The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, July 26, 1847, Image 2

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lits w =t t u d, ror O.Fr y rr is pebiiskN
per anza bhp
ttleTri-Ve a sty is Kira
sansm;,*.Weekly I* Tyro Dollars pa annom aridly"
',..{....101151L lE HOIfAB I TINKEL. Sso t ilitin Cp ‘ rory . . ChY.
'WYSE Adams.
JOHN P WETlLEJLllPhilarlehritis L.
Philodelplos Couty.
• • 11101688 ttE Nnis, Wos)unitutt
:-.410.11.10V. 001.. E, Somerset.
41AILIISIt DENNY, Allegireny,
' • L L YIWIAaDJaWIN Vensogo.
Jossrirn xuarqs,w‘• , .9 , o... )
. 41 , 13 asussu E ltir,
WyP ' rustr. "' '
- I.IENRY.S EYNNS, Cbeser..
,',2O?„OERP rd,m,E...0.
Fltr.lollTlll.—An iaterestiag article on
the (4aaalfreikhts homtittsburgh to Philadelphia,.
- .llal:theiere the Lilkeettill be fond under oar
_ 1
, Tore mature ken vas orriWames.—The Loco
.... - ' 1 1. 0;011aie boasting very mush of the operations of
the 'Tier of.
'46.1n order a premium upon the
. •-.- . - '-• modeely," or msiop Mier' eri t o drati attention
Jr= thi,,faets to the mom by those interes„,
~ , --, 'WU
gluing changer to the measure. Going
i i .
!beek to Mr. Walker's annual 12 p ort to Congress;
c - . .0n1y little more thou semen moo einee, we find
-''. ' ' 7,i1i0'r414!,41 *mail; of 'the Mies which were',
to be received under the I:If - 1846.
:. ', • From autouts,by actual returns, \ $6,163.826 38
. .. . ' '....Ostimatesfrorn 24,3 d, 4th quart's, 21,6181804 62
:"E.4,14i,4 1 ,1_,Ar.,,s
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sst an' FSidoy, on hii Fay to Rockswsi,
2" .::-N s. lsis : sal mod time. -, Hr. Youirs, th !
, .310_ _..r'. • • - - D ipaim p l , mill, in
• Ci4l .
•.,;' ilth - 4 lb° . - - -
• " st atic trtitos,set 0 SecoARY• • ,
' fl it' z T us' .' bratitts.-.4•Tbi 'clasetwont forties
t h i - ' . iiiikupw . Th — hise bid medal 02 Pigm e n t !
rt'ti4 - ' ' ' ikirtia of ths Csamtobe sad
gIIF-401..'"'"---..' . • , -!Tb. todiaiu of.
' atiirtii lbw:ll4lmm as ll
f -',
. S' : . ; ' .::
'';:011‘1141. iithile C4ll . : ,„ , ' 2 -
• - t i ' . 4". ln Itoj Wik — a to JialtfY naiads, hi
l'u. ' w ash ont'sens• of ter
.;',',1 1 .;: - 0.-tviii.osifs*O lilt " einw = • -• ' ' ' loge . .
,„ VC .- .• -- ' 'map to- Villik' a
• , ..:.;_tso... ~I : *,, - 13 404 4n =any .
*''''' . . big iiiisrur,ii*wma fkom ag..
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II Ay MORNING , iDLY,26.;11147
111404.1 a,
ate, to eeeore unman, .sboala
br, Mrs lieleek ia the etterooon. Auentloo
Mt WI =au ett,tome re, roold Prdee
td. IN'
Al ~...-', Fop clovpuTE,
541611 . ..
.---,...*." JANUS IRV
i': , ...-.. i.- . 7. tar =ma coeirrr.i
r. , ..i
..,,, ~..., volt ceArAt; commtwioriat .
„Josir.rn -W• PATTO — N,
~........... .. VW cnXIZIWOM coc
.:,....-.l_ 4 EO . ti ci . z
j ; I „.. 'n
... ARSIFF, of Allegheny eny..
- - 7 - Viol
41FAVI8 C.l. AOBLE,of IndianaTp.
- CHRUMIAN NAIVELY, of Wilk of Tp.
1' - 4 •-• HENRY LARMR,of Tp. •
tax tansy
J. W. BAXTER; or Pittaorgh.
•••• • yogi maan .1110.101113
frgObt.a.s PERKINS, of Lowe . , Et,. Clair TP
r • •cortos.. -•
IVILLIA* CAVEN, of Versatile-ITO. •
Commeretal luielbeetke, D0111"11C
%kc i u4i . r Mews, Impolin, motley . M ute'.
a -
Xis Cimarth' Pais for Algae ellaiseorie Naive
Total estimates from customs, '527,835,731 00
Hating looked on this picture, now look on this
• in can nint::—Z
Baia r areted meows for nine morons,
neofteial n0v0... for Oeioner,
Nowa:Lbws and December weres3ou‘,"
The eSeisl rece i r dos-January,
roonaptTior ' l7o ' 4l,May 63'°0
sad Jane were • 6,509,000
. . .
~ .. . . . 516,44.544.5----
Direreace between estimates and actual ne
M, Mr. Secretaty Walker can blander at this
tyteln the receipts of nine mouths what ierumee
cut be placed upon bii financial capacity.
- The HOnn which attacked Mr. Weirder, at
Mansfield, was a bull of the Pius, or a bull of
'the Uriw, perhaps from the hard study if the craft
in the famous case of “ a Boat uoi."
Webster was pulling in Sunk nick at . Toutoje.
'osi,the 17th, wu at Church - on the 18th, and on
lAcinday, a week since, was seen by several per
-. UPS; at Ave o'clock: Ai. w., in hhibarn yard, drew .
'• ed In the, spirit of a f..rour, with 'an old white
had that had evidently slept its but nip, and, as
if In revenge,' he poked with !along walking stick'
*` the Uri' bull that some one mid had gored him,
Mame& him hlm get out of his way. We, there..
Aare, isszie a bull of excommunkation against
time who have so unmercifully gored him to
- ••. death, and when ..Daniel comes to judgment,"
we doubt not, her will try the cause against thou
"'xiirsi have summarily consigned Lim to so inglo
• adeath. . •
.:*(eiskri or Jews Queer .
wprivate letter from John, Quincy AdaMe
slattreiatQuiniy the 18th instant of which the
w"v-6ollowin6 to in extract.
4 Abeirtily thankyoo for the interest which you
abe,improventent of my health, of which
expeatatione are not ungulate and with which
the summer heats somwhat interfere." .
The liest friNetWEnsGued has heen !my great
,iuremer, and such as to weaken the
arum of one &steel:4-u the,EwPresident. We
bet hope for. many years of
lbeaith and whines's to one who has adorned a
iith faithful devotion to his country.—
Aft. Adania's father lord to the age of 91, and if
. ; , olduiri is not sorrow,'lve shall bop" for as long a
• 1165f00t/ie.-sou.
, Laioacaeritzeurn).—We occeskintlly
ip thereceipeof such lettere as the folknring, and
.. - :.!,4 , 7 , saiteh do they contribute to lighten the labors of a
"erter4casonenserere, we believe. than any breach
Eic`ef Inhum' in which mechanic or professional
.....,.fifestiogisl. We are thankful for the
:;,* membraneof friends and of • 'trainer, as - is the
• 7 . 7. writer of the letter beloW., and hare abundant oc
acktiowlodee the attention and kindnes,
A l b* during our brief residence in the won .
TdtheEditors of the Pittsburgh Geed le.
:Entswienre Ohio. dui, 20, 1847.
is wren dollars. for which I wish Tort
yin staithine to send me your daily Gazette. I find
ilia Mesh:table piper." The three months I' hare
it ban proven to be worth 'moo hundreds
tome. Yount rospectfully.
- .14 , 14 TAMS Ililither axrempoodent. also a Manger ; we
toper - ether kind words complimenting us for our
from th'is s we copy the fol.
ftnglit regard to the duties of an rather
Aizietalwei Ogler pinany laurels by pour.
jog angebetse, when there. is no occasion for a
' I weed: . Let him watch his neon ipterest with all
'iltititumr be 'eau gammon to his aki-let him
yboned endeavor Void his ram . II
.1-ra fry need witl&--trat let him keep his fingers out of
. betimes,. for God and his con.
edemas will dad with , him as be deserver.
bressi-plate Ilan a bean unisioied
~ /ikt i o. 1100 sneddltal'hatlals q¢arnel just;
b v . tika„shoilth ny 10 Mel.
wia - Ai n uft I...nmpua
- Pants or saitannwsra,—The Landow. find
Broidrtalra Madly in contrast , with their
and pro ea ' made few months'
wish, shim A. one of thaw
Jima Pitoeyl.anhati ha for. soma, months been
*Ong tha 6101;4h:ea of bambini% ham*
directly to Mr. *allutt'ff Wi6 Now, how
Pik" lie ANAL and hainanity rejoice,
atsrnal_fantina and - disease we abating in garove,. 4
• over depnxiated pricer,' bat
l anjoing ne a:the whole mum is, than
- v.rwlbst,thweropa of the present year, in wheat, will,
.4: 81.' sen% aqui *Wm of 1848, and the price
-, :wfbrearbanffacannot, - with each het. Awing on in
'that fain, added 111 digit depxeion abroad, fail to
‘ ,.-.,lolserA kawathan they now we," : 1..
' ;..TlllalBBbAlasPlitlio'at lomat, and we congratulate
Veintrylvanlan upon finding any reason for the
' •
sylit'Es• kr.
ACHA AYpitS4.. 4.s
Old V' :a hailtereift-'eslieds.ti - Aiothi 4 of
State.mch " a n d in the better ds •of tic Repub.
Reship woo chasitrobig of the Whiter
time. under . the miegonanment of a body of air
striot pohtiobst: m-irmi who meanie the capacity,
:of qoitiari.stilii their liavited es Mari,
—the wipere has dispaited ROM -Me Old Domin
ion, end] Virginia, ex wee said of Scotland by Dr.
