EWSBURG - TIT CrAZETrE r727/Ml =rlM l ll I_. . . PITTSBURGH: 'el I { { 7 _ FRIDAY MORNING, JULYI3;O47. ....,-- . . • I:l7•Taki Tirreskaaml Daum Claterra Duly, Tn• Weekly, and Weekly, , ,Tke Datiali wiera aillasepey azatare4 - theTri-WeeMy lv Five Vaal, pre aim. Mr Weekly is Nee Dollars per anima arieal - _ 31oUce to Advertlure. Oflocresensenu f ko secure Lacombe, sloold.br handed fa o% , tre o'clock is 'the aftensooo. Automat Uo•,00llie pan of oar outcomes, would tic mdse. .tfesertotoloof Ocnott. • - VON UOVELLNOR, awacs tavzzi, MCITILIt coolest.) MR CANAL. COMMIS SIUNER. JOSIEPIP W. PATTON, . tor CIIIKIBMAND corm ) • , lICTALTO.. :GEORGE DA K. 111:, or Allegheny - City.. !roe /.13•3131.T. LEW IR C. J. R NIBILe... of Indiana T kins T CIIRIATI A N SNIVELY. of Wilp. .0...1A.LL SWARTZ WELDER, ?Inshore, BENRY LARGE.of Maga Tp. 1014 03.1117 J. W. BAXTER, du Nuallorgh. /VA Coo.l COILI.VIIO.I. • THOMAS PERRI S, of Lower SL Clair T.p. >no avorroa. WILLIAM CAVEN. of Versailles To. MITATAD CENTRAL COMMITTEE THOMAS K. FRANKLIN, Lancaater C. -JOHN C KUNKEL. Dauphin - County. THOMAS DUNCAN, . JAIIIOS MARIGN, THOMAS C HAMBLY, York. WILLIAM M WATTS,Cataberland, DANIEL M SMYBEB, Adam. JOH . P WETHERILL, Philadelphia City. JOSEPH R. CHANDLER, ROBERT T CONRAD, • THOMAS MeGRATH, Philadelphia Coanay. DILLER LUTHER, !Jena EMMET M HARD, Franklin. THOMAS hf T APKENNAN, Wart:unman ANDREW I CM:LK Somer... HARAIAR DENNY, Allegheny. •RICHARD Ferando. 'JOSEPH II XV/ L NS, Westmoreland. G J BALL, Erie. D MAXWELL, Northampton. - 1 It SALISBURY. Sawpiebarina. ELHANAN WEIL WynnlAlll- I • SAMUEL A PURVIANCE, Butler. HENRY B EVANS, Cheater. ROBERT T PUITP, /Montgomery. TIII4 CENTRAL RAIL HOLD: The contracts authorized for the fifteen mike from Plttsburgbin the direction of Harrisborgb, will be made today by the authorized offiocre of. the Central Rail Road - Company, and the work will be forthwith commenced. Tie contracts made, for the thirty miles of Road,—lS miltis east from Pittsburgh and 15 west from flarrithergh,—ham been noceasary to carry out the provisions of the 'I law of the State. All other . provisions of the law, we believe, have also been fully complied with, by the Company, and thin great work of.wedding awl/intim of the Ohlo with the Atlantic may be regarded as anspicknaly 'commenced. We hope . thockwely to see no relaxation in the enterprise, • and trust - that every citizen, capable and able of giving aid, as every man may to some extent, will feel ayessonal interesein the speedy comple- Man of this peat work. In Woker next a second contract will be mule for the Road West from Harrisburgh fora distance of Eft five miles. ?I:demi!l bring the }load to • Lewistown, some linty miles from Harrisbargh; by the Bail Road route, and to one of the thriving • towns of the State. Our owe section of the Road may be extended also, if Pittsburgh will but prop. . erly interest herself in the seesaw of the work. The President and Didectora will feel authorized to issue proposal. for en early extension brio= the fifteen miles to be contracted for at this end of the hoe, Whenever Pittsburgh Mitre= herself in the work to en euent sullied:um the nem:wary " eMiena , "" of money.--and we hold it to be the 'dui, of fur thparalbss at once to manifest this in ' faireit in its .axes. 'Ttie Read East and the R - al WE st,—thelload Ist Philadtlptua and the llud is he there Line,— should corgage the attention of Fiery capitalist, of every man of Inconesa, and of every day laborer on the route between Ohio and Philadelphia,— We feel sure that thpl Roads built, lad TIME u Money, and we mast lave both by Tr deeming the ante we hare lost. Tie St tkuolden of the Pitraborgh end Con. oeii+nlle Rut /lord Company have reached tbit point in ire k orstrog with Baltimore, when further ' fothresialice ceesecto bee +ruble. The stock mt. • senbcd,..ka an-enterprise, cute a favorite ono with the - P•ophi, thOuld be transferred to interests in wticholni city and =nay has en equal interest and which are ewe to be accomplished. • In going East we give • direct aid to Philadelphia, and in going West we aid her almost as moth, and oar . selves more, perhaps, by giving to Philadelphia an extended muummicatidn at the time the Central road reaches our dm. Both enterprises are woe.. thy of the, most hearty co-operation, and we could . wish tone all the Arm. of a tlfousand Briareuses at ranee =etched out over our soil, levelling the bine, Ming up the valleys, cutting down trees, erarthig =bas, hewing; outsame, and in bringing the extremes nearer together. Let there be no gvei - s. 6."this workoixisipt those which form the ground fooling of oar Rail Road foandatiom, Minicitlithrbitighi; awake to your interests. Poo * sr Pennsylvania, cast off the sloth whichhas =de you rather tributary to others than either personally independent, or able to give direction 'to thew whom you should lead. Your Sur will be in the'rusendant whenever your business per. ....emit= are made to me what you are, and what . you =impalas of being. lioad Letting: . The , Presidect and Director. received a large , nuetbefirf proposals pate*, for the cononta. tiOn of the fifteen atilt, of Rail Road east from 1 Pittsburgh. The bids were opened at coon, and ' the Wines dribs day given to their examination. 1 . - . The ;numerous offam submitted, end what be. • tramplied, make it certain that emus of the eau . :-- • Deets wilt bc,takea at eamedingly.low: rates. We .. t.. :,_ shell givothe partimilare to.morroW. • . The Pout glaciate sillowing account of the let dogeWeil frill Heniabargh: , ,'' • '' 4Wit are pleated to IMm.that eighteen sections - - •of the Perinsylvenla Rail Road were let to the ''‘, following gentlemen, on the 15th imt. ',?' - , Bee. No. 1 Murray & Duffy 1 2 J M'lllahan 3 do do . . ii o 4 thimble & (Mini „' a_ ... . 