._ , • • • " i• A utocAmtoilit_uOlAttoN, Caagaissiog 'sad A 1 :.rwordro MWeV- M Wier•atid WS Fromm. F.rwanling Al.rhunt,lo1 ro veterael old nand. au4nOgip____l_— , -414 WIIIICILIMIIIea.4caIa *II Rindi of potocd and. Dinna.Lo - Omar. Opoualk 4.4 anad In nb..•eL4 kindepa ebewin Teissao,, , Osiesu emi I. . - e,bniTto rJr+Essh rausbrfa... lIAI .di n5,`,77"`",; * ',..; , a twat? " , •• A 11 A LILY is - SIIITIL 10The firocen, 18 and as Wand Vbares. , a CO. whomie Oro ten ;a !'..darn dose!.. No-Vl3 Marta • mitet, be. woe.. 7th andfolo. North's .5. • Pilladelphsa. oe,e 9ILLAACIIO,oo 4t L00,4A , Allot:WM LOW, %Jo tWoa !tree . altnn!Stanalleld. apply . lVm. 311-PiNee. duel. 'aid aZers in Conch f cry A 0.. .• itiAouroolnry pn 151.. Cloar ;VgAro, Woo 4st vels,t.te 41 agasle• Jana 'Dillik`'A,C01:10111310111A1C Wboleaal• Omar, Dealei iu Peudnec up] xiumana ; ` - ' • , ISME !kit •E..: 7: .*•.:.! . -,.;.!. i i-: - ;. - .-::'..:::;•.:', ~~za~R ~ ~ ~ ~ : ~ 2 .s. `~~ ~ k»• .~ » \ ~~: d\ ' , ,•—,.., ~ -4P:4,4' 4 1.1% ,, -?.• 4,1._,-tzl.wyt.44l - ....,.,„. „,..-...„..,,, r_.,,, 1 ,...„ . .,..... 1 , , t 4 stle ..4 - 1.1 ir4 1,1'.f-lklif , ‘, 4 'i T. 3111 iii„- - 4.74,11 ? 4, -, i':;;• • f. , ...: - , ,..„ 1 :.,t.., •,... :4, 4 . .. ':'i:,- , ' , i. , ;k•L:..::. , .:•., - , - ..:34 , 0 tt : 4- F.;, ' . -1- s: '' 7t , I" :11 i: i.V4V A t „ - I;F4f , - , .:•t 1,11. 1 i*;, 1 : 4 ,!:, : :4 . ,2: ',... . ~,... ...„,.... v . :;; - 4 . ii...; , 1KAttt. 4 .- 1 , ' • ;e." •, • 4 s* i ~..;,,,i,rl,-,---. ,- 7...;,--itT,.; ~...- . .4 ,c;,, , , , ..•,,,,nA.4 , -.t ) . -,-,. ~.. ..,•.' ...;:,,,,', ...,. .1......,.. :..... , . , PRICE DP BUSINESS CAW. CI•A.,paATIVLTY Perwantmg and 8.F 4 4 Kibbe et roue e~tuon. . (1.1.1t31031 t *MoICIIIOILT (monsoon+ io toner' , Wioginala 13Mt17, Coloolbolo. lout tomonOng Nerepano . Deem i t s Prod aod •Pituthogh tdonufacolies. Sloth woof. bosom Wool ond,l.O.ett. Pr- oed4 rs--YMA.OI‘I4 I orporter —'---ill and erbotesabl. sad rr &airy {A Fancy. end Staple Variety Goods, Silo of • tterGilt Canb, • lth erect atom; WM Liberty, Yttut• • James • J. Harrison fewelL UniLOP Y.W221.L0 Atwnseys at La D w, SIS. D. Otkes on •eandsffeld, between 2d and,lin sts. • ' • TU W An° Wbolcsale Otoa:r. _a east ould V.:to Lhamood, woad &or from lha. rctd & UE31611.T., Vi'boteule tiro. V./ cen, - d.ler.. wig.", and ntisburet mnaufact tam, comer a hiLerty, tad llmal,sitt..,Pianbutgb,l% WY. 1 131SPINILTT, (ban EistLists',6•l- .I.ls #. Col %Vbalvdde Gtosent,Cosstsuse and Ftswirdlng McrilSiants , and Dealers in Prodnee sad SirtrititttlYfee;No: 37 Wood Arse; between Sceond and • tell_ 'hell A s: kUornese *slot., J. UsLca ens,. few doors nearer Grant streets nnrnartn soitstrwe OW rrs. Vattlltstit D 3WAItTiSITELDE3, Ator, I: ow) , pt Law. imie,rertsii , ed their Odin to the south 'este of Intinb'sneet, between Cherry Alley and Gro nneti ot P bland: -7 '4 i50.../tbee. Junes Wood. ENO, tt Alt •.,Co.,,Whoteeala Grocers, sod ef..1111.1.,111 Merchants, and AAnnetfor Brittoon • Colons Yew, N.• Wass , and 1.10 Front sticels Pins. ineJeal- La LI LIJ Mati J.iano torte ldiuiciratturer L'i•.r in Musical Instruiric no, tit Wood: meet, near rachSl Inoinfra. . • roams: 7011,611T11 On Co, Onnmintion owl Forward U ing ;_j9ertioods. I__,:ro na SIIALLE4.O. Grocer Caarialsak i. isr •2.lereaatte seal dealer Irr Pradaee • Oa, k I 71.11,r I st, near Canal Baste, h, N. 11. Oakum, ke, always on I; _IL /LAWN, Dealprj, ,theveklllaskary, sad X • Fano' at.d sugple Trim:wogs, 63 .rket otreet, • lava. xoauanl WA.TilMalf AOC*" le 3101tOatal t, co.. Motivate WO CCII andX4l4 M W 1 Mercatams, IDS Wood meet Pitteleargh Pa i • . • aragit 1.0.. A . E11b.1711.1 %t F.*teula Onx‘er andOosa- G'adman Memnon!, and Dealer in Produce and RAna!•l!alL Mans raslsra No 1.9 Wn._______-•/"i n ' b h ' data: %V *aid:: i • Id. 11. Brawn. GTa r t : daale .s in 4 fl r ap il s, Attallara Coy t i r.f r Ain , Br "i ' a riql'eun 14'in antes. . , . . • . • fa:47 ("4:oll.idid CVICIiitIN, • C 410116114 .1 and For. : \ _I warding Marc haat, Ne. sky ne.chpi.t.th. Av 7 l - 3 :ii: - _-__--:::-:-- •----. ; --. G — , atw. .T_l Alai & IMS.l.Xlt..Unalers In Dry Calodaoro , JO....'eriea, Wow, Shwa, Pniabargh manatantared aril; librny in. ridat 64( . , ...jUn....IITIL --- - Lion. U. Woman Hie. & 4 1 01011tNIC .: 1; . II= f 10 . 1:4 1 :; 4 42 • raper andliesantTaper arthog., No. gr wow ....a.ripborab.,:,. • , a - - • iwo • ff,,litirr„LlT. 7. ~....• ,,Y 2 1 ...- 4c r, _ . •,:....'_-..--- LL------. . \IT 'WUXI 11.11.111N0T.' WHITE & SLED LE.' IL.' D IA tdianGaantrer; MIDI a Oil Morehaal, Omer of Lib. `7;xll. (12 , .g_t...a. tna. Paulin ., rgh. • • ____ES•b.j.L.l . 