Johnson l upon "the CMOs : Mon - oi hi. risit to ; the
Hebrides, has become a good State—to gofronr
With vest and Megnificient !motors, washed by
the Ocean and the Ohio,' divided by noble
with mountain .treasncee, with a productive - Aim
rich utirend wide spread botinderom, she is, what
ate is -;:,one f the oldest end largest metre of the
Union', and yet behind some of the youngest and
'melted; in wealth, in
.enterprise,. and in public
prosperity. Neverthilmis Virginia has a history
of which we feel prood,—• history identified with
many of the beet, soul we are sorry to add, the
worst Administrationsfroar. George Wel/hiLlt
, ton to John Tyler,.:-"Hyperion to a Satyr,"—itte
extreme of human greatness and the misillem
of pigMy politicians. Virginia indeed, as we read
her, like some of the Republics of the old world,
lives mare in tho past than the present. Still we
TM( 74T the named of Washington and Marsh.
ell, the, gloat Statesman and the profound Jurist,
of Jefferson and Madison,the author of the dec.
lodation of Independence, and the great man in the
Convention which, framed the Constitution, of
Mourne, the toad President. of Benjamin Hard.
son, of Richard Henry Lee, foremost in the cause
of Liberty. of Henry Cliy, of William Henry
Herrison,•westerti men, though Virginia born,—
audoen never be indifferent toe soil where. ma:
Di:distinguished' Patriot. were born, and where
:the obmquics of so many have been performed.
The present war with Mexico recalla the name
of an'tther Virginian born, though only transplau:
ted older west and south. We speak of course, of I
Zarasar Taxaort,— a man who at an early age
developed rose quelitiro of etrarxter, but vro.ore.
recently has presented hie name conspicadnAy
and rOlariringlyherote the whole country. A. oc
casions are =date bring forth extrecralinnrj gust.
ities Of character, ea the war with Mexico hai
, Mtovju Gen. Taylor to be a mars equal to the
greatest emergency. Poorly supported at homer
upon a diamuisecnO of service, and with a host of
NUM. all around bleu, he ho, shown both a roue
age and skill quite r i nurerpassed in the military
history of the coun try,--and may we not ~asld,
without booting -for our people, nicti excelled in
the military history of rho
Zachary Taylor au born in Orange County.
s yirginia, in t2M year 1790. His father wee a man
fricthetimea in wiicit tie lived,---a Colonetwith a
rank wonin the State service, a man of great nat
ural courage and great good sense, like the am,
, :rough"in hie extericr,but withal "ready" for 'soy
office 'of service and of kindness. Col. Richard
Tatter was one of the Pioneers . to utbo dark and
Woody round," and resided near Lexington until
the, year of his death in 1826. The old manaial
pUtleiliated in many a moonily with the Bourget
of the West, and it was in the 'rude school of al
most, Aboriginal life that Taykir received linearly
Our present hero. with hiebrothas, received their
early training from • private toter, t New Enyir
I .M I um, Mill living, end who bears cheerful tee.
thhony both to the aptitude and integrity of his
pupil. Patient to study, quick to . learn, slowly
but surely, the youth pushed his Way:to manhood.
Maims, fortitude and perseverance were early
shown and were donbtkas the 'Sound work of
that marked eminence of el:tame/ex Idea midsd
hy.the moldier end the General.
Ile Any was hie oilmen pakfention, for in
imagination ••hc had Been a soldier in hie youlti,'•
acJ longed
'To &Meter to the Geld tome warlike Lord.,
In 1808, inched partly by pe war spirit prevailing
to consequence of the audacious attack of the
Leopard upon the Chempert he sought a eon.
nection with that army, io i• he has now tech
nearly forty 'Cam The stare and
stripes were lowered to the crass of Rt. George,
in consequence of a 'cowardly attack of a well
armed force in time of-peace, upon It vessel wholly
ensprepared he an engagement.. The people were.
iridigrlant and mortified, and Taylor, then capable
of selbjudgmentoputicipared largely in the pre.
ialling spirit to redress the outrage received. En.
tering the Army as a Lieutenant. of the 7th Regi
ment of Infisntry. Taylor grew rapidly in public
favor and in a. knowledge-of the profession of
arms. •Tlse w i de end wild West become lkIBSCCille
of Ilia exploits, arid in 1812, Ida correct deportment.
and capability for service brought him orders to
command Fort Harrison, in Indiana. He war
breveted brie as Major for his success in a fierce
battle with the Indiairsand it was one of the
most brilliant defences of the Indian war. It was
Madison who conferral this breict, and General
Hopkins, who wrote to Rosanne, Shelby that
"Captain Zechiry Taylor bad raised for himself
a character not to be affected by his eulogy." In
1832 our hero was raised to the rank of Colonel
and his nest teeneof public labor after the war
of 1812, •was In Florida, where • several battles
were to be fought, great privations endured, and
withal, few laurels to be won. Rut though, like
all high boners, they were_few, Taylor 'did win
them, and from the swamiiif Florida, where the
vary air was a pestilence, and from the midst of
armed men, who. like the followers of Rtuxieric
Dui, sprung forth from every • copse and glen
around him. .For the fame and health of the cab ,
diet Florida wes wane than Menace, but Taylor
moved mums dm hammock; and everglades of the
peninsula with unconcern, save for the minion
upon which be was engaged. Incredible hardship ,
was the neceseary consequence of every forward
movement, and fighting "Alligator" and "Bare
Jones," was bat fighting "Tecumseh" and "Olii•
wirchice" over again. The battle of Leks.Okee
Choke was one of the most fierce and bloody our
troops have ever encountered. Twentysix were
killed find 112 wounded. For ail weeks* mall
body of troops had penetrated through an un
tnown land, and in permit of an enemy more
rrible in, their modes iof battle than even the
Moat refined cruelties of madded or Christian war.
Colonel Taylor was complimented here with
tho rank of Brigadier Goneral by Braret,and after
securing peacee and raving in Florida until 1840,
he was transientsd to the command of the South
Ilia exploits for twoyeare post, have been made
familiar by recentevesna. He wu at Corpus
Christi-from August _1845, to March 1848,
whence, under ordain from the General Govern
ment, he commenced the lead of theAmu,derign.
I ed by the Administratima for the Invasion of Mar
kiremrribiry. Lenvidthe borders of the Nue.
as en the 1 lib, be re. ed the Colo ado ou the
21.41wheie he received notification that bismuth
Il t
would be resisted. Noth g daunted, the Mi
miru pawed on the 28d, war bea i m lnew.
liable. General Taylor, w ar i Poi& Isabel on .
the 34th, on Übe *Bth , on the El'tern, bank of the
flii 3 Oranie, and fioM . the margin of this memo,
table barrier he looked with the fluidng of hleown
dark eye., and the ligh +go( hie [rewriting bete.
rice into the enemies country. For tkentreeven
days, front to front, upon opposite'Ulm of OM
MTh with abetted badterice, - and l ..Matches
ready to telightcdt the Mexican and,Bnierican,
[ruined upon each other'''. M . well Mudda Glom
mullions and iigue himo . urety tufa each otti m
u 40 etanymen annul to the teeth, from the two
shed/mot the river. r • ,
The bank. of, the.. liih and 9th of May, Pate
'Alto; ft:Ma de la Palms, the Ale and caPituin
lionef Helittee4, l llollB riftiribil'iie* 4inuiph
or ii4l warp are cwoureneee that hringirith tbuson 7
ashen:, thitmaiiiitnoee of the aniidts Fa.
and th eir own pnveriedliwilons. ' Wm:
rat ailrw: Wig - the`Masiei "thud 'lthidii directed'
0 ~.400Wilwitit hr uidderefithoOrmani,
'thiiiiefeir or bankt, Or in the tented"fiaig in
the nlprace,or quietly mording the vletories
of hirfarroyOr rementhalrietbsieed wbb h*
fallen srouriVdm, injoY for errePre4
for allictic4ln the endurance . eihsnlshipe,
has been • line man, and a ems Sublisr — modei#
end tiii r 4l3 au WS =Matte 16,ItereliOleti#,
.hsre ever shone conspicuously together, end we
can sapolftim heartily and tray,—though ha Is
not our best and favorite man for the fleet civil of
fire In the gift of the People,—that no man nor
preformed his official duties with more promplow.
with more grace end brilliancy, or with more ene
ma; then' Zachary Taylor. - -As a soldier, be
whom the.poet hoe pronounced
'no foremast limn of *Udall greed?
wee not above him, se a prompt, Toady, Algol,
honorable Chieftain.. Re le not u Cater MIN
Proud, embitiona—and what the Roman excelled
him' in genius, Taylor makes up in the mild be.
havior and humility of hi. character.
SPLIIIT or T4l Atermaws.--Spanish abettes.
ee . hie been proverbial from the days of Colum
bus and Cower, and a bugs share of it is infused
among the Mexican people, particularly among.
that portion of the people who sprung fmm Spain,
as did most of thiamin authority. A. Mexican oil.
eer ties replied man Address frosione of our army
eirceated among the Mexicana, and in hi. • ap•
peal to his own countrymen takes the-following
.• . •
Wo find him urging the necessity of continued
resistance to our arms by appealing to facts in the
history of our own revolation. He points to the
day. whand'usterhaving Wowed dingier, Wash
ington found himself at the head of but • handful
of web, and these without shirts or shoes, or pro
visions, and then askswhat would have been
the result had the Americans, disheartened by
these reverses, thin abandoned the conflict?
Clearly, he says they would have been to this
day colonists of England. He applies this
intim to the circumstance of Mexico, and to the
rotation of this.principle, that mime,. are node
lug 'when a nation bee resolved not to succumb
before her enemies.