5 Rikry; Rants &Gaynor ' 1 1 o 6 Barren, Tulin & Duffy . o . o 7 George Elhittenbergar o. a 8 Baum. listen &Co a 0 9 Lane Schofield o 010 Climb &Co a . sr 11 Seluzyter, M'Reyoolds &to Or C 13 do do do • ; • Xis 19 Drum & Anderson - i o ' o - 14 Gamble & Oiliest I . ..t.V. ' :lv te 16 Chinni dc Gerber F et - a. 16 Gib= fr. CO ..• ~ 13. Miller, Moore & Elliott 11- '-- • . - -.st te Jackstm M'Foddin. .:11. , • Trilisectioas very from Ito II miles intoned', 'araliag altogether 18 miles now tinder contract, '..,1.. 2 writ:wing at tbe jtmotion on the imitate fives. n - On section 8, a superb bridge, (probabty on the . t.'"evirs enepanskai plan,) will be constructed over :-..' the Iltergnebenna. river. We loam from another source that th ere were . .., 0)... two btutdred bidders, and that the grading and . ..P.i. .mationry will cost Ins than $lO,OOO a mile, in. -, ;-;:.,. citable the piers and abounents of • inpkmdid :t... , ~.btAlit =um the Itnaquehanne, 3608 fen in ,Magth. ;',l- Thi . editor of the Peer persiets in the anthem , eta, of the Lewd letter attributed to Oen. Ir. wha Would the editok se • lawyer rely or even receive such sefiltotos :Cu court of law As a , ‘- 1.. . - thrletittr and • gerdlet n would bo like to be con ripan each evidence 1 A letter appears— adgaay where or when, written without ?eepeeteren for the commonest-rates of comps/. I.:Villow—and pais wined toe roan whom we ell know ittlot 1» u'inuch above' the low intrigue of base roc. (4;:tirsa ere hie triernies are beneath the level of ell merlon, When they thus stretch truth, justice 'fall aid firateitt to co eictarpolitical opponent of an 5 4:04teone of whtchhe bi ea innocent as the 'best of rdonaa The'leUgg itself is. a thoitsand than such conduct. V 4 . 4e.:itizon H. Lewis bpi gone home to Ala k.. Levi D. tframm loft Pittoborgb on Toile, W..,. - '.. kritotolobi% where hot ill et P " , .. w a ,eLe wow in i-littllo*.' -- . • 1 .;:.'slow Ow lelith inst. the dogma of A. M. was e0n *:in441..,. Mary'. Colin., alma number of :til:el4lWiellih among whom wa. Gilbert Tetterzosn. 1 *(lkiiilli. - . • '1 L. -Ptiraf,.„ . ~ I IK W4latf c co the colic utaUg 01 r. gay of Velomittiotad the Whel. hag Tim 4g stem' the FAki,erittlO:lnaext*kriet was laid karma as. ;It kaornearinik.fcrrt teivii;Ja liollg.,tiut it will be riCineisiberitLfilat tkosan eitiegr thmiagh ignonuMe.nf bra ama Elute, a. Well as Pittsburgh , or what is wafer . tram =MA consideration., • how orifiesdeaMd- not only to 31•41i1 Pittsburgh. but that portion of Ohio with which our trade is intimately connected. _ We might answetanOhict man with.= Ohio 0:14D-111 eupetficialletier,by the Report of a prac tical engines'', who has been over tho road from Pictkurghie Mansfield, and who, being responsi ble to the public and his employers forwhat be says, will be able to give an authenfie and accurate account of the country. •which ho hsa aurveyed. To the Editors of the Pittsburgh dricille. Mn. it arose Ker.e.: 7 -1 know not in whit ca pacity this person figured in the late .nit to Balti more. If he was acting u the hired advocate or, Wheeling, we would not aspect Cram him sty very punctilious regard far the truth; but I confess I wa..rinise4 at tho following psolige in dil set • • oral letter to Mr. McLane:— I "Afier leaving the northerly bend of the Ohio river, say *tor near the annuli of Little Beaver, it (the Railroad) must paw through .country much broken by bills and valleys." I repeat that I was surprised at such a remark from a man who was urging the extension of a rail rood from Cumberland through that portion of Virginia near the Pennsylvania • line, who was wipes the Baltimore company to avoid the direct and natural rout to the Ohio by Camelman'e river • nd the Youghiogsny, end to crosiXoughiogba: sty, Cheat river, Tygan's valley river and Monon gabeta; 'thus as if in mere whim creasing the grain of the country foe near two,hundred miles climb ing various ridges end leaping various river., to get to the bank, of the Ohio at a pdirit where the bridge morning it will have a descent at the rate of 220 leetrto the mile. But this ie not all, after crossing the Ohio a region of country must be traversed which is admitted to be the roughest is that State. The Report of the committee suggests that the rail road from Wheeling west would or should pass near the National rood. Now we would, in passing auggeet to any person desirous of information as to the face of that country, to get from Washington the Engineer.' profile of the route of that road. A, simple,inapection of that profile, will convince any intelligent man, that the project of a tail read by that route borders on downright absurdity: I have, however, fur the satisfaction of some of your readers picked up die "Ohio Gueteer," pre pared by Warren Jenkins a townsman of Alfred Kelly, in 1837. This book was prepared fee purpose very different from, Mr. Kelly'. letter.