Till PIT' - 'BURGH GAZETTE. /SY I:ILLITUS lIRCHAES PITTSBURGH: - WEDNEsDAT HORNINO, JULY 210847 ;ITTim irrrnk lAN MILT o.l[lll I, pablmaon 7, Trl•Week 17, and Weekly.—The Daly IrleeLa maws per amiunK• rae"Trl-W anti) in Viso Dollars per • aanada; the Weakly Ls Two Dollars per mama south -• • Err 'fiebare truenton,Abould bo tabbed bk by flee ebbe!' to the afternoon_ /Webb. to this on the past of mg ensubberv, brosib P ae 'lbrobidtbubi br.nebt. • • _ FOR GOVERNOR, ..• , OMNI. •RARIAR IfLYIN. ler casts comm.) 1. • FOX CANAL OIMARISZIONER. 111 . ‘ • OIM li P'lA. PA. , t.., tor cagivunn , count!) imilugnagon. t'+ : - .:GEORGE DAN SE, of Allegheny Qty. . . yrOIL I.IPILIZILT. LF.Will C. . r. 0ut..., ofdiana Til. ..-. thIRISCIAN.SNIVELVWiIkins Ty. g .- .: : MsetmiALL rAVARTZWELDER, thllhhergh. 1-'4 . - HENRY LARGE.nt ALIEn'tV. . nnn - Imoireg Tena•vann. • F! . : J.j.v. IMATta, of puisbuirb• 4 _TO CMINTS o.3oltelloillia. 'lllollwe VERKINR,ai Lower 13t.Cilir TP. . R.A.•01,11011. WILLIAM CA VE.N. of Verlaine. Tp. SWATS 0010MITTES. TRONA% E FKANIKLIN, Lonakster City. • JOHN c Diophin County. • , T 1.03 11A0 DUNCAN, . • /ARUN MARIIN, 70011A0 0 HAMOI.X.Vork.. W 116 1 .4 1 .0 0 M miaTT2 CamhOrtand. L JOHN WETBERlLL.lliladelphit Co. JOSEPH • It CI I AN OULU, -ROBERT T CORRAL), &BORAS MeGRA'I 11, Paladelphia Canny •lIILLER. LUTHER, Vert) • ROBERT AI HARM' Rankla. .!• THOMAS T argENNAN, &Ilea/alum ANDREW .1 OGLE, Someteet. . „ &AMMAR DENY. Allegheny. RICHARD. IRWIN, Venarnea. JOSESH 91 BOHM; Wearnorelan.l . O J RALL,Erie. • H D N WELL. Nashanaan. B SALISBURY. Snagnehasna. &LILLIAN Ss.ITH Hyaeas. SAMUELA PURVIANCE, Baler. „;. HENRYS EVANS, chaser. ROBERT T NM'S, Alontanciary. Pm LATER Coinnomnial tpleihgence t DomeetokMar- Briar Nowo,leoporis, Money Market, &0., Ste i trUt pogo. f *se . foarth Page hr Miscellaneous News SOUTEI CAROLINA /LSD SLAVERY We have reed with en interest called for by the sentbnenta - expressed, the proceedings of a body of the cilium of Booth Carolids, upon the occa aimn of the celebration of our Newell Indepece dents. "ills principal guests were Mr. Byrum. of the U. 8. Senate, en able and amiable gentle. nut; and Mr. Bear, of the House of Represen talives. Frog the speeches of thew two gentle. men we give the following extract.. Upon the "Wilmot Proviso." Mr. Butler earth "The imagination of a disrupted Union appal led biro, it overwhelmed hW mind, and left no rea aim to determine the canna to pursue if this cc. Minted treason to the Coostitution (the Wdmot Proviso) 'hoold be enacted. !rpm the counte to be I. unwed in &assent of this or some other sun. . tin porno being enacted by Congress. he bad no opicion to "uffer. He confused: his ieuthility to propose; and would kale it to thous of more wit. .dmitandoi 'longer experience in. political life to determine the counts of the Booth, But in his mind, there were two methods to send the ens* The Brat wee, a holy anion of all parties in the Booth, eon wield make this queethin the great volume of their political creed until ills danger bad pummel away. Hut this was impoedble. And the .ocoad Wae, to state distioctly to the gorth our determmation to maintain our political right. mt. du the Constitution at any sad every hazard." , Mr, Scut mid in substance as follows: I.he stir. in Ibis opimoio, drew nearer to a do* that - we may, make a peace on parchment, 'but the mad Spanish insincibdity, we should rather lay insanity, of the Meticanpeople. will still keep us at daggers drawn. He contemplates the most oserious issue at the Close of the war. If territory In acquired, then will come up the alive question with mint appalling aspect. :The North tnect will be fairly upon the South with her greatcosjonty, which Mr. B. assures co: will be mod to thafran chile the Southerners. These opinions the pm: • pie were requested not to forget, but to treasure them op as him prediction." The Mercury uys lodge Butler was careful in not erpreising opinions; ha gave only his senti ments. To give big feelings on the subject, be quoled Mentor's reinatka t t Telemachus, when setting out on big trivelt.--"Voo me I tremble tutu matting into. du - teem - hut 'Men in, you see LOO n i t longer tremble." Upon Ws . momentous question of ti6very end ' Slave tonittry, we feel an iDtiTtilt , corresponding to its irepolfinee a. connected with the existence of the Union, and the perpetuity of one free inen. tatious: The Whles of the Free States didfreat bk &fah entering into tAt denser, but being in _they trenabk ncamgcr. They urattred Mr. Ty. hes Administration which communed, and Mr. Polh's ehich coommunated , annemnion, of the fnuts of this disastrous measure. Mr. Clay, io molt truthful coloni, portrayed the artsioty of the corning storm If the deed was done. A bun died Whig apeecha, and a thousand patriotic warnings, foreshadowed the consegueoms of the act, if pentisted in.—and when done, Mr. Polk; in hi. ruessige to Ccmgresa, hauled of •the bloodier. _.schissetoeut” In which be and his Administration had been JO instrument& The South aeqiir need in „all thin, and by the aid received from those Northern edough faces," yclept .IVorticm men .with Southern principles," they accomplished it all. They posseesed Tee,., a nut wintery, over ' which So.sithem ma had control, and upon which' Ilk. the t.! F te tree,, the inetitation of, Slavery was ' planted and ite shadows spread forth. They ob. tained annexatlon -- moreorer -in violation of the sidattudy,tuulerstood provisions of the ad of Cot. gram, that Sabatd be divided between Free and . Skye Buten The 81ave.bokleni, however, Were ist authority, both in Texas and the United Staten With an armiciotte raying for power, they made it an agree territory, ena worm then this, imposed a bonier in the Constitution of the State of the Mane Star," which forever hereafter practically totted, any deliverance from the terrible captivity of Ser vitude. The Nosh one cajoled and cheat. bi this coesithre, and though the mod guilty awn in the commision of this blind were from the fine Suites, yet its, benefits were designed to acme to the South. With the South it became a (melon of power, of self4e4 anteelfintuest. and. wa could, and put pardon soinetbing of the zeal . displspid where such passions one et. work, controlling the Wien' of mankind. Nem:thalami 1 Ma feel called upon to moist each Equisitionsand the mint:lom which gate tree to them. The Coo• gestation is span our eida,—.Llberty is upon ow. LAN and that trairphilantbropy which looks for lewd to the blessed tiom Imn the beery hardens chill be undone and itei oppressed go free. pia Limitary enemy acquire from ;tibia) must be bee soil. If otherwise, we could pray that some deluge would corm it beneath the deepest waeee of the sew. or that same shaft Gem heaven, or some eartheptaka or thunder bolt, directed by the power of v.. Almighty, world tire it asunder. to this middle of the nine.menth centory, for a ciriksed, Christian Nation deliberately tdeMsbliah • Blom Colony upon what is a tree foreign pro,. bee, is to Jo that which ought tamable bathe& , at fmt6 the ropoosi and the doer into s shade • me bled se °hematitic iii*twar. - • we wientking amantleas li.e. and apondisti eonntlers mamma an OW travail, war wilA Sear-arra all for what! To plant war al. sada wpm the bath,a of thaws Grata* or t ip m Ilw them of eat Pude. lot war. Www.ol ti.. tines! Jagua r. as rowans for :14 .and:Prrannal ' Lawny, our If.: F - 4, inue+ - r: rktn which ought to be, tigrish to *and a:.11 SIT' n the Nation. of the earth, forbid Kith a , 1,;1 er1:1443 of ea mutt lowed. and ow tuatara dole, Jn .ki. op them can be no cotornmhott with f!favery where out tes duty s to km, eneolottweed seoldr the b module* of ri41.1011, the very , nucleus el; whoa Weil it • asseetj for net, otta's rights Sea to essay clan tleA t...Ulihina r( sepsis. The Ilan is Ilston, and we We Naked to be putioiSe tont la the Inotic. We eri No.' . The Unmade* , ef Blum will be mull fa which the freatUste. now sods for all time to some will be respopeible. it isultuvLewmeei bees, thew 'hall beam was, freedom ova tho Pei& so, upon the Esofetr, Lotto eisitus of, the Morino Iniee. kk„... of Heaven to they took dawn oar own iS A s a wee thesialathst out a OesSoil, a free , ••••!.. aid nfns Gam If th is sit , °` A tw, lot Wl' Its nests ertsielehs Le, and u*, be,by seetteedeleilitatto.