PRICE _SEVEN - DOLLARS. 1117 S I NESS ERIK ulkltt '1711111201; Coa . inmai.-.11 ,tlrreuat.a Water mod laS Vtaitas, - . TWiNCICI, JONNII az. Cdr. Cazdaidedre and 471. ordeird.od Merrikard,..l.a.d Mardr.rd emir rid r ro•Lrod Float orr_ w aldt doll w.N.uniurran.d.mall ktris . and &glum Lea, d 'and Lr or,rl4..aurodof errerriasTorra.d, "M.A.& . dud 541,11,4 atz vr-sest; tatl 13 1).,,,,r0t5, iverner or Lawny szd S. Clair suvota, uflt A. vAiniiigiioCirTs TV:Wank A NJ• retali ()mgr.. coma Word sad Gth • . . DAGA LC{' & g/tITIIk Wbolesale Groeus, 18 •*.Wog4 Atm% I.lobaryh. • 1151171dr HAdijilili-bc7..Widddrdid Chdr, errd d erodecti drsierd, 1513,14Luter eeeet. he. yr«, 'ln and r „Philo&lava. • , dare A. BIicANILLUTIC Ott Co.o Forwardral and 4 Lo .ccooowalos MerelLowa, (lima Batio. Pins ow+ OItLANDO 1.001001, &time) . at Law, of. r. 6re £ men we *sublet& =.arly Coleman.' lbhtirTienniti;.7: W. Hagman. 10s. EDIAN. 11 !ULNA)! dr. 00. blunufsetturrs •%../ a Carnage and Auks, 'A.- B. and Spring furl. mad dealers In sftarlt Trim:J.lw ,revert der tfl.t. ult. manufactory . on St. Gait It. Warsaw= VP !ye. .1 • D11R,4011. tit Charles Hotel. • , Jana 11VNNINGUA It BOAllinctilkeloriae GIO c'vra. CSltillaitM and Fbrerardwg.'llarckUus , des at Pronoun said Pittsburg% mansfactante, No Lodenny st. Pot.burgh. - Yani Jowl cilutr ato. „„,,.1 Whalen!. and F.rw5 , 9‘tr . .. 1 1. 0 " ,„ A th WAO. ♦ le Ede Ell, Importer and — wrhatenala and , pan— . dealer in Fence and Seeple linnetr Geenin. 141iCei the (illi Comb, MmHg e.neti inkety. rani burgh. Ps._ anal ri it. raez. JOH, latslar fn rrsa..i..ia may .I.l..Relail °corer, No 46 Ittbenrstonn'tiont to coat nor o (araet n. _t_ /awe. faatOop. 3. Harman fIUNLOP WELL. • Atlanta) . * a Um, al , ' E .31 Office. on I , mabield, tamest .3.1 and 4* au. mataily _ LOW A RD IttEartrilloTON, Wholesale Omar, . out 4.44 of the DmilIMA, rata& door now DiA. mart Alla). Yul,binLl.....„_,„ot .7,..._ yll V. +WALT. • VI% ALT. i OKBILART,'WIOIO.2IIO • Gre. NJ cc.; de'aier • to pod.. sad Patabarga Wana.ha unoto,«lnter of Liberty toad Hand sta., Pitia,lotafit Pa (0.17 Im Z•ilL•1: • • '• • 1•100 1111:10 ,2111, ENGLISH Pt itICANWIrro (tub Ugh, Y Co.) lirtattlee Cinocara,Oasanmasa Mrsr:akult, =I Deaden in Pladie• and Pagst,argh No-72 Wood awe*, armee" &cowl and 'Mal - . AOILWAT 2114.10nORTi2mormp Alt L•yr, Other ~-sutra a .1.. doors nearer GM= Meet. on re itak,...llVOlat Hamm: • , apSdis voaIIiVARII.SWAILIATZW ICI.DII3I.Iaii, o 1•••• marred tiotAr,ollee le the send. side of t fret, betwects Chan, AI/01 awl Want our.. I' Fimud. Om Jams Woad. Flt END, EMMY i CO. WbokadpOllSefis • nd Cano,wou hterebaw, in Yam, Wates and eve VrOaLW.:ll o = - 13•rrh, I.a. ftbs • lip . Of. V BIZ. ano I.lsumfactarer drat. er 24 wit .s.rol rg :Jammu, at Wood VIVO nellit meel3 d T. J .gesar. Aar • - - f_t:3l ,4, T2l_ onls 1)..1114.0 tOAII. Wholeeale Drennan. end el dreier to la,r dare*, rauw,oo. iterwsine, dke :du el: uni Door Idosib el Mama 1.1.1111 S MICH IL J. It Ca. tsocce.uars to Josel:lph 0 Zeuediert . 7o. Water et. er 101114 - 11.11tY.I.L01Zu tolcaale Loa Reutl dmal r Ituriu 11....kal lastrusm.. &boa 11.1 m, ress. %N W, Plume Co.* ene , e. d. No. el Wood 'W ..A. 9 I/. • gra' ooNas AMIGA dr O. wisdom& Doir .1. r 1n on: rt. Pitelearot.. osseu sottosx sox, cssisss. °Bad I ..r.vard ne Sold Lalfnes d was , made Rum XOlll 1.. 1/.11.1.AT134 .1.11.17p,,11.a5ur, Odle, di. n. toturren Unat OW dirty add. WWI dbl. I ‘V.II .04.. annul prompily boolseet • 010 leg (Wit. 441141.... MI VII, AUCTWINEEZ., mama rss INteMont, on* . I 111bW1CLL. Alto; Wietpule Om. .1 u earn., sadre Llearnet, Weer Wen. lend door a 4. • •:10. 111....ede1u0 • Dandite. PWWWId.• 151.1111...... trliaw s. It jrllll - SMITtl , ' • 114 - 0 - 1124.1r01 ------ , •0 • %ha "Aper naoseGitturts, No. 44 Malts • - look ! H err, J. 1....".',:;'•T` lehttol Mt. I. nn•l hlt.thno...:Zon* 'sod ilhithea_Pthery. , DOMCD..TUVII k 110, - tutu, uo Do. % v.'Uto i n r .• Wool .0.1 TkOdougoo, Oing. on • I tont Ihnolt."01 rautouto Po. Ip•lntrrency . notrins4.ll... doertw. ' MAL Pt. d l' !Ne TlOr*lrtato. dty l4 41-144 No TnLanery Intnit.lll , 1 ant Floyd. • j• U.. VLOVD, tou J. My: ICO Wboluet d roc., No ow Lalnuny nthem • I,l* A St ICS DALZULL, Wboivalo Wur.mosuo ' . v.., T Triss.. , , anti tb er to !mince:tad hitt A %Vv. Plunlnttlit. :707.17" WAT MASAN, Whokosh. thwtt, Poo jam,o o,J INhnte onion hlerrhawt, to Alan,taittres told P 01..., IC A %, , Wanoin . 1! rwri r o. Cannosistion Metrll d 4.4 .4. on I.l“linryo4 blannagenstro, te n u 4 . rr 2114/ St I Iwo tt• tut John citi puha. r tt -,II:ULT Wlotooo Li. ) Merrhh •Int phallte • n i • r a.l 4000, ossolantate., NW Q l3 am 4 I,slVeori . Pot , ntrih. .6143 __. - . ti . o,n. 4. 11. Boahfald. . Jas. D. 111Vill At. I ' nom* sod Ulu I.llr ' , nil 1N ", Nn 111 L. Jc.tty Meet, P. 0.. • . NI A ;ton A .r.. Non.ek Wm. IC ?Cola ALLUN Y Coo can• nook* *ad roursaho ;„.Vl.. ,-ch. IV RV' r .300 fraill illll., bat wolf Wood an,CNiatiel 71 1 1 UUS. II LINTZ , . O. Co, AVlolgode (hump .01 Nn. It, 1.4 1.1. • ' Yr • . . • ••••• . jlileaßON, Wiskinale• IVA .1,1 anal ikwur kuUon Illertissudy Nu 119 Gilieftll l`uodutre . * • • iaol4 11.1"flOntl:k Magmee nml - flat flap .4.1011.11110 ta. ,d dealers to rimy . Wood mot Fifth oto. VI a. tittO Wholesale ittaarra, [halm in m•Pl"1/4_ • ' "kstt. sad Forwirdlssaalli.ammas erwr • itt/M7l;tll4ltasly aM Wood Weil, 401.10.11. K SAM No. talligasltia tame Mite• Ili rd door Co , . comer of Teralthip.l." Dorrer , r ILII. 01 . IrMatuttta. C.,1441!"" of 'l' flank Nte..c. 404 INmeta. eadedie 14 .11114 es ail tho prinolpid shim Amu& tA• Ttaisof fume, A grimy, &lassos & soft whik&a. b .7 Good. Doslent, No.Y Wood ,sine 4 tv oinoir Cisibenm. frOciit nOIII4IIISXTUIt /IL Co. illiatold• Moen. .0 mud C0nata....,0 Formintipiallaselasauk N. 41 Wow" Wert.. teal *Pi m 4 .n Cormaiouam akarraaany tie IVO dewed ‘t, sad U4al4, sa team sair Lione•44n alsoyaety liana ara ang Csgrun4lo4aisisla all deatgaiami •4. w 4•44 urcet. etaawric apSl T . a, IMMIX M. tamp 11/1.00/4 A. CO. Whole.. le timer, 0... swn avid and Pittaliurolk 6./aw...14.1”, Matek t!.M ICUI4Litn , 111.111.0 r whoimak out ittitil &Or, fl m Leillats,lilenoce....witlik..7ll•oll.l CAA .Te5a.....1 Can iv to To u t,aN Tasawn 01. Gott roma,* rJr Thwetrso, I ato rooltato sod PlotolotrolvtlitostoccoLooo, Lion, .. 11 w 64. ii 1.1111111.11. siousirs. IWIBIOU% bet, intooloottithootTii -01„.volootoot Notorious, mei baton to radistoo toority rum, rmo. toth. Po • . • • • . • • , M lir .111- • R, .• .f.. ••• =FT. L • 1 1 • -1. 11 :4, • \ BUSINESS CARDS. HH. UAW MUSS, Atersrn.) Lat..,444•.• .4 kevrelP tta. Buildlop, neatly opremae 444.• N. • C. 44.4 4 How. apilkl34o4. -.• • °CERT 1111001116, wu . thwe Gnaw, It/enty .1.11. lag I/Willer, dealer in Peadualh ru‘buro lattanes.asl an lnada If Foreign and Oplar ale Mans Liglleal. Ns II Libenyrr ceel. Pin•barra O [ ...4 0.1 bead very lam mark al' loam.: Whmllar.sinah Inn belhold low far tomb. alarraly 'L. 0. Reynold.. J. 4 epee. DICTRIOLDP Forerarthng and Com ill Weston, for the Alletbeny Meer Trade, denten is Geeeerni..rtioduer. Paulette. hl.uthetnres mod Chloride of Lime. The hipeet prices. in end. paid es all time. for terry Peon MI ITO ISOM C Muskies . Teo. R Mule. QIN/WILLETT warm, Madam* D. ler . •m Foreign and Nauseant. Day Goode, No 9a rt,Pat,batirti fetolld Q W. 11.11115111701 i. Wool Mereh.nts. deal. I•J•tp n Fkrar and Protect generally and Forward• rag araCoegtdiariAnAleralsantr, No Si Wood wee, tANEMIA PA.I.IIIMR, Attorney at LAtor. Mee in Breed's inaiLLog, No SI Fourth treet. between eal and Smithfield. notrndkerl r QTEPHICIII BARlLETT,4l.ofacturct Fan. , and iWauaar ween \Vaed and libuinnstsjinsbank.Po. oe= SW. VON BONBMORST k Wholesale • liseeere Foreranting and COlitliliZalOn Merchant., Deafen in P.n•tnagh Mandarunes and Wevern Pre duee. have reamed to their new nnueloire. (old nand) No 33, eon. et Flynt ea and Chancery Lane. tor 7 . • 8 NXIIIXL N. = = XI Forwarding and Comm,. awn Iderehant, Dealer in gall. Produce and ear. j barn managetured arnelea, Canal Duet, near 7th dal ilvzolunssinua, Dealer on Seeds, era Fruit Trees, sseLArteallanl Insplenren -• • IV Wool meet Finabarnh• MEEaI 11411111141 r s 15497--Wholesale time. Saßritsioa 14ereops. In ===fl rruos. KENNEDY ,Jr, Looking Gans 1. ter, and Dale, Itnekocita, e 4011., 7 lands, caner of Wool and Moat* laza., n 7 P. lOSIYTII & G. Goma io Wt, lor r, Grocer*, Pittaborgi Ploantortareo. Genal Bas W ://a.l!,llitredird.TßEV- - .. ___•,- . . v 15it,.....1 . IIi:EITC. II , - .1::" • :::;11,=;',... p21,....____ ____ irrponte SIM garner.' dirW. Inca. I 1011 L i.XPCILIS 'DAVID X callemium -J D Wdek.l Wtnlua Ana traerraaws le La Casannaaina Merrimac IL.: idervan Vernrae•in ...a Cotton Y•lue and Piitabasc. as a Dan, Nail; Ohm. roinaraf Wood and larllJ I llanafardares generally. Wasiiiiiirldiin "N. " 4 Fg h. 1'24 3 2 . eau:mime hi wank as We lathe. la rail and a• Icniaa V *eau. -.Franek Warted Caen, meal] 0115X414 WI . Cbruti.sion Aj P1a.t..4, AG tlgylinY ois.rir UL , 81TX.31.19 : , i / ZY. Prirrl .; Lt. "1 1 ;:tae l ,=7, yrt. butrifi . .I. Lbw,* nd bit. Gam meet. Pm. I cr_imi V V sr . . 1,11•14151, Book ionder, has mamma to the taav .. oar of Wood an/ had sub above Co ay, bud ao Is plowed bode ovary doaeoPtoao ot . Mahal! a aolmg.. 11Y.Iirki - taiL . tailit - di a — tiaa , itaiabiliantesie • o a lag eptobbabtaava, tvo.ial Loans Yu% *au we AA/. • . olareS filt X. SITCUILLTIAXX. Wltolesalc Ortr VV . me. Morley tog Ditutters, and Watt and Liquor Motcflonts, No. litY at rot. toPP,Pou..X.