— The toner was de a , grted to enlighten its reader.; the lain r to mislead the citizens of Baltimore. C We make a fees brief extracts, from the book at page ,15 we find the following extracts "The interior and northern pasts of the country along Lake Erie are generally level." • , Again on same page, . "About one quarter or one third of the :eastern and south climate parni of the Stale, bordering on the Ohio river, is very hilly and broken" Now the country apoken of as the "interior" is that through *Mei our Rail-Road would paw — 1 while that which i adeacibed as "rety hilly and broken," is the region from the mouth of Little Beaver down to the Muskingum, and through :which nr.y rail road running, west from Wheeling or Fish Creek mint pass. The county in Ohio just opposite Wheeling ie called Belmont or "beautiful mountain." Its name, "saps the Gazetteer "indicate its situation," again Mr. Jenkins say• at page 74, .41 is goner. ally a toy hilly and broken tract of country" Guernsey county is the next County sweat of Belmont, and Mr. Jenkins . " says, "It is generally hilly." ' Cobinsbirma is the county of Ohio which joins the Pennsylvania line *title the mouth of Little Bearer. It might be • sufficient reply to Mr. Kelly'. vlelemcnt.t , my, theta canal ie already iu aucceirsfiril operation from tho Ohio-ricer slang Little Braver ricer to New Lisbon, and W expect ed to be open to the Ohio Canal bY the first of Oc. tuber. Tidiest:lel passes thrOugh the very legion which Xl;• Kelly so boldly describes no. "much broken by bills and iralleye"and it u happens that the portion now in two pima through the most broken part of the root of ow propised rail road. I suppose, it will nut be denied that where a canal is to acme] use, • railroad mai be made. Mr. Jenkins in his Gazetteer ways the southern part of Columbiana including the portion along the Ohio ricer is broken and billy. The north and middle parts are more level, of easy Wage and extremely produelite. Again he nays (page 134,) 'the norm twit with good co prplyj egad the ricked counts-1m in ti.ri /" This north ern and middle portion pr... di that through which our road would pus. I knew the country immediately along the Ohio from opposite Fish ing creel, up. to the mouth of Little Heaver, quite as well as Mr. Kelly and might have opposed my simple denial to his bold statement; bet other persons might have supposed that my denial yeas false, as I know bbi statement to be. I plater giving the authority of the uhio Gazetteer. I wdl only add, that Mr. Mitchell, an Engineer, made a survey for a Railroad from hence to Mas sillon and found it entirely practicable.. Nio grade exceeding thirty-two feet to the toile and no ea dim lees than a thousand feet. • C. HOSPITAT. Moaer.--By the politeneau of 1. ti. Guthrie, E.q.,'Copector of the port of Pitts burgh, we bare obtained the . following statement relative to the amount of came, received and dia. hauled in the Custom House, for Hospital .purn pAce for the lot Iwo year.. The amounts wiz ea down for each quarter. From July, 1843, to July, 1846, the quarterly eceipte end pefatents were u follows: "clip t $270 13 2.22 20 336 62 218 33 S!IS 94 usa -00 .•. 175.10 4,412344 Flom the abate it will be wen that in the year gamed, there was 8462 04 more Conde re ceived, than there was occasion to expend.— From July 1846. to July 1847, the amounts Wand thc 14.1.1r5... DISSCUSIMINIII. • S2ll 51 $162 '3O. 309 70 111 30 503 77 51 10 • . 460 13 01 .37 Doting the Isat dear , sl,l7B9d 610 fr wets re ceived, than Liaa been expended=leaving ■ bal. men of $i,840 98, applicable to hospital puffer. sad, in the hands of the Collector, There . are no direct importations from Foreign ports to Pittsliurgh; although, under the Wats. housing Law of lut 81,14J11, it is thought that Westens men would do wellto do so. However, they , prefer enuring their goods in the Hutson cities, rather than be kit to the trouble of preps. ring bonds, and attending to other legal requlsi• tains irathis place. We cannot but think It • miataken policy thus to rely upundiatant ports fot fomign goods. The effect of receiving such goods thrOugh second and thud hands, is to enhance the prim of the cons,. mer without any particular benefit to the sale.. man. Pittebargh ought to be a large wholesale city for all foreign goodi, anikif the Importers are to receive large profits, we prefer that the money should be paid to our own citizena. Iltar AT NIAGAIIA Fitur.—From .Wettern New York papers, we learn that the lat. Mob at Niagara. Falls WAS cawed by SOMA colored per. .0411cndesvoring to take by force a female slave, from • gentleman who was putting up at the Eagle Hotel.' They were defeated in their object by the white population. In the evening, two mall tenements, occupied .by 'holmium in the at tempt to rescue the slue, were demolistitd; guns were fired, and two pereons slightly wounded. Foity.eigh.t hours were given to the persona to depart, of whieh they availed themselves. The slave was the mother of fin children, in the State of Alabama, and wished to accompany her welder home. A DIrrICULTT srratAn.--Ola Wedninday night lot, the nhottjewx•ted • prisoner who had been nom:Oiled to Jail by I twice Mormon, on the •information of a young woman, to the bouse of the injared lady; end, on ban consent being oh. hilted, bad them united in the bonds of =trim. ny. Of come then was co won't, of detaining the prisoner, cotwegasotly ho was tilsiorgeth— TEO County Gown has age been eaved ionstdew ebb tints and money by this "haply mods of Deb 'ling a qwwfaltip." • Lieut. Col. H. B. Cama,hes i bton appointed to the cootteard a( the Asvehel-sedhht phot. samara sr Tia Lars mamma. . Ulna alullar examination of ,the fin* nialn we And nithy additional innosid'renaral inielli `esee„rbicb ma condense below; Oar reason why the priors of,Breadstuffs hare talk+ au rapidly in England 18.r:raring to the Oac , that ovei a thousand umbels, laden with corn, ware Gowan up in the Baltic the past winter, and sui the warm season AL unuaually late this year these cargoes have just found their way Is En. gland and Prance.. For several menthol we have enjoyed a monoply of the grain market and this is now over. Tea Fusses NIXIIIIIi.