THE PITTSI3.IIIGII GAYETTE. UY ERAITIJS BROOKek ' PITTS BUR'GHC:•, - . THURSDAY MORNINC, JULY k i ll, 1847 arm D&ILT Sint Triklyorrul Weklp—The la seam Dolly:moor anaiirai hie Tri-Weeklyrs Five Dollars per atiournotieWpoJpiriv Too Dollar. per maim solidly fa admirer Notice 10 Adverthierie banded to in the s Oce ld elcon 't .Not.otl the pan of oar cesideacoo, 'mold 111 proJce 'lire of mutual b/ nett ron Gov t easoit, JAINICS 111. VIN, I.) CLAIM. motet.) .'• • POM CANAL COBSIWIONER. JOBACPIII W. PATTON, , oar ) roa• ' _0E0130E: RsIE, of Allegheny Coy. rot AZ.1.1.V. • ' LEIVIS C. J. NOLILk t • of InAann Tl. '"CHRISTIAN SNIVEL', of %Rams Tp. MARSHALL SWARTZ Tomburgh. HENRY LARGE,of Main Tp. >OR CoCrri 1.11./.6CRER. . J. W. BAXTER, of Pasborgl. tog COCK" C0WL11.111.4.1. - TicogAti PERKINS, or Loma St. Clam Tp. . VIIILLIAM RAVEN. of Versailke Tp. STATE ONEATItAL COMMITTEE' TROMAB E FRAN ILIN, Lane aster Cis. JOHN C KUNKF.L. Dauphin County. THOMAS DUNCAN. - JAMES MARTIN, THOMAS C lIAMBIrIe. York. A WILLIAM Id WATTS, Cumberland. • DANIEL M SMYSER , Mains. JOHN P WETHERILL, Philadelphia City. JOSEPH R CHANDLER, ROBERT T CONRAD, THOMAS MeGRATII, Phila.fellable Comity. • DILLER LUTHER, Berks. • ROBERT Al BARD, Franklin. . THOMAS M T APICENNAN,I,VarInngton. t ANDREW ODLE, Somerset. t HARMAR DENNY, Allegheny. . RICHARD IRWIN, \teenage. JOSEPII II KUHNS, Westmoreland. t o;7' BALL, Erie. H D AI ANWELL. Northampton. 1 B. SALISBURY, Suavest:inns. ELIIANAN slirrn, Wyoming. 'SAMUEL A PERVIASICE, Bailer. HENRY 8 EVANS, Chesti r. ROBERT T Parrs, m0n.40.m. For Lamm Commercial Intelligence. Domenic Mar kets, River News,'lmports, Money Market, Se., sae thud page, . Bei fourth P•ge for ffit•e•llaaeon• N fri•• FOREIGN NEWS acerlito raturacca- or' mI,IIIOP. AND Till U. • It becomes the business men of our country to Itay.p•rticular hied to the state of business through. out the world. The laws of trade are as regular air the planetary laws of the urtlvente, and if the mane calms could - reach the two alike, the. one would be at easily disturbed as the othee. For the year pest, we have been riding ppon the high roll t. prosperity. We have been bleated at home with unexampled abund•nce, and have found a market and high prices for our surplus 'proluctious, iu consequence of • famine which privailed - throualiout Europe. We have r•neived . tarthii-Sth'inilliOns of foreign Specie, in payment for American Breatlstffs, and have been sailing .upon this high tide of business provenly in 'consequence of an almost all perm leg famine in the old world. In ten months thq , exports of •Wheat and corn from seventeen comMercial ports of the United Slots, were as follows: Wheat, bushels, Corn, bushels 23,776,890, 19,496,79 I. The balance of the year will add to it easily, but of such a *tate of facts there must somewhere be aditind. The cabps of 1847 in•tbe United States will be much leas than thew of 1816. bat it will be abm.dant (or borne consumption and for Ibreign import. The crepe in Europe beyond all peradventure will be large. The evidence of the fact we feel bound to give our readera,, and first of the cond. central markets. The birrign Journals of June Mlle u. that et blarseillee a panic had been catiaerl in the Corn trade by the extent of the or . rival. from the Black sea. and the sudden cessation of the British demand. Lettere from thence of the 19d, of June, state that o..cssa ohms' -had been freely offered at 42,, and the best Polish at 41a per 413arier; free on baahl. Intelligence from ell the provinces of Spain describe the proapeeta of the forthcoming harvest ne extremely cheering. In several perm of the country B had already been reaped* Letters from Leghorn state that the aciFe Jo Italy were very promising. The favorable ap pearance of the moisten,/ 'mind of Largo foreign Supplies had mused the best Polish Odessa to be offered at 50s to 81. 6d. From the north of Eu rope the reports are very Att. The &Hoofing London letter will give a reliable ace-lost of the' orn trade in• London for the two weeks previous to the aatling of the !Sumer. Loirnore. July 34 1847. The accounts from abroad, combined with Inge imports and splendid weather, have placed our Grain :Ws& Fri a very dull and declining position. Prices of all description, have tumbled down io all directiona.t On the 21st alt. factor. succeeded in raising the price of English Wheat 24 per quarter. Foreign moved dif slowly at our bat quotation. Indian Corn was procurable at. considerably re. duced„prices. On the 234 little business was done,end the advance noted above au lust. In Indian Corn na tratinctuns. On the 26th hardly any businen Ins transacted. On the 28th with an inc reared supply there woe a decreased demand; and though factors were willing to accept prices • 8, to fts pamr, and inume cues 10s below those of that day week; they could not succeed in clear. lug the stands. Foreign Wheat was likewise very difficult of dial:regal; and we reduce quota. liana of the latter quite aa much as those ot the former. The millers pot down, the top price of Flour to 70s per sack, end American Firer we et last 2a per bbl lower then on Monday lasts— . Indian Corn was wholly neglected. On the 30th this trade continued to rate exceedinly doll, in no respect recovering thy above depression, buyers • • all keeping completely • on the remove; prima were thetfore merely nominal The market held on the 2d inst. was very quiet, nod Wheat sold at a reduction of fs per quarter. VIZ PRICES Oa BRIIIS3T6FTI/ rF LIVICIRP.I.. • Jane 3. . June IS. July 4. Per Cambria, Caledonia, I:lnto:tin. Flour, 43 0a42 tt 1 40 0 x4l 6 28 a 31a Comment, 180a200 24 a 25 00 00 10 CO lodine Core, .sr; 0 a 600 48 0a 52 0 44e 6d . a 451 , Amer. wheit,l2 6•13 3 II Oa 12 3 00 DO (N) While the United Biates is likely to meet with large dimuntion of exporia, we fear as the eh Suet' of the Tariff of 1E46 a largo i 110131313 of a Impute without corresponding enlargement of Revenue. Wilhgood Crops abroad come the means manufeeturing, but the Tariff of 1546 in crea ting large demands upon the Eaglieh marketiwith ■ conrapanding redaction at home. We ham no , objection to an eau; exchange of commoditiee,— ane hundred Mill1(1111 of export. for an many of 4roports,—bat what we object to i., not merely an abloom of diacrimination in favor of American Trade and American Coiamerce, but what is wont; than this,'. diecrimination in favor of tho trade of Elmt. ' With a foreign ,war upon our hands,—with a caesarian of Specie Imports from Europe,— with 'a Sub-Theory law in operation embers.. big this faience, of the Oolemment,—with an Anti. Ameicon TaritZ—it become boineo men to look -carefully to the future and to, be prepared for such richt.) In public afTsirs i ie may cripple the bus. inns 1 the country. . WAX IN MENA. _ ~ 7110 British have again been carrying thriiwu 'bite China, and this tame in corwequence ape!. ledge 4 infractions of the treaty of Nankin. --b April, Sir John Dario, with 10 00 , men of all aiOs,enstrarkei on board the Vulture, &pinta Plaaa l andthe Coati ;.soil with one or two small remell for' the conveyance of artillery aid troop. With Id& expedition, Sir John Davie entered the Bead Tigris at 9 A. M. of the 21 April, surpritv ed ttni Anungboy forta as well aw those on the 'lslande of North and South Wantong, and carried thetat;' both sides of the river in a few minoies. 