The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, July 16, 1847, Image 4

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• i — Tl 7 l — licA ibwm ILAILIZU FACTORS,
RIDGE ROAD, abirre Buttonwood Street, Phil
adelphia. At this eslablishbent may befriend
ahavealest sanely or Plata and beautiful Patterns
ton IRON RAILINGS in the United States, to
which the attention of those in want alloy ditscrip
tioe,aatt apecially•for Cemeteries, is partieularl,y
ae principal part of all the handsome Railings
at use et nth, Monument, and other celebrated
.mernetenes in the city and county at Philadelphia
,which have twin so highly entailed b' the public
press. were executer:tat tins rrarinfactory.,
A large Ware Roans is connected With the estab
lishment e srbeints kept constantly on hand a large
. mock of ready -made Ira Railings, Ornamental Iron
Settees. Iron Chain, new {Vie plain and ornamen
tal Iron Cates. with an extensive assortment of 109*
Pont., Pedestals, Iron Arbor,. 6.e: Alan, in great
sonety, rought and Cut I ron Ornsmems, suitable
, for Bailing., and other purposes
The Subscriber would ohm mate that in his Pat
Uirtiand Designing' De,,artment he has employed
some of he [oat talent to the country, whore whole
attention is caroled to the ousincsis—forming alto- ,
. gather one of the moot complete and systematic. ea.,
tablishmen of the tine in the Union.
KOBKRT WOO il, Proprietor.
Ridge hold, above Buttonwood street.
• Philadelphia, March I°.
_1317 dGmor
I IN IN pintail/11..4411A.
Geoid Bever., full Jewelled, 545 111
Silver do do V tar
Gold [repine., Jewelled,. au uo.
Silver do do 15 oil
' • siiirer quart.ere, fine%tddy, VI
Gold Watelrev. plain, 15 1,0
Silver Spectacks.
1 75
. Gold PenciLs,
Gold Uracckra, ,F on
Alao,on hand. a large nanarunent of Ilair
Bratekta, finger rings, bream pirre,hoep oa, nog*, Soh ,
peon, Silver *peons, linger toner, Ihnulder, gold meek,
cert. and fob chew., guard key. Al l oely of every
descriptkan. at enwllly low privet. ward iCO call
lA/coninc cclullletl.
t oolkis of Watches and Clocks
of and wan
mated keep good owe fur one plat: old gold and ern
verbanght or taken in exchange.
For vole,eight day and th'irtaon i r ektek., 01
$ 1,AU0511.1o•
Watch, Clock, and Jevrelry slate. No 4131 51.0. e
strew ahove Eleventh North side, Philadelphia
113 : 1 have mine Gold and PA ver lxvcrx 01111 ehen per.
than the alove rawer. Yat'32.lre
(pins Hamm' er possesses loam advantages over eh
.1 others—among which may lictuctitinned.
Its hltuniceableuess—The vituditity and foreeoi bleu
may be controlled with the grtest ruse, while the
beginner is in operation, end the ea hummer may be on
Candy arrested, soil suspended at any height.
Its Universality, or capacity to execute wink of au
kinds, from the !slyest to tho smallest, order the Collie
lu Strophetty, Compartures and Cheapoesc.
Iu Aceccetbdtty upon all ode, b, the workmen.
All the hammers arc made &11-Acting.
The whecnbers continue to execute orders for three
hammer.,or all dices, upon retponahle term..
For Bather pnnmuWn , tnquire of
Assignees of the Patent for the Gutted State,
declP-IY teouthwark Feundry, Phllatl's•
• Al,motheturcre or
No. 384 South From. Street,
Back of 7 A. Ili/sores Cabinet Ware klanufy
Orders left with 14. N. !loon, at the °face of the
Merchant's flood, Pittsburgh, will be protaPti)
anended to. PERRI'
TSIYORTER o f Watches. Walchinaltrils Tools, and
Watch Materials, whoices lc and retail,and con
truntly on band .11 large assortment of Lunatic, Patent,
nod Yliqn Gina.. Mainspring , . Verges. Dials. Watch
11.., and a complete assortment or all Wok and Ma
. tenala beiPailag the 103110 ; with a large u• nmrm
of gold and -aloe/ Leger, Lep,ne, and Patist Wisichet.
attach he will guaranty to sell at thr lowest N r. w
York prices., All nrders from the cautory punctually
N. B —Coantry Merchants and tulle, are invited to
.11 and elamme at the Old Stand, No. St South Panelb
to at:oin OGLE. COACH .4sn
'- lIARSESS MAKER, t.. 1 Chwoot et
Phdoddrhso, late of the lino of fgle 4.
7grAmagar..; Watson. re.ja-ctfully ILILMAS Ito linel.
wed the pubtle, that he has , and rill beep
ceststantl, oo band and for ,ale, a hauchomeworriment of
whim:aide Curiae. Valuate. of all and description•
am& to order at the 11100.4,1170• Sit SLAW, and i[tt'Uled
M ter, best manner, of selected material.
OASIS PING of hi. Prophylacue Syrup, a ern
tani remedy !mall Couvrial rit VP: and Serer.
Imits affectiona; Cough Syrup, Croup Syrup Con
centrated extract of Sarsaparilla, decidedly
aapenor to all other extracts. baring given retie:
wtten gill others hare failed, being thrtmeli a nen
protean more concentrated thanany other rue ,
altered to the nubile. ASTHMATIC ELIXIR,
having eflected permanent cares ol that stubborn
disease, when of, morn than It years a andmu
hence it Ganda without a rival in that much dre adsc
Dr. Rose's LINIMENT, for all cases of weak
nest or pain, and a complete substitute for blisters - .
Dr Rose's 'IONIC MIXTURE,. an inlalliniu
cute for chit • and fever. end indeed is more of a
specific for feveri of oD t ykirds than bark or Qut•
•IhEre knOWn. ig used in preference to any oth. r
Vermifage preparation.
diseases of the Stomach and, bowels, Cholera in
fections, to Too high an enCOUltuto cannot be
paned on the merits of thin medicine, iu cure of
Digpepsia, and all diseases that result from weak.
nests ofeatoniNn or bad digestion.
Dr. Roge'VFEMALE 1 tt 15, a most yaliiaLles
remedy for WI general complaints to which ft.
Tales are aubj t.
No pill - ever before offered thepublic so happily
combines the qualities of a valuaole medicines an
gudi-dispeptie, LIVER or Stomachic pill, correct•
ing those diseases, gad thereby preventing Con.
gumption. A young Lady 145 year. of age, having
•dlieneti liver lOr SOMe time, her strength pros
trated and appetite gone. was completely restored
its six weeks by the uso of the Anti-dispcptic
toreaod these pills alone.
Dr:RriielsCHtlONO-THERMIa:L sTRE.NUrti•
FAING PLASTER, tor weakneurd the back, aide
breast ; - .Stc.
Dr. Rose's SPECIFIC EP I LEI'S Yglie most cer
tain remedy for all cases of fits or convulsions,
whether int infants or adults. So curtain a specific
to it for this formidable discose that the most 'ob
stinats cases, and those too of [pug standing, have
yielded at once.
Dr. Rose's RUEUMATIC MIXTURE—After many
yearSof diligent research this compound was disco,
creet,snd its never failing efficacy planes its efficiency
above ail Others for the cure of Ithetmoism. '
h Dr. Rose's ASTRINGENT COMPOUND, a cer.ain
remedy for spitting blood ,_indeed for discharge, at
blood whetlierfrom Lungs, hinvels or other parts of the
Dr. Rose's SYRUP for Clic:demand Rowel complaints
—This mai:pare will effectually rare bowel complaints
DysenterY,Cholera Morhus, end, Choiria. At the time
the Auntie Cholera waseracing to Philadelphia a wa.
• Mend m he the must trirece ' Vyful in iittevtion it, coon;
nine tenths of win vied it.
- What may be said of one of thief, remedies may
said of all; their value will only Ile appreciated tei
the wholly them. Letters from hose who have been
cured of the nation.. maladies that aitict the burnout
body might he given, but we are wdling to wit fur
matter on the merits of the compounds. Woave a
panacea for Serafala. in as venous furms,so eoodenwil
and efficacious Mat its healing power has astnniviii a
many 41. Case of Cancer, ore awing in the %vie rf late
latslkrentor of Delaware, was completely ented .n a
few months. The cancer had been twice cut out by
prominent Surgeons. and renewed itself Willi increased
alignity. yet notwithstanding the otelitlity of
tion and IstnOVal of the soft parts, the use of the Pro
phylactic completely continual every sevtiße nt titt
Caeca innomenthla of Me yartuitv cute. that have
followed the one of these remedies are oi min pow.,
lion, hat it is not deemed neeenasay
tate them
at the awe( them will recommend data to twl.
J. SCHOONMAKER, Pr. Co., Nu et Wood Street
Agents for Pittatnirch
U' Nsw l'oee, Nov tii.l,eln.
Gentlemen : :some seven or eight months mine, a wile
name open the boom or one of my feet, which roes
very palatal; I commenced applying ; h. usual re.llr:lir*
for wares. ant unsuccewhiliy. the yore continued to get
deeper. and spread to the sine of Me pa my long;
out only had the advice of pLycr.., 1.1 touLd
Salves and pain extractors !could hear of, nod net o,r
of diem had the
cleat b
relieve the prune., nerve, tiir
progress of the sore: there w+. einowani inflammtit:n
It. soder got and perpetual pain. and it had gook d
down into ar tenet tote. Sperm Stafford
of this city. advised m. io try your Ginunent; I laughed
at the idea, hot upon Ms argent solicitation, I conelnded
(0 err It, and to my great eche( and astonishment. a n 1
most lost vitancimsty relielved the f ate. occitieed The
inflammation, and commenced healing the sore, wk:sh
I. note firstly well
I do conlideati y and sincerely belie Vothill it will ear'
any fever son tt thurougnly opploid
R.spectfully yours, 13 PARSGNS
F or eel. by R P. SELLERS, 57 Wond st. 103
From Rev Charlet Marton, Minister of Llsptist
Ch c rch, Wooster, Iste of Ashtabula, 0
Mean. 11. Barns & Co, Proprietors of E Dean's
Chemical Plaster, (ientletwo:—Corsevenil year, I
halm from time tested the virtue. of E, Dean's Chemical
Planet by wing it in my family as a remedy for Rhen.
Mates; weaknew end lameness of the back, pain in
the breast, infiamation of tbe , throat and eyes, ague to
dm breast, handed I tiike pleasure In say ng to you and
to the public, that in every ease I have found it useful.
and! de believe that slid l'iss possesses vinws or
monsthus ordinary character, and that et win reveral.
11 . be band &sufficient remedy ler Lb.,. - diseases for
which his rev:amended, and is justly entitled to ma noticoandpatronassof an cut, armed community.
Wooffier, 0., Dee. 10,1442.
Sold B A Fahnestack & Co. net First & Woad
stmts. tovlddii•
.`-' 1" Jealy d or . C d n ' r r il. ' 11; . L7
It almost miractilowily redime. Inflammation, and 'con;
sconently is trammed in all ewe. to leave no - , 2111 nr
war tittle Scab.
Reid wholoule and retail by IV SI at hi.
Boot god Sloe Store and Potent Medicine IVnninte.,
Liberty Most. bend of Wood, Pittsburgh. 'Prier On
terse and Si pee bottle.
W. Jackson being t h e Exclusive Agent for Winner!,
Penogyleggia, none genuiKe but what,, nob) Jr
ofillff appointed Aglow.
N. B. A Pampbleteantaineng ample direetioni.Ar.
with the name. and
of the Proprietor MA
pal Arent, is enveloped with wrappe of CAP bOttla
A hiandltaCe Or “Itifirfl.• coal be wen 0 1 the Swore.
CigiltertnrifitrlC if CAN . V kti 0. - TAUT.
abirid One year, omelette 4. making use of NIL
Ecar's Renomiting PUN, I hive mothered extremely fmm
Dy spepsio. and an acid Stomach. I have made the of
a great variety of medicine .witheat receiving material
heneht: About three months elate I commenced acing
. Mr. Sear.* Medirene, width has entirely relieved me
Orme aridity at Ulf steatacp, and restored mOlO cola ha.
t a tile healtk. Several of soy friends and arquainuncei,
barn made oat of the PON, and received much benefit
from h em. I can with toolidente nworowend them.
JANE A LEE, WV Radom st
Vold. wboleirie arid retail, by A FAIINESTOCE
.A CO, cep:terabit and Wood, and Wood and Gib
11R. ISOOLDSIIIPS rib Specibe a an interim! remedy
.IJ . certain and radical care, ribether internal, Warmer
!Atkin& or blind, aLn , foe J11'112600 of the kidneys and blad
der, paint in the Wet :red rise, hattitnal toythenee., uup
Female. before and after cmfinement are often troubled
• ith coblimition of the bowel. or eoaticentaa, as well v the .
rib. la W such can tha Specific can br taken with pee
net safety, la• certain remedy. The Specific ia mate
preview, awl ie entirelpegt•table rcowdy, without pt,
tide of e ,
eolocynee or aloes,plibant to take and pi , a
Petty brutes. in the nub dolicateieue...