-WO have spoken of the charges of aoruption in the chamber of Deputies against the French Ministry. The fo/- !wing will make it more palpable, and we cannot but express our signet, that the ministry should have allowed one of their -number to give the go by to-such charger. . Otli, Of M, Gitardin's charges (my. the /deer pool Mercury) Is, that 100,000 francs paid far a theatrical patent found their way into the breech es pocket of a Cabinet Xl.niater or his convenient friend. When asked for the proof of tritintattanenas, , 1 .. M. Girardio says,—"Yob wish me to-p ove them! Here is good evidenee,—the letter of interested party; mile Pled the money , and lb. re , is of the person in whose baud. it was lodg . If Mere proofs do not entail( you,:ordei cup i coy. A movement of-horror provides RIO Ce tea. no; no inquiry.)" And what to M reply! How does the Minister for he Int for propose to deal with the indictment bro ght against himself and his colleagues! Why:h re tuned to plead to it. He dermire to the juriedic. non. He is above suspicion, omnineceptione major. An intim would susppose that suspic ion rested on as. We will resign if it biordered. The majority will decide. M. Gitesdin repeat. what be has said, and I repeat that these facts are contrary to truth." And to; strong in his major. , ity, M. llucbatel is content to hold himself whoa washed by an equivocal vote of the Chamber "parsing to the order-of thy day." One hundred and two Deputies them were, r however, who re corded their dissatisfaction with the Ministeriagez planation.; no that id.,Guizot's Government are satisfied to rule a Chacliber, wherein, large a mi nority suspect them tone rogues in main, without Faking a single step to allay or temove the odious suspicion. It is difficult to avoid the conclusion that inquiry is eluded, not because it would imply auspicion, but becauso it would disclose guilt. Preparations of a very interesting character are in progress in Paris,Fnance, inyavor of Parliamen tary Reform, and the attainment of tome tang more popular than omy 100,000 electors of the Legislature among thirty-six millions of Ftench men.. • . - A Nsw POIII, -" or Ulm. has been introduceld into the British Parliament, embracing the follow. mg provision To prevent Packets unwieldy bulk freni be. ing sent by post, by fixing the maximum weight; to reduce the tales on any letters needing one penny; and to allow printing or writing °knewe papers or their covers, beside. tbd direction; also to extend the prisilege of the 1 and 4 Vim. to seamen and soldiers' foreign letters; to.enable any perscsino require a receipt for a letter delivered to the post office, at a jegulated charge; to Compl.l the sender. of letters rejected or addressed to persons not to be found, to pay the postage, and to authorise the sending of mails by railways with a guard. • . Thneitizens of Die mots • large town tussl ing bass nominated General Tartan fee the Presidency. hi•billaataiaLS LAN. shouts CONko • point of frequenting the Opera, where they etc ware to have, 'unertnres." Mae. Maisel's, the 'drew, left in the Catalo nia, au Frid ay last for England. Flume. Gammen - a, Emnominated by the Damocrets of the 3.1 Ccingew " eional District of • Marylend, ha. declined being • candidate. The BOSTON Pees continues to chronicle the sayings of the illustrious Mrs. i'atington .eWhy don't they bring the whole of China herein once." said that dear old lily, 'instead of Wing. in it here in junk.; It would be grand for new house keeper., and I could replace my old chine, tees.* that arse broke in long ago, and the old lady diunamed the table in • reverie on the spread of commerce and its benefits to: the, era rkt. time r et... Rosie emu s 0.4••' 41 panicle of oar of the news B.m. the loan of Sight millions (500,009,000) in Fayetteville, North Caroline, ie actually paved &treaty granted to Irish people, the British Gov- with wild rain. A correspondent of the Ronan Pow says that he bed ridden a horn end driven • woman have cocatiOrvrard with •propoeition to oarnago over this naval p .. soared rirooo, advance about £600.000 to three of the railway ..,„ d row i t mu ... It has bamninthi undertakings in Inland which have paid all half es* look, presenting • =tooth. hardening, and their capital. • , it boner runs The Manufacturer means to cart it ! into of the right shape and its foci een• Tune Mat kt pram= Ups srdo of nos naita „ • tMA nine hundred fhaissond persoiis receiving rations, strucuog . 4. j.cid. water at the public expense midst the ouusloor relief aye_ Ttit B runtnes Ftne,-A. we premien yea gem now in ope ration. terday, the 6re in Birmingham on • Wedoealay Teo tenni Ponca force number. nearly 11,0J0 I night, was extensive. It originated in the Tack men. They cost Government, in 1846 $2,418,. • Factory, owned by Mena. Campbell & Cher, 213. which with its entente was denoyed. The 1011. T•e cols., and l•Odde.petivweld medical es. is s• Muted .t about 65,000, of which ai sl e two facer in Cork, Dr. Braelialt, states that if there thiids Ls covered by an innuence. • were 1,000 more hospital bed. Lefever cinema, • One dwelling house, • 'shoemaker's shop, bar.; he could fill them within twenty four hour.. her'e *lop and an ofßee., owned by Mr. Chen, and valued at 11400 upon which no insurance bed Ton tOcete son Cetus will need the month both , was also ro . nni by the itha of August in neculand. The Scotch ere alreadypre ! Mr. Chess informs us that thin is the second paring a royal welcome. •The clans are gathring' Mr. he has suffered by fire .n et he first cone from Ben Neer to Ben Morn ahteh the kluern-Namthood be „tbrineo,n will visit. It is now 285 years Otter Mary Queen nod omn. of Some