poisoner. lostabei'• Cyelopedia; Nol4 ' ' lea/bay A lon, No in. Also, Dombey. Soo, vol 1, bore edeaprlslaidie 10 wo :numbers, for 11:1 rento,lll nom , Fathed• Clemeol.allomin Cadloile inert. • The Tram Nagerdne for Addax, - embelllehed dope. rior No—Faohoon Mato eruetoe sly good. For lisle at Id A MINERS, Ponthfield.4l.3ll door Orin SeeOod. , 'nog! - - 11wpm & Appleton% New 'Pabllontlons, XOtri 'excised and for sale by JL READ. etb-st. .thinten Notnon the early settlements of theft - Nth %Yemeni Territory. A teleetkonor kaAing [114.11 upon Commercial Law, decided by the Somme Coon of the C. b., with notes ke.; by Jas P Holcombe. A Compendium of Maraud:it Law,' by the leis Jno. Won Shalth, Broady enlarged from the ant and lot En glish Edition by Jan P Holcombe and T Obolser. Part lot. etens XIV and the Court of Prince in the lath centory, by Ries Pardoe; author. of the city of the &ban; m lfel e. benally embellished by bomemas cm ravings. ponralteetc." - , ' • . • Life end reaspca - opinions and . eaperieneis or Mad-. rime Do La Modell Coypu, toosther mamma neconet of the personal history and religious Opinkrilinf Pene• Arelthiehop of Canbray, by Thon. C Upham. mige liesewsil Volumene at the iagle • Fin/ a of MRS - SHARP and of MIIBSCLARA. BRUCE—Re maze: awns of MR MUSS, Tftis evening, a Chime Cetseert be givens et she Balk &logs. Wooden Peeformaseee lb cot. me nee es g o clack In the evening,in botulisms. • Mr rickets ite cease . • , eget Nine Let St Xlegeuit Pianos. . KLEMM kw jest reefing! the Lib:miring new Las Puma, which Intl tat lovrer UMW can. be bank, us the sin • • Oat eleiputt etabassay,ll octave, elide bv Mutes k mak, New Vedc, 01 treat power awl aweemess Ws111.1:ilft1101/100/ Pned.. - Me elegant rosewood Plato, Glade. by Chle tering: Bonen. and selected by him.. the bait I entente! Of the ciente ha asiory—wrre very wwderete. Eleeide• a anther of ethane[ all prices and styles. *num tlie mew esteem we «Intim are, Oared hew, No 03, trdwt at .1 W.Weederell'e. - seri FLOWNI lISUIPACTOISI, • 80. 168 Nord MACS:tree!, RiW • . • • ' HA" ea hang sod manareeleres m Oder, Artificial 11 lekneers, Peed*" Tay Won, mad Fite Cape. Laa dies , Dem O." norders.Celissew. Andereepieeeelealosi of Fuer Geode, wlilek he will u the Lemma ne wig place. • N 13.—Feutime dyaaS, cleaned, altered, and 'seeded POE 11AL.112. • • • ADEAUTIiiiIL COUNTSW BEAT at OAKLAND lthe late nothieneentlik 8 Law*. KM y snatneil on Pennsylvania Aventre.and within Smite* of Me Conn The Watauga. seven sem; and is isprerred with a al..that SIM. arldehnisinennotodeenondent both in nedeen Meta sink ereellanade new, Amble ad flasnlVl boar s wing ham &a no.;• . r • The Punt and. rank minimum and minds s . esa: oret inuldnd 9 yrrieste instances In the trietnityef Pinsbargh.lopeendly has seatketan doled ttslantria. tee ety, a* it easy' et wee. at all aratiens of Iheynav,by the ett,t.tui eteke. Fa. tarns apply lithe Sleet 14 the suesesitiere, Na 131 Woad at. aateldtwlea 11 Cllll4la t ans IVILL be received by the Weser Cortimittee a the. V V eity of Alleihrtay, zeal lilooday.9dt