* ' 4 4 Patsberst, .dL saft.INI!T • co. n. ROXIIISOS. Auortiil• at Law • Mowed aloe to the Ezehaaist. Bold ing ngl *Claw atneot, next dim to Aldetotan Wan IV U. lilAJUlialcbeidrr Fumy anst gala ....I) . ty Goods, do 19 Market meet, Pittsburet. [L Lahr a DILWORTH. mooma &ma Llartnet,) Wholesale Own" are arm located .t nig Wead a, where WI offer *weak • large assort erestorGoactsne and Irdl4nwei Alastafacteres, at low prima awlea favorable tartar sayl3 w. W 11.2011, .tw•ler . In Watches Jewelry, I • • Stlver Wane, ?Ashlar; (wads, Ws . , row& hlar• Yet 6011 iffileittralMG;ba:,..le and tend deales Ie •Foreiv . and Ocar.t..tie Dry Geod., north MIMS- Gera( liartetand Rods Ws. anst2l W lE lSZ 7l llaore ll or Edga iltr : Thans ai Thet ii rtse : r -TC-h ar Pens and thug Anwar, Ind seep • mamas , . supply of We Le.** ke Irbytietar's prewriptsons carefully compounded.— Medicines un be had al all homy of the night. fablattly• s M ay.r , • • /IL John I , Singer. WALLI GPOILD Conentiosion ond For wntinkMenbants. Second, ;war Wood (chid nowt, `vs; IL, DAILLINGTTOFF, Attorney la Law • Patatofre4 .come cooper to tate me on. knowle)lameht snap= uf peel* Lealom Commas, CleporMona, or a.. 7 other wrong fowler :cal or not) to he mod or recorded in Jw State of Ohio. Ma on third meetw,abovegralL held. Vif ,A.lncy at Latyr V Villa men. near Smithfield. Collecting, age. ciao unlimber, holism attended .co will punctuality. B A Fahamor & Co Graff, Lir Buy A Co. RECTIFYING DISTILLER, LEO INVOLNIIALt DLSLLD IN VOLE k DOMESTIC WINES r< wines, Ala 114 Liberty A and 53 Diamond alley, rorrenyecm, PA. • j)T14111,_: •• liiraucg MA131121 & Co .. tio&o., row. io Bsteues, Beal Now dr.l lamer of Ilsirt aa Mod arms, 000lwily Pittabarib. P. ii"%v worm.. arms to Saari* e• Wilhans.l IVILLIAIRS R RUINS, ATTORNEYS ANT/ COUNSELLORS AT LAW. 30.0Stee Hari side of Fount at,ahoseSsmithLO4,oo IL. J. 11.111114. AIIIORNEY an4<dranaellat u Law. CINCINNATI. MOO. Caßealm in Swam Oho and in.ladiana .ad ns .anon and cawayy .Headed tw iLIaTCR. TO—Nor R.terard Riddle. wia Rad& ems, ma, AV al Id Italabs,rcia Candle, Wiallr, Thaw. P. Seasn, W caa and . Aga. t'ver LaMar. G o. B. 106 G. 0. OLACICEURLIS t CO WIEFOLEMA Oraecr i :;Yr l I:a c Jars d La Oi s tAlla: &a load at a/I wyes i r fall and mend amament a( MM rt raila in *air lit, Water mr&m, mar Marl Anal, Sanl3 Wlllllllll-11t /1111111% WOW, IPCNI 11[11 NAM ea SOIL= 1110,1, RCILER HEM" FLUE! FILE RED IRON. , E. F ip lap i apEp CIER u. flaYl6 . o. Wandymud Macey Mania 6f M. Co. Water avail. mar alumna 1114111111, MAU We mu had • Gall.aorpply at all mai a( B( IDs aid INaMai Flea and Flte4lad.lM, - Mada iyaiaaSJ•Addia Yaw lu Os Mesa mar aura Paine Madam sad Men, 11111 invissel • rai sad wain kis sant. Orden prainpal7 •ad. 410. ' - - VMS' XL IKninesium. DaldIPM • eery. Ns IS Market* lame dawn sao.llllld lumbarik. will Moe cossasay m lama a wen rlart d smiamseat of Ute Lest au frabitsiMedwidea.saaaa ...1/1 alit mum men ‘esereald• taw.. Pll,•leias• wdlsa oedassela I. prompst, sturadea so, and gam paodaile salaam**, Oar raly """"‘" Ur Mocku , Preft-ajalalle .11 ba sessatmly aso wady prepared from ta• bas saaertals, Missy bow of thn =Lr line luck of a.* and Pert*. i . W.111r: lIILLXIIO/i Womb Valet 41.4tsaller, . tar 41$ sad &lama, A lardwasd wd +...`*tart Oast of mama*. leamal. Adana-am* sod Nl:Aar, Oa*, Atias,a OM (*ad and m i Zaillat •••• 1.e.1711.20.111M Laver b ,4Leara Yw . l .ei zatehr.. 04. as ow. fabtasdoltaaosaad other spareard make* andslar sully be MO at a *NU advance 11111.1 wahine st .• , trrfria• WWI wort. dose is *a very ben maser. P. ' 'Jaw* E. (suit IMIITAIILIMMIIIIIII7. ULVANI LEDLIE maastsetate sad asap ma. WA sassy on „sad cat. alystbd MA Plain Pam 41amwsne, motorists*. at Moir Wareham. ror aer of Matta Sr. '1,11101,011111K riushvo. oaf Works seta's* la apstation sad we am amass It addia, *lock an ix to all *ohm malt protopere.... Pllfeklilefil raroortiali, *dialled to tall and atttraMs pries• sad ma.. J. O. tor..3ITZER. ATTORNCY_AT LAW, onie•me ilL,spposbg AU CIAO.* Stash WILL alio mined promptly 4,..Nillortants,so It tab no moon, ravens an4ll.lret • PAWLS ID 117.11thekonock. ROI l(13 Church 1 Corothrth PLnst.,ll, 11_T. Mongon ks.ANUrAcrverit orrin, Capper, Wilma .11/ WAIL end Aeoler . IifIIAAII.A !wooed Well, N. If SLAW Wont. Tee mental., newt• athile the oesonion of theWartnnn thonottordoslean.sog othinro, to his lame gums al . N.• ltotsredi Tut one Captor tam ninth • love %Wt. thnnt=tod Hoe* Manakin llontonton W w r inu and ten peblir nem y. 1., • c.: • Ili G. AT LAW. ylehborel, TAMAR M 1400.11 10 tali* the Pthe. •ot Medi, Lessogs,tbatreeti.lMAridanso *M6 1.• t o rmrla T i at tth Swoo NMCKI 1- 140111, ENroWn:, IVAN. (ALT, flothoos thsWeng, n . intslty _ use. neeten 3 11111:WIKAA MAI:KU:RS el.lO IMP DEALIKIIIII 1111111114611 Ale ?OW iIitEWEILIII o.o6,llAtitArs A7.T and P... Ai. Ned Aline PLA s:ft ruisimursit. rip • Ir a Niel) PICT 11 It g &I eV Artt 111 AILIWITED sepal, a r_so I VT IA Ise Mutat Ihsies.*o wost or same PARA, sad pis jr.,, 1 , 4), iciriAms - VIANZTACIVIT Illememl Imola AM ....4 , a01 *min fat; ad,,, AA. % If,: o *int atm, ertiOmPel. awn; FORWARI►ING A , CC • MISSION A. M. WaLdormiL , Id ALL/REWORD . c ll* F *wile , COMMINcION & FOR W•RDIt Cl)., Laatzu to A MF.RCHANTIL 111 AFT lIAROW PIT TIIIBUIROILI XL • 4 4: A N 'J WAR eLn lllt s teDn o k... i =o . d , AT/ ..„ /PA ,.. C . TAFIZIL .,4 we ifiII A LIRD Ms moorvell4 i bane no head and , or . i , 1% • y for h Moe Cast. abei r ' , we/. via: Join. ,i, laurg][. AIM 1111 di . , and Gemini . ...I. ' Oket Cia rthi.mela Spades . r slymna cod Fork - Carnage ..pringi and A) ad lath. , . Anon., lam.. '..'" :*"' ga'llltaFt Illl?dlal YAW em, (patent and Mrlllholl.l . I marl . 11.1. , .. Os ',Craws., Mottoelte,CMy and , at. Imo, A... Scythes, Fr rml het. • rrnalontsmter it ea. Log Chaim, he.. &c.; i and other Pittsbargr Pm( Holm. Doe. 3 ado, GM to i grown C litae bower febt• cauuds .1 Retialdo honk. ! • . DAN ENUOWRIL IA CO. I sags oeit i pcip NO. en 'y..l , .4 ON B,ONENIII'B, ' , Iharven and No 11l /0401 W 11468 at n Ed to hal PHILADELPHIA: i l t i Al ?Inaba Ist the gado and desk. generally of was th e ;V . 4, mat they hivamakle tomb arrangement. Lae Welt, /pain manlaelcwt• nod Mr Glowers al a large teat Mama and mho, 2,lmrio as will insure / td7iir ti ' else "'" lt l w t eT r tiji r'',.r.4`" ''''ll.'''`"P" nnere 1211.1..7 other Ito ' ned in Mai coy or elm , male and all goods ordered teem them will be war. H ... Tr , I ea j l ei=t go atio i tr.— c.n., A._Potto Men; Prom.a.,lßeedLeaf To /gom; and Filled/. berm, Iltamdil•• eelebrowd Animate *ita Caren. ' •,sh, odd a large a mortment of whet poPalar brand, and qualities of yowl/lc& Os 11. 16. and 21,1 Lamp, la do m and lea Plug; Lathe.' Twom V2rgiala Tamo, am, men and clam, in whole and half bones , wood antl tin. together with every manly of , article belong. mg to ihr cede.lethally J I)alistaa. C W A nommen Late of Pinshargh. Pa. Late of Nmheil le, Tenn. f 'GLUIER & ANDERSON. Dealer. in Cation, LJ Forwarding •nd Conueowton Mmehanis, No. a nitatt IltlVel. above Woodenly, Ctneinnan Ohm. Ram To— 111, Abe., &Fr& i Racraley & Limn 2 rtillargh Wm. lintgliam. J Feay t Flrep2ord. I Margo &-BleAltater.• 1 Nashville. Tenn Neuman & ArntiAlefil. W F Lane & Co., Lamm Me, Ey. !Mt - Inger & Whitman, r , . .., ed am. Joboatan & Co. '.."...'• " Hewett, Hera k ntd 4 o. „i t % dew Orleans M Dol i ll7=lder ir. Co., Raitilhore. Moh.llagaley & Co., Philwlelpha Daniel Deakin, Sawn • tank 7 - - W. Loawmh. - - w7e7waim: J. G. W. LEFTWICH & Co., mamma, FOR W AIMING, Arad CO011ilie•ICK• Blercharalat PLAI&LIKINIZIgh, La. PARTICULAR anomie. prod to einteignmenta of damarldlils, Fanners, or other uncles Mr OPellawm and Attaknp•a. REFER TO—Massee ShelEold & Ligtolow, Mt. TlM ems Limerick, New Oilmen Mom.. Luton & Bettrnon, Mr. Z. M. Pherley; Lew isville. Viewer.. Dail ,k.. Slam Mr. Wm: O'Leary, Robert W i rman. R A e riastr l o . ogit . Niellark . 111: : Inn . h. Ream. Hine. & Cmdtieml. Mem. Edward.. & Whitetail. Hoa. Zenon Labmve, Hon. John Eamon: Plaq•emine. La eelEely , / 4. ._ e f • if. liamoraem .4 Pu lpy 119 • .../renyti , rerie . Mem... , s - Proi•ca and .„1-flferly *Met. (eft!: : . k e . ' n '., -- 1 d:f ...26•10.thil.I.EVVIVIII CAR' n4 041.14011414 Drain to a 7,411:: ..tuft., <WM( of Ws .nd. Pm Wm. Craiglan, Fog., Jo.ollleTrue, Egg, Mau Lars.r. '1 LIMED! 7 i f, PlTT:;Luwill, FLOUR FACTORS ANtiI4 II OITIBE COM • MISSION MERCHANTS. LIBERLL cash advances made no receipt of coa Wittanents. Thaw shipp:ng totter address will be rem three-foorths rah* in advance in Case, by apply ing to oat friends, Messrs. Wallinabod &Taylor, Paubargh. Hewn. Thos. Bell Anlbs .llsidgeport, Ohio. 1 43 33 ePhiab May 3, NIS 7374 Au produce wansigned to as iasametorhea in Ms wamlowie or Wallwlfordt Taylor. Pritshingh, ar utear swim in Philadelphia C. B. Co. _ FRESH IMPORTATIONS OF HARDWARE. LOG/A & KENNEDY, IMPORTERS OF AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IS ISAMIXeIiVJIILIS, CUTLEIST, Lc, Re. IS Weeed Street. • P TTSBIIROU. A Uzzi:2:::.°: - ,°lron'T.g.''' , „' aidiuom Sol dery, kr.. warh newest been pa w' rehaiied an the most advmeageous arms in Easland and direct from the Seaums. in dos coulter, enables them to of kr pods(sn term surpassed by none and equalled by few IPatehasers sespectfully mashed to sei S 1 GEORGE COCHRAN:. COWISSION & I , OIIWARGING eIERCHAST, No % Worm STREIT, PITT.° f1.L14. CONTiPICI ES to trauma a general Commission ,Busineas, especially in the narthex and sale or American Manulactives and Produce. and in teecivieg sod foreraeling Geode consigned to his cum.! As Agent for the Manulaceircia. be be constantly supplied with the principal anicles of Pittsburgh Manufacture at the lowest wholesale prices.