This in td rertil) that I Idnda Ur. log..d.bbf• rile fipeoift.l
lobe a wertam care and tare remmly. flanug seen io eft.
in nevem) maws, ansdawst my fatality maddiame ' id several <Oll .
firmest Ind setere raw. at Ow ilk?. where itll.. an entire
cure in et er),24e. If }A. it,'
fie. York. M. 15 , 15 fa3sl Math stem.
fheerfull, 'de sty,..stdmay at to the renew and utast
effects of Dr. localdsby's rtLw tirtddr, a+ 1 know d
1110 my 0u
erptraemr and obsermtiow, to be itlfidi Ray',
lunar.•• •14 alt ,11 era/ raw. alit., =if
vid fmade. tiEO
Neu Yuck, May, IK.. .:64 tint!. dm,
' Ma, I
Mr. Brali—Dear Iris , sloe pleashre to
m ay, tier-
Duelrd Nil, Dr. lusolitsby Pik. siwrifit, ha, made a ier
s:,oa w s ler,awi how pie. you my want
thrs I wow...dui at tr.ra hi my uptown im•
yoothlik ture ter. I loom., 1 ease how utility the
a. twiug nitrthlite, thd do advise all other, who are at
thrth.l aio thr like oath.,
Ihr Wick, ar -G i rl clay
ir. riirr:
Y yids reliw<L
Welt our*
:V. Y.: May 15,1845.
Ur. himildstry Drat. Pitt—Th*l you may Othefit .Ibr
glo rs
th, ry o•wilfring. as welly. erpresis ,ratituar for
thr twa all ilee,,rd from the use of your valuable S., comply with 3uur reipteit, +ad uow•do clic toy tost.•
mous to Loot of t. lasi., Leo cured of a severe tatack al ,
tl.e ik. alter no,'other rimedirs without torero.
Yours with respect
Sl4 oho!rode sod mil by W5l. JACKSON, et his Po,
eut Medictoe Wiaebouse. and 13oot and Shut 13.0re,N0.
Liberty street, heal of Wocel. Piurbur;h• • Prioe NJ tents
Per boss poi 11--411) .
.t11.:111('A A:, StliccacAL OFFICE.
LI:V. n few door , below
of ood evert, toworde lb.
np been rt
..tintedto them OLlll,llpro
.Sand Wen for 5.0111 r
ice a/ practice.
11 t TonlinWh•attent.on
to the treatment, of those
parkin nod de:mate coin
plamit (or which b. 9 oppor
and whi rr
peen:l:nip mual.fp him.—
MeV, year! uvvnluous • devote d to tar study und
treatment of those comp) • r.t.• ldurdtg which - Late he
h y , h a d tuure practice and i es cured more pattentv than
ran ever fall to the Int of p p rivate practniancr) tin.
ply <p.1115, hint to or rr ar u nces or tpeedy. perm,
all 011ie:IGO Walk ielittltl .
nail all thweascs ar,tng therefrom.
Dr. Ltrovra would Inform thou a:flitted with prirou
di,Velltehinll h lye bercaurchroa.c by time or uggrava
led hy the tpe or any of the common no «u of the
day. ritui thrtr comp/runts run he radically and u,
ought, - cured. he in, mg givenit , s careful llIttilt:011 10
.he tn . ...anent of ..ue b eu,es. and succeeded in hundredv
of runng proton. of Mammal:on of he neck
of the olad.lcr. and kutdird .nu
which Often result
mm thorn roe,. where others have constgned them to
i•opele..clespu , r. lle twularly ,nerte•uvich as have
bole. and tur-urce.lially ward hp 011,11 , to ems
v o lt htnt. ,c urn err ry ..,iA!4 , l.OllWlii be gokn them and
their ea+, treatrd is a rareful. thorough andtntellir
manner, potot-d oot by long experience, study end in
vmd.gatam. which II la in:wow/dr far them engupd
:corral prortive medirne vat-110r OOP rain p
livnvaor re-11r. Brown :al. , my ,
perunt , althrted Horn. to an, a- km ha: paid
parneular attennonth.s dive:ye
Stu thveaselna , ..o Pile:, Palsy, etc •perdily cured
elm rgevver, low.
N 12.— of ,thcr. re
I % living at d,tunce
tip .tato.g the, dopavp, wr‘ung,givilg; all diet pply:
:ru n T 7
nu: fere
Odire No. a Mumma alley, np.;....e the %VII vete,
yrp- Nes earn. n Pay.
• - -
our prtneiple In the otonor,orrouttot [11u11o:11 , st
to ton... aupluo, w well wt. God out. funs na
per•ol 01..
ion, 10. nt utility to the ' , U.N.. Some 01 Dr. 1
Jo. ttc,toudlemcs Lay.. toed ut out iaouly lOrmaity 1
yew , . Ful muuuet• dor EtiPE.CTOIUNT, the CA 11-
It: N ATI V V. 011.1 vcrtmiriiit:. 00Lre4 vc Irnove Inl
...mor.unt= they . prole, to cern.. We
were on Luke tiut..r... the pa: t nuntruer. when J..e.verol
of bur tro , ..tudag compon.unr. frotiothaeute Wemero
000 ...r mural' du)" s.thu 1000.0 '
tu, re,cr. wru, Lod, ntto.-00.1 ma. 01014111 Dor.
Llr prov.ocd Itimueff.
me, W. 1 11 - Tt. C:1 I 111 tuaL,r of Or
101 1 0 and .11 al. ram, of as to.e among five-aeon,.
..vas sorees..fol edeeltru; a 01,d) , tore.
The rrutorant wt. hove 1 1 nowtt used 010006 011(
101 1111510 111,11.1.: 00,11 0110.11 rurce., and we Leel dud
shteLl'o 60011 set to fautlLes tesp , eially thou , ta
unted to they I'oll 111.1 Slots' to 1 111010,1 1.1! medical
14111.1 to 010 01 14 010 to keep on Lsnd both the Expect.-
' rout end CanninaLve, The Is believed Ly
good 1 hTue”nr In he the Leo: recipe lot b ee,,
Con-arnotive Complaints. that Las m 71.1" Tot O,l-
O Toe re....0n is. Dr .1 ayrie i• not o quacl.Lu.
o reautsr. ond ;Ade 00.110111 proentuoner luau
lel( Ilis ntedieut. , :are used.lty Me 10, phyreinni
Fll , lof of 1,10 Philoda. Nntonlay Courier
rot .sle P.o , burr,il ot tr, PEKIN TEA STORE,
Fourth au cet. 1031 Wt.!, and„u!po at the Dnlo S ute
of II P Yrbxlanv. Federot n. Atleehruv let9.l4erT
E.V v VOrt P.S.'f.ENTus
Mrshir.g/oit, D. ('.
ENAe; e. BOBBINS. hlerlicouesl F.:noineer and
AgetllJOr tooeursms Patents, Wail prepare the or
res'rfil Dr:M.4% and P.ipers tor Applicants 'or Pau
nts, and - irous.,e t all,.other using... in the Inc of his
tunic...stun a: t_ie Pulcut Oleo. Ile on i.r eonsolte4
. alt guest:nu , relatriu,s. to the Patetit.l.avout und deet•
sums the Haile.; Sta:rs or Entelle. Pe usiis or
, t , tottur des•um , of bevote r suin -Anons made at the
strt.“),lur. plow ur • :11.AID lot n
, 111101,1AVX
.•011 e.:. . ..; truorsoation that
cou:d heol.t....ncul by a (vv., ot the applie.t to person)
All letters on must De post paid. and cOntain
..nitati!c trc. whet, a written oplnion remstred.
thrice on I street. opposite the Patent Office.
le 1, is the honor df refereng, br permission,.
Ilan-Edmond Burke, Csurno,ssainet of Paten's,
Hon. HI. Ellsworth. late do do do;
II Knowles. Nlaeltioist, Patent Office:
Juar• Craneh. M,*.irtneton.l./
I lo,i. It Choate, Nlaosaellosetts, 1. , etSens,
Hon. SV 4n,
Hon. J 0 llowlin. hi C, Nlissour.;
Hon. Willis Ilan. New York;
Hon. Rol., Smith, hl C. Illinois,
Hon. 9 Breeee, $ :Senate;
Ilon 1 II Rolle, NI C..."l:ssoon;
Cain:. II NI Shreve, Mrs..:
F:rastos Brooks, Dui.. Ptuslitital. myl9
Attorney, Councillor and General .Agent.
AAT L. PRALL, inforen• hta friends and the pub-
TV he that th e has commenced the bustuem, of
Agent for t eying and syll.rig real estate. to ilisscay.Alid
mull devote It large poll ton of his time and anenvon to
th. letistng, trunk. and hutng of honer a, stores acid mil.
hiuldings; in collecting and th Marque rents,uld oth
cltoli. and demand.. and in attending to Agency be
am as:
s. generally. Ile 111 Hr/, engage in the uegona
ut loan., contracts, etc- and will furnish Authentic
.pornotmnFellation to the pa) it g qualities and re.
s t rono.b.litte. of 11 1 11411/114 At for winch his extensive
a, quaintance eminently qualifies his. Ile may be.found
at In. rt.:deuce...lin 141 Allem siteet.uniit 9 1-1 o'clock
.11 the morning and after G o'clock in the evening, and
at nth , hours at his office, Na Wetlan's,* street, 2nd
doni.tront room. NEW 1'014.K.
Er14141414CE,,5--ron A Tollinadgc. llon John II
Scott, - Hon John McKeon. Ilan Ogden Hoffman. Al
drumlin 14ehett lkii•on, Al& Wm V Ilindy, Dart
' "
r.,, f0 r ,.
ber--innde on ibr tang approved k:a.Pern plans—
a,id mom faah.onable Laatein pattern• and colors. Al.o
TIIR RUI.I. nr uosroN BLIND, on band
or made :owner of all vide, arol at nil price,
Country Merchants and tube, are invited to rail and
eznataw the above for Ihelnlelvea.aa :oil will be Pohl
wholesale rePul, ands liberal deduction made to
wbolc.ale purchaser..
ACMES Who I.' ne Common Prepared Chalk, ars
1.2 , noeir lint aware how frightfully 0001106 n I 16 to
the Ain! bow coarse. bow rough, bow cellos,
nil 040tral&by the Akin appear• alter wing .prepared
chalk! 11.°A:dr., it i.intartous. argequnn
lily 01 lead. Mr e have prepared a beautiful vegetable
rnele. which' we call JONI:F.'S SPANISH LILY
W 111 TE It in prrferSly ittisoecnt.beintpurifird of all
deletes*un qua-lairs; oral It impsrui 10 010 shin a natu
ral healthy, alat.nSer, clear. living white, et tbeinime 1
10,616 6 . eo•oirt.r on the 6601. ni.ft
and 'mouth.
Dr Dunes, Practical Chalet of
"diet inneee Spanmh 1411 V
Mute, 1 blot the rrue.t branutal and natu
ral. t o
the nem.; bum 0000,11 white 1 ever Weer. 1
initroiretentioun: y recommend .1. u.rmnil
.11. n require,. bs huorybig
:17-1.r,,• V:, mots u Ina
11J — Sold I.y WNI 1.1010 4 0 N, at his float and Slioe
4 ,ore, I.:l.erty :to., head of Wooil,rat the idea of
tb , the !loin 1:18
IJ ' Cau•ea. fresco(too gad (tare of
Asthma, and Oireases of the (leant. On the CL ' a
of Longevity. and mode el prenerving male and fe
male health. symmetry and beauty; exposing
and cure of those dlt.eaar.• that produce Consump
tion, or uhorten life,.. Micellenn of the Skin, Spine,
Stomach. Bowels, Kidneys, Liver, Scrofula, Piles,
(travel, and Vermin Complaints. its !VIM cany,
pracrical and pure, lore" a guide to perfect health
and long. life. Engravings, 321 pages. 50 eta.
Postage ifj eta. By SANIUEL •SHEL Li ON
A. M., 51.11., at 'AO BROAD-MAY,
. Any remitting filly rams, free, will receive
4111 P copy. rev moil, tv any pert. The trade @applied.
Foh lU, 19107.11;m
ItF.IVI ED Y—Warra eted to cure, or the mon.
ey returned. This medicine bi prepared limn an In•
dun Receipt, obtained From one of them ill the Far
Writ, at great expenie. Thom who hate been
familiar with the Indians, know that they can and
(10 Cure Venereal without the knowledge of Mee.
cury, Balsam, or anything of the kind. The art•
Ilieted hate now an opportunity of being cured
with. 'the nee ul Balsam. This medicine is
pleasant to the tate, and leaves no smell on the
Prepared by HOW AND & WALTON; and sold
wholesale nod retail, by J. •P. itowarid, VG Market
street. MAW'.