'The no, amounting to 450, were spiked, ae.d . 111 thew= ammunition collected instantly rl, w orl . troy Hieing co thus secured a mment ta li., eft expedition advane.4 pp in *e r r:, r. sad molted Whympaa where tf,. r,,p s , was I ,ided end the pasasge forced- ,Tb. torts et Whampoa and W e r griaget a p heed et tf - ,e diviaimr, but by ind:clone management gay aaided their aims and took posteadon of Ado: Irv, ' , Piked the guns, amounting to 200 , 111100, , itoi deennyed all tha araccohion aid maga 'Atm . The riler now dewed of impediment.. Ogg rep Ana , .. serenest' to COOlOO, and here the. ' agagag CIS (Aged rtiatis Folly wax, evatalungy . de-; A1fext...41654 ao suns sfpikort--Faking 2, total ail rO, PTA* .044. 0 1tieee the Prnmding on We' learn the rest from Wilmer and Smith's ;"; These tsgozous promo :logo tamed Key :io I resieln. After some farther Chinese • Lion, Keyirei we. compellifit' to waif httonfdafiftedjl upon thellwernof. whcf.kkeeieed hips at thritfrii• ph Console!. After rj.:l4 , g eturkiiihr. Keying • "adicited &MG for minsideradon be &needed - 1 to the ierma dictated at the point of }he hyyonel `by fhiliihriDarla. - Oir the '611:1; general orders were Waned to commence the attack on the city of Cantors, but between g and 9 o'clock, it was non. 6ed that Key ing had yieldeld to thy Irmo of fit j John Davis, ciat in time to tare the city and the assault w. countermanded, A tiosornment noti fication was Immediately imp). of which the fol. lowing are brit dy the headdf— / 'At the filet, period of two years from this day, thp 6113, of April, the city of , Canton shall happen ed to British whom, .2. Her Majesty'. eobjecte shall be at liberty to roam fir exercise or amusement in the neighboring country without ronitsiation,. returning the mama day, as at Shanghai, arid any persona molsadng them Anil be severely pooiabed. 13. the aggrersore on'the two seamen, in Oc , lober last, and on Colonel Chesney and other. at Folishanon the Igth of March, shall bo made tramples of." A space on the Honanfaide of the river for the erection of urretniusts, duo; a rite fora new church, and other minor •rrattgetnente, including the keeping of the river front before the factories clear of boast wire provided for. Tha Chineaa worn highly exasperated at the British, and the preruni of a largo body of troop, was ocularly to immerse public order. The French, too, have had a brush with the Chineseno consequence of iha impriaonmant of $4OlO of the caiwionaries in Cochin• Chine. The following account of the occurrence his been re ceived The French missionaries in Cochkeettina hav ing for many yeam past excited perpetually re curring disputes with the nation, the government at length interfered, threw the missionaries into prison, and upon releasing them pent them to Sin. ' repute. The French ship* of liar La Moire and La Victorieuse gaited into the bay of TGWU= to obtain redresa,, and laid an embargo ort five coo cruet, The French:allege that a consceracy was farmed oil ahOre to assassinate the French at a conference which was ...nett to he arranged be tween the parties. An explanation wee demand ed by the French, when the following day war junks were actin working into the bay; and the result woe, rho French , shipt opened their fire, which was retained by the Ws, the five corvette and the war junks. The artillery of the natives effected little damage, but in seventy minutes on of the corvettes was burned, another blown up a a 'third sunk. The remaining two were afterward, raptured and Net on fire. The natives, perceiving the desuuttitin of their corvettes, desisted frocofi. ring from the forts and junk., and the French withdrew from the bay. Iris stated the Cochin Chinese have lost upwirde of 1000 men, while j the French had only one killed and another wound- el Tile 'facial origin of the disputa appears in- volved in mime obscurity. The opinion is daily going forth that Mr. Gui sat and his colleagues will not be able to stem the tide of lepelar opinion now set - in SO strongly against his adminiatration. The impeachment of the honor of one of his etileagues, M. Ifilthawl, and of the integrity of M Tote, formerly Minis. ter of Public Works, let the issue he what it may; it must be so damaging to the Ministry, that we cannot contrite that M. Gullet will be able to maintain bit ground. Indeed, it was currently reported that lie bad resigned, but the rumor was premature.. All the accounte from France concur in representing file prospects of beeves' as highl7 l i promieing. The Fasetu Government mein trouble in co sequence of the present state of the finlencts--, j The deficiencies of each year,l'. from 1840, with the exception of 1845,1: when there was Aleut , ! Pine, have accumulated to the mum of 750,912.- 1 361 francs, inclusive of the estimated deficiencies of 1847 and 1848. Ditiva. and the French ministry, are suffering couch in public estimation from charge. of comp (ion prefertal by • member of limo Chamber of Deputies. Sperm is also still distorted. The Carlists, crowing nerve bold, have shown themselves ie Cat alonia. The Herald° aay. that's eih.piracy ha.. bleu discovered in the tovinon Fonelion, in Cat-. to poison the military detachments station., al there. The Captain General of that province: has waned a proclamation threatening to purnith the prie.ts who trouble the •couaience. of their penitent. in political matte. PORTUGAL IS cot yet under full subjection to. the allied pcnirns. Paursla has in lelinec;•to thy /cm, bat not az liberilly l yre could wish. The Chamber of the Three Represenuti•e Es. tams have rejected, by a majority of a rue lion for placing the Jews upon terms of perfect equal with the Christians. Oa the other bend it negatived the Government propositmo to sub. jirt the Jew: of the Duchy of Posen to special laws of a Ira. liberal naturo 1,00 the law. prop., sad for the members of the Hebrew persuaelou in other parts of the mefi►rchy. The following account is given or of the recap. too of O'Connell'. Sea by thtt Pope at Home: Popo Pins LX, on the 15th ult., gave audience to the eon of the Liberator of Ireland, and made an eulogy of