MEM ..-......---. --- - --_,_ --,--- -_ ...—------,------_ THE BAILOR AND RIS PRAYING ND- TO THE - AWE AND' AFFLICTED - "' Pg. fie.lllllll,ll , GREAT DISCOVERY. /..._ ,What thoughts crowd around the , 71. c rew...nods far - 'Mart at . the mention of ,thpse words. — .Srpirte." . v c t rttrii= 1)17 B ' N ' h "'''' L ''' d.,wi tin..., Ity or !Cremators, ~ ..Yours may pass away, mountains, rivers PrsAts:s'scs,ctoss.nettss:t&ttuTtaliss`h,` and oceans may intervene between us ;tom Throat., Nemesia Dalla and all •! the Threat and - and the spot where fi rst we heard a mo- Lonm; the most effectual and speedyroreererknown for times prayers, yet they cannot be lost to any or above diseases, .sDILSWYArs memory. Sickness, sorrow and neglect a c s c grec u it r : tVessrrs °F s3i p e ig ni ll i aoj , t- ,/ shment. the wonderful cure " reformed may be suffered, and even the heart may Swayne's Compound Strap of WILD CHERRY: seemingly become callous to all, good ' elitt.3o3.LreJ•, Jaadary J.S. Int . impressions, yet at the sound of amo a 0, - s"jlic—Rear St , : la Pali.. In loomelf Ma d ther's—a praying mothers name, a 01:7,,,ita°,72„1„77:indv:rri.ty,1; c„--0,„,,,,,ti,,,1 Chord is touched which thrills through m ost astrinishing eflects, and the great e.. vow the soul, and vaiely fails to awaken bet- oaTer,al4-:',!,,',',P,:',1,,,"„,au11a,ch"c",,P,' "pl.'', ter feelings, Does danger threaten ? token with atMk nt Cou g . h.VpittaTc ‘ i:7 ' jiood,T ' . We hope, Mod perhaps fondlranticipate, "ere Pions in the side and Breast. which .cosed that a mother's prayers, which have been ,:ybp"h;k,d,:;:nrit a d gr, t b I 00.0b C p; rnT ' IT: :;::' ',!';' l , Offered in our behalf, may be answered. naedicine,.nod s my frieds e ffe c t'sgae me up tir di"e; . la S ut Never did I see this more forcibly Il• .. t its t w o r ind th i c i r l your great &score lustnited than in a case of a eather- 'lteton:kele't'samtlo". It t Ylr ' snci%e ' :l d th ' y 'i s * Vta r n ru n m s a t beaten sailor, who resided in one of our 1 . , a 4,r , boll in' years , and "agba P1....d V. eore soy coast towns I had the narrative from em 're,:au,7to,.'arauYeamal:,,'S,lj:,',;l,t`,:ll„,i,„"l,l`T.,a/ the lips of the mother. In making his +nett, Northern Liberties. Jacob Pater:l. 2 : honieward passage, as he "doubled the mtimotty is note canoed from all quarters es . stormy Cape," a dreadful storm arose. Th e ~,„,,,,,,n ,:! e erh aia ' e ",.. th h The mother had heard of his arrival ot more V ie Ow th:opF,7o7:,,rdr,"„lic°,'„n, ...iii.. to h Medical value or Dr. SW A CNF:S "outside the Cape," and was awaiting with the anxiety a mother alone , can (-3-)j',/s?„,1-;)N.23 • ''')..,Kat-„115.,ur,1.,:a1',1.L1) C a D a EllE , - r . know, to see her son. But now the pound Syup of Wild Cherry" fea'tensagl o y o to my. f ra .w c , ti , c h .c, „ l ,: m requested hyper, Agent, Doctor storm had arisen, and; as she expected, when the ship was in the most danger-1 properties as ': P r r e'iri"ealTa T l I;e n n";,'l i nt' n:t rit c i Ne * rf f ull; *. Mu place. Fearing that bleat, as it 1 v^Tels , ... I rcol by . o dotogi I will dlacharlir a swept the raging deep,- might howl the' d''°,;,!,:',.'„'",, l ,' . 'Z'r,, n c`g i l.,L l E,':,'Z i a P c h atra . ra.piena of her son, with faith strong in 'di. ind Patent Nostroms, I Was ind'ueed fro'ii: God, she commenced praying for his i ; Its:: , i , n r ° the enost potent expectrates. recom., safety. At this moment, tows came 1 ; Diseased Lan'^s r , , to t tr m y yOiar d p k rejarre'trai ' oll ' ' '' runia °, that the vessel was loot ! The father, I Virginia or Wald Cherry. It ts sufficient tosay that an unconverted man, had till this time I 1 ,,,,7,c7„„ * X'„ h a r.'7b7, 1 1'1 1 ,, th, ,„ i t preserved a sullen silence, but now he 1 / oust. ail other Remedies where so ospe ctrnt '',.. ittazioctrill,rei Lange, inuel , t h dremied Pneumonia or wept alonti The mother observed, ''lt is .in the hands of Him that does all it appears a n Kentli g cly i' : 141 nra , t'n! i :t r iTn i vtru h a ' hi l e things well';", and again in a subdued Kemeny is the treatment of that Moue. To all and softened spirit bowed and commend ,';`:l,'"..'oa;c'el,,,Lir:yoa;.dire:reztby-torribity ed her son anti her partner, in an audible I mil bated! add, that I have been.ergaged ton , . -voice; broken only by the burstings of a ; ` Regularute practice al my profession of It years,and sat Graduate of Transylmnis, and this as the full heart, to God. ~ drat Patent bledicine I ever, thought enough of to Darkness lad now spread her mantle I ear.. an OP I6O . in Writing.' . abroad, and they retired..but not to rest i r January 'rib. MO. J. WELL:soar, 111. D. Franklin Coonty, Ky. and anxiously waited for the mcrning, FRANEVORT,Iiy.,J3I3I7 lth, ICC. hoping at least that some relic of their The shore 'en‘nc" . i. r'"..." a , ' ,l, rt.Y. , 1 mans living a few miles from here, he Malvin g very lost one might be found. good practice, and is c'otisidered a good Physician, The morning came. The winds and atandsfain be is, as he says, a reculargrados. Da. W. L. CRUTCIII4, hushed, and the ocean lay comparative- • Druggist and Apothecary. ly calm. is though its fury bad subsided Testimonials via ewe: ets:. since its victim was no more. At this h aw . From the Tempemnee Pledge. moment the little gate in front of their tiar a o,4;',::', : ol 7, r ol and ,r u 7.: c n i i,T, : e a h t chi! rte hlatradgan dwelling tarued upon its hinges. The cods, &c mal e rue would white those ants:teat k . iiii way to immediate re trial or Dr. Swsyne's door opened. and their son, their lost, tart to Se /n e t, : I % . V o i e ld . , Cherry. .. Thei 7 : p t .everl . their loved son, stood before them ! , The vessel h a d been d r i ve s into one of of than medicine has tamed many spurious artacle n s t o o l. tp . ..4lo . r y th . underlti: a l l: i na n e; but ti th . e T ref prep aration \ the many harbors on the coast , end he was safe. The father rushed to meet to the public. ' is Ito only toort 4 that can t bs'illtes;7l i 27 call mixtures sold for Wald Cnorry Syrup, -him. His mother, already hanging on e., are all spurious and wnriblem, and his neck, earnestly exclaimed, " My, cutrtiro no.