Aglaia he ogee that the 'very triunes of Mex
ico moiler peace at the present impossible That,
were She I, yield after repeated defeats only, she
would be disgraced in the eyesof all Chiistendons.
lie defends his countrymen from the charge of
stupid übatinsey
. .by citing the uniform 'answers of
the Continental Congas to the Uritisli Uolenib
stoners, that they would enter into no truce until
the British Government should withdraw its fleets
and armies. Why, he asks, should history cele
brate this reply as grand and dignified when mule
by the United Stack and stigmatize it'as stupidly
barbarous on the pait of Mexico?
Cursorily stigmatising the-mission of i kteclia
as a now and unprovoked insult, he panes on to
discuss the terms on which peace le pouible.
These conditions are he say. tho !Ms of Texu,
of port of Tamaulipas, Coahuila and lltribuabriu
and of the whole of New Mexico, besides some
Se or '6O million. of dollars of expense incurred
by the Holten Steles in the war. To this he ee
rier.: And who will amide Mexico fur the
twenty millians•of duties she has lost in one year,
the vast expenses she has incurred in arming her
troops. for the lutes which her peacable chiles*
have sustained in consequence of the military oe.
cupation of foreign forces, for the bombardment
mad destrection of her citie., for the misery and
orphanage of the families of the thousands of ch.
Wen. who have perishal since the par began r
And again he mt.: Supposing that Mexico
rebmits to lose all this and to ply all that is de
manded, with whit is she to do this] What
treasury, what revenue, what time would be suf.
dolma to satisfy this debt! With what principle
of justice and legality can she impose new con.
tributions upon • people already relied by civil
foreign war!" You yatovelme see," he cocain
tiny a that the supposition of peace is not possi•
ble • that It is better for• Mexico that the conquest
should bo sitwurnmsded, that her MSes should be
laid in ashes, than to enter into winos which would
evidently reduce the Mexican nation to a condi
tion worse than if held as .colony of Spain."
Them are many thing. which might be said in
reply to all 'this bat there is no occasion for an
answer. The extract of the letter given shoes
that a Mexican can bath MUM sal feel as well
Benno of us. . , •
AND Pus•to.—.lt corms
dent of the N. Y, Courier gives the following
description of the Country between the two places,
The only place of much notoriety between
Jalapa and thin city is Peyote. It has • fortress
mounting 96 rwnon of emirate sius—edoo some
morme—is coostrucied on a plain near the city
and commando all Opproacbes to It. Gen. Worth
who preceded our divison some weeks previous.
rut' with nOresistairce here. lie found a Menlo
can officer at the carder or fauna who exhibited
an inventory of the pUblie property and tamed it
over to him. To Mach Peyote we had to ascend
4000 feet—the mountainacenem was magnificent
and the weather cold enough to make not over.
coats vary ituerwary .by day rust particularly eo
by night.. In factrwe were matching above the
legions of night. -_
very often whammed therm
floating in the 'Alleys blow no. The highest point
we ascended was 7000 feet aboie the sea—and at
thie point, was in full view theme...aped moun
tain, .Orizava," void to be 14.000 feet alum the
sea. The water along the route, with few ex
ception., was clear as crystal, and of au icy
coolnees. We pawed over Prim Cedar and other
barren region, to this magnifident city of Church.
es, Uerrovents and Monutaries—fountaine of cool
water . Mound in this city—the struts and side
walks are well pared and the houses generally
two aeries high. The court yard of every build
: ing Is filled with vibes of fragrant glowers. Om
troops are quartered in monaoterieo. The of f icers
mein 110/INiCLICS quartered with the troop., when
the buildings will permit, otherwise in private
houses in the public square adjacent to the build.
leg occupied by the . regbaenta. lam occupying
fronting the uare (near the Infantry coo
-1 vent) 25 feet long by 18 feet brciad, my furniture
1 missile of en iron bedstead. one bench and • pair
of saddle bags--the wallpf the apartment 4 paper.
rad, and indeed too
. elegant in appetrance to be
garnished with such poor trash u my effects pm
sent. The charch property and that of tbir clergy
of this eily u oetimited in value et 148 millions
of dollars. Every square is decorated with ens
or mom Cathadramme are ornamented with
cosily paintings and other decorations l'here
are - two political parties in thin city one fiot peace
and the other !motile to no. The city of Mexico
is about 70 miles in advance of Puebla. Jalms
is 100 miles •in our rear. We .halt go to the
“Halls of Montezuma," whenever it may become
necessary', in the opinion of ow commanding Gen
Srecurrus of POtaloea have been shown in
Engliud - meamaringill inch,. in eircumfmenee
one wary 73, the other. Tyro of Ouse kind weigh
ed 51 oar. The l eittalleat of many hills weighed
41 no, and measured 7i indite one way and 7d
the other.
brzystotraanza.--Itaa. Mt. Tharan and wito,
Mb. Brayton, Mi.. Magai and. H. C. Munn,
Baptist Allautonatids at hferial,arsiaed in Baena
na the 20th, in the ship Fund Hall, front Cab
t 0. 7 -Ferreral - of the Whig papery are urging
the 12011110StiOD of Hen:Seelaug,Ford;ur tiowtru
county.. the next' Whfig 'enablers for 431.1111:
or of Ohio.
• Loorsissra.—The Hon Loin E Morse has been
nominated for re-election to Congress by the Loa.
Fait convention in the Fourth -District of Louis.
lam Mt Morse Is a "censure Locoforica"
'Lascarrsa Guam Ciera.—The farmers of
Eancastei county, the Union, of Lancaster, stales
have region's moth' better baileet than was antic,
pined a few weeke back.
RIOUGATION Latioa.—The Leghlatu e of .
New Hainpsbire, at their late session, ed a.
ten hour'llign bill; probably in imitation f the
British Pediment; or because they thou t ten
hours enough.
Deals ;cre Ms. KNANT.—The Munch Chunk
paper. record the death Of Mos - ander Lockhart,
En., of that place; late a representative in the
State Leglitature, from ()attain trinity. Mr.
Lockhart, was' from Lemma County. He resided
twenty.trio.yeare 'in Mauch Chunk, and was s
tranaporting contractor in the empLiyment of the
Lehigh Company. His death won sudden, and
the reore . setiction on that account to his friends.
En.fauttrze Times was in Philadelphia
on Monday, en suite far Newport, with hie lady.
Axsatcse Cede:--The Coioll6 at the Mint
or, the Imi six months (namely from la Imlay
to let July, 1847) JooB,2oo,223—far.szceeding
the amount coined; dining any similar period of
time slue the government wa■ Waled. Foreign
coin "received by the government is at 'once trans•
kind to the Mint, ,where it be recoined, end paid .
out as American coin—the only form in which it
circulate among the people.
Hon. Wx. WI ter es declines delivering an ora
tion on the life and character of the late Mon,
Richard Biddle. _
'Tss Howls In =kik John Milton Ulu nil.
ad, know% u niacin Minor hour, chased in the
rillese of Huron; Barb, shoat, Ore nine:
MrlndSoi Castle and Slough, was recently
pin op at suction. The NM oftwo dimmed end
merni,Anedred puede wu offered for it, whkh
=erotsm& The imam of the rut poet's
mother geetepoititel In the wmage church rev
Birkin Minovhoume
• p.
Frogr tre Sl.As4Agepubliesn.
On the tl of May;•',Col.Pries diseavenel thug
Thine were7:iiistetruakiut Man the War Depart.,
—, wlduki had beein'mceive: d by the last mill'
breilitit,brAitr...l3oggi. • directed to the ColoWl
commanding in &luta Fe, in which it was an
nounced thin the' Persldem; elfesed to-awake
any of the acts of Gin. Kearney; so far aa they
cooks my rights upon the ethane of the tank*.
vj of New Mexico, as citiier.s , of the United
fitater,and Gem Kearny, or the officer Gormand.
*iine, wee directed not to permit to be. carried into
effect each part of the emetic statute laws of the
territory, u confirm such rights., On the strength
of theminructiona;Col. Price officially demand.
ed. the release aid remission of sentence of An
tonio Maria Triji le. convicted of treason against
the gownsman ditto United States.'. The at;
coal, was thereupon: set at liberty. . • ,
•Fagitivee freer the valley of Taos, leombine.
with guerillas and Camanebei, are anemitting
depredatkme beyond the Macs A day de two
ego, they nuseff from Seem Clani,or the Wagon
Mound, 200 hones, killing one. and Iworinditig
two of the party in ebarge. This hapecurreJ,
doubtkes, from the most ailing, neglect of duty.
Col. Russell, the Letter says, made ■ speech on
the public square on Sunday, taking the Fremont
side of the unravel in California.
The writer, alluding to the condition of things
in Santa Fe sayer - .One thing' must be done
speedily. This military mob Must ha relieved, or
we mud bo relic:al of them soon: they become
more lawkss and Insubordinate every day." "By
the instructions lately receivedloem, all the offre
created under the Government for this territory.
are declared' tentporary-to ntinue only until
each times. the cranny shall be declared annex.
ed, or its VOSSeliioo *hall be renounced."
Tea Masicart stews is provokingly contradic=
tory. The mail of Saturday night brings intelli
gence that the .Melicans have rejected all propo
mils for peace. and the mail of 1116 morning de
clares the report unfounded. A large body of.
troops, were to advance from Vera Cute ou tho
10th lust. under Gan. Pima, but on the salt fien•
P. was 'Am ill with fever. Eight. American
prisoners (of the party who let Mexico on the
sth.) had•cscaped and arrived at Wear Orkana.
Boma five hundred Awnleans under CoL De
Rowry had loft Tampico to being in the remaining
prisoners who were &reined 150 trill,. in the In•
We team that a great deal of excitement ex•
hued at Vera Cruz, in eurtseqiience of the nu.
mama. deaths among those men of Gen. Nimes
command, that hail broken dawn and been con•
pelted to return to Vera Cruz, in consequence of
the midelay'e, march. in the hot sun and burning
sand!, when they first left Vera Cruz.