111. ma ze r. - , 'messy, lii, likatekia mammy & Cr,' Virlolinada Gmeon, a Cfpouniasion Nlcenitand and dealers in Purdue, Not . ' ' I d Witac and IT? Croat watts, ruudnona.' nova • 41(triiiii \iiiiiii. Atansfy ..1.!..r 1 .1. 41 :4 * *2 t o ;AVAlLke:gl= l 4.Nt Et .. m.:4! • - .tont darona V* aloSsea ity• T. J. Uighani Sad s. Ch.t.s?e, Ass ra . ._.: .rtida.adl, 101.111. D. nuti n iaWtoikook Dittllt4t,end dvdet to 144 ettuit, Passit,Ctas, Vato.tomo, tillow.llo.rood Am:rhyme ctooctkrltig 011: 4 PIWYI h- A 11111i$ KICILII,I%. Neteecasori to Jc 'el MIA Ship C.lmeter, ad_ ,". ,, WWI NIELI.A4IO4 Wholesale sod dead er is Mamie and bloweau lestreellselkSAbo d Noel. Slaws, &eel Peas. Quilhl,Prislare , &withers . gesenllr, No, 414 Weed- at, Pittabariels • gale herer , or Isterris_trad.a 110114110 94 91111 /SIMS CAN wholesale the J: r g iv., No. Weed rt. Paul:soot. aspli jlt SO os rr gra ,JORIPAN N. Casnanno and ,kalqding!dardtau,s,rio LS !Away as, (a . OMn. fte.a_l,644d al 1 Yairraißsavir jaw. t t....1 side, r:Vill she attesel re,lolll. button the al.*. alegLee_. lIU , *, jar a o, saves: Auarmagst, ans. FIE& 1,7,51111'b, .1111:1Iiiii1;71avv0Pliolevala Oo! .va ter sal Commiasivas-aleveloyss. wv/ov wad M . • do& above the 4laaoapielalinage, Ibtelb • llov Iron, Nails, Masa, ice. la stsubetatenP pat. .1011 PC --------- 111. STOS 0 W2oolro/1 9 00k014e nintero and Paper ntanatacdasers,' rs Ne. 44 Marta J. - Uook Blom, 4,11, Market ru tlemical,TiOkrgical, row Selo*, Ewe]- , goroas lretho.liri Book , lout Pranwery. . it:1 7 143 . a etii:,Exxxtxxx • .44 Ex .obt4olkokate, corset ollffroo sod 'Wok weeto, (krorekkao ilWel Uoltdow,)Prtubo rtk noror Ortit , Po. irreontory pros( o tar (41111t1, -11eloWe Grater,i3estai In P ro . trk talk mumr.d.se.,.T , ."'". l l;1 4 " . • . tdocc2l,N . o. 4/AIM DAIZI/gL*, Wtioleasla Omer coma*. Merriam', and &Lena Produce and aganufse• NnAW"'allai6 I raa. uses. Ll.ll. • EIWIST DALZlSLL'i.Corldsoolsmore Ititel of Poitcr, ctOoef,' Use I me sod Nai R l, Di!z of the bra O . Alzoofactares sod Produce, Na. SI !Num - 4111 •11 1 a A. "' P o ife l = u "'""f E gr l aM.stiteuutr, SC • N o 4i , " aja ' . '" a a Vi ve randel From sui. sal. 04, 1 1 717Nlatri ISHIPTON, Wboicuk G l = • 174:tuee • ITtg l abostif. , t rte i r ss 11. 00d 2!. . :Jan a. U. • Sterrhu ! li, NO NN 1,14 " , r'uh" pni N .1.1 Minded. Wm. X Niaek . , X 4 ALL r..C0.. Commission and forwardind •Tddrdhudr, Wave and Progulti,betwetaWaod _ 4 1r litla..llltISTUR tOo„Airbolesale Gwen IL No. lea Latwitr,st..L. y~I YS' itionarnot .whaeuis ern itnd Czpustlssioa blercheatti, d o 179 Liberty. "beu , T e l rit t Cl **4 nla ynnor.c c o man ltuums, •I** I ram tele rs ie ArYedsc li ru. 4 l2 ll B,d i I• W s7 l rn mnd . nd hr i odstzw, AlgidtlP; 7" €3 !' ib' " • ninaiss.4_soN, _ s .-- fIJ ate .13G - and dtior from tamer _or_l=7 , 1t.117.4344.001,46e17- Varnir WILSOX 400,, WNS!'rifk yro4 aimA, i!lgOtUT. • t oIintIECTIZEL : Co.L • Wholonte • Own. and ComaLosiois sad Fonnudingllerrehants , Ne 4 t aw e 11111FITNiarEial - klqiii T r a-- , Produce a& • ls Ina jkonitutoo.l oletehlatarato US Second sy TO !MUM) T. LICV,CII, Jr, importer wad Al - Leak. le i..r sea Duascot.e sa a mr Ilara "Me; oriel Csiti4zo I timangza, of all desensiond, Wood - - . 41011 Witco kiCO,LVAggende IV Diutk.". . d l e jst. " 6o , l lo : " ic It "Übe uIDICIFIAIRD• 11 — ASID,w —. l " ilioicale: and 4. >4 1 ,,_ b. won wrocco,Akwasuctue 'Dols oot Tamen sad thus iesif Timm' 0:44,70- wow m.l.immegl6 rag i'l 011112101IALXMLLb.C. d 4 ' wlmiciare, Ore, .. .• . I .D/Vocime.„ol,olarrol TonrsediaarAlm= i . • LARS- BUSINESS CARDS„ . • ativr,..lollliox. ' • a. 11.0111031. /P l° dove ard )26 .11. 1:biblerc . balit*,%4 U d 1:4 ' 310: 7 ; riabutgßl.n.r.:uares,No.lal Litreny street, lin. bonlh.. . J.IO Law,Gram .&;;;riatr.,!1.1'...1.111111T, Iteally_pppoi ap le the , Rl4ExlM7A74. l l L 'PZ`'`, l l. ( fir'r E fiffl . amp., ,and all .nds ot ' s-oreigr :nd Ilkaa= Wtart; .nl Liquors, No II Ltberty lames, Pittsburg& ' • Oar N. B. On bud a very large stock of superior OW Monongahela Whadosy, which will be sold kw for L. O. Reynolds. • _ TINTNOLDP t SUER,. Formanling and' Com miasma Newham; 6,ir the Allegheny River Trade, dealers issOnseeriesi'reddee,Pimbargh hlarialhelares and Chloride of Lime. L. The n prices, esuh, paid. at all times for Coons ' Comma Peon and Irwin so. Pm= U C Skeektett. • n;.. R 'Mote. SIIACKLYTTm WHITE, Wholesale Del ten to F.,mien and Domenic Dry Goody NOV Wood street, Pitubergh VIKIFIAILBAXIGH. Wool Iderchauls, deal. S..era in Flour aadTraduce jenerallr and,Foraranl- Ins and Coutralaaion