- Order. and coneignmeem are mpeetfallf solicited. Conway. B. P. CON W AY N. ORTS)I/11.11, Oda, Colootimion and Foogonliog Por M l e o r o h She a : d P a oo r. Do Va -ow Co u o r a im` • To, Atwood, Joao & Co ' Brown, Bailey /k Co loco. Sorting & Co 'Ono Groff COBS Liodroy A Co 1/ Loch k. Co Lyon. SOO it Co Clarke tr. Tao/ masiolly d6alts . as. JOLLA F. PiRRT. (Law e o.e font of Malcolm Leers, k Co 1 Wlto/o.ale I.Yrontr, Courrisloora ro, Wiest Bleselung, 111ELLEILln all Sind. of Coarory Produce, Cop. .11./ per, Plate. Thorn' Tools,Lead, Ramis °Sem Iron Iron . and Nail., Wbho Load. Dye !oak Caron ' Yarns, Sall. fre, . and Patslotegh Idanofsetareo generally, corner of L.l.erty rod Tram street', Pin"benet, Ps. • • , eg-Litond &dormers, to nub or Gerediaide oo .lerisients Of Predate. lc. 12115, AUCTIONEERS AND COMISSION NERCILANTS; ALEXANDER LEVY & BROS. • CINCINNATI t BT. LOUIS OETER b sell to either emsblishinerd, all kinds of klemhendise Whit lowest sates of Commissions sod ere always prepared to make advances. The lam of referenees steep if regained. Letters to oddment to either lipase .i ll peomptly attended to, J pally 1 JOllll 11..RICHAILDS,, COMMISSION MERCHANT, xu.l so WATEK . OT.. OPPOStTe CHKAPSIDE WINDOW Olaus, tllast We Dna Fruit, Beer, truz, aci , miry Produce. Ust coneigutuelatu. 13autrac1ory ref.. macs to ammo addremng • _ _ "I"".ivaigasoN a oaadeigkia."7' COMMISSION MFIVCNANTS Asa Masisfsetareno et Llase 011, I No. 20 Columbia Hired, CINCINNATI, OHIO. _ creasa PAID Iva ruzszza-CO iiiiliaugairifan in op ! , 'm41=1010:1 9 FORWARDING MERCHANTS, I Zenon& scum!, me.. Wood. ' DEAL92II is Putsbarirn Alsostanons an FlonV Monhenn-till ken nononntly on bun a sink of mows orings and axle; lounes,nytitcoand ruck. I In, fro proof sofa, =mit, vietr,ftahnbollon , ookno. tole. otilD ** — lineco. . i o. Ittell• N 1.1.4101.1111 1.1111011 9 SON. .. WISMAISALS GROCKRS, COMMISSION un- VI/1 CHANTS, .d DEALERS p. all kW& of Giotto, .Prodslos. Copper,•lln Yin Pinten..llnnent Toot/, iron and Natl., Zino, White Lon. SITo Slot., Rows Ebert Iron, lead, Coro". Yarn, Salt, le., ii rinettorth Ittasafacturat tratrolly. Nos 111. ICI, and IN I.theny ntren.oon dans Mono in henna( Woodnron. Painlorrak, Po. LOporti annum% in cosh or vonla, mule on not •*_, 00 ,. 4 Pr w r ., 1" • *•!. . _ '_ . - 1..4b_. 1 !.. 11,/ w. strnnws. raTCII. Cllll/ITWILWII 4t. PATCH. 0i II 111 101 MERCIAN'S, ' 1 No. le Wain, IsrooL . I sr. bouismo. W,' give partoOlot ....tine to the wiling of , Pro. doe, tad word". Pr parohnntyr Ran io-enorin Morgan A Co., PitiOntreb, PA null • - Jul , . ircNl:ntilt• , Argnann, CDCalinnon. , 1 I JOlllll 11143viLovou 4 CO. Commission and Forwarding Merchant., .i e . NOS. 93 di , 9S.9OCTiI.STv 1 1 ). Ivo BOWI,INWSN WW RV. Mallthroon ] AMOS. J,CAIIISONi di Coe , ! 'COMMUNION MERCHANTS, ' 1 Son.• and • Light gni IiALTIMORIC. Elrestilt ad vatteeo wlll be mode on oontganan to be Aline addryto. by Jan I y CARSON A ADICNICI irr, sixth tn. I__ LICIA.9IIONiOnIi di CO, FLOUR PACTONI. arm (MAIN AND PRODCCI: • , • Commission Mennaau. 71 18OUTII WHARVES, PHH.ADELPHIA. A MR now rowan to mein not Onward Onion tlnnMornotetfuur tonal Indianan itto /totals, Noolt out Witst . Brooell. Ina Toktoorr 1}....1. Oflof . * 7 GEO 11. MILTENBERGER, . _.' STRAIN 110ATAOIENTi CO 1411111 N 4 FIIIIIIIIIIAG lIERCIIINT, rwmwer: I SIERCIIANDISE lIROKER. ants Odeo,Plis 90 Water Soon. FtrOloottli Po ' .1. MICWTON .7131111119 I STRAMDOAT AORNT AND oommungtiu. _ _ It 111110111/1.91T. , . I MUNONCIAIIIKLA IWOHM, . . wwwboros. No 130 ' ; t.E V AlMM iei rlie *-CV.ll99 v " l ' C W lg l a O r ti 7o compkini noir vow wake, lo kL cated os the NW 44 Oen +wow dm Ansedsat. in Allestono city, to Pillaborgh, for the Inn, ot a tape {. quits, of ob.. 1051.9049 NY nod (need in ...%, Soo, red lads... litherago. Hann stilled ....,:conrto of sit the cocoas Improvements la na II a.N•lhelion. MA twin! Ow 1.014.10 0.. ' , or/ I .: 1 ,.,-titwale. and otitt capteity to mall load in ,Aq5..],,,, amine% they will he able 10 oil pi, orders elope. rowy onooL . gorl Cill#l, it PATTI'S us ring SALE-411. 6 1 ; 1: /.mean. Psoors Minn, Ailognoy . try 011 Min, ^ W non* Penn. ao mom no loon nhltor in at et Oen. MO Omni ind allodor poirrosome odor. , optaa __..--..- NIKO( TIM wrens, to 71. honk men odor Word er ntlinislitias et on end Mork Teas .0 .pona,l l oll,ao. ww wow prom IN, wo"8"..11"4""1.141110t 440 . 14;•. „ n„" ' - .7 .- - _-:: . :•_•: -. 2 , _ ~ _. .- nmczny PO! SALS.Allnoi. taw arta{ and.all Altbot %Wag, waif ••••• lg. d r , lonwt:' goopsn al H THILLIPH.S Wood Urns i.:pi\.}-,i; ',.,) A ...1 M !KEIJI) ANEOITS. aenxl w. vapour Km.. nttsrorar 1 . 171311,t2N %r as NO.Is, • NU b. 3 MIRO PTllferr, • 2r. spkwdar assorlateal .s.bie lot Shartinnals, llowls, and pram, •-•,•' Not*. cointanil y on hand and sande to ender. Ihe present sloth on land easmen ehrelled 1 .) mama...nay in Me wewerri country i Term—. ~.1,1011 lo purchase would do well 1.• e !ma ...11.. am delelnuned nip pew.. shalt please. •Pan rf .o , toelt MNII.IIIII . 50 Pear enall Pla.b and flaareflnin rover, 2402 alWarepar %rm. Chaa/r; I paar Derann ,a• ear finr analaneenr C5lO, la naebograny %% ern Aaroulr: dot aarborany Portant Chown; 15 aural. ena Dreaming Bateau.: pear In ease ns: tratarbleVA.rir Wand% Itl enrol ork taanandsi l'arhogien, &tapir, Orrery rand Poplar Ilk-driearar of all iorcrapeone; and a limo ...morns of Cowmen FUTIIIIISIO and C 5.1 0 .6,1.1,0 nurnernor a 10.1.111. roared - NEW HARDWA It'e. -- H — On.S JOISPLI WOODVIi CLL, Coreitir of Wood sod Id ate, Pittalners;fir HAT/ NU withdrawn from the old firm of Weber d. Woodsrell, an the tit of January, MN, I late pleasure in nsusenneing to my friends in the ein sad mintry, that I hive opened my new store lathe abate named place. Having pnrcheeed my goods for cacti, nod made •nnogerwout mak mum:newer/1 in this country and in Ettrape to be constantly sappbed, I am telly prepared m finals, llarnonee of all Inds, on ns geed tow.s nod low as any bin. Cart or WrYt.— Merchants nod are resprelfollrioYllod. m cal and egamine my week, bake plrebaeing elwoltern. Thettonowing contpr.ers • part of Pm, stone. Steamboat and Saddlery tlardwaro (tot Toweling!, IFTe;r, biarlorlettreel. Cotten - , In* Tools. Anyth. /h -e., Locks. Latches, &cll., /Scythes, Don . Screws, Unten Factory Plums/taws Mahogany hoards and nearer.. and all *thee articles .inureted with the Hardwaxe business. mehllif 0/LZZABIII PATIENT 'EDITS AIL NOT IV IT 118-TAN DING au inurratrd offssabon to this Wren: ion of a rinsherth Meehanie,n Ines lonty of the. Cabinet rankers of When • and Allegheny coy. stud their non./ --- ea. enalOalete bareatermitheenselres above We cutter ptejudlee etainst hameineentirms, nod they give Gazes/I`. Bediteed he preference, (Imply because it doom , it, being the boa, smongat, and saw arormient Bedstead in we. The following testinionial efeeka fur itiwlft We, the a a weriber. preen cabinet makers of the cities of Pittsburgh and All. P., do hereby cep tify thatwe have bought the right to manufacture bed. steads with Gaseam'a Patent Fastenings, and consider the name superior in any famenings with which we are aosuitnetL James Lemon John hPGrow T B ba y Co • Robert Fairman R Hattley James B John Listen, Jr. Jas. [Harty k Pon Lawns tr. whin Riddb Timatai Palley Husk II Wallace Dand Luker. Rank/ k ltaad 1 Bush Wallace Moses Bullack • • Baud Lathery ' ' • • Foe Bight. to make- mud sell tho above Bedeletris EBENDEPXF O AJILAZZ . Patentee bATlrtifT BRION , BIACWINIL T. e enbeenli ere having obtatned n patent, May It Ira Ps . ..Brick hi/whine, and havingsinceaken them ',My tested no ability, the mow prefaced to WI tights and tract to deliver authiues to anypan of the toed & con Mee. The muddles l designed to make Brink Boni erode clay, and will make 30,07 tr good mows Inn brick per day, seieinati7Wrdmapak 11p ot the kiln; thee avoiding the vipense and labor afore ; p rin t thr elay,dryiurane handling the brick. taller being noulded. li re simple,stiong,ent 11.61.par/teat ste i reps, n od i s ea ¢ . meted*Wat it can he Wien 40 p/ ie,- and pen weedier with great facillty,l6.l,,fccricr mg it . nimble. We ate oem bedding machine. end Ono prreohthele en 10.1 mace. -For a full deseriplian we air slit refer io • wachine now in surceasful operas I lion e Mill erect eouom, neat We West end of Lighth I street, where we .hall be happy to titpluln everything wannected with n to all who may call. We Wave at meant twain/tensed Agent. All tether oeareddrem will be protordy attendeSto • . aILBERTI3ON, IdeMILLFIN It Co:, . CINCINNATI. It visa um ..177./.II(VKL V tested gad appeared daring Ito mot Eroe yrers,by the principal non Minute:n(l[4 . M the wen m, erientry, and tlireagtanit the intenor of Pearsylvastia, will be reedy for Mier:ryas the alienate of NiviesCon. The lemenal on whiehtlivrtrarability erd sapermnty depeads,W iwkWeldby aspen...sea m,- era, blotted from Maryland. when Ile woo hist made—the foetble matter, with width it is imbed. ded, is carefebly ecparatods They will, be thoroughly. . burned and camped). pressed by machinery, and. aw num attention given by Mead. Harrel IC Cc, the' pro pruner. in all teepee. to maintain thew actooviedpti auerioity. Orient by mall or °Wenn., will botweneunly mem ted,on appdeution n J P IIIW MACLAREN mart , • Iteivuotuist Iron Werke 'MY RI TOURTII STIRICEMJSK/LICISEr, 11 CONFECTIONARY AND FRUIT ffroax, tint! epee eh Monday,. Apritfith, four doors fins Wood no, nod next door to A Jape's Pekin Tel Slate • splendid amonment of Fancy Cake, flagon/ovary, Frail. Ac ficeh on the mauler every dlty; moon/which are the following : Macerator, Poland Cale; plgottßaintit; Pastry; Tpepee do; epper Nan; Jelly Cake; Almond do, Holmes P. Cake; Ginger Nuts: Wafer bumf.'