Daniel 0!Comiell ill terms which mutt have excited the gratitude end admiration of the young member fa Dundalk. According to what tea been stated, at the moment at which the tot row, alter having kissed the feet of the holy father, the Pope said to hion-, ,, Since I am depri• red of the happiness so long decked of embracing the hero of Christianity, let me at leut have the consolation of embracing hid son!" Aod at Cu same time the Holy father punted him twice to bid heart. Peace has been watored between Greece and Turkey, thank. to the interposition of Prince ?der ternich and Austria. Ter COTTLINI MANIitaCTORIL OY Tilt WORLD. —A late number of the Manchester (English) Guardian furnishes some valuable statistic. of cot ton machinery at work in that country, and on the sulject of the inannfasture generally. We 'vendettas the following information from the arab 1846. Emeaoal aeJ SValsw—bluld Spin4les, 11X4,5F4 Vara •• 4,190,0:15 Total, Reollaatt ills, 114 M Spindks, 1,476.00 4 neuelk TWA! 161 1,719,57.1 LamlsA, Mill YS 1ip.04.1,10,970 IMAM—MiII, .25 . Mole Spio.l/es, 170,119 14 Throat '. 56,170 Total. 44 215,503 Lama, Mills, 15 . Spinal4l, Mfrs Lug Land and Wa:c. ,Scollatul T.C.I 17,:o0,000 Spindle. litZw easprited in Geradn Cuonn kgnagaand Italy as,auo I 500,0 W Frew, . • Lie*inisn t.17,00n Swaterland 650.000 Hamis 70(1,CU) • 5.r.000 fl 500,C0. 27,555,D0 England contains 634.1000 parts of the spin dle+ in operation; the remainder of Europe 27E. 100 pare; the United States fllfooo parts. TeX Dec DOCICIL—The Attorney General, Mr. Clifford, who will never set the Potomac on .re by his wisdom, having had a cpiestion of law ilifbmittad to him by the Secretary of tke Navy, a. to the Docks authorized by Congress, and for the completion of which money, ma. appropriated; Undecided that the appropVatton, not being sof flent for the completion of the work, the work itself is inexpedient at l 'this time, the money all Wog wanted bte MEXICO (EXCIIICiTE of the three milliora.) and perfectly nuke, to begin the week upon Philadelphia, either meanie!, duplex, or • baWance wheel Dock. • Thin is aboutthe coolest thing we have heard er seen for along time. The law officer of the Government is rolled Up= to give • legal inter pretation to an act of Congress, and responds with a decision that the work Wont be omitted be. cause the money le wanted for another purpos e . Jests' Horst PIIILIDILPAIA., which ho p lone bum - the biotite establishment of the fish. istablo people of the country, 62s passed into the beads of N. W. Bridges and Jon. Wart two gentlemen admirably suited to their ptimitioo, end capable . of adding to the reputahatt of this already, far famed esteblithisut. ECLICTIC 114/141CAL INITITUTSZCITCII I2 I I ATL. —no coon of lecture■ will cowman* In Ibis .slanblo innings early in November. For pen Madan woo advotiloomnat. • . Tut KLYLIIIID Or • rased.. T Theis Eloped a moral in the.lollewing waif which we End slowly eircutatlmismouptoorli• elsamors, Mat we transfer it to oste,columns, ilot4e Mg not that the brief story map nlereot the major its of. one lady reader.: • Where do men usualte l disedver the women, Who afonwade become their wives is a question we hieerOcianionally heard Jiwunaed ; and the remit invariably come to is worth mentioning to our young lade „sealers. Chance has much to do in the Mains; hut there are important governisog cliceinstrinces. It is Certain that few men mike • selection from ballrooms. or any other place.of public gaiety; and nearly as few ire influenced by the what may be called showing off in the streets, or by any allurement. of drew. .Our conviction ja, that ninettnine hundredths of all the finery , with which women decnrate, or load their pereone, gd for nothing, ea far as husband.catching Wean. caned. When and bow theta, do men find their wives 1 In the quiet homed of their parents or guardians—at the fircnide, where the domestic green and feeling. are alone' demonstrated.— .These are the charms which tuned surely attract the high and the humble: Against these, all the finery and nits in the vrotld ore insignificant.— We shall illeatrate this by an 'melee, which, though not new, will not tie the Crone for firing again told. In the year 1773, Peter Burrell of Beckenham, in Kent, whose health war rapidly declining; was adviked le go to Bp, for the re covery of his health. His daughters feared that Mono who had only motive. entirely mercenary, would not pay him that attention which he might expect from theme who from duty end affection united would feel the greatest pleasure in Millie• tering to his ewe and comfort; they therefore re deal to accompany him. They proved that it was not a .pint of diasipation and gaiety' that led them to Spa, for they 'rem hot to be seen in any of tire gay and fashionable circles; they wore Decor out of their father's.sompany, and never went from home except to attend him, either to take the air, or drink the waters ; bra word they lined a moat recluse life in the midst of n town then tho resat of the moat illes'rious and fash. ionabte persouage• of Europe. Thin; exemplary attention to their father proctored those three ann• ..gble sisters the admiration of all dill English at Spa, and was the cause of their elevation t that rank in life to which alleles's:write gave them sr just* title. They all were married to noblemen —one to the Earl of Beverly, another 10 the. Duke of Hamilton, atterWaeln to the Mogul. of Exeter. and a third to tho Duke of Northumb.-land. And it in but justice to them to say, that they reflected honor on their rank. rather than derive! any from it. Wasutenvost es a F....U.—General %Vieth. ington has recently been placed h before his teen 1 trymen as a farmer—a vocation to which he was much attached, and of which he had a pearliest knowledge not generally appreciated. We may learn from him tied the highest civil and military virtues ere not inconsistent with the mold common- and useful duties of life. Weshingtm's devolion to his himing interest., is illustrated by en extract from ono of his letters to Sir John Sinclair. The letter is dated Philadelphia, July 20, 1794, ht which, after ailing that by, unwearied earn of bit flock of sinep numbering between 700 end 800, . at the shearing of .1789 the fleece yielded me the average quantity of 51 pounds of Wool," ho must " fa this same year, I was again called from home, and have not Lad it in mgysaweridociftto pay any attention to my farm—the consevence or which is, that my sheep at the lag sheering yield ed me not more than 24 poi:silk" Thir ditfcr• once of yield shows whet roost 111,3 been his de. • votion to rural pursuits. His system of farming 11a the morn , perfect in One at that day ; and it may be doubted whether any farmer ol the mew. eat day carries on his egriculturei porsuitave cording to a better system.. fie remarks, writing to Arthur young, that his fields were all arranged Goa rotation'of crops from 1787 to 1795. He 1 frequenkly,brought the- sulject of Agriculture lit. furs Congress in his messages. In a letter of the 6th of March, 1447, he says: .1 not very worry Ito add that nothing final in Coronets bag been idecided respecting the institution of a National Board of Agriculture, recomnieuded by me et the •! opening of the ser.i'66." In another Ito save: I know of no pursuit in which more its: end . !. important aerator can be rendered to any county, '..i than by improving its agriculture, its breed of use fit animals, and other branches of a husband.' man. cares." Let terry American youth who is not too proud to be useful, heed the .