The" Ban of Anahuac," printed at Vera Crux,
thinks that Gen Scion will not wive - Mee until he
makes Nattier orders from Washington, and ir
of opinion that the reply of the Mexican Minis.
ter to Mr. Buchanan, informing hint that his let.
ter will be submitted to Congress, denote, a din.
position to deliberate upon the question of peace,
instead of abeuptlY rejecting all overtnies.
RIMARZAILI correspondent of the
Otworuitype, limiting from Jay, Vt. gives the fol
lowing deticsiption:
We visited a cave located in ■ spur of the Green
Mountains; famous in this vicinity as the 'Cognise
Den,' ('Cogniac' being the term used here to des. ,
ignite counterfeiters,') and though I have visited
mow of the remarkable spots in New•England,l
am fain teconthas that this exceeds them all. It is
composed 01 four compartments; the otter one
being in the Nyco elan Ellipse. 63 fact by 37 and
16 feet in West; the second compute:ant is some.
what smaller than the first and of.. more itregular
form; and so also is the thirth . the fourth is the
grandest hall that ever I beheld and of a circular
form, the thunder of which 6321 feet, prelim:bed
by ■ magnifilcent dome, the exfremo bright of
which apparently excecde.the diameter of the floor;
the walls are composed of brilliant iron ore, and
the )fight of our birch bark torcheswas tx fleeted
in ■ thousand hues, lighting the whole with the
brightness of a Bunimethi day. The regularity
of the walla could nothath been improved by art
In this cave the notorious Burroughs carried on
his Illegal occupation for some years. The villain
bad a good eye for the beautiful, there is no deny
ing that
Tea Nauss.-The nettle is generally canna.
ered by fanners and gardeners u a'useless and
ftimblowime, weed; but it needs little 'argument
to prove that the ma common gifts ofProvidenee
are ofmn the most useful to mankind. • The com
mon stinging nettle is one of the best medicines
which predated in the vegetable, kingdom, and
its me/iciest qualities ought to be :lore generally
known end appreciated. In the form of a simple
went infasion, taken in the quantity of a pint a
day. It eels u an alterative and deobstructant in
impurities of the Wood.- A Wrung decoction taken'
in the same quantity proves an admirable strong
iVittter us general or. partial Applied
us fainentstion or poultice, it relines swellings
and abatesinliammations, and the expensed juice,
taken in spoonfuls as the exigency of the cue
may require, in internal bleeding., is the most
powerful styptic
. .known. We only add that its
vel„ when boiled. are converted into a tender,
}cabby, and nourishing aliment, grateful to the
Palate. And yet there are few plant. whams appear.
um is viewed by the farmer with more disgust
than the stinging nettle.
A WINTeI LT Slurs ...... .—The' interior
of Spitsbergen has never been habitable. Last
October • party wt out from Archangel Lir this
destination. It was compote:a orals:en gentlemen.
of sound constitutions. awl:lammed to cold, and
esculent huntsmen. They established therniclres
in the small island of Vaunts, pact ante porthrro
group where no aria yet had raided and which
was only the more writable of the
animals of the country, la a abort time, however
Nis of them, in Wile of their precautions and hardy
mut led olis ilations, d twin the intense cold. The
remaining nine anlW : at Archangel with
conch booty, bet ti t 11 they had experienced the
Mad intonallsating from various tatters, the
absence of dayligt being one or the principal.
Naeoczorr.TheJullowing it 'curiosity worth
reviving for the present generation: An old
Frenela piper, he Journal due Loiret, tsye N. pc
leads nuns is composed of two tirrek words.
Nopot and Lam, which signifies the Liotr of the
Desert. The letterset the same name iegeniously
combined present a phrase which offers a singular
analogy with the character of that ettraardinary
mos. 1. • Napoleon. 6. Apolerm. 7. Poleon. 3.
Oloon. 4. Leon 3. Eon. 2. On. By striking off the
first letter of this word. and pawning the nine
ammo with each following words, sett Greek words
are formed, which, literally truisieted in the order
designated by the figurer ' signify. Napoleon, being
the Lion of Me people, bemuse a •destloyer of
. .
Pensacola e Tsweios same cs.—. The Bin In:
dian Goverment has ordered the erection of Patent
Galvanised Wits, Rope and Chain Suspension,
or Parabolic Tendon Bridges, invented by Alt
dreg Smith, of London, over the Condipore Nult
near Poona. rho; ore CO contrived, that the'
lateral oscillation and vibration, so destructive to
the ordinary sespeemon principle, are entirely pre.
vented. For deep ravines or cuttings, the Par
abolic Tension Bridge cods mach lees than those
on the sompennon principle, the piers, dm, being
entirely dispensed - A
Ractsz.--Preparation, of Persulphat. of Iron
for Calico Printing. lif. 4 D'Oreille, of ftcotland,
produceethis wile!e by emote simple and tcnomi•
cal process than any heretofore adopted., A little'
powdered nitrate of mods is added to a quantity of
protosulphate of insn, . (green *Merge )which;
when well mined, lc ignited in a crucible. The
prosolphate of iron thus obtained 4 not Chemically
pure, as it contains nausea quantity of nitrate,
but it fa anfkieutly pure for all ordinary purposes
of dyeing, calico printing, &c, in which it la bow
regularly applied with; good results.
WI AAAAA from theytunden (8. C.) donate!,
that • propozitten hu Leen received:in that place
from wiverslßosion capBalists, to subscribe 1.2,000,-
000 towards the constructkm of the toad to
conned the two Slates.: The estimated Wistaf the
road being 83,000,000; one third br tho amount
only will have to be Irishmen's:id byibo citizens of
the Slates Interested. • A convention will.tio bold
in'Panadon on the 28th instant, when the whole
matter will be made piblie.
City !Nowa. ,
A exeunt who had been bound over to' the
Quarter Brandons of Bontervet hammer thripluirge
or riot, wasarreated at lion Bunt —nistrkt Hotel on
Thtusday evening Isat,!and taken back to Sour
weer county, on a tailpiece. -
Col. 8. Oanasett.t..÷Thls distinguished OIL.
ser, whose gallantry at the tomb of Buena Arleta
le so highly spoken of by Oen. Taylor, In hiaof.
&dal reports, arrived In our city on Satarday,:en
roue for WaiNnigt 6 °. • •
lay named Riley,; Wee drowned in the M
keenly. between Hand itrett . and Olair brag
es.: His Vali was nerneered yesterday sltemoev.
Donna TO Ma. Wearrta IX Itorros6—
Theis WliTO 00 ittitieedo XXX/X nor wentimenis"
giustie--4ut sistpeeven subjects in the bilis/fire
areas easuotalcally discussed."
C"rrhspeatimee .t iittsintrith Goat".
C o .4ol.disiitie of dial f craxeste,'.,'
-10.1.11 Road' • Acelldeat.
PIIIIADA., July 23.
• • _ •
• Albumin Fletcher; smog for the Unmoor, was
ailed upOn - Yeetiorday morning to hold so inquest
on the 6ody ;elision McLaurnriti, who fell riff
and wu run out by. the paesenger we of the
Baltimore and ,Philadelphia Rail Road Company,
near the •13Ine Bell," "bail. 2 iglu below Gray'.
Ferry, and war instantly killed. A 'pia (pull
to of money was found upon him, besides a card,
upon which wee. Written! «4 Williams, Button
wood sheet, between Ninth "ad Tentb46...lllt"
The Condnetor of 'die cue arrived when the in
quest was being held, and. the information given
to the Aloermah that he Icaderstood the Dune of
the deceased to be James McLaughlin _a Idaleratue
Manufacturer at Piusburib, where his family re.
Mr. McLaughlin has left a wife and two chil
dren a'usoutn his untimely
C.rrespwAltoec of the Plllabnegh Gazette.
Church Horne.'
Pau.smsitenis, July 24.
The Telegraph is in operation a. far smith as
Richmond Urdu.
During a severe thunder dorm this afterimen,
at j pist 4,o'Clock, the Gertosifttuthenui church,
(itt. Paul's) Brown street, was struck by light.
ning. The fluid passed down the supple to the
tootio 7 s .l4 utog the organ on fire, end the Whole
building was soon enveloped in fluics. The sues
pie, roof, belle, cluck, all were destroyed with most
of the interior, including the organ.
The congregation had born discniseed only five
minnies befoie the dreadful occur:el:Kt took place.
and the sexton had just left the building.
St.' Pours was &fine church, crating $20,000-1
09 000 of Which wan covered by insurance: The
rain tell in imams during the conflagratieb; The
Wilding was surmounted by a Iseautifial Steeple
mai was une of the ornaments of the My. '
of. Ute Pittsburgh o=l4.
198 Laos., July.2s.
Tho steamer Alabama anived at New Orleans
from V' re bringing dates to the 9th fria—
Slo netts.' Mn. tibase had received a letter from
her husband at Tampico, stating Mat 'Oen, Scott
woo within 9 miles of the Capitol on the 30th,
which is doubtless incorrect.
Exclusive Correspondence of the Puleburgh Ossetic
July 2:1, 9 o'4 e. r.
Flour=-Saks.of Genessee at $4,431, of West.
ern at $5,25a5,373, cud of Baltimore brands at
$5.50'6,623 pre bbl. The market remains firm
at three rat m--the supply is limited. \--
4k-env—The supply is smell. ; Sales of Wen
Wheat, not prime, at I Ile per be.
The market remains quiet as o all the other
articles usually quoted in the Market.
F.ectative. Correspondence of the Ptuhborgh filaseue
July 24, 8 P M.
Plourßalre of Howanl at 25,50 per bbl.
and of 500 bbl. City MIN at $5,75 per MI, at
which firfore prices.are on the advance.
Wheat—Sake of Primo White at 120,123.
per let, of Prime Red at 112 e per bu.
Cora—Sales of Prime Yellow at 67e per bu.
Oats—Sales are quoted at 42e per by.
Whiskey- 7 84es at 24c per gall.
Provisiotia—,There is less inquiry in the mar.
ket .
Nd eliange in the prices of other articles use
ally quoted.
Mutual. Oorrerrandenee or The riosborih Go,
July 16.