* tn. strums of the rational p, child; how came you herre;?" non, Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup p re pare d , "'Mother," said he. while ilfc - teare Cha"Y' From the Spr ingfie l d F prase. comsed doWn his sun-burnt ' face, "I Of the Chromatids of urported 'min.s nostrums knew you'd pray Me home I" now before the public, but very few are toned to What v: spectacle ! A wild, reckless t'Valraattja'sdl,'"l'„,",Vaqr:=o-41,:hp,"...,".d.: youth aeknowledged -the efficacy of learn end stand a better test than Dr. h. ayee'l prayer/ It aeerna that he was aware , d - I. , , ,, •rt i tt r t:nu / s c l S too d are Wig Chrry..l he afflicted hitt perilous" situatioo, and that he labor- j o , t bay bed Wil. t ,rh a 7l ° „,": booed r I t -. ea with._:thle thought : "My mother recommendation° more than realied. The afflicted h ed . not demon, While there is lite, there slow la prays ; Christians' prayers are answer ed, and I may be saved." A CAUTION TO VIE PUBLIC. ' The reflection, when almost eihausted I v g•si t s b c . c r tiLirrt c . tte ,/ o o f r my miiele to the with fatigue, and ready to give up in de- \ 'ideal; g ot up smote= which tgc n a n sse'r i t e e l iltat spair; gave him fresh entirbge, stit4 with Wild Cherry...le are called r ob t h ey soondgezio.sdsl W t. ld llberry,bat mine is the renewed effort he labored, till the harbor nary genet e preparabon evtr antrodu was gained. - tee lathe public. which can be proventy the pub. Christian mother, go thou and ido . 1. 1- tc , ..1. .1 the co.trma,••••litter Peamilvssts likewise. Pray over. that eon who is 1„,b,%`'..na1,/„1:',1:!:-.„„ z,,,,.1,,,,Tran ''' 4. ''" tni likely_ to / be wrecked on the stream of - I . DK. 11. s WAYNE. Prepared only by Dr. H. . at has ?num. ! life, and his prospects Wasted foresee 1 pal Office, coca er or Einar awl gaga Streets, He may be saved. _ , Phaedra:ph. All Wild Cherry preparatamm being . l Selatious and counterfeit withoot hie aignature, • ___----raw------ For to Pituburgl. wholesale and retail by The Youthful Solomon. . wm. THOILN.S3 Starke street, OGDEN & SNOWDEN, corner 2nd & Wood ,a. • - A beneficent monarch once spoke to lt. icr.fis, Igo Liberty street. his favorite. and said, "Ask a boob of , ~:::',d a l t' ll , ahl,-",,,-;:;17,!!/-,S"--l'ar',1 rill; B a lfd• rue, tied its, shell be granted to thee." ' e,,-, :tots.. Calends: 1.,: . , .. 1 17:,;or;1.",. An the youthful favorite said within i .wint., Erie; lalliensie A 4"..i.0.r. Cleveland- Dena himself, "What shall I demand, that I I easitec,V:; shah; tit i O ' cs k s%.=rss y si l , r intra ra D a :- naay not hereafter repent of my request ? f. blarieray & Co., " 0 . Lia o . ; 3 s mom, &'C 0., ~ Honor and distinction I ,already possess; 4°'...."1., are i And."' Citla'r'' .4 C 0... .77_,I_Or le 3. 1 r 5 gold and silver are the meanest, as they ~ _ - are the most faithless gifts of fontanel; I, ISTANTOI9II EXTEMNAL 11.8111Iir.TIV, CALL'S. these ire novivorthy of being demanded. l . . .. . HUNT 'S, LINIMEAT, - , eneledged to be the IN -am, Spa Ica, Sure ma an the ad Face. ~ Burns, eases. th has at. IIERFU L tea orals le 111611 I opus it, the reign[ I once to BELIED >' -‘;!•• • . z 4 . r r • •0r5.. 2 00--- .: . 1 ‘ " „ „ ;-,sv ft 4'll. NIAGARA FALLS — of o e th t r o a ro t g i e er a ee t aip e n st toaot w ito o ni n o d , ehfroory Lace INhiell2 WlWoarlhaVFlLll°lolf7few'their o ld visiting t h em , we iu " 11 w moo. on v '" 8 this early f ew days 3 ev en at some A large crow ds . contrived form.have 1.11111 Theyet esetY seas°°- at almost improvement, new amusemen t most remarkable d ie little , oat th e um ee to the s c enery... of the Mt!". r k . ' blme t called the Mal near 'the Irik eteeetbee fearlessly e; 4 k ~. w ;isut kic i h be lo n t uns fearlessly son ih fa e u, A l 0 1 C E l q n O n ri g t h e I I 1: a a $ w h d O b r t D C i r if al,K4‘3 A ung ing ahem lure into the et Canada si'llys4'‘ the Heree.ehee of the " Mai 1 . gt4l-, aer ,,, ,-,..,,r3. of From : the deck t he most sublime ,'t 1'.14. Mist " „. hare wonderful'falls It far 11'V.4.' the 4 these other stow, 1,,,t• view -. d eur any oof . eimaeemide in Ma a concePit° • -. 7..Y" - ' ,- .'`.., t ';' an have a 3131 vol - 4 ••••• 4 ---, , 2l ii _ aw eael l 'might, sod the i mmensethie frightful kr,•-V,:,i i , abau It-- wa ter which takes waters of -•-, t titeet of as if all the , ...t. ' jars It seems about to d as h spo t “"t,. .‘ ' . P hi";:;"Nbigava w helot Pm Y , 4* '`' 1 l a over” lb ..'"‘ t '' ' , 7°3 b ead , ahymi", While th e oped b°a.i‘n its hazy iD the ;Le N.',;,' i I m i ghty r the :abyss • bi Gei t 01,.., pass `' 1 :Jar a" f ee t as throwing ~ ~ 1 i l o an a er you . , s tat io n as '''-'' , ' d ' .... of the mighty s of big_ most , i --a the ma...." holding Yob* ih ' - i .aliona T°ll an d terrific Power' ended be -1 sublime „ en d and exP soul mum centre of has heaven' . 