iiAbEfie tIY ERASTUS BROOKS &Co. TUESDAY I M, J R OL I VIO,.. 184-7 117. Tax Must um Dux, eekl7Wm-rim 'published Tr.Wookly und W,—.• Iheliy lams • Dumlopue usuuso; , lite rri-Weetly to ll Fire Milan per elllOO.l. OM Weepy is frollollszo per ammo nricao • Mottos to illtivetzlsors. " n F l itditfUtentttati II Soma menu., 5b0.14 bc II is by' he Velock the ailernoon. AtlenCiae o_,Oilibe rotor oar tap:mere, would be louden twee( mental beneit. FOR GOVERNOR, El= MEM (or orma moan.) FOR CaNAL COMMtS,...IONER. JOILPH W. PATTON. UV MauLon, coortri I :GEORGE DARSIE,Of Allegheny City PFOR LEWLS C. J. NORLft,of Indiana Ty. CHRISTIAN SHIVELY, of Wilkins Ty . HENRYLAR ARSHALL GE,of Main Tp. SWARTZWELDER, Pittsburgh. FOR TASIRRORIA. Vi.. HAI ft, of Pinsburgh. ru 7110111ar'E711.1 S, of Loun ' rer et. gals . Ty :ma Antirrog. 42, WILVABI ceve.N. of . • STATie OMR TRAK COMAIIITTICIE THOMAS E FRANKLIN, Lastauter JOHN C MINKEL, Dauphin emelt, THOMAS DUNCAN JAMES PIARCIN, THOMAS C HAMDIX, York. WILLIAM M WATlls,Camtmeland. DANIEL.M DMVSER, Adam, JOHN P WETHERILL, Philadelphia C. JOSEPH R COANDLER, . ROBERT T CONRAD, THOMAS MeORATH, Philadelphia Callan* DILLER LUTHER, Barka. , . . . . _ ROBERTOARD, Franklin. THOMAIRM T APKENNAN, Wirrinnonn ANDREW 7 OGLE. tikanerrci. !lARMAR DEZ(NY, Allegheny. RICHARD IRNWIN Vanango. JOSEPH H KHIOS, Wertmorelaml 3 1) 1 )1. 1'6* Nrathampion JO SALISBURY, Barcirehurna. ELHANAN 8S !1!4, W_Vanny. SAMUEL A PURFIARGIL Butler . HENRY 8 ETANSO:Biester. ROBERT T POTS% gionigneery. Pir Lai= Ossamerclal In.sllyrenes, Dammam Ma kets Rives Imparts, Motley Market. s Vasssi I . P.OLITIGAL NEIITRAtILTIN It has become so much the custoniNf late to abase • political party, that, though we of the humblest members of the Whig patty of the Onion. we, vague to say • word in favor of the political organktaqou no which we are ettached. WO 111ee the word custom as charatoterizing only a common and sometimes only an idle practice with those who indulge In it. Every mart will have his joke, and toms, we are toll, wilt not spoil one for rela tion's mks. Ooe man Llama forms of religious muds. It may be because he honorably disagrees with all/ hot it is most likely to be, hymnist he has no religion of hie own to defend. Others let tiy their Panama screws at the Law, and their quiver is fuller of darts than the green bag or port folio of the meat fortunate of ths profession with hide The whOhi world habitually. nil at those whew, bcoinses it is to heal the body, and in health their cry always Is, Wit to -take Physic Pomp," but oTbrtror phi is t We flop —I'D rime of it. It is thus the privilege of the unprofessional world to abuse the Prolnuon., soil it may in most cue. be pstdostee, became It i. generally withal:it mot Ice, and became moo who live by the hard late,, en aa. it lucent rather than the easier labor of the! hail b, are deemed fair game for any manner of @octal or popular abase. But why Pialitics or Political Partin should come in for this general ahem, is beyond our c tm prehenaioa. A political creed Is as acendy trate a man for hie duties on earth as a religions ooe is necessary to train htmfor Heaven. Men,— ire souk of Lonestenco, and regard the world as much mote honest than creates. esteem it,—are . as cleacientiou. in their politics as in their tell sloe! They attadh themselves to a party became they esteem its principles to he right. Of the ttousands and tens of thousands of men who it satiably vote the Whig ticket, and many at great main' ces of time end profit, who than question their integrity! Tie firs: man found at the Bal lot Boa I. oflea the best citizen in the land. Yea will find him a man of hi. wool, honest In his in' tern:three, prompt in hi. engagements, Use to all the obligation. of life. He votes for • party man, Is • party man, and wishes mane to great party principle.. He is no bigot—nor a man who would hang or disfranchise • neighbor for an honest dfference of opinion; bat he is firm to hi. polymer, and esteems his political principle., and his right to amnia them, as a priceless trepan. Who does not esteem such a man abate and be. Yond the cold, maculating, discontented, negligent and jealous man who, with a pharaniml pride, thanks God that be is not as other men. Give tam Bigot, with all his nareow peejudices, mid circumscribed action, rather than a man of all parties, aref no party. YOU Rill find in soda en oniat kaat an occasional impnbe of good, and tidies it often means well to all, shill do k 7. 411 to Neutrality is notiiitit;iawithoot .6 "......,:j0dgment, a heart without feeling, a man without • maul. A neutral politician is one who is an things to all men,-1 weather-cock that catcher every breeze and blows with it,—a 'maiming no. body witboat'the moral capacity to think right, or the moral courage to act right. Nor :is it manli• rtes alersitiat ha wants. .He fails in every moral pareeption,and in every just estimate of his do. Site an a citizen. He enjoys the Inetitutiotts of his country without knowing their sloe, and with .' out contributing to their swim. What he calla 4be.indapandenes of parties. is but a poor depen. dance upon himself, and tho question to be ans wered is, whether hundreds of thousands of mien ere the elavo ha makes them or whether, he is wiser th an sill these himmegt There are, a. w• believe, .sttang moral oblige. tie= resting upon every citizen of the United Stategoithich maim themselves into antairepolit kel dation It is the duty of every man to vote, and riot to throw sway his vote upon a doomed faction. Third patties, as they avail nothing but to pot bed men to °flee; deserve reprobation. Mr. • Polk holds Ms once at this moment through the dloat4lested policy of a - ate party in New York, /nay loan of whom would tows vastly preferred the election of Mr. Clay. Mao. who will not . dowse between mita—pr who do not choose to be inierumental in the elevation of bad men make, —es they may by Mille. omitted u well as by acts • coconibtod,t-have that to answer (or which makes them &telly reepomible for the mal.adminirtra• dap to which they may bane contributed. Wo - bold of all public principles, that doty de mands, that Out whillt is right should not only be made known, but made prevalent, and this gene. prevalence eninnly come through and by toe Ballot 8011. We repast, therefore, that every good citizen Most be in tome sec se Ai politician, and neither Preacher nor - Priest, Moralist nor Sectari an, can honorably be exempt from the discharge of duties which he owes to his country and 'to mankind. It le not enough that man mean well - Ifbecomsthem to act well. In the strong .and truthful language of 'Edmund Brute, "their de. lonics good intention la no eon of excuse for their preemption. They who truly mean well mmt be fearful of acting ill." l'uta my inn soanner.—Tbe Washington Correspondent of the Baltimore Patriot has made the following my respectable Cabinet for Gene• nl Taylor: Secretary of Stara, John J. Crittenden; Secrets. ry of the Treasury, George Evans; Secretary of War, Jefferson Dattc.Secretary of the Navy, Millard FinalOtin Postmaster General, E c•Gover. one Joner, Attorney General, 101111 SOigratlP :Tax 111.11101 M WIZAT Caor.—The wheat crop of Illinois is said to be an average sac; the harvest is nearly weir and therein secured io ex- What. condition. The Alton Telegraph lay. that, in }hp Southern part of the Elute the yield better than tuntal--rn the unddle section, gen. early Debt. but the grain of =parlor quality—in the lioth,where it suffered most daring the win. ter, it is said to be much below an average. In the sggregate, the crops will not W I much abort of that taloa in formet your. The_ summer crop' porn's. abundance. The Detroh Free Pros which bee riven south attention to the crepe in Minimax, aye that the crop the 81ste will be en average one. The supine I,r, expect le estimated at 760 ; 000 bath." : 17- P -2 , 0-54 .*Ficit«im ar, pi t utig• HaitraiiNuY 16. '• nisetlng Oldie Mends the Okixtdind and Pittibcogb Rantoul wri h 4 at Has pan, Poe.; tail( county. Ohio. on the 14 lost. T meet Ingres farce, the ual rniiifesied sizt don taken, gate proauri that the - roadivillhe poor, e cuted with wet gy to_ an _early completioek7.l Measum* wero adopted to rare forthwith the means necerary to grade the road - from the Me, honing nureunit,ipshich pokO, the secured wrold carry the toad CO Hudson, in Sum- mii count/. a p.iint only tweiity•four mile. from Cleveland. From Hudson if is _expected that Cleveland will readily carry forward the work to the Lake. The 'spree:Woo of sentiment from the wallow towns along the line from the Mahal:dug, faammit to Hudson,—a dingoes of 42 miles,— was such as to warrant the cot fident expectation that the means required will °a readily contribto tad. and thus the immediate constraction rf the whole work will be secured. The amount of aid needed from above, it is ascertained, will eerily be commanded when this pia of the' undertaking is effected, by the town, oo the line. The compktion'of this Great work is one of great importance to Pittsburgh. To any nothing of the rich and productive country In Ohio which it tracer.% n t sempassied by Loy pottion of the State, it will open to the tnanulacturing and COO. menial enterprise of Pittiiburgh the immense country of the Lakes, with its twelve hundred mitre of coast; and the thouainde of miles of C and Rail Rried improvements, penetrating all parts of the vast Northwest, and terminating on its ports,—a country not only immense in extent, bat rich in cooly department of natural remureee and becoming populated with, a rapidity that knows no parallel, even in our own land, with a people, sober, industithus, enterprising, and uto shackled by any of the restraints of: an unnatural and einrighteong system of servitude: No ecnicep tion can to formed by any 'but an eye witness of the extent end importance of the trade which this country—the Toot and flourishing No:then:pt.— moot famish. Tho trade of the lower Ohio, oast as it it, c3nnot compare-with it, and - there aro no I r limits or the extent or rapidity of its increase. When it ie considered that Cleveland is more than one hundred miles nearer to New York,eeen to coy nothing rf Philadelphia and Baltimore,— be way of Pittsburgh than by Caffein, or by the New York and Erie Rail Road. itor ill be seen how important this trade is to f'ittsbcogh ae well as to those Clutter° cities, and bow important the Clove. land and Pittsburgh Rail Road. which, being the shortest practicable connection between the Lake and the rivet, it, alto certainly on as good a route for the trade between Cleveland and Pittsburgh ae any other, and will, by the construction of less than one hundred miles of road, bring the two cities into Guam communication with each other, far anticipating thus any other possible work, and at the came tune presenting equal if not better fa ' alines fore continuous road to Pittsburgh. forrelpowleure of the l'insbargliGasette The 11.11.Etexasi Wolof. Karma-ow Jerte,l2, 1847. - The PiUsburgh Gazette of the 12th inst. reach • ed hem by the mail yesterday in which we notice with much surprise the following etatementi '-41r. Kelly of Cabriolet., who era. Nero with the Wheeliag Committee, lariats that a Rail hoed cannot be made through the line of Canton, Mae. and Wooster, as he sets the . region is too rally, that they tale landi are earth, that taunts would. haze to be crossed &c., die In a word he declares the route to be utterly impracticable.' ; ' • Permit as to say that in our judgement you have not and too strong language in saying this is • "gross inennation." The chi titian name of the Mr. Kelly who in said to have msdethis dec. laratian contained in the above paragraph is not given—nor is it alleged that be was of Columbus to this Stale, we therefore are elow to believe, that the gentleman of that name evading at Columbus in this State, with whom many in this vicinity have the honor to be acquainted, has ever perini.. tell himself to state that "Rail Road cannot 'he made through Canton. Massillon and Wooster," We affirm without fear of contradiction by any intelligent man who is acquainted with the cyan. try, that from a point a few miles east of Canton to the carat late of this State, there ere eV kw ob. slincnons to the progrese of such, mock, as ate Cu be met with in any pad of thia Kahan. of le Ake distruice. ft hi only shout twenty miles to the north of Canton or Wooster when we reach the summit, from whence the streams nail to the I north and south, end any one who will take the trouble to look eta map of *hie State' will see et a glance, *bat the face of the ca•i-.try along the en. lire e. etc from a few 11r1 ,, , • 01 Canino to the west line of the State, lave to the Mi.- ' sisuppi River,) is overly levtl. Thera- are law eireaCis m rooms, on this route, and they of coulee era small at the paints where they will be . pused, es those pants will be near their source. We have not leisure today to grit mom fully upon this subject, nor can it be cecessary in the calms. Lion of every one who will investigate the subject. and particularly any one who bes travelled over the road. Fortunately an actual moiety was made of the route from Pitudrargh to Massillon, via New Liston and Canton in 1832, by 0. Mitchell Esq., ■ moat competent Engineer, and we refer you told. report made to the Pataburgh and Ohio Rail Road Company. We will only add that, that portion of the rocs surveyed by Mr. Mttchd • embitters the only part of the whale diatom with to which any difficeity can paesibly be met andh. It will be seen from this report, that the grade oven in ass lading from the Ohio River to the table land., in no instance exceeded 33 feet per mile. M Ann LLON. I'. Since the above wu in type we hies aced Mr. Kelly's letter. It ta Allred Kelly, Allred Kelly of Columbus, Ohm, and nobody else. We shalt pay our respects to his letters at ume flaunt day. Soioreae' Ccani.—The , following farms are necessary to be ob.er•ml,in applying fat the bane-. fit of the 9th vetion of the net of Googrees of the I Ith of February. .1E47 : State of—, County of On this day of in the year one thousand eight hundred and personally up• peered before toe the undersigned, a justice of the peace, the County and Sum above mentioned who, being dray sworn according to law, declares thus he in the identical torn wu in the company cootattanded by coraln lit the regiment —commended by —; that he, enlisted on the —day of—for the tern. of —and, was discharged , at-- on the -- day of reason of the ex piration of hi. term of enlistment (or by lea-012 of niceness intoned in the course of each ser vice.) Bwoin to and subscribed before me ae day and • hove written. To which must be added the certificate of =gig-, uscy by the clerk of the county court coder the seal of his office. • • If the discharge had,been prediated upon a ear geon'e certificate, then the certificate mast ac ctimpany the discharge and declaration, and, in all mows, the dicharg• roust accompauj the dec laration, unless where it is lost or destroyed, then that fact must be sworn to by the soldier, and Foul made. of his honorable diecharge by a com missioned officer under oath. -.- If scrip is wanted instred of • certificate of ■ warrant for turd, there musthe added the follow ing form SIR . I request that my claim to bounty land under tho 9th section of the Oct of the 11th of February. 1847. entitled An act to raise Tar a limited time an additional military force, and for other purposes." msy!be examined, and, if I ani , entitled to head, I Isiah to relinqubds and do hereby relinquish my right thereto, and in lieu thereof to receive s treasury scrip of.one huil red dollar*. • • . Ism, respectfully, your obeoiedt scream Witness present. of Pensions. Wuhington City Pmna the Laces. flaoLs Rms., Lacs 811/pllloll,i July 4, 1847. S The cane of this country, and eyeearo of every teetotaler who instils in this country, Is Every home for the accommodation of at/engem from the most filthy grog shop, to those that as. pint to the character of hotel., invariably traffic io it. Aside from tide annoyance, travelers con find • pleasant horns at the Hrpcfiwer Boons of Copper Harbor, Eagle Harbor House, .or Esg l Harbor, also at Johnson's and Atwood's, at Eagle River, the latter of which, I believe, doe, not tra ficin grog. I writs was, circormuutcsa wurathing similar to .Geo. Taylor. when writing one of his despite:ll ro in the Florida blwamp, therefore 01.00,,, mir lakes, blotches, ate. dot KILLED sr KLICTILICITT young led by the name of Win. .Bannett, ter., of Fnifield township, while sitting upon a load of hey in enn ,'. puny with hisbrothera and • neighboring lad.during the thunder mono on' Monday of lot week, wan struck by lightning and instandy killed. A brother of the derxieed, who was riding the riadtjle home at the time of the discharge of ilielltiCith w.o but slightly injured, although the horn was kited —I The other three horses composing the team we prostrated, but not otherwise injured... , st 4, sometimes •preroarbet , even • 'and r a tribute Born theriinconsiou• this ittaba Vampire Bat." ilhuing the 44eip ' fift the, dim of the that bat they atiannavt. 'Rome of the lafisatt measure if 'two feet Berns. the wisp but gasp are smaller. • -- f6irdiveiv fc - iiiiiiii him:Wind Wire& : particular, portion which constitutes the , of the treat toe. from personal experience, I stable to vouch; but every one in the awn • nfufent ofli r - and ' a number of gendemeil rent trews awned no that they themvelves .0 ptilebotornired in that manner, nor knew, . peration, until a bloody hammock offered ble evidence. They spoke of It u a alight 1 • probably the little blood that is extract rely an injury. if the foot is covered there nger, or if a light is kept burning in the nd often wo have aleph unharmed thus • , when bats were dating 'butt and • g the night long. Cottle and horses me laity protected; and a wound once made, t retanar to it every night, °nul the proper 'one are taken, or the animal is killed by of blood —Edwards' Voyage up Ike River guard , animal not a tbo ball precou; thaloa' Antal Ai! 'I; Improixtuunison the Stew'. Engine. —Mr. Aitken, of Newman at., has taken out let ters patent for an important improvement in the SWAM engine, by constructing what he ACTITIS an atmoet boric cylinder, placed either over the air pump, or in any other convenient situation which may be fixed upon; with the view of easing We loadct the latter, which is very serious in ell en‘ gins. Through this atmospheric cylinder all the coodering water pastes on its way to! the coo dente ; atmospheric pressure is thus given to the pietas , and the load of the air pump Counteracted. ~2 The ction of - the air-pump abstracts a consider able portion of the weer of every description of condquaing engine•during the space the load is on; End in direct action, or pumping engines par. ticulaily, where there .if no 'fly-wheel to equalize the ad, the advantage of the atmosphetic cylin der will be great; for steam equal to the lewd el the engine, and of the air-pomp. must be supplied from the beginning to the end of the stroke. htup• piing the air-pump to be 24 inches in diameter, the pi'essurenn the piston would be 12,700 pounds at e eh stroke. Mr. Aitken estimates that the uml f the annoapheric cylinder will give power to 0 at extent ; and the check of the air-pump ben -counteracted, the engine will work more ales des and more safely. Another advantage of this dditional cylinder is, that it extracts the air fr . 1 the water, on its way to the condeassr, be fore t becomes expanded by the heat of the steam; and he lowest benefit observed from this rause was an improved - vacuum in the condemn., to the sate t of three.quarters of ah inch of mercury. fsenersl Talton's opinion of ..Conquering • ~ 5 Pea " with Mexico may:he found in the following eztiact of a letter written to General Gaines, in Nolen:ll,er last- He speak.. though he know what the campaign should' be, In order to meters an what the compenntion for the blood and 1 . tr 1.7 we re are in the language ezpended,woubltermina te l i n. . P.,lk nod G 11. Scott, under th e necessity of comp:tering a pr te'end that by ttittila the capitol of the to ntry—we moot go tol'erk. Cruz, take that; an then march on to the city of Monica. To do no in any othei dtrettiou, I consider out of the qu Lion. But admitting we conquer a peace by. d.. og so. say at the end of the nest twelve months, tat I the amount of blood and trimaure whkli watt be expended in doing an, be tompinuand by , the as I I think not, especially &the country womb die is to be Risen up, and I imagine niete-are intl feu, indiriduats in our eutardry who think of as nesing Mexico to Me United Pates.' Si enema* easa—A man by tho name ofJAn LI Klengders, Comadmion Merchant, woe errest• d . in New York, last wart, on a charge d having obtained several tbousind dollars, from difeerent hanker., by false muLfraudtalwat reprmuatations. Selling bill., as he cypressed, on What shipment of whale 01, to Hambro ec Son, London, which were pcirted and returned. He was held to iEt,. 1. 1 in the OM 0f53,000, in the (revere' arms to Er the charge., The Dew York Courier 'ind 'nquirer Kays, in rkreene to this um, that .. the Lt. Ili:earn-of his ~,, I at wasbanded in to LS 1,3 t "II l'al.r.[l Yll Tinishay z4,111.;,but, Ittozinsag that Mi. Awe= bad allays mahnsined a high character before the , public we .opposed there might be some mistake, ii 4 the matter, and therefore, lard the report aside ii . estirday m 'lcing, h.warer, Mr. K. committed suicide, by shooting hilliself with • pato!, Nor fur- I :tithing airs "4 c.idturct. of in, until of the charge. tale rw.,i,,,t him. BIITI4II Styx 140IIONAT a Isnis.—The Landon ?dicing Journal shows that surmy milljons 4 . rdollstd are exacted from the wretched Fowls. tnin of India, by reserying to itself, (at the:old binge did in France.) the sole monopoly of sup- Plying fifty millions of people with salt, whiCh it dam of ■ very impure quality- "Pi:laically, (say. the JUIlf1211,) the want of a sufficient supply pf salt engenders many diseases, of • natnte pa enliar to this oppressed people, and aids the rava ges of (ewers and dysenwries. It makes the deal. ers in salt cheats and sdniterstins." Here it • sample of Engbah flee trade, .o ;much lauded by the fret. trade party of England aind the linsted State,. :Eau —An official report t the Legit.la. tore. of Terinenee ern down the capital employed in the Iron buainen at $4,100,0 , 0, anilthe anon. of product at the 01M3 11110101.. Three fourths of this cepital are employed in Middle. Tennewce. On the Cumberland river near Nashville there are ^2l Llast furnaces. I I forge, and 3 eplendid j. an nually about $0.00,000." On the Tectonics rivers there are 12 lumen. and 8 forges and bloomerin, which produce about 180.000 tone annually." ' According to a letter addteseed by V. K. St& venson, EM. to the Honorable John C. Calhoun, 1 we learn that the egricultonl product. of Tenure ere are in value equal to $57A 51 .890. while th we utOhio are only $57,899,390 and of New York $57,685,400. ebowiog Tennenee to lc the third State in the Union in productive wealth.—Bolt. Amer. Arrant .7 /az recta—The Heels Ezpreas learns that an attempt wen made by colored per sons, residing at Niagara Falls, to kidnap some colored arreante of Southerner., visiting at the Falls, and they so Inc euereeded ae to get them away from their masters and conceal them: Ss.. cral of the citizens laminated a march (or the must ing blacks, and in so attempt to examine a house occupied by a family, *Ley were met by the use of firearms Several shots pawed between the witailants and the defenders of the preentrer, which reruhad io the wounding of several perms on both rides, but not dengerouely. a. the guns were only chug. with shot, The Lsotauvr as or Deco,oa convened an the let of December. and A. 1.. Lovejoy es.,, elected Speaker. The office of Record yr" wu aeated by • bill, and Mr. Theophilos McOrutler Inducted no the elective prnciple.— The public debt 4 $.5,000 1 Two thousand copies of Webster's Spelling Book are to be printed. eh,' the establishnient of Nubile Schoola is !multi called for. Several marriagee aie advertised. and the corrals of love matrimonial having its dlf fieuhica even in the Sylvania of Oiegon, two wives and ka many husbands lave applied in the authoridee for bills of divorce. t Aer.eneewr Kin ewer Tatax.--Thera are Ire learn, engaged in this trade, 22 Keelboat., which. are drawn by borer., where the ricer per. mite. it. They eye chiefly engaged is carrying flour, bacon, moinseee, engirt, tea and dry goods, for the towns and conntcyllong the river. The highest point to which thoy now !mend I. War ren.' The time from Patabrugh to this place it twelve d.y.,—the trip back can be made in four days. 'chase boars carnage from lb to 20 tone bOrden. Ouzel tut Recavzsa.,-The Vera Cruz coils. isandent niche New Orleans CO /11111,Ciai Timu say.: The younger and mote daring of the Vera Om• anon, are deiy dropping out in small number. to swell the ranks of tba Guerillas. Nineteen have gone out within the lam two days, soma of whom are Spaniards, and the others blexicents I am assured, too, that eight mule loads of gunpowder passed through the , gated of this city,' less than ten dap age,and bare irately arrived into the hands of the Guerillas. • Crrrt.l.—A farmer in Buck. courity,Peon., on the rood from Philadelphia to Tieotoo, (one of the Irwin 'wearies to New Tom) bite kep; for .ow• oral yeas an account of• cattle passing his door from the great west • for this city. The number harrearied from 20 to 25 thousand, geeragtag about za,oou per annum. hfost of them are from Ohio and Kentueby, but the greater portion; and bj far the hoed cattle, are T/C4,11 the lank rStale. Anodi c, rest ITEMS to this city from the West is by the way of Eamon, Permgl.ania. Hox.firra Brit.** ye, of Dozbury. Heise father of the dertingtdshed • Et•Seuetor, and Dm Judge Pates Sprague. of Boston; died on the 9th, St • very advanced sic . . . _ .. ... ...._ 'C•ama:Xogiandieutil an Amick C Edwon by the 1.;-.7, -- -- 7.7 -,--- •--i. . .e ' -i t Rem Chides P.i":Mcitvaiti; BAN) of the' Pro- :Correipossdatace - :apt. riga shapes's tasseatost UsatanCEpiscopsf ChnneWTofbe Christi= or I:E ut .„. t i., mt .,.,,,,,, git . o f ij,...24,b.re, sn=ot .10iittOgiaili - 19i41, thil;, : ,. !° l6 ao w ill be elild 1-1 ~, ropy yope ummitr. 1 ;With gfitit intereet. 'Pb. ltaldnow:# of delis inter. c-.' I .-: i rt i i • lily IP, ldee. st .:-..: 4st, =fibs aviniistionsofibh liareereudgebtlesean ~. r -- T - tOarkel • iiiffi e r ,f; i ndo° )..„ gisre Mai thavisigingetshed Tr men =d Ji-}}G " omtn, price .„- G „,„„„ mu; of w... t . .sine of his time. We commend the =lame to eat . ,-- "`" ' the public; k cat jrbe twelolElliiit4 iiintiglitb, Grain—The grain market is at a stand, prices Market at. without change from last gustation.: . The =um. i• Godey'a Magazine- 7 W. Moue, on.Foadth at. .i. 0. lr .. t i m , • uti . er i gd the . v i i i k ., = O has received the August wither of this delightful 'ther awicks in market doll end, _ withontinavt, Mega:inc.— The Flowers Personifie d Ttfiscurious-and in. terarting Work. is a, translation from 'Les flews Animetur which lute bad a eery great tun in Paris. The inUstrations are Italy etreuted,—each - flower is represented in all I the - loveliness-of female beauty. It is issued in numbers. Mr. Caldwell, over Philo Hall, is agent for the,Pnblisher. Anglo American, taitaiterly.lieview,and Black-, . 1•00/rd Magazine.—The Agent fei the above val uable and popular-works, . is at present in this city, and will take the names of perform who may wish to obtain them. 5 The Renew and Black. i wood will be delivered by the bookseller here, free of charge, immediately atter their republication in New York, to whom subscriber', if they probe it, con make payment after the delivery commences. Three publications are tco well known to require I recommnidetion, es without them it is impossible I to keep pace with the literature of the age, or to mix with treed= in good society. The Angto,American iepublished every pater day, in Newti ork, anal. *hailer in its arrange ment to the Albion. - It consists of 21 pages,, weekly, and is $4 per annum. payable in adeancei subscribers receiving annually a superior engre. sing. That of the last year, which Mr. Ward has with him, for delivery. is,a splendid MM. , lint, on . a steel plate, representing the Duke of I Wellington when 35 year. of age, and Lord ' Pon the year ho was killed in the battle of Trafal gar; both likenesses having been taken in 1805, and are rent-xi resemblances of the originals. Persona' upon. whom the Agent may not beer an oppoituni , y of calling, will find him every dry till Friday, , at Mr., Patrick'. Iron City House, Fifth nice', between the bout'e of one and three. QM= Sewn.. Firth & Hall, No. 1 Frinklin. Square, and Firth, Hall & Bond, No. 239 Broadway, NessYork, bare kindiy end as aeseral of their lot,t rows Of POW mane for The ,Pisuo Forte, which too got up in splendid style, particularly those with lothographrelitles. The following ere among the songs rent. Montetey, ehmpoderl by Austin Philips, and embellished . with en ocrurete engraving representing the emitting of the Birth. , Vs Palau: Rio Bras.. poetry by C. F. Hoffman. Esq., music by Phillips. Rough end Ready. as wing by the Allegbeniana and adapted to our na tiontl Oh Breathe not her name"--a beauti ful Ballad: also "Adieu fair Ltiodr frOrn Wallace's new Opera of Matilda, now about being perform. al for the 'lst limo at the Perk Theatre. New York. All the abase pieces east be, fJund tt the Mu sic store of John 1. Mellor in this city. =EZZIZZIEZ Lin of mortality from lat of May to 16th June from Record o! Boald of Health. From rplatert. I lo .11.40% Dep Ileises., II usher, Other liZaaos I Nett.- `WOW. 1111 /menet'', 170 , I QrHosea lk , 401 Alorcana, Mt , I MCZ,VIIP. „ l e, ' „, 00 ,.. v t . 1.. ..t . , Tut HARVEST ii Ectioet —From the news 2 1 '4 " ' G . 1 tt. 51 Total. 4:11 T. .ttOtt JIG 1 • -, Teeeivi a by the Britannie, we learn that the pros:. --- - reelf elan ebundant hate/art in Europe wore nee. Tn. weather here. during die past week. has been warmer than iu Vita Cron during any da y or more Prrereetheirthem th ey were tithe a"' lb. ar SutalLer sailed. Should the. weather continue of the two mouths named below. The fulluwin I. the average of the two mouth. al' Vera Cruel ' reer.thiele, the meet elegu'ee ''P'''s"*" in re. 502.6... 0 A. 0. 2 e. M. 0 0 , femme to the harvest, in all probability, will be flay, 00 . 81 ' 92 81 , m4k2.1. -....... Jane. 80 81 83' A SSSSSSS We r2ll upon The range during the hottest dal May was: sn 52 85 I 84 ' I our Merchants and Merchant.' Clerks, to aid in There was no range as high during any day the contemplated entermise 'of farming a young in Juno. ' men. Library Association in thus city. A pm. lirninary meeting is called for Otia evening, and Wit./Is, S. 11Lke.C., One al the Ili guia Greens, s) noblesT‘ e p ire Jeerer. the coma4•llln' wt. are informed , recently died an n 1 notes:n.l • e and support of the whole brogues. community. boat returning (ram Moziro. He Isis • native of the county of Washington, Pe., awhile Igo family Daw Daops—Why, uncle &while, how dew now totridra you den-7 Dew crime du, and rent a little while, If i, ina.„3 true. ,:‘s, mart and hon,ors. Il t e o n ii n u a s d a nsi l 7,o3,aldtwlbh.at nets He to .I,r ho no% 11.; , •9 i••1e.,r1.. , it it r•aalv, dew set 11. to the 1.0.1 c and date as we dew. that we sliJuld be certain the mum of war is joat! ' l den help yourself, and dote talk some, and dm When we em called upon to endanger or yield! ~°1 makeld the 4l=l' defy air lives for tba goad of the country, it 5h04.1 he say aa"...".""1""' • only when no other mode of evading tho exigency 1 • A sosn A-, 2 A1 2 I.:Cloak, P- it s :. i.j.,..Z.ii... , A large *Moment of saperior goalii, thresebold far' hlitin:'ftedillallghlislirkiliaeltataftgratletig who!: are mandolins . arararolsas large nseklarakh. sank spring seats, inaborong bah aat sofa. dressing bureau, (saes and salmon Clair., I toll* 1ad.1..,__ . 4- anes, large looking glasses, gill fraisletrarsaveo : taw arts of Washinossa, sprng and busk ,basses,[Al • ' ' morirlorimimr—biessim 4 . lo tolgs , mound' lamps, kacherfamitare,Sra,lpsircp.rt . 10 .n..l — r.. 1 ha/amine rsa.bini.nno 01usc, VornflaN querAsernre, gla.twaTe. k. • " , :• , . , quirAßY of toots. shoe., LAnOtiini," tendY anke eAnVong, nun table act pocket eanety, wiiteteiltitißq ro nnel., new awl nenond nand watt hot,ronsiotil work man., a mat 'nanny of ntaplstand &mit Bart:. {YO ) tit Fdunß.,Tooln BtasaMstioyn,ke.,*.tionttpA, ON,Wednesday iho Vst day . or 'Pity at la o'elonlk,A - M . at the e.tnhEthittent of A.:ant.',&hteSten.Oplyit tern and Fotindets on thoti kfie id stlheivre es fillinsf Penned eßey. wlll I. tohl theirorothe .tort Istfts• ripe Brackets, Pillars, Bias* crudity's,' dr- Ae.; alto. ail the Tools oattPalletoaot Mang shop, poll Cozad rt.. among winch - are three taming ladies, snonk. anddiet, vines, stmt. tire. .. V , tyl9 : PRINTS ONLY. ,'CEDAR ST., NEW,, YORK LEE & , BREIVSTER,t r.doLli.loul a sen . arehOesc.lndtc yeor IPo pr ‘IItMIVI I h .t ' C'EZ * AaillZV T FlV, ' ; ' t 'b . phew—md exlntodne, ed al spawns - - of the yeas, Me Largest AssepoPead in • • -7 THE W.0111D.L.: They ore now opening :leveret IhendredPookogeo, coropraytg ererynnetv rtgle of Foreign and.Dornestic proauerton, mho? of -labial 'ore not to be Azad 'al re. where, and which boon loot been porthated, and lira offered Gm rale for Caoh ond Pb.tl emit', • ' PRICES REDUCED .- '-- • ?Rohl ONE TO FlVE:l',ol l B_,' - ' - r per yard bettw the priees of April sad May; as per related Cuta'agues, MIA/ are corrected daily, fot the t opurtnnon of otuyers. •, • • .. ' sNT INAILIITOOE s ) ' Nee, Turk. Arde,ll47. SS tIEUEIVLID ATM A IllthiKlitr , Mt Gild:antis Magazines L. August, Paris Fasting., Godry's Ledy's book, do do: Union al•garine for Jul), vol 1, edited by Mra. C 'M Kirtland. The splendor of this at irtiline i will, without doubt, dire it a large rAtuteriptlan. ' Isabel of Bavaria, or the lthronieleh of Primer, by A The deem Tribanal; or the. Wagger and thq Gard, by the 'note etreill, or W 0.11. 1 .11 Lore, by s Alexand , Damao. ' Mexico . no ber 1 , , , tarr Littebiltib loom the Bel. ' tulion of Mr/air* tit present lime.• inn ! grated by 12 yertraita and •ligrllvlA . g., 1-y Fay RObILI.OII. The Gil'22Y, or the Kohbers of Naples, by Lieut. Mot • y. M hilitisad Lei Mon Of p peer in thr Co4l,llry, by M ;low- In. " The Unfortunate Maid' oi the hither's tiatet an lit,Dr thlo by Chpi tsehugnsh.cy: • ' lard Elwyn, or the Double Courtship; by yfn If I. Sore. 'her. For hale at M A MINER'S. rruhhheld at: tiltlocirhoto second • A CURIOVS'A ND INTERESTING WORK. exabled Flowers Ferree/cc; [whin a irartentio* of the celelumed - Ines Pleura Nutmeg,/ by N. Cleveland, beg; !dowered by rplendid steel env,: benotipply colored. . t.il Dm Work will . be completed .10 tariory.tour party, e.eh part mutilate* two engramnst on ateel.benovital , , robarca. •11414 perm or leiter.pre•o. Price ittr crv.' The paper it of the 'lava les Itne, Laving been made expirmly tor than work; pm' every department or the Pcotton pair be raccored Ihr , tYkY a 1. - nil!, the olject of the pitbrhaer le make thin ,hook the Gera or the Seaver*. ' For vale by W 9 CALDWELL, 51 Amy Pont (Kee Wordier, 3...1 . . - New Trark sod Itostrach Ps6tlOrrs TORN H SIRLLOR. el wood-ak lion on toad sod - for fli price , , alto very elcont Rosewood Piano fora inanliCK hired by Chickening of Aollon, and preitiooneed by tbi bet, bare in Ilre eily. heßupetior to any learner they r heard Price SSW, earh A !KS at an extremsly ow prier to close 'eannign men,— One videndid glahngaay 6/ octave Piano facie, on brillianlanue, and in every respect a vary superior in. strunneal,mantriacturealov A Gain &Co,Near York, formerly known as nlie 'New York en aim he taring Con.. , Al.n.ll,lfolbmag OLD PIA NOlkarearilosi.priees: One 6 °mace German l'iaro Griner able G t e a , Cinotr hy Ltalireck— pore V). thin iik do do llosenbantrriPrieclNO. Inthle 6 Jo nearly hew. raid* ins N. York, on with modem icrnilern--yir , ce 6175 . One 6 maker. linkman Pin.,rible by Stein in Vreo. na. an good arils r. 1.111 nn excellent Pam. at 61=, on a credit ofb nsonihs, secarity. nyt6 morsT , ST. COLLICGE• tiMMITTSBUttiaI, Md.. • • • • rillik: 'ANNUAL PESSION of Nadirs al this Institu t Oen coninether 01t the ittit Al A assn. tintelenlF. •1, dd.!, Ft es - not:Fess. ethyl Is tore I hake., Inn IFFI .Ftei oFt. Fuelietunr en :Fe Inuissi and' Scient.fic cootie, slsse Ftench,Ledging,LViithititiMen ding and Drietal's Wes, $1..3 per annum,' l•aymentt made rent-annually in advance. F Ma. r and Drawing are calm charges, each /340 per alum.; also the halted. Unman and Spanish banguaie am each SIS per 411.U10. peo.peeins of the College, eiplaining eO,OlVe of oodles matt's!". foegraduatteni and us:et:sof diseipline r will be wilt to .Foriv reran aPpl tong ler it; • igfrottit. JOHN MerlT. lb I -V. President . . • 77 lIAVE pirrehated the entire !lOTA of Olti. wholesale &awl wowl grorrri or .hoomooo Langstaff. corner of. F , rat and( aithliell Keret., where B ees &llona to Carry On the poety b0,rx , .. , sap3ll {MC: h principle. I rerpt,tulty soltca a shore al pub i c patronage. Alai) C I IEsILST, cdr lot & sotithfierd ate 13th: 1,17 liaysng eo`d o EsaviJ C Ilertot my entice *lock of rus c tie• al:311 6aliaes.l take the oppartattity of 11.4113- a.nd 4 4 m ‘mgmm punks, G. tpeirdieemois, ,yIP • JON :". - T 61• P NO 11633-40 pc ru dto Joncb.Lociptall 'are reqccrenc - r Cr Lamed talely cw'lli3 old neol, eor ot fire so.t • i to; old on.eislitioalclf,sealeineut.D . l9:3! 811 ir v i.2•4l4 t lt4S t oj r oil . Olgljdie 11= oil) Wearer, raisbor6l6 attbeloasc ol Pro Olosondr, McKeesport. tM' 'Louie 'of . . Darla Illiftsrer; - _Wnt Newton, cud at Pitt Wait, Ofitobert Hitelowast,Blosuit . from dm ;GM dIUI Acc.osc ltAd coal:lute open from (In o Upol tae ty.!davedepwanbn. . Joseph dr3lr. ' ' _ Elbe. ay % . 13c11. Jetta D D. . . . . . Jof.cpt.actrey, - , . • ' • • Alexander placocr, ly Rs.,t•tn... 4. • , O•IIe.s.....TIKEILMLLIP—The eliteMigned hac k, tag amommest Member ender the nonemod style of flays , lle Watley. iortho.pui pole of fransacang a genteel th e ySitoods Ito Opecry,butinulo, eriihso teMno.aticir nds 'and the public sestetafly, of goodolt keep one ed et ell 1.0,0 • Rood assonment of s in them line. anti be sett whoksate ot.tetail on •s good terms as they can he hutchassd.elsewhere. , Wit BAY?, dUsIN D DAILEY, jyl9 •. tt:o tilieny et oppesdo7M SZEZ2 To itierr liNiDad ere. Copper leollthe. kr. nn EFIN ED cortEß—a martmonment or Baltimore IX Refined Capper . limos', 'art reeriveiß fee Mile by 17.11errio , ld mr:.• RI auoPcn. vaaa a • QUlrekt'r AND DIST !MALAGA WIRSIII - bbls hic tails Lobling,so4 l 4l o, l 4 °. 2 Phi Wieies tare ei r artiek, for eale emit at We Wine Store, 1S market et. ronier bent - 1117 - JAVUB WHAVKR • EAD/Frlit A ' IViIC F.FlLUicir brOodo /Vk •aore and for info t. th e pookogo Aloo—l. Bruer.g.o r,.ri te. tylaorly, Biota brall.t•icilyaod others on ornonki for 6{IIP f , “ lbe'orine Om of JIM • • JALIIII,W,EAKER_ nr.....c0 - t el - INC/VEST OF CERU—llistovy We C0111111(31 CIC Peru, with a prelliamary viper of the Or the lace.. by.W,m C Preftelt. otrioplur ding Inrcoh , -r"or Had French laainfze;af tact 'Royal A esofe niN dr llv lnra . at Madrid. etc. :ill!' reed and tot Ault by, JOHNSTON.ft rOf'KTON • _ coy marte2l# . ld *Ls WHITMAN'S VEGETAL:LK LlNAitENTitinba R ne usetiorse is Imitle, - it uneritiliDril: It is olstictris cselont the rust Cit,st.c borsits, Fos stile by ),IS 1011 N D NOMAD, Dittrixistsroal st 13=1:0132 " t. Tho Joyce. of - Turtle Soup ore poroeulurly Ifiauer myself MO my Sump cosmos be eurpassed.rySfl T • N FORDIATIOX WAN .vr. 0,1111o:ire to the ptc.oont tooth., a TtiulAs oho left hi taiatity ohm. too I , or. It a root:oral lot Is ....mord dor 11.16.1111121100 ',speak", I: On voll thattk• to ry rreeited. Adler, 8111.11 E, Pram). towit,Vitgin.' iTt9 SSm Mremehron Ituu has bees loop° ft. fi e , ' , go , -olovr earripPic million 01 . Pend.. wi 1 1.. , rht.....b. 1 . 001 -haat& to the* trsomo...The beau at act kW of Wood street the day preeket• to vtartiag, rem, ~,m , . loas , Soadlosadithaesoafag.P.A.ollo. 00 klo 1... 111 •14 CMS the . royale Ml:mei. moult pate ei" • - . 1 Jioinalr PACILIT. m BioNopf GAMMA. Capt. Sarea. at linear. flue — ltratr every Moody sarratogatlo terloel; W Sea m& every Nonday evening at 10 r.m . -. ;.,....-- . '! _- : f TUESDAY PAIvatICT. ' t .De RIBENNIa, NM , Capt. J. Itaitdkp, l ~ . leavelPittaborgba.ry ' S Panda! =nil wIl .1 10 Wahreh: Wheelies every Tuesday evelam at 0 P. ht. . . ' • 11111611211111 DAY PACiiki. The NEW ENGLAND,NO. Sr Capt. S. Dote, arta, leave' fresterell teen Wedoeoday soorhiaeat to Velpek; Whetting may Wadieulay evelona at to P. imvasmor PACKS?. The WISCONSIN, Cog?. J: 0m:A.411 lani.