The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, July 19, 1847, Image 2

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.t. -- -
Da%Th.Z h}2531 eon Dame Dann - nes pobluand.
Tri-Weekly, and Weekly The Day fiteren
Donets per annsuN the Tri-Ti eelny Fin Muses per
awls= the Weekly Is Two Dollars - per Munn Aviary
in odeorses
it Advent...nth, tosecure ll:icemen, he
blinded to by five o'clock in the tfienloon. Anentno
thsa;en the pact of oar CollOnlete, would he pnnloc
t,vehf. mutant Ocnefll.
. . .
(or cs.. comm.)
tor mum:nano coorn I
naa Munoz.
:GEORGE DARSIE, of Allegheny City.
, ros .1.119‘3011.T.
LEWIiS C. I NORIA, or Indiana Tr.
. TOR COVIITT 1,7.1.1212.11.
J. w. BAXTER, of Psitabartb•
roa Outari COMMOIVIEI.
TlloblAll PERIi I NY, of Loser Yr Clair Tp.
• reruns?, Coerunereier lettibireace,Roermate Mn;.
k els, River Newly Imports., Money Markel, Sc., tee
Rod pose.
See tearth Page forMleeellaakeaaa N etas,
Carlene owl Celestine
We condense from a variety of warms, from
books and periodical., the following intending
items of intelligence. Wa shall 81. k attention to
such subjects as
we can find room, regarding them
et of the brit importance to a community like
this i made'rich and prosperous by the fruits of
scientific diacoury and improvement. Abstract
truth i Omani and profitable to the scholar and
etatesmani but the application and practice of these
troths in the great works of nature and ext,—for
we cannot entirely wparate art from sclencs,—is
often the vault of tha investigation of the hum
blest minde. The subjectin any expect ie worthy
the attention of esury reader.
Stumm° Cori Oss.--This subject Is much
disclaim:ant late, in connection with the recent
inirCIUM of the Copper trade iEI our country. We
kayo no new fact. to add to those recently pub
tied in regard to electricity, though all we have
laid by been more then warranted by intelligence
tram scientific gentlenien at home and the.minint
Wets abroad; In England, under the old meth-
of working, the Otes have been carried to the
os , and if this Is the moat economical proems
t of:working the ore, we shall look rev'the estsblish•
1 Merit of fart:aces at Pittaborgh. '
• The renewing is from• a recent article in the
N. Y. Tribune on this subject:
At haltimure the ores have been chiefly obtain•
ed from COM; at Boston, principally from Cuba
and .Cklli.• The Swansea (Welsh) method of
smelting, with reverberatory furnaces, both for cal.
dilation and redaction, hos been adopted. bat they
um equal pants of anthracite no bitaminous coal.
'At Boston, tlie German kfethod, with calcination
in the open ale, and reduced?. in the email upright
blast farnace, with alithrecite coal .lood, ie pre
ferced! In Baltimore they have 6or B formicau
in operation, with an experienced manager from
Swansea. In Boston the arrangencence are on a
routh'moro extended scale. .Freights from Cuba
to Holman or New York are much lower than from
Cuba to Woks. It is estimated that a ton of am•
thraeito coals will reduce two tons of 20 per cent
Sr.. .About $65 are paid per too, at 80.1013. for
20 per cent ore; freights from Cubs are over $6, . ♦an roe Tu....ea.—As is
well known, oar Telegraphic despatches bare of.
ten been interrupted in consequence of an straw
phere surcharged with ekcnicity. Similar sect
dents elsewhere have directed the attention of
Mr. I. D. Reid of the Atlantic Ind Ohio Tele
graphic Company to some remedy, and the North
American thinks he has ea:dosed it. '
The construction is simple. Over the magnet.
the helices of which me composed of wire. of •
aim nimble to the Intensity of the fluid inOorms,
is suspended a lever—the fulcrum in the centre,
and the extremities resting en pillars of brass.—
Thew pillars form the two connections needed;
the cos with the apparatus of the office by means
of a wire leading thereto, and the other mom.
ted with a lightning. rod. By means of adjusting
maims no either end of the lever, it is anattged,
that while the lever is connected with the pillar
lulling to the machinery, to which it is secured
rocaneof a spring between it and the fulcrum,
it is disconnected with the pillar leading to the
lightning rod. the spring being more powerful tban
the mitheistism produced by the ordinary current.
When, however, the strength of atmospheric elec.
trinity is such so to endanger the wilting tipper's
tovithe'snagnetie action on the armature of the
lever proportionately hthreases, the spring is over
come, connection with the other pillar is secured,
the lightning "shown out of il,orec' after which,
the lever resumer its former position. The action
kmamentaty, and the bpsinets may continue with-
out danger or appreciable interruption,
Tax ELECTRO TELsoaArs.—Toreaty years ago
tiaidea of constructing electrical telegraphs was
pronowiced chimerical. In the American Mo
amnia Magazine for 1f1.15, some experiments are
mentioned, shring that the intensity of elecizi.
cal Raton &erases nearly in the inane ratio of
the &wane.* hence the above conclusion. Pro.
lama Henry militia; first to prove the pomrbility
of telegraphing by galvanic power. The invent
big of the flat electromagnetic engine; and the
suggestion of it. use as a mechanical agent, belong
to bast sloe a discovery, without which the oleo•
too magnetic telegraph would have remained two.
lad In the present etate of knowledge. Thin die.
corgi Vsui that magnets of great poWer could be
made through great lengths of wire. Perceiving
the prating . aloe of this discovery, be remarked,
'-this Le directly applicable to Mr. Harlow's project
of foaming an eleanoreagnetic telegraph."
. In the Belentir.c. Amerimo, we fuel a notice'of
Van Loan's FienEscars. This is a very simple
insnuirtent,nondriting of a long census bag, with
a haw attached to the topper end, which frame
is to wide u moray to enter a window, but being
placnyzosa wino it heroines fastened by the sides
of the window. If a per s on wishes to escape front
an upper steel, he mast throwi ball of One.' into
,tto street, by which the canvass beg is drawn op
then the frame is put across the window, and the
person gets Into the canvass bag, which has teen
previously twisted, the persons below begin to an.
twist it, and he den:ends safely. This instrument
amid easily be made of fire proof material.
Tie fil!viinkr-DiA'matr. liirrosir...-There is
en sniand; me , saft..iiir.o.ered, we heti . ..4 called
the kiasiceti"GuitOn which nature seems to
have vioitded elt heel usual law., and acting
shangely to have nradejut odd combination of ma
ny, wen fanned parts. This animal has its fan
lap put on behind, and ila bind kg. put on before,
and upside down. Whiii its mouth is that his'
within:a - lips, but let it smile, and its month opens
back to hs ears. lurbody is 'shaped bk. • guana's
and has * horn comb sat on top of it for ornament
and sealasill war It, kr nit contairable use what.
amsr. eyes resemble these of a ducat in a
thunder storm, bit instead of turning in their sock
kits they week up and down. When angry it
goug named, it only bites when it smika. Its
tail Is indefinite in length and iariegated in color
Altu stantinind this animal ganendly and in par
ticular the lirsaistable concliulon k that it Is made
of the raldi *siren& of lizards, makes, bottomes
and ecinisdiedng, and on the whole Is a most et-
Imiraina , 101011.
r . At APPALITI7S sou seems COOT in Joeome..
I tem for the Brum!. end Antwerp Railway. An
Instrument bee been tried baying the above men.
timed object Its Principle to to use the gases that
earn off a largepartion of heat alter they leave
the boiler. Item:mists of 117 . small beating reset
': wok; pleeed i the comic ham, but aspirate from
As toikr wide, It is Owed with bales name
iponding is number . and size to_the tubes of the
its:like. Themes from the lender is conveyed by
it find 1 4 Pe under the apparatus. and two other
Itutesi heed higher up, tense • circ ulation through
its hest resiundr. - The feed pimps are supplied
'froth a'pipe.beneith the reservoir.
~ Irfseetarcar. Exeseursareeveral perm
anintimating character have bean read mast.
... Iterate the Institution of Mechanical Engineer.,
ttllfintinitutin. One gave an account of -• nee
Jan flainag fuel by .the introduction of
ga ol e d nay', bus the boiler of .a ; deal:* Olin.
gis m ajr_or law
WWI thaf..t. Poxlim • # l,ol qu its of dal; a
given qqastity of bout thiat bai_kgrafted, *OW
water, and ; thst 10 protation Otreartane reiltpo
ed. Therefore, under the east adeepageads err.
curnetasum, to praluce Wel:feet, • ebtain amou n t '
of comatation mac inicesariry lief I expended:"
Now I fora, from tspeated experimuita, that wa
ter alone net the meet economic gent to 'Waif
with ; and, by way of elucidating this' fact, Iwill
explain one, and only one, though mot the last
succedaful of my experiment., and WV was Istvan .
on '2 alehouse tower high taw" engine, varlett
ing in a manufactory of Hr: J. Berouni Cumber
land street, Curt". road. London. The pdaci
pie anat. of a eta= of air, bated to the high
temperature of 800, into the Awn a the boiler,
by which mane thetempont", and donsequenl
ly the expansive force of the steam wad inenrased.
TO effect this object, an iron pipe of tube Was
bent in a serpentine form, w in to Faun • great
event of surface, and placed under the boiler,
tare to receive a red heat from the glowing put
of the fire, after it had paned the bridge on Ito
comae to the for. One end of thiv rarefying
chamber 1.00 connected with en injecting air
pomp, proportioned in the Ow of the. cylinder of
the engine. The, other end wee inserted by •
continuation of the tube above the arface of the
water into the 00E10 in the boiler. The whole
capacity of the tube vas greater than the voluted
of compressed air which' it received limn each
stroke of the pieta of the pump, eo that the air
did not enter the boiler until it had acquired the
full heat, or nearly so, of the tube through
which it paned. At every stroke of the piston
the same quantity of cold air was injected ilia
the tube. That part of the err which mu next to
the pomp was forced into a hotter place, and the
air which paw Maly oocupiad that hotter place,
was forced on to a still hotter one, and so on.
til the furthermost and hottest of all was diachargi
,d into the steam in the boiler. '
- -ahe pressure of air in the tube, etrictil *PGA'
bog. excealed that of the steem in the boilnaor
it was ara excessive pressure that overcame the re
natant. in the boiler... 760, at the commence
ment of each stroke die air in the cylinder of-the
pump was in equilbricun with the externaleir,lnd
only opposed a resistance u it became compreseed,
and gradolly increased its compressed force until
it arrived at its rotaimum, which was the point of
rquilibrium with the, compound air in the, hot
lobe and the renstance of the num. Taking all
things inn account, the whole amount of power
expended In nuking the pump was about five
per cent. or 12th of the force which acted on the
steam cylinder of the aff gine, and the result of the
experiment showed that the 'application' of the
heated air caused a reduction in the quantity of
coal of from 25 to 30 per cent: and this was con
tinued fur emu' week:, tho engine of course
working at its natal prennii.
The Chairman had his attention called to the
subject by Mr. It. Stepbenem, 'who wished him
to try it in the locomotive on the line hot he had
preferred to wait till he had aicertaiind whether
the principal was economical, and whether the co
site could be depended on with a stationary ea
gins. Mc. Cowper had seen the invention Wed,'
and observed that the engine worked slower with
than without it; but u the inventor considered
the engine out of order, ho would not express any
opinion upon therralue of the invention. ,
city liihninatee and City Hall
The city papers generally, and perhaps jaatly,
complain of the parsimony" of the eity lathers.
We'should consider that it le not's matter of yti-
Tate interest with them. They may be inflicted
with an over anxiety for the credit of the Sty.
They may underrate her capacity to pay, or they
may have reason to believe her chafe are taxed
eodmuch as they are willing to bear. to of these
opinions they may be wrong, hut one thing a cer
tain. the Committee on Finance are constantly
complaining to the courts of their difficedties in
raising the interest on the city debt ? They say
that the circulation will not permit the Inv, of
any more city scrip, col that our five per cents
are much below par. They talk wisely and give
soma facts. We with they would give more; find
tell no how !mach more the city property is worth
than the CUM . 'of her indebtedness? Haas of our
businea men think oar market would bear afidy
one hundred thoueand dollars more .eeip, and oth
era think our bonds should be made payable in
PeuleJelphia, and thus we would bring them in
to the eatern minket and they would go at par.
These subjects ought to bediecomed,liecatus the
policy of the Councils no longer soft the demand.
of the citizens. The city is without a Town
Hall. The Councils must let to beets pus
They own the old Water baba lot, which is
a sufficiently central locati..r ' r a Hall. And
they pay se follow. for ddr.r•.l. ity office,:
Mayor's Ofira,
Treasurers Oran,
Sweet Caoraiasermer's Oran,
Time oughtra be en office for the city Recor
der gild and Regulator, say worth sldo per asr•
num.. This would make $l5O whkit iv-this in
terert on $12,500. The 'reputed oast of a Hall
haring the suitable oitures ender it woo $OOOO.
Then the lock up would be neat the jilt. &Tau' laa
it might be made to pay more than the interest by
coratructing lawyer's offices to let. .
YOGrIIIOOIIiTI ST*I Navtaartoa.—lt wee
but two or thrtie days fined, we called attention
to tin: 111141 e improvement; and we are glad to
learn that attention hu been so for gins to-it u
to call meetings for sabecriptiote:to the &net
here and in Westmoreland county. The Winn.
mgt. and profit' of Slaikwater Navigation' bees
been sufficiently demonstrated to tire emu coo.
fidence to a work like Oils. Nor is it the Coal In.
rem which Slone will be benefined by-such an
improvement. Let the Youttioghany be improved
to Cormallsrille, as is coatemplatai by die moot
btu to be held next month. By the time Mk is
done we shall find the Cumberland and Ohio Ca.
oat completed to Cumberlamt. Tide being coeds
cattalo by the Official intalrigenco received from
England i n
to tho wearily of Rabscriptiona—
Betrieen Connellseille and Gambit/Ind throee s.
say of a Rail' Road communicatient will thee be.
come so great that every man from the Ohio tette
Cbesapeake will feel its importune. •
Hexer, fine sea' Caine Biyoar. 7 ;,The
concert by these eminent artistes at Phil Hall,
fei 1 t. proved uwe snlicipated, not.
erilltstandiog the exceweive heat of the weather,
abundantly eroscsedul—tbe room was etowded
with the fashion and testa of Pittsburgh, "all of
whom appeared delighted. - Here me in brilliant
ploy, and executed his several pleats. especially
the Fantasia from Lucia Lammermoor, and fie
variation in the Puritan/, with ail that exerleite.
maid touch, rapidity of movement s's] power of
exprendon for which he is so pis-eminently dis
And who ah>U we say of the incomparable
von, whose exeention on Hattudoy, convinced all
that the mantle of Piglilita was ;earthy . to. be
worn by his only pupil. We had beardblf ! long
since in other lands, and knew well the high as.
timation in which he Use held by the musical
critique everywhene, but we curer his perform.
sears greatly surpaseed outpri.ion4y . COGGIiiVed
opinion. The Prayer of Mona executed on one
string, was, to use the emphatic exprewsion -of a
native critic, sten* well worth going ;to hess."--
These gentlemen it will be perceived in moth
er column; give a finvl concert this evening Utile
Theatre, and will present some of their mod at.
tractive piece.. Mr. Hen performs • splendid!
fantasia from Lucretia Borgia, and Oudlo,.in the'
latter of which he will introduce his celebrated all
of the Violette, the great masterpiece of Pfiguid,
the Carnival of Venice, and the Prayer of Movere r ,
will be played by Mr. Sinai. We have no daub?
• crowded end fashionable audience edit gram the
Theatre on this occasion. .
• •
MOO ST Sr. MAIT% 001=114 EXXXSIIO/40,
MaarLa wn.—This distinguished atid popOer. far.
stitution is situated in one of thiniost charm*
regions of counuy in the iredd. The WOW. II
distinguished for its learning and
care is taken to *dunce this monitand
al thirstier dittoes confided to their dtmers.--i
Haring oureelres enjoyed the planning eta )teeing
pommel inspection of this emeabliatnnem, 71
with satire confidence recommend it Milton It.
lug sons to odocate am one thawing admiral*
arranged and caostrucaod Ltdlatlettditithetao4
It numbers amoagatiti manyhright
names and wad ar thatuomt tfost awn ninanw
have graduated them. ''
By a reference to - In shottionsitt
imps it will be men that- the Fan asedosi, can:
wenn" on the 18th of August Tha ilaemes4
Presidan, Mr. McCaite)%Es SI pining
tempontry sojourn incur city, and may keing s di
at Bishop O'Connor's miasma • " • 1
thlosigisua clfy of th• spweh
r, babe m sientennedinime not/ 0 4m
rliON serai!yearstotie Pcnilenti
O4ii? before the C00rt.'... - ?The faineant: is
ooier: - ,
- *nudity to the mind lei. sialila
and the portability thin the:jury had imbibed thew
preinaces. he quoted Lord Mansfield very ap•
prop,nately, and rprrposed three questions for the
consideration of the coati , •
. let. Whether the evidemee offered, amounts to
Prod of the griilt charged?
34. Whether the jhry did not infer directly con
trary to lawl.
M. Whether it ii not absolutely mental to
justice that my cause be more deliberately maw
ined by another jury!
The filet charge 'avian me was the bugle- I
'foully entering 104 the house of Mr. Wicker. I
sham al the felonious abduction therefrom of
' g oods. sad
• The prdof of the burglary urea dimct
and; pantile, and folly made out. The proof to
coined me with the Animation was arnica
ninth', and, as I heimbly conceive, totally In
=elusive. Here he' alluded to the evidence
I pining that he pitied through the board pile
I where the property was concealed, and looked
as if to see *lather It mu iemoved or not, and
endeavored to, show its improbability, by saying
that - th e Property, ' according to the testimony,
war at, the house iof Mr. Wickersham in the
morning', when be 'should have pawed through
-thethainl yard; -then, if it wee him that passed
through in the Mining, he must have seen
that the property was removed, and would not
have returned at night, and been fired at. as
MAO ore was, who came and attempted to car..
ry toff the property *width had been brought back
to l i the board pile, and a guard stationed to
catch whoever would come for it. .
On the 3d question be urged, that the jury
inferred contrary fri . law, because the five dol
lar Urbana Bank note which, it was proved,
he offered for a vest, was not proved to be mo.
nay of Mr. Wickentham'n nor was it proven that
he had taken it felciniousty. He said Mr. Wick.
°fathom only knew from a memoranditui that be
had =abate of money of a certain kind, which he
had not seen for two years, but which was ato.
barren" his desk the night of the burglary. He
said then was room, no doubt, In these facts, and
the; law entitled hint to the advantage of every
reasonable doubt
On; the 3d question he said, junks require'
that no one whose guilt is not made legally manb
fest, should be made to suffer the penalty of the
lawi for in its humanity, it says, it isbetter that
nin9ty and nine gidlty perms should escape,
that" one innocent man should suffer.