Sugar—The supply in, first bands is limited, and
in-good demand.
Molasses—Small supply in Ent Minds.
• grain --Flour haring declined in England,
Mere has been a corresponding decline in gran
here. •
Conon-:-Alicre is an ed ranee per cant to
dos article.
'Tobacco continues in good demand.
Hemp—There is e good demand (or dm:article.
Ptovivons--There is mote demand in the mar.
keL --
, Exclintee Correzpamlenee of the ratehargh Gazelle.
July 24, 8 P. M.
Flour--Salra of limb Westrra at 54,50.3,7 3 .
of common at 85,12165,311,
Wbeat—Salee of prime White at 122a125c
per bu.
Cam--Sitm of prime Tilloir at 33077 c piobw
One in actig at 37c per, bu:
• Rye—Salca at 75c per bu.
Whiskey—Sibs at 23e per gall.
' M. Pot[—Vi'clectsa No. 1 as quoted it $l5
Prime Pork—Palma Westem-at it 14,25.515.
per Ile
Mess tleaf--Sale. at 514,50 pee bbl.
(Nato..—Bales of Upland at I If al3e per lb.
litoceries--No amnia In prim. from Imt quo
Wool—Sales 100.000 llat at last quotations.
Mims° Calera s isa—The Like Superior
New. contains the- names of no leas thin one
hundred and tarenty.fiwe Anoeiations formed for
mining purpled" in the Like Superior mineral
region. The Nene. says, aignifioantly enough,
that it mill not couch a r gamut,. for all of them.
The following are anima the pierce of
Pitteiworgh, &e.
New York,
The reel have ownerships all over the country
Arc, nazi.—On Tondo', the accommodation
train from Norwich, Coon, came in collision with
freight cats which bod.become detached from a
height train. The Engineer, Mr. Joseph Adam.,
of the accommodation train, was Instantly killed.
and a Mr, Stockpot° of Boston who wn standing
upon the platform of She forward car were melons.
ly iujured. • •
Mr. Stackpole is the first postmen' who was
' ever Lilted on this road. and his life probably
woold not hue been lost had, he remained within
the care.
_ Fizz ur Rue .—The Hydraulic
Mee near the Falls, were burned down on the
morning of the 21st inst. They were occupied by
a Pell and Bash Factory. two Woollen Factorlee,
end an Oil Mill. The prepertj destrojed was
partly insured. Loss from 12 to $15,000.
aj-Wa are now prepared to execule in &superior
and expeditions manner, all kinds of Jon
ugh as large eusters,Hwarnboat Hills, fall nl Lading,
Letter bUwet Circulars, Handbills, Cards, &c., &c.
w any oven' ezecated in /be hoi manner, and all
kinds of Ornaing done.with accuney andatrha lowesi
(IVe . - lialitclee Ginseng Pavinnone—}lentcat.
Trorniaoriv—We beg leave to all public attention to
the foltowing, , from Dr. Wm. Doan, of Within:Mettle
Clermont Co, and one of the very filet practitioner. in
the county us which he resides, and late &niter in the
State Legialature. It te cheering thus to see the lead
ing men of the profeition, burning the bonds of took..
conal prejudice,and gluing Went to
'RI,: I base in my practice been using tamest your
Ginseng Panacea, and, no far, am well pleased In its
erfeeta to Catarrhal and Groacblal Camp taints. Please
send pie half a dozen botGeo—pui them as low! as Tod
can; as I ca pert if it continues to render as genotal sat
Israeli - on at It bat beretobrre, to keep It coaatjutly on
band. Respectfully, Wti Doan; C. D.
5 00.
$5,00. BOOTS
Tat: tuheerther foot/re:luny 110.116 the public that
he has eortimetteed the nn of Gnash:mew
FennionaUs hoote r of guod tortunial and workmanship
- wiltek he will warrant SY Ise rior to any loot ever mode
in Pititsbursh for tile, pore. These handsome Soot
will be made to measure, and woman them as repro
*voted, otter very low prise of..SIVE DOLLARS
CASS. - Centletoeo ate• requested to ealk and exam
on them: - }y>•l • W HERBICIDE:.
Pis:aux Cinch tinexca —llia a remarkableact that
notwithstanding the cram of many of the own calcbm
led Phyrsclane, to invent a Remdey for she Pilev, their
ruin haa peeved of no avail Within a few, Team, Cu
American Physician, Rt. illAnottrb.t.k.PPY ermblnt ,
lion of Ingredient., hal prtehreed hegembie
ey, which taken internally; 111014 effectually tong..
mirogritig arection.
liar Sold, Wholesale, end Retail, by WYAIT
KETCHAM, IVlTalton street, New 11 orki . Wat. Tuoakh
Mutat ktreal, and P. EL SAwrri, fluntbfickl street
'Pltiabugh,Pn. Pelee 111Lperbottr jvlnkliw
• • .
• U:r We metro the auennen or oor readers to the eft
traardimy cures of Scrofula perforteed by Thr.,Codlos'e
ANN, Yqviatigt,Essneuve, winch they will And 'tar&
ed in another eminent of to.deVa 'paper. TbeT an
without doubt the =tot wonderloLon record, and bare
so beenprononneed by many *tont. most respectable
phymelens. , The +tinkled sedation Interested, ro"
mtesied to visit them at their amoral places or abode,
and learn hum their own lip; the waited creels Of
the inedielna The Gestate named ts bale Urook .s
who may be wen daily, between the boars or 9 A. N.
and 4P.M. at the °theca( gowned JOY alum, No .
?dram n, Plalado. 1110 A.
.~...c-:,.1_ ~u~.~. ,may -,,
.: k' -.. :~. r .~.
• 1.-
J F Min Songivevrevrenti the Fs
rh r=t v give.reneh rend •
Gila path., gives lithe:, rime, tisys.
e, too, the Aar, it gleans beeds; .
Wlien lite** (131016 mimes in Death.
. Mee, rye, be always itiGorn
%VW ems not, is not living.
_ The mote you give,-
The mote goo by e.
God's love bath in ns wealth op/seeped;
The r adyTigrs, "i n i n ' irrtruni,
11 - pent In by ...Wash . toed,
-Give wens*, give thought, give deeds 6 re
Give love, give team, andgive thyself.
Give, give, be alwaye
Who Rimenot, it not living.
Tie more we glee,
The more we
• .fiay. 24—co7Tram PART.
The Reerard of Exemplary Behavior—Wash
lost= a Farmer--Galvanized Iron—The Import.
ed Gann Machine—Doi:Mu of Conscience—The
Dry Doek—The Central Etilliesd -The Lettings
—General Taylor—HosOtal Money—Cottoa
-Mannfsetures in the WorM—Letter from a Toni - 4
Artist in Italy--Conespoiadence from China—
Thoughts on Children.
(Inflate and Scientific—Milked Gefence—
Forgery—Political Neutrality—Gen. 'Taylor--
Mortality at Vent Cruz—lmportant frOM Mexico
—lmportant Rail Road Meeting--Biugulu Case
Claimstity Finances mid Hall—
South Carolina and Slavery—The Mexicin Tar.
ilf—Marriaget—Highland Destitution•-ifealth of
the City—Commeras.of cIER. Lotus.
Latest Telegraphic now., Foreign and Domestic.
Commercial—A carefully complied Review of
the Markets for the past week—The prices in the
local city markets—The CattlriMartet—The prices
of American Produce in various porta of the Union
—Amount of Flour, Wheat,Corn dtP, - merited
since the opening of the cas—Casaibminess and
movements etf produce—Market In London.
City News — . pirit oldhePress—Copious Extracts
from the tending journals on the interesting topics
of the Jay.
For .a le at the desk, singly or in wrappers.
Price 6 mite single copy.
khatictiptions two dollars a year in advance.
At Sharpstiorgh on the 25th inst., of Billions Fever,
and Inflammation of the Drain, at half past It o'clock.
A At, MARTHA LEWIS, youngest daughter
of him Susan. Lewis, aged 12 years. The friend. are
invited to anew/ the funeral at 10 O'CUICk to day
- •
to Roebtater, Dr AVM - , an amiable young man.
after an illnetr of a few hours, coated hi eating; too
heartily of Cron. and drifting anexectire quantity of,
iee water. Also. lilt Dom, •• • • • e died rud•
. ~ . .. . • . •
dem, Win handling ice and dnoking cold Wive bile
overheated. Also. a laboring man in Chili, New fork
front game cause.
1847. lila:UW:3
Li EA arl E ttl o i rt v e " doEITIZBLZ.Zigk t . ?
* i'it a tstlyr th h e ,
and arrive at Warren neat morning in mason Mr the
Stages which reach Clevelmd before night.
Permngers will be receipted thmogh,securing berths.
on the Packets, and seats in the Stage, on &apt:cation
on board rteandsst Beaver, Deanyg Pittsburgh at 9
a. at a"s nrliTON &Co, Pit Jibarab
CLARKE &Co, Beaver '
a 15 M.D TAYLOR. Werren
MEW BOOKS.—Ufe end religious op - tonna, and
expestenee of Madame De La glothe Guyon, to
gether With some account - of the personal halos) and
religions opmlons of PenelortiArebbishop of Cambray,
by 'nowise. Upham, Professor of Mental and Moral
Philosophy, in Howdoin College,a
Theme of the Body in relation to the' Mind, by Geo.
. Moore, M. D., Member of the Royal College of Physl
elans,ne /Se.
"Hew trisafety best mops) , ,
Cos:ape/woo. present evils, with nylon
Of what we ore, and whet e."
The Puma of knowledge.uoitter ibfkounies.illastra.
ted by *north..., with portnlit by ThindfilErtylsoid,_
B. D., Emblem! of Brown ; 'Univershr, ht vols. Thee
above Jost received by ELLIOTT t'ENOLIB/1.