.,; Pinny- threnit; Federal Cake; A. PI.; Sugar dm Orders for or Creams, Jolly, Brides' Calm, I - neer Ovateestoomi. ite., he.. executed in a manner one. gulled in euali.y and beauty by may °Mc...labiate ment In Mir city. Frmb Breed, Tweet, Rusk, le , manufactured moiety b Whoa Wheat Floor, and free from all drnmevery mora ine. eel ANDREWS 111 - 001.11:• fllrififfiT/Clf /AM VAT Let all More now Shave who nerve Shaved herrn, And them who atway- !have pow Shave the more. TN offering Nis supreme 'shaving Compound to ''v 1. her of the imbde. f c rah emifKir see ssy th, ptlnln o 1 nit who-hare Went Li pronounce it the moat pleasant composition that they have ercemod; nod in ~der to place it within We reached all. I pure reduced trot price low i•nough,to afford opronanity en every pereou to give st a trial and jad an e for themselves. kno, Gentlemen. if yin with for o web, luartrims shave, on with your Heaving cup., don't be re. red: it won't tow much to fill Mem; •nd; If pot are not mtirfied. ohs mon o, wil l be returned. STEPHEN OA RIFTT Iron City Lard Oil Faclory and Fancy Soap Works, lb et, opporlte Iron Car Hotel 114,7pNL A v TICLIZ ed F ,?r gt . ri rj oiL lo rr . — .1„ discovery of mrtyrg eNeacy, for tendering the - skin udt and fair, as we l t. en imputing • delicue TOINCaIk WIC' to the coplexion. Also, Hariers celebrated Almond Shaving Cream. .which is now generally es by •ihe farbloaable era• mutiny in all puts of the United Illtatet Depileiory Powder crooning uperdemii hairt and alro AM highly celebrated Vegetable Liquid Hair Dye. •• chemical result to enable performs to dye awn hair tummasicously, and to change red or Val' hair, whiskers, incstaehui end eleirtowsi to • heunfill browner black ftior. Thenlave articles are for sale, wholesale and mail, by B A PAIINIRTOCE & CO .ield ear front and wunt, sod wood and Oth me hardware, Callers Saddlery, dte. Jaws vidClicsa, I IMPORTER AND DEALER in FORYPI and Damon 1 tie Hardware, would respectfully Inform his friends audits PabiMlNglertalY. that he Is new receiving his Springsapply of Hardware, at the oil stand of Walker Wood well. No Fel Wood rtreet, which ha will dirpom a no the mem reastmable terms. • • Ile will be continually receiving fresh implies ikruOi (root the hlaufamarers j o Rempe and thin courtly, which will enable Xim ortniime .0, AO. einabliA. inent,either EaltatiVes. • Western Merchants are invited recall and ermine Ilia stock before pereltanne elsewhere marl • . popartawsklp. UTE,the.ondercgued. bah meted, into Copartner . oklp One hi purpose of thwarting a Freida., I Colahlapon Wei Forwarding baldness., ender &It WY:. 1 'of 011IIMallIcURKW & CO, • and hare taken tM wartiowe, No g Cameetrlal Bow, Liberty strew, runner* occupied by Mr. W 'WWI* all .baelants rearmed to O 0 Waage will he pownpii and &Identity attended to. MORRIS (mum, brutally of Philadelphia THOS. 8 iMeGILEtY, • Binithfield, Dithe FINDLEY B MeOREVP," - Pittsburgh, PI arch three?. - 4 m,bl THOMAS, KMAINZOIN th. boo Atli, of ChUnpio & Kennedy. Lalleing Alarinfsetarer and dealer in Clonka.Cdnibe, and Variety Goods, keepif constantly on hand of his own manukintore, overt de.wintion of Ude klahomy and Common Looking. Classeri 1,0 a 4, and 0 dimwit 'blew; plain and onuitnernal ponialt (nurse. Alt kinds of Ctneka,Traysoiqd Waiters, In mewl or doz nse. Combs,Threads. and a' general assortment of Fanny band" ' wholesale, Ili • small adesisee on tort Pedlars andothers 'applied with Pbelps Charts, Cur veers Prints and 10 by:l4 frames at New York purses.' Nord. eor'srond and la p au. Davao, DRUGS. TOW. MOHLER. topple) and Apothieary, N, , J owner or Wood and - 6th so , will keep f01i.t.0113 , on hand, Drop, Paints, Oita, Dye..soffoi.. Se. N. B. —Phyaiehials penal pions now rally tompoond• a from Ow beat mutilato r at any how o( the day rar olio. Alto, aa nommen) of Pentnory; Ana Tooth, Bair, and Ciotti BrUsheil, ac. At, which he will wit low lot cash. may EAGLE COTTON WORKS. PITTisSUGU. DANU PACT:IHE COTTON YARN,. Candle.Wlelk, llattlaf, Twins, Cev ..... YARN, cAltrictcusix+, WASPS, Six Ar.' KING, PENNOCE Pida....r. Anil:tiles Aveg.) Jowl - • - Proprietor, VOIONISSIONIER OW DOWD. A T awherrood by the Governor A Penneybrutia take orknowlafrienir of all ito• moments a - writing, alto ergidocits - And drpreftiens of . prows in Ohio, to behowl or rworded in rottenly.. um Wrier, I door. Van of the htneorre Orgen,Gin• theme, Ohio. I EDWARD P CRANCII nayearkwly•F Attornry at law WANTED. inft ma OLAINTRY auXED KAOS vraniad, MIMI) for which the Ingham price in CASH vesil Ise pald. Nosy, an 1“ rui.'avery dancription of and Wiapinna Papar and CAlaridn Lima REYNOLDS A. MIKE enell4 Carner Penn and Irwin nu. Pnotn: VINtNG WINID3, Monthly Rotes and Eger. m ono. to ialtabla for planting In Couetry's nalw foonithed on application at the cood . wont, (OM N..en"° ( TAW; No In rot wood and or OLD AND HILVEII WATCHICA—Bemired an lledd nem to my large mock of Gold and h Peer Pm .ent layer Watehm.saltable for Ladle. and Gentlemen —of the let...awed handsomest patterns end a 'Le best osattelactore—ammanted and for gala al eer law pri ce. }On W W WILSON-•• T. 8 - 16ATOD, FAITALER in Trilinninp and Variel y Ga 0.1 17 Tann= LI Thal, Ivan. sad Horn amansi.Woonct arms nun . Wmpeda, Banon., , Niaiines; Pins, Tapes. Skalds. Ln., Ma 113 Undid On between Diamond and 411 mann Pinaran& Tic C .q 1 Founts of miounnissuconsuutt - L.d .n d for ..Io at reduced Wens, ottne w o w _tronnt ened Mora o 10 - 71,,W • S N WICESII3IIIOI • .- ICECSDAIII iii66AUS• 4 ast saVA a age WPMI*.i seat V lamas% aznakau Paamniaa Camas Paw: lies. as JO aanoattablo for Hersh,lamaiaboats and HN DUNLAP Drama DM , Neil =km n . .11.L1 M URN LITERARY INSTITPTIONS. PITTSBURGH PERRIS IRSTITETL. lushlution. under the ease of Mae. d. / Manna% ono Laor.ltt sehtell all the .91.4 aM frame-nu, Wenches of a fitoohnd ' , locoman are tatted Is now open for the teerptfon or Tapia ea 15e. 316 trwitte Übe,. Liberty Street. . between .3d and lat streets. 11t Second fte.ion wlll wrowaenee on Monday the .2Th of -tetra. tad it la awaaaa that any who wae design entetate should 1". C . 7 " :1:e r se fa r r a7er re "'n6 • l fe b ei rglnseir RHO 110ea ae whetter of Moor on the Piano and Guitar, whoma too writ Laos. to need treonazieldation Atm-. petrol Vleneh tearher tedl be eunployed Prof. lIINGIIA hi will hoer shaman( the MeyellMent of Vocal - . Prof SOMINS/01 will hare direction of ilte Anistie Orpartiacol i and will giro Winn, to dray/W.6.1...h -tag, and palming, bob in oil nod water rotors. Prof. S o nmut...lent towbar. and halt tristasiatteattason* fteta tee Len inew a, Parope and the United Howes Ile toit'alw been a leacher In the fait ill•UAlltiOrl• of the eastiry. For trn.• apply to dm Pnocipal. jyrnf LA -- YOUNG DINO , SIGNINAILY, LLFAMENY CITY. Instillation undo, Or direction of /dr. N. W. a. METCALF, • 11b11 epee for the reception of Pio i . at the • Corner of Sandusky and Strawberry sta. The Seron-0. Seerion F,II eOIIIIIICLICV on hlonday, gepl trih . . • dcaigning h eater find is to their intemt do .o a • 0r... the orentnr of that gamuts an prsible; though mu., frethged Cl auy tiam during the The yercieeh of coayetent Teacher. will be iecored for elute. that COy - nrwl, to tweeter inatruction. in Draw we, l'unting and Morse For particular• nail Sc to 04 zoom of ...enrol. war, ke. consult circular or Apply to the Instructor. Allegheny. July 13,1417 if 1111113' STRONG'S Si.PARDINCiI SOIIOOI. fps Torso [antes: Nu o, Watainatnn 4bare,Phllaulelphia. HE Fall Term of it ia Institution will commence on T the lot of September. lob:irritation respecting character, terms, to, may be obtained at this carce. or by application to the Snarl pal. Joataldm. -BOOKS, MUSIC.. &C. 'STALL! AMILE MOOKllls—Published by J A V &If P Jemes, Walnut street, between Fourth and FiLh.Cltleithintli Gnizot's GM:ion—The ,history of dm decline and fait of the Roman Empire By Edward Gibbon, Esq. A new Edition,.revisod and corrected through. out, preceded by a pretkce, sod accompanied by notes critical and historical, relating principally to' the propagation of Christianity, by N. F. Gwent, Minister of Public Inetruction for the kingdom of France. Theprefaie,notes and carrectionsorans. bated from the French expremly for ibis edition. With a notice of the Lilo and character of Gibbon, and Watson'. Reply to Gibbon. to ?. vols. imp. /No. 1073 page. ' • i 8 , N a . age' r. s :e e ., einisula Wu—Complete. I ,at. imp. Hallam's Middle Ara, Chamber'. Rebellion in Scathed, Behermee'e Vispoia and New' Ragland, Rumen French cod Emilie!" War in America, and Barony'. American Revolution. I veilAio. Library of American History—Cootabiting mice lions Dom the best sattiore on American History, Biography, Travels, Commerce, Statimici, India., Revolutionary Betties, &c. &o. doe. Also, Allem. dotes, Poetry and Mlseelleneems articles. 