Merckanoa No tr 3 Wood atm', Joni - • PAL!COLE!.. Attomtr at Lat. Mea in Elnted'• BY FOllllll wee pct n Wood • STEPUES EMELT, A , l i reaft t r i g Fa:; preµeh T 81 11721 " , te . .. it 17 -Plith 4 ` Zerw... 3 " .1 .ad Market rittaburgb. oat SP. VON BONI! HORST ic . Cp., 'WWI esil I.l.onreent re and Cotannaston Merchante, Dealers Ls P-to.bargh lianafactares end Western Pro duce, have reamed to than newt warehouse, (old stand) rlo 45, tomer of Fmnt st and Chancery Line: nor? Ayfilnar M. FOINIMPLEg and C 0121,411 10 non Merchant, Dealer to rani; Prodoce and Pins tolls maostaciared uncle!, Canal Built, near 7th au WILCILICRILIAILX, Miler 10 t.k.e d flow FACAWW4II,II,I Erssn . nkll!uplemenfrtsdio .- S holoale rams COMINILOWO4 Merchants; and dealers In Produce. a 33 Weed street, Pittsburgh. - 411103. KENNEDY,Jr.,LookIng blanersets ter, sd Dealer lo Clocks, ibaLbs, and Variety boods,eornerof Woodard Math meets_ fr h i R J Forsyth. ' T PPORSTTI&to, alaitliol Merch s,l deaersinßa,Lmber,Goceres, Poilloce. sod Pittsburgh hlanufacntres,,Canal Rosin, Liberty s eetrt. ebl.3 filieClitetleo ll • • Kobsgt Btnetnebton Ur. ti...XoOLITCMICON. Nitionteonle .6ro: V V • Vet& Dealer. tn. Prod•ce, Nallt,Glass and '' ,114, 01h Abtonfactlues, generally,lslLitxrty. 19 "- wr- - h M. MEIVILF.LTREE, Wbolo.ale.o wenn, v V • Rectifying Distillem'and Wino and Lieporiler• hanut, No. IGO 1..11.YY1 vivear toPPnvi,v iyta ainvta Piu.shorgit. - • len . , JOSS A WICk. - DAY x tunas& Wiwi& & 111.0.11.ADLES% Duceetours wL k VU 7 D Wick,) Wholesale Grocers, Forwarding and Commission glory-haute, &talent In Iron, Nails, Glum, Conan rams and Pittsburgh Manufactures generally, remora( Woad and Wat:r els, Pittsburgh. meblS ttr — , B. nuseair • • hls Anchor French Worked Collars, 'enise to low to IS cents. meltl3 GREm"l:l.°ll724°Lrearcr'r n:c ztul d riusinsrgii Manniternrez, corner of %Vatter and Couthited ss,Pittrbanth. P. . vl5 WiEgTMLOILEt• Importers and 'ltolesrde Dealers in Hardware, Cutlery, Sad dlery, Ike, corner Liberty and St. Clair streets, PHU. apre3 VV..corn a er L ot 4 1 rd and 4Zr.l„!=, J.ll.lthye, shere !Act is prepatel to do every description of Rul:ng and Medias. • stone and mat funstAlr log establiaalacal, N0.:41 Liberty stet' marls near Ste . V " holes* e oers, Rectifying Dieillers, Wino and Liq • te reields,rio,lo3 Liberty etuect, topposdo Seth ex. ‘‘ • O. 111. e . d Rep:111S11011, Auerney at Law . .ttas Sti:litritTeel;nehlarr ==itgs.lll.‘"P' g,aaaw- an to .M kv Dry Goods, No 77 ' 2=:2 ' F t, gtVurgh. Pl4 . TI.LECAIUII-ii7bUSlMMeritriissel sae barn) Wholesale Grocers, are ase located.' :fa. Ild Woad st, where they offer (insole e a large newt aterttofOrocettes and Pittsburgh blanufheuires, at lor veers and as favorable tens. - - -mayl3 --- - - - WW. WILSON, Dealer m Watches, Jewelry, .13ilver Ware, Military Goads, kc, Na. 57 M. Yet West. 1.. nov7 X7ll - MOtti .nornolonnle nonvetail decor in If If • .Foreign and Domestic Dry Goads, north swam. nem( Warketand Fourth sta. attall P. J W Drag Stoma( Edgar Thorn ',comer of Petri aad :I mid streets, will deep a sons6t supply of.Me bent medicines, ponfitmery, r Nitre it.C . on P t ' nf:lll7 ll m kbny. • • A 41 Waltinarord. lone F Stage:. ALLINGITORD & Co., Coati:ltalian and For. Merchants, Senand. oar Wood .sure; Pitabargb, Fn. '&618 CUB 'L DAJELLISGITIDTIL, towel at Law : Pittsburgh, Pa, ,:orontiisiongr' to take the ae• koowledgwero arid proo of Deeds, idttaAeN C0U1(.4, Depositions, or any caw: writing (Under .001 or 0041 to used or recorded to :be Ptato of Ohio. (Mee on Mtn stroet,abtres Sam .held. • :telt-if it O. AVOISIABLOGIII. Attorney at V I . Mb street, near entitatleld. Collect:tag, age ear/sandy:alter busman attended to seitannnentalay Smells & Semple, Wm CMgliany & Palls -"meet & Ca, ' Jo. Ham tech Gralr,.l.l4lmar Co, John Wriht, Eac, ;me" Esq, WM= anmer. : I rRECTIFiI4 DISTILLER, xn i YORRIOII,4 DOIESTIU WINES & LIQUOR: Mx. 114 libaty it., and 53 Diamond alley, tmt ertresußou, PA. WARRICK MARTIf - te co . .13eakrs,r; Rz i t i ts:e n t a , / v te d. N:te e Caw, ortilidly • Pletiblnals. II W _ W. At Wow, Mumma. lerri• 111Wisets,1 WILLIAMS & SMINNt ATTORNEYS AND COUP:2EI.I.OIS A T LAW. V-Offlce !loch side a Pau* et,aboye Ogn!dsleld.