.18 SG market at bet 3dand ith
!BST RECEIVED.—LA io London a stogy of thrill
4.1 um interest, founded upon the acene• of happine
and misery, crone sad elec. in a vol. complete,
Also,The Maid of he Valle) or the Brother's Re
venge,,a tale of the Revolution, by A. J. Item. Fe
sale by, bl A MINER.
jy d7t moithbeld at 2d door above end.
lATINES AND Lit/NOBS-11a halforbole, and qr.
V V jape. of brandies, wine?, and gins, embrac ing
some of Me ehoicest braods imported 10this country.
ofdifereat grades and vintages. Persoas aristung to
parehua • pare article may rely on getting it In qua.-
Mit. /0 mit, at the %Vine Cellar and Liquor Sure of
jIM P MARTIN; cot solitield flow .t_
ThOMESTIC Lao torn—tan whole and half Lanais of
/./ 0 M. Rye Whiokei and old Tennessee peach
Brandy, pan of which is rery old, for sale by
i - VIIVEsi And Isior riase.—littl doz. Wines, LII
V tercet kinds, Itffi dos. brandies, different kinds, Gs
We by }nil P C MARTIN.
CLARET Wine-3 Ed!. elate! wine, 30 do. bottles,-
do. do.,for wale by
.,____ P C MARTIN.
f PEAS-60 half Chest. and eanie• of Young Hymn.
1 Imperial, G Powder, ono fib Teas, in more, and
or sale by •
''--- L S WATERIW ;I
T OLIACCO-40 Los I lb hoop I.) achbaug Tobacco,
50 ti "
in more and for .ale by •
111;1E17,0 small bale. ter sate.ior4LitTiN.
RAH wont -364k tomato tow to ototo. o lty
CO , F r ;PLE IT ZIar i gr:
l lttto Police; Atrictly
LIR L WATELI AN, Wo ST moot kelt foot st
F".?,11 1-2 = 4 LW . ft - h
sale by iyo3
F: FLOUR-30 Lb!s fresh ground rye flour, prime
11l for fatuilp use, in nom laconic by
B ACo:l77.ooellis assoned . bacon ooze,
(1 IDt VINEGAR —• few bbLs- cadet vineltur, Jun
V meekest iu 4ore, for isle by
AWS , Shovel —5 don MoeVeanal Shovels in mine
for nee br frA L S WA T T
r INSEED OIL-21 tads lmwed adjust received and
_ for vale by .1414 MILLER & RICKETSON.
PERM 0U...-1000 gals pure - Cinema 081 now I.ding,
1.3 ferule by jrta . MILLER & RICKETBoN.
I,f ACCEREL-100 bbl• large No 3, mackerel, due
Xi par Canal, thin day, for sea by •
RA ISINS-94by • M R Ral!in• in nate,and fur ante
by . ira MILLER k EucKE:rsoN.
LOVEReEI3II-3 b n g! clover ii - tdDull—received•
on consignment, for male by
EBMAN Fan4Crvelble.-1 ...k sizes,
Jost reed, for • de by BRAUN' k BEIThlt
Licorice% faiiirdi rocks' 3 eascivicia received
14.3 for sale by jybil BRAUN & REITER.
C a r L eettr, "
D REINED LieoYibe-100 lb. Jon receiied, for Balr
11 by jyei BRAUN-If-Kb:ITER.
DEFINED Camphor-4 bblajam reccited; for sale by
IL .4;24 BRAUN & RElrkat.
DIG IRON-45 ma Charcoal, b. b. for sale by
OPLAR LIIIIIBE2, and Pine Jame, for role by
3) , 14.1. W W W ALL ACIF
fl .
OTTON-15abales for sale by •
Lmar WICK:S-50 gnus No C tamp wick., epn
sigoatent, and for sale by the lyrossom We wine
More of • JACOB WE.tVFIR.
J 313 15 market street, eor (root
rl JAR 11:.• priced oupedor ertlele; Just
received and for eale by the dos or bottle.
) l l : ons ii . ° lro r : salle o w dc algal ' e l
: I r r 2art m l; " "'
SALIIKATUS-000 lbs landing and k,r sate by
ItZt KonERr DALZELLv& CU. libertY
WINER of tbe Rhine and Idowlle,9 costae. , lusd
brand.; far sale by the case or bottle, as the wine
ware of /AMY WEAVER.
CIOTTON 11U131L-3 baler Lowell Twine No 37--
Suitable for v" 2 ono cover., just received, for eal.
:gold wood cc
50 BARRELS No I, Balnmate Bening, for sale
low by CLARKE & THAW.
/I'Zl3 i Canal Basin
MACKEREL -5o blf bbl. No 3 large,
=bids No 2, An safe by'
iyYi E IiEtsZELTON, east side diamond
BACON ibr -10,000Ibs plane city toted hams, in smoke
)yolhonse,.. tato by
. MYERS, & _
HONEY! Jost nwel red 31Rozos New [Has scamps.)
nmerlor wbno comb Room kw We by
Jy2l3i •
fifth In sodinarketolley
bbda Border= Claret: .
lJ 49 •
bu &Men Mr
bzs common do ' In room sod fo r
isle by jyto MILLER k RICKETRON
et yell and row openim
D. at the north east ear i n ' e n :7l4; i liand.uterkeh • .new
seeply of dr•s•
• --
- -
ylr R. MURPIIY, haajost received a few p.sees of
VY. white bonnet ribbons, and white gro nap silk, at
north cut For 4th; and mulct 111. •
/la • NURPIIV.
BOIIIIINEI'I' ,11114 Dobbinett for Motion° Bars,
M received at the nonh east corner 41h and mar.
hot Irts.. #44- •
LEMON I'-11 dos Au ree'dTeor tare .
by Jrt6. J KIDD fr. CO
— II V sets receiml and for ale by
& 417 & E 14cCilTe11 EON
ooL-71anye ftke utb.yrarhed;;rt,elyed and ror
IVY tabs by 1417 W& it McCLITCIIIKON
bx. prime W. R. ,ec'd .nd l .at.
Vby . /1"17 , W R McCUTCHEON ,
UM.. I bPneßielr 'd
C. irrß g(r
c ALEILAT . I7II-6 calm now landior Ibr we by
11011 vl7. . !DICKEY &Co. worn& front ru
SLICBATIOS 10 cak. km sale* .
prautts—i asks far tale by
A 1717 WICK it MeCANDLffia
M Y lr l 9 69lk" Ati rittgatts
wk., received; tbr owl° by
j 1 1 7 & eI7OTCHIEON 11111beny in
Gr 4 ""' " b i
21 time
.oy••iiOst D. Dalris. Ainsitlme.ol,i
QN Monday rooming the Seth last, stIO o'citurk, at
the Comatemal Rale. tams cornet of Waoriand
Tltth rtieelo, will be sold uriainot veteran for account;, Whom itmety coaccra au extensive asseirtment tl *la
At 4 delock.t. II
A large quantity a new, and second hand household
larniture. embractng nearly all the va etx wanted by
housekeepers; carpeting, matt ruses, vane wt. Rattraps , .
patent windo w blinds, mantel clock* E noting staved
kitchen tam:tare, 2libartels,drietlyteashatt , Itraono ,
Xs, queen aware ; glassware &a. etc.
At notching r.
One chest, Very superloaquality ea tees too
l •
bracing • general usortment; arl any or culery,
PO nod tn , ado watolte.t ptcturial ninps or the U. 5 ,
wa, shoes; teat!) made clothing, haaltrate rfe-
Amerieut copy.
RUMMELL, waurrEmoßE e. sb, :ttlk.lllT.
:7 Ifia d
ieni r Litorryon 16 Liberty :few Fork ,
AHE receiving by ever: arrival, additions arnica
larguassonatent of D • Goods They have made
avenger:muss io oder to country merchants and dealers,
an extensive rod drairoblennock of goods for the Fall
Dy 14(.8113Cr. aud packets will be received the. most
approved and novel olles of the Englishand Conlin.,
W markets.
Their assonmeat of • Domistic.,Coods will comprise
every style worthy of the notice of the Trade, nil of
which will he odkred on as good terms at can he obtain-
F.nglish Cloths.—Wool and Piece Ores, and Fatal
Calera, Of Vlai , lls QII/lilliCi and superior finish.
French Cloths. ronondo and fine.
Tooll'n Cloths, common and fie,
Doeskins, of the best manufactures. '
American Cloths of all descriptions and colors.
Fariey Cassinteres, Eoglisb. French, and Amtrtean,
of sapericr style and patterns
Beavers, Plinth, Hushing*, and other heavy woollens.
Tweeds, brown, gold ma. andather fancy style!.
Sstinetts and Fnll'd Cloth. of every description
Vertitigs—Panelsilk velvet,%MMn velvets,Nalco,
eras, Fancy Saha; anttilk. ham low to fine..
Volvo's, !desk, brow a, and puller fancy shades.
Silk Serge., Black and fancy colors, large and fine
Wormed Serge. of all quaint, and calor,
English end American, twilled and plain.
Buttons, Coral, Binding. Tit 'Cad., An.
And various ocher new and desirable goods adapted
• to 01.1%. wear. NEW YORK, hird..m.
ErtaltiLphell a warehottac in the year 1546. for the true
pore of rut ply sag the City and norrior Trade wish
low pares—and exhibiting, at all seam.
of the year, the Lai ge. A wortatent in
They are slow opening Several Hundred Packages,
courporang curry neve aryle of Pareign and Domenic
production, ninny el which are lint to be knind
where, and which bare jinn( been patchwork and are
oCered for rale for Cash and short credit, al '
per yard below nhe prices of April and Alay, pei
printed Cataloguct, which are corrected daily, tor tho
information of buyers.
* Noe rusk, June,
T 1 IL . ORD'S Serreparllla 'Ad Wild
.1/ Cherry Oftters—This new and valuable E.r.
tract of Sm.parilla and Wild Chet'ry hal bee& used
with great *tweets for Me petmanent retrieval of rill
such diseases as take their else from an lemma state of
the blood it promotes a healthy action of the Liver—
Drenthe as the Nerves and at once secures health and
•40. to the whole si stem
In ell caws of likunif ee,lndige anon, Dyspepsia, loss
of Appetite, !labium] Costiveness, Scrofula, Headache,
Languor, and that Depression of Spirits, which tita
common a complaint In the Spring and Summer seasons
of the year, this medicine has not its ciptal—and a sin.
trial will convince the most itteredulo. of ha Feca
l./ airliner.