„‘amido.dmi divjointed, the victirtiticldilinwi dwpotivm deindei.favwdeeLim, but ]et --eke will be unmake. *IL .isnd willsoosord vdteieveQ9 buy or " 11 I hif peeple No gertievn teir:torywr What we her, ti Lu as Ore* es New England: v.niu. or tLeire , v . ; of the free Pistol:Of our - pfs. rioat Lit:limit Let every Ponca freetien • • • ..tiPcifast is this faith, laid kith* end. hiehall not only the Union preserved, bittALFlewimPai• given. to freedom arson& mankind. p. 8. Wince writing the above, we hare teen a lap letter from John U. Calmat, denouncing . . the "Wilmot Proviso," in ortmeasared teTtee•-.1 Of the Pews involved In that , great principle of nett. be says in a lathe to his Mania hand, lust thing his Pro4illarely views, I hope it is the pnecureor to the mann dial parties with 01 to repel an oatregeous sod novo. yoked mama on Ite—ons thst nvolves our seal • rod abet of the Union. We `hens the Cccii 0. two Meaty with to My nevolotions bale bat availed and denounced, but the Pub) of the priumplis. es they abed, remains uncontesipl and utcontestible. In delending them, we not only defend ourselves, bat the Uonstitutioni sod in defending; t, the Utmost itself, 4 which it is the 1 hoes. We most not be deceived. The time biscothe when the question must be met. It can no long• et ho arontod--nor, if it could, is it deattable.. The longer it is postponed, the More inveterate scuidatherteis will become the hostile fating be.' teteen the e lereholding -and nonwlawebohling theta. With union among, °unitives we bare nothing to fool—but without it. crerything The Await. is lan stare the party . qUallialli of the oil. He who pt not for eels Nana -.-' Yoe :tour lona eipteetion of feeling tasted: "me, i n n „,..„ w „,i,„ir . ming the rtholutton, seceth my 'sincere acknowledgment. 4, b ' 1141.14°U5. • TO. Miricia Tanya—We hateasken 0c,.. Sian two or three nines to show the operation of , Mr. Robert Walker's Ideticsit Tariff upon the bet eines, of Mexico. 'By the operation of exiating laws, according to the commercial cotrispondence of the N. 0. Times, silk 'goods, ...wing silk, crepes. dec.:now pays duty of from $6.013. tog 10 per lb. The tariff nays $3, but directs the growl weight to be . taken, Including all oiiginal packa ge., amounting often to three or four times the nett wgight, and slams to more titan double.— the Mexicans made a more acnrible distinction in silk goods. charging tan the nett weight only $3 per lb. for common silks, $2 for goo •ilk, and $l.l for raw, while Bland and Tall paid $l2. The Time. adds: All manufactures of wool, or of wool mixed with cotton, &c.. with three car four unimportant exceptions, pay 50c prr yard. Hence Mnuoseltne de limes, Nepolitains, Satinets, &e. pay from one hundred to three hundred per cent duty. Toe Hui an tariti, supplanted by ours, cilantro! on fine cloths and ...memo from ill to 01,30 pet yard, and on all common woolen soil worsted menufac. ones froin 16 to 19c per yard. If cotton were mixed with the wool, 15 per cent additional MA charged. On Iron of certain qualities, the Mexicaus char. gad less than three c.nu per lb. OE4 weight. Our tariff charge. four cents gross. - On Sardines, &c., art closed great consumption hencolhf:Mexicsna charged five cents per lb. Oar tariff; twenty.fiee cents. On Hats of all kinds, our tariff charges $1 each. The 51exiethe red a common sense diatinc. a., charging the finest at 53, and all others at 30 per cent ad natorem. I could make the fist much longer, but this is sufficient to show the principle of the ihiog. The Port charges us with ignorance tot what we hare said of the Maxicin tariff. We feel our drfieleocieo esdly we coolers. and yet think it but fair that those who bout of their wiedoia should either be able to prose our ignorance or show some special wisdom of their own. We give something of the operations of the Mexican tariff above, and now add, upon the authority of the Metam wax Flag, and American merchants in Mexico, that the effect of Mr. Walker's tanff ban been in all respects &outruns to basilicas. The 'New Or leans trade has been injured three millions of dol• lus we are assured by Mt. bra:ker's act. The American merrhaute who with t; encourage a di. real trade between the United S. tea and Mexico. declare that the law in its present fc.6a. gives at (east a. httodrad per amt, sdurata,ge"Lo the ncvl chant, in Mexico, who fECEIOe their applies di. rut from Europe, and while they pd eon this ad i vantage, our own people rano Titer into comps. bon, unless they resort to i 'co source for sup. ptics. As confirmation of ell . .we have said we quote the following from the- bletamoru Flag coniplaining of discriminations made by our for riga losing Administration, against Americans and American commerce • If the pert at' Natamons , famishre a criterion to go by, (end we cahoot see Irby it should not, being seo.nl inn commercial importance to but one to Mexico) wo are justified in saying that, po dimes ate being c Alreteit. Tne-mer. chouto Maumorsa—the AMOttC4II rol•relfstits at lettat—hare coned to import. They are grad ually working if their old socks; and we cannot heor of one that will venture further Mycelium:its Heavy order. which had been sent to the United States have been countermanded since the imp,t• anion of this huff; merchandise that has arrived at the Brazos, in more than one in. lance. has been reshipped to Now Orleans. It &tinnily W atkcr iould hat we, the stalnation in band. which hit scheme has brought about, and the wring which it I. waiting upon American citi zen., we mount but believe the immediate :ion of the midi would be • consequence. It is not asked tir expected that the tariff .Dodd be' done awey with altogether, hot it is asked that chinos of the United State. be gut at law upon an equal footing wokiforeiviern, if not discrimination. mode in thehrbet.alf. Ter Haaavx or vie is a duty in cambent upon everygood citiyans to guard what Ciaelor ) :—to be.aetive during Mill warm melon ofd the yeti, in removing every known cause of pick nem, and in addling to the general - cleanliness and emoted of the city. If acme arrangement could be effected with those who have charge of the watts-work,. by which a sting, of water aafci• cot to thoroughly clean.. the streets; at least. rthree melee • week during the summer month., many causes of ill health would he removed, and the streets rendered much mere tolerable to the inhabitants. A The greet libject in constructing !rho water. work., we appiehend;nru utility r -46 furnik at as low rate as possible, all the letter 11/11:011117, for the me of crty. Revetme was but • sew ondary object. I( , the works field a revalue to any considerable amount. nano moderateetainlons for water, it is well. but cue should be taken lair in looking after revenue we forget the pa' . object of tbeir eoctorumionf- It. would bilitier Shat money should be cinkroteir by direct iazation tote, toy deficiency in the expensed the water smite, thia-thstour citisens;stiould be inaetrated by &mew for the want of " sufficient amount of water to cleanse the heparin.. Irani the public Saito caLO iove--;Di. Dickson of Alle gheny City, operated on the eon of John War den, Morgan