inseam, at 4 deloekr. for nearabaz shoos IMO 'merle of mate rial Or the Water tatambers asd tostedanea teethe Ed roe lisase. Alm—Fee taring oboe, lm perches of atone WO'S. The bids to specify Me ;limper yend for exerts : agate, sad Me poles pee perch tot fame Wort Pommels to be sealed and endorsed Tosposale (es Water Weelts;and tell withal.. IL hloore.Eagieteer, at rtrustaugh Water {Vests, where plans and speediest. does two be seen wells, iiistaamon obtained- G FORGE IL RIDDLX. , atait-fd • • - Chaleman et 'Water Comeduee Propaity ■hwlaklsF for Solos : HE gotoosibet oPri for sale. two farts FRAkE TENEMENTS, wah TS pashas round, with on and other necessary seenannodatklin, eitmea tips wilt/a of Sewickley, 14 odes from PinsbaSn• • The above named innsn4 is on perpetual lease. • • For funtierdescription and p rice, apply to tbnsuloori bet on the ploonscs. ' Pll/L0 GOFF lissriskis dip. Aasssi I.l6lPonoF . DOCTOR IL W. NORRIS S COO . N E IRTSII' I II T iEria I ?;;M FIBM age- Y. aide lOW armoire lettere bayou' have the 'relocate trelaeicia *kinkily and I ' reaslT applied. I ette /Ina gollars Staining. cow LOST—A red CoW having schwas with a white' Waite epee her back, feet all • white,sereeu spu widens bitby•dtar,was lost en theist of /nom Whoever will re tain tie saw ur WA+ idle! shall reeeire. the above re— CiATII tad 1:0111.X....1.30 eat. Chig , 4j • . . *4 fn; in rote; for s a le by •-, sal .1118 DA LZELL. water st :ikpioluaseL—les barrels Large 118.3 Mseberel; leadint from coed; for ealek • atert_. 1.11,15 DALZELL, 21 nessa—sibasprlase Western ■erene cheese ia;l 4"" VrlaltgrfCll6lLlN, W liberty at DIG METAL-40mm.0aa <aid blast metal; for IL - tale by lIILTIMIV, WILSON & CO VI wood at, , bVoK—Tbal!s hetu !Jose Codas Dalt, • j"I kitrar, iiicaort a co DAGOIMU-1 bale a mak sea boning AP , beano! eflir tale by , 'MURPHY. WILSODWY. CO . 13 U 1 31'le VITP 1 :1 1 1 . , 'h 4LIM " :t0 k'r ?If l 7 lo am . war asarllTarfr Hb ,rNua 1 - rmnc•fflfrrffm-rrlTlrs l 7l M tUrpWaliglNlingt 731,11 it ICOAROIII volt MALL-10 Cub* long.l4k ft wife. 117,A bead, with tight cargo box. Enquire of tier P VIM tlONNioriltrf he° , ilato - N—tern lb. mooned: 'for rain by • - . MIRY it CO • ! nig : : ' ,nt wantata fnat aa glat:X.111111110 —SI MA Flax 111. 7 4:5;., host swum, lllillegnee sal *kraals asid • -• JAMIO D4LZELLI4 inkier plump mac s AND 1190410111C11-111 be ir ley newriel by - weeps; Ode rot& 14 water et G 1141114111 1 laacamosz—Walued-, fp, sop sa(th e bust /M 0... lit lig. 110 1. 10 .% thl 3 l /aawryw Ja1711847, OT W C 4 WFLL• buiLdlolt • eb l e i tl att a r r i IsVc e ir da trir i dt heft Ihennsuranuer ing4114. 1 4_61.1 1 .14 1 .1L .ed 6r valztg W k IiIfe9._ELTILEF. 100 liberty MIN large No a Naturellly Pit reotlned end fet ale be. .- JYJI MILLEN iIIICIIETNON Fa FAMILY FLUUR—WubIa awn family !'""!`""wirmrilaitentealicerrpori F i ger,i 7 4 . 