visited Inverners, and no other British 'is•nis known how Mollie mat originated, whelk. • Sonrelgn has, am 00 penetrated into the northern I or arthinar or noth nth tidy „. bn , thav we!". T he * beefi ng lodge th e Meninis woo after It had ignitw Ab. w e ' rr e Wends on th e ww . t r in of Loch Le gg"' I but from the 'Kahl of the buildings and the seer- , at Ardwreekie. en the Mel.") of C I") . Mee P ber- City of water, they were unable . to extingaish it. , ! em.. The scale on which th is lodge is mated:says saver. , anainra and bro. rarnagra want ll the author of the &minim! Account, -may by r oom the . th, ironed in thee tip infernal from the fact thst it is tate) for silty r oom .rvtor checking any oy. the windows." The interior wenrlnnk ' dwien W names, and preventing s f ilo= damage prger to the surd ! the moot splendid discription. rounding buildinvi. The compaeita are date/ Ter. Queue Itai bestowed • pension of sl4o° wing of commer.dation for their promptnen and ayear on Father Matthew, during his life, on me nar 6 ao. the fire r oes count of hie efforts to benefit the poor of Ireland. o'r the dinar . raid, they no. tonna , the travel le is reported that Father Mat th ew, who was fin, • Ismth their apparatus Larote erelong et the mane oil on the lid "' winded th the Pope by the .Cork operations. It is no easy task to pullet aia engine clergy, has he" Pawed over, "d Rey' W. Deten, ;to, two mid a half mile. • • P. P, of Bandon, has been appointed Bebop by . the Coen of Rome. Tea Qcatir has also grinds,' a pension of $lOOO perineum upon the familior Dr. l Chahner. • Gnu does Rawatt is • candidate for the rekesentslion of the City of London—so also it Baron Ratechillthe great Hebrew Banker. NATI GUTH. ON Tilt Sr. L•wacigirrit is by authority in the BOUM, of Commons; that the privilege lately conceded by the proclamation of the Governor General - of Canada, relaxing the laws affwaing the navigation of the St. Lawrence, by which American vessels, small river craft, are permitted to bung their' flour and corn into this country, is but tempAry, and would cease, as a matternf coulee, when the navigation laws ceased to ba suspended. I• SI, E 411,14 BULWICIL LTTIVII, author of -Pelham," is • candidate for the represesition of the City of I.incon. " Mr. Cobden spin offers for ittudeport, Mr. John O'Connell is the only Re peal candidate yet mentioned for the City of Dub. lin. Mame., Greg try and Grogan ppporm him . on the Troy side. He will be elected by Kilkenny I to secure him a mat should be fall in Dahlia. roamers Fiedler. roll JCL!. Airtight and transparent materials are now in favor, cachataire barege is one of the prettiest; the patterns are meetly large for printed materide, as mouseeline de !aim two shades of the same .color are very fashionable; WM, with Violet, pink, or currant, dark green or light, the organdys are in large cheeks, and for morning wear jaconets and brillente. with 800ncei; the ensemble of toilettas is 'ample, the dense. intended fur country wear are principally redingotes and peignoirs of foulard de - Kamboul Nankin, with deep hem, and menu. Lain trimmed with Nankin fringe—many are made with nonage a Famseme; tollea de China are ornamented with embroidery in eoutsche.— Fulitut preirent moment redingotes of muslin, bo at with caller, are pretty; the corsages are made; high, and full at the should..., with minium and lung end.; some are trimmed with several rows of lace divided by bouillons, with • ribbon through - others with muslin featonnee or boaillondem these , are accompanied by, black lace sbawlsisomas are of net, almost covered with lace: and narteke of the decal mantelet form; more elegant onerairc small, with a simple row of taco half an 'ell In depth, Abe mama style is worn in white mar colored dies sea.. A new material, termed taffetas Ruben, live. ry fashionable; it consists of a silk :hips and a wide satin one shaded, chine, or brocKed Imitating ribbon. Flounces and ruches in silk Materiels are pinked in creede coq, atheism indirep vandyke edged with gimp or braid; • printed, tarlatans., mausaalines demit grenadine. require Bounces, end under skirts of white silk,. the curiae...li full at lb!, shoulders and waist, forming globe with min. tuie of ribbon. Fur all thick materials the sleeves are tight; others are wide fulled into ...wristband and shading the bouilkibs of the white sloes. be low or with cuffs turned back a la Cherie X V, fin. lobed with a phew of ribbon. Mang, short sleeve. are loom with mittens. Many redingotes bare been made In Fads of white (*Akin, but very simple In style, merely 6,44 with gimp but. tons; light conga are decidedly fashionab le ibis IMMO. IThe uncertainty of the temperature render. vs. tidy necessary in out door toilette, end the lime shawl of the morning must often be replaced fur an evening promenade by a wadded cloak, closing to the throat with pelerine, end long ends crossing in hunt; many perdessue are with frills, .having wreaths of Moms; broches on the Came material; the matelots generally form shawl behind, and the ends In front ars shorn many are of black fig ured net: trimmed with lace of embroidered mu. tint thee of taffetas glace have nimmlngs of the same material; ecru, green, glace, with albite, dark bkoalillac, and current, are favorite colons. In bonneur, all thsAghteat materials Ire now in request; the . destbgle Is pailcularly an, boisoate of mi and aloft are el of pretty tatty -4rnr.vimuy,Sre.,asalsr-,•ssu -somr•twome,r-lem-xe,.. bllll,lllllloofivitchimankflasnie ris sal imam* et with lurk doiremaise th* oneit,theetat hthey,tmottle,4qG BOjea Want, of detholl t• rifle art tined with , * NM