strut, Allegitney City. on the 6th Jolt' 71116, fir et me in the bluLlet, ttor ulna wu extieeted, and the. boy entirely recovered in twelve deye. Oa rbe 14 of Augrsti 1848 Dr. Dreksou operated on Ors era ro W. Ch /inhere ra.letral rtmer dbAny .City, hied 7 yrso., fart iu tW bLuldat, the ittoot wacramaasal. amt Watery war own• plotwi r Oftrosi dap.. ?nese operanone wen not coy entirely snetewt. fit, trot were Anne eitilfoUy and promptly pWena.. ed INattett •41 weal they are acme the lir lollP•rtnot, and we preetzt therm ea •aret add evidence" of twee skill, and it coder ht .how that 0 9mUalle of We load em-be yariarmr•l will at home a• abroad- Dra. Pollock on: Flower • as prettopt *heathen (potation. rave perfeesisei ant aro are tadebtettt to ,et .'another. gerdietwat of the prategion for cotattastveatuyi tta fads pabhatt. "rko editor 4th. Concionals ErAtors..3y. b a uriimo•ol. oet 1.k.e.1101:1141st, bee 13.1,,,y Quintal:Nan qmdital 11 Differ thisult.h.se ben otlkyl to Washingtonto inforabnims touch ` his accounts, end MAW. 4,3 410' Mal , sons epptoptillioosoithe pubilo tuner. BAJO: Di 710 7, lb—The Haat etlitierouri, K 4 ter setting oz*, per war. u a ever4went fund. her &dyed o &ricked of ire per 4riro• ler tht Ire six ueuthe I.:mecum ttr Hass AID Filiolll.-•-nlerlfVf , VIVT TO 1tC030,11. Ere. Haa . ,cos Hassievroort In a letter to ...mi. the Home s l um...m oist a tiri f. llian . .0, 1 wee with roblage i. the of iraw -the of beaut ibenm y aid tn, Journal repent. of ba n rinc gm-- 1•7 -- -1:. M or la 8 ., / otigitytialltinibitenesd.4 Mai boweva An 2 7 r "l ..,. , -"dilute? ' " We o_ de lel gi" 4 fun ,..5.4.1 t t0,00t 0 * hot weather. ta_winams tie 5.14 performance ef_i for the rerantamar, nor for the 55.....•-• .- - a ./.t • t e , -`," . ~r. our di 1 in the following them rhsungukhe,i ar e o po, talootoy , ~ l tirown out against amuttlion/. , . h .,, or o o d mict io se a brad oersted= fqc musical. I, abut team her letter. Thole who on mow , iiit we** dispornest4a thiedr. that it is wonte .ol, t haw victims Us. 3 . 46, ... ... . what"iinder, foiceitainly during the visit Of aPilmi Cupid, =lo.3lllo7"Chliljaremou:none Ind an ineomMthio old maul will germ 7NM • en gentlemen we hem shown that we ire folly, ~.. o r th e g i n . amebic' of eppredataig, to its full extent, thin di • Shou" I never ri."9"Cti'd pm"( • b vet it is mMetated to extent , in third iris of my recantation, however,' shalisull fully vine art, w ene " tto timunth of the mai& appended to "A in s tance, by those ersothy of calling ifforth. F`` b " . " " c°2 " rabkibm ' b Y t eedPdliar bathe Mr. Hers and Stvori played with their acme. North American I milli indmagard, with unesigitated horror, the idea of Mailing My dm- tamed adllina Milli n g* Mmaal evens g. That tiny on earth, atone." Happily for me I le.r ootte they gave great delight, was aboodantlfrouanifest log of the kind --believing that there will ahem. Eb y , , the enthusiastic bursts of appleme which fol. be 12 . 1 ' , Pare'ng°„ded.Pni•l'b"'tha' ibt ' llec ' WlL lotted their emend performance.. Our acconi even “properly enucated women to bear me cods lobed _ _ . __. 0c.pr,... . e fear of the P fr , otc r. Nu , u••• I. 1 p at o g p h y t: re li p e r a sa v cil ustvtaecu'etiedfttnomalCOirldial of Ma, Piano. We are nye that the public w 7 I 1 IM"grat made losable by characters of unobtrusive goon- ,fi„,i to boor th a t thew, gentlemen Intend paying ne . ' In ••eurr circle ciu,..,, soc iet y, 7 4 , , t w • l '',"l., 4 1 : os another visit before 'Faecal' the country: While upon tale subject, we beg true to call at. "7: 4 :y` :o n , b : Yd ti t ifil , ; : r o ' li ck ";:o - ::::n ---% :.: r a; g :::::011 - 6 - m - Y • tellu.'n tq 'h. ■Ptendfd icetrument use 4 by Mr. erabliebed by tbeGernian,G o emge H e ra. which is from his celebrated manufactory . certainty, for bratty and richness Rapp, mo o, war since on the batik te of the at ,i o at Petit. It Wa o,dF it a brie.' visit c.l':". dap I _ . ,_._ml week. _ so d i . e . 1 (,tend the voltage as ever, neat , fi ob - zroue goo pe- of ,me, exceeds any Piano we ever heard. We t i o o that --el of them will be y , for aria in utilise The inhabitants wore also their character. '2 igo 0 ems._ istic look of gravity and heelth-M. canosint our mty in s few days. with their own lot, and of supreme indiff,rence as tq the affairs and opinion. of the rest of the 1 woill. " The Patriarch. Rapp, is ems livine., nod with his I quattt garb nod flowing white beard, re a mow is eprotaide and Abtahlueish looking personage.- Hu must be yirrq old, and has been quite famous in his lime;-hY the wary, I believe Byron speak. of, him somewhere. _I once saw him tak'om an I iilnoy in hts carnage with his datlghter, or grand. '-er. Mies GyrtrAe, who, it is said, as ho has &tugs. "" `st he FatIIIMAra. She °P nn Moil heirs, two. , "' - ouraniii. Were perm old enough for her onus, - ow* , ahe younger and t dandily pretty, with ne. , cal name and very real expectatione-a grand old I mansion, fine garden. and profitable vineyards and the aerie of the estate•-h nv many an inter eoing young gentleman would auddenly take to German-how many. . spendthrift to Economy 1 In tbisunique town;rhough there is much io• dust'', there is no bustle,-all b order and quiet- nem, almost Bobbatb•likei ...repose. Ftom the } peculiar legulatione of the emit ty, the motor hem meth, with no a ererriomestie arenee-rmy go through the length and breadth of the village with out L•falltng into the bosom of a whole family," to use ono of Mier Robles's.° Crusne's expressions - We bear not she musical laughter and prattle of childhood-nor the blowing of peony trumpet., nor the beating of tin drums, in the wide streets, is no flying of kites, no shooting of marble., no moulding of “terrestrial pier ; "-bitt fruit yards and melon perches are unmolested and wild bird. brood securely, onterelt of their eggs. Alt. no the sweet children may not fill litmus ham s with love and gladness, because .they are net : " hot then there is no trembling care for the safe ma ting of tfiktb—ack nervous dread of the beeping rough and reetilese•-no fright froma tumble down stain, or a pluage into tbe cistern, and theta no father is constrained to otter worded sharp reproof -no mother to place herself in thatmost unlovely of attitudes, laying ofl the angel mid laying= the There are no dances and frolicking. of youth. and maidens on the village green. and no happy young bridegroom may he seen sitting in hie porch at evening. serenely mistaking his meerichaum, his blooming Katrina no placidly knitting at his side —but then no weak creature is there made i the dope and victim of a Quilp, a Bikes, or More miserable still ot a ilfantelini. In the chill night, no injured wife wonder, with out, flying from the brutality of ineixiated hood—and within, no poor fellow is remorsely Candled for the day's offence.. Adieu. GIILACZ lilthlettol Destitution Cornmeal Room.. 20 Hanover Htreet,:i Ednburiti, 1710 June, 185,7. S Burt Si,—! have the pleastve to acknowledge the reetipt of your letter of the 29th of May. corrosion a report of the proceeding, of . a meeting of the coasens of Pentodelphia, and an addres circulated throughout Pennsylvania. As amu aificient result of the exertions; made on that: ocrasiori r and of the be art-felt sympathy with which the appeal has been res Ponded to, you amid us bills of lading for 3146 Wrap kaki dries! corn meal. 398 OSISSIF floor. 170 .bags and three barrels coin. 44 bap whist. miaow ban rye, to be appli ed by oar Dowd for the relief of the destitute in habiumha of the Highlands and Islands of Scotland. You mention Chet a cunaid.rabl. portion of three coonibuturn. 