2A bora* k"wreui ttit-fW tirces No ; JON IZS &CO: reel IP lIVGAIR-40 Neelk Leablans. be mkt le let be ATWOOD, JONIFS WTUB-117 ebbe sabrates la gemmed far How._ • baretslal brwAteertyst .704, MaiM;S;;2EMI P: • 1!1!:: I ODIMI • irtrOMOln• eredwith taw da,•4spensty i delti Wash% EA ' MP PPM PM kr • e CALT-12IP bt4Oteliialilbanswed ►eaht 1.7 linu=kmackirrnolir ‘ll . saes, •• vd ", • -; z. J r aw tp bus Aril imanrai: l ta_okna _f n. .. hI r .i,..7..M:y_IIO.DWRILIA, S 7-7" 1: 117" ‘... ir h o,7st i remw sais libiat br ;Ca . 1 166t310-1$ .I..mruirwa g. I batmen, berini4.. QAXO 0/11,V0111114111-01aniss. Ass ,ef-mankt FAllN)serwg 00 . • Allali-10 anti irst:gialltebaliyeaki tit hirealp_i, Agit ' , JA; PaDwir,W-: '.7ic.'.'1'!, , ,'.'1. . „ Famitosina an Taeadgmaivitap the 10th Inti,atllVeleek;at the' naseea Ittateaaraar tha Alleateny.aindeei In the oay. of Alieghery. wan be wad qaantay Ma.— hold Farnham Materials,Ae. Dared nos tha. are at Mt Estaluousarlatek . ate nee Weed =Lag a. 6taire,Thrg'."-'llll. eemtr a, ba sins mut eers, feather bees and alallair. a =JUT* eat Ors deeesters,tatiblera t te. t., >, , A quatitt . of dean, Tema= ariaavahhatteattalrl alma.* kotaMa &AM btaetttyriuq, patarNlA.4g DB.r-GIOODS. Tharsday mornibe the 601 — last; at 10 cecina. nt the Contasertnal Wes Roost comer Wood .434.3tb insets, will be sold Abe berate.. .if uemulsive retail dry rods store. orchaung nrgenetat assongoost of step e and facty ' •• . At .1 Welot k, P N. . A quantiiv offreeenbes qacenirorare: Ilissraus; bond boxer; mach.; coal end lieumsbirestavels; wsepniag parer, doted peashoufisb; Inhere° ito. A areeral a. uneaten of leasehold and kitchen Ihralterr, n g which are sefelesenees: bereave; bodsteadlg ehai f . e . bleu work stand. fewher bode, faatirsa toe nf. glassier venteian windim towel elects; carp, leg Az?! cart and harat.; 4 4 00 V 4 Panish rgan. k' • At fee.loek.. PAL - : A quanthy of boot.; !hoes; ready made oho:hint; Eno' shirts with !men haunts and coilarc mahrallas; master, instrionows; See oeuvre', writing and letter paper; blank books: a great vAnoty of valuable niisoollanooss cog Aweticao copy. Kenai:tote Lots at Auction.'': t ON Satoidaysflers t Ooil, the:Mt . /ay 0f..141,4. 1 o'clock. will be sold on the.ptcoliswa, - Five rateable building lots ailoate in 'the Stb wail of thiscity, op th e porttiiide, of /world at.. agar the Union ! f olding mill; a plan ol'whkb atay be men and any inlormatlon that may bedeaired will be ;seen on applintion to Vdt,7oha.l. Davie, who mutes adjoining the , Tenn.-One fourth ; cab, nundee in .IPnto al annual payinenta,tteafing interest, to be sae by bond sod toortgage. ; JOHN.D. DAVIS, Aga. A NEW A test's the time awl pew'sthe minute,- Hetes the Vleein 4irtette in ih Ytt and Yon will find . . wier eryh the Kee meth med.; .banies and eU thoee tam iaderen to ex (near troprenretnenue, sod • ter the mnt Welty - street. will be 0000 for ■ few Ip n retread! Jew a h odecided improve-. leratel& A y Pat T Noented nne by. W . tin chattel, tor making. and aerlingapublie s here elreredlo web y . be hadoeed to nor• netts, and enter Imo nufeenr^f ;ewe -tome all, 'and le for yournehree. • JAM • Propnoiona. 