-00 ho4ffdtwl 7F E. 4. , nsIIILY.i LTTOSINEY and Counsellor at Lain; OHIO. Collections in Souiluin Undo and in Indlana and in Kentucky, promptly and cairefolly sitendod IMPEATO—Hon. - Wm Ildl k Son, C nrun,Win SPlCnigts,_,Cticuch Carothers , Eno.. Jona PAReart, k pawls. , jrd) Oliver /11 kin ' Geove Jones. rr. sacicwous a Co. WROLE= Grote . T it ase ft:leg , s:ods, EOM. roanan band at all times a:lgen/al r ks:rttro e f Ada In their. ruse, water wee*. none Chem' Alley, WAIIIIDUSS . OW THE J(1111,11% WORT, • • ton Tan *sag ok ; BOILEIFILON,BOILEIt HEADN.FLUE k • FIRE E. F. IS SHOE l NBERGER • PITTSUILOI I , PA.. , • Hiving . taken thelYmebouse inanity occ upied occupied by JAL IL Riley Co. liVstee Steeit. RISC Irorasers Stomata 11111, Will keep on hand a fall supply of all saes of,,Boilei Iron and Sleads„Firte and Fite-Bed Iron, made from probers iMriil• bidslnr ,orlkieh will be sold at the lower market Mos.. Engine Builders and others, are Invited o call and exartune his stock: Orders promptly at . ended _ - I 431.411_ TOUR I 11Xtffy o r:st andtuihzj c.os 27g ei t j .. Ilinsbargb.will haaa constantly on hand • well select -1 od asatututonto( the hest and freshest Atedleidasoshiob ito will salt on the most reatlonable terms Thysielans landing otdeta will be promptly Wooded to, and sup plied with arateleathormay roly upon its genuine. (17PItysisiatts t Prescriptions will be aertnairly mid neatly prepared lona the heat tuaterials, al any hour of the day or night. Alm, for wik, a-largo stork of fresh and good Pratt. ant IV . _ W. W11.1501t Watch Iklaker k Jear;ller, •V V, tor Ath and Markel au. A large and wel l seletted sleek or twiddle., Jewelry, silver ware and aiilllllllGoada. Always art hand and at regular ens. tern, pnees.Oold Patent Lever, foil Jewelled vratehee, or as ItIO, liktver,do watches, ulna , aallß. ' Cooper, rata., John.an and other *9l/rvvrd qukeof.waLcies may be fled. at kaftan. adyanev and •warranted. 1 0-Finet watch work done in the very beat wanner. .ATTORNEY AT LAW .6driee 3d Rh asiviudi• it. Chirirr , lotel JILL adoiatte4prompily talaoceliontito PAW. InvochrayattaandOte=enCommt!., Pr. • coo Blseklestek, Bell Co • ci.tb a • Piu.b.nib. ¢T.om.* ' iL ANUFACTVItEII. of Ti Copper, and Shout I tact 01. Ware.' and de 'io Brstaftnia and Japtotoad Ware, No 17 /Marin !ttort. The atti:rll,or. ropeel . ; &Br calla- tba attention of the W . e In , Lt . lo „ thaz “. • c o aandealota,Ood 01 1 loNO. o 'l . 1 0 1 . 1 4°M sod C'p r I r tftia w li t arl.r " ar l e:' - V= o lll,l::du.4 ;411 , ha v130 ,01 70= V.e . , mita • ....-.oito, TIVINEVAT LAW, Vin.burgb, Pa.. comm,. A ' ewes 0. tits ibis proof and seknowl.dparais of D. ,10 4 LeotA m C r .rat 2WTZft7ITATTIra rNrIANA;IItNNESSE6, 111151 , 13001 mml'l4lolll - ii,.alaint; 4 li .1. . - .1 1 ' 1- . 1 1 1 %, ' ...- - • . ulto. inf: - salvo :::::...:•. ILIRV.WEREI. AIALOVVRS -AOO 1101 . 010.1.1•30 PVIRIBUILDE AND POINT BREWERIES. -' Onset Datkers'Alley sad Peo.ol, 14 fog 014 11 E4 - .- ' . • . ' I_lo - 1 ' *. Pa' • ri. , oo..bsoL, • • •-• • - • ' w.ll " 4ight ' . , soarßatonri - -11111IIYACTO&Bill OFIIIII.OO, tATARNANTED par,, if not intpliticiri to . rr!..a.. Yl. mare Warted area, and yeltigh goy, ilispoott Ofallow Frivol rod oo good Tem!, eog3lgr Soarer PA ''•• eiTrlwana . ' • siamaa- - , arm vorrEit:' U. P. Ai ii. incLsoar aco • , MANUFACTURERS or.f.djk.,. -,,,,, ...., Scalia, nom, Nay ud Ylt l / 1 00 Ford,. At, he. Warl 6ooo . No 11..Weod suet:, Pittiblur6, ' mazlA . . , ' %.';,;•• FORWARDING & 1 , A. M. Waliangford.d: . • -. in... F. Sanger- WALLIBIOVORD & CO.. • co . ll9llBslo l t & -FORWARDING. AIERCII ANTS; .statints ta • • usAirlr• HARDWARE AND -PITTIIIIIOIIOI I RIANUIPACTIMUiII; IXTAREHOUSEOSeeand aet, pear Wood, and Canal Baia. Liberty sueet, base on bandana for late • 100,000 lbs. 'averted Steel; ans. ' Nadu A Gas Cast,Sbear, Blister anaGerman . .teali Alava a. gain's A. Blaster Oaring and Foil! WoShavdt, gs and A Spadesxle and Fart.; ; Carriaro.pri a Antes;bale (patent and Connoona , tuedgesdnedge Itloaddaemabanq • . - rantare Rantars , (Juniata Imna • ! • Mattocks, Clay etid Coal Ares,Seythes, Sickles, Log Chun., Le:. /1.4 - 01.Salszatiaer Eke Proof Saks. Iton;N•ils,Olass mad .odier • rittskarab Manufacture. mid at the lowest . • . "i ,fella C R Deneabower, , • J Renaldo Pant. C#ARLIAIit !-DANENIIISW*II. CO. 'TO C ' 1 • • comaissON EC-A Attret•int N.. U South Minya and No Hrs.. Water at PHILADELPHIA: BEH to Infer. the Irate and dealers generally of Pittsburgh, that they ...desert art angeinenta with the Velma mennfacturers and the. Qrawera of the West, A% eat Indlet, and other placesat*ill Insure a large and constant supply' of the dalloWing do %twit. 11011. of Tobacco which will be told qt. as deem modeling term twiny other hoe. In Thu eity or else. where and all goods ordered irons , them will be war-. Havana; 23L ago; .Coon . . " • .Sorg , Porto Hi ‘. Penn's, SeedLeaf_To • Cub_ nail Florida, • bated; ALIIO-:Einn Gan tt. Aroeutio Bug Caren • diih, with • li ege ema of Other popalar and gestalt.. of texteds, E. let Ifis and ' Mb Lump; 6. ihts4 lib Ping; Ladles , .Twist; Virginia Trahn. Le, sweet and plant; whale .4 half boxes, wood and tin, together with every variety Of article baked. t ng to the trade. '1 jelladly On.. j .1, j C W A sooosom, Waco( Pittobo Lai., of Nashville, Tenn. I 81111111111 AVIDERSON. Dealers inCOOO N N ForwordLog Commintou Metclutnu, No. V Front meet, atoom Ilroojlfroy,Ctoeinnatt, Ohio. Rev= 7.11 Allen Co t1 v 0 . 