'L , whole , i tself in the ha v e often - ea ' , yon. ' i Persons . viewing ,- '.: 4Cfieshiall a r i l l a ment on 615' take, t he '--=•--------:: la.= . f peessed-dwaPP?f t h ey were to they 'TF, '' r I - the fella; bur 1 first view from de ck of this boat, they C. 4 ' 1 would exclaim , "` the half ; bas not conceptions , 1 -..,_ /I ildirigile33, be realized . 1 _ y , .told tang" intellect will tia33 half b e low ';;.-' - the balm a m ile and ` a a car. of ' " Thi s boat TM" small d oc k, where „ o c... . r ~.. HI falls, in a gradually sow r • _ . the . but p e en . cut . . ev No '1 s , , in/O,M banks above the ve rsa without ~,, .r - 4r, she vr.,..r 'visit t h e •-• of the ~, 1,, ,, -. ~ should" Maid 1 1' , * '''Zt - SeXa°' 11- them fiow ‘ the He 6 Yeti I '. '' ~ ' iAlterirt.a the de intro . all the elber . c t, ,, i, ~ 1 .,_ ":, .. • f:. mist, in d O. .*I, -^' '‘--,k s , , th re gran crimple ombisaa r * N',* ''''Sr . .. 144 ! ° o f otniencum/! B. AV E' r . f-rot.'ll very WY' I . , ~.., _ _ ~.... . Era. - - ' , .Illette'lt• required at-this • - . ~..,,,,, 10,40. much ~,nil tnitto°l. I ftqiotlting,, teacher ;who hlr toval* it, r , o r wearing or i n the no arti cle l - " t Caen properlY wo rn, t i t ' nothing 1 .recefulir• _badlt w° ' 1 IL I ais so re tt Y is half tto awk ward. • emzte.., • J „ : ... .... .. :ay Vim I belie... _ . Remo dy now in use for the complaint. flt which you re curumeon it. Yours 'wettish., BEN , D MIL LER, M. D: Geo E Stanton.Eati. o:7Anciong the nia. worthleas articles and humbugs that see wearied forth at the present day upon the country, it a really refreshing to find mething of real practical utility, some th ing aim pie, speedy and egectual in its operation, sad et the Same time bee from thews injenorin eflecti which generally ausestpowerful remedies. Hunt's Liniment, prepared by Geo. E Manton, of Sing Sing, though it has been bit a shirt time before the public, 6v already obtained the confidence, nut only of our moat wealthy sod influential citizens, but oar most eminent physician. All acknowl, edge it to be a sotereign bairn for many of the Uri that flesh is heir to, soothing the aching limb, and by its genuine sham:Ming influeuce,banistilog din nose faro the system. Mr. Stanton.-Sir—S.eing your advertisement of Hunt's Liniment, I was induced to try its effects on my son, who !bad been crippled with a lame back from an infant; and it is with gratitude 1 bear testimony to as wonderful healing pppertuta. My child, aho is now five years otsge, ts now in a fair way nr recovery , Yours, dec.. DEMMON C fiIIt;KERSON. • POST OSTICE,TOWnt es, Putnam Co. I certify that I am pen/wall) ' aequalnti if with the above named child, and think the father would be safe in saying that hie son is almost well. W DYKMAIV, Nov fi, 11115. . Deputy Post Mmthe. P. S. I would also stale that 1 bane besot°, a another of years subject to frequent attack* of, the Rheumlitiorn. which in many inatances prevented . my attending to any basilica.. Two or three sppli. criticism of the Liniment invariably remove all al fections or the kind. In core, al bruise!, anteing and sores, too nnunirou• to mention,' it has in this vicinity proved a certain remedy. Its value con only be estimated by thine who bare gifrn it a fair This Liniment a sold at 2b and 60 eons Per hot. tie, by all the Principal Druggists and Merchint• thronghout the country. Wisokiak Agents in New Yaik. HOADLEV, PHELPS & Co, 1.4 Water RUSHTON & Co, 110 oreedwgy. A H & HANDS, corner Fulton and William. ASPINR6LII; 86 Willem street. , Orders addressed so me at Sing•SioS,ll4_Y, eol be attended to:. GEORGE E STANTON, . . Proprietor. ' For sale in RAitltl s e b egohp byG WI LCOX, Jr, aed J "KIDD & CO.JOH N g SI eity,JOHN SARGENT . Hlrolegbie,M • febl9 :you positsAnnt.uOu• SICOWIDILEIL I .1104 E areanneso edo eqsalyearsr Look at you? Wfair pant wife, wake: brlght sunny tam! Look al loaf owl:410W with enplane .and blotches! Si a yea us too naess, , lo give hay ten*a fora cake of the "VW hO uw Chemteal 600, mildh would enure!? free .1= them: unt I TSZ 7.I=IVZ and Plushandowtr get *take. • Theksows only plhee PlunbotO where LhoGENUlP:llllimb•obtaided. &maze of bwhhwr. leiw-- - t icroper4ve um . Biz Hoot Winds In tea damn), Pot osiookload. pro:plead inte OomooOo tbalki 11.,':7';:111'AodsilooYelkriall stilf Othk 'The theme of levet:. Jo jt ,e, 11,00 .;g1 14 , So bom l i l .0 JACESONV44 irimisEgErfTs -- --------------. 7 ---- -- - !lima fit L E-s• - - difil 1847.` DIL=...De., ejlai ease, rdm i= ,..,....4 . r . r . 3 thedinger.tla,haho, f"rirrit.isanorite awn". and b 132 Z es sicwitva.NTA RAILROAD in, pees eli Ow bark eel aids, habeas! caimans, wept ' • I,,X.pgyett; reage,piegyaiT taw, Feturdes before ma thee cotA,matet are am trabled d ppiTglyu goy% ye , pygyuyym, e ie sigyagginz, W motipethen of ,the bowels a eatiante, le 1.8 a the - . ~..,..„..„,f i„ p .... r ,, Fees la all roe. meta Specific can be %Kamm:di per. thts Line Feet ed, sal is • wean mad . The Specific is me rile pular. ere reepectfally teamed theta..., parities, mediae ,entinly erdy, without ar 1.. well Coyametthe thrusuliyho or Meat the la th instant, ade ufganhomodoepenee to take end ye. and continue %brougham UM ' , MUM The propnetars Any Imam er the most dean err bare new placed it eupenor eau of kenDecrs med Rai n.. Cent on the route, wih'at oema 'be Ikea. De. lorlaby's ea. Sponfc , each well item greater comfort tolnecler. lobe manta ewe ad are randy. Having seth Ito eget A Packet Boat wlll &Mayo be in port, tat DAVIT- In am - A mile, serougstan fend&theastiests, insomniac' cling public are renewed toesell and examine there, Read and area -ma ef the ' where am& pie Inoue ..tice,notArlyetittiem i r Att l ex ias. , ewe gantry..., II 7 4 VERTITHEAD. I i New York, Ada, 111115. 7.44tellstrest. One of the Packet s will leave the landslide, (opposite Mi ng edely give eir bi lway as he Oth and am. adi *lolled Sums H otel,' caner Penn Must and the Mi seen of D , s Piles Spat na I ken it . Canal, ^very ntithl at 9selock , . . from thy mro experetwee observation, ito be infollable; I TIME. 31 DA YS. , hoeing Wait used wit:lsamu in seined eato °Epley take 1 For tuforrantion apply et she peke, _Alementabela ,red Male.. GEO. MILLER, i llouth. Water erect. or to D.LEECII & tth New Yon, Atisy,lB4.l. Xrl relistert, 'table . cor Penn Slieel arid Canal_ New , LADIES, CERTIFICATES . i'l -VVIRIWYKIts TYLANSIKIII.TATION exi.- Now Yak MayoB4s, f il it gni AW tem Sir.-1 hew the hitt:Muni to my, that ' your medie" , Dr. lagekhbro Pile made •pr- 7,.....millikillillik 1847, feet emu is nue of my ear,thel I =wavelet, trued that I 'awe been stopried at it, as it was a opine um - -111"11." j ... 'I.. I .. .Eygon & ,gorg. oet ,,. r ecib'f (ccic.hcc. lic*cccr ' I ccc cc" tcc " c h thc'cd r - OLD FisTABLISIIED TRANSPORTATION LINE, tame ma' Wilder. , do wh "I li ~,,,,k ° 6" " 7,: a ,,,,,,, d '"....",, - BETWEEN PEITSBUROII. ~,.... ' ile ic liVesd lc ein7a l resi c '''''''.uwyrta5....;r:L.777i......,,,-;.:11:15, i : 45. -- 7 , 111.1,11L1.,EA,..D.F.....:LP, kr i oo l 1:fiii,1L.Adi1i.neT,:,11,...DiR.,...,F,:,.:::7i1.1b):.11„,Ebt.....0V YORK. depend De. imldl-Deer Sin-That yth nay broth, othen which are in good order. The Aube:lra:as ere prep.- \who ybe i using" au w e ll. to mouse my tretital• fir red to (arena a large quantity of Merchandexe and the ben Dilate delved from tha me of your eatable ap t Plitutuee with reroultuy mid Mayote.; 66.1 piy wok your mined, and now de hart say last Produce or Merchandise tonanced to any of the tip way i Wear rb, baying hum cured of • wren, *heck et detago ed. ts forwardel eree of •ny charge tor Maas the o f aßer hales used other mathe without meets Con or soma. . _. _,, Tours with raped Dills Lading trentheateu a. 411.2nurvetioito pm:aptly Bold...yea. and null by Wel. JACKSON, et hula, suended to. et Med'!ne ',Wareham, aud toot ard Bboe Ithire, N 0.89 The halm. of I. le cOligtlf leg On Strlntiy Liberty treaty hod of Wad, Pettsbural , Price, 50 mu rahhethArepiner principles. Attire., or upply to P. b ` . .__ _ 1 yro 14-dly . I) LERCH & C.o. thoprielon. . ISEDICAI. AND 'SURGICAL OFFICE. , , Coned Damn, Pitabargh 'PARRIS &LEECll,Proprielme. I No. tie DIAMOND AL. No 13 South Thad rteethPlittailalphia - LET, a few doors hclow ' JOS. TAYLOR &SONS:Agenda, Wad meet, taxer& the ' No 114 North Ilmverd street, Dahlman market NV at WILsON, Agent, No 7 West meet, New York DB.. BROWN, , mad.: Dwr.oF I.'o_ rclPlnl cd • , PITTSI3IIIIOII PORTABLE B. LABS. serum to los mama pea (Imam. and don far snow 1, alikallia 1847. i iiigm teme t art genera ' dn . fietheheemamads 1 riththl the trensportainadf Freiget between Pittsburgh treutnieot of then. • A and the Altanaa Cities, amain' trariehipmenes on to tho ~i d e ice.. eon . the way. and the eonthquent reel of dein), damage, I P ple c ei c a ' : for which hut °ppm i Mane. end 77Iweacn of nal , . tuulteo tool ex - pawner perultaily qualify hint-' DOVI7Dnrik: & CAN& ' Eleven yea. thalamus ...Jewel to the study ant Aio 1171 Market street. Philadelphia TAAFFE&OOCINNuR treatment of those amyl smt , 1.1080. whale Unto hc , n d e ye eared more peanut than Car .Prno and Wo) Ise sts,thusbatgle h.. had more Pr.rt.t7.., ip ....,. 2 , e ,,,,,, pt . 1 O'COSINOR ..Co, Nor th ;men Ranierre can ever fall to Me all 1 7 . , W& 1 T TAI.SCOTT, 7:1 South st.N.l. ) yen gall , . 1 777 . 7 77-77.PeedY477".- , `f ova ed by battened Imams. the ProPrthath 00 . 7. ' 7" " a ', ( "it IT "' b e ; e n. '" dos ah re c' ent j " l b chcc4 I have addel to th at cock and extended their amnia. d ' C ly e r o l oo l3 ° ,... n en '. tr0....-hcel....cfolmer'aeth-e - adli - e a ted With anon I ner d tsZniti t . lt i e ,h w , te a, ter i .. anwd.eja....p....Ph77.9.7.drpt....187d &the5es 'nicht:nee amt. e 788 2.7_,....t 7 b7 1 . 77 % .77 1 7 ,7,.. I ;',.,7011.. older line.,,ryn_n,,,,, egy ,,,,,,,,,,, en , n er o g ,„ led by the ose'of any of the re...,-- - .2::,r, -- Li o thou-0 I ho palpable euperionly of the Pomade DOM Stem, d oc c gb y, l a' , etetth,...--5cic,,,,,,-ccheProlcol;a",eo6-InAtrie ; - • - re - ful ittritionto. abet th.egatreitatcheacpoedeottry,hlsodi.ceonvoestre ii.Lense.ewofithy cezrze... the treatment of eacceeded ore bombed, o e n nab mew enable the entomb , . to ' &161 theireogagemente o'ltLhAcecchlaciaccelrA,ctecncilckrthrTcciedAd'reelAaAmtes wrelLocrilekcnresult and accommodate damu motors...tree . th ell e tl y e , ,a , drAffUl y tt Men those earn where onion hen consigned them to , the pool se s n ig ‘ tte . n . ty r f ‘ or o t t h r e w , ,.. futon , o. r.r...e now hopeless despair Ito pummeled), metre. ouch es have I .050101 .., . i n.wicd u g, h 4ed n the y' been tong end untheces.fulty meted by others to eon.. Ikr ..t 8 F ~., _ .... __ .... 5.... ~0,, joh him ' when nut". ''''""°' w‘IL l'lV"' them ''''' 1 Thacrr= =fruit A:4:: paid seed A gate o c f .0.0 eases [mewl in a core and taterligent - en ode a lit Lading tran.illitted tree of any chiterre for Commessmo, manna, atheist re bY, 177 14 781.87.7 ' 1 • ''' b . I o de-eyeing or mange 11.0101 no amerce directly or veotecacit whch it Is aponble for 1400 cottage , 1 one 1 e " . ind i rectly in eteaneWs,the lateen of the eonSignon rnc,[,,,t i- T . ''''' of Med'iuo '''' 'U." an y - ccc man nee manly 1W their p.m.,' °tether to atithear - Te, - - p ne-D am me I wen. aulthey pledge theteselthe to forward all good* pein - othr acrAllactedorwEcith reo . thia ' a B e n' at v. l, o a. he hos paid \ co g xe . gn , Lt ute.totittehT,,tizi.thcp”Lay end on the most edvanta. &runlet mamma this dthenn ' 117 h 7 a 776'cn 1:"' ... 7 7 4.'77'17 1,1", "I"' "4 - "4.ea' " 11''''' '' d t i'll';DbilrlZll----DIENT :---"---PDB.TABL7r N. o Parents of ..ther we Wong et a dtsmoce by among ate' , disease in warns, aceog all Me syn.' I BOAT-.. LINE . ~ s. can obtsin medic, me with detections for tee, Ly . "Acaddremeng T. BROWN,dt. 0 pee 9• I e. , .nd. - yallOgiffll 84 7. jarsi BPunTATION OE Plil lii ir Dl OlCE ° ~o,,11:1477" i' 7877787 ' 8U77. 78,77'17.1.1-1.7 W 777770 AftirIagCIIANNDISE TO AND FROM PITTS- 8 6,rafit ii..... del9 BURCH, PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE. asiiierITTeIitOII.OI.IIAND47O.II.IIIINVILI.M ..s. o owe Dr obout Transhipment-a • PAUKF7. ` AND FREIGHT LINE. Cr ' 's - - -------------- ' -:- 1 .--- 9 8 -... (ands e ml - sigo e :_el gamma. ma he fornaded wah. THIS Line eateiebegof freeght load peeing,' Peek. rig. JAYNEII FAMILY MEDI IX.- s - I cal deley.let the Wenn corns r a t Dells of Lenox ete, will ran regolithly . thong die thann between Lie It I• .or peculate ittlno Mon•gententefaitsraper , ..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ......n e m ~,„,,,,,,,L , ... ~...,,t, eq end,d ~,,, Deemer and Oreestalle,Pa,ulsy womb freight mut pas field out, hien parental tall, '' "'r,,,',,,c."'nn./,,,,,it1C,,,n1;11,,,-,‘,, ~,,,bbe. H ... of v ..-- . t fees from an' eats& charge for swage or commis% ton 1 Pengenbettoreen the two poen ,erel be earnep promptly AJdrescorapply to 11 A. Me ANULTV &Ca ad at be lowest race. Jayneis medicines we hare used tame faintly for many Canal Baum Potebergh . WICK & ARCllER,Gicessille, Agee yea.. Fog lenience the EXPLCTORAN l', the CAR- '' CRAIG IcTßAMMlN,Clarkavilte, dor MINATIVE, end VERMIEGGE,' leobwh we know to I SIDRACE. 1 . MeFARLIND A KIND, Bianca, do; be f" (or tho '1°"". they . 7° ' .." b 7 cute. We Devine a very lathe and eommodiat e witheltouw, I RATS & eLUMß.Sharpriburah, do; were on Lake tentan ehe pat slather. %nth several I ...., ___ ___ ~__. ,_,........,,,_ , _ odd , _ ,_ _ L. ~ : W C MALAN. See dot aLcmtews, Pallesi. ' semi of ear ethnihne companions front haviV. ie Western , :,.".,.=.1,',',,1,,.;;,,-;;;,,,,',,i i4.7,.17,4'."37 , ‘ „ , I= Fo. ` .., . ~ .. Es ,i, co. B. , "' I , New sark,thone, fog many day v the titemenellealer := , ..... itELD, PAR WM, i do, • ~ were beat snaked eriefignebent Dar- . t . _.'t....... _.- . “AcA eA'cl C A '''''''"x"-Tir-1.--- 1 sou: 4 A EAlDDlEE,earnerWeter sad Smithfield ts, '(wart '4O *r 1 Mr 11 had melded biuthelf, , PICILINORTiI * CAPS LINE. 'b .°. di ' ' " "7. h-Th Ca Fein oven( Dr ' 1 I spay °pleas. the Monongehea House, Paltabargh P ./ n' er s h . r; rod b• L ' ul l e n n t sv r .t o r ' s 7 t 't o. tr. ' . motet ` Le sena- 1, .• Otte . agidgia --- 01TIZ --- g/18 POSTAB - LE 110 A - MT • ow ....twos thamfol in rung sprOy cute. -2. LLISIVELV for the teanspantian of WAY The Kth. 7 . ,77 . 7 1 ' 7777 8 . 8777 . 777 .7.7 1 7 , 77 I Fe - f e ktvyaliT between pnoburgo, Illeinville, Johns- alligNl 1847.! MISMIE tritMlata Irtroid..iin ...laid Parer.; enVe fee t at , ....keit d e n ,,,,, g y ee , eq matey ( e ve ty w en en. topn,r2iiidaZtitb,,,Witier :kite', rel..lShargh end I ~. 1( T, weed so they roam bare at,. to ineglate radical . . i ' Ott ' e Dora will rave the warehouse. o ft A AleAnoity 11 KINDS - "It TOO-TR."?I?"&T-1.5°Y., e i ,' thithl to armed.= to keep on hand ens F.xperuo ~c o , r0,..4 „ 1 „,,, y dip, ~,,,p, $..4. 00 ,1 en d ALI. OF lILRCIIANDISETO AND FRO3I not cad Commun.. The Leach , .11.beheeed in 1 n -'----.- --=-=------- ''-'=-' '-= - ---= real ph) miens to V< loe beet mem.. t o, e.i... , , , .h,T=...,,..=0,..0wd,,, h......^71.1.1T,...g...ti0r. i _ P . , b _ . , ".d , e _ i P h .... ". ....1 8Ri 5 i g r um " ' "... ...' , .. 2 . " .. r. - 17. ?! ..!1„.,,, DR. ROSE'S DENERVEDLY CELEBRATED CIIRON 9- : u'p.on"renP"'"f'ac:,7.ol''''::r2,'D",` h.3.7'77'7".1'%X.=''' ( Leta le cc .ro; \ Ilia Line was formed for the special accommalthou , filllE enearegenthal the lion hag tea:Deed diner TR CREEL MEDICINF.S. I . 'eagle. thirnetfic, and stele medical tom. of the way hennas, and the proprietors respeetfolly t, JL its commencement, hai induced the replies ,orislarrp.... of his Poophylactsc Syrup,. . e rr . 7 ' 7 I"' 7 . 7 .t. 1 . 77 .77 777. ~ t y „briVohl:v.,'"'" '''''' ebccAl "c" cfli-r:grlerelc. . , tors to increase thestoek by . saliing • number of Bret , class beget and instead ofigsving receipts as of 1,- , tun remedy lot all CoutioMPrtvE and Scrota. , .16..rtli.I.LP,IICBIINONRTE.vit roIsINERTMII.4L.L.RDs ~,,,,, ... 4 .., ~.. ~,, p ...., ow ,. .. 4 . 