bigla,•l price in cub mad fan all doe dnicren • tractor. of clean Waabed %Vaol. by dIUIPHY do Ltd Old wool wareboase, caw Lebertv at aai CcelV• alley ml indicant a, 4,2lGo,tlt—t bbts doubledoable re telawl P•lro osbe nst.d; I bbl final Crd: tease " Lour; bbl. of sorted do, ' iterce'Sur, 10 1..00p Bt 4 Ltd. etanb4; a Mid. N. 0 ; for sate by I. 70 WILLIAMS h. CO :I. KA —I3 1 . 11 Ira: do Imperial Tea. PZ .mo 4 o o to •.n r gi:, ?.* 41 do t!.opefior Y. 11. Too, do ,Soortrang do; Co %opt-riot Y. H. da J ere,,,ed 4.1 fo,sale low hy M UPI! tRICKETSON tliilAPittei Plaid Ext. Slr. , P•zalL Kar roo eo do; :aook`t do; dor, r . r :471 " 4:1; h0n! " ...2d for rilejl.n Corrrt o! Rnt ud .oed .M 1(1 & rte • •I• C IIOCOLATE,IIIIOXIA, 1141.. e. No,. I Chocolate: l',s_rage apply on board. _ brig For frnl en or 7 - Regular Pittsburgh and Zanea — ville Packet. The new and ligkit draught steamer COMET, James F. Boyd, betweeni run as a regular packet Pittsburgh and ancullle. Itsvlng had her cabins Sued op and cll.ljohfid superior stile, the Comet gams the finest accommodation. to passengers She will Mare on Monday, July SM. at n o'clock, P. M. For freight or prmsage apply on loud. or . to iTS • D WILKINS, Agt llegoilar Beaver and Glasgow Pocket. mat The new and Ow towing steamboat CALEB COPE, Sho!es, lllailter, built expressly for this trade. will run as • regular Pocket to Beaver and Glasgow—leaving Ptow burgh daily at 3 olekw k, r. a., sadrunning to Glasgow toloutb of Sandy and Beaver Canal ion M o nday, Wei. , nesday, and Friday. For freight or pantsge io Beaver 'New Listion.or the towns West and Nor ill or New Lisbon, apply on board or to. jeS S & WHA RUAUGII,I wood street REGULAR PACKET. ' . . - - Thi; new, double en paaaringer steamer ghte SW AMA RA, (Wrought only lb InetneM Capt. Co x. will leave oh Monday Ma 7th ingot. at 4 o'clock. r, ut , for Cinctonati and totermeiliote ports. and will perform her trips reralarly during the low water reason. For freighi or parattee apply on board. r 1 REGULAR CINCINNATI & ST LOUIS PACKET ma to The near andsplendid steamer TRF:NTON. W radars rd,maver.o.lll lure as above regularly throoghorn the season, For (n.lghtos paarage apply no board suyl2 - - FOR CINCINNATI & The fine and &munch ligh) drar4:l,l m ak stoarrer TRIUMPH, (Lao.)n enstor, 1.-di lean as above throuehnet vb. sero , on For ire,ght ur pasoter spry on board. nayl2 -- PITT3IO.IBdifKNI) it COUli - FAct:Er. - The new and splendid ...liner GONDOLIER, yofts, master. was built egpresely for this trade. and will leave wao. 'lady during the season. Her days will be advertised hcreatter. my7l( Reiiit;Lislt — l.6lilelVltKrititia:r .1,... The new, light drouthl and fast run. i ang 5t,3111, E: Bag a. Cer, insister. will lan as • regular packet between Pittsburgh and Louis ville. during the season. She leaver 00 Thursday eve o. g , May Gilt. at 4 o'elitek. rey6 For freight or passage sooty on board. . . .. . . FOR. ZA NESVI4I..F. • Tar Inch dranaht and find roomy • ineamboar MiNCr/ FIIIEP, . Moore. router, ad! My •• • molar • a' , k ei betarean th;a. Mate and Zan.. Ole. For treighi . or passare soak- on board or to en r " oi ill II nii...rrNow.mmi A.l pl tib.,gn and thAtaistx Packet, -7 1 ' Tile new and fin.: steamer nurosonr, makkl.bert, master. has resumed ber reg. War trtp• am art!' leave Pa d as above every Thursday and Mon day at; d'elock, P. M. For frmght or passage apply on boardl cm* d" . REUULfIPACKET FUR IVIIILLSVILLE AND .r STP.I.IBENVILLE: The new and lien draught rime WILBILESOTON. 0. M. Stevens, muter, leaves Pall. butigh every Monday, Wedneulay 'and PI Way an 3o . elock, P. M., leaves Slete/enedle every Tuesday, Thursday and :Loorday at n o'clock,A. M. Far fretaka on pasuge apply ) on board. derll_ ItIchEPAPuR I, hi, gArtElti AND aluNkr •041. 1 . lIEI.A CITY PACKET. ' The oew steamer DESPATCH, Nelmn master. ..111 run ;to above, le • mg Pit rhurgh every Monday, W. d [medley add Emday. mot o'clock, A. ID., and Nonni, beta City y Tuerday. Thursday and Saturday. It e o'clock, A N ver l. For freight or pa.. no oPPIY =band. IYWo AU e Itlver Trade. The hoe aud (um Steamberm ARROW. C , Capt. /ante, Ailtrin..on, will contin or to ran ass Regular Packet do ' t ring the nemou between Pataburgh and Frank*. For irmght or paDage apply ou board. en.titr 1 NEL. URAII PIT gstlUntiii to: o sv tika:Laito PACKOT. The Steamer ' lIIHERBIA, MIL : Samuel Smilla.mamr, non commence • running am • regular paikat about Ma . , 15th met , leaving Patoborgh erery Monday. Wednerday ar.d Friday. at 10 cieltmlb A.lll, leaving Wheeling every Tuesday,Thunday and &tar day, at 2 eelock, A. 51. For freight oe passage apply an board. /.014 545 IY3 10 5400,78$ 4 I FOR CINCINNATI': Calhoun, The elegant and fast Packet AMERICA. Calhoun, mute, swill leave av above egularly throughout the *rano. For freight or passage apply on board. . mylg_ _ ILeff Oleg Plttebtaigli and Zones. 111 e. • Packet. • I THE light draneht stesinee Mit NEW Milli, i Hord, Master, will make vreekly Inps to the almve pelt during the sew I on.- For freight or passage apply on hot rd Of if • op'? D IVILKINS, Agee REGULAR PACKET FOR NAiIIIVILLE. The oter;A r tna inie, Capt. John F. lllam will eatarnenee her regular trip. . the above port on • , day. the t&th inetant.stlOe'eloa a. re Forifreight or par wee apply 011 boardW nwh27 W BUTLER k RHO . Agt._ - To 'Frowstier. oraIiTZEIS FAST PACKET LIMA^ WI/FM FOR MOM ---- PLIELADELPIIIA AND BALTIMORE. I lErrlusiedp for Powwow I TonriderC:itedrave'klea:o7V4 I ' .n u e , w ' ll ' iTeaTe e Cil:Vp 'ent wooers aiollown, every night at 9 o'clock : Packet In iana, Ca pt. Berkey, Monday, July 6. do LoOisiana, Thornpows, Tuesday; July 6. do Kentucky, Troby, Wedne,opy, Jo, 7 . do Oho, Cook, Tharsday, July ti. do Indiano. Iletkey. Fri y, July 9. do Locuswne, Thompson, I:Saturday, Jaly to. do Kentucky, Troby,Dranday. July 11. do 00w, Craig, Monday, July Id. to Indiana, Hetkey.Tuesda), July 13. do laioistatta,Tltompwn. 7V ednewlay,Joly li. do Kialiwky,Troby.Thursday, Jul, L. do Olpn. Crato, Friday, July 19. do Indiana, Herkey,boturday, July 17. do Lajuisiana.Thompson, Pond., July 11. ' If you desire cheap traveltiog and comfortable ...oz. ....0 0 ,,,, ,retire your tickets at the Packet Office, Monongahela Ilo.c, W a L ter tore., at of D E Cr ECH CO. Canal Damn RADICAL CORE Olt CORNS, --- 1 IVITHOD I' CUTTING OR THE I'll' I I.F.ASI PAIN.—S. 1311IRIACAFF, Ins the honor to Innn the ladies and il Dtl "pik a ,en ' and the inhabitants in general, lint be undertakes to com pletely exterpate Con.. Damon., Nail. and every hard substance on N • or between the toes wake , tt cutting Hy means of . Eltzer of hi* owls ivenuono control:on ot perform. MUM spare or tee tioolles.f wolLom Me Irmo pain.' Oaloter, and the pa ent only resume ht. occupation and dress with the sat. 'afoot. of carrying the Corns and Root In his bond. The Operator wol. give his attendance daily from 9 a m , till ilp os. and from 3 PH 6 p.m. at the klonongo ttela to Room. No CV,. will attend to patients al o..noin r..ntenre V twig .d . 1)12.11w 1 --- iliiiwr els nos. f r ipp ii Till': sUbseriber baklastreeeivcd and on hand the bandoNnest lot of Boston . and N. York Pianos ever offered beta Amoadst the rest— I One olsrant Rosewood Piano. made by Nunes & clerk, N. Y., of imperial' tale. Pima very modende. One Oesuit Rosewood Piano, by COleteriag, Ihumon Thus Iladmirnecil woo selected for the ouliseriber,bl Mr. Chlkering, and pronmineed the best 6.tsve Pima in los (town , ' Price moderate. Oaa Olegant flk octave Rosewood Piano; by Norm b. Clink, N.Y. Bustdes fevers& others of canioa, styles and pries, wi'b and wi th out Coleman's pateto VOIMI atmobinern For tale at the lowest eastem prieedi i n as.BEß 1 jyllil at Woodorell's, HI third n' N. ft: Tbe public am reopeerfally inviord to call and asomida the' abort stock. RAM ROAD NOTICES. INSITDVARTA RAILROAD CONPA • PNY-55311CL TO CONTRACTORS —Vented pro pinata will be reeeined tmel WEDISE•DAY. July l i, tn tie Rotolo:he( Uarriebergh. and'until 1 HUIVALSA V July W y in the Clty of Pittsburgh. at I it o'clock. A- la, at the office of the Ene ern it, for *branding and maw.. y open fifteen mile; of the Perasyliania Railmed, co median Wert from liarrisburg nod fideen milts a uvl Railroad erlelldillft Et. from Pittsburgh. The andel will include very heavy most, eel the amount of Na-. •onry, Including the Piers and Abutments of the Bridge' le rOll the Susqaehsnea, of a tail. in ,reilit• rill b, unusually largo Plans and itperfieztions of the work ran be seen at the Engineer's office in each place, Cu! ten days previous to Me time appointed for receiveln the bids Any dirther infornmeon eon be had upon top plication to the Chief or Associate binetne.ts fridfl 5 V hIP-RRICII, Presi rpo RAILROAD LETTING. CONTRACTORSeaIed Proposals will be re- A_ cemed at the °trice of S— the Pittsbargh And Cleveland Railroad Company, in until lOo`elott, A. M., of the 27.5 oag of July, ISO, Or the RodOlf• bridging, and preparing for the sopentractore of Mat portion of the lion between Wellsville and Wind ken , . mill, 20 miles. Plans and specifications may be 00530 toed al the office of he CompsaY, at any time from the ta the =thinly. Contracts will be let to the low fst bidders. A further letting of that portion of the Ime rom Ill'Quillten's mill, grossing the :fend) , and Beaver Canal, and extending on the New Lisbon and Canton road in the direction of Cleveland. will take place early In September. By, order of the Beard of Directors ' A CAT rr. - • NOTZCZ TO sTOCKIIIADEBIS. OFFICE of the Cleyeland and Pdtsbutgb Rail Road Company. Went.sanna.. June 18, 1847 —An instal meat of tee per tent. (the Ed instalment) on the subscription to the capitol stock of the company is requested to be paid on or before theist day of August, 1E47.. Stockholders in and near Salineeille, Ohio, will pay to Jos G. Lairoek7ln Pittsburgh, to te l W Robertson de Co., corner of 3rd and Wood streets, in Wellsville, to Jas. Alen. It order of the Fkwrd. jaldtaogl A 6 CATLETT, Seeretari. - - - NOTICE .TO CONTNACTOES. PLANtland Profilee of the work on the fifteen miles of the Wutem Division of the Pennsylvania Rail road, ta be put under Contract on C. Ed of July, 1r47, may be seen at the Engineer's Office, Fourth it. above SinithfieJdon and after the Pah inst., where information on thr subject may then be obtained. jy101... MISCELLANEOUS. MORE MEW HOOKS! A . . . . T bIOIiSE'S LITERARY DEPOT, No. 65 Fourth Cesar Do Rollo Gahm, Schrum & Zanmes . Chewers) Sissies. • Youan on the Pig, with directions for salting Pork and coring Bacon and llama; illustrated with engravings drawn from life, by Wm. Harvey, Eyq. Lives of 'the Queens of England, from he Norman Conquest, with anecdotes of their Courts, /lee , by Am es Strickland. A Treatise on the Law of Colorants and rights and liabilities Ex Comment, liy C 0 Addison, keg of the Inner Temple, Barrister at Lnw. Select Surgieal Works of Sir ftenj.Brodie,erintaining Chemical Lectures on Surgery, and Surgical Mama tions ors digeases of the joints. The Life sod Religious, Opinion. of Madame de la :Rothe Guyon. History of the Conquesi of Pero, with a preliminary of the nivilissoon of me liters by Win. Prescott. History of England, No in Josephs, n new translation. with notes, explenhory esmys.k.e., N 0.%. Harper & limbers. George, or the Planters of the• Isle of France, by Alexander Dumas. Iylll NEW MUSIC. JUST received by JOHN 11 lir-lA.4Hk No. SI Wood Street. crrra Meio io,. Mary Mane: Jim Crack Corn, Who's dot Kaockin' at. do Door!; Dandy Jim; Rose of Alabama; G)nrisite Sing Porkies Site; Guinea Maid. New and Paputor S nav ooinf Scnrs. Will you come go my Mountain Home; hire mood be sidr the %Window The Grave of Bonaparte; Woodman snare diasz Tree; Molly Dawn; He drmth all things well; The Fairy Boy, The Furry Bells; 'its Midnight ll.r, Littorals Wild Ho. The Gipsies , Festival; A change tbe thlng*l love; Come,Oh! come along with met*lar Spangled Bonner, Erin I. my Home; There'• no Horne like my own. Mary of Argyle; Flow Gently Sweet AO - gone Hours; When Stars are Inuits quiet slime; Flow on ...Shining Riven: Evening Star Waltz; N York Serenading waltz, lave not Quick Step, Bird wWt Herz Quirk Step; Serephie Gallen - Lade; Peter's Highland Almeh; Golden dro Waltz; Baden Badeo Polka; Wino.° waltzes; Hall's Quick *rep; Bramoops Beatrice di milder. by s it e m y assy; Air Allemand.•zum bons by Iluttren,Swise Drover Boy. variations by Curs sty; Dorn, variations from the 'Swim Family e lir Huns ten. instruetion Book ' s fur Piano Fora. Denten', Dorgnsolier's; Later, Hamilton's; Willis's; Howe's, Plummet.; ike., ke. IYI O NEW BOOKS - Tripping. of TonsPeispeLei i ith; mutter romancers Cecelia, or Woman's Love, by Alegander Dumas. Egger Pc Medina. No 1, by author of Life in Lon don. . . Wagner. the Nl' enr Waif, by He Hone. Power of thn F.' a Hun developing the •eevet action of parties in the Presidential Campaign "r IHR Natural History or the gent. by Albert Psuiab. Rural taketebc•, abort Poem!, by Rev. R. Ilny, lb* centa each Cousin Hinton. by Mira Pickering . Wood Leieltian, by NI Itounit—fresh .apply. Tile Feather, by Capt. Marrrati—fresh •uppt, Gipsey. •pre, talestii latent Murray and inhere For sale by I%' et CALDWELL, 2d Error l'os4 Office origin! Std at. IT ill FINK. W INV. ANL. tig.a.tslJor--t-- laa lovers at Road pure Wtnos and Brandiea.•re Invited to call and (ZILITIOC say lame stook MIN to stow and eel ar to cask rand tootloa tons...tog ot— • WlNF: , —entoce u:d port, I.kt Stadetrao; IMMM =ME Do Fopslo, Do Molar.; Du Get manWebirriatartosaft and vintner, fronORIS to lono ant 11. BRA N •Outrd,' dark: Solnette. do, Dn 1 • Ine. Ca.,'bon. Ibu ItapoY lb Otard. pole; Do Setanette. Do Sulam', pale, of did.... fromso 16.7 S and 44 In and aford morn pleasure to .kris. samples of the above Wiyea and lummts to those who may laver me with • VII.n at my %Tweedier or luyaor Snore P C MArrriN /Y/2 cur amlthfirld end front NI. and loll; Y . V.A.& 1-0 , L1.