'come from . citizens of the interior; witrcially em the rirostern y .ee •of the Slate, r. - mined through thriller. A. B. Campbell. To that gentleman... well es to the generous members of the Committee, add to the contributors enmity, I new beg, in the name of our Board and of the eaffering people of Scotland, to return our cordial thanks for so noble an addition to our tuna' 'Hach Esamtifol entrphes not only, enable. as in point of tennis, tee rebate the wants of one et ffering countrymen, but. by the sympathy and confidence which they convoy, the liveliest en- SOuraselioect it cvnln3l3tilesicil to the Commi• . tce In the arduous! labours they biter undertaken, and which: by G.A.. blessing. bare bean as far succeistul, that theta has been not one instance of death from stervation, although much privation must have been suffered; but without the aid that hat been giien them, it is certain that scenes ,t minty would hoe ensued in . the Highlands, only lee, appalling than have been wdoessed m un happy Ireland. I have been much struck with the impresaiie .and affecting language of the tan• chiding. peat of your addicas, in which an honor. Ole a testimony is borne to the peculiar chafacter. wiles of our Scottish peamotry. lo on fu as those noble contributions come from natives of Scotland or of Soong° descent, it is n noshing to us to think that the kindrod blood makes itself known by these out pouring, of ha • malty—and in so far as they come falai citizens of America generally, we hail them as indicatione of an enlarged and comprehensive beneficing, and as tending to draw climber slid closer the bond, of onion between two great nations, farm od to esteem and ta hooor each other. I beg to assure you that the sympathy shown by Amer. lea on !his ocoasion. bas made on impression au the public mind. With best thanks to yoarielf individtially for the tams in which youlug bad the kindness to make . this communicstian; I bars the honor to be dear sir, your obliged humid/. no. want. Cartons Foam in Trouvirsr. TO Ro lilt eocrri Jr . .Et Highland Relief Corivniffle. P adelphr4 • Nina Item.. MIZOLOOICAL ntsettester.—The Boston Trans cript andentambi that the Rev. Jametr 0. Rich. mend, of the dame of IC& has mot an makable cbellepse, in the manner at the old Uoirenities, to the Proeident. Profaners. and students of the tinhanity of Cambridge. more especially at Di. sinity. Halt to datum with biro, orally the there Christian doctrines of the Episcopacy. the Holy Trinity and The Atonement. . Cczarce.t..—Res. Wdlao Buadarde, of Mace CArach, Philadelphia has been called to St. Lake's, Rochester; anti Rev. C.l) Cooper, of Willtestaure, Ps, to Trinity, in thew= city. It is not mated that either of these gel:Weiner. heee,iiccepted The call. According to the new Directory' just published, the neunber of Chu/thew of nob religious dereint. button in the City of New Pmk is es follow. Protestant Epeicopal.4l; presbytmisn. 33; Meth. Min. Episcopal. 31; Bennet, 20; Catholic, 17; Drab Reformed. 134„lewitti, 9; Cominationet. 7; Unitarian, 4; Untvernltet,.4;• Friend*, 4; Lu. theism, 3; Meoclate Presbyterian,. 714 1 Amociate Reformed Presbyterian, 2; Hero:mad Priebratian, 13; Welsh, 2; Methodist Protestant, 1;' Mogen& neour, 12; Total, 227. FRANCOIIII4 roamen.—A habil Ran Primo. n 4, N. 11.. dated the 13th aye that lest Sakaiy. the 1001, the mercury roes to the -Made to one hand ed cridteno dower., end the spirit therinon enr is 99 &gum. CAS Gianni' LI 'KOMI . * remains nnlfell in flacon, on Thule/lay sod the ledy um &rented under tt.e !hone Chapel until anendemenninaubl La alvie hit its eenevyatire' to Warne*. Toe ?Inn nl4 hen* in Preble nanny. (Min. teatati by tin Vntou lbyrnter, at 49.00,sisinst funk lay than 31,000 tut year. The bomber aliened in 11.11 art cowry, thin yams. b 34,2111 and /0 Clennont °aunty, 40.900. Fe erne on TIM Worit• —A OXI2- iricliUtalioo in the H iritsbori 'refer ape dreeloaes rani° ioryortatt rater/A. tbeteztpeyent tattle Cont. comirealth, eliovring that for year,' peat enaromus frauds hate bee. panning./ to Lo ner,lod ort,aboos the public work" thronat noslelt or, wow. totem.) , o(dte yobbo amok Thareleywh rays •, there le no doobt in the mina of done pogo pinto,. inns thee donduet of the State agent. lett year. that the El'are anis datraudeel not of slsibthin rr 11300,000 theottati the idleberti or disbour.4 of et agents. The alettlon df %fr. Power tut to a eon. trojetable cp.‘l4.• 44.11 piondert tad will elo • to the Maio the print year not lea than one hot bed and fifty MOUlntld donors! And tyro elartlab o 'nadir Refarro tandidite, Juice' W Prmrds .. inerosso the vhf, we loofa no doubt, to du or• moo rata or 011 0, 1000 onnuslly. A mattes; IN. ..noortant write tsioreotr of ton ryas we! bort • ill not be Irrhottan, A team oboe snood, Arts e 110.000 a year to drub, end pro mlaaAo or, intlo3oo. itehey do their duty, is worthy of *dr Ones*, a and their eq.." Laceona.—We call aitchton tol the Lee. lure to be delivered te.oorrow evening In the 9havel of Sr. Paul's `J: hoot liaise,• by the' hoe. l'iqateouhlcCagry, of St. Mary'. College, Std. The object of the 4.c.;;tr t , au hi &ruling the expenses of the school, sod hoer, the 4iatin. guithei reputation of 'the lecturer, We are, astir. fal, cytrl from the meritorious object; which are to be promoted by h, tha; a ;use aUdience will I be present on the occasion. grtgor.--Tir Unpaakittes appoiato3 by a laYlitb=4"f !ko nYi k Fg h Bar' - tai.loggptpcp for the porp2se of .electing • ~ • eulogium upon the Ide and rharactefof the.... Ron. Rkhard iltddle, have. u wa era' informed, r ‘ qaeraed the 111 n. ‘y r iem to.pettorna that duty. Tat papar h. been enlarged and iinproeed by Vie iddilion of Mi.s eolomns of matter per day We will that proprilituralltlC!eell in their renewed riot. t ' • Fran.-013 Tueeday morning the , alarm eras I occasioned by ■ fire having been discovered in a frame house on Washington st , eet. i 11 was ex. tinguished before much injury wee door to the building. This is the serum, time the house has been 00 fire- e yilthin the last week such circumgauces gTonlabut d e as of its haring been the work of an incendiary. . lain Vi'rrisa.—Tbure la real dangei from a too free indulgedre of this luxury in bof weather.— We have heard of two death. receidlY, and eery suddenly, (wait. five use. Gaeta Coe. made its appearance in our Diehl we bellme, for the first time this year, on 'Tuesday fut. RAILROAD LEI-m.o.—On Thursday, (to•mor• row.) prop:ale will Go remised fee aonstrueting In miles of Railroad, out from thiaclty. We understand than are many strapless in Ibis city. owensibly fat the purpose of biddinglor work on the Rail Road and tome from the &tie of 1111- mak. • Hoirev.-1 fine "dick of Hottay.; worthy of the famed Ilybls been, may be toyed .at the wore of Anthony Meer, earner of Fifth street andhlar ket Alley. To praise it more. would be adding ■ perfume to the violet. and we. therefote, kale it to prove its own sweet qualities. : ACCIOSIT IN Azaasnriar Cret:—.oa Their day morning. as a vr0132.11 wits returning from martin, she wu run oar by a hone, and 1013:10. 11/11•I's,131113.3. bot we ine happy to hear, not eery seziact'l Jottazotratear. Baler: Mo.nzas.—On Tonality, the Journeymen brink mbar* of Pittabegii,tutb-J ad out, for an.tooteasa of "Paseo. They - enatetue in a body to the =lute of the fife and antakdown Hand :treat to Allesbeny City. Thy. 'aelt:guit. the wage, of ordinary heeds Khali be raised to 415 per month, girl the monictcee ta't got 14 'P ' ti per month. Accinssrr.