01.17 & I atelowitt. Seri. .11e711a, - Bum. &etc/tn.., - I Nashville, Tenn. - Yeoman it Amines& W F &Co., Loral, 8 0 4.1 r. Whh ' m " 4 CuseiAnati, O. James Johnston to Co. - Hewett, Item fr. Co.. ew Orleans. I llalrreigerit " do N . , t rultooro.°Tk.. J. u . w . . •W. c7wkwo. J. G.. LEFTWICH RECE IVING, FORWARDING, . And Comioallaatom Korchasto. • • -PLA.QuEuair., 'PARTICULAR . .ettcation paid to consignmente of 1 Sugar EJMines, oration articles for Opelousas and Aruka pa ~ REFER al e'ssra Awl:geld & Hr. Thr!. mao Limerick; Novi Orleans. Masan. Lomat It; Retterron, hlr, Z. AL Eberle); Low' isrille. Nieman, Hall it,Speer, hlr. Wm* O'Leary, Robett I.Vightsaan, Armstrong& Co . ; ittsburgh. Nuns: Rowan, Todd & Co.; Cincinnati. Hem. Gyn. & Craighead, Means. _Edmonds & Whiten!, Hon. 'ZMacn Lahanve, Ho& John -.Dutton; Flamsemme, La. I • •- O 0. BELLA, & e , I , I . • .1 I e 'E COM MISSION MERCHANTS.. - f IBERAL.'euish ihivances =deem receigt of eon. ' Those' shipping to bur adintos will be ram Ihree.foardia value in advance in Caen, by apply hag In our flienda,.l Megan. Wallingford &Taylors Messrs. - not. ROW& tb. Endgepsn, Ohio. Philadelphia, Slay 5,1E45. may27.lf N. B. All produce consigned tons Is Word when in the %earshot:use 'Of Wallingford b. Taylor Pittsburgh, or in our store In Plillailelphus. C. li. & Co. FRESH IMPORTATIONS OF. HARDWARE. LOO1111:&11311EDT, 1111‘IRTERS OF AND,WHOI.FRALE DEALERS 111.11AUDWAIIS, OUTLICRY, No: 11) Wood direst. P ARE now in the' connieof receiving large &idiocies to their eitensive. mock of Hardware, Cutlery, Nul .leq, ke., which harlot_ been parchasedsui the mos I advatitageoos terms' in England, and direct front the tlanafaetureni in this Coantry; esiables theta to of. fee coda on tenruiaurpused by none and equalled by few Parch...mare respectfully Invited to es& .vet 9n • •• • 011iGOR0 1 4 OOCNRAN & FORWARCING NIBRCHANT, • N 0..% Wenn STII.[T. P.TTSBU rio ai, CONTINUES to transact a general Cruntolssinn Business, capcmally in the purchase and sale of American blanulactiret and Produce, and in receiving and fdrwarding - Grads consigned pills etre. As Aaenefor. the Alannlacturem, be will be constantly supplied with the -pnuelpet articles of Pittsburgh Manufacture at the lowest wholesale. prices: . Order* and consignments see respeelll s lly solicited. I i • . I. If B. P. CONWAY & CO., P011"&nlloUTB, Ohio, Connoinsion and Folaraoling Merchants, and Produce Dealeror.alqo synod to the Purchase, Sale.end falynnent of V g I ron.Coal, Ate. I ntrzn O. Atwood, /Ones & Co Drown, Bailey & Co Lorena, !keratin & Co llenry Graf Graff, Lindney AL Co D Leech & Co Lyon.Enorb & Co Chute & novo noarllldly JOIIN F. PERRY. • f Lute of lilo biro of Malcolm Leech k, Co Who) eeeee 0 , Oommlatou a Flour Merchant. IIEAI.ISIIIn all kinds or,Coentry Prolitee Coa l/ per: TM, Till Plate. Tiitriars' Teals, Zinc :Lead, Ruin Shear You, Irerr . and Nall., Whim Lead, Pje Stuffs, Omura Yants, at, and Pituhural. Manufaeture. generally, !Aram of Liberty sod Munn streets, Pitublinth, Pa. 07-Liberal adrenses, or Cash or Goods, orailMen eon. Oatmeal. of Prodnee,ke. - mys AUCTIONEERS ANDMISSDER LEVY& BROION- biERCHANTS; ' ALEXANS. CINCINNATI 41. , ST.' LOUIB OFFER Kt WI at either establishment, all loads of Merchandise at the lamest rates of Cmantissioas and are always impend to snake ad sluices. The beat of W....* w.f.,. If teepicad. Letters 'addressed:lG either Were mill be proatOtir attended to. Jyandly .10 X ,;,X" IA Rose COMMISSION ME RCHANT NO. 20 WATER ET. OP ITE CHGAPBRIE • I ' nALTprician, urisnow; O. Wass, Lined Dees. was, and Cowry Produce. . Advances made 04 consignments. Satisfactory ref. cranes to demo addressing by mail. sepl7.ly. . 11101difeS. • ! • yr. n. courous.... TUOISIMIOX ' CAXIIIIIELL, • COMMISSION. MFRCHANTS Am! Slaskstacturses of Lliwed on, No. 20 Columbia Stmt. • CINCINNATI, OHIO. (doasu rmn lox rttltitD..CD WALLINOVOILD CO n COMMISSION A. FORWARDINU MEXCHAXIM, Botioad X ttttt .or Wood. 71EALF.X8 in Pittsburgh . blannfaciaresnad navy .L 1 Ilarowire—orin keep con.tantly on hood Nock of tonnage springs and axles, ham., soya.. end lock fito proof •afes, viFf.jolackanliths , bollowe, sledges. ko.,Ad. Metal NOLCOLN Circa. ! /MKFA S. LISCA• MALCOLM 'LICLOH k SON• WHOLESALE O awl DEA L S N MER CHANTS, !S I 0 el kinds of Country PfodP/A, Copper, Tin; Tin Pima. Thema , Tools, Iron and Nuts, Zinc, Wkite Lead. Dye Staffs, Roma Beet} Iron, LeadiCotton Yarns, Salt. Ay., and Pi‘lOttritt EllOaltIllft• generally, Nod 91, SO, and Pi j Liberty strest,one doW above the heal) of Wood street, Ptrubergb, Pa. .. Liberal advance& in cash or goods, made on con MATMIWI. I • w. r. PAtta. MATOMWS t. PATCH, COMMISSION: MERCHANTS, 1 N. 48 Water, sT. Lobis,:act. Will giro perimeter attention to the wiling of Pro duce, and tq order. far porebasma. Parse ea—tteerge Morgan trC., •teetl ,1* • , Jahn WlMlociti. M'Kerban,limn.. JOON DIVC ULLOOMI & CO. Commission and Pon/Larding Aten-lianfr. NOS. 93 & 95 SOUTH BT. BOWLINCPS %Vll,ARP.Uslllosetro • TUOI. J. GAMMON , ^Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Not. and 9 Llnht Bt., 11JULLTIMORM. 11:rCath ;droners wall be made on contignment bjeol'llly'el7%.4,d;r4ool:llrll,lll;etr...2kNlClllT Sixth ni. VIOLA PAcrOftß U , l e j .ND &Alt AND PRODUCE I Cornatt”lon Merchants, 71 SOUTH ,WHARVES, PHILADELPHIA. AKR prepired recebto sod fotorsr,d ail binds ilorMetchanthm many landlosonee.l . nrumn,Nylb . IART GROCER W BAE I r gtA ,No me W . Rthr to: Lyod, "barb k co, and Anthony Rem Eso , Pb;enargb, Ns. - led 1 Ell.K Om• iIt:MILTEATMA (.1 Ait ENT tACT I. I' . 'coscgmoN k FORWARDING PIRRCHANT • PRODUCE & MERCItANDIAR'BROKER.' 2 .. /.310 IHErer ; ,..;ll. 9 , lllltsto m r j nl o te r aP s onbenth P. T. STEAMOOAT MONT .AND 0051 MISSION I - RILII.OIIIANT, • 110NONUAIIIIMAJIOUSE , Pit4,_bargh. SWEITZER, . - . 12 A. PAUNEAITOCK di: Cola. WIIITE .13° LEAD WORKIL—Tbe stodersigeed have completed their new works, Jousted on the batik al. the river above the Aqueduct, io Allegheny ells, onpasito Pittsburgh, fefj the amoulactato of a sopa- MN quality of ishile load, Loth illy nail gr good in ail; also, red lead aane : Having !availed themselves of all: W ent unprorementd in its msoufacture, end erecled the building' on •, Tel (Islamise scale, sod th Capacity to Mahe loge quantities, they *ill be shin to seinly'ofdon. to almost toy asset..:.s TU PAST • XXII WOK SA./.o—addr t., Isbister, Pattern Mater Anent...sty enr Xlll, yes, the newest :Pasterns I r an Stant OA k1,14:611111 , 1 1100 a ge innh aml pattematede. Jr TXA lITOXX N ,, • • AD- All qualities ortireen end Week 'Teti s qa*ltt, twa, end one pried MUM , e. MY' ging 4.0 ep 1/48f1101101•114011. AlATeayn, • 'AIM re 0117 1 109 • - - • PIT JAMES All 7. WOODWYLL, etrtssonas rtiasiTass VAIN. seam,. "Ni.) 115 THIRD STIIESET • ~ 11.1.412GEandsplesuBC : 27 0 .aaronment of Farnham, • . , irouble for 2tearnhOttli; Howls, and pnvate Darel.- - :, ..L.• L' r ',..• ' linii:eonitantly on band and made to order. ! : —.lke proventatock cm hand caning tie excelled hYaol manufactory to Me mantra country. .Permw• Tr:shine to porchase Mould do well he glekg ma aiall,ai lam deteranned my pncoa abet please. 4 Part of the suck eoaalsts la— • , . i AO Boras wilh Plash and Hale-cloth covers; 2 dog Mahogany Name Chai I ft; Co l l: P do al :fi ni noThma an - y Cl,' aim .. '• . ' 4la mahogany Work Manda; • dog mahogany flocking Chairs; 15 marble top Dreming Bureaus; . 6 pair Ottomans; , . : ' • 8 marble top %York ButriA IS cherry Work litandm DI almummy, Maple, Cherry and Poplar iledatcads of all da.cnOtaang and d' large amonment of Common Furniture and Chalra,too camerae. to mention. • awed NEW HARI/WA E= HO_ • JOSEPEI WOODWELL, Corder of Wood and Ad, ets,"Platebatedbs AVING withdrawn' from the old dnn of Walker i rl s Weedwell, on the lit of January, IN7, . I tike' pleasure in announclog to my fr iends in the citY and .coentry, that I have opened my new more at the above earned place. Having purchased my goods for MLA, and made 4mnd...et with manufaentrent coney and In Europe tribe constantly sopplted, f am Tally prepared to furnish Itemisesro of all kinds, on as redeem and ot teems n hers arrre a Wectfa ' lTy and examinesay stocki , before perchasing elsewhere. The following comprises a one p of my mock, L Steamboat and Saddlery Ilerdware. Tresoungs, File,. Naylor's Steel, Palmy, Edge Toot,. Attalla, Vi ces, Locks. Latches, Sickles, Scythes, Butt His, Screw Union Fectory l'isinsi,Sews Mahone. , boards end veneers. and all other snicks coonemed with the Hardware hasinese. . • •-• mehlt GAZZAJIIII PATIENT NOTWITHSTANDING - e karma oppositjon to Miainverl non or a Pittsburgh Alechame, a am. jority of the Cabinet makers df