‘ Illaatriou. Farmer of Mount Vernon." bo might cite t other passages but when all are highly warty of 7 k al i dol reading it is hardly necessar GALVaXiiita TiltttsNlaoN.—lt his been dem onstrated, that a onion of iron and zinc surfaces establish. en eleetrical current bet . ween them, which entirely prevents rust or corrosion in the iron. In 1844 this fact was ea:wider.] as clearly established, and patents were taken out in Evgland and this country far the manufacture of iron thus Lprotected, from oxydation by zinc. Galvaniz tinned sheets of iron of a large size are now used' for roofing buildings; which are . mal:eable, can be are little affected bysstmosphoric change .and cost but half as much as copper. It is the best known material for gutters, pipes and cisterns. 'Spikes which ate to be used in places exposed to ' the weather, and moisture should ha of Gilvanized Lean. This iron is used extensively for marine purposes by the British and French Governments. MeAlpin G. S. Engineer at Brooklyn, at the Olden. of Copt kfcKeever, also is about to ez. periment mime it with a View cf introdompg it into the naval works. The principal proprietors of the Niagara Suspension Bridtte, proposes to in vestigate 'the subject with reference to using it inthat 'truelove. More than six hundred buildings in the City of New York, have roofs of this material 6pon which the insurance compatueo made large deductions on account of their great safety. This subject demand.. tho attention of the . iron numufacturers of the Iron C:ty. It is not • difficult matter to investigate, and we trust l'ius. burgh will not behind the . fumes. With'e matter of practical utility. Tan isreariven SMUT Macrae. or W.. W. NVALLACI or Piersa carin.—Our attention has been directed to this extraordinary improvement, atul we hope the public will notice the improve. 1 meat 111.. Ito utility has already been coo fullyt tested that we can add no recommendation in its favor for the instruct.. Of those who have treed it. The French Burr Stone her been found su. periar to all other materials. and the Patent of Mr. dull (bought by Mr. Wallace) is the heat that is known. The price ofthe Machinra caries from 100 to $225, according to the mice, but they will last, with very occasional repairs, for a life time. believe it to be in all respectu an economical 'Machine, and capable, no We aro assured billiose who have need it.of perfect work. Ihp Maclaine is also capable of getting 'rid of that sauce, known as the Weevil, which is otten ice i . enumental.of as mach damage at the Bann! and 1 . particularly in the Southern cout u .. ruciOrity ! is sufficient to clean from 10 to, lOci Leslie& per Lour. We have even scorer Of teittimanfrorn those who have tried it, aild all speak of the : chine as one of the greatest, value . for economy. cleanliness and general utility. Mr. Wallace id the mole owner of this valuable patent. It wee purchased by him for a large sum, end he hav given notice that he will prosecute any nun tree• pacing upon his patent right. See advertisement ,for further particulars. Dot:Tara or CUMICILII;cEr— s •NtVer gh an act of which you doubt the juffilieo or propriety." ilia paragraph met our eyes the other day iu the column. of an exchange, and plunged us into • reverie, daring which we reviewed our whole life in tafeience to the truth of the phrase. The conclosion was that we were forcibly' impressed with its correctness. We can say solemnly that we can recall no balance,. either in our own histoty or that of others; in which an amt, about the proptisly of which we doubted, ever proved Junior prudent. The conscience is apt to bo too callous rather than tootsensitive; and hence, when it rebukes us, however gently, we may bemire it is right. We are ao often tempted by a selfish inter est to commit deeds of doubtful morality, that we never should bun a deaf ear to the slightest whir per of the Inward monitor. The men who tetuses to do an act of which he doubts the propriety, is certain. nine times out of ten, to be right. LICOTV z REV. JNO.II , CAFFRT,Eresedent of Mount Pc M. ry'a College, near Runuellburg, • kW, will deliver I 'cetera au nem Thursday, evening !lily Wad. at half mast oevaa o'clock. in the Chapel attached to St. Pant'. Schoolhouse. Rennisaso a tickets to be had at she Calle olie bookesoiee Georg. gesaley and Was. McCaw. t o rt=tU ''"‘ r% e"o e n.P r echriok surdd7gtiekpeuse= oL" • irwit Gracesi. Tascoss, in the, , following letter Nees Jerveypysdily yields biteself to the popular nstninstion . fiii the . ~ 1 1;sideo, t z, and may be pie. slieied of tberiemlithites for tbis diatlu gtf4ket.l oIS9L-; ; ...L5 • gr• Aray $ 1 Mexico." Sii- - -I haw die !indite to acknosoaie,l4 al sen timents of 'high grstifiestion, the'receipt of a copy or the Resolution recently odot - itetr at 'd enacting of the Democratic Whigs of the county of Mercer, N. ' - J. . . My thanks are specie* due to my Mande of the State of New Jersey, for their-flattering ea. preceton of approval and esteem, and which Jean allauro them is re truly. reeprocated. • I embrace this occasion. to remark, that if We people of this country desire to place me In the. high office of Chief Magistracy, I do not feel mj .aelf at liberty to 'tinsel but, on more contraryur that position, as well as one more humble, it ill ever he my pride and ioastant endeavor to write the country with - MI the ability I possess. Plea,* convey thew coy thanks and brief - kunarledgmente to the tiniest. of the county rf Mercer. I wish then end yourself touch pr perily and happinew. Weh great Teepee', I remain your obedient se ; rant, Z. TAYLOR, • Maj. Gen. of U. S. Army. Dr. John Clathe,ticc'y public meeting at Tram. FROM' MEXICO. Goland PrJeri, Not 464. Her.ouvanrau, Ann, or OCCUPATION, Monterey, May 8, 1847. The Grit Jinirion of the army, winch is now at Salado, will ho ready to march for the town of Caterer, on the 15th of Um cowing month of JUIN. Every *Alice, in the interim, will prepare himself for matching. By macro( Maj. Gen. Z. TAILOR: W. W. DLINS, A: A, G. The Aerontl ~ r der I. as follower: General Orders, Np. 466. 11 •I. Or it-rx lid, Anx r or Nip,,. ' (NO date.) The seeond division of the army which is now on the field of Lattle, will ho mealy to march on 224 of the cortniog mouth of JULIO. lot San Lots agreeably to previous (Arra - By outer of Maj. Gen. Z. Taiw ni W. W. BLISS, A. A. O. We I:publish these two orders to contian fact publirbed in the Gazette directly from ico, the truth of which svad , donied by some of our friends of the Press at the time. BY MAGNETIC-TELEG4PH Correspondence of Pittsburgh Uncut darropoalraa of the Itittslourgh Gus.. IMPORTANT FROM MEXICO. PEADE RUMORS REVIVED LINE OF DEFENCE PROPOSED. EXCITEMPIT AT THE CAPITAL OfiNERAL SCOTT AT PUMIII.4, 'LIMIT. AUGERS AT WASHINGTON. lIA, July 21, 5 p m. Th. Picayune of the 13th wag received at RIP 1 , Linton last night by From tome cause'' . it laid ita the Post Offree till this moreing, probe• lily through the careleesness of -the Clerk, It was . Oanamittal to Philadelphia by Malt to day. Tha Picayitne his •fikit of Mexican papers to 'the 29th June. The El Republicsno give. us the f. 'Hoenig nth:ratanmh relative to the American prison re, front which It appears they have left the Capita , and Ilnequelle. Tlao 180 Santee prisoners of war, who had boon sent this route liv the Governor, bad been detained at the above named town, and General Garvy has mot the trecestary means of sustenance oi theta. We have lo..ked:irl vain through preceding 'numbers of the lama paper for s notice of their departure from the Capital, ben the above isolate.a" Iperm.aph is all that st, e caulcl. Th, mom-eons I I 'comets to us emble We find m Imo of the 51c.fieau papers which have Witte to hand, but no velum hat been assembled ,up to l the 29th ult. The Republieano..puhlishmt, daily, the list of membeis present and active.' They have wend timer, corns very one having a quorum, and there is doubtless a sufficient •riumber tid,:itierigif Is the city to farm onr'll ate required-06 were' present on the 25th. The city papers appeared to super! that the American Army would march from the city of Puebla by the last of done or let of 'July ! , They say nothing in reference to their numbers or to their own means of defence. Of our army in panic. star, they show a perfect acquaintance. We sea no allusion in the piper. to a fact which we saw stated elsewhere upon sufficient awhAtty, that Gen. Scott had given them to the 80111, to consider Mt. Buchanan's letter, be fore matching to the Capitol. . The Republican° say• our army is too insignifl• cant to advance, but expremes at the woe time a hope that Gen. Scott will do so, me it will afford • goof tort for the fidelity of those Mexicans who hare pledged themselves to defend the Capitol till death. The paragraph reads touch like a sneer upet the patriotic trosst• of same of the Mexicans flu the 25th pf, June, rumors. which the paper alluded to above c.dls. alarming, were- circulating l i about the Capital. It was said the Mexican Gen. end had accepted of the medishicm of England— that the Engliah St...trey had been down to Pe. ehla and returned on the 9th—that the object of his visit was to negotiate a treaty of Peace with General SeWl—t h at the term. agreed upon by them would be the eurtender of the Califontim to the Arnericane, the recognition of the indepen• dance of. Tessa, and the neknowledgment of the lino of du degree. no the Nonhern boundary be• tween the United State. surd Mexico. This line would give Santa Fe and trier onethinl of New Mexico to the United States.* Santa Anna has been censured pretty severely by the press for celebrating his birth day ty a hin ging at hie palace.' The Mexican troops at Matehuila are self ring mush from richness. Gen. Iticonb•• been reato. rail to Ilia room and. '..lfs haf resigned some time ago with Gcn.• Bravo. Santa Anna had trued a decree of indemnity for all political offences on the 10th ult. MariTLas, Jane 11th. The Blockade Lim Wren satiety rnstotained by . the MN. vowels Cyane, Independence and Elim. The El Republicatto dementia of Santa Anna, that he release Gen. Arista,- and censures him very severely for imprisoning, without first giving him. lnal. El Resonador calls in an earnest manner upon the Government to giro if immediate attention to • the immense contraband trade carried on from that phrt of Kali Sabastian and Mazatlan,—large gamin titici-of bullion are carried thitherfrom Zscatecaw sal clandestinely taken on travel English smells - of War. The English . ship Carrysfort, is charged with baring received large sums nu board. The vote of different States is given for Pres• ident on the 10th of May, and the El Republican° room that the diet article of lhe Constitution pro. , a ides that do matte an election valid, three-fourth. (Witte Stale. must exercise the elective franchim —that lees than that having been given, the elec. thin has failed. -t I orrespoodrnCr Of •We l'ottsborgdGost.i. Wuuuoxoß, July 21, 0, I'. Al Lieut. Hollers attired in Washington City on Monday evening, rrith , delpstches from the Gulf Squadron. Ho left 4inton Lizard° on the night of the oth pooL. The contents of bin deXpet e he e e ex yet unknown. Tee aippi,caught fire from the spots. tanenus combustion of coal. and it was, through thn extrourdinary czettitms of hor crew, satin. Knish.' without materially injuring the ship. Coat. ferry it et A anvil breo Ef,,,chod idtu tho iutetior, nud Hanel around • in. perior force of thy enemy without Opposition. •1t would also ells Monterey, tho City and Bay, Wan Francisco, the Uily and ll.y, to the United Matas, including the beet port on the Pa- cific. Also Ilent's Port, and all the conatty two degree. South. Wa atrOuld bo well eatlefied with such a treaty, if Mexico will .maim Peace open inch terms,—Edo. Getz:. Carrsu,n [co's of the rattalearth LATE t .; FroPM 'At 'r.14.,1* 21, 10 m . - .ll'era..L'ros dotes to like 7th dorm, and fair; the ply of frohl Major Grine!, one, oethe plikeltiers, hale been iedeived m New ill.: ---Major.Gaines states io his sorrozinttleatilm: that 170 prisonere, rank and file, flare been released and mot tel'ampiro—the officers only haring been ietained. Major Gaines . had received assurances from Gen seott, that imourdiately upoff hid arrivai in the neighborheasi of the city of Mexico, ho would per. emptorally demand:the release of the officer, now detained as prisoner, in that oily. . Oen. Scott bad. taken all necestery steps to commence his march upo nthe Capital: prep arations were nearly perfected and' hiracree eof, ficrent to accomplish the object. lie would poi. Lively move on the 30th - The