—A young man by' tle name -of Wm. filiahby employed at the "Cominarcial Jour nal' ance, in this city. had his toot caught to the machinery of the steam pram, ors Ttreaday mow log and eras teriously injured. I To Mc Edlors of biz Pillaburgh Gitscife. Pasant la --Knowaseez me Powys." It has given es the Steam Engine. the Railway. •lotte Telegraph." and oho will restate to limit na onward entree ! It elevates min in the kale of being and is mighty to produce geed 6 COMM terset eetl., It is progressive and diffusive:and it behooves every man to increase his able*. Imam. ledge and to aid In the ascension of 'Casino' his fellow men. How can we better erect this, as a community than by eatab ishing a Po Lir Li. L albeit we have one or not INO bear not to be that I. the quenion"! and to meet decide it. Our duty Is plain ; shamalan us if we prove recreant to It. dictate*. Wa*camtaar. Dixie - acre. t---At Alton; Mimi., on the W. ins; a young lady au `rosily insulad by 'Limas anent of the Illinois sclunteern Her tiblribse I=l left the room for the purpose of ! calla?' upon some (muds, alien the Lieutenant! knocked at the door and entered. - .Hot tries Nought air/ to the room before the scoundrel accontplistit4 hie design.. The brother of the young lady lopilhl the (tinier, immediately after his retaft4 ' and Bur ged biro. Ina rhea time afintaerde three or fair hundred of the volunteer. atirounded the Hotel and thrtitened to mob the building if the yonog man wan not delivered up. ge was diregteuni and sent to at. LOW/ It is (.ir to immune the volunteer, Wire VOy . qualoted pith - the ciictiinitariees, or they Penes would base been guilty of such conduct; theility—Commrece Of :81. Lnda:: P.tbb.,k,f4o!ctPfnioralte,_ atl - Apad West.: 4gt. !' "Ilia-F . C.iirl3"M r m P i r i h ° . l7C i lli m il t— n eal":l7":ll4 d er tt l e r-i h l iel l ° ., y p r—lud: hi e '. l 7-4 1 2dr ead t a —'11 1 1C.alu4S w alVilEta i iii7 n ft l er:Pe i llighefi t mli: y r.'lnd i :e : j oi r"l"dC . 4 lt q m :B ,. . —N the land: p Cil i e ro pi tn .gr e..i lli s ieUic e lt a r:l24"u'klb'"alM m n illiniP e ler"l:6 ,.. ' ial the .. . el the htisstrippl.eLetter from Major Jack protein—lnteresting letter from a young Artist i u Itilly—Sialt Ste Allane—blasier. Latest Telegraphic news, F oreig n and Doaseadc. Commercial—A .refully . complied Review ot i the Markets for (beano, areek—Tbe prices la the i loco dr, eavdrets....The Cattle Motet—The prices of Amencia Fontana in serious prim of the Union 1 —Amount of Floor, Wheat, Corn dee., received moverients of prodoce—Alarket to London. ' . City Nows-! pelt ol therrees-.Copione Estrum fogymie tithe &Pk, wiggly or icier . appwre. Price G centesingle copy. , 1 Submtiptione two dollars ,year *Advance. Now /ternaries...A Machine is said to have ( . gaiter. been imrentad in the Nato of Michigan, tir hiu..:l 7,. . T ~• i Olivia& IPostanear—kleurest. T„,, here b ~.11 p„r„1,0,„,,,,,, r. vesting, thrashing and bagging-grain. A gill of , r, e •r,,nr,,,,,, ,—,, ,fir. or, War. Pan, of Wubsaisvolte silty sous Was bareested, Washed, &r., in two i Corniest Co, and woof the very.eist practitioners in Jays time. The mashies mu drain by inst.% , the timely in whieli be resider, rind lore Stream in Me b,,,,, gritted by b,,,,,,, and biz 'v., y d . th . thod, l fame lanaltlatate. It-at e heeone Ikea re aeon, lead• t oas .... .of tar pmfeloton, homing the bordsofpeokno 4 - I . eatte.l and put op to 04.1 ouniltlon: Gar the mill,„: . . . 900 1„,,,,,,,, ona * t ont . , torn', a. sot,: thee' bushels per insoate. , . i'fur I hare,st on r memo beta tolotta ottiate of our ' t (:tnovng racers. sad.oe Air. tat toontaneasvol itt no In iliti mettle. pipet me And so account arson 1 trte'tar la(!onotritoi sod Otto Xi Contplatato. VIM.. ItorldatlOll rirealY median* by . lirjCbarles LI- i /tend me italt o 4nren loaner . -pot tarot t at M. . Sea imitative ./ midi magnetism, who lits; someded, to i ...mt. fist comet d 0 feels... to 'awls , . V.." 1 ..” oevenl Mt...—. .f.; .. .:*•-••9.4 to tiait(: IMMO .!heir 1 is.sstioe...o , o hoe brueloMo'r m Ion? II .00 kumif t . t. hosting. These espentoetthrktati turrei'lardo mita ' -......7. ......„,,- -... !..1 1, o elWit Mra v. n. to wonderful succors in Lyon., and bull* at the lam ' . accounts, recently ~lied in Maaseillnk Whowilis • IG - TeeAeomou of -Xsii . . ' . osiccede. l nf *shit ismounavi his intention of temening - hie loped- r,,,' ' ~' r ' i rt j j' A ZT,' af,,, " ., ' ; '" ,,,,t147,tr 4. , ,Z r. We , * and atlefol.flog the reofinahoneffwerinic Ili deierind isputanon, kir us ',gest Age,. In et e.t.a./4 II tl'o deaf mates who mt., apply for all. , tau dot...suing volatnotnt. tn.. Elevator) . vt at) )t0..1- 1 nui rem edy, and . qakaitet y retuned tram a Ittorooolt rnit •nso o tjtett..oLobe gangs. a !itch .odotsc tat: ponnoot The Wuhieron Union is out fern ileinecsigic National Convention, es the only mean, .of outi dog the party with reference to that s•elPieeltiatiL cy. The fay lor fever tuts aidsntly, alarmist the -au*, f.i the safety of Sis own party . _ Fa :6 Barton Post ie equally ellanitied iJscs. We *lnk; under all the piteuccistimicer,Oat thi,Lici ,Faw . will bare their hands fall in presenring the - union' of their own party wiihocit Wasting dancer rodeo", cei t bons upon the Whig putt' . hfr'. Polls Is , to be sympathised with in plating ,s ' man'' • bud of the Army. whom the people so mareb ists esteem than himself.' Tea Consiexectunrr of the Pnilenlipble Ca kite of Medicine took piece on lam . !Tharshey.— Toe President conferred the device of Demo . of . Medieino upon students from several, state*. The Honorary Dever wee conferred upon Dr. hams V. Branch, of Mi. Morris, Greco Co. P.., sad Edward P. Hall. of Washington, ' The Veledictoey addrais is mid In have heti excellent. and was delieered by Praetor WON*. tick. al 41LL.. (100.-11" w lints do we kncisr,. tiov taile du men eve bran op know,lhet, there ie sta element Owe,. gnomons; in Otlir i eigieulaWw, ewe-he we seldom llw2lt of. a o b Wfieh we r.: •. en ere anwtaannoglee—the will of 414 !• That whit , ,ovetnehte a • 'awe enigma tharmigie= trans, and knees human whimper ead pap aw. bot ea bubbla 'Wanes in tha eanattne, Weak when they bawl had then bOur. E7PRICIVILIT.:...TWO Of dine barteis of pon tos) of spontaneous man* Werf iskan from Brant eo Ennist4 ks min or an Ruttish noWeena. sad rested; sad the rm Fended ammo their radars to s my .ebb entenl. Ceirupesslsseer St. Pittsburg* . Ousts*. - %Nsk neared os miss ii:140141 400, tViscis;tes 4Ahs turrn_ 11,13632, :ithid;:ips hid,. yestadayO 1 •VI info at T ALtillokifiA. -`,:-..., 4 Troi.s..6o,h,:its ..puip..";4,r the 25th iii. .e.Nifiga the ilictkati.lit, tail Kway to the ,caranisos, &aid at Mantelreyovlatotilasett lass Be tells the people that the Prcsideht of thirifitiferfStates h.; appointed. hini Clotni tiller, of ,Califomii, and that he ardently desired to PitiSnOiti — the igie4st'ditii ii.iii . 4iaa of a Vii: t#u. ... - ii fie pro pi:Protect their religious h , • utions—the persons end p;operty of peaces. tie citizen., against foreign .ana demesne ene* 4iNi u d hritei thecolo_ 604 10 ma1n41i4 3 .% tht'ettptextutof of the laws ~Y; The Govestunent of the Vasil SiaterkhCipays, will procure fr. California a free government; arid soon invite its citiras to ozerrigi the thibts of free oxen In the choice of Representatives to enact their laws. The existing laws not rept& i mint to Ilia Constitution of the United - Ititstax - ,1 will remain in force until trivolted II cofopetent ' atith.rrity; end public officers, by tatio6 qn 403 to suppiiit,lhe • constitution of the United litotes, It still cantintiOn Ito caereisr of their functions ---'-- ''...ts tom O . 4I¢IiALICA Be ebsorbea the aun--;....,,.. to the Republic of Ittexkit,'=conotiders them citi. I j sera of the United hltai . ta, and Wiliitrßtish th I r iy. am golly of traieOci 'agiinst theo9oierrwe • Ile tells the people that when Me!lcat Weal! , ,usis a mu. we had not time to invite the flat - Ponians• to join se, but were compelled to b poeseeslon of their territory to present r,oropean Governments from 'tloin' no. Vilif 4 T , " ba. 6 1i• feted from civil ware, but . the fool:teeing (Fore ertren - cr leaned the r blotted rotors of dircord, are now diled opr-the dap and &filial now Boat over Pstiforrtia,—and se long as the ton fhi 13Cf , I they ettall pontintio to !lost., , . "' -- "“o r! e'P'PP't ir u r l 10 P7C i ll- Oen. n 0,.... .