For sale in Pittsburgh by Et .E Sellers, 67 wood
and by Wo Thnro.s7. Market at. oernlrsT
lto Care 1 No Pay t Pliant Piles:
~.b roc, : , t y i anc is t w be . only i er , T: ir ,h ne ,
will cure ILi•
d.vecen. It not only
ding, atel y inlay a pate and intim.
motion, stops all bleding, subdues that intolerable itch
bett effectually emu.. time Moons
WLOIO lives have been rendered miserable (or years:—
tie epppeation produce no pain, but rather an agree..
Lit and pleavant IleMllllo.l. If peewee a afflicted avid
cull tod heat of the great number of eases that have
been eared, they will he aluoulahed. A gentleman. of
- thit city, rho bad been under the knife of the susgeon
for 11. or thins Limes without being eared, has by a.-
man bottles of the Pentiroealion, been cradle ally cured.
It beyond preerdent!:—lnii. Faraday Conner:
For valetn Pittsburgh:et the PEKIN TEA
S 1 t 8E01: Founh West, near wood, and also at the'
Drug Stare of II P Schwartz, Federal at Allegheny el.
tc if.. aeYdkw
katre AP'l,l[llllo Al I , IIIIIOU JUR reccmrcd
.d for sale by JOIIN D MOROAN.Drunist
tvoW et
Ta• grins Ilmedy for
Cousumphon,Cou,ths, Cold:, Asthma. Brinehase, Liver
Cot:opium, Spline Blood, difficulty a Breathing,
Pao in the Side and arculd Palpiution of the
tleart,lnfthenle.Croap.Brokeu Constitution.
I SereTerost, Nerve= Debility, and nil
I diseases of the Tnron. Brent end
fangs' the rent effectual and
scpeeilyeurenerknown for
' over antic dunes,
aliment the wanderful cure performed by Doctor
Siveypea Compound Syrup of WILD CHERRY:
. ." PIIIL•IDELPHIA, January Y. 3,12.0.
Dr. Swayno—Dear Sir In justice to yourself end
a duty I nice to suffering humanity, I cheerfully
give sily testimony, and declare to the world the
en: astonishing effects. and the great care your
Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry performed on me,
under tne most unfavorable circumstances. 1 was
teten with'a violent Cough, Spitting or Blood, se•
sere Pains yin the Side and Breast, which lonian
to break down wad enfeeble mil constitutiod,• t that
my physician thought my case bovond the power of
medicine, and my friends all gave en tip to die; but
thanks num and the effects of your great distort
ry, I nowlkeel inutile well man, and raised from a
me el/Acton tut as fierily and healthy a man as 111
11.ire re
hen fur yearn, and 'halt be pleased to give any
information respecting my cue, by calling at my
rnidence, Mechanic street,third door below (lenge
street. Northern Liberties. JACOR PAINTER.
Thtirnony is rune retarget from all quarters 0/
the Globe.
The following letters are presented with a view
oh more rally showing the amnion of Physiciuns in
relation to the Medical value of A)r. SW A YNE'S
Dr. Swayne—Dear Sir: Haring used your Com
pound Syrup of Wild Cherry eatenstvely in my
practice,l Inas revelled by your Agent, Doctor I
Crulehel . writing of its
properties as a remedial agent, 1 most cheerfully
comply. am I feel by so tong, I will discharge a
debt 1 owe the community at large, and Physicians
in particular. An Moth Ilt I detest Quack Hems-
din and Pitent fiSstrome, I was induced from
I a Wine of the most potent expectorants, MTh..
molded in our matera,medria in some east. of
Ildeased Lune, to try your preparation of Prunus
Virginia or Wild Cherry. It is nfficient tong that I
1 was so inch pleased with the result of that and
am:Octet trials, that I saw Prescribe it in prefer
ence to all other Remedies there an expectorant is
indicated. In the much dreaded Pneumonia. or
Disease ado: Lungs, in the alarming loran in which
1 it appears in Kentucky, I regard Was en invaluable
Remedy in the treatment of that disease. 'En all
wire. know me I have said enough, hat id this may
, be seen by persons out of the vicinity of Frankfort,
I will piney add, that 1 have been ergaged In an
active practice at my profession of 12 years,and am
a Regular Graduate of Transylvania, and this is the
1 lint Patent Medicine 1 seer thought enough of to
expreu an opinion in writink
ELL., M.
January 7th, 1110. Franklin County, Ky.
FRANEMIRT, Ity.,Jen'ty 7th, IWO.
The above certifinte is from one of eau Physi.
Malta living a few mike from here, he ie duing ; very
good practice. and is considered a goad Physician,
and stands fair, be ie. es he nays, a regulergraduate.
On. W. L. Cnteredin,
Druggist ant Apothecary.
Testimonials tout never arise.
Front the Temperance Pledge.
Now that Winter is upon us with its attendan
train of Pulreonio and Bronchial eft ection,Coughs
Colds, the dee .no would nun those of in
On stay to make immedoele trial of Dr. Sin) nee
Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry. It will never
2. , r
tail to pe..2 rni apermanent cure. The reputation
of this medicine as caused many spurious articles
to he put forth tan ler Its name; bat the preparation
of Ur. Swayer. Idea being the first ever offered
to the public, d 0 only one that rah be relied on.
The other min t t • told Mr Wild CnerrY Syrup,
Balsams, &e., a ell spurious no 'worffilen, and
contain stone 01 own or the tannin' prepare.
lion, Dr. So iyne's roiniunied Syrup 01 Wild
Cherry i e
From the Springfield Express.
Of the, thousand. of purported tontine nos:trued
now before the public, but very few ere found to •
possess the healing virtues fur which they areir• .
commended. Among the latter we are pleased to
learn none rind a better test than Mi. ,wajpe it '
Coutimnd Syrup ul Wild Cho, ry. The at:laded
1 in tin vicinity are beginning to tine it, and to their
joy they tied to IM use theist nen bast.l upon its
recommendation more than realized. Tint atilteted .
nerd not despair. While there it hie. there now is
ETSince die introduction of my article to the
public, there hare a number of unprinctilred milt.
j Whata got up nostrums which they Sated Contain
I Wild ('herry, some are celled - Balance," •• Bit ten;
and even Sy rep ul Wild Cherry, but mine is the
original and only genuine peens:l9on env introdu
d to the public. which Can he proren by the pule.
12 Records 01 the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
, ' e only safeguard against Inamottion is to arealtat
( / Itignaturc i4iwetrit bout,
lilt 11... 2 21'2%15E.
Prepared only by DrAT. Su Al NC, at In Print •
pal Office. corner of Erase mad Ran Streets,
Philadelphte. All Wild Cherry preparations being
fictitious and counterfeit without his signature,
Fur sale in Pittsburgh wholesale and retail by
WM. TIIORIS, 53 Market street,
OGDEN & SNOWDEN, comer 'and & Wood ins.
S. JONES, ID) Liberty street. •
Sold also by .1 Matched, Allrgbehr city; Boyd,
t . ... c 2 5.2. 1'.2 , ila der, Weacer & Iltoderion. NI er
cer. Norman I . aleactar, Meadville; J 11 Barton ik.
Co., Erie; :Wheedle & hashed, Cleveland; Denis
N. Son, Colombo.; Miller, Brovrantllr, Marsh,
Wheeltng, Va.; K B Hinman, Cincinnati, Ohioj Dr
E Easterly & Co. ' St. Louts; J S Morris do Co.,
Louisville, hy.; Andrew Oliver & Co., New Or
leans. girth
IS now universall acknowledged to be the IN
1. FALLIBLE R IMEDY for Rheumatism, Spi
.1 Affections, Contractions or the Muscles, Sore
Throat and Quinsy, Issues, Old Ulcer., Pun. in the
Back and ChMt, Ague in the Breast and Face.
Tooth Ache, Sprain., Bruise., Salt Rheum, Burns,
Croup, Frosted Feet and all Nervous Diseases.
The TKIUMNHANT SUCCESS which has at.
tended the apolication of this most WONDEKFUL
hl EUICINE in curing the most severe cases of the
different Omer,. above named,--and the HIGH
ENCOSIIUMS that have been bestowed upon it,
wherever it has been introduced, gives me the right
to call on the AFFLIC rED to resort at once to
ON. . .
- . .
1 IrrThe faculty unite in recommending the cele•
ated Eaternal Remedy, Hunt's Liniment.
The following letter from the highly eminert
Phyticians who have been attached to the Mount
Pledllll2 State Prison for many years, if the bent
, evidence of the value of this celebrated Liniment.
SING SING, December 9i,1645
My Dear Sir—l received your note of yesterday,
asking my opinion in relation to Hunt's Liniment,
as prepared by Mr George F. Stanton. Knowing
its composition,'and having frequently used it. I
caln recommend it bi you as a safe External Reese.
dy, and in my opinion, the best Liniment 1101 N in
one. Very truly and respectfully youn,
Col Pierre VauCortlandt, Croton Manor.
I fully concur in the above opinion.
. Yonicrown,Jan. 14, 1445.
Sir—ln reply to your letter, I would say tbat I
have used your External Remedy, called Hunt's
Liniment, in my practice since you made me an
quainted with its composition, and unhesitatingly
say that I believe it to be the best k:sternal Reme
dy now in use for the complaints far which you re
commend it. Yours rerpectloliy,
Gen E Stanton, Esq.
faAinong the ma..l ol worthless articles and
humbugs that are poured forth at the present day
upon the country, it is rally retuning to end
aninnettung of real practical utility, something aim
pie, speedy dad effectual in its operition, and ct
the same time free from those injurious effects
which generally attend powerful remedies. Hunt's
Liniment, prepared by Geo. E Stanton, el ,Sing
Sing, though it ham been but a alrJrt lime before
the public, ht. already obtained the confidence, not
only of our most wealthy and iniluentnal entizenr,
but our lm ost eminent' physician. All acknowl
edge it lo be a soscreign balm for may or tine ills
that flesh is tieie to, soothing the arhingilanb, and
by nts genuine stinaulatnng influeut e,,banisenng din
case from the system.
Mn. Stanton—Sir—Si meg, your Advertisement
of I font', Liniment, l was induced to try i ts effects
Int my son, who had been crippled with a lat. , '
honk Iron, no infintt.and it is with gratitude 1 bear
teatimony to its wonderful healing properties. My
child, who is DOW live years of age, is now in a fair
way of recovery, Noun, &e
PosT OFrf cr,Towsi.last,inatnam
rend) , that I ant personally acquatott d with
the ideate named child, and think the father would
be gale in toying that his Ron is stunt well.
Nov 5, 1815. Deputy Post blaster.
S, I would also gate that I hare been for a
number of years subject to Irequent attacks of the
Itheurnitism, which in many instances prevented
my attending in my business. ll'wo or three appli
catikins or the Liniment invariably remove all al.
leen.. of the kind. In caste of bruises, sprains
and sores, too numerous to mention, it has in this
vicinity proved a certain remedy. It. value can
only he estimated by three who have vire it a fan
trial. . •
This Liniment in aold at 2+5 and .50 cents per brit.
de, by all the Principal Druggists anti Merchants
throughout the country. g'
Wholesak Agents in New York.
HOADLEY, PH ELrs & Co, 141 Water
RIJSHTON &Co, 110 ti road w ay.
A IS it ID SANDS, corner Fulton and William
ASPINWALL, 86 William street.
Order* addressed to me at Sing Sing, NI V, mu.
be attended to. GEORGE E STANTON,
For sale in Pittsburgh b L WILCOX, Jr, and J
KIDD & Co. Allegheny City, JOHN SARGENT
Birmingham,JOHN SMITH. febl9
WiIOSE 03n1110.11 can equal your.' Look so your
fair young wife, with herbrigiimnny Neel Look
an your own, pined with eruptions and blotches' Yet
you me too mean to give illy rant , Mr a eake of the
great Italian Chemical Loop, which would entirely frre
you fmm them, add make your Tadw skin clear and
healthy. Ho at once to Jackson's Store, Ng Liberty et
Pinehorgh, and get a cake.
N B Jackson's lodic only place in Plitsborgh wheri
the faENOI„Eis to bo Mastned. Beware of Wank' , ”
I.OsOOSERVf the Big Boot stands In the doorway.
Ladle., Indic., Pm astonished,
When you know that you are promised
natural, unowy wh tie,
That yea will mill use common chalk,
, And look &deathly yellow fright,
The theme of laughter and of talk.
If yen ovoid me • bon of JONK'S Lidly-what, it
...Id eye your atm an alabaster yet hil
and at the same floe clear and implove st Bold at
JACKSON'S, Hi Liberty n. Psace 'Arcola per bat.
myEl •
PIRANg '7?-1 - 1 1-
A. B- I?;A TgIii"L L h'itAlLunAn
PITTSBVII6II to PIIII.ADA. 000 11A1.11110RE.