'Rostra led with more than 51Xlenvavings. I vial, Imp Oro `G P.tileo• ummi Pictorial Lihrary--Contaitung •aluable papers on redoes- subject., comprising Natural History Naomi thicoces,Agricititu re, Rural Econ. rimy, Biography. Fine_ Arts, the Orientals, Thant., i Geography, Botany, Miscellaneous Mailing, &r. I &r. I vol imp Bvo 640 pp. fall sheep. The Family Medical Lilarary—A Treatise on the Prevention and Cure or Disease+, by regimen and simple medicines. New editmo, revised sod enlar ges! vr4th the addition of a Vegetable blateria Med. fca, pointing out the virtues, preparatiOns and doses acme most voluble native medical plant., and an outline of Anatomy and Physiology. Illustrated with one hundred • Erigravings, sm or which are colored. By J G Pioewood, M D-4364 page. Bra. American Floater Garden tompanson—AiLapted to the Veiled States; by Edward Sayer., Landsome and Ornamental Gendarme. It mo, third edition; revised, enlarged and illustrated. • Palates Orerib, Rocky Mountain., &e. &e. Family Testament, octavo, with and without Polyglot notes, mid Psalm.. in metre. ' . Rice and Pingree'•Debme. Burn's Work. Lady of the Lake. Leila Rookii. More's Private Devo tion. Juvenile Book.. Cheep editions of venom . works in pamphlet form. inch•dt The. Family iffedl.l Librarys ATiLhTL , I7. on Me ricsealman and Conon Amens BY Mint.. tad eirePlo'hledieinre. New edition, and enlarged,. the addition of a Torreon. Maw ,, . Meries, pointing oat the Loeser.. proposes.. and dooes of oar =atoneable, .arise, medical plan end nu appendix, illummted with MY cerravingo, 6 of mine% are mewed. By J. G ' , forested. O. The obyeet of the mottle molt is to give the hieuseg, eh•ravetkstic rymptrana ptomain and lettninslion 01 all common diaeaft . .s. in a.. eorrett.synn'e 1011" es potable, tutted ti.e union... of ell a ought. in any event, to undenakc the trealencut of to diocese, in the ternisnaleon of which human life may toe at make. Tra treetnemt most by tlai generility of practioe ers, and found most ameessiul, perusals:ly Ito the Dia ... Kodemie to the Penh and West, ha. been detailed with much tountemcm and peat care. ,The Feasnyhtednial Library, it is brlitercd.lnte given mhmareneral sattaismion than my be of the Mad erteint. By iso simple and pertinence. dvections t —ns llnt of mooed ie. end their prayer dote.. any one of codi ,i.nellevenee, 'all be end ii..e to ire at '- of 11,3 karyelli If a , cm:Jo - line ovstc....n We here been inermod hr &wan of:fertsiben, orlon hose In their home. that. retold they soot ptemete anothet mops of Me mock. ten ttme. the hoe i tothi pcofinovbeoe it—havoar nequeutly .prod more thetrthet. to one fear, by It. um. greats wanted to sell thin wort—e liberal roan:nix. Mon Whined- J. A At U. P. /AMEX. Publisher., jr2l Walnut it. bet. Irk end Mb, CIIMCIMOMIIIo rjr,&11.111110W1 GOLUMBIAN INK—BLUF. 11 BLACK, RED and DCARLET. Thi Ink has beet atnaly In one Lytl, ?resident of the United Rom. In the Innartmento, and both Ilene. of Otingtees, by the Governor tad Lenilatuve of content,, Pnanbrant and numer ous highly rerutab e 1/1/11110041., and ;Inn.] unle . pus Ink Rowe more (reel). from the pen, Dampen on :leer, and tortodeemeete len than ant Other ref #ol3.llll<ece eolor altleloks follY n't .t pas., other., for wino the color is on on the riper tourill remain unekingnefor egen Jon received end for sale in quotooms, 'to mit ma chine., by J L RF.AD jelk. Fourth. on. Market 'met ,04311:X/L. 'WOES, 10. E.t.a Pence of Headers. Nov. 1 Ydilk Panders' do do 1134; Cobb'. do • do L 23 4 3; Emerson'. do do 123 4, Hectic, Enema, Po ith and Coltown's Arithmetic a; Mbehell,Olney, Smith and Goodnhat Geographwx; Smith, Kialtant and Bulbar'. Grommars. The shove vallmble :school Books arf sale eery lore o wholesale end wail. ALso—A large asmatinent of Lea' Cep W ming Pim per and blank Book• of all saes fall and holf E nound. - wan. EI4GLI2II iyl market between 3Mandetla Se* X iinio Tlll4 DOOtOti Melodeon, collection of Needle( bleb 1 whs. comiming of Pongs, glee...mends. gala.., Oo • including Many of the mom popular pieces of the day. arreneve and hannontsed for four •OiceS, by Ed• word L. White, Teacher of the Pinola Forts and Organ Virloole Ist Igt• Volume and or the above wort, rat peers. $.:- For glee panics...aging societies. and other, who ans Med Of gond mole, the above. works will be round very desirable. Received and for sale by /Fa • ' JOHN R MELLON. SI wood .t minty . publDhed, THE HISTORY OF tikIXICO: her Civil Wataiand Colonial mid Reirolotionarr from the pened or the spartiah COogeeek IO" 10 the warm 1147; including in account MIL° %Vat withthe Slates, as Name and Military Achieve...lla. By Philip Young , R D Wub 1.0 Copperplate Map., and SETell lesgraviee of Plana of Mule Ground, le. ,One not paplo4 oetitec, or Soo handfed and risty.four NEW MOICAL 'WORM —Peartlent Woo. I IC ',anon. on soon of the d 14.... et the Rectum Anasoand Contigioas Tanana; gienayltheir mute. .ilyeeptartis, nonsentironen; and pet snuck:ll, especially tuldressatkio the nonyen,leal.seader by W Bodeakatner. %l. D.' of Loaissille, \ The author of this work has 'Ohio the last foss years Immanent!) unlined somais of .even hindeed [I.. or Pile. and Fistula In Alio, withool,enher lb knife, the betook 0: thepoten6il eentery. For sale at too klookstote of 111 [ICA D Fount, near Market silent PIAIIOBI PIANOSjI . 11ENRY EI.RDER, Dealer ld nainern Piano Pone.; 4t J .1V Woodendrs,,No. 85 Tbird Brent. Tile Vitro. may be clammed at all 'wain, end ihn onbern. hoe all be 'Urn from It to If. and bons 4 to 5 P. M., cacti dry. ' PittsWg, Oetuber . 22, '44 We, the anderalimed, would lakrtth the e Warne of Pittsburgh and vicinity that we hare appolothal lIt.• 11. Klettre tole Agent for Wolters, Penttrylrania, (or the rale of oar Piano Antic - from whom they they he 010. lathed slyer ono (Neat York] priers. NI/NMI & CLARK New Yott.Bep.lOW-m=4 . . _ tiIiNKRAL TAYLOR —Jobuston Stockton ‘_Tbaire fan received [tonna. ot 1110nrIsneral Zech. try Taylor, by A Doily, under the immediate superin tendence and dampest of the undersigned Officers, horn an original sketch taken from life at Camargo, by Capt. Retort, A.D. C. We, We undersigned, consider Hoffr's Portrait of General Taylor a geol.. • D. Coakart, if II Navy t• ~ fr." Ono.A. hilliest. A. A.G. Gan Nuns, IA Topographleal EngMeers Haut Inanssou., U.S. Navy- , twpriceektgeenta. ' Jell • Ptah • /01IN 14 MELLOR, No al ,Wood st, has received and often for sale— One splendid Rosgorood Piano Fonc • with ill !there*, fnmsee-and nem Man by Chickasaw, of Boston. One elevens Poseversod rime Porte, with II octaves andiron (rune. Made by Qtleitenng. One elegant Mahogany-Piano Forte—made by Gal. Co, New rt. above .11 bn Fold at 021111111r•CUITeill prices. Alio, for rol e ar above, • second hand Piano ram wok a • taveil . kit - - - . .. ' • lititlilli Praise Pliuicis. • ASPLENDID summon of Reliewood snd - weep ..r,inua aogiall 'WM., W ilhOeudte V .. .WY Molted and for sale.' ~ AlNlA*OVeediallomirdod Piaster, orldiCafeesan`e Aldebridpd "Foam austdoetnt, ddlabed In tle men teal.. ....yle.,,d ki iNde at , . _ .- - .1! SILO Al Eti. • }std . --. 111 Wood siret;i II doors above fah '. AMASHIKUTON AND 1111 4 9FAERALS, by IsluMi r l a ragi vs ;illl ..; e enser: *Oilman and 3nl tte ifFlEriaklP - APPRAMA= asa otak Ant loolgt=iany o f of • WS JOHNIRON l trrocirnoN t. L 4:. MANUFACTORIES. DUQUESNE_ srama, NeEra. i. IRON WORK S irrLFAIAN, ItaILSIAN, a. Co., brains ettalfdatad s. their New wort% an bow prerillt+4.llooo.oSfinfr ir... . eery demisption of Comb sad Fara. omits. live a:•st Americas Illiater, amiss and plaultb Saes, sad at. team : 'small mum ant found Imo, which Wry odor for as eea 1;Err.,1111.M.1., Net, WM... Ntater Wood to ect;• 'eke. they atee keep *a band • co mplete sand ireadoefee assmormat of Coach trim. Cernege tardwarts. malleable etpdisp, Nailt sad 10.. C. 11. a Co. hare made arrasamseats wok Me.. DAT Ss. Crate, 19111101-ICOSI - LI • of Strovel4. tipailes For., „Sc., and will amp coastanCy hood seen arttels made by theta. Dealers are respertfully aol cited to estiy priers and UMMI will be made liberal. imebelTmt PITT IKAVIIINE WORKS AND EVUNDRV, ' Pertstrenon. Pa. JOIN WEIGHT t 00.. A RE prepared so build Cot= and Woollen &Sochi. try' of every description, each RS—Canting Slts. chines. *tinning Frames Speedenr, Drrris'ng Frames , Railway Heads, Wargers,Twillers,Spcot ....Dressing Frames, tams, Cord lirinders. ke, Wrought Inn Shafting lursed all sires of Casa Iron. Pullin. and Hangers. of We bunt Patterns, slid& and hood Lathes, and tools of Witold.. Castings of every de•enplion'fatiti , h.d or abort =- tic. harems made to order for Bill Grating, Iron rarling r ke. Steam Pipe for heating Factories. Coat Iron WiIOON Farb •od fancy' Castings generally— Orders left at the Warehouse al J. Palmer to Co.. Li berty meet, will have prompt &newton. Ras. To Black/stack, Dell & X Moorhead A Co., 0 E Warner, Jobe. Irwin & Co,* Pons; Pittsburgh. . - - _ 0 0 & .1 H Warner. Steubenville. janlP - JOHN CARTWRIGHT. - TMPORTER and Manufacturer of.C4stlery, Surgical I- nod Dental Instruments, Paldlers and Trailers' hand mobs, Taylors' Patent Shears, /kc tic. Also ...far. twee Trusses, Supporrirre. /se • in great variety. Is C. Montane us rer and Importer of Pen, Pocket and Table Cutlery; Razors, Serssats. File., Saws, Tools,&e: has removed to . . V 3 K 000 STREET, Pittsburgh, second door be low Diamond Alley, . And ha. late: 1 Gerrard a Origin rourtment of Pes V- Povkve • Knives. Knives a Forks. Al. Rodger,' and Whostenholme FINE CUTLERS. Eltions,Rodgers4Wade & Buteher's Ratora.Serwors, Razor Straps &c..llbrinasens and Wire twist GUNS, RIFLEIs. AND PISTOLS. Alloll'. CO/1'! and Blanes Resolvers, Powder Flasks Shot Hein. Game Begs, %V alkeep Ir. Coals Extra Per-. curnon Cap% Howie. Dirk and Horning Knives. Taal.. such as Callipers, Dividers, Flyers, Nippers. Hand View. Squares, Rules, Inrees, Ditto. Spoke 'Shaves, Srockamd Des Wire et d Iron Gunge.. Hsi& . amen . Drariuments, be, in TO, great variety it as Jobbing and re p airing n ally and purre i wsi y do - r t n T . l"n3n . i greF. var., n nlly and pun,. Bran, ill , ,-." lie. ~ COPARTNERSIIII , ' NOTICE. E . W. STEPHENS of Wheel rg. E. P. gbomber• • ge da r or /onion. and J. A. S oektoo of Pttaburgh, hare this y entered in eolga net.hip under Hyle and Gnu of Ptephen., nboettl tger & Co, ng the Attehoe iron %Porky, Wheeling Vv., for the putragee of mnoofactaring Hon and owh of everydetenpnon. . E. W. StMl eV, Snorommona. .T. A.D.CLTON. STEPHENS, SHOENBREIGEE L 70., • ANCHOR IRON WORKS, Malin. Va. Pdattuthelare .11 kind , of boiler... Meet, bar iron and nail*. A B areal capon erring. and take Being eon neeted tomb Shatenbernet'a Old Juniata Work,. we can °Terror omelet orlannon, Iron (branded StmettemenO eternal