- ' Arilsoioutaratian,-- motion by the authority ot -• • There aro some things in it poIPaKY bet-eh:o o x. and particularly the charge of treason" for.-dafaud jog or Laraine a eduaity srbich a WA iti'fila e3oscienee regards u hi. own. Constracs or 43r. Lects.—Prom a table of inparti which we observe in a late Bt. per, it appears that the eavniberec of that g Ml 4 irt• • land city is rspidly increasing ' There task-been received at that port more the first of Janniry last, oparanlS of 300,000 bble of dour, and 2, .00,000 bustle. - of wheat; which is a very corisiderabte advance over the reevips for the same period last year. Pro it has been with the various articles of impartation. During the past year upwards of 900 buildings bare been erected within the-city henna' 'The tarriided debt of the city.: piyable in arieqnsl annual instalments, In the period oftwens ty jean, is $978.396. Of tine. $6 3 3.4 00 is bla In t h e city of Nan York, $60,100 in St. too. s, and $t93,896 in Philadelphia. Tax Wino. Weabingt to County, at, their late Convention, nominated the following ,ticker, M be eapported by them at the cadging genefal election: Fur Azetni bly—Doorio V. Lawrence and Geo. Meloy. Comm/signer—Andrew Got. Audi. tor—Jatoyi Hughey. Director of Me Poor— bow Pat. • 'Mr. Livrtom ,was one of the representatives of this conuty law amino, slid acitniiwi a high reputation for Air inautuy awl talent. %trashing ton County, are hope, will give evidence ,again that they appreciate hi. worth by retouch:l# bite to die Assembly. The Hon. Daniel Webster hay sent a aettoml kits, to ttnoChieago River and Haltom Conyers Lion, drisilioa Gis , iirets on the fiver and haiboi goesdon. It IS published to lull in the (ZINO! pipets,: and oesapitsvaniar foru.ot Avahadmisma. We - have Fro blighted Mr. Webetares Brit hkver, .121 he I. known to have been from the Notatti as 11,11 'Pr;Thld bl bit letter, a vrholi !leotard Mend of Internal Improvement, Crao . lll2lTlON.—For the purpose of inducing the free ascrom of Kentucky to emigrate, the Colonization Society hare determined to send out in their expedition - next NOTCIIMIXT; several free negrace, to stay a year for the putposo of 'gamin- Mc the condition of the tommuy, and make ty pal to their constituenta. The toktred, persons of naval town. mod cities in Kentusky, have 24 ready chcaen 'delegates, whose captures ale to be defrayed by the inhabitants of the place from which they Ito sent. The Locums cts Matz Doter, we ate info: left Cincinnati, last week, without the mail. nod anivpi there on Saturday morning, without the Southern mid!. The Cincinnati Chronicle says, it wee done for. the purpose of rankings trip In as I short a time es; the oppoCition line. Such wilful neglet should be punished. - Caors is Nsw Exotass.—At paper piety!! at Stamtfonl. Comes:kat, stated that the crop of Wheat toll Nye `ice promise Of a r!op The crops of Hay, Co,. Oda Om ore alto good. +Crops of ',Teri dhieription," my the paper. "pro. wise a more abindact basest than seer we 111. member to bane witnessed in this vicinity." Peas sr xestils - mite ImM:4—Only sixteen thoosand dolisnus now reiptireil lobe paid in. 10 obtain the chaster far this most important work,. This slim will be'Paid to daring the present week. The road will be pushed froward with all practX:s. bis dampiltit. • PITTSBURGH WBEiLICIZETTE July 2Z -0011121.11211 iu VAST. 101 , 1 ‘ 1111 , V alent ' I Shako! reri, .44 P. lit. lalrtot, elnuthOld POI•hl,Or • Pr', I p.r.rot. isls6ller $51 00. . rovavis .BOOTS it.iarr,' 00. NWwr ettara POWS' OP I , 'CI: AIL EV. 711 E tabt., ..ntur req....v(loly .inorui• I. r. Oe 'l.si larjsa creaggenced 1411 intomstanai.4. .14 r%-orleto .Soorg. of gooi roOterial and siAte.rtairabla whit it he oral warrant eopurlor loony Boor crer MA, lu remoberith for lie pr.., net. h.adreme non .1,111 be Mode Co WUXI., sod ..r•tv.l ilea so repro geoord, snag . gory loyoprite fru nye DOLLARS CAM. Cemlf voro regoe.ted oarl D• ,T.11113E1i.& lIEST DR .1 11±.1?:4 , 1147,rf1g . fir weal MACIKESIMIStPtbtsitiMp. by ]y YO rAsscd & 1 AHD-6 Lep tecehrta; 'foe' lut: 1720 n TASSEY BEST - QPTII. TVILPIABITIIIIC=TIbbItiorsaIe by • /710 ' BC/ • : Mums co TAM/MLA 1121.11.1511-4 band]. freolifor mai • . J BCriOONMAIICER !'CO - JIACII-1611,24-2.0 bri• No 3, LaiiieSoutb /11)1sekerel, Baiion Inspection, landing and kraal° 1M; by BAGAGSV Tit IDAOO.ErANATIO. arbineA for ate by •Nl6, - , L 8 WATERMAN setts sa.ored wesale - sip LEWIS - HUTCHISON tr. LEAD -1165 pigs GeleaiLeadlar wle W LKWItI lIUICIU N& Co C a r; °iL-4" b"'ZiggligtliglA"`ico* • . Cleat 81110,LLAC--1 eines hal received . : ear sale by 811 , 1 0 304.1/E 1 Tllll 31 0 " - eoillberty & del, as ONED—..IO bbls Timothy geed; ' ' - . - ' 6 bbls Clover elec . di'kr Wahl BIICKICTA AND SIDOONN— „, : ' 20 doreu Bearer Dockets: LOO * Coro linroror, Orr ulo'by . iTC , • J Ntr F PERRY rkiAii LAD 01L,403 bat til C Tar, - ~. i - , I• • , I 3 bbl. TOnner`so{l;ried and rol • • 1110 .. •, . JNOP FERRY SPi . II,7I3IIPENTINIA-1 6 bble but reed. for *ale by • - • big • BRAUN& REITER M4ZaI;IMMO DACON SIIIIPICAoISOO reed and I r sale by Ld lyla ' " /SO P PERRY. AO wood a V LOUR—IOU bids S Fine Flaw al Moe: lin .141 by JNOR PEARY 1)0VAILEI MID DOWACIMBItia—tu , orni for sale by Jblo P!IRY DI OTAstt—tti balm Mw biadiar *Pr We by J /Iva ' 1 DICICEV /lc CO VEGAIL-10U bbls good rum Vlarger elkin hy JOHN OMER J .,1 etti (114.11-11A11.46.4.111, 7,11,1P1 saTI esilet %-1 ao OW MALI sals by IYir mat . IMMUTINIMN AT111,70 sok. trceired sad fee oal• by W IteerfairoN Iner.tvool end — for IL IT /7 illeCtftellEON - 0016-71sitte eineenvel aerl er ~..101111 IYW W & Ale! V11.1114.ril Ur pow W, freer', and he la& & 501d4. 3 1V21004 clorvirii-110 ban YdWet ,4— l. No - sadlot!ste by strz W k Cehms,l.rdl n Op 1 jt t 7 I PICIMY Ir. Co. w.fer rton t l m ``Al. MILANI:t.. 1u vas brc,cala by . .117 t r 14C14 R McCAINDLENI 1)KAI/1444-1nks Wink by rl. WICK it tIeCANOISIN. flair ~.„ ,11; I.2.9itLiCt. , :il;;kunsetved; an.Nby AA jpl7 -W INNOUTCIINON, Gbtt ny 14, cm land cmd Coe ccde ,411 W/4 N 111,CU I it. Alls L 76 his 111 byi7;;n hand and , ar aata by !Vi? • • k ro-ccr: cacT, 1.1. 001 •01 y f_ll4lll-.94 ban t y 11, /117 IV a RlRenr l o• 4l t•• Wll/TR BRANI.•••Pert. O I +'r' ( .r .10 4 "'" JACOB WFAVNIL 1" Er ',:. 1 .1.ba IN rld!; - 1.1, I.diediesoor_ _ --;'- il e Refill DryGo:4 atom at Bowie. • '''.i.ol , l r , Frtday and „....., va ~,,,i 1,14, . leve r k. at more .le 1 pretapleisodebeNT f " ;ZI., ' ac bd. r•leeted expel's .rycko We !win., _ , Si,. P.. 1 Imitlaerialined le elompthe, rd. l . Isd eondmeela 2 o'clock in the Oa W .e.S.IL 1 mod the yrblitio sold. jyrt - ‘e749Anta 'll3MThitaddrelendrinitle4llaesilmdrewl ' the Commercial Sale Rooma,cor wood arid sth sw, will be sold an extensive assonsienl of fr , Oirers'i",, We movie and baser DtT-G...d. - irr - "/..' .- & 1 . . Sri °Thick, C. I;1 4' ' : . - tA4tertwalsottimeefi9tailke;ior,V, slime groat. • family deenntne wore ;Inez, ...K.,11 hiajolAtkuermar.,lgir. luek.='; with spring railleonahoganylalr neataidl. aill hareans.fancant i on d ea , an c tirssi WOW._ dt w i lt: tad ' '''' pe,tis ' Zfritiat ' eaves ' d ;Or Id IS „ak a ,''' petit*, utinspataltr witulew blinds, mlnt ~ e mao iet lam" kitchen furniture, &o i l pair - 41 • and bane: I handwrote red kiird and:liage,; a, ' , . ... .. AtltP'Ciiieii,T:llV - .."":"„::: , A quanury isi 6rots.altiseni fine sishis,readrwaJe clothing. fine table and and Ruches, musical gams, pistol& new nod second and ches, musical warm, me e ts sat variety of as ape and.fatll gods , jY 2 O I . GaaYitt - ,.. - a,r,ryis,Bre,4lllllsll6i,:kri.,./ii - Aitettei. Clili Wedoirday the Rlet day* Aoki no Ictotaleek,./0 hi , at theottiblisbment of AdifreikideVteiLaaa Pit -ten and Cdandera on Sat - 111141d*. betwettnAllds stand Diamond rail, Wiii.be aoldtlogrFenthe Meek of Gas Piro, rekapit, Dracketi; Viler% Antis Clatlegs, 0. be., aim, all.llie Twit atittpkueritzt.fgring Phep.and .thowliy, arnot4 . ,wh9fh km tkrpr l ' (IgNilatties, Mit on d 1 0; tiii,esinurtlAc. "L ~.. .. :. M : I?.RT] TTC i v EW CEDARATP;'• '''" • •• LEE SE. BREWSTIM .• Eaub'lobed a...atahoaao,ta We Year 1 ,46 ** * rm! They are nolo opeßing % ,ell.O ~1 fOrtkpr Piny tWery new myle VarCigtl add Doolt2tio - profWeliaa, many of aleph. aro . tiedilltaCipood , •a• rkeraalld araetc.have. beta4wwitared;w4ol. 'agreed for wale for Ca. 6 and Ikon irediyat PRICES nEpyczni • •-• UN ONE T 4 ITWEIIENTS"' per yard below thelices o( Apri lacod Nay, SP per, POW! P.otodeer, forremdd# 17 for the m atitCr u alt:ll - bilki ' , Trr - • elltfl. • y • i t asso ; • .EXPEL ell VA.ll'it -EfiggßEV- ;!',':1111.11111 PUILL/ILIDZIMBIA ASIDIII.III,TIIIIOB.Ie. [En/aurae for Panra6ere • ••••• rout be rialw etc pant 7, l l, 9 ,lVo`Alier;i k LtL'irwifie - Vo fts ja cts an follows; aleeTtliabt art'dolooky p Kenteeky,Troby, aloadaygol&V do ?Id rsint e r, ' Efeirer i ad k m ' / , S q I . ;;;IM • do Louie aos,Thorepso4 Ina • do Kerourty, 'nub?, I t h Sit gt:r B lr7,llll ' d!at__ ' . F l S al;s l :lA i : , 1 „ Loplatana, Thompson; awpdazagly ad . g,e./lagYirAyiTaesdlZAlP - Fe- , " r do 0h10. 4 1` ,„ ,„treallY!fejf„ do 'Mae., rkeY,Tadrodal... nr , 4 : • '- 1 " If 7c.o.deaire cheap traeoldog apdlmmomaolo. IMMO. sodadow, secure your tickets at Ilia Pootekytkee Idooongaliels DECEIVED AT Al A MINER'S— •rt • /1.. Graham's litagarteea Aggisal, sigma, ' Coders Lady'. • itill Union Maga:ins for 11,1 vol I, edlle'd bylllra. Cll Kirkland. The spleadogo this ms,gegirm, artk sr4hoed doubt. give it siarge rubstripadi • ' • hitter of Donato, or ILI iFhlWieler of ii*e, Tha tiae;el Tribunal, or Ile Dagger sod tie Cord, hy Cecelia. or Wombs , * figivaiSy AlexanderDomar. elder.* sod bet bligitaiy.l.si,olitgias, fmrsl the Revo lution of Did*, to the present time. Id e'vla by It portraits um] engravr:ll FO ag. 1 .4. 61 ‘7.. , The Gtpaer, or the Robber* of Napist,liy gavii pviir; • n Wood igli.tYfl'!.i..;4"o9PrriPt/11 now:. i • The throne. te'Sraid.ot , the tdiier's Pat: ati Trish the bd -Lend li:fury*, orlithe Doahla Coortabiri, 1.1 Mrs St Swertser. Per sale al hi A MlNEWionnithiekt at. Ihtdoorfrom CURIOUS AND INTERE2frINU.WCORK,sathIed ,flThe Fie orars Peranaledt . behig atm:tationed the ee/ebrated Grandville. 9:vaL Plears'Areduseee; by N Ciceela:!A, Ere lilausWeet - bripletifil•steel cave ..eings.beastthdy eederette . 'Me .Wcnk vra be soapteded ilmarber each part cornalsiag toreeserrethits op staet,beaatifal- Iy emoted. nod pun or Muer pro d :4l . .. 0 ear Thepaper is or the Peen math: . Alsea made oxiorsiOy far this oyar.,.artil airely ' albs pmt capon will ba executed 113 the best ifeetibla'sts, It bethg.tha object of the pabllther stakathis beet akmof tae For sale by %V SOki.DwELL;ledfiacir hoildma. 301 et. . . • • New l'orkozid Boadont Rlnotepun Ttll II ItIE.LLOR: witodtat; baa on toad acid for no .late at eastern price?, one very elecaottlaorewood nom forte.maanfactured by Chic/tering of Some, and pronounced by the bearyedste in the CO lohoLantdonpr to UT lortrument they have Iteard.:; nee wpm CAM alJell, at an extremely low price cipne..mtnailfee One splendid Mebetrany Wave PlariMfOrim of brilliant zone, anti to evert' relpeets'erni in vtrunsettr, omen factored by o I! Qr.le &ve t Mew York, formerly known as ttre•eima Yeilealeactemnee; Con. pony: Atom the fellowitna or LI/ PIA titAfal trarylkoir yokel: One noctave German Vince tone; ' 7 ' One G.. Ptamk ; made by trabcock—price VS. One .51 " ilimenbarrpti price.ll4n. 11 06 6 6 " L 64.; atiti.*W. Illadetiti N. ,l'ork, sad with niodivn o.es ormvelfonnanZionetorrafte by Stele. in vita. . o ;bsitwo snkr, •forartyrueUette Plow, et Wil t on • etnia.r e rtioncti; toa set erity, - .7 . ' 'MOUNTiIICANIAILVICCOLLG . EMMITTBBI36II, • Md. , . TIF. ANN 44 SESSION °tilted lea itthle lestite. doe euanneades on - the rch or Mixon ' Rodents should. If prectlcatle. enter belert aver deco . - Iloccd and 'Canoe, illCllVllngtbe entire Clessie and eflecullecoacce, also Fienebtodging,Wesblng,llleic deog lAA DOCIOC• (erg, 6I per annum. - Pet:nuts wee TectO•szocal It In advance. n Moe acid rattle': are gri.,k%rx.,o*ch No pet • insect oleo thelltslion;t3Caten and lipsnishpal. each *IS per lomat. " • - A pre•pectus of the Collett, explain's; the Gemmel "ltaltc•cottlisitt for intilitecee Raccoon eifnicipllne, will be sent to any-person 'pelting for _it,. ; . • - ..113111.11del7A.FPRI , 11. Pmeildent 1 lIAVE combated the matte mock alba WiallesCle &and matt crocerr of /Milan LeatcstalEsotmer,of Fast and dietthfieta stems, When. / Wand ta tOlll_, OC the otecery booboo. open 2411 , 0 Cealt-Plidd , M• recceetfoliy aalieitm r •4.m«tiv.fcunis.ir -r 419 7' • • ::carted sm. h Hasied aold to David C.Betb atat r e4llte *wet oftri n caes and Ortates.l tate - th4 oppdtidult74lapeeer math; Wm Boy former ptaßottat Bs . t -Ncrnr.E.-- - isnatiub „ t td „ Uricß et ,1y1911; t /MIAMIAN LOUa gs an repteilad e pe amed de ately u l a y a 4la n tito of drat and ertlitbellJytt, and make a seltleateat- JO O Jetiti.. Seim. FOR all kit:ldea ailtidletta'and draediesig tae SkLat sueleati eimplei,Bletelte4Balt Raman 'Ovary; Beat citspped oketacted Alain, =Vocal! otbetdisea- Aes'a ly,ll likin:Bbleb`hatethreAternal vedledteiobla Sosp.Mands'igiptiled.,,lt law dlapels'Freekka, Ban. ttorn,,Moryltei i a zdd cliaars th e, cattle 'ot_Bark, 'yellow, or dla Aos, W irßdittbialtby,leatbral, eleereesa.. 104 hippy, antrum:A r,raeldeiaatt for tale la th e Tedieed pride of D pet take. hastjtirt Wes tetetrei Li offered for sale by B-A FAUN , n , A. Co...eoraer Lai .10 yowl slut amixece earnetreo.ll24t ~ . . • ugra's ria4o.lrance. ,MEI;4011; No.- et Waid,4l..iilA itcadono , rofteownw with Id• LIMP Hints, ix • googly of bin flaw ' , Aria Croat hal tountfaetbry in ?twig •od rowing donna the titat two nooks front doom olteady, A Sent:-grand Piano Forte; s or Raeirood.6l acmes., .adtb . me nom elegant 021t007, and of sander tone to dm one exhibited by Ida. lieu at Ida concerti la We 94 / 6 —.Ha .onetb Rorelioa4lOb6eeitiPtitte4ern4 . 'lf octave', (fop the 11,111131 e manollkelore ra. 'Three. 'will be the game al ti Pdub • at Neer York. - )21)_: Irsagetogai.y.a.ittaittep . 04)&8 for naeur:no amoorript.ons matt oldie Yoogbarythertv Nar. Co. viral boopened al the lean of LI Woaver. Yiii.borgh; attbe haageof hlrali{aioadar. blrKeopon. at the .houte of David 81.cadove. West Newton, and at the bongo ad Robert Hiveheasa. Mown rie.santrn the Inrd day of Almost, mod coollatte open Dorn day to day unit! tili, 3rd day of tleptetabet. ,Toaeptltiat*lr, . .JazoesNay... 'pintaDe " : 11. ' 'Alm alkyl!! Joeeidt Ciorfer, ' Alexander Owner, Ale 1271+4'. Masts Ra'Alna. e."l..;lo4laNigilifigl/PCites essolsregsea Sme ll ill( aate:fated together soder the name so, Jerk s , a &Salley, km tke pot pest o( trassacting general rDip,Goods and Grocery business, wish so Inform Unit' etina* and dm pablie generally, that she, eel/ keep on heed at ell vows • good usenet.' of goods la thole Imo. rill be mid ‘rholerale at retail on as good WIWI as they ten Ls porkers' elsesserks. • sr a - Y t raltDtati.EY" Mr • - - kises? oppossurres SAIISAPAItILLA —Unstors Coop- "M. lilt, eaap. fYmd Nei Stratatrills; Coaterelie do rtai TOrrair--. totratesr. Coe.Amy.. listat . owit far titto.by U A fAtiN/18- 7etlit & Co, cornet of titrtalid 'toad AAA mot etnittut. „_ .11111EICUrilf 47 . 