For farther particulars the rc , der is referred. io 11.0
pampht dtawhich will be furniebed by the Agents,shows
trig the estimation in which this valuable medicine is
held by tlicue who have seed it. • ,
Ceettoll to Me Public -DO
Do particular and ask for Fn. Wood'..llllllllperilla
nd - Wild Cherry Enters, and receive soother. This i.
Me tint piepamtion of these articles eitiathined etre,
Offered to the poblie, aud tan great enterer altendletlts
. to e . uhs induced the unprincipled to counterfeit and is
te - As a preventive, Bee that the Wales have the
weir& .Dr.
on Sarsaparilla
th a t Wild Cherry Hit.
-ters" pressed on the 'elassi,und a each label on Die
book la signed by the pittpricinr, Thornton, Jr. .
Sold, wholesale and retail, by WYATT & KETCH..
AM, general whole
Fulton street, New York: - Wak
Tao., Market street, n oil I'. a:Somata& Smithfield
street-Pittsburgh, Pa. Price Sl—largo bottles..
}Wear ado
TEST received at M. A. Miner's, Mania the F 03114.
hag, by Eugene Sue, complete in I volume.
Gregory'sllistory of Mexico, froaTihnoirliattl times
lathe present •
Cleveland; antic of the Gittiolie Church; an exceed.
holy inmresting work.
tthakspeare and his friend,, by' the - mtLhor of the
Vouth of Shekspeare..lbe Seetet Pardon: ere.*
CbtiroberotCyclopoedia of LileFinare. No 13
Ellen Munroe, sequel to Lib. in Loud., complete in
2 volumes.
Isabel of Bavaria, new work, by A. Dumas.
Soarer Tribunal, by A Dumas. •
Ceeilicor Woman's L:ove, by A. Dumas. '
St. Giles and St. lamed, fresh supply.
81 " ph Rushbrook, or the l'oaelter, by Marryait...
John A Meilen, the Western land Pirate
Graham's Magazine for August.
National, ^ "
Godey's Lady's Douk." " .
Ant a m'en•ild assume/eat a: all the late works. on
baud and for sale by. 01. A. MINER.
ILILI • stnithfield sL,Ltd door from second
OFFICE of the Cleveland anti_ final/ate,
Irbil Road Company. :
Waitangi, June Id, 1517—An Olt
Mar of ten pet cent. Übe ionaltnentl Olt
the satl3Criptien to the empire' stock of the
company is requoted to:I - yenta on or beforethe dey
of August. Icy. Stockholder, in ornlnear Salinceille.
Ohio, trill pay
s o Joe G.
in Bittern:n.ol,l9 W
Riaberttion tc C corner of 3rd and% Woad street., in
Altellsallle, tit Ja3 Mae. fly ordetof the Board.
jrcrittltaugl • A G CATI.F:TT. Secretary.
• •
•I.mgbrol hany Navigation
BCIO for receiving ainmeriptortaurtho. mock of the
Youghiogheny Nay. Co. wrilioeopened at the home
of H .Wesver:Pttuborgh; ache housed Mn Alexander,
McKeesport:. al the Lowe of David Slander, Wert
Neroon,•And at the boort of.Roloot Ditelonau, Mount
Neuron t en the Vol gay of August, nod combine open
from day to day unit! 3rd day of September.
.Inoeph Slaralr, Jareragray.
lamer Bell. ' John D Davis,
Joreph Gulfey, ' Alexander Plenter,
iglolt.ortel RiVrbins.
ISTILLE. riubecribere ha the above .'melt, resid
ing in or near the city, are 'reanerhal a pay to had..
Hanna, Agent of the lornpany nn innelnictit of coyer
Ant, on the let of Aug.. next. Uy
poop._cadei of the Coin
•it OlthaLl,
ryY2 dt Coitus - elm for connanntion of mid Line.
OST 0 N 1110Dlid OP. lIEATJNG 110U
JJSES-11r., O. Wrier, of Boman, her arranged and
patented n pine !whetting bonne*, which has been rum
erufully need in Melon, New Fork, ac and wherever.
applied. ban received the decided preference over
Stoves, Furnaces, de. Its - advantages are—
let. Creel regularity of Temperature. -
red. Freedom from Smoke.
2rd. No unplethant Dunes*. .
4th. kind., anthuled tp, grid 1101 Laid,: to get oat of
order. . -- - -
&h. tireat Durability.
d. Model and Fpeeigeation may loi aeon. and the up
gonna obtained at
W M the S
Camper nod E, Fi Tinware
at at e, et, ltory of
bet. Wood and Market oth
Hoit Salo daily', he daily. lii-weektfa,d weekly
Gazelles. Iron Coy. Cbconiele.-Yost, Commercial
Jaunted, Aware., Mystery., Dispatch, Talesnwit t
Sildbett's Counterfen Detectar,, Taylor's U, S. iSloney
Reposer, wring, letter, wrapping. and handwmetol
oeed paper, copy-hooks. a few salami' beaks, afew of
Use best Eastern and Western newspapers, supplied
tp enstaatcrs and travellers. P:aase rail on bona Sao
ow at bis'Ageney and Intelligent., °Mee, Filth, near
Wood street. •
Dr. J. Pettit's Universal Canker Remedy.
A FEW kitties of Doet.J. PCWI'I , "Canker remedy.*
a. so long known and thoroughly tried, has been in. ,
obtained and is for sale by Wm.J ACKSON,E9 Liberty
It is the pate. safe. and certain remedy it,
cues oat of 5/, for all ordinary or extraordinary, and
most aggravated cases of recent or chronic nursing
Sore Mouth. calomel sore weigh, •welled tenni ter/.
+Teas, canker rash, Incipient trot china and quinsy,
putrid wire throat, black tongue, and all cases of corn
won canker, in the mouth, throat, and immitch, when
apalled necordancee with the directions accompany,
eeeb beide. The article received is known to be
genuine. nu< GO els. per bottle, ay'Vega
Dr. 1. Pellit's American Eye Salve.- • •
THIS Remedy, that-ban wroright m many care, by
exiernal application, is nnw for We by Wm.
JACKPON eaLlberty street. ...• • . •
It has eared thousands of wreak, wire, granulated and
diseased eyes, of recent, or the teem aggravated and at.
minute chronic eases; riven of MI vest& mending, and
where every other known remedy and prescription tried
had failed of succew. II is welt known that a mire. rem
edy For die eye is r fillencious relieving all external
sos, ulcers, and Inflathation, bursa maeldbead,
ac.. Price 23 cede per box. Pamphletiaad
certificates, Pte., graivittusly - difirltinted by
the intents. General N e w the Gaited Slates, It
Winebemer's 103 John a York. lm
m ale
c h
.N . T 4 t
ft is bin coal
is bortscssi that he can devote his Whole
time to the deli, of hin_profersion, may
be wen In
w ts
it tidee, corner or 4th and D ecatur West,
between het and Ferry s, at any twer , duting the
day, from sot tiller. r. J>tASSwi
W lN lr b aces a a . ch N ora l e 6 ilXr k tm " eTlitr " r n ergn " lfi ' nel
and Liquors. atleg exclusively devoted' to this baei
nem. purchaser* can obtain the most Supetior,qualitieL
paned In OrOtoi Or to
Any :chanted .v9g coins
mtlitscrien, to all Pores be e. ' ,
AUN D Y STAACII ptepanng
LaSuach without the addition of anygretsy rubstance,
int I for ralezing AS winistit pc.rty wets. the lineh.
Price lel C. 14. article .W. 0.1. be le every
hoo.e. For .oln 4y jys 57 wend ri„.
CIIK Lb new Cheese (or xle /ow by
iyt ' Ja BIDWELL.
ICAD-306 seri Valeria Lead. bele brant. , s z ioi
Li wile by leW Fossrrit a
gACKICAEL—do bartcls No 3 Large Moekrl;
.LVNdue to morrow) for oak , low, to arrive,
QCYTRE SNEATIIS mon and l'isent
• 17For *Ma low by . Tilos G ODIORNE
)n t •
f Ar''.°Fle.h.".!!!.!‘"4o..
pAI.III barce lanclioKrOM gnawer Nen
'lrb, for
H)°,4 l feot;e li . 4 ari tHrsltxeti l ?!7 P c
jnll enrner.embhßn loud front lie
M01..A88-30 Ltd. S. 111. I jas re e1,1,81 - i.,
Gandolier and far sale by E DRAZENTON
Jell . • . Lam aide of Ow Diamond
ITAZVIL:.BIWIS.-Large : alie and' freth, foi
V iile b* . • jet!' I D MORGAN :I .
'TANNER'S 0110-2S.bnli teeming:4y canal and
1. sal.,.br • JAPALIELL .
priTrlrlrrriv-tv , wlrrm.yfrritili
BLACK, Ileichant Taller,. Exchange Bei:.
.. •
'BI Oafs weal,. Pinb• b..:. jeliat
- -
iIIUANON.APPLES-40 bbl% Ironwood la Rood
%Jenks; 6r sole by }old P O S:ARPIN .
rivrx-290 vet. received sird roe sal* h_y_
r 7:77
. 1, -
TlllB w ell heanirn hoe a_ .plenald pats nice :'tew
ees Is now cads pved of Um ;assert /seism, hea d
finished and forollMel, and most posil toms oo the
waters of the Woos. Every amoomosdotice and coax
fors Mu memory e. procure, bas bees peooded for ass
oves. • The Limit., been ill oP..u.a knave years
—have carried million of people widows toe least
T ill u e2l l :=4:da y ;eoloo m wi"4 ,
erte ' reeep a. - .
ems of freight ihe s cauT of passengers osi sem,-
' ter. all. cam the pOsostel....T moot he paid in
' The BIGIVON s AllsLA. coot. Sw.. *ill knee Phtr
bush every ISI• • y matins at 10 o'clockil
every Nand., e ewe at 10 Y. td. .• •
The 11111PRIdla, 2, Capt. J. Sliairdter, will
leave Prostate every Tuesday enoraing alio/Mock;
Wheeling eve Tuesday vend!!! ••91$
The NEW ENGLAND NO, vt, Capt. S. Awe, .111
leave Pittsburg* every Wednesday moraine u. 10
A.h >4 .k. ' wb e eing e ve,y . Wednesday evening at 10 - P.