this J. Allegheny city, and their Meer, , ousennomma havestioarn themselves &hove the vulgar prejudice against Amariareatims, arid they give Guam& Bedstead the preferenc e, simply became arteries it, being the lint, strangle , " and mar emitenion Iledsteadip use. The followtng testimonial spealm her Itaelft— We, the subeerilmei. practical cabinet makeriof the cities of Pittsburgh and Allegbenyi P., do hereby cer tify that we bare bought the right to meardacurre bed. stead. with Uagram's Patent k astentup, and consider mew. sameno . r to eny fattening. with which we see acquainted. • James Lemon John APGrear T Toting &Co Ro b ots [airman J Hanley James 11 Harr John Liggett, Jr. J... Lom. & Pon Lowrie 2 whin Riddle &h nano Farley Hugh li Wallace David Luker Ramsey& APClelland Hugh Wallace Moms Bulluck David Lakey Fur Rights tat' makeßßE add - sett die above Reduce.. NEZFA F UAZZAAL , Patentee 101ATIANT PPIESS 1 li esubscriber. having' °blamed a patent. May 10 Ica I ea Press Brick Maclaine, and havtng antic Men Mora ghly tested its ability, are mow mimed to sell rights and contract to,deliver machine. to any pan of the In used Mateo. The machine la designed an make thick from t bbly by . „ J 5c114 0 J/NIAIO4 &La.% 7XIV:- , - N.*YORK ADVERTISMEiTS - =rim Popov:lsom- Poe toortmL:WIIIDOW uprrnsi fet (IR sibectibers beg to eall tie attention tif all Maim interested In rooang, to their GALVA/UMW PLATES, and to the alum edema**. which they pouter over all metalle and other eablataces habitat • , used for this patimee,possessing astheydo,theM ut and lightnem of troamithoat its liability to sum,, now been tested .eve chef, taut in this maw, uuii iu Ehtrope. They are also less satinet to Upends* • and contramicas from sadden clammed' the asimmethare • Wen common Tin Plate, •Inm, Zinc, ael !lc outer metal stow used foe tooling,..and eamemseady sem • much better and tlAter too' contain' ate less eremand repair, whilst the Uttered is bat • Wee more. • The aubscriben. world also call the Masten Mal' .• dealers and workers la meta* to the Mae" atherrao.. poses to which Iron Wu protected, HUI be appUsL it scuMal terms It is applicable ati Outdo of ISOM whtch desirable tof protect from the seam of the atmosphere. And they would eapismally call Me at- • 1t...012 of thaw interested le TELEORAPIIIO I . Was whin. is now aboost ware ly Used bit:emend which answer. every maims ns a conductor of eleetricriy, meting asly taloa am • • half as mach as copper, and plasma" equal ty with that metal. - • Having lately eleCted.lllofillatt utn eltt Air timiE • pose of gralvantsgt4 mikes. bolt*: vmm,Mo.l will be able to f Y article lmt, int • • red. A sapply of P • lasanufeetared Is Emeipe j l Constantly on band,frons tato Mt wire pate, -• . - , • • - • Imo. EtralOitl3WOOD tee. r - - Noe. le nada" Beaver st,.. NSW TOWS. The Patent Raab. (evade uncle has bpets Seemed for the lih.ited Stat. as well as Great Britaht,meletlmv European countries, ad elf legal samara will ha ta ken to prevent any turring.bent by .iMpartabOleitelik.• . WakeLeman Drug *weebeim. I. IN TUN CITY 'OM NNW _Tong, • BA. FAHNESTOCK Or. Ne.. 49, s New York, olTer lot sale elarp and genert. assortment or Dregs sad Medicines, Dye SWIG „Paints and Ode of every description, which they are prepared red determined to sell ' Country Merchants and Druggists are reeptented • to call and examine their 'article.. Orden exemated wittillithluluess anal dempateb. B. iLfahnesteck's Vermilugo constantly on hand. - B. A. Fahnestock, IL L Fabnestock, • Pittsburgh.. ,„ G. W. Fulmar:stock, A. 8.,11011,New •York, . . a • PAPER nu. oBU NO SLIP, AJAW 0/11C. ilatU; W. FIELD °Ken fur sabs, at ths.lywes4 Manufacture ea rs' prie . ef, a aerr attentive' anon. 141 '4 l ' olhe wants'arD:6 4 a ' VISO .411011712: auntry. Paper of all. kind s 'male to order at lq.oll of PRINTING PAPER is suainn!dly liu•D pargs . has i gtzaiagel i at s '• ,•• • • of es cry: description, imposed and kept tonatan_sly cas ban., rm. Felungsi. Wire .Qtnb,- Voantrinier Mien, illea. , Ednaoarder, Blue lirasnarine, Turing, to., to. o.uvassAde liope,Grnas Rope, ,Baggim purchased, for which the highest price in Dun - will be paid . . } ray _ Near It - mai .IntylL9lB. N UAA NC ET Indemnity again:et , Loci De . Drianage by . Pyre. TIIE . MILTUAL PRINCIPLE COMBINED With We eddluonal SecurityfaDthek Capital. The Reliance Mutual insuranee Ca, of Phita. LCIIARTEiI PERPETUAL. DIRECTORS. George W. Toland, Jobb 111. Atwood, - • Thomas C. Rockhill, Lewis K. Wra. B. Thompson George N.Daker, George N. Snood, John J. Ibeinleckesajh • George W. Garpeirler. •• - • • - • VALTILL