to any made in Ills century. All of whlch roil be acrid at Ore Vntrhorab price. Warehooroof Hie Works comer of Monroe and Water streett. say!! t fiLLEOliftNY YRNITI A. AN BLIND I'AVfORY. JOUN ' BROWN ' • ' • Irn.sTAKE.. thts method, to inform his friend. and Me partite st 11.irCE bts Factor) . &boots ut fat western. tot the East 4.1 C Or the Marlow!. Aikido - ay, where • con) Stara capplyou I,llooda, of various colors andquaritte,antentotantlykeptou band, also at No. 3 Wood at. l'tustruretral / • & uil Phillips'oil cloth camera.. . • Shutters made to order in She heti style. RI twit. repstred m tiro s honest notice, N. B. 1114 BMW, wall he pal app, 1 shoal Or t&lac mote ...repose an. that they ran he removed to n mot mem in case of Greer tor 'otatdt Mg. and without the aid of. env dr e octSdlviserleml ' . • "eflie - IPULTOIi Bell ...ilhii;r.;nd A cr. has rebuilt and commenced hasinca at I . . bit l i d . s o n i s c r=licre „. he . W o h , e n zletmed to Church, lacataboat, and BeUs of every ' au, from lu to 10(00 pounds, east from • ( atentee( the mon approved model., sad i warranted to be of the best materials. Mineral Water Pump., Counters, Hailing, &e. i.e. amber with every enact) *Cilium Castings, If rapria ed. turned and finished in the neatest manner.. V . A. F. is the sole prepnetor of Haaarr's torn. Arrarams Ain., so justly celebrated (or the reaom lien of friction in tharlimen. ,The Boor. and COMP. .1.00 ran be hod of him mall time.. pint-ly i .. _ . ‘ . It VIII. ISIVDRILLY tr. Co. - IMITATION CROWN GLASS. R AVIN .% the 011.1 y indael:ro v oTtu ' .rarra no ve n ag n reforal adopt . In:detest unposed eastern wheel oven fat RM. tenins.av•tenowprepared to (brach an article of Wire dam i n equal, if not eaperier, to nny Cyliaddi Glans made in the United Siatcs, and bar huh , inferior la that Engfixti Crown, We are oleo very extensively engaged in the man. them, of Comma% (Voile,. lilac. and Druguote• Koh sod-Sward wi cry damnation. Dealers generally nee invited to call az i examine (or themselves-stout ware.' house. p 10.139 Wood street. Pittsburgh, Pa. . .411 _ W. W. I,I7 — A — LLACW., P1T14.E111111311 (11ARMA. WORKS. • .`ls. 241 and lid Lawry scram. T/ Ms Canal LAVA VS. on hind and made loonie M r, large racie ]. ty of 'Marble Slanted.. I'mr,Centre Tahoe.; and BOICZP Tops, Tomb Slone., Monuments. Ar ; all whir] bring male of the chomest marble. and sadnufnctared pone:pally Le mlch(nery....(ll to- sold leo Mr n.h :h. a Yer.on. to porrYam .nformed that it to hence :molt unoree.mry 1.01 dl M go at I an furnish them .rult nn all trapecia good. and (frailly montane, &a, encoder. edd /3 cheap ao they eon p urchase there tor to tie Eno( Call and aro. leg _ . . COPPER, SPIZET PCON. AND 'PIS WARE MANUFACTORY, Net t Market meet, Ptoburgh,Penna: , I , IIE subscribers havm rnade groat itamovements I. in the construct.. of ! g Lea CCX)KINIS respeetfully i vette persons building Steamboats in call and-eczema, before partharing. as we eau 'apply them arab Deel Stoves, forges, and every other land of Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron work neeesrary in farnith insa Sloambool. .Wo also wake to order on the shortest none...dal Tubes and Onnntier; Copper work far Steam Eopines and every variety of work moor line. WOOSHERIFF rt. SHIRK . , BENNETT & BROTHER, I.IPEENTRWARg hIfiIitUFACTUREW lillrenimljbarei. (near Pittabrareth,lPs. narehorme, No. 137, Wood shed. Pittsburgh.. GWll.l.cooatamtr keep an hand a pod assort. men eat Ware, of our darn manatecture end shoots are Wholesale arid siountry ' Meri shoots arc respectfully incited to call and et • amine for themselves, os we are determined to sell cheaper than !Lucifer before been odered to the pub- He. • (rp Orders emu by molbeecompartied by the cult or city reference. will be oromptly wended tit. febti kew Opiao sad Pork Blumrsio- torn. CiIIIFFITHS 4 DIXON' LTA VINO rotarecured the martafaceure of Spaded RUI. Shoveld Hai and Menace Forka ke,oe an estem sive scale/ are prepared to fill all Orders for such tent eke at Menem precest For the convenienceof their eunomers anddealedsto such sancta, they have 'appointed Oconee Cochran, Commise fan Merchant, No $ WOO4l street. their Ageut for the role of their manufactures. All orders addreas• ed to him will receive prompt antennae, on the mooted ....MM. , toms. GRIFFITHS te DIXON. poishierch. July . Great %%esters Butt - -Hinge' Nanalartory, CIRCINNA.TI/ Os • AGARDNER it Co, Would Warms the trade that s they are now manufacturing the best Dint Hume eer made In the United Seated As . Is oar prieel• pie lodness. we Mired to seed our s. complete+ an at. 11 . 4 . 4 . Po, Posribly em made. Those entered in the harder:so tradr,we ether, Ohl find it to their mural to ace nor Dunn All orders promptly unettded to. A GA XDNER d Co. moot mh • Drain ala COTTON •nd WOOLPICS Tin a tr E ni 6 , n a l n7 r a i t b g;ro t re ," ro ' nfole giDg it Cotmn thof Whntir Mat biutty. on ate oat tratonsiblewtmh. own" pj,) ~,, ott to ha Intel With AVIDDTIDAN /!. DALZELL • Larne!: meet. Alloghony City N 11.-11. %Vigil:tuna. who Inut a .pnt for a very importata imptovrruel•t on the Card, ' and ate wko lots been engaged ler the Not fifteen yeant In name of the 1190. t riienolVe Ned eorecoofitt einem raelnrieo or the west, win give kin pr rannal nkrntion to putting op. la th e eat ing op. or there m1(.1711.41, all machinno made at this ertalthehMene tateredle .. AL • • • . JOCIA 511/CLRF i , Co., ti0..93 and Ft Front no, '`.. i I ibt,.. Forttnoso•nd tins FIJI ,. ... • '. IMItIN /410.4 f A .Mr .11 vile., Cart I - I - . :T. I h :., .IT,'„,Tere7unc to nn y Moo, Mar. Coot, Eourhed if .defect. Gan Ht . ______--•—• Cogs pot op pntnipt ly and on .roottorroom. rearonotple WM, ve • IKl•iikii 1 War P bonny. - C Cowen: ‘C . Plurilett: TOUIVOj IIIM9F N & pctuutcseer, FLiNT O,LASS lIIAVIIIFACTUDERS, ITAREHOUSE Nos. diWairr aid lot Putt street.. Pittsburgh. The taws manufactured b it y warranted .equal to .nr tn•the country. All elders will receive prompt attention and filled on reasonable terms. Merchant , and others 'kiting the coy nre in sited moral before purehnittneelsewliere. "(ebb! TRII-..114431C0TT IRON—V—Vratlem. OY sod hialls'Shoorb, be. for.said•st oar new A Wan-boast, No. 511 Water street, new Wood, run ninAto Front: Alma, an 1.101110C131 st the old stand, McMaster's Rots, Liberty Street. Having made peat addithini to the. Rollinic Mill. all orders ean be filled prornitrlA nrriStr- GRAFF, LINDSAY & Co. BIROAIMPMINCIIIMISSILL !P cussq, ACK FACTOR!. . • • • FINISIIINd _NAILS, LIODIC ‘I I I E. P.AD BRAM TRON i:° !:IcIr CorTrEfflindOtin.s, Pathan ,Makeree Paints, nf erery Olen No, a Pt. Charles HoteL.Thlrd bath. 44,1 Vlltta PITNO - 1141.011 STEEL WORKS AND iiPkilitr, : AND AXLA FAcTORY. nI .. sIDAIASS 417100, , • , Mgi F NUPACNEU::EtS spd Blister Steel, E h tithe Sleet Plough Wow, Coatis sad nettle Salinas, Itatemerei bon Axles, and dealeie in 'Malleable Casnwoued Vesta nlinmlisseirenerillx. con. , I_‘,!. WA - SU elllrliiilll3lB, , the ettheerieen are %avow reee4iafa Jule aid elerniewearatertment of Coach Tehrualso el Übe jpeieletelcie which ere vartotti artieleiast We 1.... kw Ir,e-- ortleb theypirellimedTeretilk flom th e - Emmet 1116..• "sewers. =A -anable aidltscials as. ea, 13. 0 . i g , tr Yorker Phi la it delphia. They would eeeeeaMlT vite the attestien ot deawo. styllditm JONES QUIGG, eer Rees &Diu. H O r T E - • . , IC.SCVLAPIA. or the Whirr tbs:phew eel 101•10 .ra orate rpo.taa, 0: Law, cottoy, Kr. The -snow ; de behtfeleemes tag plat , or samieer rein b.seew wady i she therreepiwaof Vkattora 11.44 Ike awe... a 1•111 t• choel Mean. EN-. law and SRI ) eara ot . titrato 11010.. Ma. Veen and Laity srid bore the slow ; managewern of the wince boarding deperneemat Mr. Gib:Work. of the tavern. her. clot, bow-lir( .10., and calmr anowexecint; tad Mr. Miss aclee ep tinge: balls house, ambles_ horse, coulees, A r --e Altura O Al i Fkl %Feeder., Stage l'lpperctot• of Mieveeollmertil win a regular bar borne Pun Coach itt the brings every homesy and Fr :slay or the maaen and lure Wb and carr i ages mat: tabu tintris th ere eradiate la vim Foretaste • Vemowprekrring the Vanceintrah roam will do well to take the Pertsmouth packet :Scioto In Vanceburg on, Tumley, Themdee or Satooday, warn they seal fued mews and eaceiage. to :crow rd Meta to the fprings. M T C GOVI.D, Newham • P. 9.—For other particalars, bdtographic Mile, at the hotels wenailmati, & A. and if th• he not convenient then take . for granted Me Adlogrtug fun., vie ; . That Eseulapts ie nearer the Ohio titroftloinattrodirr watering place—that ilium the purest mountain ate—ilm ammt delightfhl, cold, limpid-sparkling, salphee water —the boldest. coldest, clearest. patrol, o.MOral and nwet eificactoas eb al. beat Mental win WO IL Stoma—. Wet it inurminded by utanntein scenery:with rein.. lie pieturesitu and diverstfied. with weed robing. tie, fox clawing,. deer ruing. dm 00 ,iogether with . good eating, drinking, elmessug, walking. ruling, daneing,shakinsoff the 'bluescoutgone ins tba drams talking. aw a y. lmmang, growing rat,loolng cl.f,drcadr• !n . l 10 . go prontimeg to crone._ again --lo - bring frends, netghhow: airtara. adv. Oartataa . kaSoai end after all UM ch. er sAying at Cunlepin then at an_y other ((the fashion le wniering places. This 'Waimea of A rots who helm been Were end wean to go again, . iyledfier PO.UN'I r AIN LIGHT EITHEET-,. BALTIMORE. FOGG k TRUEST°. Proprieton. pins emablials cent long and Well known an being 1 one of the moat ceamodime rn the cite of W 0... has recently undergone very exteneive alterettons end improeenients. An entire new wing has been added, tentaininsnenterana and airy sleeping appal:nerds, and extensive bunting roonm. The Ladies' departme hot also been entnpletely re organised and fitted op in a most unistmand al stele. In Met the whole arrangement of the House has been remodeled, with a tingle eye-on the part,of the proprietais botchthe cow fon and Pleasure id Wei. Guam, and whicle they confidently avert still clod- ; lan. with any lintel tit the 'Union. 