The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, July 20, 1847, Image 4

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    - MEDICAL.
• - •
illigreatfiemsdy for
gasteranion, Conga, Colds, Aeltura, erreichhis. Liver
Complelm, Spimag Wood, Difficulty of Brunie&
Pain tette Side and Drew, Palpitation of the
craves IkhlWy, and all
&awes of lb. Throat: Breast end'
Lam; the most effectual and.
• • speedyeureeverknown for
any of above disears,
•,• '- Is DR.SIVAYNE's •
Aireenen 1.11110 Vanua—Read with sent,
shamed the wonderful cure performed by Doctor
IStrayne's Compound Syrup of WILD CifERRY;
• • PeiLalext.ram,
Dr. Swayne--Dear Sir: In justice to yourself lad
a duty I owe to suffering humanity, / cheerfully
glee my testimony, and declare to the world the
Most astonishing effect., and the great cure your
'Compound Syrup of Wild flh,erryperformed on ate,
under tea moat, unfavorable circumetseces: I was
taken wi th a violent Cough, Spitting of. Blood, se. ,
,ten Pains in the. Side and Sweet, which seemed
break down and enfeeble my corietaution,su trim
ghysiein thought my ease boyood the power of
tine, and my friends all gave me up to die; but
tanks toyou and the effects 01 your great,diacove
rya now feel myself a well man, Mad raised from a
'MOM skeleton to as fleshy and healthy a elan as t
'have heel for years., and shall be pleased to give any
• information respecting my ease, by calling at my
naidence,tdechanic street third door below George
stead, Northern Liberties. J &COB Pmerrln.
• Ttsliswasy• is now rammed from all quarters a
' • .
!hr Globe.
The following letters are presented with a view
- fully showing the opinion. of Physicians In
relation to the Medical value of Dr. SW A YNE'S
: • Dr. SweyneDear Sir. Having treed your Com.
pound Syrup of Wild Cherry extensively to my I
.t=, I was request.' by your Agent, Doctor
y, to espies. my opinion in writing of Its
properties' as a remedial agent, I most cheerfully I
oomplyom I feel by so doing, I will chscharge a
debt ).owe the community at large, and Physician
in partied.. As mod, a . I detest glitch Reme.•
' dim and Patent Nostrums, I was induced from
• s failure of the most potent expectorant., recom
mended In our metros medic. in some cases of
Diseased Lungs, to Fry' your preparation ol Prunus
Virginienr Wild Classy. It ta sulEdlcut to say that
' 7 l wan ad much pleased with, the result of that and
alb es. trials, that I now prescribe it in peeler.
%once to sit other Remedies where an expectorant i.
es - indicated. In the much dreaded Pueuesooia Of
Distract the Lunge, in the alarming form in which
iteppears in Kentucky, I regard it a. an invaluable
Remedy in the treatment or that dtsease. 'fo nil
who know me I have said enough, but as this may
be seen by persona out of the vicinity of Frankfurt
I will briefiy add, that I have been engaged in an
active practice ol my profession WTI years,and am
"It Regular Graduate of Traneylunia, and this is the
first Patent filedicine lever thought enough of to
express an opinion in writing.
• _January 70, 1E77. Franklin County. Kv.
FRANK/IMT, Ky...l2trly 7th; liti
The above certificate is f.rim one of tar Phy el
' cites living a few miles from here, be is doingg very
good pmeuee, and is considered a good Physician,
and stands fair; he is, ns he says, a regulargraduate.
• Druggist nod Apothecary.
Tv:Umlaut's will never cave.
From the Temperance Sledge.
Now that Winter is upon us with its attendee
train of Polutonic and Bronchial allations,Coughe
• Colds, Ste &ewe would advise Mime afflicted
this way to make immediate trial of Dr. Swiyne's
Compound Syrup ol Wild Cherry. It will never
tail to pert. rm a permanent cure. The reputation
of medicine has cm." may &carious ;dudes
to be pot forth under ID name; but the preparation
of Dr. Swarm, besides being the tirst ever offend
to the public, is the only one that can be !elk.' on.
_ The other miller,. sold for Wild Cherry Syrup,
• Salaam., &e., are all spurious and worthless, and
Contain none of the virtues of the original prepare..
tine, Dr. Swayee's Compound Syrup of Wild
Prom the Springfield Express. •
Of the thousands of purported curative nostrum
now before the public, but vary few are lead to
~possesit the healing virtue. for which they ere la.
commended. Among Bat latter we are pleased in
• let= Done stand a better test than Dr. S.syne's
.Compound Syrup al Wild Cherry. The afflicted
.in thin vicinity rare beginning to use it, and to then
joy they' find in he oat their hopes booed upon ito
recommendation, more than realized. The afflicted
- need not despair. While there is life , there now .
(17Since the Introduction of my article to the
public, there have a number of unprincipled inn,.
'ideals got up nostrums which they Insert contain
• Wild Cherry, soma are called Balsams,' •‘ Bitters,'
and even Syrup of Wild Cherry, but mine is the
original and only genuine preparation ever introdu
red tothe public. which tin he proven by the pub.
• lie Records ol the Cdistanwealth of Pennsylvania
The only safeguard spinet imposition ra to see that
my signature non each bottle.
Prepared only by Dr. H. Swarem, at 10.
pal Office, corner of Eaton and Race Streets,
Philadetpbla. All Wild Cherry preparations being
fictitious and counterfeit without hi. .ignalure,
For ante in Pittsburgh wholesale and retail by
Whl. THORN, dB Market street,
• ,OODEN & SNOWDEN. cornea Brut & Wood
• S. JONES., RIO Liberty street :
Sold ale" by , J Mitchell, Allegheny City; Boyd,
Cites & Co., 'Seller Weaver & lieriderson,:hler •
cent Norman Calend ar, Meadvillei J H Burton ~:.
Co., Eris; hrKensie & Llevelad; Otitis
& Son, Columba; Miller, Brownsville; Matadi,
Wheeling, Va.; E B Hinman, Cincinnati, Uhler, Dr
E Easterly & Co., St. Louie; J S Morris &
Logiaville, ly.; Andrew Oliver & Co., New Or
leans. aprs
IS now univereelly acknowledged to he the IN
J. FALLIBLE REMEIA fur Rheumatism, Spa •
nil Affection., Coetractions of the Muscles, Sore
Throat and Quinsy, Issum,Old Illcer.,i'ains in the
• Back and Chest, Ague In the Breast and Face,
- Tooth Ache, Sprains, Bruises, Salt Rheum, Burns,
Coup, Frosted Feet and all Nerved. Diseases:
tended the application of this most WONDERFUL
MEDICINE 'enuring the most severe “.n of the
different Ifiseres chore named,-end the HIGH
ENCOMIUMS that hare been beetowed upon it,
who eeeee it has been introduced, gives me the right
to call on the AF'FLIC TED to resort 01 once to
EDF-T6.1.111V unite in recommending the cele
ated External Remedy, Hunt's Liniment.
The following letter, from the highly eminpr t
Physician. who hate, been attached to the blount
Pleasant Stau) Prmonfor many years, is the best
- - .
t ,
evidence of the ratite 1 this celebrated Liniment.
Sinn 'lna, Decemuer 55, 1848.
My Dear ,sir -...lrece ved . you, note of yeaterday,
dating my opinion in re on to Hunt's Liniment,
ae prepared by Mr Georgs
E 'Stanton. Knowing
lts composition, and having frequeetly need it, 1
. can recommend it to you as a safe External Reme
dy, and in my opinion, the beat Liniment now in
use, Very truly and respectfully your.,
Col * Pierre Van Cortlandt, Croton Manor. .
trolly concur in the above opinion.
YoIIKTOWO, Jan. 14, 1810.'
Sir—ln reply to your lettei, I would say that I
hire' used your External Remedy, called Hunt's
Liniment, la My emetics since you made me ac
;painted with its comparition. and,unheaditingly
• nay that 1 believe it to be tee best kAternal Remo
dy now in ale for the complaints for which you re
command iL Yearn respectfully,
' - BEN/ 1) MILLER, M. D.
deo E Stanton, Esq.
IrrAmong the maw of worthiest; 2r/icier! and
humbugs that are poured forth at the present day
_ von_ the
_coants7. it as really, refreshing to find
something of real practical utellty, something aim
pie, speedy and effectual in in operation, and et
the same time free from those injurious effects
which generally attend powerful remedies: 'Hunt's
Liniment, prepared 'by Gep. E Stantortiot Sing
Sing, though it ham been het a abort time before
the public, has already obtained the confidence, nut
only of our most wealthy and influential , citivens,
4, but our most eminent physicians. All acknowl
edge it lo be a aotereign balm for many of the lila
that flesh lit heir to, soothing the aching limb, and
• by Its Rennie* stimulating tat luence, banishing dal
ease from the System.
Mr. Stanton—Sir—Seeing your advertisement
' 'of Hunt'. Liniment, I sin induced to try its edict.
on my sun, who had been crippled with a lime
back from ao infant; and it is with gratitude I bear
testimony to It. Wonderful healing properties; My
child, who is now five yearn of age. is now 1110 (Alf
- 'way of recovery, Yours, &c.,
Pose Orme., Town tea,
I certify that lam personally acquaint d nto
the - above named child, and think the father *wield
' 'bank in saying that his son is almost well.
Nov 5,11145. Deputy Post Muter.
V. S. I would also state that I have been fur a
number ofiean subject to frequent attacks of the
.Itheomatiwn, which in many intimates presented
my attending to my bniriesa. Two or three appli.:
cations of the Liniment invariably remove all 01l
fectlessof the kind. In cure bruins, sprain
and sten, too numerous to mention, it ban in this
vicinity proved a certain remedy. It. value can
only be estimated by those who have given it i fair
This LIAM'S/ is cold at 85 and SO cems per bcb
tle, by all the Priaeval Druggists and Merchants
throughout the country.
Wholesale Agents in New Y«rk.
RUSHTON & Co, YIC uroadway.
A B dr. D SANDS. corner Felton and William
11.8rINWALL, 86 William strum
Orde addressed to me at Sing Si.'gt N Y, we
be attended to. GEORGF: STAP:TON,
For sale in Tittiditirgb by L WILCOX, Jr. and J
KIDD & Co. Allegneny City,JOHN SA RG EN T
Itirreinghana,JOHN SMITH. !ebb
HOSE mamaaa can owl yours? Look at you,
• • fair young . ante, wither Cried sonny.facei Look
. 11 , V your own; patted with eraptloca and blotehe.! Yet
jou no no moan to five fifty ecnte for a rake of the
great Italian Chemical Coop, which would euh and Too froselhera, aod'enah yotr yetlow akin_ clone and
twaithy. 00 a: once to Jackie:ed. Mahe. Ft Libcny at
Ptoct arch, and get. cake.
'ND7itet.o.`• is the ooly place in Pittsburcii where
the OENVINEi to be *blamed.. Beware of Cooky r,
• kite.
't tEroBSF.ftVE the Mg Boot mute to the tomtit),
Ladies, ladlea,rm asioulalted.
•' . • Warn you k that you •reproaalsed
like, snowy twat le,
Mat you arll4:atill are common eitidlr, •
•A nd you deathly fpn •
• /0116 L
Wo ir efl Ora your alurt an alalmater yet tura! white
samt~JAd Anibe same date clear and improve It. Sold
rN , S, Libtfty at. P 111.23 cent. par hot.'
, mph
~~~ -.
• I — it — k — ATlClMAFAXliallie PACTONILT,
RIDGE ROAWabare Buttonwood Street, Phil
mietphia. At this establistnientmay befriend
the greatest ranety f Plana mul heentifel Patter.
for IRON RAILINGU in the [Antral Mates, to
which the atteetiun of those in want elan, ileac*,
tion and especially for cemeteries, is particularty
„ „
. .
The principal part of all the handsaw* Railings
at Lao el Hill, blocoment, mull other Celebrated
cemetencs in the city and county of Philadelphia,
which hare beeo so highly estolled by. the - poblic
pref., were etecuted at lota nsannfactorYt
A large Were.Roonein connected With the stab
liihnient, where in kept,Cortetantli•on•hind a large
sleek of ready-m.2de Inn Dailings.Ornasnental Iron
Settees. Iron Chairs, new little plain and ornamen•
tat Ir. Cates, nith an tatensire assortment tif Iron
Poste, Pedestals, Iron Arlie:int, &c ADo, in great
_sanely, 11 taught and Cast Iron Urnarnents,soitable
for Railings: and other purpoees.
The subscriber Would also state that in his Pat
tern and Designing Department he has employed
some of the beat plant fn the country, whose Whole
mention so aniseed to the onsincumforming alto
gether one of the most complete and systematic es.
tabltshist n ol the hind in t h e Union.
itouracr WOOD, Patinae..
Ridge Roast, above Buttnitstood street.
Philadelphia, March It. Dll7 dtimor •
rptiEC , II:Arh:: , I*(3OI.OANDSII.VF:ft A 4 ATCII
Gold Levele.loil JetrrllrJ,
Saver 'do do . 1•1 OU
Gold !repine., Jerrened, SO
-irlver do do 13 UU
Silver (Smaller, erne ,
Gold W ruches. plant, 13 141
:bluer etpcon TS
(told l'euetls,cles. •
I al
Gold Graceletr, 4W
Alro on hand. n large .401111.111 of Gold 'and lime
Llorecdritu r finger rouge, brea.t pins, hoop ear rings, gold
pens, raver +poops, eugar.toriga, thimbles .gold nook ,
curb and fob charms, guard keys and jewe lry' of every
doses toren, at equally low prices. All l want rs a rail
to convmcc cuamme re.