--T. - -- • • . . .
TbeU• : l.l.l4lO Ti N ''' SltN,Cs A pt. T /I. P .T. A o C tie ll er E ,wr lll ll‘re
burgh Th .Inagy ponunii at 10debselti 1 bee as
every Tbatatlar eveatag at OP. 1!J•
WRIDAY PAC Ct i tsr4illlf;a l va .
The CLIIPPS4NO. 21 9' 14 ' 104' healing .
burgh every iffiday warning at 10
evrry Frblay evening at 10 P.M.,
The AIME:IIOER, Cam •Liefura. will ' , ate hat
burgh every Silturday coeselog pa ttioTlocki Wheeling
every Saturday evade' to lti Al:
The ISAAC NEWTON. Cepa A... G. Neu, v tlt
Beare l!itt!b*rjh eve , Y eatidef tramline oil to o'
Wheelie'every yeveningattol'.hL
t r.
Ma Eh,
.11NURTLE SOUP will be. served ep at 1441044 . 1 w .
• U 8 Dark,Ch st.; every day at 11 e'elcek.
The lover. of Turtle Soap ate parbeidartY invited, es
LAlder atEellthat ter . teattoot be surti.s .. fr_4l.jystf
ersofFtneJewelry, Caen, Chdera received teethe
MOM at the manufactruer's prices by Htb:TODD.
Samples en head. Ob/ • 26 wood uP
p - 110 2 11:11;ig TAPER-1 rea2 4 l%ll y st t ik ta r, p ,. er 19 .
priut. l .& by 447near l s ' e.:1 1 1,111bi 21 1 received and
for sale by. jyt.l • - • JOHN 1 11ELLOR.
HOWE rrs HOMlitiOS THE POETS-;Homes and
Manua t h e nmmominent British roM's, by Wm.
Howetti Sionnsed. Jest meshed and for 'Lilo by
.13CIES-11 dos Amer Hoek Colcame:BartLee
'maned colors; dint sloth Alta, 76 deei daft Macke
for mils at the wine More Fir ' JACOB WF.AVER
16 market la ear leant
bblss and ID hlrbbta Lohrlng and tilla's hlonutain
Mho.. Dope '•r article, tor .ale hylkl or rttnil M the
{Wore Store, II market rt. comer from. ' ••
10 , JACOB rklfe
Lmapront the case of a vary vbpenir qua!
ity,just recairedvad for isle br •
. Dux ti
jyl6 • • Comer of Whenl ft Clan M.
more and for say Li a • - J WKAVBR
WW01.4\213-ICOD bli of all sires fs!aki .
to *tote and for fide - . •
jyl3 . • CARSON k MegNICITIT
mas pure Bahr, for sole by
W: GIL A. 511250 t0ze..:640,10112; MEM
30 damn Beaver Backers; • .
100 , Corn Moony, for sato by • -
IYI9. .-- Jl , lO F. PERRY
T AR-Aaro.on_A.l.l.l. X CT.,
. . • 15 tibia Tanrier•sthE ree'd and far
SPT& TORPEATINZ-20 bbls Just we'd; fur
sal c b y jyt9 BRAUN & AEI MR
Gv COPAL-0 moor }turreted: bit sole by
BACOA BID/CB—ISM) reed for solo by
JNOP PERRY. 4.5 woad.l
IDL01:11i-1a0 tibia 8 flue Flour 4n titre; for sale by
1519 •! • • , /NOP PERRY
aoli; for . rale by JTW F PERRY
O ll—TASalcslo trim landinit for oak Li
hip' • • • I DICKE CO
VIJIZOA33-, -I. , CD , bbls pmd . siren/ mi na , aanriftrale
GLA1134946,11-113,8-10,75,84a1td all othe r also;
oil hand aad for sale by ',
Griass—,lo b.:. 9 by t 4. on hand sod ern isle by
pL i A4TIq!3. PARIfil.4O bbl!forjrAtibirwEu
nr YZAOtikai—ta. nue Juliet. kw rale by
Jere comer weed cad water eta
1/ Red fikr rile by ye3o. AT IX 00D, &CO
CARBONATE OF d20.10A/A—GCo_Jas reed
end 63, Ws bY 1)13: BRAUN & KERER
11. ALAI, OIL-11 &amroporior quality:Jost reed iod
for .ale 1y1.3 BRAUN k REITER
b lidkir — r B n.Critod received en
jyl3. sa W 118118 AVG
- -
sali by
Wm Yellow Cam la
store and (o
nATI-300 bu Jun received tirl for We_ by
N-• lrtl I • S 1 W HAIWAUGH
0 it ar bb!s Lipseedpil.r sal,"
t JoHNGRIE; . i.
114211PERIII— A for good Ile•Elpel.'toOVlntlelit br
.patkingglumare, ke.; imle by, .• •
is** . -. JACOB WEAVER
VlMPATN.tylr A Ftti'Ve4l,°P"'V'
D a L E b O r !!PPLIZI F f-4,0 buth . 4li bart n aid far .
ie ihe dears
ATIM?: 11 " "" 'AR; IC KAYE&
A.RDIIIZII—For sale by swab
0 TM', by. • Iy7 • J AOOl3 WEAVES •
"FACOB WEAVEII, Wine Mere, earner of May
bet and flew sin. , jyt
ATipuo bushel. in store and bide by
1 - 1 irr . TASSEI.I.4I. NEST
SALAD 0114 . -11 desitablebribd of the )mporta
'tiori, for Yale by jy? .'JACOB WEAVER
COUGAR—RI eases Yotbrinfea D R Lakfllvaat; •
U 1u barrels Paliert.ed blu
car; jazkrecaiyed and for bale by. 'I
11.-20 1 / b iaLinseell Oil iii mare and
RACKETLERLD) Lida Nab Laski Saudi Mask
LYI erel (or sale by WILLIAMS& DILWORTH
in o • . ; 27 lasaail sr
Dior ea&
011E111-3110 bu in store; for rak by
. Me&NDI..Ms
LOVZIL SEED—Seneks for sale by
C ••
ITMEIP--E5 bales re , d per nair Trenton and ktr
1 by - I * *1 ALLKN & CO
"(rum CORICII-0 bale's Vial Ccoksjsut ree'd and
V fornate by JOB BRAUN lb REIT KR
/IPIO/111-IGOlb. best Turkey Opium: btu sred .4
for We by 38330 . REALM & REITF.II
UIRINE—IOO es Quinlan last mkt and Glr sale
BZABI-1 fine &nide of small Wh e6rnee by
jele WICK a tdoCANDL tna
E.. lB ‘ C l :l3i/r4d ie lall a co
LIMBS= 011-7 bbl. to more; ter uie 4y
8111 • W YAMS—/6W dean re,
sitip titemacrrc; for
jyt . • . ;TASSEY'a, BI
VINE? CIDER-16 bid. Or rale b
—auk lbe axonal for Gala by ,
W I Flell
. Fitia m sin a s i t i rece mt ive co d b 1
A L TF —b • - I=griar,UT,,A4tbsts
1 3
PULORIDE LlME—Bear jun reed for rale by.
/1 15 • .1 KIDD4IO •
INDII6II. 1110AP-4 rues eht Soap, sepeno
r for warbler indreortrim_for We lop! '
ASD iilL-10 bblsJetsi tee IreirWrriiilesea
barreli; for iIIILLEB fa HICELTSON
Ifw - - • - •.. .17111ibbny
B ACOIC—I box Ileum Shoulders and *der just reed
jyl7 ‘..'r.1"7""4 brute Yx
& iticEerizzr-
RAMIBII4O &VI PS •Et Raislp. jogt:rFerieed; ler
sale by jprO MULE t lULALTcON
111AVICILANEWI -S yb4 W6ke
• Wine Jen received; for sale by k
D AD APPLEIS-45 bus VW/ se'l ae -- 4 -
M 4 clu m 'l l o prbrAil i gat
, f or ye
L ARD -19 Yes recelvt. , d; for 11 . 1 . 1 Y..
CASkaV d ott•sr
OPTS:, TUBJPZNTAINy a _ I9I , 4 ,7ci;.. - 0 " --- -r y -----
,!.., /Yr' • ti Cll oo3l2l2AlCill a
xrasaLLA liziVrs-4 bnedlet fnitlifor
V /7`4) L J 110100NNIAXIM CO
N rsw suicur: EXlbrlablokLargeSoatii
!jackets; Dams ha )e lb pection. 'avatar . Ban for Bale
'by BAOALEy Jc..10111.11:
B 'ISI3 ACON—ONXI luitoted.lor by
"." trATI k U4.6IISON/ co
rU bale by
lil j Al2-1113PIPG ratrit a4 1 1 011BUN CCO
1:1LA0-11 tak,Jostrieehied; k, eek
• • BRAUN & &FATE&
• tor liberty & oq el•Ir ra
S"'"D NI: T ll 'CbTl'
pite,k .m a VTI4-811 Julies& Nara tor *alp low
J 7
_ CO ,
11.14.• West •azikor
TA BLEAND BAR SUGABlL.Lntrebeereir eased
and Cashed, foe ale by the bbl Denali bY
L'ajita 911;—h bbl best qualm. bisale bT
- tTrInTE BRANDY . 1°
V il y m Pure at the wine s core "MI&
r<ai wood