-s es 0.1.u.15 of arc mw rt.,Nlll4r.a, 1.61 - do, SSI do and other brands: DC13121.11 pale Sher', a supenur article, Do brown do golur.n do; Ron. no Pun-much boJyht for In Europe, I.SI do; Treble Grape Port, Tare Jame do; Auo—Yenerife, Lisbon. royal, dry on) sweet Ma may,ll•ol 6 •uterne. and or htts and ted abbr. Po sh.. a • ely on gettma • pure article; as Mrs •re r from Ste hands or the Importer, an I (rem under the rOols• tem llouselmek• In New Vora. For •ale mrotrannoes to sett by 171 FCMnRTI.N DIIINTI3O PAPJCR= . L 6 Reams Atwormd'Ulased Mesbura 19114: ISO do New. Print, 1.-NaTt, SD do do do . 4 , 6x3r; 40 do do do 0; 20 do du do // 04 eh 17 % 50 do Jo do Stan, SU do do du 21:31; IS do Fate Scot,. *OOl% 4U do do do 1,x14, IU do do do ' 04036. 9) do Assorted Colors, 100/4. /4 do do do 011096; ID do Yellow Medium, • sot); hand and for sale by JOON II SIELI.OR No El Wood streebbetween _je7 Diamond Alley and F.lll, -treat CiTl2l4lis , • FOUPih, between Wood and Marketai , opporile Maj. Lenmer's Exchange Office. THE anderehoted ta prepared to aCConamodate talc teeth. ri, and the public generally, with a delicious bath. Me neve eatabilahment witl he tinderrn ideil w:th every thing necessary to t bathing, a lesary. SALT and SULPHUR nArsi:3 prepared if required., The shone establtibment it Shed up to an entire near Wan, being ventdiated from the roof and theentmeritter is confident that the improtrementecombined cent:their to render this eatabliehment the most comfortable one now in- , . city. lyt>vam It VASHON BKr . Lr ECLIPSE ..TWO DAY 1.1A1:," :WEEN BROW NEVILLE AND CUbIEIER ../ LADD, Is now running daily eseh way, tiIrOTION 7t 11s of Gaud. and Praline between shove Mereharid we from the Fin is delivered in Prtniburgh on the night of did third day.from Cumberisud-meting this tFe most expeditious route for getting out Goods from the Eastern Lines. The Agent in Baltimore will give • veceipt sr to tune and cow The only Agents are d C BIDWELL, Pittsburgh G W IL, • Mel< Al()I eqpi RE. Cum'd Jelfddm J B ROBINSON, Baltimore GRICULTCRALiand lioilictifintal Implemmtu . for the wnwitt— C,orn Plough.; Uramand litass Seythet; Snead. and Crud en Scythes Sloane and Rifles; Hoes. Raker, Spades, Shovel.; .11haning and Clothing Saws and Knives; Budding Knives, El ever Seiworn Plant Syringes, %%%% Sbeats.,ke. A full supply on hand and for Nate by S N WICKER:WahI jePlcorner of wend and otrento QM/12.61.gleiik ktkifiessi—A• . tae - sea. son hog now commenced for making Cracks the snbscribers beg leave again to call the anent., of m brickakers and other, m Ibis very weft.' mllehlfic. — We will warrant it equal Cant superior to say o ther Duck Press, of the sour price. row in use. We hve • numberof certificate. of. their perform. emanati o ng/I occupy too touch apses fur advennong, bat can be seen at our office. flrieknuakersale mspectfully invited to give pi. call We wail er s . our own guarantee for the performance of the Pl State or County tight. for sale JOHN &CO taeal bass, &pang a —A uus d wmeTicr), dllta.-..Arespctable small family living 40 moles front Pillabutgh want n nice small girl to go and nur.e two small children. Also, teveral goods cook., char:Memel& nurses and girls tot all work. Also, several men fos forming•and ban vesting. Planes wanted far several look.keepera.salein men, housemen, An Ple/se apply or ISAAC II AItRIS'S Agency and Intelligence Iltrieej MI at netts jyadtf nlikilikLAlTlON - OP PA RTN KISS I pap. sterahip heretufornesitong under th e fine of_hl J Sloan, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All debts due by raid firm to be paid John Sloan, and all debt. due late firm to be received by hint. M SLOAN, JOUR 61.0%N. - •ptedkw7mF Pittsburgh,/illy 13, 1817.—jy13 DISSOLUTION—The parmersgp hitherto exist, ing ander the style and firm of Lewis. (Priem Lewis, is this day diuolred lip mutual consent. Jens O'llora having disposed of his entire interest to flirben Ds!tell. The boom.. of the late Ina will be smiled by Lewis. De hell &Co, who are ant/mimed towel the nem of the late firm for that p , a o ri t fi ct.: Lnwis. .70i1i1/34 O'IIAR is, Iyidlw lIAME33CII,FIWI9. Gay...mita Iron Works. WILZELL. i. Co.—Manufarlant all Lo,zes of thriler, Sheet, Dun lion and Naha of the beet lity. Onlers leif at the wandloase of R Dolmu & to,,liberty sI S \Valetta., Inner st. will reeLtivt pnirupt attention. riEw RICHARD SODOMY HAK LEEIM/CH, RE HtrilvJE -- IMPORTER aad- Dealer In Saddlery Hardware and Carriage Trimmings, Is now receiving large nary Mats to Ms mock, directly from Birmingham sod the patent Boll.ntlfaCtOr it* ID which ho mime than? maims the anent= Of constituent and dealers generslly. • I.- SlUdoll at sba lMlC— ltaG l oober Pea.;l oacto Feathery; 6 13 do Onnsong; bblo No.l Ltd; 1 bbl Flaxseed; novo landinp (coca "r Dddiet Oilamaa ocd Or eels by ITS 1 NCIKEY t CV MEDIGkL, • DR. TOW NSEN UrB SARSAPARILLA Mot extraordinary Midieirse in hie World Thu tailact is put up tt. Quart Lott es: it ts stx 1.14 cllcap et, gileaslour,.ansi ons-raistesa suptoisir 11 lily sold. •• cures climax INA*. puvpi, skim... or GREAT SPRING AR S MIER MEDICINE ' bastair resit TM grant beauty , and sopetimity of this Sarsaparilla I .11 other hledimns . u, whilst 0 Eradicates Discos rt igor. atm the Body. It ss me of the very best SPRING AND SUMAIED MEDICINES ever known, it not only purifies arlsole system and strengthens the parsec, but h crows Neare r Parrs and Rick Mood, &pole. possessed by no outer *edscine. Aml in this hostile grand secret of its seceder/fa mom. It Ms pergstmed orithus the mat taro years, snore Wan 35,0:0 cores of Severe Cams of Dueue ; m lost 5,011 of them wart considered incurable. 510. than .3,003 cases of Chronic Ithetunatisus ; 2000 mars of Dyspepsia; .. ; 42S mars of Gerund Deblty and Want of Energy; .7,000 am of different Female Ccoopiniuts ; 2.003 cases of Scrofula; I 1,50 tr OYU of the Liver Complaint ; 2,500 man of Disease of tbe 'Kidney 'sod Dropsy, 3,11/ocases of Cenumnplion, and Thomandsof emesof Disease of the Blood, via: Ulcers, Errapelas, Balt abeam, Pimples on the Face. 6.c., Etc To gether with inuncrtMs cases of Sick Headache, l'ain ta the side and Chest. Elpiont itreet-ittoet Etc_ 11 .• This, we am aware, coma appear incredibt,e, but we letters from physicians undone agents from all parts of the United States, tuforming mof estramdinary coma H. Van Buskirk, Esq. aloof the most empeetabiedruggists in New vk, N. /., informs us that be ein Wes to more than 1.3 t, ta m that p;act alone. 'I here are . thousands of wee in the City of New York, which we Wltt refer tti wilt, pleasure, and men of charm., It is Me best medicine for the eventive of disease known. 11 undoubtmlly wed the hers of more than . 3,oolllClatuottos nos PA.? As it removed We cause of dins., wad r eparcd Clem Wt the Hummer sawn. Unman fixates °lnca. Ca r.r. at W. Al cel,ca tt. or THOUNITFLP Ssersts Nail% and member of tlx .N-w Jersey Lees' Were, lim kindly rem us the following certificate. tells its own story. RAI.V•i. Jan /I'. 1,47. A year since was taken with Influenza, and ray whole rystem WI in debilitated state. I was induced to try Dr Townarnd's Banapaiilla. and after taking two or three bot tles, I war yeti nowt relieved. and aibute,it entirely tulle staid fiareapanlla. I have continued taking and find that Ii t every day. I believe it raved my ltre, end would not be without it under any consideration. U. W. !taxa,. hie U.S. N. SCROFULA CORED This cereals:ale coriclusittly proses that this Sarsaparilla hai per Set eontrol over the mint obstinate diersoe the blind. Three pervans cured in out house is unpreeedesord ' Tilaxt CIIILDR. • Dr. Towssatto—Dear Ste: I hate the ',truer, to inform you that three of my children have been coped of the Scro fula by the use of yen, ea beet tnediiine. They were afflicted very severely with bad sores, have on:y taken kw, buttes; It took them sway, for which I feel myself under deep Woltgation. Yours. respectfully. LILAC W Castx, WS Wooster rt. New York,lllarch I, la,. GREAT FEMALE MEDICINE. Dr. Torrmendl. Sonspardla is oiv.reign and quell> wta Incipient Commonlum, Barren..., Lenearrbia, or hite., obammted or dialt Menstruation, Incontitincom of linos, or nisolositary discharge thereof, and fur tie gen eral prostration of We system--no mauer wombs, the result inbereot cause or nun s produced by irregularity, illness or accident Nahing can b. mac surprbiag than its insigonting ef bete on the bum. !none Person., MI weakness and Lao todeareco taking it, &tame bream robust UP" full of energy under its isdhienee It immediately winders. the ne,i, Imam. of the busk frasor,larldeh a the great cause of bar • moms. • 11 will not Ise espected of 0. , m man of so debuts a na ture, to exhibit «rear.. of cures performed, low reran 11M.Y. the &flitted, that hundreds/at caw* bate Erin repotted to at. &enrolments where families hoe/ been without child. ran, alter ming • Om bottles of thie invaluable medreme, ban been blest wit/ healthy oSipring. Ibmiturnd: 11T wire being Levelly alarmed by weeknem and general debility, and suffering continually by pato and • sensation of boring doom, falling of the womb, and with other difficulties, and limifig known cues whine your cowlkine Imo effected great earn • and slag bur in it raconmunded for such emu es I have oiniCribed,l obtain tea bottle of poor Extract of Sareapvilla . and followed the directions yoo per lo • shun pc it removed her remplmate and restored lin health. Bring grateful fur bentin An received, I take pleasure in Moo acknowledg ing it, sod nromownding the D. Moons, Lug. 1044. , Cor of Grand and Lydia, as. .:alitaCitt, &pt. 29, 1841 Dr Totrantd: To an whom this may cracent—Thu is to mealy that my wife 'an! orm bottle of your Sarsaparilla previous to her coorlamma4 ander the most a/arming and abeam circumataccs, beteg troubled with the drum, earl. hag of tha feet, artuas &denim, tool mg much debit.. hed , with my penuasioa. and the rTrommendatioa of those who had wird it, ds • wan itiduerd to try it, with hule or tto hah, and SIAM ti to may, the modicum had the happy Rad desired tireet,uot the Samna eminnetweat, but alter tho espi,atka of mu week of its um, the dropsystud afeetiha rave way to au malishiag &gar, and her health is sow Warr than it Lad bun fa • bag time pre. c if a. .t .y daobl. th. .u¢er of th T^^ vs mtinlf ..Irom W it I eutoenbe coy. eat your mud olmtheot and obliged .erveul. 8 Jaltosom. TO MOTHERS AND MAKRIED LADIES. Th. Latrart of Ssemparilla has Levu expresay prepared in reformats to few.. complain.. No female what has ma. son to suppatsbe to approaching tto. t . Tbla m uster to dt , stpt nonce that sealed proposal s erill tecerved by the errigned conmance until one forl. n Tue•day , AIM third day of Accost nett, for and deliverieg in the centre of Lafayette Square. in ant city, by the let eley4of March nelt, solid rude rock of granite, or other amble stone. at between 800 and 1,0C0ton• in weight It Is labored that such a rock may beertnained on dm Potomac user. neat thin city. The form of the rock toast be smelt, ma wilt be suitable For the purposes of the committee, on wbleit thee *lll decide before its removal. • Then proposals will time the prier for forniihtrig.,na delivering the rock nit he eenticaolLafayette Mmtikre, and the kind of stone offered t. .., The !Money will be paid upon thedelirhy of iet/MY' at Me place above named ; but the miturnineet amide advsnees to the oat r, on account, atlito 'nick progresses to its place of destination.' The undermaned committee referees the eight of reteeting all proposalsif they should not be saUsfactory Proposals to be addressed to the unders•gued, from ahem funkier information on the subject may be had if desired. Wn,holgion eits,June 9J 1547. FRENCH, • JOIIN C MSS, Colantince. J .11hafial TtyHN W MAURY, ' City Llaperisary. D . P i ttPF.NSAIty . t. now open Inc the r; . er r t:; , o . n .. of Ilotet n r Vai. 4 :311.4 " e• (PEI e t /7 I lon nt. Main i• talus All medleine•requie tor disease. and recommended in all the works on Matron Media hes been obtained and will ns be dispeneedgratis. Perso vis•ung the Dispensary for the purpose of ohtsinlng Medicine, to peeventimpo[nian, will bring with them an order from setae Medical tealleMan, Or ~ ..O^Oahl, Citizen statiag they arc actually needy mud destitute of money:' l Pr. Chapman who ho• kindly offered.te , services for the Present no Dispensary Physician, will snake it hi• brininess to be present at the heirs abOne mentioned to H t suet, advice $/o. p.c.,. may tequire. :' It is aim desired that the Slayer and Conned will vis a the Dispenrary ones, a week to ucertain its progress, benefits, and results. i An account Of ionnbCt of eases. nature of Dim nee Mc., will be made out every month by the Dispensary Physician. and publahed to the city Papers IL:object of the CiApen•uy alone is for poor and destante. Two experienced Phys•l•ians of out oily hays kindly offered their services o. eonsultine STAR CLUTIIING TO. 8 LLE ' . . . NO. 70 WOOD STREET, PITTSBU Iltill,P.k ANCICER tr. MAYER. wholesale and retail dealers to Eastern Ready-made Clothing..would respect fully take this method of soliciting the attention of their costromers and the public 11 ,. ... 411 ) , to We rtsono ,,, otlg Itrt. o( their .I.k on trade. mat amine damn also, that they will sell us cheap of nrst cheaper thou nor other establishment is the coy. Our facilitoes of purchasing and manufacturing goods, are sorb as to enable us at all flows us keep a full assonorrin of ready Made cloth ing, at less promo. than they can he obtained else here The present stock on baud co:insists in pan of the fol. lowoeg des( ripnon of goods: lost black Oath deem emus, ft. nt alp to IMO • • • • - 11l Jo do French do in trots,' and invisible green du In 20 - 40 sack cams, splendidly made& of good rnalertal 1900 pale paste, of all styles qualities'. and priees. 2400 vvet s do do do do lull dozen. Linen plain and .niched bosom shirts; reads; cravat; I.morns; collars; suspenders; sock.; drawers. and nod, Purls of e.ery varn - ty, all of ashreli hove been recently parebused and *dared to the present scu•on. Mcrehant. •nd others who are in grantor elothlta ponnot do truer! than to pre us a call. sp29 LIELIVOILD MINERAL VPHIPIOV., Mll ANDER-WIN. Proprietor:respectfully informs ahe public that this establishment anti be opened and prepared for Me accommodation of visiMrS, by the 13th of this month. The anractions of this fashionable Watering Plate are zoo well end widely known, m regain entlEteralwo in • cord to the public The services of Mr. MARTIN, whew. IsetivitY, ener gy and amiable dams/anon,ml the manager of such an establishment, have hitherto commended him to the favorable legend of the patroua ot the Springs during the Iwo last summers, have been gag ed. en I,lb.sperlew red and attentive sercantri end a fin *ramie, have also been get med. 'I be-road from Cainberland. the western tertnlnus of the Hannon, and Ohm Railroad, and Wont llolluleya torah on the Pennsylvania Canal, and Chenthersburgh, ors:ern lerannu , of Cumberland Valley Railros4,_to Bed ord have been touch improved and lure in good Or der. ' Improved Graduated Magnetic machine, ("IDNIPACEIW arranged with the Rat eryand all necessary appliances. put up in neat rosewood co ats. Accompanying each are lull directions regarding use and applicatain. 'rats instrument is no implore meet over another cum. of manufacture and has Lee,, g d o p, er ! b l the Medical p,ofee.lon generally tit the East. es being the most conVenient and of Meg, net c Machine in use Every family ought to, be cop. plied with one. Prices 810 rad 511 each...cording to sire ano n inish D W WILSON, eon nth &mar qs l ' i ; aTt ‘ ;l:l . ce N n I L C C F E — e A w ef , n r* gr ' s 'n ;pe n. ; r . a7l n tr ' ltT; nail. and mr , tagra w,.l Lie reeeivel on theil relperlive office. They will intend at the other of Dr. Omni, Third at, Park,a will nom e 1.11 9 ',Week. • v., and at the offer of Dr. Spent, Penn street. from I 111! o'clock. C. 1,1611101 V - The fatlnferfher req.,. the prtilnineni of aII knnufnr.. dun on i. , .. t.coif., to ;Wilt, June In In,/ /A MI.)t'SPF,ER IllotlonFahells Lis;eiriEilittle. — . gull I' 11. t• rrims N • has npened the c a rgo amble .f.., z otiy..._ .tutoring through kjAa. k ilLi, I.:lA.lmnd kt ,tottneen Wood ancl Smithfield street, ut the rear 1 f We Monongahela 11, with ail entire new bet of Horses and ear, nee , of the be.. quality and laical aryl.. Hooka kept et fiver, - in fhn I.—Liman., iolcilY lIIIUMOI..t TION —T. r. , ‘ , ...nh , p her ion ~.., ~.v., n il.e f•ulocobetk undcr We In of Lunn ugltam & Bowler was d rnclo..l on the tot incur, hy toutual conaent. ' It A Cunningham nal noun., ak usual an the old stand. and ••••• the ~.- -ft of the late firth and scale be business of Abe Rourr A CUNNINtiIIASI, :SAMUEL WINNER. - - ROB'T A. C UNNI SOO AM, Who:e•m'e Grocer. [kale, to Proooce vn , l riitourgh :11..1es:tarts. 147 Lberty•.. IYII • ndandai•. Id. lani. I.llno • t Lia..elaa , .t p nc and I.+r ac he ha , oin. , ls , hhce rucho, .htTerent parfs al t&J minor) Ile it a m.dd:c acrd tarn woh roan), and who wo: 'mn to -erve tho publ c and fin so) ah,iaLle pia., a lair al 'leas.. apply at ISAAC HARRIS'S AgottoY and In. P.llarnce that, fifth near wood. I'3 blhalt `OR NALE—llennun's Polpd....stant, World . • •. to tome. Antet , en Pioneers.l vol ... ilobett's lent.. orten 1./e'en:tot, C , reat Fire at Pateburgb, Taylor'. flout, Repo, r, few Mb:, Tegitument• anti :eon! toot.. Stairs and Slut pencsk, all the Ptttahurgh mom rod InOSt of the a eek , F. end •feW red Facern paper. kept daily on the counter rot sale. 1.. M M AC II A HS, Agent Cont. Merchant Ifsh PI near ornmt FINE SIIIRTS—Jun received Iltlolll. Invoice of fine ready made :lbw., normw and wale else., ((y -owl arm! Callan; Medium qualleem, narrow, •nd wide plan.: a few der, of tho re 40 Inch Work I.lron Cravat..recerved tlrm mormee and for cr le umwea:l) lox at Ne. 96 wood•r (up .ta n .) Ly 11 &E. TODD, eget,. torEavern Manufacture.. ,r)lrf 111. A HET %VINE—IV cneea claret wtne,l doe each. onus and quana.St Ju hen. Lt Juaien Medoe. Medoc. Chilean, Mow:lx Clinton. Chateau La 6. tr. Family e,J o int Dorond & Co, blearem'o, parrots .1. Umater's Labour Blanche, Matroaront, varier. quer. err and prie-r. on hand and for -ale raholevale or Lv me .mole bottle at arc wine vore 1110 J A CCM %YEA VER ?eaten, Hoek 1171,•Igon!'rattna Ite E t ‘ t ', :t i (Liar label la. Jobaa al. h utger Lid %le.,' NI trwar.l: " For rale by the ease or bottle at ttc WM,. ' , tare of the subscriber. Pen... familiar WIES then iota end the arnutee broads n , ed et, for tryitc , Jybu JACOB WRAITt.:H p U SDRI KS:: 9 boxe} barn; t. ' 3 II sacks Feathers; I di , Ginseng; a du Flaxseed; I do Ilemtwar, I do Peaches; I do Aponte.. Note landmg from sine Surtinchanna and for sale by 'yin I DICKEY a. CV, water & front gm (lAA AM PAG A, E Is. IN kta—rm baskets Champagne kJ W,ncr, of Dor follownie brands. Key. Cron Bow, TrICo or. Ducal Gran, Anehors.blumma illery,lleid. sick. Crown, ail Cock and Clown. $n punts mud quarts Ira nous vontarcs. for role hyahe Intaket or battle at the Inn, Share of, jylo JAcon w I:AVER .Inore New Goods. 1.3 0 IInCLETT a. WHITE, Da Wood street, Potsburgh, urn receitrior, n frne ra, of deniableaid scarce goods, which ortllnowmage heir stocks eery complete, nd extraordroary goods for hi ron of the year. They hare a large Dionent of fanny Front. dress good., summer won, thaw' , white goods, Ginghurns mot Tweeds.. AV:. - 1 1 11LITARY GOODS. R ! ; ‘,211..1 . 17 k s 4 wet nn hand an the latrott paces. Gold Pen, l'euelll , and epectueles—A 'tette supply jut, seeelvtd. Wash repainny done W t WILPON the very taut W W 4r, swan , ith.und market N. I AVNErafaPECTORANT—IIt •trtues 01 4 One efficacious nod clump medlerste for the fore Or COlt.ll/ptiOtl and other dt honkhe too well known. Very tour lists have terms enved by ti—lN. lf ',moon Mitt; Frr vole In Putnam* at the PEKIN TVA STORE, 71 Fourth Meet in of Went. mot oho At 11, Wog Sore of It -I' Sellwartx. red, mi.., A tlcllletty City. jdl9 L ILVIKII. W A lIIC—TaMe.Ten,II , -eselt:did Soap 06poon•, Forks. St gar Tongv. %Per Fnives &e., tnnoufnetrtred nod (or sole by (V W WILSON r 4th ant! Mocker .1. TH08.41. LARKIN, W I t : , V i g i t r iA I f. F iv t,./NC 1 1 , :1t .., A , N . D . 41 . 0.V . 1 SSICA, MO . .. lir fee ln r Lyon. Short, & Co. and Anthony Ikc'en, tin . Proshorgh. Pa i 2.1- I ARD 01 . 1,—Tor rosh.erpl, . foreleg corntsmocett, l i Ls rhe manutoetare of I, d OA um now prepared to, tier,. all orders Mr that article. Their Oil !sof Me beet (sal.). and wallop vo at the lowest market rates The artetrunn of ITMecle , and 6 rocer• tr respectfully temp-rod. J JORDAN S.ON, In Lrber y st sity67if Opporne head of Set/104,1d CUTLEIIIi A et o,re 1,0,1011 of Cutlery, cm Proome ond ItoLhog Knive.. of vanoohi pan, n, ounelrle for .I. , 1) rn -r, and gardener.; abet n Wm. , . nemernern of Pen mot Pocket Enters, osollresOrnttiolo —lost reve,ved rod for solo low. or thr Pittshorgh Seed aml Agricultural Wureltoase. No 11l Wool street, cop tier of lith 14 $ N WICKERSHAM S UP T l° tt Ct tTeVs:BarfC"—tisfir eut eSmoin laeco, II has turd Ey kg • do: Ehx• fore do do; For sale very low to clone a consignment by j" •. T .. G. " .Cl,l9lriZZri. sestet IT I'V 7,... " 21, F L 1 ,ti r" : . ..t Znl"' .It II so ether *weer . spring water. They are la vergextenstgernsa In the Eastern since. Pew sale loy •Jel . t7k3/ COCHRAN, II Wotal al . .IOP/FINCILIVIS VILES''— loot recrlved.Arer . I.3l•Arket.6:llo Sursomek, 4 easks•Speneer l e Cast towel Flea, comprising a very general amottmettt The attention of kfaclunims and connamera r geoemlly W invited. LOOAN& KENNEDY scarf ..._ l J:5l , , wood b _ ousel I IM l r o l l . e " s?k . : ' , 7 re C- s Itu ' l l :. I :;f r' l. — .J. ' ; A DT ' L'" lrce . l t y ' returned from Mexico. Ile woo a Voiooteer (swathe northern part of Virgmra. fel ALLEN &CO II water at 71 AVIS'S EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR—F.OIe, g _LI at all tortes be aupplied whilst very miptricaquthl of fremb ground Floor loon the Baldwin j > vda JOHN n nAvis..r wood k Sth rra -- nOLD PEISIS—A latice and dell aeltortes , eutek of We best brands of Gold Peas Just opened .rsi for sale at the /ogre at prism hy eta W WILSON EXMOOR BROKERS. & 11171111 ST, BAENA & naitsagns, szonsaras unoxitts, AND DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOIMITIC EXCRANOIL CERTIFDIATES DE DE POSITE, moo: NOTE', AND SPF.CI Fourth ga s newly opposite the gent of Pittsburgh. CURRENT MONEY received on Deporde—Sight Checks for _sale, and c 011... _nude on coati, all the psiceipal points in the United 13cties. isighestpreosiens paid for Foreign and Ascetic. Gold. , •• . , Advanen madeontolumnstems of Pro44,e, shipped El/t. oA bberal ten., 114003 'II. HOMIER a SOX. Asiateas sad floater. la Exchange, Cola • and Soak Nom., _ - nt, pH 44 4aab.lflTl • • Selling Rases. Erdman, SilTiod R. e. ' Nine York, / dlii. Pniladelphia, I pr. Dis c l i sritle U : i Ido !Ultimate, I do SL Lenin. • Ido 'toying Rm.. BANK NOTIEZ. . - Buying Rates. 'Onto,di. Co.ft - Setigl>rders, / die. Intiines, I do Relief Nolen 4l, Kentonliy, fJo Pennsylvania Cy jdo yinginia, • ido New York do. Ido 60 Whytilag, ado New Orleans, ' Ido Tenneswe. 3do Morylond, Ido 10131f.PEI EL C ARL l ,ll . a w l: h oto Min Wsn. A. al Hill b. Co juid W5l C. CURRY, Oaten( Erie, 1"..) hare entered Into Copannenhip, raider the name of tILL • CURRY. for Om parposaof carrying on the Gamin[` and Exchange brotiticsm tn nil Ito branc het. at blo 05 Woad wren titres doors below Fourth. wept ride—where they solicit the custom of their friends and the public generally. JOSEPH 11-HILL m 0415 WI.!. C CURRY .10SLPII H. RILL.. WU. C: CUR HY. HILL & OUDi7RY• DANKERS & EXCHANGE BROKERS. DEALERS 1N FOREIGN AND Doskxric TIME tr. SIGHT DILLS OF EXCHANGE, CER I IFICATED OF DEPOSITF:, DANE NOTES AND COIN. I. No 65 Wood street/third door Lehr. Fourth, West side. DAR Funds and 'Plummy rsceived on Deposile and collections mule on all the principal Cu.. in the United Rates. • Sight Exchangon Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York. Domino and C inc innati co.:sunny fur sure. - Ohio, Indiana. Kentucky, Vim:mils and Pennsylvania Dank Notes, bought nod sold on favorable terms • Exchange. England, Ireland, Germany and Franc. procured. A:. Ac. eh7s • WILLIAM A. HILL & CO., BA N KERS , EXCHANGE-MROKERS 1.1, DL 1.1. fC FOREIGN AND DO3ll-ISTIC EXCILANGF, cEturincAyEs OF DEPOSITE, SOFF. 4 I, AND SPECIE. . - No C 4 tlcod Street... door etlore ,Faurd, Ems side, mclaSj Pittsburgh, Pa. ALLIN CRAMCII. IbPART n lux I Ii &MEE & RANKER 73 AND EXCHANGE lIROKEItS. Llln Foreign cod Doincttic Bins of Excloinrc, ectofi• tales or Deyositc, Bank Nh.. cintl Coin, rornt , end Wood strew, directly oppoilic trt Coaileellotc I colVdl y lIEDUCED ILATES. nlllO. Indiana. Kentucky, taut Semt. linul.; lanUity and City Orders patentor,' at reiluecdrinte of diecount, by , N 110L5IF.S Cc SON dint Kachance Broker. It nlut kei F 1 polleetlons on C111.161311/i. LOOloVii , C, Si L.., and oil in the United Sian matt promptly, and orem lowes t terms. by N HOLMES & SON, Exchange Prohms mch2s No 55 Markel yi Colloooni on Cincinnati. i..0111.911;Iii Louts and tI all other accessible points in the ended Stater, made no accommodating tends. HILL k CURRY •rok WEiorl shoes, door to Eagle Saloon Ezehange on New York, Philadelphia, and Ilalti• more conmardly for sale by HILL & CURRY . op& Stood st. need door a Eagle Saloon sarrastey of at ntu Indiana, ad Kecky Banks wanted at eery tour rates oi diseonnt. HILL it CURRY aps Woad at. oast door to Katie Saloon (11110, Indiana, and: Kentucky Hoak tines portioned at low rant by N HOMES .t . SON No ES Market 0 HOUSES, LOTS, FARMS, MM=M2= TII£ andersigol th asi agent of the owners. of that` choice and vol le Land in the Borough of Man hbester, known as t 'Company Pmper expo* the same, in each portions as mayse desired, to sale al Auetitunht 3 olethet. P. at.-on Saturday,/ ray 17th. 1E47 This property lam well kmawnto need any particalar desmiption. lineal recommend itself In the and.' of a thriving population, it will richly reantherate my who may pure haute either for improvement or investment She sale will Commence co thS prernise•. h meet, the residence of Mr.Vark anti 'the old School House' Terms of Sale—Onalfth an. and the bahmee in 4 annual payments. with interest from the day of sale, re eared by bond and mortgage. CEO BREED, 04 wood al JOHN D DAVIS. Auer mlbAllt• Paper-Mill for Sale. V yam, of • deed of tract from William Lambdir.• 1./Christopher S Lambdin, and William ASK Larchtho, and their wives, to.the undersi,vnedt dated the Mat day of ()ebbe. 1010, and recorded in the Clerk's Office of Ohici county, Virginia in book el, pages 411 and'4l2, I shall rIpOSe LO tale, at public imam, to the highest holder, it the front thinker' the Court Home in Wheel. ing.Va.. on the FOURTEENTH DAY OF Auc thrr, I Sl7. at h o'clocA e. N. , the following described proper ty, to wit: Lots numbered IS; In and rO. in the at lethal plat of the town cf Shunt Wheeling, on which Is erreted a Steam Leper Mill, called the *Virginia Paper AIM,' ume e sker with all the teneMenualtthibeaeddrunants no ar in any wise appertaining. as convey ed to the undersigned b said deed of trust afotmaid. Terms of sale, to w inoso3ln gash, and the balance in eight equal payment. in sir, twelve, eighteen, twen ty four. thirty, thirty-air, forty-two and fortymight oath. from the day of *ale; each dplerredpayment bearing interest and the nit i vt each of them to he paid .rtrf.-armually tram • s, ..fete. TM. whole elm accrued by aMe I • op tbe propent hashing as Invite, I Mara t h e title to-a I nte-. thoogh the title if iglieved tg I a ut queatithiable. tvhind . DANIEL' LAMB. Trustee PROPERTY IN YOUNG.,FOWN, 01110, • FOR MALE. • • • • • - . TUE wire niser offers (or sato a splendid Brick a dvrelltng Howe situate on the North East corner P u or the blic Square In Younicinown, eonnty,Oloo• It is urge, comma:boas, notched in ex client style, and in the best location in Yonnolown. cuter no public how, nttarbe.l '• ,an • '1 I .21, I alg And all ati.ct rim% ../t a. 'l' Ititi town co improiing very rapidly, ill ritual.' Int• metliately on the Canal,andwbenthrt rariouiFirtnyees, Itolliog ?dill. tee., now being built are eompleted. will It be thelinott flourichiug place in 's section of Ohio. it; It will be 'old low for cosh, or brae, or exchanged ' . 'r fr i . - .. n r ., : , iv, ' ,. " . ' ; ' ,, " , ",,1' i saed `,:PAV:,`:,i.T.'", inquire t. o mb. who will inert ill informal it. nettiOrsett tllisT beautiful piapett), counts nen r Aisitcbegter, directly up r..ite the residence of Jaw. ArWrtrmr, fronting on Eh Lane col extending hack Jou feet to Soefeild street. with House and uriptord insets. It will be sold together or divided. Also. a lot of ground eligilsly situated in !mistiest, between Pcnnairees drd din Allegheny Rivet. G feet relicslo Irani. by 111. fort in depth ton :tarot Ailey. • Persons wishing to tasks invc.lnarzil. arc litroilacd 111,1 portion. of that ft. pi...ism in Allegheny and glancheuer, owned by it company in Philad alelphia. ill be °Tnd itt the mark. ub Amuante rh acetactuyar rangeonta can he mode, and of which due urn -Writ h e given. Apply to (WO. IMMO jradial al stood street - ALLI flhliNi C MKT.L^ILti. D ERSOIV , irou• of pu lots rehnsiog Lo in dip. lieme tery are referred fur informal*, to the gioperintend 111134 on the grounds, or to P.. Thorn, Druggist, coiner o Peso sad Hand Ersatz, Pluabargh. By orderol the Dozed, - J. CIIISI.EI7, dtellda.wif • - Sanerintendant. Lirri )rILfl3 Fr OE Undersigned being &hornier reuestre bisTannerr I to the country. offers for sak SIX HUILDINti. LOTS oaSeepod street, between Ferry rnetattd Re. doubt Alley. Each tot will be twenty kat front on trd street and wens feet in depth. ,The lots will lie Wild singly ,n the whole together. Far terms appli to the mbieriber on the ' JOHN CALISWII.I. ' aright . • Hoorn I' Tbled Also r lbe tango Ramie the dud story X and and mar ket it., at prevent occupied as a Literary .I.lepot , and Periodical office by Mr. Wm O Caldwell D GAZZAII - - calnorallllollJD - OTC - IE7. - - HAYING removed to the city. for conventeace pmfessional bonnet., I wily rent the Mansion House, and Its flamed ate enclosure, situate rd the bleb of Itie , slonoSigahela. one mile abhve Pittsburgh. Huta dtaurtf ' i JAMES. gr CRAFT iIifTILIIIIIICVLOT • N MANCIIpiTER rottql ALE-1 have for rale eeonefullair* Lot let Atavehr.:er, gear the Ferry, . l 23 fet front by MD feet deep, It will be *old lute t and on accommodatingl[tterms. Tenn. 110EXCert1011411, myllr JAME 3. ULAILELV. Heal Fetus Altera n - Plitt Ittlf.NT. THEE Story Beek Worehoure.No....l4 Weser street end No. ID3 Front H. Immedeole parverion p T he prealillCS. peen—apply — A LFCANDF:R GONFON HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS 2GMpriix9VaiXtxllMrtiglteliiiiirdiii UNDER the Monongahela lloara,Sicit.Y.ol4 , Geld street. • The ...miller has recce:lrene-Pah ed himself in the abort basin,. is this City, and tow now opt end for rho inI.IIOVIIOII of the Pelle largo and carefully selected immnagent of halo and Cop+, of every dcacriptlon, color and ifiapc, which he sell •the eery loweit each priers. Haring made arrangements with rho famed limote of Drebr. & Outer. of Neer York. he will Colds have on hand a foil supply of their ceieloate.l Hearer, Silk. and Nutria Hats. A , lo,,Cassonerc•iCOnY,O , Yrelld Ashland flats, timbal:2lomo and Rome manutactu g ehich lie will nil -11}1o. lake pleware in .bow 7 lie leel.weiod that MI taw. • will be cashed with It saleenoo, and at the came lime his prices will rot He timit cemouni.l. Ife ildemonitted in there pointed; tot to he beaten. Do not. therefore. Opel the Mown. caliela Orem flat wore, Smithfield t. . • lilt Met ikI.I.AM ,igLTIII9 being the day the Spring F.hion oda lints will be introduced, by the mow =gbh, eutablintonrois at New Volk and Phiiadelphi• the undersigned take • great p.eruiere in being enaiiled to announce to their molter°. friends and the public generalli. that we ore prepared to eapply all who may raver as with a call woh thefaxhionatile for the was.. comarlaing Deaver, Newts. and extra. Ode, Moleskin bilk Ilan, either whoiliwate armed!. • MoCORD &KENO eor Wood anditob A . EL MIiORE, lint and Cap Slanafactem as removed to No 15 Wood street, three doors gum, lamb amen. Big stock combat of every varlety Hata andleapinmado twthe latest style aiso.Panalaa, Gm/honit and Pedal Straw Haw, wholesale and retail ; at dm lowest prim 9 MOORE aplq 73 Weed Ittihad done stave Fourth Poll sistiore.l.ll4o. BEEBE & COSTAPPrryIe Geatlerven'ailliva rill be -introduced tat KEEVII.II On 71.. d. ). At Aupaat VA. HentleMen mobitsg • cheep, fme a ionable Hoof Phtsbargh manufacettre abet,' of faabionshle Halo Imputed od advertised by rum of the trade. please cab al KEEVII. It Co'. MAM/ -- 152, bead of Wood .t j - -it 11 I JUST ilkreceived R VASJII Ural litartilii'fo4l4 from Naar ork, the Sans out tittle for Hats. otioung. of Wo. Beaver, VcCal and White Preach Co p. re Ilannoritb Ventilators. flat ic wen{ of a beautiful. Lehr Hare respectfully melted to eel. ._ li MOORS .73 mood al 3doonahov• lth myt73 _ L. -Wil.l.lial InCrl.l6l , AB has bur: received a alltii„t, ,„ p sy or Hiagyold: and llama Yisla Silk" Glazed Caps, use style*. . Cava fine French Moleskin jlaw,at vary law.' jell. N rb wand meet • P °c"-- --ahriiiiGlAJll-liiiii.lifirAST,-7 ' Aco.TN ES w canunicture, sad keep on hand, ovary varlet,. Of Hats i_ ; ...I CAps of the. I .11 , est style, 1111.11stic. ICI 1..11a 7,4 ! : :a Wood utqct,raitude. viT • • M3:;=M MEDICAL, - IT NEVER FAIL.Bt• •. Dt. CULLENI lIDLIN VEGIVAJILI ?MUCH PRSONS afflicted with Severalty Eleg's Cancer, Enapeln,Old Soma, Ulcers, Tether! Mercurial Diseases, or any other complaints arthleg • from impunties of the blood, are ow:nested to nee the lollowieg tartimtialals, to prool of the weeder ; fat properties of the shove named medicine. ; • READ! READ!! READ!!! We the underagned, having visited !dr. Inn Brooke, Jr. at ebb °See of Messrs. Rowand and Walton, 376 Market linnet. Philadelphia, toandiat his cue the rant remarkable one we Man ever wit. " " "d ni,, reL 'a e " eas °l.. .riC ' ROFULA, and terrible meat - have teen h. I twelve yea's' Conflict with the de "n fittlalate,ti entim roof of Ms ationti,Nose, Up per Lip, and lower Lid the Right Eye - have been destroyed, his Eace_nearlY eaten up, and put of the Jaw Bone carried away. And-yet we can gin ac ,! descnpuon of his case. , • • ' Mr. B. odorms in that in January Int, the.whoks interior of his month, as well so most of hie was man a deep and painful taken! • On the 11th ofJannry last, he commenced taking Dr. CULLEN'S 'INDIAN PEGETABLEiPANAsy CE,'., which checked the disease in a lewdany root that time the care lasi Progressed withodt not termission. • New flesh has supplied the placemf the deep nis • tern; and though badly dialignred, biota, is aOMI, and hi. gcaeral health is reatoretk_ - We are assured that in • the treatment of Mr. Brools' - case, no hl ercerials, Dinh:tents, or Caustic application* have been used,—na fact, the PANA CEA ALONE, has wrought this 'readmit' change , David Smith, Becks county, PC Charles L. Rammed; Meadville, Crawford cepa.. J. W Jonec. hl D South Second Street, Phan Jacob Lee,Pirmberton, NJ. ) W Carr, 440-N Fourth, aboviTeplar at, L. S.APCullough, Lancaster, Pa..-, Si addock,Vl North Eleventh St. Phila. C (V, Appleton, ht 1) 40 sail, st. do Timothy Caldwell. Marian en. relisouri. Daniel Veakel, Chesnut Hill, Phi bdelphis co. Ps. Jontillarned,39o High street, Phila. Willism.Steeline. hl U, Camden, N. J. William Hale. Sib High street, Phila. . J 11 : Potter, Manufacturer of Mineral Teeth;l o 9 S. Ninth street. Phila. 1. A Wollenwel,er, Ed. Phila. Dernoctlt 5:77 N "Jd street, do George W Menu, Brush "%taker.4l7 , hlarket St. Ezra Carr, IM Chesnut vireet, • D Gillette, l',tur of Elevenths liapti,t Church, Phtla. Jan Bell, Erne Stmet,Bitiladelvltia,'(Nurth Amer can office.) Aaron Sande, 161 Catharine Street, Phila.. Daniel McGinley, kearler'e • Midrove , meaton Camden, NI Y. It 11 Evans, West l'hila. • - lltchard li. Vain& Gthler. 40- Market' at. Pliila John W Ashmead, 60 Suath elistch strcet, do, 'l' S Wegner, Lithotn„, either, 116 (!hottnut street, do R J Kenail, 1.13 Eleventh atm!, do Peter Shen Stada. Editor Native Eagle, : do Joel Bodine. t' me trianufarturer, tWilliatuatown N.J. Wi iiam steely', Fairoington, Van Buren Co. lows L. B Cobw, ht 1), Boston, Neer..• !tassel Cooliofd, Phisiologua, Philadelphia. Thomas P S Bob NI I), HarriibOrgii, Pa, Peter Wnebt.,'..24 Market street, Phila. James Nowlio, 103 Filbert tt. do John Gooll, 1,74 Sprees at. • do • Will Ism Une, Pastor ht. Pr al's h.l.E.l.l3.Catharine SLPhlitt. John Chambers, Paster let- lndep.• Church, Braid at, do , • T L Sanders; Pub Haber of Fledge and Slat Phila. , F P Sollars, Editor Ohre 11 Ind, Ooylest*Wit; Backs co, FA Wholesale and Retail b 7 Remand Walton, P prietone,376 Market St. Phdadelphis• It E Selleni, 57 Wood at. Pittsburgh, Pa.; Win. -Thor e,SC Malt beteldo.; E II Peanut Marietta; Ohio; lotatosc& Sharp, Mayerille, K YJ John W Dasenhoner, Chu ; Ohio; Sidell & Reeve., Madison 1 mC P4ohle, Loam • ville, K 7,• Dererouck & Pellmrz, St. Loom Mo. P McGraw, Natchez, Mier 'Hardaway ACJohn sten Vickshorgh, do; Chock, Jenkins, New Orlete La. ' "Trtionzpsors COMPOUND SYRUP OP • I ,TAE AND WOOD NAPHTHA —The Portland ale) Adveruser says .—*This remedy has been mot • successfal than ank medicine we have ever known Ar e - immeroar cures is Comamptiort, Spirtieg Ilkurd,ptln In th e un Side sal, Breast Bronchitis, Asthma. Obstinate; c o e g hs, lloarseness; Sore lbroat, Palpitation of the Ureter, Whooping Cough Croup, !Venoms Tremen.te. Individuals of the h•gbest respeetabi4in th is dry b... amre totems; to us power an/ornery to thin elms Amongthe testimonials to the sodium( the alto. med. • irine, arc several from diadem! wiled phisimans of Phil. ndelphia. Head the-following from pr. 1•oong, the eminent oculist., • PaugnirJait. 1%1E47. ' I laving used in my pracucci is, well as in say morn ' fathily,•fboroperCs Compound Syrupof Tat and Wood Naphtha,' I have no hesitation iu saying that it is the bent preparation of the kind in use for persons aufferbag from Consomptien,Cought. Colds, and all affections the Throat, Breast, ke , to prevalent at this ream or the year. , • Wsr. Vcobb, , Spouse at • • We have men within stew itaystbuersorawlrigave the following ceitifica.c. Ile remaingwelh being per family cured or his disewe i Pall-solar-bats, Innuany 3,1347. From a senor Of gratitude, and a throb,. that lb. saw to a truly invula.lsW medicine t h e o'lstale. that the benefit I have experienced lion; 'he ore of Thompson's Compound Syrup of Tar and Wood Naphtha., For several years 1 have been allies red with • Miscuing rac sing cough, accompusied with - great opmessiou'ood goleo Ity of breathing, with a.n. notion' of tighter. it the chest. Becoming greatly , 1 alarmed, • friend who had been much beneGued brittle modicum, recommended me to try it, I did so, and In a •- :.e.y short time eve y alarming symptom dthappenr•W; my expectoration became free, sU oppression legatos oty cough ceased, and in a few dos 1 was able to go oar and attend to my business a well man. Any farther Infinumbon will be cheerfally given the alSieted,by 1 calling army iesidenee,No.ltfl i t s ymta. NAMY. This tavolaahlo medicine is prepared only by ANS NET A DICKDO?i, at NE corkerrof Fifth sass Sprees Pinladelpinst. Sold in Pittsburgh bpi, WILCOX. .• IJr Price 50 cents or BI pep bottle. , CAUTION—Beware of the many coniste eat that aro ow ‘.1:301. arevii'VeltdY la To , he itaWarr. HEALTH, iIEALTigs Dit • W OH D 'l5 rissrsaparlilaiandl ,Wlll4 Cherry Blitara— This new ithd•valuable EX. tract of Sarsaparilla and Wild Cherry s has been Wed with pent 211CC.1 1 for the permanent minimal of all • rich diseases us tithe their rise from an bfipote Stale of the blond mobiles a Itralthy action Of the Liver— streligthtli• the Nerves and of otter metrics health and vigor milli: whole system. In alleging. of Junau ce. indigestion, Drlpepiia, Ices e Ammon, Ilatintial Costiveness, *croft. a, Headache, lancutir. 2114 that Depreimiun of, Spirits, Which re • 111f11011n rompluint in the Spring . and Sunimerseasons of the year, thi.luirdicniihas not 112 copal—Mid a sin. • Or. 1021 eOuVineelbe most incredalons attic peen. _ ter tritium. Vor further particular. the moiler W referred to Ibis— pemp.ues, whim • soul be furnished by tan lob the emirnation in which this valuable medicine-la held by those who have used it. . -Oa-caution to the Public -a Ile particular and ask for lb Wood's Parsaarilla and V lid CherryWawa, and tcceive another. Thighs the fast prepszat,on of these cies combined ever EnTerea no they ooks, and tag great success attending its use low induced the unprincipled tocoanterfen and t.a.. rate As a peeventive, see that the Insoles have tha - words "Dr WOW, Sarsaparilla and Wild Cherry Bit. tern" pressed.n the glow, sod that each lahel oath, bottle to witted lay the proprietor, E Thornton Jr. oold, wholesale and reiaii, WTArrigi. Kb.TCR• - • AM general agents, 141 Fulton street, New Yorks - ANN Tuoax Market itroeysnd P. II Sayskai. smithfiald street. Pittsburgh, Pa. Price el—large hordes. .1c6.307 , ' ado _ . . We baye beim informed - by him Roar of meant par. thitinedenteekby.Dr. Jayne% Alterathea whieY orovca its supermity over every other remedy of the kind. She boa Been afflicted for the lett ii;leen year& with. NECROSES or WHITE SWELEINOS, aficnded wvit nlecratione l and enrol of various tones, Ms rtnewhichtimistnany ricers have been Mt charted fres the ircultslMone or tho cranium. from both-her arms, tenets and hands and root bath legs, Ind from the hall W. oral Lone, and from the right. tore besides palette ulcers on other para of her person, which tome ballad MT skill et • umber of the rums eminent physicians of our clt —dunng Mal of the dam her sufferings hale been exert:dating and dep!orable. Atom three Inealhe tine, she was Induced in try Dr Jayne's Alterative, tibich hat had an esionisbingly happy