nate insurance against Low or Damage . V by IV iret,• in • PITTINU EMU L ead OR Hauer, Stores and other Building., and 00 Pani. tore, Goods, Wares sod Merchandise, on the most . favorable terms. . The Mathal Principle, combined with a Stock Capital, and the other proriaiona of the Charter of this Company. hold Out unusual Inducements, both of profit and safety, 'to those desirous at erecting insurance, towbich the Company,ask the attention and etamination of those interested. ' Those effecting Insurance • with . thia Company hare, besidei the 1.191321 pinteition spinet Ise, by the ordina y method of innorance t ,the additional adnintageof a direct parlicieallori to thn - prorls of the Conipsny, without any • GEOR4E W. 'POLAND, president.. B.M. HISCHOISII, Secretary. • The aubaeriber, who is the d ly'authorized Agent or the above nagted Company, is prepared to make Insurance, at the. Office of-the. Agency; is the St. Charles flote:,Thirriat., third iloo.aftpta Wood Arcot, dud will give ali ruitber itic.rrotatioe desired ter:94ty. DUOS. J: CAMPBELL. sonic 111 Lam AT 11121.0108 'rat tat : DELAWARE MUTUAL: Saietrlvairlaranoi Oomapolayi of pittladeqa. CURE RISKS upon belldiegi. and isierebaiwase 1 , of oow deacnplion, sod IIARINK, RISKS upon bolls orcargoea of !venal., taken elpee - lbe most favorable terms. • Offiice n the' Warehouse el B: Holmes & Bro., 'Pio. 37 Water, nearldarket street, rifts .• burgh.- The nieces. Of abut Company sinew tbeestab- • lishmento' the Agency he this eon with the mammenms end talenstny wtth 'winch every Mann upon tkno for loss has been schemed, fallj,enrestot ths gent ha In viting the confidence and paean of bin treads sad the emeniamty al ialge to the LORWILTO id: & la.. mace Company, whllest bas thenetlltkesl advantages as so irtstitutiou 'among toe moat ,doStrithang I. Phi Isd'sana having an ample paid in eapital, which by the operntionolitscharteriseonttantlyiarteensing no yteldioir to each penron insured his die share of the profits of the company withont involving hire to any responsibility whatever; 'and' tbitelare pasaistog the Mutual principle divested 'of immy obnomoas feature, mil in ill met. attraetifefore. nort FIRE AND MARINE .INSILTELANCE. : F * W2°ICIPg y or r ttA.r,To,W..l.,on,ratz :sl b 6- bet,itonto make pe rm anent ad lindtdlesnl , &Dee on property, in thib city and its vieiel , ty, mid on shipmente by the Cleat and Iliv4rs: • ' , DIRECTORS. • - Joho C. Smith Pres't.,. Samuel Brooks, Alex. Bono, ,Chatles Taylor SamL W. Jones, . • . Smith, . k Smith, Ambrose Whitey John A. Bunn, Jacob M: Themes, Jolla White, . John R. g Thos. P. Cope, . .Riehaid Wood; WM. Welsh, tutholl.palls,Scs. This is'the oldest tnsurancii'Compasy is the. United State., having been cluutesed tdl79lk Its charter to perpetual, and from its high Used*, long experience, ample means,. asd arsediag 171 - nska of-an extra .huardons _chanute r ,-fttsial considered u offering ample acienty to the • - 1510SES ATWOO . At Coasting Room of 'Aterood,-JonesAk , Co., Water and Frontstreeta, Pittsbergh. INDEMNITY Ag last Loss by Firs—The Fin /nes rants Compaay or Philadelphia, WILI. make Insurance, peniaaent indlisalted, on every description apse • .puty, IaPITTS. BURGH and Gm SURROUBWING - (, C OUNTRY, on rateable - terms: This coripanylias a palatial tiA 1 ,030 riim.., • . 400 pilDI Is. CONTINDENT FUND ' /BOOM. • • Office corner' et TtiinFand Masteu‘l2,,YkNollesii. •ai 53—tf ' WARRICK MARTIN, Ateat. INSURANCE. • - American IFIr• 0? PIIILADELPIOA.- Cuomo Poorievoi.. • CurracANNIIPIO fats ix. • • Oifiee in Phi/n4rJpYa, No, 73 itakeiotlibeet . • WM. DAVIDSON, PON& Faeoaolde enl3 o ns ldAdilell-ek= .. CzNE a m r OIYINAIittISOS 10, eny nowt'. exuOtonsdoos thereeneri tutor . d 7g b it' fi ft;(.4 lamOoneek • la. .PU' • O: • • 110pp:dolor ill be ' ea, andrillraoll tidier perpetually or tor Mooed pgiode,. formable Was by: CIVX)..COLNEILIM,Armt. Nob Wood n. . - - . Ilardararst Stars .-Itssoirrolts • rItIORE & WOLFF baviag mimed froll. corner orl.lheny and St Claw stisets,:lo Ids SO Wood tlreet,three doors theme Sratitieeltlkkrolitil retpectfolly ask the ottealloo of:hovers Ititiolt Noel , - of. tl AR DWARF, CUTLERY wed SADDLERY, reed, • per skips tioranak;'lllottonAhheta and gaols. - diner man Onnsansisetaters of:X[4OM add Ossossl • ' Alto, sopplleiref Atteet moo Hardiest . % hen Rtiprole• sine mutafeetuters.of the Elkinettl Suttee." = 'nem stock being euhrely new, sad Maned, epaei the tam terms they feel mat confuleheet-In befog able. toevessfolly to - meet competition, fleet its whither east or tweet. „ The Hardware bashaess will be