He said them was not a doubt but he would
be acquitted if tried again, since be was sequined
•on the second indictment, on the testimony of the
earn ii witnesses.
frit conclusion he said, Whatever may ba the
determination of yOur honorable Court, on this
my final spplicetirn ,II am satisfied, from the dig
nifiejl and impartial besting already vouchsafed
to my cause, that the deciatou will be the-result of
a conscientious &Whinge of they in accordance
with the well settled usages of the law. ,
We give this altetract only u part of the news
of the day. We hive no doubt of Mr. Miller's
guilt, nor any of thejunice of Ins' punishment. The
gull{ was made moat` palpable to: the Court and
Airy, and the punishment is mild when meuurd
with the offence.
fmulawe.—The Post, a, kw dayra since. pub
lished the following fetter u genuine.- This lialf
liention was made, Wa were .assured,
eorWideration. Upon more ;nature reflection, we
hope the Post will pronounce thie loner whit it is,
• forgery:
Miknburg Iron Warks. Nos. 16, um.
Respected lake the liberty of dropping
year a few lion respecting the election, requesting
of you as a personsl favor to. exert' yourself as
mach as possible. as -every thing depend. upon our
actilrityf Oar prospects appear good. if our friends
only turn out—we will glee them such a bearing
as they bane never Met with before in Centrecoun
ty. I trust you will spend Monday and Tuesday
in quietly calling upon oar friends and notifying
them to eel aside all business and go to the aloe•
tonlon Wednesday. .and show to the world that
the people of this district still pay some regard to
moral character. &e.! in the choice of their public
natter. I presume you ale •were, that although
I am not a mragietla your ndely, that I hew !
friendly feelings toward, it, and at all time.. 1, re,
whin called upon, Oontributed to ttie erection of
meeting houses, dc.c. l , and not long since,
ted,l offered Mr. Henderson a lot of ground, near
Waddle's, for the erection of a meeting Masa.—
Anj thing that you s can do foe me will be coaskl
ered as a parttecilar Over by Your friend,
• - -
Thaw who ko,w Gan. Irvin, ;monk) at fir.t
eight pronounce this letter sp.:aims,. But the
Telegriph Wine the strongest proef
that with deckino would -be correct. - .a "there
was no general, Presidential, or .n other elec
tion, in tins State in November, 1939. There
was no Congrembanal election at
ell that Tear,
end no the letter refr exclosively to Gem Into.
.she was ran for no office that year, it is as dear
• forgery as ever wu coismitted.
If the mon tudigiwn say,autme, the forgery
mid avidly hare keen detected end exposed--
This they knew, ana therefore carefully avoided.-
we bur from Masten that a dinner as to be
tires to Mr. Wsueza at the Tremontßattu.=
Tuesday nest, by rime of bte frieadutot ote politi
tint bctsitarsottal CAliAdefitia6ll. •
The eat, ram at Mintiest seems to be more
pre:talent than it *4 bete. The Board of Health
of that city reports ;that daring the twenty•four
boon ending on Simdity, P. M. the 4th, there were
Alt ifrfour deaths la the hospital. Much of this
ex4ality is ascribed to the nanow limit. with
in which the" patien' i ts an confined, 350 children
being, in one instance, crowded into a room 20 by
50 feet in extant. The !levitate on Staten Island
hay'. 709. patients, nearly all of whom are afflicted
with "ship ,fonler" Rhich inhere found of every
grade, from milignint typhus to • mild remittent
1+ nail SEIM DICIOLD, at the Navy Depart.
avant, to construct the Mar new war steamers at
*Glari:lw, New York, Phlade* a and Nitta,
Navy Yard. The models and other matters are
all approved.
• The Coxxott Comma of Richmond hu sub
otenitod to the gurunty of the dames River and
Kanawha Company s49,ooo—that being the de.
Soiling of individual enbruiption. The tame of
the law for the eiteneion of the Caul I. coin•
plied with and the wort will now go on.
il/Covaaanto Poror.arsor.—The Commit
tee lof Old Bunekez," In tho Lei/kitting . of
Maine, to which was referred the petition of 'one
Dull Jordan. for aid in suppxfing his lug.
hae reported fume*, and made:a grant
of land of 800 acres.
MUM , . Accrosirri.—At.Ponlypool, Wale*, •
boiler bung; the wens wee terrific ; 15 persons
grim tinkled, end others injured. At Darlington's
Collieries, new Preston, • portion of the roof
(m Sy earvilrione)feU, weighing 7 tons, mid — ertuhed
fouriminers to death. At to explosion et C
Bridge Colliery, lour wint end four boy. wets
foeiried from the dim dainp.:Pourimber lives were
lost near Whitelmven. This miners neglect their
wls , ry light...preferring candles—heoce theseseci
1. azaative.—Penn Brownlow age that
when Gen. Wothleft for the teat of wet, he mort
gaged his farm and residence for the paymtint of
&debt to $5,000, which he owed one of hie neigh.
litre. The property was about to beicild under
the mortgage, and a few Whig friends opened a
itabwription and paid off the debt, without hie
hominids.. I , •
i Corr. Nitreas Dern, repined- yesterAay
on the autholity of the Philadelphia Evening
Bulletin, was, we are 1)1,00 tolsiano,a premature
aonooneemeet.; We hope en witiconte hie retain,
with his .gallant amipenione, when peace . shall
have twos achlived.l •
At the toms nen phme No. 7 near Poti,Colden
on the Morris Panel, while a boot was Jiocend
the pane, thenbein broke, when the hist ente
precipitated Into thi water' with inch pialemee so
todsa the Cabin b*oat. In lbw cabin was s
family of Gainers cti, who, had been living
a year or two In Patterson. Of Mose unfortunat,
people, the (Weir, mother and throe of the
childern were drowned lb. time of the std
dank of have flied of their Injuries show
Mammal:4 . Tomo, come ottene.—. o l,e Bea
@orient was Seen at' 'Pitting, cto blunder, by sit
paw= wbo went upon the rocks. His appear
ance wsitioneh 'Ma sun es before described...—
He reised.ids:beid vpmeasly ten Awe above tbe
lewd of the Water, end then gralloally mak and
OALTME* 01110 RAI& Rail—km.
Taws . Diwissiiir.--The MS!,OWN of this Comps
ny, by a vote of 17 to 63, have adypted temptation,
la favor of litccepting the propositions made by
Wbwofiag, , - Alio a twolation oiling a mond
I WWlliwg Of gib eiociaddew far the 25th of Aug.
04111,.!0 decide upon accepting the law mid
the agsawnent!entated into ander it II the stock
holders' awaii to wipe, it L sword they
ind,the work of estandhig the Wad to Wheeling
will be este* upon with pasugge despatch.
-*/ 1 1L. q i iitE ~
S,T E JVN.E k - B 1 I T A N. N tA.
tit! OWB -f ft. 0 NrIN AN D
To Me fairtA—Later_ from, the _Continent.
C.....P.dMe of W. nblinero emetic
J 407,
By lbw .arrival of the Britiarnia It Sanaa, we
have news from England fourteen days later than
Wu received by the Caledonia.
The Britannia wan talegrapted "off Boston" al
S o'clock this morning, and her mails ware Landed
in the course of the fonumx, and the content■
immediately ilespatched South and Went. ,
Before the Steamer departed, (the 3d, we pre•
sume,) large sales of Flour were made at 34a.,
but that price amnia he rtaliied for any consider
able quantity.
Richmond and Alexandria Flour brought 33a.
per Md.
Philadelphia and Baltimore 32a. New °dean.
and Baltimore 325. New Odoans and Ohio 31s.
Canada Steam Mill Fleux 213.295. Indian meal
285295. per bbl. Indian corn 445, 84.1, to 455. per
Cotboo hu advanced it pence per lb. since the.
departure of the Caledonia.
Tat ruler, or IBIMOSTOrr. I 1 LITZAP.I.. ' m ° l7teia, C j atslo l ol . a, 16 3 :110
Flour, 430.450 400.416 !Zang
Cornmeal, 0■29 0 1:4 a 00 00 CO 00
Indian Coro, 56 oa6o 0 48 011 , 52 0 44.64 • 451
Amer. wheat,l2 6 a 13 3 ,111 0• 12 3. 00 00 00
PUILADBIJIIIA• July 17-2 P. 11
Tho markets for Breadstuff o here, at New Yurk
and at Boston. aro without action, in noway:ranee
of the new. by the steamer. MI important op*.
rations are suspended until Mort*.
lia.iness continue. suspended in consequence
or the (amigo news. No movements have liens
pired'todsy indiestivent prime.
Sorelga Items
The British Parliroent have Total $lBO,OOO to
New Zealand—s9¢,ooo to Western Anetratia—
s22,soo to Falkland Wanda--$47,600 for Pic
tures to National Gallargc-$237.500 for new
boildinga to the British Museum—sl, (or
Convict eitablistimenis in N. 8. Wakvi, Van Die.
men'. Land, Bermuda Malta. and Gibraltar—
and $20,000 for Magnetic observations at Van
Diemen'a Land and the Cape of Good Hope.
1 .Ether Mathew'. Cemitey, in
Com, is full—it has received 10,000 dead bodies
ewe last Autumn. Nearly 15,000 emigrants
bins taken their passer* sti„Cork, within . few
weed's, for America.
O'Connell. friend, Thomas Steele, has an
nounced that be will never again take a put in
any, potitial assembly in Ireland. A new gas
company in London are about to supply gas 500
per cenuchospet than hitherto it When% obtain.
el. The London loader says that the profit: on
: are 'commis.
BANC Cincticamon.—Dming the hat week
in 'Tag, the National Provincial Mini of Eng
land. Birminghate,had $2.0113,065 in circelatintl,
Sontemetshirs bk $ 1 , 561 , 230 ; ( Unmeant b 2 44 ,
$750,425; GlotMemar do, Chshanhant, $603,1125;
East Cornwall kk, $522,225, Ste. Some of the
Minim circulate from 50 w 150,000 dollars.
HomyOnly 17th. 12 P. hi
The accounta relative to the potato data,
are exceedingly conflicting, and little reliance
can be pieced on tarn. The growing mope
generally, are iu a sate of forwanineas, and the
weather could trot be more avowable Than it is
CO fTON.—TTnis make has been iodated In
an ern,. ratio, abd shale* an incrcesed value of I.
per proud air.ce the departure of the erdadorria•
For Upland and Mobile oar teat quotations are
7/d; New Orleans, lad per lb. The American
dcwriptions,mld thin week, comprise 15,009 bale..
of Upland at 6a7d; 2560, New Orleans, at Gia
Old; 50,330 o f Mobile and Alabama at Quaid,
and 280 baler of Sea Island, at 13J to 22d.per lb.
Considerable actlrity was inhibited, the day
prior to the deaden, of the Starner, in the mar
kat, and Admirer a large quantity mu offered,
the prorpiniLminee was In fora of buyers._
The env .a stock of Cotton in port at the timitof
present quotatrice. has been estimated at 44000
bales—the AtUtican propOrtio . o standing at 333,,
000 baler; showing a material 'decrease.
Pm the tam two was Firm ban been mry
steady, so thai any important altermiait in the
quotations eansiot be mid..
BEEF—PriMe Mar Li worth from 90e to 115 s
per bbl; Ordinary 86 to'.' 90s. Oulinary Meta
Beef 55.1 to 60S.
PORE—Prime now mew pock u worth 701 to
75s per 1*.14 old MIL 65 70s; prime. 5G a 611;
hams in pickle!sell freely.
lhs nuuket Lai been doll, although the arrivals
hare been eormidersble end dm peke &D. We
quote a sale of !7.15,000:bb1e of turpentine at GB Sid
to 7. 4d, per!mat.
IRON k METAL—There have be= no im.
portant chemise In the price of metal. Iron coo.
=us firm at the quotaions given before the sail•
jog pf the lac Simmer.
FINANCItiL--The money =Libel lee eon.
siderably imposed and confidence hug, to a groat
extent, been infused into every branch of trade;
not only is 'hire • posing liberality evinced
towards the beak. of England, but the financial
bank. genendlY manifest spirit of =lurid Ac
commodation. The paper of the bank of Erg
land in actual 'tirade:lion, 'including l days and
other post bills, deemed last week from £lB, t
815,051 to .61041,490; being a decrees of
£73,561, while the Man= of httilian fl the
muse period wae £14,808.
The mail .tamer filiemila arrived on the '4Bth
ult. The Washington steamer arrival at Bremen
'on the 19th, and !Sheridan on the 20th of last,
month. The Bogue forte, in the Chine.. Baas. '
were captured And completely destroyed by the
British land and naval forces, au the 26th of
April, and 976 pieces of artillery were reined and
spiked I. the coarse of 24 homy fighting.
Father Matthr. Ma great apostle of tempo/-
suer, has remised ■ pension Elmo the British
(iovernment of .E3OO prr annum.
Rumor me the Popo bee declineJ making a
ialtop for cork.
Mr. O'Connell'. remains •re expected to stilts
off Southampton on tbs 17th of July.
Ths Barak Bands, in consequence of accidents
to her machinery, was compelled to put Into Cork
for the purpose of repairs. She wee expected to
sail on the 3d hut.
Jenny Lind, has created the greatest powible
unstable in London. by her singing. She he.
been engaged foe two nights in ClLsegnw and Ed.
inburg, at £lOOO per night.
Fevers are prevailing to en, alarming extent in
Liverpool. It has been mote destructive, however;
among the Catholic Clergy—ft boning been ear.
rigid off in the comae of 2. months. The dhames,
In every inetimee, was connected by them while
visiting the WA.
Pauses.. July 18.
We been no mails from beyond Montgomery,
nisi steamer's news has unsettled' the nawkirt.
Joseph C. NeU, the celebrated author ofwehar.
coal Sketches," and editor of the Satanisy
:ewe. died stuldenly this morning.
The English pipers here been waived, bat
contain nothing of interest, except what 11, con.
toned In the despatches &beady sent you.
We hue no quotation. from the Now Yolk or
Baltimore =kW&
Tax Li Ideating on Beim*
wu petty well attended, end ■tepee ultra to put
the measure, as we hope to a ettawastal ugant•
alike. Thane will be a meeting two weeks hum
Mi r Join Jimirmison, of Allegbany City died
io twentyris bowl of he wan injured. an Taw
LETTER eagikt
: 11X1.1411N TO:mr.Fic r ick",thyaißi—itiftEt:.
ityrtip ME.I4cA3. - coN4ites§4
"i ,IS,II2LA. M..
The Aesinne Extra. of Jail IY hu rexi,,o,
by the snivel of the memo. Mckfth:mhith lett
Vela Cm: on the 4th inst.. files hoes thesil of
Mexico to,the 29th
.31,11te GOserninent paper pabliebed comumni:
cation from the Minister of Foreign Affairs, ad
dresik,d to die member" of the Mexicali Congress,
and referring -limn to a dispatch from Sritetary
Buchanan. announcing the appointment of Mr.
Mr. Buebanan's letter is dated April 15, and
acknowledges the rectipi of the Mexican Minis.
ter's letter, of Feb. 2441. declining to accede to our
proposition to send Commissioners -to Jedaps, or
soy other point, until the blockade of tho Mexi
can ports should be Cabled, and the slevican ter
ritory evacuated by our troops.
Mr. Buchanan insisted that the President holds
each' conditions absolutely inadmissible—neither
demanded by National honor, nor intentioned by
the practice of Nations—unlees by 140 'complete
eubjugation of one of the beligarenta. He show.
how pyrite a course it would be fora nation which
had sacrificed men and money to give a foothold
in an enemra country to abandon the advantages
thus, and withdraw its forces in order ts induce
negotiation., without any certainty at security that
peace would ensue from such negotiation..
He then cites the case of our last war with I
Great Britain to show that we never considered
for a moment that our honor required us to insist
upon a withdrawal of the British troop. before
consenting to treat for peace. Nye sent cominis.
eionen to Ghent; when a portion of oar territory I
was oecopid by BrPish Troop., end it was rate.
floes that while negotiations were going on at
Ghent, hostilities were conducted by both sides
with redoubled vigor; the most memorable battle
of the war aftei negotiations hod been concluded .
Such ■ preliminary condition to negotiation has
not been acted en in modern times. in say hi
stance; at least Mr. Buchanan knows of none.—
He thus exposes the unusual conduct of Mexico
In another aspect. The President had desired to
avoid the war, and had sent a commissioner to ne.
gotiate for peace. even after the war had cone
evinced, by the atta c k of the Mexican troops up•
ea Gen. Taylor. The President had reiterated
his propositions with" view to open negotiations
Which Khania put an end to hostilities. He had
declared to the world that be would enact no con
ditions that were not ;honorable to both paint,
and yet the Mexican I goeemment had refused to
receive our minister, and after declining to the
opening of negotiation', had never made known
upon whet terms she would consent to a settle.
meat of the difficulties between the two Republic.
There never will be a termination of hostili.
ties, Mr. Buchanan proceeds to nay, if Mexico re. ;
fume to listen to the overtures which bare been
proffeted, and which tend to the re establishment
of peace. The President, therefore, will not tusks
farther overtures for the opening of negotiations,'
until he ha. reason to believe that they Will be an
cepted by the Mexican Government. Ncverthe. ;
lees, such I. his desire for pease, and that the evil, I
of the war should not be prolonged, even one day
later than the Mexican °event:tent makes it ash l '
sedately necessoiy, he has gent in the quality of .
CeLpaljacOtlvr, to the headquarter. of the army 70
I Mexico, N. P. nisi, Chief (lurk of the State De
partment, with fall power to concheie a definiti'e
treaty of peace with . the united Mexinn state..
Mr. Ttist is recommended as possessing the fall
_Confidence of the President, and no worthy of
that of the Mexican goverment_ In conclusion,
Mr. Buchanan fotbeate lhr
fotbeats commenting upon 'tb
Owing postage id' fib, I ixt later ft •rit the \ lexicon
Minister, lest it should gnu to Li, prevent not, a
Inv conciliatory diameter than he desired fur it.
tie refers with pi EltUre to another passage In •
same letter, wherein iv entreated the pain with
which the Mexican government boa seen altered the
cordial friendship which tt had cultitated with this
republic, whose continued advancement It has al
way. Odin, Pit. and Iv tiovr ..,tl,i , ,t,•rnt h-g a crypd al
a model of it, owe.
The President, continned Mr. 8., entertained ao
'trent/est desire to Ice the gaited Metican Stain.
*meter such institutions en Ferall with ue. They
protect and secure liberty. mar-irritant an eleva
ted position =on otber nations.
Tut following extracts, ami nJdttratil psiticu.
lent which cams by the Alabattnama taken from
its New Orleans Commercial Tulles of July litia
nay am of intareaw
Pipes Lucre.—The Mexican GOvernor of
Venienummer et -Huatusco, lately aommoned
before him the famous Gaudio chief, Padre
MULL to anew. r certain charges made against hint.
The Padre was severely wounded by two of his
met who attempted to murder him.
Tas Loom of the 30th ult., give. the follow
ing details of the cam of suicide connoted by car
cornesplindent in his letter @Opined:
Matioicaotr.—One of those singular occur.
fences which motel be accounted Inc. took place
yesterday morning in the marque of Captain Do
pent. Lieut. Marylield, belonging to Caps p or t'.
company of Third Dragoons, Arrived the other day
on the Steamer Now ()Sean., and as hie company
had gone up into the interior ho requrrted permit!.
sin of Captain Dupeiu to join hie company in
the capacity of Second Lieutenant, until he could
reach his own. This was granted. and - Capt.
Dapera left him our Monday evening. appaiently
happy, requeeitg him to use his marque and make
himself at home. Yesterday morning, about 7
o'clock, whilst sitting on a bed, ho deliberately
Mew oat hbttmaitaWith a pistol. He mu about
terenty.three yeara ' of age. .
Tut A axs.—Lieneral tladwalador had safely
reached Pueblo, and General Pillow is mid to
have been bannerol throughout the whole length
of his march. The courier met the latter and hie
train and escort on the Mad, fighting every inch
of hi. way spinet the gaerillaw . •
The etTortelfsed by the htexicuis to 'alum oar
troop to desert has beenirowned with some lit
tie soccer . Thee/Mar, Oiled at Puebla, tells of
two dragoons who tan off from us, but had not
gone three lemmas berme dome Mexicans came
seems them, took their hone., and stripped 'them
of everything but thairyhitts.
?now Vitae Cava.—Derpatchet have been
received at Washington City from Vera Cr,,,
with dates as late et the :10th Jane. The intelli
gence, so far as it has transpired, it not each
BS tr justify the opinion that General Scott is
now in the Capitol. On the contrary, it would
appear that he will have something of a talc in
maintaining his own petition in tartly, after
abandoning all his posit, nod lino el comma
It appatm from vallous accounts that there ex
ists • strong feeling in the South and West for
General Taylor es a candidate far the Preshleu•
We extract the following from the eorrentoo.
dopee of tho N. 0. Time., writiox from Vera
Unto, node: dote of 28th June:
In two days more we shall have direct and au.
thintle Intqlligiruce from the Mexican capital, by
the Bdllt6 c o iner, who will also tell us what
nen. Scott la doing, and bow matte's are all along
the road. -
People here kaki surprise et the latest wick of
Banta Anna—that of postponing the election-
Friends of thews, end Mends of peace Join In,
denouncing the measure as one of the most taU.
calks of its noisily author.
The health at the city hu sulfated but little
chute for the put week or two. The mortality
has awned less then ten daily within the tithe
We team Khat Padte /wants and the autbOti •
thn of the State are at war, thekhariog quarrel.
ed *bout a !Melaka of the tpollnaken in the at.
tack °port Vol. Mackintosh', Wain.
Daasoe:—By the &flint a New Orkin; on
the 7th inst., of , the schooner Maj. Lin, Bravo
dates have been received to the 30th ult., and Mat.
amnia to the 3d of July. The Matarearee Flag
of the ad nut. nye that Captain Merrick, of the
Dragoon; wee 'elected to reed the Declaration of
Independence, and Judge Mee Garland to deliver
an Oration oa the Fourth.
• .
, Considerable =slay prevails at New keit re•
Winn( the pruner Sarah Sandi, which *aged
frowiLivarpersjcm the 16th Jane, acne
.32 day.
64.11445 day Oila4CltintiTkib4.W.
Ma:a JOYmostuisotituzao-olfaswer'f
bailee ;jai Emu.
oosf4rorrot O Bnaob, .ra four morrift.
Jul) link, 51iRY; wife of Eths 55th xcor,
July 17th. iOIIN CLARSON. son of E. lord Mary
Wiltenr, aged 5 yUara.
1118188 s 81VORI.
• 'OB ahlidity*aling. July 19/4, at 8 o'clock.
11 V . gamut request, C: SIVOSI aid H. HISIZ, will
-LP give inroad and MOST PCOITIVELT the last
GRAND CONCERT, in width H. Rem wiD play—i •
Gil grand Pasrasia frtmiLneretta Berea, ustrodneing
th e Blue Hell or Sendand._ ,
Variations and Otamk, Polka. from Othello.
La Pastorale and the Lail Rase of Sairinter.Oiy re
quest -
C. Stroll wiU perii . rm-- • •
His Gland Rooranticand Retain Concerts.
The Prayer or Alineit, with marital theme and vitia
tions, ON A SINGLE STRINO,DE review
The primal Carnival af_Venice. no played by
units; with setae additional Tafraliatit.
..•---•• • • • - • - •
Tom Grand Duette GMPhoto end Vialln—lst. from I a
N•ol's from PacinPs favorite Cavell..
2d. from Fr. Thavolo."0o Yonder Rock Reelithods"
Mr. Rohbock will politic at the Piano alto.
To bp n . g thseentersaintheal withal:rase mum of every,
one. the tolloorinc prthee of admission have been deter
tamed n x oon—
Boee;firrtand second circle
, , 75 nem,
pit 53 "
Galler•• s MI 0 .
ra oilers at bolt poet seven s to fdatatene;At o
Sfugaztues tbr August
.orahara's Mavirnei for August, Paris Fashiorul ,
Godryls Lad's Book. do
Bator. Magaz y ine for /sly, vol %, edited by Mrs, C M
Kirkland. The splendor of this reunite, will, without
doubk give it • large subscription..
. Isabel of Bavaria, or the Chronicles of France, by A
The &isn't Tribunal, or the Dag . ger e Card, by
the fortle,
Creel is,or Woman's Lore, by Alexander Doom,
/diem° and Orr Military Chieftains, from the Revo.
lut.on of fladalgo to the pretest time. illaaraNaL4r,i2
Ft:4unit. easTaTzajr by Fay Habtaaan•
The tbrory, Of the Ro b bers
bers of Naples, by Lieitt. MOT
Wood Leighton, or a year in, the cowry, by M
The Unfortunate Maid, or the 311ser's FA.; an Irish
talc by Copt F Mehattaceteey.
Lord Elwyn, or the Dtsuble . Ooaruhip, by hire DI I.
Pore. tier.
For sale at PIA MlNE3'B,mithfleid vt. 'ld door frorn
1.2 .. r0ttd. 1710
The Flowers Personified; behm a translmion entre
celebrated Grandville's 'Les Ileum Animets,' by N.
.Cleveland, Esq.; Illustrated; by rplendid creel engra
vings. beautifully colored. • ; •
Yhe Work will be completed in torenty•fonr parts.
each part commune', two engraving, on steel. beautiful
ly colored. and WI panes of lettetpreet: Price Rh ets.
The piper is of the finest teams, having been made
expressly for, this work; and every depsetmeal of the
pool cl.llOO will be executed in Mobil, pooiribla style,
it being the object of tbcoublisber to make Mi. book the
Gem of the Season.
For sale by AV 8 C4I.DIVELL, Pd door Post °lrate
tooldras,...3ad st. SYIP
HAVE purchased As entire slack of the wholes/de
Land fell! grocery of Jonathan •Loartlat, corner of
First and ranthfieldhtreets, INhero I Intend to tarry on
the grocery basinesa. open a strict cash principle. I
resprcifully solicit a share of path., patronage.
• ' DAVID CHEriaiT,
July Inch, 1047. car latt arnithficid ats
Harlon sold to David C Herbst my entire Hooka/M.
Cerg and fixtures, I take the opportunity of recom
Wle m my Ammer patrons. (or their pattortege
MYttCE—All pentium indebted to Jonathan Longnaff
aro requaled to tall immediately at ble.old stand, ear
finit sad maithroald rte, and make maettleinent.lo93,
Yeingthloghatay Navigation Co.
BOCRS for receiving sabsertphonsto the stock ado,
Vougluodhony Nay. Co. sill be opened at the house
or s Weever.Plueltergh; elate house of Arts Alexander,
Mel:enroll.. at the Wale of David Sander, West
N e s ton, end at the holm of Robert ittichtnan, Mown
Pleeseal on the lamb day of A. 10.4, and ouelloae aPed
front day to day Lund the ith day of September.
,expel Markle, Junes May,
Jame. 8011. John D Davis.
Jo•epe Conley, Alexander Planter ,
aler.t.setel . Maus Ro
• IL N
O—PATERSIIIP—The undersigned has.
a,/. Inc 4110Cilated together under the nomallti Stile Of
4 . D.lley, for ihe purpose of usinsaelseg stoners!
thy Coed. sod Ornery business, wish to inform their
friends and the public generailyottiai they will keep
on hand .11 wars a good assorunentof goods In their
her. will Le soli wholesale ir !Mil on a good tartan
so they sae Le parrear,lehiewhere.
Old horny a oppottae
Vor Seat.
AL A CONVENIENT threw nary brick dwelling
Heise. %trials good basement and Week Wald*/
at We tomer of debater and elm we. La the LA ward
Tlre properly will be rented very low to a good tea
pot It le SO conauveted that two families migbroccapy
Prulee•teut given
ber chem, the strews. Jylkd g WRAY, N.D.
pre ten: tesi.lence cf TitoNtAs KV A 99. wilo IcA
ii.i.ction:ry about Iwo rear . .Y. it is ramarl4 ha
le.nviwd Anylsedrundioorespectinshimwiii received. ...Aare. Sl9.OFVrentylawa, Virg u
tCw ZilcCuteheaa Robot. Mcene6eo►
IV? & a. XeCtiTCHICON. Whole/We Geo.
V V • reit. Dealers in Prodeee, Iron. Naila,Glase and
Piewbar►h Manaraetures, ►eneralij, ISS,Libenj-nreel:
Piusbareb Ol9
DR. DAVID lIVAT. Dentist, having made .bob
, rst.cemento In hls ettat havatevs, that he can de
vu e his whole time milts duties of his prolamin% may
as teen in as afloa t cornet or ath and dream:ate. id
soy war dating the diiyzront Ba is till CI e. /BM.
F "— Tart ' At * , 3 I ttsr ) . A1 "ttr
14 tibia Not dN
10 tibia No I N H Salsarain landing at (ye
canal, for main by • ND JNO I PEint
Y I TO reams Cap /Vntinv
/09 do Crown and Nedonn wrapping; fat tali
sy 111 E . JNO PERRY
1 td his common do; in nun and Rd
Palo by • jyll _ _ WICK 4 MeCANDLESS •
111,1 J B ..LLTV:trr. i ...7.ll" "" "/"
li rl3lll-10 On a 11 R Rondos inn reeinood; toe
•,.. de by •• • • • WICK I ItIeCANDLAS
I em wood sad ester=
- -
lIMLLAO-4 cute Jost received; 61 We
G. 7 by R.F.1%11 .
1119 . rat & et eta!, at •
SIC V.I3—NI 6161%66101 Reed;
6 Uhl. Cloeer deed; be We by
Jn aozeik Beaver Henke.;
Corp Emma, for sale bV
nib ' into 1 , PERRY .
u`d and rm.
tubby - jyl9 hita"PERRY
SPTL TURPSpIVIIIE-19 ion need; kr
.aly by jytiO BRAUN& REITER
v : 1 COPAL-4 cm* jatadatk G :, 9 !atithav%i
BACON siums—ssua reed in • torsals bp
jyl9 .IRS F PEARY.IIB medal
rpLOVR-100 bbloS rme Floor so ante: for ule by
/' jyl9 JNO F PERRY
atom; for sale ty_ nu:l.F PERRY
DOTAlitt—tifieskx - iner
iyin - DICKEY.* IX ,
VTINEGAR.-100 bblegood 'wrong Vinegar Weal*
(ILAN; —1248,11 , 10. 6-0,7•931 , 9 And
VA on hand ignl lot mak by •
TR —OO sek e received and hrr kale by O . ' • •
'yl7 W k R bIeCUTC
OVIC-11 sek. received and (or tale by
14 /7 17 IV & IIdeCUTCHEON ,
\ 7.-Tg--vvefiamite.
'Cti y Ersilig-30 his primt v W fr: 1.6.g . Vi1 i lot ..Ie
Jrl 7
clopsixeinire.g. prime green Rio Coffee; ,ied
land for sale by ,yl7 W R MeCIITCHEON
ALECJIATUB-;CrealciritOgr landinti; eemale try
;i3 1• IA , I DICIRY &Co. Inter I nom .0
SAl:k.:11/1.T178-7 10 esks lot Bale by. •
DEA.114.11--4 &km (cm .1. Ly ' •
Dat PiablIFES—A prium_artleft for sale_ jg
kyr WICK k kfc.CANDI FZS
acks . reeeieed; for Bale by
.0 .
J o ! & McCUTCII EON, IN liberal.*
( .. 4L r b 10 byl4qhta ß ni t a . o6 , pidat c g
LAS • —7.5 Dula y Ik. an band and kr We by
jyl7 • k It MeCUTCHEON
C y p i ttk-4LI II I y 14, I ntr i nt e n61 for
, 1 . 11 n
~: n tA s wN i tl ;:grc i rlir crud. Rot sal
BOTTLES-11tioz fenny Met Collßns Bottles
assorted eolere,flint glue. Aleo,3llldasdark Boob
for male nuke wine nom of JACOB WEAVER -
16 rurkei ot cot (mar
NT, RWS INK—tiutiabla rat the nano ai 11.10eAuf per
LI IL. Ne charge , for hes Jl. READ, AO
jyla . 41h h neermarket
Wm. D. Hap. Joho D. B•iler.
H AV! DAILNXIDeaIen ha Dry Doads Oro
eerie*, Bbeet, Pausharglimanufsgtan.d ani
No. ra liberty n, riustnuir4. JylB4
rt ROVI7N PAPIOII.-111) ream., fidl maim in store
an 4 for sale by • JOHN SCOW kCO
7 econinereial row. lawny n
BEANS—IQ barrel& arlifbegna.
. omen do .do do . .20(11 tad lot
wale by jylo JOHN Warr *. CO liberty 41
' •
40 oils mime article Scetrhipin
I . do do Poutob: io nore• Wilde bT
Jyl3 LS WATER24ON.94 vraterk.6l4l4oo
4 21LILD-10.10...t01s No. t trionont abut on Cooalso
moat and for sale b♦♦
L ARD -941 bble No. I Lora;
o. hay urrnye Lard; in twin; (oracle
by iYI3
W. T.AgoiretidVale'br fr ' Xl !* 9 M
eTAYAND PCORCIIINGS-4400111121 . 1 (Uri
' V9, 14 A21 41 4111 zi e 1 r
Gila. in stem; An Ind! by jy 7 lls L 8 *AMMAN
DikiED FRVIT- 4o Lap ,
do A sNelics, Warn;
sala • L 8 WilAbairir
VLOIIR-30 lible rr U iroaad Euo_4 Float In sierei.
for sale by ' 1716 L WATKRMAN
---7 1 7 41/I.iitri4l;ll -7K-17.
, t;•?.
D. 0011 4 - 40taINgri:0 •
want SutetPioperratt
Allselbccized to sell at preatebabt tballteT
hie Itcebtuory brick dc+Ultcy &doe, trait extetkulle
tlto nary back bkaldor, two sto.y ,btick Rabb, ear
ruse bettie;leololitd, ittattbble44l waLsr 'at Writ;
tem, peesentileewed by tile sobseribes. Lot lit 30
feet 01 Inekes.froca by 190 feet deep, wending io Ina
Irt. POW of the putskase st7=o l o item
ePt (arise yea= Immediate cable steep,
iyl9 JOHN D DJI J.,,eofylood &Ai ell
Gas Fining% Tools, kar ilmdegyAM, et At
ON Wedneaday dia Mager et Jai al 10 o , e'Galt"
M , altbe embliahaent of„,kl.mat Mt Sitiliadaa ers
ten and Famed...tea ldad; dewed& SO St and
Diamond alley.arill , be:aeld thew againMitatif
Pipe, Pendants; Madams, Phloem, lhasa Cuthip, dke.
i.e.; W., all th e Tool. aad P/kueras of isdatabon and
foundry, among added am •thme. modelladmairet
and die., v lees, npyilo
OV hiendey toomine, the July IM, eu.lo o'clock. et
the Coteseettial Bale Room, comer el 'rood end In
as, will be sold en extensive eanortsteet of Hwy Ned
staple du goodq. toots, heesi paneels, umbrella; ken,
bonnet", kr •
• •
At II O'anek, P. AL
• • .•
A gamily of glaesirare.neeenserare,geneeriet, deal
and derenebire shovels, wrapping. peper, bend bones,
matches, mattrausn bed eninfirrts,sureeiMen,nnir. •
parent reindeer blinds. A general nanarnaent•nr new
and accred band boasehokl (endure, tie: .
• it 8 O'Cloik, P. N., • ,
N qmkx . ittly of pen and pocket katiriti,4Bl.B and
forks. 'rano ru, .pootur, axon sbanag boxer., ball bra
ces, 10 note french • reordeons, violins, guns. 8 88 84 , 4 6
pcmlr, stew 888888884 IteM watebesi ready /rade
clothing, fine .hum vas'aty 60e88, ie. , • ilia
...... . _ _ _ . ,
And Consnmption s Pain in the Side and Neal Sweats,
Mikes, Whwplng Ctiogb, ralpnition of the Hein,
Liver Complaint, Bronchitis, and all discuss of
' . the throat, low and liverie=ySher
' •
Baiting, Blood ad Cossivaption: - •
liftn, MILNE, Beilder, in Brooklyn, was attacked
DLL with raising blood, followed by • cough, pain in the
side; and all the meal sym
e ttorns of contiumptkia. Be
employed two of the bow yeicians; they did ham no
good, and told him be CO LDNoT LIVE. . ; •
Hearing of the wonderfal cores perinatal byilher
, man's Balsam. be mut et ID o'clock et night to Mn.
Hayes, 123 Fulleeset, and trol a bottle; itcratel o ts
a chants, stepped the hi and
had taken one bottle he was able to tu o stiet lite weak.
'Shad SAVED HIS LIFE. Ills dargter;residing alley
MYrde Avenue, tan attest it - -•
._ .
Miss Ann ?Ammo, of Will lainhurgh. being in Tenth
near,Samh Foorth-st. ems—That eltst had beast trohbled
with a hacking cough, and pain in the cheehlw • leg
time; which at last became so bad that shelves obliged
to give Ms tier school for more than a year. Sim then
couunanced taking the A7l4lealing Balsam; which soon
alleviated her7symptoras. She Is now root recovering
and has resumed her laborious occupatioama teacher,
Mr John O'Neal, 10th avenue and Mato, suffered
wish a rough, might; of_phlram.and . pain in bin side.
Ile mold get NO RELIBF tilt be Wed the All Healirg
Balm, which drove thegiain from hie tide, allayed the
coo*b, and brought the dmeate upon; the terrace; and
before he had taken threetottles,was esti:cleared
Pkurisy an&Conomption. •• . •
, .
aka Damps a lady upward. al% rending 99./Belf•
iff, has for y a re hr en sableivßt.attaels ofPlettrisl,
Handel of Blood, severe Comb, Shortoms of Breate,
. Pahl in her Head- and •nellgla gam off bee bady.•4llar
friend. believed her PAST R ~.. yEB.Y.. TM
Heeling Bala= relieved her at onceof all bier al' or
ing symptoms. and she yet ow able to attend Usher, k.
Asthma.and Whooping Cough.
Mrs. Loo retie Wells, 95 Christic4n Is S Ike .19, Wm II Youw,7s, ham die
the value of this great comedy. .
Ask for Sherman's Atl- Healing Balsam, sad see it
his written signature it oat each bottle.• ~.. •
' Poet, 25 cents and SI per bottle. • ,', i
Dr Shenean's Worm and Cough a.
above. .
Principe! (Mee 108 1 Hammel., N. Y. - :
Sold wholmle and reail by Wm. Jachaeo, it .kb ?Meat
Medic/ea Wanhome sad Somme nee Store, No SD Llber•
a L trest,llcad of Wool stroms, rdhistmli.' 'lame 1111 Me boil
, ,Dr 1741.,
EiCVLAPLA, or the White Solphor mkt:hely=
beam Springs, of Leona stiontfrgy, The above
delightful smarms pioneer mourner resintiasitWirready
for the reception of maim". order Me direction of kli•
chest Kean, Esq., lam and kw sonny yearhof the Loot
isville Mr. Kean and lady will hove Um Wire
management of the rouse boarding departmentf,hlr'
Hitchonek, of the Invent, bar,'store, bowling Weer',
and other suourements; and Mr. Miss of the sittings,
bath hooter, mantes, honies,.canisgei, he. he.
Messrs. 0 M k, IVemlian,"Wege Proprietors of
'Mayrrilk, will ran a regular feminine Poet Coach to
the Springs overt Monday,'Wednesday, and Friday of
the region, and (tarnish Wuxi and earnagesetall other
times to those wishing in visit Erealapia.
Persons perferring the Verwebergh mate writ dowel
to take the Portsmouth peeket-getato to Vaneebarg on
Tuesday, Tharsdar or Saturday, when ,they will find
hone"al,earriages to forward them to the ntrinop
MTG OOULD, - Proprietor
P. S.—For other partleolam, gee lahogrePhie billy et ,
the hetels,Meentboela, he.. and it to. be not convenient
°Mee take for granted the following ferns, via: -
That Estalapta is nearer the Ohm nrer thanany Other
watering place—Math has the purees mountain air—the
'mat delightful, cold, limpid. spark ling, sulpha, water
—the holuest,coldmt, pores, pleasantesttest and
inert of chid, beate fountain in the U. States—
that it is surrounde a d by mountain scenery, wok roman
tic, picturesouesod diveratged, with good, diking,
shooting, fox chasing, deer retina, be, he blether
with good eating, drinking, sleeping; welting 'Mom,
deneingobakum off the , blees, , outgroWing tb dreeeP•
is, talking. lent:leg, growing fat, loving man, dread-
MS to go softy. promising to -come Wyain—in bring
friends, neighbors, ustertWarisat, sweet heers,'he,kle;
and niter eh it is cheaper r +tying at Eseulspis Than at
any A ber of the fa thionabie watering places.
Th is the, voter of kandreds who hare-been Mere
and' ean to doorman Wedge,
Lion commaaa
thould, It practicable, enter begun anew. •
Bond and Taitlen, leek:Wet the - entire Clank d e
Behrendt. mane, also French, Lodging; Waf blng,ldert
dmg and DOC42I'• fees Illed per nonnet.
Illyttenus made nnal lyinAd,
Mare and Drawing are ewe charges, earn 1140 per
annum also the Batten, Gem. and Spanish tattle.'
gm each SO per liZnasa. . " •
A proinetna of the College, eiplaining the coarse of
stothes regaishe ['venal:anon and synanialdneipline,
will be sent to may pence applying for it.
jyl7-1,13 JOHN IIeCAFFEBY, President.
New York wad Hinton" IProfte6.'
TOON h[MELLOR:BI wood-", ban on land stid for
..4 sale at eanern priors, one very elegant RINCIIMId
Piano fore. pi/we/set red by Chiekering et*Bosson,and
protwoneed by the b tjadg. in dwelt', to be saperior
to any instrument. have board , Pr:rot:loD, awl
Alse,at-Wa.extr rlawr price to oink 'Onklipk
Oon spleadia . y, likkottne POW. tone: of
brilliant tone, and In erg respect a viq.nalperlorin
lawman wanalletared by A B Oaks tr.. Oa. Now York,
onnerliknown sul the 'New York manufacturing Cots
Awn the knower OLD PIANOS at 'Fr low prima
One 4 octave German Piave 6nne; ' • '
One 6 Moo, [aide by
Roaenbatatti Babeneki-pnee gig.
One sg . dq A'. do priee6l6.
llon.s - " - - do' nearly new. made in N. Tack,
and with modem forniture—pmeil7s.
One 6 octave German Piano, made'hy Stein. in Vien
na, in good order, and anierrelleng Flow, &LION, on a
eredn of 6 months, Wilk. good seenrity. _ jyl6
Establirhed a seareboase An the year 1816, for toe parn
pose of supple inn the City and Interior Trade .
low pnees—and exhibiting, at all rearms
- of rtes Tear. the Lama A uorenent in . , •
. leper are ahro opesinElleveral Hundred rfekaies,
coalprlOng every new mete of VOWS. and 00entstle
prodeetton, ;Deny of eaten are Del as be Road el.e.
where, and which have Jest beenporebaseci„and are
offered for sale far Cub and abort credit, 111 ,
Per yard below the 'Price. of April end. 61 • Yr u par
priawd Catalogue., caw* eve corrected daily, On the
allbrwanon Ounra. . .
Paw Yoak a.; M. . .jygdistf
- rfOs of Tile, W ISE
gad :plblera p e. fore
i r t W. ' coebh
ale by the
r.agge.i .ftr:', 1 11:117 " . " :" Y l i.roe ' VM •44
Many area deco Wines I eceJedly rezawacend foe
Medicinal wt. They are a. genuine aa Imported,lo
the Untied &Leer and were soleered perweally.treas
*wheal' the imparters from plates of growth. y•
li/Elllll4.ll.llllll.—Jau pabllibed, a• wer 'entitled
/VI Oaaaijaa Slarili n a ease of viskut• iamb du
apiritaal 'renal; from the Oertean of H. WetWeryriV
ing an account of the ease of a womeambalia, oca
like dun of the Beaten of Prevost., At rbe • peesent
time Ibis wort will be read with meth
For%ale by W: S. CALDWEIit,-
' ad floor, Pan Mine Salldinal.
To Braun Rows Vor*. CopporAlsaltlio,te.*
DEFINED COPPER—IL toostsuolout or Salami:kV.:
.I.l,Reaned Copper Incon, Dul roomed; for salt
jyl7.llaor4w !AUG* , 61C0()PERAISOw4 .
. .
-Sll tf.TanttlfOrtlttr,b,i.g Noonule
Mae, soperr,r article, for oak by MO or ro om o , th e
Wine Starr, yl martinet. corner ftrtm
MADELLIE WINIES-32qecakc cackle. braidi
In cote and for We -by the. package, Alcon—L
mce,fiar,Pinisailandy;Rlackaana n , LIIY Lad vilktn
en draitsht for vale Cl Ike wine store
Iyl6 • .TAW/1 WEAVER'
I. the Comical of Pero, with t pretiminery view of the
civlntion of the locos, by Wm. C Prescott, rorresreso•
dice meta. , of the_ French' Imitate, of Ike HoSsd
srescletat of History, tts Madridrete. -Ira reed and for'
wan by • • • ' JOHNSTON k,EITOCKTON
- ; ; : • ear market it Id as
. _
wurrmAirs VOrILBLF. Lity..llENT,trth:
Penne, ;Leeman, 2 t e . .' Of - orhielt the bone le bable, It is tn.:gulled:lth aloe ell•
venous lo the ears Of Cholit'sn hones. Porton hy:
Joie. JOHN D MORGAN, histotreed n •
ria lIITLE BOUP will be served trp at &LIMB. bee
.LO a neat, 4= a; ever, day at II &cloak.
The linen of Tonle Beep ate part:l=o=ly Invited, as
I Batter myaelf cannot be ... lati•
19 lists Olasaq;
• Tleeso&Y,
• 404eks Feather& to'arrin; for We by
jili I DICKBY & asyl go 41111_
Wail) CASMIERES—BIatt !•334 witeebane!!
JL summer Casaimarte—fiablonabl• ree'sl
al NT Octodi binme of 4•111 WRWURWIY.
I JOISOW OIL.. Ova canal■ rerrenpenoripiid.
.LA Ily,Juet received rad for aleby
MO Coney otb,ibeny & MChfr ete.
IaTAIIIII,JAY-811 barrels OW tiono a ßlf
s ta, 4121./b.
M •Led far ma M.
812X11-4 bbtsialpziais enkii
Ant received; 10 , al.
1, p u
C One
MCA kIeCAN Malet
atzpa = fir asitt by !MUM* CO
SUP ' ss " eart "u ' d
Jp Trbuoin Bare, 13 mita
, .. . .
1 1. 7 optcutirmez AND pirirsinueu
.3- . lz DAILY PACKET LINE. ' _ "
E: On wea.MgoralLia prasstager w.
alrer fu rd .) maw°, bee
eedalfd •••••1 'beam oe the
'name rhe"Weer.:. ..ecoosomod. anrrcecn
Ibn rhatinomyym Fromm heehlelmPritted Amor
The We her heel hsoperasamibr flee Tears
_-.ltimt,oprzia&Ajaithen. or peolpicirrheo thaJeaor
"frry to Derr person. The boob *Mb* n the ter of
eat wreathe day preirleints assn.*,
don et tnyt and Us most prionotm ao n•pr,
tor- In cues -the puma wary nattr
aroznAT PAINUt?
The MONONCIARELA.Capi. diese etteei.
beret _y• himmay morales_ at le &beet; teetheg
every Main eneezeg P. M.
The'MZEILNIA, NO. It. Cipt Bak:l4n
kale Pinsborsh every Tomlap 1110111101 14 1110*D/et
P. &I. --
-- --
vibe NE W it.NOLAND;NO. St Car. &Dr*, oil'
leave ritra m * trert - WeduMEY amnia`. tit 10
o'clock; evair Redecaday evemini at itt P.
' - •
. .
• - -
Th.mriscoNgiN, Cot: IL .1. Chratori/1 Plus
h.* om y TamdarApiniaig lOokbek; W!teeling
every Thursday - evening at le P. M.
• •
The cuppme. No. cast Credls,will leave Plit
horst evyrr Friday wisraing .t.lO o'clock; Wheelins
eV ery FretsysTen4hi • ••
- 'Arum:my ipAcrainr.
burgh every Saturday . ?tamng at Womack; Wheeling
artery Saimaa, aventrta at tit
The ISAAC Cep. J. G. Mame, -yr:II
leave Pittabargh ere Sunday leetaleg 41 ID o'clock
eaUg every fta
Why omen es ID P. N.
• •
lINDIIIIO/0-93 wk. Potaski
52 barmls Unwed :
.• LS boxesaleesei badirog and fin s.ll, bT
011DR ‘ 11/15—fillourels Fla r,
andorellaind 6r A l ite de" j "A LZELL
Dia K3iTAL-100 Oaa tOogiak leek rig Up al,
1 Jost ocelveo *mid Or Web y.
fl/LIOSONATE OF AAIMONIA-40 lbs 111,14 reed
V and fist sale by. 1113 BRAUNA RESTER
SALAD 011.7.1 t dal •aperkw qui* jar reel .ea
for sale by. lyl3 BRAUN Jr Rana
L YNCH 0 . essejoitiroar t rl N T mia r ib i b
Jyts ' apt in elelrL Ilbar , ALD
S= ll l. Nat..L-Theo'reirroaCtll4.ll'4'
erferiNANDBOLMIGOW ALE-4m eneeked and
ftn' minty lb, botde_,ordessn, by .
- - ------
flitOWNSTOUT,ke.—ftheetman's Brows Ilmtand
Li London Porien 1/ the dozen Or bottle
_psi reeTiled
and for sale b JO3 JACOB FAYE&
t) -73 a—Zito:dr smaa non awl
._....,urn1•1-100 bun Teueses Damn Da *qui
irr eale DICEEY k.
.0B „ • water end (mailer '
Q,cquortg)itst•-ster seeks .
151/ • ' seeks *Aar% te aeon Nei tor taw
111!OBASORCIP,SS boxes ha Han.* bread Se Tobaeaa
l i l a._ :41 by Coma and Ittr a t z bi Lul4
Wale/ St
ARO 014-19 nom steamer Zipir
land No4asdbt eb
• I
OU. MEAL-191 b6gs last received end Car sate
iyl3 W HARBAUGH,23 wood at,
(10/11711-50D Mprime Yellow. Com In rime end tow
V NM 33 13 . Vw 11A RNA 1101 t,
naTs--xo bujen received x ed for We by
41* - • . imac.ayau
• 0.1.101u1e by
: VAMP IDSS —_ A ftw good Hosipers convenient for
it packing glonrace, ie.; for We
jilt - . - JACOB R•EAYER L
(A Atoarvi
:EIIIII7IIIIICS—A assonment of llak. Clad. lull
Ebavids Breges,Jost,ree'd sad for sale
WILED JOOP!. , M1L...50 bosiolo on hand and for
A DI C H OVILILMa. taw eases for wdok wEnVERkI tie down
QA.B.DINZI-For de by dm rase, large and matt
1.3 Tau, by, 1,7 JACOB•WEAVER _
TACOS W*l4lOM!., Wino Elioro, conicr of /Kok •
J kat and Front w. — jg
A./.19 r
& Jam!
ALAW6I2O::,II' desirable Waal of Iwe iro
von, for'aila by • 177 • 'I,ICOu
Q170.111Y-10 eaves terverteg'• D R Loaf
'Urbana.' - Palverived 4oef Sn
On Jim received sad tor We by
OIL -8? bblaLbaseed Oil in blare and tousle br'
10111EICOTTX MEXICO—A sm. "apply An
reorived and for raler 1101386'5. A oploodirl
orork,call ad Welk .t ' IT9
VI Int re'd coaddynxeni from id 0 and fix W. by
G 8 MILTENBERG • • Id xuet. •
/1101/2721021.—10 bbl. Nag Lars 8011111 Meek.
eTet for sea by WILLIAIDI DILWORTH • i
' Iylo Ft - moods* •
Dar rsioass-za far sale bzo
001r...ducks for taki by 3
Cr 1 ",'"" 11-41 - Witztirspus,
R IIMP-4961•112.80%1 per rmirTransoa aadin solo '
IrrANTED—A yam, Ida to works.% therieswase:
V V • basing* vvipty al the Mostard maltiviee Vann;
Na. f4.Viitivs.- • RHODEiI ALONLIV
V - W — CtTvtsiu4 we'd ova
Y: for ule by 1630 BRAUN & ULM
OP ISMI-1110 lb•bosetTarkby Opbm.just hued gab
fo r ..e by 183:1 BRA UN MUTE&
vizotas - too. , . ( bil?Woktgard i v,-,
by • . 1.2)
lista week dwell Wthe Are isle by
D k7O ; . WICK& bIe.C.A.NDIAZS
11146 1 4.110h1A11C MIALTL.—AI
. 111.11 m. on hand and
kJ-W.. l n by ' MAW. it 111i11Tr1
C AA DLEfil: bit!ca par;
IZI rCr 3 :OJe O LWLIN, W4. I n
21,-10 drams timyrna
. - bbts Zante Currants;
/0 R. lilaiaing for rile by
1,011/LCCO , . „
VI Idris Ky. Lad, Oroilpera and 111126; aamea
Ind (or sale by - „ FUR3VTH & CO
INIIEZD bbls'pere.oll, lava onler,
Li for sale by • Jill •J WIIIOOI.4IMAKEII 'a CO
LOll.-11. OW,
i tmea u ltti tog il e bi
COON *l*l
OA &DONATE AXONE/4-400 rbs but yeotive* fey
V gabs by - 1114 1 SCIKEINIa&KER & .
' A 1.11/IA-131Als Sslen Alone bustle by
fl.syis • •' J EICttObNMAXR,k A co. ...
E n
nAC3Ollllba lbs UK/WO F - s - r 7"- " 4.°281. k C° •
J)l4.Sr V(kNi, ••0 by
401"iblebasr & co
Winn FFMl46. 4 " . ,ast roselsed fas sale by ,
ALum,olo F
e ,...A.-4144711 t CO, 57 wa ter s_
Calf r on 4 / 1 1111 LIUE-9 Munn eelihbr cos by
tir KIDIb a co •
P. 400 LFJION SYISIT-12 Sas pus reiaS; 6,8a1e
Oft bw by THOO 0 001080 E;
taut 130a1 , 40 sorsa:ATV
S Bab, be Wog s '
7 1 '°=7'
/at neeind . 7
WIOLASSICO-110 O. It, Jai ~.a .
tioodollet nod kmoile-UN BEAZ6LTON
17•11 -
V ale
TANNEIII3,OIL-26 bbla n . secivhs Pas] Mall
25 W ! etATlAllori
i .
1 11880018 - 82DX11—fis Eon sad &malty
8.11 881 :888 88111 8 / 1 .1408 33 wood u .
' • i••/di I-1 .
714,1. W. Il• Cites., for sive by;
i nr77IIMMI . V4r --- & ---- , 1
.``OOA 20 las . qullont_h•___lfsmjsef red imi,
lopum,....o‘.-pasad; male by
'Eamon aaaturr,esa Pit*'Ludy tbr sail!
ELlaNuathSis touttLbp PC a/MIN .
T sykon
alhrchast t
.dialtsigt sett.4, ,- Pittatomik. sine
P 614 warraited he •
Ps* 51 ---
p l4l . ll ll9WlWllaFits bt4s' • 1-
011. Atitada
"v sistattm,
a; .
i - o - saNK - A ste wit
Diktisa- m s ,
-a, heap!, to awe loalmt ale lq -
./.4 . • • • • ,Mll. Tarr
_War 16 Itx
icG/U...A.-nalL I helnl
• and ameba{ Anse. IP! Misr niallirf_
1Y? WIEI4I =
fl water tuttl
~ hiiL~~r.
'I ~D YWwnN. .
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