Anita:rely for Pamengers.
THE public are rerneeriblly InformeiCat Mi. Line
will commence running on or about ii4e 16th
`pad continue throughout We reanon. The proorretor.
have now paced a .uperror clank of Packer. and Rs : t,
road Can on the route, with extra nedommudatmus,
wlttch will give greater comfort to traveler.. •
A Packet Bolt will Aiwa-F. be at pon, , and the trav
eling public are rap:rested to call i nn consume the , .
pre,nu. euonorne paromen
Ono of Ins Packets will Irave the lanOttg,(opprehr
the Unite.) States Ilyuch, coiner Protcl 4rrrt and the
envoi. every s
ror I,llollllallolk apply an ibe other. Itlononr.thela
I low, ‘l.",itter rOreel. or 10 D /.1-311.41 k ao
mchl.l nor Pc.n siren and Canal
Ektili 1847. 10-66-
D. LEECH a cad. •
• .
f ' , III , : stock of Our line COI,. nr duaLle
Line of Voce and Curs. (owned by theme. lace,l
wk.+ are in good order. The eultrcribere ore prepa.
red to forward a lunge quantity of rderchandire and'
Produce with restultity and tbefultch:
Produce or Mrrehandi•e contugned to any of the un•
der...lord. is forwarded free of any charge tor comma-
SIM or torlitg .
Ladtitg transmitted and od in...00011..1mM; tly
attended to.
. . .
'De business or this UM' is conducted on sirietij.
Sabbaitbkeepitig ;wine Aides... or utility ta
to Lb:I.:CH& Co. Proprietors.
Canal lisbito. Pittsburgh
liAlittls & Proprietors,
No In South Third street. Plisiadeipliin
JOS. TAYLOR .t SINS. Agents.
No 114 North•llowno1 street, Iluitiniork.
W If WIL.90:11, Agoto,
No 7 Wort at reel, NeWr ork
labia& 1841. rii.P.-6§
the way. owl the • eutteoquont rl.l. of , tlamr,e,
breakage and , :eratatton of good,
Nu 27n Slaract street. I.l.lladelphot
CO! Penn and Wayne avd:Pittalairyh
O'CONNOR Z. - Co, North street. Baltimore
W& J T TAP:aI:OTT. 7.s:Frauls at. N. V. $
Encouragrd tsterenoed hardness the Proprietor;
have added to theircar L and extruded thea arraor•
men,. during the wailer, and arc non prepared to fur.
ward fre.g way reeulurity and dioptitch unwirpa oat'
by any other line. The.r loop expetienee a. cart it. ra,
the pdlymble superuarny of the Voluble Boat e 3 mem,
and the greatcupnray and convenience of the watt ,
bootee at each end ot th e lint. rural:aid) calctila.
led ensltle the proprietors to are the.r enghgemtllTY
and seeonorodate the" rertanter.--,outidettsly offering
the pant as a guaranty for the future, they reApertfully
1.11,0 • continuance of that pat ronage.whira they roam
gratefully atinoaledre
All nonognottnts rantre ft. o'(7onnor will Le reed
and forwarded Bleainhamt charges paid ac i d
Bill. of
Idulaur trairocadied free of atty charge for Common',
advancing or storage liartalig no ottereat directly or
webrectly in strusulmats. the internal of the cot,ognors
omit necaminroly he their primacy ohjeer It thipOing
viva and they pledge thenn.elvea In forward all cond.
ounataned to there promptly arid ou the most tidy AM,
aeons[oms to the owner, •
March 1.1047
• ,
/111 SP NDENT O ° D. T D'L.
Irarig" . 18 47. e .
(17 ottout 'ft +l, , Lirtu,nl--ED
con.tattra to our c.are Wit be 1.4 wattled
oat delay. at the 10w...1E011,a fate, o( Lachtig
tratt•Taittetl, and all 11.1.4i0111 , prootptlf attend. d to.
(ter t.oto any extra elzarge for (totage or c.annt.!..on
at1J,...,0t 'pill, to t: P. Ale AN 1 , 1.11 . Aro
Ilav;np, a to
largo and orrorahr.ous
wr p
arrr repared to recur adthrroo itruglit lor
•S.porraq a large amount of Prduce, Sc on rho; arr.. at
Lt Ira r•.l C A Me A NULTY
S 4 .
v xcuus.y.., co, 15 , Ifanarinf , apon col 1), V'
FaFliniT lir,nern pLit..pumit.l2l.rartllr, Johns.
al I a" -,
boe Boat IA ..bona/ . al -n ay NI. Antal) .
& Co . riffsbusgl, every eluy. felon.
Sund 4.1
wlyinwrat Six epcnd On n•vrinK Owl/ g0..1•
nird arliboun 1ay,.5.1. (Alf ch.,.
Ti.J. 1.150 folmtd (of the tial acconytnoabbbn
of Me way t 04151.,•,. prop t .
aulira Mortal .I,,te patrayloge.
DAV:. 11 HA FINE: , 1t1. , t11 - 1 1 t r wt
\,11.1.1AN1 Ft I.TI.
.1 , /IIN ita1...1,,,-.4.urG , t
A 1.1, •
ts 47.
hills.. Woe bang compost,' of SeamLom•Lakr
m' num , gor compost,'
•t.d so., ler p3...-ort•
C M of ,tertia , o.t: Piapet!er. and Ves,i.
on the hale, win t o preparrd upoa rarl.est ope
gof Na,rnrat:on to carry I. might and P....enitera
all i ro ,v in m ts g o e n ., llr , a n n v d , 14 , 47 m,0,
ettgess With proiripinege and d.pairti, prapiletur
and agouti ievretfalli mol:cii from Ott, and
he put,lie generally then, patronage.
C REF.D, Erle, Proprietor
REEDS, PARKS. & Cu, lleaver.Att.
Cot 5a11:1A....1J and Wt., a's oppo••te the
gehe In Bow,
Wheeler, Crocker & Co, New York
Geo them, Ilotra:o
E N PUT Co, Cleveland
Jai A Armstrong & Co, Detroa •
McClure & Willtams,3litwookie
Bristol A Putter, anew
Wm Powers.,Powerstown, reuna
Geoadtteachbyre, Evanal.urgh,
i: C1111!
John Ale Arthm,lll ottoman,. Jo
Wick A Acker, Greenville, do
Cralg A Frampton, Clarktville. do
flay. & Plumb Shot prtoah. Po.
I W Wan, :'heron, do
W Connmahant. New castle, do roarro
flaalai 1847.
TIIE improved method of carrying used by this long
F:stablahed Lane, is now sohvell nown dm de
scription as unnecessary. Goods nre not touche
d on the
toe, thus all wn• aoshipme or elan handling in
m d,
The Boole are of Itght draught and perform thew tr•ps
in from sin to . !trim days.
The estomly al
oir Wltteliounen ettalilerti• to store
•ny constgyonents made to us. Receivlns, +Loring, sad
advances free of charges.
Being filly prepared to make roles, of Produce, we
respeetaully Lett conslgnmente of Western Flour,
Ilacon,,Lanl, Wolter, Cheese, %V ool,Feathers, and other
articles for sale, on which Itheral mit:Alice+ will be
made and other usual (actinic,. •Irurderh ' , kaput( °tu
telar* that any business entrusted to u• shall he on
promptly executed and j ordi As c gr a imult eo lty any
other house.
Canal Basin, Pinslurrgh
/AS M DAVE( & Co
4111 and 221 Slaket st, Philaila
East Beaver Point and Bridgewater,
Proprietor and Agent of stetitner.
IgariZaZ airk
W 4 ia L tVto ".P rec ' e d or o eVro " p%7 * a r tlD n e g z. ‘., ..rn , l .„-,
vrarenouse, for all point, on Ere Clove
Cut, and Ovio Cane's; for all puce on Lake Erie . and
upper Lakes, &salvo to torvranl produia, At. .by renn'o.
Improvements. Apply to or addrese
feb94.dtc IAS lI:CETY, Deaver
l'irrHWlßGireCiiE E fiA Nll LINE.
'jE t it 1846. Mafia
Clarke. II Beeps. T. h chrnand le Ca
"awarding it- Consmisalan Illereh•atie,
• 0
'HF: Agents Proerietots. of tine Lin!: (eu hewn ,
ably known to the public/0 , 6100e ld'ePated. o o B
earliest opening of canal navigation to receive prop
arty at Pittsburgh and Beaver, and deliver the same at
uty point an the Ohio canals, and alsoon lakes Erie
andldiebigattovith the greatest despatch and at rear.
enable rates.
The proprietors of this line solicit the hurineis of
their former customer. with confidence, knowing that
their facilities arc second to none.
Apply to or addrets
0 ht BARTON, Aga. Paciburgli.
. CLARBF. it. Co. Beaver.
T .
lIE Bowmen's Portable Boat coropeny being dm.
j solved, the Company again wino. ankles of Co.
partnership ruder the name of the "Boatmen". Lind;n
and likewise agreed to refit the Stock Wilt to base n
number of Boat. for the porpow.of carrying certeint gimsb,
thtouga in from six to waht days, with y—and
feel encouraged by the liberal.) , of last year's palm.-
age, to make more extensive arrangement, for 11, en.
" k\d
therefore respectfully robeit a e.t.a..
once of our former patrous,and refer alines, eustorners
10 Brow we bare done business for.
MEM 1847. Mein
For the transpof Mum of
ALL or Ocii•NUISE, TO AND Eon);
Po IL•oRLInim, lim...rm New Von, AND 11 0 ,
AVIOIrTMAN it Co. “0
Corner I.iherty suect mud CahadDarun. Pittsburgh.
No X 4 Market street, Philade lphia.
ELDER, °ELSTON & Co, Agenbb
Ralionore, Md.
PITTSBURGH—Jac McCully, G.. Morgan & Co..
W McCully & Co, D A Nampaon& Co, M Allen &Cm
PIIILADELPIIIA—Morna PaA1.101) & G, Reynolds
McFarland & Co, Fleming k Rushy. Pmer Wr,ght a
eon. J Bispham,Joaeph Grate.
NEW vortE_Nooditua & Co, Theo. Perry & co.
GOSTON—Rand, Nord & Co.
CIVCINNATI—Adams k Crengh, W W
Non—All menhandire from New ,York and Horton,
contorted to A L Gethan & Co, Philadelphia, will he
prommly forrrarcled fro! ofcommfaton.
Paellage ragpswaa to PhlladellAsta.
MILIVIL rim cum] whi c h w open, the
bore Eaprew Las been s.
tialshea ass the conveyance of valuable package• of
merchandise, specie, bank notes, Jewelry, !Le,
=need running on Thursday, Match 18.
An box Cern will be dlspaufhedlaily until the clove
of the clouting yry•nly
Apply to
car Penn It Caoal
RROULAR 21 1 ?Ltr ai lfil
• .
The new and soleodid steamer
BE Yorun,
rig,Ctivt:e. c,lll , [telleeS r
ii,u2vr trips nav, lepvtitg Pats
burgh at flotelnrli. 2,,and Beam., al:airlock, P
eaniatiiting wilt Patvhargh and Cleveland lane of Cod
riot daily In Cleveland. 0., Beaver, Warren and
Cleveland blot of Parkei• and "lege Coaches .
daily in ‘Varren and Civet-land, Canal PSC., LIII4 to
New Casile and theenville, Pa.: Ere Extension line
tu Meadville said Ern.. Nell, Monte h en's Line, of
"twat. Coaches for Cleveland and,Wntatcr, leave Kew
ver n Wit an the arrival of steamboat Seaver (loin
ItabOwrell A tty to
H ETON 1. Cii, Itia.bargh
oil ; CLARKE& Co. r..tav-r
1847 .
Y TIPI:AIMS . ..AAA. ASIA 011, , CAP... 1 ,,
iI•N PARKS A: Co, Cleveland, 0 )
It G PA RKS.lll,avro, I'd. Proprieters.
T MATtiEttrin,,Alagh, Pa )
9 , 11 F: above Line D , VOW fully prepared to Irant•port
.1 Prole, and Pa..ener n Dorn Plttaburgh and Cleve
lona, to any pond on dd.' Pennsylvania fr. Dino and Otoo
TIo• foriltne. of mod lion are not equalled by any on
.41 Cana:A 111 /Mob,* and ova.) . of 'Keats. cape
rienee Cofotons. nod pranlatnea• of n..,,....,,...,0at Coal leave, l'aldnagli and Cleveland did). run•
!dna in eonorrilon the air toned,
Ala Indon nod Lutel Erie. lodareen PaDburgb oud
licarrrdaati :doe of first Sdrasnlanta, Propel
td t d, Brigs and Feboonera, on La lira Ene, Dimon, III•
elinatit and 01001•0 j
Vroperly forwarded Yo any (an of the Union with
devatat, E N PARKS A: Co,
D e nver ,Clevland ADO
REED. PARKS ft Co, r, AV. ,
ta ll Olt IN war and Stniatneld weals
tii6ll , lLqll. ARDANGEDIENTS.
1 .17.
T an ,. klaltituore 32 hem , I
l'llvdePhla , •• - ....... • - 1 0
(Chily 71 Miles Pinging.)
oi hie iVwcara. Lave commenced making
trip, Ode OM will leave the 'Monona,
11,1 A 1. nori even' mama •g precisely at v o'clock.—
th • morning live will arrive in Baltimore
vent eveiv mg In time for the Philadelphia Mad Mahar
Road eivi The evening Boot will leave the
',hart at 4 o'clock. except - Sundays. Passengers
th,r loam will 1.100 on hoard. in coinfunithle agate
nxims; nitroat e't-hiek ,
cr.. tor amnions. in clay light: top and lodge In Coon .
ovniding'll , gili travel altogether. l'he
11. on, are ecnple. oleic the tdechtin
complete: in i.hut Ovappo nailer. or ys w o all n he on.
the Tonic and resume their
Aga, again
hove chmee of Rail Road
or Swinoai;rietweco Ilalliinore and Philadelphia.
(Vivo. ehaiwied nitro. to carol as 'hay deamdi
Pri ore ion" . ni Ine I Int, MOrrOlignihrin
or Si haileoliviv, J Eil.Kl h:N
I) ACK LT Ilvm am' Trlegrlph IC/0,1,130a
-1 yr,. o'clock r al, the arrival or the
siaro:r, Dow (min I...borrh. am Warren In
toarr , i th.. Stant , . Tvlar It leave ,
ap tLrfratc - . ar1.v....t Clrseland at :lo'r lock, r
t r rkpr,latoa• tool rcinforlnLlc
s, a, Car
t 3; .I.3l . lrquw ELL W nl.ll Prom .. ..
A. Co, 11.000 r, .A 0,0111•
pl/IN A CAI: 0 lIEV, coop, W:orr and kleditlakela
Oppo. : ltf It, Moaunnal.rt:t I love Ptto.bornb
fad ^ 1
S 4 7.
'l O lll ,, ro,,•.stpt, or 111,1: and ro,r Park.
1 ,guladv 1:., M.ll I,lOlfC/1
1,41 V, 31111 6,1' t:11k, 1 . 4 . .1,1,1 and pal
4,1e.r,.1.e1wvi, Vvnronc, 4114.. eag,,v.lprmpti r
o , i rvr•t late,
FILASII•TON, elarkAvd,
It I.A ND k. I: I N I. I:<
(• MAI-, N. vo,
REED. VA ro. do.
jilijA A , AI • GUEI d,rtier r aud •iztrolbGeL.l
O d
aiEHIMI 18'17. WIMP
Altill:CDANDlSE'rfl AND rftilril
Philadelphia, Ileltlaiirt a. New
Dr and Lloston.
cr:un t
the-st rz . r e m , thisp i n n e d line at
c, received v ed
pro s p i
tors to tna - re m ,ark by adding a find
ria.i halts; and in:te..d urgnl log receipleaa hereto.
azenia. we will gee, our tow,. recetiiti for
I ra. , 011 bluilio..llll Doe bye.
NO, - boatcii all height
rrb,pn teitlog iann..l, tons In tioont 1/I.laling
On the route, end as each boat is iierned by the
Consists wLu runs them, which lea WHielent guar
%VI, that there ha 1111 delay no the route.
Nil ['rode., os Merchandise consigned to the
onaticogi ed will be forwarded 1. - r.F.u.:
fdr advancing and forwarding, and ail)
rnipped without delay at the lowest rotes of
.e.• ott'Aie pat,
1 VALLI \ it Co,
Canal 113S10,1 . 1aNburgh.
Broad Street, Phtlatlelpht.t.
F MILLEIt, Agent
flooley'A Wharf, BtAtttoore.
l'Otabtogit, Yoh. 18,1347, _
1846 , AND 1847
. 414 , kniggiati
I , IIE ngl
uer, m
g4tvd are y pr,pared to lot ward pm.
duce, J!ce the Etotern Market. during the emu
i!K ihter. on t;•.: moo f.tvurable terno, by th o exp.-
tbt•ous route.
pm- led to to vydllm forwarded at the
Au proprrty
.ow•t inu.• and onde dr..paleb.
Mmthalt.l,....y '<rm.! by M. 10141 C promptly Mr
worded. C yinwElL. A R I. l'amburgh.
YI IV CAEB. Broarnayille.
F.GERTON k Co.ComM,rland
rHE ...Mier, will receipt forthe delivery of Pro.
duet to Baltimore by the3lonosigahela.Slackwater
us the following pm em.—
k.hee, Huron, ilutosr, Lead. Lard, Pork, Tallow.
NV hsekuy,Chre.; aril Gloss—an eta per Int. ,
Tobacco, !letup, Flax and Wheat—lll eta per 1001(.
(roll Apples ,Clierce, Flux• Seed, Gnu., ud
Leather-1011 eta per lOU Ibo
0,1., Skin.. Seeds, Wool—l IP eta per SOP lb..
Ucc.wal, Feather.. Fur, Gineetta, •nd Snake-Root
—1•01 et. per MORA.
All property enneigned to enter of the undrraigned
will be forwarded without delay, (rev of Commission,
us above MARK. 8r05...v.11e.
1141.NNIA k WATER3I AN, Pittsburgh.
FREIUHThRS and others wishing
m has.: Pile llr,ck. Produce. &c.,
brought to db. {hare from Steubenville
and intermediate landingy, can make
arranacrnent , by callinenn me, as I
have a Boat tumuli! regularly between Pittsburgh and
Sirdbenadir. MILTENISERtihR,
1.1.4 Steamboat Agent, 56 Water si
. _
:nig T RUTH, By •AIEN of
i loNceitsiNt: SELLF:Itr , VERMIPUGE.—A .in.
gla vial producing womlera,—Read the follow,og
0.1 the Rev. S. Wakefield, Pastdr of Llheny at. hi. L.
P.ltillturgh, March 0, 1E . 17..
Mr R 4:. ostler.: It ifolll a serve of dm., al Wail
wah great pleasure, that I bear the vin
toe of your justly celehratrd Vermitage I procured a
One!. turtle and gave rt m three of my children. who had
het it ti for several weeks The elders was ravels
year.. old, he neat four. and the )0101(f.! eighteen
mnths. Th - first pasted hity.arg s, the second
for o ty seven, ?tat the third a cohsaler worm able number not
thsunctly recollected. I+.ner then they have been dn.rfa
well. and are now in good health.
Vnatts respectfully, AVM Frllt
Horn the l= 1:Pa10...m.1f, of the Nl.lin.l,lllpi..en
n.. 1 rburrh.
!lir. II with great plra.ure I would
inform you of the
god effect,. produchl on my son of
tow )eutx of kit!, by )01.11ffi•Ily celebrated Verznifuge•
After lo• Lo o , e cotivol.totts, I gave loin three done,
when be 1,..L..ed an alntom inrredstable number, from
nflovh too , . Inn Kenetal health Ilan been Unproved.
S Ilftatorc.
Prom the Rev Chalk. Cooke, of the Alethodial Epi
copal Chureh
December 11. ISilre.
Mr. II Seller, I gave n y lath, daughter (between
thrre od for ye., old) Oster do" r} of } out VoTnifogr,
areoultog to :new nation, with Me happier, Florets.
The number of worm* expelled g do nOt know Pgceg.e
ly. but It war large. She at now in paotessiun of rood
health. I think din iigidicano us ty be confided in with
great nitte•eiredrieiat. C Cutout.
An any Verniiinar Caen known In ma it
any I wii..n worm. , lainOttily rai,ted, patent
givllelatle, e
nin proft.ten, to all others
?reposed and sold by It. E. lieriveen So
nod Atli, on Wood ilia,
For role lir Dr. Cartel, Fla Willa. tayl
- -
FROM We rely liberal encourage
• mono the subset itmr has redeived since
• he has located himhelf In Allegheny,
.3sCAasir.r . hoar Induced hint to take a lease, for a
term of years. on the property Lc now
occupies, in !leaver street, immediggdy beside lba
Presbyternso Church. From the long cfpericnee in the
above business and a desire to pleat., he hopes to seer'
It rod receive a share of public patronage.
Now on band and finishing to order, Rockagray limp
men, open and top Buggies, and every descriptiou of
e ar.tget made to o lsmdlaltft rder, (rain seven.l ty OIIN sown,. .fiva dollars to
isla hnnsrst. l
tile. AI Alilo lILILAMVIG SONP—For rem.
J.. vo,g spots, Plains, or Marks from Clothes,
Woolhos, Curpots, the., to.. and rendering the spots
where it is applied clear, bright, new, and spotless.
Fold with lull directions. Price Weems a cake
Irr:fold by IVALJACKSON,tOLtherty street, head
of Wood. of hialloot and that- more. situ of Me Dig
j A 'ENE% HAIR cnmmeudiodie
atieniiiin of those iboinnusnf reonring their hair or
improving Its beauty. to Wis elegant 'wpm awn. We
her 0 every where highly spoken of, and erpecially by
all Wore who have prude we of it. us'gready efbeaeinw
annulating the gro,th of the haw, and Pnevepting
and curing many affections of the skin. Its vimcs are
u Ply and aulleiently priwed—N. Y. Sun.
For sale in Pitiaburgh at the PEKIN TEA MORE,
73 Fourth at, near Wood; and also at the Drug ettire of
11 P Schwntlx,Fedinit Allegheny city. ref
Or. McLane's Worm Spacial..
pins ts to certify that, by toting ono vial of Doctor
1. ItlcLianc's Worm Specific, a child of James Shaw's
passed upwards of worms, wid by the we of said
medicine a child of my own passid 14 large worm.—
It Mil the mast aurpriling MMUCinC I WM,'
""' mare
Willi in. Township
For rellir by J SIDI) k Co, Nu On Wsoil strcet, Pint
burgh. - mania
01110# s
- -
"Wi.ttboaßb the masa may not ho explamed,
Since their tient arc duly ascertained;
Let not prejudice, Or Pride,
Induce mankind to set tho means
Mean. vet:at:11.111o' vintpte, arc by licam , tig nkt
To alienate the ills of human Ita .
. ,
rf MIDI remarkable invention, which has received the
/universal approbation of the medical profession of
Great Britain, comprise+ an entirely new application of
Galvanisni, or a remedial agent, means of which the
ordinary Galvanic Batteries,Eleetric and Magnetic Mar
chines,t/e., rue entirely dispensed with, and the Myster'
Wittu power of Galvanism applied without .n ofuhe
objectiou which are inseparable from the general mode
now in i.e. The strung doses, nod irregular Intervale.
in which Galvnitism In applied by Om Aterhineo, has
bred pronounced, alter a heir until imparual trial, to be
decidedly injurfons.and it wan 10 remedy this radical de•
feet that this new application was projected, which, of
ter unceasing toil and perseverance, has been brought
10 its present mute of preemien. The Galeasile Weirs
r all the purpo,s of the mart expensive Ma
chianswenes, and in warty other respect. , aore Wes and
certain in accomplishing the desired eirect. •
The Gehanic Rings used in connection with the Nag
eerie Fluid, ate confidently recommended in all disor
dors which arise Jon an Difidded /te unflealAy. sal u
dent,lol.ll or COOl 'yam, end thew entnplatnts are
among the most painful and universal to which we are
subject. They arise, without exception, fmm one sim
le cause—a derangement of the Nervous Sweetl—
and it was in there eases that other 'remedies' having
so often foiled. n new agent was greatly needed, which
it is confidently believed,' has been found ht the preper
and judicious application of Galvanism.
The Galvanic Rings have been used with entire suc•
ass. in nil cuses of KIIKOSISTISSI. smite m chronic, aye ,
'plying to the head, face or lied.; Gout. 71C-Delorstex, '
nethachi. Bronchitis, Fertigo, Nffooll.l se Eh/ Headethr,
Ind4pazion, Panelistu, Patsy, Epilepsy, W.• Cramp, •
Palpitation of as More Apopkty, Saffnao of Jolno,„
Spinal Cataplalna, Lumbago, Neuralgia, /Grams Tyr '
roan, Didinere of the Head, pain in tes Mat and Side,
'Onscrelßehility. Zudleieney of Norco. and' PAyrkglEn
neg. and aU NERVOIia
,DISORDERS. lit cases al ,
confirmed Dyspepsia, whgli Is supply n nervous .
refinement ofthedigestive °Scene, they Wive been found
equally successful. Their extraordinary adb upon
tI e system must be witnessed to be believed, and as
certain preventive for the preceding complaints they
are equa/G secornmended. The Binge are of different
prices. Wale made of all eine, and' of various omit.
mental pattern., met con be worn by the moot delicate
fetpu:e without We slightest inconvenience. In fact,
the seiturman It rather agreeable than otherwise,
The Galvanic Belts, Bracelets, Bands,
Garters, Necklaces, fates
la tome eases of a veto severe chareeto,mul of long
anieE g the power as applied XI the Galvanic Ringo
is not •ufwient to arrest die prods , o of di . r."'
emately remote health. The unproved mod/condi
,nlhbc Galvanic Belts, Breech., he., entirely leme•
d i et Ili. objection; any ilegr., of power that is /MI.
red rot n readily be obtained. and No comysint which
the m)sterhas toren, of liolventsm con el ect will fail
to be permanently relieVed, there articics aro adap
ted be the waist, anus, wrixts, uncles. or a
the baly, with perfect convenience. The Gaic
Neckiares arc used with g teeter benefit in eases of
Bronchitis or affections of
d m throat generally; also in
enter of Nervous Dcahiess; and with aluloo unifam
once,. as a preventive for Apoplexy, Epileptic Fits,
and complainto.
Christie's Magnetic Fluid
is used,n connection with Mc Galvaine Hinge atal:all
their, mod/drain. .. Th 01.11 , V011111011 has been pro
nounced by the French Chetairte to be one of the most
extraordinary discoveries of modern eelenee Web.-
beved to peSSeitS the re Mar k ablep over of readoan/
nerds aertain•el • trolvanie anion by this meat. causing
eonetintranoirof the tolluenr, at the' rent at dises•ei
giving rapid end permanent Gild No nth,.
011110,4110111 n r . Lnownto V 0140.01110 came
cr.., or to impart" ninaiiar properly to the ectVou 4
•ystcm,by rumor 51P0110000.110.1 of t h e The
tignette 001101410. nothing capable of the
het itoury, applicancn egreable. add it as
harmless ei action n• nis beneficial di in: ri•mltk.
ran explaaattons and a r e every accompany it The
enothineal Invention. are in every way perfectly harm d
leo., they ere sold at prices w,tai the reach ot :all and
the only rea c
t.!- a onir trial a r mit of
their sorprtiong efficacy awl 'Hirmanetit Lettenti
Chriidie's Galvanic Strengthening Piro.
Then, article , form another vale:dile application of 1
the it.Wer.ous ailluece ot Gglvantam 'I liii) are an i
important udiutiet to t nit genuine Galena.- Ring, and
their moddietaioni, get ng upon the Same ti nctple, but
having the advantage of Imre local anal.: non. The,
are confidently recommended an a value) , i arldnum in ,
the speedy tore of Rheumatism, acute or malt; to all
nervois• complems, and or a immure rottenly 11l eases
of rai. end 11 - mints> to the Chen or Bock. Pain in 1.1.
Side, in Ala)? tali( Aftertnoto, and in Weakness .e (lppm.- I
riot, of the Pubnonato Organs In Spinal Complaints
their elll via are of the mans decoded character, and they
have often been tined tettli etiznpletc succtes. 'They are
aim of the greater I advantage iii Pains nod Weakness
..f the Bream, and ere highly recommended Mr many of I
Mow nt
complai , . to which remelt, are en,et ally liable.
As an t In:rum) m Mr Krengthrtmig the spit.)
wlicit debilitsted wit ean, h
din. 3. fit nth, eau...mgt. a ear
aid in Coniattutional \\'tai neon, inaa Preventive
or Cozily. mil oil to atfections of the Client. generally.
t he Galva it.e Sittosniendift Piii,en a .1; he found Of
rl• .t. nii.“ ler.ninio .... lii is line went.; it
with.l4 • •• a I the ii.fill. , Of life mint din.e plendration.
with the Important addition of the nalmutto iufluence,
which in neither Impaired nor exhaunted. while Me ac.-
, non continues. These articles will be found.entirely
' free from those °Wert.. which area constant noun,
of complaint with the ordinary placers in eatrallOO are.
[Er The peat celebrity and liecela ortaiete articles
has caused theta to beeounterfetted by unpnnelpled ,
permits. To provide agahin imposition, Dr. enalati ,
11:a. Lot one ,ul:wrized ,rill ii, c."-h ritzy of the I: mom.
'inc only anent in l'iliAba‘rh• )V W , VII•SON.
Orlbealiabest and most ronnectabie character, are con
stnily received. regarding the eltraorditiary value
and lancers of the above arlldiea. It le believed that
in the city of New York alone, unwarde of EIGHT
THOUSAND PERSONS. during a im tied of less than
a y e ar, bore Lien entirely relieved of the moat paiofol
ehoot dunrdera, some& vabteb have eamPielely hal ,
fled all former efforts of medical art. Indeed many of
the first plty income of this city. who disapprove of the
Galvanic and :Runnette Machine, constantly recom
mend this application in Mei! practice, and with the es
ceptiOn of Mom who are too prentdiceil in gyre II • Ire
al, the Invention hain received unanimemocfavor with
the moo intelligent among Mr American Faculty!. Pt'
Christie is at all tinter read) . f.d .O.b;MPI. five
evety facility to physicians, and all intereated, for tesf
inn the truth 'of hie assertions and t h e efficacy of hts
Only, agency in Pimburgh corner 4th and Market at
ne pl.tal I V
afflicted with Diseases of the Longa'
—This is to certify to bout afflicted' with the first pre
mot itory symptom. of Consumption. that I have been
laboring for serernl )ears with a.hmochi, witness of
the throat and hnareenew. 1 used many medicines, but
found no relief in any preparation of medicine, until 1
REMEDY. I have been using this valuable medicine
'or several years. and always find it to relieve when •
ever Imake use of it. My occupation as an Auction
which keeps me almoncosstantly engaged, causes
my disease, atlimes, to become Dry alarming. when I
at once procithe . this medicine. i thereMie take plea
sure in making dos public staletnent, that others creel
rd with disease- of the limes and expectorant organs
may know the virtues of this 'All healing remedy,l .
and may be cured. I hove recommended Dr. Daticatl i s
Expectorant Remedy toooor of my friend., cot
whom owe :heir lives to this medicine
Somerset,Ohio, Oct 13. 1143 JAMES HEWIT
The proprietor of the above medicine voiild, also
trier to the undersigned permits, wti rev de in lserry
. county, on whom any person may rail upon and be
convinced that there are Virtues found in the. abate
medicine that cannot be excelled :
Dreid Culbertson, Sornersei, Dr D. Stone, do; Ran-
cis Goliher, Jackson tpi Mr. Lamm, dot Geo. Polbert.
Saliba tin Jerrod Devise., Hopewell tp
more street, Cincinnati, Ohio:
Said in Plnshurch by WM. JACKSON, HO I,ibeory
head of Wood Greet. ranllMAiwT
$l3ll . —A Rldaoiagl Ahi iraele !! A Wonder!!
—To cure Eruption. and Disfamtements or the Sktn,
trplea. Fmk Ira, Sunburn, Salt Rheum, eieurry, Sam
Head, kr.,
Rine years ago last August, the canon' of leaner
was moot...bed ni conocquenee n Gown yr ry made by
ttist Dalt. Chemist. Many &mined—it seemed almost
an impos•itillity that anything made b the bands at
a t
could have ouch own.. as y
that elm Wed
by Antonia Veiiprinirfor his invention. Many classed
lam and his inveniinn ns a humbug; land. al.: many
foolish persons without trying do dm same now ,l at
length, after testing it in the hOoponliii the Sletheal ea.
rimy of P.* Dim Item chemists inthe worldpleltvered
the f
o llowingo tenott Signot'Vesprini:
u now minutely and ..chilly examined the
giftmilar invention of Feint . ", We have 'misty. no
component par. me have used it in rantral cascii.eind
we neonate not to pronounce 11 (the Italian Chemical
d a y gt blenstitg, atom n Poly wonderful
the ily for cutaneous eruption or iliofigureutent of the
oirta. Its inventor we remoter the true philanthropill
of suffering matiktad.
Front the inventor himself to
the P present Proprietor.
/Olii Nov. 4, I
In consiilaration of the sum of 13,03 b, I have diva).
sett to biro T. Junco, residing tu the city of New Turk.
N. A., the whole moress of manufacturing, together
with a 'Memento! the itutredisuta compming my Ital
ian Chemical Snap. Ile 14 to manufacture for sale ni
the United Mums only, hod to base the privilege of no.
tome it .. .lmre,' Italian Chemical Soap."
Witneim: Ilmuy J. lloblaworth.
Op-Sold by W JACKSON, nt his Potent Medicine
Warehouse, E.O Liberty . street, head of N ood, at,the
sign of the Iloot. 11'J 6
The only plane in nimbi:nil where the GENUINE
con lie obtained. Alt others are Counterfeit .
FOf SA RS te-
D PARILL A. Wonder and 11l aessinil
gae of the Age!!
'I his Extract is put up in quart bottles—is:six times
cheaper. pleasanter, and warranted superior to and
sold It curer without vomiting, purging,setening , or
debilitating the patient.
The great team and supc 'lenity of this Sarfsp , rillu
over a ll other remedies is, while ft eradicate. doeme
it invigorates the bay. It is used successtully in the
removal and permanentcare of all diseases arising
from an impure state of the bloat or habit of the sys
Lek out ron Pri^ , i 9l, d te"...bant'
copied oar and pot op ➢ medicine in t e ram. rha
pedeenties. Pee that each bottle kristhe written Cigna
lure of B P Townsend.
Formic lir WeedELLERS. [sole agent for Allegheny
couniy,) Si street, between Third and - Fourth
sts. myl4
-1.7 !Nl:S.—Scrawls* In all its multiplied forms,
whether in that of King's Evd, enlargements o the
glands or bones, Goitre, White Swilling., Chronic
Rheumatism, Canner, diseases of be Skin or Splde,
or of Pulmonary Consuniption, emanate from one
and the same cause, which is a poison°us principle
mole or less inherent in the human system. There.
fore. unless this principle can be dee:ol6:4cm radi
cal cure can be elected, but if the principle upon
which the disease depends, is removed, a carp
muster neceesity follow, no matter under what lorm
the disease should manifest itself. This, therefore
is the reason why JAIME'S AL . /sitarist. I. so uni
venally successful in removing so malty malignant
diseases. It destroys the virus or principle from
wine° those diseases have their origin, by maturing
into the circulation, and with the blood is conveyed
to the minutest thee, ?emeritg every particle of
disease from the system. Prepared and sold at rio:
3 South Third Street, Philadelphia.
Sold at the Pekin Tea Stole, No. 72 Fourth mite
Pitlebiugh. mchil.
For or retuoviel and I ermuneut cure all all decries
arieing from an moan. tare of the blood
mbst,to , , vetem vat r -
Si r.wit !J. r L4J,f/isOnao t omcat
oana, Earisto fumel., on U.r late. iiletaft,
Sam. Chredc -re, Ring Wenn or Trace, Scald
Enbergarant and pain of ate Bona and Jeremy,
Srefibuen Mem, Soblive Symptom, Sciatica or LAM ,
Fato. and Ldwasea origin/fermate UtienfaMus em , fir !
Ale-mryeui Came. Ca ;decita or Ihcpsy..EpTenur , or ntrnden os
cr t
Lmllus:anal Disonifire
In toneiy atlntini-tration ha + been atalded w. I the
hamar. Mutts many anomalous a &cameo; ha a
nmchielly cameC dedto 41Ithe void which emsesbetween
mai:erne und Itperimit medicines; benne its made., op- .
tanti r< that re an alterative dtn-ctly—indirtelly pNt
yang a lacointitonte to the et stem.
m highly emetunatued tor ememniertoo and pond.'
Laity, contenting nothing but the exp , muird esseur
and is th e reyi.moniame the Sarsaparilla ROOF
tho tam , . itlier nit I t of Peruvian nark, r
tontine at /Teton. It rstablisbcd fart, that: a
tiiw•gratno elute,. (Nitrite or 91ml:thine carman. II
the ultimata/LI value of a taiga quantity, of the ern Le
'Mum the sant:mow thor.6 preparali
andtotil wouid dmire io dekko gallontakixt
we,en a half Pint contained the tame Inedlcinal vat e.
The Sermparilla can lie diluted when taken agree le i
tht...herction , , and matte 10 Pao the taste of the so
dent. •
The following ernifit ate addremed to die Agent at
Chicago, futtnehes conclusive proof of its great va ite
1 ' In caw+ or reVet ,
kleivre. Stebbins & Reed—lie:met In 5tay,1945,1 oh
tamed at yodi more a bottle of Sand's Sarsaparilla, and
N/21,1.11/cti toy bed, without gimp (or a week,
me:mimed ay violent pain mom a regal tr Mem:soma
long standing, on my right leg. 'ltty plakeiciem advised
me us have the ttrith nalpatated, raying it was thelonly
m. likely to present. ray Itfe. After born: half the
bottle the ro.o ioloo I. subside, and by the time I had
med licartyithrm bottled,l se:amble so transact my reg
lar bminess, and Lam I bid finished the Math bot
lie. Inca as wall and mend an evert had been- •I hare
nu hesitation in slaying that Sand:* Sarsaparilla was the
mean., under Providence, of raving ray limb and I
doubt not my life. I moot cheerfully redo:emend it a ,
the beet article extant for the purifiCatim of the blood
Yours, mom reopretfolly.
Tke foam i ying certificate is only another link In the
greet chain of tretitcony to its merlin:
Sorrn Ihnerm. Canada tail, April It, 11411.
Messle. Suanis—Gentlement Expoecd as we are to
the nuack•of Mecum., add no frequently disappointeerl
in proposedretnedielt,gve cannot but look on the efroets
of eacement I practiltoneln with interest nod gratitude
This ti irtte regain:ins your valuable preparation of
Sarsemenlia. I have Lem wyerely afflicted lor.T.lTenta
with a diseme about which ••doctor's dieopeep and
their wort rail more diver. e. I toed ym
roue tethedtes Jan found no relief until I commenced
mins ycdr excellent medicine, at which time I was
whoily eilliGuedu. my hod After using it ft low Months.
I um n,alle. to wum about ride out, and enjoy a coat.
rortabl ow o degree of health, which I attribute entirely to
a c use of nane'd Sataaparine. Pleme accept my na
-1 maame eit gra: lade tooter:ger&
Reim peronaily acquainted wait . the above state
^Clll, I betel.; corm> Ain the ram is true.
rotellga Tarrimar.--The following•ts. m examet
Irma 6, letter received from Rm. %%Thant Gateaux:
Erra nt
ill TL Oil Mt, 1915.:
Mmind. Sand.: I have limn am rile d with a severe
Lim I: icy occasioned by a slummed liver, for the
I et twenty year suffering tit umes what language
mance cone ey, but since inking your Sarsaparilla. I
bane been greatly reliemid,lo mutat Institut I have Men'
able tomitend to any and preach occasion ally
foram toot fifteen mouths. Imldaly discarded Mother
medicine, and am:mighty wird am Sareaparifia, which
I can rename, oil in berth and aineerityso all theme who
arc in any way aillicted any species of ecrofidom
compiumm. Ther , have boon come. eirtarkable care s
riTeesed by kV , att
a in that Mn. I. ...Thaw. by
the ate of six Ima, wa. restated to better healthehm
he bud before enjoyed for ten Year., and Mrs. W. no-
WhO had been reVerely afflicted arab the Equip.
ela., vem tensely cured by Me use ot • few bates.
Yours truly. OALIDOIA
For further purneulare and conclusive evidence of its
ropes, Value end efficacy•itee poi pilots, which may
Le rimmed of Agents the
I rimmed and mad by A. IL & D Sande.Druggilte,loll
Fulatt tt, canter of William, Neve York.
..Sold alto by L. W lI,COX, J r., Plitsburgtu• 11. Mr
, woad, Beaver; Wm. Wat.on. Now Castle; D. N. Rote;
n. Itrownwille; A. Cr. ieh, Washington; •nd by
Druggotas generally through . an Untwil Suttee. •
, Trier slncr bonle--sis bottles for Ys.
The palate ale respectfully requested to rememlier
• that it is Saud'. Sureeparilla that a continuity twines
, aig eucli remaek able cure , of the
iloienAct to which the human Irticne is subject; therm
frier iuk for Samre nail lake no other.
'that 1., relined lon is suds t short iime from kis dit.
e will t.ll is it
or AO
ileshug ssavaso." Ask the soo ' imilits
what has sassed Lit tioiTh, immured ,--
the Side imd
iiimeked Ids eueshiond •
! .Ised ihe rose of bealdi
(sisal his sheet! sod
Le will tell you
Ark your Girlish if they kiww ofanything thatwill epee
rore • Log sad tedious Cough, Itaieing of Blood, E ton
chais Dyspectsc Cosursoptiun, Hoarseness, Tanen., and of ilw Throat, as the Olo.souiewi and they, il l tell
yr , — o. There ars cr yeahos town a remedy odrduced to
polder outlet ninth ha. bee productive of /0 6111011 good in'
...short o space of time, livmdste following
A atoulallin g Cures.
We. Bout, the celiFerted Co,biss Garber baker, 911 Nas
sa .:an. dot 011
wife hao been ie.]
usth Awhina for years, and could not Ilia yeamenent re
,lof from the ben medical advice which - A co York and
_Brooklyn could produce, was induced to try lisle gentle-ems
ay' 010 is uow nearly slat His daughter who seas macr
o% from the Pam< dbease, tried it, and was also cured by it.
Mr. L.tod I. bow to well that she is eble m a.ukmr her
bed ear:, Os the scooting and attendto bee usual duties through
the day withowt may manor.n from her distresniq malady.
Hamm Jeerer., 13th street, near the Catholic - ComeMy,•
• come to the store fur the purr. of obtaining a bottle of
whma f r
Vsli ' ausles7 i t ol at A arrital lir 1 0 e
could noi r :Pelle " Ile touched a bottle and wale home,—
Four day. at - keened Ins walked from his residence to the of
without Wipe, a domes. of over two miles, to tell of
the wonderful relief which he had eaperlenced 6'• using
about one half or. one bottle._
Consosaptlon of the Mange.
Mr. Coltrane, 35 bindle street, our mlOO5 m Ike =nib
of December last. dost he violin. op by hif phyeician. Ili.
Wirt& entertaineduo hope of his recomey. He was wrens-
Jed to tsi the Olosaonien, midis, his surprise bas so far
reamed him to health that hc is now able to walk stout the
Mr. ATrare, the wife of Wet IL Atiree,Jameellannan
Ess. and G 0,..
W. Hays, Esq. can all bear testimony foal
their own roperenec of the boding properties of Wu Great
Remedy in Consumption of the Lung, • '
Splttlne , Blood. • '•
Mr.. Toot - soma 3511 Mouroe — stseet, who had been
troubled fora groat l oth of time by a amen cough, and
raised quantities of blood woo relieved by cow bottle GM&
Olomunian, and declares at thy greatest remedy in the world.
KoLLT,:I7I Water etrest, was also relieves! Iron
the same complaint., although he waseery much reduced
when hreounnowed taking n, hating been under the are of
his phyocian during tisk past winter. Although he smashed
onotmtly and our very much troubled with eight seems, 2
bold, of the remedy enabled him to return to his daily
work. Ile wet entirely relieved.
D a rt. 11.nessort, INS Leigh! sheet, Geo iW. Burnett,
formerly of Newark, IT. J., Henry Lisboa, 190 Airington
street, and other pernos hu been spealily end
permanently cured of the mom complain e t
by this remedy. ' --
The Ars•rof ease..•
which could be produced of petunia who bare and thu great
remedy would marl than fill a column.•Ameog_the number
ese are permilledno sake to A. bl:lltisinger, MI Barclay rt.,.
Mr- Wsloan of Hoboken; Mrs. Bell of Morrinown, i s. J.;
haws B. Dense, 191 Used, 04 Mrs. MiCalfree,so Attorney
Smith, 911ThirelAssinee,Ure Wm. It. Anneal' thee
`iil7dvehNollr'esale and null by at hiiPatall
51edicine Werehouse and Boland Shoe Slam, No fill Liber
le greet, head of-Wood street,Pitlnbogh. Prue 113elbot
For Cough % Colds, Asthma; and CoproptiOn!
TC. Ire. 111114 ma, arid CONUVIIIPTION, Is the HUN
GARIAN DALSAM OF LIFE, allicovered by the cele
brated Dr. Buchan, of Landon, England, and introduced
Into the Drilled State. under the Immediate eriperlntend
secs of thoinventor.,
The estiaoralinary sumest of this medicine, la the
cure of Pulmonary dlyeafes, warrants! the American
Apia In soliriting for treatment the WORST PO5.
SIDLE CASES that canal.° found In the conniundry—
C 23149 that seek mile( In vain Dom any of the cm:anon
romedia. of the day, and have been given Vp We
Dom dielhmoteleed Physicians as CONFIRMED AND
INDUDADLE. The Hungarian Delano has cured, sand
will cure, the MOAT DEBTERATE OF GABBS. lit.
clank 'manner, but a standard English medicine, of
known and established elliceey.
Every family In thellnitsd States Omuta be' supplied
with Dacha's Hunprian Balsam of Life, not only to.
counteract the consumptive tendencies of the climate,
not lobe used us a preventive medklne in eat caeca of
Colds, Coughs, Spitting of Blood, Pala in the Side and
Omsk Irritation and Procne. of the tong; Dranalthr
Difficulty of Breathing, Hectic Fever, Night Sweats,
Enenekaion end General Debility, Asthma, Influents,
iliaraei_eg.tiough. and Croup.
Cr Bold to large boltlysoat it per boltle,with Bill act,
.1106.11 for the restoration of Health.
pamphlets, containing a mass of Englirhmtd'Amest
nn itertifkates, and other evidence, showing the um
mulled merits of thin Great English Deo:may, may de
obtained of the Acente. FlDoßowlla. • -
DAVID P. DRADLEF, sots Agent Da the Dotted
StateiT, 119 Court street, litaatarn.
T. W. DVOTT t SONS, General Wholeeela AVM.,
No. In li7arth Second street, Philadelphia.'
For ertto by U A FAIINUTOCK A Co. corner
wad end front Erect. • Inge.
• 1 . 8.10 - i1 DILVIIIIIf
• _
TlLEbest attiele knowtt.fer cleaning and whitening
. Teeth, strengdurning the gums, swectenirg the
breath; be. It - should be used every night with - a Big
hrusti, and the teeth and mauth will only reguini a sligh
washing in the morning. Wet the brush with tunawater.
Water. or cold will answer. and rub it a (OW taus on
the paste, when enough will adhere fur e. nog die
teeth. It leaves& delimmis taste In the month, and rat
parts it MO rt delightful fragrance to the breath. It stands unrivalled as a pleasant, efficacious, convenient. and
safe dentribee. II warranted not to injure the
Mo preserveMent.
Bto y
usiag it regularly. it will remove the tutu and
prevent its .accunialation--prevent the toothache
strengthen the gams, and prevent allUiseasea of Otero
Chemists, physicians ; and the clergy recommend it a
decidedly superior to every thinker the kind-in UM.—
Ugh fur Oberman's Compound Orrir Tooth 'Palle, and
observego. signature is attached to cult pot.
Recommend.' &by Dr. Culla, it Broulwap,ooo of
our best Dentists, and by mart of the old established
ones in the Bolted :tubes, andever x.r eo gi o di 0 00 d
by the Nobility of land and Frs. ra
At.rge proportion or the disease. t kataNict mankind
wise from mono derangement of do tonsach or bowels
hich a timely usa of the Cathi tie Lounges would
entirely obviate. Persons of - bilious bgbits should al
ways bavei• bog at hand, e and take - a dose wheneier
they feel theleast derangementtnthelehealth.- Ain&
clans use of Mese Lozenge. ienonld prevent thousands
of eases.
• - • . .
ror ante a: WM. JACKSON'S, - corner of Wood and
MOORISH' IIAII3; DYS...Fer.perrna
1. newly dyeing Light, Pedal Gray .natt a Dark
Brown - or slack color, without dysiag or icjiirkng the
skin. Bold with roll directions. 'Price 60 tents,' or hi
aThoule. . ,
. . . _. ... • • .
td - by WM. JACKSON, at Ph Patent bledieine
V‘PaiTu ' ax-, at I.lbetry, street, bead V Wookl, ...the
eign of the 1111 Boot. iN
I '`lt. SItE.R.NIAN La• iliteutertd • traltrkii •
pknatit, Ito dna chilttrba tAlt• it th a:4
mitt, St.. that hisfetes.imii• If V . 064.1 4Cil V. a L...
getiotrot of Tat& Paste oa the Lack of each PLytttr,
exit-041 or Diniettotta. •
5111ERNION'S C011.7C11 LOZENGE?.
These Lamps are the of mod sum end egretud mar
dy loreoyhy colds, emmumptioto, ohoopie; come, •
tightnees of the loop or chat{ etc, eke. The revretrter
hat never kremn ma inetastre ahemm they did col go, paCtet
retie/A.lm. Seieral thousand balms hate been told u el
the nrt y ear, resturieg to Width peewee•t it .t. o rt '•'/
of euratimptem,aml doom Lawrie& under the 'most doome,
colds awl molghs,, They do oat check load dry up d.
theert. 4 l.,
but moder tt msy, promote espestormionlll4 - 9e tteldim, or
irritation, and mese n the protintm i
e ir med.; odor.— p
They are made from eotabinatiest of • most valuebte ealeO
hotel, or eo!egta stirelicion, and ore undoubtedly to
every thing so me 6Jr those tomplaints. Ilmelmls tired, Leh ,
d reds ofeertificates have been offered .1'0.4 etoodet oil I'd.
Wes,from those oho halo brat saved from an uutimedy grde,
and rowed to per health by mingtheen.
Where there ts moth pato ie the bread orside, oue of Stter
e m ot e Pm AMP'S PLiatere (peke only Itl4 muted should be
epplied Deer the yeti, soil mod. rehmed. If atkoded
soh madmen, a ker eathartie'cr Lemke lounges, mmy • •
mild cathartic medielue, doodd be mad as measiou requires t.
TLew iaortiilosenewbeie beaa tweed hamar/ells.. 1 ,4
OW caw m be infilfAbk; rbe tidy neon Isom dcattoptie
wcillecoe everducovercal. Many diantsia Brion boot noon.
d occasion keig wd ialtneeaing, andesen death, nob
out their war beWit ...peeled; grown pawns are tear odes
afflicted lath Wan, end UV doctored Co ranow comp/wo:
aritbowary band, Oien ntre dote of Were Listener. would .
weedily cure thew'
_ . .
nlnnsrl R i oter.-Paso, io thejoints or limbs, oboe
sin breath, picking al the Inc, grinding of the teeth doing
despond tinses nolehess about the lipe,withlttahn dice i k '
blensng at the nose, a gaming senution al in stench, link
ce . ofbnt nee thansfice Ntn body, slt chills or nor
snags, headone, d ro nness, g o, , nein dinitbed
sodden loaning ht eleep:with Atha an acogs
/10010.1141 r• i/001,1=134 MO', fen • hos:NE - thirst, putod
hoe, led tune in the moon, diSk n' olt blend., pato is
the stomach or bowels, Wipe, oaten qtaxeraldan,,..ogs,
dons apnctin, bloated stamin or ;tiptop.
elsootinglonts at urine part. of the body, a sen e o f some
tis in rums in the pint, unit' °fuse ant towards esight, a
frequent 'tinily to pansonething frau tr bowch, put some
times din:harp& °flan and more.
Tny gin immediate niter in onion or sick headache,
pelplndos orate hart, Imes. uf the spirits, desponetcy,
todansany or ra4io - sora throat, bowel or snow rem.
plaint, Wong, append. ors seen of siokinsof the thee:,
betty van, cramp of the stomach or bowels, Istaterical •
and a/1 nernos drnnione through
day,. the an, wakefuhsen through the 404 , choke% o a r riot s
moan ? diarrbas, hatinde or • lane W fatigues' ?cr.
• {OWtest.Wogl?r attending Inge wan, will And the Loins
.gre reallyntrutg,and hawing the nanny of youthomed
after dianehoo, they nil ranee the lowe nth. mina psi
nay, end remote all the oupharat 'symptoms wing harm .
too free tiring: Persons who lon been too brgh lines, moi
alandoned th eir dissipated habits, will Sod theselnenges
ini& tampons of the turns. ' .
The bert nano/sang plant. in dot wind, and a amender
remedy #i pan, or onion in thelock, .ids, nen,
limbs, putts, rnonsations, lumbago, kr, In. One milli= •
year wdloolseopply the nand. - They requires littk wants
sug before application. Warranted superior to allothemand
for me quarter the tonal prin,making.not ooly the beet, but
the cheapest - plaster its the wo rld .. It eons relief inn few
hours, and makes anatlehingcunk
10 Urn conaphitst and dyspeptia, st should be warn Urn
the. in of the !knot stamen, and # %Ifni great aid
monsishing relict - hi drinks, .016, anns, diAmity
breallsinsh - oppremiou of the cheat t h e they will ins
mainly ank end greatly haunt pant. Pmeeta re
ndentary habits, or One obliged to shin moth, will receive
deeided snippet Avert one of now truly idengthening Plat
to.. Flynn= gineray trawanend than in pakten* to
othr ,rs Inane. they stick or adhere betGend afford grimi
er reliaL .In their operatin they are etimuktet, tonic, sad
annyise. .Tidy ore come , : ntirely diflferent inn&
an Roomy other, and fro. the npirienee of ink
how who nee use d nem, as well at the united nanny of
ell the cekbrated and Hired cfmv playikkote, to
' be the ant useful aad high asedintrid Oo ter.
Sutural perm: bate al the warehouse to ennui
' Linens...sec sod thane, at the Henn itxuka. coin these
plasters ha i effected.
Direntne ke oar are Sts_berk of ens linter, wish a
foe simile of Dr. Shersma eosin It is impornotyou should
always osk for Sherm.ko Poor Moak Master, and en nal
you gel the Kronor, as there an nay wanks trintatkess
hasor6d about and aild for th e nos Sherman's Pincer, by
unprincipled deans.
Sold wholsonle and rent by W, JACKSON LL bis Palen
Medicine Warehouse, .No.
,E 9, Liberty stint, Sign of tie
LUG SOOT. j. 14—d ly.
~ it nays POUND ITs”—Eurskol •
• Cincinnati, 0., Much 3.1; ISO..
Dear B y:-Thi. 6 to certify to the public, particularly to
thou afflicted wish • dhow of the imp, or poussouption
that in the Springer 1843 I woo attacked witka mem cold
MM. ems Imam waled upon my lunge, Mowing all Ms
twiny.. ul in ampicoching ConIISSNAMM kly moSh ..s
tight and maubloomeoittended with copious slight .wean; I
spit up daily a considerable meanly of bkoil, mind' wish
I. kir dark nutter. My situation brume' scrip. susdatura
, tug. During • this time I mu : aticoded byr do of our moat
Matra Physiciant they did the'beet they could foe me, amen
at length they gave op all hope army recovery, Miamian
me that mthing more meld be done—that my lungs were (-
tally dimmed, and beyoodremedy. I was then 14.1,1114 Pi by
a friend of she to make o trial of /A. DuriccoVe Experm
rem Ronnii, which my Physidians persimed nano, toying
that this medicine. would do tit. good, and would mill odd
mom to my suffering. I told them it moo my last and mly
hope, and that it I inal , die of dig dprasc, (a hick ea, evi.
Mot to me,) there moaLl le nothiog Lot. to i scut to it.
Cincinnati Office dad obtained 5 bottles of tide May Talua -
We Medicine, and commenced aniurammdiag ha the diem;
, ip
lions, kit instead of adding to my suffering, immediately , •
gave relief, at race arreattug the troubhMine Cozies
caving e pain and tighten. in my Chest giving roe a new .:
life and streosth, which mow ads/Jibed= to be about %mks.
This medicine continued its. good work, erisieff ibaci ordiTy
cosomened, omit' was mad< esousid 1.111. !hall since boom
attsming lo my Waimea, (upward.; of 3 years) and feel as
healthy es l wish. !hare nmonnisended Dr. Dances E. .
pectorentßemedyin May inn:lmm to thimegmboly afflicted"
and it has always proved succemful m for as 1 hare what:red
ifs effreta _AI ykister is using Mu medicine at premt, for a
Discami Jiro and aa r difection of tic. Lungsoshich s h e
fled suffered with id,mom lime; she hoe nearly maimed
by the err of tbis iliedieinti cod I am corilident the 6 bottles
Mat I take withoic to-day will 'eulirely mire her.. lant sorry.
to know that there we thoinands of TaIMMe persons waging
away with ibis dm:viral dekroyse,CONSUMPTION
Were it tidy powille sar ‘ those to prsTomre this medicine in
lime, bekareit be too ht e, manyßreatight be prtibinged end.
their funilice end echtions mph rendered happy. This
medicine will give MUM relief. and at the same time urea
theisard and Ward Cough, remove the Deaner in the Chas
g le e strength to the atfechleksiiii emaciated fnuomanai in .
m • '.. l ' I '''''''''''' ' '' . in Pn n' Ditr.. " r/.IELTEIL. ''.-
• Montgomery, klamillon County, Ohio.
N. lie—Tisou Moans, not be sequainted with me I refer
to the tradersigned, rinse. of Montgomery, ibmilmes coun
ty, 0., they will at any time subshintsate the above matrineals,
..Non*. Dammam" ' .
Corr-J. Swam.
DD. DUNCAN'S WESTERN Of FlC4l6oSyscamors
msect, 'where this ealuidde Medicine can always tie oed.
Sold in Piltaborgh, try - WAL JACKSON. comet of
Wand and Liberty sm. ' .. . sprl4.dkw
Patent Bletek aturiag , Tvetaa.
— NIEWIoYINVENTE-V—Por the reliefand Permanent
/I Caro of HERNIA or. RUPTURE. (Suited to as
Toe incierior claims of tine Truss consist in the cos.
earative elan with which it may be worn. The parkof
'rood belies neatly balanced on quince, yields to pref.
m.ore on any pan of it, and thoroughly adept. itself to
soy no meat made by the wearer. It cap be worn
without intermission, mail a coven effected,The nth
set i ben ban nude anangements fur the 'mehufeature
of these valtrable.Trusses,bl saperiotstyle, in Phi la
delphia—and have them now On. sale at then. alSre, No.
77, Erunaraeld st near 010th, Pittsburgh
.OEO. weatr,
je , e3 D. W. KAUFFMAN• •
• , Prgamiamas May 17, 1547.
LAST Saturday I_ gave a leaspoon ' ldll of 11. A. Fah
nestotk A. Cr , * Vermifuge w my Mite girl, who is
between lour and goo years old, aid during the day rho
pared lei larmayrerrma, averaging more Ursa Afoot in
length. •
Seeing its edema 0/111tre child, I then ganea teispoca
folk to her younger, aleter, whowaa apparently well, at
she passed 37 worms of equal area
• . ' Watchmaker, Smithfield street
Prepared and mkt by BPAIINE2ITOCK A. CO,
corner In and wood, and wood 6tb 53, jos.
. • 'Alto Care, Sle Per -- •
PllO Zastinearion Nagy Fai!s!
rytHEICE: are few dissewes more corneae or Iran
i blesome than the Pales, and yet . , notwithitand.
ing treat alerts base been made to cure-by the nee •
el pills, 'electuaries,liniments, &a., all acre luthe
and al little benefit. Now the Ernlarrication is tie
'only medicine used. A person who has been sulfert -
rag with the Piles of the worst kind ante from Sa
lem, New Jersey, almost on plarpese to /sprees his
gsatitude (bribe speedy' care that this medicinchad
effected in hi. Sat. , Pott.
10 . For sale in entsbOrgh at the PEKEN TEA
STORE Fourth st and Alto it the Drug Store
II P. Schwartz, Federal at. Allegheny Cit
• .. •
‘4, ORGAN'S COILIGIU STROP-4i .hauld be '
/VA 'published and made known the put the ." This •
was the expreasion of mi old, man who tried thett?ymp.
Pirralcattao, February 1, loth. t •
Mr. Morena—Thin may cent!) , the Orman allbened
will, a troublesome tough man time, I bought I bottle
or Morgan's Conch Syrup, nod am happy to thy, alter .
'wring tr, my coop le conrelyitored. I prIV10,110:0 your
Cough Nyrop the !met medicme I have ever wed. Na
fatally should be without thin aaloahle medietne.
DAVID hicRODEDINI, Alleghruy City
IrrThis medicine is prepared wholesale andretail
tt the Deng :Wore of • • JOHN D AIORGAN
• 'iremd mteel, one door below Diamond Alley
Price:2s cents per booth. fi,b4.
ds clis Onseur Bonathres,3dlo, saw th Put Office.
teXTEII Anyirvrisina.
One insertionof IS lines, or less, ..... ..,..50 60
Two insertions without alterations 095
Three " ".,' " ...... 100,
One Week
Two Weeks
r .ree •
One Moab
r . "
44 . • 6 00
l'hreo 1t 7 50
rr Longer a ettisemente in same proportion.
Ono squaro,67nouths;airithont altenaibu,... 10 CO
~.a a
.... 15 MI
Each additionnsl square for 6 months 5 00 .
12 tt 10 00
One sqnsre,6 months,renewablo at pleasure, 1,5 CO
at • or 44 2000 1
Each rulditionalwpcue Cos 14 months . 10 CO
Two squares, months, terrable at pleasure, ' al 00
Each additional square, 6 mouths, ....... ... 8 00
w ..... ma - TRI.WIALLY .11 DAILY
One square.3' insertions, 51 50
" each mlditional in5erti0n,.... • ..... 37
5U11114.411 Caine. •
Flee lines or less, one year.. 6 00
" • " six months - SCO
one you, daily de weekly, la oo
lie months " . 800
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For "Al lines, or lin, Oise inertion, ..... ...$0 50
" —•! Two, - ..0'75 .
1 "! Three,l 00
= - -Three eoliths,. .
di? si ! 6 at
••• .:..1000
13441 l wintrileistbeata lobe charged by the 'rare,
se4 a discount of 15 Olt tint to be give* Irhkre_the -
imeept ikadyeitiel,g 'exceeds 50 dollusiwayeat.
Ficetiaes or len; One you ; —_ "
46 00
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