colored milk, vela 04.1 rfottip-iMide. :god bitamhea of floweti; , .4. Some lump AMlN..bare Ilk- mum, and the Emit. lioed.with - ith d lathed with a - 'oat's which dotithrom mond the' beielet; the baeolits 'are made lame! than : they, _.wittok, a kw_ mouths lack, liattieulaily for eapatan tollerbothllmume sod crape are mach admired, thom of auk ado, are euliammi by the bthatiftd fLiwors that onsa mut them. 1=311:= FATAL COT.LIZILT Eitrzortosc—ThaLiiierimol Mereuty. of July 3, gives a Imirtvending account of ■ fatal expiation in: Kiiklesi Ball Colliery, on the banks of the Leeds ,and Liverpool canal, near Wigan, by which eight lives were lost, twelve risen severely burnt, , and six 'injured. Of the sight killed, sir bid been got out of the pit. Another expiation, likely to be fatal to two men took place at the Achy mini. CII,ILLS Lax 's 8 max n.—The death of Mies Lamb is =moaned in the English paper.. Her name is familiar to every American raider, as associated with the hopes and fears, the happiness I and sufferings of the gentle Elie. • When the steamer left, entitlements were con. eluded for giving four theauical performances fur the benefit of Mr. Watt Hunt, two in London, and one in Liverpool and Manchester. • 12Mr RRRRR OCO A IiOU CEX LIIT.-A rumor very curnietly pnevaila in fashionable circles of Loudon to the effect that ere long something will probably be besnl of • matrimonial alliance between a no. erable and distinguished miLtary commander, high in the favor of his sorereign (Doke of Wellington) and a rich' heiress, (Ma Cootte) whose murifs • nonce is only equalled by the of her worldly possessions. To. STICAM-Slll r dais: Bartaize—Great hopes are entertained that this mighty vessel will be released from her present position it the Bay of Dundrum. his alreidy well known that Mr. Brunel, the ,eminent engineer, first attempted to get her afloat by means of.• breakwater of fag. gots; but this nut Roving euffeciont,Capt. Claxton, the eminent naval officer directed. another break water of green timber to be placed before the breakwater of faggots, and, through their cambia. ed exertions and ingenuity, there is reason to believe that this eplendid crawl will be got off during one of the early tides of icily. About twen ty bugs boxes •reheing framedland placed es the side. of the vessel, in erdee to aid in getting her -off, and the most sanguine expectations of success are entertained of the molt. The Lanier of green timber has bees spoken of very approvingly even in the House of Lords, where the attention of the Admiralty has been given to the subject. Farenox les 8 .--The account, from Trinidad afford striking evidence of what may be done by indusuy and skill aided by capital. Estates which, evert in what ware thought the palmy dare of slavery, never produced more than 150 bogshiedel of sugar will this year return 300, 400 and coii\ 500 bhde beside leffording good twice' of a con lenience of thee. quantities. 12=E=1! - , Wan Hveanann—The war-iateauters euthorl zed to be Ludt under the lute set of Conpew approved March, 1947, Err: Two of the Emit clear, burden, United tltalee tonnage, 2,414 tow. Two of the second dim; bur Jen, United Suter tonnage, 1,279 ton. The Arai class we: • Between perpendicular. 250 ft. 0 in. Brim, extreme • 45 0 Depth to guo•deck in bold- 28 6 The second elan are Between perpendicular. 210 0 Beim extreme 27 0 Depth to `on deck in bold 29 0 The two firat.cbm. Answer., and owe of the second claw, to be propelled by sideirbeelr, the other by e mrew propellor. One of the latent clan is to be Wilt at (import, end one et Philsdelpbla; ace of the 'stood der at New York. and one at Binary, Malne:—Union. Cl', fl•ws Rowsmion.—The gentleman whose money we noticed as having been returned by tjwo Mimed girls, called t r soy to us, that h. hod rewarded there for so doing. VV a did not wish it to be in leered from our ante!, that they bad received no remuneration for their trouble—we only spoke of them as deserving compensation. ACCI DANT AT Tag Feaa.--A man who was working on the Duquesne Engine at the five in Bartok shim, was either knocked down or aid. dentally fell from where ha woe standing, and re.. seised's blow from one of the lovers of the en-, gine, which no severely injured him as to render it neccesary to carry him home on a litter. Mose .snot. ■r LIONTXIII.I.--.We have been informed that a house on the Point we .truck by lightning, on Thursday, though with Ills tle injury to he building. The lady of the bow. was rendered insensible, (or a short time, from the streets of the chock. As A .—Quite • renew affray occurred on Friday last, within • mile of the town Of Oder. cer, 'Pa., in which some ten or trek* perm* were engaged, with *irk; atones, clubs, flats, kc *e. Four persons wire on badly injured in the orefee,:ae to be unable to attend an investigation on the next day. Fire are bound over to an. away to the chugs of riot, at the wit COUVI of Quartextiesaionit. Nano or illf M loan.— of lass the three large English ship. hate been *reeked and totally destroyed. this summer, in ping up the Lawrence. In the lan, one honthed and nine. lean persais perished. When that ma is done. Krems need not ran the risk of that most dangle ous of all pie x■, the gulf of tlt. Lawrence, as they can come in to Portland, and take the ars for Canada In doable eitlek time. Lowact.—There am 13 manufacturing sm. potations in the city of Lowell, aohneing a capital atoek of $11,490,000, and numbering 45 milk These milla employ 7,915 female ea 1,340 mala . operatives. [A letter from ► 1144 Nan of Pkton,•ht the Montreal Gazette, states that at the month of the L►wnaes, within the 0004050 d Y WWI slant tbe coast &manta 50 mach prlneWy ;;Iff - NKr% s e a " se— - -t —P e IMPORTANT nom mElleo.