4:allowing one Of netwbeeptiorosennene ==l to lmandllaifllikle mechanics la generas- work is performed inch much 'maw &splash and. presisiee with thls Vies lea'. au ether, , Mauna mu dm work lite mama Vises: BENUEn Alacense aser&LSM' PRINTS ONLY. 44: CEDAR BT4 NEW _YORK. .LEE &= BREWSTER IdelabHiehed a vvarehoor ,n tie year IE4II. br the pone of of smiling no Ciry and Interior Trade with FAINTED'- CALICOES 'EXCLUSIVELY; al . I prien—and ezinbillag, et LI ammo of they _or', the lorgoi A reeranent •THE IVORLD *. :..They ere navy Opening Seim' IloodselPeekegea, eoroprOng every new syle or Foreign ead - Damertle prooneneo, warty of which kra not to he found el.o where. and wh,eb have ion been pardoned, and ere odeod for sale br Cul end abort credit...* PRICES REDUCED . FROM I ' ONE TO FIVE CENTS' per purl below ate prices of drprd and Mob la Per prietel Cataleptics, which arc corrected daily, for the PRINT WAREZIOUSZEd .:$ • Noe York. Jane, 1f47. • berriast - - NEW GOODS;' - : von PALL TRADE '1!.1417. . C A BLACZWELL, WHIITESIO*I3 cesl airr. W.Uii tvr.blerty, ned le'laLr y Sexy; NY Tent , A Rereeelvlax by every arrived, addidons Welt La. luxe ...ancient or Dry Good. They have...ado arrangements feeder meoanlry omelet:mud dealers, an extensile nod &Arable lbek of Roods for ate MI Ity atromem mulpockets recriVed the moat * ffr a "" 1 ?' Fl4l4the Ck" , g.a.• Their moment or Domethe Goods wiltrise every style womb{ of the nonce or The {:add 'or 'or whisk beamed on as good teams stems be obtain- English Cato.--Woos and . Piece Dyes. and Fe -nay' Colors, of rarinus qualities hod superior finielt. Ftenett Maths. eurnsoon and Spa.. ' . TallnlClenhc cot - mann and fine. . . • /lor-Inns. at Abe.; nountheuree. American Ciodui *l'4ll damrlptloas and colon. Fancy Cassimerea.Englialt. Franck; nnd AntCcican. of superior arylalurd patterns. Itativers, l'ilota,Plashinp, and mherbeavy woollen!. Tweeds. brown, gold inis.and when fanny stiles. Marianna and Folltd Cloths pitmen. description.. Ifutings—fenny silk veleta woollen velvety, Ifalin• eras:Parier Satins and Silks from low to fine. Velvets, blank, brawn, and other fancy abmrei.. Silk berg., Black and fancy cobra, largo and tine • Worsted Screen °tall qual!tics and colors.' ' Stlesiu,Noglish sod American; twilled. and pituri: Italians, Conic *innings Threads, in. Se. Arid earionsother new and desirable woods adapted to men's Weal. W YORK, ly9tftra. .. New Seeks at Morse's. 83. Santa Street. RENlNtaCENCESofeanutel Telynar.Volccidge- gad RabertBorithay,by Joseph Coalter, ( B rdaY-da antes Library.) Memoirs of iladaine de Sort and Madams !island,. by L Marla gld. I:. - • . • • . . gasser ligargical %Vona et Sir Binjalain Brodayglast., V P 11 PI, containing eonicil !scrams ea Salaam Sup gloat Observations on diseases of the Joints, Ste. . Cleveland, a :ale arras CatholieCessrh. _ • . _ i ih r a in 4= or . T h —e iha.4l . ;;;; Re - veal ; se; a • tale ar ilia ' . • • • .•• . • 0130111non`o Lowe a legend of Edearooro, sod lbe Wea Hislory ld-ark: ot Pdog: , addy Go-Eany. and hlworiln None)°, I,l' . . _ . Blanche Ta!hot, of The Maldee's Iliad, by .1 It In. irattasn.Eist: ' • . : • -' • ' - . n. :::ia. of Iteuiy lAr:a.rilue,' tobgr.no.i. The Lot rings of /Mbar CrLesii. by abod es Lover. The ht of Gwyute, a new edition, publahed .hy W H Colyer. Now . lark.... ~.