atehmer Galveston would sail for New'Os lonia ou the 10th, after discharging' • cargo of M ules at Vera Cruz. She was expected to arrive" nn tho 14th ins. .By tho arrival of the U. 8. brig Washjogton at Mobilo, on the 12th inst., are have the follow log news from . The morning before the Bailed from Anton Lixardu, the steamer Vixen arrived from Tobasco,Mingini the iixelligence that after Corn. Perry alt Tobesco, Commander Biglow, who had been „left In charge of that post, went out some six OT eight miles into the conotiy, anti 'nicked .and pet to routs a largely superior force of the ':Mexicans, with the lone of tut two killed and stx or eight wounded. Mexican loss not ascertainel Trout. %term !Maki the Mexicans were'comrnam did by Cot. Genie, and numbered 5 or MM. I The Americans numbered 300 sailors and-Marines. The Raritan and Potomac hero sailed for Nor if* The difficulty nt Havana between the eitthori• nee end the two afficetalho refused to pay the 'fine imposed on them for P ;a brnachof tho eanatori regulation: of that port, hare been so far edjueted to to enable Limits. Twiggs and loner to rein , n home. They paid the tine of $2OO, tinder a pro. test, mid came passengers in the Italian. Corte thf:on.testre of the rituborgh Gazette. Now 1000.,.Ju17 21, P. M The Vitamin Sarah Sands erriv•hl at Now York an thel9th, in 10 day. from Cork, having left on Oro 3.1 tart. The Washington arrived at Bremen on the i9th—ince,left on the 25th, reached South amptont on the 2,2 th, and wee to mail tur. New Yotk on the 10th July. A grand dinner wee giv en on Ward at Uremia, and tickets of admission was issued in England. The Wrhiogion tin 60 peassngets from BrerrlCll, worn of them ho the United States. Gureee,oairace or the Pittstwrgh Gar,. ie NEW YORK MARKET. July 21.'8 o'e. e. o. Floor—Salta of Gausses at $5.25c per bid.— Of Western at $512,12ic per bbl, at tallith talcs than pan Intrusive demand in the toarint. Wheat—Sales of 3000 u Prima White ate quoted at 51,25 per dm. '. Corn—Sale. of Western mixed at 1 , 6 c per bit; of Prime Yellow, sales 20.000 ate quoted .59an2c per bu. Oate—Sa , oe st 38239.,:per It.o Rys--Sale• quoted at 76278 e Fu r bu. Pirk,-Prime Weultru issellina at $12,00 per L6l. Westarn No 1 is quoted pt $14.75. - There is less inquiry for Provisions. Men Beef—boles of Prime Western at $9 per bbl; ealea of Western No I at $l2 per Oat. Placer.—Westem ludas are in demand at Gie per lb. Lard—Sales Western imago al InialOic T6e matket is active. Molasses—The market is active at prices un changed from former quotations. Exchange an London at 5j per cent. Alailset fulk—andrichanyes dull at the. rates. Freights OM inactive at last quotations. .. • t,•• !,- LIALTINIORR .‘IARKET. Jol9 21.8 PM. Flow—Rowan] et is held at $5,25. Receipts light, and the market unscukd and no sales. - Grain The simply in market it limited. Whest.,Pricne White is held at slll. Sales of mime Red at $14102. Cons—The receipts in market small. Pr.stiefons—alarket invite .44‘,14,f,cra 0551 change. Grqcenes—Mark.t extretohly dulll' Sogar.r.Sales of Porto Rico at 5051. Mat kt t inactive, and no charrie in usher 'irticics in the market. Stocke--The market if without charge. Esetheere Correspondence or the Pand.unth G. CiEr PHILAUELPfII.A MA BKET. July 21, 8 Flour—Salt.rof 1200 freth WessesB Ea $5,50 per boi. Market firm/. Cornmeal—Nolen are quoted at $3,25 par Ltd. Rye Flour—Sales at $3,50 per bbl. Wham—Prime While is selling gt 120 e rer liu tram store. Nair+ of 20110 Ms Prime Red at 113, . . Cern--9alea of Prime Yellow at 70c per bar, at which rata there are more buyers than yellers. Oata—Sales.are qu ned at -39/41e r bet. liye—Saler 'at 75e per hu.. Nothiug doing in the article.' in—Ndthing doing. Too markt t has been quiet throughout the day. The new. by theream cr will nuictilli and inmate-former prices. Provisions-4'6 inquiry inuhe market. Groceries—No change in the market. Whiskey—klales at 25c per gall. hiaiket firm. flacon--Market weedy, with no chaugo• 6om last 'quotations: City 'Nears. !gassiest:le.—We refer our readers to the caul of Mr. Oihon. He is to lecture fhb; evening at Philo 11611, ou the subject of Mesmerism, and red! , Miss Myths, to prove that one may read without the use of a pair of eyes.. , Asassi.—A person by 'the, name of John Iletiraw was arrested on Wednesday last, and brought before , Alderman Steel, nife charge of boring had illicit intercoms with a female in this city. Was held to bail in theoulm of s3oo to appear at the neat Court of Quarter tiesSiona, ,to answer to such charges us shall then be made against him. • Fret.—About helf.mitt 11 o'clock, last night , there was an alarm pf fire . , which rav'caused by the burning of one or mere houses, in the borough of Ilirminghtm. From the light and flames which shot tp from the rue', we should judge tt must have been pretty - gttensive, but had no tortes of assertsining the fact at the time o r going - to Pmts. Particulars will be given to-motrow. ATTIIIrt 41.1730C1u5.—A man At 'ha f - Otl uit ing rendezvous attempted to dratroy his life on Thursday night last, by taking laudanum. A phy sician was sent fur as 5000 as his state was dia. coteresl, 'SAW such antidotes administered as resul ted in his restoration. lie assigns lose an the cause of his couduct. fillolllll./.lM—The home of Mr. Smith, on Fiout stroet, mas broken into on Tuerdsy night ad, by some felon, and a small sum of mmrtr taken from the clothing of the Diner. Nip ono hart yet bean striated for lint offence. Max., 1111,111.10.- , — A gentleman, on Saturday last, lost $l5O somewhere on Filth Direst. On Wednesday marninS t he money was returne..l by a ebuple colored . who had found They defame to have boon ompensated, not because they were honest, for that is the duty of 'lovely. person, but beeluse they were prompt end ready in returning to the owner hie to others as they would be done by." in- If 1( I'ECIAL Kb:QUEST, Mr. Onto, 7:11 isscluto al Hall, that, Thursday, evening, at a • e'cloldi. Mina Mattedis will be Magnet:tied, and read *lilt bandaged eyit's. Other interesting Gaper.. 11111101* In human utartelisin will be produced. / Clots e/ math/Mien will be binned. Adituttanci 'l5 cent*. $5,00 BOOTS • 5 00., NO. on vovnTit writHET.' CORNER 0 POS 'I . ill.' ICE AL I. II V. lutisctiber tespectiaily militias dm potthe Mtn lie ha. commeneed the onmplacture of 6.ntirtnrn Fashionable Boots, of good materiel mid workmanship whikit he will warrant •uperlor to any Won tree made In l'ittisbaralt for the prier. Those handsome Boon will bo made to measure, and warrant them na repro senterl, none stry 'low price of FIVE DOLLARS CASH. Gentleman are requested in call and exam ne thma. JOS W 11 ERSKINE. Oh Wednesday nAtroing the Mu lost , MRS. MARY WIRSTIIOFY, In the MA yens other age, The friends orate (seedy aro requested to attend bar fuocral !ma her reinknea, on Rain Lane, near Ohio et. ' Allecher.) Clty, thiaiThoraday ) morning 'at 10 o'clock, , r-- 13.11:11.PTCTIC LISIDIVAik INSTITCT/t;', CINCINNA7I , OfIIO. . TIMIka next Pa ll and arttasecturee ot lecturer co.- - ...fe-neea to atm. institution on the him Monday ha tkormaberjandeoutinues four months. which is name 'diatelk. tmes-idled by the Sperm and Summer hickettoocontlnaci four month,. A gradaitons yne. limmary enarse commences on the first Monday at Or. loner:awl canttunel ore month/ --' Faculty. lcs. II I. Ilill, hl D. Anatomy and Operative Surgbry ak Mil ey ne L. Elenothl D.Matena Therapeutic. , ' and Botnny I Oltver 11 D, Chemistry and pharmacy Into W Beach MD, SolgetTrwd Clinical McManus ' 1010 A 11 Valdrldge ID D, Obstetrics and diseaces of women and children. 100 J B Buchanan M I), Physiology, Institute. of Medicate and Medical Jurisprudence Itt,Ot T V Morrow M D, l'atho'ogy, Theory and PlaCtlce hl edictne 10 011 kletrzmalatton Tieket Use of Itbrary 81. Grads. ahan fee tlo. Demonstretor'a Ticket IN, optional PIO/pail on ar before the heat Monday in Novernher next, will be'rechived for 1111110,1 it, full of one stbdect Orssopatd by the fat of um. next, will «truce all the tickets (or one fall course; the. Demonstrator'. Lebo. LISCof 4,1b(67,0121a ticket excepted. The Institute received i • charter In 1C45. College edi fice isaimsted 51Ihee0f0er Af Court and Pluni The court, of inor action will embrace ea'ery Ming Ad' value Lnown and taught la the Old 512.1:eal Cotter, as well as the Rearmed and Botanical School of Med, mite.Kix unseen,, !retorts will be given da.4 = ltoatd front 82,a0 to SIM° pef week. t'andidate. ler gteduanoti, addthou to the prelbninalY term or'''atllt must navrpe e attended tern full cotis In some Icgetly eorporated hlcdteal College. the orthm must he in thia Ewe course after four years' practice. All letters soLetting fonber informatton,or cat taming money or the Faculty, ma-I he addressed to the under signed Ipostpafp ) Notes of solvent Banks (tithe Z":11.1e • in which students reside, will be received n pay... of yeas. T. V. MORROW . , M D., Dean of the P.rttl:y. END Or IhIPII.OVEMONTS IN SMUT . . .. MACIIINES. ' ~ LULL'S Patent Trench Ulm • . -. • rout machine, otanufaet red I. • ,k- 4 ,, , ' : - . i f 1, ;; ; .; ... '1, W W Wallace, 2-10' & ..I " Lbe t 4 2 A fr. , ...y,lti , n ,t eet . r .. tne . cum.. Pittsburgh 4;,`.'~al at.. have be. in use 7 ...iii. for s years, dittlog_whieit time they ~ . . :‘,.. have bean Used in hundred.. of the 4 g %.. ... t . n n or i tzt . st r v q e . t i A , M . the couttlrl. , I \ h high -1.1, labon of being ett per iur to all otht I mof muchtiMe for clembng ;min, whibu they are gram- Ipe an to all other. id that very important quality. tro . r ' nbil r it,. The unequalled dinalittily of the Purr al a• bine is valued, nud Lull's Pt tent isj ut tly deern• eil orient the first improve... in moduli. mill touch. cry. Miller. rind tutfi owners wt. have hermolore. been lubjected to a heavy' per:wheal, of.n tern! annual, and evenjin large met eh rut nflir, more to outlay a for the purchase or tepyire tit Imo P. , Erstil 111. Line., [to J.. nothing of the derange..l of hooioro. in a mill, Om, sionrd by copping 10 roues,' or repd,rll. InaChalery.) ere insured that the purchase of Loll'. Patent, will ren der unneeeetery any farther purchase ofStout Machinr. or the tame mid. as it is eollfi . gfrolly believed that they will h.! a lifetime, wall litt, if tiny repalt, Hundred. of these mach.. ate its ote.p. toasty of them litre t•lra.i..o hundred. of M 0... of ...he..., and ore now declared by Lb, ow., to be to all teepee., Co they eau .tudge.. good as when first viatica, v....u.ut or ot!poiro of_any- load. About . ..00 Iron tou chum, of every variety of vyle and Patent. snort of whint par 'armed well, ant. they became smooth have L.ce•ti dieplacett by the Miff maehtne., and it in moth I drolly .1.11/.1 few years all plop., before 514 Burr totellibe wi'l generally rupeteede li,/), ,110,:t .., 1... For p.inirolars, Nee her.dt..llo. all order. ior e.mot marlituebb mill Ibilelk Or .011151 141 , :teg, ald,raard to th e sub... amt./II attd .• le .t , mar the eanal, ratalturgli, will he promptly ab tended to. j)721) Ay • %V w wni.l.ocit 00.152 oratorio sine., Prabsdard rid... Tl,ll :subscribe., under the Grin Of 1 . 110. V, S. Ware, /nice initchused Al r,Jones' tote. M m thi- establesti meil, and bop, hy the ..attest Wire ion t n o the may and mnforts of the,, guests. to torr i d a enntititninee of the ldieral patronageOeretokire "re re l, it• foilLer propt.i tor. 'EtM li,sute Lot lief a shorourbl s refs.". t.. 41. nod repair ed, We therefore feel assured see can • welcome osr friends and the pablie an sceorrtelOdallano equol to an) in the coy or Philattelplita. " N WBRIDGES, Ifisiytri , JNO warr. D 4 J. Pettit's Universal Canker Remedy. ~. PEW bottleaor Ltoet. J. Petors 'Canker remedy." CI an long known anil thOtoughly 'tried. liar becujust °Maned, and tarot roe by WIti.JACK:sONT,FiI Liberty rim 1 It is the rote. safe, snit iibrtain rtmetly in lb eits out glen. fir all and nary sr extra:dilatory, and om aegravated corer of recent or chronic. Minos, Sore Nlnullt calomel sore mouth. swelled totted t.ery• upelaa, emitter rash, Incitdent bronchilis and quinsy. j c mi putri i l tore throat. blank tene, m and all rarer of cu mon anker, in the mouth, throw and stomach. when ep,ll ed in aecnniatiece wadi the tore ciao. a. eunipsny tog ,seh bode. The arto.le vice red is k down to lie centime. Price MI rte. per bottle. jyls::ni 'RENZI! GRANO PIANO FORTE. - - , , HTLIRII,. K l! :i ii i !o i: c g .:;e .o in ' lliew ." 3: l . '"' , i r :r: ( 70 . 1 b i e r e ". l n ' ; tueininient• from the celebrated famort.or Henri Herr- Par+, one rosevroml Senn grond Pin tflis Forte, 151 oe• 1.000. This instrument will be rally equal in rat. solV, ,touth. to Bascom aiwil by hem at his colleens hero, hot far sliperior in pointer style nit d superior win kintvishi, ._ AlSo, rine r.ewo3d ,/ Deliver or super./ Intro and finish. The pricer wad ben lower than Mr. I lers'anwo article rates. iredit IN T A w N . T , E . D . T k et ,. I 4 place r , t f : ff n sun nod , 0 ... , , , r i .,, who l house. , and horses, and to keep house. Aim-wanted; several good cooks, rhanitrennaids and housekeepers to res. peetal i de kindles In town and country. Wanted placer lot a number oreolored men, women, boy. and gills - Alen-plarea for a- nambe t or ha ya of dilferent ogre. Person• who with tin b.f., good salesmen. warehouse. men. book-lceper.. -elmol m,stor. or bends to help limn ~ :I,e, vanos• busitiest. will pie as- call at Its,.. I. general Ague) and InteAdgence 0t1iec.4 . ...vm . i 161% ELIVEH. TELEGG.APR. FROM li rirr.lHuicG3 TO CINCINNATI .ANO LOB i /SVILLB.. Subscribe. to the above. mock, resid ing in emelt the city. are requested on itay to Joshua Bann, Agent of dm Cartmaby an is or Mt nee cent, on the Ist of 30714 lien I By order of the Ceitn• llp. O'REILI. Dan p ). tit Contractor inn continuation of mud Line, { ii ,Tr 7 INEonE .Noll 'din 'set 4 ',CI. cedrier orPro.a .1 r . ea:rasa s a. bootee asoortnand,of Foreign Witten inST.: mita. Being. exclicsigelys idevenuf to the busi ness. porch PP e** can obbn a Bie most Supei , or q1.11.11P:e•. rutted in wood or glass. Any arniele not giving cola, satisfaction, will at 11l limes be aeb¢ugedll29 JACOB WE, VER IV I brand.; '4"vibe‘. tut sale il' ob; snit the e l ' o .4 .7o ' ft . oi 3 tle s , ' it ' t . I . re ' erTt: more or i JACOB WEAVER 11 1 . 2 l6rnmket ma corPront. ('IOTTON DOUR-'1 bide, Lowell Twillti Ned - /l do.t e.i.. fur tv.,,mt veneer., 'lt rceeived.ifor sa • tii ME Ll'ill , ", IV/ LSO re CO Ir:2 at ' i N4 g± wicod st • - .- __,_ 50 lotnii'"' . '' No 1.. B ' a "Tl'Ir. 1 1;7! ; :;11°,1,:-!` i/t'M--e- Canal Basta - - I' -- N 4 ACKEREL-50 Of bids No i a large, MI bble No . 2, tar rule by 1,21 E II EAZEI.TON. east std., diamond - . . . - 1_11A&CIN-tuot.11.4 tonne rity i eureilhoms, to son', j_llnonee, taste by 13 2 / !LIVEN' , inis - reß,‘ c" .. ..... . 'TA °NEV. Js;.l -r erre red 31 Bores New [this sedsons.i ri . superair "bite comb Hooey. for ante by ANT,IONV ba.tvo JR. • " ,1211 L firth m and martsalley Nle i' r 7 o H ' S D. ' ;oc il re ß ::::3 l.l. LL " Vtl ,L r E Ar l e .' e ' e ' irnr au!, EllanaixclarerlP pixte by II & E TODD. Smpler ea hand •i 6 !!001.1 }I op ma., Yriresi M=OM2= WUXI Roored hrs mitt Ilarautseigarttjum ret , d; tor rale ItylLLtli nicrstm • isto im t:o IlLeny tt CLARET- al Lis commons do; In•wir and 6, ,)a) MILLER k RICRET:4O;s: I‘ . 7 15 DOW GLASS-IKI buac . .l 51,y lu, •• itt 412: 50 .• 10 by 14: well, rt Pa 'dr a. 40tIment of d by ..7 by 0,9 1.) II!. lUi..y 11,1. l b) and 1.2 by on band. hoe sale 71911 TA14....1: I( A 1114:41' wood st . - -. • - • ooltl IA 7 RITE OINGEIL-1 fires h ,lirl Ging, r IA V Al9t rote/red by J SCIIOUNMA &CO J 3 -10 t!1 wood .11,,t SAUNA! All i :L i tlL l . o L V A ,, -I ,.. l;zl z e . 4l:tu r t . anazz . r r t e nd f o r L. 1):A: 5101100 N AI &KEN Jr Co lATINDSIOI/ SOAP-2 roanold , for warlonrr nod senora:it; for sale low by 1., 1 Iyoll J .100NMA KKK it. Co ARID OIL-10 Lb!. )041 •rived in bound horrrl4; for ..tic by s j l 1 & RI:NV:F iron :40N /Y:1 0 _ 170 li,byia.l B , ACON.'-t by: Davao St.c.uldrr.and Fre on vari.lgt ttttt and far Pale by N111.1.F:It k It I 0.10.7T50N I)AIMINR-1u M R H.. , 111. p . 4•i resir:ved; or IM-1111 811,.14. It & RICI,Lrz=oN AVI' ISAUTy.ILNE. Air' hhdi IVlte 1t w , neljasl rcerived, fur .air by f BIII.I.M:Rk RICRRTSON I:Li/VR-130 bblo rannly Flanr iu ri9v . .. fur 91e by F )y2n• r A 5;1,1 a: 131,7 APPLKS-15 Wm rreeivcd, for pile b) JYYO TASSEV 3 uf.mT 4414 No 3 Lergr; iVi .1 laNil a Larr.: for rate by Jr.. 4) • rAxy i L inKr . AWID-6 egg reaeorcd. for sab, by ss ))P TASSFY tiesT SP T 6. I'VaPENTINE-10 bble for o.le by J , Y ° - I tIGIIOONMAKER & ro . _ ___....__. .. VANILLA DEAIIB-4 bundles fresh tor rate by V Jill! • ' J ge , iO9N3I.II:IER 4. co Nii%ixTiCiiiriEi. ...ut, I N 3,1 1, , . r a o urge._ MA ek r r el, /last. Inspoottoo, londina and for *ale jolt! ' •... bo . BAGALEY A SMIVII 13 I C yP5 N—'4" I" "'"" h' IrS ' II I .' 'Y ATERSIAN Siil7y —4° Er%Oisll6l\,litsoN a co 1 L' A ° —""' r'g''T.V.',l-I:I;',I*AWN . k co .-. 1 0 I f , TTON —4 , 00 balosin &totem./ for sale Ly V 10— ( 1 3 r . LIMN IIETCHHON ACO lad SD ELLAC- 7 4 cases just received: for tale It - _ • BRAUN .5. REITER " t 'l9 ear liberty a. .t oink bt. IE DD.-50.1.,b . 1s TonothySoctl; 1, ll lads Chatter , ~ o ed, for a j a : lf ( l3 .pranv ' IGO " EOrtyltrootts, for sale by .11 10 , 3 v v i 1 , t7, 5 ,. t o , D , , In a ° , 0 t, ./1s ' hit , ' ! JNO F PERRY r A.R AND 11.4 L-03 bile N C Tar, --- ~ 15 bb. Tanner's Oil; reedd for t sale by , 419 JMIJ F PER RY SPT& TELLPICNTINIE-:'A foot ree'lldfor sale by DIV. , 11RAUN A. lIEIFLR a' 1 UM COPAL—Beasts Nat reobl; for sale by VI • jIIO 11RAUN it REITER Lit A Colle SIDES-15W reed and for .ale by . Ai 1)110 J NO. I , PERRY, an wood at bbloS Moo Elour oll•Notocrii1I ty ' lv , !or vela 6y PERRY I) OTABII AND SC O ilO/111111319-10 csk• In r gontoi for rate by_ jy_l9 JEO P PERKY' 1)014811-410 Mix novo landing for sale by • I DICKEY A. CO V t il y r CA Aß -100 bbl. good AMR( Vinegar for rata .10/1N GRIER 4 0 'el..l.frberly . GLAN a -121012.1P. E-I u, 7.0 - ‘5:;,;.1111 other aiarsi aritaand and far rule by -17. 1 1 . '• , W fr. R MoCUTCIIFX/N G l l7 -'73 b" Y U.,nvdeutig°,l:4 ,2tutlol6 galt.i - W 4 v 4 f ... ,.. =-,-,-.-. - .7 -- ~„ i i. ' . ' 737 - - j. i' O. D... 1 4 . Ai11et#01.01 , -72: : :.1 ..-,-- --,--4‘.1—..-__...,.. 4, - Iltialil Ory,Gosiis genie, alAuctistAn,t • '.- 1 , ON Tbaniclay. FrtdAy and sm.rarr .....tdiPt* 1t.t.1. Vet ind-14th insA- at l 0 n'elhek.eltbe cons owe* r, r , Elul, lo'-07. 11a1let saert, tell lie IC Fs, entire stonk of astral:mane eranttheing a , assaytthaen ample and fancy Dry G00d.i...... ..,' h h. t h... w i l selected expressly thr this 'marten. • ,Sale porittoo as Mr. East bas deteranned tot close th e coadern, And wpi GC cOaliaard al 2 o'clock ia 1110 aftatilatitiolreaelldiy bi oda I the whole is sold. )yet 'JOON D. DAVIS. ON Tlicrolsy morning, the 211 thst„ at 10 tieloilt• at the Coteraercial ttale Raeths,cessithodi and sth the, will he sold an evens:ye women! of fresh and seasons blc .tapie and Caney Dry Goods. „., e: - , • Aid CYClork, P. :11.• • • . A.large assortment of scpetior quality bonaehiad fun/ trout a family declining bousekeelinfie. amend which ate mahogany orardrolies„targo , reekinig chair. idt spring reel., gmtkcsny hair Beat *ea, Oiesalall burefins. fa icy and common chairs, 1 beds-lead, were. stands, large looking glniiscs, gilt frame engraved like' an*. wa gto n, spree and /Sark Mattrasses, tare ming, tenciitarent nainaror mantel elects; amulet lamp., kitchen Ara:care, he, I pair canary bird.' and cage. I hattilsinne red bird and tern, votaries, quer niiiirare,;ilassorare, he. , • At o:Cluck, P - • quaiany oi tools. shoes, fine skin. ready ma/0 fine table and pocket cutlery, grafters. gene, pistols new and second hand swatches, musical instru ments, a great variety of staple and fancy goods. jyti PRINTS ONLY. CEDAR A ST. 3 NEW YORK. LEE & BREWSTER EAahtipheda warehouse at the pear fof the pur pose of supplying the City tod Interior Trade with ph,INTED CALICOES EXCLUSIVELY, at lye paces—aatt'estibillag. at MI 1.4.011111 ; tor Ihe yeas. the Lt A wortateut They ate now opening 'regal' Hundred rickets'.. comproing