4tr om r7 . 4.W I PFAIV r , lberi d t eavUhrebasi erihe tees.. by Wre 1 - 1 ree".".' " ."4”. 4114 eleesher al the' IPtcreis lastrei,,,el.47se Sr* Areas . .., ll,riery Stildtkr , c ere. bbbi ICY ...kW rale by JtlrEe erg" W u ' a°l Andrei& hie et* EinlYaersiA *kr -.1:17.!S Nay :air nrrk:tlb ar i :1r teen wbae b atlr.erhsemyre.a s, may L e seen lob,. ufte,os_reer e!4ths,l4 • helve', Wolk. , , r j rawmd. , sre.k ...wort% aPs blkla 'teem Al - .b.." -* • A A ~f Woi sot bar, , ,ifirt, e• 41. !kerns ?t. k "'" b y IY . . top. Lati)A,tradr,l4.. w 1 o aroim. itch brotrabut rL. adel,4s !..hbAn sobcaorpy, awl so prldtteset a brill:hat reedy gle. , ea lie tram ?rite teen, t , 1 5 arilee thank ,be 111 emery breire, Fee sideLi lii III: eht:Ll4ll. : l7 mese ItAVAllNA — SiliiitrAoTatea am• pews, wkibi Itlibbenibr,*bbbblbl.l..bd for •bib yote r Mum* * LIiZMN • CIENNIRIATI AND riterssoaas rwax PACKET LINE. • 15WisII know. lie Or otni4 paueorit l ' n "." (o=talotoot =.l . 7.4 ‘ Put: e Ws. Evety wooosoodadoe isgroxa jin ir moon., bac becuptereint Peps odwoe " 4 l . Wm Yea Woo io *pulls* rat Imo yews we Monad a rthiboll of. peopio endirclue lAA _Atm lo penal. ..4Oo r 4itto Awl of mon um of height wad cur e of OO Pawoolow. At' Imo. tO., " coca P"'" l° f , mbr rn.luk MONDAY • 41oPMONONOG:Ogarjr1=or, clitVpor Pita. e b° ,7 l 4L'"7-. Min " h y o sir - vetaanot la A detet; IV atter.* , Orrlint TILMSDAY. PA Pt Ybe AMERNDL NO:14 Coi J. littneetiv , km ?maw** every Tuella, morellos a ID Weida; Wilookag every Toted. 2304.114 at to P. - , The NEW ENGLAND, NO.s Ceps. A. ' Dem will leave husbargit ono Groddisday Armes t lo pteAck.Mbealtoy ovoty Wedoceday eventatt Vop. • ormriumOr riLossiar. ' _ The WISCONSIN. CIS. R,r, alastOwa Wm: Inua • briph roily lluusdivigaktir gilt vied- tit • °"7 Thilmar trots - To le: ti.. .‘ ipAIPAT PACKS% CUPPLI bl n 9. ceps. ~ Vpwav rwa cverr F/mmij t..oCleta Wltt/44 every Ftidyr. I I A • • .. 'Fro 4,1 7:4 11;ESIVHISATIC:714111. st ' 111:104:171112414.c:ir Ivn "141 . . j .• • PACrri4„, :The ItlAACJ'iMrlyaitno. vote. a/ 1111 r 0 R./i Team lir% CZ, ,imp l i t ; ta.P. 9t TVRTLS love. Tum* ecur wja Walked op at-lkalo'a, be kJ 5 Leek, le at; overplay at IX o'clock. Mot torero Viably Sew aro poneolacty I avited, - as 4 Ilkuociayself that say loop came be Witt" Wm. B. Uiy.. - . .Foka Dales.. 114 5 1 4 11 :6 4 6 441 a T at i talit .. 2 5514.'T" ' G rAticT. ,I)51.1( : / 9 ,4551WCE1A.91051- - -Itlicattatit ken; i s l!ferfltb 55 4 . mum to jos,' • sbieeereia!"_crALasb...l_, 8 .F.A311 , 44 barrels sraybesoa.- ' jytk JOAN SCOTT k. CO Itheny OnWai c914p,R1at .. . Alt l / 4 911dsrlf YVZ it aagrail;t7 - - .4: II NUENO,FEATUIMANDIREMWA " . ,I 311•0 OittteltE • ~ AO mks Felaiwitttile 4111067.. Mt .t.i :lL ttf , 11114 . 7 . T 7 g iibaw6APEN 11141,1410 vimisairs, IWO% Ey, RiI=2.42I2FEW td; asigwarat...of thuttitato Cowes tat toseir or e filo bf -I,ll4l3astrt• no:OOMM. 68 woad a. EWILID CASSIMEItEtast *km timed , - .2..Guillent—mNftsablenirltioly ree'd • 1V a M!'.IIPHY (411.11/0A 01‘,..0116- mei! .11 . n*.9 VW. FI Z, 4 4* IM"Pg.i 4, r,, Nr . cower 1.1 y rry le, _KICT-14i5 banxls Old tdamappbela pFe WboAct iumas miaow:to 'rely old Ind thfe.s:i s o mzet f3 o! . 7ll , 47 _ 4 . rf r . eir 11C8f 4 RAIL: gla t ilk=l2ll/ 1 /74 - 4 "Wria pikiv 7d 0i ' Myr • . It Y 4 llELl t EgB,67lrood st Dane tale lata, ea and for Ws " •EGAR,vitin!...aCIAN/XYZB 11 . 8 j f 9 R11 , Ii,Foi oak bj,, MAN VFACTURY.I) TOBACCO—Variety of breads &Mans Btr • e b IyB !DICKEY &CO VIEXIILT 01, c -eiturts em 1..0 1.11111, 4.1.1041, atikcapte egrd - F.A.TQCI'"e" - , Ttiaming Stareo33lthltizt at :Silgatitta t i s r"" 8144 " Frrir - Jos Iv 4 IicIEN IQ lIT, thb T 4111/D-43 bbla No. I La* " Tare 111,51116 Lira 411 i la ~~ere, - iolala &; ;- Jll5 Csa."oIIGHT. 131141!!6-151:0 bib of all * Cue fro 7 . 0 eIZO Ua " """"Ctllf.lo:4 CLAY AND k-COACEDNON—LA bzi Daman Clay; I - - Yawl pare 191.11 g De de by ' CARSON A. NIcKAIONT TlT df r. 4ite o tox" tx to tout, mitottut st o:1I? - aa r4Mt AEtBONATE OP .MOLONI4-111.0 bs u 6 6r sale by jyn BRAUN AL AD UIL-13:dali etspe•iier quatisflost Kehl obi 'Ear sale by 1y1.3.1 • • BRAUN A REITER bajcsjun reeemed and tut yule by , . art. w JiARBAUGH, 33 imod'a O7Q prime c'Sr - 7rtM; Moto 7. sale Is jyti 8 a W HARBAIMH ()t' Ti r?' r"'",°4Zl`l7Aatrou {L-21r etas Laa' seed oji tor tali:by .103 - JOHN OE wiromais—A (c,, dodo Hutrpers eooicnk fl jir,"" l"".' ' " JA COB WEAVES' , 171.12111LL10N A MERICA N-31111,212= received; .1' for We 21' , 1912: - BE 5ELLE1117,5777,24121 118.116 D APPLIOIB bnahels an hand and Ibr ..IJ'eals by : TASSICY BOIT II RON T E S—A few mat lot Warm &nen .SW%'FF-I;4". b r i llarl'9lTME"r`i. il JACOB ,WZAViIL,.IVise Mors, clUm-S0 78 7 .1011 bushels Instate and b,r sale by lIM _ b., Jr/ - • • • TAL43EY 1' SALAD OIL;-E1 desirable brsod of late imoona nosh for tale by l➢L: Jacon we.aves = . QUOAR-4o Presennes D 61oof Fab% • l 7 to b Pu , lverie!d Laid 74' it;" . AfILZEN &atm:Etc-oh bbl. Llimed Cht In sotto old lb: ado by. Jrr ZOLLER kIUCKETPLON • %)[417333381318-60 bbla No. 3 Lorge Souk &Tub. LEL eat ko WO by WILIJAM3 At WILT' P 1641311011 be Is moo for .i 4 by: jyto = -• • - I DICKEY aau W lief:Amami* jrIINOVXII. lIIEZD-2 Ur-1u for wile by. N.' -119 - .•WICK t IacCANDLPAEO rn - CORILCI-4-b . 04 yin i jut derand 634. ,11 sala by! le3D MUMS t REIT • Pll/1-4000A, ban Taker•Ophanjui Ned AAA AF L+. Web? ' ' BRAUN & REITER • V13124M-100 oz. Qataints_jart reed aid (verde p~ac"" , WA' • nial;rt RIOTER EICANIT . a Ana an , eleof 'nap lirldpi RI 51 . 14 zy - le,sr -, -. wick L 1i1e504 VMS' faintale Siklat--Ahrgre an• hand sad 4 for Welty Jalor . - • BRIM N k 2EI rm. *-- CAleyo tr pt!imio!,l J A ic to o rtmcnts. 1 aKr-Xi LUI/1-13bbLitancna Atm. for sale by Jocaobmo4xcEit co :INBRED 011.-7 bbls in nom; In ono bY 31141 I ISAIAH DICKEYa.O, I TLIIIILL TOW .....----- altipOlanakone; for Lade by • . -. TABSelt IL BEST,33 wood' CLIWZJIMCIDER-10 bbti for uthiby .4 , 15 P F VON HONNHOIST CO 106 wanted kor sato - ' P VON BON NHORSTA CO UTIIITE FISHLID Lb's - Ida reedissifes ss:e by I 15 FRIEND. RIICY& CO 57 larect -- - . burlshutreed. Co* sale by Al,. JOS . /KIDD it CO 3 - car wood 41110 Cur,Pl!"Alz7'e 4 " - ," - 'sfig,,Vll..x. RFIgH LEMON 81TRUP-I&drujitit ripest:Wit - JO E. rjrl3 - J RIDD &CO o:6ll"tiargNiatii&C I Tilos ovtuasz • nut Oppo.am Ithowsphela Ham ALATIOTLP-3DO noserhinging boo aaramiriret CReMa p.ll-, • J DAV" 1110111110 e..... uel.ro 11 X s T ' -ite scan map, pt p a k M r A ft etelmfad kiW nrPCgf:a 0W:461 - o•3Hpanaerep_remp i - M tioottolrer azid Ansel bi E tIiEAEU3 ON tall: - ' -' Em *WM et dm/M . llmA VAlMPlirlannrir-large um 04 - freoti.'for 1 - misrby ' ' }.13 J D DOsunN tialillia l s ma.—.2:l 1414 ret . civmr in. C.7.1i . ,4,4 ex .1. by: . _ JeLami t rillar liiiitiFjrli •u oOto InWeie an 4 ir.siiie bi r_JO!' ' . . 1 pALZELL 4 5 h 4CSltibuby so tsmigrevatog saki kr_ "rf_ I.4'i Ir. lialaAtiou .. 1 L Nom ma* r * 4*lfft !KW 1%11E44011,Z wood *1 111 , 1C41.0111 ilpwayl.ow re•rlr Broady, for ale • 4 011 ".• , PPL.A1.1 . y MiAitz, sktersal PP_ st'"' r* ,410 0 ,1 ArIPM&I/..410 0014 wftn***l4 a gas* ILe*ilet 1110 . _ C111All11:11 . flitl4l6,C . * PAlilli-41 - 416ibt..ttio 141._ L J V••••"••••••rila.l. I ILTriniA.CILIA llnt smell/ail& . /k. bleCaNDl.l:*,* Pal • . 111/IM6 unwel 1.1A)1* - S.11/1421a** iii•tous • ovi fa *ale IT Jejla. A.r,WOCID..IO3ILtiII. CO mai tot're 67 - • 'Mail TO 4. LAI thar • C lUDWILLL lisitrrib. new Chtere air.Wle. V - DW Ea: t ..1.• C _*•l4 rultlrsit a IkA 41143MISPL-44 itorrela No 4 Wire laciu.lo4 Woo to toortdout tomato loto to aortoo.4 ij? IIILLiSR k INCIETSON, Ito ttvenT t'VkILZ ANN /AR 61.71MRP-It.oretutotralrooro j. ito4 .qrsOoto. AGA by the bid at ?, • JY: • - JACOB VILA VEJI C1=2112331