„ ,:COUNCIL O.F' VIY~R HELD gat. Bea*that to &draper - upon Rio Frio • Reprted , Ljeeifon of.Posis Oeirttirea. erespood.Fts Oche Pawbordi Gan= - PHILLDA., July 22.9 r. w From Predirriekabarg, Va., we have received the Information that the steamer Galveston bad ant. ,• • • ved at Ner.Orleaue, bringing dates from, Yen Cruz to the 10th July. Prior to her Idling, news (mm Oen. Strut bad. been tecerived at Yen Com, the sulatameiof *bleb was, that a Council of Wu had been held upon the termination of the deliberations of which, Gen Scott had - decided opoo advanoiog as far a. Rio FON and there await the action of the Mexican Government upon the avenue. of Peace hat hed been presented ahem. By a report rereired from the Mail Agent, we are informed that the Peace propositions enbmit tad had been rejected by the Mexican Go•err meot.• The late storm hu preeetited the receipt of further deepaiches at Philadelphia from Fred& ricksbnog. •As the Mexican Congress is not in there can have been no formal rejection of the Peace ;proposition. The 81st article of the Maxi. can Constitution proeides that, to make an elan. don valid, three•foarth. of the States entitled to a vote must vote. As there were 23 St des entitled to vote et the late election, and only 15 votes were cart, being Icsathan three•fourlhs, the election has failed. Nor can Congress proceed to elect; ler having conrioded its mission! of forming a cocr witution and sworn to the ihndamedtal code, it bee no power left to exempt itself front diapers: tido of the law.—Etia. Co.. I ~Larur• rams Baikaoa—On the {lli or Jury, entry thing was quiet. Gen. lines, with a 1.;••• 1,17 force of tram 1,500 to 2,000 coda, was at Victoria, making preparations for • decent upon the road betweea Vaniargo and Monterey. - A party of nine American, bad been captured at Timid*, with a Maclean guide. It eru thought the latter wculd be stmt.. Fire caws of Yellow Foyer hits been se• wee ell so haying moral in the city of New Orleans. • Ezeiastvo CorrespooJenot of cliaPital.arch.Gatettr. PHILADELPHIA MARKET. July SS, 10 P. M. Floor—fides of 600 bbls Western fresh at 6 6 .. • 106,00 per bbl. The supply in market Is email. ang paces as Ms advance. 700 bbie were sold at 55.50, which is the Mandan' price; boklars aro ukiag higher. stkotwatal—Sale. qaotod at sZ,2sa9,soper bbl. [We thluk there Is an ecru hem, as therMticle is quoted in the despatch at • price anutideratily leas than Isms quotation, which um 53,2553,60.] What—Prime White Brandywine' Mills, ales at 1200 per bu. Balm of 9.000 bo Prime Red at 115, 12141270 pet Int, scudding to quality. Coto—.Saito Prima Yellow at It a73..—tha or. lids is scarce. Sapr--Larips supply in first hands, No Wes gaoled ' So also of Mohammad' which there is s largegnantltyio =lkea Markey -./tiales at 25c per gall. Provisions bang heavily apoo the market. Cattatr—Martet remains firm. Excl... Correspondence of. ibe Ptiobergt. G.ettr NEW , YORK MARKET. July 22, 9 o'c r. Flow—Salee of Geoessee at. $6,19f555,22Y. ! Prices on the edvenee—market firm. ?time is an increseins demand. . Com r —Kalaa, of Western mixed et filie per 11. Prime Yellow at 63e-per bar, at which quotations. the market la active. Wheat-4W. of Prime W Lite 125 e per bar Prime Red' la held at 1154120 c per bar.. Some males have two made to clam contracts. ' F.zetnsve Conespootiateee yt am Pitubauth BALTIMORE MAR/CET. July 22. 9 PM. near--Sales Howard unit t SSA 3 —O` ,title $5,18. Haw—babe of X 0 at ale per jko—Pario Carllje per Fil; • I.loffne,ggies 3000 Um Rio at 'leper RF Provisions—Prim nominal. Tbo following an the last quotationo—Meno Pork bell x 1516,50 sal Priam at 11113,50414.60. Fe:elusive Chirresbontbenete of the Pittsburgh Gazete NEW ORLEANS MARKET, July 15. Cottatt—Hula active, with an advance of 3d Totecco-41e gee-dilemma Beles on private term. Provisions—Without change. Conc—Saks of Prima Tends at 58e• per bu. • Wheat—Salse of Prime Red at 8.3 c per bu. Corr Selee gaoled at $3.25 per bbl. Oati—Selits al 2e per ba. • The nese by the Simmer had an Influence upon the market • Fare Tee Ps.ar2l..-4SL Loot. mere of Joly 16th buds that rumors represent Wain on the Min, in Upper Mierouri as being in !Wearable atate. Mann's FOIL, on the Aransas, has been bunted by the Indiana, and Fort William le also Bald to have been dertroyed. Five hundred men had marched to the relief of Col. Love. Major Dougherty had marveled and sent bin cattle to the troops that went oat ander Col. }lad on. Two Government trains, of 90 wagons each, left on the litb for Santa Fe. The Editor of the Tribune In a letter from Like Superior, Winn the folk:mint ep ; . rebel:mon: It le mach fearod bens that in the gale we ear *maimed come sixteen dayi since, when gains up, the schooner Merchant event dorm with all on hoard, including the Agent and fourteen or L 4 teen cianareand leborers of the National Alining Company, to asy nothing of her cargo. mho /W. lamed as out of port on the 12th Max, kept In eight tin lota that night, and I cannot learn that abs boa been men *MM.. 'Abe had nut reached L'Atme, het destkuttioch not 250 miles hence, ten days altatwanle. There has beau ■ bmioeie failure in Philadel. phis :undying liabiliahn for day and grain. the moan! of 1680,000. T is. Pm 1) .—There are no class of citizens more ready for the public eunce, and one who labor more efficiently for the public good than ourPiremeo. We ere there- fun, gratified to receive the following public sc knowledgment of the good they have done : The undersigned, take the method of publicly acknowledging our obligations, and returning our snare thanks to the several Fin Companies of the eity Of Pitt:Mutes, who so promptly and en erptkelly eland therosehn at the at. firm in oar vicinity ; and who; notwithstanding the diffi culties with which they Ind to contend, so soon.. 'folly arrested the program of the conflagration. We :trod them as to a gnat menuto, the guar dins of our property. James Aarwin, Samuel Wright, Wsk.hi'Clure, John Brack. • Robert Wray, H. hula, Hoary Dualnaeger, E. Kennetle, Thomas Dickson, Thomas Hamilton, Robert Holmes, • Robert Armstrong, Alitolo Blanchard, William Peacock, Walter Donn, David Warden, IWRoberts, D. brennuy, John Briedde, Thomas 111'Culknigb, John Rowe, WHO= Woods, Alex. Black, • Jame. C. Cumming; Donnie lfillonaugh, William 8. Thompson, C. Haney ' John Hugh.; • Robert H. Miller, Joseph Rubinson, Charles Rowan, Thom.. krKee, A. H. Hartupee,. . Harper. PUtabursh, Jot, 92, 1847. lI:TTun Amman or Vases Is succeeded by health and coment, In cases of Hanoorrierips, or Piles, by Me use of Dr. Upham's Electusry, which bee acquired a deserved reputadion foritssignel lacers. In eradicating that distressing complaint, The Deemer) , I; en inter nal remedy, and its discovery rewlted from a thorngb insemination of the which Induce this petard! and preveleut K M*. rold, , ;polemic md Rawl, by IV YAW ZI MH . A . g . 1 4 a Pjlion . ctmei,New York; W. ham, riabyst,r. p 6 rm la no w . T . BMlibeeld street 85,00. Boorys 5 00. VOI/MT I ITUMMT, 2 CORNEA OF POET OFFICE ALLEY. TNB mloonber respectfully Informs am pnbtio that he km commenomd the . ..unreason, of • Ormlowas Feskiesekis Baer, of good material and workmanship which he will wanmalsopetior toasty Boot ever mad. in FilllebOrldi bathe pneo. These handsome 91104 will be snade so manure, and warrant ' them as repro • meted, muse vary low price of FIVE DOLLAMI CASH.' Centlemen ere requested to call and ream rse OM. IyN %V II ERSKINF. • d'Oy $70031'72 tir 41% Seientilcr i ipefenc4s;, rotjeiry—F.Oltheal Neitrality—freit:- Taylo4 .Morhafity ',Ai Vera Crue4npurtant from Mexico fppßornitt Rail Feed Meetiag--Sar Ceie ..Shildiers Claim—City .Finances and Hall. 7— Smith CiioihniiiAl Slavery—The Mexican Tu. itlh,Marriage—Highland Destiturixt—llealth of • the City—Commerce of Bt. Loma. - robbehoproremata--The .R• 11 Road Rod Road blosemnt•—Fituborgh seen by Suet. gero—Lake Soperitit—Dickinson College Coin metcement—lJelferson College—Anniversary it Philadelphia--City lmproptments—Braril and the Caned States—Valley of the Missisaippi—Letter Iron Major Jack Downing—ltderesting truer from • young Artist I n Italy 7 Sanft Sta Latent Telegraphic news. Foreign nod Domestic. ommeltial—A carecolly comp fled Ker.w of the Markets for the out week The . Kites io the local city markets—The eagle Market—The ptiC. of American Produce io cartoon pain of the 11uion —Althea of Floor, Wheat, Cum &e., received since the opening of the Canal—gang badness rod movements or prodoce—lthrket io London. City News—..:ptrit ol thePrese.— Cop Exam.. from the leading joiireals on the loterestieg topics at the du. • Far sate at We dant, tingly or in wrappers. Price 6 cents single copy. ' Subscriptions tarn dollars a year in advance. At Moteao•n Chine. on the Hith Aprd tam. in the Nth year other age, Alva CORNELIA SPEER. Mile., daughter of Alexander sad More it/. Hest kenridge; u d wife of Rea. Wet. Speer, late of Mi. cite. Oa the Rath ofJuly !wt. in apparent rood health, rhte embarked at Irdw lork, fa compaty with gter hurbud, for the Mismonary Station of the Preebyielian Chk at Canton In a law weekr after departure, Hie firm symptoms eirdirease wet, noticed, which. reeintinzin Intervale, trenineted in an early glare. for whieh,how ever, she was well prepared Her piety, talents., and •equireFienti were eminent; her memory I. dear to ma. ny surviving friends, and family Mantes, and her loan greatly to he regretted by the Church. A.B. NEW 000DS, FOR FALL TRAI:IIC. OF 11141. BLACKWELL, WIIITTEOIoREA CARIIART. 77 William car Lib f,y, and 10 Litany Surd, :Yew Tor/: ARE receiving by eyery arrival, additions to tretr largeateortmentlor Dry Goals The• have made arreartetarms cooler la century merchant. and dealers , , an exteneive and &lambic stock or goods tar the Fait Trade Uy penmen and packer . sill be , received the mol colcod Catlin.. merkm. ^Their orsorouroi of Nodes. Goode will eomprive very etyle woriliy lop. notice of the Trade, 01l Pith will he odered on as good tenon aeon be obtain, English Cloths—Wool and Piece Byes, and Fanny blare, of mai.. quell ties and superior finish. French Cloths, common and fine. Twilrd Clothe, common and fine' Doeskins of the beet manufactures. American Clothe of all, deseiihdone and rotors. Fancy Cue!mere*. English. French, and f 1.1324 'lean, of superior style and patterns Beavers, Pilots, Ittahings, and other heavy woollen!. Tweeds, brown, gold aux, and other fancy ei y Satinet's and Futl'd Cloths °revery description Kutitigs—faney silk velvet, until= velvet., Valen etas, Psney Satin. and &ilk. frorc low to fine. Velee e, brown,end oiler fancy shades. Fhlk tedrim, Black hod fancy cohere, large and fine twill Worsted Surgeon( allqualities and colors. PAglieh end Ameriestn, teethed and plain. Buttons, Cards, Bindings Threads,Ae. &e. And vermin oiler new and detirable goods adapted to WWI wear. . NEW YORE, 119 lehttn. VOR *We daily, dig daily, ivi:weghip:sigd seggalg Gaseites. Iron City, Chronicle, Pow, Commercial looms!, American, &friers, Dispalak, Pritemro)'• Slibbetrs Coribteifew Detretor, Taylor's U. P. Mosey goner, w” g ppin mod beadsman Col or paper, cop a few al book., a few of Use Lest Eastern andy-Looks. Westew '