-• •. . .. ; • Am The •Ant wean From; illastated v!ith • trout tour moil -- beautiful toted snot u.nli? - ,' • • ' The la Stip. or did .ALlantie Ste-emit . ; hy. the au th or. of the 'FI in, thttchwoof Ke. .. _H _ !• -, . -- ffle W te Blave.or ihe Re:Ulan Pennant Gab by the either et Revelations olltuuta.' - • • • • TheCo untlgun Maculae kw Aia nß lowieted with' a.viewdrLike Winninsoloare Owd HUI. • - Jun ivat, and kwsae at MOPES Literary pe,F: pbaf =X=IM . . rtkFoi .. . . ioiMle oftbe Rms . & of Ciwims tod,by CI PR .• 'Ru ral Cr • ams, malarx vielit ht he t ,anneipal bo.lo) plied tiomal*OViomdarmlailOO!oßmlphkomi the Greve, sure , mai Nal Mom Aoborm, tee% Flowisa ramified No 2, bematifully embolli.bcd.. , Knight'. ,theyorie. by anew of , Hoody Azar Oa. 13bmehsjoi,, bote,by_ J II Inormlaa; R so., ._., _ • Wien Wpm:4ly Mrs Patorkdoo.. •.,- . Cool Orr oldie dopier famrims Rod, er ReiOare, no Ror of Team mod Parvenu,' at. . ..- • .., -• ....• ~.. . ..Umiror Age, No 65_ .. - Rival Cloehmiami Ranson of &mai . Azaiiiod. Aim' . /lowboy k Poo, No ligobasP iditoo !. '• ' :-.• : , - , RatteraPapers,'Nnamitim, ko. . - • . , ..,.. For toloOy .• • . •.. INS CALDWELL:, • amp- '.. • ..- . . poet Odke Wilng: - - - Dllf &TAWS CABILL NATIVZ I; It .4 molter - Ado. wellanown nudging, V h ar - Clerevntsn dierrettetam MathodirtiCharcht. ' The uniermined hattlag been afflicted dm in; Unload whiner veldt a disease a the , ininithebs soavnawa pro- taint, ittEat i.,li the montith tbi ma ortvelve Imam withant ustertalat mu gad atter-linving Died - various remedies with Ita!Ccgsct.arst fund iilmedgpskila bell le. elk DJaymes Coinintsitve dalmust,:!Tins Ike wed ac, twang to the thermic:my. and Gaeta uwartably that Ude analklite caused Mersin In abate In three orient' eits, and 10. driven or twenty. mlnatts t very wary. 0i11t54:14,1 wits enderly quieted. The reetleine wu af leeward. need whenever Indleations of the approach of. Win temp pmeetted i and lb. pate wee thereby prevent. ed lie Unlimited a use the medle , hte every evening; and eemetOns• Indic moniew end In a" kervetelt health was ea f red. that the stirrer was Irvine,- I ad from. lege *mount of oppressive - pin. et.' pentane, therefem, handl c•infrlentlY rrommnend or D yaynt's 01(4114.1 . 1,C V 41•11 ra. as a salwarY medielne att diseases etthe Malted and heath."' : A SHINN' Al lecher y thy, Pet 11/114.6 Pittatisigh tbe PERIN TM dTORM 711Ebarth street, *err Wood, and aloe/ at the DM Arneoll P SCHWA Mill i: Federal street, Al leeway . TIETVPMS`'BROWNSTILLD'• AND CUMBEIZ-: LS LOAD, to ari,ritnning - daily each 7r.y, carrying_ 7 OM Ida *Mond. and Predate. between above point. Makeltadme t he the Pad Is delivered it our ; d o night. of the third day nriii , Cambertand...naking dna the - most ez Gun lb. ltbatern aditionatentla ditraWdtng chidati The Agent In Baltimore W ill duty is neciMpt as Winne' The pelf Ascotsll. J C.DIDWFI4 Pitiibatii VIM CABS,Brovrassitle - • - • - • biIeKAIU k MAO UIRE v COMM it 19114111: B BODINISOK . Bal mom - 0111101MAITAIIRMI. SHIN II MELLUD NOES Wood street has reeetted, .4.1 and MTV/open fm min i • rupees rosewood me .1111 abalfestave Plano Porto, selected fret Mr. .Chleker, Ingo Meat, kw tea taperere lone and ditishrd_Workman Alp:. For saleargerclue harem's, Feeney-Jr.:es. .__ tTlNATltotetred. , at Ai A'Alloas t e—lheiliinithr Cwynne t idasplatn,l a. tale of the tlnenftho:Uonto , Igglitges Went QtAtina ~0 non ite : , Largtalieaa l, a and the _Maim of Paddy Iti /di 14.."3", r into Carlton, author of 'nulls and 'nonce of the Ina Peatantry, Or e .t.a At A AIIISIEWS ' • -... 'anithield error id door nein tid 8 'l'i'd LI Isola, of So pa from Oa earliest ikon o the &alb arum* lISL by Dr: Levverg V a h rn' t g. P. X 84 84; *door of the Idgb Sewool Or tidinbesgh. Joe received trd ibroxte by iris .Jo iiNSTON &STOCKTON MOO, a namuive of ndventare• in the South haw 0 byHumus Mel ettle, umbel' afitTypet). Jestreted - . ld fin . JelS JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, Liowywrz HOMO! ON Tel h YOSYS—elonterina -11. Menu of the ineetemistent Width Poet's, by Tim: ,tleerett, Stemmed „jeetieeneived and WA b i t .N .1,1 5 ' - JOHNSTON & --- .11101111,AltWair4- , A - good Insinter and ma-. E altiltistwilliad snotty employ meal a Pad Inrs_ alma -A 'ruldeirar o %/goatee. • • .1).?? 4111-AOCIO lb. sawed, emit', m ealead per =Amor 1114eso and: gmr •absv e nC3DPIC I:7 I I C t bb .l aiOlk . r6r - ROWki 11.1: Mat • NATI assiiiitrrantun DAILY - PACKET LINE • wrien/ koown boo of eptheidol onsere t ;6l.o. : i t m ex im t .a ke inleo - n. *ln tkst, ore Intim of tko - Wen. ;Einem oentneseda i tZ L o ll .4ll ' . fort teal many cari Name, ba4 boon peened! lessen. Tio,Lls kn. boos to dponthoo Alm von .' —U. tweed a Wale of pea*, willow I Nary to their tenet. re bons w il l he it thribr went Own Alta pork*. le ~twit,. ix *a MN: 400frolgia and W. now of possessor. on the regfe: te !..21-c*, , lr, the P,80!11......4 auto Le peg 111103D>7-.PICKET. ' KONONOMIELA.Capi. Swat, wilt Imre Plur tiergh arm kloaday moraiss al ID o' , 'D , CL. , Dheel* era, M . co!xlaya±re!ml . lo Y.M - TVICIIIDAT PLOSET. Itte fiIBERNIAL, S. Capt. J.:Slm/aro, will leaver Piusbalgh eve ,Thrulay twain at iu tielaeltt Wkeetag tyre." , at, evealse al 10 P. ViritDta At PAO/LIGT: Tito NEW lOU D. N 0.91, Capt. J. P.m, win leave ru i tz , Zeve iredaeklay montane 01 10 a'eloeki er • yi iteaperniar errata.; at 10 P. ___._ TBIIIIUCCPACIEET. WISCONSIN. t. R../. Groce,vraitc" 0 Nut ..Mltaaarylittroday iaga•loeVlaa; iv beehm. every Tbaraday awning: at' 10 P. AI. The ctaxT .HW* PACKET ra, ma , caps &hob, wo h I Fr IT. AMA em 7 Friday us 'aft ar.lo•9eloct; V. iCO.ll:t pry IPr Way eyea4 ttP.lll. . --* ."` ......' . -- SS ITNSTISIrPAC.HirkS . _ 4 . - Th e . ...AINUP.S., pt, Limfinf. will I,,Lare rni• bargberal Sere a'faraiOectocl; ttaraling gem Valludareve at ID P. AL •SUNDA PACELIST i ''• , The ISAAC Sh • Cam 4. G. Ate..l, GOI W. , . Pitubmill .1. t 1 1 1:Oraing- in GI ulloct. wh..u4E...r7 eh.) F ~..."' at 10 P. AI: XA NNW& CIIORCJIII4I. k sran LEY, blenufsmer- Lel CM O(FM, Jewel,. Cyan,= Orders renue.l toe same sit be Man rammer% Hec I .IIJUD. Samples= Isand Jytt woml i.up news. DRINTINO rAPER-61 reenu fine book paper I; Lbi / 01, MM. Petra. bY oo news print.* Iby ar, ndo news peat, IN by 36. rcelrea and he sale by ,tyla JOHN II ?JUJU& 13412.11=1,811 ist c a r rn_ 1 61%1 "r oo m ilt " ll ' er (=sale at lbe wine more or Laud:llY fa, vlut. Sllll:ltifrufalUL # AL.,,flt Wines soperaor enure, fim Ulla my r;ten.. the Wine Store, IS market n. comer fan, n I ritIRTLF: SOUP erol be served op at Doaks, line U Ilantr, 4 11. 5 t, everyday g's Joe/. IRII, loam of Tank Soap aro =rum= rly 14911,41. 1111113Yaeg ItlJllllllllllltl.4l, 6111,41.111-11 ,y3a r EMMA OIL. 0116 mom aye Jai. teemed Pod gsl. by i 6 'T 4.•1- N I t 4l 14 . !: , / .101 V01111017a=4 bake Loy/sell Twins Koh. %) Datable for ways= raven,Jost reeelred feral. by )•I by WlLsoN'er. CU aLasims No flablzoota - V low by CLASSIC& C/liklV.' SUNINYIE.-12aneki !shyers, 1 sank Bee wurn sante wool; U saelutineny. now le admArom 8 (1. Ynakee and forsatt by it , Ald.ll DIC101( &GO bin -- ' • • .1, 56 arguer et, 11i Onnt et „WIN • C 11.403.-040 Bored sby 10, VO doll] cy 1 0 do Vby 1t . 40 do 10 by 14121 do in by 15,10 •. yl7; 10 do Is bYIB For sole by _ }yea .. 4 - .' :: . 6 r vosnohnnußsT.c. ... 124, „,.. MAOKl l2 l:4Zl—.3nblf Mlle No 2 large ' gabble Inns, 'be ..,,„ I, Artl ...E nEazeuroal Id i ....._______________ Ls_ ..„ .. es termed 11)A4: 1 021-40,1100 Ma puma eli "clued h. . Is— ,,D bonen, for xis by , , ~.I ,ol ' " 4, - 010, JAI MYEOB, liON4 . oll* CO mon - dcg la mote and kot *NJ!: by , jm.l 'u ldiLLEß k. PleallnOrr i1k 00 . 1102 114.015,0w1 meeived and now opening, A. •. the nonh can corner of 4th and market, • new sklyo rdreaprgham. Inl2ff__ 5 hIURI 11 . 11T - IL hit/RIMY, has int receivedn Icw pieces or . white bonnet ribbon, end whitegre nap Alt, et [mean I:validly and menet we. RA~ ritaLaveiliiste-0 - 4elateiwine, 60 der: bottler. oervah, by I Irsa ' • ' P C :4ART/N. 11 1 P418-80 liollawito and emit. of Wing HyWro, .Istrial, 0 Powder, amßlk TCIII4 lu • core, .6 L 8 WATERMAN EURiMaiim;il Stare and far tialct by w jI~TJ „ATPRIIAN .sl6 • kr •kk 11m.y1 I P C.SARTIN. 1501`t''' bozo: Ms nom. ix Wei by! * " °l4 • DA LZELL Non, water gt FtA) VR-20 bids field Sear in' axe and (orals by jr9l L a WATURMAN Boar, Orime I: 6D Di f . . 7 j ctil rE7l6° : - ;tuo ) : R 7 7 171 1: 2: b so 611. :1 2 : -i f a t: d .a .: ! :7 : 0 4 1 17. 1. w • • ° " al.b Y -21TIA,NIAN CIDER VINEGAR-1a rev 661 e eide rinege, jug. . received In store, retake by Iy4d - LD WATER3IAN els—llloa Amonealllli Morels i;;;are At:eida br Ila • 1.8 WATEICMAN IMia; Hiatt(AElt)ltmil 100 bbl. N 3,e ;mackerel do e Nl A p c er Lex!, due day, for sal by • " NILLEK& RICKRTSON: DAIRINS—abss X 6 Raisins in store, laud hr .ate 14, b jai /WILLEM& RICKIITN.M. • I LOVER iSEEU--3 bags clover Mred, Jun rerehred ommignan, for male by __MILLER RIRSKEiSON. l'eask Warted tire. a Btu ree'd,ior • Ile by BRAUN dr. attires.. lritl °or fibril) , and glair nA - - - ICILY, Lleiniee, (small nitlisl 5 eateldug reetbrid la for sale by fret & Et:ITER. C A ro L tlo 8 , PolrAa. aLlartH';:'VerlafellglVlTYFilt". lIEnNED Licorice—MM., iost=colvrd fur y irt4 • • "-- LIHAUN 14 Itc.lTE nir R. DEFiNERCarnOor-..5 bblajaritCceived..tor gala by i)AI !Pt DIE. IRON-4,'S tons Charcoal; b. b.. (oriole by A laL_,l% , . %V W WALLACE. `OrLd • - .1.4 R L.UM.DER, bud Final:obi, for lib? tylittf. . : pr. W ‘y.AL4. At.r.. - C . OTTON-160 Wes for gal' by,' • ly,l' : • FJOVID, RIMY, k. CO._ UAllir,WlClfigion Ilbsbp.vencio, on ebb. .1.1 gagman, 'it'd . kor tale by . tba pm., at 16 trine • JAWS WEAVES.. lral, be =Aet meet, eostrosit.'• beiti 4" l4o tO Ibr OIL BlEMl.L..,lAllotilik Winkle by •' JEN ' r •ox BONN tiorin aco . . . , A.Tl: 3 3beakett6n rale by •-• : •Q - • Jy?S'B7,VON•BONNHO6Brk. I La map 0/1.-2D bblsbr bale by . .14 Jive B P VON sozomunsT ,k co INNSE IYLI.III-00 nue eel rebblotad brinks by . . - jj • • ' -- , BRAUN &REITER, • .HELINE YELLOW-4eiseiNo I (pare) an te r V eased:Gnash, • • - Baum to & EA- GnewsßUßAW—Seascs[ponqP.l.o4k.lali by' WM: - I - LRAuN t RE:rrux A 1.1111:r1 IsirsisireasprAzeihr—ist illSt bY WI BKA U.,/ h. ItElTrit,- b W9CrltiG b . -0 t.lioa alsO i L t tl . fin ible IT : , ' , _ . • rea uyty 1' .:r ...' . Druzin, coy liban and lair st., ~ t, RIOOOFFEE-6 bapagmtior, Just sia . ll., r,,..t kb li lletbramovrai tallier oak , by 1. , -, • - • , ' ITO ", ;,...'. ..- - •- ." -:: %Ica: & McCANDLM3 . ,i. &A'APLEASVGAR-6 bb, Gm sale by _ hop , _ i • • VILCIIi k hiaCANDLY3S3 C Ip . .EZZE-111) bi•Ligaincstd for sale Cu Ltue ay in_ f res • Wittrar. i)1111.1gY. JAYS hdq• Lan!, G3r sada by . 'La Jyff7, Dll.W.nrrk IVA/VIVI—A youtieinuracquainie4 1 boolmam tispaimatthisofice. - jr 47.1 li. whiaxj - : • har .4.12 ~a , f ; 'l De. B"."l°'t., •• W&A ‘ li e tal e gigg '. lit Ll.ty Alsics SUaitlar i dack• I v, . , 4:At* DALZEbit r INIa !rmyrat L AMP HiiAC[-4f cask 11 , jut r. 0 e 1 " , / "a for tale' it wtU Glat6ii4lobs 9 " kgat4.l . ,. :Cupsr. • •ri climeatut vitNlcatcatigunent rot b y .• - • .ItALILH jy yy . , 7,„ iiATR;INO • rekt atddcdinit tab; by • - —?,N CAMLUMIE4-4Slait Ind talu., birml • rummer Csulmaterfashibumble anle—iately we'd a on. woods Wawa( .1•:. le/F. - • . WHIR:IO%Y . - nO I IE/1710/Apinti-400 'whole kid kali tine,. or J.I 0. W *ye Whnikei azd kid 'enamel! Ytieb sell old, G)leale by lIIIISCIRER-4bbl•korsatalow Le clots. 14 i,,IALOA7Us-4Las lei iindinglind (if .kJ ROSEA r 11414EL11, k Cu. itteny TIVINLY; ofta . plat lutd: Mat, and— rest las vile by ibeise bottle at vrtne A OLAB•4l , 47tahhh ti. am recair.;dper mama .IYLl:oeeobei and 10i gala by -* Hb4I4ILL/UN• .• Nan aule of We Dimmed 1110.111111—Loge .b, ar Vlie by . .145. • • I.l'D &KAMAN . I •ANNEWS OIL , -513 loble int log by thital AN b • ." DA I.ZELL. r .Ir.Ar.voitAccttoo bus *muck,, Num ri and If Own Taws, for We 7.. • • • . , SERRA( 1164000 pare Poem Warm laitaiair, for rale by. ird Ml .Oaf wok KITioN.. N z ,;% th) `*' 4 .''"'"?ThwVl)l,%rx,sis 'A 'W ijihm T 111 Gilt JONEB & CO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers