The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, July 20, 1847, Image 1
..._ . ... , .. 1.. ' . ' , - ,... ' .:.... ..- ...:. , .•\ • . ' •'\ • . . ... : . • .. . , .••• • • - ......,..-..- t ' . . • ' .. ' . • . . , • , . .. ~ ... - ..... .... ... I • t - ' • ~„•,..„....... ! ........ "..,..,„_. I ! •: ..„...... TT .. . .,........:, • ~... . - • 1 . : ~..i . : : : ,1,. ; ,, .._ ‘ :... ' . 1 , : ..: , ' . I . • ~ : i . , - ,!..‘.._:_. , :... . I , . ,r, ~ t ft_ . • . . . ~,,,,. ~, ~.- a , •. ...- - ,',..d . ''''' '''''' ..... . ~, .. . ~... .. . .. . • . .., ~, .. . ..(:i • 'I . -; -- -.-- ' ~ . F ~.... • 4 .• ...... _.., • . __..... _ , ~ VOL.Nr()L. .X1I7:-'-'N't). . 294 -(. ' ' : •1 7 _ • .. , . _ . . . - — 1 , • , . . . CARDS. .11. I d ing crtiarit, w... 1 mantlitsSt.reltskuts. h meerktm...iouommed .64 ntnd ihyds of I. 111 IVOIE.ST.,F;aOI..I°.,,Zw.tr4 ulrei thiumse Nicest _a be 4., real Lllrlsckrt r.l a 5.1.111 0 ~ 1 ull BR V :1i al. IRE MELLO wbol_ of la .404 Putxl -"co - 'rtxl ,ran 111 FA:MO.:STOCK Mod 104."1. 11. t Dr.i . .%torner 6.11 1;1" 4. r Amu; 18 WOOtt— GIP & wkw&d. . rnxlmee &Ars, Masket street , be• 03.111 .11:.tirkded.10.6 . Fin fbrwarduse uvi s ' s C Canal Main Pittilmagt, umht . Aitai at Law, <4. gt,se 4,11 re tql“l4Sld. _2_lE l ll_ • K /MUNN. ael4 Ja.s. ; ( Hailesim AN b. etulseudere ov Atirs l A:U. end &pried Trxsutings 00*P olevell de. st.i..• . . n Co on St. CIAO Wstaleasse43 ha 11... Heel: . ("VS :SING 11A.31 & lIONSKIL,Whotenid C0:mei...91 and Fun.ardlog ItiereeM. deeto • n.t.l l'Auberyltt trunnfseur, Die 144 r.) pt. P. 4 e4.:.,4,14. AO' 5. I. XCILMOVIT. i - .. - - Meittsiony., itttmcos..r. t. H. j A tu"" 1 " • aanxers Odanniaslast '' '*" ' ''' " ""icala in.lodana and and aurvrandlns _Alatcadlr tu .. .7 4 ~,..,.. v ,„„s Pin•l.urna i 1 4 and li.enr. riuskL6loo .. (a t liaAtattli, Intponar and wholesale add retail adritlet in Vat. V awl :Staple Varian:o.o4N the (II Comb, Inn Market awry near - b"0, _ _ 9td, ALMA, Dealer in rrodoce au — d - Pagolly ',etailUroc,r, !WO Lioenyll, pail door so eat. _ 08Iy 'MUM J. Mania. SeseelL • tnn.lop. Attorne ntfiLor,a, siniVELL, and lab OA ys Ad Law, JJ Udeei on rnadafteld, between 34 • •- _ ED ^ v . k 4.ltu .PiiiiON 'WisdomlaVireeer r.:4‘ of Ote.U.acoond, seeiusd door Goat' Dia! atuoof l'Ot-Porgh loy4 • a • ... Li. sow svaluix. Tv, At ALT, & OF.IIIILAB.Tr Wbfalavale 1`..1 er gkolcrf is produce and Fauber& osavAtae utro,...,meg Libetty. and ti piu&srgik, Pa, fah!? mrs a 1.611. -I. Ikklii I. WIWI , .L 1 NOLO.; 111 k. IlleNilleTT, Vats StaSbalk Gal: ..1.:.A I tkit. I' k Co . l ‘,. salesa's Gwen, Causuum us Forward:as 1.1..111..5t5, mud Deers m Produce aud Ptlte,nsret Nlkku...r.res, NO. 37 Wood meet, betzse i a 'Seco dr!_sl I ‘t.,_____.------- kAr IT I , SA V: a . &‘llLlSlGlUT.Attoraaearcl =tnLaar, t iL „ I , s4il:ta iraT; 417: gi a t:Z" 4 FUiti,V,A,19.,?4&,...5.W, Alla e,no,Ztlf,lia.DlZ.lLAnal; ...1.. ...I 1 ‘ ,t.s 0. •tr brlaveu (Mr ffi k 1, 05 .P. 1 . 0, 7, P --------- I' it I riets.lGroCrla, Ora Itkey. J • VII EN U, Itll CY & GO. Whams& JI: a.. tek.nkto..... Merchant., and Attu% for Ungau vas,. Yuma, No. 4 %Valet and tu3 Prod Kreets us OW Imps I a , i; 01.1.1f1116., Rum Idonstootoror•o4 deal * htu.tryl lit•tru.atitm, lid Wood w =TV Ed‘h - , - ,,r, . r 0.,... -- -iins . . =urn. i-oicsicru li a. Co Ccm=l".= =4 FOrainniinli hlrn.b..,N, 91 WIRIer M. 141U ....,. 1Y---- ,.. " r r 91rTrItato 9d .1 , ?1, , in riaa,.l3Z. pi " No 17 2,16 IQ, oe,r.Venai .._ .., t1e:Ri..,14.,511 Pitrh, Matulla RT., al. 1a9,996 Op baud . - o f l. i %TOY De ;1; 7 ;; - 0 - 19 e.,U ,..1 itl.4 .11:argn,.C._int.d ~...1:;:c Trituallugs, 45 Market tlfeel, Ur , 11.1119.9, i1r9T49.11919 war a. .., '1A......113,G1.5 2111.1a0 AlO & co. NI:W.2M We- VX a. e. and Canninirion Merchant., 105 Wood greet ' .111 Pili, talb . l? Z'-------.---7-7—'----- ilk:1). A. 0151.11.11 Wioletale G ro ner aaa Com, U 004..1 NIC 14'1.111, and . Deatet in propane and P.n. , . re!, Manoi , ‘ on. _ No 19,'Wood111.,FILLSpEe. Z \ V S.IIh , 11. B. Woven. ir Ai. J. W. 8511T11 A Co., amines., , Slallinia, 1.7 .. a deale.. Li ilop., rit9Largla and Point pier . - I Jan 4 ci.c., and ria wee. ilk:Oa/MI COCOS/AN., Commission and FOX , k.. 1" oaiding Merchant, ho.'d VI ad sueet,Pittaburgh. p 5 ,17 . _ .1— ..—e------ - .7-11111._ 1.1.4 . , a, SHOWND, Itaieessola tioldahlp .L Urosene,l Importers and siseuttro tttttt of Wau Paper-owl Sienese] roper Warebortse,,N. 87 WOW A si A ullutat.WAlr , I Row llcia the Cal.l a v.t.2t -di y utbeitx suuricrroitiriE e• KED Lbw Manufacturer, YatuLtUilbletd..lo......M. ma rn aml 041 VA. 1•1).1. Ikl.—Zl. MARL= WC • . I g ct A I A l AI C tr , an Y t tC.'e sle V rt t Prodoee 16 IA alitt:l lui Foot Itrents, da lh 0466:1`11 10110 X, Auotney of L±or, Pittsl?nrlo. rn., arrOe,s in 3 a 4k d u t f h e e n o Li d o u n c d e l o o n f s , lo t. n p n o . ..d.nreedoo. ooIn• YuirdnN by T. J. ! . e ,r 4 ". c Tons n.maws' , N 0914 Wood arc., wan doer Sauk TA?IiES. lOWA, Ji. 0..C0.. (meteors to ..1c0 . 0i . A,. J L, Mao' Ship Canadian, 36 Wow a! ler ABlAltiMitilWlM W=W.'.!.=tall iZt..l - PL. Quills. Printers'. card;7. 7 a 80W00..7 toomMIL :o. el Wood st, POOkkargik. ~---_Ham UM6MMI.I ' t .M . o—!— T ' teflOONILAILICII: .111, CO. wbolesolo Ijmi . 0. ICU No. It Waal rt. Pittsbaogh. , septa IOSICPI.I .109.11MX k 110 As CmUmMoo *ld ol Fumanti as Id =WO., Nola I.Morml.M. "r WE) . - nioktvld 4 $ Pomona's Rms. --------------------...? , 10 Stb L. GALL.ILTINs iMomMIOJACIMI C4e. J m n - **mean limas and Saluda, is sok, Pins4;rci. Pa. : Will also mumd mama, to Malmo. 01! ar,Winimalntatioe/9- l_ 10—i—D HAM, AUCTIONEEitommot-Mo J gad Wood moots. Proabatirk_L___ *OS IhnlhC.; Ara; Wholesale are a ccr sad Colessissloalklerchsal. 2cd door chose she bloosetahela he.B may/ a ar e e pr ise. 'MNNaPs,GIas 01.110111 TON 1 BTOCILTOB. Booksellers rialltra and Purer. manufacturers, ri0..44 . . .., Put—.__ T .i..7"--11/CAIPS nook Stitte.,,4dt. dear. Market sti J . Vlsstiest.Tscological, Ilistartul, School, brace!. .hers.,. 7tad_ttlit.rl!lnpidsts and Strosery. sold I Pti. 1101114LtT110/11 & 80., Mutters and El s) . the .ge Prot.,., comer of Wood arid Third streets, )S 4eri4teat's Itot&I Uslidtw4Titubstglit, Pa. frpt.Urreasr_terettat at the awl rs_tl__L... _Local O 01 OfilUll, -fikolesolo i..rocer,dealer to Pr d .ee, Pjorhorgis Icourtfeeturee, Tin note, b.c. be, No ra 1 - d. ' r 'r ... rll.o` . _-- ------.._S__. johd Flo) d: • • rw, ItlctunlFloyd. - .1. 1` , ..'1;1'111?".0.V.P. , fa. &RS CIALEIP&L, Wholesole Gloclecr,Coo sal. ei c.Jo Ilerchoot,. a d dente& ?cods had Pc& nedidocotte.c.Noll Water et. Piito.lo. jcar _ O ei• W ATF.RNIA N. Wholecele W., For- L• ...b. a nt Coonai.iou Menlo. 11.04 in Po t...0r51 , Marcl.3{MSlC. and Produce, Nos. 31 Wet. .J ea 1. rmist. • _ _ _ 1:111S 111TC11111021 & 9..., wha,...i. 16. t; rote cc, Po:war-nig andC0612111. 4 . Nleretuats , , siol de a:era .e nosborgt. 31. ut ofteres, &e., N_ .. 0..43 P:girt andl/1 I 'cot co,. _________!M--.' '. -. Jolto Store& Lini. "V. . 4 oreratt r• '._,rrqx, Wl.coueNrocere .jiliiuuonsoo decluol, Deskrt r,Auer nNor•od •/I . - d r .at•amb ossoloones Noakes ."a::? , i::a.O. aS\ Jo bo OVG.II. :I. IL Dohlekl. Jas. D. 31 , 0 h vatiLs h 4vsnrucLu.o..,...d oan 11..tellotoo, No 11l ,Lshert3r. ouset, Pau. fool 10t - - Wsolt , leisick -I LLitIV -5. Co., Coattiosioa wollroVm; Water not From sta,betwee aad !ki ! L, • _ uuNTER & CO. .7sr. 7...;'1_,V a LICEiTIONr iII & WYokuk Oro- m• x—gus W iaeer and Co Puer derebW art. Paahah. a so ,rs.. MneglLD L unto; ilitok.6.lo oktid Tenni Bat ' 'and Cao monariatorcla add &atm in Fancy at and and Fink so. • Jaa ------ -• to kJ. ILO Montauk. Groom, Dea4ers . 2 2 • Proda..d Salt. and Vorwardingandeommin- a,, • tdetchiont; : to , 3111..incrty and 253 W 00d auscl Pit!..iargb. Nllol.lllfiii s SON, tifi.N o4 . 4 . i.ii " .4 .oddantfrvmenslco ronnb, Ike," in Pot. oiaa and Domenic 8.. of Fachrttgis. Certificate. of Dertnit. Bank Now and Specie.. VOrentleaknlnewUnnistiatiningirai hWa..o. - _ L AA 1.78P11.1r, e WIL N IIOII4O.O., r% • oedl wed, PNDIZZ.T.E7 I 6.C0 INNitale , Greeerr. and Catatnise ion end Fe7ratiiaildenlants„Tio dt tiii . iiiiikligOrer 47.. - Mcoritar, Prom.. p.d. p, era en •. Ostruntselen atetelantst No WIWI:6M u, , ntiberitti. . , . • , *este . 731 - 0 - 041 - iii—Tr7L-1-GB CU t Jr.; ' *VW. , ...4 A Desk( id Fukien end Domestic &delay Ha* erste: and I:terrine lrionnings, of dl //compd.% NI ttte tt:trs.4 street. •ntriorib. __: • , WO . i la Mu id a CO. Wholesale Unoen, Commie jy sae Idareasals, and dealers in Produce and Pittsburgh Ilasierastmea,.Libiuty appoint Botha.. fejtE . / irixitt...oliaga, Pa_ __aryl_ DICUABIa lad—antreudl dealer LI. irt loather; Manact?r, almentakers, Tool. and Pod. 11,/.""" "11C.Plals Toga Old Titaness 0i1,N.0. t o cod 5t,1 , 1 Amnia • t ticialidneloe., whammy... ra Cionardaddld andlorarardias 111Irodlas lama ce Prod= and Potaidodk Danafaenass, MOST. 111:41•41114. - 'um L. M. 1011•011. • sumnsos**: p ia' Wheinia ufw.r., Poe Jae. dn. and Osairlderidatets, lad Dealer. la Plostaria Dereirosanes, N.. 380 Liberty street, nth - lantir ?BUSINESS C MIDS. U. fIAUTURIIII, Attorney at MakaVrolr• Uuildmgr, neffir oppesi I)te r t, oiurf olowe. }L R ° Moles., Ontwer, tee— n, big Distiller, dealer In Produce Patstairgh Menit. (scores, sod all kinds of Foreign a n d Wawa. Whits an d liqtairs., Nis LL Liberty street, Pittsburgh. 0" N. B. On hand a SKty large stock of wiperato OIG Moriougabela Whiskey, whiel. will besold low fiar cad, outylDly ills ' Irsialtrne " n, Sil fo g e I t : /rl=jit Li'dert4"T=,. dealers in Groceries. Produce, Pinshergh Manufactures and Chloride of Lime. Tbe biglaus price. In cub, paid at all WSW far reltUllrit.ri Gaule r of r tl . l 1_ I . ! 11 1 L I k trl( i 11f1 . _,...1'L1 2 _ 0 C Sk.sklet Thot. R White. II Q . ACKLETT a WRITS , Wholesale Den s) lest sr r orelgn and prisoestic Dry Gonda No 09 Wood mush Pitobarsh ' •febl7tf A' Q : W :BARU Avail, Wool end Forward ricroi—T—rei... 1- ers /a Deur nut Panisce generally g and Cerfeßnelort.llynnb*lts, No 31 Wood street, Pittebrals - . li _ lent ------• ULIIVILL PA1•14103, Anonlty al Law. °ace I itl Breed/ beildiagi No et nmrth tow. bow.. 'cod and Susidtfuld. nowndfcwts_ giIe.PIIIOIII3TIIII,KETT, bl.nfaentree of e T. Shaving .4 Toilet Nottpa. Winter and Sumner pressed Laid 04,1.- No 17 in. et, between Wood and Market rte. Pittebargb. Pa. oodl C. P. VON BOXXIIORST & Co, •• la. timeen .vorwardics and Commission Merchants, Dealers in I..itsisarsti, Manstractores and Wetlern Pro- duce. have rensweld wairr new wareboase; (old stand) tio 3d, Corner of From at and Chancery Lane._ nos 7 —_- Q AXIML. X. Knell, Forwarding and Citranns 1.3 Mon Merekant, Dealer in dolt, Produce and Pins harsh laZadaellared uncles, Dorsal Basin, near 7th st. I ----s.gar-,,'"-- DI. r.ani/Llll, Dealer ta.ftedz, now o.nsfy.loitT7asegir. welts's' Inipleuletr iii111"--WholessitT, 0-lOc—earr hoCommitsionMereba and dealers in Prodam— holiWoodou.t. Paustargt. Milo& KENNEDY,Jr, Looking °Luta blowgun& Inf. nod Disler in Pook., Coons. and Vann) Goods, earner of Wood aud Fourth ataasta --------'------------1--------" T P Peitb ,e-ii.44thivruk.C., Carmaission ble=l., I. . detakes In Pale Lumber, Groeeries, 'Pottier. and Pittsburgh Manufacture., Canal Resin, Liberty street. Pidsharj VLl,_,_l • (OM uur /k. 111. MITCRELTREF Wholesale Grocers, V • Reeeifying Distiller., and - Wine ea Liquor bier , h, N. NO Liberty . street, [uppinhe Sum street.] ' PittsboVi. LOU D. VIGIL. , 1!21 IMVID 'X raXIILIIa WICIr. a WVAEDUSSII.II,OCteMors lo Lk ~ .11t Wiek,) Wholesale Grow la s. Forwarding aitd Coo...noise Merchants, dealers Iron, Nails, Mass, Cation Yarns and Pittsburgh Manufactures generally, comer of WoOd and Wain. Ms, Plasbiargh. rselitS EL BILIMPHY lords. Me Isom* to call and W. &teatime his Mock of French Worked Collars, some as 1. , u YS eTik„ ..-kl3 ,f, V • v _ I' OILEFLMs Wholesale Grockr,Porsranilog and .. Commission Mirrehard, and Beater in Prodace and Piusbargh Manufactures, corner of Water end nutitheind 0.. Piorboodi, P. •OIS Wrnions. s woLvir la , Imposters tirid Wholesale Dewlers in niware Winery, Sad dlery, die,eorner Liberty and M. Clair streets, Phis. —,-- Iris: minas, .Bookbiadef, put removed to-Alt e V W comer or Wood and Third sts, above C. IL. May. where he is prepared tads , every dowription of Roll ng mid Bindiug. aPti LILT W. WALITAt — dt. - _, - ) 6ifiiiiriiiilmniii .% v.•-. ini, establishment, rm. 244 Libeny net. near ihe ennal. ,- UT & E. JIIITCHEIMILEE. Wholesale Grw W W . wen, Keetifyass Distillers, and Wine and Liowir hlerthants, No. NU Lawny nice, lopfssmm 2 s..M*!- - 0 Pius? tap. meytt.dty . . - kli CI6 11. ftpauisoar, Attorney ar Law, tam I • removed Id. Dike to the Excitant< St Clam street, welt door to Aide, man Johns. *ADM 6 ---'"------ ----; wailSur O.III.IULAUD. Dealer a!, Fancy nod Sup: W . Dry Oa*as, No la Marker meet, P.ualgargb. , oll3vll y b-a-wouTEG - (( mi. biant w V Llistrieta Wholesale Grocers, are now lo:waled at ItS Wood os, where they offer ferule a lathe ay... Inclitor Greco tes and Pluabergh p Manufactures, sr law priers and on favorable terms =myth Witre W s V i iTtre i ?rlili=GO ll , V :Z h V 67l:Yr: tot Meet. _mil_ . W illtilitlnFialitiWitoTes—l-iiiWierati-deitTe‘ In V Y aoreigu sod Domutie Dry Gusts, northeast oar- Item( hlarketood Fourth am • artril ‘ V 'ln: A./A( I-Zi ' 'a ffrOlo h . :e Mr <l7 Yrti ' l etd 'land sueets,. will seep a CcallitEll sopply , We fie. h medteittes, perishiery. the. ,Dr'...'n'... Pa }1,1.T VI CgVYth:*n7lLl!"'"l — WL.,__:_________ A7lll r ARTALII.4SOIrORD k Co., Cammimot , and kor , • vranllnk Merchants, &wood, Slalt W.rid WIRS. Pitubogrf, Pk. fcbl6 %ATM' $. DARLINGTON' Attoruey et L i aw rawboOrtti P. .otanussiouct to take the ac knowledgment and proo Merle, Lean., Colonies, tretionitioan, or any eh, writing (under test or Willa 're awl or recorded to the Pone of Mkt. Mei on COW vireetiabweStott Lew. jellktf 1117 C. JBBOBIIIBAIIGII, Attorney at t e am •Flfth itroret, near Smithfield. Collecumb &geo des and other busuleas attended to with pauemodity. Itmaxeran— Smells is Sem*, Wm. Crogham Eaq., B A Felmenttekt Co, Jobs Berton, Erq, Gtalr, Liodslity b. Co, John %Wright, Coq, barrtes McCo:ly, Esq. him. W Waal Larkom. yett-ir • _ - J. RECTI . Frtta z DIS TI hi t..Eft, dizaill Vag, Limn, 14 . 1 " "Vggi.7l.;ritia""md WitIMIK !MARTIN & . Bank" • Szakinge, Bak Nara and Con. Corner of Third and Wood eue" no•DAIY ricesto.ralt. P.. iriTT—Ndbwie. Wm. hi (Swam/ •Leierte Wigiast.,l • WILLIAMS • It ATTORNEYS AND COUN*ELLOIttb (1041Sert Nark side of Fourth or, shove SoIIMIP *1,1751. Y. J. IILIIBT. ATTORNEY and Col:Mellor at Low, CINCINNATI , (mug. -Collections in tombein Okra and in Indiana and in lamtneky, promptly and emefolly attended ta. REFER TO—llon. Richard Biddle, Wm BeII;k Son, C urns, IldKnlnt,Cttureb k. Carotiers, VV., p.Stiens,Wilesck k. - "Silver Blackbame B. Jones. 0. BLACKBURN & CO, WHOLESALE thoeem .1•1 Dealem Beat 1V m tandP IBanotanered artieles,have laand at all taw • full and general amortmentof good. 1.11 their line, Water mat. Tear Clierrf Alley, I.,,tabomb. OUSE F ITTRT----MA WORKS, TDt Tll Salt 07 BOILER IRON, BOILER IRON HEADS, FLUE I FIRE ' , BED . E. F. SHOENBERGER • PITTSBURGH, PA. l o tr u eV i ke; t c le Warehouse formerly ocespied by W Water I war Mamma Steam; SUM keep on hand a full sepply of all Ism f L 10.141 Iron and Head Floe and i Bed Iron, made from lualtaassege which F will lm sold at tielowest market rams. Engine Randers and others, am Joshed o - call and examine his stock. Orders pray s ended to. Joel X TOWNAXXX, thasOl.and Apetbe eery, No 43 Market sh three doors ithore nip.; stir Pittsburgh. will We eommittly on band a well select ed moot tosses of the best sad freshest Mediekles, which he will sett on the most reasonobte tenon. Physicians striding orders will be promptly attended to, and sore plied with artielesiMey may rely upon be as genuin. no la -Physicians, Prescriptions will arsiorately d Wetly prepared from the best materials,noy boor of t dor night. Alsofor sate ; a large 'tech of fresh and good W. WILION_e tkratch Maker ller Jewe , W• corner 4th and Market sty. A large and well and selected stock of watches. Jewelry, Silver ware Military Goods. Always on hand and at regular ear tent :meta, Gold Patent Lever, fall Jewelled watches, as low rts IVA `driver do watehes, as low as SI A Genuine Cooper, fades. Johnson and other approved make of watches may be had at a omen advance and . • wanted. irrFice watch work slow in the wry twat m • ann PP er. • _ P. hfinossa. Jan E. Lenutt. FLINT GLASS ESTAILLISMISENT. ULVANY Cr. LEDLIE minufaeurre and keep non 11'./.. nutty on hand Cut, Moulded and 'Plain Vltnt Cilusware, in all its nineties, at their Watch.. cor ner of Market and Water streets, Pittsburgh. Oar Works t o in fall operation. and we are consult ly adding to oar meek, which enable* rts to fill orders with proaruneis. Parches en s ere respectfully solicited moat and examine prices and winw mytflel y J. B. SWEITZER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ogres ad opposite U. 0 Hotel, rrrrsuusati) WELL also attend promptly CoDeakins, in 11, nab 17 Inmon.Payeno and6reen Cocain., Pa. Into To Er Blukstock. Bell & Co March & Carothers Pitubargh. D T. Ido_gan MA4UP.A.gillfdtlfte:loTafintm.p.n.ror,di Ifjsz.v Warn, No 17 Market woe. The on ' breqber tally calla ationoon of We Wester]; :Denham., yd daders, and mt.., to largo fuck of man. afactarad Tin and Corpre, *lane .oart• mat ofinforrmdllimma Pam:shins II ardware. Wholmmle layern mat pabbe generally. ere um ledta P.r9 Pittsburgh. eli ET AT LAW. . Commie- A *I R r le take the O Pa. ver sod ack:jeledpnenta et Deeds, Lesser,CoatrastADeposi ises, Flter wooers 10 be eseeydedor seed in th. &w'd ENTUC NI ICY, INDIANA, TY.% NITSELI, 11411150 GR and HI GAN. . I P b 4 4 Y-- ono. W. a C., Bitv.weibs. m'Ausrvats AND WO MA'AM) IFftitGlloll lAD-FOOT 1111W1111E1. Cotner Barkers Alley end Pene Elb . 44 1 (.4 r. rrilkmbrwei. IW. 11. a W. soxiniunve. 111110PACtO101t OF 1111111C11. WARAANTED seuul,l( hot 'epode, la era Mode to the Vaned Stunk arta rrlstrA thai will dispose of M lour Prieto ea ea Mond Taw.. etAl3 lyrVa _ _ 11111•0111 - • }MCC •1.412. •INII.III 1114ISLIFON iI'IVFACTURIM of Hammer atido*.t. wad In diodes. Hoes, My sad Madan • *At. Woreldrise, No It Wood welt, ?Mobile,. p.n2 FORWARDING COMMISSION. • A. M. W•Ringlord. • • • Jae. F.: Stager. wiminidiroolo t co. COMMISSION. A FOR:WARP ixING MERCHANTS, spasm ILEA VS H ARDIS AILE AND . PITTSBURGH. iMANUMACTURMIIIi TIT A REHOUSLII esteited street, near, Wood, and I Osumi. Liberty Steele and for I rain 1.00,000 The amorted Steel, to Naytor &dee Cart.l% i llatter and German ten!, Jormalt liguders Can., r Whig and Fork gaigmedavilM, Span:lei: 'Farhat' • • I Carriage Sprinp and'aljeti • Anvils, (meek hohqf Vic., (patent and commona . Sledges, Sledge Moulde,Crowhars; Furnace Rimers. Cremate (on t Manocks, asy and Coal Pielm; *Z.Scythes, Sicklßoof Lc.; arSalarnander Fire Safe., boa, Nails,Cilass and other Piusburgh•Manofacturessold at thehowat , prices. • feta C R wet.. IliiitaEt Sank. CINARLMR. itatifganowica ors. TO 13AQ,C COIIOII6SION lIIISBCIIIIIIta, Na. an South Wharf.,and Nell 7 moth Water n PHILADELPHIA. • •• VitEG to inform the trade and dealers generally ef LA Pittsburgh, that they ham Inadaneb anangemeele with the Virgo:is maaufectarers and the 019.1•6 r• of . the Weet, West Indies, and otheeplams as wittiest.. • large and comma supply of the following decent. titian of _Tobacco which will he sold this city et as o meonsi re, "g atrarl ;Vs to=lTr="trein al b r e ewli*-ar ranted equal to rearententationt • Havana; St.mtago; Conn, Vara; Pone RI.; • Peun'al f3eedbeal To Cuba; Imam end Floisibq home; AL.SO—Branelt's calebeated Armada MIX C..a. dillts, with a larm assortment of other popular brands, sod qualities of poem* 6s So• PM tin and 31a Lump, ne as ds and les Plum . Lattlies , Twisu Virginia Twiss. Lc, tweet and plain, in while mid img hos., wood and tin, together with every variety of Miele belong ' ty to the trade. l!--3715-ttinnnret • .• 44 - W. AROMON. LaMar Pinsbargh,Pe. Late of-Nashville, Tenn. 'alnico* si ANDERSOLDaktitinC OIO % ll'lblirartUng and Commission . Merchants, No: • Rom street, above Broad.. ti,Cmcimnatt, Oldo. KIM To— M All ArO, /3 , agaley A Smith, I Pittshargh. L f aym . 2 Shephe r d. Mann hlcAtiner, Nashville. Tenn. Veltman Armistead. W F Lane & Co., Louisville, icy. Pptingers Wk" .. t r ) Citteimati' 0. James Johnitert Ik. Co. Hamm, A Ca., ew Orleans. Maureen.. ik Morris, New irozk. Duvall I/ eight. R.Ve..llaluntere. Pandt, Regale? lkPhdadelphia Daniel Deshon, NEW lIABIJ WAR}: NOUSE. JOXEPII WOODVFELL, Corium of Wood and 24 ids, Pittsburgh, II Ir i o N ertir w eg h , On Te ' (r.'';odf‘rJoalndufiaeary,o(l2,"ilk gk Ipe t asure in ntmounetag to my friends In the etty and eery, that I have opened my new stare al,thc above nained place. leaving purchsoed my goodl for mob, and made aermigentents with manufacturen to Ih. country and In Europe to be constantly septette.), I am folly prepartdd,furndh Hardware of all kinds. an as 15. d tam:and...o low a. any ban , . IRaotorwcal.-- jre h nltt ' u "d e : b . sloe 's 1: :. before r p‘ittit'cllt'ilt in v i tedtti ar t ' ll t eel tn. The followtng comprises a and in) sudli knearehoat and Saddlery ardware. firm Trintmlnrs. Files, Na, lor'erSteel, Cutlery, Edge Tools. Alla ae, Vi ces. Locks. Latches, Sll,. See des. Ron Hinges. Screws, Union Embry Planes. Saves Mervyn. board. and veneers, end all oilier articles coitu..eted with the Ilardwarebnimmii mcbillif - --- CiA.ZZANTS PATENT BEDSTEAD.iAD. , • NOT W ITIISTA NDING , ...‘r - " ,,- •o theuredat oppokton to this in ; ' -t „,..,, -----.. '' 110;s1y01o.f. rd'flo7gterm"ahlt'entn:',3l7lll; - •-mi and Allegheny city, and deonsmer --- old customers have shown detneelves above the vulgar prenzdtee•gatumAmordereilinok and - stt 1 ' --tt--- ---.-- ------- -- they give Gaszam'. Bedstend the ;trete:coca, tomPl, A TALUABLE BOOKS...Published by J A because e s dhow s Ir. Leine the hot. ationgell, 4.1,1 ma V .V.. U P Jme., IValnut atreet, between Fourth ~,,,Goes Re., ad . ore 'lle fultuwtog teSproont•l and Fifth, ClOCltittells tpealis for melt - th e Guizat' Gibbon-The h is tory at the decline and iv; th. ' . " "n' ' P.;"""I'"'''" n"k‘" of the till R h Empirea Edward Gibbon, dote. or Pdsborgh and Alktheny, PA .do artery cer. ofthe 22. 3 • lift that lee have booed the :melt to manufacture bed. Etq•,A , OEM Edition, revised and corrected threingle. meads with Gamma'. Patent Fastening+, and ea out, preceded by a preface, and accompanied by m e a m.. .me t ., m ally fammungo with which we are notes mead and Inetorieal, relating prinespally to• aeonasoted. the tiagatio of (:bristianny. by SI. E. Oudot, Jun. Lemon Jahn Mitirew Waterer of Palette. Inotrudinn for the kingdom of T D Lonny Roben human 3 a 11..wy kTo - Jam,. Dllan. Emelt, The prelate, notes and eorreetiona, trans. John Liggett, Jr /a.. Idwry a Son tared from de French espreally lot this editson. Lorene k sabot Roldle 1 Drennan Willi a nonce of the 1.110 anil t eltaracter of Gibbon, Thorn. lade) drunk II Wallace / and 'Watson'. Reply to (iibleun. lad eats. amp. Ramsey A M'Cl Deed later elland ;),,,,.11,313 page.. 1101 • k Wallace Moms Ltulluelt I • Milner'. Peninsula War-Complele. eel. 22 P; Mond La - key r . Bvo t allo pages. apaF-aal'h"' 4 " mateP:llso2Nrantrl/4,./I'iti'LpiZkeld::,:- scl.xlaillaatu'eti-Llid.dlewA.rev.m., ChlmsbeodeeNeßwebeElnlgiolanndin, Gil gg"----Gmgmm Russlell's French and Engltsh War to America, and pvn a .a...a„vi„tra,"„taa„aa -- ,f., Ma, to Ramsay'. American Revolution. I vol 410. 1140,1 ra Pies. !trick sJaelstne, and lia•lne eater then Lthrary at Atucrieatrliadery-Contailang aelee• ' Acta an d tested as abilli,, are now prepard pa .ett I mon. from the beat authors no Autettenn !lisle:o7,l nth. and contra. to deliver mockones to 0 115 part of Rtography, 'Travel.. t:onatreree, Stattstim,lntlime, Re f' ° I" 2. " .. ri ''' ."' 22 ` ''' .. 2 ."'''' I" make 1 RevolutiOnary Battles, lire. he. 51e. Alan, Ance.', l Reek fro a etude clay, nod will make Sanaa rood do . p . ", p „ dd,,,,50tp.„,, pd , d ,4 ..,.1, di , dotes, Poetry and hdtarellaneour .aides. lidera . the Gt.: t G t . Avo,,fing the „ape., and aloe ° f ps ,. 1 lid milli mine Dun [Ail eitgravingi. I eel. imp too e s,,dr}igt , and handling the I,ok atter 640 pages. e a t of it t a a ...a. rl,, • Iglu,. Doi liable to remut Ilnoterml Ptetonal Lihrary--l'ontaining•ladde \ eat ol wpm , . sod leeZninnor Led thot ti van he taken to papers cm vatiour aubjects, rititipriong ' o Natural .o' 222,P. to h. ' n o .T. d ing 'NA"; 11 tar], Natural Setestrm, Agriculture, Kura: Econ .*. Iriarlaule I. are :LOW building mamma ., allu . 1 ,,,,„, 0 /„„ e „,),h, Fe ed A t te, the Orientall, TlaVela, Can toraohthena ...Wan notice For a Mader atonal ..„,,,,. t h etttf_ni, m.c. .. 1. ..., p . ~.i.g, 4,c. ma IN old refer to aumehine new . m suet opesa. . 1 ,P".l. "". e t. ma ll m et a Mill e,ek benumb mar t od West end of din tß &c. t vol imp !iv. ~,,,, Pp. sheep. meet. where we alma he haat., o explain ever) t The Family Medical latte-A Treatise on the cm:seereed and, ato all alto may call. We base at I Pre,entton and CUM ill Dweaseit, by revue° and Pteaeldne" dl, ,altal - All 'al. , . "loaf allall'`' I atutple enshrine , . New edttion, revised and Maar ..ll b`T"'`Vili,[li'4.!...V!,.'•, A ht11 : 3.0 ..N A Co.. i god old the adihuou of a Vegetable slateria Med• sepia( I' CIIOINNATI. lo f ;minting nut Like Virtue, prepanthon• and slimes • ;or 000 t,...1 valuable name medical plants, and an I v....,,WirtetriltV,A,,,,b,e'itta„, W. „„,, " !!!, C i t i ii ,.j r , h ,„„, ; ordltne of Anat... and Plamitslogy. Illustrated F,-; XT RlBl - " •; 7 ,-;,--,,-,-„,:-,„,'-, , • t.„-„,-.,-,„(1-:_,3-;,„ with ant hundred . Engranags, so of which are the west:t a n ' sernintry'..and ihronlaltost tone it:terror al I calme d . BI Jii Nr 2w2.2, . MI 1 - 1-..4 1' 2 11 2. ten. Penrinlyania, will be ,ady fur delivery e opentait I American }'lower Garden I •ompansoo--Adapted at Navigation. 13. romer,al on which iheLrglaraliihlr 1 to the Ended States; by Edvlanl Sayers. Lanthcape and dpertarity epend.. Is vs I•icted hy ezpenencml on- i and Ornamental Gantener. It mo, third edition, " .I".".'' (`‘''''''"'""' mic"''''' winch '""`" I revoed • enlarged and iliustmted. ties aide-the fustble meat, wtth lt la onbed- . • , ,-, - to „ _ di e. he. tied, la carefully separated They will I e thorooghtt I Pal... . lar.g a at ."' 2 .1 22 . 2 ......• burned and compactly pressed by machinery, and re , ; Famto l'estanterk, octavo. with and with out tat., rivets ht. Aleoare. Gaffey A re. the pro- . Poliglut note., and Psalms in metre.. I Prier." , in all resfoleo 'n inam'am Mc , * sekoP 2 Irdred , Itiee earl Pinter'. Debate Buns'. Wotk• Lady Ii)CIIRAN, . , 111911101:Y ,of de talc. Lalla Rookb Mare's l'Aeate Deco. .IRLI Ali Al lIRC II ANT, 1 Orden, tie dal i•r o.nefara, watt lorpraturtfly ereea I t „,„ . , d ,, odd l i d „,„, Pace„ et i,„„ o f „„.. u . -.- ..11110 Snotty, PlTTeloncli, I tial.Ou upp .1-.1 on to J - ,11,...,‘.1',,,,;;0.,,,C,41..„:141,.,:t.17.5.,,, ,to , t , to ottotttitk , ttt,to _ totl,N CONTINUES to transact • general Cenanatasion i ff;a" &miner. elpecally in the purchase and ule i NZ, It W li-CTIILITiIII SlTltitlEWMktiratli. I The Valuate y Medical Library. of American Mantilsehres 'mid Prodece, end in IT CONFECTIONARY AND FREIT Is RR in 1 A TRATI.Eon the Ple p trennon and Cum al Lhaearts receiving aid forwarding Goode consigned to his opertem Monday, Apnt Sta. four doom (Mai Woodal l , .. , ...t. ,,, k), tarEi'n7,7,..ain.,Lcrt,:r, ',,..,e0.,,,,l= OM. As Agent for the blannhcterers. be will be and mkt dare to A /nyder Prk,n Too Stote.. ; n e A spiendut assortment of Faarty Cake, Confectionary. 1 N'itsho ADA,. most .01 ‘1 ,, .. 01110,. . PreParationr " pi ttA m m , " r i PP AA l A ‘ f ed i net w . e t h i t F th e rr o o „ e iP. : t. %.,"'hocil"..),i; ..„Fri.t.,,.k.thoftwetwoh_de counter e,re day; among wh,eh . 221 dmall of oar En.° l 'alnad da i 00 . 0 ' , nlEtilaal punts i mid ut appenals,diu.vimed. svi o th ... n . to hagreyings, II or , P 4 2..• 0211212 and corwirtimeaD an ,".1 11, , blocaroarni, Pound cake; Lemon ill•Cr-Il; ! .!‘.... 1 ..! ...:. ',_ . n) .', '. ',. . N j ?.. 1101iCii111/ .17.1 P.,,Wy, 1,0,00 are p ep p e r N,,,, ,'f he °weld( one entire weal to to pen tor arattpy, LI F Conway m . , , ,•• to ienninaitnif at I. f: .-114----btiossr;,-- Je;iy ink.; A ,net do. 1101 .... I. Crd. ' r „ hhi‘meri . h . .. . nip,- . 1..2t; , . fl. , ...; .. B. P. CONWAY i CO.. 1 ~.i.. tenet aa posa.ble, tuned . w the cepa,'" at an DORTS.IIi, , UTti. Mu, Coutratamon and Foiewardtng ,i Federal Take. A. r. , "" 0 " d 'i ' who ought. an eye., tu u dertake the trtanaeni of r N.,•,),,,,,,..d p te d tme gmtie,..._edet,,,,temm t h e Orders fur lee Cecinas. Jelly. Code.' cna. •..cs 1 n _2_, in the) ninniiininon a „,,‘, ,„„,,„ iiin may pi...1,...,7a T ....tar Pm Iron. Coal, lee 1 Canfeemmary. ; ke , ke • eaeetited in a ranteer tufe• ; ~; : . ..j.,„ . KITT. TO, quailed; in ...Ix 0 ana beanie a rea ar other e atabt.on Atwood, ones &Co I The treantlent punned by the generality of reaction. larenkgiert., e,, c r , ir,„7PGo,"" ''' a c s dad ''''F‘teTti‘l.l";e::;.'L'lt ,m, Rock, he , mancfactured solely or., and Mond rasa 1.11.1111, panteularly ta n dle . Ws• Gram Winos Wheat Flour. dad nee from all druGherary i rwIlF,„r1F11d11111/1.0 tnhe,..S.n. and .t a , , V , e .. l r l,:alln bee de ilad Cued, Lindsey &Co D lamb fr. Co Lyon.eiturb &Co Clarke k Thaw " I" ' . 'ra ANI IH4CWI Thhe'l-t'ali7r,,,r,;, ..L.L.L y,. h 1 hewed, has peen mortally' da m . . don.. liticilifici daTtAst=l.lobic. usetiCetli • , mote general oattafaeuon than ' any book of the kind ---------------- - Lee endow now Shave whcrat ear allayed before, .,.„, 0 , ~. ~,,,,t pi, d„dp„.p„,... ad,.d00d,,,. JOHN P. PERRY. And three 11ho seta At • shave now Ph., the iimre. . „ so , „„ i „ ii ~.iii,i ism i , pr. , rin ... rii , im anoi. li.all . or thc fino of a1,..-lw i iii! . .“ .6 / C . ' l l-, IN atm., tht..upenur sove , og l'oh.t.oid . 11 , oa l oar. ..lwilicenee AI. be 11.,iityl to ttrat ms sr ea-eo WholoestiM 61.0.0., %.00.......... ....... 1 A tie of the pub.. I Clll esti 101161111,C sae dar the , ~,,,,,„ i, , ot e „),„. ,„ ~ „ hewer . I . Merchant. \ 11111.ALItain alt kinds or Country Ptoduce. soot pleavant composmon that the: km, me, cool, sad d; „ ' ' ; I, 1 -.• Past TIM I'm Fla.. 11222 . 2 ' 1,,,,,. • z , ..4 ..'.-- " , ' :Po'ne7:::..:: a'wh°,a,h,::::',:::::7::::::::thre::::: ', w ''l7 btrzen""l‘ohr":";!°o.ldn;l7°("'"''''''..;:tn'''''':: Re'ye'llkarNn'''CoStal""'st 111'narno.711.,Natit..e.o‘dVbT"'Ittatilrilh.d °"'pemroaP6''tok'm";e"'tt''g'a ttotTl:old'l"rarr"t thet n e ' se r' lres e". ro " , 1 ':;l'',v,araa'''''.jl7"Taka;aU".'":l7a...; ''''''''''''''"""''''''''''un:'"lr:niib::.!' Marmfactuyea vernal', conies ef Labeny soot In 2. Gentlemen tf Ina wan for a nen, luta... %have, on i Age r t . „`",,,,, e „„e to sell I b is ~„„b_b hi,„ b i c . 0 . 5., streets,Pittsbargh,with Jan, okaying Cep.. don't be re, reit tt orona cosi ', 0 „ toe , 3AA 0. p 3A mmo, p„ta d ker.., OJ-Labezal dvances, in Cad or Goods, mastoid era , ; meth to fillaherkned, a you are. , orti.freit. ihe 2 . 22- '; je o 4l Walnut at. bet (lb and Sill, Cincinnati. ailaraandolDwideee,ka .I 5 ;et well he Warned. STEPHEN IJARRETT ; Ida City Lard Ott Parlor> lead Fancy Soap Wade, ; Lj AttRISON,Ii COLOMBIAN INK-BLUE rebel oar et,opratiie Iron Car flotei I I.IIII.ACIZ, RED and SCARLET. Ti' lug has been . _- attends in me try the Premdent of the Valhi Mate , in T_TACEL•II ARTICI,F FOR THETOI,I.E. - , t „ p er ,„„ mett „ „ t ; both l e t ,„„„ . 1 a sis i i ,,, ~, 0,, J.l.Nymye.p c0.p... , .. E... .r. 8.... .P. , Governor and IA: Yilaitne of Pennaylreina, ands nnier. 1 discovery t ie ,prhng effirsee , far 11111,111W11111 al,,n i iiii , i , bi • . „ . ging maim c intimations, concern.. and indieid I e at ant as well as ktpdttrig allelic.< roseate ~3 , .; • ' l. rma‘,'ll77lP'Crel'eAbrate,l A hi:mod Skeeter Cream.; ~2%.,_, . .1 1° w ., ....°_,. ir.t,Jr:i11:1.,".1,::;:::::. 1 winch . now grneratly used by the fdshttinatilc eon, i i";,l7`'` no ' . l'''' . " - ' minim tli all pans of do United 8111111,- ' Ed penman..her color these Inks fully equal. 1 Hanel'. Ihatary Powder far !mooring imperfluot• ias ate, all oiiii . sii , 1 sissiali siib co i iis , is on . 11 0 . 11, lulu )dal m so h i hl highly relehnited Vegetable tagutd ; „;,l,„ „ ..... 11 r,,E."..„..g,„ far . r . ''''' DY .. "'"' u ' d ""I''""`'''lr"T"l! I • 1 1. , , droved aid for *ale in qustintic• to suit par. 'herb'ar Instentancoaalr , and taana ' E.. ' a'l 1 ch.ers by .1 L. ' READ hair, /lokers, memaehes, and el <Wows, ta a beaut.ral y, • • browner black color r Fourth, near Market street I Tae .Love articles ate for whalmale and retail, 1 0010 ,,,, , p00K,,, ;by B A FAIIPIP a I (IC.K.S.TO ,•3 I ., ddttd ,,,, o f 11,.,d,,, N.* 1434+: tell cot from and wets:, and wood and Oth ato s . odd „, do do la 3 4, _ Hardware, Cutlery, Saddlery, &e: , Cnbb'ro do da 1114 5, JOille WALKER, itinersou'e do -do 113 4. ; Ltd PORTER AND DEALER In Foreign and Damem I Elorne / E i22 '" .2 ; '"'" h ` ndC ''' it '' l '' '' A ` ''''''''''' i I tie Oardwate, would mops-Wally ow' re bin inn ft.llielrell,Olney, itinith and i:oo_rtt i • .migrap co, i amide pdbitc generally, that he !a now receiving ill. I tooth. K. lore a n t . id „ lti r ll." ll ....T ar ' . I:taring supply of flardWare, al the old amide( lb alter The !lie aja ... l. • an.' looks tot sale sett law lit Wootlyeell, No to Wood 'meet, which he will demise lal nhydemily an re . A . n , i i . n ... run, ~... 'of mike Mat reasonable ten.. ' A ''''.l-''l7,:k.f ' XL l ' . ° l;:f ' IT I . an:lt:lf ...„,r Ile will he coniinnally t i t (re-th ' , MO.' . dtmel ,r r aa' blank ~,, , ,,,,,r, ji „ }.,,,,,,,,, from de en abl e him tit Europe arid Mt. , ...) , ! , which sell! enable him to compt tt with ant ran 1 _ll , Area eider East or West. tern Merchan Leese" rmted meal( and et unoe market at lictween led and Oitt New Music Boon. I pill.; !town Melodeon: a eoltectuni of Secular Mel g It X hl . it owe h Ihefa nunLaamg else h lye 111_...- 1 2... . trl;,•.d,e,a; .lire 07 1 ‘ ,.. ...„ ~,,, . p . ,,, ,, ; . p . : ,.....,.., :r ,,, : ,,,. Copartnership. a iina ' r i tote.' day. arranged and harmonized for Mid va,res, by Ed. W E ' '''''''d'''''''."l. "" ""- l' i t ' Sd' ward I. WM e Te•thrkof the hard Forte and tint. getmottmlo4l „1'Lta'Are.',....""7,1%,°L„7„,',".1`,7:ar0, , 1 ,,,, „7,„.. vcd,,,,,. 1. 1 la votan, tad or the above work, VI of I 08UM. IlletiltEW ECU., I Oar., 81 and haat, taken the vsanehon.e. No d nn re tal Row, 1 . r. , lie , ..." •n ,''''',i2....27.,,,.*,...‘„?‘";;:0`A`A".:).• Liberty street, formerly accepted by Me IV LI 1 . 01 m .- tonil 0' good mule. duo abo ve,., tt .it ta .,,ehervde, , rll . 7 . .te nd d , a ns . aor charge will be deniame. Rereived sod lat mt. !ll \ p rompt hil/RRIS GRUM. fonaterls of Ploladelploa 1 i" JUAN II AILLLOR, 2 1 . rood et - - TDOS It MeGRE • aintthat Id, 01,.. LTISTORY OP MEXICO - Jam publialied, by FINDLEY Li McGill:kV, • ..., •11IA & ll 1' Jllllll4 lkoeniusu. 0 Pollabaralt, Much la 1E47. , or bdtp 'l'll F.: Illti IORI OF tillAlCt/ . her Civil Woes and 1.. - ------------ I Vol I gild Revalunottery Annan., (ruin the per.od of THOMAS KENNEDY, Jlt., 1 the Bosnia Conquest. ow, .a e ptevent urne,lb47, I lir Me late firm of Oille.pee A Kennedy, lAsikint i telettolint En nem.. of Me If •r with thr. Gaited Mateo, Glata hlumlartater and dealer to l'lnek a. Coml.. Ina ( . 111.11111 and Military' Achtissamema. fly Philip aid Variety Goode. keep. editnantly en hand, o f hi. . loong fil O Slob Iwo Copperplate Mona, and /OM, own manufacture. ever. deserim.on el Gilt. Mahogany l Fannin/lag. of Plana of Rattle 2round• be One not. and Common I.onkling Inseam; I, a 1 4, and 3 Mewl , mac ocular, an 1110 latiudred an •sissy...At pace, , ro, lets; plata and ornamental, porttas (tame. pill All kind. or ClOllll4 T 1.1111.11.1.1 lv rte., to 'Mt.. I , rt , w pirxicAL wou,_it,..",„ .. , 401 , .. Conds,Thread and a general n-ratinirial o' ' o`. Policy e3 „ .1 ,,.,,,,,,,,.„ e tt „.„ r „,,,„„,., „„ e „., , N 1111/1. on snare ot Me illseamot in the Rectum fades" f l a '" i l rt a n 'Pl i a , la P ;it ' ll.l . 67 plied 4ft s ni P' e.. " l a ' o r N P :vr 'P' Y C o ' i n li P r p " rir C i..7. I l a n A eTi ",' :‘,"; . 1 :1 1 .1. , 2 1° 01 . , '`,......t.76::j.!.."..1.7.;',: ‘ . 7 . 1 , :? 1 .:!: i •permlly to L. ,on sof aie•i rea d e r lo) IN nLYtant . N " Gt "'22:' 0l "''' ''' :" I itodedhatnet of loui.v t ile. Ity -.- DRUGS, DitVOS, i The •unmeof th.• work has within the Dm re relents TOEI. m oire :R, Druggot and A potheeary, If. IF• ; . ueeermellydreated u pwa r d. of toren hundred at ...E.t.a.' of Watad and Polk ail • ritt - lialg ll l n'l l l. keel . 1 P.ler. L i ar hurry. aul tii without either the k ,Avant constantly on hand. thug>, l'atto-, Oil., It) tyrattf- dt.teto ,, , 01 liner)' Fur wale .1111te Ihna..tore of I t, a :it> leveN II --Physteian'. preseriptons carefully toilipunial• ,,,L, Fourth, near Market .tre-t ed front the best materials, at any 1.11 el die dry or - • -_ . .. nighr Also, an uaarlinein of Periumer), line Tooth. PIANOS! PIANONII Mir. and Clod Unita, At. he , n Inch 111 will 401 us ENSY KLEIIER. Dealer 111 caned Piano Fortes, low for cash. • Inay I ,11 at 1 W Woodwell'a, Yin. 85 Third Street. The Iltanna may be esaanned at at) hour., and %he submit i EAGLE COTTON WORKS. , bet will be there from 11 to li. A. Id , and from 4to a. P IT Tlill LI LI.011• i P.M , 00th day. Pfaslig, ()ember MA NUFACTU xi: corroN YARN. Ca YA RN,Ballings_Twina Caw eeeee YARN, CARPET C Ir i l l e ' t * 14 ARTS. It'L I t: efs " • (Sitecessare of.Artmekles h. A vet y.) dant ... ,_ Proprtetot • COWNISSIONBIL or DEEDS A T - CI NCIN NATI-1 ion auiherned by the Governor riot- Pepnoylvanio to take orknoWfafrannts of oil in strument. of w an ing, also alkterrO and drwitions of " n l k n . ' CT; 0 " 1 Ps, ' ' ' o d ' i, o h e r 4 ' l 7 - :.1 or‘ f Tr; rd hl:e d vaT's idifi'.."ene.? led'in Malmo, Olon 'EDWARD P CRANOII neyttidkwl) . P • Attorney at law ' RAGS WANTD. 10(000 t. scouNrus MIXE D RAGS wanted, for which the hlghest price in CASII will be paid W it . ] w pp ar . s , oAp,hernad;,lic ArLillescirrenn cl' Wont g and 'REYNOLDS .k. MIEF. meld Corner Penn and Irwin sta. Pittaborgh VINING 110/31.1P, hlonthly '1t0... and Ever green.. Ire . suitable for plant.. in Ceutetry i e ean he furnished on a npbasoon [tithe wed stare, from Nordnesof Jas, Wordrop_ , Alanc lC hemer. S N WKERSIIANI mebMif .; • Nn lit cm -wood and Rib ot. GOLD AND SILVER .WATCIII,I4-Reeepred an addition tomy later mock of Gold pad Paver Pat ent laver W niche• amiable forj o adiro mid Gentlemen -'Of the latest and handsomeal pate.. nod of the heol mannutedre-vearranted and far sale Sr ry War mi me. lent-- _ W ILRON J. G. W. Leanne/. J. G. W. t.f.rtwictta co., v.o..Foßwmonr.u, LadC•anuthstion. r Morelanats, umiuirmuiz,ba. DorricuLast anemias paid to consignments of / Saw Fitirtnes,pr article a cot Opoiounat and enalf u. lIEFIFA Now Siteirsad &Liginlosr, nos mos Lianorion; Now Mtwara Liaison & Beuentoa, Ur. Z 11. Mintier L. braille.. DOI & PpeoVr. Ws. (i!Leag t Robert At,4,.14:., Mt. Cnarin P alln. Mews. Ilynes is CringtwaiL Motors. Fd•rards & Minoan. Ilion. Zenon Labasse,• Hon. John Damon Planoonaino,!La CRAIG. WALLAS drs cAN. FLOUR rm.:Tints AND PRODUCE COM MISSION MEROHANTR. _ EDAL sash advances made ova.o !,el a L s. M torments. Tbs. shipping tesaerent mill be ram three-Connie valise in advance in Ca.:l4 anfllY ing to out friends, Messrs. Wallingford it Taylor, Psetsburek. , , Messes. Them nal .tr. tx.. enalmpa,oki. I Phdaelphti,Mrse A DAS , , ~' . N. H. AU gradate mnsiened to m 'ims/we wben in the snarelicuise of Y4lldigford kTaylortlrtusbargb , or in our ewe in Phßit&lplina: . D. k Co. FRESH IMPORTATIONS OF 1-IAROW ARE. LOGAN & LONNEDV, EIdriIATERS OF 'AND WHOLFAALE DEALEP 13 /133/IWAILIC. cIUTLXItT, ate., i Se. to Weal 111...4 , P TTSBIERVIII. A RE now i the warn of reeetvinelarge a - tdittous LI to Mew metisim smelt of Hardware, Oaderl , Sall .lem., & .., which baiting been purchased on Me s t . ads s wrens is England, and direct Atm ----- - women suable. diem to of i by none and equalled by 'fully invited to ealL AUCTIONEERS l t AND OIiFISSION KERCIIAM; AEICANDER LEVY & EROB, CNC4 to NN a A t T b l e r &t ab ST e n LO I kUtdSo I Merchandise at Mo _ a ad va nces.4M and an *Meats pstparm mak e The best of veleroseas sta. If required. Loons addressed In either Mama pmeniody attended na, OM! 1171 . C -1174 atig, COMMISSION MERCHANT No. 11101 %OATEN ST- CWPOSITE gurs EAwc: BALTIIOIIIIII • ArrlNfUr.l3l...Caoe,olM.N.cre, Dried Frail, Wes- Advariesa . masle on 7roasiainmaitto Satisfactory ref• ereoca id those addressing by mail. soplti i le W. 11. carraa. THOMPSON tc CANIPSZLL. COMMISSION .MFRCHANTB Amidtaco_eturrii.of Elosbood 011. 110.. 40 Colnn~Aia &r e d. CINCINNATI, 017 Ass j a7m yaw poit cuiszata,CO •Ire' 4 l 7 _ _ z w j COMMISSION & roawAaDvia mmciuoirs, nEALERS I, riustiarg: grflaciares Ilirdware—yrill keg. econstoily ay Mod • mock of carriage wrings wad &K , . Milossosylberas& mtk tee d firelproor Pales, anydr, vices ,Wackeadas, bellevra, sledge meb4:l -------- Ilkt.C4l.lf LILICH• tatiltril 4. LClttli. ' I RIALCOLIE Lillie!" &EOM, WHOLESALE °ROOM'S, COMMISSION hIER• 1 TV 'CHANTS, and DEALERS Lin all kinds of &emit Eudora, Copper, Till, Two llama Tinnand Toole, ((I ron and Nails, Ziits,AVltori-Lead. DVO fIOS, 1141•24 Mite* Iron, Lead, Conon Varns, ban, te, and .iPintlionth blasyfitetares genrrolly. Nos 94,93, and 94 Liberty strem,otic door above the head or Wood street, rilt4blttr. Pa. Liberal eats:tun, in rash or goods, made oo con oignmrs• of prattler. ise ,Ite. . . istehla . . .. _ n. W. AA'"'AAA It. W. T. PATCI4. ", PATCII, BLAT _ ___ _ 1 • lIEWS it . _ Jo GORMISSION lIIIIICIIINTA, 1 , No. 48 Water Street sr. t.obis,mo. Will give panellist attention to the mlling of Pro doee,,and to orders for purehasons Sarre ao--George Wor , &Co., rintotorgh, Po .Dill I 4 nil:: 'I It J aCKeehan C Denibemsors. '" JOIIV g ATI:MI.OO44D & CO. dpmmission and Forwarding Merchanb, I NOS. 93 & 95 SOUTH BT. tanClye BOWLING! WHARF. Baltimore _ 1 - i f idills Cialliolit I COMMISSION MERGLIANTS, Nos. I and 9 I,lfiratil A our.. [treadh advances non be made on notteignment to be above addrees, by jej_Lily a.143_0N.15. blelV4ll3ljr, Sixth st. FLOUR FAcroas, .11.611 lif i tAX4 h AND FROM= 7l I BOUTH "` VVIVES:PIi taBELPHIA. AtUmrd=l.;l.7=l„tg,37,l2,li.t STEAM BOAT AGENT, COMMISSION k VORWAIIIINVMSSCOINT; I PRODUCE k MERCHANDISE BROKER, ..g? 015 F 11_46 . W ... ...1 1 5" .6.1 " .. tJ. NEarrort JONES RTEAmBoAII EHOH iNNDTCOMMISSION I I MONONGAHELA HOUSE, Pitublusß,, r) A. FAUNA:STOCK dIniCo's,AVIIITE. Sidle LICADWORKS.—The undenigned hare! completed their new worlui, located on the bank ot the niter above the .Aquedsaf:, la Allegheny city, etipinitePittsbersh, for the othuniactare of a sane• nor quality of white lull, both Alio and. {mind in el:7, Also. red lead earl litlethage. Haying availed theethelres or all the recent improvements in it, thfieteni, and erected the beildipp inn • very qtenathe scale, and with capacity to make lead in I ,rge quanti fi ed, they will be able to equity orderi te ehroiet any cutest. arab 410 Z V TTTT VANS SOW 11A.L11—.Caleb trader, Pattern M. Allitheny ars Otl Nut t 0.• the newert !harms for Moves on band ehhef roo is dor iron. WU Gessing and nil other. pattern. mode ordltr _ • micas Tux. wrens., D. tw. n. me, An (panatela Green eedltneek Teen op Is Owner, belf, end one posed pael!eve, nen weirs IA a 'lir Need le IVO A /!•,, JW. Cwood Meet via MISCELLANEOUS JAMES Ws - WOODWELL, , • ryrresuatus 71.111e1ettni , WORK Ram., Nat s 3 THIRD taTIIEP.M. • : ZoworA I.ARGF.and splendid. • tnient of FritUnure," suitable for Steamboats, llotels.and private Noels Ildesacirnallnily on hand and made to order. , the present stock on hand cannot be excelled by •ny oneonthetory,. in the 'western no:Koury. Venom. - .shiny to Nashua would do well bo grim gma coil, as 1 ass 1 determmod my paces Abell plea.. Part of the stork coml. I. go bora. with Plash and Nair-cloth corers. 2 don Mahogany Nurse Chairs; 11 paw Divans: It don fine nrahogony - Chntre, to mahogany Work Stands. 3 dos mahogany RockingChairri 13 marble , top Droning Foram.; .paisAltrotoonsi mithlg rap Work Stood.; 19 ibevy ,4 ilvrk Stands; Mahogany. Maple, 'Cherry wd Poplar Bedsteads of all descriptions; and a tarp- assortineut of Common Formtore and Chairs, too muumuu* to 'mullion. maehf • '-'"------- 7 ---- F. a. ir.krob , . , DEALRIt in TrietmlnP l wa V•fi' 76. ;; e r s ~,‘,l Then, Ivory and lion, com b ', W oo ll e n , . s .. Worsteds, Bottom, Needles, Pins, Tape Braid . . An .. Ni Ga. Market Sit between Man/toad a ndlth tr rinakeltit• II 4ftdly IRIRD CAGES and Fax e s of v re arrasis ed p e r s . ,con t... sr 111 car M igh b ;a r ed l, gore '' , r Plo lii Wood street. earner of Othtnreel. ' ln 8 N•WICKER 11 1M 111 • , - 11.111. CREAM FREEZERS—Jest reed. a_texaer _sot, I awed& Johneon's excellent Patent le; C ream T a me . : zees; satiable • foe Hotels, 6"."th i o lrri r klJN LAP Ile. et Nell glutei st McfffM LITERARY E§TITU.TIOI.S. Ii7IIBURGII Piolll4l . 118 : 1171114... - I T. Institution, under the cam-of Rev. J. 1.1 thlf110” MID which all the soh! and ot unmenial Grenelies of finished ndoemien are !aught iv new open fee the reception of puling al Si* ttgl. lirselne Row. Liberty Ittomrt. between DJ and Ith tires.. The ,Swond Bescon will cornmench on MOnday the SDK of Lipid, and it is iroponant dist any who mar deign entering should be present an far as pi amicable by Mat time. They bare secured'ibe services of Professor 81110. DOCK as!tencher of Magic on the Pismo and Goner, I whom tooweil known torosed • recommendmion Leon,- palest Ftench liAltedr will Le wrinkled Prof UINGUAIU will barnehargeof the Department of Vorel Music. Pref. SUMINSEI will hare direction of the Artisan .Departmentoind trill mye lessons, in drawing, staid, ing, and 'painting, bat in oil and water colors. Prof. S la a Competent. teethe, and has recommendations Ordzi me new men in Europe and th e United Metes lie has elm Leen rillescher 111 the brrt nisututionsof the 1C01.1111,y, r jystf II re, IVI. •pply ID the Principal• 11, - • YOUNG ' ~.. , LAIDIEIP 111a111121AIllf• A LLFADIENY CITY. T i gL l Clre,"::.:Ti d :p<", k,e r.:ll: 6 Z. a p r ti l o i n ' of N iopl . ; at Me Conner of gawdusky and. iftrawborry MM. The Second Session will commence on Monday, Sept leth Those designing to ewer will hail It to their to do so as near the opening of the session Ist POASIbIe; though pupils will be recented at any note during the Tbe servirss organ/newt% Teachers will he secured for glasses that racy svA to receive instructions to Draw tug, Tainting and allow For particulars tennis, to thenourse of ionnbetion tera•. tie. consult alma's, or ay to the lustractOr. altegb•ity, July ta, If DIIBB STRONG'S BOADDING SCHOOL lOU TOl7lllO LADIVI. No 9, ;Vaohinaton Squar!,Phtladelphla• T Willatoll4.llVnee Or thr.trt of hi r. Informanon roopeetgcharacter, tenni,4.c , may to otnatned at dila P.:hooter 97 9 14 99 . 99., pal. . te3Orintro BOOKS; - MUSIC, &C %VA,Me undewogned, would Inlorm lEe uttigens o rm•hurgh and memoy Mal we Isavoopomitted W. II Welter rule Agent for Wenern remmylvoma, for th • orle of our liuno Putter. INew ‘ f . rom whom they nosy be on " "ned " "" *" 1111?S ' IM & CLAIM New If Ork.Sep I,l6l6oc2rilif NNECNAL TA OR—Johnston Stockton myka we Olet rece May ived portraits M or Ilmor General m Zach• 'Fast°, by A , under e innuf•Mo sorenn. teudenre and direction of the undersigned Millets.from ortmnal Actehtaken (mut kle at Canfarno. E by Cnpt. non, A.D. C We, the undersigned. consider Ilolk's Somali of I Genet al Tay n tor co a ri,..d.l:kumeaNs .vy Om. A. Al• Cam.. A. • U. . bluns, Turogrankucal Eugincers Late 13.11.10 LL, U. S• y UX . Pff lee, 63 cents. , _ fell Debtors Wad New York Florio. 000.16/1161 H. MELLON, No St Wood ef hasrtmered arid awe bit sale— Onerplenthd Rimeweal Piano Forte wnti IN Octaves, iron frame and nee scale. Made by Chielefing, Bosun, One elegant Rosewood iltine Fone. with 6 octave and iron frame. Made by lbleswing. (Inc elegant Mahogany Plane Fofte—made by Oat & Or New York. rho slave wall he sold at manufacturer's rices. , Aim. for sale as above,* retold band Piano Fool wills Secures fell Metall° vases Planer ASPLENDID &immanent of Rosewoo d nna ,Mahog• lay, rand Wiest Planos, witho t b Frame,ost finished and for rale. • • ;leman's Also two splendid Rortwood Pianos, woh Co celebrated -Collan attaeldnent,finlebed in the west road. ern style, and for sale at - F 13141)1E'S • e?" row/ g reet a door. .obese sth ASHINGTO AND-Hla ORNP.RALS, by 1 T Headley, TIDa Zy n rie l co' d TON :Alzlicymrs .106 conaarof marl etarlrdte and a L ,Kpgruici up AP N ,a „u T a l e for . the Rich and Poor. by ar. a y reed.. and for sale at the Brook and Sratioody.arloboroo °SS JOHNSTON rr. srocurro:v MANUFACTORIES: DUQUESNE 'SPRING. AXLE, & IRON WORKIt IIAILMA Co., having completed 4.) their New works, arc now preyarml to manalle lam every description of Coach mld Elliptic springs Iron • le% AttiCrient Blister, spring and plough Steel, and all Macs of Small square and round tiair, which they otter for sale on liberal. terms, at IlieinFendwass N 0.43 Wood street, arhene They, also keep on hand complete 'and handsome assortment of Coach trier m aUJ ing., Carriage hardware. orelleable'castiogs, aod boa, • • • r C. li.& Ca,Dave wade arrangement. wall Messrs :Day to Cream, martufasterers al `Shores, Spade. Fork.sar.e., sod will kelp toornaraly on . band ..•• article wade hy Wert . Dealer* are reopeetolly. eel riled w e 5 U.v priers aril won. et dl be wade liberal. PUT MACIIINEWORKtirMqD FOUNDRY, P1T1 , 11011.111 , JOUR WELIOOT & CO., A RE prepared Co build Cotton and Woollen mon ery of fevery_ description, Etch am-Cardin Frag Mn chines, Spinning Frames Spenders, Oror'ag mesk Railway Heads, ts eads, %Carpe, Twlllets,Spoor •, Dressung ntrn... LOW.; Grinders, Ike, %Wrought Iron Shafting tarred all sinet of Cast Iron, Ponies and IlsmaCts,of the laseil porton., slide nod baud Lathes, a tools of Ja il bird s. rating. of;every demi:priori famished on short no tice. .Faticnka made-to onter for Mill Gearing, Iron Stratn ripe for beating Factories, Cast Iron window ARA, awl fancy Cuomo generally.— Orders left at the Warehonee of .J. Palmer & Co., Lite erty.strect, will have prompt Emotion. Barka to Blarknock. Deft A Co. J K Masthead Et Co.. 43 E Warner, John Irwin & Oonr, Pittsburgh. G C A .1 11 Warner, Steubenville. 101110 JOIIO CARTWSIOOT. - T%IPOUTER arid Manufacturer oers f utlerynera', WorgM bond at 1 and Dental Instruments, Waddl a C nd TiU tools, Taylor.' Patent Shear*, Ac `he. Also m enufnes ton* Tie... Supporters, Ac, 10 great varier, J. C. Manufadutrer and Importer of Pen. rocket and Table Cutlery; Ramrs,Scasom.Files,Saws, Toole, &e; him removed. to 03 0% DOD STREET. Polaborgh, second door low Diamond Alloy. And has late. y received a large mow-orient or P.. er. PoekOt Kukreo, Kvilwes R Fork", Alto Rodgers' and Whostentiolms' PINE CIITLIRIVX. Elliotts.Rodgem,:Wade A Bute hersi.lNAlore,tacissors , Rnror Strops, Ac. Damanths sod Wire 1 win - DUNS. RIFLES, AND PISEOLS , A lieu's Colt's and Bluni's Revolvers, Powder-Flasks Shot Belts Game Bag., Walker's & Ouse Erma Zoo comics° Caps. Bowie. Del and Hunting Rome.. m. o uch an Callipers, Monier...Flyers, Nippers, Nana Vice,. Squares, Rules, Braces, Bum, Wpoke Maven Stocks and Des Wire and Iron Gooses, MO ainaticq Instruments, &c, in very great variety. (0- Jobbing and repairing neatly and punctu ns nlft • do door, aw CO PAIL7'IEtwWI' NOTICE. VW. STErIIF:NS or Wbechrg. Snoculycr- Er• of Junartri and JA. SiDekloll of nashorgh, law. Icor olay cincreJ tato co.pcnnerchin.ondcr style end fang of Strphrn.. rittocnbcstcr k" Co. or the Anchor Iron Ws, Whechng fur : th e purrmre of ronnoPtioring ton sod nods of every dcpcilption. ...-.. __ . _ F. W shanties.. K. F Siloatocaosa. .I. A. CO., STEPHENS, SHOENBERSEE N. CO ANCHOR IRON WORKS, Wheeling, l'a. Manufacture all kinds of boiler. sheet, liar iron an nalls, Al/ steel chow . 'pintas and ask , Being coo arrtert troth Shornheract's Old Jim.. Worto, we eat offer un artiele of Juntala loon [branded Shoenb chant In any made In Um country. All of whif h volt 10 sold at tLe Vinsinargh prices. ‘trareliousn'ol ilia Wu,. rorn.ent.l Manna. end W awe 'wren,. 0411 a.l.1,F1011F.101( VF-NITIAN 811.1N11 FAtlOlll . - JOUR A. BROWN TAKF-s this method to inform hit friend" sod the paltlie at large dant his Factor 7 eluove in full overation, on hi East `id< . of the Diamond, Alleghf ny, where aeon! • town oupply of Winds. of ration rolota • also erne...and, kept on Load, also at 14.3 clo d Woo at, Piusbmgh,at J.& 11. Phillip.. .a th wale rant. heininin Shutters made to orthes in the lA,t plylr. . Blinds repaired at Or .11onest notice. N. It. 1111 Blinds will be pat up, whbont arfy alid, nous; eaelutoe on obat they can be removed. in a mo ment in Colt of fwe or ter washing, and,WAGoul Ihe .4141 of • error dr e ' tietalrStrawlaint y ithA. PULTOI I I, Ikll and Boer Funiid. er, ha. retnoll.and rotruuented lowinew at his old stand, where he will be pltawed so ere Int old ea ttoothrs and friend.. . Church. Steamboat. and Bells of 00017 ae, from 10 to 10,115 Poona., ettht Rom s alaamed Inc to models. and I,ml - ranted to be of Mao heat materials. Mineral Water rumps, Counters, Rallnig, /eh. de. 01.'.‘ 1 ‘01.00.rathnlv,42r7;n:' f„t : 7, ‘ , : , ` : 1(1 `'''''' 1D - A. Fis the sole propoletur of Baltioria .4,11- ArriUrroa Maria, iy relebtateat for tlie reduc von of ft:cloth in t urne r (an..r. 'l'hc Buses ad Comps. • ~.on .an In. h..] al l.nit ia.ail bun, flanl -ty - - INAI• BIeOULLY 6 Co. IMITATION CROWN GLASS. 13 /VINO reeemly made very Important improve / L•menolo the manufacture oftbe above articte, and nalopn. ' ea i t improved CVII.C.I wheel oleo for dot. tenalo , we ate now prepared to fern Ai an nniele of Win dm. Glass. equal. if not .1/perm, to any Cy 5 oder Clan mule mth e Ualled States, arid bat little inferior to the KJ/cloth trap We arn Cr alla/ very extensively engaord to 1., ^ famnu. larture of Con.too.t W /ndow 1 .ths• and Dropc/st.' kin:. and Sado of e.ery defer:Lawforn. Dealei. alourwrs ,11,6a;1y ore. to Invited to e4llo, de xamine newer I v e Loose, No. ITV Wood street/ Pitoblthett,Pi• . ocelg ------VIrM'T.—IKLL Aifk., . PjTTSIWRGII STEAM 51ARULF. WORKS, Nor 11l end did Lit.rfg arta. near the Canal. k LW Ali y on band and made loonier, a large vane- LI. ty ef Marble Mantels. Pscr,Cenue Tables, and Baleen Tops, Tomb Stone& Monumen ix. b.c ; all which. being made of the ehetee, in:able. and rnananctlarvl ' r . '.i fi . 7 1 1 1 Y e r h .: tT: " . : 'n n :4 U. '1'.1.".7,1%'"',.'n„r,,` 7: ° .„ on/bre:fed that it is bencelorth 111111cCenCUri fur them ta , go East, no I con furnish then/ with nll ornele in nil rupects a. good, end (fratibt, In/threat , . tee, forsder ed./ as cheap as they' can Wet.. tbern form the F,161 Coil and ~.., I,W, - - _____ COPPER, g MEET IRON. AND TIN WARR MANUKACTOLIY, No 111 Market tract t, Pittsburgh, Penns: 'I , IlEratihscrilmr• haring made great Improvements L in the cotratrUt. eon of belt CIVKING litTOVEtr, respectfully i tette permits building lea:atom. meat] and examine before purchasing. as w can supply hen Deck Moves, Forges, and every other kind of Copper, Tin aad Sheet Iron work tracessaly tu furnish. tag • Steamlsom. Cr slim make to order on the shortest notice Sal Tubas Charebeii Copptt work far Mee. Engines every' mid eve Taney of vrark ot oar line. relit) I SENN ETT & BROTHER, 41 1 tteEve4swArtr. MANUFACTURERS. Rislatitighaus. (near Pittsburgh,' P. NTS/wine, Ab. 137, Wood street, Piatborgh. ? Wll.l.coustantly keep on hand a good assort ment al Warm of oar own ruanutaenne, and superiortraality. Wholesale and country Meta chants ue respectfully invited to call and ex arcane for themselves, uwe are determined to sell cheaper than has ever before been offered to the pith. °N tic. . , Irr eff sent by steraluaccompanieu by the cash or cimareferenee. will he potently attended to. fetal Nevi - iitsisirrl. itiguidin marl Foes Agaiiiitas: tory. GRIFFITH,S &. DIXON, A VINO commenced the; manufacture of grades, HMussels, Bay and Manure Forks. tte,ob cut erten. sive male, are prepared to fill all orders far such arti cles at FAStero prices. • • For the ronventenceof their easterners and dealers in stub articles, they bare- appointed George Coehman, Commis/train ?dere hant, No gg Wood street. their Agent lot the sale albeit . manufacturer. All orators address , rd to' him will receive prompt attention, on the most ad van tageaus terms. - GIUFFICIII4 1 DI X0:11. Cdrabisrsh.Jolv lib—dly_________ _ ____ _ Great Western Binge : INN - tilnuttraitarr,- CIATI, 0. A GARDNER a Ca., mould trauma the trade that A • the Ire no nureeletine the best Butt Binge eye ranatlehn the Coiled *leer. A. this i• ourpnuci• Ole bouncer, we intend to send of •• emaplete an ar•, uric nis can luoradily be made. Those engaged in me Wrathy-ale trade, we think,illeid find is to their Interest u ts All order. promptly attended us. to my a our i ga ' 4 A F ! DNEB-laCo. rotor eth' s main F. Covioie ~..1 W OOLLEN nAcniNz*v T IM subseribers fire pow enbargtMc their emalitrate m e ate prepared to make ',A Louts of Cotton mid Woollen Mach.. ry, on the ono. rear:suable terms "r°°" u""'" to " VlZrlrTZl ' ;:t`i p h o n t l.% .2" LerOck street, All. gheny City N 11.- .11 Wielimmn, who has a paratd for a reel important Improve...mon the Card, and who has heel engaged for thn lost fifteen yeara in some of the tnert -x.rtisive and mererafut Cotton Face/fie!. Of ItM Wed; sin pee his personal attention to putting up, to the irat tluction ot those roncernral, all machines made at this • ilitratiment. . • _,,_ istittratly JOHN SIIERIFE & Co., N 04.91 altd V 4 Frant Llus. F40.11/101 0 trod Gat. Fit- Telt; BELLS of MI .iae • rUit 00.11.1 the tales. improved pat term and warranted equal to any Mao, ttm.. Ca n ing., &tithed if ottleted, Ga. Fie bugs put up promptly and fin rearonable trove. tiovlthlly _ --i--- . -- Vol P Young , C 11..., F Plunkett. YOUNG, lODISES - A PLUNKETT , FLINT:GLASS MANDFACTUKERS AREIIOU4E:Nos.S.I Water and 104 First .tree W Final/1011, The as s t Glas maaufactured by . I warranted qual to any country. All aide will recei ve e p.. sue.. and blled on reatonnbl term , Merchants.. others visiting lb. city are it riled to call before P lire ll.i itg ell'ewberu• lahld ---Cielit-DICOTT 14011 WOIU'S. RON and Nallf, %bee!, So. for saki at our n I e WI &reboot se, No. DS W awn Sweet, near Wow, ru nina no Front , Aloe, an cosenment at the old nand, Flchlude Row, Wanly owe , Ravine - made great adduicst• to the Willing Mill. orders can be filled promptly. .•20 GRAFF• LINDSAY A Co . --- -- BIRMINGUII TACI PACTORT. GAMPIINCLL CRESS, FINISHING NIWPWOOK4 o 1 1 1EAD BRAG* Iron and Copper Toolgo. IRON AND COP-PER SHOE NAILS, Pattern Makers' 'Points, of every deseriptior. Offler No. s R. Charles natal; Third street. 0-1/4 Pittsburgh:a/ errrisoustaii- AXLE- erEEL wonxe kriiricrtuNu APO) FACTORY. mac raw. wriba /0411 APPO U l F lktftl itt eNlZ ta ( t7gr Rhode Springs, Hammered Iron A ale., and deak.ra in and Malleable Cannata. and Oath Trhandep cettetelty, owner of Rowland rtiallt WPM, ritutiosh;Ta. • feta; osenuen ant now receirmire tare/tend eaten. sn . aaaatunent of Coach Trinarninga or the latest ni tea-engem which' era/aria+. arreg es' that hastinece been - kept here—. .which that pwohnace fornatill freanihe Rain= blase, Ezatarent, and are able to will' Int low as ell Wawa in Neer Yoder Padadoptic Weald 'respeetenlT 11111110 the aueation dea'ers. .• • . JUNE) 4 QUIGO, eat Row I+ ids HOTELS SCULAPIA or the WhilelSalphur and Chitty- ELwow Springs, of Lewis county, Ky, • The above del wheal strutting place or summer re.itas now ready for the reception of visitors anderthe .direetion of ht chew! Kean. It'sq., late and for :tardy years of the . Igo mettle klotel, Mr. Kenna/id - Lady will have tho active management of the entire boarding &gam:rent, Mr. ineheoek, of the tavern, bar. Wore. bowling 'saloon, and colter artiureutents; oat Mr. Bliss of the giptinv, bath boo., &tables. horses, carriages, Sc. he M.sre. 0 'ld A F M Weeder., Stage Proprietors of Mayestlle, will run a regular four horse Pow Coach to the Springs every Monday. Wednesday and Friday of thO seams, and furnish bailee and C gcsat ail paw! I limos In those within to visit Eigulapla Persons preferring the Vanccburgh route will do well to mind. Portsmouth packet Seroto to Vancetturgon Tuesday, Thunder or Saturday. when SierYaril gp 1 d noises and carriages to to;r4l:lti c ezr E lht4p pr . i, . ,, !; I'. S.—For other particulars, satelatuographie the hotels. Wenzhou., A e. and if Moshe not eon, emmt ' then take for granted the fullorong fams, via: That Eseulapia is nearer the Ohio river than any other was ring place-thatit boa the purest rneomain air—the most delightful. cold. limpid. sparkling. sulphur water —the tioldest,coldew, clearest purrs!. pleat... Mew and most elheamoui chalshoste fbonrain in the U. Slaw.-- that it is surrounded by mountain wt nery,wtth roman tic, preture,nue, and diversified, with good,h.lting , shootrogr fox ehasing. deer meint.Ae. he, toCtther withgood toting. drinking, sleeping, Walking. tiding. door ing, shaking oh' Ure"plues,t outgrowing 11. e dy spelt tng. laughing, growing fahloy g , asy, dread. ing to go away, prosnisiog to come nenta—to tiring (needs, trerghltorta sorters. wryly., sweet hear s. he, feel and after all at is chsipea staying al thieritapis, than at alit other of the fasbtousthle watering places. This it the, ettnee•of hundreds who Move been there and menu to go twain . •jytft.l6s• FOUNTAIN HOTEL, • LIGIIT.STR BET. BALTIMORE, FOGG & TIMIZTON, Proprietors. chills establish nerd long and w,iletyknown saloons b to r n r„ ei onftityhe.mndo:rtpeorodymroug,l ntb.eirwitfr.attlohntr.uroteed improvements. An entire new wing has been added, contatui rig numerous and wry , sleeping apartments, and • extensive,tlattling moms. .• The Ladies' department has ale been trompletely le. organised and fined up.ia a Mail unique and beautiful style. In loa th e whole ormngement of no douse ha, been remodeled, with a single eye on the pa,: or the proprietors towards. the comfort•nd pleasure of die'," Mn (ea and.whichihey confidently as'co will climb lepge compuirson with any Hotel to the'llnion. Their leble will always be sopplied wuh every • u:.- to 00141 and luxury which them•rtm aderd 5. served op in a superior style, while in the way of Wenes. they will pot be mrpassted. In conclusion the proprietors beg to say, that nothing will be tell attiontgon their part, and collie patt of their assistants, to render this Hotel worthy the continued patronage or their friends and the politic generally. The arcs. (or board hove aim been redue«l to the follovrlng oldest— • Ladies' Ordinary, it Viper duy. ' tientlemens t Ni U — The -Usgeoce wags's, its Ilmiose win al ways be .found at the Oar ntitltSteamhoni wise! will convey baggage to and nom the. Ilulel, free of eberp- toren! .liol3Bll,ii, Cluelntaall, U Otllo—The alth‘eribern having porchaa - d iLe en• lire Hllereit of Cot. r'"Wilbastoon, late tor dim known erta travem•tate to the:, frien uW d., rbe Pub li citenerallY: 'they have Liken •thts cointood. n owt for a term of ) rar• a m nd il exert ious their Ise,tenergien wake it n de<truble home for Trar eller. and City Boarder , The lintel 14 opariona and admirably plaimed fo, ono. ventenee, and atr,, hay., n number of tiallorn rola:neon!, enmesh , prr , entota ntni•nal :Eargennop to to iheee The preneto ptuon,•tors loot the roller n, years an in nay ana el•evrher.,linoe 11,, 111 , te'' ingive general o d oixforonu, being d19.11/alinf andividell attention to Ow boo.. atone. ' - • - Tbeine.itton ot the Pew! :It met IlOwn IS Ul..l...aaati na fronts no Prod, %Val. at no., TlOrd at that M a lt eauntly detorable to v the eonvent •not-of bovine. t arrorrrorement for private bonnier*. It isnear by the fl ank.. the r 0 .,, Oilier. the :da- Dine IND, Odd Fellows Holland Inito'ne•qmore d• 143111 (tont hlain (AMC( •ild Ire NUffteg from_the COY W I , a , f , thn , offering the ^ r anti esnennilly to e outory merchant , an 4 genet , illy in all per Ann• vrtau.q Cletrin -11. MtN NOH.J% . 1111,1e27 JOHN A DI 111,1: • ......._. , ADAMS HOUSE, lIOSTOZe: ^ rills au,. and ,iemlia vsiataiaim eat. eter oil durum 1 titc past seas. 0 , is nose open for the 14:,410.101 grammes And permanent hearilets. The Jeiand for invfeashil and superior neconomels lions Per the Rave/ling abbe. sligast d M the Frau .- .. tor Me plan (should g hotel, is h st e rn r 5010... and couventenee be um laded in the Roam. _And. white he has spared attar ;taut , nor • swipe in the. suainment of Om desirable olio,. he ieeece lee pub he to decide bow far hehas surreeded. 41;4 This Rouse contams 151.1 apartments. convenientlr ...... arranged in suit, an I mingle mica The Onoture was, ual All mule to Mar with pat - nails moment mutant' ad convenience, a well a style owl rplcuitor. All the , 'he subscriber. who is the duly authorized Agent 'n l } t, 'l , l :: : : : . 1 7 1 7 h r: i d : l! ' . :1: i1, :r l ir'",:s i r : I: ''.. : : : ' t, e' C ' ' • bl.'77: 1 : t ."::: •:''''' ' '"ill: i :h : l; s ' l 'i .C ‘ l ‘ i s'. o '( !t h7 , n' a : i t i ', l ;: v :l y t t : l : i .. gl'n'lll snood ) t r ''i lirrfl i: : e Y' l r ':ll l!;g dAr r e r g ua P:r : 7C o r d c I LjinV desired eakilcde , Lamm! a the principal eleert, V. Wee I rTe ke.ell ...... ' walker the great Southern and. Western mitring.) de. my-. dly.; 1 ...,713.:.,,elnerdtt:e.,eiteae,„:,..1,nt h i I II p., . 1 te g t e ? b ) : ;, e .,....,., 3 , 11 1. e; 1 .. :..,,:p0Ei, „: 1::syA::::;vuSF::::".: : : :: ,z:::: :: : " 7:v 1 : j:. .. t. : ,...r. : dt, l: u.:l l :l V e.AErc r: R...ll l :kis - r i. 1 Weddell ItilmieteliMeeland;o7---- i ' Saleta , insurance Cetstfittill" olePhilaidela. ..a.,,Th1.11.5.41:eL.1er1)01!)..:.0 ell' I, • s•tt : ,, 0r i Mi1 ,„. ... t , n , i . z . I . , -. and, ~,,, ~ ~,,,, . . idion hulls or reggaes of vests:[ la 'en upon. the ' ; 'll'' ' ':"" ' "l'l:::l4:."';';°4'iPslL ' l''''.:.:''''''''''"ii':i7i: • hair ''' l ' St ' Ili'l i llt rO ° .7l °b. . ll 37 ' tji t ire :a ' t ‘ e V r7 - n 'i trr Il e l ' all l e V t .strliCeltiT°tlr"Htu . anything Tif the hind In the Lini,l elate , . The dinind , r',!!'„,..,,„ __. ~. . ~..j ,„y ~,,,. a,....!.. Deco l i t e r y s : .1 : :" 1 1 1 a g i x rams n t : ::: :: i •;::."";;;: g':";I that airy. 'a money g b :' , : ;" : ,. i i; :n o " : ,: : :: :: .: ' c: : : :: : , :11: „ . .1 1 1 1:1 loss c 'u'l-:al i k " '' g h '. - ' A• k ; : i t,: " 7 . c , , itwt Fore„: t d ::::tt c t ' : 1 i I ci . bnl (oily :l' ~,r w allasY ig l ea e ' o l , . h' t the !! a ' : " Ts 7c , stem if:i 7:7; i d ' • d ' llit . ifi ZA7m:.:N7c , " ;:pc:Es r 7 4 a . hex ''''. 7:7"': ' ' , ; .t r rm. - "°- 1 ‘ ,,, rt::,7: " Fpar .. .. 0 , , , iii1 1 ii:7 1 ;:1:•?i: , ..: . ; n i :llll . F . lle:l: 3l 4 .. .v S h ait;iea non, „,,, „,•,,,,, • , t ~,, i , ::31i.i.1;1leill''teraini d::froxishl'w:re7;,real".l‘ :7eVU'lne7l:4l.r. 7 ” ‘ 1 b L• y h' th bd eop .' e — rftin l' n ' oTitt ' e n itatte P r i t e s P atnz d ' ta ' nit ' ly Pi ge l. re w a h s i i th ng clesciaria. J air 1.13 m _ A_Stl_All_NL_ol_ a yielding to each Fenton Insured his due share al - —BROWN'S IllOTir.L. . O. profits of the eoutpany IS Plata involving him rriiE under.ired Pons of the Isle proppetor. J es seresponsibility whatever; raid therelore 23 i Brown) havy Oa sattsfaction of idiot-ming thetr possesing the Mutual principle divested'of Wren' ffi,ede e¢dase palm generally, thm the Motel so long obnoxious feature, an lin its moat altraelige form. and tavorahty lowan as Ilnatin's Indian queen Hotel, ~,,,,,,, . , „ La,v.::::fiffu.:::::.::6l,:s: or o ne .1 9 , e g t t h " ::: nit :: :f n . , d a th , :::' :43:::: , _7„,, , ,,, . fi — , co mu 7 ~,,.„ ... ..,,.„ 0.0, ~,, a urm.„...7:: , , , :I . :: / r ,ii . C . b. E ! r i . owners, and that they alo w allots - an , p.a. , . iho T H Fr. I 11scira nee COfiupguy fir North Ame ri ca, extensive and commestions establtahment. the) pl edge and limited laser' reputation and retain the large halm, s i c it bap ••"••' ante on property, in this city atd its vitheitY, and berme/re possested; And they carnally hope. hy the . . • , 1,,• , ~,) th e ~,vation of 1.11 shipments by the Canal and Itivqpi. I • --' linprovenunts in Me L ai i ot a e tannage about to' he made. bieleef with a iltin ~,,i Dix EcToits. 5gFr":.1,7,775,i,,t41.,..:1:1:1,,17::%:471.h0,L1,1`..b4, il ` I ' M ,1...° John.s e.. C ,. .. ,, 6 • ' 0 i H e nry, th . 0 . . 1 : " V ' " d . : Sa iLIL I • B ii r :;1 1 0 7: Saint. F. Smith, T P BROW N. MARSHALL lirlOWN. Edward Smith, ' - Ambrose White, ' I Washington, D c„ittly% I,A7—jyrewllni Jelin A. Brown, . Jecub Al, nom., COLUMBIA ROUSE, J ohn._ White, ; 11to. S T ' Cope ; John R. Ned, . Charles pent, between Market and bombard i „...ivl‘. Richard Wood; . AI lbur G. Colial,Sce. Streetm Baltimore. ~,„. I . ' This is t oldest Insurance Company : ill the Tux subscriber l.v'lla mt.. " '''' 4 .9' ' '` i United Sates having been chartered in ITA. Its -11.stinseni. ode. ht. weacento the mole. and palm generally. It i 4 conveniently mutated ebarLel ta perpetual. and Irony ts• high - Banding, s e pardahn Steamboats and Railroad Repot—is tn the long esperionce, ample Bound, ad avoiding all Wm of the more •Coneire Importing :4o:ate—and ot vas str an esti - .. haxardrutO Character, it clay 110 • Oe !anima offers ta Ono voittng be clip, clip, nil ollenttgianaplexterturity to tbo public. ',Menges and comfort , a the other prooipal :MOSES ATwoot) -..- i At Counting Booprof Atwood, Jon. ea ' Co. Water and Front stroote, Pitishumb.: ' ' Now a. The beam is now being fined up with new furniture, in gcod tate and style, and will be open to the pu'ilLe on the 'II day of April,lSl7. The prop rrrr w 'surto tlms his untemittmgefform to please, will Freese to bun n WI. of the pnblie protonago, rerdl W cu W lf cell as ransient. . DIN, 1.41 e of the rom of Dix .fi 'Fon .11alttmore. April 4,;N7:my tAlthp_ STACEY'S IIitTEL. N C. COM toil-Kain •arsti Frbe Ss...rt , ZANF,SVILI.F., 0. JOSEPIC STACE V announces to the public th at be list leased, has term of years the eemotodoms baildthe kwasrly known as the Nationl' sod .Susit 11011'•[.. The house has been . th omitably srpurred. as swell .*lathe•ttl spluabblliecr,,beTti.,bnoti,uirreos„, h . e. o .t. b r ; , T , n n ,. . ,. . 4 1... , r 0 oi , i : : ii i , . s . :_ in ,r r 1, . a ~ , . 0. ~,, r. ~.....„ co . . , all who tall OPOllillst. ' 1 i NS Li FCA N CE.. ' .II _ lanie.Ofiro. 1411J3 2 e1e...._,_ taALT nwsy.. I •o 7 riiii..t6l3ll•lire. P 5. Corner Egan and Sixth sit, Cincinnati. 1' ~.C..5....5,r,..5y5t, t,'...,.. • •Ctcrrtr. 2'30..000 rale rrs. spins: establishment Is now In tho best miler for the viice to rillwapiosa, No: 71. Ibajguj Stmt. • .I. reception of the Tramline Publie. Itos4e, under ' WM, DA VII): prein, gone • thorough repatr. during the past won., and Faccentca 1.`0,,,,,,,,,,. , . m Luring oo.. tl , l , e .r mo ...n st ~e n a . p ct i l e t fi ce s e , d ,„ lll . l..l o ll f t h , n e ti . : ;r : oi : l, ,,,R in iil,l tli be e 1. fI LA • I : I : I : to : I 1 1,0 .1 : 1 , 1 : t I f dr W i: e g l: x . : l : 3 : lirth .n e sd -d i.. ?:11 ::: ::::: : 1;: Aes ,t a t , l i ttf _.:,:: pleased who Coll: Ihe locaudir iscentral,rotemodiun • 1 ro y not of an extra humorous charamet,agnmat loam and pleasant. Earl SI per day. V. „ ...... o Ida m'trc by fice , . • ; Cincinnati, March 13.1 , 1 7 . r 1 N. 11.—Althourdi not exactly a cow llrodid. it , tor ; ootebboilat.l. win I,e I orroetd, soil risks taken • ithm , c -.a new Whist on the old hlOl.llO A pr4ll ~ I ,•,01.1.tilyinfvf Intotod per t y larealileternla Ly CTWEI.I.'4 WVOlitietiTON itolltiri. n.,,,.., cr.°, C./1111-ItAlt;.Ainn. - •,:e ot n nod n. Chesnut 'Street, Philadelphia. WWI.: Seventh toren. next door r rit.'rum well known eonltloloneet ham erto.tiy hero inottri ettlargeol, and r.chly rad Co-:I larm.hud. It to. allowed MIL< moo foslouttattle port of CiteotOt wee., nod to dm loonediute t 4 the pulthe pinero wromement The proportur, gtnefut tut iler •vet otm ral ender but bethtwed, 01 • pare no r Mat. to render hut house 'Oren way over: Ally to hut ono. Ood unntlty of thnr, uontometl sown. to,Ol-Mawno TIOLOC KKOATON'ii OA LT 110110 y., -Louisville, Ky. ARNTB R ()CNN 0 RTII tulr. :MBO,lllll ht. frieridtt.that he ix again lessee of the 6 A I.T ii OUSE, Louinille. 14 -where he hop, to own MI ht. uld friend., mouton!: Mon nod the pulthe, that e • dart .lelll Le . optiied to make MI eronfortalt!e who Idly r Mm Wilt rirronage molldty i mpoli . ficallithiitia - ...": Ts , ..,.,,,,, -- 6Ki" --- '.,... J.:l...gars, sossiosht a:* Pols 'Jr.., J. tra, to hs sod the ll hi A VII L NW ARII.I,:N N. et.E,A , lct.ioso I ' . .' ,,, ;. , ,1 * 5 . ...m 1:.,1! br..d. - Tice sq,.? ~.: LINE OF CANAL PACKers AND , TAO!". ' 15,N'1,,1,1,tru,R,..-ctlt,ltst4.;.not.,,t,!,llr,uar-.7.,,tr,ir:.;5e.1 Lc thYlle , 4 zjigjEk IQ is; ' era.ta .. 11 4 ;5. , ... larho e.,plk . t..t f-L,.. 1. ...,n,..1Arr;;Tiran Siraig. 1 , 3*1P CANAL PACKVIS TEr.EunArlt's. SWAI.I.OW j & k: . ,,,, .w.i..,,,, w,,,,,,,,,...5. 1 rAVIC Gassedoily It e . o•ok . .et t r ar. s.ter lhe • lII' ... 1.. ...-. 1 ..,,, 2 1.. 1 , 7 1 .52 : 0 ,,,,,_ , /-1. a rri , tsl altos *leapt.. IILA V tit tvont a l l .tto.: . re., 401 IN Di!:Cf.AP, . lj:r:.7l:hcik,:rha::::::C::' iv"r0'i::::hd":1,5!.,,:...n.i.:, ~ . :, 1 : ::: ' L ; k 7 0 ~ ° : 4 , ~!::„.. .. , : np a r t; a: : ,, t : : : ‘ ,. :::,...::;,,,,,, t r .. ::_::"... , r , e : e ,: r ... r_ A lt ,: r i.„.. h , 1i .,, 5 : r.. : m r i n .r , rosonsers will he recrltordthrtugh,ssrlootg h.( al , 21i ' 4 " ~ f ".---.-r., r.: .1, s,, 11.1rJwarr, 140.arit.1., 01l board til,lmboal Ife.avt, Ilsortsit Vittsssrgh at I , 4 q . i rtr, ; ,,,,, ...t . , ..v .. . t'elock, ...., st ,lor to the ogsntst _. ..., . ao, • 2 clap Its Ir...rash TOtor.l.lrsoesonns: ' 0./tt lIART I )N. tr. co. rillshorsh 1 , ~, u . i , ./ • •, CLARKE &Co. Ilsover !1...F.4.X onrsr, ...g. , ..n, • ' . I J. E....' 11,1 Wor..i • BA B TAYLOR, Watt's. . • i l do I rrrrr eJNYr.rst , l r_ask 11;7st:1-Ware', • . A/: 4 0! -. , t ano I. ~..ortra ros,eri :,1 , 04 ,, Carpel t50u1baJu.,...... W. , ,,, fa ...v.".rta l'yor; p!l' . ' . .1.1.0:111 . h.l.1l . .0 alalitrlo Tlir:rl9..o: ally c gT t b. : 1 :1 .d : . 7 0,4 "4 I ::: 4: ,.: 7 , 1 4,0 i - 4 Cl iv L 1 decided: . !::, , l ~ .4: l A at , i .i T t; , .1 .b. : ::1 0 :. ~,t:. :b 1 c: 1 : 7 0::: li t., : rl ii , NU 77 Cd A NA L I. E ST:U i' : X E, A. lti r E. V W °" OltisEANgs ' Pow d ered, l,' 3 h,L l d t .., A ,c r bt on:i lio tt's g a la nd ts u g a si .4 , : ,,,:mg, i7 . . , ,q ,l &IMPS, F.1111e011., &IL • Its. advantage:arc — • tat. Great regularity 01 TrAsparaturr. . end. Freedom from eninkei . il. ReEnery. Always esinsidl.s lurge ' ssor% citLlig .a r, ' .2.d.'Nounplealant Dryness .- 4th. Easily attended to, and not tiaLde so au out of Ti -rtes and Barrels: Alfool,X. , r 'lglus.. Matas,*. .order. s Nit... 5 law rat add.elgif istiossarignjaade on allgales ' of. nr aline, fill liart i d g ,..... • _...i ambit- IS& Great itarabilisy, _ bc ~,• ~ . h e v.. Aldodel and Ppeeific4 l, .... Y er a aad Tonwsre Inetoryot •parmae•obuined at Um Cor,P , c , F ., no , , o ,„ . ' WM ~, b A , ' . Wood . and Usn'tet $l. b..----- -----, --, u'r.... • - ,• Dig-r'JOEIIt Sr CIIIAPKA - Hr ot; i ßA d l i . iltzli d ltaft . ttr.V.r. o r p :=: r r. 1 GL4ZIEII'Ig DIA CIONDS —Just t< creed at. ly In Hill egg. • ' ego ' " - - -- ' • "-- 1 P a ".'''''. Of" ...linen , uf Slum?* l'afgeti Gla , it. th,,,,,f0r , . ta s , r ,/,,,,, n .t . ,,,ien ~,, th e I. ~ 1 11 a Pltrooda, at the Drug urarehoura of- ,o u bli,,,gg respectfully aollelot itoltate of pitironoge. 1 Irg J KIDDA CO, ro .4. ,,, t .i . py,t,dorTluentio. n given to diunuo peenliario onal Rf:Sli/H,H-itiltif f grated and put ; op In.W.or fo, wrX:LlL.... " — r hgrfesat fffautul Chr4r Ballifstoie. . I.,,ndirpieol'ac.'4l.l7l.ll.llgtV T.'.'''.l.''''..,?"",," _7 . 14100£4 . k. ALCOHINi -- If . Wilde Bagley, , _ , 1 Tapia ' •. " DritAlr Coatan, ' u • ' .. uO3. .w. Looreeoep 0_ •T' Aog BUTTONS—Sr grr r d ' H;r1“: SOI-Olaneldloiieet, oppoeite Meiehant• - lilstel. \ .1.4;U"."‘..1111n."re, ...0, toe soh ttr•ofesrce, Houougsbela lloure. , ~i,, iIVIC of reggic - l' H,IDATtuN _ ._ • N. YORK ADVERTISNENTS 'RUST PROOIF iRON FOR ROOFING, WINDOW • SIIOTFERS, Le. PI H subscs ibers beito craft the ailentfort atoll those I interested in etc trati.VANIZED TIN PLATEta, find 'to the _sunny advantsges which dreg p 0 ....0 5 s a ver all mewl. sod other sidistances hitherto used for this pur o nse,posseaslng is they du, the strength Mri Itchiness at iron witbont its CostOlit Y o Mttli.hhtstg nowlisten tested cetera! ems, Loth to this eo®try _ in Eunipe. They arc also Idea subject to .3P...wn and contraction from sudden changes oftltie atransPhem than common Tot Plait. Iron. line. Ito, or any other triers] now used for roofing. and tionsegaently_ tore a much hence and lishteg roof, ler/airing far feWhggewnt regee'swut!'w.'"rtCr'sliss"o'n'lYllllsoi but Vl,T.lf:.;or aft dealers and matters titilmetals, to the many otherpat posse to which Iron thus pro: dried, contra applied.— I II 5,1C1 . 2i Meme to all artietus Sten Itch it i• desirable to ritotect from the' action' cif the .stimosphere. And they would mg:woolly call the' at.i" mien of those tnt4ren.ll , llnTELtaßAPille EINES: ; to then (talvanized Wire, which is now armpit tattle ly'used in Europe. and which answers every Napoli:a ss a -conductor of electricity, oostnig only shout one as =Oh topper, and possessing equal tlntatilli• ty wtth that metal. I laving lately erected worts in hour city Mr the par- - too., of ta, spiked, bofts. wan, ae4tbey . 14 NI be title to furls. any article ',which, may he dean. d A supply nf Id hers Imanufaitared. &upped eiiiistenity on hand.fnam Id to 3i wire gabge. CEO. S. MOREWOOD &Co -ants 14 and II Beaver st, NEW TORN.' Pa -ant Melo far this article has been secured fur toe L well as Grirat Ilritaln.atutofte Iluropead couture, and all legal measures will beta. a Icon to prevent any infringement important, t or nth erwise. 0n17.1y - Wholesnle Drag ; Ware IN TILE CITY OV NEW. TONE • A. I A - 11-2i.E.N04.:...1i.:& . Co.; N0. t 49, John 0t.. , JUe Now York, Leer tore_icA.L,rge . aaJ genera . ,wrtrnera Llrw,:o and 151 - e4Linnes, The .Stufl• Paint. and Oils or every deieriptlon, widets 11 Y7 ore prepa/ed and deteLmined to sell Inv.. C•owdry ILLeretanta and thiriii:ntn reql/4110 to tail and eaaultne thaw articles.. o,rnef.• executed with tednlnielmn and despatch. •I.L.A.L'alseestock'w Vrraliluga r.onstantLy Ja/1.- • • IL A. Falon,toc-k, It. L. Val.ncsto-k, 1 , whner......,, A. :.Vu asno PAPER WAREHRUSE, tikTIVELLING 131.11. 0 i NU V WORM, 11'11E6 W:FIELU vlicri for We at the littirat • Manufacturer,' price, a v exterttlic tar.rollt , t'of PAPER. cotoprtiia, ercr et:: y-pneribte Variefy,' putt] to the Waal, ot ,a ill secii.ste of the . me'uf3". Paper .fall 5,3 htttt,.. t o ,:t.:er Alton ..e.ton of PIIINTiNt; PAPER is wtatuallyt!trAo pst nor o. loch toot veryl.taperior tittalhy. PAPIa& PIAILEWS DIATU.11:1111.H of r• cry tlceertption, Swotted &ad Letit oumattily Co Ft 11111,41, Fouraonier Illeaching Pto.r,ter, Moe Elio”,..,Tetate, &c., Re. R.11,5.t • C ,, , , Vasi. Rote. Gra. , 1 ,, ;. , rt.: ,, ,,ip:5 , .kt1 1 k< 1 be , pun.ha,J, for whir the lugherti.r• , . 4. J ..... Y. I f‘i Kli RA NC: E 1 . • .• . - _ indent ' laity 'ilafi.s.Te by THE MUTUAL V.:INCIIO: COM'BINEII • 4.1,144411.11 4 :ilork The 14 , !knee Molina( Itriura nt, Ca., of 'Phila. CHARTER' PRLICE re A L. • 1.11t1:t. • - g;• - nrre W. Tria..nt.. lam M. Alwr,J, Thum. C. Ilackbi • I.rwoi Ashla.-rbt, Wm. lieorr,o N. Maw, =IIMIMI 7 by tore, rn flosses. Stores and nther Ituddenie, and on turns.. tore, h;dotle.lVeres and Merchandise, on the assist I:nee/hie tertne. The hlutnal Principle. combined with a Stock. t'npital, and the other pun ono. the . Charter of Ilia Company, hold out nominal liohiceutents,botb of prat and tafety, to thane dciedrous of effecting itlMranceonwhirli We CUlap.m3 . ink the attention glad csaminntiou of thorn intercidcd. 'rho. cdectiot; Innuranco with this Company have beldtlea the usual iirtiteetioe against on, by the. unites y nietbod of Ingutaisrg, the additional edtanugcot a direct participahon in the ire Nils or the Company, trilhout nay • tIgORGE W 'POLAND, Prealitenti FilliCaPllo4, :secretary. • IN - , EMNITY Ag inst Lousty Vire—The PItAINKLIN Fire Inau. ranee Company-of Pkiladeltthia, •• • x - ‘9 , 1 LL make Insurance, permanent andlimited, V oft carry dencrintion orpreperty,ltiPlTTS. BURGH and tho tt.I4ItII.OOADIAti COUNTRY; on fkrorable terror. This company Iran a perpetual charter. CAPITAL • 5.1 . 00 .obo paid lit. CONTI Nak:ST ' , LIN $ . 6i .1 9 , ca . ) • , Office corner of Third ititd hiarket sts,. 7itt'alegb. ap WA ItItIC Agent: • Hardware Store Resziorel. 1(711 WOLFTbaetnireiroWel from the. r cotter di I.lle.rt, and S t Cie.[ , No 50 Wood wow, tin, dense above et Cletrle; IL:eau - 0111d D. , pettfully the ittroeon of hopes, to theititerk oi CCTI.ERV vie SADDI.k:R reed per •hlita Nlononuabel.. dirret now the tounalfactorer, of Enttlaw.i nod (kronur. i.e. .upphe !me rienn 11a:drew, (tont thipen• inneuetcte ten. of Iho Fnietevi Staler. bring rip:rely hew. nod (mauled upon 14- . heel term, they feet great ea.lfsdenee it inlet .I,le u4ceer."oily to meet conyet:tiot Isom any courier, whether etha t or west. . - The Ile,dreare L0,r11,1, outfitted al the old apt WANTED= -A, .io;rne) neon Tanner wiltea hr or prod and penstao•ot 1at113,011, by opplynosof th Atom or the node roihned. lIE must h., Re ad renornmendrnione no in ehannete he. pi I-AOI.ISII k 111.:Vh:WIT