All hind. of Watch. and Clocks repaired and arrn.
ranted in keep good time for one year, old gold and ail.
boughs of taken in exchange.
I'or vale, elght day and thiny•lvour brass Clot kv, at
Watch. Cork, and Jewelry Store, No 4131 Aladin
ary', a:AA, Eieventh, North aide, Philadplphia.
1.7 1 have seine Uold and Silver Leverarvillleheoper
than the above nee, jadd
IMIN :laminar possesses mug advantages over an
others—among which's.) be mentioned,
fllsensvaldeness—The rapid 10 0 and fareeof blow
may Ise enact - v.llrd with the prate. ease. , while the
nominal in open and the hammer may be
'slant)); arrerted,und aton, .upended at any height.
It. Universality, or capaciry to execute work of alt
kntu roan the tat.. to the mut Ilea), under the Fame
I'4 ntpli sty. Compactor. and Gamma..
It. Se...dainty upon all ludas, b; the warYmen.
All the hammer. arc made ftlf•Acting.
The rulniettbers continueto eacenie order. lot the.c
o-aline., of all inves, upon reasonable terms.
Far further parueolitre,inqnire of
—ipm. or the Patent Ibr the Crated
0rt.1 , 1), euuthwark Foundry, Phllod'st•
' Manufacture. of ;
'or ALL 0050010t1003
No. 384 Bomb Front Iltrect,
Back of 7 A. W lison's Cabinet Ware Ma, ul y,
• -
K LLorders let whit S. S. bloc., tbebeEce ordw
Merctmol`n Marl, PEa.shosEh, urlll 4epr.IPII9
mended to. TIIOS. G. DERRY
wcp1(1.4111 . 'A. C. NICKERSON
111 ruKTER of'Weitchm. Watchanakerla . Toole; and
Watch :Venetia* wholmale .cl rema i ned cow -
inanity on band a lame &momenta( L.., Peanut.
and PIAUI Glat , t, , lllainsprangs,.V•rpe,.Dialv,—Wateb
- Hands, and a complete aseartutedt at alai.. and Ida.
belonging to the tradil . with a large amortunnit
of Mold add :laver Lever, Leptne, and Plato WatcLim;
all of which he will guaranty to tell at the lowest New
York prices. All orders from the country pan...)
es mined.
N. a--Countrr hforehonla athloihe:a are invoed in
rail and ea amine qt the Ohl:hand, No. MI South Fourth
eti-et, Philadelphot . ! . ]11.42 am
• _:-
1441LIIESS ALAJCZU, Yell Chesnut et
PhiLodelphica.L. of the Ann of Ogle 4.
%ra n o, : Wm./. resputfully informs his feels&
and the public, that be has and veal keep
commode on bend end fur mhos handsome lIMCOf 'WU. of
ithimable Carriage,. Vehteles of all styles end descriptic,
made 4, ocder at the aborted possible woke, am executed to
,be eery tout manna, tabulated material. fetal-1y
m - bTcAL.
. -
It-INSISTING of his Prophylactic Syrup, a ear.
1,./ tats remedy loran Consourstvz and Scroll
loan allections; Cough Syrup, Cronp Syrup, Coto
ceotrated extract of Santaparilla, decidedly
miperior to all other extracts. haring given relict
.bra ::C others hare tiled , being through a- n ew
?,/t,esl tiara concentrated th ou any mho/ ever
whored' to Mo public. ASTHMATIC ELIXIR,
haying elected permanent cures of that stubborn
disease, when of more than 12 yews manding„
hence it stands without irival in that much dreaded
Dr. Rose's LINIMENT, for all case. of weak
oars or pain, and a complete substitute for blisters.
Dr. R. - ma's TONIC AIIXTI RE, 30 itirMilbi•
curs, for all e and ferry, Idzcii is mare of a
for fevers of aP ...a bark. or qui.
where known, is used in preference to any other
Vermifuge preparation. •
Dr. Rewe's TONIC ANTI—DISPEPTIC, for all
diseases of the Stomach and bowels,.Ch.lera in.
fections, Ice Too high au encomium cannot he
paned go the merits of this medicine, in core or
Dispepsia, sod all diseases that result from vreak•
tie.s of stomach es had digestion.
Dr. Rose's FT.M.t1.1.: I!9 I.S, amust valuable
remedy for those general complaints to which fe
males arc subject.
No pill ever before altered the publican happily
combines the qualltrea of a valnaole meffieine,as an
ant.Filispeptic LIVER or Stomachic pill, correct
:rig those di seases, and thereby preventing con
sumptio. A young Lady Ph years orsge, having
a diseased liver for some time, her strength prm,
tratcti. and appetite gave, was completely restorc4 , l .
In eta weeks by the use of the Anti-dispense vitia. I
titre and these pills 1106 e.
- P L ASTER,I or wesk seas et the back,side
breast, &c.
Dr. Rose's SPECIFIC EPILEPSY,the meat cer
tain remedy for all cases of fits or convulsions,
whether in infants or adults. So certain a specific
is it lor this formidable disease that the most oh
stinate cases, sod those too of long.stasding, bare
yielded at once.
years of diligent re+earch ohs compound was discov
ered, end to. never HAM, efficacy plates its efficiency
stave au woes* for the core of Itheamonsm.
D. Itoser's ASTRINGENT COMPOUND, a certain
remedy for rpitnity blood, Indeed for dor barges of
bleed shrther from Lungs, bowels or othe nasA 01 Ibr
1)1. it.G . R SYRUP Mr Chile m and Boom' complaint.
—Thinwiowre will creed:tally core bowel complaint.,
try mury,Cbolnra Ma Mt., nod Cholera. Al the twro,
A.Lod Cholera woo rum; to Philadelphia it two*
found o, hr . the moot roterertfol arrenior Iv, eating
now irnths of all throw who maid it-
. .
What' may be said of one of them remedies may by
ra.d of all; their value will only be appreciated be
those wholly them. Letters from Mate who hove Leen
oftlie various nasbnlvers that MEM,. Me human
body might be given, but we are smiling to rest the
mutter on the merit. of the compounds. lVe have a
punitees for *Willa, in its various korms.Po condensed
and efficacious abet Its healing power - has astonished
many. A case of Cancer,occumng m the wife of - the
lam tiovemor of Delaware ; we! completely cured in a
few months The eancer had teen twice 'eat Val by
prominent Surgeons. and renewed Itself with increased
malignity, yet notwithstanding the debility of Constitm
eml r..moval of the son parts, the use of the Pro.
flit gene completely removed every orange of the
Corer, innumerable of the various cat. that have
followed the one of these retnedice are iu oar ;vanes
bot it 111 nut decmod necessary to enumerate them
ar the use or them will recommend them to
J. SCHOONNAKER., tr. Co., No M Wood 'Street
Agent,' for Pitsburgh. toedly
e,REgN"lfollNTUArdihrilitlarl , ; - 77
1.5 Y aw Vona. Nov 18,1t0.
lientlyaren: Come aeven or eight moths ainen,• ore
mona upon the bottom orb. of my feet, which was
very painful, I commenced applying the YD.' remedies
._ 001 unruccersfally, the rare continued to get
deeper. 0101rpread to theMte of the palm of my Itsni;
I not only had the advice of phyticiator. but used all the
vea and pain extractor. I could hear of, and onions
of Meal bad the edict in fell., the pain or censor the
progress of the usu, there sem mount inflammation
/Ili:. sod • revere and perpetual fnien. and it bad settled
down 14110 • regular freer rote. Ur. Speneur Stallard
of this city. advieed me to try your Ointment; I laughed
at lire idea. but upon his urgent solicitation. I concluded
to try it, and to my great relief and'armitiohment, it at.
moat instantaneously relieved the gain,"Sneed the
inflammation, and commenced healing th sore, which
If ow nearly well.
I do confidently and sincerely bolter. that it will cur
any fever sore-if thortmghlynpplied.
Respectfully yours, It PARSONS
Ferrate by It P 1 SELLERS. 57 Wood •t. jr.3
From Hey. Charles Merlon, allnieler of the Baptist
Chore!, Wooster, late of Ashtabela. 0
Messrs. 11. Ilwns & Co, I'mprieuirs of n s
Chemical Platter, Gentlemen;—For several tiara I
hive froth me tested the vinucaof E, Dian's Ch cal
Plaster by sting it in soy fondly ea a remedy for Rhemiets
matnth; wealsness and lament. of the luck, pan in
the breast, inifehanan of the throat and ;eye% wpm lit
the breast, &e; and I take plearyie in say ng topes end
to the Rubin-,that in every cave I have. found it useful.
and I do believe that said Plaster possesses vinare of
more than ordinerreberaster, and that is will general
ly lin found a safficient remedy for Ilene dtwasea for
which it is recounnended, and Iv-justly entitled to the
nonce and oatronageof an enlightened romtnnnity.
Yours truly, CHAR. MORTON.
:;,_Winister, 0., Dee. •10.114 h.
'.bold by 1111 Fahnestock & Co. career First & Wood
; _j_ thylil&er
nonars - AnitiseAln -
EFIE:CTUftif.Y. and speedily 'cured by the use o
Me Crest Remedy or Nature, AMERICAN
It almost tosinaculoasly reduces inflammation s and time
setaetly is warranted In all CR4COI W Imre do seam or
. the fifth..
Sold wholesale sad retail by \SM./AMMO/ilia' hm
Root and Shoe. Store and Patent Medicine Warehouse,
soli em e e., tr
bottlehe. ad f Wood, Pittsburgh. Price po. e.
cents and II per .
W jecimon a t he Eseluslee Agent kir Western
peuesyleanta none awanine but what is sold by HIM
or HIS epperipied Agents.
N. B. A Pamphki containing arapje dire.... he.
with the names and eddies. of the Proprietor eioi Prio
cipi Agent, is earnlnPed rich .appar of eaeh bade
Abundance of certificates can be men at the Mora
, For about nee year, preview* to making use of Mr:
Renee EGAOO , 4III Pink I have Mirere4 extremely from
Dyspepsia, and an mid Moinach...l bare made nee of
• peer variety of medicine
sie v e vnaon receiving =aerial
benefit. About three Months e I commenced rising
Mr. Scar'. Medieine which bee entirely relieved me
fin. acidity elm/ nedimmlN and Mtllfei tab Intender.
hove l ad ' ;70 1 Elf 11:, y alll e r41411 1" 'TbnltZ
fromtl em. eon emelidattee recommend them: •
JANE LEE,IIs7 Golsen es:, •
erbotemle and retail, by AFA I
nd TCK
I CO, earner of in sod Wood, and Wand e Iltb f.
• ler
.1 B.:INOOLDSB1 , 11 Ma Braila, an isittrual.
Retrain ad radial rem abatis...Wend, ee
lading or bliod,elio, he kabalm ache kiihrja amyl tad
pup a the leak ulle, habitual coeileaseo, etre
- ratan before sad Ow ecaOseauces are am. troubled
=..'"?' re eh a r e
• ets the
*T. el; Let la at.. it i irpt
14, and 4 a main rand . The Specific taper
rarities, ia ea ottirely v trittortit a per
tick or petboriatteerars or t to Wu Itta ran
foray hamlets /33 the mot delirat cutt., •
This is ts early that I bum Dr. Inslathy% Pik Spastic ;
to isr • tennis core sod am aft rethedr. Harin g seem its diet
sesersl odes, sasoodst
as lhatit i cin several eon
firmed sad seism esiss or the pe lobes* it Rode emirs
casein awry HEN le WIDTIDEAD,
Neer Yatis, hisy, VIC 354 siirth stmt.
I this:alai, giro oiLtelt ri l t osoy an to Oa ortaia mod mom
uhin a , m. 'a Pilo Simcif,t, as I know n
Poo my oraFritoot , G100m.% to be ioadLible:
Ming moil with mono is wool ma of piles male
sod foal. GEO. MILLER,
Nor York, May, ISO. • 364 Sittherro.
New York, May,lBls.
bare the plevnee to say, that
your attach., D. logibithrs Pike Spreille, ha mode a per
fect cure in the care of my saterond I now gif • pool word
Gat I born beco sorpriad at it., as it woe in mmTy opintoo-
piewible to core her. Hower., lan oow testif, to the ma ,
wow La being infallible, and do advise all others who am af
Skted in the like maw, to procure the article,. 0.. y ma,
depend fin a rFr ti oeura. ..
Yours with aspect. ,
West Chester, N. Y., blot' IS, 1641
Or. logoldslaY—Dear Sir:—That you may Nauru o th r ,
-who maybe sufering, tie well as to capreas toy gratitude. for I
the benefit I have dem., from the use -of your ealuable Sot.
rifle, I comply With your raved, and now do give my testi.
mooy in fame *Fit, has mg been cured of a severe atisclit of
the Pike after having wed dbvr remedies without aeons.
Yours with respect
Sold wholaa/e sod retail by Whl. JACKSON, al ha' Fe
ria Medici. I,}ortliouw,aud Boot wad Shoe Store No. lit
Liberty Wiwi, awl of Wood, Pittsburgh. Price, .50 ant.
mimic . yen I k—dly
0"" No. GS DI ANIOND At,
LKW. n few doo. tiplow
Wood street, unvardo tba
i '•~
aving been regularly ed•
ne H cked to rho medical pro.
iceman, mud been for some
time in general practice,
toconfines his aneurism
e treausieth of Meow
private and delicate cons
`phials fee which his °rim,
11/11411. and experlener
pertains:lT quality bite.—
, devotes" me tar study and
treaweal of a., , g r., sdardig which Laic he
has had more practice and sari cured isms., p.1(1114 than
can ever faiths the lot or • y private practitioner) srlo
ply qualifies him in 0I! rr as tartness of speedy, person , ,
neat ,and satisfaidno lure wall aßicted with ilsZiems I
'diseases, mid all diseases orieln therefrom.
Dr. Drowal would inform those afflicted with prim
duets. which have became chronic by time ar oggravn
, led by Malawi of any of the co omen nostrums of the i
drat their complaints can be radically and din. 1
oughly eareil he having given its Careful attention to 1
1 die treatment of such cases, and succeed.' in hundreds 1
1 of instances in curio; persons of intlarnat.en vi he neck
1 - of the bladder, and kledred diseases whir:soils, rend;
m those cats, where other. have ennisigued theta to
ho ru peleu despair. De particularly_ invites such ns have.
Leen long ruld'unsuceessfully treated by others to row
salt him, when retry satisfaction will be given them and
their cases treated in a careful.tharongfiad onelllgant
manner(poln't4 set by long experience, study and in
sesfigauon, which it is unpo“ible for those engaged in
general immure or msJir.,nm to give any one cinss
113 * Hernia or Rupture—Dr. Dmern also art
persons ',Meted with Verna to call; at. he has paid
panicular attention this disease.
Skin Diseaties; also Pile., Palsy, ere speedily eared.
N. EL—Pafieuw of either sex living at a dlinunce
by stating their disease in writing, giving all the syrup'
WWI, Can obtain medicines with directions for use, by
addressing T. ußowri, rd. D. "post pa' I and each,
' CiVe r e ' lfio.63 Diamond idler, oPlvs.i'e aveny
Cgs No ear. a oat.
La It Is nor principle to the natutigenternof dip , paper
to police anything, winch we Ind cwt. /rain e erroual in ,
vestigation, to be of utility to the ,albs aume of Ito.
Jayne's medicines we have used input Conti, for many
years. For instanee the EXPECTORAN r. the CAR
MINATIVE, and VERAIIFIIGE, which we know to i •
be good for the complaint. they profess to cure. We i.. . , . k n ee lt aA„ l ... T - ..,0, ,..... ,, ,. ,
were On Like Ontario Om past summer. when seven.. ~,,,,,g ~ ~,1 +nu _ ,
or our trodelling tompanionc tram havdig io Ws. tei ,,•, n',o al' e prep. . ivil 10M7 , , 0 1
i t
d a . d: , tlt .s li I ,, ,, n l , te•e m ti , t r ln . . ,
New •Vo.t,iliank. Inc many days. tte hmestone.water ' ••',""...,••''R.`••',' C ~ ' • ... ..:•••' •i
of tint region, wane badls no
with vddant Dar. • ''''',•••,,••••- !mon, • A • , , ,, ANtsl...bA ta•
fides. and Dromiery. Mr II had protidt•d laisell.. - PICJCWORTIII & CON LIXE.
previous IThlt•Xvitig bdine, with -The Comitnatrseor Dr • , I s
_ I 7 :
Jnyne.• and in all eases of Its use among Inc tem, ,
mrn. it mad auccessful iu etleenng 0 rurc : . ~ , , .
The FixOemoraid we have loon ti used anloos Our I .ENI- 7 1tOPOV:i.I.1 Ito I: Ican.spooto
. of 0 . 0 AV
intimate blends iikth equal ...foto, nod .00 . O el Poo ", :t,:il ' t .."‘" • '''n d' - butan• 1 ,,, F0.Ja1 ,,, 5•
we shall de a giant Oct to famines (especially
me t sit- twain ilopidat 4.utelt. Wake, Poreel, l'otorsbureOt 00l
U 5 1 ,41 SO they cannot have liCrlf• to in2111,11141e fordo al oil ...Wed.. , pOres
skiil.l to odetea them . o keep no band Loth the Ca peso. One
f eat se , less-,rte oarolso , or of I. ONB Attuity
ranXend Clarentuanv 'Phe F.xpectrausti ta lieltesedty kit'o. , • Fnisi'mnit•cror day, Er•kcPt i'nkJalci and
gond physician. to be the best temiw for Putman., I slntpeosan alwitis cos haw, their good• for
Conntomniye Cannplatrita, that has ever set been not. ssaincd without delay ...oh. sa+SoOo ,
pounded The res.on
Dr. Jayne I. Ito, a i , TL " 1 - 11 `k •••.^ •• ,, m' the sillwial accommadacon
a regular, neienttfic, and &Lir medico, prnennoner tnni• ' at IL ' war boson's , mki We I''''Pckk , c , te`Ocr ,,,, t , r
self. Ills Medicine are used by tile Iwo oiler:clans . sol , . 1e.... , .Lang 0 , , ,,, 1;1:L00 . V . 0.
EZRA 1101.DE.N '
Ez t ,,, of 0.,
T F A rini,d.,,,, c,,,,,,, . JOON NCB WOW' IL JOHN MILLER .
1,...e.,,b,i, . th e l'Elil N room.% , DAN% II LIAIIOI6 ULMER I' Wti,JD.,
72 Fourth Weed, steer Wood and also at the Drug et.oze • WILLIAM I'll.l'l '
of II P Fehwane. Federal si. A ' , eh, oy . rett,Masall JOON 1111.1.1.11, IloilOto -1.,0p1.
It II b'tA N. 1,1,1,5,, ,'
d .k""''
-- I
- - TOliiii Cl' FOP. PA . 1 . 1.: 1K TS ,
. 1 TiVaartirtg f dal , D. C. ' 11.1./Ilitarics.
.7 OA C. OBBIN Mechanical Engnuer and t J J McDevitt, John Parker, Robert Moore, !bigotry
_Li Av.( fro p R m ' ; Patera; will prepare the ne- I k knah. Pittsbuntic mark
cereal; -Iltratelng.l% Panels for Applicants rur r- i - 'LAKE EIUL A %D - m t un GA I. LBE.
==act all other hunticak di the line of Ins ,
ite, Patent Office. lie cal. he cOnSulted • . P''''''._
__/".. 1:847. 1 , :17.r
un all gueiuons relating to the Patent Laws and demo Vs--"kSis , i-F-t .
wk.. ul. Vk U•ii'd s'ilik • ''' Eiii. F . ' P. •••• .' • I 'PHIS Line be in g t omptised or : r, ..1..,r...t.r.,..,
distance . •dotta of havvig examinations mode at the i i . n , t ~,,,,,‘.,,,,„„,,,,,, 1 ,, c, ..., 1 , , „„ .,.. , „
Patent a. ~, prior to ma,ing appt iescon for a pa eat, I ott , tt „,... r. ,„, tto t, t , o „, t0t .,„...,,, t s ,‘, „ 8.. 0 .,
! ter rtes
N li ,-. A .-I ''''''"' , ' ''''''' '''''"'",! ~......-.8,„,,,, kn,,,„1,-,„,,,,,,,gL.
la , i , .' . ~,,,.. 0,-, c.. , ` • ''''''''''''' •""-- i M Red' ldoeol ateautoat Pnspiter, d 5
,ti be gIOCII to of and all the mimeo,. Mal ' ~,,,„. ~,,.. ~,,,,, ~, p „p”,., „,„„ ~e
~‘1 , ,,
I could be obtained by a rich of ine appliennt Jo per.") ‘ ~,, ttl Navigation to taro, p t , ttt ood „.,...,,,,,.;,
i proropdy hominunicatcd. sh isnot. Oa ;hr Inc,, Canal and Lakes
I All lett I's on limners 11.1/51. ,0.1. 1,11.1 and comae ~,,,„,, ~,., „ r i t ,,,,..y.„.„,,,,„ t,e,„,, and-par
a soilable fee.. where a written orkition is required. i ~4 , ,,„ ~,,, p ,,,,,, p ,„„,
~,,,, ~,,,r 4„ ,„. ~,,, c . •
(Bike o IF street, oppraite tba Patent Othee.
11 ,
i and morns le•peetrudy sol,en from the n fr.ende arid
Ile has he honor or referring, by Permisaton. to ; ,„ i .,,, , , ~„„o i x ~,,,,,. „„...,
iron. :Mound Burke, ComouasiOner of Patents; .
( i lii , lckF A :f' , l4 ) : A ll l , /t/r. ,, r t . ::!0 . U. ,, ..r , . ,, A . 7 0 .•
Bon. I L Ellsworth, late do do do; •
I II K . Wes, Machinist,. Patent Onkel •
lad Craneb, Wa.holeton. DO, f . 4.‘, ~ , ,"I‘LrlJ mot Water so. vp,, , :,e Or kl•nioug t
, lion. i Choate, klitstacatono, l' tk row.. 1.1.01 a Iltnito . '
I ilOrt. V Allen. Ohm.
lion. li Myelin. M C,M.e.oun,
I .
I lion. VAL,'" lialL New Vara
,• lion. ben Smith NI C. ',lino ,
Hon. Breese. Li Baena.,
I lion. Il Rene, ki C. kliasourn
I Capt. II hi 'Bier, Modaturn
. .Brooks. EN, Pittsburgh
. - -
Attorney, Counsellor and General Agent.
rt of
Agent for
a r e in ii tat he
selling real estate...l Ott cdr i dnil
will deep e a lrg portion of hie time and attettoon to
the leant, .limo( and burn g of hooter. morea and oth
er Intildat at in collecting mill ilt thiamine [l2lll.tud oat
er G1i1615 od demand.. and in attendlun to Agency hat
eines* e rally. Ileartllatan engage in the ammo..
lion of nt, contract*. etee'and Will fantoth ...annum
inkirmati n IR relation mate afro; p 111L1611lICS and te
em:molt:ll its of tenmo,' An. for which Lit ementtee
acipaint ea eminent!, ytalifiet hon. !tensity 12.3 found
at bit resi once, No 141 Allen sweet. unit! 1.2 o'c/Mll
in the mo ning and after 0 o'clock In the evenmn, and
at ether h at hia ogee. No 10 Chambers meet, 2114.1
floor fren room. NEW FORK.
REFEEENCES—Iton F A Tollmadge, lion John J 1
eaamia he &Noce for themselves, as .II will be cold
wholesale or Wail, and a Ithcral deduction rand- It
who/nada purchasers
nadir I 4 Wi..gTERVF.LT
ADIIIEB Who Ilse Common 'urn
ilia. at'r
.1-1. rtes t ilt aware how frlghiklly muttons I la to
h e
ow pause. how rough, how sallow, , et tow,
and entre Ithy lb.. clrin appears after using prepared
chalk' Lleaalr. it a te intrtook, rontaininca using
nip of [cal We h prtparc.l • b•intitfal revisit , .
mete. a bleb we call JONlt'at'S SPA fklall 1.11,1
WHITE! Ilia perfectly 01,104,111 belfl•punOrd of all
cleletenno • au•hltra, and tn Imparts 0 tio. shut • now
rat. heal , , alabaster, ctr•r. it rang while. tri thecatttc
mac set. alas a cotter - be on i ris 0k..., ataktkr it oct•t•
and tun
Dr. Jar •• Anacr•on. Practical Cherutst of blow.
telt ut,ta a), - Atter analysing Jones's rtp•morl. I.lllr
Whale, IGof it nos ea u the mart brauttfel •1111 nub,
rut. at 0. f.•••• tame Innocent Phllr I •Ver .51W i
rennin!, tott [0•11GirillIMI•ly reromon•ml Its u.• to all
who-c.a.. require. beautify mg ''
Pei„ •biCS rants a We i c, by WM JACIOtON. at his nont •tvl Ha •
Oterc.artl, Iro ny street, bead of Wood, .it 111,51[11 of
tb• !be Mini rt . .
. b__
SIX L CTURES un the 11SES of THE LI IN G 9
Can tr, Prescott. and tare of Consumption
Aellima,t nd Disease. of the Heart. On We Laos
of Loose ity r and wale of preserving male and It
male Ilea th, symmetry and beauty; exposing nears
.:and mare sr, those diseases that prodece Consurop
tma, or shortcolife,as Aflectione of the Ski a, Set Lie,
Stomach, Bowels, Kidneys, Liver, Scrofula, 1.11(0,
tr t,
Gravel, nd Female Complaints. Its fellow, 1r13,.
practical nd pure, unto a guide to perfect health
and lung life. MI Engravings, ZIA page. le cm.
Postage g eta. By SAMUEL 511 EI. DON
_FITCH, . M., 51. D ,at 707 BROAL) , W4Y, NEW
Any person remitting fifty cent., free, will receive
one copy, lay mad, to July part. The trade supplied.
Feb ID, 113174fint
.1./ RE I EDY—Warranted to cure, or the mon,
ey return . Thm medicine re prepared rront an It •
Mao Recroptotibtained from one of them in the Jr ar
West, atl great expense. non who have Been
famther tyith the Indians, know that they can and
110 cure macre:it without the knowledge el Met ,
eery, Reigate, or anything of the kind. The at
flitted have now an opportunity of being cured
with°, 1 in Wart of Balsam . Tin. medmine is
pleasant Fbe taste, and leaves no email ou the
Prepared by ROWAND & WAI:FON, and sold
whole al
. 1
sad road, by J. T. Rowand, 376 Market
-street,Ph ad'. •--
Fifir sal In Pittsburgh by R E Sellea, 67 worn
atreet. In by We, Market wt. ineAdw'r
No steel No Pay I Pile. I Piles i
DS kron`s . F.mbracanou is the cal) meat( inn that
Will Ma'am so ear% I' 01611,1011 toil troublcionr
diseue It Pot only tame tritely allays pain and Ingo
mailer,Wei all bleeding, subdues th at intolemble itch.
Zase be l;Vg•Vete a n ' t t i irre7gise t t n ble ' rr years l' '2 .
ha appflC•liall produces sto pain, but rather an agree..
We and Mellon! sensation If Wm.. WILMA mid
call and heir of the great amber of mate. that have
been care 4 'they 1•131 be aatoniehed. A gentlemen of
si .
ii ,, ottY. 6 had Wen under the karts of the eargeon
Oar tumor three t,maa enamel being eared.has by w
inger:ion 1: the Embrocatton , been eradreelly eared
It wills be e d procacnt .1.-(Phil. Patarday Courier
4 ...1..s
iir kt to Putsbunch
v at the PEKIN TEA
KR,. yank sweet, near wotal, and also at the
Drug tim e iff 11 P Schwalm, Federal at Alleglomy el
ty areflith siii
190 L P rim . amernaa aim/familiar t•cetcce •
for sale by.JOHN D MORGAN Druggist
I Y 7 I' 031 wand at
=Ff. -7.1 - 7 •
F.S.k.a (EIS r - EA CKIVI , ,
trtha.i s , r. - iiitettm
TILE public ktre respectialli Antenna-IThu thiaLlne
coonnetwe running on orate:nit the 16th. (tenant,
and 5.0. Le dintAgliont the KRUM. The propecuirs
have now placed nauperiovelow, Panketaann
awl Can on the route, with extra Accommodation.,
which will give stealer comfort to traveletA
A Packet DOM will alwitis be in port, and thAtrae•
cling arc !nonrigid. to eallan4 czantete thew,
FAVIV:I:/O . ITA te"
One of the Peel:eta will leave the landing. (apposite
the United Slaws lintel., earner Penn snow and the
Canal, tivety stet et 9 o'clock .• •
• asst 2i DAYN.•
Far information apply at the race. Manaarrahala
I \ Vats, racct. or ia ~ D & Ca
archl3 . . ear Pena &rola awl Calaal
WEBTICItN TRA mslioxituTitiiii
18 4 7. nft
~..; LgECII A c 0 ,..
MirWRFN rtimmuiuni.
• , / , 111; sock of 11,, line e.,itj. .Idwjt,fp dvij
Ilona and Cam (owned by , thetroielees,l
urhicli are la good ord,. The subscriben are preps,
rod to (ward a large twantny Merchandszo and
Produce wsth venal/11y , nod dispatch:
Natur or Merchandise cosigned to any un
ta (*prattled Ire. ot any charge for common
awn or
LiOadi ragr
oKtranottrited and till instructmn. promptly l
Ittended to.
•I 'Elm Logone. of Bole, a Line enodocied on y
I?a , broh&eepine principAgareaa, or ut,py ro
I) LEECH & Co, Piogriemit.
Cana! Bivin.Pittabuigli
BARRI:42 LEEClLYmprietors,
No 13 etteet.Pliilndolphia
JO TA vixm a SONS, Arcata.
No I C 4 'North llowarii.trect. Baltimore
' 1Y 11 .W1L...0N, Agent, -
mehls No 7 Weal vire...Nem Cork
PiTTsnoncri VORTA U. LINE.
1847.• ffiggeg
the way, anA tbe consequent 'EA of 'lda , ortmaye,
breakap• and •upaczoon of rood,
1.108 ILILIAS, & CAttll
No B.n aluthet at ram. Philadelphia
TA A Frki & O'CiUNNOIt
Car Venn and al., Pitt.liorth
OT:t1NN011. & Co, North street, Caltiloote
W A 1 T South 91:N. V.
Escourriged i.r.orea.eif bonnier., the Proprielho
hate ioldc.l stork arid extendcal their arrange•
tenflis during the winter..usitt are now prepart.d to fur
wasd deign snob reaulurttg'and diapateb unrutpasiird,
by any other line. Their long capertence as earlier.;
the pAlp.thleJoiperiority of the. Portable Dour Slsietn,
sod the great espanuy and COll•eitielcCel of the ware
helms at each end of the line. are peculiarly ettlettlw
wit to enable the proptictors to fulfil their engagement.
nod acmodate the,, enAtetners—cmti
toe part al Aga:cant{ ter the future. they reattcetfolly
10:1C/ t n continuance of that patron:see which they 110,1 ,
,graietally et:knowledge.
All cousignmentr tr, Tomb. & O'Connor will be reed
and forwarded Steamboat eltargea paid et.d 11111. to
Lading tratunkeed free at any ...War for Cominirriow
advancing orWeraga Having en tutereld directly or
indirectly in meanahrram, the interest of the' consignor.
Mon neeeibtartly /Jr their bowery object toAtimping
weal, and they pledge theutselve. le forward all gad,.
t Designed to them promptly and Ole the U../ advanta
ge:no term. to the owner..
March 1,11:47 mach
N 11:14 P„JE N DYl,n'u
-- -00 AT LINE. - •
13 47, rA a a a4i'
Gonda runaignra wourcarr wdl hr in arJrd I.v.ih•
oul Orlaioit a airrni 1.4.1ing
aiid all onli prompil, iiitrikl4 a in
iter. (mu tiny r.rtra riale •ionig.: or. ozoin,,,na
Aildr, apply in 4. A Mr A.N CIA"," A. C.
WLerlrr. Crueler & Co; Now 1,.r 1
Ger, Davis, liutfaio
K N ['asks & Cu„ Cleveland
la. A. Aro:Wrong b. Co. lkoreol
NtrClute t W W.. 51.11vrault.c
Bristol & Moe ago
W. Pommel, l'ovetrarowu.
Gay )lar helm y IC. Eva nO.utg t, ~,,,
John Pie &oho', teo,on,
lV,ea b. Acker, Gr.:0w.... on
Craig , fr. Frampton. C:arlunrilte. on
I laysA l'intalt, Sharp.i.mtga, Pa.
C 11a!an,
R Cl3llllll/01MI New G.rie, o . - mar..
labia 1847.
rip HE itoprond method or rum Ing tr.ed 1,1 long
1:1,61,/&ed Barra,ruu.r.o well knot. Iltot
•cr ipuou Is oun-ecorotV. Good,. are oed Olt tbe
todtc, tbus ttao•toptneut rot. liondbog JPoared
The Boots are of I&U l drought and perform the/t trips,
la tiara gig to revert drty.
rbe cart* fly of our Warcleouws onsl4e4 11 , to store
any uott , too , ,
adances hey ebarges,
Bung &lig prepared to tool, tale. of ProJnee.
rev...1;014 .died I .. .argument, we , tern Flour,
Kocon, L ord, Ca res, SVuol i reatherf and ml,er
article. for AA!, as mleences ho
mule and Lola, to.] ise.lmefi •IfordeJ, pledging uor
felterr Mat Sny Lou•itiriS fill/PYleii *ball to, u.
promptly r xeco , 4 and upon Mir ILI.* alt by usq
atl.t • I NO &Ir.FADEN SCa
renal Hawn, Pittal•orgbl
DOta VIS& Co
249 Ka/ 2:sl:tiarke
East aim , N;rat and Bridgetralex,
Proprietor and &lour el 0 , 00.11
TI!..L plerated oa arlLt At opening of come nue.
VV C aton lo
Arelvo ppertyat lot wharf Lan or
in warehouse, far all youth an h ue F.Xtenwon. Crow.
Cut, sod Claw Canals, forall twits on Lake Et ie unJ
upper Laker.asulsa acrorard Pool., 3, reelea
lestranoyt weal, Apply 111 14.1.Ircrwo
Ichatela JAS It.
II rniatte.• II Hoops T. h rtamon.l A. en
CLARKE & C0.,-
feorworrelling a Crialataloalota Mlarchnalls,
VElt. PA i
niity ketowit to the public), wal prrpare.l on 11,.
catlitoot opening of canal naviiration In receive plop
Ertl Pittatiorgla anal Heaver, and deliver filename an
any point on the Ohio canais, and also on Lot,. fine
and Michigan, ankh th e gyrate. ilo..pairh and 01
°manic ranna.
Th e pm.riofor • of [l,l line mkt it the of
Ave form er tun:Ater. pan coannaite, knowing Man
their lamb tie Stem:moil to none.
Apply to or addtrsa
M PittrUrgl.
CLARKE b. co, Bettyer.
TBolllllell'll PottsMe Dom company bang doe
volved, the Company again went tom articles of Co•
parniewhip molm the home of the 'lloourten'a Line,"
anM likewise agreed In Tell the Muck tut u Inds aye a
number of Matt for the purpo, of currying good.
tlonugh in (rum do to eight day, with co:flintily—and
tel encouraged by the liberality of Inn ) ear% patron
age, to make Inure extrtc!i Yr orraogenteT. [or the ?i
-alog year,
ivould thetefore mimed - any Willed a .111111 Ill•
an or our former patroita, and refer allure). CUSIOLII,II
In Mont We. hero do, homer. for. - ' • •
• • 184
MUM 7. fatieffal
For th.tronspolukuon of
ALL tllWlla or • bichr.HAFIML. To AND
PIMA DXI,III, Itsbrtruga. Erw Von, OM Bowrox.
HAAI U EL W 1011ThIA N & Co,
Caroni rt.,. and Cruutllasia. Pittsburgh.
A I. UEt l i HART &Co,
Nu CGS Markel in mt . ,. Pblladelpbia.
CLDER,LiELSFON tr. Co, Anew,
, Ilaluature,
PITTSBURGH—Jos. McCully, Cep. blg ogg g g g
W &treat' y & Ca. -Lt n Putupsou &Cu. M Allen &Cu.
PIIII.A DEL PlllA—blorrir Priam° &Co, Reynolds
McFarland A Co. Fleming & Guth,.
Son. J lbsulaut, Joseph Gratz.
NEW VOHE—rhualltua & Cu, 'Ebro. Pcrry & Co.
,Etregogr,Reed, litted.& Co. ,
.CIPICINNATI—Adams h. errigh, tY . W Scubor•
PLEASA NT. VA—P A Machler.-
NM -Ail merchandise hum New York and Cotton,
consilowd to A L °ethnic A Co, Philadelphia. w il l 1,,
promptly forwarded fi gs or commission.. .' MI6
LEECH it.,C0 , 15' r . •
Package Mapco.. to Phlladetkleta. ..
• fIIE Canal being now open, the
born Emote which has bean es
t t o t t x 04 ~,,,, me, conveyance of; valualtte packager of
tnerchandiee ckcie, batik note., jewelry, An, eo ..
ale need mining lill Th 11 1 ,411, Mira IS. . •
A n labs CHM Will be thapatehettElaily anti! the Blow
of theeenallneere.on. • ' - -• • -
Apply to D I.EECII A Co
mettle nor PS/111 et Slid Vsr al
The new nod splendid itiaimi .-',..
ai .,
iiCspt.Char lertl i roo k pih i tintrae ' accs.,hr
e v es. s z spss this day, leaving Pais
humbug o'clock. sum ,aste Beater at at olekien,e.A.-
contiectingartill Patsbarah and Cleveland Line of Cad
nal Boats daily to Cleveland, 04 Beaver Warren and
Cleveland Line of Gina' Packets and Singe. Ctparnias
Andy to Wurren and Cmirelana, Canal Packet Lau. to
New Cando and timenville, Pr: Erie Retention Lim
to Alcadvtlle and &in, Neil, Moore A Coo Linesof
striae Cowles for Cleveland and Wow ter. leave Bea
ver daily on the 1 arrival of steamboat Beaver hoot
P'"4"rah , Apply no :.
-_,r i M MARTON &Ca, Pintbingh
null , i ' : ' CLARKE de Co,licaver . . ,
t pal c — riii — i:frirs, s
EWEN, - 1847 . 3,Xtli
K. PARES & Co, Cleveland,O. i
R PARKS, Beaver, Pa. Proprietors. '
iv :MATHER, Phithargh, P. '
TV,E,V,'.'„ddLll:::n6gocterat"ryn preparedlt t li *. 'r it ' grti "
laud, toiany paint on th. r<111111104115 lc whranct.auf;
Cams.: - .
The facilities of 'Oil Line are not equalled by any on
raid Canal., in atintbera and capacity of Rom. erre.
rience of Captains and prommnest or Agenda,
One Milt leaves Ptmhurgh nod Cleveland dolly, rani
HMG ill .FlneClion with the dimmers. • .
Michigan and Leila Erie, &avant:it Pittsburgh and
!leaven und a Line o n first class itteamboau,' Propel,
los, Brig+ and itchoonerv, on Lakes Erie, Onion, M ir
chigan and Ontario i
Properly forwarded no tiny pan of the Union with
despatch - E N .PA REIS & Co, Cleveland, Ants
REED. PARKS. lc Co, leave n
IV T M ATMER, Pittsburgh, Az ,
I . aptly, ~
.. ........ Cor Water and 1r.:4114(qt! sweet.
Talilr 10 /.11/1001M St hour,
Time to Philadelibl. 4U
(MI, 7:1 311ier Stogink.]
k I, LA:
C c u o lt rz n e.: e ns
dat:F tripe. One boon will leave the Motions.-
bolo wham every morning precwely at 8 o'clock.— .
Pt...eager. Iry morning line will node., in 1100190 re
Dent ece og of Owe for the Philadelphia Mani:oat, or
gall Roadeves. Tbe evening Boat will - leave the
whorl 411,1) a. 4 o'clunk, oxcart/Sundays. Pamengent
by boat will lodge en board. In comfortable twit
NOM . ; leave Itrowswville nest morning at 41 colclocir;
grams inn wountain. in Mil light; top and lodge in Corm
otiond- Tit , ' avoiding mehtdricrel aline-ther. The
proparattouti on this:note are ample, and um connection
comp...iv; Kt that Atrappothimenta or delays will he on.
known upon it..
Paence,. can *VT on the mitt. and resume their
, ` again at pie:wore, and hone choice of Rail Road
ur Stemnaost be-Mean 'lshii:awe mid Philadelphia
' Conch, tintricied to parting to travel a. they desire,
.Secure rust tickets et the riffige. Monongahela Maw,
or Si Charles Hotel. .1 glibilOblEN
'PO CLIAVELAPI Li via. WA21.41 1 / 3 .. .
1.&-i-ai! 1847.. E
DACX KT Boats swallow and Telegraph leave 6ea
1. ver nt 3 o'clock r atter the arrival of the
muning Dote from Psurbargh, acid arrive at Warren in
ntae 101 Mad Line l Staes, whirl, leave tanuedi
ately thereafter. and ar r ive al t Cleveland at 3,l'elock,
no rams is the moat exprdalaus and comfurtatde
on.. la Oa
lailTH LEFFINGWE.I.I,, Wanto, J•gapr`..
HEW), PARK'S & Co. Beaver, Agents
JOHN A CA tHillEY,conor %Yaw and HmahGeld
opal, Opfkoaealta Matulagahota HoursPm/4mila_
ggibas • 1847.
rAckE:r AND rito..irr LiAr:
'VIII , Lim" cati•irtmg of tre!Ght nod pa. , euger Paek•
wilt run regularly during the near.. betaerit
Iteuver and G.:my by wlonh frriKla and pp,
~,er.hetweco the two woo., w.II Carried promptly
d at the bAsrewt ratrs.
%VICK &.ARCIIER. Green , . die. Av.
esl , llAMPTON,l7azkovihr, do,
Mr FA FILAVYL KINU, 1.4 Aloud. do,
I I A VS k PLUM II .harp.turrtl, v.
C MALAN. ,baron.
WM. mATIIEw , l'ola.a. do,
REED, I'A 111(e. St ' Co. 11e0w..7. da,
JI/(10 A CO UGII .!rorner Watrr az.d o.n.lhfield 0..
ori.ooe Manoogzhe.a loa.e.
1847. VgainlH--
Plllladelpbla, Balilaiona New Vora
add Mulct.
cgrouragemont this line has revel ired slurs
ilt coniencement. has induced the prepjne
ton to increase the stock by adding. number of lint
clan boats; and instead ,givin g receipt. as hereto
hue agents. no will give our inn. receipts for
(might slopped by this tine.
fir boat. are Mt trinahlii. consequently f. eight
w. mkt, tie yi hole ili,twier , cuh,ot trauthipment,
thrrelry prerfinting damage front Itequent handling
oh the route, and as each boat is owned 4 by the
Captain who runs them, which is a sufficient guar
ante, that there will'bs no delay no the route.
All l'roduesi or Merchandise consigned to the
undrnigced will be forwarded er,EF: OF COfil•
Al ISSION . for advancing and Forwarding, and w ill
be shipped without delay at the lowest rum o
\ye .eitectitts soltr a A share of oulthe pats.
\ V :11.1.1.NGFORO & Co,
Cat's! Haste, Pittsburgh.
Bleed Street. PhtladeTphia.
Howley's Wharf, Haltnnore.
Pittsburgh, l ob. IS,
IS4ti Alth 1847
anderaigneal ate epee prepare,) to- fa ward pit ,
J. the Easeern Nlarkett daring the rove
s ale W.., ad the melt favorable term., by this expe
di uou• toeze.
All props rty cortr , gacrl ro us sr be forwarded at the
lowcrt sat.. nod will. de...patch. ••
I t.ts.shoodt.e tres.tred by trio. tome promptly for
warded. 1 C . PM...burgh.
nnee7 E EtrEISTONCo.C.Antbe nisrui
.01110 RAILROND.,
11E: sobreriber• on II receipt for Ilte deliaery of Pn
/ doer ,o Babinseer Moitoagahel• Slaeinteider
at the followtog pewee,—
A.bra, Paroa. liatitr, Load, Lard, Pork
Winshe y Invitee, al elsse—r7l ets per/Melba
Tobacco, limp, Fla.. nd Wheal—di to per Ioo lb.
/Lb,. l Poe Apple, Chet..., Flatigerd, Maw, and
lies the r-1011 ties per Ire lb.
Oil.. ;none. tkeinti It'aol-170 rt. per 1110 lb..
Itce.nist.Feartiere, For, Giti.og, trod tentletiiltoot
—tini eta per ell Ibs
en properry ironeigned to either of theaudersigned
will be- forwarded arisnoot itelay, free or essimitialon,
at eh.. WII ttLAßlLßrovereillle.
HANNA d ATER.IIAN, Fandicree
altintillTEßS and oaten aisahing
ci at ia
to bye Fire thick. Produce. &a
-I.•aaglit to thl• ple a nom;tenhenmlle
and imerenedmie !mutiny,gun make
turangemenia by calling un me. as I
Lave a Boat ean!ong my :laity between Ditutborgb and
Stradoenville. DEO. D WIMENDEROKR,
'11t11 . 141, NY MEN Or TRUTH.
et. itgodocing wandrro.—Real
Re. S. WnteGel.L I'magr LJbirty rt. 111 E.
Curch, .
. . .
Pritsburgh, Montt 6,1647.
Mr R K Sellers: It is (torn • sense of dirty, MI well
al with great plegreurr. Wild bear tesionony go the nu
toe of your rawly retehrawil Ventrithge. I procured
ircgt• Lola, arid Rees gt winter or my ebildree, who had
tree° nII 1r several weeks The eldest Was wren
t ears old. the neat nom Rod the youngest eighteen
month, rbo first parsed folly,a wow., the
forty seven, and the third a considerable number nor
d ell meollrr./. L 4 ont , then they have been duing
n od are n ow in good health. i •
foam respectfully,
pmm thy fir V. S llabeock, of die gpirco.
pa Osumi.
Mr. Srllevs, It n ix vmth aims, pleasure I would
utfwnt yon of the gaud edema produced on nry um of
war t e a", of age, uy your lardy celebrated Vennifugu.
h.s baring .111.6101110 gage Mtn three dares,
whvii he `pawed an almost 111Cfed.tablo number, (non
which tune hi. crucial health has bren•impnwed.
SE Ilaanuce
Cooke, of the
eopal Church:
Ibtlaburgh, Ihmeattwr 14, lab/.
It. I.: Sellers, I gave 0 y little daughter (between
three notPlur years old' three Soars of your Virunfuge,
acording to tkleScriPlloll, happwat success—
uninber of worms expelled I do tan know precise
ly. bat it an. largo. She in now in possession of gonad
health. I think the medicine' may he tunfided in with
great unteargovlnego.. C Coons
Ait this Venni;Nile ha. never been knohro to fail i
3 ny ms:enc,, wh-n worm. actually existed, parent
thuuld sire n in preference to all other.
Prep..' end told by R. SE.LILERS, bettocesn ",
um:rata, on IVood anent.
For sale by Dr. Cuvrel, Fab Ward, my'
.0111 the vety liberal encourage
L men, he subscriber has received since
he has located himself in Allegheny,
06 - 4.06:. • has ieducedhimto takes least, (ova
term of year., on the propany he now
gn, win., in Beaver sunny Immediately beady the
PreshrerfanChurch. From the long eiperience in the
inroad Lament and a desire to please, he hopes to met,
it and receive • share of public gallonage
N 0... bond sad finishing to order, Rockaway Bog
glee, opett and top Doggies, mid every description of
.Carnagea made to order, 00141 s event y are dollar. to
aighthunamt. lectelihrl JOHN souTp: .
1 vino (:Case aping,. raisin., or Marko from Clothes,
Woollens:Car - petty !cc, Ike— and rendering rue spots
whe • n is applied clear, tnidht, nnir, and crones..
Snld with full directions . Price 23 telllll a take
ip-ow by . Will. JACKSON,® Liberty meet, brad
of Wood, at ilia Lbw and Shop moo, logo of tic Ili,
Inrsd. Ile
"VNIC'S lIAIIt ToPiliC—We conureud . io tlic
nonunion of thorn desirous of triton ing away hair or
improving , its beauty, to dd. elegnat piepatabba:
hear it everywhere highly spoken of. and especially by
all those who have madame of it. unready elbeaolous
an milondaning the growth of the hair, and preventing
and curing many . affections of the Skin. Its •.
virtues are
-pip and suffnenenity ponytd—N. Son. •
Inc vale In Plusbornb at, Ike PEKIN TEA SIOSE,
73 Fourth a 4 near Wood: and also alike libonStore of
It P Seldosna,Pedend iok •
lie. leloLaskes Warm japaeltie;
THIS la ta aMr7 that, by taking ono vial ofDoetor
1. MeLana's Worm Spennhe, a child of Jam. Shaw's'
parsed-upwards of 70 Isom., and by the tn.
• tandlclue a child of Oty coora passed 14 law worm.—
It is truly pa most =prism, wows medicine I neer
aeon. • Indust bane two mime 'nab{ ' '• d / •
For von by I KIDD Co. Nr, GO Wood eneet, Plue
burgh. i meld/0
H ft - usx E . . • s
-----.Wha almingh the cotta may not b«sphinne-i,
Since their firma are duly atteensincd,
Let not deltioinia, prejudice, or pridth
Induce mankind in set ahnuseima aside;
Means which, the' eimploraire ID Ilemecti design'' ,
To alleviate the iihrofbutnan kind.. ~
'PHIS rensarkahle invemlon, which' has reeeived the
J. universal oppeohadonbfthe medirel profess:oll of
Great Umain, comprises ;us entirelylneat application of
Galvanism, as a remedial agent. by means of which the
ordinsry Galvanic Rattertes,Elcciricand Magnetic Mu
chines, an. are entirely dispensed with, and the Mr. ,
oboo4 power of fieltanism applied without' any of the
jection which use gmeparabic from the general mode
noWatkaso.- T./M*o44 dosuouulistegularintesuals.
In which Galvanism is, applied tic ihnhlnehtnes, has
been pronounced, inter . is talc end imparuni trial, In he
decithdly injurieuGand it wai to remedy this imbed de
fect that this new application war projected, whist, af
ter unceasing tail and perseverance.' he heels Lit,ujilit
to a. present abide of perfeetion. The Unit:epic . Rings
411.11Wel all the purposes of the room extensive Mit-
chutes, andien manyother respect, am tupelos:EN acid
outwits in accomplishing the desired etfeet.—ii.- -
- The Gekonießiega used in contention iiiitlhg drug
sae Fluid, are confidently rennumended in all din
den which erite from an enfeebled or rewire/thy .tan of
Ms twersua or cited system null these rompladitte are
among the most puma! and universal to which we WC 1
subjech They arise, without except on, fnom one tint.
ple nause—a dertingemeM of the Nervous System— '
and it was in these Gales that other 'remedies' havino
so o en failed. a new agent was greatly needed, whim n
It I , nfidently,believetEjins been tn../ in the PfriP ,
an , diclons applicatirtroiOnanism.
.ie Galvanic Megahertz briar weed withentire one
oral. in Sal eases of 'HASZXSTIP.II. SCUM it clironich lip
bilying to the head. flee or MM.; Goti44lSpDolarsur,
Therfathe, IlMeirliftis, Vertigo. Nototts Et-„Si kHsdadie,
indikeition, Paralysis, TeLy, - .EpittinOli"Fiet,'Crnerp,
Pefpiretien of Me Mast, Alviplereg, Szalita s. e lents,
Spinal Corplairal,LtaMagn,Welovlreet Nnvous Tre
mors, Dirstneis of the Hera pain hi {hi
Ph and Side,
General Dfbifirp, Defleisites 'of Norma 41/d Physical En.
ergy. and all NERVOUS DISORDERS. •In cans 41
confirmed Dyspepsia, which Is oimply , ts'nervous de-
Mngement of the digest i cc organ., they bare been found
equally saccessful. , Tuna uhrforthuary oilcan arc.
the system meet be winfersed to belielleved, and ex ti
certani preventive for the preceding compla i nts they
are equally retoromended. The Rings asset dUlcrent
prices. Laing mudh of all sires, and fjvarsuns °a
ofeloal patterns, and can be worn byHte moat ma
female without the shghten Inconvenience. In fem.
the sensation it rather sareenbleLhan otherivfiail ,
The Galvanic Bells, Bracelets, Bands,
In same caves of avert. revere cliarastal t and of long
landing, the lawyer as applied by the Galvanic Bing.'
not sufficient to arrest the progrelf Of - disci:so mid
altimately restore health. Theimproved modilentioli
in;the Limvanir Belts, Biaceleia, inc., mainly' torn,
die, this objeettoni any degree of power that is real,
red eau readily be .obterned, and die coulptatatiwatch
the mysterious meal of Galvanism Can effect vN feel
to be permanently reheard, There articles ore. &dap.
led lathe watin, arms, wrists, limbs, anelemOT tray Fat
of the body, with perfect convenience. 110 _Galvanic
Necklaces nre' used teeth greater benefit id owe. 01
Bronchitis or afectititin of the threat getremitni elan rn
Case. of Negro. Iktrfneee; and with. almost nutiown
.suceess . a preventive tot Apoplexy, Epileptic
and similar complaintS.
Cbristiee Atop:elle Tina
is used In connection with the Ghtivutili Binge 1.01:311
;heir. modificatio..• This emagnsititin los been prii•
flounced by the Frrnch Cheat ats to be one of the went
eauvordittary duteovutcs of modern seienee. Iris be.
lieved to pay.s the remark abler weer ormitirdieratth
wow sensitise • galvanic avian by Minutest. caintno
a cowentration of die influene, at the' scat of locate,
thus giving sapid Jour pr imauent No other
rempoilition in rhea Pt rI. knownto pr oi lta the same
Keel, or toimpart p minder property to the nervous tuesuirrof nit outward Meal appliedtion The
agent- Fiord contains nothing republe alibi. shalt . :
Mit injury; it, application b. namable, tool Ai ot.
liaruder. action I ce tatty reri.dts.
Frail eiplanall.v and dfreitloni acing
it 'The
combined incrunons are in ever yway perfectlyburni•
leani they ere sold at price, the reachor all hind
the ir Moverer only re
c urs.. fair trial 'ay u lest or
their cilicavY nd -
Christie's t:nl r aule Stseugthenin.l
ten. •
The. articles Aim another valuable application of
die tuyvterniun influence tit tialvanivai They are an
i 1311.0.141 adjunct to tliesiMintine Galvanic Rings tied
Weir moth ficahous, action upon the same principle, but
Laving Me advantage of mote local application. They
nrentafidently wirornmended a. a valuable addition in
We speedy rum of libetanatitun. scum 4.0.4. W; m all
nerve,. onamivinis, and as a sev er
remedy en ease.
or Pain and W.linars We gnat se -Back, hail in the
Sid., in Astimone Affremno, and in WralWas se Ogre..
Won of as Puhriener• (ligans In Spinal Complimis
Pane carts 21, of the most decided h oracier, and they
have often been used with complete/mere.. 'they •re
al. of the greatest an avamage in Pains and' Weakness
of ihr Breast, and are lochly recommended for rimy of
tboae mrutphunts to which females ore enormally liable.
As an effectual mean. for strengthen:nape system
when debilitated with drvenec or other causer,. a err.
tarn a n t in Constitutional Weakness, as a Preventive
for Colds nod ml in affccbotts of the Chesi. generally,
d, e lmlvunic Sttemphcititte Planer scut he found
meat and toot: muesli aevantam; lit a wt.' words: .1
muhruces all the value. of the heft tonic preparation,
Urlllk the important addition of the galenite: influence,
which ti neither impaired nor exhausted,sprhire the an.
twit rentunues. These articles mull It - e - foUnd entirely
free from those objections which are aeleastiott tourer
of eonsplson with the ordinary plasteraincommen WC.
.( The great eMubrity sad screen of Were articles
has caused them to be tournerfeited byunpnncitsled
tureens. To provide against timpani:on, Or. Comma
has but one authorired ep.i.t in each tot) of the Union..
Th'n"l l
l '""n P'"*"' /It TENTIIIO
" ilia On
Of the anthem/ and most tespechslic character, are coo- '
stonily received, regarding the emsnordinao value
sad Caere...! the above articles_ It is believed that
in the city of New York - alone.' upwards of EIGHT
THOUSAND PERSONS during • prriodof less thou I
a year, have been entirely relieved Mate most painful
silt heonie disorders, some of hich hove econpletelfly bath
ed er efforts of medical art. Indeed many of ;
the first phs *mien. of thin-city. who distpprove of the
Galvanic and Magnetic Itlaelenev, sattstinfify reesm-
mend this uppheabon in their practree. end with the ea
ception oft hn ate 100 prejudteed togee it a m t . ,
al, the rnyentiou has received 0610100. favor with 1
the moot imelhgent atming the Americatatienlty.. DI
Chnstie is at all times ready nod MOVLIGIPP73O live
every facility to pity...tans, and all interested, for msf-
tke truth of his anti the efficary of ht. l
l 'c litgebey Tli Pittsbargh,Cornerilth'end filar - jet sa,
se le
0111111N/IPTION AItItENTIIIID—To those
afflicted with DI ar4.l%.Lideaf.
—TM/ Ism certlfy to those sfilicted arta' the first pre
monitory eyndomets of Constartption, that I have been
laboring for ...tend year ' s with • bronchi, aorta e*. of
the throat and boar.enesa. I used many medicines, hot
found no re he! in any preparation of medleime s unnl I
ILENE:DV: I have.twen using this vall . *Aumfflgoie
ice .everal years, and always find it to relieve when'
ever I make nee of 11. My occupation anon Auctlon
ter, which keeps me - almost eossmolly engaged, cause.
my dime., at time., to become very alarming, when I
et note procure thin mcdteins. therefor. take plea
sore an maktug this pabliestatemeni,thatothers effect
ed whit"..nittemao of 'the brigs and itTPeetitian, organs
may know the tines of this • rillherilineyemedy,"
and may be cured. I haveruhounendetf %mean',
Expectorant Remedy to many of my, friend., some
whose awe them lives to this medicine'
Somerse6Ohia,Oet la. INS. JAMF-et OMIT
Tke- prepronor of the shove medicine would, ale.
seta, to the undersigned person., m 1,,. cc. Ce io Vorr)
toasty, on whom any person may call mon and br
convinced that there ate ...slues found in the •IB9vr
ma-Ileum that cannot be 04,16-4
!Saver Culbert...b. Soramso. Ili U flume:dor rem,
Sis Gobbet, tpy . ' Mr, Lartmer.stor t tremPolbest.
aftbrk in: /erred Guymon. Ilu t traell
were greet, Cincinnati,
Sold in Pottsbnrgh by Wltt..' JAC/CP.ON, RI Liberty
heed of Wood street. heeled& wT
IRV—ABlessing! A Miracle !! A Wonder!!
—To cure Eruption, cud Dt.figmentents of the Shot,
.Portplr. Freeklys,Suuburn, Salt Rheyro. hoaeiy, Sore
'lleade, ;
_nor year. ago last August, thes.copitalof..rtnit.
woo astiontshed in con.equence of a dbmovery made I.)
Mt Station Chemmt. Many doubted—lt scorned almost
ms impossibility that anything mode by the hard. Of
011111. could have smith sineulm peter is a. Gm. claimed
by Aoloola Ve.ptint lot hot mammon. !trolly clam,"
him and Isis hie/mum, a. a but rand. slat' many,
foolish person. without trying do Hie.home now,' at
.after testing it in the hospitals, the Medical do
ctety ut Vans (the best ebeentet• ,n the world . jdelmenht
the following mpost to ;imam 'ffesprmit9 -
.W 0 have now minutely and carefully examine,/ the
/01,31N161.111VC11110110f hlespron. We have enaiyaed to.
component pane—we hove used it lit several est..., and
we hesnate nut to pronounce it jibe Italian eluouneat
Suisp) as a great 61,9vi0g, land a truly wonderful rule
ski,to any common. erupuou sir ilmSguretnent to the
sn. Ito inventor we roustder the into philanthrupou
of suffering matthohl.
real the inventor himvelf to the prevent Proprietor.
Paw. Na , .;1170
In con.idyration of the sum of 113,50%. I hate divot
'led to Mr. T. Joey., residing in the city of:NeesTruk.
N. A., the whole process or tuanufactinipgrrogmber
with • taglement of the itorudients compom. my Ital.
ian Chemical Soap. Ile ism manufacture it tor Lily in
the United Suites only, and to hare the pritedege of tie.
wog it "Jones' Italian Curate.' Soap!!
Wanes.: Henry J. lloldsworth ' -
(gy-Sald by W JACKSON, pt Let Patient -Medicine.
atehoure, eb Liberty sum, brad of VI•0.1,. at thr
sign of the !loot.
The only place in Patsburgh where the GEN Ult. It
can he obtained. All others areronwerfeit.
511L --.. 1"0 - WItibtf.Ni:':17.oritioi rad sn RSA.
1.1 Woildor and Blessing o( the !!
This Extract 11 put spin tenon batt/ca—la al 1....
cheaper. pleasanter, and warranted lutpetiog 10 any
sold. It caret without vomiting, purging,iffekenlng, an
delnbuiting the patient.
The great beauty and supermsite.of thilSormpuilia
orev all other remedies ix, while it erad.Cater. times,
Inmgorated the body. II is used' veceessnally in the
removal and permanent mire of all diseasta arising
Amu an impure state of the Mood, or habit !of the ay..
Look out forlnitons principled portent have
copied our labels, and put op bathe same
pcd bottle.. See that each bottle has ilyearniten Signs
tare of 8 I. Townsend.
For male by= R E SELLERS. (Mr agent for Allegheny
county,' 57 Wood street, between rhird and Fourth
m/'ll_ ...•_
INGS.—ScroiuIa in all its multiplied forms;
whether in that of King's Evil, enlargements o the
glands or hones, Go 4 re, White Swelling!. Cc ro n:r
Rheurnatirm,, disease, of the Skin or Spine,
or of Pulmonary Cormumptiot, 'emanate from one
,indtbal same cause, which is a poisonons principle
more or less inherent In the bnotaAsystetn. There.
fare. unless this principle can he destroyed, no nwil•
cal cure cub be elected,' bat If the principle - upon
which the disease, deperids„ is. Mulcted; 1,1 - hure,
mono( necessity follow, oo moue/ under witatiorna
the disease should manifest itselL Thy,,therefOre
lathe imistinw by JA•fieWs - AtwaRATIVC i
.aessallrinicantibt in rematineen many malignant
dMisases, - ;14 deism) Am: two or; principle from
*bust three diseases barretheir origin, by entering
into the eirculltion,ind with the blood is eoeseyed
to' the thantest' g ore, Minoring every pprtiele of
diaeass frannthitiritem. -Prepared slid sold it No.
II South Third Street, Philadelphia. • •
Sold at the Pekin Tea Store, No. 71 Fourth stile
Patel:Knit. mch3l.
:, ,1..j...-'..;:':-..11*
. . . .
eAN a 9 , ...i SAIiSAP A RIL.L.A:
Foe inediremonal And Tilltaneet cure of all diseases
•-- • weeringirear. an. ,- s.n , n nune a the lti l iAk•t•l` 4 ..
Ill:tat:tel. e,rderh ent.S - __
~.., t-
Scrofula. Eivir.4, /14 , C 4 *"...'fi s mlll l ". 1
impeon.s. i l imOus M P 0015... Me ram indienia,
Bibs, Ch•sone-sa .Vatc,,htior Mum at 2blain Saki
Hen/. Ealergortror a gai..pniis qf Ike.
Leon .Serwa.mplabiliC
. SAltkollt Flevo,Slo4Witta . :
..c,SpetpIeaRf,SCULMIS Of
Sap, a 'MPD/seana onsooketea mini/W.4 .....,ill
dimmry. Airim or Drupe, Erierires w Thlseidw. to ;
Lffc. A.'el,Clatmit,Ce.rit...l. 4 Di.. 1 ,.. '
TS inl.l) etimlntstemion hes Neel ! telided ild ithe .1
.1. happiest rein. in eatly atiocualoc 'affections; bat 1i
iris ehte dy intended to fin the raid winch entenb}tWeen
cathartic and aperient medicines:, hence its trio& s op ,
teiraillUtiatel' all ahefative shlectly—indlmettfi Pro
'ring W laving tonic. the e\ Weil.... ,
It to bighly cagICC./11Zattel or o.venienee a r t Pat. - 1
bility; containing withing,-bm thaexpee.eitil.enteas 1
andii the sense...salvo of the dasimpmill:paiti la
she came manner as. Cho nine is of - pews/. Mi. ,
fWar/ilium of Op•sin. It hi an e ~ M isled f th.a a
ete grams of cakes/au:tone or klorphtne e t
the ousuctual "aloe of a hove quantity of the eniale
substance, levee the stlll,lofltl of those preparations
--and no En•al id would deltre , io dri a gallon minuore I
when a heti pint cinuaitted Me mom medminal 'i.e.
M. Sarsaparilla can he dilated *Me tab. agreeable
to tier direciona, and made to sun ' e taste of the pa
tient. ,„ ,
The following cenideate eddies.:
o bi:
n .c . g Allrn C ii in i;
eta also,nitw it. eouclusive pr. -. •
in care, of Pinter Sire v. , '' ' •
,' .
: • • • Ci11t,... I ILSept. 12, 1945.
issr , Sieldnos A Iltml—tients: Jn 111ity.,1843,1 ob
tained at you store Oh.. of Nandi dawmparillas and
wa. then confined to, my bed, Without sleepier a week.
men. one,/ by violent pain !MN 11 rental ir fever ooreAf ••
lung sirm, on my right leg. 1117 physicianindviWi.
me to ht. the limn unquitniedi mying it vitas the not y
~r. li le ly to pre l,r,rc tny life. After siting half the
bottle the yam began to subside, and by the tune'l bad
Used Dearly throe Maims,/ W. able to 111.1.6C1 coy reg.
star haslet:se, and tiefurie ll n hatchet the fouitli hot
tle./ war ...ell and sound . . cve e I hail becit. • lhave
no hes:Si:ma l it faTi ilg that Sandhi Sarmparlllawnithe
Meal, under
e we deuce of saving- my limb and I
doubt tot my li ia. 1 nitid cheerfully I commend it a,
the belt nettle extant for the pUrti eatios of die:blood
• . Yours, most smpcsitially, : ~ • , .
i land? ItIlLI;EIZ
The foi loving certificate is only .utner.
.link,, indite
great ehnin of tedite.ony to lis merits:
,•' ' ~.. - • .
t.:(Will 1:01,0N. ettli&ttl East, April IS, 1041. •
Illemra•Sseile—Gentlement Exposed at we ave.
the anitelimif Amuse, audio frequently dipainiointee
in proposed al:lmams, no cannot but !pot on the efforts
O f osen. moo: praMitioners with interest am) attitude
Tins 1, true respecting 3 our valuable r.pnwinn at
Sarsaparilla. I base bet it:severely afflicted tor :1:1 years '
when a dee., ;.! on hich tdoctol'ildltatmee,” and
their prmeriptia. were soli more diver.. I tried v.,
rams ri Medi< t but round no relief. moil i commenced
muip your ereellem ruidleitte, tit which time Lives
whpilv en it r.liee ta MT he& Allen 1.11.111 g it a few inenths
1 I am Law able to waiii Mout. ride out, and inOratoin.
degree iii bealili, I. attribute eimiely to
tl e use of min:M . t•apielth. Please accept my as
uman, c itf mm:ratleurd im:rard. ,-- .- ~_ .
' . . , JOHN, itt NORRIn
11/ :pg p, r.up :Ile n si: minted with the above 'state
gamin lio wlir ,•eeniy timiltolgiSsfrolt we. - .. .
I . lIEV. 'l' Al hi IiRRISLAN
Fee:are rOVOWillf: is an eitracl
trot. a I. nee nr..ved Itreu act. WillaunGtalusbc
. ' Oct. 21 IBM
9::1,1e: I tree been alb eted vela. a severe
pan IA toy 5.;.. c t by dmeased liver: Cot the
o rris; reribr, ni vines adult langu a ge
cannt: eco,v. •bter Coking your tiktecuparale,
Kure beau Rteady relieve at, So udiels.o that /amoebae.'
abler, nneust my bulb, end pieneb ocevtonalli
Car the Not Veer mouth, veltally diceartled allotheo
I CA/I n , ,nd I Ilukilflll4lAOrtlCTity to all tbore
tor in svbc tatlicied with SOY AIHICIOA Of cerofolat.
01/1111I,1:1,11.., hate come tetuarkable cam
ea.. by tto r alto v Alta. I. Naar; by
'th e ire o f botllen. WM% I t . ,OrAtI to briterbealthatin
abe hod [winoe rldo,ed ior les learn, and Mr , . Woolf*•
.lobo hod Leto severely afilieled arab the Ilcyalp.
rt. rely eared WO.. cre'ctA fewbolder.
Vows truly. • 'Whir
l'or mare and conelUTlVe evulenee Of ILA
lOW nthetay. etc rattiplat, *Ltd../
be at:son:teal itgehts mt. - •
. I rryou,ll.ol . l A.U.ASAIIdi, DI argiat, JIM
Patton ot,. btn..ibt' %Conan, Now York.
Sold *Lp 1.. W 1 LS:UX; J r..-ht*AntrEtt;- IL liar.
wood. (haver; Win. Wa:tern. New Cattle; lb N. Rob.
bon. Croon-ollte - A err leli. Wat-langtonl• and by .
(huge,,. throuplovt du United elialen.,
Co ire gl per horo..—oz Octztes for, .1!.1.
cosraperifally s. idles rd 10 reformist,'
doar a ti san:r ~.vipunila thorn die entattanay
oueb teutolarac over. of the must d.ifcah class of
' • ' Innar.n (mine IA subj... the,
For Coaghs, Co!ds, Asthma, and Curnmplibn:
m: Graltr 1, NIS ()XIS IllielEDV kw Colin.
TCOPialklPf I(I Witte IRIS
UAW A N ILU.O.tM OF LIM disrosicre.ll , y the eel,
bawd Dr. Boehm.' feonden, lingt.d.epsd lottodyeed
lota the United Statee under the ittonedlaNsuperintend.
sore of the Inventor.
The exist...lino. IlUstema of this medkine. he the
cure I.f PtlifEl.ari diseases, warrants the At PliCtlo
Agent hr snitching It,, trentintat be 'WORMY . POS
SIBLE. CASES that can be found In the .eolostatAlti — '
mos that seek rellef,lts vain Sent Any of the summon
annedies of the die. nod have been given up by the
dinvoSheil Physicians CONFIRMED AND
INCCIIARI.E. 7ID, ifui,,rie , s Itsleon hie cons', odd
mitt cum be I)F.SPRII.STE oF CASES: is•
knows and
hut ...ids. English so.liclue, of
knows and established efficacy.
Derry fibilly In the United Stat. st.old Le Supplied
eritk ituchuds Magadan Ililasokof bile, nut. only to
manisemet the c o nsuroptire tendencies or the ellmste.
out to be used as a preventive medicine tit ail cams of
Colds, Cable!, Spitting of bond. Pain in the Shin stir
Omsk Irritation und Samosne of the bung; Bronchitis,
Dleiculty of Breathing: !belie Foyer, Night Sweats,
Emmiation end Getiore.Dchiltly, Asthma, bikes..
Ll.plog blush, and boor.
Cr Sold int:age bodice, mill pet bottle; with full dirk:
dons for the restoration ofllealth.
Pamptdam,kontainlng i.m' of Engliat 111.111 i Ameri
c artes: tee, end ° showing the 1.•
equal. meths of ibis Great English Remedy, bay IS
obtain. of the Argots: gratuitously. • • •
DAVID F. BRADLEE, mle Agent for tho UMW
States. Ile Ontut street. Bolton.
T. W: Dyorr & sons. Gel - sage Wheleate Agents,
!o:113 North locoed street,lldbielphla. • - , •
Iro •sole by A FAIINFSIOCE . A. Cd
I mood and Song tuners ' .-" '
I Stair Cream, a Maletdevs anikle Tor' thothowth.,
Beauty wsdßysteraslan of the hate • ThiS Cleat ts, When
(n knows. will s opened t alt other article. the
did now used. Where the hair iv dead, harsh, thin, nu
healthy or minion grey, a few applications will make
the - haw - sob had dark, and ante it aliceonfarlisely •
appearerce; and will Wag-make it '<whole. Evenness
and hcalshl cohsr.twwasalougas all the .preparations
which are getterally used.. Every IsulY ash geelleieael
who ore in the habit of using oilaott their hair, should
at came purchase • hotness] the Chinese HairCyeam, a.
.t li en composed that it writ not lol*e the hair Eke the
other preparations, bat wilt bait - utak It; andsrseeperfern
-*three:lon es !Very 11101•11 Ce.
rot testimony to it, very sueeriei clealibee. - ree
followiag letter front' Rev. Mr. Caldwell. to Messrs
IleadershOtt 'dr. Nashville. General Agents for
the Western Susie.,
I.euerfrons the Rev, 11. Caldwell :s pas:lm of the he* ,
hymns, church. Palaski. • -
Messrs. Ilmoter•hutt & StreieliGeithinien take
pltissues to adding my: . Wasinatel• lit form en'the clatter
sent preparation ehited •Di • Partials's- Chine* 'lles'
Cream—no oboe; two years ago my b•tr wet very dry.
betray, uoiltilispocled to comet*" tat liesiug proclated,
*1)011Ir of Mu tlreens, tied used it accercling so the pre
rrription. coy bait - is now - colt, elareir and Mtn io the
Many knishes and silt wereapplied eeeklea
01114. my *is le CI worse stalm bats before -This Cream:
A wever. Ms teen my eetwelmtlebb • ;
As no an.rte for .I.e my wife gie,el. e Pieter •
over up bers, beiveatclietnel toolosowd,
dasposcst reurotity. The lathes t sat Many mil Gip
the Chen:eel:T.oo to he it devidemutm se:their preps
(211011 S fur the inlet. &e.
Pulaski, an' y. 7. t 917, ' It CALDWELL
"Wld Whotecure and retkibsin Pitiabuterby John
AL Triwolenil, Nols !Sleeken sheet, trd - Jnel Mohler.
.corner of Wood end.Finb . s - (Mid
• t ea eecratrig• ;
rig beet ample awn .. for clemitagend. Irldtennty
the Teeth_ot root helium Mesons., sweetening Mt
Meads Ac. It nbould be used every night with a Elie
Muds 1111.1 for teeth nod mouth will rutty require a align
wade.: In the inorotott - %Vt., the toted% with onto,
wale , Cold WahaneWert and rob it s tow Inner or
the pa.te, Wiete eiteeFli will adhere for seamng In
teeth. It loaves a• dolman. rartwitCtue 111:1011, and tat
pram a otont delmhtful froctance to the breath. Itrtaadt
nonvalle4 an apleusaut, mGettuimm, couseattenti Cad
,ate dem:dice. It in wart:tined not to injn. die teeth
but to Ore.:erectile:a.
Ily uning it regularly, it will remove Me tartar one
prevent to areuroulation—precent the toodutehe
atrengtben Mecums, and prevent all di/150.3.1 of mesa
Clenser:, pty•trimm, and the clergy reeommend it a
decidedly impertor to every,lningtf the Lind in Min.—
Ask lot Sherman's Compoutid Orrm Toth raste,,,anr
obwrve hi. rtguaturtt in attached to each pot.•
Recommended by . Ili' tsetse, 3 . 4 Broadway; one o
our Ite•r• lh-to Mtn, and by m o t, tar the old entuidiched
nom .n the United : 4 141,4. and even' ose i t
by the Nubility of l'antinnd sod rm. •
A large proportuati of ills dowtor. t
• It ltailliCt monk hal
trine faun tens. derangement of tlit lomat:liar bowel,
h n time!, titc of the eatht de Inorrnire would
entirely ctrrStr. • Persons of hitless habits should all
way• Ithve a box ut aunt take •dorewhenoter
they fart the !cow durangeo•nt ni their health! AJudi
Mous ore of theru„Lorengr• worgatttgyent,thitsandr
of calm - •
. -
Portalee: WM. JACFEONIS, earner of Wood nod cm", -
' Cousmatptives Co Isolation
rk, meko - cs4 iveigliuponilmalhe!ol?
Or pains aWln your.laca at!
ny Li,. Iluntftri ',WOK,.ArA
And olio: you ICOL
It cies., away the misty cloud
Ohwiteetrueu6it'ir the soul,
And wleverr through the ghtemy
`four larehlt luny yet Le whole!'
Nee yonder rate of {oval, hue!"
'Ti. wlthering with deray • -
'I IlelifeCif mita the zooming dew, fade. away.
'The Womi 6rDeitite sva(itt
And stranthened as ti'grew—l
"An 4 when tt blanned. to latch fem.)
It mpluth thnewth and through.
. Thar wont nr Death Might be defied,' •
Ir*Dr . .l)undan , rurt .1,11112 tried y•.
• And nanny lovely damsels nerd: is. •
• the fat, of net untimely grate • .
(034/12. DUNC.A alba
e.i t set.(.nemnau.Dldoiwherehis.ralaable
turilleme is mid.
:old in. Hutt:F(3h, by )VClAONSl)Piiitorsar 01
Weed mid Liherly
- .
CUrr: e
uo Argit fully;
by R 4 -1 2:M t ." la
hivelen•lY. of Aberdeen, , cettiften.4 ' inible
vrilit AT* kvem l Y- I . l .44 l 4ll:APlllMPOriltaiver
Compluen, stno".hnd the,ibleice epee 04;41141.04 0
tried eliiirnie Yr &Mies Wirhootpldelaeratiork'64 ef
*et. ilenring.ekt4Eitil,irge
For, by willi , 6:llc lA*
_0.04 arkerada.witod 14 , 1
wa•Pn..rtd whici , enmelf toned Ref
atoon.ilivivatt qmr„:l?riLl'perlia
Ugh‘. ll, ./.“4 1,3 0.111ik a.Darl
Drown or E. ack anlnf, Wilhaa:dy•tqcot lAinOng the
skin. Saki with tall arritiDOnin /tile 21 - tentsi or if;
Ky WM. JACKS ON at hi. ethte
Attretantle. 89 Liticur ttteet, ,
head ur, Patent kl
at lic the
sign of tha tii(Lnot.
4 ~i,'~l-C-iR~ V ~~L~~
11R. sift:mum . disseeed sell to male es.,
jJ pkeset, be that duldresiill Ws rea4dy Mall) I
seem See Ws hiefee sin& S usset ash les et*
val. Pot etTooth heft ea Ur Ira a sub Meer. so
. . .
• • cov es Lonscoes • ' •, •
irra;.. Lamas low the anbat, Sitalin• tirel'Orgt•lll
- La tuna; raltba. arcradararat....brdnurrarrro,
rth tightoos of &gnats ar.nactrokir, travrketar
tua oner basins annortanoa adage tiny 'did basun re. act
ottisiartion.. tread tioatinad otes Mart lam tom nor in
like but year, towing battik'pram is dawn eisny Nate
ofrototkaapunk,and thookbabortarzor tie moat ann
Wa ular(
enidn and cnt. 'limy& sot bad dry vp
hal nesnla au, pram_ eapectiiiain,, allay the titans,
icrailitak, .-L . .Pt. . Abe praaanade ake nattatai taknaL.
'CUT wenn& tr , ......biwka or. mod wal.pkelA
tonal, *egatta roadkiana, sad say asalabbteauy napertur
may tbint tar toe Pot than complabaLt. • Hatalredaptual
&ad. - olnertifreaten hate ben tarred *Melt arandaa n i
wok, tram ihoombo bare book goad from aa intinan4 tro ft ,
end 'atomd byeriest head by mantic.
mama plan. kbe trout ar aida,afte of alakr
'tliaraltoar amiNflasteralpriro ably 1.4 testy) .anti)..
applitn OM the part a sad rota Ulf MA•red. If sarabol
natta - rantlararas, altar catbartilrad lakadin ne . atit
cathartie akedieme;aboald be and as croataink sykokb •
I WOB6l. LozzsaLs
Xt.; norm Wave. hare beta proved i• mote Wan IMO
QUO ems to by babllibt4 the' ardy eartatet aware Iltsnuying
aidtaaterarabetkotanat.; blast dye". fk tan nor.,
and ateasioa kot tatesa madam death, arab •
'oat their am ban Upend; rank moms aka rat, udiri•
Mated rich tlacm„ and undo:toned Ste mbar kokaapboott _
• withaatimy heft* label me kfotraf Ape Lanni* naLt
m e
tran.i. li:lkb:int. or limb, etfea ' •
d.brrrdraMintat the OM, gnailing Wt tartb daring
aletpend at apabakesa *Wet thalipaorillalbadked cloak", • •
bknikat at the katoryitaairlag allawatikaa at the atotaarb, dub
, arab.. ever tba mica orate body, slittlfebtals tn. Air
crags, beadactke, 'drarstaest, vartgo, tarpon • dtanniad
dreams, sadden Qantas La sleep, 'ebb fried mat taruinint a
ontantinien a triniblatan. *tart/Ism, [karat, pallid
4e, tan, bad
tuts n ttai amml, diltedt laroulkkotk Po. rr
nvetiti, b h lost.d a ugurown.,
tk .qor bqatia
a ' tali;
ciaia tro k onthe, o piar.
sbaottut a n as rot' parts of a* body, aMae ut nme
thing Mang !n am
ib thscarolehant °Abe Nam lowan!, tog ht, a
6 a'irrrd dram. to Pao Paaratat do. ti*
limes distillers oralissartod mom. y •
lalThy: gie imeateditle relief iasick beiglicht,
ketrotta of dripouttem7,
m Pe
thatmotory or t ri e heart,'
mre thm., Intel Of ...Mgt CO.
oppresetoa or •wattalof whiejof op them, ,
holte.t VD.% rm.. of the dome& or.boode,
effeehoes; pod Dermas distaises,thantaia. thrtegli )."6'" the
day, awl eraltefothoer 14.0 'UM de., th ole. Pr chal;
erapiathe ,diemho. ..411. or amen of -
**so to MU.* fare pertim,vlliad rte Lamm
Omar rintringe
ninonil p r p... the booyeatiof youth; Diall
.Ikv thrjatioe, the... on. etetem seal
"le Peneeitt'etho "46 =lZ=l:3*, awl
Umir Otipthai habilei will !Lod thesel...esidl ,
atirdie roma of the Dana
• Ile. bmtetratigthet.gpthmer lathe traiii, soda
raftatlf 'Pm P 0... Dm.. la the aide, Deck.
thaw, pm., latathgo , is. is. ODe It
Year will Dot gently thodearod..• They regain • lathe Warm-
btfantapOsa.. %maw mperior by all othem,aad
for tow opener the mod priem,makhey Dot oilly the beet, bat
thee... plaster ia the world. It alimis edit la a feet
boese, par mk.sette.t.h.e ettr.
:th this ...ha. thy' .. it okmdd wora aim
Itt o Zte n toftlialirerer stati ie. it will afford gnat
Meek' la amqll3, adds maims, didloolty
M.thiatt, et z i 4, 'theeltett or stamadt, they
moth aled , Ikea& deo t. Fem.*,
yedeottery holes or obUged to atophorill rite.
dee.d mpg". from am-of them trdy be Plat
tar. Phyl th um. meta, reeotommal them, is prefix... 4
I,3o(byn,ealse etteltoratime tter,.l .satdsre..
er relief. la .map they are atotaleat, mid
.odyste. They ars mat of entirely dilthosat Intredi.
eamfroetaay other. mei Down Gm the apperhip. 11114
house.* ham met thea r aesdlo the muted trathmey of
all thoodebrated end d' dart Dad phypetom, to
b. the amatmethl aal b y arediemadotester. •
gemd moms bam milted M the Cmiabotne tOmfmmt
their tarp... thethicat the theipmairataints mom them
platters hare
Di' •
rietloifthe me vet the 'bad deaf ?their, oilli a
hes.. atDeAlteraiii mom It is impartemyou sh.l4
Ong. oak for IthermeWo Fear Kash Pb..... .41.* that
yam get the gt.throte there are maim wor th .. 1a...
lo*lted abatteaad *old' Cu the mu* SherataiOs Clatters by
, Soldwho.. and re./ try W. JACKSON., his U.' o
Werdmese, No. DO, Laney omot, et,of-th
11 A 1 ME.FOUND - 14,:taE•reltt: '--
• Cincinnati, 0., Alareh . 4 : 15 4 7 .
Dar tocertify to the pular, pirDealrfy
iLiee di.,,., of aw.L...p,q,
thrt la the Siring of 1813 I was attaeked with • writ sold '
torkkh woe beau.;, owed wpm 27 lamp, thawing
ayasyrunitid oppralchiag Conatteoption. ,My “nt,
ligtt and trooblerooke, Wattled yeah copious night wads; I
apit op daily • rousaderahle . ge . ardity of blood, misrd ithh r
blob dark mallet, My atta•tios became swim wad Manor
. . ,
/hoist this time-Ideas attended by two of our mat
afalfid Phylkiimm they did the beet they could kw me, Immo
st tenth they pee op ail bora of my merry. Ititthelieg
thatwotbiag owe mold he done—that my lungs were
4 , 4.81,4a5:6 beyond remedy. • 1 wea then penindell by
fraud of mined* moke a trial of IN; Doweimes Naimai
rowt Itostestp, which my Physicians perms* ted.egawat, earn
that this medicine noold do ten good, sod would Mdi odd
more to toy eufkriog. I told Aim it was toy het awl only
not that it I must died' the doom, (ekkli was eri.
shut to me,) them woad be siodelog tom. 610 1..1 to th
Ctuelaaatithlbee sod oblalued 5 bottle. of this easily Vales-.
bit Malkin{ 'mid iweasimmed usiatosoonliag to time dime.
Mom s intterf Of wading dtoy md6Meig, lisardidely
glee ma relief, !!inn newton' the troohletome Cough
embegthe pain Mad Mghbsee isroiy Chest; &sit oto anew
life mit Mmigth, which NMI saahkd me to be Aril ark.
This sseelicise ccothitted it. god work, Which it so nobly
coottoneed, wimil I woe made • round essa. I have Moe, been
bitsd sit to my Lo.iom. (opened. of 3 me.) mil 1.1
eallky to I wish. I hare remeroesded Dr. Desesses La.
peetoemstiomiMy Su omagiostaorwe to atom airsamtpaktest
and it il
has waye roved muamsfulMs lee . [bar wilstemesi
ice eibute.; lay a/Merle dug this rowlieissettpnratt, hr o
Named Law and on siffsetissi If Ow ilisigiflidelat .be
had soared . with fir =ma Maw; dm he. warty reetwerd . -g
by the ....e thiimerW.ll, and 1 no watidast th. 6 bottle
that IWm with to. to-day bir. in Miry .
to know that there
etc thootoode of ramble persow truths
wear with Mils dried/al destroyer—CONEIUMPTIONow
We.. it ossig . paiiihk kwthose to *mai this miiiiiscia
• time, Inks.; it. ha fro lits;stasi Jim pi&
their -felonies aod &stems esidenpl; h ypy. nit
entiiee impost isslief s modal UM omit doorres
the Medd poisfut Coogh„ tesoor the tightomets theches
fits sbrlntit to tha sun:6ll4 end sasseistsitikuitit, smukio
moliemeo, lamtmo4erili raMorot v.:theta-mt.
_ 2Moolgoirseey,thsioltOolkoolYi Ohik
I N R.—Thote willowy Wit tom aortlkkbhl wilk rake
to the oodersig.owKeithowe fifjthseqomory, Nemiltos cow.
.7, 0 .Lhey utti thasbore Oaxaca%
treet, ithcre this rsisibie bledici E.lo4as en 'shays be'lS " si
_oo4d Equeboggit; by , WAL Jisai64. l 6 l . Millatee
Wood and Idlest, sta. - optlfolkor
ileac lirt•elfeaii.'''
The roperior.slabai of thr Trade consist in the coo.
b47 , l , , ,.=.l .4 m A y it e rizz sc I d irt pad or
Ina ea any gamer 14 araillbormily. 4141 4 :.:Sro
any =venom mix by tirk,wearet, 1te5a.14 , 109.12
*troe anufshaden. mil a coma domed. Tbe sat.
hrhoribehr made allarepumenk Pa the loputtarlare ;
or dreee'ralubleTrande, in a =hada layir,ln
dolphin:end 'bare hem Nam hr owe a* her elltre,l4o.
IYSmltheld st ;war did*, Pardrerypt.-, -
. • • • ' .11180WAIT4'
je3fl ' • ' B. W. ICAUFFAIIAN.I.
rdar:fit w
iiirdii to maspooo.'foll of EL'A. Fab.
•/4nomook CO.-Y.olatifigto Mel, odor. hi
- bowler, fon a* leo yams old, and daring Many*,
'ooeeml /t 5 large we, averaging , more ems ako
I mg Us effects DO illisehibti
WI 14 km. yocumetzimer, who wan oppagen4 well,koa
sbe passed t7Arostas of aqui Mae • • ' . - •
Wittligalker; fastihfield scrett
Zremilif 104 bold by 11 A TAHNESTOCK CO,
corner .4t buiderao4oadorood'ama fkb an, ' Jed
--- i - ---• S. Cur." lie psyt -- . __-_. - i
' th-ratthisi' PileitSitheicestm Nes Failif
PlAHERE,erirdew du e name eommou or trite.
1 blesome than th e P les. and-yet, nothrithstotth
ind crest Okra hue mode to cure by the use
et/ pillii electuthes; li ineatiVitge., all •ere fut il e
end of little benefit:. tow the Embrocaumi ti the
only medicine MesE; person who has been saes!
leg viltit the Piles cdthe root kind erne Om So
leili,Nts*.Jersey;shniiit on palpate to espies", his
painede log the stmedY Cure that tbla mad teite hod
screeted in his cam.-.Phila. Sat. Pest. -
11:1-For sole I. Pittsburgh ell the PEKEPI TEA
STOSE.llPourth'st ;:end also et the tired Slime
li P Sal:ruts; Federalist. Allegheny Cli
Nit, ORGAN cocain: wrixtrit— , ll.lnald hr
riV/ paihl idled and tide known to the paid ie.." This
wu the expmmentelatteld'anan mho utOd the flymp.
3 Prnwienon„ February I, I.
Mt. Morettm..-This tally certify tha Melee atkened
eth a troubleloton eatighpotoe tiene7l boned a Mak •
gt blerpo'n.Cose(ftyrotit, land sun happyjo ray; Oar
uslmpt, my et no_l2=lo4 moo& I pronounce your
Omagh Syrup deebnet medlnme have err! loot . , N
- Camay should holmium' thin valnable medicine, •
DAVID hIcHODERTV, Allegheny Girt
Ernie nsedition ft •• wholesale ud , retail
at the DrestOoreet . JOHN D 'IOWA N::.1
I hod etseet,one • • • below Diamond MIA
Poee:th erste bets I; •• • ;
"rt/111.181tEt0 INSILS', WEEXLY &WEEKLY
di .. deism. 8 witeiers, V ...6e Prirakr.
&ATM" Or . 10 EAT-111 a.
• 0130 lalettiOn of 161 in .or I=lso 50
Twoinsanions withre Wrlons, •: . wls
Three " ' ''
'. - -1
One.'Witak - " '"' ' 160
Two Week " " 1... 2 80
Thine " ' ' - - '3 CO
000 51 . 1 . t."
hi , , ........Le. 00
Two ". '` -;-- ' '''..': .. ~. .. 6OD
Ebro, .'' '• " .. - 7 - 60
13 4Diter idwittisoriliebt:itraini leoportion:
One square: 6 months, without ; oiteratioa,... 10 CO) ,
-tine iileare ror 6 months... .: .. „ 6
C CO '
ww • , 12, ,4 -10 M
One sorik»e,6 Nieman, renewable - SCpleamine. lb CO
2.036 additionisiptire for ii monlis. . -10 GO
• TywkoKrOlte, 6 mon th ., WI/Woes pie=. 30 00
14chadoitiouai ranato,6 months, 800
'or nitre on' ramiiii.xce if DAILY :.
One soaire.3 insertions,
1 . .. •w i each additions! insertion ' . 37-
41:ellittei or Ids, one year. . .... '...i...... d ®
, f' , ~ ! , I, .. . ",. 14 11 70 0 tbil
~' - 1, .ii - W2Tii: 6 ... a'
• 4. •:' , l' -, 4, one year, dally.c. w74.Y, sv v.
. ..'-!'.- 1.. !‘ ...Ai!' month. - '... , 7.,,,,,,,; , 4 co
, .: . . 4 .'aliiiiolllll.l.llllTi ix irlicalir rOsir.:7
F 6 r.9 lino. or 1,110,0 4 0 0 ,0 ,1 0 0. ilitni..
.1 0 56 . '
2 , ' ,. ..1!.1,-. :.. ,9;.;;;•Twit , ' .... ...
. . .
'... ~31t110, - , - .100-i.i.. O -1
; •;. 4 1-, rf : ; : r;rbtee sionths;" ' '''' 1. to
:-. i
- Bi ---- -....:...,6 00
,- i , r,„,.‘* . ,....-,.
. - - . .."•r. , ;•‘ Wart . '" - 4ii'.....10 CO
rrall ediortietnnents
eltarilid by iiiii , eq . larer:
Ma tifileiisit alla OM:WU bligiroi Taws the
.I : l2o4s ; 7l. 4tertili o 2' 4,2l reeds 60 dallar, per ',sr.
iirstinsi' 'cons. ' ' " ''''•
Firs line. or less, One year $5 00
, ". " 4ix months ' 6co