1 . Editor or a. Min. Seterdety Court. , 1 1077 attr 77187 .1 G , thge 57 7 .1 1 • L: 778 8 1 : 7 7 7 tP C 7B ' I For , nla In Pittsburgh et'ille-PECINITF_A STORE t Delta shipped by Dos Me. WILLIAM FULTY. ' eentrsted extreet of Serseperilla, deettledly t . LI r e geth soon near Woad, need althaithe Dna Sow The boceta ate ell portable, eneseementlz freight duperfoi to all other extract., basing gmen rehel of 11 P Schwa , . E 0.1,61 -I sP.ehem 1t19.11w7 11 CaNAN initoitoerii ! Agent. 10 take 4 the wholc dtheanee without thane ipmeutd. when all Others on e fatlnd, being through a urn I .1011 N MILLER. lloguia,.l,orgii AG lithlC k' WOO. MAT E L ST.S. . C A Ale AN ULT 1 & Co,Derthoutah) thenhy provoatng dump rm. impept, handling pre... more coneeutrated than any other ever , ltilshikgfun, D. C. REFORENCIO. 1 on the route, arid as each boat is owned by the olibred to the public. AS ELIXIR, ; 3 / IL Devai, John Pane. Rai , Mate , fffelef 1 Captain who roes them, wls a eufGelent guar hams effected pethaneat Conn iri that stubborn L. A.,,,, proe.,,es P21[11111 , , will prepare th. ne- & "total Paisbone. .1 L_ _ e.- 7 /ENAS C. ROBBINS. Mechanical Ertsweer and 1 . twee that thews swill be w hich a on tbo route. , time.. when of mem Rm. le Testa ...di.e. %man Demons Dad Paper% Mr Applicants foe est.. ' Lilik ERIK AND SICiIiGAS LIME. I All enoduce ear Mereheaulthe consigned to the I hence it starele wilboOt a meal in that mace Metaled . rat., ang Inen”ci oil other tames* in the lent of 0.• i . . undrsier.ed will be o th FREE OF the I I groleesion al the Patent °Tee. He c m be consabed es _.... 1 847 . derma to the lathe% LARD mot deli- . , MISSION , for adnneing and forwarding and will . , Dr. Flose'• LINIMENT, for all casts or weak :. d'' qd'dud.“ r e . p en , . , r.A ~,,, Fd Ibe shipped without delay at the lowest rates of , ,one In ate Uoued Span or tope een spittle Lan be ag compote o .eamboas eie„ . g . no. Of pain, and a complete mibelatuttl foe bithth. 1 d,., en en e th iathe of nael ,gray minatio iltode at thi. I nod Mieh;aan, connote daily between Pittehatgh I 4 ...2.. - ~?:', . ..1 1,,, „r 5 ,; • .!(4,,,N.11111:ritik,:,,,1.,:, Lir,..11,,,b1,-..,!:,,,,,,,,u.,cr.,,,,;,,,i,,,,,,,,,,:.:1.,...,,,,,,..,,,,,,,,,,,r......,.4,fzf1:..i:r..,;, !aid ~ k5.,:e,e,,r,,,Li.,a., t i i i ,; .. 16 , 6; ,. .7J , ip..a.,..r.euede,rn.Coloce,l.gGez,e; ' ~1 0 E e e re t pellla Ity eoltmt a Beare of public patro , erotic la fever. of WI kinds t! in bath or Qum- , o e ine mea. ol Itic , co.e, when...mean. morn" Cl- 1,„„ v ol„„e o f 5.,..„,,,,,,, it h ,,,,,„ an dv, ~n , , \ Moot Dr. Rose's INCOMPARARI,..i' VERMIFUGE, ' ,z,ra.bc..7;bny':•:1.,71d:11.`1,7,','."::::"1"-P.".."'h:l i l *inagtf N ' tl ' ;'.l w itit i l " o c r a " r P rrE A re c rit c t 011 P cc athe 'ec ngs- "c re c u.. .. ipo Iri s on the River, C ue' std Lake.a. I ' WALLINGFORD A. C, Canal Itaein,Patebtagh. CRAM, BELLAS & Co...kat. Broad Street, Philadelphia. o here known. is used in prof f cc to soy other i P 777877 e7.7.7 ‘ 77.7. Le. D ,i,... ii„ ~ AN n_otspErrie, for . 11 I tidiest lstoLre:::::7o.psl.,sto.::,,teh.twlrwl,r:::::::emaa`o '' tiete ' the every farads- for cane) ins freight •and . pth. . VeTfoge pore.paraNt..n. It %nable fee. where • sweeten apthoe ke enacted . -- a , sense. . wah manpower end amnion, the propetear I Bewley's, Wharf, Baltimore. ' and meats reopeetfulth same from awls frend. and . Plttetturgh, Feb. 18, MILLER, Agent diseases al the Storach and bowels, Ch.dere. in- . Ile bm the honor of re:erelng. bY Perss'... . be public generally their Imiuunitue. I 1 - feeltunz, doe Too Mg. an OnCotairiel 000120( be Don. Fsimund Rorke, Commiseou e of Patc n em, _ %. ou Re../.1), Propneor pa.ed on the merits pl this medicine to cure of 1 800 II L En 7e777. 0 . " .7 , .. 11 . IDispepeti. sod all. disease. that molt ' Dom, weth• . 1L.,K,77.,77.......7',V,...,e,,be.7..,..1,1,P7,„,77.: t bs . 7.e. RI.LDS, PARKS Co, Beavor,Aan JOHN A CA Ertill'S. l'ltisbngh do - Co. Smithfield seed 11 ear ea. uppoem the Al. ..... neJ nese of stamen a Dad deaestion. gsbels Dune. Dr. Rote'. FE.v. ALI.. 1i I I Is, • most valuable 1 ' tAn'eLn.Roderul,',c,;(sgro7sc" e A d l4 o . c4'. REFER Ster reneedrfor those general complaints to e heal ri- 1 Hon. 111 ilorhil, MC, Mi..onti, -----___ Wlleel...r,Ctocker A Co, New Von i melee are eulloct. i Ilou. Willis 11311. New York; tiso Davie, Unfair, Or. Rose*. 'TONIC ALTERATIVE PILLS- I PP.- Rob.-",....,:5.,.." ~",''..', ------------ E. N Parts B...enetheeeland No pelt ever before offered the publec so b ipptly I !”...;,,,,z,T y..5,, ,, i,,,,‘,,,,,,, . J. A Misname & Co. Ithutut McClure W ahem. Eel Icombines the quelities ol a velmole mei:Somme an ,t..,... p ..... ii e m ~th,.t.,.....Lia!,........,... . Enstol & rOrter. Chart go Itie, LIVER or Stomachic pill, creteect- B re a th Dreeks,Esq, thalam. • saylb Wm Powers, Powererown , Per ac I log those diseases, and thereby preventing con. ..torney, COunsellor and Gen trill A gall. Gee 31 sehelon ee. Evernionit , Pen. 1 eumptton. A young Lady 95 years of ago, having 71 John Ale blame, Ilthtsuawn. do ~ lalee.ed Deer lor some time, her strength prs- , %VMS & Acker, Greenville, it do lAT L. PRALL, Informs hie Glenda put,. Dated end appoute gone, was completely restored I ; .nzi.,,,,,..,..1yb.att:dt...,7L77;rf...1.3,.:‘,.,..077.....1 , i n . g . f t : , atripbtorLa.rttsvgib,eo.l. do wfI C I devote a !age portion ,pr ir, f ! . . tlfaeltlll l ean to , , 1 4 , T, m ,,,, , ~.,,g , ,,,,,,, ' .o n . to sD weeks by the use of the Anti.dispoptie, mis t tm1L.,107.9,118 01087- L ' the !cuing. looms r.d biing, booseeduores mad tt.- , IDr.RoseBCHKONO-THERSIEL STRLNGTH- e r huddler,. en celle cli eid dioleursirrawntsad old- ; ..._. RML CoLattheh____.reen Now Case ... ____le, do________,..3_ <4, De , R. G PL,..II.SSPTECER.IrIiocr w E o c e i k L nens Eps o y t thu0.105.c.i.,..::::. e‘ir0:i.„..imiLan..4,.,&;.;:.....arnic,,.,:::,,end,,,m,:::..h.ia..e:::: ~ RELIANCE PORTAIILIC BOAT LIRE. i • 'thnke"reeta"tirnr.lin'Yeetaluel'o'atithnel"pite".)ina"q:al'eb'iies7d7e- ;114111riaMi trust 0•. SPOIB4I/TIN7a bl.t.ite .., : : : :::: ; ,1 roe all "' es 0161. : c° " °. ''''' , . a am... of tumult, ate tor Much ht 6 extenenc TwEEN PITTSBURGH AND THE EASTENN Cities, wle elan Tethassur•rB7. 's"tihiptirtrttr;caces"hi'"'fr,ran":'idd°th'rboe."le'tooaiu(.'o'rSloothl-ogriihel,Li:'''gP7Sab: to m re mosien"'Atcr:cacc%gms:N:dc"'alt4lll.lorelo‘Afie:loci.blei'tritee"A'inEicif%bigcr:Folid i T. fi1.'..147.7.,1dLaDT*4,1.0.301 c w * To gre mg lr ed twilinl by ‘h tkl in' do- g yielded at once. Dr.litose's RHEUMATIC MIXTURE-AI [unity Le• " 6" boo" Mh'''''''' No ca CA'Abc" r'cc4 2'l nelption le unneceenty Goods are net mired. o tOtne,tllll. till transhipment or esva.h.indling is Taus or &Lent research the n! theapound w ee r al..- scii`EFTßlE.Ticas-* 5 ,, E1vd:PA R :T . . : 16 7 , , , , ,,,, i 4..„..... , : . .... , - A r Taal:oat...of !10ud...01.a perform their ui Ps cccA ' and a*""cr it li" cg lt PlAccc IU cff'c'"'e' ' 7' ' ' ‘ i t '7l . ll ff b76 “ nebe.77 ' 'Aid "'" u 'r Do'd 104r1: 1 '74.'7'.. , °:%. , ......telea of to store above all mime for mime eamattoo. i „ , o } win , g 00... p,, 4nw k w i .0. . ~........a..... R.... 0,. ...,. . Dr. Itaiet. ASTRINDLYT COMPOUND, • remain 2 . 8...,...,2g,_,_ blood, andecd for dewberries of hiood d i e rtle A Li ' rett bowels or other paths of the' Dr. Rae, SYRUP for Cholent•nd Dowel complaint. advetneellthe of chimes i t 1 78 8,7 Eking fully waiter to_make ,ales of Produce, we reeprolulty solicit constanamme of western Sour, DeLeon, Lard.lialter, Cheese, Winal,Feathen,andother -nits admen erill ereettally cure towel maple. le, Weeks for rale, on Inch liberal ede...,.. W ill be Dysentery,Cbolent Menus, and Chola.- Attlee sax made and other toas ts fee anted ,s Carded, pledging me lba Lane t h e m wils raging In Pettedelphls - 11 W., niers thee any Mey. entreated to no shall he as fmend tO be the me successful In ambling it, mina 'n'tt7rPan Z '"''''' '" 4 JIM tre "Ji . .I,r.mril ,-, zone moths of ail Wore wha and it. , i What may be said of ones( then reran. may by Canal B asi n. Fauber& . I seed of all; their valae mil only be appreciated tic /AS Al LOIS& Co . Weed Matey theta Lettere from th ges. who hate been nodal( 249 end XII IS at at, Pleated& eared of the 'Malone meodi. that afelet the humus - - -----X-11.1314:118Ellr body talthrt be peen, hat we, are welling to rest th. VOIWARDIIII k CORSI6IIIOII IFACHINT, --. the merit. of the colnpoundo. We have a Lao! Beaver Poing asaßrix4rader, ________ , STXXlTkira"WriLalirlto VAGTORYs IDGE ROA D, &bars Burlonscood Street, Phil -. Rtileiphla.. At this establigraientmay be found the greatest sanely of Plzen and beautired l'atterm lon IRON RAILINGS in the l'oittd States, in which the attentioa Of those to want of any deserip licin,and especially for Ceroeteries, is particularly Invited. . ' . The prineiced part of all the handsome Railings at Level Hill, bloom:Bent, and other celebrated cemeteries io the city and county of Philadelphia, which have here ao bigldp extolled by the public press, were esldiited at toll milinfietory. , A large Wavoißoom is connected with the illidab . figment, where is kept elegantly on hand a large. Mock of reedy-made iron Railings, Ornamental Iron Setten, Iron Chain; Clew style plain and omamen. tal Iron Gate.. with an esteroive argot/meet of Iraq Posts, Pedestals; Iron Arbors, Ste; Al.; in great vane], Wrought and Cut IrociOrnamenti,suita bl for Railings, and other purposes. The subscriber would also state, that is his Pat tern and Designing Depfutment ho has employed some of the best talent to the conntry, whose whole aUentiert in devoted to the busietta•-fortnittg alto• gether one of the moot complete sod systemat rot r tablkihmen lt of the hind in the Union. 1 ROBSRT WOOD, Proprietor Ridge ltoad, above Buttonwood etr L ..Phllitdelphle, hlarch LI. IRV d6niew _:._' - GUTCSPi,VATGiIIifir• rr,gplii,tritmtt:ol:iliyAkN. D SILVER WA II • Gold Lever., fall J ewelled, TVS 00 Silver do do 15/ Ult , Gold 'eland% Jewelled, 110 to. ....leer do do 15 U 0 . . Salver geartirSne gentile, -- • - te be • Gold %Troche.. plain, ' 15 00 Silver Opeclaclet, 1 75 Guld Vetteilii, 1 Oa Gold Unteetets. 4 tin Alro,on hand, large ...Gwent of Gold and Ilan Bracelet., anger ring., breast pin., hoop eat ring, gold pen., ' Aver .Loon., Gager tongs, thimble., gold neek, curb end fob chants, guard keye and Jewelry of evert deberipPon , utequally low prier, All I want ni a eon no convince mononets. All kind. or Watce. and Clock. repaired and non ranted to keep good t in for one year; old gold mid .01- •er bought or token In exchange. For able, eight day and Ittln i yAnAr s3 bLa A rvapac;?, at Watch, Clock, rind Jewelry Store. No 4131 Idihke Greet, nbove Eleventh, Ronk aide, Thilndelphia. (Ll' I have some Gold and Slicer Lever. ritill cheaper 1 , than the above poen. pet/ Gm X ABUT TIER PATENT IDIELENDT.AGTION STEAM RAMMER. rlittltri Hammer po.wrces many eAvartteger over all I. others-among which may be mentioned,' Iti. Menageablenert-Tbe repldany and (arctic( I , low may be controlled with 110, pretest Noe, while Be b.l9lDet is in operation. and the hammer mat be in ntantly arrested, and ithopended at any heigld. It. Univenality, or eaptteity to execute vrork of all linds, Own the largest to the smallest, soder the rate Writhe, • It, nitnplieity, Compactnecv and Chenpnest. It. iterearbility upon all rides, li i • the norlinen A lithe haannecii are made tell-Acting• The Fulocntierit continoe to execnie orders for thew siimmem of allotea, upon reamnable tenthh. For fi ' ther Pr' ut." l3o,rieii &TOWPOR, Assignee. of the Patent birdie Elated :hole, deep-iy _tbutileark Foundry Phllad,a. - - DERRY & NICKERSON, 1 Manufacturer , . 'of SIVNISGS, • BACHING ROT , 03, WAGON COVERS AND GRAIN BAGS or ALL DXSCRIPTIos ,Soe 354 South Protat Bork of 7 .4. 14ilwm's Cabinet More rikritrf y PIKILADZLPIXI A. LL orders left with R. S. Moon, at ` the Oleo of the Id& Merchant , Hotel, Ptualtartt. wll Le promral9 amended to. THOS. G. DERRY rapta-dle A. C. NICKERSON TO W/ATOHgAKY6S . and LlSiAtili UST 4, LADOMUS. IMPORTER ot Watches. Watchmaker , Tools, nod I Watch Materials, wbotatalei sad retail, and col, itamly ou band a lame auoruut eta( Luneue, Palma, and Clain 01.0. Matatprings, Veer • Mali, Witch Hands, and • complete witortateut of allToola and Ma• term. belong.' to the trade; with a orgy autormment of Gold and Sliver Lever. Levine. and Plain Watch.; aII of which be will Keenan? to 'ell 1.5 the lowest New Vork priemt All ord. , from the mantel' petulantly executed. N. B.—Counter Mertiltatt. and wheal ironed call and examine at the Old Stand, ?in S 1 bath Fourth weer, Phitadeirrhar eM ern _ tal - 6 - Aunt/ions 117LL/J3I OOL., CO CH .11D ~ : , muti Ess at- f/a2Z,Lte • J:afis , Cd.adOso. lee of d. ~,,,,Urtr ss . ..r. resporlMlll informs Lo ft 4 tjs roasMollr.On m,d :0 ~..ItssZilo,-1. hos ...a .41 i." .. ..„...... 4 c .. ..„..,.. = ,....,,,,,...tyk...= - fir very best osasomr.mfmingdn't •= t ... 04 t ktr.V l l m - contest e Meant I the best / Lustment. %,134.3. 'yesterday, U Ludment, Knowing used it. I rnal Reuse tat low 10 ton. .A:llEft. 14, MIS 41d say that I called Hunt's made me ac ' tallestttingly matte panated for *Wain, in its vario4 Astro, so warmed and efficaelostv that its healing power has astonished many. A ease of Cancer,occurring to the wife of the lansittovenior of Delaware, was completely eared lea feW menthe Thacaneer had been twice cut out by pnimitkentflarregas.and renewed de bilit y th Ineremed' anaLimurbyet notwithstanding the de of Comoita. don and removal of the soil parts, the me of the iPro. phylactie completely remdoed every vestige of the disease. [Cases lanumerible of the carman care. that htme Gollowed the 0. of these remedies am to oar posses , slon, bat it is no deemed nem:mazy to counterate them as the used them will recommend them to all. I. SCHCK/NMAKER, le Co., No RI Wood Street Aleuts for Pittaberada- • aegSdly Galax - siovalesitarars i Multc ,— NRe Yona, Nov le, t 24& .!.Gentlemen Ram serener eight mouths Core.. note mune upon the' bottom of one of my feet, which was very hateful; I commenced applying the utast remedies for ware, eat untuteZesofettly, the pore continaml to get deeper, and spread th the ame of she paha of m a y hand; 1 not only had the advice of physician, but used all the Salves and pain extractor. I coald ben of, and pet one Of deem IA the er", to relieve the pain or arrest the progress of the sore: there was constant indarnmation in it, and • severe and perpetual pain, and it had settled down into amebae fever wile. Alit Spencer Starotel of this city. adsiwd me to try your Ointment; I toothed at the Idea, trot etyma Ilia urgent rol id imtion.l conetedrd to toy it, and to my ced great relief and mtontshrnept, n al. east insuntancously relieved the rain, toe inflammation, and eomumneed healing the pure, which l• now nearly atoll. I do confidently and stneerely believe that It atilt any fever r ote. it thoroughly applied. Respectfully years, . PARSONS For rale by R P. SELLERS. 67 Wood at. leg n~ r l to From Rev Charles, Merton, Mmister of the Repast Church. Wooster, Into of Ashtabula, 0 (push. Ilarns Jr. Co, Propriewra of C. Dean , Chemical , Plaster, Oentlegnet.i—For several years I hoed flans time tested the virtues of F., Deno's aerates' Pim. , by using it in my family or • Temedy for . mat.sem weakeesSand lameess of thr back, p a i nt:' the &avast, inliamanoss of p e a tt roat end eye., ague toe breaat. Le; and I take peat ore in soy ng Soya° nogl to the public,that in every . ease I _bare found it useful: and I do believe that said Plaster pea eemes liftVell of sa Ptah mdinary charaCter , and that general ly Ito found a eutheient remedy ‘ for those diseases for which it in recanatended,and In justly entitled to the notate and patronage of an enlightened coutranOy. Veers kat y, CHAS. MORTON. Wocorter,O., Dee. 29,1812. Sold by 13 A FahneMock A. Co. caner' Fuel' die Wood mst,' - rattan •AD EF=UsiteuiredeynOrTalg. willickAsge alamtatiratalonoty reduces indammation, andiron.. sentientls vrastanted isU cams to Mare oo saint or sear in t heflesh. • ' Sold wholesale and retail by WM. JACKSON , it his East and Shoe Store and Patent Medicine War re SO Liberty street, head of Wood, Pittsburgh. Po GO cent , and SI pee bottle. W /season being the Excluoise Aram for Weyer , ' Penosylyems,norm is gamma hat roam is sold by Mild or IHS appointed Agentr. N. U. - A rilltilphlet