'their table will alerilye he supplied bilk eery.- rut stantial and Wxury which tbentertet salient, .creed up in a superior style, while in the way of %Vines, feet they will not be eUrpeued. In conclusion - the proprtotors beg to fay, that notheng will be left undone en Weir r.rl,nnd an the pert of their assistants, to render this Hotel wooly the continued ; Pairopaar of their friends and the pubbe generally. The prices (or board have also been reduced bathe f folkoving Giles t Ladies' Ordiunry. St 73 per day. I Gentlemen.' ..... •• •• • 1510 - N. IL—The Baggage Waggon of the Hoare will al ways be fonnd ; et Mr Car and Swam:wet Landings. winch will convey baggage to and That the 110101, free of charge. - • ,terdttf USICAHJe STREET HOVSE, Cincinnati, r 01110—. The subseribers having putebased' the CO. tire interest of CFA. late of this well known eetablislimsut.brg leave to aisle to their friends and the pablie generally,' that they have taken Ibis contrnodimis Hotel for a term of years and will crest their best energie e to make it a desirable home forTrav ' eller. and City Boarders. • The Hotel se opatiorte and admreably planned for con venience, light and' air, Parton a ma:atter of pasha. Adjoining Chamber., presenting onasual antactrous to lailiee. • ' The present proprietor's having had the einertenee of years in this city anal h ere , hope they will be Stile to give general eatiefaction bang determined to g ib e undirtded nom:lion to the bituse Mone. Theldeationor the Pearl three) llou re is uncut .4104 y eligible, having (careen Pearl, %Tablet sod Third eta, So that it lacqually desirable in stew of the conveni tt or Liminess mevorjeremetit for private boarder,. It near by the-ilanks, the Port °Sere, the Masonic Ilall,Odd Fellows I lall. end biteme 14111.0 thstant from Alerts street and two squares turn the City What!, thus offering the greatest 11111/CCIDC at., especially to country. merchant, and generally to ell :tei;o i rr ,.. r i vaigineiti- . an ti. JOHN A DUBI.E ADAMS HOUSE, DOSTOIS. TIIIS new and apleadrd .t.tb Imhatent. e rect.! d ;ming the past season, is now open for the receptionof uunsient and permanent boarder.. The demand for increased and superiorjaccouttnial. done for the travelling pun.. sawn. to the propric. tor the plan of erecting a hotel, which. (hr r pleader all couseutenec, should be untivalled to the Unions Aral. while be has spared neither pains one SulKase in tlic attainment of 11it desirable object. he I.e. the public to deckle bow far honasyucceedelL This Mawr contains 15U apartments. Conveniently' arm nee dins nder and single/noun. The fora. re was all made to order will Patueolar attention to unstopend convenience,se well as style and rpleMor. All the modern inventions have Leen wade smittersient to the maselleiht rose , and comfort, and an experience of 30 yeart enabled die.proptietor to twroduce many impsovemente worn, oat Cu. are perwl;ar so Ars; lieu,. lweated sits the principal street, wtthin three initiate. walk of Ma are. Southern and Weller° railroad de pots, and the section or the city, thine...lists Meal COCOMMail•111011 to the latroance s f the kutinew and pleasure travel. ADILISS Banos June,lSl7. jetkod3ot • --Weddell Moose, Cleveland. U. I'll 8 SPLENDID 110THL wu attained on the Sat of Jane. for the reris•ine of compeer, •• Thee lifter front. nr. ...• ..i and fort no Sorbet-et . ant: 0. i.e old tt.tiettgiv.• • on Danl. Cl; and moan, • •••••abed liege chambers and forty no rime t .a.tors C/I of echkh Lam: , been furnished with the toast emily furniture. The • drawing rooms are epacious and. , ..rpath ill elegance, mitythiag of the kind in the tread States. The and roarn, gemlemen's potion, ing soomn,,,effter, and 1 dressing Toon e aro all .arge. airy, and furnishef omit every luxury and comfort that money can procure. It is OTC, lwo years Piano the turner stone of this inannSeent memturc was laid by Altman T. M. Wed dell I Sen. No expense has been "pareni by them to.. mak/ is eynnl nut superior tas tiny Oral th, a ra a... aaua tiy will le . in kt ra at M. time, le t cuyil , ss paengers to and 1,0113 I ants free of retiree. • Cleveland. July A DARN LIM_ ,1 BRO.• , r 111; undersigned 100n - DM the /ate propnclor. /tense Drown) have the• snlisfactien of informing their • friend', and the public generally, that the Hotel so long and favorably known as Brown'. Irdian Queen Hotel, Washington hos, by ao.ntrangemeM among the bklot. come into fad posnensten qf the undersigned. as sole owners, and that they altine mill hereafter rand oet this extensive anti gemsowliouseStalliAlanClit. Theyptedgc themselves ore see T' exertion to uphold the high reputation and retain the hug, bosinem which it hoe heretofore possessed; and they earnestly hope. by the in the buddings and withion of furniture about to be mde, toacther a Windt and unremitting attention t othe comfort of their guens, to merit and receive the usuef large share of pnhllc pane, nage Intherhich it has so long been b more& 'CP BROWN, MARSHALL BROWN. Wmltioxvon.D C.. July 0, IMl—Jyllicodlin COLUMBIA 1111138 E.— -.- Charles Street, between Market and Lombard - threats. Baltimore. . . A'l'm subscriber timing taken the elate rad,. lishinent, Ore,. ha 'Names to th e citizens cud mhbe .enerty. It I , , , t i rotriettiently silt 4 tatett ' art.; o ' fTl7e 6' re etterts 4 4 ' e Im . po dm nl d g I l itt w a t e. .nn h. dt feethe location otters to those tailin the city, at UM. • cant eniences and cantina. es th e other principal • owls, The house ts now, being fitted up with new furniture, in good taste and idyl, and will be open in the public on Medd day of A pri1.1617. The proprietw tenet. that hit unremitting efloria to please, will accord sw 6i... portiOn of the public patronage, resident as well as tran,tent., W W_Dtx, e of the film of Dix re Fogg Bahiroore. Arnl2:lEl7; ray !Settle, -- STACEY'S UOTHIrs - A' E. Corner of Marts and Fifth linen. ZANINVILLE, O. • elosspn STACEY ananumee tothe public that he has - leased, fora term of years the mocrunodieas building formerly known ai the 'National' and thoart Some! The home has been thoroughly repwrist, as well as the stables,outhouses, he. he. Ike Veep riemr &nomadic public that no seem will be spired to please all who call open hint. Zanesville. Obto. Ju1y13.147." • dew • GALT lIOVMK, Corner . lll•ltraad SI:1h stq Clncnnatl. r 1,1116 establishment is slow in Om ben tinier the reception of the Traveling Public. Having under ai gone • thorough repr, during the past "rimer. .4d the most capered torn in the west, in the nt, I catboat departments. ienc Raver Input( that all crt:l pleased who calli.lhe locution 14CC11,111.r,t0LILOWIDIAS and pleasant. Fare It per day. .eitannantl. March Ilis Za47. WEMA - "MA—Although not rustily a neve I.lmom, it r the Crll36—lt OCT 011 tbutith Lamile ateta( gIAftTWSLLrn WAUEII.IS GIT01:' !lOUS 6, • ChtllU/I. Streel, , ehiladelphia. TIOVE :Seventh Meet:west dol , o “Slosettier 11,11 well known eamblishomot has moonily Porn dreary enlarged, and richly and cod, fo rm-led. it , situated to the most (ulhiotio`ile part of etiertrui Sire, atid•tn 'the ftreineditttr eieintte of Stir politic plrfree of anturrement 'flirt proprietor, grateful for thujim, tat patrons go, Ite.WWll. . 'psi., :to offortu to render lit. bowfin root) way rigicialilo to his atouW and worthy or ditio'criatinacit rapport. • di-avow:los TIittOCictIORTON'S GALT. 110US1O, • ftentereille, Ky. • A 'PIS - Tit RUCK Al 0 ItTu le liege to sequelet htr A snoods that he in lupin :enure of Mc I.T II O U SF., where ha hopes to tamer all lam old friends, outdoing damn and the public. that no effort shall he spared tcumake nli comfortable ark° facer Itiat era their p. emote. tdnt idly BEAVER. WARREN &. CLEVELAND LINE 01' CANAL PACKETS AND terAtili.ei. • 1847. n &MEd CANAL. PACKLTS TELFAMAPII SVCA LIIAWF. grayer doily et 9 o'clock, p shoe the arrival of the .1C111311104/ DEAVER From l'qmlntre,h; Snd ac t ive at Wen nett morning in van for the tage, which reach De rev mid before meta. , P. re wilt be weeired theruch,wominv bertha on tin motel., and seem 131 the hut., on applicanon on_t i merd iteendsoat braver; cavner gittebergh at I. &chic& a. A.,ler to tha 0 lit lIARTON & Co. Pitiebor. ' CLARKE& Co, graver. /RAVE UALIDVIN, l °eon... .115 _II - TAYLOR, Warren - cup o 'tour. OP TOCATINCT BLth.,S—Mr. P. D.1.,0f Boston, hu ancanged notl patented e plan tithe.. hon.., sr limb tag been i•ue• emu fnllg toed in Boom, Yep York,. .and wherever I pplied. has received 'lira decided pro :welter ever 33310VV14 Its adsuntars Great regularity of Temper:nor , d. Freed= from gaiolle. CAL No unpleasant elan , IW.. Easily nUendml jo, and , no , beide tn.. out Ob . l Slh great Durability., • ! A Model end ePEel6l7:31113111 imp he 00011 A 3333 She 01 paratus obtained et the Cooper and Vin*ara factory of whf. SCAIFE, gum am et, . W. Wand atd Marla rt. JOllart: CRAPIdAtts OrieUnti:VjeoMleiltirtaiit Ineo,p4fr.rmautou IT In this thy. V1 ' 1 0( 4 1=31 re_.• V11, 1 :rp;" Porueter afiestionirigge re ' dierase ' * lincau r ar to no 'menand efifidreer. scuoixmr,fttao, Dr. Lawmfiee, Omer: Smithfield street, apposite Merehents Ifieridessee, Moncophela !lore. JtiLC VOL; XIY:-7-7NO: '495 N. YORK AKERTISEMEATS: AVOW PROW/ 1604 FOB ROOFING, WINDOW 811U71113, La. 'I rllEuanwriticra het to call the attention atlll things / inter ...we. roodos. to their GALVANIZED TIN gLATIQt. and m Ow snap oalwantagent winch , 1.7_ rower nett all aietane W otlerantistanctes hakes* turJ tot this par r oce,powessing ahlhey 414theatrenint and !whale** of lam annum 1. hahting to nal, isvue oar. been Irked egscral haat. teal in this ammo dad is Europe. They are oho Wes isAluet mammal= and t ontract not from *Waco clonal:act the anwhephere ihan runtwon Tux Plate. Iron, Zinc, he tor anyanher mini ma used en MAD:. asl contwenently in,.. • • Oi Weis brunt and natant wog unstring nil 4r trwillern untie, vadat the butt cootie pat • undo mate. The sabacedwri, would also 'call the Automaton of Icalers tintl workers in wands; to din many ether pits Mir lo which Iwo nat. prowebedi, can bet rippliad.-- In general truce It to applicable walla/Ws/as of Ina Which ii to desirable to ordeal from the action of the annwptrere. And they woold spectally all gm a a • ontrott or those Dummied in TIM RA.1 . 1110 LINZ% to then Galr”ised Wire, which suns anneal entire ly toed in Europe and which answer...4n, pupae as a renadueter eleetekey. esaile . 4 only /OW Ihee ha (!a* mach is copper, and pagostung aqui databill. ty with that metal. having lately elected agorkr in thtr airy for tin par, gme of galyaturian atte s t/piker, lslus. washing.; ti ItisaWe funds tmy article 'which may belt mi. A .apply of P a losaraufaciarcd in Einem] Nuntantly up hand; from 16 la RS trial. • GEO. B. AIOREMIXID &CO.' Rm. 14 and la Reamer st, TOME. The Patent Right-for this ratielo has been mentaa • for the i.ned Stater as well as Great Uritain,andoßlar . . Entopeaa comment, and all legal ronasarrs cabs ta. kenoprevent any infringesmal by unponauo or ell. ' Wholesale Draw Warohonse,__, - -'. IN TIM CITY 011 , NEW NOILINs , BA:FA NP-STOCK der Co., No. 49, Jahtirt. s New York. offer for see a large and genera ar.oriment or Drugs and filedicinea, Dye Staffs Points and oaa of every description, which th•jr are prepared and determined to sell . low. • Country Merchant's sad-Drog;ishr are requested to call sndexamiae their entries. • Orders executed wish faittilulness.and despatch. H. A, Valineatock'a Vermiloge coristastly on hand.' It. A. lannertock, IL L. Fahnestock, Pittsburgh. ; D. W. l'idinestech; —A. IL MIL New York; • • ' • apns— .PAPER WAREHOUSE. EiLIP. /SIM' FOAM , il - RUS W. FIELD otters for.eale at the low en • Manufacturers' prices, a 'very eateriision aural mein of PAPER. comprising creel porsilile.,vaciery r Ada gird to i rants or couranstim RI sit 00 411. of ibe nary. Paper Of nit kimm made to ante at' shad • 1 ..e sleek aIPII INTI PA IVER ananallr large a pa P R winch ie of very M; unseen,' quality z PAPER .111.AKER 'MATERIALS or es err description, imposed and kept constantly on has aye: Pelngs. LL ne Cent, Fourdrinier R iseai tiluelunfrowder, Mae Uhraloaritte,Twine,&e:, &v. RAG Cs:nea , d, Bale Eope, Grua Cope, Bagging, tte., patellasast,foe'srhic the highest price us Cuh Win b* paid. _ _jrZly 'Wear York; Jetratellt. =UMEM Indemnity against. Noise or 'Damage by . TUE YIrC MUTUAL PRINCIPLE I',IOUBINED With the addiftennt retain). or • theek„Capital. The Reliance ifutual Puts - ranee Co., of PAiTa. CUARTER PERPETUAL. DIRECTORS, - Gone W. Toland, John N. Arwood, • 'Mansur C. Roc-Mon, Antilartot, . Wm. R. Thoannon George N. Raker, - George Al. htrood, John.f; Vanderkelop, • : - • Cringe W. Carpenter. _ I,viTILL makelgettrance 'seam' Las or Damao TT by Fire, c o Prafinonou ow Hourea, Stores and other Buildingoimd on Funti- Cu re, Goode. Waren, and Merchandise, on themoat favorable terms. The Mutual Principle, 'combined with a Stock , Capital, and the other provhdoesOl the Charter of this Company,lioldoat mama Inducements, both i ' la r arra! t ee7tlafte fl h't t o e C th o o m .o p . a d ryt i ntit ' e t n e rte ee ettn i . imd examination of teoseinterestcd. 'Frm effecting !unlearn:a with Uri. Company have, brae*, the °peal protection agairet 1 the &dine) , method of Insurance • the addiponal advantageof n direet-partieifiation to-the pa/Idol, i the Comptny;wiLliette any anbifity. , GEORGE W. 'POLAND, Preaidest; B.M. Hißcnrae , SeCret:os. . . Theanbacriber, who is the 'duly tiuthorited Agent or the above named Company, ia prepared to woke tmeranee, at the Office of the .Agency, to the St.. Cha lea Hate•. Third st., third door from Wood sired, and+iU give all timber inf.rmation desired. ____llll.lS..l. CAMPBELL. , '4011.75( FINNEY._ JII. , . abeef Ai murrain, vox, rue DELAWARE .MUTUAL safety Insurance Company orPhlladels. FIP.E.: RISKS oppo boil.Roge nod tattchandisO of every desenotiOn, Sod MARINE RISKS epoe hullo or cargoes or reise' J., -taken orioo the un • larbrable terms. . . tr_r Office in the -Warchease of W. B. Holmes, & Bro., No. 37 Water, near Market street, rani burgh. N. B. The recceu of dna Company since ibecrair.. lirlimente Agency in Ilia city. withrhenneaptiven and arrolay with which every claim unmake:l for Ines has been inhumed. fully weir:lm Ma agent in in- tilling the confidence and puratago - of him friends mad • iata community at large to the Delaware M. O. Ina* , Ironer Company. whit/. it her the additional advanutgaii ts, thowt flourishing in Ph t l le i MX/a—a! having au amp i,a le paid in caplial, which . i by yielding to. ueb p otaon insu re d hi m sloe share o the , profits of the company without involving him, in any reimonsibility whatever; and therefore as I powesillg the Mutual principle , . divestedof every obnoxious feature, an in its moat attractive form. noel • —FIRE AND MARINE INT3NRANCE. . riiHE lnstiMuce Company or North America,. . through Its duly author i sed Agent, the nobscri. bcr, often to make permanent and tutu , ' once on property, in this 'city and its vieinitf, and nn shipments by the Canal and litygra. DlRkielp , RS. ' John C. Smith Pres't:.. Samuel Brooks, Alex. Henry, .Charlen Taylor,: Samt. W. Jonas, Seml.F.bmitb, Edward Smith, Ambrose VVhjna, John'A. Brown, Jacob M . Tiliantas, John White, . John R. Ned, Thos. P. Cope, —Richard' Wood, Wm. Welsh, Arthur°. Ccan,See... This' la the oldest Insurance Company in the United States, having been chartered In 1 . Its charter is perpetual, and from Ida high 'landing, long expe-mence, ample means, and avoiding all nrks of an extra hasardoui -character; ltinay bo en usidered isodering ample security to the public.:. MOSES ATWOOD • At Counting Room of Atwood, Jones & 'Co., 1 Water and Front streets, . Pittsburgh ap2B4f 1 INDEMNITY .: • Ag Linst Lem byl'ire—The FRANKLIN rue Imm: ._ ranee Company of 'Philadelphia, i ini . ~ 1 - 1 1 1 714 Wi ', C.T i r71147g;tri;;:472111 4'4 I BURGH and the eUrcrwUrtullit; , OUNTRY, lon favorable terms: • This company has peep/LW charter. . . . . •• • r' • - CAPITAL • " s4oo,ooo4eddlf t CONTINUKNT FUND SSOOM Office corier . ol Third surdAlarketeta„ , Flttadghi aptB—tf ' WARRICK MARTIN, Agent . ;, INSURANCE. American Wire 'maritime Company% PIIILADELPIIIA. • Ounce Traerrear CAncm.'&o3,oo3 rua In. Office in .Philadelyhia, "IX Rama Sired DAVIDSON: Preat • FPSOtIIiCS Faatn , Secy. - • rfr . MS old and nrellientabladred Cornpany etintinnee ir.Stra DuildirQ. , l'ilerchandise, Furniture and map; arty ryinprtlpl extra hanardoas maim lair or damage by-fire. Applieatioto for Insurances in Finstiorgh o and: ua. neixtdietho will be reeetytA i and risks t Ether perpetually urfor limited period., 611 favorable tunas by • GEO. - ..iCOCORAN,' Agent„._ Ne dt Wand at: Ilordsvaro Stara •Itemovettl. •' - V t Tlll rdIORS AWOLFE having roboved door. tbe • erimer of Libort) .n 1 St Clair FlTeelfy to No' ID Wood oireet, three doors above Oa Clinks /lota Woald , pet attentiou of Lia room to their Met of HARDWARE. CUTLERY arid SADDLERV,fte'd .per chip. Sordnak, tilonotogabeia and Roaoia• dierel the mitoofactorers of Enladd atid nouns: Alio, enrol:es of American Haut itiltte, (1014 theptip , i , t oranufeetorero Of Ibid.:astern Ot ate.. stock beteg autireiy vow, CITA pora gtied'tied' upon the terms They feet sleet eot.b.i.tre in being Edo leeveotirdlly to meet - rotooduline from lII*. gout.. 'it...hereon • ... • 'The I lanlarene business wilt be tonttnet+ the old illtßilialffirielk AILIAL i Momand Yeineme /Segel, : Mtn:listing or Dell Cent,, sett the eelem turd Theam Weil' Mane, 1 brae. Sege» me .norrented *ermine, an they went • , eetett by will be !old to mg meonaterest eeet. ti large supply c(tt arms sad Atnelinon Septa, s: utodente mire , • • • • JA COO Vl4l, Wine Stem, -•• . •• ' • __._~_lC=Met near front atiNi.AK - • ' ISM., LWar receiving A r lT : n einetof f— liatJoiste,Lltitannia,- part as fdltotes has Japanned Ll are, Fdip,lialt noAdimetietin; 4 Itritapnia " do r do, • 0 emelt , . Finglish Tamed Saneepana; 'do Oral Pond 1 ea.° 'hay., arid Waitats; I do Siaatnelled Ware; . • - _do • Prea6ed Ware: 1 cast: Bright 'karat A 19101Iiis a.aind Capper; , platealleneid Copper; lstn lieJanisrin Wire; fid hr. aid) , JOil ItUALAP.I7 Mailer at - A. I.IiDOUV k. CO., NO 17-CA NAL - KTREET, NiMOIMEANS. A. GENTS II !Omani's Even-moo lean Fodor t'ojO ' e7, 7...iLtercintl,l4 i:zmk„gutrit Tiot con aadEdurely. Alas, Panne itooar ' Molaoes.' Prices Mimi and • fair allowanes rinds oa all rides of,rtopeoe..64 barrels. . . mcbll tlk7 AIITUD—A Journeyonor • Tarier orrlftee;r of • 7 7 . good owl peromornt tymuoa, b 7 •M Ow! Nome tholmdersigood. lie mosthavo good mOooutoodidWo ;olio Au:meter ao: IMDI.1111! lIKNOWTT.^. S DIAMONDS-4w veccivect u4 Grr W asoNtrunent CtlikarV. Patent Gip. ricer thamo4ts, St 4117 Drig vragehospne et e to - . J RIDDLCCI,L) %medal. 11 - 9,hut4t!' , gliv,r;:=,xv. •nd sreefctery, PIM, slre&. , T ACIL'IItITTOSS—K/ ram - medul la sire Lite -1...1 Buttons for 4uties dregfts, for oslo ache Trioteiteg store of jellOtf - • .IE , II EA/V4 - .• i j; ~t~ ~i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers